DBL 5555-2004
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Issued by: DaimlerChrysler AG 70546 Stuttgart
Standards (E P/QIN)
Technical responsibility (name): Frank
Department: PWT/VEW Plant:010Telephone: +49(0)711-17-58476HPC: H120Technical coordination by Central Materials and Process Engineering Plant 50, Department PWT/VWK Name: Dr. Wittig Telephone +49(0)7031-90-44270Confidential! All rights reserved. Distribution or duplication in part or in whole without prior written approval of DaimlerChrysler AG is not permitted. In
case of doubt, the German language original should be consulted as the authoritative text.
June 2004Mercedes-Benz Supply Specification
Finished parts and semi-finished products made of or-
ganic polymer materials
General conditions and test methods DBL 5555BQF available
Additional DaimlerChrysler standards required:MB Special Terms, DBL 5490, DBL 8585
edition: 03/01
Refer to Section Changes
on page 14 Table of Contents
Part I General Conditions
Section Content
Page 1 Scope 2
2 Responsibilities 2
3 Duties of the supplier 2
4 Changes in materials or preparation 3
5 Material samples 3
6 Material investigations 3
7 Material performance data sheet 4
8 Material or type release for elastomer materials 4,
9 Test report for initial material sampling 4, 5 10 Testing of resistance to chemicals and service products 5
11 Environmental requirement 5 12 Recycling 5 13 Admixture of regranulated material 5 14 Storability 5 Part II Test methods
Section Content
Page 1 General technical test procedure and sampling 6, 7, 8
2 Test methods and test media 8
3 Presentation and assessment of the test results 8
4 Low-temperature behaviour of elastomers 8, 9
5 Polymer reference materials 9
6 Weathering 9, 10, 11
7 Mechanical properties at high/low temperature (operating temperature) 12
8 Hot-storage behaviour of plastics 12 9 Extractable matter 12 10 Water content (plastics) 13 11 Residue on ignition (ash) 13 12 Pyrolysis 13 13 Determination of emissions 14 Annexes 1 to 3
Continued on pages 2 to 14
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DBL 5555 : June 2004
Part I
General conditions
1 Scope
This Daimler-Benz Supply Specification (DBL) 5555 contains specifications governing the general techni-cal conditions of supply between DaimlerChrysler and its supplying partners for the quality assurance of materials used in finished parts and semi-finished products made of organic polymer materials.
This includes plastics (thermosetting plastics and thermoplastics), thermoplastic elastomers (TPE) and elastomers (rubber materials).
This DBL 5555 applies in addition to the specific DBL indicated on the drawing in which this DBL is in-
cluded by reference, and is therefore part of the contractual agreement in addition to the "Purchase Con-ditions for Production Materials and Spare Parts for Motor Vehicles" and "MB Special Terms“.
If assemblies, modules or units are treated as a "black box", individual parts may be covered by one DBL following agreement with the responsible development department.
In this case, all the requirements of this DBL have to be met by these individual parts.
The supplier is obliged, on his own responsibility, to apply the requirements contained in these general technical conditions of supply to the product to be supplied by him in a suitable manner. In case of doubt, the procedure shall be coordinated with the Quality Assurance department of the receiving plant or with the relevant specialist Production and Materials Engineering department (PWT) before delivery.
2 Responsibilities
The Production and Materials Engineering Department (PWT/VWK) is responsible for the compila-
tion/creation and the contents of this DBL and its coordination with the responsible DaimlerChrysler de-partments.
In case of questions concerning this DBL, please apply to the contacts indicated at the bottom of the first page.
3 Duties of the supplier
The supplier shall implement an effective quality system (e.g. QS 9000, VDA QM system audit 6.1) en-suring comprehensive monitoring from the raw material to the finished product and the fulfillment of the quality and safety requirements specified for the product. This includes ensuring, on his own responsibil-ity, competent material selection and the use of suitable manufacturing techniques.
The raw material supplier and the parts supplier shall coordinate their work to ensure appropriate proc-essability before sampling is carried out.
Each production batch shall be marked and kept separate from other batches. Care shall be taken to en-sure, taking into account aspects of economic viability, that the finished products can be traced back to the raw material or semi-finished product and that their marking makes it possible to identify which prod-ucts originate from a particular raw material batch and have passed through the same manufacturing pro-cess. In the case of continuous processes, a certain level of overlap is accepted for batch changes.
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DBL 5555 : June 2004 4 Changes in material or preparation
In case of the following changes, a new sampling and release process is required:
x Raw material types in the case of plastics and TPE (e.g. PA 6.6 to PA46)
x Polymers in the case of elastomers (e.g. NBR 28% ACN to NBR 36% ACN)
x Preparation (e.g. parameters for compounding)
The supplier may use similar raw materials of different manufacturers.
If the raw materials are not identical chemically or physically, however, he shall provide evidence through his own investigations and assessments that the finished part meets the requirements of the relevant DBL supply specification and that no disadvantages occur in terms of processing or use. This result shall be submitted to the quality assurance department of the receiving plant or, in the case of effects influenc-ing more than one plant, to the relevant specialist Production and Materials Engineering department (PWT).
5 Material
Material samples are panel-shaped semi-finished products, specimens in accordance with ISO 3167 Type A or components used for material testing.
New material samples shall normally be submitted through the person responsible for the component from the relevant development department to the relevant Production and Materials Engineering Depart-ment (PWT) or the quality assurance department of the receiving plant.
6 Material
The scope and type of the investigations depend on the characteristics of the material concept and are specified, for example, in individual DBLs, performance specifications, drawings or during technical dis-cussions.
For elastomers, the relevant material investigations shall be carried out on panel-shaped semi-finished products, specimens manufactured from such products or test specimens manufactured specifically.
In case of plastics, the tests shall be conducted on the finished product provided that its shape permits such tests. If this is not possible due to the small size and unfavourable geometry of the part, test speci-mens shall preferably be removed from isotropic panels produced from the relevant material. The condi-tions for the manufacture of the test panels depend on the manufacturing process chosen for the compo-nent (e.g. injection moulding, SMC, LFT etc.) and are partly specified in the individual DBLs.
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DBL 5555 : June 2004
7 Material performance data sheet
Specific test certificate forms shall be used for the most part for the recording of test results which are
available from the relevant specialist Production and Materials Engineering departments (PWT).
The Material performance data sheet shall include the following:
x Name of the part manufacturer
x Designation of the material (preparation) with precise and complete trade name of the raw material producer
x Results of all investigations agreed upon (if subcontractors' results are adopted, these shall be evalu-ated technically and identified in the test certificate)
x Information on the material composition, including information as specified on the test certificate form
(e.g. residue on ignition, extractable matter)
x Quantities if using regranulated material
8 Material or type release for elastomer materials
After completion of the investigations, the supplier shall receive a written material or type release or re-jection notification. The material or type release must have been granted before initial sampling can com-mence. A material release does not imply a development approval of the component; this also depends, among other factors, on positive test stand and vehicle tryouts and will be granted by the development department responsible for the component.
In case of multi-component parts such as drive belts and hoses, type releases are granted.
The manufacturer shall indicate a type designation for each type. This type designation shall include a unique indication of the materials (in the case of hoses, for example, the inside and outside layer and the textile braiding) and of the manufacturing process, but not the dimensions.
In the case of hoses it may be expedient, however, to subdivide a large diameter range into 2 or 3 hose types. After release of a type designation by DaimlerChrysler, the type release is transferred to individual components during initial sampling.
9 Test report for initial material sampling
If a DBL (e.g. 5556.10) is specified on the drawing for the polymer material, the following requirements shall apply for the initial material sampling in addition to MB Special Terms No. 13:
for elastomer components and thermoplastic elastomers:
x Indication of material designation and, if possible, DC material approval (test report no. and date)
x Test results from the current initial sampling batch, measured at the component
x for the identity
x at least the density or
x other tests which eliminate any confusion of the material, such as IR spectrum x for the processing
x e.g. Shore hardness and permanent set test,
x also strength values, if applicable;
x for composites e.g. rubber mounts, an adhesion test between metal and elastomer;
x in case of multi-ply hoses separation strength between fabric layers (refer to DBL)
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DBL 5555 : June 2004
for plastic components manufactured from thermoplastic or thermosetting mate-rials:
Test results from the current initial sampling batch
x for the identity e.g.
x at least the density,
x but preferably an IR spectrum in combination with TGA (thermal analysis)
x or other tests which can eliminate any material confusion
such as DSC (differential scanning calorimetry)
x for the processing e.g.
x the weight of the part
x at critical points such as joint lines values from tensile and impact strength tests
x examination of microstructure
x e.g. for intake manifolds the burst pressure
x or specifically for PA the solution viscosity (viscosity number)
10 Testing of resistance to chemicals and service products
Where plastic parts come into contact with, for example, cleaning or service products, a stress cracking test shall be carried out to ensure resistance to chemicals and service products. This test shall preferably be carried out in accordance with DIN EN ISO 4599 "Determination of resistance to environmental stress cracking (ESC)".
The selection of the media (e.g. service products, fuels, cleaning agents etc.) depends on the point of ap-plication of the parts and shall be determined in cooperation with the receiving plant.
The laboratory instructions applicable to exterior attachment parts and interior parts are available from PWT/VWK.
11 Environmental
Parts shall only contain such substances/material classes which are non-hazardous for humans and the environment in accordance with the current state of knowledge. Substances/material classes hazardous for the environment may only be included if evidence can be provided that no equivalent ecologically non-critical substances are available. The use of such substances is only permissible after a relevant waiver for a particular application. Daimler-Benz supply specification DBL 8585 shall also apply.
12 Recycling
The supplier shall take into account recyclability during development. The recycling shall take the form of material recycling. Should this not be feasible for technical or economic reasons, energetic recycling shall be permissible under these exceptional circumstances. The requirements for components made of re-granulated materials are described in DBL 5490.
13 Admixture of regranulated material
The ratio of any admixture of, for example, gating material, start-up material etc. in the formulation shall be determined by the supplier on its own responsibility. This includes the quantities of regranulated mate-rial which shall be defined and maintained precisely, and its pass frequency. Evidence shall be provided that the requirements of the relevant DBL are complied with and the functional characteristics are not im-paired.
14 Storability
The parts shall still comply with the requirements of the relevant DBL supply specification in full after a three-year storage period, provided that storage was carried out properly in accordance with the require-ments laid down in DIN 7716.
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DBL 5555 : June 2004
Part II
Test methods
1 General technical test procedure and sampling
1.1 General:
Evidence of compliance with the requirements contained in this DBL supply specification 5555 or in spe-cific DBLs shall always be provided from the finished part (the material in the finished part) or the semi-finished product.
Frequently, the size and the configuration of the finished parts do not allow the full scope of the DBL tests and inspections to be carried out. In these cases, evidence of these tests shall be provided from material samples and identified accordingly in the test report.
In the case of elastomers, test specimens are used in principle for the material and type release tests
which are produced from 2 and 6 mm thick panel material (PLM). If the material release has already been granted, in the case of tryout, initial sample and production parts, the scope of the test shall be limited to an identity check and the testing of the quality characteristics influenced by processing. For the compari-son PLM/finished part it is important to ensure that the degrees of vulcanization of the test panel and of the finished part are largely identical.
1.2 Identification and quality characteristics:
These characteristics serve to determine identity of material and processing between the material sample or the initial or tryout sample and the supplies. In particular, they form the criteria for an acceptance test carried out on the manufacturer's and on the buyer's premises. The supplier shall provide the relevant
evidence using one of the methods specified under the first two points in Section 1.2.1 and a further
method taken from the remaining methods under Section 1.2.1.
1.2.1 Identification characteristics:
These include:
x Analytical characteristic data (material composition) such as pyrolysable components, pyrolysis residue, extractable matter, residue on ignition (ash content) using TG and other methods (see
Annex 'Methods of Analysis').
x Analysis of the type and quantity of filler, detection of stabilizers using physical-chemical methods such as infrared analysis, thermal analysis
and other methods (TMA, DSC, TGA; see Annex 1), X-ray fluorescence.
x Melting point
x Microscopic examinations of the material structure
x Density
x Characteristic data of torsional vibration test
x Material hardness (ball indentation hardness, compression hardness of foamed plastics, Shore hardness A and D, IRHD).
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DBL 5555 : June 2004
1.2.2 Quality characteristics influenced by processing
The part properties are influenced by factors such as material discontinuities, flow and adhesion defects, incomplete fusion, internal stress, incomplete cross-linkage, material decomposition etc. related to proc-essing. This influence may cause a deterioration of the part quality.
The existence of this type of factor is verified for instance by:
x thermal analysis
x solution and melt viscosity
x microscopy
x hot-storage behavior (in case of plastics)
x mechanical properties such as tensile strength, elongation at break, impact resistance, by comparing areas close to/distant from the sprue in the finished part and at joint lines
x adhesion strength in hose layers or rubber-metal bonded parts.
If the part is not identical to the released material sample or in case of a quality defect, DaimlerChrysler is entitled to reject the corresponding delivery submitting appropriate test results.
1.3 Sampling
A sampling plan shall be established for the removal of specimens from parts. This plan shall be coordi-nated with the with the quality assurance department of the receiving plant or with the relevant specialist Production and Materials Engineering department (PWT).
When choosing spectroscopic, thermoanalytical and optical test methods, one or, if required, several test specimens shall be taken from the moulded part without pretreatment so that the material status is char-acterized adequately and evenly over the cross-section.
Test specimens removed from elastomers and thermoplastic elastomers
The conditions specified in DIN/ISO 4661-1 shall apply to test specimens manufactured from elastomers and TPE. For tests on elastomers, test panels (approx. 200 x 200) mm with
thickness (2 +/- 0,2) mm and (6,3 +/- 0,3) mm shall be used.
For determining the characteristic values of the torsional vibration test in accordance with ISO 4663, test panels with thickness
(1,0 + 0,1) mm shall be used from which test specimens are removed in accordance with DIN/ISO 4661-1. The thickness tolerance within a test specimen shall not exceed ± 0,05 mm.
Test specimens removed from plastics
Refer to Part I Section 6
Additionally, for plastics sensitive to moisture such as PA, EP, PUR and others, the conditions for manu-facturing/conditioning test specimens shall be as specified in the relevant valid individual DBLs.
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DBL 5555 : June 2004
1.4 Drying of post-cured elastomer specimens
(see VDA 675 291)
For post-cured, mineral-filled elastomers, another post-curing process shall be provided during prepara-tion of the specimens.
Drying time: 4 h
Drying temperature depending on the basic polymer in accordance with the following table:
E M/
All other elastomers to be tested at > 125°C (125 +/- 2)°C
At the end of the drying period, the test specimens are taken from the drying cabinet and then initially
transferred to a desiccator with silica gel for cooling and storage.
Storage time at least 30 min at an ambient temperature of (23 +/- 2)°C.
Thermally unstable post-cured, mineral-filled elastomer materials which shall be tested at temperatures < 125°C shall not be pre-dried, but shall be conditioned instead for 24 h over silica gel in the desiccator at
(23 +/- 2)°C.
2 Test methods and test media
The test media and test methods to be used shall be agreed with the relevant Production and Materials Engineering Department (PWT) or the quality assurance department of the receiving plant, unless de-
scribed in DBL 5555 or individual DBLs.
3 Presentation and assessment of the test results
A test generally consists of three (for mechanical tests at least five) individual tests, the results of which
shall be recorded in the test report as individual values or as mean values with standard deviation. If a test value lies outside the required limit values, an appropriate number of further individual tests shall be conducted in order to corroborate the test result. In such cases, all individual values shall be recorded in the test report. If a total of > 20% individual results within such repeat tests fall outside the specifications, the requirement is deemed not to have been met.
In some specific DBL supply specifications, additional permissible tolerances from the sample value are assigned to the limit values. These tolerances represent the maximum permissible differences between different supply batches. The sample value shall be indicated by the supplier at the time of supply of the initial samples in a material test certificate or a tryout sample report or an initial sample inspection report.
The required limits indicated in specific DBL supply specifications shall be reached with each individual delivery irrespective of the permitted tolerances for the sample value.
4 Low-temperature behavior of elastomers
4.1 Selection of test methods
The following tests may be used to characterize the low-temperature behavior of elastomers (refer to An-nex 3):
x the torsional vibration test in accordance with ISO 4663
x the determination of the glass transition temperature in accordance with DIN 53513
x the determination of calorimetric processes such as DTA or DSC
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DBL 5555 : June 2004 4.2 Assessment
The cold reference (stiffness) value or cold brittleness point, whose application is specified in the specific DBLs, shall be taken as assessment criteria.
4.3 Cold reference (stiffness) value
The temperature at the following property criteria shall be taken as the cold reference value:
The main maximum of the loss modulus in accordance with ISO 4663.
In the case of DSC, the temperature at which the curve of the specific heat has its half-high inflection point.
The cold reference value specified in the individual DBL always refers to the DSC test method.
4.4 Cold brittleness point
The cold brittleness point is defined by the temperature at which
x the glass state is reached during the torsional vibration test in accordance with ISO 4663. On corre-sponding graphs, this temperature point is given by the point of intersection of the two lines resulting from the extrapolated steep rise of the shear modulus and the flat shear modulus curve in the glass state.
x the pressure deformation modulus reaches the value of 500 N/mm².
Also for this characterization of the low-temperature behavior, the results of the individual test methods do not necessarily have to coincide. In case of doubt, it will be necessary for discussions to be held be-tween the supplier and the material testing department of the relevant receiving plant.
5 Polymer reference materials
Appropriate reference or standard polymer materials shall be used for testing the polymer compatibility of service products. The material type is specified in the individual DBL supply specifications. Lists of sup-pliers are available on request from the Production and Materials Engineering Department (PWT/VWK).
6 Weathering
6.1 Natural
The test shall be conducted by analogy with DIN EN ISO 877. The test specimens (200 mm long sections in the case of profiled sections) shall be placed so that the surfaces to be subjected to weathering are di-rected to the south (in regions south of the equator to the north). The inclination shall be chosen so that the relevant test specimen surfaces are perpendicular to the sun at midday. The weathering period shall be 6 months for elastomers and 24 months for plastics. Standard bars S2 in accordance with DIN 53504 shall be preferred for elastomers, and these shall be stretched by 20%.
After consultation with the relevant Production and Materials Engineering Department (PWT), an acceler-ated artificial weathering test may be permitted in accordance with Section 6.2 instead of the natural weathering test.
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DBL 5555 : June 2004
6.2 Artificial
Testing for resistance to artificial weathering shall be conducted in accordance with
DIN EN ISO 4892-1 "Methods of exposure to laboratory light sources - General guidance“ and
DIN EN ISO 4892-2 "Methods of exposure to laboratory light sources -
Xenon-arc sources“.
The apparatus and the filter position shall be chosen so that a wavelength range of (290 to 830) nm is achieved.
Test specimens (plastics):
Preferably 200 x 68 mm, 4 mm thick (with subsequent bending/impact test) or 3 to 4 mm thick (with sub-sequent tensile test).
Test specimens (elastomers):
Preferably tension bars S2, stretched by 20%. A clearance between holder and test specimen of at least
2 mm shall be observed.
Test run Simultaneous run without specimen holder cooling
Rain cycle 102 min dry, 18 min rain exposure
Black standard thermometer 65 + 3 °C (during dry period)
Relative humidity min. 60 % (during dry period)
+ 2) W/m² (wavelength range to 400 nm) Radiation
Evaluation :
The specimens shall be checked as follows at regular intervals (e.g. every 250 hours):
x Visual assessment in accordance with DIN EN ISO 4628-2 (degree of blistering), in accordance with DIN EN 20105-A02 using a grey scale (yellowing). Discoloration and matt appearance by comparison
with a non-weathered specimen, whereby the weathered specimen shall be compared both before
and after a wax polish treatment.
Assessment in accordance with DIN EN ISO 4628-1
x For elastomers, evaluation shall be performed in accordance with DIN 53509 or ISO 1431-1
x In addition, test specimens for mechanical tests shall be taken from the specimen panels when weath-ering has been completed.
6.3 Hot light ageing in accordance with VDA 75202-3 A4
In case of dyed parts which are in the direct field of view of the customer, the UV resistance (hot light
ageing) shall be tested.
Testing shall be carried out at a specimen temperature of 65 °C and, deviating from the DIN standard, at
a black standard temperature of (100 ± 3) °C and without nonwoven backing pad. The test duration shall
be 4 test cycles. The plastic parts shall correspond to grade 4 after the 4 test cycles.
As the dyeing process type greatly influences the UV resistance of the material and therefore also of the finished parts, the parts supplier shall document in his initial sample inspection report whether the mate-rial used has been originally dyed by the raw material supplier or dyed by the parts supplier himself by "batching".
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DBL 5555 : June 2004 6.4 Steam jet test
This test is intended to check the paint adhesion of top-painted or coated exterior plastic parts.
Before initial execution of the test or changes in the test apparatus, coordination with PWT/VBT is re-quired!
6.4.1 Procedure
x Preparation of specimens: flat, size approx. 5x10 cm (depending on part and geometry),
x Damage: cross cut (for width, length, depth, angle: see below)
x Positioning: rigid, parallel to one scratch, jet center above cross cut
x Positioning, specimens and jet lance to be fixed during the complete test
x Test: Expose test specimens over specified test period
x Evaluation: visual assessment, measurement of peeled surface from cross cut
x Assessment ok no peeling, up to 1 mm infiltration
not ok from 1 mm infiltration to large-scale peeling
6.4.2 Test parameters
Test period: 60 s
Distance nozzle/specimen: 100 mm
Temperature at nozzle: 60°C r 2°C, all materials
Flowrate: 11,0-11,5 l/min (660-690 l/h)
The steam jet appliance shall reach the flowrate with the specified nozzle. The appliance pressure shall be controlled so that the specified band width is reached.
No test pressure is indicated on purpose, as this is defined by the volume flow and the test nozzle.
Angle of impact: 90°
Cross cut: Cut length approx. 10 cm, damage of up to 0,4 mm into the substrate
Cutting angle: approx. 30°
Cutting unit: for all materials, scratch tester according to Sikkens,
Erichsen-Typ 463, blade 1mm (new: previously 0,5 mm!)
Test nozzle: Can be supplied one-off by PWT/VBT
Manufacturer: Spraying Systems GmbH, Bahnhofstraße 77, D-73630 Remshalden
Designation: PowerWashJet
Order number: 1/4PMEG-2506
Steadying zone: linear, min. 30 cm in front of nozzle
Jet pattern: homogeneous, l = 70-75 mm, b = 8-10 mm,
Jet force distribution: trapezoidal, no pressure peaks
Styrodur type: Request at PWT/VBT, at present Styrofoam RTM approx. 33mm
Styrodur supplier: S tadur-Süd Dammstoff-Produktions GmbH, D-72120 Pliezhausen
6.4.3 Examination of jet pattern
The nozzle examination can be carried out by means of a jet force measurement and/or by using the PWT/VBT Styrodur method. Regular examinations (depending on specimen throughput) shall be carried out using Styrodur and documented. Any adjustment of the test conditions and of the jet pattern shall be coordinated with PWT/VBT.
6.4.4 Procedure of PWT/VBT-Styrodur method:
x Loading of a suitable Styrodur block in analogy with the test conditions.
x Visual assessment of the 3D jet pattern (refer to Annex)
x Measuring of 3D jet pattern (for length and width, see above, depth may vary depending on
Styrodur type)
x Comparison with last jet pattern or with PWT/VBT specification.
Annex to test instruction for DC steam jet test (refer to Annex 3)。