How does it go about the research process Critical appraisal - pluses/minuses, what do I learn from it for my
2 Designing the analysis
– General issues - myself – Specific examples from subject areas Cahan/Berkman/Rouse
• From developing the idea to presenting the completed piece of research
1. Developing the idea
Formulating testable hypotheses – traditional approach Theoretical modelling
Research Topic
Research Problem
Variable Measurement
Interpret Results
• Good research is systematic, logical, objective and critical – enthusiasm is good, passion dangerous
• Accounting and finance deal with human behaviour – it is not hard science
2 Designing the analysis
– General issues - myself – Specific examples from subject areas Cahan/Berkman/Rouse
• From developing the idea to presenting the completed piece of research
1. Developing the idea
Formulating testable hypotheses – traditional approach Theoretical modelling
Research Topic
Research Problem
Variable Measurement
Interpret Results
• Good research is systematic, logical, objective and critical – enthusiasm is good, passion dangerous
• Accounting and finance deal with human behaviour – it is not hard science
Land Buildings Vehicles Computers Furniture Equipment
Operating Activities
Primary activity of business
Selling goods Providing services Manufacturing Cost of Sales Advertising Paying employees Paying utilities
3. Explain the three principal types of business activity.
4. Describe the content and purpose of each of the financial statements.
Study Objectives
5. Explain the meaning of assets, liabilities, and stockholders’ equity, and state the basic accounting equation.
6. Describe the components that supplement the financial statements in an annual report.
111 Forms of Business Organization
Sole proprietorship Partnership Corporation
Users of Financial Information
External Users Ask?
Types of Business Activity
Operating Activities
Primary activity of business
Selling goods Providing services Manufacturing Cost of Sales Advertising Paying employees Paying utilities
3. Explain the three principal types of business activity.
4. Describe the content and purpose of each of the financial statements.
Study Objectives
5. Explain the meaning of assets, liabilities, and stockholders’ equity, and state the basic accounting equation.
6. Describe the components that supplement the financial statements in an annual report.
111 Forms of Business Organization
Sole proprietorship Partnership Corporation
Users of Financial Information
External Users Ask?
Types of Business Activity
大学课程《会计英语》PPT课件:Chapter 1 Unit 3
Description: Matching refers to the timing of recognition of revenues and expenses in the income statement. Under this concept, all expenses incurred in earning revenue should be recognized in the same period the revenue is recognized.
useful in accounting. Distinguish between capital expenditures and revenue
expenditures. State how materiality is related to the distinction
between capital and revenue expenditures. Explain the significance of reporting the economic
Differentiate Capital and Revenue Expenditures
Capital expenditures are expenditures expected to yield benefits beyond the current accounting period, that is, have future cash flows, and thus should be added to the plant and equipment or capital asset account.
substance of transactions, not just their form.
第8章 Revenues and Expenses《会计英语》PPT课件
Special Terms
1. deliver / delivery 交货、交割,指在交易过程中,货物或证券由一方转交于 另一方。在交货之前货物或证券的所有权未发生转移,在交割后所有权已经转移 ,即持有商品或证券的利益与风险都已转移。此时通常被认为是收入过程基本完 成的时点。 2. real estate broker 不动产经纪人,指房地产的卖主和买主之间的交易中介 人,向买主或卖主或双方收取一定的佣金。 3. commission 佣金,即手续费,指按业务活动量(如销售额)给予推销员或经纪 人的报酬。
Special Terms
4. government bond 政府债券、公债。由政府发行的长期债券,期限通常在 5年以上。 5. realization principle 实现原则,也称为收入实现原则,是用来指导收入确认 的会计原则。它的基本含义是,只有当下列条件都得到满足时,才能够在账面上 反映收入:企业已将商品所有权上的主要风险和报酬转移给购货方;企业没有保 留对商品的继续管理权或控制权;与交易相关的经济利益能够流入企业;相关的 收入和成本能够可靠地计量。 6. quoted prices 牌价,指证券交易所公布的证券或商品的交易价格。课文中 指某些产品虽然没有销售,但其销售没有困难,而且交易金额可以预先知悉。
Unit 2 Expenses
➢An expense always causes a decrease in owners'equity. The related changes in the accounting equation can be either (1)a decrease in assets, or (2)an increase in liabilities. An expense reduces assets if payment occurs at the time that the expense is recorded or if payment has been made in advance. If the expense will not be paid until later, as, for example, the purchase of advertising services on account, the recording of the expense will be accompanied by an increase in liabilities.
Special Terms
1. deliver / delivery 交货、交割,指在交易过程中,货物或证券由一方转交于 另一方。在交货之前货物或证券的所有权未发生转移,在交割后所有权已经转移 ,即持有商品或证券的利益与风险都已转移。此时通常被认为是收入过程基本完 成的时点。 2. real estate broker 不动产经纪人,指房地产的卖主和买主之间的交易中介 人,向买主或卖主或双方收取一定的佣金。 3. commission 佣金,即手续费,指按业务活动量(如销售额)给予推销员或经纪 人的报酬。
Special Terms
4. government bond 政府债券、公债。由政府发行的长期债券,期限通常在 5年以上。 5. realization principle 实现原则,也称为收入实现原则,是用来指导收入确认 的会计原则。它的基本含义是,只有当下列条件都得到满足时,才能够在账面上 反映收入:企业已将商品所有权上的主要风险和报酬转移给购货方;企业没有保 留对商品的继续管理权或控制权;与交易相关的经济利益能够流入企业;相关的 收入和成本能够可靠地计量。 6. quoted prices 牌价,指证券交易所公布的证券或商品的交易价格。课文中 指某些产品虽然没有销售,但其销售没有困难,而且交易金额可以预先知悉。
Unit 2 Expenses
➢An expense always causes a decrease in owners'equity. The related changes in the accounting equation can be either (1)a decrease in assets, or (2)an increase in liabilities. An expense reduces assets if payment occurs at the time that the expense is recorded or if payment has been made in advance. If the expense will not be paid until later, as, for example, the purchase of advertising services on account, the recording of the expense will be accompanied by an increase in liabilities.
会计英语课件:Statement of Cash Flows
0 + + 0 0 0 0 0 0
Investing Activities
Purchase fixed asset for cash
Purchase fixed assets by issuing debt
Sell fixed assets
Purchase securities that are not cash equivalents
CASH INFLOWS Borrowing from creditors Issuing equity securities
CASH OUTFLOWS Repayment of amount borrowed Repurchase of equity shares (including the purchase of treasury stock) Payment of dividends
▪ Aims: ▪ 1. Explain the concept of The Cash Flow
Statements. ▪ 2. Classify activities affecting cash as
operating, investing, or financing activities. ▪ 3. Use the direct method to measure cash flows. ▪ 4. Determine cash flows from income statement and balance sheet accounts. ▪ 5. Use the indirect method to calculate cash flows from operations.
第 三 章
Unit 3 Accounting cycle Ⅱ 第三章 会计循环 Ⅱ
• 1. Books of prime entry 原始账簿 • 1.1 Sales day book 销售日记账 • 1.2 Purchases day book 采购日记账
• 1.3 Cash book and petty • 现金日记账及零用现金簿 • 1.3.1 Cash book • 1.3.2 Petty cash book
• 4. GAAP 一般公认会计原则 • 5.IASs and IFRSs • 国际会计准则及国际财务报告准则
• 6. •
Assumptions and characteristics of financial statement. 财务报告的假设及特征
第 一 章
Unit 1 Introduction to accounting 第一章 会计导论
• 1. Definition • 会计的概念
of accounting
• 6.1 Underlying assumptions • Accrual basis权责发生制 • Going concern 6.2 • • • • •
Qualitative Characteristics of financial statement 财务报告的质量特征 Understandability可理解性 Relevance 相关性 Reliability 可靠性 Comparability 可比性
Users of Accounting Information
External users Internal users
Internal users of accounting information
• Question:
– How to define internal users of accounting information?
• Recording transactions and preparing financial statements
• Design of accounting system • Cost accounting • Internal control and auditing
Accounting for Governments and Nonproit Organizations
– practicing members – non-practicing members
• Auditing 审计,审计学
– Audit
– Internal/external auditing
– Auditor
The primary services offered by CPA
• Auditing • Income tax services • Management advisory (consultancy or
• Enron
• ACCA (Association of Chartered Certificated Accountants) accaglobal
• AICPA (American Institute of CPA) • CICPA (Chinese Institute of CPA)
会计专业英语课件Chapter 4
(1) Acquisition
▪ Classified as measured at FVTOCI, an investment in debt or equity instruments is recorded at its cost at initial recognition, including the purchase price and transaction costs that are directly attributable to the acquisition of the financial asset.
【Example 4-3】
▪ Take the bonds purchased by company W on June 30, 2019 for illustration. Assume that company W classified these bonds at FVTOCI. On December 31, 2019, the quoted market price of the bonds was $1,030,000. On acquisition, company W should make the following entry:
• Only investments in debt, such as bonds, satisfy the recognition requirements for financial instruments measured at amortized cost since investments in stocks do not produce interest or refund the principal.
• is prepared to amortize bond discount or premium for each interest receipt.
② Accounting is a measure used by an entity (profit or non-profit) to accumulate, dispose, communicate and convey economic inf ormation. The gathered and settled data should communicate e fficiently with relevant groups outside by the using standard acc ounting statements (in the sense of types, forms and contents).
13. Accounts receivable应收帐款 14. Realized profits实现的利润 15. Financial accounting财务会计 16. Financial position财务状况 17. Operating results经营结果 18. Cash flow现金流量 19. Double entry复式记帐 20. Accounting entity会计主体 21. Going-concern持续经营 22. Accounting period会计期间 23. Accrual system权责发生 24. Cash basis accounting收付实现制
on 会计前提/假设 4. Accounting principles会计原则 5. Accounting elements会计要素 6. Assets资产 7. Liabilities负债 8. Owner’s equity所有者权益 9. Revenue收入 10.Profit利润 11.Expenses费用 12.Entity经营单位、实体单位
13. Accounts receivable应收帐款 14. Realized profits实现的利润 15. Financial accounting财务会计 16. Financial position财务状况 17. Operating results经营结果 18. Cash flow现金流量 19. Double entry复式记帐 20. Accounting entity会计主体 21. Going-concern持续经营 22. Accounting period会计期间 23. Accrual system权责发生 24. Cash basis accounting收付实现制
on 会计前提/假设 4. Accounting principles会计原则 5. Accounting elements会计要素 6. Assets资产 7. Liabilities负债 8. Owner’s equity所有者权益 9. Revenue收入 10.Profit利润 11.Expenses费用 12.Entity经营单位、实体单位
第4章 Current Assets《会计英语》PPT课件
Unit 1 Cash and Its Control
➢Efficient management of cash includes measures that will:
(1)Provide accurate accounting for cash receipts, cash payments and cash balances;
(4)Make all payments by check.
Unit 1 Cash and Its Control
➢BANK STATEMENT AND BANK RECONCILIATION. Since all cash receipts are to be deposited intact in the bank and all significant cash disbursements are to be made by check through the bank, each month the bank will provide the depositor with a statement of the depositor’s account, accompanied by the checks paid and charged to the account during the month. A bank statement shows the balance on deposit at the beginning of the month, the deposits, the checks paid, any other debits and credits during the month, and the new balance at the end of the month.
会计英语课件:Introduction to Accounting
ABC Company
▪ Statement of Changes in Equity
▪ For the Period Ended 2012
Beginning Contributed Capital Plus: Capital Acquisition
Ending Contributed Capital
▪ Expense are decreases in retained earnings that result from operations.
▪ Expense are the cost of doing business and are the opposite of revenues.
▪ Expenses include office rent, salaries, and utility payments etc.
▪ If you were an investor who wanted to invest in an internet-based company, how wouy is a good choice? What information would you need to help you make a decision?
▪ Liability means an obligation that legally binds an individual or company to settle a debt.
▪ Liability can include accounts payable, taxes, wages, accrued expenses, and deferred revenues.
Revenue Expenses
会计英语课件:Current Assets
$9 000 + $3 000 = $9 000 +
$3 000
▪ Now consider the following transactions that happened in 2020: ▪ (1) Two purchases of electric motor were made; ▪ (2) One sale of the goods took place.
Specific Identification
Includes in cost of goods sold the costs of the specific items sold.
Used when handling a relatively small number of costly, easily distinguishable items.
Prices items in the inventory on the basis of the average cost of all similar goods available during the period.
Not as subject to income manipulation. Measuring a specific physical flow of
▪ Cash is money in the form of bills or coins, which can prompt payment for goods or services in currency or by check.
▪ Cash is listed first in the balance sheet, because it is the most liquid of all current assets.
第1章 Conceptual Framework《会计英语》PPT课件
requires the use of accounting for record keeping, planning, and
controlling operations. Many accountants work in government offices or
for nonprofit organizations. These two areas are often joined together
just one part of accounting. Accounting also identifies and
communicates information on transactions and events, and it includes
the crucial processes of analysis and interpretation.
Unit 1 Accounting and Accounting Profession
accounting procedures were simple in comparison with modern
Special Terms
2. Certified Public Accountant (CPA) 注册会计师,指有资格执行审计业务的
专业人员,一般需要满足三个方面的条件才能获得这种资格:(1) 接受过专业教育,
第10章 Auditing《会计英语》PPT课件
Special Terms
3. recommendations to management 管理建议书,指审计人员在完成审计 后,就企业内部控制等方面存在的缺陷以书面形式向被审计单位管理当局所提交 的报告。如果提供的是经营审计服务,管理建议书是必不可少的,即使是财务报 表审计,注册会计师一般也要向管理当局提交一份管理建议书。
Unit 2 Audit Process
➢MANAGEMENT ASSERTIONS. There are five broad categories of assertions:
(1)existence or occurrence,
(3)rights and obligations,
4. compliance audit 合规性审计,指为了检查和确定企业的经济活动是否符 合国家法律和有关部门制定的条例和合同条款的规定而进行的审计。例如,审查 一个企业或个人是否遵守了税法,依法填报纳税申报单。
Special Terms
5. replacement cost of fixed assets 固定资产的重置成本,或称现时重置成 本,指购买一项相同的资产(具有相同的未来收益或服务能力)的公平市价。对于 房屋和建筑物来说,则指再生产成本。在物价不断上涨的情况下,为了维护企业 的实物资本,固定资产必须以重置成本作为计价的基础。
(1)analytical procedures,
Unit 2 Audit Process
▪ Interest—the cost of borrowing— accrues with the passage of time.
▪ When companies enter into long-term financing agreements, they may become committed to paying large amounts of interest for many years to come. At any balance sheet date, however, only a small portion of this total interest obligation represents a “liability”.
n/a = 466.7 + (466.7) n/a - 466.7 = (466.7) n/a
Assets Cash (1)9 300 Bal. 9 300
Notes Payable
Interest Expense
(1)10 000
Bal. 10 000
▪ Amounts owed to someone else which are payable after one year. Examples include:
▪ (1) Long term loans;
▪ (2) Debentures, which are long term loans secured on the business assets. This means if the business fails to repay back the loan on time the business assets are at risk.
会计专业英语课件Chapter 1
➢ Financial accounting information is designed primarily to assist investors and creditors in deciding where to place their scarce investment resources.
Financial accounting
➢ Financial accounting refers to information describing the financial resources, obligations, and activities of an economic entity (either an organization or an individual).
stock and called paid-in capital. • Stockholders have no legal right to expect any payments on a regular basis.
The payments paid to stockholds.
➢ The main external users include investors and creditors. ➢ Investors use accounting information to decide whether to buy,
hold, or sell stocks. ➢ Creditors use accounting information to decide whether to sell
➢ An unincorporated business only owned by one person.
Financial accounting
➢ Financial accounting refers to information describing the financial resources, obligations, and activities of an economic entity (either an organization or an individual).
stock and called paid-in capital. • Stockholders have no legal right to expect any payments on a regular basis.
The payments paid to stockholds.
➢ The main external users include investors and creditors. ➢ Investors use accounting information to decide whether to buy,
hold, or sell stocks. ➢ Creditors use accounting information to decide whether to sell
➢ An unincorporated business only owned by one person.
• When you have got your topic set up a research Plan – what do you need to do how long will it take?
– A Gantt chart is helpful – record progress against plan
• We thought this surprising and wanted to see whether it applied elsewhere, particularly to the euro area and also to Australia and New Zealand, or whether it was due to something peculiar to the UK
• We measure expectations by interest rate futures prices
• We look at the behaviour of the Bank of England, the Eurosystem and the Reserve Banks of Australia and New Zealand for as long as they have been announcing decisions
Ideal characteristics
– Fills a gap within the research topic – Improves our understanding of the research topic – Relevance to firms / practitioners / regulators – “Researchable” – Theory driven
– A Gantt chart is helpful – record progress against plan
• We thought this surprising and wanted to see whether it applied elsewhere, particularly to the euro area and also to Australia and New Zealand, or whether it was due to something peculiar to the UK
• We measure expectations by interest rate futures prices
• We look at the behaviour of the Bank of England, the Eurosystem and the Reserve Banks of Australia and New Zealand for as long as they have been announcing decisions
Ideal characteristics
– Fills a gap within the research topic – Improves our understanding of the research topic – Relevance to firms / practitioners / regulators – “Researchable” – Theory driven
• entry • 会计分录
• general journal • 普通日记账
• journalizing • 记日记账
• ledger • 分类账
• posting • 过账
• special journals • 特种日记账
• source document • 原始凭证
• accounting period • 会计分期
• cash-basis • 现金收付制
• accrual-basis • 权责发生制(应计制)
• cost principle • 成本原则
• realization principle • 实现原则
• matching principle • 配比原则
• adjusted trial balance • 调整后试算平衡
• contra-asset account • 备抵账户
• closing entries • 结账分录
• capital stock • 股本
• depreciation expense • 折旧费用
• post-closing trial balance • 结账后试算平衡
• objective principle • 客观性原则
• consistency principle • 一致性原则
• full disclosure • 充分反映
• materiality • 重要性
• conservatism • 稳健性
Chapter 3
• subsidiary ledgers • 明细分类账
• general journal • 普通日记账
• journalizing • 记日记账
• ledger • 分类账
• posting • 过账
• special journals • 特种日记账
• source document • 原始凭证
• accounting period • 会计分期
• cash-basis • 现金收付制
• accrual-basis • 权责发生制(应计制)
• cost principle • 成本原则
• realization principle • 实现原则
• matching principle • 配比原则
• adjusted trial balance • 调整后试算平衡
• contra-asset account • 备抵账户
• closing entries • 结账分录
• capital stock • 股本
• depreciation expense • 折旧费用
• post-closing trial balance • 结账后试算平衡
• objective principle • 客观性原则
• consistency principle • 一致性原则
• full disclosure • 充分反映
• materiality • 重要性
• conservatism • 稳健性
Chapter 3
• subsidiary ledgers • 明细分类账
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• When you have got your topic set up a research Plan – what do you need to do how long will it take?
– A Gantt chart is helpful – record progress against plan
2. Developing a research plan 3. Models 4. Data
Published, existing, to be collected, qualitative and quantitative
5. Analysis 6. Writing, presentation, review
1 Searching the literature for ideas, previous experience and a plausible way forward
– Week 1 information bases available – Project – select the broad area in which you plan to work
Research Topic
Research Problem
Data / Sample
Research Design
Variable Measurement
Interpret Results
COURSE OUTLINE Part 1:Research Methods in ACC/FIN Part 2: Basic Theoretical Issues in ACC/FIN
Part 3: Special Topic in ACC/FIN
• Findings will be tentative • Human beings are complex we can only model part of
Cui Zhe School of Business Nantong University
• To ensure you have the skills necessary to produce an excellent dissertation
something narrow • Listen to advice • Look at some examples of successful work • Find a supervisor you think you can work with!
• Over-riding theme BБайду номын сангаас METHODICAL
• When you get to the literature review take careful notes – set up some sort of filing system
– It is your choice whether it is electronic, physical or a combination but Endnote is useful for references
find 10 (or more) useful articles written on the topic read them and set out their main features
this develops a knowledge base – Assignment – make a detailed appraisal of an article
• Don’t rush • Choose something you are interested in • Something which is useful to the rest of your
work or what you want to do next • It must be achievable, which normally means
How does it go about the research process Critical appraisal - pluses/minuses, what do I learn from it for my
2 Designing the analysis
– General issues - myself – Specific examples from subject areas Cahan/Berkman/Rouse
• A research ‘diary’
• Record your thought process and your actions
• Make a note of what you agreed with your supervisor –
you might even want to send them a copy
• Good research is systematic, logical, objective and critical – enthusiasm is good, passion dangerous
• Accounting and finance deal with human behaviour – it is not hard science
• From developing the idea to presenting the completed piece of research
1. Developing the idea
Formulating testable hypotheses – traditional approach Theoretical modelling
– A Gantt chart is helpful – record progress against plan
2. Developing a research plan 3. Models 4. Data
Published, existing, to be collected, qualitative and quantitative
5. Analysis 6. Writing, presentation, review
1 Searching the literature for ideas, previous experience and a plausible way forward
– Week 1 information bases available – Project – select the broad area in which you plan to work
Research Topic
Research Problem
Data / Sample
Research Design
Variable Measurement
Interpret Results
COURSE OUTLINE Part 1:Research Methods in ACC/FIN Part 2: Basic Theoretical Issues in ACC/FIN
Part 3: Special Topic in ACC/FIN
• Findings will be tentative • Human beings are complex we can only model part of
Cui Zhe School of Business Nantong University
• To ensure you have the skills necessary to produce an excellent dissertation
something narrow • Listen to advice • Look at some examples of successful work • Find a supervisor you think you can work with!
• Over-riding theme BБайду номын сангаас METHODICAL
• When you get to the literature review take careful notes – set up some sort of filing system
– It is your choice whether it is electronic, physical or a combination but Endnote is useful for references
find 10 (or more) useful articles written on the topic read them and set out their main features
this develops a knowledge base – Assignment – make a detailed appraisal of an article
• Don’t rush • Choose something you are interested in • Something which is useful to the rest of your
work or what you want to do next • It must be achievable, which normally means
How does it go about the research process Critical appraisal - pluses/minuses, what do I learn from it for my
2 Designing the analysis
– General issues - myself – Specific examples from subject areas Cahan/Berkman/Rouse
• A research ‘diary’
• Record your thought process and your actions
• Make a note of what you agreed with your supervisor –
you might even want to send them a copy
• Good research is systematic, logical, objective and critical – enthusiasm is good, passion dangerous
• Accounting and finance deal with human behaviour – it is not hard science
• From developing the idea to presenting the completed piece of research
1. Developing the idea
Formulating testable hypotheses – traditional approach Theoretical modelling