Sleep UES
英语四十八个因素元音(20Vow el s)长元音拉长,短元音短促有力;双元音饱满/i:/长“衣”/I/短“衣”/e/哀/?/安/?︰/长“鹅”/?/短“鹅”/α:/长“啊”/?/短“啊”/?︰/长“奥”/?/短“奥”/u:/长“乌”/?/短“乌”/eI/哀衣/aI/啊衣/??/奥衣/??/鹅乌(欧)/a?/啊乌(袄)/I?/衣鹅/e?/哀鹅/??/乌鹅辅音(28C onsonant s)清辅音短促而轻声;浊辅音气流充沛而声重/p/泼/b/玻/t/特/d/得/k/渴/g/哥/f/斧/v/捂/s/丝/z/近似拼音“Z”/?/咬舌“丝”/e/近似咬舌“Z”/?/师/?/日/?/吃/?/知/t s/词/dz/资/t r/辍/dr/捉/h/喝/m/牟/n/嗯;呢/?/肮/l/勒;奥/r/弱/w/喔/j/爷二十六个字母及字母组合在单词中的发音Aa /eI/name plane J ane baby c ake /l/milk school tall /?/bag dad hat map black back Mm /m/monkey co me to mato/α:/after plant graph ask graspNn /n/not note name noglass f a st/?︰/water /n/shine ten son moon/?/want what watch wash/?/uncle tha nk hungryquality/e/any many Oo /??/those cl o se g o hoe home n o/I/orange comrade village/?/clock not box sh op s ock cabb age/? / come monkey love m other /?/China another womanbreakfastBb /b/bike bus bag/?/sec ond tonight someb odywelc ome/-/bomb tomb lamb climb Pp /p/paper plane pig shi p penCc /k/c ake picture coat musi c Qq(u) /kw/quality quite quarter /s/face de cide cinema Rr /r/red rubber r uler/?/delicious Ss /s/s it s leep de s kDd /d/doctor brea d hand day/z/mus ic hus band rose lose /-/grandpa grandmagrandparents/?/s ureEe /i:/he these m e Chinese/?/us ually plea s ure /e/be d let pen desk y es egg Tt /t/ten letter mee t/I/chick en pock et begin childre n/?/patient nation/?/hundre d student openweek endUu /j?/student exc use d uty T uesdayFf /f/five four breakfast/u:/blue ruler July JuneinfluenceGg /g/bag garden go /?/bus c up jump much lunch /?/orange larg e German/I/busygu- [w]langu age an gu ish pen gu in/?/autumn diffcultHh /h/hot head house h and Vv /v/very voice lo ve lea ve /-/hour honest h onor Ww /w/week w in wake s weet waitIi /aI/bike drive time n ice k ite Xx /ks/box text exercise /I/fish b ig drink sit milk swim/gz/example e xist e xact/?//I /holiday beautiful familyanimalYy /aI/my fly try cryJj /?/jeep j ar joke j oin July/I/city family slowl y pretty pity Kk /k/kind bike s kate make wee k/j/yes y ard yellow youngLl /l/like lake long lose Zz /z/puzzle zero zoo英语常见字母组合在单词中的发音ar[:] car f ar m dar k sh ar pener ou/ow[au] fl ow er h ouse c ount d ow n[:] w ar m quar ter tow ar ds [u] know r ow thr ow th ough alth ough th ougher[:]Certainly her term[] young c ountry en ough [?] father mother brothersister number [u:]gr oup y ou soup thr ough ir[:]bird shirt first [:]th ought b ought br oughtor[:] f or ty m or ning sh or t our[:] cour se y our f our[:] w or d wor ker w or se [au] our h our our sur[:]turn further purpleThursday[:] j our neyare [e]care d are h are ui[ju:] annui ty contin ui ty[:]are [u:] j ui ce sl ui ce fr ui t s ui t ere [] here mere-tion [n] na tion[e]there-tion [n]question sugge stionire [a] f ire h ire w ire tire-sion[n]impres sionore [:] m ore sc ore bef ore storechore -sion [n]vi sion deci sionoccasionure [ju] pure c ure sure -sten [sn] li sten chri sten []pict ure pleas ure-stle [sl] whistle jo stle ca stle ai/ay [e] afr ai d r ai n wai t d ay pl ay-sure [] pres sureay /I/Mond ay Tuesd ay WednesdayThursd ay-sure []plea sure measureair [e] air hair chair pair rep air-ture [] pic ture cul ture furnitureal[:] sm al l b al l t al k w al l al l ment [m??nt]mo ment documentarydevelopment[:l] al ways al so s al t al most ch[] mu ch chick ri ch tea cher[:] hal f c al m [k] school heada che chemistryau/aw [:] autumn d aughter dr aw[] ma chine Ch icagoea[i:] t each easy ch eap pl ease -ck [k] cock po ck et bla ck kno ck[e] heavy br ead sweaterw eather -dge [d]bri dge fri dge[e] br eak gr eat dr- [dr] chil dr en dr iver dr ink[]id ea th eatre gh[f] cough enou gh rou ghear[] hear dear n ear cl ear y ear[/] li ght dau ghter hi gh[e] bear p ear w ear sw eargu--gue []guess lea gue dialo gueguitar[:] ear th l ear n ear ly [w] lan guage pen guin anguishee [i:] j eep w eek gr een thr ee meet kn- [n] knife know knockeer [] pion eer d eer b eer-mn [m] autu mn colu mn sole mnei/ey [e] ei ght n ei ghbour th ey ph [f] ele phant photo tele phoneei/ey[i:]receive keyqu- [kw] quality quite quarter quiet quickeu/ew[ju:] new f ew n ew spaper sh [] she fi sh sh irt wa sh[u:] fl ew br ew j ew elry -tch [] wa tch ca tch matchie/ei[i:] pie ce f ie ld rec ei ve s ei ze th[] th in th irty me th odoa [u] coat J oan b oat g oal [] th e th ese wi th th an clo th e fa th er wea th eroar/oor [:] r oar boar d d oor fl oor tr- [tr] tr ee tr ain countr y tr uckoi/oy [] noi se p oi nt b oy t oi let wh-[w] wh at wh en wh ite wh yoo[u:] br oom f ood t ooth sch ool [h] wh o wh ose wh ole[u] book l ook c ook f oot g ood wr- [r] write wrong wrist[]bl ood (血液)ts[t s]cats coats le ts getsary /?r I/Diction ary libr arydocumentary ds [dz]beds hands needslends。
pick up leaves采摘树叶[pik] [?p] [li:vz]
do an experiment做实验[du:][ ?n][ ik'speriment]
catch butterflies捉蝴蝶[k?t?] ['b?t?flaiz]
clean the bedroom打扫卧室[kli:n] ['bedru(:)m]
make(made) the bed铺床[meik] [bed]
set(set) the table摆饭桌[set] ['teibl]
wash the clothes洗衣服[w??, w?:?] [kl?uez]
math book数学书[m?θ-buk]
三、 人体 (body)['b?di]
do the dishes洗碗碟
use a computer使用计算机[ju:z] [k?m'pju:t?]
do morning exercises晨练;做广播操['m?:ni?] ['eks?saiz]
eat breakfast吃早饭[i:t] ['brekf?st]
go hiking去远足
fly kites放风筝[flai] [kaits]
make a snowman堆雪人[meik] ['sn?um?n]
⑤ We haven’t decided __w_h_e_t_h_e_r__ to take part in the competition. ⑥ No one have settled the question so far w__h_e_t_h_e_r the world will
The important thing in life is that you should have a great aim and the determination to attain it.
Appositive clauses:
e.g.: There is no doubt that he will win the game. He must answer the question why he did that. He failed again due to the fact that he didn’t work hard.
Tips: Nouns can function as subject, object, predicative, appositive.
➢What impresses me most is your smile.
TC➢itlpDaosodu:nasey’.sttphuattofuffntciltlitoonmaosrrsouwbwjehcatt,sohboujeldctb,e done
His broad smile suggested that he __h_ad__e_n_c_o_u_n_te_r_e_d____ (encounter) someone he adored.
whether & if(只用whether情况)
健康的习惯英语作文Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is crucial for both our physical and mental wellbeing. Here are some key habits that can contribute to a healthier life1. Regular Exercise Engaging in physical activities on a regular basis helps to strengthen the muscles improve cardiovascular health and boost the immune system. Its recommended to aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate exercise most days of the week.2. Balanced Diet Eating a variety of foods ensures that you get all the necessary nutrients. Include plenty of fruits vegetables whole grains lean proteins and healthy fats in your diet. Limiting the intake of processed foods sugar and saturated fats can also help in maintaining a healthy weight.3. Adequate Sleep Getting enough sleep is essential for the body to repair and rejuvenate itself. Adults typically need between 7 to 9 hours of sleep per night. Establishing a regular sleep schedule and creating a restful environment can improve sleep quality.4. Hydration Drinking plenty of water throughout the day helps to maintain bodily functions and can aid in digestion circulation and temperature regulation. Aim for at least 8 glasses of water a day.5. Stress Management Chronic stress can have negative effects on health. Incorporating stressreducing activities such as meditation yoga or deep breathing exercises can help manage stress levels.6. Avoiding Harmful Substances Refraining from smoking and limiting alcohol consumption can significantly reduce the risk of various health issues including heart disease and certain types of cancer.7. Regular Checkups Visiting healthcare professionals for regular checkups can help detect and address health issues early on. This includes screenings for conditions like diabetes high blood pressure and cholesterol levels.8. Mental Health Taking care of your mental health is just as important as physical health. Engaging in hobbies spending time with loved ones and seeking professional help when needed can contribute to a healthy mental state.9. Personal Hygiene Practicing good hygiene habits like washing hands regularly brushing and flossing teeth and keeping your living environment clean can prevent the spread of germs and diseases.10. Social Connections Building and maintaining strong relationships with friends and family can provide emotional support and improve overall wellbeing.In conclusion adopting these healthy habits can greatly enhance your quality of life and reduce the risk of chronic diseases. Its never too late to start making positive changes for a healthier you.。
赶快帮孩子收藏吧!1. abo ve 在……上-- below 在……下2. after 在……后 -- be fore 在……前3. all 全部 -- no ne 全无4. alo ne 单独地 -- together 一起5. alwa ys 总是 -- so metimes 有时6. a nswer 回答 -- ask 询问7. a ns wer 答案 -- q ues tion 问题8. back 背部 -- fro nt 前面9. bad 坏的 -- good 好的10. badly 恶劣地 -- we ll 很好地11. beautiful美丽的 -- ug ly丑陋的12. be fore之前 -- after之后13. begin 开始 -- e nd, fi nish 结束14. best 最好的 -- wors t 最坏的15. bette r 更好的 -- worse 更坏的16. big 大的 -- small, little 小的17. black 黑的 -- white 白的18. borro w 借入 -- le nd 借给19. both 两者都 -- neither 两者都不20. break 打破 -- mend, repair 修理21. b us y 忙碌的 -- free 空闲的22. b uy 买(入) -- sell 卖(出)23. ce rtainly 当然地 -- perhaps, ma ybe 或许;大概24. c heap 便宜的 -- expe nsi ve, dear 昂贵的25. clea n 干净的 -- dirty 肮脏的26. cle ver 聪明的 -- foo lish 愚蠢的27. c lo ud y 天阴的 -- b right, c lear, sunny 晴朗的28. cold 寒冷的 -- hot 炎热的29. co me 来 -- go 去30. cool 凉爽的 -- warm 温暖的31. dange r 危险 -- safe ty 安全32. dark 黑暗的 -- bright, lig ht 明亮的33. day 白天 -- night 夜晚34. dead 死的 -- ali ve, li ving 活的35. death 死亡 -- life 生命36. die 死去 -- li ve 活着37. down 向下 -- up 向上38. dry 干燥的 -- wet 潮湿的39. early 早的 -- late 迟的40. eas y 容易的 -- difficult, hard 困难的;艰巨的41. empty 倒空 -- fill 装满42. emp ty 空的 -- full 满的43. e ntrance 入口 -- exit 出口44. fa ll 落下 -- rise 升起45. far 远的 -- near 近的46. fas t 快 -- s low 慢47. fine 晴朗的 -- clo ud y, rai ny 天阴的下雨的48. fi nish 结束 -- begin, start 开始49. first 最初的 -- last 最后的50. foreig n 外国的 -- home 本国的51. forge t 忘记 -- remember 记得52. free ze冰冻 -- me lt融化53. fro m 从…… -- to 到……54. gi ve 给予 -- take 拿走55. glad 愉快的 -- sad, so rry悲伤的难过的56. good 好的 -- bad, i ll, poor 坏的;恶劣的57. great 伟大的 -- little, small 渺小的58. happ y 高兴的 -- unhapp y, sad 难过的59. hard 艰难的 -- easy 容易的60. hard 硬的 -- so ft 软的61. hate 憎恨 -- lo ve, like 热爱喜欢62. here 在这里 -- there 在那里63. high 高的 -- lo w 低的64. hold 拿住 -- drop 掉落65. holida y 假日-- weekday 工作日平时66. ill 生病的 -- healthy, well 健康的67. i n 在里面 -- o ut 在外面68. innoce nt无罪的 -- g uilty有罪的69. inside 在里面 -- o utside 在外面70. into 到……里面 -- out o f 从……里向外71. kill 杀死 -- sa ve 救活72. laug h 笑 -- cry 哭73. lea ve 离开 -- arri ve 到达74. lea ve 离开 -- sta y 逗留75. left 左 -- right 右76. lig ht 明亮的 -- dark 黑暗的77. light 轻的 -- hea vy 重的78. like 喜欢 -- ha te 憎恨79. like 与……一样 -- unlike 与……不一样80. lose 丢失 -- find 找到81. lose 失败;丢失 -- win 胜利;赢得82. ma ny 许多 -- few 很少83. miss 未抓住未赶上 -- ca tch 抓住赶上84. miss 未击中 -- hit 击中85. more 更多的 -- less, fe wer 更少的86. most 最多的 -- least, fe west 最少的87. move 移动 -- stop 停止88. muc h 许多 -- little 很少89. neat/tidy整齐的 -- messy凌乱的90. ne ver 从未 -- e ver 曾经91. ne xt 下一个 -- last 上一个92. nobody无一人 -- e verybod y 每个人93. nothi ng什么也没有 -- e verythi ng 一切94. now -- 现在the n当时95. old 旧的 -- ne w 新的96. old 年老的 -- young 年轻的97. o n 连续;使用中 -- o ff 离开;中断98. open 打开(的) -- close(d)关闭(的)99. o ver 在……上 -- unde r 在……下100. pain 痛苦 -- pleas ure 快乐101. pass 通过;及格 -- fail 未通过;不及格102. poor 贫穷的 -- ric h 富裕的103. pull 拉 -- pus h 推104. p unish惩罚 -- rewa rd奖励105. rainy 下雨的 -- dry 干旱的106. right 右边(的) -- left 左边(的)107. right 正确的 -- wro ng 错误的108. safe 安全的 -- da ngero us 危险的109. same 相同的 -- differe nt 不同的110. serious严肃 -- silly无聊111. s hort 短的 -- lo ng 长的112. s hort (个子)矮的 -- tall (个子)高的113. s hy害羞 -- social大胆114. sleep 睡觉 -- wake 醒来115. small 小的 -- big, la rge, g reat 大的116. smooth 平滑 -- ro ugh粗糙117. s tart 出发 -- reac h 到达118. stro ng 强壮的 -- weak 虚弱的119. take 拿走 -- bri ng 带来120. take 拿取 -- gi ve 给予121. take o n穿上 -- take off脱下122. teach 教(课) -- learn 学习123. thin 瘦的 -- fa t 胖的124. thi n 薄的 -- thick 厚的125. town 城镇 -- country 乡下126. true真的 -- false假的127. war战争 -- peace 和平128. warm温暖的 -- cool凉爽的129. whole 全体;全部 -- pa rt 部分130. win赢 -- fail输131. wide 宽的 -- narrow 窄的132. with 有 -- without 没有133. yes 是的 -- no 不是的。
人教PEP版五年级英语上册Unit2 My week测试卷
人教PEP版五年级英语上册Unit2 My week测试卷时间:60分钟满分:100分听力部分(30分)一、选出你所听到的单词。
(5分)( )1.A.Monday B.Sunday C.Friday( )2.A.park C.polite( ) B.wash C.weekend( ) B.kind C.tired( ) B.Saturday C.speak二、根据所听短语选出正确的图片。
(5分)( )1. ( )2.( )3. ( )4.( )5.三、选出你所听到的句子。
(10分)( )1.A.What do you have on Fridays?B.What do you have on Tuesdays?C.What do you have on Wednesdays?( )2.A.Do you often read books?B.Do you often play sports?C.Do you often sleep on the weekend?( )3.A.I have maths and music on Thursdays.B.I have English on Thursdays.C.I have Chinese and art on homeworkread booksclean the bedroom watch TVplay computer games on Mondays on Fridays on Tuesdays on Sundays on SaturdaysB.Mike likes sportsC.Mike often reads books on the weekend.( )5.A.What do you have on Thursdays?B.What do you do?C.What do you often do on the weekend?四、听对话,连线。
吞咽涉及 皮质及皮 质下、脑 干两级中 枢
导管球囊扩张治疗对皮质-延髓 传导通路兴奋性的影响
30例脑干梗死患者 ◦ 入选标准 --MRI确认为脑干梗死 --有吞咽障碍 --经 VFSS确诊为UES完全
不开放/开放不完全 --年龄40-75岁
•皮层、基底节、丘脑等多部位 病灶
•既往有脑出血、蛛网膜下腔出 血、脑肿瘤、脑外伤及其它神 经精神系统病史
•不能配合检查与治疗者 •有MR检查禁忌症
◦ 共3次
① 吞唾液 ② 球囊扩张 ③ 吞唾液
任务采用BLOCK实验设计:rest(30s)+swallow(30s)重复6次,总时 间6分钟 swallow剌激以动画的形式提示,动画出现时间3s吞咽一次,黑屏3s, 一个BLOCK出现5次,持续时间30s
–Kijima, et al (2009); Klahn and Perlman (1999);Paydarfar (1995); Selley (1989); Smith (1989). –Kijima (1999) water infusion,Martin Harris, et al (2005),
◦ 年龄/性别与治疗组相匹配 ◦ 无任何吞咽障碍及吞咽不适 ◦ 无消化系统疾病 ◦ 无头颈部结构性病变
◦ 性别、年龄、病程 ◦ 头颅CT或MRI检查结果
吞咽功能评估:吞咽造影,高精度咽部测压,fMRI数据 采集扫描
best besaues 的意思
best besaues 的意思1.最好的是健康和快乐。
The best thing is health and happiness.2.最好的武器是耐心和时间。
The best weapon is patience and time.3.最好的朋友是那种可以一起懒洋洋地度过一整个下午的人。
The best friend is the kind of person you can spend a whole lazy afternoon with.4.最好的教训来自经验。
The best lessons come from experience.5.最好的学问是廉价的学问。
The best knowledge is affordable knowledge.6.最好的工作是那种可以让你做你所爱并且每天都充满激情的工作。
The best job is the one that allows you to do what you love and feel passionate about every day.7.最好的旅行是能够让你开阔眼界,学习新事物并结交新朋友的旅行。
The best travel is the one that broadens your horizons, allows you to learn new things and make new friends.8.最好的书籍是那些能够启发你思考并改变你生活的书籍。
The best books are the ones that inspire you to think and change your life.9.最好的电影是那些能够让你产生共鸣并留下深刻印象的电影。
The best movies are the ones that resonate with you and leave a lasting impression.10.最好的时光是和家人一起度过的时光。
sleep的用法总结sleep的用法你知道多少? 今天给大家带来了sleep的用法总结大全,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。
sleep的用法总结大全sleep的意思vi. link-v. 睡,睡觉vi. 睡,睡觉,睡眠状态vt. 为…提供床位,提供住宿,以睡觉打发日子n. 睡眠变形:过去式: slept; 现在分词:sleeping; 过去分词:slept;sleep用法sleep可以用作名词sleep的意思是“睡眠”,是不可数名词; 加不定冠词时,表示“一段时间的睡眠”。
sleep用作名词的用法例句I havent had enough sleep lately.最近我睡眠不足。
A growing child needs plenty of sleep.正发育的孩子必须睡眠充足。
Lack of sleep is detrimental to ones health.缺乏睡眠有害健康。
sleep用作动词的用法例句I didnt sleep well last night.昨晚我睡不安稳。
He have to sleep by day and work by night.他只好白天睡觉,晚上工作。
Hed been sleeping rough for a week, in ditches and haystacks.他在沟里和草堆里露宿了一个星期。
sleep用法例句1、I didnt get a wink of sleep on the aeroplane.我在飞机上没合一下眼。
元音(20Vow el s)长元音拉长,短元音短促有力;双元音饱满
辅音(28C onsonant s)清辅音短促而轻声;浊辅音气流充沛而声重
/?/知/t s/词/dz/资/t r/辍/dr/捉/h/喝
/eI/name plane J ane baby c ake /l/milk school tall
/?/bag dad hat map black back Mm /m/monkey co me to mato
Nn /n/not note name no /α:/after plant graph ask grasp
glass f a st
/?︰/water /n/shine ten son moon
/?/want what watch wash
/?/uncle tha nk hungry
/e/any many Oo /??/those cl o se g o hoe home n o。
九师联盟英语试题及答案一、听力理解(共20分)1. What is the man doing now?A. Cooking dinnerB. Washing dishesC. Watching TV2. Where does the conversation most likely take place?A. In a libraryB. In a bookstoreC. In a classroom3. What does the woman mean?A. She doesn't like the gift.B. She thinks the gift is too expensive.C. She is surprised by the gift.4. Why is the man unhappy?A. He missed his train.B. He lost his wallet.C. He failed his exam.5. What time does the woman plan to leave?A. At 5:00 p.m.B. At 6:00 p.m.C. At 7:00 p.m.二、阅读理解(共30分)Passage 16. What is the main topic of the passage?A. The importance of sleepB. The effects of sleep deprivationC. The benefits of taking naps7. According to the passage, which of the following is a sign of sleep deprivation?A. Difficulty in concentratingB. Increased appetiteC. Frequent headaches8. What does the author suggest to improve sleep quality?A. Avoiding caffeine before bedtimeB. Exercising regularlyC. Taking a warm bath before sleepingPassage 29. What is the purpose of the article?A. To introduce a new technologyB. To discuss the impact of technology on jobsC. To argue for the importance of adaptability10. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a job that may be affected by automation?A. Factory workersB. Truck driversC. Teachers11. What does the author suggest for those whose jobs are at risk?A. To learn new skillsB. To find a new job quicklyC. To rely on government assistancePassage 312. What is the author's opinion about the new policy?A. It is necessary for environmental protection.B. It is too restrictive and will harm businesses.C. It is a good idea but needs more public support.13. What is the main argument of the passage?A. The new policy will lead to economic growth.B. The new policy will help reduce pollution.C. The new policy will benefit both the environment and the economy.14. What does the author suggest as a solution to the problem?A. Encouraging public transportationB. Providing financial incentives for businessesC. Implementing stricter regulations三、完形填空(共20分)15. The word "excellent" in the sentence means ______.A. averageB. goodC. poor16. The author's attitude towards the new restaurant is______.A. indifferentB. positiveC. negative17. The phrase "to make a reservation" is closest in meaningto ______.A. to cancel an appointmentB. to book a tableC. to change a plan18. The word "delighted" in the context implies ______.A. surprisedB. pleasedC. disappointed19. The sentence "It was a pleasant surprise" suggests that______.A. the author expected the food to be badB. the author was not expecting to enjoy the mealC. the author was expecting a different outcome20. The overall tone of the passage is ______.A. criticalB. neutralC. enthusiastic四、语法填空(共15分)21. If she ______ (be) more careful, she wouldn't have made such a mistake.22. The book is worth ______ (read) because it provides valuable insights.23. ______ (compare) with the old model, the new one is more energy-efficient.24. She apologized for ______ (be) late to the meeting.25. The company has decided to ______ (expand) its business into new markets.五、短文改错(共15分)26. I used to go to school by bike, but now I am used going to school by bus.27. Neither of them are interested in the new movie.28. The teacher asked us to read the text carefully and make some note in the margin.29. It is important for us protect our environment.30. The more you practice, the better you will become in English.六、书面表达(共20分)31. Write an essay of about 100 words on the topic "The Importance of Time Management". You should write clearly and coherently, and support your view with appropriate details.参考答案:一、听力理解1-5 CACCB二、阅读理解6-11 ABACBC12-14 BCA三、完形填空15-20 BCBCB四、语法填空21. had been。
SLEEPY拼读英语作文Sure, here's an English composition with the title "SLEEPY":SLEEPY: The Comfort of RestIn the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, there is one thing that we often overlook but is essential for our well-being: sleep. The word "sleepy" is an adjective that describes the feeling of being tired and ready to sleep. Itis a state that we all experience, yet few of us truly appreciate.Sleep is more than just a break from our activities; it is a vital component of our health. When we are sleepy, our bodies are signaling us to take a break and recharge. It is during sleep that our bodies repair tissues, build bone and muscle, and strengthen the immune system. It is also the time when our brains consolidate memories and process information from the day.However, in our modern society, sleep is often sacrificed for work, entertainment, or social media. The consequences of sleep deprivation are numerous and severe. Lack of sleep can lead to irritability, poor concentration, and even serious health conditions like obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease.To combat sleepiness and ensure we get the rest we need, it is important to establish a regular sleep schedule. Going to bed and waking up at the same time every day can help regulate our body's internal clock, making it easier to fall asleep and wake up feeling refreshed.Moreover, creating a sleep-friendly environment can also contribute to better sleep quality. This includes keeping the bedroom dark, quiet, and cool, as well as investing in a comfortable mattress and pillows. Additionally, avoiding caffeine and electronic screens before bedtime can help signal to our bodies that it is time to wind down and prepare for sleep.In conclusion, while being sleepy may sometimes be seen as a nuisance, it is a natural and necessary part of life. By respecting our bodies' need for rest and taking steps to improve our sleep hygiene, we can ensure that we are at our best, both physically and mentally. So the next time you feel sleepy, remember it's your body's way of telling you it's time to recharge and prepare for the next day's adventures.This composition touches on the importance of sleep, the consequences of sleep deprivation, and tips for improving sleep quality, all while incorporating the theme of the word "sleepy."。
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1. I can't sleep. 我无法入睡。
2. He usually sleeps for eight hours a night. 他通常每晚睡八个小时。
3. The baby is sleeping soundly. 宝宝正在安睡。
4. I always feel sleepy after lunch. 我午餐后总是感到昏昏欲睡。
1. sleep in:晚睡懒觉
2. sleep off:通过睡觉去掉疲劳、醉意等
3. sleep on:考虑,决定
4. sleep around:乱搞、出轨。
sleep的有关用法,sleepy和asleepsleepy ['sli:pi]adj.欲睡的;困乏的;不活跃的[ 比较级sleepier 最高级sleepiest ] ——可以做定语. asleep [?'sli:p]adj.睡着的;麻木的;长眠的adv.熟睡地;进入睡眠状态——通常只做表语. sleep是动词和名词.sleep [sli:p]vi.睡,睡觉n.睡眠[ 过去式slept 过去分词slept 现在分词sleeping ] 这样就能分出来了.sleep [sli:p]vi.1.睡,睡觉;入睡to sleep for eight hours睡上八个小时2.(机能)静止;不活动;休眠:to sleep in the winter冬眠3.(植物)具感夜性,夜合:Many plants sleep.许多植物具有感夜性.4.保持寂静(或死寂);休止:a sleeping night寂静的夜晚5.[诗歌用语、委婉语]安息,长眠:Now he is sleeping here.而今他就长眠于此.6.[口语](椅、床垫等)催人入睡;睡着(舒服等):to sleep well睡着舒服7.(与某人)共眠,(与某人)有性关系 (with):Did you sleep with her?你和她睡觉了吗?vt.1.睡(觉);使睡得:to sleep a good sleep睡个好觉2.供…住宿,可睡(若干人):The room can sleep 3 people.这房间可供三人睡觉.3.以睡觉消除(疲劳等);睡掉,以睡觉度过(away,out): to sleep one's anxiety away以睡觉消除忧虑to sleep away a day睡掉一整天。
empty的反义词有哪些篇一:反义词高中英语中726组反义词及相对应词ability 能力inability 无能/ disability 无能力able 有能力的------ u nable 无能力的abroad 在外国一—at home 在家absent 缺席,不在----------- present 出席accept 接受-------- refuse 拒绝active 积极的-------------- inactive 不活跃的active 主动的passive 被动的actress 女演员 ----- actor 男演员add 增添---------- reduce减少advantage 有利disadvantage 不利afraid 害怕的brave 勇敢的after 在…之上before 在…之前afternoon 下午---------------------- morning 上午again 再,乂--------- once 一次against 反对------- for 为,赞成angry 生气的 --------- pleased 高兴的 / calm 平静的animal 动物---- plant 植物answer n. 回答--------- question问题answer vt. 回答------ ask 问anxious vt. 不安的-------- easy放心的appear 出现------- disappear 消失arrive 至V达leave 出发ashamed 害臊proud自豪asleep 睡觉的 ----- awake adj. 醒的attack 进攻一— defend 防守 / protect 保护attention 注意---------------- inattention 不注意 ago 以前--------- later 以后agree 同>peiq期甲1%MS ——期屏」翎!q期瓠Mteep——韦用MPjq期审e|H!l ——期丫Biq 国/…以UIMIIM 〃/…以puoAeq 如曾esjOM 期碰重Jetteq 如曾IS JOM ——"tseq期覃IMBiejts ——期晶tueq 回T以十目..母eAoqe >LL以7目・・母MO|eq黯必tqnop——哥困eAeipq 患/••母jo tuojj ui 竺/••母puiqeq 回患以peeqe ——PUjqeq 网告u pue ——脚# BuiuuiBeq 审告qsiuij ------- 脚# ui6eq 竺以」印司-------- eJOjeq竺/...以Jeue ——患/…以eJOjeq期豳任A|6n ——期职关in^neeq 凰羊eoueiequn ——凰* eoueieq碰IQM——如A|peq期回患,回卫tuojj ——期里竺 ffl# 初购WBfl dg|se ——期fl [pe ojeMe曾'日广澹spun ——邮'虹鞭 ^ne讯理,'量ejnseeid ——渗虱'渗JeBue立拳州jeAeu 耆竟sAe/v\|e 半云jeA - 彭日Apeej|e R剃ssojoe ----------- 昊崇Buoie 衅—」叫旧6。
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CLINICAL–ALIMENTARY TRACTInfluence of Sleep Stages on Esophago-Upper Esophageal Sphincter Contractile Reflex and Secondary Esophageal PeristalsisJASMOHAN S.BAJAJ,*SHAILESH BAJAJ,*KULWINDER S.DUA,*SAFWAN JARADEH,‡TANYA RITTMANN,*CANDY HOFMANN,*and REZA SHAKER**Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology and‡Department of Neurology,Medical College of Wisconsin,Milwaukee,WisconsinSee editorial on page265. Background&Aims:Airways are most vulnerable to as-piration during sleep.Esophago-upper esophageal sphinc-ter(UES)contractile reflex(EUCR)and secondary peristal-sis(2P)have been proposed to protect the airway by reflexively contracting the UES and clearing the esophagus of refluxate,respectively.Our aim was to study EUCR and 2P elicitation in“awake”state,stage II,slow-wave(stage III/IV),and rapid eye movement(REM)sleep.Methods: Thirteen healthy volunteers were studied in the supine position using concurrent UES and esophageal manometry and polysomnography.Threshold volume(Tvol)to trigger EUCR and2P and changes in sleep stages were recorded during injection of2.7mL/min water into the proximal esophagus after sleep stages were confirmed.Results: UES pressure progressively declined with deeper stages of ol for EUCR and2P elicitation was not significantly different between the stage II and“awake”state(EUCR: 4.0؎1.8mL vs6.1؎3.6mL stage II;2P:5.8؎2.2mL vs8.0؎4.0mL stage II).Tvol for EUCR and2P elicitation during REM sleep were significantly lower than during the stage II and“awake”state(REM EUCR:2.2؎1.1mL;2P: 3.5؎1.2mL).Arousal and cough preempted develop-ment of EUCR and2P during slow-wave sleep.Conclusions: (1)EUCR/2P can be elicited in stage II and REM but is preempted by arousal in slow-wave sleep.(2)Tvol for EUCR/2P elicitation is significantly lower in REM,com-pared with the stage II and“awake”state,suggesting a heightened sensitivity of these reflexes during REM sleep.(3)Although UES pressure progressively declines with deeper stages of sleep,it can still reflexively contract dur-ing REM sleep,despite generalized hypotonia.S leep is an inherent component of the circadian rhythm,which is marked by a reversible loss of consciousness and significant physiologic changes.1Nor-mal sleep consists of2broad stages,REM(rapid eye movement)and non-REM(NREM)stages,which in-clude stages I through IV,with stages III/IV being deep or slow-wave sleep(SW).1These stages of sleep have well-described effects on skeletal and smooth muscles. REM sleep,which predominates over thefinal one third of the sleep period and accounts for20%–25%of the total sleep time,is accompanied by hypotonia in anti-gravity muscles,excluding the extraocular and external anal sphincter muscles and changes in temperature and respiratory control.NREM sleep stages are characterized by relative depression of cerebral activity and increased motor activity in the rest of the body.The NREM sleep stages form the bulk of the sleep period.2The effect of sleep on gastrointestinal physiology has continued to interest investigators.Recent studies of upper gut phys-iology and sleep have been focused on the pathogenesis of nocturnal gastroesophageal reflux and its complica-tions.3,4Sleep is accompanied by decreased frequency of swallowing with ensuing decrease in primary peristalsis as well as a reduction in salivary production.5–7In pa-tients with reflux events,the sleep state is also associated with a marked prolongation of acid clearance from the esophagus and proximal migration of acidic esophageal contents.8,9Most subjects with reflux events during sleep have brief arousals that help with swallowing and acid clearance from the esophagus and protection of the air-way from the refluxate.5Because of the skeletal muscular hypotonia,decreased saliva production,and low swallow frequency,nocturnal reflux events may lead to esophago-pharyngo-laryngeal reflux and potentially predispose to Abbreviations used in this paper:2P,secondary peristalsis;EUCR, esophago-upper esophageal sphincter contractile reflex;REM,rapid eye movement;NREM,nonrapid eye movement;SW,slow wave;UES, upper esophageal sphincter.©2006by the American Gastroenterological Association0016-5085/06/$32.00doi:10.1053/j.gastro.2005.10.003GASTROENTEROLOGY2006;130:17–25pulmonary aspiration,nocturnal asthma,and laryngo-pharyngitis.Hypotonia of the upper esophageal sphinc-ter(UES)that has been described with deeper sleep stages could further facilitate esophago-pharyngo-laryn-geal reflux.10A number of upper gut reflexes that aid in acid clearance and airway protection have been described.11–14 Prominent among these are secondary esophageal peri-stalsis and esophago-upper esophageal sphincter contrac-tile reflex(EUCR).15–17Secondary peristalsis is defined as nondeglutitive esophageal peristalsis initiated by esoph-ageal distension.15–19Because the frequency of primary peristalsis is markedly reduced in sleep,secondary peri-stalsis could play an important role in the clearance of acid from the esophagus.6EUCR is defined as the reflex contraction of the UES in response to esophageal disten-sion.11,12EUCR and secondary peristalsis can be elicited by esophageal distension withfluid,air,or balloon.Sec-ondary peristalsis and EUCR are believed to protect the airway by clearing the refluxate from the esophagus and enhancing the UES pressure,respectively.We hypothesized that the elicitation of EUCR and secondary peristalsis would be significantly diminished with sleep,especially in the REM stage,owing to the accompanying generalized hypotonia,compared with the “awake”state,therefore promoting an environment con-ducive to esophago-pharyngo-laryngeal reflux.The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effect of various sleep stages on elicitation of EUCR and secondary peri-stalsis in healthy volunteers.Materials and MethodsWe studied13healthy volunteers(6male,7female) with average age of31Ϯ8SD years(range,21–46years). Studies were approved by The Human Research Review Com-mittee at the Medical College of Wisconsin,and all volunteers gave written informed consent prior to their studies.All volunteers fasted for at least6hours prior to the study and were studied in the supine position.Studies were performed in 2phases:“awake”and asleep.“Awake”StateTo record UES pressure and esophageal peristalsis,we used a manometric assembly that incorporated a6-cm sleeve device15cm from the tip of the assembly(60ϫ7ϫ4mm; Dentsleeve,Wayville,South Australia).The assembly had recording side holes at the proximal and distal ends of the sleeve as well as2pharyngeal ports located3and6cm proximal to the sleeve and3esophageal side holes,3,6,and9 cm distal to the lower margin of the sleeve.After positioning the manometric assembly,the port at the distal end of the sleeve was used for esophageal perfusion.The sleeve catheter was perfused with distilled water at0.5mL/min using a minimally compliant pneumohydraulic system(Arndorfer Medical Specialities Inc.,Greendale,WI),and intraluminal pressures were recorded electronically(MMS Medical Measure-ment Systems,Enschade,The Netherlands).Submental elec-tromyographic(EMG)recordings were obtained simulta-neously to identify swallowing.The UES sleeve assembly was passed transnasally after the nasal cavities were anesthetized using2%xylocaine(Astra Pharmaceuticals,Westborough, MA),applied by cotton-tipped applicators.The catheter was positioned across the UES such that the sleeve was straddling the high-pressure zone of the UES facing posteriorly.After verification of UES sleeve placement,pharyngeal ports and the side hole at the proximal end of the sleeve were not perfused to prevent pharyngeal stimulation.The UES sleeve and the3 distal esophageal ports were used to determine UES pressure changes and esophageal peristalsis,respectively.Primary peri-stalsis was defined as a peristaltic esophageal contraction oc-curring after a swallow,evidenced by submental EMG record-ings and relaxation of UES.Secondary peristalsis was defined as peristaltic esophageal contraction occurring in the absence of preceding submental EMG activity and UES relaxation. EUCR and secondary peristalsis were elicited by infusing distilled water at2.7mL/min using a compact infusion pump (Harvard Apparatus Company Inc.,Millis,MA)through the side hole at the distal end of the sleeve(located in the proximal esophagus).This infusion rate a priori had been found to trigger separately the secondary peristalsis as well as EUCR. Infusions were carried out until EUCR and secondary peristal-sis were elicited and threshold volume for these reflexes was determined.Sleep StateAll volunteers were studied in the sleep medicine laboratory at the Medical College of Wisconsin.Studies were performed at the usual sleep times of the volunteers without the use of sleep aids or medications.All volunteers were studied within2weeks of their baseline“awake”assessment. Electroencephalogram(EEG),electrooculogram(EOG),respi-ration,and submental EMG were recorded simultaneously using standard polysomnography(REMbrandt5.2,Medcare, Amsterdam,The Netherlands).The manometric apparatus was set up similar to that described for the“awake”state.Mano-metric and polysomnographic recordings were synchronized and displayed on the same screen to allow correlation of sleep stages with manometric changes.Subjects were monitored, and various stages of sleep were determined prior to stimula-tion of the esophagus.Water infusions at2.7mL/min were performed in each stage of sleep.Water perfusion was main-tained until1of the following occurred:EUCR and secondary peristalsis were elicited,the subjects exhibited arousal,or a swallow was initiated.Arousal was defined as an abrupt shift in EEG frequency,which included theta,alpha,and/or frequen-cies greater than16Hz but not spindles with the following qualifiers:(1)10seconds of continuous sleep preceding the arousal,(2)at least3seconds in duration,and(3)arousals during REM sleep must be accompanied by an increase in18BAJAJ ET AL GASTROENTEROLOGY Vol.130,No.1submental EMG activity.20In between infusions,we waited for spontaneous swallows to clear the esophagus before infus-ing furtherfluid into the proximal esophagus.In each subject and for each stage of sleep,we determined the threshold volume required for the elicitation of EUCR,secondary peri-stalsis,or arousal.A certified sleep laboratory physician re-viewed and verified all of the polysomnographic recordings. Statistical analysis was done using paired t test with Bon-ferroni correction for multiple comparisons when indicated. Values in the text are given as meanϮSD unless stated otherwise.ResultsEach of the13volunteers was successfully studied for at least5hours during their usual sleep time.During this time,several periods of stage II sleep were observed. Both EUCR and secondary peristalsis were tested in this stage in all13volunteers.In addition,8of13volunteers were tested in REM sleep,and6of13volunteers were tested in SW sleep.Each volunteer had at least1water infusion of2.7mL/min during stage II sleep(mean of3 infusions).The8volunteers who were tested in REM sleep had a mean of2infusions,and6subjects who were tested in SW sleep had a mean of2infusions(Table1). No arousal events were observed during any infusion in stage II and REM sleep,and none of the injections in these stages were terminated because of early arousals.UES PressureUES pressure progressively declined with deeper sleep stages and reached the nadir during SW sleep.UES pressure during the“awake”state averaged60Ϯ21mm Hg,whereas,during stage II,SW,and REM sleep,it averaged21Ϯ23mm Hg,4Ϯ2mm Hg,and11Ϯ9mm Hg,respectively(see Table2).The mean UES pressure during all stages of sleep was significantly lower compared with the“awake”state(PϽ.0001).Frequency Elicitation of EUCR andSecondary PeristalsisFrequency elicitation of EUCR and secondary peristalsis in all sleep stages is shown in Table1.All13 volunteers exhibited elicitation of both EUCR and sec-ondary peristalsis in the“awake”state.Although both reflexes were elicited in13of the13tested volunteers in stage II,and in8of the8tested subjects in REM sleep, neither the EUCR nor secondary peristalsis could be triggered during SW sleep in any of the6tested volun-teers.There was no significant difference in the threshold volumes for elicitation of EUCR and secondary peristalsis in the volunteers who had proximal esophageal injections twice or more during the same stage of sleep(11of13 volunteers during stage II,6of8during REM,and5of 6during SW sleep had2or more infusions).In addition, during the“awake”state,the threshold volume remained unchanged in all13volunteers for their3trials.Esophago-UES Contractile ReflexEUCR was elicited in all subjects studied during the baseline“awake”state(nϭ13),as well as stage II sleep(nϭ13)and REM sleep(nϭ8).EUCR,on the other hand,could not be triggered during SW sleep in any of the6studied subjects.During baseline,stage II, and REM sleep,EUCR was elicited before development of secondary peristalsis(Figures1–3).Table1.Number of Infusions and Response Frequency of EUCR and Secondary Peristalsis in Stage II and REM SleepSubjectsStage II REM SW sleep Number ofinfusionsElicitationfrequency(%)EUCRElicitationfrequency(%)2PNumber ofinfusionsElicitationfrequency(%)EUCRElicitationfrequency(%)2PNumber ofinfusions12100100————221001004100100—31100100————4310033.321001002 52100100————621001001100100—73100100————8310010031001002 9210010021001001 101100100————11310010021001003 12310010031001002 13410010011001002 EUCR,Esophago-UES contractile reflex;2P,secondary peristalsis.January2006EUCR AND SECONDARY PERISTALSIS IN SLEEP19During baseline recordings,the UES pressure increase because of EUCR continued throughout the infusion until development of secondary peristalsis in all volun-teers.During stage II sleep,EUCR remained active until the development of secondary peristalsis in 10volun-teers,whereas,in 3volunteers,UES pressure returned to baseline before elicitation of secondary peristalsis.EUCR pattern in REM sleep in all 8volunteers exhibited an elevation of UES pressure distinct from subsequent sec-ondary peristalsis;however,this elevation was not sus-tained until development of secondary peristalsis in 2of the 8volunteers.Maximum UES pressure increase and percentage increase over the basal UES pressure because of EUCR is shown in Table 2.Comparison of the threshold volume for elicitation of EUCR in different stages of sleep showed that,among the same 8volunteers who were tested during the “awake”state,stage II,and REM sleep,the threshold volume for EUCR elicitation was significantly lower in REM sleep compared with “awake”state (P ϭ.005),as well as stage II sleep (P ϭ.008)(Table 3).Comparison of threshold volume between “awake”and stage II sleep among this group,however,did not reach statistical significk of a difference between thethresholdFigure 1.An example of EUCR and 2P elicitation during “awake”period.Manometry:As seen following infusion of 2.7mL/min water into the proximal esophagus,the esophago-UES contractile reflex (EUCR)is triggered without an accompanying secondary peristalsis (2P).Secondary peristalsis is triggered with continuing infusion with concomitant increases in UES pressure.EEG:Central (C3or C4)and occipital (O1or O2)derivations,EOG activity from right and left eye (recorded from the outer canthi).“Awake”state with eyes closed is characterized by alpha waves (8–13Hz)with slow and rapid eye movements and high activity on electromyography (EMG).Table 2.Baseline and Maximal UES Pressures in Stage II and REM Sleep After Elicitation of Esophago-UESContractile ReflexSubjects “Awake”(mm Hg )Stage II (mm Hg )REM (mm Hg )Slow wave (mm Hg )Baseline Maximum rise Percentagerise Baseline Maximum rise Percentagerise Baseline Maximum rise Percentagerise Baseline 179119511024140————277116512035751940110—3581281211111000————44373706101158515200—5102021027910128———5659102735512212129559027771165120367510211103848674017474001191800—96894383470102————1088160811585700————117998244062551388576812601181466466162361800413521241387354007212003Mean UESP and rise61Ϯ20117Ϯ35.176Ϯ39.621Ϯ2359Ϯ33.11221Ϯ74011Ϯ937Ϯ24.7611Ϯ7504Ϯ2NOTE.Mean UES pressure of baseline was significantly higher than UES pressure at stage II,slow wave,and REM sleep.UESP,Upper esophageal sphincter pressure;EUCR,esophago-UES contractile reflex;2P,secondary peristalsis.20BAJAJ ET AL GASTROENTEROLOGY Vol.130,No.1volume for elicitation of EUCR in stage II and “awake”state persisted when comparison was made for 13sub-jects who were tested in both the “awake”state as well as stage II sleep (Table 4).Secondary PeristalsisSecondary peristalsis could be elicited in all vol-unteers in the “awake”state and stage II sleep.Secondary peristalsis was also elicited in all 8volunteers who were tested in REM sleep.In contrast,secondary peristalsis could not be elicited in the 6volunteers who were infused during SW sleep.There was no statistically significant difference be-tween threshold volumes for elicitation of secondary peristalsis in “awake”state compared with stage II sleep (P ϭ.14).Similar to EUCR,threshold volumes for secondary peristalsis elicitation were significantly lower in REM sleep compared with the “awake”state (P ϭ.004)and stage II sleep (P ϭ.001)(Table 3).Reflexes in SW SleepNeither EUCR nor secondary peristalsis could be elicited in the 6subjects tested during SW sleep.Four of the 6subjects tested during SW sleep were awakened during proximal esophageal water injections (Figure 4).These 4subjects developed coughing 3Ϯ1.8minutes after the start of infusions.Arousals occurred consistently after development of cough in all SW sleep injections at a mean interval of 4Ϯ2seconds after the initiation of cough.All 4subjects who were awakened from sleep did so after they started coughing,suggesting escape of fluid into the phar-ynx and the airway,a phenomenon that was not observed during any other sleep stages.The remaining 2subjects injected during SW sleep changed sleep stage to stage II sleep.To ascertain whether absence of EUCR and secondary peristalsis in the SW stage of sleep was due to premature arousal before the reflex could be triggered,we compared the time interval between the onset of infusion and arousal in SW sleep to the interval between the onset of infusion and stimulation of EUCR and secondary peristalsis in stage II and REM sleep among the same 6subjects who were tested in SW sleep (Figure 5).As seen,the time interval for arousal in SW sleep was not significantly different from the interval for elicitation of both reflexes in stage II,REMFigure 2.An example of elicitation of EUCR and 2P in stage II sleep.Manometry:As seen following infusion of 3.8mL water at the rate of 2.7mL/min into the proximal esophagus,the UES pressure rose from 8mm Hg to 20mmHg (esophago-UES contractile reflex;EUCR).This pressure increase continues until the development of secondary peristalsis (2P)74seconds later.EEG:Central (C3or C4)and occipital (O1or O2)derivations,EOG activity from right and left eye (recorded from the outer canthi).Stage II is characterized by K complexes (an initial negative sharp wave followed by a positive component)and sleep spindles (episodic,rhythmical complexes occurring with frequency of 7to 14cycles per second grouped in sequences lasting 1–2seconds).There are no eye movements,and EMG activity is decreased compared with “awake”state.January 2006EUCR AND SECONDARY PERISTALSIS IN SLEEP 21sleep,and “awake”state.However,it should be noted that,in stage II sleep,similar to REM,the infusion was contin-ued beyond the onset of EUCR,and,despite this (Figures 2and 3),arousal did not occur,suggesting a reduced arousalthreshold in this stage of sleep,possibly preempting the activation of the studied reflexes.DiscussionIn this study,we determined the effect of various stages of sleep on elicitation and threshold volumeofFigure 3.An example of elicitation of EUCR and 2P during REM sleep.Manometry:Following infusion of 2.2mL water at the rate of 2.7mL/min into the proximal esophagus,the UES pressure rose from 6mm Hg to 12mm Hg (esophago-UES contractile reflex;EUCR).This pressure increase continues until the development of secondary peristalsis (2P)52seconds later.Continued water injection eventually resulted in subject arousal 350seconds later.EEG:Central (C3or C4)and occipital (O1or O2)derivations,EOG activity from right and left eye (recorded from the outer canthi).EEG during REM sleep shows mixed frequency fast activity with superimposed saw-tooth theta waves (4–7Hz,with notched appearance).EOG shows bursts of horizontal and vertical rapid eye movements and muscular atonia.In addition to REMs,other physiologic activities accompany REM sleep,including middle ear muscle activity,periorbital integrated potentials,and sleep-related erections.There are periods within REM sleep when eye movement activity and presumably other phasic event activity are high.At other times,REM-like background EEG activity continues with very little phasic activity.These 2phases of REM sleep are called “phasic REM sleep”and “tonic REM sleep.”Table 3.Threshold Volumes for Elicitation of EUCR andSecondary Peristalsis in “Awake”State,Stage II,and REM SleepThreshold volume (mean ϮSD)mL“Awake”(n ϭ8)Stage II (n ϭ8)REM (n ϭ8)EUCR 3.8Ϯ0.97.1Ϯ3.7 2.2Ϯ1.1a 2P5.6Ϯ1.38.6Ϯ4.63.5Ϯ1.2bNOTE.Threshold volumes measured in the same subjects for EUCR and 2P elicitation were significantly lower in REM sleep compared with both “awake”and stage II sleep.Although there was a trend towards higher threshold volume for stage II compared with “awake”state,this difference did not reach statistical significance.EUCR,Esophago-UES contractile reflex;2P,secondary peristalsis.a “Awake”vs REM P ϭ.005,stage II vs REM P ϭ.008.b “Awake”vs REM P ϭ.004,stage II vs REM P ϭ.001.Table 4.Threshold Volumes for Elicitation of EUCR andSecondary Peristalsis in “Awake”State and Stage II SleepThreshold volume (mean ϮSD)mL “Awake”(n ϭ13)Stage II (n ϭ13)EUCR 4.0Ϯ1.8 6.1Ϯ3.62P5.8Ϯ2.28.0Ϯ4.0NOTE.As seen,there were no significant differences observed be-tween “awake”state and stage II sleep in the threshold volume required for the elicitation of esophago-UES contractile reflex (EUCR)and secondary peristalsis (2P)(EUCR “awake”vs stage II,P ϭ.06;2P “awake”vs stage II,P ϭ.10).22BAJAJ ET AL GASTROENTEROLOGY Vol.130,No.1proximal esophageal fluid required to trigger secondary peristalsis and esophago-UES contractile reflex in healthy individuals.Study findings indicate that EUCR and sec-ondary peristalsis can be elicited during stage II and REM sleep and that REM sleep is accompanied by a heightened sensitivity to elicitation of both reflexes.In contrast,study findings indicate the absence of EUCR and secondary peristalsis during SW sleep.Study find-ings also show that the UES pressure declines progres-sively with deeper sleep stages.This finding corroborates earlier reports.10However,we found that the lowest UES pressure during sleep was not during REM sleep as would have been expected but in SW sleep.Our finding that the esophago-UES contractile reflex and 2P could not be triggered in SW sleep,but,instead,the stimulus,ie,slow infusion in the proximal esophagus,in-duced arousal and coughing poses 2interesting questions:whether the inability to stimulate these reflexes was due to a reduced arousal threshold that preempted the activation of these reflexes,or esophago-UES contractile reflex and 2P were not indeed amenable to activation even in the absence of the observed arousal.Distinguishing between these 2possibilities is difficult given the design of the present study and awaits further investigation.The design of the current study makes it unable to ascertain whether the observed arousal was due to esophageal stimulation or to pharyngeal/laryngeal stimulation because of the infused water crossing the UES into the pharynx before activation of the studied reflexes.These findings have several clinical and physiologic ram-ifications.From a clinical perspective,it seems that not only the UES exhibits the lowest basal pressure during SW sleep,but the initial airway protection is dependent on arousal rather than the activation of EUCR and 2P compared with stage II and REM sleep,in which activation of these reflexes occurs before arousal.Considering the fact that,in this stage of SW sleep,arousal develops before secondary peristalsis could be elicited,it is possible that esophageal volume clearance is compromised if swallow-related primary peri-stalsis does not occur in this stage.The clinical consequences of these study findings are not currently well understood.However,they may have relevance in several disorders such as asthma and supra-esophageal complications of GERD,includinglaryngitis,Figure 4.An example of elicitation of EUCR and 2P during slow-wave sleep.Manometry:As seen in stage II and REM sleep,water infusion in the proximal esophagus did not induce changes in UES pressure or development of secondary peristalsis after 139seconds and infusion of 6.3mL of water.Subject’s sleep state changed abruptly from SW sleep to arousal after coughing,accompanied by changes in UES pressure.EEG:Central (C3or C4)and occipital (O1or O2)derivations,EOG activity from right and left eye (recorded from the outer canthi).The tracing shows delta wave,a high-voltage wave pattern with a frequency range of 2Hz.This EEG tracing is characteristic of slow-wave sleep.Slow-wave sleep includes both stage III (consisting of 20%–50%delta waves)and stage IV (more than 50%delta waves).There are no eye movements,but,unlike REM sleep,there is muscle activity,which is decreased compared with “awake”state.January 2006EUCR AND SECONDARY PERISTALSIS IN SLEEP 23pharyngitis,subglottal tracheal stenosis,and others.For example,whether patients with nocturnal reflux or asthma or those taking sleeping medications have an abnormal triggering of these reflexes or a sluggish arousal response in SW sleep leading to pharyngeal entry of gastric content is yet to be determined.Airway protection against aspiration of gastric content is multifactorial and in addition to aerodigestive and esophageal reflexes evaluated in this study includes arousal and regaining consciousness in response to vari-ous stimuli such as those triggering a cough.As seen in this study,subjects in SW sleep who could not elicit EUCR did develop a cough and arousal response toproximal esophageal infusion,supporting the multifunc-tional nature of airway protection.From a physiologic perspective,it is unique that,whereas the UES,a striated muscle,participates in the general hypotonic state during REM,it can be easily stimulated to contract in response to a near physiologic stimulus such as minute amounts of fluid in the proximal esophagus simulating a gastroesophageal reflux event.In addition,it is important to note that these responses develop without inducing any changes in the sleep stage.Study findings indicate that this state of vigilance also includes stimulation of secondary peristalsis.EUCR and secondary peristalsis are reflexes triggered by distension of the esophagus by various stimuli including the slow infusion of fluid into the esophagus resulting in re-flexive UES contraction and clearance of esophageal con-tents,respectively.11,12,15These reflexes are believed to be triggered by the activation of slowly adapting esophageal mechanoreceptors.12It is noteworthy that,despite repeated distensions of the proximal esophagus in our volunteers,we found no alteration of the threshold volume for both EUCR and secondary peristalsis among volunteers who had 2or more injections,indicating that adaptation probably did not play an important role in our findings.Long intervals between injections might have prevented the development of adaptation.Elicitation of EUCR and secondary peristalsis in the “awake”state is not dependent on pH,but on the volume and rate of infusion,12although acidic refluxate may facilitate EUCR.21In addition,elicitation of EUCR has not been shown to be dependent on the elicitation of secondary peristalsis in experimental animals.11Elicita-tion of secondary peristalsis is diminished in GERD patients with active esophagitis and in the elderly,22–24supporting the notion that secondary peristalsis is an important protective mechanism against complications of reflux disease.A prior study has demonstrated that the rate of primary and secondary peristalsis in asymptomatic recumbent subjects decreases with deeper sleep,with none happening during SW sleep.25The finding of the present study confirms that secondary peristalsis,al-though preempted by arousal in SW sleep,can be spon-taneously observed in REM and stage II sleep,adding credence to its protective role against complications of reflux disease in most,but not all,stages of sleep.Interestingly,the threshold volume for triggering of EUCR and secondary peristalsis in REM sleep was sig-nificantly lower than that in the “awake”state or stage II.REM sleep is associated with generalized hypotonia of the skeletal muscles,except the extraocular and external anal sphincter muscles,but with hyperexcitability of the central nervous system,as opposed to NREM,especiallyFigure parison of the time interval between the onset of infusion to that of arousal/change in sleep stage in slow-wave sleep and elicitation of EUCR (A )and secondary peristalsis (B )in stage II,slow-wave,and REM sleep in 6subjects who underwent testing in all stages of sleep.The interval for each subject is depicted,and the group mean is shown as a horizontal line .Each subject was tested in “awake,”stage II,slow-wave,and REM sleep.As seen,the interval for arousal/change in sleep stage in slow-wave sleep and elicitation of reflexes in stage II sleep,REM,and “awake”states were not signifi-cantly different.Although these intervals were similar between slow-wave and other stages of sleep,continued infusion beyond the elici-tation of EUCR and secondary peristalsis in stage II and REM did not result in arousal or cough.24BAJAJ ET AL GASTROENTEROLOGY Vol.130,No.1。