




Sybil Crawley小姐不顾她的贵族地位参加了亚历山德拉王后的皇家护士部队并且收获了属于自己的爱情。








演职员表演员表角色演员配音备注Robert Crawley休·博内威利芒来伯爵Cora Crawley(néeLevinson)伊丽莎白·麦戈文张欣伯爵夫人Violet Crawley玛吉·史密斯张筠英伯爵的母亲Lady Mary JosephineCrawley米歇尔·道克瑞唐烨伯爵的大女儿Lady Edith Crawley劳拉·卡尔迈克尔王俪桦伯爵的二女儿Lady Sybil Crawley 杰西卡·布朗·芬德利张璐伯爵的三女儿Matthew Reginald Crawley丹·史蒂文斯金锋(原)伯爵的堂亲,(现)伯爵大女婿Tom Branson艾伦·里奇[2]孙星(原)庄园司机,(现)伯爵小女婿Isobel Crawley佩内洛普·威尔顿----伯爵堂亲,马修的母亲Charles Carson吉姆·卡特任亚明男管家Elsie Hughes妃莉丝·罗根杨冬雁女管家Anna May Bates(née Smith)琼安·弗洛加特白蓓女侍领班John Bates布兰登·柯伊尔曲敬国伯爵的贴身男侍Thomas Barrow 罗伯·詹姆斯·克里尔王磊男侍领班角色演员配音备注Beryl Patmore Lesley Nicol耿莉华厨师长Daisy Mason(néeRobinson)Sophie McShera王羊厨师长助手Jimmy Edward Speleers----第三季男仆Thomas暗恋对象Sarah O'Brien Siobhan Finneran----伯爵夫人的贴身女侍∙▪制作人:Nigel Marchant;Liz Trubridge;Gareth Neame;Rebecca Eaton;Julian Fellowes ∙▪导演:布莱恩·派西维尔;詹姆斯·斯特朗∙▪副导演(助理):Charlie Reed;Danielle Bennett;Tom Fenwick Smith;Chris Croucher ∙▪编剧:Julian Fellowes∙▪摄影:David Katznelson;David Marsh;Gavin Struthers∙▪配乐:John Lunn∙▪剪辑:John Wilson;Alex Mackie;Nick McPhee∙▪选角导演:Jill Trevellick∙▪艺术指导:Donal Woods∙▪美术设计:Charmian Adams;Mark Kebby∙▪服装设计:Susannah Buxton∙▪布景师:Gina Cromwell译制职员表翻译文明、高非导演唐烨录音姚程编辑吉纲后期制作刘玥、邓若涛编务宋桂英制片主任郭永刚编审郭维安制片人何文新、潘洪莲总制片人周亚平总监制张子扬进口中央电视台3角色介绍上层主人/UpstairsHugh Bonneville饰演Grantham伯爵RobertRobert一直过着简单的生活。



●《唐顿庄园》(Downton Abbey)是由英国ITV电视台出品的时代剧,创作人及主笔为演员兼作家朱利安·费罗斯(Julian Fellowes)。




●飞天大盗(Hustle),英国电视剧,导演Tony Jordan,2004年上映,至2012年一共播出八季,BBC播放,第八季已经完结。






5个骗子, 用尽各种精妙的骗局骗取钱财. 每一集都拍得像部小电影, 紧凑的故事情节, 高超的叙事手法, 让人回味无穷。





《唐顿庄园》中的英国贵族婚姻观阐释的英国贵族历史文化《唐顿庄园》(Downton Abbey)是由英国ITV电视台出品的时代剧,该剧由布莱恩派西维尔、詹姆斯斯特朗联合执导,朱利安费罗斯编剧,休邦尼维尔、伊丽莎白麦戈文、玛吉史密斯、米歇尔道克瑞等领衔主演。











Downton Abbey《唐顿庄园(2010)》第三季第二集完整中英文对照剧本

Downton Abbey《唐顿庄园(2010)》第三季第二集完整中英文对照剧本

唐顿庄园第三季第二集你说看见这个谁会先发火奶奶还是爸爸Who will groan first when they see it, Granny or Papa? 我估计他们会一起对天咆哮I should think they'll howl at the moon in unison.老天啊这是什么What in God's name is this?真不敢相信Well I never!这是哪来的Where did this come from?经过伦敦的时候我订的I ordered it on our way through in London,返程时取的货picked it up on the way back.-是辆爱希 -好在是英国车- It's an AC. - Well, at least it's English.欢迎回家亲爱的Welcome back, my darling.蜜月如何How was the honeymoon?眼界大开My eyes have been opened.这我深有体会啊快进屋吧Don't I know it! Now come on in.-安娜平安归来了吗 -是的- Anna get back all right? - Yes.那是谁的你怎么在这儿做Who's that for? Why are you doing it down here?这是马修先生的It's for Mr Matthew.有点皱了我想熨一下It was creased, and I brought it down to iron.他不该由你服侍啊You're never looking after him?莫斯利先生呢What about Mr Molesley?他留在卡劳利公♥馆♥了He's staying at Crawley House.那怎么没让我做Why wasn't I asked?卡森先生认为这样最好Mr Carson thought it best.是嘛真不知他怎么会这么想Did he indeed? I wonder how that came about?如果你真想当好男仆And if you're learning how to do your job,就记着别把衣服拿到这种房♥间来you should never open a shirt in a room like this会不小心弄脏where it might be marked,更不该往上面按钉子let alone put studs in it.这种工作只能在更衣室做Do that in a dressing room and nowhere else.谢谢指导Thank you.对谢谢你托马斯Yes, thank you Thomas,你总是这么乐于助人for always trying to be so very helpful.在法国南部玩得好吗So how did you enjoy the south of France?那里不错It was lovely,就是没见过那么热的夏天but almost too hot, even now.到了夏天许多地方都关门了真是可惜It's such a shame they close things up during the summer. 我喜爱阳光I love the sun.-看得出来 -夏天的戛纳没法待- So we can see. - You couldn't be in Cannes in summer,没人受得了No one can bear it.我就可以I could.她要在这里待多久啊Just how long is she here for?天知道Who knows?就不应该让没定离程日期的客人来No guest should be admitted with no date of their departure settled. 这我深表赞同You won't get any argument from me.家里收到了一堆邮件There's a hideous pile of post, I'm afraid.我放在大厅的桌子上了I've put it on the hall table.今晚别急着看Don't look at it tonight.您最近如何What have you been up to?其实我给自己找了个新工作As a matter of fact, I've found myself a new occupation,只是维奥莱特婶母觉得不太合适but I'm afraid cousin Violet doesn't think it's appropriate.这个我们能回头再说吗Can we talk about it afterwards?都1920年了还有什么禁忌吗Are there still forbidden subjects in 1920?真难以置信I can't believe this.不是不能说只是不合时宜I speak of taste rather than law.我可不这么觉得Well, it's not my taste.你怎么看柯拉What about you, Cora?我赞成妈妈I agree with Mama.有些话题是需要有所回避Some subjects are not suitable for every ear.是不能当着仆人说吗Oh, pas devant les domestiques.别拘泥了亲爱的Come on, my dear,卡森和阿尔弗雷德可比我们懂得生活Carson and Alfred know more about life than we ever will.能让她别说了吗Can't we stop this?怎么做她就像列失控的火车How? She's like a runaway train.我们离席吧Shall we go through?可怜的老斯特兰怎么样了What about poor old Strallan?你和他联♥系♥了吗Have you seen anything of him?我不明白你为什么这么说Why do you call him poor or old?他既不老也不可怜He's neither.让她这么跟斯特兰胡闹下去好吗Isn't it dangerous to let this Strallan nonsense simmer on? 说句公道话一心胡来的恐怕不是他Well, to be fair, I don't think it's coming from him.那就让他做个了结Then ask him to end it.他出手肯定比我们管用It'll be more effective than if we try.她都吃了Ooh, she ate it, then?我还怕美国人不吃内脏呢I'm never sure about Americans and offal.我觉得你给她什么她都会吃I think she'll eat whatever you put in front of her, that one. 还说个不停What a gob.我以为卡森先生会拿个袋子套在她头上呢I thought Mr Carson was going to put a bag over her head. 莱文森夫人知道你们嘲笑她Mrs Levinson knows you make fun of her可她也取笑你们but she makes fun of you.那我们扯平了不是吗Then we're all square, aren't we?烟囱里有水The chimney is not drying properly,炉子不够热the oven's not hot enough.拙匠常怨工具差A bad workman always blames his tools.你现在忙吗Are you busy?不忙我们半小时后开饭但都准备好了No, I'm not. We're eating in half an hour but it's all done. 那就占用你一分钟Well, if you could spare a minute.这酒真不赖希望不是专为我开的This is very good, I hope you didn't open it for me.当然是为你开的Certainly I did.为了欢迎你以女婿的身份住进这个家To welcome you into this house as my son.你都不知道我有多开心I can't tell you how glad it makes me.罗伯特我希望我们可以一直Robert, I want us always to feel we can be坦诚相待honest with each other.当然了Of course.玛丽已经告诉我你目前的窘境了Because Mary's told me about your present difficulties. 她做得对Oh, she was right,失去唐顿对你们俩的影响最大losing Downton will affect you both more than anyone. 不知道她说没说I wonder if she's told you about拉维尼娅父亲遗嘱的事the will of Lavinia's father?是的你父亲都告诉我了Yes, your father told me all about it,但我不明白but I cannot understand怎么把那么多钱投给一个公♥司♥呢why so much money was put into one company.我也这么觉得I couldn't agree more.现在我们要失去唐顿了Now we're to be turned out of Downton.就算是劳合·乔治也不愿看到这种事Even Lloyd George can't want that.[大卫·劳合·乔治英国自♥由♥党政♥治♥家时任首相] 他可不是个好例子I'm not sure he's a good example.重要的是我们有没有什么遗漏The point is have we overlooked something,比如之前没有加以利用的收入来源you know, some source of revenue previously untapped?要是我们有煤矿或采石场If only we had some coal, or gravel,或锡矿就好了or tin.我倒是知道谁很有钱Well, I can think of someone who's got plenty of tin.[tin既有锡的意思也有钱的意思]你要帮助那些...堕落的女人吗So you help women who have... fallen over?不尽然Not quite.伊泽贝尔堂亲要帮助那些Cousin Isabelle helps women迫于生计不得不令自己蒙羞的女人who have had to degrade themselves to survive.在约克有个救助中心There's a centre in York.别透露具体地点Oh, no addresses, please,不然阿尔弗雷德就要偷偷记下来了or Alfred will be making notes.你要怎么帮助这些女人So, what do you do for these women?首先我们要把她们送走Well, first, we like to send them away...-休养一下 -她们是需要休养- to rest. - I should think they need it.然后帮她们找些其他工作And then we try to find them alternative employment.战争摧残了许多家庭的生计The War destroyed many households,上千户人家的男人都死了thousands of families' bread winners are dead.你想让我捐些钱吗So you want me to contribute?不是每次谈话都让您给钱妈妈You don't have to give money after every conversation, mother.不吗No?英国人不就指望着美国富人捐钱吗Isn't that what the English expect of rich Americans?你为什么不肯继承遗产But why can't you benefit from the will?你又没做错什么事You've done nothing wrong.斯维尔立遗嘱时When Swire made it,并不知道我伤了他女儿的心he didn't know I'd broken his daughter's heart.这份遗产是回报我的忠诚It was to reward my fidelity而事实上我背叛了她when in fact I'd betrayed her.如果我接受那份遗产就与罪犯无异If I kept that money, I would be no better than a common criminal. 我明白了I see.既然你是这么想的我就不说什么了Well, if that's how you feel, then there's no more to be said.非常抱歉老爷I'm ever so sorry, my lord,我以为你们已经离开了I thought you were out of here.我们也该离开了进来吧我们这就走Yes, we should be. Please. We're going now.确实有个肿块这点毫无疑问Well, it's a lump all right, there's no point dithering about that.-你打算怎么办 -我也不知道- What are you going to do about it? - I don't know.要我说明天What I do know, tomorrow,你去预约看一下医生you'll make an appointment with the doctor听听他的意见and we'll see what he's got to say.万一是...But what if it's...退一万步说即便真是If it is, and I'm not saying it is,也该尽快查清it's best to know now.或许吧I suppose so.如果你不想一个人去Now, look, you'll not be alone for a minute我就陪着你if you don't want to be,但必须得查清病因but we have to get it seen to.还有开销...Then there's expense.如果一定要花钱If you must pay money,宁肯付给医生也别付给殡葬师better to a doctor than an undertaker.帕特莫太太你要是就这么安慰人If that's an example of your bedside manner, Mrs Patmore,我还是自己去吧I think I'd sooner face it alone.居然要让安娜看到我衣衫不整的样子It seems rather shocking for Anna to have to find me en deshabille. 我很勇敢的先生您别担心I'm made of stout stuff, sir, don't worry about that.你今天要去看望贝茨吗Are you seeing Bates today?是的我都等不及了I am, and I can't wait.代我们向他问好Give him our best wishes.抱歉在你的床上醒来I'm sorry. It still seems odd我还是觉得很怪to be found in your bed.-但感觉很好 -好得不能再好了- But very nice. - Oh, as nice as nice can be.我今天要去见贾维斯I'm going to see Jarvis today看有哪些待售的宅邸and find out what houses are available.非去不可吗Do you have to?我们在这儿待不了几天了These are our last days here.我原以为蜜月期间事情会有转机I thought something might've turned up while we were away 但看来毫无起色but it seems it hasn't.难道你想等我们非走不可时Would you rather wait till we have to go再找房♥子吗and find a new house then?亲爱的毕竟是你非逼我们搬出去After all, darling, you're the one who's pushing us out.不用了谢谢Not for me, thank you.玛丽刚度完蜜月回来But Mary's only just got back from honeymoon.她应该跟家人在一起It's her family time.但你也是...But you are...请不要再说我是你的家人了我不是Please, stop saying I'm family when I'm not.我下周晚宴时再去I'll be there for the big dinner next week.-怎么了 -我知道你不想伤害我- What is it? - I know you don't mean to hurt me, but...我当然不想伤害你Of course I don't.那是我最不希望发生的事That's the last thing I'd ever wish to do.那你为什么要疏远我Then why do you shove me away?我也不想一点也不想但是...I don't want to, not at all, but...如果你又想拿你那条受伤的胳膊作借口If you're going to talk about your wretched arm again,我可不想听I won't listen.不光是我的胳膊我太老了It's not just my arm. I'm too old for you.你该去找个还有大好人生的年轻人You need a young chap with his life ahead of him.你也有大好人生啊But your life's ahead of you.亲爱的我倒是希望如此Oh, my dear. If you knew how much I'd like to believe that. 那就说定了Then it's settled.你不许再疏远我You're not going to push me away any more而且你今晚要来赴晚宴and you are coming for dinner tonight.就这么定了That's all there is to it.薇拉的通讯薄查的怎么样了How did you get on with Vera's book?我回来时收到了几封回复I had a few answers waiting for me when I got back还有两封信因为地址无效被退了回来and two returned "Address unknown".-哪两封 -我想想- Who from? - Let me see,一封好像是哈利普先生的one was a Mr Harlip, I think,另一封是巴特利太太的and the other was Mrs Bartlett.哈利普没什么关系Harlip doesn't matter,是我北方的表亲他们没见过he was a cousin in the north, she never saw him,但巴特利太太真是可惜but Mrs Bartlett's a shame.她就住在街角跟薇拉关系很好She lived on the corner, she was very friendly with Vera. 别担心我会找到她的I'll find her, don't worry.跟我讲讲♥法♥国吧Tell me about France.你吃没吃青蛙腿跳康康舞Did you eat frog's legs and dance the can-can?没有No,不过我买♥♥了条吊袜带but I bought a garter.还有其他症状吗You've had no other symptoms?至少我还没发现Not that I'm aware of.你是否有不适感或觉得疲劳You're not feeling ill or tired?我不敢说我从不觉得疲劳I can't swear to not feeling tired但没有什么异常症状but nothing out of the ordinary.很好Very well.那么我需要先进行初步检查Well, I'm just going to conduct a preliminary examination. 我能留下来吗Do you mind if I stay?那样更好I should prefer it.-你手里是什么 -马修先生的燕尾服- What have you got there? - Mr Matthew's tailcoat.-你看这是什么东西 -不好说- What do you think that is? - Hard to say.常用的办法我都试遍了就是洗不掉I've tried all the usual things but I can't shift it.我可以告诉你个小窍门I'll give you a tip, if you like.-真的吗 -嗯- Would you, really? - Yeah.别到处说我可不想把秘密都泄露了Keep it to yourself, don't want to give away all my secrets. 你在这儿啊亲爱的Oh, there you are, my dear.早安奶奶Good morning, granny.我到处找你呢I've been looking for you.告诉我我们是不是真要那么做Now I want to know if we're serious,争取那个女人about getting that woman,请求你外祖母向我们施以援手about asking your other grandmother to come to our aid.她很有钱She's made of money她入土后只有妈妈和哈罗德舅舅能继承财产and there's only Mama and uncle Harold to share it when she's gone. 我们等不得了We can't wait that long,看她的气色能比我们活得都长呢she looks as if she'll bury us all.不行我们得马上行动No, we must act now.我们要让她觉得拯救唐顿义不容辞We must make her feel it is her duty to save Downton.可我们怎么才能做到呢But how? What can we do?让她认识到唐顿的价值Get her to sense its value,它在这一带举足轻重的地位its vital role in the area.你是她的外孙女You're her granddaughter.如果能保住唐顿这儿将来就是你的This will be your house if it survives.只要她不是铁石心肠你肯定能利用这一点Surely you can make something of that if she has a heart at all.今天我们一起过去喝下午茶We'll come for tea this afternoon.那我们就有机会了Then we can begin.相信我还有几道程序要走Believe me, there are several stages to go through现在完全没必要担心before there's any cause for despair.什么程序What stages?你过一两天再来做检查When you come back in a day or two,我会取一些囊液样本I'll remove some fluid from the cyst.如果运气好液体是清澈的就没问题了With any luck it'll be clear and that will be that.-怎么取 -用针管- How will you do it? - With a syringe.会疼吗Will it hurt?不管疼不疼他都得做Since he has to do it, whether it hurts or not,所以就别问这种问题了吧I don't see the point to that question.我想知道如果液体不清澈怎么办What I want to know is what happens if the fluid is not clear?那就要送去化验It'll be sent away for analysis.因为有可能...是癌症吗Because it may be... cancer?是有可能但我认为肯定不是It may be cancer but I'm fairly certain it is not.你听听There you are.可能性非常非常小对吧医生It's very, very unlikely, isn't it, doctor?帕特莫太太医生都把我当大人对待If the doctor treats me like an adult, Mrs. Patmore,你又何必哄着我呢why do you insist on treating me like a child?-你觉不觉得这火太小了 -不觉得- Does this seem slow to you? - Not really.莱文森夫人要和大家一起去老夫人家喝下午茶Mrs Levinson's going to the Dower House with the others for tea. 我觉得他喜欢我I think he likes me.他那只是友好罢了He's being friendly, that's all.你还好吗你已经埋头苦干了几个小时了Are you all right? You seem to have been slaving away for hours.我想在回去上班之前赶上进度I want to be up to date with it all before I get back to the office.斯维尔先生的律师有消息吗Anything from Mr Swire's lawyer?你看看吧You can read it if you like.也就是说你的确是雷吉的继承人So you are definitely Reggie's heir?看上去是这样Looks like it,但他们还得向印度政♥府♥要一份死亡证明but if they have to get a death certificate out of the Indian authorities, -一时半会儿肯定办不好 -很好- it won't be settled by Tuesday. - Good.哪里好了Why is it good?晚到几天你就有时间改主意了The delay may give you time to change your mind.玛丽求你别再逼我了Stop punishing me, Mary, please.如果我接受遗产If I accepted the legacy,就是以欺骗手段获取财产I would be taking money under false pretences.无异于盗窃I'd be stealing.你父亲都理解了你怎么不行Your father understands now. Why can't you?我觉得他并不理解只是不想求你I don't think he understands at all, he just doesn't want to beg.好了我要去奶奶家喝下午茶Anyway, I'm off to granny's for tea.一会儿见吧I'll see you later.我真的很爱你I do love you so terribly much.我知道Yes, I know you do.哈罗德最近在忙什么呢So what's Harold doing now?他沉迷于游艇His idee fixe is yachts.要更大更快的Bigger yachts, faster yachts.就是游艇那些事Something with yachts.-他开心吗 -谁知道他都忙昏头了- Is he happy? - He's much too busy to find out.我一直觉得难以想象It always seems so strange to me柯拉竟还有个兄弟that Cora has a brother.怎么说Why?你知道这里的规矩妈妈You know how the things work here, mother.只要有男嗣女儿就没有继承权If there's a boy, the daughters don't get anything.在英国有兄弟的女性不可能成为继承人There's no such thing as an English heiress with a brother.我们怎么都没见过他Why do we never see him?哈罗德不愿离开美国Harold hates to leave America.有意思他不愿离开美国Curious. He hates to leave America.我还不愿去呢I should hate to go there.别说笑了奶奶You don't mean that, Granny,我们明明都很向往美国when we're both so drawn to America.确实如此尤其是现在Indeed, indeed we are. Never more than now,卡劳利和莱文森两家的感情这么深when the bond between the Crawleys and Levinsons is so strong. 如果你真心这么想可真好妈妈That's nice, if you mean it, Mama.是真的I do.我们两家之间相互扶持实在难能可贵It is marvellous the way our families support each other.你是想用莱文森的钱保住卡劳利的地位吧You mean you needed the Levinson cash to keep the Crawleys on top? 我们恐怕不会这么说I'm not sure we'd put it that way.当然不会I'm quite sure we would not.但我希望您能认同But I hope you feel that用妈妈的财产来Mama's fortune has been well spent维系古老家族是再好不过in shoring up an ancient family.钱总得花不是吗You gotta spend it on something!这里怎么了What happened here?我...I...我只是...I just...怎么了You just what?-那里弄脏了 -这我知道- There was a mark in it. - I know there was a mark in it,但也没必要烧了吧but you didn't need to burn it away.你做了什么What have you done?我穿小礼服下去吧I'll go down in my dinner jacket,你明早送去我伦敦的裁缝那里you can send it to my tailor in London in the morning.没关系又没死人Come on, nobody's died,去把小礼服找出来just find the dinner jacket.休斯太太Mrs Hughes.布丁酒的杯子还没准备There don't seem to be any glasses waiting for the pudding wine. 今晚要喝那个吗Are they having one tonight?都写在菜单上了It's on the menus.我写菜单又不是为了好玩I don't write them for my own amusement.确实No, I dare say not.休斯太太Mrs Hughes,我一直在劝老爷再招些仆人I am trying, and so far failing,恢复到正常数量可是他也一直不肯to persuade his lordship to bring the staff levels back up to snuff, 在我说服他之前but until he does你一定得完成分内的工作it is vital that you pull your weight.纽波特可不是片丛林Newport's not a jungle, not at all,[纽波特美国罗德岛避暑胜地]但确实有些随意but it is a little less formal.马修显然是希望你能随意才穿了便装Matthew obviously wants you to feel at home in his play clothes. 这不能怪我Don't blame me for this.我和阿尔弗雷德之前出了点状况I'm afraid Alfred and I had a little bit disaster earlier.怎么回事What happened?他不知怎么在我的燕尾服上烧了个洞Somehow the poor chap managed to burn a hole in my tails.别担心能补好的Don't worry, it can be mended.小心点卡森别急啊Careful, Carson. Steady the bus.十分抱歉老爷I beg your pardon, my lord.我倒更喜欢小礼服I'd rather like dinner jackets.我赞同你的观点有时随意点更好And I agree with you. Sometimes it's nice to be informal.尤其是情侣独处的时候Especially when a couple is alone.但尽力维持传统是我们身为贵族的职责But people like us should lead the fight to keep tradition going. 如果你的意思是拒绝改变我不能苟同If you mean we can never change, I can't agree to that.我也是Nor me.接受改变和保护过去一样重要Accepting change is as important as defending the past.但唐顿这样的大宅就是要保护传统But the role of houses like Downton is to protect tradition.所以维系它们才如此重要That's why they're so important to maintain.你同意吗莱文森夫人Don't you agree, Mrs Levinson?我们必须倾尽全力We must do everything in our power让唐顿这样的宅子维系下去to keep houses like Downton going.当然如果你们认为有必要Sure, if you think it's worth it.下周都有谁来赴宴So who's coming to dinner next week?一些乡绅Some locals.我们认为你会想看看唐顿举办盛典We thought you'd like to see Downton on parade.没错外婆That's right, grandmama.幸好我们筹办了晚宴I'm glad we've planned a dinner.正好让您看看唐顿的真正价值We can show you the real point of Downton.我不知道说什么好卡森先生I don't know what to say, Mr Carson.-怎么回事 -阿尔弗雷德让家族蒙了羞- What's going on here? - Alfred has embarrassed the family.他害得马修先生下楼用餐时着装不当He forced Mr Matthew to appear downstairs improperly dressed. 听着还真刺♥激♥You make it sound quite exciting.不要这么粗俗奥布瑞恩小姐I will not tolerate vulgarity. Thank you, Ms O'Brien.阿尔弗雷德肯定不是故意的卡森先生I'm sure Alfred didn't mean to, Mr Carson.我向托马斯请教怎样去除...I asked Thomas how to get off mark...你这是什么意思Hey wait, what's this?你给我用来清理的东西The stuff you gave me to clean the tails在燕尾服上烧了个洞burned a hole in them.胡说我给了你一些碳酸钠No such thing. I gave you some soda crystals, I thought.你没用好可不怪我If you use them wrongly, it's not my fault.这就是拔苗助长的结果This is what comes of making him run before he could walk.如果你想让我跟她断绝往来我会的If you want me to stay away from her, of course I will.我知道这很无情I know it sounds harsh.不必多说罗伯特我完全理解Please Robert, I understand completely.伊迪丝小姐是你女儿Lady Edith's your daughter,你不愿她跟一个老残废在一起and you don't want her involved in some cripple who's far too old. 这下是你不留情面了Now you're the one who's harsh.可她总来看我The trouble is she calls round regularly.我又不能不让她进来I can hardly ask her not to be admitted.我写信跟她说吧I suppose I could write to her.希望这事不会影响我们之间的友谊I hope you won't feel we can't be friends after this.还是先放一放吧But let's leave it for a while.下周的晚宴我就不来了I'll duck out of the dinner next week.这样也好谢谢你It might be best. Thank you.你该用那一瓶碳酸钠That's the one you should've taken, soda crystals.但他给我的不是那个But he didn't give me that,他指的是这瓶我保证he pointed to this one. I promise.你不用向我保证我相信你You don't have to promise, I believe you.你认为他还没准备好So you think he's not ready?他还只是个毛头小子老爷He's just a lad, my lord.服侍外人还过得去He can see to the odd visitor,但做马修先生的固定贴身男仆but permanent valet to Mr Matthew?他做不来It's too much.我想卡劳利先生肯定更想自己穿衣服Actually I'm pretty sure mr Crawley would rather manage on his own. 仆人可不希望那样老爷They wouldn't like that downstairs, my lord.我就怕你会这么说I was afraid you'd say that.那你说怎么办So what would you suggest?把莫斯利先生请过来Ask Mr Molesley to join us.从长远来看这对阿尔弗雷德也更好It'd be kinder to Alfred in the long run,比逼他做力所不能及的事要好kinder than asking more than he can give.那可怜的男仆怎么样了How is that poor footman?我看卡森恨不得生吞了他I thought Carson was going to eat him alive.发着愁呢说实话他是有点呆Very glum. To be honest, he has been a clot.我不得不把衣服送去伦敦I'll have to send the coat up to London.尽快处理好Well get it done quickly.这次晚宴必须尽善尽美This dinner has to be the grandest of the grand.你想让她看什么What do you hope to show her?唐顿为什么重要为什么不能倒下Why Downton matters, why it mustn't be allowed to fall apart. 柯拉该拿的财产不是都拿过了Hasn't Cora had her share of Levinson gold?剩下的该归你舅舅吧what's all left is headed for your uncle.在美国这种事不是板上钉钉It's not so laid down in America.而且他已经富得流油He's as rich as Croesus as it is.你想榨她的钱吗So you mean to fleece her?明明可以却不肯出手相救的人是你Since you are the one to get us out of this hole if you wanted to, 就别来教训我了I won't take any criticism, thank you.她会答应吗Will she do it?奶奶的意思是不成功便成仁Granny means to make her or die in the attempt.趁我还没生气别说话了快吻我Now stop talking and kiss me before I get cross.他不是说一有消息就会告诉你嘛You heard him, they'll let you know at once.希望你能管好这些女仆I wish you could get those maids under control.她们这次居然打破了一个上菜盘子They've broken one of the serving dishes this time.下周的晚宴怎么得了And with the dinner next week?我们缺一名男仆We're short of a footman,一名厨房♥女仆至少还缺一名家仆We're short of a kitchen maid and one house maid at least,如果安娜要按玛丽小姐的意思that's if Anna's to be a proper lady's maid,把她照顾周全的话which is what Lady Mary wants.这是自然她喜欢事事妥当Well, naturally. She likes things done properly.天呐我们现在没法事事妥当For heaven's sake, we can't do things properly要么老爷允许我们配齐人手until either his lordship allows us the staff we need要么你和神圣的玛丽小姐or until you and the blessed Lady Mary就得清醒过来接受现实come down from that cloud and join the human race!我只能当你是劳累过度祝你晚安I can only suppose that you are over-tired. I bid you good night. -听我说她... -晚安卡森先生- You see, she... - Good night, Mr Carson.晚宴的事我们明早讨论We will discuss the dinner in the morning.帕特莫太太你可不能告诉他And no, Mrs Patmore, you may not tell him.服侍好马修先生了吗Have you finished with Mr Matthew?是的他在餐厅I have. He's in the dining room.很好你不用再服侍他了Very good. You won't need to attend to him again,莫斯利先生会从村里过来Mr Molesley will be coming up from the village.是马修先生抱怨了吗Has Mr Matthew complained?用不着他抱怨He needn't have to.这不是你的错That's not your fault,是我们太急躁了we've hurried you along too fast.你不要难过You mustn't feel badly.是托马斯在捣鬼This is Thomas's doing,不过你别急but don't you fret,我会让他后悔I'll make him sorry.我是你这边的I'm on your side.有人这么想我很高兴I'm glad somebody is.-玛丽没来 -她说她是已婚女人了- No Mary? - She said she's a married woman now能在床上吃早餐so she can have breakfast in bed.燕尾服的事我很抱歉Hm. I'm sorry about your tails.卡森今早把衣服送上去伦敦的火车了Carson's sending them up on the London train this morning. 得再缝块布片进去They'll have to put a new panel in.我们想让莫斯利过来服侍你We thought we'd get Molesley to come and look after you.他了解你He knows your ways.我完全满意...I'm perfectly happy...我认为让他来最好I think it best if he comes.我得跟您谈谈我们缺仆人的事老爷I do need to talk to you about the other staff we need, my lord. 现在不行卡森Not now, Carson.但你可以派人去请莫斯利过来But you may send for Molesley如果卡劳利夫人不介意的话if Mrs Crawley has no objection.伊迪丝。

英剧台词秀——Downton Abbey 唐顿庄园

英剧台词秀——Downton Abbey 唐顿庄园

英剧台词秀——Downton Abbey 唐顿庄园作者:摘编 / 老白来源:《新东方英语》2013年第10期英国独立电视台(ITV)出品的《唐顿庄园》(Downton Abbey)是一部古典剧。

该剧由曾获奥斯卡奖的金牌编剧Julian Fellowes一手打造,明星云集。



伯爵Robert Crawley与夫人Cora育有三个女儿:大女儿Mary、二女儿Edith和小女儿Sybil。




与“楼上”主人们的生活同样精彩的还有“楼下”个性鲜明的仆人们,包括严肃敬业的大管家Mr. Carson、色厉心善的女管家Mrs. Hughes、单纯正直的男仆William、自私狡猾的男仆Thomas等。

此外,老戏骨Maggie Smith 加盟该剧,饰演Grantham伯爵的母亲——老伯爵夫人Violet。



1 Quotes from Season 1 Episode 2Mr. Carson: To progress in your chosen career, William, you must remember that a good servant, at all times, retains a sense of pride and dignity that reflects the pride and dignity of the family he serves. And never make me remind you of it again.Remarks:大管家Mr. Carson在仆人中位高权重,他对待主人和庄园忠心耿耿,对待下属严格要求,认为自己的工作是崇高而有尊严的。

Downton Abbey《唐顿庄园(2010)》第五季第八集完整中英文对照剧本

Downton Abbey《唐顿庄园(2010)》第五季第八集完整中英文对照剧本

第五季第八集伦敦格兰瑟姆大宅以此缅怀兰开夏燧发枪手团二等兵阿奇·菲尔帕斯为国捐躯卒于1917年2月5日终年19岁以此缅怀兰开夏燧发枪手团二等兵阿奇·菲尔帕斯为国捐躯卒于1917年2月5日终年19岁直接拿到四轮马车上去Take them straight to the wagonette.物品清单卡森先生The inventory, Mr Carson.谢谢Thank you.-休斯太太 -谢谢你巴罗先生- Mrs Hughes. - Oh. Thank you, Mr Barrow.我们怎么把它带去伦敦啊How can we get it up to London?别担心会有时间修补的Don't worry. We'll have plenty of time to make repairs.我得说你真是个艺术家I must say, you're a real artist.不只是我黛西也帮了大忙Well, it's as much Daisy's work as mine.好了我们该带多少Now, how much should we take有哪些是可以到那儿再买♥♥的呢and what can we buy when we get there?庆幸的是里彭能买♥♥到的东西I'm happy to tell you that most things you can buy in Ripon 伦敦大都也有are also available in London.我知道但应该不太一样吧I know. But you don't trust them quite the same.是你觉得不一样Well, YOU don't.她为什么也去伦敦Why is she coming to London?还没找人接替布尤特太太吗Haven't they replaced Mrs Bute?没有不会找人了Oh no, no, they're not going to.以后格兰瑟姆大宅不会雇长驻管家了There'll be no permanent housekeeper at Grantham House in future. 时代前进的又一步Another clang in the march of time.真漂亮That's lovely.-会不会有点老气 -不会- You don't think it's a bit mumsy? - No!很时髦It's very chic.戴上帽子看看Can we see it with the hat?-你期待去伦敦吗 -很期待- Are you looking forward to London? - I am.我和贝茨先生正好要去看看♥房♥♥子Mr Bates and I need to inspect our house,所以时机刚刚好so the timing couldn't be better.真遗憾苏珊错过了这些I'm sorry Susan's missing all this.她才不在乎服装呢She doesn't care about clothes.我还是不明白他们为什么不按原计划I still don't understand why they didn't come two months ago两个月前就来when they originally said.没办法啊How could they?政♥府♥改了交接日期他们过不来The Government changed the date for the hand-over. They were stuck. 要是我无论如何也要为女儿的婚礼回来I'd have come back anyway if it were my daughter's wedding.那你就不要去搞外交了I do not suggest a career in the Diplomatic.-他们会比我们先到吗 -不会- Will they be there before us? - No.他们在南安普顿过夜They're spending the night in Southampton.我们会在同一天到圣詹姆斯区We'll all arrive in St James's on the same day.我们要当他们是对幸福夫妇吗Are we to pretend they're a happy couple?-是的必须要 -何必闹得不愉快- Yes, we jolly well are. - Why cast a shadow?-就是说 -真遗憾不能在这里办- I quite agree. - I'm sorry it can't be here.去登记处结婚再到教堂祈福I don't think a registry office wedding and a church blessing 郡里可能接受不了would be what the county expects,而且伦敦对苏珊和小虾更合适些and London makes more sense for Susan and Shrimpie.我还想在犹太教堂做祈福呢And I want a blessing in a synagogue.里彭哪会有犹太教堂And where would you find a synagogue in Ripon?我真佩服你能如此从容面对一切I do admire the way you just take it all in your stride.如果能做到I think it would make it easier我想对辛德比勋爵会好受些for Lord Sinderby if we could manage it.我看他不值得你在意I'm not sure Lord Sinderby deserves your concern.阿提科斯爱他而我爱阿提科斯Atticus loves him and I love Atticus.爱不可能战胜一切但还是很有力量的Love may not conquer all, but it can conquer quite a lot.我还担心夫人要面对那个叛徒I worried about her ladyship having to face the traitor,但听说奥布瑞恩小姐but it seems Miss O'Brien's got herself被新总督的妻子留下了taken on by the new Governor's wife.很正常不过我听说他们贴身男仆女仆都没有Typical, but I've been told they've neither maid nor valet,这对一对侯爵夫妇太奇怪了which seems odd for a Marquess and Marchioness.说实话卡森先生To be honest, Mr. Carson,我看他们是没什么钱了I don't think they have two pennies to rub together. It's all gone.那么辛德比一家的阔气肯定合他们心意So, the Sinderby millions must be a cheering thought.不好说呢I wonder.弗林特夏尔夫人可不是个开放的人Lady Flintshire's not the most liberal being on the planet.-的确不是 -不过- No. - Then again...-玛姬说辛德比勋爵也不太赞同 -我也听说了- Madge says Lord Sinderby's none too keen. - So I gather.两边都有倔脾气呢Hurrah for intolerance on both sides.我担心只有巴罗先生和莫斯利恐怕不够I'm worried about running it with only Messrs Barrow and Molesley. -你担心会显得寒酸吗 -你不觉得吗- You think we'll look a bit dingy? - Don't you?-能不能去借个男仆呢 -恐怕不行- Could we borrow a spare footman? - I don't know.借男仆听起来像是上个世纪的事了Borrowing footmen sounds like something out of the last century. 连我都觉得过时Even to me!那就雇一个吧就一周不会花多少钱Hire a lad for the week we're there. It wouldn't cost much.就为了支撑个门面吗That's to be it for the Big Parade?风光的年代过去了卡森先生The Big Parade's passed, Mr Carson.我们只能尽力而为了We're just trying to keep up as best we can.轮到我了My turn.你真棒Well done, you.我父亲要是在会怎么说呢What would my father say?你在和外孙女建立牢固的友谊That you were building a very solid friendship with your granddaughter.不对亲爱的No, darling.你碰上蛇了所以你得回到那儿去You've landed on a snake so you have to go back to there.不要No!别这么小气让她留在原处吧Don't be so mean. Let her stay where she is.现在不教教她接受失败It won't be very helpful later on对以后没什么好处if we don't teach her how to lose.你哭吧亲爱的You go ahead and cry, darling.-这样阿驴就难受了 -别叫我阿驴- Make Donk feel guilty. - Don't call me Donk!快点阿驴轮到您了Oh hurry up, Donk! It's your turn.谁的信What's that?是我在波士顿的堂亲It's from my cousin in Boston.他是卖♥♥♥车♥的想扩展到卖♥♥农业机械He sells cars but he wants to expand into farm machinery.这两个你都熟悉You know about both.是啊所以他想拉我入伙Exactly. He'd like me to come in with him.他要在这里开分店吗Oh, is he opening a branch over here?不是他想让我去马萨诸塞州找他No. He's asked me to join him in Massachusetts.-跟他合伙 -原来如此- As a partner. - Oh, I see.辛德比勋爵最近怎么样How's it going with Lord Sinderby?我看他做梦都希望我一觉醒来改主意了呢I think he dreams of my waking up in the morning and changing my mind.有个那样的父亲You'd think with a father like that按说阿提科斯该有个更犹太的名字呢Atticus would have a more Jewish name.很有犹太宗教色彩的名字他的本名是以法连·阿提科斯His real name is Ephraim Atticus,可他妈妈从小就叫他阿提科斯就成习惯了but his mother called him Atticus as a baby and it stuck.她是你的盟友She's your ally.对可并不是因为她觉得这些不重要Yes, but not because she thinks it's all unimportant,她只是觉得她儿子的幸福比什么都重要just that she thinks her son's happiness is more important.-谢谢你 -这我喜欢听- Thank you! - I like the sound of that.贝茨夫妇请留步Mr and Mrs Bates. Might I take up a moment of your time?我接到了威利斯警长的电♥话♥I had a call earlier from Sergeant Willis.维纳先生来这边了打算明早过来一趟Mr Vyner is back up here and wants to come by in the morning. -来找我吗 -找你们俩- To see me. - To see both of you.我不明白为什么I don't understand. Why?相信等他来了就清楚了I dare say it will become clearer after he's been.我们还希望这事已经结束了We hoped this was over.我也一样贝茨先生我也一样So did I, Mr Bates. So did I.我上去了I'm going up.晚安Good night.我去看看孩子们你就不用去了I'll check on the children so you don't have to.她还真热心啊She's keen. I'll give her that.她为什么一副全天下就她是个母亲的样子Why does she have to carry on as if she'd invented motherhood?我也去睡了I'm going to bed, too.稍等您考虑过在村里施工的事了吗Before you do, have you thought any more about the work in the village? 那些农舍的情况不容乐观Those cottages are in quite a state要修缮的话就得抓紧时间了if we're going to restore them, then we ought to get on with it.我知道我知道可我们哪来的钱I know, I know, but how are we going to find the money?我们到伦敦后好好想想吧然后再做决定Let's think about it while we're in London and make a decision.是真的吗伦敦的探长明天要过来Is it true that London Inspector is coming back tomorrow?你怎么知道的How do you know that?请记住我很愿意发誓Just remember I'd be happy to swear我看到了那张完整的车票I saw that ticket in one piece.-夫人要睡了 -好的谢谢- Her ladyship's on her way to bed. - Right. Thank you.希望巴克斯特小姐不是我们避免麻烦的唯一希望I hope Miss Baxter's not all we've got between us and trouble.我这次想好好逛逛伦敦每次我都下决心I want to use London this time because I always resolve要去剧院啊画廊啊博物馆什么的to visit theatres and galleries and museums.可最后总是哪也没去就回家了Then I get home and I've not done anything.我跟你一起I'll join you.我们一起去We'll go together.一言为定I'll hold you to that.揭幕仪式的日子定了The date of the unveiling.纪念碑吗什么时候Of the memorial? When is it?25日我们正好从婚礼赶回来On the 25th, so we'll just be back from the wedding.大家注意村里会在25日正午12点Everyone, we will be unveiling the war memorial in the village 为战争纪念碑揭幕at twelve noon on the 25th.-希望咱们家的人都能到场 -当然- I'd like the house to be well represented. - Of course.希望你不介意我不去卡森先生I hope you won't object if I don't come, Mr Carson.我们会想你的You'd be missed.我不想旧事重提但那会令我难过I don't want to drag it up again, but it would be painful.卡森先生能理解Mr Carson understands.好就这样吧Yes, that's as may be.可怜的女人Poor woman.你听到她的话了咱们就别旧事重提了You heard her. Let's not drag it up again.您用好了吗夫人Have you quite finished, m'lady?可以了谢谢丹可Yes, thank you, Denker.刚才是谁敲门啊Who was that at the door?一位自称克拉根亲王的先生夫人A gentleman called Prince Kuragin, m'lady.他在会客厅里He's in the drawing room.我跟他说了您还没下楼可他说可以等I told him you weren't downstairs but he said he'd wait.-他非常坚持 -嗯我...- He was most insistent. - Yes I...我不想穿昨晚选的那套了I don't think I'll wear what I chose last night.我想也是I suspected that might be the case所以我拿出了淡紫色的日间裙装so I put out the lavender day dress.跟您非常相配Goes very well with your ladyship's colouring.亲王只是位老朋友丹可没别的The Prince is an old friend, Denker, nothing more.当然夫人Oh, I'm sure, m'lady,但打扮漂亮点总没坏处对吧but it never hurts to look your best, does it?也对是没坏处No. I don't believe it does.我们需要一些兵团代表We'll need representatives of the regiments involved当然还要个乐队and of course a band of some sort,但相信你都安排好了吧but I dare say that's all under control.那是当然老爷I dare say it is, m'lord.我想给威廉·梅森的父亲安排个好位子I'd like William Mason's father to have a good place.威廉离开家乡为国捐躯William left this house to give his life for his country.-我深感遗憾 -我们都是的老爷- I feel that very deeply. - We all do, m'lord.-转告仆人好吗 -已经说了- Will you tell the staff? - Already done.出席的人应该不会少We should have a good turnout.帕特莫太太请假了但也情有可原Mrs Patmore has asked to be excused but that's understandable. 我很遗憾但也意料之中I'm sorry, but not surprised.我先告退了M'lord.我不明白你说"我们最后的机会"是什么意思I don't know what you mean by "our last chance".我们的机会早在多年前就被我们放弃了We left any chance we had behind us, many years ago.-我不接受 -那亲王夫人怎么办- I don't accept that. - And what about the Princess?他们还没找到她They haven't found her yet.我们又分开很久了We've been apart for a long time.你是要离婚吗Are you proposing to divorce?何必你还想生孩子吗Why? Do you want more children?我只希望人生最后的日子能与你共度I wish to spend my final years with you.作为朋友爱人As a friend, as a lover.我并不想闹出丑闻只求爱情I don't seek scandal, only love.这几年我过得很凄惨The last years have been ugly.我不想余下的日子都这么凄惨I don't want what remains to be ugly.是啊No.那么...So...你意下如何...what do you say?你这就想要答案啊You want an answer just like that?我知道我的感觉你也知道I know my own feelings. You do too.我现在没法做决定I can't make a decision now!我不会改变心意的I won't change.别把你的强硬态度当做什么优点炫耀Don't proclaim your intransigence as if it were a virtue.事情有了点进展Things have advanced a little.看来格林先生并非卡森先生所说的那种正人君子It seems Mr Green was not quite the sunny soul that Mr Carson depicted. 他好像侵犯过不少女性He appears to have carried out a series of attacks on women.她们之前不敢出面揭发他They were too nervous to come forward before now,但经过一番鼓励她们中有人说出了实情but with a little encouragement some of them have spoken out. 我们大概拼凑出了他的行径We've been able to formed a picture of his behaviour.可这里没发生什么啊But nothing happened here!他的受害者多为纤弱的女人His victims were generally small, slight women,而且并未挑逗过他who'd given little or no encouragement.-真令人不快 -没错的确令人不快- How very unpleasant. -Yes, It is rather 'unpleasant'.-你说是吧贝茨太太 -当然- Wouldn't you agree, Mrs Bates? - Yes.我们还有消息也许能证明贝茨先生的清白We also have news which may put Mr Bates in the clear.又有一名目击证人站出来了A second witness has come forward.他的证据表明His evidence suggests在人行道上与格林起争执的人whoever was arguing with Green on the pavement要比他矮was shorter than him.也比你矮贝茨先生Someone shorter than yourself, Mr Bates.你有什么想法休斯太太What do you think, Mrs Hughes?我可什么都不知道I don't know a thing about it.就这样吧We'll leave it there.如果我们需要贝茨太太来伦敦If we need Mrs Bates to come to London,可以安排下吗休斯太太could that be arranged, Mrs Hughes?我们下周会去伦敦参加罗斯小姐的婚礼We'll be in London next week for Lady Rose's wedding.那你能在周二上午十点来一趟苏格兰场吗Then could you pop in to Scotland Yard on Tuesday at ten o'clock? 她去的话我要陪她一起If she comes, I'll be with her.-如你所愿 -那好就这么定了- As you wish. - Good, that's settled.先告辞了Now I'll say goodbye.这到底怎么回事啊What on earth was that about?他想逼你说出实情He's trying to bully it out,但最好别妨碍他but it's best not to stand in his way.说出什么Bully what out?上面找您卡森先生You're required upstairs, Mr Carson.埃文斯先生很高兴你能来Mr Evans. It's good of you to come.我很荣幸老爷I'm pleased to, m'lord.你父亲这几年给我们的狗刻了不少墓碑Your father carved many stones for our dogs over the years.很高兴你准备继承他的衣钵了I'm glad you're prepared to go on with it.这些就像我们以前给您做的一样These are like the ones we've made for you in the past.这是本宠物墓碑册吗Is this a book of pets' tombstones?像另一个世界啊A parallel universe.不老爷我们做的东西那里面都有留样No, m'lord. You've examples of everything we do.我明白了这是什么I see. What's this?纪念碑老爷A memorial, m'lord.我们给欣克利的一个园丁做的We made it for a garden in Hinckley.快到莱斯特了你们生意范围还真大Near Leicester? You do get about.你来了还真是不着急啊There you are! You took your time.我还以为你不小心拉到了铃I thought you'd rung by accident.那你要我怎么召唤你吹起约书亚的喇叭吗How would you like to be summoned, by Joshua's trumpet? 最好压根不要"召唤"我I prefer not to be "Summoned" at all.至少不是被你召唤At any rate, not by you.把这些拿到车里去Take these down to the car.我去拿她的雨鞋和雨伞I'm going to fetch her galoshes and umbrella.我一直在想I've been thinking.等我们到了那边Should I tell them everything要不要把一切告诉他们了事when we get there and have done with it?不不到万不得已我不会说出自己的秘密No. I'm not one to give up my secrets unless I have to.他们没有其他证据了They have nothing else to prive against it,既然杀他的人不可能是你if the man who killed him can't have been you.即便如此也不行Even so.黛西Daisy?卡森先生Yes, Mr Carson.走之前老爷想Before we go, his lordship邀请梅森先生去参加揭幕仪式wants to extend an invitation to Mr Mason for the unveiling, 当然也包括你作为威廉的遗孀which will include you as William's widow.-谢谢卡森先生 -我会以主席身份写信给他- Thank you, Mr Carson. - I'll write to him as Chairman.但你下封信里要是能先跟他提一下就再好不过了But it might be nice if you were to mention it in your next letter.-当然 -那好- Of course. - Right.我们该上去等车了Well, we'd better get up to the cars.丹可离开几天希望你应付得来斯普拉特I hope you can manage a few days without Denker, Spratt.完全可以而且非常乐意夫人A hope that will be fulfilled and gladly, m'lady.所有箱子都在这里了吗丹可Are these all the cases, Denker?夫人真是火眼金睛Your ladyship is very sharp-eyed.确实少了一个箱子We are missing one.既然是斯普拉特先生负责把它们拿下来Since Mr Spratt was given the task of bringing them down,那他肯定是放到哪里妥善保管起来了no doubt he's put it somewhere for safe keeping.你真体贴斯普拉特Oh, how very considerate of you, Spratt.-快去拿来吧 -可是夫人我没有- Fetch it now, please. - But your ladyship, I don't...去把箱子拿来斯普拉特Fetch the case, Spratt.我觉得好内疚要扔下玛丽戈德一个人I feel so guilty, leaving Marigold on her own.她可不是一个人她周围都是保姆和孩子Oh, she's not on her own, she's surrounded by nannies and children! -我知道 -她会过得很好的- I know. - She'll have a whale of a time.伊迪丝对那孩子简直着迷了Edith is obsessed with that child.-她好可爱啊 -那倒没错- She's a dear little thing. - So she is.可事实上我觉得那孩子有点特别But as a matter of fact, there is something about her.玛丽戈德吗怎么了About Marigold? What?我不知道总觉得似曾相识I don't know. A sense of deja vu.我也说不准I can't quite put my finger on it.大家注意这是安迪我们在伦敦期间All of you, Andy here will be an extra footman他会在这里做男仆while we're in London.请大家多帮助他Please be helpful to him.-今天晚餐就开始帮忙吗 -是这样- Starting at dinner tonight? - That's the idea.卡森先生怎么找到你的How did Mr Carson find you?我之前是门童I was working as a hall boy.卡森先生打给我以前人家的管家Mr Carson rang my old butler问我有没有兴趣to see if I have any new ideas.就一个星期你之后还能回去吗It's only a week's work. Will he take you back?我不想回去做门童了I don't want to go back as a hall boy.我想做男仆这就是第一步I want to be a footman now and this is the first step.-真有勇气 -如今这世道没勇气不行啊- I think that's brave. - You've got to be brave these days. 你对伦敦熟悉吗Do you know London well?对这块不熟我在东区长大Not here. I grew up in the East End.-我只在贝斯沃特上过班 -贝斯沃特- I've only ever worked in Bayswater. - Bayswater?-公园北边那个 -我知道- Yeah, north of the park. - Oh yes, I know where it is.-你对这附近完全不熟咯 -是的- So you're not known round here then? - No.你只在这儿工作到婚礼结束You're just with us 'til after the wedding?-是的 -你应该喜欢找乐子吧- That's it. - I dare say you enjoy a bit of fun.算是吧谁不喜欢呢I s'pose so. As much as the next man.只要你会找这附近有不少乐子可寻There's fun to be had round here if you know where to look for it.-你对这里很熟咯 -当然简直像回家了- You know this area, then? - Oh, yes. I've come home.我在圣詹姆斯广场住了好多年I spent many a year in St James's Square.趁丹可小姐还没开始滔滔不绝地讲她的过去Well, before we get drawn into Miss Denker's past adventures,你和我来我带你熟悉一下工作情况吧why don't you come along with me and I'll show you how it all works? 快来Chop, chop.欢迎猎人从山林中归家Welcome the hunter, home from the hill.-两位感觉怎样 -累死了- How are you both? - Worn out!从南安普敦坐火车过来The train from Southampton跟从孟买♥♥坐船回来一样累人was almost as bad as the voyage from Bombay.更衣前先躺一会吧You must lie down before you change.你还记得卡森吗Do you remember Carson?我知道您没带随身侍从侯爵老爷I gather you haven't brought any personal attendants, m'lord.我们早就不带了卡森Those days are done for us now, Carson.没必要昭告天下吧We needn't tell the world.走吧小虾Well, Shrimpie.玛丽小姐的女仆安娜负责照顾您夫人You will have Lady Mary's maid Anna, to help you, m'lady.侯爵老爷由莫斯利先生照顾His lordship will have Mr Molesley.我带您去您的房♥间Now I'll show you to your room.我们不是住一间房♥吧We're not in one room? Together?-现在房♥间不太够 -我绝不合住- The thing is, we're very squashed. - I'm not sharing a room.-我去住酒店 -得了- I'll go to an hotel. - Come on...别担心夫人我们会安排好的请这边走Don't worry m'lady, we'll manage. If you'd like to come this way. 或许罗斯小姐可以和伊迪丝小姐住一间房♥Maybe Lady Rose could share with Lady Edith?谢谢休斯太太Thank you, Mrs Hughes.我就知道她会找麻烦I knew she'd be trouble.妈妈Mummy.-他们说您到了 -是啊可累死了- They said you'd arrived. - Yes. What a journey.我好像一直在到处奔波I seem to have been travelling for as long as I can remember.可您到了Well, you're here now.来亲亲你可怜的母亲Won't you give your poor old mother a kiss?当然Of course.-你的选择可真特别 -希望您会喜欢他- This is quite a choice you've made. - I hope you'll like him.他们今晚都会来吃晚饭They're all coming for dinner tonight.你真的确定就是他了And you're quite, quite sure?十分确定Absolutely.这就够了Well then, that's all I needed to hear.-卡森先生宣布晚餐开始了吗 -他们还没到齐呢- Has Mr Carson announced dinner? - They're not all here yet.我到的时候收到一封维纳先生的信I found a letter from Mr Vyner when we arrived,确认我明早会去苏格兰场confirming I'm to be at Scotland Yard in the morning.别太担心Try not to worry about it.结束之后正好去看看你们的房♥子吧你会开心的Why not go to see your house afterwards? You'd enjoy that.在伦敦我们在旁边看着Now, in London, we supervise,他们自己会从茶几上拿咖啡和其他喝的but they help themselves to coffee and drinks from a side table. 等他们都拿好了我们就离开Once they settle, we leave them to it.我之前工作的地方男仆要在旁边守到他们睡觉In my last place, the footmen stayed 'til they went to bed.这里不一样他们要喝第二杯得自己倒Not here, if they want a second drink, it's up to them.好了There we are.希望安娜能照顾好你I hope Anna was helpful.我相信她会的She will be, I'm sure.辛德比一家在哪呢Where are the Sinderbys?我们还以为您是辛德比勋爵和夫人呢We thought you might be Lord and Lady Sinderby.抱歉让你们失望了'Fraid not.您好Hello.-他们什么样 -夫人人很好很喜欢罗斯- What are they like? - She's very nice and fond of Rose.-勋爵大人有些犹豫 -罗斯和他非常般配- He's less convinced. - Rose is more than a match for him.真是可笑他们哪有资格嫌弃我们女儿It does make me smile that they should be the ones objecting. -他们和我们一样有资格 -爸爸妈妈- They have as much right as we do. - Mummy, Daddy...你们可以装得恩爱一点吗Can you try to behave like a happy couple?那多不诚实Wouldn't that be rather dishonest?这怎么了你们还没分开呢Why? You haven't separated yet.在南安普敦上船的那一刻我们的心就分开了We separated the moment we walked down the gangway at Southampton. 演几天戏又不会死It won't kill us to put on a show for a few more days.主要是我不想让辛德比勋爵找到话茬The thing is, I don't want to give Lord Sinderby any ammunition.罗斯·麦克莱尔小姐还配不上他们家了So, Lady Rose MacClare is a mesalliance.别这样说奶奶I'm not sure that's helpful, Granny.辛德比勋爵夫妇和阿提科斯·奥德里奇先生Lord and Lady Sinderby and Mr Atticus Aldridge.快进来见到你们真好Do come in. How lovely to see you.爸爸妈妈这是阿提科斯Daddy, Mummy. This is Atticus.-你们好 -真是个特别的名字- How do you do? - What a peculiar name.怎么样How's it going?-弗林特夏尔夫人可不好伺候 -我早说了- Lady Flintshire is not a push-over. - I told you that.我必须要问我实在放不下这事I must ask, because I can't get it out of my mind,探长传召贝茨太太做什么why has the Inspector summoned Mrs Bates?我要是发誓他们都是清白的能让你放心吗Would it help if I swore neither of them has done anything wrong?我没怀疑过但听到这话我就放心了I never doubted it, but it's a relief to hear.我该上去了I'd better go up.为何选择约克郡因为那里的历史吗What made you choose Yorkshire? Was it a historic reason?不是我年少时常去那里Not really. I used to go there as a girl而且风景也很好and of course it's beautiful.你有英国血统吗Do you have any English blood?我家人是上世纪五十年代过来的It's true we only date from the 1850s,但辛德比夫人家but Lady Sinderby's family早在理查三世在位时就来英国了arrived in the reign of King Richard Ill.是吗我一直以为你们是游牧民族漂泊四海Really? I always think of you as nomads, drifting around the world.说到漂泊Talking of drifting round,你们真打算从康宁斯比的梅尔福家is it true you're starting your honeymoon开始蜜月之旅吗at the Melfords' in Coningsby?是的梅尔福夫人是母亲的表亲Oh yes. Lady Melford is Mother's cousin.是吗我还真不知道Is she? I never knew that.听说你想在犹太教堂办祈福I gathered you wanted a synagogue blessing?我想尊重双方的传统I'd like to respect both sides.但你不懂我们的礼节不过这也很正常Well, you don't understand our customs. Then again, why should you? -这不行吗 -不行他该告诉你的- So it won't be possible? - No. He should have told you.我想邀请你们周三晚上过来共进晚餐I thought we could have a dinner on Wednesday night for all of you,介绍一些亲戚给你们认识so you could meet some of the relations.让他们知道自己是多幸运And show them how lucky they are!-他们都住在府上吗 -快挤不下了- Have you got many of them staying? - We're crammed to the gunwales. 阿提科斯不得不去霍恩比酒店住Atticus has had to move into the Halnaby Hotel.我非常喜欢那地方I love the Halnaby.这样也好他可以在那里办...怎么说的It makes sense and he can have his... What do they call it now?他的单身派对又不会打扰我们His stag party there, without disturbing us.-您会去吗辛德比勋爵 -不会- Will you be going, Lord Sinderby? - Hardly.单身派对在父亲的反对清单上排名很前Stag parties are rather high on Father's disapproval list.这张清单很长吗辛德比勋爵Is it a long list, Lord Sinderby, the things you disapprove of?不长我只是不喜欢牌桌上的老千和没熟透的鱼No, as long as I can steer clear of card sharps and undercooked fish, 还有离婚其余都很随意and divorce, I think I'm fairly easy.这年头离婚有这么可怕吗Is divorce so terrible these days?有必要勉强在一起继续痛苦的生活吗Is it worse to stay together and be miserable?我是很传统但我觉得离婚代表软弱Well, I'm clearly old-fashioned but to me divorce signifies weakness. 堕落丑闻和失败Degradation, scandal and failure.再次来伦敦你开心吗Are you glad to be in London again?拿回我的房♥子我就开心了I will be when I get the house back.-租客什么时候搬走 -理论上是下周- When do the tenants go? - Next week in theory.我得把真画从储藏室搬出来I need to pull the real pictures out of storage.真是抬举他们What a palaver!就是但想想最后I know, but think of the relief我终于能关上房♥门一个人享受家里的清净了when I can shut the door at last and be alone in my own home.-弗林特夏尔侯爵不也会在吗 -当然了- Won't Lord Flintshire be with you? - Of course he will.我当然会在这话真滑稽苏珊Of course I will. What a funny thing to say, Susan.可以这么说吧Funny is one word for it.我想说Well, I want you to know随时欢迎你们来坎宁福德。






但对于热爱《唐顿庄园》(Downton Abbey)这部剧的广大粉丝来说,这样的形容非但不过分,甚至还不足以传达这部剧的好看之处。













Brief Introduction
Downton abbey is a British period drama television series created by Julian Fellows, until now it has 3 seasons. The series , set in the fictional Yorkshire country estate (约克郡乡下庄 园)of Downton Abbey(唐顿庄园), depicts(描述)the lives of the aristocratic(贵族的)Crawley family and their servants in the post – Edwardian era(爱德华时代)
Hale Waihona Puke Main case► Milord
and milady
Three Ladies
Hero: Matthew Crawley
Heroine: Lady Mary
Some Stage Photos

Downton Abbey唐顿庄园ppt介绍

Downton Abbey唐顿庄园ppt介绍
country • Real aristocratic temperament(气质)
“my dear, a lack of compassion can be as vulgar as an excess of tears”
“My dear, love is far more dangerous motive than dislike.”
Classy clothes Victorian(维多利亚女王时代)
costume features
• 1837 to 1901 :the lace(蕾丝 ), spinning (细纱 ), lotus leaf(荷叶边), ribbons(缎 带), bows(蝴蝶结), multi-layered cake cutting(多层次蛋糕裁剪), wrinkle (褶皱), and other elements, and the collar(立领), high waist(高腰), princess sleeves(公主 袖), leg of mutton sleeves(羊腿袖)
formation of the Irish Free State(爱尔兰自由邦)in the
third series.
The aristocracy:

Noble--Count or Earl伯爵


Merchants/Craftsmen Peasants农民(乡下人)
Freemen自由民 Serfs奴隶
英国上院的贵族:亲王、公爵、侯爵、伯爵、子爵和男爵。英国上院的贵族是 一个财产和地位都可以世袭的大贵族阶层。
Aristocratic Activity(贵族活动): hunting, dancing, afternoon tea...



唐顿庄园观后感英文After watching the highly acclaimed British television series, "Downton Abbey," I couldn't help but be captivated by the charm and grandeur of the fictional estate, Downton Abbey. This period drama, set in the early 20th century, beautifully portrays the lives of the aristocratic Crawley family and their loyal servants, creating a mosaic of personalities, struggles, and triumphs. Here, I would like to share my observations and reflections on this captivating series.One of the most striking aspects of "Downton Abbey" is its depiction of the class system that prevailed during that era. The stark contrast between the lives of the Crawley family and their servants is both fascinating and thought-provoking. The hierarchy and rigid social structures are evident in every aspect of the estate, from the way the characters dress to the way they interact with one another. Despite the clear disparities, the series explores the complexity of human relationships and the growing social changes that challenged traditional norms.Central to the success of "Downton Abbey" is its characterization. With a large ensemble cast, each character is meticulously developed, allowing the viewers to develop a deep connection with them. From the wise and compassionate Dowager Countess, played by the incomparable Maggie Smith, to the headstrong and ambitious Lady Mary Crawley, portrayed by Michelle Dockery, every character adds depth and complexity to the series. It is through their struggles, secrets, and personal growth that the series becomes a compelling exploration of the human condition.Furthermore, the attention to detail in the production design and costumes breathes life into the story. The elaborate sets of Downton Abbey, from the opulent drawing rooms to the bustling kitchens, are beautifully crafted, transporting the viewers to another era. The sumptuous costumes, meticulously tailored according to the time period, contribute to the authenticity and immersion of the series. The exquisite attention to detail in every frame engrosses the viewers and adds another layer of richness to the storytelling."Downton Abbey" also provides an intriguing insight into the societal changes happening during the early 20th century. As the world witnesses a rapid technological advancement and the impact of World War I, the characters find themselves grappling with the shifting norms and values. From women's suffrage to the changing roles of men in society, the series skillfully incorporates these larger societal issues into the individual storylines. It serves as a reminder that despite the grandeur and stability of the estate, the world outside its walls is evolving, and the characters must adapt accordingly.Beyond the captivating plotlines and unforgettable characters, "Downton Abbey" ultimately reflects on the timeless themes of love, loss, and the pursuit of happiness. Through the triumphs and tragedies of the Crawley family and their servants, the series showcases the human resilience and the bonds that unite us. It reminds us of our shared experiences, regardless of social status or time period, and highlights the importance of compassion and understanding.In conclusion, "Downton Abbey" is a remarkable series that transcends its period setting, taking viewers on a journey through an era of glamour, class divisions, and societal transformations. Its expertly crafted storytelling, memorable characters, and attention to detail make it a true masterpiece. Through its exploration of universal themes, it resonates with audiences around the world, inviting us to reflect on our own lives and the ever-changing world we inhabit.。



唐顿庄园故事梗概英文版"Downton Abbey" is a British historical drama series that follows the lives of the aristocratic Crawley family and their servants in the early 20th century. Set in the fictional Yorkshire country estate of Downton Abbey, the story begins in 1912 with the sinking of the Titanic, which leads to the death of the family's heir. As a result, the Crawleys' distant cousin, Matthew Crawley, becomes the new heir presumptive.The series explores the impact of historical events on both the aristocracy and their servants, including World War I, the inter-war period, the Irish War of Independence, and the Jazz Age. The family struggles to maintain their tradition and social status while adapting to the changing world around them.Throughout the series, various conflicts and storylines unfold, including Lady Mary Crawley's romantic entanglements and her complex relationship with Matthew Crawley, Lady Sybil Crawley's involvement in political causes and her marriage to the family's chauffeur, and Lady Edith Crawley's pursuit of independence and happiness.Meanwhile, the servants face their own challenges, navigating class differences and personal dramas. The Dowager Countess of Grantham, Violet Crawley, provides comic relief and sage advice as the family matriarch."Downton Abbey" addresses themes of love, betrayal, duty, and social change. It beautifully captures the dynamics of a bygone era and showcases the relationships between the aristocracy and their devoted servants.。



• Maggie Smith饰演Grantham老伯 爵遗孀Violet Violet是现任 Grantham伯爵Robert的母亲,她 对儿子很自豪、很忠诚,但却难 以忍受她的美国儿媳,视其为外 来入侵者,一个为了家族利益不 得已而做出的妥协。而Cora则觉 得Violet嫁来时没为家族带来任何 财产,双方都认为自己比对方高 人一等。在公开场合,Violet支持 她已故丈夫的安排,但事实上, 随着Patrick的亡故,她更希望由 孙女Mary而不是什么陌生人继承 财产。这就为两位伯爵夫人统一 战线,策动Robert推翻限定继承 铺平了道路。当远房继承人和他 中产阶级的母亲来到庄园后,她 发现处境变得更加难以忍受了, 尽管她也像Cora一样觉得将Mary 嫁给Matthew不失为一种解决方案。
《唐顿庄园》被称为95版傲慢与偏见之后最 好的一部时代剧。它拥有英剧时代剧中的 一切优秀素质:沉稳的镜头语言,庞大的 家族故事,充满矛盾和隐忍的人物性格, 精致的台词,跌宕起伏的故事,击中了很 多人的心灵,它将人们带到了上世纪初, 用一种偏现代的视角和表现手法,展现了 一种经典气质,令人叹息、折服。
• Joanne Froggatt饰演 Anna Anna是女仆的 领班,低级女仆中职 位最高的。她来自佃 户家庭,觉得自己可情心, 一直受到大家的赏识。
• Siobhan Finneran饰 演O’Brien O’Brien是 伯爵夫人的贴身女仆, 负责照料女主人。她 是一位戒备心很重的、 有仇必报的、喜欢恶 意中伤别人的老处女。 她牺牲了组织家庭的 念头,就为了一步步 往上爬,最终爬到现 在的位置。她似乎对 主子们非常谄媚,但 最终谋求的是自己的 利益。
• 在《唐顿庄园》里,没有仅从单角度去展 现的人物,几乎每个出场的人都有不同的 优缺点。 • 《唐顿庄园》里面有很多的角色,在平均 每集四十多分钟的情况下,每个角色基本 都会有一定的出场时间,但这时间并不多。 可这些并不长的镜头汇集在一起,便成就 了一个个有血有肉的人物。



看《唐顿庄园》,学精彩表达作者:陈嘉颖来源:《新东方英语·中学版》2017年第09期作为近年来大热的复古风英剧,《唐顿庄园》(Downton Abbey)绝对是想要紧跟时代潮流的你不容错过的。




第一季的故事发生在1912~1914年,住在唐顿庄园的格兰瑟姆伯爵Robert Crawley一家因家产继承问题引发了各种纠葛和摩擦。

现任伯爵和妻子Cora Crawley婚后育有三个女儿,而依照长子继承法,伯爵的头衔及产业只能由男性继承人来继承。

为了保住家产,夫妇两人便一直积极为长女Lady Mary物色合适的夫婿,原本安排她与伯爵继承人James Crawley之子Patrick订了婚,谁曾想这父子二人竟在泰坦尼克号海难中丧生。

伯爵家的远房亲戚、一位来自曼彻斯特的年轻律师Matthew Crawley成了新任继承人。


场景一剧情回放继承人Matthew和母亲Isobel来到了庄园,Lady Mary却并不喜欢这个凡事亲力亲为的中产阶级(middle class)。


大家都希望Lady Mary能和他修成正果。


O'Brien: We all thought him a very nice gentleman1.Cora: Yes, he is nice.O'Brien: Will we be seeing a lot of2 him?Cora: I don't expect so, no.O'Brien: Because we rather hoped Lady Mary might havetaken a shine to him3.Cora: Seems not.O'Brien: Oh, well. There are plenty more fish in the sea4than ever came out of it.1.think sb.+ a + n.表达点拨本句中think的用法为“think sb. + a + n.”,意思是“认为某人是个……”。



唐顿庄园读后感英文"Downton Abbey," a British television drama series set in the early 20th century, tells a story of the Grantham family and their servants at the eponymous estate. Sinceits premiere in 2010, it has captured the hearts ofmillions with its intricate plotting, rich characters, and exquisite period detail. The show not only showcases the glamour and grandeur of the Edwardian era but also explores themes of class, love, and family.What I found most captivating about "Downton Abbey" is its ability to transport the viewer to another time and place. The estate, with its elaborate architecture and vast grounds, seems like a character itself, embodying the grandeur and dignity of the era. The costumes, hairstyles, and dialogues all contribute to the immersive experience, making it feel like one is stepping into a different world. The story, centered around the Crawley family and their servants, is both compelling and emotional. The Crawleys, despite their wealth and status, face their own challenges and trials, just like any other family. The servants, on the other hand, while living in a different world withinthe estate, also have their own dreams, aspirations, and struggles. The intricate web of relationships and conflicts among them creates a compelling narrative that keeps the viewer hooked.One of the themes that "Downton Abbey" explores is the class divide. The Crawley family, as representatives of the upper class, live a life of luxury and privilege, while the servants, many of whom are poor and uneducated, struggle to make ends meet. However, the show also highlights the humanity that transcends class boundaries. Despite their differences, the Crawleys and their servants form meaningful relationships based on mutual respect and affection. This theme is particularly poignant in an era where social divides are becoming increasingly apparent.Another theme that resonates with me is the importance of family. In "Downton Abbey," family is not just a biological connection but a bond of love and loyalty. The Crawleys, despite their flaws and differences, always come together in times of crisis, showing each other unwavering support. This portrayal of family reminds us of theimportance of cherishing our own families and the role they play in shaping our lives.The characters in "Downton Abbey" are also wonderfully crafted. From the stoic and dignified Robert Crawley to the charming and intelligent Mary Crawley, each character has their own unique personality and story. The servants, too, are not just stereotypes but fully realized characters with their own dreams and aspirations. The actors, with their出色表演, bring these characters to life, making them relatable and memorable.The music and cinematography of "Downton Abbey" are also noteworthy. The period music complements the story perfectly, adding emotional depth to the scenes. The cinematography, with its attention to detail and beautiful visuals, creates a visual feast for the eyes.In conclusion, "Downton Abbey" is not just a period drama but a timeless tale of love, family, and class. It captivates the viewer with its intricate plotting, rich characters, and exquisite period detail. The show's ability to transport us to another time and place, combined withits themes of class, love, and family, makes it a must-watch for anyone interested in British history and culture or simply in searching for a heartfelt and engaging story. **《唐顿庄园》读后感:英伦魅力在时光流转中绽放** 《唐顿庄园》这部英国电视剧以20世纪初为背景,讲述了格兰瑟姆家族及其仆人在同名庄园中的故事。



唐顿庄园观后感英文1000字Title: "Downton Abbey" - A Poignant Reflection on Tradition, Class, and Human Drama"Downton Abbey," the esteemed British period drama, has left an indelible mark on television history. Spanning six seasons, the series transported viewers to the early 20th century, offering a captivating glimpse into the lives of the aristocracy and their servants against the backdrop of historical events. Upon watching the complete series, I was deeply moved by its intricate portrayal of class, tradition, and the complexities of human relationships.The Crawley family and their servants at Downton Abbey form the core of this remarkable narrative. Each character is meticulously crafted, with their own unique traits, aspirations, and flaws. The Earl of Grantham, Robert Crawley, embodies the dignity and responsibility of his position, while his wife, Cora, brings a refreshing perspective from the outside world. Their children, from the reserved Mary to the rebellious Sybil, reflect the evolving social norms and expectations of their time.The servants, too, are far from being mere background characters. They have their own stories, dreams, and struggles.The dynamic between the upstairs and downstairs worlds is fascinating, revealing the intricate web of power and dependency that exists within the estate. The series expertly explores the class divide, showing how even the smallest interactions can be fraught with tension and misunderstandings.What truly sets "Downton Abbey" apart is its ability to balance the grandeur and pomp of the aristocracy with the real-life dramas and emotions of its characters. The series does not shy away from showing the darker sides of their lives, such as loss, heartbreak, and betrayal. These moments of emotional intensity are what make the show so compelling and relatable, despite its setting in a world that seems far removed from our own.The historical backdrop of the series adds another layer of depth. The First World War, a cataclysmic event that shook the world, is felt keenly within the walls of Downton Abbey. It brings about changes that are both tragic and transformative, testing the resilience and adaptability of the characters.The cinematography and costumes are also noteworthy. The estate itself is a character in the show, with its beautifularchitecture and lush gardens. The costumes are a feast for the eyes, reflecting the changing fashion trends of the era while also highlighting the social status of each character.In conclusion, "Downton Abbey" is not just a period drama; it is a poignant reflection on the human condition. It explores the complexities of class, tradition, and relationships in a way that is both entertaining and thought-provoking. The series leaves a lasting impression, reminding us that, despite the differences in our social status or era, we are all bound by the same emotions and desires. "Downton Abbey" is a masterpiece that deserves to be remembered and celebrated for generations to come.。



唐顿庄园观后感100字英语Downton Abbey Reflection: A 100-word English ReviewAs an ardent fan of period dramas, I recently had the pleasure of watching the acclaimed television series "Downton Abbey." Set in early20th-century England, it provides a captivating glimpse into the lives of the aristocratic Crawley family and their household staff. The show beautifully combines historical accuracy, compelling storytelling, and a stellar cast to create an unparalleled viewing experience."Downton Abbey" paints a vivid picture of the social dynamics of the time, exploring the class divide and the challenges faced by both the upstairs and downstairs inhabitants of the grand estate. The meticulous attention to detail in the costumes, set design, and dialogue transports the audience to a bygone era. Each character is meticulously developed, allowing viewers to form deep connections and engage with their captivating stories.One of the show's strengths lies in its ability to tackle relevant societal issues while remaining true to the historical backdrop. Whether it's the fight for women's suffrage, the horrors of war, or the struggle for LGBTQ rights, "Downton Abbey" adeptly weaves these topics into its narrative. By doing so, it encourages viewers to reflect upon the past while drawing parallels to the present day.The upstairs-downstairs dynamic is a significant theme throughout the series. We witness the contrasting lives of the aristocratic Crawley family, who reside in the luxurious abode of Downton Abbey, and the dedicated servants who keep the household running smoothly. The relationshipsbetween these two groups evolve and deepen over time, reflecting the shifting societal norms of the period.The impeccable performances by the cast breathe life into the characters they portray. Dame Maggie Smith's portrayal of the witty and sharp-tongued Dowager Countess of Grantham is a particular standout. Her biting one-liners, delivered with perfect timing and a dose of dry humor, inject lightness into even the most dramatic moments. Additionally, the chemistry between the cast members adds depth and authenticity to the relationships depicted on screen.While watching "Downton Abbey," I found myself enamored with the stunning cinematography, which beautifully captures the grandeur and beauty of the estate. Whether it's the lavish interiors of the Abbey, the sprawling landscapes of the English countryside, or the bustling streets of London, each scene is a visual feast for the eyes.Furthermore, the show's musical score perfectly complements the on-screen action, setting the mood for each scene and enhancing the emotional impact of pivotal moments. The iconic theme song, composed by John Lunn, has become synonymous with the series and evokes a sense of nostalgia each time it plays.In conclusion, "Downton Abbey" is a masterpiece that continues to captivate viewers with its gripping storytelling, remarkable performances, and stunning production values. The series serves as a time capsule, transporting us to a different era and immersing us in the lives of its unforgettable characters. Whether one is a fan of period dramas or simply appreciates exceptional television, "Downton Abbey" is a must-watch. Itslegacy will undoubtedly endure for years to come, and it has earned its place among the greatest television shows of all time.。



【摘要】无论你对荚剧《唐顿庄园》(Downton Abbey)有多么熟悉,我们还是要例行公事,首先为大家介绍一下剧情。



1.《唐顿庄园》:英式吐槽哪家强?唐家屯奶奶来帮忙 [J], 杨轶昭
2.《唐顿庄园》:英式吐槽哪家强?唐家屯奶奶来帮忙 [J], 杨轶昭;
3.《唐顿庄园》礼仪课唐顿庄园礼仪指南 [J], 艾斯·安德森; 艾鲁(译)
4.《唐顿庄园》的怀旧感应该照进我们的现实——专访《唐顿庄园》导演迈克尔·恩格勒(Michael Engler) [J], 侯燕俐
5.英剧《唐顿庄园》中“庄园”意象对人物形象塑造的作用 [J], 何苏钠;赵海萍因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。

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