



英语教学法语言观详解英语教学法讲座之一——直接法直接法(The Direct Method)产生于19世纪90年代,是通过运用外语本身进行教学的方法,也叫自然法或口语法,代表人物是德国外语教学法专家贝立兹(M.D.Berlitz)和英国语言学家帕默(H.E.Palmer)。



















菲律宾外教上课流程一、上课前准备1. 教师提前备课,熟悉教学内容和教学材料。

2. 教师检查教室设施和教学工具是否完备。

3. 教师整理好教学PPT、教学素材等教学辅助工具。

二、课堂开篇1. 教师准时进入教室,与学生互相问候并进行简单的交流。

2. 教师向学生介绍今天的学习目标和课程内容,激发学生的学习兴趣。

3. 教师复习上一堂课的内容,巩固学生的学习成果。

三、教学过程1. 导入阶段:通过提问、讲故事等方式引入新课内容,激活学生的背景知识。

2. 新课讲解:教师以简洁明了的语言解释新课的重点和难点,帮助学生理解基本概念和知识点。

3. 互动练习:教师设计一系列的练习和活动,让学生进行口语、听力、阅读、写作等各方面的练习,培养学生的语言运用能力。

4. 巩固与拓展:教师通过小组讨论、角色扮演、课堂展示等方式,巩固学生的学习成果,并拓展学生的思维能力和创造力。

5. 师生互动:教师与学生之间进行积极互动,鼓励学生提问、表达观点,并及时给予肯定和指导。

6. 评估与反馈:教师进行学生学习情况的评估,包括日常表现、作业完成情况等,并给予及时的反馈和建议。

四、课堂结束1. 教师总结今天的教学内容,强调重点和难点,提醒学生复习相关知识。

2. 学生提问环节:教师鼓励学生提出问题,解答他们的疑惑。

3. 课堂作业布置:教师布置作业,要求学生在规定时间内完成,并指导学生如何完成作业。

4. 教师与学生道别,互相交流祝福。









1. 选择合适的外教选择合适的外教是提高英语听说能力的第一步。




2. 充分利用外教的母语优势外教拥有地道的母语发音和语言表达方式,这是他们最大的优势。


3. 积极参与外教的课堂活动外教的课堂活动通常很有趣,富有挑战性,能够激发学生的学习兴趣。


4. 多向外教请教和提问外教是学习英语的宝贵资源,学习者应该充分利用这个机会,多向外教请教和提问。


5. 模仿和练习外教的语音和语调外教的语音和语调是非常重要的,它们能够帮助学习者掌握地道的英语发音和语调。


6. 创造更多的机会与外教交流除了在课堂上与外教交流,学习者还可以创造更多的机会与外教交流,例如参加外教的讲座、研讨会、社交活动等。


7. 坚持和持续学习提高英语听说能力不是一朝一夕的事情,它需要学习者坚持和持续学习。





Foreign teacher English courseware
Course IntroductionContent of English courses for foreign teachersTeaching Methods for English by Foreign TeachersAssessment of English Curriculum for Foreign Teachers
Provide speaking practice opportunities for foreign teachers to improve their fluency and pronunciation accuracy
ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้ 03
Teaching Methods for English by Foreign Teachers
This method involves evaluating teachers' performance at the end of the courseware or after a specific period of time It helps determine which teachers have received the desired learning outcomes and are ready to move on to the next level
Feedback on strengths: Positive feedback on teachers' strong points help them build on their existing skills and abilities It also resources them to continue demonstrating their strengths in their teaching practice



专家讲座英语知识点总结The ability to communicate effectively in English has become a crucial skill in today’s globalized and interconnected world. As the lingua franca of international business, diplomacy, and academia, English serves as a common language that transcends national borders and facilitates communication between people from different linguistic and cultural backgrounds. In this regard, proficiency in English is not only a valuable asset for individuals seeking to expand their career opportunities and enhance their personal development, but it also plays a pivotal role in promoting cross-cultural understanding and cooperation on a global scale.The following are the key points discussed in the expert lecture on the importance of English language proficiency:1. Economic Opportunities:Proficiency in English is a valuable asset in the global job market, as many multinational companies and organizations require employees who can communicate effectively in English. In fact, research has shown that individuals with higher levels of English proficiency tend to have better employment prospects and higher earning potential compared to those who lack proficiency in the language. Moreover, English language skills are essential for accessing international business opportunities, participating in global trade, and engaging in cross-border collaborations, all of which are integral to the growth and success of modern enterprises.2. Access to Education and Knowledge:English is the primary language of instruction in many renowned universities and educational institutions around the world. As a result, proficiency in English is a prerequisite for accessing higher education and pursuing academic opportunities abroad. Additionally, English is the dominant language of scholarly publications, research papers, and academic conferences, meaning that individuals with a strong command of English have greater access to the latest developments in their field of study and can contribute to the global exchange of knowledge and ideas.3. Cross-Cultural Communication:In today’s multicultural and diverse society, the ability to communicate in English is essential for fostering intercultural dialogue and understanding. English serves as a bridge language that enables people from different cultural backgrounds to communicate and connect with one another, thereby promoting mutual respect, empathy, and cooperation. As such, proficiency in English is crucial for building inclusive and cohesive communities, as well as for promoting international diplomacy, peace-building, and collaboration on global challenges.4. Personal Development and Empowerment:Proficiency in English can empower individuals to broaden their horizons, pursue personal interests, and engage with the world in meaningful ways. Whether through reading literature, watching films, listening to music, or participating in online discussions, English language proficiency enables individuals to access a wealth of cultural and intellectual resources that transcend national boundaries. Furthermore, the ability to express oneself fluently in English can boost one’s confidence, expand one’s social networks, and open up new avenues for personal growth and self-expression.5. Technological Advancement:English is the dominant language of the internet, technology, and digital media. As a result, proficiency in English is essential for navigating the online world, accessing digital content, and leveraging technological tools and platforms. Whether for professional purposes, educational pursuits, or everyday communication, the ability to understand and use English effectively is indispensable in the digital age. Moreover, English serves as the language of coding, programming, and software development, making it a key skill for those seeking to excel in the rapidly evolving field of technology.In conclusion, the expert lecture highlights the multifaceted importance of English language proficiency in today’s globalized world. Whether for economic opportunities, educational access, cross-cultural communication, personal empowerment, or technological advancement, proficiency in English is a valuable asset that can unlock a wealth of opportunities and enrich one’s personal and professional life. As such, individuals should recognize the significance of English language proficiency and strive to enhance their skills in the language in order to thrive in the interconnected and linguistically diverse landscape of the 21st century.。



TESOL(Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages)培训课程
1. 英语教学理论:教师将学习不同的教学理论,如语法翻译法、直接法、音标法等,并了解如何根据学生的需求和水平制定教学目标和课程计划。

2. 英语语言学:教师将学习英语的发音、词汇、语法等基本知识,以便能够更好地教授学生英语。

3. 教学方法和技巧:教师将学习不同的教学方法和技巧,如游戏、角色扮演、小组讨论等,以提高学生的英语听说读写能力。

4. 教学资源和教材选择:教师将学习如何根据实际情况选择和使用合适的教材、教具和多媒体资源。

5. 课堂管理与互动:教师将学习有效的课堂管理技巧,包括建立积极的课堂氛围、维护纪律、平衡教学节奏等,以及如何与学生进行有效的沟通和互动。

6. 评估与反馈:教师将学习如何评估学生的学习进度和效果,以及如何提供有效的反馈和建议。





1. 情境模拟:外教在课堂上会创设真实的语言环境,让学生在实际情境中学习和运用语言。

2. 小组讨论:外教将学生分成小组,让他们在小组中讨论某一话题或完成某一任务,这种方式可以培养学生的合作学习和批判性思维能力。

3. 故事教学:外教通过讲述故事或让学生自己创作故事来学习语言,这种方式可以激发学生的学习兴趣和想象力。

4. 游戏教学:外教在课堂上组织各种语言游戏,让学生在轻松愉快的氛围中学习语言。

5. 角色扮演:外教让学生扮演某一角色,通过模拟情景进行语言实践,这种方式可以增强学生的参与感和语言运用能力。

6. 歌曲教学:外教通过教唱英文歌曲来学习语言,这种方式可以帮助学生掌握正确的发音和语调。

7. 电影教学:外教在课堂上播放英文电影或让学生自己制作英文短片,这种方式可以帮助学生了解英语国家的文化和语言表达方式。

8. 任务教学:外教在课堂上布置某一任务,让学生完成该任务来学习语言,这种方式可以培养学生的实际操作能力和解决问题能力。






























二、课程目标1. 提高学员的英语口语流利度;2. 帮助学员掌握地道的英语发音和语调;3. 增强学员的英语听力理解能力;4. 培养学员的英语思维习惯;5. 提升学员在各类社交场合的英语交流能力。

三、课程内容第一部分:发音与语调1. 单元一:元音发音- 阐述元音发音的基本规则;- 通过听力练习和跟读练习,帮助学员掌握元音发音;- 介绍元音发音的常见错误及纠正方法。

2. 单元二:辅音发音- 阐述辅音发音的基本规则;- 通过听力练习和跟读练习,帮助学员掌握辅音发音;- 介绍辅音发音的常见错误及纠正方法。

3. 单元三:语调与节奏- 阐述英语语调的基本规则;- 通过听力练习和跟读练习,帮助学员掌握英语语调;- 介绍英语语调的常见错误及纠正方法。

第二部分:日常交流1. 单元一:问候与介绍- 学习日常问候用语;- 掌握自我介绍和介绍他人的技巧;- 练习日常对话场景。

2. 单元二:购物与餐饮- 学习购物和餐饮场景中的常用词汇和表达; - 练习点餐、还价、评价等实用对话。

3. 单元三:交通出行- 学习交通出行场景中的常用词汇和表达; - 练习问路、搭车、询问时间等实用对话。

第三部分:商务交流1. 单元一:商务礼仪- 学习商务场合的礼仪规范;- 掌握商务问候、介绍、致谢等表达方式。

2. 单元二:商务谈判- 学习商务谈判中的常用词汇和表达;- 练习报价、还价、达成共识等实用对话。

3. 单元三:商务报告- 学习商务报告的基本结构和常用表达;- 练习撰写和朗读商务报告。

第四部分:文化背景1. 单元一:英美文化概况- 了解英美国家的地理、历史、风俗习惯等;- 学习与英美国家相关的礼仪和禁忌。

2. 单元二:跨文化交际- 学习跨文化交际的原则和技巧;- 练习在不同文化背景下的沟通。



外国留学生讲座的英语作文Foreign Exchange Students' Lecture。

Recently, our school invited several foreign exchange students to give a lecture on their experiences studying abroad. It was a great opportunity for us to learn about different cultures and educational systems. The lecture was held in the school auditorium and was attended by students and teachers from various departments.The first speaker was a student from the United States. She talked about the American education system and how it differs from the Chinese system. She said that in the US, students have more freedom to choose their courses and can even change their majors if they want to. She also mentioned that the grading system is different, with grades ranging from A to F, and that extracurricular activities are an important part of the American college experience.The second speaker was a student from France. Shetalked about the French culture and the importance of food in their daily lives. She also talked about the French education system, which is more focused on theory and less on practical skills. She mentioned that in France, students have to take a national exam at the end of high school, which determines their eligibility for university.The third speaker was a student from Japan. She talked about the Japanese culture, which emphasizes respect and discipline. She also talked about the Japanese education system, which is known for its rigor and high standards. She mentioned that in Japan, students have to take entrance exams to get into university and that the competition is very fierce.After the lectures, there was a Q&A session where the audience could ask the speakers questions. Many students were curious about the differences in the teaching methods and the social life of foreign students. The speakers answered the questions patiently and shared their personal experiences.Overall, the lecture was a great success. It was a valuable opportunity for us to learn about different cultures and educational systems. We hope to have more events like this in the future, where we can learn from our international peers and broaden our horizons.。



英语跨学科融合专题讲座English: Interdisciplinary integration in English is a means to bridge the gap between different fields of study and create a more holistic understanding of complex issues. This approach allows students to connect ideas, theories, and concepts from various disciplines to gain a deeper insight into topics that may require a multifaceted approach.中文:英语中的跨学科融合是一种弥合不同学科之间差距的手段,并创造更全面的对复杂问题的理解。


English: By combining knowledge from different areas, students can develop critical thinking skills, creativity, and problem-solving abilities that are essential for success in a rapidly changing world. Interdisciplinary learning encourages students to think outside the box, consider different perspectives, and approach problems from a holistic viewpoint.中文:通过结合不同领域的知识,学生可以培养批判性思维能力、创造力和问题解决能力,这些对于在快速变化的世界取得成功至关重要。



英语教学王蔷十一单元讲解In the realm of English language education, the approach taken by instructors can greatly impact the learning outcomes of students. One such exemplary educator is Wang Qiang, whose teaching methodology has been hailed for its effectiveness and engaging nature. In this essay, we will delve into the intricacies of Wang Qiang's Unit 11 lesson, exploring the strategies and techniques employed to enhance the students' understanding and mastery of the English language.Unit 11 of Wang Qiang's curriculum focuses on the nuances of adverbs and their usage in the English language. Adverbs, often overlooked by learners, play a crucial role in adding depth and precision to one's speech and writing. Wang Qiang's approach to this unit is characterized by its systematic and interactive nature, ensuring that students not only grasp the theoretical aspects but also develop the practical skills necessary to employ adverbs effectively.At the outset of the unit, Wang Qiang emphasizes the importance ofunderstanding the different types of adverbs and their respective functions. He introduces the primary categories of adverbs, such as those of manner, time, place, degree, and frequency, and explains how each can be utilized to enhance the clarity and expressiveness of one's language. Through a series of engaging examples and interactive exercises, the students are encouraged to identify adverbs in various contexts and understand their role in modifying verbs, adjectives, and other adverbs.One of the hallmarks of Wang Qiang's teaching methodology is his focus on practical application. Rather than merely presenting the theoretical concepts, he actively involves the students in the learning process. In the case of Unit 11, Wang Qiang incorporates a range of interactive activities that challenge the students to apply their knowledge of adverbs in real-world scenarios.For instance, he might present the students with a short story or dialogue and ask them to identify the adverbs used and analyze their impact on the overall meaning and tone of the passage. This exercise not only reinforces the students' understanding of adverbs but also helps them develop a keen eye for detail and a nuanced appreciation of language usage.Another innovative approach employed by Wang Qiang is the incorporation of writing exercises that emphasize the strategicplacement and utilization of adverbs. Students are tasked with crafting their own sentences, paragraphs, or even short essays, with a specific focus on incorporating adverbs to enhance the clarity, descriptiveness, and overall effectiveness of their written communication.Through these writing exercises, Wang Qiang encourages his students to experiment with different adverb placements, explore the impact of adverbs on sentence structure and rhythm, and develop a more sophisticated and dynamic writing style. The feedback and guidance provided by Wang Qiang during these exercises further reinforces the students' understanding and helps them refine their adverb usage skills.In addition to the classroom-based activities, Wang Qiang also incorporates multimedia elements into his Unit 11 lessons. He may utilize video clips, audio recordings, or interactive online resources to expose his students to real-life examples of adverb usage in various contexts, such as news broadcasts, dialogue-driven films, or even TED Talks.By integrating these multimedia components, Wang Qiang aims to bridge the gap between the theoretical concepts and the practical application of adverbs in authentic communication. The students are encouraged to analyze the adverbs used in these multimediaresources, observe their impact on the overall message, and draw parallels to their own language usage.One of the most remarkable aspects of Wang Qiang's teaching approach is his ability to foster a collaborative and supportive learning environment. Throughout the Unit 11 lessons, he frequently encourages peer-to-peer interaction and group discussions, allowing students to learn from one another and exchange insights on the nuances of adverb usage.These collaborative activities might involve pair or small-group exercises, where students work together to identify adverbs, analyze their functions, and provide constructive feedback on each other's written or verbal communication. By creating this interactive dynamic, Wang Qiang cultivates a sense of community and shared learning, empowering his students to become active participants in the educational process.Moreover, Wang Qiang's teaching style is characterized by its adaptability and responsiveness to the needs of his students. He closely monitors the progress and understanding of his class, and is quick to adjust his lessons and teaching strategies to address any areas of difficulty or confusion. This flexibility allows him to ensure that all students, regardless of their individual learning styles or proficiency levels, are able to grasp the concepts and apply themeffectively in their language usage.In conclusion, Wang Qiang's approach to teaching Unit 11 on adverbs in the English language is a testament to his pedagogical prowess and dedication to student success. By combining a comprehensive theoretical foundation with practical, interactive activities, multimedia integration, and a collaborative learning environment, Wang Qiang has demonstrated the power of effective language instruction.Through his innovative teaching methods, Wang Qiang has not only imparted valuable knowledge about adverbs to his students but has also instilled in them a deeper appreciation for the nuances of the English language. As his students continue to progress and apply the skills they have acquired, they will undoubtedly become more confident, articulate, and successful communicators in the global arena.。



Famousteacherguidance 名师指导Cutting Edge Education 教育前沿 123在初中物理教学中如何培养学生自主学习能力文/斯迪克·达吾提摘要:教师在教学过程中融入新型的教育模式,学生通过自己坚持不懈的努力和主学习上的能动性从而养成自主学习能力。






1 开展多种教学实验,培养学生自主探索能力初中物理大部分实验现象是需要学生通过亲自动手实践才可以认识到的,其实换种说法,自主学习是一种以“学生自已为重心、自我鼓励体质、严于律己”的学习模式,这种模式是建立在教师对学生的正确指导的基础上的,并且学生可以独立理解课堂教学的全部知识点。




所以教师需要把“以实验为基础” 作为立足点,课前准备好实验所需的器材。


幼儿园外教训练: 外籍老师授课培训方案

幼儿园外教训练: 外籍老师授课培训方案





1. 外教培训目标外籍老师授课的培训目标首先是要求他们掌握中国幼儿园的教学内容和教学目标,了解中国的教育政策和教育理念。



2. 培训内容外籍老师授课的培训内容应该包括语言培训、教学方法培训和中国文化培训。




3. 培训形式外籍老师授课培训可以采用多种形式,如集中培训、在线培训、实地观摩等。




4. 培训评估外籍老师授课培训的效果需要进行评估,可以从学员的教学实践情况、学生学习情况以及学校的反馈等方面进行评估。




tutorhitmanreborn大学英语课讲座 (1)

tutorhitmanreborn大学英语课讲座 (1)

《Tutor Hitman Reborn》is an animation about Italian Mafia. The story is mainly about the 10th Voogle boss:“zina”and his families growing up. The descendant of the first boss of Voogle:“zina” is a garbage boy who hardly can do anything. But to bring him up,ItalianHitman Reborn entrusted by the 9th Voogle boss comes to be with “zina”.“zina” is so kind-hearted that he do not want to be the boss. But he really do not want to let anyone of his friends to be hurt and gradually shoulds his responsibilities. He fight again and again. Finally,he become an excellent boss.The first part:CHARACTERS:1, “zina”is the hero of the animation. But he is a garbage boy who can’t do anything. But with the help of Reborn, he become a very excellent boss of Voogle. He is verykind-hearted and don’t want anyone to be hurt. So he changed from: ”I can’t do even die ” to “if I don’t do, how are my friends” . He has the Sky flame and can see through anything. Pure and innocent, he gradually grows up.2, Gokudera is the right-hand man of the 10th voogle boss. Before he met “zina”, he is a rebellious boy who escape fromhis big family. He can’t recognise anyone. But when he is defeated by “zina”. He admires him so much. So he obey whatever “zina” says. He is the owner of Haze flame but there are really six kinds of flame in his body. He is very ridacal. He sometimes wants to sacrifice himself to protect “zina”. But gradually he knows the real he want is to be with everyone, smile happily.3、Yamamoto is a baseball fan. He is the leader of the baseball team of BingSheng Middle School. He is very straightforward and thinks things simply. He has the Rain flame and become a swordsman over a baseball player. He sometimes is foolish. So Gokudera always says to him “a kou baga” meaning baseball foolish. But he has a peaceful heart which make him the best person to be a hitman. He is the purest person to be around with “zina”.4、Lambo is a five-year old boy. Lambo is a naïve child. He is very greedy. And he want the good food that mum had made is all belonging himself. He has a sepecial hair style and there are many things in his hairs such as candies and bombs. He has the Thunder flame and whatever he is five or fifteen or twenty-five years old, when he is angry, he is really powerful. Always, “zina”don’t want Lambo to be hurt anyonce, butLambo also always be powerful when it is the key time.5、Ryohei is a boxing man. He likes boxing and always exercises every morning with Yamamoto. He also always says “over limit”to make himself be more powerful. And like Yamamoto, he is also a foolish. He looks things very simply. He has the Sun flame. The Sun flame has the active create faction. With his good flesh body, he is powerful too. He is the brother of the Kyokosang. He likes his sister very much so he will do anything to protect his baby sisiter.6、Hibari is the best powerful man of the guardians. He is undefeated. But when he is hurt, he will have more belief to defeat the enemy. He is the leader of the discipinary members of BingSheng Middle School. He likes his school and the city BingSheng very much and can’t let anyone to destroy them. He hates who are cluster. And if he is unsaitisfied, he will kill the persons. He is always alone so his flame is the Cloud. Prade and mind.7、Mukuro is the owner of the fog flame. He is the leader of the old enemy of “zina”. But he is one of the guardians of “zina”. He can use great hallucination to control people. He always says that he will be the guardian because he want to control “zina”, and then the whole world. But through all hisbehaviors, he want to protect “zina” who let him know what is friendship and what is the really thing to care about. Because he is in a scary prison, he can just appear by hallucination. But even though, he is very powerful.8、Kurome is the possessed body of Mukuro. She is a unlucky girl before. She has no more visceral after a traffic accident, and her one eye so. When she is losing her breath, Mukuro finds her and says she can’t die because she is useful. But with “zina” and his families, she gradually find herself and can fight as Kurome, herself. She makes friends with Kyoko and so. She finds there are many people who care her and there are many things she can do to help her friends. She transform from a lonely girl to a big big girl with confidences and smile.9、kyoko is the little sister of Ryohei. They have a hard feeelings. She knows that the garbage boy “zina” may like her so much. But she doesn’t feel embrassed with “zina”. And she help the boys a lot such as make delicious food and clean the house in the future. The boys don’t want to let her know the fight. But she want to know. And when she learn all, she do more effort to help them.The second part:PLOT:1、Daily:“zina”,who is studying in BingSheng Middle School meets his tutor:Reborn:one of the Arcobaleno. With Reborn’s help,”zina” turns into the boss of Voogle.Reborn use a magical bullet which will make people try his best to complete his regretest thing before his death to make “zina”become the proper person for boss.In this part,we can learn much about “zina”’s friends and their hard friendships and peaceful days hummer stories. But it is only the peace before the storm. Many challenges are waiting for them.2、VS Kokuyo:In the past few days, there are many students o of BingSheng Middle School are attacked by the students of Kokuyo. At the beginning they only hurt the discipinary members of the school, almost like a provocation. But after then, many ordinary students are also attacked. The school is full with panic.Every student who is attacked has a pendent watch. The time is countdown. These all indicate that they have aimed at “zina”. The enemies are the fugitives of the Mafia prison: “Rokudo Mukuro”and his partners. “zina” is encouragedby his friends. So he goes to Kokuyo Middle School’s camp: Kokuyo Paradise.Certainly, finally “zina” wins. But because “Hibari”is defeated by “Rokudo Mukuro”, so he really want to win “Rokudo Mukuro”. This is also occur in the next stories. And “Rokudo Mukuro”and his partners are arrested by Death Prison.3、VS Balian:Never expect to live in peaceful days. “zina” is involved in the big fight. For succeed the 10th boss of Voogle and the six guardians. The son-in-law of the 9th boss Xanxus lead Balian to fight against “zina”and “zina”’s six guardians. The Voogle’s rings are divided in half. Each part is in each team. Each person should fight with another from the other part who with the same property. And only one to one.A night, a fight. The fights are very exciting and cruel. But when every team has there whole rings, Xanxus breaks the rules and fight. And even “zina”are hurt badly. But because “zina” is very worried about his friends, he excited his power and exert many new and powerful moves. Like ZERO LOCATION BREAKTHROUGH-FIRST GENERETION and ZERO LOCATION BREAKTHROUGH-CHANGE. Just at the same time,the 9th boss is trapped in Mosca.Finally, Xanxus throws in the towel and the 9th boss is cured by Dino. Balian is still the most powerful part of Voogle as before.In this part, we sometimes be excited sometimes be touched. But what’s more, friendship is everything.4、The Future:“lambo”uses the ten-year changed gun by mistake, so Reborn is replaced by who would in ten years. But Reborn don’t turn up. “zina” goes to ask “lambo”but also be hit. Then “zina”comes to the ten years later. But in that years, many people have died, including Reborn and “zina”. “Yamamoto”of that years guides “zina”and “Gokudera”who also be hitted and comes to the ten years later to go to the base of Voogle. “zina”meets Reborn again. Happy but with pain, he knows the Voogle family are strangled by the Milufeituri family. “zina”and his six guardians are face with big challenges.In that years, people fight with boxes. Their power is scary. And in the lots of fightings, “zina”grasp the use of X-BUNNER, X-BUNNER AIR and XX-BUNNER with the help of “Hibari”and Sipa Na. And gradually every guardian comesto the years. And when they defeat “Shoichi”, they know is helping them to improve their powers and they must go to ten years ago to assembly of the Arcobaleno’s seven marks.“zina”gets the marks and can open the Sky Box. But “Byakuran ”suddenly appears by three-dimensional image. He says that there are Ture-Six Hanging Flower who are really scary. They carry out the fight based on the GAME “CHOICE”. But finally, “zina” is defeated.At the important time, Unilever, the anothor boss of Milufeituri refuges to the Voogle family. And the really aim of “Byakuran ”is apparent. He want to assembly of the SEVEN CUBIC and to create another new dark world. “zina” must win to save the world.They go to ten years ago again and through the light from the Voogle rings, the first generations appear. And “zina” and his six guardians can get bigger power if they can be approved by the first generations.They go to the 10 years later with the bigger power and they have had the confidence to defeat “Byakuran ”. And finally, Unilever sacrifices herself and “zina”and all of them get to the 10 years ago and the world is peaceful again.The animation has only this four parts. And the loveliness of this animation is leave a deep impression in my heart. Many friends of mine like it and maybe my friend, you. And if you have n’t meet it, turn on your computer and enjoy the journey.。


黎加厚 上海师范大学 2016年11月13日
1. 变化的时代:全球化时代的到来 2. 创新:教育改革的灵魂 3. 从信息素养教育到21世纪技能教育
中国飞速发展取得了令人瞩目的成 就,大大促进了综合国力的提高。
但是,我们要清醒地认识到未来世 界的挑战,未雨绸缪。
离开中国制造的一年: 一个美国家庭的生活历险记
推荐给教师学习的三个材 料

Shift Happens
( YouTube)
你知道吗? 2000多个学习工具将 影响教师的教学与生活?

学校和教师如何面对21 世纪学生的变化?
2005年10月 《迎击风暴》
2004年12月 《创新美国》
2006年2月 《美国竞争力计划》
2005年12月 《2005年国家创新法》
2007年3月13日 《美国创新宣言》
2007年2月25日 “全国州长协会冬季会议” 《创新美国计划》
2007年4月24日众议院以389-22,25日参议院88-8 《美国创造机会以有意义地促进技术、教育和科学之卓越法》 (America Creating Opportunities to Meaningfully Promote Excellence in Technology, Education, and Science Act) 英文缩写为America COMPETES Act,因此也可简称为《美国竞争法》
设计感 Design

Unit 6 Nurturing Nature Understanding ideas 说课课件

Unit 6 Nurturing Nature Understanding ideas 说课课件
2. Underline the descriptions of the train and the scenery along the way.
The train has been racing along steadily... The journey has been flying by... splendid Qingshuihe Bridge, magical landscapes
• master topic-related vocabulary • understand how the Qinghai-Tibet
Railway was built.
knowledge • take pride in motherland objectives • learn from railway
Level 2 Reading between the lines
Level 3 Reading beyond the lines
Level 1 Reading the lines
1. Choose the author’s writing purpose and give your reasons. 2. Draw a route map of the author and mark the places mentioned in the text.
2. Sum up the teaching content.
Step 5 Homework
1. Write a brief introduction to the Qinghai-Tibet Railway. 2. Do some online research to find out what other challenges were met and overcome by the railway workers.



外教跪下讲课教案教案标题:外教跪下讲课教案教学目标:1. 学生能够理解并接受不同文化背景下的教学方式和习惯。

2. 学生能够尊重和包容外教的教学方式,建立跨文化交流的意识。

3. 学生能够用英语表达自己的观点和看法。



教学准备:1. 视频资源:一段外教跪下讲课的视频。

2. 图片资源:展示不同国家的教学方式和习惯的图片。

3. 课堂道具:地图、模型等用于展示不同文化背景的道具。

4. 教学PPT:包括相关的图片、视频和文化背景介绍。

教学过程:Step 1:导入教师出示一张展示不同国家的教学方式和习惯的图片,请学生观察并进行讨论,引出外教跪下讲课的话题。

Step 2:观看视频教师播放外教跪下讲课的视频,让学生观看并进行讨论。


Step 3:文化背景介绍教师通过PPT展示不同国家的文化背景,介绍外教跪下讲课的文化习惯和意义。


Step 4:小组讨论教师组织学生分成小组,让他们讨论外教跪下讲课的看法和理解,引导学生互相交流和分享自己的观点。

Step 5:展示和总结每个小组派代表展示他们的讨论成果,教师进行总结,强调尊重和理解不同文化下的教学方式的重要性。

Step 6:语言表达教师引导学生用英语表达自己对外教跪下讲课的看法和理解,鼓励学生积极参与讨论和表达。

Step 7:作业布置布置作业,让学生写一篇关于不同文化下的教学方式和习惯的短文,表达自己的看法和理解。







# 教学目标新课标明确了小学英语教学的总体目标,即让学生通过学习英语,能够:- 掌握基本的英语语言知识,如词汇、语法、发音等。

- 形成良好的英语学习习惯和策略。

- 能够运用英语进行简单的日常交流。

- 培养跨文化意识和国际视野。

# 教学内容新课标对教学内容进行了优化,包括:- 听力:培养学生的听力理解能力,通过多种途径,如歌曲、故事、对话等,让学生接触地道的英语。

- 口语:鼓励学生大胆开口说英语,通过角色扮演、小组讨论等形式,提高口语表达能力。

- 阅读:通过阅读简单的英文故事、短文等,培养学生的阅读兴趣和理解能力。

- 写作:从写简单的句子开始,逐步引导学生进行段落和短文的写作,培养表达思想的能力。

# 教学方法新课标提倡使用以下教学方法:- 任务型教学:通过完成具体的语言任务,让学生在实际使用中学习英语。

- 情景教学:创设真实的语言使用情景,让学生在模拟的语境中学习和运用英语。

- 合作学习:鼓励学生之间的合作,通过小组活动共同完成学习任务。

- 多媒体教学:利用现代信息技术,如多媒体课件、网络资源等,丰富教学内容和形式。

# 评价方式新课标强调评价的多样性和综合性,包括:- 形成性评价:通过课堂观察、学生作业等方式,持续跟踪学生的学习进展。

- 终结性评价:通过期末考试、口语测试等形式,全面评价学生的学习成果。

- 自我评价和同伴评价:鼓励学生进行自我反思,以及同伴之间的相互评价,提高评价的客观性和公正性。

# 教师角色新课标对教师的角色提出了新的要求:- 教师不仅是知识的传授者,更是学习的引导者和促进者。

- 教师需要不断更新自己的专业知识,掌握现代教育技术和教学方法。

- 教师应关注每个学生的个性和需求,提供个性化的指导和支持。

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Australia's Top Ten Dangerous Animals
1. The Box Jellyfish
澳洲箱形水母(俗称海黄蜂), 是世界最毒的动物,其重要特徵是伞体呈立体箱形状以及有四条较粗壮的触手,它的刺细胞所释出的毒性比眼镜蛇还要毒,可以让人在几分钟内死亡。

inhabitancy: the north east areas of Australia, It is found along the coast of the Great Barrier Reef. 广泛分布于澳大利亚东北部海岸地区,大堡礁附近海岸均可发现
2. Irukandji (A Jellyfish)

分布: 同上
3. Salt Water Crocodile
湾鳄(学名:Crocodylus porosus),又名食人鳄、河口鳄、咸水鳄、马来鳄,为23种鳄鱼品种中最大型的,亦是现存世界上最大的爬行动物。


4. Blue Ring Octopus



分布: 同上
5. Stone Fish
中文学名: 瑰玫毒鲉; 拉丁学名: Synanceia verrucosa; 别称: 老虎鱼、石头鱼, 身长只有30厘米左右,躲在海底或岩礁下,将自己伪装成一块不起眼的石头, 它的硬棘(背鳍棘基部的毒腺有神经毒)具有致命的剧毒, 可在2小时内杀死一个成年人。

分布: 在澳大利亚周边热带亚热带温暖水域均有分布
6. Red Back Spider
红背蜘蛛(学名:Latrodectus hasselti),主要产於澳大利亚。


分布: 在澳大利亚各地均有分布,包括城市地区, 主要栖息在阴暗干燥的环境.
7. Brown Snake
澳洲褐蛇, 又称东部拟眼镜蛇, 学名pseudonaja textilis, 世界前五大陆生剧毒毒蛇之一, 只栖息于澳大利亚东部地区, 但不包括塔斯马尼亚岛, 平均长度为2米;这种蛇4000分之一盎司的毒液就足以置人于死地.
8. Tiger Snake
虎蛇(学名:Notechis scutatus )是爬虫类有鳞目眼镜蛇科下的一个种属。






9. Great White Shark
大白鲨(学名:Carcharodon carcharias),又以食人鲨著称, 是最大的食肉鱼类,身长可达6—7米,体重3200公斤。


在澳洲海域广泛分布. 多栖息于常升近表层、有时也下降在700米或以下深处以及有时也来近海浅水。

10. Funnel Web Spider
漏斗网蜘蛛(Funnel-web Spider),属于蛛形纲。


