LXE Tecton PDA User Manual Simple Chinese
易仓 安卓PDA使用培训.pdf说明书
安卓PDA使用培训坚持极客文化,用科技驱动跨境电商不断发展主讲人:***P P T仅用于易仓客户内部培训使用,禁止外传目 录Contents安卓PDA功能安卓PDA介绍12PPT 仅用于易仓客户内部培训使用,禁止外传01安卓PDA介绍P P T仅用于易仓客户内部培训使用,禁止外传安卓PDA介绍安卓PDA的优势1、借助PDA手持终端规范业务流程,使货位管理更加精细化,提高库存准确度和拣货效率、降低库存损失;2、人工录入收发货信息容易出现错漏,利用PDA手持终端可实时采集条码数据,大大提高库存的准确度;3、相较于传统老WINCE设备反应速度更快,操作更加顺畅。
P P T仅用于易仓客户内部培训使用,禁止外传02安卓PDA使用讲解P P T仅用于易仓客户内部培训使用,禁止外传安卓PDA使用讲解一、基础设置 1、角色权限设置2、PDA授权二、功能介绍 1、登录2、收货3、上架4、下架5、打包复合6、查询库存7、库存调整8、货架调整9、 仓库盘点10、 查询订单P PT 仅用于易仓客户内部培训使用,禁止外传1、PDA登录账号权限设置通过ERP仓配管理系统-》系统设置-》角色管理进行PDA权限设置。
P P T仅用于易仓客户内部培训使用,禁止外传2、PDA授权PDA在购买之后对应的PDA已经安装好PDA程序,对应授权也已经正常授权过注意事项:1、公司代码须填写客户代码,邀请码需要由易仓进行配置,邀请码唯一且不能重复使用。
P P T仅用于易仓客户内部培训使用,禁止外传1、PDA登录P P T仅用于易仓客户内部培训使用,禁止外传2、收货通过PDA收货,有以下几种模式:按单收货,按箱收货,按箱+SKU收货,按小车收货,适用于海外仓收货。
编码规则为:A.施工总承包 B.专业承包 C.劳务分包2.级别代码:由一位数字组成,代表企业主项资质的级别。
编码规则为:0.特级 1.一级 2.二级3.三级 9.其他3.专业代码:由两位数字组成,代表企业主项资质的类别。
47 房屋建筑业470 4700 房屋建筑业指房屋主体工程的施工活动,不包括主体工程施工前的准备活动。
SpecificationPDA101SFor TV lounges etc.Specification as PDA101L but the microphone is replaced by a SCART lead30metres of 0.5mm 2 loop cable supplied.PDA101CFor ticket countersSpecification as PDA101L but loop cable replaced by easily installed TxBI loop padP D A 101M m i c r o p h o n e supplied.VariantsInputs Two 3.5mm Mono Jack socket MicrophoneImpedance 1 K WSensitivity -92 dB to -43 dB Phantom 2.5 V on tip, max current 0.25mA Line Impedance 47 K WSensitivity -30 dB to -12 dB Performance Dynamic range >75 dB Noise <-72 dBInput level controlSwitchable between mic and line for each inputMicrophone adjustable - ∞ to –56dB Line adjustableBandwidth40 Hz to 15 KHz, 0 dB line input -52 dB mic input40 Hz to 8 KHz, -24 dB line input -77 dB mic input Output Drive current Max 3.12 A PeakMax 1.42 A RMS 1 KHzLoop coverage50m 2 max. - must use 0.5mm 2 cable or TxBI counter loop padLoop impedance 0.2W to 1.2W PowerrequirementsMains voltage 230V AC ± 20% Consumption < 20VA2m mains lead and fused plug providedFusesPlug top 3AInternal mains fuse 250mA 20mm (HRC) DimensionsWidth 110mm Height 52mm Length 133mm Weight 785gPacked weight 1640gNo responsibility can be accepted by themanufacturers or distributors of this product for any misinterpretation of an instruction or guidance note or for the compliance of the system as a whole. These instructions are general and cannot be considered to cover every aspect of an installation. The manufacturer’s policy is one of continuous improvement and we reserve the right to make changes to product specifications at our discretion and without prior notice. E&OE.FeaturesTechnical Description50m 2 maximum coverage Wall mountable case2 x 3.5 mm inputs switchable between line and mic as requiredAutomatic compressor / expander Input adjustableLoop current adjustable to suit room conditionsUses up to 30 metres of 0.5mm 2 cable only (supplied)See page 8 for features of variantsThe PDA101 is a true constant current induction loop amplifier and is designed to cover up to an absolute maximum of 50m² (7.07m x 7.07m).A gain of 52 dB is applied to the microphone signal and a gain of 0dB to the line input. The signals are mixed using the front panel controls and then fed into the compander. This ensures that very low level or high level sources can be used without pre-amplification or attenuation. The compander maintains the output level within a 45dB window.Operation Instruction ManualPDA101L & VariantsAudio frequency induction loop ampilifiersAC power operationFor normal AC operation, plug the AC power supply cord in a wall outlet of 230 V specified voltage. The unit complies with BS415.AC power cordThe power cord supplied with the unit has a moulded plug. If it is necessary to remove the plug at any time, it must be replaced with a plug top meeting BS1363A, or equivalent, fitted with a 3 Amp fuse. The wires in the mains lead supplied with the unit are coloured in accordance with the following code. Green and Yellow Earth Blue Neutral BrownLiveAs the colours of the wires in the mains lead of this unit may not correspond with the coloured markings identifying the terminals in your plug, please connect as follows. Wire Plug terminalGreen & Yellow‘E’ mark‘EARTH’ symbol mark ‘GREEN’ mark‘GREEN AND YELLOW’ markBlue‘N’ mark‘BLACK’ mark ‘BLUE’ mark Brown‘L’ mark ‘RED’ mark ‘BROWN’ markCautionTo prevent electric shock do not remove the coverUpon receipt of the amplifier shipment, please inspect for any damage incurred in transit. If damage is found, please notify your local representative and the transport company immediately. State date, nature of damage and whether any damage was noticed on the shipping container prior to unpacking. Please give the waybill number of the shipping order.The unit should not be placed in areas; 1.with poor ventilation2.exposed to direct sunlight3.with high ambient temperature or adjacentto heat generating equipment 4.with high humidity or dust levels 5.susceptible to vibrationUnpackingIntentionally Blank Intentionally BlankLoop patternsA loop pattern laid on the floor is a low cost method to reduce over-spill by providing more even field strength compared to the usual single turn of cable laid around the room’s perimeter. The basic pattern looks like the diagram below:Large areas and multiple roomsUse several loop patterns, each pattern must be connected to a separate loop amplifier. When laying out patterns, ensure each is 90 degrees out of phase with its neighbours as per the following diagrams which show a two storey building:Note. For a two storey building the same loop position on different floors is also 90 degrees out of phase.Non-rectangular roomsLayout as per a basic pattern and step backthe prongs to the shape of the room.Each pattern should be considered as a many pronged fork. The pattern should be spaced approx. 2m from nearest wall / next pattern, prongs of the fork should be spaced approx. 2m apart and should be approx. 2m wide, prongs should extend to approx. 3/4m of base of fork.Assume the cable is being run around the edge of a room for cable diameter calculations, as the pattern restricts the amount of power which can be fed into the loop. The large black arrow shows clockwise direction of loop. Break into pattern at any point to connect PDA unit. Loop patternsInstallation Input connectionsTwo input connectors are standard 3.5mmmono jack sockets. Both are mic or lineselectable dependant upon the DIP switchpositions, use the following chart or see theback of the unit which has the switch positionsnext to the switches.Phantom power is supplied - 2.5V, 0.25mAmaximum.Read this manual thoroughly before startinginstallation, the following procedure should beused.1.Install the loop (see page 6)2.Before connecting a loop to the amplifieruse, a multimeter to check the loop is notshorted to ground at any point, (it will almostcertainly damage the amplifier if it is).Remove approximately 6mm of the outerinsulation from the cable. Connect the loopcable to the amplifier by inserting a terminalscrewdriver into the small rectangular holeabove the cable insertion hole, this will openthe insertion hole and allow the cable to bepushed into the connector. Remove theterminal screwdriver and the connector willclose gripping the cable. Ensure theconnector is gripping the conductor in thecable and not the insulation.3.Connect music or speech input signal to theamplifier. The peak line level of this signalshould be approximately 1V.4.Set the DIP switches as required.5.Ensure input levels controls and drivecontrol are fully anti-clockwise.6.Connect mains lead to the amplifier andensure the power LED (green) lights.7.Increase the input level controls until the red‘limit’ LED is just flashing. If you are usingboth inputs the level controls act as a simplemixer.8.Adjust the drive control until the red clip LEDjust lights during periods of high signal level(when the limit led just lights).ing an induction loop receiver (eg SigNETRxti2 or a field strength meter), listen to thesignal inside the loop. It is also advisable tocheck the system with a field strength meter.Please note that the orientation of the fieldstrength meter may influence the reading.Mains HumBackground hum can sometimes be heardwhen testing an installation especailly whentesting with a induction loop receiver. This isnot caused by the loop system and will NOTnormally be heard by hearing aid users, due tobuilt in filtering in most hearing aids. Thesource of mains hum is most likely to be (50Hz) mains wiring, particularly in old buildingswhere Live and Neutral cables may takedifferent routes, thus creating an inductionloop radiating at 50Hz. If the client complainsof mains hum simply switch off the amplifier toSwitch Off On1 Line Microphone2 Phantom Off Phantom ON3 Line Microphone4 Phantom Off Phantom ONOutput connectionsLoop outputThe output is via two Screwless vertical PCB terminals. Connection is made by way of tails. To allow cables to be inserted, slide a terminal screwdriver into the rectangular hole directly above the cable entry hole to be used, when cable has been inserted remove the screwdriver which allows the connector to close and grip the conductor.WARNING: The PDA amplifiers are capable of producing short term peaks of twice their rated current.The PDA101 can be wall mounted, using No 8 japanned woodscrews (provided) on 100 mm centres vertical or 45 mm centres horizontal, using the holes marked on the diagram below. Care must be taken when attaching unit to screw heads to ensure that screw heads do not damage the printed circuit board.Wall mountingLoop cablesCable selectionOnly 0.5mm 2 cable, as supplied, should be used. If other cable types are used it will be necessary to adjust the drive current as appropriate.Use of a tri-rated cable is recommended. This is cable with a tougher than usual jacket, the reason being; damage will occur to the amplifier if at any point the loop is grounded. Loop cable should ideally be laid at floor level but in certain circumstances this may not be possible. Any large amounts of metal (eg steel meshed reinforced concrete floors) will absorb some of the signal strength, in this case the cable may have to be mounted in the walls. Aluminium (suspended ceilings) being para-magnetic should also be avoided, mounting a loop above an aluminium suspended ceiling will probably result in almost no coverage, turning up the output of an amplifier would just make matters worse as it will just stress the output stage (and minutely warm the aluminium) resulting in a definite shortening of the life-span of the amplifier.Speaker positioningIf a speaker is placed near or beside a loop cable the cross-over in the speaker may pick up the loop signal, so try to keep speakers and loop cables as far apart as possible. Normally this does not show up in use because loop and speaker have the same programme material, only where the loop has a different signal to the speakers (e.g. stage talk back systems)will this become an issue.Feeder CablesWhen connecting an amplifier to a loop some distance away use a heavy gauge twisted pair (2.5mm 2). This will have a negligible impedance, as such the amplifier will not drive against it and the power will be fed into the loop where it can do useful work.Test loopsWe always recommend the laying of a test loop, there is no such thing as a standard installation and sometimes only a test loop will uncover problematic areas.FeedbackLong lengths of unbalanced signal cable may cause feedback when placed inside the loop. Keep connecting audio leads as short as pos-sible.Problems may occur when using standard dynamic microphones. The coil inside may act as a receiver and cause feedback. It is advisable to use condenser microphones. These may require phantom powering, available on both microphone inputs.Other sources of feedback are coils in other equipment that is linked to the induction loop system, for example guitar pickups.Loop cable classA loop cable is classed as a 2A cable under IEEE 16th Edition wiring regulations. As such it must be sited a minimum of 600mm away from telephone, mains and control cables.Loop cables。
的国家电气规范第810节,ANSI / NFPA No. 70-1984,提供信息方面的适当的接地和桅杆支撑结构,接地的引线到一个天线放电单元,接地导体的大小,位置的天线放电单元,连接到接地电极和接地电极的要求。
输入顺序:输入或扫描运单号→输入城市区号或首字母,按ENT键显示城市→输入收件信息→点击 确定按钮
4、在内网“IT部”—“软件下载”中下载升级用的文件 下载链接: /OA/datainfo/ziliao/pda_os_shengjichengxu.rar 5、解压下载后的文件,将文件夹中的两个文件(EBOOT.bin, NK.bin)复制到你准备的Micro SD 或TF卡里面。
升级OS版本: 步骤1、把SD或TF卡放到对应的位置(如图所示)
步骤2、检查Micro SD或TF卡是否安装完好 步骤3、安装电池 步骤4、合上电池盖。
步骤5、长按电源键开机,并同时按下Fn键不松开,直至屏幕显示如下菜单 UTIL MENU [1] Upgrade EBOOT [2] Upgrade NK [4] Clean registry [5] Format flash rom (注意:根据设备已有OS版本不同,以上菜单可能有细微差别,请以实际为准)
• 将银色金属片轻轻往下推开启卡 槽,将SIM卡按照正确的方向放入 金属片卡口中,合拢。轻推金属片 使之卡入卡口。(强调) • 存储卡安装与SIM卡类似,开启 金属片之前必须先将SIM卡卡口开 启方可。
安装电池时注意电池安装方向,将电池前端卡口卡进设备再推压电池底部使电池 进入设备,标签朝上, 如下图所示: 电池仓后壳合拢前请将左右两侧金属卡口掰至外侧,如下图所示。 注意:两侧卡口只能90度旋转,不可蛮力扭动。电池仓没有合拢无法正常使用。
1)出光不识别条码,扫描卡: A、可以重新校准扫描头;B、设置为相对应的扫描头模式; C、检查扫描程序; D、重启设备; E、确认条形码是否受损;F、确认是否处于正确的扫描范围及距离; G、确认条形码是否为本设备可以识别的条形码类型。
2)不出光线或光线异常: A、重新校准扫描头或者重启设备; B、清洁扫描窗口;
• 1 电源适配器1个 • 2 锂电池1块 • 3 电源转接头1个 • 4 数据线1条
• 5 说明书
• 1)条形码扫描键:按下条形码扫描键可扫描条形码。 • 2)S1键:左软键。 • 3)ESC键:一般做取消、退出用途。 • 4)数字/字母键:跟据键盘当前输入模式可输入数字或字母。 • 5)字母/数字切换键:可切换键盘当前输入模式。 • 6)方向键:按键上四个三角分别为左上右下四个方向。 • 7)S2键:右软键。 • 8)回车键:一般做确认、换行用途。 • 9)退格键:向前删除一个字符。 • 10) 键盘背光开关键:可打开/关闭键盘背光。 • 11)功能键:按下松开再按下其他键,系统会认为是一个组合键。
• 使用一段时间后,您可能会发觉触控笔点击位置发生偏移,此时您可以重 新校准屏幕。
• 执行方法:点击“控制面板”中的“笔针”,即可打开“笔针属性”对话 框。在此对话框的“校准”页中,点击“再校准”,出现校准屏幕界面; 跟着十字光标点5次,校正通过后光标消失,这时按下回车键即可。
PDA操作说明书掌上通2000采集器介绍一、PDA及其操作系统概述掌上通2000是世界上最小的具有Windows CE的电脑,它便于携带,又可作为PC机的可移扩充,使您在任何地方都能获得和处理诸如您的计划、任务表等信息。
掌上通2000技术指标:素)、0.24dot pitch、触控式屏幕串行端口、CF卡插槽(TypeI,3.3V CF卡)、红外线通讯方式通讯(IrDA,可至115.2Kbps)提醒装置LED闪烁、声音提醒、信息提醒音效内建麦克风、杨声器,3.5mm耳机插座背照光硬件控制开/关操作系统中文 Windows CE 2.11输入方式手写识别、虚拟键盘二、PDA热键及操作键ESCAPE键和执行键见P4图:左边部分的部件代号部件名称功能1 退出键按此钮,即可从应用程序的窗口退出。
2 拨动/执行钮这是具有三种功能的轮状钮。
●按此钮的中部,即可作为执行钮,功能与一盘键盘上的Enter 相似。
3 声音录制钮压住声音录制钮,对着内设的麦克风说话,您就可以录制些简短的记录和信息。
上边部分的部件代号部件名称功能1 红外端口利用红外端口可以与其它红外设备进行数据交换。
2 声音插孔通过声音插孔,可以将耳塞与掌上通2000连接。
3 存储卡插槽存储卡插槽有一个可卸除的保护盖。
后面的部件代号部件名称功能1 电池槽电池槽内装有可充电电池。
2 扬声器通过扬声器,系统可发出警示及播放所录声音等。
3 备用电池槽电池槽内装有备用电池。
4 重新启动钮重新启动钮在掌上通2000内箱的槽内。
LXE MX7 手持式无线终端 说明书
全範圍掃描能力,可 從4英吋至40英呎 的距離內捕捉條碼信息多個一觸式功能鍵,經設置 後,用戶輕輕一按便可啟動 預定的應用功能超光顯示屏,提供 清晰畫面,即使在 倉庫昏暗的角落也 能閱讀資料輕巧便攜、堅固耐用背光按鍵, 可選55獨立數字 字母鍵 或32大數字鍵ToughTalk 語音技術,支持 語音控制的物流操作易握、可移除式的手柄配合用戶手形 設計,使用二隻手指便能觸發掃描器 ,適合長時間掃描動作802.11 a/b/g 無線組件及可選藍牙 提供實時通訊成功掃描條碼震動裝置, 用戶即使在最嘈雜的環境下 亦可確認數據已完成採集可選用保護套, 提高跌地保護指標堅固可靠手持移動終端堅固可靠手持移動終端的代名詞的代名詞的代名詞物流中心的優化產品在倉庫和分銷中心等地方,MX7是進行各種各樣數據採集應用的理想工具,設計上力求使用舒適,輕巧堅固的鎂金屬機身適用於大量掃描操作,其全距離的掃描能力,令使用者可以從近到4英吋,遠到40英呎的距離內掃描條形碼,大大提高了工作效率。
MX7集智能化、運算速度快、彈性於一身,最新Windows® CE 5.0操作系統,配合英特爾® XScale® PXA255處理器,MX7隨時可以投入工作。
結合802.11 a/b/g 無線組件,你已為今日和未來需要實時資料採集的商機做好了準備。
處理器和記憶體 英特爾® XScale PXA255 400MHz 128MB SD 記億體 128MB, 512MB 或 1GB SD 快閃記億體 系統 Windows® CE 5.0 專業版 可選軟件 RF Term® 終端模擬(VT220、TN3270、TN5250) Applock® 可把設備鎖在特定的用戶應用程式 Java Virtual Machine 亞洲字體 Wavelink Avalanche 及 LXE eXpress Config 軟件開發 可從/developer下載 免費SDK 每個API 都提供程式編寫範例 完整的程式應用例子 提供程式開發時經常觸及的問題答案 FAQ 鍵盤 55獨立數字字母鍵 或32大數字鍵 背光按鍵 5個指定功能鍵讓用戶自己定義 防腐塗層 顯示 3.5”(8.8cm) 240×320像素1/4VGA TFT彩色LCD 超亮LED 背光 280 NIT 亮度 耐用觸摸屏及點擊筆 電源供應和管理 2200mAhr,7.2V 可充式鋰離子電池包 後備電池 電池低電量警告 先進及可調的供電管理 介面 藍牙 USB 用戶端 RS232接口 在機充電接口 紅外線IrDA 端口 耳機接口,可用作聲控操作 音量可調的揚聲器 掃描及供電狀態顯示燈 無線組件支援 2.4GHz 802.11b/g 無線卡 2.4/5GHz 802.11a/b/g 無線卡 優化內置雙天線或天線外接頭 思科CCXv4認證 WPA,WPA2 安全制式 可選的藍牙2.0 + EDR w/class 2外觀 尺寸 22.3cm x 8.6cm x 5cm 重量 595克,包括無線組件/電池/掃描器應用環境 操作溫度 -10℃ 到 45℃ 儲存溫度 -20℃ 到70℃ 濕度: 5到95%不凝聚水珠(於40℃) 跌地指標:可承受多次從1.5米高跌落混凝土 地面 ,如外加橡膠保護,高度可達1.8米 防水防塵等級:IEC60529,符合IP65 震動測試:MIL STD 810F認證 幅射 (EMI) FCC Part 15 Subpart B,類 A EN 55022類 A,(CISPR 22) 防干擾 (EMC) EN 55024:1998 安全性 UL 60950, CSA; C22.2 No. 60950; EN 60950, IEC 60950 雷射安全性 CDRH:21 CFR 1040.10; EN 60825-1 及 IEC 60825-1 無線組件認證 FCC Part 15C; Industry Canada RSS 210, 102 EN 300 328 RoHS-compliant 條碼 標準距離掃描器 全範圍掃描器(4英吋至40英呎) ID 及2D Imager 成功掃描震動器 掃描狀態顯示燈 支援所有條碼 選件 尼龍手帶/肩帶/背包4+1電池充電/分析器 橡膠保護套 車載支架 360度可調RAM 支架USB 線(客戶端,ActiveSync 及充電) RS232線(客戶端,ActiveSync 及充電) AC-DC 變壓器,供在機充電使用 觸摸屏保護膜 點擊筆 耳機轉換線 RS232 D9轉換線 配合手形橡膠手柄,二隻手指能觸發掃描器代理商: 資訊坊科技有限公司 香港九龍長沙灣道 883號億利工業 中心8樓802室 電話:(852) 2749 1011 傳真:(852) 8148 3532 網址:/lxe 奔奮科技 (深圳) 有限公司 深圳市福田區彩田南路中深花園B 座 2806室電話:(755) 8358 0500 傳真:(755) 8358 0501網址:LXE 無線解決方案‧ 信心及質量保證以上所有指標如有任何修改,不會另外通知© 2008資訊坊科技有限公司‧版權所有[2008 DEC]。
无线手持扫描仪 LXE MX7 使用说明书
LXE RF T ERMINAL U SER M ANUAL LXE无线终端使用说明F ORMX7 and MX7CSLXE Inc China Representative OfficeRoom 03B,5/F Office Tower, Huaihai PlazaNo.1045 Huaihai Road(C)Shanghai, China 200031Tel:+8621 6124 9688Fax:+8621 6124 9668All of the information in this user manual is confidential and has been prepared solely in considering the purchase of the equipment described. Transmission of all or any part of this information to others or for any other purpose is unauthorized without LXE Inc prior written consent.All LXE specifications and drawings remain LXE property and are subject to recall at any time. Copyright, LXE Inc All rights reserved. The contents of this document may not be reproduced without the express written permission of LXE Inc.LXE Inc. reserves the right to make improvements or changes in the product described in this publication at any time without notice. Further, LXE Incorporated, reserves the right to revise this publication and to make changes to it from time to time without any obligation to notify any person or organization of such revision or changes. While reasonable efforts have been made in the preparation of this publication to assure its accuracy, LXE assumes no liability resulting from any errors or omissions in this document, or from the use of the information contained herein.LXE project managementVersion 1.0 Author JamesLXE MX7 AND MX7CS操作手册目录1.MX7/MX7CS性能特点 (4)2.MX7/MX7CS产品介绍 (5)3.使用操作 (7)3.1启动 (7)3.2触摸屏校正 (7)3.3调整扬声器音量 (8)3.4使用扫描器工作 (8)3.5设置无线网络连接 (9)3.5.1软件版本 (9)3.5.2无线网卡配置程序 (9)3.6关机 (13)3.7恢复出厂默认设置 (13)4.键盘布局 (14)5.终端仿真软件RFTERM (15)5.1快速启用 (15)5.2RF TERM应用配置 (16)5.2.1软件版本 (16)5.2.2屏幕显示 (16)5.2.3鼠标 (17)5.2.4快捷方式 (17)5.2.5选项 (18)5.2.6声音 (18)5.3RF TERM进程配置 (19)5.3.1Telnet 连接配置 (19)5.3.2字体选择 (19)5.3.3显示颜色 (20)5.3.4字体显示大小 (20)5.3.5条码扫描选项 (21)5.3.6自动登入 (21)5.3.7功能键重定义 (22)5.3.8多进程配置及切换 (22)5.4RFT ERM 键盘输入 (23)6.程序锁 (25)7.MX7和MX7CS的同步及文件传输 (26)8.FTP文件传输 (27)9.MX7/MX7CS 系统恢复出厂设置 (27)LXE project managementVersion 1.0 Author JamesVersion 1.0AuthorJames LXE project management1. MX7/MX7CS 性能特点MX7和MX7CS 外观工业等级 IP65显示屏 320x240 1/4VGA LCD 彩屏 3.5英寸触摸屏显示屏处理器及内存 Intel XScale PXA255 400MHz CPU128MB 内存,128MB 闪存,最大可扩充到1G 闪存 5.0 系统恢复 设备操作系统稳定可靠, 对不适合操作和错误连接导致的意外通过热启动和冷启动能分别恢复至正常状态和出厂默认设置 重量 595g(含电池,网卡)冲击及震动 可抵抗多次1.5米自由下落冲击,加橡胶保护套后可达1.8米. 冲击和震动测试超过MIL STD 810F 温度 MX7工作温度范围在-10℃至50℃之间MX7CS(低温型) 工作温度范围在-30℃至50℃之间 键盘55键全字母键盘,或32键数字大键盘可选 接口RS-232 端口 USB 客户端口 (D9) 蓝牙2.0标准距离激光条形码扫描 1D linear imager 条码扫描 2D imager 条码扫描全景深激光条码扫描(最远12米) 电池 2200 mAH 7.2V 锂电池待机时间大于8小时(典型操作:每10秒一次扫描及数据传输)Version 1.0AuthorJames LXE project management2. MX7/MX7CS 产品介绍设备正面1. 条码扫描窗口2. 扬声器3. 系统状态指示灯4. 扫描按键5. 橙色键(功能扩展键)6. 蓝色键(功能扩展键)7. 扫描状态 指示灯8. 适配线接口9. 电源on/off 开关10. “Alpha”字母输入锁定键自定义空白键设备背面1. 条码扫描窗口2. 触摸笔及插槽3. 扫描手柄安装螺孔4. 主电池5. 电池卡扣6. 适配线接口Version 1.0AuthorJames LXE project management手柄安装图1. 条码扫描窗口2. 扫描触发扳机3. 手柄4. 腕带安装扣手带安装图1.手带固定架2. 手带 3 手带固定卡Version 1.0Author JamesLXE project management3. 使用操作3.1 启动对于MX7/MX7CS, 需插入已经充满电的电池. 按正面开/关按键启动设备.检查电池电量进入终端, 在Start | Settings | Control Panel | Power 中可以看到主电池和备用电池状态. 可以配置电源管理模式. 设置背光关闭和终端待机的间隔时间. 选择 Start | Settings | Control Panel | Power | SchemesBattery Power Scheme为避免设备待机时无线网络连接断开, 可做以下电源管理设置:Switch state to User Idle: After 30 seconds Switch state to System Idle: After 90 seconds Switch state to Suspend: Never以上设定可能减少电池待机时间. 并且当用户手动将设备”挂起”时, 终端无线网卡仍然停止工作.注意: 新电池必须充满电后方可使用.3.2 触摸屏校正如出现触摸屏触点漂移或点击精度不高时, 可以通过触摸屏校正功能调整 进入终端, 选择Start | Settings | Control Panel | Stylus | Calibration出现以上画面, 用触摸笔点击十字中心, 回车确认注意: 仅可使用手指或专用触摸笔在触摸屏上工作. 禁止使用圆珠笔, 钢笔, 螺丝刀或其它尖锐物体触划面板.勿使用酸性或酒精擦拭清洗触摸屏和外壳. 可以使用清洁的湿布擦拭.Version 1.0Author JamesLXE project management3.3 调整扬声器音量调节扬声器音量用于适合不同环境下的发声提示音大小.选择 Start | Settings | Control Panel | Volume & Sounds | Volume, 调整声音大小后点击OK 保存.3.4 使用扫描器工作注意: 请勿将扫描头对准他人, 请勿用眼睛直视扫描窗口请将扫描窗口对准要扫描的条码, 按下扫描键或板机, 使红光对准条码. (如左侧图所示)成功扫描条码后将有蜂鸣音提示, 扫描状态指示灯会有2秒钟绿色提示. 如果配置了震动提示功能, 终端内置马达可以有震动反馈. 设备具有震动反馈功能.选择 Start | Settings | Control Panel | Scanner | Main tabVersion 1.0Author James LXE project management3.5 设置无线网络连接MX7/MX7CS使用支持Cisco CCX3认证的无线网卡,支持802.11b/g. 最大通信带宽54Mbps.3.5.1 软件版本检查终端软件版本, 使用LXE Summit 网卡的终端操作系统版本发布时间必须在2006-7之后. SCU 必须为V1.03版本以上.MX7/MX7CS 终端无线网卡是802.11g 网卡, 兼容802.11b . 网卡支持,no encryption, WEP, LEAP or WPA (PEAP-MSCHAP, PEAP-GTC, EAP-TLS,WPA/LEAP and WPA-PSK 等多种安全及加密模式.3.5.2 无线网卡配置程序使用Start | Programs | Summit | SCU 或 SCU 桌面图标.在主选页上有网卡驱动版本信息, 管理员登录, 和当前配置(profile)选项当前配置的参数可在 Config 配置页中检查到. 对于不同的profile, 可以配置不同的SSID, WEP 等.在 Status 配置页中可以看到当前网络连接的状态, 如所连接AP, 信噪比, 速率等. 全局参数在Global Settings 配置页中设置, 参数应用在所有profile 上.在主选页上, 出厂默认配置为:如要配置无线网络参数, 点击 Admin login 按键, 出现以下窗口Version 1.0AuthorJames LXE project management输入默认密码”SUMMIT”, 点击OK 键.即可在Config 配置页中修改参数了. 此密码可以在管理员身份登录后, 在Global Settings 配置页中修改进入Config 配置页, 如下图界面以下为初始参数注:在任何参数配置或修改后必须点击 Commit 按键, 保存所做修改. 如不保存, 所有设置不会生效.Version 1.0AuthorJames LXE project management为获得更好的无线连接效果, 需对部分默认初始参数进行优化, Summit 无线网卡推荐配置如下:在”Cogfig” 菜单中Power Save: CAMRadio Mode: BG Optimized( 如使用了Cisco AP 无线网络, 此项设置为 BG Full)在”Global Settings” 菜单中Roam Trigger: -75 dBm (默认为-65dBm) Roam Delta : 5 dB (默认为 10 dB ) Roam Period : 5 Secs (默认为 10 秒)Version 1.0Author James LXE project management在SSID 中输入无线网络名称. 注意大小写正确.在 Encryption 中如选择Manual WEP, 在输入WEP 密码时,要注意输入10位或26位16进制码符.“0~9”,”a~f”.如AP 中WEP 设置的为5位或13位ASCII 码字符, 请参考以下码制转换表.当配置完成后, 点击Commit 保存. 在主配置页中选择当前适合的profile. 当连接成功后, 程序上显示: Is Associated. 此时在Status 页中就可以看到连接状态了.3.6 关机按电源开关键, 屏幕全黑注意:关机并不是重新启动.只是机器处于挂起状态. 按任何键可以唤醒设备.3.7 恢复出厂默认设置如发现程序死机, 运行速度过慢等问题, 可以尝试通过关开机,重新启动,看是否恢复.如问题仍无法解决, 可以使用以下方法恢复出厂默认设置. 再重新配置各项参数.进入终端, 按下<Ctrl>+<Esc>, 选择Start | RUN, 输入” coldboot”, 设备将重新启动. 启动后,所有配置恢复出厂默认设置.LXE project managementVersion 1.0 Author JamesVersion 1.0AuthorJames LXE project management4. 键盘布局MX7/MX7CS 具有两种键盘, 55键和32键键盘. 55键键盘有3种按键定义布局分别适合ANSI, IBM5250/3270定义.键盘按键及组合按键规则请参考英文说明文档附录Version 1.0Author James LXE project management5. 终端仿真软件RFTERMLXE 的终端仿真软件RFterm 安装于LXE 的移动工业终端上, 可以通过telnet 连接到运行IBM3270, AS/400 和VT220 程序的主机上.用户可以通过RFterm 的参数配置获得更好的使用环境.5.1 快速启用LXE 终端出厂默认设置中, 在终端启动后, RFtermm 会自动运行. 以下为RFterm 初始界面.1. 确保终端无线网络联接配置正确. 确保移动终端已经连接到一个802.11b/g 的无线局域网中2. 如果在屏幕上未看到RFterm 的初始界面, 请选择 Start | Program , 运行 LXE RFTerm .3.在RFterm 配置菜单中选择 Session | Configure , 在配置界面中选择正确的"host type "如”VT220”.4. 输入主机地址 "Host Address ", 可以是主机的IP 地址, 也可以是主机的计算机名.5. 更新 telnet 端口号, 默认端口号为23.如使用其它端口, 请联系系统管理员.6. 点击 OK7. 在菜单中选择 Session | Connect , 出现以下弹出窗口, 显示正在连接主机. 连接成功后, 主机应用程序的登入界面将显示在RFterm 窗口中.Version 1.0Author James LXE project management5.2 RFterm 应用配置本节介绍如何配置相关参数, 调整RFterm 界面显示,和更多功能. 应用设置可在[File][Settings] 和 [Session][configure]菜单项中调整.5.2.1 软件版本点击菜单项 Files | About 可以看到当前RFterm 版本号5.2.2 屏幕显示屏幕显示配置可以隐藏菜单栏, 垂直,水平滚动条, 工具栏. 点击点击菜单项 Files | Settings, 选中项即为隐藏.注: 在所有菜单项处于隐藏状态时, 如需使用菜单项, 可分别点击Ctrl+Shift+E. 待上面配置页跳出后, 取消隐藏后, 菜单栏可恢复正常状态.Version 1.0Author James LXE project management修改鼠标显示方式, 建议不使用自动屏幕滚动功能.( Automatic Scrolling 选择None)5.2.4 快捷方式RFterm 可同时支持4个会话进程, 并可通过快捷方式在不同进程间切换. [Ctrl] [Shift] [J]当禁用快捷方式后, RFterm 将禁止使用快捷方式来切换进程. 但弹出配置菜单的快捷方式不会被禁用.[Ctrl] [Shift] [E] 用于弹出files | settings . [Ctrl] [Shift] [N] 用于弹出 session | configure可以通过快捷方式手动连接主机或断开连接. 使用[Ctrl] [Shift] [C] 连接, 使用[Ctrl] [Shift] [D] 断开连接.Version 1.0Author James LXE project management在此配置页面中可以选择隐藏操作系统的开始菜单. “Hide Start Menu” 可以选择禁止程序关闭可以为进入菜单系统参数配置功能设置密码注意: 当选择 “Enable Hotspots” 后, 触摸屏功能不能被禁用. HotSpots 可在字符界面中使用触摸屏的某些功能.5.2.6 声音设定报警音.Version 1.0Author James LXE project management5.3 RFterm 进程配置本节介绍如何配置相关参数, 调整RFterm 会话进程,设置可在[Session][configure] 菜单项中调整.5.3.1Telnet 连接配置在此配置界面中可输入主机地址或主机计算机名. 需指定主机类型(一般为VT220使用较多).更新 telnet 端口号, 默认端口号为23.如使用其它端口, 请联系系统管理员选择 “Auto Reconnect ”, RFterm 可在telnet 连接由于网络问题或终端重启等原因断开后能自动尝试重新连接.选择”Retry SignalLoss ” , RFterm 可在telnet 连接由于无线信号微弱造成的进程中断后尝试重新连接.5.3.2 字体选择在下拉选项中选择Simsun 或Nsimsum 可使RFterm 能够显示简体中文字.Version 1.0Author James LXE project management5.3.3 显示颜色RFterm 屏幕上显示的字符颜色可调整. 默认颜色为黑底绿字. 可更改为白底黑字或其它颜色.5.3.4 字体显示大小可在工具栏上点击字体大小调节键调整字体大小到合适位置. 字体大小设置会记录在注册表中, 设备重启或程序重启后, 配置依然生效.Version 1.0Author James LXE project management5.3.5 条码扫描选项如使用到扫描器, RFterm 可提供以下功能用于条码输入:“Left Justify”在条码信息扫描输入之前,将光标移到输入栏最左端 “Truncate”RFterm 将忽略超过当前输入栏长度的条码信息“Clear Data”RFterm 将清空当前输入栏的所有字符,等待条码信息输入.“Auto advance”在条码扫描信息输入完毕后, 自动将光标移到下一个输入栏“Barcode Preamlbe” “Barcode Postamble” 用户可为扫描得到的条码信息加前缀或后缀. 可以是字符,也可以是控制符. 如在Barcode Postamble 中加入 “^M”, 即为扫描后自动回车.5.3.6 自动登入在RFterm 登录到telnet server 时, 有时候需要输入登入用户名, 登入密码. RFterm 提供自动登录的功能.当Auto login Enabled 被选中, 在需要输入登入信息时, RFterm 可将预先填写在replay 中的信息输入.Version 1.0Author James LXE project management5.3.7 功能键重定义RFterm 可为功能键重新定义. 调整终端仿真程序中不同功能键的表示功能.如果使用了Georgia Softworks Telnet Server 来连接SAP 系统, F5 需重新定义: <ESC>[M5.3.8 多进程配置及切换RFterm 可支持4个不同的会话进程. 4个进程可使用不同的协议, 不同的主机, 和不同的界面设置.通过菜单键点选或快捷键[Ctrl] [Shift] [J] 可在不同进程间切换.Version 1.0AuthorJamesLXE project management5.4 RFTerm 键盘输入在RFterm 中有多种快捷键用于更方便的使用程序.并且, 提供了更多的组合键扩充了应用程序的功能, 更加方便用户使用和操作.Version 1.0AuthorJames LXE project management对于使用ANSI(VT220)的应用, 还可以使用以下输入功能.Version 1.0Author James LXE project management6. 程序锁为避免终端使用者修改配置, 退出工作用的程序,和不正确的使用设备, LXE 提供”程序锁”用来保护终端仅能被授权人员退出工作程序, 或重新配置各项参数, 使设备仅能工作在指定的工作程序上.点击 Start | Settings | Control Panel | Administration 图标.在 “Filename ”中指定工作程序. 或可使用浏览器选择. 如”\windows\LXE\RFterm.exe” 点击 Security 配置页, 可输入快捷键和保护密码. 在启用的程序锁,可使用快捷键 “Ctrl+Shift+A ”退出锁保护状态.点击OK 保存退出.在任何状态下键入快捷键, 都可以启动指定工作程序, 并进入锁保护状态. 注意:程序锁软件请在客户端软件开发方指导下使用.Version 1.0Author James LXE project management7. MX7和MX7CS 的同步及文件传输需要的设备和软件:1. MX7/MX7CS 通讯适配线.(USB 接口或RS232接口)以下说明基于RS232接口.2. 同步软件microsoft ActiveSync3.8或4.0.MX7/MX7CS 终端同步步骤:1. 连接LXE 提供的通讯适配线到MX7/MX7CS 底端底接口上.2. 在MX7/MX7CS 的\\control panel\pc connection,选择seriel 1 @ 57600 并点击"OK"保存.3. 在连接RS232同步线的PC 上配置PC 的COM1口 bit 率也为57600. 4. 启动PC 上同步程序ActiveSync (3.8或4.0版本) 5. 连接通讯适配线到PC 电脑上.6. 点击MX7/MX7CS 上\\start\program\communication\connect 等待连接.7. 建立连接后, 在ActiveSync 上点击Explore, 打开浏览器.8. 可以看到System 目录下的文件即是终端上flash 卡内的所有文件. 9. 可以复制粘贴文件到终端的system 目录下.如果使用的是USB 接口的通讯适配线, 可直接按1,4,5,7步骤操作.8.FTP文件传输MX7/MX7CS 文件传输可以通过FTP来实现.操作步骤如下:1.点击终端\\start\program\communications\start FTP2.确定终端已经通过无线局域网连接到网络3.确定终端IP地址已经获得,可以用台式机或笔记本电脑ping终端成功4.在台式机或笔记本电脑文件浏览器地址栏中输入:ftp://x.x.x.x (终端IP地址)。
掌上电脑PDA的介绍PDA简介PDA(Personal Digital Assistant),个人数字助理,就是个人数字助理的意思。
PDA(Personal Digital Assistant),又称为掌上电脑,可以帮助我们完成在移动中工作,学习,娱乐等。
工业级PDA主要应用在工业领域,常见的有条码扫描器、rfid读写器、POS机等都可以称作PDA;消费品PDA 包括的比较多,智能手机、平板电脑、手持的游戏机等。
catchwell CW30工业级PDA可以同时支持RFID 读写和条码扫描功能,同时具备了IP5 工业PDA4工业等级,这些是消费类手持终端所不具备的。
消费类PDA操作系统主要类型掌上电脑的核心是操作系统,目前市场上的掌上电脑主要采用两类操作系统:一类是日趋完善的Palm操作系统,目前使用Palm 系统的掌上电脑在世界市场份额中占到65%以上,主要有Palm、IBM 的Workpad、Sony的Clie和TRGpro、handspring等palm电脑,另一类则是微软Win CE系列,虽然起步晚,但已经打破了Palm OS一统天下的局面,而且由于Win CE授权比较广泛,现在国内大部分掌上电脑都是使用Win CE系统,包括国内的联想、方正以及国外的HP、COMPAQ等公司都有Win CE掌上电脑推出。
作为两大操作系统,采用PalmOS的产品电池使用时间比采用Win CE的产品长;配置彩色显示屏的产品没有单色显示屏产品的电池使用时间长;在多媒体性能上,Win CE要比Palm好一些;而且操作界面与应用性能上,wince可以让用户更易上手;另外,在软件的数量上,Palm要比Win CE多一些。
industrial pda user 说明书
Industrial PDAUser ManualModel:S917V9Brief IntroductionFirst of all,thanks for purchasing Industrial Tablet PC.This user manual includes function introduction, operation process and solutions for abnormal problems.In order to guarantee the proper operation of this device, please read this manual in detail before using for quick response when problems appear.Note:We will try our best to improve this manual to ensure the accuracy of its content.If you find any errors in this manual,please contact us.This manual is for reference only.The specific functions and product pictures may be slightly different from the actual product,please refer to the actual product.Without permission from supplier in writing,it is forbidden to copy all or part of the manual.Contents Contents (1)1.Check device and package (2)ponents (2)3.Basic Information (5)4.Basic functions (6)5.Solutions for abnormal problems (7)1.Check device and packageAfter you receive the equipment,please open the packing box and check whether the items are complete according to the packing list.If the goods are damaged or if you need to add or replace some standard accessories, please contact our company.ponentsName No.1Chargingindicator14HOME button 2Breathing light5Back button3Light sensor16F1custom button 4Front camera17On button5Barcode scan18Docking stationinterface6Internetinterface19LED7HDMI interface20TP8Typoe Ainterface21Speaker9Typoe Cinterface22Reaf camera10Round chargingport23Flashlight11Headphone24NFC12F2custombutton25Battery cover13Backstagebutton3.Basic InformationLight sensor:automatically detect the ambient light intensity and adjust the screen brightness.Power button:in the off state,long press to turn on;short press once to turn off the screen and still acceptcalls.Volume button:adjust button.Menu key:you can view the applications running in the background.Home button:when an application is running,press this key to quickly return to the main page;the fingerprint has a fingerprint recognition function,and it can be unlocked after entering the fingerprint.Power button+Volume-:shortly press at the same time to take a screenshot.Type C interface:it can be charged by connecting the charger through the data cable,and can be connected to the computer to transmit data,and supports OTGfunction.TypoeA interface:you can directly connect U disk, mouse,keyboard and other equipment.4.Basic functions10.1”HD IPS touch screen,1920x1200resolution,highlight screen500nit,Corning Gorilla Glass.ProcessorQualcomm8953,CPU8core2GHz,4GB RAM+64GB Flash.Operating system Android10.1300W rear camera,500W front camera,supports to take photo and video,rear camera has a fill light and supports flashlight function.Supprots GPS+BeiDou+Glonass.Supports WIFI802.11b/g/n.Supports BT4.2.3.8V/10000mAh removable battery.Dimession:278mm*187mm*19mm.Weight:about1100g.5、Solutions for abnormal problems1)The system prompts that the app cannot be installedConfirm whether it matches the system.Check the memory capacity and clean up properly. 2)Cannot receive SMS and phone callsTurn off incoming call and SMS blocking function.Restart or restore factory settings.3)SIM card cannot be recognizedWipe the SIM card metal sheet with a rubber.Reinstall the SIM card.Replace with a new card.4)Charging problemConfirm the connection status.The charging status will not be displayed when the amount is low.After charging for ten minutes,plug it in again.!NoteIt is forbidden to disassemble the equipment to avoid damage to the equipment.Support standard Nano card.Cutting the card by yourself may damage the card,or even damage thedevice.Android is a trademark of Google LLC.FCC Caution.(1)§15.19Labelling requirements.This device complies with part15of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:(1)This device may not cause harmful interference,and(2)this device must accept any interference received,including interference that may cause undesired operation.§15.21Changes or modification warningAny Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user's authority to operate the equipment.§15.105Information to the user.Note: This equipment has been tested and found to comply withthe limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of theFCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, whichcan be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more ofthe following measures:-Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.-Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.-Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.-Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help. Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) information:This device meets the government's requirements for exposure to radio waves. The guidelines are based on standards that were developed by independent scientific organizations through periodic and thorough evaluation of scientific studies. The standards includea substantial safety margin designed to assure the safety of all persons regardless of age or health. FCC RF Exposure Information and Statement the SAR limit of USA (FCC) is 1.6 W/kg averaged over one gram of tissue. Device types: Industrial PDA (FCC ID:2ASDX-S917V9) has also been tested against this SAR limit. This device was tested for typical body-worn operations with the back of the device kept 0mm from the body. To maintain compliance with FCC RF exposure requirements, use accessories that maintain a0mm separation distance between the user's body and the back of the phone. The use of belt clips, holsters and similar accessories should not contain metallic components in its assembly. The use of accessories that do not satisfy these requirements may not comply with FCC RF exposure requirements, and should be avoided.9。
D o c k i n g M o d u l e50104991-166 E N -B 4©2018 H o n e y w e l l . A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d.Q u i c k R e f e r e n c e G u i d eI n t e l l i D o X ™S u i t e 110 4411-6 S t r e e t S EC a l g a r y , A l b e r t a C a n a d a , T 2G 4E 8T o l l -f r e e : 1-888-749-8878 w w w .h o n e y w e l l a n a l y t i c s .c o mA b o u t t h i s P u b l i c a t i o nT h i s p u b l i c a t i o n i s a q u i c k -s t a r t r e f e r e n c e g u i d e t o a s s e m b l i n g t h e I n t e l l i D o X D o c k i n g M o d u l e , a n d p r e p a r i n g i t f o r fi r s t u s e . E n s u r e t h a t y o u a r e f a m i l i a r w i t h t h e u s e o f p e r s o n a l g a s d e t e c t i o n d e v i c e s a n d a c c e s s o r i e s , a n d t a k e a p p r o p r i a t e a c t i o n i n t h e e v e n to f a n a l a r m c o n d i t i o n .F o r a d d i t i o n a l i n f o r m a t i o n r e g a r d i n g I n t e l l i D o X i n s t a l l a t i o n , c o n fi g u r a t i o n , o p e r a t i o n a n d m a i n t e n a n c e , r e f e r t o t h e I n t e l l i D o X U s e r M a n u a l a t h t t p s ://w w w .h o n e y w e l l a n a l y t i c s .c o m /e n /p r o d u c t s /I n t e l l i D o x A b o u t t h e I n t e l l i D o X D o c k i n g M o d u l eT h e I n t e l l i D o X D o c k i n g M o d u l e (‘I n t e l l i D o X ’ o r ‘I n t e l l i D o X m o d u l e ’)i s a n a u t o m a t i c b u m p t e s t a n d c a l i b r a t i o n d o c k i n g s t a t i o n f o r u s e w i t h p o r t a b l e g a s d e t e c t o r s m a n u f a c t u r e d b y H o n e y w e l l . T h e I n t e l l i D o X a u t o m a t i c a l l y p e r f o r m s e s s e n t i a l p r o c e d u r e s i n c l u d i n g s e n s o r i d e n t i fi c a t i o n , b u m p t e s t s , c a l i b r a t i o n s , a l a r m t e s t s a n d d a t a t r a n s f e r s . I t a l s o r e t a i n s a c u m u l a t i v e r e c o r d o f d e t e c t o r d a t al o g s t h a t a r e t r a n s f e r r e d t o i t s o n b o a r d m e m o r y .T h e I n t e l l i D o X c a n b e u s e d o n a t a b l e t o p o r o t h e r fl a t s u r f a c e . A b u i l t -i n r e t r a c t a b l e s t a n d c a n b e d e p l o y e d t o h o l d t h e I n t e l l i D o X u p r i g h t a t a n a n g l e t h a t i s s u i t a b l e f o r r o u t i n e u s e . I n t e l l i D o X m o d u l e s c a n a l s o b e m o u n t e d o n a w a l l o r o t h e r fl a t s u r f a c e .F o r a d d i t i o n a l i n f o r m a t i o n , r e f e r t o t h e U s e r M a n u a l .I n t e n d e d U s eU n l e s s o t h e r w i s e s p e c i fi e d a t t i m e o f p u r c h a s e , I n t e l l i D o Xm o d u l e s s h i p p e d f r o m H o n e y w e l l .• A r e f a c t o r y c o n fi g u r e d f o r u s e w i t h p o r t a b l e g a s d e t e c t o r s .• O p e r a t e a s s t a n d -a l o n e b u m p t e s t a n d c a l i b r a t i o n s t a t i o n s .• M a y b e c o n n e c t e d t o a n e t w o r k v i a E t h e r n e t c a b l e f o r e n h a n c e d a c c e s s t o a n d c o n t r o l o f a d m i n i s t r a t i v e a n dm a i n t e n a n c e t a s k s .• A r e c o m p a t i b l e w i t h P C C o n fi g u r a t i o n s o f t w a r e .• I f t h e I n t e l l i D o X m o d u l e o r a n y o f i t s p a r t s a r e d a m a g e d o r m i s s i n g , c o n t a c t H o n e y w e l l o r a n a u t h o r i z e d d i s t r i b u t o ri m m e d i a t e l y .N o r m a l O p e r a t i n g C o n d i t i o n sT h e I n t e l l i D o X i s d e s i g n e d t o b e s a f e u n d e r t h e f o l l o w i n g c o n d i t i o n s :• I n d o o r u s e o n l y• N o r m a l a t m o s p h e r e (20.9% O 2) t h a t i s f r e e o f h a z a r d o u s g a s• T e m p e r a t u r e r a n g e o f +10°C t o +35°C• R e l a t i v e h u m i d i t y o f 0% t o 50%I f t h e i n t e n d e d o p e r a t i n g e n v i r o n m e n t d o e s n o t m a t c h t h e s e c r i t e r i a , H o n e y w e l l r e c o m m e n d s t h a t y o u c o n s u l t a q u a l i fi e d p r o f e s s i o n a ls p e c i a l i s t p r i o r t o i n s t a l l i n g a n d u s i n g a n y I n t e l l i D o X m o d u l e s .T h i s e q u i p m e n t u s e s p o t e n t i a l l y h a r m f u l g a s f o r c a l i b r a t i o n s . T h e I n t e l l i D o Xm u s t b e a t t a c h e d t o a v e n t i n g s y s t e m o r b e u s e di n a w e l l-v en t i l a t e d a r e a .What’s in the BoxIntelliDoX Docking ModuleEach IntelliDoX Docking Module package contains one IntelliDoX module with a factory-installed nest. The power adapter, power cord, calibration gas tubing and exhaust tubing, are packaged separately as the IntelliDoX Enabler Kit. One Enabler Kit is required for each stand-alone IntelliDoX module.If the IntelliDoX module is damaged or if parts are missing, contact Honeywell or an authorized distributor immediately.IntelliDoX Enabler KitOne IntelliDoX Enabler Kit is required for each stand-alone IntelliDoX module. Each Enabler Kit contains:• Power supply and AC power cord appropriate to shipping destination.• Ethernet cable.• Calibration gas and purge gas tubing, cut to 1 meter (3.3 feet).• Quick connect fittings.• Exhaust tubing, cut to 4.57 meters (15 feet).• Inlet (purge) filter assembly.• IntelliDoX end plate.• Download PC Configuration software that supports your product from the Honeywell Analytics website. https:///en/products/IntelliDox If Enabler Kit parts are damaged or missing, or if additional Enabler Kits are required, contact Honeywell or an authorized distributor immediately.Copyright, Notices, TrademarksWhile this information is presented in good faith and believed to be accurate, Honeywell disclaims the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose and makes no express warranties except as may be stated in its written agreement with and for its customers.In no event is Honeywell liable to anyone for any indirect, special or consequential damages. The information and specifications in this document are subject to change without notice.IntelliDoX is a trademark of Honeywell. Other brand or product names are trademarks of their respective owners.Configuration SoftwarePlease download PC configuration software on the IntelliDoX product page under the software tab on the Honeywell Analytics website. Symbol DefinitionsThis manual uses the following signal words, as defined by ANSI Z535.4-1998.Hazardous situation which, if not avoided, will result in death or serious injury. This symbol identifies the most extreme hazardous situations.Important Safety Information: Read First• To ensure personal safety, read Safety Information and Warnings before using the IntelliDoX.• Use the IntelliDoX only as specified by the manufacturer. Failure to do so may impair protection provided by the IntelliDoX.• The safety and security of any system or networkincorporating the IntelliDoX and its accessory components is the responsibility of the assembler of the system.• Follow all required National Electric Codes (NEC) and safety standards.Prepare for First UseTo ensure that the IntelliDoX module is ready for safe operation, you must attach the endplate, attach the purge inlet filter assembly, and connect the exhaust tubing before you connect power or attach a gas cylinder.Attach the EndplateEach IntelliDoX Enabler Kit contains one endplate. To prevent gas leaks, the end plate must be attached and locked with the lock latch arm before connecting power supply or connecting gas cylinders. The end plate must remain securely latched at all times during operation. If the end plate is detached during operation, disconnect power and replace the end plate immediately.• Unhook and lift latch arm.• Attach end plate.• Lower and lock latch arm.This symbol indicates that the product must not bedisposed of as general industrial or domestic waste. This product should be disposed of through suitable WEEE disposal facilities. For more information about disposal of this product, contact your local authority, distributor or the manufacturer.Product Configuration Software IntelliDoX BWClip Fleet Manager/SafetySuite DC IntelliDoX BW MicroClip Fleet Manager/SafetySuite DC IntelliDoX BW Clip4Fleet Manager/SafetySuite DC IntelliDoX BW Ultra Fleet Manager/SafetySuite DCIntelliDoX BW SoloSafetySuite DCAt a Glance Top viewBottomLeft RightTouchpad and buttonsLCD BacklightConnect the Purge Inlet Filter AssemblyEach IntelliDoX Enabler Kit contains one purge inlet filter assembly. Unless otherwise specified, the purge inlet is configured to use ambient air in a fresh air environment with a normal atmosphere of 20.9% O 2 that is free of hazardous gas . Ensure that the purge inlet filter assem-bly is attached before using the IntelliDoX module. You may attach an extension tubing to the filter assembly to draw ambient air from an adjacent fresh air environment.1. Ensure that the filter assembly is free of obstructions and defects.2. Connect the filter assembly to the purge inlet.3. If necessary, attach an extension tubing to the filterassembly to draw ambient air from an adjacent fresh air environment.Connect the Exhaust TubingEach IntelliDoX Enabler Kit includes one exhaust tubing that is 4.57 meters (15 feet) long.1. Inspect the exhaust tubing to ensure that it is free ofobstructions and defects.2. Connect the exhaust tubing to the exhaust outlet.3. Ensure that the exhaust tubing is not connected to anegative pressure system, or obstructed in any way.Connect the PowerEach IntelliDoX Enabler Kit contains one power supply and AC power cord. Use only the power supply provided in the Enabler Kit to connect the IntelliDoX Docking Module to an appropriate electrical power outlet. When the power is connected, the IntelliDoX activates and a self-test is performed.1. Connect the AC power cord to the power supply2. Connect the power supply to the IntelliDoX power port.3. Plug the AC power cord into a suitable wall outlet.4.When the power is connected, the IntelliDoX LCD activates and a self-test is performed.NOTICETo prevent the corruption or loss of data and/or software and/orfirmware, do not deactivate the equipment while performing datalog transfers, bump tests, calibrations or other operations.Charge a DetectorUse the IntelliDoX to charge detectors fitted with rechargeable batteries. For more information on battery maintenance, refer to the detector manual.1. Charge only in a normal environment that is 20.9% O2 andfree of hazardous gas. Do not operate the docking module in a hazardous area. Failure to adhere to this guideline can result in possible personal injury and/or property damage.2. Deactivate the detector.3. Insert the detector into the IntelliDoX module.4. Battery charging begins immediately. Battery charging isdisabled during bump test and calibration procedures.Once tests and other routines are completed, you may leave the detector in the module for charging. If the detector is activated, the module will deactivate it after 10 minutes of inactivity. When charging is complete, remove the detector. Do not store the detector in the module.Prepare for Bump Tests and CalibrationsThe IntelliDoX module is factory-configured for use with portable gas detectors. Gas inlets are configured at the factory. Inlet con-figurations cannot be altered. The IntelliDoX Enabler Kit includes quick connect fittings and calibration tubing cut to the minimum recommended length of 1 meter (39 inches). Use only tubing that is between 1 meter (39 inches) and 10 meters (33 feet) in length when you connect gas cylinders to an IntelliDoX module.Connect Calibration Gas1. Connect a demand flow regulator to the calibration gascylinder.2. Use the quick connect fittings and calibration gas tubingto connect the calibration gas cylinder to the gas.Bump TestBump test is a procedure that confirms a detector’s ability to respond to target gases by exposing the detector to gas concentrations that exceed its alarm setpoints.If AutoBump on Insertion is set using PC configuration software, then bump test starts automatically when IntelliDoX recognizes the detector. If AutoCal onOverdue Sensors is enabled and if a calibration is also due, then no bump test is performed. Instead, calibration starts automatically when the detector is recognized.1. Insert a detector.2. Press and on the keypad to move to Bump test mydetector on the IntelliDoX user menu.3. Press to select Bump Test. The LCD screen backgroundchanges to yellow and the bump test progress screen is displayed.4. The bump test begins. Test sequence progress screens aredisplayed while the tests are performed.5. If AutoDownload Datalog is set using PC configurationsoftware, detector datalogs are automatically transferred to IntelliDoX.Bump Test PassWhen the bump test is successful, LCD screen background changes to green and Bump test passed message is displayed. Alarm response and sensor response test items are checked.Press to return to IntelliDoX usermenu.Bump Test FailWhen the bump test fails, LCD screen background changes to red and Bump test failed message is displayed. Failed alarm response and/or sensor response test items are marked with .If the AutoCal on Failed Bump is set using PC configuration software, calibration automatically begins.CalibrationCalibration is a two-step procedure that determines the measurement scale for the detector’s response to gas. In the first step, a baseline reading is taken in a clean, uncontaminated environment. In the second step, the sensors are exposed to known concentrations of gas. The detector uses the baseline and known gas concentrations to determine the measurement scale.Calibration Guidelines1. Calibrate only in a normal environment that is 20.9% O 2and free of hazardous gas. Do not operate the docking module in a hazardous area. Failure to adhere to this guideline can result in possible personal injury and/or property damage.2. Use only premium grade calibration gases and cylindersthat are approved by Honeywell, and supplied byHoneywell or an authorized distributor. The calibration gases must meet the accuracy of the detector. For more information, refer to the User Manual.3. Do not use a gas cylinder beyond its expiration date.4. All calibration cylinders must be used with a demand flowregulator and must meet these maximum inlet pressure specifications. Disposable cylinders: 000 psig/70 bar, refillable cylinders: 03000 psig/207 bar5. Do not calibrate the detector during charging orimmediately after charging.6. Calibrate the sensor if ambient gas readings vary duringstartup.7. Calibrate a new sensor before use. Allow the sensor tostabilize before starting calibration.8. Used sensor: wait 60 seconds 9. New sensor: wait 5 minutes10. When calibrating the same gas detector multiple times,wait 10 minutes between calibrations to allow the sensor to stabilize.11. If a certified calibration is required, contact Honeywellor an authorized distributor.Calibrate a DetectorIf AutoCal on Overdue Sensors is set using PC configuration software and sensors are overdue, then calibration starts automatically once IntelliDoX recognizes the detector.1. Insert a detector.2. Use and to move to Calibrate my detector on the IntelliDoX user menu.3. Press to select Calibrate my detector. The LCD screen background changes to yellow and the calibration progress screen is displayed.4. Calibration begins. Progress screens are displayed while the tests are performed.5. If AutoDownload Datalog is set using PC configuration soft ware, detector datalogs are automatically transferred to IntelliDoX.Calibration PassWhen the calibration is successful, LCD screen background changes to green and Calibration passed is displayed. Alarm response and sensor response test items are checked. Press to return to IntelliDoX user menu.Calibration FailWhen the calibration fails, LCD screen background changes to red and Calibration failed is displayed. Failed alarm response and/or sensor response test items are marked with.What do you need to do?Bump test my detectorSerial Number:CNXAAWhat do you need to do?Calibrate my detector Serial Number:CNXAABump test failedAlarm response:Sensor response:Acoustic Visual Vibrator COSerial Number:CNXAABump test passedAlarm response:Acoustic Visual Vibrator COSerial Number:CNXAASensor response:Calibration passedAlarm response:Acoustic Visual Vibrator COSerial Number:CNXAASensor response:54321。
主题霍尼韦尔Intermec 手持PDA如何快速复制多台手持终端的配置适用范围•CK3R, CK3X, CK71, CK70, CN70, CN70E, CN51•Scan N Go•WEH解决方案Scan N Go 应用备份及设置配置信息1、首先通过Smart System 备份手持终端设备的配件信息,如下图连接上手持设备点设备右键出现如下图下拉菜单,点Create Backup Settings进行备份备置。
2、由于备份手持设备的信息时无线加密的密码不能备份,因此需要手动去添加密码,如下图,选择手持设备型号对应的备份文件,点出右键下接菜单Start Intermec seeting3、点出Start Intermec Settings后出现如下介面:在以上介面进入COMMUNICATIONS 里进行输入加密密码,再点FILE –save settings保存设置,即完成了配置文件工作。
Scan N GO 配置网络步骤1、按下图进入Scan N GO 的介面2、出现如下介面选择需要配置的功能需求选择需要设定的内容:网络设定配置;(选择网络设置)软件安装配置;Licenses 激活;3、选择需要配置设备的型号:4、选择需要生面成的条码类型:PDF417Code 1285、生成的条码如下图6、用手持终端扫描生成的条码,从上往下扫,扫完条码后手持终端会自动进行配置信息,设备会自动进行配置所设定的网络及其它Intermec setting的信息。
扫描生成的第一个条码(START HERE )后手持设备会出现如下介面:再扫完第二个条码后,手持设备会自动重启来配置网络设置的信息。
SCAN N GO 自动安装软件功能1、需建立一个XML 文件内容如下:<AutoConfig><Files><File Src="\tt\FeaturesDemo.CAB"Dest="\temp\FeaturesDemo.cab"Run="\2577\autocab.exe"CmdLine="-FILE="\temp\FeaturesDemo.cab" -FORCE -SHOW=2" Wait="True"></File></Files></AutoConfig>注意:黄色标记设定安装smartsystems PC机的IP地址,绿色标记通讯的端口号为8789(端口号是固定的不需修改),红色标记为所要安装的FeaturesDemo.CAB文件所在位置。
)2.登陆系统之后,进入功能选择界面,总共有四大功能模块,分别为单据管理/信息档案/其他功能/ /系统设置(注:状态切换的功能:可以在在线/离线模式下相互切换。
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MX7Tecton™手提计算机Microsoft®Windows®Mobile6.5操作系统用户指南DisclaimerHoneywell International Inc.(“HII”)reserves the right to make changes in specifications and other information contained in this document without prior notice,and the reader should in all cases consult HII to determine whether any such changes have been made.The information in this publication does not represent a commitment on the part of HII.HII shall not be liable for technical or editorial errors or omissions contained herein;nor for incidental or consequential damages resulting from the furnishing,performance,or use of this material.This document contains proprietary information that is protected by copyright.All rights are reserved.No part of this document may be photocopied,reproduced,or translated into another language without the prior written consent of HII.©2011-2012Honeywell International Inc.All rights reserved.Web Address:RFTerm is a trademark or registered trademark of EMS Technologies,Inc.in the United States and/or other countries. Microsoft®Windows,ActiveSync®,MSN,Outlook®,Windows Mobile®,the Windows logo,and Windows Media are registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.Marvell®is a registered trademark of Marvell Technology Group Ltd.,or its subsidiaries in the United States and other countries.Summit Data Communications,the Laird Technologies Logo,the Summit logo,and"Connected.No Matter What"are trademarks of Laird Technologies,Inc.The Bluetooth®word mark and logos are owned by the Bluetooth SIG,Inc.Symbol®is a registered trademark of Symbol Technologies.MOTOROLA,MOTO,MOTOROLA SOLUTIONS and the Stylized M Logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Motorola Trademark Holdings,LLC and are used under license. Hand Held is a trademark of Hand Held Products,Inc.,a subsidiary of Honeywell International.Wavelink®,the Wavelink logo and tagline,Wavelink Studio™,Avalanche Management Console™,Mobile Manager™,and Mobile Manager Enterprise™are trademarks of Wavelink Corporation,Kirkland.RAM®and RAM Mount™are both trademarks of National Products Inc.,1205S.Orr Street,Seattle,WA98108.Acrobat®Reader©2012 with express permission from Adobe Systems Incorporated.Other product names or marks mentioned in this document may be trademarks or registered trademarks of other companies and are the property of their respective owners.PatentsFor patent information,please refer to /patents.Limited WarrantyRefer to /warranty_information for your product’s warranty information.iii章1 -简介MX7Tecton™是一款耐用型、手持便携式移动计算机,配备Microsoft Windows®Mobile6.5操作系统,还能进行无线数据通信。
本用户指南针对带Microsoft®Windows®Mobile®6.5操作系统的 MX7Tecton撰写。
手柄1.成像器/扫描器孔2.触发器3.手柄4.系留连接点手带1.手带2.手带固定支架和安装螺钉3.手带夹1-6键盘55键删除主ANSI键盘1.系统状态LED2.Volume Control(音量控制)图标3.Display Brightness(显示屏亮度)图标4.菱形键5.Scan(扫描)按钮6.Enter键7.橙色键(粘滞键)8.蓝色键(粘滞键)9.开关按钮10.扫描状态LEDSpc和Del键位置55键后退键主ANSI键盘1.系统状态LED2.Volume Control(音量控制)图标3.Display Brightness(显示屏亮度)图标4.菱形键5.Scan(扫描)按钮6.Enter键7.橙色键(粘滞键)8.蓝色键(粘滞键)9.开关按钮10.扫描状态LEDSpc和Bksp键位置32键数字字母键盘1.系统状态LED2.Alpha状态LED3.菱形键4.Scan(扫描)按钮5.Enter键6.Alph键7.橙色键(粘滞键)8.蓝色键(粘滞键)9.开关按钮10.扫描状态LED章2 -安装新MX7Tecton本页简单地列出了您安装MX7Tecton时可以采取的步骤。
请参见《MX7Tecton(Windows Mobile)参考指南》了解其它信息和说明。
本用户指南针对带Microsoft®Windows®Mobile®6.5操作系统的 MX7Tecton撰写。
1.如果接到提示,校准触摸屏2.设置日期和时区3.设置电源计时器4.设置扬声器音量5.配对蓝牙设备6.设置无线客户端参数7.设置终端仿真参数8.重启以保存更改的设置9.设置AppLock参数10.设定DCWedge参数请参见《MX7Tecton(Windows Mobile)参考指南》了解其它信息和说明。