P173阅读理解35Putting Plants to Work植物效能
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加速 有效率
from algae. With
more work, they may be able to speed
the cells' activity
and produce larger quantities
of hydrogen.只
可惜消除硫酸盐不仅使藻类细胞的工作速度减慢,而且大大减少了氢的数量。尽管 如此,研究人员认为,对于实现有效率的利用藻类产生氢这一目标,他们已经迈出 了第一步。随着工作量的加大,他们可以加速细胞的活动,从而产生大量的氢气。 (七)The researchers hope that algae will one day be an easy-to-use fuel
from the environment that the algae grow in, they will make
hydrogen instead of sugars, even when air is present 呈现.藻类在空气中虽然 可以工作,但是充满困难。这种方式不能切实可行的生产廉价的能源。但是奇若蒂
source 来源. The organisms 微生物 are cheap 便宜 to get and to feed 养殖, Ghirardi
says, and they can grow almost anywhere: “You can grow them in a reactor
photosynthetic 光合的 power stations.
For example, Mafia Ghirardi of the National Renewable Energy Laboratory in Golden, Colo.2, is working with 【green algae 】3 绿藻. She’s trying to trick
2016 年职称英语考试复习资料-吴静整理
和她的同事们已经发现,即使在目前的空气条件下,他们从藻类生长的环境中,除 去所谓的硫酸化学品,能够产生氢来代替糖。 (六)Unfortunately 不幸的是, removing 去除 the sulfate
also makes the algae ’
s cells work very slowly 慢, and not much hydrogen is produced.Still 尽管如此, the researchers see this as a first step in their goal 目标 to produce hydrogen efficiently
复习要求 词汇
Putting Plants to Work 植物效能 (一)Using the power of the sun is nothing new. People have had solar-powered
发热板,仪器板 太阳能
and buildings with solar
, but to make
hydrogen,” Ghirardi says. For example, algae will produce hydrogen in an air free environment. It’s the oxygen in the air that prevents 组织 algae from making hydrogen most of the time.在实验室里,藻类生长通过狭窄的颈玻 璃瓶生产氢气的环境下。在光合作用下,植物通常产生糖类或淀粉。奇若蒂说:" 但在一定条件下,有很多藻类能够利用日光能源产生氢气而不是储存淀粉。 ”例如, 藻类会在空气存在环境下产生氢气。这是因为空气中的氧气,氧阻止绿藻制造氢。 (五)Working in an 【air free】无空气 environment 环境, however, is difficult. It’s not a practical 实际 way to produce 产生 cheap 便宜 energy. But Ghirardi and her colleagues 同事 have discovered 发现 that by removing 去除 a chemical 化学 called sulfate
2016 年职称英语考试复习资料-吴静整理
dioxide, and water into sugars and starches 淀粉? 为什么一些科学家研究植物 将阳光转化为二氧化碳,水变成糖和淀粉? A) Because they want algae to produce sugars and starches. 因为他们希望 藻类产生糖和淀粉。 B) Because they want green plants to become a new source of energy. 因 为他们希望绿色植物成为一个新的能源来源。 C) Because they want to turn plant sugars to a new form of energy. 因为 他们想把植物糖变成一种新的能量形式。 D) Because they want to make photosynthesis more efficient 高效. 因为他们 想让光合作用更高效。 3. According to the fifth paragraph, under what conditions are algae 【able to】能够 use solar energy to make hydrogen? 根据第五段,在什么条件下藻类能 够利用太阳能产生氢? A) When there is a lot of oxygen in the air.在空气中有很多氧气 B) When there is no oxygen in the air. 空气中没有氧气的时候 C) When photosynthesis is 【taking place】 (=occur=happen). 光合作用正 在发生时 D) When enough starch is stored. 当有足够的淀粉储存时 4. Researchers have met with difficulties when trying to make algae produce hydrogen efficiently 高效. Which one of the following is one such difficulty? 当试图使藻类产生氢气时,研究人员遇到了下列哪一个困难? A) It is not possible to remove 去除 sulfate from the environment. 从环境 中除去硫酸盐是不可能的 B) It is not possible to work in an airfree environment to produce hydrogen. 不可能在一个真空的环境中工作产生氢气 C) It is not easy to make sugars 【instead of】而不是 hydrogen. 使糖代替氢 是不容易的 D) It is too slow for algae to produce hydrogen when the sulfate is removed. 当除去硫酸盐时,藻类产生氢气太慢了 5. What is NOT true of algae? 什么是不真实的藻类? A) They are easy to grow. 他们很容易成长 B) They can be a very good fuel 燃料 source 来源.他们可以是一个很好的燃料来源。 C) They are cheap to eat.他们很便宜的吃。 D) They can be used in many ways. 他们可以用在很多方面
for decades. But plants are the real experts 专家: They’ve been using
sunlight as an energy source for billions of years.太阳能的使用已经不足 为奇。几十年前,人们就开始使用太阳能计算器,制造太阳能电热板镶嵌的建筑。 但是植物当属应用太阳能的专家:十亿年来,植物一直把阳光作为能源资源。 (二)Cells in the green leaves 叶 of plants work like tiny 小 factories 工厂 to convert
, carbon dioxide, and water into1 将„转换为„sugars and
starches 淀粉, stored 储藏 energy that the plants can use. This conversion 转化 process 过程 is called photosynthesis 光合作用. Unfortunately 不幸的是, unless 除非 you’ re a plant, it’ s difficult and expensive 昂贵 to convert sunlight into storable
efficiently 有效率, the hydrogen 氢 that they produce could be used to power fuel
cells in cars or to genera家正试图像植物的
作用过程一样, 将植物, 或生物的细胞活动看做微型光合发电站。 例如, 玛丽亚· 奇 若蒂在美国科罗拉多州的国家可再生能源实验室里对绿藻进行研究。 她正想方设法 的通过植物的产生氢来取代光合作用产生的糖。 一旦研究人员了解藻类如何有效率 的进行工作,由此产生的氢气可用于燃料电池动力汽车和发电。 (四)The algae are grown in narrow-necked hydrogen in the lab
实验室 狭窄的颈
glass bottles to produce
. During photosynthesis, plants normally
sugars or starches 淀粉. “But under certain 确定 conditions 条件, a lot of algae are able to use the sunlight energy not to store starch
2016 年职称英语考试复习资料-吴静整理
+35Putting Plants to Work 植物效能
阅读判断( )概括大意与完成句子( )阅读理解( )补全短文( ) 完型填空( )只看问题和译文就行(√)其他(没人交作业,只有一些个人 预习和课堂笔记,大部分没有单翻,不过只要求看题,就没有再做深度的整理) panel 嵌板, 发热板, 仪器板 starch 淀粉 miniature 微型的 sulfate 硫酸 盐,硫酸酯 carbon dioxide 二氧化碳 photosynthesis 光 合 作 用 algae 水藻,海藻
2016 年职称英语考试复习资料-吴静整理
them into producing hydrogen4 instead of sugars when they perform photosynthesis. Once the researchers can get the algae
可储藏 切的
energy. That’s why scientists are taking a closer look at exactly 确 how plants do it.绿叶植物细胞的工作就像微型加工厂一样,将阳光,二氧化
碳和水转化为糖和淀粉,并且同时储存植物本身所需的能量。这种转换过程叫做光 合作用。可惜你不是一株植物,必须困难的并且花上大价钱将阳光转换为稳定的能 源。因此,科学家们正在对植株进行准确细致的研究。 (三)Some scientists are trying to get plants, or biological 生物学 cells that act like plants, to work as miniature
, in a pond
. You can grow them in the ocean. There ’ s a lot of
flexibility 灵活性 in how you can use these organisms 微生物.”研究人员们希望, 总有一天藻类会成为很容易使用的燃料来源。藻类这种生物极易存活,他们可以在 几乎任何地方成长。奇若蒂说, :"你可以将它放在一反应堆或是池塘里,也可以在 海洋中找到它们,人们可以灵活的使用藻类的用途广泛。 ” 1. What does the writer say about plants concerning 关于【solar energy】太阳 能 ? 关于太阳能的植物,作者说了什么? A) Plants are 'the real experts 专家 in producing 生产 solar energy. 植物是 生产太阳能的真正专家。 B) Plants have been used to produce solar energy. 植物已被用来生产太阳 能。 C) Plants have been using solar energy for billions 几十亿 of years. 植物 已经使用了数十亿年的太阳能。 D) Plants have been a source 来源 of solar energy. 植物一直是太阳能的来源。 2. Why do some scientists study how plants convert 转 换 sunlight carbon
from algae. With
more work, they may be able to speed
the cells' activity
and produce larger quantities
of hydrogen.只
可惜消除硫酸盐不仅使藻类细胞的工作速度减慢,而且大大减少了氢的数量。尽管 如此,研究人员认为,对于实现有效率的利用藻类产生氢这一目标,他们已经迈出 了第一步。随着工作量的加大,他们可以加速细胞的活动,从而产生大量的氢气。 (七)The researchers hope that algae will one day be an easy-to-use fuel
from the environment that the algae grow in, they will make
hydrogen instead of sugars, even when air is present 呈现.藻类在空气中虽然 可以工作,但是充满困难。这种方式不能切实可行的生产廉价的能源。但是奇若蒂
source 来源. The organisms 微生物 are cheap 便宜 to get and to feed 养殖, Ghirardi
says, and they can grow almost anywhere: “You can grow them in a reactor
photosynthetic 光合的 power stations.
For example, Mafia Ghirardi of the National Renewable Energy Laboratory in Golden, Colo.2, is working with 【green algae 】3 绿藻. She’s trying to trick
2016 年职称英语考试复习资料-吴静整理
和她的同事们已经发现,即使在目前的空气条件下,他们从藻类生长的环境中,除 去所谓的硫酸化学品,能够产生氢来代替糖。 (六)Unfortunately 不幸的是, removing 去除 the sulfate
also makes the algae ’
s cells work very slowly 慢, and not much hydrogen is produced.Still 尽管如此, the researchers see this as a first step in their goal 目标 to produce hydrogen efficiently
复习要求 词汇
Putting Plants to Work 植物效能 (一)Using the power of the sun is nothing new. People have had solar-powered
发热板,仪器板 太阳能
and buildings with solar
, but to make
hydrogen,” Ghirardi says. For example, algae will produce hydrogen in an air free environment. It’s the oxygen in the air that prevents 组织 algae from making hydrogen most of the time.在实验室里,藻类生长通过狭窄的颈玻 璃瓶生产氢气的环境下。在光合作用下,植物通常产生糖类或淀粉。奇若蒂说:" 但在一定条件下,有很多藻类能够利用日光能源产生氢气而不是储存淀粉。 ”例如, 藻类会在空气存在环境下产生氢气。这是因为空气中的氧气,氧阻止绿藻制造氢。 (五)Working in an 【air free】无空气 environment 环境, however, is difficult. It’s not a practical 实际 way to produce 产生 cheap 便宜 energy. But Ghirardi and her colleagues 同事 have discovered 发现 that by removing 去除 a chemical 化学 called sulfate
2016 年职称英语考试复习资料-吴静整理
dioxide, and water into sugars and starches 淀粉? 为什么一些科学家研究植物 将阳光转化为二氧化碳,水变成糖和淀粉? A) Because they want algae to produce sugars and starches. 因为他们希望 藻类产生糖和淀粉。 B) Because they want green plants to become a new source of energy. 因 为他们希望绿色植物成为一个新的能源来源。 C) Because they want to turn plant sugars to a new form of energy. 因为 他们想把植物糖变成一种新的能量形式。 D) Because they want to make photosynthesis more efficient 高效. 因为他们 想让光合作用更高效。 3. According to the fifth paragraph, under what conditions are algae 【able to】能够 use solar energy to make hydrogen? 根据第五段,在什么条件下藻类能 够利用太阳能产生氢? A) When there is a lot of oxygen in the air.在空气中有很多氧气 B) When there is no oxygen in the air. 空气中没有氧气的时候 C) When photosynthesis is 【taking place】 (=occur=happen). 光合作用正 在发生时 D) When enough starch is stored. 当有足够的淀粉储存时 4. Researchers have met with difficulties when trying to make algae produce hydrogen efficiently 高效. Which one of the following is one such difficulty? 当试图使藻类产生氢气时,研究人员遇到了下列哪一个困难? A) It is not possible to remove 去除 sulfate from the environment. 从环境 中除去硫酸盐是不可能的 B) It is not possible to work in an airfree environment to produce hydrogen. 不可能在一个真空的环境中工作产生氢气 C) It is not easy to make sugars 【instead of】而不是 hydrogen. 使糖代替氢 是不容易的 D) It is too slow for algae to produce hydrogen when the sulfate is removed. 当除去硫酸盐时,藻类产生氢气太慢了 5. What is NOT true of algae? 什么是不真实的藻类? A) They are easy to grow. 他们很容易成长 B) They can be a very good fuel 燃料 source 来源.他们可以是一个很好的燃料来源。 C) They are cheap to eat.他们很便宜的吃。 D) They can be used in many ways. 他们可以用在很多方面
for decades. But plants are the real experts 专家: They’ve been using
sunlight as an energy source for billions of years.太阳能的使用已经不足 为奇。几十年前,人们就开始使用太阳能计算器,制造太阳能电热板镶嵌的建筑。 但是植物当属应用太阳能的专家:十亿年来,植物一直把阳光作为能源资源。 (二)Cells in the green leaves 叶 of plants work like tiny 小 factories 工厂 to convert
, carbon dioxide, and water into1 将„转换为„sugars and
starches 淀粉, stored 储藏 energy that the plants can use. This conversion 转化 process 过程 is called photosynthesis 光合作用. Unfortunately 不幸的是, unless 除非 you’ re a plant, it’ s difficult and expensive 昂贵 to convert sunlight into storable
efficiently 有效率, the hydrogen 氢 that they produce could be used to power fuel
cells in cars or to genera家正试图像植物的
作用过程一样, 将植物, 或生物的细胞活动看做微型光合发电站。 例如, 玛丽亚· 奇 若蒂在美国科罗拉多州的国家可再生能源实验室里对绿藻进行研究。 她正想方设法 的通过植物的产生氢来取代光合作用产生的糖。 一旦研究人员了解藻类如何有效率 的进行工作,由此产生的氢气可用于燃料电池动力汽车和发电。 (四)The algae are grown in narrow-necked hydrogen in the lab
实验室 狭窄的颈
glass bottles to produce
. During photosynthesis, plants normally
sugars or starches 淀粉. “But under certain 确定 conditions 条件, a lot of algae are able to use the sunlight energy not to store starch
2016 年职称英语考试复习资料-吴静整理
+35Putting Plants to Work 植物效能
阅读判断( )概括大意与完成句子( )阅读理解( )补全短文( ) 完型填空( )只看问题和译文就行(√)其他(没人交作业,只有一些个人 预习和课堂笔记,大部分没有单翻,不过只要求看题,就没有再做深度的整理) panel 嵌板, 发热板, 仪器板 starch 淀粉 miniature 微型的 sulfate 硫酸 盐,硫酸酯 carbon dioxide 二氧化碳 photosynthesis 光 合 作 用 algae 水藻,海藻
2016 年职称英语考试复习资料-吴静整理
them into producing hydrogen4 instead of sugars when they perform photosynthesis. Once the researchers can get the algae
可储藏 切的
energy. That’s why scientists are taking a closer look at exactly 确 how plants do it.绿叶植物细胞的工作就像微型加工厂一样,将阳光,二氧化
碳和水转化为糖和淀粉,并且同时储存植物本身所需的能量。这种转换过程叫做光 合作用。可惜你不是一株植物,必须困难的并且花上大价钱将阳光转换为稳定的能 源。因此,科学家们正在对植株进行准确细致的研究。 (三)Some scientists are trying to get plants, or biological 生物学 cells that act like plants, to work as miniature
, in a pond
. You can grow them in the ocean. There ’ s a lot of
flexibility 灵活性 in how you can use these organisms 微生物.”研究人员们希望, 总有一天藻类会成为很容易使用的燃料来源。藻类这种生物极易存活,他们可以在 几乎任何地方成长。奇若蒂说, :"你可以将它放在一反应堆或是池塘里,也可以在 海洋中找到它们,人们可以灵活的使用藻类的用途广泛。 ” 1. What does the writer say about plants concerning 关于【solar energy】太阳 能 ? 关于太阳能的植物,作者说了什么? A) Plants are 'the real experts 专家 in producing 生产 solar energy. 植物是 生产太阳能的真正专家。 B) Plants have been used to produce solar energy. 植物已被用来生产太阳 能。 C) Plants have been using solar energy for billions 几十亿 of years. 植物 已经使用了数十亿年的太阳能。 D) Plants have been a source 来源 of solar energy. 植物一直是太阳能的来源。 2. Why do some scientists study how plants convert 转 换 sunlight carbon