Antibiotics are a class of naturally
纳米金比色法测定多西环素和土霉素曲黎;魏燕丽;范淑敏【摘要】采用柠檬酸钠还原法合成粒径约13 nm 的纳米金粒子.采用紫外-可见分光光度计、荧光分光光度计研究了纳米金粒子与多西环素/土霉素分子的相互作用;通过改变缓冲溶液、纳米金粒子用量、反应时间确定了比色法测定的最优反应条件.结果表明:在弱酸溶液中,多西环素/土霉素分子中的氨基官能团(-NH2)得到电子成为带电基团(- NH3+)并通过静电引力与纳米金粒子结合,使得纳米金粒子发生聚集,导致纳米金吸收光谱发生红移和展宽,颜色由酒红色变成蓝色;在盐酸-柠檬酸钠的缓冲溶液中加入2 mL 纳米金,反应时间为10 min 的条件下测得多西环素和土霉素的线性范围分别为0.06~0.66 mg ・ L -1和0.59~8.85 mg ・ L -1,检出限(3σ)分别为0.0086、0.0838 mg ・ L -1.该方法前处理简单、灵敏、可靠,有望应用于食品分析和临床分析等领域.%The well-dispersed gold nanoparticles (GNPs) were synthesized through sodium cit-rate reduction method .UV-Vis spectrometer and fluorescence spectrophotometer were used to investigate the mutual effect between GNPs and doxycycline/oxytetracycline .The experimental parameters were optimized with regard to pH ,incubation time and concentration of the GNPs . The amino group ,which is positively charged in weakly acidic medium (namely , - N H3 + ) , integrates with the negative charge on the surface of gold nanoparticles to form a bigger binding product through electrostatic binding ,resulting the aggregation of GNPs with a red-to-purple-to-blue color change .The absorption band of GNPs had a red shift and broadened .Under opti-mal experimentalconditions ,the linear ranges of the colorimetric sensor were 0 .06 - 0 .66 mg ・L - 1 and 0 .59 - 8 .85 mg ・ L - 1 with the corresponding limit of detection (3σ) of 0 .008 6 and 0 .083 8 mg ・ L - 1 for doxycycline and oxytetracycline respectively .This method is promising for foods and clinical analysis owing to to its simple ,reliable ,convenient and low-cost .【期刊名称】《化学研究》【年(卷),期】2016(027)002【总页数】6页(P189-194)【关键词】纳米金粒子;比色法;多西环素;土霉素【作者】曲黎;魏燕丽;范淑敏【作者单位】河南科技学院新科学院,河南新乡 453003;河南科技学院新科学院,河南新乡 453003;河南科技学院新科学院,河南新乡 453003【正文语种】中文【中图分类】O652.7四环素类抗生素(tetracycline antibiotics)是含有并四苯基本骨架的一类广谱抗生素[1-3]. 土霉素和多西环素都可以促进畜禽的生长,预防和治疗畜禽、鱼类的疾病,并可以增加产奶量. 过量使用土霉素和多西环素造成动物产品中药物残留,影响人体健康,因此对动物源性食品中土霉素和多西环素的最高残留,各个国家都有相应的标准及检测方法[4-6]. 目前,我国对于土霉素和多西环素的测定,常用的方法有高效液相色谱法(HPLC)、紫外分光光度法[7]、电化学分析法[8-10]、荧光法[11-12]和细菌抑制法[13]等.纳米金比色法灵敏度高,简单、快速,是目前研究比较热门的分析测定方法. 纳米金比色分析的主要优势是通过肉眼即可观察其颜色变化,简单快速,而且省去昂贵复杂的仪器,另外纳米金的消光系数高,灵敏度高,因而比色分析被用于蛋白质,DNA,金属离子和小分子等多种物质的检测,同时被用于蛋白质之间、DNA之间的相互作用研究[14-16]. 目前,纳米金比色法已成功用于三聚氰胺、瘦肉精等物质的检测[17]. 本文采用纳米金比色法测定土霉素和多西环素,测定结果与药典分析结果一致. 此方法简单,测定速度快,而且不需要昂贵的仪器及大量的分析试剂,在食品分析及环境监测方面有很好的应用前景.1.1 仪器与试剂PHS-3C酸度计(上海仪电科学仪器有限公司);U-3010紫外-可见分光光度计(日本岛津公司);F-7000荧光分光光度计(日本日立); FA1204B电子分析天平(上海佑科仪器有限公司);CL-2恒温加热磁力搅拌器(郑州长城科工贸有限公司);Tecnai G2 20s-twin高分辨型透射电子显微镜(日本).四氯金酸(Sigma-Aldrich 公司);多西环素,土霉素对照品(中国药品生物制品检定所);盐酸-乙酸钠缓冲溶液、盐酸-柠檬酸钠缓冲溶液;多西环素片剂(0.1 g,国药准字H13021945)和注射液(0.1 g,国药准字p0060405)为药店随机购买;二次蒸馏水、超纯水由实验室提供,所用试剂均为分析纯.1.2 纳米金的合成[5]用新配制的王水浸泡所用玻璃器皿24 h,超纯水洗后烘干备用. 将氯金酸配成1%的溶液,精确量取1 mL于100 mL棕色容量瓶中稀释至0.01%. 将0.01%的氯金酸溶液搅拌加热至沸后加入2.75 mL 1%的柠檬酸钠溶液,12 min后颜色由紫红色变为酒红色,冷却至室温,用0.2 μm超滤膜过滤,滤液于棕色试剂瓶中4 ℃保存备用.1.3 测定吸光度取2.5 mL新制纳米金于5 mL容量瓶中,加入盐酸-柠檬酸钠缓冲溶液,定容. 取2 mL纳米金,依次加入不同体积的多西环素标准溶液(1.50×10-4 g·mL-1 )/土霉素标准溶液(1.48×10-3 g·mL-1),混合均匀,以水为参比分别测定吸光度.2.1 纳米金表征纳米金呈酒红色,其表观颜色及粒径与文献报道一致. 球形纳米金粒子存在表面等离子吸收的特征峰,以水为空白,绘制纳米金吸收曲线,如图1所示,在518 nm 处有最大吸收,据此可计算纳米金的粒径,约为13 nm[18]. 由纳米金的紫外可见吸收光谱图可以看出纳米金颗粒稳定,符合分析要求.纳米金的透射电镜分析(TEM)如图2所示,制备的纳米金为球形,粒径均匀,分散良好.2.2 多西环素/土霉素测定原理实验利用柠檬酸钠还原氯金酸制备纳米金,纳米金粒子表面包裹大量的柠檬酸根离子,由于静电排斥力纳米金不发生凝聚. 在弱酸溶液中,多西环素/土霉素分子中的氨基官能团(-NH2)可以得到电子(-NH3+),和纳米金粒子之间通过静电引力相互作用,引发纳米金凝聚. 凝聚后的纳米金透射电镜图如图3所示,纳米金凝聚在一起,证明了纳米金粒子与四环素类抗生素之间的相互作用. 凝聚后纳米金颜色由酒红色变为紫色最终变为蓝色,由于纳米金表面等离子共振,其吸收光谱发生红移和展宽,紫外-可见吸收光谱如图4,纳米金的最大吸收峰由原来的518 nm红移至640 nm. 纳米金的共振散射光谱如图5所示,纳米金凝聚后,共振散射光谱增强. 并且在一定范围内纳米金的聚集与多西环素/土霉素的浓度呈现良好的线性关系,据此可建立简单、快速测定多西环素/土霉素的比色分析.2.3 实验条件优化将多西环素加入纳米金后,纳米金产生凝聚,其凝聚程度可用Δ(A640/A518)来表示. 在pp.0~7.0范围考查缓冲溶液对测定的影响. 图6显示不同缓冲溶液对测定的影响,结果表明使用盐酸-柠檬酸钠缓冲溶液的测定效果较好. 图7显示缓冲溶液加入量对测定的影响,700 μL pH为2.1的盐酸-柠檬酸钠缓冲溶液引起纳米金凝聚的Δ(A640/A518)值最大. 其原因是pH 过低时,纳米金粒子表面所带负电荷较少, 不利于结合多西环素, 而pH 过高, 多西环素中质子化的氢解离, 使正电荷减少,也不利于结合.同时我们也考察了纳米金的用量对体系测定的影响. 改变纳米金的用量从1~3 mL,不同纳米金用量对应的Δ(A640/A518)值如图8所示,纳米金的浓度增大时,其最大吸收峰值降低,当纳米金浓度高时,对仪器的染色比较严重,且对低浓度的多西环素变化不灵敏,当纳米金浓度低时,颜色变化不灵敏,因此实验选择2 mL纳米金.图9考察了反应时间对测定的影响,连续测定1 h,结果表明:加入多西环素,10 min凝聚程度最大,10 min后基本不再变化,反应时间设为10 min.2.4 多西环素/土霉素的测定在最优条件下,按照实验方法依次加入多西环素标准溶液并测定其吸收光谱(图10),由Δ(A640/A518)对多西环素的浓度作图(如图10所示),线性范围为0.06~0.66 mg·L-1,线性回归方程为Δ(A640/A518)= 0.042+ 1.480 4c(多西环素,mg·L-1),相关系数为0.998,检出限(3σ)为0.008 6 mg·L-1,纳米金比色法测定多西环素具有检出限低,灵敏度高,方法简单等优点,有望应用于食品分析领域. 最优条件下测定土霉素,测定其吸收光谱(图11),在0.59~8.85 mg·L-1 范围内,线性回归方程为Δ(A630/A518) = 0.222 + 0.077c(土霉素,mg·L-1),相关系数0.999,检出限(3σ)0.083 8 mg·L-1.2.5 常见物质的干扰表1考察了金属离子、氨基酸及结构类似药物的干扰. 结果表明,对于0.54 mg·L-1多西环素,该体系基本不受干扰,有较好选择性.2.6 回收率取多西环素20片,研细, 精密称取约一片多西环素质量,盐酸溶解后过滤,移至容量瓶,定容. 进行标准加入回收实验,精密量取适量样品溶液,分别加入标准溶液0.06、0.54 mg·L-1,测定吸光度,计算回收率,实验重复3次.精密量取1 mL多西环素注射液于棕色容量瓶中,进行标准加入回收实验,精密量取适量样品溶液,分别加入标准溶液0.12、0.42 mg·L-1,测定吸光度,计算回收率,结果见表2.2.7 含量测定精密量取多西环素片剂及注射液样品,按实验方法测定,结果见表3. 测定结果表明所购多西环素片剂及注射液含量在标示范围95.0%~105%内, RSD 较小, 符合药品质量管理规定.采用柠檬酸钠还原氯金酸方法得到纳米金. 在弱酸环境中纳米金可与多西环素、土霉素相互作用,产生凝聚,其吸收光谱发生红移,据此测定多西环素、土霉素. 优化了缓冲溶液、纳米金用量及反应时间等反应条件;在最佳条件下,测定结果令人满意. 同时分析了多西环素片剂及注射液,结果与药典方法结果一致. 该方法简单快速,且不需昂贵仪器及大量分析试剂,在食品及环境分析方面前景广泛.【相关文献】[1] CHOPRA I, ROBERTS M. 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青霉素简介(英文PPT)Production of penicillin
Antibiotic Production Methods
• Antibiotics are produced on an industrial scale using a variety of fungi and bacteria.
• Penicillin is produced by the fungus Penicillium chrysogenum which requires lactose, other sugars, and a source of nitrogen (in this case a yeast extract) in the medium to grow well.
• Downstream processing can account for 50% of the cost of a process.
• Antibiotics are antimicrobial agents produced naturally by other microbes (usually fungi or bacteria).
Antibiotic production
• There are over 10 000 different antibiotics known, but only about 200 in commercial
• use, since most new antibioticቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ are no better than existing ones.
• Downstream processing is relatively easy since penicillin is secreted into the medium (to kill other cells), so there is no need to break open the fungal cells.
10-The Other Side of Antibiotics
use at one time or another. Even without such personal experience, however, one would have to be isolated indeed to be
rather than a bacteriostatic drug, which inhibits. And the drug must be taken in adequate dosage for as long as it is
necessary to eradicate the infection completely. The doctor, of course, must choose the drug, but patients can help by being
prescription dosages that give people trouble. These drugs—even allowing for the diverse abilities of the many
narrow-spectrum ones and the versatility of the broad-spectrum ones—are not the cure-alls, they often are billed as being.
progress has been made in chemotherapy against viruses. Only small progress has been achieved against fungi. Many strains of
新核心大学英语B版 读写教程1册 Unit 2
Anxiety, fatigue, glucose intolerance, adult-onset diabetes
75% of diets Anemia, arterial damage, depression, deficient; averagdiarrhea, fatigue, fragile bones, hair ediet contains loss, hyperthyroidism, weakness 50% of RDA* Diarrhea, dry skin and hair, hair loss, immune impairment, infertility, poor wound healing, premenstrual syndrome, acne, eczema, gall stones, liver degeneration
Web resources
/teaching/guide_to_us.php /article/socialsideofscience_01 /news/globe/editorial_opinion/oped /articles/2006/07/24/science_versus_ethics/
Typical Symptoms and Diseases
Anemia, apathy, diarrhea, fatigue, headaches, insomnia, loss of appetite, neural tube defects in fetus, paranoia, shortness of breath, weakness Cretinism, fatigue, hypothyroidism, weight gain
in accordance with tha American Society of Heating, refrigeration and Air Conditioning Engineers and the environmental Protection agency. Field trials (现场测 试)are being planned to evaluate the efficacy of various water additives to eliminate L. pneumophila.
skin irritant:皮肤刺激剂 mutagenic:诱变剂 carcinogenic:致癌物(质)的 职业安全与卫生管理局
Regardless of the method of sterilization used, biologic sterility testing with spore strips must be used to document adequacy of the sterilization process.
For the Jakob-Creutzfeldt agent, the preferred method is autoclave sterilization for unusually long times (one hour at 121℃). It has recently been suggested that if autoclave sterilization is not possible, a one-hour exposure to 1 N sodium hydroxide inactivates Jakob-Creutzfeldt agent. Furthermore, it is less corrosive than hypochlorite for all materials except aluminum.
医药讨论课题英文作文英文:Today, we are going to discuss a topic that is very important in the field of medicine – the use of antibiotics. Antibiotics are a type of medication that is used to treat bacterial infections. They are very effective in killing bacteria and preventing the spread of infection. However, the overuse and misuse of antibiotics have led to the development of antibiotic resistance, which is a major public health concern.One of the main reasons for the overuse of antibiotics is the misconception that they can cure all types of infections, including viral infections. This is not true, as antibiotics only work against bacterial infections. In fact, taking antibiotics when they are not needed can actually harm the body by killing off the good bacteriathat help keep us healthy.Another reason for the overuse of antibiotics is the pressure from patients to prescribe them. Patients often demand antibiotics even when they are not necessary, which can lead to the inappropriate use of antibiotics. As healthcare providers, it is important for us to educate our patients about the proper use of antibiotics and to only prescribe them when they are truly needed.To combat antibiotic resistance, it is important to use antibiotics only when they are necessary and to use them correctly. This means taking the full course of antibiotics as prescribed, even if you start feeling better before the medication is finished. It also means not sharing antibiotics with others or using leftover antibiotics from a previous illness.In conclusion, the overuse and misuse of antibiotics have led to the development of antibiotic resistance, which is a major public health concern. As healthcare providers, it is our responsibility to educate our patients about the proper use of antibiotics and to only prescribe them when they are truly needed.中文:今天我们要讨论的话题是医学领域非常重要的一个话题——抗生素的使用。
4. 谨慎使用抗生素
Interactions can occur with other medicines. Do not take any other medicines or herbal remedies with an antibiotic, including those you have bought without a prescription, before talking to your doctor or pharmacist. Certain antibiotics (e.g. penicillins,cephalosporins) can reduce the effectiveness of oral contraceptives. If you have diarrhoea or vomiting while taking an antibiotic, the absorption of the pill can be disrupted. In either case, you should take additional contraceotive precautions while you are taking the antibiotic. There are a number of important interactions between antibiotics and other medicines so it’s important to tell your doctor or pharmacise you are taking.
第三大题阅读理解选择题首字母AAccording to experts,the advantage of modified food is that it helps in preventing the occurrence of allergies and also has along shelf life.However,a major portion of the population is against the consumption of genetically modified food and is concerned about its disadvantages.If you are also confused about the consumption of genetically modified food,read through the pros and cons given below and decide for yourself.Advantages of Genetically Modified Foods●One of the most prominent advantages of genetically modified food is that it helps in controlling the occurrence of certain diseases.Certain foods cause allergy to people.Their genetic modification alters the DNA system of these foods,thereby making them non-allergic.●Another major advantage of such type of foods is that they grow faster than their traditionally grown counterparts.As a result,there is greater productivity and more food.●A person need not bother about any additional costs,such as buying chemicals and pesticides,when it comes to genetically engineered food.The food is naturally pest-resistant.●Farming these foods can be a great way to fight world hunger.Since these crops grow faster or more effectively,increased production would help countries wherein crops may not normally prosper because of less than desirable environmental conditions.●The increased shelf life of these food products helps in reducing the quantity of rotten food.Disadvantages of Genetically Modified Foods●The biggest disadvantage of genetically modified food is that they have harmful effects on the human body.The consumption of these genetically engineered foods can lead to development of diseases that are immune to antibiotics.●Chances of developing cancer are high in people who regularly consume engineered food.●Since it is an unnatural way of producing foods,there is an increased health hazard such as allergens,transfer of antibiotic resistance markers and unknown effects.●Since the production of engineered food involves infusing animal genes in the crops and tampering with nature,it might not be good for consumption in the long run.特别提醒:本题共5个小题,需要拉动答题框右边的滚动条使5个试题显示出来做答!![单选题]◆How does genetically modified food control the occurrence of certain diseases?A.By cross-pollinating.B.By conventional crossbreeding.C.By altering the DNA system of these foods.[答案]C[单选题]◆Do farmers need to buy any chemicals and pesticides if they plant genetically modified food?A.Yes,they need to.Because the food is not resist to pests.B.No,they don’t need to.Because the food is naturally pest-resistant.C.No,they don’t need to.Because the chemicals and pesticides are provided by the government.[答案]B[单选题]◆Which statement is not the advantage of genetically modified food?A.It may have harmful effects on human body.B.Genetically modified food grows faster than their traditionally grown counterparts.C.Farming genetically modified food can help fight world hunger.[答案]A[单选题]◆What would happen to a person if he regularly consume genetically modified food?A.He would get cold.B.He would lose some weight.C.He would have cancer.[答案]C[单选题]◆Which of the following would be the best title for this passage?A.Can Genetically Modified Foods Combat World Hunger?B.Genetically Modified Mood:Our Answer Is No.C.Genetically Modified Foods:Pros And Cons[答案]C首字母II am very happy to share my story about breast enlargement in Thailand.Anyone who is not sure about breast enlargement should read this story first.Firstly,I was amazed at the level of care I received at the Thailand private hospital.It was like being in a luxury hotel.The nursing staffs were also better than those who I have ever met in all my years in America.Not only were they professional,but kinder and more patient than Western nurses.The hospital food was excellent,so I was able to choose from a large and varied Menu.In my private room,there was cable T.V.,a fridge,a phone,and impressive views of Bangkok(曼谷).My Translator was able to communicate with me,and the plastic surgeons arranged the whole operation without me lifting a finger.The operation cost me a third of the price of the U.K.With the low cost of the air tickets and a holiday,it worked out at about half UK’s price,because the cost in Thailand is so cheap.Combining a plastic surgery with a holiday in an amazing place is an unforgettable experience.From the moment I arrived in Bangkok airport,I felt relaxed and welcomed by the Plastic Surgery&Holiday team,it made me feel that I had friends here already.特别提醒:本题共5个小题,需要拉动答题框右边的滚动条使5个试题显示出来做答!![单选题]◆Where did the author have her breast-enlargement operation?A.In Thailand.B.In America.C.In U.K.[答案]A[单选题]◆Was the author satisfied with the nursing staffs for her?A.No,because they were no better than America nurses.B.Yes,because they were more patient than Western nurses.C.No,because the care was very poor.[单选题]◆Which of the following statement is TRUE?A.The author was content with the food in the hospital.B.When the author was in the hospital,she lived in a public room.C.There was cable T.V.,a bridge and a phone in the author’s room.[答案]A[单选题]◆What does the underlined phrase lifting a finger mean in paragraph three?A.Doing something with only one finger.B.Helping with something.C.Carrying something.[答案]B[单选题]◆Why did the author think her experience unforgettable?A.Because she had an operation there.B.Because she was satisfied with everything there.C.Because she was satisfied with the service and price there.[答案]CIf you think3D printing is only good for making flimsy paperweights.then you’re pretty much right.However.a group of audacious Dutch architects have already begun3D printing an entire canal house in Amsterdam.Is the first3D printed house a gimmick?Definitely!Is it an experiment that pushes the possibilities for3D printing technology and architecture?Maybel3D Print Canal House is the brainchild of DUS Architects.“KamerMaker’.Dutch for’room maker”,is their giant printer built inside a shipping container.Just a few weeks ago,KamerMaker began printing plastic furniture and walls at an empty canal-side lot in northern Amsterdam.Smaller versions of the unusual honeycomb walls have been tested on normal desktop printers,and everyone just needed to scale it up.Well,if only it were that easy.The printer did not always manage to spread the plastic evenly,making some of the ribs of the honeycomb structure of the block uneven.reported ARN(Australian Radio Network,to the surprise of no one who has used a 3D printer.But the architects remain optimistic.The first few printed blocks are meant to be test pieces as they improve the process.It takes about a week to print a3-meter high block right now.The project’s leader hopes to eventually get that down to two hours and finish the first of12rooms in a year.and the entire house in less than3years. Ultimately,3D Print Canal House is an architectural research project,one that is very much being conducted in the public eye:you can actually buy tickets to visit the construction site for2、50Euros.The top floors will become more omate.for newer techniques are incorporated.They’ll explore the possibilities of3D the honeycomb walls or an entire room recycled.redesigned,and built anew.Nobody’s going to move into a3D printed house soon,but,if any on ever does.something might be learned from this experiment by the canal.特别提醒:本题共5个小题,需要拉动答题框右边的滚动条使5个试题显示出来做答!![单选题]◆What have the Dutch architects begun to use the3D printer to do according to the passage?A.To make heavy paperweights.B.To print the unusual honeycombC.To print an entire canal house.D.To build a shipping container.[答案]B[单选题]◆Where did KamerMaker begin printing plastic furniture and walls several weeks ago?A.It was inside a shipping container in Amsterdam.B.It was at an empty canal-side lot in northern Amsterdam.C.It was in a canal house in Amsterdam.D.It was in a room.[答案]B[单选题]◆What is the weakness of the3D printer mentioned in the passage?A.It cannot always spread the plastic evenly.B.It needs to be shortened.C.It cannot make the ribs of the honeycomb structure.D.It can print anything smoothly.[答案]B[单选题]◆How long will it take for the3D printer to make the canal house in Amsterdam?A.A week.B.Two hours.C.More than3years.D.Less than3years.[答案]A[单选题]◆Which of the following statements is WRONG according to the passage?A.This canal house is being built in the public eye.B.The top floors of the canal house will be more decorated.C.Some one is going to move into this canal house soon.D.One can visit the construction site for2.50Euros[答案]CImagine you sitting on your front garden admiring the shining sun when your neighbor comes with that annoying car with the noisy sound and the exhaust pipe blowing out the horrible black smoke.What are you going to do about it?In our modem days,too many people depend on their cars to get to work or to drop off their children to school.However,is it safe to have an increasing number of cars on our roads?Research shows that cars create serious pollution.Exhaust from all combustion engines produce harmful effects on the health of both car users and all innocent walkers.Cities have become islands of toxic chemicals from the unrestrained use of vehicles burning fossil fuels.The harmful health effects of car exhaust are pervasive and difficult to measure.For example,people with asthma would suffer with attacks due to the pollution.The world wild life also suffers from the cars’toxic emissions.No matter how much manufacturers try to make cars environmentally friendly it will damage our earth in one way or another.Additionally cars are too dangerous for our community.Careless drivers put themselves and others in danger.Cars are critical to walkers especially to children if the driver is not looking on the road or somehow distracted Have you known someone whose toes or feet have been run over by cars while crossing the street? create social problems,which could lead to poor health.A few drivers suffer“Road Rage”and put themselves.loved ones and others in a threatening situation.Some cars create disturbing noises,which disturbs people living near highways,freeways,etc.not to get enough sleep.People depend on their cars so much that they forgot to exercise their bodies and end up being obese or having a heart problem.As a result of the excessive number of cars on our roads,everyone’s life is in danger.In order to create an environmentally friendly and safe world,it is necessary for each country to limit the permits in number to control regional air pollution.Second,car manufacturers should try to improve the efficiency of vehicles,such as finding solutions to emissions of combustion engines,developing new power sources such as new fuels,natural gas.Third,try to improve efficiency of traffic by setting up dedicated bus lanes and giving priority to car-pools and vehicles with3or more passengers.Besides,traffic can be scheduled;for example,commercial traffic atnight;large companies can shift working hours and decentralize administrative operations.特别提醒:本题共5个小题,需要拉动答题框右边的滚动条使5个试题显示出来做答!![单选题]◆Exhaust from cars is________.A.harmlessB.pollutiveC.not serious[答案]B[单选题]◆In the author’s view,it is________to make cars be friendly to environment.A.impossibleB.feasibleC.hopeful[答案]A[单选题]◆________will be the major victims in the car accident.A.WalkersB.ChildrenC.Car-drivers[答案]B[单选题]◆Cars caused some social problems EXCEPT________.A.obesityB.a quick temperC.employment[答案]C[单选题]◆Which of the following is NOT TRUE as to handling car problems?A.Reducing the number of a car in the restricted areaC.Finding alternative fuels.[答案]BIn the grass,a baby duck was hatched(孵化)out in a college biology lab with a backward left foot.At the time,it probably wouldn’t have survived,if Mike Gary didn’t recommend a proper operation to cut off that bad foot.Months after the healing process,engineers at Nova copy Company produced a3D printed model that would be used to create a prosthetic(修复的)foot for the duck.Considering that ABS plastics were not flexible enough for this type of exercise,the Nova copy company made a three-dimension ally modeled foot made of silicone,with the hope to create a permanent prosthesis(假肢)for the duck.It took just13hours to produce.This3D prosthesis demonstrated the3D technologies can be used not only for human application,but also in foreign subjects such as animals and other medical treatments.特别提醒:本题共5个小题,需要拉动答题框右边的滚动条使5个试题显示出来做答!![单选题]◆Where was the baby duck hatched out?A.In a college biology lab.B.In a back yard.C.In Nova copy Company.[答案]A[单选题]◆What was wrong with the baby duck?A.It didn’t survived.B.It was born with a backward left foot.C.Mike Gary cut off that bad foot.[答案]B[单选题]◆Could ABS plastics be used to produce a3D printed model that would be used to create a prosthetic foot for the duck?A.No,because ABS plastics were not flexible enough.B.Yes,but it could only be produced by Nova copy Company.C.Yes,because it was made of silicone.[答案]A[单选题]◆How long did it take to create a permanent prosthesis for the duck?A.10hours.B.13hours.C.30hours.[答案]B[单选题]◆What did the last sentence of this passage indicate?A.3D technologies can be used only for human application.B.3D technologies can be used only for foreigners.C.3D technologies can be used to human,animals and other medical treatments.[答案]C首字母MMy hero is a person who has given me so many things,who has taught me about everything,and who has shown me how beautiful life is.And gradually as I get older and I grow up,my hero has opened my eyes to the fact that life is not always beautiful and happy like a fairy tale,but life is much more than that.My hero has explained to me that life can be very hard.Everyone must struggle hard to make all their dreams come true and to be a successful person.Maybe,because my her olives so close to me,I haven’t realized that this person has inspired me so much.My only true heroism y mother.She was born in Jakarta,on the1st of July.My mother is the youngest child in her family.She has two sisters,who always love and take care of her.Maybe,because of that,she becomes a cheerful,kind,friendly,and love able person.She wants everybody to feel comfortable when they are around her.My mother likes to study and to read everything,from books to newspapers.Everyone really likes to talk and chat with her,so she has many friends.My mother believes all you need is to be a hard-working person who always wants to study hard,so that you can be a successful person.She says that many people around her have succeeded because they have studied and worked hard.特别提醒:本题共5个小题,需要拉动答题框右边的滚动条使5个试题显示出来做答!![单选题]◆If a person wants to succeed in his life,he________.A.should listen to a fairy tale everydayB.must dream a good dream everydayC.has to work hard all his life[答案]C[单选题]◆The underlined word“inspired”in Paragraph2may have the same meaning as“________”.A.encouragedB.showedC.cared[答案]A[单选题]◆The writer’s mother becomes a love able person becauseA.she is the youngest in the familyB.her two sisters love her very muchC.she feels comfortable in her family[答案]B[单选题]◆From the third passage,We can infer(推测)that the a friendly person like his motherB.has many friends to talk withC.knows the meaning of success[答案]C[单选题]◆Which of the following is the best title for the reading?A.Study well!B.What a beautiful life!C.My mother,my hero.[答案]C首字母RRoby Mini is just40centimeters tall,has a large round screen for ahead and has been designed to help senior citizens living alone.Manufactured by robotics company Shanghai PT Info,the brightly colored robot,which costs 5,000yuan($790),was launched on Aug14to help entertain and monitor elderly people.In Shanghai last year,the number of registered residents at least60years old was4million.That was nearly30 percent of the population.By2018,the figure is projected to rise to5million.With many living alone,robots such as Roby Mini can help playa crucial role in caring for the elderly.“It will change the way people interact with digital products,”Hong says.Founded in May,Shanghai PT Info had already done the groundwork.In fact,the research team spent three years developing the speech recognition system before the firm was officially launched.With360-degree wheels hidden under its body,Roby Mini can follow a person through face recognition and strike up a conversation,tell jokes or provide information.The robot also works as a computer terminal,supplying weather information,ordering groceries online and even booking taxis.Roby Mini can be connected to other gadgets as well,such as smart wristbands or magnetic devices on doors.Roby Mini can also connect an elderly owner to a doctor through its high-definition screen.Already Shanghai PT Info is talking to three community hospitals in Shanghai’s Min hang district.Since the robot is linked to the Internet,it can support long-distance audio and video calls.Mass production started this month and Shanghai PT Info plans to manufacture200,000units this year.But the future is not easy for Shanghai PT Info.Earlier this year,Flying wings Intelligent Robot Technology(Shanghai)introduced a machine with sensors that will ring an alarm when an elderly person falls down.Tianjin Shangjiu Sheng yuan Technology Group also developed a robot for seniors in2014.Owners can turn on the lights and air-conditioning units by pressing buttons on the machine.It can also remind elderly owners to take pills,and inform them of hospital checkups and family birthdays.特别提醒:本题共5个小题,需要拉动答题框右边的滚动条使5个试题显示出来做答!!◆Roby Mini is the name of_________.A.a robotics companyB.a robotC.a senior citizen living alone[答案]B[单选题]◆Roby Mini is designed look after children living alone in senior high entertain and monitor senior citizensC.change the way people interact with digital products[答案]B[单选题]◆According to this passage,the number of registered residents at least60years old will be___.A.4million next yearB.30percent of the populationC.increase to5million by2018[答案]C[单选题]◆The writer thinks“the future is not easy for Shanghai PT Info”because_________.A.there are too many elder people in ShanghaiB.Roby Mini can not ring an alarm when an elderly person falls down.C.the company will face tough competition in the marketplace[答案]C[单选题]◆The writer thinks“the future is not easy for Shanghai PT Info”because_________.A.there are too many elder people in ShanghaiB.the company will face tough competition in the marketplaceC.Roby Mini can not ring an alarm when an elderly person falls down[答案]B[单选题]◆The best title for this passage would be“_________”.A.How to Use a RobotB.Elder People Increase in ShanghaiC.Robot Gives Help to Older People[答案]C首字母TThere are three kinds of goals:short-term,medium-range and long-term goals.Short-term goals are those that usually deal with current activities,which we can apply on a daily basis.Such goals can be achieved in a week or less,or two weeks,or possibly months.It should be remembered that just as a building is no stronger than its foundation,our long-term goals cannot amount to very much without the achievement of solid short-term goals.Upon completing our short-term goals,we should date the occasion and then add new short-term goals that will build on those that have been completed.The intermediate goals build on the foundation of the short-term goals.They might deal with just one term of school or the entire school year,or they could even extend for several years.Any time you move a step at a time,you should never allow yourself to become discouraged or overwhelmed.As you complete each step,you will enforce the belief in your ability to grow and succeed.And as your list of completion dates grows,your motivation and desire will increase.Long-term goals may be related to our dreams of the future.They might cover five years or more.Life is not a static thing.We should never allow a long-term goal to limit us or our course of action.特别提醒:本题共5个小题,需要拉动答题框右边的滚动条使5个试题显示出来做答!![单选题]◆Short-term goals are the ones that________.A.motivate you over the long haulB.keep you engaged on a daily basisC.might be measured for many years[答案]B[单选题]◆The medium-range goals are built upon________.A.belief and successB.the motivation and desireC.the completion of the short-term goals[答案]C[单选题]◆Once we set ourselves long-term goals,________.A.we should stick to them until we complete themB.we may change our goals as we have new ideas and opportunitiesC.we had better wait for the exciting news of success[答案]B[单选题]◆What does the underlined word“static”mean in the last paragraph?A.movingB.developingC.not moving[答案]C[单选题]◆Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?A.Short-term goals all help in achieving your long-term goals.B.Any time you move a step at a time,you may become discouraged.C.Life is a static thing,thus never allowing a long-term goal to limit us.[答案]A首字母WWhen computer servers operate a complex program,they can get very hot.Cooling the servers can be costly.So researchers asked what would happen if the heat created by the servers could be captured and used?Data centers of large Internet companies such as Google and Microsoft have thousands of computer servers.As these servers process information,they create large amounts of heat,so they need huge cooling systems,These systems send the heat into the air.The Dutch company Nerdalize thinks paying for electrieity to operate the servers and then paying again to cool them is a waste of energy.So it developed a device called the e-Radiator.It is a computer server that also works as a heating source.Boaz Leupe is the chief executive officer of Nerdalize,He says the e-Radiator saves money because companies don’t have to pay to cool their servers.“The kilowatt(千瓦)hour you are using is used twice-once to heat the home and once to compute the client’s task without the cooling overhead.”He says five homeowners in the Netherlands are testing the heating device in their homes.“We reimburse the electricity the server uses,and that we can do because of the computer clients on the other side,and,in that way,homeowners actually get heating for free,and computer users don’t have to pay for the overhead of the data center.”Jan Visser is one of the participants in the year-long experiment.He says the amount of heat produced by the e-Radiator into room depends on the work being done by the computer server.He says it can not be used as theprimary source of heat.But he is ready to try it.He says if it provides enough warmth,he will be able to use his home’s heating system less,which will save him money.Nerdalize says e-Radiators create heat temperatures of up to55℃.It says the devices could save users up to$440in heating costs a year.特别提醒:本题共5个小题,需要拉动答题框右边的滚动条使5个试题显示出来做答!![单选题]◆Why did researchers ask what would happen if the heat created by the servers could be captured and used?A.Because computers can get very hot.puter servers is a complex program,C.Cooling computer servers costs a lot of money.[答案]C[单选题]◆The computer servers in large Internet companies such as Google and Microsoft can________.A.create large amounts of informationB.create large quantity of heatC.manage the huge cooling systems[答案]B[单选题]◆Nerdalize developed the e-Radiator because_________.A.e-Radiator cost less energyB.e-Radiator can cool the servers for freeC.e-Radiator can create cold air for free[答案]B[单选题]◆According to Jan Visser,the amount of heat produced by the e-Radiator_________.A.depends on the work being processed by PCB.can not be used as the home’s heating systemC.can not be used as the main source of heat[答案]C[单选题]◆The best title for this passage would be“_________”.A.The New Way to Heat HomesB.The New Way to Cool HomesC.Hot Computers Could Be Used for Free[答案]AWHY BUILD A SPACE ELEVATOR?The space elevator will reduce the cost of getting from Earth to space.It will also allow us to take very large payloads into space very easily,very safely.Because of that,we can build cities on the moon.We can build space stations.We can build large solar arrays in space to collect energy from the sun and beam it down to Earth.WHY NOT JUST USE ROCKETS INSTEAD?Rockets are very expensive.The shuttle costs S10,000a pound to put a payload into low-Earth orbit,and if you want to go to the moon or Mars,it’s hundreds of thousands of dollars per pound or more.Rockets are also very limited in the amount of payload they can carry.and they’re risky.With a space elevator,the cost is a fraction of that-it may go down to100th or1,000th of current costs-and there are no rocket engines that might explode.WHAT WOULD IT BE LIKE TO RIDE THE ELEVATOR?You’d go to an ocean platform,you’d climb into a module,and you’d feel it start moving.You’d see the Earth fall away.In just a half hour or so,you’d pass up through the clouds,and you’d start to see the curve of the horizon.Another half an hour to an hour later,you’d basically be in space.You’d see stars,even in the middle of the day.Eventually you’d be weightless.It’d be a very smooth ride:there wouldn’t be any shaking.ARE THERE POTENTIAL DRAWBACKS TO OPENING SPACE THIS WAY?Everything we do has the potential for creating some bad.If we mine an asteroid,the asteroid’s going to look ugly.just like a mine here.But I think the benefits of opening up space far outweigh the damage that we can see-benefits in terms of gaining energy from space to replace oil.additional capabilities in telecommunications. manufacturing in space.additional real estate and exploration.特别提醒:本题共5个小题,需要拉动答题框右边的滚动条使5个试题显示出来做答!![单选题]◆If a space elevator is built,what can’t be built by us?A.Cities on the moon.B.Space stations.C.Skyscrapers in space.D.Expressways in space.[答案]C[单选题]◆The main reason of building a space elevator instead of using rockets is that________.A.the technology needed in building a space elevator is easier than that of rocketsB.the safety of a space elevator is better than that of rocketsC.the cost of building a space elevator is a fraction of using rocketsD.a space elevator is much more expensive than a rocket[答案]C[单选题]◆Which of the following statements is NOT correct,when you are riding the space elevator?A.You’d feel the Earth fall away.B.You’d see the horizon in just half an hour.C.You can’t see the stars in the middle of the day.D.You’d be weightless.[答案]C[单选题]◆What does the word“outweigh”in Paragraph4mean?A.Be less important than.B.Be greater than.C.Be lighter than.D.Be less valuable than[答案]B[单选题]◆Which of the following can summarize the main idea of this passage?A.Why do we need to build a space elevator?B.What can we do after building the space elevator?C.Why does building a space elevator cost less than using rockets?D.How can we build a space elevator?[答案]AWould a robot serving you coffee in bed make waking up easier on weekday mornings?Could a household robot help an elderly relative who is living alone?How would you like to climb into a robotic car and eat breakfast with the kids while you’re all driven to school and work?These scenarios may sound like science fiction,but experts say they’re a lot closer to becoming reality than you probably think.Brown University roboticist Chad Jenkins expects a near-term robot revolution that will echo the computing revolution of recent decades.And he says it will be driven by enabling robots to learn more like humans do-by watching others demonstrate behaviors and by asking questions.。
Downstream processing can account for 50% for the cost of a process.
drug resistance
Lance Armstrong
The Oprah Winfrey Show
Erythropoietin, also known as erythropoetin or erthropoyetin , is a glycoprotein hormone that controls erythropoiesis, or red blood cell production. It is a cytokine for erythrocyte (red blood cell) precursors in the bone marrow. Human EPO has a molecular weight of 34 kDa. Also called hematopoietin or hemopoietin, it is produced by interstitial fibroblasts in the kidney in close association with peritubular capillary and tubular epithelial tubule. It is also produced in perisinusoidal cells in the liver. While liver production predominates in the fetal and perinatal period, renal production is predominant during adulthood. In addition to erythropoiesis, erythropoietin also has other known biological functions. For example, it plays an important role in the brain's response to neuronal injury.EPO is also involved in the wound healing process. When exogenous EPO is used as a performance-enhancing drug, it is classified as an erythropoiesis-stimulating agent (ESA). Exogenous EPO can often be detected in blood, due to slight differences from the endogenous protein, for example, in features of posttranslational modification.
《医学免疫学与微生物学》试题及答案(Examination questions and answers of medical immunology and Microbiology)Examination questions and answers of medical immunology and MicrobiologyFirst, fill in the blanks (1 points per minute, 15 points)1. normal immune function showed _______________, such as the low level can lead to __________________.The 2. is ____________ and lack of ____________ substance called semi antigen.Two features of class I and class II gene gene 3. classic is __________________ and ___________________.4.CK usually in ___________ way to produce CK cells themselves, or to ___________ effects on neighboring cells.5.TCR-CD3 complex, the function of TCR is ________________, CD3 molecules through the ______________ structure in the cytoplasm, the antigen signal transduction into cells.6. bacterial structure lacks _____________, known as the L type of bacteria.The 7. main ______________ caused by typhoid fever.8. of avian influenza virus subtype is ________________.The 9. is _________________ pathogenic hantavirus.10. chemical composition of bacterial endotoxin is______________.Two, interpretation of the term (every day 3 points, a total of 15 points)1. antigen2. monoclonal antibody3. cytokines4. sepsis5. micro ecological imbalanceThree, RadioButtonList: from the following A, B, C, D 4 answers, choose 1 correct answers and the English letters in parentheses (match each 1 points, a total of 30 points)1. adaptive immunity is characterized by ()A. comes with birthB. reacts quicklyC. specificityD. without memory2. in the following description of the toxin, the error is ()A. toxoid is made from immune serum of immunized animalsB. should be done skin test before injectionC. can neutralize the toxin, may cause hypersensitivityD. is used for artificial immunity3. which of the following elevated Ig may indicate a recent infection of the body?A.IgGB.IgMC.IgED.IgA4. the elevated complement component in the serum of patients with hereditary vascular edema is ()A.C1qB.C2aC.C4aD.C95. the component of complement cleavage, which has both the action of accommodation and the action of immune adherence, is ()A.C2aB.C2bC.C5bD.C3b6. the following description of MHC is correct except ()A. a tightly linked genetic groupThe MHC of the B. is called the HLA complexThe C.HLA complex is located on chromosome seventeenthD. and cell recognition and the presentation of antigen peptide to T cells7., according to the genetic rule of the unit type, the probability of the same 2 parts of a sibling is equalA.0%B.25%C.50%D.100%8.HLA class II molecules are mainly expressed in ()A. dendritic cellsB. neutrophilsC.T cellD.NK cellThe function of 9. cytokines is ()A. specificityB. is limited by MHCC. plays a role through cytokine receptorsD. mainly functions as endocrine form10. for the description of the T cell activation second signal, the error is ()A. is also called cooperative stimulation signalB.Antigen specificC., if there is no second signal, T cells become incompetentThe combination of D. and CD28 molecules with B7 molecules is the most important second signal11., the erroneous description of NK cells is ()A. cell containing azurophilic granules. It is also called the large granular lymphocytesB. can kill some tumor cells directlyC. can also kill target cells through ADCCD. target cell is limited by MHC12., the so-called TCR antigen recognition refers to () Identification of A. TCR against primary peptides Identification of MHC molecules by B. and TCRDouble recognition of MHC: antigen peptide by C. and TCR Identification of complete antigen molecules by D. TCRThe characteristics of 13.CD8+CTL target cell are ()A. antigen free specificityB. is restricted by MHC class II moleculesC. target cells undergo lysis and apoptosisD. CTL itself is also damaged14. in type IV hypersensitivity, CD4+T cells mediate inflammatory responses, and the major inflammatory cells are ()A. macrophagesB.NK cellC. neutrophilsD.CTL15. again, the significance of antibody response in medical practice is ()A. vaccination more than two timesWhen B. serology tests for infectious diseases, they should be done at the beginning of the disease and the recovery stage, and the results are comparedC. serological diagnosis should identify nonspecific recall reactionsMore than D., all rightType 16. hypersensitivity is characterized by ()A. is mediated by antibody IgGB. damages target cells by complement and NK cellsC. does not cause tissue damageD. has obvious individual difference and genetic predisposition17. in the description of heterologous immune serum desensitization therapy, the mistake is ()A. is suitable for individuals who have been identified with allergen and are difficult to avoid contact with this allergenB. uses small doses, short intervals, and multiple injectionsC. target cells in batches desensitization, and finally sensitized state all liftedD. desensitization is temporary18. tuberculin test positive indicated ()A. has never been exposed to Mycobacterium tuberculosisB. is suffering from severe TBC. has been infected with TB and has acquired the cellular immunity against Mycobacterium tuberculosisD. has antibodies against Mycobacterium tuberculosis in vivo19., the patient's repeated local injection of insulin caused local redness, bleeding, and necrosis, and the hypersensitivity associated with this was ()Type A. hypersensitivityType B. hypersensitivityType C. hypersensitivityType D. hypersensitivity20. newborns can acquire naturally passive immunity from the mother's IgA.IgG and IgMB.IgG and SIgAC.IgA and IgMD.IgD and IgE21. the virus that produces only transient immunity afterinfection is ()A. measles virusB. Japanese encephalitis virusC. hepatitis C virusD. influenza virus22. the major bacteria associated with acute glomerulonephritis are ()Group A.A StreptococcusB. Escherichia coliCoagulase positive staphylococci C.D. coagulase negative staphylococci23. the causative substance of Clostridium difficile is mainly ()A. endotoxinExotoxin B.C. capsuleD. fimbriae24. microorganisms that are ineffective in the treatment of antibiotics are ()Mycoplasma A.Chlamydia B.C. virusD. fungi25. among the following descriptions of hepatitis A virus, the error is ()A. only causes acute infectionB. has strong resistance to the outside worldC. has a capsuleD. vaccine has a good preventive effect26. in the following description of the HIV feature, the error is ()The A. virus contains reverse transcriptaseB. has strong resistance to the outside worldC. has a capsuleD. is mainly infected with Th cells and macrophages27. microorganisms causing thrush are ()Yersinia pestis A.B. Candida albicansC. Helicobacter pyloriLeptospira D.28. in the following viruses, the nucleic acid is DNA and is ()A. hepatitis A virusB. hepatitis B virusC. rabies virusD.SARS coronavirus29. the following substances, which can be made into toxoid after formaldehyde treatment, are ()A. antibioticB. endotoxinC. antitoxinExotoxin D.30. irregular use of antibiotics can lead to antibiotic associated diarrhoea and pseudomembranous colitis, the pathogen is ()A. Candida albicansClostridium perfringens B.Clostridium difficile, C.Bacillus anthracis D.Four, to: (2 points per day, a total of 16 points)Answer the following questions: 1) note that the narrative is wrong, please carefully read each question and find out the error; 2) will be described below in the correct question blank in must not change in question; 3) according to the answer, the answer is not simple or not, or not. Is not the "noun", should express the correct meaning, nor "terminology".1. modern immunization believes that the result of an immune response is always beneficial to the organism.Corrections:A polysaccharide or protein antigen between 2. hemolyticstreptococci and a common antigen between the human colon mucosa.Corrections:3. the three activation pathways of complement have different end pathways.Corrections:4. the immune cells in quiescent state and activated state can secrete CK.Corrections:5. thymic cells obtained by positive selection have the ability to tolerate themselves.Corrections:6. in activated CD4+T cells released by CK, IL-2 is a powerful activator of monocytes / macrophages.Corrections:7. all anaerobic bacteria have spores, all of which are gram positive bacteria, all of which are bacilli.Corrections:8. Mycobacterium tuberculosis on ultraviolet light, alcohol,boiling resistance is strong, not easy to kill.Corrections:Five questions (8 points per day, a total of 24 points)What are the biological effects of 1. cell immunity?2. why can HLA genotype and / or phenotype be used in individual identification and paternity testing?3. what are the mechanisms of immune pathology mediated by cellular and humoral immunity in hepatitis B?。
本篇包括人卫第四版Unit 3B,Unit4A,5A,8A,10A,12AB,13A等七篇课文Unit 3 Text B The Other Side of Antibiotics抗生素的另一面Antibiotics have eliminated or controlled so many infectious diseases that virtually everyone has benefited from their use at one time or another. Even without such personal experience, however, one would have to be isolated indeed to be unaware of the virtues, real and speculative, of these “miracle” drugs1. The American press, radio, and television have done a good job of reporting the truly remarkable story of successes in the chemical war on germs. What′s more, any shortcomings on their part have been more than made up for by the aggressive public relations activity of the pharmaceutical companies which manufacture and sell antibiotics.抗生素可以消除或控制很多种感染疾病,以致几乎每人生病时都习惯于使用它而受益,但是如果一个人没有这样的亲身经历,他必定是离群索居才会不知道这些“特效药物”或真实或推测的优点。
2. 动词等转换为汉语名词 1)动词转换为汉语名词 含义比较抽象的动词,有时难于用对应的汉语动 词表达,可转换为汉语名词。 The skeletal system is defined as the frame work of bones and cartilage that protects our organs and allows us to move. 骨骼系统的定义为:由骨和软骨组成的保护器官 并产生运动的框架。 (define转换为汉语名词“定义”) This paper aims at discussing the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis as well as treatment. 本文的目的在于:不仅讨论动脉粥样硬化的治疗, 而且讨论其发病机理。
•It has been reported that DMSO has some desirable properties that are considered to be useful in managing the brain trauma patient. •报道称二甲亚砜具备一些可取的特质,被认为可 用于治疗创伤性脑损伤。
• 3)副词转换为汉语名词 • Adverse drug reactions often occur early in therapy. • 译文:药物不良反应通常发生在治疗的早期。 • The erosion of the plug can be controlled enzymatically. • 译文:酶能控制栓塞的侵蚀。
• Nature should be so rich in potential lead compounds. • 自然界富含潜在先导化合物。 • Obviously this system is applicable only to drugs that can be ionized. • 该系统显然只适用于可以被离子化的药物。 • Just as the body is dependent on the skeleton for its structural stability, so is the skeleton dependent on the body for its maintenance. • 正如身体依赖骨骼以维持其结构的稳定性那样, 骨骼依靠身体以维持其生存。
2023~2024学年江苏省苏州市南京师范大学苏州实验学校高三12月第二次月考英语试卷Welcome to Yale University’s Thanksgiving festivities! Join us for a variety of events, blending tradition and community spirit for everyone.Thanksgiving Parade and Campus Potluck (百家餐)Time: Thanksgiving Day, 10:30 AM - 1:30 PMLocation: Yale Old CampusActivities: Immerse yourself in the vibrant Thanksgiving parade featuring spirited floats, the Yale marching band, and talented performers. Following the parade, join the campus potluck on Old Campus. Contribute a dish to share and connect with fellow Yale students. This cherished tradition is an excellent opportunity to experience the warmth of the Yale community.Thanksgiving Arts & Crafts ShowcaseTime : Thanksgiving Morning, 9:00 AMLocation: Yale Art GalleryActivities: Discover a diverse array of ar ts and crafts meticulously crafted by Yale’s talented artists. Find unique, handmade gifts for the upcoming holiday season and enjoy live performances and local food vendors. Kick-start your holiday shopping while supporting the artistic talents thriving within the Yale community.Turkey Dash 5K RunTime: The Weekend Before Thanksgiving, 9:30 AMLocation: Yale BowlActivities: Begin your Thanksgiving weekend with a spirited 5K run or walk around the picturesque Yale Bowl. Open to all fitness levels, participants are encouraged to bring extra goods to give them to local charities, promoting wellness and community support.Gobble ‘n’ Games Family FestTime: The Saturday Before Thanksgiving, 2:00 PM - 6:00 PMLocation: Beinecke PlazaActivities: Bring your family for an afternoon of joy and games at Beinecke Plaza. Enjoy sack races (袋鼠跳), face painting, pumpkin decorating, and a pie-eating contest. Local food trucks will be on-site to keep you fueled. This family-friendly event is a delightful way to usher in the holiday season with laughter and connection.1. What do Thanksgiving Parade and Campus Potluck, and Thanksgiving Arts & Crafts Showcase have in common?A.Both events occur on Thanksgiving Day.B.Free handmade gifts are provided at both events.C.Participants should be students on old campus.D.Both activities have a long history.2. What is encouraged at the Turkey Dash 5K Run event?A.Bringing a Turkey for Thanksgiving Day.B.Donating food to organizations for helping people in need.C.Wearing costumes representing who you are.D.Having a recommendation from your own community.3. Which of the following is NOT the attraction of the Gobble ‘n’ Games Family Fest?A.Face painting. B.A pie-eatingcontest. C.Pumpkindecorating.D.Truck racing.In a global report of lake color, researchers estimate that roughly one-third of Earth’s lakes are blue. But, should average summer air temperatures rise by a few degrees, some of those clear waters could turn a cloudy green or brown, the Learn reports in the Sept. 28 Geophysical Research Letters.The changing colors could change how people use those waters and offer clues about the stability of lake ecosystems. Compared with blue lakes, green or brown lakes have more algae (藻类) and organic matter, says Xiao Yang, a hydrologist (水文专家) at Southern Methodist University.Lakes in places with average summer air temperatures that were below 19° Celsius were more likely to be blue than lakes with warmer summers. That’s because warmer water helps algae bloom more, which changes the properties of the water.Yang and colleagues used satellite photos from 2013 to 2020 to analyze the color of more than 85,000 lakes around the world. Because storms and seasons can temporarily affect a lake’s color, the researchers focused on the most frequent color observed for each lake over the seven-year period. The researchers also created an interactive online map that can be used to explore the colors of these lakes. The approach is “super cool,” the researchers say. These satellite data are “just so powerful.”If some lakes do become less blue, people will probably lose some of the resources they have come to value, O’Reilly says, who is an ecologist at Illinois State University. Lakes are often used for drinking water, food or recreation. If the water has more algae, it could be unappealing for play or more costly to clean for drinking. But the color changes wouldn’t necessarily mean that the lakes are any less healthy. “Humans don’t value lots of algae in a lake, but if you’re a certain type of fish species, you might be like ‘this is great’” O’Reilly says.4. What can we learn about the lakes’ color change according to the text?A.It is caused by water pollution. B.It does harm to the growth of algae.C.It results from the temperature increase. D.It can disturb the stability of lakeecosystems.5. How was the research conducted?A.By doing field investigation. B.By researching previous studies.C.By analyzing long-term satellite data. D.By observing the daily color of the lakes.6. Which word best describes O’Reilly’s attitude to the color change?A.Objective. B.Doubtful. C.Unconcerned. D.Favourable.7. What’s the authors purpose in writing the text?A.To call on people to protect lakes. B.To introduce a new research method.C.To present the outcome of a research. D.To provide solutions to lakes’ colorchange.There are some sounds most of us acknowledge are annoying — the crunching of crisps, the noise of the air conditioning or a screaming baby. These noises, for many people, act as a mere inconvenience that can distract us from the task at hand. However, there are some among us who have a much more severe response to these noises. The question we ask today is: Has a noise ever made you feel so angry that you could explode with rage? If the answer is yes, you may be suffering from misophonia.The word “misophonia” literally means “a hatred of sound” and is sometimes called Selective Sound Sensitivity Syndrome. There are some experts who doubt the existence of the condition. However, for those who claim to suffer from it, the experience can be traumatic. Certain sounds cause intense emotional or psychological responses that may seem over the top compared with a non-sufferer’s complaints.The sound of a loved one chewi ng their food could trigger a sufferer’s anxiety levels, or cause them to panic. It may even activate their fight-or-flight reaction, making them want to flee. In extreme cases, that feeling of panic may result in extreme anger and end up with sufferers going crazy. Also, these conditions can lead to social isolation and the sufferers may feel cut off, according to James Cartreine, a clinical psychiatrist.Sadly, there’s no known cure. However, tinnitus (耳鸣) retraining therapy, which helps people tolerate noises, may aid sufferers, while cognitive behavioural therapy and counselling could also help people manage the condition. Sufferers use coping strategies that include avoiding places with lots of noises, like restaurants, or moving away when they feel like hitting someone due to their breathing.So, the next time you see someone fly into a rage because of a sound that is driving them crazy, it may be due to a difficult condition they are trying to manage, and not just because they hate a certain sound.8. What can annoying sounds do to non-sufferers of misophonia?A.They take their attention away from what they’re doing.B.They generate intense emotional responses among them.C.They make sufferers doubt the presence of the condition.D.They lead to some complaints and severe responses.9. What does the underlined word “traumatic” in paragraph 2 mean?A.Physically painful. B.Emotionally disturbing.C.Spiritually comforting. D.Mentally satisfying10. What can we learn about misophonia sufferers from paragraphs 3 and 4?A.They can’t be able to manage misophonia.B.They won’t be cured through medical treatments.C.They may be angered by the feeling of being cut off.D.They may panic over the sound caused by a loved one.11. Where is the text most probably taken from?A.A news report. B.A health magazine.C.A medical textbook. D.A psychologist’s notebook. Antibiotics, which can destroy or prevent the growth of bacteria and cure infections, are vital tomodern medicine. Their ability to kill bacteria without harming the patient has saved billions of livesand made surgical procedures much safer. But after decades of overuse, their powers are fading.Some bacteria have evolved resistance, creating a growing army of superbugs, against which there islittle effective treatment. Antimicrobial (抗菌的) resistance, expected to kill 10 million people a year by 2050 up from around 1 million in 2019, has been seen as a crisis by many.It would be unwise to rely on new antibiotics to solve the problem. The rate at which resistance emerges is increasing. Some new drugs last only two years before bacteria develop resistance. When new antibiotics do arrive, doctors often store them, using them only reluctantly and for short periods when faced with the most persistent infections. That limits sales, making new antibiotics an unappealing idea for most drug firms.Governments have been trying to fix the problem by channeling cash into research in drug firms. That has produced only limited improvements. But there is a phenomenon worth a look. Microbiologists have known for decades that disease-causing bacteria can suffer from illnesses of their own. They are supersensitive to attacks by phages, specialized viruses that infect bacteria and often kill them. Phages are considered a promising alternative to antibiotics.Using one disease-causing virus to fight bacteria has several advantages. Like antibiotics, phages only tend to choose particular targets, leaving human cells alone as they infect and destroy bacterialones. Unlike antibiotics, phages can evolve just as readily as bacteria can, meaning that even if bacteria do develop resistance, phages may be able to evolve around them in turn.That, at least, is the theory. The trouble with phages is that comparatively little is known about them. After the discovery of penicillin, the first antibiotic, in 1928, they were largely ignored in the West. Given the severity of the antibiotic-resistance problem, it would be a good idea to find out more about them.The first step is to run more clinical trials. Interest from Western firms is growing. But it is being held back by the fact that phages are an even less appealing investment than antibiotics. Since they are natural living things, there may be trouble patenting them, making it hard to recover any investment.Governments can help fun d basic research into phage treatment and clarify the law around exactly what is and is not patentable. In time they can set up phage banks so as to make production cheaper. And they can spread awareness of the risks of overusing antibiotics, and the potential benefits of phages.12. We can learn from paragraphs 1 and 2 that .A.doctors tend to use new antibiotics when the patients ask for themB.antimicrobial resistance is developing more rapidly than antibiotics fail to attract drug firms due to limited use of themD.previous antibiotics are effective in solving modern health problems13. What is phages’ advantage over antibiotics?A.They can increase human cells when fighting bacteria.B.They are not particular about which cells to infect and kill.C.They can evolve accordingly when bacteria develop resistance.D.They are too sensitive to be infected by disease-causing bacteria.14. According to the passage, the obstacle to phage treatment is that .A.there is little chance of patenting phages in the futureB.governments provide financial support for other researchC.the emergence of superbugs holds back drug firms’ interestD.over-dependence on antibiotics distracts attention from phages15. What is the main idea of the passage?A.Governments fail to stop the use of antibiotics.B.Phages could help prevent an antibiotics crisis.C.Development of antibiotics is limited by phages.D.Antimicrobial resistance calls for new antibiotics.Play is so much more than just a way to kill the time. Behind every game and puzzle lies a powerful force shaping a child’s development. 16 Dive in, and you’ll discover the science behind it.When children engage in play, they do mor e than just have fun. They’re actively constructing their brains. . Neural pathways (神经通络), those complex networks responsible for thought, learning, and emotion, are solidified during these leisure activities. Much like constructing a home requires more t han just bricks, it’s about laying a strong foundation. For the maturing brain, play is that vital foundation. 17 These connections don’t just serve immediate childlike wonder; they lay the groundwork for future cognitive and emotional adaptability.Beyo nd cognitive and emotional development, leisure activities are crucial in securing a child’s physical health and coordination (协调性). Whether it’s running or jumping rope, these actions develop a child’s fine motor skills. Such physical engagements push chi ldren to be more aware of their body movements and surroundings. 18 Through play, kids develop a symbiotic (共生的) relationship between mind and body.In the dynamic ecosystem of a child’s growth, leisure activities weave in threads of academic enhancement without the traditional pressures of formal education. 19 Beyond the fun, kids are absorbing lessons in logic, pattern recognition, and critical thinking. Similarly, engaging in board games or interactive storytelling sessions introduces them to fundamental math, language, and strategy concepts in a relaxed atmosphere. This stress-free combination of play and learning allows kids to develop academically without realizing they’re on an educational journey.Play is more than just a leisure activity for kid s. It’s an essential tool that helps better brain development, physical health and so much more. 20I stopped at the top of the hill, my right foot pressed back against the coaster brake (脚刹) on my bicycle. All I needed to do was to_______ my foot, and I would be swept down the hill. But I_______ . To my 12-year-old eyes, the hill was a mountain and the slope was _______ steep, which prevented me taking up the challenge.When I returned to my hometown more than three decades later with my friends Dave and Scott, we _______ to the base of the hill and walked our bikes _______ . We stood once more at the top of that hill, looking down from the edge, but this time with a _______ set of eyes. To our surprise, now the _______ seemed more obvious, eve n larger than we’d imagined as kids. We knew that once we started down, there was no stopping or _______ . And right at the bottom of the hill, we would have to turn left to _______ dumping into the stream.Dave went first. Then I was next. My heart was pounding. I ________ on the bike for a moment. Then I released the brake and yielded myself to ________ . I skidded to a stop next to Dave. Scott followed. The three of us spent several minutes laughing, draining off the adrenaline (肾上腺素) . We had ________ the childhood challenge of riding our bikes down the steep hill.We didn’t know it then, but we’d face many similar ________ over the years — leaving home, getting married, moving to a different town, starting a new job, and many others — that would cause us to pause at the ________ and collect our courage ________ we launched ourselves down the trails of our lives.21.A.stamp B.break C.lift D.keep22.A.paused B.started C.charged D.fell23.A.unnecessarily B.incredibly C.occasionally D.hardly24.A.ran B.rode C.climbed D.wandered25.A.out C.away D.up26.A.similar B.whole C.different D.smart27.A.risk C.slope D.assumption28.A.turning back B.looking down in D.breaking out 29.A.get B.avoid C.make D.search30.A.called B.improved C.smiled D.balanced31.A.pressure B.fate C.gravity D.difficulty32.A.recalled B.completed C.forgotten D.received33.A.activities B.troubles C.lessons D.periods34.A.corner B.route C.edge D.line35.A.when B.because C.after D.before阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。
青霉素简介(英文PPT)Production of penicillin
For example:
• penicillin, ampicillin, amoxycillin, methicillin • Inhibits enzymes involved in synthesis of peptidoglycan for bacterial cell wall, causing cell lysis. • Bacteriocidal • Narrow spectrum- little effect on Gram negative cells.
• Antibiotics are antimicrobial agents produced naturally by other microbes (usually fungi or bacteria). • The first antibiotic was discovered in 1896 by Ernest Duchesne and "rediscovered" byAlexander Flemming in 1928 from the filamentous fungus Penicilium notatum.
Downstream Processifermenter are impure and dilute, so need to be purified by downstream processing. • This usually involves filtration to separate the microbial cells from the liquid medium, followed by chemical purification and concentration of the product • Downstream processing can account for 50% of the cost of a process.
My opnion
• We should decrease the use of antibiotics • Reasonable use extensive worldwide exploitation of antibiotics in medicine, animal care and agriculture constantly selects for strains of bacteria that are resistant to the drugs.
Unit 7 Antibiotic Use Is Out of Control
The definition
The application result
My opinion
The definition
Antibiotics are bacteria, mold or other microbial metabolism product or synthetic analogs, generally speaking, is used in the treatment of all kinds of antibiotics bacterial infection or inhibition of pathogenic microorganisms infection drugs
The action of the antibiotics
• Its main purpose is to inhibit the growth of other types of microorganisms or will they kill ,usually to the host won't have a serious side effects
2023-2024学年上海市松江区高三上学期期末质量监控英语试卷Directions: After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.Buy Now, Pay Later SpendingBuy now, pay later(BNPL) spending is expected to rise to record levels this holiday season. With so many young “buy now, pay later” shoppers already in debt from this short-term financing tool not requiring interest, questions emerge: Why do these shoppers use such a tool? And what risks does it pose to their budgets in the months 1 (come)?The many Generation Z and millennials (typically around 40 years and younger) tend to use this short-term financing, 2 allows them to buy items and pay for them over time. Offered mostly by financial technologies, BNPL allows these customers to pay back their purchases 3 interest and with the first payment usually made at checkout. The most common “buy now, pay later” plan is 4 customers make four equal payments and pay off the debt in six weeks. It’s been a lifeline for some people, such as a university student 5 weekly income is not big enough. “BNPL provides consumers with flexible payment options so they 6 manage spending,” said Vivek Pandya, lead analyst at Adobe Digital Insights. That is of great importance for many consumers, especially 7 with a tendency to purchase higher-cost items.However, since BNPL 8 (appear), warnings from experts have come into our view. They have been indicating that it’s financially unhealthy to form such a spending habit. According to New York Federal Reserve economists, BNPL may encourage debt to increase over time, 9 (influence) a consumer’s ability to meet non-BNPL commitments, or users to over extend themselves. Users should also note that 10 interest is not charged on the loan, they’ll be hit with late fees for missed payments, which can add up quickly, says the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.Directions: After reading the passage below, fill in each blank with a proper word chosen from the box. Each word can be used only once. Note that there is one word more than you need.A.attractive B.bothered C.building D.contrastsE.crossed F.demonstrates G.dramatically H.greyedI.instrumental J.sustaining K.vividlyA Review on OppenheimerOppenheimer is Christopher Nolan’s film about J. Robert Oppenheimer, the man known as “the father of the atomic(原子的) bomb”. As a drama about genius, pride and error, it 11 the life of the American theoretical physicist who helped research and develop the two atomic bombs that were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, two cities in Japan, during World War II.Oppenheimer is a great achievement, partly because it 12 relates that period of history thanks to Nolan’s lifelike filmmaking. Nolan goes deep and long on the 13 of the bomb, but he doesn’t restage the attacks and there are no documentary images of the dead or cities in ashes.The story tracks Oppenheimer across decades, starting in the 1920s with him as a young adult and continuing until his hair 14 . The film touches on his personal and professional milestones, thecontroversies that 15 him, and the attacks that nearly ruined him. Besides, the friendships and romances 16 him, yet also troubling, are also described.The path of Oppenheimer’s life 17 shifted at Berkeley. He was once only an academic there, but his identity changed after Germany entered Poland by force. By that time, Oppenheimer had become friends with Ernest Lawrence, a physicist who invented the historic particle accelerator (粒子加速器) and played a(n) 18 role in the Manhattan Project. And Oppenheimer also met the project’s military head and was then made director of Los Alamos, where much of his later research on nuclear weapons took place.François Truffaut once wrote that “war films, even those who support peace, even the best, willingly or not, present wars in a certain 19 way.” That is why Nolan refuses to show the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, killing millio ns of souls. In the film, you hear that Oppenheimer’s famous words 20 his own mind as the mushroom cloud rose: “Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds.” Nolan is actually reminding audience to reconsider the roles they can play in the world. Paris has long been at the heart of the history of flight. It is where the Montgolfier brothers went up in the first hot-air balloon in 1783, and where Charles Lindbergh completed the first one-person transatlantic areophane journey in 1927. Next year, if all goes to plan, Paris will witness the birth of another industry________, when Volocopter, a German maker of electric aircraft, launches a flying-taxi service during the Olympic Games. At the Paris Airshow in June, Volocopter and some of its competitors displayed a new generation of________flying machines designed for urban transport.The electrification of aviation (航空) has often been dismissed as a pipe dream, with batteries assumed too heavy a______for traditional fuel in an airborne vehicle. For longer journeys, that may well be true. Yet upstarts like Volocopter are betting that electrification can________a boom in demand for clean and quick air journeys over shorter distances.The main form of a flying taxi under________, called an electric vertical (垂直的) take-off and landing (eVTOL) aircraft, is expected to carry up to four passengers plus a pilot. Powered by batteries, it is predicted to be both quiet enough to reduce complaints in crowded cities, and fast: capable of up to 300kph, enough to comfortably________a car, especially the one stuck in traffic. And optimists believe the absence of traffic in the sky will also make eVTOLs well-suited to________ operation. They could prove handy for transporting goods, too. That vision hasinspired________predictions. For example, Morgan Stanley, an investment bank, estimates global spending on eVTOLs could hit $1,000 billion by 2040!Regardless of the above________expectations, challenges remain. One problem is technical certification, which is turning out to be a(n)________process as aviation regulators work on an entirely new form of aircraft. Late last year, due to regulatory delays and some other factors, Joby, a Silicon Valley startup, was forced to________its launch by one more year until 2025. Many have even longer to go. The bigger question is — is the business of flying taxis_______practicable? EVTOLs currently range in price from $1 million to $ 4 million. Some believe that their cost may come down as the industry develops. Brian Yutko of Wisk, a maker backed by Boeing, says that flying-taxi rides will be accessible to________in the near future. And Joby promises that its fares will be comparable to catching a common taxi. ________, there is an opposite belief that eVTOLs are likely to remain expensive. Some studies suggest the cost could end up as high as $7 per kilometer, many times a regular taxi fare. That means, even without a pilot, flying taxis may remain a convenience________only to a lucky few.Let’s expect plenty more experiments with electric airc raft in the years ahead.21.A.cooperator B.competitor 22.A.wind-driven B.battery-driven C.gas-driven 23.A.substitute B.shelter C.treatment D.desire24.A.regulate B.maintain C.unlock D.reverse 25.A.pressure B.attack C.development D.repair26.A.underestimate B.update C.outpace D.overdo 27.A.rigid B.autonomous C.attentive D.illegal28.A.daring B.discouraging C.unclear D.ordinary 29.A.technological B.unrealistic C.rewarding D.enthusiastic 30.A.efficient B.simple C.lengthy D.intelligent 31.A.put off B.speed up C.object to D.approve of 32.A.historically B.technically C.theoretically D.economically 33.A.the learned B.the disabled C.the seniors D.the masses 34.A.Furthermore B.However C.Fortunately D.Consequently35.A.affordable B.valuable C.unbelievable D.unsuitable Every summer, as a child, I spent with my parents the annual family holiday, flying away from our home in the West Midlands to their birthplace in Ireland.I enjoyed it, but once, I behaved differently and left home. Package tours and long-distance flights became my idea of a holiday. I then went and ran into an Englishman who also came of Irish stock, and we both felt the urge to renew our knowledge of Ireland.It was important for us to discover something different from our childhood visits. So that’s how we came to drive along the winding St John’s Point Peninsula (半岛) in Donegal, part of Ireland’s Wild Atlantic Way, to visit a unique part of the 20th-century history — the Donegal Corridor.When anyone drives to the point where the land runs out, he sees giant white stones fixed firmly in green grass spelling out “EIRE” and “70”, while the Atlantic wind fiercely blows across the headland and the ice-white waves smash into the rocks below. The meaning behind the stones? They date back to the Second World War when St John’s Point was number 70 in a total of 83 Look Out Points (LOPs), observation stations set up and maintained by Ireland all around its coast.There lies a bit of curious UK-Ireland history. Although Ireland was officially neutral during the war, the Battle of the Atlantic was being fought close to Irish shores, and these LOPs, staffed by local volunteers known as Coast watchers, passed on information on activities connected with the sea and weather fronts to London.At St John’s Point, we were standing right under the Donegal Corridor, a long narrow area of airspace in which Ireland ensured safe passage during World War II to planes in the RAF (Royal Air Force) from bases in the UK-governed North of Ireland. The stone markings acted as reference points to aircrews.Standing on this rough area of land surrounded by the wild and windy ocean brought home to us the conditions in which the Coast watchers and aircrews in the RAF cooperated in a shared history.I revolted against my family tradition that summer, and I fulfilled my aim of discovering something new and absorbed all Donegal has to offer: empty golden beaches, mysterious ancient stone circles, folk music and crafts, and tasty food. I had fallen in love with Ireland all over again.36. What can we learn about the author from paragraphs 1 to 3?A.She met a childhood friend from Ireland that year.B.She and that Englishman both had Irish ancestors.C.She took package tours and long-distance flights every year.D.She explored the Wild Atlantic Way with her family members.37. The giant white stones were important during WWII because .A.the Battle of the Atlantic took place right close to information from the UK was sent through themC.they functioned as reference points to aircrews in the RAFD.they ranked at the top in the 83 LOPs around the Irish coast38. The expression “revolted against” in the last paragraph is closest in meaning to .A.worried about B.passed on C.celebrated D.disobeyed39. Which might be the best title of the passage?A.A Global Journey B.Discovering Undiscovered DonegalC.Happy Holidays D.Escaping from the West Midlands Ads, news, movies, TV shows, and many other types of media all want you to accept their messages at face value. However, you should look beneath the surface and ask questions to decode what the media message is really saying. You need to ask yourself two basic questions: Who is the source of the message? How is it trying to get your attention?Question 1: Who is the source of the message?(Picture A)Knowing who is responsible for a message can reveal its true intention, as well as anypossible prejudice. Just take the picture above as an example. Why are we asked to ban the impacts? Don’t forget that the source at the bottom plays a part. If, sometimes, the source isn’t clear, we can look for it by checking legal documents.Question 2: How is it trying to get your attention?(Picture B)The obvious part of a message is called the text, (Picture C)Photo control is nearly as oldas photography itself, but(Picture D)Social media users can alsogive themselves a digitalwhich includes any language, imagery, music, or anything else you can see or hear. The implied part of a message is called the subtext, and it’s suggested by the content rather than directly seen or heard. We as individuals then decide how to interpret this subtext based on our personal ideas, world views, and expectations. People with different perspectives might interpret the same piece of message differently. Mind that some media may just take advantage of the prejudice. modern technology has madeit common and easy to do.Using photo editing software,almost anyone can make bigchanges to an image, fromadjusting colors and lightingto adding and removingcontent. That’s why youshould always keep a criticaleye on images in the media.Some media may hold backor overstate information, likean advertisement that makesthe products appear moreeffective than they really are.transformation with a littleeffort. They can makethemselves look howeverthey like in just a fewmoments. But since theseedited images are presentedas reality, they can affect ourmental well-being. Byconstantly seeing pictures ofartificially superb people,some of us may start tobelieve that these picturesare genuine, and that we cannever live up to theseunrealistic ideals. This typeof harmful thinking can leadto all sorts of mental andemotional health concerns.40. We can learn from the passage that .A.the media hope that you can make sense of their true meaningsB.finding the sources of media helps to form a sensible judgmentC.text is more important than subtext when we analyze the and photo editing software date back to the same time41. Your aunt finds her newly-bought belt doesn’t make her so stylish as advertised. Which picturecan illustrate the case?A.Picture A B.Picture B C.Picture C D.Picture D42. This passage can be found under the section of ________.A.Mass Media Reading B.Content-Targeted AdvertisingC.Deconstructing Web-pages D.Persuasive Language Recognition Antibiotics, which can destroy or prevent the growth of bacteria and cure infections, are vital to modern medicine. Their ability to kill bacteria without harming the patient has saved billions of lives and made surgical procedures much safer. But after decades of overuse, their powers are fading.Some bacteria have evolved resistance, creating a growing army of superbugs, against which there is little effective treatment. Antimicrobial (抗菌的) resistance, expected to kill 10 million people a year by 2050 up from around 1 million in 2019, has been seen as a crisis by many.It would be unwise to rely on new antibiotics to solve the problem. The rate at which resistance emerges is increasing. Some new drugs last only two years before bacteria develop resistance. When new antibiotics do arrive, doctors often store them, using them only reluctantly and for short periodswhen faced with the most persistent infections. That limits sales, making new antibiotics an unappealing idea for most drug firms.Governments have been trying to fix the problem by channeling cash into research in drug firms. That has produced only limited improvements. But there is a phenomenon worth a look. Microbiologists have known for decades that disease-causing bacteria can suffer from illnesses of their own. They are supersensitive to attacks by phages, specialized viruses that infect bacteria and often kill them. Phages are considered a promising alternative to antibiotics.Using one disease-causing virus to fight bacteria has several advantages. Like antibiotics, phages only tend to choose particular targets, leaving human cells alone as they infect and destroy bacterial ones. Unlike antibiotics, phages can evolve just as readily as bacteria can, meaning that even if bacteria do develop resistance, phages may be able to evolve around them in turn.That, at least, is the theory. The trouble with phages is that comparatively little is known about them. After the discovery of penicillin, the first antibiotic, in 1928, they were largely ignored in the West. Given the severity of the antibiotic-resistance problem, it would be a good idea to find out more about them.The first step is to run more clinical trials. Interest from Western firms is growing. But it is being held back by the fact that phages are an even less appealing investment than antibiotics. Since they are natural living things, there may be trouble patenting them, making it hard to recover any investment.Governments can help fun d basic research into phage treatment and clarify the law around exactly what is and is not patentable. In time they can set up phage banks so as to make production cheaper. And they can spread awareness of the risks of overusing antibiotics, and the potential benefits of phages.43. We can learn from paragraphs 1 and 2 that .A.doctors tend to use new antibiotics when the patients ask for themB.antimicrobial resistance is developing more rapidly than antibiotics fail to attract drug firms due to limited use of themD.previous antibiotics are effective in solving modern health problems44. What is phages’ advantage over antibiotics?A.They can increase human cells when fighting bacteria.B.They are not particular about which cells to infect and kill.C.They can evolve accordingly when bacteria develop resistance.D.They are too sensitive to be infected by disease-causing bacteria.45. According to the passage, the obstacle to phage treatment is that .A.there is little chance of patenting phages in the futureB.governments provide financial support for other researchC.the emergence of superbug s holds back drug firms’ interestD.over-dependence on antibiotics distracts attention from phages46. What is the main idea of the passage?A.Governments fail to stop the use of antibiotics.B.Phages could help prevent an antibiotics crisis.C.Development of antibiotics is limited by phages.D.Antimicrobial resistance calls for new antibiotics.Social MaskingAmanda is always an expert at working the room. She would adopt the manner of the people around her to fit in while hiding her true personality. This is social masking, the process of hiding your natural way of interacting with others so you can feel accepted. 47 Instead, they are hoping to fit in with everybody else. Social masking is a set of learned pattern-matching behaviors, movements and actions where you try to be normal to fit in rather than stand out.48 People all wear certain social masks in order to get through some tricky life situations with confidence, according to Dr. Tara Quinn-Cirillo. And some experts even think social masking is built in all human beings at a physical level, adding that something in our brain gives indications of how to essentially stay safe and not stick out.In a world that often tells us to just be ourselves, you might wonder why we are still dependent on these social masking behaviors. “Social masking happens because we as a species want to be included,” says Tara. “It has been a tribal thing of being together rather than being on our own, from a historical perspective. 49 ”There is a huge difference between naturally identifying with someone and consciously social masking. 50 Social masking, on the other hand, involves a conscious effort to change your personality to suit your surroundings. It typically involves depressing your natural urges and changing your personal interests to fit the crowd.51. Directions: Read the following passage. Summarize the main idea and the main point(s) of the passage in no more than 60 words. Use your own words as far as possible.Why Should We Read Literary Classics?Many have grown up on a healthy diet of literary classics. Some literary classics have been inspiring readers in many ways. In this age of fast-turners, how does investing our time in a timeless literary classic change us for the better?Many literary classics from yesteryear, which got little or no success when published, are considered invaluable. These books offer a window through which we can experience histories rooted in different cultures. One can always ask, “But we can do so by reading our history books t oo. Why do we need to read classics?” The simple answer is that these literary classics are not just a retelling of history. They allow us to have a more individualized experience, where they show us other ways to look at history.It is common knowledge that reading as a habit helps us improve our command of the language. But literary classics have an edge: the enriching writing style is something that sets them apart. Fascinated with the amazing wording and phrasing, we’ll surely pause and wonder about wha t we read. For instance, when we read Shakespeare, we naturally begin to consider how to better express our ideas just like his far-reaching “Have more than you show; speak less than you know.”One more benefit is that after reading classics, we won’t see non-classics as just other stories: we’ll become interested in them. Maybe we’ll realize that some details we ignored last time are actually worth appreciating, or we’ll discover literary devices that bring a whole new meaning to the story. Literary classics offer us more perspectives to dig deep and enhance our ability to think and reason, which will inevitably spill over into our reading of other works. We finally fall in love with non-classics as well.________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________52. 室友们商定好每两天打扫一次宿舍。
生药学英语The field of pharmacognosy, or the study of naturally occurring medicinal agents, has a rich and fascinating history that spans centuries. From the ancient civilizations of China, India, and the Middle East, to the indigenous cultures of the Americas and Africa, the use of plant-based remedies has been a cornerstone of traditional medical practices.In today's rapidly evolving world of modern medicine, the importance of pharmacognosy cannot be overstated. As the global population continues to grow and the demand for effective and accessible healthcare increases, the search for new and innovative drug therapies has become a top priority. And it is within the realm of pharmacognosy that many of these breakthroughs are being discovered.At its core, pharmacognosy is the study of the physical, chemical, biochemical, and biological properties of natural products, particularly those derived from plants, and their potential therapeutic applications. This encompasses a wide range of disciplines, including botany, chemistry, pharmacology, and even ethnobotany – the study of the traditional uses of plants by indigenous cultures.One of the key strengths of pharmacognosy lies in its ability to harness the rich biodiversity of our planet. The Earth is home to an estimated 300,000 to 500,000 species of plants, many of which have yet to be thoroughly explored for their medicinal potential. By studying the unique chemical compounds and bioactive molecules found in these plants, researchers can uncover new and potentially groundbreaking treatments for a wide range of diseases and ailments.Take, for example, the discovery of the antimalarial drug artemisinin, derived from the sweet wormwood plant (Artemisia annua). This remarkable compound, which was first isolated by Chinese scientist Tu Youyou in the 1970s, has revolutionized the treatment of malaria and has saved countless lives around the world. Similarly, the development of the cancer-fighting drug paclitaxel, derived from the Pacific yew tree (Taxus brevifolia), has had a profound impact on the field of oncology.But the contributions of pharmacognosy extend far beyond the discovery of new drugs. The field also plays a crucial role in the development of traditional herbal medicines and the preservation of indigenous knowledge. By studying the traditional uses of plants in various cultures, pharmacognosts can gain valuable insights into the potential therapeutic properties of these natural remedies, and workto validate their safety and efficacy through rigorous scientific research.Moreover, pharmacognosy is at the forefront of the growing trend towards sustainable and eco-friendly healthcare solutions. As concerns about the environmental impact of synthetic drugs and the overuse of antibiotics continue to rise, the search for plant-based alternatives has become increasingly important. By developing new methods for the sustainable cultivation and harvesting of medicinal plants, pharmacognoists can help to reduce the strain on natural resources and promote more sustainable healthcare practices.Despite the many successes and advancements in the field of pharmacognosy, there are still significant challenges and obstacles that must be overcome. One of the primary challenges is the need for more comprehensive and systematic exploration of the world's plant biodiversity. With so many species yet to be studied, the potential for new drug discoveries remains vast, but the resources and funding required to undertake such large-scale research projects can be daunting.Another challenge is the need to bridge the gap between traditional and modern medicine. While the use of plant-based remedies has been a cornerstone of traditional medical practices for centuries, the integration of these natural therapies into mainstream healthcaresystems has been a slow and often contentious process. Overcoming cultural and institutional barriers, as well as addressing concerns about the safety and efficacy of herbal medicines, will be crucial to the continued growth and acceptance of pharmacognosy.Despite these challenges, the future of pharmacognosy looks bright. As the global demand for innovative and sustainable healthcare solutions continues to grow, the field of pharmacognosy will undoubtedly play a crucial role in shaping the future of medicine. By harnessing the power of nature's bounty and combining it with the latest advancements in scientific research, pharmacognoists will continue to push the boundaries of what is possible, and to improve the health and well-being of people around the world.。
2017年6月六级真题(第2套)听力原文2017年6月六级真题(第2套)听力原文2017年6月大学英语六级考试真题(第2套)听力原文Section AConversation OneW: Mr. Ishiguro, have you ever found one of your books at a secondhand bookstore?M: Yes. That kind of thing is difficult. [1] If they’ve got my book there, I think, “Well, this is an insult! Somebody didn’t want to keep my book!” But if it’s not there, I feel it’s an insult too. I think, “Why aren’t people exchang ing my book? Why isn’t it in this store?”W: Does being a writer require a thick skin? M: Yes, for example, my wife can be very harsh. [2-1] I began working on my latest book, The Buried Giant, in 2004, but I stopped after I showed my wife a little section. She thought it was rubbish.W: Even after you won a Booker Prize?M: [2-2] She’s not intimidated at all and she criticizes me in exactly the same way she didwhen I was first unpublished and I was starting. W: But you would never compromise on your vision.M: No, I wouldn’t ever compromise on the essential, the ideas or the themes. This isn’t really what my wife is trying to criticize me about. It’s always about execution.W: So why did you put your book, The Buried Giant, aside for so long? Apparently you started working on it over 10 years ago.M: [3] I’ve often stopped writing a book and left it for a few years. And by the time I come back to it, it may have changed. Usually my imagination has moved on and I can think of different contexts or a different way to do it. W: What does it feel like when you finally finish a book?M: It’s funny you ask that because I never have this moment when I feel, “Ah, I’ve finished!”[4] I watch footballers at the end of the match, you know, the whistle goes and they’ve won or lost. Until then they’ve been giving everythingM: Well, this is Shaun Harper’s study, and he points out that on major college campuses across the country, black males make up less than 3 percent of undergraduate enrollments. Yet, when you look at their numbers or percentages on the revenue-generating sports teams of football and basketball, they make up well into 50 to 60 percent of those teams. [6] So the idea is that they are really there to be part of the revenue-generating working class of athletes on campus and not necessarily there to be part of the educating class as most students in other groups are.W: [7] Compared with other groups, I think the numbers in this group, at those 65 schools, are something like just barely more than half of the black male athletes graduate at all.M: Exactly. And wh at’s really bad about this is these athletes are supposedly promised at least one thing as reward for all their blood and sweat. And that is a college degree, which can be atransformative tool in our society when you talk about upward mobility. And that’s really the troubling part about this.W: Well, this has been talked about so much, really, in recent years. Why hasn’t it changed? M: Well, I think one of the reasons it hasn’t changed is that there’s really no economic pressure to change this. All of the incentive is really on winning and not losing on the field or on the court. [8]Coaches do not necessarily have the incentive to graduate players.Questions 5 to 8 are based on the conversation you have just heard.5.What are the speakers talking about?6.What is the new finding about black male athletes in this study?7.What is the graduation rate of black male athletes?8.What accounts for black athletes’ failure to obtain a college degree, according to the man? Section BPassage One[9] America’s holiday shopping season starts on Black Friday, the day after Thanksgiving. It is the busiest shopping day of the year. Retailers make the most money this time of year, about 20 to 30 percent of annual revenue. About 136 million people will shop during the Thanksgiving Holiday weekend. More and more will shop online. In an era of instant information, shoppers can use their mobile phones to find deals. [10] About 183.8 million people will shop on Cyber Monday, the first Monday after Thanksgiving. More than half of all holiday purchases will be made online. One-in-five Americans will use a tablet or smartphone. Online spending on Black Friday will rise 15 percent to hit $2.7 billion this year. Cyber Monday spending will increase 12 percent to $3 billion. For m any, shopping online was “a more comfortable alternative” than crowded malls. The shift to online shopping has had a big impact on traditional shopping malls. Since 2010, more than 24 shopping malls have closed and anadditional 60 are struggling. However,[11] Fortune says the weakest of the malls have closed. The sector is thriving again. The International Council of Shopping Centers said 94.2 percent of malls were full, or occupied, with shops by the end of 2014. That is the highest level in 27 years. [12] Economist Gus Faucher said lower unemployment and rising wages could give Americans more money to spend. The average American consumer will spendabout $805 on gifts. That’s about$630.5 billion between November and December—an increase of 3.7 percent from last year. Questions 9 to 12 are based on the passage you have just heard.9.What is the speaker mainly talking about?10.How many people will shop on Cyber Monday?11.What does Fortune say about traditional shopping malls?12.What is said to account for the increased number of shoppers?Passage TwoFor years, many of us have relied on antibiotic use to treat various infections. And the reality is that antibiotics have been responsible for saving millions of lives since penicillin, one of the earliest antibiotics, was first used on a clinical basis 70 years ago. However, today is a new era in which taking antibiotics can cause some very dangerous and potentially life-threatening situations. [13] In fact, you may have heard about the new “superbugs”, whi ch are antibiotic-resistant bacteria that have developed as a result of overprescribed antibiotics. In the past, health experts warned us that the day would come in which it would become very difficult to provide medical care for even common problems such as lung infection or severe sour throat. And, [14] apparently, that day has come because seemingly routine operations such as knee replacements are now much more hazardous due to the looming threat of these infections.The problem has grown into such epidemic proportions that this severe strain of resistant bacteria is being blamed for nearly 700,000 deaths each year throughout the world; and, unfortunately, health experts worry that the number will rise to 10 million or more on a yearly basis by 2050. [15] With such a largelife-threatening epidemic, it is sad to say that only 1.2 percent of budgetary money for the National Institutes of Health is currently being spent on research to tackle this problem. This is a far cry from the funds necessary for a problem of such magnitude.Questions 13 to 15 are based on the passage you have just heard.13.What do we learn about the “superbugs”?14.What is the result of the overuse of antibiotics?15.What is most urgently needed for tackling the large life-threatening epidemic, according to the speaker?Section CRecording OneThis is the reason you are here in a university. You are here to be educated. [16-1] You are here to understand thinking better and to think better yourself. It’s not a chance you’re going to have throughout your lifetime. [16-2] For the next few years, you have a chance to focus on thinking.I think about some of the students who took advantage of their opportunities in a university. One of the stories I always like to tell is of a freshman seminar that I had a chance to teach at Harvard when I was president of the university. I taught a seminar on globalization and I assigned a reading that I had written about global capital flows. And as I did each week, I asked one of the students to introduce the readings. And this young man, in October of his freshman year, said something like the following. “The reading by President Summers on the flow of capital across countries, it was kind of interesting, but the data did not comeclose to supporting the co nclusions.” And I thought to myself, “What a fantastic thing this was. How could somebody who had been there for five weeks tell the person who had the title ‘President’ that he didn’t really know what he was talking about?” And it was a special moment.No w, I don’t want to be misunderstood. I explained to my student that I actually thought he was rather more confused than I was and I argued back, [17-1] but what was really important about that was the universities stand out as places that really are about the authority of ideas. You see it in faculty members who are pleased when their students make a discovery that undermines a cherished theory that they had put forward.I think of another student I had who came to me one morning, one evening actually, walked into my office and said that I had written a pretty good paper, but that it had five important mistakes and that he wanted a job.[17-2/18] You could debate whether they actually were mistakes, but you couldn’t debate that young man’s hunger to learn. [17-3] You could not debate that that young man was someone who wanted to make a difference in economics and he is today a professor of economics. And his works are more cited as an economist than any other economist in the world.Questions 16 to 18 are based on the recording you have just heard.16.What does the speaker say about a university?17.What do we learn from the speaker’s stories about universities?18.What does the speaker see in the young man who challenged his paper?Recording Two[19-1] Psychological research shows we consistently underestimate our mental powers. If you think this does not apply to you, then here is a simple test to show you are wrong. Writedown the names of all the American states you can remember. Put the list away and then set yourself the same task a week later. Provided you have not cheated by consulting an atlas, you will notice something rather surprising. [20] The two lists will contain roughly the same number of states, but they will not be identical. Some names will have slipped away, but others will have replaced them. This suggests that somewhere in your mind you may well have a record of virtually every state. [19-2] So it is not really your memory letting you down, just your ability to retrieve information from it.We would remember a lot more if we had more confidence in our memories and knew how to use them properly. One useful tip is that things are more likely to be remembered if you are in exactly the same state and place as you were when you learned them. So if you are a student who always reviews over black coffee, perhaps it would be sensible to prime yourself with a cup of before the exam. [21] If possible,you should also try to learn information in the room where it is going to be tested. When you learn is also important. Lots of people swear they can absorb new information more efficiently at some times of the day than at others. Research shows this is not just imagination. There is a biological rhythm for learning, though it affects different people in different ways. For most of us, the best plan is to take in new information in the morning and then try to consolidate it into memory during the afternoon. But this does not apply to everyone, [22] so it is essential to establish your own rhythm. You can do this by learning a set number of lines of poetry at different times of the day and seeing when most lines stick. When you have done this, try to organize your life so that the time set aside for learning coincides with the time when your memory is at its best. Avoid learning marathons—they do not make the best use of your mind. Take plenty of breaks, because they offer a double bonus: the time offgives your mind a chance to do some preliminary consolidation and it also gives a memory boost to the learning.Questions 19 to 22 are based on the recording you have just heard.19.What does the simple test suggest?20.What do we learn about the two lists in the test?21.What does the speaker suggest about preparing for and taking an exam?22.What tip does the speaker give on learning? Recording ThreeHello! Today I am going to talk about poverty.[23] Poverty has become a critical issue in today’s world. It concerns not only us sociologists, but also economists, politicians and business people. Poverty has been understood in many different ways. One useful way is to distinguish between three degrees of poverty—extreme poverty, moderate poverty, and relative poverty.The first type of poverty is extreme poverty. It’s also called absolute poverty. In extreme poverty, households cannot meet basic needs for survival. People are chronically hungry. They are unable to access safe drinking water, let alone health care. They cannot afford education for their children. In short, people who live in extreme poverty do not have even the minimum resources to support themselves and their families. [24] Where does extreme poverty occur? Well, you can find it only in developing countries.Well, what about moderate poverty? Unlike extreme poverty, moderate poverty generally refers to conditions of life in which basic needs are met, but barely. People living in moderate poverty have the resources to keep themselves alive, but only at a very basic level. For example, they may have access to drinking water but not clean, safe drinking water. They may have a home to shelter themselves but it does not have power supply, a telephone or plumbing.The third kind of poverty is relative poverty. Relative poverty is generally considered to be a household income level which is below a given proportion of average family income. The relatively poor live in high income countries but they do not have a high income themselves. The method of calculating the poverty line is different from country to country, but we can say that basically a family living in relative poverty has less than a percentage of the average family income. For example, [25] in the United States, a family can be considered poor if their income is less than 50 percent of the national average family income. They can meet their basic needs but they lack access to cultural goods, entertainment, and recreation. They also do not have access to quality health care or other prerequisites for upward social mobility. Well, I have briefly explained to you how poverty can be distinguished as extreme poverty, moderate poverty, and relative poverty. We should keep these distinctions in mind when weresearch people’s living conditions either in the developing or the developed world.Questions 23 to 25 are based on the recording you have just heard.23.What does the speaker do?24.Where does the speaker say we can find extreme poverty?25.What do we learn about American people living in relative poverty?。
• Trigger membrane associated autolytic enzymes that destroy cell wall
• Inhibit bacterial endopeptidase and glycosidase enzymes which are involved in cell wall growth
Clin. Microbiol. Rev.10:781-791, J.Infect.Dis.162:705-710
• All PBPs in S.aureus become redundant –MRSA is resistant to all ß-lactams
Mutation by Recombination with Foreign DNA
– Reduced affinity to beta lactams
• Seen as penicillin resistant Pneumococci
Beta Lactam Activity Against 100 Penicillin Resistant Pneumococci from Spain
Carbapenems 1976-
Clavulanic acid 1976 COOH
Monobactam 1981-
Mechanisms of Action
孩子的诸多保护伞英语专四作文An egg, falling freely from a high altitude, has a close contact with the ground, and the result is not usedI think it must be broken to pieces. What if the egg doesn't break? It's simple. It's nothing more than wrapping eggs in protective clothing.But what is puzzling is that; In this group of experiments, the protection of the group whose eggs were broken was not perfect. On the contrary, the protection of their group was flawless. They even sent people to catch them when they dropped them. So, why do the well protected eggs break instead, while the simple packaged eggs are safe? It turned out that the eggs were not broken, but were crushed when the group packed the eggs with too much force.At this point, the truth was revealed, but then another thought came out: "is it possible that excessive protection will not only be useless, but will backfire?" In fact, there are many such things and examples, from families and individuals to countries and the world. For example: doting is a topic we are all familiar with. In fact, this is another angle of over protection. Afraid that the child would be wronged bythe season, he asked a private tutor. I was afraid that the children would work too hard, so I did my homework instead. I was afraid that my child would not find a job when he grew up, so I worked hard to save money for future trouble.Poor parents all over the world! Is it really good for the children? If you think and do it everywhere, how can children learn to think and practice by themselves? If there is a way out, how can children have the courage to survive? If you let your child grow up naturally, it may not be a big problem. However, due to the over protection of parents, it has caused secondary damage to the child, so that the child can never be self reliant. For example, we often say "giant baby".Another example is antibiotics. Antibiotics killed many people when they were just invented. That is why people began to abuse antibiotics. Originally, we can overcome some minor colds that are irrelevant. Now we also use antibiotics. Antibiotics are becoming a panacea for all diseases. But today's "super bugs" give people a blow. When people shouted "antibiotics are harmful to people", did they ever think that it was their uncontrolled misuse and their intention to better protect their bodies that led to the current consequences.People always like to use excessive protection in exchangefor absolute comfort, but inadvertently brewing a greater disaster. If you want the best, you must bear the most pain first. Because God has already marked the price of everything. If you want to protect yourself completely and refuse to face the wind and rain, you will never have a beautiful flower.。
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Antibiotics are a class of naturally-occurring, semi-synthetic and/or chemically synthesised compounds with antimicrobial activity. They are widely used in human and veterinary medicine to treat and prevent diseases and as growth promoters in animal intensive industries. The increasing incidence of resistance to a wide range of antibiotics by microorganisms is a major concern facing modern medicine. Clinical infections, disease and death caused by resistant bacteria are increasingly common. We know for a fact that antibiotic resistance can be established and propagated in human and animal digestive systems [1, 2]. The proliferation of resistant strains within the gastrointestinal track is facilitated by the co-occurrence of high concentrations of bacteria and sub-lethal doses of antibiotics.抗生素是一类天然存在的,半合成和/或化学合成的化合物抗菌活性。
我们都知道一个事实,抗生素抗性可以建立和传播人类和动物的消化系统[ 1,2 ]。
BackgroundTetracycline is an oral, broad-spectrum antibiotic and semisynthetic derivative of Streptomyces actinobacteria. Tetracycline acts by inhibition of protein synthesis by binding to the 30S subunit of microbial ribosomes. Human cells are less susceptible to this inhibition. Tetracycline was first approved for use in the United States in 1957 and was one of several oral tetracyclines used at that time (oxytetracycline, chlortetracycline) many of which are no longer available or are used in veterinary medicine only. More modern forms of tetracycline include doxycycline and minocycline which are much more commonly used and have similar indications. Currently, tetracycline is most frequently used for upper respiratory and skin and soft tissue infection and more than 2 million prescriptions are filled yearly. Chronic therapy with tetracycline is effective in ameliorating acne, but because of their better absorption and tissue penetration, minocycline and doxycycline have largely replaced tetracycline for this indication. Tetracycline is also active against infections with several rickettsial, spirochetal, chlamydial and mycoplasmas infections and are often used for therapy of non-specific urethritis and several Rickettsia diseases, such as Rocky Mountain spotted fever and Lyme disease. Tetracycline is available in multiple generic forms as capsules or tablets of 250 and 500 mg and generally recommended in doses of 250-500 mg three to four times daily for 7 to 30 days. Chronic therapy is typical for therapy of acne. Pediatric formulations as oral suspension are also available. Parenteral tetracycline is no longer used. Common side effects include gastrointestinal upset, nausea, poor appetitle, diarrhea, glossitis, rash and hypersensitivity reactions. Tetracycline can cause staining of developing teeth (in children or when taken by a pregnant mother).背景四环素是一种口服广谱抗生素、半合成,链霉菌属的放线菌衍生。
四环素可引起牙齿发育染色(儿童或当被一个怀孕的母亲)Microbiol. Mol. Biol. Rev.September 2010 vol. 74no. 3 417-433Antibiotic discovery, modes of action, and mechanisms of resistance have been productive research topics in academia (27) and, until recently, in the pharmaceutical industry. As natural products, they provide challenging intellectual exercises and surprises with respect to their chemical nature, biosynthetic pathways, evolution, and biochemical mode of action(26, 134). The total synthesis of such natural products in the laboratory is difficult, since these small molecules are often extremely complex in functionality and chirality (98).抗生素的发现,模式的行动,和机制抵抗已在学术界的生产研究(27),直到最近,在制药行业。
作为天然产品,他们提供具有挑战性的智力练习和惊喜,相对于它们的化学性质,生物合成途径,演变,和生化作用模式26 134。