迪士尼神奇英语 第三课 Friends 朋友
第三课 VIDEO TRANSLATIONMagic English, Magic English! Look and speak and singand play!神奇英语,神奇英语,既看又说,又唱又玩!Magic English, Magic English! Have fun with Disneyevery day!神奇英语,神奇英语!有了迪士尼,天天有乐趣!He's Sebastian. Hello, Sebastian!这是赛巴斯丁。
Under the sea.在海底!She's Ariel. Hello, Ariel!这是爱丽儿,你好,爱丽儿。
He's Flounder. Hello, Flounder!这是小比目鱼,你好,小比目鱼。
Flounder loves Ariel. Ariel loves Flounder. They're friends.小比目鱼喜欢爱丽儿。
She's Ariel.这是爱丽儿。
Ariel has a father. Her father.爱丽儿有个父亲。
Ariel has sisters. Her sisters.爱丽儿有几个姐姐,她的姐姐。
Ariel has friends. Her friends.爱丽儿有一些朋友。
Dance! Dance! They're dancing.跳呀!他们在跳舞。
Sing! Sing! They're singing. Sebastian is singing.唱呀!他们在唱歌。
Ariel has friends. Her friends.爱丽儿有一些朋友。
They're dancing. They're singing.他们在跳舞。
Friends. They're singing.朋友。
shining friends 歌词
Shining Friend演唱:2R歌词编辑人:太相信女人(QQ:21883370)little faith, brightens are rainy day (小小的信念照亮那下雨天了)life is difficult u can go away (生命难苦困你总不能逃避)don't hide your selvies in a corner(不要躲於角落)you have my place to stay(我的胸怀可让你依靠)sorrow is gonna say goodbye(忧伤终会跟你说再见)opens up u see the happy sunshine(张开眼睛你会快乐的阳光)keep going on with your dream(继续追寻梦想)chasing to morrow sunrise (想着明天的太阳追赶)the spirit can never die (不会逝去是信念与理想)sun will shine my friend (好朋友太阳会闪燿)wont let you cry my dear (谁都不会令你流泪)seeing you , share the tear (你的一滴眼泪)make my world disappear (会让我的世界灰暗)you never be alone in darkness(在黑暗中你永不会孤独)see my smile my friend (好朋友看我的笑颜)we are with you holding hands(手牵手我们和你一起走)you have god to believe (再我宁静的心灵)you are my destiny (你是我的信念与目标)we meant to be your friends (我们永远都会再一起)that's what a friendship be(因为我们是朋友)。
If you should die before me,ask if you could bring a friend.If you live to be a hundred,I want to live to be a hundred minus one day, so I never have to live,without you.True friendship is like sound health;the value of it is seldom knownuntil it is lost.A real friendis one who walks inwhen the restof the world walks outMy father always usedto say that when you die,if you've got five real friends, then you've had a great life.;I'll lean on you andyou lean on me andwe'll be okayFriendship is one mindin two bodies.Don'twalk in front of me,I may not follow.Don't walk behind me, I may not lead.Walk beside me and be my friend.Everyone hearswhat you say.Friends listen towhat you say.Best friendslisten to what you don'tsay.A friend is someone who knowsthe song in your heartand can sing it back to youwhen you have forgottenthe words.;We all take differentpaths in life,but no matter where we go,we take a little of eachother everywhere.;Friends are God's way of taking care of us.Strangers arejust friends waiting to happen. Friends are the BaconBits in the SaladBowl of Life.Pass this on to all of your FRIENDS, even if it means sending it to the person thatsent it to you.And if you receive this e-mail many times frommany different people, it only means that you havemany FRIENDS.And if you only get it but once, do not bediscouraged for you will know that you haveAT LEAST ONE GOOD FRIEND avantha@。
YouAreMyGoodFriend歌声是我的祝福清风是我的拥抱快乐是我的礼物You Are My Good Friend——题记TO 萍:从小就和你是同学,但是我们并多聊,每次---每次都只是打声招呼,客套地讲上两句后,就各忙各的了.这样直到初二的开始….初二,我们相遇在同一班上,所以原本不同世界的人开始有了交集.我原本以为,我们会没有话题可讲,因为在我的认知中,你总是那么认真.不管对任何事你永远都是一丝不苟.在同学心里你是模范生,在老师和家人眼里你是好学生,乖宝宝.你是那么地优秀.那么地……对我而言,你是我可望而不可及的.所以我很意外.其实,在我心里,我一直都想和你比.因为我好胜,或许好胜这并好.可我很清楚,我比不上你,你……哎~~是我太不认真,太没有坚持了吧!暂且不说这个了.那天中午,我看你的搞子,看到里面有一篇文,里面竟然有我耶!!那时我好开心的说.你是第二个写我的人哦!(什么?你问我第一个人是谁?嘿嘿~~保密!)虽然不多,但写出了你的心意.你的语句很优美.很简洁……总之写的比我好10倍不止.可是你说,我们还不到朋友.我看了很惊讶.为什么你会这么认为呢?诶——真不知你是怎么回事?你平时遇事是那么地聪明,怎么在这方面就卡壳了呢?我早已把你当做是朋友.对于珊,是无理头的一个,而对于你,是可以静心交谈的朋友.或许以前那时我们只是同学.可那是因为……因为你太出色了.因而我不敢接近你,可这不是你的错,是我想得太过了,把你当成了那“一类人”了吧!但现在不会了啊!!再也不会了!!!我们是朋友!你并不是旁观者,希望你会明白.——From贝————————————————————————————————PS:呵呵,我的文字组织可是不及你哟!但是呢我会加油的.要多指教哟~~!在此,我筑你考上理想的高中,而后进攻大学,希望我们不会因时间而冲淡我们的友谊,也不要忘了和我联系哦!!呃--对了,虽然说了很多遍了,但还是再想说一遍,我啊!觉得你的字还是原来大大的比较好看喔!!西西——拜啦———5.12事件有感朝霞中,看着红日冉冉升起,校园的五星红旗在风中渐渐飘动,鲜红的颜色如血,更如一团熊熊的烈火在燃烧.生命,是每个人都拥有的.但,它却只有一次.生命是顽强的,也是脆弱的,需要我们专心呵护.对自己的生命负责任,我们首先要注重身体的安全和健康,懂得远离危险,防范侵害. 此时的我,不禁想起那场8级的四川大地震, 那一个个无辜的生命,那一双双无助的眼睛……2008年5月12日下午14点28分,一场特大的地震毫无征兆地袭击了汶川..面对这场突如其来的横祸,已给四川带来了巨大的损失.2008,我们热烈期待的欢笑与阳光,却不料被一路风暴阻隔.“一方有难,八方支援”,抗震救灾牵动着亿万陇原儿女们的心.生命是脆弱的,但也是幸福的.我可以一路上感受天地灵气,草露清清,云儿浅浅,碎风点点……让生命简单的延续.而那些莺莺燕燕,已不再是一种繁荣漂亮.四川那8级的大地震,使一位位花样年华的少年,一位位年过花甲的老人等6万多人丧失了生命.这惊人的数字,不禁使每一位同胞的内心一震.许多人在看四川抗震的报道时,鼻头不禁一酸,泪留满面.“虽然我们不是四川人,但是我们都是中国人!”在这一时刻,不正正验证了这句话吗?人们都渴望天佑,但也深知“天有不之云”.日本大阪华人企业家在捐赠后接受采访说:“我可以少吃一口饭,少喝一口水,也要挤出钱来救助祖国灾难中的同胞.”因为,“一方有难,八方支援”已不再是一句口号,而是千千万万海外侨胞的心声啊!地震无情人有情,这场地震给灾区的同胞们造成了巨大的创伤和痛苦,震撼着每个人的心灵,中国人民在经理了今年初的重重灾难后,面临再一次的严重的考验.自然灾难突如其来,但人人都慷慨解囊.正如旅美闻名作曲家赵宝昌1991年即兴写的《赈灾歌》所唱:“赈济我骨肉同胞,炎黄子孙友谊重,岂在你钱多钱少.”有一位小孩已被倒塌的房屋埋在地里死亡了.但他的手中还紧紧地握着一支笔,深深地透露出他还不愿死亡,他要读书啊!一日一夜,一明一灭,一生一死.说不清道不白,最是生死临界的感觉.高尔基曾经说过:“书要算人类在走向未来、幸福、富强的道路上所创造的一切奇迹中最复杂、最伟大的奇迹了.”难道着不是真理吗?同学们,让我们伸出暖和之手,为受灾的人们献出一片爱心吧!你的爱心可以为处在风雨中无家可归的灾民送去暖和,可以救助因灾难而失学的孤苦伶仃的孩子们,让他们感受到他们并不孤单,感受到我们社会大家庭的关爱吧!。
shining friends歌词翻译
2R-Shining Friendslittle faith, brightens are rainy day(小小的信念照亮那下雨天)life is difficult u can go away(生命难苦困,你总不能逃避)don’t hide yourselvies in a corner(不要躲于角落)you have my place to stay(我的胸怀可让你依靠)sorrow is gonna say goodbye(忧伤终会跟你说再见)opens up u see the happy sunshine(张开眼睛你会看见快乐的阳光)keep going on with yr dream(继续追寻梦想)chasing tomorrow sunrise(想着明天的太阳追赶)the spirit can never die(不会逝去的是信念与理想)sun will shine my friend(太阳会闪耀,我的朋友)won’t let you cry my dear(谁都不会令你流眼泪)seeing you , share the tear(伴随你,分享忧伤)make my woe disappear(会让我的世界灰暗)you never be alone in darkness(在黑暗中你永远不会孤单)see my smile my friend(看我的笑颜,好朋友)we are with you holding hands(手牵手我们和你一起走)you have god to believe(你有上帝的信仰)you are my destiny(你是我的信念与目标)we meant to be yr friends(我们注定成为朋友)that’s what a friendship be(那就是真正的友谊)。
人教版PEP版四年级英语上册 Unit3 My Friends教学设计 (新版)
Unit3 Let’s talk一、教学内容:Book 3 Unit 3 B Let’s talk.二、教材分析:本课时是PEP教材 Unit3 My friends B部分的第五课时,是有关询问朋友的姓名,描述朋友的外貌特征与爱好。
四、教学目标:知识目标:1.能够认读本课的单词和句型.2.能理解chant 等部分的内容.能力目标:1.能够提问和回答别人的姓名: What’s his\her name? His \Her name is …..2.能够听懂Boy or girl ?以及带有‘or’句子。
3.能吟唱Let’s chant 中的歌谣.情感目标:注重培养学生严谨的学习态度和与人交往的能力.培养学生交朋友的能力,明白人多力量大的道理,培养学生的团结合作的能力和助人为乐的精神.五、教学方法:游戏教学法,合作式教学法六、教学重难点:教学重点:What’s his \ her name? His \ Her name is ……教学难点:区分What’s his \ her name? His \ Her name is ……的用法以及he, she, his, her 的区别.七、设计理念:本课教学内容贴近学生的生活实际,便于学以致用,体现学科整合理念,促进学生多元智能的发展。
八、教学过程:Step1: Step 1 Warm-up1 Greeting设计意图:师生之间互相问候是一堂课的开始,也是很重要的环节,良好的问候不但能拉近师生间的距离,体现一种民主、平等、合作、交流的思想。
2 Sing a song :《Friends》设计意图:集中了学生的注意力,为学生营造一个轻松和谐的氛围,也给孩子们创造了学习英语的环境。
Unit3 My friends知识点归纳
Unit3 My friends知识点归纳二、单词1、my 我的2、friend朋友3、friends 朋友们4、she 她5、she’s=she is她是6、he他7、he’s =he is 他是8、am是is是are是9、too也10、this这,这个11、sister姐姐,妹妹12.goodbye 再见13. Tina蒂娜四、句型1. She’s Yang Ling .她是杨玲。
She’s my friend. 她是我的朋友。
2. He’s Mike . 他是迈克。
He’s my friend too. 他也是我的朋友。
3. See you next time .下次见。
4. This is Tina. 这是蒂娜。
She’s my sister.她是我的妹妹。
Hi , Tina .蒂娜,你好。
5. He is my friend, Mike. 他是我的朋友迈克。
6. Who’s she? 她是谁?She’s my friend, Yang Ling. 她是我的朋友杨玲。
7. Mike and Yang Ling are good friends. 迈克和杨玲是好朋友。
8. We are good friends. 我们是好朋友。
9.Goodbye, my friends. 再见,我的朋友们。
10. Sing the song with my friends. 和我的朋友们一起唱这首歌。
11. I can talk about my friends. 我会谈论我的朋友们。
五、复习巩固一年级上册Unit3 This is Miss LiMum, Dad, this is Miss Li.A: This is my cousin. B: She’s cute.A: Is this your mum? B: No. She’s my aunt.二年级上册Unit1 She’s my auntaunt 姑妈;姨妈uncle 叔叔;伯伯cousin 堂表姐妹tall高的short 矮的Mr Green格林先生二年级下册Unit4 I have big eyes结合本单元知识使用句型He / She has … eyes/ears/hair. He / She has a …mouth/nose/face. 描述五官。
Shining Friends 2Ra little faith, brightens are rainy day(小小的信念照亮那下雨天)life is difficult you can go away(生命难苦困,你总不能逃避)don’t hide yourselves in a corner(不要躲于角落)you have my place to stay(我的胸怀可让你依靠)sorrow is gonna say goodbye(忧伤终会跟你说再见)opens up you see the happy sunshine(张开眼睛你会看见快乐的阳光)keep going on with your dream(继续追寻梦想)chasing tomorrow sunrise(想着明天的太阳追赶)the spirit can never die(不会逝去的是信念与理想)sun will shine my friend(太阳会闪耀,我的朋友)won’t let you cry my dear(谁都不会令你流眼泪)seeing you , share the tear(伴随你,分享忧伤)make my woe disappear(会让我的悲伤消失)you never be alone in darkness(在黑暗中你永远不会孤单)see my smile my friend(看我的笑颜,好朋友)we are with you holding hands(手牵手我们和你一起走)you have god to believe(你有上帝的信仰)you are my destiny(你是我的信念与目标)we meant to be your friends(我们注定成为朋友)that’s what a friendship be(那就是真正的友谊)。
You are my friend 你是我的朋友
Everyone hears what you say. Friends listen to what you say. Best friends listen to what you don't say.
A friend is someone who knows the song in your heart and can sing it back to you when you have forgotten the words.;
If you should die before me, ask if you could bring a friend.
If you live to be a hundred, I want to live to be a hundred minus one day, so I never have to live, without you.
And if you only get it but once, do not be discouraged for you will know that you have
Strangers are just friends waiting to happen. Friends are the Bacon Bits in the Salad Bowl of Life.
Pass this on to all of your FRIENDS, even if it means sending it to the person that sent it to you. And if you receive this e-mail many times from many different people, it only means that you have many FRIENDS.
人教版英语七年级上册 Unit 1 My name's Gina.Section A-练习题
Unit 1My name's Gina.Section A自主预习○单词拼写名词:n________名字;名称动词:m________遇见;相逢形容词:n________令人愉快的;宜人的副词:1.t________也;又;太 2.n________不;没有代词:1.y________你的;你们的 2.h________他的 3.h________她的4.s________她 5.h________他连词:a________和;又;而感慨词:y________是的;可以兼类词:n________ adv.& adj.不;没有;不是○短语my ________我的名字○句型填词1.Hi.________ ________ Gina.嗨,我叫吉娜。
2.—________ ________ name?你叫什么名字?—Alan.艾伦。
3. —________ to ________ you!很快乐见到你!—Nice to meet you, ________.也很快乐见到你。
4. —________ you Helen?你是海伦吗?—Yes, ________ ________.是的,我是。
名师导学Nice to meet you!很快乐见到你!点拨当两个人在某地初次见面时,常用“Nice to meet you.〞来表示问候,相当于“It's nice to meet you.〞,其答语应为“Nice to meet you, too.〞或者“Me, too.〞。
类似的说法还有“Nice to see you!/Glad to meet (see) you!〞运用单项填空。
—Hi.I'm Li Fen.________—Nice to meet you, too.A.Good morning!B.Nice to meet you.C.Thank you.D.Hello.—What's your name?你叫什么名字?—Alan.艾伦。
人教新起点三年级英语上册Unit1 Myself课文翻译
人教新起点三年级英语上册Unit1 Myself课文翻译第一单元我自己What's your name? 你叫什么名字?I'm Mike. 我叫迈克。
Which class are you in? 你在哪个班级?I'm in class one. 我在一班。
How old are you? 你几岁了?I'm nine years old. 我九岁了。
Which class are you in? 你在哪个班级?I'm in class two. 我在二班。
Lesson 1A Look, listen and chant. 看,听和唱。
My name is Sue. 我叫苏。
I'm new here. 我是新来的。
I'm nine years old. 我今年九岁了。
I want to be your friend. 我想和你们做朋友。
name 名字new friend 新朋友nine years old 九岁Hello, you're new. 你好,你是新来的。
What's your name? 你叫什么名字?And how old are you? 几岁了?Hello. I'm new. 你好。
My name's Sue. 我叫苏。
And I'm 9 years old. 九岁了。
B Let's role-play. 角色扮演。
Hello.My name is Sue. 你好。
I'm new here. 我是新来的。
I'm nine years old. 我九岁了。
I want to be your friend. 我想和你做朋友。
Hello. My name is Jack. 你好。
I'm eight years old. 我八岁了。
shining friends歌词翻译
2R-Shining Friendslittle faith, brightens are rainy day(小小的信念照亮那下雨天)life is difficult u can go away(生命难苦困,你总不能逃避)don’t hide yourselvies in a corner(不要躲于角落)you have my place to stay(我的胸怀可让你依靠)sorrow is gonna say goodbye(忧伤终会跟你说再见)opens up u see the happy sunshine(张开眼睛你会看见快乐的阳光)keep going on with yr dream(继续追寻梦想)chasing tomorrow sunrise(想着明天的太阳追赶)the spirit can never die(不会逝去的是信念与理想)sun will shine my friend(太阳会闪耀,我的朋友)won’t let you cry my dear(谁都不会令你流眼泪)seeing you , share the tear(伴随你,分享忧伤)make my woe disappear(会让我的世界灰暗)you never be alone in darkness(在黑暗中你永远不会孤单)see my smile my friend(看我的笑颜,好朋友)we are with you holding hands(手牵手我们和你一起走)you have god to believe(你有上帝的信仰)you are my destiny(你是我的信念与目标)we meant to be yr friends(我们注定成为朋友)that’s what a friendship be(那就是真正的友谊)。
你是我永远的好朋友英语作文英文回答:You are my forever friend, and I will always be there for you. We've been through thick and thin together, and we've always had each other's backs. I know that I can always count on you, and you can always count on me.We first met when we were kids, and we instantly clicked. We had the same sense of humor, we loved the same things, and we always had each other's backs. As we grew older, our friendship only grew stronger. We went through our awkward teenage years together, we supported each other through our first heartbreaks, and we celebrated eachother's successes.Now, as adults, we're still best friends. We've both changed a lot over the years, but our friendship has stayed the same. We're still there for each other through thick and thin, and we still love to laugh and have fun together.I'm so grateful for your friendship. You're my best friend, my confidante, and my sister. I don't know what I would do without you.I love you, best friend.中文回答:你是我的永远好朋友,我永远都会在你身边。
你是我永远的好朋友图画英语作文You are my forever best friend. That was the message I wanted to convey through my drawing. I picked up my colored pencils and began sketching the image that had been in my mind for days.In my drawing, I depicted two figures standing side by side, their arms around each other's shoulders. They were smiling, their eyes sparkling with joy and laughter. Behind them, a rainbow arched across the sky, symbolizing the beauty and wonder of our friendship.I added details to the figures, making sure to capture the essence of our friendship. I drew us wearing matching friendship bracelets, a symbol of the bond that we shared. I added small hearts floating around us, representing the love and care that we had for each other.As I added the final touches to my drawing, I felt a sense of warmth and happiness wash over me. Our friendship was truly special, and I knew that no matter where life took us, we would always be there for each other.After completing my drawing, I signed my name at the bottom and added a short message: "You are my forever bestfriend. Thank you for always being there for me." I knew that when my friend saw this drawing, they would understand just how much they meant to me.As I looked at my finished artwork, I felt proud of what I had created. It was a visual representation of the deep bond that existed between us, a reminder of the special friendship that we shared.I couldn't wait to show my friend the drawing and see the smile on their face when they saw it. Our friendship was a treasure, and I was grateful every day to have them in my life. They truly were my forever best friend.。
小学英语作文范文:我的朋友my friend
小学英语作文范文:我的朋友my friend(实用版)编制人:__________________审核人:__________________审批人:__________________编制单位:__________________编制时间:____年____月____日序言下载提示:该文档是本店铺精心编制而成的,希望大家下载后,能够帮助大家解决实际问题。
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三年级英语日常对话常用句型单选题40题1. --- How are you? --- ______A. I'm fine, thank youB. How are youC. GoodbyeD. My name is Tom答案:A。
解析:当别人问“How are you?”(你好吗)时,常见的回答是“I'm fine, thank you”(我很好,谢谢你)。
选项B是又问了一遍“你好吗”,不符合回答要求;选项C“Goodbye” 再见)与问句不相关;选项D“My name is Tom” 我的名字是汤姆)也不能回答这个问句。
2. --- Nice to meet you. --- ______A. Nice to meet you, tooB. How old are youC. What's your nameD. Where are you from答案:A。
解析:当别人说“Nice to meet you” 很高兴见到你)时,礼貌的回应是“Nice to meet you, too”(我也很高兴见到你)。
选项B“How old are you”( 你多大了)是询问年龄;选项C“What's your name” 你叫什么名字)是询问名字;选项D“Where are you from”(你来自哪里)是询问籍贯,都不符合回应要求。
3. --- What's your name? --- ______A. I'm LilyB. I'm fineC. Good morningD. See you答案:A。
解析:问句是“你叫什么名字”,回答应该是自己的名字,A选项“I'm Lily”(我是莉莉)符合要求。
选项B“I'm fine”是回答“How are you”的;选项C“Good morning” 早上好)是问候语;选项D“See you” 再见)不符合问句要求。
送朋友的英文短句1. You are a true friend who brings joy to my life. - 你是一个真正的朋友,给我的生活带来快乐。
2. Thank you for always being there for me, I cherish our friendship. - 谢谢你一直在我身边,我珍惜我们的友谊。
3. Your friendship is a gift I treasure every day. - 你的友谊是我每天珍惜的礼物。
4. I am grateful for your kindness and support, you mean a lot to me. - 我感激你的善良和支持,你对我来说意义重大。
5. A friend like you is a blessing in my life. - 像你这样的朋友是我生命中的祝福。
6. Our friendship is a bond that cannot be broken. - 我们的友谊是一种无法打破的纽带。
7. You make my world brighter just by being in it. - 你的存在让我的世界变得更加明亮。
8. The memories we share will always hold a special place in my heart. - 我们分享的回忆将永远在我心中占据一个特殊的位置。
9. I am lucky to have a friend like you by my side. - 我很幸运有一个像你这样的朋友在我身边。
10. You are not just a friend, you are family to me. - 你不仅是我的朋友,你对我来说就像家人一样。
1.3英文释义:A person whom one knows and with whom one has a bond of mutual affection.1.4相关词汇:pal(伙伴、好友,比较口语化的同义词)、buddy(好朋友,口语用词)panion(同伴、伙伴,比较正式)、acquaintance(熟人,有相识之意,关系不如friend亲近)。
2 起源与背景2.1词源:“friend”源自古英语“frēond”,它的原始含义与“爱”有关,经过长时间的演变,成为现代英语中表示朋友的单词。
3 常用搭配与短语3.1短语:(1) best friend:最好的朋友例句:My best friend always stands by my side when I'm in trouble.翻译:当我遇到麻烦时,我最好的朋友总是站在我身边。
(2) old friend:老朋友例句:I ran into an old friend at the supermarket yesterday.翻译:我昨天在超市碰到了一位老朋友。
(3) make friends:交朋友例句:It's easy to make friends in a new environment if you are friendly.翻译:如果你很友善,在新环境中很容易交到朋友。
(4) close friend:亲密的朋友例句:She shares all her secrets with her close friends.翻译:她和她的亲密朋友分享所有的秘密。
下面店铺为大家带来好朋友的英语意思和相关用法,欢迎大家一起学习!好朋友的英语意思good friend好朋友的英语例句我们好朋友的去世使我们很难过。
We were desolated by the death of our good friend.谢谢你,你真是我的好朋友,在我有困难的时候你总是鼓励我。
You are my real friend. You always cheer me up when I have a problem.我现在有那么多好朋友在那儿。
...I have so many good friends there now.我们必须做什么成为地球的好朋友?What must we do to be good friends of the Earth?谢谢你,我的好朋友。
Thank you, my good friend.谢谢你,你真是我的好朋友,在我有困难的时候你总是鼓励我。
Thank you. You are my real friend. You always cheer me up when I have a problem.我喜欢我的学校。
I love my school. I have so many good friends there now.她遇到了一个叛逆的男孩,他认为自己很不错。
She meets a rebel boy who thinks he is all man, they become fast friends and she fell in love with him.直到有一天,我和一个好朋友一起去买东西,看到她以自己的方式对任何商品都进行杀价。
One day I went shopping with a good friend of mine, andwatched her negotiate her way tolower prices on everything.我们测试询问工人是否在工作中有一个朋友?是否在工作中有一个好朋友?We tested asking workers if they had a friend at work, if they had a good friend at work.好朋友的双语例句1. That evening, I gave a dinner party for a few close friends.那天晚上,我设宴招待几位好朋友。