

Sunshine Girl 英文版歌词

Sunshine Girl 英文版歌词

Sunshine Girl 英文版歌词作词∶YUKA作曲∶K.MASAKI歌∶moumoonShine my heart, it's a beautiful dayMake up, and dressed Are you ready to go?Weather is great, it's my holidayWe gotta party all day longHappy day Summer day Sunshine girlI like it, Happy day Summer daySun shines for youHappy day Summer day Sunshine girlI like it, Happy day Summer daySun shines for youOpen the window shade, shut my eyes and feel the shine Hummingbirds and tiny flowers telling me to step outside And I take a deep breathStart walking by the streetEverything looks a little bit different todayYou see, Sunshine girlShine my heart, it's a beautiful dayLights get brighter on the sea shoreSet me free, it's my holidayStep with the music all day longHappy day Summer day Sunshine girlI like it, Happy day Summer daySun shines for youHappy day Summer day Sunshine girlI like it, Happy day Summer daySun shines for youTime's passing by so fastIt never looks the same againEveryday by day I'm moving on, rhythmically step by step I wanna see your big smile, it makes it all better Everything feels a little bit warmer todayShine my heart, it's a beautiful dayWhistle a melody on the sea shoreSet me free, it's my holidayStep with the music all day longHappy day Summer day Sunshine girlI like it, Happy day Summer daySun shines for youHappy day Summer day Sunshine girlI like it, Happy day Summer daySun shines for youWhen the rainy days brings me down Appreciate the moments in my lifeNever forget little joys in a dayGood times aren't ever quite enoughJust wanna have a smile on my faceAnd keep looking up to the blue sky9 to the 8, I feel so great7 to the 6, need my hair fix5 to the 4, what you waiting for?3, 2 and 1! Let's go have fun!Shine my heart, it's a beautiful dayMake up, and dressed Are you ready to go? Weather is great, it's my holidayWe gotta party all day longHappy day Summer day Sunshine girlI like it, Happy day Summer daySun shines for youHappy day Summer day Sunshine girlI like it, Happy day Summer daySun shines for youHappy day Summer day Sunshine girlI like it, Happy day Summer daySun shines for youHappy day Summer day Sunshine girlI like it, Happy day Summer daySun shines for you。



sunshinegirl的中文意思是什么sunshine girl的中文意思是什么sunshine girl是阳光女孩的意思,我们不光要了解意思,还要懂得如何运用才行,以下是店铺为大家收集的sunshine girl的中文意思是什么,仅供参考,欢迎大家阅读!sunshine girl的中文意思是什么篇1sunshine girl的中文意思Sunshine Girl阳光女孩;中岛爱;阳光少女;sunshine girl的网络释义Kasimasi girl meets girl女生爱女生;Best Girl-Girl Sex Scene最佳全女孩双人搭档性场面;girl's dress girl's wear女童装;Mary was a young girl with a young girl's heart玛丽是一个年轻的女孩,年轻女孩的心;sunshine阳光;太阳浩劫;阳光时尚;阳光情人;sunshine girl的'双语例句Tell a grandma losing the sight of both eyes, have experenced the sunshine of soul that the little girl gave to her!讲述一位双目失明的老奶奶,感受到了小女孩送给她心灵的阳光!Under the bright sunshine on New Year's Day, the little girl appeared to be sleeping.在元旦明亮的阳光下,这小女孩看起来仿佛是在睡觉。

From now on, face to the sunshine and blue sky, make everyday cost, to be a happiness girl.从现在起,面朝阳光和蓝天,做一个幸福的人。

Girl dress swimsuit is to-and-fro, show oneself on one hand, enjoy sunshine on one hand.女孩子穿着游泳衣走来走去,一方面显示自己,一方面享受阳光。



“ Sunshine Girl”格子铺CIS策划方案“格子铺”旋风热遍全国等地,不但在网上做生意的人喜欢租一个“格子”来寄卖货品,连许多大公司也会租几个“格子”来作为展示和宣传的平台。






一、店铺介绍“Sunshine Girl”格子铺是一家集购物、休闲娱乐于一体的综合型时尚店铺,。




二、具体策划内容(一)理念识别系统1、企业精神放我的真心在您的手心,服务只有起点,满意没有终点.(理念来源:“Sunshine Girl”格子铺,充满阳光的味道,洋溢着满满的爱,阳光般温馨的服务,顾客至上,打造全新的经营模式,在这里顾客与店主可以畅所欲言,坦诚相对,我开店你做老板,我的店你做主。

sunshine_girl歌词中文 日文

sunshine_girl歌词中文 日文

「Sunshine Girl」作词∶中岛爱/早川大地作/编曲:早川大地歌∶中岛爱遅くなったねごめんねってo so ka ku na a ta ne go me n ne te言ってるような青い空i i te ru yo u na a o I so ra待ちくたびれた仆らのもとma qi ku ta bi re ta bo ku ra no mo no特别な季节また来るよte ku be tsu na ki se tsu ma ta ku ru yo心のペダルぐっと踏んだらko ko ro no pe da ru gu to fu n da ra坂道もほら味方したsa ka mi qi mo ho ra mi ka ta shi ta饮み干すサイダー汗ばむボーダーno mi ho su sa i da a se ba mu bo daきみと近づく夏が来るki mi to ji ga zu ku na tsu ga ku ru心までギラギラ太阳ko ko ro ma de ki ra ki ra ta i yo u诱惑のサマームードyo wa ku no sa ma mu势いで冒険しちゃいたいじゃないi ki o i de mo u ke n shi qia i ta i jia na iだって夏じゃないda a te na tsu jia na iWe gotta do! We gotta do!きっと最高クールなサマーki i to sa i go ku ru na sa ma思い切り恋しちゃってムードにのってo mo i ki ri ko i shi qia te mu do ni no te流されてhold and kiss(なんちゃって)na ga sa re te hold and kiss na n qia teWe gotta do! We gotta do!そしたらこんなにラブなナンバーso shi ta ra ko n na ni ra bu na na n baかけてよ胸の鼓动もon the beat(oh yeah) ka ke te yo mu ne no ko do mo on the beatこの夏いちばん辉くSunshine Girlko no na tsu i qi ba n ka ga ya ku sunshine girloh oh, oh oh oh oh ohoh oh, oh oh oh oh yeahoh oh, oh oh oh, summer timeいまDive into the sun!i ma dive into the sun寝ても覚めても君のことだけne te mo me sa me te mo ki mi no ko to da keショートしそうな胸のなかxiu to shi so u na mu ne no na kaジリジリあつく照りつけるのはji ri ji ri a tsu ku te ri tsu ke ru no wa太阳じゃなくその笑颜ta i yo u jia na ku so no e ga o谁も彼もが无邪気になるda re mo ka re mo ga mu jia ki ni na ru特别な季节また来たねte ku be tsu na ki se tsu ma ta ki ta ne弾けて笑う君の声でha qi ke te wa ru u ki mi no ko e de最高の日々始まるsa i go u no hi bi ha ji ma ru君と描く真夏のキャンパス特别なストーリーki mi to e ga ku ma na tsu no kia n ba su te ku be tsu na su to ri そうねちょっと无茶するくらいがいいじゃないso u ne qyo to mu qia su ru ku ra i ga i i jia na iだって夏じゃないda a te na tsu jia na iWe gotta do! We gotta do!きっと最高クールなサマーki i to sa i go u ku ru na sa maとりあえずビーチ行って水着になってto ri a e zu bi qi i te mi zu ji ni na a te走り出すSunshine girlha shi ri da su sunshine girlWe gotta do! We gotta do!そしたら届けて爱のメッセージso shi ta ra to do ke te a i no me n se ji始まるんだ君と仆I love you(oh yeah)ha ji me ru n da ki mi to bo ku I love you(oh yeah)なにかが起きそうなsummer timena ni ka ga o ki so u na summer timeI need you, You need me梦の中君と二人yu me no na ka ki mi to fu ta ri揺れてとけてしまいたいよなサマーyu re te to ke te shi ma i ta i yo na sa ma谁もが特别な夏の魔法でda re mo ga te ku be tsu na na tsu no ma ho u de最高の自分に出会えるよな季节sa i go no ji bu n ni de a e ru yo na ki se tsuWe gotta do! We gotta do!きっと最高クールなサマーki i to sa i go u ku ru na sa ma恋してる君にもっと素直になってko i shi te ru ki mi ni mo to su na o ni na te太阳にさあ乾杯(かんぱい!)ta i yo u ni sa a ka n pa iWe gotta do! We gotta do!そしたらこんなにラブなナンバーso shi ta ra ko n na ni ra bu na na n baかけてよ胸の鼓动もon the beatka ke te yo mu ne no ko do mo on the beat今年こそはきっとこの夏一番辉くSunshine Girlko to shi ko so wa ki i to ko no na tsu i ji ban ka ka ya ku sunshine girloh oh, oh oh oh oh ohoh oh, oh oh oh oh yeahoh oh, oh oh oh, summer timeいまDive into the sun!i ma dive into the sun !尊地是找不到中文歌词了罗马音是手打的应该没什么错误。



キラキラ阳(ひ)差(さ)しを浴(あ)びて沐浴着闪闪亮的阳光Make up, and dressed Are you ready to go?Weather is great, it's your holidayWe gotta party all day longHappy day Summer daySunshine GirlI like it, Happy day Summer daySun shines for youHappy day Summer daySunshine GirlI like it, Happy day Summer daySun shines for you曲(ま)がり角(かど)を照(て)らすビビットなSky My girl 微微的sky照耀着涡动いつもと违(ちが)うにおいの风(かぜ)吹(ふ)き抜けて风吹的方向和以往不同背筋(せすじ)しゃんと伸(の)ばしたその分(ぶん)だけ只要伸个懒觉なんだかいい事(こと)がありそうだよねSunshine Girl 就能感到会有什么好事发生キラキラ辉(かがや)いている胸(むね)に秘(ひ)めたるその太阳(たいよう) 胸中藏着一个闪闪亮的太阳はしゃいだ者(もの)胜(が)ちのHoliday 害羞的月亮和不同的假日踊(おど)ってもっと解(と)き放(はな)って跳舞的时候就要尽兴Happy day Summer daySunshine GirlI like it, Happy day Summer daySun shines for youI like it, Happy day Summer daySunshine GirlI like it, Happy day Summer daySun shines for you振(ふ)り返(かえ)れば流(なか)れ行(い)く景色(けしき) 回忆过去的景色わたしも毎日(まいにち)前(まえ)にちゃんと进(すす)んでいるから我也每天向前进口角(こうかく)きゅっと上(あ)げてその分(ふん)だけ只要嘴角上扬ハッピーとラッキーに近(ちか)づいてる就感到靠近happy和lucyキラキラ笑颜(えがお)でHello 用闪亮的笑容说helloおもちゃ箱(はこ)があふれる玩具箱也溢了出来ポジティブになれるリズム谱成积极的调子歌(うた)ってもっと解(と)き放(はな)って唱歌的时候就要尽兴Happy day Summer daySunshine GirlI like it, Happy day Summer daySun shines for youI like it, Happy day Summer daySunshine GirlI like it, Happy day Summer daySun shines for youこの瞬间(しゅんかん)しか出来(でき)ない这个瞬间感觉不到时间感(かん)じられないものがあるし现在就想见你merci今(いま)、会(あ)いたいあなたにメルシーWoo yeahいつまでもこのままがいいな不管什么时候这样也不错ずっとドキドキしてたいな一直这样紧张也不错そしてまっすぐに前(まえ)を见(み)て然后笔直的向前看Woo yeah...キラキラ辉(かがや)いている胸(むね)に秘(ひ)めたるその太阳(たいよう) 胸中藏着一个闪亮的太阳はしゃいだ者(もの)胜(が)ちのHoliday 欢闹最重要的holiday踊(おど)ってもっと解(と)き放(はな)って跳舞的时候就要尽兴キラキラ阳(ひ)差(さ)しを浴(あ)びて感受着闪亮的阳光Make up, and dressed Are you ready to go?Weather is great, it's your holidayWe gotta party all day longHappy day Summer daySunshine GirlI like it, Happy day Summer daySun shines for youHappy day Summer daySunshine GirlI like it, Happy day Summer daySun shines for you沐浴著闪亮的阳光我精心装扮自己你准备好了吗?天气很好这是属于你的假日我们要一整天的Party快乐的夏日阳光女孩我喜欢快乐的夏日照耀你闪耀的天空照耀着转角吹过和以往不同味道的风只要伸个懒腰就感到有好事接近sunshine gril沐浴著闪亮的阳光心中藏著一个闪亮的太阳这是狂欢者的节日要尽情地舞蹈快乐的夏日阳光女孩我喜欢它快乐的夏日照耀你快乐的夏日阳光女孩我喜欢它快乐的夏日照耀你回忆过去路过的风景我也每天向前进只要嘴角上扬就能感觉快乐和幸运就在身边用闪亮的笑容说hello溢满了玩具箱谱写成欢快的乐章要尽情的欢唱快乐的夏日阳光女孩我喜欢它快乐的夏日照耀你快乐的夏日阳光女孩我喜欢它快乐的夏日照耀你只有这个瞬间才能感受到平时感觉不到的东西现在就想见到你对你说谢谢哦耶如果一直这样也好一直保持这样心跳的感觉然后向前看哦耶心中藏著一个闪亮的太阳这是狂欢者的节日尽情地dance沐浴著闪亮的阳光我精心装扮天气很好这是你的假日我们要一整天的Party快乐的夏日阳光女孩我喜欢它快乐的夏日照耀你快乐的夏日阳光女孩我喜欢它快乐的夏日照耀你中文太难译,所以用了不标准的拼音……ki啦ki啦hi sa shu 呜哦比dayMake up and dress when you're ready to go Weather is great it's your holidayWe got to party all day longHappy days summer days sunshine girlI like itHappy days summer days sunshines for You Happy days summer days sunshine girlI like itHappy days summer days sunshines for You吗噶里噶do唔tei呀咯死V fi do那sky一子mo do qi 噶一你哟一no ka sei 胡ki no gei dei sei sei she 想do na 把似大送no不em bei gei囊大噶一dodo 大阿里送哦大哟nei Sunshine girl ki啦ki啦卡大呀一dei一路不带亿ki那大路送那BUY youha 想一大母弄的齐呢holiday哦do dei 魔dodo ki 哈那deiHappy days summer days sunshine girlI like itHappy days summer days sunshines for You Happy days summer days sunshine girlI like itHappy days summer days sunshines for Youku里卡ei咧吧那架咧余辜gei she ki哇大戏魔my捏局my捏强do su 内一路嘎啦卡卡苦辜多阿ge爹索浓布嗯da kei哈比do 啦ki你寄嘎素一dei绿ki啦ki啦tei kei all dei helloall mo jo 把to卡啊付类路po寄一dei扑你那类路第死母呜大dei mododo ki哈那爹Happy days summer days sunshine girlI like itHappy days summer days sunshines for YouHappy days summer days sunshine girlI like itHappy days summer days sunshines for Youko do兮哦跟兮个那ki耐cometo累累那一幕no嘎啊do兮一vai大姨啊那那你喵ci ohh yeah一字魔dei魔ko dei魔大嘎一呀粗dodo比do一系do大姨那soxi大吗死苏顾你妈e 喔比dei ohh yeahki啦ki啦卡大呀一dei一路不带亿ki那大路送那BUY youha 想一大母弄的齐呢holiday哦do dei 魔dodo ki 哈那deiki啦ki啦hi sa shu 呜哦比dayMake up and dress when you're ready to goWeather is great it's your holidayWe got to party all day longHappy days summer days sunshine girlI like itHappy days summer days sunshines for YouHappy days summer days sunshine girlI like itHappy days summer days sunshines for You。

sunshine girl 歌词 音译

sunshine  girl   歌词 音译

moumoon - Sunshine GirlKirakira hisashi wo abiteMake up and dress are you ready to go ?Weather is great it's your holidayWe got to party all day longHappy days summer days sunshine girlI like it !Happy days summer days sunshines for youHappy days summer days sunshine girlI like it !Happy days summer days sunshines for youMagari kadou terasu bibitto na skyItsumo to chigau nioi no kaze fukinuketeSesuji shanto nobashita sono bundakeNandaka ii koto ga ari sou da yo neSunshine girl (sunshine girl)Kirakira kagayaiteiru mune no hime taru sono taiyou Hashai da sha gachi no holidayOdotte motto toki hanateHappy days summer days sunshine girlI like it !Happy days summer days sunshines for youHappy days summer days sunshine girlI like it !Happy days summer days sunshines for youFurikaereba nagare yuku keshikiWatashi mo mainichi mae ni chanto susunde iru kara Koukaku kyutto agete sono bundakeHappy to lucky ni chikazuite iruKirakira te egao de helloOmocha bako ga afureruPojitibu ni nareru rizumuUtatte motto toki hanateHappy days summer days sunshine girlI like it !Happy days summer days sunshines for youHappy days summer days sunshine girlI like it !Happy days summer days sunshines for youKono shunkan shika dekinai kanjirarenai mono ga arushi Ima aitai anata no merushii ouh yeahItsumademo kono mama de ii na zutto dokidoki shiteta ii na Soshite massugu ni mae wo miteOuhhh yeahKirakira kagayaiteiru mune no hime taru sono taiyou Hashai da sha gachi no holidayOdotte motto toki hanateKirakira hisashi wo abiteMake up and dress are you ready to go ?Weather is great it's your holidayWe got to party all day longHappy days summer days sunshine girlI like it !Happy days summer days sunshines for youHappy days summer days sunshine girlI like it !Happy days summer days sunshines for you。



三万元奖金的获得者为The winner of a 30,000-dollar scholarship...路易斯安那州小姐艾丽卡·斯瓦兹is Miss Louisiana, Erika Schwarz.新一轮的美国小姐为堪萨斯州小姐And the new Miss America is Miss Kansas...塔拉·多恩·贺兰Tara Dawn Holland!奖金获得者...scholarship...路易斯安那州小姐艾丽卡·斯瓦兹is Miss Louisiana, Erika Schwarz.新一轮的美国小姐为堪萨斯州小姐塔拉·多恩·贺兰And the new Miss America is Miss Kansas, Tara Dawn Holland! 世界上有两种人There are two kinds of people in this world-成功者和失败者winners and losers.在你们每个人的心中Inside each and every one of you...你们内心深处at the very core of your being...都有一名成功者等着被觉醒is a winner waiting to be awakened...被解开束缚冲向世界and unleashed upon the world.通过我的九步曲"拒绝失败"计划With my nine-step "Refuse to Lose" program...你会得到必要的工具和洞察力you now have the necessary tools and the insights...知道地样把导致你失败的恶习抛在脑后and the know-how to put your losing habits behind you...让你梦想成真and to go out and make your dreams come true.不要犹豫No hesitating.不要抱怨No complaining.不要找借口And no excuses.我要你们走向世界I want you to go out in the world...我要你们成功and I want you to be winners!谢谢Thank you.谢谢Thank you.我已经上路了I'm on my way.我不知道还要多久我不知道I don't know how long.I don't know!理查他没有别的地方可去Richard, he has nowhere else to go.我没在抽烟没有啦I'm not smoking.I'm not!我已经到医院了行回见Look, I'm at the hospital.Yeah, okay. Bye.阳光小美女胡佛小姐你弟弟没事Miss Hoover?Your brother's fine.你不能让他拿到尖利的东西刀剪子I need you to keep him away from sharp objects-knives, scissors.如果你家里有药品镇静剂之类要收藏好If you have medications, depressants in your house, keep them secure. -我希望他能在这多呆几天但是 -我明白医疗保险啦-I'd prefer to keep him, but--I know. The insurance.你想见见他吗You want to see him?嗨弗兰克Hey, Frank.雪儿Sheryl.真高兴你还在I 'm so glad you're still here.你高兴就好Well, that makes one of us.一股强烈的低气压正从新墨西哥经过A strong low pressure system passedacross New Mexico...带来的降水会让天气稍稍凉爽bringing with it a little moisture that will cool things off a bit.阿尔布开克地区的气温甚至可能会下降五到十度We may even see a five-to 10-degree drop in temperatures in Albuquerque. 降雨量不会增加过多There will be no significant accumulations of rainfall-你想谈谈吗Do you want to talk or no?不想-Nearly nothing, but statewide 93%--No.喂Hello?有人在家吗Anyone?走这边我们安排你和德维恩同住Down here.We have you with Dwayne.德维恩弗兰克叔叔来了Dwayne, hi.Uncle Frank's here.他不介意的弗兰克我们谈过了He doesn't mind, Frank.We talked.我知道我知道但我们不能让你一个人睡医生吩咐的Wha-I know. I know. But we can't have you sleeping alone. The doctor said. 抱歉非这样不可I 'm sorry.I have to insist.你们会相处愉快的他很安静You'll get along fine.He's really quiet.这是你的小床And here's your cot.拜托了弗兰克Please, Frank.拜托Please.谢谢Thank you.我准备开饭I'm gonna start dinner.你收拾好就出来吧You can come out when you're settled.还有呃门别关上这很要紧And, uh,just leave the door open.That's important.德维恩宝贝车里有一桶鸡肉Dwayne, honey, there's a bucket of chicken in the car.你拿回来好吗我来做个沙拉Can you get it?And, uh, I'll make a salad.-奥丽芙 -干嘛-Olive? -Yeah?-爷爷是和你在一起吗 -对-Is Grandpa with you? -Yeah.-你们在干嘛 -排练-What are you guys doing? -Rehearsing.-好十分钟之后开饭 -好-Okay, well, dinner in 10 minutes. -Okay.-嗨 -嗨弗兰克来了-Hi. -Hi. Frank's here.哦天斯坦·格罗斯曼打过电♥话♥吗Oh, God.Did, uh, Stan Grossman call?自己看答录机Well, check the machine.德维恩拜托车里的鸡肉ue4c6-Dwayne, please, come on.The chicken. It's in the car.能摆一下碗吗今天我们用纸餐具Will you set the table?We'll do paper plates tonight.记得奥丽芙拿了阳光小小姐亚军的事Remember Olive was runner-up in the Little Miss Sunshine?-他们刚打来电♥话♥ -嗨你姐姐的电♥话♥ -They just called right now--Hey, it's your sister!妈的Fuck.嗨我是理查·胡佛请找斯坦·格罗斯曼Hi. Richard Hoover for Stan Grossman, please.那有办法联♥系♥到他吗Any way to reach him or-我就是想问问出书的事到底搞得怎么样了Well, I'm just wondering if this darn book deal is done or not.如果-If对-Yes.行你能让他周末给我电♥话♥吗Okay, could you please just have him call me any time over the weekend? 他有我手♥机♥号♥码要是定下来了就告诉我一声He has my cell number.Just to let me know we're on.行吗谢谢再见Okay? Thank you. Bye.-斯坦·格罗斯曼那边怎样了 -他去斯科特斯德了-So what happened with Stan Grossman? -He's in Scottsdale.那他怎么不打电♥话♥Why didn't he call?我自己操心就成了行吧Will you let me worry about this, please?德维恩你去看看弗兰克吧告诉他开饭了Dwayne, can you check on Frank?Tell him it's dinner time.奥丽芙开饭了Olive! Dinner time!来了Coming!什么晚饭What? Dinner?你怎么不说话What, you don't talk anymore?为什么不说Why not?你能说话但不想说You can talk.Youjust choose not to?那是尼采吗Is that Nietzsche?你不肯说话是因为弗里德里克·尼采You don't speak because of Friedrich Nietzsche.厉害Far out.弗兰克你可以坐在德维恩边上Frank,you can sit here next to Dwayne.沙拉在这我去给大家拿雪碧Here's the salad, and I'm gonna run and get Sprite for everyone. 奥丽芙出来吃饭了Olive, come on!Dinner time!好Okay.那你平时和谁一起玩So who do you hang out with?谁也没有No one?我恨所有人-那你家人呢What about your family?所有人-弗兰克嗨Frank! Hey!-理查 -很高兴见到你-Richard. -Good to... see you.我去叫奥丽芙Let me get Olive.-奥丽芙爸 -你们开动吧-Olive? Dad? -You guys, go on and start.-走啦 -我们就来-Let's go! -We're coming.-弗兰克来点雪碧 -好-Frank, some Sprite? -Yes.大家都得吃点沙拉And I want everyone to have at least a little salad.谢谢雪儿Thanks, Sheryl.宝贝Honey.雪儿我注意到德维恩不说话了So, Sheryl, I couldn't help noticing Dwayne has stopped speaking. 嗯他呀发了哑誓Oh, yeah, he's taken a vow of silence.你发了哑誓You've taken a vow of silence?对他要参加空军学院当飞行员Yeah. He's gonna join the AirForce Academy,become a test pilot... 不达目的就不开口说话and he's taken a vow of silence until he reaches that goal.-开玩笑吧 -嗨弗兰克叔叔-You're kidding? -Hi, Uncle Frank.嗨奥丽芙哇你可真是长大了Oh, hey, Olive.Wow, you're gettin' big.简直像个真人了Almost like a real person.-你手怎么了 -奥丽芙-What happened to your arms? -Olive.没事我出了点小事故没大碍的That's all right.I hada little accident. I'm okay.-排练得怎么样了宝贝 -挺好-How's the, uh, routine coming, honey? -It's good.是吗什么时候表演给我们看看Yeah? When are you gonna show it to us?不好说爷爷说了算I don't know.It's up to Grandpa.再等两天还得继续练习A couple of days.It still needs work.什么玩艺又是鸡肉天天吃他妈的鸡肉What's that? Chicken?Every night it's the fuckin' chicken!-天杀的就不能有哪天 -爸-Holy God Almighty! It is possible just once--Dad!哪天吃点别的什么天天都他妈的鸡肉we could get something to eat around here that's not the goddamn fucking chicken?-喂爸 -我是说-Hey, Dad! Dad! -I'm just sayin'--天了 -你要是想自己做饭欢迎-Christ. -When you want to start cooking your own food,you're welcome.-当年在夕阳红养老院那可 -你喜欢呆在养老院就不该搞到自己被踢出来-At Sunset Manor, you know--If you like Sunset Manor,you shouldn't have got kicked out. 上帝啊For God's sakes.你什么时候开始发哑誓的So when did you start with the vow?九个月了弗兰克他一句话也没说过Been nine months, Frank.He hasn't said a word.一句话没说我觉得这说明他很有意志力Not one. I think it shows tremendous discipline.-理查 -真的-Richard. -I really do.真的我觉得德维恩值得我们学习Really. I think we could learn something from Dwayne.德维恩有目标有梦想Dwayne has a goal.He has a dream.可能不是你我的梦想It may not be my dream,may not be yours...但他努力追求这个目标有信心有专注but he's pursuing it with great conviction and focus.事实上这让我想起九步曲计划In fact, I was thinking about the nine steps-啊唷帮帮忙Oh, for crying out loud!德维恩执行了其中至少七步为了实现他个人的追求目标And how Dwayne's utilizing seven of them in his personal quest to self-fulfillment.理查拜托Richard, please.说说而已我已经改变看法同意你们了Well, I'm just saying I've come around.我认为他需要我们的支持I think he could use our support.怎么回事How did it happen?-什么怎么回事 -你的事故-How did what happen? -Your accident.宝贝来Honey, here.噢没事除非你不想说Oh, no, it's okay.Unlessyou object.没有啦我赞成诚实我就是想你知道啦你说了算No, I'm pro-honesty here.I just think, you know, it's up to you.不必客气Be my guest.奥丽芙弗兰克叔叔并没有真的出事故Olive, um, Uncle Frank didn't really have an accident.事实上是他企图自杀What happened was he...tried to kill himself.真的为什么You did? Why?抱歉我觉得这种谈话不合适I'm sorry. I don't think this is an appropriate conversation.宝贝让弗兰克叔叔吃完饭再说好吧嘘Honey, let's let Uncle Frank finish his dinner, okay? Shh.你为什么要自杀Why did you want to kill yourself?别回答弗兰克No, don't answer the question, Frank.-理查理查 -他不会回答的弗兰克-Richard! Richard! -He's not gonna answer the question. Frank.-我想自杀是因为 -别听他的-I wanted to kill myself--Don't listen to him.-我很不快乐 -他脑子有病-I was very unhappy. -He's sick in his head.-理查 -抱歉我觉得这种对话-Richard! -I'm sorry! I don't think it's an appropriate conversation... -不该让七岁小孩听到 -她迟早会明白的-for a seven-year-old. -She's gonna find out anyway.-好吧 -接着说弗兰克-Okay. -Go on, Frank.你为什么不快乐Why were you unhappy?嗯有很多原因Um, well, there are a lot of reasons.主要是我爱的人不爱我Mainly, though, I fell in love with someone who didn't love me back.谁Who?我的一个研究生我很爱他One of my gradstudents.I was very much in love with him.他Him?是个男孩你爱上了一个男孩It was a boy?You fell in love with a boy?-对的的确是很是 -多傻啊-Yes, I did. Very much so. -That's silly.没错是挺傻的非常非常傻You're right. It was silly.It was very, very silly.-除了"傻"还有别的词可以形容呢 -爸-There's another word for it. -Dad.-于是那时候你就打算自杀 -倒不至于-So, that's when you tried to kill yourself? -Well, no.我爱的那个男孩爱上了别人拉里·苏格曼The boy that I was in love with fell in love with another man-Larry Sugarman. -谁是拉里·苏格曼 -拉里·苏格曼嘛可能是-Who's Larry Sugarman? -Larry Sugarman is, perhaps...美国第二最负盛名的普鲁斯特研究专家the second most highly regarded Proust scholar in the U.S.-谁是第一名 -那就是我了-Who's number one? -That would be me, Rich.-真的 -嗯-Really? -Mm-hmm.于是那时候你就打算自杀So that's when.那还不至于事情是这样的No. What happened was I was a bit upset...我有点失落所以说了些可能不该说的话so I said some things that I shouldn't have said...做了些可能不该做的事and I did some things that I shouldn't have done...结果我就被解雇了and subsequently I was fired from my job...只好搬出公♥寓♥ 去住旅馆and forced to move out of my apartment and move into a motel.-于是那时候你就 -还不是-And that's when you tried to--Well, no.其实这些都不成问题Actually, all of that was okay.问题是两天前马克阿瑟基金会极其明智地What happened was two days ago the MacArthur Foundation, in its infinite wisdom... 给拉里·苏格曼颁发了一笔天才奖金awardeda genius grant to LarrySugarman.于是这时候我决定And that's when I-提前退场Decided to check out early.对结果这也失败了Yes. Yes. And I failed at that as well.奥丽芙这里重要的一点是Olive, the important thing to understand here...弗兰克叔叔自我放弃了is that Uncle Frank gave up on himself.他做出了一系列愚蠢的抉择抱歉并且放弃了自我He made a series of foolish choices-I 'm sorry-and he gave up on himself...成功者绝不会这样做的which is something winners never do.事情就是这样的行了吧好了大家说点别的吧So that's the story, okay?Now, everyone, just let's move on and, uh-他一直都这样你怎么受得了的-Is he always like this? How can you stand it?奥丽芙给他说说你在准备的这个表演Olive, tell him about your routine while you're doing this.好辣椒小美女是阿尔布开克的一项美丽竞选Okay. Little Miss Chili Pepper is a beauty contest for everyone in Albuquerque...只要是六岁或七岁的女孩都能参加but you have to be six or seven and you have to be a girl.我们姐姐搞的This is our sister.-辛蒂 -春假的时候-Cindy. -Spring break.德维恩去佛罗里达州和他爸爸一起呆了两个礼拜Dwayne went to see his dad in Florida for two weeks...奥丽芙去了拉古那见她的表兄妹and Olive went to Laguna to see her cousins.-结果得了地区名次 -我是亚军-She made it to the top of the regionals out there. -I was in second place.那你觉得你能成吗Well, what doyou think your chances are?我想我能赢的因为其它的女孩子I think I can win,because some ofthe other girls...她们可能起步早有经验但我每天都有练习they've been doing it longer,but I practice every day.-嗯祝你好运 -这不是运气问题弗兰克-Yeah. Good luck. -Not about luck, Frank.运气是失败者给自己的弱点找的借口Luck is the name losers give to their own failings.问题是要想赢努力赢It's about wanting to win,willing yourself to win.-你得比别人都想赢 -我是的-You've got to want it badder than anybody else. -I do.-那你就赢定了 -理查-Then you're gonna be a winner. -Richard.是真的It's the truth.说起来答录机上有一条辛蒂的留言You know, actually, there is a message from Cindy on the machine.什么阳光小美女之类的Something about Little Mrs. Sunshine.-什么阳光小美女 -对-What? Little Miss Sunshine? -Yeah.什么What?雪儿我是辛蒂-Sheryl, it's Cindy.还记得奥丽芙上个月在这里的事情吗Remember when Olive was here last month?她在阳光小美女的地区赛中得了亚军She was runner-up in the regional Little Miss Sunshine?他们刚打过电♥话♥来第一名那个女孩的冠军名次被没收了They just called right now and said that the girl who won had to for feit her crown.不知道怎么回事减肥药片什么的I don't know why.Something about diet pills.现在奥丽芙可以参加雷东多海滩举♥行♥的州竞选了-Now she has a place in the state contest in Redondo Beach!天哪我赢了我赢了我赢了我赢了Oh, my gosh! I won!I won! I won! I won!-把晚饭吃完 -我吃完了-Finishyour dinner! -I'm finished!-出了什么事 -我正在打电♥话♥ 辛蒂-What happened? -I'm just calling to-Cindy!对我们刚收到对她简直疯了Yeah, we just got it.Yeah, she basically went crazy.-我赢了我赢了我赢了 -没我没听见那段-I won! I won! I won! -No, I didn't get that.答录机切断了好-The machine cut you off. Okay.雷东多海滩这周日Redondo Beach. This Sunday?-你们去吗 -他们得去-Wh-Are you guys going? -Yes.-你们不能改期吗 -让他们改期改期-Can you put it off? -They have to. They have to.-那我们怎么办 -我们不行不行-Where does that leave us? -We can't do it. We can't.没事没事我明白辛蒂No, no-No, I understand that, Cindy. Yeah.-他们 -我就我会想办法好再见-They--I just-No, I'll just figure it out. Okay, bye-bye.这周日杰夫和辛蒂不能带她去吗It's this Sunday? Why can't Jeff and Cindy take her?他们在圣芭芭拉有个什么骑术赛They have some equestrian thing in Santa Barbara.那个骑马的破事他们不是每周都去吗You know, they do that horse shit every single weekend.这次是全国性的ue4c6 两匹马都带上听起来挺那像回事的Well, it's the nationals. They're taking both horses, so apparently it's a big deal. 那奥丽芙怎么办What about Olive?阳光小美女阳光小美女我赢了Little Miss Sunshine!Little Miss Sunshine! I won!我赢了I won!要去比赛喽我们去喽I'm going! We're going!-噢你答应她了 -我们坐飞机过去周一回来-You promised? -We'll fly out and come back Monday.-到了那边怎么走 -租俩车-How are you gonna get around out there? -We'll rent a car.-还住旅馆 -我们付得起-And stay at a hotel? -We can afford it.-这可是我们攒下的本钱啊 -是啊没人帮我挣钱有啥法子呢-This is our seed money. -Well, if I had a little help bringin' it in.-别提这茬 -都花在你的九步计划上了-Don't start that. -It all goes to your nine steps!我说了我会跟斯坦·格罗斯曼谈的I told you I'm gonna talk to Stan Grossman!我们搞定这笔生意就有钱赚了We're gonna get locked and loaded on this deal and start generating some income! -在这期间我们得 -好啦好啦我们开车去-But in the meantime we've gotta be--Okay, okay! We'll drive!-我可不开车 -你那辆小车老爷子怎么坐得下-I'm not drivin'. -How are you gonna fit Grandpa in the Miata?-老爷子不用去 -啥训练她的人是我-Well, Grandpa does not have to come. -What? I coached her!我教她的动作我得去I gave her the moves.I gotta go.-不然你开大众车去 -我开不了手动车我试过不行-Why don't you take the V.W.? -I cannot drive a shift. I tried.-坐飞机去 -没那个钱-We'll fly there. -We can't afford it.就这么着了除非你有更好的主意Well, that's what we're gonna do unless you have a better idea.给甜心Here. This is dessert.我赢了我赢了I won! I won!I won! I won! I won!我赢了我赢了我赢了I won! I won! I won!阳光小美女阳光小美女Miss Sunshine! Little Miss Sunshine!Little Miss Sunshine!好啦我来开大车All right.I 'll drive the bus.理查说了弗兰克不能一个人呆着的Richard, I was told explicitly not to leave Frank by himself. -不是有意冒犯弗兰克 -没事-No offense, Frank. -None taken.什么呀不是有德维恩吗他们俩可以互相照顾You got Dwayne here.They can look after each other.不行的理查这也要求太高了万一出事No, Richard! That's asking too much.If something happened- 那我们就去不成了除非带上德维恩和弗兰克一起We can't go, then, unless Dwayne and Frank go with us.-妈我的泳衣呢 -对-Mom, where's my bathing suit? -Right.弗兰克Frank?找到了-I foundit!好吧Okay.去比赛喽去喽去喽I'm going! I'm going!I'm going!德维恩拜托了看在你妹妹面上Oh, Dwayne, come on, please.Think of your sister.好啦德维恩你会玩得挺开心的Come on, Dwayne.It'll be a lot offun.你可以去海滩玩You can go to the beach and-"太不公平了"This is unfair."我只不过要求"All I ask is..."你们让我一个人呆着而已"that you leave me alone."德维恩飞行学校Dwayne, flight school.我准你参加飞行学校I will give you permission for flight school.我赢了我赢了这趟也会赢I won! I won! I won! I won!I'm gonna win this one too!"行但我不会"But I'm not going..."玩得开心的"to have any fun."嗯大家都同意这一点德维恩Yeah, we're all with you on that one, Dwayne.爷爷爷爷也去加州吗Grandpa! Grandpa!Is Grandpa coming to California?-我们都去宝贝 -嗨先等等-We're all coming, honey. -Hey, uh, hold on.奥丽芙你过来一下Olive, come over here for a second.来坐下Come here.Sit down for a second.如果你觉得自己不会赢Look, there's no sense in entering a contest...那参加比赛就没什么意义if you don't think you're gonna win.你觉得你能赢得阳光小美女冠军吗So do you think you can win Little Miss Sunshine?理查Richard-你能赢吗Are you gonna win?能Yes!咱们去加州We're going to California.晚安德维恩Good night, Dwayne.今晚别自杀有你看着我我不会啦Not on your watch.I wouldn't do that to you.欢迎来到地狱-谢谢德维恩Thank you, Dwayne.你能这么说实在是很不错Coming from you, that means a lot.晚安Good night.天了累死我了我真♥他♥妈♥累死了Jesus, I'm tired.I'm so fucking tired.你们知道我有多累Do you know how tired I am?就算有女孩来求我♥干♥她我都干不了If some girl came up to me,begged me to fuck her, I couldn't do it.-爸说话注意点好吧 -我就有这么累-Dad? Watch the language, huh? -That's how tired I am.她在听音乐呢She's listening to music.奥丽芙如果你转过身来我给你一百万Olive, I'll give you a million dollars if you turn around.-瞧见没有 -行-See? -All right.-那还有我们呢 -噢还有你么呢-But the rest of us. -Oh, the rest of you.我给你个建议吧Can I give you some advice?那反正听我讲啦Well, I'm gonna give it to you anyway.-我可不想你犯我犯过的错误 -咱们可真是迫不及待想听啊-I don't want you making the same mistakes I made. -Can't wait to hear this. 德维恩你是叫这名字吧德维恩Dwayne-That's your name,right? Dwayne?这可是经验之谈This is the voice of experience talking.你听见没多干几个女人德维恩Are you listening?Fuck a lot of women, Dwayne.-喂爸 -别只干一个多多地干-Hey! Dad! -Not just one woman. A lot of women.-说够了吧 -你搞上了没-That's enough, all right? -Are you gettin' any?-爸 -跟我说没事德维恩搞上了没-Dad! -You can tell me, Dwayne. Are you gettin' any?-拜托 -没有天哪你多大了都十五了-Come on, please. -No? Jesus. You're what, 15?-天啊 -爸-My God, man! -Dad!你要抓紧多搞小姑娘那可是好货色You should be gettin'that young stuff.That young stuffis the best in the world. -爸够了别说了 -能不能别打断我的话-Dad, that's enough! Stop it! -Will you kindly not interrupt!你是少年郎他们是小姑娘都未成年绝配See, right now you're jailbait. They're jailbait. It's perfect.等你上了十八岁再找未成年的就得坐三五年牢I mean, you hit 18-Man, you're talking about three to five.我可靠边停车了Hey, I will pull this truck over right now!你停车啊我照样说话靠我爱说啥说啥So pull the truck over!Fuck you! I can say what I want.-我屁♥股♥上还留着当年的纳粹子弹呢 -啊唷纳粹子弹-I still got Nazi bullets in my ass! -Ah, the Nazi bullets!你跟夕阳红养老院的那些混球没两样-You're as bad as those fuckers at Sunset Manor.-夕阳红出什么事了 -弗兰克别鼓励他-What happened at Sunset Manor? -Frank, don't encourage him.出了什么事我跟你讲我付了钱他们拿了钱I'll tell you what happened.I paid my money. They took my money.我他妈爱干嘛干嘛I should be able to do what the fuck I want!-他开始吸海♥洛♥因♥ -开始吸海♥洛♥因♥ -He started snorting heroin. -You started snorting heroin?-我老了 -那会搞死你的-I'm old! -Well, that stuffll kill you.你以为我傻啊你可别开始吸那玩艺What am I, an idiot?And don't you start taking that shit.年轻人搞那玩艺就是疯了When you're young,you're crazy to do that stuff.-你呢 -我老了老了不搞那才叫疯呢-What about you? -I'm old. When you're old,you're crazy not to do it.我们也曾经插手干预相信我吧完全没戏他还不如三岁小孩呢We've tried. Believe me. The intervention was a fiasco. He's worse than a two-year-old. 我们不能说点别的吗Can we please talk about something else?-我猜你不喜欢夕阳红 -弗兰克I take ityou didn't like it at Sunset Manor. -Frank.你开玩笑吧那地方简直是天堂Are you kidding me?It was a fuckin' paradise.有泳池有高尔夫They got a pool.They got golf.现在我只好和开心果先生一起住睡在他妈的沙发上Now I'm stuck with Mr. Happy here, sleepin' on a fuckin' sofa.我知道你是搞基的但说起来你也该明白Look, I know you're a homo andall,but maybe you can appreciate this.那种地方男女比例是一比四You go to one of those places,there's four women for every guy.-你能想像吗 -你肯定很忙碌了-Can you imagine what that's like? -You must've been very busy.哇我的老二简直是二度烫伤了不开玩笑Whoa! I had second-degree burns on my johnson. I kid you not.-真的 -别提了-Really? -Forget about it.你们在说什么What are you guys talking about?政♥治♥Politics.哦Oh.多干女人小子没道理骗你啊Fuck a lot ofwomen, kid.I have no reason to lie to you.别只干一个多多地干Not one woman.A lot ofwomen.你听见没有听进去没有You heard what I said?Did it go in anywhere?我们都明白了爸Yeah, I think we get the point, Dad.别拿他妈的记事簿我不爱看你♥他♥妈♥的记事簿Don't show me the pad.I don't want to see the fuckin' pad.妈我们可以花多少钱Mom, how much can we spend?四美元吧不到四美元的都成I would say four dollars.Anything under four dollars.嗨好点菜了吗Hi. You ready?我要五号♥套餐加咖啡谢谢Yeah, I'm gonna have the,uh, number five with coffee, please.行All right.七号♥ 煎蛋要单面的加柚子汁A number seven, over easy,and a grapefruit juice.-柚子汁好 -我要一个水果盘-Grapefruit. Okay. -I would like a fruit plate.-有没有甘菊茶 -有-And do you have chamomile? -Yes.-加蜜 -我要一份木工牛排咖啡-With honey, please. -I would like the lumberjack and coffee.-外加一份熏肉 -外加熏肉-And extra bacon. -Extra.-爸你不该 -理查别提这事-Now, Dad, you should probably--Richard, don't start.-他会整死自己的 -他自己的生活自己决定-He's gonna kill himself. -Well, it's his life.-谢谢雪儿 -花♥园♥沙拉-Thank you, Sheryl. -Garden salad?你呢And you.-抱歉抱歉 -慢慢来-I-I'm sorry. I, um-Sorry. -Take your time.不用道歉奥丽芙这是软弱的表现Don't apologize, Olive.It's a sign of weakness.嗯哪我要好了我知道了Um, well, I want-Okay, okay.I know what I want. I know.我要这个格子蛋饼还有Okay, can I get the waffles and, uh-我不知道 àlamodey是什么意思I don't-What does "alamodey" mean?-意思是加冰淇淋 -那就àlamodey吧-Oh, that means it comes with ice cream. -Okay, "alamodey" then.-奥丽芙早饭耶 -你说了不到四美元都行的-Olive, forbreakfast? -You said four dollars.行你说得对谢谢Okay. You're right. Thank you.好就来Okay. Be right back.事实上奥丽芙法语里的àlamodeActually, Olive, "à la mode" in French...字面翻译是"时髦"的意思translates literally as "in the fashion."àlamodeà la mode.mode是从拉丁语modus一词而来的意指"应当或合适的方式" "Mode" is derived from Latin modus,meaning "due orproper measure." -弗兰克闭嘴 -理查-Frank, shut up. -Richard!奥丽芙我跟你说说冰淇淋是怎么回事吧Olive, can I tell you a little something about ice cream?-好 -冰淇淋是用奶油做的-Yeah. -Well, ice cream is made from cream...奶油是从牛奶里来的which comes from cow's milk...里面有很多脂肪and cream has a lot of fat in it.-理查 -干嘛-Richard. -What?-她迟早会明白的不记得了吗 -什么明白什么-She's gonna find out anyway, remember? -What? Find out what?你吃冰淇淋的时候冰淇淋里的脂肪就会变成你身体里的脂肪Well, when you eat ice cream, the fat in the ice cream becomes fat in your body. -理查我向天发誓 -真的-Richard, I swear to God--It's true.-怎么了出什么事了 -没事宝贝没事-What? What's wrong? -Nothing, honey. Nothing's wrong.你如果吃很多冰淇淋可能就会发胖So if you eat a lot of ice cream,you might become fat.如果不吃呢你就会一直好好的瘦瘦的甜心And if you don't, you're gonna stay nice and skinny, sweetie.-妈妈 -奥丽芙理查是个傻冒-Mom--Olive, Richard is an idiot.我喜欢有点肉感的女人I like a woman with meat on her bones.我不明白为什么大家都不高兴了I don't-Why's everyone so upset?没有不高兴宝贝我只是No, no one's upset, honey. I-我只想让你明白I just want you to understand...瘦也行胖也行你喜欢怎样就好it's okay to be skinny, and it's okay to be fat, if that's what you want to be.你想要怎样都可以的Whateveryou want, it's okay.好啦奥丽芙那我来问你Okay, but, Olive,let me ask you this.参加美国小姐竞选的那些女人Those women in Miss America-她们是瘦还是胖Are they skinny,or are they fat?宝贝Honey?嗯我猜她们挺瘦的。

sunshine girl 歌词

sunshine girl 歌词

キラキラひさしをあびてMake up,and dressed are you ready to go?Weather is great, its your holidayWe gotta party all day longHappy day summer daySunshine girlI like it happy day summer daySunshines for youHappy day summer daySunshine girlI like it ,happy day summer daySunshines for youきがりかどをてらすビビットなSky、いつもとちがうにをいのかぜふきぬけてせずじしゃんとのばしたそのぶんだけなんだかいいことがありそうだよねSunshine GirlキラキラかがやいているむねにひめたるそのたいようはしゃいだものがちのHolidayおどってもっときはなってHappy day Summer daySunshine GirlI like it, Happy day Summer daySunshines for youI like it, Happy day Summer daySunshine GirlI like it, Happy day Summer daySun shines for youふりかえぇばなかぇいくけしきわたしもまいにちまえにちゃんとずずんでいるからこうかくきゅっとあげてそのふんだけハッピーとラッキーにちかづいてるキラキラえがおでHelloおもちゃはこがあふぇるポジティブになれるリズムうたってもっとときはなってHappy day Summer daySunshine GirlI like it, Happy day Summer day Sunshines for youI like it, Happy day Summer day Sunshine GirlI like it, Happy day Summer day Sun shines for youこのしゅんかんしかできないかんじらぇないものがあるしいまあいたいあなたにメルシーWoo yeahいつまでもこのままがいいなずっとドキドキしてたいなそしてまっすぐにまえおみてWoo yeah...ラキラかがやいているむねにいめたるそのたいようはしゃいだものがちのHolidayおどってもっとときはなってキラキラひそしおあびてMake up, and dressed Are you ready to go? Weather is great, it's your holidayWe gotta party all day longHappy day Summer daySunshine GirlI like it, Happy day Summer daySun shines for youHappy day Summer daySunshine GirlI like it, Happy day Summer daySun shines for youKi ra ki ra hi sa shi wo a bi teMake up and dress are you ready to go ? Weather is great it's your holidayWe got to party all day longHappy days summer days sunshine girlI like it !Happy days summer days sunshines for youHappy days summer days sunshine girlI like it !Happy days summer days sunshines for youMa ga ri ka dou terasu bibitto na skyItsumo to chigau nioi no kaze fukinuketeSe su ji shan to no ba shi ta sono bundakeNan da ka ii k oto ga ari sou da yo neSunshine girl (sunshine girl)Ki ra ki ra ka ga ya i tei ru mune no hime taru sono taiyou Hashai da sha gachi no holidayOdotte motto toki hanateHappy days summer days sunshine girlI like it !Happy days summer days sunshines for youHappy days summer days sunshine girlI like it !Happy days summer days sunshines for youFu ri ka ere ba nagare yuku keshikiWatashi mo mainichi mae ni chanto susunde iru kara Koukaku kyutto agete sono bu n da keHappy to lucky ni chikazuite iruKi ra ki ra te egao de helloOmocha bako ga afureruPojitibu ni nareru rizumuUtatte motto toki hanateHappy days summer days sunshine girlI like it !Happy days summer days sunshines for you Happy days summer days sunshine girlI like it !Happy days summer days sunshines for youKono shunkan shika dekinai kanjirarenai mono ga arushi Ima aitai anata no merushii ouh yeahItsumademo kono mama de ii na zutto dokidoki shiteta ii na Soshite massugu ni mae wo miteOuhhh yeahKirakira kagayaiteiru mune no hime taru sono taiyou Hashai da sha gachi no holidayOdotte motto toki hanateKirakira hisashi wo abiteMake up and dress are you ready to go ?Weather is great it's your holidayWe got to party all day longHappy days summer days sunshine girlI like it !Happy days summer days sunshines for youHappy days summer days sunshine girlI like it !Happy days summer days sunshines for you。



SunshineGirl(阳光女孩)Sunshine Girl (阳光女孩)Shine in my heart, it's a beautiful day阳光般的心情,美丽的一天Make up, and dress up. Are you ready to go?化好妆,整装待发了没?Weather is great, it's my holiday天气不错,今天我放假We gotta party all day long我们得疯玩儿一整天Happy day Summer day Sunshine girl快乐夏日,阳光女孩I like it, Happy day Summer day我喜欢这样,快乐的夏天Sun shines for you送给你阳光Happy day Summer day Sunshine girl快乐夏日,阳光女孩I like it, Happy day Summer day我喜欢这样,快乐的夏天Sun shines for you送给你阳光Open the window shade, shut my eyes and feel the shine 打开百叶窗,闭上眼睛,感受阳光Hummingbirds and tiny flowers telling me to step outside 蜂鸟和小花让人忍不住想出门去And I take a deep breath深呼吸Start walking by the street开始漫步街头Everything looks a little bit different today 今天一切似乎都有点不一样You see, Sunshine girl你感觉到没阳光女孩Shine my heart, it's a beautiful day阳光心情,美丽日子Lights get brighter on the sea shore海岸边的光线更充足Set me free, it's my holiday让我自由吧,几天我放假Step with the music all day long一整天都与音乐相伴Happy day Summer day Sunshine girl快乐夏日,阳光女孩I like it, Happy day Summer day我喜欢这样,快乐的夏天Sun shines for you送给你阳光Happy day Summer day Sunshine girl快乐夏日,阳光女孩I like it, Happy day Summer day我喜欢这样,快乐的夏天Sun shines for you送给你阳光Time's passing by so fast时光如梭It never looks the same again每一秒钟都不一样Everyday by day I'm moving on, rhythmically step by step 每天我都在一步一步带着节奏往前走I wanna see your big smile, it makes it all better想看到你灿烂的笑,因为它会让一切看起来更美好Everything feels a little bit warmer today今天一切都感觉更温暖了Shine my heart, it's a beautiful day阳光心情,美丽天气Whistle a melody on the sea shore在海岸边吹着口哨Set me free, it's my holiday自由了,今天是我的假期Step with the music all day long与音乐相伴一整天吧Happy day Summer day Sunshine girl快乐夏日,阳光女孩I like it, Happy day Summer day我喜欢这样,快乐的夏天Sun shines for you送给你阳光Happy day Summer day Sunshine girl快乐夏日,阳光女孩I like it, Happy day Summer day我喜欢这样,快乐的夏天Sun shines for you送给你阳光When the rainy days brings me down雨天让我阴郁时Appreciate the moments in my life感谢生命中这样的时刻Never forget little joys in a day不忘每天的小开心Good times aren't ever quite enough美好的时光怎么也不嫌多Just wanna have a smile on my face只想大声地笑And keep looking up to the blue sky只想望望蓝天9 to the 8, I feel so great9到8,我很快乐7 to the 6, need my hair fixed7到6,想做做头发5 to the 4, what you waiting for?5到4,你在等什么?3, 2 and 1! Let's go have fun!3,2,1,让我们一起玩起来吧Shine my heart, it's a beautiful day阳光般的心情,美丽的一天Make up, and dress up. Are you ready to go?化好妆,穿好衣准备好出发了没?Weather is great, it's my holiday天气不错,今天我放假We gotta party all day long我们得疯玩儿一整天Happy day Summer day Sunshine girl 快乐夏日,阳光女孩I like it, Happy day Summer day我喜欢这样,快乐的夏天Sun shines for you送给你阳光Happy day Summer day Sunshine girl 快乐夏日,阳光女孩I like it, Happy day Summer day我喜欢这样,快乐的夏天Sun shines for you送给你阳光Happy day Summer day Sunshine girl 快乐夏日,阳光女孩I like it, Happy day Summer day我喜欢这样,快乐的夏天Sun shines for you送给你阳光Happy day Summer day Sunshine girl 快乐夏日,阳光女孩I like it, Happy day Summer day我喜欢这样,快乐的夏天Sun shines for you送给你阳光Happy day Summer day Sunshine girl 快乐夏日,阳光女孩I like it, Happy day Summer day我喜欢这样,快乐的夏天Sun shines for you送给你阳光。



做一个阳光女孩作文范文英文回答:A sunny girl is someone who radiates positivity and happiness wherever she goes. She is like a ray of sunshine, bringing warmth and brightness to everyone around her. I consider myself a sunny girl because I always try to see the bright side of things and spread positivity to those around me.For example, when faced with a difficult situation, I always try to find a silver lining. Instead of dwelling on the negatives, I focus on the lessons I can learn and the growth that can come from it. This positive mindset not only helps me overcome challenges, but also inspires others to do the same.Moreover, a sunny girl is someone who is always there to lend a helping hand and offer support to others. I believe in the power of kindness and compassion, and Istrive to make a positive impact on the lives of those around me. Whether it's offering a listening ear to a friend in need or volunteering at a local charity, I believe that small acts of kindness can make a big difference.In addition, a sunny girl knows how to find joy in the little things in life. Whether it's enjoying a cup of coffee in the morning, going for a walk in nature, or spending quality time with loved ones, I believe in cherishing these simple moments that bring happiness and fulfillment.中文回答:阳光女孩是那种无论走到哪里都能散发出积极和快乐的人。



SUNSHINE GIRL (阳光女孩)(English ver.) - Che'Nelle(工木心)Yeah yeahShine my heart it's a beautiful day阳光照射我的心这是美丽的—天Make up and dressed Are you ready to go梳妆打扮你准备好出发了吗Weather is great it's my holiday天气很棒这是我的假日We gotta party all day long我们要整日派对Happy day Summer day Sunshine girl夏日快乐阳光女孩l like it happy day summer day我喜欢快乐的夏日Sun shines for you阳光为你照射Happy day summer day sunshine girl夏日快乐阳光女孩l like it happy day summer day我喜欢快乐的夏日Sun shines for you阳光为你照射Open the window shade shut my eyes and feel the shine打开百叶窗闭上眼睛感受阳光Hummingbirds and tiny flowers telling me to step outside蜂鸟和小花告诉我该去户外And l take a deep breath我深吸一口气Start walking by the street开始走在大街上Everything looks a little bit different today今天—切都看起来有些不同You see Sunshine girl你看见阳光女孩Shine my heart it's a beautiful day阳光照射我的心这是美丽的一—天Lights get brighter on the sea shore海岸线上的光更亮Set me free it's my holiday让我自由这是我的假日Step with the music all day long整日随着音乐跳舞Happy day summer day sunshine girl夏日快乐阳光女孩l like it happy day summer day我喜欢快乐的夏日Sun shines for you阳光为你照射Happy day summer day sunshine girl夏日快乐阳光女孩l like it happy day summer day我喜欢快乐的夏日Sun shines for you阳光为你照射Time's passing by so fast时间流逝得很快lt never looks the same again一切不会再相同Everyday by day I'm moving on rhythmically step by step每天我都有节奏地过着l wanna see your big smile it makes it all better我想看见你大大的笑容它让—切变得美好Everything feels a little bit warmer today今晚—切都变得更温暖Shine my heart it's a beautiful day阳光照射我的心这是美丽的—天Whistle a melody on the sea shore在海岸线上吹口哨Set me free it's my holiday让我自由这是我的假日Step with the music all day long整日跟着音乐跳舞Happy day summer day sunshine girl夏日快乐阳光女孩l like it happy day summer day我喜欢快乐的夏日Sun shines for you阳光为你照射Happy day summer day sunshine girl夏日快乐阳光女孩l like it happy day summer day我喜欢快乐的夏日Sun shines for you阳光为你照射When the rainy days brings me down当雨季让我沮丧Appreciate the moments in my life感谢那些人生中的时刻Never forget little joys in a day从未忘记每—滴快乐Good times aren't ever quite enough好时光永远不足够Just wanna have a smile on my face只想在脸上挂着笑容And keep looking up to the blue sky望着蓝色的天空Nine to the eight I feel so great八点到九点感觉很好Seven to the six need my hair fix六点到七点去做发型Five to the four what you waiting for四点到五点你还在等什么Three two and one Let's go have fun两点到三点让我们一起玩乐Shine my heart it"s a beautiful day阳光照射我的心这是美丽的—天Make up and dressed Are you ready to go梳妆打扮你准备好出发了吗Weather is great it's my holiday天气很棒这是我的假日We gotta party all day long我们要整日派对Happy day summer day sunshine girl夏日快乐阳光女孩l like it happy day summer day我喜欢快乐的夏日Sun shines for you阳光为你照射Happy day summer day sunshine girl夏日快乐阳光女孩l like it happy day summer day我喜欢快乐的夏日Sun shines for you sun shines for you yeah yeah yeah阳光为你闪耀Sun shines for you yeah yeah yeah阳光为你闪耀。



做一个阳光女孩作文初三800字英文回答:A sunny girl is someone who always has a positive attitude and radiates happiness wherever she goes. She is like a ray of sunshine, brightening up everyone's day. This type of girl is full of energy and enthusiasm, and she always sees the glass as half full rather than half empty. She is optimistic and believes that there is always asilver lining in every situation.A sunny girl is not easily affected by negativity or setbacks. She knows how to bounce back from failures and turn them into opportunities for growth. For example, if she fails a test, instead of getting discouraged, she will see it as a chance to learn from her mistakes and improve for the next time. She understands that failure is just a stepping stone to success.Furthermore, a sunny girl is always kind and supportivetowards others. She is a good listener and offers ashoulder to lean on when someone is going through a tough time. She knows how to brighten someone's day with a simple act of kindness or a genuine compliment. For instance, if she notices that a friend is feeling down, she might send them an encouraging message or surprise them with their favorite treat.In addition, a sunny girl is also someone who knows how to have fun and enjoy life to the fullest. She is adventurous and open to new experiences. She is not afraidto step out of her comfort zone and try something different. For example, she might suggest going on a spontaneous road trip or trying out a new hobby like painting or dancing.Overall, a sunny girl is someone who brings joy and positivity wherever she goes. She is a source ofinspiration and motivation for those around her. Her infectious smile and optimistic outlook on life make her a pleasure to be around. She reminds us that no matter what challenges we may face, there is always a reason to smile and be grateful.中文回答:阳光女孩是一个总是保持积极态度并散发快乐的人。



运动会歌单1、潘玮柏——反转地球2、萧亚轩——潇洒小姐3、信——如果还有明天4、蔡依林——特务J5、she——不想长大6、潘玮柏——亲爱的7、周杰伦——千山万水8、吴克群——大舌头9、BY2——新少女的祈祷10、蔡依林——野蛮游戏11、she——星光12、群星——真心英雄13、韩庚——my logo14、beyond——海阔天空15、beyond——光辉岁月16、she——天亮了17、胡彦斌——皇帝18、林宥嘉——说谎19、东城卫——够爱20、beyond——大地21、苏打绿——小宇宙22、蔡依林——看我72变23、郭书瑶——Honey24、萧亚轩——爱的主打歌25、张杰——8090的歌26、吴克群——将军令27、she——SHERO28、马天宇——该死的温柔29、蔡依林——舞娘30、蔡依林——LOVE LOVE LOVE31、蔡依林——爱情36计32、蔡依林——Mr。

Q33、蔡依林——美人计34、BOBO——光荣35、大嘴巴——牵心的朋友36、Maksim——Exodus37、PCHY——车票38、海明威——老人与海39、温岚——DISCO40、张杰——天下41、蔡依林——马德里不思议42、萧亚轩——LOVE43、王心凌——彩虹的微笑44、蔡依林——许愿池的希腊少女45、至上励合——齐天大圣46、BY2——买买买47、陈奕迅——浮夸48、蔡依林——海盗49、范玮琪——最初的梦想50、林俊杰——曹操51、蔡依林——耍大牌52、Twins——见习爱神53、王力宏——美54、七朵花——Bye boy55、潘玮柏——Tell me56、蔡依林——唯舞独尊57、Kent——浪漫惊喜58、李宇春——下个路口见59、Akon——Right Now60、萧敬腾——海芋恋61、青鸟飞鱼——怪怪女62、魏晨&何洁——Boys63、陈绮贞——华丽的冒险64、范晓萱——管他什么音乐65、SHE——超可能66、五月天——后青春期的诗67、蔡依林——就是爱68、王力宏——爱你就等于爱自己69、五月天——DNA70、至上励合——Lucky Boys71、棒棒堂——藏经阁72、弦子——不得不爱73、李圣杰——切歌74、后弦——唐宋元明清75、FIR——光芒76、张靓颖&大嘴巴——办不到77、汪苏泷——三国杀78、郭峰——永远是朋友79、灌篮高手——好想大声说爱你80、陶喆——Melody81、魏晨——千方百计82、大嘴巴——拿去83、Lollipop F——最佳男配角84、胡彦斌——我的未来不是梦85、SHE——宇宙小姐86、林俊杰——三国恋87、BY2——DNA88、黄立行——音浪89、花儿乐队——加油歌90、柯有纶——零91、王力宏——唯一92、黄义达——征服自己93、萧敬腾——阿飞的小蝴蝶94、花儿乐队——我们能不能不分手95、SHE——听天使在唱歌96、Britney Spears——I Wanna Go97、五月天——终结孤单98、江映蓉——武装99、筷子兄弟——老男孩100、Lady Gaga——Lovegame 101、蓝狐——不顾一切要成功102、BY2——大冒险103、李宇春——少年中国104、f(x)——LOVE105、罗志祥——独一无二106、Westlife——You raise me up 107、王心凌——想你想你108、胡彦斌——红颜109、Stewart Mac——I love you 110、张芸京——春泥111、大嘴巴——永远在身边112、蔡仁浩——真爱来敲门113、蔡昱佑——你看不到的天空114、范逸臣——放生115、孙燕姿——绿光116、王力宏——龙的传人117、任贤齐——永不退缩118、BY2——大人的世界119、韩庚——女皇120、零点乐队——超越121、棒棒堂——哪里怕122、何洁——明明不是Angel 123、大嘴巴——国王皇后124、黎明——全日爱125、刘德华——Everyone is NO。

sunshine girl 歌词 音译

sunshine  girl   歌词 音译

moumoon - Sunshine GirlKirakira hisashi wo abiteMake up and dress are you ready to go ?Weather is great it's your holidayWe got to party all day longHappy days summer days sunshine girlI like it !Happy days summer days sunshines for youHappy days summer days sunshine girlI like it !Happy days summer days sunshines for youMagari kadou terasu bibitto na skyItsumo to chigau nioi no kaze fukinuketeSesuji shanto nobashita sono bundakeNandaka ii koto ga ari sou da yo neSunshine girl (sunshine girl)Kirakira kagayaiteiru mune no hime taru sono taiyou Hashai da sha gachi no holidayOdotte motto toki hanateHappy days summer days sunshine girlI like it !Happy days summer days sunshines for youHappy days summer days sunshine girlI like it !Happy days summer days sunshines for youFurikaereba nagare yuku keshikiWatashi mo mainichi mae ni chanto susunde iru kara Koukaku kyutto agete sono bundakeHappy to lucky ni chikazuite iruKirakira te egao de helloOmocha bako ga afureruPojitibu ni nareru rizumuUtatte motto toki hanateHappy days summer days sunshine girlI like it !Happy days summer days sunshines for youHappy days summer days sunshine girlI like it !Happy days summer days sunshines for youKono shunkan shika dekinai kanjirarenai mono ga arushi Ima aitai anata no merushii ouh yeahItsumademo kono mama de ii na zutto dokidoki shiteta ii na Soshite massugu ni mae wo miteOuhhh yeahKirakira kagayaiteiru mune no hime taru sono taiyou Hashai da sha gachi no holidayOdotte motto toki hanateKirakira hisashi wo abiteMake up and dress are you ready to go ?Weather is great it's your holidayWe got to party all day longHappy days summer days sunshine girlI like it !Happy days summer days sunshines for youHappy days summer days sunshine girlI like it !Happy days summer days sunshines for you。

sunshine girl 歌词

sunshine girl 歌词

「Sunshine Girl」- moumoon资生堂「アネッサ」CMソング作词:YUKA作曲:K.MISAKIキラキラ阳(ひ)差(さ)しを浴(あ)びてMake up, and dressed Are you ready to go?Weather is great, it's your holidayWe gotta party all day longHappy day Summer daySunshine GirlI like it, Happy day Summer daySun shines for youHappy day Summer daySunshine GirlI like it, Happy day Summer daySun shines for you曲(ま)がり角(かど)を照(て)らすビビットなSkyいつもと违(ちが)うにおいの风(かぜ)吹(ふ)き抜けて背筋(せすじ)しゃんと伸(の)ばしたその分(ぶん)だけなんだかいい事(こと)がありそうだよねSunshine Girlキラキラ辉(かがや)いている胸(むね)に秘(ひ)めたるその太阳(たいよう)はしゃいだ者(もの)胜(が)ちのHoliday踊(おど)ってもっと解(と)き放(はな)ってHappy day Summer daySunshine GirlI like it, Happy day Summer daySun shines for youI like it, Happy day Summer daySunshine GirlI like it, Happy day Summer daySun shines for you振(ふ)り返(かえ)れば流(なか)れ行(い)く景色(けしき)わたしも毎日(まいにち)前(まえ)にちゃんと进(すす)んでいるから口角(こうかく)きゅっと上(あ)げてその分(ふん)だけハッピーとラッキーに近(ちか)づいてるキラキラ笑颜(えがお)でHelloおもちゃ箱(はこ)があふれるポジティブになれるリズム歌(うた)ってもっと解(と)き放(はな)ってHappy day Summer daySunshine GirlI like it, Happy day Summer daySun shines for youI like it, Happy day Summer daySunshine GirlI like it, Happy day Summer daySun shines for youこの瞬间(しゅんかん)しか出来(でき)ない感(かん)じられないものがあるし今(いま)、会(あ)いたいあなたにメルシーWoo yeahいつまでもこのままがいいなずっとドキドキしてたいなそしてまっすぐに前(まえ)を见(み)てWoo yeah...キラキラ辉(かがや)いている胸(むね)に秘(ひ)めたるその太阳(たいよう) はしゃいだ者(もの)胜(が)ちのHoliday踊(おど)ってもっと解(と)き放(はな)ってキラキラ阳(ひ)差(さ)しを浴(あ)びてMake up, and dressed Are you ready to go? Weather is great, it's your holidayWe gotta party all day longHappy day Summer daySunshine GirlI like it, Happy day Summer daySun shines for youHappy day Summer daySunshine GirlI like it, Happy day Summer daySun shines for youララ、ララ...终わりsunshine girl阳光女孩沐浴着闪闪亮的阳光Make up and dress when you're ready to go Weather is great it's your holidayWe got to party all day longHappy days summer days sunshine girlI like it!Happy days summer days sunshines for YouHappy days summer days sunshine girlI like it!Happy days summer days sunshines for You My girl 微微的sky照耀着涡动风吹的方向和以往不同只要伸个懒觉就能感到会有什么好事发生sunshine girl胸中藏着一个闪闪亮的太阳害羞的月亮和不同的假日跳舞的时候就要尽兴Happy days summer days sunshine girlI like it!Happy days summer days sunshines for You Happy days summer days sunshine girlI like it!Happy days summer days sunshines for You回忆过去的景色我也每天向前进只要嘴角上扬就感到靠近happy和lucy用闪亮的笑容说hello玩具箱也溢了出来谱成积极的调子唱歌的时候就要尽兴Happy days summer days sunshine girlI like it!Happy days summer days sunshines for YouHappy days summer days sunshine girlI like it!Happy days summer days sunshines for You这个瞬间感觉不到时间现在就想见你merciuh yeah不管什么时候这样也不错一直这样紧张也不错然后笔直的向前看ouhh yeah胸中藏着一个闪亮的太阳欢闹最重要的holiday跳舞的时候就要尽兴感受着闪亮的阳光Make up and dress when you're ready to go Weather is great it's your holidayWe got to party all day longHappy days summer days sunshine girlI like it!Happy days summer days sunshines for You Happy days summer days sunshine girlI like it!Happy days summer days sunshines for You。



ki啦ki啦hi sa shu 呜哦比dayMake up and dress when you're ready to go Weather is great it's your holidayWe got to party all day longHappy days summer days sunshine girlI like itHappy days summer days sunshines for You Happy days summer days sunshine girlI like itHappy days summer days sunshines for You吗噶里噶do唔tei呀咯死V fi do那sky一子mo do qi 噶一你哟一no ka sei 胡ki no gei dei sei sei she 想do na 把似大送no不em bei gei囊大噶一dodo 大阿里送哦大哟nei Sunshine girl ki啦ki啦卡大呀一dei一路不带亿ki那大路送那BUY youha 想一大母弄的齐呢holiday哦do dei 魔dodo ki 哈那deiHappy days summer days sunshine girlI like itHappy days summer days sunshines for You Happy days summer days sunshine girlI like itHappy days summer days sunshines for Youku里卡ei咧吧那架咧余辜gei she ki哇大戏魔my捏局my捏强do su 内一路嘎啦卡卡苦辜多阿ge爹索浓布嗯da kei哈比do 啦ki你寄嘎素一dei绿ki啦ki啦tei kei all dei helloall mo jo 把to卡啊付类路po寄一dei扑你那类路第死母呜大dei mododo ki哈那爹Happy days summer days sunshine girlI like itHappy days summer days sunshines for YouHappy days summer days sunshine girlI like itHappy days summer days sunshines for Youko do兮哦跟兮个那ki耐cometo累累那一幕no嘎啊do兮一vai大姨啊那那你喵ci ohh yeah一字魔dei魔ko dei魔大嘎一呀粗dodo比do一系do大姨那soxi大吗死苏顾你妈e 喔比dei ohh yeahki啦ki啦卡大呀一dei一路不带亿ki那大路送那BUY youha 想一大母弄的齐呢holiday哦do dei 魔dodo ki 哈那deiki啦ki啦hi sa shu 呜哦比dayMake up and dress when you're ready to goWeather is great it's your holidayWe got to party all day longHappy days summer days sunshine girlI like itHappy days summer days sunshines for YouHappy days summer days sunshine girlI like itHappy days summer days sunshines for You。

Sunshine Girl中英对照

Sunshine Girl中英对照

Shine my heart, it's a beautiful day照耀我的心这是美丽的一天Make up, and dressed Are you ready to go?化妆穿好裙子你准备好了吗weather is great, it's my holiday天气很好这是属于我的假日We gotta party all day long我们去疯玩一整天Happy day Summer day Sunshine girl夏天里的快乐的一天阳光女孩I like it, Happy day Summer day我喜欢这样快乐的夏天Sun shines for you送给你阳光Happy day Summer day Sunshine girl夏天里的快乐的一天阳光女孩I like it, Happy day Summer day我喜欢这样快乐的夏天Sun shines for you送给你阳光Open the window shade, shut my eyes and feel the shine 拉开窗帘闭上眼睛感受阳光Hummingbirds and tiny flowers telling me to step outside 蜂鸟和小花让人忍不住想出去走走And I take a deep breath深呼吸一下Start walking by the street开始漫步街头Everything looks a little bit different today今天的一切都看起来有点不同You see, Sunshine girl你感觉到没, 阳光女孩Shine my heart, it's a beautiful day照耀我的心,这是美丽的一天Lights get brighter on the sea shore在海岸线的光线更加充足Set me free, it's my holiday放我自由这是属于我的假期Step with the music all day long一整天都与音乐相伴Happy day Summer day Sunshine girl夏天里的快乐的一天阳光女孩I like it, Happy day Summer day我喜欢这样快乐的夏天Sun shines for you 送给你阳光Happy day Summer day Sunshine girl快乐夏日阳光女孩I like it, Happy day Summer day我喜欢这样快乐的夏天Sun shines for you 送给你阳光Time's passing by so fast时光飞逝It never looks the same again不会重来每一秒都不一样Every day by day I'm moving on, rhythmically step by step每天我都在一步一步带着节奏往前走I wanna see your big smile, it makes it all better我想看你灿烂的笑容你的笑让一切更完美Everything feels a little bit warmer today今天一切都感觉更温暖了Shine my heart, it's a beautiful day 照耀我的心这是美丽的一天Whistle a melody on the sea shore 在海边用口哨吹出悦耳的歌Set me free, it's my holiday 放我自由这是我的假期Step with the music all day long 与音乐相伴一整天吧Happy day Summer day Sunshine girl快乐夏天阳光女孩I like it, Happy day Summer daySun shines for youHappy day Summer day Sunshine girlI like it, Happy day Summer daySun shines for youWhen the rainy days brings me down 当雨天使我情绪低落时Appreciate the moments in my life 感激我生命中的每个瞬间感谢生命中这样的时刻Never forget little joys in a day 不要忘了每天的小快乐Good times aren't ever quite enough好时光常常都不够Just wanna have a smile on my face 只是想在脸上常挂着微笑And keep looking up to the blue sky 可以一直望向蓝色的天空9 to the 8, I feel so great 九到八我感觉好极了7 to the 6, need my hair fix 七到六我需要整理一下头发5 to the 4, what you waiting for? 五到四你在等什么3, 2 and 1! Let's go have fun! 三二一我们一起去玩吧Shine my heart, it's a beautiful day 下面的重复了Make up, and dressed Are you ready to go?Weather is great, it's my holidayWe gotta party all day longHappy day Summer day Sunshine girlI like it, Happy day Summer daySun shines for youHappy day Summer day Sunshine girlI like it, Happy day Summer daySun shines for youHappy day Summer day Sunshine girlI like it, Happy day Summer daySun shines for youHappy day Summer day Sunshine girlI like it, Happy day Summer daySun shines for you。



做一个阳光女孩900字作文英文回答:Embrace the Essence of Sunshine and Radiance.To be a ray of sunshine is to radiate joy, warmth, and positivity into the world around us. It is to uplift others with a smile, a kind word, or a selfless act of compassion. Like the sun that brightens the sky, a sunny girl carries an aura that illuminates the path for those who cross her way.Being a sunny girl encompasses a vibrant spirit that never fades. It means embracing life with an optimistic outlook, focusing on the good in every situation, and finding beauty in the everyday moments. A sunny girl is not just cheerful but also resilient, weathering the storms of life with a smile and finding the silver lining in the darkest of clouds.Furthermore, a sunny girl is a beacon of kindness and empathy. She extends a helping hand to those in need,listens to others with compassion, and seeks to upliftthose around her. Her presence brings warmth and comfort to those who are hurting, reminding them that they are not alone.To be a sunny girl is to live a life filled withpurpose and meaning. It is to use one's radiance to make a positive impact on the world, to spread joy and kindness wherever one goes, and to inspire others to embrace their own inner sunshine.中文回答:做个阳光女孩。



做阳光开朗女孩作文英文回答:Being a sunny and cheerful girl means having a positive outlook on life and spreading happiness to those around you. It means always looking on the bright side and finding joyin even the smallest things. It means being a ray of sunshine in a world that can sometimes be cloudy and gloomy.A sunny and cheerful girl is someone who always has a smile on her face and a kind word to say. She is the typeof person who can light up a room just by walking into it. She radiates positivity and brings a sense of warmth wherever she goes.One of the key traits of a sunny and cheerful girl is her ability to find the silver lining in any situation. She doesn't let setbacks or challenges bring her down. Instead, she sees them as opportunities for growth and learning. She knows that every cloud has a silver lining and that thereis always something to be grateful for.Another important aspect of being a sunny and cheerful girl is being able to laugh at herself. She doesn't take life too seriously and knows how to find humor in the everyday ups and downs. She understands that laughter is the best medicine and that a good sense of humor can help to brighten even the darkest of days.中文回答:做一个阳光开朗的女孩意味着对生活持有积极的态度,将快乐传递给身边的人。

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Sunshine Girl (阳光女孩) 演唱:moumoon Ki啦ki啦 hi撒示 阿喔 阿比爹 Make up and dress when you're ready to go Weather is great it's your holiday We got to party all day long Happy days summer days sunshine girl I like it Happy days summer days sunshines for You Happy days summer days sunshine girl I like it Happy days summer days sunshines for You My girl 里 卡多呜 爹啦苏 比比多 那 sky 依丝苏莫 多 chi架呜 妮o依 浓 卡ze 呼ki努ke爹 写苏几 哇嗯多 浓吧示他 索浓 布嗯大ke 那嗯大卡 依依 扩多 架 阿里 索呜 大 尤 呢 Sunshine girl (Sunshine girl) Ki啦ki啦 卡架呀依爹依鲁 木呢 浓 hi咩 他鲁 索浓 他依尤呜 A shy 那 moon 多依 呜 浓 holiday O多爹 莫多 多ki 哇那爹 Happy days summer days sunshine girl I like it Haps for You Happy days summer days sunshine girl I like it Happy days summer days sunshines for You 呼里卡e咧吧 那架咧 余苦 ke示ki 哇他示 莫 妈依妮chi 妈e 妮 c哇嗯多 苏苏嗯de 依鲁 卡啦 扩呜卡苦 余多 阿ge爹 索浓 布嗯dake happy 多 lucky 妮 chi卡阻依爹 依鲁 Ki啦ki啦 爹 e架o de hello O莫c哇 吧扩 架 阿呼咧鲁 Po几ti布 妮 那咧鲁 里阻木 呜他爹 莫多 多ki 哇那爹 Happy days summer days sunshine girl I like it Happy days summer days sunshines for You Happy days summer days sunshine girl I like it Happy days summer days sunshines for You 扩浓 shu嗯卡嗯 示卡 爹ki那依 卡嗯几啦咧那依 莫浓 架 阿鲁示 依妈 阿依他依 阿那他 浓 咩鲁示依 ouh yeah 依t苏妈de莫 扩浓 妈妈 de 依依 那 阻t多 多ki多ki 示爹他 依依 那 索示爹 妈s苏古 妮 妈e 喔 米爹 Ouhhh yeah Ki啦ki啦 卡架呀依爹依鲁 木呢 浓 hi咩 他鲁 索浓 他依尤呜 哇s哇依 大 哇 架chi 浓 holiday O多 爹 莫 多 多ki 哇那爹 Ki啦ki啦 hi撒示 喔 阿比爹 Happy days summer days sunshine girl I like it ! Happy days summer days sunshines for you Happy days summer days sunshine girl I like it ! Happy days summer days sunshines for you