Abstract Particle Backgrounds at the LEP Detectors.
关于科学家的作文100字英文回答:Scientists play a crucial role in advancing human knowledge and improving our lives. They are curious individuals who constantly ask questions and seek answers through systematic investigation and experimentation.Scientists use the scientific method to conduct their research. They formulate hypotheses, design experiments, collect and analyze data, and draw conclusions based on evidence. This rigorous approach ensures that their findings are reliable and can be replicated by other scientists.Science covers a wide range of disciplines, including physics, chemistry, biology, and astronomy. Each field of study has its own set of methods and tools. For example, physicists use mathematical equations and complex instruments to understand the fundamental laws of theuniverse, while biologists study living organisms and their interactions with the environment.Scientists also collaborate with colleagues from different countries and backgrounds. This international collaboration allows them to share knowledge, resources, and expertise, leading to breakthrough discoveries and innovations. For instance, the discovery of the Higgs boson particle at the Large Hadron Collider involved scientists from around the world working together.Furthermore, scientists have a responsibility to communicate their findings to the public. They often publish their research in scientific journals and present their work at conferences. By sharing their knowledge, scientists contribute to the collective understanding of the world and inspire future generations to pursuescientific careers.中文回答:科学家在推动人类知识的发展和改善我们的生活方面起着至关重要的作用。
Periphery deformations and tunneling at correlated quantum-Hall edges
Search for a scalar or vector particle decaying into Zgamma in ppbar collisions at sqrt(s)
a r X i v :0806.0611v 1 [h e p -e x ] 3 J u n 2008FERMILAB-PUB-08-154-ESearch for a scalar or vector particle decaying into Zγin p ¯p collisions at√J.Piper65,M.-A.Pleier22,P.L.M.Podesta-Lerma33,c,V.M.Podstavkov50,Y.Pogorelov55,M.-E.Pol2,P.Polozov37,B.G.Pope65,A.V.Popov39,C.Potter6,W.L.Prado da Silva3,H.B.Prosper49,S.Protopopescu73,J.Qian64, A.Quadt22,d,B.Quinn66,A.Rakitine42,M.S.Rangel2,K.Ranjan28,P.N.Ratoff42,P.Renkel79,S.Reucroft63,P.Rich44,J.Rieger54,M.Rijssenbeek72,I.Ripp-Baudot19,F.Rizatdinova76,S.Robinson43,R.F.Rodrigues3, M.Rominsky75,C.Royon18,P.Rubinov50,R.Ruchti55,G.Safronov37,G.Sajot14,A.S´a nchez-Hern´a ndez33, M.P.Sanders17,B.Sanghi50,G.Savage50,L.Sawyer60,T.Scanlon43,D.Schaile25,R.D.Schamberger72, Y.Scheglov40,H.Schellman53,T.Schliephake26,C.Schwanenberger44,A.Schwartzman68,R.Schwienhorst65, J.Sekaric49,H.Severini75,E.Shabalina51,M.Shamim59,V.Shary18,A.A.Shchukin39,R.K.Shivpuri28, V.Siccardi19,V.Simak10,V.Sirotenko50,P.Skubic75,P.Slattery71,D.Smirnov55,G.R.Snow67,J.Snow74, S.Snyder73,S.S¨o ldner-Rembold44,L.Sonnenschein17,A.Sopczak42,M.Sosebee78,K.Soustruznik9,B.Spurlock78, J.Stark14,J.Steele60,V.Stolin37,D.A.Stoyanova39,J.Strandberg64,S.Strandberg41,M.A.Strang69,E.Strauss72, M.Strauss75,R.Str¨o hmer25,D.Strom53,L.Stutte50,S.Sumowidagdo49,P.Svoisky55,A.Sznajder3,P.Tamburello45,A.Tanasijczuk1,W.Taylor6,B.Tiller25,F.Tissandier13,M.Titov18,V.V.Tokmenin36,T.Toole61,I.Torchiani23,T.Trefzger24,D.Tsybychev72,B.Tuchming18,C.Tully68,P.M.Tuts70,R.Unalan65, L.Uvarov40,S.Uvarov40,S.Uzunyan52,B.Vachon6,P.J.van den Berg34,R.Van Kooten54,W.M.van Leeuwen34, N.Varelas51,E.W.Varnes45,I.A.Vasilyev39,M.Vaupel26,P.Verdier20,L.S.Vertogradov36,M.Verzocchi50,F.Villeneuve-Seguier43,P.Vint43,P.Vokac10,E.Von Toerne59,M.Voutilainen68,e,R.Wagner68,H.D.Wahl49,L.Wang61,M.H.L.S.Wang50,J.Warchol55,G.Watts82,M.Wayne55,G.Weber24,M.Weber50,L.Welty-Rieger54,A.Wenger23,f,N.Wermes22,M.Wetstein61,A.White78,D.Wicke26,G.W.Wilson58,S.J.Wimpenny48,M.Wobisch60,D.R.Wood63,T.R.Wyatt44,Y.Xie77,S.Yacoob53,R.Yamada50,T.Yasuda50, Y.A.Yatsunenko36,H.Yin7,K.Yip73,H.D.Yoo77,S.W.Youn53,J.Yu78,C.Zeitnitz26,T.Zhao82,B.Zhou64, J.Zhu72,M.Zielinski71,D.Zieminska54,A.Zieminski54,‡,L.Zivkovic70,V.Zutshi52,and E.G.Zverev38(The DØCollaboration)1Universidad de Buenos Aires,Buenos Aires,Argentina2LAFEX,Centro Brasileiro de Pesquisas F´ısicas,Rio de Janeiro,Brazil3Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro,Rio de Janeiro,Brazil4Universidade Federal do ABC,Santo Andr´e,Brazil5Instituto de F´ısica Te´o rica,Universidade Estadual Paulista,S˜a o Paulo,Brazil6University of Alberta,Edmonton,Alberta,Canada,Simon Fraser University,Burnaby,British Columbia,Canada,York University,Toronto,Ontario,Canada,and McGill University,Montreal,Quebec,Canada7University of Science and Technology of China,Hefei,People’s Republic of China8Universidad de los Andes,Bogot´a,Colombia9Center for Particle Physics,Charles University,Prague,Czech Republic10Czech Technical University,Prague,Czech Republic11Center for Particle Physics,Institute of Physics,Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic,Prague,Czech Republic12Universidad San Francisco de Quito,Quito,Ecuador13LPC,Univ Blaise Pascal,CNRS/IN2P3,Clermont,France14LPSC,Universit´e Joseph Fourier Grenoble1,CNRS/IN2P3,Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble,France15CPPM,Aix-Marseille Universit´e,CNRS/IN2P3,Marseille,France16LAL,Univ Paris-Sud,IN2P3/CNRS,Orsay,France17LPNHE,IN2P3/CNRS,Universit´e s Paris VI and VII,Paris,France18DAPNIA/Service de Physique des Particules,CEA,Saclay,France19IPHC,Universit´e Louis Pasteur et Universit´e de Haute Alsace,CNRS/IN2P3,Strasbourg,France20IPNL,Universit´e Lyon1,CNRS/IN2P3,Villeurbanne,France and Universit´e de Lyon,Lyon,France21III.Physikalisches Institut A,RWTH Aachen University,Aachen,Germany22Physikalisches Institut,Universit¨a t Bonn,Bonn,Germany23Physikalisches Institut,Universit¨a t Freiburg,Freiburg,Germany24Institut f¨u r Physik,Universit¨a t Mainz,Mainz,Germany25Ludwig-Maximilians-Universit¨a t M¨u nchen,M¨u nchen,Germany26Fachbereich Physik,University of Wuppertal,Wuppertal,Germany27Panjab University,Chandigarh,India28Delhi University,Delhi,India29Tata Institute of Fundamental Research,Mumbai,India30University College Dublin,Dublin,Ireland31Korea Detector Laboratory,Korea University,Seoul,Korea32SungKyunKwan University,Suwon,Korea33CINVESTAV,Mexico City,Mexico34FOM-Institute NIKHEF and University of Amsterdam/NIKHEF,Amsterdam,The Netherlands 35Radboud University Nijmegen/NIKHEF,Nijmegen,The Netherlands36Joint Institute for Nuclear Research,Dubna,Russia37Institute for Theoretical and Experimental Physics,Moscow,Russia38Moscow State University,Moscow,Russia39Institute for High Energy Physics,Protvino,Russia40Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute,St.Petersburg,Russia41Lund University,Lund,Sweden,Royal Institute of Technology and Stockholm University,Stockholm,Sweden,and Uppsala University,Uppsala,Sweden42Lancaster University,Lancaster,United Kingdom43Imperial College,London,United Kingdom44University of Manchester,Manchester,United Kingdom45University of Arizona,Tucson,Arizona85721,USA46Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and University of California,Berkeley,California94720,USA 47California State University,Fresno,California93740,USA48University of California,Riverside,California92521,USA49Florida State University,Tallahassee,Florida32306,USA50Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory,Batavia,Illinois60510,USA51University of Illinois at Chicago,Chicago,Illinois60607,USA52Northern Illinois University,DeKalb,Illinois60115,USA53Northwestern University,Evanston,Illinois60208,USA54Indiana University,Bloomington,Indiana47405,USA55University of Notre Dame,Notre Dame,Indiana46556,USA56Purdue University Calumet,Hammond,Indiana46323,USA57Iowa State University,Ames,Iowa50011,USA58University of Kansas,Lawrence,Kansas66045,USA59Kansas State University,Manhattan,Kansas66506,USA60Louisiana Tech University,Ruston,Louisiana71272,USA61University of Maryland,College Park,Maryland20742,USA62Boston University,Boston,Massachusetts02215,USA63Northeastern University,Boston,Massachusetts02115,USA64University of Michigan,Ann Arbor,Michigan48109,USA65Michigan State University,East Lansing,Michigan48824,USA66University of Mississippi,University,Mississippi38677,USA67University of Nebraska,Lincoln,Nebraska68588,USA68Princeton University,Princeton,New Jersey08544,USA69State University of New York,Buffalo,New York14260,USA70Columbia University,New York,New York10027,USA71University of Rochester,Rochester,New York14627,USA72State University of New York,Stony Brook,New York11794,USA73Brookhaven National Laboratory,Upton,New York11973,USA74Langston University,Langston,Oklahoma73050,USA75University of Oklahoma,Norman,Oklahoma73019,USA76Oklahoma State University,Stillwater,Oklahoma74078,USA77Brown University,Providence,Rhode Island02912,USA78University of Texas,Arlington,Texas76019,USA79Southern Methodist University,Dallas,Texas75275,USA80Rice University,Houston,Texas77005,USA81University of Virginia,Charlottesville,Virginia22901,USA and82University of Washington,Seattle,Washington98195,USA(Dated:June3,2008)We present a search for a narrow scalar or vector resonance decaying into Zγwith a subsequentZ decay into a pair of electrons or muons.The data for this search were collected with the D0√detector at the Fermilab Tevatron p¯p collider at a center of mass energyPACS numbers:12.15.Ji,13.85.Rm,13.85.Qk,14.70.Bh,14.70.Hp,14.70.Pw,14.80.-j,14.80.CpDespite its tremendous success,the standard model(SM)in its current form may be a low energy approx-imation of a more fundamental theory.The SM doesnot describe gravity,and fundamental parameters such asmasses and coupling constants are not derived from thetheory.Many models exist to replace or extend the SM.A heavy partner of the Z boson,Z′,appears in grand uni-fied theories,little Higgs models,models with extra spa-tial dimensions,and superstring theories.Scalar Higgsbosons,pseudo-scalar toponium,vector Z′bosons,andtechniparticles could decay into the dibosonfinal stateZγ[1,2,3,4,5,6].This Letter presents a search for a narrow scalar orvector resonance decaying into Zγusing approximately1fb−1of data collected with the D0detector in p¯p col-√lisions atq,with q=u or d and that C Zγis thecoupling between the V and Zγ,as shown in Fig.1.AZ′is a good example of a V particle,but there is nomodel of fundamental Z′coupling to Zγ,since the Z′has no electric charge.However,if the Z′has a compos-ite structure,as in technicolor models,then such a decayis possible.Electromagnetic objects such as electrons and photonsare required to have an isolation[14]of less than0.2and0.15,respectively.Electron candidates from the Zboson decay are reconstructed from EM showers in thecalorimeter with an electron-like shower shape,that arerequired to satisfy the following criteria:have transverseenergy E T>15GeV,deposit at least90%of their energyin the EM calorimeter,and have tracks spatially matchedto the EM showers.At least one electron candidate isrequired to be reconstructed in the central calorimeter,while the second candidate can be reconstructed eitherin the CC or EC.In addition,at least one electron musthave E T>25GeV to satisfy single-electron high-E Ttriggers.5 Reconstruction of the Z→µµdecays begins witha search for a pair of muons with transverse momen-tum p T>15GeV/c.To reduce the effects of themuon trigger p T turn-on,at least one muon must havep T>20GeV/c.Cosmic-ray background is reduced byrejecting muon candidates that do not originate fromthe same vertex or are reconstructed back-to-back withan opening angle|∆φµµ+∆θµµ−2π|less than0.05,where∆φµµand∆θµµare the muon candidates sepa-rations in polar and azimuthal angles.The azimuthalangle is defined asφ=arctan(y2pointsalong the y-axis.Contamination from hadronic b¯b pro-duction is reduced by the additional requirement that one or both of the muon candidates are isolated from other activity in the calorimeter and central tracker.For calorimeter isolation the E T sum of calorimeter cells within an(η,φ)annulus centered on the muon trajec-tory with R=100 4.18.3 4.6200 4.48.0 4.7300 4.89.9 5.2400 4.911.7 5.5500 4.911.8 5.8600 4.913.6 6.1700 4.914.6 6.4800 5.317.67.8To improve the analysis sensitivity in an unbiased fash-ion,an optimization of the photon E T and dilepton in-variant mass Mℓℓselection criteria is performed with re-spect to S/√S+B has a broad maximum and the Mℓℓγdistribution still had substan-tial discrimination,selection criteria are chosen that al-lowed greater acceptance.Thefinal conditions imposed are EγT>20GeV and dilepton mass Mℓℓ>80GeV/c2. The photon and lepton reconstruction efficiencies,as well as the total acceptances for different Z boson decay modes(electron and muon),depend on the spin and the mass of the hypothetical resonance.Electron and muon decay modes are also treated separately to take into ac-count differences in geometrical acceptance,trigger and reconstruction efficiencies of electrons and muons.The efficiency to reconstruct a pair of electrons for resonances with invariant masses from120–900GeV/c2varies be-tween60–68%(61–67%)for a vector(scalar)resonance. The photon reconstruction efficiency varies from92% to95%in both electron and muon channels for both types of resonances.The electron channel efficiencies rise slowly by about a factor of two up to resonance masses of600GeV/c2,whereupon they begin to drop.Simi-lar effects are observed in the muon channel.The muon identification efficiency is approximately79%per a pair of muons for all resonance masses in either model.Single electron triggers are(99±1)%efficient,and the average efficiency for the muon trigger requirements is(68±1)%. Both the total efficiency of the event selectioncriteria6 multiplied by the geometrical and kinematic acceptance,and the trigger efficiency have a noticeable mass depen-dence,rising from7%to19%for vector resonance massesbetween120GeV/c2and600GeV/c2,and from8%to20%for scalar resonance masses over the same interval inthe electron channel.Similar effects are observed in themuon channel.A source of inefficiency appears at massesabove600GeV/c2where the leptons are spatially morecollinear and can become indistinguishable.For this rea-son we require the di-electron pair to be separated by∆R ee>0.6,while muon separation∆Rµµis above0.5.The two main background sources to the process un-der study are SM Zγproduction and Z+jet production,where a jet is misidentified as a photon.All other back-ground sources were found to be negligible.To esti-mate the Z+jet background,wefirst calculate the E T-dependent rate,f,at which an EM-like jet is misre-constructed as a photon.This is done using a sampleof events enriched with jets that satisfy the jet triggerrequirements.The rate is the ratio of the E T spec-trum of photon candidates that pass all photon selec-tion criteria and the E T spectrum of EM objects that are reconstructed in the geometrical acceptance of the central calorimeter.The rate is further corrected for contamination from direct photon production.To esti-mate the Z+jet background two samples are used.One sample is ourfinal data sample that contains events with a Z boson candidate and a photon candidate that passes all selection criteria and a sample,referred as to Z+EM,consisting of events that contain a Z bo-son candidate plus a photon candidate that fails the track isolation and shower shape requirements.The lat-ter sample comprises of real photons and EM-like jets. Ourfinal data sample contains Z+γevents that are corrected by the photon identification efficiencyǫγand Z+jet events that are corrected by f.More details on the calculation of the Z+jetbackground can be found inRef.[7].Thefinal Z+jet background is estimated to be 4.5±0.7(stat.)±0.6(syst.)events in the electron chan-nel and4.4±0.7(stat.)±0.6(syst.)events in the muonchannel.The systematic uncertainty on the Z+jet back-ground mostly comes from the uncertainty on the photon efficiency and the rate at which an EM-like jet is misre-constructed as a photon.The number of SM Zγbackground events is estimated from a ZγMC sample obtained with the leading-order(LO)Baur event generator[15]using CTEQ6L1par-ton distribution functions(PDFs)with values of zero for the trilinear Zγγand ZZγcouplings:N SM(Zγ→ℓℓγ)=ǫtot·σSM(Zγ)·B(Z→ℓℓ)·L.Here,ǫtot is the total efficiency,σSM(Zγ)·B(Z→ℓℓ)is the cross section times branching fraction and L is the integratedluminosity.We correct the LO photon E T spectrum us-ing the E T-dependent K-factor derived from the next-to-leading-order(NLO)Baur event generator[16].Ta-ble II summarizes these numbers[7].Using the above equation we obtain an estimated SM Zγcontribution of 37.4±6.1(stat.)±2.6(syst.)events in the electron chan-nel and41.6±6.5(stat.)±2.2(syst.)events in the muon channel.The systematic uncertainty on the SM Zγback-ground comes from the uncertainty on the theoretical cross section,the PDFs and reconstruction efficiency. TABLE II:Summary of the components used to estimate number of SM Zγbackground events.Parameter Electron channel Muon channelSM Zγ37.4±6.1±2.641.6±6.5±2.2Z+jets4.5±0.7±0.64.4±0.7±0.6 Total background41.9±6.2±2.646.0±6.6±2.3Data4950Figure2shows the distribution of the dilepton invari-ant mass(Mℓℓ)versus the dilepton-plus-photon invariant mass(Mℓℓγ).The vertical band is populated by the ISR events where the radiated photon originates from one of the initial partons and the on-shell Z boson decays into two leptons.The Drell-Yan events cluster along the di-agonal band.Most of the FSR events,which would pop-ulate the horizontal band centered at Mℓℓγ≈M Z,are removed by the Mℓℓ>80GeV/c2cut.In Fig.3,the combined Mℓℓγdistribution from both channels is compared with the SM background.Due to the limited available background statistics and the three-body mass resolution,events with Mℓℓγ>370GeV/c2 are placed into an overflow bin.Figure4shows the Mℓℓγdistribution associated with MC signals of a vector particle decaying into Zγfor different vector resonance masses.The observed Mℓℓγspectrum is found to be consistent with SM expectations,hence limits are set on theσ×B for both vector and scalar models.The branching fraction for Z to ee orµµis accounted for in these results.A modified frequentist method[17]is used to examine the Mℓℓγspectrum in the data(Fig.3)for discrepancies7FIG.2:Invariant mass of the dilepton system vs.invariant mass of dilepton-plus-photon candidates.FIG.3:Invariant dilepton-plus-photon mass spectrum for ℓℓγdata(dots),SM Zγbackground(solid line histogram) and Z+jet background(dashed line histogram).The shaded band illustrates the systematic and statistical uncertainty on the sum of backgrounds.with respect to SM sources.A Poisson log-likelihood ra-tio test statistic(LLR)[18]is used to compare the SM-only background hypothesis to one that incorporates a possible Zγresonance signal.The LLR incorporates sys-tematic uncertainties in the form of nuisance parame-ters that are integrated out assuming a Gaussian prior and a relative contribution to the signal and background uncertainties that is independent of the Mℓℓγinvariant mass.When setting the limits using the LLR method in the combined electron and muon channels,a2.3%re-FIG.4:Shape comparison of the invariant dilepton-plus-photon mass spectrum associated with MC signal of a vector particle decaying into Zγfor vector resonance masses of120, 180and260GeV/c2.construction efficiency times acceptance systematic un-certainty is applied to the MC signal.A6.1%systematic uncertainty from luminosity and5%PDF uncertainty are applied to the signals and SM Zγbackground.An addi-tional systematic uncertainty of9%on the Z+jet back-ground is due to the photon efficiency and the rate at which an EM-like jet is misreconstructed as a photon, whereas an additional systematic uncertainty of2.6%on the SM Zγbackground is due to the theoretical cross sec-tion and reconstruction efficiency times acceptance.Fig-ures5and6show95%C.L.exclusion curves forσ×B as function of the resonance mass in the vector and scalar models,respectively.In summary,we have searched for evidence of a nar-row Zγresonance in eeγandµµγfinal states of p¯p col-lisions at√8FIG.5:The observedσ×B95%confidence level limit for a scalar particle decaying into Zγas a function of the scalar res-onance mass.The observed limit is compared to the expected limit for a SM Higgs decaying into Zγ.The two shaded bands represents the1s.d.(dark)and2s.d.(light)uncertainties on the expectedlimit.FIG.6:The observedσ×B95%confidence level limit for a vector particle decaying into Zγas a function of the vector res-onance mass.The observed limit is compared to the expected limit for a generic color-singlet,charge-singlet,vector particle decaying into Zγ.The two shaded bands represents the1s.d. (dark)and2s.d.(light)uncertainties on the expected limit. (Brazil);DAE and DST(India);Colciencias(Colombia); CONACyT(Mexico);KRF and KOSEF(Korea);CON-ICET and UBACyT(Argentina);FOM(The Nether-lands);STFC(United Kingdom);MSMT and GACR (Czech Republic);CRC Program,CFI,NSERC and WestGrid Project(Canada);BMBF and DFG(Ger-many);SFI(Ireland);The Swedish Research Council (Sweden);CAS and CNSF(China);and the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation(Germany).[a]Visitor from Augustana College,Sioux Falls,SD,USA.[b]Visitor from The University of Liverpool,Liverpool,UK.[c]Visitor from ICN-UNAM,Mexico City,Mexico.[d]Visitor from II.Physikalisches Institut,Georg-August-University,G¨o ttingen,Germany.[e]Visitor from Helsinki Institute of Physics,Helsinki,Fin-land.[f]Visitor from Universit¨a t Z¨u rich,Z¨u rich,Switzerland. 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Compulsory Backto the Past Unit Knowledge Check in
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• Unit Overview and Learning Objectives • Key Vocabulary and Phrase Analysis • Analysis of presence structure and
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Quantum Mechanics
Quantum MechanicsQuantum Mechanics is a branch of physics that deals with the behavior of matter and energy at the smallest scales, such as atoms and subatomic particles. It is a complex and fascinating field of study that has revolutionized our understanding of the world around us. However, it is also a subject that can be difficult to grasp, with concepts that challenge our intuition and require us to think in new ways. In this essay, I will explore the basics of Quantum Mechanics, its implications for our understanding of reality, and some of the controversies surrounding it.One of the key principles of Quantum Mechanics is the idea of wave-particle duality. This means that particles, such as electrons, can exhibit both wave-like and particle-like behavior, depending on the context. For example, when an electron is observed, it appears as a particle, but when it is not observed, it behaves like a wave. This concept challenges our everyday understanding of the world, where objects are either particles or waves, but not both.Another important principle of Quantum Mechanics is uncertainty. Thisprinciple states that it is impossible to know both the position and momentum of a particle with absolute certainty. The more precisely we know one of these values, the less precisely we can know the other. This principle has profound implications for our understanding of causality and determinism, as it suggests that the behavior of particles is inherently unpredictable.Quantum Mechanics also introduces the concept of superposition, which is the idea that a particle can exist in multiple states at the same time. For example, an electron can exist in two different energy states simultaneously. This concept is difficult to grasp, as it challenges our everyday experience of the world, where objects are either in one state or another, but not both.One of the most famous experiments in Quantum Mechanics is the double-slit experiment. In this experiment, a beam of particles, such as electrons, is fired at a screen with two slits. When the particles pass through the slits, they create an interference pattern on a detector behind the screen, as if they had behaved like waves. This experiment demonstrates the wave-particle duality of particles and the concept of superposition.The implications of Quantum Mechanics for our understanding of reality are profound. It suggests that the world is fundamentally uncertain and that particles can exist in multiple states at the same time. This challenges our everyday experience of the world, where things are either one way or another, but not both. It also raises questions about the nature of causality and determinism, asparticles seem to behave in unpredictable ways.There are also controversies surrounding Quantum Mechanics. One of the most famous is the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen (EPR) paradox. This paradox suggests that if two particles are entangled, meaning they have a correlated quantum state, then measuring one particle will instantaneously affect the state of the other particle, even if they are separated by large distances. This concept challenges our understanding of causality and suggests that information can travel faster thanthe speed of light, which is not allowed by relativity.Another controversy is the interpretation of Quantum Mechanics. There are several interpretations of Quantum Mechanics, each with its own strengths and weaknesses. The most popular interpretation is the Copenhagen interpretation,which suggests that the act of observation collapses the wave function of a particle, causing it to behave like a particle rather than a wave. However, this interpretation has been criticized for being too anthropocentric and for not providing a clear explanation of how the act of observation causes the collapse.In conclusion, Quantum Mechanics is a complex and fascinating field of study that challenges our understanding of the world around us. Its principles of wave-particle duality, uncertainty, and superposition have profound implications forour understanding of reality. However, there are also controversies surrounding Quantum Mechanics, such as the EPR paradox and the interpretation of the theory. Despite these challenges, Quantum Mechanics has revolutionized our understandingof the world and continues to be an active area of research and discovery.。
广州“PEP”2024年小学英语第5单元真题试卷[有答案]考试时间:80分钟(总分:100)A卷考试人:_________题号一二三四五总分得分一、综合题(共计100题)1、填空题:The parrot's feathers are very _______ (鲜艳).2、What is the term for a baby seal?A. PupB. CalfC. KitD. Kid答案:A3、选择题:What do you call the act of removing trees from a forest?A. PlantingB. LoggingC. HarvestingD. Clearing4、听力题:She has a nice ________.5、听力题:The process of separating mixtures based on particle size is called _____.6、Which country is known for its pyramids?A. MexicoB. ChinaC. EgyptD. Greece答案:CThe ________ (frog) jumps into the pond.8、How many months are there in a year?A. 10B. 12C. 14D. 119、What do you call the large landmass where we live?A. CityB. CountryC. ContinentD. Island答案:C10、听力题:Astronomers believe that dark matter makes up most of the mass in the _______.11、听力题:Photosynthesis is how plants make their own ________.12、填空题:I saw a _______ (小老鼠) in the kitchen.13、听力题:The Earth's atmosphere is made up of different gases, primarily ______.14、填空题:The _____ (小蛇) is curled up in the sun. It looks very relaxed.小蛇蜷缩在阳光下。
The mysteries of the atom Quantum mechanics
The mysteries of the atom QuantummechanicsQuantum mechanics is a branch of physics that deals with the behavior of particles at the smallest scales, particularly at the level of atoms and subatomic particles. It is a field that has fascinated scientists and philosophers alike for decades, as it challenges our understanding of the fundamental nature of reality. The mysteries of the atom, as revealed through quantum mechanics, have led to groundbreaking discoveries and technological advancements, but they have also raised profound questions about the nature of existence and the limits of human knowledge. One of the most intriguing aspects of quantum mechanics is the concept of superposition, which states that particles can exist in multiple states simultaneously until they are observed or measured. This idea, famouslyillustrated by Schr?dinger's thought experiment involving a cat in a box, challenges our intuitive understanding of how the world works. It suggests that reality is not as straightforward as we perceive it to be, and that the act of observation can fundamentally alter the state of a system. Another key concept in quantum mechanics is entanglement, which refers to the phenomenon where particles become interconnected in such a way that the state of one particle is instantly correlated with the state of another, regardless of the distance between them. This seemingly instantaneous connection between particles, which Einstein famously referred to as "spooky action at a distance," has profound implications for our understanding of space and time. It suggests that there may be hidden connections between particles that transcend our conventional understanding of cause and effect. The uncertainty principle, formulated by Werner Heisenberg, is another fundamental principle of quantum mechanics that states that it is impossible to simultaneously know both the position and momentum of a particle with absolute certainty. This principle introduces a level of inherent randomness and unpredictability into the behavior of particles, challenging the determinism that has long been a cornerstone of classical physics. It suggests that there are inherent limits to our ability to know and predict the behavior of particles at the quantum level. The mysteries of the atom, as revealed through quantummechanics, have not only revolutionized our understanding of the physical world but have also inspired profound philosophical and metaphysical questions. The implications of quantum mechanics for our understanding of reality, consciousness, and the nature of existence are far-reaching and continue to be a topic of intense debate and speculation. Some scientists and philosophers have suggested that the strange and counterintuitive nature of quantum mechanics may point to a deeper underlying reality that transcends our current understanding of the universe. The mysteries of the atom, as uncovered through quantum mechanics, have also had a profound impact on technology and society. Quantum mechanics has given rise to technologies such as semiconductors, lasers, and MRI machines, which have revolutionized fields such as electronics, communications, and medicine. Theability to manipulate and control particles at the quantum level has opened up new possibilities for innovation and discovery, with potential applications in fields such as quantum computing, cryptography, and materials science. In conclusion, the mysteries of the atom, as revealed through quantum mechanics, have fundamentally altered our understanding of the physical world and our place within it. The strange and counterintuitive behavior of particles at the quantum level challenges our conventional notions of reality and invites us to explore thelimits of human knowledge and understanding. While the mysteries of the atom may never be fully unraveled, the pursuit of knowledge and discovery in the field of quantum mechanics continues to inspire awe and wonder, pushing the boundaries of what is possible and expanding our horizons of what we can know about the universe.。
小学上册英语第六单元全练全测英语试题一、综合题(本题有100小题,每小题1分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1.The __________ (历史的情感连接) foster unity.2.The air feels fresh after it ______ (下雨).3.My grandma taught me how to knit. Now I can make ________ (围巾) for my dolls.4.The __________ is famous for its unique rock formations.5.The __________ is a major river system in South America. (亚马逊河)6.What is 20 10?A. 5B. 10C. 15D. 20B7.What is the name of the fairy tale character who lost her shoe?A. Sleeping BeautyB. CinderellaC. Snow WhiteD. Rapunzel8.The _______ (Salem Witch Trials) were a series of hearings in colonial America.9.What do we call a baby dog?A. KittenB. PuppyC. CubD. Foal10.What is the name of the famous character known for her long hair?A. CinderellaB. RapunzelC. Snow WhiteD. Belle11. A _______ is a device that can convert energy from one form to another.12.I can ___ (knead) dough for bread.13.I like to help my dad with the _______ (我喜欢帮我爸爸做_______).14.The chemical formula for strontium carbonate is ______.15.My brother loves __________ (科学实验) at home.16.Acids have a _______ taste and can be found in citrus fruits. (酸)17.We should ________ our toys.18.My favorite animal is the ______. I think it is very ______ and interesting. This animal is known for its ______ fur and big ______. It lives in ______ and often eats ______.19.I want to _____ (try) new food.20.The chemical formula for calcium oxalate is _______.21.I enjoy planting seeds of ________.22.The __________ can help improve understanding of geological processes.23.I have a collection of _______.24.在中国历史中,________ (philosophers) 的思想对社会发展产生了深远的影响。
激光等离子体光谱法定量分析土壤中元素Fe和Ti第27卷第1期2007年2月应用激光APPLlEDLAsERV oI.27,NO.1February2007激光等离子体光谱法定量分析土壤中元素Fe和Ti陈金忠,史金超,张晓萍(河北大学物理科学与技术学院,河北保定071002)提要利用高能量钕玻璃激光器(~lOJ),在o.8MPa的高压Ar气环境下激发诱导土壤等离子体,通过等离子体原子发射光谱法定量分析了国家标准土壤样品中元素Fe和Ti的含量.实验结果表明,在无光谱干扰的条件下,元素含量与光谱线强度之间有较好的线性关系;元素Fe和Ti的分析结果的相对标准偏差(RSD)分别为6.164和16.095,相对误差分别低于8.349和22.286.关键词激光诱导等离子体,高气压,光谱定量分析,土壤QuantitativeAnalysisofFeandTielementsinSoilsamplesusingLaser-inducedPlasmaSpec troscopyChenJinzhong,ShiJinchao,ZhangXiaoping (CollegeofPhysicsScienceandTechnology,HebeiUniversity,BaodingHebei,071002,Chi na)AbstractInthisexperiment,thes0ilplasmahasbeengeneratedusingahigh-energyneodymiu mglasslaserinAratmosphereathighpressureof0.8MPa'ThecontentofFeandTielementsinthenationalstandardsoilsamplesweremeasuredbyplasmaatomicemissionspectroscopy.Theresultsshowedthatthecontentoftheelementanditslineintensityhasabette rlinearrelationshipunderthecondi—tionwithoutanotherspectrum'sdisturbance.Therelativestandarddeviations(RSD)oftheele mentsFeandTiwerefoundtObe6.164and16.095respectively,andtherelativeerrorvalueswerelowerthan8.349and22.286sep arately.Keywordslaser-inducedplasma;highpressure;spectrumquantitativeanalysis;soil1引言近年来,激光诱导等离子体技术在薄膜淀积,表面可蚀和改性等许多方面得到了应用,利用激光等离子体光谱法检测物质成分也是一个重要的应用领域Ll].由于环境污染的日益严重,土壤质量出现了大面积蜕化的现象,这引起了国内外许多研究学者的高度重视.为建立土壤多元素成分同时测定的激光等离子体光谱分析法,国外对这方面已经开始了研究,并有了相关的报道.Y amamoto等[6利用声一光Q开关Nd:YAG激光器(1064rim,150ns,10mJ,6KHz),基于激光诱导击穿光谱学(LIBS)方法对钢铁,土壤等样品进行分析,测得钢铁中微量重金属元素Cr,Cu,Mn,Ni和非金属元素si的检出限在0.11~O.24范围内;土壤中Ba和sr的检出限分别为296ppm和52ppm.Gremers等口]用LIBS方法测定了土壤中Ba和Cr,元素含量分别为26和50ppm,RSD分别为6和2O9,6.然而,这些工作主要集中在1个大气压或低真空条件下环境气氛对等离子体的影响和光谱定性分析方面的研究,对于高气压环境下激光资助项目:河北省自然科学基金(A2006000951)资助土壤等离子体辐射特性和元素成分检测的研究尚未见报道.本文用高压Ar气环境下激光诱导等离子体原子发射光谱法,定量检测了土壤样品中元素Fe和Ti的含量,验证了这种方法的可行性.2实验条件2.1仪器与设备实验装置包括:NDZ一10型钕玻璃激光器(输出能量:0~25J,波长:1.06t~m,脉冲宽度:0.7ms),WDS-8组合光谱仪(光栅条数:1200L/mm,闪耀波长:250nm,波长范围:200~900nm),单透镜照明系统(1:1.5成像),数据采集处理系统等.装置框图如图1所示.图1实验装置框图Fig.1Schematicdiagramofexperimentalsetup一33—2.2实验样品制备为了满足光谱定量分析方法中选择内标元素的条件,在国家标准土壤粉末样品中加人光谱纯的MnO.,使各个样品中Mn元素的含量均为5.将掺杂后的粉末样品分别置于玛瑙钵中研磨3小时, 使其成为粒度约为200目的均匀样品,并利用HGY一15型压片机将其压制成圆形片状样品,操作条件为12MPa压强下保持五分钟.2.3实验方法与条件采用高能量钕玻璃脉冲激光器激发诱导土壤等离子体,重复脉冲为1次/3min,输出能量约10J.小能量的He—Ne激光器配合CCD作为监视系统,精确瞄准激光作用于样品表面的位置.实验中以掺杂后的土壤样品GBW07401,GBW07402,GBW 07410,GBW07411为标准系列,GBW07408设定为待测样品.样品室位于一个三维可调的平台上. 工作气体为高纯氩气,由样品室的输人和输出端的针阀控制气体流通,室内压强由压力表指示.2.4定量分析原理基于内标法原理的光谱定量分析公式嘲rlgR=lgII—blgC+lgA(1)J2式中R是分析线对的强度比,j,j.分别为分析线和内标线的谱线强度,A为常数,C为分析元素含--——34————WIgIG圄『v∞1WeIerIgIG&^ID7410量.选用MnI405.55nm为内标线,分别以I406.36nm/MnI405.55rim,TiI398.98nm/MnI405.55rim组成分析线对,其理由是:①通过配比Mn元素在各土壤样品中含量相等,符合内标法要求;②Mn元素与FP,T元素具有相近的熔,沸点,原子序数及理化性质接近;③Mn原子与FP,Ti原子的电离电位相近;④内标线MnI405.55nm与分析线FeI406.36nm,TiI398.98nm的激发电位相近,分别为5.2ev,4.6lev,3.12ev.⑤分析线对具有相近的波长,便于测量.分别测量出分析线与内标线的强度,然后求出它们的比值R,进而计算出待测样品中的元素含量.3数据采集和分析实验证明,环境气体对激光等离子体的形成有显着影响[9].随着样品室内环境气压的升高,对激光等离子体的"约束效应"增强,发光粒子密度增大, 辐射强度增大,有利于提高光谱检测灵敏度.本实验选定在0.8MPaAr气环境中激发诱导土壤等离子体,利用多功能组合式光栅光谱仪采集等离子体的发射光谱,部分光谱如图2所示.为了减小测量误差,对每个样品激发三次,测量计算出分析线对的相对强度之比并取平均,由数据作出校正曲线,如图3所示.WeIerlgG圄『v∞402WlaVeIer睁IhfnmG目『v叮411.n.B』!slJalu一.:耐吾!sI-eIIll口Wavelength/nmGB\/\^D7408图2土壤等离子体的发射光谱Fig.2Theemissionspectraofthesoilplasma1.TiI398.9763nm;2.MnI405.5543nm;3.FeI406.3596nm 从图2给出的各样品光谱可以看到,高能量脉冲激光在高压Ar气环境下可以激发土壤样品产生等离子体,而且原子发射谱线比较丰富.在等离子体光谱中,选择的Fe和Mn的分立谱线强度较强,一n06n砸Ⅷ而且背景辐射影响较弱;Ti的谱线强度相对较弱,而且在左边有光谱干扰,这将对测量数据产生一定的不利影响,尽管扣除了背景干扰..036也45=也翱也55LgC-FelajC-'13(a)(b)口图3元素Fe和Ti的拟合曲线Fig.3Thecalibrationcurvesfortheelements(a)Feand(b)Ti 从图3可以清楚地看到,元素Fe的拟合曲线较好,即4个标样的数据坐标点基本成一条直线,而Ti 的拟合曲线较差.分析认为,样品中元素Fe和Mn的含量较高,原子辐射较强,并且谱线分立无干扰,获得的测量数据准确;样品中元素Ti的含量较低,因此原子辐射较弱,又受到邻近谱线的干扰,所以测得的数据误差较大,用色散率大的光谱仪采谱会使这种结果得到改善.根据标准样品GBW07401,GBW07402,GBW 07410,GBW07411中元素含量和分析线对的强度比绘制出校正曲线,对待测样品GBW07408中分析元素含量进行测定.为了对分析结果的精确度和准确度作出判断,在确定的实验条件下测量5次,所得数据结果如表1所示.一35—Table.1Analysisresults光谱分析结果表明,土壤样品GBW07408中元素Fe和Ti的测定值与实际值的相对误差分别低于8.349和22.286,而方法的相对标准偏差(RSD)分别为6.164和16.0959/6.为了提高元素Ti的分析准确度,也可以适当提高激光等离子体的环境气体压力或是提高激光输出能量,同时减小光谱仪入射狭缝宽度,来获得Ti的较强而分立的光谱线.4结束语本实验采用高能量钕玻璃脉冲激光器,在高气压Ar气环境下作用于土壤样品诱导产生等离子体,通过采集等离子体的原子发射光谱并结合内标法定量分析了土壤中元素Fe和Ti的含量.实验结果证明, 在无光谱干扰的情况下,元素含量与光谱强度之间具有较好的线性关系,分析结果的准确度和精密度均较高.与其他物质成分分析技术相比,激光光谱分析方法简单易行,不需要复杂的样品制备过程,有希望实时实地快速监测土壤环境质量,对于耕地修复和提高粮食安全性具有重要的意义.参考文献EliTranM,etaI,App1.Spectrosc.,2001,55(6):739 [2]MultariRA,etaI,App1.Spectrosc.,1996,50(12):1483 E3]BiM,etaI,App1.Spectrosc.,2000,54(5):639[4]RonnyDH,etaI,App1.Spectrosc.,2004,58(7):770 Es]PardedeM,etaI,App1.Spectrosc.,2001,55(9):1229 [6]Y amamoto,etaI,App1.Spectrosc.,2005,59(9):1082[7]CremersDA,etaI,App1.Spectrosc.,1995,49(6):857E8]《发射光谱分析》编写组,发射光谱分析,冶金工业出版社,l977:265[9]史金超等,应用激光,2005,25(6):401(上接27页)当激光干扰机重复频率为(8)式时,如果(7)中矩阵元的分子分母的最大公约数L能被(9)式计算的k整除,则(7)中的矩阵元有也能被干扰.但由于制导信号的重复频率N对于不同的激光指示器是不同的,因此(9)式计算的k不一定能满足是L倍数的条件,因此干扰的可能性存在,但不确定.3.3对PCM码干扰有效性分析分析研究发现PCM码的前三个脉冲不可能出现At/Atz为7/7的情况,又由于PCM码是伪随机码的特例,显然激光干扰机的重复频率为(8)式时,对使用PCM码的LGW的干扰都是有效的.5结论综上所述,如果激光告警装置接收到连续的三个激光制导信号,对它们进行如(6)式的简单的信号处理,那么当激光干扰机的工作频率为(8)式时,则可以对使用PCM和伪随机码的激光制导武器进行有效干扰.对PCM码的干扰概率可以达到1,对伪随机码的干扰概率可达到95.此时激光干扰机的工作频率一般在1.2KHz附近.由于改进后的角度欺骗干扰技术信号处理简单,最多只需要接收到三个激光制导信号,因此可以在激光导引头识别出制导信号之前就可以对LGW进行干扰,即改进后的角度欺骗干扰技术可以有效的在LGW的搜索段对其进行干扰.参考文献[1]孙晓泉,吕跃广编着,激光对抗原理与技术[M],北京:解放军出版社,2000.[2]安化海,闫秀生,郑荣山,激光制导信号的编码分析及识别处理技术[J],光电对抗与无源干扰,第3期,1996.[3]V.E.Clark,JointTactics,Techniques,andProcedures forLaserDesignationOperations,ResearchReportof theJointChiefsofStaff,28May,1999.1-4]童忠诚,焦洋,孙晓泉,角度欺骗干扰中假目标布设问题研究[J],电子工程学院.第21卷,第l期,2002.。
专利名称:PARTICLE CONCENTRATOR 发明人:PACE, Dan, R.申请号:EP91906700.0申请日:19910403公开号:EP0474822A1公开日:19920318专利内容由知识产权出版社提供摘要: The invention discloses means for mounting the upper bowl (140) and the lower bowl (116) on a common linear cylindrical member and for separately controlling the pressure of gas within the housing (18) of an apparatus low speed centrifugal settling (10) for separating particulate material of relatively large particle size (e.g., yeast) a source material. The centrifugal device can be fixed by clamping to a container (12) and a pressure differential is created between the housing (28) of the centrifuge device and the container (12) for raising this time, force the material source in the lower bowl (116) of the centrifuge device. A stack of frustoconical discs (278, 280, 282) conveys the supernatant material downwardly and inwardly to allow the vertical transfer in a discharge chamber (76). The particulate substance is discharged centrifugally continuously between the contact surfaces (146, 148) of the lower bowl (116) and the upper bowl (140). The invention also discloses means for isolating the hydraulic forces generated within the bowl of the thrust bearing (110) supporting the bowl and for transferring the drive forces to the inlet member. The invention further optical means (150) for collecting and separately controlling the discharge from the housing of the centrifuge, so that the gas pressure inside the housing can still be increased to balance partially hydrostatic forces in the bowls, which allows the use of low resistance materialsbowls in separation operations at relatively high speed as a means to improve the working capacity of the device.申请人:OCCAM MARINE TECHNOLOGIES LTD.地址:Armdale P.O. Box 50 83 Halifax Nova Scotia B3L 4M6 CA国籍:CA代理机构:Spall, Christopher John, et al更多信息请下载全文后查看。
Exploring the world of nanoparticles
Exploring the world of nanoparticlesNanoparticles are tiny particles that have at least one dimension measuring less than 100 nanometers. They are so small that they cannot be seen with the naked eye, and yet they have the potential to revolutionize many aspects of our lives. In this article, we will explore the world of nanoparticles, looking at their properties, applications, and potential risks.Properties of nanoparticlesOne of the most interesting properties of nanoparticles is their size. Because they are so small, they have a large surface area in relation to their volume. This makes them highly reactive, and allows them to interact with other materials in ways that larger particles cannot. For example, nanoparticles of silver can kill bacteria by penetrating their cell walls, whereas larger particles of silver cannot.Another important property of nanoparticles is their quantum behavior. When particles are very small, their movement is governed by the rules of quantum physics. This can lead to some very unusual behavior, such as the ability of nanoparticles to absorb or emit light of specific frequencies. This property is used in many applications, such as the use of quantum dots in biological imaging.Applications of nanoparticlesNanoparticles have the potential to revolutionize many fields, from medicine to electronics to energy production. Here are just a few examples of their applications:- Medicine: Nanoparticles can be used to deliver drugs to specific parts of the body, or to act as contrast agents in medical imaging. They can also be used to kill cancer cells by targeting them with nanoparticles coated in cancer drugs.- Electronics: Nanoparticles can be used to make more efficient solar cells, or to create stronger and lighter materials for use in electronics.- Energy production: Nanoparticles can be used to catalyze chemical reactions, making them more efficient and reducing the amount of energy needed to drive them.Potential risks of nanoparticlesDespite the many potential benefits of nanoparticles, there are also concerns about their safety. Because they are so small, nanoparticles can potentially penetrate the skin, lungs, and other organs, where they may cause damage or accumulate over time. There is also concern about the environmental impact of nanoparticles, particularly when they are released into air or water.To address these concerns, researchers are studying the potential risks of nanoparticles and developing ways to minimize them. This includes developing nanoparticles that are biodegradable or nontoxic, as well as studying the effects of nanoparticles on human health and the environment.ConclusionNanoparticles are a fascinating and rapidly evolving field of research. Their unique properties and potential applications make them an exciting area of study for scientists and engineers. At the same time, it is important to be aware of the potential risks associated with nanoparticles, and to develop strategies for minimizing them. With careful study and responsible use, nano technology holds the promise of transforming many aspects of our lives.。
生活中离不开电脑英语作文题目,The Indispensable Role of Computers in Our Daily Lives。
In the modern era, computers have become an indispensable part of our daily lives. From personal tasks to professional endeavors, the influence of computers permeates every aspect of society. This essay explores the multifaceted roles that computers play in our lives, highlighting their significance and impact.First and foremost, computers have revolutionized communication. With the advent of the internet and email, communication has become instantaneous and global. People can connect with friends, family, and colleagues across the world with a few clicks of a button. Social media platforms further enhance this connectivity, allowing individuals to share experiences, thoughts, and ideas effortlessly. Moreover, video conferencing tools enable virtual meetings, facilitating collaboration among teams regardless ofgeographical barriers. Thus, computers have transformed how we interact and communicate, making the world a more connected place.In addition to communication, computers have profoundly impacted education. Educational institutions utilize computers and the internet to enhance learning experiences. Students have access to a vast array of resources and information online, enabling them to conduct research and broaden their knowledge beyond the confines of traditional textbooks. Furthermore, e-learning platforms offer flexible and convenient avenues for individuals to pursue education remotely. Whether it's through interactive tutorials, online courses, or virtual classrooms, computers have democratized access to education, empowering learners ofall ages and backgrounds.Furthermore, computers have revolutionized the way we work. In virtually every industry, computers are integral to operations and productivity. From basic tasks such as word processing and data entry to complex endeavors like data analysis and programming, computers streamlineprocesses and enable efficient workflow. Businesses rely on computer systems for communication, accounting, inventory management, and customer relations. Moreover, advancements in automation and artificial intelligence have further optimized productivity, allowing businesses to innovate and adapt to ever-changing market demands. Thus, computers have become essential tools for driving economic growth and innovation.Moreover, computers have transformed entertainment and leisure activities. From streaming services to video games, digital entertainment has become ubiquitous in contemporary society. People can enjoy a vast array of movies, TV shows, music, and games on their computers, providing endless entertainment options at their fingertips. Furthermore, the internet has revolutionized how we consume media, with platforms like YouTube, Netflix, and Spotify offering personalized content tailored to individual preferences. Additionally, social media platforms serve as avenues for entertainment, enabling users to engage with content creators and participate in online communities. Thus, computers have redefined how we entertain ourselves,offering a diverse range of options to suit every taste and interest.Beyond personal use, computers play a critical role in scientific research and technological innovation. Supercomputers facilitate complex simulations and calculations, enabling scientists to study phenomena ranging from climate change to particle physics. Moreover, advances in computer science have led to breakthroughs in artificial intelligence, robotics, and cybersecurity. These innovations have the potential to revolutionize industries, improve quality of life, and address global challenges. Thus, computers are not only tools for advancement but also catalysts for innovation and discovery.In conclusion, computers have become an integral part of our daily lives, permeating every aspect of society. From communication and education to work and entertainment, the influence of computers is undeniable. As technology continues to evolve, the role of computers will only growin importance, shaping the way we live, work, and interact with the world. Therefore, embracing and harnessing thepower of computers is essential for navigating the complexities of the digital age and unlocking the boundless opportunities it presents.。
实验室的英语科技作文Science and Technology in the LaboratoryThe modern laboratory is a hub of innovation and discovery, where the boundaries of human knowledge are constantly being pushed forward. At the heart of this dynamic environment lies a rich tapestry of scientific and technological advancements that have revolutionized the way we understand and interact with the world around us.One of the key drivers of progress in the laboratory is the rapid pace of technological development. From state-of-the-art analytical instruments to cutting-edge computational tools, the laboratory is a veritable playground for the latest innovations. Take, for example, the field of spectroscopy, where researchers use highly sophisticated spectrometers to study the interaction of matter with electromagnetic radiation. These instruments can provide detailed insights into the chemical composition and structure of materials, enabling breakthroughs in fields as diverse as materials science, biochemistry, and astrophysics.Similarly, the advent of high-performance computing has transformed the way scientists approach complex problems. Powerful simulation software and data analysis tools allow researchers to model and predict the behavior of systems that would be too complex or dangerous to study experimentally. This has opened up new frontiers in areas such as climate science, where researchers use sophisticated climate models to understand the drivers of global climate change and develop strategies for mitigating its impacts.But the laboratory is not just a place for the application of technology – it is also a crucible for the development of new scientific theories and ideas. Through carefully designed experiments and rigorous data analysis, scientists in the laboratory are constantly pushing the boundaries of our understanding of the natural world. From the subatomic realm of particle physics to the vast expanses of the cosmos, the laboratory is where the most fundamental questions about the universe are explored and tested.One of the most exciting aspects of science in the laboratory is the interdisciplinary nature of the work. Researchers from diverse backgrounds – chemists, physicists, biologists, and engineers, to name a few – collaborate to tackle complex problems that require a multifaceted approach. This cross-pollination of ideas andmethodologies has led to some of the most significant breakthroughs in modern science, such as the development of new materials with extraordinary properties or the discovery of novel therapeutic compounds.Moreover, the laboratory is not just a place for academic research – it is also a hub of industrial innovation. Many of the technologies and products that we rely on in our daily lives, from the smartphones in our pockets to the medical treatments that save lives, have their origins in the research and development work carried out in laboratories around the world. This close collaboration between academia and industry has been a driving force behind the rapid pace of technological progress in recent decades.Of course, the work of the laboratory is not without its challenges. Researchers must navigate a complex web of ethical considerations, regulatory frameworks, and resource constraints as they pursue their research goals. The need to ensure the safety and integrity of experimental procedures, for example, can add layers of complexity to even the most straightforward investigations. Additionally, the highly competitive nature of scientific research means that researchers must constantly strive to stay ahead of the curve, often working long hours and facing intense pressure to produce groundbreaking results.Despite these challenges, the laboratory remains a place of immense creativity and intellectual excitement. The thrill of discovery, the satisfaction of solving a complex problem, and the knowledge that one's work has the potential to transform the world – these are the driving forces that motivate the scientists and technicians who work tirelessly in the laboratory.As we look to the future, it is clear that the laboratory will continue to be a crucible of innovation and a wellspring of scientific progress. With the rapid pace of technological change and the ever-expanding frontiers of human knowledge, the laboratory will remain a vital hub of activity, where the most pressing challenges of our time are tackled with the tools of science and the power of human ingenuity.。
PSA300 粒子尺寸分析仪操作说明书
Particle Size Distribution Analyzer TN168T T e e c c h h n n i i c c a a l l N N o o t t e e Powder DisperserEFFECT OF PSA300 POWDER DISPERSER ON SIZEAs in all particle analysis, sample selection and sample preparation remain critical to obtaining accurate results. This note addresses one aspect of sample preparation by showing the effects of varying disperser conditions on the obtainedparticle size distribution. In addition, we take advantage of the unique features of static image analysis to evaluate sample preparation strategies.IntroductionImage analysis is often considered areferee technique for particle sizing. The intuitive appeal of seeing particle picturesis compelling. In addition, the ability toextract more than size information, that is, shape, from images means that image analysis meets requirements not covered by other techniques. Naturally, methodsto improve image analysis results are important to extracting full value from this technique.The steps discussed here are examples ofthe steps used in developing a final method for analyzing a particular product. The HORIBA PSA300 Powder Disperser option is used to prepare microscope slides for static image analysis. With this device, sample particles are dispersedwith a controlled blast of air and allowedto settle on a microscope slide. In general,this method is quite gentle and distributesthe particles evenly across the microscope slide in a tightly controlled environment.It should be noted that not all static image analysis samples are best dispersed in this manner. For example, particle suspensions are often cast or spin coated onto the slide (1). Gels are spread onto a slide with a cover slip or razor blade (2). Some samples such as glass beads arefirst dispersed in a glycerin paste and then spread. But, for dry powders, the Powder Disperser is often the most convenient choice.In order to allow a single unit to be used with multiple sample types, the PSA300 Powder Disperser is quite flexible. In order to take advantage of this flexibility,the effect of various operating conditions on a particular sample type should beinvestigated. And, the effect of varying one operating condition, the starting pressure, is described here.Materials and MethodsA narrow size distribution fraction ofAvicel PH-101 microcrystalline cellulose was isolated by sieving. By using a narrow size fraction, one can ignore issues of sampling and counting a sufficient number of particles. The sample used here passed through 53 micron sieve openings, but not 45 micron sieve openings. For a discussion on reconciling sieving results with image analysis data (or dispensing with sieve analysis altogether), see (3).Two slides were prepared with the PowderDisperser. The only difference between the two slides was the starting pressure condition. The dispersion conditions are tabulated on the following page.Condition High PD Low PD Starting Pressure (torr)100 500 Dispersion FlowNormal Normal Dispersion Time (msec ) 500 500Air Restoration Delay (sec )30 30 Nozzles Medium, Large Medium,LargeThe starting pressure reflects the pressure of the chamber into which the particles are dispersed. The velocity of the blast of air can be controlled by lowering thechamber pressure since the air velocity is controlled by the difference between atmospheric pressure (760 torr) and chamber pressure. Of course, thedispersion flow setting is a different way to manipulate velocity. A more complete study would examine the effect of multiple disperser conditions. The slides aredesignated High PD and Low PD to reflect the pressure difference.A third slide, denoted “Manual,” wasprepared by using a spatula and dropping the powder onto the slide without applying any dispersion energy.The three slides were then examined with the HORIBA PSA 300 Static ImageAnalysis System using the 5x objective.ResultsQualitative AnalysisThe qualitative conclusions discussed here are based on reviewing images from each slide at a number of positions on the slide. The single photos presented here are for illustrative purposes even thoughqualitative analysis should be performedover multiple regions of a slide.A representative image from the High PD slide is shown below in Figure 1. From this image, one sees that the particles are not touching and therefore particle separation during image processing is unnecessary. Most notably for the discussion at hand, there are a substantial number of fine particles (less 20 microns) that are much smaller than the main particles.Figure 1 Representative image of particles dispersed under high pressure differenceconditions (high PD). Note the presence of a substantial number of fine particles that are an artifact of the dispersion process.Here one can take advantage of the nature of image analysis to confirm the presence of the fine particles in the original sample. An image from theManual slide is shown in Figure 2. In this image, the particles tend to overlapsignificantly; better dispersion will provide superior results to any numerical algorithm for particle separation.Therefore, this slide is not optimal for automated image analysis. Note the near absence of fine particles. It is clear that the fine particles observed in the High PD slide are not part of the original sample. This is consistent with the fact that the sample was prepared by sieving which would tend to remove any fine particles. From this image along with two or three others from the same slide, one candevelop a qualitative idea of the particlesize and shape for comparison withimages obtained from other slidesprepared with the HORIBA SampleDisperser.Figure 2 Representative image of manuallydispersed particles. Note the lack of fineparticles and the significant overlap of analyteparticles that preclude good automated imageanalysis.Finally, a typical image from the Low PDslide is shown in Figure 3. Note that in thiscase, unlike the High PD slide but similarto the Manual slide there are almost nofine particles. In addition, unlike theparticles in the Manual slide, the particlesare well separated; automated particleseparation during image processing isunnecessary. It should be pointed out thatthe number of particles in each imagecould be increased. And, optimizing thenumber of particles in each frame wouldbe the next step in method development.From these photographs, it is clear thatthe High PD dispersion conditions areaffecting the particles under study. Theparticles prepared under the Low PDdispersion conditions are unaffected bydispersion. Therefore, quantitative imageanalysis should be performed on theparticles prepared under the Low PDdispersion conditions.Figure 3 Representative image of particlesdispersed under low pressure differenceconditions (low PD). Note the lack of fineparticles and the distinct analyte particles.This sample is most appropriate for accurateautomated image analysis.Quantitative AnalysisLet us now compare the results of staticimage analysis from each sample. Weconsider two different distributionweightings: number weighted and volumeweighted. For the volume weighteddistribution, the particle volume isestimated based on the area of theparticle in the image and an assumedspherical form. Spherical volume is chosensince it is specified in ISO 13322-1 (4).The ellipsoidal volume calculation from thePSA 300 could be more appropriate.However, the choice of model does notaffect the conclusions drawn here.HighPDLowPDManualNumberMedianSize(microns)12 70 66VolumeMedianSize(microns)81 80 662Here it is clear that the number mediansizes (D50) obtained from the Manualslide, 66 microns, and the Low PD slide,70 microns are similar. For the High PD slide, the large number of fine particles brought the median size down to 12 microns. The small number of large agglomerates which are really overlapping or touching particles did not substantially change the obtained median size of the Manual slide. So, that value was still accurate.On the other hand, the volume median sizes (D50) obtained from the High PD slide, 81 microns and Low PD slide, 80 microns, were quite similar. This is because the volume fraction of fine particles is small. But the volume of large agglomerates was substantial enough to significantly perturb the measured volume median particle size from the Manual slide.The small difference between the number median and volume median particle sizes for the Low PD slide is a direct consequence of using a sample with a narrow size distribution.Since these numerical results were obtained by analyzing 392 images, and from 4000 to 20000 particles, thestatistics are certainly better than those from manually inspecting four or five images. For a discussion on the effect ofthe number of analyzed particles on the accuracy of the determined size distribution parameters such as the median size, see references (4) and (5). Review of only the numerical results does not clearly show which set of results is correct. But manual inspection of only afew images did clearly show which set of numbers is most accurate.ConclusionsImage analysis allows inspection of the results of different dispersion settings and this feature should be exploited in order to evaluate the quality of the slides prepared for image analysis. Comparing imagesfrom an undispersed sample to images from a dispersed sample rapidly verifies the appropriateness of dispersion conditions.References(1) AN193 Measuring 10 Micron PSL onthe PSA300, available from/us/particle(2) AN190 Particle Characterization of Ointments and Creams Using Image Analysis, available from/us/particle(3) AN142 Determination of the Roundness of Globules in the Pharmaceutical Industry, available from /us/particle(4) ISO 13322-1, Particle Size Analysis– Image Analysis Methods – Part 1: Static Image Analysis Methods(5) TN155 The Effect of Sample Size on Result Accuracy using Static Image Analysis, available from/us/particleCopyright 2011, HORIBA Instruments, Inc. For further information on this documentor our products, please contact:HORIBA Ltd.2, Miyanohigashi,KisshoinMinami-Ku Kyoto 601-8510 Japan+81 75 313 8121HORIBA Scientific34 BunsenIrvine, CA 92618 USA1-888-903-5001HORIBA Jobin Yvon S.A.S.16-18, rue du Canal - 91165 Longjumeau FranceTel. +33 (0)1 64 54 13 00/us/particle******************。
exhibits a particle stacking structure
exhibits a particle stacking structureA particle stacking structure refers to the arrangement of particles, such as atoms or molecules, in a three-dimensional lattice. This structure exhibits specific patterns and symmetries, leading to different types of stacking arrangements.One example of a particle stacking structure is the face-centered cubic (FCC) lattice. In this structure, particles are arranged in a repeating pattern where each particle has twelve nearest neighbors and lies at the corners and center of each face of a cube. This type of stacking is commonly found in metals such as aluminum, copper, and gold.Another example is the hexagonal close-packed (HCP) lattice. In this structure, particles are arranged in a repeating pattern where each particle has twelve nearest neighbors and lies at the corners and center of each face of a hexagonal prism. This stacking is commonly found in metals such as magnesium and titanium.Other stacking structures include body-centered cubic (BCC) lattice, simple cubic lattice, and more complex structures like diamond and graphite.These particle stacking structures have significant implications for various physical and chemical properties of materials. For instance, the arrangement of particles in a crystal lattice determines its density, mechanical properties, and electrical conductivity, among other characteristics.。
粒子英文作文高中Particles are tiny, tiny things. They are so small that you can't even see them with your naked eye. But eventhough they are small, they are everywhere. They make up everything in the world around us, from the air we breatheto the ground we walk on.You might be surprised to learn that there are many different types of particles. Some particles are so small that they can pass through solid objects, while others are larger and can be seen under a microscope. These particles come in all shapes and sizes, and they are constantly moving and interacting with each other.Particles are not just important in the physical world, they also play a crucial role in the world of science. Scientists study particles to learn more about how the universe works and to develop new technologies. Understanding particles can help us to create new materials, improve medical treatments, and even explore outer space.One of the most fascinating things about particles is that they can behave in ways that seem completely random. This randomness is at the heart of quantum mechanics, a branch of physics that deals with the behavior of particles on the smallest scales. It's a strange and mysterious world, but one that has led to many important discoveries and breakthroughs.In addition to their scientific importance, particles also have a big impact on our everyday lives. For example, the particles in the air can affect the weather and the quality of the air we breathe. They can also carry diseases and pollutants, so it's important to understand howparticles move and behave in the environment.Overall, particles are an essential part of the worldwe live in. They are small, but they are mighty, and they have a big impact on everything from the tiniest atom tothe vast expanse of the universe. So next time you take a breath or look up at the sky, remember that particles areall around you, doing their invisible work.。
谁是人类历史上最伟大的人英语作文Who is the greatest person in human history? This question has perplexed scholars, historians, and ordinary people for centuries. In examining the achievements, contributions, and impact of various individuals throughout history, several names are often mentioned as contenders for the title of "the greatest person in human history." However, one name that consistently stands out is none other than Sir Isaac Newton.Sir Isaac Newton, an English mathematician, physicist, and astronomer, is widely regarded as one of the most influential and significant figures in the history of science. Born in 1643, Newton's contributions to the fields of mathematics and physics revolutionized our understanding of the natural world and laid the foundation for modern science as we know it today.Newton's most famous and groundbreaking work is his three laws of motion, which form the basis of classical mechanics. These laws describe the relationship between an object's motion and the forces acting upon it, and have profound implications for our understanding of the universe. Additionally, Newton's law of universal gravitation, which states that every particle in the universe attracts every other particle with a force proportional to their masses, has been instrumental in shaping ourunderstanding of the laws of physics and the nature of the cosmos.In addition to his contributions to physics, Newton also made significant advancements in the field of mathematics. He is credited with the development of calculus, a branch of mathematics that deals with rates of change and accumulation, and which has had a profound impact on fields ranging from physics to economics. Newton's work in mathematics and physics laid the groundwork for countless other scientific discoveries and advancements, making him one of the most important figures in the history of science.Beyond his scientific contributions, Newton was also a highly esteemed scholar and educator. He served as the Lucasian Professor of Mathematics at the University of Cambridge, where he made significant contributions to the field of mathematics and mentored a new generation of scholars and scientists. Newton's dedication to academia and his commitment to the pursuit of knowledge have inspired countless individuals to follow in his footsteps and continue the legacy of scientific inquiry and discovery.In addition to his scholarly achievements, Newton was also a devout Christian and believed that his work in science was ameans of understanding and appreciating the beauty and order of the universe as created by God. His belief in the unity of science and religion, as well as his unwavering commitment to the pursuit of truth and knowledge, have made him a figure of enduring inspiration and admiration for people of all backgrounds and beliefs.In conclusion, Sir Isaac Newton is undoubtedly one of the greatest individuals in human history. His groundbreaking contributions to the fields of mathematics and physics have shaped our understanding of the universe and have paved the way for countless scientific discoveries and advancements. Newton's dedication to the pursuit of knowledge, his commitment to scholarly excellence, and his belief in the unity of science and religion have made him a figure of lasting importance and influence in the history of science. Sir Isaac Newton's legacy continues to inspire and educate people around the world, and his impact on our understanding of the natural world is truly unparalleled.。
英语作文我想当物理学家Title: My Aspiration to Become a PhysicistSince my earliest memories, I have been captivated by the mysteries of the universe. The vastness of space, the intricacies of time, and the fundamental forces that govern every particle in existence have always ignited a profound curiosity within me. This insatiable thirst for knowledge and understanding has led me to a clear aspiration: to become a physicist.Physics, the study of matter, energy, and their interactions, is the ultimate quest for the underlying principles that shape our reality. From the subatomic realm to the cosmic scales, physicists seek to unravel the secrets of the universe, piece together its puzzle, and explain the phenomena that surround us. My goal as a physicist is to contribute to this noble pursuit, to push the boundaries of human understanding, and to shed light on the darkest corners of the unknown.I envision myself working at the forefront of scientific research, collaborating with fellow physicists from diverse backgrounds, each with their unique perspectives and expertise. Together, we would design experiments, analyze data, and engage in intellectual discussions that challenge our preconceptions and broaden our horizons. The thrill of making a breakthrough, of discovering a new law of nature, or of confirming a long-standing theory is what drives me forward.Moreover, I am drawn to the interdisciplinary nature of physics. Its applications span across fields such as engineering, medicine, technology, and even philosophy. As a physicist, I aspire to bridge these disciplines, to translate abstract physical concepts into practical solutions, and to contribute to the progress of society in meaningful ways.The ethical implications of scientific advancements also resonate deeply with me. As a physicist, I recognize the responsibility to ensure that our discoveries are used for the benefit of humanity, promoting sustainability, and mitigating potential risks. I am committed to advocating for the ethical use of scientific knowledge and to contributing to a future where scientific progress aligns with social and environmental well-being.To achieve my aspiration, I am dedicated to rigorous academic training, hands-on research experience, and a lifelong pursuit of learning. I am prepared for the challenges that lie ahead, including the complexities of physical theories, the demands of experimental work, and the necessity for continuous intellectual growth.In conclusion, my aspiration to become a physicist is fueled by my passion for exploring the mysteries of the universe, my curiosity for the fundamental principles that govern reality, and my desire to contribute to the progress of humanity. It is a calling that promises intellectual adventure, the thrill of discovery, and the opportunity to shape the future of science and society. I am eager to embark on this journey, ready tolearn, to question, and to unravel the secrets of the cosmos, one equation at a time.。
Neutron Stars and Black Holes in Star Clusters
a r X i v :a s t r o -p h /0611615v 1 20 N o v 2006Highlights of Astronomy,Volume 14XXVIth IAU General Assembly,August 2006K.A.van der Hucht,ed.c 2006International Astronomical Union DOI:00.0000/X000000000000000X Neutron stars and black holes in star clustersF.A.Rasio 1,H.Baumgardt 2,A.Corongiu 3,F.D’Antona 4,G.Fabbiano 5,J.M.Fregeau 1,K.Gebhardt 6,C.O.Heinke 1,P.Hut 7,N.Ivanova 8,T.J.Maccarone 9,S.M.Ransom 10,N.A.Webb 111Northwestern University,Dept of Physics and Astronomy,Evanston,Illinois,USA 2Argelander Institut f¨u r Astronomie,University of Bonn,Germany 3INAF,Osservatorio di Cagliari e Universit`a di Cagliari,Italy 4Osservatorio Astronomico di Roma,Monteporzio,Italy 5Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics,Cambridge,Massachusetts,USA 6Astronomy Department,University of Texas at Austin,USA 7Institute for Advanced Study,Princeton,New Jersey,USA 8Canadian Institute for Theoretical Astrophysics,Toronto,Ontario,Canada 9School of Physics and Astronomy,University of Southampton,UK 10NRAO,Charlottesville,Virginia,USA 11Centre d’Etude Spatiale des Rayonnements,Toulouse,France 1.Introduction This article was co-authored by all invited speakers at the Joint Discussion on “Neu-tron Stars and Black Holes in Star Clusters,”which took place during the IAU General Assembly in Prague,Czech Republic,on August 17and 18,2006.Each section presents a short summary of recent developments in a key area of research,incorporating the main ideas expressed during the corresponding panel discussion at the meeting.Our meeting,which had close to 300registered participants,was broadly aimed at the large community of astronomers around the world working on the formation and evolu-tion of compact objects and interacting binary systems in dense star clusters,such as globular clusters and galactic nuclei.The main scientific topics cut across all traditional boundaries,including Galactic and extragalactic astronomy,environments from young starbursts to old globular clusters,phenomena from radio pulsars to gamma-ray bursts,and observations using ground-based and space-based telescopes,with a significant com-ponent of gravitational-wave astronomy and relativistic astrophysics.Great advances have occurred in this field during the past few years,including the in-troduction of fundamentally new theoretical paradigms for the formation and evolution of compact objects in binaries as well as countless new discoveries by astronomers thathave challenged many accepted models.Some of the highlights include:a nearly complete census of all the millisecond pulsars in 47Tucanae;first detections of many new radio pulsars in other clusters,particularly Terzan 5;detailed studies of X-ray binary popula-tions and their luminosity functions in many galaxies and extragalactic globular clusters;increasing evidence for intermediate-mass black holes in clusters and greatly improved theoretical understanding of their possible formation processes.The next few years will prove at least as exciting,with many more data sets coming from recently or soon-to-be launched satellites,many new objects found in extensive deep radio and X-ray surveys,and follow-up spectroscopy and photometry with opti-cal telescopes.On the theoretical side,advances in computer codes and special-purpose12Baumgardt et al.hardware will allow for more and more realistic modeling of whole large clusters including fairly complete treatments of all the relevant physics.2.Direct N-body SimulationsDirect N-body simulations follow stars individually.This is important when modeling star clusters,where specific interactions between single stars and binaries,as well as more complex multiple systems,play a central role(Aarseth2003;Heggie&Hut2003). In contrast,for larger-scale simulations of encounters between galaxies,and cosmological simulations in general,the stars are modeled as afluid in phase space,and the individual properties of the stars are no longer important.Traditionally,the term“collisionless stellar dynamics”has been used for the latter case, and“collisional stellar dynamics”for the former case.When these terms were coined in the nineteen sixties,they were perhaps appropriate,but now that we have started to simulate physical collisions between stars in a serious way,the use of the word“collision”in the old sense has become rather confusing,since it was meant to denote relatively distant encounters that contribute to the two-body relaxation of a system.It may be useful to introduce a new expression for the study of star clusters,shorter than“collisional stellar dynamics,”and broader in the sense of including stellar evolu-tion and hydrodynamics as well.One option would be to use smenology,or in Greek σµηνoλoγια,afterσµηνoσ(smenos),swarm,which is the word in use in modern Greek for a cluster;a star cluster is calledσµηνoσαστǫρων(smenos asteroon),literally a swarm of stars†.Simulations of dense stellar systems,such as globular clusters(hereafter GCs)and galactic nuclei,have never yet been very realistic.Simplifying assumptions,such as those used in gas models or Fokker-Planck and Monte Carlo codes,have allowed us to model large particle numbers at the expense of a loss of detail in local many-body interactions and the imposition of global symmetry constraints.Conversely,direct N-body integra-tion,while far more accurate,has labored under a lack of computer speed needed to model a million stars.The good news is that we will soon be approaching effective computer speeds in the Petaflops range(Makino2006),which will allow us to model the gravitational million-body problem with full realism,at least on the level of point particles.Adding equally realistic stellar evolution and hydrodynamics will be no problem as far as the necessary computer speed is concerned.When the hardware bottleneck will thus be removed,the software bottleneck for real-istic cluster simulations will become painfully obvious(Hut2007).This is the bad news. While some serious uncertainties remain in the science needed to improve the software, currently the main bottleneck is neither science nor computer speed,but rather a suffi-ciently robust implementation of already available knowledge.The main two codes currently being used for direct N-body simulations,NBODY4 and Kira,are both publicly available:NBODY4at /~sverre/web/ pages/nbody.htm and Kira at /~starlab/.NBODY4and other related codes form the results of a more than forty-year effort by Sverre Aarseth,as documented in Aarseth(2003).These codes are written in Fortran and they can be run stand-alone.A parallel version has been developed,named NBODY6++ (Spurzem1999;Spurzem&Baumgardt2003),publicly available at ftp://ftp.ari. uni-heidelberg.de/pub/staff/spurzem/nb6mpi/.In addition to stellar dynamics,the†Dimitrios Psaltis,personal communication.Neutron stars and black holes in star clusters3 version of NBODY4developed by Jarrod Hurley and collaborators(see Hurley et al.2005 and references therein)includes a treatment of stellar evolution for both single stars (named SSE)and binary stars(named BSE),usingfitting formulae and recipes(Hurley et al.2002).The Kira code forms an integral part of the Starlab environment(Portegies Zwart et al.2001).Kira and Starlab are written in C++.The basic data structure of Kira consists of aflat tree containing leaves representing single stars as well as nodes that hold center of mass information for small clumps of interacting stars.Each clump is repre-sented by a binary tree,where each node determines a local coordinate system.The Kira code has built-in links to Seba,a stellar evolution module usingfitting formulae devel-oped by Tout et al.(1996)and recipes developed by Portegies Zwart&Verbunt(1996). In addition to Kira and Seba,the Starlab environment contains tools for setting up initial conditions for star clusters,using various models,and for analyzing the results of N-body simulations.Starlab also contains packages for binary–single-star and for binary–binary scattering.Within the next ten years,multi-Petaflops computers will enable us to follow the evolution of star clusters with up to a million stars(Makino2006).To make efficient use of this opportunity,while including increasingly realistic treatments of stellar evolution and stellar hydrodynamics,a number of new developments are required.On the purely stellar dynamics level,some form of tree code may be useful for speed-ing up the long-range force calculations,as pioneered by McMillan&Aarseth(1993).In addition,guaranteeing accurate treatments of local interactions will become more chal-lenging,especially for extreme mass ratios;designing good algorithms for following the motions of stars in the neighborhood of a massive black hole is currently an area of active research.The largest challenge,however,will be to develop robust stellar evolution and stellar hydrodynamics codes,that can interface reliably with stellar dynamics codes,without crashing.The MODEST initiative(for MOdeling DEnse STellar systems)was started in2002with the intention to provide a forum for discussions concerning this chal-lenge(Hut et al.2003).A pilot project,MUSE(for MUlti-scale MUlti-physics Scien-tific Environment),was initiated recently to develop a modular software environment for modeling dense stellar systems,allowing packages written in different languages to interoperate within an integrated software framework(see the MODEST web site at /modest.html and click on“projects”).Finally,for any large software project that involves a team of code developers,good documentation is essential.For most astrophysical simulation codes,documentation has come mainly as an afterthought.An attempt to develop a new code for modeling dense stellar systems,using an almost excessive amount of documentation can be found at ,the web site for ACS(the Art of Computational Science).3.Monte Carlo MethodsH´e non’s Monte Carlo method has given rise to an industry in the business of sim-ulating the evolution of dense stellar systems,providing fast and accurate simulations of large-N systems.Its computational speed,coupled with the physical assumptions it requires(notably spherical symmetry and dynamical equilibrium)make it a very natural complement to“direct”N-body simulations(Sec.2),which are computationally much more expensive(or,equivalently,allow for smaller N)and generally require the use of special-purpose(GRAPE)hardware.Here we briefly discuss the method and the pri-4Baumgardt et al.Table parison of the capabilities of different methods for simulating the evolution of dense stellar systems.Thefirst column lists the different physical processes at work in stellar systems,column“NB”lists the capabilities of the N-body method,column“MC”lists what the Monte Carlo method is in principle capable of,columns“NU,”“F,”“G,”and“GS,”list the current capabilities of the Northwestern,Freitag,and Giersz Monte Carlo codes,as well as the Giersz&Spurzem hybrid gas/Monte Carlo code.Afilled circle means the code is fully capable of treating the physical process,while an open circle means it is capable subject to some limitations.two-body relaxation••••••stellar evolution••◦◦◦stellar collisions••••binary interactions•••◦•external effects•◦◦◦◦◦central BH•••rotation•violent relaxation•large-angle scattering••three-body binaries••••large N,f b•••••Neutron stars and black holes in star clusters5 ter formation to become intermediate-mass black holes(IMBHs),yielding the exotic possibility of IMBH–IMBH binaries forming in young clusters.Giersz(2006)performed simulations of clusters with N=106stars subject to the tidalfield of their parent galaxy. The large particle number allowed a detailed study of the evolution of the cluster mass function.Freitag et al.(2006c)performed a comprehensive study of the process of mass segregation in galactic nuclei containing supermassive black holes,with implications for the distribution of X-ray binaries(XRBs)at the Galactic center.Freitag et al.(2006a,b) studied in great detail the process of runaway collisional growth in young dense star clus-ters.Their study yielded several key results.First,a comparison of approximate physical stellar collision prescriptions with the detailed results of SPH simulations showed that the simple“sticky-star”approximation—in which stars are assumed to merge without mass loss when their radii touch—is sufficiently accurate for clusters with velocity disper-sions less than the typical stellar surface escape velocity to faithfully model the physics of runaway collisions.Second,runaway collisional growth of a VMS to∼103M⊙is generic for clusters with central relaxation times sufficiently short( 25Myr)and for clusters which are initially collisional.Fregeau&Rasio(2006)presented thefirst Monte Carlo simulations of clusters with primordial binaries to incorporate full dynamical integra-tion of binary scattering interactions(the work of Giersz&Spurzem2003performed integration of binary interactions,but used a gas dynamical model for the single star population).They performed detailed comparisons with direct N-body calculations,as well as with semi-analytical theory for cluster core properties as a function of the binary population,and found good agreement with both.They then simulated an ensemble of systems and compared the resulting cluster structural parameters(r c/r h and the con-centration parameter,for example)during the binary burning phase with the observed Galactic GC population.The interesting result is that the values of r c/r h predicted by the simulations are roughly a factor of10smaller than what is observed.The most likely explanation is that physical processes ignored in the simulations(such as stellar evolution and collisions)are at work in the Galactic sample,generating energy in the cores and causing them to expand.However,more detailed simulations should be performed to test this hypothesis.4.Stellar and Binary Evolution in Globular ClustersMuch of the recent work in the area of stellar evolution in GCs has concentrated on the evolution of low-mass X-ray binaries(LMXBs)and their likely remnants,the millisecond pulsars(MSPs).In particular,several new studies have considered the possible effects of a“radio–ejection phase”initiated when the mass transfer temporarily stops during the secular evolution of the systems.The much larger fraction of binary MSPs and LMXBs in GCs,with respect to their fraction in the Galacticfield,is regarded as a clear indication that binaries containing neutron stars(NSs)in GCs are generally not primordial,but are a result of stellar encounters due to the high stellar densities in the GC cores.On the other hand,it is still not clear how the LMXBs are formed in the Galacticfield,as the result of a supernova explosion in a binary in which the companion is a low-mass star will generally destroy the binary.Many possible processes have been invoked to explain LMXBs:(i)accretion-induced collapse of a white dwarf primary into a neutron star;(ii)supernova kicks due to asymmetric neutrino energy deposition during the supernova event;(iii)formation of LMXBs as remnants of the evolution of binaries with intermediate-mass donors;(iv) LMXBs formed by capture in the dense environment of GCs and later released when the6Baumgardt et al.GC is destroyed.This last hypothesis,originally due to Grindlay(1984),was recently re-evaluated in the literature(Podsiadlowski et al.2002;see also Sec.11).The“standard”secular evolution of LMXBs as progenitors of binary MSPs is reason-able in the context of the evolution of binaries above the so-called“bifurcation period”P bif(Tutukov et al.1985;Pylyser&Savonije1988),in which the donor star begins the mass transfer phase after it hasfinished the phase of core hydrogen burning,and the system ends up as a low-mass white dwarf(the remnant helium core of the donor)in a relatively long or very long period orbit with a radio MSP(e.g.,Rappaport et al. 1995).Some of these systems may also be the remnants of the evolution of intermediate-mass donors,with similar resulting orbital periods(Rasio et al.2000;Podsiadlowski et al. 2002).Recently,D’Antona et al.(2006)showed that the secular evolution at P>P bif may need to take into account the detailed stellar evolution of the giant donor,in order to explain the orbital period gap of binary MSPs between∼20and∼60days.During the evolution along the RGB,the hydrogen burning shell encounters the hydrogen chemical discontinuity left by the maximum deepening of convection:the thermal readjustment of the shell causes a luminosity and radius drop,which produces a well known“bump”in the luminosity function of the RGB in GCs.In semi-detached binaries,at the bump, the mass transfer is temporarily stopped,following the sudden decrease in radius.We consider it possible that,when mass transfer starts again,a phase of“radio–ejection”begins(Burderi et al.2001;Burderi et al.2002),in which mass accretion onto the NS is no longer allowed because of the pressure from the radio pulsar wind.In this case, the matter is lost from the system at the inner lagrangian point,carrying away angular momentum and altering the period evolution.This will occur for magnetic moments of the NS in a range∼2−4×1026G cm3,which is the most populated range for binary MSPs.Turning now to the evolution below P bif,it is well known that,if the secular evolution of LMXBs is similar to that of cataclysmic variables(CVs),one should expect many systems at P<∼2hr,and a minimum orbital period similar to that of CVs,namely∼80min.On the contrary,there are very few of these systems,and instead several“ultrashort”period binaries.In particular,three LMXBs in thefield(which are also X-ray MSPs)and one in a GC(X1832–330in NGC6652)are concentrated near P orb∼40min.In addition there are two other ultrashort period systems in GCs.While for GCs we may think that these systems were formed by capture of a white dwarf by the NS,thefield systems should have arrived at this period by secular evolution.Models have been constructed by Nelson& Rappaport(2003)and Podsiadlowski et al.(2002),and all imply that the donors began Roche lobe overflow at periods just slightly below P bif,so that the donor evolved to become a degenerate dwarf predominantly composed of helium,but having a residual hydrogen abundance<10%.Until hydrogen is present in the core of the donor star,in fact,the evolution proceeds towards short P orb(convergent systems).If the hydrogen content left is very small,the mass radius relation when these objects become degenerate is intermediate between that of hydrogen-dominated brown dwarfs and that of helium white dwarfs,so that smaller radii and shorter P orb will be reached before radius and period increase again.One problem of this scenario is that there is a very small interval of initial P orb which allows this very peculiar evolution:in most cases,either a helium core is already formed before the mass transfer starts,and the system evolves towards long P orb,or there is enough hydrogen that the system is convergent,but the minimum period is similar to that of CVs,and cannot reach the ultrashort domain.Podsiadlowski et al.(2002)notice that, for a1M⊙secondary,the initial period range that leads to the formation of ultracompact systems is13–18hr.Since systems that start mass transfer in this period range mightNeutron stars and black holes in star clusters7 be naturally produced as a result of tidal capture,this could perhaps explain the large fraction of ultracompact LMXBs observed in GCs.However,quantitatively,this appears highly unlikely(van der Sluys et al.2005).In any case,this does not apply to LMXBs in thefield.In her PhD thesis,A.Teodorescu (2005)derived the period distribution expected for LMXBs from convergent systems un-der several hypotheses,and compared it with the available observed period distribution. An expected result was that the range P orb<2hr is very populated and the distribution is inconsistent with observations,unless we can suppress the secular evolution of all the systems below the“period gap,”which should occur at about the same location as in CVs.One can consider several different possibilities to do this:(1)The lack of P orb’s<2hr is again a consequence of radio–ejection:after the period gap is traversed by the detached system,when the mass transfer resumes,it is prevented by the pulsar wind pressure,the matter escapes from the system with high specific angular momentum,and the evolution is accelerated.Indeed,this is probably occurring in the system containing pulsar W in47Tucanae,which has P orb=3.2hr.This system exhibits X-ray variability which can be explained by the presence of a relativistic shock within the binary that is regularly eclipsed by the secondary star(Bogdanov et al.2005). The shock can then be produced by the interaction of the pulsar wind with a stream of gas from the companion passing through the inner Lagrange point(L1),a typical case of what is expected in radio–ejection(Burderi et al.2001).This mechanism could affect all the systems which enter a period gap.Notice that only systems which end up at ultrashort periods do not detach during the secular evolution,and they only might have a“normal”secular evolution.Thus both the lack of systems at P orb<2hr and the presence of ultrashort periods could be due to this effect.(2)“Evaporation”of the donor,due to the the pulsar wind impinging on,and ablating material from,the surface of the companion(Ruderman et al.1989)is another possible mechanism,with results not so different from the previous case.(3)It is possible that the secular evolution almost never begins when the donor is not significantly evolved.This can be true only if binaries are mostly formed by tidal capture, in which the NS captures a main-sequence star only at separations<∼3R∗(Fabian et al. 1975).This might happen in GCs,but we need to explain the P orb distribution of all the LMXBs in the Galaxy.We could then reconsider the possibility that most of thefield LMXBs were in fact formed in GCs,which were later destroyed(e.g.,by tidal interactions with the Galactic bulge;but see Sec.11).There are other specific cases that we must take into account when discussing evo-lutions starting close to P bif.The famous interacting MSP binary in NGC6397,PSR J1740–5340is such a case.At P orb=35.5hr,it is in a radio–ejection phase and the com-panion has certainly not been captured recently in a stellar encounter:it is an evolved subgiant,as predicted by the secular evolution models(Burderi et al.2002),and as confirmed by the CN cycled chemistry of the donor envelope,observed by Sabbi et al. (2003b)and predicted by Ergma&Sarna(2003).We suspect that PSR J1748–2446ad in Terzan5is also in a radio–ejection phase(Burderi et al.2006),but the lack of infor-mation on the donor precludes a very secure interpretation.At P orb=26.3hr,again,the donor should be in an early subgiant stage,and have evolved very close to P bif. Finally,the whole period distribution of binary MSPs in GCs is consistent with a very high probability of the onset of mass transfer being close to P bif.In fact,there is a large group having P orb from0.1to1day,a range not covered at all by the“standard”evo-lutions in Podsiadlowski et al.(2002),but which results easily from the range of initial periods between those leading to ultrashort period binaries and those above the bifurca-tion(Teodorescu2005).In addition,there are several binary MSPs in GCs for which the8Baumgardt et al.white dwarf mass is very low(0.18−0.20M⊙),close to the minimum mass which can be formed by binary evolution(Burderi et al.2002),indicating again evolution starting ata period slightly larger than P bif.5.Population Synthesis with DynamicsIvanova and collaborators have developed a new simulation code to study the forma-tion and retention of NSs in clusters,as well as the formation and evolution of all compact binaries in GCs.This code is described in Ivanova et al.(2005,2006).The method com-bines the binary population synthesis code StarTrack(Belczynski et al.2002,2007)and the Fewbody integrator for dynamical encounters(Fregeau et al.2004).Compared to other numerical methods employed to study dense stellar systems,this method can deal with very large systems,up to several million stars,and with large fractions of primordial binaries,up to100%,although the dynamical evolution of the cluster is not treated in a fully self-consistent manner.In addition to the formation of NSs via core collapse,these simulations take into account NSs formed via electron-capture supernovae(ECS).When a degenerate ONeMg core reaches a mass M ecs=1.38M⊙,its collapse is triggered by electron capture on 24Mg and20Ne before neon and subsequent burnings start and,therefore,before theformation of an iron core(see,e.g.,Nomoto1984).The explosion energy of such an event is significantly lower than that inferred for core-collapse supernovae(Dessart et al.2006), and therefore the associated natal kick velocities may be much lower.There are several possible situations when a degenerate ONeMg core can reach M ecs:•During the evolution of single stars:if the initial core mass is less than that required for neon ignition,1.37M⊙,the core becomes strongly degenerate.Through the contin-uing He shell burning,this core grows to M ecs.The maximum initial mass of a single star of solar metallicity that leads to the formation of such a core is8.26M⊙,and the minimum mass is7.66M⊙.This mass range becomes6.3to6.9M⊙for single stars with a lower GC metallicity Z=0.001.The range of progenitor masses for which an ECS can occur depends also on the mass transfer history of the star and therefore can be different in binary stars,making possible for more massive progenitors to collapse via ECS(Podsiadlowski et al.2004).•As a result of accretion onto a degenerate ONeMg white dwarf(WD)in a binary: accretion-induced collapse(AIC).In this case,a massive ONeMg WD steadily accumu-lates mass until it reaches the critical mass M ecs.•When the total mass of coalescing WDs exceeds M ecs:merger-induced collapse (MIC).The product of the merger,a fast rotating WD,can significantly exceed the Chandrasekhar limit before the central density becomes high enough for electron cap-tures on24Mg and20Ne to occur,and therefore more massive NSs can be formed through this channel(Dessart et al.2006).Both metal-poor(Z=0.001)and metal-rich(Z=0.02)stellar populations have been studied by Ivanova et al.,whofind that the production of NSs via core-collapse SNe (CC NSs)is20%lower in the metal-rich population than in the metal-poor population. In a typical cluster(with total mass2×105M⊙,age∼10Gyr,1-dimensional velocity dispersionσ=10km/s and central escape velocity40km/s)about3000CC NSs can be produced,but less than10will typically be retained in the cluster.ECS in single stars in a metal-rich population are produced from stars of higher masses, but the mass range is the same as in metal-poor populations.As a result,the number of ECS from the population of single stars in the metal-rich case is30%smaller than in the metal-poor population,in complete agreement with the adopted initial mass functionNeutron stars and black holes in star clusters9 (IMF).The total number of NSs produced via this channel is several hundreds(and depends on the initial binary fraction),but the number of retained NSs is higher than in the core-collapse case:about150NSs in a typical cluster.The binarity smoothes the mass range where ECS could occur,and there are fewer differences between the production of NSs via ECS in binary populations of different metallicity.The number of retained NSs produced via AIC and MIC is comparable to the number of ECS,about100in a typical metal-poor cluster.Overall,onefinds that,if a metal-rich GC has the same IMF and initial binary properties as a metal-poor GC,it will contain30-40%fewer NSs.These simulations can also be used to examine the spatial distribution of pulsars and NSs in clusters,although the present method only distinguishes between a central“core”(where all interactions are assumed to take place)and an outer“halo.”For a typical half-mass relaxation time t rh=109yr,about50%of all NSs and75%of pulsars should be located in the core,and for a longer t rh=3×109yr,these fractions decrease to about 25%and50%respectively.Such predicted spatial distributions are in good agreement with observations of pulsars in many GCs(Camilo&Rasio2005).Ivanova et al.analyzed three main mechanisms for the formation of close binaries with NSs:tidal captures,physical collisions with giants,and binary exchanges.Very few primordial binaries with a NS can survive,except for those that were formed via AIC. Typically∼3%of all NSs in a metal-poor GC can form a binary via physical collision and ∼2%via tidal captures,while40%of dynamically formed binary systems will start mass transfer(MT)in a Hubble time.These number are slightly higher in the case of a metal-rich cluster,and can be as much as two times higher in a cluster of the same metallicity but with a lower velocity dispersion,down toσ=5km/s.The binary exchange channel is more important for binary formation,as up to50%of all NSs will be at some point members of binary systems,but only about8%of these systems will start MT. Overall,taking into account the formation rates of MT binaries with a NS and a MS star,and the duration of the MT phase,the probability that a cluster contains a NS–MS LMXB is almost unity,although most of them will be in quiescence.For NS–WD binaries,the probability is∼50%,but only a few percent of these will be in the bright phase,when L X>1036erg/s.More LMXBs per NS are formed in metal-rich clusters, but since fewer NSs are produced and retained,no significant difference in the resulting LMXB formation rate is found.Finally,we note that if all ECS channels indeed work,too many NSs and pulsars (more than observed)are produced in these models.Therefore,either one or more of the ECS channels(standard ECS,AIC or MIC)does not work,or they have smaller allowed physical ranges where they can occur,or the kick associated with ECS could be larger. Our current understanding of stellar evolution and NS formation and retention in GCs of different metallicities,coupled with the dynamical formation of mass-transferring binaries with NSs,cannot explain the statistically significant overabundance of LMXBs in more metal-rich clusters.Instead,different physics for the MT with different metallicities or different IMFs are required(Ivanova2006).6.Green Bank Observations of Millisecond Pulsars in ClustersSince itsfirst scientific observationsfive years ago,the Green Bank Telescope(GBT), has uncovered at least60GC pulsars,almost doubling the total number known.†Almost †There are at least133known GC pulsars,of which129are currently listed in P.Freire’s catalog at /∼pfreire/GCpsr.html.For a recent review of GC pulsars, see Camilo&Rasio(2005).。
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Particle Backgrounds at the LEP Detectors.High Beam EnergiesG. von Holtey, SL Division, CERN, Geneva, SwitzerlandAbstractObserved background rates from synchrotron radiation photons and off-energy electrons at the LEP experiments with 92 GeV beams in LEP are reported. Possible performance limitations due to background at higher beam energies and luminosities are discussed.1. INTRODUCTIONMain sources of particle backgrounds at the LEP detectors are photons from synchrotron radiation (SR) in the fields of straight section quadrupoles and off-energy electrons and positrons from bremsstrahlung of beam particles with rest-gas molecules along the straight sections and the first part of the bending arc. The most important limit on photon background comes from ageing of gas tracking detectors, while electron background can cause high spurious trigger rates and can degrade the luminosity measurement.The updated background protection system [1], in particular the SR-masks installed within the experimental vacuum chambers, works very well and allows to shield the detectors against the several orders of magnitude higher SR-photon rate produced at the W-energy as compared to rates at the Z o-peak [2]. The collimation of off-momentum particles, however, is not efficient, as these particles stay within the beam envelope up to the last strong low-beta quadrupoles [3]. The only handle against this background is the strict control of the vacuum pressure in the straight sections around the experiments. Measured background rates at 92 GeV during 1997 physics running are reported in section 2. Possible limitations on the physics performance due to backgrounds at the detectors are discussed in section 3.2. BACKGROUND RATES AT 92 GeV Machine induced particle background rates at the LEP detectors with colliding beams of 92 GeV did not present serious limitations to the physics performance of LEP in 1997.Synchrotron radiation photon rates stayed well below acceptable limits at all four experiments up to the highest beam currents reached. The same is true for off-energy particle rates, except for IP6 (OPAL), where high rates of off-momentum electrons were reaching the detectors because of high vacuum pressure bumps in the IP6 insertion. The effect became particularly disturbing after a cavity window broke in September 1997 and the vacuum pressure in this region had risen by a factor over 100, reaching values of 3x10-8 Torr [4]. In order that the experiment could continue to take data, the field in the affected cavity had to be lowered, leading to a slow conditioning rate and consequently persistent high vacuum pressure levels for the rest of the year.These statements are illustrated by a selection of experimental data from the Collaborations. SR-photon and off-energy background rates as function of the total beam current measured in the SAMBA detector from ALEPH are shown in Figures 1 [5]. Rates observed during a two week period of physics running with the (90o/60o)-optics in LEP are plotted in Fig.1a, rates with the (102o/90o)-optics during the last few days of 1997 running are shown in Fig.1b. 1.52 2.53 3.54 4.55Itot[mA]N[kHz]Electrons31.07. - 14.08. 183 GeV1. 1.52 2.53 3.54 4.55Itot[mA]N[kHz]Photons31.07. - 14.08. 183 GeVFigure 1a: Electron and photon background rates versus total beam current at 91.5 GeV and (90/60)-optics. Rates are measured by the ALEPH SAMBA detector. One unit of ‘figure-of-merit’ corresponds to an electron rate of 625 Hz and a photon rate of 1.25 kHz.A stronger than linear increase of all rates with beam current is observed, in particular for the off-energy electrons. However, all rates stay well below acceptable levels of 5 in “figure-of-merit” units, even for the highest currents reached. Photon rates that scatter above thegeneral band of measurements are mostly correlated with trips of SC-cavities. Similar levels of background rates were seen in the DELPHI detectors [6]. Both experiments observed a reduction of photon and electron rates at similar beam currents for the (102/90)-optics (Fig.1b). tot [mA ]N [k H z ]Electrons02.11. - 09.11. 184 GeV0. tot [mA ]N [k H z ]Photons02.11. - 09.11. 184 GeVFigure 1b: Electron and photon background rates versus total beam current at 92 GeV and (102/90)-optics. Rates are measured by the ALEPH SAMBA detector. One unit of ‘figure-of-merit’ corresponds to an electron rate of 625 Hz and a photon rate of 1.25 kHz.A typical energy distribution of positrons seen in the ALEPH SICAL detector is shown in Fig. 2. The off-energy positron signal between 26 and about 70 GeV is clearly separated from the much larger Bhabha-peak at beam energy.010020030040050060070020406080100120E [GeV ]E n t r i e sLEP FILL 3970 10-Aug-1997 183 GeVE cut = 26 GeVE beamFigure 2: Energy distribution of positrons detected in the ALEPH SICAL calorimeter at 91.5 GeV and (90/60)-optics. An energy cut is applied at 26 GeV.The following figures show background measurements from the OPAL detectors [7]. Rates of synchrotron radiation photons and off-energy electrons in the OPAL Vertex Drift Chamber (CV) for runs with different beam energies and optics during 1997 physics data taking are shown as function of the beam current in Fig. 3. While photon rates stay in all cases safely below 5 units of ‘figure-of-merit’, off-electron rates with the (90/60)-optics at 91.5 GeV rise as high as 5 units. As the OPAL detectors could not be switched on until electron rates had been fallen down to these levels, actual rates at the beginning of fills with high currents were even higher.When comparing results from the two different optics, it appears that SR-photons rates are about equal, but a much higher scatter is observed with the (102/90)- optics (open circles in Fig. 3). Off-energy electron rates with the (102/90)-optics are systematically below those with the (90/60)-optics (open squares), however, it is not clear whether this is due to optics changes or due to tighter vertical collimation introduced at the last part of (90/60)-optics running.Figure 3: Rates of hits per bunch crossing of synchrotron radiation photons and off-energy electrons measured in the OPAL Vertex Drift Chamber (CV) are shown as function of the total current in the two crossing bunches.The different symbols belong to different beam energies and LEP optics. One unit of ‘figure-of-merit’ corresponds to a photon hit rate of about 0.6/BX and an electron hit rate of about 0.9/BX.The next figure shows energy distributions of electronsand positrons as seen in the OPAL SW luminometer before (Fig. 4a) and after (Fig. 4b) the moment when a cavity window broke on the right side of IP6 and the vacuum pressure locally had risen by a factor of over 100.Figure 4: Energy distributions of electrons and positons measured with the OPAL SW calorimeter. The upper part shows the distributions in the left and right detector before the vacuum accident, the lower part after the event. Note the increase in scale by a factor of three for the lower figures.When comparing the two sets of graphs the effect of a large vacuum pressure bump at about 210 m from IP6 becomes evident. The large tails of low energy particles, which were present already before the accident, are nearly doubled in height, as compared to the Bhabha-peak at beam energy. In addition a new strong family is appearing, which is peaked at about 60% of the beam energy and reaches twice the height of the Bhabha signal. The very high rate of low energy particles, which are also seen in the central detectors, leads to a dramatic increase of the rate of spurious triggers in the experiment.3. POSSIBLE LIMITATIONSWhile the particle background at the LEP experiments could be controlled to within tolerable limits at 92 GeV running in 1997, the protection against SR-photons can rapidly degrade with very large beam emittances and/or strong non-gaussian tails in the transverse beam distributions. Off-energy particle rates can become a serious problem if the vacuum pressure rises considerably in one or several sections in an even insertion.3.1 Synchrotron radiationThe strength, but also the limits, of the protection against synchrotron radiation photons by the SR-masks is clearly demonstrated in the measurement of Fig. 5. Withthe ‘mask protecting’ collimators closed to 148x , theminimum allowed value if apertures are set at 128x ,photon rates at the OPAL and DELPHI experiments are small and 10 times higher beam currents could be tolerated. However, photon rates at the experiments would rise exponentially if these collimators could not be closed to below 178xin IP8 (and IP4, which has the same optics) or below 258xin IP6 (and IP2). The role of these collimators, which are placed close to a waist of the horizontal beam size at about 55m from the IP’s, is to protect the downstream SR-masks from direct impacts of photons radiated in upstream quadruples QS5 to QS11.The shadowing of the masks is to first order independent of beam parameters and is in all four IP’s obtained with collimator settings of less than ±20 mm. As the beta-values at the collimators are quite different in the two types of straight sections - -x= 46.8 m in IP4&8 against -x= 20.8 m in IP2&6 - the maximum opening, that still allows protection of the SR-masks, is 1.5 times smaller in IP4&8 than in IP2&6, if measured in units of rms beam size.10152025300. half opening (x/σx) BGD1/mAOPALDELPHIsettingFigure 5: “Figure-of-merit” for SR-photons (BGD1) measured in DELPHI and OPAL as function of the opening of horizontal collimators COLH.QS3 and COLH.QS4, respectively. (92 GeV, (102/90)-optics,2.6 mA total beam current, Jx= 1.28 and 0x= 30 nm).Experience has shown, that background collimators around the experiments must be opened to at least 28x and 58yabove the respective aperture settings, in order not to scrape beam halo particles. With this rule in mind, the maximum safe opening of ±20 mm for the mask-protecting collimators implies a maximum allowed setting of the aperture limiting collimators in IP5.x σ()ap ≤x col =20mmεx βcol−2This limit is shown in Fig. 6, where the maximum horizontal aperture that still allows to protect the SR-masks - expressed in units of rms beam size - is plotted for both types of IP’s as function of the beam emittance.As consequence of the larger horizontal beam waist in the QS3 doublet region of IP4 and IP8, the limit to the machine aperture due to background considerations stems from these two IP’s. However, the masks can still be protected, even in IP4&8, for emittances as large as 60 nm, if the physical machine aperture can be limited to <108x in IP5.103050705. εx (nm)r e q u i r e d a p e r t u r e (x /σ)a pIP2&6IP4&8Figure 6: Maximum allowed horizontal aperture setting to protect SR-masks in IP4&8 (full line) and IP2&6 (broken line) as function of the beam emittance.For beams with gaussian or near-to-gaussian density distributions a 108x limit leaves sufficient space to maintain beam lifetimes of well above 10 hours.However, strong non-gaussian beam tails in the horizontal plane have been observed [8] with colliding beams in the (102/90)-optics, in which case the required space might not always permit sufficient beam life times.In order to allow comparison of the requested aperture limitations due to background considerations with measured (or simulated) “dynamic” aperture values in units of normalized aperture, the former limits are transformed into a A t=10h units in Fig.7.A x τ≥10h ()=x ap τ≥10h ()βx ,ap(mm ∗m −1/2)If these curves are compared to measured or estimated (preliminary) values of ten hour life time apertures for the different optics summarized in Table 1 [8], it becomes clear that background conditions can pose conflicting requirements to the machine performance in the presence of non-gaussian beam tails.2040602.03.04.0emittance εx (nm)√A x (10-3 m 1/2)IP2&6IP4&8Figure 7: Required horizontal aperture to protect SR-masks in units of a A 9=10h as function of the gaussian beam core emittance.LEP opticsDynamic aperture [10-3a m]a A xa A y 90°/ 60°,Gauss 2.1-Gauss+tails 2.1 1.4102°/ 90°,Gauss 1.7-Gauss+tails2.61.5Table 1: Measured (estimated) physical apertures for a 10hour beam lifetime for different optics at high energy [8].Aperture limiting collimators in the vertical plane in LEP are conventionally set around a 258y value of a ‘nominal’ vertical emittance, chosen to be 10% of thenatural horizontal emittance. The corresponding settingsin units of a A y are shown in Figure8 (solid curve).Vertical background collimators around the experiments can then be closed, if required, to 308y .2040600.51.52.5horizontal emittance εx (nm )√A y (10-3 √m )y ap =20σyy ap =25σyy ap =30σyFigure 8: Vertical aperture collimator settings in units of a A y as function of the horizontal natural beam emittance.This strategy has in most cases resulted in a good protection against backgrounds from the vertical plane [1]. Under certain conditions, in particular at 45.6 GeV at the beam-beam limit, larger 308y openings were required for lifetime reasons, at other moments, with large bunch train bump amplitudes, smaller 208y openings were successfully used, to limit off-momentum backgrounds.Again, when compared to values of Table 1, conflicts between background and lifetime arguments might occur,with very small horizontal emittances and/or non-gaussian tails in the vertical density distributions.A detailed study of the physical aperture, needed to obtain sufficiently long lifetimes with colliding beams of high currents at the beam-beam limit, becomes therefore important in order to test the validity of the (102/90)-optics for high beam energies and high luminosity’s in LEP.3.2 Off-energy electronsThe main source for off-energy electron and positron background at the LEP detectors is from bremsstrahlung of beam particles with rest-gas molecules. The scattering probability does, to first order, not depend on beam energy and is proportional to the gas pressure P(z) at thepoint of production z. The vacuum pressure has two components, the static pressure P stat (z) and the dynamic pressure P dyn (E 0,z), expressed in Torr/mA, which is proportional to the beam current i, and can depend, via synchrotron radiation, on the beam energy E 0. The number of off-energy particles N off-E , that reach the experiment, is proportional to the beam current and the vacuum pressureN off −E ∝i ∗F (E ,z )∗P (z )dz ∫0E 0∫dEandP (z )=P stat (z )+i ∗P dyn (E 0,z ){},where F(E,z) is the transmission function for an off-energy particle with energy E/E 0 from its point of creation z through the LEP lattice into the detector. While N is normally proportional to the beam current i, the background rate rises with the square of the beam current,if the vacuum pressure is dominated by a dynamic component, e.g. due to high synchrotron light power.This effect has clearly been observed at high beam energies in LEP.-300-200-1000. (z )Figure 9: Probability of off-energy electrons to reach the experiment as function of the distance z of its origin from IP8. The probability function F(z) is normalized to 1, anda constant vacuum pressure of P(z)=10-9Torr has been used.The transmission function F(z), integrated over all energies, for a typical LEP insertion is shown in Figure 9.It was obtained by simulation using a modified version of the MC code TURTLE DECAY [9]. An off-energy particle was classified as background if its distance from the beam axis at the location of the downstream SR-mask exceeded 42 mm. A constant vacuum pressure over the whole length was assumed.Off-energy particles from distances of up to 300 m from the IP can reach the detectors, but the transmission probability is not a very strong function of the distance to the IP. F(z) falls by only a factor of 2.5 from close to the IP to the end of the straight section at 250 m. Therefore, a high vacuum pressure bump occurring at any distance up to 300 m from the IP has about the same effect on the off-momentum background rate and dominates the total rate if the local pressure rises by more than a factor of 10 over the average pressure. The energy of electrons that reach the experiment, however, is a strong function of the production distance z. It stays at a constant value ofE/E 0 =0.65±0.05 from distances between -300m< z <-150m and then falls linearly down to values below 0.1 at close distance to the IP. As high energy background particles do more harm to the detectors than low energy ones, vacuum pressure bumps at large distances from the IP are most harmful.4. CONCLUSIONNo serious limitations of the physics performance dueto particle backgrounds were encountered at 92 GeV running during 1997. The improved protection system,including synchrotron radiation masks, effectively shields the experimental detectors against synchrotron radiation photons. Off-energy electron and positron rates were acceptably small in all detectors, except in OPAL, were high electron rates, due to large vacuum pressure bumps around IP6, led to increased trigger rates. The two LEP optics used perfored about equally, with some preference for the (102/90)-optics.It is expected that the photon background at the detectors can be sufficiently controlled up to highest beam energies and beam currents as long as lifetime arguments allow to close aperture collimators to below required threshold values. A possible limitation arises from insertions IP4 and IP8, where the horizontal beam waist in the QS3 doublet is 1.5 times larger than the waist at the corresponding position in IP2 and IP6. In case that colliding beams with high currents should produce large non-gaussian beam tails and require more space to maintain useful lifetimes, an optics solution aiming at reducing the beam waists in IP4 and IP8 might be the only remedy.There is a definite risk to limit the physics performance in case the vacuum pressure substantially rises in one or several sections of an insertion and causes excessive trigger rates in the experiment.REFERENCES[1]G. von Holtey et al., “Study of Beam-InducedParticle Backgrounds at the LEP Detectors”, CERN SL/97-40 (EA), June 1997, to be published in NIM [2]G. von Holtey, “Simulations of Photon Backgroundsto LEP Experiments at 90 GeV Beam Energy”,CERN SL/92-54 (1992)[3]E. Falk,V. Hedberg, G. von Holtey, “Simulation ofoff-energy Electron Background in DELPHI”,CERN SL/97-04 (1997)[4]N. Hilleret, “1997, a hot year for the vacuum system:a review”, these proceedings[5]K. Affholderbach (ALEPH), private communication,1998 [6]L. di Ciaccio (DELPHI), private communication,1998 [7]A. H. Ball and P. Estabrooks (OPAL), privatecommunication, 1998 [8]H. Burkhardt, I. Reichel, private communication,1998 [9]K.L. Brown and C. Iselin, CERN 74-2 (1974)。