



2021年潍坊市初中学业水平考试模拟试题附答案1. 下列有关生物学探究活动与探究方法不对应的是()A. 探究家鸽两翼展开长度——测量法B. 探究小区生活垃圾分类的进展——调查法C.探究根尖的长长现象——观察法【正确答案】D.探究唾液对淀粉的消化作用——实验法2. 下列是小张同学在使用显微镜观察酵母菌时的操作,不合理的一项是()A. 取镜时一只手握镜臂,一只手托镜座B. 实验室光线较弱,要选择大光圈并使用凹面镜对光C. 显微镜下酵母菌物像模糊,需要转动细准焦螺旋使物像更清晰D.向右下方移动玻片,可以将左上方的清晰物像移到视野中央【正确答案】3. 相信同学们都看过动画片《猫和老鼠》吧,在每一个片段中一定都会被那只聪明可爱的小老鼠所吸引,而今年又是农历鼠年,“鼠”你最帅、“鼠”你最棒等成为人们喜爱的祝福词语!下列关于老鼠这一动物的相关叙述不正确的是( )A.老鼠个体发育的起点是受精卵B.老鼠的结构层次与植物鼠尾草相同【正确答案】C.控制老鼠性状的物质主要在细胞核内D.老鼠体细胞内的能量转化器是线粒体4. 明明在作手工时,不慎用小刀划破了手指,他感到了疼痛,并有少量的血液流出,这说明构成皮肤的组织有()A. 上皮组织、神经组织、结缔组织【正确答案】B.保护组织、营养组织、输导组织C.上皮组织、肌肉组织、结缔组织D.保护组织、肌肉组织、神经组织5.在生活中,植物与人类的关系非常的密切,下列说法不正确的是()A.紫菜、裙带菜等含有丰富的营养物质,可供人类食用B.墙藓对有毒气体敏感,可作监测空气污染的指示植物C.银杏植株分化出了六大器官,适应环境的能力非常强【正确答案】D.大量的古代蕨类植物深埋于地下,变成了煤6. 关于光合作用在农业生产上的运用,下列说法错误的是()A. 农作物在白天只进行光合作用,保证了有机物的积累【正确答案】B. 在阳光充足的天气里,向密闭大棚中增加二氧化碳浓度可提高蔬菜产量C.合理密植能够提高作物对光能的利用率,提高产量D.合理浇水也能够提高光合作用的效率7. 下列关于几种常见动物的叙述,正确的是()A.血吸虫——身体呈细线形,有口有肛门B.沙蚕——身体分部,足和触角均分节C.蜗牛——身体柔软,靠腹足运动【正确答案】D.螳螂——身体由许多相似的体节构成8. 经调查,野生动物成为部分人餐桌上的美味,这造成了生物多样性的破坏也导致某些疾病的发生。



山东省潍坊市初中【最新】学业水平考试七年级下册?阶段检测题学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________一、单选题1.我们日常的食品中,主要含有蛋白质的一组是()A.蔬菜、鸡蛋、猪肉B.奶油、玉米、牛奶C.鱼、牛肉、黄豆D.马铃薯、花生、大米2.下列物质与其相应缺乏时表现出来的症状不相匹配的是A.维生素C—坏血病B.含钙的无机盐—神经炎C.维生素A—夜盲症D.含铁的无机盐—贫血症3.试管内有一些植物油,加入配制的消化液,充分振荡后,置于37 ℃的温水中,植物油很快就不见了。

该消化液最可能是( )A.胰液、肠液、胆汁B.胃液、胆汁C.唾液、胃液、肠液D.唾液、胰液4.下列哪项不是人体呼吸道的功能()A.保证气体顺畅通过B.温暖、湿润、清洁人体吸入的空气C.引起声带振动发出声音D.进行气体交换5.下图示人的膈肌收缩和舒张时在胸腔内的位置,下列有关表述正确的是A.膈肌从甲到乙时,呼气B.膈肌从甲到乙时,吸气C.呼气完成的瞬间,膈肌处于乙状态D.吸气完成的瞬间,膈肌处于甲状态6.人体吸收的氧的最终去向是( )A.用来构成组织B.用来与血红蛋白结合C.用来分解有机物D.用来交换二氧化碳7.阅读下列人体在呼吸时吸入气体和呼出气体中各成分含量变化一览表,分析正确的是( )A.吸入的只有氧气,呼出的只有二氧化碳B.从呼吸系统排出的代谢废物有二氧化碳、水和氮气等C.人呼出的二氧化碳是大气中的二氧化碳含量快速上升的主要原因D.呼出的气体中氧气含量减少是因为氧进入了血液8.在汶川、玉树大地震造成许多重伤员需要紧急输血治疗,全国各族人民为奉献爱心,积极参加无偿献血,各大城市血站门口都排起了长队。

下列相关说法中,错误的是A.健康成年人一次献血200毫升不影响健康B.献血有利于提高自身造血器官的造血功能C.医生抽血时,针刺入的血管是动脉D.输血时,应以输同型血为根本原则9.如图曲线代表血液中某种成分含量变化的趋势,该曲线不能表示()A.血液流经小肠时葡萄糖含量的变化B.血液流经肺部时二氧化碳含量的变化C.血液流经肌肉时二氧化碳含量的变化D.从平原进入高原后人体红细胞数量的变化10.如图是显微镜下观察到的人血涂片的物像,下列相关叙述正确的是( )A.人体的血液由图中的①②④组成B.若此人有炎症,则图中②的数量应该比①多C.①②④中数量最多的是①,过少会引起贫血D.人体受伤流血时,③能促进止血并加速凝血11.6月5日是世界环境日,【最新】我国的主题是“塑战速决”,下列措施不符合这一主题的是()A.少用或不用塑料袋,或自觉回收塑料袋B.开发和利用植物纤维制造可降解的塑料袋C.塑料袋便宜、轻便,为了干净,我们应常扔掉D.少用一次性杯子和吸管12.如图为人体的泌尿系统示意图。



2021年山东省潍坊市初中学业水平考试(中考二模)语文试题学校_________ 班级__________ 姓名__________ 学号__________一、基础知识综合1. 阅读下面语段,完成下面小题。






【小题1】下面字形和加点字的注音,全都正确的一项是()A.摇曳(yè)商贾云集(jiǎ)乘兴而来(chéng)B.咫尺(zhǐ)搏采众长(cháng)革故鼎新(dǐng)C.诠释(quán)砥励前行(dǐ)应接不暇(yìng)D.豁达(huò)有条不紊(wěn)重焕生机(huàn)【小题2】依次选用文中括号内的词语,最恰当的一项是()A.丰硕激荡相遇相知建言献策B.丰盈激发萍水相逢出谋划策C.丰硕激发相遇相知出谋划策D.丰盈激荡萍水相逢建言献策【小题3】依次填入文中横线处的关联词语,最恰当的一项是()A.不但……还……因为……所以……B.无论……还……只要……就……C.无论……还……因为……所以……D.不但……还……只要……就……二、选择题2. 下列句子标点符号使用有误的一项是()A.“当——当——”寒山寺里的钟声敲到我的心田。



潍坊市初中学业水平考试姓名:_____________ 年级:____________ 学号:______________一、作文(共1题)1. 阅读下面材料,按要求作文。










【答案】答案略难度:中等知识点:命题作文二、现代文阅读(共3题)1. 阅读下面文章,完成1~4题。










2021年潍坊市初中学业水平考试英语试题全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1Weifang City Junior High School Academic Proficiency ExaminationEnglish Test 2021Part I Listening Comprehension (20 Points)Section ADirections: In this section, you will hear ten short conversations. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.1. A. By car.B. By plane.C. By bike.D. By train.2. A. Monday.B. Wednesday.C. Saturday.D. Sunday.3. A. It’s in the kitchen.B. It’s on the table.C. It’s under the bed.D. It’s in the drawer.4. A. Tomato soup.B. Mushroom soup.C. Corn soup.D. Beef soup.5. A. Yes, you are right.B. No, you are wrong.C. Sorry, I don’t agree.D. I can't believe it.6. A. In Africa.B. In Asia.C. In Europe.D. In America.7. A. Next Tuesday.B. Next Wednesday.C. Next Thursday.D. Next Friday.8. A. Football.B. Volleyball.C. Basketball.D. Tennis.9. A. Summer.B. Autumn.C. Winter.D. Spring.10. A. In the library.B. In the restaurant.C. In the hospital.D. In the cinema.Section BDirections: In this section, you will hear a passage. After reading the passage, you will hear five questions. You must choose the best answer A, B, C, D or E to each question. The questions will be spoken only once.A recent study from the United States suggests that children who watch too much TV may not do so well at school. According to research, children who spent more than two hours a day in front of the TV scored lower on tests than those who watched TV for less than two hours.The study found that children who watched more TV had more trouble with reading and had a poorer understanding of mathematical concepts. The results showed that children who spent less time watching TV were better at recognizing letters, numbers, shapes and colors.The study, which involved 2,500 children aged between three and five, stated that watching TV did not affect all childrenin the same way. Some children did not appear to be affected by their viewing habits.In another test, children were divided into three groups. The first group was allowed to watch TV for less than two hours a day, the second group watched between two and four hours, and the third group watched for more than four hours a day. The group that watched for less than two hours scored much higher on tests than the other two groups.The study’s author said the information should help parents make decisions about their children’s TV viewing habits. She advised parents to consider alternatives to TV viewing, such as reading, playing games and painting.11. What is the passage mainly about?A. A recent study from the US.B. The effects of TV on children’s learning.C. Information about children aged three to five.D. How TV viewing habits affect children.E. Alternatives to TV viewing for children.12. According to the passage, which group of children performed best on tests?A. The first group.B. The second group.C. The third group.D. All groups performed equally.E. The study did not mention the test results.13. According to the study, what were the key problem areas for children who watched more TV?A. Spelling and keyboard skills.B. Reading and mathematical understanding.C. Personal and social skills.D. Physical education and health.E. None of these.14. How many children took part in the study?A. 2,000.B. 2,400.C. 2,500.D. 3,000.E. The study did not mention the number.15. What advice does the author give to parents?A. To allow children to watch TV for two hours a day.B. To reduce children’s TV viewing time.C. To help children with homework.D. To let children watch TV for more than four hours.E. To enroll children in extracurricular activities.Part II Use of English (15 Points)Section ADirections: The following passage is taken from a news article. In the passage, some words and phrases have been numbered and supported by a number in brackets. For each blank in the passage, four answer choices are given below the passage. Choose the best answer from the four choices to fill in each blank.History is a science that studies the past and _____16_____ (understand) human behavior and societies over time. History provides an insight into how traditional people lived, howsocieties were formed, how social _______17_____ (change) occurred over time, and how individuals and societies handled difficulties. Moreover, history allows people to view how historical events have _______18______ (influence) cultures, politics, economies, and societies. History helps to explain the present by acknowledging and understanding the past. People recollect history to understand the root _______19_____ (cause) and the long-lasting ___20__ (effect) of events.16. A. understandingB. understandC. understoodD. to be understood17. A. changesB. changedC. changingD. change18. A. influencedB. influentialC. influencesD. influence19. A. causesB. causeC. causedD. causing20. A. effectsB. affectingC. effectingD. effectsSection BDirections: Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the words given in parentheses.Education plays a vital role in the ____21____ (develop) of individuals and communities. It is essential for nationsto____22____(rise) their educational system to ensure a bright future for their citizens. By _____23_____ (provide) quality education, students are equipped with the necessary knowledge and skills to succeed in life. An educated ____24____ (society) is a prosperous society.21. development22. raise23. providing24. societyPart III Reading Comprehension (40 Points)Section ADirections: Read the following passage. Answer the questions after it.Summer vacation is a great time for kids to relax and have fun, but it can also be a time for learning. There are many opportunities to learn outside of school, by trying new activities or exploring different topics that interest you.One way to keep learning during the summer is to read books. Reading helps improve language skills, expands vocabulary, and can provide knowledge about various subjects. You can visit your local library or bookstore to find books that interest you.Another way to learn during the summer is to participate in educational programs. Many organizations offer summer camps or workshops that focus on specific topics such as science, art, orsports. These programs can be a fun way to learn and make new friends.Finally, summer is a great time to explore the outdoors. You can visit museums, parks, or nature reserves to learn about the world around you. You can also try new activities such as hiking, swimming, or camping.By staying curious and open to new experiences, you can continue learning and growing during the summer break.Questions:25. What is one way to keep learning during the summer?26. Where can you find books to read during the summer?27. What are some educational programs that kids can participate in during the summer?28. How can kids learn about the world around them during the summer?Section BDirections: Read the following passage. Choose the best answer to each question.The internet has changed the way people communicate, work, and access information. It has made it easier for people to connect with others, share ideas, and learn new things. However, the internet also poses risks, such as privacy concerns, cyberbullying, and misinformation.One of the benefits of the internet is its ability to connect people from all over the world. Social media platforms allow individuals to communicate with friends and family, as well as meet new people with shared interests. Online forums and communities provide a space for people to discuss ideas, ask questions, and collaborate on projects.Another benefit of the internet is the wealth of information available online. Websites, blogs, and online courses offer resources on a wide range of topics, from education and healthcare to travel and entertainment. People can access information anytime, anywhere, and learn at their own pace.However, the internet also has its drawbacks. Privacy concerns have become a major issue as personal information is collected and shared online. Cyberbullying, harassment, and online scams are common problems that individuals face on the internet. In addition, the spread of misinformation and fake newshas created challenges for individuals seeking reliable information online.Despite its risks, the internet has become an essential tool for communication, education, and entertainment. By being aware of the potential risks and taking steps to protect one’s privacy and safety, individuals can make the most of the internet’s benefits.Questions:29. What are some benefits of the internet?30. How has the internet changed the way people communicate?31. What challenges do individuals face on the internet?32. How can individuals protect themselves from the risks of the internet?Part IV Writing (25 Points)Directions: Write an essay of about 150 words on the following topic.Topic: The importance of learning a second language- Why is it important to learn a second language?- What are the benefits of being bilingual?- How can learning a second language help you in your personal and professional life?Remember to:- Write a clear introduction and conclusion- Support your points with reasons and examples- Use proper grammar, vocabulary, and sentence structure以上是2021年潍坊市初中学业水平考试英语试题。



2021年潍坊市初中学业水平考试英语试题全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇12021 Weifang Junior High School Academic Ability Examination English TestPart I Reading Comprehension (35 points)Directions: There are four reading passages in this part. Each passage is followed by five questions or unfinished statements. For each of them, there are four possible answers marked A), B), C) and D). Choose the best answer and blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.Passage 1Questions 1-5 are based on the following passage.Tea is one of the most popular drinks in the world. It is drunk by millions of people in many countries. However, there are some differences in the ways people drink tea and what they add to it.In Britain, people usually drink tea with a little milk and, in some cases, sugar. In some parts of Asia, people drink teawithout milk, but they add a piece of lemon or a few mint leaves. In Russia, people like their tea with a slice of lemon and a teaspoon of honey. In India, people drink sweet, milky tea, which is called chai.Tea is also considered to be a relaxing drink that calms you down and makes you feel comfortable. Whether it is for socializing with friends or just sitting quietly reading on your own, tea is the perfect beverage.1. What do British people usually add to their tea?A) Milk and sugar.B) Lemon and mint.C) Honey and lemon.D) Milk and lemon.2. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage?A) Tea is drunk by millions of people.B) Tea is a popular drink around the world.C) Tea is always drunk with milk.D) Tea is considered to be a relaxing drink.3. How do people in some parts of Asia drink tea?A) With milk and sugar.B) With lemon and mint.C) With honey and lemon.D) Sweet and milky.4. What is chai?A) Tea with lemon and mint.B) Tea with milk and sugar.C) Tea with honey and lemon.D) Sweet, milky tea.5. Why is tea considered to be the perfect beverage?A) Because it makes you feel uncomfortable.B) Because it helps you make friends.C) Because it helps you relax.D) Because it helps you sleep.Part II Vocabulary and Grammar (45 points)Directions: There are 15 questions in this part. For each of them, choose the best answer from the four options given and blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.21. Mary can't go to the concert with us. She ______ to a business meeting.A) goesB) is goingC) has goneD) has been22. He said that he ______ the book the next day.A) will returnB) would returnC) returnsD) is returning23. My sister ______ in the living room when I got home.A) studiesB) is studyingC) was studyingD) studied24. By the time you arrive at the airport, I ______ here for two hours.A) amB) will beC) have beenD) have25. They ______ to a different restaurant if they had known the food was bad.A) wouldn't goB) won't goC) haven't goneD) didn't goPart III Reading Comprehension (40 points)Directions: There are five reading passages in this part. Each passage is followed by six questions or unfinished statements. For each of them, there are four possible answers marked A), B), C) and D). Choose the best answer and blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.Passage 1Questions 1-6 are based on the following passage.Traveling is one of the best ways to learn about different cultures and experience new things. People who travel often say that it changes them in many ways and makes them more open-minded.However, traveling can also have some negative effects. For example, it can be stressful and tiring, especially if you have a long journey. Also, there is always the possibility of getting sick in a foreign country where you are not familiar with the health care system. Another negative aspect of traveling is that it can be expensive, especially if you want to go to popular tourist destinations.Despite these negative aspects, most people find that the benefits of traveling outweigh the disadvantages. They enjoy exploring new places, trying different foods, and meeting new people. Traveling also allows them to relax and take a break from their daily routines.1. According to the passage, what is one of the negative aspects of traveling?A) It is expensive.B) It changes people.C) It allows people to relax.D) It helps people learn about different cultures.2. What is one of the possible negative effects of traveling mentioned in the passage?A) It is stressful and tiring.B) It is a good way to learn about different cultures.C) It allows people to experience new things.D) It makes people more open-minded.3. Why do most people find the benefits of traveling outweigh the disadvantages?A) Because they enjoy exploring new places and trying different foods.B) Because they find it stressful and tiring.C) Because they find it expensive.D) Because they find it difficult to relax.4. What does traveling allow people to do?A) Explore new places.B) Try different foods.C) Meet new people.D) All of the above.Part IV Writing (40 points)Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic "My Dream Job". You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below.1. What is your dream job?2. Why do you want to do this job?3. What do you need to do to achieve your dream?4. ConclusionSample Answer:My Dream JobMy dream job is to become a successful businesswoman. I have always been interested in business and entrepreneurship, and I believe that by pursuing this career, I can achieve my full potential and make a positive impact on the world.I want to do this job because I have a passion for creating new ideas and solving problems. I enjoy the challenge of starting a new venture and seeing it grow and succeed. I also want to bemy boss and have the freedom to make my decisions and set my schedule.To achieve my dream, I need to work hard and develop my skills in business management and entrepreneurship. I also need to network with other professionals in the industry and learn from their experiences. Finally, I need to stay focused and persistent and never give up on my goal, no matter how challenging it may be.In conclusion, my dream job is to become a successful businesswoman and make a positive impact on the world. I am confident that with hard work and determination, I can achieve my goals and create a successful career for myself.Overall, the 2021 Weifang Junior High School Academic Ability Examination English Test is a comprehensive test that assesses students' reading comprehension, vocabulary, grammar, and writing skills. Students are expected to demonstrate their ability to understand and analyze texts, use appropriate grammar and vocabulary, and express their ideas clearly and effectively in writing. By preparing well for this test, students can improve their English proficiency and achieve success in their academic studies.篇22021 Weifang City Junior High School Academic Achievement TestPart I ListeningSection ADirections: In this section, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.1. A. On Sunday. B. In the morning. C. On Saturday. D. In the afternoon.2. A. Visiting his grandparents. B. Going to the movies. C. Having a picnic. D. Studying for exams.3. A. Yes, I do. B. No, I don’t. C. Yes, she is.D. No, she isn’t.4. A. At 2 o’clock. B. At 3 o’clock. C. At 4 o’clock. D. At 5 o’clock.5. A. By car. B. By bus. C. By bike. D. By train.Section BDirections: In this section, you will hear four passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. After you hear a passage and the questions about it, read the four possible answers on your paper and decide which one is the best answer to the questions you have heard.Questions 6 to 8 are based on the passage you will hear.6. A. To visit his grandparents. B. To visit his friends.C. To visit his cousins.D. To visit his aunt.7. A. Because he had never been to the countryside before.B. Because he loved nature.C. Because he needed to escape the city.D. Because he wanted to go hiking.8. A. In the morning. B. In the afternoon. C. In the evening. D. At night.Questions 9 to 11 are based on the passage you will hear.9. A. He wants to visit his parents. B. He needs help with his math homework. C. He has a question about chemistry. D. He has an emergency.10. A. The library. B. Room 203. C. The school office. D. The teacher’s lounge.11. A. Introduction to Chemistry. B. Advanced Math.C. Geography.D. History.Questions 12 to 15 are based on the passage you will hear.12. A. To find some firewood. B. To take a walk in the forest. C. To find his lost keys. D. To explore the surroundings.13. A. In the kitchen. B. In the bedroom. C. In the living room. D. In the garden.14. A. At the bottom of the stairs. B. In the garage.C. Under the washing machine.D. Behind the shed.15. A. The backyard. B. The front yard. C. The forest. D. The neighbor’s house.Part II ReadingSection ADirections: In this section, you will read five short passages. After each passage, there will be two sets of questions. Answer the questions based on what is stated or implied in the passages.Passage 1Jordan is always busy with homework, projects, andafter-school activities. She is organized and knows how to manage her time effectively. She is also a great friend, always willing to lend a hand when someone needs help.Questions 16-20 are based on Passage 1.16. What is Jordan busy with?A. Sports.B. TV shows.C. School-related activities.D. Cooking.17. How does Jordan manage her time effectively?A. By watching TV.B. By playing games.C. By being organized.D. By being lazy.18. What kind of friend is Jordan?A. Not helpful.B. Very busy.C. Always willing to help.D. Never available.19. When does Jordan lend a hand to her friends?A. Never.B. Rarely.C. Sometimes.D. Always.20. What is Jordan willing to do for her friends?A. Nothing.B. A little.C. Everything.D. Cooking.Passage 2Liam loves to play video games and spend time with his friends. He is outgoing and enjoys meeting new people. He is the life of the party and always brings a good vibe wherever he goes.Questions 21-25 are based on Passage 2.21. What does Liam love to do in his free time?A. Read books.B. Play video games.C. Watch movies.D. Sleep.22. How does Liam feel in social situations?A. Shy.B. Reserved.C. Outgoing.D. Angry.23. What type of people does Liam enjoy meeting?A. Nobody.B. Animals.C. New people.D. Old friends.24. How does Liam act at parties?A. He is bored.B. He brings a good vibe.C. He leaves early.D. He ruins everything.25. How does Liam make others feel?A. Sad.B. Happy.C. Angry.D. Bored.Passage 3Sophie is a talented artist who loves to paint and draw. She is inspired by nature and loves to create art that reflects its beauty. She dreams of becoming a famous painter one day and sharing her art with the world.Questions 26-30 are based on Passage 3.26. What does Sophie love to do as an artist?A. Sing.B. Dance.C. Paint.D. Cook.27. What inspires Sophie's art?A. Animals.B. Cities.C. Nature.D. Technology.28. What does Sophie dream of becoming?A. A teacher.B. A famous painter.C. An accountant.D. A doctor.29. How does Sophie want to share her art with the world?A. By hiding it.B. By selling it.C. By burning it.D. By sharing it.30. What is Sophie passionate about?A. Business.B. Art.C. Science.D. Math.Section BDirections: In this section, you will read a passage with ten questions. Each question has four choices marked A, B, C, and D. Read the passage carefully and choose the best answer to each question.July is the hottest month in Weifang City, with an average temperature of 30°C. The weather can be quite humid and uncomfortable, so it's important to stay hydrated and wear light clothing. Many people escape the heat by visitingair-conditioned malls or swimming pools. Some people also enjoy spending time outdoors, taking advantage of the warm weather for picnics or outdoor sports activities. Despite the heat, July is a popular month for tourists, with many visitors coming to Weifang to explore the city's historical sites, attend festivals, and enjoy local cuisine.Questions 31 to 40 are based on the passage you have just heard.31. What is the average temperature in Weifang City in July?A. 20°C.B. 25°C. C. 30°C.D. 35°C.32. How does the weather feel in July?A. Dry.B. Hot and humid.C. Cold and windy.D. Rainy.33. What should people wear in July in Weifang City?A. Heavy jackets.B. Umbrellas.C. Light clothing.D. Boots.34. How do people escape the heat in July?A. By wearing heavy clothing.B. By staying indoors.C. By visiting air-conditioned places.D. By going for a run.35. What do some people enjoy doing outdoors in July?A. Watching TV.B. Reading books.C. Picnics and outdoor sports activities.D. Sleeping.36. What makes July a popular month for tourists in Weifang City?A. Rain.B. Snow.C. Historical sites, festivals, local cuisine.D. No attractions.37. What do visitors to Weifang City enjoy in July?A. Only the rainy weather.B. Only the snow.C. Historical sites, festivals, local cuisine.D. Nothing.38. Why do some people visit air-conditioned malls in July?A. To shop.B. To escape the heat.C. To get wet.D. To watch movies.39. How can one stay hydrated in July?A. By drinking coffee.B. By eating ice cream.C. By drinking water.D. By eating pizza.40. What do some people enjoy doing in July in Weifang City?A. Staying indoors.B. Going to work.C. Watching TV.D. Exploring the city's historical sites, attending festivals, enjoying local cuisine.Part III WritingDirections: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic My Dream Job. You shouldwrite at least 120 words following the outline given below in Chinese.我的梦想工作1. 我的梦想工作是……2. 我选择这个职业的原因……3. 我将如何实现我的梦想【参考范文】我的梦想工作是成为一名医生。



2021年潍坊市初中学业水平考试英语试题全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇12021 Weifang City Junior High School Academic Achievement Examination - English TestPart I. Vocabulary and GrammarSection A. Choose the correct word to complete the sentence.1. Can I borrow your pencil? I seem to have _______ mine.A. forgetB. forgottenC. forgotD. forgetting2. The students _______ to the museum on their class trip last week.A. goB. goesD. went3. Kate prefers to do her homework by herself instead of asking for _______ help.A. hersB. sheC. herD. hers'4. Tom's father promised to _______ him a bike if he passed all his exams.A. buyB. buysC. boughtD. buying5. Sarah was _______ when she saw her birthday present from her friends.A. surprisingB. surprisedD. surprisinglySection B. Choose the correct form of the verb in brackets.6. If you _______ (study) hard, you will pass your exams.7. Tom (not, watch) TV when his mom called last night.8. The cat (knock) the glass off the table just now.9. She always _______ (listen) to music while she does her homework.10. You should _______ (not, skip) breakfast in the morning.Part II. Reading ComprehensionRead the following passages and answer the questions.Passage 1Have you ever wondered how people celebrate New Year's around the world? In Spain, people eat 12 grapes at midnight for good luck. In Japan, people ring bells 108 times to let go of their sins. In Denmark, it is a tradition to break plates on your friends' doorsteps on New Year's Eve. The Chinese New Year is celebrated with firecrackers, dragon dances, and lots of delicious food. How do you celebrate New Year's in your country?Questions:11. What do people do in Spain at midnight on New Year's Eve?12. How do people in Japan let go of their sins?13. What is a tradition in Denmark on New Year's Eve?14. How is the Chinese New Year celebrated?Passage 2Global warming is a serious issue that is affecting our planet. Temperatures are rising, glaciers are melting, and extreme weather events are becoming more common. It is important for everyone to do their part to reduce their carbon footprint. We can all make small changes in our daily lives, such as using less plastic, carpooling, and recycling. Remember, every little bit helps to save our planet.Questions:15. What is global warming, and how is it affecting our planet?16. What can individuals do to reduce their carbon footprint?17. Why is it important to make small changes in our daily lives to help the environment?Part III. WritingWrite an essay of at least 150 words on the following topic:"Describe your favorite vacation and why it was special to you."Remember to include details about where you went, what you did, and why it was your favorite vacation.End of Test. Good luck!篇2Weifang City Junior High School Academic Proficiency Examination (2021) - English testPart 1: ListeningSection A: Listen to the following dialogue and choose the correct answer to each question.1. What is the man's problem?A. He lost his wallet.B. He missed his flight.C. He forgot his passport.2. Where does the conversation most likely take place?A. At a bank.B. At an airport.C. At a hotel.Section B: Listen to the following monologue and fill in the blanks with the correct information.3. Name of the museum: _____________4. Opening hours: ______________5. Special exhibition: ____________________Part 2: ReadingSection A: Read the passage and answer the questions."Technology in the Classroom"Technology has become an integral part of education. Many schools are incorporating laptops, tablets, and interactive whiteboards into their classrooms to enhance learning. While some argue that traditional methods are still effective, others believe that technology is the way forward.6. What is the main idea of the passage?7. What are some advantages of using technology in the classroom?Section B: Read the passage and fill in the blanks with the correct words."Global Warming"Global warming is a serious issue that affects the planet. The rise in temperatures is causing changes in the climate, leading to more frequent natural disasters, such as hurricanes and droughts. It is important for individuals to _______________ in order to protect the environment.Part 3: WritingWrite an essay on the following topic: "The Impact of Social Media on Teenagers".In your essay, discuss the positive and negative effects of social media on teenagers. Provide examples and personal experiences to support your points.Remember to use proper grammar, vocabulary, and punctuation in your essay.This is just a sample of the English test for the 2021 Weifang City Junior High School Academic Proficiency Examination. Students are expected to demonstrate their listening, reading, and writing skills to showcase their proficiency in the English language. Good luck to all the test-takers!篇3The 2021 Weifang City Junior High School Academic Performance English Exam PaperPart 1: ListeningSection A: Dialogue Comprehension (10 marks)Listen to the following dialogue and choose the correct answer to each question.1. Where does this conversation most likely take place?A. At a libraryB. At a sports centerC. At a movie theaterD. At a shopping mall2. What does the man plan to do next?B. Watch a movieC. Play basketballD. Meet his friends3. How does the woman feel about the movie?A. ExcitedB. DisinterestedC. FrightenedD. Surprised4. What time will the movie start?A. 2:45B. 3:00C. 3:15D. 3:305. What does the man suggest they do on Sunday?A. Go to a concertB. Have lunch togetherD. Watch a football gameSection B: Passage Comprehension (10 marks)Listen to the following passage and answer the questions.6. Where did the speaker go last summer?A. To the countrysideB. To a tropical islandC. To a big cityD. To a mountain resort7. What kind of transportation did the speaker use to get to her destination?A. A planeB. A trainC. A carD. A bus8. What was the weather like during her trip?A. Sunny and hotB. Rainy and cloudyC. Windy and coldD. Snowy and icy9. How long did the speaker stay at her destination?A. Two weeksB. Three weeksC. Four weeksD. Five weeks10. What did the speaker enjoy the most during her trip?A. Trying new foodsB. Relaxing on the beachC. Exploring the local cultureD. Shopping for souvenirsPart 2: ReadingSection A: Reading Comprehension (40 marks)Read the following passages and answer the questions.Passage 1Although many people believe that robots will one day replace human workers, others argue that robots are simply tools that can assist humans in their work. While it is true that robots can perform tasks more efficiently and accurately than humans in certain situations, they lack the creativity, emotional intelligence, and problem-solving skills that humans possess.11. What is the main idea of this passage?A. Robots will take over human jobsB. Robots are more efficient than humansC. Robots lack certain human qualitiesD. Robots can assist humans in their work12. According to the passage, what qualities do robots lack compared to humans?A. Creativity, emotional intelligence, and problem-solving skillsB. Efficiency, accuracy, and productivityC. Speed, strength, and agilityD. Adaptability, flexibility, and innovation13. Why do some people believe that robots will replace human workers?A. Because robots are cheaper to hireB. Because robots are more reliable and preciseC. Because robots work faster and harderD. Because robots do not require breaks or holidaysPassage 2In recent years, the popularity of online shopping has grown significantly, with more consumers choosing to buy goods and services online rather than in physical stores. While online shopping offers convenience and a wider selection of products, it also comes with certain risks, such as fraud, identity theft, and delivery delays.14. According to the passage, what has grown significantly in recent years?A. The number of physical storesB. The popularity of online shoppingC. The cost of goods and servicesD. The quality of customer service15. What are some risks associated with online shopping?A. Convenience and a wider selection of productsB. Fraud, identity theft, and delivery delaysC. Lower prices and faster delivery timesD. Higher security and better customer reviews16. Why do more consumers choose to buy goods and services online?A. Because physical stores are too crowdedB. Because online shopping is more expensiveC. Because online shopping offers more convenienceD. Because physical stores have better customer serviceSection B: Cloze Test (10 marks)Read the following passage and fill in the blanks with the correct words.17. Last night, I had a __________ dream about flying over the city skyline.18. The __________ of the homework was to write an essay on climate change.19. After a long day at work, I like to __________ by listening to music or reading a book.20. Despite the rain, the concert __________ as scheduled in the outdoor amphitheater.21. The new bakery on the corner __________ delicious pastries and freshly baked bread.Part 3: WritingSection A: Short Response (10 marks)Write a short paragraph (50-60 words) in response to the following prompt:22. What is your favorite season and why?Section B: Extended Response (20 marks)Write a longer paragraph (150-200 words) in response to the following prompt:23. Do you think technology has made our lives better or worse? Give reasons to support your opinion.End of Exam---This is a sample of the 2021 Weifang City Junior High School Academic English exam paper. Students are expected to complete all sections within the given time limit. Good luck and best wishes for a successful examination!。





















绝密★启用前 试卷类型:A2 0 1 4年潍坊市初中学业水平考试数学试题注意事项:1.本试题分第1卷和第Ⅱ卷两部分.第1卷2页,为选择题,3 6分;第Ⅱ卷2 页,为非选择题,84分;共1 2021考试时间为1 2021.2.答卷前务必将试题密封线内及答题卡上面的项目填涂清楚.所有答案都必须涂、 写在答题卡相应位置,答在本试卷上一律无效. 第1卷 (选择题 共3 6分)一、选择题(本题共1 2小题,在每个小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是正确的,请 把正确的选项选出来,每小题选对得3分,选错、不选或选出的答案超过一个均记 O 分.)1.31 的立方根是A .-1B .OC .1D . ±1 2.下列标志中不是中心对称图形的是中国移动 中国银行 中国人民银行 方正集团3.下列实数中是无理数的是 A .722 c 51.5 4.一个几何体的三视图如右图所示,则该几何体是5.若代数式2)3(1-+x x 有意义,则实数的取值范围是 ≥一1 B .≥一1且≠3 C .>- D .>-1且≠36.如图,平行四边形ABCD 的顶点A 、B 、D 在⊙0上,顶点C 在⊙0的 直径BE 上,连接AE ,∠E=360,,则∠ADC 的度数是 A,440 B .540 C .72021 D .5307 若不等式组⎩⎨⎧--≥+2210x x a x 无解,则实数a 的取值范围是A.a≥一1B .a7月1日7月1日7月8日31522143xm2时,实数的取值范围是A.3D .O381332-π3.1121841351210293843=+⨯+⨯+⨯++⨯+⨯++x x 206209212121101002222==+=+=y x OD OC CD 90045tan 900tan 0==∠=C AE CE 330060tan 900tan 0==∠=BDF BF DF 330033002554252==k k QP BP 2)(AM AN AHM AGN =∆∆54)52(12==ΛAGN 545454⎩⎨⎧=+=+02208020b k b k ⎪⎩⎪⎨⎧=-=8852b k 525252⎪⎪⎩⎪⎪⎨⎧+-+-608852408852x x 52a b 2-21-21-21-21-212121-2121⎩⎨⎧==+404b b k ⎩⎨⎧=-=41b k 21-212929292321212121234时,4)一(一21m2m4= 21m2—2m, 由21m2—2m=23,解得m=2±7,经检验适合题意,此时P2(27,2一7),P3(2一7,27).… .........12分. 综上所述,满足条件的点P 有三个,分别是P1 3,1,P2(27,2 -7),P3(2—7,2十7)...............1 3分。

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二〇〇七年一月十四日主题词:教育2007年中考招生通知潍坊市教育局办公室 2007年1月14日印发录入:刘健校对:杜晓敏共印:100份2007年潍坊市初中学业水平考试及高中招生录取工作意见为引导义务教育学校积极落实课程方案,深入推进新课程背景下的教育教学改革工作,不断提高教育教学质量,在总结近几年中考改革经验的基础上,制定本意见。




















语文、数学、外语、物理、化学五个学科均设A、B、C、D、E 五个等级,得分为满分的90%(含)以上为A等,90%以下至80%(含)之间为B等,80%以下至70%(含)之间为C等,70%以下至60%(含)之间为D等,不足60%为E等。

如果按分数划定使得A 等不足考生总量的15%、B等不足考生总量的20%、C等不足考生总量的30%、D等不足考生总量的20%时,则分别按15%、20%、30%、20%的比例划定;如超过上述比例,则按实际人数划定,超出的部分从E等中扣减。



































高中学校招生录取认定委员会,根据毕业生标志性成果的具体情况,结合学校的需求,制定综合素质等级认定标准和办法,并对毕业生综合素质等级进行认定,认定结果分A、B、C、D、E 五个等级,其中A等不超过30%,E等应严格控制(一般指有违法、严重违纪行为的学生)。
























