英文医学课件:10 血管生理学

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Resistance of blood flow
Poiseuille Law: Q=pDPr4/8hL
h: viscosity r: radius of the vessel L: length of the vessel
R= 8hL/pr4
Jean Louis Marie Poiseuille \pwä-'zəi\ (April 22, 1799 - December 26, 1869) was a French physician and physiologist. Poiseuille was born in Paris, France. From 1815 to 1816 he studied at the École Polytechnique in Paris. He was trained in physics and mathematics. In 1828 he earned his D.Sc. degree with a dissertation entitled Recherches sur la force du coeur aortique. He was interested in the flow of human blood in narrow tubes.
Movement of blood into and out of the arteries during the cardiac cycle
Arterial pulse(动脉脉搏)
In response to the pulsatile contraction of the heart:
To estimate systolic and diastolic pressures, pressure is released from an inflatable cuff on the upper arm while listening as blood flow returns to the lower arm.
Systolic pressure (SP,收缩压): the maximum arterial pressure reached during peak ventricular ejection
Diastolic pressure (DP,舒张压): the minimum arterial pressure just before ventricular ejection begins
• Elastic vessels
• Blood volume
1 5
3 2
The blood moved in a single heart contraction stretches out the arteries, so that their recoil continues to push on the blood, keeping it moving during diastole.
r: main determinant of blood flow
Baidu Nhomakorabea
Arterial blood pressure(动脉血压)
Blood pressure measurement
1. Direct (invasive) measurement technique
2. Indirect (non-invasive) measurement technique
pulses of pressure move throughout the vasculature, decreasing in amplitude with distance
Clinical Application of Arterial Pulse
Systematic examination of pulses:
Vascular Physiology
• Blood flow Q= DP/R = (P1-P2)/R
Q: cardiac output, 5 L/min R: total peripheral resistance PA: aortic pressure
我国四次高血压患病率调查结 果
Factors affecting arterial blood pressure
• Stroke volume • Heart rate
Ventricular ejection
• Peripheral resistance
The joint National Committee on Prevention, Detection, Evaluation, and Treatment of High Blood Pressure
Which and what order? 1. Radial artery
Where and how?
•Radial side of wrist. •With tips of index and middle fingers.
2. Brachial artery
•Medial border of humerus at elbow medial to biceps tendon. •Either with thumb of examiner's right hand or index and middle of left hand.
Pulse pressure (PP,脉压): the difference between SP and DP
Mean arterial pressure (MAP, 平均动脉压): the average pressure in the cardiac cycle (=DP+1/3PP)
Mean arterial pressure (MAP)