



雅思口语话题分类雅思口语考试是国际英语能力测试系统(International English Language Testing System)的一部分。



1. 个人信息类话题这类话题主要是关于个人的信息和经验。

例如:- 自我介绍:介绍自己的姓名、家庭背景、职业、兴趣爱好等。

- 家庭:从家庭成员、家庭关系等方面展开讨论。

- 朋友:介绍自己的朋友、朋友之间的活动等。

2. 旅行与观光类话题这类话题主要是关于旅行和观光的经历和喜好。

例如:- 旅行经历:介绍自己的旅行目的地、旅行方式、印象深刻的景点等。

- 假期计划:讨论自己的假期计划、理想中的旅行目的地等。

- 旅行文化:谈论不同国家的旅游文化和各地风土人情。

3. 社交类话题这类话题主要是关于社交和人际关系。

例如:- 喜欢的活动:谈论自己喜欢的社交活动、比如参加派对、户外运动等。

- 友谊:探讨友谊的重要性和自己与朋友之间的互动。

- 交际技巧:分享自己的交际技巧以及如何与陌生人交流。

4. 工作与学习类话题这类话题主要是关于工作和学习的经历和见解。

例如:- 职业规划:谈论自己的职业规划、未来的职业目标等。

- 学习方法:分享自己的学习方法和技巧,帮助他人提高学习效果。

- 工作经验:讨论自己的工作经验,如实习或者兼职工作。

5. 媒体与艺术类话题这类话题主要是关于媒体、文化和艺术。

例如:- 电影与电视:谈论自己喜欢的电影和电视节目,以及它们对人们的影响。

- 音乐:讨论不同类型的音乐和自己喜欢的音乐风格。

- 文化活动:探讨当前的热门文化活动,如展览、音乐会等。







例如,How do Chinese people spend their holiday? 由于考官大都比较关心的情况,所以这类题目出现的频率很高。





但是,人口众多,我们应该如何分类呢?根据不同情况,我们可以从以下三个角度进行分类:(1)按年轻人和老年人分类我们来看一道题目:What’s the most popular music in China? 这道题目显然不能只讲自己喜欢的音乐,也不宜只提供一种音乐类型。

我们都知道,年轻人和老年人喜欢的音乐类型可能完全不同,因此我们可以这样回答: For most young people, they like rock or pop music. But for most old people, they like opera or folk music.(2)按男人和女人分类再来看一道题目:What’s the most popular sport in China? 这道题如果只讲自己喜欢的运动,则显得太主观,且不够全面。

对于运动,男人和女人的喜好稍有不同,因此我们可以依次进行分类:For most men, they like basketball or football. But for most women, they like table tennis or badminton.(3)按大人和小孩分类雅思口语Part1中有这样一题:Do Chinese people like to celebrate birthday?对于喜不喜欢过生日,大人和小孩各有不同,因此我们可以这样回答: For children, birthday is everything, and they enjoy celebrating it. But for some adults, they think birthday isjust a normal day and don’t like to celebrate it any more.(4)一般分类雅思口语Part1中还有这样一题:Is teaching a popular job in China? 对于教师在到底是不是流行的工作,真是公说公有理,婆说婆有理,每个人的意见都可能出现分歧。

雅思口语part 3题型

雅思口语part 3题型

雅思口语part 3题型
雅思口语part 3是口语考试的第三部分,通常是在part 2的

在part 3中,考官会就与part 2话题相关的更

part 3的题型通常包括以下几种:
1. 深入讨论,考官会就part 2中提到的话题进行深入的讨论,可能涉及到话题的各个方面,如影响、态度、观点等,要求考生进

2. 比较对比,考官可能会要求考生比较和对比不同事物、观点

3. 解释原因,考官可能会要求考生解释某一现象的原因或者某

4. 展望未来,考官可能会要求考生展望未来,对某一话题进行

5. 提出建议,考官可能会要求考生就某一问题提出建议或者解

总的来说,雅思口语part 3的题型是比较开放和灵活的,考官
会根据part 2的话题和考生的回答情况来提出更深入和具体的问题,要求考生进行更加细致和深入的回答,以展现其口语表达能力和思

表达能力和思维深度,以应对各种类型的part 3问题。







1.Environment(环境问题,科技问题,农业问题,家乡变化,书籍,电影,电视,法律,动物,汽车,课程,照片等)Describe something you could do to help protect the environment(先讲现在都有哪些环境问题,分析原因,给出建议)Describe a new law (that makes the place you live better)(先讲近些年来环境恶化,国家制定一项新的法律保护环境(汽车排放标准))Describe a change of your hometown(先讲有很多改变,最大改变是气候,气候改变的原因,进而引出气候改变对环境的影响)Describe a film you saw recently(先讲有很多种电影我喜欢看,其中一种是有环境改变而导致的灾难电影)Describe a wild animal(先讲什么动物,熊猫,它有什么特性,为什么会记住它,因为她濒临灭绝,原因,气候变化引起的环境问题)Describe a project or some work that you did with others (showed team spirit)(先讲跟同学一起参与了一个环境保护的项目,自己主要负责收集资料,集体)A river(先讲在哪里?什么名字,从哪里流向哪,近几年环境恶化引起气候改变,因而降水少,改道或水减少)Desceibe a photo you remember(一张在河边的照片,为什么记忆深刻,因为河记载了很多童年的记忆,然而,由于近些年气候改变,环境恶化,那个河已经不复存在了)A beautiful place(儿时的家乡,因为那里四季分明,空气清新,污染少,然而,近些年来环境污染,气候变化使得其发生了很大的改变)A peaceful place(儿时的家乡,因为那时候,很少与外界交流,没有太多人进去,没有太多人出来,所以平静,而且环境好,然而,随着经济发展的介入,环境变差。

雅思口语part 1 话题集

雅思口语part 1 话题集

姓名,从哪来?关于生日,学校,是不是学生?关于学校第一天的感受?为什么去这个学校,为啥这专业,喜欢你们专业吗,为什么,在安静环境还是嘈杂环境学习好,能不能集中注意力,小时候是不是学习集中注意力?your apartment or flat which room is your favorite?why like?
2. 爱好:一周最喜欢/讨厌哪一天,哪一天最忙,愿意改变哪一天
3. 家乡:喜欢家乡吗,家乡气候季节,喜欢哪个喜欢季节变化吗,打算一直住这里吗,认识邻居吗?是否适合小孩居住,如果有游客你会带他去哪?有博物馆吗,喜欢去么,博物馆重要吗,
4. 活动:容不容易放松,怎么放松,户外运动可以放松不?你常去公园吗,喜欢宽敞露天的还是有很多娱乐设施的公园,离开公园时能做什么让公园变更好。


5. dictionary/地图:经常用吗/纸质和电子比较(区别、好处)
6. shopping:为什么喜欢/去哪些店/网购吗/网购的好处
7. 交通:第一天怎么样开车旅行,坐出租车旅行?(出行喜欢什么交通工具:汽车?火车?飞机?)你家乡的交通?上一次坐的什么交通工具?
8. 食物:喜欢的食物,吃的频率,和小时候喜欢的是否有区别,是否会做饭。

9. 理想:以后想做什么
10. handwriting
11. 朋友:公寓,住公寓多久了,和最好的朋友认识多久了,上次见面是什么时候,在一起经常干什么,很多朋友还是几个特殊的朋友好12. 生日:在你的国家人们一般怎么庆祝生日,你认为做什么特别的事来庆祝,孩子或成年人,哪个更应该庆祝生日?礼物?
13. 天气:喜欢的天气为什么会不会和朋友聊天气
14. 动物:pets or wild animals, have you kept a pet.。

雅思口语5-8月 口语part3问题措施类

雅思口语5-8月 口语part3问题措施类

















Part1:●What is your full name?●How should i address you?●Have you got any English name?●Are there any special meanings about your name?●Who gave you this name?2.Studies or work●Which school are you studying now? what is your major?●Who choose the major for you before you entering your university?●What are the advantages and disadvantages of your university?●Which subject you like most and which subject do you dislike most? Why?●Do you like the school you are studying at?3.Home●Do you live in a house or a flat?●Please describe the place where you live.●How have you decorated your home (or, your room)?●Is there anything (hanging) on the walls of your home (or your room)? (e.g.,decorations)●What can you see when you look out the window of your room (or, the windows of yourhome)?4.Hometown●Where is your hometown? (Or, what part of China do you come from?)●Do you think you'll always live there?●Where do you live at the moment?●Do you like your hometown? (Why?/Why not?)●What sorts of buildings are there in your hometown?5.Books & Reading●Do you like reading (books)? (Why?/Why not?) C●What (kinds of ) books do you like to read? C●(Similar to above) What (kinds of ) books do read (for enjoyment)?●Are you reading any books at the moment? N●Did you read much when you were a child?6.Newspapers & Magazines●What kind of newspaper do you have in China?●What is your favorite magazine?●When did you begin to read newspaper?●What’s the difference between Chinese newspapers?●Which one do you prefer to read, newspaper or magazine?7.Games●Do you like playing games?●Do you play online games?●What kind of game did you play when you were a child?●What is the most popular game today?●What are the differences in terms of game between today and 20 years ago?8.Music●Do you like listening to music? Why?●Why type / kind of music do you like most?●When / where do you often listen to music?●Do you prefer to buy CD / tape or go to the concert? Recorded or live ones?●Can you play any instrument?●What are the benefits of learning an instrument?9.Parks and Gardens●Do you love going to the park?●How often do you visit the part?●Why do people like to go to the park?●Is there anything you don’t like about the park?●What about gardens?10.Transportation●What do you think of the transportation in your city?●Do lots of Chinese people ride bikes?●Is it safe to ride bikes?●When did you learn to ride bikes?●Why do children like riding bicycles?11.Clothes and Fashion●Do you like shopping?●Who do you think love shopping more, men or women?●What style of clothes do you usually wear?●Do you love fashion? Why?●What do you think of fashion?12.Your Daily Routine●What do you mainly do with your time?●What is the best part of the day for you? Why?●What part (or time) of the day do you feel most active (or, feel your best)? Why?●When do you do most of your study?●How do you think your daily routine could be improved?13.Collecting●Do you like collecting things?●What kind of stuff do you collect?●What’s the importance of collecting things?●Where can people get their collections?14.Neighbors●Do you know your neighbors?●What do you think of your neighbors?●Do you think it’s important for a person to have a good relationship with theirneighbors?●How often do you see (or talk to) your neighbors?●What sorts of problems (conflicts) can people have with their neighbors?15.Friends & Family●Do you like making friends?●Tell me something about your best friend.●How do you usually make friends?●What is the importance of friendship?●Do you have any foreign friends?16.Birthdays●Do people in your country celebrate birthdays?●How do people celebrate birthdays?●Do you think it is important for people to celebrate them?●How did you celebrate your last birthday?●Is the birthday more important for adults or young people?17.Animals●What’s your favorite animal? Why?●Are people in your country fond of animals?●Do people in your country keep animals at home (= keep a pet)?●What was your favorite animal when you were a child?●What do you think are the benefits of a child having a pet?18.Colors●Which color do you like best? Why?●What does that mean in China?●What is the difference of color preference in the past and now?●Do you think that color is important when you buy clothes?19.Driving & Cars●Do you have a driving license?●When is the appropriate age for getting a driving license?●Is driving skills important?●Will you teach your children to drive?●Do you prefer to take a bus or drive a car?20.Dancing●Do you like dance? Why?●What kind of dance do you know?●What kind of dance do you like?●Do you know any traditional Chinese dance?●Where do people usually dance?21.Holidays●How do you like to relax?●What do you do during holiday?●How do people relax during the holiday?●What kind of people do you think need to relax most?●Do you think people need holiday?22.The Internet●What do you do with Internet?●What are the advantages and disadvantages of Internet?●Do you think that life is better with the Internet?●When did you begin to use the Internet?●What is the influence of the Internet on you?23.Mobile Phones●Do you have a mobile phone?●How often do you use it?●What do you use it for?●Do you think it’s important for us?●Is there anything you dislike about using cell phones?24.Sport & Exercise●Do you like doing sports?●What kind of sports do you usually do in your spare time? Why?●What kind of sports is most popular in China?●Why do some girls dislike doing sports?●What do you think of health?●Is there any good way to lose weight?25.Swimming●Can you swim?●Do you like swimming? Why?●When did you learn to swim?●Where do people swim?●What are the benefits of swimming?26.The Weather & Seasons●What’s the weather (usually) like in your hometown?●What has the weather in your hometown been like recently?●Do you like that weather (or, that kind of climate)? Why (or why not )?●Have there been any changes in the weather over the past few years?●What’s your favorite season? Why?nguages●Do you like learning English? Why?●Can you give some good suggestions on how to learn English well?●What are the difficulties in learning English?●Are you studying another foreign language?●Which language do you think is the most useful one?28.Noise●Do you prefer a quiet environment or a noisy environment?●Does your school have any noisy places?●Are there any quiet places for studying at your school?●What natural sounds do you like (the most)? Why?●What sounds do you dislike? Why?29.Outdoor Activities●Do you like outdoor activities?●What outdoor activities do you like to do?●How often do you do that?●What kinds of outdoor activities do you do in your daily life?●What outdoor activities are popular in your country?30.Painting & Drawing●Do you like painting?●Did you do any painting (or drawing) when you were a child?●Have you ever painted pictures?●How about now?●What do you think are the benefits of painting for children?●Do you think painting (or drawing) is important for adults?31.Schools●What’s your major?●Do many people from your country choose this subject?●Where are you studying?●Do you think it is a good place to study?●What do you hope to do when you finish your studies?32.Television●Do you like watching TV?●What types of TV programs do you like to watch?●What programs do you watch?●Do you prefer to watch TV or listen to the radio?●Do you ever watch programs from other countries?33.Leisure Time●What do you usually do in your spare time?●How much time do you have each week for doing these things?●How did you start doing this activity at first?●Is there some other hobby or sport you would like to try? Why?●What is the balance of work/study and free time in your normal day?●How has the way people spend their free time changed over the years?34.Photography●Do you prefer to take pictures or be taken pictures of you?●What kind of pictures do you like to snap?●On what occasions do people take pictures?●Why do people take pictures?。




一月雅思口语part2新题--大事类(一)Part 2 大事类话题1. A time you attended a party2. A happy event happened recently.3. A time when someone gave you money as a gift.4. Something you complained but were pleased with the result.5. A time you found information on the Internet.6. A period of history you want to know more about. [New]7. Something you do regularly that can help you in your studies or work. [New]8. One thing you want to do but haven’t got enough time to do. [New]9. A time when you received a good/bad service. [New]10. One day off. [New]11. A situation you showed something new to younger people/a younger person.[New]12. A time your friend did something successful and made you proud. [New]13. A time you had to change your plan suddenly. [New]14. An experience you lost something but you found it in the end. [New]1. A PartyVersion A→Describe a time you attended a family party.You should say:when you attended the partywho attended the partywhat people did in the partyand explain how you felt in the family party.Version B→Describe one of the most impressive parties you attended.You should say:when was the partywhat kinds of party it waswhat did you do in the partyand explain why you felt impressed in the party.2. Describe a happy event that happened recently.You should say:when something happenedwhere something happenedwhat you didand explain why you felt happy.一月雅思口语part2新题--大事类(二)3. Describe a time when someone gave you money as gifts. You should say:who gave the money to youwhen it happenedwhat you did with the moneyand explain how you felt after receiving the money.4. Describe something you complained but were pleased with the result.You should say:when it happenedwhat you didwhy you complained about the thingand explain why you were pleased with the result.5. Describe a time you looked for information from the Internet.You should say:when it happenedwhat you were trying to findhow much information you foundand explain how you felt after finding the information.6. Describe a period in history that you want to know more.【New】You should say:what period of history it washow you know itwhat happened during the periodand explain why you want to know more about it.一月雅思口语part2新题--大事类(三)7. Describe something you do regularly that help you in your studies/work.【New】You should say:what it ishow did you find ithow often you usually do itand explain why you think this can help your studies/work.8. Describe something you want to do.【New】Version A→Describe one thing you want to finish but haven’t got enough time to do.You should say:what it iswhat you have already donewhy you haven’t got enough time to do itand explain how you feel about it.Version B→Describe a situation you wanted to do something but you didn’t have time.You should say:when it happenedwhat you wanted to dowhy you didn’t have time to do itand explain how you felt when you didn’t have time to do it.9. Describe a time when you received a good/bad service (e.g. froma shop, restaurant) 【New】You should say:when you received the servicewhere you received the servicewhat services you receivedand explain why you think this was a good/bad service.10. A Day Off 【New】Version A→Describe what you would do if you had a day off, free from work or study.You should say:where you would gowhat you would do therewho you would go withand explain how yo think you would feel at the end of this day.Version B→Describe a free day you had.You should say:when it happenedhow you spent the whole daywho you spent the free day withand explain how you felt after having a free day off.一月雅思口语part2新题--大事类(四)11. Describe a situation you showed something new to younger people/a younger person. [New]You should say:when it happenedwhere it happenedwhat you showed to the younger people/personand explain whether the younger people understood you.12. Describe a time your friend did something successful and made you proud. [New]You should say:who this friend waswhat the success washow your friend celebrated this successand explain why you were proud of your friend’s achievement.13. Describe a time you had to change your plan suddenly. [New]You should say:when it happenedwhat you had planned to dowhat made you change your planand explain how you felt when changing the plan.14. Describe an experience you lost something but you found it in the end. [New]You should say:when it happenedwhat was losthow you found itand explain how you felt after finding it.雅思英语口语话题分类汇总之大事类文档内容到此结束,欢迎大家下载、修改、丰富并分享给更多有需要的人。





1、雅思口语Part 1——4-5分钟在Part 1考官通常会向考生做自我介绍并核实考生的身份,随后会对考生生活中较为熟悉的话题做一些询问,而这些问题通常都是从一个事先拟定的范围内抽取的,可能是有关于朋友、兴趣习惯或是喜爱的食物等。


2、雅思口语Part 2——3-4分钟在Part 2考官通常会交给考生一个答题任务卡、铅笔以及草稿纸做笔记,答题任务卡上还会给出一个话题以及要在个人陈述里包涵的要点,同时在最后去提醒考生解释这个话题的某一个方面。




3、雅思口语Part 3——4-5分钟在Part 3考官会结合Part 2涉及的话题进行更深入地探讨,谈论也更加广泛和抽象。









雅思口语的Part 2部分主要分为四大类话题:人物类、地点类、事件类和物品类。

1. 人物类话题:要求描述某个人,可以细分为亲近关系和个人熟悉两大类。



2. 地点类话题:描述某个地点或场景,如城市、建筑、景点等。


3. 事件类话题:描述某个事件或经历,如旅行、节日、庆祝活动等。


4. 物品类话题:描述某个物品或物体,如食物、礼物、艺术品等。


在解答Part 2部分时,考生需要在作答前有一分钟的准备时间,然后进行两分钟的自述。






雅思口语part1话题分类总结学习1.正面:Has a great reputationPromisingFulfill my potentialBoost my vocabularyGive me a competitive edgeBe passionate aboutBe my strong suitStand a good chance of getting a decent jobLand a decent jobHas great career prospect (非常好的职业前景)A sense of satisfaction and achievement2.反面:Force-feeding approach to teaching (填鸭式教学)Cram knowledge into one’s brainOver my head / It’s beyond me. (听不懂)Time consumingA heavy classInvisible pressureInterpersonal relationshipFierce competitionLearn passively and mechanically (机械和被动地学习)工作1.正面:Well-paidWorking environmentOffer me a whole lot of benefitsPaid vacationPensionCareer prospectA high annual salary, a tempting bonus and welfare benefits Build up a network of professional contactsGive sb. a strong incentive toBe on top all the time2.反面:Working for peanuts (挣钱少)My boss is a slave driverDead-end job(没有前途的工作)On the go (四处奔走)Owe sb. too much quality timeLive to workWay too patheticCompetition is getting tougher and tougherBe distracted by those family trivialitiesSacrifice one’s private timeBe overloaded with work家乡1.正面:Coastal city 沿海城市Inland 内陆的The gentle, rolling hillsBe steeped in (沉浸在)time-honored (历史悠久的)traditions Metropolis (国际化大都市)Prosperous (繁荣的)A real sense of communityArchitectural heritage (建筑遗产)High-rise building are sprouting up all over the city.2.反面:The hustle and bustle (拥挤、喧闹)Run-down (破旧)Densely-populated (人口密集的)Get stuck in horrible traffic jams3.气候:Four seasons are entirely distinct (四季分明) Scorching hotFreezing coldFalling snowflakes (飘落的雪花)家人、朋友、同学、同事1.家人:Be on one’ s best behaviorBond 增进感情Pretty lenient (不是很严厉的)Strict upbringing (家教很严)2.朋友、同学:Share happiness and sorrow 分享喜怒哀乐Be the same ageHave a lot in commonHave a blastCan’ t be measured in terms of moneyIt is what a real friend is for 这就是一个真正朋友存在的价值Have chit-chat 闲聊Hit it off (一拍即合)Intelligent, amusing, sincere andtrustworthyDrifted apart (逐渐疏远了)3.同事:The competitive relationshipThe interpersonal relationshipThe tangled web (复杂的关系)Have a heart-to-heart talk (谈心)Fair-weather friends (酒肉朋友)A superior and an inferior (上级和下级)公寓、别墅、邻居1.公寓、别墅:Not huge or posh, but cozy and warmSoar at an extremely fast speedGet a panoramic view of the whole community(整个小区的全景)Liven up (装点)South-facing (朝南的) provides good ventilation (通风).Utility room (杂物间、储藏室)Be furnished and decorated in a fancy styleBe of great sentimental value2.朋友、同学:Share happiness and sorrow 分享喜怒哀乐Be the same ageHave a lot in commonHave a blastCan’ t be measured in terms of moneyIt is what a real friend is for 这就是一个真正朋友存在的价值Have chit-chat 闲聊Hit it off (一拍即合)Intelligent, amusing, sincere andtrustworthyDrifted apart (逐渐疏远了)3.邻居:A near neighbor is better than a distantcousin. (远亲不如近邻)An awful lot of noiseWe rarely see each other.雅思口语part1话题StudyStudyWhat subject are you studying?Answer:I’m doing/studying +科目名称 in +大学名称university.My program is…Positive answer: I’m studying Business Management at _ University.” I find business is a fascinating world to explore. I am studying hard and hopefully one day I’ll become a successful businessman.Negative answer: I’m doing _X at _X University. It’s stagnant. I didn’t choose this subject myself. I don’t have much interest in it.Neutral answer: I’m doing _X in _X University. M y programme is fine, but the subject is not what I’m concerned about. I focus on the campuslife.knowledge-oriented 以知识为导向的job-orientedtheoretical thingspractical thingshands-on ability 有实际操作能力tutors are learned 老师很博学learning atmosphere 学习氛围Why did you choose to study that subject?Answer: The reason I chose it was becausehunting a job in China.it’s very demanding.… is my motivation.It will be in demand in the futureAre you looking forward to working?Answer: Absolutely. I’m really looking forw ard to work. At least that means you're doing something rather than just sitting there.Oh yeah, you make money too. Nobody pays you to study though it may come in handy later on. You learn a lot of things which are out of thetext-book.Do you prefer to study in the mornings or in the afternoons?Answer: I always start promptly at eight in the mornings. I study for two hours, have a ten-minute break, and the study for another two hours.I follow this habit from Monday’s to Friday’s, but over the weekends I put in more hours. For example, I study in the afternoons as well, andthen take the evenings off to relax with my family or friends.【雅思口语】Part1话题:Marketset you back a small fortune 花掉你一大笔钱A meal out at a good restaurant or even a pizza parlour can set you back a small fortune, so cooking for yourself makes financial sense.在一家不错的餐厅甚至是在披萨店里吃饭可能会花掉你一大笔钱,所以自己做饭是具有经济意义的。



1.雅思口语 Part2 的简介
2.雅思口语 Part2 的考试形式
3.雅思口语 Part2 的题目分类
4.雅思口语 Part2 的答题技巧
5.雅思口语 Part2 的考试注意事项
一、雅思口语 Part2 的简介
雅思口语 Part2 是雅思口语考试的一个部分,主要测试考生的口头表达能力。


二、雅思口语 Part2 的考试形式
在雅思口语 Part2 的考试中,考官会先给考生一个题目,考生有一分钟的时间进行准备。

然后,考生需要根据该话题说上 1 到 2 分钟。


三、雅思口语 Part2 的题目分类
雅思口语 Part2 的题目主要分为人物类、物件类、地点类、事件类等。


四、雅思口语 Part2 的答题技巧





五、雅思口语 Part2 的考试注意事项



15个最常见的雅思口语话题及答案 Part 1

15个最常见的雅思口语话题及答案 Part 1

15个最常见的雅思口语话题及答案Part 1Part 1主要问一些日常话题,通常是跟自己有关的。



→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→Q1:What do you do? 你每天都做些什么?如果你是上班族A1:I work as a teacher actually in a local secondary school. I teach English and I’m also responsible for developing the new curriculum there.如果你是学生A1:I’m a full-time student at university and I am studying French and Japanese, and after graduation I really want to get into translating, I think it’s a fascinating field.【讲解】1, work as an engineer:从事…工作的。

2, be responsible for designing the leaflets:负责…的。

3, get into teaching/law/coding:从事…行业。

→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→Q2:Do you like your job? 你喜欢你的职业吗?上班族A2:Yes, I like it most of the time, I mean I really enjoy seeing my students learn and make progress but I must admit the hours are long and work often eats into my personal time.【讲解】1, most of the time后面通常是要表达相反的意见。



雅思口语考试题目雅思口语考试分为三个部分,Part 1、Part 2和Part 3。

Part 1是考官与考生之间的一般性交流,考官会问一些简单的问题,考察考生的语言流利度、语音语调、发音等方面。

Part 1的题目通常会涉及以下几个方面:1.考生的个人情况,例如姓名、年龄、居住地、职业、兴趣爱好等。





Part 2是考官给考生一个话题,要求考生进行两分钟的描述或讲述。

Part 2的题目通常会涉及以下几个方面:1.描述一个地方,例如家乡、学校、工作地点等。





Part 3是考官与考生之间的讨论,考官会就Part 2的话题提出一些问题,考察考生的思维能力、逻辑能力、表达能力等。

Part 3的问题通常会涉及以下几个方面:1.话题的利弊2.话题的不同观点3.话题的解决方案4.话题的未来发展以下是一些雅思口语考试题目的例子:Part 1●请介绍一下你自己。

●你来自哪里?你在哪里长大?●你现在在哪里工作或学习?●你喜欢什么样的食物?●你喜欢什么样的运动?Part 2●请描述一下你家乡的景色。





Part 3●你认为家乡的景色有什么好处?有什么坏处?●你认为参加假期活动有什么好处?有什么坏处?●你认为遇到有趣的人有什么好处?有什么坏处?●你认为看到新闻事件有什么好处?有什么坏处?●你认为社会问题有什么好处?有什么坏处?雅思口语考试的评分标准分为四个方面:1.流利度和连贯性:考生能够流利地表达自己的思想,语句之间能够连贯地衔接。



雅思口语part1常见话题Part1 名字你的名字?喜欢吗或有什么意思吗?2.House or apartment/living 房子或公寓/居住住在房子还是公寓,喜欢吗,为什么,最喜欢的房间是?3.Study or work 学习或工作(包含子话题studying efficiency)上学还是上班,喜欢这个专业/工作吗,为什么,想换吗,或未来想从事什么,喜欢早上还是晚上学习,为什么有人早上难以集中精力,如何提高学习效率?4.Hometown 家乡(包含子话题countryside)家乡在哪里,喜欢吗,住在哪里,未来想住在乡村吗,乡村的人常做什么,乡村与城市的相比的好处/劣势?1.Noise 噪音(旧题回库&二变一)你工作或学习的地方有噪音吗,你喜欢什么样的声音,不喜欢什么样的声音,你住的地方有噪音吗,你认为世界是否越来越嘈杂?2.Music & singing 音乐&唱歌(旧题回库)喜欢什么样的音乐,小的时候是否喜欢相同类型的音乐,喜欢现场音乐吗,喜欢唱歌吗,小的时候喜欢唱吗?3.Hat/Cap 帽子(新题)喜欢戴帽子吗,为什么,小时候呢,更喜欢时尚的还是实用/舒适的帽子,喜欢和不喜欢什么样的帽子?或者更喜欢时尚的还是舒适的衣服?4.Art 艺术,含painting/drawing画画(旧题回库)对艺术感兴趣吗,未来想要学艺术吗,喜欢和不喜欢什么样的艺术?喜欢画画吗?5.Plant /Flowers 植物/鲜花(旧题回库)上次给别人买花是什么时候,喜欢什么样的花,在你们国家把花放在不同位置有不同的寓意吗,种过花吗或会种花吗,在家种的吗,你们国家和花有什么关系吗,你们国家的人喜欢送花吗?6.Advertisement(旧题回库)喜欢听广告还是看广告,在哪里常看到,喜欢电视上的广告吗,认为线上广告有用吗 ?7.Walking 步行(旧题回库&二变一)你步行去上学或上班吗,哪里是适合步行的最好地方,喜欢步行吗?8.Country 祖国(旧题回库)来自于你们国家的哪里,国家的变化有什么,有什么需要改变的吗?municating 交流(旧题回库)善于和别人交流吗,通常如何跟你的朋友交流,多长时间跟父母交流一次,跟父母和朋友交流有什么区别吗?10.Evening activities/events晚上活动(旧题回库)晚上经常做什么,晚上讨厌做什么,更喜欢白天还是晚上,经常晚上学习吗,为什么,工作日和周末的晚上做的事情相同吗?11.Season 季节最喜欢的季节,夏天常做什么,不同的季节人们会做不同的事儿吗?12.Stay at home 待在家里(旧题回库)经常待在家里吗,在家里的时候喜欢作什么?13.Gift 礼物(旧题回库)经常送礼物给别人吗,什么情况下会送,给别人选礼物难吗?自己做过礼物吗?14.Sunny days (旧题回库)更喜欢晴天还是阴天,喜欢雨天吗,晴天经常做什么,都做什么户外活动?15.Birthday (旧题回库)生日重要吗,如何庆祝生日/喜欢和谁庆祝,小孩儿怎么过生日,什么人喜欢过生日?在中国几岁的生日最重要?1.Handwork/Handcraft手工做过什么手工吗,为什么,孩子该学手工吗,未来想做什么手工吗?2.Science科学感兴趣吗,为什么,重要吗,为什么,科学最有趣的是什么,不喜欢科学的哪部分?3.Public transport (bus/taxi)公交你在的城市交通怎么样?喜欢乘公交/bus/taxi吗,什么公交,优劣?4.Dancing跳舞喜欢吗,上一次跳是什么时候/上一次看跳舞表演是什么时候,你们国家流行吗,优劣?5.Bike/bicycle自行车喜欢骑吗,为什么,你们国家流行吗,优劣?puters电脑常用电脑吗,什么时候开始用的,怎么学的,如何改变你的生活,孩子教育中该用吗,玩儿游戏吗?7.Weekends/spare time周末/业余时间(你若说常在周末购物,有可能被追问到shopping话题,比如网购哦~ 你若说没事儿做,可能问你是否养pet宠物哦~)喜欢吗,干嘛/喜欢在家还是在外面,重要吗,周末加班该加薪吗?8.Park公园常去吗,经常做什么,有什么作用?9.Movies电影喜欢吗,为什么,喜欢什么类型?10.Emails and letters邮件和(包含子话题handwriting简问)经常写信或email吗,谁常给你写,善于写信吗,什么样的难写?letter 会消失吗?善于手写吗,手写信和email的区别11.Outdoor activities户外活动喜欢吗,什么活动比较流行,你们国家的人更喜欢户外还是室内活动?12.Museum博物馆经常去博物馆吗,什么样的博物馆,重要吗,该免费吗?13.Teamwork团队合作喜欢团队合作还是自己,上一次合作是什么时候,优劣,团队合作最重要的是什么?14.Magazine or newspaper杂志或报纸更喜欢杂志还是报纸,如何获得新闻,什么人喜欢读报纸,什么类型的?15.Swimming游泳会游泳吗,什么时候学的,未来想再学吗,好处,游泳在你们国家流行吗?16.Being in a hurry经常匆忙做事吗,坏处,上次匆忙是什么时候?什么事情你从不匆忙做?17.Color颜色最喜欢什么颜色,小的时候喜欢吗,从来不穿的颜色,颜色有什么意思吗,家里的墙色?(此小问题有时也会在house or flat/apartment话题出现)电视喜欢看电视节目吗,比以前花费在电视上的时间多吗,为什么?19.Snack小吃喜欢吃什么小吃,小的时候喜欢什么小吃,劣势,一般什么时候吃?20.Primary school小学什么时候开始上小学,你的小学/你的第一所学校,那时候做些什么,跟小学同学是否还联系?21.Mobile phone手机有手机吗/常用手机吗,用手机做什么,未来手机会变成什么样,喜欢打电话还是发短信,旅行时手机会有什么麻烦?你的第一部手机是?。




Part 1:最常见的雅思口语题型多对一谈话 One-on-one interview)问题类型:考官就一个主题与考生进行一对一的谈话,谈话时间一般为2-3分钟。

示例句型:考官:Do you enjoy English classes?你:Yes, I do.考官:Why do you enjoy English classes?你:Because English classes help me improve my listening and speaking skills.Part 2:最常见的雅思口语题型两人小组讨论 Two-person group discussion)问题类型:考官将考生分成两人小组,并就一个主题展开讨论,讨论时间一般为2-3分钟。

示例句型:考官:What are the advantages and disadvantages of globalization?你:The advantages of globalization are that it can bring more trade opportunities and economic development for all. But it also has some disadvantages, such as environmental pollution and cultural differences.Part 3:独立口语 Independent Speaking)问题类型:考官给考生一个话题,考生根据自己的兴趣、经历或观点进行2分钟左右的个人演讲,之后考官对考生的演讲进行提问或与考生进行互动。

示例句型:考官:What are the differences between personal hobbies and professional careers?你:Personal hobbies can help me relax and de-stress. But professional careers require me to have a strong focus and work ethic.Part 4:配对口语 Paired Interview)问题类型:考官将考生分成两人一组,并提供一个话题,两人根据这个话题进行配对讨论,讨论时间一般为2-3分钟。



⼀、地点类话题分类 地点类可以分为两⼤类:Buildings、Places和Scenic spots。

Buildings常考的话题有Describe a library、Describe a museum、Describe a building in your university、Describe a monument in your city、Describe you ideal house等。

Places常考的话题有 Describe a restaurant、Describe a shopping center、Describe a street、Describe a hotel、Describe a city you visited、Describe a place with water等。

Scenic spots常考的话题有Describe a history place、Describe a natural beauty、Describe a river or lake等。

⼆、地点类思路分析 1. Buildings Describe a library You should say: What type of library it is Where it is What the benefits are And explain why you like it Buildings类的话题可以从地点(国内国外、城市乡村、市区郊区等)、外部结构(⾼低层、现代传统建筑)、内部陈设、功能、个⼈经历的⾓度来描述。

常⽤的词语有square(正⽅形)、cube(⽴⽅体)、rectangle(长⽅形)、circle or sphere(圆形或者球体)、the wave(波形)、curvilinear form(曲线形)。

2. Places Describe a restaurant where you often go to You should say: What the restaurant is Where it is Why you often go there And explain what is special about this restaurant Places类的话题可以从地理位置、环境、特⾊⾷品、服务和价格的⾓度来描述。



雅思考试第二部分是口语考试,主要包括Part 2和Part 3。

Part 2是一个长达1-2分钟的独白时间,考生需要在给定的话题上



在备考雅思口语Part 2时,考生需要准备一些常见话题的范例,比如描述一个重要的家庭成员、喜欢的电影、最难忘的旅行经历等。




在备考雅思口语Part 2时,还可以多进行一些模拟练习,可以


总的来说,备考雅思口语Part 2需要考生在语言能力、临场发挥和自信心上都有所准备。



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雅思口语P a r t话题分类集团文件发布号:(9816-UATWW-MWUB-WUNN-INNUL-DQQTY-Part1Study1. Are you working or studying?2. Tell me about the school or university you attend.3. Tell me something about your primary school.4. What is your major?5. Do you like your major and why?6. What courses or subjects do you study?7. What is your favorite subject?8. What is the most useful subject?9. What would you like to do in the future?10. What are the characteristics of schools in China?11. What kinds of majors are available in China?12. What do Chinese people think about teachers?13. Is teaching a popular job in China, why or why not? Work1. Are you working or studying?2. What do you do for a living?3. How long have you been doing this job?4. Do you like your job, why or why not?5. Do you find your job interesting?6. What are your main responsibilities in your job?7. Is working important to you?8. Have you received any training related to your work?9. Tell me about your boss or colleague.10. What would be your ideal job?11. If you could choose another job, what would you choose? Home1. Do you currently live in a house or a flat/apartment?2. Can you describe your house/flat?3. What main items of furniture or appliances do you have in each room?4. Is it a typical house/flat in your city?5. What kind of house or flat do you want to live in the future?6. Do you like the decoration in your home, why or why not?7. Will you move to another house or flat in the near future?8. What kind of house/flat are you going to move into?9. What do you think of the area in which you live?10. How long have you been living there?11. What are your neighbors like?Dance1. Do you like to dance?2. What type of dance are you interested in?3. What are the differences between the dances the old people like and the dances the young people like?4. Is dancing good to people?5. Does China have any traditional dance?6. Is traditional dance still popular in China?Entertainment1. What do you do for entertainment?2. What did you do for entertainment when you were a child?3. What do other people do for entertainment around where you live?4. What choices for entertainment are there for young people around where you live?5. Are there any entertainment places near your school?6. Have you recently been to any place for entertainment?7. Do you think modern lifestyles give people enough time for entertainment?Friends and Family1. Do you have many close friends?2. What qualities make them good friends?3. Do you live with your family?4. Do your family and friends still live in your hometown?5. Do you think family members should live together, why or why not?6. When do you spend time with your family?7. What do you do together?8. Do you often go out with your friends?9. Is your family very important to you?10. Do you prefer to spend time with your family or your friends?11. What do you do in your free time with your friends?12. Are there any times when you prefer to be alone?Weather and Climate1. What type of weather do you like?2. What type of weather do Chinese people usually like?3. Which is your favorite season?4. Do you do different things in summer and in winter?5. What do you often do on sunny and rainy days?6. What is the weather like in your city?7. Do you have some ways to control the global warming?House and Apartment1. Do you live in a house or an apartment?2. How do you like it? And why?3. What part of your home do you like best?4. Can you describe your room?5. Do you want to change your room?6. What would it be if you could change something about your room?7. Where do you live now? And how long have you been there?8. Who do you live with?Housework1. Do people do a lot of housework in your country?2. Do Chinese people like spending time doing housework?3. Did you do a lot of housework when you were a child?4. Is it important for a child to do housework?5. What kind of housework do you have to do in China?6. What different kinds of housework do man and woman do? Boat1. Have you ever ridden in a boat?2. Do boats have any significant meaning in Chinese history?3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of riding boats?4. When did you ride in a boat for the first time?5. What was your feeling when riding in a boat?6. Do you feel sick after long hours of travelling in a boat? Newspapers1. Do you often read newspapers?2. Which do you prefer reading, magazines or newspapers?3. What kinds of newspapers or magazines do you usually read?4. How old were you when you first started to read newspapers?5. Do you think it’s important to read newspapers, why or why not?6. Why do you think people read newspapers?7. What different types of newspaper are there in China?8. Do you care about the news?9. Is the news important to you?10. What kinds of news do Chinese people read in newspapers?11. Do you prefer to read about local, domestic or international news, and why?12. What are some methods that newspapers use to attract readers?13. What influence do you think newspapers have on society?14. Do you think the internet is a good way to get news?Parks and gardens1. Are there many parks or gardens where you live or in your hometown?2. Do you often go to a park or a garden?3. How often do you go there?4. What do you like to do when you go to a park or garden?5. What do other people do in these places?6. When do other people go there?7. Do you think parks and gardens are important to a city, why or why not?Plans and goals1. Please summarize your plans for the near future.2. When do you plan to start that?3. How do you intend to achieve that?4. When you go abroad, do you plan to live in the countryside or a big city, and why?5. Do you plan to spend many years overseas?6. After you go abroad, do you plan to join any clubs?Healthy Lifestyle1. What do you do to keep healthy?2. How can people maintain good health?3. What is a healthy lifestyle in your mind?4. Is there any sport that you would like to try in the future? Transport1. Which kind of transport do you usually use?2. What is the public transport like in your city?3. When are these forms of transport most crowded?4. Do you want to have a car, why or why not?5. Do you think there are too many cars on the road?6. How do you think we can control the traffic condition?7. What are the advantages and disadvantages of planes?8. What are the advantages and disadvantages of trains9. Are there any traffic problems in your city?Schools1. What was the first school you attended?2. Where was it?3. Was it far from your home?4. How did you go to school?5. Did you like your school?6. What were the good things about that school?7. Would you say it was a good school?8. Would you send your child to that school?9. What different types of schools have you been to?10. Which school did you like the most, why?11. Did your parents choose your university for you? Hometown1. Where are you from?2. Where is your hometown?3. Tell me about your hometown.4. What’s your favorite thing or place in your hometown?5. What is famous about your hometown?6. Tell me about some scenic spots in your hometown.7. What are the main places of interest in your hometown? What places should foreigners visit in8. Do you like your hometown? Why or why not?9. What is the difference between your hometown and Beijing?10. What are the people like in your hometown?11. If you could change one thing about your hometown, what would it be?12. What attractive pieces of architecture are there in your hometown?13. Is your hometown a good place for young people to live? Concentration1. Is it important to focus on one thing you should deal with?2. When do people need to focus on something?3. When do people become the most focused?4. Is it easy to be with concentration?5. Can people deal with two different things at the same time? Music1. Do you like music, and what type of music do you like?2. Have you learned to play any musical instrument?3. What kind of music is popular now in China?4. How does music affect people’s lives?5. What kind of music do young people like, and what kind of music do old people like?6. Do you want to be a singer?7. Has the music you like changed over the years?8. Do you think music help you study?9. Do your parents have a different musical taste with you?10. Who is your favorite singer or band?11. Do you prefer live music or recorded music?12. Have you even been to a concert before?13. Do you think music should be a required course for middle school students, why or why not?Internet1. Do you often use the internet?2. How do you go onto the internet?3. Where do you go onto the internet?4. What do you do on the internet?5. Is the internet very popular in China?6. How can people learn things on the internet?Leisure time1. What do you do in your spare time?2. How do you usually spend your evenings?3. Do you prefer to staying at home in the evenings or do you prefer to going out?Mobile Phones1. Do you use a cell phone?2. What do you use it for?3. How often do you use it?4. Do you like to send short message?5. When did you get your first mobile phone?6. How did you feel when you got your first mobile phone?7. What feature or function of your cell phone does you like the best?8. Is there anything you dislike about using cell phones? Museum1. Are there any famous museums in your hometown/country?2. Do you think museums are useful for visitors to your hometown/country?3. Do you often visit a museum?4. Did you go to any museums when you were a child?5. When was the last time you visited a museum?6. Do you think museums are important?7. Do you think it’s suitable for museums to sell things to visitors?Name1. What’s your name?2. Does your name have any special meaning or significance?3. Have you ever changed your name, why or why not?4. Do Chinese people like changing their names, why or why not?5. What kind of people like changing their names?6. What’s their purpose in changing their names?7. In your culture, do women change their names when they get married?Photography1. Do you like photography and why?2. When did you start to like photography?3. Do you keep your old photos?4. Do you often see those old photos?5. What’s the mean ing of keeping old photos?6. What is your most impressive photo?Time management1. How do you organize your time?2. Do you think young people and older people organize their time in the same way?3. Would you say you manage your time well?4. Where did you learn how to organize your time?5. How do you think you could better your time?6. Do you think it’s useful to plan your time?7. Have you ever been late for anything?8. If you had more time, what would you do with the extra time? Weekends1. What do you do in your spare time?2. How do you spend time with your family?3. What do you usually do on weekends?4. What did you do last weekend?5. What do other people in your country usually do on weekends?6. What are you going to do next weekend?7. Do you think it is important to make the most of your weekend?8. Do you feel that weekends now are more important to you than when you were a child?Art1. Are you very interested in art?2. Did you create any art such as painting or sculpture when you were a child?3. Have you ever been to an art gallery or an art exhibition?4. How often do you visit art galleries?Bags1. What types of bags do you use in your everyday life?2. What do you put in these bags?3. Do you usually carry a bag when you go out?4. What sorts of bags do women like to buy?5. When you are buying a bag, what factors do you consider?6. Do you think the style of a bag is very important, why orwhy not?7. Do you have a bag for special occasions?Cards1. Do you ever receive letters or cards?2. Which do you think is better, to send a postcard or a letter?3. Do you think it is important to send postcard to each other, why or why not?Sleeping1. How many hours do you sleep every day?2. Is it necessary to take a nap at noon?3. Do old people sleep a lot, why or why not?4. Do you think younger people sleep more than old people?5. What are the effects of sleeping too little on people?6. Do you sometimes find difficult to fall asleep?7. Are there any methods to help us fall asleep more easily? Writing1. Do you often write things?2. Do you write every day?3. What do you usually write about?4. Do you like writing to people?5. How often do you send e-mails?6. What are your main reasons for using e-mails?7. Do you like to send e-mails?8. Do you usually write by hand or write using a computer?9. Nowadays, how do most people write things?10. Do you think computers might one day replace handwriting?11. When do children begin to write in your country?12. How did you learn to write?13. Do you think handwriting is very important nowadays?14. How can children today improve or practice their handwriting?15. What imp ression does a person’s handwriting have on other people?Building1. What kinds of buildings are popular in China now?2. Compare old buildings and modern buildings. Which do people prefer to live in?3. How do people in China feel about old buildings?4. Do old people and young people in China have the sameattitudes towards old buildings?5. Is it important to preserve old buildings, and why?6. What aspect of culture do old buildings reflect?7. Do you think it’s worth the money to preserve old buildings?8. How have buildings changed in the past few years?Countryside1. Have you ever lived in countryside for a long time?2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of living in the countryside?3. Compare the availability of services such as education,health services and transportation in cities and the countryside.4. What are some of the differences between city people and country people?5. Which place is more beautiful, a city or the countryside?6. Do you think a city could ever be more beautiful than the countryside?7. Which do you think is the more relaxing place to live, thecity or the countryside?。
