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1.Tim didn’t stay in the meeting. He left the office.( 用instead of将两句连成一句)

答案: Tim left the office instead of staying in the meeting.

Tim didn’t go to work the next day. He cleared up the flat.(用instead of将两句合成一句。) 答案: He cleared up the flat instead of going to work the next day.

Although it rained, the visit was a success. (用instead of将两句连成一句)

答案: The visit was a success in spite of the rain.

Mary didn’t stay at home. She went round to see Tim.(用instead of将两个句子合成一句。) 答案: Instead of staying at home, Mary went round to see Tim.

2.Where is the restaurant? (用 he asked改写成间接特殊疑问句)

答案:he asked where the restaurant was.

3.That cinema is very nice. The tickets are quite expensive. (用but将量具连成一句)

答案:That cinema is very nice but the tickets are quite expensive,

I was too hot. I couldn’t open the window. (用but将两句合成一句)

答案: I was too hot but I couldn’t open the window.

I cooked dinner. Nobody ate it (用but将两句合成一句)

答案: I cooked dinner but nobody ate it.

It was too hot. I corldn’t open the window.(用but将两句连成一句)

答案:It was too hot,but I couldn’t open the window.

4.He’s gone to Shanghaii. He negotiating a new contract. (用动词不定式将两句连成一句)

答案:he’s gone to shanghai to negotiate a new contract.

They are saving money. They’re planning a holiday. (用动词不定式将两句连成一句)

答案:They are saving money to plan a holiday.

She’s looking for somebody. She wants somebody to help her.(用动词不定式将两句连成一句)

答案:She’s looking for somebody to help her.

She’s coming here. she’s signing the contract.(用动词不定式将两句连成一句)

答案:She’s coming here to sign the contract.

5. He didn’t run fast. He didn’t catch the bus. ( 用enough…to 将两句连成一句)

答案:he didn’t run fast enough to catch the bus.

6.I went shopping. I needed a new a pair of shoe. ( 用because将两句连成一句。)

答案:I went shopping because I needed a new pair of shoes.

7.“Can you phone me later, Susan?” said David. (用ask, to改写句子)

答案:David asked me if I could phone him later.

8.I’m a teacher and she is also a teacher .(用so改写句子)

答案:I’m a teacher, so is she.

I’m tall and thin. My mother is too. (用 so将两句合成一句)

答案: I’m tall and thin, so is my mother.

It was raining. We went home. (用so将两句合成一句)

答案:It was raining so we went home.

Tim has lost his camera. I have lost my camera.( 用 so将两句合成一句。)

答案: Tim has lost his camera and so have I.

9.She forgot about the meeting yesterday. (用what 针对the meeting改写句子。)


They are going to look after the cat. (.用what 针对the cat改写句子)


Jack is responsible for all the meeting.(用what 针对all the meeting提问。)


They are worried about Jim.(用Who钍对Jim提问)

答案:Who are they worried about?

10.His neighbor heard them. They made a noise. (用动词ing形式改写句子)

答案: His neighbor heard them making a noise.

His neighbor listen to them, They damaged the flat.(用动词ing形式将两个句子合成一句。) 答案:His neighbor listened to them damaging the flat.

I can’t keep accounts. She can’t keep accounts. (用neither改写句子。)

答案:I can’t keep accounts and neither can she.

11.He stole the laptop.(改为被动语态)

答案: The laptop was stolen by him.

they carried the things to the van.( 改为被动语态)

答案:the things were carried to the van by them.

They smashed the window.( 改为被动语态)

答案:The window was smashed by them.

The neighbor contacted the police.( 改为被动语态)

答案:The police were contacted by the neighbor.

He disturbed the burglars. .( 改为被动语态)

答案:The burglars were disturbed by him.

He disturbed the burglars.( 用被动语态改写句子)

答案: The burglars were disturbed by him.
