Voss, Jon_MacQuiddy, Geary




ChatGPT: five priorities for researchEva A. M. van Dis, Johan Bollen, Robert van Rooij, Willem Zuidema & Claudi L. BocktingConversational AI is agame-changer for science.Here’s how to respond.A chatbot called ChatGPT can help to write text for essays, scientific abstracts and more.Since a chatbot called ChatGPT was released late last year, it has become apparent that this type of artificial intelligence (AI) technology will have huge implications on the way in whichresearchers work.ChatGPT is a large language model (LLM), a machine-learning system that autonomously learns from data and can produce sophisti-cated and seemingly intelligent writing after training on a massive data set of text. It is the latest in a series of such models released by OpenAI, an AI company in San Francisco, California, and by other firms. ChatGPT has perspectives. However, it could also degrade the quality and transparency of research and fundamentally alter our autonomy as human researchers. ChatGPT and other LLMs produce text that is convincing, but often wrong, so their use can distort scientific facts and spread misinformation.We think that the use of this technology is inevitable, therefore, banning it will not work. It is imperative that the research community engage in a debate about the implications of this potentially disruptive technology. Here, we out-line five key issues and suggest where to start.Hold on to human verificationLLMs have been in development for years, but continuous increases in the quality and size of data sets, and sophisticated methods to calibrate these models with human feed-back, have suddenly made them much more powerful than before. LLMs will lead to a new generation of search engines 1 that are able to produce detailed and informative answers to complex user questions.But using conversational AI for specialized research is likely to introduce inaccuracies, bias and plagiarism. We presented ChatGPT with a series of questions and assignments that required an in-depth understanding of the literature and found that it often generated false and misleading text. For example, when we asked ‘how many patients with depression experience relapse after treatment?’, it gen-erated an overly general text arguing that treatment effects are typically long-lasting. However, numerous high-quality studies show that treatment effects wane and that the risk of relapse ranges from 29% to 51% in the first year after treatment completion 2–4. Repeat-ing the same query generated a more detailed and accurate answer (see Supplementary information, Figs S1 and S2).Next, we asked ChatGPT to summarize a systematic review that two of us authored in JAMA Psychiatry 5 on the effectiveness of cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) for anxiety-related disorders. ChatGPT fabricated a convincing response that contained several factual errors, misrepresentations and wrong data (see Supplementary information, Fig. S3). For example, it said the review was based on 46 studies (it was actually based on 69) and, more worryingly, it exaggerated the effective-ness of CBT.Such errors could be due to an absence of the relevant articles in ChatGPT’s training set, a failure to distil the relevant information or being unable to distinguish between credible and less-credible sources. It seems that the same biases that often lead humans astray, such as availability, selection and confirma-tion biases, are reproduced and often even amplified in conversational AI 6.Researchers who use ChatGPT risk being misled by false or biased information, andcaused excitement and controversy because itis one of the first models that can convincingly converse with its users in English and other languages on a wide range of topics. It is free, easy to use and continues to learn.This technology has far-reaching conse-quences for science and society. Researchers and others have already used ChatGPT and other large language models to write essays and talks, summarize literature, draft and improve papers, as well as identify research gaps and write computer code, including sta-tistical analyses. Soon this technology will evolve to the point that it can design exper-iments, write and complete manuscripts, conduct peer review and support editorial decisions to accept or reject manuscripts.Conversational AI is likely to revolutionize research practices and publishing, creating both opportunities and concerns. It might accelerate the innovation process, shorten time-to-publication and, by helping people to write fluently, make science more equi-table and increase the diversity of scientificV I T O R M I R A N D A /A L A M Y224 | Nature | Vol 614 | 9 2023Comment2023incorporating it into their thinking and papers. Inattentive reviewers might be hoodwinked into accepting an AI-written paper by its beautiful, authoritative prose owing to the halo effect, a tendency to over-generalize from a few salient positive impressions7. And, because this technology typically reproduces text without reliably citing the original sources or authors, researchers using it are at risk of not giving credit to earlier work, unwittingly plagiarizing a multitude of unknown texts and perhaps even giving away their own ideas. Information that researchers reveal to ChatGPT and other LLMs might be incorpo-rated into the model, which the chatbot could serve up to others with no acknowledgement of the original source.Assuming that researchers use LLMs in their work, scholars need to remain vigilant. Expert-driven fact-checking and verification processes will be indispensable. Even when LLMs are able to accurately expedite summaries, evaluations and reviews, high-quality journals might decide to include a human verification step or even ban certain applications that use this technol-ogy. To prevent human automation bias — an over-reliance on automated systems — it will become even more crucial to emphasize the importance of accountability8. We think that humans should always remain accountable for scientific practice.Develop rules for accountability Tools are already available to predict the likelihood that a text originates from machines or humans. Such tools could be useful for detecting the inevitable use of LLMs to man-ufacture content by paper mills and predatory journals, but such detection methods are likely to be circumvented by evolved AI technolo-gies and clever prompts. Rather than engage in a futile arms race between AI chatbots and AI-chatbot-detectors, we think the research community and publishers should work out how to use LLMs with integrity, transparency and honesty.Author-contribution statements and acknowledgements in research papers should state clearly and specifically whether, and to what extent, the authors used AI technolo-gies such as ChatGPT in the preparation of their manuscript and analysis. They should also indicate which LLMs were used. This will alert editors and reviewers to scrutinize man-uscripts more carefully for potential biases, inaccuracies and improper source crediting. Likewise, scientific journals should be trans-parent about their use of LLMs, for example when selecting submitted manuscripts. Research institutions, publishers and funders should adopt explicit policies that raise awareness of, and demand transpar-ency about, the use of conversational AI in the preparation of all materials that might become part of the published record. Publishers could request author certificationthat such policies were followed.For now, LLMs should not be authors ofmanuscripts because they cannot be heldaccountable for their work. But, it might beincreasingly difficult for researchers to pin-point the exact role of LLMs in their studies.In some cases, technologies such as ChatGPTmight generate significant portions of amanuscript in response to an author’s prompts.In others, the authors might have gone throughmany cycles of revisions and improvementsusing the AI as a grammar- or spellchecker, butnot have used it to author the text. In the future,LLMs are likely to be incorporated into textprocessing and editing tools, search enginesand programming tools. Therefore they mightcontribute to scientific work without authorsnecessarily being aware of the nature or mag-nitude of the contributions. This defies today’sbinary definitions of authorship, plagiarismand sources, in which someone is either anauthor, or not, and a source has either beenused, or not. Policies will have to adapt, butfull transparency will always be key.Inventions devised by AI are already causinga fundamental rethink of patent law9, andof code and images that are used to train AI,as well as those generated by AI(see go.nature.com/3y4aery). In the case of AI-written or-assisted manuscripts, the research and legalcommunity will also need to work out whoholds the rights to the texts. Is it the individ-ual who wrote the text that the AI system wastrained with, the corporations who producedthe AI or the scientists who used the systemto guide their writing? Again, definitions ofauthorship must be considered and defined.Invest in truly open LLMsCurrently, nearly all state-of-the-art conver-sational AI technologies are proprietaryproducts of a small number of big technologycompanies that have the resources for AIdevelopment. OpenAI is funded largely byMicrosoft, and other major tech firms areracing to release similar tools. Given thenear-monopolies in search, word processingand information access of a few tech compa-nies, this raises considerable ethical concerns.One of the most immediate issues for theresearch community is the lack of trans-parency. The underlying training sets andLLMs for ChatGPT and its predecessors arenot publicly available, and tech companiesmight conceal the inner workings of theirconversational AIs. This goes against themove towards transparency and open science,and makes it hard to uncover the origin of, orgaps in, chatbots’ knowledge10. For example,we prompted ChatGPT to explain the workof several researchers. In some instances, itproduced detailed accounts of scientists whocould be considered less influential on thebasis of their h-index (a way of measuring theimpact of their work). Although it succeededfor a group of researchers with an h-index ofaround 20, it failed to generate any informa-tion at all on the work of several highly citedand renowned scientists — even those with anh-index of more than 80.To counter this opacity, the developmentand implementation of open-source AI tech-nology should be prioritized. Non-commercialorganizations such as universities typically lackthe computational and financial resourcesneeded to keep up with the rapid pace of LLMdevelopment. We therefore advocate thatscientific-funding organizations, universities,non-governmental organizations (NGOs), gov-ernment research facilities and organizationssuch as the United Nations — as well tech giants— make considerable investments in inde-pendent non-profit projects. This will help todevelop advanced open-source, transparentand democratically controlled AI technologies.Critics might say that such collaborationswill be unable to rival big tech, but at least onemainly academic collaboration, BigScience, hasalready built an open-source language model,called BLOOM. Tech companies might benefitfrom such a program by open sourcing relevantparts of their models and corpora in the hopeof creating greater community involvement,facilitating innovation and reliability. Academicpublishers should ensure LLMs have access totheir full archives so that the models produceresults that are accurate and comprehensive.Embrace the benefits of AIAs the workload and competition in academiaincreases, so does the pressure to use conver-sational AI. Chatbots provide opportunitiesto complete tasks quickly, from PhD stu-dents striving to finalize their dissertation toresearchers needing a quick literature reviewfor their grant proposal, or peer-reviewersunder time pressure to submit their analysis.If AI chatbots can help with these tasks,results can be published faster, freeing aca-demics up to focus on new experimentaldesigns. This could significantly accelerateinnovation and potentially lead to break-throughs across many disciplines. We thinkthis technology has enormous potential,provided that the current teething problemsrelated to bias, provenance and inaccuraciesare ironed out. It is important to examine andadvance the validity and reliability of LLMs sothat researchers know how to use the technol-ogy judiciously for specific research practices.Nature | Vol 614 | 9 2023 | 225 2023Some argue that because chatbots merely learn statistical associations between words in their training set, rather than understand their meanings, LLMs will only ever be able to recall and synthesize what people have already done and not exhibit human aspects of the scientific process, such as creative and conceptual thought. We argue that this is a pre-mature assumption, and that future AI-tools might be able to master aspects of the scien-tific process that seem out of reach today. In a 1991 seminal paper, researchers wrote that “intelligent partnerships” between people and intelligent technology can outperform the intellectual ability of people alone11. These intelligent partnerships could exceed human abilities and accelerate innovation to previ-ously unthinkable levels. The question is how far can and should automation go?AI technology might rebalance the academic skill set. On the one hand, AI could optimize academic training — for example, by provid-ing feedback to improve student writing and reasoning skills. On the other hand, it might reduce the need for certain skills, such as the ability to perform a literature search. It might also introduce new skills, such as prompt engi-neering (the process of designing and crafting the text that is used to prompt conversational AI models). The loss of certain skills might not necessarily be problematic (for example, most researchers do not perform statistical analyses by hand any more), but as a community we need to carefully consider which academic skills and characteristics remain essential to researchers. If we care only about performance, people’s contributions might become more limited and obscure as AI technology advances. In the future, AI chatbots might generate hypotheses, develop methodology, create experiments12, analyse and interpret data and write manu-scripts. In place of human editors and reviewers, AI chatbots could evaluate and review the arti-cles, too. Although we are still some way from this scenario, there is no doubt that conversa-tional AI technology will increasingly affect all stages of the scientific publishing process. Therefore, it is imperative that scholars, including ethicists, debate the trade-off between the use of AI creating a potential acceleration in knowledge generation and the loss of human potential and autonomy in the research process. People’s creativity and originality, education, training and productive interactions with other people will probably remain essential for conducting relevant and innovative research.Widen the debateGiven the disruptive potential of LLM s, the research community needs to organize an urgent and wide-ranging debate. First, we recommend that every research group immediately has a meeting to discuss and try ChatGPT for themselves (if they haven’talready). And educators should talk about itsuse and ethics with undergraduate students.During this early phase, in the absence of anyexternal rules, it is important for responsiblegroup leaders and teachers to determine howto use it with honesty, integrity and transpar-ency, and agree on some rules of engagement.All contributors to research should bereminded that they will be held accounta-ble for their work, whether it was generatedwith ChatGPT or not. Every author should beresponsible for carefully fact-checking theirtext, results, data, code and references.Second, we call for an immediate, contin-uing international forum on developmentand responsible use of LLMs for research.As an initial step, we suggest a summit forrelevant stakeholders, including scientistsof different disciplines, technology compa-nies, big research funders, science academies,publishers, NGOs and privacy and legal special-ists. Similar summits have been organized todiscuss and develop guidelines in response toother disruptive technologies, such as humangene editing. Ideally, this discussion shouldresult in quick, concrete recommendationsand policies for all relevant parties. We presenta non-exhaustive list of questions that couldbe discussed at this forum (see ‘Questions fordebate’).One key issue to address is the implicationsfor diversity and inequalities in research. LLMscould be a double-edged sword. They could helpto level the playing field, for example by remov-ing language barriers and enabling more peopleto write high-quality text. But the likelihood isthat, as with most innovations, high-incomecountries and privileged researchers will quicklyfind ways to exploit LLMs in ways that acceleratetheir own research and widen inequalities.Therefore, it is important that debates includepeople from under-represented groups inresearch and from communities affected bythe research, to use people’s lived experiencesas an important resource.Science, similar to many other domains ofsociety, now faces a reckoning induced by AItechnology infringing on its most dearly heldvalues, practices and standards. The focusshould be on embracing the opportunity andmanaging the risks. We are confident thatscience will find a way to benefit from conver-sational AI without losing the many importantaspects that render scientific work one of themost profound and gratifying enterprises:curiosity, imagination and discovery.The authorsClaudi L. Bockting is a professor of clinicalpsychology in the Department of Psychiatryat Amsterdam UMC, University of Amsterdam,the Netherlands, and co-director of the Centrefor Urban Mental Health at the Institute forAdvanced Study, University of Amsterdam.Eva A. M. van Dis, Johan Bollen,Robert van Rooij, Willem Zuidema.A full list of author affiliations andSupplementary information accompaniesthis Comment online (see go.nature.com/3ww5fyz).e-mail:****************************1. Grant, N. & Metz, C. The New York Times (21 December2022).2. Jelovac, A., Kolshus, E. & McLoughlin, D. M.Neuropsychopharmacol. 38, 2467–2474 (2013).3. Kato, M. et al. Mol. Psychiatry26, 118–133 (2021).4. Vittengl, J. R., Clark, L. A., Dunn, T. W. & Jarrett, R. B.J. Consult. Clin. Psychol. 75, 475–488 (2007).5. van Dis, E. A. M. et al. JAMA Psychiatry 77, 265–273 (2020).6. Rich, A. S. & Gureckis, T. M. Nature Mach. Intell.1, 174–180 (2019).7. Thorndike, E. L. J. Appl. Psychol. 4, 25–29 (1920).8. Skitka, L. J., Mosier, K. & Burdick, M. D. Int. J. Human-Comp. Stud. 52, 701–717 (2000).9. George, A. & Walsh, T. Nature 605, 616–618 (2022).10. Rudin, C. Nature Mach. Intell. 1, 206–215 (2019).11. Salomon, G., Perkins, D. N. & Globerson, T. Edu. Res.20, 2–9 (1991).12. Melnikov, A. A. et al. Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. USA 115,1221–1226 (2018).The authors declare no competing interests.226 | Nature | Vol 614 | 9 2023 Comment2023。





[SCENE 1:购物]Situação: Curso de língua portuguesaDiálogo 1:Maria: Olá, como posso ajudar você hoje?João: Estou procurando uma camiseta.Maria: Tem alguma preferência de cor?João: Gosto de camisetas pretas.Maria: Temos alguns modelos aqui. Qual tamanho você veste?João: Geralmente uso tamanho M.Maria: Aqui está uma camiseta preta tamanho M. Pode experimentar no provador ali.João: Obrigado! Vou experimentar.Diálogo 2:Maria: Gostou da camiseta?João: Sim, gostei muito! Quanto custa?Maria: Essa camiseta custa R$ 50,00.João: Perfeito, vou levar esta.[SCENE 2:餐厅]Situação: RestauranteDiálogo 1:Garçom: Boa noite! Vocês têm reserva?Ana: Não, mas gostaríamos de jantar aqui.Garçom: Claro! Por favor, me acompanhem. Aqui está o menu. Vocês gostariam de ver algum item específico?Ana: Obrigada! Poderia nos trazer água enquanto decidimos?Garçom: Com certeza! Eu volto logo.Diálogo 2:Garçom: Alguma decisão?Pedro: Eu vou querer o bife com batatas fritas.Ana: Eu gostaria do peixe grelhado com legumes.Garçom: Ótimas escolhas! Mais alguma coisa?Pedro: Poderia trazer também uma garrafa de vinho tinto, por favor?Garçom: Certamente! Se precisarem de mais alguma coisa, é só me chamar.[SCENE 3:旅行]Situação: AeroportoDiálogo 1:Pedro: Com licença, onde posso pegar um táxi?Atendente: Os táxis estão logo em frente ao terminal. Você verá a sinalização indicando o ponto de táxi.Pedro: Muito obrigado!Diálogo 2:Atendente: Preciso verificar seu bilhete e passaporte, por favor.Ana: Aqui estão.Atendente: Tudo certo. Seu portão de embarque é o número 10, que fica no segundo andar. O voo parte às 14h.Ana: Obrigada pela informação.[SCENE 4:约会]Situação: ParqueDiálogo 1:Carlos: Oi, Laura! Que bom te encontrar aqui.Laura: Oi, Carlos! Fiquei feliz em receber sua mensagem.Carlos: Trouxe um presente para você. Espero que goste.Laura: Oh, como gentil da sua parte! Obrigada, Carlos.Diálogo 2:Carlos: Vamos dar uma volta pelo parque?Laura: Claro, adoraria! É um lugar tão bonito.Carlos: Aproveitemos então![OUTRO]使用情景对话的方式帮助学生掌握葡萄牙语日常用语是学习这门语言的有效方法之一。

Quill Stop for Sieg X3 (Grizzly G0463) 和 SX3 (Griz

Quill Stop for Sieg X3 (Grizzly G0463) 和 SX3 (Griz

Quill Stop V2 Installation Guide 11/16/2014Thank you for purchasing the Quill Stop for the Sieg X3 (Grizzly G0463) and SX3 (Grizzly G0619) mills. Your feedback is always appreciated. Please email questions and comments to ******************.What’s Included1. Quill Stop Plate2. Stop Block3. 1/2‐20 Button Nut4. 1/2‐20 x 9” Threaded Rod5. 1/4‐20 x 1” Socket Head Cap Screw (1)6. 1/4‐20 x 5/8” Socket Head Cap Screw (2)7. 8‐32 X 1” Socket Head Cap Screw (1)8. 1/4‐20 x 1/2” Socket Set Screw (1)9. Plastic Spacer10. Installation instructionsInstallation1. Remove power to the mill.2. Remove tooling from the spindle.3. Lower the mill head to its lowest point while still being able to lower the quill to its lowest point.4. This step for SX3 mills only. Remove the Display Bracket and Block and Stud (Grizzly parts G0619008& G0619009) from the Spindle Sleeve (G0619010) and Digital Spindle Depth Unit (G0619029).5. Test the fit of the Quill Stop Plate to the spindle and spindle collar. If the Plate does not easily slideup onto the spindle collar, then continue with this step. Otherwise, skip to the next step.Due to minor variations in the diameter of the spindle collar, it may be necessary to expand the Plate slit slightly to slide the Plate up over the spindle and onto the spindle collar. If this is required, install the supplied #8‐32 socket head cap screw (SHCS) on the top side of the 1/4‐20 hole along the slit and tighten the #8‐32 SHCS to expand the slit slightly in the Plate to allow the Plate to slide up over the spindle and onto the spindle collar. Align the Plate vertically on the spindle collar. When positioned, remove the #8‐32 SHCS.6. Thread the supplied 1/4‐20 x 1” SHCS into the end of the Plate with the slot. Slide the Plate up ontothe spindle collar (the non ‐rotating part). Align the front edge of the Plate with the front edge of the bottom of the mill head, and align the Plate in the vertical center of the spindle collar. Place two parallels between the top of the Plate and the bottom of the mill head. Push the Plate upward against the parallels and mill head and lock the quill. Tighten the 1/4‐20 SHCS.Quill Stop V2 Installation Guide 11/16/20147. This step for SX3 mills only. Rotate the Plate and adjust the tongue of the mill’s depth gage so thatthe two holes for the mill’s depth gage align with the two holes in the Plate. Fasten the tongue of the mill’s depth gage to the Plate using the two screws that were removed from the mill’s depth gage bracket earlier. Unlock the quill and remove the parallels. Check that the quill moves up and down freely and that the Mill’s depth gage / Plate connection is not binding and interfering with the quill operating smoothly. If there is binding, then loosen the depth gage screws, loosen the Plate’s 1/4‐20 SHCS, and rotate the Plate slightly, then re ‐tighten all screws and re ‐check for a smooth operation of the quill.8. Screw the flattened end of the 1/2‐20 threaded rod into the hole in the Plate leaving one or twothreads of the flat showing above the surface of the Plate. Secure the threaded rod using the supplied 1/4‐20 socket set screw.9. If you have the stainless steel button nut, turn it upside down with the larger diameter surfacefacing up. This will act as a rest for the Stop Block. The top and bottom of the steel black oxide Button Nut are the same so orientation of this type of Button Nut is irrelevant. Slide the Button Nut down over the 1/2‐20 threaded rod until it contacts the torsion spring cover on the side of the mill head. Release the button and rotate it counter clockwise to provide a slight clearance with the torsion spring cover.10. Slide the Stop Block down over the 1/2‐20 threaded rod so that it sits on top of the Button Nut. Aplastic spacer is provided to center the 1/2‐20 threaded rod in the center of the 5/8” hole in the Stop Block. Slide the supplied plastic spacer down over the 1/2‐20 threaded rod (this is a bit difficult due to the tight fit), and continue down through the hole in the Stop Block. The Stop Block should now be level and correctly positioned on top of the Button Nut.11. Insert a 9/32” transfer pin or drill through one of the holes in the Stop Block and mark a spot on theside of the mill head. Remove the Stop block and drill and tap a 1/4‐20 hole at the spot just marked in the side of the mill head. Be careful to make sure the drill is perpendicular to the mill head. Use a 1/8” drill to drill a pilot hole, then a #7 or 13/64” drill for the final hole. Chamfer and tap the hole (use a tapping block if available). Replace the Stop Block and secure it to the mill head with the supplied 1/4‐20 x 5/8 SHCS. Repeat this procedure for the other Stop Block hole.12. Remove the Stop block and Button Nut from the 1/2‐20 threaded rod and then slide the Stop Blockdown the 1/2‐20 threaded rod and secure it to the side of the mill head. The 1/2‐20 threaded rod should be centered and move freely in the 5/8” Stop Block hole.13. Slide the Button Nut down over the 1/2‐20 threaded rod to any spot above the Stop Block and checkthe operation of the Quill Stop by rotating the quill until the Button Nut contacts the Stop Block. Minor adjustments may be made to the position of the Stop Block and the rotation of the Plate by loosening the fasteners, adjusting, and re ‐tightening the fasteners.Quill Stop V2 Installation Guide 11/16/2014OperationThe Quill Stop is simple to operate, simply press the button and the nut disengages from the thread. Slide to desired position and release the button to engage the threads. Turning the nut then allows for precision micro ‐adjustments of depth of cut.The Quill Stop is great for doing chamfers. With the Spindle stopped and the chamfer tool in the spindle and centered on the hole, lower the quill until the chamfer tool seats in the hole. Then lower the Button Nut until it contacts the Stop Block. Rotate the Button Nut clockwise a half ‐turn to back out of the hole a bit and release the quill. Lower the spindle using the quill to make sure that the chamfer tool is not contacting the part. Start the spindle turning (150 RPM is recommended for chamfers) and lower the spindle using the quill. Then start a cycle of rotating the Button Nut counter clockwise in smallincrements while checking the depth of the chamfer by lowering and raising the quill. This is a great way to sneak ‐up on the correct chamfer depth.Installed Profile Installed FrontInstalled Close‐up Install & Tighten Threaded RodStop Block Setup Mark Stop Block HolesTighten Stop Block Fasten Depth Gage to Plate。



DIRECTIVE NUMBER: CPL 02-00-150 EFFECTIVE DATE: April 22, 2011 SUBJECT: Field Operations Manual (FOM)ABSTRACTPurpose: This instruction cancels and replaces OSHA Instruction CPL 02-00-148,Field Operations Manual (FOM), issued November 9, 2009, whichreplaced the September 26, 1994 Instruction that implemented the FieldInspection Reference Manual (FIRM). The FOM is a revision of OSHA’senforcement policies and procedures manual that provides the field officesa reference document for identifying the responsibilities associated withthe majority of their inspection duties. This Instruction also cancels OSHAInstruction FAP 01-00-003 Federal Agency Safety and Health Programs,May 17, 1996 and Chapter 13 of OSHA Instruction CPL 02-00-045,Revised Field Operations Manual, June 15, 1989.Scope: OSHA-wide.References: Title 29 Code of Federal Regulations §1903.6, Advance Notice ofInspections; 29 Code of Federal Regulations §1903.14, Policy RegardingEmployee Rescue Activities; 29 Code of Federal Regulations §1903.19,Abatement Verification; 29 Code of Federal Regulations §1904.39,Reporting Fatalities and Multiple Hospitalizations to OSHA; and Housingfor Agricultural Workers: Final Rule, Federal Register, March 4, 1980 (45FR 14180).Cancellations: OSHA Instruction CPL 02-00-148, Field Operations Manual, November9, 2009.OSHA Instruction FAP 01-00-003, Federal Agency Safety and HealthPrograms, May 17, 1996.Chapter 13 of OSHA Instruction CPL 02-00-045, Revised FieldOperations Manual, June 15, 1989.State Impact: Notice of Intent and Adoption required. See paragraph VI.Action Offices: National, Regional, and Area OfficesOriginating Office: Directorate of Enforcement Programs Contact: Directorate of Enforcement ProgramsOffice of General Industry Enforcement200 Constitution Avenue, NW, N3 119Washington, DC 20210202-693-1850By and Under the Authority ofDavid Michaels, PhD, MPHAssistant SecretaryExecutive SummaryThis instruction cancels and replaces OSHA Instruction CPL 02-00-148, Field Operations Manual (FOM), issued November 9, 2009. The one remaining part of the prior Field Operations Manual, the chapter on Disclosure, will be added at a later date. This Instruction also cancels OSHA Instruction FAP 01-00-003 Federal Agency Safety and Health Programs, May 17, 1996 and Chapter 13 of OSHA Instruction CPL 02-00-045, Revised Field Operations Manual, June 15, 1989. This Instruction constitutes OSHA’s general enforcement policies and procedures manual for use by the field offices in conducting inspections, issuing citations and proposing penalties.Significant Changes∙A new Table of Contents for the entire FOM is added.∙ A new References section for the entire FOM is added∙ A new Cancellations section for the entire FOM is added.∙Adds a Maritime Industry Sector to Section III of Chapter 10, Industry Sectors.∙Revises sections referring to the Enhanced Enforcement Program (EEP) replacing the information with the Severe Violator Enforcement Program (SVEP).∙Adds Chapter 13, Federal Agency Field Activities.∙Cancels OSHA Instruction FAP 01-00-003, Federal Agency Safety and Health Programs, May 17, 1996.DisclaimerThis manual is intended to provide instruction regarding some of the internal operations of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), and is solely for the benefit of the Government. No duties, rights, or benefits, substantive or procedural, are created or implied by this manual. The contents of this manual are not enforceable by any person or entity against the Department of Labor or the United States. Statements which reflect current Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission or court precedents do not necessarily indicate acquiescence with those precedents.Table of ContentsCHAPTER 1INTRODUCTIONI.PURPOSE. ........................................................................................................... 1-1 II.SCOPE. ................................................................................................................ 1-1 III.REFERENCES .................................................................................................... 1-1 IV.CANCELLATIONS............................................................................................. 1-8 V. ACTION INFORMATION ................................................................................. 1-8A.R ESPONSIBLE O FFICE.......................................................................................................................................... 1-8B.A CTION O FFICES. .................................................................................................................... 1-8C. I NFORMATION O FFICES............................................................................................................ 1-8 VI. STATE IMPACT. ................................................................................................ 1-8 VII.SIGNIFICANT CHANGES. ............................................................................... 1-9 VIII.BACKGROUND. ................................................................................................. 1-9 IX. DEFINITIONS AND TERMINOLOGY. ........................................................ 1-10A.T HE A CT................................................................................................................................................................. 1-10B. C OMPLIANCE S AFETY AND H EALTH O FFICER (CSHO). ...........................................................1-10B.H E/S HE AND H IS/H ERS ..................................................................................................................................... 1-10C.P ROFESSIONAL J UDGMENT............................................................................................................................... 1-10E. W ORKPLACE AND W ORKSITE ......................................................................................................................... 1-10CHAPTER 2PROGRAM PLANNINGI.INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................... 2-1 II.AREA OFFICE RESPONSIBILITIES. .............................................................. 2-1A.P ROVIDING A SSISTANCE TO S MALL E MPLOYERS. ...................................................................................... 2-1B.A REA O FFICE O UTREACH P ROGRAM. ............................................................................................................. 2-1C. R ESPONDING TO R EQUESTS FOR A SSISTANCE. ............................................................................................ 2-2 III. OSHA COOPERATIVE PROGRAMS OVERVIEW. ...................................... 2-2A.V OLUNTARY P ROTECTION P ROGRAM (VPP). ........................................................................... 2-2B.O NSITE C ONSULTATION P ROGRAM. ................................................................................................................ 2-2C.S TRATEGIC P ARTNERSHIPS................................................................................................................................. 2-3D.A LLIANCE P ROGRAM ........................................................................................................................................... 2-3 IV. ENFORCEMENT PROGRAM SCHEDULING. ................................................ 2-4A.G ENERAL ................................................................................................................................................................. 2-4B.I NSPECTION P RIORITY C RITERIA. ..................................................................................................................... 2-4C.E FFECT OF C ONTEST ............................................................................................................................................ 2-5D.E NFORCEMENT E XEMPTIONS AND L IMITATIONS. ....................................................................................... 2-6E.P REEMPTION BY A NOTHER F EDERAL A GENCY ........................................................................................... 2-6F.U NITED S TATES P OSTAL S ERVICE. .................................................................................................................. 2-7G.H OME-B ASED W ORKSITES. ................................................................................................................................ 2-8H.I NSPECTION/I NVESTIGATION T YPES. ............................................................................................................... 2-8 V.UNPROGRAMMED ACTIVITY – HAZARD EVALUATION AND INSPECTION SCHEDULING ............................................................................ 2-9 VI.PROGRAMMED INSPECTIONS. ................................................................... 2-10A.S ITE-S PECIFIC T ARGETING (SST) P ROGRAM. ............................................................................................. 2-10B.S CHEDULING FOR C ONSTRUCTION I NSPECTIONS. ..................................................................................... 2-10C.S CHEDULING FOR M ARITIME I NSPECTIONS. ............................................................................. 2-11D.S PECIAL E MPHASIS P ROGRAMS (SEP S). ................................................................................... 2-12E.N ATIONAL E MPHASIS P ROGRAMS (NEP S) ............................................................................... 2-13F.L OCAL E MPHASIS P ROGRAMS (LEP S) AND R EGIONAL E MPHASIS P ROGRAMS (REP S) ............ 2-13G.O THER S PECIAL P ROGRAMS. ............................................................................................................................ 2-13H.I NSPECTION S CHEDULING AND I NTERFACE WITH C OOPERATIVE P ROGRAM P ARTICIPANTS ....... 2-13CHAPTER 3INSPECTION PROCEDURESI.INSPECTION PREPARATION. .......................................................................... 3-1 II.INSPECTION PLANNING. .................................................................................. 3-1A.R EVIEW OF I NSPECTION H ISTORY .................................................................................................................... 3-1B.R EVIEW OF C OOPERATIVE P ROGRAM P ARTICIPATION .............................................................................. 3-1C.OSHA D ATA I NITIATIVE (ODI) D ATA R EVIEW .......................................................................................... 3-2D.S AFETY AND H EALTH I SSUES R ELATING TO CSHO S.................................................................. 3-2E.A DVANCE N OTICE. ................................................................................................................................................ 3-3F.P RE-I NSPECTION C OMPULSORY P ROCESS ...................................................................................................... 3-5G.P ERSONAL S ECURITY C LEARANCE. ................................................................................................................. 3-5H.E XPERT A SSISTANCE. ........................................................................................................................................... 3-5 III. INSPECTION SCOPE. ......................................................................................... 3-6A.C OMPREHENSIVE ................................................................................................................................................... 3-6B.P ARTIAL. ................................................................................................................................................................... 3-6 IV. CONDUCT OF INSPECTION .............................................................................. 3-6A.T IME OF I NSPECTION............................................................................................................................................. 3-6B.P RESENTING C REDENTIALS. ............................................................................................................................... 3-6C.R EFUSAL TO P ERMIT I NSPECTION AND I NTERFERENCE ............................................................................. 3-7D.E MPLOYEE P ARTICIPATION. ............................................................................................................................... 3-9E.R ELEASE FOR E NTRY ............................................................................................................................................ 3-9F.B ANKRUPT OR O UT OF B USINESS. .................................................................................................................... 3-9G.E MPLOYEE R ESPONSIBILITIES. ................................................................................................. 3-10H.S TRIKE OR L ABOR D ISPUTE ............................................................................................................................. 3-10I. V ARIANCES. .......................................................................................................................................................... 3-11 V. OPENING CONFERENCE. ................................................................................ 3-11A.G ENERAL ................................................................................................................................................................ 3-11B.R EVIEW OF A PPROPRIATION A CT E XEMPTIONS AND L IMITATION. ..................................................... 3-13C.R EVIEW S CREENING FOR P ROCESS S AFETY M ANAGEMENT (PSM) C OVERAGE............................. 3-13D.R EVIEW OF V OLUNTARY C OMPLIANCE P ROGRAMS. ................................................................................ 3-14E.D ISRUPTIVE C ONDUCT. ...................................................................................................................................... 3-15F.C LASSIFIED A REAS ............................................................................................................................................. 3-16VI. REVIEW OF RECORDS. ................................................................................... 3-16A.I NJURY AND I LLNESS R ECORDS...................................................................................................................... 3-16B.R ECORDING C RITERIA. ...................................................................................................................................... 3-18C. R ECORDKEEPING D EFICIENCIES. .................................................................................................................. 3-18 VII. WALKAROUND INSPECTION. ....................................................................... 3-19A.W ALKAROUND R EPRESENTATIVES ............................................................................................................... 3-19B.E VALUATION OF S AFETY AND H EALTH M ANAGEMENT S YSTEM. ....................................................... 3-20C.R ECORD A LL F ACTS P ERTINENT TO A V IOLATION. ................................................................................. 3-20D.T ESTIFYING IN H EARINGS ................................................................................................................................ 3-21E.T RADE S ECRETS. ................................................................................................................................................. 3-21F.C OLLECTING S AMPLES. ..................................................................................................................................... 3-22G.P HOTOGRAPHS AND V IDEOTAPES.................................................................................................................. 3-22H.V IOLATIONS OF O THER L AWS. ....................................................................................................................... 3-23I.I NTERVIEWS OF N ON-M ANAGERIAL E MPLOYEES .................................................................................... 3-23J.M ULTI-E MPLOYER W ORKSITES ..................................................................................................................... 3-27 K.A DMINISTRATIVE S UBPOENA.......................................................................................................................... 3-27 L.E MPLOYER A BATEMENT A SSISTANCE. ........................................................................................................ 3-27 VIII. CLOSING CONFERENCE. .............................................................................. 3-28A.P ARTICIPANTS. ..................................................................................................................................................... 3-28B.D ISCUSSION I TEMS. ............................................................................................................................................ 3-28C.A DVICE TO A TTENDEES .................................................................................................................................... 3-29D.P ENALTIES............................................................................................................................................................. 3-30E.F EASIBLE A DMINISTRATIVE, W ORK P RACTICE AND E NGINEERING C ONTROLS. ............................ 3-30F.R EDUCING E MPLOYEE E XPOSURE. ................................................................................................................ 3-32G.A BATEMENT V ERIFICATION. ........................................................................................................................... 3-32H.E MPLOYEE D ISCRIMINATION .......................................................................................................................... 3-33 IX. SPECIAL INSPECTION PROCEDURES. ...................................................... 3-33A.F OLLOW-UP AND M ONITORING I NSPECTIONS............................................................................................ 3-33B.C ONSTRUCTION I NSPECTIONS ......................................................................................................................... 3-34C. F EDERAL A GENCY I NSPECTIONS. ................................................................................................................. 3-35CHAPTER 4VIOLATIONSI. BASIS OF VIOLATIONS ..................................................................................... 4-1A.S TANDARDS AND R EGULATIONS. .................................................................................................................... 4-1B.E MPLOYEE E XPOSURE. ........................................................................................................................................ 4-3C.R EGULATORY R EQUIREMENTS. ........................................................................................................................ 4-6D.H AZARD C OMMUNICATION. .............................................................................................................................. 4-6E. E MPLOYER/E MPLOYEE R ESPONSIBILITIES ................................................................................................... 4-6 II. SERIOUS VIOLATIONS. .................................................................................... 4-8A.S ECTION 17(K). ......................................................................................................................... 4-8B.E STABLISHING S ERIOUS V IOLATIONS ............................................................................................................ 4-8C. F OUR S TEPS TO BE D OCUMENTED. ................................................................................................................... 4-8 III. GENERAL DUTY REQUIREMENTS ............................................................. 4-14A.E VALUATION OF G ENERAL D UTY R EQUIREMENTS ................................................................................. 4-14B.E LEMENTS OF A G ENERAL D UTY R EQUIREMENT V IOLATION.............................................................. 4-14C. U SE OF THE G ENERAL D UTY C LAUSE ........................................................................................................ 4-23D.L IMITATIONS OF U SE OF THE G ENERAL D UTY C LAUSE. ..............................................................E.C LASSIFICATION OF V IOLATIONS C ITED U NDER THE G ENERAL D UTY C LAUSE. ..................F. P ROCEDURES FOR I MPLEMENTATION OF S ECTION 5(A)(1) E NFORCEMENT ............................ 4-25 4-27 4-27IV.OTHER-THAN-SERIOUS VIOLATIONS ............................................... 4-28 V.WILLFUL VIOLATIONS. ......................................................................... 4-28A.I NTENTIONAL D ISREGARD V IOLATIONS. ..........................................................................................4-28B.P LAIN I NDIFFERENCE V IOLATIONS. ...................................................................................................4-29 VI. CRIMINAL/WILLFUL VIOLATIONS. ................................................... 4-30A.A REA D IRECTOR C OORDINATION ....................................................................................................... 4-31B.C RITERIA FOR I NVESTIGATING P OSSIBLE C RIMINAL/W ILLFUL V IOLATIONS ........................ 4-31C. W ILLFUL V IOLATIONS R ELATED TO A F ATALITY .......................................................................... 4-32 VII. REPEATED VIOLATIONS. ...................................................................... 4-32A.F EDERAL AND S TATE P LAN V IOLATIONS. ........................................................................................4-32B.I DENTICAL S TANDARDS. .......................................................................................................................4-32C.D IFFERENT S TANDARDS. .......................................................................................................................4-33D.O BTAINING I NSPECTION H ISTORY. .....................................................................................................4-33E.T IME L IMITATIONS..................................................................................................................................4-34F.R EPEATED V. F AILURE TO A BATE....................................................................................................... 4-34G. A REA D IRECTOR R ESPONSIBILITIES. .............................................................................. 4-35 VIII. DE MINIMIS CONDITIONS. ................................................................... 4-36A.C RITERIA ................................................................................................................................................... 4-36B.P ROFESSIONAL J UDGMENT. ..................................................................................................................4-37C. A REA D IRECTOR R ESPONSIBILITIES. .............................................................................. 4-37 IX. CITING IN THE ALTERNATIVE ............................................................ 4-37 X. COMBINING AND GROUPING VIOLATIONS. ................................... 4-37A.C OMBINING. ..............................................................................................................................................4-37B.G ROUPING. ................................................................................................................................................4-38C. W HEN N OT TO G ROUP OR C OMBINE. ................................................................................................4-38 XI. HEALTH STANDARD VIOLATIONS ....................................................... 4-39A.C ITATION OF V ENTILATION S TANDARDS ......................................................................................... 4-39B.V IOLATIONS OF THE N OISE S TANDARD. ...........................................................................................4-40 XII. VIOLATIONS OF THE RESPIRATORY PROTECTION STANDARD(§1910.134). ....................................................................................................... XIII. VIOLATIONS OF AIR CONTAMINANT STANDARDS (§1910.1000) ... 4-43 4-43A.R EQUIREMENTS UNDER THE STANDARD: .................................................................................................. 4-43B.C LASSIFICATION OF V IOLATIONS OF A IR C ONTAMINANT S TANDARDS. ......................................... 4-43 XIV. CITING IMPROPER PERSONAL HYGIENE PRACTICES. ................... 4-45A.I NGESTION H AZARDS. .................................................................................................................................... 4-45B.A BSORPTION H AZARDS. ................................................................................................................................ 4-46C.W IPE S AMPLING. ............................................................................................................................................. 4-46D.C ITATION P OLICY ............................................................................................................................................ 4-46 XV. BIOLOGICAL MONITORING. ...................................................................... 4-47CHAPTER 5CASE FILE PREPARATION AND DOCUMENTATIONI.INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................... 5-1 II.INSPECTION CONDUCTED, CITATIONS BEING ISSUED. .................... 5-1A.OSHA-1 ................................................................................................................................... 5-1B.OSHA-1A. ............................................................................................................................... 5-1C. OSHA-1B. ................................................................................................................................ 5-2 III.INSPECTION CONDUCTED BUT NO CITATIONS ISSUED .................... 5-5 IV.NO INSPECTION ............................................................................................... 5-5 V. HEALTH INSPECTIONS. ................................................................................. 5-6A.D OCUMENT P OTENTIAL E XPOSURE. ............................................................................................................... 5-6B.E MPLOYER’S O CCUPATIONAL S AFETY AND H EALTH S YSTEM. ............................................................. 5-6 VI. AFFIRMATIVE DEFENSES............................................................................. 5-8A.B URDEN OF P ROOF. .............................................................................................................................................. 5-8B.E XPLANATIONS. ..................................................................................................................................................... 5-8 VII. INTERVIEW STATEMENTS. ........................................................................ 5-10A.G ENERALLY. ......................................................................................................................................................... 5-10B.CSHO S SHALL OBTAIN WRITTEN STATEMENTS WHEN: .......................................................................... 5-10C.L ANGUAGE AND W ORDING OF S TATEMENT. ............................................................................................. 5-11D.R EFUSAL TO S IGN S TATEMENT ...................................................................................................................... 5-11E.V IDEO AND A UDIOTAPED S TATEMENTS. ..................................................................................................... 5-11F.A DMINISTRATIVE D EPOSITIONS. .............................................................................................5-11 VIII. PAPERWORK AND WRITTEN PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS. .......... 5-12 IX.GUIDELINES FOR CASE FILE DOCUMENTATION FOR USE WITH VIDEOTAPES AND AUDIOTAPES .............................................................. 5-12 X.CASE FILE ACTIVITY DIARY SHEET. ..................................................... 5-12 XI. CITATIONS. ..................................................................................................... 5-12A.S TATUTE OF L IMITATIONS. .............................................................................................................................. 5-13B.I SSUING C ITATIONS. ........................................................................................................................................... 5-13C.A MENDING/W ITHDRAWING C ITATIONS AND N OTIFICATION OF P ENALTIES. .................................. 5-13D.P ROCEDURES FOR A MENDING OR W ITHDRAWING C ITATIONS ............................................................ 5-14 XII. INSPECTION RECORDS. ............................................................................... 5-15A.G ENERALLY. ......................................................................................................................................................... 5-15B.R ELEASE OF I NSPECTION I NFORMATION ..................................................................................................... 5-15C. C LASSIFIED AND T RADE S ECRET I NFORMATION ...................................................................................... 5-16。



ES GRACIAS POR ADQUIRIR UN PRODUCTOWHIRLPOOLPara recibir una asistencia más completa, registre su producto en www.w hirlpool.e u/r egister Antes de usar el aparato, lea atentamente las Instrucciones de seguridad.PRIMER USODespués de la instalación, espere al menos dos horas antes de conectar el aparato al suministro eléctrico. Una vez conectado, comenzará a funcionar automáticamente. Los ajustes de temperatura ideales se preestablecen en fábrica.Después de encender el aparato, espere entre 4 y 6 horas para que alcance la temperatura correcta para la conservación de alimentos.PANEL DE CONTROL1. Encendido/Apagado2. Indicador de temperatura del frigorífico3. Ajuste de la temperatura del frigorífico4. Indicador Fast Freeze (Congelación rápida)5. Botón Fast freeze (Congelación rápida)ENCENDIDO/APAGADOSe puede encender todo el aparato (tanto el compartimento del frigorífico como el del congelador) pulsando este botón durante 2 segundos. El último valor ajustado se indica en la interfaz. Pulse este botón para apagar el aparato.INDICADOR LUMINOSO DE LA TEMPERATURA DEL FRIGORÍFICO Muestra la temperatura del compartimento del frigorífico.AJUSTE DE LA TEMPERATURA DEL FRIGORÍFICOPermite cambiar el valor de la temperatura del frigorífico, de formacíclica;también confirma la temperatura seleccionada en la interfaz.El ajuste recomendado para el frigorífico es de +4 °C.INDICADOR FAST FREEZE (CONGELACIÓN RÁPIDA)Se ilumina al pulsar el botón Congelación Rápida.FUNCIÓN FAST FREEZE (CONGELACIÓN RÁPIDA)Está función se recomienda para congelar alimentos frescos. Los alimentos frescos se deben congelar lo más rápido posible para conseguir que se conserven lo mejor posible y que mantengan su valor nutricional. Pulse el botón de Congelación rápida cuando necesite congelar alimentos frescos; el indicador de Congelación rápida se encenderá.Recomendamos pulsar el botón de congelación rápida 24 horas antes de introducir los alimentos para preparar el compartimentodel congelador y garantizar las mejores condiciones de congelación posibles. Recomendamos utilizar el cajón inferior para maximizar la capacidad de congelación.La función Congelación Rápida se desactiva automáticamente después de 48 horas, o se puede desactivar manualmente pulsando el botón de Congelación rápida.LUZ LEDEste producto incluye una fuente de luz con una clase de eficiencia energética F.Si el sistema de luz led no funciona, póngase en contacto con elservicio técnico para su sustitución.Importante: La luz del compartimento frigorífico se enciende cuando se abre la puerta del frigorífico. Si se deja la puerta abierta durante más de 8 minutos, la luz se apaga de forma automática.6th SENSEEsta función se activa automáticamente para garantizar las condiciones óptimas de conservación de los alimentos. La función 6.º sentido se desactiva automáticamente cuando:• se introduce una gran cantidad de alimentos en el frigorífico• se deja abierta la puerta del frigorífico durante un periodo prolongado• Se produce un corte de corriente prolongado y la temperatura interior del aparato sube hasta un valor que no garantiza laconservación correcta de los alimentos.del compartimento Fresh Box 0 °C también se ve afectada. Tenga en cuenta que este compartimento es una característica mecánica que funciona todo el tiempo y no se puede apagar.Humidity control (Control de humedad)*Active el regulador de humedad (posición B) si quiere almacenar alimentos como, por ejemplo, fruta en un entorno menos húmedo, o apáguelo (posición A) para almacenar alimentos como, por ejemplo, verduras, en un entorno más húmedo.Estante plegable*Este estante se puede usar de tres modos distintos: 1. Profundidad total, para usar toda la superficie.2. Profundidad media, para usar la parte trasera y, al mismo tiempo,crear espacio para objetos más altos (como botellas o jarras) en el estante de abajo. Para ajustar el estante a la profundidad media, levante ligeramente la parte delantera y tire de ella hacia dentro.3. Plegado hacia arriba si necesita hacer espacio para objetos altoso voluminosos en el estante de abajo. Para plegar el estante hacia arriba, ajústelo primero en la posición a medio camino desde la profundidad media. Despliegue el estante hacia abajo para volver a utilizarlo en la profundidad media y en la profundidad total.COMPARTIMENTO DEL CONGELADORLos congeladores Total No Frost proporcionan una circulación de aire frío alrededor de las zonas de almacenamiento e impiden la formación de hielo, por lo que se elimina por completo la necesidad de realizar una descongelación.Los alimentos congelados no se pegan a las paredes, las etiquetas permanecen legibles y el espacio de almacenamiento se mantiene limpio y despejado.El compartimento del congelador permite almacenar alimentos congelados y congelar alimentos frescos.La cantidad de alimentos frescos que es posible congelar en unperiodo específico de tiempo se indica en la placa de características. Coloque los alimentos frescos que desee congelar en la zona de congelación del compartimento del congelador dejando suficiente espacio alrededor de los alimentos para que el aire circule libremente. No deje que los alimentos frescos entren en contacto directo con los alimentos congelados. Los límites de carga están determinados por las cestas,solapas, cajones, estantes, etc.Asegúrese de que dichos componentes siguen pudiéndose cerrar tras la carga. El cajón/compartimento de la zona de congelación se muestra en la imagen anterior. Para optimizar la velocidad de congelación y tener más espacio de almacenamiento, se pueden extraer los cajones del congelador y colocar los alimentos directamente en la parte inferior del compartimento. Para evitar el desperdicio de alimentos, consulte la configuración recomendada y los tiempos de conservación que se encuentran en el manual del usuario en línea.Cubitos de hieloLlene con agua 2/3 de la bandeja para hielo y vuelva a colocarla en el compartimento del congelador. No utilice objetos puntiagudos o cortantes para sacar el hielo.ACCESORIOS*BANDEJA PARA HUEVOSBANDEJA PARA HIELOESTANTE PARA BOTELLASESTANTE PLEGABLEINFORMACIÓN GENERALLos cajones, cestas y estantes deben permanecer en su sitio a menos que se especifique lo contrario en esta guía rápida.El sistema de iluminación del interior del compartimento del frigorífico emplea luces led, lo que permite una mejor iluminación y un consumo energético menor al de las bombillas tradicionales.Las puertas y tapas del frigorífico deben retirarse antes de desecharse, para evitar que niños o animales queden atrapados dentro.RESOLUCIÓN DE PROBLEMASQué hacer si...Posibles razonesSoluciones El aparato no funciona.Es posible que se haya producido un problema de alimentación eléctrica.• Compruebe que el cable de alimentación esté conectado a una toma que recibe la tensión adecuada.•Compruebe los dispositivos y fusibles de protección de la instalación eléctrica de su hogarHay agua en la bandeja de descongelación.Es normal en climas cálidos y húmedos. El recipiente puede estar medio lleno.• Compruebe que el aparato está nivelado para que el agua no se salga.Los bordes del mueble del aparato que están en contacto con la junta de la puerta están calientes al tacto.No se trata de un defecto. Es normal en climas cálidos y cuando el compresor está en funcionamiento.La luz no funciona.Puede que se tenga que sustituir la luz.El aparato puede estar en modo Encendido/En espera.• Compruebe los dispositivos y fusibles de protección del sistema eléctrico de su hogar.• Compruebe que el cable de alimentación esté conectado a una toma que reciba el voltaje adecuado•En caso de ledes rotos, el usuario deberá ponerse en contacto con el servicio técnico para obtener un recambio del mismo tipo, que está disponible solamente en los centros de servicio posventa o en distribuidores autorizados.El motor parece funcionar durante demasiado tiempo.El tiempo de funcionamiento del motor depende de distintos factores: númerode veces que se abre la puerta, cantidad de alimentos almacenados, temperatura de la habitación y ajuste de los controles de temperatura.• Asegúrese de que los mandos del aparato estén ajustados correctamente.• Compruebe que no se haya añadido una gran cantidad de alimentos al aparato.• Compruebe que la puerta no se abre con demasiada frecuencia.•Compruebe que la puerta cierra bien.Puede consultar los reglamentos, la documentación estándar, así como pedir piezas de repuesto,mediante alguna de las siguientes formas:• Visitando nuestra página web docs.w hirlpool.e u y parts-s elfservice.w hirlpool.c om• Usando el código QR• También puede, ponerse en contacto con nuestro Servicio postventa (Consulte el número de teléfonoen el folleto de la garantía). Cuando se ponga en contacto con nuestro Servicio Postventa, deberá indicar loscódigos que figuran en la placa de características de su producto.Puede acceder a la información del modelo mediante el código QR que aparece en la etiqueta energética. Laetiqueta incluye también el identificador del modelo, que se puede utilizar para consultar el portal de la siguientebase de datos: https://eprel.ec.europa.eu.* Disponible solo en determinados modelosQué hacer si...Posibles razones SolucionesLa temperatura del aparatoes demasiado elevada.Esto puede deberse a diferentes razones(consulte «Soluciones»).• Asegúrese de que el condensador (parte trasera del aparato) notenga polvo ni pelusas.• Asegúrese de que la puerta esté bien cerrada.• Asegúrese de que las juntas de la puerta encajen bien.• En días de calor o si la habitación tiene una temperatura elevada, elmotor funciona más tiempo.• Si la puerta del aparato ha estado abierta durante bastante tiempoo si se han almacenado grandes cantidades de alimentos, el motorfuncionará más tiempo para enfriar el interior del aparato.Las puertas no se cierran nise abren correctamente.Esto puede deberse a diferentes razones(consulte «Soluciones»).• Compruebe que no haya alimentos bloqueando la puerta.• Compruebe que las piezas internas o la máquina de hieloautomático están en su sitio.• Compruebe que las juntas de la puerta no estén sucias o pegajosas.• Compruebe que el aparato esté nivelado.TABLA DE ALARMASTipo de alarma Indicación Causa SoluciónAlarma de puerta luz del frigorífico puerta ha estado abierta más de3 minutos.Cierre la puerta.Anomalía.Alguno de los indicadores detemperatura parpadea.Avería del producto.Póngase en contacto con elservicio posventa.400011573891。



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panten 译为“潘婷”。

safeguard 译为“舒肤佳”。

olay 译为“玉兰油”。


日本 suntory 公司品牌的中文译名为三得利,不但发音贴切,且蕴涵中华人文精神。

kiss me ( 化装品品牌 ) 奇士美。

日本丰田公司的 lexus 汽车,其中文译名“凌志”取自“久有凌云志,重上井冈山”壮丽诗句。

head-shoulders “福士伟根”“volkswagen”, bayerische motorenwerke(拜耶里奇飞机引擎生产厂),简称为bmw,“宝马”名牌手机诺基亚,芬兰文原名nokia,。

世界著名的十大化妆品有那些.主流产品是什么?nike 耐克 h&m 瑞典 levis 李维斯 gap 盖普 gucci 古琦 prada 普拉达hermes 爱玛仕 versace 范思哲 calvin klein 卡尔文克莱恩 dunhill 登喜路 lacoste 鳄鱼 mujt 无印良品 valentino 瓦伦蒂诺 yves saint laurent伊夫·圣·洛朗 dunhill 登喜路 112 美国,lacoste 鳄鱼 72 法国,mujt 无印良品 116 日本,puma 彪马 56 德国,lee 李 116 美国, reebok 锐步 110 美国 puma 彪马lee 李 reebok 锐步 giordano 佐丹奴 mizuno 美津浓 giorgio armani 乔治·阿玛尼雪碧(饮料)sprite小妖精,调皮鬼乐百氏(饮料)robust健壮的金利来(领带)goldlion金狮子司麦脱(衬衫)smart潇洒的舒肤佳(香皂)safeguard保护者纳爱斯(香皂)nice美好的英克莱(自行车)incline喜爱四通(打字机)stone石头汰渍(洗衣粉)tide潮流雷达(电蚊香)raid袭击,搜捕飘柔(洗发水)rejoice欣喜立士洁(卫生纸)luxury奢侈品富绅(衬衫)virtue美德神浪(服装)sunland太阳地苏泊尔(压力锅)super特级品天能(领带)talent 国际知名品牌的广告语大搜罗4.start ahead.(rejoice) 成功之路,从头开始。

Bosch Serie 4 积分式洗衣机说明书

Bosch Serie 4 积分式洗衣机说明书

Serie 4, Lavastoviglie integrabile, 60 cm, acciaio inox, XXLSBI4HCS48EAccessori specialiSGZ0BI11 Kit di adattamento e fissaggio NiroSGZ0IC00 :SGZ1010 Prolunga acqua-stop sgs/gi/gv/guSMZ1051EU :SMZ2014 Cestello per bicchieri a stelo lungoSMZ5000 Set completo spazio 51SMZ5003 Cerniera ribaltabile per dimensioni alte SMZ5045 :SMZ5100 Cestello porta posateSMZ5300 Accessorio lavastoviglie da incasso Caricare facilmente le stoviglie e gestirela lavastoviglie tramite l'app Home Connect.• ExtraDry: opzione selezionabile per un'ulteriore asciugatura.• CestelloVario - Flessibilità nel terzo livello di carico• Home Connect: elettrodomestici interconnessi di Bosch per unapiù facile gestione della quotidianità• AquaStop: protezione antiallagamento, con una garanzia a vita al 100%.Dati tecniciClasse di efficienza energetica: ........................................................D Consumo energetico del programma Eco per 100 cicli : .........85 kWh Numero massimo di coperti: .. (14)Consumo di acqua del programma eco in litri per ciclo: ..............9.5 l Durata del programma: .............................................................4:55 h Emissioni di rumore aereo: ......................................44 dB(A) re 1 pW Classe di emissioni di rumore aereo: ................................................B Da incasso / a libera installazione: .....................................Da incasso Altezza senza piano di lavoro: ....................................................0 mm Dimensioni (lxp): ................................................865 x 598 x 573 mm Dimensioni del vano per l'installazione: .......865-925 x 600 x 550 mm Profondità con porta aperta a 90 gradi: ...............................1200 mm piedini regolabili: ...................................................Yes - all from front Regolazione massima dei piedini: ............................................60 mm Zoccolo regolabile: ..........................................verticale ed orizontale Peso netto: ..............................................................................37.6 kg Peso lordo: ..............................................................................39.5 kg Potenza: ..................................................................................2400 W Corrente: .....................................................................................10 A Tensione: .............................................................................220-240 V Frequenza: ...........................................................................50; 60 Hz Lunghezza del cavo di alimentazione elettrica: .....................175.0 cm Tipo di spina: ..........................................................................Schuko Lunghezza tubo entrata: ..........................................................165 cm Lunghezza tubo uscita: ............................................................190 cm Codice EAN: (4242005184019)Installazione: ......................................................................IntegrabileSerie 4, Lavastoviglie integrabile, 60cm, acciaio inox, XXLSBI4HCS48ECaricare facilmente le stoviglie e gestire la lavastoviglie tramite l'app Home Connect.Prestazioni e consumo- Classe di efficienza energetica¹: D- Energia² / Acqua³: 85 kWh / 9.5 litri- Capacità: 14 coperti- Durata del programma⁴: 4:55 (h:min)- Livello sonoro: 44 dB(A) re 1 pW- Livello di rumore programma Silence: 41(A) re 1 pW- Classe di efficienza di rumore: BProgrammi e opzioni- 6 Programmi: Eco 50 °C, Auto 45-65°, Intensive 70 °C, Express 65°, Silence- Prelavaggio- 4 Programmi supplementari: Home Connect, Asciugatura extra, Mezzo carico, SpeedPerfect+- Home Connect-capibile via WLAN- Programma manutenzione- Silence on demand (tramite App)Tecnologia lavaggio- Scambiatore di calore.- DosageAssist- EcoSilence Drive- Automatismo di pulizia- Sistema di filtri autopulenti con ondulazione a 3 livelli- Contenitore interno: Materiale della vasca interna in acciaio inox Sistema Cestelli- Cestelli Flex- VarioCestello- Ruote con scorrimento facile nel cestello inferiore e nel terzo cestello- Cestello inferiore con blocco (rackStopper) per evitare che fuoriesca dalle guide.- Cestello superiore regolabile in altezza con Rackmatic (3 livelli)- Griglie abbattibili nel cestello superiore (2x)- Griglie abbattibili nel cestello inferiore (2x)- Ripiani per tazze nel cestello superiore (2x)- Carrello inferiore con ripiani per tazze (2x)Indicazione e funzionamento- Iscrizioni di testo in chiaro (inglese)- Indicazione tempo residuo (min.)- Programmatore inizio lavaggio (1-24 h)Sicurezza- AquaStop: una garanzia Bosch per danni causati dall'acqua - durata del dispositivo*- Sicurezza bambini (Tasti)- Tecnologia di protezione del vetro - Aiuto per il riempimento del sale (Imbuto)- Protezione contro il vaporeDimensioni- Dimensioni del prodotto (HxLxP): 86.5 x 59.8 x 57.3 cm¹ In una scala di classi di efficienza energetica da A a G² Consumo di energia in kWh per 100 cicli (nel programma Eco 50°C)³ Consumo di acqua in litiri per ciclo (nel programma Eco 50 °C)⁴ Durata del programma Eco 50 °C* Verificare i termini di garanzia al link/ch/it/condizioni-generali-di-garanziaSerie 4, Lavastoviglie integrabile, 60 cm, acciaio inox, XXLSBI4HCS48E。

【培优冲刺专练02】三大从句 冠 代 数词(原卷版)【查缺补漏】(1)

【培优冲刺专练02】三大从句 冠 代 数词(原卷版)【查缺补漏】(1)

Part A1.(2024·重庆九龙坡·二模)It is a beautiful drone (无人机) shot, 1 popular kind of video you might see in a travel video.(2024·河北沧州·一模)The ZQ-2 Y3 has 16 total length of 49.5 meters, which is capable of placing a 1.5-ton payload into a typical sun-synchronous orbit at about 500 kilometers above the Earth.2.(2024·河北沧州·模拟猜测)The Long March 4C rocket, also 43 product of the Shanghai-based academy, has a liftoff weight of 250 metric tons, and is mainly used to send satellites to sun-synchronous orbit.3.(2024·新疆·一模)Astronauts stay underwater in suits weighing over 100 kilograms for six hours at 73 time.4.(2024·安徽滁州·二模)Language is naturally acquired when children are able to use it pleasurably, and language acquisition by children 95 (them) saves both time and labor, said English-language education expert Chen Yaping.5.(2024·河北张家口·模拟猜测)In June 2017, Bonino visited China for three weeks, and found 111 (her) pleasantly surprised. She recalled, “I was crazy about China. It fascinated me.”6.(2024·湖南·一模)The highlighted experience for your visit should be cooking the typical Sichuan dishes 122 the guidance of the professional chef. There is arguably no better way to know more about a cuisine 123 learning how to cook it yourself.7.(2024·江苏·模拟猜测)It has attracted considerable attention 127 food enthusiasts and social media influencers online, celebrating the city’s iconic dish of hot pot.8.(2024·上海普陀·二模)the researchers found that people from countries with low English proficiency spent an average of 90.8 percent more time reading scientific articles141 native English speakers.9.(2024·上海嘉定·二模)I heard the garden door starting to break down 149 the pressure of the flood, and the water was now up to my waist.考查介词。


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表 1 美国底特律市黑人男女元音后 r 发音
情况比较 (Trudgill 1974 :44)
上层中 产阶级
下层中 产阶级
上层工 人阶级
下层工 人阶级
男性 66. 7 % 52. 5 % 20. 0 % 25. 0 % 女性 90. 0 % 70. 0 % 44. 2 % 31. 7 %
从上表可以看出 ,女性在元音后发 r 音的人的 百分比高于男性 。这是因为 ,在美国英语中 ,元音 后 r 的发音被认为是高雅口音 ,是受过良好教育的 标志 ,操这种口音的人享有较高的社会地位 。
第 2 卷 第 5 期 2003 年 5 月
Husband : When will the dinner be ready ? Wife : Oh , …around six o’clock ? 这段对话中 ,妻子的回答用升调 ,明显隐含着 征询对方意见的意味 “: 你看行吗 (Will that do ?) ?” 女性的温顺在此得到很好的诠释 。
表 2 英国年轻男女使用诅咒语的
比较 ( Gomm :1981)
性别 男性 女性
性别单一组 21 7
性别混合组 4 2
总数 25 9
从 Gomm 的抽样调查中 ,我们发现 ,男性显然 比女性更多地使用咒骂语 。同时还有一点值得注 意 ,在两性都参与的会话中 (即性别混合组) ,男性 使用诅咒语的频率比在同性群体中 (即性别单一 组) 明显下降 。关于这一点 ,Jespersen 早在 1922 年 出版的《论语言的本质 、发展及起源》(Language : It’ s Nature , Development and Origin) 一书中就用整整一
























MCB节⽬主持⼈WINDY专访法国南锡⾹颂⼩天后LAURA CAHEN关于法国南锡假如你⼀直关注法国⾜球的球迷,你对于法国南锡⼀定不会陌⽣。







Laura Cahen这个被冠以“法国南锡的⾹颂⼩天后”头衔的歌⼿现场为我歌唱之前,我都⼀直在怀疑她头衔是否仅是虚有其名。





第⼀⽀单曲《MON LOUP》的MV短时间内点击过⼗万⾸张单曲《我的⼩狼》⼀经传到Youtube上点击量便超过10万。




从偶像⾝上吸取经验但拒绝做复制品法国著名民谣才⼥、“⼩清新教主”凯伦·安(Keren Ann)是Laura Cahen的偶像,受其影响,她的演唱风格也带着浓浓的⽂艺风。

网易路由器 Wi-Fi USB 适配器 A6200 安装指南说明书

网易路由器 Wi-Fi USB 适配器 A6200 安装指南说明书

®Guía de instalación Adaptador Wi-Fi USB A6200Adaptador Wi-Fi 802.11acContenido de la cajaCD de recursosAdaptador Wi-Fi 802.11acDual Bandy base para escritorio Instalación1. Introduzca el CD de recursos en la unidad de CD del equipo. Si no se abre lapantalla principal del CD, acceda a los archivos del CD y haga doble clic enautorun.exe.2. Haga clic en Setup (Configurar).Aparecerá la ventana de búsqueda de actualizaciones de software.3. Si está conectado a Internet, haga clic en Check for Updates (Buscaractualizaciones). Si no lo está, haga clic en Install from CD (Instalar desde elCD).4. Haga clic en la opción I Agree (Aceptar) del acuerdo de licencia y, acontinuación, en Next (Siguiente).Aparecerá un mensaje en el que sele pedirá que espere mientras seinstala el software. Tras unosminutos, NETGEAR Genie le solicitaque introduzca el adaptador.5. Puede utilizar el adaptador con o sinla base para escritorio:• Para usar el adaptador con unabase para escritorio, coloque eladaptador inalámbrico en la basey conecte el cable USB al puertoUSB del equipo.• Para utilizarlo sin la base paraescritorio, inserte el adaptador enun puerto USB del equipo, comose muestra en la imagen de laderecha.6. Haga clic en Siguiente.NETGEAR Genie muestra una lista de las redes inalámbricas disponibles ensu área.Instalación del controlador independiente1.Introduzca el CD de recursos en la unidad de CD del equipo. Si no se abre lapantalla principal del CD, acceda a los archivos del CD y haga doble clic enautorun.exe.2. Haga clic en Install WindowsStandalone Driver (Instalar controladorindependiente para Windows).El controlador se instala en el equipo.3. Introduzca el adaptador en un puerto USBdel equipo cuando se le solicite, o bien,conéctelo con el cable USB incluido en lacaja del producto.Septiembre de 2012Este símbolo aparece conforme a la directiva 2002/96 de la UE sobre residuos de aparatoseléctricos y electrónicos (directiva RAEE). Si tuviera que desechar este producto dentro de la Unión Europea, deberá tratarlo y reciclarlo de conformidad con lo dispuesto en las leyes locales pertinentes, en aplicación de la directiva RAEE.NETGEAR, el logotipo de NETGEAR y Connect with Innovation son marcas comerciales o marcas comerciales registradas de NETGEAR, Inc. o sus filiales en Estados Unidos y otros países. La información contenida en el documento puede sufrir modificaciones sin previo aviso. El resto de marcas y nombres de productos son marcas comerciales o marcas comerciales registradas por sus respectivos titulares. ©NETGEAR, Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.Para uso exclusivo en interiores en todos los países de la UE y Suiza.Para consultar la declaración de conformidad de la UE completa, visite /app/answers/detail/a_id/11621/.Condiciones : con el fin de mejorar el diseño interno, el funcionamiento y la fiabilidad, NETGEAR se reserva el derecho de realizar modificaciones del producto descrito en el presente documento sin previo aviso. NETGEAR no asume responsabilidad alguna derivada del uso o la aplicación del producto o del circuito descritos en el presente documento.Conexión a una red inalámbricaPuede conectarse a una red inalámbrica desde NETGEAR Genie o bien, usar el botón WPS (Wi-Fi Protected Setup) si el router inalámbrico lo admite.• Opción 1: NETGEAR Genie . Haga clic en su red inalámbrica (SSID) paraseleccionarla y, a continuación, haga clic en Connect (Conectar). Si la red está protegida, introduzca la contraseña o clave de red. • Opción 2: WPS . Mantenga pulsado el botón WPS del lateral del adaptadordurante 2 segundos.Antes de que transcurran 2 minutos, pulse el botón WPS del router o la puerta de enlace inalámbricos.El adaptador se conectará a la red. Este proceso puede tardar varios minutos.La configuración se guarda en un perfil.Botón WPSComprobación del estado de la conexiónTras instalar el adaptador, el icono de NETGEAR Genie aparece en la barra de sistema de Windows y en el escritorio. Haga doble clic en él para abrir NETGEAR Genie y realizar cambios o conectarse a una red inalámbrica diferente. El color del icono indica la intensidad de la conexión inalámbrica:Blanco: 3-5 barras (intensidad alta)Amarillo: 1-2 barras (intensidad baja)Rojo: 0 (cero) barras (sin conexión)Si extrae el adaptador, NETGEAR Genie no estará disponible, por lo que el icono tampoco se mostrará. Cuando vuelva a conectar el adaptador, el icono apareceráde nuevo.Ampliación del alcance y del rendimientoPara aumentar el alcance y el rendimiento, puede gira la parte superior del adaptador de modo que quede perpendicular al mismo:En esta posición, las antenas internas se extienden desde el adaptador y aumenta el rendimiento Wi-Fi.Servicio técnicoUna vez instalado el dispositivo, busque el número de serie en la etiqueta del producto y regístrelo en https:// .De lo contrario, no podrá hacer uso del servicio telefónico de asistencia deNETGEAR. NETGEAR recomienda registrar el producto a través del sitio web de NETGEAR. Podrá encontrar actualizaciones del producto y asistencia técnica en .Encontrará el manual del usuario en línea en o a través de un vínculo en la interfaz de usuario.。



疯狂动物城电影英语topia" is more than just a fun-filled animated adventure
it's a powerful exploration of themes that are relevant in today's society. It teaches us that regardless of our differences, we can come together to build a better world when we embrace our shared humanity and the importance of unity. With its engaging plot, memorable characters, and important messages, "Zootopia" has become a modern classic that continues to inspire and resonate with audiences of all ages
ercomes obstacles and achieves her childhood goal. As a police officer, she teams up with Nick Wilde, a fox with a sly wit, to solve a mysterious case that threatens the very fabric of their animal society
The city of "Zootopia" is a melting pot of different animal cultures. From the bustling streets of Sahara Square with its desert-dwelling animals to the chilly perennial glacier to



好了杰克总共67块8毛5Okay, Jackie, your total is 67.85, please.行All right.给你伙计Here you go, my friend.嘿杰克Hey, yo, Jackie.萨尔怎么样哥们儿Hey, Sal. What's going on, man?最近还好吗老兄What's up, man? How you doing?-见到你很开心 -我也是- Good to see ya. - You too.怎么样今天在哪儿吃火鸡Yeah, what's going on? Where's your turkey today? 去我妹妹家Uh, my sister's house.我妈刚搬过去My mom just moved in over there,我们就在那儿过感恩节了so we're doing Thanksgiving.挺好啊哥们儿不错Oh, nice, man. Nice.帮我跟你妈妈和贝丝问声好Well, say hi to your mom and Beth for me.会的你还在天主教联赛里当裁判吗I will. You still reffin' the Catholic League games? 算是吧到处做点事情Little bit, here and there.我家老大在加州大学圣克鲁斯分校念书Yeah, my oldest is at UC Santa Cruz.所以学费能供一点是一点对吧So, you know, every little bit helps, right?没错感恩节快乐You bet. Well, happy Thanksgiving.感恩节快乐杰克见到你挺高兴Happy Thanksgiving, Jackie. Good seeing ya.-我也是萨尔 -还好吗老兄- You too, Sal. - What's up, man?给我来几张刮刮乐Give me a couple of scratch-offs, please.-没问题 -谢了- Sure. - Thank you.别光吃面包Don't fill up on bread.留着点肚子把豆子吃完听到没有You gotta eat the rest of your beans. Okay?感恩节快乐Hey! Happy Thanksgiving.-杰克叔叔来了 -瞧瞧谁来了- Hey, Uncle Jack's here! - Look who's here. 感恩节快乐Hey. Happy Thanksgiving to you.你好吗老兄How you doing, man?很高兴你来了Glad you could make it.应该的汽车生意怎么样No problem. How's the car business?还不错It is going good.-多谢关心 -挺好- Thank you for asking. - Good.来点红酒吗Would you like some wine?不用我自带啤酒谢谢No. I have some. Thank you very much.臭屁叔叔好Hi, Uncle Fart-Poop.臭屁叔叔Uncle Fart-Poop!别挠我别别别Don't tickle me! No, no, no.-杰克叔叔被挠痒痒了 -亲爱的- Uncle Jack's getting tickled. - Hi, sweetheart. 妈妈Hi, Mom. Mmm.感恩节快乐Hey. Happy Thanksgiving.-抱歉我来晚了 -真的吗- Sorry I'm late. - Really?当然Yeah.通常人家迟到都要先打个电♥话♥的Some people call when they're late.我没带手♥机♥I didn't have my phone with me.这样啊那你手♥机♥买♥♥来干嘛呢Oh. Well, then why have a phone既然你不用它if you're not gonna use it?不知道啊问得好I don't know. That's a good question.你怎么样啊小伙子How you doing, buddy?-挺好的 -见到你真好- I'm good. - Good to see you.我真不明白一个人要是从不接电♥话♥I don't understand why somebody has a phone他买♥♥手♥机♥干嘛if they don't ever answer it.我能吃点土豆吗妈妈Can I have some of those potatoes, Mom?你要土豆吗Do you want some potatoes?多谢Thank you so much.你妈妈有跟你讲过Did your mom ever tell you about our fish tank-我们小时候的那个鱼缸吗 -没有- when we were kids? - No.那时候你外婆带我们去了宠物店Well, your grandmother took us to the pet store我们买♥♥了一个鱼缸and we got a fish tank,里面有好多好看的鱼you know, a bunch of cool fish.第二天我放学回家And I came from school the next day,发现鱼缸里全是洗发水and the fish tank was filled with shampoo.里面的鱼都死了And all the fish were dead.你妈妈就在那里哭And your mom was there crying.外婆就说And Grandma said,"你往鱼缸里倒洗发水干什么""Why'd you put shampoo in the fish tank?"你妈妈说And your mom said,"我想让小鱼洗个泡泡浴来着""I wanted to give the fish a bubble bath."她为什么要给鱼洗泡泡浴啊Why'd she give the fish a bubble bath?这你就得问你妈妈了我也不知道You're gonna have to ask your mom. I don't know. 我猜她总是想要照顾身边每一个人吧I guess she always wanted to take care of everybody. 我爱你I love you.小心别让你妈妈再去祸害那些鱼了Don't let your mom near those fish.晚安杰克叔叔Good night, Uncle Jack.晚安小警长Good night, chief.妈妈怎么样适应这里吗How's Mom, uh, settling in?挺好的看上去她适应得不错Uh, good. Yeah, really good. She seems to be.真不敢相信你把她从海边劝过来了Can't believe you got her outta Seaside.是吧现在不同了Right? It's different now.现在这里又有小孩子It's just all, like, young kids...又有小情侣...and little couples...跑来跑去的有家人running around, families.我想她在那边有种被遗弃的感觉I think she was feeling like a castaway out there.你做得很好我很高兴她来这儿了Yeah, you did good. I'm glad she's here.你最近怎么样有什么新鲜事吗What's going on with you? What's new?也没什么Not much.有在跟谁约会吗Are you seeing anybody?没有No.希望你能找到一个I wish you would.我看好你I really do.这样我会开心很多I would feel much better.一想到你I hate the idea of you这么久都孤独一人我就难受down there by yourself all the time.你有什么好难受的What do you hate about it so much?就是你无依无靠的That you're, you know, just alone.一个人整天喝酒Just drinking all the time and...我很好I'm fine.我很感激但是我没事I appreciate it. But it's... I'm fine.我知道安吉很担心你所以I know that Ang worries about you, so...这跟安吉有什么关系What does Ang have to do with it?你又怎么知道安吉在担心什么Why do you know what Ang would worry about? 因为她打电♥话♥了Because she called她想知道你最近过得怎么样and she wanted to see how you were doing.-她打电♥话♥给你了 -对啊- She called you? - Yeah.-为什么 -这样没问题吧- Why? - Is that okay?我不知道I don't know.为什么她要给你打电♥话♥来问我的事情I mean, what, she called you to talk about me?为什么不直接打给我Why didn't she just call me directly?她就想问问你过得怎么样She just wanted to see how you're doing.我Well... I...我很好I'm fine.听着我知道凯西·科林斯说Look, I know Kathy Collins says她每晚都在哈洛德酒吧外看到你的车she sees your car outside Harold's bar every night.行吧既然是凯西·科林斯说的Well, if Kathy Collins says it,那肯定就是真的must be true.那一定就是我有什么问题You know that something must be wrong.我每天上班So, I go to work,有时候下班了我去喝杯啤酒and then after work sometimes I go have a beer.我只是说I'm just saying...你最好打电♥话♥说清楚You better start calling people.-行 -最好赶紧把这破事儿解释好- Okay. - Better get on this fucking case她自己还有一大堆事情要担心She has other things maybe she ought to be worrying about 却跑来担心我喝了多少instead of worrying about how much I drink.她应该多操心一下I mean, she needs to worry about staying out-怎么离她的冰箱远点 -真棒- of her fucking refrigerator. - Nice.她一打开冰箱门就停不下来She's losing a huge war against the refrigerator.你在说些什么啊杰克What are you talking about? Jack...她应该他妈的找个跑步机减减肥She needs to find the fucking treadmill.别说了也太刻薄了吧好歹是我朋友Stop it. That is so mean. She's my friend.那她就该少管闲事Well, she should mind her business.这就是我为什么不爱来这儿That's why I don't come here.因为总是要变成这种'Cause it always turns to...这二十间卧室里面Which one of the 20 bedrooms哪间是我的am I supposed to be staying in?左手第二间Take the second one on the left.安吉我是杰克Hey, Ang, it's Jack.我只是感恩节快乐I'm just, uh... Happy Thanksgiving.就想给你打个电♥话♥ 看看你过得如何I wanted to call you, see how you're doing.也是因为我妹妹告诉我And also because my sister told me你给她打了电♥话♥that you had called her想问我最近的情况and wanted to know how I was doing.我只是说以后你要是想关心我I'm just saying, if you want to know in the future了解近况的话how I'm doing,你可以直接打给我you can call me,我手♥机♥号♥码也没换as I still have the same phone number还是那个号♥码that I had...我们还在一起时用的那个when we were married.杰克我是米格尔Hey, Jack, it's Miguel.好久没听到你的消息了Haven't heard from you for a while, so...索菲亚在问你的事情Sofia was asking about you.我寻思着打个电♥话♥关心一下你Thought I'd give you a call and see how you're doing. 想着或许你能上我们家Thought maybe we'd have you over...你好啊杰克我是海斯主教高中的Hello, Jack, this is Father Edward Devine爱德华·德文神父calling from Bishop Hayes High School.等你有空的时候Will you give me a call back here at the rectory能给我回个电♥话♥吗when you get a chance?号♥码是 1-424-145-3233.1-424-145-3233.今晚我大概10点休息And I'll be up until about 10:00 this evening.如果都不行的话我们可以明早聊If that doesn't work, we can chat in the morning.谢了杰克上帝保佑Thanks, Jack. God bless.你好啊杰克Hello, Jack.最近好吗快进来How are you? Come on in.谢谢你Thanks so much.感恩节过得还不错吧So, did you have a nice Thanksgiving?挺好的你呢I did. How about you?Oh, it was very nice.孙子儿女都来了All the kids and the grandkids were in.-享受天伦之乐啊 -那必须的- I was in my glory. - I bet.-挺好的 -是啊- Good for you. - Oh.你可以从这儿直接进You can go right in here.德文神父马上打完电♥话♥了Father Devine is just finishing up a call.他几分钟就出来So, he will be out in just a couple of minutes,你随便坐着等一下so just make yourself comfortable.多谢了Thanks.我们都特别激动We are all so excited一想到你可能会回到海斯高中at the idea of you possibly coming back和我们在一起to be with us at Hayes.还能再见到你真好杰克It's nice to see you again, Jack.加州校际竞技联盟年度最佳球员杰克·坎宁安你好杰克Hello, Jack.你好啊神父Hey, Father.很高兴见到你感谢你大老远开车过来It's good to see you. Thanks for making the drive. 当然应该的Sure. No problem.请坐下吧Sit down, please.有些日子了是吧So, been a while, hasn't it?Yeah. Since, uh...我爸的葬礼之后my father's funeral.有这么久了吗That long? Mmm.我的天啊时间都去哪儿了My goodness. Where does the time go?我要是知道我就告诉你了If I knew, I would tell ya.结婚了吗Married?现在已经分开一段时间了I'm separated now. For a while.有孩子吗Any children?没孩子No kids.好吧Okay.杰克再见到你真的很令人开心Well, Jack, it is really good to see you again.我想你也好奇我为什么打电♥话♥让你过来And I suppose you're wondering why I called you over here. 是有点好奇I'm a little curious. Yeah.我们的篮球教练汤姆·麦克加里迪Our basketball coach, Tom McGarrity,前几天晚上发心脏病了had a heart attack the other night.不是吧Oh, no.他倒是可以完全康复的He's expected to make a full recovery,但是他妻子认为让他回到球队but his wife doesn't think it's a very good idea不太明智for him to return to the team.我也同意And I tend to agree.我们需要一个新教练杰克We need a new coach, Jack.我第一个想到的人就是你You're the first person I thought of.你想压抑你的热情吗Try to suppress your enthusiasm.不我很感激只是No, I appreciate it. I just... It's, um...只是我已经有很长一段时间You know, it's just, I've been away没有打过篮球了from the game for a long time.我懂我懂I understand. I understand.你知道的我之前都没有当过教练You know, I've never even coached before.我只是打篮球所以我不I just played, so I don't...是那个我的意思是Is the, uh... I mean...这个队伍实力强吗Is the team any good?不不No. No.其实他们已经很久不具备竞争力了We haven't been competitive for quite a while, actually. 事实上他们上一次进入季后赛In fact, the last time they made the playoffs?是在你还在打球的时候Back when you were playing.好吧我很感谢你能想到我神父Well, I really appreciate you thinking of me, Father.但是这实在是我It's just, I...回家然后好好考虑一下杰克Go home and think it over, Jack.我现在已经有很多需要操心的事情了I got a lot going on in my life right now.实在是太忙了It's very busy.回家再考虑一下Go home, think it over.然后早上再打电♥话♥告诉我你的决定Call me with your decision in the morning.明天早上吗Tomorrow morning?我们下一次比赛是在周一晚上杰克Our next game is Monday night, Jack.我没有太多时间I don't have a lot of time.你好神父是这样的我Hey, Father, listen, I...很感谢你Thank you so much能想到我只是for thinking of me.现在可能不是我♥干♥这事的合适时间It's just not the right time for me to take this on.现在我的生活已经被安排得满满的You know, my life's very full right now.非常的充实Very full.我只是I just, um...我已经很久没有打篮球了你知道吗I've just been away from the game for so long, you know? 我真的太久没有打篮球了I've just been away from the game for so long.神父Father...是这样我考虑了很久非常谢谢你Listen, I've given it a lot of thought, and I appreciate it.只是现在对我来说不是个好时机It's just not the right time for me right now.我也很久没有打球了I've been away from the game for so long.我觉得我帮不了你I don't think I can help you.我觉得I don't think...我觉得我帮不了你I don't think I can help you.我觉得我帮不了你I don't think I can help you.神父是我杰克Father. Jack.我不干Not gonna happen.我他妈到底要怎么做What the fuck am I supposed to do?队伍没什么实力The team can't play.他们球打得不好打得不好They're no good. They're no good.我又不能像仙女一样一挥魔杖I can't wave a magic wand,就他妈的把他们变成迈克尔·乔丹吧turn them into fucking Michael Jordan.我的意思是就I mean, just...我也不知道I don't know.也许Maybe.我不知道I don't know.我帮不了你I can't help you with this.这事我没办法帮你I can't help you with this team.神父我想了很久Father, I've given it a lot of thought.我没兴趣I just have no interest教你那个垃圾篮球队in coaching your fucking basketball team. 就这样了That's all there is to it.操Oh, fuck.回到小杜旁边Get back on D!把位置补上Make up for it.搞什么What the fuck?注意小加小加Hey, G. G!小杜继续上快退回来冲冲啊D up! Hey, get back! Let's go! Let's go!动起来快一点快点快点快点Move! Go quick! Quickly, quickly, quickly.州冠军海斯主教高中男子篮球队杰克·坎宁安24号♥年度最佳球员区级冠军海斯主教高中男子篮球队把他拦住查布斯去底线那儿Stop him up top. Chubbs, go to the wing.注意点掩护快掩护掩护Watch it. Screen, screen, screen.传球传球Yo, get through, get through.突破防守Get through that.弗里兹上啊Hey, Freeze. Go!传得好继续Good pass. Come on!干得好小杜Hey, nice job, D-boy.你好教练Hey, Coach.我是丹·埃斯皮诺萨很高兴见到你Dan Espinosa. Nice to meet ya.-你是那个助教吗 -是的- You're the assistant? - I am.我还在学校里面教代数I also teach algebra here at the school.我真的很感谢你答应了这件事Uh, I really appreciate you stepping up like this.这对孩子们来说有很大的意义It means a lot to the boys.你想让我把大家都叫过来吗do you want me to call everybody in,做一些介绍do some intros?不用不用麻烦我就No, that's okay. Just,上篮马库斯进了Take the layup, Marcus! Money!我想先感受一下我在这里的工作Just get a feel for what I'm working with here.没问题Yeah.队伍里所有人都在这了吗就十个人This the whole team? Ten kids?所有人都在这里了That's all we've got.跟你当初打球的时候很不一样对吧A lot different than when you played here, huh? 对啊难以置信Yeah. No shit.我们队伍选拔赛就来了有一百个人We got 100 kids just try out.我高四那年来了一百零四个104 my senior year.都在这打球吗Play ball here?不不像你那时候Well, not like you.我大部分时间都花在公园的长椅上了Spent most of my time on the bench,拿着一个写字板像我现在一样holding a clipboard like I am now.我比你晚几届是九八级的I was a couple of years behind you. Uh, class of '98. 从那以后入队人数就直线下降了Enrollment's really taken a dive since then.弗里兹弗里兹弗里兹Freeze, Freeze, Freeze!如果你愿意我可以从首发阵容开始介绍I can run down the starting five, if you like.卡位Box out!抢篮板球挡人,防守方在篮下阻挡进攻方抢篮板球将进攻方挡在自己背后当然Sure.那个在运球的是布兰登·杜雷特So, uh, the kid with the ball, that's Brandon Durrett. 拉斯·杜雷特的亲戚吗Relation to Russ Durrett?是的是他儿子Yeah, that's his son.他很有实力He's a great player.对比赛感觉很好Really has a good feel for the game.是队伍里最有天赋的球员Easily our most talented guy.然后他旁边那个在后场里的And then, um, playing besides him in the backcourt, 是查布斯·亨德里克斯that's Chubbs Hendricks.他的他的真名是罗纳德His, real name's Ronald.对就是这样这里老兄Oh, yeah. Right here, this man.在底线那儿的是肯尼·道斯and, Kenny Dawes out on the wing.他喜欢整些花里胡哨的但是Bit of a showboat, but,他是个很好的投手Yeah, he's a solid shooter.特别是远投很准Good long-range stroke.回防回防Get back! Get back!这个是山姆·加西亚我们的老队长And Sam Garcia, he's our senior captain.不是很擅长进攻Not much of a scoring threat,但是是个很可靠的防守队员but he's a solid defender.是个好孩子Good kid.然后是马库斯·帕里什And then Marcus Parrish.进球Money!那是我们的中锋That is our center.中锋:是一个球队篮球位置中的中心人物一般都由队中最高的球员担任你♥他♥妈♥在什么老兄What the fuck are you doing, bro?那个孩子是中锋吗That kid's the center?-是啊 -他多高啊这没有两米吧- Yeah. - What is he, 6'4"?闭嘴老兄Shut the fuck up, man.一米九6'3".你们在篮下肯定是任人宰割吧You guys must get murdered on the boards.对啊表现的很差Yeah, it's not been good at all.你白送了他们进球的机会马库斯You're giving 'em open buckets, Marcus.这只是练习兄弟我不在乎This is practice, man. I don't care.那个孩子是谁白衣服的那个Who's that kid there? The white shadow.对那个是鲍比·弗里兹Oh, yeah, that's, uh, Bobby Freeze.他是我们队的第六人He's our sixth man.整个球队最重要的一名替补球员,除了先发五虎之外的打得最好的球员他在橄榄球队里He's actually a starting strong safety是一个首发强♥卫♥for the football team.负责盯梢防守进攻方深入己方阵地的外接手或跑卫,及时阻止对方的进攻然后剩下的那些人Then the rest of the guys,是迪尔伯恩戴利卡特和雅马拓Dearborn, Daly, Carter, and Amato.我把他们从资浅代表队那里带过来I had to bring those guys up from JV资浅代表队:校队的第二队这样我们才能凑齐人数练习just so we could hold a practice.单手上篮啊可以进Take the layup! Money!再来卡位Come on, box out!好了吹哨子结束吧All right. Blow the whistle for me.冷静一点老兄冷静Chill out, man. Yo, take it easy, man.别抓着我Stop grabbing me.集♥合♥Bring it in.走吧快点快点Let's go. Hustle, hustle.好了大家经过讨论All right, guys. As discussed,我很荣幸让你们新的主教练来接手I am honored to turn things over to your new head coach,杰克·坎宁安Jack Cunningham.你好啊教练What's up, Coach.状态怎么样啊How you doing, guys?挺好的挺好Good. Good.你好啊教练What's up, Coach.你是马库斯对吧You're Marcus, right?没错以后你会经常叫这名字的That's right. Get used to calling my name, too.好吧好吧All right. All right.马库斯告诉我你看到那里有什么Marcus, tell me what you see out there.我看到尼基的美臀一直对着我I see Nikki's fine ass keep looking at me.还看到她弯腰了Saw she was bending over.她在试图引起我的注意She tryin' to get my attention.马库斯尊重教练Marcus, just be respectful, please.是他问我看到什么的怎么了He asked me what I saw. What,你想让我对他撒谎吗do you want me to lie to him?你知道我看到什么了吗马库斯You know what I see, Marcus?什么What?你是整个队里最高的You're the tallest player on the team.这不禁让我疑惑为什么你每次上场Makes me wonder why you're putting three-pointers up 都要在外线投三分球every time you come down the court.这是因为三分投篮是我的拿手菜Oh, that's 'cause I got a candy-stroke, Coach.问问丹教练Ask Coach Dan.去年我是我们整个队里三分球投进最多的I made the most threes on the team last year.丹教练去年马库斯投进了几个三分球Coach Dan, how many threes did Marcus make last year? 马库斯Marcus...进了三十四个made 34.他一共投了几次Outta how many attempts?一百三十次Out of 130.命中率是多少What's that a percentage of?百分之二十六For a percentage of 26.我♥操♥Damn!百分之二十六马库斯26%, Marcus.知道为什么他们都不防直接让你投吗You wanna know why they're leaving you open? 这是因为他们认为It's 'cause they don't think你在沙滩上都没法把球投到海里you could hit the ocean from the beach.我的天Oh, shit.他可真是实事求是啊兄弟Yo, he just spit facts at your ass, bro.老兄闭嘴Man, shut up.别啊老兄别生气啊Look it, come on, man. Don't get all butt-hurt别因为他拿你开涮就红脸啊just 'cause he droppin' some knowledge on you. 你想见识什么叫生气吗继续说啊You wanna see butt-hurt? Keep talking shit,我会揍得你屁滚尿流闭上你的嘴watch me beat your fat ass. Shut the fuck up, yo. -你什么都做不了 -停- You ain't gonna do shit. - Hey.别煽风点火I don't need any help.谁是队里三分球进第二多的Who is second in threes on the team?第二应该是肯尼进了二十五个Number two would be Kenny with 25.-他一共投了几次 -六十一次- Outta how many attempts? - Sixty-one.命中率呢Percentage of?百分之四十一Forty-one.爽你听到了吗Snap. You hear that?把球给我让我来大开杀戒Give me the rock, let me go HAM on some bitches.是啊你唯一能杀的只有火腿和芝士Yeah, more like ham and cheese, man.不是事实上火腿和芝士Nah, actually, ham and cheese is what your sister是你妹妹在我们做完以后会给我准备的fries me up after I'm done fiddling her bean.放尊重点教练在这里老兄Yo, show some respect. Coach is here, man.注意你的措辞老兄Watch your mouth, man.肯尼站回队伍里去好了Kenny, get in line. A'ight.好了继续练习吧All right, run it back.马库斯这次你不要离开内线Marcus, this time your feet don't leave the paint.布兰登好了走吧Brandon. All right. Let's go.来吧走了一起来Come on. Let's go, y'all.你是控球后卫是吧You're the point guard, right?控球后卫:是全队进攻的组织者,是球场上拿球机会最多的人让他们进行动态进攻Put 'em in a motion offense.喊出来布兰登Call it out, Brandon.别只拿你的手在空中挥来挥去Don't just wave your hand in the air.他不怎么说话是吧Doesn't talk much, does he?我教了他三年了I have been coaching that kid for three years用一只手都能数清and I can count on one hand我们的对话次数how many times our conversations还包括了have gone past,"是的教练"和"不是的教练""Yes, Coach" and "No, Coach."投的好朋友Good shot, baby.这次进球了And that's money!进来吧Here you go.钥匙比赛用球Keys, game balls,我还组装了一个闪存盘and then I put together a flash drive为了以防万一你想熟悉一下just in case you want to get familiar我们过往的一些比赛战术with the sets we've been running.然后我会给你我的电♥话♥号♥码I'm also gonna give you my phone number如果你有什么问题的话可以打给我if you have any questions.好的Okay.你怎么不当主教练呢Hey, why didn't you take the job?-什么 -一般不都是这样吗- Huh? - Would've made sense.助理教练取代主教练什么的The assistant coach, step in, take the job.我妈有多发性硬化症所以My mom has MS, so...虽然我姐姐白天可以照顾她My sister takes care of her during the day,但她自己还有三个孩子呢but she's got three kids of her own.所以我就负责晚上了So I take nights.说得通Sure.再加上监督练习观察分♥析♥每个人的水平Then with practices, and then you have scouting...不不不没事我能理解Yeah, no. Of course. It makes sense.只能怪一天24个小时太短了There just aren't enough hours in the day.抱歉我不是故意要窥探你私人生活的I'm sorry. I didn't mean to pry.不不不没关系No, no, no. It's cool.谁还没点儿负担呢不是吗We all have our own cross to bear, right?那你应该没问题了So you should be good.好极了谢谢你Great. Thank you very much.小意思No problem.-对了教练 -怎么了- Oh, Coach. - Yep?现在有什么衣着要求吗What's the dress code like these days?主教练的话要穿正装系领带Coat and tie for the head coach.-好的谢谢了 -小意思应该的- Great. Thanks. - Sure. No problem.对Yeah!这边这边对Right here, right here. Yeah!来来来Here we go!冲冲冲Yeah!投吧Take the shot.说你呢马库斯That's you, Marcus.杰克能在体育馆再见到你真棒Hey, Jack. Nice to see you in the gym again.谢谢Thanks.说你呢That's you.杰克这位是马克·惠兰神父Jack, this is Father Mark Whelan.他是我们的球队牧师He is our team chaplain.很高兴见到你杰克Pleasure to meet you, Jack.我也是You too.要第一场比赛了兴奋吗Any first game jitters?他♥娘♥的♥ 我屎都快吓出来了Fuck. I'm nervous as shit.可不是嘛Yeah.这是什么情况What's this?他们每次比赛前都会这样They do it before every game.大概是鼓舞气势吧Gets them psyched up, I guess.来吧冲冲冲Let's go!好了来集♥合♥吧All right, let's go. Bring it in.-准备好了吗 -没有- Ready? - No.加油Let's go.好了大家伙儿们All right, guys.是时候见证我们真正的实力了Let's see what we're made of.海斯主教高中多尔蒂高中接着那个身材高大的囚犯说 "别担心And the big burly inmate says, "Don't worry about it.Everything's gonna be fine.我只是想玩个小游戏而已I just want to play a little game."他说 "好吧"He goes, "Okay."然后他说 "这个游戏是这样的首先And he says, "In this game, you can pick当老公还是当老婆你先选一个"whether or not you want to be the husband or the wife."然后他答道 "好的" "那你选哪个"And he says, "All right." "Well?""那我当老公好了""Well, guess I'll be the husband."他说 "行啊He goes, "Okay.过来给你老婆吹吹♥萧♥吧"Come on over here and suck your wife's dick."这个好笑That's a good one."给你老婆吹吹♥萧♥" 这句牛逼笑死爷了"Suck your wife's dick." I fucking love that.嘿道克Hey, Doc.今晚第一次比赛怎么样啊秒杀全场了吗How'd opening night go, ace?是秒杀我们那几个小伙子都被罚下场了Yeah, our boy got sent to the woodshed.-给道克来一杯吧 -也给我再来一杯吧- Hey, get Doc a drink, will ya? - And hit me with another one. 道克我有没有告诉过你Doc, did I ever tell you那个书呆子会计师the one about the nerdy accountant挪用了15年公♥款♥的事情who does 15 years for embezzlement?-不用操心我我没醉 -知道你没醉- Don't worry about me. I'm not. - I know.让我做做好我那件事就行Just let me do... do my thing.做你那件事好了谢谢你送我回来All right. I appreciate it.-没事 -现在我就- Okay. - I'm just gonna...-好的晚安了道克 -晚安- All right. Good night, Doc. - Good night.守住他守住他Get your man! Get your man!给点力啊Come on!看住他了Watch him.杰克又是我米格尔Jackie! It's Miguel again.我打来就是想确认一下Just checking in to see你听没听到我跟你说大卫生日派对的事if you got my call about David's birthday party.有时间就给我回个电♥话♥Give me a call when you get a chance.是我虽然现在说这个可能有点迟了Hey, it's me. I know it's late notice,但是我明天见客户会路过你家附近but I'm gonna be down by you for a client visit tomorrow 想看看你要不要和我一起吃个午饭and wanted to see if you wanted to meet for lunch.大概就这样吧收到就给我回个电♥话♥ Anyway, call me when you get this.-嗨 -嘿- Hi. - Hey.抱歉我来晚了Sorry I'm late.那辆烂巴士在710号♥路上抛锚了Damn bus broke down on the 710.简直就是场噩梦It was a nightmare.没事我也刚到I just got here.好的Okay.。





下⾯是橙⼦带来的关于范思哲英⽂⼴告语,欢迎阅读!范思哲经典⼴告语 Development historyVersace brand logo from the ancient Greek mythology snake demon Medusa (Medusa), a symbol of a fatal attraction, emphasizing the joy and sexy, neckline is often open to the waist below, the designer took the classical aristocratic style luxury, luxury Li, but also Fully consider wearing comfortable and appropriate display size. Versace Baby Blue Jeans. Versace cowboy series of Baby Blue in 1995 after the launch of perfume fans by the favor, this is suitable for girls and babies to use the elegant perfume to the elegant and elegant style, , Warm as the characteristics, both in the deployment of fragrance and perfume bottles are unique in the design of a flavor. Cowboy is a child and young people obsessed with clothing, denim perfume to express a simple and fresh, natural.Baby Rose Jeans This fragrance is Gianni Versace 1995's work, with a fresh floral fragrance mixed with citrus, violet, 1 / 15 sandalwood and vanilla, with a sweet scent. The most suitable for young girls to use less Ai.Versace Blue Jeans / Red Jeans 1994 launch of the female red cowboy, blue denim blue denim men's jeans Versace blue, Versace denim red perfume produced in the fall of 1994, this section of women's fragrance for the Eau De Toilette to elegant , Warm for the characteristics of the former flavor to the main flowers, after the taste is mixed with the woody and fruity.The bottle design unique. Unique Coke bottle shape is not put it down, with a circular-shaped box with exotic packaging, more collectible value.Versace denim blue perfume produced in the fall of 1994, this fragrance for men and women for the Eau De Toilette, to elegant, warm features, both for men to use, but also for concise and concise ladies use fragrance unique.Unique Coke bottle shape is not put it down, with a circular-shaped box with exotic packaging, more collectible value.Versace Bright Crystal.VersaceFresh and unique sexy fragrance highlights the new definition of women VERSACE: independence, strong, independent, faint and charming with sexy, make men willing to surrender.2 / 15Exquisite bottle like a delicate carved transparent crystal-like, with a pure and delicate texture, a symbol of this fragrance fragrance can bring pure, fresh taste and visual double enjoyment; bottle body bright and brilliant luster, highlighting the VERSACEBright Crystal "fragrant crystal" noble, elegant, sexy woman boutique fashion style. Versace Crystal Noir women wearing VERSACE dress is sexy, women use VERSACE perfume it? The same is sexy! Versace launched a new female perfumeCrystal Noir black crystal perfume on the interpretation of this. VERSAC Crystal Noir perfume perfume by Donatella Versace idea, she said perfume is her personal style important props, they like with the mood, the weather, the different occasions to choose with perfume, for their own, the morning choose a suitable perfume With the dress is an important part, if you do not use perfume to go out, as if his body what is missing, Donatella believe that most women and their own can not do without perfumeVersace Jeans Couture Glam / Versace Jeans Couture Woman: Versace in the autumn and winter of 20xx launched the VersaceJeansCouture men and women perfume, this autumn and 3 / 15winter clothing line design inspiration for the perfect performance of sensory enjoyment and modern Chinese style, showing the charm of luxury.Versace Jeans Couture bottle inspired by the fine glass, gold and precious metal rings, bright bottle combines the visual impact and impeccable modern. Female fragrance of the bottle inlaid with the elegance of the peerless golden yellow diamond, male incense is embedded in the distinguished atmosphere of the sapphire.Versace Metal Jeans Ladies VERSACE in 20xx launched the Metal Jeans perfume to heavy metal as the concept of purple-gray packaging, there is a woman deep and introverted, soft, unified, harmonious, charming, mature, attractive, perfect and Without losing personality.Jasmine, nutmeg, rose soft, fresh breath and heavy metal rock personality has become a strong contrast, even if the outside world is so the case, even if the outside world is so strong, Of the chaos, the corner of the heart is still quiet! In contradiction and calm, to find the end of the heart! .Skillful use of models is Versace fashion art as a creative approach.Versace to the world's tallest, the most beautiful femalemodels are collected in his account, through appropriate 4 / 15training, so that these models play an infinite potential. Models in Versace's fashion to the world has played an extremely important role, while they also with Versace's fashion to the world.Versace that can best embody the hearts of women with the temptation of the beauty of the model is Kate Moss. He believes she is truly "eternal woman". Kate Moss thin, thin, on the rooftop of the fragile, a sense of sympathy and affection. Her skin color is always pale, eyes always have people can not capture the blurred. Her beauty, embodied in every nerve is full of desire. She wore clothes not to hide anything, but to express.Wearing a dark green, green fruit, green grass, light green line, covered with silver ornaments sleeveless tight body robe Kate Moss, Versace design style is the most accurate interpretation.范思哲英⽂⼴告赏析 Designer: Gianni Versace Gianni Versace design style: Founded in 1978, the brand is the myth of the brand is a snake demon Ma Disha (Mdeusa), the brand name is the myth of the snake demon Madsa (Mdeusa) , Representing a fatal attraction. Versace's design style is very distinctive, is a unique aesthetic strong artistic pioneer, emphasizing the joy 5 / 15and sexy, the neckline is often open to the waist below, the designer took the classic aristocratic style of luxury, luxury Korea, but also give full consideration to wear comfort and The appropriate display size. Versace good use of noble luxurious fabrics, with the bias cut way,Versace Chinese name: Versace. Versace is Italian, many Versace fans are often mistaken their pronunciation, the correct pronunciation: VA-SA-QIGianni VersaceVersace created by Gianni Versace Gianni Versace December 2, 1946 was born in Italy Reggio Calabria. Mother is a "soil" tailor, had opened a "Paris boutique" shop. She is a smart woman, you can not use any pattern, only a few marks in the cloth can be tailored clothing. Versace's home and mother's workshop is only separated by a wall, they are three brothers and sisters in such a work atmosphere filled with the environment grew up.Childhood Versace like to learn to do dress to self-entertainment.Memories of the past, the master once said: "I was under the influence of my mother, from an early age to cultivate interest in sewing fashion.Backcountry of the town of growing Versace, the stage is 6 / 15too small. In 1972, the 25-year-old Versace came to Milan to study architectural design.Then, by chance, he was a fashion manufacturer in Florence designed knitted clothing line selling, so that their business volume soared fourfold, as a reward, he received a car. This unprecedented success made him abandon the construction industry, as he was the first opportunity in the history of entrepreneurship.As a result, the first taste of the victory of the fruit Ganjia Niujin sky, out of control to threw himself into the fashion career.In 1978, Versace launched his first women's clothing line, shortly after his first boutiques will be ready, and invited to study the business management of the Brothers Hill map to help manage. In 1981, Versace's first bottle of perfume during his invitation to the University of Florence's sister Donatella to do helper. At this point, Versace's fashion kingdom began to shape. In 1989 the opening of the "Atelier Versace" Czech high fashion boutiques and into Paris, France fashion industry, in 1997 in the United States was shot dead. Source: Sunshine does not embroider wedding dressVersace in addition to fashion also operates perfume, 7 / 15glasses, scarves, neckties, underwear, bags, leather goods, bed sheets, tablecloths, porcelain, glassware, down products, furniture products, his fashion products have penetrated into each of life field.Versace in 1983 by the Curtischak Award in 1986, the Italian president awarded the Italian Republic "Commandatore" award in 1988, "Cutty Sark" Award for the most creative designer award, in 1993 by the United States International Fashion Designers Association Award .Small tailor origin design master - VersaceVersace December 2, 1946 was born in southern Italy Reggio Calabria, he is a tailor grew up from the world of fashion designer. Versace childhood work in the mother's sewing shop. At the age of nine, with the help of his mother designed his first set of dress, a velvet shoulder dress. After high school, Versace school curriculum is not interested in, half-way drop out to continue to help his mother to engage in clothing. Versace childhood hobby is another music, he likes the southern Italian folk songs, modern pop music and classical opera. In 1972, Milan, a clothing manufacturer fancy Versace's works, and call his mother, asked Versace to go north to Milan.Versace 8 / 15excitement, immediately boarded the train to Milan to create his clothing business, when only 23 years old.Soon, a clothing merchant door to ask him to cooperate several sets of clothing, Versace try their hand, will be successful in one fell swoop, he designed the clothing is extremely popular. Cooperator happy to award him a Volkswagen Beetle sedan. Until the conditions are ripe, Versace took the whole family received Milan, the traditional way of family union founded family business. Not willing to reside under the Versace founded in 1978, the first to his name named after the series of clothing.In the 1980s, the love of music Versace to see the impact of rock music in the youth is expanding, they seize this opportunity to engage in joint with the rock star, launched a rock clothing, this is a major turning point in his career. Hometown mountains and rivers and cultural traditions for Versace grow into a fashion designer to provide a solid foundation. Hometown of Rome, the ancient Greek cultural sites, social atmosphere in the classical culture of deep influence, from Versace's works can be seen in his adolescence by the art of nurturing. After twenty years of effort, Versace has become 9 / 15with the other three Italian fashion guru George Armani, Gucci and Valentino par the Wizards.Versace empire is a symbol of the Greek mythology, the snake hair demon Medusa, beautiful hair composed of a snake, hair is the head of the snake.She represents a fatal attraction, she attractive to beauty, to see her people instantly into stone, this deterrent is Versace pursuit.With a surprising, step by step aheadIn the fierce market, the role of advertising must not be underestimated.Versace in the advertising business spent the mind. The first is to make friends with the advertising industry, especially those photographers, who are often guests of Versace. Through these people he understands the dynamics and trends of the garment industry. The second is to carry out promotional activities, mobilize all means to promote their own company's products. The exquisite brochure is a powerful tool for Versace to engage in public events, beautifully crafted to combine modern cartoons, fine art, classical culture and beautiful models to create the prince and countless Snow White princesses , Won the customer.Responding to harsh competition, Versace has his secret 10 / 15weapon, in the shortest possible time to form the fastest judgment, organizational design and production and sales. Most companies in the fashion industry spend at least six months from design, pre-sales to mass production, while Versace often uses lightning to adapt to changes in market demand. For example, there is a high-tech PVC fabric made of 200 yuan price of jeans, Versace in person under the supervision of the time in five weeks to complete the design, manufacture and transportation of the whole process of listing, setting a new clothing history Record.Versace design peak is the 1989 Paris launch of the "Afelier" series. This is Versace is not satisfied with the dominance of Italy and decided to break into the French high-end fashion industry's first step. This suddenly led to the influx of Italian fashion into Paris.Brand is also the most concerned about the issue of Versace. Versace has long been found, the brand has an unusual power of goods. Versace in the women's success made him more and more aware of, to find ways to ensure that their brand, relying on brand to profit, but also for young consumers shopping psychology, to produce texture and less stress, the cost is not 11 / 15too Large, but there are obvious brand decoration and turnover of the product quickly. In 1994, Versace has launched a Versace label bedding and household utensils. Versace in the fall of 1997 is also preparing to open up a cosmetics production line, specializing in the production and Versace dress matching products.In the Italian clothing empire, in logistics management, Versace company occupies a leading position. Versace has long established companies and retail stores in major cities such as New York, London and Paris, bringing the company's products directly to customers rather than through intermediaries, bringing together design, manufacturing and retail."Business Week," the article that "Versace in the fierce competition in the fashion market, almost every step has an advantage in the retail side of a stronger advantage.Good to play the master of celebrity cardVersace is the favored Diana many fashion designers can be called a friend of people. British-style design is too conservative and rigorous, although it can well bring out the demeanor of Diana, but also inevitably weakened Diana's personality. Versace Diana designed for the evening is 12 / 15different, Diana's vitality and enthusiasm ready to come out. Versace to Diana designed a set of blue shoulder gown, the selection is very delicate and beautiful blue satin, dressed in this dress like the sun under the summer sun flowing water. Bare shoulder design, there is a deep taste of the decorative beauty of the building.In Western countries, celebrities in the entertainment industry is the subject of Versace attention, once these celebrities wearVersace clothing to participate in the Oscar award ceremony, the television station to the big star image to the world a broadcast, Versace's work naturally spread to the whole world.In 1998, Zeta-Jones wearing a tight body wrapped in red Versace dress appeared in the Academy Awards, the immediate murder of journalists in the hands of countless film, became the best dress that night.Another world-famous movie star is Stallone. Stallone looks solid, shoulders wide and strong, but according to the Americans to measure the standard body shape, Stallone is a bit size is not enough, shoulders width is too large. Versace in February 1991 and October has been designed for the Stallone 13 / 15two sets of clothing, a dark blue suit with white shirt, the shoulders too big defects to cover up, so that Stallone's body suddenly straightforward A lot, so far Versace designed for Stallone suit is still the United States for the entertainment industry and the fashion industry respected.The early 90s, Madonna for Versace shot a series of publicity photos is one of the classic. Madonna's Wild and Versace's Mingyan is known as a seamless combination.Versace in communication with the celebrities did not forget to keep the old and do not mind the style of a momentary frustration. Tyson has long been respected on the clothing master Versace, Tyson has been off into the classroom after the offense, Tyson very much miss Versace designed shorts, Versace heard of After the news specially sent him some clothes, which makes Tyson feel grateful. Tyson was released from prison after re-boarding boxing, when he was winning streak, Tyson's shorts have become the love of American teenagers. Which makes Versace's shorts sales rose significantly. Supermodel is pricelessBefore Versace developed, the world fashion industry only by fashion companies to hire some models to participate in the 14 / 15performance of temporary, and not by the fashion industry itself created supermodel.Skillful use of models is Versace fashion art as a creative approach.Versace to the world's tallest, the most beautiful female models are collected in his account, through appropriate training, so that these models play an infinite potential. Models in Versace's fashion to the world has played an extremely important role, while they also with Versace's fashion to the world. Versace that can best embody the hearts of women with the temptation of the beauty of the model is Kate Moss. He believes she is truly "eternal woman". Kate Moss thin, thin, on the rooftop of the fragile, a sense of sympathy and affection. Her skin color is always pale, eyes always have people can not capture the blurred. Her beauty, embodied in every nerve is full of desire. She wore clothes not to hide anything, but to express.Wearing a dark green, green fruit, green grass, light green line, covered with silver ornaments sleeveless tight body robe Kate Moss, Versace design style is the most accurate interpretation.15 / 15。



Recommended literature on Phonology
Carr, Philip 1999. English phonetics and phonology. Oxford: Basil Blackwell. Carr, Philip 2004. Phonology, nature, and mind. Oxford: University Press. Goldsmith, John 1996. The handbook of phonological theory. Oxford: Blackwell. Goldsmith, John (ed.) 1999. Phonological theory: The essential readings. Oxford: Basil Blackwell. Gussmann, Edmund 2002. Phonology. Analysis and theory. Cambridge: University Press. Lacy, Paul de (ed.) 2006. The Cambridge handbook of phonology. Cambridge: University Press. McMahon, April 2001. An introduction to English phonology. Edinburgh: University Press. Odden, David 2005. Introducing phonology. Cambridge: University Press. Poulisse, Nanda 2000. Slips of the tongue. Speech errors in first and second language production. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. Smith, Norval 2003. Phonology. The basics. Oxford: Blackwell. Wells, John C. 1982 Accents of English. Cambridge: University Pnd John Maidment 2005. Introducing phonetic science. Cambridge: University Press. Catford, J. C. 2001. A practical introduction to phonetics. 2nd edition. Oxford: University Press. Clark, John, Colin Yallop and Janet Fletcher 2006. An introduction to phonetics and phonology. Third edition. Oxford: Blackwell. Cruttenden, Alan 2001. Gimson’s Pronunciation of English. 6th edition. London: Arnold. Crystal, David 2002. A dictionary of linguistics and phonetics. 5th edition. Oxford: Blackwell. Davenport, Mike and S. J. Hannahs 1998. Introducing phonetics and phonology. London: Arnold. Davis, John F. 2004. Phonetics and phonology. Stuttgart: Klett Verlag. Fry, Dennis B. 1979. The physics of speech. Cambridge: University Press. International Phonetic Assoc., 1999. Handbook of the International Phonetic Association. Cambridge: University Press. Laver, John and William J. Hardcastle (eds) 1995. Handbook of phonetic sciences. Oxford: Blackwell. Ladefoged, Peter 2000. A course in phonetics. 4rd edition. New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich. Ladefoged, Peter 2000. Vowels and consonants. An introduction to the sounds of languages. Oxford: Basel Blackwell. Wells, John C. 2006. English intonation. An introduction. Cambridge: University Press.



pdd最喜欢的英文歌直播常放的最近在pdd上常听到《Double Tap》这样好听的英文歌,都快喜欢上了。

下面是店铺给音乐爱好者带来pdd最喜欢播放的英文歌,供大家参阅!pdd最喜欢的英文歌、Double Tap鉴赏乔丁·斯帕克斯,1989年12月22日出生于美国亚利桑那州菲尼克斯,歌手。






pdd最喜欢的英文歌、Double Tap歌手介绍有一个橄榄球明星爸爸,乔丁-斯帕克斯并不缺少抛头露面的机会,而她从小热爱音乐,并且展现出非凡的音乐天赋。



在她会说话之前, Jordin 的歌声就频频出现在电视和广播里, 三岁的时候就在她妈妈的磁带里清脆放音. 在小学时她用厨房当排练室,站在橱柜上练声,初中时在教堂唱诗班唱歌, 并乐此不疲。



pdd最喜欢的英文歌、Double Tap歌词Betta look betta than yo last one我一定美过你的前任Babe, I know we don't care宝贝我知道我们并不在意这些Ain't so famous ova night, yeah这个夜晚不要再低调下去Don't be scared to admit it不要害怕承认吧Seen you look from the start一开始我就注意到你的注视Oh, on my Instagram he be lookin'他在看我ins上的照片Secret looks on yo phone, I know我能读懂你看你的手机的神秘眼神Baby, on the low, you stay on the page cuz 宝贝你仍然停留在那一面I guess I'm yo favorite我猜我就是你的最爱But you won't let it show, no way但你就是不透露你的情感If you like what you see then如果你喜欢你所看到的You gotta let me know一点要让我知道That you won't double tap that hoe你不会喜欢那婊子That you won't double tap that hoe(ins上在图片上双击点赞)Go and lemme know about ya来吧让我了解你Hash tag, sum' to show you're gangsta你po的东西告诉我你是个混的Oh no, don't, he no squareoh 不他没那么正直Just say it, just say it if ya want me如果你想要我就大声说出来Baby, on the low, you stay on the page cuz宝贝你仍然停留在那一面I guess I'm yo favorite我猜我就是你的最爱But you won't let it show, no way但你就是不透露你的情感If you like what you see then如果你喜欢你所看到的You gotta let me know一点要让我知道That you won't double tap that hoe你不会喜欢那婊子That you won't double tap that hoe你不会喜欢那婊子Must be a sucka, cuz I been lookin'你一定是个混蛋我一直看着呢Ya ass gettin' fine with ya big cookie你在享受你下载的美照Niggas know I woulda been takin'兄弟知道我会被迷惑School of hard knots, they was were plain lickin' 他们只是纯粹羡慕我罢了I really did it cuz I say I did it我已经这么做了我说了我已经做了That's a turn on if a girl say she in the pot如果一个妹子说她醉了这绝对是挑逗Turn on if a girl say she independent如果她说妹子说她很独立这绝对也是挑逗If I ask her, can a home girl come to dinner如果我问她宅女能否能约会is you a singer or a stripper?如果我问她宅女能否能约会Tryna get with you, yo otha nigga inefficient只是想得到你你的其他男人都很无能Well, is it an issue, well, I don't think it was an issue这是问题?我并不认为Cuz when I get with ya I double tap more than a pistol 因为我跟你在一起时我会对你再次主动出击Baby, on the low, you stay on the page cuz宝贝你仍然停留在那一面I guess I'm yo favorite我猜我就是你的最爱But you won't let it show, no way但你就是不透露你的情感If you like what you see then如果你喜欢你所看到的You gotta let me know一点要让我知道That you won't double tap that hoe你不会喜欢那婊子That you won't double tap that hoe你不会喜欢那婊子。

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• Multi-site manufacturing
– Large volumes of data – Data is scattered amongst multiple databases and paper based sources
The Release
Raw Materials Warehouse
Integrated Production Management System (IPMS)
Regulatory Data
QMS - TrackWise
Process Data
Metrology System Documentation & Learning Systems
Test Sample
Media Preparation
Buffer Preparation
Cell Culture
Chromatography Filtration
Chromatography Filtration
W a re h o u s e
• No longer met the business need
– Less scalable – Less standardization – Less adoption
– Selected new system (Sparta Systems, TrackWise) – Utilized a ‘Rapid Deployment Model’
– – – – – – – Automate core business functions Integrate for efficiency ‘Standardize’ Globalize our business processes Automate compliance systems Improve metrics Improve knowledge management
• • • • • • Improve quality Reduce errors Improve efficiency Increase compliance Improve visibility Improve knowledge sharing
The Plan
• An Integrated Production Management System
• • • • • Quality Manufacturing Engineering Regulatory Materials
Key Success Factors and Benefits
• Success Factors
– Global Involvement – Project Management
– Originally one electronic system » Used at 3 sites » Two very different business processes
QMS - How did we go from old to new?
• Formation of Corporate Quality Operations (CQO) – Systems Function
– Increased Efficiency
• ROI 2-3 yrs after full implementation and integration
– Standardization
• Automating global quality systems is doable • Success via:
• 9 genetics lab sites
The Business Challenges
• Rapid international growth • Rapid, global manufacturing expansion • Multi-site production operations
– Product X now made at sites A, B, C & D
• Anticipated Benefits
– Quality
• Clear, instant visibility to quality issues • Traceability of issues
– Compliance
• Increased success rates • Clear, unambiguous checks to all compliance elements (specs, regs…)
– – – – Effective project management Vision Integration Corporate support
• Complex business
– Therapeutics – Biosurgery – Gene Therapy
• Performance metrics • Capacity opportunities • LEAN • Cycle time
Genzyme Quality Vision
• Genzyme’s future quality operations will be paperless. • Paperless objectives:
Certificates of Analysis
What process was used to achieve the IPMS vision?
– Started with building the core (ERP, MES and PDMS) systems
• ERP – Enterprise Resouuality Processes to Achieve Operational Excellence
PDA Annual Meeting 2010
Jon Voss VP Operations Management Geary MacQuiddy Project Manager
• PDMS (Product Data Management System)
– Existing LIMS application (partial implementation) – Decision to implement new, global system
• Began consolidating the Quality Management System(s)
• • • • • Increased accuracy Increased compliance Reduced risk Increased cycle times Paperless
• Concepts
– All information required for release available from one location including:
• Background and History • Business Case • Vision • Solution • Summary
Our Manufacturing Infrastructure
• 17 production sites

– – – – – – – – – – – – – Allston, Massachusetts Cambridge, Massachusetts (2) Copenhagen, Denmark Framingham, Massachusetts (2) Geel, Belgium Haverhill, UK Kent, UK Liestal, Switzerland Lyon, France Perth, Australia Ridgefield, New Jersey Russelsheim, Germany San Diego, CA Waterford, Ireland
– Automate the Product Testing and Release Process (Paperless) – Further Standardization of Lab Processes, Procedures and Methods – Increase Lab Efficiency and Compliance
The Specific Business Problem (Quality perspective)
• Pharmaceutical product release is a complex often manual process
– – – – Vulnerable to human error and inconsistency Time consuming Inefficient Non-transparent
– Originally, 32 different databases – Decision to implement one database globally
• MES – Manufacturing Execution System
– paperless batch record – Decision to implement single standard for all production sites
F ill/F in is h
W a re h o u s e
W a re h o u s e
Product Release Process
Raw Material Testing In Process Testing Utility Testing Environmental Data Quality events Training Data Batch Records Metrology Data