Unit 4 Finding your way Integrated skills




1. What is Millie going to do this Saturday afternoon?
2. Who would like to come? 3. How can Daniel get to the
1. What is Millie going to do this Saturday afternoon? She is going to an English Corner at Sunny Garden.
Sraight on.
_6__ e The treasure is under the ground in front
of the third tree on the left.
_3__ f Take the second turning on the right.
• Where is …? • Can you tell me the
turn left at the first crossing. (4) Sunny Garden is at the corner of
the street.
Your friend is new to the city. He is at the post office now but he doesn’t know the way to the department store and the museum. You are telling him how to get there.
way to …? • Which is the way
to …? • Can you tell me
how to get to …?
• Turn left/right. • Walk along the street. • Take the second



7B Unit4 Finding your wayIntegrated skills&Study skills学习目标:能从听力材料中获取信息能听懂指令并画出路线图,培养精听技能能谈论如何到达特定的地点学习重难点:学会常见的元音字母组合的发音对比类似的元音字母组合发音的异同运用本课所学,准确朗读新单词正确且流利的朗读含有本课所学读音规律的短语重点单词:past, treasure, traffic, should, corner, turning, crossing重点短语:traffic lights, walk past the house, an English Corner, at the traffic lights, at the corner of the street重点句型:Take the second turning on the right.Would you like to come?Yes, I’d love to.Turn left at the first crossing.本课重点:1.The treasure is under the ground in front of the third tree on the left.宝藏在第三棵树左边的地底下。

in front of意为“在某物外部的前面”,in the front of指“在某物内部的前面”。

如:The teacher is having the lesson in the front of the classroom.There is a bus in front of the classroom.2.How do I get there? 去那儿的路怎么走呢?这是问路的一种表达。

还有如下同义表达:(1)Which is the way to...?(2)Where is the...?(3)Is there a...near here?(4)Could you tell me the way to...?(5)Could you tell me how to get to/how I can get to...?3.“take + the + 序数词 + turning on the left/right”意为:“在第……个转弯处左/右拐”,相当于“turn left/right + at +the+序数词+crossing”。

最新牛津译林版中学七年级英语下册 Unit 4 Finding your way Integrated skills教案

最新牛津译林版中学七年级英语下册 Unit 4 Finding your way Integrated skills教案

Unit 4 Finding your way Integrated skills教学目标:1.To recognize key expressions about directions and tell the different prepositions from one to another.2.To develop intensive listening skills by following instructions and makinga route and develop stud ents’ ability to catch the detailed information.3.To give directions in an everyday context and write a short passage with these expressions.教学重点:1.To tell the prepositions about dir ections from one to another2.To use these expressions to write a passage教学过程:Step 2: PresentationRecognize some simple instructions (A1)a. Say : Do you know the meaning of this sentence ? What should you do? Which picture will you choos e? Where is the sentence? Maybe it is like this: Cross the bridge and turn rightb. Check their answer and point out: there is another expression in the second picture.Turn right at the second turning.1.The Class 1 Grade 7 students and the exchange students from Britain are going to play a game called “Tr easure Hunt”. There’s some treasure somewhere in the fields. Let’s try to find it. Mr Wu will give us some instructions.a. First listen to the tape and put the instructions into the correct order. (A1)walk past the wooden housealong a small path next to the riverwalk across the fieldwalk towards the bridgewalk straight ontake the second turning on the leftYou are inviting a classmate to your home. You need to give him directions . Use these phrases and the following dialogue as a model. (B)Step 3: Language points1.在第二个拐弯处向右拐,然后一直向前走。

江苏省太仓市七年级英语下册 Unit 4 Finding your way Integrated skills教案 (新版)牛津版

江苏省太仓市七年级英语下册 Unit 4 Finding your way Integrated skills教案 (新版)牛津版

Unit 4 Finding your wayPeriod 7 Integrated skillsTeaching goals ●To recognize key expressions about directions●To understand directions in a new context of finding a hidden treasure●To use key information given in instructions and identify the specific order of themfrom listening●To develop intensive listening skills by following instructions and marking a route Teaching proceduresStep 1 Revision (Show some pictu res of traffic signs)What does the sign mean? It means it is a bridge.What about this? It means it is a street.Does the man walk straight on? No, he doesn’t.Are there traffic lights? Yes, there are.Is there a zebra crossing? Yes, there is.Step 2 PresentingShow the picture on page 52 to the students.T: What are the students doing in the picture?S:…T: T he Class 1, Grade 7 students and the exchange students are going to play the game‘Treasure Hunt’ in the day camp. Mr Wu is teaching them some simple instructions first.Put a tick (√ ) in the correct boxes.S:…T: Now please read the sentences after me. (3 times)S:…Step 3 PracticingT:Simon and Neil are in the same group. Please look at the picture on page 53 part A. Doyou know the names of different things on the picture? Can you guess where the treasureis?S: …T: Now let’s invite some of our classmates to tell us where the treasure is?S:…T: Please look at the sentences on page 52 part A2. Try to understand each sentence.S:…T: Now please listen to the instructions. Help them put these sentences into the correctorder. Write the numbers 1-7 in the boxes.S: …Step 4 Practicing Listen to the instructions again and draw the route on the map. Draw a treasure chest onthe map where the treasure is.Play the tape again and let the students check the answers.Step 5 PresentingT: If you have a new home now, and you are inviting a classmate to your home. You need togive him/her directions. Now please listen to Millie and Neil’ s dialogue, try to drawa map to show the route.S:…T: Let’s read the dialogue together.S:…T: Now please work in pairs, use Millie and Neil’s conversation as a model.S:…Ask several pairs to role-play the dialogue.Step 6 Doing exercises 1. Fill in the blanks with the correct form.1) Jack’s grandfather lives in a ________ (wood/wooden) house in a small village.2) You can take the ________(second/two) turning on your right.3) Walk ________ (across/cross) the bridge and you will see Hill Building.4) Would you like ________( to tell/tell) us the story?5) Mum walks _________(past/pass) the park to her school every day.6) It’s easy __________( to find/finding) the big tree.Step 7 Homework1. Remember the words and the phrases.2. Make up a new conversation and role-play it.3. Translation.走过小桥,左拐进入一个公园。

七年级英语下册 Unit 4 Finding your way Integrated skills教案 (新版)牛津版

七年级英语下册 Unit 4 Finding your way Integrated skills教案 (新版)牛津版

Unit 4 Finding your way Integrated skills教学目标:1.To recognize key expressions about directions and tell the different prepositions from one to another.2.To develop intensive listening skills by following instructions and makinga route and develop stud ents’ ability to catch the detailed information.3.To give directions in an everyday context and write a short passage with these expressions.教学重点:1.To tell the prepositions about dir ections from one to another2.To use these expressions to write a passage教学过程:Step 2: PresentationRecognize some simple instructions (A1)a. Say : Do you know the meaning of this sentence ? What should you do? Which picture will you choos e? Where is the sentence? Maybe it is like this: Cross the bridge and turn rightb. Check their answer and point out: there is another expression in the second picture.Turn right at the second turning.1.The Class 1 Grade 7 students and the exchange students from Britain are going to play a game called “Tr easure Hunt”. There’s some treasure somewhere in the fields. Let’s try to find it. Mr Wu will give us some instructions.a. First listen to the tape and put the instructions into the correct order. (A1)walk past the wooden housealong a small path next to the riverwalk across the fieldwalk towards the bridgewalk straight ontake the second turning on the leftYou are inviting a classmate to your home. You need to give him directions . Use these phrases and the following dialogue as a model. (B)Step 3: Language points1.在第二个拐弯处向右拐,然后一直向前走。



Daniel would like to go to Sunny Garden, but he doesn’t know the way. Millie is giving him directions.
Listen and answer
1. Why would Daniel like to go to Sunny Garden? Because there’s an English Corner this Saturday afternoon.
Take the first turning on the left. Turn left at the first turning.
Take the second turning on the right. Turn right at the second turning.
Cross the road at the traffic lights.
= walk/go across the
10.出去左转 go out and turn left 11.走过房子 walk past the house 12.沿着靠近河边的小路走 walk along a small path next to the river 13.在左边第三棵树前面的地下
Cross the road at the zebra crossing.
Walk past the police station.
Walk to the police station. Walk to the shopping mall.
Open your books , listen and tick
Unit 4 Finding your way Integrated skills

七年级英语下册 Unit 4 Finding your way Integrated skills教

七年级英语下册 Unit 4 Finding your way Integrated skills教
Please listen to their conversation and answer:
What does Tommy often do at weekends?
3、Read after tape
4、Read in roles and act
5、T: Would you like to introduce your weekend activities?
Step 1 Presentation
1、Show some pictures about sports
T: Here are some photos of sports activities in our school.
What kind of activity is this?
Which activity do you like best?
Unit 4 Finding your way Integrated skills
Tick the correct answer to each question
2、Check out
One student asks and the other answers
3、T: Simon is making notes about the volleyball match.
Listen to the conversation again and help him plete the notes in part A2

Finding your wayIntegrated skills课件新教材

Finding your wayIntegrated skills课件新教材
1 b From the road, walk across the field and you will see a big tree.
5 c Walk down the path and you will see a wooden house on your left.
2 d When you are at the big tree, turn left and walk towards the bridge.
G1 H1 G2 H2 G3 H3 G4 H4 G5 H5 G6 H6 G7 H7
Lilei’s home XRioaandgyGRanouagadngming ggc6eLW-471/444L2522eLIW6bbcW2NIWccF64N1N2/c2bT4dWNWb2cbTIwcbT34bdNFwLW2epW4Nb4nnn-oooTTa,a,,abb,a2,2,,,a22b2ai2abbllTooeeeeeelaatttrrrrrhhhewwwIIIOWIWII-eeennsnuuooiiiiiihiiiWWWWWWWTTffffffbbbbbCbWWttCCFFFFFFFCF-llllllttttteeeitCWWCWWWggggggrr’’’’’’Iaaa’eeeeeddanaassssssuuuuuu66yyyyyysrrrrrrrrnn’eerrrrrr—uurrrumaaaaaaarrooorooooohheerrteeeokooooooookssssss00aaatttttaaaaa’’ddd’hhhhhhoomhaaalllllllllrrhhhhhsmmmmmmmmeenneesusuusuuuskkkkkkkee33tttllllleedddoooooossssssssogggkkkkkeeeseeeeepnn–––ssssyffahhttttttttssooommmmmmwddwwddmeeeottdddaattttttttaoooooohhdddddddtttttlnnnnntyyttthhhhhhhhoofffweeeoooooooolraallhaaabbhhhsppppppeeoooeeeeeeoooooooppepllssosoruuuuueeeeeeeeusss_nnnnttasnnnerreeeyrrrwwwwwwwtttttlloookkkuummmmmssssiioo_www’’’’hhhhhttyMMMddtttrrrrrrrrtttiiiiii(hhtnnnnnnneeeerbbbllloooooooooo_nnneeeeepaaolllbbbbbggaaatttowwwwheessscciiiooorrraaaaaaaakktt_tlllarrttttttteeeeeerrraiiissspppppllloooooohhhhhhhhdddeeiiddddddddddiii_ffsnnrrrrrbbbeeedooooomiirrrrnnueeeeeeeaagggsssss,,,,,,,,_rrsggkkkkaauuu.lllllssddrnn11111eeelllwwwwwwwwiiiii_eepppppppiiittyyytcccccttvvvhhhh__dd——— ——,,,_d,ttaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaeeeeeytteeeuutttaaaa__tttt_)uuIllllllllohhhtttttttttuuuhh???kkkkkkkk77777rrrrrrsssss__huhhhuhhh.rrsueeennrrreeddddtttttnn__rrnnnaaaaaaaaiiiiiaaaaa.aaaaaaiieeeennnnnniinnbbb__bbccccccccwnntttttnnnnnnnrrrrrrriiiiiggeee__ii,,,,llrrrrrrrrtttttiiioooooggggdddddddeeggghhhhhoooooooosss__yyyyannnnn..ooffhhheeeeesssssssstttoooottyyyyyyy__tt.....,,,nnrr..ptttssssssssooooooouuuu__eebbbbbyyyouuuuuuutt__eettttttttaaaoooooooohhwwwwhhhhhhhhli,,nnnxxxxxuuuwwwwwwwceetteeeeeeeeoooohhtteeeeedddeuuiiiiiiinnnnaaarreelllllllffffffffsssssllllllliirriiiiiiiiwww’’’’crrrggeeeeeeee.....ttttnnssssssseeeccahhaaallllllll____eeeeeeeooddddddddrllhhhttlllee____eeeeeeekkkmm..gaaaaaaaaeeeff____ttsssaaaaaaaonnnnnnnniirrr____nneeeaatttddddddddrrr____wwwwwwwggnnaaaiii____yyyyyyyynnnoooooooddMMiiiggg____oooooooooooooootttwwhhh____aauuuuuuuuhhhdddddddttt____yyaaeeeeeeeeeewwwwwwww____llnnnnnnnoooDDkk___iiiiiiii_llllllllttttnnnllllllll___aahhhhhhhhhhtt_...oossssssss___yyoooooooeeee_eeeeeeeeww___uuuuuuu_hheeeeeeeeeee___aasssssss(ooxxxxp___eeeeeeerraaaaaaaallaaaaddiia___ddmmmmssbbbbbbbbs___oooooooaaiiiiiiiit___nnnnnnntt....ggggggggyy/hhp..pppyyyyyyyeeattttttttooooooolllrrrrrrrraaasbbeeeeeeeeuuuuuuuscccrreeeeeeeerrrrrrr)iieeedd........lllllll...eeeeeeeggfffffffeettttttt.........

七年级英语下册 Unit 4 Finding your way Integrated skills教案 (新版)牛津版

七年级英语下册 Unit 4 Finding your way Integrated skills教案 (新版)牛津版

Unit 4 Finding your way Integrated skills教学目标:1.To recognize key expressions about directions and tell the different prepositions from one to another.2.To develop intensive listening skills by following instructions and makinga route and develop stud ents’ ability to catch the detailed information.3.To give directions in an everyday context and write a short passage with these expressions.教学重点:1.To tell the prepositions about dir ections from one to another2.To use these expressions to write a passage教学过程:Step 2: PresentationRecognize some simple instructions (A1)a. Say : Do you know the meaning of this sentence ? What should you do? Which picture will you choos e? Where is the sentence? Maybe it is like this: Cross the bridge and turn rightb. Check their answer and point out: there is another expression in the second picture.Turn right at the second turning.1.The Class 1 Grade 7 students and the exchange students from Britain are going to play a game called “Tr easure Hunt”. There’s some treasure somewhere in the fields. Let’s try to find it. Mr Wu will give us some instructions.a. First listen to the tape and put the instructions into the correct order. (A1)walk past the wooden housealong a small path next to the riverwalk across the fieldwalk towards the bridgewalk straight ontake the second turning on the leftYou are inviting a classmate to your home. You need to give him directions . Use these phrases and the following dialogue as a model. (B)Step 3: Language points1.在第二个拐弯处向右拐,然后一直向前走。

牛津译林初中英语七下Unit 4 Finding your way Integrated skill

牛津译林初中英语七下Unit 4 Finding your way Integrated skill
Unit4 Finding your way
【Integrated skills】综合技能
Learning aims:
• 1.To get connected information from the listening materials to finish A1,A2 on Page49.
• 2.To draw the route according to the instructions and find the place correctly.
Mr. Wolf is waiting for her there.
Guide Four
Tasks are finished!!! You are the best!!!
Can you find another way to find the route ?
Another route
Guide Six
• Millie is giving Daniel directions to Sunny Garden. Listen to the tape and finish the following tasks.(3')
• Mr. Wolf invites Ms. Sheep to his home to have a birthday party. Describe the route from Ms. Sheep’s home to Mr. Wolf ’s home. Please draw the route, and describe it .
2.Read and understand the sentences in Part A2.(3')
3.Listen and draw the route on the map (3') Have a match. Who finds the treasure quickly.

七年级英语下册 Unit 4 Finding your way Integrated skills课件 (新版)牛津版

七年级英语下册 Unit 4 Finding your way Integrated skills课件 (新版)牛津版
3 e Cross the bridge, turn right and walk straight on. 7 f There is something under the ground in front of the
third tree on the left. 4 g Take the second turning on the right.
1 b From the road, walk across the field and you will see a big tree.
5 c Walk down the path and you will see a wooden house on your left.
2 d When you are at the big tree, turn left and walk towards the bridge.
Market Neil’s home
Thank you!
Language points

past — pass (passed)
prep./n./adv. v./n.
Toward – forward
Blank filling:
1, This bus goes straight ___to_w_a_r_d___ Xinjiekou. 2, We’re all looking __f_o_r_w_a_rd___ the ing May Day holiday. 3, He can’t forget his ____p_a_s_t ___(past/pass). 4, If you don’t work harder, you won’t ____p_a_s_s___ the exam. 5, On my way home, I saw a police car go ___p_a_s_t____(past/pass). 6, If you want to buy the best, you are here in the ___r_ig_h_t___ place. 7, --I’m sorry to hurt you. --That’s all ___r_ig_h_t___.

牛津译林版七年级英语下册Unit 4 Finding your way integratedskil

牛津译林版七年级英语下册Unit 4 Finding your way integratedskil
1. Are there any lions? 2. Is the zoo far away from our school?
When we ask a wh-question, our tone usually falls at the end of the question.
1. What can you see across the bridge? 2. How do I get there?
Sandy: Yes, I’d like to. Which cinema do you want to go to?
Millie: The one at Sunshine Shopping Mall.
Sandy: Sunshine Shopping Mall? Millie: Sure. We can go shopping there too. Sandy: Good idea. When shall we meet? Millie: Is 2 p.m. OK? Sandy: All right. See you then.
Read the sentences below. Put a falling arrow or a rising arrow at the end of the sentence. 1. Just cross the road. 2. Would you like to come? 3. Go out and turn left. 4. –Mr Wu is going to be on TV tonight. –Mr Wu?
We make our tone rise at the end of a sentence to show surprise.
Simon: The zoo is about three kilometres away from our school.
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A Finding treasure
2 The students are going on a treasure hunt. Simon and Daniel arቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ in the same group. They have a map. Let’s read the map on Page 50 together. What can you see in the map?
Unit 4 Finding your way
Integrated skills
Step ⅣHomework
B Speak up: How do I get there
StepⅠPair work