Oracle Banking APIs开发指南(警报配置)发布版本18.说明书
Oracle Banking APIs Development Guide for Alert Configuration Release No. F12055-01December 2018Alert Configuration Developer GuideDecember 2018Oracle Financial Services Software LimitedOracle ParkOff Western Express HighwayGoregaon (East)Mumbai, Maharashtra 400 063IndiaWorldwide Inquiries:Phone: +91 22 6718 3000Fax:+91 22 6718 3001/financialservices/Copyright © 2018, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.Oracle and Java are registered trademarks of Oracle and/or its affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners.U.S. GOVERNMENT END USERS: Oracle programs, including any operating system, integrated software, any programs installed on the hardware, and/or documentation, delivered to U.S. Government end users are “commercial computer software” pursuant to the applicable Federal Acquisition Regulation and agency-specific supplemental regulations. As such, use, duplication, disclosure, modification, and adaptation of the programs, including any operating system, integrated software, any programs installed on the hardware, and/or documentation, shall be subject to license terms and license restrictions applicable to the programs. No other rights are granted to the U.S. Government.This software or hardware is developed for general use in a variety of information management applications. It is not developed or intended for use in any inherently dangerous applications, including applications that may create a risk of personal injury. If you use this software or hardware in dangerous applications, then you shall be responsible to take all appropriate failsafe, backup, redundancy, and other measures to ensure its safe use. Oracle Corporation and its affiliates disclaim any liability for any damages caused by use of this software or hardware in dangerous applications.This software and related documentation are provided under a license agreement containing restrictions on use and disclosure and are protected by intellectual property laws. Except as expressly permitted in your license agreement or allowed by law, you may not use, copy, reproduce, translate, broadcast, modify, license, transmit, distribute, exhibit, perform, publish or display any part, in any form, or by any means. Reverse engineering, disassembly, or decompilation of this software, unless required by law for interoperability, is prohibited.The information contained herein is subject to change without notice and is not warranted to be error-free. If you find any errors, please report them to us in writing.This software or hardware and documentation may provide access to or information on content, products and services from third parties. Oracle Corporation and its affiliates are not responsible for and expressly disclaim all warranties of any kind with respect to third-party content, products, and services. Oracle Corporation and its affiliates will not be responsible for any loss, costs, or damages incurred due to your access to or use of third-party content, products, or services.iiTable of Contents1.Preface (4)1.1Intended Audience (4)1.2Documentation Accessibility (4)1.3Access to Oracle Support (4)1.4Structure (4)1.5Related Information Sources (4)2.Context (5)3.Database Configurations (6)3.1API for Raising an EVENT (19)3.2Custom Fields For Push notifications (19)3.3Multi-Entity Specific templates (20)Alert Configuration Guide iii1. Preface1.1 Intended AudienceThis document is intended for the following audience:∙Customers∙Partners1.2 Documentation AccessibilityFor information about Oracle's commitment to accessibility, visit the Oracle Accessibility Program website at /pls/topic/lookup?ctx=acc&id=docacc.1.3 Access to Oracle SupportOracle customers have access to electronic support through My Oracle Support. For information, visit/pls/topic/lookup?ctx=acc&id=info or visit/pls/topic/lookup?ctx=acc&id=trs if you are hearing impaired.1.4 StructureThis manual is organized into the following categories:Preface gives information on the intended audience. It also describes the overall structure of the User Manual.Introduction provides brief information on the overall functionality covered in the User Manual.The subsequent chapters provide information on transactions covered in the User Manual.Each transaction is explained in the following manner:∙Introduction to the transaction∙Screenshots of the transaction∙The images of screens used in this user manual are for illustrative purpose only, to provide improved understanding of the functionality; actual screens that appear in the applicationmay vary based on selected browser, theme, and mobile devices.∙Procedure containing steps to complete the transaction- The mandatory and conditional fields of the transaction are explained in the procedure.If a transaction contains multiple procedures, each procedure is explained. If some functionality is present in many transactions, this functionality is explained separately.1.5 Related Information SourcesFor more information on Oracle APIs Banking Release, refer to the following documents:∙Oracle APIs Banking Licensing Guide∙Oracle APIs Banking Installation ManualsAlert Configuration Guide 42. ContextThis alert configuration contains step to configure alerts for any event in the system. Alerts are configured against the pre configured activity event .Any alert is identified by 3 properties as follows:1. Activity Id: An identifier for the activity being performed .It is the combination of the fullyqualified name for the class and the method name.E.g. - Request fund activity in the Wallet.The activity id would be “ Wallet.requestFunds”2. Event Id: An identifier for the event occurred while performing the activity. An activity canhave multiple events. It should start from the module name followed by the logical name forthe event.E.g. – Request fund success is an event in the wallet module.The Event Id can be “WA_REQUEST_FUNDS_SUCCESS”3. Action Id: An identifier for the action to be executed during event processing .The action canbe of 3 types.a. Alerts: Raise a message alert for the specified destination type like EMAIL, SMS etc. Thisis the default action performed while alerts processing.b. Notifications: The notifications to be generated for the dashboard etc.c. Business Logic: Any business Logic to be performed while alerts processing.Alert Configuration Guide 53. Database ConfigurationsAll the configurations are explained with respect to Wallets request fund activity.1. The Activity entry is added in the DIGX_EP_ACT_B table.SVN Location for Seed Data Script ::8080/svn/clip/trunk/core/seed/oracle/alerts/DIGX_EP_ACT_B.sqlAlert Configuration Guide 62. The event is added in the table DIGX_PM_EVENT_ALL_B table.SVN Location for Seed Data Script ::8080/svn/clip/trunk/core/seed/oracle/alerts/DIGX_PM_EVENT_AL L_B.sql3. The activity Event combination is added in DIGX_EP_ACT_EVT_B table. Separate entriesare required for all the events of the activity i.e. Suppose activity'' has two events one forsuccess and other for failure, 2 entries will go in the table for both of them.Alert Configuration Guide 7SVN Location for Seed Data Script ::8080/svn/clip/trunk/core/seed/oracle/alerts/DIGX_EP_ACT_EVT_B.sqlAlert Configuration Guide 84. Message templates are added based on the destination types to the tableDIGX_EP_MSG_TMPL_B table.Alert Configuration Guide 9SVN Location for Seed Data Script ::8080/svn/clip/trunk/core/seed/oracle/alerts/DIGX_EP_MSG_TMPL _B.sqlAs you can see in the above example, the data elements like wallet id, amount and sender name are defined in between ‘#’.The entry for those data elements(or attributes) is done in the following tables.5. Message attributes are added in the table DIGX_EP_MSG_ATTR_B table.SVN Location for Seed Data Script ::8080/svn/clip/trunk/core/seed/oracle/metadata/DIGX_MD_SERVIC E_ATTR.sqlAlert Configuration Guide 106. Service attributes are added in DIGX_MD_SERVICE_ATTR table.Alert Configuration Guide 11Here , in case of TYP_DATA_SRC as ‘INPUT’, there can be 2 cases :∙The attribute value is passed directly to the activity i.e. the attribute value is one of the arguments passed to the activity. In this case, TYP_DATA_AVAIL will be ‘DIRECT’.∙The attribute value is not passed directly to the activity , but it can be obtained from one of the arguments passed to the activity i.e. it is part of one of the DTOs which is passed to theactivity. In this case, TYP_DATA_AVAIL will be ‘INDIRECT’.SVN Location for Seed Data Script ::8080/svn/clip/trunk/core/seed/oracle/metadata/DIGX_MD_SERVIC E_ATTR.sql7. Source of the message attributes are added in DIGX_EP_MSG_SRC_B table.Alert Configuration Guide 12SVN Location for Seed Data Script ::8080/svn/clip/trunk/core/seed/oracle/alerts/DIGX_EP_MSG_SRC_B.sqlAlert Configuration Guide 138. The attributes which are input to the activity are added in DIGX_MD_SERVICE_INPUTStable.SVN Location for Seed Data Script ::8080/svn/clip/trunk/core/seed/oracle/alerts/DIGX_EP_MSG_SRC_B.sqlAlert Configuration Guide 14Alert Configuration Guide159. The generic attributes along with their datatypes are added inDIGX_MD_GEN_ATTR_LEGACY_B table.SVN Location for Seed Data Script ::8080/svn/clip/trunk/core/seed/oracle/metadata/DIGX_MD_GEN_A TTR_LEGACY_B.sql10. Entry for alert is added in DIGX_EP_ACT_EVT_ACN_B table.Alert Configuration Guide 16SVN Location for Seed Data Script ::8080/svn/clip/trunk/core/seed/oracle/alerts/DIGX_EP_ACT_EVT_ ACN_B.sql11. Entry for recipient message templates is added in DIGX_EP_EVT_REC_B table. Separateentries are required for all the destination types of the alert i.e. Suppose activity'' has two destination types,EMAIL and SMS, 2 entries will go in this table.Alert Configuration Guide 17:8080/svn/clip/trunk/core/seed/oracle/alerts/DIGX_EP_EVT_REC_B.sqlNote:Entries for most of the activities, events, corresponding activity events , message templates, message attributes are already added. Please check for the entries in the table toavoid repetition.Alert Configuration Guide 183.1 API for Raising an EVENTFor raising an event, registerActivityAndGenerateEvent API has been provided in the AbstractApplication class.It takes 4 parameters:∙Session Context∙EventId∙ActivityLogAlerts can be either Account based or Party based.If it is Account based, populating 2 attributes(accountId and accountType) of ActivityLog is bare minimum requirement.Similarily, if it is Party based,populating 1 attribute(customerId) of ActivityLog is bare minimum requirement.For the other attributes, In case the attribute is already present in class use the existing ActivityLog instance.Else create a subclass of ActivityLog having your attribute. Set the attribute value in the ActivityLog child class and pass its instance as an argument to r egisterActivityAndGenerateEvent method.3.2 Custom Fields For Push notificationsFollowing Keys can be used to customize Push Notifications.These custom keys are to be added to the value of “TXT_MSG_TMPL”column of DIGX_EP_MSG_TMPL_B table.Alert Configuration Guide 19If alerts are being created through front end UI, add following keys to “Notification Message”section.Syntax for adding custom keys to Push Notification alert messages[customfield1Name~customfield1Value|customfield2Name~customfield2Value]Example 1:You have requested for #NoOfChequeBook# cheque book with #ChequeBookOption# leaves on Account #AccountNo#.[SOUND_ANDROID~isntit|LARGE_IMAGE_ANDROID~/static/54a c6f9ae4b0cf1d82a4b59e/t/587f9e52cd0f68e84c5548fd/1484758653422/?format=300w|SOUND_I OS~chime.m4a]Example 2:You have requested for #NoOfChequeBook# cheque book with #ChequeBookOption# leaves on Account #AccountNo#.[SOUND_ANDROID~isntit|LARGE_ICON_ANDROID~/static/54ac 6f9ae4b0cf1d82a4b59e/t/587f9e52cd0f68e84c5548fd/1484758653422/?format=300w|SOUND_I OS~chime.m4a]3.3 Multi-Entity Specific templatesEntity specific templates can be created by following ways :1. Creation of a new alert and template before the entity creation.If a new alert has to be maintained before the creation of any new entity, the data for the samehas to be inserted in the following tables twice.One for DETERMINANT_VALUE ‘*’ and the other for DETERMINANT_VALUE ‘OBDX_BU’,which is the default entity.Tables :DIGX_EP_MSG_TMPL_BDIGX_EP_MSG_ATTR_BDIGX_EP_MSG_SRC_B2. Creation of a new alert and template after the entity creation.If a new alert has to be maintained after the creation of entity/entities, the same can be replicated for the different entities using the below queries.First insert the templates for DETERMINANT_VALUE ‘*’ and DETERMINAT_VALUE ‘OBDX_BU’ and then execute the below queries for the respective entities.Alert Configuration Guide 20Database ConfigurationsAlert Configuration Guide 21。
北语 18秋《Oracle数据库开发》 作业1234
D. CONNECT DBA SYS/password。
1.Oracle 11g中,只可以使用数据库配置助手(DBCA)来创建数据库。
8.自定义异常是由PL/SQL所提供的系统异常。当PL/SQL应用程序违反了Oracle规则或者系统限制,则会隐含地触发一个内部异常。( )
v_lower NUMBER:=2;
v_upper NUMBER:=100;
v_count NUMBER:=1;
oracle apex开发实例
一、概述Oracle Application Express (APEX) 是一款基于Web的开发工具,可用于快速创建企业级的数据库驱动的应用程序。
二、概述在本文中,我们将探讨如何使用Oracle APEX开发一个简单的实例。
三、设置环境1. 确保已安装Oracle数据库并启用了Oracle APEX。
2. 使用浏览器打开Oracle APEX的管理界面,创建一个新的应用程序。
四、创建数据表1. 在Oracle APEX的管理界面中,打开SQL Workshop,创建一个新的数据表。
2. 设计员工信息的数据表结构,包括尊称、性莂、出诞辰期、部门等字段。
3. 保存数据表并添加一些示例数据。
五、创建页面1. 在应用程序界面中,选择创建新的页面。
2. 选择一个合适的模板,例如标准的表格模板。
3. 关联刚刚创建的数据表,并选择需要显示的字段。
4. 保存页面并发布应用程序。
六、添加交互功能1. 在页面设计的界面中,添加一个新的按钮或信息,用于添加新的员工信息。
2. 在页面属性中,添加一个新的按钮动作,并配置为弹出一个模态对话框。
3. 设计模态对话框的界面,包括尊称、性莂、出诞辰期等输入字段。
4. 保存并发布应用程序。
七、测试应用程序1. 使用浏览器打开发布的应用程序,测试员工信息管理界面的功能。
2. 尝试添加新的员工信息,并验证数据是否能够正确地保存和显示。
3. 测试各种交互功能,例如搜索、分页等。
八、部署应用程序1. 当应用程序功能全部测试通过后,可以将应用程序部署到生产环境。
2. 设置应用程序的权限和访问控制,确保只有授权的用户能够访问。
3. 监控应用程序的性能和稳定性,及时处理可能出现的问题。
九、总结在本实例中,我们演示了如何使用Oracle APEX快速地开发一个简单的员工信息管理应用程序。
Oracle ERP开发流程导言Oracle ERP开发是一种集成企业资源方案(ERP)功能的应用开发。
本文将介绍Oracle ERP的开发流程,以帮助开发人员更好地进行开发工作。
步骤一:需求分析在开始Oracle ERP开发之前,首先要进行需求分析。
在需求分析阶段,开发人员需要明确以下几点: - 了解客户或用户的业务需求和优先级。
- 收集并整理相关的业务流程及数据要求。
- 与客户或用户讨论并确认具体的功能需求。
在系统设计阶段,开发人员需要完成以下任务: - 设计数据库模型和数据结构。
- 设计系统的功能模块和模块之间的交互关系。
- 确定系统的界面设计和用户交互流程。
在编码和开发阶段,开发人员需要遵循以下几个原那么: - 遵循编程标准和最正确实践,确保代码的质量和可维护性。
- 在编码过程中,进行适当的代码测试和调试。
在系统测试阶段,开发人员需要进行以下几项工作: - 编写和执行测试方案,覆盖系统的各个功能模块。
- 验证系统的功能是否按照需求规格说明书的要求实现。
- 发现并修复潜在的问题或缺陷。
在部署和上线阶段,开发人员需要完成以下任务: - 将系统部署到目标效劳器,并进行必要的配置和安装。
4.了解SQL语言:SQL(Structured Query Language)是一种用于与数据库交互的标准语言。
Oracle数据库10g GIS应用开发:使用Oracle Spatial网络数据模型说明书
Oracle Database 10g: Building GIS Applications Using the Oracle Spatial Network Data ModelAn Oracle Technical White PaperMay 2005Table of Contents Abstract (3)Introduction (3)Oracle Spatial Network Data Model (5)Network Data Model Schema (5)Network Metadata (6)Network Tables (6)Oracle Spatial Network Data Model APIs (6)Network Data Model Analysis Capabilities (7)Modeling Network Applications (8)Network Constraints (8)Java Representations of Network Elements (8)Software Requirements (9)Using the Network Data Model (9)1. Create a Network (9)2. Visualize or Edit the Network (9)3. Analyze the Network (9)Network Data Model Editor (9)GIS Applications using the Network Data Model (10)Network Tracing Applications (10)Network Routing Applications (10)Network Allocation Applications (11)Using Network Constraints in Analysis (11)New Features in the Oracle Spatial 10g Network Data Model (13)Network Modeling: Link Direction (13)Network Analysis: Maximum Flow Analysis (14)PL/SQL Wrapper Package (14)Conclusion (14)References (14)ABSTRACTNetwork modeling, management, and analysis are common tasks for Geographic Information Systems (GIS). Network analysis includes routing (path computation) in transportation networks, tracing (accessibility) in utility networks, and resource allocation in decision-making and customer relationship management (CRM) applications. In this paper we present the Oracle Spatial network data model, an Oracle Database release 10g feature that lets users model and analyze networks. This feature simplifies network modeling, analysis, and management so that users can focus on application logic. The network data model provides an open, generic data model with many common GIS analysis capabilities. In addition, it fully supports Oracle Spatial objects of type SDO_GEOMETRY. GIS applications based on the Oracle Spatial network data model are discussed in this paper. INTRODUCTIONThere are two common types of GIS applications: applications that deal with spatial proximity, and applications that deal with both spatial proximity and connectivity. For many applications queries on spatial proximity, which mainly consider metrics like Euclidean or geodetic distances, are sufficient. However, there are instances when connectivity needs to be taken into account, such as in finding the shortest distance between two locations in a road network. Many GIS applications are networks that require modeling and analysis on object relationships (connectivity). Figure 1 shows a road network of New York City.Figure 1. New York City Road Network (60384 nodes, 151962 links. Source: NavStreets from NavTech)Oracle Spatial has supported spatial objects since release 8.1.5. A complete set of indexes, operators, and functions is available for managing information based on spatial proximity. The network data model extends Oracle Spatial to deal with connectivity. Currently there are many GIS vendors offering network solutions; however, their solutions may have the following issues:• Their data model is stored in proprietary file formats, and cannot be integrated with their database.• The data model and analysis capabilities cannot be extended.• Application information cannot be separated from connectivity information.• Spatial information management and hierarchical relationships are not directly supported.To address these issues, Oracle Spatial network data model does the following: • Provides an open and persistent network data model.The network data model is stored as relational tables in the database and ismanaged through SQL.• Simplifies network data management and analysisPL/SQL and Java APIs are provided for network data management andanalysis.• Separates connectivity and application information in the data model Connectivity information can be separated from application information.Both application information and connectivity information are managed inthe database. However, only connectivity information is required fornetwork analysis.• Allows the extension of data model and analysis capabilitiesThe Java API provides representations of network elements as JavaInterfaces. Users can define their own network elements by extendingthese interfaces. As a result, users can implement their own user-definedrepresentations and analysis functions.• Integrates with Oracle Spatial technology for spatial information managementThe network data model supports all Oracle Spatial data types.This paper is organized as follows: it presents the network data model database schema, APIs and architecture; shows how to use the data model; presents several GIS network applications built on top of the data model; discusses how to use network constraints to enhance analysis capabilities; and discusses the network data model editor that is used to edit and visualize networks.ORACLE SPATIAL NETWORK DATA MODELThe network data model consists of two parts: a network schema and network APIs. The network schema is the persistent data storage used to store network information. The network APIs contain a PL/SQL package for data management in the database and a Java API for data management and analysis on the client-side (via Java JDBC drivers).Network Data Model SchemaA network contains network metadata, a node table, and a link table. In addition, path information (path table and path-link table) can be stored with the network if desired. Figure 2 shows a schematic view of a network in the database. Note that only connectivity information is stored. Additional application information can be stored in the network tables, or in other tables and referenced by foreign keys.Figure 2. Oracle Network Data Model (Schematic View)Network MetadataNetwork metadata provides general information about networks. It includes the following network details:• Directed or undirected• Logical or spatial• Hierarchical or flat• Information about nodes, links, and paths• Geometry information -- for spatial networksNetwork TablesAn Oracle network contains two tables: a node table and a link table. A path table can be added if needed. Figure 2 shows the schema for the network data model, which includes these tables. The schema represents the information necessary for network management and analysis. Application attributes can be added to these tables or referenced from other application tables (through foreign keys). Note that the network data model is also capable of handling geometry information. That is, the network data model can represent both logical and spatial network applications. Adding geometric data to a logical network will allow the logical network to be displayed.Oracle Spatial Network Data Model APIsThe network data model provides a PL/SQL API and a Java API for network management on the database and client sides. The Java API can also be used for network analysis. The three-tiered network data model application architecture is shown in Figure 3.Figure 3. Network Data Model ArchitectureNetwork Data Model Analysis CapabilitiesThe following analyses are supported in the network data model:• Shortest Path: The shortest path from node A to node B• Accessibility Analysis: Is node A accessible from node B?• Minimum-Cost Spanning Tree: What is the minimum-cost tree that connects all nodes?• Within Cost Analysis: What nodes are within a given cost from (to) a given node?• Nearest Neighbors: What are the N nearest neighbors of a given node?• K Shortest Paths: What are the K shortest paths from node A to node B?• Connected Components Analysis: Label connected components with IDs.• Graph Operations: Graph union, intersection, and difference.• Traveling Salesman Problem: What is the minimum-cost tour that visits a set of cities?• Single Source, Single Sink Maximum Flow Analysis: What is the maximum allowable flow that can flow from the source node to the sink node?(Oracle Spatial 10g Release 2)Modeling Network ApplicationsThe network data model takes a generic approach to solving network problems, by separating connectivity information from application-specific information. Figure 4 shows how a typical network application can be modeled and analyzed. First the network connectivity information (node connections and link cost) is extracted and separated from the application-specific information. Application-specific attributes are stored, if needed, with the connectivity information or separately. Once the connectivity information is extracted, network analysis is conducted on the generic model. Additional network constraints can also be considered. The final result is then mapped to application-related attributes, and displayed. This approach avoids customized network solutions and simplifies the data management of connectivity and application-specific information.Figure 4. Network Modeling and Analysis Using the Network Data ModelNetwork ConstraintsThe network data model introduces the concept of network constraints, which provides a mechanism to guide network analysis. For example, you may want to compute the shortest path that passes through network links of a specific type. With network constraints, applications can easily incorporate application-specific logic into the network data model analysis engine without knowing how the engine works. Other constraints, such as path depth, or cost, can also be included in analysis. The network constraint is a Java interface and must be implemented by the application.Java Representations of Network ElementsThe Java network representations (network, nodes, links, and paths) are defined as Java interfaces and can therefore be extended. These interfaces specify the necessary behaviors for the network and its elements. In addition to these interfaces, user-defined analysis functions can be used by applications, allowing the modeling and analysis capabilities of the network data model to be extended.Software RequirementsThe Spatial network data model is shipped with Oracle Database release 10g. The PL/SQL package is pre-loaded in the database and required Java .jar files are provided; the Java API supports JDK (or JRE) version 1.3 or later. The network editor is also included as a utility tool for the network data model. For more information, see the Oracle Spatial Topology and Network Data Models manual. USING THE NETWORK DATA MODELThis section explains the usage of the network data model. There are three major steps.1. Create a Network1. Create and populate network tables and add metadata to the database.2. Create a Java network object using the Java API and save it to thedatabase.2. Visualize or Edit the Network1. Load a network from the database or an XML representation.2. Visualize or edit the Java network object using the network data modeleditor. Store the network in the database, if needed.3. Analyze the Network1. Load a network into a Java network object.2. Conduct network analysis. Save the path results, if needed.NETWORK DATA MODEL EDITORThe network data model editor is a standalone Java application that helps create, edit, and visualize networks. The editor supports viewing operations such as pan, zoom, and auto-fit. It also provides functions to navigate between network elements. All analysis functions are supported in the editor. With the editor, users can create a network from scratch in the client-side and save it to the database. The editor is configurable on element styles, colors, and sizes. Figure 5 shows the network data model editor.Figure 5. Network Data Model EditorGIS APPLICATIONS USING THE NETWORK DATA MODELGIS network analysis may include network tracing, network routing, and network allocation.Network Tracing ApplicationsTracing applications deal with queries like Is node A reachable from node B? or What are the nodes that are reachable or can be reached from a given node? Such queries are common in water or utility networks. Another type of tracing analysis is to find out how many connected components are in a network. Figure 6 shows some such queries.Figure 6. Reachable and Reaching AnalysisNetwork Routing ApplicationsRouting analysis or path computation, probably the most studied topic in network applications, is divided into the following categories:• Shortest Path or Fastest Path (transitive closure problem) (see Figure 7).• K Shortest Paths: Find k shortest paths from a start node to a destination node.• Traveling Salesman Problem (see Figure 7): Find a minimum-cost tour that passes a set of locations.Figure 7. Shortest Path and Traveling Salesman ProblemNetwork Allocation ApplicationsAllocation analysis deals with designating destination points within a network. It provides information on a service area or coverage for points of interest. The network data model supports the following allocation analyses (see Figure 8):• Within Cost: Find all points of interest within a certain distance from a designated location.• Nearest Neighbors: Find the N nearest restaurants to a designated location.• Minimum-Cost Spanning Tree: Find the cheapest way to connect all nodes.Figure 8. Nearest Neighbors, Within Cost, and Minimum Cost Spanning Tree AnalysisUsing Network Constraints in AnalysisConstraints are conditions to be satisfied during analysis. The network data model supports network constraints so that applications can impose application-specific conditions on the network during analysis. The Java interface NetworkConstraint canbe implemented by the user, and passed into any network data model analysis function. Figure 9 shows analysis information that is available for users to implement their network constraintsFigure 9. Analysis Information for Network ConstraintsThe following are some examples of network constraints:• Depth (number of links), cost, and MBR constraintsNetwork analysis can be limited based on the depth of the search path, thecost limit, or the area (minimum bounding rectangle) where the analysisoccurs. These constraints can be used to specify a preferred subset ofpossible solutions. The network data model provides a SystemConstraintclass (which implements the NetworkConstraint class) for these commonnetwork constraints. Users can create an instance of SystemConstraint anduse it in analysis.• Temporarily inactivated nodes or linksSometimes nodes or links must be temporarily turned off before analysisbegins, for example, road segments (links) under construction in a roadnetwork, or water valves (nodes) shut down for repair in a water network.You can make a node or link inactive by setting its state to false. Networkelements that are inactive will not be considered during analysis. Note thatchanging the state of nodes and links does not affect the persistent datamodel.• Routing with specific types of links and nodesSometimes network analysis must only be conducted through nodes andlinks of specific types or with specific requirements.• Turn restrictionsTurn restrictions are constraints involving two links. They are common inrouting for transportation networks. In the following example, aprohibited turn is represented by a start link and an end link (see Figure10). For intersections with turn restrictions, such as no “U” turn or no leftturn, if the search encounters the start link of a prohibited turn, the searchdoes not continue through the end link of that prohibited turn. This typeof restriction can be easily modeled using NetworkConstraint, sinceinformation on the current link and next link is made available to users.Figure 10. Turn Modeling for Road NetworksNEW FEATURES IN THE ORACLE SPATIAL 10G NETWORK DATA MODELWith Oracle Spatial 10g Release 2, the network data model provides the following features:Network Modeling: Link DirectionThe directionality of a link can be further specified at the link level. Unlike the network directionality that determines the directions of all links, a directed network can have links that are directed or bi-directed. A BIDIRECTED column can be added to the link table and used to indicate if a directed link is bi-directed. This modeling enhancement will reduce the storage requirement for directed networks with non-homogeneous link directions (unidirectional and bidirectional).Network Analysis: Maximum Flow AnalysisThe maximum flow analysis function is provided for a single source and single sink flow network. Each link in a flow network has a flow capacity associated with it. The goal of this function is to find the maximum allowable flow that can flow from the source node to the sink node. This type of analysis is commonly seen in communication or logistics network planning.PL/SQL Wrapper PackagePrior to Oracle Spatial 10g Release 2, only the network data model Java API could be used for network editing and analysis. Now, a PL/SQL wrapper package is also provided that helps users edit and analyze networks in PL/SQL. This wrapper package provides nearly equivalent functionality as the Java API. It is done through database Java stored procedures and Java virtual machine in Oracle. CONCLUSIONThe Oracle Spatial network data model, available with Oracle Spatial 10g, is a generic network (graph) modeling and analysis environment for network applications. GIS applications for routing, tracing, and allocation have been discussed. The network data model provides an open, easy-to-use, scalable, efficient, and manageable approach to developing GIS network applications. We are currently working with our customers and partners to extend the modeling and analysis capabilities of the network data model.REFERENCESOracle Spatial Topology and Network Data Models, Oracle Corporation.Oracle Spatial User’s Guide and Reference, Oracle Corporation.Oracle Linear Referencing System: A Technical White Paper, Oracle Corporation. Oracle Spatial Network Data Model: A Technical White Paper, Oracle Corporation.Building GIS Applications Using the Oracle Spatial Network Data Model: An Oracle Technical White Paper May 2005Author: Jack Chenghua WangContributors: Vishal Rao, Nicole AlexanderOracle CorporationWorld Headquarters500 Oracle ParkwayRedwood Shores, CA 94065U.S.A.Worldwide Inquiries:Phone: +1.650.506.7000Fax: +1.650.506.7200Copyright © 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.This document is provided for information purposes only and thecontents hereof are subject to change without notice.This document is not warranted to be error-free, nor subject to anyother warranties or conditions, whether expressed orally or impliedin law, including implied warranties and conditions of merchantabilityor fitness for a particular purpose. We specifically disclaim anyliability with respect to this document and no contractual obligationsare formed either directly or indirectly by this document. This documentmay not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means,electronic or mechanical, for any purpose, without our prior written permission.Oracle, JD Edwards, and PeopleSoft are registered trademarks ofOracle Corporation and/or its affiliates. Other names may be trademarksof their respective owners.。
随着数据安全和隐私保护意识的提高,Oracle ODI将进一步加强安全 和合规性方面的功能和措施,保障数据的安全和隐私。
Oracle ODI 11g Release 2(11.2) 发布,增加了对云计算和大数据技术 的支持。
Oracle ODI 12c Release 1(12.1) 发布,进一步增强了产品的性能和可 扩展性。
Oracle ODI 12c Release 2(12.2) 发布,增加了对人工智能和机器学习 的支持。
除了传统的结构化数据,还涉及到大量的 非结构化数据,如文本、图像等,需要 Oracle ODI支持更多类型的数据处理。
随着业务对数据处理速度的要求越来越高, Oracle ODI需要具备实时数据处理的能力。
Oracle ODI需要与云计算平台更好地集成, 实现数据在云端的高效流转和处理。
02 Oracle ODI 开发基础
Oracle ODI 开发环境搭建
Oracle ODI 开发环境要求
Oracle ODI 开发需要安装 Oracle Database、Oracle ODI 软件以及相应的开发工具, 如 Eclipse 或 SQL Developer。
按照官方文档的指引,正确安装和配置 Oracle ODI 开发所需的环境和工具。
按照设计文档,使用 Oracle ODI 支持的语言进 行编码实现。
String sql = “Insert into t values(?, ?)”; PreparedStatement pstmt = conn.prepareStatement(sql); for(int i=1; i<=10000; i++){ pstmt.setInt(1, i); pstmt.setString(2, “.. Sample…”); pstmt.addBatch(); } pstmt.executeBatch(); pstmt.close();
语法: MERGE [hint] INTO [schema .] table [t_alias]</div> USING [schema .] { table | view | subquery } [t_alias]</div> ON ( condition )</div> WHEN MATCHED THEN merge_update_clause</div> WHEN NOT MATCHED THEN merge_insert_clause;</div>
使用MERGE命令,能够在一个SQL语句中对一个表同时执行 INSERT和UPDATE操作。此命令仅需要一次全表扫描就可完成了全 部工作,执行效率要高于INSERT+UPDATE。
使用MERGE INTO源自CURSOR c_cur IS SELECT * FROM PRPCMAIN; TYPE main_aat is TABLE OF prpcmain%ROWTYPE; l_main main_aat;
LOOP FETCH c_cur BULK COLLECT INTO l_main LIMIT 100; FORALL idx IN 1 .. l_main.COUNT INSERT INTO prpcmain_copy values l_main(idx); EXIT WHEN l_main.COUNT = 0; END LOOP;
oracle api、接口开发实例
主题:Oracle API接口开发实例实践一、背景介绍在企业信息化系统中,API接口是非常重要的一部分。
本文将通过实际案例,介绍Oracle API接口开发的实践经验和技巧。
二、Oracle API接口开发概述1. 什么是Oracle API接口?Oracle API接口是通过调用Oracle数据库中的程序单元来实现数据交换和业务逻辑处理的一种技术。
2. Oracle API接口开发工具和技术Oracle提供了多种API接口开发工具和技术,如PL/SQL、Java API、RESTful API等。
三、实例介绍以一个简单的用户信息管理系统为例,介绍如何通过Oracle API接口实现用户信息的增删改查操作。
1. 用户信息管理系统的需求假设我们有一个用户信息管理系统,需要实现以下功能:- 查询用户信息- 新增用户信息- 修改用户信息- 删除用户信息2. 数据库设计我们需要在Oracle数据库中创建一个用户信息表,包括用户ID、用户名、性别、芳龄等字段。
3. API接口开发针对用户信息管理系统的需求,我们可以通过PL/SQL语言编写API 接口,实现相应的功能。
编写查询用户信息的API接口,可以使用如下PL/SQL语句:```sqlCREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE get_user_info (userId IN NUMBER, userInfo OUT SYS_REFCURSOR) ASBEGINOPEN userInfo FORSELECT * FROM user_info WHERE user_id = userId; END;```类似地,可以编写新增、修改、删除用户信息的API接口。
本教案旨在帮助学习者掌握Oracle 数据库的基本概念、操作方法及高级应用,为实际工作中的应用奠定基础。
用于存储从磁盘数据文件中读入的数据,所有用户共享。 服务器进程将读入的数据保存在数据缓冲区中,当后续的请求需要这些数
据时可以在内存中找到,不需要再从磁盘读取,提高了读取速度。 数据缓冲区的大小对数据库的读取速度有直接的影响。
日志记录数据库的所有修改信息,日志信息首先产生于日志缓冲区。 当日志缓冲区的日志数据达到一定数量时,由后台进程将日志数据写入日
Oracle 数据库简介 2-2
数据库服务器对数据库表进行最佳管理,处理多个客户端对 客同户一端数应据用的程并序发通 访过 问向 。服 全务 面器 地请 保求 持并 数接 据收 完信 整息 性的 ,方并式控与制数数据据
Oracle 客户端
Oracle 服务器
Oracle 网络配置 2-2
服务器端监听器配置信息包括监听协议、地址及 其他相关信息。 配置信息保存在名为listener.ora 的文件中。在安装服务器软件时自动配置一个监 听器
客户端的网络服务名配置信息包括服务器地址、 监听端口号和数据库SID等,与服务器的监听器 建立连接。配置信息保存在名为tnsnames.ora的 文件中
Oracle 数据库简介 2-1
对象关系型的数据库管理系统 (ORDBMS) 在管理信息系统、企业数据处理、因特网及电子
商务等领域使用非常广泛 在数据安全性与数据完整性控制方面性能优越 跨操作系统、跨硬件平台的数据互操作能力
第二:修改注冊表2.1開始-->單擊”運行“-->輸入regedit--回車2.2找到HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SOFTWARE/ORACLE數值名稱:NLS_LANG,修改數值數據為AMERICAN_AMERICA.UTF82.3找到HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SOFTWARE/ORACLE數值名稱:FORMS60_PATH,修改數值數據為D:/Oracle/OracleForm/reource;D:/Oracle/OracleForm/FORMS 呵呵。
17春《Oracle数据库开发》作业_1一、单选题 ( 每题4分, 共20道小题, 总分值80分 )1.在iBatis框架中,持久化对象之间一对一的关联关系是通过()元素定义的。
(4分)A∙ A. one-to-one。
∙ B. 1-to-1。
∙ C. only one。
∙ D. one是否存疑2.数据库服务器通过()接收一个来自于客户应用程序的一个初始化连接,它是一个位于Oracle网络基础层顶层的一个应用程序。
(4分)B∙ A. Oracle Net∙ B. 监听器∙ C. Oracle企业管理器∙ D. Oracle 数据库管理器是否存疑3.下列()是Oracle superaggregate函数。
(4分)A∙ A. ROLLUP∙ B. VARIANCE∙ C. REGR_R2∙ D. RANK是否存疑4.下面的时间函数,(B)用于返回当前Oracle会话时区中的日期信息.(4分)∙ A. DATE()∙ B. current_timestamp()∙ C. current_date()∙ D. DBTIMEZONE是否存疑5.(D)是Oracle数据库对象的别名,可以强化对象的安全性。
(4分)∙ A. 触发器∙ B. 视图∙ C. 表∙ D. 同义词是否存疑6.在命令行中启动SQL*Plus,使用如下(A)命令。
(4分)∙ A. SQLPLUS∙ B. SQL*PLUS∙ C. SQL∙ D. SPLUS是否存疑7.(B)是用PL/SQL、Java和C编写的过程,能够在对表或视图执行DML 语句时执行。
(4分)∙ A. 过程∙ B. 触发器∙ C. 函数∙ D. 程序包是否存疑8.可以自动执行操作的存储对象是(D)(4分)∙ A. 程序包∙ B. 函数∙ C. 过程∙ D. 触发器是否存疑9.假设需要给某个客户表Customer添加注释信息:客户表,可以使用如下(A)方式。
《数据库原理》实验指导书梁永先编哈尔滨理工大学荣成学院目录实验一认识DBMS及其安装 (8)实验二交互式SQL(数据定义部分) (13)实验三交互式SQL(数据查询部分) (15)实验四交互式SQL(数据操纵部分) (17)实验五数据库的完整性与安全性 (18)实验六PL/SQL基础(数据程序设计) (17)实验七过程和函数(数据库程序设计) (17)实验八并发控制与恢复 (24)实验九数据库应用系统开发 (20)实验十数据库应用系统开发 (20)2实验说明数据库原理课程是实践性非常强的课程。
在实验中应该重点掌握下面内容:1. 认识DBMS和安装DBMS以及启动运行DBMS。
2. SQL查询语言。
3. SQL数据操纵语言。
4. 数据库的完整性、并发性和安全性。
5. 简单应用系统开发。
推荐选择下面数据库之一:(1)Oracle Database XE:可到Oracle公司免费下载;二、实验仪器1. 硬件:PII以上个人计算机,内存要求在256MB以上。
Oracle Web开发工具Apex介绍(4.0 Version)
Apex里面有非常强大的报表分析的功能,可以很简单实现 类似圆饼图,柱形图等报表。更加可以通过插件来扩展其 报表功能,例如用日历非常直观可以显示其每天的工作计 划等等。这点是非常吸引的。
1 执行效率的问题 目前测试环境用的是11g自带的EPG(嵌入式 PL/SQL 网关)作为HTTP 服务器,运行效率还是有一定 的限制,不适合大应用。 所以建议还是专门用一个WebLogic或Apache Tomcat之类的主流应用服务器比较合适。需要硬件组支持。 什么是EPG? EPG是Oracle 11g的一个新特性,它是oracle数据库 的一部分,epg使oracle数据库能够作为一个web服务器, 提供创建动态应用的基础服务,这样相当于采用了数据库 单层架构,使得在系统架构上得以极端简化,所有运算都 在数据库中完成,这样的单一层次架构,其性能就完全取 决于DBA和开发人员的能力了。
APEX 引擎从存储在数据库表中的数据实时呈现应用程序。当 您创建或扩展应用程序时,APEX 创建或修改存储在数据库表 中的元数据。当应用程序运行时,APEX 引擎读取元数据并显 示应用程序。APEX 完全驻留在 Oracle 数据库中。它仅由表中 的数据和大量 PL/SQL 代码组成。APEX 大约由 215 个表和 200 个 PL/SQL 对象(包含 300,000 多行代码)组成。 Apex引擎动态的从数据库表中提取数据,并渲染、处理生产网 页,当运行一个应用程序的时候,apex引擎调用2个过程: 1 显示页面是页面呈现的过程,它将所有的页面元素(地区、 项目、按钮)创建成可视的html页面。 2 接受页面执行页面处理过程,它执行用户设计的逻辑处理 (计算、验证、流程、分支)。 当用户使用url调用页面时,apex引擎执行显示页面的过程。当 用户提交页面时,apex引擎执行接受页面过程进行页面处理, 在此期间,它将用户提交的数据保存在会话的高速缓存中,然 后执行设定的计算、验证或是流程等。
1.8 习题:(1)关系型数据库管理系统,简称RDBMS。
3.Oracle 10g提供了四个版本,分别是:Oracle 10g 标准版1、Oracle 10g 标准版、Oracle 10g 企业版、Oracle 10g 个人版。
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Oracle开发入门与精通Oracle是殷墟出土的甲骨文的英文翻译的第一个单词,在英语里是神谕的意思•PL/SQL是过程语言Procedural Language与结构化查询语言SQL结合而成的一种高级数据库程序设计语言,该语言集成了面向过程语言的过程结构和强大的数据库操作•PL/SQL支持多种数据类型,如大对象和集合类型;可以使用条件和循环等控制结构,还可以创建存储过程、触发器和程序包,给SQL 语句的执行添加程序逻辑•PL/SQL语言专门用于在各种环境下对Oracle数据库进行访问。
由于该语言集成于数据库服务器中,所以PL/SQL代码可以对数据进行快速高效的处理•PL/SQL与Oracle服务器和Oracle工具紧密集成,具备可移植,灵活性和安全性PL/SQL 的优点•支持SQL:数据操纵命令、事务控制命令、游标控制、SQL 函数和SQL 运算符•支持面向对象编程OOP•可移植性,可运行在任何操作系统和平台上的Oralce数据库•更佳的性能,与SQL紧密集成,简化数据处理,支持所有SQL数据类型,支持NULL值,支持%TYPE和%ROWTYPE 属性类型•安全性:可以通过存储过程限制用户对数据的访问PL/SQL 的体系结构•PL/SQL引擎驻留在Oracle服务器中,该引擎接受PL/SQL块,并且对其进行编译执行•PL/SQL块是构成程序的基本单位,每一个块都包含有PL/SQL和SQL语句•典型的PL/SQL代码块包含3个结构:–声明部分–可执行部分–异常处理•DECLARE /*声明部分,以declare开头*/–declare statement•BEGIN /*执行部分,以begin开头,以end结束*/–execute statement•/*异常处理部分,以exception开始*/•EXCEPTION WHEN exceptioncase THEN –Exception handle•END;代码示例•DECLARE–v_job NUMBER(10);•BEGIN–DELETE FROM employee;–INSERT INTO employee (depno, job) VALUES (20, 30);–SELECT job INTO v_job FROM employee WHERE depno= 20;–dbms_output.PUT_LINE(v_job);•EXCEPTION WHEN no_data_found THEN–dbms_output.PUT_LINE('No data.');•END;PL/SQL命名规范•标识符可以由字母、数字、美元符号$、下划线_和数字符号#组成。
而像连字符-、斜线/等符号都是不允许使用的•除了字符串和字符以外,PL/SQL对大小写是不敏感的•保留关键字reserved word对于PL/SQL来说,它们有着特殊含义,不可以被重新定义注释•单行注释由一对连字符(--)开头•多行注释由斜线星号(/*)开头,星号斜线(*/)结尾,可以注释多行内容变量和常量•PL/SQL 块中可以使用变量和常量。
声明时必须指定数据类型,每行声明一个标识符,在可执行部分的SQL 语句和过程语句中使用•声明变量和常量的语法•identifier [CONSTANT] datatype[NOT NULL] [:= | DEFAULT expr];给变量赋值有两种方法•使用赋值语句:=或者使用select into语句•DECLARE–icode VARCHAR2(6);–p_catg VARCHAR2(20);–c_rate CONSTANT NUMBER := 0.10;•BEGIN–icode:= 'i205';–SELECT category, itemrate* c_rate INTO p_catg FROMitemfile WHERE itemcode= icode;•END;预定义数据类型•Oracle的数据类型可以分为四类,分别是标量类型,复合类型,引用类型和LOB类型–标量类型没有内部组件–复合类型包含了能够被单独操作的内部组件–引用类型类似于3G语言中的指针,能够引用一个值;LOB类型的值就是一个lob定位器,能够指示出大对象的存储位置数字型•数字类型可以存储整数、实数和浮点数,可以表示数值的大小,参与计算•BINARY_INTEGER数据类型来存储有符号整数。
子类型在基类型的基础上添加一些约束限制,也可能重新定义数值范围•5个预定义BINARY_INTEGER的子类:NATURAL、NATURALN、POSITIVE、POSITIVEN、SIGNTYPE •子类型NATURAL和POSITIVE将一个整数变量的取值范围分别限制在非负数和正整数之内。
如果表达式的值超过这个范围,就会得到数字溢出错误(a numeric overflow or underflow error)•可以为要存储的数字指定精度,包括数字的全长和小数长度•NUMBER子类型:DEC、DECIMAL、DOUBLE PRECISION、FLOAT、INTEGER、INT 、NUMERIC、REAL、SMALLINT•使用DEC、DECIMAL和NUMBERIC可以声明最大精度为38位十进制数字的定点数字。
而使用DOUBLE PRECISION和FLOAT可以声明最大精度大约38位十进制数字•使用REAL声明最大精度为大约18位十进制数字。
INTEGER、INT和SMALLINT可以声明最大精度为38位十进制数字的整数•PLS_INTEGER 数据类型来存储有符号整数。
它的取值范围在-2**31至2**31之间•PLS_INTEGER所需的存储空间要比NUMBER少,运算的速度要高于NUMBER和BINARY_INTEGER•PLS_INTEGER和BINARY_INTEGER的取值范围一样,但它们不完全兼容•PLS_INTEGER在运算有溢出时抛出异常,BIANRY_INTEGER 发生溢出时,如果结果是要赋给一个NUMBER类型的变量时,就不会有异常抛出•可以在旧的应用程序中使用BINARY_INTEGER;但在新的应用程序中,PLS_INTEGER会带来更好的性能字符型•字符类型可以存放字符和数字混合的数据,表现词和文章,操作字符串•CHAR类型来存储定长的字符数据。
CHAR类型有一个用于指定最大长度的可选参数,长度范围在1到32767字节之间•CHAR[(maximum_size[CHAR | BYTE] )]maximum_size不能是常量或变量,只能是范围在1到32767之间的整数文字•不指定最大值,默认是1字符型•如果用字节形式指定最大值,有时就会出现空间不足的问题。
还可使用LONG RAW类型来存储二进制数据或二进制字符串。
LONG RAW和LONG 类似,但是它不会被PL/SQL解析。
LONG RAW的最大长度也是32760字节•从9i开始,LOB类型变量可以与LONG和LONG RAW 类型交换使用。
Oracle推荐将LONG和LONG RAW都对应的转换成COLB和BLOB类型•可以将LONG类型的值插入字段类型为LONG的数据库中,因为在数据库中LONG的长度是2**31字节;但不可以从LONG字段中检索超过32760字节的字符放到LONG类型变量中去。
对于LONG RAW类型来说,这条规则同样适用,在数据库中它的最大长度也是2**31字节,而变量的长度在32760字节以内•LONG类型字段可以存储文本、字符数组或短文等。
可以对LONG字段进行UPDATE、INSERT和SELECT操作,但不能在表达式、SQL函数调用、或某个SQL子句(如:WHERE、GROUP BY和CONNECT BY)中使用它•注意:在SQL语句中,PL/SQL会将LONG类型的值绑定成VARCHAR2类型,而不是LONG•但是如果被绑定的VARCHAR2值超过4000个字节,Oracle会自动地将绑定类型转成LONG,但LONG并不能应用在SQL函数中,所以,这时就会得到一个错误消息VARCHAR2•VARCHAR2类型存储变长的字符数据。
VARCHAR2类型需要指明数据长度,这个参数的上限是32767字节•VARCHAR2(maximum_size [CHAR | BYTE])•不能使用常量或变量来指定maximum_size值,maximum_size值的有效范围在1到32767之间•对于长度不同的VARCHAR2类型数据,PL/SQL对它们的处理方式也是不同的。
截止点(cutoff point)为2000个字节。