Synthesis of NiS nanoparticles using a sugar-ester nonionic water-in-oil microemulsion




不同形貌硫化镍纳米材料的可控合成及电化学性能研究郎雷鸣【摘要】该文主要采用简单的溶剂热和水热法通过控制不同条件如硫源和表面活性剂合成了多种形貌的硫化镍纳米材料,在使用L-胱氨酸,硫代乙酰胺作为硫源以及PEG2000作为表面活性剂时,分别获得了规整的硫化镍实心球,海胆状硫化镍空心微球以及由纳米粒子组成的空心球,分别测定了三者的电化学性能,结果表明海胆状硫化镍空心微球的循环性能较好,循环30次以后放电容量保持在200mAhg^-1左右.%Nickel sulfide nanomaterials with different morphologies were synthesized by solvothermal and hydrothermal methods under different reaction conditions, such as different surfactants and sulfur sources. Regular NiS microspheres, urchin-like mierospheres and hollow spheres were obtained by using L-cystine and TAA as sulfur sources and PEG2000 as surfactant respectively. Electrochemical performance of the samples was analyzed as a cathode of lithium-ion batteries. The results indicated that the cyclic performance of urchin-like NiS hollow micro- spheres was better than that of NiS microspheres and hollow spheres. The discharge capacity of 200 mA h g- ^-1 still remained after 30 cycles.【期刊名称】《南京晓庄学院学报》【年(卷),期】2012(000)006【总页数】5页(P60-64)【关键词】硫化镍;可控合成;电化学【作者】郎雷鸣【作者单位】南京晓庄学院生物化工与环境工程学院,江苏南京211171【正文语种】中文【中图分类】O6140 引言低维结构的纳米材料由于具有独特的物理、化学和光电性能一直以来就受到学者们的关注.随着纳米材料的快速发展,已经成功合成出不同形貌的低维结构的纳米材料[1-6],这些材料在催化、药物传输、光学材料和电池材料等领域表现出极大的潜在应用价值[7-9].不同形貌和结构的材料在性能方面有很大的差异,进而表现出不同的实际应用价值,为了合成性能更为优越的纳米材料,实现对形貌和结构的可控合成是材料合成的关键,因此,材料的不同形貌和结构对其性能的影响一直是科研工作者关注的焦点.在众多的材料中,金属硫化物由于具有特殊的光学、磁学以及催化性质而成为研究的热点.硫化镍除了具有在临界温度时,高温相NiS由顺磁性的导体转变为反铁磁性的半导体这种特殊的性质外,它还在太阳能电池、加氢脱硫催化反应,以及光电导材料和锂电池电极材料等方面都有着广泛的应用[10],因而备受关注.目前,多种形貌的NiS纳米材料被相继合成出来,如纳米晶、纳米棒、三角状纳米棱柱、薄膜、空心球以及通过自组装方法获得的由纳米针或纳米片组成的三维花状或海胆状NiS微球[11-16].但以L-胱氨酸为硫源合成很规整的硫化镍纳米材料还未见报导,此外,系统研究各种因素对硫化镍形貌的影响以及对不同形貌硫化镍纳米材料电化学性能的研究都较为少见.本文主要采用简单的溶剂热法以L-胱氨酸为硫源成功合成了形貌规整的NiS微球,并研究了不同硫源、表面活性剂以及配体对硫化镍形貌的影响,以形貌较好的海胆状NiS空心微球,NiS实心微球和由纳米粒子组成的空心球为电极材料,对其进行了锂离子充放电性能测试,海胆状NiS微球显示出了较好的充放电性能和循环性能.1 实验部分1.1 硫化镍纳米材料的制备准确称取氯化镍和硫源各2 mmol,在磁力搅拌下溶于20 ml乙二醇中,待固体全部溶解后,加入2.0 ml乙二胺,搅拌片刻后将澄清透明溶液转移到高压釜中,将高压釜放入烘箱190℃加热反应24小时得尺寸均一的硫化镍纳米材料.自然冷却到室温,取出反应釜,在1000转/分的转速下离心分离产品并用无水乙醇洗涤产品3—4次.真空干燥后备用.在相同的实验方法下使用不同硫源和表面活性剂合成不同形貌的硫化镍微纳米材料.1.2 锂离子电池电极材料的制备和电化学性能测试将活性物质按NiS∶碳黑∶聚四氟乙烯(PTFE)=8∶1∶1(质量比)的比例均匀混合后,涂在宽度为8mm的铜箔表面,在100℃下真空干燥至少8 h,即可得工作电极.采用金属锂作为对电极,1 mol·L-1 LiPF6的碳酸乙烯(EC)、碳酸二甲酯(DMC)和碳酸二乙酯(DEC)的混合溶液(EC∶DMC∶DEC=1∶1∶1)作为电解液,在氩气保护的手套箱(Labconco glovebox)中进行电池组装,构筑锂离子电池进行充放电容量和循环性能测试.电化学性能测试时采用的是两电极体系,在充放电测试系统(Land CT2001)上进行充放电实验和循环性能测试,相应的充放电电流密度为0.2 mA/cm2,电势范围为3.0~0.1 V.图1 硫化镍微球的a-b)SEM图片,c)XRD和d)EDS谱图2 结果与讨论2.1 硫化镍微球SEM、XRD、EDS分析图1是以L-胱氨酸为硫源合成的NiS微球的扫描电镜图片、XRD以及EDS谱图,图1a是大面积的扫描电镜图,图中可以看到制备的NiS都为形貌规整的球形结构,大小均一,图1b是放大的SEM图片,可以清楚地看到NiS微球尺寸非常均一,平均直径为2—3 μm,从图中NiS微球某些破损处可以看到,所制备的产品有形成空心结构的趋势.物质的相结构通过XRD来进行表征.图1c是制备的硫化镍XRD 图,从图中可以看出所制备的产品为纯六方相(α)的 NiS,XRD 图谱中在2θ角为30.4°、34.7°、45.9°、53.7°处分别对应于α 相 NiS 的(100)、(101)、(102)、(110)特征晶面,与标准卡片(JCPDS 75-0613)完全一致.图1d是NiS的EDS谱图,图中显示产物中只含有硫和镍两种元素,两个小的杂峰来源于基底的碳和氧,镍和硫的原子个数比接近于1∶1,与硫化镍化学式中元素个数比相吻合.2.2 不同硫源、表面活性剂对硫化镍形貌的影响为了比较不同硫源对硫化镍纳米材料形貌的影响,我们使用硫代乙酰胺、硫代氨基脲、硫脲、硫代硫酸钠以及硫化钠替代L-胱氨酸,当使用硫代乙酰胺为硫源时,合成的产品全为大小比较均一的由针状纳米棒组成的海胆状球形结构,图2是海胆状NiS微球的扫描电镜图片和XRD谱图,图2a是大面积的扫描电镜图,图中可以看到制备的NiS微球大小非常均一,图2b是放大的SEM照片,可以清楚地看到NiS微球表面是由针状纳米棒组装而成的海胆状结构,平均直径为6 μm左右,将单个微球进行放大,针状纳米棒和空心结构清晰可见,纳米棒的直径为40 nm左右(图2c).图2d是制备的硫化镍XRD图,从图中可以看出硫化镍产物中存在两种相结构,斜方六面体相(β)的NiS和六方相(α)NiS,前者的2θ 角为18.5°、30.4°、32.8°、35.8°、40.6°、48.9°分别对应(110)、(101)、(300)、(021)、(211)、(131)特征晶面,与标准卡片(JCPDS 12-0041)相一致.后者的2θ角为30.4°、34.7°、45.9°、53.7°分别对应于α 相 NiS 的(100)、(101)、(102)、(110)特征晶面,与标准卡片(JCPDS 75-0613)完全一致.这与使用L-胱氨酸为硫源制备产品的XRD图有很大区别,说明硫源的不同对产品的相结构有很大的影响.图2 海胆状硫化镍空心球的a-c)SEM图片以及d)XRD谱图将硫源换为硫脲后,获得很多由较粗的纳米棒组成的花状结构(图3a),但大小不一,有部分其他不规整的形貌出现.当使用硫代氨基脲后,得到的则是杂乱无章、大小不一的粒子以及少量由针状纳米棒组成的海胆状结构(图3b),但都欠规整.使用硫代硫酸钠作为硫源时,得到的硫化镍则为长短不一、粗细不等的短棒(图3c),短棒平均直径在3微米左右,而使用硫化钠合成的产品都为杂乱无章的粒子(图3d),由此可见,硫源对硫化镍纳米材料的形貌有着极其重要影响.图3 使用不同硫源合成的NiS纳米材料的SEM图片:a)硫脲,b)硫代氨基脲,c)硫代硫酸钠,d)硫化钠表面活性剂在材料合成中常用来控制产品的形貌,不同表面活性剂的使用可以获得形貌相差很大的硫化镍产品,在使用L-胱氨酸作为硫源,水作为溶剂,用PVP和PEG2000作为表面活性剂时,得到了如图4两种形貌的硫化镍纳米材料,图4a是使用PVP作为表面活性剂合成产品的TEM图片,从图中可以看出制备的硫化镍为大小比较均一的球形粒子,平均尺寸在50 nm左右,而使用PEG2000合成的产品则为由许多小粒子组成的空心球结构(图4b),空心球球壁很薄,直径为100 nm左右.通过以上实验说明在相同条件下,使用不同的表面活性剂会得到形貌截然不同的产品,因此可以通过控制表面活性剂的种类来控制产品的形貌.2.3 电化学性能测试锂离子电池是20世纪90年代出现的绿色高能环保电池,由于具有突出的优点而有着广泛的应用.目前,锂离子电池的电极材料也发展非常迅猛,有许多不同物质的或新的结构的电极材料被研制出来,但以金属硫化物为电极材料的研究并不多见,而NiS由于其具有较高的理论容量在锂离子电池中也有着潜在的应用价值.图4 a)NiS纳米粒子和b)NiS空心球的TEM图片因此,我们分别以海胆状硫化镍空心微球(图2)、纳米粒子组成的硫化镍空心球(图4b)和硫化镍微球(图1)为工作电极,金属Li作为对电极,构筑了Li离子电池,测试了三者的锂离子充放电性能.图5a为海胆状硫化镍空心微球的循环性能图,图中显示首次放电容量超过900 mA h g-1,高于文献所报道的NiS电极材料的理论放电容量[17],但电池充放电容量衰减较快,循环四次以后容量衰减到350 mA h g-1左右,随着循环次数的增加逐渐趋于稳定,当循环到30次以后放电容量依然能保持在200 mA h g-1左右.而用硫化镍微球作为电极首次放电容量只有不到500 mA h g-1,循环30次以后稳定在150 mA h g-1左右(图5b),低于海胆状硫化镍空心微球,但相对比较稳定,衰减率不高.虽然NiS空心球首次放电容量也达到800 mA h g-1左右,但电池容量衰减也较快,循环30次以后容量只有不到80 mA h g-1(图5c),循环性能要明显差于前两者.性能出现以上差异主要是由于海胆状NiS空心微球具有空心的内腔和分级结构的壳,有较大的界面面积和方便的扩散通道,有利于电化学充放电过程的进行,因而循环性能较好,而NiS空心球球壁由许多小粒子组成,球壁较薄,结构比较疏松,循环过程中结构易遭破坏而导致充放电容量的显著衰减.NiS微球充放电容量不高主要是由于其实心结构阻碍了锂离子的嵌入与释放,但其结构相对比较稳定,所以放电容量衰减较慢.由此可见,材料的形貌对锂离子充放电性能有显著的影响,结构稳定、界面面积大的材料可获得更高的充放电容量和更好的循环性能.3 小结图5 a)海胆状NiS空心微球、b)NiS微球和c)NiS空心球的循环性能图(电流密度为0.2 mA/cm2,电势范围为3.0-0.1 V)本文主要通过简单的溶剂热法和水热法制备了多种形貌的硫化镍纳米材料,通过控制不同的硫源成功合成了海胆状空心微球、大小均一的实心微球以及纳米棒等形貌的硫化镍,使用不同的表面活性剂获得了球形粒子和空心球,实现了硫化镍纳米材料形貌的可控合成.分别对海胆状空心微球等三种形貌硫化镍进行了电化学性能测试,结果表明海胆状硫化镍空心微球首次放电容量和循环性能都要好于实心微球和由纳米粒子组成的空心球,循环30次以后放电容量保持在200 mAhg-1左右,显示了较好的循环性能,但放电容量相对还较低,如何通过改进实验条件获得形貌新颖,结构稳定,性能优越的纳米材料将是本课题进一步努力的方向.参考文献:【相关文献】[1]Zhu G,Xu Z.Controllable Growth of Semiconductor Heterostructures Mediated by Bifunctional Ag2S Nanocrystals as Catalyst or Source-Host[J].J.Am.Chem.Soc.,2011,133(1):148.[2]Hu J,Bando Y,Zhan J,et al.Fabrication of Silica-Shielded Ga-ZnS Metal-Semiconductor Nanowire Heterojunctions[J].Adv.Mater.,2005,17(16):1964.[3]Liu B,Zeng H C.Fabrication of 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E⁃mail :************.cn ,***********.cn第37卷第3期2021年3月Vol.37No.3491⁃498无机化学学报CHINESE JOURNAL OF INORGANIC CHEMISTRY静电纺丝法制备纳米氧化铟锡及其导电性能任鑫川#刘苏婷#李志慧宋承堃代云茜*孙岳明*(东南大学化学化工学院,南京211189)摘要:采用静电纺丝-溶胶凝胶法,以SnCl 2、InCl 3、聚乙烯吡咯烷酮(PVP)等为原料,乙醇胺为水解控制剂,合成了超细氧化铟锡(ITO)纳米纤维及富氧缺陷的ITO 纳米颗粒。

采用透射电子显微镜(TEM)、选区电子衍射(SAED)、扫描电子显微镜(SEM)、热重分析(TGA)、X 射线衍射(XRD)、X 射线电子能谱(XPS)、四探针电阻仪,系统研究了超细ITO 纤维及颗粒的形貌、晶型、氧缺陷及导电性能。

在400℃空气煅烧后,纤维中的PVP 高分子骨架发生热分解,获得超细、多孔ITO 纳米纤维,晶型为立方相。

进一步升高煅烧温度至800℃,ITO 纳米纤维转变为富氧缺陷的纳米颗粒,晶格氧空位含量高达38.9%。

随着煅烧温度升高,Sn 4+掺入到In 2O 3晶格中,发生晶格膨胀,晶面间距增大。

煅烧温度由400℃升高至800℃,未发生立方相向六方相的转变,晶型稳定,晶粒尺寸从32nm 生长到44nm ,晶格应变(ε0)从1.943×10-3减小至1.422×10-3,应变诱导的晶格弛豫逐渐减小。

此外,高温煅烧可抑制In 2O 3晶粒(111)晶面的增长,随着In 2O 3的(400)与(222)晶面比值(I (400)/I (222))的增加,ITO 电导率逐渐升高。

在800℃获得的ITO 纳米颗粒导电率最高。







E‑mail :***************.cn第37卷第4期2021年4月Vol.37No.4653‑660无机化学学报CHINESE JOURNAL OF INORGANIC CHEMISTRY具有双亲特性的水相哑铃型SiO 2纳米粒子的制备贾新利1罗健辉2,3王平美2,3何玫莹1王乙涵1肖沛文2,3江波*,1(1四川大学化学学院,绿色化学与技术教育部重点实验室,成都610064)(2中国石油天然气股份有限公司勘探开发研究院,北京100083)(3中国石油天然气股份有限公司纳米化学重点实验室,北京100083)摘要:以纳米SiO 2水溶胶为原料,3‑氨丙基三乙氧基硅烷(APTES)和3‑氯丙基三乙氧基硅烷(CPTES)为改性剂,在水基环境下分别对SiO 2纳米粒子进行改性,得到了具有亲水特性的APTES 改性SiO 2粒子和具有亲油特性的CPTES 改性SiO 2粒子水溶胶。

2种粒子按不同比例混合,利用接枝在SiO 2粒子表面氨基和氯丙基的取代反应,使得2种具有亲水/亲油特性的改性SiO 2纳米粒子偶联,制备了粒径为40~50nm 的哑铃型SiO 2纳米粒子。

并通过透射电镜(TEM)、傅里叶变换红外光谱(FT‑IR)、X 射线光电子能谱(XPS)以及动态光散射(DLS)等方法对其进行了系统表征。

结果表明,2种粒子成功偶联形成了具有哑铃型结构的水相SiO 2纳米粒子,该粒子两面具有不同的亲水性,粒径近似等于APTES 改性SiO 2粒子和CPTES 改性SiO 2粒子的粒径之和。

关键词:哑铃型SiO 2纳米粒子;硅烷偶联剂;表面改性;水相制备中图分类号:O611.62文献标识码:A文章编号:1001‑4861(2021)04‑0653‑08DOI :10.11862/CJIC.2021.061Synthesis of Dumbbell⁃like SiO 2Nanoparticles withAmphiphilic Properties in Aqueous PhaseJIA Xin‑Li 1LUO Jian‑Hui 2,3WANG Ping‑Mei 2,3HE Mei‑Ying 1WANG Yi‑Han 1XIAO Pei‑Wen 2,3JIANG Bo *,1(1Key Laboratory of Green Chemistry &Technology,Ministry of Education,College of Chemistry,Sichuan University,Chengdu 610064,China )(2Research Institute of Petroleum Exploration &Development (RIPED ),Petro China,Beijing 100083,China )(3Key Laboratory of Nano Chemistry (KLNC ),Petro China,Beijing 100083,China )Abstract:Anisotropic SiO 2nanoparticles with dumbbell ‑like structure were prepared from nano SiO 2hydrosol inaqueous phase by a simple chemical process.Nano SiO 2hydrosol were previously modified with 3‑aminopropyl triethoxysilane (APTES)and 3‑chloropropyl triethoxysilane (CPTES),respectively.The APTES and CPTES modified SiO 2hydrosol were then mixed with different proportions,the SiO 2nanoparticles coupled to form dumbbell‑like par‑ticles with a particle size of about 45nm via the reaction of amine group and chloropropyl groups grafted on the sur‑face of silica.The morphology,structure and chemical performance of SiO 2nanoparticles were systematically charac‑terized by transmission electron microscopy (TEM),Fourier transform infrared (FT‑IR),X‑ray photoelectron spec‑troscopy (XPS)and dynamic light scatering (DLS).As a result,the dumbbell‑like SiO 2nanoparticles with differenthydrophilicity on both sides were successfully prepared,and the particle size was approximately equal to the sum of the particle size of APTES modified SiO 2particles and CPTES modified SiO 2particles.Keywords:dumbbell‑like SiO 2nanoparticles;silane coupling agent;surface modification;aqueous phase无机化学学报第37卷0引言各向同性粒子因功能单一性而限制了其在很多研究领域的应用,而在粒子的2个半球表面具有不同组成或物理化学性质的各向异性粒子可以弥补这些缺陷,这种各向异性粒子被称为Janus粒子[1‑2]。






作为常规铂、钯、铱基催化剂的替代品,过渡金属离子(例如Fe 、Co 、Mo 、Ni 等)已被用来开发先进的电活性材料,以超越最先进的催化性能。


1 电解水制氢电解水制氢主要是通过高度标准化但非常昂贵的贵金属(例如Pt )基催化剂在商业上实现的。

目前,研究人员一直受到启发,在清洁能源生产反应中使用镍基催化剂替代Pt ,原因为:(1)它们有相似的化学性质;(2)它们在元素周期表中的基团数目相同;(3)大量的镍及其廉价性[1]。


将纳米结构的Ni 衍生物掺入最新的材料中,可以有效增加二元或三元合金材料的电化学活性表面积,以增强其在碱性和酸性介质中的催化活性。

具体而言,成熟的铂、金属掺杂剂(如钼和铁)在通过调节催化表面的天然电子结构来减少过电位和增强Ni 基材料的催化活性方面起着重要作用。


C 、O 、N 、P 和S 是用于析氢反应中研究最多的非金属元素。

例如,Gong 等[2]在碱性介质中,使用NiO/Ni-CNT 复合材料作为析氢反应催化剂。

在约81 mV 的超电势下,所合成催化剂的电流密度达到10 mA/cm 2。

Ni 已被描述为可加快H 吸附步骤的有效物质,NiO 发挥了Ni 位产生的OH ﹣优先吸收作用。

与金属Ni 相比,Ni 2+的正电荷以及更多的空d 轨道是NiO 对OH ﹣离子更强的静电亲和力的起源。



镍铁氰化物纳米粒子的合成及其多相催化无溶剂条件下苯甲醇氧化的潜能(英文)Shah R. ALI;Prakash CHANDRA;Mamta LATWAL;Shalabh K. JAIN;Vipin K.BANSAL;Sudhanshu P. SINGH【期刊名称】《催化学报》【年(卷),期】2011(32)12【摘要】Nickel hexacyanoferrate nanoparticles were synthesized and characterized using elemental analysis, thermal analysis, infrared spectroscopy, and X-ray diffraction. A FE-SEM image of the nickel hexacyanoferrate showed that it consists of nearly spherical particles with sizes ranging from 30 to 70 nm. The synthesized material was found to be a heterogeneous catalyst useful for the solvent-free oxidation of benzyl alcohol with H2O2 as an oxidant. A 36% conversion of benzyl alcohol to benzaldehyde was achieved under optimized reaction conditions using specific parameters such as the amount of catalyst, the temperature, the benzyl alcohol to H2O2 molar ratio, and the reaction time.【总页数】6页(P1844-1849)【关键词】hexacyanoferrate nanoparticle;heterogeneous catalyst;benzyl alcohol;benzaldehyde【作者】Shah R. ALI;Prakash CHANDRA;Mamta LATWAL;Shalabh K. JAIN;Vipin K. BANSAL;Sudhanshu P. SINGH【作者单位】Department of Chemistry, Kumaun University;Department of Chemistry, Gurukula Kangri University;Department of Chemistry, Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee;Faculty of Chemistry, Department of Applied Science, Mangalayatan University【正文语种】中文【中图分类】O643【相关文献】1.Fe_3O_4纳米粒子作为高效、可重复使用催化剂用于无溶剂条件下合成9,9-二甲基-9,10-二氢-8H-苯并[α]占吨11(12H)-酮(英文) [J], DavoodHabibi;Sharif Kaamyabi;Hasan Hazarkhani2.无溶剂条件下用于合成3,4-二氢嘧啶-2(1H)-酮的高效、可磁性回收Fe_3O_4纳米粒子催化剂(英文) [J], Masoud NASR-ESFAHANI;S. Jafar HOSEINI;Fatemeh MOHAMMADI3.无溶剂条件下勃姆石纳米粒子一锅催化多组分合成3,4-二氢嘧啶-2-(1H)酮(英文) [J], Ali Keivanloo;Mahdi Mirzaee;Mohammad Bakherad;Atena Soozani4.绿色可磁性分离二氧化硅包裹镍铁尖晶石负载硫酸氢铁纳米粒子催化剂用于合成1,8-二氧十氢吖啶合成(英文) [J], Amir Khojastehnezhad;Mohammad Rahimizadeh;Hossein Eshghi;Farid Moeinpour;Mehdi Bakavoli5.铁酸钴纳米粒子:室温下点击合成亚芳基巴比妥酸衍生物的高效可磁性分离多相催化剂(英文) [J], Jaspreet Kaur Rajput;Gagandeep Kaur因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。



(19)中华人民共和国国家知识产权局(12)发明专利(10)授权公告号 (45)授权公告日 (21)申请号 202110229681.9(22)申请日 2021.03.02(65)同一申请的已公布的文献号申请公布号 CN 113121236 A(43)申请公布日 2021.07.16(73)专利权人 西安交通大学地址 710048 陕西省西安市咸宁西路28号(72)发明人 阙文修 罗艺佳 田亚朋 巨毛毛 宾小青 (74)专利代理机构 西安众和至成知识产权代理事务所(普通合伙) 61249代理人 强宏超(51)Int.Cl.C04B 35/56(2006.01)C04B 35/626(2006.01)C04B 35/64(2006.01)(56)对比文件CN 110304922 A ,2019.10.08CN 111763089 A ,2020.10.13CN 107935596 A ,2018.04.20CN 110304632 A ,2019.10.08US 2014162130 A1,2014.06.12T. Galvin et al..Molten salt synthesis of MAX phases in the Ti-Al-C system.《Journal of the European Ceramic Society》.2018,第38卷(第14期),审查员 李鹏丽 (54)发明名称一种微米级三维层片状Ti 2AlC陶瓷粉体及其制备方法(57)摘要本发明公开了一种微米级三维层片状Ti 2AlC陶瓷粉体及其制备方法,本发明采用两步煅烧法在体系温度到达混合熔盐共熔点以上,设置一个升温停顿,在较低温度下促进熔盐充分熔融制造液相环境,使反应原料间液态混合,实现原子级充分接触,第二阶段继续升温至合成温度,促进反应相生成,使得体系具有高的反应活性和流动性,促进了反应物之间的扩散,有利于固相反应进行,使得材料合成温度大大降低,并且制备的颗粒均匀性好,不易团聚;本发明工艺简单、重复性好、工艺绿色无污染,由于工艺路线更加简化、两步煅烧结合熔盐的加入使得合成温度和时间大大降低,从而降低了能耗与成本,合成产量高。




















© XXXX American Chemical Society
1. INTRODUCTION Graphene, the two-dimensional sp2-hybridized carbon, is currently, without any doubt, the most intensively studied material. This single-atom-thick sheet of carbon atoms arrayed in a honeycomb pattern is the world’s thinnest, strongest, and stiffest material, as well as being an excellent conductor of both heat and electricity. It is no wonder that this two-dimensional material is considered, from the application viewpoint, to be even more promising than other nanostructured carbon allotropes, that is, 1-dimensional nanotubes and 0-dimensional fullerenes. Since the first experimental evidence of the electronic properties of graphene in 2004,1 a major focus of experimental research has been concentrated on the development of new synthetic routes enabling an effective production of well-defined sheets.2−18 The commonly applied methods include the micromechanical1 or chemical exfoliation of graphite,13 chemical









四、主要科研成果1.Kun Z, Liu YH, Xiang DS, Guo GG, Wan TY, Hu HQ. Dual Color Fluorescence Quantitative Detection for Mercury in Soil with Graphene Oxide and Dye-labeled Nucleic Acids. Analytical Method, 2015, 7(9): 1-7.2.翟琨,向东山,朱俊,胡红青.基于分子信标及核酸染料SYBRGreen_定量检测土壤中的汞,分析化学,2015,43(8):1125-1129.3. 翟琨, 向东山,殷艳,范然.EDTA对Cu污染农田土壤的淋洗实验研究.土壤通报,2015,46(5):1108-1113.4. 翟琨, 王联芝,向东山.双色荧光定量检测大米中的汞,2015,36(2): 179-183.吴德勇个人简历一、基本情况吴德勇,男,1981年8月生,湖北利川人,博士,副教授,硕士生导师。




Article history: Received 1 September 2019 Accepted 10 October 2019 Published 5 April 2020
Keywords: Ni catalyst Reductive amination Dihydropyran 5-Amino-1-pentanol Structure-performance relationship
Xuemei Li †, Junying Tian †, Hailong Liu, Congkui Tang, Chungu Xia, Jing Chen #, Zhiwei Huang *
State Key Laboratory for Oxo Synthesis and Selective Oxidation, Suzhou Research Institute of LICP, Lanzhou Institute of Chemical Physics (LICP), Chinese Academy of Sciences, Lanzhou 730000, Gansu, China
Article (Special Column for the Youth Innovation Promotion Association, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
Effective synthesis of 5-amino-1-pentanol by reductive amination of biomass-derived 2-hydroxytetrahydropyran over supported Ni catalysts
© 2020, Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.



化工进展Chemical Industry and Engineering Progress2022年第41卷第6期纳米木质素基多孔炭的制备及其电化学性能娄瑞1,刘钰1,田杰1,张亚男2(1陕西科技大学机电工程学院,陕西西安710021;2陕西科技大学化学与化工学院,陕西西安710021)摘要:基于绿色低共熔溶剂(DES )高效分离麦草生物质组分以制备纳米木质素(LNP ),本文采用化学活化法并进一步热解炭化制备纳米木质素基多孔炭(LNPC )。

借助SEM 、Raman 、BET-物理吸附等分析手段研究了锌系活化剂及热解炭化温度(600℃、700℃、800℃)对LNPC 的结构特征及电化学性能的影响。

研究结果表明,相对于LNP 直接热解炭化后纳米碳粒子的极易团聚,经锌化物活化后所制备的LNPC 表现出更好的分散性和多级孔道形貌结构。

尤其,以ZnCO 3活化后制备的LNPC-ZnCO 3-800具有更突出的性能,较高石墨化程度(I D /I G 为0.68)、较高BET 比表面积(679m 2/g )、高介孔率(86.7%)、均匀纳米碳粒子构成的介孔结构。

此外,以LNPC-ZnCO 3-800制备的工作电极,在0.5A/g 时的比电容可达179F/g ,与直接热解炭化的LNPC-800(64F/g )相比,其比电容的容量提高了180%。

关键词:纳米木质素;活化;热解;多孔炭;电化学中图分类号:TK6文献标志码:A文章编号:1000-6613(2022)06-3170-08Preparation of LNP-based hierarchical porous carbon and itselectrochemical propertiesLOU Rui 1,LIU Yu 1,TIAN Jie 1,ZHANG Yanan 2(1College of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering,Shaanxi University of Science and Technology,Xi ’an 710021,Shaanxi,China;2College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering,Shaanxi University of Science and Technology,Xi ’an710021,Shaanxi,China)Abstract:Based on green deep eutectic solvent (DES),wheat straw biomass fractionations were efficiently isolated to prepare lignin nanoparticles (LNP).LNP-based carbon (LNPC)with hierarchical porous microstructure was prepared by chemical activation and further pyrolysis and carbonization.The influences of Zn-activators and pyrolysis temperatures (600℃,700℃,800℃)on the structural properties and electrochemical performances of LNPC were studied by means of SEM,Raman,BET analyzers,etc .The results proved that the activated LNPC with Zn-activators exhibited better dispersibility and more hierarchical porous morphology compared with LNPC from direct pyrolysis consisted of massive carbon nanoparticles aggregation.In particular,LNPC-ZnCO 3-800possessed outstanding performances on better graphitization (I D /I G =0.68),higher BET specific surface area (679m 2/g),more mesoporous pores (86.7%)and uniform carbon nanoparticles.Moreover,LNPC-ZnCO 3-800had a high specific capacitance of 179F/g at a current density of 0.5A/g,which was 180%higher than that of LNPC-800(64F/g).Keywords:lignin nanoparticles;activation;pyrolysis;porous carbon;electrochemical研究开发DOI :10.16085/j.issn.1000-6613.2021-1567收稿日期:2021-07-23;修改稿日期:2021-09-18。



2020 • 19科研开发当代化工研究Modem Chemical R esearchX氨基乙酸缩醇的合成承*应用*周立平付少邦崔振杰张洁(中节能万润股份有限公司山东264006)摘要:氨基乙醛缩醇具有很好的化学反应性能,是医药、农药、化学合成等领域中必不可少的有机化工中间体和化工原料。

因而,氨基 乙醛缩醇类化合物的合成显得格外重要•本文主要阐述了国内外有关氨基乙醛缩醇的合成方法和应用•关键词:氨基乙醛缩醇;伯胺化合物;合成;应用 中图分类号:T Q 文献标识码:ASynthesis and Application of Ami n oacetaldehyde AcetalZhou Liping, Fu Shaobang, Cui Zhenjie, Zhang Jie(Valiant Corporation Limited, Shandong, 264006)Abstract*.Aminoacetaldehyde acetals have excellent chemical reactivity and they are essential organic chemical raw materials in the chemicalsynthesis fields of medicine,pesticide and other f ine chemicals . Therefore , the synthesis of aminoacetaldehyde acetal is very impotant . This paper introduced the synthesis methods and application of a minoacetaldehyde acetal at home and abroad .Key wordsx aminoacetaldehyde acetal % primary amines % synthesis % application下转第140页上接第138页增大(图4c ) , CV曲线围成的面积也增大,表明NiSe/NF具 有较大的电化学活性面积以及较好的电子传输能力,这归功于导电性好的泡沫镍基底。



unecritinib合成路线英文版Synthesis Route of UnecritinibThe synthesis of unecritinib, a compound with significant pharmaceutical importance, involves several key steps. The overall process begins with the selection of suitable starting materials, which undergo a series of chemical transformations to yield the desired product.The initial step involves the preparation of a key intermediate through a condensation reaction between an amine and an acid chloride. This intermediate is then further reacted with another appropriate reagent to introduce the necessary functionality. Subsequently, a reduction step is performed to convert a double bond present in the intermediate to a single bond.After the reduction step, a protection/deprotection sequence is often employed to mask and subsequently revealreactive groups. This allows for the selective modification of specific moieties within the molecule.In the penultimate step, the protected intermediate is reacted with another reagent to form the core structure of unecritinib. The final step involves the removal of any protecting groups and purification of the product to yield unecritinib in its pure form.Throughout the synthesis, it is crucial to monitor and control reaction conditions to ensure the formation of the desired intermediates and the final product. Additionally, safety precautions must be followed to mitigate the risks associated with handling reactive chemicals.The synthesis of unecritinib, although complex, offers a reliable route to this pharmaceutically important compound. The careful selection of starting materials, intermediate formation, and reaction conditions are key to achieving the desired product efficiently and safely.中文版Unecritinib的合成路线Unecritinib是一种具有重要药物价值的化合物,其合成涉及多个关键步骤。



第34卷第1期2021年2月Vol.34No.1Feb.2021投稿网址: 石油化工高等学校学报JOURNAL OF PETROCHEMICAL UNIVERSITIES基于铁基钙钛矿制备原位析出型SOFC复合阳极徐璟升,蔡洪东,张磊磊,姚桂彬,宋昭远(辽宁石油化工大学理学院,辽宁抚顺113001)摘要:使用微量的Ni替换La0.5Sr0.5Fe0.9Mo0.1O3-δ(LSFM)中高价态的Mo离子,通过破坏其还原气氛下的稳定性,在阳极还原气氛下电极表面原位析出Fe⁃Ni合金纳米颗粒,从而制备出高催化性能的复合阳极催化剂,并对其作为SOFC阳极的性能进行电化学表征。

实验结果显示,La0.5Sr0.5Fe0.9Mo0.07Ni0.03O3-δ(LSFMN0.03)阳极制备的单电池在H2和CO燃料下功率密度分别达到0.84W/cm2和0.62W/cm2(800o C),相应的极化阻抗分别为0.35Ω·cm2和1.01Ω·cm2(800o C)。



关键词:SOFC;阳极;原位析出;Fe⁃Ni合金中图分类号:TM911.4文献标志码:A doi:10.3969/j.issn.1006⁃396X.2021.01.004Preparation of In⁃Situ Precipitated SOFC Composite Anode Based on Fe⁃Based PerovskiteXu Jingsheng,Cai Hongdong,Zhang Leilei,Yao Guibin,Song Zhaoyuan(College of Science,Liaoning Petrochemical University,Fushun Liaoning113001,China)Abstract:The Mo ions with high valence state in La0.5Sr0.5Fe0.9Mo0.1O3-δ(LSFM)were partially substituted by trace amounts of Ni,which was found to weaken the structural stability of La0.5Sr0.5Fe0.9Mo0.1O3-δunder reducing atmosphere.In this way,Fe⁃Ni alloy nanoparticles precipitated on the surface of the oxidized perovskite under reducing atmosphere,and a composite anode then be prepared showing improved catalytic properties,electrochemical characterizations of which were evaluated.The experimental results indicate that power densities of single cell using La0.5Sr0.5Fe0.9Mo0.07Ni0.03O3-δ(LSFMN0.03)as anode are0.84W/cm2and 0.62W/cm2(800o C)with polarization resistance of0.35Ω·cm2and1.01Ω·cm2(800o C)under H2and CO fuels,respectively.The performances of cell with LSFMN0.03anode are obviously higher than that of La0.5Sr0.5Fe0.9Mo0.1O3-δanode.The results of stability tests indicate that,the cell with LSFMN0.03anode could maintain an excellent electrochemical stability,when the H2 content in H2/CO mixture fuel is more than40%.Keywords:SOFC;Anode;In⁃suit;Fe⁃Ni alloy固体氧化物燃料电池(SOFC)是一种高效、低污染的电化学装置。



ni催化烯烃的芳羟化修饰新方法As a researcher in the field of organic chemistry, I understand the importance of developing new methods for the functionalization of olefins. One of the key transformations that has attracted attention in recent years is the aromatic hydroxylation of alkenes using nickel catalysts. 近年来,使用镍催化剂对烯烃进行芳羟化修饰已经受到了广泛关注,作为有机化学领域的研究人员,我深知发展新的方法对烯烃进行官能化的重要性。

The functionalization of olefins through aromatic hydroxylation offers a direct and efficient route to valuable compounds that are essential building blocks in organic synthesis. This method allows for the incorporation of hydroxy functional groups into aromatic systems, which can greatly enhance the biological and chemical properties of the molecules. 通过芳羟基化对烯烃进行官能化提供了一种直接高效的方法,可以合成有机合成中不可或缺的宝贵化合物。


One of the challenges in developing new methods for the aromatic hydroxylation of alkenes is to achieve high regioselectivity andreactivity under mild conditions. Nickel catalysts have shown great potential in achieving these goals due to their versatility and abilityto activate a wide range of substrates. However, the development of efficient ligands that can control the regioselectivity of the reaction remains a key challenge in this field. 发展对烯烃进行芳羟化修饰的新方法面临的挑战之一是在温和条件下实现高区域选择性和反应性。

Synthesis of metallic nanoparticles for catalysis

Synthesis of metallic nanoparticles for catalysis

Synthesis of metallic nanoparticlesfor catalysis合成金属纳米颗粒用于催化随着科技的发展和人类对于物质世界的探索,金属纳米颗粒已经成为了催化化学研究的重要一环。





1. 总体替代法这种方法就是通过化学反应使得一种金属离子与还原剂、模板或保护剂相互作用,在溶液中生成纳米颗粒。

2. 气液相还原法这种方法需要将金属蒸气经过携带气体输送到气液界面,然后在界面上点燃还原剂,金属蒸气会被还原成纳米颗粒。

3. 热分解法这种方法就是将金属有机溶液分解成纳米颗粒。












图1( b)是煅烧前明胶凝胶! GEL)、煅烧后形成的N掺杂生物质炭(BC)以及水热生成2X02 04-,样品 的Raman光谱图。由图可见,样品GEL在1 665 cm-及1 443 cm-处出现了一C =0拉曼散射。生物质炭 BC在1 665 cm-处的峰强度降低;在1 443 cm-处的峰消失;在2 700 cm- ,1 565 cm-及712 cm-出现3个宽 峰隆起,具有芳烃的特征〔⑵(这说明明胶凝胶煅烧形成的生物质炭部分芳构化,也与XRD表征结果一致。 水热样品NiCo204-C@NF除了保留生物质炭的特征峰外,还在782 cm-等处出现新峰,证明有新生成M-0 键的存在。
Key wordt nickel foam; gelatin; N1U02O4 ndnoaeay; supercapacitvr; cyclic sObdity
点,对未来能源利用及储备具有重要意义[1](目前广泛研究的有以碳材料为主的双电层电容器和以 RuO2 为代表的赝电容器两大类+2](碳材料是常见的双电层电容的电极材料,其储能的机理是基于其电解质/电
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(讥 NiCo204 0) BC
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关键词 泡沫镍;明胶;NUo2O4纳米阵列;超级电容器;循环稳定性



Vol .28高等学校化学学报No .92007年9月 CHE M I CAL JOURNAL OF CH I N ESE UN I V ERSI TI ES 1690~1695二氧化硅纳米与微米颗粒作为固定化酶载体的生物效应石 慧1,2,4,何晓晓1,2,3,4,王柯敏1,2,4,原 茵1,2,4,谭蔚泓1,2,4(1.湖南大学化学生物传感与计量学国家重点实验室,2.生物医学工程中心,3.生命科学与技术研究院,4.生物纳米与分子工程湖南省重点实验室,长沙410082)摘要 分别将二氧化硅纳米颗粒(Si N Ps )与微米颗粒(Si M Ps )作为固定化载体,选择多聚酶牛肝过氧化氢酶(CAT )和单体酶辣根过氧化物酶(HRP )作为酶模型,通过考察酶固定化后在酶活回收率、热稳定性、酶促反应最适温度以及酶在水2有机溶剂混合体系中催化能力的变化,对载体与酶所产生的生物效应差异进行了系统研究.酶活回收率结果表明,Si N Ps 显示出比Si M Ps 优越的对酶无选择性的高生物亲和性,而Si M Ps 则能使固定于其上的酶热稳定性大幅度提高,且二者都能使固定化酶在有机相中的稳定性得到明显增强.但酶促反应最适温度的变化结果表明,对不同类型的酶所产生的生物效应则表现出无规律性.关键词 二氧化硅纳米颗粒;二氧化硅微米颗粒;固定化载体;酶;生物效应中图分类号 O657 文献标识码 A 文章编号 025120790(2007)0921690206收稿日期:2007201218.基金项目:国家“九七三”计划(批准号:2002CB513110)、国家高科技发展规划项目(批准号:2003AA302250)、国家科技攻关计划项目(批准号:2003BA310A16)、教育部重点科研项目(批准号:107084)、教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划(批准号:NCET 20620697)、科技部国际合作重点项目(批准号:2003DF000039)、国家自然科学基金(批准号:90606003,20405005)及湖南省杰出青年基金(批准号:06JJ10004)资助.联系人简介:王柯敏,男,博士,教授,博士生导师,主要从事化学生物传感技术及纳米尺度和分子水平上获取生物化学信息的研究.E 2mail:kmwang@hnu .cn目前,关于纳米生物效应的研究主要是从生物整体水平[1,2]、细胞水平[3~5]和分子水平[6~8]等几个层面开展的.其中对于分子水平上的纳米生物效应的研究,能为揭示纳米材料生物效应的产生机制并以此来发展消除纳米物质毒性的物理/化学方法提供直接依据.Ser pone 等[7]发现Ti O 2会使人皮肤细胞的DNA 受损伤,而对其进行表面修饰后可防止紫外辐射,降低对DNA 的损伤.近年来,二氧化硅纳米颗粒在生物医学领域得到了广泛应用,其相关的生物效应研究也受到关注[9~11],其中部分研究工作就是在分子水平上开展的.我们[12]通过研究氨基化二氧化硅纳米颗粒与质粒DNA 的相互作用,发现其能有效结合质粒DNA 与之形成稳定复合物,并可保护结合的质粒DNA 分子免受限制性内切酶的降解;程凡亮等[13]以木瓜蛋白酶为对象研究了氨基化二氧化硅纳米颗粒作为酶固定化载体的可行性,发现该颗粒作为酶固定化载体时可提供更多固定位点,有望作为高效酶固定化载体.本文以研究二氧化硅纳米颗粒(Si N Ps )与微米颗粒(Si M Ps )的分子生物效应为出发点,分别将Si N Ps 与Si M Ps 作为固定化载体,选择多聚酶牛肝过氧化氢酶(CAT )和单体酶辣根过氧化物酶(HRP )作为酶模型,均以酶固定后的特性(包括酶活回收率、热稳定性、酶促反应最适温度以及酶在水2有机溶剂混合体系中的催化能力)变化为考察指标,对Si N Ps 与Si M Ps 这两种材料相同而尺度不同的颗粒固定酶后对酶分子产生的生物效应差异进行了较为系统的比较研究,获得了一些有意义的结果.1 实验部分1.1 试剂与仪器牛肝过氧化氢酶和辣根过氧化物酶(Sig ma 公司);N 2(β2氨乙基)2γ2氨丙基三乙氧基硅烷(AEAPS,武汉大学有机硅材料研究所);正硅酸乙酯(TE OS,上海化学试剂一厂);二氧化硅微米颗粒(Sig ma 公司,平均直径为60μm ,表面孔穴的平均直径为8nm );戊二醛(体积分数50%,上海生物工程有限公司);考马斯亮蓝G250(Sig ma 公司);其它试剂均为市售分析纯.H itachi 2800型透射电子显微镜(日本H itachi 公司);E 2600倒置荧光显微镜(日本尼康公司);DU800型紫外2可见分光光度计(英国Beck man 公司).1.2 氨基化二氧化硅纳米和微米颗粒的制备根据酶固定化的需要,本文所采用的Si N Ps 和Si M Ps 均为氨基化修饰,其中氨基化二氧化硅纳米颗粒(NH 22Si N Ps )参照文献[12]的方法制得,即将环己烷、Trit on X 2100和正己醇按一定体积比例(4∶1∶1)混合均匀,加入水搅拌5m in 后再将TEOS 和AEAPS (3∶1,体积比)加入到微乳液中,20~30m in 后加入氨水,水解24h .反应完毕后收集颗粒并分散于0101mol/L pH =713的P BS 中备用.氨基化二氧化硅微米颗粒(NH 22Si M Ps )则采用文献[14]的方法合成,对购买的Si M Ps 进行氨基化后续修饰制得,即将Si M Ps 分散于水溶液中,加入终体积分数为1%的AE APS 和终浓度为1mmol/L 的醋酸溶液,反应1~115h 后,离心收集颗粒并洗涤数次后分散于0101mol/L pH =713的P BS 中备用.1.3 酶在氨基化二氧化硅纳米和微米颗粒上的固定化1.3.1 牛肝过氧化氢酶(CAT )的固定化 分别向NH 22Si N Ps 和NH 22Si M Ps 悬浮液中加入戊二醛(最终体积分数为2%),室温下振荡培育115h 后用P BS 反复洗涤,随后将其重新悬浮在2mL P BS 中,加入2mL CAT 溶液(2mg/mL ),于4℃摇床中振荡过夜.按该方法分别将Si N Ps 和Si M Ps 作为CAT 的固定化载体,获得了以Si N Ps 为载体的固定化CAT (Si N P 2CAT )和以Si M Ps 为载体的固定化CAT (Si M P 2CAT ).1.3.2 辣根过氧化物酶(HRP )的固定化 分别向NH 22Si N Ps 和NH 22Si M Ps 悬浮液中加入约1mL 戊二醛,室温下振荡培育115h 后用P BS 反复洗涤,随后将其重新悬浮在500μL P BS 中,加入2mg HRP 粉末,于8℃摇床中振荡反应48h .按该方法分别将Si N Ps 和Si M Ps 作为HRP 的固定化载体,获得了以Si N Ps 为载体的固定化HRP (Si N P 2HRP )和以Si M P 为载体的固定化HRP (Si M P 2HRP ).1.4 二氧化硅纳米颗粒与微米颗粒作为固定化酶载体的生物效应考察1.4.1 游离酶和固定化酶的活力测定 在对酶固定化前后各方面特性的变化情况进行考察时均以酶的活力变化为指标,因此在后续的实验中都要测定酶活力,且所有实验结果均经过重复测定和验证.固定化前后的CAT 和HRP 均采用钼酸铵法进行活力测定[15],具体操作如下:取一定浓度的酶液20μL 于反应试管中,加入160μL 0101mol/L pH =713的P BS (对HRP 而言则为011mol/L pH =610的P B ),随后加入20μL H 2O 2(015mol/L )并置于一定温度的水浴中准确反应3m in (CAT )或015h (HRP ),反应完成后加入118mL 硫酸溶液(015mol/L )终止反应,再依次加入1mL 质量分数为6%的柠檬酸和1mL 质量分数为1%的钼酸铵显色,摇匀,在365n m 处比色,计算酶活力.1.4.2 二氧化硅纳米颗粒与微米颗粒固定化后的酶活回收率测定 采用考马斯亮蓝G250染色法分别测定出CAT 和HRP 的浓度标准曲线,并对所得4种固定化酶在固定化完成后的上清液和洗涤液中的酶含量进行测定.通过换算得出颗粒所固定的酶量后,取以上4种固定化酶进行活力测定,并以含相同量酶分子的游离酶活力进行对照,最后按下式计算出活力回收率:酶活回收率(%)=(固定化酶的活力/具有相同酶量的游离酶的活力)×100%1.4.3 二氧化硅纳米颗粒与微米颗粒固定化后的酶的热稳定性测定 对于CAT,实验时分别将CAT,Si N P 2CAT 和Si M P 2CAT 于50℃水浴中预孵育0,10,30,60,120和240m in 后,再于40℃水浴中测定活性,考察其固定前后热稳定性的变化情况.对于HRP,则先分别将HRP,Si N P 2HRP 和Si M P 2HRP 于60℃水浴中预孵育0,10,30,60和120m in 后,于37℃水浴中测定活性,考察其固定前后热稳定性的变化情况.1.4.4 二氧化硅纳米颗粒与微米颗粒固定化后的酶促反应最适温度测定 分别在相同pH (CAT 及其固定化酶反应时pH 为713,HRP 及其固定化酶反应时pH 为610)条件下,于一系列不同温度的水浴中测定每一种酶或固定化酶的活力,得出其相应的温度2活力曲线,从而找到其酶促反应的最适温度.1961 No .9 石 慧等:二氧化硅纳米与微米颗粒作为固定化酶载体的生物效应1.4.5 二氧化硅纳米颗粒与微米颗粒固定化后的酶在水2有机溶剂混合体系中活力变化 对CAT,采用尿素作为有机相,测定尿素在反应体系中的浓度分别为0,2,4,6和8mol/L 时CAT,Si N P 2CAT 及Si M P 2CAT 各自的活力.对HRP,则以乙醇为有机相,测定乙醇在反应体系中的体积百分数分别为0,25%,50%和80%时HRP,Si N P 2HRP,Si M P 2HRP 各自的活力.2 结果与讨论2.1 颗粒的表征采用透射电子显微镜(TE M )对NH 22Si N Ps 的大小形貌进行表征,结果如图1(A )所示,颗粒平均直径为(66±9)n m ,呈规则的球形,且大小均匀、分散性好.采用光学显微镜对NH 22Si M Ps 进行观察,结果见图1(B ),其直径在60μm 左右.由此表明,本文所选择的作为固定化酶载体的生物效应差异的考察比较对象———Si N Ps 和Si M Ps,在尺寸上具有近3个数量级的显著差别.F i g .1 TE M i m age of am i n o 2m od i f i ed sili ca nanoparti cles(A)and the opti ca l i m age ofam i n o 2m od i f i ed m i croparti cles(B)2.2 二氧化硅纳米颗粒与微米颗粒作为固定化酶载体的生物效应比较2.2.1 二氧化硅纳米颗粒与微米颗粒分别作为载体对固定化酶的酶活回收率的影响 分别以Si N Ps F i g .2 Y i elds of enzy m e acti v ity of S i NP 2CAT(A),S i NP 2HRP(B),S i M P 2CAT(C)and S i M P 2HRP(D )和Si M Ps 为载体,对CAT 及HRP 进行固定后的酶活回收率测定结果如图2所示.以Si N Ps为载体形成的Si N P 2CAT 和Si N P 2HRP 的酶活回收率分别为(70143±6187)%和(82191±2143)%;以Si M Ps 作为载体形成的Si M P 2CAT和Si M P 2HRP 的酶活回收率分别为(19163±2177)%和(85196±4102)%.由上述结果可知,无论是以Si N Ps 为载体还是以Si M Ps 为载体,酶经过固定后,活力都有所下降,这也是固定化酶研究中一个较为普遍的现象[16,17],可能是由于酶分子在固定后空间自由度受到限制,影响了活性中心对底物的定位作用等导致的.但在一定的条件下,这两种不同尺度的颗粒作为固定化酶载体,其生物学效应并不是统一的.当以Si N Ps 为载体时,无论是多聚酶CAT 还是单体酶HRP,所形成的固定化酶的酶活回收率均较高,达到了70%以上;而当以Si M Ps 为载体时,Si M Ps 对不同类型的酶所产生的生物效应却截然不同,Si M P 2HRP 的酶活回收率达到了85%,但Si M P 2CAT 的酶活回收率却不到20%,即以Si M Ps 为载体固定单体酶HRP 时能保证较高的酶活回收率,但固定多聚酶CAT 时却会大大损害酶活力.上述结果的产生,一方面可能与CAT 作为多聚酶容易因单体与单体之间解离而造成活力损失有关,另一方面也与载体的尺度和结构有关.总之,在酶活回收率方面,Si M Ps 对不同类型的酶产生了有选择性的各不相同的生物效应,而Si N Ps 却对二者具有相对无选择性的高生物亲和性,表现出比Si M Ps 更好的优越性.2.2.2 二氧化硅纳米颗粒与微米颗粒分别作为载体对固定化酶热稳定性的影响 分别采用Si N Ps 和2961高等学校化学学报 Vol .28 Si M Ps 作为载体对CAT 和HRP 进行固定化,CAT 和HRP 固定前后的热稳定性考察结果如图3和图4所示.F i g .3 Ther m ost ab ility of CAT(a ),S i NP 2CAT(b )and S i M P 2CAT(c)F i g .4 Ther m ost ab ility of S i NP 2HRP(a ),HRP(b )and S i M P 2HRP(c )由图3和图4可见,无论是多聚酶CAT 还是单体酶HRP,其固定化酶产物的活力都会随培育时间的延长而逐渐降低.但在相同的条件下,其降低的程度却各有不同,因此所表现出来的热稳定性也不同.当分别以Si N Ps 和Si M Ps 为载体对CAT 进行固定时,Si N P 2CAT 最终在50℃水浴中预孵育4h 后仅保留初始18196%的活性,这与游离CAT 经相同处理后保留初始17128%的活性相比,结果近似;而Si M P 2CAT 在相同条件下却仍能保持34194%的相对活力,是Si N P 2CAT 的118倍多.当分别以Si N Ps 和Si M Ps 作为载体对HRP 进行固定时,Si P 2HRP 最终在60℃水浴中预孵育2h 后仅保留初始19177%的活性,与游离HRP 经相同处理后保持初始38108%的活性相比,Si N P 2HRP 约为游离HRP 的1/2,热稳定性大大下降;而Si M P 2HRP 在相同条件下却仍能保持高达70196%的相对活力,是Si N P 2HRP 的近316倍.从以上结果可以看出,在热稳定性方面,当以Si N Ps 为载体时,其要么对酶的热稳定性贡献甚微(CAT ),要么会产生负面生物效应使得酶的热稳定性大大降低(HRP );而当以Si M Ps 为载体时,无论是对多聚酶CAT 还是单体酶HRP 而言,Si M Ps 都能使得酶的热稳定性大幅度提高,这可能是由于Si M Ps 表面存在8n m 左右大的孔穴,从而使得CAT 或HRP 除了固定在颗粒表面上之外,还有部分进入到颗粒内部受到外层二氧化硅壳的保护而导致了热稳定性的大幅度提高.总之,在热稳定性方面,Si M Ps 显示出了Si N Ps 所无法比拟的优越性能.2.2.3 二氧化硅纳米颗粒与微米颗粒分别作为载体对固定化酶的酶促反应最适温度的影响 分别考察了以Si N Ps 和Si M Ps 为载体,CAT 固定化后酶促反应最适温度的变化情况.由图5可知,Si N P 2CAT 的酶促反应最适温度较游离酶略有升高,处于44~48℃范围内;而Si M P 2CAT 的酶促反应最适温度则较游离酶略有下降,约为43℃.由此可见,由于酶活回收率和热稳定性的综合影响,Si N Ps 和Si M Ps 这两种载体对CAT 所产生的生物效应都表现得不是非常明显,但相对而言,Si N Ps 作为CAT 的固定化载体在酶促反应最适温度方面的优越性要稍强于Si M Ps.F i g .5 O pti m u m te m pera ture of CAT(a ),S i M P 2CAT(b )and S i NP 2CAT(c)F i g .6 O pti m u m te m pera ture of HRP(a ),S i NP 2HRP(b )and S i M P 2HRP(c )3961 No .9 石 慧等:二氧化硅纳米与微米颗粒作为固定化酶载体的生物效应分别考察了以Si N Ps 和Si M Ps 为载体,HRP 固定化后酶促反应最适温度的变化情况.由图6可知,Si N P 2HRP 的酶促反应最适温度较游离酶下降至30℃左右;而Si M P 2HRP 的酶促反应最适温度却大幅提升至90℃左右,比Si N P 2HRP 提高了60℃.由此可见,Si M Ps 作为HRP 的固定化载体在酶促反应最适温度方面的优越性远远大于Si N Ps .这是由于Si M Ps 能够对HRP 的热稳定性产生强正面生物效应而导致了Si M P 2HRP 酶促反应最适温度的大幅上升.综合来看,在酶促反应最适温度方面,由于酶活回收率和热稳定性二者变化情况的综合影响,使得Si N Ps 和Si M Ps 分别作为固定化酶载体对不同类型的酶所产生的生物效应表现出不统一性和无规律性,即分别以Si N Ps 和Si M Ps 作为载体,对CAT 进行固定化时,Si N Ps 所产生的生物效应要稍优于Si M Ps;而对HRP 进行固定化时,Si M Ps 所产生的生物效应则要远远优于Si N Ps .2.2.4 二氧化硅纳米颗粒与微米颗粒分别作为载体对固定化酶在水2有机溶剂混合体系中催化能力的影响 许多有机试剂都能抑制酶的活性,但也有许多酶促反应在有机相中进行会取得更好的效果[18,19],因此,酶在有机试剂中的稳定性显得非常重要.采用尿素作为有机相,分别以Si N Ps 和Si M Ps 作为载体,CAT 被固定化后在水2尿素混合体系中催化能力的变化情况如图7所示;采用乙醇作为有机相,分别以Si N Ps 和Si M Ps 作为载体,HRP 被固定化后在水2乙醇混合体系中催化能力的变化情况如图8所示.F i g .7 Effects of the urea concen tra ti on on the acti v ityof CAT,S i NP 2CAT and S i M P 2CAT F i g .8 Effects of the volu m e fracti on of a lcohol on the acti v ity of HRP,S i NP 2HRP and S i M P 2HRP由图7和图8可见,随着有机相浓度的增大,酶及其固定化产物的活力都呈现出下降的趋势.但在相同条件下,下降的程度却各有不同,即在水2有机溶剂混合体系中的催化能力和稳定性各不相同.当分别以Si N Ps 和Si M Ps 作为载体对CAT 进行固定时,在相同尿素浓度条件下,Si M P 2CAT 和Si N P 2CAT 的相对活力都明显高于CAT,而相比较而言,前者在多数情况下会稍稍高于后者.特别是当反应体系中的尿素浓度高达8mol/L 时,游离CAT 的活力完全丧失,Si M P 2CAT 和Si N P 2CAT 却仍然分别保留8186%和3167%的相对活力,表现出对尿素较强的抵御能力.当分别以Si N Ps 和Si M Ps 作为载体对HRP 进行固定时,在乙醇体积分数相同的条件下,Si N P 2HRP 和Si M P 2HRP 的相对活力要远远高于HRP,但二者之间没有明显的规律性差异.特别是当乙醇体积分数最终增加至80%时,HRP 仅剩余初始33127%的活力,但固定化HRP 仍保留初始77%左右的活力,是前者的2倍多,表现出在水2乙醇混合反应体系中的高稳定性.总之,从对固定化酶在水2有机溶剂混合体系中催化能力的影响情况来看,无论是以Si N Ps 为载体还是以Si M Ps 为载体,所形成的固定化酶在有机相中的稳定性都得到了明显提高,这一方面可能是由于酶所依赖的载体能在有机溶剂中稳定存在,从而使酶在有机溶剂中的稳定性得以保证,另一方面,还可能是因为载体使固定于其上的酶分子形成一个相对亲水的高生物亲和环境,从而使得其催化能力得到保证.参 考 文 献[1] Chen Z .,Meng H.,Xing G .,et al ..Toxicol ogy Lett .[J ],2006,163(2):109—120[2] HE Xiao 2Xiao (何晓晓).A Study of B i ocompatible Core 2shell Nanoparticles and ItsApp licati on in B i omedicine (生物亲和性核壳纳米颗粒研究及其在生物/医学中的应用)[D ],Changsha:Hunan University,2003:48—544961高等学校化学学报 Vol .28 [3] 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1,2,4(1.S tate Key L aboratory of Che m o /B iosensing and Che m o m etrics,2.Engineering Center for B io m edicine,3.Institute of L ife Science &B iological Technology,4.Key L aboratory for B io 2N anotechnology andM olecule Engineering of Hunan Province,Changsha 410082,China )Abstract I n this paper,the differences bet w een silica nanoparticles (Si N Ps )and silica m icr oparticles (Si M Ps )in the bi oeffects of the m as carriers for enzy me i m mobilizati on were investigated .By choosing bovine liver catalases and horseradish per oxidases as the multi m eric enzy me model and monoer enzy me model,res pec 2tively,f our kinds of i m mobilized enzy mes were obtained thr ough the covalently binding method .After the characterizati on of above f our i m mobilized enzy mes,the f oll owing conclusi on was stated .Firstly,in the yields of enzy me activity,Si N Ps exhibit non 2selective excellent bi ocompatibility t o both enzy me models;secondly,Si M Ps are superi or t o Si N Ps on ther mostability;thirdly,both Si N Ps and Si M Ps could greatly i m p r ove the sta 2bility of enzy mes in organic s olvents;lastly,there is no obvi ous rule indicated on the op ti m um te mperature of enzy me catalysis,na mely,Si N Ps are better than Si M Ps in the multi m eric enzy me model and Si M Ps possess much more advantages over Si N Ps in the monomer enzy me model .The results would be instructi onal t o the evaluati on of nano materials ′bi oeffcts and the app licati on of nanomaterials f or enzy me i m mobilizati on .Keywords Silica nanoparticles;Silica m icr oparticles;Carriers f or i m mobilizati on;Enzy me;B i oeffect(Ed .:A,G )5961 No .9 石 慧等:二氧化硅纳米与微米颗粒作为固定化酶载体的生物效应。



离子液体修饰超顺磁性纳米颗粒用于青霉素G酰化酶固定化(英文)周华从;李伟;寿庆辉;高红帅;徐芃;邓伏礼;刘会洲【期刊名称】《中国化学工程学报:英文版》【年(卷),期】2012(20)1【摘要】包含 ethyoxyl 组的 Functionalized 离子的液体在二步准备的磁性的硅石 nanoparticles (MSNP ) 上被综合并且使不能调动,即,表面上的 Fe3O4 合成和硅石壳生长。

这磁性的 nanoparticle 支持了离子的液体(MNP-IL ) 在青霉素 G acylase (针网阵列) 的固定被使用。

MSNP 和 MNP-ILs 被 Fourier 变换的工具描绘红外线的光谱学(FTIR ) ,扫描电子显微镜学(SEM ) ,传播电子显微镜学(TEM ) ,和颤动的样品磁强计(VSM ) 。

结果证明磁性的 Fe3O4 nanoparticles 和 MSNP 的平均尺寸分别地是 10 和 90 nm。

磁性的 Fe3O4 nanoparticles 和MNP-ILs 的浸透磁化是 63.7 和 26.9 A 吗??【总页数】6页(P146-151)【关键词】固定化青霉素G酰化酶;磁性纳米粒子;离子液体;改性;二氧化硅粒子;傅里叶变换红外光谱;Fe304;扫描电子显微镜【作者】周华从;李伟;寿庆辉;高红帅;徐芃;邓伏礼;刘会洲【作者单位】State Key Laboratory of Biochemical Engineering,Laboratory of Green Process and Engineering,Institute of Process Engineering,Chinese Academy of Sciences;Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TM27;TQ465.1【相关文献】1.表面复合修饰纳米超顺磁性材料固定化α-淀粉酶性能研究 [J], 孙宁;胡飞2.青霉素G酰化酶在含环氧基团的顺磁性聚合物微球上的固定化 [J], 陈星;杨露;詹望成;王丽;郭耘;王筠松;卢冠忠;郭杨龙3.固定化青霉素G酰化酶活性的X射线微分析Ⅱ:青霉素G酰化酶活性的定位 [J], 姚子华;黄永章;仇满德4.超顺磁性颗粒表面复合修饰及用于固定化α-淀粉酶载体的效果 [J], 孙宁;胡飞5.超顺磁性纳米颗粒固定化纤维素酶初步研究 [J], 霍书豪;许敬亮;庄新姝;张宇;余强;袁振宏;杨秀山因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。



二氧化硅荧光纳米颗粒大小形貌表征 采用透射电镜对合成的羧基和 PEG 修饰的二氧化硅的进行了表征, 从图 1 可见, 羧基和 PEG 修饰 纳米颗粒都有很均一的尺寸, 粒径约为 60 nm。此外, 通过高分辨电镜可以明显地观察到包裹荧光染料 二氧化硅纳米颗粒的核壳结构。
第3 期
陈敏艳等: 包裹 RuBpy 二氧化硅荧光纳米探针的制备及其用于肝癌细胞的识别
Nicolet5700 型红外光谱仪测量; 细胞成像采用 Nikon ECLIPSE TE2000 U 荧光倒置显微镜。 曲拉通( Triton X100 ) 、 环 己 烷、 正 己 醇、 氨 水、 正 硅 酸 四 乙 酯 ( TEOS ) 、 羧基乙基硅烷三醇钠盐 ( 聚乙二醇) (CEOS)、 [羟基丙基]三乙氧基硅烷 (HPEOPES)、 1乙基(3 二甲基氨基丙基 )碳二亚胺盐酸 盐( EDC) 、 N羟基硫代琥珀酰亚胺 (SulfoNHS)、 亲和素 (Avidin)、 2(N吗啡啉乙磺酸 (MES)、 钌联吡啶 (Rubpy), 均购于 Sigma 公司; 人肝癌 LM9 细胞株由武汉大学中南医院提供 ; 人肝癌 Huh7 细胞株购于中 实验用水均采用三次蒸馏水。 国典型物培养中心; 其它试剂均为分析纯, 2.2 表面官能团修饰的二氧化硅荧光纳米颗粒合成 包裹染料的二氧化硅纳米颗粒合成采用油包水 (W/O)的反相微乳法 [22] 。 首先取 1.77 mL Triton X100 、 7.5 mL 环己烷、 1.6 mL 正己醇和 400 μL 水, 于室温下磁力搅拌 10 min 后形成微乳体系; 在此体系中 加入 80 μL 浓度为 0.1mol/L 钌联吡啶溶液, 搅拌 5 min, 加入 100 μL TEOS 搅拌 30 min 后再加入 60 μL 。 , 氨水在室温下搅拌用于引发形成核壳结构 24 h 后 向体系中加入 50 μL TEOS 和 50 μL CEOS, 在室温 下进一步搅拌 12 h 可以得到羧基修饰的二氧化硅纳米颗粒 ( RSiNPsCOOH) ; 而 PEG 修饰的二氧化硅 PEG) 则加入 100 μL TEOS 和 100 μL HPEOPES。当反应完成时, 用丙酮破乳, 最后分 纳米颗粒( RSiNPs将得到的纳米颗粒经真空冷冻干燥后备用 。 别用乙醇和水离心洗涤 3 次, 亲和素修饰的二氧化硅荧光纳米探针的制备 2.3.1 探针 A 的制备 将 1 mg EDC、 2.5 mg SulfoNHS 和 1 mg 羧基修饰的纳米颗粒一起加入到 1 mL 0.1 mol/L MES 缓冲液中,并在室温下活化反应 15 min。 整个溶液经离心洗涤后重新分散在1 mL PBS 2.3 缓冲液(pH 7.4)中, 立即加入 50 μL 1 g/L 亲和素后,在室温下置于摇床反应 2 h, 随后向溶液中加入 100 μL 含有 2% 牛血清蛋白的 PBS 缓冲液封闭 1 h。待反应完成后, 经离心洗涤后亲和素修饰的纳米颗粒 并在 4 ℃ 下保存备用。 被重新分散在 PBS 缓冲液(pH 7.4)中, 2.3.2 探针 B 的制备 将 1 mg PEG 修饰的纳米颗粒分散到 1 mL 2 mol/L Na2 CO3 缓冲液中, 充分混匀 后, 立即加入 1 mL 溴化氰的乙腈溶液(0.8 g/mL), 室温下搅拌 15 min, 经活化的纳米颗粒用冰水和 PBS 缓 分散到 1mL PBS 缓冲液, 立即向溶液中加入 50 μL 1 mg/mL 亲和素, 置于 4 ℃ 冲液(pH 7.4)各洗 2 次后, 反应 24 h, 待反应完成后加入 100 μL 含有 2% 牛血清蛋白的 PBS 缓冲液, 在 4 ℃ 过夜。 经过反复离心 洗涤后亲和素修饰的纳米颗粒被重新分散在 PBS 缓冲液(pH 7.4)中, 并在 4 ℃ 下保存备用。 2.4 2.4.1 肝癌细胞的培养与识别 肝癌细胞的培养 将肝癌细胞 LM9、 Huh7 用 DMEM 培养基( 含 10% 小牛血清、 100 mg/L 链霉素 和 100 mg/L 青霉素) 吹散, 于 5% CO2 、37 ℃ 培养箱中培养。 待细胞铺满培养瓶底部 90% 时, 用1 mL 1% 胰蛋白酶消化液处理细胞 1 ~ 3 min, 待细胞脱离培养瓶壁, 加入 9 mL DMEM 培养基, 待细胞吹匀后 将其平均分装在两个培养瓶中。取一定体积的细胞接种于 96 孔培养板中继续培养, 培养至细胞密度达 到 50% ~ 80% 时用于实验。培养与传代时所用器皿及试剂均进行过高压灭菌或过滤除菌 。 分别取 100 μL 探针 A 和探针 B 到已固定好 LM9 细胞的培养板中, 并 孵 育 完 成 后, 再 用 PBS 缓 冲 液 洗 涤 在每孔补加 100 μL PBS 缓 冲 液 (pH 7.4) 置 于 37 ℃ 下 孵 育 2 h, 3 次,以除去没有反应的探针。对照组与实验组操作的区别在于前者不加兔抗 CEA 抗体。 2.4.2 肝癌细胞 LM9 的识别 取 100 μL 探针 B 到已固定好 Huh7 细胞的培养板中, 并在每孔补加 100 μL PBS 缓冲液(pH 7.4)置于 37 ℃ 下孵育 2 h, 孵育完成后, 再用 PBS 缓冲液洗涤 3 次,以除去没有 反应的探针。对照组与实验组操作的区别在于前者不加兔抗 CEA 抗体。 2.4.3 肝癌细胞 Huh7 的识别
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Synthesis of NiS nanoparticles using a sugar-ester nonionicwater-in-oil microemulsionP.S.Khiew *,N.M.Huang,S.Radiman,Md.Soot AhmadNuclear Science Program,School of Applied Physics,Faculty of Science and Technology (FST),Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM),43600Bangui,Selangor,MalaysiaReceived 29January 2003;accepted 22July 2003AbstractNickel sulfide (NiS)nanoparticles were prepared in water-in-oil (w/o)microemulsion system containing sucrose ester as the surfactants.The commercial food grade sucrose monoester (abbreviated S-1170)is a biodegradable and non-toxic surfactant,which can be adopted to form w/o microemulsion system in the presence of 1-butanol as co-solvent.The pseudo-ternary phase diagram for the inverse microemulsion region has been determined by the titration method.It was found that the studied system forms clear and homogenous microemulsion when heated to 37j C but gradually becomes turbid at room temperature due to the phase separation.The as-prepared NiS nanoparticles were characterized by energy filter transmission electron microscopy (EFTEM),UV–VIS–NIR absorption spectroscopy and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS).The results showed that the synthesized nanoparticles have regular shape,monodispersed and in the size range of 3–12nm.D 2003Elsevier B.V .All rights reserved.Keywords:NiS;Nanomaterials;Sucrose ester;Phase diagrams;Electron microscopy;X-ray techniques1.IntroductionMetal chalcogenide nanocrystals such as CdS,PbS,ZnS and NiS have attracted great interest in recent years owing to their unique properties in physics and chemistry that signif-icantly different from those of their bulk counterparts.These nanoscale metal sulfide materials usually show novel optical,electronic and magnetic properties due to their peculiar quantum-size effect and large specific surface areas.This makes them suitable candidates for many technological applications including optoeletronic technology and fabrica-tion of photo catalysis materials [1,2].Among these nano-materials,nickel sulfide nanoparticles have become subject of intense investigations recently due to its potential appli-cation in various fields such as IR detectors,solar storage devices,photoconductive materials and hydrodesulfurization catalysis [3,4].The electromagnetic property of the nickel sulfide (NiS)is interesting as it transforms from a paramag-netic metal to an antiferromagnetic semiconductor upon cooling under the transition temperature,T t f 379j C [5].Many techniques have been developed for the prepara-tion of nanometric particles,which include solvothermal process [6],UV irradiation [7],sol–gel method [8],laser ablation [9],within copolymer [10]and colloidal micro-emulsion [11].It is worth mentioning that colloidal micro-emulsion-processing technique has been reported as one of the most effective synthetic route for preparing the nano-crystals with well-controlled size and good monodispersity.As a result,microemulsion-processing technique has been utilized to fabricate numerous nanomaterials,including metals [12],metal halides [13],metal sulfides [14],metal oxides [15]and organic polymer [16].Microemulsion,which consisted of oil,surfactant and water molecules,is a thermodynamically stable and isotro-pic transparent solution.In the case of water-in-oil (w/o)microemulsion system,it contains dynamic structure of nano-sized water droplets dispersed in a continuous oil phase.The self-assemble behavior of the surfactant mole-cules at the water/oil interface offers a stable microenviron-ment for the chemical reaction to occur when desirable reactants collide with each other.The surfactants stabilized nanoreactors provide a cage-like effect that inhibits the excess particles growth and agglomeration when the par-ticles size approach to that of water nanodroplets.0167-577X/$-see front matter D 2003Elsevier B.V .All rights reserved.doi:10.1016/j.matlet.2003.07.006*Corresponding author.Tel.:+60-3-89214131;fax:+60-3-89213257.E-mail address:poisim _khiew@ (P.S.Khiew)./locate/matletMaterials Letters 58(2004)762–767The used surfactants can be classified into two types, charged(anionic or cationic surfactant)and uncharged (nonionic surfactant).Recently,Thevenin et al.[17]dem-onstrated that the nonionic surfactant of sucrose ester could be adopted to form w/o microemulsion system in the presence of short chain alcohol as co-emulsifier.The com-mercial food grade sucrose monoester is biodegradable and non-toxic surfactant that are potential to be applied in cosmetic,pharmaceutical and food industry for the prepa-ration of nonionic microemulsion.However,for the best of our knowledge,only limited works have been reported on preparing nanomaterials in sugar-ester-based nonionic microemulsion.Under these circumstances,it is worthwhile to conduct an explorative investigation on preparing nanocrystals in a nonionic microemulsion stabilized by sucrose ester mole-cules.In the present work,we report the preparation of nickel sulfide(NiS)nanoparticles in water-in-oil(w/o) microemulsion system containing sucrose ester as the surfactants.The microemulsion system is composed of sucrose monoester(hereafter abbreviated as S-1170),tetra-decane,water and1-butanol as the co-surfactant.The resultant nanoparticles were characterized by energy filter transmission electron microscopy(EFTEM),X-ray photo-electron spectroscopy(XPS)and UV–VIS–NIR absorption spectroscopy.2.Materials and methods2.1.MaterialsNonionic surfactant of food grade sucrose fatty acid ester(hereafter denoted as S-1170)was purchased from Mitsubishi-Kagaku Foods Tetradecane(99%)and1-buta-nol(99.9%)were supplied by TCI and J.T.Baker, respectively.Nickel(II)nitrate hexahydrate(99%)and ethanol(99.8%)were both purchased from Fluka,where-as sodium sulfide nanohydrate(99%)was provided from Sigma-Aldrich.Sodium sulfide solution was freshly pre-pared prior to use.Double distilled and deionized water was used throughout the sample preparation.All the chemicals,solvents and reagents were of analytical purity and were used as received without further purifications.2.2.Determination of phase diagramIn the present study,the weight ratio of tetradecane (oil phase)and1-butanol(co-surfactant)was fixed at1:1, whereas the surfactant phase is consisted of sucrose ester (S1170).The mixtures of S-1170/1-butanol/tetradecane were titrated with water to determine the microemulsion region in a pseudo-ternary phase diagram.The tested samples were investigated visually.The formation of clear,homogenous and transparent solution after the mixture stirred vigorously was considered as belonging to microemulsion regime.In contrast,phase separation was considered occurred if the mixture became turbid.All the measurements were carried out at37j C in a thermostatic bath.2.3.Preparation of NiS nanoparticlesThe typical microemulsion employed in the present study has a composition of28wt.%surfactants,56wt.%of tetradecane/1-butanol and16wt.%of aqueous solution. Two types of reverse microemulsion consisted of tetrade-cane/1-butanol,surfactants and aqueous solutions(contain-ing Ni(NO3)2and Na2S,respectively)according to the compositions stated above have been prepared.The clear microemulsion containing Na2S aqueous solution was added slowly into another microemulsion consisting of Ni(NO3)2aqueous solution.The mixed microemulsion was stirred for1min and then was kept at37j C in a thermostatic bath for15min.The precipitated fine powders obtained from centrifugation were washed with distilled water and absolute ethanol at least five times in order to remove the surfactant,residual reactants and byproducts.All the products were dried in vacuum oven for16h at50j C until a constant weight was achieved.2.4.CharacterizationThe resultant nanoparticles were then redispersed in absolute ethanol using a vortex mixer followed by the sonication bath in order to obtain better particle disper-sion.The size and morphology of NiS nanoparticles were investigated by Leo energy filter transmission electron microscope(EFTEM)with an accelerating voltage of120 kV.Samples containing the products were deposited onto carbon film supported by copper grids.The UV–VIS–NIR absorption spectra of the solutions were recorded on a Perkin-Elmer Lambda900spectrophotometer inthe Fig.1.Partial pseudo-ternary phase diagram for the system containing S1170,tetradecane/1-butanol and water at37j C.P.S.Khiew et al./Materials Letters58(2004)762–767763wavelength range of 350–1700nm using a 10-mm quartz cell.X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS)was carried out by a Kratos XSAM X-ray photoelectron spectrometer having a base pressure of 10À9Torr.The Mg K a X-radiation was used as the excitation source.The binding energy of C1s (284.5eV)was used as the reference in order to correct any charging shifts.A linearbackgroundFig.3.(a –c)Particle size distribution of NiS nanoparticles with different [Ni 2+]/[S 2À](a,b and c same as Fig.2).Fig.2.(a –c)The TEM micrographs of NiS nanoparticles with different [Ni 2+]/[S 2À]:(a)[0.010M]/[0.010M];(b)[0.050M]/[0.050M];(c)[0.100M]/[0.100M].P .S.Khiew et al./Materials Letters 58(2004)762–767764subtraction has performed and the peaks in each spectrum were fit using a Gaussian function.3.Results and discussionIn order to determine the phase behavior of four-compo-nent system on a pseudo-ternary phase diagram,the relative concentration of the two constituents must be fixed at constant throughout the investigations.The common meth-ods that have been applied include fixing a constant ratio of surfactant-to-co-surfactant,surfactant-to-oil and surfactant-to-water.In the present investigation,we adopted the method utilized by Glatter et al.[18],in which the ratio of oil-to-co-surfactant was fixed at constant in order to map out the microemulsion region.The phase diagram is depicted in Fig.1.It was also found that the studied system forms clear and homogenous microemulsion when heated to 37j C but gradually becomes turbid at room temperature due to the phase separation.The area designated as ME represents the microemulsion region.The morphologies of the NiS nanoparticles are depicted in Fig.2.It is apparent that the resultant nanoparticles are monodispersed and present uniform spherical morphologies.The size of the resulting nanoparticles is greatly affected by the reactants’concentrations and range from 3to 12nm.From the micrographs,it can be seen that the size of the NiS nanocrystals increased with the reactants’concentration.Histograms revealing the size distribution of the nanopar-ticles,which measured directly from the TEM images,are presented in Fig.3.It can be observed that the sizedistribution of the particles is widened as the reactants concentration increase.When [reactants]=0.010M,the size varied in the range of 3–9nm but at 0.100M,the size distribution is broadened in the range of 5–12nm.The reason may be that at higher reactants content,there are more reactant molecules in the water droplets,which en-hanced the aggregation of nuclei and leading to the forma-tion of larger particles in the nanoreactor.The present results indicate that the microemulsion system stabilized by sucrose ester can easily synthesize NiS nanocrystals with small dimension and narrow size distribution.The wide scanning XPS spectrum within the range of 0–1100eV of the NiS nanoparticles is presented in Fig.4.Besides the presence of C and O in the samples,the signals due to Ni and S also were detected in the spectrum,thus confirming the existence of NiS constituents on the surface analysis.The existence of C and O impurities in the samples is believed to be originated from the surface contamination in the atmosphere and also the residual surfactants absorbed on the products.The chemical state of the NiS has been investigated by the narrow scanning XPS spectrum.Fig.5shows the high resolution scanning XPS spectra of Ni(2p)and S(2p),respectively.The peaks at 852.6and 870.4eV are corresponded to the binding energies of Ni2p 3/2and Ni2p 1/2,which is consistent to the reported value for NiS [19].The appearance of two strong satellite features at about 855.3and 873.0eV binding energies,corresponding to Ni2p 3/2and Ni2p 1/2signals,indicated the presence of the electron correlation in the system.The binding energy of S2p is 161.9eV,which is also in good agreement with that obtained in the literature [20].Fig.4.The wide XPS spectrum of the as-prepared NiS nanoparticles.P .S.Khiew et al./Materials Letters 58(2004)762–767765Fig.6shows the UV–VIS–NIR absorption spectra of NiS nanoparticles prepared by the microemulsion technique.The optical absorption data of the spectra have been analyzed from the following equation in order to determine the optical band gap energy of the as-prepared NiS nano-crystals.a h m ¼K ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiðh m ÀE g Þq ð1Þwhere a is the absorption coefficient,h m is the photon energy,K is a constant and E g is the gap energy of the nanoparticles.The value of the absorption coefficient can be calculated by the following equation [21]:a ¼1tÀlogI tI o log e¼1t A log e ð2Þin which t is the thickness of the quartz cell,I t and I o are the intensities of transmitted and incident light and A is the absorbance of the samples in UV–VIS–NIR measurements.The curves of (a h m )2against h m are shown in Fig.7.It is observed that the plot is linear and the optical bandgapFig.5.High resolution XPS spectra of the (a)Ni2p core and (b)S2p core.P .S.Khiew et al./Materials Letters 58(2004)762–767766energy can be determined by extrapolating the curve to the energy axis for zero absorption coefficients.The optical band gap energies of 0.010,0.050and 0.100M of NiS nano-particles have been estimated to be ca.1.48,1.15and 0.99eV ,respectively,as can be seen from the plots.It was found that the band gap energy of the resultant nanoparticles showed marked increment as compared with that of bulk NiS (0.2eV)[22].The decrement of particle size,which increased the optical band gap energy of the nanoparticles,indicates the presence of quantum confinement effect,which is consistent with the previous theoretical arguments by Brus [23].4.ConclusionThe microemulsion system consisted of S-1170,1-buta-nol/tetradecane and water has been developed as a nano-reactor for the fabrication of NiS nanoparticles.The resultant products have uniform shape,narrow size distribution and monodispersed.It was found that the size of the particles increased with the reactants’concentration due to the aggre-gation of nuclei.The presence of quantum confinement effect was apparent for the resultant nanoparticles as the estimated band gap energy showed significant increment.Sugar-ester-based nonionic microemulsion provides a suitable microen-vironment for the preparation of nanomaterials with narrow size distribution and high monodispersity.In addition,sur-factant that has been employed to form microemulsion system is commercial food grade additive,which is biode-gradable,non-toxic and can be easily obtained from the renewable resources.AcknowledgementsThis work was financially supported by IRPA research grant (Project no:09-02-02-0032-SR0004/04-04).The author (P.S.Khiew)also wishes to acknowledge the partialfinancial support from National Science Fellowship (NSF),MOSTE,Malaysia.References[1]I.Honma,S.Hirakawa,K.Yamada,J.M.Bae,Solid State Ionics 118(1999)29.[2]M.L.Curri,parelli,P.D.Cozzoli,G.Mascolo,A.Agostiano,Mater.Sci.Eng.,C,Biomim.Mater.,Sens.Syst.23(2003)285.[3]W.J.J.Welters,G.V orbeck,H.W.Zandbergen,J.W.Dehaan,V .H.J.Vansaten,R.A.Vansaten,J.Catal.150(1994)155.[4]S.D.Sartale,C.D.Lokhande,Mater.Chem.Phys.72(2001)101.[5] D.W.Bishop,P.S.Thomas,A.S.Ray,Mater.Res.Bull.33(1998)1303.[6]Y .Li,F.Z.Huang,Q.M.Zhang,Z.N.Gu,J.Mater.Sci.35(2000)5933.[7]X.Mo,C.Y .Wang,M.You,Y .R.Zhu,Z.Y .Chen,Y .Hu,Mater.Res.Bull.36(1998)2277.[8]J.G.Lee,J.Y .Park,C.S.Kim,J.Mater.Sci.33(1998)3965.[9] 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