Induction of p21 by p65 in p53 null cells treated with Doxorubicin
Aromatic Hydrocarbon Receptor(AhR)⅐AhR NuclearTranslocator-and p53-mediated Induction of theMurine Multidrug Resistance mdr1Gene by3-Methylcholanthrene and Benzo(a)pyrene in Hepatoma Cells*Received for publication,September18,2000,and in revised form,November10,2000Published,JBC Papers in Press,November28,2000,DOI10.1074/jbc.M008495200Marie-Claude Mathieu,Isabelle Lapierre,Karine Brault‡,and Martine Raymond§From the Institut de Recherches Cliniques de Montre´al,Montre´al,Que´bec H2W1R7,CanadaThe mouse multidrug resistance gene family consists of three genes(mdr1,mdr2,and mdr3)encoding P-gly-coprotein.We show that the expression of mdr1is in-creased at the transcriptional level upon treatment of the hepatoma cell line Hepa-1c1c7with the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon3-methylcholanthrene(3-MC). This increase is not observed in the aromatic hydrocar-bon receptor(AhR)-defective TAOc1BP r c1and the AhR nuclear translocator(Arnt)-defective BP r c1variants, demonstrating that the induction of mdr1by3-MC re-quires AhR⅐Arnt.We show that the mdr1promoter (؊1165to؉84)is able to activate the expression of a reporter gene in response to3-MC in Hepa-1c1c7but not in BP r c1cells.Deletion analysis indicated that the re-gion from؊245to؊141contains cis-acting sequences mediating the induction,including a potential p53bind-ing sequence.3-MC treatment of the cells increased the levels of p53and induced p53binding to the mdr1pro-moter in an AhR⅐Arnt-dependent manner.Mutations in the p53binding site abrogated induction of mdr1by 3-MC,indicating that p53binding to the mdr1promoter is essential for the induction.Benzo(a)pyrene,a polycy-clic aromatic hydrocarbon and AhR ligand,which,like 3-MC,is oxidized by metabolizing enzymes regulated by AhR⅐Arnt,also activated p53and induced mdr1tran-scription.2,3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin,an AhR ligand resistant to metabolic breakdown,had no effect. These results indicate that the transcriptional induc-tion of mdr1by3-MC and benzo(a)pyrene is directly mediated by p53but that the metabolic activation of these compounds into reactive species is necessary to trigger p53activation.The ability of the anticancer drug and potent genotoxic agent daunorubicin to induce mdr1independently of AhR⅐Arnt further supports the proposition that mdr1is transcriptionally up-regulated by p53in response to DNA damage.Multidrug resistance(MDR)1is characterized by cross-resis-tance of the cells to a large number of structurally and func-tionally unrelated cytotoxic agents used in chemotherapy.In cultured cells,MDR is frequently caused by the overexpression of P-glycoprotein(Pgp),an integral membrane protein belong-ing to the ATP-binding cassette superfamily of transporters and which functions as an energy-dependent efflux pump of cytotoxic drugs(1,2).Pgp is encoded by a small family of genes with two members in humans(MDR1and MDR2/MDR3)and three in rodents(mdr1/mdr1b,mdr2,and mdr3/mdr1a)(1,2). Only one human gene(MDR1)and two rodent genes(mdr1/ mdr1b and mdr3/mdr1a)can confer MDR upon overexpression in drug-sensitive cells(1,2).The different mdr genes and Pgp isoforms are expressed in a tissue-specific manner(1,2).In the mouse,mdr1is expressed mostly in the adrenal cortex,kidney,and pregnant uterus, mdr2in the liver at the canalicular face,and mdr3in the intestine and to a lesser extent in the heart,liver,lung,and capillaries of the brain(3).Pgps are localized on the apical membrane of epithelial cells lining luminal spaces,suggesting that they function in normal tissues as transporters of toxic substances and/or specific endogenous cellular products(4). Knockout mice experiments have demonstrated a role for the mdr3gene in the maintenance of the blood-brain barrier and drug elimination and for the mdr2gene in the transport of phospholipids in the bile(5,6).No physiological function has been attributed to the mouse mdr1gene so far,since knockout mdr1(Ϫ/Ϫ)mice display no obvious physiological abnormali-ties(7).However,different experimental evidence indicates that Pgp encoded by mdr1can serve in the transport of steroids(8).A number of factors have been found to modulate the level of mdr gene expression in the liver.For example,high levels of MDR1RNA have been found in human hepatocarcinomas,and overexpression of the mdr1isoforms has also been observed in rodent liver during cholestasis,during regeneration following partial hepatectomy,during chemically induced hepatocarcino-genesis,and following administration of various natural and synthetic xenobiotics(1,2).In particular,it has been shown that expression of the rat mdr1b gene is increased in liver cells in response to treatment with various polycyclic aromatic hy-*This work was supported by a research grant from the Cancer Research Society Inc.(to M.R).The costs of publication of this article were defrayed in part by the payment of page charges.This article must therefore be hereby marked“advertisement”in accordance with18 U.S.C.Section1734solely to indicate this fact.‡Supported by a studentship from the Medical Research Council ofCanada.Present address:Dept.of Biological Sciences,Bio-Mega Re-search Division,Boehringer Ingelheim(Canada)Ltd.,Laval,Que´bec H7S2G5,Canada.§Supported by a scholarship from Le Fonds de la recherche en sante´du Que´bec.To whom correspondence should be addressed:Institut de recherches cliniques de Montre´al,110Pine Ave.W.,Montre´al,Que´bec H2W1R7,Canada.Tel.:514-987-5770;Fax:514-987-5764;E-mail: abbreviations used are:MDR,multidrug resistance;Pgp,P-glycoprotein;3-MC,3-methylcholanthrene;B(a)P,benzo(a)pyrene; TCDD,2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin;DN,daunorubicin;CAT, chloramphenicol acetyl transferase;AhR,aromatic hydrocarbon recep-tor;Arnt,AhR nuclear translocator;EMSA,electrophoretic mobility shift assay;DME,drug metabolizing enzymes;PAH polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon;XRE,xenobiotic response element;bp,base pair(s);kb, kilobase pair(s).T HE J OURNAL OF B IOLOGICAL C HEMISTRY Vol.276,No.7,Issue of February16,pp.4819–4827,2001©2001by The American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology,Inc.Printed in U.S.A.This paper is available on line at 4819 at ZHEJIANG UNIVERSITY, on November 21, Downloaded fromdrocarbon(PAH)compounds,including3-methylcholanthrene (3-MC),and that this increased expression occurs at the tran-scriptional level(9–11).However,the precise molecular mech-anisms involved in mdr1b regulation in response to3-MC are still unknown.PAHs are carcinogenic compounds arising from the incom-plete combustion of organic matter and are widespread in the environment,including tobacco smoke and tar.PAHs such as 3-MC and benzo(a)pyrene(B(a)P)as well as halogenated aro-matic hydrocarbons such as2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-di-oxin(TCDD)are specific inducers of genes coding for drug-metabolizing enzymes(DME),including cyp1a1and cyp1a2, that code for cytochromes P450involved in metabolic oxidation (12).PAHs and TCDD bind in the cytoplasm to the aromatic hydrocarbon receptor(AhR),a member of the bHLH-PAS(basic helix-loop-helix Per-Arnt-Sim)family of transcription factors (12,13).The ligand-bound AhR translocates to the nucleus, where it binds as a heterodimer with the AhR nuclear trans-locator(Arnt;another bHLH-PAS protein)to specific cis-acting regulatory DNA sequences located in the promoter of its tar-gets(known as AH-,dioxin-,or xenobiotic-responsive elements (or AHRE,DRE,or XRE,respectively))to enhance their tran-scription(12,13).Given that mdr1b expression is increased in liver cells in response to treatment with various PAHs,it was postulated that mdr1b may be under the control of the AhR(9). However,studies failing to show mdr1induction in the liver of mice treated with TCDD,one of the most potent agonists of the AhR,suggested that mdr1expression was not regulated by AhR(14).The involvement of AhR in the regulation of mdr1 has so far remained controversial.The mouse hepatoma cell lines Hepa-1c1c7(wild type), TAOc1BP r c1(AhR-defective),and BP r c1(Arnt-defective)con-stitute a powerful experimental system to investigate the tran-scriptional regulation of different AhR⅐Arnt targets in response to xenobiotics(12).The two mutant cell lines were derived as B(a)P-resistant variants of Hepa-1c1c7and were identified based on their inability to induce aryl hydrocarbon hydroxylase activity in response to TCDD treatment(15).TAOc1BP r c1cells have a decreased level of AhR(ϳ10%of wild-type cells)and therefore decreased induction of the cyp1a1promoter and lower aryl hydrocarbon hydroxylase activity in response to TCDD and other AhR ligands(15–18).BP r c1cells have a nor-mal cytosolic AhR,which fails to accumulate in the nucleus because of a defective Arnt(15).They have virtually no basal or inducible levels of cyp1a1expression and aryl hydrocarbon hydroxylase activity(15–17).In the present report,we have used this panel of cell lines to investigate the transcriptional regulation of the murine mdr1 gene by3-MC and other xenobiotic compounds.Our results demonstrate that mdr1is transcriptionally induced by3-MC and B(a)P and that this induction is mediated by p53but also requires AhR⅐Arnt.A model for the AhR⅐Arnt-and p53-medi-ated transactivation of mdr1in response to genotoxic stress is proposed.EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURESCell Culture—Wild-type Hepa-1c1c7and Hepa1–6,AhR-defective TAOc1BP r c1,and Arnt-defective BP r c1cells were obtained from the American Type Culture Collection(ATCC;Manassas,VA)and main-tained in culture under the conditions recommended by the ATCC. Chinese hamster ovary LR73cell lines stably transfected with plasmid constructs carrying full-length cDNAs for the mouse mdr1,mdr2,or mdr3genes(LR73mdr1,LR73mdr2,and LR73mdr3,respectively;a gift from Dr.Philippe Gros,McGill University,Montre´al,Canada)were grown as described elsewhere(19,20).For inductions,cells atϳ50% confluence were exposed to different concentrations of xenobiotics for various periods of time(the exact conditions for each experiment are indicated in the figure legends).3-MC,B(a)P,and daunorubicin were obtained from Sigma,and TCDD was obtained from the Centre d’expertise en analyze environnementale du Que´bec(Laval,Canada).Stock solutions of3-MC(5m M)and B(a)P(25m M)were prepared in Me2SO,and the stock solutions of daunorubicin(1mg/ml)were pre-pared in water.TCDD was obtained in n-nonane at a concentration of 50g/ml and was stored at room temperature.Stock solutions of3-MC, B(a)P,and daunorubicin were stored atϪ80°C.RNA Preparation—Total RNA was prepared from3-MC-treated and untreated hepatocytes as well as from the LR73mdr1,LR73mdr2,and LR73mdr3cell lines by homogenizing the cells in a solution containing guanidium hydrochloride(6M)followed by sequential ethanol precipi-tation,as described previously(21).RNase Protection Assay—The plasmid constructed to detect the mdr1 RNA consisted of a165-bp Bam HI fragment isolated from the mdr1 cDNA(positions1926–2090relative to the ATG initiation codon(22)), blunt-ended with T4DNA polymerase,and cloned into plasmid pGEM-7Z(Promega,Madison,WI)at the Sma I site,giving plasmid pmdr1-G7.This plasmid was linearized with Eco RI and used as a template to synthesize an antisense mdr1probe using SP6RNA polym-erase(Amersham Pharmacia Biotech).The pKX10–3Z plasmid consist-ing of an Xba I–Kpn I mouse-actin cDNA fragment(positions724–969 in the-actin cDNA)cloned into pGEM-3Z at the Xba I and Kpn I sites (kindly provided by Dr.Rashmi Kothary,Institut du cancer de Mon-tre´al,Montre´al,Canada)was used to generate a control actin probe. pKX10–3Z was linearized with Xba I and used to synthesize an anti-sense actin RNA probe with T7RNA polymerase.The riboprobes were synthesized in the presence of[␣-32P]UTP,and the RNase protection assay was performed according to standard protocols(23).Nuclear Run-on Transcription Assay—The run-on experiment was performed essentially as described by Fisher et al.(24).Nuclei wereisolated from Hepa-1c1c7cells treated with Me2SO or with3-MC(5M) for48h and were used to label nascent RNAs with[␣-32P]UTP.Plas-mids pVT101-U/mdr1,carrying the full-length mouse mdr1cDNA(25); pmP1450–3Ј,carrying a1.2-kb Pst I cDNA fragment overlapping part of the mouse cyp1a1cDNA(26)(obtained from the ATCC);and pKX10–3Z were linearized with Stu I,Bam HI,and Xba I,respectively.The linear-ized plasmids were denatured,immobilized in duplicate onto a nylon membrane,and hybridized with the[␣-32P]UTP-labeled RNAs for48h at65°C.The membranes were washed and exposed for7days with two intensifying screens.Slot Blot Analyses—Slot blotting was performed as previously de-scribed(21).RNA samples(10g)were denatured in7ϫSSC-7.5% formaldehyde for15min at65°C and applied to a nylon membrane (Zeta-Probe).Detection of specific RNAs was performed by hybridiza-tion at65°C in0.5M NaPO4,pH7.2,1m M EDTA,7%SDS,1%bovine serum albumin,and100g/ml salmon sperm DNA with32P-labeled DNA probes.The mdr1probe was a4.2-kb Sph I–Eco RI fragment over-lapping the full-length mouse mdr1cDNA,isolated from plasmid pGEM7/mdr1(a gift from Dr.Philippe Gros,McGill University,Mon-tre´al);the cyp1a1probe was a 1.2-kb Pst I fragment isolated from plasmid pmP1450–3Ј;and the actin probe was a245-bp Xba I–Kpn I fragment isolated from pKX10–3Z.The membranes were washed twiceat65°C with a solution containing40m M NaPO4,pH7.2,5%SDS,1 m M EDTA,0.5%bovine serum albumin and twice with a solutioncontaining40m M NaPO4,pH7.2,5%SDS,and1m M EDTA before autoradiography.Chloramphenicol Acetyl Transferase(CAT)Expression Plasmids—Plasmid pMcat5.9consists of a482-bp DNA fragment containing the dioxin-responsive elements of the cyp1a1gene cloned upstream of the mouse mammary tumor virus promoter and the CAT gene(24)(kindly provided by Dr.Allan Okey,University of Toronto).Plasmids pmdr1, p-452,p-245,p-141,and p-93(previously referred to as pSacICAT, pExo6CAT,pExo2CAT,pExo1CAT,and pAluCAT,respectively)have been described elsewhere(27).The mdr1promoter sequence in these constructs ends at positionϩ84with respect to the transcription start site(27).To produce the p53mutant constructs,pM1and pM2,plasmid pSBM13was used.This plasmid consists of a1.2-kb Sac I–Hin dIII mdr1 promoter fragment(positionsϪ1165toϩ84)cloned into M13mp18. Single-stranded DNA was prepared from pSBM13and used as a tem-plate to perform site-directed mutagenesis of the p53binding site,using the mutant oligonucleotides M15Ј-TACCTGAA T AC A TAAAGACA and M25Ј-CGTAAAGA T AA A TCTATGTA(the base changes are shown in boldface type).The resulting M1and M2mdr1promoter fragments were then excised from pSBM13with Sac I and Hin dIII,blunt-ended with T4DNA polymerase,and cloned into plasmid pCAT at the Hin dIII site also blunt-ended with T4DNA polymerase,yielding plasmids pM1 and pM2.The presence of the mutations in the resulting constructs was confirmed by DNA sequencing.Transient Transfections and CAT Assays—Cells were plated at aInduction of the Mouse mdr1Gene by PAHs4820at ZHEJIANG UNIVERSITY, on November 21, Downloaded fromdensity of 8ϫ105/60-mm plate and transfected on the following day with 10g of plasmid DNA,using a standard calcium phosphate pre-cipitation method (28).After incubation with the DNA precipitate for 16h,the cells were washed twice with phosphate-buffered saline and supplied with fresh medium containing the different xenobiotics.After 48h,the cells were collected.Cell extracts were prepared,and protein concentrations were determined by the Bradford method (29).CAT activities were assayed by standard protocols as described previously,using 2g of proteins (27).Preparation of Nuclear Extracts—Nuclear extracts were prepared according to Schreiber et al .(30),with some modifications.Cells were harvested in cold phosphate-buffered saline,0.6m M EDTA and col-lected by centrifugation.The cell pellets were resuspended in 400l of ice-cold buffer A (10m M Tris,pH 8.0,10m M KCl,0.1m M EDTA,0.1m M EGTA,1m M dithiothreitol)containing 0.5m M phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride,10g/ml aprotinin,1g/ml pepstatin,and 5g/ml leupeptin and swelled on ice for 15min.Subsequently,25l of 10%Nonidet P-40were added,and the tubes were vortexed vigorously.The nuclear pellets were collected by centrifugation and resuspended in 100l of cold buffer C (20m M Tris,pH 8.0,400m M NaCl,1m M EDTA,1m M EGTA,1m M dithiothreitol)in the presence of protease inhibitors.The suspen-sions were shaken vigorously at 4°C for 1h and centrifuged for 15min at 4°C,and the supernatants were frozen in aliquots at Ϫ80°C.Proteinconcentrations were determined by the Bradford method (29).ElectrophoreticMobility Shift Assay—Oligonucleotides overlapping the potential p53binding site in the mdr1promoter (5Ј-GAACACGTA-AAGACAAGTCTAT)and the p53consensus sequence in the p21waf1/cip1promoter (5Ј-GAACATGTCCCAACATGTTGAG)(31)were end-labeled with ␥-32P using T4polynucleotide kinase and annealed to their respec-tive in a M M 2.5m M dithiothreitol,4%Ficoll,1g of poly(dI-dC),and 20,000cpm of radiolabeled probe.The binding reactions were carried out at room temperature for 15min.Where needed,1g of the monoclonal anti-p53antibody pAb421(32)(Calbiochem)or of the polyclonal anti-Jun or anti-Skn-1antibodies (Santa Cruz Biotechnology,Inc.,Santa Cruz,CA)was added,and the incubation was continued for an additional 15min.The complexes were separated on 5%nondenaturing polyacrylamide gels in 1ϫTBE (90m M Tris,65m M boric acid,2.5m M EDTA,pH 8.0)at 200V.The gels were exposed to XAR films (Eastman Kodak Co.)for 16h with two intensifying screens at Ϫ80°C.Western Blotting—Total proteins from 3-MC-or Me 2SO-treated Hepa-1c1c7and BP r c1cells were extracted in ice-cold buffer (10m M Tris-HCl,pH 8.0,150m M NaCl,1m M EDTA,1%Nonidet P-40,and 1%sodium deoxycholate)containing 10g/ml leupeptin,10g/ml aproti-nin,1M sodium orthovanadate,and 1m M phenylmethylsulfonyl flu-oride.Total proteins (75g/sample)or nuclear extracts (30g/sample)were separated by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis on a 10%acrylamide gel,transferred to a nitrocellulose membrane,and analyzed with the monoclonal anti-p53antibody pAb421(32)(Calbiochem)at a concentration of 5g/ml.Immune complexes were revealed by incuba-tion with a goat anti-mouse IgG antibody coupled to alkaline phospha-tase (Bio-Rad)and developed with 5-bromo-4-chloro-3-indolylphosphate p -toluidine salt and nitro blue tetrazolium chloride substrates as rec-ommended by the manufacturer (Life Technologies,Inc.).RESULTSTranscriptional Induction of the Mouse mdr1Gene by 3-MC in Hepatoma Cells—We have used an RNase protection assay to study the expression of mdr1in the hepatoma cell line Hepa-1c1c7upon exposure to 3-MC (Fig.1).An mdr1-specific riboprobe was prepared by cloning into pGEM7-Zf a mouse mdr1cDNA fragment overlapping the linker region of the protein,this domain displaying the lowest sequence homology among the three mouse mdr cDNAs (21).When tested with RNA prepared from LR73stable transfectants expressing each of the three mouse mdr cDNAs,the mdr1riboprobe was found to recognize the mdr1RNA but not the mdr2or mdr3RNA,thus confirming its specificity (Fig.1,top right ).The mdr1probe was then used with RNA from Hepa-1c1c7cells treated or not with 3-MC (Fig.1,top left ).This experiment showed that the amount of mdr1RNA detected is very low in untreated cells but is strongly increased in 3-MC-treated cells,demonstrating that expression of the mouse mdr1gene is induced by 3-MCtreatment.The use of an actin probe confirmed that equal quantities of RNA were used in the assay (Fig.1,bottom ).A similar experiment performed with mdr2-and mdr3-specific riboprobes showed that the expression of these genes is not induced under such conditions,demonstrating that the induc-tion of mdr1expression by 3-MC is isoform-specific (data not shown).A nuclear run-on experiment was performed to determine whether mdr1induction by 3-MC occurs at the transcriptional level (Fig.2).In addition to the mouse mdr1cDNA,cDNAs for the mouse cyp1a1gene (known to be transcriptionally regu-lated by 3-MC (12))and for the actin gene were also included as positive and negative controls,respectively.The data in Fig.2show that 3-MC induces an increase in the rate of mdr1mRNA synthesis,indicating that 3-MC acts at the transcriptional level to induce mdr1gene expression in Hepa-1c1c7cells.AhR ⅐Arnt-dependent Induction of mdr1Expression by 3-MC—To determine whether the increase in mdr1expression in response to 3-MC exposure is AhR ⅐Arnt-mediated,we ana-lyzed the mdr1RNA levels upon 3-MC treatment in two wild-type hepatoma cell lines Hepa-1c1c7and Hepa 1–6and in two variant cell lines derived from Hepa-1c1c7,TAOc1BP r c1(AhR-defective)and BP r c1(Arnt-defective)(15)(Fig.3).As controls,we also analyzed the level of cyp1a1and actin expression under the same conditions (Fig.3,middle and right ,respectively).This experiment showed that mdr1is expressed at low levels in the four cell lines in the absence of 3-MC induction (Fig.3,left panel ).Upon 3-MC treatment,the expression of mdr1is in-duced in the two wild-type hepatoma cell lines (by ϳ5-fold),this induction being completely abrogated in the AhR-defective or in the Arnt-defective variants (Fig.3,left panel ).The actin control probe confirmed that equal amounts of RNA had been applied to the membrane (Fig.3,right panel ).These data clearly demonstrate that the induction of mdr1in response to 3-MC requires an intact AhR ⅐Arnt complex,like cyp1a1(Fig.3,middle )(12).The Mouse mdr1Promoter Confers 3-MC-regulated Expres-sion in an AhR ⅐Arnt-dependent Manner—To determine if reg-ulatory sequences responsible for mdr1induction by 3-MC are present in the promoter region of the gene,plasmid pmdr1,consisting of a 1.2-kb Sac I–Hin dIII DNA fragment overlapping the mdr1promoter region (positions Ϫ1165to ϩ84with respect to the transcription start site (27))fused to the CAT reporter gene,was analyzed in transient transfection experiments.Plasmid pMcat5.9,which consists of a 482-bp fragment derived from the cyp1a1promoter fused to the mouse mammary tumorF IG .1.Increased mdr1expression in Hepa-1c1c7upon 3-MC treatment.The expression of mdr1was analyzed by RNase protection assay.Total RNAs (45g)from Hepa-1c1c7cells treated with 5M 3-MC (ϩMC )or with Me 2SO (ϪMC )for 56h and from the control cell lines LR73/mdr1,LR73/mdr2,and LR73/mdr3were analyzed with an mdr1riboprobe,which protects a 169-nt fragment within the mdr1transcript,or with a -actin riboprobe,which protects a 245-nt actin transcript fragment.Autoradiography was for 15h with two intensify-ing screens (mdr1)or for 5h without intensifying screens (actin ).Induction of the Mouse mdr1Gene by PAHs4821at ZHEJIANG UNIVERSITY, on November 21, 2012 Downloaded fromvirus promoter and to the CAT gene (24),as well as the empty pCAT vector were also included as positive and negative con-trols,respectively.The three plasmids were transiently trans-fected into Hepa-1c1c7and BP r c1cells.The cells were treated with 3-MC or with Me 2SO for 48h,and the cellular extracts were prepared and assayed for CAT activity.This experiment showed that the mdr1promoter is transcriptionally active in Hepa-1c1c7cells and BP r c1cells,since it can drive the expres-sion of the CAT gene in both cell lines,albeit at low levels (Fig.4).This result is consistent with the basal level of expression of mdr1detected by slot blot analysis in these cells (Fig.3).3-MC treatment of the Hepa-1c1c7cells transfected with pmdr1re-sulted in a 10-fold induction in CAT activity as compared with untreated cells,reaching levels of CAT activity similar to those detected in the Hepa-1c1c7pMcat5.9transfectants upon 3-MC treatment.However,this induction was completely abrogated in BP r c1cells (Fig.4),consistent with the lack of mdr1induc-tion at the RNA level observed in the slot blot assay (Fig.3).Similar results were obtained upon transfection in TAOc1BP r c1cells (data not shown).These results,showing that the mdr1promoter is able to activate the expression of the reporter gene in response to 3-MC in Hepa-1c1c7but not in BP r c1and TAOc1BP r c1cells,demonstrate that (i)the mdr1promoter is able to confer 3-MC-mediated transcriptional acti-vation;(ii)this activation requires a functional AhR ⅐Arnt com-plex;and (iii)the sequences mediating this induction are lo-cated between positions Ϫ1165and ϩ84in the mdr1promoter.Two Putative XREs Located in the mdr1Promoter Are Dis-pensable for the Induction of mdr1by 3-MC—The AhR ⅐Arnt transcriptional complex binds to a specific DNA sequence,5Ј-(A/T)NGCGTG,known as an XRE to activate transcription (12).XREs render heterologous promoters responsive to xeno-biotics and function in a position-and orientation-independent manner (33,34).Examination of the mdr1promoter sequence indicated the presence of two potential XREs in an inverted orientation in the distal portion of the promoter at positionsϪ1129and Ϫ620(5Ј-CACGCAT and 5Ј-CACGCAA,respective-ly).To identify the cis -acting sequences responsible for the induction of mdr1by 3-MC and to investigate the possible involvement of these putative XREs,we analyzed the tran-scriptional activity of a series of mdr1promoter 5Ј-deletion CAT constructs after transient transfection into Hepa-1c1c7and treatment of the resulting transfectants with 3-MC (Fig.5A ).3-MC treatment of Hepa-1c1c7cells transfected with plas-mids p-452or p-245resulted in a level of CAT induction similar to that observed in cells transfected with plasmid pmdr1car-rying the full-length promoter,indicating that sequences lo-cated within positions Ϫ1165to Ϫ245are dispensable for the induction of mdr1by 3-MC,including the two putative XREs as well as a potential AP-1binding site (5Ј-TGACTCA;positions Ϫ265to Ϫ255(35))(Fig.5,B and C ).However,further deletion of a 104-bp region down to position Ϫ141(p Ϫ141)was found to greatly diminish the induction of CAT activity by 3-MC (Fig.5,B and C ),demonstrating that sequences important for the induction are located between positions Ϫ245and Ϫ141.CAT activity in the absence of 3-MC was reduced in the p Ϫ141transfectants when compared with the p Ϫ245transfectants,indicating that sequences between positions Ϫ245and Ϫ141are also involved in the basal transcriptional activity of the mdr1promoter in hepatoma cells.Finally,we found that alowF IG .2.Nuclear run-on experiment.Nuclei were isolated from Hepa-1c1c7cells treated with 5M 3-MC (ϩMC )or with Me 2SO (ϪMC )for 48h.Nascent RNAs were radiolabeled with [␣-32P]UTP and used to probe duplicate nylon membranes on which denatured cDNAs for mdr1,cyp1a1,and actin had been immobilized.The membranes were washed and exposed for 7days with two intensifyingscreens.F IG .3.AhR ⅐Arnt-dependent induction of mdr1expression by 3-MC.Total RNAs (10g)from wild-type Hepa-1c1c7and Hepa 1–6,AhR-defective TAOc1BP r c1,and Arnt-defective BP r c1cells treated (ϩMC )or not treated (ϪMC )with 3-MC at 5M for 56h were applied onto a nylon membrane.The membrane was hybridized sequentially with an mdr1(left ),a cyp1a1(middle ),and a -actin (right )probe.Autoradiography was for 18h (mdr1and cyp1a1)or for 2h (actin)with two intensifyingscreens.F IG .4.AhR ⅐Arnt-dependent induction of the mdr1promoter by 3-MC.Plasmids pCAT (no promoter),pmdr1(mdr1promoter from position Ϫ1165to ϩ84),and pMcat5.9(pMcat;482-bp fragment from the cyp1a1promoter fused to the mouse mammary tumor virus pro-moter)were transiently transfected into Hepa-1c1c7and BP r c1cells by the calcium phosphate method.The cells were then treated with 3-MC (5M )or Me 2SO for 48h.Total cellular extracts were prepared,and equal quantities of proteins (2g)were assayed for CAT activity.A ,autoradiogram of a representative CAT assay,showing the activity of plasmids pCAT,pmdr1and pMcat in Hepa-1c1c7and BP r c1cells treated (ϩ)or not treated (Ϫ)with 3-MC (MC ).The position of the [14C]chloramphenicol (CM )and of its acetylated products (AcCM )is indicated on the left .B ,quantitative analysis of CAT activities.The percentage of conversion of [14C]chloramphenicol to its acetylated de-rivatives was quantitated by liquid scintillation counting.Open bars ,ϪMC ;filled bars ,ϩMC .The results presented are the averages of three independent transfections performed in duplicate.S.D.values are rep-resented by the bars .Induction of the Mouse mdr1Gene by PAHs4822 at ZHEJIANG UNIVERSITY, on November 21, 2012 Downloaded from。
细胞周期蛋白依赖性蛋白激酶5 在中枢神经系统发育和神经退行性疾病中的作用
细胞周期蛋白依赖性蛋白激酶5在中枢神经系统发育和神经退行性疾病中的作用陈洁,王中峰*复旦大学脑科学研究院,神经生物学研究所,医学神经生物学国家重点实验室,上海 200032摘要: 脯氨酸引导的丝/苏氨酸蛋白酶——细胞周期蛋白依赖性蛋白激酶5 (cyclin-dependent kinase 5, Cdk5)是细胞周期素依赖的蛋白酶家族中一个特殊成员。
此外,在一些病理条件下,p35的病理性剪切和Cdk5/p25的形成所导致的Cdk5活性失调及其亚细胞分布改变则促进了神经元的凋亡或死亡,参与了阿尔茨海默氏病(Alzheimer’s disease, AD)、帕金森氏病(Parkinson’s disease, PD)、亨廷顿氏病(Huntington’s disease, HD)以及脊髓侧索硬化症(amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, ALS)等众多神经退行性疾病的发生发展过程。
关键词:细胞周期蛋白依赖性蛋白激酶5;p35;p25;突触传递;突触可塑性;神经元存活;神经元死亡;神经退行性疾病中图分类号: R363.1+3; R363.2+1Roles of cyclin-dependent kinase 5 in central nervous system development and neurodegenerative diseasesCHEN Jie, WANG Zhong-Feng*Institutes of Brain Science, Institute of Neurobiology and State Key Laboratory of Medical Neurobiology, Fudan University, Shanghai 200032, ChinaAbstract: Cyclin-dependent kinase 5 (Cdk5) is a proline-directed serine/threonine kinase, and plays multiple roles in neuron develop-ment and synaptic plasticity. The active form of Cdk5 is found primarily in the central nervous system (CNS) due to its activator proteins p35 or p39 ubiquitously expressed in neuronal cells. Normally, the transcription and activity of Cdk5 are strictly regulated by several ways. In the physiological condition, Cdk5 plays a key role in the CNS development by phosphorylating the specific serine or threonine site of numerous substrate proteins that are closely associated with the neuronal migration, synaptogenesis, synaptic transmission as well as synaptic plasticity. Under pathological conditions, p35 can be truncated into p25, which can strongly and consistently activate Cdk5, change the cellular localization of Cdk5 and lead to neuronal death ultimately. The increasing evidence has showed that Cdk5 is involved in the pathogenesis of many neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, Huntington’s disease and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis etc., indicating that Cdk5 may be a potential target in the treatment of the neurodegenerative diseases. In this article, we reviewed the recent progress regarding the roles of Cdk5 in CNS development and neurodegenerative diseases.Received 2010-06-30 Accepted 2010-07-30This work was supported by the National Basic Research Development Program of China (No. 2006CB500805, 2007CB512205), the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 30870803, 30930034, 30900427), Pujiang Talent Project of the Shanghai Science and Technology Committee (No. 08PJ14016 ), and the 211 Project of the Ministry of Education of China.*Corresponding author. Tel: +86-21-54237810; Fax: +86-21-54237643; E-mail: zfwang@Key words: cyclin-dependent kinase 5; p35; p25; synaptic transmission; synaptic plasticity; neuronal survival; neuronal death; neurodegenerative diseases1 引言细胞周期蛋白依赖性蛋白激酶5 (cyclin-depen-dent kinase 5, Cdk5)从1992年开始被多个实验室先后发现,并被予以不同的命名。
LYVE1+巨噬细胞在RA 患者关节滑膜组织中表达变化及对RA -FLS 细胞迁移、侵袭、FMT 的抑制作用李骁瀚,王洪星,王玺龙,赵娜,刘治璞,张义山东大学齐鲁医院检验科,济南250012摘要:目的 观察淋巴管内皮受体-1(LYVE1)+巨噬细胞在类风湿性关节炎(RA )患者关节滑膜组织中的表达变化及对RA 成纤维样滑膜细胞(RA -FLS )迁移、侵袭、向肌成纤维细胞转化(FMT )的抑制作用。
方法 采用免疫荧光染色法对45例RA 患者及45例骨关节炎(OA )患者滑膜组织LYVE1、CD68进行定性、定量检测。
取对数生长期人单核白血病细胞THP -1,在培养液中加入LYVE1过表达慢病毒,培养48 h 获得表达LYVE1的THP -1细胞,在表达LYVE1的THP -1细胞中加入100 ng /mL 的佛波酯(PMA )诱导培养48 h ,获得LYVE1+巨噬细胞;另取部分THP -1细胞,仅加入100 ng /mL 的PMA 诱导培养48 h 获得LYVE1-巨噬细胞。
取对数生长期人类风湿性关节炎成纤维细胞MH7A 分为LYVE1+巨噬细胞组、LYVE1-巨噬细胞组,分别加入LYVE1+巨噬细胞、LYVE1-巨噬细胞,另将仅含培养基的小室设为空白对照组,采用划痕实验观察各组细胞的迁移能力。
取MH7A 细胞分为A 组、B 组,分别加入LYVE1+巨噬细胞、LYVE1-巨噬细胞,将仅含培养基小室设为C 组,采用Transwell 侵袭实验观察各组细胞的侵袭能力。
取MH7A 细胞分为一组、二组,分别加入LYVE1+巨噬细胞、LYVE1-巨噬细胞,将仅含培养基小室设为空白组,培养48 h 时采用实时定量PCR 法检测各组MH7A 细胞FMT 相关基因(COL1A1 、fibronectin 、α-SMA )的mRNA 。
结果 RA 与OA 患者滑膜组织中LYVE1、CD68表达位置基本重叠;RA 与OA 患者滑膜组织LYVE1相对表达量分别为0.319 ± 0.033、1.000 ± 0.159,二者比较,P <0.05。
Promoter real time PCR
Rapid and Direct Quantitative RT-PCR Method To Measure Promoter Activity Lei Yu and Frederick E.Domann*Free Radical and Radiation Program,Radiation Oncology Department,B180ML,The University of Iowa,Iowa City,Iowa52242This Note describes a novel rapid and direct quantitative method for examining the activity ofgenetic response elements.This method will provide an alternative to the classically used“reportergene”activity assays.We show that a transfected genetic cis-regulatory element that respondsto the transcription factor p53gives a quantitative read-out at the RNA level that parallels thatof an endogenous p53responsive gene,p21waf1/cip1.The correlation between the endogenousp21gene expression in response to p53and the transfected cis element is remarkable.Thismethod is more direct and potentially faster than traditional promoter-reporter assays.IntroductionPromoter-reporter activity assays are a valuable and common method to characterize cis elements essential for controlling transcriptional activation of a target gene.These assays generally involve cloning the cis element into a plasmid to drive the expression of a reporter gene such as chloramphenicol acetyl-transferase(CAT)(1)or firefly luciferase(2),for which the enzymatic activity can be measured.These experiments are divided into two major steps.First,cells are co-transfected with two vectors,a reporter containing the cis element in question and a normalization vector,then the cells are treated and harvested,and the activities of both reporter and reference enzymes are measured.The final promoter activities are then typically presented as transfection normalized ratios of CAT/ -galactosidase(1)or firefly/Renilla luciferase(3)enzyme activities.Although these assays are powerful,they are hampered by several disadvantages.First,these assays operate under the assumption that transcriptional activity is directly related to the level of enzymatic activity of the reporters.Therefore any post-transcription effects such as availability of translational ma-chinery or the requirement for post-translational modification can confound the interpretation of results.Furthermore,the activity of the reporter protein can be affected by the cellular environment if the experiment involves treatment of the cells with agents or stresses that influence pH or redox state.Another problem faced by traditional reporter assays is that they require the cotransfection of multiple plasmids so the activity of the reporter containing the cis element can be effectively normalized for variations in transfection efficiency.This latter point assumes that cells receive an equal amount of both plasmids and leaves open the possibility that some cells may receive more reporter vector while others receive more normalizing vector or vice versa.Finally,this approach faces the problem of the strength of the transcriptional activity of the primary reporter plasmid. If the promoter has strong activity,the accumulation of the exogenous reporter gene products could cause cytotoxic effects. Conversely,if the reporter enzymatic activity is too low or the method to measure it is not sensitive enough,the results can also be skewed.In this study,we report a rapid and direct quantitative SYBR green(4)based RT-PCR method to measure promoter trans-activating activity.Materials and MethodsAs a demonstration of the technique,we used a well-known transcriptionally inducible system,p53/p21(5).The transcription of p21is induced by p53through a cis element(p53binding site)located∼2400bp upstream of the p21coding sequence. Therefore,a2500bp DNA fragment that contains the p53 binding site was PCR cloned from human keratinocyte genomic DNA with high fidelity DNA polymerase(Invitrogen).The2.5 kb PCR product was directly cloned into TOPO TA2.1vector (Invitrogen).The2.5kb p21promoter sequence was restricted from the TA vector with Xho1and Bam1and then subcloned into the multiple clone site of the pd2EGFP(Clontech)vector. The p53plasmid was kindly provided by Dawn Quelle,Ph.D. Human hepatocellular carcinoma cell line HepG2was cultured in Minimum Essential Medium(MEM)supplied with 10%FBS and5%penicillin/streptomycin at37°C5%CO2. Three groups of cells(Table1)were transfected with reporter, wild-type p53or empty vector using SuperFect transfection reagent(Qiagen)according to the manufacturer’s protocol.Total RNA was extracted48h later with RNeasy kit(Qiagen) according to the manufacturer’s protocol.A2µg sample of total RNA from each group was reverse transcribed to cDNA with High-Capacity cDNA Archive kit (ABI).The primer pair sequences for target genes are listed in Table2.The quantitative real-time PCR was set up as follow: cDNA reverse transcribed from100ng of RNA was used as template for each real-time PCR reaction;primer pairs at0.3µM;total reaction volume was25µL with12.5µL2×Syber Green Master Mix(ABI).The DNA polymerase was activated by heat at95°C for10min followed by40cycles,denaturing at95°C for15s,annealing and elongating at60°C for1min. Data were collected with ABI PRISM7000sequence detection system.*To whom correspondence should be addressed.Fax:1-319-335-8039. Email:frederick-domann@.1461Biotechnol.Prog.2006,22,1461−146310.1021/bp060102e CCC:$33.50©2006American Chemical Society and American Institute of Chemical EngineersPublished on Web08/02/2006ResultsDuring the PCR reactions,the fluorescent signals detected at each cycle were plotted against the cycle number (Figure 1).Threshold cycles (Ct)were determined from the amplification curves.The Ct values,plotted in Figure 2,demonstrate the rigorous correlations between the levels of p53and p21,p21and d2EGFP,and p53and d2EGFP.The amplification curves of kan r /neo r gene were virtually identical,indicating there was no significant inter-or intra-group difference of transfection efficiency.Both p21and d2EGFP expression were tightly correlated to the p53level (Figure 2a).Moreover,expression levels of d2EGFP were tightly correlated to the levels of both p21and p53(Figure 2b).DiscussionQuantitative real time PCR is a fast and accurate method with high sensitivity.Here we show that it can also be applied as anTable 1.Design of Transfection Experiments for Three Experiment Groupscontrolp531µg p534µg wt-p5301µg 4µg empty pcDNA 3.14µg 3µg 0µg EGFP reporter 1µg 1µg 1µg total5µg5µg5µgTable 2.RT-PCR Primersprimer sequenceEGFP 5′-AGC AGG ATG ATG GCA CGC T 5′-CCG CGC ATC TAC ACA TTG ATC Neo 5′-ATT CGA CCA CCA AGC GAA AC 5′-TTG AGC CTG GCG AAC AGT Tp535′-TGG CCA TCT ACA AGC AGT CAC A 5′-GCA AAT TTC CTT CCA CTC GGA T p215′-CAC CCT AGT TCT ACC TCA GGC A 5′-ACT CCC CCA TCA TAT ACCCCTFigure 1.Amplification curves for quantitative real time RT-PCR of d2EGFP (A),kan r /neo r (B),p53(C),and p21(D).HepG2cells were transfected as described in Table 2.Twenty-four hours later,total RNA was extracted and RT-PCR was performed.The point where the horizontal line crosses each amplification curve represents the threshold cycle (Ct)for eachreaction.Figure 2.mRNA expression levels of p21-promoter driven EGFP,p53,and endogenous p21were tightly correlated,indicating the robust utility of the assay system.(A)Increase of p53level caused increases of both p21and EGFP mRNA expression levels.The vertical error bars represent the standard deviation (SD)of p21and EGFP Ct values (n )3),respectively;the horizontal error bars represent the SD of p53Ct values (n )3).(B)The increase in p21promoter driven EGFP expression was representative of the increases in both p53and endogenous p21mRNA expression.The same Ct values in Figure 2a were replotted to show the tight correlation between EGFP/p21and EGFP/p53.The error bars represent the SD of Ct value on relative axis (n )3).effective method for quantitative analysis of gene promoteractivity.pd2EGFP-1is a promoterless vector that encodes adestabilized enhanced green fluorescent protein(d2EGFP).Thisvector has at least two distinct advantages for the promoteractivity assay:(1)the reporter gene product has a very shorthalf-life(2h),so the concern about the accumulation of reportergene product is minimized;and(2)within the same vector,thereis a kan/neo resistance gene driven by SV40promoter,whichcan be used as a control for transfection efficiency.Thetraditional promoter assay requires co-transfection of a consti-tutively expressed enzyme-coding plasmid that serves as controlfor transfection efficiency.We used this drug resistance genefor this purpose because it was a built-in cassette that was notonly constitutively expressed but also in a1:1ratio with thereporter gene.In our experiments,the d2EGFP was used as thereporter.p53induced the expression of endogenous p21as well asthe expression of EGFP driven by the2500bp5′regulatoryregion of the p21gene.The fold change of p21and EGFP wereidentical:both Ct values decreased about2.5(22.5≈5.6-fold increase)in the p53(4µg)transfected group compared to thecontrol group.These data demonstrate that the reporter mRNAlevel was representative for the endogenous expression levelof the p21gene.This method has several advantages comparedto traditional methods.First,there is no need for radioisotopeor specialized equipment to measure radioactivity or luciferaseactivity.Second,the expression of the reporter gene and theendogenous gene of interest can be measured simultaneously.Third,there is no need to cotransfect a reference vector since areferent amplicon can be generated from a second expressed sequence in the same transfected plasmid.Fourth,possible interference to the enzymatic activity measurements discussed above are eliminated.AcknowledgmentThis work was supported by NIH fund CA66081. Supporting Information Available:(1)Plasmid map of the pd2EGFP-1reporter construct and(2)primer sequences used to amplify the p21promoter for subsequent cloning into the reporter construct.This material is available free of charge via the Internet at .References and Notes(1)Alam,J.;Cook,J.L.Reporter genes:application to the study ofmammalian gene transcription.Anal.Biochem.1990,188(2),245-254.(2)Wood,K.V.;de Wet,J.R.;Dewji,N.;DeLuca,M.Synthesis ofactive firefly luciferase by in vitro translation of RNA obtained from adult mun.1984,124(2),592-596.(3)Matthews,J.C.;Hori,K.;Cormier,M.J.Purification and propertiesof Renilla reniformis luciferase.Biochemistry1977,16(1),85-91.(4)Wittwer,C.T.;Herrmann,M.G.;Moss,A.A.;Rasmussen,R.P.Continuous fluorescence monitoring of rapid cycle DNA amplifica-tion.Biotechniques1997,22(1),130-1,134-138.(5)el-Deiry,W.S.;Tokino,T.;Velculescu,V.E.;Levy,D.B.;Parsons,R.;Trent,J.M.;Lin,D.;Mercer,W.E.;Kinzler,K.W.;Vogelstein,B.WAF1,a potential mediator of p53tumor suppression.Cell1993,75(4),817-825.Received April7,2006.Accepted July11,2006.BP060102E。
冬凌草为唇形科香茶菜属植物碎米桠Rabdos ia rubescens( H em s.l )H a ra 的地上草质部分, 产于我国河南、山西、四川、贵州等地。
冬凌草味苦, 性微寒, ,有广泛的生物活性,具有抗炎、降压、清热解毒、消炎止痛、健胃活血等多种药理作用。
近年来的药理研究充分证明, 冬凌草有良好的消炎、抗菌、镇痛作用, 可有效地抑制甲型、乙型溶血性链球菌、金黄色葡萄球菌等, 从而提高机体的抵抗力, 研究证明二帖类中的冬凌草甲素和冬凌草乙素是抗肿瘤的有效成分[2]。
近30 年来,国内外学者对冬凌草及其同属植物进行了多方面的研究。
现已从各产地冬凌草中分得20 多个的此类化合物,主要为母核对映贝壳杉烯和螺断贝壳杉烯结构。
从冬凌草中分得三萜、甾体类成分α- 香树脂醇、β- 谷甾醇、2α- 羟基乌索酸、β- 胡萝卜甙、熊果酸等。
研究表明,从冬凌草茎叶精油中已分离鉴定了α- 蒎烯、β- 蒎烯、柠檬烯、1,8- 桉叶素、对- 聚伞花素、壬醛、癸醛、β- 榄香烯、棕榈酸、线蓟素、胡麻素和水杨酸。
冬凌草甲素对多种癌细胞具有很强的杀灭抑制作用,主要用于抗癌,抗菌、抗肿瘤、杀虫清热解毒、消炎止痛、健胃活血及等作用冬凌草甲素结构示意图1.2冬凌草乙素冬凌草乙素 C20H2606是从中草药冬凌草中提取出来的具有抗癌活性的天然有机物,为中成药冬凌草片和冬凌草糖浆的有效成分,其结式如图1所示,从图中可知,分子中存在1个a一亚基环戊酮结构,即A环区。
硒对乳腺癌细胞株p21W AF1/C IP1启动子的调控作用申社林1,李兵1,李朝争2,李建广1,郭靠山1Regul a ti ng ro l e o f p21W AF1/CI P1prom o t er by sel eni u m on brea st cancer cellSHEN She-li n1,LI B ing1,L I Chao-zheng2,L I Jian-guang1,GUO K ao-shan11X ingtaiM edical College,H ebei,X ingtai054000,China;2X i ng taiM ining Bureau H osp ital,H ebei,X ingtai054000,China.=Ab stract>O bjective:To study t he transcr i pti on and regulates site to t he p21by the se l eniu m.M ethod s:T hrough addi ng different v ice-regu lati ve facto r and se l eni um lactate to breast cancer ce ll li ne M CF7w hich has transfected w it h p G L3-p21p,co m paring t he l uc iferase acti v ity expressi on to deter m i ne the transcr i pti on regu l a ting and regulate site to the p21facto r by selen i u m,and wh ich has vali dated v ice-regulative ro le to t he grow th o f cancer ce l.l R esu lts: Pe rifosi ne,deps i pepti de,ap icidi n,bu t y ra te and selen i u m i nduce luciferase a ltog ethe r,and l uc iferase acti v ity had no notable difference,P=0.336;W h ile l uc iferase acti v ity i nduced by C-M yc and selen i u m lacta te had no tab l e d iffer-ence P=0.005.Conc l u sion:Se len i u m has t he function of apoptosis i nducti on to the cance r ce l,l and the transcri ption regulate site of seleni um to p21prom oter l o ca ted i n sp1b i nd i ng sites.=K ey w ords>p21WAF1/C I P1;promo tor;p GL3-p21p v ector;l uc iferaseM odern O nco logy2009,17(03):0436-0438=摘要> 目的:研究硒对p21的转录调控及其调控位点。
新近研究发现细胞色素c 氧化酶与其他核编码蛋白构成氧化还原反应活性中心,其功能缺陷会导致线粒体的功能障碍,促进神经退行性病变的发生[25,26],还可以通过调节PPAR 信号通路促进脂肪代谢,抑制肥胖[27]。
另外,COX6B2被证实与一些肿瘤的恶性进展相关,可以通过靶向ATP/purinergic 受体调节线粒体功能来促进胰腺癌的转移,是分化型甲状腺癌远处转移的新型生物标志物[13,15],但其对胃癌的作用尚且不知。
接下来采用慢病毒转染方式干扰MGC-803和SGC-7901中COX6B2表达,CCK-8和细胞周期检测显示过表达COX6B2可促进细胞增殖且G1/S 期细胞比例显著增加,提示COX6B2可能通过调控细胞周期影响胃癌恶性增殖过程。
为进一步阐释COX6B2作用于胃癌细胞的机制,我们通过KEGG 富集分析COX6B2作用于胃癌细胞可能于p53信号通路相关。
p53是一种肿瘤抑制蛋白,可调节多种基因的表达,这些基因参与细胞凋亡、生长停滞、抑制细胞周期进程、分化和加速DNA 修复或衰老,以应对基因毒性或细胞应激[28,29]。
作为转录因子,p53可激活上百种基因表达,这些靶基因直接参与细胞周期的调控、DNA 损伤的修复,也与细胞衰老、分化及细胞凋亡有关[30,31]。
芍药抗肿瘤作用机制及临床应用概况姜建伟;王春雷;周佳佳;章红燕【摘要】本文概述了近十年来芍药的抗肿瘤作用机制研究及相关临床应用情况.芍药的抗肿瘤机制有改善机体的免疫功能、引发肿瘤细胞周期阻滞、诱导肿瘤细胞凋亡、抑制肿瘤新生血管形成等.在临床应用上,芍药可与其他中药组成复方,提升肿瘤患者正气,对肿瘤治疗过程中引起的并发症或者不良反应等进行治疗,还可与化疗药物联用,起到增效减毒的作用.芍药在抗肿瘤方面有着广阔的应用前景,后期可以进行芍药或者其有效成分的临床试验,使其成为新的抗肿瘤制剂.%The paper summarizes the anti-tumor mechanism and related clinical application of Paeonia lactiflora in the recent 10 years.The anti-tumor mechanism of Paeonia lactiflora is to improve the body's immune function and tumor cell cycle arrest,induce tumor cell apoptosis and inhibit tumor angiogenesis and so on.In clinical application,peony can improve the health of tumor patients,cure the complications or adverse reactions caused by tumor therapy.It also has the effect of synergistic attenuation when combined with the chemotherapy drug.Peony has broad application prospects in anti-tumor,and may conduct clinical trials of peony or its effective ingredients,which may makes it a new antineoplastic agent in the future.【期刊名称】《实用药物与临床》【年(卷),期】2017(020)005【总页数】4页(P590-593)【关键词】抗肿瘤;作用机制;临床应用;芍药【作者】姜建伟;王春雷;周佳佳;章红燕【作者单位】浙江省肿瘤医院,杭州310022;浙江省肿瘤医院,杭州310022;浙江省肿瘤医院,杭州310022;浙江省肿瘤医院,杭州310022【正文语种】中文芍药的用药历史悠久,根据其产地、加工炮制方法的不同,可分为赤芍和白芍。
兽类学报,2009,29(3):316-320A cta Theriologica S inica 重组高原鼠兔瘦素原核表达载体的构建、蛋白表达及纯化邓治莲1,2 杨洁33 赵新全13(1中国科学院西北高原生物研究所,青藏高原生物进化与适应重点实验室,西宁810001)(2中国科学院研究生院,北京100049)(3河北医科大学公共卫生学院,石家庄050017)摘要:瘦素(lep tin)由ob基因编码,对调节能量代谢起着重要作用。
研究中作者从高原鼠兔瘦素基因的c DNA文库中,扩增编码高原鼠兔瘦素的核酸序列,并利用DNA基因重组技术将其克隆到原核表达载体pET30a(+)中,构建了高原鼠兔瘦素原核表达载体pET30a(+)/pp lep tin。
对目的片段进行测序确认后,将其转化到大肠杆菌BL21中,并利用I PTG诱导外源性目的蛋白表达。
同时,S DS-P AGE凝胶电泳结果显示,重组菌在16K D处有明显新增条带,纯化后的目的蛋白条带纯度较高。
关键词:高原鼠兔;瘦素原核表达;蛋白纯化中图分类号:Q7 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1000-1050(2009)03-0316-05Con structi on of prokaryoti c expressi on vector:I nduc i n g expressi on and pur i f i ca ti on of recom b i n ed pl a teau p i ka lepti nDE NG Zhilian1,2,Y ANG J ie33,Z HAO Xinquan13(1Key Laboratory of Q inghai2Tibetan Plateau B iological A daptation and Evolution,N orthw est Institute of Plateau B iology,Chinese Acade m y of Sciences,X ining810001,China)(2Graduate School of Chinese A cade m y of Sciences,B eijing100049,China)(3School of Public Health,Hebei M edical U niversity,Shijiazhuang050017,China)Abstract:Lep tin,the p r oducti on of the ob gene,p lays an i m portant r ole in the regulati on of energy homeostasis.Plateau p ika(O chotona curzoniae)lep tin is cl osed t o cold t olerance.I n this study,we establish an effective method f or exp ressi on of recombinant p ika lep tin in Escherichia coli.The gene sequence encoding p ika lep tin was obtained by PCR fr om the p lateau p ika c DNA library and the PCR p r oduct was cl oned int o pET30a(+)by DNA recombinati on techniques.After DNA se2 quencing,the confir med recombinant cl one pET30a(+)/pp lep tin was transf or med int o BL21(DE3)f or ex p ressi on under the inducti on of I PTG.Due t o the exp ressed p r otein,the ins oluble inclusi on body must be separated,denaturated and puri2 fied with a N i sephar ose colu mn.The sequencing results of pET30a(+)/pp lep tin vect or de monstrated that the insert of the p ika lep tin gene was the sa me as that of p ika gene in Gene Bank.A t the same ti m e the recombinant p r otein was identified by S DS-P AGE,and the results revealed that there was a ne w band of p r otein ar ound16K D;this p r otein was purified success2 fully.Our results showed that the p r okaryotic ex p ressi on syste m of p ika lep tin has been successfully constructed and the pu2 rified recombinant p r otein p r ovides a basis f or further research of p lateau p ika lep tin.Key words:Plateau p ika(O chotona curzoniae);Lep tin p r okaryotic exp ressi on;Pr otein purificati on 自Zhang等(1994)利用定位克隆技术(Po2 siti onal Cl oning Technol ogy)首次成功克隆小鼠的ob基因(obese gene,肥胖基因)以来,ob基因和它的表达产物瘦素(lep tin)一直是相关领域研究的热点。
马神经细胞的凋亡& Liu等[22]研究发现,当T-2毒
素处理大鼠垂体瘤细胞系时,增加了 IL-1&、IL-6和
的“免疫逃避”机制。该机制可干扰抗凋亡基因生 成,从而促进氧化应激诱导的细胞凋亡[10-11]。单端
的 , 降 T-2 素诱导
扰的,很可能这些相互串扰作用也在单端抱霉烯诱 导的免疫抑制中起着重要作用& 4.1 MAPK通路 单端抱霉烯族毒素可以激活 MAPK通路,从而诱导氧化应激和免疫抑制。Lee 等[18]研究发现,DON增加了 MAC-细胞中PI3K和 MAPK信号分子的整体磷酸化,干扰细胞增殖、细胞 周期和细胞内钙稳态,诱导细胞凋亡& Sergent 等[19〕发现,DON可以转运到人肠道Ccca-2细胞中, 并诱导ERK1/2、p38和JNK磷酸化,降低跨上皮阻 力。表明长期接触DON污染的食物可能会通过产 生MAPK介导的肠道炎症,降低肠黏膜的完整性, 从而影响人类健康。Mishm等(20)研究发现,DON可 通过调控MAPK通路,激活NF-B和AP-1转录因 子,从而调控小鼠表皮细胞周期进程。此外,通过 激活MAPK通路,单端抱霉烯可引发肠道和皮肤炎
34World Latest Medicne Information(Electronic Version)2019Vol.19No.2・综述・卵巢上皮癌屮HDAC2、p21、p53的相关性杨娟(黄河科技学院医学院.河南郑州450063)摘要:卵巢癌是一种严重威胁妇女健康的恶性肿瘤。
关键词:卵巢上皮癌;HDAC2;p21;p53中图分类号:R711.75文献标识码:A DOI:10.19613/ki.l671-3141.2019.02.016本文引用格式:杨娟.卵巢上皮癌中HDAC2、p21、p53的相关性〔J].世界最新医学信息文摘.2019,19(02):34-35.Correlation of HDAC2,p21and p53in Ovarian Epithelial CarcinomaYANG Juan(Medical College of Y ellow River University of S cience and Technology,Zhengzhou,Henan450063) ABSTRACT:Ovarian cancer is a malignant tumor that seriously threatens women's health.Due to its deep location, early symptoms are not obvious,and there is a lack of effective and specific auxiliary diagnostic methods.Early diagnosis is difficultMore than2/3of patients are in advanced diagnosis.The5-year survival rate is still between25% and30%.Therefore,finding effective methods and optimal treatment measures for early diagnosis of ovarian cancer has become a topic for us to study.This study provides a research direction for the diagnosis and treatment of ovarian cancer by studying the correlation of HDAC2,p21and p53in ovarian epithelial cancer.KEY WORDS:Ovarian epithelial carcinoma;HDAC2;p21; p530引言卵巢癌是三大妇科恶性肿瘤之一。
0 引言
丹 参 首 见 于《神 农 本 草 经》,是 常 见 的 活 血 化 瘀 药,近 年 的 药 理 学 研 究 表 明,丹 参 及 其 活 性 成 分 具 有 抗 肿 瘤、抗 血 栓、抗 炎 等 作用 [1]。丹参的有效成分主要分为水溶性和脂溶性两大类,Zhou xian 等人的研究表明,丹参能够显著抑制 LPS(脂多糖)诱导的 NO 产生及 TNF-α 的表达,从而抑制细胞炎症反应,而二氢丹参酮 Ⅰ则是其发挥抗炎作用的重要活性成分之一 [2]。
World Latest Medicine Information (Electronic Version) 2019 Vo1.19 No.43
刘思蕊 1,2,钱峰 2*
(1. 大理大学药学与化学学院,云南 大理 ;2. 上海交通大学药学院 细胞与治疗抗体工程研究中心,上海)
摘要:目的 探究二氢丹参酮Ⅰ能否抑制脂磷壁酸(LTA)诱导的巨噬细胞炎症反应及其作用机制。方法 以 LTA 为刺激剂,激活巨噬细胞, 建立体外炎症模型,用 Griees 试剂法检测二氢丹参酮Ⅰ对 LPS 诱导的 NO 产生的影响,并用免疫蛋白印记法检测 JNK、ERK、p-38、p65 以 及 Akt 磷酸化水平。结果 二氢丹参酮Ⅰ能够抑制 LTA 诱导的 NO 产生,对 JNK 和 ERK 的活化无影响,但是可以抑制 p38MAPK 的活化, 同时二氢丹参酮Ⅰ浓度依赖性地促进 p65 及 Akt 的活化。结论 二氢丹参酮Ⅰ对 LTA 诱导的 NO 产生有显著抑制效果,其作用机制与抑制 p38MAPK 的活化有关。 关键词:二氢丹参酮Ⅰ;LTA;MAPK;RAW 264.7 中图分类号:R364.5 文献标识码:A DOI: 10.19613/ki.1671-3141.2019.43.021
p53-p21通路抑制组蛋白甲基转移酶 NSD2的表达
p53-p21通路抑制组蛋白甲基转移酶 NSD2的表达刘涌爱;胡文涛;张栩锐;丁楠;周妮娜;王菊芳【摘要】NSD2(nuclear receptor-binding SET domain 2)是一种在黑色素瘤等多种肿瘤细胞中高表达的组蛋白甲基转移酶,其在 Wolf-Hirschhorn 综合症(wolf-Hirschhorn syndrome,WHS)和多发性骨髓瘤(multiple myeloma,MM)疾病中表达异常的原因已经得到了较好的阐明。
而 NSD2在其它肿瘤中的表达为何失调还未阐明。
本研究选用 p53野生型的恶性黑色素瘤细胞系92-1作为细胞模型,采用 DNA 损伤试剂依托泊苷处理和 RNA 干扰技术,通过定量 PCR 和蛋白质免疫印迹的方法首次证实了 p53-p21通路对 NSD2具有抑制作用。
%Nuclear Receptor-binding SET Domain 2(NSD2)is a histone methyltransferase that is reported out of control in Wolf-Hirschhorn syndrome(WHS)and many carcinoma cells includingmelanoma.However,except for the studies in WHS and multiple myeloma(MM),little is known about the mechanism that is responsible for its abnormal expression. Here,DNA damage agent etoposide and RNA interference were used to explore whether p53-p21 pathway affected the NSD2 expression in a p53 wild type myeloma cell line 92-1.It was found that p53 or p21 inhibited NSD2 expression. This is the first publication that relates p53-p21 pathway with NSD2 dysregulation.【期刊名称】《激光生物学报》【年(卷),期】2016(025)003【总页数】6页(P257-262)【关键词】p53;p21;NSD2【作者】刘涌爱;胡文涛;张栩锐;丁楠;周妮娜;王菊芳【作者单位】中国科学院近代物理研究所甘肃省空间辐射生物学重点实验室,甘肃兰州 730000; 中国科学院大学,北京 100049;中国科学院近代物理研究所甘肃省空间辐射生物学重点实验室,甘肃兰州 730000;中国科学院近代物理研究所甘肃省空间辐射生物学重点实验室,甘肃兰州 730000; 中国科学院大学,北京100049;中国科学院近代物理研究所甘肃省空间辐射生物学重点实验室,甘肃兰州 730000;甘肃中医药大学,甘肃兰州 730000;中国科学院近代物理研究所甘肃省空间辐射生物学重点实验室,甘肃兰州 730000【正文语种】中文【中图分类】Q786作为一种重要的组蛋白甲基转移酶,Nuclear Receptor-binding SET Domain2(NSD2)可以催化组蛋白H3K36[1]、H3K27[2]、H3K4[3]和H4K20[3]的甲基化。
文章编号:100025404(2003)022******* 论著p65D NA结合域的克隆、表达及其酵母双杂交自身激活作用检测徐 祥1,梁华平1,刘 昕2,代佳平2,刘 琛1,罗 艳1,王正国1 (第三军医大学:1附属大坪医院野战外科研究所第一研究室,重庆400042;2基础医学部分子遗传学教研室,重庆400038) 提 要:目的 获得NF2κB p65亚基DNA结合域cDNA及构建酵母双杂交系统中的靶基因,并检测靶基因的表达和自身激活活性。
方法 利用引物二聚体搭桥技术,扩增p65亚基DNA结合域基因片段,并将其克隆入酵母双杂交载体pG2 BK T7DNA2BD。
应用醋酸锂法转化酵母细胞AH109,在S DΠ2T rp选择培养基上培养,观察转化株的生长情况。
按尿素ΠS DS 法抽提酵母蛋白,用S DS2PAGE电泳和Western2blot鉴定靶蛋白在酵母细胞中的表达。
结果 获得p65DNA结合域基因片段,并成功构建酵母双杂交系统中的靶基因。
结论 NF2κB p65亚基DNA结合域可作为酵母双杂合系统中的靶基因,用于肽库筛选,捕捉与之相互作用的多肽。
关键词:核因子2κB;p65;酵母双杂交;自身激活作用;酵母表达 中图法分类号:Q785;Q786;R379 文献标识码:ACloning and expression of NF2κB p65subunit D NA binding domain and detection of its self2activation in the yeast tw o2hybrid systemX U X iang,LI ANG Hua2ping,LI U X in,DAI Jia2ping,LI U Chen,LUO Y an,W ANG Zheng2guo(Research Institute of Field Sur2 gery,Daping H ospital,Third M ilitary Medical University,Chongqing400042,China) Abstract:Objective T o obtain NF2κB p65subunit DNA binding domain cDNA,and measure its autonom ous activation in yeast tw o2hybrid system.Methods A fter the fragment of NF2κB p65subunit DNA binding domain was am plified with primer dimer bridge building,it was inserted into p G BK T7DNA2BD vector(named as p G BK T7DNA2 BDΠp65).A fter being automatically sequenced,the recombinant plasmid was trans formed into yeast cells AH109 with polyethylene glycolΠlithium acetate method,and the growth of trans formants were observed in the S DΠ2T rp selec2 tive medium.A fter the yeast total protein was extracted by using UreaΠS DS method,the expression of p G BK T7DNA2 BDΠp65in the yeast cells was identified with S DS2PAGE and western2blotting.β2galactosidase activity of positive clones was tested with liquid assay and plate assay respectively.Re sults NF2κB p65subunit DNA binding domain cDNA was obtained,and inserted into p G BK T7DNA2BD vector success fully.NF2κB p65subunit DNA binding do2 main was expressed in the AH109cells,but had neither ability of autonom ous reporter gene activation,nor toxicity to the yeast cells.Conclusion NF2κB p65subunit DNA binding domain can serve as target gene of yeast tw o2hybrid system used in screening of polypeptide library to trap the protein interacting with it. K ey w ords:NF2κB;p65;yeast tw o2hybrid system;autonom ous activation;expression in yeast cells 核因子2κB(NF2κB),作为一种普遍存在的转录因子,是多种信号转导途径的汇聚点,不仅参与介导了免疫应答、病毒复制、细胞凋亡和增殖的多种基因的表达调控,而且在调节炎症反应的基因中起关键作用[1]。
小分子双链RNA对人类细胞中抑癌基因p21表达的上调作用胡嘏;陈忠;吴嘉;张勇;徐华;杨为民;叶章群【期刊名称】《华中科技大学学报(医学版)》【年(卷),期】2012(41)6【摘要】Objective To screen more human cell lines susceptible to dsP21 322 mediated tumor suppressor gene p21WAF1/CIP1 activation and investigate whether this process is dependent on p53 expression. Methods A small double strand RNA,dsP21 322,targeting the p21 promoter at position 322 relative to the transcription start site was synthesized. A dsCon trol lacking significant homology to all known human sequences was also synthesized and used as a negative control. Four kinds of human cell lines which expressed different types of p53 protein werechosen,including human osteosarcoma cell line U2 OS (p53 wildtype) ,human embryonic kidney cell line 293T(p53 wild type) ,human cervical cancer cell line HeLa(p53 mutant type) and human lung cancer cell line NCI H1299(p53 null). All above cell lines were cultured in vitro and transfected with dsControl or dsP21 322 by Entranster R. RT qPCR and Western blot were applied to detect the expression levels of p21 and p53 mRNA and protein, respectively. Results Seventy two h after transfections, dsP21 322 did not affect the expression of p53 in above four kinds of cell lines,but caused a significant induction in p21 mRNA expression in p53wild type or p53 mutant cell lines. Compared with dsControl transfections,induction of p21mRNA was 3. 97 ,4. 94 ,and 4. 64 fold in U2 OS,HeLa and 293T cell lines, respectively. Western blot revealed that the elevated levels of p21 protein were strongly correlated to the increase in p21 mRNA expression in these three cell lines. The p21 protein level in dsP21 322 transfections was significantly higher than in ds Control transfections(P<0. 05). However,dsP21 322 was unable to elevate the p21 mRNA and protein levels in p53 null NCI H1299 cell line. Conclusion Activation of p21 expression by dsP21 322 in human cell lines is a pervasive phenomenon. Further more,dsP21 322 failed to elevate the p21 expression in p53 null cell,indicating this process might rely on the expression of p53.%目的筛选更多的对小分子双链RNA(dsP21-322)介导抑癌基因p21WAF1/CIP1激活起效应的人类细胞系,并初步研究该过程是否依赖p53的表达.方法选择4种表达不同类型p53蛋白的人类细胞系,p53野生型(p53 wild type)的人骨肉瘤细胞系U2-OS、人肾上皮细胞系293T,p53突变型(p53 mutant type)的人宫颈癌细胞系HeLa及p53缺失(p53 null)的人肺腺癌细胞系NCI-H1299,转染dsControl(阴性对照)或dsP21-322至以上细胞,RT-qPCR和Western blot分别检测p21、p53 mRNA和蛋白表达的变化.结果 dsP21-322的转染未明显影响上述细胞系p53的表达;而在U2-OS、HeLa和293T细胞系中均能激活p21的表达,相比dsControl,分别上调p21 mRNA的表达3.97倍、4.94倍和4.64倍,Western blot进一步证明在这3种细胞系中p21蛋白表达水平的增加与p21 mRNA水平的上调相一致,且与dsControl组相比,差异均有统计学意义(均P<0.05).但是在p53缺失的NCI-H1299细胞系中,dsP21-322则不能上调p21的表达.结论 dsP21-322介导p21激活现象存在于人类细胞,而其未能上调p53缺失细胞系中p21的表达是否提示该过程可能依赖p53的表达尚有待进一步研究.【总页数】5页(P660-664)【作者】胡嘏;陈忠;吴嘉;张勇;徐华;杨为民;叶章群【作者单位】华中科技大学同济医学院附属同济医院泌尿外科,武汉,430030;华中科技大学同济医学院附属同济医院泌尿外科,武汉,430030;华中科技大学同济医学院附属同济医院泌尿外科,武汉,430030;华中科技大学同济医学院附属同济医院泌尿外科,武汉,430030;华中科技大学同济医学院附属同济医院泌尿外科,武汉,430030;华中科技大学同济医学院附属同济医院泌尿外科,武汉,430030;华中科技大学同济医学院附属同济医院泌尿外科,武汉,430030【正文语种】中文【中图分类】R349.6【相关文献】1.HepG2肝癌细胞中干扰素-α对抑癌基因Dickkopf-1上调表达的研究 [J], 曲建慧;楼敏;张敏娜;许桂林;常秀娟;陈艳;周霖;高旭东;杨永平2.短双链RNA特异性抑制哺乳动物细胞中绿色荧光蛋白基因表达 [J], 黄宇琛;李江;谭琛;李小玲;李桂源3.外源性小分子双链RNA激活肾癌细胞野生型P53蛋白表达作用的研究 [J], 黄耿;桂定文;姜卫东;叶志华4.小分子药物CX-3543对胆管癌QBC939细胞中c-Myc相关miRNA及miRNA 靶基因表达的影响研究 [J], 彭健;仇凯;岳春燕;陈杰;吴静5.低水平CUL1通过上调结直肠癌细胞中P21的表达抑制结直肠癌增殖和血管生成 [J], 黄河;魏童因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。
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Induction of p21by p65in p53null cells treated with DoxorubicinShenglin Ma b ,Juanjuan Tang a ,Jianguo Feng b ,Yaping Xu b ,Xinmin Yu b ,Qinghua Deng b ,Yanjun Lu a,⁎aLaboratory of Biochemistry and Molecular biology,Tongji University,1239Siping Road,Shanghai 200092,ChinabZhejiang Tumor Hospital,38Guangji Road,Banshanqiao,Hangzhou 310022,Zhejiang Province,ChinaReceived 6September 2007;received in revised form 10January 2008;accepted 11January 2008Available online 26January 2008AbstractNF κB/p65is a transcription factor that can protect or contribute to cell death.Here we show that knockdown of p65by I κBSR or p65siRNA decreased the cytotoxic effect of DOX on HCT116(p53+/+)cells,correlating with increased induction of p21.In previous work,we demonstrated that p21suppressed cell death via its CDK-inhibitory activity.Thus,we propose that the p65activity is required for p53-dependent cell death through limitation of p53-induced p21expression.In HCT116(p53−/−)cells,downregulation of p65expression enhanced the cytotoxic effect of DOX,due to decreased p21expression levels.We present evidence that in p53-null tumor cells treated with DOX,p65was involved in induction of p21expression by directly binding to the p21promoter.Our data suggested that both p53and p65limited each other's ability to stimulate p21induction and this mutual repression mechanism was consistent with a model in which both factors were competing for limiting pool of p300/CBP coactivator protein complexes.These findings indicate an association between p21expression and resistance to cell death through p65,a novel regulatory mechanism in which p21bridges a transcriptional crosstalk between p53and p65.©2008Elsevier B.V .All rights reserved.Keywords:p21;NF κB/p65;p53;CBP/p300;Cell death1.IntroductionIn response to DNA damage induced by cytotoxic agents,the tumor suppressor p53accumulates and functions as a sequence-specific DNA-binding protein,which positively regulates ex-pression of several genes,including p21(waf1/cip1/sdl1)[1].P21is an important cellular checkpoint protein for G1and G2arrest.Recently,contribution of p21to suppression of DNA damage agents induced cell death has been widely accepted [2–7].Nuclear factor-κB (NF κB)is a transcriptional factor involved in the response to various stimuli and plays a central role in inflammatory reactions.NF κB generally exists as an inactive dimer sequestered in the cytoplasm by an inhibitor protein termed I κB.Activation of NF κB involves phosphorylation of I κB on two critical serine residues at codon 32and 36.Oncephosphorylated,I κB is subjected to ubquitination at two lysine residues and subsequent degradation by the 26S proteasome.Unmasking I κB allows NF κB/p65to translocate into the nuc-leus,where it binds to the target genes,and promotes trans-cription [8].It is widely accepted that activation of NF κB may function to protect cells from apoptosis in response to TNF-αtreatment.NF κB can also be implicated in cell cycle arrest.It has been reported that a novel potential NF κB binding site is at position −2008of the p21promoter and the binding of NF κB/p65protein to this κB site results in transactivation of p21promoter by p65[9].In this study,we used HCT116(p53+/+)cells and their matched HCT116(p53−/−)cells in which the p53gene has been deleted by homologous recombination.We showed that the reduction of p65remarkably decreased the cytotoxic effect of Doxorubicin (DOX)on HCT116(p53+/+)cells,correlating with the increasing of induction for p21level by p53after transfection with I κBSR (I κB αsuper-repressor)or p65small interferingAvailable online at Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 1783(2008)935–940/locate/bbamcr⁎Corresponding author.Tel.:+862165984636;fax:+862165983793.E-mail address:yanjunlu@ (Y .Lu).0167-4889/$-see front matter ©2008Elsevier B.V .All rights reserved.doi:10.1016/j.bbamcr.2008.01.008RNA.In contrast,on HCT116(p53−/−)cells the reduction of p65enhanced the cytotoxic effect of DOX treatment due to the decrease of p21level.We also documented that in the absence of p53,p65was able to directly bind to the p21promoter by Chromatin Immunoprecipitation(ChIP).Our data suggested that both p53and p65inhibited each other's ability to stimulate p21 expression and this mutual repression mechanism is consistent with a model in which both factors are competing for limiting pool of p300/CBP coactivator protein complexes.Thus we presented evidence that p21may be involved in transcriptional cross talk between p53and p65.2.Materials and methods2.1.Cells and transfectionHuman colorectal cancer cell lines HCT116(p53+/+)and HCT116(p53−/−) were generous gifts of Dr.B.V ogelstein.Cells were cultured in DMEM medium supplemented with10%FBS(Hyclone,logan,UT).The plasmid expressing the IκBSR was provided by Dr.Yamagishi(Kyoto University,Japan).IκBSR containing the mutations at Ser32,Ser36phosphorylation residues which cannot be phosphorylated.P65small interfering RNA(psiRNA-p65),was constructed according to the procedure of psiRNA-hH1zeo kit(Invivogen,San Diego, USA).Sense and antisense RNA oligonucleotides,5′-CAAAAAAAGGT-CATGGACGGTCTATCTCTTGAATAGACCGTCCATGACCTTT-3′and5′-TCCCAAAGGTCATGGACGGTCTATTCAAGAGATAGACCGTCCAT-GACCTTTT-3′,which contained the loop sequence were synthesized by Sangon Ltd.(Shanghai,China).The plasmids of pRc/RSV-mCBP-HA and pRc/ RSV-p300were kindly provided by Dr.Goodman(Oregon Health&Science University,US).HCT116cells were transiently transfected with expression constructs for IκBSR,psiRNA-p65,pRc/RSV-mCBP-HA or pRc/RSV-p300, using GeneJammer transfection reagents(Stratagene,La Jolla,CA).2.2.Measurement of cell deathCells were seeded into96-well microtiter plates and transiently transfected 12h with expression constructs for IκBSR,psiRNA-p65,pRc/RSV-mCBP-HA or pRc/RSV-p300,followed by DOX treatment(2μg/ml)for24h.Then10μl of the CCK-8solution was added to each well of the plates and then incubated for 2h in the incubator(37°C and5%CO2).Cytotoxicity assay could be used with the CCK-8solution according to the procedure of Cell Counting Kit-8(Dojindo Laboratories,Tokyo,Japan).The absorbency was measured at450nm using a microplate reader(BioTeK).2.3.Western blotting and immunoprecipitationThe nuclear and cytoplasmic extract from the cells were prepared by the Nuclear Extract Kit(Active Motif,Carlsbad,CA).The protein content of the cell lysate was determined by using the Bradford calorimetric assay method (Bio-Rad,Richmond,CA).The40μg aliquot of cytoplasmic or nuclear lysate were resolved by12%polyacrylamide-sodium lauryl sulfate gel electrophoresis and transferred to a Hybond-C Super membrane(Amersham,Buckinghamshire, UK).P65and p21were detected with an antibody against p65(Upstate,U.S.A.) and an antibody against p21(Santa Cruz Biotechnology,CA),respectively. Then the blot was incubated with a secondary antibody,IRDye800conjuga-ted affinity purified anti-mouse or anti-rabbit IgG(Rockland Immunochemi-cals,Inc.,Gilbertsville,PA)and detected with Odyssey Infrared Imaging System (LI-COR Bioscienceces,Nebraska,USA).For immunoprecipitation,a500μg aliquot of cell lysate was incubated for1h at4°C with the anti-CBP antibody (Santa Cruz Biotechnology,CA)or anti-p300antibody(Santa Cruz Biotech-nology,CA).Immune complexes were captured by incubation with80μl protein G-plus-agarose(Santa Cruz Biotechnology,Santa Cruz,CA)for10h,then washed several times with NP-40buffer and lysed with loading buffer to do Western blotting analysis.P65was detected with an antibody against p65 (Upstate,U.S.A.).2.4.Cell growth analysisCells were washed twice with PBS,trypsinized and resuspended in PBS containing0.1%Triton X-100and RNase(1mg/ml)(Sigma,St Louis,MO).The cell suspension was incubated at37°C for30min.Propidium iodide(Molecular Probes,Inc.Eugene,OR)was added at a final concentration of50μg/ml and the cell suspension was kept at4°C for1h.The cells were filtered and the cell cycle was analysed by flow cytometry with the FACScan system(Becton Dickinson, Franklin Lakes,NJ).2.5.ChIPHCT116cells(5×108)were treated with or without DOX(2μg/ml)for24h. According to Chromatin Immunoprecipitation(ChIP)Assay Kit(Upstate),for-maldehyde was added at1%to the culture media and cells were incubated at room temperature for10min with mild shaking.Protein-DNA complexes were immunoprecipitated using the p65antibody(Upstate)or mouse IgG control.DNAs were purified and used for PCR with primers specific for the p21gene promoter region encompassing p65binding sites.The primers of p21were:5′-TA TTTGG-GACTCCCCAGTCTCT-3′and5′-GGCTCTCTGCTTGTCA TCCTTT-3′.The primers of GAPDH were:5′-TACTAGCGGTTTTACGGGCG-3′and5′-TCGAA-CAGGAGGAGCAGAGAGCGA-3′.2.6.Electrophoretic mobility shift assaysA30μl of annealing mixture containing2μl of eachκB site oligonucleotide (sense:5′-AGT TGA GGG GAC TTT CCC AGG C-3′;antisense:5′-GCC TGG GAA AGT CCC CTC AAC T-3′)in0.5M NaCl was incubated2min at80°C then stopped the heating and maintained in water bath until35°C.The above 8μl of solution,2μl of10×labeling Buffer and2μl IR Dye label solution (IRDye™800labeling kit,Odyssey,U.S.A.)were mixed,and the reaction proceeded for5min at70°C.The cells were washed with ice-cold PBS,and then collected.The nuclear extracts were prepared by the Nuclear Extract Kit(Active Motif,Carlsbad,CA), and5μg aliquots of the extracts were preincubated with1.5μl of above labeled oligonucleotide on ice for30min.The complexes were resolved on a5% polyacrylamide gel.The gel was scanned by Odyssey infrared imaging system (LI-COR Biosciences).2.7.Northern blot analysisNorthern blotting was performed using total RNA following the protocol provided with the Odyssey Infrared Imaging System(LI-COR Biosciences).Briefly, 5μg total RNA per lane isolated from cells using TRIzol reagent(Invitrogen)were electrophoresed and transferred onto Biodyne®B Nylon Membrane(Pall)using the NorthernMax Kit(Ambion).RNA was cross-linked to the membrane the blot was pre-hybridized at42°C with ULTRAhyb™-Oligo Buffer(Ambion).Blot was hybridized overnight at42°C with biotinylated probes which had been denatured and then washed with NorthernMax Low and High Stringency Washes.Blot was blocked for30min with Odyssey®Blocking Buffer plus1%SDS and then incubated for 30min with Streptavidin IRDye800CW conjugate in blocking buffer plus1%SDS (LI-COR Biosciences).Blot was washed,then scanned by an Odyssey Infrared Imaging System(LI-COR Biosciences).HCT116cell DNA was used as a template for the PCR amplification in the presence of biotin-16-dUTP(2:3biotin-dUTP:TTP,Roche)to generate bio-tinylated probes.The probe forβ-actin mRNA is a PCR-amplified0.5kb coding sequence,while the probe for p21mRNA is0.49kb coding sequence.3.Results3.1.Requirement of p65for DOX-induced cell death inp53-dependent wayP53tumor suppressor is known to play an important role in mediating DNA damage agents induced-cell death through a936S.Ma et al./Biochimica et Biophysica Acta1783(2008)935–940variety of mechanisms [10–12].To confirm this point,we treated HCT116(p53+/+)cells and HCT116(p53−/−)cells with DOX for 24h.As shown in Fig.1A,DOX-induced cell death was higher in p53+/+cells than in p53−/−cells.This result suggests a requirement of p53for DOX-induced cell death.P65is involved in the regulation of cell death in several systems.To examine the effect of p65in this study,a vector was generated to synthesize p65small interfering RNA by the human H1polymerize III promoter.The p65small interfering RNA (psiRNA-p65)and the unphosphorylatable I κB αsuper-repressor (I κBSR)were used to inhibit the activity of endogenous NF κB/p65in cells.The rate of cell survival was shown in Fig.1A.When the HCT116(p53+/+)cells were forced to express I κBSR or p65small interfering RNA,the percen-tage of DOX-induced cell death were remarkably reduced as compared to the control cells.In contrast,expression of I κBSR or p65small interfering RNA significantly sensitized to DOX-induced cell death in HCT116(P53−/−)cells.The effects ofpsiRNA-p65and I κBSR on cell death of HCT116(p53+/+)and HCT116(P53−/−)cells were also shown in Fig.1A.No effect was seen after transfection of the empty vector.The levels of nuclear activated and cytoplasmic inactivated p65were assessed by immunoblotting in HCT116(P53+/+)and HCT116(P53−/−)cells.A clear reduction of nuclear activated p65was seen after expression of I κBSR or p65small interfering RNA(Fig.1B).Electrophoretic mobility shift assays suggested that over-expressing of I κBSR and psiRNA-p65significantly decreased the induction of NF-κB DNA-binding activity in HCT116(p53+/+)and HCT116(p53−/−)cells treated with DOX (Fig.1C).These data led us to suggest that loss of NF κB/p65activity specifically abrogated the p53-mediated cell death res-ponse to DOX.On the other hand,these observation also determined that in p53null or defective tumors,targeting in inhibition of NF κB/p65activation was useful,leading to the potency ofDOX-treatment.Fig.1.Role of down-regulation of p65in DOX-induced cell death in HCT116(p53+/+)and HCT116(p53−/−)cells.Cells were transiently transfected with or without I κBSR and psiRNA-p65followed by DOX treatment (2μg/ml)for 24h.(A)Cell survival was examined by CCK8kit.Error bar indicates the standard error of the mean of three independent experiments.(B)The nuclear and cytoplasmic p65protein were detected by Western blotting in HCT116(p53+/+)cells (above)and HCT116(p53−/−)cells (bottom).β-actin and PCNAwere used as controls.(C)Nuclear extracts from the cells were subjected to electrophoretic mobility shift assay (EMSA)using IR Dye ™labeled κB oligonucleotide in HCT116(p53+/+)cells (above)and HCT116(p53−/−)cells(bottom).Fig.2.Regulation of p21expression by down-regulation of p65.HCT116(p53+/+)cells and HCT116(p53−/−)cells were transiently transfected with or without I κBSR and psiRNA-p65followed by DOX treatment (2μg/ml)for 24h.(A)P21protein expression was detected by Western blotting in HCT116(p53+/+)cells (above)and HCT116(p53−/−)cells (bottom).β-actin was used as control.(B)Northern blot of total RNA from HCT116(p53+/+)or HCT116(p53−/−)cells.Hybridization with biotinylated p21-specific probe (above)or biotinylated β-actin-specific probe (bottom).(C)Cell cycle pattern of HCT116(p53+/+)cells ()and transfected with psiRNA-p65(□)or HCT116(p53−/−)cells ()and transfected with psiRNA-p65(■)followed by DOX treatment (2μg/ml)for 24h.Error bar indicates the standard error of the mean of three independent experiments.937S.Ma et al./Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 1783(2008)935–9403.2.Regulation of induction for p21by p65In previous studies,we showed that DOX is a cell cycle-dependent anti-tumor drug and p21suppresses DOX-induced cell death by arresting cells at G1or G2phase [5,6].The expression level of p21increased in p53-dependent or p53-independent pathway.To investigate the role of p21in this study,we assessed the expression levels of p21protein and mRNA in both HCT116(p53+/+)and HCT116(p53−/−)cells.As shown in Fig.2A,the p21protein expression level in the cell extract was elevated in HCT116(p53+/+)cells after transfec-tion with I κBSR or p65small interfering RNA followed by DOX treatment (2μg/ml)for 24h.Interestingly,under identical conditions to HCT116(p53−/−)cells,the p21level was down regulated,as compared to the control cells.Moreover,the expression levels of p21mRNA corresponded to their pro-teins pattern in HCT116(p53+/+)and HCT116(p53−/−)cells (Fig.2B).To examine the change in the cell cycle pattern of these cells after regulating of p21expression by p65,the flow cytometry was carried out (Fig.2C).As expected,in HCT116(p53+/+)cells a fraction of G1-phase cells was increased from 67to 81%,indicating the cell cycle is arrested at G1-phase due to increasing of p21expression.On the other hand,in the HCT116(p53−/−)cells the fraction of G1-phase cells was decreased from 61to 35%by reducing of p21expression.These data led us to suggest that p65limited p53-induced p21expression in p53+/+cells and was involved in inducing p21expression in p53−/−cells after DOX treatment.In com-bination with our previous data that over expression of p21prevents cell death due to its ability to stop cell cycle,we could suggest that p65may be necessary for DOX-induced cell death in p53-dependent way.To further determine whether p65was involved in induction of p21expression,we preformed the Chromatin Immunopre-cipitation assay to examine the ability of p65to bind to thep21promoter.After cross-linking and immunoprecipitation with anti-p65antibody,PCR using a pair of primers to the fragment that contains κB site at position −2008of the p21promoter showed a DNA band in HCT116(p53−/−)cells but not in HCT116(p53+/+)cells with DOX treatment.Moreover,the DNA band was found in HCT116(p53+/+)cells after transiently over-expressing transcriptional coactivator pro-teins p300and CREB-binding protein (CBP)(Fig.3A above),thereby suggesting that the competition between p53and p65for limiting quantities of endogenous transcriptional coactivator protein CBP/p300.For negative control,we performed PCR using a pair of primers to the fragment of GAPDH promoter,showed no DNA band in the presence of p65antibody (Fig.3A bottom).To further prove that p53competition with p65for limiting pool of CBP/p300coactivator protein complexes,we performed the coimmunoprecipitation with anti-p300antibody and then immunoblotted with anti-p65antibody.We observed the DOX treatment increased binding of p300to p65in HCT116(p53−/−)cells as compared to HCT116(p53+/+)cells,which shown in the Fig.3B.These data suggested that in tumor cells that are p53-null or defective,NF κB/p65was involved in induction of p21expression after DOX treatment by directly binding to the p21promoter.It may need further to elucidate the association between p21expression and resistance to cell death by NF κBactivation.Fig.3.Binding of P65protein to the p21promoter in HCT116(p53−/−)cells.(A)Cells were transiently transfected with or without pRc/RSV-mCBP-HA and pRc/RSV-p300followed by DOX treatment (2μg/ml)for 24h.The protein –DNA complexes were cross-linked and immunoprecipitated by the indicated antibodies.The precipitated DNA samples were analyzed by PCR using primers of p21and GAPDH.(B)Whole cell extract of HCT116(p53+/+)cells (above)and HCT116(p53−/−)cells (bottom),treated as indicated was subjected to immunoprecipitation with anti-300antibody and then immunoblotted with anti-p65antibody.Fig.4.Effects of over-expression of CBP/p300on HCT116(p53+/+)cells treated with DOX.Cells were transiently transfected with or without pRc/RSV-mCBP-HA and pRc/RSV-p300followed by DOX treatment (2μg/ml)for 24h.(A)Whole cell extract was subjected to immunoprecipitation with anti-CBP antibody or anti-p300antibody and then immunoblotted with anti-p65antibody.(B)P21expression was determined by Western blotting analysis.β-actin was used as control.(C)Cell death was examined by CCK8kit.Error bar indicates the standard error of the mean of three independent experiments.938S.Ma et al./Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 1783(2008)935–9403.3.Regulation of transcriptional activaties of p65and p53by CBP/p300These observations above suggested that both p53and p65 inhibited each other's ability to stimulate their gene expression and this mutual repression mechanism is consistent with a model in which both factors are competing for limiting pool of CBP/p300coactivator protein complexes.This idea has been reinforced by several reports[13–18].Here,in an attempt to understand how CBP/p300-dependent crosstalk between p65 and p53is regulated in this study,we performed the immu-noprecipitation with anti-CBP antibody or anti-p300anti-body and then immunoblotted with anti-p65antibody.As shown in Fig.4A,after over expressing of CBP and p300 protein,the binding of CBP and p300to p65was increased in HCT116(p53+/+)cells with DOX treatment.In parallel with these results,we also observed that p21protein levels were elevated(Fig.4B).These data suggested that high level of CBP or p300proteins increased their binding to p65and then restored the p65transcriptional activity of p21-induction in HCT116(p53+/+)cells.Next we examined the direct effect of CBP/p300over-expression on the HCT116(p53+/+)cells treated with DOX(2μg/ml)for24h(Fig.4C).As expected, upon over-expression of CBP/p300,cell death rate decreased in comparison to that in the cells transfected with a control vector. It indicated that suppression of p53transactivation through induction of p21by p65might result from limiting quantities of endogenous levels of this transcription factors CBP/p300.The present data suggested the regulation of the transcriptional decision-making mechanism that may be a key player in cellu-lar processes such as cell death.4.DiscussionIn this study,we showed that the down-regulation of p65 remarkably decreased the cytotoxic effect of DOX on HCT116 (p53+/+)cells.That correlated with the increasing of induction for p21level by p53after transfection with IκBSR or p65small interfering RNA.In contrast,on HCT116(p53−/−)cells the down-regulation of p65enhanced the cytotoxic effect to DOX treatment due to the decrease of p21level.We documented that in the absence of p53,p65was able to directly bind to the p21 promoter.Our data suggested that both p53and p65inhibited each other's ability to stimulate p21induction and this mutual repression mechanism is consistent with a model in which both factors are competing for limiting pool of p300/CBP.Thus we presented evidence that p21may be involved in transcriptional cross talk between p53and p65.In response to DOX,p21is regulated transcriptionally by p53.Our previous data suggested that expression of p21im-pedes DOX-induced cell death by inactivation of cyclin-dependent kinase(CDK)activity,which in turn blocks the cell cycle at the G1and G2phases[6].The present findings here reinforced this idea by showing p21's ability of abrogating DOX-induced cell death correlated with its inhibition of cell cycle progression after reducing p65in p53+/+cells(Fig.1A and Fig.2).Recent studies have shown the existence of p21induction in a p53-independent pathway.Here we observed p21induction in NFκB/p65-dependent mechanism.Our data indicated that DOX-induced NFκB/p65complexes were able to bind the p21promoter to activate its transactivation in HCT116(p53−/−) cells but not HCT116(p53+/+)cells(Fig.3).It suggested the competition between p53and p65in induction of p21expres-sion in response to DOX.Many cellular stimuli result in the induction of both p53and NFκB/p65[19–21].The tumor suppressor p53inhibits cell growth through activation of cell-cycle arrest and apoptosis. NFκB/p65is a transcription factor that can protect or contri-bute to apoptosis[22,23].These observations suggest that a regulatory mechanism must exist to integrate and coordinate this critical cellular decision-making event.Webester's group found that the transcriptional activities of p53and p65are governed by their relative levels of expression:p65inhibits p53-dependent transactivation,while p53expression can also suppress p65transcriptional activity[13].Growing evidences show that both p53and p65interact with the transcriptional coactivator protein p300and CBP.It is important to notice that reducing50% of the level of expression of both p300and CBP in mice,which result in profound developmental defects in mice,confirming that these coactivator proteins are at limiting concentrations in vivo [24,25].In present study,we found that p53transactivation of inducing p21was suppressed by p65,as evidenced by a clear elevation of p21level induced by p53after knockdown of p65by IκBSR or p65small interfering RNA(Fig.2A).Moreover,DOX treatment increased binding of p300to p65in HCT116(p53−/−) cells as compared to HCT116(p53+/+)cells.Then p65was able to bind the p21promoter to activate its transactivation in HCT116 (p53−/−)cells but not HCT116(p53+/+)cells(Fig.3).Over expression of transcriptional coactivator proteins p300and CBP increased the binding to p65and then restored p65transcriptional activity of inducing p21in HCT116(p53+/+)cells(Fig.4). Lately,Huang and coworkers clearly established a role of nuclear IKKαcan phosphorylate CBP thus to switch the binding from p53to p65[26].Thus,together with other reports we could favor a model in which p53can also limit p65-mediated transactivation and this mutual repression mechanism is due to their limiting common coactivators of transcription.It has been shown that loss of NFκB/p65activity specifi-cally abrogated the p53-mediated cell death response to DOX (Fig.1A and[27]).The present findings indicate that p65limiting p53-induced p21expression by competition with endogenous transcriptional coactivators CBP/p300are at least in part respon-sible for that the p65activity was required for p53-induced cell death.It has been reported that NFκB/p65can mediate to stop cell cycle and to protect cell apoptosis[28–30].Here we suggested that in tumor cells that are p53-null,NFκB/p65was involved in induction of p21expression by directly binding to the p21 promoter.Our previous data suggested that NFκB/p65-induced anti-apoptotic gene expressions are higher in p53−/−cells than in p53+/+cells[31].Thus,we could speculate that NFκB/p65mostly promotes to induce anti-apoptotic gene expressions without competing with p53in p53−/−cells.939S.Ma et al./Biochimica et Biophysica Acta1783(2008)935–940NFκB/p65has been reported to be aberrantly constitutively active in some diseases,such as ataxia telangiectasia,Hodgkin's lymphoma and breast cancer[32,33].It could speculate that transactivation by p65might contribute to p65role in tumo-rigensis.It is worth noting that in p53null or defective tumors, targeting in inhibition of NFκB/p65activation may well be useful,leading to the potentiality of chemotherapeutic drugs. However,in tumors that retain wild-type p53,such targeting may be counter productive,because it is likely to result in the repression of p53-mediated tumor cell death.In the present study,we observed that the p21expression level was a key player in the transcriptional cross talk between p53and NFκB/p65.The clear elevation of p21expression after reducing p65may provide a good rationale for resistance to DOX treatment in HCT116(p53+/+)cells.In our previous work reported that a combined treatment DOX-TNF-αis an effective chemotherapeutic strategy for cancer due to that p21's negative regulation on CDK2is blocked by DOX-TNF-αtreatment[34]. Thus,we propose that it may be important in the design of therapeutic protocols that involve targeting of p21to mediate tumor's sensitivity to the drugs.AcknowledgementThis work was sponsored by Zhejiang Provincial Program for the Cultivation of High-level Innovative Health talents (to Shenglin Ma).References[1]W.S.El-Deiry,T.Tokino,V.E.Velculescu,WAF1,a potential mediator ofp53tumor suppression,Cell75(1993)817–825.[2]M.Gorospe,C.Cirilli,X.Wang,P.Seth,C.Capogrossi,N.J.Holbrook,p21(Waf1/Cip1)protects against p53-mediated apoptosis of human melanoma cells,Oncogene14(1997)929–935.[3]T.Waldman,C.lengauer,K.W.Kinzler,Uncoupling of S-phase andmitosis induced anticancer agents in cell lacking P21WAF1/CIP1,Nature 381(1996)713–716.[4]L.D.Attardi,S.W.Lowe,J.Brugarolas,T.Jacks,Transcriptional activationby p53,but not induction of the p21gene,is essential for oncogene-mediated apoptosis,EMBO J.15(1996)3693–3701.[5]Y.J.Lu,N.Yamagishi,T.Yagi,Mutated p21(WAF1/CIP1/SDT1)lackingCDK-inhibitory activity fails to prevent apoptosis in human colorectal carcinoma cell,Oncogene16(1998)705–712.[6]Y.J.Lu,M.Tatsuka,H.Takebe,T.Yagi,Involvement of cyclin-dependentkinases in doxorubicin-induced apoptosis in human tumor cells,Mol.Carcinog29(2000)1–7.[7]J.J.Tang,C.Shen,Y.J.Lu,Requirement for pre-existing of p21to preventdoxorubicin-induced apoptosis through inhibition of caspase-3activation, Mol.Cell.Biochem.291(2006)139–144.[8]S.T.Whiteside,M.K.Ernst,O.Lebail,urent-Winter,N.Rice,A.A.Israe,N-and C-terminal sequences control degradation of MAD3/I kappaB alpha in response to inducers of NF-kappa B activity,Mol.Cell.Biol.15(1995)5339–5345.[9]A.C.Hellin,M.Bentires-Alj,M.Verlaet,V.Benoit,J.Gielen,V.Bours,M.P.Merville,Roles of nuclear factor-B,p53,and p21/WAF1in Daunomycin-induced cell cycle arrest and apoptosis,J.Pharmacol.Exp.Ther.295(2000)870–878.[10]K.Nakano,K.H.V ousden,A novel proapoptotic gene,is induced by p53,Mol.Cell7(2001)683–694.[11]L.Zhang,J.Yu,B.H.Park,K.W.Kinzler,B.V ogelstein,Role of BAX inthe apoptotic response to anticancer agents,Science290(2002)989–992.[12]G.S.Wu,Z.H.Ding,Caspase9is required for p53-dependent apoptosisand chemosensitivity in a human ovarian cancer cell line,Oncogene21 (2000)1–8.[13]G.A.Webster,N.D.Perkins,Transcriptional cross talk between NF-kappaB and p53,Mol.Cell.Biol.19(1999)3485–3495.[14]M.L.Avantaggiati,V.Ogryzko,K.Gardner,A.Giordano,A.S.Levine,K.Kelly,Recruitment of p300/CBP in p53-dependent signal pathways,Cell 89(1997)1175–1184.[15]M.E.Gerritsen,A.J.Williams,A.S.Neish,S.Moore,Y.Shi,T.Collins,CREB-binding protein/p300are transcriptional coactivators of p65,Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci.94(1997)2927–2932.[16]W.Gu,X.L.Shi,R.G.Roeder,Synergistic activation of transcription byCBP and p53,Nature387(1997)819–823.[17]N.L.Lill,S.R.Grossman,D.Ginsberg,J.DeCaprio,D.M.Livingston,Bindingand modulation of p53by p300/CBP coactivators,Nature387(1997)823–827.[18]K.Somasundaram,W.S.El-Deiry,Inhibition of p53-mediated transactiva-tion and cell cycle arrest by E1A through its p300/CBP-interacting region, Oncogene14(1997)1047–1057.[19]L.Osborn,S.Kunkel,G..J.Nabel,Tumor necrosis factor a and interleukin-1stimulate the human immunodeficiency virus enhancer by activation of the nuclear factor kB,Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci.U.S.A.86(1989)2336–2340.[20]U.Siebenlist,G.Franzoso,K.Brown,Structure,regulation and function ofNF-kB,Annu.Rev.Cell Biol.10(1994)405–455.[21]C.Y.Wang,M.W.Mayo,A.S.Baldwin,TNF-αand cancer therapy indu-ced apoptosis:potentiation by inhibition of NF-B,Science274(1996)784–787.[22]B.Lin,C.Williams-skipp,Y.X.Tao,M.S.Schleicher,L.L.Cano,R.C.Duke,R.I.Scheinman,NF-kappaB functions as both a proapoptotic and antiapoptotic regulatory factor within a single cell type,Cell Death Differ.6 (1999)570–582.[23]S.Kawauchi,C.Zhang,K.Nobori,Y.Hashimoto,M.T.Adachi,A.Noda,M.Sunamori,S.Kitajima,Transcriptional repressor activating transcrip-tion factor3protects human umbilical vein endothelial cells from tumor necrosis-α-induced apoptosis though down-regulation of p53transcrip-tion,J.Biol.Chem.277(2002)39025–39034.[24]Y.Tanaka,I.Naruse,T.Maekawa,H.Masuya,T.Shiroishi,S.Ishii,Abnormal skeletal patterning in embryos lacking a single Cbp allele:a partial similarity with Rubinstein–Taybi syndrome,Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci.U.S.A.94(1997)10215–10220.[25]T.P.Yao,S.P.Oh,M.Fuchs,N.D.Zhou,L.E.Ch,',D.Newsome,R.T.Bronson,E.Li,D.M.Livingston,R.Eckner,Gene dosage dependent embryonic development and proliferation defects in mice lacking the transcriptional integrator p300,Cell93(1998)361–372.[26]W.C.Huang,T.K.Ju,M.C.Hung,C.C.Chen,Phosphorylation of CBP byIKKαpromotes cell growth by switching the binding preference of CBP from p53to NF-κB,Mol Cell26(2007)75–87.[27]K.M.yan,M.K.Ernst,N.R.Rice,K.H.V ousden,Role of NF-kappa-B inp53-mediated programmed cell death,Nature404(2000)892–897. 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