十字螺丝刀1把,M5、M4、M3、M2内六方扳手各1把,M5X35内六方螺钉1 件。
<3>不平衡功率保护 与功率合成器吸收端相连的三个负载同装在一个散热器
上,并由轴流风机通风散热,各吸收负载输入端分别 装有检波电路,用于不平衡功率的测量。正常工作时 ,吸收端不平衡功率很小,负载温度较低,轴流风机 不工作。当四个300W功率放大器一个或几个出现故障 ,或由于功放电容器失效,功放间相位差异比较大会 导致合成器吸收端不平衡功率增大,负载温度升高, 当温度上升到40℃时,将自动启动轴流风机。合成器 吸收端的不平衡功率将送到主机监控单元与设定的不 平衡功率门限比较,生成超门限保护信号,降低或切 断主机的输出功率,只有故障排除后,整机才能正常 工作。
(6) 1PPS未连接或存在抖动(仅单频网模式下)
现象:① 1PPS绿灯灭
② Warn红灯亮
(7) 温度过热
现象:① 系统状态中系统温度显示出当前温度值
封锁状态:显示正常/封锁/半功率,封锁的时候表示设备故障或整机故障 电压监测:+28V电压监测/+12V电压监测/+5V电压监测 系统温度:正常情况下显示15℃~60℃ 程序版本:显示软件版本和IC版本 输出功率:正常/过荷 ASI输入状态:显示ASI输入正常/错误 系统状态 本振锁定状态:显示PLL1正常/失锁 PLL2正常/失锁 输入码率:显示输入码率 单频网时延信息:显示单频网时延信息 单频网调制模式:显示单频网状态下的调制信息 系统时间标签:显示时间标签 系统信息:TS流是否超限,1pps是否正常,sip信息是否正确 当前模式最大净荷:显示当前发射模式下支持的最大数据净荷 系统温度状态:显示正常/过温
CMMB 激励器操作说明书KFMJ-Ⅱ-805型移动多媒体广播激励器操作、使用及维修说明书共8凯腾四方数字广播电视设备一.操作说明开机后,激励器显示屏会进入主界面显示如下数据,用户可以通过此界面一目了然的观察设备目前的工作状态。
图一.显示菜单主界面其中:◆MFN:表示系统处于 MFN 或 SFN 状态◆PPS_Lose:表示 GPS 秒脉冲的状态,当正常是显示 PPS_Lock◆TOD_Lock_Sync:TOD 工作状态,当来自 GPS 的 TOD 输入正常的时候,中间显示Lock,当 TOD 输入异常时显示 Lose,当码流中的 TOD 信息和来自 GPS 的 TOD 输入同步的时候,第三个单词显示 Sync,当不同步时显示 UnS.◆ASI1_In:码流输入状态,当 ASI1 输入正常时显示 ASI1_In,当 ASI1 输入正常时显示ASI2_In,当无输入时显示 ASI1_error◆Losing Lock:此信息表示设备本振工作状态,当失锁时显示如图,当正常是显示PLL_Lock◆CF: 500.000000MHz:表示激励器射频输出频率下图为系统主菜单图二.主菜单1.信道编码与调制当光标出现在信道编码与调制上时,按确认键,将看到下级菜单,按上、下键用于翻转,可见下面一些参数随机化模式RS 编码模式:交织模式:LDPC 码率信道编码与调制星座映射:输入模式设置:SFN/MFN选择:SFN 时延:标识幅度:信道参数设置方法:复用器/激励器等参数◆信道参数配置方式可以为:复用器配置或激励器配置,一般使用都为复用器配置,一但设置为复用器配置,随机化模式,RS 编码模式,交织模式,LDPC 码率,星座模式这些参数将通过码流在将复用器的设置好的参数设置下来,为了保证系统工作的稳定性,用户在使用时不得随便改变此设置。
其中:◆随机化模式:复用器配置参数◆RS 编码模式:复用器配置参数◆交织模式:复用器配置参数◆LDPC 码率:复用器配置参数◆星座模式:复用器配置参数◆输入模式设置:CMMBCMMB 激励器操作说明书◆SFN/MFN 选择:设置系统是工作在单频网模式还是多频网模式◆SFN 时延:±500ms◆标识幅度:此设置项用于单频网调试时使用,正常为 1,只有在管理员模式才能更改◆信道参数设置方法:复用器/激励器2.系统参数设置当光标出现在系统参数设置上时,按确认键,将看到下级菜单,按上、下键用于翻转,可见射频频率、输出工作模式、输出电平设置、ASI 设置方式、输入接口设置、输出频谱设置、全释放功率中频功率、告警处理模式、线性校正、非线性校正、恢复出厂设置、发射机标识、本机标识、激励器地址等参数。
拓普电子旋转扭矩传感器 TQ 503 操作说明书
Strain gauge full bridge
Rotation angle pulses
100% calibration
causes 100% signal
not connected
Top view built-in plug
Version H (special design):
Label M for Mrings
drive side
View W:
Size Q/R
Size R
Sense of rotation
Operating Instructions no. 1333
Page 7 / 17
4. Electrical connections
Operating Instructions no. 1333
Page 3 / 17
3. Description
3.1 Mechanical design
Torquemeters type SD comprise a rotating shaft mounted on bearings inside a housing. The shaft has a necked section - called the torsion zone - to which strain gauges are attached and connected in a full bridge circuit. Sliprings and brushes provide the link between rotor and housing with two sliprings carrying the electric power supply to the strain gauges on the rotating shaft. Two other sliprings serve to transfer the measuring signals from the rotating shaft to the stationary housing. The full bridge circuit is connected directly through the sliprings and brushes to the lead connector which is mounted on the housing of the torquemeter. In version X torquemeters an optical rotation angle measurement system is integrated. It consists of a pulse disk on the rotating shaft with 360 light-dark stripes. Two light barriers are installed into the stator. Inside the torquemeter there is a small electronics for processing of the angle pulses.
上海全波通信技术有限公司 27-Jan-10 VER 13.1
第 2 页,共 18 页
2.2 机箱背面
预校正射频信号输入(仅适用于 CTTB 7000 系列) 射频监测输出(输出电平低于[RFOUT]输出电平 19 dB) 10 MHz 监测输出 射频信号输出 RS232 接口(REMOTE) 备用 以太网口 10 MHz 外部参考源输入 1 PPS 输入 ASI 环出 ASI 输入 1 ASI 输入 2
图 2 开启预校正下与发射机的连接示意图 ................................................................13
6 故障检查及排除.......................................................................................................14 6.1 输入码流部分........................................................................................................14 6.2 单频网部分............................................................................................................14 6.3 预校正部分(仅适用于CTTB 7000 系列) .......................................................15 6.4 其它........................................................................................................................15 附录 A.........................................................................................................................17
真科磁控溅镀阴极 cathode manual
Page 1矩形磁电管指导说明书Page 3Page 7警告事项――请首先阅读注意-隔膜靶材的冷却系统不要在隔膜上没有靶材或者背板时提供水压阴极采用隔膜冷却方法比常规的靶材冷却有很多优势。
如果在没有装靶材的情况下提供水压,隔膜将会变形甚至爆破,如果压力大于5bar. 易碎靶材也不应该直接装在薄膜上。
Page 8磁场和它们的影响:心脏起搏器数据存储真科磁电管会产生很高的磁场强度,并会吸引任何散碎的铁磁性材料到磁电管。
例如,所有的电脑硬盘和信用卡都应该与溅镀源保持至少100cm 的距离。
Page 9拆包和外观收到溅镀源时,拆掉外部包装再检查设备是否在运输期间有损坏。
Victron Energy Bluetooth Smart负载器说明说明书
Victron Energy B.V. | De Paal 35 | 1351 JG Almere | Niederlande E-Mail: *********************** | Bereit für Bluetooth Smart• Das Ändern der Einstellungen und das Aktualisieren des Ladegerätes bei neu zur Verfügung stehenden Softwarefunktionen können mit jedem Bluetooth-fähigen Smartphone, Tablet oder anderen Gerät vorgenommen werden.• Instant Readout (Sofortanzeige): Die VictronConnect App kann die wichtigsten Daten, einschließlich Warnungen und Alarme, auf der Seite Geräteliste anzeigen, ohne dass eine Verbindung zum Produkt erforderlich ist.Vollständig programmierbar• Batterieladealgorithmus (konfigurierbar) oder fester Ausgang. • Intelligente Generatorkompatibilität: Motorlauferkennung.Adaptiver 3-stufiger Ladealgorithmus: Konstantstrom – Konstantspannung – Erhaltung• Bei Bleibatterien ist es wichtig, dass bei flachen Entladungen die Aufnahmezeit kurz gehalten wird, um eine Überladung der Batterie zu vermeiden. Nach einer Tiefentladung wird die Konstantspannungsdauer automatisch verlängert, um sicherzustellen, dass die Batterie vollständig auflädt.• Für Lithium-Batterien ist die Aufnahmezeit fest eingestellt, per Voreinstellung 2 Stunden. • Alternativ kann eine feste Ausgangsspannung gewählt werden.Geeignet für den Einsatz in Fahrzeugen mit intelligenter Lichtmaschine (Euro 5- und Euro 6-Motoren) Die eingebaute Motorabschaltungserkennung stoppt den Konverter, wenn der Motor nicht läuft. Dadurch wird eine ungewollte Entladung der Starterbatterie verhindert (siehe Handbuch für Details).Ferngesteuerte Ein-/Aus-SchaltungAn den zweipoligen Stecker lässt sich ein ferngesteuerter Ein-/Aus-Schalter oder ein Relais-Kontakt anschließen. Alternativ kann der Anschluss H (rechts) des zweipoligen Steckers zu einem Batterie-Pluspol oder der Anschluss L (links) des zweipoligen Steckers an den Batterie-Minuspol (oder zum Beispiel an die Karosserie eines Fahrzeugs) geschaltet werden.Alle Modelle sind kurzschlussfest und können zur Erhöhung des Ausgangsstroms parallel geschaltet werden. Es lassen sich unbegrenzt viele Geräte parallel schalten.ÜbertemperaturschutzBei hohen Umgebungstemperaturen wird der Ausgangsstrom vermindert.Schutzklasse IP43Wenn die Schraubklemmen am Gerät nach unten gerichtet installiert sind.SchraubklemmenZur Installation sind keine Spezialwerkzeuge erforderlich.Eingangssicherung (nicht austauschbar)Orion-Tr Smart 12/12-30Orion-Tr Smart 12/12-30Victron Energy B.V. | De Paal 35 | 1351 JG Almere | NiederlandeE-Mail: *********************** | Eingangsspannungsbereich (1) 8-17 V 8-17 V 16-35 V 16-35 V Unterspannungsabschaltung 7 V7 V14 V 14 V Unterspannungsneustart 7,5 V 7,5 V 15 V15 VAusgangsnennspannung12,2 V24,2V12,2 V24,2 VEinstellbereich Ausgangsspannung 10-15 V20-30 V10-15 V20-30 VToleranz Ausgangsspannung +/- 0,2 VAusgangsrauschen2 mV rmsKont. Ausgangsstrom beiAusgangsnennspannung und 40 °C 18 A 10 A 20 A 12 A Maximaler Ausgangsstrom (10 s) bei Ausgangsnennspannung minus 20 % 25 A 15 A 25 A 15 A Kurzschlussausgangsstrom 40 A25 A50 A30 AKont. Ausgangsleistung bei 25 °C 280 W 280 W 300 W 320 W Kont. Ausgangsleistung bei 40 °C 220 W 240 W 240 W 280 W Wirkungsgrad 87 % 88 % 88 % 89 % Kein Lasteingangslaststrom < 80 mA < 100 mA < 100 mA < 80 mA Ruhestrom< 1 mAgalvanische Trennung 200 VDC zwischen Eingang, Ausgang und GehäuseBetriebstemperaturbereich -20 bis +55 °C (Minderung der Leistung 3 % pro °C über 40 °C)Feuchtemax. 95 % nicht kondensierendGleichstrom-Anschluss Schraubklemmen Maximaler Querschnitt des Kabels 16 mm² AWG6 Gewicht1,3 kg (3 lb)Abmessungen HxBxT 130 x 186 x 70 mm (5,1 x 7,3 x 4,0″)SchutzklasseIP43 (Elektronische Bauteile), IP22 (Anschlussbereich)Normen: SicherheitEmissionen / Immunität Automobil-Richtlinie EN 60950EN 61000-6-3, EN 55014-1 / EN 61000-6-2, EN 61000-6-1, EN 55014-2ECE R10-5Eingangsspannungsbereich (1) 10-17 V 10-17 V 20-35 V 20-35 V Unterspannungsabschaltung 7 V7 V14 V 14 V Unterspannungsneustart 7,5 V 7,5 V 15 V15 VAusgangsnennspannung12,2V24,2 V12,2V24,2 VEinstellbereich Ausgangsspannung 10-15 V20-30 V10-15 V20-30 VToleranz Ausgangsspannung +/- 0,2 VAusgangsrauschen2 mV rmsKont. Ausgangsstrom beiAusgangsnennspannung und 40 °C 30 A 15 A 30 A 17 A Maximaler Ausgangsstrom (10 s) bei Ausgangsnennspannung minus 20 % 40 A 25 A 45 A 25 A Kurzschlussausgangsstrom 60 A40 A60 A40 AKont. Ausgangsleistung bei 25 °C 430 W 430 W 430 W 480 W Kont. Ausgangsleistung bei 40 °C 360 W 360 W 360 W 400 W Wirkungsgrad 87 % 88 % 88 % 89 % Kein Lasteingangslaststrom < 80 mA < 100 mA < 100 mA < 80 mA Ruhestrom< 1mAGalvanische Trennung 200 VDC zwischen Eingang, Ausgang und GehäuseBetriebstemperaturbereich -20 bis +55 °C (Minderung der Leistung um 3 % pro °C über 40 °C)LuftfeuchtigkeitMax. 95 %, nicht kondensierendGleichstrom-Anschluss SchraubklemmenMaximaler Kabelquerschnitt16 mm² (AWG6)GewichtModelle mit 12 V Eingangs- und/oder 12 V Ausgangsspannung: 1,8 kg (3 lb)Andere Modelle: 1,6 kg (3,5 lb)Abmessungen HxBxT Modelle mit 12 V Eingangs- und/oder 12 V Ausgangsspannung: 130 x 186 x 80 mm (5,1 x 7,3 x 3,2″)Andere Modelle: 130 x 186 x 70 mm (5,1 x 7,3 x 4,0″)SchutzklasseIP43 (Elektronische Bauteile), IP22 (Anschlussbereich)Normen: SicherheitEmissionen / Immunität Automobil-Richtlinie EN 60950EN 61000-6-3, EN 55014-1 / EN 61000-6-2, EN 61000-6-1, EN 55014-2ECE R10-51.Wenn die Ausgangsspannung auf nominal oder niedriger als nominal eingestellt wird, bleibt sie innerhalb des angegebenen Eingangsspannungsbereichs stabil (Abwärts-Aufwärts-Funktion).Wenn die Ausgangsspannung um einen bestimmten Prozentsatz höher als der Nennwert eingestellt wird, steigt die minimale Eingangsspannung, bei der die Ausgangsspannung stabil bleibt (nicht sinkt), um den gleichen Prozentsatz.Hinweis 1) Die VictronConnect-App zeigt keinen eingehenden oder ausgehenden Strom an. Hinweis 2) Der Orion-Tr Smart ist nicht mit einem VE.Direct-Anschluss ausgestattet.。
拉腰机 Waistband setter (MB2003B) 使用说明书
拉腰机Waistband setter(MB2003B )使用说明书Instruction Manual常州智谷机电科技有限公司CHANGZHOU WISDOM &VALLEY ELECTRICAL TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD 在使用本设备之前请先阅读本使用说明书.Please read the operation manual of the touchscreen interface before using the device请将本使用说明书放在便于查阅的地方保管Please keep this operation manual of touch screeninterface in convenient place forreference 2020.07版本信息/Version感谢购买IMB工业用缝纫机。
Thank you for purchasing this industrial sewing machine from IMBBefore using this automatic unit,please read the following instructions,which will help you tounderstand how the machine operates.These instructions illustrate the correct working methods to comply with current regulations.在没有得到IMB授权许可的前提下,此说明书的任何部分是不可以被复制或者转录的。
No part of this manual may be copied or transcribed without requesting prior authorization from IMBThe contents of this manual may be subject to change without advance notification.我们将欣然接受各位提出的改进此说明书的任何建议和指示We are happy to receive suggestions and/or indications on ways we could improve this manual.本机介绍说明分为二部分,具体请参照《MB2003B拉腰机-使用说明书》、《MB2003B拉腰机-零件手册》。
Instruct Ion 23 X 13 钢制便携工具箱说明书
PORTABLE TOOLBOXESFill in the following information andretain this manual for future reference:Model(S) ______________________________ dATe oF PURCHASe ______________________ PlACe oF PURCHASe ____________________ ReCeIPT No ____________________________Y o u r p r o d u c t m a y d i f f e r f r o m m o d e l s h o w n .ATTENTIONTo reduce the risk of injury, the user must read and understand this instruction manual before using this product for the first time. Save TheSe inSTrucTionS for fuTure reference.PARTS LISTSTo order replacement parts, go to and click on Customer Support. Have the part number and quantity ready.Replacement keys may be ordered using the code that appears on the face of the lock. Not all parts are available under warranty. Those parts not available may be purchased.23" X 13" PORTABLE STEEL TOOLBOXThe keys are taped to the top storage area of the chest.Part #DescriPtionqty1304015-304016-2Striker Kit Set 12306039-2Side Handle 23323000-2lock Nut 24304017-2Rod 25303035-2Gas Spring 16304042-2latch (801–810)17314019-2585 mm Weatherstripping 18314020-2492 mm Weatherstripping226" X 17" PORTABLE STEEL TOOLBOXThe keys are taped to the top storage area of the chest.7896431215Part #DescriPtionqty1304015-304016-2Striker Kit Set 12303036-2Gas Spring 23306039-2Side Handle 24303034-2Gas Spring 15323000-2lock Nut 66304018-2Rod 27304042-2latch (801–810)18314029-2670 mm Weatherstripping 19314039-2697 mm Weatherstripping226" X 17" PORTABLE STEEL TOOLBOXThe keys are taped to the top storage area of the chest.181235674Part #DescriPtionqty1304015-304016-2Striker Kit Set 12306039-2Side Handle 23303034-2Gas Spring 14323000-2lock Nut 25304018-2Rod 26304042-2latch (801–810)17314029-2670 mm Weatherstripping 18314074-2650 mm Weatherstripping226" X 17" PORTABLE ALUMINUM TOOLBOXThe keys are taped to the top storage area of the chest.181235674Part #DescriPtionqty1304015-304016-2Striker Kit Set 12306039-2Side Handle 23303035-2Gas Spring 14323000-2lock Nut 25304018-2Rod 26304042-2latch (801–810)17314093-2674 mm Weatherstripping 18314094-2658 mm Weatherstripping2To order replacement parts, go to and click on Customer Support. Have the part number and quantity ready.Replacement keys may be ordered using the code that appears on the face of the lock. Not all parts are available under warranty. Those parts not available may be purchased.30" X 15" PORTABLE STEEL TOOLBOXThe keys are taped to thetop storage area of the chest.Part #DescriPtion qty1304015-304016-2Striker Kit Set1 2306039-2Side Handle 2 3304014-2Rod2 4323000-2lock Nut2 5303034-2Gas Spring1 6304042-2latch (801–810)1 7314013-2770 mm Weatherstripping1 8314016-2592 mm Weatherstripping230" X 15" PORTABLE ALUMINUM TOOLBOXThe keys are taped to thetop storage area of the chest.Part #DescriPtion qty1304015-304016-2Striker Kit Set1 2306039-2Side Handle 2 3304014-2Rod2 4323000-2lock Nut2 5303035-2Gas Spring1 6304042-2latch (801–810)1 7314084-2774 mm Weatherstripping1 8314014-2600 mm Weatherstripping2To order replacement parts, go to and click on Customer Support. Have the part number and quantity ready. Replacement keys may be ordered using the code that appears on the face of the lock. Not all parts are available under warranty. Those parts not available may be purchased.30" X 19" PORTABLE STEEL TOOLBOXThe keys are taped to thetop storage area of the chest.Part #DescriPtion qty1304015-304016-2Striker Kit Set1 2306039-2Side Handle2 3304014-2Rod 2 4323000-2lock Nut2 5303033-2Gas Spring1 6304042-2latch (801–810)1 7314019-2770 mm Weatherstripping1 8314020-2760 mm Weatherstripping236" X 17" PORTABLE STEEL TOOLBOXThe keys are taped to thetop storage area of the chest.Part #DescriPtion qty1304015-304016-2Striker Kit Set1 2303036-2Gas Spring2 3306039-2Side Handle2 4303033-2Gas Spring1 5323000-2lock Nut 6 6304019-2Rod2 7304042-2latch (801–810)1 8314041-2930 mm Weatherstripping1 9314039-2697 mm Weatherstripping2MAINTENANCEPeriodically clean the unit surfaces with mild detergent and water.Auto wax can be used on painted (not aluminum) toolboxes to preserve the unit’s luster finish and protect against scratches. Apply the wax as you would to a car.Grease and oil can be removed with most standard cleaning fluids. For safety, use a nonflammable cleaning fluid.SAFETYCAUTION: The maximum product weight, including contents, is 500 lbs (226.8 kg).WARNING: do NoT attempt to lift the unit byits side handles using chains, ropes or other lifting devices. The side handle could fail, which may cause personal injury or damage to the product.WARNING: do NoT stand on the toolbox.WARNING: do NoT alter this toolbox in any manner. For example, do not weld external lockbars or attach electrical equipment. This may cause product damage or personal injury.CAUTION: Keep the product on level surfaces. The product could become unstable and tip if stored on an uneven surface, which may cause personal injury or product damage.WARNING: lock the lid before moving this product. The lid could come open and make the product unstable, which may cause personal injury or product damage.WARNING: Be careful with sharp edges.CAUTION: Always wear ANSI approved safety goggles when working with tools and equipment. FIVE YEAR LIMITED WARRANTYThe product is warranted to be free from defectsin materials and workmanship for a period of five (5) years from the date of original purchase. This warranty does not apply to products that have been misused, abused, damaged by accident or otherwise, subjected to abnormal use, or modified. If this product is defective, please go to and click on Customer Support. If the product is defective, in our opinion, we will replace the defective part at no cost to you. Please do not ship your product back to the store or to us, unless we send you written instructions for return. In the event it becomes necessary for your product to be returned, we will notify you how to proceed. A copy of your original purchase receipt MUST accompany the returned product.Manufactured by:Quality Craft Industrieslaval, QC, Canada H7C 0A51-800-459-4409(Monday–Friday, 8:30 a.m.–5 p.m., eST)Made in ChinaFoRM#: MZPTB-08/15。
PW50S Solar PoWeredelectric Fence energizerInstallation, operating and Warranty Instructions Save TheSe InSTrucTIonS Selector SWItch charge - oFF - onFence groUnd (BlacK KnoB)Fence hot (red KnoB)Front lenShandleBattery doorrEaD BEForE YoU install YoUr ElEctric FEncE EnErgizEr PagE 1 Warning: rEaD all instrUctions BEForE installation. Only use electric fence controller for the purpose indicated in this manual.caUtion: T o reduce the risk of electric shock do not remove cover. Refer to service personnel. always turn off energizer before handling.Warning: Do not connect simultaneously to a fence and any other device such as a cattle trainer or a poultry trainer. Otherwise, lightening striking your fence will be conducted to all other devices.Warning: nEVEr put more than one energizer on a fence. Doing so can be hazardous, and may also damage the energizer.Warning: In areas prone to brushfires turn off the fence controller on very dry days. Warning: During lightning storms do not disconnect wires or approach the electric fence. Warning: nEVEr electrify barbed wire or similar fence types were humans or animals can become entangled in the fence or caught against the fence.Warning: Do not operate electric fence controllers near any combustible materials including gasoline, cleaning fluids and kerosene.caUtion: RISK OF ELECTRIC SHOCK. Do not install where small children, the elderly or unhealthy persons may come in contact with the live portions of electric fencing. Use electric fence warning signs where humans may come in contact with the fence.Warning: Follow all national, state and local codes and regulations that apply to installation of electric fence in your area.REFER TO AUTHORIZED REP AIR CENTER FOR SERVICE. Never alter the design of the energizer. Doing so is hazardous and will void the warranty.Warning: Do not run fence wire above ground near high voltage power lines. If too close, the electric fence may pick up dangerous levels of power from high voltage lines. Do not cross under a high voltage line with electric fence.Warning: Electric fences are very effective psychological barriers when properly installed and when animals are trained to the fence. Electric fences are NOT complete physical barriers. Erratic animal behavior cannot be predicted and occasional fence penetration can occur. Therefore, Power Wizard assumes no liability for animal containment, injury or the consequences for the misuse of the equipment.note: The fence hot terminal is either indicated by a red knob or a lightning bolt symbol ( ) and the ground is indicated by a black knob or an arrow symbol ( ). sPEciFications, FEatUrEs, anD aPPlications• 6V, 4.5Ah sealed lead acid rechargeable battery• 9V solar panel• Easy Battery check Feature – quickly test your battery voltage• automatic Battery saver Feature – conserves battery when too many dark days• 0.06 Joule output (not stored, but actual output joules onto the fence)• recommended for steel and aluminum wire, small animals, and clean fences. This means there are very few high weeds in contact with the wire.• limited applications with poly wire/rope/tape and larger animals• Easy mounting for T-post, round post and flat wallsKEYs to sUccEssFUl EnErgizEr installation PagE 2 take care of the 6 following details and you will prevent many hours of extra work.1. This solar energizer is intended for fences made from either steel or aluminum electricfence wire where few weeds are in contact with the wire, and is intended for smallanimals. This energizer has limited application with polywire, polyrope, and polytape and large animals.2. grounding - Carefully install a complete ground system. Most electric fence failures arecaused by an improper ground system (see Diagram #1). In many applications this solar energizer only needs one 4 foot ground rod if less than 1 acre of metal wire fence is used and the earth is semi-moist.3. connections – Carefully connect lead out wire, ground wire and fence line splices. Thisis the second most common cause of electric fence failure. Use clamps, split bolts and taps for securing wire connections. Make sure all connection surfaces are of bare, shiny metal (see Diagram 2, Wire Splice and Connections).4. Use adequately insulated hook-up wire (rated for at least 20,000V) where the hot wiremust travel underground. Never use standard household insulated wire, which is typically rated for only 600 volts or less.5. Maintain at least 75 feet from buried and above ground: utility company ground rods,water pipes, metal siding, telephone wire and stock watering tanks.6. Finally, it is very important that an animal’s first experience with an electric fence shock isone of respect. Some animals require more than one shock experience for lasting respect of the fence line. Always train the animal to the fence prior to unsupervised entry intopastures by insuring that the animal’s first approach to the fence is slow, without stress and that an effective repelling shock is experienced.tools needed1. Hammer or Screwdriver – for mounting energizer on wood post2. Wire cutters – to cut and strip insulation3. Post driver – to install ground rods and posts4. Digital volt meter – for electric fence testing and troubleshootingaccessories needed1. 1 to 3 galvanized ground rods – minimum 4 feet by 1/2” (minimum) diameter2. 1 to 3 ground rod clamps3. Insulated underground hook-up wire – 25 feet (20,000V rating)4. Solar energizer5. Line clamps6. Highly Recommended: 1 lightning choke and 1 lightning diverter or a combination chokeand diverter. Lightning is the number one cause of failure for electric fence energizers.READ STEPS 1 THROUGH 5 BELOW BEFORE INSTALLING YOUR ENERGIZERinstallation stEP 1: charge the BatteryWarning: Do not charge battery with a 12V automobile battery charger as this will damage the battery. Only a 6V lead acid rechargeable battery charger, or the solar panel, can be used. Ensure the switch is in the OFF position, and mount the energizer on a post, facing SOUTH for maximum sunlight throughout the day. (The 6 volt battery comes pre-installed and pre-connected so no terminal connection is needed)Put the energizer switch in the CHARGE position, and allow it to fully charge for 3-4 days to ensure the battery is fully topped off, before you begin to use the energizer. After each day you can test your battery voltage, and if it is 6V or higher (5 flashes) then your battery is fully charged. Y our 6V battery has an average life of 3.5 years.Easy Battery check Feature (test your battery while it’s in your energizer)We are the first energizer company to add the EasYBattery check feature. Start with the energizer switch inthe OFF position. Wait at least 15 seconds. Now, put theswitch in the ON position. Carefully watch the number offlashes from the lens. Refer to the label on the side of theenergizer or the below table. Example: 5 flashes at powerup means the battery is between 6V and 6.25V .The two battery voltage extremes:Battery voltage less than 5V – The front LIGHT will notflash at all and the energizer will not turn on. Charge thebattery in the sun.Battery voltage greater than 9V – The front LIGHT will stayon constant tEst – Prior to connecting the fence wire between yourfence and the energizer fence terminal, you should ensureit works. Move the energizer switch to the “ON” position. Watch the energizer front lens for a red pulsing light. The initial pulses, after power on, represent the battery voltage(Easy Battery Check mode). After the battery voltage pulses there will be about a 3 second off time before the energizer starts to put high voltage pulses onto the fence terminals. automatic Battery saver Feature (to conserve energy when there are too many dark days)This is an automatic feature that is not adjustable. Let’s say you have had too many dark cloudy days and the battery is draining. In this case the energizer senses the low battery voltage, and extends the pulse off time to conserve the battery . The pulse time will start at 1.4 second between pulses for a fully charged battery , and be 2 seconds for a battery that is almost drained.Easy Battery Check Initial Power-on Flashes Represent Battery Voltage Battery (V)# of LED flashes 5-5.25V 15.25-5.5V 25.5-5.75V 35.75-6V 46-6.25V56.25-9V 69v and higher LED stays oninstallation stEP 2: Mount the energizerOn the back of the energizer is a built in mounting bracket. Face the solar panel due south (in the northern Hemisphere), out of the way of trees, buildings, and other objects that will cast a shadow on it during the day. Do not mount your fence controller on the ground.• t-Post – This is the common mounting means. Slide the back of the energizer bracket over the top of the t-post and the mounting is done.• round wooden post – First, put a large headed nail into the post. Next, carefully slide the screw head into the slot in the energizer mounting bracket. Lastly, use the center hole in the energizer handle, and a small head nail to better secure your fencer, if desired.• Wooden wall – If you have a flat wooden wall, that faces south and gets sunlight all day, then you can use some nails in the two outermost holes in the solar energizer handle to mount this on a flat wall.installation stEP 3: connect energizer ground terminal (black) to your ground rod/s The “ground system” is 1 or more highly conductive rods driven into the soil and connected by wire to the ground terminal of your fence energizer. The ground system allows current to flow through the soil to complete the circuit needed for delivering an effective shock.1. Locate an area of soil for placing ground rods that contains good conductive earth (notsandy or rocky). Soil that is moist throughout the year is best. For this solar energizer the ground system is typically near the post used to mount the energizer, when possible.2. Locate ground system a minimum of 75 feet away from: Utility company (electric, gas,water) ground system, underground water pipe, metal water tanks, and metal siding on building (minimum 25 ft. away).3. Drive one 4 foot by 1/2” (minimum) galvanized ground rod. If more than 1 ground rod isused ensure they are 10 feet apart in a straight line. Leave 6 inches above the ground for securing ground clamps. Mark the area as a hazard.4. If more than 1 ground rod is used connect the ground rods, in a series, with one piece ofcontinuous 10 to 14 gauge galvanized wire. The ground hook-up wire should be equal to or larger than the diameter of the fence line wire.note: For this solar energizer, if your ground system is on moist to semi moist soil, and the fence is less than 1 acre in size, then 1 ground rod may be sufficient (Y ou will know if your animal touches the fence and detects a shock). For more than 1 acre, or for dryer soil, you may need 2 or more ground rods.1. 12-14 gauge galvanizedfence wire.2. Ground rods – 4 feetlong by 1/2” (or more) indiameter, galvanized steelrods.IMPORT ANT: Avoid SANDY ,DRY and ROCKY soil.in the many applicationsthis solar energizer onlyrequires one 4 foot groundrod, if the fence is 1 acreor less. If the soil is dry, theneither 2 or 3 ground rods maybe needed. installation stEP 4: connect the fence hot (red knob) terminalnote: Ensure the energizer switch is in the OFF position before making this connection.1. Refer to the red fence terminal knob on the front/bottom of the energizer. This is the redknob that is marked with a small lightning bolt on the front label.2. Unscrew the fence terminal knob without fully removing it. Make a “J” shape in a bareend of hook-up wire, wrap this bare end of wire around the fence terminal bolt, andhand tighten the red knob. 10 to 14 gauge insulated lead-out wire (rated at 20,000V) is commonly used for this.3. Properly connect the other end of the wire to your electric fence. A split bolt line tap isa common means of connection. Refer to the WIRE SPLICING AND CONNECTIONSdiagram for other connection means.caUtion: Only hand-tighten the fence terminal knobs on the energizer. DO NOT use pliers or other mechanical means or they may be over-tighten, and damage may occurthat will void your warranty.Diagram 2 – Wire Splicing and ConnectionsDiagram 1 – Ground System InstallationFor best results when connecting electricfence wire, polywire or polytape, only usethe following methods to protect yourfence wire from corrosion and increasethe reliability of full power being distributedto the rest of your electric fence.Wire ConnectionsSplit Bolt Wire Tap Wire SplicingSleeveWhen joining fence wire anywhere on the fence, be sure to use a Figure 8 or Reef Knot.See Below.Wire Joints Figure 8 Knot Reef KnotStep 1 Step 2 Knotting PolytapeKnotting Polywire When knotting polywire, be sure to double the ends of the connecting fence wire. Then tie a Slip Knot, as shown below.Pull Wireto Tighten T o connect polytape, first start with astandard knot. Be sure to leave between3-4” of extra tape. Peel back around 2.5”of the tape, exposing the conductive wires.T wist the two wires together to make theconnection complete.installation stEP 5: Energize your fencePut the energizer switch in the ON position. Wait for it to go through its Easy Battery check mode. Next, there will be about a 3 second time with no light flashing, prior to producing high voltage pulses. The red light should flash about once every 1.5 seconds for a fully charged battery, but for a low battery it can flash as slowly as every 2 seconds due to the Battery saver mode.notE: It is highly recommended that you buy an electric fence digital volt meter. This is the only way to be confident about the fence voltage.solar PanEl MaintEnancEEvery few months use a damp cloth (with water only) and a dry cloth to clean the solar panel. This will help maximize solar panel efficiency. If snow gets on the solar panel simply wipe it off. When the energizer is to be stored (for more than 4 days) use something dark to cover the solar panel (to prevent it from overcharging the battery). When storing the energizer, place the energizer in strong direct sunlight for 2 days, every 4 months, with the switch in the “CHARGE” position. Put switch back into the “OFF” position for storage.BattErY rEPlacEMEntThe solar energizer battery is pre-installed and already tested andconnected, from the factory. The easiestway to charge the 6V battery is to followthe battery charging instructions in step1 of the installation procedures, usingthe sunlight. If you put the charger in fullsun for 5 days, and the battery voltageis still under 5.75V, then you may needto replace the battery, but you shouldonly have to do this after severalyears of use. T o replace the battery referto the following drawings. Remove thebattery door, slide the battery door inthe direction of the arrow, and then pullit out. Carefully disconnect the red andblack wires (Hold onto the connector).Replace it with another 6V, 4.5Ahsealed lead acid rechargeable battery.Carefully connect the red wire to thered (+) battery terminal and the blackwire to the black (-) battery terminal, ordamage may result. Put the battery inthe compartment, put it back into theenergizer, and tighten the screw.Warning: Save These InstructionsProDUct gUarantEE anD WarrantY PagE 730 DAY SATISFACTION GUARANTEEPOWER WIZARD, INC. guarantees your complete satisfaction with this fence energizer. If you are not satisfied with this product, you may return the energizer to the original place of purchase within 30 days of purchase for a full refund. Proof of purchase is required for a refund.LIMITED WARRANTYPOWER WIZARD, INC. warrants this fence energizer to the original purchaser only, for a period of thirty-six (36) months from the date of purchase, when installed and used in accordance with the enclosed installation instructions. The two exceptions are the solar panel and the battery are under warranty for 12 months. Proof of purchase is required for warranty consideration. This warranty covers defects in materials and workmanship to the fence energizer. The warranty also covers damage to the energizer caused by lightning.tErMs tHat aPPl Y to BotH tHE gUarantEE anD WarrantYImproper installation, misuse, neglect, tampering, or any other reason not related to materialor workmanship are NOT covered under the 30-Day Guarantee or the Limited Warranty. No warranty other than the above is expressed or implied. Implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular application are hereby disclaimed unless the law specifically precludes this disclaimer. The manufacturer and seller shall have no liability for damages, incidental or consequential, resulting from or caused by any failure, malfunction or defect of any product.The sole obligation of Power Wizard, Inc. shall be limited to repair or replacement, at its option, of the defective fence energizer or part.to MaKE a WarrantY claiM1. First disconnect energizer from fence and confirm that voltage output at the energizerterminals is not normal.2. Before returning product under warranty, you must call Power Wizard at (800) 866-2161 toobtain a Return Goods Authorization number and a shipping address for the service center that will process the return. The RGA number must accompany the returned product.3. Attach a note showing your name, phone number, return address and brief descriptionof the problem.4. Pack product carefully in oversized carton with crushed newspaper for cushioning.5. Y our product should be shipped prepaid and insured against shipping loss or damage.10375 State Route 43Streetsboro, OH 44241Phone: 800.866.2161Fax: 330.562.7403Rev. 02 -11。
电子计时器 CT-APS.21 延时关机功能 SPDT 接触器说明书
Electronic timer CT-APS.21OFF-delayed with 2 c/o (SPDT) contactsThe CT-APS.21 is an electronic timer from the CT-S range with OFF-delay. It provides 10 time ranges and a continuous rated control voltage that enables worldwide use regardless of the supply voltage.All electronic timers from the CT-S range areavailable with two different terminal versions. You can choose between the proven screw connection technology (double-chamber cage connection terminals) and the completely tool-free Easy Connect Technology (push-in terminals).Characteristics–Rated control supply voltage 24-240 V AC/DC –OFF-delay timer with auxiliary voltage –10 time ranges (0.05 s - 300 h)–Control input with voltage-related triggering to start timing –Precise adjustment by front-face operating elements –Screw connection technology or Easy ConnectTechnology available–Housing material for highest fire protection classificationUL 94 V-0–Tool-free mounting and demounting on DIN-rail – 2 c/o (SPDT) contacts –Width of 22.5 mm– 2 LEDs for status indication Order data Electronic timersType Rated control supply voltage Connection technology Time ranges Order codeCT-APS.21P 24-240 V AC/DC Push-in terminals 0.05 s - 300 h 1SVR 740 180 R0300CT-APS.21S24-240 V AC/DCScrew type terminals0.05 s - 300 h1SVR 730 180 R0300AccessoriesType DescriptionOrder codeADP .01Adapter for screw mounting on panel 1SVR 430 029 R0100MAR.01Marker label1SVR 366 017 R0100COV.11Sealable transparent cover1SVR 730 005 R0100Approvals A UL 508, CAN/CSA C22.2 No.14C GL D GOST K CB scheme ECCCMarks aCE bC-Tick2C D C 251 036 V 00112 - Electronic timer CT-APS.21 | Data sheetConnection technologyMaintenance free Easy Connect Technology with push-in terminalsType designation CT-xxS.yyPApproved screw connection technology with double-chamber cage connection terminals Type designation CT-xxS.yySPush-in terminals–Tool-free connection of rigid and flexible wires withwire end ferrule according to DIN 46228-1-A 4-9, DIN 46228-4-E 4-10Wire size: 2 x 0.5-1.5 mm², (2 x 20 - 16 AWG) –Easy connection of flexible wires without wire endferrule by opening the terminals –No retightening necessary–One operation lever for opening both connectionterminals–For triggering the lever and disconnecting of wiresyou can use the same tool (Screwdriver according to DIN ISO 2380-1 Form A 0.8 x 4 mm (0.0315 x 0.157 in), DIN ISO 8764-1 PZ1 ø 4.5 mm (0.177 in))–Constant spring force on terminal point independentof the applied wire type, wire size or ambientconditions (e. g. vibrations or temperature changes) –Opening for testing the electrical contacting –Gas-tightDouble-chamber cage connection terminals–Terminal spaces for different wire sizes:fine-strand with/without wire end ferrule: 1 x 0.5-2.5 mm² (2 x 20 - 14 AWG), 2 x 0.5-1.5 mm² (2 x 20 - 16 AWG) rigid:1 x 0.5-4 mm² (1 x 20 - 12 AWG), 2 x 0.5-2.5 mm² (2 x 20 - 14 AWG)–One screw for opening and closing of both cages –Pozidrive screws for pan- or crosshead screwdriversaccording to DIN ISO 2380-1 Form A 0.8 x 4 mm (0.0315 x 0.157 in), DIN ISO 8764-1 PZ1 ø 4.5 mm (0.177 in)Both the Easy Connect Technology with push-in terminals and screw connection technology with double-chamber cageconnection terminals have the same connection geometry as well as terminal position.2C D C 253 025 F 00112C D C 253 026 F 0011Data sheet | Electronic timer CT-APS.21 - 3Functions Operating controlRotary switch for the preselection of the time range Fine adjustment of the time delay Indication of operational statesU: green LED - control supply voltage / timing R: yellow LED - status of output relays4 Marker labelApplicationThe CT-S range timers are designed for use in industrial applications. They operate over an universal range of supplyvoltages and a large time delay range, within compact dimensions. The easy-to-set front-face potentiometers, with direct reading scales, provide accurate time delay adjustment.Operating modeThe CT-APS.21 with 2 c/o (SPDT) contacts offers 10 time ranges, from 0.05 s to 300 h, for the adjustment of the time delay. The time delay range is rotary switch selectable. The fine adjustment of the time delay is made via an internal potentiometer, with a direct reading scale, on the front of the unit.Timing is displayed by a flashing green LED labelled U/T.2C D C 251 036 V 0011Function diagramOFF-delay with auxiliary voltageThis function requires continuous control supply voltage for timing.If control input A1-Y1/B1 is closed, the output relay energizes immediately. If control input A1-Y1/B1 is opened, the time delay starts. The green LED flashes during timing. When the selected time delay is complete, the output relay de-energizes and the flashing green LED turns steady.If control input A1-Y1/B1 recloses before the time delay is complete, the time delay is reset and the output relay does not change state. Timing starts again when control input A1-Y1/B1 re-opens.If control supply voltage is interrupted, the output relay de-energizes and the time delay is reset.Electrical connectionWiring instructionsControl input (voltage-related triggering)The control input Y1/B1 is triggered with electric potential against A2. It is possible to use the control supply voltage from terminal A1 or any other voltage within the rated control supply voltage range.4 - Electronic timer CT-APS.21 | Data sheetTechnical dataData at T a = 25 °C and rated values, unless otherwise indicatedInput circuitsSupply circuit A1‑A2Rated control supply voltage U S24-240 V AC/DCRated control supply voltage U S tolerance-15...+10 %Rated frequency DC n/aAC50/60 HzFrequency range AC47-63 HzTypical current / power consumption24 V DC24 mA / on request115 V AC22 mA / on request230 V AC12 mA / on requestPower failure buffering time24 V DC 1.2 mA230 V AC8 mAControl circuitControl input, control function A1-Y1/B1start timing externalKind of triggering voltage-related triggeringRestistance to reverse polarity yesPolarized noCapable for switching a parallel load yesMaximum cable length to the control inputs50 m - 100 pF/mMinimum control pulse length20 msControl voltage potential see rated control supply voltage U SCurrent consumption of the control input24 V DC 1.2 mA230 V AC8 mATiming circuitKind of timer Single-function timer OFF-delay with auxiliary voltageTime ranges 0.05 s - 300 h0.05-1 s, 0.15-3 s, 0.5-10 s, 1.5-30 s, 5-100 s,15-300 s, 1.5-30 min, 15-300 min, 1.5-30 h, 15-300 h Recovery time< 50 msRepeat accuracy (constant parameters)Δt <± 0.2 %Accuracy within the rated control supply voltage toleranceΔt < 0.004 %/VAccuracy within the temperature rangeΔt < 0.03 %/°CUser interfaceIndication of operational statesControl supply voltage / timing U/T: green LED V: control supply voltage appliedU/T: green LED W: timingRelay status R: yellow LED V: output relay energizedData sheet| Electronic timer CT-APS.21 - 5Output circuitsKind of output15-16/18Relay, 1. c/o (SPDT) contact25-26/28Relay, 2. c/o (SPDT) contact Contact material Cd-freeRated operational voltage U e250 VMinimum switching voltage / Minimum switching current12 V / 10 mAMaximum switching voltage / Minimum switching current see ‘Load limit curves’ on page 8 Rated operational current I e (IEC/EN 60947-5-1)AC12 (resistive) at 230 V 4 AAC15 (inductive) at 230 V 3 ADC12 (resistive) at 24 V 4 ADC13 (inductive) at 24 V 2 AAC rating (UL 508)utilization category (ControlCircuit Rating Code)B 300max. rated operational voltage300 V ACmax. continuous thermalcurrent at B 3005 Amax. making / breakingapparent power at B 3003600/360 VAMechanical lifetime30 x 106 switching cycles Electrical lifetime AC12, 230 V, 4 A0.1 x 106 switching cyclesMaximum fuse rating to achieve short-circuit protection (IEC/EN 60947-5-1)n/c contact 6 A fast-acting n/o contact10 A fast-actingGeneral dataElectrical connection6 - Electronic timer CT-APS.21 | Data sheetEnvironmental dataAmbient temperature ranges operation-40...+60 °Cstorage-40...+85 °CDamp heat, cyclic (IEC/EN 60068-2-30) 6 x 24 h cycle, 55 °C, 95 % RH Vibration, sinusoidal (IEC/EN 60068-2-6)functioning40 m/s2, 10-58/60-150 Hzresistance60 m/s2, 10-58/60-150 Hz, 20 cycles Vibration, seismic (IEC/EN 60068-3-3)functioning20 m/s²Shock, half-sine (IEC/EN 60068-2-27)functioning100 m/s2, 11 ms, 3 shocks/directionresistance300 m/s2, 11 ms, 3 shocks/direction Isolation dataRated insulation voltage U i output circuit 1 /output circuit 2300 Vinput circuit / output circuit500 VRated impulse withstand voltage U imp between allisolated circuits (IEC/EN 60664-1, VDE 0110)4 kV; 1.2/50 µsPower-frequency withstand voltage test between all isolated circuits (test voltage)routine test: 2.0 kV; 50 Hz, 1 s type test: 2.5 kV; 50 Hz, 1 minBasic insulation (IEC/EN 61140)input circuit / output circuit500 VProtective separation (IEC/EN 61140; IEC/EN 50178;VDE 0106 part 101 and part 101/A1)input circuit / output circuit250 VPollution degree(IEC/EN 60664-1, VDE 0110)3Overvoltage category(IEC/EN 60664-1, VDE 0110)IIIStandardsProduct standard IEC 61812-1, EN 61812-1 + A11,DIN VDE 0435 part 2021Low Voltage Directive2006/95/ECEMC Directive2004/108/ECRoHS Directive2002/95/ECElectromagnetic compatibilityInterference immunity to IEC/EN 61000-6-1, IEC/EN 61000-6-2electrostatic discharge IEC/EN 61000-4-2Level 3, 6 kV / 8 kVradiated, radio-frequency, electromagnetic field IEC/EN 61000-4-3Level 3, 10 V/m (1 GHz) / 3 V/m (2 GHz) /1 V/m (2.7 GHz)electrical fast transient / burst IEC/EN 61000-4-4Level 3, 2 kV / 5 kHzsurge IEC/EN 61000-4-5Level 4, 2 kV A1-A2conducted disturbances, induced by radio-frequency fieldsIEC/EN 61000-4-6Level 3, 10 Vharmonics and interharmonics IEC/EN 61000-4-13Level 3Interference emission IEC/EN 61000-6-3, IEC/EN 61000-6-4high-frequency radiated IEC/CISPR 22, EN 55022Class Bhigh-frequency conducted IEC/CISPR 22, EN 55022Class BData sheet| Electronic timer CT-APS.21 - 7Technical diagramsLoad limit curves8 - Electronic timer CT-APS.21 | Data sheetDimensionsin mm and inchesAccessoriesin mm and inchesFurther documentationDocument title Document type Document numberElectronic Products and Relays Technical catalogue2CDC 110 004 C020xCT-APS, CT-ERS, CT-MVS, CT-SDS Instruction manual1SVC 730 020 M0000You can find the documentation on the internet at /lowvoltage -> Control Products ->Electronic Relays and Controls -> Time RelaysData sheet| Electronic timer CT-APS.21 - 9ABB STOTZ‑KONTAKT GmbHP. O. Box 10 16 8069006 Heidelberg, Germany Phone: +49 (0) 6221 7 01-0Fax: +49 (0) 6221 7 01-13 25E-mail:*****************.comYou can find the address of your local sales organization on theABB home page/contacts-> Low Voltage Products and Systems Contact usNote:We reserve the right to make technical changes or modify the contents of this document without prior notice. With regard to purchase orders, the agreed particulars shall prevail. ABB AG does not accept any responsibility whatsoever for potential errors or possible lack of information in this document.We reserve all rights in this document and in the subject matter and illustrations contained therein. Any reproduction, disclosure to third parties or utilization of its contents – in wholeor in parts – is forbidden without prior written consent of ABB AG.Copyright© 2011 ABBAll rights reserved D o c u m e n t n u m b e r 2 C D C 1 1 1 1 1 6 D 0 2 0 1 p r i n t e d i n G e r m a n y ( 0 4 / 2 0 1 1 )。
数字式增紧扭力扳手型号 CTB2-G操作手册致用户:请在使用之前仔细阅读本说明书,请按说明书要求正确使用此产品。
注意① 请保持工作场所的整洁。
② 请勿让小孩接近工具使用场所。
③ 若工具不被使用时,请放置在安全的地方。
3 警告。
5 保修。
6 介绍。
7 手册内容。
7 触电救护。
13 1.1 简介。
14 1.2 技术指标。
16 1.3 方框图。
19 2.1 设备安装。
20 2.2 初装要点。
20 2.3 测试接口。
21 2.4 RS232接口。
21技术资料精心整理WORD下载可编辑2.5 操作显示菜单介绍。
22 2.6 保护门限,告警及其设置。
24 2.7 改频步骤。
24 2.8 预防措施。
25 前面板。
26 后面板。
27 第三章图表。
29 ATP150A CAV/5U 接线图。
30 MTF0096AR0 放大模块元件清单。
31 ATP150A CAV/5U 元件清单。
32 SCH0291AR0(主板)。
33 - 音频处理电路。
34 - 视频处理电路。
35 - 视频予校正电路。
36 - 音/视频调制电路。
37 - 中频载频振荡电路。
38 - 中频予校正电路。
39 - 中频校正电路。
40 - 上变频电路。
41 - 电源电路。
42 - 校正调试点。
48 - 外部AGC 设置。
58 SCH0123AR1(控制板和显示)。
59 -调试要点。
62 SCH0136AR0(IV-V波段VCO器)。
63 -调试要点。
63 MTG0050AR0(40Ddb UHF 滤波器)。
66 -调试步骤。
66 SCH0300AR0(接口板)。
69 SCA0302AR0(5W 放大模块)。
71 SCA0311AR0(2W 放大模块)。
72 E0004 (S-150-24 开关电源)。
Shanghai STEP Electric Co., Ltd.
审 核: 日 期:
STEP® TOMCB 转换板说明书
4.2 Normal Operation
编 号: 版本号: 编 制: 日 期: 页 码:
PrAB-TOMCB V1.0 何林杰 2005 年 03 月 24 日 共 21 页 第 8 页
PrAB-TOMCB V1.0 何林杰 2005 年 03 月 24 日 共 21 页 第 6 页
(2) DFC,INS,INVF,SW,BY 这五个信号需要输入CPU处理,同时SW和BY信号还要直接驱动TOMCB内的小继电器,由小继电 器控制输出接触器SW和抱闸继电器BY。
(3) 位置信号LS1, LS2,DZ1,DZ2 这四个信号必须输入 CPU 处理,其中 DZ1,DZ2 信号(低电平有效,平层时输入 0V),而且还必须将这两 个信号分别转化成高电平输出的 LV1, LV2。
1.2 控制原理
从前面的系统框图可以看出,它的核心控制单元为 LCB2,电梯所有的内外呼梯信号,开关门信号等均 由 LCB2 来处理,而楼层信号、位置信号、速度曲线的生成均由 TOMCB 处理后,将运行命令发送给变频 器。 LCB2 根据接收到的呼梯信号,发速度指令(V1—V4)给 TOMCB,TOMCB 将 V 指令转换成运行指 令和速度指令后发送给变频器,变频器根据接受到的速度指令(ENA 使能信号,运行方向,模拟速度指令), 启动运行,TOMCB 在每一层减速点之前发一个 IP 信号给 LCB2,以便 LCB2 增加或减少楼层数,然后根据 当前的楼层数和呼梯楼层信号判断电梯是否要停车,如要停车,则发 SD(STOP AT NEXT FLOOR)命令给 TOMCB,变频器即根据接收到的速度曲线减速停车,当 TOMCB 根据从变频器反馈的速度判断速度是否已 降到 DOOR OPED SPEED THRESHOLD 判断,是否要发出 DS 信号(DS1=1,DS2-1,DS3=0)给 LCB2, 当速度降到 STOP SPEED THRESHOLD 时,可以认为电梯已停止,发送 DS 信号(DS1=1,DS2=1,DS3=1) 给 LCB2,LCB2 就发出开门信号,实现提前开门。
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表 5 监控模式下内容示例及中文对照(多频网模式) ..............................................7 表 6 监控模式下内容示例及中文对照(单频网模式) ..............................................7
LCD: 系统复位键: 功能按键: LED_ASI1: LED_ASI2: LED_ TSErr: LED_ GPS: LED_ Ready: LED_ SysErr:
40×2 字符型带背光液晶屏 内嵌式系统复位键 ←、→、↑、↓、√、EXIT (从左至右) 绿灯亮表示系统选用 ASI1 的 TS 流且 TS 流输入正常 绿灯亮表示系统选用 ASI2 的 TS 流且 TS 流输入正常 红灯亮表示一路或两路 ASI 有报警,请查液晶屏信息提示(详见第 6 章) 绿灯亮表示系统已接上 10 MHz 外部参考源 绿灯亮表示系统工作,射频输出开启 红灯长亮表示存在系统故障(详见第 6 章) 红灯闪烁亮表示存在系统警告,请检查液晶屏信息提示(详见第 6 章) 预校正射频输入信号环出监测(仅适用于 CTTB 7000 系列,输出电平低 于[RFIN]输出电平 12 dB)
4.5 设置模式..................................................................................................................8
表 7 主界面及中文对照..................................................................................................8 表 8 设置模式下系统设置界面及中文对照 ..................................................................8 表 9 设置模式下射频控制界面及中文对照 ..................................................................9 表 10 设置模式下工作模式界面及中文对照(多频网模式) ..................................10 表 11 设置模式下工作模式界面及中文对照(单频网模式) ..................................11 表 12 设置模式下配置界面及中文对照 ......................................................................11
图 2 开启预校正下与发射机的连接示意图 ................................................................13
6 故障检查及排除.......................................................................................................14 6.1 输入码流部分........................................................................................................14 6.2 单频网部分............................................................................................................14 6.3 预校正部分(仅适用于CTTB 7000 系列) .......................................................15 6.4 其它........................................................................................................................15 附录 A.........................................................................................................................17
5 操作指南...................................................................................................................12 5.1 与发射机的连接(不开启预校正)....................................................................12 5.2 与发射机的连接(开启预校正)........................................................................12
ASI输入1 ASI输入2
ASI两路热备份 无缝切换
1pps 10MHz外参考
符合GB20600-2006 基带处理
ADPC 自适应数字预校正
内外参考 源切换
符合GB20600-2006 解调
RS232 Ethernet
混频器 本振
RF信号输出/ 本振监测输出
表 1 ASI输入接口电气特性技术指标.............................................................................5
4 使用说明.....................................................................................................................6 4.1 开机..........................................................................................................................6 4.2 待机模式..................................................................................................................6 4.3 查询模式..................................................................................................................6
地面数字电视广播激励器 ANYWAVE CTTB Exciter
CTTB 激励器产品说明书
1 产品简介.....................................................................................................................3
CTTB 激励器产品说明书
1 产品简介
地面数字电视广播激励器是地面数字电视广播发射机的核心,是地面数字电视广播系统 的重要组成部分。地面数字电视广播激励器的技术指标直接影响地面数字电视广播发射机性 能和地面数字电视网络覆盖效果。
地面数字电视广播激励器包括基带处理及 D/A、频率合成及上变频、射频输出放大和监 控系统等功能模块,完成从基带 TS 输入数据码流到符合 GB 20600-2006 规定的 UHF 或 VHF 频段地面数字电视广播 RF 信号的转换。以上海全波通信技术有限公司的 CTTB7000 激励器 为例,全系统框图如图 1 所示。
表 13 8 MHz带宽系统净码率(Mbps).......................................................................17
附录 B.........................................................................................................................18
表 14 常用 7 种应用模式..............................................................................................18
上海全波通信技术有限公司 27-Jan-10 VER 13.1
第 2 页,共 18 页
2.2 机箱背面
预校正射频信号输入(仅适用于 CTTB 7000 系列) 射频监测输出(输出电平低于[RFOUT]输出电平 19 dB) 10 MHz 监测输出 射频信号输出 RS232 接口(REMOTE) 备用 以太网口 10 MHz 外部参考源输入 1 PPS 输入 ASI 环出 ASI 输入 1 ASI 输入 2