河北联合大学教育教学改革研究项目 开题报告
改进 , 具有十分重要的意义 。 分析以上存在 问题的原因 , 笔者认
为主要 是主观 已 有 因循守 旧的思想 , 客观 上主要精 力多忙于 日 常事务性_ 丁作 , 创新 意识不够 , 工作 缺乏主动性和预见性 , 开拓
进取不 够。
针对存 在的上述 问题 , 冀唐学院应继续推进教 学改革 。进
3 结束 语
河北联 合大学冀唐学 院教学 系统地使用及改 革 , 目前处 于
探索 阶段 , 尚未有成熟 的经验可循 。教学系统是一种新兴 的教
学管 理模 式 , 其工作 目前 都是试探性的 。应用系统论研究方法 对教 学方法 与手 段 、 教学质量 监控 、 学校配 套的改革 对全面提
面的工作 , 在全校 师生 的共 同努力下 , 教学系统对 河北联 合大
革和教学管理 的发展 ,尤其是 2 0 0 9版培养方 案对 学生个性化 培养的需求 、 学分制管理制度 的进一步推进 和五校 区统一管理 的要求 , 学 校决定立项升级 旧版 U R P高校教 务管 理系统 , 冀唐
学 院也派 出 2名管理人 员参加 了清华大学举办 的专 门培训 , 同 时进行 了大量细致的前期数据 准备工作 。因为对教学管理流程 深 入分析的缺乏 , 导致实际管理流程 中个 别环节步骤被软件 系 统 忽略或隔离 , 客观上造成管理工作的 ” 半 自动化 ” 。 因此真正 深 人分 析教学管理 系统 的需求 , 并对现有 系统 进行 有针对性 的
步加 强中青年教师 的教学 系统应用培养 。 及时升级教学系统
统 中完成 , 以期提 高工 组合 , 全方位为广大师生服务。
可以解 决原系统存在 的一些结构化 问题 ,增强对完全学分制 、
关键词:教学改革;药学专业创新人才培养;实践教学中图分类号:G642.0文献标志码:A文章编号:1674-9324(2020)04-0310-02收稿日期:2019-04-29基金项目:河北联合大学教育教学改革研究项目(Q1497-23),多层次、多模块立体式实践教学模式的探索与研究;河北省教育厅教育教学改革研究项目(2015GJJG086),TMP 三位一体药学创新应用型人才培养体系的构建作者简介:赵琳琳(1981-),硕士,药物制剂新剂型及药学专业高等教育。
河北联合大学 河北北方学院
课题存在的问题以及解决办法(逐项阐明): 导师组评议结果和意见:
导师组成员签字: 导师鉴定意见:
导师(签字): 年 月日
主管部门(盖章): 学科组意见:
年 月日
年 月日
科研获奖情况(荣誉称号,编号,下达单位,研究生排名,需提 供证书复印件):
预计完成时 间
开题报告预设工作进展汇报 “研究目标、研究内容及拟解决的关键性问题”完成情况: “拟采取的研究方法、技术路线、实验方案”实际可行性: “课题的创新性”完成情况:
年 月日
河北北方学院 研究生中期考核表
姓 名: 学 号: 专 研究生部 年月日
课程学习情况 成绩 课程性质
学位课 学位课 学位课 学位课 学位课 学位课 学位课 学位课
参与科研情况(项目名称,编号,下达单位,主持单位,主持 人,研究生排名,需提供标书复印件):
当下 ,党 的教育方针在各个高 校充 分展现 ,促进在校生 身心健康并 且能够和谐发展 。根据 2 0 0 2 年 ,河北联合大学 《 体 育纲要 》 、《 中共 中 央关于全面推进素质教育深 化教 育改革 之决定》 和 《 高等学 校体 育工作 条例》 的精神 ,河北联合大学体育部构建 立 “ 以人 为本 的教 改模式 ,树
立 “ 健康第一 ”作为总体指针 。从广泛而深入 的培育 在校 生终身体育的 思维模式与组织形式 人手 ,达到参与运动 ,提高技能 、身体 心理均健康 以及社会适应性 五个 目标 ,对体育大 纲 、内容 设置 、师 生学评 教体 系 、 教学形式等 在沿袭 旧有体 制状态下 ,大刀阔斧改革创新 。经 由我 院多方 协调 ,共 同努 力 ,终于逐步搜求 出一条 以构建 于在校 生终身体 育概 念 , 实现教科研 、教学 内外相长 、通俗普遍与着意升华 、群体 碰撞竞赛 等四 方面相辅相 成 。以 “ 多位 一体化” 的组织模 式 ,激发我院体育教学致力 于立体 化方 向发展 ,以此作为长期坚持不懈 的指导思想 ,坚定不移 的的 走体育 教学改革之路 。 二 、河北联合大学体育教学实践改革 1 .强化师资队伍 建设 ,大幅 提升 河北 联合 大学 教育 教科 研 能力 , 逐 步扩张打造成团队协 同的崭新开端 。 教育百年为国计 民生之大计策 ,教师 为其核 心要 素。构建体 育教育 师资是确保我院体育工作是否顺畅 的关键靶点 ,亦是 展开 “ 阳光 体育运 动” 的至关重要的指针。重要的教学管理者一体育教 师究其 实质是体育 课改的详实贯彻执行着 。任课教师 的教 育执行 力是体 育课改不 可或缺 的 必要保证和重要条件 。最近一段 时期 ,体育部积极建章立制 ,鼓励教 师 ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ( 特别注意青年师资 ) ,进行校 内外科研培训 以及对外 合作 交流 ,提升教 师个人素养 以及职后 培养 和创新 自主力。 2 .以人为本重新审视体 育课 程 的内容 和标准 ,与时俱 进 紧跟 时代 脚步 。 根据 《 国务 院关 于基础教 育一改革发展之 决定》 明确指 出 :“ 贯彻 健康第一 ,大幅度 加强高校学生健康水平和体质 。通过恰 当 的增加 体育 课程学 时 ,提倡 在 校 大学 生 每 天具 有 人 均 一小 时 的体 育 活 动 时 间。 ” 2 0 0 2年 。关 于教育部 《 全 国普通高 校体育 课教 改指导 纲要 》 通通 中规 定 :对 于一 、二年级普通高校的在校生参加学校所 开设 的体育课 ,针对 三年级 以上包含研究生 ,需要参加学校开设体育 的选 修课 ,修满 毕业要 求 的相应规定学分 ,达到基本毕业条件 ,是衡量学 生是否 了可以顺利毕 业 获得学位的必备要素 。 遵循河北联合大学 《 体育纲要》 的要求 ,根据我校体育教学 的特 点 和需 求 ,体育部重新设计规划 了体育教学 的内容和课 程体 系 ,规划更 为 科学合理 ,为体育兴趣高 的同学提供 了更好 的体育锻炼条件 和机会 ,使 体育活动兴趣不高 的同学能够积极参 与到体 育锻炼中来 ,取 得了 良好 收 效。1 、拓展教学 内容 ,推行 “ 必修课 +选项课 ” 的课程 模式严 格按 照 体育纲要执行 ,推 陈 出新 ,着 重提 出 “ 综合 性 ”教 学 内容体 制 ,推行 “ 必修课 + 选 项课” 的模式。体育教学 的统一性 于 “ 必修课 ” 内容 的设 置方面体现得淋漓尽致 ,“ 选项课 ” 内容则充 分体现 “ 以学生为本 ” 满 足学生兴趣 、爱好需 要 。体育 部开 设 了 1 5门选项 课供 学 生 自由选 择 , 深受学生欢迎 ,每年学评教成绩 都在 9 O 分 以上。
教学评一体化研究开题报告1. 研究背景和意义教学评一体化是指将教学评估与教学过程有机地结合起来,通过评估结果对教学过程进行反馈和改进。
2. 研究内容和目标本研究旨在探索教学评一体化的实施方法和技术,并分析其对教学质量和学生学习效果的影响。
求我院对各种进合班和小班授课 制 ,探索 教学组织形式 的新模式 当代社会 ,单一 的合班和小班授课 制已经不能满 足培养新 型人 才的 需要 。因此 ,可 以使整个教学过程个别化 ,用 自学辅 导以及借助现 代教 学技术 的程序教学 、计算机辅助教学等新的组织形式来 改善合班 和小班 授课制 的形式 。 二、河北联合大学冀唐学院教学的发展趋势 河北联合 大学冀唐学 院的教学改革常抓不懈 ,现阶段主要把 “ 提升 学生的主体性 和注重学生经验 ”作为改革重点 。以学生发展为本 、促进 学生全面发展与培养个性相结合为 了每位学生的发展” 是我国基础教育 课程 改革的核心理念 ,也是未来教育教学改革 的基本趋 势。这种趋势将 使学习者有更多机 会主动地参与教学过程 ,甚至学生可 以选 择教学 内容 和教学内容的安排程序 ,充分激发 出学 习主体 的 自觉性 和主动性 。为了 实现 中华民族的中国梦 ,为了每位学生 的发展 。河北联合 大学冀唐学 院 的教学改革既要满足社会 发展的需要 ,又要满 足大学生 发展的需要 , 要 关注学生作为 “ 整体的人” 的发展 。综上所述 ,河北联合大学冀唐学院 即注重提高学生的创新能力 ,又要求德智体美 劳全面和谐发展 ,同时又 承认个性差异 ,使每个学生的个性潜能得到开发和发 展 ,以期实现 高等 教育一 医学独立学 院教育 的现代化与繁荣发展 。 三 、 结束 语 随着社会 的持续高速发展 ,对人才综合素质的要求 E l 益 提高 ,培养 具有综合 素质的复合 型人才 已成 为高校教育工作的重要 目 标 。文章通过 对 河北联 合大学冀唐学 院教学改革实践与发展 ,做 了深入细 致的探讨与 研 究 ,提出了适合 当代 大学生综合素质提升 的培养模式 ,对 高校尤其是 医学三本独立学院的人才培养模 式的探 索与研究具 有现实 意义 。 ( 作 者 单位 :1 .河北联合大学冀唐 学院 ;2 .河北联合大学公共卫生学院)
河北省高等学校英语教学改革研究项目指南全文共10篇示例,供读者参考篇1Hi everyone! Today I'm going to tell you about the Hebei Province Higher Education English Teaching Reform Research Project Guide. It's super important and exciting, so listen up!First of all, let's talk about why this project is happening. The goal is to improve the way English is taught in higher education in Hebei Province. We want to make sure that students are getting the best possible English education so they can succeed in their future careers.One of the key focuses of this project is on using modern teaching methods and technology. That means we might be using things like interactive online lessons, group projects, and even virtual reality simulations to help students learn English in a fun and engaging way.Another important aspect of the project is to better train English teachers in Hebei Province. This might involve providing workshops, seminars, or even study abroad opportunities forteachers to improve their own English skills and teaching techniques.We also want to encourage students to take an active role in their own learning. This could mean things like setting personal English learning goals, participating in English clubs or extracurricular activities, and using English outside of the classroom whenever possible.Overall, the Hebei Province Higher Education English Teaching Reform Research Project is all about making English learning more effective, engaging, and fun for students. We're excited to see the positive changes that come out of this project, and we hope you are too!So remember to study hard, practice your English skills, and get ready for an exciting future with the new and improved English education in Hebei Province. Thanks for listening, and good luck with your English learning journey!篇2Hey guys, today I want to talk about a really important topic - the research project guide for English teaching reform in higher education institutions in Hebei Province. It might sound superfancy and complicated, but don't worry, I'll break it down for you in a fun and easy way!First of all, let's talk about why it's important to improve English teaching in colleges and universities. English is like a superpower that can help us communicate with people from all over the world. By improving how we teach English, we can become better at using this superpower and connect with more people!So, what exactly is this research project guide about? Well, it's basically a roadmap that tells teachers and educators in Hebei Province how to make English teaching more effective and engaging. It's like a treasure map that shows us how to make learning English more fun and exciting!The guide includes tips and strategies for using new teaching methods, incorporating technology into the classroom, and creating more interactive and dynamic lessons. It also encourages teachers to think outside the box and come up with creative ways to inspire students to learn English.By following the guide, teachers can help students improve their English skills, boost their confidence, and become more motivated to learn. And remember, learning English isn't just about passing exams - it's about opening up new opportunitiesand connecting with people from different cultures and backgrounds.In conclusion, the research project guide for English teaching reform in Hebei Province is a valuable resource that can help make learning English more enjoyable and effective for students. So let's embrace the challenge, explore new teaching methods, and have fun learning English together!篇3Title: A Guide to the Research Project on English Teaching Reform in Higher Education Institutions in Hebei ProvinceHello everyone! Today I want to talk to you about a very important topic - the English teaching reform in higher education institutions in Hebei Province. As we all know, learning English is super important and can open up many opportunities for us in the future. That's why it's crucial for us to improve the way English is taught in our schools.First of all, let's talk about the goals of this research project. The main aim is to find ways to make English classes more interesting and interactive for students. This means using more games, songs, and activities to help us learn English better. Wewant to make sure that every student in Hebei Province can enjoy learning English and feel confident speaking it.Next, let's discuss the methods we can use to achieve these goals. One idea is to encourage teachers to attend training workshops and conferences where they can learn new teaching techniques. We also want to create a database of resources for teachers to use in their classes, such as online videos, worksheets, and interactive games. By providing teachers with the tools they need to succeed, we can ensure that every student in Hebei Province receives a high-quality English education.Another important aspect of the research project is gathering feedback from students about their English learning experiences. We want to know what they enjoy about English classes and what could be improved. By listening to students' opinions, we can make sure that our teaching methods are effective and engaging.In conclusion, the research project on English teaching reform in higher education institutions in Hebei Province is an exciting opportunity to improve the way English is taught in our schools. By working together, we can create a fun and dynamic learning environment that will help us all become fluent Englishspeakers. Let's make learning English a fun and rewarding experience for everyone! Thank you for listening.篇4Hello everyone! Today I'm going to tell you about the research project guidelines for improving English teaching in universities in Hebei Province. It's super important to make English class more fun and effective, so let's dive in!First, we need to focus on making English class more interactive. That means we should have more group activities, games, and discussions in class. This will help us practice our speaking and listening skills in a more natural way. Plus, it's way more fun than just sitting and listening to a teacher talk all the time!Next, we should use technology to our advantage. We can watch English movies, listen to English songs, and even use language learning apps on our phones. This way, we can learn English in a more dynamic and engaging way. Plus, it's a great way to practice outside of class too!Another important thing is to make sure that all students are actively participating in class. The teacher should encourage everyone to speak up and share their ideas, even if they're notsuper confident in their English skills. After all, the best way to learn a language is by using it!Lastly, we should have regular assessments to track our progress. This could be quizzes, tests, or even just casual conversations with the teacher. By seeing how much we've improved over time, we can stay motivated to keep working hard and improving our English skills.In conclusion, by following these guidelines, we can make English class more engaging, effective, and fun. So let's work together to make our English teaching in Hebei Province the best it can be! Thank you for listening, and let's keep learning and growing together!篇5Hello everyone! Today I'm going to talk about the Research Guidelines for the English Teaching Reform Project in Higher Education Institutions in Hebei Province.So, what is this project all about? Well, it's all about making English classes more fun and effective for students in universities and colleges in Hebei Province. The goal is to come up with new ideas and methods to help students learn English better. Cool, right?First of all, the project is looking for teachers who are passionate about teaching and who are willing to try new things in the classroom. These teachers will be the ones leading the way in implementing the reforms and helping students improve their English skills.Next, the project will focus on creating a more interactive and engaging learning environment. This could mean using technology like computers and tablets in the classroom, or organizing fun activities like English conversation clubs and language games.Another important aspect of the project is to design curriculum that is relevant and interesting to students. This could include incorporating real-life topics and situations into the lessons, so that students can see the practical applications of their English skills.Furthermore, the project will also encourage teachers to use a variety of teaching methods, such as group work, pair work, and project-based learning. This will help students develop their communication and cooperation skills, as well as their English proficiency.In addition, the project will provide training and support for teachers to help them implement the reforms successfully. Thiscould include workshops, seminars, and online resources to help teachers improve their teaching skills and stay up-to-date with the latest trends in English education.Overall, the Research Guidelines for the English Teaching Reform Project in Higher Education Institutions in Hebei Province aims to make English learning more fun, interactive, and effective for students. By working together and trying out new ideas, we can create a better learning experience for everyone involved.Let's all get excited about this project and work together to make English classes in Hebei Province the best they can be! Thank you for listening, and let's make learning English awesome!篇6Hello everyone, today I'm going to tell you about the research project guide for English teaching reform in colleges and universities in Hebei Province. It's super important because it will help improve how we learn English in school!First, we need to understand why it's necessary to reform English teaching. Learning English is so important because it helps us communicate with people from all over the world. Butsome students find it difficult or boring. That's why this project is here to make English learning more fun and effective.The project guide includes different steps to improve English teaching. For example, we can use more interactive activities in class, like games or group projects. This will make learning more engaging and help us remember the new words and grammar rules better.We can also use technology to our advantage. We can watch English videos or listen to English songs to practice our listening skills. There are also many apps and websites that can help us learn English in a fun way.Another important aspect of the project guide is teacher training. Teachers will learn new methods and strategies to make English classes more interesting and effective. This will make learning English more enjoyable for us students.In conclusion, this research project guide for English teaching reform in colleges and universities in Hebei Province will help us learn English in a more fun and effective way. Let's work together to improve our English skills and become confident English speakers! Thank you for listening!篇7Hi everyone! Today I am going to talk about the research project guide for the English teaching reform in higher education institutions in Hebei Province. Are you ready? Let's get started!First of all, let's talk about why we need to reform English teaching in universities. English is a very important language in today's world. It is used in business, communication, and many other areas. So, it is very important for us to learn English well. However, the traditional teaching methods may not be the best way to help students learn English effectively. That's why we need to reform English teaching in universities.Now, let's talk about the goals of the research project. The main goal is to improve English teaching in higher education institutions in Hebei Province. We want to find new and effective teaching methods that can help students learn English better. We also want to improve the quality of English teaching in universities and help students achieve better results in English learning.Next, let's talk about the key areas of the research project. We will focus on four key areas: curriculum design, teaching materials, teaching methods, and assessment. We will study the current situation of English teaching in universities and then try to find ways to improve it in these four areas.In terms of curriculum design, we will explore how to design a curriculum that is more suitable for students' needs and interests. We will also study how to integrate new technologies into the curriculum to make learning more interesting and effective.When it comes to teaching materials, we will review the existing materials and try to develop new materials that are more engaging and relevant to students. We will also explore how to use multimedia resources to enhance students' learning experience.In terms of teaching methods, we will try to find innovative and effective ways to teach English. We will study different teaching strategies and approaches and see how they can be applied in the classroom.Finally, in terms of assessment, we will explore new ways to assess students' English proficiency. We will try to develop assessment tools that can accurately measure students' language skills and help them improve.In conclusion, the research project on English teaching reform in higher education institutions in Hebei Province is a very important and exciting initiative. By working together and exploring new ideas, we can make a real difference in howEnglish is taught in universities. So, let's get started and make English learning more fun and effective for everyone! Thank you for listening!篇8Hey guys! Today I am going to tell you about the research project guide for the English teaching reform in colleges and universities in Hebei Province. It's a big topic, so bear with me!First of all, why do we need to reform English teaching in colleges and universities? Well, the world is becoming more and more globalized, and English is the international language of communication. We need to make sure that our students are well-prepared to communicate effectively in English, both in their studies and in their future careers.So, what are some of the key points in the research project guide? One important aspect is to focus on improving students' speaking and listening skills. This can be done through interactive activities, group discussions, and role plays. By practicing speaking and listening in a fun and engaging way, students can become more confident and proficient in English.Another key point is to incorporate more technology into English teaching. This could include using multimedia resources,online platforms, and educational apps. Technology can make learning English more interactive and personalized, allowing students to learn at their own pace and in their own style.In addition, the research project guide emphasizes the importance of cultural exchange in English teaching. By learning about different cultures and customs, students can broaden their horizons and develop a better understanding of the world around them. This can also help students to become more open-minded and tolerant individuals.Overall, the goal of the English teaching reform in colleges and universities in Hebei Province is to create a more dynamic and effective learning environment for students. By focusing on speaking and listening skills, incorporating technology, and promoting cultural exchange, we can help students become more proficient in English and better equipped for their future endeavors.So, let's all work together to make English teaching in Hebei Province the best it can be! Let's embrace the changes and challenges ahead, and strive to create a brighter future for our students. Thanks for listening, and I hope you are all excited to be a part of this important research project!篇9Title: A Guide to the Research Project on English Teaching Reform in Higher Education Institutions in Hebei ProvinceHey guys! Today, we're going to talk about the research project on English teaching reform in higher education institutions in Hebei Province. It's a super important topic, solet's dive right in!Firstly, let's understand why this research project is so crucial. English is a global language that helps us communicate with people from all around the world. Therefore, it's essential for us to improve our English skills in order to succeed in today's globalized world.The purpose of this research project is to explore innovative ways to enhance English teaching in higher education institutions in Hebei Province. This includes studying different teaching methods, incorporating new technologies, and promoting interactive and student-centered learning.One key aspect of the research project is to conduct surveys and interviews with English teachers and students to gather valuable feedback on the current English teaching methods. Thisfeedback will help us identify areas that need improvement and develop strategies to address these challenges.Another important aspect of the research project is to collaborate with educational experts and researchers to exchange ideas and share best practices in English teaching. By working together, we can learn from each other and implement effective teaching strategies in our own classrooms.In addition, the research project will also involve organizing workshops, seminars, and conferences to disseminate the findings and recommendations to a wider audience. This will help raise awareness about the importance of English teaching reform and encourage more educators to join our cause.Overall, this research project aims to inspire positive changes in English teaching in higher education institutions in Hebei Province. By working together and exploring new ideas, we can create a better learning environment for students and help them achieve success in their academic and professional careers.So, let's roll up our sleeves and get started on this exciting research project! Together, we can make a difference in English teaching and contribute to a brighter future for all. Let's do this, guys!篇10Hey guys, today I'm gonna share with you some guidelines for the research project on English teaching reform in higher education institutions in Hebei Province, China.First of all, let's understand why we need to study this topic. English teaching in universities is super important because it helps us communicate with people from all over the world. Plus, it opens up so many opportunities for us in the future!Now, let's talk about what we can research in this project. We can look at how English is currently being taught in Hebei's colleges and universities, and see if there are any ways we can make it better. Maybe we can come up with some cool new teaching methods or use technology to help us learn better.Next, we can also check out how students in Hebei are performing in English classes. Are they improving their skills? Do they feel confident speaking English? We can interview students and teachers to get their thoughts on this.Another cool thing we can do is compare English teaching in Hebei with other places in China or even other countries. We might find some interesting differences that can help us improve our own teaching methods.And finally, we can make some recommendations based on our research findings. Maybe we can suggest some new policies or training programs for teachers to help them teach English more effectively.So, are you guys excited to start researching this project? Let's work together to make English teaching in Hebei even better! Let's go!。
【中图分类号】G712;TP37-4 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】2095-3089(2021)13-0109-02一、课程教学创新改革背景《多媒体技术与应用》课程是生物信息学专业的一门专业基础课。
1. 全面深化学校教学综合改革的研究与实践(委托项目)(项目编号:A01)课题任务:针对“培养什么人?怎样培养人?”的问题,根据学校办学定位和办学特色等,对学校层面的人才培养目标定位、人才培养模式进行研究,根据现状和规划对现有专业的发展进行定位。
%Safety science and engineering level 1 subject declared success was a major event in the field of safety, it effectively promoted safety talents education and training work, and strive to create safety talents training work new model. To meet the need of subject development, in view of the current safety engineering education training pro- gram situation, Hebei United University began to adjust the training program from level 2011 college students, after adjustment the training program was divided into general education platform, discipline foundation platform, and pro- fessional foundation platform. The establishment and classification of three platforms, improving the safety discipline system to meet the situation demand of safety science and engineering level 1 subject,had the important meaning.【期刊名称】《河北联合大学学报(社会科学版)》【年(卷),期】2012(012)004【总页数】4页(P40-43)【关键词】安全科学与工程;一级学科;培养方案;平台【作者】董宪伟;王福生【作者单位】河北联合大学矿业工程学院,河北唐山063009;河北联合大学矿业工程学院,河北唐山063009【正文语种】中文【中图分类】G642.0近5年以来,国家安全监管总局以安全工程学科教学指导委员会为平台,积极开展各种学术交流研讨活动,加大安全学科建设与宣传力度,多次进行设立“安全科学与工程”一级学科的论证,并先后3次向国务院学位办提出了设立“安全科学与工程”一级学科的申请。
2。1 课题要求
本设计的意义在于通过具体的控制系统的设计,掌握微机控制系统设计的一般 方法和处理问题的基本思路,特别是要掌握一些常用的技术手段,使我们能在实践 教学环节中,积累设计经验,开拓思维空间,全面提高个人的综合能力。本设计要 求我们通过理论学习,资料查阅,完成软、硬件的设计以及系统调试等环节,巩固和 提高所学的知识,提高我们的应用能力.
近年来,随着我国城市建设规模的不断扩大和建设水平的不断提高,我国城市的 路灯总数以每年约20%的平均速度递增,全国数千万盏路灯的节电问题已引起政府部 门的关注.在能源日趋紧张、电力供应持续紧张的今天,低效、高耗的传统城市照明 已成为节能降耗的重要领域。为此,建设部和发改委明确提出城市道路照明要向“高 效、节能、环保、健康”的“绿色照明”方向发展。随着太阳能发电技术的不断发 展,太阳能路灯以环保、节能等优势成为城市道路照明行业的新宠,市场潜力巨大。 我国太阳能路灯首先在沿海发达地区使用,上海市于2005年在崇明岛建成风光互补 道路照明工程。在我国西部,非主干道太阳能路灯、太阳能庭院灯渐成规模,太阳能 资源相对丰富的青海省自2006年以来已在西宁等地安装太阳能路灯超过200套;在北 京奥运会主要场馆及其相关场所,太阳能路灯得到普遍应用[10]。
单片机的发展趋势将是向大容量、高性能化、外围电路内装化等方面发展.CPU 的改进,采用双 CPU 结构,以提高处理能力。增加数据总线宽度,单片机内部采用 16 位数据总线,其数据处理能力明显优于一般 8 位单片机。采用了流水线结构、串 行总线结构。储存的发展,加大了储存容量,片内 EPROM 开始 EEPROM 化,程序保密 化.有些单片机设置了一些特殊的串行接口功能,为单片机构成网络和系统提供了方 便条件.外围电路内装化。随着集成度的不断提高,有可能把众多的外围功能器件集 成在片内。这也是单片机发展的重要趋势。由于集成工艺在不断发展,能装入片内 的外围电路也可以是大规模的,把所需的外围电路全部装入单片机内,即系统的单 片机是目前的单片机发展趋势之一。低耗化,8 位单片机中有二分之一的产品已 CMOS 化,CMOS 芯片的单片机具有功耗小的优点,而且为了充分发挥低功耗的特点,这类单 片机普遍配置有 Wait 和 Stop 两种工作方式。