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abstract: with the expansion of communication supervision business scope, simply mastering the knowledge of communication tower is not enough; it is also necessary to learn about the professional knowledge of television transmitting tower. this paper aims to discuss how to deal with television tower business. first, be clear about the
situation. there are many risks and uncertainty in foreign business operation environment. domestically, the economic structure strategic adjustment is ongoing. how to adapt to the rapidly developing society and unpredictable market under the economic developing mode transferring environment is the key to the company. in order to keep the market share, the company must intensify efforts to expand market and solicit new business, thinking carefully, seizing opportunities and improving its ability. second, improve service quality. customer service goal is the starting point and objective of the company’s service, and the effect of customer service goal is reflected in the optimization of service knowledge,service experience and service management and customer’s satisfaction. third, due to the specialty of broadcasting and tv industry and the difference between television tower construction and communication tower, this kind of project occupy a small proportion of the construction projects in the same period, so there is specialty and challenge for the existing communications supervision industry.
key words: supervision;quality;control
中图分类号:tu391 文献标识码:a 文章编号:1006-4311(2013)
1 质量控制
1.1 材料控制①防腐材料重点查验质量证明文件以及所用材料符合设计要求。②法兰连接用高强度螺栓参照国家现行标准进行验收。③对于焊材,同样对重要构件的塔身钢卷管拼接焊缝、三榀竖向桁架相关节点焊缝、节点管法兰焊缝所用焊材均进行了抽样复验。④钢材质量应符合现行国家标准(gb700-2006)《碳素结构钢》、(gb1591-1979)《低合金结构钢技术条件》以及(gb168—1970)《桥梁用碳素钢及普通低合金钢钢板技术条件》的规定。
1.2 塔桅钢结构的制作控制①出厂前验收。对于重要节点及复杂节点,出厂前应在厂内进行拼装。重点核对构件编号、规格、数量以及制作过程报验资料。②防腐。工作重点控制除锈工序,应按照除锈等级检查。③制孔。其制孔有较严格的规定,精度偏差应符合相关规程的要求,法兰连接节点一半采用c级六角头螺栓或扭剪型高强螺栓。④焊接。钢管结构制作的焊接要求基本与建筑钢结构相同。⑤卷管。当无成品管材可供采购时,需要承包方工厂制作卷管,钢管塔构件尺寸普遍较大。⑥组对。行业内专业承包商一般都有成熟的加工工艺装备,控制工作重点是检查胎具的尺寸定位和角度定位偏差,为使控制工作做到有的放矢,对监理而言要做好控制工作首先应弄清楚装备的工作原理。⑦号料。检查管形杆件两端相贯线断面沿周向的相对扭转。⑧放样。除检查样板几何尺寸与孔定位尺寸偏差外,对于钢管塔构件而言,重点应分别按内、外壁仔细