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step, stage or degree of rank, quality, etc; level of classification (官阶﹑质量等的)等级, 品级; 阶段; 程度: a person's salary grade, ie level of pay 某人的薪金级别* [attrib 作定语] high/low-grade civil servants, milk, pigs, materials 等级高[低]的公务员﹑奶品﹑猪﹑材料* Grade A potatoes are the best in quality. 甲等马铃薯是质量最好的.

(a) mark given in an examination or for school work (考试或作业的)分数, 评分等级: Pupils with 90% or more are awarded Grade A. 满90分的学生评为甲等. * She got excellent grades in her exams. 她考试成绩优异. (b) level of (esp musical) skill at which a pupil is tested (学生受测试的)技巧水平(尤指音乐方面): He's got Violin Grade 6, ie has passed a test at that level of skill. 他的小提琴6级考试及格了.

(US) division of a school based on the age of the pupils; pupils in such a division 年级; (按年级划分的)小学生: My son's in the third grade. 我儿子上小学三年级.


[esp passive 尤用於被动语态: Tn, Tn.pr, Cn.n] ~ sth/sb by/according to sth; ~ sth/sb from sth to sth arrange sth/sb in order by grades or classes, ie assessed and marked with the standard or grade obtained 将某事物[某人]按级分类或分等: The potatoes are graded by/according to size. 马铃薯按大小分等级. * Eggs are graded from small to extra-large. 鸡蛋从小的到特大的分成了等级.

[Tn, Cn.n] (esp US) mark (written work); give (a student) a mark 给(书面作业)评分; 给(学生)分数: The term papers have been graded. 期末考卷已评完分数了. * A student who gets 90% is graded A. 凡得90分的学生列为甲等.

[Tn] make (land, esp for roads) more nearly level by reducing the slope (用削减斜度的办法)使(地面, 尤指路面)接近水平.


Shock [U] state of extreme weakness caused by physical injury, pain, fright, etc 休克: be in/go into shock 处於休克状态* suffering from shock 已休克* What is the correct medical treatment for shock? 在医学上怎样处理休克才对? * She died of shock following an operation on her brain. 她作脑科手术後因休克死亡.

v [Tn esp passive 尤用於被动语态] cause a shock1(3) to (sb); cause (sb) to feel disgust, indignation, horror, etc 使(某人)震惊; 使(某人)感到厌恶﹑愤怒﹑恐惧等: I was shocked at the news of her death. 我听到她去世的消息十分震惊. * He was shocked to hear his child swearing. 他听见他孩子骂人非常生气. * I'm not easily shocked, but that book really is obscene. 我并不是大惊小怪的人, 但那本书淫秽之甚确实让我大吃一惊.

P2line26 forgive

v (pt forgave / fəˈgeɪv; fɚˋɡev/, pp forgiven / fəˈgɪvn; fɚˋɡɪvən/)

[Tn, Tn.pr, Dn.n] ~ sth; ~ sb (for

sth/doing sth) stop being angry or bitter towards sb or about sth; stop blaming or wanting to punish sb 原谅; 宽恕; 饶恕: I forgave her a long time ago. 我早已原谅她了. * I cannot forgive myself for not seeing my mother before she died. 母亲临终前我未去看她, 为这件事我永远不能原谅自己. * She forgave him his thoughtless remark. 她原谅了他说的轻率的话. * (religion 宗) Forgive us our trespasses, ie our sins. 请宽恕我们的罪孽吧!

[Tn, Tn.pr, Tsg] ~ sb (for doing sth) (used in polite expressions to lessen the force of what the speaker says and in mild apologies 礼貌用语, 用以缓和语气并示歉意): Forgive my ignorance, but what exactly are you talking about? 请原谅我孤陋寡闻, 你说的到底是什麽? * Please forgive me for interrupting/my interrupting. 对不起, 打搅了.
