6个万能过渡句+中考模拟作文演练+范文- 中考语文作文素材积累及练习
最新2018年中考语文作文作文开头和结尾精美语段最新2018年中考语文作文作文开头和结尾精美语段友谊开头:现代人的友谊,很坚固又很脆弱它是人间的宝藏,需我们珍爱友谊的不可传递性,决定了它是一部孤本的书我们可以和不同的人有不同的友谊,但我们不会和同一个人有不同的友谊友谊是一条越掘越深的巷道,没有回头路可以走的,刻骨铭心的友谊也如仇恨一样,没齿难忘结尾:长留史册的,不是锱铢必较的利益,而是肝胆相照的情分,和朋友坦诚的交往,会使我们留存着对真情的敏感,会使我们的眼睛抹去云翳,心境重新开朗团结开头:每次听到这首歌“团结就是力量”这首歌我总是感慨万千,特别是在XX 事情后,体会更是深刻结尾:一滴水是微不足道的,渗入泥土,便会消失不见,可汇聚成河却是川流不息如同我们,在许多的困难面前,一个人总是凸显着单薄,而无法作为,可当我们团结起来,却可以创造无数的奇迹宽容开头:宽容是人类生活中至高无尚的美德宽容包含着人的心灵,宽容可以超越一切,宽容需要一颗博大的心宽容是人类情感中最重要的一部分,这种情感能融化心头的冰霜而缺乏宽容,将使个性从伟大堕落成连平凡都不如结尾:生活,往往纷繁,又常常平淡正宽容如水,使纷繁经过过滤变得纯净;正宽容似火,使平淡通过锻烧日趋鲜明;更有这诗般的宽容,才赋予人生以艺术,赋予生命以永恒谅解开头:谅解如一杯清茶,冲淡彼此之间的误会;谅解像一缕春风,吹化人间隔膜的冰层;谅解像一只寒梅,预示心灵来春的温情;谅解是一架彩虹,让就不相逢的情感放射光彩结尾:逝者如斯,历史的浪花淘尽了王朝的恩怨情仇,当今既没有了一方霸主,也没有了雄风王者;我们在追求团结、奋进、和谐、平等,我们同样应该独守那份恬然与空明,用每一句话没一种表情向人们昭示谅解,协同人们用谅解交往把握谅解,社会便会进步;把握谅解,人类便拥有财富理解开头:理解,是友谊的结晶;理解,是从信任中开出的鲜花;理解,是人与人之间关爱的光环它能让误会变成点缀美丽的小瑕疵,于社会中,人们相互的理解,能使这个大家共有的家园更加繁荣、安定结尾:相信总有一天误会能变成一朵美丽的花,它由理解来浇灌!开头:孤寂人生,谁来聆听你心中的清音?望眼未来,谁来领略你眼中的精彩?山青青,水盈盈,弹一曲“高山流水”,震彻群山,激扬层浪于是俞伯牙与钟子期共同欣赏这份相遇相知的情人生得一知己足矣!结尾:分享是一种博爱的心境,学会分享,就学会了生活分享是一种思想的深度,深思的同时,你分享了朋友的痛苦分享是一种生活的信念,明白了分享的同时,明白了存在的意义快乐的分享,痛苦的承担在你与人分享的时候,就肩负着一份重任让他更快乐,让痛苦全部溜走,让阳光洒满你的心灵集体利益开头:集体,是什么概念?集体就是一个团队,所谓的团结,就是关心集体,热爱集体、回报集体,下面我就讲讲、、、、、、结尾:正这样,我们一定要团结团结,我们是一个集体、、、、、、回报开头:(1)绿草如茵,那是草儿在回报春天;鲜花缤纷,那是花儿在回报阳光;白雪千里,那是雪儿在回报朔风生活,因回报而美丽(2)绿叶尽情地释放自己,映衬了荷花,挤出了阴凉,虽然没有人赞赏,最后枯黄而死,但它相信,明年的夏天依旧绿意盎然雪,忍受深深的孤寂,用自己的躯体保护农作物,虽然最后融化成了水,但它不后悔,农民会因此展开笑颜梅,迎着风雪,一枝独放,虽然不能改变周围环境的寂冷,但它坚信,第一个报春的消息,迎来万紫千红的满园春色就是它最好的回报(3)在熙熙攘攘的人群中,在匆匆忙忙的脚步中,我听到了一种声音,天使的声音,好人总有好梦,付出总有回报结尾:世人总是希望这个世界给自己多少回报,却忽略了自己到底为这个世界付出了多少天地间那杆无形的大秤对每个人都是公平的,只有付出才会有回报诚如一首所唱:世间自有公道,付出总有回报;说到不如做到,要做就做最好……我们只有让自己付出,让自己做得最好,我们的生活才会更加美好感恩开头:落叶在空中盘旋,谱写着一曲感恩的乐章,那是大树对滋养它大地的感恩;白云在蔚蓝的天空中飘荡,绘画着那一幅幅感人的画面,那是白云对哺育它的蓝天的感恩感恩才会有这个多彩的社会,感恩才会有真挚的友情感恩才让我们懂得了生命的真谛结尾:怀着一颗感恩的心,去看待社会,看待父母,看待亲朋,你将会发现自己是多么快乐,放开你的胸怀,让霏霏细雨洗刷你心灵的污染学会感恩,这会使世界更美好,使生活更加充实集体温暖开头:雷锋叔叔曾经说过:一滴水只有放进大海里才永远不会干涸,一个人只有当他把自己和集体事业融合在一起的时候才能最有力量结尾:“一棵小树,难经风吹雨打;百里森林,能顶呼啸狂风”让我们主动关心集体,热心为集体做事,诚心为集体服务吧!师生情开头:有一种职业最美丽,那就是教师;有一道风景最隽永,那就是师魂;有一种情感最动人,那就是师生情我们拥有同一颗炽热的太阳,我们拥有同一片广阔的天空,在同一片天空下,我们用爱播撒着希望……结尾:老师是无私的,他不求得到学生的回报;老师是“好面子”的,他希望自己的学生成才作为学生,我们难道不应该真诚敬献满腔的热情、无限温暖和一颗赤诚的心吗?奉献开头:奉献是秋天的白云川点缀了蓝天,也诗化了自己;奉献是大海里的一滴水,既壮阔了大海,也提升了自我结尾:“落红不是无情物,化作春泥更护花”告诉我什么是奉献;“沉舟侧畔千帆过,病树前头万木春”告诉我什么是豁达……走近诗人,与诗人同行,让诗句提升我的思想,慰藉我的感情,净化我的心灵贡献开头:鲁迅先生"俯首甘为孺子牛";周总理鞠躬尽瘁,死而后已;孔繁森将自己的一生奉献于阿里他们以无私的奉献实现了自己的人生价值,为社会进步做出巨大的贡献,为世人称颂其实还有更多的人是在默默地奉献,献出自己的力量结尾:奉献不是为了索取,奉献应是自觉自愿的我们要从现在做起,从自身做起让奉献这棵常青树,永远葱笼、繁茂给予开头:花叶摇摆,当给别人送一片绿:花朵盛开,当给别人捧一阵香,,当你把生命放进了别人心里,关怀他们一些,帮助他们一些,你的生命之花便会在别人心中常开不败,溢满心香结尾:赠人玫瑰,手有余香!关爱开头:关爱,就是关心爱护,它在我们身边无处不在我们每个人都需要关爱,生活上也少不了关爱,别人给予我们关爱,那我们更应该去关心爱护他人,这样世界上才会充满——爱!结尾:是呀!正如歌中所唱的:只要人人都献出一点爱,世界将变成美好的人间我们的家园才会更加温馨美好诚实开头:诚实守信,是我们中华民族的优良传统,作为炎黄子孙,我们都要做一个诚实的人结尾:真诚是美酒,年份越久越醇香浓型;真诚是焰火,在高处绽放才愈是美丽;真诚是鲜花,送之于人手有余香责任开头:责任感是诸葛孔明"鞠躬尽瘁,死而后已"写就的《出师表》,责任感是孔繁森离家别母血洒高原树立的公仆丰碑,责任感是贝多芬挑战人生超越自我谱写的《命运交响曲》结尾:愿我们所有的孩子都有这样的心灵,责任从小就在那里成长愿我们所有的人都把责任之心携带在人生的道路上,让人生散发出淡淡的,金子般的光辉鼓励开头:每个人的成长都离不开鼓励,因此在我的生活中也受到过长辈的鼓励,那次的事情,我到现在还记忆犹新结尾:鼓励自己,我们充满斗志,迎接新的挑战;鼓励自己,我们会看到阳光,收获希望;鼓励自己,将为自己缔造新的辉煌信任开头:信任亲友是人的天性,而信任他人则是一种美德,在信任的过程中,快乐而全面地,认知这个看似复杂的世界结尾:信任是一种力量,是我们不断前进的动力!自信开头:无结尾:自信是一种美,具有极强的魅力,你要拥有它,就能使青春永葆欣赏开头:欣赏是人与人之间的一种理解和沟通, 也包含了信任和肯定, 欣赏是一种激励和引导, 可以使人扬长避短, 更健康的成长和进步.结尾:每一个人也应该学会去欣赏别人, 学会欣赏是一种爱, 人与人之间在互相欣赏之中, 世界才能充满爱!虚心开头::“虚心使人进步,骄傲使人落后”谦虚就是有自知之明,是一种有修养的表现一个人只有谦虚,才会让别人尊重结尾:“满招损,谦受益”让我们养成谦虚的美德,做一个高尚的人吧!谦虚开头:谦虚是一种美德,也是一种明智之举,人外有人、天外有天谦虚使人进步,只有熟悉到自己的不足才会去想办法弥补它结尾:成熟的谷穗低着头,成熟的苹果红着脸,它们启示我们:成功来自谦虚集体力量开头:“一根筷子容易折,十根筷子抱成团”这话不错,在巨大的困难面前,个人的力量是渺小的,微不足道的,而许许多多个人汇集成集体,才能形成强大的力量,最终赢得胜利结尾:雷锋叔叔曾说过:一滴水只有放进大海,才能永不干涸是�∫桓鋈司拖褚坏嗡谎�,如果离开了集体这个大海,就将一事无成集体的力量是伟大的!集体智慧开头:无结尾:俗话说:“三个臭皮匠,顶个诸葛亮”集体的智慧是多么强大呀!助人为乐开头:助人为快乐之本, 助人为乐是一种美德,助人是人格升华的标志结尾:帮助人,让我们亲密地走在了一起,让我们变得像一家人一样我愿意继续去帮助那些需要帮助的人,让我们的生活充满七彩的阳光!珍惜开头:朱自清先生在文章中写道“吃饭时,时间从碗边流走;喝水时,时间从随水流走;睡觉时,时间又从脚边流走这摸不着,抓不住的时间呵,它无声地来又匆匆地远走”懂得珍惜,人生便是一种永恒结尾:我们常常感动,是懂得、珍惜懂得珍惜,阳光将洒遍心灵,懂得珍惜,晚风将拂过心灵,让我们的心灵那么温暖,那么安宁珍惜吧,珍惜所拥有的以及还没有拥有的,心灵的土壤既使长不出参天大树,我们也可以拥有对蓝天的向往心胸宽广开头:雨果说:"比陆地宽广的是海洋,比海洋宽广的是天空,比天空宽广的是人的胸怀结尾:心就是一个人的翅膀,心胸有多大世界就有多大满意答案1:1 开头雨哗哗的下着,滋润着大地静静的,雨停了,大地显出勃勃生机一道彩虹横跨空中,像一座七彩桥,云朵慢慢悠悠的飘着,太阳拨开了洁白的屏障,一下子蹦了出来,温暖的阳光照耀着大地鸟儿掸掸羽毛上的水珠,在半空中飞翔,或是飞到电线上歌唱,就像五线谱中的音符,歌声清脆而又婉转,十分优美动听叶上汇聚着一颗颗晶莹剔透的珍珠,反射着阳光,闪亮夺目,当它落下时,发出“滴答——滴答”的声音,像是在演奏一首节奏欢快的乐曲结尾这将会成为我心海里那朵晶莹的浪花......2 开头夏日的夜空,繁星点点,区政府广场上的音乐喷泉格外迷人. 20点整,表演开始了,音乐响起,水花四溅伴着优美的旋律变幻着:有时像一朵盛开的花儿,向四周伸展着花瓣;有时像一只晶莹,栩栩如生的水蝴蝶,扇动着翅膀围绕着水池飞舞;有时像一堵晶莹剔透的屏障,令人沉醉在朦胧之中......一首乐曲即将结束,伴着七彩的灯光,充满了诗情画意.结尾所有人都沉浸在欢乐的气氛中,欢声笑语回荡在整个广场. 这美好的盛夏之夜,这迷人的音乐喷泉!3 开头春像一位腼腆的少女,悄悄的来临,她轻轻一挥手,大地便春意盎然,生气勃勃. 瞧,大地复苏,莺歌燕舞,,冬眠的小动物们睡完懒觉来迎接这美妙的世界;小草从土里探出头来,展望这全新的世界;柳树在溪旁梳理着头发,暖风吹过"秀发飞扬";笋牙儿不畏艰辛,一个劲儿向上钻...... 春天的天空格外蓝,鸟儿欢快地翱翔着,云儿悄悄地变幻着;溪水格外清澈,即使前面的路多么艰辛,他都勇往直前;空气格外清鲜,带着雨后的气息,令人陶醉在这朝气蓬勃的画面之中.结尾春是那么含蓄,那么腼腆,那么迷人,她会令人遐想,令人无法抗拒......4 开头早日里,跟母亲接触的多了反而不觉得怎样可是住校后,我发现每次回家母亲都要亲昵的把我的鼻子点一下,每次回家都要点一下,无一例外这一点是爱吗?结尾一天一点的爱,让我在人生路上奋起前进一天一点的爱,让我忧伤时重拾信心与信念。
2018中考英语作文写作技巧初中英语作文写作技巧初中英语作文高分秘诀1. 动笔之前,认真审题《中考考试说明》指出,书面表达要切中题意。
2. 围绕中心,拟定提纲书面表达评分原则有四条:内容要点;运用词汇和结构的数量;运用语法结构和词汇的准确性;上下文的连贯性。
3. 语言通顺,表达准确避免使用汉语式英语,尽量使用自己熟悉的句型。
1) 语态、时态要准确无误。
2) 主谓语要一致,主语的人称和数要和谓语一致。
3) 注意人称代词的宾格形式。
4) 注意冠词用法,例如:He is an honest student.中的an不能写成a。
5) 注意拼写、标点符号和大小写,例如:receive, believe, fourteen, forty, ninth, restaurant等。
2018届中考作文珍藏版感悟类作文汇总1.2018年中考作文:There’s always hope面对困惑的时候,经历变化的时候,感觉挫败的时候,遭遇逆境的时候……来自内心的坚持,他人的帮助,社会的关爱和科技的发展等,总能让人常怀希望。
There’s always hopeIt goes without saying that life is a mixture of laughter and tears, however, if we believe that there is always hope, life will be full of sunshine. When I was about seven years old, my grandpa passed away. It was such a sorrowful strike that all of the family members felt deeply sad, especially my grandma. She seldom laughed and went out, staying at home in a sad mood all day and night. It was my mother that realized we should do something. From then on, my mother went shopping with her, my cousin cooked with her, I went to th e cinema with her……It seems that my grandma gradually walked out of the sorrow. Finally, grandma’s laughter came back at the New Year family reunion meal. Every family member made a wish for the New Year. My grandma hoped that every family member will be healthy and happy. In short, I’ll conclude by saying that hope is the most important thing in our life, which can give us a positive attitude and great energy to go ahead. Only with hope, can we encounter every difficulty.2.2018黄浦二模:“…and I”每一个生命个体都和这个世界发生着联系,你也不例外。
2.探其渊薮(yuān sǒu)“渊薮”有根源、根本之意。
以下是一些常用的过渡词及其应用场景:1. 时间顺序:- First(ly), 首先- Then, 然后- Afterward(s), 随后- Finally, 最后- Meanwhile, 同时- Later, 后来2. 对比:- However, 然而- On the contrary, 相反地- Unlike, 不像- In contrast, 与...相反- Despite, 尽管3. 顺序:- First, second, third... 第一,第二,第三...- Firstly, secondly, thirdly... 首先,其次,第三...4. 因果关系:- Because, 因为- Since, 既然- As, 由于- Due to, 由于- Therefore, 因此5. 举例:- For example, 例如- For instance, 比如- Such as, 比如6. 总结:- In conclusion, 总之- To sum up, 总结起来- In summary, 简言之- Overall, 总体来说7. 强调:- Indeed, 的确- Certainly, 当然- Evidently, 显然- Especially, 特别是8. 并列:- And, 并且- As well as, 以及- Not only ... but also ..., 不仅...而且...9. 顺序:- Initially, 最初- Subsequently, 随后- Eventually, 最终10. 条件:- If, 如果- Unless, 除非- Provided that, 只要使用这些过渡词可以帮助你构建更加连贯和有逻辑的英语作文。
” “语句衔接”,是文章过渡的一种方法,是文章层次或段落之间的衔接转换。
)过渡短语:( 综上所述、由此可见、这样看来、总而言之等。
用时间、方位词语:如去年、今年,过去、现在(表示时间转换); 前面、后面,东、南、西、北等(表示地点转换)4、〖词语过渡训练〗写题目1:我站在鲜红的团旗下。
常见的过渡词有:递进型:besides,what's more,let alone不管,much less, not to mention不必提及, to say nothing of更不待言, 以及,what was worse, to make things /matters worse , worse still,moreover而且, 此外, even, furthermore此外, 而且等;解释型:that is(to say),in other words,or,in the same way,等;转折型:however,but,yet,although,otherwise, instead等;列举型:firstly…secondly… finally,first,at first,at last,next,/ For one thing ,...... for another/ also, on one hand ,…on the ot herhand举例型:for example, such as, that is, like, take….for example/as an example等;因果型:because(of),since,as,therefore,so,as a result,thanks to,thus,owing to,thus, due to, on account of由于,by reasonof等;让步型:though,although,in spite of, 等;时序型:first…next…and then…finally,at the same time,meanwhile,first…then…after that…finally并列型:and,or,also,as well as等;时间型:now,just now,just then,afterwards,soon,five minutes later,before long,shortly after that,to this day至今,soon aftersupper,first, then, meanwhile, later, as soon as, immediately,instantly, the moment, hardly…. when…, no sooner…than….等;强调型:above all,indeed,surely,certainly,of course,after all,at least,at most,first of all,;归纳总结型:in conclusion,in a word,in the end,at last,finally,to sum up, in short, in general, generally speaking, in all,in a word ,on the whole等;假设型:if , suppose/supposing......,provided/providing......, so/as long as, on condition that转换话题型:by the way,I'm afraid,in my opinion,to tell the truth,to be honest,after all,in fact发表个人见解型:in my opinion , I think we should , I 'm afraid , We'dbetter, we must, personally speaking, as far as I amconcerned.其他:compared with /to, judging from, to begin with , to one's surprise, etc.。
过渡词语总结关系过渡词语to take the idea further, to take the above opinion to an extreme, in a sense, in one sense, in a way, to some extent, in my opinion, in my view, as for me, as far as I am concerned, in a word, on the whole,比较对比关系过渡词语similarly, likewise, like, too, the same as, in common, in the same way, on the contrary, on the one hand, on the other hand, otherwise, in sharp contrast, whereas, rather than, conversely, instead, but, however, yet, nevertheless列举关系过渡词语for example, for instance, as an example, such as, namely, that is, like, thus, first, second, third, finally, in the first place, first of all, to begin with, to start with, what is more, besides, in addition (to that), also, for another因果关系过渡词语reason that,让步关系过渡词语although, even though, after all, in spite of, despite,强调关系过渡词语anyway, certainly, surely, obviously, to be sure, especially, particularly, above all, in deed, in fact, even worse, needless to say, most important of all, no doubt递进关系in addition, , also, moreover, besides, again, and,what's more时间顺序at last, at length, immediately, in the meantime, lately, meanwhile, presently, shortly, since, soon, temporarily, thereafter, while方位序列in front of, beside, beyond, above, below, inside, outside, on the left, on the right方式手段as, as if, as though, the way, by目的关系that, so that, lest, in case, for fear that, in order thatIt做形式主语当句子的实际主语太长时,英语习惯用先行代词it作形式主语,然后再引岀真正的主语:It is common knowledge that honesty is the best policy・And with our current methods,_it is hard to estimate the loss in enviTonmental terms as many negative results may take decades to emerge.其他常用先行代词it作形式主语的句型还有;It is self-evident that... 很明显的是It goes without saying that.・・不用说It is asserted that... 有人主张 ...It is believed that …据信...It is generally considered that... 人们普遍认为It is hoped that... 人们希望 ...It is reported that…据扌艮道 .It is said that... 据说 ...中间段常用的的核心句型归纳如下,大家可根据自己的习惯和需要选择使用:◊Although the popular belief is that a current (new / recent) study (survey / poll / investigation) indicates(shows / demonstrates) that....◊Common sense tells us that ・..・◊The increase (change / failure / success) in ... mainly (largely / partly) results from (arises from / is becauseof) ••…◊The increase (change / failure / success) in ・・・ is due to (owing to / attributable to) the fact that ....◊Many people would claim that ・・・・◊One may attribute (ascribe / owe) the increase (decrease / change ) to but ・..is not by itself anadequate explanation.◊One of the reasons given for ... is that ・・・・◊What is also worth noticing is that ・・・・◊There are many (different / several /a number of / a variety of)causes (reasons) for this dramatic (marked / significant) growth (change / decline / increase) in •…First, •… Second, .... Finally, ・・・.◊There is no evidence to suggest that....◊Why are (is / do / did) ...? For one thing, .... For another, ....◊Another reason why I dispute the above statement is that.・・・◊It gives rise to (lead to / bring /create) a host of problems (consequences).◊There are numerous reasons why ・・., and I shall here explore only a few of the most important ones. ◊It will exert (have / produce) profound (far-reaching / remarkable / considerable / beneficial / favorable /undesirable / disastrous) effect (influence) on .・・・◊ A multitude of factors could account for (contribute to / lead to / result in / influence) the change (increase / decrease / success / failure / development) in ・•…◊In 2000, it increased (rose / jumped / shot up) from 5 to 10 percent of the total (to 15 percent / by 15 percent).◊By comparison with 2002, it decreased (dropped / fell) from 10 to 5 percent (to 15 percent / by 15 percent). ◊It accounts for 15 percent of the total.◊There were 100 traffic accidents in April, an increase of 5 percent in a five-month period.◊By 2002, only (less than / more than / almost / about / over/ as many as) three quarters (40 percent of / one out of five / one in four) college population (graduates / housewives) as against (as compared with) last year (2002) preferred to (liked) •…◊With the development (improvement / rise / growth / general recognition / acknowledgement / realization) of ..・,vast changes awaits this country's society.◊Now people in growing (ever-increasing / significant)numbers are beginning (coming / getting) to believe (realize / recognize / understand / accept / see / beaware) that .・.・◊According to a(n) recent (new / official) study (survey / report / poll), ....◊History (Our society) is filled (abounds) with the examples of .・・・◊The story (case / instance / situation) is not rare (isolated / unique), it is one of many examples (typical of dozens)・◊ A (one) recent (new / general / nationwide) study (survey / poll / investigation) conducted (taken) at a university by (officials / scientists / experts) indicates (reveals / suggests / shows / proves / demonstrates) that ••…◊According to (As can be seen in / As is shown in) the figures (statistics / findings / data / graph / table) released (provided) by the government (an institute), it can be learned (seen / predicted) that ....◊There is (no) good (every / little / sufficient / considerable / strong) evidence (proof) to◊Personal experience (Examples I heard / read of) leads me to conclude that ・・・・◊We must admit the undeniable fact that .・・.◊No one can deny (ignore / doubt / overlook / obscure / brush aside) the fact that •…◊Experience (Evidence) suggests (shows) that ....◊Take for example ... who (that) •…◊The same is true of ....◊As the saying goes, “・・・1。
英语作文中9类过渡词类别1开头常用短语It is said that...据说……As we all know that...我们都知道……It’s well known that...众所周知……As/So far as I know...据我所知……It is clear/obvious that...……是显而易见的类别2表“结构顺序”first/firstly第一first of all首先to begin/start with首先in the first place首先second/secondly第二next其次;然后and then于是;然后meanwhile/at the same time同时finally/eventually/at last/in the end最终类别3表“并列补充”also/too/as well也;同样;而且both...and...……和……either...or...要么……要么……neither...nor...既不……也不……not only...but also...不但……而且……besides除此之外moreover另外;此外in addition/additionally加之;除……之外by the way顺便;顺便说what’s more更重要的是;而且;此外what’s worse更糟的是as well as...也;又;和;及类别4表“转折对比”but但是;而是however然而;不过while然而instead反而otherwise/or else否则;不然on the contrary/in contrast相反地in any case/at any rate无论如何some...while others...一些人……另一些人……on the one hand...on the other hand...一方面……另一方面……类别5表“因果关系”because因为since因为;既然because of因为thanks to多亏了now that既然;由于for this reason由于这个原因so因而;这样;如此thus因此therefore因此as a result结果;因此so/such...that...如此……以至于……in order to/so that...为了……类别6表“举例说明”like像;如同such as例如;像……这样for example/instance例如;比如类别7表“特别强调”especially尤其;特别particularly特别是certainly/surely当然indeed确实;的确obviously显而易见no doubt/without any doubt毫无疑问类别8表“陈述事实/观点”to be honest/to tell you the truth说实话actually/in fact/as a matter of fact事实上I think...我认为……in my opinion在我看来as far as I know据我所知I’m afraid...我恐怕……I hope...我希望……类别9表“总结”in a/one word总而言之;简言之in general一般而言;总的来说in short/brief简而言之;总之all in all总的来说;大体而言in summary总之;概括来说generally speaking一般来说above all最重要;首先after all毕竟;终究from the above综上所述。
中考英语写作常用的8类过渡词汇总,作文水准蹭蹭往上涨!一、表示递进关系的关键词语Additionally 加之;又besides 此外;除……之外equally important 同样重要的是furthermore 此外;而且in addition 另外in other words 换句话说last but not least 最后但同样重要的是moreover 而且;此外that is say 即;就是;换句话说二、表示转折关系的关键词语although 虽然;尽管at the same time 同时;但是despite 不管;尽管;不论even if 即使even though 即使however 然而;可是in spite of 不管instead 代替;而不是nevertheless 然而;不过on the contrary 正相反otherwise 另外;不同地regardless of 不管;不顾still 依然;仍然though 虽然;可是while 而yet 然而;但是;仍三、表示选择关系的关键词语either…or………或……instead of………,而不是……neither…nor………和……都不……not…but…不是……而是……rather than…宁可;胜过whether…or not是否四、表示比较关系的关键词语compare with / to 与……比较equally 相等地;平等地in comparison with 与……比较in contrast 相反;大不相同in contrast to 和……对比in the same way 同样地instead 代替;改为on the contrary 正相反while 而五、表示因果关系的关键词语accordingly 因此;从而as a result of 作为结果because (of) 因为consequently 从而;因此due to 由于;应归于hence 因此;从此in that 由于;因为;既然now that 因为;既然on account of 由于owing to 由于;因……的缘故so 所以so that 所以thanks to 由于therefore 因此;所以thus 因此六、用于表示总结的关键词语above all 最重要的是accordingly 于是as a consequence 因此as a result 结果as has been noted 如前所述as I have said 如我所述at last 最后briefly 简单扼要地by doing so 如此certainly 当然地;无疑地consequently 因此eventually 最后hence 因此in a word 总之in brief 简言之in conclusion 总;最后in short 简而言之in summary 简要地说in sum 总之;简而言之obviously 显然on the whole 总体来说;整个看来to conclude 总而言之to speak frankly 坦白地说to sum up 总而言之to summarize 总而言之eventually 最后hence 因此in a word 总之in brief 简言之in conclusion 总;最后in short 简而言之in summary 简要地说in sum 总之;简而言之obviously 显然on the whole 总体来说;整个看来to conclude 总而言之to speak frankly 坦白地说to sum up 总而言之to summarize 总而言之七.表“特别强调”especially 尤其;特别particularly 特别是certainly/surely 当然indeed 确实;的确obviously 显而易见no doubt/without any doubt 毫无疑问八.表“结构顺序”first/firstly 第一first of all 首先to begin/start with 首先in the first place 首先second/secondly 第二next 其次;然后and then 于是;然后meanwhile/at the same time 同时finally/eventually/at last/in the end 最终。
第一节英语高分作文常用典型句型一、用于驳斥的比较的常用句型1. In general,I don’t agree w ith...2. In my opinion,this point of view doesn’t hold w ater.3. The c hief reason w hy...,is that...4. There is no doubt that...5. It is not true that...6. It c an be easily den ied that...7. We have no reason to believe that...8. What is more serious is that...9. But it is a pity that...10. Besides,w e should not neglec t that...11. But the problem is not so simple. Therefore....12. Others may find this to be true,but I believe that...13. Perhaps I w ill question w hy...14. There is a c ertain amount of truth in this,but w e still have a problem w ith regard to...15. Though w e are in basic agreement w ith...,but...16. What seems to be the trouble is...17. Yet differenc es w ill be found,that’s w hy I feel that...18. It w ould be reasonable to take the view that...,but it w ould be foolishtoc la im that...19. There is in fact no reason for us to believe that...20. What these people fail to c onsider is that...21. It is one thing to insist that...,it is quite another to show that...22. Wonderful as A is,how ever,it has its ow n disadvantages too.23. The advantages of B are muc h greater than A.24. As advantage sounds ridic ulo us w hen B ,s advantages are taken intoc onsiderat ion.二、用于描写图表和数据的常用句型1. It has inc reased by three tim es as c ompared w ith that of 1998.2. There is an inc rease of 20% in total this year.3. It has been inc reased by a fac tor of 4 sinc e 1995.4. It w ould be expec ted to inc rease 5 times.5. The table shows a three times increase over that of last year.6. It w as decreased tw ic e than that of the year 1996.7. The total number w as low ered by 10%.8. It rose from 10 -15 perc ent of the total this year.9. Compared w ith 1997,it fell from 15 to 10 perc ent.10. The number is 5 times as muc h as that of 1995.11. It has decreased almost tw o and half times,c ompared w ith...三、解释原因、分析影响的常用句型及例句说明1. Everybody know s that...2. It c an be easily proved that...3. It is true that...4. No one c an deny that...5. One thing w hic h is equally important to the above mentioned is...6. The c hief reason is that...7. We must rec ognize that...8. There is no doubt that...9. I am of the opinion that...10. This c an be expr essed as follow s:11. To take..,for an example ....12. We have reason to believ e that...13. Now that w e know that...14. Among the most c onvinc ing reasons given,one should be mentioned...15. The c hange in... largely results from the fac t that...16. There are several c auses for this signific ant grow th in...,first ....sec ond...,finally...17. A number of fac tors c ould acc ount for the development in...18. Perhaps the primary reason is...19. It is c hiefly responsib le for...20. The reasons for..,are c omplic ated. And probably they are found in the fac t...21. There are several possible reasons,exc ept that...22. Somebody believes/ argues/ holds/ insists/ thinks that...23. It is not simple to give the reason for this c omplic ated phenomenon...24. Different people obser ves it in different w ays.例句说明1. There are many (different/several) reasons for this c hange (dec rease/grow th) of... For one thing,...For another,.... ,In addition,...例:There are several reasons for his dec ision of studying law. For one thing,he is very interested in soc ial affairs and it seems the best w ay to enable him to engage in these ac tivit ies. For another,his father is a law yer,w ho has alw ays enc ouraged him to do something similar. In addtion,he is sure that he c an get a job after graduat ion.2. A number of fac tors c ontribute to (something/doing)—....... and...例: A number of factors c ontribute to c hanging moral values--self-indu lgenc e,the lac k of soc ial c onsc iousness and the degeneration of the soc iety itself.3. We may (regard/think of/take/c onsider) the (phenomenon/decrease/development) as a (n) (sign/evidenc e/symbol) of...,but the truth is that...例:We may take the c hange as a sign of soc ial deve lopment,but the truth isthat it w ill only lead to soc ial c orruption.4. The explanation for the phenomenon of ... involves many (different/c omplic ated) fac tors.例:The explanation for the phenomenon of the rising teenage suic ide rate involv es many c omplic ated fac tors. Some attribute the rise to an overemphasis on earlysuc c ess,others point to mounting peer pressure,and still others to c onfusion overc hanging soc ia l valu es.5. The reasons for ... are many,but for the most part c enter on...例:T hereasons for poverty are many,but for the most part c enter on illiterac y,the lac k of opportunities and in some c ases pure lazin ess.四、有关文章、段落起始的常用句型I. With the (rapidly) grow ing popu lar ity of Internet surfing ( c omputers/c ars/mobile phones/pagers/.PDP television/... ) in China,the quality of our lives is improv ing for the better.2. With the (rapid) growth of our ec onomy ( heavy industries/transportationsystem/market ec onomy/population/pr ivate enterprises/housing industry/... ),an inc reasing number of problems,suc h as (w ater shortages/traffic jams/industrial pollut ion/ w aste of energy/desert spreading/... ),are beginning to surfac e.3. As the proverb says... ( It goes w ithout saying that... /Generally speaking,.../It is often said that... )4. With th e (rap id) de ve lop ment of sc ie nc e and tec hno lo gy (Mark et ec onomy/e lec tron ic industry/information indus try/h igher educ at ion/...)an inc reasing number of people c ome to realize that (know ledge is pow er/a w eak nation has no International prestige/educ ation is of vital importanc e/...).5. Currently,there is a w idespread c onc ern over drug abuse (high unemployme nt rate/w ild life e xtinc tion/env ironment a l po llut ion/desert ific at ion/organ iz edc rime/w idespread c orruption/energy c risis/w ater shortages/traffic jams/inc reasing traffic acc idents/... ).6. It is quite c lear that (Them is no doubt that/ Some people believe t hat)..,bec ause...7. There is a w ide spread c onc ern that many large state-ow ned c ompanies are in defic it (quite a few Chinese c ities fac e the problem of w ater shortages,industrial pollut ion and w aste of energy/various kind of superstition flare up/... )8. The government is (We are) seriously c onc erned w ith w ild life extinc tion (drug abuse/w idespread c orruption/organized c rimes/high unemployment rate/...).9. Many people often ask suc h question:”...’? ( More and more people have c ometo realize...)10. In the past tw o dec ades ( In the past five years),millions of privateenterpr ises(pr ivate sc hools/supermarkets/fast food restaurants/... ) have mushroomed all over Chin a.11. In rec ent years,many Chinese families have ow ned c ars (c omputers/mobile phones/video c ameras/houses/... ).12. Rec ently the issue of... has been brought to public attention. (Currentlythere is a w idespread c onc ern that... /Now people in grow ing number are c oming to rea lize that... )13. Now adays, a heated debate (disc ussion) about the acc ession to WTO (privatec ars/stoc ks/brain-drain/Ch inas football/... ) is under w ay in China.14. As the market ec onomy (the lega l system/the liv ing standard/the high ereduc ation system/the highw ay netw ork/the infrastruc ture/...) improves in China,free c ompetition w ill inc reasingly rep lac e all sorts of monopolies.15. One great man said that...16. As the public aw areness of the market ec onomy (population c ontrol/soc ialismA n d c ommunism/w ild life preservatio n/env ironmenta l prot ec tion/h ighereduc ation/human r ights/anti-monopo ly/c reativ ity/c ompetition/law s a n dregulat ions/...) heightens,the gap betw een China and the developed c ountries w ill gradually van ish (many soc ial prob lems w ill be solved gradua lly).17. Rec ently,extensive studies (statistic s/surveys/investigations/...) show (reveal/ind ic ate/demonstrate/prove/...) that 107 Chinese c ities and 1231 small tow ns suffer w ater shortages.18. These days w e often tell that...,but is this really the c ase?19. There are three major values of ow ning a c ar (a c omputer/an apartment/a mobile phone/a beeper/...). To begin w ith ....Next .... Last ....There are,on theother hand,more reasons against it. First (ly)... Sec ond (ly)....Fin a lly20. There are some reasons for ow ing a c ar ( traffic ac c idents/big fires in bigc ities/w ater shortages/destruc tion of virgin forests/... ).21. In the past several years there has been...22. Now an inc reasing number of people c ome to realize that tim e is money( know ledge is pow er/sc ienc e and tec hnology energize ec onomic grow th/w e must learnto live in harmony w ith w ild life/w eak nation has no internationa l prestige/c heating never pays/sc ienc e and tec hnology c onstitute the primary produc tive forc e/... ).23. There are three basic differenc es betw een the large and small universit ies(c ities and c ountryside/c eramic s and plastic s materia ls/... ). In the small university,you... In the large university,you...24.Th er e a r e var ious w a y s(a t le as t th re e w ays/possibletec hniques/problems/methods/approac hes/... ) to do something.25. Now it is c ommonly held that... but I doubt w hether...26. The polic y ( The president/The major/The reform/The bidding for the 2008 Olymp ic Summer Games) enjoys grass-root support for three main reasons,27. Smoking (alc oholic beverage/Drugs/Guns/Firec rac kers/... ) should be banned from c ollege c ampuses for tw o reasons. The first reason is that... The other reason is that... (on the one hand.... On the other hand ....)28. There is a general disc ussion today about the issue of...29.No p a ins no ga ins .No m o n e y,noh o n e y(friendship/w ork/promotion/admission/lov e/assistanc e/servic e/justic e/... ). No shirt ( shoes ) ,no admission.30. We enjoy Internet surfing not bec ause w e are c urious about new things,but bec ause Internet represents the latest tec hnology.31.T h e possib le so lut io ns of t h e en er gy c r is is(w at ershortages/desertific ation/po llution/theses soc ial problems/... ) depends on threefac tors (and on spec ific situations ) ...32. Fac ed w ith.... quite a few people argue that...,but other people c onc eivediffer ent ly.33. How suc c essful your job interview w ill be depends u pon your qualific at ion,your professional experienc e and your ac ademic intelligenc e,and upon suc hfac torsas your soc ial skills,your personality,your appearanc e and a piec e of good luc k.34. The three major reasons affec ting (responsible for) the rapid ec onomicgrow th(the w idespread c orruption/traffic acc idents/fires/w ild life extinc tion/the floods/desert spreading/the c ollapse of new build ing/trav e ling fever/energyc risis/grass land dec aying/...) are A,B,and C.35. Different people have different attit udes tow ards the biding of the 29thO ly mp ic G a m e s(ac c ess to WTO/priv ate c ars/h igh unem p loyment rat e/Internet surfing/private sc hools/state monopoly of telec ommunic ation/urban izat ion/stoc k... ) Some are in favor of... w hile others are against...36.W h e n it c o m es to t h e ac c ess to W T O(Internet surfing/pr ivat esc hools/brain-drain/e-business/hig h r a t e of unemp loym ent/Ch ina’sfootball/rec yc ling/w idespread c orruption/... ),most people believ e that..,but other people argue that...37. The high unemployment rate fuels the c ompetition in the job market ( soc ial unrest/the c onfrontation betw een ric h and poor/the higher-educ ation fever/organizedc rime/the grass-root hatred against c orruption,injustice and c rime/... ).38. To lend or not to lend money to a friend (To be or not to be married) dependsor spec ific situations.39. He ightene d environm enta l c onsc iousness ,c hanging trade patterns and emerging tec hnologies (Global c overage of Internet,acc ess to WTO and all round open-up: to the w orld) are all having a ma jor impac t on Chinese heavy industries ( English educ ation in Ch ina).40. For years,extensive researc h efforts have been foc used (c entered) ondec oding the book of life (deve lopment of optic al c omputers/elim inat ion of desertific ation/human organ transplantation/... ).41. Now adays,fire (c orruption/higher educ ation/drug abuse/pollut ion/w ild life extinc tion/Internet surfing/private c ars/acc ession to WTO/biding the 30th Olympic Games/organized c rime/mobile phones/unemployment/ h igh divorc e rate/ greenhouseeffec t/brain-drain/priv ate sc hools/7-day holidays tourism/... ) has/ have bec ome afoc us of attention.42. The c ase only reveals (exposes) the tip of an ugly ic eberg of the organizedc rime(w idespread c orruption/serious environmental po llut ion/the lac k of reverenc e for law s and regulat ions/...).43. With the aggressive c onquering of nature,w e are fac ing the serious problem of environm enta l po llut ion (exhaust ion of natura l resourc es/extinc tion ofw ild lif e/... ).44. In spite of these problems of the private c ompanies in China (the home-made instruments/private c ars/jo int ventures) ,their strengths far outw eigh the irw eaknesses.45. All these reports reveal a painful fac e that c orruption Is rapidly spreadinglike w ild fire a ll over China; it invades every pore of our soc iety,fueling ragesof c ommon people,hurting the internat iona l prestige,and threatening th e safety of our nation.46. As far as rec yc ling (family plann ing/env ironment protec tion/adult educ ation)is c onc erned,there is still muc h room for improvement.47.Mast ery of Eng lish voc abu lar y(F ight ing c rim es/W ip ing o u t f a k eproduc ts/Clean ing up industria l pollut ion/Erad ic ating superstitions/Passing the Natio na l Co llege Entranc e Exams/Gett ing a high sc ore in GRE/Earn ing tuit io n by students alone/... ) is no pic nic.48. Good manners (Soc ial skills/Good w ill/Sinc erity/Honesty) open (s) t he doorto friendship (succ ess/grass-roots support/popularity among fellow students/... ).例句说明1.W h e n a sk e d ab o ut t h e(question/problem/matt er)(some/many/most/few)( students/people/sc ientists/... )例:When asked about the ongoing uproar involv ing U.S. President Bill Clinton,most people say the affair involves a purely private matter. But many other people regard his ac tions as deplorable. I personally th ink the president c ommittedimpe ac hable offenc es.2. When it c omes to (sports/seeking jobs) ,(some people/John/...)例:Wh enit c omes to the inc reasing use of motor vehic les in Be ijing,some people think that use should be limited. Others argue that the opposite is true. There is probably some truth to both arguments,but emission c ontrols must be instituted regardless of the number of vehic les.3. Ac c ording to a (n) (survey/study/invest igat ion) ,there is a (n)(inc reasing/grow ing/dec reasing) numbers of...例:Ac c ording to the latest survey,there is a grow ing number of people w ho support the p lan.4. It is (an acc epted fac t that/w idely know n/w idely ac know ledged) that...例:it is w idely ac know ledged t hat extensive deforestation c ontributed to heavy summer flooding. Experts argue that China must introduc e a massive afforestation program. But I doubt w hether afforestation alone w ill solve the problem.5. Now adays { more and more/many/few} (people/students/w omen/men) are beginn ingto(realize/be a w a r e o f/b e a le rt to/notic e)t h e(importanc e/signific anc e/greatness/seriousness)of( educ ation/sc ienc e/situation/po llution )例:Now adays many people believe that c ap ita l punishment det ers crimes. But al though c rimino log ists have c onduc tedexhaustive researc h regarding the subjec t,little ev idenc e exists to support the c laim.6. (some/most/many) (people/students/w omen) are of the opinion that...例:Mostpeople are of the opinion that w ealth provides solutions to all problems. But spiteof the material benefits w ealth provides,I believ e one should abandon the pursuit of materialism and instead c onc entrate on the pursuit of happines s.五、有关文章和段落结尾的常用短语、句型1.Without c omputer (c ell te lephone/PDPtelev ision/c ars/mic roelec tronic s/telec ommunic ation/Internet/genetic sadvanc es/... ),it w ould he diffic ult to imagine modern life.2.From this point of view,w e c an see... ( On acc ount of this w e c an find that,.. /Therefore,these findings reveal the follow ing information: )3.We should redouble our efforts to build Ch in a into a pow erful / prosperous/better educ ated/... ) nation w ith internat ion a l prestige.4. We s hou ld do o u r b e s t in e lim in at ing industria l po llut ion(f a k eproduc ts/organized c rimes/illiterac y/poverty in China...).5. In a w ord (In c onc lusion/To sum up).6. It is imperative for us to take effec tive measures to c orrec t the situation( fight c orruption/hold bac k a tidal w ave of c rime/terminate exc essive exploit ation of natural resourc es/ease w ater shortages/... ).7. It is imperat ive for us to protec t w ild life (to elim inate env ironment a lpollution/to fight against organized c rimes/to get ride of fake produc ts/to ban drug abuse/to reduc e traffic acc idents/... ),now,before it is too late.8. Thus,this is the reason w hy (As far as... be c onc erned,I believe that/There is little doubt that / It is obvious that) w e must...9. Mank ind must put an end to w ar (pollut ion/desert if ic at ion/w ild lif edestruc tion/hegemony/nuc lear w eapons/...) or w ar (pollut ion/... ) w ill put an endto mank ind.10. It is not w hat you say ( learn/promise/know/love to do/think you c an do/you feel c apable of doing/...) but w hat you do (have done) that really c ounts.11. There is no immediate solutio n to the problem of ....but..,might behelpful. ( None of the solutions is quite satisfactory. The problem should be examinedin a new w ay. )12.In t h e r ac e f o r qua lity(know ledge/exc ellenc e/effic ienc y/c reativity/truth/happin ess/sc ientif icexplorat ion/tec hnolog ic al innovat ion/... ),there is no finish line.13. At best,he does not tell the truth; at w orst,he is not equal to his job.14. The problem is not the death of one man (that w e c annot do it); the problemis the life of this organizat ion (that w e hate to do suc h nasty things).15. In order to make our w orld a better plac e in w hic h to live,w e must learnto live in harmony w ith all w ild life spec ies (stop pollut ing our environment right aw ay/c onsc ientious ly follow family plann ing).16. It is high time that w e put c onsiderable emphasis on... (Taking into acc ountall these fac tors,w e may safely reac h the c onc lusion that... /The result is dependent on... )17. In short,(population explos ion,environmenta l pollut ion and exhaustionof natural resourc es) are the major problems to be solved to make our w ould a better plac e in w hic h to live.18. To c onc lude,c arelessness in handling fires,misuse of flammable liqu ids and abuse of elec tric al app lianc es are the three major fire haz ards around us (heighte ned env ironmenta l aw areness ,c hanging trade patterns and emerg in gtec hnology are having an major c ompac t on our ec onomy).19.Com put er(Internet/Integratedc irc uit/Elec tric ity/Te lephone/Te lev ision/P lastic s/Sc ienc e and tec hnology/Mo bile phones/Cars/Airp lane/sem ic onduc tors/genetic engineering/... ) revolutionizes our life (industry/ec onomy).20. Let us w ork hand in hand to solve these soc ial prob lems (fight aga instc orruption / hold bac k a tidal w ave of c rimes / build Ch ina into a pow erful nation /...) .21. I w ant to be a teac her (a doc tor/or to do something) not only bec ause..,but also bec ause...22. Who is to say that China w ill not be humiliated aga in ( Chinese sc ientistsmay not provide a better theory) ?23. It goes w ithout saying that sc ienc e and tec hnology c onstitute the primary produc tive forc e (know ledge is something/c reativity is everything/c heating never pays/...)24. The nearer the daw n,the darker the night. (The more..,the more. )25. Liv ing in harmony w ith nature (w ild life) has bec ome a part of modernc iv ilizat io n.26. The state-ow ned enterprises (The tow nship enterprises) have only tw o c hoic es: solve these longstanding problems through reforms or go bankrupt.27. We should not let the golden opportunity slip by,On the c ontrary,w e should seize any opportun ity and fac e the c hallenge w ith c onfidenc e,c ourage and w isdom.例句说明1. There is no (predic ting/know ing/denying) that...例:There is no predic ting t h a t w h e n t h is situat ion w i l l b ec om e b et ter.2.(c learly/undoubted ly/obv iously/c onsequently) ,( good health/educ ation/a good sense/friendship) is (important/of great importanc e/valuable/w orth w hile) for...例: Clear ly,to be w ell-educ ated is of great importanc e for the c hange ofmy c urrent situation.3. ( For my part/As far as I am c onc erned/In my mind’s eye) ,I believe t h a tT h er e is no(s imp le so lut ion/qu ic k answ er/effec tive m eth od)to t h e(issue/prob lem) of.... but... might be (helpful/plausib le/prac tic al).例: As far as I am c onc erned,I believ e that there is no simple solut ionto that problem,but taking some advic e from professionals might be helpful.4. It is (urgent/nec essary/imperative/important) that (measures/steps) be t a k e n t o...例:lt is urgent that steps be taken to prevent people from c utting trees.5. It is high time that (w e/the government/students/people) did...例:It is high time that w e put an end to the deplorable prac tic e of infant ic id e.六、用于论证和说明的常用短语、句型1. As it is desc ribed that...2. It has been illustrated that...3. It provides a good example of...4. We may c ite another instanc e of...5. History may provides us w ith the examples of.,.6. A number of further fac ts may be added...7. The situation is not unique,it is typic al of dozens have heard.8. A rec ent investigat ion ind ic ates that...9. Ac c ording to the statistic s provided...10. Ac c ording to a latest study,it c an be predic ted..11. There is no suffic ient evidenc e to show that...12. All ava ilab le ev idenc e points to the fac t that...13. Examples given le ad me to c onc lude that...14. It reveals the unquestionable fac t that...15. The idea may be proved by fac ts...16. All the fac ts suggest that...17. No one c an deny the fac t that...18. We may fac e the undeniable fac t that...例句说明1. No one c an (deny/ignore) the fac t that...例:No one c an deny the fac t that our c ountry has the largest population in the w or ld.2. As c an be (seen/suggested) from the above (analysis/explanat ion)....例:As c an be seen from the above explanation,there is no doubt that the number of private c ars w ill inc rease drastic ally in a fe w years.3. Take for example, a (n) (person w ho/matter that/affair w hic h)....例:Take for example,Yangtze River that onc e had been regarded as one of the c leanest rivers in the w orld now is serious staminated.4. It c an be (inferred/c onc luded) that...例:lt c an be inferred that no matter how diffic ult the situat io n is,the government w ill never g ive up.5. My(idea/view/be lief) may be (proved of/illustrated that/supported by...).例: My view may be supported by the fac t that more and more people arew ithdraw ingfrom the c ity to the c ountryside.第二节英语高分作文常用过渡词语举例一、文章及段落起始的过渡词语:1. To begin w ith,“首先”例(1)To begin w ith,I’d like to express my gratitude to those w ho have helpedm e.例(2)To begin w ith,smoking should be banned in public areas.2. Generally speak ing,“总体上讲”例(1)Generally speaking,those w ho have know ledge are more c apable than those w ithout know le dge.例(2) Generally speaking,the more you prac tic e,the more skillfu lly you c an w rite in Eng lish.3. First of all,“第一” ,“首先”例(1) First of all,doing exerc ise every day is of the utmost importanc e inkeep ing fit.例(1)First of all,many people in remote areas still live in poverty4. In the first plac e,“首先”例(1)In the first plac e,she c an read at the rate of 100 w ords a minute例(2) In the first plac e,agric ulture needs to be developed quic kly to feedthe w orld populat ion.二、文章及段落结尾常用的过渡词语1.therefore,thus,“因此”例( 1 ) Therefore,it takes longer time and more energy to c ommunic ate in written Eng lish than in oral Eng lish.例(2) Thus,taking morning exerc ises regularly may reduc e the c hanc es of getting s ic k.2. in c onc lusion,“最后”例(1)In c onc lusion,the internationa l agreement should be made to prevent thew orld from the w ar.例(2) In c onc lusion,univ ersit ies should’g ive larger amount of money tolibr ar ies.3. in brief,in a nutshell,“简言之”例(1) In brief,birth c ontrol is of vital importanc e in China.例(2) In a nutshell,w e should develop a good habit of study.4. to sum up,“总而言之”例(1 )To sum up,out of sight,out of mind.例(2)To sum up,equality c ontinues to be the goal of the w orld w omen.5. in a w ord,“总之”例(1) In a w ord,c ountry life is more benefic ial to c ity life例(2) In a w ord,exc eptional c hildren are different in some signif ic ant w aysfrom others of the same age.注:要避免在这些短语之前用“So”!三、常见的表示先后次序的过渡词语常见的表示先后次序的过渡语有: first,“第一”; sec ond,“第二”; next,“其次”、“然后” ;eventually,“最后”,“最终”; sinc e then,“自此之后”; afterw ard,“以后”、“随后”;meanw hile,“同时” ;therefore ,“因而”;immediate ly,“立刻”。
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First of all, Firstly/First, Secondly/Second…next …And then, Finally/In the end/ At last,last but not least(更强调重要性)最后也是最重要的
What’s more(甚至)/ What’s worse(更糟糕的是), even(甚至),Especially(特别是) ,Besides(除此之外), Moreover(甚至), Furthermore, In addition(除此之外还有),not only …but also 不但…而且,at the same time 同时
However, On the contrary, but,
Although+clause(从句),(不与but连用) Despite/In spite of+n/doing 尽管…但是…
On one hand…On the other hand…一方面,又一方面;Some…, while others…一些人认为…而另一些人认为…
Everything has two sides…(事物都具有两面性) some people hold the view that …while the others prefer the view that …(一些人坚持这种观点,而另一些人更喜欢另一种观点)
Because(不与so连用), As(由于,因为) ,So, Therefore(因此), As a result (结果) ,thanks to(多亏), because of/as a result of (由于), without, with the help of...(在…的帮助下)
For example+句子(意思是:例如)可以用于句中,句首,句尾; such as…and so on
In fact 事实上as a matter of fact 事实上,Actually实际上,in other words,换句话说,that is to say,就是说
As far as I know / as far as I am concerned ; In my opinion ,to tell the truth 说实话;to be honest 诚实地说,generally speaking 通常来说这些短语一般都用于最后一段的开头,用来陈述自己的观点。
In short(总之)、In a word(总之). 一般也用于最后一段表示总结。
10. as is known to (us) all ,as we know .(据我所知),It is said /reported that + 句子据说/报道…
recently 最近用于作文开头,其后一般用现在完成时态
with the development of the …随着…的发展等连接词或者短语(一般用于句首,用于陈述事实)。