EMC指令- (89/336/EEC)“简法”从1992年10月28日,根据电磁兼容性条例(1992),“条例”所涵盖的电器及电子产品制造商有选择,直到1995年12月31日,欧洲共同体制度下面描述或继续遵守现行有效的国家立法1992年6月30日在会员国在该产品的销售从1996年1月1日起:电器及电子产品,或在英国出售,包括进口,必须:1。
“条例”没有追溯力; 10月28日之前提供的产品在E E A1992年除从法规。
㈠1MHZ 以内----以差模干扰为主
1.增大X 电容量;
采用输入端并联一系列X 电容来滤除差摸干扰并分析出是哪种干扰超标并以解决,
1.对于差模干扰超标可调整X 电容量,添加差模电感器,调差模电感量,考虑差模并10K以下电阻。
对于外壳接地的,在地线上用一个磁环串绕2-3 圈会对10MHZ 以上干扰有较大的衰减作用;可选择紧贴变压器的铁芯粘铜箔, 铜箔闭环.处理后端输出整流管的吸收电路和初级大电路并联电容的大小。
EMC 备份与恢复解决方案-1
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EMC 整改案例1 电容用在变压器初始地与次级地的跨接用法
EMC 整改案例1:Y 电容用在变压器初始地与次级地的跨接用法在开关电源 EMI 的整改过程中,相信很多工程师都对X 电容、Y 电容、共模电感的用法及相关属性都是非常了解的。
这里,我也就对Y 电容用在变压器初始地与次级地的用法。
测试过程中,我平时有仔细观察每一位客户在传导测试过程中对Y 电容的调节用法,其中有将Y 电容增大、将Y 电容减小、将Y 电容两只脚套磁珠、我也有一次的传导整改中将Y 电容串联一颗6uH 的穿心电感。
为什么说,对Y 电容的不同的调节都会、或者都有可能将其传导的问题解决掉?往往有很多的客户一味的将Y 电容加大、加大、再加大,直到安规测试不合格后,这时EMI 问题还是没有解决,这时,我让客户对其Y 电容减小、减小、再减小,直至EMI 问题得到解决,这时候有些工程师就一头雾水了!为什么会出现这种情况呢?我在这里简单诉述一下,在变压器的线圈绕组层与层之间的分布电容的存在,导致在工作时势必将储存一个电压,这里将产生一个骚扰源头。
如若不对此骚扰源进行处理,那么对于EMI 测试来讲将是非常严酷的。
那么这时候在变压器初始地与次级地之间跨接一颗Y 电容后,势必将对此变压器分布电容储存的骚扰电压源提供一个泄放的路径,这将减少其对AC 端子及向外发射的骚扰源。
这里添加了这颗Y 电容物极必反,另外一条向外发射的途径,及将势必导致EMI 测试结果的恶劣。
所以,这就造就了此颗Y 电容的大小及相关用法导致的不同的EMI 效果。
不管是哪种EMI 元件,包括Y 电容不一定是用的大就好,就会效果好。
我们一定要分析出器件特性,以及电路工作原理,骚扰源头的建模分析,骚扰路径的分析等,这样才能更快更好的解决EMC 问题,更快速的拿到认证证书。
ITL 拥有世界顶级的测试仪器,专业的屏蔽室以及符合国际标准相关的测试环境,并获得国家CNAS。
干扰来源:电网或变电设施由于故障或负荷突然出现 大变化(接入大功率电器)。
2、试验范围:① 电压暂降 >95%降低 0.5个周期 30%降低 25个周期 ② 电压短时中断 >95%降低 250个周期
3、试验方法:通过电压跌落信号发生器来模拟实验的 环境,让EUT在电压突然跌落到运行电压的0%、 30%、40%、70%观察EUT的工作情况,来判定 EUT对电压跌落的抗扰度性能如何。
主要是给公司的同事们简单介绍下EMC相关 的知识。
❖ 一、EMC 基础知识 ❖ 二、EMC 常见测试项目简介 ❖ 三、EMC 测试标准及相关组织简介
一、EMC基础知识 1、EMC是什么 我们生活中的电磁环境
EMC( Electromagnetic Compatibility )定义:
❖ EMS-CS(传导抗扰)
1、检验设备对来自射频场耦合到线缆上的干扰 的抵抗能力。
干扰来源:当空间的电磁波的波长和设备线缆的 长度可以比拟时,电磁波将会耦合在此段线缆 上并产生感应电压/电流,沿着该电缆流进设备 内部,从而对设备的正常工作产生干扰,上述 的设备线缆包含电源线和信号线 。
(日本做灯具的认证时只要求DP和CE,不要求空间辐 射)
2、测量方法:考虑到连接线的天线辐射效应——一般 在半波长处辐射最大,30MHz对应的半波长5m,所 以测试时一般是将被测设备的电源线用同质线缆延长 至5m以上,再考虑到功率吸收钳(及起滤波作用的 辅助吸收钳)的长度大约1m,则总长度大约为6m。
❖ EMS-EFT(电快速脉冲群)
项目单位特性螺旋流动长度cm/inch 为模塑料主要参考特性,为在一定温度/压力(一般为175℃/30~40Kg/cm2)下于测试模具内之流动距离.流动长度必需视模具大小,封装物种类而调整.胶化时间sec. 模塑料在一定温度(一般为175℃)下由胶状反应转化为固态所需时间. 胶化时间必需大于转进时间.比重结晶型-Crystall Type:~2.2融溶型-Fused Type :~1.8~1.9硬度(70sec*175℃) (Shore-D)模塑料在一定温度/时间(一般为175℃/30~70sec)后之硬度.模塑料于开模时其硬度需达70以上,其硬化程度才足够,减少发生黏模.玻璃转化温度℃模塑料由玻璃态转化为橡胶态之温度,一般要求需达150℃以上.线膨胀系数α110-6/℃ppm 模塑料在玻璃转化温度以下温度之线膨胀系数,其数值愈小愈佳结晶型-Crystall Type:~25~35融溶型-Fused Type :~15~22线膨胀系数α210-6/℃ppm 模塑料在玻璃转化温度以上温度之线膨胀系数结晶型-Crystall Type:~70~85融溶型-Fused Type :~60~80体积阻抗(25℃) 1015Ω-cm模塑料之电气性能,其数值愈大愈佳弯曲强度Kgf/cm2模塑料之物理强度特性,代表可承受外力而不断裂之程度,其数值愈大愈佳.弯曲模量Kgf/mm2模塑料之物理应力特性,代表因材料受热膨胀动内部产生之挤压应力,对于需经高温回焊或内部为大型组件之封装物需特别降低其效应,其数值愈小愈佳.耐燃性(UL94) 一般要求等级为V 0项目影响螺旋流动长度过短 1. 末端注不满2. 黏度高,对金线或内部器件损害.过长 1. 毛边(Flash ,Bleeding)过多,清模不易2. 黏度低,易于入口胶道(gate)形成喷流,注不满胶化时间过短低于转进时间,未完全填充便已硬化,以至冲杆无法推进,造成注不良.过长黑胶硬化速度太慢,可能造成开模前未达足够硬度,则易有黑胶残留于模具,影响操作性.比重过高一特定黑胶有固定比重范围,超过此范围为生产控制不当,易有质量偏差.硬度(70sec*175℃)过高胶化时间过短,易形成注不满.过低胶化时间过长,易形成沾模.玻璃转化温度过高黑胶之交联程度极高,弯曲强度可能较大,需视封装品之特性要求,无特定优缺点.过低黑胶之交联程度不足,若低150℃,则不利于冷热循环之类测试.线膨胀系数α1过高造成高应力,损害内部组件.过低用于铜质导线架以16~22ppm为佳,过低易发生密着性不佳.线膨胀系数α2一般要求愈低愈佳,但若玻璃转化温度>150℃则其影响不大.体积阻抗(25℃)要求愈高愈佳,过低则对组件之绝缘性不良.弯曲强度过高愈高愈佳,一般要求可达~1200Kgf/cm2以上即可过低材料之强度不足,易受外力变形.弯曲模量过高于高低温循环过程因热账冷缩产生高应力,造成组件受损,甚至胶体不均匀膨账而裂开.过低愈低愈佳.■流动长度 V.S. 模温■胶化时间 V.S. 模温■T1T2T3溶融黏度T imeT1 > T2> T3■后固化目的●使树脂反应更完全●提高强度●增加耐热性■应力与EMC材料特性关系性率熱膨脹率应力.≒温度变化╳热澎胀系数╳弯曲模量■封装条件设定●模温:一般设定150~200℃,为模塑料流动性最佳温度区间,低模温下,模塑料黏度高,可能冲坏内部组件,高模温下,模塑料黏度低,胶化时间变短,可能造成未端注塑不良.●转进时间:由转进位到转进饱压时间,其设定不得长于模塑料于封装模具温度之胶化时间.●转进压力:模塑料注塑时之压力,一般要求30Kg/cm2以上,确保注塑良好,密合性良好.●固化时间:配合模塑料特性调整,确保开模时硬度达70以上,避免沾模●合模压力:在溢胶可接受条件下,低压为佳.●转进位(慢速位):设定在饼料投入后理论高度以上1~3mm.■封装过程与EMC流动性关系-1EMC固体高周波预热溶融(液化) 灌胶流动反应硬化(固体)■封装不良原因与对策●针孔(Pin Hole)-PKG表面绝对不允许(正面)(<5mils)(1) E MC模流性(2) C AV表面清洁(有Particle)(3) 模温●气泡-在晶体区域(胶体内部)不可超过30mil,一般规格视产品而定,胶体外部认何区域不可超过0.1m/m。
B 一 4 1 O X S,B 一 4 2 0 X S,B 一 4 4 0 X S和 B 一 8 0 0 MK 1 , 2 和3 升级 使用。 D e n s e n 1 NR G所 用 的 元 件 是 最 好 的 , 有V i s h a y 金 属 膜 电阻 器 , 超 高 精 度 整 流 二极 管 和 一 个 减 振 定 制 的 变压 器 、 具 有 2 个独立绕兰 f 1 、 不低于2 0 0 . 0 0 0 u F 的 滤 波 电 容 器 ,并 采 用 超 快 精 密 二 极 管做 肇 流 。 使用1 N R G的结 果 是 令 到 任 何 De n s e n 产品质素大幅度升级。
二 一 . 一一
E MC一 1 MK I V 激 光 唱 机
产 品 代 理 : 昌业 音 响
l n ak u s t i k
1 9 9 8 年 ,E L E C T R 0C 0MP A Nf E T 推 出一 代绎 典 的 C D机 E MC 一 1 ,稍 后 又 升 级 为 E MC 一 1 U p,其 强 大 的 音 乐
De n s e n 推 出1 NRG后 加 外 置 电源 ,这 又 是 另 一 个 层 次 的产 品。 De n s e n 1 NRG适 合 B一1 1 0, B 一1 1 O +, B一1 1 O X S, B一1 2 0,
B一1 3 0, B一1 3 0 +, B一1 3 0 X S B一1 5 0, B一1 5 0 +, B 一1 5 0 XS, B 1 7 5 +, B一1 7 5 XS, B一2 5 0, B 一2 5 0+, B一2 5 0 XS, B一 25 0 CAS T,
头精确地拾取讯号 。ຫໍສະໝຸດ MC 1 MK I V 内 部 分 为五 个独 立 的 屏 蔽牢 问 模 拟 、 数 字 、 转 南 、 变 压 器 、 控 制 电路 ,彼 此
电磁兼容原理及应用第1章 电磁环境与电磁兼容
• 电子设备发射出来的电磁干扰具有一定的危害性
——降低电子元件的工作寿命,强度较大的电磁干扰可以击穿电子设备, 导致元件及整个系统的损坏;静电导致计算机及其元器件的损坏造 成的经济损失每年就高达数亿美元,还可以损坏医院里病人的导管 泵而导致病人生命危险。
上世纪50年代开始,随着自动化技术和电力电子器件的快速发展,电力电子技术 的兴起和微电子技术发展迅速向电气设备领域渗透,形成电气设备和电子设备 结合、强电和弱电结合、机械和电气结合、仪表和装置结合、硬件和软件结合 的各种复杂控制系统,而且在结构上也往往融为一体,同一电网中的用电设备 越来越多,产生日趋复杂和严重的电磁环境和电磁干扰问题。
频域:工频(较低频率)噪声和瞬变噪声的频率范围直接关系到所采取的抗干 扰措施:工频噪声的频率较低,对数字电路无严重影响,但对低电平模拟 电路的危害却很大;瞬变噪声的频率范围超过0.5MHz时,将引起一系列问 题。
电磁干扰产生的原因很多,噪声互相交织,传递途径多样,电磁环境错综复杂, 很多情况下是在系统出现异常后人们才意识到所处电磁环境的严峻程度。仅 对电磁环境有定性认识是不够的,应通过测量对电磁环境做出定量描述,如: 用电场强度和磁场强度表示稳定电场和磁场;用电压和电流表示局部电路与 整体的关系;用统计量和振幅概率分布函数表示随机变化的干扰特性;用脉 冲峰值分布、能量分布、发生频度分布等参数表示脉冲噪声等。
• 随着自动化程度越来越高,人们越来越依赖电气电子设备,科学家和 工程师们一直朝一个共同的目标而努力奋斗者——研究、探索直至打 造新一代经济而卓越的电气与电子产品。然而,然而由电子和电气产 品带来的电磁干扰问题,使得人类和设备本身依赖的这个电磁环境越 来越恶劣,不论怎么精心策划,设计中的缺陷始终象噩梦般挥之不去。 补救的药方就是电磁兼容技术——确保设备或系统不产生电磁干扰的 技术。着力解决电磁干扰问题已成为电气和信息化建设中的重要内容 之一。
典藏美酒,越醇越香—试听挪威音乐之旅EMC—1 CD机
就 可 以加一 块 升 频卡 ,价格 好像 3 多元 ,相信 加 了后 千 效 果会更厉害 。 模 拟 放 大部 分 ,可 以说 就 是 音 乐 之 旅 的 看 家 本领 了 ,E C 1 用 了全 分 立元 件 、全平 衡 纯 甲 类放 大 的模 M一 采 拟放 大 方式 ,发烧 友 都知道 全分 立元 件 、全 平衡 纯 甲类 放 大是现 在 最 发烧 、 理 想的 放 大 工作方 式 ,它 几乎没 最 有失真 ,可 以把音 乐唱 片中的讯息原汁原味地 表现 出 来 ,同 时也 会 令 声 音 更温 暖 、感 人 。 最后 ,E C 1 电源部 分同样值得一赞 ,它使用了 M一 的 EC 有的 F T M独 T 浮动 变 压 器 技术 ,提 高恒 定的 阻 抗 数值 以 及还 有数 码 、模 拟独 立供 电等 。 可 以说 ,E C 1已经 集合 了几乎 所 有的 、能够 令 C M一 D 机 好 声 的 音响 技 术 。 试听时所用的器材包括 贵丰 2 0 合并机 、 T — O 20 A C l 监听级扬声器 。 所 用 的 测 试 C 包 括 D 夏韶 声 《 2 谙 》、 W L O IS N A D O 音碟 、 D CA UI 试 E C 的 《 SSini Str R0 ng i S n t s 双 碟 版 以及 0aa》  ̄ P R IS O E A H T 》、R A 《 C 狂 想 曲 集》 雨林 《 格 尔 , 腾 精选 》 等 。 EC M 一1放 在 我 家 已 经 有 三 个 多 月 了 ,这 使 我 有 非 常 充 足 的 时 间 来 慢慢 是 因 为 它 那 非 常 迷 人 的 模 拟 味 道 。大 家 都 知 道 一般 C D机 的 声 音 都 带 有 浓 重 的 数 码昧 , 也 就 是 声音 生 硬 、冷 漠 、没 有 感 情 ,而 E C 1 C 的 M一 放 D 声音就非常接近模拟 L 黑胶唱片的声音 ,声音圆润 ,丰 P 厚 ,充满 活 力 ,质 感突 出 ,但 没 有刺 人的 菱 角 ,音 乐昧 非 常浓 厚 ,令 人 听 音 乐 时感 到 非 常 自如 、 适 。 舒 EC 1 分析 力 在 同 价位 机 中属 平 常 ,频 带 平衡 就 M一 的 相 当出色 ,一如 L 的表现一样 ,动态 也不是 E C 1 P M 一 想 要 炫耀 的 强 项 ,它 不会 给你 过 于刺 激 、 于 夸张 的 音响 过 效果 , 场就是EC 1 音 M 一 的强 项 了 , 次 清 晰 , 位 准 确 ; 层 定 密 度就 更 是 E C 1 M 一 的强 中 之强 了 ,所 以它 会 令音 乐都 栩 栩如生 ,触手可及 ; M 一 的速度非常中性 ,不紧不慢 , EC 1 音色就稍稍偏暗一点点 。 E C 1 各类 型的 音 乐 的重 播 都得 心 应 手 ,不 会 挑 M- 对 食 ,搭配功放 也非 常容 易 ,只有你的器材不是太过厚
Design Techniques For Emc Part 1 - Circuit Design, And Choice Of Components
Design Techniques for EMC – Part 1Circuit Design, and Choice of ComponentsBy Eur Ing Keith Armstrong CEng MIEE MIEEEPartner, Cherry Clough Consultants, Associate of EMC-UKThis is the first in a series of six articles on best-practice EMC techniques in electrical/electronic/mechanical hardware design, to be published in this journal over the following year. The series is intended for the designer of electronic products, from building block units such as power supplies, single-board computers, and “industrial components” such as motor drives, through to stand-alone or networked products such computers, audio/video/TV, instruments, etc.These articles were first published in the EMC Journal as a series during 1999. This version includes a number of corrections, modifications, and additions, many of which have been made as a result of correspondence with the following, to whom I am very grateful: Feng Chen, Kevin Ellis, Neil Helsby, Mike Langrish, Tom Liszka, Alan Keenan, T Sato, and John Woodgate. I am also indebted to Tom Sato for translating these articles into Japanese and posting them on his website: http://member.nifty.ne.jp/tsato/, as well as suggesting a number of improvements.The techniques covered in these six articles are:1) Circuit design (digital, analogue, switch-mode, communications), and choosingcomponents2) Cables and connectors3) Filters and transient suppressors4) Shielding5) PCB layout (including transmission lines)6) ESD, electromechanical devices, and power factor correctionA textbook could be written about any one of the above topics (and many have), so this magazine article format can do no more than introduce the various issues and point to the most important of the best-practice techniques.Before starting on the above list of topics it is useful see them in the context of the ideal EMC lifecycle of a new product design and development project.The project EMC lifecycleThe EMC issues in a new project lifecycle are summarised below:• Establishment of the target electromagnetic specifications for the new product, including: The electromagnetic environment it must withstand (including continuous, high-probability, and low-probability disturbance events) and the degradation in performance to be allowedduring disturbance events;Its possible proximity to sensitive apparatus and allowable consequences, hence the emissions specifications;Whether there are any safety issues requiring additional electromagnetic performance specifications. Safety compliance is covered by safety directives, not by EMC Directive;All the EMC standards to be met, regulatory compliance documentation to be created, and how much “due diligence” to apply in each case (consider all markets, any customers’ in-house specifications, etc.).• System design:Employ system-level best-practices (“bottom-up”);flow the “top-level” EMC specifications down into the various system blocks (“top-down”).• System block (electronic) designs:Employ electrical/electronic hardware design best-practices (“bottom-up”) (covered by these six articles);Simulate EMC of designs prior to creating hardware, perform simple EMC tests on early prototypes, more standardised EMC tests on first production issue.• Employ best-practice EMC techniques in software design.• Achieve regulatory compliance for all target markets.• Employ EMC techniques in QA to control:All changes in assembly, including wiring routes and component substitutions;All electrical/electronic/mechanical design modifications and software bug-fixes;All variants.• Sell only into the markets originally designed for;To add new markets go through the initial electromagnetic specification stage again. • Investigate all complaints of interference problemsFeed any resulting improvements to design back into existing designs and new products (a corrective action loop).This may look quite daunting, but it is only what successful professional marketeers and engineers already know to do, so as not to expose their company to excessive commercial and/or legal risks.As electronic technology becomes more advanced, more advanced management and design techniques (such as EMC) are required. There is no escaping the ratcheting effects of new electronic technologies if a company wants to remain profitable and competitive. But new electronics technologies are creating the worlds largest market, expected to exceed US$1 trillion annually in value (that’s $1 million million) within a couple of years and continue to increase at 15% or so per annum after that. Rewards are there for those that can take the pace.The following outlines a number of the most important best-EMC-practices. They deal with “what” and “how” issues, rather than with why they are needed or why they work. A good understanding of the basics of EMC is a great benefit in helping to prevent under or over-engineering, but goes beyond the scope of these articles.Table of contents for Part 11. Circuit design and choice of components for EMC1.1 Digital components and circuit design for EMC1.1.1 Choosing components1.1.2 Batch and mask-shrink problems1.1.3 IC sockets are bad1.1.4 Circuit techniques1.1.5 Spread-spectrum clocking1.2 Analogue components and circuit design1.2.1 Choosing analogue components1.2.2 Preventing demodulation problems1.2.3 Other analogue circuit techniques1.3 Switch-mode design1.3.1 Choice of topology and devices1.3.2 Snubbing1.3.3 Heatsinks1.3.4 Rectifiers1.3.5 Problems and solutions relating to magnetic components1.3.6 Spread-spectrum clocking for switch-mode1.4 Signal communication components and circuit design1.4.1 Non-metallic communications are best1.4.2 Techniques for metallic communications1.4.3 Opto-isolation1.4.4 External I/O protection1.4.5 “Earth – free” and “floating” communications1.4.6 Hazardous area and intrinsically safe communications1.4.7 Communication protocols1.5 Choosing passive components1.6 References:1. Circuit design and choice of components for EMCCorrect choice of active and passive components, and good circuit design techniques used from the beginning of a new design and development project, will help achieve EMC compliance in the most cost-effective way, reducing the cost, size, and weight of the eventual filtering and shielding required. These techniques also improve digital signal integrity and analogue signal-to-noise, and can save at least one iteration of hardware and software. This will help new products achieve their functional specifications, and get to market, earlier. These EMC techniques should be seen as a part of a company’s competitive edge, for maximum commercial benefit.1.1 Digital components and circuit design for EMC1.1.1 Choosing componentsMost digital IC manufacturers have at least one glue-logic range with low emissions, and a few versions of I/O chips with improved immunity to ESD. Some offer VLSI in “EMC friendly” versions (some “EMC” microprocessors have 40 dB lower emissions than regular versions).Most digital circuits are clocked with squarewaves, which have a very high harmonic content, as shown by Figure 1.The faster the clock rate, and the sharper the edges, the higher the frequency and emissions levels of the harmonics.So always choose the slowest clock rate, and the slowest edge rate that will still allow the product to achieve its specification. Never use AC when HC will do. Never use HC when CMOS 4000 will do. Choose integrated circuits with advanced signal integrity and EMC features, such as:• Adjacent, multiple, or centre-pinned power and ground.Adjacent ground and power pins, multiple ground and power pins, and centre-pinned power and ground all help maximise the mutual inductance between power and ground current paths, and minimise their self-inductance, reducing the current loop area of the power supply currents and helping decoupling to work more effectively. This reduces problems for EMC and ground-bounce. • Reduced output voltage swing and controlled slew rates.Reduced output voltage swing and controlled slew rates both reduce the dV/dt and dI/dt of the signals and can reduce emissions by several dB. Although these techniques improve emissions, they could worsen immunity in some situations, so a compromise may be needed• Transmission-line matching I/Os.ICs with outputs capable of matching to transmission-lines are needed when high-speed signals have to be sent down long conductors. E.g. bus drivers are available which will drive a 25Ωshunt-terminated load. These will drive 1 off 25Ω transmission line (e.g. RAMBUS); or will drive 2 off 50Ω lines, 4 off 100Ω lines, or 6 off 150Ω lines (when star-connected).• Balanced signalling.Balanced signalling uses ± (differential) signals and does not use 0V as its signal return. Such ICs are very helpful when driving high-speed signals (e.g. clocks > 66MHz) because they help to preserve signal integrity and also can considerably improve common-mode emissions and immunity.• Low ground bounce.ICs with low ground-bounce will generally be better for EMC too.• Low levels of emissions.Most digital IC manufacturers offer glue-logic ranges with low emissions. For instance ACQ and ACTQ have lower emissions than AC and ACT. Some offer VLSI in “EMC friendly” versions, for example Philips have at least two 80C51 microprocessor models which are up to 40dB quieter than their other 80C51 products.• Non-saturating logic preferred.Non-saturating logic is preferred, because its rise and fall times tend to be smoother (slew-rate controlled) and so contain lower levels of high-order harmonics than saturating logic such as TTL.• High levels of immunity to ESD and other disturbing phenomena.Serial communications devices (e.g. RS232, RS 485) are available with high levels of immunity to ESD and other transients on their pins. If their immunity performance isn’t specified to at least the same standards and levels that you need for your product, additional suppression components will be needed.• Low input capacitance.Low input capacitance devices help to reduce the current peaks which occur whenever a logic state changes, and hence reduce the magnetic field emissions and ground return currents (both prime causes of digital emissions).• Low levels of power supply transient currents.Totem-pole output stages in digital ICs go through a brief period when both devices are on, whenever they switch from one state to the other. During this brief period the supply rail is shorted to 0V, and the power supply current transient can exceed the signal’s output current.Both the transient current (sometimes called the ‘shoot-through’ current) and the voltage noise it causes on the power rails are prime causes of emissions. Relevant parameters may include the transient current’s peak value, its d I/d t (or frequency spectrum) and its total charge, any/all of which can be important for the correct design of the power supply’s decoupling. ICs with specified low levels of power supply transients should be chosen where possible.• Output drive capability no larger than need for the application.The output drive current of an IC (especially a bus driver) should be no larger than is needed.Drivers rated for a higher current have larger output transistors, which can mean considerably larger power supply transients. Their increased drive capability can also mean that the traces they drive can experience faster rise and falltimes than are needed, leading to increased overshoot and ringing problems for signal integrity as well as higher levels of RF emissions.All of the above should have guaranteed minimum or maximum (as appropriate) specifications (or at least typical specifications) in their data sheets.Second-sourced parts (with the same type number and specifications but from different manufacturers) can have significantly different EMC performance – something it is important to control in production to ensure continuing compliance in serial manufacture. If products haven’t been EMC tested with the alternative ICs fitted, it will be best to stick with a single source.Suppliers of high-technology ICs may provide detailed EMC design instructions, as Intel does for its Pentium MMO chips. Get them, and follow them closely. Detailed EMC design advice shows that the manufacturer cares about the real needs of his customers, and may tip the balance when choosing devices.Some FPGAs (and maybe other ICs) now have the ability to program the slew rate, output drive capability and/or output impedance of their drive signals. Their drive characteristics can be adjusted to give better signal integrity and/or EMC performance and this should help save time in development by reducing the need to replace ICs, change the values of components on the PCB, or modify the PCB layout.Where ICs’ EMC performances are unknown, correct selection at an early design stage can be made by EMC testing a variety of contenders in a simple standard functional circuit that at least runs their clocks, preferably performs operations on high-rate data too.Testing for emissions can easily be done in a few minutes on a standard test bench with a close-field magnetic loop probe connected to a spectrum analyser (or a wideband oscilloscope). Some devices will be obviously much quieter than others. Testing for immunity can use the same probe connected to the output of a signal generator (continuous RF or transient) – but if it is a proprietary probe (and not just a shorted turn of wire) first check that its power handling is adequate.Close-field probes need to be held almost touching the devices or PCBs being probed. To locate the “hottest spots” and maximise probe orientation they should first be scanned in a horizontal and vertical matrix over the whole area (holding the probe in different orientations at 90o to each other for each direction), then concentrating on the areas with the strongest signals.1.1.2 Batch and mask-shrink problemsSome batches of ICs with the same type numbers and manufacturers can have different EMC performance.Semiconductor manufacturers are always trying to improve the yields they get from a silicon wafer, and one way of doing this is to mask-shrink the ICs so they are smaller. Mask-shrunk ICs can have significantly different EMC performance, because smaller devices means:• less energy is required (in terms of voltage, current, power or charge) to control the internal transistors, which can mean lowered levels of immunity• thinner oxide layers, which can mean less immunity to damage from ESD, surge, or overvoltage• lower thermal capacity of internal transistors can mean higher susceptibility to electrical overstress• faster operation of transistors, which can mean higher levels of emissions and higher frequencies of emissions.Large users can usually arrange to get advance warnings of mask-shrinks so they can buy enough of the ‘old’ ICs to keep them in production while they find out how to deal with the changed EMC from the new mask-shrunk IC.It is possible to perform simple goods-in checks of IC EMC performance to see whether a new batch has different EMC performance, for whatever reason. This helps discover problems early on, and so save money.Alternatively, sample-based EMC testing in serial manufacture is required to avoid shipping non-compliant or unreliable products, but it is much more costly to detect components with changed EMC performance this way than it is at goods-in.1.1.3 IC sockets are badIC sockets are very bad for EMC, and directly soldered surface-mount chips (or chip and wire, or similar direct chip termination techniques) are preferred. Smaller ICs with smaller bondwires and leadframes are better, with BGA and similar styles of chip packaging being the best possible to date. Often the emissions and susceptibility of non-volatile memory mounted on sockets (or, worse still, sockets containing battery backup) ruin the EMC of an otherwise good design. Field-programmable low-profile SMD non-volatile memory ICs soldered direct to the PCB are preferred.Motherboards with ZIF sockets and spring-mounted heatsinks for their processors (to allow easy upgrading) are going to require additional costs on filtering and shielding, even so it will help to choose surface-mounted ZIF sockets with the shortest lengths of internal metalwork for their contacts.1.1.4 Circuit techniques• Level detection (rather than edge-detection) preferred for control inputs and keypresses.Use level detection ICs for all control inputs and keypresses. Edge detecting ICs are very sensitive to high-frequency interference such as ESD. (If control signals need to use such very high rates that they need to use edge-detecting devices, they should be treated for EMC as for any other high-speed communication link.)• Use digital edge-rates that are as slow and smooth as possible should be used wherever possible, especially for long PCB traces and wired interconnections (without compromising skew limits).Where skew is not a problem very slow edges should be used (could be ‘squared-up’ with Schmitt gates where locally necessary).• On prototype PCBs allow for control of logic edge speed or bandwidths (e.g. with soft ferrite beads, series resistors, RC or Tee filters at driven ends).Many IC data books don’t specify their output rise or fall times at all (or only specify the maximum times, leaving typical rates unspecified). Because it is often necessary to control unwanted harmonics, it is advisable to make provision for control of logic edge speed or bandwidths, (on prototype PCBs at least).Series resistors or ferrite beads are usually the best way to control edge rates and unwanted harmonics, although R-C-R tee filters can also be used and may be able to give better control of harmonics where transmission lines are used. (simple capacitors to ground can increase output transient currents and increase emissions.)• Keep load capacitance low.This reduces the output current transient when the logic state changes over and helps to reduce magnetic field emissions, ground bounce, and transient voltage drops in the ground plane and power supply, all important issues for EMC.• Fit pull-ups for open-collector drivers near to their output devices, using the highest resistor values that will work.This helps reduce the current loop area and the maximum current, and so helps to reduce magnetic field emissions. However, this could worsen immunity performance in some situations, so a compromise may be needed.• Keep high speed devices far away from connectors and wires.Coupling (e.g. crosstalk) can occur between the metallisation, bond wires, and lead frame inside an IC and other conductors nearby. These coupled voltages and currents can greatly increase CM emissions at high frequencies. So keep high speed devices away from all connectors, wires, cables, and other conductors. The only exception is high-speed connectors dedicated to that IC(e.g. motherboard connectors).When a product is finally assembled, flexible wires and cables inside may lie in a variety of positions. Ensure that no wires or cables can lie near any high-speed devices. (Products without internal wires or cables are usually easier to make EMC compliant anyway.)A heatsink is an example of a conductor, and clearly can’t be located a long way away from theIC it is to be cooling. But heatsinks can suffer from coupled signals from inside an IC just like any other conductor. The usual technique is to isolate the heatsink from the IC with a thermal conductor (the thicker the better as long as thermal dissipation targets are met), then ‘ground’ the heatsink to the local ground plane with many very short connections (the mechanical fixings can often be used).• A good quality watchdog that ‘keeps on barking’ is required.Interference often occurs in bursts lasting for tens or hundreds of milliseconds. A watchdog which is supposed to restart a processor will be no good if it allows the processor to be crashed or hung permanently by later parts of the same burst that first triggered the watchdog. So it is best if the watchdog is an astable (not a monostable) that will keep on timing out and resetting the microprocessor until it detects a successful reboot. (Don’t forget that the watchdog’s timeout period must be longer than the processor’s rebooting time.)AC-coupling of the watchdog input from a programmable port on the micro helps ensure reliable watchdog operation. For more on watchdogs, see section 7.2.3 in [1].• An accurate power monitor is needed (sometimes called a ‘brownout’ monitor).Power supply dips, dropouts interruptions, sags, and brownouts can make the logic’s DC rail drop below the voltage required for the correct operation of logic ICs, leading to incorrect functioning and sometimes over-writing areas of memory with corrupt instructions or data. So an accurate power monitor is required to protect memory and prevent erroneous control activity.Simple resistor-capacitor ‘power-on reset’ circuits are almost certainly inadequate.• Never use programmable watchdogs or brownout monitors.Because programmable devices can have their programs corrupted by interference, programmable devices must not be used for watchdog or power monitor functions.• Appropriate circuit and software techniques also required for power monitors and watchdogs so that they cope with most eventualities, depending on the criticality of the product, (not discussed further in this series of articles).• High quality RF bypassing (decoupling) of power supplies is vital at every power or reference voltage pin of an IC (refer to Part 5 of this series).• High quality RF reference potential and return-current planes (usually abbreviated to ‘ground planes’) are needed for all digital circuits (refer to Part 5 of this series).• Use transmission line techniques wherever the rise/fall time of the logic signal edge is shorter than the “round trip time” of the signal in the PCB track (transmission lines are described in detail in the 5th article in this series).Rule of thumb: round trip time equals 13ps for every millimetre of track length. For best EMC it may be necessary to use transmission line techniques for tracks which are even shorter than this rule of thumb suggests.• Asynchronous processing is preferred.Asynchronous (naturally clocked) techniques have much lower emissions than synchronous logic, and much lower power consumption too. ARM have been developing asynchronous processors for many years, and other manufacturers are now beginning to produce asynchronous products.One of the limitations on designing asynchronous ICs was the lack of suitable design tools (e.g.timing analysers). But at least one asynchronous IC design tool is now commercially available. Some digital ICs emit high level fields from their own bodies, and often benefit from being shielded by their own little metal box soldered to the PCB ground plane. Shielding at PCB level is very low-cost, but can’t always be applied to devices that run hot and need free air circulation.Clock circuits are usually the worst offenders for emissions, and their PCB tracks will be the most critical nets on a PCB, requiring component layout to be adjusted to minimise clock track length and keep each clock track on one layer with no via holes.When a clock must travel a long distance to a number of loads, fit a clock buffer near the loads so the long track (or wire) has smaller currents in it. Where relative skew is not a problem clock edges in the long track should be well-rounded, even sine-waves, squared up by the buffer near the loads.1.1.5 Spread-spectrum clockingSo-called "spread-spectrum clocking" is a recent technique that reduces the measured emissions, although it doesn't actually reduce the instantaneous emitted power so could still cause the same levels of interference with some fast-responding devices. It modulates the clock frequency by 1 or 2% to spread the harmonics and give a lower peak measurement on CISPR16 or FCC emissions tests. The reduction in measured emissions relies upon the bandwidths and integration time constants of the test receivers, so is a bit of a trick, but has been accepted by the FCC and is in common use in the US and EU. The modulation rates in the audio band so as not to compromise clock squareness specifications.Figure 2 shows an example of an emission improvement for one clock harmonic.Debate continues about the possible effects of spread-spectrum clocking on complex digital ICs with the suppliers claiming no problems and some pundits still urging caution, but at least one major manufacturer of high-quality PC motherboards is using this technique as standard on new products. Spread-spectrum clocking should not be used for timing-critical communications links, such as Ethernet, Fibre channel, FDDI, ATM, SONET, and ADSL.Most of the problems with emissions from digital circuits are due to synchronous clocking. Asynchronous logic techniques (such as the AMULET microprocessors being developed by Prof. Steve Furber’s group at UMIST) will dramatically reduce the total amount of emissions and also achieve a true spread-spectrum instead of concentrating emissions at narrow clock harmonics.1.2 Analogue components and circuit design1.2.1 Choosing analogue componentsChoosing analogue components for EMC is not as straightforward as for digital because of the greater variety of output waveshapes. But as a general rule for low emissions in high-frequency analogue circuits: slew rates, voltage swings, and output drive current capability should be selected for the minimum necessary to achieve the function (given device and circuit tolerances, temperature, etc.).But the biggest problem for most analogue ICs in low-frequency applications is their susceptibility to demodulating radio frequency signals which are outside their linear band of operation, and there are few if any data sheet specifications which can act as a guide for this. Specifications and standards for immunity testing of ICs are being developed, and in the future it may be possible to buy ICs which have EMC specifications on their data sheets.Different batches, second-sourced, or mask-shrunk analogue ICs can have significantly different EMC performance for both emissions and immunity. It is important to control these issues by design, testing, or purchasing to ensure continuing compliance in serial manufacture, and some suitable techniques were described earlier (section on choosing digital ICs).Manufacturers of sensitive or high-speed analogue parts (and data converters) often publish EMC or signal-to-noise application notes for circuit design and/or PCB layout. This usually shows they havesome care for the real needs of their customers, and may help tip the balance when making a purchasing decision.1.2.2 Preventing demodulation problemsMost of the immunity problems with analogue devices are caused by RF demodulation.Opamps are very sensitive to RF interference on all their pins, regardless of the feedback schemes employed (see Figure 3).All semiconductors demodulate RF. Demodulation is more common problem for analogue circuits, but can produce more catastrophic effects in digital circuits (when software gets corrupted).Even slow opamps will happily demodulate interference up to cellphone frequencies and beyond, as shown by the real product test results of Figure 4. To help prevent demodulation, analogue circuits need to remain linear and stable during interference. This is a particular problem for feedback circuits. Test the stability and linearity of the feedback circuit by removing all input and output loads and filters, then injecting very fast-edged (<1ns risetime) square waves into inputs (and possibly into outputs and power supplies, via small capacitors). The test signal amplitude is set so that the output pk-pk is about 30% maximum, to prevent clipping. The test signal’s fundamental frequency should be near the centre of the intended passband of the circuit.。
电 磁 相 容 性 (EMC)
H、配对的接触界面应该为平滑的,提高屏蔽性能 I、配对的接触界面应该是电气化学兼容的,避免氧化
连 接 的 层 次
第一个功能很简单,就是端子簧片(通常是铜合金)完全被镀层覆盖。而第二个功能则 复杂许多。要优化端子间的接触界面,意味着要对端子接触界面存在的膜层或产生的 膜层进行控制,要达到低的和稳定电阻,必须端子间的接触是金属性的。
连 接 器 的 结 构
端子的表面处理主要分为两大类: A、贵金属表面处理 我们所讲的贵金属即惰性金属。主要有(Au)、钯(Pd)及其合金。 B、非贵金属的表面处理 锡是最常用的非贵金属表面处理,因为它的表面氧化层很容易在连接器插入过程中 被破坏掉。银也是一种非贵金属表面处理,因为它的表面有产生硫化物膜的趋势。 一般来说,根据可分离的或永久性的端子表面接触来决定选用哪种表面处理。可分 离式的,采取镍底层镀金的表面处理;永久性的采取镍底层镀锡的表面处理
任何一个电子系统,都是由不面的元件连接而成。AMP建立了六个等级来定义系统中不 同的内部连接,即电子封装的六个等级。 我们讲连接的层次,是从连接的系统出发,而不讲连接器本身。知道连接的层次,对 我们理解连接器的应用很有帮助。 等级1:芯片内部集成电路与金属引脚之间的连接 主要由高速自动的方法制造 非常特别 通常不是可分离的和可修补的 装入到器件的封装中 必须极端可靠 例如各种芯片
连 接 器 的 功 能
连接器主要用在CC&CE(Computer Communication & Consumer Electronics)和 Netconnect(网络)上,从功能上来定义连接器。 电子连接器:在一个电子系统中的两个子系统之间提供一个可分离的连接, 而又不会对系统的性能产生不可接受的影响。 可分离性是我们要使用连接器的理由,方便对一个系统的子系统和零件的维
EMC 就围绕这些问题进⾏研究。
本规范重点在单板的EMC 设计上,附带⼀些必须的EMC 知识及法则。
⼀、总体概念及考虑1、五⼀五规则,即时钟频率到5MHz 或脉冲上升时间⼩于5ns,则PCB 板须采⽤多层板。
模型:VN1=I2ZG 为电源I2 流经地平⾯阻抗ZG ⽽在1 号电路感应的噪声电压。
5、⼀个重要思想是:PCB 上的EMC 主要取决于直流电源线的Z 0C→∞,好的滤波,L→0,减⼩发射及敏感。
如果< 0.1Ω极好。
⼆、布局下⾯是电路板布局准则:1、晶振尽可能靠近处理器2、模拟电路与数字电路占不同的区域3、⾼频放在PCB 板的边缘,并逐层排列4、⽤地填充空着的区域三、布线1、电源线与回线尽可能靠近,最好的⽅法各⾛⼀⾯。
术语: 13)峰值检波器Peak Detector 输出电压为所施加信号峰值的检波器。 14)均方根值检波器Root--mean--square Detector 输出电压为所施加信号均方根值的检波器。 15)静电放电 ESD Electrstatic Discharge 具有不同静电电位的物体相互靠近或直接接触引起 的电荷转移。
PMS: Power-frequency magnetic susceptibility -- IEC 61000-4-8 工频磁场抗扰度 DIP/interruptions-- IEC 61000-4-11 电压暂降、短时中断和电压变化抗扰度试验 Power lines induction—- ITU-T K.20 电力线感应试验 Power lines contact---ITU-T K.20 电力线接触试验
1992年,医务工作者在将一心脏病人送往医院途 中,救护车上的 监视器始终对她进行观察。但当医 务人员一打开无线通话机请求帮助时,心机就会关闭, 结果这位病人死了。分析表明:因为救护车顶已由金 属材料改为玻璃钢,使监视器暴露在高场内,同时车 内又安装有远程无线天线。因此证明:汽车屏蔽效能 的降低与强辐射信号的结合对此设备干扰极大。
干扰源造成敏感设备不能够正常工作的干扰耦合 途径一般分为以下两种: 第一:空间干扰耦合 第二:传导干扰耦合
耦合途径 干扰源 敏感 设备
无论在任何条件下,只要di/dt≠0时,都会产 生电磁噪声。虽然电磁骚扰不仅仅包括电磁噪声,但 电磁噪声占据了电磁骚扰的主要部分
1. 下面哪一项和电磁兼容没有关系:A. 接收机 B. 老虎凳 C. 天线
2. 下面哪一项与其他两项没有关系: A. dBV B. dBA C. BW
3. 下面哪一项是“国际无线电干扰特别委员会”的English缩写:
4. 进入中国市场需过什么认证:
A. 长城认证
B. 3C认证
C. 不需认证
D. 3D认证
5. 电磁环境的缩写是:
6. 请写出电磁兼容的英文全称(填写两个English单词,每个单词首字母大写,其余字母小写,两单词
7. 解决电磁干扰EMI的三种常用措施是“接地”、“屏蔽”、(填写两个中文简体汉字)
8. 电磁干扰EMI有哪几种形式:辐射发射、谐波、(填写两个中文简体汉字)发射
9. 国际电信联盟ITU规定的频谱资源上限是多少GHz(只填写数值):
10. 产品过不了EMC测试, 下面哪种措施可行:
A. 向测试认证机构行贿
B. 买个好的滤波器,测试过了再说
C. EMC工程师努力解决问题
D. 不过算了,
小写,两单词之间空一格):解决问题D. 不过算了,无所谓。
民用 emc 测试解决方案
民用 EMC 测试技术方案目录目录1民用EMC标准简介 (3)2民标EMC测试项目 (4)传导发射测试(CE): (5)耦合去耦网络测试(CDN 测试) (6)插入损耗测试(IL: Insertion loss): (6)骚扰功率测试(DP: Disturbance Power): (6)三环天线测试(Tri-loop test) (7)磁场发射测试(MFE: Magnetic Field Emission): (7)电场测试(EFE: Electrical Field Emission): (7)高低压系统耦合测试(Coupling between HV/LV ) (8)传导抗扰度测试(CS) (9)宽带脉冲噪声干扰(Broadband impulse noise disturbance) (10)辐射抗扰度测试(RS) (11)3R&S 的测试系统 (13)4参考文献 (14)1 民用 EMC 标准简介简介EMC = EMI + EMS电磁兼容性(EMC) 指电气设备或系统运行时,对其所处的电磁环境不产生干扰或抵抗电磁环境干扰的能力。
EMC 是评价产品质量好坏的重要标准之一。
为了以最为经济的方式保证产品的 EMC 质量,应该在产品设计初期采取适当的措施。
根据定义,EMC 被分为电磁干扰 (EMI)、电磁抗扰度或敏感度 (EMS)。
法规规定应满足 EMI 的最大值和 EMS 最小值。
EMI 测量在电磁干扰测量方面,在民用领域进行电磁干扰测量的目的是为了保护无线电收音机或者电视机的接收效果。
因而,所有民用 EMI 测试接收机都应内置具有与人耳或人眼类似的响应:它们必须配置准峰值检波器来代表人对干扰的感知情况,并以该“感觉”作为测量值。
高于 1 GHz 的干扰测量需使用峰值、 CISPR-AV 和RMS-AV 加权检波器。
由于被测设备通过各种耦合方式发出干扰信号,因而,EMC 标准中对于测试接收机和被测设备的耦合方式、EUT 的环境及其运行作出了相关规定。
对于欧盟通过的技术标准接轨指令的产品必须佩带欧盟CE 标志.至今,欧盟市场已执行以下技术标准接轨指令:(1)简单加压容器(欧盟404/87指令);(2)玩具安全(欧盟378/88指令);(3)建筑产品(欧盟106/89指令);(4)兼容家用电子产品(欧盟336/89指令);(5)机械安全(欧盟392/89指令);(6)个人保护设备(欧盟686/89指令);(7)非自动衡器(欧盟384/90指令);(8)煤气用具(欧盟396/90指令);(9)拆卸式医疗器械(对欧盟385/90指令的补充);(10)活动式机械和升降设备(对欧盟392/89指令的修改);(11)通讯终端设备(欧盟263/91指令);(12)节能锅炉(欧盟42/92指令)加贴"CE"标志的相关要求"CE"标志无处不在,由新方法指令所涉及的所有产品在投放市场前都必须加贴"CE"标志。
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Radiocommunications Labelling (Electromagnetic Compatibility) Notice 2008 as amendedmade under section 182 of theRadiocommunications Act 1992Compilation start date: 1 March 2013Includes amendments up to: Radiocommunications Labelling (ElectromagneticCompatibility) Amendment Notice 2013 (No. 1) Prepared by the Office of Parliamentary Counsel, CanberraAbout this compilationThe compiled instrumentThis is a compilation of the Radiocommunications Labelling (Electromagnetic Compatibility) Notice 2008 as amended and in force on 1 March 2013. It includes any amendment affecting the compiled instrument to that date.This compilation was prepared on 1 March 2013.The notes at the end of this compilation (the endnotes) include information about amending Acts and instruments and the amendment history of each amended provision. Uncommenced provisions and amendmentsIf a provision of the compiled instrument is affected by an uncommenced amendment, the text of the uncommenced amendment is set out in the endnotes.Application, saving and transitional provisions for amendmentsIf the operation of an amendment is affected by an application, saving or transitional provision, the provision is set out in the endnotes.ModificationsIf a provision of the compiled instrument is affected by a textual modification that is in force, the text of the modifying provision is set out in the endnotes.Provisions ceasing to have effectIf a provision of the compiled instrument has expired or otherwise ceased to have effect in accordance with a provision of the instrument, details of the provision are set out in the endnotes.Radiocommunications Labelling (Electromagnetic Compatibility)Notice 2008iContentsPart 1—Preliminary11.1 Name of Notice 11.2 Commencement 11.3 Revocation 11.4 Definitions 11.5 Meaning of compliance records 41.6 Meaning of description of the device51.6A Meaning of medium risk device61.7 Meaning of device that complies with New Zealand labelling legislation61.8 Other interpretation 6 Part 2—Application of Notice82.1 Devices to which this Notice applies 82.2 Devices to which this Notice does not apply—general 82.3 Devices to which this Notice does not apply—New Zealand devices 82.4 Relationship between this Notice and the Telecommunications Labelling(Customer Equipment and Customer Cabling) Notice 200182.5 Relationship between this Notice and the Radiocommunications Devices(Compliance Labelling) Notice 200382.6 Devices incorporating a radiocommunications transmitter 9 Part 3—Form and placement of compliance labels103.1 Compliance labels 103.2 Compliance labels for low risk devices 113.3 Who must apply a compliance label to a device? 113.4 Durability of compliance label 113.5 Format of compliance label 123.6 Placement of compliance label 123.6A Electronic labelling 123.7 Explanatory documentation to be supplied with a device 12 Part 4—Conditions for application of compliance label144.1 Application of Part 4 144.2 Use of RCM subject to registration on national database or issue of suppliercode number 144.2A Registration on national database 144.2B Use of C-Tick mark 154.2C Issue of supplier code number 154.3 Meeting compliance levels 154.3A Declaration of conformity 164.4 Compliance level 1—low risk device 164.5 Compliance level 2—medium risk device 164.6 Compliance level 3—high risk device 164.7 Additional requirements for variants 16 Part 5—Compliance records175.1 Compliance records—general requirements 175.2 Keeping records 175.3 Availability of compliance records for inspection 175.4 Provision of information to authorised officer 175.5 Request for test reports from accredited testing body 185.6 Evidence of compliance with applicable standard under section 5.5 18 Part 6—Special requirements for supply of devices after changes toapplicable standard or this Notice196.1 Devices labelled with a compliance label before this Notice 196.2 Changes to an applicable standard 196.3 Transitional—devices to which IEC, CISPR or AS/NZS standards apply 196.4 Transitional—devices to which EN standard applies 20 Part 7—Requirements to be met after labels applied—devices imported from New Zealand217.1 Purpose of Part 7 217.2 Provision of information to authorised officer 21 Schedule 1—Technical standards22 Schedule 2—Devices to which this Notice does not apply23 Schedule 3—Compliance marks25 Part 1—The C-Tick mark25 Part 2—The RCM26 Endnotes 27 Endnote 1—Legislation history27 Endnote 2—Amendment history28 Endnote 3—Application, saving and transitional provisions30 Endnote 4—Uncommenced amendments31 Endnote 5—Misdescribed amendments32ii Radiocommunications Labelling (Electromagnetic Compatibility)Notice 2008Preliminary Part 1Section 1.1Radiocommunications Labelling (Electromagnetic Compatibility)Notice 20081Part 1—Preliminary1.1 Name of NoticeThis Notice is the Radiocommunications Labelling (ElectromagneticCompatibility) Notice 2008.Note: The predecessor to this Notice was the Radiocommunications (Compliance Labelling—Incidental Emissions) Notice 2001, which is revoked by section 1.3 of this Notice. 1.2 CommencementThis Notice commences on the day after it is registered.1.3 RevocationThe Radiocommunications (Compliance Labelling—Incidental Emissions)Notice 2001, made on 2 November 2001, is revoked.1.4 DefinitionsIn this Notice:accredited, in relation to a test report, means a report that was produced by thefollowing process:(a) the test was conducted by an accredited testing body;(b) the test was conducted against an applicable standard;(c) at the time the test was conducted, the applicable standard was within theterms of the accredited testing body’s accreditation, designation,notification or recognition.accredited testing body means a laboratory:(a) that is a testing body; and(b) that is:(i) accredited by NATA to conduct testing against an applicablestandard; or(ii) accredited, by a body that has entered into a mutual recognitionagreement with NATA, to conduct testing against an applicablestandard; or(iii) designated, notified or recognised, under an agreement about mutualrecognition on conformity assessment to which Australia is a party, toconduct testing against an applicable standard.Act means the Radiocommunications Act 1992.agent, of a manufacturer or importer, means a person who is authorised inwriting by the manufacturer or importer to act in Australia as an agent of themanufacturer or importer for Division 7 of Part 4.1 of the Act.Part 1 PreliminarySection 1.4applicable standard, in relation to a device, means any of the followingstandards insofar as those standards relate to interference toradiocommunications or to any uses or functions of devices:(a) a standard referenced for the device in the Radiocommunications(Electromagnetic Compatibility) Standard 2008;(b) a standard mentioned in the table in Schedule 1.Note: The list of applicable standards may be found at the website address.au/standards/emc.AS/NZS, in relation to the prefix of a document, has the meaning given bysubsection 1.8(1).AS/NZS 4417.1 means the Australian/New Zealand Standard Marking ofelectrical and electronic products to indicate compliance with regulations—Part 1: General rules for use of the mark published by Standards Australia.authorised officer means:(a) an inspector under subsection 267(1) of the Act; or(b) a person authorised in writing by ACMA for this Notice.battery-powered device means a device that is not capable of being connected,directly or indirectly, to an external power supply.built-in display, for a device, means an electronic display or screen integral tothe device, and does not include a display or screen that can be usedindependently of the device.CISPR, in relation to the prefix of a document, has the meaning given bysubsection 1.8(3).competent body means a body accredited by NATA under subsection 183(3) ofthe Act.compliance label means a label that complies with the requirements mentionedin Part 3.Note: Section 2.4 extends some references to ‘compliance label’ in this Notice to include acompliance label under the Telecommunications Labelling (Customer Equipment andCustomer Cabling) Notice 2001.compliance mark means any of the marks mentioned in Schedule 3.compliance records has the meaning given by section 1.5.C-Tick mark means the mark set out in Part 1 of Schedule 3.declaration of conformity means a declaration that:(a) is in a form approved by the ACMA; or(b) contains the information required in that approved form, whether or not thedeclaration is accompanied by other material.Note: The ACMA makes approved forms available on its website at.au/complianceforms.2Radiocommunications Labelling (Electromagnetic Compatibility)Notice 2008Preliminary Part 1Section 1.4Radiocommunications Labelling (Electromagnetic Compatibility)Notice 20083description of the device has the meaning given by section 1.6.device has the meaning given by subsection 9(1) of the Act.device that complies with New Zealand labelling legislation has the meaning given by section 1.7.EN, in relation to the prefix of a document, has the meaning given by subsection 1.8(4).fixed installation means a particular combination of 1 or more devices that is assembled, installed and intended to be used permanently at a predetermined location.high risk device means a device described as ‘Group 2 ISM equipment’ inAS/NZS CISPR 11:2004 (2nd Edition).IEC, in relation to the prefix of a document, has the meaning given by subsection 1.8(2).low risk device means a device that is neither:(a) a medium risk device; nor(b) a high risk device.medium risk device has the meaning given by section 1.6A.NATA means the National Association of Testing Authorities, Australia. national database means a database designated in writing by the ACMA for the purposes of Part 4.Note: A database may be designated by the ACMA for the purposes of Part 4 even if it forms part of another database or also serves purposes other than purposes provided for in thisNotice.New Zealand labelling legislation means:(a) the Radiocommunications (EMC Standards) Notice 2004 (No. 2) of NewZealand; and(b) the Radiocommunications (Radio Standards) Notice 2007 of New Zealand; as in force from time to time.RCM means the Regulatory Compliance Mark set out in Part 2 of Schedule 3. supplier, in relation to a device, means a person in Australia who is:(a) the manufacturer or the importer of the device; or(b) an agent of the manufacturer or importer of the device.supplier code number means a code number issued to a person:(a) in accordance with a notice made by ACMA under section 407 of theTelecommunications Act 1997; or(b) in accordance with a notice made by ACMA under section 182 of the Act;orPart 1 PreliminarySection 1.54Radiocommunications Labelling (Electromagnetic Compatibility)Notice 2008(c) by Standards Australia International Limited, in accordance with AS/NZS4417.1. technical construction file means documentary material in English that includes a report produced by a competent body assessing a device against the requirements of an applicable standard, in which the report: (a) identifies the device assessed; and(b) identifies the applicable standard against which the device was assessed;and(c) includes a statement by the competent body stating that, in the opinion ofthe competent body, the device complies with the applicable standard. test report means a report in English produced by a testing body or an accredited testing body assessing a device against the requirements of an applicable standard, that:(a) identifies the device tested; and(b) identifies the applicable standard against which the assessment was made;and(c) includes a statement by the testing body or accredited testing body statingthat the device complies with each relevant requirement of the applicable standard. testing body means a laboratory that has the equipment, resources and technical capability to conduct testing to an applicable standard.variant means a version of a device that is not identical to the original device but is not sufficiently different from the original device to affect the application to that version of a standard that applies to the original device.working day , in relation to a request, means a day other than: (a) a Saturday or a Sunday; or(b) a day that is a public holiday or an Australian Public Service holiday in theplace where the request is made.1.5 Meaning of compliance recordsIn this Notice, the compliance records for a kind of device are mentioned in the table.Item For this device ... these are the compliance records ...1a device other than a low risk device or a variant(a) a description of the device; and (b) a declaration of conformity; and(c) a test report or a technical construction file; and(d) for a device to which a compliance label is not applied because of section 3.6—the records mentioned in subsection 3.6(3); and(e) a copy of any explanatory documentation required by section 3.7Preliminary Part 1Section 1.6Radiocommunications Labelling (Electromagnetic Compatibility)Notice 20085Item For this device ... these are the compliance records ...2 a low risk device that hasnot been labelled or hasbeen labelled otherwisethan as required orprovided for by this Noticea description of the device3 a low risk device that hasbeen labelled as requiredor provided for by thisNotice (a) a description of the device; and(b) a declaration of conformity4 a variant of a device otherthan a low risk device (a) a description of the variant; and(b) a declaration of conformity that relates to the variant; and(c) a test report or a technical construction file for the originaldevice; and(d) for a device to which a compliance label is not appliedbecause of section 3.6—the records mentioned insubsection 3.6(3); and(e) a statement by the supplier about the variant that ismentioned in subsection 4.7(2)5 a variant of a low riskdevice that has not beenlabelled or has beenlabelled otherwise than asrequired or provided for bythis Noticea description of the variant6 a variant of a low riskdevice that has beenlabelled as required orprovided for by this Notice (a) a description of the variant; and(b) a declaration of conformity that relates to the variantNote: Items 3 and 6 of the above table do not apply to a device if that device is labelled solely to comply with State or Territory electrical safety legislation and is not required to beara compliance label by this Notice.1.6 Meaning of description of the deviceIn this Notice, a description of the device must contain sufficient information fora person to determine whether the device is the same as a device for which adeclaration of conformity, test report or statement by a competent body wasprepared, and:(a) must include the model number for the device and, if relevant, any relatedmodel numbers for the device; and(b) must include the version of any software or firmware incorporated into orsupplied with the device where changes in that software or firmware mayaffect compliance with the applicable standard; and(c) may include a photograph, or photographs, of the device showing thedevice’s internal and external aspects (including the printed circuit boards).Part 1 PreliminarySection 1.6A1.6A Meaning of medium risk device(1) In this Notice, subject to subsection (2), a device is a medium risk device if it isnot a high risk device and contains 1 or more of the following:(a) a switch mode power supply;(b) a transistor switching circuit;(c) a microprocessor;(d) a commutator;(e) a slip-ring motor;(f) an electronic device operating in a switching mode or a non-linear mode.(2) A battery-powered device is not a medium risk device unless the ACMA hasdeclared the device to be a medium risk device under subsection (3).(3) The ACMA may declare, in writing, that a particular battery-powered devicespecified in the declaration is a medium risk device if:(a) the common operation of the device causes radio emissions; and(b) those radio emissions have caused, or are likely to cause, interference,disruption or disturbance to other devices or to radiocommunicationsservices; and(c) the device is not a high risk device.(4) A declaration under subsection (3) is not a legislative instrument for thepurposes of the Legislative Instruments Act 2003.1.7 Meaning of device that complies with New Zealand labelling legislationIn this Notice, a device that complies with New Zealand labelling legislation isa device that bears a New Zealand compliance mark in accordance with the NewZealand labelling legislation.1.8 Other interpretation(1) A reference in this Notice to a document with the prefix ‘AS/NZS’ is a referenceto a document that is a joint Australian and New Zealand Standard approved forpublication on behalf of the Standards organisations of those countries.(2) A reference in this Notice to a document with the prefix ‘IEC’ is a reference to adocument that is an International Electrotechnical Commission Standardapproved for publication.(3) A reference in this Notice to a document with the prefix ‘CISPR’ is a referenceto a document that is an International Special Committee on Radio InterferenceStandard approved for publication.(4) A reference in this Notice to a document with the prefix ‘EN’ is a reference to adocument that is a European Committee for Electrotechnical StandardizationStandard approved for publication.6Radiocommunications Labelling (Electromagnetic Compatibility)Notice 2008Preliminary Part 1Section 1.8Radiocommunications Labelling (Electromagnetic Compatibility)Notice 20087(5) Reference may be made in this Notice to a standard mentioned in this section bynumber alone without inclusion of the edition or year of publication of thestandard.Examples1 AS/NZS 4417.1:1996 may be referred to as AS/NZS 4417.1.2 CISPR 22:2005 may be referred to as CISPR 22.Part 2 Application of NoticeSection 2.1Part 2—Application of Notice2.1 Devices to which this Notice appliesThis Notice applies to a device:(a) that is:(i) manufactured in Australia; or(ii) imported into Australia;for supply in Australia; and(b) to which an applicable standard applies.Note: Section 5 of the Act contains the following definition:supply includes supply (including re-supply) by way of sale, exchange, lease, hire orhire-purchase.2.2 Devices to which this Notice does not apply—generalThis Notice does not apply to a device that is mentioned in Schedule 2.2.3 Devices to which this Notice does not apply—New Zealand devicesParts 3, 4 and 5 of this Notice do not apply to a device that:(a) is imported into Australia from New Zealand for supply; and(b) is a device that complies with New Zealand labelling legislation.Note 1: The effect of this section is to exempt the devices from the labelling requirements ofthis Notice.Note 2: Section 1.7 explains when a device is a device that complies with New Zealandlabelling legislation.2.4 Relationship between this Notice and the Telecommunications Labelling(Customer Equipment and Customer Cabling) Notice 2001If a device to which this Notice applies is also customer equipment or customercabling to which the Telecommunications Labelling (Customer Equipment andCustomer Cabling) Notice 2001, as in force from time to time, applies:(a) the requirements in this Notice are additional to the requirements under thatNotice; and(b) Part 3 of this Notice does not apply in relation to the device; and(c) a reference in this Notice (except section 1.4) to a compliance labelincludes a reference to a compliance label under that Notice.2.5 Relationship between this Notice and the Radiocommunications Devices(Compliance Labelling) Notice 2003If a device to which this Notice applies contains a device, or incorporates adevice to which the Radiocommunications Devices (Compliance Labelling)8Radiocommunications Labelling (Electromagnetic Compatibility)Notice 2008Application of Notice Part 2Section 2.6Radiocommunications Labelling (Electromagnetic Compatibility)Notice 20089Notice 2003, as in force from time to time, applies, the requirements in thisNotice are additional to the requirements in that Notice.Note: An effect of section 2.5 is that a compliance mark can only be applied to a device if the device complies with the requirements of this Notice and the RadiocommunicationsDevices (Compliance Labelling) Notice 2003.2.6 Devices incorporating a radiocommunications transmitter(1) If a device (a parent device) contains or incorporates a radiocommunicationstransmitter, the transmitter must be switched off, or placed in an idle state, beforethe parent device is assessed for compliance against this Notice.Note: Subsection 7(2) of the Act contains the definition of radiocommunications transmitter.(2) For the avoidance of doubt, if a parent device contains or incorporates aradiocommunications transmitter, the transmitter need not comply with thisNotice.Part 3 Form and placement of compliance labelsSection 3.1Part 3—Form and placement of compliance labels3.1 Compliance labelsRequirement for devices (other than low risk devices) to bear compliance label(1) If an applicable standard applies to a device that is not a low risk device, and thedevice complies with the standard, the device must bear a compliance label,consisting of either:(a) the RCM; or(b) if the label is applied before 1 March 2016—either of the compliancemarks.Note 1: The effect of section 4.2 is that a supplier must not apply a compliance label, consisting of the RCM to a device unless:(a) the supplier is registered on the national database; or(b) if the ACMA has not designated in writing a national database for the purposes ofPart 4—the supplier has been issued a supplier code number.Note 2: The effect of section 4.2B is that a supplier must not apply a compliance label,consisting of the C-Tick mark to a device unless the supplier has been issued a suppliercode number by the ACMA. In accordance with section 4.2C, the ACMA will ceaseissuing supplier code numbers at the time the ACMA designates in writing a nationaldatabase.Note 3: The effect of section 2.3 is to exempt a device that:(a) is imported into Australia from New Zealand for supply; and(b) bears a New Zealand compliance mark that complies with New Zealand labellinglegislation,from the requirement for the device to bear a compliance label.Note 4: Section 3.2 deals with the relationship between low risk devices and the labellingobligations. Suppliers must meet the same compliance level and record-keepingobligations in relation to low risk devices even if a compliance label has not beenapplied to the device.Note 5: A device that does not comply with an applicable standard is defined bysubsection 9(2) of the Act to be a non-standard device, and is regulated underDivision 2 of Part 4.1 of the Act.Note 6: Paragraph 2.4(b) provides that Part 3 of this Notice does not apply in relation to adevice to which the Telecommunications Labelling (Customer Equipment andCustomer Cabling) Notice 2001 applies. Consequently, a device that is to be labelledwith an A-Tick mark under the Telecommunications Labelling (Customer Equipmentand Customer Cabling) Notice 2001 before 1 March 2016 is not required to be labelledwith a compliance mark under this Notice.Location of compliance label(2) Subject to sections 3.6 and 3.6A, the compliance label must be placed on thedevice on a place that is accessible by the user.Note: Section 3.6 deals with situations where applying a label to the surface of a device is not possible or practicable. Section 3.6A gives a supplier the option of labelling some typesof devices electronically.10Radiocommunications Labelling (Electromagnetic Compatibility)Notice 2008Form and placement of compliance labels Part 3Section 3.2Radiocommunications Labelling (Electromagnetic Compatibility)Notice 200811(3) A label is not accessible if it is necessary to use a specialised tool to gain accessto it.3.2 Compliance labels for low risk devices(1) The supplier of a low risk device may choose whether or not to apply acompliance label to the device.Note: Section 4.2 applies to a supplier that chooses to apply a compliance label to a low risk device.(2) A low risk device must comply with an applicable standard that is applicable toit, whether or not it has a compliance label applied to it.(3) If a supplier chooses not to apply a compliance label to a low risk device then,for the application of the following provisions of this Notice, the low risk deviceis taken to have a compliance label applied to it:(a) section 3.7;(b) Part 4 (other than section 4.3A);(c) Part 5.Note: The effect of applying these provisions to a low risk device is to require the supplier to comply with record-keeping obligations, whether or not the low risk device has acompliance label applied to it.3.3 Who must apply a compliance label to a device?(1) If a device that is required to have a compliance label attached is manufacturedin Australia, the compliance label must be applied to the device by:(a) the manufacturer; or(b) an agent of the manufacturer; or(c) a person who is authorised by the manufacturer or agent to apply the labelor mark on behalf of the manufacturer or agent.(2) If a device that is required to have a compliance label attached is manufacturedoutside Australia, the compliance label must be applied to the device by:(a) the importer; or(b) an agent of the importer; or(c) a person who is authorised by the importer or agent to apply the label ormark on behalf of the importer or agent.3.4 Durability of compliance label(1) A compliance label must be durable.(2) A compliance label must be applied to a device:(a) permanently; or(b) in a way that makes removal or obliteration difficult.Part 3 Form and placement of compliance labelsSection 3.53.5 Format of compliance labelA compliance mark must be at least 3 mm high.Note: This Notice does not prevent a supplier from applying its own additional supplieridentification details onto a device.3.6 Placement of compliance label(1) If it is not possible to apply a compliance label to the surface of a device becauseof the size or physical nature of the device, or it is not practical to apply acompliance label to the surface of a device, the compliance label must be appliedto:(a) the external surface of the packaging used for the device; and(b) the documentation (including any warranty or guarantee certificates) thataccompanies the device when it is supplied to the user.(2) The compliance label applied to the external surface of the packaging used forthe device must:(a) occupy an area that is greater than 1% of that external surface; and(b) be clearly visible.(3) The supplier must make and keep a record of:(a) the reasons why subsection (1) applies to the device; and(b) where each compliance label is applied.3.6A Electronic labelling(1) A supplier may apply a compliance label to a device using the built-in display ofthe device.(2) The supplier must ensure that the documentation that accompanies the devicewhen it is supplied to the user sets out a method for displaying the compliancelabel.(3) The compliance label must be applied to the device in a way that would make itdifficult to prevent the display of the label when the method set out in thedocumentation is used.(4) Subsection 3.1(2) and sections 3.4 and 3.6 do not apply to a label applied underthis section.3.7 Explanatory documentation to be supplied with a deviceIf it is possible for a device to be installed or operated incorrectly, to the extentthat the device will be used in a way that the device does not comply with anapplicable standard for the device, the supplier of the device must supplydocumentation with the device that sets out specifications for correct installationand operation to minimise that possibility.Example12Radiocommunications Labelling (Electromagnetic Compatibility)Notice 2008。