• 393 amino acids
• Play an important role in cell activity, such as a transcript factor
•Loss-of-function in most cancer,reason: mutations in the TP53 gene or binging to viral proteins or other proteins
• ① Intracellular proteins that regulate or restrain cell cycle (e.g.p16 and Rb)
• ② Receptors or signal transducers for secreted hormones or developmental signals that inhibit cell proliferation (e.g.TGF)
In-vivo Environment Hormone Immune system Chronic inflammation Oxygen Radicals ( reactive oxygen intermediates, ROI; or
reactive oxygen species, gens
(4) lymphoma and leukemia, derived from bone marrow and affects the lymphatic system. In leukaemia, lymphocytes cells do not mature properly and become too numerous in the blood and bone marrow. Leukaemias may be acute or chronic. The most common type is acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL). There are a number of other less common acute types which may be grouped together as acute non-lymphoblastic leukaemia (ANLL), this includes acute myeloid leukaemia (AML). (5)Myelomas Myelomas are cancers of specialized white blood cells, involving the white blood cells responsible for the production of antibodies (B lymphocytes or B-cells).
• Play an important role in cell activity, such as a transcript factor
•Loss-of-function in most cancer,reason: mutations in the TP53 gene or binging to viral proteins or other proteins
• ① Intracellular proteins that regulate or restrain cell cycle (e.g.p16 and Rb)
• ② Receptors or signal transducers for secreted hormones or developmental signals that inhibit cell proliferation (e.g.TGF)
In-vivo Environment Hormone Immune system Chronic inflammation Oxygen Radicals ( reactive oxygen intermediates, ROI; or
reactive oxygen species, gens
(4) lymphoma and leukemia, derived from bone marrow and affects the lymphatic system. In leukaemia, lymphocytes cells do not mature properly and become too numerous in the blood and bone marrow. Leukaemias may be acute or chronic. The most common type is acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL). There are a number of other less common acute types which may be grouped together as acute non-lymphoblastic leukaemia (ANLL), this includes acute myeloid leukaemia (AML). (5)Myelomas Myelomas are cancers of specialized white blood cells, involving the white blood cells responsible for the production of antibodies (B lymphocytes or B-cells).
energy from nutrients into ATP, and then release waste products.
第一步,称光反应,水分子裂解 (被氧化),释放氧气,并形成ATP和 NADPH(还原型烟酰胺腺嘌呤二核苷酸磷酸)。
光合作用只发生在含有叶绿素的绿色植物细胞、藻类、某些原生生 物和细菌之中。
总体来说,这是一个将光能转化成化学能的过程,其能量以分子 键形式贮存。
但是细胞呼吸作用是高度放能,释放能量的过程,而光合作用需 要能量, 并且是高度吸能的过程。
在光合作用的光反应中,当捕光分子回到基态时,额外的激发能 被转移到其它分子中并且以化学能的形式贮存。
•All photosynthetic organisms contain various classes of
chlorophylls and one or more carotenoid pigments that also contribute to photosynthesis.
captured by biological molecules to do constructive work.
The pigment chlorophyll in plant cells absorbs photons within a particular absorption spectrum—a statement of the amount of light absorbed by chlorophyll at different wavelengths.
第一步,称光反应,水分子裂解 (被氧化),释放氧气,并形成ATP和 NADPH(还原型烟酰胺腺嘌呤二核苷酸磷酸)。
光合作用只发生在含有叶绿素的绿色植物细胞、藻类、某些原生生 物和细菌之中。
总体来说,这是一个将光能转化成化学能的过程,其能量以分子 键形式贮存。
但是细胞呼吸作用是高度放能,释放能量的过程,而光合作用需 要能量, 并且是高度吸能的过程。
在光合作用的光反应中,当捕光分子回到基态时,额外的激发能 被转移到其它分子中并且以化学能的形式贮存。
•All photosynthetic organisms contain various classes of
chlorophylls and one or more carotenoid pigments that also contribute to photosynthesis.
captured by biological molecules to do constructive work.
The pigment chlorophyll in plant cells absorbs photons within a particular absorption spectrum—a statement of the amount of light absorbed by chlorophyll at different wavelengths.
An adult human body has about 30 trillion cells — 30,000,000,000,00 0!
The best weapon
to detect it early before spread
Cancer — a scary word, a scary disease, a callous killer
马三立 (膀胱癌)
陈晓旭 ( breast cancer )
李钰 (淋巴癌)
Patrick Swayze (胰腺癌)
luciano Pavarotti (胰腺癌)
good news:
•Millions of people with cancer still alive •Technology for cancer treating
Kylie Ann Minogue (breast cancer)
WHAT ISa single disease •includes more than 100 different diseases
Don’t smoke! Keep healthy diet. Avoid too much sun.
Getting plenty of sleep and exercise and eating the right foods can help keep you healthy.
•Removed by surgery •Radiation, such as X rays
➢免疫系统识别“自我”与“非我” ➢肿瘤细胞表达肿瘤抗原
➢ 泛指在肿瘤发生、发展过程中新出现或过 度表达的抗原物质。
➢肿瘤特异性抗原 (TSA): 仅在肿瘤细胞上表达; ➢肿瘤相关性抗原 (TAA): 在某些肿瘤细胞上表达
Algenpantucel-L GV-1001 TroVAX(MVA-5T4)
OncoVAX Abagowomab DCVax®-Brain Rindopepimut(CDX-110) BiovaxID®(Id➢-肿KL瘤H生/物GM免-疫C治SF疗)宣教
➢In 2015, the FDA approved PD-1 /PD-L1 ( Nivolumab, pembrolizumab ) immunotherapies to treat the most common forms of advanced lung and kidney cancer
➢ Some biological therapies for cancer use vaccines or bacteria to stimulate the body’s immune system to act against cancer cells. These types of biological therapy, which are sometimes referred to collectively as “immunotherapy” or “biological response
The Hallmarks of Cancer
• 1. Sustaining proliferative signaling • 2. Evading growth suppressors • 3. Resisting cell death • 4. Enabling replicative immortality • 5. Inducing angiogenesis • 6. Activating invasion and metastasis • 7. Deregulating cellular energetics • 8. Avoiding immune destruction
factor • 5. Constitutive activation of signaling proteins downstream from the
2. Evading growth suppressors
• Cancer cells must overcome programs that negatively regulate cell proliferation
• Hallmarks of Cancer are eight, acquired, functional capabilities that allow cancer cells to survive, proliferate and disseminate
• First proposed by Hanahan and Weinberg in 2000 • Updated and expanded by Hanahan and Weinberg (Cell, 2011)
1. Sustaining proliferative signaling
The Hallmarks of Cancer
• 1. Sustaining proliferative signaling • 2. Evading growth suppressors • 3. Resisting cell death • 4. Enabling replicative immortality • 5. Inducing angiogenesis • 6. Activating invasion and metastasis • 7. Deregulating cellular energetics • 8. Avoiding immune destruction
factor • 5. Constitutive activation of signaling proteins downstream from the
2. Evading growth suppressors
• Cancer cells must overcome programs that negatively regulate cell proliferation
• Hallmarks of Cancer are eight, acquired, functional capabilities that allow cancer cells to survive, proliferate and disseminate
• First proposed by Hanahan and Weinberg in 2000 • Updated and expanded by Hanahan and Weinberg (Cell, 2011)
1. Sustaining proliferative signaling
Overview of Cancer
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
Basic definition
Cancer is a group of diseases characterized by the uncontrolled growth of cells in the body These cells form a mass called a tutor, which can invade and destroy normal issues
English version of cancer introduction courseware
Overview of CancerSymptoms and Diagnosis of CancerTreatment methods for cancerPrevention and control of cancerRehabilitation and numbering of cancerResearch progress and future prospects of cancer
Rehabilitation programs
Design rehabilitation programs to help patients register physical functions, including physical therapy, occupational therapy, and speech therapy
Rehabilitation and numbering of cancer
Psychological support
Provide emotional support and counseling to help patients scope with the emotional impact of cancer diagnosis and treatment
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
Basic definition
Cancer is a group of diseases characterized by the uncontrolled growth of cells in the body These cells form a mass called a tutor, which can invade and destroy normal issues
English version of cancer introduction courseware
Overview of CancerSymptoms and Diagnosis of CancerTreatment methods for cancerPrevention and control of cancerRehabilitation and numbering of cancerResearch progress and future prospects of cancer
Rehabilitation programs
Design rehabilitation programs to help patients register physical functions, including physical therapy, occupational therapy, and speech therapy
Rehabilitation and numbering of cancer
Psychological support
Provide emotional support and counseling to help patients scope with the emotional impact of cancer diagnosis and treatment
去分化现象;对生长因子需要量降低;代谢旺盛 线粒体功能障碍:即使在氧供应充分的条件下也主要是糖酵解途径获取能量。
与三个糖酵解关键酶(己糖激酶、磷酸果糖激酶和丙酮酸激酶)活性增加和同 工酶谱的改变,以及糖原异生关键酶活性降低有关。 可移植性:正常细胞移植到宿主体内后,由于免疫反应而被排斥,多不易存活。 但是肿瘤细胞具有可移植性,如人的肿瘤细胞可移植到鼠类体内,形成移植瘤。
内因:恶性肿瘤的形成往往涉及多个基因的改变 外因:多种理化因子致癌
根据其性质分为:化学、生物和物理致癌物三大类 根据它们在致癌过程中的作用,可分为;
1.启动剂:可直接改变DNA的成分或结构。 2.促进剂:本身不能诱发肿瘤,但有促进作用。
如糖精可促进膀胱癌的发生,苯巴比妥促进肝癌的发 生。 3.完全致癌物:兼具启动和促进两种作用。
(2)如果我们把原癌基因切除,就会避免 癌症的发生,对吗?为什么?
鼠白血病毒 Mouse Leukemia Virus
(一)、电离辐射 辐射致癌的机制: ①染色体或基因的突变; ②基因表达改变; ③激活潜伏的致癌病毒。
(二)、紫外线 可引起细胞DNA断裂、交联和染色体畸变,抑制
皮肤的免疫功能,诱发皮肤癌、基底细胞癌和黑色 素瘤。
of cancer
3.Diet and nutrition disorders ; bad habits
Hot food
Meat without cooking
The characteristics of the cancer cells
1.The cancer cells endless split, make the patients’ bodies nutrients are mass consumption .
2.The cancer cells release many toxins, make human body to produce a series of symptoms .
3.Cancer cells can transfer throughout the body grow, bring about human body weight, weakness, anemia, loss of appetite, fever and serious viscera function damaged, and so on.
Endocrine disorders
The cause of cancer
Mental factors
The cause of cancer
3.Diet and nutrition disorders ; bad habits
Excessive drinking
The number of new cases of cancer each year in China about 1.8 to 2 million, the death of about 1.4 to 1.5 million, and the number is in the continued to rise.
3.Diet and nutrition disorders ; bad habits
Hot food
Meat without cooking
The characteristics of the cancer cells
1.The cancer cells endless split, make the patients’ bodies nutrients are mass consumption .
2.The cancer cells release many toxins, make human body to produce a series of symptoms .
3.Cancer cells can transfer throughout the body grow, bring about human body weight, weakness, anemia, loss of appetite, fever and serious viscera function damaged, and so on.
Endocrine disorders
The cause of cancer
Mental factors
The cause of cancer
3.Diet and nutrition disorders ; bad habits
Excessive drinking
The number of new cases of cancer each year in China about 1.8 to 2 million, the death of about 1.4 to 1.5 million, and the number is in the continued to rise.
organisms at the level of tissues and organs; ecology,
which studies the interactions between organisms
themselves; ethology, which studies the behavior of
Chapter 1 Biology
1.1 What is Biology? 1.2 The Origin of Life 1.3 The Significance of Biology in Your Life 1.4 The History of Biology– Additional Reading
1.1 What is Biology? (Continued)
• In recent years, much excitement in biology has centered on the sequencing of genomes and their comparison, called genomics, and the creation of life with custom-written DNA programming, called synthetic biology. These fields are sure to continue grabbing the headlines in the near future.
Notes to the Difficult Sentences
• Besides classifications based on the category of organism being studied, biology contains many other specialized sub-disciplines, which may focus on just one category of organism or address organisms from different categories.
Figure 2.24 The Biology of Cancer (© Garland Science 2007)
Figure 2.25 The Biology of Cancer (© Garland Science 2007)
Table 2.8 The Biology of Cancer (© Garland Science 2007)
Table 2.1 The Biology of Cancer (© Garland Science 2007)
Figure 2.6a The Biology of Cancer (© Garland Science 2007)
Figure 2.6b The Biology of Cancer (© Garland Science 2007)
Figure 2.8a The Biology of Cancer (© Garland Science 2007)
Figure 2.8b The Biology of Cancer (© Garland Science 2007)
Figure 2.8c The Biology of Cancer (© Garland Science 2007)
Figure 2.16a The Biology of Cancer (© Garland Science 2007)
Figure 2.16b The Biology of Cancer (© Garland Science 2007)
Figure 2.17 The Biology of Cancer (© Garland Science 2007)
Figure 2.2c The Biology of Cancer (© Garland Science 2007)
Bronchoscope may verify the existence of tumor , of Central type, and cytologic diagnosis of lung cancer should be obtained though FBC
.Blind biopsy may be help to the diagnosis of the tumor beyond the range of bronchoscope vision
Clinical Features
(4).Horner’s syndrome.It is caused by invading the cervical sympathetic ganglia on the involved side the pupil is small ptosis of the up eyelids,retraction of the eyeball and no sweat of the face.
Passive smoking is also a carcinogen factor.
2.Atmospheric pollution.It was found that carcinogenic factor is benzpyrene .
3.Occupational factors. 4Radioactivity in the atmosphere . 5.Diets and Nutrition. 6.Chronic irritation. 7.Genetic factors.
Fig5 Cavitating Bronchial Carcinoma
基础医学英语课件:Unit 14 Genetics of Cancer
carcinoma -oma: tumor carcino-: cancer
❖ mutate ['mjuːteɪt] vi. ❖ mutation [mjuː'teɪʃn] n. ❖ mutant ['mjuːtənt] n. 突变体 ❖ mutagen ['mjuːtədʒən] n.诱变因素
b. tumor suppressors prevent cell division
c. DNA repair genes help prevent mutations
Oncogenes and Signal Transduction
❖ How does a proto-oncogene convert into an oncogene?
-osis: disease
cancer -gen: genesis, origen
antigen allergen pathogen mutagen
xero-: dry -derma: skin
xerostomia 口干 xerosis 干燥症 xerபைடு நூலகம்phthalmia干眼病
❖ How can both genes become mutated?
Retinoblastoma (RB)
Tumor Suppressor Genes
Para. 7
❖ What are the three other cancers associated with defects in tumor suppressor genes?
Interfere Transcription and Block RNA Synthesis
Bind with DNA to block RNA production.
Influence the Structure and Function of DNA
Alkylating Agent: mechlorethamine, cyclophosphamide and thiotepa
抗癌药(Antineoplastic agents)
Malignant disease accounts for a high proportion of deaths in industrialised countries.
The treatment of anticancer drug is to give palliation, induce remission and, if possible, cure.
The Basic Concept of Cell Generation Cycle
The cycle of cell replication includes: M(Mitosis)phase G1(Gap1, period before S)phase S(DNA synthesis)phase G2(Gap2,period after S)phase
The Classification of Anticancer Drugs
According to the cycle or phase specificity of the drug:
Cell cycle nonspecific agents (CCNSA) Cell cycle specific agents (CCSA)
Bronchogenic Carcinoma (Lung Cancer)
Respiratory department
Bronchogenic carcinoma refers to the malignant tumor which grows in the bronchus. Originating from mucus or gland of bronchus.
Incidence and mortality
Bronchogenic carcinoma has increased remarkable in incidence and mortality during half of the century and has become the most frequent visceral malignant diseases of men.The mortality of lung cancer hold the first place among all kinds carcinomas.
2.Symptoms caused by the near organs or tissue involved by tumor.
(1).Dysphagia. (2).Hoarseness. (3).Pleural effusion due to invasion of the
Clinical features
There are no symptoms of early lung cancer in some patients.
Symptoms caused by lung cancer are nonspecific:perhaps an audible wheeze or a slight cough,symptoms of infection (fever ,purulent sputum) , of obstruction (wheezing,dyspnea), or ulceration of bronchial mucosa (hemoptysis).
Respiratory department
Bronchogenic carcinoma refers to the malignant tumor which grows in the bronchus. Originating from mucus or gland of bronchus.
Incidence and mortality
Bronchogenic carcinoma has increased remarkable in incidence and mortality during half of the century and has become the most frequent visceral malignant diseases of men.The mortality of lung cancer hold the first place among all kinds carcinomas.
2.Symptoms caused by the near organs or tissue involved by tumor.
(1).Dysphagia. (2).Hoarseness. (3).Pleural effusion due to invasion of the
Clinical features
There are no symptoms of early lung cancer in some patients.
Symptoms caused by lung cancer are nonspecific:perhaps an audible wheeze or a slight cough,symptoms of infection (fever ,purulent sputum) , of obstruction (wheezing,dyspnea), or ulceration of bronchial mucosa (hemoptysis).
Nitrite(亚硝酸盐) Dioxin(二恶英)
The cause of cancer
HBV(乙肝病毒); Biological agents such as Fumaric acid(富马酸)and Phenol(苯酚)
To eat more fresh fruit
Develop good eating habits
Eat fresh vegetables
How to prevent cancer
Excessive drinking
The cause of cancer
3.Diet and nutrition disorders ; bad habits
Hot food
Meat without cooking
The cause of cancer
1.The physical, chemical, biological and other carcinogenic factors
Ultraviolet(紫外线); ionizing radiation(电离辐射)
The 20% of the world's new cases of cancer patients in China and 24% of the patients died of cancer in China. At present our country every death 5 people, 1 people die of cancer.
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Traditional methods for the treatment of cancer and shortcomings
tumor cells(肿瘤细胞) are difficulty being got rid of the operation, and easy to metastasis(转移) and recurrence(复发), patients often are painful .
Biological anti-cancer technology
The traditional approach to cancechnology to treat cancer
Several different biological treatment
Nano cell therapy
this method is like to spy agency work.Researchers will “nano cell” disguised as a harmless cells, then secretly through the body‘s immune system, into the tumor inside and on the wall on the double dose of the poison.“Nano cell” is first closed tumor vascular system, and then open a parcel containing kill
Biological missiles(生物导弹)
Directional target cell therapy ( 定 向 靶 细 胞 治 疗 ) , drugs and tumor cells, by using the antigen( 抗 原 ) antibody ( 抗 体 ) specificity, the method make the drug concentration in the tumor site, achieve efficient killing tumor and reduce the toxicity (毒性) to normal cells.
killing tumor cells from the body‘s own cells, inhibit (抑制)cancer cell growth, metastasis and recurrence, enhance the sensitivity of chemotherapy(化学疗法), reduced immune function(免疫功能) damage, effectively remove residual tumor cell(参与肿瘤细胞) after the surgery, radiotherapy, chemotherapy, non-toxic side effects;
CLS biological therapy
Biological treatment is mainly from the perspective of tumor immunology ( 肿 瘤 免 疫 学 ) to cure tumor , the theory is authigenic immune cells(自身免疫细胞) to kill tumor cells. CLS is shorted from care life of science, it is a kind of "science" to take care of our life for the purpose of the concept of tumor biological treatment.
radiotherapy (放疗) chemotherapy (化疗)
Biological technology to treat cancer
Genetic engineering Biological missiles(生物导弹) CLS biological therapy Nano cell therapy
Genetic engineering
Genetic modification is mainly refers to the use of biological chemical methods to modify DNA sequence(序列), the purpose gene into the host cell(宿主细胞), or specific gene fragment(片 段) is removed from the genome(基因组)
cancer cells drugs. Close the tumor vascular system can make
the “nano cell” (release toxins释放毒素) be absorbed effectively.
Thank you!