作者:蒲毅彬吴青柏蒋观利PU Yi-bin WU Qing-bai JIANG Guan-li 作者单位:中国科学院寒区旱区环境与工程研究所冻土工程国家重点实验室,甘肃,兰州,730000 刊名:地球科学进展ISTIC PKU 英文刊名:ADVANCES IN EARTH SCIENCE 年,卷(期):2007 22(4) 分类号:P744.4 关键词:封闭系统甲烷水合物生成和分解 X-射线断层扫描。
1. 天然形成甲烷水合物主要分布在深海沉积物和孔隙水中,是由寒带海洋底部的冰冻沉积物经过长时间的自然作用形成的。
2. 实验室合成为了研究甲烷水合物的结构和稳定性等问题,科学家进行了许多实验室合成。
1. 温度温度是影响甲烷水合物稳定性最重要的因素之一,当温度升高时,甲烷水合物将分解为水和甲烷。
2. 压力除了温度,压力也是影响甲烷水合物稳定性的重要因素。
3. 环境甲烷水合物的稳定性还受到环境因素的影响。
化工进展Chemical Industry and Engineering Progress2023 年第 42 卷第 7 期南海海泥中甲烷水合物的形貌及赋存特性张凯1,2,3,吕秋楠1,2,3,李刚1,2,3,李小森1,2,3,莫家媚1,2,3(1 中国科学院天然气水合物重点实验室,中国科学院广州能源研究所,广东 广州 510640;2 广东省新能源和可再生能源研究开发与应用重点实验室,广东 广州 510640;3 中国科学院大学,北京 100049)摘要:水合物表观形貌受水合物的生长方式影响,能够反映水合物在沉积物中的分布以及与沉积物的空间关系,进而对含水合物沉积物的物理特性产生影响。
本文通过在实际钻采的南海神狐海域水深2713m 的海泥中生成甲烷水合物,利用冷冻扫描电子显微镜(Cryo-SEM )和能谱仪(EDS )对合成水合物的微观形貌、元素组成进行表征。
元素分析表明相较于纯水体系,海泥中生成的水合物C 元素含量更高,水合物笼子占有率也越高。
海泥中含有微量的C 元素,通过C 元素含量增加及C 、Si 比提高确定了表面颗粒胶结状为水合物。
关键词:海泥;甲烷;水合物;表面形貌;扫描电镜和能谱仪中图分类号:TE3 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1000-6613(2023)07-3865-10Morphology and occurrence characteristics of methane hydrates in themud of the South China SeaZHANG Kai 1,2,3,LYU Qiunan 1,2,3,LI Gang 1,2,3,LI Xiaosen 1,2,3,MO Jiamei 1,2,3(1 Key Laboratory of Gas Hydrate, Guangzhou Institute of Energy Conversion, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guangzhou 510640, Guangdong, China; 2 Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of New and Renewable Energy Research andDevelopment, Guangzhou 510640, Guangdong, China; 3 University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China)Abstract: Hydrate surface morphology was affected by hydrate growth patterns, as well as can reflect distribution in sediments and the spatial relationship with sediments, thereby affecting the physical properties of hydrate-bearing sediments. Methane hydrate was synthesized in the device by using the actual drilled marine mud in the Shenhu sea of South China Sea at a depth of 2713m as sediment. Cryo-scanning electron microscopy (Cryo-SEM) and energy spectrometry (EDS) were used to characterize the microscopic morphology and elemental composition of the synthesized hydrates. The results showed that the methane hydrate in the pure water system was homogeneous and easily decomposed compared to ice. The hydrates formed in the pure water system and in the marine mud were similar in morphology, both of which were in the form of granular colloid, with trace amounts of nanoscale particle ice distributed on the研究开发DOI :10.16085/j.issn.1000-6613.2022-1623收稿日期:2022-09-05;修改稿日期:2022-10-09。
甲烷水合物(Methane Hydrate,简称MH)作为一种新型能源,吸引了众多科学家的关注。
那么什么是甲烷水合物呢?MH是一种深水沉积物,是一种以水为稳定相,甲烷为客体分子的晶体化合物,其化学式为(CH4) n ·5.75H2O(n≥4)。
南海北部陆坡沉积物硫酸盐-甲烷反应界面深度的空间变化及其对甲烷水合物赋存状态差异性的指示意义孟宪伟;张俊;夏鹏;王湘芹【摘要】The depth of sulfate-metnane interface (SMI) in sediments could indicate occurring status of methane hy-drate .By systimatically paralell analysis of pore water geochemical data and authgenic cabonate oxygen and carbon isotopic data available from the potential gas hydrate areas of the northern slope of the South China Sea (SCS) ,the implication of spatial variation of sulfate-metnane interface in sediments for occurring status of underlying methane hydrate in the northern slope of SCS was discussed .It was illustrated that the SMI in sediments of the northern slope of SCS tends to be shallow from the southwest to the northeast .The spatial variation of SMI exactly corre-sponds to accretion of released methane which was indicated by carbon isotope of the authigeniccarbonate ,implica-ting that the buried depth of underlying methane hydrate temds to be shallow ,or decomposition of underlying methane hydrate temds to be intensive from the southwest to the northeast .%海洋沉积物中的硫酸盐-甲烷反应界面(SMI)的深度变化能够指示下伏甲烷水合物的赋存状态。
摘 要 : 合 考 虑 不 同种 类 的 电解 质 、醇 和 多孑 介 质 对 甲烷 水 合 物 相 平 衡 条 件 的影 响 ,对 实 验 室 原 有 的纯 水 体 系 下 甲 综 L
烷 水 合 物 的 相 平衡 计 算 模 型 进 行 了 扩 展 ,扩 展 后 的 模 型 可 以计 算 电 解 质 、 醇 和 多 孔 介 质 或 它 们 的 混 合 体 系 下 甲烷 水 合 物 的 相 平 衡 条 件 。单 独 或 两 种 上 述 体 系 共 存 条 件 下 ,大 量模 型计 算 结 果 与 文献 实 验值 吻 合 较 好 ,结合 模 型建 立
PANG ex n ~,S W i i UN u i F j ,LIQig ig e n pn ,CHEN a gi Gu n j n
( .R sa c n t ueo h n t n l f s o e lC r oa in, ii g 1 0 2 ,C ia 1 ee rh I s t t f C i a Na i a f h r o p r to Be n 0 0 7 h n ; i o O Oi j 2 t t Ke a oa o y o a y O lP o esn .S ae y L b r tr f He v i r csi g,C ia U ie st f Per lu h n n v ri o toe m,B iig 1 2 4 ,C ia y ejn 0 2 9 hn )
a d po o e a a he a e tm e, a o i e e p f r he c lul to r vng f r e or t n r us m di t t s m i nd pr v d h l o t a c a i n of d i i o c f he
2020年第1期海洋地质水平井在日本南海海槽海域甲烷水合物开采中的应用Tao Y u,Guoqing Guan和 Abuliti Abudul等著摘要:由于日本南海海槽海域甲烷水合物储层条件较为复杂,在2013年和2017年利用垂直 井进行的现场开采试验中,未达到经济开采的产气量。
因此,本研究旨在将水平井应用于南 海海槽海域甲烷水合物的开采。
因储层中存在三个具有不同物理性质(即初始水合物饱和度、孔隙度和固有渗透率)的含水合物亚层,因此在多层地质模型的基础上,设计了一些可能的 井身结构,包括单水平井模式和双水平井模式,模拟真实的南海海槽海域甲烷水合物储层。
然后,通过简单降压对海域甲烷水合物开采的长期模拟,验证了这两种井设计的有效性,并 提出了每种设计的最佳井身结构。
此外,在双水平井模式的基础上,采用降压和热水注入联 合的方法进行了试验,其敏感性分析表明即使在相对较低的40°C注入温度和相对较小的2 kg/s/m的注入速度的情况下,第一年也能获得8.64x l〇5m3/d的有利产气量。
关键词:海域甲烷水合物;南海海槽;水平井;降压;热水注入1引言甲烷水合物是一种结晶固体,由相互连接的笼型水分子包络的甲烷分子构成,仅天 然赋存于低温高压条件下的地下沉积物中,如全球沿大陆边缘的沉积物以及内陆湖泊和 海洋的深水沉积物(Boswell,2009; Chong 等,2016; Makogon,1997, 2010; Sloan, 2003; Sloan和Koh,2007)。
虽然全球的估算结果差异很大,但是全球范围内圈闭在 甲烷水合物储层中的甲烷量巨大,在1〇15~1〇18m3 (STP)范围内(Chong等,2016),可能超过全球所有其他己知化石燃料的总和(Klauda和Sandler,2005; Makogon等,2007)。
因此,开发和利用甲烷水合物资源己成为许多国家解决能源危机的一项非常有 吸引力的选择,特别是对于日本等资源相对有限的国家。
( 1 )在 注剂 初 始 阶 段 , 釜 顶 压 力 稍 高 于 注剂 压 力, 分析 认为 主要 是 因为 合 成 的水合 物 沉 积 物样 品 渗 透率 低 导 致 反 应 釜 内部 压 力 不 一 致 。注 剂 过 程 中, 注剂 压力 ( 注剂 泵 出 口压力 ) 逐 渐升 高 , 反 应釜顶 压 力也 相应 升高 ; 注 剂 结束 后 , 进入焖井阶段, 可 以 看 到反 应釜顶 压 力有所 升高 。 ( 2 )在 产气 阶段 , 反 应釜 降压 到设 定 压 力 , 释 放 出气体 ; 反 应釜 降压 以后 釜顶压 力并 没有立 即下 降 ,
进行 预热 至与 注入 溶 液 相 同 的温 度 , 然 后 往 反 应 釜 中注 入设 定 的 化 学 剂 溶 液 , 记 录 釜 内温 度 、 压 力 变
力 升高较快 , 这 是 因为样 品渗 透率 较 低 , 注 入 的化 学
剂溶 液不能及时 渗流到其他 区域 。因此 , 对于低 渗透 率型水合物沉 积物 , 直接 注剂 开 采可 能行 不 通 , 需 要 对 低渗透率型天 然气水合物藏 分解规律进 行探 讨 。
度变 化趋 势 基 本 类 似 , 现 以 实 验 1为例 进 行 分 析 。 图 3为实 验 1 反 应釜 中不 同位 置温度 变化 情况 。可
以看 出 : 离 注剂 井 口较 近 的位 置 ( 检测点 4 、 8 ) 在 注 剂后 的几 分钟 之 内温度 即开始 下降 , 然后 上升 ( 温 度
下 降表 明水 合物 开 始 分解 , 这是 因为 体 系供 给热 量
的速度 小 于水合 物 分解 吸热 的速 度 ; 温度 升 高表 示
该点 的水合 物 已经 分解 完 毕 , 这 是 因为 注入 化 学 剂 溶 液 的温 度高于 水合 物样 品温 度) , 此 后离 井 V 1 较远 位置 ( 检测 点 2 、 3 ) 的水 合 物 依 次 分 解 ; 只有 化 学 剂 溶液 渗透 到 的地 方 才会 出现 明显 的 温度 下 降 现 象 , 图3 c 和 3 d中的温度 传感 器位 于注 剂井 E 1 上 部较 高 的位置 , 由于化学 剂难 以触及 , 故 没有 出现温 度 明显
第27卷第2期油气地质与采收率Vol.27,No.22020年3月Petroleum Geology and Recovery EfficiencyMar.2020—————————————收稿日期:2019-09-28。
E-mail :tengjianbin.slyt@ 。
文章编号:1009-9603(2020)02-0018-08DOI :10.13673/37-1359/te.2020.02.003东营凹陷页岩油储层中方解石的成因及证据滕建彬1,2,3,4,5(1.中国石化胜利油田分公司勘探开发研究院,山东东营257015;2.中国石油大学(华东)地球科学与技术学院,山东青岛266580;3.中国石化页岩油气勘探开发重点实验室,山东东营257015;4.中国石化胜利油田分公司沉积模拟与储层评价实验室,山东东营257015;5.东营市低渗透油层产能评价与增产改造重点实验室,山东东营257015)摘要:为明确东营凹陷页岩中方解石矿物成因和储层成岩特征,利用薄片、X 衍射、碳氧同位素等分析技术,首次发现了牛页1井页岩中方解石脉具有示顶底构造和机械双晶特征,是地质构造运动产生地应力作用于页岩方解石脉上留痕的直接岩石学证据,为页岩地层地应力的研究提供了载体矿物。
文章介绍使用新建立的一套气体水合物实验测定装置,在5~12℃,4~12 MPa分别用可视法和画圈法对甲烷气体水合物相平衡点进行了测试,所得两组数据与文献相比较,讨论两种测量方案准确度孰高孰低。
【总页数】3页(P71-73)【作者】樊栓狮;石磊;郭彦坤;孙志高;郭开华【作者单位】中国科学院广州能源研究所气体水合物研究中心;中国科学院广州能源研究所气体水合物研究中心;中国科学院广州能源研究所气体水合物研究中心;中国科学院广州能源研究所气体水合物研究中心;中国科学院广州能源研究所气体水合物研究中心【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TE1【相关文献】1.深水气井测试管柱内天然气水合物堵塞特征与防治新方法 [J], 王志远;赵阳;孙宝江;于璟2.混流式转轮焊接残余应力测试新装置与新方法 [J], 程广福;魏松;文道维;李正3.海底天然气水合物上覆层甲烷气体运移过程模拟 [J], 向世焜;孙洪广;常爱莲4.甲烷气体注入方式对甲烷水合物生成的影响 [J], 丁亚龙;徐纯刚;李小森5.s-Ⅲ 型低密度甲烷气体水合物物性的理论研究 [J], LI Xu-Sheng;HAN Xu;YAN Pei;ZHU Chao-Jie因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。
冰点下多孔介质中甲烷水合物的生成特性张郁;李小森;陈朝阳;颜克凤【摘要】冰点下水合物在多孔介质的生成是一个复杂的多相转化过程,为了研究冰点下多孔介质中水合物生成过程的水相转化率、气体消耗量与稳定压力等生成特性,在定容条件下,进行不同孔径与粒径的多孔介质中甲烷水合物在冰点下的生成实验.所使用的多孔介质平均孔径为12.95 nm、17.96 nm和33.20 nm.研究结果表明:水合物生成结束时水的转化率随着初始生成压力的增大而增大,随着温度的升高而降低,随着孔径的增大而增大;在相同的孔径下,多孔介质粒径的增大降低了水合物的生成速率但对最终气体消耗量没有影响;在相同的温度下,随着初始生成压力的增大,实验最终压力、气体消耗量与最终水的转化率均随之升高;温度越高,不同的生成初始生成压力下体系的最终稳定压力与水的转化率相差越大;在多孔介质的毛细管作用力与结合水的共同作用下,冰点下水合物生成的水的转化率会大大地降低.在本实验条件下,水相转化为水合物的比例最高为32.39%.【期刊名称】《现代地质》【年(卷),期】2016(030)004【总页数】7页(P922-928)【关键词】甲烷水合物;生成特性;冰点下;多孔介质;孔径;转化率【作者】张郁;李小森;陈朝阳;颜克凤【作者单位】中国科学院天然气水合物重点实验室,广东广州510640;中国科学院广州能源研究所天然气水合物研究中心,广东广州510640;广东省新能源和可再生能源研究开发与应用重点实验室,广东广州510640;中国科学院天然气水合物重点实验室,广东广州510640;中国科学院广州能源研究所天然气水合物研究中心,广东广州510640;广东省新能源和可再生能源研究开发与应用重点实验室,广东广州510640;中国科学院天然气水合物重点实验室,广东广州510640;中国科学院广州能源研究所天然气水合物研究中心,广东广州510640;广东省新能源和可再生能源研究开发与应用重点实验室,广东广州510640;中国科学院天然气水合物重点实验室,广东广州510640;中国科学院广州能源研究所天然气水合物研究中心,广东广州510640;广东省新能源和可再生能源研究开发与应用重点实验室,广东广州510640【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TE132.2天然气水合物广泛分布于大陆边缘海底以下的沉积带和陆地上的永久冻土带中[1-3],由于其巨大的储量,被认为是一种潜在的清洁高效的新能源[4]。
海水中溶解甲烷的测定 顶空平衡-气相色谱法
了本南海海槽东部含气体水合物岩心沉积物的古环境及沉积相Yuhei Komatsu;Kiyofumi Suzuki;Tetsuya Fujii;范广慧【期刊名称】《海洋地质》【年(卷),期】2016(000)001【摘要】2012年6月-7月,日本经济产业省(METI)在渥美半岛和志摩半岛外侧的大仁.渥美海丘北坡完成了一口保压取心井(AT1-C),用来确定第一个海上甲烷水合物生产测试站位的储层性质。
【总页数】11页(P17-27)【作者】Yuhei Komatsu;Kiyofumi Suzuki;Tetsuya Fujii;范广慧【作者单位】[1]不详;[2]广州海洋地质调查局信息资料所,510760【正文语种】中文【中图分类】P532【相关文献】1.日本南海海槽东部甲烷水合物储层沉积物岩心的渗透率 [J], Yoshihiro Konno;Jun Yoneda;Kosuke Egawa;杨振;;;;2.南海海槽东部天然气水合物试采站位弧前盆地更新世浊流沉积物的古水流分析--基于磁化率各向异性和古地磁数据 [J], Machiko Tamakia;Kiyofumi Suzuki;Tetsuya Fujii;孙鸣;;;;3.日本南海海槽东部含水合物沉积物岩性特征及其与天然气水合物饱和度的关系[J], Takuma Ito;Yuhei Komatsu;Tetsuya Fujii;乔静蕾;;;;4.甲烷水合物形态对砂质沉积物压缩波速度的影响--采集自南海海槽东部的保压岩心样品的分析结果 [J], Yoshihiro Konno;Yusuke Jin;Jun Yoneda;尚久靖;5.南海海槽东部海上生产试采区天然气水合物储层的沉积物矿物成分 [J], Kosuke Egawa;Okio Nishimura;Shoko Izumi;杨振;张莉;万玲;范广慧;因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。
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4.天然气水合物体系的相平衡及甲烷溶解度计算 [J], 苏正;陈多福;冯东;刘芊
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OTC-25252-MSDetermining Methane Hydrate Equilibrium Conditions in Sediments from the Nankai TroughMichael Nole,and Hugh Daigle,Department of Petroleum and Geosystems Engineering,University of Texas at AustinCopyright2014,Offshore Technology ConferenceThis paper was prepared for presentation at the Offshore Technology Conference held in Houston,Texas,USA,5–8May2014.This paper was selected for presentation by an OTC program committee following review of information contained in an abstract submitted by the author(s).Contents of the paper have not been reviewed by the Offshore Technology Conference and are subject to correction by the author(s).The material does not necessarily reflect any position of the Offshore Technology Conference,its officers,or members.Electronic reproduction,distribution,or storage of any part of this paper without the written consent of the Offshore Technology Conference is prohibited.Permission to reproduce in print is restricted to an abstract of not more than300words; illustrations may not be copied.The abstract must contain conspicuous acknowledgment of OTC copyright.AbstractOur work shows how pore size affects the quantity of methane dissolved in pore fluid in sediments from the Nankai Trough offshore Japan.Integrating log and laboratory data from shallow sediments in the Nankai Trough,we determined that the range of pore sizes in this region leads to methane hydrate equilibrium temperature depressions of about1–3degrees C at Site C0011,2–5degrees C at Site C0012, and1-5degrees C at Site C0018.Methane solubility was determined to increase by10–30percent at Sites C0011and C0012,while solubility increases at Site C0018were predicted to be between10and50 percent throughout the methane hydrate stability zone.Further,the increase in methane solubility due to the Gibbs-Thomson effect was found to significantly decrease the mass of methane deposited as hydrate as well as decrease the thickness of the methane hydrate stability zone.IntroductionUnderstanding methane availability and distribution is an important component of prospect assessment and completion design in hydrate plays.In particular,constraining methane hydrate phase equilibrium behavior in sediments is instrumental to understanding and predicting subsurface hydrate distributions, particularly in fine-grained sediments in which pores are small enough to have a significant effect on solubility and stability conditions.Preferential Hydrate Growth in Coarse-Grained SedimentsRecent work has explored mechanisms underlying the distribution of methane hydrates in marine sediments,particularly in areas consisting of heterogeneous distributions of coarse-and fine-grained sediments.In many locations worldwide,such as Walker Ridge in the northern Gulf of Mexico(Cook and Malinverno,2013),Hydrate Ridge offshore Oregon(Weinberger and Brown,2006),Blake Ridge offshore South Carolina(Kraemer et al.,2000),the northern Cascadia margin offshore Vancouver Island,Canada (Malinverno,2010),and the eastern Nankai Trough offshore Japan(Tsuji et al.,2008),hydrates have been found to preferentially nucleate in coarser-grained layers where larger pores provide more favorable thermodynamic conditions for nucleation(Clennell et al.,1999).At Blake Ridge,higher concentrations of hydrates were observed in two distinct intervals with greater abundance of grainsϾ5microns in diameter,separated by a region of smaller grain sizes(Ginsburg et al., 2000;Kraemer et al.,2000).In advective systems where long migration is a primary means of methane transport,such hydrate partitioning could be explained simply by easier fluid migration through more permeable sediment layers(Weinberger and Brown,2006).Additionally,when passing through a coarse-grained interval,advecting fluid that is supersaturated with methane can more easily deposit methane in the form of hydrate than when flowing through finer-grained intervals(Kraemer et al,2000).In Hydrate Ridge off the northwestern coast of the U.S.,hydrate was found to have formed in fractured layers of fine-grained sediments as well as in coarse-grained sands(Weinberger and Brown,2006).Such distributions could result from an additional mechanism involving hydraulic fracturing via generation of excess pore pressure during hydrate generation elsewhere(Daigle and Dugan,2010).Gibbs-Thomson Effect and Solubility Impacts in Fine-Grained SedimentsIn any sediment,methane hydrate formation occurs when the concentration of methane dissolved in pore water exceeds its solubility at a specified pressure,temperature,and pore water salinity,regardless of the methane source.Decreasing pore radius increases the surface area to volume ratio of the pore space in sediments,and hydrate crystals that grow in these pores must have correspondingly large surface area to volume ratios.In fine-grained silty and clayey formations,this effect is significant enough that the contribution of interfacial energy to the total Gibbs free energy of the pore-water-methane system cannot be neglected.This in turn leads to an increase in the solubility of methane in the pore space,inhibiting hydrate growth(Clennell et al.,1999).An increase in methane solubility thereby necessitates a decrease in the equilibrium triple point of methane in the pore space with decreasing pore radius,known as the Gibbs-Thomson effect.Thus,methane hydrate can be expected to require lower temperatures for nucleation in smaller pores than in larger pores,all else remaining constant.Methane Hydrate Stability Conditions in the Nankai TroughWe analyzed data from three sites in the Nankai Trough offshore Japan in order to determine stability conditions for methane hydrates in the region.Although the three sites modeled are not hydrate bearing due to lack of sufficient geochemical conditions,they are representative of the subsurface conditions in the strata approaching the subduction front throughout the Nankai Trough and provide useful analogs to prospective hydrate-bearing areas to the northeast(Expedition333Scientists,2012).Fig.1illustrates the locations of the boreholes offshore Japan’s Kii Peninsula.The sites themselves vary slightly in sampling depth and the characteristics of the sediments they penetrate.Adjacent Sites C0011and C0012,depicted in Fig.2,sample regions of similar lithology,though Site C0011seems to exhibit an expanded lithologic distribution compared to a compressed Site C0012. Both Sites C0011and C0012represent sediments unaffected by subduction(Expedition333Scientists, 2012).Site C0018is located within a slope basin above the accretionary wedge.It therefore contains complex structural features related to wedge deformation associated with convergence in the Nankai Trough.The site exhibits southeast-dipping beds,shear zones,and chaotic bedding,all of which result in complicated hydrate stability conditions.Fig.3depicts the lithologic units sampled at Site C0018.All three sites analyzed are made up predominantly of fine-grained sediments(median grain diameter Ͻ3microns;Daigle and Dugan,in review),so it is expected that small pore radii,via the Gibbs-Thomson effect,will significantly affect methane hydrate stability ing measurements of grain size and pore size along with gamma ray logs,we determined the methane triple point temperature depressions and subsequent methane solubility increases that characterize hydrate stability conditions in fine-grained marine sediments within the Nankai Trough.MethodsWe used logging-while-drilling (LWD)and laboratory sample data from three Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP)sites in the Nankai Trough to determine the impact of pore throat sizeson Figure 1—An (a.)aerial view of Sites C0011,C0012,and C0018in the Nankai Trough offshore Japan,as well as (b.)a columnview.Figure 2—Lithologic columns of sites C0011and C0012methane solubility in the region.We used the LWD gamma ray log to determine shale volume,which we correlated with grain size measurements to determine a relationship between shale volume and gran size.We then used shipboard helium pycnometer porosity data to determine the effective electrical pore size from the grain size.We used heat flow and porewater salinity measurements to determine hydrate stability conditions as well as the change in equilibrium temperature and solubility caused by the Gibbs-Thomson effect.Shale Volume DeterminationIn order to determine the grain sizes within the methane hydrate stability zone (MHSZ),we correlated grain size measurements with LWD gamma ray data.As gamma ray measurements are useful for providing an estimate of the quantity of clay or shale in a formation,we began by calculating the percentage of shale at each depth within the sample,V shale .Areas of low gamma ray response were deemed sandy regions (of larger grain size),while regions of high gamma ray response were assumed to be shaly.Once pure sand and shale endpoints were chosen for the gamma ray logs of each site,we calculated shale percentage via a linear interpolation of the gamma raydata:where z is the depth coordinate.Fig.4depicts the gamma ray data for each borehole,while Fig.5depicts their corresponding shale volume calculations.Electrical Pore Throat Radius DeterminationThe relationship between clay content and grain size is,in general,non-linear (e.g.,Dewhurst et al.,1999).However,the median grain sizes (D 50)in the sediments we analyzed in this study fell in a very narrow range,from about 1to 3microns.Therefore,we approximated the relationship between grain size and shale content as linear.Matching the depths corresponding to each grain size measurement with the interpolated values of shale content at the same depths,we fit a linear trend to our grain radius data(eachFigure 3—Lithology of Site C0018Figure 5—V shale data for boreholes 11A,12H,and18BFigure 4—Gamma Ray data for boreholes 11A,12H,and 18Bof the measured D 50values divided by 2)using a root mean square method,shown in ing this linear trend line,we computed grain sizes throughout the depth of the MHSZ via matching shale content values to corresponding grain radii.Invoking the idea of an effective electrical pore throat radius,defined in the presence of a thin conductive grain coating that differs in conductivity from pore fluid (Johnson et al,1986),we proceeded to link grain radius to pore radius in our samples.When the pore fluid conductivity is much larger than the surface conductivity of the sediment grains,Revil and Cathles (1999)showed that effective electrical pore radius could be calculatedaswhere ⌳is the effective electrical pore throat radius,R is the characteristic grain radius,m is the cementation exponent,and F is the formation factor (Revil and Cathles,1999).We calculated the formation factor using Archie’sequation:where a ϭ1and m ϭ2.4,determined from previous work in the Nankai Trough area (Kinoshita et al.,2008).During IODP Expedition 322,no LWD porosity measurements were taken,so instead we calculated the porosity distribution with depth,⌽,using shipboard moisture and density (MAD)values.This method is a simplification assuming surface conductivities are small compared to pore fluid conductivity,and,following Revil and Cathles,R values are used as characteristic grain radii,equal to one half of the grain diameter measurements,D 50.Gibbs-Thomson EffectUpon calculating pore throat radii throughout the MHSZs in each site,we assessed the extent to which the equilibrium triple point temperature of methane is expected to depress.It is important to note here that this should yield a near-maximum temperature depression (as well as maximum solubility increase),as throat radius is used in these calculations,while pore bodies are expected to be larger in radius thanthe Figure 6—V shale and grain radius data,with a linear trend linethroats.The triple point depression due to constrained pore size,assuming cylindrical pores,is calculated via the Gibbs-Thomson equation (Anderson et al.,2009):where T mb is the bulk melting temperature of methane,hl is the solid-liquid interfacial energy between hydrate and liquid,is the hydrate wetting angle,H f is the hydrate bulk enthalpy of fusion,and h is the density of methane hydrate.The initial equilibrium triple point of methane immersed in saline pore water is determined following the method of Bhatnagar et al.(2007),using the salinity effect calculated by Duan et al.(1992)and assuming a constant geothermal gradient for each sample.Fig.7depicts the initial three-phase equilibrium temperature,the triple point depression,and the geotherm for each site.The depressed triple point temperature near the base of the MSHZ is lower than the in situ temperature,indicating that hydrate may not form as a stable phase near the base of the MHSZ due to the effect of pore size.Effect on SolubilityBy depressing its equilibrium triple point in saline pore water,reservoir methane will necessarily see an increase in solubility at constant reservoir temperatures and ing the method of Davie and Buffett (2001),we calculated the equilibrium concentration of methane throughout the MHSZ relative to both the initial triple point temperature as well as the depressed triple point temperature using the followingequation:where T 3is the three phase equilibrium temperature and is a constant,set to 15.3(Davie and Buffett,2001).The solubility increase due to the Gibbs-Thomson effect is therefore calculated as a percent change between the equilibrium methane concentration at the initial triple point and that at the depressedtriple Figure 7—Equilibrium three-phase methane concentration curves,equilibrium triple point depressions,and geotherms for Sites 11A,12H,and 18B.point.Fig.8depicts the percent increase in solubility predicted at depths throughout the MHSZ at all three sites.DiscussionThroughout Sites C0012and C0018,solubility is observed to increase most near the base of the MHSZ. This is due to a decrease in pore radius with depth throughout the hydrate stability zone in these areas(Fig.9),which also correlates with a decrease in porosity with depth.At Site C0011,the solubility increase is relatively consistent throughout the MHSZ due to anomalously high porosity values near the base of the stability zone(Expedition333Scientists,2012).Relatively constant values of porosity imply a fairly consistent distribution of pore throat sizes and greater homogeneity within the sediment(Griffiths and Joshi,1989),so it makes sense that the solubility increase is somewhat constant throughout Site C0011.MICP measurements taken on samples from the same cores(Daigle and Dugan,in review)yield values very similar to the pore radius values calculated using effective electrical pore radius theory,validating our approach and results(see Fig.10).The magnitude of the median pore throat radii observed in the sediments from each site should yield an increase in methane solubility relative to its free fluid solubility due to the Gibbs-Thomson effect,which in turn indicates that less hydrate can be formed in these sediments.Further,the decrease in pore throat radii with depth at Sites C0012and C0018will yield lower amounts of methane hydrate approaching the base of the MHSZ.Ignoring the effect of pore size on solubility,the equilibrium concentration of methane(depicted in Fig.11)throughout the MHSZ would range from8ϫ10-4to3ϫ10-3kg CH4per kg of pore water for SiteC0011.With an average sediment porosity of0.54,seawater density of1024kg per m3,and MHSZthickness of241.16m,Site C0011could contain between about1.06ϫ108and4.0ϫ108kg CH4persquare kilometer within the stability zone.With the Gibbs-Thomson effect accounted for,the actualsolubility of methane is closer to1.1ϫ10-3to3.3ϫ10-3kg CH4per kg of pore water,yielding1.47ϫ108to4.4ϫ108kg CH4per square kilometer and a constant increase in dissolved methane ofapproximately4.05ϫ107kg CH4per km2.Figure8—Solubility impact due to the Gibbs-Thomson effect at Sites C0011,C0012,and C0018.Figure9—Pore throat radius throughout MHSZFigure10—Measured MICP throat radius puted throat radiusSite C0012contains sediment with an average porosity of 0.55,a hydrate stability zone thickness of 145.35m,and initial methane equilibrium concentrations ranging from 8.5ϫ10-4to 2.9ϫ10-3kg CH 4per kg of pore water (Fig.11).In the absence of pore size effects,this yields between 6.96ϫ107and 2.37ϫ108kg CH 4per km 2.Including the Gibbs-Thomson effect,the equilibrium concentration jumps to between 1ϫ10-3and 4ϫ10-3kg CH 4per kg of pore water,allowing for between 8.19ϫ107and 3.27ϫ108kg CH 4per km 2,for an average increase of 5.11ϫ107kg CH 4per km 2.The average porosity at Site C0018is about 0.56,while the hydrate stability zone is the thickest of all three sites,at 322.97m.Initial equilibrium methane concentrations range from 8ϫ10-4to 2.75ϫ10-3kg CH 4per kg of pore water,and this range is increased to between around 1ϫ10-3and 4.25ϫ10-3kg CH 4per kg of pore water (Fig.11).Therefore,an average increase of 1.57ϫ108kg CH 4per km 2is expected at Site C0018due to the Gibbs-Thomson effect.ConclusionAt Site C0011,the equilibrium methane concentration was determined to increase by 4.05ϫ107kg CH 4per km 2when accounting for the Gibbs-Thomson effect.Similarly,Site C0012was determined to contain increased amounts of methane in dissolved water by about 5.11ϫ107kg CH 4per km 2,and Site C0018should contain more dissolved methane by nearly 1.57ϫ108kg CH 4per km 2.An increase in dissolved methane decreases the methane locked in hydrate form at a particular concentration above equilibrium,meaning a lower potential hydrate yield during efforts to extract methane hydrates from sediments.In the Nankai Trough,while there are significant reservoirs of methane hydrate beneath the surface,the limitations on hydrate growth imposed by the Gibbs-Thomson effect are non-negligible when estimating potential hydrate production quantities.At all of the sites,some of the equilibrium triple point values near the base of the MHSZ depress to lower values than the corresponding reservoir temperature.While at Site C0011most of this seems to be attributable to scatter in the data,Sites C0012and C0018exhibit regions where this effect is pronounced.If the triple point temperature of methane is lower than the reservoir temperature,hydrate is not able to form,and instead of solid methane hydrate,these regions will contain solely methane gas and dissolved methane.This illustrates the fact that the Gibbs-Thomson effect decreases the thickness of the methane hydrate stability zone,which can have important implications to reservoir quality and production designs.This work is significant in that it allows us to better assess the distribution of methane hydrates in Nankai Trough sediments,which in turn will allow for more effective and efficient methaneproduction Figure 11—Initial free water methane solubility and solubility due to the Gibbs-Thomson effectTable1—Constants affecting the properties of the MHSZ at each sampled siteSite Seafloor Depth(m)Seafloor Temp(K)Geothermal Gradient(K/m)Base of MHSZ(mbsf)C00114079274.90.091241.16C00123550276.00.135145.35C00183084274.60.063322.97from hydrates in this area.Further,this work provides a method of determining phase equilibrium behavior from log data,which provides valuable information for hydrate exploration and production in the Nankai Trough and other potential methane hydrate plays around the world.This method may be used to predict methane hydrate stability conditions from wireline or LWD data.With more data on grain size distributions at each site and with more sites to analyze,solubility impact estimates using this method can be significantly improved.ReferencesAnderson,R.,B.Tohidi,and J.B.W.Webber,2009,Gas hydrate growth and dissociation in narrow pore networks:Capillary inhibition and hysteresis phenomena:Geological Society of London Special 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