the Bigbang theory




Jim Parsons as Sheldon Cooper, Ph.D. – Originally from East Texas, he was a child prodigy, he possesses a master's degree, two Ph.D.s, and an IQ of 187. .
The Big Bang Theory
《生活大爆炸》(英语:The Big Bang Theory,简称作TBBT),又译为《天才也 性感》、《天才理论传》,是2007年9月 24日美国哥伦比亚广播公司推出的一部情 景喜剧,由Chuck Lorre与Bill Prady创造并 担任执行制片。
In addition ,It can also help us know about how genius live their lives in anomend you to watch it!!
The five main characters
Jim 饰演sheldon博士,来自德 克萨斯州东部,是个神童,他拥 有一个硕士学位,两个博士学位, 智商高达187。
kind of odd but he never know he is weird (古怪) selfish and arrogant(骄傲)
•Sheldon also has common qualities associated with being a prodigy, such as an inflated ego(自负), social ineptness(社交障碍), and an inability to identify emotionally with others.



大爆炸后0.1秒后 ,温度为109K,中子和质子结合成氘核,并很快 生成氦核,同时有氚核、氦3等轻核及其他轻核生成,此时代称为 核合成时代。目前宇宙中存在的大部氦是那时形成的。
大爆炸1万年后,温度为104K,此时得宇宙宇宙由电子、质子和氦 核的电离气体组成1。
创新微课 现在开始
• 大爆炸理论 (The Big Bang Theory) • 宇宙从一个“奇点”爆炸产生
➢ ➢
宇 宙大 时 各爆 间 处炸 的 同是 零 时在 点 产无 生限

1929年埃德温·哈勃提出宇宙膨胀理论,即不管你往哪个方向看,远处的星系 正急速地远离我们而去。这意味着,在早先星体相互之间更加靠近。事实上,似乎 在大约 100 亿至 200 亿年之前的某一时刻,它们刚好在同一地方,所以哈勃的发现 暗示存在一个叫做大爆炸的时刻,当时宇宙无限紧密。
继续冷却,电子、质子、原子等于光子分离,中性原子形成,宇宙 主要成分为气态物质,并逐步在自引力作用下凝聚成密度较高的气 体云块,直至恒星和恒星系统。
白矮星 中子星
大爆炸开始时 150-200亿年前,极小体积,极高密度,极高温度。
大爆炸后10-44秒,宇宙温度为1032K,产生夸克、轻子、胶子等。 1

从礼貌准则看The Big Bang Theory字幕翻译

从礼貌准则看The Big Bang Theory字幕翻译

The sympathy Maxim(同情原则)
ⅰ. Minimize antipathy between self and others 尽量缩小自身对他人的厌恶
ⅱ. Maximize sympathy between self and others 尽量夸大自身对他人的同情
About The Big Bang Theory
Subtitle and Translation
Subtitles can be used to translate dialog from a foreign language to the native language of the audience. It is the quickest and the cheapest method of translating content, and is usually praised for the possibility to hear the original dialog and voices of the actors. Translation of subtitling is sometimes very different from the translation of written text. Translators often interprets what is meant, rather than translating how it is said, i.e. meaning being more important than form.
从礼貌准则看The Big Bang Theory字 幕翻译
By 钱阳、孙雪、吴梦非、郑玉宴
1 2 3 4
引言 礼貌准则

生活大爆炸第一季 中英对照剧本

生活大爆炸第一季 中英对照剧本

The Big Bang Theory Season01 Chi-Eng ScriptThe Big Bang Theory S01E01 第一季第一集100:00:00,000 --> 00:00:02,460如果一个光子打向有两个狭缝的平面So if a photon is directed through a plane200:00:02,580 --> 00:00:04,150如果有一个狭缝可以观测到with two slits in it and either slit is observed,300:00:04,150 --> 00:00:05,150那它没有同时通过两个狭缝it will not go through both slits.400:00:05,270 --> 00:00:06,450如果观测不到那它会通过If it's unobserved,it will.500:00:06,570 --> 00:00:09,010但如果它是在离开平面后However,if it's observed after it's left the plane600:00:09,100 --> 00:00:10,300在击中目标物之前被观测到But before it hits its target,700:00:10,310 --> 00:00:11,680那它不会同时通过两个狭缝it won't have gone through both slits.800:00:11,850 --> 00:00:13,860没错你想说什么Agreed. what's your point?生活大爆炸第一季中英双语对照剧本-------------------两栏省纸打印版------------------900:00:14,050 --> 00:00:17,240没什么我只是觉得这个主意放在T恤上不错There's no point,I just think it's a good idea for a t-shirt.1000:00:22,670 --> 00:00:24,340-您好 -稍等-excuse me. -hang on.1100:00:28,720 --> 00:00:30,340横1是"爱琴海"One across is "aegean."1200:00:30,460 --> 00:00:31,850竖8是"纳巴科夫"(1899-1977 俄裔美国小说家)Eight down is "nabokov."1300:00:31,980 --> 00:00:34,330横26"MCM"26 across is "mcm."1400:00:34,600 --> 00:00:36,900竖14是...你手挡住了...14 down is... move your finger...1500:00:37,780 --> 00:00:40,410是"门"(生物分类) 所以说横十四是"太子港"(海地首都)"phylum" which makes 14 across"port-au-prince"1600:00:42,050 --> 00:00:45,270你看 "Papa Doc"(海地总统绰号)提示了所以是"太子港"See,"papa doc's capitol idea," that's "port-au-prince."1700:00:46,770 --> 00:00:47,770在海地Haiti.1800:00:49,280 --> 00:00:50,870-需要帮忙吗 -是的-can I help you? -yes.1900:00:53,770 --> 00:00:57,020这里是高智商精子库吗Is this the high-iq sperm bank?2000:00:58,590 --> 00:01:01,280如果这还要问的话那你可能不该来这If you have to ask,maybe you shouldn't be here.2100:01:02,460 --> 00:01:04,030我看就是这儿了I think this is the place.2200:01:05,240 --> 00:01:06,960-把表格填了 -谢谢-fill these out. -thank you.2300:01:07,200 --> 00:01:09,020-马上就好 -不急-we'll be right back. -take your time.24 00:01:09,210 --> 00:01:11,370我正好把填字游戏做完I'll just finish my crossword puzzle.2500:01:12,670 --> 00:01:13,950等等Oh,wait.2600:01:25,120 --> 00:01:27,160莱纳德我觉得我做不到Leonard,I don't think I can do this.2700:01:27,380 --> 00:01:29,690开什么玩笑你都是"半职业选手"了What,are you kidding? you're a semi-pro.2800:01:30,870 --> 00:01:33,200不是的我们这是在犯基因欺诈罪No. we are committing genetic fraud.2900:01:33,380 --> 00:01:35,080我们的精子并不能保证There's no guarantee that our sperm3000:01:35,110 --> 00:01:36,790将来就能生出高智商的后代is going to generate high-iqOffspring.3100:01:36,800 --> 00:01:39,560你想想我姐姐和我的DNA结构相同Think about that. I have a sister with the same basic dna mix3200:01:39,680 --> 00:01:41,340可她只是快餐店的女服务生Who hostesses at fuddruckers.3300:01:42,580 --> 00:01:44,420谢尔顿当初是你要来的Sheldon,this was your idea.3400:01:44,670 --> 00:01:45,790这点补贴能让我们A little extra money to get3500:01:45,800 --> 00:01:48,180在寓所里拥有分式T-1带宽fractional t-1 bandwidth in the apartment.3600:01:48,240 --> 00:01:50,940我知道我的确渴望更快的下载速度I know,and I do yearn for faster downloads.3700:01:51,940 --> 00:01:53,070但那些可怜的女人们But there's some poor woman3800:01:53,110 --> 00:01:55,250会把希望寄托在我精子上的who's gonna pin her hopes on my sperm.3900:01:55,290 --> 00:01:57,900如果她最后发现那小不点连曲线下面积What if she winds up with a toddler who doesn't know if he should use4000:01:58,030 --> 00:02:01,470该用积分还是微分算都不知道她会怎么想An integral or a differential to solve the area under a curve? 4100:02:02,360 --> 00:02:04,960-我肯定她还是会爱他的 -我不会-i'm sure she'll still love him. -i wouldn't.4200:02:07,140 --> 00:02:08,630你现在想怎么样Well,what do you want to do?4300:02:08,750 --> 00:02:09,750我想走了I want to leave.4400:02:11,550 --> 00:02:12,890该怎么跟她说呢What's the protocol for leaving?4500:02:13,240 --> 00:02:16,480我不知道...我以前从来没在捐献精子时中途走人过I don't know... I've never reneged on a proffer of sperm before.4600:02:18,020 --> 00:02:19,470我们就直接走吧Let's try just walking out.4700:02:31,630 --> 00:02:33,850-再见 -再见很高兴见到你-bye. -bye. nice meeting you.4800:02:36,820 --> 00:02:38,550你还在为那个精子库的事生气吗Are you still mad about the sperm bank?4900:02:38,660 --> 00:02:39,180没有No.5000:02:40,940 --> 00:02:43,850你想不想听有关楼梯的有趣事情You want to hear an interesting thing about stairs?5100:02:44,320 --> 00:02:45,370不太想Not really.5200:02:46,090 --> 00:02:48,950如果有一格阶梯的高度存在哪怕两毫米的微小差距If the height of a single step is off by as little as two millimeters,5300:02:49,090 --> 00:02:51,410-大多数人会被绊倒 -跟我无关-most people will trip. -i don't care.5400:02:53,300 --> 00:02:55,090两毫...那不太可能吧Two milli... that doesn't seem right.5500:02:55,210 --> 00:02:57,630不是真的我12岁时做过一系列试验No,it's true,I did a series of experiments when I was 125600:02:57,750 --> 00:02:59,280我爸爸还摔断了锁骨My father broke his clavicle.5700:03:00,680 --> 00:03:02,550 你就是因为这个被他们送去寄宿学校的? Is that why they sent you to boarding school?5800:03:02,680 --> 00:03:05,350不是是因为我那些关于激光的试验No. that was a result of my work with lasers.5900:03:11,360 --> 00:03:12,390这是新邻居?New neighbor?6000:03:12,610 --> 00:03:13,610很明显Evidently.6100:03:14,060 --> 00:03:16,680比起上一个的水准真是有显著提高Significant improvement over the old neighbor.6200:03:17,760 --> 00:03:19,870那个体重200磅有皮肤问题的异装癖者? 200-pound transvestite with a skin condition?6300:03:19,990 --> 00:03:20,990那是没错Yes,she is.6400:03:23,470 --> 00:03:25,370-你好 -你好-oh,hi. -hi.6500:03:30,260 --> 00:03:32,470我们不想打搅你我们就住你对面We don't mean to interrupt. we live across the hall.6600:03:32,710 --> 00:03:34,390你们真好啊Oh,that's nice.6700:03:35,450 --> 00:03:37,390我们不是住在一起我是说...We don't live together. I mean...6800:03:38,090 --> 00:03:39,190我们是住在一起We live together,6900:03:39,310 --> 00:03:42,290不过是在分开的异性恋的卧室里But in separate,heterosexual bedrooms.7000:03:43,720 --> 00:03:44,720好的Okay,well...7100:03:44,910 --> 00:03:46,780看来你们就是我的新邻居了我叫佩妮Guess I'm your new neighbor. penny.7200:03:47,190 --> 00:03:48,830-我是莱纳德他是谢尔顿 -你好-leonard. sheldon. -hi.7300:03:53,370 --> 00:03:54,410那么...Well...7400:03:55,280 --> 00:03:56,620欢迎成为我们的邻居Welcome to the building.7500:03:57,050 --> 00:03:59,220谢谢你我们可以什么时候喝喝咖啡Thank you. maybe we can have coffee sometime.7600:03:59,340 --> 00:04:01,150很好啊Great.7700:04:04,190 --> 00:04:06,430-那...再见 -再见-well... bye. -bye.7800:04:10,410 --> 00:04:12,140我们要不要请她来吃午饭?Should we have invited her for lunch?7900:04:12,600 --> 00:04:15,210不我们要开始看太空堡垒卡拉狄加第二季No.We're gonna start season two of battlestar galactica.8000:04:15,840 --> 00:04:17,820第二季的DVD我们已经看过了We already watched the season two dvds.8100:04:17,940 --> 00:04:19,120但评论音轨还没看Not with commentary.8200:04:21,800 --> 00:04:23,750我觉得我们应该做个好邻居I think we should be good neighbors8300:04:23,870 --> 00:04:25,760请她作客让她觉得亲切And invite her over,make her feel welcome.8400:04:26,270 --> 00:04:28,940我们从没请过那个叫路易还是叫路易斯的过来We never invited louie-slash-louise over.8500:04:30,150 --> 00:04:31,790那是我们的不对And that was wrong of us.8600:04:31,920 --> 00:04:33,360我们得扩大下我们的朋友圈子We need to widen our circle.8700:04:33,770 --> 00:04:35,900我的朋友圈子已经很大了I have a very wide circle.8800:04:36,800 --> 00:04:38,830我的空间上有212个好友I have 212 friends on myspace.8900:04:40,800 --> 00:04:42,960不错可他们你一个也没见过Yes,and you've never met one of them.9000:04:43,710 --> 00:04:45,060这正是其美妙之处That's the beauty of it.9100:04:47,470 --> 00:04:49,070 我要请她过来I'm gonna invite her over.9200:04:49,570 --> 00:04:52,140我们可以好好吃一顿然后...聊天We'll have a nice meal and... chat.9300:04:52,350 --> 00:04:55,100聊天? 我们平时不聊天至少下了网不聊Chat? we don't chat. at least not offline.9400:04:57,480 --> 00:04:58,810这没什么难的It's not difficult.9500:04:58,930 --> 00:05:00,450你只要听着她讲些什么You just listen to what she says9600:05:00,570 --> 00:05:03,390然后你适当地回应她一些And then you say something appropriate in response.9700:05:04,790 --> 00:05:05,790那最后要干什么?To what end?9800:05:07,770 --> 00:05:09,370你好...又来了Hi... again.9900:05:09,490 --> 00:05:11,370你好Hi.10000:05:12,650 --> 00:05:13,670那个...Anyway...10100:05:14,250 --> 00:05:15,770我们带了印度菜回来We brought home indian food.10200:05:16,790 --> 00:05:17,790然后...And...10300:05:18,310 --> 00:05:20,480我知道搬家可能会很累I know that moving can be stressful,10400:05:20,610 --> 00:05:22,780并且我发现当我身心俱疲时And I find that when I'm undergoing stress,10500:05:22,910 --> 00:05:26,060美食和伙伴能让我感觉很舒坦That good food and company can have a comforting effect.10600:05:27,280 --> 00:05:30,430还有咖喱本身有通便功效我想我不必再说Also,curry is a natural laxative,and I don't have to tell you10700:05:30,550 --> 00:05:33,180你知道如果大肠通畅...That,you know,a clean colon is just...108 00:05:33,500 --> 00:05:35,290那又可以少一件操心事了One less thing to worry about.10900:05:37,080 --> 00:05:39,900这方面我不在行不过我相信如果是邀请别人吃午餐I'm no expert,but I believe in the context of a luncheon invitation,11000:05:40,030 --> 00:05:42,480你最好不要说些肠运动的事You might want to skip the reference to bowel movements.11100:05:43,100 --> 00:05:44,850你们是在邀请我过去吃饭?You're inviting me over to eat?11200:05:45,930 --> 00:05:46,430是的Yes.11300:05:47,270 --> 00:05:49,230你们真好我很乐意Oh,that's so nice. I'd love to.11400:05:49,400 --> 00:05:50,400太好了Great.11500:05:50,550 --> 00:05:52,900你们平时都玩些什么So,what do you guys do for fun around here?11600:05:53,690 --> 00:05:56,320今天我们尝试过靠自慰来挣钱Today we tried masturbating for money.11700:06:25,370 --> 00:06:27,200好了就当在自己家一样Okay,make yourself at home.11800:06:27,480 --> 00:06:28,480谢谢Thank you.11900:06:28,810 --> 00:06:29,940不用谢You're very welcome.12000:06:34,280 --> 00:06:36,020这些东西看上去真深奥啊This looks like some serious stuff.12100:06:36,140 --> 00:06:39,210-莱纳德这是你写的? -不这是我的-leonard,did you do this? -actually,that's my work.12200:06:41,160 --> 00:06:43,650不错只是一些量子力学而已Yeah. well,it's just some quantum mechanics12300:06:43,770 --> 00:06:45,990边上还随便写了一点点弦理论With a little string theory doodling around the edges.12400:06:46,110 --> 00:06:47,610那部分是我开的玩笑That part there,that's just a joke. 12500:06:47,730 --> 00:06:50,600讽刺下波恩-奥本海默近似It's a spoof of the born-oppenheimer approximation.12600:06:52,020 --> 00:06:55,340这么说你就像是"美丽心灵"里那种天才一样So you're like one of those beautiful mind genius guys.12700:06:56,420 --> 00:06:57,130是吧Yeah.12800:06:59,100 --> 00:07:01,360-真让人赞叹 -我也有块板-this is really impressive. -i have a board.12900:07:01,480 --> 00:07:03,560如果你喜欢板这块是我的If you like boards,this is my board.13000:07:04,650 --> 00:07:05,910上帝啊Holy smokes.13100:07:06,030 --> 00:07:07,490如果你说"上帝啊"是想If by "holy smokes",you mean13200:07:07,620 --> 00:07:09,480再一次强调说你能在任何一个麻省理工的A derivative restatement of the kind of stuff13300:07:09,630 --> 00:07:12,660男生寝室墙上发现那些涂鸦那一点没错You can find scribbled on the wall of any men's room at mit,sure.13400:07:13,570 --> 00:07:14,880-什么? -得了吧-what? -come on.13500:07:15,000 --> 00:07:18,610谁没看到那微分上面写着"我打住了心碎了算不下去了"Who hasn't seen this differential below "here I sit,broken-hearted"?13600:07:19,000 --> 00:07:21,530至少我不会为了解决个数学问题At least I didn't have to invent 26 dimensions13700:07:21,650 --> 00:07:22,920去发明个什么26维出来Just to make the math come out.13800:07:23,050 --> 00:07:24,500我没有创造发明他们本来就有I didn't invent them. they're there.13900:07:24,620 --> 00:07:27,740-哪个宇宙有? -所有的都有...这就是我说的关键-in what universe? -in all of them... that is the point.14000:07:28,770 --> 00:07:30,180你们介意我先开吃吗Do you guys mind if I start? 14100:07:30,780 --> 00:07:31,780佩妮...Penny...14200:07:32,640 --> 00:07:33,910这是我的座位That's where l sit.14300:07:35,910 --> 00:07:37,080那你坐我旁边So,sit next to me.14400:07:38,900 --> 00:07:40,320不...我坐那里的No... I sit there.14500:07:41,970 --> 00:07:42,980有什么区别What's the difference?14600:07:43,120 --> 00:07:45,180-什么区别? -开始了-what's the difference? -here we go.14700:07:45,980 --> 00:07:48,290在冬天这个位子离暖气比较近所以比较暖和In the winter,that seat is close enough to the radiator14800:07:48,410 --> 00:07:51,260但也不至于太近以至于引起出汗To remain warm,and yet not so close as to cause perspiration14900:07:51,410 --> 00:07:53,770在夏天通过窗子吹进来的风直接在这里交叉In the summer,it's directly in the path of a cross-breeze15000:07:53,920 --> 00:07:55,840就是这边和那边的窗户Created by opening windows there and there.15100:07:56,000 --> 00:07:57,580看电视正好有个角度It faces the television at an angle15200:07:57,700 --> 00:08:00,140不会太正从而影响跟别人说话That is neither direct,thus discouraging conversation,15300:08:00,300 --> 00:08:02,710也不会太斜从而造成脖子酸疼Nor so far wide as to create a parallax distortion.15400:08:02,830 --> 00:08:06,040我还能继续不过我觉得你已经明白我的意思了I could go on,but I think I've made my point.15500:08:09,310 --> 00:08:10,600你想让我移开吗Do you want me to move?15600:08:10,730 --> 00:08:12,630你就随便坐一下吧-well... -just sit somewhere else. 15700:08:14,910 --> 00:08:15,910好的Fine.15800:08:34,130 --> 00:08:35,200谢尔顿坐下!Sheldon,sit!15900:08:40,830 --> 00:08:42,150这样很好啊Well,this is nice.16000:08:42,360 --> 00:08:43,950不太有人来我们这里作客的We don't have a lot of company over.16100:08:44,070 --> 00:08:46,790不是吧库萨帕里和沃尔维茨就经常过来That's not true. koothrappali and wolowitz come over all the time.16200:08:46,910 --> 00:08:48,300-是我知道但... -星期二晚上-yes i know,but... -tuesday night,16300:08:48,430 --> 00:08:50,260我们还玩"克林贡拼字游戏"玩到凌晨一点(克林贡是外星人)We played klingon boggle till 1:00 a.m.16400:08:50,280 --> 00:08:51,290是我记得Yeah,I remember.16500:08:51,420 --> 00:08:53,250-不要说我们没有伙伴 -对不起-don't say we don't have company. -sorry.16600:08:53,370 --> 00:08:56,280-这是社交上很消极的暗示 -我说对不起了-that has negative social implications. -i said I'm sorry!16700:08:58,710 --> 00:09:00,190"克林贡拼字游戏"?Klingon boggle?16800:09:00,320 --> 00:09:02,640是的就是普通的拼字游戏只不过... Yeah. it's like regular boggle,but...16900:09:02,790 --> 00:09:03,920是用克林贡语言In klingon.17000:09:07,340 --> 00:09:10,240关于我们已经说得够多了说说你吧That's probably enough about us. so,tell us about you.17100:09:11,140 --> 00:09:12,360我? 好吧Me? okay.17200:09:12,850 --> 00:09:14,190我是射手座的I'm a sagittarius,17300:09:14,320 --> 00:09:16,630就这一点你们很可能就了解得比我想说的多得多了Which probably tells you way more than you need to know.17400:09:16,770 --> 00:09:19,920没错我们可以了解到你有群众性文化妄想Yes. it tells us that you participate in the mass cultural delusion17500:09:20,050 --> 00:09:21,330就是指你出生时That the sun's apparent position17600:09:21,450 --> 00:09:24,390相对于任意确定星座的太阳的视位置Relative to arbitrarily defined constellations at the time of your birth17700:09:24,510 --> 00:09:26,330可能会决定你的性格Somehow affects your personality.17800:09:29,080 --> 00:09:30,430有什么来着?Participate in the what?17900:09:30,930 --> 00:09:32,820我认为谢尔顿是想说I think what sheldon's trying to say18000:09:32,940 --> 00:09:35,840我们可能不会第一个猜你是"射手座"的Is that sagittarius wouldn't have been our first guess.18100:09:36,310 --> 00:09:38,490是很多人会以为我是水相星座的Yeah,a lot of people think I'm a water sign.18200:09:39,260 --> 00:09:41,070还有什么让我想想Okay,let's see,what else.18300:09:41,200 --> 00:09:43,230我是素食者但我吃鱼I'm a vegetarian. except for fish.18400:09:43,350 --> 00:09:45,400偶尔吃牛排牛排真赞!And the occasional steak. I love steak!18500:09:48,050 --> 00:09:49,130真有趣Well,that's interesting.18600:09:49,460 --> 00:09:51,480莱纳德吃玉米会不消化Leonard can't process corn.18700:09:55,560 --> 00:09:57,820你有什么工作吗Well... do you have some sort of a job?18800:09:58,870 --> 00:10:01,010有我是家乳酪蛋糕店的服务生Yeah. I'm a waitress at the cheesecake factory.18900:10:01,600 --> 00:10:02,870我很喜欢乳酪蛋糕I love cheesecake. 19000:10:02,990 --> 00:10:04,050你不是不能吃乳糖嘛You're lactose-intolerant.19100:10:04,170 --> 00:10:06,610我是不吃...我只是觉得那东西不错I don't eat it... I just think it's a good idea.19200:10:07,770 --> 00:10:10,050还有我正在写一个剧本Anyways,I'm also writing a screenplay.19300:10:10,170 --> 00:10:13,250讲一个多愁善感的女生从内布拉斯加州的林肯来到了洛杉矶It's about this sensitive girl who comes to l.a. from lincoln,nebraska,19400:10:13,370 --> 00:10:16,890她本想当名演员最终却在乳酪蛋糕店当了服务生To be an actress and winds up a waitress at the cheesecake factory.19500:10:18,520 --> 00:10:20,280看来这是根据你的经历写的So,it's based on your life.19600:10:20,470 --> 00:10:21,560不我是来自奥马哈No,I'm from omaha.19700:10:25,810 --> 00:10:27,870如果真拍成了电影我会去看的If that was movie,I would go see it.19800:10:27,990 --> 00:10:29,030我就说是不错吧?I know,right?19900:10:29,510 --> 00:10:31,330让我想想还有什么...Okay,let's see,what else...20000:10:32,690 --> 00:10:34,400大概就这些了Guess that's about it.20100:10:34,960 --> 00:10:36,410这就是佩妮的故事了That's the story of penny.20200:10:37,580 --> 00:10:39,100真不错It sounds wonderful.20300:10:40,470 --> 00:10:41,470是不错It was.20400:10:42,090 --> 00:10:44,560直到我爱上了那混蛋!Until I fell in love with a jerk!20500:10:48,350 --> 00:10:49,390怎么回事?What's happening?20600:10:52,390 --> 00:10:54,700上帝你知道吗我和他同居了4年God,you know,4 years I lived with him. 20700:10:54,820 --> 00:10:57,770整整4年...都跟高中生涯一样长了4 years... that's like as long as high school.20800:10:57,890 --> 00:10:59,900你花了4年才读完高中?It took you 4 years to get through high school?20900:11:02,590 --> 00:11:05,390真...不敢相信我竟然那么信任他It just... I can't believe I trusted him.21000:11:10,340 --> 00:11:12,950我该说些什么吗? 我感觉我该说些什么Should I say something? I feel like I should say something.21100:11:13,070 --> 00:11:14,770你? 算了你只会越帮越忙You? no,you'll only make it worse.21200:11:14,920 --> 00:11:17,040你们想知道最悲哀的是什么吗You want to know the most pathetic part?21300:11:17,210 --> 00:11:20,210即使我已经恨透了他的谎言他的不忠Even though I hate his lying,cheating guts...21400:11:20,930 --> 00:11:22,470我还是爱他I still love him.21500:11:23,490 --> 00:11:24,490我是不是疯了?Is that crazy?21600:11:24,740 --> 00:11:25,290是疯了Yes.21700:11:28,060 --> 00:11:30,470不不是的这只是...No,it's not crazy. it's a...21800:11:31,430 --> 00:11:32,920只是一种悖论It's a paradox.21900:11:33,170 --> 00:11:36,670自然界中到处都存在着悖论比如说光Paradoxes are part of nature. think about light.22000:11:36,790 --> 00:11:39,270按照惠更斯的理论光是一种波If you look at huygens,light is a wave,22100:11:39,390 --> 00:11:41,230双缝实验证明了这一观点As confirmed by the double-slit experiments,22200:11:41,350 --> 00:11:43,650不过后来有了爱因斯坦But then along comes albert einstein22300:11:43,770 --> 00:11:47,020他发现光原来也具有粒子性And discovers that light behaves like particles,too.22400:11:49,610 --> 00:11:51,270我至少没越帮倒忙Well,I didn't make it worse.22500:11:53,640 --> 00:11:55,690我真的很抱歉我真是一团糟I'm so sorry. I'm such a mess.22600:11:56,120 --> 00:11:58,250最糟的是我搬家都搬得恶心死了On top of everything else,I'm all gross from moving22700:11:58,370 --> 00:11:59,960没想到该死的淋浴器还不能用了And my stupid shower doesn't even work.22800:12:00,080 --> 00:12:01,140我们的可以用啊Our shower works.22900:12:02,990 --> 00:12:04,940真的? 如果我在这里洗你们会不会介意? Really? would it be totally weird if I used it?23000:12:05,060 --> 00:12:06,290-会 -不会-yes. -no.23100:12:06,410 --> 00:12:07,410-不会 -不会-no. -no.23200:12:09,260 --> 00:12:10,630就在那边It's right down the hall.23300:12:10,910 --> 00:12:11,910谢谢Thanks.23400:12:12,170 --> 00:12:13,610你们真是太好了You guys are really sweet.23500:12:20,320 --> 00:12:22,770这番进步有意思啊Well,this is an interesting development.23600:12:25,810 --> 00:12:26,810怎么?How so?23700:12:26,970 --> 00:12:29,120上次有个女人在我们这里轻解罗裳It has been some time since we've had a woman23800:12:29,240 --> 00:12:30,920距离现在已经很久了Take her clothes off in our apartment.23900:12:31,720 --> 00:12:33,540不见得啊记得感恩节That's not true. remember at thanksgiving,24000:12:33,680 --> 00:12:36,100我那老年痴呆的祖母上演的那段?My grandmother with alzheimer's had that episode?24100:12:38,210 --> 00:12:39,910明白了距离上次有女人Point taken. it has been some time24200:12:40,030 --> 00:12:41,870在我们这里轻解罗裳并且看了之后Since we've had a woman take her clothes off,24300:12:42,000 --> 00:12:44,320我们不想把眼睛给挖出来的已经很久了After which we didn't want to rip our eyes out.24400:12:45,710 --> 00:12:48,610其实最糟的是看她切那火鸡The worst part was watching her carve that turkey.24500:12:49,650 --> 00:12:52,510你现在究竟是要干些什么呢So what exactly are you trying to accomplish here?24600:12:53,440 --> 00:12:54,510你说什么?Excuse me?24700:12:54,780 --> 00:12:56,820那女人不会跟你上床的That woman is not going to have sex with you.24800:12:57,040 --> 00:12:59,310我没有想要跟她上床I'm not trying to have sex with her.24900:12:59,450 --> 00:13:01,440那就好这样你就不会失望了Good. then you won't be disappointed.25000:13:02,740 --> 00:13:05,030你凭什么认为她不会和我上床了What makes you think she wouldn't have sex with me?25100:13:05,150 --> 00:13:07,070我是男的她是女的I'm a male and she's a female.25200:13:07,550 --> 00:13:09,710没错但不是同一物种Yes,but not of the same species.25300:13:10,710 --> 00:13:13,050我才不跟你讨论什么假设I'm not going to engage in hypotheticals here.25400:13:13,170 --> 00:13:14,920我只想当个好邻居I'm just trying to be a good neighbor.25500:13:15,320 --> 00:13:16,400是啊Of course.25600:13:17,070 --> 00:13:19,990那也不是说如果有机会可以发展肉体关系That's not to say that if a carnal relationship were to develop,257 00:13:20,110 --> 00:13:21,660我会袖手旁观That I wouldn't participate.25800:13:24,020 --> 00:13:25,140大致是这样However briefly.25900:13:26,710 --> 00:13:29,030当她发现你的卢克·天行者(星球大战人物)无泪洗发水Do you think this possibility will be helped or hindered26000:13:29,160 --> 00:13:32,580你说这种可能性是会变大了呢还是变小了When she discovers your luke skywalkerno-more-tears shampoo?26100:13:33,840 --> 00:13:35,570那是达斯·维德(另一星战人物)牌洗发水It's darth vader shampoo.26200:13:37,230 --> 00:13:39,140卢克·天行者是护发素Luke skywalker's the conditioner.26300:13:41,740 --> 00:13:44,460-先看这个 -太强了难以置信-wait till you see this. -it'sfantastic,unbelievable.26400:13:44,580 --> 00:13:45,580看什么?See what?26500:13:46,820 --> 00:13:50,9501974年史蒂芬霍金在麻省理工的演讲It's a stephen hawking lecture from mit in 1974.26600:13:51,070 --> 00:13:52,160现在不是时候This isn't a good time.26700:13:52,280 --> 00:13:55,330那时他还不是这样毛骨悚然的电脑音It's before he became a creepy computer voice.26800:13:58,710 --> 00:14:00,650-不错可你们现在必须得走 -为什么-that's great. you guys have to go. -why?26900:14:00,770 --> 00:14:01,970现在不是时候It's just not a good time.27000:14:02,090 --> 00:14:03,680莱纳德有女士来访Leonard has a lady over.27100:14:04,300 --> 00:14:06,780是的我明白了...你祖母又回城来了? Yeah,right... your grandmother back in town?27200:14:10,060 --> 00:14:12,590不是她不是什么女士她是新来的邻居No. And she's not a lady. she's just a new neighbor.27300:14:12,870 --> 00:14:15,280 等等这里真的有位女士?Hang on,there really is a lady here?27400:14:16,480 --> 00:14:19,500你赶我们走是为了想要和她交媾?And you want us out because you're anticipating coitus?27500:14:20,000 --> 00:14:21,640我没有想要和她交媾I'm not anticipating coitus.27600:14:21,770 --> 00:14:23,060那就是说别人现在可以和她交媾?So she's available for coitus?27700:14:23,190 --> 00:14:25,560我们可不可以不要说"交媾"这个词了Can we please just stop saying "coitus"?27800:14:25,680 --> 00:14:28,460更精确的说法应该是"体外射精" Technically,that would be"coitus interruptus. "27900:14:29,170 --> 00:14:32,230是不是应该有个旋关把水从浴缸那里弄到淋浴器上Hey,is there a trick to getting it to switch from tub to shower...?28000:14:32,830 --> 00:14:34,850不好意思大家好Hi. sorry. hello.28100:14:36,960 --> 00:14:38,940很高兴认识您女士Enchant? mademoiselle.28200:14:40,850 --> 00:14:43,920我是霍华德·沃尔维茨加州工学院应用物理系学生Howard wolowitz,caltech department of applied physics.28300:14:44,050 --> 00:14:46,180我的一些研究成果你可能已经很熟悉了You may be familiar with some of my work.28400:14:46,300 --> 00:14:48,810它正在围绕着木星的最大卫星轨道运行It's currently orbiting jupiter's largest moon28500:14:48,930 --> 00:14:51,360拍摄高分辨率的数码照片Taking high-resolution digital photographs.28600:14:52,450 --> 00:14:54,760我是佩妮我在乳酪蛋糕店工作Penny. I work at the cheesecake factory.28700:14:55,350 --> 00:14:57,180我带你去弄那旋关吧I'll show you the trick with the shower.28800:14:57,710 --> 00:14:58,710"Bonne douche"Bonne douche.28900:14:59,460 --> 00:15:00,860你说什么?I'm sorry? 29000:15:01,030 --> 00:15:02,840是法语里"洗个痛快澡"的意思It's french for "good shower. "29100:15:02,960 --> 00:15:05,640是一句祝词我能用六种语言来说It's a sentiment I can express in six languages.29200:15:06,520 --> 00:15:08,230还是留着博客上说吧霍华德Save it for your blog,howard.29300:15:09,860 --> 00:15:11,230洗个痛快澡29400:15:16,330 --> 00:15:18,640好了没问题了是卡住了不好意思All right,there it goes. it sticks. I'm sorry.29500:15:18,760 --> 00:15:20,310-好的谢谢 -不用谢-okay,thanks. -you're welcome.29600:15:20,430 --> 00:15:22,470你只要站在... 好吧我...You're just gonna to step right... okay,I'll...29700:15:23,460 --> 00:15:26,110-等等莱纳德 -洗头的那些东西都是谢尔顿的-hey,leonard? -the hair products are sheldon's.29800:15:28,360 --> 00:15:29,970我能让你帮个忙吗。



Thebigbangtheory生活大爆炸第一季经典台词(绝对经典)1. 一般级词汇frosty:adj. 下霜的,严寒的,冷淡的goblin:n. 恶鬼,小妖精prehensile:adj. 能抓住的,可握住的goggle:n. 护目镜pheromones:n.外激素spittle:n. 口水,唾液arousal:n. 鼓舞,鼓舞,唤醒asthma:n. 哮喘feline:adj. 猫科的n. 猫,猫科动物calicos:n. 白棉布,印花布cuddly:adj. 抱着专门舒服地chisel:n. 凿子crescent shaped:新月形的Colonoscopy:n. 结肠镜检查chafing:n. [医]皮炎concussion:n. 脑震荡2.爆炸级词汇Azeroth:魔兽世界〔WOW〕里的艾泽拉斯oxygen iodine laser:氧碘化学激光器Asimov's three laws of robotics:美国闻名科幻作家阿西莫夫〔Isaac Asimov,1920-1992〕在其〝机器人〞系列科幻作品中,提出〝机器人学三定律〞,为机器人建立了一套行为规范和道德准那么,从而演绎出一系列推理性和逻辑性极强的漂亮故事。

以下是〝机器人学三定律〞:1. A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm.2. A robot must obey any orders given to it by human beings, except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.3. A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law.hypoallergenic:adj.【医学】低变应原的,可不能导致过敏反应的Quiznos:奎兹诺斯〔Quiznos〕是美国闻名的快餐品牌Aramis:雅男仕,雅诗兰黛旗下品牌alpha wave:阿尔法波〔8—13赫兹〕,反映正常人常见的脑电图intestinal polyps:肠息肉centrifugal force:n. 离心力centripetal force:n. 向心力3.爆炸级食品minestrone:n.(意大利式)蔬菜浓汤,浓肉汁菜汤chicken carbonara:鸡肉烤面条加干酪沙司ketchup:番茄酱4.精选语录Leonard: I'm fine. Penny's fine. The guy she's kissing is really fine.Howard: Kissing, what kind of kissing? Cheeks? Lips?Chaste? French?Leonard: What is wrong with you?Howard: I'm a romantic.浪漫猥琐男Sheldon: Well, at least now you can retrieve the black box from the twisted, smoldering wreckage that was once your fantasy of dating her and analyze the data so that you don't crash into geek mountain.真损呐SheldonSheldon: Ok, look, I think that you have as much of a chance of having a sexual relationship with Penny as the hubble telescope does of discovering at the center of every black hole is a little man with a flashlight searching for a circuit breaker.Sheldon越来越复杂的说明Penny: So what's new in the world of physics?Leonard: Nothing.Penny: Really? Nothing?Leonard: Well, with the exception of string theory, not much has happened since the 1930s. And you can't prove string theory. At best you can say, "Hey, look, my idea has an internal logical consistency."Penny: Huh, well, I'm sure things will pick up.傻妞Penny5.地道表达lock and load:重新装弹,预备射击swat off:用力打击penny for your thoughts:分享一下你在想什么quibble over:争辩琐事,诡辩bounce back:受挫折后复原原状.一般级词汇spelunking:n.洞穴探察consonant:n. 辅音vis-a-vis:n. 面对面,相对着savor:vt. 尝到或闻到, 尽情享受jumbo:a. 庞大的sabbatical:a. 安息日的kowtow:n. vi. <汉>磕头mediocre:a. 无能的,平凡的caliper:n. 制动钳mutilation:n. 切断,毁损manganese:n. 锰tampon:n.(塞伤口用的)棉塞; 月经棉塞menopause:n.【生理学】绝经;绝经期;更年期luminous:a. 发光的,发亮的jellyfish:n. 水母,海蜇loom:n. 织布机smoldering:a. 阴燃的, 闷骚的lasik:n. 激光眼科手术bobcat:n. 山猫licorice:n. 甘草fissionable:a.可分裂的, 可裂变的dynamite:n. 氨爆炸药2.爆炸级词汇mahalo:[夏威夷语]感谢laws of large number:大数定律, 概率论中讨论随机变量序列的算术平均值向常数收敛的定律serape:塞拉普毛毯披肩(或披身) (拉美国家用的鲜艳毛毯)(一种华丽的毛织布)[亦作sarape]poncho:毯状斗篷(南美人所穿,中间开洞,供头伸出)yellow-cake uranium:黄饼铀, Yellowcakes (also called urania) are uranium concentrates obtained from leach solutions.3.爆炸级食品cobbler:水果馅饼snickerdoodle:a type of sugar cookie made with cream of tartar and rolled in cinnamon(肉桂) sugar4.精选语录Sheldon: You know what's interesting about caves, Leonard?Leonard: What?Sheldon: Nothing.谁能够如此说话Sheldon: I've spent the past three and a half years staring at grease boards full of equations. Before that, I spent four years working on my thesis. Before that, I was in college, and before that, I was in the fifth grade.谁能够五年级上大学Penny: How come you didn't go into work today?Sheldon: I'm taking a sabbatical because I won't kowtow to mediocre minds.Penny: So you got canned, huh?Sheldon: Theoretical physicists do not get canned...but yeah.谁能够如此犟嘴Penny: Well, maybe it's all for the best. You know, I always say when one door closes, another on opens. Sheldon: No, it doesn't. Not unless the two doors are connected by relays or there are motion sensors involved. Penny: No, no, I meant...Sheldon: or if the first door closing creates a change of air pressure that acts upon the second door.Penny: Never mind.第一课:表用物理打比方Sheldon: Oh, boy.Penny: What now?Sheldon: Well, there's some value to taking a multivitamin, but the human body can only absorb so much. What you're buying here are the ingredients for very expensive urine.Penny: Well, maybe that's what I was going for.Sheldon: Well, then you'll want some manganese.第二课:表和小谢较真Penny: Oh, my god, this is the best cobbler I've ever had.Mary: It was always Sheldon's favorite. You know what the secret ingredient is?Penny: Love?Mary: Lard.第三课:小谢母亲亦极品Mary: Now, let's get crackin'. Shower, shirt, shoes, and let's shove off.果然5.地道表达put it on the back burner:先别想那个了, on the front/ middle/ back burner处于重要/一样/次要的地位dumbed down:降低…的难度; (尤指对教科书加以)简化with all due respect:恕我直言buckle up:系好安全带, 小心have a fit:大发脾气piss off:使厌烦snap out of it:振作起来get cracking:行动起来, 赶快shove off:动身,离开s01e05 The Hamburger Postulate 汉堡假定1.一般级词汇cardio:n.有氧运动aberration:n. 越轨pupils:n. 瞳孔dilate:vt. 扩大,扩展courtship:n. 求爱,求爱时期solar eclipse:n. 日食asymptotically:ad. 渐近地2.爆炸级词汇Godzilla:哥斯拉Illinois Cavalry:伊利诺伊骑兵队Hulk:绿巨人Robert E Lee:李将军,南方的统领Shiva=Destroyer 湿婆Ganesh=Remover of obstacles 格涅沙,象鼻神semiotics:n. 符号学,语言学quantum chromodynamics:n. 量子色动力学dopamine:n. 多巴胺,一种神经传导物质synapse:n. 突触hypothalamus:n.【解剖学】丘脑下部,下丘脑3.爆炸级食品mint juleps:薄荷朱利酒Heart Smart platter:奶酪拼盘Burgers in the Cheese Cake Factory: Classic Burger, Ranch House Burger, Barbecue Burger and the Kobe Burger Big boypoppy seed bagel:罂粟籽百吉饼Cheerios:麦圈4.精选语录Howard: What do you recommend for someone who worked up a man-sized appetite from a morning of weight training and cardio funk?Penny: A shower.噎死猥琐男Leonard: Leslie and I do research together at the university.Penny: Oh, wow, a girl scientist.Leslie: Yep, come for the breasts, stay for the brains.经典的女科学家Leonard: What did Penny mean, "You'd make a cute couple?"Sheldon: Well, I assume she meant the two of you together would constitute a couple that others might consider cute. An alternate and somewhat less likely interpretation is that you could manufacture one. As in "Oh, look, Leonard and Leslie made Mr. and Mrs. Goldfarb. Aren't they adorable?"Leonard: If Penny didn't know that Leslie had turned me down, then it would unambiguously mean that she, Penny, thought I should ask her, Leslie, out, indicating that she, Penny, had no interest in me asking her, Penny, out. But, because she did know that I had asked Leslie out and that she, Leslie, had turned me down, then she, Penny, could be offering consolation......."That's too bad, you would have made a cute couple...", but while thinking: "Good, Leonard remains available."Sheldon: You're a lucky man, Leonard.Leonard: How so?Sheldon: You're talking to one of the three men in the western hemisphere capable of following that train of thought. Leonard: Well, what do you think?Sheldon: I said I could follow it, I didn't say I care.。

The Big Bang Theory 大爆炸理论

The Big Bang Theory 大爆炸理论

The Big Bang Theory 大爆炸理论The Big Bang Theory is the dominant scientific theory about the origin of the universe. According to the big bang, the universe was created sometime between 10 billion and 20 billion years ago from a cosmic explosion that hurled matter and in all directions.In 1927, the Belgian priest Georges Lemaire was the first to propose that the universe began with the explosion of a primeval atom. His proposal came after observing the red shift in distant nebulas by astronomers to a model of the universe based on relativity. Years later, Edwin Hubble found experimental evidence to help justify Lemaire's theory. He found that distant galaxies in every direction are going away from us with speeds proportional to their distance.The big bang was initially suggested because it explains why distant galaxies are traveling away from us at great speeds. The theory also predicts the existence of cosmic background radiation (the glow left over from the explosion itself). The Big Bang Theory received its strongest confirmation when this radiation was discovered in 1964 by Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson, who later won the Nobel Prize for this discovery.Although the Big Bang Theory is widely accepted, it probably will never be proved; consequentially, leaving a number of tough, unanswered questions.。



Leonard and Sheldon are brilliant physicists, the kind of "beautiful minds" that understand how the universe works. But none of that genius helps them interact with people, especially women. All this begins to change when a free-spirited beauty named Penny moves in next door. Sheldon, Leonard's roommate, is quite content spending his nights playing Klingon Boggle with their socially dysfunctional friends, fellow CalTech scientists Wolowitz and Koothrappali. However, Leonard sees in Penny a whole new universe of possibilities... including love
(Howard 电话在响! ) Howard,the phone is ringing! (我有个疯狂的主意 老妈 接 电话如何! ) Here's a crazy idea,Ma: Answer it! (你好?) Hello? (好的 稍等) All right,hold on. (是你朋友) Leonard! It's your friend,Leonard! (他想知道你为什 么今天没去上学!) He wants to know why you're not at school today! ( 我不是 去上学 老妈 我在大学就职 ) I don't go to school,Ma. I work at a university. ( 那 就是学校! 快接电话! ) That's a school! Now pick up the phone! ( 我谁都不想理 ) I don't want to talk to anybody. (要我叫Leonard把你的家庭作业带来吗? ) Should I ask Leonard to bring over your homework? ! (我没什么家庭作业的 ) I don't have homework. (我是个拥有工程学硕士的大爷们 ) I'm a grown man with a master's degree in engineering!



S01E10100:00:01,420 --> 00:00:05,390no,see,the liquid-metal termators were created in the future by skynet,不对液态金属人是在未来由天网创造200:00:05,400 --> 00:00:07,400and skynet was developed by miles dyson,而天网是由Miles Dyson开发300:00:07,410 --> 00:00:11,390but that future no longer exists due to dyson's death in terminator 2.但Dyson在<终结者2>里死掉所以这个未来将不存在400:00:11,700 --> 00:00:13,970Okay,then riddle me this:好吧那么解释下这个500:00:14,600 --> 00:00:18,960Assuming all the good terminators were originally evil terminators created by skynet 假设所有好终结者最初都是由天网设计的坏终结者600:00:18,970 --> 00:00:22,400but then reprogrammed by the future john connor,why would skynet,但却被后来的John Connor改写程序为什么天网-- 700:00:22,410 --> 00:00:24,180an artificial computer intelligence,一台人工智能电脑800:00:24,190 --> 00:00:28,110bother to create a petite,hot,17-year-old killer robot?会想到去制造一个苗条性感的17岁机器人杀手? 900:00:30,430 --> 00:00:31,910Skynet is kinky?天网是个色鬼?1000:00:31,920 --> 00:00:33,310I don't know.我不知道1100:00:33,550 --> 00:00:36,660artifici intelligences do not have teen fetishes.人工智能可不会追星1200:00:37,190 --> 00:00:38,420All right.Wait! They use it to.好吧等等! 他们用它来 (13)00:00:38,430 --> 00:00:40,620too late.I win.太迟了我赢了1400:00:55,970 --> 00:00:58,120what the hell is that?那是什么鬼东西?1500:00:58,820 --> 00:01:01,730I don't know,but if cats could sing.我不知道但如果猫能唱歌1600:01:02,210 --> 00:01:04,230they'd hate it,too.它们也会觉得难听1700:01:12,830 --> 00:01:14,530hey,guys!嘿! 伙计们1800:01:15,700 --> 00:01:16,710Where you going?你们去哪里?1900:01:16,720 --> 00:01:17,570What?什么?2000:01:17,580 --> 00:01:20,990We just had to mail some letters and.我们要去寄些信2100:01:22,470 --> 00:01:24,260throw away some chicken.扔掉些鸡肉2200:01:41,600 --> 00:01:43,240You'll never guess what just happened.你们绝对猜不到刚才发生了什么2300:01:43,250 --> 00:01:44,260Oh,I give up.噢我放弃2400:01:44,270 --> 00:01:45,260I don't guess.我不会猜2500:01:45,270 --> 00:01:49,270As a scientist,I reach conclusions based on observation and experimentation.做为一个科学家我是通过观察和实验得出结论的2600:01:49,670 --> 00:01:50,850although as I'm saying this,尽管我这么说2700:01:50,860 --> 00:01:55,350it occurs to me you may have been employing a rhetorical device rendering my response moot. 但我发觉你刚才那句话运用了修辞格导致了我的反驳抗议2800:01:56,490 --> 00:01:57,450What was that?什么意思?2900:01:57,460 --> 00:01:59,530Believe it or not,personal growth.不管你信不信这是个人成长的表现3000:01:59,920 --> 00:02:00,960What happened?发生了什么事?3100:02:00,970 --> 00:02:03,460All right,remember when i auditioned for that workshop production of rent,记得我上次去音乐剧<吉屋出租>试镜吗?3200:02:03,470 --> 00:02:05,250but I didn't get it and I couldn't figure out why.我没有被录取也想不通为什么3300:02:05,260 --> 00:02:07,260I have a conclusion based on an observ ion. 我有个结论通过观察得出的3400:02:07,270 --> 00:02:08,390No,you don'T.不你没有3500:02:08,400 --> 00:02:09,670No,he doesn'T.不他没有3600:02:10,530 --> 00:02:12,150Well,the girl they picked to play mimi--那个被选中扮演Mimi的女孩...3700:02:12,160 --> 00:02:14,080she dropped out,and they asked me to replace her.她不干了他们叫我代替她出演3800:02:14,090 --> 00:02:15,170 Congratulations.恭喜你!3900:02:15,180 --> 00:02:16,190 What a lucky break.好幸运呀4000:02:16,200 --> 00:02:18,130It's not that big a deal,just a one-night showcase,也不是件大事只是一个晚上的表演4100:02:18,140 --> 00:02:20,310but they invite a lot of casting people and agents.但是他们邀请了很多选角人和经纪人4200:02:20,320 --> 00:02:21,220So,you never know.谁知道会怎样呢4300:02:21,230 --> 00:02:22,000I think I know.我想我知道4400:02:22,010 --> 00:02:23,460No,you don'T.不你不知道4500:02:24,130 --> 00:02:25,440He doesn'T.他不知道4600:02:25,670 --> 00:02:26,650It's this friday night at 8:00.这个周五晚上8点4700:02:26,660 --> 00:02:27,510You guys want to come?你们来吗?4800:02:27,520 --> 00:02:28,720No.不4900:02:30,510 --> 00:02:31,700Because.因为...5000:02:32,640 --> 00:02:37,120friday we are attending a symposium on molecular positronium.周五我们要参加分子正电子素的研讨会5100:02:37,130 --> 00:02:38,980I think that's a week from tuesday,at 6:00. 我记得是下星期二6点5200:02:38,990 --> 00:02:40,720No,it's this friday.不是这个星期五5300:02:40,730 --> 00:02:42,590At 8 80.8点5400:02:43,050 --> 00:02:43,960Oh,too bad.噢真不巧5500:02:43,970 --> 00:02:45,070Well,I gotta get to rehearsal.我要去排练了5600:02:45,080 --> 00:02:46,080See you guys.回见5700:02:52,030 --> 00:02:53,340you just lied to penny.你刚刚跟Penny撒谎5800:02:53,350 --> 00:02:54,310Yes,I did.是的5900:02:54,320 --> 00:02:58,690And you did it so casually-- no rapid breathing, no increase in perspiration.而你表现得如此随意脸不红心不跳6000:02:58,940 --> 00:02:59,670so?那又怎样?6100:02:59,680 --> 00:03:04,950So,lack of a physiological response while lying is characteristic of a violent sociopath.撒谎不眨眼是暴力反社会者的特征6200:03:05,420 --> 00:03:07,650Sheldon,are you worried about your safety? Sheldon 你在担心你的人身安全吗?6300:03:07,660 --> 00:03:09,720No,I imagine if you were going to kill me,不我想如果你想杀我6400:03:09,730 --> 00:03:11,430you'd have done it a long time ago.估计500年前就已经把我干掉了6500:03:12,320 --> 00:03:13,860That's very true.非常正确6600:03:33,540 --> 00:03:37,190<font color=#38B0DE>-=/bbs=- Proudly Presents</font><font color=#38B0DE>-=伊甸园美剧=- 荣誉出品本字幕仅供学习交流,严禁用于商业途径</font>6700:03:39,440 --> 00:03:43,050<font color=#38B0DE>-=/bbs=- Sync: YTET- 小野人王 </font><font color=#38B0DE>-=YTET-伊甸园字幕组=- 翻译: Lauracai eating 校对: 小猴宝宝时间轴: 小野人王</font>6800:03:51,690 --> 00:03:54,310<font color=#38B0DE>TBBT Season 1 Episode 10</font><font color=#38B0DE>天才理论传第一季第10集</font>6900:04:00,880 --> 00:04:03,360Leonard?Leonard? Leonard? Leonard?7000:04:04,390 --> 00:04:05,730What?干嘛?7100:04:07,670 --> 00:04:09,430I need to speak to you.我得跟你谈谈7200:04:09,770 --> 00:04:11,150It's 2:00 in the morning!现在是凌晨两点呀!7300:04:11,160 --> 00:04:12,270It's important.很重要7400:04:12,280 --> 00:04:14,610I highly doubt that.我严重怀疑7500:04:15,200 --> 00:04:16,650Go away.走开7600:04:20,690 --> 00:04:22,540Are you still out there?你还在?7700:04:23,480 --> 00:04:24,960Yes.是的7800:04:26,800 --> 00:04:28,150What?什么事?7900:04:29,370 --> 00:04:31,470You're right; it can wait until morning.你说的对我可以等到早上再说8000:04:33,950 --> 00:04:35,170What,what,what,what,what?什么? 什么? 什么?8100:04:35,180 --> 00:04:36,340Never mind.没事8200:04:36,350 --> 00:04:38,770I clearly woke you up in the middle of a rem cycle.很显然我把你从梦中叫醒 (快眼动睡眠周期)8300:04:38,780 --> 00:04:40,510You're in no state of mind to talk.你根本没状态进行谈话8400:04:40,520 --> 00:04:42,360Sheldon,what is it?Sheldon 什么事?8500:04:43,860 --> 00:04:47,520I'm uncomfortable having been included in your lie to penny.被牵扯到你对Penny的谎言中我感到很不舒服8600:04:47,530 --> 00:04:49,370What was i supposed to say?否则你要我怎么说?8700:04:49,380 --> 00:04:50,860You could have told her the truth.你可以告诉她真相8800:04:50,870 --> 00:04:52,840That would have hurt her feelings.那样做会伤害到她8900:04:53,430 --> 00:04:55,440Is that a relevant factor?这是相关要素?9000:04:55,950 --> 00:04:57,380Yes.是的9100:04:57,390 --> 00:04:59,540Then I suppose you could've agreed to go. 那么你就该答应她的邀请9200:04:59,550 --> 00:05:02,040And what would i have said afterwards?那然后我怎么说呢?9300:05:02,050 --> 00:05:04,320I would suggest something to the effect of: 我会建议如下9400:05:04,330 --> 00:05:07,990Singing is neither an appropriate vocation nor avocation for you,唱歌对你来说不是合适的职业和业余爱好9500:05:08,000 --> 00:05:11,500and if you disagree,I'd recommend you have a cat scan to look for a tumor如果你不同意我的观点我建议你去照下X光9600:05:11,510 --> 00:05:14,540pressing on the cognitive processing centers of your brain.看看你的大脑认知处理中心有没有肿瘤9700:05:16,260 --> 00:05:18,260I couldn't say that.I would have to say,我不会这么说我只会说9800:05:18,270 --> 00:05:21,920"you wererterrific and I can't wait to hear you sing again."你太棒了我等不及想再听你唱一次"9900:05:22,400 --> 00:05:23,780Why?为什么?10000:05:24,300 --> 00:05:26,370That's the social protocol.这叫交际礼仪10100:05:26,380 --> 00:05:30,400It's what you do when you have a friend who's proud of something they really suck at.当朋友为某件事感到骄傲时就算她真很烂你也应该这么做10200:05:31,880 --> 00:05:33,470I was not aware of that.我还不知道这点10300:05:33,480 --> 00:05:34,850Well,now you are.现在你知道了10400:05:36,130 --> 00:05:36,990Leonard?Leonard?10500:05:37,000 --> 00:05:37,840Yes?什么?10600:05:37,850 --> 00:05:40,110When we played chess earlier,you were terrific, 之前我们下国际象棋你真的很棒10700:05:40,120 --> 00:05:42,050and I can't wait to play you again.我等不及想再跟你下一局10800:05:42,060 --> 00:05:43,330Good night.晚安10900:05:47,510 --> 00:05:48,910leonard?Leonard? Leonard? Leonard?11000:05:52,420 --> 00:05:56,190this would be so much easier if i were a violent sociopath.如果我真是个暴力反社会者就好了11100:05:59,180 --> 00:06:00,240What?干吗?11200:06:00,250 --> 00:06:05,010I was analyzing our lie,and I believe we're in danger of penny seeing through the ruse.我分析了我们的谎言我相信有被Penny会看穿的危险11300:06:05,020 --> 00:06:06,470How?怎么会?11400:06:06,480 --> 00:06:12,690***If she were to log onto /activities/other, 很简单如果她上网到/activities/other 11500:06:12,700 --> 00:06:14,950click on "epcoming events," scroll down to "seminars,"点击"近期活动" 拉到下面的"研讨会"11600:06:14,960 --> 00:06:18,500download the pdf schedule,and look for the seminar on molecular positronium, 下载PDF时间表查找分子正电子素研讨会11700:06:18,510 --> 00:06:20,230well then,bippity,boppity,boo--然后噼里啪啦砰11800:06:20,240 --> 00:06:22,350our pants are metaororally on fire.我们就火烧屁股啦11900:06:27,790 --> 00:06:30,640Well,sir,my trousers will not be igniting today.好吧先生我可不要我的裤子今天着火!12000:06:33,690 --> 00:06:35,450Penny?Penny? Penny? Penny?12100:06:38,720 --> 00:06:39,810Good morning.早上好12200:06:39,820 --> 00:06:41,870Do you have any idea what time it is?你知道现在是几点吗?12300:06:41,880 --> 00:06:42,850Of course I do.我当然知道12400:06:42,860 --> 00:06:45,890My watch is linked to the atomic clock in boulder,colorado.我的手表和科罗拉多州博尔德市的原子钟连在一起12500:06:46,720 --> 00:06:48,670It's accurate to one-tenth of a second.精确度达到1/10秒12600:06:49,270 --> 00:06:51,450But as I'm saying this,it occurs to me that,once again,但正如我说的我又一次想到12700:06:51,460 --> 00:06:53,810your question may have been rhetorical.你的问题又运用修辞手法了12800:06:54,610 --> 00:06:55,780What do you want?你想怎么样?12900:06:55,790 --> 00:06:58,350Remember how leonard told you we couldn't cometo your performance还记得Leonard告诉你我们不能去看你表演是因为13000:06:58,360 --> 00:07:01,870because we were attending a symposium on molecular positronium?我们要去参加分子正电子素研讨会吗?13100:07:03,750 --> 00:07:06,410I remember "symposium."我记得"研讨会"13200:07:07,260 --> 00:07:08,260Yes.是的13300:07:08,540 --> 00:07:10,000he lied.他撒谎了13400:07:10,010 --> 00:07:11,940Wait.What?等等什么?13500:07:11,950 --> 00:07:15,560He lied,and I'm feeling very uncomfortable about it.他撒谎了而且我因此感到很不舒服13600:07:15,570 --> 00:07:17,570Well,imagine how I'm feeling.想象看我的感觉13700:07:18,890 --> 00:07:20,320Hungry?饥饿?13800:07:21,760 --> 00:07:23,200Tired?疲劳?13900:07:23,670 --> 00:07:25,880I'm sorry,this really isn't mytrong g it.对不起我真的不擅长这个14000:07:27,200 --> 00:07:28,620You told her I lied?你告诉她我撒谎了?14100:07:28,630 --> 00:07:30,470Why would you tell her I lied?你为什么要告诉她啊?14200:07:30,980 --> 00:07:32,490To help you. 为了帮助你14300:07:33,850 --> 00:07:35,610I'm sorry,I'm not seeing the help.对不起我没看到有什么帮助14400:07:35,620 --> 00:07:37,900She was going to see through your lie eventually,她最终会看穿你的谎言14500:07:37,910 --> 00:07:40,620so I told her that you were lying to protect me. 所以我告诉她你撒谎这样我就能赦免了14600:07:42,170 --> 00:07:43,930I'm getting a bad feeling.我有不好的预感14700:07:44,770 --> 00:07:46,160Hunger?饥饿?14800:07:47,390 --> 00:07:48,330Indigestion?消化不良?14900:07:48,340 --> 00:07:50,600I'm sorry,I'm really not very good at this. 对不起我真的不擅长这个15000:07:51,080 --> 00:07:53,570Anyway,penny now believes that,on friday night,不管怎样 Penny现在相信星期五晚上15100:07:53,580 --> 00:07:57,830we're going to participate in my cousin leopold's drug intervention.我们要去参加我表弟Leopold的戒毒交流会15200:07:59,560 --> 00:08:00,950Your cousin leopold.你的表弟Leopold?15300:08:00,960 --> 00:08:03,590Who most people call leo,but he also answers to lee.大部分人都叫他Leo 但也有人叫他Lee15400:08:03,600 --> 00:08:05,380Remember that.It's important.记住这点很重要15500:08:05,390 --> 00:08:06,550What's important?什么很重要?15600:08:06,560 --> 00:08:11,450Details,leonard-- the success or failure of our deceitful enterprise turns on details.详细资料 Leonard 我们的欺诈事业成败与否就在此15700:08:12,080 --> 00:08:13,400Do you have a cousin leopold?你有个叫Leopold的表弟?15800:08:13,410 --> 00:08:15,200No.I made him up.不我编出来的15900:08:16,290 --> 00:08:18,220I think you'd call him lee.我想你该叫他Lee16000:08:19,860 --> 00:08:21,600I don't get it.I already told her a lie.我不明白我已经跟她编了谎16100:08:21,610 --> 00:08:23,870Why replace it with a different lie?为什么要用另外的谎言代替之前的?16200:08:23,880 --> 00:08:26,690Well,first of all,your lie was laughably transparent,首先你的谎言很可笑容易识破16300:08:26,700 --> 00:08:29,130where mine is exquisitely convoluted.而我的谎言很精确周密16400:08:30,400 --> 00:08:34,410While you were sleeping,I was weaving an un-unravelable web.你睡觉的时候我织了个天衣无缝的网16500:08:35,230 --> 00:08:36,610Un-unravelable?天衣无缝?16600:08:36,620 --> 00:08:37,580Yes.是的16700:08:37,590 --> 00:08:40,660If she googles "leopold houston," she'll find a facebook page,如果她用google搜索"Leopold Houston" 她会搜到一个相册168 00:08:40,670 --> 00:08:43,190an online blog depicting his descent into drug use和网络日志描述了他沉迷毒药的经过16900:08:43,200 --> 00:08:46,640and a desperate yet hopeful listing on .还能在(交友网站)上找到绝望而又不失希望的好友列表17000:08:48,100 --> 00:08:51,820Okay,why would i go to a drug intervention for your cousin?为什么我要去你表弟的戒毒会?17100:08:51,830 --> 00:08:54,630Because it's in long beach,and I don't drive. 因为在长滩那里而我不会开车17200:08:56,770 --> 00:08:57,980We're going to long beach?我们要去长滩?17300:08:57,990 --> 00:08:58,810No,of course not.不当然不去17400:08:58,820 --> 00:08:59,860There's no cousin leo.没有叫Leo的表弟17500:08:59,870 --> 00:09:00,840There's no interntntn.没有什么交流会17600:09:00,850 --> 00:09:01,920Focus,leonard.专心点 Leonard17700:09:01,930 --> 00:09:03,360Aw,come on.啊拜托17800:09:04,500 --> 00:09:08,950We just leave the house on friday night and we return in the wee hours,emotionally wrung out, 我们周五晚出门凌晨再回来情绪上来说...17900:09:08,960 --> 00:09:11,750from the work of convincing leo to go back into rehab.已因说服Leo回戒毒所而疲惫不堪18000:09:12,000 --> 00:09:13,570He goes back into rehab?他回去戒毒所?18100:09:13,580 --> 00:09:17,740Yes,but,he can relapse if penny ever invites us to hear her sing again.是的但如果Penny又邀请我们听她唱歌他可以出来旧病复发18200:09:20,390 --> 00:09:22,080You still told her I lied.你还是告诉了她我撒了谎18300:09:22,090 --> 00:09:27,490For a noble purpose-- to spare me the social embarrassment of having a drug-addled first cousin--你是为了崇高的理由保全我的面子--有第一个吸毒的表弟18400:09:27,500 --> 00:09:29,540which I'm assuming is embarrassing,yes?这照理说应该让我丢脸是不是?18500:09:31,820 --> 00:09:33,920How am I supposed to member all of this?我怎么记得住所有这些?18600:09:33,930 --> 00:09:34,810Oh,that's the best part.噢这点是最棒的18700:09:34,820 --> 00:09:35,680You don't have to.你不需要记住18800:09:35,690 --> 00:09:39,720See,I told penny that you would be embarrassed if you knew that she found out that you had lied, 我告诉Penny 如果你的谎言被拆穿你会觉得难为情18900:09:39,730 --> 00:09:43,300so she's agreed to operate as if the original lie is still in force.所以她答应当作原来的谎言是真的19000:09:46,450 --> 00:09:51,110So she's expecting me to lie about going to a symposium in pasadena,那么她希望我骗她有关研讨会的事19100:09:51,330 --> 00:09:56,900when,in actuality,we're pretending to go to a drug intervention in long beach.实际上我们要假装去长滩劝人戒毒19200:09:56,910 --> 00:09:58,940Un-unravelable. 天衣无缝19300:10:02,850 --> 00:10:05,460Oh,hey,penny.Wow,look at you,all ready for your showcase.嘿 Penny 打扮好去表演啊19400:10:05,470 --> 00:10:06,440You look great.真漂亮19500:10:06,450 --> 00:10:07,340Thanks.谢谢19600:10:07,350 --> 00:10:09,490I just wanted to come by and wish you guys luck 我过来跟你们祝一声19700:10:09,500 --> 00:10:12,160with your.symposium.研讨会好运19800:10:13,900 --> 00:10:15,610Well,thank you.谢谢你19900:10:15,620 --> 00:10:18,590You know,I got to tell you,a lot of friends would let their friend go alone,跟你说很多人会让朋友一个人去20000:10:18,600 --> 00:10:19,660but that's not who you are.但你不是这种人20100:10:19,670 --> 00:10:23,060You are thf kind oe guy who stands by a friend when.你会站在朋友身边20200:10:23,700 --> 00:10:26,590when he has a symposium to go to.陪他出席...研讨会20300:10:29,850 --> 00:10:31,600I don't know what to say.我不知道说什么好20400:10:32,690 --> 00:10:33,920It's okay,leonard.没关系的 Leonard20500:10:33,930 --> 00:10:36,340Oh,okay,all right,good.噢没事好20600:10:37,030 --> 00:10:38,690Oh,boy,group hug.呦团抱20700:10:41,720 --> 00:10:42,760So,what's up?怎么回事?20800:10:42,770 --> 00:10:47,000Well,penny is on her way to perform in a one-night showcase production of rent, Penny今晚要去演音乐剧<吉屋出租>20900:10:47,010 --> 00:10:48,840which we are unable to attend,我们没法去参加21000:10:48,850 --> 00:10:54,330because we're going to a symposium on molecular positronium given by dr.Emil farmanfarmian. 因为要参加Emil Farmanfarmian博士主持的分子正电子素研讨会21100:10:54,920 --> 00:10:58,870Wait a minute-- farmanfarmian is speaking and you're bogarting the symposium?等等 Farmanfarmian的研讨会你们竟然藏私不报? 21200:10:59,790 --> 00:11:00,500Howard,I'm sorr.Howard 对不起21300:11:00,510 --> 00:11:02,540no,no,you're quark-blocking us.别说了你这就是夸克阻挠21400:11:05,530 --> 00:11:07,430I dot know what to say.我不知道说什么好21500:11:09,260 --> 00:11:10,060Howard,listen.Howard 听我说21600:11:10,070 --> 00:11:11,480no,it's okay.It's your millennium falcon.不必没关系那是你的千年隼号 (出自<星战>) 21700:11:11,490 --> 00:11:13,700You and chewbacca do whatever you want to do. 你和朱巴卡想干什么都行21800:11:15,780 --> 00:11:18,940Me and princess leia here will find some other way to spend the evening. 我和莱亚公主找别的事打发今晚21900:11:19,540 --> 00:11:20,590Howard,wait.Howard 等等22000:11:21,250 --> 00:11:23,870sheldon,I think we should tell them. Sheldon 我想应该告诉他们22100:11:25,130 --> 00:11:26,780Okay,sure.好吧当然22200:11:27,260 --> 00:11:28,920I don't see a problem with that.我觉得没问题22300:11:29,840 --> 00:11:31,560There's no symposium.没有什么研讨会22400:11:31,830 --> 00:11:32,900Leonard lied to me.Leonard说谎了22500:11:32,910 --> 00:11:34,080Isn't that right,leonard?对不对Leonard?22600:11:34,090 --> 00:11:35,650Well.这个...22700:11:36,470 --> 00:11:38,620I don't know what to say!我不知道说什么好22800:11:39,200 --> 00:11:40,210It's okay; I do.没关系我知道22900:11:40,220 --> 00:11:42,840Look,leonard is helping sheldon through a family crisis.Leonard在帮助Sheldon应对家庭危机23000:11:43,070 --> 00:11:46,790He made up the whole story about the symposium with dr.Farman.整个都是他编的这个博士 Farmen--23100:11:46,800 --> 00:11:47,820farmian.Farmian23200:11:47,830 --> 00:11:48,810good for you.- 你真行 - 是啊23300:11:50,650 --> 00:11:52,400because he didn't want sheldon to be embarrassed.他不想让Sheldon丢脸23400:11:52,410 --> 00:11:54,370And there is nothing to be embarrassed about,okay?没什么好丢脸的对吗?23500:11:54,380 --> 00:11:59,350Every family in america has a relative holed up in a garage somewhere huffing paint thinner. 每个美国家庭都有一门亲戚躲在某个车库里吸油漆溶剂23600:12:00,500 --> 00:12:01,810No,I'm lost,too.没我也没理解23700:12:01,820 --> 00:12:03,410I think she skipped a step.我想她忽略了一个步骤23800:12:04,220 --> 00:12:04,920No,look.听我说23900:12:04,930 --> 00:12:08,920Sheldon's cousin leo escaped rehab,and he's in a motel 8 in long beach.Sheldon的表弟Leo从戒毒所出逃躲在长滩的超八连锁汽车旅馆24000:12:08,930 --> 00:12:10,760The whole family's going out for an intervention.全家都去那里开交流会劝他24100:12:11,030 --> 00:12:15,700Leonard is driving sheldon down there to help him through this,because he's such a good man. Leonard要开车载Sheldon 去帮他面对因为Leonard人就是这么好24200:12:15,710 --> 00:12:17,440Oh,another hug? Thank you.又抱? 谢谢24300:12:19,420 --> 00:12:20,980All right,you guys,good luck.好了大伙儿好运24400:12:20,990 --> 00:12:21,930Thanks,penny.谢谢 Penny24500:12:21,940 --> 00:12:22,850Oh-- break a leg.祝演出成功24600:12:22,860 --> 00:12:24,010Break a leg.演出成功24700:12:25,440 --> 00:12:26,750So,road trip to long beach.开车去长滩啊24800:12:26,760 --> 00:12:28,890No.We're not going to long beach.不我们不去长滩24900:12:28,900 --> 00:12:29,670Why not?为什么不?25000:12:29,680 --> 00:12:32,680Because sheldon doesn't have a drug-addicted cousin leopold.因为Sheldon并没有吸毒表弟Leopard25100:12:32,690 --> 00:12:34,150Oh,too bad.太糟了25200:12:35,350 --> 00:12:37,060I've always wanted to go to long beach.我一直想去长滩25300:12:37,420 --> 00:12:38,880It's a very nice community.那里社区环境不错25400:12:38,890 --> 00:12:40,460The queen ry is docked there.玛丽皇后号就停泊那里25500:12:40,470 --> 00:12:43,920Once the largest ocean line tr inhe world, it's now a hotel and restaurant,曾经是世界上最大的跨洋游轮现在成了酒店和餐馆25600:12:43,930 --> 00:12:46,790where they host a surprisingly gripping murder mystery dinner.那里每晚都有悬疑惊悚谋杀案晚餐25700:12:48,070 --> 00:12:50,120- Sounds fun.Shotgun! - I'm game.- 好像不错我要坐前面! - 我去25800:12:50,130 --> 00:12:51,640No,no,no.不不不25900:12:52,210 --> 00:12:55,450Leonard gets nauseous unless he sits in front,and even then,it's iffy.Leonard坐后面会晕车就算坐前面也难保26000:12:57,380 --> 00:13:00,130Wait,are we.really going to long beach?等等我们真的要去长滩?26100:13:07,380 --> 00:13:10,010Leonard?Leonard? Leonard? Leonard?26200:13:10,800 --> 00:13:12,440Let it go,sldld.省省吧 Sheldon26300:13:12,450 --> 00:13:15,690The murderer was the first mate whether it makes sense to you or not.凶手是那个大副不管你觉得合不合理26400:13:17,120 --> 00:13:18,950No,that's the least of our worries.这个我并不担心26500:13:19,260 --> 00:13:20,950I've been doing some research on addiction-- 我在研究成瘾行为26600:13:20,960 --> 00:13:23,200both the biochemical and behavioral aspects-- 包括从生化角度和行为学角度26700:13:23,450 --> 00:13:26,400and I think there's a problem with the current version of our lie.我认为当前版本的谎话存在纰漏26800:13:26,820 --> 00:13:28,020What are you talking about?你说什么呢?26900:13:28,030 --> 00:13:30,040It's fine-- she bought it; it's over.没关系她信了没事了270 00:13:33,810 --> 00:13:35,450Sadly,it's not.可惜不是27100:13:36,050 --> 00:13:38,820Substance abuse is a lifelong struggle,but beyond that,滥用药物是一生的挣扎除此之外27200:13:38,830 --> 00:13:42,640I have realized that the leo I described would not have agreed to go to rehab.我发现我构造的Leo不可能同意去戒毒27300:13:42,650 --> 00:13:44,160Whwhnot? T?为什么不可能?27400:13:44,550 --> 00:13:46,570Because leo's a middle child.因为他在兄弟里排行中间27500:13:47,210 --> 00:13:48,030There is no leo!根本没Leo这个人!27600:13:48,040 --> 00:13:49,570How can you say that?你怎么能随便说?27700:13:53,550 --> 00:13:55,580You didn't read the bio,did you?你没看过他的简介对吧?27800:13:56,490 --> 00:13:59,340He's not just a middle child,he is the quintessential middle child--他不是简单的排行中间他是排行中间的典型27900:13:59,350 --> 00:14:00,820from a broken home,to boot.补充是在破裂的家庭28000:14:00,830 --> 00:14:04,170Psychologically speaking,the attention he gets by rebelling,心理学上说他通过反叛获得感情关注28100:14:04,180 --> 00:14:05,640even to the point of self-destruction,哪怕是自我毁灭的反叛28200:14:05,650 --> 00:14:08,930is more emotionally valuable than the help he would get at rehab.也比戒毒所给他的帮助更令他安慰28300:14:08,940 --> 00:14:10,160I've got a solution.我有个办法28400:14:10,170 --> 00:14:10,910Great.What is it?太好了怎么说?28500:14:10,920 --> 00:14:13,180Get out!滚出去!28600:14:14,290 --> 00:14:15,490Fine.好吧28700:14:21,710 --> 00:14:23,350I've hesitated to point this out,我不情愿地指出28800:14:23,360 --> 00:14:25,860but I must now remind you that we are in our current predicament我们目前的困境是你造成的28900:14:25,870 --> 00:14:28,520because of your initial and totally inadequate deceit.因为你的第一个不够好的谎言29000:14:28,530 --> 00:14:30,790I'm just trying to clean up after your mess. 我只是帮你收拾烂摊子29100:14:35,040 --> 00:14:36,650We'll talk in the morning.我们明早再说29200:14:49,340 --> 00:14:50,770Morning.早安29300:14:51,630 --> 00:14:53,090Who are you?你是谁?29400:14:53,680 --> 00:14:55,970I am sheldon's cousin leo.我是Sheldon的表弟Leo29500:15:00,470 --> 00:15:03,100Sheldon does not have a cousin leo.Sheldon没有叫Leo的表弟29600:15:03,110 --> 00:15:04,580 Au contraire.此言差矣29700:15:04,940 --> 00:15:06,390I'm 26 years old.我26岁29800:15:06,400 --> 00:15:07,860I'm originally from.老家在德州Denton29900:15:08,180 --> 00:15:11,860denton,texas,but I was a navy brat,海军的后代30000:15:11,870 --> 00:15:14,830so I was brought up on a variety of military bases around the world.我在世界各地的军事基地长大30100:15:15,130 --> 00:15:17,070As a result,I've often felt like an outsider-- 因此我经常不能合群30200:15:17,300 --> 00:15:18,800never really fitting in,从没有真正融入30300:15:18,810 --> 00:15:21,380which is probably the reason for my substance abu proroem.可能这就是我滥用药物的原因30400:15:21,390 --> 00:15:24,630Excuse me,we just went over this.抱歉我们刚刚复习过30500:15:24,640 --> 00:15:26,140As the quintessential middle child,你是典型的排行中间的孩子30600:15:26,150 --> 00:15:29,030your addiction is rooted in your unmet need for attention.你的药瘾是为了吸引感情关注30700:15:29,400 --> 00:15:32,060Oh,sheldon,are we really going to go with pop psychology?Sheldon 不是要搬大众心理学那一套吧?30800:15:32,290 --> 00:15:34,840For your information,this is all based on solid research.提醒你这些都有详实的研究做基础309。



THE BIG BANG THEORY 中英剧本+词汇解析(TBBT-S01-EP07-08)第一季7集: The Dumpling Paradox-Howard:Watch this, it's really cool.看这个,真的很酷。

Call Leonard Hofstadter.呼叫Leonard Hofstadter。

-Machine:Did you say: "Call Helen Boxleitner"? 您说的是"呼叫Helen Boxleitner"吗?-Howard:No. Call Leonard Hofstadter.不,呼叫Leonard Hofstadter。

-Machine:Did you say: "Call Temple Beth Seder"? 您说的是"呼叫Temple Beth Seder"吗?-Howard:No.不。

-Leonard:Here, let me try it.来让我试试。

Call McFlono McFlooniloo.呼叫McFlono McFlooniloo。

-Machine:Calling Rajesh Koothrappali.正在呼叫Rajesh Koothrappali。

-Raj:Oh, it's very impressive.impressive:给人印象深刻的真的很强悍。

And a little racist.racist:种族主义者还带点儿种族主义。

-Sheldon:If we're all through playing "mock the flawed technology,"all through:一直mock:愚弄,嘲弄flawed:有缺陷的technology:科技如果你们玩够了"嘲笑残次科技",can we get on with Halo night?get on with:继续(干某事)Halo:(图画中圣人头上的)光环,灵光我们能开始"光晕"之夜了吗(XBOX经典第一人称射击游戏)?We were supposed to start at supposed to:应该,被期望我们本该8点开始。

The Bigbang Theory

The Bigbang Theory

They prepared to join a party.
Returned from the North Pole (北极)
Perfectionist (完美
Typical OCD(典型
Normal Lack of confidence Playboy(maybe)
Can’t talk to women unless he was drunk
Randy(好色的) Without a sense of responsibility (Flirt with sb.) Wretched(猥琐的)
Genre: Sitcom 类型:情景喜剧
A girl who dreams about becoming a actress .Loves shopping online .Easily falls in love with someone.
Season 1:September 2007 Season 2: September 2008 Season 3: September 2009 Season 4: September 2010 Season 5: September 2011
The Big Bang Theory
(又名Smart is the new Sexy)
It happens between four scientists and a beauty .Tells all kinds of stories which are interesting and unbelievable.
Maybe a couple ??
friends I Love U !! Best friendEx-girlfriend



目录第2集 (2)第3集 (12)第4集 (24)第2集Why are you up? 你怎么还不睡How am I supposed to sleep? 我怎么睡得着I've been married less than 24 hours, 我结婚还不到24小时and my wife isn't speaking to me. 我的老婆就跟我冷战了Perhaps you can think of this in a more positive light. 或许你可以用更积极的态度看待这件事In one day, you've managed to do 你只用了短短一天what it takes many couples decades to achieve. 就达到许多夫妻花了几十年才达到的境界Y ou couldn't sleep either? 你也睡不着吗Of course not. 当然啦Me neither. 我也睡不着But I just had a tickle in my throat. 但我只是喉咙痒Not profound marital problems. 不是什么深刻的婚姻问题What are we gonna do? 我们该怎么办I don't know. 我也不知道Please, tell me how I can fix it. 求你告诉我我该怎么补救Glad you asked. 就怕你不问As I see it, there's a simple solution. 在我看来有一个简单的解决方法Y our lips had a dalliance with the lips of another woman. 你的嘴唇与别女人的嘴唇厮混过It seems only logical that 如果想重修旧好to restore balance to the relationship, 唯一合理的办法you should find another man and dally with him. 就是你也找别的男人耳鬓厮磨And by dally, I mean some hardcore mouth-on-mouth action. 我说耳鬓厮磨是使出浑身解数狂吻一番Okay, that is the stupidest thing I've ever heard. 这是我听过最蠢的一件事了Actually, I think he's onto something. 其实我觉得他说的不无道理Y-Y ou can't be serious. 你会不是认真的吧'Cause I messed up and made out with a girl, 就因为我一时糊涂跟别的女人亲热了you're gonna do the same with a random guy? 所以你也要随便跟别的男人亲热吗I'm currently single.我目前正好单身That's true. Y ou are. 的确你单身What is happening?! 这是要闹哪样I will tell you what is happening. 我来告诉你是要闹哪样I am saving my best friend's marriage. 我要以身拯救我死党的婚姻Sheldon, I don't think you understand 谢尔顿看来你不太懂how being broken up works. 分手应该怎么样The only way I can sort through my feelings唯一能让我理清情绪的方法is if there is space between us. 就是我们之间要保持距离Every time I see you, it re-traumatizes me. 每次见到你都会让我心灵再次受创I go through the pain all over again.一遍又一遍经历那些伤痛Well, hello to you, too. 我也向你问好What do you want? 你想干嘛I understand we're no longer a couple, 我知道我们已经不是一对了但我想提醒你我们还有爱的结晶but I would like to remind you that we made a babytogether.What baby? 什么爱的结晶A precocious little Internet show 一个网络节目known as "Fun With Flags." 人称《有趣的旗帜》I'm hanging up. 我要挂电话了Great. See you in about half an hour. 好的咱们半小时后见Sheldon, I am not doing "Fun With Flags" with you. 谢尔顿我才不要跟你录那个节目Why not? 为啥不要Because we're broken up. 因为我们分手了Sonny and Cher made it work. 索尼与雪儿就做到啦{\an8\fn微软雅黑\fs18\b1\bord1\shad1\3c&H2F2F2F&}索尼与雪儿这对夫妻曾是热门歌唱团体\N还共同主持过综艺节目Their variety show kept going long after the divorce, 他们的综艺节目在离婚后还维持了很久and here we are still talking about them. 直到现在还被我们聊起No one's talking about Sonny and Cher. 没人聊索尼与雪儿好吗Y ou must be thinking about Donny and Marie, 你一定是想到了唐尼与玛丽{\an8\fn微软雅黑\fs18\b1\bord1\shad1\3c&H2F2F2F&}又被人成为奥斯蒙兄妹\N同在70年代主持过知名综艺节目'cause you and I are clearly talking about Sonny and Cher. 因为我跟你绝对是在聊索尼与雪儿Sheldon, this has to stop. 谢尔顿到此为止吧I know it's hard. 我知道这很困难It's hard for me, too. 这对我也不容易But I've seen and talked to you more 但分手后的这两天in the two days we've been broken up 我们见面与说话的量than in the last two months that we were together. 远远胜过我们分手前两个月的总和Well, if you want to see less of me, 如果你想少见到我一点maybe we should go out again. 那或许我们应该重修旧好I can't believe you made out with Mandy Chao. 真不敢相信你跟曼蒂·周亲热过Trust me, I wish it never happened. 相信我我希望这事从未发生过And you knew about this this whole time? 而你一直以来都知道这事I did. 是的And you didn't think to tell me? 而你没想过告诉我吗Leonard asked me to keep it to myself. 莱纳德要我保密Let's leave Leonard out of this for the moment. 现在这事跟莱纳德没关系This is about you and me. 这是我跟你之间的事Wait, wait, wait, how is my day-old marriage falling apart 等等我一天就快散的婚姻becoming about you two? 怎么变成你们的问题了Hang on. 你等等What do I need to do to make you trust me? 我该怎么做才能让你信任我Y ou think it's hard having one wife, 你觉得有一个老婆就很辛苦了吗try having two. 你试试有两个I bet you told Bernadette 你肯定告诉伯纳黛特all about he was screwing around with Mandy Chao. 他跟曼蒂·周胡搞瞎搞的事情Oh, we didn't screw around. 我们才没有胡搞瞎搞We just got drunk and made out. 我们只是喝醉酒打个啵儿Whatever. It would have been nice to hear it from you. 随便啦我更希望这话从你口中说出What are you doing here? 你来干嘛I'm here to return your belongings. 我来把你的东西还给你That's what people who've broken up do. 情侣分手都这么做And you didn't do your compulsive knocking ritual 而你故意不用你强迫症式的敲门方式so I would open the door. 好让我没戒心就开门On the contrary, 那你就错了you no longer get to enjoy my charming eccentricities. 你现在没资格享受我可爱的小怪癖We're not friends with benefits. 我们不再是有"福利"的朋友Just give me the box. 把箱子给我吧W-Wait. Don't you want to go through it 等等你不想过一遍里面的东西吗to make sure I haven't forgotten anything? 以免有东西我给忘拿了Fine. 好吧My old scarf. 我的旧时围巾Y ou wore it the night we went ice-skating. Remember? 我们去溜冰的那个晚上你围着它还记得吗Y ou mean the night that I went ice-skating, 你是指我一个人溜冰and you stood at the rail 而你在一边扶着扶手Googling the symptoms of hypothermia? 一边网上搜失温症的症状那晚吗We made one heck of a team, huh? 我们俩真是天造地设的一对啊Whose bra is this? 这是谁的胸罩It's not yours? 不是你的吗Oh, my. 老天How embarrassing for both of us. 这下咱俩都尴尬了It's Penny's. 这是佩妮的吧Hey, you broke up with me. 咱俩分手了It is none of your business 就算我把谁的咪咪whose naked bosom I'm smooshing around like pizza dough. 像披萨面团那样搓揉也不关你的事Good-bye. 再见Amy. 艾米Amy. Amy. 艾米艾米Tables work, too. Good to know. 敲桌子也行学到新知识Ooh, brownies for girls' night! 闺蜜之夜的巧克力蛋糕Hands off. I'm mad at you. 手拿开我在生你的气呢Look, I know it's a lot of money, 我知道那是一大笔钱but the guy at the store said 但那个店员说in five to seven years, it'll pay for itself. 五到七年内就能收回成本What will pay for itself? 什么东西收回成本Doesn't matter. What are you mad about? 没什么那你在气什么呀I'm mad at you for blabbing to me 我气你告诉我what Leonard did on the North Sea, 莱纳德在北海的所作所为and I'm mad that I've had to hide this from Penny for twoyears.我还气你让我瞒了佩妮整整两年And you have every right to be mad about those things. 你完全有权对这些事情生气So, why don't you let me 不如这个月的handle the credit card bill this month, huh? 信用卡账单我来处理怎么样I mean, don't even look at it. 你别管了连看都不用看I mean, if Penny finds out I've known all this time 如果佩妮发现我一直都知道and haven't told her, 却没有告诉她she's gonna think I'm a terrible friend. 她肯定会认为我是一个坏朋友I wish you never told me. 真希望你从未告诉我And I wish Leonard never told me. 我也希望莱纳德从未告诉我He's the bad guy here. 他才是最坏的那个I guess that's true. 的确是And you let Penny marry him. 而你还让佩妮嫁给他Compared to that, who cares if I bought 比起这个我买的乔治·克鲁尼a George Clooney limited edition manscaping kit? 限量版的体毛修剪套装根本不值得一提Hi. I'm calling about your marriage counseling services 你好我想预约你们的婚姻咨询服务and was curious what your rate is. 请问一般怎么收费Really? 不是吧Um, okay. 好吧Is there any kind of discount for length of marriage? 会根据婚姻的长短打折吗'Cause we're just talking hours here. 我说的是以小时计算的婚姻- Hi. - Call you back. -在呀-等会打给你Can we talk? 我们能聊聊吗I would love that. 最好不过了All right, look, 听着I'm sorry I said I was okay with everything 很抱歉在结婚之前before we got married. 我说我不介意I hate that we're going through this, 我讨厌我们现在有这矛盾but I don't know what to do. 但我不知道该怎么做If you don't mind waiting for a Groupon, 如果你不介意等团购劵出来we can try marriage counseling. 我们可以试试婚姻咨询Hello. 你们在呀Hey, uh, buddy, 伙计can we have some privacy? 你能回避一下吗Oh, of course. 当然可以Wouldn't want to intrude. 我也不想打扰你们This is yours. 这是你的Okay, when I'm done with him, 等我跟他谈完I'm gonna need more information. 咱俩再好好聊聊Nothing odd. 没什么不妥的I just wanted to rub Amy's nose in it. 我就拿来让艾米难堪而已Okay, look, I might be overreacting, 听着我可能是反应过度了but how am I supposed to get past this 但我怎么可能忘掉这件事when I know tomorrow you're gonna go to work 我明知道你明天要去上班and see this woman? 会见到这个女人Forgive me for eavesdropping, 原谅我偷听了but as I see it, there's a simple solution.但在我看来有一个简单的解决办法Wake up, wake up, wake up. 醒醒快醒醒Bring Penny to meet Mandy. 带佩妮去见曼蒂What? Why? 为什么Well, right now, Penny's imagination is running wild,现在佩妮的胡思乱想根本停不下来but if they meet, that will eliminate the mystery 但如果她们见面了就能消除曼蒂的神秘感and alleviate her fears. 减轻佩妮的恐惧感就像那个独眼龙揭了眼罩让我看Like when that Sparkletts guy let me look under his eyepatch.Uh, first of all, you made that guy cry. 首先你把人家弄哭了And we learned that you don't need an eyeball to do that. 所以我们知道了没有眼珠也能哭Secondly, I can't think of a more horrible idea 其次带佩妮去见曼蒂than Penny meeting Mandy. 这个主意糟透了Really? Why is that? 是吗怎么说What, you actually want to meet her? 怎么你还真想见她啦No, but now that you're being weird about it, 不啊但现在看你对此反应异常maybe I should. 或许我真该去I'm not being weird. 我才没有反应异常Am I being weird? 我有反应异常吗Y es. 有啊And that's coming from me. 连我这种怪咖都这么觉得Fine, you want to meet her? 好吧你想见她吗No, I just want to know that when you're at work, 不我只想知道你们俩上班时there's nothing going on. 不会发生任何越轨的事How many times do I have to tell you? 我得说多少遍你才信I have no interest in this woman. 我对这个女人一点兴趣都没有Y eah, well, maybe she has interest in you. 或许人家对你有兴趣呢In Leonard? 对莱纳德吗Oh, even the Sparkletts guy could see that's unlikely.就连独眼龙也觉得没可能好吗I guess my big problem is I never saw Leonard 我猜我最大的困扰是as the kind of guy who woulde do something like this. 我从来没想过莱纳德也会做这种事Anybody can make a mistake in a weak moment. 人容易在脆弱的时候犯错What do you think? 你觉得呢Oh, I don't know what to think. 我完全没有想法But then again, I just found out about it. 再重申一次我是刚刚才知道这事Y ou know, I fell in love with Leonard 我之所以爱上莱纳德because he wasn't anything like the guys 是因为他和我曾经交往过的I was used to dating. 其他人不同I mean, I knew those guys weren't above cheating 我知道那些渣男都喜欢出轨because that's usually how we met. 因为我就是他们的小三Come on, you know Leonard's not like that. 你知道莱纳德不是那样的人I want to believe you. I really do. 我很想相信你真的Am I being naive? 是我好傻好天真了吗Oh, I don't know. 我不知道This is all so new to me. 第一次听到这事I'm still processing. 我还在努力消化中Y ou know, he never would've done this when we first met. 我们刚认识时他根本不可能做这种事He's cockier now. 他现在可能耐了That's because you made him more confident. 那是因为你让他变得自信了Y ou know, if you think about it, without you, 你仔细想想如果没有你he never would've grown into the person he is now. 怎么可能有现在意气风发的他I mean, sure, more women might notice him, 虽然他现在受欢迎了but I think it's better to have a guy be with you 但他愿意放弃弱水三千because he wants to be 与你相守and not because he thinks he doesn't have any other choice. 总好过他觉得自己没人爱只好巴着你啊I never thought about it like that. 我还从没这样想过Oh, me neither, not until just now. 我也没有这是刚想到的Hello. I'm Dr. Sheldon Cooper, 大家好我是谢尔顿·库伯博士and welcome to "Sheldon Cooper Presents: Fun With Flags." 欢迎收看谢尔顿·库珀出品的《有趣的旗帜》Y ou may notice that I'm holding a remote control. 你可能注意到我手上拿着遥控器That's because my cameraperson and co-host, 那是因为我的摄影师兼主持搭档Dr. Amy Farrah Fowler, 艾米·法拉·福勒博士has chosen to end her relationship with me. 选择中止了与我的感情关系I'm going to pause here to let that sink in. 我先暂停一会让你们消化一下Okay. 好了If you need to pause a little longer,如果你需要更多时间消化just click the pause button. 请按下你的暂停键But the show must go on. 但我的节目还得继续And thankfully, all the things my girlfriend used to do 万幸的是我前女友的一切功能can be taken care of with my right hand. 我的右手都可以取代Anyway, let's not spend any more time talking about her. 好了我们不要再提她了We're here to talk about flags. 我们节目的重点是旗帜Tonight's theme: 今天的主题是flags of countries that have been torn apart 国破人亡的国家国旗and the women I have a feeling were responsible. 以及我认为该对此负责的红颜祸水们Y ou guys have any idea how much it costs 你们知道接受婚姻咨询to see a marriage counselor? 需要多少钱吗$250 an hour. Why? 每小时250刀怎么了How do you know? 你怎么知道Bernadette and I have occasionally gone to one to, 博纳黛特和我偶尔会去参加一次you know, stay on top of things. 防范于未然嘛And I'm just hearing about this now? 而我却是头一次听说这事Dude, just because we're best friends 老弟虽然我俩是好基友doesn't mean that I have to tell you everything that goes on. 但不代表我非得把所有事都告诉你吧Y ou don't have to, you should want to. 你不是非得要而是应该主动想要Oh, great, there's Mandy. 这下好了曼蒂来了Why are marine biologists always so cute? 海洋生物学家怎么都这么可爱I don't know, 我不知道but I'd like to get lost in her Bermuda Triangle. 但我愿迷失在她的百慕大"三角洲"中That's not helpful. 你这话一点用都没有Then I won't say 那我就不告诉你I'd like to cover three-quarters of her surface area. 我还想覆盖她表面面积的四分之三了Are we done? 你们说完了吗Not yet, this is fun. 没玩得正开心呢Ooh, I know. 有了I'd let her free my willy.我想让她解放我的"杀人鲸"{\an8\fn微软雅黑\fs18\b1\bord1\shad1\3c&H2F2F2F&}美国电影《威鲸闯天关》Where you going? 你要去哪儿I'm gonna ask her if she'd be willing to talk to Penny, 我要去问她愿不愿意跟佩妮聊聊tell her she has nothing to worry about. 告诉佩妮根本不用担心- Leonard, wait. - What? -莱纳德等等-怎么了I'd like to SpongeBob her SquarePants. 我还想用海绵洗她的小裤裤[海绵宝宝]Now we are done. 好了我们说完了Oh, hi, Leonard. What's up? 莱纳德你好吗Uh, do you mind if I sit? 我能坐下吗Sure. 当然So, um, I've been thinking a lot 那个我一直在想about you and me and... the boat. 我俩在船上的事What about it? 怎么了Y ou know... 你知道what we did, when we were drunk. 我们喝醉以后做的那些事Oh, no, did I sleep with you, too? 不会吧我也跟你睡了吗No, we just made out. 不我们只是亲热了Oh. Well, good for me. 老天保佑我啊So what can I do for you? 那你来找我干什么Uh, okay, well, um, I got married recently. 好吧我最近结婚了Oh, congratulations! 恭喜你To Sheldon? 和谢尔顿吗Never gets old. 这个笑话永远都好笑No, no, to a girl. 不是和一个女孩Anyway, I told her what happened between you and me, 总之我告诉了她我俩的事and she's concerned about us seeing each other at work. 于是她担心我们上班时总见面会出事It was just a kiss. Why would you even tell her? 不过是亲一下而已你干嘛告诉她Because I didn't want there to be any secrets between us. 因为我不想对她有所隐瞒Is that really the reason? 真的是因为这原因吗What else would it be? 不然还能是什么I don't know. 我不知道Sounds like you're trying to sabotage the relationship. 听起来像是你故意要破坏你们的感情No, I don't think so. 不不是这样的Although, Penny did say exactly that. 不过佩妮也说了同样的话Okay, well, that's something to think about. 那你可得好好思考一下了Y ou know, on some level, I've always believed 在潜意识里我总是觉得that I don't deserve a woman like her. 我配不上她这样的女人Oh, you're gonna think about that right here? 你要在这里思考吗I mean, she's really beautiful. 她真的超漂亮She could have any guy she wants. 各种帅哥她都能搞定Which is probably why 所以it took her so many years to tell me she loved me. 那么多年后她对我说她爱你Maybe you should talk to a therapist about this. 这事你去找咨询师聊聊吧Too expensive. 太贵了Y ou'd think I'd be used to women withholding their love.我可能习惯了女人不对我表达爱意I mean, my mother did. 我妈妈就是I mean, no matter how hard I tried, 不管我有多努力she just didn't have any interest in me. 她就是对我不感兴趣Imagine that. 好惨哦I wonder if that's why I have 我怀疑也许这就是为什么such a dysfunctional relationship with Sheldon. 我会跟谢尔顿的关系这么不正常I had a dream 某晚我做了一个梦the other night that I was in a cave 梦见我在一个山洞里and I was nursing a baby, 哺育一个婴儿but the baby had Sheldon's head on it. 但这个婴儿长着谢尔顿的脑袋And your wife is worried about me? 而你妻子担心的人却是我Hey, Leonard! 莱纳德When you're done, 你说完就过来we came up with a bunch more. 我们又想到了好多段子Then the Czech Republic says to Slovakia, 然后捷克共和国对斯洛伐克说"看来你不太懂分手应该怎么样" "I don't think you understand how being broken upworks!"Can you believe that? 你能相信吗Y ou'd think that the Czech Republic 你以为捷克共和国would try to hold on to what it had, 会珍惜自己仅有的机会given that it's not as young as it used to be. 毕竟它也不年轻了And I don't see any other countries 而且我也没见过哪个国家lining up to invade its southern borders. 在排队要侵略她"南线"[下边]的I'm gonna kill him.我要杀了他But enough about the Czech Republic. 捷克共和国就说到这里Let's talk about the time Moldova made Romania 我们再说说摩尔多瓦给罗马尼亚a birthday cake 做了一个生日蛋糕and Romania said it tasted good 罗马尼亚说好吃even though it didn't. 其实并不然And yet Romania gets dumped. 结果罗马尼亚却被甩了I'll pause here while you mull that one over. 我暂停一下等你理清楚I know, right? 的确很扯对吧So, you said you had something to tell me. 说吧不是说有事跟我讲吗Okay, yeah, um, 对do you remember when you accused me 还记得你指责我of trying to sabotage our wedding? 故意破坏我们的婚礼吗I've been thinking about it, 我也想了一下and you might be right. 也许你说得对But the good news is 但好消息是that I'm pretty sure I know why. 我知道自己为啥这么做I'm listening. 洗耳恭听Penny, after all these years, 佩妮尽管过了这么多年I still feel like maybe I don't deserve you. 我还觉得自己配不上你Okay, that is the lamest excuse 行了这种烂大街的理由you could've possibly come up with. 谁不会张口就来啊But I get it. 但我理解-Y ou do? -Y eah. -是吗-是啊Sometimes I worry you're gonna wake up 有时我担心一觉醒来and leave me for someone more like you. 你会为像你这样的女人弃我而去I don't even understand 我都不理解why you're with someone like me. 为什么你会跟我这种男人在一起Why would I want to be with someone like me? 我为什么还要找个像我这样的女人Y ou know what I mean. 你懂我的意思And, you know, maybe the way I've been reacting 也许我的某些反应was me sabotaging this, too. 也是在搞破坏Well, how about we stop 不如我们不要being so scared of losing each other 害怕失去彼此and just be together? 而是要好好在一起That sounds nice. 这主意不错Good. 好的Because... 因为I've loved you since the moment we met, 自从见到你的那一刻我便爱上了你and I will keep loving you until the end of time. 我会一辈子爱你至死不渝Oh, my God, that is the most beautiful thing 天啊这是我听过- anyone's ever said to me. - Y eah? -最美的情话-是吗That's because you're beautiful, 那是因为你那么美and your beauty fills my heart with love and song. 美到我心中满溢着爱与歌It's getting kind of cheesy, Leonard. 越说越烂俗了哦莱纳德If you think that's cheesy, buckle up. 还有更烂俗的呢准备好了Penny Hofstadter, 佩妮·霍夫斯塔德will you please stay married to me? 你愿意跟我维持婚姻吗Oh, damn it, you topped it. 讨厌你的俗气再创新高峰了Should we go to the bedroom and make this marriage official? 我们是不是该去卧室把洞房这事给办了- Y es, please! Okay! - Okay. -好拜托了-好的Sheldon, I can't believe you got us a wedding gift. 谢尔顿没想到你会送我们结婚礼物I don't know why you're so surprised. 这有什么好惊讶的I watch movies; I see what people do. 我看电影看得到别人怎么做What is this? 这是什么Plane tickets and hotel reservations 周末往返旧金山的机票for a weekend away in San Francisco. 以及酒店预订That's so great! 太棒了Y eah, there's Fisherman's Wharf 没错那里有渔人码头and Alcatraz and cable cars. 恶魔岛还有缆车We're gonna have so much fun. 我们肯定玩得超开心We? 我们Is there a problem? 有问题吗Oh, no, no! I just, I said, "Whee!" 没有没有我说的是"我们耶" How dare you go on the Internet and say mean thingsabout me你胆敢在网上说我坏话and compare my genitalia to part of Czechoslovakia?!还把我的生殖器比喻成捷克斯洛伐克南部Y ou saw through that one, did you? 你看完那集了是吗I don't know what you were thinking, 我不知道你在想什么呢but take the video down now! 马上把视频撤下去She watched it. 她看了I'm gonna get that girl back. 我一定能把那妞追回来I only watched it because you e-mailed it to me 我之所以会看是因为你发邮件给我with the subject line: "This is gonna make you mad"! 主题是"看完气死你"She was listening through the door. She wants me. 她在门外偷听她想要奴家第3集Would you pass the mustard? 能把黄芥末酱递给我吗?Sure. 当然Hey, want to hear a fun fact about mustard? 嘿想听黄芥末酱的趣味知识吗?Is it that the glucosinolates which give mustard its flavor 你是不是想说给黄芥末酱带来风味的是葡糖异硫氰酸盐were evolved by the cabbage family 甘蓝族植物也会散发as a chemical defense against caterpillars? 同样的化学物质来抵御毛毛虫吗? Y eah. 对Well, that was fun. 那是挺有趣的Good for you, Leonard. 干得好LeonardHey, there. 你们好Hey, you're early. 嘿你们来早了The movie doesn't start for an hour. 电影再过一个小时才会开场Actually, we're not going to the movies. 其实我们不去看电影We are here to kidnap you. 我们是来绑架你的What are you talking about? 你们在说什么呢?Well, you eloped and we didn't get a chance 你当初私奔了所以我们没机会to throw you a bachelor party, 为你办个告别单身派对so there's a van downstairs 所以车已经在楼下等着了and we're here to take you 我们要带你去个to a surprise location for the weekend. 神秘的地方度周末Well, I'd hardly call this kidnapping. 我觉得这不算是绑架Where's the blindfold? 眼罩呢?Where's the duct tape? 胶带呢?Where's the part 你们打电话给我where you call me and demand ransom 要求我付赎金而我努力拖延and I try to keep you on the phone, 不让你们挂电话但你们就在but you hang up seconds before I can trace it 我追踪到位置前几秒挂断了and then I say, "I'm getting too old for this crud"? 接着我说"我上年纪了受不了这种刺激"的部分呢?When do we leave? 我们什么时候走?Right now. 立刻Y eah, Penny packed you a bag. 对Penny帮你打包好了Wow, okay. 好吧你真的打算上车让这俩人Y ou're seriously going to get in a van and letthese twotake you to an unknown destination 带你去个未知的地方for an entire weekend? 度过整个周末?Oh, not just him. Y ou're coming, too. 不止是他你也得一起去你们打算怎么逼我呢?Oh, and how do you think you're going to get meto do that?Unhand me! 放开我!This is ridiculous! 太可笑了!I told you to put tape on his mouth! 我就说要用胶带封住他的嘴!And I told you he bit me! 我也说了他咬我!* Our whole universe was in a hot, dense state * * 宇宙一度又烫又稠密** 140亿年前终于爆了炸... 等着瞧! ** Then nearly 14 billion years ago expansionstarted... Wait! ** The Earth began to cool * * 地球开始降温** 自养生物来起哄穴居人发明工具** The autotrophs began to drool, Neanderthalsdeveloped tools ** We built the Wall We built the pyramids * * 我们建长城我们建金字塔** 数学自然科学历史揭开神秘** Math, Science, History, unraveling the mystery** That all started with a big bang * * 一切由大爆炸开始*生活大爆炸第九季第3集仅供翻译交流使用, 禁止用于商业用途--==圣城家园SCG字幕组/==--协调: 狂写作业的凤梨酥校对:UUUUUU翻译: 酱油影肉肉猫呗夏至未寒凤梨酥It's bad enough I'm being taken 违背我的意志带上我against my will. 已经够糟了I don't see why it has to be in 我不明白为什么非得坐some hippie's mobile sex dungeon. 这种嬉皮士的可移动性爱地下城Well, Sheldon, there's something about this van Sheldon 你马上就会发现that you're going to find very interesting. 这辆面包车的有趣之处了It runs on syphilis? 是用梅毒作燃料的吗?This van was owned and driven by your personal 这辆面包车的主人正是你崇拜的physics hero... 物理界英雄...Richard Feynman. 理查德·费曼- No. - Y eah! - 不会吧- 就是!A buddy of mine let me borrow it. 我的朋友帮我借到的This was Feynman's van? 这是费曼的车?That's so cool. 那太赞了Y eah, nothing's been changed since he drove it. 对自从他开过这车后里面东西就都没换过I bet he picked up a lot of cute grad students in this bad boy. 我打赌他用这辆车接过很多可爱的毕业生Y eah, and talked about physics with them! 对还和他们讨论物理问题!So, are you gonna give us a clue where we'reheaded?你能给个提示我们这是要去哪儿吗?Uh, okay, let's see... 好我想想...They've got spicy food 他们那儿有辣的食物and there's a chance you'll get diarrhea. 你可能会拉肚子India. 印度We can drive there. 是能开车去的地方Y our house? 你家?We are going to Meh-he-co! 我们要去墨喜哥!Fun, I've never been there! 正好我还没去过呢!Leonard, don't be fooled! Leonard 别被骗了!I'm from Texas... 我是德州人...Meh-he-co is Spanish for Mexico. 墨喜哥在西班牙语里就是"墨西哥" What's wrong with Mexico? 墨西哥怎么了?Uh, mariachi bands, wild dogs, 那里有流浪乐队野狗beans that jump around 'cause there's a worminside.还有到处跳的豆子因为里头有虫子Okay, calm down. 好冷静There's a theme to this weekend. 这个周末有个主题We are going to Mexico in Feynman's van 我们驾驶费曼的面包车去墨西哥to stay at the vacation house Feynman bought 住在费曼用诺贝尔奖金。



Our whole universe was in a hot dense state,宇宙一度又烫又稠密Then nearly fourteen billion years ago expansion started. Wait...140亿年前终于爆了炸等着瞧...The Earth began to cool,地球开始降温The autotrophs began to drool,自养生物来起哄Neanderthals developed tools,穴居人发明工具We built a wall (we built the pyramids),我们建长城(我们建金字塔)Math, science, history, unraveling the mysteries,数学自然科学历史揭开神秘That all started with the big bang!一切由大爆炸开始生活大爆炸主题曲歌词"Since the dawn of man" is really not that long,其实人类历史没有多久As every galaxy was formed in less time than it takes to sing this song.星系形成时间比唱完这支歌还要短A fraction of a second and the elements were made. 元素在微秒间便形成了The bipeds stood up straight,两足动物直立行走The dinosaurs all met their fate,恐龙都得认命了They tried to leap but they were late想要突变没来得及And they all died (they froze their asses off)就死光光了(pp都冻成了化石)生活大爆炸主题曲歌词The oceans and pangea大洋和泛古陆See ya, wouldn't wanna be ya拜拜才不想学你Set in motion by the same big bang!都是爆炸惹的祸It all started with the big BANG!一切从大爆炸开始It's expanding ever outward but one day宇宙向外膨胀但有一天It will cause the stars to go the other way,星球会反方向运动Collapsing ever inward, we won't be here, it wont be hurt向内坍塌反正我们不在了不会觉得疼Our best and brightest figure that it'll make an even bigger bang!我们美好光辉的形象将引发一场更大的爆炸生活大爆炸主题曲歌词Australopithecus would really have been sick of us南方古猿肯定不爽我们Debating out while here they're catching deer (we're catching viruses) 在他们捉鹿时唧唧歪歪(我们现在捉电脑病毒了)Religion or astronomy, Encarta, Deuteronomy宗教天文e百科旧约申命记It all started with the big bang!一切从大爆炸开始生活大爆炸主题曲歌词Music and mythology, Einstein and astrology音乐神化爱因斯坦占星术It all started with the big bang!一切从大爆炸开始It all started with the big BANG!一切从大爆炸开始《简爱》是一本具有多年历史的文学着作。

the big bang theory(生活大爆炸)

the big bang theory(生活大爆炸)
the big bang
the big bang theory
Our whole universe was in a hot dense state, Then nearly fourteen billion years ago expansion started. Wait. The Earth began to cool, The autotrophs began to drool, Neanderthals developed tools, We built a wall (we built the pyramids), Math, science, history, unraveling the mysteries, That all started with the big bang!
机械 /
From a town outside of Omaha, Nebraska, she is a waitress who lives across the hall from Sheldon and Leonard. Penny is pursuing a career in acting, and has been on casting calls and auditions but has not been very successful thus far. To pay the bills, she is a waitress and occasional bartender at The Cheesecake Factory.
Ph.D. – Originally from New Delhi, India, he works as a particle astrophysicist at Caltech. His family is very wealthy. He was very shy around women and was physically unable to talk to them for the first six seasons of the show (except for his mother and his sister), unless he drank alcohol (or at least thought he had been drinking alcohol), or had taken experimental medications provided by the pharmacology department at the university.



【美剧】The Big Bang Theory (生活大爆炸)学习笔记boarding school 寄宿学校I think I made my point. 我觉得我说得很清楚了.(还有一种说法是My point exactly, 可以翻译成“我就说嘛/我说得对吧”)You heard me.(这个短语不知道要怎么解释,“你听到我说什么了”,这样翻译好像很奇怪。

给个场景:两个人吵架,你骂了对方一句“you moron”,对反很愤怒的回了一句“what did you just say?(你再给我说一遍!)”,于是,你就可以用“You heard me(你知道我在说什么,老娘懒得再讲一遍)”回骂了)Can I ask you a favor? 能请你帮个忙吗?(还有好多种说法:Can you do me a favor / give me a hand? ect. 挑一句顺眼的记就够了)I learnt my lesson.我得到教训了.out of my league 我高攀不上(有部电影就叫"She's out of my league",当时看了一点点就没心情看下去了,不评论)Don't take it personally. 别往心里去, 这不是针对你spare key 备用钥匙(老外经常会把自己家的钥匙备份一份给邻居,或者是在家门口的某个位置藏一把sapre key,门框上或花盆下等。

所以我觉得国外的home security 很不安全,这会不会就是有那么多罪案片的原因?CSI 系列,CM,Bones ,Closer ,好多好多,每一集都要翘上几个人.)chaos 混乱(读音挺有意思的一个次,和mess是近义词)break in one's house 闯入某人家里chatty 爱闲聊的;爱说话的Here is the thing. 事情是这样的(一般用于一个conversation的开头,特别是要对某人解释某件事情的时候,貌似都是不怎么好的事)I don't think you have a shot.你没机会的。



英语课前演讲——生活大爆炸——thebigbangtheory五篇范文第一篇:英语课前演讲——生活大爆炸——the big bang theory Today I want to introduce an American TV series , which is my favorite.It`s The Big Bang Theory.This is a situation comedy, and with “Scientific genius” as the background.There are 5 main actors, 4 men all have a high IQ, and the test one is an ordinary girl.The girl is penny, her dream was to become an actor, but it`s not easy, she usually can only work in a fast food restaurant, Her character cheerful and friendly.Sheldon , has a highest IQ of 187, but, he also has the lowest EQ.he is very arrogant, and refuse to believe that the world is smarter than him.On the other side, he is forthright and sincere, which always make you love him very much.Leonard, he has a relatively normal EQ, Compared to several other genius, He is the most realistic one.His character is kind,shy and gentle.His main line is the story of his love.Howard, he always has some unrealistic fantasy, and think himself is extremely fascinating.He has a higher language talent, can speak six languages(including Chinese),the foreign languages are mainly used to attract a woman, and make people around him feel sick.Rajesh, He is an Indian, suffering from severe “contacts disabilities”, When the opposite sex is around, he can't speak one word..It was only after drinking he will be normal, and always be very popular with the girls.This is the big bang theory, wish you like it.that`s all, thank you.第二篇:生活大爆炸英文演讲PPT角色介绍If you are a US TV series fan, it's time to make room on your computer's hard drive, because the 2013 fall television season isupon us!Today,I want to introduce my favorite TV show, it called the big bang theory.There being hit in the season seven.Theseareposters of the first season to season seven.The Big Bang Theory is an American sitcom created by Chuck Lorre and Bill Prady。

The Big Bang Theory Theme 中英文歌词对照

The Big Bang Theory Theme 中英文歌词对照

The Big Bang Theory Theme 主题曲歌词Our whole universe was in a hot dense state,宇宙一度又烫又稠密Then nearly fourteen billion years ago expansion started. Wait...140亿年前终于爆了炸等着瞧...The Earth began to cool,地球开始降温The autotrophs began to drool,自养生物来起哄Neanderthals developed tools,穴居人发明工具We built a wall (we built the pyramids),我们建长城(我们建金字塔)Math, science, history, unraveling the mysteries,数学自然科学历史揭开神秘That all started with the big bang!一切由大爆炸开始"Since the dawn of man" is really not that long,其实人类历史没有多久As every galaxy was formed in less time than it takes to sing this song. 星系形成时间比唱完这支歌还要短A fraction of a second and the elements were made.元素在微秒间便形成了The bipeds stood up straight,两足动物直立行走The dinosaurs all met their fate,恐龙都得认命了They tried to leap but they were late想要突变没来得及And they all died (they froze their asses off)就死光光了(pp都冻成了化石)The oceans and pangea大洋和泛古陆See ya, wouldn't wanna be ya拜拜才不想学你Set in motion by the same big bang!都是爆炸惹的祸It all started with the big BANG!一切从大爆炸开始It's expanding ever outward but one day宇宙向外膨胀但有一天It will cause the stars to go the other way,星球会反方向运动Collapsing ever inward, we won't be here, it wont be hurt向内坍塌反正我们不在了不会觉得疼Our best and brightest figure that it'll make an even bigger bang!我们美好光辉的形象将引发一场更大的爆炸Australopithecus would really have been sick of us南方古猿肯定不爽我们Debating out while here they're catching deer (we're catching viruses) 在他们捉鹿时唧唧歪歪(我们现在捉电脑病毒了)Religion or astronomy, Encarta, Deuteronomy宗教天文e百科旧约申命记It all started with the big bang!一切从大爆炸开始Music and mythology, Einstein and astrology音乐神化爱因斯坦占星术It all started with the big bang!一切从大爆炸开始It all started with the big BANG!一切从大爆炸开始。

The big bang theory 片头曲

The big bang theory 片头曲

It all started with the big bang!
It’s expanding ever outward but one day It will cause the stars to go the other way Collaps’t be hurt Our best and brightest figure that it’ll make an even bigger bang!
Australopithecus would really have been sick of us Debating out while here they are catching deer
We are catching viruses
Religion or astronomy, Encarta, Deuteronomy It all started with the big bang! Music and mythology, Einstein and astrology It all started with the big bang! It all started with the big BANG!
adj. thick, close together, difficult to go or see through
specializaed( of a substance) containing a lot of matter in a small space
The big bang theory
------Barenaked Ladies
Our whole universe was in a hot dense(高密度的) state Then nearly fourteen billion years ago expansion started wait The earth bagan to cool The autotrophs(自养生物) began to drool(梦话,胡说,流 口水)

The big bang theory (2)

The big bang theory (2)

2, Mark Elliot Zuckerberg an American computer programme and Internet entrepreneur. He is best known as one of four cofounders of the social networking site Facebook, of which he is chairman and chief executive.
It is a universally acknowledged truth that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in need of a wife. See,some Science Geeks who are really Rich! They are…….
The Big Bang Theory
The attractive, blonde neighbor who lives across the hall from Sheldon and Leonard. has aspirations of a career in show business, and has been to casting calls and auditions but has not been successful thus far. To pay the bills, she works as a waitress at The Cheesecake Factory. she's kinda like Leonard and she treats sheldon quite well soft kitty(Kico will teach you)



The Big Bang Theory themeour whole universe was in a hot dense state,宇宙一度又烫又稠密then nearly fourteen billion years ago expansion started. wait...140亿年前终于爆了炸等着瞧...the earth began to cool,地球开始降温the autotrophs began to drool,自养生物来起哄neanderthals developed tools,穴居人发明工具we built a wall (we built the pyramids),我们建长城(我们建金字塔)math, science, history, unraveling the mysteries,数学自然科学历史揭开神秘that all started with the big bang!一切由大爆炸开始"since the dawn of man" is really not that long,其实人类历史没有多久as every galaxy was formed in less time than it takes to sing this song.星系形成时间比唱完这支歌还要短a fraction of a second and the elements were made.元素在微秒间便形成了the bipeds stood up straight,两足动物直立行走the dinosaurs all met their fate,恐龙都得认命了they tried to leap but they were late 想要突变没来得及and they all died (they froze their asses off)就死光光了(pp都冻成了化石)the oceans and pangea 大洋和泛古陆see ya, wouldn't wanna be ya 拜拜才不想学你set in motion by the same big bang!都是爆炸惹的祸it all started with the big bang!一切从大爆炸开始it's expanding ever outward but one day 宇宙向外膨胀但有一天it will cause the stars to go the other way,星球会反方向运动collapsing ever inward, we won't be here, it wont be hurt 向内坍塌反正我们不在了不会觉得疼our best and brightest figure that it'll make an even bigger bang!我们美好光辉的形象将引发一场更大的爆炸australopithecus would really have been sick of us 南方古猿肯定不爽我们debating out while here they're catching deer (we're catching viruses)在他们捉鹿时唧唧歪歪(我们现在捉电脑簿了)religion or astronomy, encarta, deuteronomy 宗教天文e百科旧约申命记it all started with the big bang!一切从大爆炸开始music and mythology, einstein and astrology 音乐神化爱因斯坦占星术it all started with the big bang!一切从大爆炸开始it all started with the big bang!一切从大爆炸开始。

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Leonard Leakey Hofstadter
IQ was 173, he was an experimental physicist. He has a poor eyesight. Leonard has a more normal EQ,he is the most realistic one: short , sincere enthusiasm for people.
Penny是个美丽性感梦想成为著名演员的女 孩,她个性开朗,直率真诚,待人友善,但 不爱收拾整理,她的演艺事业也不太顺利, 平时只能在快餐店打工,收入不高,追求时 尚,与男主Leonard、Sheldon的生活方式 截然不同,之后Penny和Leonard在一起了..
Amy Farrah Fowler
Байду номын сангаас
Rajesh Ramayan Koothrappali
他是个孤独的单身汉,羞涩的印度男生,一口 地道的印度英语。天文物理学家,研究实验物 理。对女生喜欢的东西比较了解,偶尔也似乎 有点娘气,经常被霍华德以及谢尔顿莱纳德受 不了。
He is a lonely man, shy of the India boys. A better understanding of what girls like, is often Howard and Sheldon Leonard can't stand.
IQ为173,他是实验物理学家。他视 力很差。Leonard具有较为正常的EQ, 作为科学怪人的一员,他是最具有真 实感的一个:理工科男,个子矮小, 为人真挚热心。
Howard Joel Wolowitz
Howard是个犹太人。他会六种语言。从小到 大和母亲住在一起, 学历是4个科学家之中 较低的,经常被Sheldon嘲笑。(工程方面 的并不需要读博士,主要还是看动手能力。 读了博士后,反而要专注于理论研究了)
Amy's job is a nerve biologist, Sheldon's girlfriend.They call them“Shamy” (Sheldon&Amy).Her character is like Sheldon. Amy的职业是神经生物学家, Sheldon的女友。她的性格 和Sheldon很像。
Bernadette Maryann Rostenkowski
Howard's wife, has a sweet voice, but her has a wild heart, strong desire to win. Don't like children, because she's so much younger brother in her family. Howard的妻子,拥有甜美的 嗓音,但是其实她内心狂野, 求胜欲极强。不喜欢小孩,因 为在她小时候家中她太多弟弟 的缘故。
Howard is a Jewish.He mastered six languages.Since he was a child, he lived with his mother.His education is the lowest among the four scientists.Sheldon often laughed at him
They are friends but they are more like family.
Sheldon Lee Cooper
作为IQ最高的sheldon,相应的, 具有最低的EQ。极其自负,拒绝 相信世界上有比他聪明的人,认 为自己是万能的,不可能出错。 完美主义者,有极强的强迫症, 不能忍受一切他认为不寻常不合 理的东西。
As the IQ of the highest Sheldon, it has the lowest EQ. To refuse to believe that there is a man in the world who is wiser than he is to think that he is a universal, and that he cannot make mistakes.A person who has a strong compulsion, can't bear all the things that he thinks is