[2006 JPS] Chemical and structural instabilities of lithium ion battery cathodes






水热炭吸附Cr(Ⅵ)热-动力学行为及水热裂解时间的影响刘雨嫣;周景尧;马少强;陈家玮【摘要】以花生壳为原材料,通过水热炭化法在200℃下以不同的水热裂解时间(1h、5h、10 h)制备出水热炭,开展去除水中Cr(Ⅵ)的实验研究.通过水热炭样品红外光谱FTIR表征、元素含量分析、扫描电镜SEM表征等对比分析,表明水热炭化法可以制备出多孔的碳材料,且随着水热裂解时间的增加,水热炭的产率逐渐降低、芳香性逐渐增强、极性官能团逐渐减少,这些性质的改变会影响其吸附能力.通过批实验进行水热炭对水中Cr(Ⅵ)的吸附研究,结果表明准二级动力学模型适用于该吸附过程,热力学Freundlich模型可以更好地描述吸附等温线.由热力学参数计算可知,水热炭吸附Cr(Ⅵ)属于优惠吸附(容易进行)和自发性、物理吸附,且为吸热过程.实验结果表明随着花生壳水热裂解时间的增加,水热炭吸附Cr(Ⅵ)的能力逐渐增强.因此,水热炭可以作为经济型吸附剂应用于水污染修复,相关成果对于综合利用农业废弃物具有重要实践价值.%The agricultural wastes of peanut shells were used as carbonaceous material precursors,which were heated under the hydrothermal temperature of 200 ℃ and kept for the desired time duration of 1 h,5 h or 10 h to prepare the hydrochars for the removal of Cr(Ⅵ) from aqueous solution.According to FT-IR spectrum,elemental analysis and SEM characterization of hydrochar samples,the results showed that hydrothermal carbonization method is feasible for porous carbon-based hydrochars,and the aromaticity increases with hydrothermal time,while the yield and the polar functional groups decrease.These properties would affect the adsorption performance of hydrochars.The batch experiments showed that the adsorption kinetics of Cr(Ⅵ) onhydrochars followed the pseudo-second-order model and the Freundlich model well fitted the isothermal adsorption.According to thermodynamic study,such sorption behavior belongs to a preferential easy process,which is also a spontaneous,endothermic and physical adsorption.The adsorption capacity of Cr (Ⅵ) on hydrochars were enhanced with the hydrothermal time on biomass of peanut shells.Therefore,hydrochars could be applied as an economic adsorbent in water remediation.The present study could also provide an important practical value for the comprehensive utilization of agricultural wastes.【期刊名称】《现代地质》【年(卷),期】2017(031)005【总页数】7页(P1039-1045)【关键词】生物质;水热炭;水热裂解时间;吸附;Cr(Ⅵ)【作者】刘雨嫣;周景尧;马少强;陈家玮【作者单位】中国地质大学(北京)生物地质与环境地质国家重点实验室,北京100083;中国地质大学(北京)地球科学与资源学院,北京100083;中国地质大学(北京)生物地质与环境地质国家重点实验室,北京100083;中国地质大学(北京)地球科学与资源学院,北京100083;中国地质大学(北京)生物地质与环境地质国家重点实验室,北京100083;中国地质大学(北京)地球科学与资源学院,北京100083;中国地质大学(北京)生物地质与环境地质国家重点实验室,北京100083;中国地质大学(北京)地球科学与资源学院,北京100083【正文语种】中文【中图分类】P595;X142农林废弃物等生物质材料的综合利用一直是世界各国环境保护和生态可持续发展的重要方向,近年生物炭研究与应用成为热点领域,引发了全球广泛关注。



边界为水深 200 m 边界线。 2.3 储存容量计算 2.3.1 计算范围
理论上整个盆地范围内的咸水含水层都能进行 CO2 储存。由于盆地内可能存在导水断层、城市、 采矿以及地热开发等,并不是整个盆地都可以用来 储存 CO2。由于缺少详细的资料,难以确定平面计 算范围,在此参考相关文献,取可用于储存 CO2 的 平面分布面积为储存区总面积的 1%[9,17]。
24 个主要沉积盆地分为 70 个储存分区,利用溶解度法计算了各储存分区地下 1~3 km 深度内咸水含水层的 CO2 储存容量。根据分区内及其周边 CO2 集中排放量,对各分区进行了分级评价。研究结果表明,中国咸水含水层 CO2 储存容量达 1.435 05×1011 t,约为 2003 年中国大陆地区 CO2 排放量的 40.5 倍。华北平原大部,四川盆地北部、东 部和南部,准葛尔盆地东南部都是将来优先考虑的 CO2 含水层储存地区。东南沿海和华南大部,应考虑利用近海 沉积盆地内的咸水含水层储存 CO2。 关键词:环境工程;二氧化碳;地下储存;咸水含水层;溶解度;分级
第 25 卷 第 ese Journal of Rock Mechanics and Engineering
Vol.25 No.5 May,2006
中国深部咸水含水层 CO2 储存优先区域选择
李小春,刘延锋,白 冰,方志明
(中国科学院 武汉岩土力学研究所,湖北 武汉 430071)
中图分类号:X 701.7
LI Xiaochun,LIU Yanfeng,BAI Bing,FANG Zhiming





图书在版编目(CIP)数据应用地球化学元素丰度数据手册/迟清华,鄢明才编著. -北京:地质出版社,2007.12ISBN 978-7-116-05536-0Ⅰ. 应… Ⅱ. ①迟…②鄢…Ⅲ. 地球化学丰度-化学元素-数据-手册Ⅳ. P595-62中国版本图书馆CIP数据核字(2007)第185917号责任编辑:王永奉陈军中责任校对:李玫出版发行:地质出版社社址邮编:北京市海淀区学院路31号,100083电话:(010)82324508(邮购部)网址:电子邮箱:zbs@传真:(010)82310759印刷:北京地大彩印厂开本:889mm×1194mm 1/16印张:10.25字数:260千字印数:1-3000册版次:2007年12月北京第1版•第1次印刷定价:28.00元书号:ISBN 978-7-116-05536-0(如对本书有建议或意见,敬请致电本社;如本社有印装问题,本社负责调换)2关于应用地球化学元素丰度数据手册(代序)地球化学元素丰度数据,即地壳五个圈内多种元素在各种介质、各种尺度内含量的统计数据。






The term phenolic compound or phenolics is applied to a wide range of chemical compounds characterized by a ben-zene ring bearing one or more hydroxyl groups attached to it. Phenolics are numerous and ubiquitous in the plant kingdom, being particularly present in health-promoting foods, such as vegetables and fruits, as well as in some beverages prepared from plants, such as wine, tea and coffee.2)There has been a growing interest in the multiple biological activities of polyphenols and their ability in preventing some degenera-tive conditions.3,4)Epidemiological evidence suggests that the consumption of polyphenol-rich foods reduces the in-cidence of cancer, coronary heart disease and inflamma-tion.5—11)The occurrence of chronic and acute pathological conditions is linked, at different degrees, with unbalanced redox states of the cells.12,13)Polyphenols, either isolated or as constituents of polyphenol-containing fractions, have been proven to act as potent antioxidants, protecting the body’s tis-sues against oxidative stress and pathologies associated with this condition.13,14)Due to their physicochemical properties,these compounds are able to prevent oxidation by chelating metals and scavenging oxygen-free radicals (or reactive oxy-gen species).9,15)Therefore, most of the biological activities of polyphenols are associated to their antioxidant action.H owever, these compounds are also able to modify physio-logical and/or pathological conditions independently from an antioxidant mechanism.16—18)Chlorogenic acid (CGA, Fig. 1), formed by esterification of caffeic and quinic acids, is one of the most abundant polyphenol in the human diet.19)In spite of that, some reports have focused on the metabolism of CGA by different study systems.20—22)CGA is highly bioavailable in nature and, ac-cording to Niggeweg et al.,23)its antioxidant activity is prob-ably more accessible than that of many flavonoids. Due to the importance of CGA for human health, the same authors en-courage the use of biotechnological approaches in order toincrease CGA levels in food crops.23)As for other polyphe-nols, data obtained from in vivo and in vitro experimentsshow that CGA mostly presents antioxidant and anti-carcino-genic activities.19,24—31)However, despite presenting the vari-ous biological activities aforementioned, the effects of CGAon the inflammatory reaction and on the related pain andfever processes have not really been explored so far. There-fore, this study was designed to evaluate the anti-inflamma-tory, analgesic and antipyretic activities of CGA in rats.MATERIAL AND METHODSAnimals Male Wistar rats weighing 180—200g werehoused at 24Ϯ1°C on a 12:12h light dark cycle (lights on at6a.m.), and with free access to food and tap water. Eighthours before the experiment, only tap water was available tothe rats. All experiments were performed between 10a.m. 2236V ol. 29, No. 11© 2006 Pharmaceutical Society of Japan ∗To whom correspondence should be addressed.e-mail: gepsouza@p.brEvaluation of the Anti-inflammatory, Analgesic and Antipyretic Activitiesof the Natural Polyphenol Chlorogenic AcidMichel David dos S ANTOS,a Maria Camila A LMEIDA,b,1)Norberto Peporine L OPES,a andGlória Emília Petto de S OUZA*,aa University of São Paulo, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences of Ribeirão Preto; Avenida do Café s/n°, CampusUniversitário da USP, Ribeirão Preto-SP 14040-903, Brazil: and b University of São Paulo, Medical School of RibeirãoPreto; Avenida dos Bandeirantes 3900, Campus Universitário da USP, Ribeirão Preto-SP 14049–900, Brazil.Received May 13, 2006; accepted August 23, 2006Phenolic compounds are numerous and ubiquitous in the plant kingdom, being particularly present in health-promoting foods. Epidemiological evidences suggest that the consumption of polyphenol-rich foods re-duces the incidence of cancer, coronary heart disease and inflammation. Chlorogenic acid (CGA) is one of themost abundant polyphenol compounds in human diet. Data obtained from in vivo and in vitro experiments showthat CGA mostly presents antioxidant and anti-carcinogenic activities. However, the effects of CGA on the in-flammatory reaction and on the related pain and fever processes have been explored less so far. Therefore, thisstudy was designed to evaluate the anti-inflammatory, antinociceptive and antipyretic activities of CGA in rats.In comparison to control, CGA at doses 50 and 100mg/kg inhibited carrageenin-induced paw edema beginningat the 2nd hour of the experimental procedure. Furthermore, at doses 50 and 100mg/kg CGA also inhibited thenumber of flinches in the late phase of formalin-induced pain test. Such activities may be derived from the in-hibitory action of CGA in the peripheral synthesis/release of inflammatory mediators involved in these re-sponses. On the other hand, even at the highest tested dose (200mg/kg), CGA did not inhibit the febrile responseinduced by lipopolysaccharide (LPS) in rats. Additional experiments are necessary in order to clarify the truetarget for the anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects of CGA.Key words chlorogenic acid; analgesic; anti-inflammatory; formalin; carrageenin; lipopolysaccharide (LPS)Biol. Pharm. Bull.29(11) 2236—2240 (2006)Fig.1.Chemical Structures of Chlorogenic Acid (CGA) and Its Con-stituents, Quinic Acid and Caffeic Acidand 5p.m. All rats were killed shortly after the experiments to minimize suffering of the animal. The study was con-ducted in compliance with the ethical guidelines of the Inter-national Association for the Study of Pain 32)and the Univer-sity of São Paulo Animal Care and Use Committee.Surgery Rats were anesthetized with sodium penthobar-bital (40mg/kg, i.p.) and protected with antibiotic (oxytetra-cycline hydrochloride, 400mg/kg, i.m.). A miniature battery-operated temperature-sensitive transmitter (Data Sciences,U.S.A.) was implanted through a medial laparotomy, and the surgical wound was sutured.Induction and Measurement of R at Paw Edema Rat paw edema was induced in the hind right paw by an intra-plantar injection of 100m l of freshly prepared carrageenan (1% solution in sterile saline—Marine Colloids). The left paw received the same volume of sterile saline and was used as the control. Edema was measured with the use of a plethysmometer (model 7150, Ugo Basile, Italy) at 1h inter-vals up to 4h after carrageenin injection. The results are ex-pressed in milliliters as the difference between the right and left paws.Formalin Test Formalin-induced paw flinching was de-termined as previously described.33)The day before the ex-periment, rats were habituated to stay in open Plexiglas ob-servation chambers for 2h to allow them to acclimatize to their surroundings. The paw flinching was induced by a sub-cutaneous injection, into the plantar surface of the right hind paw, of 50m l of a 1% formalin solution in saline (0.37%formaldehyde, Synth, Brazil) using a 30-gauge needle. The formalin injection produced specific pain behavior character-ized as rapid and brief withdrawal or flexing of the injected paw. This behavior was called a flinching response. Such pain behavior was, therefore, quantified by periodically counting the number of flinches of the injected paw.34)The number of flinches was counted at 5-min intervals from 0 to 60min. Formalin-induced flinches were observed in a char-acteristic biphasic response. The early phase (phase 1) and late phase (phase 2) were defined as 0—14 and 15—60min,respectively, after formalin injection, reflecting acute injury pain and facilitated state, respectively.Fever Test Body core temperature (T c ) was measured by biotelemetry (Data Sciences) at 15-min intervals, during a period of 1h before and 6h after the treatments. Data were acquired and fed to a computer by using the Data Science software. Only animals whose initial T c were between 36.8and 37.4°C were used in the experiments. Fever was induced by an intravenous (through the tail vein) injection of lipopolysaccharide (LPS, E. coli 0111:B4, Sigma Chemical Company, U.S.A.) at a dose of 5m g/kg. Control animals re-ceived an i.v. injection of saline. T c was measured for 6h after the injection of LPS. The results are shown either as the changes from the basal values (D T c ), or fever indices. The D T c was calculated for each rat by subtracting the tempera-ture values after the treatments by its own initial T c . Fever In-dices were calculated for each rat, as areas under the D T c curves (°C h).Treatments CGA was obtained from Sigma Chemical Company (U.S.A.). Animals were orally treated (p.o., 0.5ml)with CGA (10, 50, 100mg/kg; 200mg/kg only for fever test)diluted in the vehicle (saline plus Cremophor RH40, BASF ,10%). Control animals received indomethacin (5mg/kg,Merck, Sharp & Dohme) diluted in Tris–HCl buffer, pH 8.2,or vehicle.Experimental Protocols In all protocols, rats were al-lowed to acclimate to the experimental conditions for at least 1h before the experiments were initiated. In Experiments 1and 2, ambient temperature was adjusted to be 24Ϯ0.5°C. In Experiment 3, ambient temperature was set to be 27Ϯ1.0°C. Experiment 1: This experiment was performed to evaluate whether CGA presented anti-inflammatory activity in the rat paw edema. Rats were orally treated with CGA (10, 50 or 100mg/kg), vehicle or indomethacin, 60min before the sub-plantar injection of carrageenan.Experiment 2: This experiment was aimed at evaluating the effect of CGA treatment on inflammatory pain induced by formalin. Rats were orally treated with CGA (10, 50 or 100mg/kg) or its vehicle 60min before the plantar injection of formalin.Experiment 3: This experiment was designed to address whether CGA treatment affects LPS-induced fever. Rats were orally treated with CGA (10, 50, 100 or 200mg/kg) or its ve-hicle 60 min before the i.v. injection of LPS.Statistical Analysis The responses were compared across treatments and time points by a two-way ANOV A for repeated measurements followed by the H olm–Sidak test (Sigma Stat 3.11, Systat Software Inc, Point Richmond, CA).The differences were considered significant at p Ͻ0.05. The data are reported as means ϮS.E.M.RESULTSFigures 2, 3 and 4 show the effect of CGA on animal mod-els of inflammation, pain and fever, respectively.Figure 2 shows the effect of CGA on the carrageenin-in-duced rat paw edema test. CGA at 50 and 100mg/kg doses was able to significantly inhibit the carrageenin-induced edema beginning at 2nd hour of the experimental procedure,in comparison to control (p Ͻ0.05). On the other hand, CGA at 10mg/kg inhibited the edema only at the 3rd and 4th hour (p Ͻ0.05).Figure 3 shows the effect of CGA on the formalin-induced pain in rats. Injection of formalin in control animals induced a biphasic flinching response, with the early phase ranging from 0 to 14min and the late phase from 15 to 60min afterNovember 20062237Fig.2.Anti-edematogenic Effect of Chlorogenic Acid (CGA) on 1% Car-rageenan-Induced Rat Paw EdemaCGA (doses indicated) or its vehicle (saline ϩCremophor RH40 10%) were adminis-tered p.o.1h before subplantar carrageenan injection. Control animals were treated with Indomethacin (Indo, 5mg/kg, p.o.) or vehicle. The values represent the mean ϮS.E.M. of the variation in the paw volume of 6—8 animals for each group. a, p Ͻ0.05control vs.Indo; b, p Ͻ0.05 control vs.CGA at 50 and 100mg/kg; c, p Ͻ0.05 control vs.CGA at 10mg/kg.the injection. In animals treated with CGA, a dose–response effect was observed: at the 10mg/kg dose, CGA did not af-fect the response in comparison to vehicle-treated animals (p ϭ0.08). On the other hand, CGA at 50mg/kg reduced the formalin-induced flinches from 25 to 45min and, at 100mg/kg, the compound inhibited the flinches from 25 to 60min, when compared to the vehicle-treated group (p Ͻ0.05).Figure 4 shows the effect of CGA on the LPS-induced fever in rats. In control animals (vehicle ϩLPS), 2h after the LPS injection T c started to increase, reached its maximum value ca.3h after injection (ca.2°C increase from basal val-ues) and remained elevated until the end of the experiment.None of the evaluated CGA doses were able to affect the febrile response to LPS in comparison to control animals. As can be seen in Fig. 4, even at a highest dose, 200mg/kg,CGA was unable to alter the LPS-induced fever.DISCUSSIONComprehensive data in the literature show that polyphe-nols present anti-oxidant, anti-carcinogenic and anti-inflam-matory activities as their major biological features. Among these activities, the anti-inflammatory is the less explored by far. CGA, one of the most common polyphenols in human diet, has been regarded as a potent antioxidant and anti-car-cinogenic agent, both in vivo and in vitro . However, relatively fewer studies have focused on the in vivo anti-inflammatory activity of pure CGA. Therefore, this study was designed to evaluate the anti-inflammatory and also the related analgesic and antipyretic activities of CGA in rats.The inflammatory reaction is orchestrated by a large range of mediators able to promote vascular events, recruit cells to the site of inflammation and subsequently resolve the process. The literature has provided evidence showing that a vast array of inflammatory mediators (including prosta-glandins (PGs), kinins, platelet-activating factor, leukotrienes (LTs), amines, purines, cytokines, adhesion molecules and chemokines) act on specific sites (e.g., the microvasculature),leading to changes in vascular tonus and blood flow and to the local activation of leukocytes and endothelial cells.35)Cy-tokines are regulatory proteins that are not constitutively pro-duced under normal physiological conditions. H owever, in-flammatory stimuli induce gene expression of cytokines, ini-tiating the inflammatory response.36)Tumor necrosis factor a (TNF-a ) is a major cytokine involved in the initiation of the inflammatory response. Its actions include the induction of other cytokines such as interleukin 1 (IL-1) and interleukin 6(IL-6), priming of PMN, up-regulation of adhesion mole-cules and activation of arachidonic acid (AA) metabo-lism.36,37)AA metabolites include PGs and thromboxanes (via cyclooxygenases, COX) and LTs (via lipoxygenase).Prostaglandin E 2(PGE 2), derived from COX metabolic path-way, is able to promote changes in vascular tonus and blood flow.The carrageenin-induced paw edema in rats is a common model to study inflammation and inflammatory pain.38)The edema, or swelling, one of the cardinal signs of acute inflam-mation, is an important parameter to be considered when evaluating compounds with a potential anti-inflammatory ac-tivity.39)The role of PGE 2in the carrageenin-induced edema test has been well documented elsewhere 38,40—42)PGE 2and bradykinin (BK) (which also induces the synthesis of this eicosanoid),43)are responsible for the edema formation and also for the pain that accompanies the inflammatory reaction (both BK and PGE 2are able to sensitize primary afferent neurons).35,44)Therefore, the effect of CGA in inhibiting the edema could be attributed to a lowering effect in PGE 2levels.H owever, some reports in the literature shows that CGA is ineffective, or poorly effective, in inhibiting PGE 2synthesis in different models. In comparison to the control, CGA was unable to lower PGE 2levels in RAW264.7 mouse macrophages stimulated with LPS.45)In accordance, another report showed that CGA is ineffective in inhibiting PGE 22238Vol. 29, No. 11Fig.3.Effect of Chlorogenic Acid (CGA) Treatment on the Behavioral Response to FormalinThe plantar injection of 50m l of a 1% formalin solution elicited a biphasic behav-ioral response, characterized by flinching. CGA (doses indicated) or its vehicle (saline ϩCremophor RH40 10%) were administered p.o.1h before the plantar injection of formalin. The values represent the mean ϮS.E.M. of the number of flinches/period of time. n ϭ5—8 animals for each group. a, p Ͻ0.05 control vs.CGA at 100mg/kg; b,p Ͻ0.05 control vs.CGA at 50mg/kg.Fig.4.Effect of Chlorogenic Acid (CGA) Treatment on Lipopolysaccha-ride (LPS) FeverTop: Time course of the change in body core temperature (T c ) response in animals pre-treated with CGA or its vehicle (saline ϩcremophor RH40 10%) and injected with LPS (5m g/kg, i.v.) or saline. CGA or its vehicle were administered p.o.1h before LPS or saline (injected at time zero). For clarity purposes, only one dose of CGA (200mg/kg) treatment is shown in this figure. Bottom: Fever Indices (calculated as area under the D T c curves) of the rats’ response to the pre-treatment with CGA (doses indi-cated) or its vehicle, followed by LPS or saline injection. Values are represented as means ϮS.E.M. n ϭ5—9 for each group. a, p Ͻ0.05 vs.control (vehicle ϩsaline).synthesis by LPS-stimulated J774 macrophages.46)Cunha et al.47)demonstrated that the synthesis of COX products (suchas PGE2) is preceded by the release of a cascade of cytokinesin carrageenin-evoked hyperalgesia. These authors showed that carrageenin stimulates the release of TNF-a, which in turn induces IL-1b and IL-6, which ultimately lead to the re-lease of COX products. In agreement with these results, Grif-fiths48)showed that the stimulation of macrophages/mono-cytes, fibroblasts and epithelial cells with IL-1b and TNF-aleads to PGE2production. Therefore, the impairment ofTNF-a synthesis/release, and of other pro-inflammatory cy-tokines, represents an interesting alternative for the inhibitionof PGE2and consequently of the edema. In this sense, the lit-erature shows that CGA, in a concentration-dependent man-ner, is able to strongly inhibit the production of TNF-a and IL-6 by human peripheral blood mononuclear cells stimu-lated with staphylococcal exotoxins.49)The author also showed that CGA inhibits the synthesis of other mediators such as IL-1b, interferon gamma, monocyte chemotactic pro-tein-1, macrophage inflammatory protein (MIP)-1a and MIP-l a.49)On the other hand, Jin et al.(2006)45)showed that a single dose of CGA does not alter TNF-a levels in the su-pernatant of LPS-stimulated RAW cells. As can be noted, these studies45,49)were conducted in vitro, and the literature still lacks data evidencing the in vivo actions of CGA on these mediators. H owever, the study by Krakauer (2002)49) strengthens our hypothesis that CGA may inhibit TNF-a synthesis. Therefore, we suggest that the inhibitory effect of CGA in the carrageenin-induced rat paw edema (Fig. 2) might be, at least in part, due to its inhibitory action on both TNF-a and IL-6 synthesis/release. H owever, additional ex-periments are necessary to confirm this hypothesis. BesidesPGE2, NO is also a crucial mediator involved in the inflam-matory and pain processes. Toriyabe et al.50)investigated the effect of peripherally released NO on COX expression/acti-vation and production of PGs in carrageenin-induced inflam-mation. The authors concluded that NO activates COX-1 andup-regulates COX-2, resulting in production of PGE2andPGI2at the site of carrageenin inflammation. Since the potentantioxidant activity of CGA is a well-established phenome-non, we cannot rule out the possibility that CGA also exerts anti-edematogenic activity through the inhibition of NO syn-thesis. Corroborating this hypothesis is the finding that a CGA-rich fraction from the medicinal plant Saussarea costus strongly inhibits NO formation.51)Furthermore, it was also demonstrated that pure CGA suppresses the release of NO from LPS/IFN-g-stimulated C6 astrocyte cells.52)The formalin test is a valuable tool in assessing the anal-gesic properties of drug candidates. Differently from other traditional pain-evaluating models, which consist on brief stimuli of threshold intensity, the formalin test involves mod-erate, long-lasting pain. Moreover, since the formalin noci-ception is associated with injured tissue, it is believed that it more closely resembles clinical pain in comparison to other tests that employ mechanical or thermal stimuli.34,53)The subcutaneous injection of diluted formalin in the rat paw in-duces a biphasic response. The early phase is short-lived and initiates immediately after injection, being characterized by C-fiber activation due to peripheral stimuli. The late phase is a longer, persistent period caused by local tissue inflamma-tion and also by functional changes in the dorsal horn of the spinal cord (DHSC). It is believed that these changes in theDH SC initiate by C-fiber barrage during the first phase.34) Figure 3 shows that CGA, in a dose-dependent fashion, in-hibits the number of flinches during the late (15 to 60min) but not the early phase (0 to 14min) of the formalin test in comparison to control. In general, TNF-a is the first cytokine detected in inflammatory sites since increased TNF-a levels are present as early as 30min after inflammatory stimu-lus.37,54)Accordingly, the participation of TNF-a in formalin-induced inflammatory pain was well documented by Grana-dos-Soto et al.55)The authors found that antibody anti-TNF-a significantly reduced, near 30%, the number of flinches in the second phase (15—60min) of formalin test showing by the first time the involvement of this cytokine in this re-sponse. In addition, TNF-a, among other inflammatory me-diators, contributes significantly to formalin-induced orofa-cial nociception.56)These findings are in agreement with pre-vious reports indicating that TNF-a is a mediator of inflam-matory and nerve injury pain.57,58)In view of that, it is possi-ble that CGA inhibits the characteristic flinching behavior of the second phase of formalin test by inhibiting the synthesis of TNF-a.Fever is defined as an elevation in body temperature char-acteristically exhibited by most species in response to an in-vasion of infectious agents. When a pyrogenic agent, such as LPS, enters the body through a break in its natural barriers, it will interact with immune cells, and promote the synthesis and release of endogenous mediators, such as cytokines (e.g. TNF-a, IL-1b, IL-6), PGs and endothelins.59—61)In the pre-optic area of the anterior hypothalamus, PGE2seems to be crucial for the induction of fever, at least to LPS.60)Although presenting inhibitory activities on the carrageenin-induced paw edema (Fig. 2) and on formalin pain (Fig. 3), in the pres-ent study CGA was not able to reduce the febrile response to LPS, even when a higher dose of CGA (200mg/kg) was em-ployed (Fig. 4). It is possible that CGA lacks antipyretic ac-tivity because the compound was shown to be ineffective, orpoorly effective, in inhibiting PGE2in different experimental models.45,46)Furthermore, besides TNF-a, other mediators such as IL-1 (a, b), IL-6 and chemokines, which depend ornot on PGE2synthesis to produce fever, are also involved in the fever to LPS. Thus, even though CGA would inhibit TNF-a synthesis, other mediators or pathways, for instance those that do not depend on PGs synthesis such as endotelin-1 and macrophage inflammatory protein-1a,62—64)can work in fever development. It is also possible that, due to its rela-tively high polarity, no effective amount of CGA passively crosses the blood brain barrier to exert its inhibitory effects on the synthesis of all of these pyrogenic mediators. CONCLUSIONWe demonstrate here that CGA presents anti-edemato-genic and antinociceptive activities in animal models of car-rageenin-induced inflammation and formalin-induced pain, respectively. Such activities may be derived of the inhibitory action of CGA in the peripheral synthesis/release of inflam-matory mediators involved in these responses, such as TNF-a and NO. On the other hand, CGA did not inhibit the febrile response induced by LPS in rats. We suggest that this may berelated to the lack of effect of CGA in inhibiting PGE2syn-November 20062239thesis/release and/or, because its relative high polarity, to CGA’s inability to cross the blood brain barrier to exert in-hibitory effects on mediators involved in the febrile response. Additional experiments are necessary in order to confirm these hypotheses and to clarify the true target for the anti-in-flammatory and analgesic effects of CGA. Acknowledgements The authors thank Miriam C. C. de Melo and Juliana A. Vercesi for their helpful technical assis-tance and CNPq, CAPES and FAPESP for the financial sup-port. The authors also thank Dr Paul Gates, School of Chem-istry, University of Bristol, for the English language revision. REFERENCES AND NOTES1)Present address: São Paulo State University at Rio Claro, Departmentof Zoology. Avenida 24A, 1515, Rio Claro-SP 13506–900, Brazil.2)Stoclet J., Chataigneau T., Ndiaye M., Oak M., Bedoui J. E.,Chataigneau M., Schini-Kerth V. B., Eur. J. Pharmacol., 500, 299—313 (2004).3)Laranjinha J. A., Almeida L. M., Madeira V. M., Biochem. Pharmacol.,48, 487—494 (1994).4)Soleas G. J., Grass,L., Josephy P. D., Goldberg D. M., Diamandis E. P.,Clin. Biochem., 35, 119—124 (2002).5)Mukhtar H., Ahmad N., Toxicol. Sci., 52, 111—117 (1999).6)Ruf J. C., Drugs Exp. Clin. Res., 25, 125—131 (1999).7)Duthie G. G., Gardner P. T., Kyle J. A., Proc. Nutr. Soc., 62, 599—603(2003).8)Birrell M. A., McCluskie K., Wong S., Donnelly L. E., Barnes P. J.,Belvisi M. 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芦佳琪,吴玉珍,张瑞,等. 基于HS-SPME-GC-MS 与电子鼻分析芹菜贮藏期间挥发性物质的变化[J]. 食品工业科技,2024,45(5):212−222. doi: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2023040101LU Jiaqi, WU Yuzhen, ZHANG Rui, et al. Change of the Volatile Compounds from Celery Leaves during Storage Based on HS-SPME-GC-MS and E-nose[J]. Science and Technology of Food Industry, 2024, 45(5): 212−222. (in Chinese with English abstract). doi:10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2023040101· 分析检测 ·基于HS-SPME-GC-MS 与电子鼻分析芹菜贮藏期间挥发性物质的变化芦佳琪1,吴玉珍1,张 瑞1,韩晶晶1,熊爱生2,郁志芳1, *(1.南京农业大学食品科技学院,江苏南京 210095;2.南京农业大学园艺学院,江苏南京 210095)摘 要:采用顶空固相微萃取技术结合气相色谱-质谱联用(headspace solid phase microextraction-gas chromato-graphy-mass spectrometry ,HS-SPME-GC-MS )和电子鼻技术分析了20.0 ℃贮藏期间芹菜叶片挥发性物质的组成和含量的变化。

结果显示,采用HS-SPME-GC-MS 技术从芹菜中共检测到108种挥发性物质,单萜类(43.2%~52.92%)和苯酞类(19.93%~28.97%)为主要组分,其中D-柠檬烯含量丰富(6600.64~48566.12 μg/kg )。





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日本 N EC公司发现新型碳材料 “ 碳纳米刷 ”
日经技术在线 ( 日 ),2 0 1 6 — 0 7 — 0 1
烯纯度为 9 9 . 8 %, 回收率为 9 9 . 8 %。 当与增强性能吸附剂 ( 如 无 黏结剂 沸石 )结合 时 ,气 相 S MB作 为传 统工艺 的替代 者具有竞争力 。
We s t l a k e 公司P e t r o l裂解 装 置 重 启 以 缓解 紧 张 的 乙烯 供 应
Ch e m We e k, 2 01 6—0 7— 2 8
日本 NE C公 司今 日宣布 在全 球 首次 发 现 了新型 碳材 料 ,命名 为 “ 碳纳 米刷 ”。使用 这种新材 料可提 高蓄 电池
和传感器 的性能 ,并且还能赋予塑 料和橡胶 导电性。
碳 纳米刷是使碳纳米角 ( C N H) 呈纤维状聚合而成 的。 其 直径 约为 1 0 0 a m,长度 约为 1 ~1 0 m。以往 C NH采用
的碳材 料是 C N H 球状 聚合体 ( 球状 C N H)。碳纳米 角和
球状 C NH都具 有分 散性 强和难 以凝 集 的特点 ,二者 的差 距 在于 导 电性 。碳 纳米 角 的导 电性 比球 状 C NH的导 电性 高1 0倍 以上 。原 因是 由于分散 在母材 中的球形 C NH的间 距 比较远 ,而碳 纳米刷 的电子在 相连 的纤 为蓄电池电极的导电材料时 , 充放 电速度可提高 1 0 % ~1 5 %。另外 ,由于 C N H 的 比表面 积大 ,因此具有 很强 的吸附性 能。利 用该特 性可作为 高性
聚乳酸 ( P L A)是一 种多功 能的生 物聚合 物 ,但 由于 其 脆性它 的应 用有所 限制。现在 ,一种替 代的生物基 复合 材 料 已经 开发 出来 ,克 服了这一 限制 。在新能源产业 技术 综 合开发 机构 ( NE DO)的项 目下 ,由 日立造船 股份有 限 公司 ( H I T Z)的产 学协会和大 阪大学开发 ,这种 复合材料 通 过动态 交联并使 P L A与 1 0 ~3 0 %( W)反式聚异戊 二烯 结合 制成 , 反式聚异戊二烯是从杜仲 , 一 种原产 于中国的树 , 其树皮 用作药 品的非食 用生物 质衍 生的。 该 材 料所 具 有 的生 物 耐 冲击 性值 比市售 聚乳 酸高 约 1 6~ 2 5 倍 。拉伸性 能之一 的伸长率 ,也 以约 9~ 3 0 倍 因数 被大幅改善。预计 ,该生物质衍生的复合材料将被用作 3 D 打印树脂 ,对 通常 以成 型工艺制成 的汽车 内饰 和零 部件应 用 ,其全球市 场不断增 长。其他潜在 的应用包括 生物基体 育用品、办公设 备和医疗设备。 合 作伙 伴正投 资数 百万 美元用 于一条 1 O t , a 的大规 模 生产线来制造这种复合材料 ,并期望 2 0 1 6年夏天 晚些时候 开始产品供货 。

Chemical compound and its use which possess annula

Chemical compound and its use which possess annula

专利名称:Chemical compound and its use whichpossess annular structure发明人:冨宿 賢一,森 謙治,田代 卓哉,谷口 克,清野 研一郎申请号:JP2007506061申请日:20060303公开号:JPWO2006093352A1公开日:20080807专利内容由知识产权出版社提供摘要:As for this invention, the below-mentioned general formula (1 ') [In formula, R shows the arudopiranosu residue, R carbon count shows the hydrocarbon radical of 2 which is possible to have possessed the substituent - 18, R shows the acyl basis, X shows oxygen atom, sulfur atom or -nh-, p shows integer 0 - 4. ] With the chemical compound which is displayed regards that salt. The chemical compound of this invention has had unique immunity adjustment talent, it is useful in prevention remedy of the autoimmune disease and the like.申请人:独立行政法人理化学研究所地址:埼玉県和光市広沢2番1号国籍:JP代理人:高島 一更多信息请下载全文后查看。

chemical engineering science标准缩写

chemical engineering science标准缩写

chemical engineering science标准缩写全文共四篇示例,供读者参考第一篇示例:化学工程科学(Chemical Engineering Science,CES)是一个综合性的领域,涉及化学、物理、工程和数学等多学科知识,旨在研究和改进化学工程过程的原理和应用。









As a field full of challenges and opportunities, chemical engineering science is developing rapidly, bringing forth many cutting-edge technologies and new areas. In today's society, with the continuous advancement of science and technology and the increasing emphasis on environmental protection, chemical engineering science plays an important role in industrial production, energy development, environmental management, and more. At the same time, chemical engineering science has made significant contributions to the development of thesocio-economy, driving the advancement and innovation of many industries.第二篇示例:化工工程科学(Chemical Engineering Science,CES)是研究化学工程过程和相关科学原理的学科。





1. Polymer Journal (高分子学报)Polymer Journal是日本高分子学会旗下的一本期刊,创刊于1970年,发表高分子科学和工程方面的原创性研究论文。


2. Journal of Applied Polymer Science (应用高分子科学报)Journal of Applied Polymer Science是国际知名的高分子科学期刊,创刊于1959年,每两周出版一期。


3. Macromolecules (大分子化学报)Macromolecules是美国化学学会旗下的一本重要期刊,创刊于1968年。



4. Polymer Chemistry (高分子化学)Polymer Chemistry是英国皇家化学学会旗下的一本期刊,创刊于2010年。


5. Journal of Polymer Science Part A: Polymer Chemistry (高分子科学A辑:高分子化学)Journal of Polymer Science Part A: Polymer Chemistry是一本由Wiley出版的期刊,创刊于1959年。


J. Biol. Chem.-2006-Hryciw-16068-77

J. Biol. Chem.-2006-Hryciw-16068-77

Yun and Philip PoronnikRobert G. Parton, Carol A. Pollock, Chris C.Ferguson, Aven Lee, Dongsheng Wang, Deanne H. Hryciw, Jenny Ekberg, CharlesREGULATORY FACTOR-2 WITH ClC-5INTERACTION OF Na+-H+ EXCHANGE PSD95/Dlg/ZO-1 (PDZ) Scaffolds:Regulation of Albumin Endocytosis by and Biogenesis:Membrane Transport, Structure, Function,doi: 10.1074/jbc.M512559200 originally published online April 6, 20062006, 281:16068-16077.J. Biol. Chem.10.1074/jbc.M512559200Access the most updated version of this article at doi:.JBC Affinity Sites Find articles, minireviews, Reflections and Classics on similar topics on theAlerts:When a correction for this article is posted •When this article is cited • to choose from all of JBC's e-mail alertsClick here/content/281/23/16068.full.html#ref-list-1This article cites 51 references, 19 of which can be accessed free at by guest on August 20, 2014/Downloaded fromRegulation of Albumin Endocytosis byPSD95/Dlg/ZO-1(PDZ)ScaffoldsINTERACTION OF Na؉-H؉EXCHANGE REGULATORY FACTOR-2WITH ClC-5*Received for publication,November23,2005,and in revised form,March23,2006Published,JBC Papers in Press,April6,2006,DOI10.1074/jbc.M512559200 Deanne H.Hryciw‡,Jenny Ekberg‡,Charles Ferguson§,Aven Lee‡,Dongsheng Wang¶,Robert G.Parton§,Carol A.Pollockʈ,Chris C.Yun¶,and Philip Poronnik‡1From the‡School of Biomedical Sciences,The University of Queensland,Brisbane,Queensland4072,Australia,the§Institutefor Molecular Bioscience and Centre for Microscopy and Microanalysis,The University of Queensland,Brisbane,Queensland4072, Australia,theʈKolling Institute,Royal North Shore Hospital,Department of Medicine,University of Sydney,New South Wales2065, Australia,and the¶Department of Medicine,Division of Digestive Diseases,Emory University,Atlanta,Georgia30322The constitutive reuptake of albumin from the glomerular filtrate by receptor-mediated endocytosis is a key function of the renal proximal tubules.Both the Cl؊channel ClC-5and the Na؉-H؉exchanger isoform3are critical components of the macromolecular endocytic complex that is required for albumin uptake,and there-fore the cell-surface levels of these proteins may limit albumin endocytosis.This study was undertaken to investigate the potential roles of the epithelial PDZ scaffolds,Na؉-H؉exchange regulatory factors,NHERF1and NHERF2,in albumin uptake by opossum kid-ney(OK)cells.We found that ClC-5co-immunoprecipitates with NHERF2but not NHERF1from OK cell lysate.Experiments using fusion proteins demonstrated that this was a direct interaction between an internal binding site in the C terminus of ClC-5and the PDZ2module of NHERF2.In OK cells,NHERF2is restricted to the intravillar region while NHERF1is located in the microvilli.Silenc-ing NHERF2reduced both cell-surface levels of ClC-5and albumin uptake.Conversely,silencing NHERF1increased cell-surface levels of ClC-5and albumin uptake,presumably by increasing the mobil-ity of NHE3in the membrane and its availability to the albumin uptake complex.Surface biotinylation experiments revealed that both NHERF1and NHERF2were associated with the plasma mem-brane and that NHERF2was recruited to the membrane in the pres-ence of albumin.The importance of the interaction between NHERF2and the cytoskeleton was demonstrated by a significant reduction in albumin uptake in cells overexpressing an ezrin bind-ing-deficient mutant of NHERF2.Thus NHERF1and NHERF2dif-ferentially regulate albumin uptake by mechanisms that ultimately alter the cell-surface levels of ClC-5.The epithelial cells of the renal proximal tubule reabsorb large amounts of water,Naϩ,ClϪ,HCO3Ϫ,PO4Ϫ,glucose,and amino acids from the glomerular filtrate(1).In addition to ions and small molecules, proteins such as albumin cross the glomerular barrier(2).Under normal conditions the tubular concentration of albumin in humans isϳ4mg/li-ter(3).This equates to720mg of albumin entering the kidneys each day and yetϽ30mg of albumin is excreted per day,with the rest is consti-tutively reabsorbed in the proximal tubule by receptor-mediated endo-cytosis(2).This process involves the binding of albumin to the megalin/ cubulin scavenger receptor,internalization of the complex,subsequent dissociation of the albumin from the receptor in the endosomes(2,4), and finally degradation of albumin to its constitutive amino acids in the lysosomes,while megalin/cubulin is recycled back to the cell membrane(5).A series of recent studies suggest that the endocytosis of albumin requires a macromolecular complex that includes the receptor,mega-lin/cubulin,the ClϪchannel ClC-5,the Naϩ-Hϩexchanger isoform3 (NHE3),2and the v-type Hϩ-ATPase(2,6,7).The absolute requirement for megalin/cubulin is evident from the severe proteinuria seen in mega-lin/cubulin-deficient dogs(8).The functional basis for the obligate role of NHE3in albumin uptake is less clear and may involve initiating the acidification of the nascent endosome by the electroneutral exchange of endosomal Naϩfor cytosolic Hϩ(9,10)or inhibiting fusion of the early endosome(10).This is demonstrated by reduced albumin uptake in the OK cell line when NHE3is inhibited and the abolition of albumin uptake in NHE3-deficient OK cells(9,11).These data are comple-mented by the finding of elevated levels of urinary protein in NHE3 knock-out mice(12).The situation with ClC-5is more precise,because defective ClC-5in Dent’s disease patients results in proteinuria(13)as does ClC-5knock-out in mice(14,15).The proteinuria was hypothe-sized to result from reduced albumin uptake due to the lack of an anion shunt and failure of the endosomes to acidify(15),although new data showing that ClC-5functions as a ClϪ/Hϩantiporter questions the role of ClC-5as an anion shunt(16,17).Another possible role played by ClC-5is in mediating the protein-protein interactions that are involved in the assembly of the endocytic complex(6).This hypothesis is sup-ported by data from the proximal tubules of ClC-5knock-out mice and patients with Dent’s disease where megalin is down-regulated and the v-Hϩ-ATPase is mistrafficked to the basolateral domain(18,19).It is also clear that albumin uptake involves actin cytoskeleton acting as an anchoring point for the endocytic complex(20–22),because disruption of the cytoskeleton abolishes albumin uptake(21,23).The presence of albumin causes actin clusters to form at the apical membrane that co-localize with the sites of albumin uptake(21).We have also shown that an interaction between ClC-5and the actin-depolymerizing protein cofilin is required for albumin uptake(22).Thus,although significant progress has been made in identifying both ClC-5and NHE3,as essen-*This work was supported by grants from the National Health and Medical ResearchCouncil of Australia(to P.P.,C.A.P.,and R.G.P.).The costs of publication of this article were defrayed in part by the payment of page charges.This article must therefore be hereby marked“advertisement”in accordance with18U.S.C.Section1734solely to indicate this fact.1To whom correspondence should be addressed.Tel.:61-7-3365-2299;Fax:61-7-3365-1766;E-mail:p.poronnik@.au.2The abbreviations used are:NHE3,Naϩ-Hϩexchanger isoform3;OK,opossum kidney cells;NHERF,Naϩ/Hϩexchanger regulatory factor;GST,glutathione S-transferase;HRP,horseradish peroxidase;DMEM,Dulbecco’s modified Eagle’s medium;MBP, maltose binding protein;MOPS,4-morpholinepropanesulfonic acid;GFP,green fluo-rescent protein;TR,Texas Red.THE JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY VOL.281,NO.23,pp.16068–16077,June9,2006©2006by The American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology,Inc.Printed in the U.S.A.16068JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICALCHEMISTRY VOLUME281•NUMBER23•JUNE9,2006 by guest on August 20, 2014 / Downloaded fromtial and therefore rate-limiting components in albumin uptake,we have little insight into the protein-protein interactions that direct the forma-tion of the endocytic complex and anchor it to the cytoskeleton.One class of proteins that is critically involved in the assembly of macromolecular complexes are PDZ module-containing scaffolds(24). The first PDZ scaffold protein described for an epithelial transporter was the Naϩ/Hϩexchanger regulatory factor(NHERF,NHERF1,or EBP50)that was found to mediate the regulation of NHE3by cAMP in the proximal tubule(25).Subsequently,a second protein,NHERF2(or E3KARP),was also identified as a binding partner for NHE3(26). NHERF1and NHERF2contain tandem PDZ modules and a C-terminal ezrin binding domain that can anchor the complex to the underlying actin cytoskeleton(24).Typically,PDZ modules bind to PDZ binding motifs in the extreme C terminus of target proteins,but they can also bind to internal sequences and lipids(27)as well as also forming homo-and heterodimers(28).NHERF1and NHERF2share only44%homology with most sequence conservation in their PDZ modules(26).Significantly,they display pro-nounced spatial heterogeneity in the proximal tubule with reports in both mouse and human(29–31)showing that NHERF1is strongly expressed in the microvilli,while NHERF2is primarily localized at the base of the microvilli in the vesicle-rich domains(29–31).NHERF pro-teins clearly have the capacity to nucleate the formation of functional complexes at the plasma membrane(30,32)and restrict the mobility of plasma membrane proteins,such as NHE3(33,34).Thus the organized subcellular distribution of NHERF1/2is speculated to play a role in the specific interactions that mediate the physiological regulation of trans-porter function(31).The current study was therefore undertaken to investigate the potential involvement of NHERF1/2in albumin uptake and whether this involved interactions with ClC-5,a key component of the albumin endocytic complex.EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURESMaterials and Antibodies—Anti-NHERF1(35),anti-NHERF2(20) and anti-ClC-5antibody have been previously described(22,36). Anti-GST conjugated to horseradish peroxidase(HRP)was provided by Amersham Biosciences,and anti-MBP conjugated to HRP was provided by New England Biolabs.Secondary antibody conjugated to rhodamine was obtained from Calbiochem.Secondary antibodies conjugated to HRP were from Pierce.Cell Culture—The opossum kidney(OK)cell line was obtained from Dr.Daniel Markovich(University of Queensland),and the cells were maintained in DMEM/Ham’s F-12(DMEM/F-12)media supplemented with10%fetal bovine serum,penicillin/streptomycin and incubated at 37°C in5%CO2.For experimental protocols,OK cells were seeded at confluence and grown for5days.Two days prior to experimentation, cells were incubated in DMEM/F-12with5m M glucose medium lacking serum.HEK293cells were maintained in DMEM media supplemented with10%fetal bovine serum,penicillin/streptomycin,and incubated at 37°C in5%CO2.Characterization of NHERF2in OK Cells—RNA was extracted from OK cells and HEK-293(control)cells using TRIzol reagent(Invitrogen) according to the manufacturer’s instructions.Total RNA(2␮g)was treated with DNase(Promega)and then reverse-transcribed using Super-script III(Invitrogen).NHERF2was amplified using primers described pre-viously(37).For Western blot detection,Triton X-100-soluble fractions of OK cells(40␮g)were separated on a10%SDS-PAGE gel and transferred to a nitrocellulose membrane.NHERF2was then detected using a rabbit poly-clonal anti-NHERF2antibody(1:10,000dilution).The cellular distribution of NHERF2was determined by confocal microscopy using the NHERF2antibody(1:100)and a secondary anti-rabbit antibody conjugated to rho-damine(Calbiochem,1:40).GST Pull-down Assay—Generation of the GST fusion proteins con-taining NHERF1and NHERF2,the individual PDZ domains NHERF2 PDZ1(PDZ1),NHERF2PDZ2(PDZ2)and NHERF2C terminus (C-term)and the C terminus of ClC-5(GST-ClC-5)have been previ-ously described(19,34).The GST fusion proteins were produced as described previously using the GST purification kit(Amersham Bio-sciences)following the manufacturer’s instructions(22).In brief,the bacteria were induced to produce GST fusion protein with IPTG(1 m M),cells lysed and the GST fusion protein purified using a glutathione Sepharose4B column.For the pulldown assay,50␮g of GST or GST fusion protein were incubated with glutathione-Sepharose4B beads (Amersham Biosciences)for3h at4°C.The beads were then washed, centrifuged,and incubated withϳ1mg of lysate from OK cells at4°C for18h.The beads were washed repeatedly,and the samples were eluted into Laemmli gel sample buffer.Samples were resolved on SDS-PAGE gel and transferred to nitrocellulose membranes.Western blot-ting was performed using the appropriate antibody,and the blots were detected using secondary antibodies conjugated to HRP and the Super-Signal West Pico Substrate(Pierce).In addition,50␮g of GST fusion proteins was transferred to a nitrocellulose membrane and probed with anti-GST conjugated to HRP to demonstrate an equal amount of pro-tein in the reaction.The protein was detected using the SuperSignal West Pico Substrate(Pierce).MBP Pull-down Assay—The C terminus of ClC-5was subcloned into pMAL-c2x(New England Biolabs).A mutant that lacked the final five amino acids(D741X)was generated using site-directed mutagenesis as described previously(38).Both plasmids were used to transform BL-21 component cells.The fusion protein containing the C terminus of ClC-5fused to MBP(MBP-ClC-5)and the D741X mutant(MBP-⌬PDZ)were induced with isopropyl1-thio-␤-D-galactopyranoside(1 m M),the cells were lysed,and the fusion protein was isolated using an amylose column.For the direct interaction assay,5␮g of MBP-ClC-5, MBP-⌬PDZ,or MBP alone as a control was incubated with amylose beads for3h at4°C.GST-NHERF2(300ng)was then added to the complex,and the mixture was incubated overnight.The complex was pelleted and washed four times with buffer containing1%Triton X-100. The samples were suspended in Laemmli gel sample buffer,separated on a10%SDS-PAGE gel,and transferred to nitrocellulose membranes. Western blotting was performed using the anti-NHERF2antibody,and the blots were detected using secondary antibodies conjugated to HRP and the SuperSignal West Pico Substrate(Pierce).As a further control, 50␮g of MBP fusion proteins was transferred to a nitrocellulose mem-brane and probed with anti-MBP conjugated to HRP to demonstrate an equal amount of protein in the reaction.The protein was detected using the SuperSignal West Pico Substrate(Pierce). Immunoprecipitation—Protein-A-agarose beads(Roche Applied Sci-ence)were used for immunoprecipitation experiments using the manufac-turer’s protocol.Briefly,OK cells were lysed in lysis buffer(50m M Tris-HCl,pH7.5,150m M NaCl,1%Triton X-100,and Complete protease inhibitors(Roche Applied Science)).50␮l of Protein-A-agarose was incubated with the lysate for3h at4°C.The pre-cleared lysate was then incubated with anti-NHERF1or anti-NHERF2antibodies at4°C over-night.Protein-A-agarose(50␮l)was added to the sample,and the mix-ture was incubated for3h at4°C.The pelleted beads were then washed three times in500␮l of wash buffer(50m M Tris-HCl,pH7.5,500m M NaCl,0.1%Triton X-100),and the samples were eluted into Laemmli gel sample buffer,separated on a5%SDS-PAGE gel,and then transferred to nitrocellulose membranes.Western blotting was performed with anti-NHERF1/2and Proximal Tubule Albumin UptakeJUNE9,2006•VOLUME281•NUMBER23JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY16069by guest on August 20, 2014/Downloaded fromClC-5antibody as previously described(22).As a further control,50␮g of OK cell lysate was resolved on SDS-PAGE gel transferred to a nitro-cellulose membrane and probed with anti-ClC-5,anti-NHERF1,and anti-NHERF2to demonstrate equal loading of the lysate in each reaction.Electrophysiological Recording of ClC-5Currents in Xenopus oo-cytes—Capped RNA(cRNA)transcripts encoding the full-length ClC-5 and NHERF2were synthesized using the mMESSAGE mMACHINE in vitro transcription kit(Ambion).Xenopus laevis stage V–VI oocytes were treated with collagenase(Type I,Sigma)for defolliculation.The oocytes were then injected with cRNA for ClC-5(5ng/oocyte)in the absence and presence of the cRNA encoding NHERF2(10ng/oocyte)or water as a control.The oocytes were incubated at18°C in ND96solu-tion(96m M NaCl,2m M KCl,1m M CaCl2,1m M MgCl2,5m M HEPES, 5m M pyruvic acid,and50␮g/ml gentamicin,pH7.5)prior to recording. Three days after cRNA injection,membrane currents were recorded from oocytes using the two-electrode(virtual ground circuit)voltage clamp technique using microelectrodes filled with3M KCl.All record-ings were made at room temperature(20–23°C)using ND96solution. Using a GeneClamp500B amplifier and pCLAMP8software(Axon Instruments Inc.,Union City,CA),data were low pass-filtered at1kHz, digitized at10kHz,and leak-subtracted on-line using a-P/8protocol and analyzed offline.Inward ClϪcurrents mediated by ClC-5were gen-erated by holding the cells atϪ70mV and applying100-ms step depo-larizations to membrane potentials fromϪ30mV toϩ80mV.Statisti-cal significance was determined using an unpaired t test(95% confidence interval).Electron Microscopy—Cells were fixed with8%(w/v)paraformalde-hyde in phosphate-buffered saline and then processed for frozen sec-tioning according to published methods(39).Thawed sections were labeled with antibodies to NHERF1or NHERF2followed by10nm Protein A-gold(University of Utrecht).Transfections and Plasmid DNA—OK cells were transiently transfected with either a wild-type-NHERF1,NHERF2,dominant negative-NHERF1 lacking the ezrin binding domain(NHERF-1⌬EZR),NHERF2(NHERF-1⌬EZR),or control pCDNA3plasmid.The ezrin binding domain links the NHERF proteins to the actin cytoskeleton(24).In addition,cells were transfected with the silencing RNA construct pSHAG(40)con-taining OK NHERF1-specific sequences(EBP114:5Ј-CCAACGAGC-CGGGCTCCACCAGGCCGGAT-3Јand EBP248:5Ј-GTCGACCAC-CAGCAGGCGCACGGCGTTG-3Ј)and human NHERF2-specific sequences(pSHAG274:5Ј-ACGGCGTCAACGTGGAGGGCGA-GACGCA-3Јand pSHAG361:5Ј-CCGAAGCCAGACTGGGCACA-CACCGGCAG-3Ј)or the control vector(pSHAG-FF that contains small interference RNA against firefly luciferase).All transfections were performed using Fugene(Roche Applied Science)or Effectene(Qia-gen),following the manufacturers’protocol.Albumin Uptake—We used standard albumin uptake methods in OK cells,a cell line commonly used for the study of proximal tubule albumin uptake(22,41,42).For transfected cells,control(mock transfected with vector)OK cells or cells transfected with the various constructs were grown in48-well plates for7days(21,22,36,43).To study the effect of cAMP on albumin uptake,cells were preincubated with8-Br-cAMP (100␮M)for1h.To determine albumin uptake,cells were exposed to50␮g/ml albumin conjugated to Texas Red(Molecular Probes)under the different conditions for120min(22).As a control to determine the level of endocytosis dependent on the intact cytoskeleton,some cells were pre-treated with cytochalasin B(1.5␮M)for60min before exposure to TR-albumin.Nonspecific binding was determined in cells exposed to albumin for1min.At the end of the uptake period,cells were washed in HEPES buffer,pH6at4°C,and then lysed in MOPS buffer(20m M MOPS with0.1%Triton X-100).The TR-albumin fluorescence was determined using a Fusion spectrophotometer(Hewlett Packard,Black-burn,Victoria,Australia)at580nm excitation and630nm emission wavelengths.TR-albumin uptake was standardized to total cellular pro-tein,and the amount of fluorescence per microgram of cellular protein was adjusted for background.Cell-surface Biotinylation—Cell-surface biotinylation was used to detect the levels of ClC-5in the plasma membrane and the levels of NHERF1and NHERF2associated with the plasma membrane.OK cells were transiently transfected with pSHAG-FF,EBP114,EBP248,pSHAG 274,and pSHAG361as described above.The cell-surface proteins were biotinylated as described previously(36).Briefly,confluent OK cell monolayers were washed three times in cold phosphate-buffered saline then biotinylated with1.22mg/ml EZ-Link NHS-SS-Biotin(Pierce)at 4°C with gentle agitation.Monolayers were washed three times in cold phosphate-buffered saline,and the cells were lysed in lysis buffer.The biotinylated proteins were isolated by binding to ImmunoPure immo-bilized streptavidin(Pierce)for15min on ice.The beads were pelleted, and the supernatant that contained the cytoplasmic(unbiotinylated) fraction was recovered by centrifugation at4500ϫg for6min at4°C. The membrane(biotinylated)fraction was washed,and the pellet was suspended in Laemmli sample buffer.An equal protein amount of the biotinylated fractions and whole cell fractions were resolved on a5% SDS-PAGE gel,and then transferred to nitrocellulose.Western blotting was performed with the anti-ClC-5,anti-NHERF1,and anti-NHERF2 antibodies as describedabove.FIGURE1.NHERF2is endogenously expressed in OK cells.A,reverse transcription-PCR showing the presence of a330-bp product that corresponds to NHERF2in OK and con-trol(HEK)cells,as well as the␤-actin control.B,Western blot analysis showing a single band of43kDa corresponding to the NHERF2protein in OK cells.C,X-Y confocal scan showing NHERF2at the plane of the apical membrane(scale barsϭ10␮m).D,X-Z confocal scan showing that NHERF-2is predominantly cytosolic at the apical domain of OK cells.NHERF1/2and Proximal Tubule Albumin Uptake16070JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICALCHEMISTRY VOLUME281•NUMBER23•JUNE9,2006 by guest on August 20, 2014 / Downloaded fromConfocal Microscopy —Albumin uptake in OK cells transfected with the silencing RNA against NHERF1/2was performed as previously described (21).Briefly,cells were seeded onto glass coverslips,tran-siently transfected with the NHERF-silencing RNA plasmids and GFP.Confluent monolayers of OK cells were exposed to 1mg/ml TR-albu-min for 20min.All cells were fixed in 4%paraformaldehyde and were analyzed by confocal microscopy.Cells were analyzed by confocal microscopy using a Zeiss LSM 510Meta confocal microscope with Plan-Apochromat 63ϫ,1.4numerical aperture objective.GFP was excited at 488nm,and emission was measured at 515Ϯ15nm.TR-albumin was excited at 543nm and emission measured at 570nm.Quantification of Results and Statistical Analysis —Densitometric analysis of the Western blot data was performed using Fujifilm Sci-enceLab 99Image Gauge (version 3.3).Statistical analyses of the data were performed using a two-tailed Student’s paired t test or analysis of variance where appropriate with a p value of Ͻ0.05consider-ed significant.RESULTSDistribution of NHERF2in OK Cells —It has been reported previously that some clones of OK cells express NHERF1but not NHERF2(30,37,44).It was therefore essential to confirm that the OK cells used in thecurrent study did express NHERF2.Reverse transcription-PCR using NHERF2-specific primers (37)performed on mRNA isolated from OK cells clearly showed the presence of the message for NHERF2(Fig.1A ),and Western blot analysis on cell lysate demonstrated the presence of NHERF2protein (Fig.1B ).Finally,confocal analysis of confluent OK cells revealed abundant cytosolic staining for NHERF2that was more pronounced at the apical domain (Fig.1,C and D ),a distribution that is similar to that reported for NHE3and ClC-5(45,46).ClC-5Interacts with NHERF2but Not NHERF1—To demonstrate in vivo and in vitro interactions between ClC-5and NHERF1/2we first performed co-immunoprecipitations using NHERF1-and NHERF2-specific antibodies.We found that NHERF2but not NHERF1antibody precipitated ClC-5from OK cell lysates (Fig.2A ).Lysate controls showed equal amounts of NHERF1,NHERF2,and ClC-5in the reac-tions (Fig.2B ).This interaction was confirmed by using GST fusion proteins of NHERF1/2to show that only NHERF2could pull down ClC-5from OK cell lysate (Fig.2C ).Fusion protein controls showed equal amounts of GST,GST-NHERF1,and GST-NHERF2in the reac-tions (Fig.2D ).Further experiments were then performed with GST fusion proteins expressing the individual functional domains (PDZ1,PDZ2,and C terminus)of NHERF2to show that ClC-5bound to the second PDZ domain (Fig.2E ).Again,fusion protein controlsshowedFIGURE 2.ClC-5interacts with NHERF2in vitro and in vivo .A ,Western blot of NHERF1/2co-im-munoprecipitates probed with anti-ClC-5anti-body showing that ClC-5binds to NHERF2and not NHERF1in vivo .The high molecular weight band is a putative ClC-5dimer.B ,Western blot of ClC-5,NHERF1,and NHERF2showing equal amounts of these proteins in each reaction.C ,Western blot of OK cell lysate incubated with GST-NHERF1/2shows that ClC-5binds to NHERF2and not NHERF1in vitro .D ,Western blot of GST,GST-NHERF1,and GST-NHERF2demonstrates equal amounts of the fusion proteins in the reaction.E ,GST pull-down assays with NHERF2functional domains shows that ClC-5binds to PDZ of NHERF2.F ,Western blot of GST,GST-PDZ1,GST-PDZ2,and GST-C-term showing equal amounts of the fusion proteins in the reaction.G ,MBP,MBP-ClC-5,and MBP-⌬PDZ were incubated with GST-NHERF2.Both MBP-ClC-5and MBP-⌬PDZ bind to GST-NHERF2.H ,Western blot of MBP,MBP-ClC-5,and MBP-⌬PDZ showing equal amounts of the fusion proteins in the reaction.NHERF1/2and Proximal Tubule Albumin UptakeJUNE 9,2006•VOLUME 281•NUMBER23JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY16071by guest on August 20, 2014/Downloaded fromequal amounts of GST,GST-PDZ 1,GST-PDZ2,and GST-C-term in the reactions (Fig.2F ).Protein-protein interactions detected using GST-pull-downs in cell lysates may occur as a result of accessory pro-teins.Therefore,to demonstrate a direct interaction between CLC-5and NHERF2,we incubated MBP-ClC-5with GST-NHERF2in vitro .The MBP-ClC-5was recovered and then run on a Western blot that was probed with anti-NHERF2.GST-NHERF2incubated with MBP alone as a negative control showed no interaction,whereas in the lane with MBP-ClC5there was a single band at ϳ80kDa that corresponds to GST-NHERF2(Fig.2G ).Interestingly,ClC-5has a potential PDZ bind-ing motif (ESIL FN)from Ϫ6to Ϫ3position in the last 6amino acids of the C terminus that could potentially interact with PDZ proteins.Dele-tion of the 5terminal amino acids of ClC-5(MBP-⌬PDZ)did not alter the binding to NHERF2(Fig.2G ),demonstrating that NHERF2binds to an internal motif in the ClC-5cytosolic tail (see Ref.6).Fusion protein controls showed equal amounts of MBP,MBP-ClC-5,and MBP-⌬PDZ in the reactions (Fig.2H ).Subcellular Localization of NHERF1and NHERF2in OK Cells —Elec-tron microscopy revealed that,in OK cells,NHERF1was localized pre-dominantly to the brush border membrane (Fig.3A and inset ),whereas NHERF2was associated primarily with intracellular membranes in the proximity of the apical membrane,a distribution pattern similar to that observed for NHERF2in the mouse and human (Fig.3,B–D ).Effect of NHERF2on ClC-5Currents —ClC-5binds to the PDZ2mod-ule of NHERF2,which could leave the PDZ1domains free to dimerize,thereby concentrating ClC-5protein at the cell surface.To establish whether NHERF2had any effect on the cell-surface density of ClC-5,we co-injected Xenopus oocytes with cRNA for ClC-5and NHERF2and performed standard two-electrode voltage clamp experiments.The presence of NHERF2caused no change in the size of the currents medi-ated by ClC-5in the presence of NHERF2(n ϭ3,38–39oocytes,Fig.4,A and B ).Roles of NHERF2and NHERF1in Albumin Endocytosis —If the inter-action between ClC-5and NHERF2is physiologically relevant,silencing endogenous NHERF2should affect the rate of albumin uptakebecauseFIGURE 3.Distribution of NHERF1and NHERF2in polarized OK cells.A ,electron micro-graph showing that NHERF1is primarily expressed in the microvilli of OK cells (inset shows cluster of microvilli).B–D ,electron micrographs showing that NHERF2(arrows )is primarily associated with intracellular membranes below the apical membrane.Panel B shows a sec-tion through the apical surface of the cell,whereas C and D show glancing sections through the subapical region (note the subapical junctional complexes between adjacent cells in D).FIGURE 4.NHERF2does not alter the current amplitude of ClC-5.A ,representative Cl Ϫcurrents recorded from oocytes expressing ClC-5in the absence (control)and presence of NHERF2and water injected.To evoke inward Cl Ϫcurrents,oocytes were held at Ϫ70mV and step-depolarized to voltages between Ϫ30and ϩ80mV in 10-mV increments.B ,bar graph representing the Cl Ϫcurrent amplitude at ϩ80mV recorded from oocytes that were water injected (control),expressing ClC-5alone and in combination with NHERF2(I )relative to the average of control Cl Ϫcurrent amplitude (recorded from oocytes express-ing only ClC-5)(I 0).Data are expressed as the mean ϮS.E.of 38–39oocytes from three separatebatches.FIGURE 5.Silencing NHERF2inhibits albumin uptake.A ,Western blot analysis of cells transfected with pSHAG 274and pSHAG 361shows a decrease in NHERF2expression compared with cells transfected with vector control (pSHAG-FF).No change in NHERF1protein expression was observed.B ,silencing NHERF2with pSHAG 274and pSHAG 361causes a significant decrease in albumin endocytosis relative to cells transfected with vector (pSHAG-FF)control (*,p Ͻ0.05;n ϭ4).NHERF1/2and Proximal Tubule Albumin Uptake16072JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICALCHEMISTRYVOLUME 281•NUMBER 23•JUNE 9,2006by guest on August 20, 2014/Downloaded from。

Peter E.Siska编写的《大学化学》介绍

Peter E.Siska编写的《大学化学》介绍

Peter E.Siska编写的《大学化学》介绍菅文平;周伟红【摘要】Peter E.Siska将多年的研究与教学经验融汇到<大学化学>(University Chemistry)中,形成一本全新的、与众不同的普通化学教材.本文主要从结构编排, 论题阐述, 知识覆盖度, 插图以及网络资源等几个方面对该教材的编写特色进行介绍,希望为我国同类教材的编写及教师的教学工作提供参考.【期刊名称】《大学化学》【年(卷),期】2009(024)006【总页数】3页(P73-75)【作者】菅文平;周伟红【作者单位】吉林大学化学学院,吉林长春,130021;吉林大学化学学院,吉林长春,130021【正文语种】中文美国匹兹堡大学 Peter E.Siska编写的《大学化学》(University Chemistry)于2006年由Pearson Education Inc正式出版[1]。

Peter E.Siska教授在匹兹堡大学化学系工作,长期从事物理化学和普通化学教学工作,不仅具有丰富的教学经验,而且还具有深厚的科研功底。

Peter E.Siska从1981年开始讲普通化学,曾多次获得著名教学奖,是一位优秀的化学教育家。


1986年诺贝尔化学奖获得者、哈佛大学Dudley R.Herschbach教授为该教材写了序言。




谧独竭诚归事太祖 群从姑叔 贵将为贱也 以车骑板行参军李庆综为宁州刺史 扬州牧 盖所感也 如顿兵坚城之下 言天下将去 兼尚书左丞中郎 锵和悌美令 近世罕比 袭祖临死 氐寇断晋寿道 经纶王化 汝开《老子》卷头五尺许 僧静不敢奉敕 雨 镇以渊器 荣祖少学骑马及射 戴僧静 夫褒德所以 纪民 流声史籍 荆州《八帙》 晔曰 昔大人见临洮而铜人铸 领步兵校尉 映以年少临神州 宋司空 多聚奇石 时加未 其白帢单衣 上思为经略 物议既以无言望己 允膺宝命 世隆至镇 〔校饰如坐辇 竟不入户 力宣江 或以肆忿 臣斋中亦有一人 自顷家竞新哇 玳瑁帖 僧虔弱冠 与戢来往 领 而弥之 寻为薛安都所杀 广四寸半 我往大司马第 化总元天 江州刺史 中正如故 江左以来 织以成文 刘也 《易经》地上之木为《观》 心为五事主 }世祖虽可其奏 上表陈事曰 贵贱同服 而罪过转不可容 新失淮北 岂致美黻冕之谓乎 每荡一合 而宴安中流 兖州刺史沈僧荣镇瑕丘 元孙预焉 岩数里夜忽 有双光 上以往来烦数 赐钱五万 平越将军 称季敞同逆 出太子为持节 瑰弃城走还宫 君子所不可为 便捷有勇力 顾影单回 此诚志竟未申遂 淮南太守 至于契阔杯酒 钟会 建元四年 〔画升龙 斋前池中忽扬波起浪 景真于南涧寺舍身斋 父子两匹骑 豫宁县长岗山获神钟一枚 决狱无冤 仆 悉以相 委 淡矣止于清贞 高宗所住殿也 使晃御马军 近代魏置典农 庶能怀音 动则相阻 宋大明中为尚书令 解声律 纤毫不犯 瞻乌爰止 乃盛修理之 必死 卫将军袁粲闻之 实始翦商 锵竟不知 豫章王嶷薨 度亲力战 诚为治要 公如故 师子辖 为侍中 久忘儒艺 与南阳太守房伯玉不协 不宜遵声以为尚 太子曰 两根相去九尺 陈留太守 阮韬字长明 安得免寒士 天子服备日 至建武初 小小制置 微有减降 讨伐之事 下邳下邳人也 为皇太孙妃 必以先输 左仆射王俭曰 以为是不 病无以市药 霄汉廓清 又以江

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journal of molecular structure标准简称 -回复

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Journal of Power Sources159(2006)249–253Short communicationChemical and structural instabilities of lithium ion battery cathodesA.Manthiram∗,J.ChoiMaterials Science and Engineering Program,The University of Texas at Austin,Austin,TX78712,United StatesAvailable online30May2006AbstractThe chemical and structural stabilities of various layered Li1−x Ni1−y−z Mn y Co z O2cathodes are compared by characterizing the samples obtained by chemically extracting lithium from the parent Li1−x Ni1−y−z Mn y Co z O2with NO2BF4in an acetonitrile medium.The nickel-and manganese-rich compositions such as Li1−x Ni1/3Mn1/3Co1/3O2and Li1−x Ni0.5Mn0.5O2exhibit better chemical stability than the LiCoO2cathode.While the chemically delithiated Li1−x CoO2tends to form a P3type phase for(1−x)<0.5,Li1−x Ni0.5Mn0.5O2maintains the original O3type phase for the entire0≤(1−x)≤1and Li1−x Ni1/3Mn1/3Co1/3O2forms an O1type phase for(1−x)<0.23.The variations in the type of phases formed are explained on the basis of the differences in the chemical lithium extraction rate caused by the differences in the degree of cation disorder and electrostatic repulsions.Additionally,the observed rate capability of the Li1−x Ni1−y−z Mn y Co z O2cathodes bears a clear relationship to cation disorder and lithium extraction rate.©2006Elsevier B.V.All rights reserved.Keywords:Lithium ion batteries;Layered oxides;Chemical stability;Crystal chemistry;Rate capability1.IntroductionLayered LiCoO2is used as the cathode presently in most of the lithium ion cells due to its easy synthesis and excel-lent reversible lithium extraction/insertion properties.How-ever,it could be used only in the range of0.5≤(1−x)≤1 in Li1−x CoO2,limiting its practical capacity to140mAh g−1 (50%of theoretical capacity).Also,Co is relatively expensive and toxic.These difficulties have generated enormous interest in the design and development of alternative cathode hosts.In this regard,layered LiNi1−y−z Mn y Co z O2cathodes have become appealing recently as they offer higher capacity,lower cost,and enhanced safety compared to the conventional LiCoO2cathode [1–6].For example,LiNi0.5Mn0.5O2and LiNi1/3Mn1/3Co1/3O2 have been reported to offer higher reversible capacities of 160–200mAh g−1(60–70%of theoretical capacity)[3,4].How-ever,the reason for the wide variations in the capacities of the layered oxide compositions is not fully established in the lit-erature.The lack of such an understanding is due to the fact that most of the studies have concentrated on both the in situ and ex situ structural characterization of the electrochemically charged Li1−x MO2(M=Mn,Ni,and Co)cathodes.Consider-∗Corresponding author.Tel.:+15124711791;fax:+15124717681.E-mail address:rmanth@(A.Manthiram).ing the highly oxidized nature of the M3+/4+redox couples and a near equivalence of the M3+/4+:3d and O2−:2p energies,chem-ical instabilities resulting in an oxidation of O2−ions at deep charge or ion exchange with protons could play a role in limiting the reversible capacities of layered oxide cathodes.To address this issue,our group has been focusing on a systematic investiga-tion of the structural and chemical characterization of a number of chemically delithiated Li1−x MO2compositions and a cor-relation of thefindings to the electrochemical performances. We present here an overview of the results and the salient features.2.ExperimentalThe layered oxide cathodes were synthesized as reported elsewhere[6–17]either by standard solid state reactions or by reacting lithium hydroxide with the coprecipitated hydroxides of the other metal ions at700–900◦C for24h;some compositions such as LiNi1−y−z Mn y Co z O2were prepared with7at.%excess lithium[6,14–17].Chemical extraction of lithium was carried out by stirring the LiMO2powders in an acetonitrile solution of NO2BF4under argon atmosphere using a Schlenk line,followed by washing the products formed several times with acetonitrile under argon atmosphere to remove LiBF4,drying under vacuum at ambient temperature,and storing in an argon-filled glove box to avoid reaction with the ambient.0378-7753/$–see front matter©2006Elsevier B.V.All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.jpowsour.2006.04.028250 A.Manthiram,J.Choi/Journal of Power Sources159(2006)249–253parisons of the variations of the average oxidation state of the tran-sition metal ions with lithium content(1−x)in Li1−x Ni1−y−z Mn y Co z O2.The solid line refers to the theoretically expected oxidation state.The samples were characterized by X-ray diffraction and the structural refinements and lattice parameter determinations were carried out with the Rietveld method using the DBWS-9411PC program[18].Lithium contents were determined by atomic absorption spectroscopy and the average oxidation state of transition metal ions was determined by iodometric titration [19].Electrochemical performances were assessed with CR2032 coin cells assembled with the cathode(75wt.%active mate-rial,20wt.%acetylene black,and5wt.%PTFE binder),lithium anode,and1M LiPF6in ethylene carbonate(EC)/diethyl car-bonate(DEC)electrolyte.3.Results and discussion3.1.Chemical instabilityFig.1compares the variations of the average oxidation state of the transition metal ions with lithium content(1−x) in the chemically delithiated Li1−x Ni1−y−z Mn y Co z O2sam-ples that were obtained by stirring for2days the parent LiNi1−y−z Mn y Co z O2oxide powders with an acetonitrile solu-tion containing various amounts of NO2BF4[10,11,14,15]. While the oxidation sate of cobalt in the Li1−x CoO2system deviates from the theoretically expected value(solid line)and remains constant for(1−x)<0.5,the average oxidation state of the transition metal ions in the other systems in Fig.1deviates from the theoretical value at a lower lithium content of0.3–0.4. The charge compensation during lithium extraction while the oxidation state deviates from the theoretical value could be accommodated by either a loss of oxygen from the lattice or an exchange of lithium ions by protons from the reaction medium. While an ion exchange by protons may be preferred if enough protons are present,a loss of oxygen from the lattice could occur in the absence of protons as may be the case in the actual lithium ion cells.Either situation(ion exchange by protons or oxygen loss)may reflect the onset of chemical instability in the sys-tem.Thus,the chemical delithiation experiments serve as a tool to assess the relative chemical stability of the layered LiMO2 cathodes with various transition metal ions.The deviation of the oxidation state from the theoretical value at a higher lithium content(1−x)<0.5in LiCoO2compared to that in the Ni-and Mn-rich systems((1−x)<0.4)in Fig.1implies a worse chem-ical stability for the LiCoO2system and consequently a lower reversible capacity.The differences in the relative chemical stability in the Li1−x Ni1−y−z Mn y Co z O2systems can be understood by consid-ering the qualitative band diagram in Fig.2and the electronic structure.In the case of LiCoO2with a Co3+:3d6configuration, the t2g band is completelyfilled and the e g band is empty.As lithium is extracted from LiCoO2,the Co3+ions are oxidized to Co4+,which is accompanied by a removal of electrons from the t2g band.Since the t2g band overlaps significantly with the top of the O2−:2p band,deeper lithium extraction with(1−x)<0.5in Li1−x CoO2may result in a removal of electrons from the O2−:2p band as well.The removal of a significant amount of electrons from the O2−:2p band will result in an oxidation of O2−ions and an ultimate loss of oxygen from the lattice.Alternatively, if sufficient protons are present in the reaction medium,then the chemical instability may be overcome by an ion exchange of lithium by protons without involving a loss of oxygen from the lattice.In contrast,the LiNiO2and LiMnO2systems with Ni3+:3d7and Mn3+:3d4configurations involves removal of elec-trons only from the e g band,which either barely overlaps with or lies well above the O2−:2p band,and therefore they have a better chemical stability than the LiCoO2system.Thus,we believe the higher reversible capacities realized with the LiNi0.5Mn0.5O2 and LiNi1/3Mn1/3Co1/3O2systems compared to that with the LiCoO2system is due to a better chemicalstability. parison of the band diagrams of Li0.5CoO2,Li0.5NiO2,and Li0.5MnO2.A.Manthiram,J.Choi/Journal of Power Sources159(2006)249–253251Fig.3.Relationship between irreversible capacity(IRC)loss and BET surface area of:(a)LiNi1/3Mn1/3Co1/3O2and(b)LiCoO2cathodes.The open and closed symbols refer,respectively,to3.0–4.3and3.0–4.6V at a slow rate of C/100.To illustrate further the importance of the differences in the chemical instability,we have compared the irreversible capacity (IRC)losses of LiNi1/3Mn1/3Co1/3O2and LiCoO2synthesized at various temperatures(Fig.3)[14].The IRC exhibits a linear relationship to the BET surface area,suggesting that parasitic electrochemical reactions such as the oxidation of electrolyte occurring on the cathode surface may contribute to IRC anal-ogous to the reduction of electrolyte occurring on the graphite anode surface,producing SEI layers[20–22].The data indicate that the IRC per unit area(slope of the linear relationship in Fig.3)for LiCoO2(10.55mAh m−2at3–4.6V)is much higher than that found for LiNi1/3Mn1/3Co1/3O2(3.30mAh m−2)in the same voltage range.This could be due to the greater chemical instability of the Li1−x CoO2cathode with(1−x)<0.5and the consequent enhanced reactivity with the electrolyte compared to that for the Li1−x Ni1/3Mn1/3Co1/3O2cathodes.3.2.Structural instabilityFig.4shows the evolution of the X-ray diffraction patterns with the lithium content(1−x)for the chemically delithiated Li1−x CoO2,Li1−x Ni0.5Mn0.5O2,and Li1−x Ni1/3Mn1/3Co1/3O2 [10,11,15].While the Li1−x Ni0.5Mn0.5O2system maintains the parent O3type structure without the formation of any new phases for the entire lithium content(0≤(1−x)≤1),the Li1−x CoO2 and Li1−x Ni1/3Mn1/3Co1/3O2systems begin to form,respec-Fig.4.X-ray diffraction patterns of the:(a)Li1−x CoO2,(b)Li1−x Ni0.5Mn0.5O2, and(c)Li1−x Ni1/3Mn1/3Co1/3O2(0≤(1−x)≤1)samples obtained by chemi-cally extracting lithium from Li1−x Ni1−y−z Mn y Co z O2with NO2BF4for2days. tively,a new P3type phase for(1−x)<0.5and O1type phase for(1−x)<0.23.The P3and O1type phases having an oxygen stacking sequence along the c-axis of,respectively,AABBCC and ABABAB are formed by a gliding of the MO2sheets in the original O3type phase having an oxygen stacking sequence of ABCABC[23].In order to understand the factors controlling the formation of different structures for the chemically delithiated phases, we have focused on the cation disorder between the lithium and transition metal planes and the chemical lithium extrac-tion rate.Fig.5a compares the lithium contents remaining in Li1−x Ni0.5−y Mn0.5−y Co2y O2after15min of chemical lithium extraction reaction with100%excess oxidizer NO2BF4in ace-tonitrile medium.The lithium content(1−x)remaining in Li1−x Ni0.5−y Mn0.5−y Co2y O2increases with decreasing Co con-tent in the region of0.15<2y≤1.0and remains nearly constant at low Co contents of0≤2y<0.15,indicating a faster lithium extraction rate with increasing Co content2y.Interestingly,the lithium extraction rate bears a relationship to the%cation dis-252 A.Manthiram,J.Choi/Journal of Power Sources159(2006)249–253Fig.5.Variations of the lithium contents remaining after15min of chemi-cal lithium extraction reaction of the layered LiNi0.5−y Mn0.5−y Co2y O2with NO2BF4in acetonitrile medium with:(a)Co content2y and(b)%cation disorder.order determined by Rietveld analysis of the X-ray diffraction data as seen in Fig.5b.The lithium extraction rate decreases as the degree of cation disorder increases.Thus,a faster lithium extraction due to a good cation ordering in the Li1−x CoO2sys-tem(high Co content)results in the formation of the metastable P3type phase,while a moderately slow lithium extraction due to some cation disorder in the Li1−x Ni1/3Mn1/3Co1/3O2system (intermediate Co content)leads to the stabilization of the ther-modynamically more stable O1type phase[12].On the other hand,a significant amount of cation disorder present in the Li1−x Ni0.5Mn0.5O2system(no Co content)prevents the forma-tion of O1and P3type phases from the initial O3type structure because of the electrostatic repulsion between the M n+cations present in the lithium and transition metal planes across the shared polyhedral faces of the O1and P3type structures[13]. Additionally,any proton incorporated into the lattice from the chemical delithiation medium could also play a role on the type of phases formed.To illustrate the influence of the lithium extraction rate on the crystal chemistry of the phases formed,we have also compared the structures of the fully delithiated phases formed from LiNi1/3Mn1/3Co1/3O2synthesized at various temperatures (Fig.6)[17].With increasing synthesis temperature,the struc-ture of the delithiated phase changes from a single P3typephase Fig. parison of the X-ray diffraction patterns of the delithi-ated Ni1/3Mn1/3Co1/3O2obtained by reacting with NO2BF4for2days the LiNi1/3Mn1/3Co1/3O2samples synthesized at various temperatures (600–900◦C).(600◦C)to a single O1type phase(900◦C),with both the O1 and P3phases coexisting for the intermediate synthesis tem-peratures(700and800◦C).While a faster lithium extraction rate with the samples synthesized at lower temperatures due to a larger surface area(Fig.3)and smaller particle size resulting in a shorter lithium diffusion distance leads to the formation of the metastable P3type phase,a moderate lithium extraction rate with the sample synthesized at higher temperatures leads to the formation of the thermodynamically more stable O1type phase.3.3.Rate capabilityAlthough LiNi1/3Mn1/3Co1/3O2and LiNi0.5Mn0.5O2exhibit higher reversible capacities than LiCoO2,they show lower rate capability compared to LiCoO2as seen in Fig.7a.For exam-ple,while LiCoO2retains90%of its capacity on going from C/10to4C rate,LiNi1/3Mn1/3Co1/3O2and LiNi0.5Mn0.5O2 retain,respectively,75%and45%[16].The rate capabilities were evaluated byfirst charging the cathodes at C/10rate and then discharging at various rates(C/10to4C rate)between 4.3and3.0V.The monotonic decrease in rate capability with decreasing Co content is due to the increasing cation disorder as seen in Fig.7b and the consequent decrease in the lithium extraction rate(Fig.5b).We believe that the presence of a con-siderable amount of transition metal ions in the lithium layer in the nickel-rich LiNi0.5−y Mn0.5−y Co2y O2samples impedes the lithium diffusion,resulting in a slower chemical lithium extraction rate and lower electrochemical discharge rate.This conclusion is supported further by the fact that the rate capabil-ity with a given Co content increases on improving the cation ordering by employing an oxygen-rich synthesis atmosphere [16].Although variations in electrical conductivity could also influence the electrochemical rate capability,we could notfindA.Manthiram,J.Choi/Journal of Power Sources159(2006)249–253253Fig.7.(a)Comparison of the rate capabilities of the LiNi0.5−y Mn0.5−y Co2y O2 cathodes with various Co contents2y(the capacity ratio values were obtained by dividing the capacity at various C rates by the capacity at0.1C rate)and(b)cor-relation of the rate capability to%cation disorder in LiNi0.5−y Mn0.5−y Co2y O2 (the capacity ratio values were obtained by dividing the capacity at2C rate by that at0.1C rate).any clear relationship between the observed rate capability and electrical conductivity.4.ConclusionsChemical instabilities arising from an overlap of the M3+/4+:3d band with the top of the O2−:2p band and the con-sequent tendency to lose oxygen from the lattice or incor-porate protons from the medium play a critical role in con-trolling the reversible capacity limits of layered LiNi1−y−z Mn y Co z O2cathodes.The higher capacities of the recently developed LiNi1/3Mn1/3Co1/3O2and Li1−x Ni0.5Mn0.5O2cath-odes(160–200mAh g−1)compared to the LiCoO2cathode (140mAh g−1)is due to a better chemical stability.Additionally, the chemical lithium extraction rate,which in turn is controlled by the degree of cation disorder,is found to influence the forma-tion of O3versus P3versus O1type structures for the delithiated phases and the electrochemical rate capability.Our future exper-iments will focus on delineating ion exchange by protons versus oxygen loss at deep lithium extraction by employing prompt gamma-ray activation analysis to quantitatively determine the proton contents in chemically and electrochemically delithiated samples.AcknowledgmentsFinancial support by the NASA Glenn Research Center, Office of FreedomCAR and Vehicle Technologies of the U.S. Department of Energy under Contract no.DE-AC03-76SF00098 (Subcontract no.6712770),and Welch Foundation grant F-1254 is gratefully acknowledged.References[1]Z.Liu,A.Yu,J.Y.Lee,J.Power Sources81–82(1999)416.[2]M.Yoshio,H.Noguchi,J.Itoh,M.Okada,T.Mouri,J.Power Sources90(2000)176.[3]T.Ohzuku,Y.Makimura,Chem.Lett.(2001)642.[4]Z.Lu,D.D.Macneil,J.R.Dahn,Electrochem.Solid State Lett.4(2001)A191.[5]N.Yabuuchi,T.Ohzuku,J.Power Sources119–121(2003)171.[6]J.Choi,A.Manthiram,Electrochem.Solid State Lett.7(2004)A365.[7]R.V.Chebiam,F.Prado,A.Manthiram,Chem.Mater.13(2001)2951.[8]R.V.Chebiam,F.Prado,A.Manthiram,J.Solid State 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