Use of high resolution satellite images for tracking of changes in the lineament structure,

Satellite: A technological marvel in the skySatellites have become an integral part of our modern lives, orbiting the Earth and performing a wide range of tasks that are crucial for communication, navigation, and weather monitoring. These remarkable technological achievements are not just floating objects in space; they are the backbone of our modern society, connecting usacross vast distances and enabling us to understand our planet better.One of the most significant roles of satellites is in communication. Many of us rely on satellites to stay connected with loved ones, whether it's through phone calls, text messages, or social media. Satellites transmit signals between ground stations, enabling seamless communication across the globe. This technology has transformed the waywe stay in touch, making it possible to stay connected even in remote areas where traditional phone lines or internet cables are not available.Apart from communication, satellites also play acrucial role in navigation. The Global Positioning System (GPS) is a widely used technology that relies on a networkof satellites to determine a person's location accurately. This technology is not just used by individuals but also by businesses, governments, and emergency services to plan routes, track assets, and respond to emergencies.Weather monitoring is another important function of satellites. By observing the Earth from space, satellites can provide valuable data on weather patterns, climate change, and natural disasters. This information is crucial for meteorologists to predict weather conditions and issue warnings to the public, enabling them to prepare for potential hazards.Satellites also play a role in Earth observation, providing high-resolution images of our planet's surface. These images are used for a wide range of applications, including mapping, urban planning, environmental monitoring, and disaster response. Satellites can capture images of remote areas that are difficult to access, providing valuable insights into the state of our planet.The development of satellites has been a remarkablefeat of human engineering. These complex machines must withstand the extreme conditions of space, including thevacuum of space, extreme temperatures, and radiation. The precision and reliability of satellite technology are remarkable, and it is a testament to the dedication and expertise of the engineers and scientists who design and build them.In conclusion, satellites are a remarkable testament to human ingenuity and technology. They play a crucial role in our lives, connecting us across vast distances, enabling us to navigate with precision, and providing us with valuable information about our planet. As technology continues to advance, we can expect satellites to become even more capable and play an even more significant role in our future.**卫星:天空中的科技奇迹**卫星已经成为我们现代生活中不可或缺的一部分,它们环绕地球运行,执行着对于通信、导航和天气监测至关重要的各种任务。

中国空间的发展英语作文The Development of China's Space Industry。
In recent years, China's space industry has made remarkable progress. From launching its first satellite in 1970 to landing a rover on the far side of the moon in 2019, China's space program has achieved many milestones. The development of China's space industry has not only contributed to scientific research but also to national security and economic growth.One of the major achievements of China's space industry is the successful launch of the Tiangong-1 space laboratory in 2011. Tiangong-1 was China's first space laboratory and was used for scientific research and experiments. The success of Tiangong-1 paved the way for the launch of Tiangong-2 in 2016, which was used for more advanced experiments and also served as a testbed for China's future space station.China's space industry has also made significant progress in the field of satellite technology. China has launched a series of high-resolution Earth observation satellites, which have been used for various purposes such as disaster monitoring, resource management, and urban planning. China has also developed its own satellite navigation system, the BeiDou Navigation Satellite System, which provides global coverage and is used for bothcivilian and military purposes.In addition to scientific research and satellite technology, China's space industry has also contributed to national security. China has developed a range of military satellites, including reconnaissance and communication satellites, which have enhanced China's ability to gather intelligence and communicate with its military forces.The development of China's space industry has also had a significant impact on the economy. China's space industry has created many high-tech jobs and has stimulated the growth of related industries such as aerospace manufacturing, telecommunications, and navigation. Thecommercialization of space technology has also led to the development of new industries such as space tourism and space mining.Despite the achievements of China's space industry, there are still many challenges ahead. China's space program is facing increasing competition from other countries, such as the United States and Russia. China also needs to address issues such as space debris and the sustainability of its space activities.In conclusion, the development of China's spaceindustry has been a remarkable achievement, contributing to scientific research, national security, and economic growth. China's space program has come a long way since its first satellite launch in 1970 and is poised to continue making significant progress in the years to come.。
Bathymetry estimation from high-resolution satellite images.

Bathymetry estimation from high-resolution satellite images. G. Pennucci, R. Grasso, C. Trees NURC-NATO Undersea Research Centre, Viale San Bartolomeo 400, 19138 La Spezia
Measurements from Galatea 18 m 16 m 14 m 12 m 10 m 8m 6m 4m 4m 6 m 8 m 10 m 12 m 14 m 16 m Measurements from AUV
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
In-situ transects from AUV
R2 = 0.9642 Std = 0.6312
6. RESULTS We have compared depths derived from the remote sensing acquisitions with the in-situ data that have been taken during BP07 with two different data-set collected by the OEX-AUV (Figure 1) and the Galatea vessel (Figure 2). The comparison between the two data show good agreement, as presented in figure 3.
Figure 1: this figure represents the Quickbird image on which we have been overlapped the available AUV data. The red circles represent the selected transects for the comparisons.

First, we need to import the data from the GF-3 radar satellite.2.然后,对数据进行质量控制,包括去除异常值和填补缺失值。
Then, perform quality control on the data, including removing outliers and filling in missing values.3.接下来,对数据进行预处理,如去噪、辐射校正和地理坐标转换。
Next, preprocess the data, such as denoising, radiometric correction, and georeferencing.4.在数据预处理过程中,需要考虑雷达影像的波长和极化特性。
Consider the wavelength and polarization characteristics of the radar images during data preprocessing.5.对数据进行辐射定标,确保数据在不同时间和地点具有一致的无量纲化单位。
Radiometric calibration of the data is performed toensure consistent dimensionless units at different times and locations.6.在地理坐标转换时,需要将雷达影像数据投影到统一的坐标系中。
During georeferencing, the radar image data needs to be projected onto a unified coordinate system.7.数据的辐射校正有助于减小不同时间和天气条件下影像的差异。
Radiometric correction of the data helps reducedifferences in images under different times and weather conditions.8.在预处理过程中,还需要考虑雷达影像的分辨率和几何精度。

High Resolution SatelliteGeoProcessing Toolfor creating Mosaic DatasetsUsage Guide19 October 2016Table of ContentsIntended Audience (3)Purpose (3)Contents of zip file. (3)Installation of zip file. (4)Ikonos GP Tool (4)GP tool Usage (4)Output mosaic dataset configuration notes (5)Intended AudienceThe tools, scripts and data described in this package are intended to enable users of ArcGIS Desktop version 10.4 toare compatible with ArcGIS Pro 1.2, but note that Pro 1.2 has some limitations with regard to viewing the function chains. The details of the chains may not be visible, but the functionality will be applied.The specific satellites that are supported in this version include Geoeye, Ikonos, Pleiades, Spot6, Spot7, Quickbird, Worldview-1, and WorldView-2 satellites.Note that, for most satellites, there are many different products available, based on different processing levels. This workflow presumes the user is working with the basic products (typically “1B”). The products supported by this version are listed in the following table:PurposeThe workflow using this geoprocessing (GP) tool and scripts with documentation in this package provides an example of “best practices” for creating mosaic datasets using high resolution satellite imagery. One key objective with this workflow is to standardize the configuration of spectral bands which are most commonly used, since the satellites use different band order for the blue, green, red, near infrared, and panchromatic bands. The configurations for mosaic datasets output by this tool ensures that users can select true color, color infrared, NDVI, and pan sharpened views from any of the supported satellites.The GP tools provided within the Python tool box will help the user to build and populate mosaic datasets. Based on sensor type, the corresponding GP tool can be used to create the mosaic dataset. The python tool box contains separate GP tools for each satellite: Geoeye, Ikonos, Pleiades, Spot6, Spot7, Quickbird, Worldview-1, and WorldView-2.Contents of zip file.a. DirectoriesThe zip files from ArcGIS Online should be extracted to a working folder, e.g. c:\Image_Mgmt_Workflows, creating the subdirectories shown below. For details regarding the contents of each directory, refer to the generaldiscussion of the mosaic dataset Configuration Script (MDCS) in the document titled “MDCS – mosaic dataset Configuration Script Usage Documentation” provided in the Documentation folder.c:\Image_Mgmt_Workflows\HighResolution\Batchfiles\c:\Image_Mgmt_Workflows\HighResolution\Logs\c:\Image_Mgmt_Workflows\HighResolution\MD\c:\Image_Mgmt_Workflows\HighResolution\Doc\c:\Image_Mgmt_Workflows\HighResolution\Parameter\c:\Image_Mgmt_Workflows\HighResolution\Scripts\c:\Image_Mgmt_Workflows\HighResolution\Tools\Installation of zip file.The zip file attached should be unzipped to a working folder as noted above. The contents and folder structure should be left as is in the zip file. Refer to Contents of zip file above.Example of a particular tool: IKONOSIkonos GP ToolThe Ikonos GP tool provided in the python tool box can be used to build mosaic datasets using Ikonos data. This tool takes as input the geodatabase path, mosaic dataset name and input data path. The GP tool also allows the user to specify a variety of output products to be built. This tool can createMultispectral, Panchromatic and Pansharpened mosaic datasets from the Ikonosimagery specified as input. All mosaic datasets are corrected to top-of-atmosphere reflectance values. The name of the mosaic dataset specified in theMosaic Dataset Name field will be used to create the multispectral mosaicdataset. If either of the other two mosaic datasets are selected, the name willbe appended with the corresponding name of the output product. For example,a panchromatic mosaic dataset will have its name as “<inputMDName>_Pan.GP tool UsageTo use the GP tool, follow these steps below:A.Open the catalog, browse to the working folder (e.g.c:\Image_Mgmt_Workflows) where the contents of the zip file were unzipped.C.Locate the folder named Tools in this working folder.D.Locate the python tool box HighResolution.pyt.Open the GP tool1.Double click on the Ikonos tool.2.Select the output Geodatabase.NOTE: You can also pick an existing mosaicdataset at this point. If you pick a mosaicdataset, the geodatabase is populated, and themosaic dataset name is automatically enteredinto the mosaic dataset field.3.Type in the Mosaic Dataset Name if creating anew mosaic dataset, or pick an existing mosaicdataset in the step above.4.Select the input Folder where the satellite data isstored.5.If overviews are desired, click on the checkbox todefine and build overviews.a.Note if you decide not to build overviewswhen this tool is run, you can run thegeoprocessing tools available in ArcGISat a later time to Define Overviews andBuild Overviews.6.Select the DEM path, if you have a DEM (basedon orthometric1 height) for the project area.This DEM will be used to orthorectify theimagery.a.If you do not have a DEM, the Mosaic Datasets will be created, but the imagery will not beorthorectified.b.Note that elevation data is available from the ArcGIS Online Terrain service (see/elevation). If using the terrain service, it is recommended to export a localcopy of the elevation data for your full project area based on the available resolution.7.Click on at least one of the output products –“Multispectral” generates a mosaic dataset with all spectralbands included; “Pansharpen” creates a mosaic dataset of visible and near infrared bands, withpanchromatic sharpening applied when the resolution of the requested view is finer than the resolution of the multispectral bands; and “Panchromatic” creates a mosaic dataset containing only the panchromaticband.8.Click OK to continue.As noted above, this example focuses only on the Ikonos GP tool. Usage of tools to create source mosaic datasets including imagery from other satellites would require similar actions.Output mosaic dataset configuration notesThe resulting mosaic dataset(s) will be configured according to Esri’s recommended best practices for data from high resolution satellites. Key details follow:1.The coordinate system of the mosaic dataset will be set to Web Mercator Auxiliary Sphere. Note this is onlythe projection used to manage the footprints and create the overviews. It does not affect the projection of the source data, and the mosaic dataset may be viewed or analyzed in any desired projection.1 Note: If your DEM is referenced to ellipsoidal height, you will need to convert it to orthometric height for use with this tool. See help documentation here for conversion from orthometric height to ellipsoidal, and note that you’ll need to reverse the instructions.2.The default mosaic method will be set to “By Attribute” using the “Date” field, such that the newest imagerywill be displayed on top.3.Dynamic Rangea.Data values from the high resolution sensors are stored as 16 bit signed integers, and scaled to arange of [0..10,000].4.Raster Functions are provided in the \Parameter\RasterFunctionTemplates folder, and some or all of thesewill be added as Processing Templates for the mosaic dataset, depending on which output options are selected.5.The raster functions applied to the output mosaic datasets include the Apparent Reflectance function. Thisshould work properly for the satellite products listed in Table 1 above, but it is always possible that users may acquire a collection of data that is missing the expected Sensor Gain and Bias values for each spectral channel. If this occurs, the Apparent Reflectance function will fail, and the script will not complete the output mosaic dataset. In this case, if desired, the user may modify the *.rft.xml files in.\HighResolution\Parameter\RasterFunctionTemplates\ to remove the Apparent Reflectance function, but back up all files before beginning.If you are uncertain regarding the product type andprocessing level of your satellite data, you can reviewProperties by right-clicking the Raster Product file (seethe icon that shows a satellite overlaid on araster) in ArcCatalog and look for Properties/KeyMetadata/Product Name:。

Land se planning
to analyze the spatial distribution and patterns of land cover types and provide decision making support for land use planning
The Application of Land Satellite Images
Images in Geographic Information Systems • Limitations and improvement methods of land satellite image
Introduction to Land Satellites
Definition of Land Satellite
The History and Development of Land Satellites
• The first land satellite, Explorer 1, was launched by the United States in 1958 Since then, land satellites have been continuously launched and updated, evolving from film based imaging to digital imaging and from low resolution to high resolution imaging
Land satellite image processing
Acquisition of Land Satellite Images
Remote sensing satellites

image的用法和例句"image" 是一个英语词汇,可以表示图像、影像、印象、形象等意思。
以下是一些使用"image" 的例句:●图像/影像:1.The satellite captured a high-resolution image of the Earth's surface.(卫星拍摄了地球表面的高分辨率图像。
)2.The artist painted a beautiful image of a sunset on the canvas.(艺术家在画布上绘制了一幅美丽的日落图像。
)●形象/印象:1.The company aims to create a positive image in the minds of its customers.(公司的目标是在客户心中建立积极的形象。
)2.Her kindness and generosity leave a lasting image in people's hearts.(她的善良和慷慨给人留下了深刻的印象。
)●虚拟的表现:1.The politician worked hard to maintain a strong public image during the campaign.(政治家在竞选期间努力维护强大的公众形象。
)2.The celebrity's image took a hit after the scandal was exposed.(在丑闻曝光后,这位名人的形象受到了打击。
)●在计算机领域中的用法:1.The program allows you to create, edit, and manipulate digital images.(这个程序允许你创建、编辑和操纵数字图像。
)2.The website's homepage features an eye-catching image to attract visitors.(网站首页采用了一个引人注目的图像,以吸引访问者。
尺度上推 像元聚合方法

尺度上推像元聚合方法英文回答:Scaling up and pixel aggregation methods are commonly used techniques in image processing and computer vision. These methods aim to enhance the resolution and quality of images by combining multiple low-resolution images into a single high-resolution image.Scaling up refers to the process of increasing the size of an image while maintaining its aspect ratio. This is often done by interpolating the pixels of the original image to fill in the gaps in the enlarged image. The most commonly used scaling up method is bilinear interpolation, which calculates the values of the new pixels based on the average of the surrounding pixels. This method can produce smooth and visually pleasing results, but it may also introduce blurring and loss of details.On the other hand, pixel aggregation methods involvecombining multiple low-resolution images to create a single high-resolution image. This can be done by aligning the images and averaging the pixel values at each corresponding position. This technique takes advantage of the fact that each low-resolution image captures a slightly different perspective of the scene, which can be used to enhance the overall resolution and reduce noise. Examples of pixel aggregation methods include super-resolution and image stacking.中文回答:尺度上推和像元聚合方法是图像处理和计算机视觉中常用的技术。

第44卷第2期航天返回与遥感2023年4月SPACECRAFT RECOVERY & REMOTE SENSING153基于双时相遥感影像差异信息的深度学习滑坡检测瞿渝王志辉于会泳*石娴(山东科技大学测绘与空间信息学院,青岛266590)摘要目前利用高分辨率卫星影像进行滑坡等地质灾害识别逐渐成为研究热点,滑坡目视解译依赖于解译人员的经验,耗时费力且提取精度低,而传统的滑坡自动识别方法易将滑坡和道路、裸地、建筑等多种具有相似光谱信息的地物混淆。
针对以上问题,文章使用一种双时相高分辨率卫星影像差异信息的深度学习滑坡检测算法,获取时序影像各个波段和归一化植被指数(Normalized Difference Vegetation Index,NDVI)的差异影像作为深度学习的输入特征。
为充分挖掘滑坡前后影像多种信息差异特征,采用了U-net 网络模型耦合空洞空间金字塔池化和嵌入注意力机制模块相结合进行滑坡特征提取的方法,该方法增强了滑坡边界信息的保存,能够有效地提取滑坡边界信息和发生剧烈变化的区域。
关键词滑坡检测差异影像空洞空间金字塔池化注意力机制模块中图分类号: TP79;P642.22文献标志码: A 文章编号: 1009-8518(2023)02-0153-10 DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1009-8518.2023.02.016Deep Learning Landslide Extraction Based on Difference Information of Dual-phase Remote Sensing ImagesQU Yu WANG Zhihui YU Huiyong*SHI Xian(College of Surveying and Spatial Information, Shandong University of Science and Technology, Qingdao 266590, China)Abstract Current using of high-resolution satellite images to identify geological hazards such as landslides has gradually become a research hotspot. The visual interpretation of landslides relies on the experience of the interpreter, and is time-consuming and labor-intensive, and the extraction accuracy is low. However, the traditional landslide automatic identification method is easy to confuse the landslide with various ground objects with similar spectral information, such as roads, bare ground and buildings. In response to the above problems, this paper uses a deep learning technology landslide detection algorithm based on dual-phase high-resolution satellite image difference information, obtain each band of time series images and the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) difference image as the input feature of deep learning. To fully excavate the characteristics of various information differences in the images before and after the landslide, a收稿日期:2022-05-24基金项目:山东省自然科学基金(ZR2020MD051)引用格式:瞿渝, 王志辉, 于会泳, 等. 基于双时相遥感影像差异信息的深度学习滑坡检测[J]. 航天返回与遥感, 2023, 44(2): 153-162.QU Yu, WANG Zhihui, YU Huiyong, et al. Deep Learning Landslide Extraction Based on Difference Information of154航天返回与遥感2023年第44卷method for landslide feature detection with U-net network model coupled with atrous spatial pyramid pooling and embedded attention mechanism module, this method enhances the preservation of landslide boundary information, and can effectively extract landslide boundary information and areas with drastic changes. Landslide detection in Enshi and Jiuzhaigou by the method in this paper, the experimental results show that the obtained F1-Scores are 88.4% and 90.53%, respectively, with small errors and high precision. The method in this paper can accurately detect the landslide boundary of high-resolution satellite data, and can maintain the integrity of the landslide.Keywords landslide detection; difference image; atrous spatial pyramid pooling; attention mechanism module 0 引言滑坡作为自然灾害之一,对人们的生命和财产构成了严重威胁,频繁发生的滑坡引起了极大的社会关注。

英语作文gisGeographic Information Systems (GIS) have become an increasingly important tool in a wide range of fields, from urban planning and environmental management to public health and transportation. GIS technology allows users to collect, analyze, and visualize spatial data, enabling them to make more informed decisions and gain valuable insights. In this essay, we will explore the fundamental concepts of GIS, its applications, and the impact it has had on various industries.At its core, GIS is a computer-based system that integrates hardware, software, and data to capture, manage, analyze, and display geographically referenced information. This technology allows users to create digital maps, analyze spatial relationships, and generate reports that can be used to support decision-making processes. GIS systems typically include four main components: data collection, data management, data analysis, and data visualization.Data collection is the process of gathering spatial and attribute data from various sources, such as satellite imagery, aerial photography, GPS devices, and field surveys. This information is then stored andorganized within the GIS database, where it can be accessed and manipulated as needed. Data management involves the maintenance and organization of this spatial data, ensuring its accuracy, completeness, and accessibility.The real power of GIS lies in its analytical capabilities. GIS software provides users with a wide range of tools and techniques for analyzing spatial data, including overlay analysis, buffer analysis, network analysis, and spatial modeling. These analytical functions enable users to identify patterns, trends, and relationships that may not be immediately apparent from the raw data. For example, a city planner could use GIS to analyze population density, traffic patterns, and land use to identify the optimal locations for new housing developments or transportation infrastructure.Data visualization is another crucial aspect of GIS, as it allows users to present complex spatial information in a clear and intuitive manner. GIS software can generate a variety of maps, charts, and graphs that can be used to communicate findings and support decision-making. These visualizations can range from simple two-dimensional maps to more advanced three-dimensional models and interactive web-based applications.One of the most significant applications of GIS is in the field of urban planning and development. GIS technology can be used to createdetailed maps of a city's infrastructure, including roads, utilities, and public facilities. Urban planners can then use this information to analyze current and future land use patterns, identify areas for redevelopment, and plan for the expansion of essential services. GIS can also be used to model the potential impacts of urban development, such as changes in traffic patterns or the effects of new construction on the local environment.Another important application of GIS is in the field of environmental management. GIS can be used to monitor and analyze environmental data, such as land cover, water quality, and wildlife populations. This information can then be used to inform decision-making processes related to resource conservation, habitat restoration, and climate change adaptation. For example, a natural resource management agency could use GIS to track the spread of invasive species or to identify areas that are at risk of flooding due to rising sea levels.In the field of public health, GIS has become an invaluable tool for tracking and analyzing the spread of diseases, identifying high-risk populations, and planning the distribution of healthcare resources. By mapping the location of disease outbreaks, healthcare providers can more effectively target their interventions and allocate resources to where they are needed most. GIS can also be used to model the potential spread of infectious diseases, allowing public health officials to develop more effective prevention and responsestrategies.The transportation sector has also benefited greatly from the use of GIS technology. GIS can be used to analyze traffic patterns, identify congestion hotspots, and plan the most efficient routes for public transportation and freight delivery. Additionally, GIS-based navigation systems have become ubiquitous in modern vehicles, providing drivers with real-time information on traffic conditions, road closures, and the fastest routes to their destinations.Despite the many benefits of GIS, there are also some challenges and limitations to consider. One of the primary challenges is the need for high-quality, up-to-date spatial data. Inaccurate or outdated data can lead to flawed analyses and poor decision-making. Additionally, the cost of implementing and maintaining a GIS can be significant, particularly for smaller organizations or communities with limited resources.Another challenge is the need for skilled personnel to operate and interpret GIS systems. Effective use of GIS requires a deep understanding of spatial analysis techniques, data management, and visualization tools. This can create a barrier to entry for some organizations, particularly those without access to specialized training or expertise.Despite these challenges, the future of GIS looks bright. As technology continues to advance, GIS systems are becoming more powerful, user-friendly, and accessible to a wider range of users. The increasing availability of high-resolution satellite imagery, real-time sensor data, and cloud-based GIS platforms is expanding the reach and capabilities of this technology.Moreover, the integration of GIS with other emerging technologies, such as the Internet of Things (IoT), artificial intelligence, and virtual reality, is opening up new and exciting possibilities. For example, the combination of GIS and IoT can enable the development of smart city applications that can monitor and optimize the use of urban infrastructure, while the integration of GIS and AI can lead to more sophisticated spatial analysis and predictive modeling capabilities.In conclusion, Geographic Information Systems have become an indispensable tool in a wide range of industries, enabling users to make more informed decisions, optimize resource allocation, and address complex spatial challenges. As the technology continues to evolve and become more accessible, the potential applications of GIS will only continue to grow, making it an increasingly important component of modern decision-making and problem-solving.。

googleearthGoogle Earth: A Virtual Window to the WorldIntroductionIn today's digital world, the ability to explore different parts of the globe from the comfort of our own homes has become a reality. Google Earth, a revolutionary application created by Google, has transformed the way we view and conceptualize our planet. This document will provide an in-depth overview of Google Earth, its features, and its impact on our lives.1. What is Google Earth?Google Earth is a virtual globe, map, and geographical information program that was initially released in 2001. It enables users to explore the Earth's surface, moon, and even Mars. Powered by satellite imagery and aerial photography, Google Earth provides a unique bird's-eye view of our planet and allows users to navigate and interact with various locations worldwide.2. Features and Functionality2.1 Satellite ImageryOne of the key features of Google Earth is its extensive database of high-resolution satellite imagery. Users can view landscapes, cities, landmarks, and even their own neighborhood in stunning detail. The application constantly updates its imagery, providing users with the most up-to-date views of different areas.2.2 Street ViewGoogle Earth incorporates Street View, a feature that allows users to virtually move through the streets of numerous cities worldwide. With a simple click of the mouse, users can explore famous landmarks, historic sites, and even their dream vacation destinations.2.3 3D ModelingGoogle Earth's 3D modeling feature allows users to experience various locations in three-dimensional form. Userscan rotate, zoom, and tilt their view to gain a better understanding of the terrain and topography of the locations they are exploring.2.4 Historical ImageryGoogle Earth also offers a historical imagery feature, which enables users to compare current views with past images captured over several years. This feature is particularly useful for studying the effects of urban development, natural disasters, and environmental changes.3. Applications and Benefits3.1 Education and ResearchGoogle Earth has become a valuable tool for educators and researchers. It allows them to create interactive lessons, demonstrate geographical concepts, and conduct virtual field trips to different parts of the world. Researchers can utilize Google Earth's data to analyze environmental changes, urban planning, and biodiversity.3.2 Travel and ExplorationFor travelers and adventure enthusiasts, Google Earth provides a virtual platform to explore potential destinations before embarking on a journey. Users can get a feel for the local culture, landmarks, and attractions, making it easier to plan their trips effectively.3.3 Urban Planning and Real EstateUrban planners and real estate professionals leverage Google Earth to visualize and analyze the layout of cities and neighborhoods. It helps them make informed decisions regarding land use, infrastructure development, and property valuation.3.4 Environmental ConservationGoogle Earth has aided numerous environmental organizations in their efforts to protect and conserve natural resources. By utilizing the platform's imagery and data, organizations can monitor deforestation, track wildlife migration patterns, and identify areas requiring conservation efforts.4. Limitations and Future Developments4.1 Data AvailabilityWhile Google Earth offers a vast amount of satellite imagery, there are still some regions with limited or outdated data. Remote or highly sensitive areas may not be accessible or available in high resolution.4.2 Performance RequirementsUsing Google Earth can be demanding on computer hardware, particularly when exploring large 3D models or utilizing Street View. Older computers or devices with limited capabilities may struggle to run the application smoothly.4.3 Augmented RealityGoogle Earth is actively exploring opportunities to enhance its functionality through augmented reality (AR). AR overlays virtual elements onto the real world, which could create an even more immersive and interactive experience for users.ConclusionIn conclusion, Google Earth has revolutionized the way we connect with the world around us. Its ability to provide a virtual window to distant locations, breathtaking landscapes, and historical imagery has made it an invaluable tool for education, research, and exploration. As technology continues to evolve, we can expect Google Earth to push the boundaries further and offer even more exciting features in the future.。


地球物理学新方法新技术英文回答:In recent years, there have been significant advancements in new methods and technologies in the field of geophysics. These developments have revolutionized the way we study and understand the Earth's physical properties and processes.One of the new methods that has gained popularity is seismic tomography. This technique involves using seismic waves generated by earthquakes or man-made sources to create images of the Earth's interior. By analyzing the travel times and amplitudes of these waves, scientists can map out the subsurface structures and identify geological features such as faults, magma chambers, and mineral deposits. Seismic tomography has been instrumental in improving our understanding of plate tectonics and earthquake hazards.Another exciting development is the use of remote sensing techniques for geophysical exploration. Remote sensing involves collecting data from a distance, typically using satellite imagery or aerial surveys. This approach has proven to be a valuable tool for mapping and monitoring various geophysical parameters, such as land surface temperature, vegetation indices, and soil moisture content. For example, thermal infrared remote sensing can be used to identify areas of potential geothermal energy resources by detecting temperature anomalies at the Earth's surface.Furthermore, advancements in geophysical instrumentation have greatly enhanced data collection and analysis capabilities. For instance, the development of high-resolution magnetometers has allowed for more accurate mapping of the Earth's magnetic field, which is crucial for studying processes such as plate tectonics and geomagnetic reversals. Similarly, the use of ground-penetrating radar (GPR) systems has revolutionized subsurface imaging, enabling scientists to detect buried archaeological structures, underground utilities, and even underground water resources.In addition to these new methods and technologies, computer modeling and data analysis have become indispensable tools in geophysics. Sophisticated software programs can now simulate and analyze complex geophysical processes, such as the behavior of fluids in porous media or the propagation of seismic waves through different geological formations. These models help scientists make predictions and interpret field observations more accurately.Overall, the advancements in new methods and technologies in geophysics have significantly improved our ability to study and understand the Earth's physical properties and processes. These tools have not only enhanced our scientific knowledge but also have practical applications in various fields, such as resource exploration, environmental monitoring, and hazard assessment.中文回答:近年来,地球物理学领域的新方法和新技术取得了重大进展。

高分影像处理流程Image processing is a complex and crucial step in obtaining high-quality visual data. 高分辨率影像处理是获取高质量视觉数据的一个复杂而关键的步骤。
It involves a series of procedures and techniques to enhance, analyze, and interpret images for various applications. 它涉及一系列程序和技术,旨在提高、分析和解释图像,以适用于各种应用。
From satellite imagery to medical scans, image processing plays a significant role in extracting valuable information and making informed decisions. 从卫星图像到医学扫描,影像处理在提取有价值信息和作出明智决策方面起着重要作用。
The first step in the high-resolution image processing workflow involves image acquisition. 高分辨率影像处理流程的第一步是图像获取。
This can be done through various means such as digital cameras, satellite sensors, or medical imaging devices. 这可以通过各种手段实现,如数码相机、卫星传感器或医学影像设备。
The quality of the acquired image greatly impacts the subsequent processing and analysis. 获取的图像质量极大地影响着随后的处理和分析。
2024年中考英语热点阅读练习专题2 科学技术(含解析)

2024年中考英语新热点时文阅读-科学技术01(2023·广西南宁·统考三模)Science and technology will continue to develop fast in 2023. Nature and Forbes1.Human-like robots will do many things for people EXCEPT ________.A.serving as greeters, waiter and companionsB.playing roles in health care and scientific researchC.learning to use some space telescopes2.Which is NOT mentioned to protect the earth?A.By making progress in a new clean energy.B.By using more human-like robots.C.By dealing with nuclear waste in a safer way.3.Which space telescope can be used to create a 3 D map of universe?A.The James Webb Space Telescope.B.The Euclid Space Telescope.C.The Xinjiang Qitai Radio Telescope.4.Which of the following is TRUE?A.It’s difficult for Chinese people to find where their phones are.B.China is working on a direct connection between phones and satellites.C.5 G will continue to influence people’s lives in some areas.5.Where can you read this passage?A.In a magazine.B.In a novel.C.In a guidebook.02(2022秋·广东广州·九年级广州市第六十五中学校考阶段练习)What’s going to happen in the future? Will robots control our planet? Will computers become smarter than us? Not likely. But here are some things that scientists say are most likely to happen in 10 to 30 years from now, according to the BBC.Digital moneyWe need to pay with cash for everything we bought. Now when we use a credit card to shop online, money is spent without us seeing it. That means we are already using digital money. Using a card is much easier than searching our pockets for change. It is also safer than carrying a lot of cash.When ATM cards were first introduced, they were not accepted everywhere. But now it’s hard to live without them. It’s reported that people in Sweden completely stopped using cash last year, and the US might be next.Bionic(仿生的)eyeIt’s no longer something only in a science fiction movie. People who are blind may have a chance to get their sight back-by wearing bionic eyes.A blind eye can no longer sense light, but a bionic eye can use a camera to “see” the environment and send data to the mind. Now the bionic eye only allows patients to see lights and unclear shapes. A high resolution(高清的)image could be just a few years away.Self-driving carsUnlike a human driver, a self-driving car won’t get distracted(分神)by a phone call, the radio or something outside the window. Sensors(探测器)and cameras on the car would allow it to stick strictly to the rules of the road and keep a safe distance from other cars. This would greatly reduce the number of road accidents. You could even take a nap while the car drives itself. In the future, driverless cars would be widely accepted.6.What does the writer mainly tell us about digital money?A.We use digital money to shop online without paying money.B.Digital money is most likely to be used instead of cash.C.Using cash is easier and safer than a credit card.D.ATM cards are always popular.7.Which of the following statements is TRUE?A.Bionic eyes only appear in the science fiction film.B.Human drivers won’t get distracted by something outside.C.The blind wearing bionic eyes may see clearly in the future.D.There will be no road accident at all if self-driving cars are used.8.From the report, we can learn some information about ______.A.culture and art B.industry and and technology D.traffic and shopping9.Which of the following can be predicted(预测)from the passage?A.There would be a number of self-driving cars on the road.B.The blind could use cameras to see things around.C.We would live a hard life with digital money.D.Robots would control the world.03(2023·湖南长沙·长沙市南雅中学校考二模)China has completed its BeiDou Navigation Satellite System (北斗卫星导航系统), or BDS. It becomes a new system in the world with a global navigation network (全球导航网络). The other three systems are GPS of the US, GLONASS of Russia and Galileo of the European Union.As the name suggests, the global navigation satellite system provides navigation and location services 24 hours a day. As we know, building a good satellite system costs a lot. Besides, the other systems have been set up. Why does China have a new one if there is nothing special?The other three systems have 24 satellites. China’s BDS has six more satellites. What’s special about these six satellites is that they have a relatively fixed area of activity. This can improve BDS’ accuracy (精准度) in China and the Asia-Pacific region to 5 meters, compared with a 10-meter accuracy in other areas.BDS has another advantage-the short message service. It allows users to have a two-way communication. In areas that are not covered by communication signals (信号), users can send short messages. Even in uninhabited areas, such as deserts, forests, mountainous and polar areas, BDS can also make the short message service available.With this service, users who are in danger can tell the rescue team (救援队) their location and condition.As the most populous country, it’s important for China to have its own global navigation satellite system to meet the needs of the country’s development. In fact, BDS is also good business. According to the official report, China’s satellite industry has kept a 20% yearly growth since 2012. And BDS contributes about 80% of it. In addition, BDS has also created countless high-paying jobs. And with continuous improvement, it will have much more to offer in the future.10.Which one is the global navigation satellite system of China?A.BDS.B.GPS of the US.C.GLONASS of Russia.11.How many satellites does BeiDou-3 have in total?A.6.B.24.C.30.12.What does the underlined word “uninhabited” mean in Paragraph 4?A.人口众多的B.无人居住的C.风平浪静的13.What are true about China’s BDS according to Paragraph 5?a. It has met the needs of China’s development.b. It is regarded as good business.c. It has caused a number of people to lose their jobs.A.a, c B.a, b C.b, c14.In which part of a newspaper can we probably read this passage?A.Technology.B.Culture.C.History.04(2022秋·广东梅州·九年级校考阶段练习)The local government of Haidian and the Internet company Baidu had an agreement in January, 2018. They wanted to develop the “smart city” together. Haidian Park was chosen by them. Why was Haidian Park chosen? It is because the park covers about 34 hectares (公顷) near the 4th Ring Road. And it received about 1.2 million tourists last year. It took the workers 10 months to change Haidian Park into an artificial intelligence AI (人工智能) theme park. It was opened to the public in early November.Now the park has driverless buses, smart lamp posts (灯柱) and smart speakers. The buses themselves can run according to the directions from a computer. The smart lamp posts can record a lot of data quickly and well. The smart speakers can understand human instructions correctly. The park gives people a totally new look. People can experience different artificial intelligence here.Che Jianguo said that a total of 10 government departments and companies took part in the rebuilding of the park over the past 10 months. He comes from the park office and he is in charge of the program.In recent years, Chinese high-tech companies begin to do some things in the artificial intelligence industry. The central government also said in October that it would help the development of the country's new generation of artificial intelligence.15.Haidian Park was chosen to become the “smart city” because is the biggest park in Beijing is next to the 4th Ring Road has large size and is popular16.The underlined word “driverless” in Paragraph 2 means “_____” in Chinese.A.无人驾驶的B.无座位的C.跑得快的17.Today, Chinese high-tech companies pay more attention to _____.A.the global economy B.the artificial intelligence industry C.the development of our country 18.The best title of the text is “_____”.A.Haidian Artificial Intelligence Theme ParkB.Chinese High-tech CompaniesC.Building A “Smart City”05(2023·山东日照·日照市新营中学校考三模)China’s biggest solar-powered drone(太阳能无人机), Qimingxing-50 or Morning Star 50, finished its first test flight in September, 2022. The drone was built by the Aviation Industry Corporation of China(A VIC, 中国航空工业集团有限公司)Drones have been used for quite a few years now. There are different ways of increasing the flying time. However, all these methods become less useful compared with the unlimited(无限的) power provided by the Sun. That’s why researchers have been working to make solar-powered drones that can not only stay in the air for longer but also perform more tasks while in the sky.In 2018, China tested the first version(版本) of Morning Star, which was 91 feet wide. Made from a special kind of plastic, the drone was so light, weighing only 41 pounds. Compared with it, the Morning Star 50 is much larger and has a wingspan(翼展) of 164 feet.On September 3, Morning Star 50 took off from an airport in Yulin City in the Shaanxi province in northwest China and landed back 26 minutes later after a smooth flight. Staff told some local reporters that all flight systemsworked normally. This is a good start for future flights of the solar-powered drone that could last for many days or even months at a time.In the US, Airbus has been testing the Zephyr solar-powered drones for the past few years. Its latest version, the Zephyr S, came close to breaking the record for the longest flight. It stayed in the air for 64 days. Unluckily, the drone fell onto the ground only a few hours before it would have set a new record.19.Which one is an advantage of solar-powered drones researchers want?A.They’re cheaper than others.B.They can fly in bad weather.C.They fly at a higher speed.D.They can stay in the air for longer.20.What made the first version of Morning Star light?A.Its look.B.Its material.C.The power it uses.D.The tasks it performs.21.What can we know about Zephyr S?A.It failed to land smoothly.B.It flew for only a few hours.C.It set a new record in the US.D.It had been tested for many years.22.What’s the main purpose of the text?A.To compare different drones.B.To report a drone’s test flight.C.To discuss drones’ future.D.To tell the importance of drones.06(2022秋·广东深圳·九年级校考期末)Most people have a place to call home on Earth. What about in outer space? The International Space Station(ISS) became our first “home” in space in 2000. It welcomed its first crew that year, paving the way for 20 years of future research.“You just have this impression that we’re all citizens of not a particular country, but of the planet,” former NASA astronaut Scott Kelly told National Geographic about working in ISS. “We’re all in this thing called humanity together.”Over the past 20 years, the ISS has mainly been used as a science lab, hosting 241 people from 19 countries, according to NASA.They have gone on spacewalks, done research on how space affects the human body, and even grown plants in space.The station’s development has also benefited people on Earth. For example, the station’s water purification(净化) technology has been used in poor areas to provide clean drinking water. The station also helps to warn us of natural disasters, such as earthquakes.However, after being our home in space for over 7000 days, the station is starting to get old. It has leaked(泄露) air a few times. Scientists think that the station can keep working until 2024. After that, scientists will bring it down to Earth. It is believed that Earth’s atmosphere will burn up most of the station. Other debris(残骸) will fall into the Pacific Ocean.In the future, space will be home to more stations like the ISS. NASA is building a space station that is smaller than the ISS near the moon. Also, China will have its own space station up and running in 2022.23.What did Scott Kelly feel about his work in space?A.Comfortable.B.Proud.C.Bored.D.Lonely.24.What haven’t the astronauts done while working in ISS?A.Clean the raindrops.B.Walk on space.C.Study how space affects the human body.D.Grow plants.25.What can we infer from the 5th paragraph?A.Though the ISS getting old, it will be improved and stay in space.B.The Earth’s atmosphere will help bring the ISS down to Earth.C.The whole station will soon be burnt up and fall into the ocean.D.The ISS will be brought back to Earth after a few years.26.What do we know about the International Space Station?A.It is the first space station launched by NASA.B.It mainly develops water purification technology.C.It benefits all the human beings on Earth.D.It can keep running until 2023.27.What can be the best title of this passage?A.Our Home in Space.B.Visiting the ISS.C.A New Space Station.D.Working in Outer Space.参考答案:1.C 2.B 3.B 4.C 5.A【导语】本文主要讲述2023年,科学技术将继续快速发展。

第43卷第6期测绘与空间地理信息GEOMATICS&SPATIALINFORMATIONTECHNOLOGYVol.43,No.6收稿日期:2020-03-30作者简介:潘 彤(1988-),女,安徽蒙城人,工程师,硕士,2012年毕业于武汉大学计算机技术专业,主要从事卫星影像处理研究工作。
基于GXL软件的卫星影像纠正处理技术方法探析潘 彤1,李鸿洲2,董玛力3,刘书含2(1.天津市勘察院,天津300191;2自然资源部国土卫星遥感应用中心,北京100048;3.自然资源部职业技能鉴定指导中心,北京100830)摘要:随着高分辨率卫星影像数据源和数据量的增多,如何高质量、快速地完成卫星影像快速正射纠正,更好地为后续生产和影像解译服务,满足各行业需求,是影响卫星影像应用的重要因素。
关键词:卫星影像;GXL;正射纠正;精度中图分类号:P237;TP79 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1672-5867(2020)06-0172-03AnalysisofSatelliteImageRectificationTechnologyBasedonGXLPANTong1,LIHongzhou2,DONGMali3,LIUShuhan2(1.TianjinInstituteofGeotechnicalInvestigation&Surveying,Tianjin300191,China;2.LandSatelliteRemoteSensingApplicationCenter,MinistryofNaturalResources,Beijing100048,China;3.VocationalSkillsIdentificationandGuidanceCenter,MinistryofNaturalResources,Beijing100830,China)Abstract:Withtheincreaseofhigh-resolutionsatelliteimagedatasourceandvolume,howtocompletethesatelliteimageorthorecti ficationwithhighqualityandspeed,meettheneedsofvariousindustries,andbetterservethesubsequentproductionandimageinter pretationisanimportantfactorinfluencingtheapplicationofsatelliteimage.Onthebasisofsummarizingtheexperienceoforthorecti ficationprocessingofnationwidesatelliteremotesensingimageandcombiningwiththesituationofsatelliteimagedatafeaturesandref erenceinformation,thispaperproposestousetheGXL-PCIsoftwaretocompletetheannualsatelliteimagedataorthorectificationandconductthesatelliteremotesensingimagerapidorthorectificationandqualityinspectionbasedonthereferenceimage.Itisprovedthattheaccuracyofaccurateregistrationbetweensatelliteimageandreferenceimageisabove99%,andtheproblemimagecanbeaccu ratelypositionedbycheckingthenumberofcontrolpoints.Atthesametime,theRPCmodelreconstructionmethodisadoptedtosolvetheorthorectificationoftheimagewithpoorinitialpositioningaccuracy,andtheaccuracymeetsthesamerequirements.Keywords:satelliteimage;GXL;orthorectification;accuracy0 引 言近年来,随着资源三号等国产高分辨率卫星成功发射,我国民用光学卫星遥感影像获取能力大幅提升,通过多源卫星遥感影像协同互补,可基本实现全国陆域范围年度有效覆盖,北方影像获取容易地区更是能够实现季度有效覆盖。

测绘与空间地理信息GEOMATICS & SPATIAL INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY第44卷第3期2021年3月Vol.44, No.3Mar., 2021高分遥感卫星影像预处理系统的设计和实现陈世荣,严立,申佩佩(宁波市测绘设计研究院,浙江宁波315000)摘要:高分影像预处理是高分应用的前提和基础,目前影像预处理专业要求高,自动化程度低,流程复杂,制约了遥感应用发展。
本文利用分布式云存储技术,自定义流程设计技术,基于IDL 影像处理的组件技术,实现遥感 和CIS 一体化集成,开发了高分遥感卫星影像预处理系统,实现遥感影像管理检索、正射校正、辐射校正等,实际运行表明该系统具有良好的应用价值。
关键词:高分遥感;预处理系统;CIS 中图分类号:P237 文献标识码:A文章编号:1672-5867( 2021) 03-0001-03Design and Implements of High-resolution SatelliteImage Preprocessing SystemCHEN Shirong, YAN Li, SHEN Peipei(Ningbo Design Research Institute of Surveying & Mapping , Ningbo 315000, China )Abstract :The image preprocessing is the premise and foundation for application. At present , image preprocessing is low efficiency withhigh -technique , low automation , and complex process. Base on the integration of CIS and RS, distributed cloud storage , self-defini tion processing and IDL component development, the CF remote sensing satellite preprocessing system is developed , with the realiza tion on image management , orthorectification , radiometric correction and user-defined processing. The practical operation shows that the application value of system is high.Key words : remote sensing satellite ; preprocessing system ; CIS0引言随着遥感探测技术的不断创新发展,国内的卫星遥感技术水平也获得极大提高,比较有代表性的有“高分系统”和“风云系统”。
风云卫星 辐射成像仪 扫描原理

风云卫星辐射成像仪扫描原理英文回答:The scanning principle of the Fengyun satellite radiation imager is based on the use of different scanning modes to capture images of the Earth's surface. There are two main scanning modes used in the instrument: the cross-track scanning mode and the along-track scanning mode.In the cross-track scanning mode, the satellite scans the Earth's surface in a side-to-side motion. This is achieved by rotating the satellite's scanning mirror, which reflects the incoming radiation onto the detector array. As the mirror rotates, it sweeps across the Earth's surface, capturing a series of image lines. Each line represents a narrow strip of the Earth's surface, and by combining these lines, a complete image of the Earth's surface can be obtained.In the along-track scanning mode, the satellite movesalong its orbit while continuously scanning the Earth's surface. This is done by rotating the scanning mirror in synchronization with the satellite's motion. As the mirror rotates, it captures a series of image lines along the satellite's path. By combining these lines, a continuous strip of images can be obtained.Both scanning modes have their advantages and disadvantages. The cross-track scanning mode provides higher spatial resolution, as each line represents a narrow strip of the Earth's surface. However, it requires a longer scanning time to cover a large area. On the other hand, the along-track scanning mode allows for faster coverage of a large area, but at the expense of lower spatial resolution.The Fengyun satellite radiation imager uses a combination of both scanning modes to optimize the imaging process. For example, when capturing images of a specific region of interest, the instrument can use the cross-track scanning mode to achieve higher spatial resolution. On the other hand, when conducting large-scale monitoring or surveillance, the along-track scanning mode can be used forfaster coverage.中文回答:风云卫星辐射成像仪的扫描原理是基于使用不同的扫描模式来捕捉地球表面的图像。

doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1673-6478.2024.01.003北斗三代系统的RTK长基线定位技术在光伏管控报警系统中的应用贾伟,汪自强,赵棒,李志波(葛洲坝集团交通投资有限公司,湖北武汉430200)摘要:为辅助交能融合业务板块运维工作快速定位目标光伏组件及相关电力设施,提升光伏组件病害治理水平,提高系统智慧运维能力,本研究设计了一种快速定位方法。
基于北斗三代系统的载波相位差分技术(Real-time kinematic,RTK)静态定位精度可达厘米级,光伏管控系统对光伏板定位模块的要求仅需视距级,在实际应用中定位偏差低于“米”级即能辅助运维人员快速定位报警光伏板。
关键词:RTK;高精度;动动定位;惯性导航;基线中图分类号:P228.4 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1673-6478(2024)01-0009-04 Application of RTK Long Baseline Positioning Technology Based on Beidou Third-generation System in Photovoltaic Control Alarm SystemJIA Wei, WANG Ziqiang, ZHAO Bang, LI Zhibo(Gezhouba Group Transportation Investment Co., Ltd., Wuhan Hubei 430200, China) Abstract: In order to assist the operation and maintenance work of ACF business plate to quickly locate the target photovoltaic modules and related power facilities, improve the disease management level of photovoltaic modules, the intelligent operation and maintenance ability, a fast positioning method has been designed. The system adopts the RTK long baseline static positioning technology of the Beidou Third-generation System to provide equipment early warning and alarm information to the photovoltaic power station operation and maintenance system in time, assist the operation and maintenance work quickly and corresponding, and achieve "zero Mars power station". The static positioning accuracy of RTK based on the Beidou Third-generation System can reach the centimeter level, and the photovoltaic control system only requires the line-of-sight level for the photovoltaic panel positioning module. In practical applications, the positioning deviation is less than the "meter" level, which can assist operation and maintenance personnel to quickly locate the alarm photovoltaic panel. After testing, the application of this system in PV management and control has the characteristics of high precision, strong robustness and high degree of automation, which is suitable for further research and promotion in the business segment of AC fusion.Key words: RTK; high precision; dynamic positioning; inertial navigation; baseline收稿日期:2023-08-07作者简介:贾伟(1994-),男,山东济宁人,硕士研究生,工程师,从事新能源业务研究工作。

如何利用卫星遥感进行测绘数据提取Title: Harnessing Satellite Remote Sensing for Extracting Mapping DataIntroduction:In today's era of technological advancements, satellite remote sensing has emerged as a powerful tool in various fields, including cartography and mapping. This article explores the utilization of satellite remote sensing for data extraction in surveying and mapping applications. By harnessing the potential of satellites, we can gather accurate and up-to-date information about our planet, enabling us to make informed decisions in a wide range of domains.1. The Power of Satellite Remote Sensing:Satellite remote sensing refers to the process of acquiring data about the Earth's surface from satellites orbiting our planet. It leverages various sensors onboard these satellites to capture information in the form of electromagnetic radiation. These sensors can detect a wide range of wavelengths, including visible, infrared, and microwave. By analyzing this data, we can obtain valuable insights into the Earth's features and characteristics.2. Image Acquisition and Analysis:The initial step in utilizing satellite remote sensing for data extraction involves image acquisition. Satellites capture high-resolution images of the Earth's surface, covering vast areas in a single pass. These images are then processed and analyzed to extract relevant mapping data.3. Digital Elevation Models (DEMs):One of the fundamental datasets obtained through satellite remote sensing is Digital Elevation Models (DEMs). DEMs provide information about the elevation or height of the Earth's surface, enabling the creation of accurate topographic maps. By analyzingsatellite images, we can extract elevation data with precision and detail, enhancing our understanding of the Earth's terrain.4. Land Cover Classification:Satellite remote sensing also facilitates the extraction of land cover information. Land cover classification involves identifying and categorizing different types of land cover, such as forests, water bodies, urban areas, and agricultural land. By employing advanced image classification techniques, satellite data can be analyzed to create detailed land cover maps, supporting land management and environmental studies.5. Change Detection:Another significant advantage of satellite remote sensing is its ability to monitor changes in the Earth's surface over time. By comparing images taken at different intervals, we can detect and analyze changes such as urban expansion, deforestation, or land degradation. This information aids in developing strategies for sustainable land use and monitoring the impact of human activities on the environment.6. Disaster Management:Satellite remote sensing plays a crucial role in disaster management and response. By providing real-time imagery, it enables the identification of affected areas, assessment of damages, and planning of relief efforts. This data aids in mitigating the impact of disasters and facilitating effective emergency response.7. Precision Agriculture:Satellite remote sensing has revolutionized the field of agriculture. By analyzing satellite images, farmers and land managers can monitor crop health, detect nutrient deficiencies, and optimize irrigation practices. This data-driven approach enhances agricultural productivity, conserves resources, and supports sustainable farming practices.8. Infrastructure Planning and Development:Satellite remote sensing offers immense possibilities in infrastructure planning and development. By collecting data on land use patterns, traffic flow, and population density, decision-makers can better design transportation systems, urban infrastructure, and utilities. This data-driven approach ensures efficient resource allocation and supports smart city initiatives.Conclusion:Satellite remote sensing has revolutionized the field of mapping and surveying by providing accurate and detailed data about the Earth's surface. Whether for developing topographic maps, monitoring environmental changes, or supporting various industries, the utilization of satellite remote sensing has become indispensable. By continuously exploring new techniques and advancements in this field, we can harness the full potential of satellite remote sensing and pave the way for sustainable development and informed decision-making.。
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a r X i v :0706.1827v 2 [p h y s i c s .g e o -p h ] 14 J u n 2007Use of high resolution satellite images for tracking of changes in thelineament structure,caused by earthquakes.A.A.Arellano-Baeza(a),R.V.Garcia(b),and M.Trejo-Soto(b)(a)Mining Department,University of Santiago de Chile (b)Earth Sciences School,Autonomous University of SinaloaFebruary 1,2008AbstractOver the last decades strong efforts have been madeto apply new spaceborne technologies to the studyand possible forecast of strong earthquakes.In thisstudy we use ASTER/TERRA multispectral satellite images for detection and analysis of changes in the system of lineaments previous to a strong earthquake.A lineament is a straight or a somewhat curved fea-ture in an image,which it is possible to detect by a special processing of images based on directional filtering and or Hough transform.”The Lineament Extraction and Stripes Statistic Analysis”(LESSA)software package,developed by Zlatopolsky (1992,1997).We assume that the lineaments allow to de-tect,at least partially,the presence ruptures in the Earths crust,and therefore enable one to follow the changes in the system of faults and fractures associ-ated with strong earthquakes.We analysed 6earth-quakes occurred in the Pacific coast of the South America and one earthquake in Tibet,Xizang,China with the Richter scale magnitude ≥5.2Mw.They were located in the regions with small seasonal vari-ations and limited vegetation to facilitate the track-ing of features associated with the seismic activity only.It was found that the number and orientation of lineaments changed significantly about one month before an earthquake approximately,after that the system gradually returns its initial state.This ef-fect increases with the earthquake magnitude,and it is much more easily detectable in case of conver-gent plate boundaries (for example,Nazca and South American plates).The results obtained open a possi-bility to develop a methodology able to evaluate theseismic risk in the regions with similar geological con-ditions.1Introduction Throughout the world,devastating earthquakes con-stantly occur with little or no advance warning.Brune (1979)proposed that earthquakes may be in-herently unpredictable since large earthquakes start as smaller earthquakes,which in turn start as smaller earthquakes,and so on.In his model,most of the fault is in a state of stress below that required to ini-tiate slip,but it can be triggered and caused to slip by nearby earthquakes or propagating ruptures.Any precursory phenomena will only occur when stresses are close to the yield stress.However,since even small earthquakes are initiated by still smaller earth-quakes,in the limit,the region of rupture initiation where precursory phenomena might be expected is vanishingly small.Even if every small earthquake could be predicted,one still faces the impossible task of deciding which of the thousands of small events will lead to a runaway cascade of rupture composing a large event.Nevertheless,the discussion about the possibilityof earthquake forecast continues to be open,and a1wide spectrum of new spaceborne technologies for the earthquake study and forecast appeared during the last decades.The main advantage of spaceborne technologies is the ability to cover big territories and areas with difficult access.The list of these tech-nologies is very large.As an example it is possi-ble to mention the measurements of different iono-spheric precursors of earthquakes including changes in electromagnetic ELF radiation(Serebryakova et al.,1992,Gokhberg et al.,1995),and ionospheric electron temperature(Sharma et al.,2006),and den-sity(Trigunait et al.,2004)(see Pulinets at al.,(2003) for a review).Many efforts have been concentrated in the study of the ground deformation using the satel-lite radar interferometry,that makes it possible to determine the location and amount of coseismic sur-face displacements(see for example Satybala,2006; Schmidt and Bergmann,2006,Lasserre et al.,2005, Funning et al.,2005).The IR satellite thermal imag-ing data were used to study pre-earthquake ther-mal anomalies(Ouzounov and Freund,2004).The anomalies in the surface latent heatflux data were also detected a few days prior to coastal earthquakes (Cervone et al.,2005,Singh and Ouzounov,2003; Dey at al.,2004).During last years,significant progress has been reached in the understanding how the complex set of phenomena,related to the earthquake gestation is re-flected,at least partially,in the geological lineaments. In particular,Cotilla-Rodriguez and Cordoba-Barba (2004)studied the morphotectonic structure of the Iberian Peninsula and showed that the main seismic activity is concentrated on thefirst-and second rank lineaments,and some of important epicenters are lo-cated near the lineament intersections.Stich et al., (2001)found from the analysis of721earthquakes with magnitude between1.5and5.0,that the epi-centers draw well-defined lineaments and show two dominant strike directions N120-130E and N60-70E, which are coincident with the known fault system of the area.Distances within multiplets(typically sev-eral tens of meters)are smaller than the fracture radii of these events.Carver et al.(2003)have used the SRTM and Landsat-7digital data and paleoseismic techniques to identify active faults and evaluate seis-mic hazards on the northeast coast of Kodiak Island,Alaska.Arellano et al.(2004ab,2005)studied the changes in the lineament structure caused by a5.2Richter scale magnitude earthquake occurred January27, 2004in southern Peru.During last years this re-gion is studied intensively using the ground based seismic network(Comte et al.,2003;David et al., 2004;Legrand,2005)as well as GPS and SAR interferometry data(Campos et al.,2005).The ASTER/TERRA high resolution multispectral im-ages128and48days before and73days after the earthquake were used.It was shown that the linea-ment system is very dynamical,and significant num-bers of lineaments appeared between four and one month before the earthquake.They also studied the changes in stripe densityfields.Thesefields represent the density of stripes,calculated for each direction as a convolution between the corresponding circular masks and the image.The stripe densityfield resid-uals showed the reorientation of stripes,which agrees with the dilatancy models of earthquakes.These fea-tures disappear in the image obtained two months af-ter the earthquake.Analysis of the similar reference area,situated at200km from the epicenter,showed that in the absence of earthquakes both lineaments and stripe densityfields remain unchanged.Simi-lar results were obtained later by Bondur and Zverev (2005)due to analysis of MODIS(TERRA)images of earthquake in California.Singh V.P and R.P.Singh(2005)used the lin-eament analysis to study changes in stress pattern around the epicenter of Mw=7.6Bhuj earthquake. This earthquake occurred26January2001in In-dia.Indian Remote Sensing(IRS-1D)LISS data were used.The lineaments were extracted using high passfilter(Sobelfilter in all directions).The results obtained also confirm that the lineaments retrieved from the images22days before the earthquake dif-fer from the lineaments obtained3days after the earthquake.It was assumed that they are related to fractures and faults and their orientation and den-sity give an idea about the fracture pattern of rocks. The results also show the high level of correlation between the continued horizontal maximum compres-sive stress deduced from the lineament and the earth-quake focal mechanism.2Studies of lineament dynamics can also contribute to better understanding of the nature of earthquakes. To date significant number of theories has been de-veloped to explain how an earthquake occur.One of the oldest is the elastic rebound theory,proposed by Harry Reid after the California1906earthquake (Reid,1910).It is based on the assumption that the rocks under stress deform elastically,analogous to a rubber band.Strain builds up until either the rock break creating a new fault or movement oc-curs on an existing fault.As stored strain is re-leased during an earthquake,the deformed rocks”re-bound”to their undeformed shapes.The magnitude of the earthquake reflects how much strain was re-leased.The seismic gap hypothesis states that strong earthquakes are unlikely in regions where weak earth-quakes are common and the longer the quiescent pe-riod between earthquakes,the stronger the earth-quake will be when itfinally occur(see Kagan and Jackson,1995,and references therein).The compli-cation is that the boundaries between crustal plates are often fractured into a vast network of minor faults that intersect the major fault lines.When an earth-quake relieves the stress in any of these faults,it may pile additional stress on another fault in the network. This contradicts the seismic gap theory because a se-ries of small earthquakes in an area can then increase the probability that a large earthquake will follow. The theory of dilatancy states that an earthquake develops similarly to the rupture of a solid body (Whitcomb et al.,1973;Scholz et al.,1973;Griggs et al.,1975).This approach has a physical basis in lab-oratory studies of rock samples,which showed that when rocks are compressed until they fracture,a di-latancy often occurs for a short time interval imme-diately before failure(Scholz,1968).Mjachkin et al. (1975ab)modified the dilatancy approach and formu-lated the theory of unstable avalanche crack forma-tion.The model is based on the two phenomena:in-teraction between the stressfields of the cracks,and the localization of the process of the crack forma-tion.The number and size of cracks increases grad-ually under the action of tensions below a critical value.When the density of cracks reaches some crit-ical value,the rock breaks very quickly.This pro-cess develops due to merging of cracks as a resultof interaction between their stressfields.However, the larger cracks have more probability to interact, and it supposes that a small number of large cracks is gradually formed,and their merging leads to the macro-destruction.During the earthquake gestation, a gradual increase in number and size of cracks oc-cur in the whole volume of rock under compression. When the crack density reaches a critical value,the barriers between cracks are destroyed,and the ve-locity of deformation increases.Finally,an unstable deformation develops and localizes in a narrow zone of future macro-rupture,the cracks orient along the future macro rupture,and a macro-crack is formed, producing an earthquake.However,this model was modified recently by in-troducing a concept of self-organized criticality,pro-posed by Bak et al.(1988)for description of the be-havior of complex systems.Applied to earthquakes, this approach describes an interaction between the ruptures of different rank and the collective effects of rupture formation before a strong earthquake(for example Varnes,1989;Keilis-Borok,1990;Sammis and Sornette,2002).A wide area around the future epicenter reaches a metastable state,and the system turns to be very sensitive to small external actions. The concept of SOC does not contradict the concept of dilatancy.However,it assumes that a significantly greater region is involved during the last stages of earthquake preparation than the dilatancy theories imply.Unfortunately,the main processes leading to an earthquake develop deep inside the crust,and there is no way to realize direct measurements of any quan-tity.The unique possibility we have is to search for traces of these processes disseminated over the Earth’s surface.In this context,the lineament anal-ysis could convert in the future in one of power tools for earthquake study,complementing other ground-based and satellite studies.Nevertheless,despite promising results obtained,many important ques-tions continue to be present.It is necessary to un-derstand,whether the lineament system is always af-fected by earthquake?How early before an earth-quake is this alteration manifested?How is it related to the earthquake magnitude and depth?How dif-ferent is it in case of different kinds of plate borders? 3This study represent afirst step in the search of some answers.2Instrumentation and Data AnalysisFor this study we used the the images from the Ad-vanced spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer(ASTER)onboard the TERRA satel-lite.The satellite was launched to a circular solar-synchronous orbit with altitude of705km.The ra-diometer is composed by three instruments:Visible and Near Infrared Radiometer(VNIR)with15m res-olution(bands1-3),Short Wave Infrared Radiometer (SWIR)with30m resolution(bands4-9)and Ther-mal Infrared Radiometer TIR with90m resolution (bands11-14)which measure the reflected and emit-ted radiation of the Earths surface covering the range 0.56to11.3µm(Abrams,2000).The images were processed using the Lineament Extraction and Stripes Statistic Analysis(LESSA) software package(Zlatopolsky,1992,1997),which provides a statistical description of the position and orientation of short linear structures through detec-tion of small linear features(stripes)and calculation of descriptors that characterize the spatial distribu-tion of stripes.The program also makes it possible to extract the lineaments-straight lines crossing a significant part of the image.To make this extrac-tion,a set of very long and very narrow(a few pixels) windows(bands),crossing the entire image in differ-ent directions,was used.In each band the density of stripes,the direction of which is coincident with the direction of the band,is calculated.When the density of stripes overcomes a pre-established thresh-old,the chain of stripes along the band is considered as a lineament.The value of threshold depends on the brightness of the image,relief,etc.and is es-tablished empirically.Previous studies showed that lineaments,extracted from the image by applying the LESSA program,are strongly related to the main lin-eaments,obtained from the geomorphological studies (Zlatopolsky,1992,1997).The details about the ap-plication of LESSA package for earthquake studies isgiven in(Arellano et al.,2005).During this study we analysed5earthquakes,oc-curred in the in the Pacific coast of the South Amer-ica and one earthquake occured in Himalaya,China. Table1resumes main characteristics of these earth-quakes,indicating the date,country,geographic co-ordinates,magnitude,and depth of the earthquake. Also the the ASTER images available for each earth-quake are indicated,for example-126means that the image126days before earthquake was used.The last column indicates that in all South American earth-quakes number and orientation of lineaments suffered changes before the earthquake.In case of China earthquake,we can not give a defnite answer,be-cause unfortunately the key images tens day before the earthquake were covered by clouds in appoxi-mately50%,that made the lineament analysis diffi-cult(last two lines,two areas cvering the hipocenter and close to hipocenter).Neverthless,more sophys-ticated technique based on analysis of stipe density fields was able to detect the alterations in thesefields related to the earthquake.The methodology of this analysis is given in(Arellano et al.,2006).Currently we are preparring a manuscript dedicated especially to the analysis of this event.To illustrat the results obtained we give as an example a detailed analysis of7.8Mw earthquake, which took place June13,2005in northern Chile close to Arica(see Figure1).The hipocenter was sit-uated at115km deep in the crust.The coordinates were−19.99◦LAT,−69.197◦LONG.In the top,a se-ries of four band3ASTER(VNIR)images around the hipocenter area are shown.It is possible to see,that the presence of clouds was low.The second line con-tains the images showing the systems of lineaments, obtainend from the images above using the LESSA programm with a threhhold120(Zlatopolsky,1992, 1997).It is posible to see clear time evolution of lin-eaments,experimenting strong increase in the num-ber of lineaments5days before the earthquake.The third and fourth lines quanify this effect by calculaing the rose-diagramms and the Radon transforms.Re-orientation of lineaments can be taken as an indirect evidence in favour to the theory of dilatncy.Never-theless,it is necessary to make more detailed studies to make definitive conclusions.4Place t.Images availableChile7.8-19.99-126,-69,-5,+1399/17/03127.1-68.325yes Peru 5.8-17.775-51,-3,+4,+1326/17/04115.4-68.372yes Peru 5.2-17.69-128,-48,+734/19/0633.190.4?Table1:Main characteristics of earthquakes analyzed5Figure1:From top to bottom:ASTER band3images around the June13,2005earthquake(Chile,Arica). Systems of lineaments extracted from these images,using LESSA sofrware.63Discussion and conclusionsIn this study we used the multispectral satellite im-ages from ASTER/TERRA satellite for detection and analysis of lineaments in the areas around strong earthquakes with magnitude more than5Mw.A lin-eament is a straight or a somewhat curved feature in an image,which can be detected by a special process-ing of images,based on directionalfiltering and/or Hough transform.It was established that the sys-tems of lineaments are very dynamical.By analyzing 5events of strong earthquakes,it was found that a significant number of lineaments appeared approx-imately one month before an earthquake,and one month after the earthquake the lineament configura-tion returned to its initial state.These features were not observed in the test areas,situated hundreds kilo-meters away from the earthquake epicenters.The main question is how the lineaments extracted from images of15-30m(ASTER)in resolution are able to reflect the accumulation of stress deep in the crust given that the ground deformations associated with these phenomena are about a few centimeters? The nature of lineaments is related to the presence of faults and dislocations in the crust,situated at dif-ferent depth.If a dislocation is situated close to the surface,the fault appears as a clear singular linea-ment.In the case of a deep located fault,we ob-serve the presence of extended jointing zones,easily detectable in satellite images even up to200m res-olution.Nevertheless,how well lineaments can be detected strongly depends on a number of factors.In particular,it depends on the current level of stress in the crust.Generally,an enlarged presence of lin-eaments indicates that in these regions the crust is more permeable,allowing the elevation offluids and gases to the surface.Accumulation of stress deep in the crust modifies all afore mentioned processes and leads to the variation in the density and orientationn of lineaments,previous to a strong earthquake. AcknowledgmentsWe acknowledge Hiroji Tsu(Geological Survey of Japan CSJ)ASTER Team Leader,Anne Kahle (Jet Propulsion Laboratory JPL)US ASTER Team Leader and the Land Processes Distributed Active Archive Center for providing the ASTER level2images.We acknowledge A.Zlatopolsky for provid-ing the Lineament Extraction and Stripes Statistic Analysis(LESSA)software package and helpful suggestions.We thank very much Milton Rojas Gamarra for his assistance in image procesing.This work has been supported by DICYT/USACH grant. REFERENCESAbrams,M.,The Advanced spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer(ASTER):Data products for the high spatial resolution imager on NASA’s Terra platform,International Journal of Re-mote Sensing,21(5),847-859,2000.Aggarwal Y.P.,Sykes L.R.,Simpson D.W., Richards P.G.,Space and temporal variations of ts/tp and P waves residuals at Blue Mountain Lake, J.Geophys.Res.,80,718-732,1973.Alparone,S., B.Behncke,S.Giammanco,M. 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