学位论文格式简图附录部分(必要时)图1 学位论文格式简图1.学位论文的前置部分包括封面、题名页、论文独创性声明和使用授权声明、摘要、目录、 图表清单、注释表。
1.1 封面封面 题名页 论文独创性声明和版权使用授权书 摘要 目录 图表清单(必要时) 注释表(必要时) 引言(或绪论) 正文 结论 参考文献 致谢 在学期间发表的学术论文及其他科研成果 附录A 附录B前置部分 主体部分封面使用学校统一印制的博士、硕士学位论文封面。
1.2 题名页包括中文题名页和英文题名页。
1.What are the general linguistic features of English academic writing?(10%)
A1:There are eight main features that are often discussed to represent the style of academic writing: complex, formal, objective, explicit,accurate, hedged, responsible and making reference to other writers’ work.
“Yes,” she said, “under the table.” Then: “Oh. I wanted it so much. I wanted a kitty.”
When she spoke English the maid’s face tightened.
“Come, Signora,” she said. “We must get back inside. You will be wet.”
A3:Generally speaking, the successful introduction of a paper should have the following four functions to facilitate the communication process.
introducing the subject; limiting the research scope; stating the general purpose; showing the writing arrangement.
(5)周二上午34节课,车辆结构优化技术(10-15,2,Y311(M),商高高) 与振动分析(2-9,2,Y305(M),姜哲)
(10)星期四34节外教口语(基础4)1(外教2) 与汽车节能与净化技术(何仁)冲突
二、毕业设计(论文)的内容构成:封面序或前言(必要时)摘要前置部分关键词目次页插图和附表清单(必要时)符号、标志、缩略词、首字母缩写、单位、术语、名词等注释表(必要时)引言 1章2章2.1(条)2.1.1(款)项)2.1.2正文 2.2主体部分章结论致谢参考文献附录A附录部分附录B(必要时) 附录C(一)前置部分1.封面:封面包括设计(论文)题目、学院名称、专业班级、学生姓名、指导教师姓名及职称等几项内容。
论文写作2(Academic Paper Writing)
relation of equivalence.
ST≈TT or
This is an approach that has close links with
contrastive linguistics and puts language system
rather than texts on either side of the relation:
We define research broadly as a systematic investigation towards increasing the sum of knowledge. Innovation is vital if a discipline is to grow and prosper.
These models are attempts to construct images of the object of study, images that hopefully make it easier to visualize, understand and analyse. In your own research project, you might take a ready model and simply use its framework and concepts unchanged or you might adapt a given model to your own purposes. Translation Studies has traditionally used three basic types of models.
• Comparative Models
The earliest theoretical model of translation was
(3)篇幅:中文摘要300字左右,英文摘要100~150 words,文摘第一句应避免与题目(title)重复。
(4)采用第三人称,不用“作者、笔者、我们”“本文(This paper)”.尽量不要使用not only…but also用and就行了;用过去时态叙述作者工作,用现在时态叙述作者结论;可数名词尽量用复数;可直接用名词或名词短语作定语的情况下,要少用of 句型;少用“It is reported that”;尽量不用长句、复合句,而应使用简明、直接的短句形式。
摘要例1:研究了亚共晶成分的铝硅合金中铁相形态与熔体处理的关系,发现六氯乙烷精炼强烈促进初生α铁相的产生.在未经精炼处理时,合金微观组织中的铁相基本呈发达的树枝状,只有少量为初生汉字状铁相. 用六氯乙烷精炼后,合金的组织中开始出现大量六角形的初生相. 这种六角形铁相的形貌受冷却速度的影响较大. 在精炼以后对合金长时间保温对该六角形铁相的出现和形态没有影响. 由六氯乙烷精炼导致合金中大量六角形初生α铁相出现,可能是六氯乙烷精炼提高了α铁相的形核温度.摘要例2:通过参数变换,将混沌系统的适当参数作为摄动小参数,从而将Lorenz系统、Chen系统和Lü系统看作快慢型自治系统,利用几何奇异摄动理论对其动力学行为进行分析.由退化快子系统得到零阶慢流形的表达式,利用Fenichel保持定理得出慢流形的存在性,慢流形与零阶慢流形是充分接近的。
二、毕业设计(论文)的内容构成:封面序或前言(必要时)摘要前置部分关键词目次页插图和附表清单(必要时)符号、标志、缩略词、首字母缩写、单位、术语、名词等注释表(必要时)引言 1章2章2.1(条)2.1.1(款)项)2.1.2正文 2.2主体部分章结论致谢参考文献附录A附录部分附录B(必要时) 附录C(一)前置部分1.封面:封面包括设计(论文)题目、学院名称、专业班级、学生姓名、指导教师姓名及职称等几项内容。
三、结论 在正文最后应有结论(Conclusions)或建议(Suggestions)。 (1) 关于结论可用如下表达方式:
① The following conclusions can be drawn from …(由……可得出如下结论) ② It can be concluded that …(可以得出结论……) ③ We may conclude that…或We come to the conclusion that…(我们得出如 下结论……) ④ It is generally accepted (believed, held, acknowledged) that…(一般认 为…)(用于表示肯定的结论) ⑤ We think (consider, believe, feel) that…(我们认为…)(用于表示留有商量 余地的结论)
• • • • •
… Thank you for your patience and kind attention. May you have a nice day! Best Regards Yours Sincerely …
• 编辑的回信 Dear*** • I understand your explanation that you made a simple mistake in Fig. 1b. If you wish to submit your revised paper, I will send it to another reviewer….
(2) 关于建议可用如下表达方式。
① It is advantageous to (do) ② It should be realized (emphasized, stressed, noted, pointed out ) that … ③ It is suggested (proposed, recommended, desirable) that … ④ It would be better (helpful, advisable) that…
《江苏大学学报》投稿要求一、《江苏大学学报》(自然科学版)1.遵照《中华人民共和国著作权法》,投稿作者须明示该文版权( 含各种介质的版权)是否同意转让给编辑部。
3.摘要要求:①内容包括研究目的、主要方法、结果和结论;②具有独立性和自含性,不用图表、化学结构式和非公知公认的符号或术语;不宜引用图、表、公式和参考文献的序号;③篇幅:300字左右,不能与引言和结论简单重复;④英文摘要采用第三人称,不用“This paper”。
可编辑修改精选全文完整版学术论文写作考试题1.What is term paper?In the university grade stage. It is usually accomplished under the guidance of experience teachers to gain the final credit.2.Define the readability of thesis.The text is smoothly, simple, clear chart, well-organized order and brief conclusion. 3.What are the principles and methods of selecting a subject of study?Focused up-to-date under control4.How is the first-hand source distinguished from the second-hand source?F is original opinions S is the original view reviews and comments5.What are the 4 kinds of note in the subject selection?Summary Paraphrase Direct Quotation Comment6.What are the two main kinds of outline? In what subjects do they cater to respectively?Mixed outline: used in humanities and social sciencesNumerical outline: used in science7.Give reasons of submitting a research proposalFirst, you have a good topic.Second, you have the ability to complete the paper.Third, you have a feasible research plan.8.How many components are there in the research proposal? What are they? Title Introduction Literature review Method Result Discussion Preliminary bibliography9.What is the use of literature review?Understand the background.Familiar the problemsHave a ability of preminary assessment and comprehensive the literature.10.What is abstract?Abstract is a concise and comprehensive summary or conclusion.11.What are the main components of abstract?Objective or purpose Process and methods Results Conclusion12.What is the use of conclusion in the thesis?It emphasized the most important ideas or conclusion clearly in this paper.13.What parties is the acknowledgment usually addressed to?For the tutor and teachers who give suggestion, help and support.For the sponsorFor the company or person which provide the dataFor other friends14.Specify MLA formatIt is widely used in the field of literature, history and so on.Pay attention in the original of the Reference.15.Specify Chicago formatThe subject of general format, used for books, magazines and so on.Divided into the humanities style and the author data system.16.Define footnotes.Also called the note at the end of the page. Appeared in the bottom of every page. 17.Define end-notes.Also called Concentrated note or end-notes appear in thetext.18.M:monographA: choose an article from the proceedings.J: academic journalD: academic dissertationR: research reportC: collected papersN: newspaper article19.Tell briefly about the distinctions between thesis and dissertation.Dissertation defined as a long essay that you do as part of a degree or other qualification. It refers to B.AThesis defined as a long piece of writing, based on your own ideas and research, that you do as part of a university degree. It refers to Ph.D.20.What are the general features of the thesis title?As much as possible use nouns, prep, general phrase and so on.The title can be used to express an Non-statement sentence.The first letter of the notional word in the title should be capital.Be cautious using abbreviations and try not to use punctuation marks.Remove unnecessary articles and extra descriptive words.21.What is the introduction of the research proposal concerned with?Research question Rationale Method FindingsDesign sample instruments22.How is abstract defined to American national standards institute?It is a concise summary of your work.Abstract should state the objectives of the project describe the methods used, summarize the significant findings and state the implications of the findings.23.How is thesis statement understood?It usually at the final part of the introduction in order that the readers could understood the central idea as quickly as possible. It is the point of view and attitude of the statement.1. Have a brief comment upon the study of ESPSpecial use English also called English for specific purpose. It includes tourism English, finance English, medical English, business English, engineering English, etc. In the 1960s, ESP is divided into scientific English, business English and social sciences, each branch can be divided into professional English and academic English.2. What is the research methods of literature?The external research : from society, history, age, environment and so on relationship to study.The internal research: from the works of rhyme, text, images, symbols and specific level to composed the text.3.Have a brief comment upon the study of interpretation.At present, people in the academia mainly focus on these topics, such as interpreting training, interpreting practices and so on. According to its mean of transfer, interpretation can be divided for simultaneous interpretation, consecutive interpretation, whispering interpretation; According to different occasions and interpretation, it can be divided into the meeting interpretation, contact interpretation, media interpretation,etc.4.What is the analytic method in the study of linguistics?In linguistics, analytic method means to make some analysisand decomposition on the various elements of a language according to different research purposes and requirements, and to separate them from the interconnected entirety respectively and extract general and special method.5.In what respects is phonetics studies in the current research?Study on the phonology remains to be further studied, such as Chinese language learning and English phonology, phonological number is still worth discussing. Comparative study of phonology is worth advocating. The combination of researching and teaching for phonetics is also a major focus of current research.6. What is the deductive in linguistics?Deduction is the method to deduce from the general to the special, namely from the general principles of known to conclusions about the individual objects. he deductive method is also known as the study of testing hypothesis.1.What is term paper?2.Define the readability of thesis.3.What are the principles and methods of selecting a subject of study?4.How is the first-hand source distinguished from the second-hand source?5.What are the 4 kinds of note in the subject selection?6.What are the two main kinds of outline? In what subjects do they cater to respectively?7.Give reasons of submitting a research proposal8.How many components are there in the research proposal? What are they?9.What is the use of literature review?10.What is abstract?11.What are the main components of abstract?12.What is the use of conclusion in the thesis?13.What parties is the acknowledgment usually addressed to?14.Specify MLA format15.Specify Chicago format16.Define footnotes.17.Define end-notes.18.Tell briefly about the distinctions between thesis and dissertation.19.What are the general features of the thesis title?20.What is the introduction of the research proposal concerned with?21.How is abstract defined to American national standards institute?22.How is thesis statement understood?。
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J I A N G S U N I V E R S I T Y本科毕业论文远东电缆电力电缆车间生产现场改善研究Research on Field Improvement of Power Cable Workshopof Far East Cable CO.,LTD学院名称:管理学院专业班级:物流管理1001学生姓名:史佳昕指导教师姓名:赵艳萍指导教师职称:教授2014年 6 月远东电缆电力电缆车间生产现场改善研究专业班级:物流管理1001 学生姓名:史佳昕指导教师:赵艳萍职称:教授摘要:生产现场是企业生产的平台,是企业实现效益的源泉。
关键词:制造企业生产现场管理质量管理Research on Field Improvement of Power Cable Workshop of Far EastCable CO.,LTDAbstract The Production site is of enterprise directly create effective spaces, the original birthplace of the enterprise information,but also a variety of issue building place. The production side management is the procession of improve and distribute the factors of production. Site management involves to the enterprise operation aspects, especially for the production-oriented enterprises. The efficiently manage the production site can improve the operating efficiency of enterprises, enhance customer satisfaction, reduce production costs, reduce the waste during the production process, improve production efficiency and product quality. To improve the production site including the improvement and innovation of such as person, equipment, operation method, production environment.Far East Cable Co., Ltd. is a typical manufacturing enterprisewith a complicated field conditions. This paper mainly introduce a series of measures of site management ,including quality management, location management and some other based measures, to reverse the chaos, open up a new situation for the further development of the enterprise.Through the study of the Far East cable Co.,Ltd production site management and improvement, combined with other classiccase study, have a deeper understanding of the site to improve. It is not advisable only attach importance to the market and ignore the site, and only the constant corrections to improve, to improve the competitiveness of enterprises.Key words:Manufacturing enterprises production site management quality assurance目录第1章绪论 (1)1.1选题背景 (1)1.2研究目的及意义 (2)1.3国内外研究现状 (2)1.4研究的主要内容 (3)第2章相关理论概述 (5)2.1生产现场管理 (5)2.2 5S管理 (5)2.3 生产现场管理相关办法 (6)2.3.1 质量管理 (6)2.3.2 目视管理 (6)2.3.3 定置管理 (7)2.3.4 安全生产管理 (7)第3章远东电缆电力电缆车间生产现场及分析 (8)3.1远东电缆有限公司概况 (8)3.1.1远东电缆简介 (8)3.1.2远东电缆组织结构 (8)3.1.3公司主营业务 (9)3.2电力电缆车间生产现场现状 (9)3.2.1电力电缆车间平面布置 (10)3.2.2电力电缆工艺流程 (10)3.2.3电力电缆车间环境 (11)3.3电力电缆车间生产现场问题分析 (11)第4章远东电缆车间生产现场改善方案与实施 (14)4.1现场改善方案 (14)4.2具体实施内容 (14)4.2.1现场质量管理方面 (14)4.2.2定置管理方面 (15)4.2.3目视管理方面 (17)4.2.4安全生产管理方面 (18)4.3现场改善的效果 (18)4.4总结方案成功的原因 (19)第5章结论 (20)致谢 (21)参考文献 (22)第1章绪论1.1选题背景经济全球化的趋势日益明显,信息技术发展迅速,企业的竞争环境、发展模式、运行效率以及活动空间等发生的深刻变化,大大扩展了客户对产品信息的了解和选择范围,客户对产品的品种、质量、价格、交货期和服务需求等都呈现出了多样化和个性化的特征,客户不再是企业产品的被动的接受者,而成为了企业产品发展的决定者,这对制造企业提出了严峻的挑战[1]。
Unit 2. Title, Author/Affiliation and Keywords(2hrs)The information about title &affiliation of an academic paper is often on the head page of a dissertation, but it may occupy different places of a periodical paper. The title is always at the very beginning of a periodical paper, with the author’s name and affiliation below the title, and a brief introduction to the author is always at the bottom of a front page of a periodical paper, or at the end ofthe paper.2.1. Titles2.1.1. General functionsA. Generalizing the TextA title should summarize the central idea of the paper concisely and correctly. By glancing at the title, the reader will immediately know, incorporating with the abstract, what is mainly dealt with in the paper.B. Attracting the ReaderIf a title is accurate, concise and distinct, it will attract readers a lot and stimulate readers to read the whole text. An interesting title may draw particular attention among professionals, for only when readers are interested in the title will they decide to read the whole paper.C. Facilitating the RetrievalA title usually provides leads for the international information retrieval organizations to choose the appropriate keywords contained in it when they organize index and secondary documents. So, a title serves as an important index of information retrieval to meet the needs of extensive paper communication and information dissemination.2.1.2 Linguistic FeaturesA. Using More Nouns, Noun Phrases and GerundsThe words or phrases used in a title are very often nouns, noun phrases or gerunds, nominalization, which usually are keywords for the paper, having the ability to sum up the whole text. Nouns or noun phrases used in a title can be added with pre-modifiers or/and post-modifiers. Therefore, a title can normally be composed of nouns or noun phrases, adjectives, prepositions, articles and conjunctions, and occasionally,pronouns. If a verb should be used in a title, it should be changed into its infinite verbal forms, for instance, present participles, past participles or gerunds. For example, we may easily find such titles as:(1) Civilization's Source and Its Implication.(2) A Multi-perspective Account of Met linguistic Negation.(3) Research on the Motivations of Lexis and Vocabulary Learning Strategies.(4) Emotional Therapeutics: New Rectifying App- roaches for Children's Behavior Problems.B. Using Incomplete SentencesA title is just a label of appellation of the paper, reflecting the main idea of the content, so even when there is a need to give a title in the form of a sentence, it does not need to be a complete sentence. A complete declarative sentence usually makes a title containing determining implication. Meanwhile, it appears lacking brevity and clarity.For example, the title Nitrendipine Is Effective on Severe Hypertension is not a standard one. It is a complete declarative sentence that contains the author's determining implication of the effect of the medicine Nitrendipine. So it should be revised into Effects of Nitrendipine on Severe Hypertension.2.1.3 Writing RequirementsA. ABC Principles for TitlesA is for accuracy,B is for brevity andC is for clarity, which is the so-called ABC principles. Accuracy means that a title can appropriately express and fit in the reality of the paper. Brevity asks the writer to summarize the necessary content with the most limited words. Clarity means a title should clearly reflect the distinguishing features of the paper.For example, Research and Development of Sound- transmitted Technology is not a title to express the specific content accurately. By analyzing the original writing material, we know it is a paper about sound-transmitted technology used in on-line monitoring for machine tools. So it should be corrected into On-line Monitoring for Cutting on Machine Tools by Using Sound-transmitted Technology.B. Being Brief and ConciseGenerally, a title is composed of no more than twenty words. If a title is too long, it will be difficult for readers to catch the meaning of the content and remember it. If the writer fails to state his idea clearly in a few words, he can use a subtitle. To be brief and concise, professional papers seldom use such decorative locutions as “on the ....” “regarding ....” “investigation on..., .... the method of..., .... some thoughts on..., .... aresearch of...,” and etc., which lead to redundancy. Of course, the title must be long enough to describe the content of the paper. Too short a title, sometimes, may bring about confusion.C. Being SpecificIn preparing the title of a paper, a general and abstract title should be avoided. For example, such a title as Computer Simulations of the Measurement will be regarded as too general and global, vague and empty, telling the reader nothing specific. It would be better to change the title into something like Computer Simulations of the Measurement of Quadratic Electro-optic Coefficients Associated with Rotations of the Principal Axes of the Optical Permittivity Tensor (Journal of Optics A: Pure Appl. Opt. 5, 2003,147), according to the content of the paper. The revised title can greatly highlight the emphasis and particularity of the work.D. Avoiding Question TitlesA question title means a complete sentence in the question form. Such titles are usually not used in an academic paper (especially in natural sciences), because they always include some redundant question words and marks, for example, “Is there....* .... When does...?” “Should the...? .... Is it...?” and so on. What is worse, such a title creates inconvenience for information retrieval. If your title really contains an interrogation, you may adopt the form of “the question words + infinitive,” for example, How to Prepare the Title, Authors/Affiliations and Keywords. The title When Should Nerve Gaps Be Grafted? An Experimental Study on Rats should be changed into Optimal Time for Nerve Gaps Grafting: An Experimental Study on Rats.E. Being UnifiedThe parallel parts of a title should be grammatically symmetrical. That is to say, nouns should be matched with nouns, gerunds with gerunds, etc. In general, nouns and gerunds should not be mixed in a given title. For instance, the title Digital Laser Microinterferometer and Its Applying should be changed into Digital Laser Microinterferometer and Its Applications and the title Measuring of Surface Shape and Deformation by Phase-Shifting Image Digital Holography should be replaced by Measurement of Surface Shape and Deformation by Phase-Shifting Image Digital Holography (2003 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers, 1267).F. Being StandardIn general, nonstandard abbreviations and symbols and/or any terms or phraseology intelligible only to the specialist should be avoided, because the use of them could be very unfavorable to efficient information retrieval.Prepositions used in titles should be correct. Prepositions are flexible. It should be noticed that they are usually used in some certain expressions. Preposition of should be paid more attention to because it is frequently used in some expressions. But readers will be bored if they find more than two of’s appearing in one title subsequently. If possible, prepositions on or for can replace of. Sometimes apostrophe can be used in a title. Additionally, with the development of language, it is common to use a noun to modify another noun.Recently, titles tend to be brief. So articles should be omitted when they are not necessary enough.2.1.4 Some Other Requirements for TitlesA. Words' Number LimitationGenerally, the number is limited within 10 words and shouldn't be over the limitation of 15 words. Certainly, the limitation is not absolute. If necessary, it can be exceeded. Here are only some referent figures. The general regulation is fixed: based on an accurate, brief and clear title, the fewer of the words we use, the better the title is.B. How to Name a TitleA title should give prominence to the central idea of the research paper. The most important key words, which show the main idea of a paper, are normally fixed first in a title. That will draw readers' attention.Recently, some authors like to crown a title with such words as:(1) Observation on, Comparison between, Improvement of, and etc. to show the aim of writing the paper.(2) Nuclear Energy in China, AIDS in the United States, Patients with Breast Cancer, Depression in Elderly, and etc. to tell readers the object of the research.(3) Experimental Study of Laser Processing of Analysis of, and etc. to tell the research method.(4) Results of, Verification of, Follow-up of, and etc. to show the result of the research.(5) Realizing the Importance of, Is Regression Analysis Necessary for... ? and etc. to introduce the thesis.It ought to be noticed that we should not apply the above expressions mechanically. But we should use them according to the certain situation. In general, the ABC principles are applicable forever.C. Abbreviations in TitlesWith the development of science and technology, a great amount of technological terms come intobeing. All these terms consist of nouns. It is inconvenient to be written and printed or recounted orally. Thus, they are expressed by the abbreviations of the formation of nouns, and most of them are the acronym formed by the first letter of every noun. But we should severely use the abbreviations in titles--only those abbreviations, whose full terms are rather long and which are generally acknowledged in the scientific field and very familiar to readers, can be used, such as:(1) LASER (light amplification by stimulatedemission of radiation, 激光).(2) DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid, 脱握拳核糖核酸).(3) AIDS (acquired immune deficiency syndrome,(4) CT (computerized tomography, 电子计算机断(5) NMR (nuclear magnetic resonance, 核磁共振).(6) BCG (Bacilli Calmette-Guerin, 卡介苗).(7) SARS (severe acquired respiration syndrome,严重获得性呼吸道综合征,”非典”)Reader groups also restrict the using extent of abbreviations. Take the above abbreviations as examples, generally speaking, LASER, CT, AIDS and SARS are generally recognized and familiar in the whole scientific field and can be used in the titles in all sorts of learned journals; DNA, NMR, and BCG are normally known and familiar in the whole medical world and can be utilized in the titles in all medical journals. All in all, it is especially noticed that the use of abbreviations should be selected according to the various branches of learning and specialized subjects.D. Writing Patterns for TitlesWhether all the first letters of the principal words in a title should be capitalized or not, may depend upon the specific requirements set forth by the journal to which your manuscript is to be submitted. In general, there are three patterns for writing a title.(1) All the letters are capitalized, for instance, INTEGRATED MODEL FOR PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS OF MULTIPLE CLASS-OF-SER VICE INTERNET. But if pH, α,β,γ, and etc. are contained in a title, p, α,β,γ and etc. are not capitalized. For instance, α-RAY,γ-RAY,β-PARTICLE.(2) The first letter of every notional word in a title should be capitalized, such as, A Comparison of an OFDM System and a Single Carrier System Using Frequency Domain Equalization, Array Antenna Assisted Doppler Spread Compensator for OFDM, Capacity Optimization in MC- CDMA Systems, and etc. Notes:a. The first letters of articles like a, an and the, conjunctions like and, but, or and nor and the prepositions containing less than four letters like of in, on, to, for, and etc. in a title are not capitalized. But the first letters of all the examples mentioned above should be capitalized when they are at the beginning or end of a title, or they are behind a colon or the first word of a sub-title. For instance, Scope of the Investigations: The First Phase, A New Broadband Uniform Accuracy DOA Estimator and The Research of Nuclear Structure Going On.b. The first letters of the prepositions containing four or more letters are capitalized. For instance, with, about, between, through, and etc. For example, The Relation Between the View of Scientific Development and the Strategy of Revitalizing China Through Talents.c. The infinitive mark to in a title should be written as To.* For instance, Compounds To Be Tested.d. The first letter of the word ray should not be capitalized when it is used in X-ray in a title.e. The first letter of the name for a genus should be capitalized, whereas the one of the name for a species is not capitalized, such as, Novel Metabolites of Siphonaria pectinata Bacillus Subtil Pneumo-coccus Aureus.f. The first letters of the two words in a compound in a title should be capitalized if it is used as an entirety to modify the other words, for instance, Laser-Produced Protons and Their Application as a Particle Probe and Wide-Angel Achromatic Prism Beam Steering for Infrared Countermeasure Applications.g. The abbreviation for measure unit should not be capitalized. But the first letter of the full form for it should be. Such as, Analysis of Milligram Amounts →...of 2mg.(3)The first letter of the only first word is capitalized while the others are not. For instance, Pair production via crossed laser, Dual-frequency sounder for UMTS frequency-division duplex channels, and etc.Note:a. Proper nouns should be capitalized whether they are at the beginning or not, for instance, Health care in the United States.b. The first letter of a noun to show directions of a country or an area is capitalized, but the adjective for the noun is not, such as, Northeast→ northeastern and Midwest→ midwestern.c. The first letter of the word earth used to denote a planet in the universe is capitalized.The last point should be noticed: Nowadays, some important international retrieval organizations have their own different requirements for titles. For instance, EI has the following requirements for titles:a. Try to avoid using articles (the, a and an) at the very beginning of a title;b. The first letter of the first word in a title is capitalized while the others are not except the first letters of proper nouns, every letter in abbreviations, the first letter of Germany nouns and the first letter of any word after the punctuation period in a title;c. The main title and the subtitle must be separated by period but not colon, semicolon or dash.d. Try to avoid using abbreviations in a title. If they have to be used, the full forms of them should be given in brackets;e. Try to avoid using some particular characters such as numbers and Greek letters in a title or use them less.Commonly used phrases and structures in titles:An analysis of…An assessment of…A comparison of …A description of…An evaluation on…An explanation of…An outline of…An overview of…Study of…A tentative study of…Experiments of…Experimental study of…Effect of…on…A preliminary report of…Observation on…Comparison between …and..Improvement of…Experimental research of…LASER processing of…Clinical analysis of…Results of…Verification of…Follow-up of…2.2. Author and Affiliation2.2.1.AuthorsWho should be an author? This question concerns ethic issue of academic authorship of published study. Conceptually, an “author” is generally considered to be someone who has made substantive intellectual contributions to the published study. In practice, there is no problem to provide one name of a single author, but providing the name of two authors often requires resolution in terms of who comes first. The problem gets more difficult as the number of authors increases. Given that, in the real world , academic authorship is a primary basis on which many academics are evaluated for employment, promotion, and tenure; such academic and financial implications of authorship have often resulted in the inappropriate inclusion of “honorary” authors or the exclusion of junior authors. Consequently, incorrect application of authorship rules occasionally leads to charges of academic misconduct and sanctions for the violator.There are many guidelines for assigning authorship that can help writers keep away from academic misconduct but the criteria for authorship vary between institutions and disciplines. The American Psychological Association (APA) gives clear criteria for authorship of publication in social science. The International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICNJE) and the Journal of American Medical Association (JAMA) regularly update the criteria for authorship and contributorship in medi- cal science. The criteria for authorship developed by Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS) are widely accepted in the disciplines of natural science. Authorship in the Social SciencesTo social science publications, neither the Modern Languages Association (MLA) nor the Chicago Manual of Style defines requirements for authorship, but the APA Publication Manual (APA, 2010) gives clear advice on allocating credit for authorship. It states that “Authorship” is not limited to the writing of manuscripts, but must include those who have made substantial contributions to a study, such as, formulating the problem or hypothesis, structuring the experimental design, organ-izing and conducting thestatistical analysis, interpreting the results, or writing a major portion of the paper. Specifically, in a journal article, the name of authors should be listed according to the following rules:~ The sequence of names of the authors to an article must reflect the relative scientific or professional contribution of the authors, irrespective of their academic status.~ The general rule is that the name of the principal contributor should come first, with subsequent names in order of decreasing contribution.~ Mere possession of an institutional position on its own, such as Head of the Research team, does not justify authorship.~ A student should be listed as a principal author on any multi- authored article that is substantially based on the student’s dissertation or thesis.While the APA guidelines list many other forms of contributions to a study that do not constitute authorship, it does state that combinations of these and other tasks may justify authorship. Like medicine, the APA considers institutional position, such as Department Chair, insufficient for attributing authorship.2. 2. 1.2. Authorship in Medical ScienceIn medical science, a total of 876 journals follow The Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journal (The Uniform Requirements) a). The Uniform Requirement was initiated by a group of editors of general medical journals in 1978 and was adopted by ICM-JE in 1979. Since then, the ICMJE has gradually broadened its concerns to include ethical principles related to publication in biomedical journals. In May 2001, in the revised sections related to potential conflict of interest, the committee clearly defined the criteria for author-ship. In the latest version (April 2010)~, the criteria for “authorship and contributorship’ are listed under the issue of “Ethical Considerations in the Conduct and Reporting of Research”.The ICJME has recommended following criteria for authorship:1) Authorship credit should be based on (1)substantial contributions to conception and design, acquisition of data, or analysis and interpretation of data; (2)drafting the article or revising it critically for important intellectual content; and (3)final approval of the version to be published. Authors should meet conditions (1), (2) and (3).2)When a large, multicenter group has conducted the work, the group should identify the individuals who accept direct responsibility for the manuscript. These individuals should fully meet the criteria forauthorship/contributorship defined above, and editors will ask these individuals to complete journal-specific author and conflict-of-interest disclosure forms. When submit- ting a manuscript authored by a group, the corresponding author should clearly indicate the preferred citation and identify all individual authors as well as the group name. Journals generally list other members of the group in the Acknowledgments. The NLM indexes the group name and the names of individuals the group has identified as being directly responsible for the manuscript; it also lists the names of collaborators if they are listed in Acknowledgments.3) Acquisition of funding, collection of data, or general supervision of the research group alone does not constitute authorship.4)All persons designated as authors should qualify for authorship, and all those who qualify should be listed.5)Each author should have participated sufficiently in the work to take public responsibility for appropriate portions of the content. All contributors who do not meet the above criteria for authorship should be listed in an acknowledgments section. Examples of those who might be acknowledged include a person who provided purely technical help, writing assistance, or a department chairperson who provided on- ly general support.2. 2. 1.3 Authorship in the Natural SciencesThe natural sciences have no universal standard for authorship, but some major multi-disciplinary journals and institutions have established guidelines for work that they publish. The journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS)~defines the authorship in its editorial policy. It states that “Authorship should be limited to those who have contributed substan-tially to the work” and “The corresponding author must have obtained permission from all authors for the submission of each version of the paper and for any change in authorship.” Furthermore, “Authors must indicate their specific contributions to the published work” as a foot-note. Such introduction of credit states exactly what each person did in the study and probably makes the ranking of authors less important (Gustavii, 2008). Nature journals do not require all authors of a research paper to sign the letter of submission, nor do they impose an order on the list of authors. Submission to a Nature journal is taken by the journal to mean that all the listed authors have agreed all of the contents. The corre- sponding (submitting) author is responsible for having ensured that this agreement has been reached, and for managing all communication between the journal and all co-authors, before and after publication.Any changes to the author list after submission, such as a change in the order of the authors, or the deletionor addition of authors, needs to be approved by a letter signed by every author.The above guidelines for authorship give clear criteria to distinguish authors and contributors to a study. Irrespective of the nature of their contributions -- intellectual (creative) or practical (doing the experi-ments) -- all members of the research team are usually acknowledged in the author byline and the contributors are listed in the acknowledge section. AffiliationJust below the author’s name lies affiliation, which makes it convenient for the readers to communicate with the author affiliation includes the author’s working place , address and postal code. Samples are given below.Sample 1:(source:姚吉刚.从语言模糊性看英语委婉语的语用功能.黄山学院学报,2008:131-133)Analysis of Pragmatic Functions of English Euphemism from the Perspective of Language Vagueness Yao Jigang(Department of Foreign Studies, Anhui Institute of Architecture and Industry, Hefei 230601,China)If there are more than one author affiliated with different working units for an academic paper, the authors and their respective affiliations should be made clear, as the flowing sample shows.Sample 2:(source: Patrick R. Thomas , Jacinta B. Mckay. Cognitive Styles and Instructional Design in University Learning. Learning and Individual Differences, 2010(20): 197-202)Cognitive Styles and Instructional Design in University LearningPatrick R. Thomas1 , Jacinta B. Mckay2(1.School of Education and Professional Studies, Griffith University, Brisbane, Australia2.School of Psychology, Griffith University, Brisbane, Australia)The above two samples are of periodical papers, whose Title and Author/ Affiliation part is slightly different from that of the thesis or dissertation, which includes the information about:●the author’ s supervisor●the degree to be acquired●submission universitysubmission dateThe following sample is from a postgraduate student’s dissertation .Sample 3:(研究生学位论文)A Study of Translation of Mao Zedong’s Poetry from the Perspective of Translation EthicsBy Geng TiantianUnder the Supervision ofProfessor XXXSubmitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirementsfor the Degree of Master of ArtsSchool of Foreign LanguagesJiangsu UniversityZhenjiang, ChinaJune, 20122. 3. KeywordsKeywords are the identification for science and technology research papers to be retrieved as documents. They are the natural language vocabulary to show the thematic concept of the documents. Keywords, the same with abstract, are a part of a research paper, but not the part of the main body of the paper.2.3.1 General FunctionsA. Easiness of RetrievalAs the name implies, keywords are the most important words and phrases representing the theme or subject matter of the paper, and frequently used in a paper. Readers can find out the theme of the paper by looking at the keywords.B. Easiness of HighlightingThe function of keywords is to facilitate the information retrieval and accentuate the gist of the paper. It is easy for the information retrieval clerks to make up the index and secondary document.2.2.2 Linguistic FeaturesA. NominalizationKeywords are usually used in the form of nouns, not verbs. For example, “investigation” is used instead of “investigate”; “fabricate” should be replaced by “fabrication”; and “educate” ought to be replaced by “education.”B. Limited NumberThe number of the keywords for a paper should be limited. Four to six keywords are the average. In general, there should be at least 2 and at most 8.C. Designated Choice(1) The keywords of a paper usually come from the title and/or the abstract, where the key terms of words and phrases are usually contained.(2) But some free terms can be chosen in the following cases.a. Some other key terms which are obviously ignored in the keyword bank;b. Some new concepts that stand for new subject, new theory, new technology, new material, and etc.;c. The name for area, person, document, product, and etc. which are not contained in the word bank and the important data.d. Some concepts being collocated together may lead to polysemy. So the concepts can adopt free terms.2.3.3 Writing RequirementsA. Using Required TermsThe terms of “keywords” should be consistent with the requirements of the journal to which you submit your paper. The section “keywords” is also variously called “keywords index,” “keywords and phrases,” “indexing terms,” and etc.B. Placing in Right LocationThough keywords can be either above or below the abstract of a paper, they are yet, in most cases, placed below the abstract.C. Spacing the KeywordsKeywords are not necessarily all capitalized, except the first letter of keywords as a heading. Use comma (,) or semicolon (;) to separate the words. Larger partition or space can also be used instead of punctuation.。
江苏大学2013英语论文写作-研究生英语复习_2 (1)
考试题型:一.回答问题二.文体对比三.语篇分析四.语篇改写Unit 11. Classification of Professional PapersA professional paper is a formal printed document in which professionals present their views andresearch findings on any deliberately chosen topicReport Paper---The report paper summarizes and reports the findings of author(s) on a particular subject Research Paper--A research paper can be intelligent, well-informed, interesting, and original in its conclusionsCourse Paper--a course paper mainly refers to the paper written after a specific course is learned or at the end of the term.Thesis Paper (Dissertation)---A thesis paper is usually written and submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MA or MS (or Ph.D) in a specific discipline.2. General Characteristics of English Academic Writing StyleGenerally, English Academic writing:●is complex--Written language is relatively more complex than spoken language ,lexical words●is formal--Academic writing is relatively formal. Formal writing doesn’t use co ntractions, orcolloquialisms and slang.●is impersonal and objective--Written language is in general objective rather than personal. Ittherefore has fewer words that refer to the writer or the reader. This means that the mainemphasis should be on the information that you want to give and the arguments you want tomake, rather than you.●is explicit--Academic writing is explicit about the relationships in the text. Furthermore, it isthe responsibility of the writer in English to make it clear to the reader how the various partsof the text are related●Is accurate--Academic writing uses vocabulary accurately. Most subjects have words withnarrow specific meanings.●is cautious or tentative--●is responsible---Academic writing refers to information which must be clearly referenced inyour text.Page 3:Read the following two passages and try to find out the stylistic features of each.(1): subjective, informal---(2): objective, formal-Unit 2 . Title, Author/Affiliation and Keywords1. General functions2 Linguistic FeaturesA. Using More Nouns, Noun Phrases and Gerunds(动名词)The words or phrases used in a title are very often nouns, noun phrases or gerunds, nominalization, which usually are keywords for the paper, having the ability to sum up the whole text.For example, we may easily find such titles as:(1) Civilization's Source and Its Implication.(2) A Multi-perspective Account of Met linguistic Negation.(3) Research on the Motivations of Lexis and Vocabulary Learning Strategies.B. Using Incomplete SentencesA title is just a label of appellation of the paper, reflecting the main idea of the content, so evenwhen there is a need to give a title in the form of a sentence, it does not need to be a complete sentenceKeywords2 Linguistic FeaturesA. NominalizationKeywords are usually used in the form of nouns, not verbs. For example, ―investigation‖ is used instead of ―investigate‖; ―fabricate‖ should be replaced by ―fabrication‖; and ―educate‖ ought to be replaced by ―education.‖B. Limited NumberThe number of the keywords for a paper should be limited. Four to six keywords are the average. In general, there should be at least 2 and at most 8.C. Designated Choice----The keywords of a paper usually come from the title and/or the abstract, where the key terms of words and phrases are usually contained.Page 7Correct the mistakes in the following titles according to the writing requirements you have learned in this unit.1.Applying---application2.Measuring---measurement3.去掉the4.The investigations---去掉the5.A New DOA Estimator Based on Broadband Uniform Accuracy6.去掉theUnit 3. Abstract自己看Unit 4. Introduction1. General Functions of IntroductionIntroducing the Subject---he author is here to supply sufficient background information to relieve the readers who are not well-informed in this field of troubles in understanding and evaluating the results of the given study without referring to previous publications on the topic. Limiting the Research Scope--narrowing down the scope of work and delimiting the boundary of your study becomes entirely necessaryShowing the Writing Arrangement---The logical arrangement of the writing enables the reader to understand the paper more easily when further reading is necessary.2. Structural Features of Introduction and Some Idiomatic ExpressionsStarting with the Research BackgroundEx. 5-1The Behavior Translating English-to-Chinese Machine Translation System is the first of its kind in Taiwan. And it is also among the first commercialized E-to-C systems in the world. The research began as a joint effort.., in May 1985...Further examples can be seen from the sections of introduction of the two complete papers attached in the Appendixes.Here are some expressions used to introduce the background of the subject in an introduction:●Over the past several decades....●Somebody reported...●The previous work on... has indicated that...●Recent experiments by... have suggested...●Several researchers have theoretically investigated...●In most studies of ....... has been emphasized with attention being given to...●Industrial use of... is becoming increasingly common.●There have been a few studies highlighting...●It is well known that...Transiting to the Existing Problem---Authors usually transit to the main problems to be discussed or weak points remaining in the previous work to be further studied and/or improved The following are a number of expressions used to present existing problems:●Great progress has been made in this field, but (however, nevertheless, etc.)...●Also, the consideration of... alone cannot explain the observed fact that...● A part of the explanation could lie in... However ....●The study of... gives rise to two main difficulties: one is...; the other is...●Despite the recent progress reviewed in .... there is no generally accepted theoryconcerning...●From the above discussion, it appears that at present neither.., nor.., are known. Focusing on the Present ResearchThere are also a number of expressions used to introduce the present work:●In this paper .... is investigated (studied, discussed, presented, etc.)●The present work deals mainly with...●We report here.., in the presence of...注意:如果给我们一段话,要我们指出哪些句子是:研究背景?转向问题?以及本篇文章研究焦点的句子?.Page 132. Analyze the following introductions, following the directions if possible.3.2.1. Underline the part stating the research background.3.2.2. Parenthesize the part pointing to the existing problem.3.2.3. Draw a box around the part focusing on the present research.Introduction 1According to Hannagan (1995: 18), ―Mo dem management is essentially about managingpeople as well as processes, in a rapidly changing environment.‖ This seems especially important for a British Airways office set in a different culture, which is largely due to the fact that given the variety of cultural inheritance people under differentCultures may behave in diverging ways. The human be haviors affect the performance of people at work, as shown by the Hawthorne effect, and a careful analysis of such behavior under a multicultural context will be beneficial to the overall performance of the department as well as that of each individual.In this paper, I shall undertake an analysis of an issu e. The department where I work is British Agency China, based in Beijing. In this place a British manager has to deal with over 20 Chinese employees. During the time that we have worked together, it has seemed to me (and the Manager) that there exists such a cultural difference and in many cases the communication between the employer and the employee cannot get through, thereby influencing the overall performance of the department. I shall analyze the issue in this context and attempt to formulate certain possible procedures to tackle the task.Introduction 2In this paper I attempt to show how a number of related concepts in Cognitive Grammar (Fillmore, 1982; Lakoff, 1982, 1987; Langacker, 1987,1988, 1990, 1991) can be applied to the analyses of discourse. Cognitive Grammar (CG) is well adapted not only to addressing issues concerning the relationship between language and cognition but also to constituting a potentially powerful sociolinguistic tool. I will focus on two related concepts: ―profiling‖ (Langacker, 1990) and ―radial category structure‖ (Lakoff, 1987; Brugman, 1988; Taylor, 1989).AbstractIt has been more than fifty years since its appearance of the ligand theory (配位场理论). It was initiated in 1931 when Bethe’s crystal field theory (晶体场理论) was proposed. The theory of complex spectra for atoms contributed by Racah has had an important effect on the development of the ligand field theory as it has influenced that of nuclear and elementary particle theories.In this article, the extension of the irreducible tensor method (不可约张量方法) to the ligand field theory which was originally performed by Tang Aoqing and his collaborators, is simplified by introducing the quasi-spin group (准自旋群) to give a theoretical analysis of the spectra of TbPsOl4. The theoretical analysis is in good agreement with the experimental result.As an example, the energy matrix elements of ground states terms (基态谱项的能量矩阵元) of TbPsOl4 crystal are calculated by the application of this theory, a serial spectrum data published by Bai Yubai are to be fitted by the use of five crystal-field parameters and eight relativistic parameters. The fitted results are satisfactory with 8 cm-1 at mean square root error and 17 cm-1 at the maximum absolution error of energy levels.1. Translate the following sentences into Chinese, paying attention to thesentence structure of each.5.1.1. Strategy is an art of planning the best way to gain an advantage or to achieve success.5.1.2. Here the point of view is the term generally used to indicate the point from which the paper is written.5.1.3. Subordination is the technique of placing the less important thought in a subordinate position.5.1.4. This formula is developed on the basis of the previously discussed theory.5.1.5. It is concluded that some of the parameters cannot be obtained by using the method shown in Section IV.5.1.6. Connect the equipment to the machine. Turn off the switch. Adjust input voltage to 10V. And note down the output current.Unit 5 Literature ReviewStructural Elements In Writing A Literature ReviewA literature-review chapter requires a number of structural elements, which help guide the reader from one sentence and paragraph to the next in a logical and seamless fashion.The chapter star ts with an introductory paragraph that focuses the reader on the topic that will be covered by the review. A road map should be inc luded a s an ―advanced organizer‖ of what will be included in the chapter as a whole. The chapter sho uld be divided into sections and subsections, each (depending on its level of complexity) having its own mini-road maps to further guide the reader.Each paragraph should begin with a clear and explicit topic sentence that informs the readerswhat will comprise that particular paragraph. Each major section should close with a transition that leads the reader into the next topic that will be covered in the review. Finally a summary and concluding section should bring the review together at the end六.Textual Development (1)Research descriptionThere are two basic approaches to description: objective and subjective.1. Objective DescriptionIn most cases, when a professional author writes his research papers, he has to take an objective approach instead of a subjective one, because in his professional research, he has to focus on the object he is portraying rather than on his personal action to it.2.Subjective DescriptionIn contrast to objective description is subjective or impressionist description, which shows the author’s impression of or responses to what they see.General Requirements for Research Description(1)Presenting a picture of the objectA research description is intended to present a picture of the appearance of an object or the details or process of an investigation.(2) Illustrating the object in artificial languageA research description is often accompanied by one or more figures, graphs, pictures or tables. All the information and data should be presented as figuratively and obviously as possible.(3) Making necessary comparisonIt is often possible to make the description clearer by means of comparing an object or a process, say, an experiment, with something that the reader is familiar with.(4) Sizing the object speciallyIn describing size, an experienced professional writer usually tries to avoid such general words as ―large‖, ―small‖ or ―quite big‖. Instead, he prefers to say 3 cm2 squared, or 10 meters’ high.(5) Locating the object correctlyThe positions of various parts of an object or a place must be indicated with care unless the figure or picture itself already shows the position of each part clearly.(6) Generalizing/systematizing the observation carefullyA research description has also to indicate how the new observations and ideas bing advanced may require a change--- by further generalization or systematization --InductionInduction is the logic pattern by which the author develops his idea by obtaining general laws from particular facts or various studies. The often taken model is: previous studies.., our study.., we conclude....DeductionDeduction is the method by which the author develops his idea by getting the conclusion for a particular case from general laws or an idea from an axiom.AnalogyAnalogy is the logic pattern by which the author develops his ideas by drawing similarities between parallel cases (putting two cases together, finding one point on which two things are similar and reasoning other points on which two things are similar). Usually the author takes a case that is familiar to readers (audience) and has already been accepted to infer several conclusions about a case that is not familiar to them or difficult for them to understand.In the article Fair Process: Managing in the Knowledge Economy,A London policeman gave a woman a ticket for making an illegal turn...............Unit 7 Textual Development1.Typical Features of Papers of Experimental NatureCompared with papers of theoretical nature, papers of experimental nature, as the name implies, mainly center around experiments, investigations or analyses of their results. To this end, the most important section of this paper is that of experimental description. The functions of experiment description are to (1) convince readers—experimental result should be reliable and convincing; (2) benefit reader--- the introduction of experimental and inspiration, and should facilitate further deliberations and research for the readers; and (3) allow readers to duplicate the experiment – the process and method of experiment should have reproducibility, and the described experiment should be duplicated by same others under the conditions.Unit 8. Result, Discussion and Conclusion1) General Functions and Contents of ResultsThe value of a research lies in the value of its final results and the author’s interpretation of the results.If the preceding sections of a paper (Introduction, Investigations, Experiments, Calculations, etc.) a re designed to explain how the author obtains the results, and the f ollowing sections of the paper (Analysis, Discussion, Summary or Conclusion, etc.) are to tell what the results should mean.Then, in the section of results, the author(s) should bring about a solid foundation on which the whole paper rests, by boiling down to all the facts and data he has gained.2) Writing Requirements for ResultsIn the section of result, the following two points should be kept in mind.First, any data shown in this section must be meaningful.Second, the presentation of results should be short without verbiage] and be of crystal clarity. This is because it is the research result that contains new ingredients of knowledge or findings which the writer can claim as his own contribution to the science world, and that builds the basis for the whole paper of the author.1.Rewrite the following, making them m ore coherent by either adding transitionalwords or changing the sentence order.Sports demand an effort of will and muscle that is healthful for the soul as well as the body.Swimming is physically health f ul, of course. But the fi rst dive into the pool is always cold: taking the plunge always requires some effort of will. And the swimmer summons his will to compete , against himself o r o thers.Similarly, ten nis takes quantities of energy, physical and moral, especially wh en the competition stiffens under a hot sun. Team sports ,like basketball,baseball ,and volleyball ,perhaps demand even more of the amateur.Unit Ten Plagiarism1.1the definition of plagiarismPlagiarism is the act of using another person’s language or ideas without acknowledgment. (The word plagiarism is derived from a Latin word for kidnapper.) A dictionary defines it as “the u se or imitation of words and ideas of another person and the representation of them as one’s original work.”如果给个材料,上面没有索引,是否应该是剽窃,该如何回答??。
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Unit 2. Title, Author/Affiliation and Keywords(2hrs)The information about title &affiliation of an academic paper is often on the head page of a dissertation, but it may occupy different places of a periodical paper. The title is always at the very beginning of a periodical paper, with the author’s name and affiliation below the title, and a brief introduction to the author is always at the bottom of a front page of a periodical paper, or at the end ofthe paper.2.1. Titles2.1.1. General functionsA. Generalizing the TextA title should summarize the central idea of the paper concisely and correctly. By glancing at the title, the reader will immediately know, incorporating with the abstract, what is mainly dealt with in the paper.B. Attracting the ReaderIf a title is accurate, concise and distinct, it will attract readers a lot and stimulate readers to read the whole text. An interesting title may draw particular attention among professionals, for only when readers are interested in the title will they decide to read the whole paper.C. Facilitating the RetrievalA title usually provides leads for the international information retrieval organizations to choose the appropriate keywords contained in it when they organize index and secondary documents. So, a title serves as an important index of information retrieval to meet the needs of extensive paper communication and information dissemination.2.1.2 Linguistic FeaturesA. Using More Nouns, Noun Phrases and GerundsThe words or phrases used in a title are very often nouns, noun phrases or gerunds, nominalization, which usually are keywords for the paper, having the ability to sum up the whole text. Nouns or noun phrases used in a title can be added with pre-modifiers or/and post-modifiers. Therefore, a title can normally be composed of nouns or noun phrases, adjectives, prepositions, articles and conjunctions, and occasionally,pronouns. If a verb should be used in a title, it should be changed into its infinite verbal forms, for instance, present participles, past participles or gerunds. For example, we may easily find such titles as:(1) Civilization's Source and Its Implication.(2) A Multi-perspective Account of Met linguistic Negation.(3) Research on the Motivations of Lexis and V ocabulary Learning Strategies.(4) Emotional Therapeutics: New Rectifying App- roaches for Children's Behavior Problems.B. Using Incomplete SentencesA title is just a label of appellation of the paper, reflecting the main idea of the content, so even when there is a need to give a title in the form of a sentence, it does not need to be a complete sentence. A complete declarative sentence usually makes a title containing determining implication. Meanwhile, it appears lacking brevity and clarity.For example, the title Nitrendipine Is Effective on Severe Hypertension is not a standard one. It is a complete declarative sentence that contains the author's determining implication of the effect of the medicine Nitrendipine. So it should be revised into Effects of Nitrendipine on Severe Hypertension.2.1.3 Writing RequirementsA. ABC Principles for TitlesA is for accuracy,B is for brevity andC is for clarity, which is the so-called ABC principles. Accuracy means that a title can appropriately express and fit in the reality of the paper. Brevity asks the writer to summarize the necessary content with the most limited words. Clarity means a title should clearly reflect the distinguishing features of the paper.For example, Research and Development of Sound- transmitted Technology is not a title to express the specific content accurately. By analyzing the original writing material, we know it is a paper about sound-transmitted technology used in on-line monitoring for machine tools. So it should be corrected into On-line Monitoring for Cutting on Machine Tools by Using Sound-transmitted Technology.B. Being Brief and ConciseGenerally, a title is composed of no more than twenty words. If a title is too long, it will be difficult for readers to catch the meaning of the content and remember it. If the writer fails to state his idea clearly in a few words, he can use a subtitle. To be brief and concise, professional papers seldom use such decorative locutions as “on the ....”“regarding ....”“investigation on..., .... the method of..., .... some thoughts on..., .... aresearch of...,” and etc., which lead to redundancy. Of course, the title must be long enough to describe the content of the paper. Too short a title, sometimes, may bring about confusion.C. Being SpecificIn preparing the title of a paper, a general and abstract title should be avoided. For example, such a title as Computer Simulations of the Measurement will be regarded as too general and global, vague and empty, telling the reader nothing specific. It would be better to change the title into something like Computer Simulations of the Measurement of Quadratic Electro-optic Coefficients Associated with Rotations of the Principal Axes of the Optical Permittivity Tensor (Journal of Optics A: Pure Appl. Opt. 5, 2003,147), according to the content of the paper. The revised title can greatly highlight the emphasis and particularity of the work.D. Avoiding Question TitlesA question title means a complete sentence in the question form. Such titles are usually not used in an academic paper (especially in natural sciences), because they always include some redundant question words and marks, for example, “Is there....* .... When does...?” “Should the...? .... Is it...?” and so on. What is worse, such a title creates inconvenience for information retrieval. If your title really contains an interrogation, you may adopt the form of “the question words + inf in itive,” for example, How to Prepare the Title, Authors/Affiliations and Keywords. The title When Should Nerve Gaps Be Grafted? An Experimental Study on Rats should be changed into Optimal Time for Nerve Gaps Grafting: An Experimental Study on Rats.E. Being UnifiedThe parallel parts of a title should be grammatically symmetrical. That is to say, nouns should be matched with nouns, gerunds with gerunds, etc. In general, nouns and gerunds should not be mixed in a given title. For instance, the title Digital Laser Microinterferometer and Its Applying should be changed into Digital Laser Microinterferometer and Its Applications and the title Measuring of Surface Shape and Deformation by Phase-Shifting Image Digital Holography should be replaced by Measurement of Surface Shape and Deformation by Phase-Shifting Image Digital Holography (2003 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers, 1267).F. Being StandardIn general, nonstandard abbreviations and symbols and/or any terms or phraseology intelligible only to the specialist should be avoided, because the use of them could be very unfavorable to efficient information retrieval.Prepositions used in titles should be correct. Prepositions are flexible. It should be noticed that they are usually used in some certain expressions. Preposition of should be paid more attention to because it is frequently used in some expressions. But readers will be bored if they find more than two of’s appearing in one title subsequently. If possible, prepositions on or for can replace of. Sometimes apostrophe can be used in a title. Additionally, with the development of language, it is common to use a noun to modify another noun.Recently, titles tend to be brief. So articles should be omitted when they are not necessary enough.2.1.4 Some Other Requirements for TitlesA. Words' Number LimitationGenerally, the number is limited within 10 words and shouldn't be over the limitation of 15 words. Certainly, the limitation is not absolute. If necessary, it can be exceeded. Here are only some referent figures. The general regulation is fixed: based on an accurate, brief and clear title, the fewer of the words we use, the better the title is.B. How to Name a TitleA title should give prominence to the central idea of the research paper. The most important key words, which show the main idea of a paper, are normally fixed first in a title. That will draw readers' attention.Recently, some authors like to crown a title with such words as:(1) Observation on, Comparison between, Improvement of, and etc. to show the aim of writing the paper.(2) Nuclear Energy in China, AIDS in the United States, Patients with Breast Cancer, Depression in Elderly, and etc. to tell readers the object of the research.(3) Experimental Study of Laser Processing of Analysis of, and etc. to tell the research method.(4) Results of, Verification of, Follow-up of, and etc. to show the result of the research.(5) Realizing the Importance of, Is Regression Analysis Necessary for... ? and etc. to introduce the thesis.It ought to be noticed that we should not apply the above expressions mechanically. But we should use them according to the certain situation. In general, the ABC principles are applicable forever.C. Abbreviations in TitlesWith the development of science and technology, a great amount of technological terms come intobeing. All these terms consist of nouns. It is inconvenient to be written and printed or recounted orally. Thus, they are expressed by the abbreviations of the formation of nouns, and most of them are the acronym formed by the first letter of every noun. But we should severely use the abbreviations in titles--only those abbreviations, whose full terms are rather long and which are generally acknowledged in the scientific field and very familiar to readers, can be used, such as:(1) LASER (light amplification by stimulatedemission of radiation, 激光).(2) DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid, 脱握拳核糖核酸).(3) AIDS (acquired immune deficiency syndrome,(4) CT (computerized tomography, 电子计算机断(5) NMR (nuclear magnetic resonance, 核磁共振).(6) BCG (Bacilli Calmette-Guerin, 卡介苗).(7) SARS (severe acquired respiration syndrome,严重获得性呼吸道综合征,”非典”)Reader groups also restrict the using extent of abbreviations. Take the above abbreviations as examples, generally speaking, LASER, CT, AIDS and SARS are generally recognized and familiar in the whole scientific field and can be used in the titles in all sorts of learned journals; DNA, NMR, and BCG are normally known and familiar in the whole medical world and can be utilized in the titles in all medical journals. All in all, it is especially noticed that the use of abbreviations should be selected according to the various branches of learning and specialized subjects.D. Writing Patterns for TitlesWhether all the first letters of the principal words in a title should be capitalized or not, may depend upon the specific requirements set forth by the journal to which your manuscript is to be submitted. In general, there are three patterns for writing a title.(1) All the letters are capitalized, for instance, INTEGRATED MODEL FOR PERFORMANCE ANAL YSIS OF MULTIPLE CLASS-OF-SER VICE INTERNET. But if pH, α,β,γ, and etc. are contained in a title, p, α,β,γ and etc. are not capitalized. For instance, α-RAY, γ-RAY, β-PARTICLE.(2) The first letter of every notional word in a title should be capitalized, such as, A Comparison of an OFDM System and a Single Carrier System Using Frequency Domain Equalization, Array Antenna Assisted Doppler Spread Compensator for OFDM, Capacity Optimization in MC- CDMA Systems, and etc. Notes:a. The first letters of articles like a, an and the, conjunctions like and, but, or and nor and the prepositions containing less than four letters like of in, on, to, for, and etc. in a title are not capitalized. But the first letters of all the examples mentioned above should be capitalized when they are at the beginning or end of a title, or they are behind a colon or the first word of a sub-title. For instance, Scope of the Investigations: The First Phase, A New Broadband Uniform Accuracy DOA Estimator and The Research of Nuclear Structure Going On.b. The first letters of the prepositions containing four or more letters are capitalized. For instance, with, about, between, through, and etc. For example, The Relation Between the View of Scientific Development and the Strategy of Revitalizing China Through Talents.c. The infinitive mark to in a title should be written as To.* For instance, Compounds To Be Tested.d. The first letter of the word ray should not be capitalized when it is used in X-ray in a title.e. The first letter of the name for a genus should be capitalized, whereas the one of the name for a species is not capitalized, such as, Novel Metabolites of Siphonaria pectinata Bacillus Subtil Pneumo-coccus Aureus.f. The first letters of the two words in a compound in a title should be capitalized if it is used as an entirety to modify the other words, for instance, Laser-Produced Protons and Their Application as a Particle Probe and Wide-Angel Achromatic Prism Beam Steering for Infrared Countermeasure Applications.g. The abbreviation for measure unit should not be capitalized. But the first letter of the full form for it should be. Such as, Analysis of Milligram Amounts →...of 2mg.(3)The first letter of the only first word is capitalized while the others are not. For instance, Pair production via crossed laser, Dual-frequency sounder for UMTS frequency-division duplex channels, and etc.Note:a. Proper nouns should be capitalized whether they are at the beginning or not, for instance, Health care in the United States.b. The first letter of a noun to show directions of a country or an area is capitalized, but the adjective for the noun is not, such as, Northeast→ northeastern and Midwest→ midwestern.c. The first letter of the word earth used to denote a planet in the universe is capitalized.The last point should be noticed: Nowadays, some important international retrieval organizations have their own different requirements for titles. For instance, EI has the following requirements for titles:a. Try to avoid using articles (the, a and an) at the very beginning of a title;b. The first letter of the first word in a title is capitalized while the others are not except the first letters of proper nouns, every letter in abbreviations, the first letter of Germany nouns and the first letter of any word after the punctuation period in a title;c. The main title and the subtitle must be separated by period but not colon, semicolon or dash.d. Try to avoid using abbreviations in a title. If they have to be used, the full forms of them should be given in brackets;e. Try to avoid using some particular characters such as numbers and Greek letters in a title or use them less.Commonly used phrases and structures in titles:An analysis of…An assessment of…A comparison of …A description of…An evaluation on…An explanation of…An outline of…An overview of…Study of…A tentative study of…Experiments of…Experimental study of…Effect of…on…A preliminary report of…Observation on…Comparison between …and..Improvement of…Experimental research of…LASER processing of…Clinical analysis of…Results of…Verification of…Follow-up of…2.2. Author and Affiliation2.2.1.AuthorsWho should be an author? This question concerns ethic issue of academic authorship of published study. Conceptually, an “author”is generally considered to be someone who has made substantive intellectual contributions to the published study. In practice, there is no problem to provide one name of a single author, but providing the name of two authors often requires resolution in terms of who comes first. The problem gets more difficult as the number of authors increases. Given that, in the real world , academic authorship is a primary basis on which many academics are evaluated for employment, promotion, and tenure; such academic and financial implications of authorship have often resulted in the inappropriate inclusion of “honorary” authors or the exclusion of junior authors. Consequently, incorrect application of authorship rules occasionally leads to charges of academic misconduct and sanctions for the violator.There are many guidelines for assigning authorship that can help writers keep away from academic misconduct but the criteria for authorship vary between institutions and disciplines. The American Psychological Association (APA) gives clear criteria for authorship of publication in social science. The International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICNJE) and the Journal of American Medical Association (JAMA) regularly update the criteria for authorship and contributorship in medi- cal science. The criteria for authorship developed by Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS) are widely accepted in the disciplines of natural science. Authorship in the Social SciencesTo social science publications, neither the Modern Languages Association (MLA) nor the Chicago Manual of Style defines requirements for authorship, but the APA Publication Manual (APA, 2010) gives clear advice on allocating credit for authorship. It states th at “Authorship” is not limited to the writing of manuscripts, but must include those who have made substantial contributions to a study, such as, formulating the problem or hypothesis, structuring the experimental design, organ-izing and conducting the statisticalanalysis, interpreting the results, or writing a major portion of the paper. Specifically, in a journal article, the name of authors should be listed according to the following rules:~ The sequence of names of the authors to an article must reflect the relative scientific or professional contribution of the authors, irrespective of their academic status.~ The general rule is that the name of the principal contributor should come first, with subsequent names in order of decreasing contribution.~ Mere possession of an institutional position on its own, such as Head of the Research team, does not justify authorship.~ A student should be listed as a principal author on any multi- authored article that is substantially based on the student’s disserta tion or thesis.While the APA guidelines list many other forms of contributions to a study that do not constitute authorship, it does state that combinations of these and other tasks may justify authorship. Like medicine, the APA considers institutional position, such as Department Chair, insufficient for attributing authorship.2. 2. 1.2. Authorship in Medical ScienceIn medical science, a total of 876 journals follow The Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journal (The Uniform Requirements) a). The Uniform Requirement was initiated by a group of editors of general medical journals in 1978 and was adopted by ICM-JE in 1979. Since then, the ICMJE has gradually broadened its concerns to include ethical principles related to publication in biomedical journals. In May 2001, in the revised sections related to potential conflict of interest, the committee clearly defined the criteria for author-ship. In the latest version (April 2010)~, the criteria for “authorship and contributorship’ are listed under the issue of “Ethical Considerations in the Conduct and Reporting of Research”.The ICJME has recommended following criteria for authorship:1) Authorship credit should be based on (1)substantial contributions to conception and design, acquisition of data, or analysis and interpretation of data; (2)drafting the article or revising it critically for important intellectual content; and (3)final approval of the version to be published. Authors should meet conditions (1), (2) and (3).2)When a large, multicenter group has conducted the work, the group should identify the individuals who accept direct responsibility for the manuscript. These individuals should fully meet the criteria forauthorship/contributorship defined above, and editors will ask these individuals to complete journal-specific author and conflict-of-interest disclosure forms. When submit- ting a manuscript authored by a group, the corresponding author should clearly indicate the preferred citation and identify all individual authors as well as the group name. Journals generally list other members of the group in the Acknowledgments. The NLM indexes the group name and the names of individuals the group has identified as being directly responsible for the manuscript; it also lists the names of collaborators if they are listed in Acknowledgments.3) Acquisition of funding, collection of data, or general supervision of the research group alone does not constitute authorship.4)All persons designated as authors should qualify for authorship, and all those who qualify should be listed.5)Each author should have participated sufficiently in the work to take public responsibility for appropriate portions of the content. All contributors who do not meet the above criteria for authorship should be listed in an acknowledgments section. Examples of those who might be acknowledged include a person who provided purely technical help, writing assistance, or a department chairperson who provided on- ly general support.2. 2. 1.3 Authorship in the Natural SciencesThe natural sciences have no universal standard for authorship, but some major multi-disciplinary journals and institutions have established guidelines for work that they publish. The journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS)~defines the authorship in its editorial policy. It states that “Authorship should be limited to those who have contributed substan-tially to the work” and “The corresponding author must have obtained permission from al l authors for the submission of each version of the paper and for any change in authorship.” Furthermore, “Authors must indicate their specific contributions to the published work” as a foot-note. Such introduction of credit states exactly what each person did in the study and probably makes the ranking of authors less important (Gustavii, 2008). Nature journals do not require all authors of a research paper to sign the letter of submission, nor do they impose an order on the list of authors. Submission to a Nature journal is taken by the journal to mean that all the listed authors have agreed all of the contents. The corre- sponding (submitting) author is responsible for having ensured that this agreement has been reached, and for managing all communication between the journal and all co-authors, before and after publication.Any changes to the author list after submission, such as a change in the order of the authors, or the deletionor addition of authors, needs to be approved by a letter signed by every author.The above guidelines for authorship give clear criteria to distinguish authors and contributors to a study. Irrespective of the nature of their contributions -- intellectual (creative) or practical (doing the experi-ments) -- all members of the research team are usually acknowledged in the author byline and the contributors are listed in the acknowledge section. AffiliationJust below the author’s name lies affiliation, which makes it convenient for the readers to communicate with the author affiliation includes the author’s working place , address and postal code. Samples are given below.Sample 1:(source:姚吉刚.从语言模糊性看英语委婉语的语用功能.黄山学院学报,2008:131-133)Analysis of Pragmatic Functions of English Euphemism from the Perspective of Language Vagueness Yao Jigang(Department of Foreign Studies, Anhui Institute of Architecture and Industry, Hefei 230601,China)If there are more than one author affiliated with different working units for an academic paper, the authors and their respective affiliations should be made clear, as the flowing sample shows.Sample 2:(source: Patrick R. Thomas , Jacinta B. Mckay. Cognitive Styles and Instructional Design in University Learning. Learning and Individual Differences, 2010(20): 197-202)Cognitive Styles and Instructional Design in University LearningPatrick R. Thomas1 , Jacinta B. Mckay2(1.School of Education and Professional Studies, Griffith University, Brisbane, Australia2.School of Psychology, Griffith University, Brisbane, Australia)The above two samples are of periodical papers, whose Title and Author/ Affiliation part is slightly different from that of the thesis or dissertation, which includes the information about:●the author’ s supervisor●the degree to be acquired●submission universitysubmission dateThe following sample is from a postgraduate student’s dissertation .Sample 3:(研究生学位论文)A Study of Translation of Mao Zedong’s Poetry from the Perspective of Translation EthicsBy Geng TiantianUnder the Supervision ofProfessor XXXSubmitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirementsfor the Degree of Master of ArtsSchool of Foreign LanguagesJiangsu UniversityZhenjiang, ChinaJune, 20122. 3. KeywordsKeywords are the identification for science and technology research papers to be retrieved as documents. They are the natural language vocabulary to show the thematic concept of the documents. Keywords, the same with abstract, are a part of a research paper, but not the part of the main body of the paper.2.3.1 General FunctionsA. Easiness of RetrievalAs the name implies, keywords are the most important words and phrases representing the theme or subject matter of the paper, and frequently used in a paper. Readers can find out the theme of the paper by looking at the keywords.B. Easiness of HighlightingThe function of keywords is to facilitate the information retrieval and accentuate the gist of the paper. It is easy for the information retrieval clerks to make up the index and secondary document.2.2.2 Linguistic FeaturesA. NominalizationKeywords are usually used in the form of nouns, not verbs. For example, “investigation” i s used instead of “investigate”; “fabricate” should be replaced by “fabrication”; and “educate” ought to be replaced by “education.”B. Limited NumberThe number of the keywords for a paper should be limited. Four to six keywords are the average. In general, there should be at least 2 and at most 8.C. Designated Choice(1) The keywords of a paper usually come from the title and/or the abstract, where the key terms of words and phrases are usually contained.(2) But some free terms can be chosen in the following cases.a. Some other key terms which are obviously ignored in the keyword bank;b. Some new concepts that stand for new subject, new theory, new technology, new material, and etc.;c. The name for area, person, document, product, and etc. which are not contained in the word bank and the important data.d. Some concepts being collocated together may lead to polysemy. So the concepts can adopt free terms.2.3.3 Writing RequirementsA. Using Required TermsThe terms of “keywords” should be consistent wi th the requirements of the journal to which you submit your paper. The section “keywords” is also variously called “keywords index,” “keywords and phrases,” “indexing terms,” and etc.B. Placing in Right LocationThough keywords can be either above or below the abstract of a paper, they are yet, in most cases, placed below the abstract.C. Spacing the KeywordsKeywords are not necessarily all capitalized, except the first letter of keywords as a heading. Use comma (,) or semicolon (;) to separate the words. Larger partition or space can also be used instead of。