



一个抑制肿瘤的连续模型-------艾丽斯H伯杰,阿尔弗雷德G. Knudson 与皮埃尔保罗潘多尔菲今年,也就是2011 年,标志着视网膜母细胞瘤的统计分析的第四十周年,首次提供了证据表明,肿瘤的发生,可以由两个突变发起。




虽然在1900 年之前癌症的遗传倾向已经被人认知,但是,是在19 世纪曾一度被忽视的孟德尔的遗传规律被重新发现之后,癌症的遗传倾向才更趋于合理化。


接下来对癌症遗传学的理解做出贡献的人是波威利,他提出,一些染色体可能刺激细胞分裂,其他的一些染色体 a 可能会抑制细胞分裂,但他的想法长期被忽视。





最后,我们讨论了这种模式在┲⒌恼锒虾椭瘟乒 讨械挠跋臁!岸 未蚧鳌奔偎?第一个能够表明基因的异常可以导致癌症的发生的证据源自1960 年费城慢性粒细胞白血病细胞的染色体的发现。

后来,在1973 年,人们发现这个染色体是是第9 号和第22 号染色体异位的结果,并在1977 年,在急性早幼粒细胞白血病患者中第15 号和第17 号染色体易位被识别出来。



生命科学研究2009年慢病毒载体是目前应用最广泛的基因运载工具之一,在基因治疗研究和转基因动物的制备中已显示出其广阔的应用前景.慢病毒载体是一种反转录病毒载体,其中以人类免疫缺陷性病毒(HIV -1)载体研究最为深入.与传统的小鼠白血病病毒载体(MuLV )偏爱整合入基因5′端相比,慢病毒载体均匀分布于基因组内,从而降低了其激活原癌基因的几率[1~3].重组慢病毒载体既能感染分裂期细胞,也能感染非分裂期细胞[4].它可携带较大的外源基因(约8kb 左右)并稳定整合和表达[5],加之其诱发的宿主免疫反应相对较小[6],使得重组慢病毒载体具有较为广阔的应用应用荧光实时定量PCR 方法检测重组慢病毒滴度及其感染效率马海燕,方彧聃,张敬之*(上海交通大学医学院,上海市儿童医院上海市医学遗传研究所,中国上海200040)摘要:慢病毒载体已经广泛应用于动物模型中基因治疗的研究和转基因动物的制备,而准确地测定重组慢病毒的滴度和感染效率是其关键步骤.通过荧光实时定量PCR 的方法定量分析重组慢病毒的颗粒数以及病毒的活性滴度,并以GFP 报告基因的方法作为对照来验证定量PCR 方法的准确性.研究结果显示,应用荧光实时定量PCR 法与GFP 报告基因法测定得到的病毒活性滴度成正相关,而且前者可以更加准确地测定病毒滴度和病毒感染效率.关键词:慢病毒载体;荧光实时定量PCR ;病毒滴度;整合拷贝数;感染效率中图分类号:Q331文献标识码:A文章编号:1007-7847(2009)05-0394-05A Novel Method for the Determination of Recombinant LentiviralTiter and Infectivity by qRT -PCRMA Hai -yan ,FANG Yu -dan ,ZHANG Jing -zhi *(School of Medicine ,Shanghai Jiaotong University ,Shanghai Children ’s Hospital ,Shanghai Institute of Medical Genetics ,Shanghai 200040,China )收稿日期:2009-03-18;修回日期:2009-05-16基金项目:国家高技术研究发展计划项目(2007AA021206);国家自然科学基金资助项目(30870943);上海市自然科学基金资助项目(08ZR1412100)作者简介:马海燕(1983-),女,山东淄博人,硕士研究生,主要从事病毒载体在转基因动物制备中的应用研究;*通讯作者:张敬之(1959-),男,上海人,上海交通大学医学遗传研究所副教授,博士,主要从事分子病毒学研究,Tel :021-********,E -mail :********************.Abstract :Lentiviral vector is being widely used in the study of gene therapy in animal models and in generating transgenic animals.However ,determination of lentiviral particles and their infectivity is essential before their being used.Such a requirement can be accurately achieved by qRT -PCR.Refered by infectious units got from GFP reporter assay ,it showed a positive correlation between the two approaches.A reliable ,accurate and rapid method is therefore established for the determination of the recombinant lentiviral titer and the infectivity.Key words :lentiviral vector ;qRT -PCR ;viral titer ;integration copy number ;infectivity(Life Science Research ,2009,13(5):394~398)第13卷第5期生命科学研究Vol.13No.52009年10月Life Science Research Oct.2009第5期前景.无论何种目的使用重组慢病毒,都有必要准确地检测病毒滴度.目前,重组慢病毒滴度的检测方法有:依赖于报告基因的GFP荧光检测法、检测慢病毒外壳蛋白p24的抗原-抗体法(ELISA 法)和检测其逆转录酶活性的酶学法等.这些方法多存在耗时、费力、检测成本较高、病毒用量多、不适于非报告基因载体等缺点.所以,建立一种快速、简便、准确的慢病毒滴度检测方法,是非常有必要的.在此,我们介绍一种利用实时定量PCR测定重组慢病毒滴度的方法.该方法通过在载体的长末端重复序列区(LTR)设计定量引物,利用荧光实时定量PCR测定重组慢病毒中LTR拷贝数来测定病毒颗粒数和有效感染的病毒颗粒数.通过与GFP报告基因测定法的比较验证,证明该测定方法准确可靠.并且,通过慢病毒颗粒数与实际有活力病毒滴度的比较,可以计算得到重组慢病毒感染效率.多次重复实验证明,该方法具有快速、准确的优点,非常适用于非报告基因载体的病毒滴度及其感染效率的测定.1材料与方法1.1材料组成慢病毒载体的3个质粒FUGW(即含eGFP基因的转基因质粒),△8.9(编码结构和非结构蛋白基因质粒)和VSVG(外壳蛋白质粒)由美国Marine Medical Center Research Institute王征宇博士惠赠;293T细胞(人胚肾细胞)购自美国ATCC(American Type Culture Collection)细胞库;ProFection购自Promega公司;胎牛血清(FBS)、培养液和Hanks液及Salmon Sperm DNA 购自Gibco BRL;STE配方为10mmol/L Tris pH 7.6,1mmol/L EDTA pH8.0,0.1mol/L NaCl.1.2FUGW病毒的制备当293T细胞长至70%饱和度时,用磷酸钙法转染,按照Promega公司的ProFection Kit说明书操作,其中FUGW15μg,△8.910μg,VSVG7.5μg,转染6h后换完全培养液(含10% FBS的DMEM),并在37℃,5%CO2培养约60h.上述病毒培养上清液经离心、过滤后,50000g 超速离心1.5h后弃上清,在病毒沉淀上加少量Hanks液,获得病毒浓缩液,-80℃保存待用.1.3病毒RNA的提取取2μL病毒浓缩液进行DNase处理,体系中加入5μL10×DNase I Buffer、2μL DNase I (5U/uL,Takara Bio Inc,Shiga,Japan)、2μL RNase inhabitor(Takara Bio Inc.,Shiga,Japan),用DEPC水定容至50μL反应体系,37℃45 min.DNase处理后的混合液,加入350μL STE、20μL10%SDS和5μL蛋白酶K(20g/L,AMRESCO,Solon,OH),56℃15min水解.最后等体积酚、氯仿抽提,两倍体积无水乙醇沉淀,冻干后,20μL DEPC水溶解.1.4反转录反应病毒RNA在酚/氯仿抽提、无水乙醇沉淀前,需经过DNase I处理,以避免DNA污染.根据产品说明书,取1μg RNA、20pmol RT-PCR 下游引物(5′-GAGAGCTCCCAGGCTCAGATC-3′)、2μL5×RT Buffer、1μL MLV酶(Takara Bio Inc,Shiga,Japan)、水补足至10μL体系,37℃1h.1.5实时定量PCR分析病毒颗粒数为了测定制备的慢病毒的病毒颗粒数,应用实时定量PCR测定病毒LTR拷贝数.其中,引物和探针序列见表1.在反应体系中,引物900 nmol/L,探针250nmol/L,2.5μL10×Ex-Buffer,15μmol Mg2+,2.5μmol dNTP,1U ExTaqE,5μL样本,总反应体系为25μL体积.实时定量PCR仪(Corbett Life Science RG-3000,Sidney,Australia)上反应:95℃5min变性,95℃30s,59℃30s,40个循环,59℃520nm处检测荧光值.软件分析荧光检测数据.1.6不同剂量FUGW病毒感染293T细胞取病毒浓缩液,按10倍稀释法,取0.1、0.01、0.001μL病毒浓缩液(即用实时定量PCR 检测法,定量慢病毒颗粒数为:6.32×107、6.32×106、6.32×105),用含有8mg/L Polybrene促感染(Sigma-Aldrich,Inc,St.Louis,MO)且不含血清的培养液逐级稀释后,感染293T细胞(1.5×106/孔),37℃2h.然后,加入完全培养液培养细胞2d,表1实时定量PCR引物及探针序列Table1The sequences of primer and probe of Real-time PCRLTR-FLTR-PLTR-ProbePrimer Sequences5′-ACAGCCGCCTAGCATTTCAT-3′5′-GAGAGCTCCCAGGCTCAGATC-3′5′-ACATGGCCCGAGAGCTGCATCC-3′马海燕等:应用荧光实时定量PCR方法检测重组慢病毒滴度及其感染效率395生命科学研究2009年图1定量PCR 反应荧光强度曲线Fig.1Fluorescence intensity curve of Real -time PCR图2定量PCR 标准曲线Fig.2Standard curve of Real -time PCR至荧光显微镜下观测绿色荧光蛋白表达情况.1.7病毒感染细胞内DNA 的提取细胞经2d 培养后,用胰酶将细胞消化,收集入1.5mL EP tube 中,200g ,5min ,将细胞沉淀下来.加入200μL STE 、20μL 10%SDS 、10μL 蛋白酶K ,混匀后,37℃4h.加入等体积酚,振荡混匀,15000g ,离心12min ;吸取上清,加入等体积的氯仿,振荡混匀,15000g 离心6min ;吸取上清,加入1/10体积3mol/mL NaAc ,两倍体积的无水乙醇,-20℃沉淀1h 以上;混合液15000g ,4℃离心20min ;弃上清,沉淀风干,100μL TE 溶解.1.8实时定量PCR 测定重组载体整合拷贝数为了测定被感染的293T 细胞内重组载体的整合,用实时定量PCR 检测上述被抽提的基因组DNA 中LTR 的拷贝数.具体方法同1.5.2结果2.1实时定量PCR 检测病毒颗粒数本实验中,定量PCR 引物设计在LTR 区,由于一个慢病毒含有两个病毒基因拷贝,因此,在计算病毒颗粒数时,LTR 拷贝数除以2即为病毒颗粒数.应用实时定量PCR 检测到病毒LTR 拷贝数为1.26×1012/mL ,定量PCR 反应荧光强度曲线及标准曲线见图1、图2.通过计算,得到病毒颗粒数为6.32×1011/mL .此时计算得到的病毒颗粒数为所有收集到的病毒颗粒总数,既包括有感染效力的病毒,也包括无感染效力的病毒.为了测定制备得到的病毒实际滴度(即单位体积内有感染效力的病毒颗粒数),我们将不同剂量病毒感染细胞,分别用GFP 报告基因法和定量PCR 法测定病毒滴度.2.2实时定量PCR 检测病毒载体整合拷贝数,计算病毒滴度取病毒浓缩液,按照10倍稀释,分别取0.1、0.01、0.001μL 病毒浓缩液感染1.5×106293T 细胞,感染2d 后,应用实时定量PCR 检测不同病毒量感染的细胞DNA 中LTR 整合拷贝数,结果显示,0.1、0.01、0.001μL 病毒感染的细胞中外源基因整合的拷贝数分别为5.32×106、9.28×105、4.48×104.定量PCR 的系统参数为:R =0.99,R ∧2=0.99,Efficiency =1.01,各参数值表明实验检测的准确性和可信性.当一个病毒感染细胞并将外源基因整合入基因组后,由于其末端发生跳跃过程,使得每条DNA 单链上含有两个完整的LTR ,因此,在被整合的细胞基因组,一个慢病毒颗粒=LTR 拷贝数/4.通过计算,得到病毒滴度为(1.59±0.64)×1010IU /mL .2.3GFP 报告基因检测法测定病毒滴度同时将0.1、0.01、0.001μL 病毒浓缩液感染2d 后的细胞,置于荧光显微镜下观测.镜检结果显示,GFP 阳性细胞数逐级递减,0.1、0.01、0.001μL 病毒量感染的细胞中,GFP 阳性率分别为52%、6%、0.5%,呈现较好的倍比关系(图3).通过公式:病毒滴度=感染细胞数×GFP 阳性率×病毒稀释倍数÷病毒量,得出病毒滴度为(8.10±0.79)×109IU/mL .2.4GFP 报告基因检测法与定量PCR 检测法所得病毒滴度比较,验证定量PCR 检测法准确性通过比较GFP 报告基因检测法和实时定量510152025303510^-110^-210^-3N o r m f l u o r eCycle numberThreshold·····10^410^510^610^710^810^940302010R =0.99980R ^2=0.99960Efficiency=0.96M =0.293B =13.087Concentration (Copy number )T h r e s h o l d c y c l e396第5期注:病毒感染293T 细胞数为1.5×106.Notes :293T cells in each well are:1.5×106.图3逐级稀释的慢病毒感染293T 细胞后GFP 的表达情况(A )0.1μL 病毒感染细胞;(B )0.01μL 病毒感染细胞;(C )0.001μL 病毒感染细胞.Fig.3GFP expression in infected 293T cells after 10fold dilution (A )293T cells infected by 0.1μL virus ;(B )293T cells infected by 0.01μL virus ;(C )293T cells infected by 0.001μL virus.PCR 检测法(表2),可以看出,与我们预期结果一致,实时定量PCR 法检测结果与GFP 报告基因检测法检测结果成正相关.多次重复实验结果均表明,两者的检测结果成稳定的正相关性.而且,实时定量PCR 检测法不依赖GFP 蛋白正常表达,对整合入宿主基因组但不能正常表达的病毒仍然能够在其检测范围之内,因此,实时定量PCR 的检测结果更接近实际值,能够更加准确的检测病毒滴度.(A )(B )(C)表2GFP 报告基因检测法与定量PCR 检测法测得病毒滴度比较Table 2Comparison of lentivirus titer determined by GFP reporter assay and qRT -PCR approachDose of viral particles6.3×107 6.3×106 6.3×105GFP reporter assay Percentage of GFP +cells Infectious units qRT -PCR assayInfectious units52.0%7.8×1051.3×1066.0%9.0×1042.3×1050.5%7.5×1031.1×1042.5荧光实时定量PCR 法测定病毒实际感染效率通过计算公式:感染效率=有效感染病毒数/感染细胞总病毒颗粒数×100%,得到该实验中慢病毒的感染效率为:2.65±1.07%.3讨论慢病毒载体的研究,目前以HIV -1最为深入.慢病毒载体构建的基本原理是将HIV -1基因组中的基本骨架与编码其功能蛋白相分离,分别改建成载体质粒和表达包装蛋白的质粒,并将两种成分共转染入细胞,从中获得只有一次感染能力而没有复制能力的HIV -1载体假病毒[7],从而提高了其应用的安全性.近年来,越来越多的研究者利用慢病毒载体系统作为在动物模型研究基因治疗的导入系统,并取得良好的效果[8~10].与此同时,利用慢病毒载体介导制备转基因动物的研究也得到发展,慢病毒载体介导成功制备了转基因小鼠[11,12]、转基因猪[13]、转基因牛[14]等动物,为基因工程领域的研究奠定基础.由于慢病毒载体的基因转导效率主要取决于病毒滴度,这就使得慢病毒滴度及其感染效率的检测变得很重要.目前,通行的慢病毒滴度检测方法有:1)p24等抗原酶联检测法(p24ELISA 方法).其缺点是:商业化的ELISA 试剂盒往往太贵,约6000元人民币一盒.而且蛋白含量检测结果不能直接反映其拷贝数;2)使用报告基因系统,无法检测其真实颗粒数及不携带报告基因的假病毒滴度;3)检测逆转录酶活性,用量马海燕等:应用荧光实时定量PCR 方法检测重组慢病毒滴度及其感染效率397生命科学研究2009年大,操作复杂及准确性差.本文所阐述的通过实时定量PCR法测定LTR拷贝数来检测病毒滴度的方法,能在提高慢病毒滴度检测准确性的同时,缩短检测时间、减少检测成本.相比传统检测方法,实时定量PCR 检测法有以下特点:1)由于本检测方法中,实时定量PCR的检测引物设计在慢病毒载体的LTR区,因此检测不依赖于所携带的外源基因;2)传统的GFP报告基因检测方法依赖绿色荧光蛋白的表达,对于外源基因整合入宿主基因组中但由于基因沉默而未能表达GFP蛋白的细胞无法检测,致使滴度测定不能准确地反应病毒的感染效率;而实时定量PCR检测法不依赖GFP报告基因的功能表达,因此其准确程度更高;3)报告基因检测法,因其感染和表达效率随宿主细胞而异,而利用实时定量PCR方法,直接检测病毒的颗粒数和整合入宿主基因组内的外源基因的拷贝数,从而大大提高了其检测的准确性.目前,临床上及实验室所应用的定量PCR方法,通常是检测整合入宿主细胞的基因拷贝数,因此,是对有活力病毒滴度的测定.而本文所介绍的方法,是通过直接裂解病毒,利用荧光实时定量PCR检测总的病毒颗粒数,并结合传统的慢病毒活力滴度的检测方法,对病毒颗粒的感染效率进行检测.所以本方法更适于被应用于研究病毒制备、感染过程中各因素对病毒感染效率的影响.病毒浓缩和感染过程中,由于受超离的压力、反复冻融、受体细胞易感性、病毒自身半衰期等诸多因素影响,使得有效的病毒数要低于其总颗粒数.为了确定实验中病毒的用量,需要预测病毒的实际感染效率.利用本文所介绍的实时定量PCR方法,检测慢病毒颗粒数及有活性的病毒滴度,通过计算有活力的病毒颗粒和总病毒颗粒的比值,我们可以得到每次制备的病毒的感染效率.在我们的实验中,所得到的病毒在293T细胞的实际感染效率为4%左右.而且多次实验表明,反复冻融对病毒感染效率具有很大影响.病毒实际感染效率的测定,为我们在进行具体实验中确定病毒用量具有实际指导意义.经本实验室多次重复试验,结果均表明荧光实时定量PCR法是一种高效、准确、快速的检测重组慢病毒滴度及其感染效率的方法,为重组慢病毒载体的应用奠定了基础.致谢:感谢任兆瑞教授对本文的悉心指导.参考文献(References):[1]WU X,LI Y,CRISE B,et al.Transcription start regions inthe human genome are favored targets for MLV integration[J].Science,2003,300:1749-1751.[2]DEPALMA M,MONTINI 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S C I论文写作中一些常用的句型总结(一)很多文献已经讨论过了一、在Introduction里面经常会使用到的一个句子:很多文献已经讨论过了。

它的可能的说法有很多很多,这里列举几种我很久以前搜集的:A.??Solar energy conversion by photoelectrochemical cells?has been intensively investigated.?(Nature 1991, 353, 737 - 740?)B.?This was demonstrated in a number of studies that?showed that composite plasmonic-metal/semiconductor photocatalysts achieved significantly higher rates in various photocatalytic reactions compared with their pure semiconductor counterparts.C.?Several excellent reviews describing?these applications are available, and we do not discuss these topicsD.?Much work so far has focused on?wide band gap semiconductors for water splitting for the sake of chemical stability.(DOI:10.1038/NMAT3151)E.?Recent developments of?Lewis acids and water-soluble organometalliccatalysts?have attracted much attention.(Chem. Rev. 2002, 102, 3641?3666)F.?An interesting approach?in the use of zeolite as a water-tolerant solid acid?was described by?Ogawa et al(Chem.Rev. 2002, 102, 3641?3666)G.?Considerable research efforts have been devoted to?the direct transition metal-catalyzed conversion of aryl halides toaryl nitriles. (J. Org. Chem. 2000, 65, 7984-7989) H.?There are many excellent reviews in the literature dealing with the basic concepts of?the photocatalytic processand the reader is referred in particular to those by Hoffmann and coworkers,Mills and coworkers, and Kamat.(Metal oxide catalysis,19,P755)I. Nishimiya and Tsutsumi?have reported on(proposed)the influence of the Si/Al ratio of various zeolites on the acid strength, which were estimated by calorimetry using ammonia. (Chem.Rev. 2002, 102, 3641?3666)二、在results and discussion中经常会用到的:如图所示A. GIXRD patterns in?Figure 1A show?the bulk structural information on as-deposited films.?B.?As shown in Figure 7B,?the steady-state current density decreases after cycling between 0.35 and 0.7 V, which is probably due to the dissolution of FeOx.?C.?As can be seen from?parts a and b of Figure 7, the reaction cycles start with the thermodynamically most favorable VOx structures(J. Phys. Chem. C 2014, 118, 24950?24958)这与XX能够相互印证:A.?This is supported by?the appearance in the Ni-doped compounds of an ultraviolet–visible absorption band at 420–520nm (see Fig. 3 inset), corresponding to an energy range of about 2.9 to 2.3 eV.B. ?This?is consistent with the observation from?SEM–EDS. (Z.Zou et al. / Chemical Physics Letters 332 (2000) 271–277)C.?This indicates a good agreement between?the observed and calculated intensities in monoclinic with space groupP2/c when the O atoms are included in the model.D. The results?are in good consistent with?the observed photocatalytic activity...E. Identical conclusions were obtained in studies?where the SPR intensity and wavelength were modulated by manipulating the composition, shape,or size of plasmonic nanostructures.?F.??It was also found that areas of persistent divergent surfaceflow?coincide?with?regions where convection appears to be consistently suppressed even when SSTs are above 27.5°C.(二)1. 值得注意的是...A.?It must also be mentioned that?the recycling of aqueous organic solvent is less desirable than that of pure organic liquid.B.?Another interesting finding is that?zeolites with 10-membered ring pores showed high selectivities (>99%) to cyclohexanol, whereas those with 12-membered ring pores, such as mordenite, produced large amounts of dicyclohexyl ether. (Chem. Rev. 2002, 102,3641?3666)C.?It should be pointed out that?the nanometer-scale distribution of electrocatalyst centers on the electrode surface is also a predominant factor for high ORR electrocatalytic activity.D.?Notably,?the Ru II and Rh I complexes possessing the same BINAP chirality form antipodal amino acids as the predominant products.?(Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2002, 41: 2008–2022)E. Given the multitude of various transformations published,?it is noteworthy that?only very few distinct?activation?methods have been identified.?(Chem. Soc. Rev., 2009,?38, 2178-2189)F.?It is important to highlight that?these two directing effects will lead to different enantiomers of the products even if both the “H-bond-catalyst” and the?catalyst?acting by steric shielding have the same absolute stereochemistry. (Chem. Soc. Rev.,?2009,?38, 2178-2189)G.?It is worthwhile mentioning that?these PPNDs can be very stable for several months without the observations of any floating or precipitated dots, which is attributed to the electrostatic repulsions between the positively charge PPNDs resulting in electrosteric stabilization.(Adv. Mater., 2012, 24: 2037–2041)2.?...仍然是个挑战A.?There is thereby an urgent need but it is still a significant challenge to?rationally design and delicately tail or the electroactive MTMOs for advanced LIBs, ECs, MOBs, and FCs.?(Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.2 014, 53, 1488 – 1504)B.?However, systems that are?sufficiently stable and efficient for practical use?have not yet been realized.C.??It?remains?challenging?to?develop highly active HER catalysts based on materials that are more abundant at lower costs. (J. Am. Chem.Soc.,?2011,?133, ?7296–7299)D.?One of the?great?challenges?in the twenty-first century?is?unquestionably energy storage. (Nature Materials?2005, 4, 366 - 377?)众所周知A.?It is well established (accepted) / It is known to all / It is commonlyknown?that?many characteristics of functional materials, such as composition, crystalline phase, structural and morphological features, and the sur-/interface properties between the electrode and electrolyte, would greatly influence the performance of these unique MTMOs in electrochemical energy storage/conversion applications.(Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.2014,53, 1488 – 1504)B.?It is generally accepted (believed) that?for a-Fe2O3-based sensors the change in resistance is mainly caused by the adsorption and desorption of gases on the surface of the sensor structure. (Adv. Mater. 2005, 17, 582)C.?As we all know,?soybean abounds with carbon,?nitrogen?and oxygen elements owing to the existence of sugar,?proteins?and?lipids. (Chem. Commun., 2012,?48, 9367-9369)D.?There is no denying that?their presence may mediate spin moments to align parallel without acting alone to show d0-FM. (Nanoscale, 2013,?5, 3918-3930)(三)1. 正如下文将提到的...A.?As will be described below(也可以是As we shall see below),?as the Si/Al ratio increases, the surface of the zeolite becomes more hydrophobic and possesses stronger affinity for ethyl acetate and the number of acid sites decreases.(Chem. Rev. 2002, 102, 3641?3666)B. This behavior is to be expected and?will?be?further?discussed?below. (J. Am. Chem. Soc.,?1955,?77, 3701–3707)C.?There are also some small deviations with respect to the flow direction,?whichwe?will?discuss?below.(Science, 2001, 291, 630-633)D.?Below,?we?will?see?what this implies.E.?Complete details of this case?will?be provided at a?later?time.E.?很多论文中,也经常直接用see below来表示,比如:The observation of nanocluster spheres at the ends of the nanowires is suggestive of a VLS growth process (see?below). (Science, 1998, ?279, 208-211)2. 这与XX能够相互印证...A.?This is supported by?the appearance in the Ni-doped compounds of an ultraviolet–visible absorption band at 420–520 nm (see Fig. 3 inset), corresponding to an energy range of about 2.9 to 2.3 eVB.This is consistent with the observation from?SEM–EDS. (Chem. Phys. Lett. 2000, 332, 271–277)C.?Identical conclusions were obtained?in studies where the SPR intensity and wavelength were modulated by manipulating the composition, shape, or size of plasmonic nanostructures.?(Nat. Mater. 2011, DOI: 10.1038/NMAT3151)D. In addition, the shape of the titration curve versus the PPi/1 ratio,?coinciding withthat?obtained by fluorescent titration studies, suggested that both 2:1 and 1:1 host-to-guest complexes are formed. (J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1999, 121, 9463-9464)E.?This unusual luminescence behavior is?in accord with?a recent theoretical prediction; MoS2, an indirect bandgap material in its bulk form, becomes a direct bandgapsemiconductor when thinned to a monolayer.?(Nano Lett.,?2010,?10, 1271–1275)3.?我们的研究可能在哪些方面得到应用A.?Our ?ndings suggest that?the use of solar energy for photocatalytic watersplitting?might provide a viable source for?‘clean’ hydrogen fuel, once the catalyticef?ciency of the semiconductor system has been improved by increasing its surface area and suitable modi?cations of the surface sites.B. Along with this green and cost-effective protocol of synthesis,?we expect that?these novel carbon nanodots?have potential applications in?bioimaging andelectrocatalysis.(Chem. Commun., 2012,?48, 9367-9369)C.?This system could potentially be applied as?the gain medium of solid-state organic-based lasers or as a component of high value photovoltaic (PV) materials, where destructive high energy UV radiation would be converted to useful low energy NIR radiation. (Chem. Soc. Rev., 2013,?42, 29-43)D.?Since the use of?graphene?may enhance the photocatalytic properties of TiO2?under UV and visible-light irradiation,?graphene–TiO2?composites?may potentially be usedto?enhance the bactericidal activity.?(Chem. Soc. Rev., 2012,?41, 782-796)E.??It is the first report that CQDs are both amino-functionalized and highly fluorescent,?which suggests their promising applications in?chemical sensing.(Carbon, 2012,?50,?2810–2815)(四)1. 什么东西还尚未发现/系统研究A. However,systems that are sufficiently stable and efficient for practical use?have not yet been realized.B. Nevertheless,for conventional nanostructured MTMOs as mentioned above,?some problematic disadvantages cannot be overlooked.(Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.2014,53, 1488 – 1504)C.?There are relatively few studies devoted to?determination of cmc values for block copolymer micelles. (Macromolecules 1991, 24, 1033-1040)D. This might be the reason why, despite of the great influence of the preparation on the catalytic activity of gold catalysts,?no systematic study concerning?the synthesis conditions?has been published yet.?(Applied Catalysis A: General2002, 226, ?1–13)E.?These possibilities remain to be?explored.F.??Further effort is required to?understand and better control the parameters dominating the particle surface passivation and resulting properties for carbon dots of brighter photoluminescence. (J. Am. Chem. Soc.,?2006,?128?, 7756–7757)2.?由于/因为...A.?Liquid ammonia?is particularly attractive as?an alternative to water?due to?its stability in the presence of strong reducing agents such as alkali metals that are used to access lower oxidation states.B.?The unique nature of?the cyanide ligand?results from?its ability to act both as a σdonor and a π acceptor combined with its negativecharge and ambidentate nature.C.?Qdots are also excellent probes for two-photon confocalmicroscopy?because?they are characterized by a very large absorption cross section?(Science ?2005,?307, 538-544).D.?As a result of?the reductive strategy we used and of the strong bonding between the surface and the aryl groups, low residual currents (similar to those observed at a bare electrode) were obtained over a large window of potentials, the same as for the unmodified parent GC electrode. (J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1992, 114, 5883-5884)E.?The small Tafel slope of the defect-rich MoS2 ultrathin nanosheets is advantageous for practical?applications,?since?it will lead to a faster increment of HER rate with increasing overpotential.(Adv. Mater., 2013, 25: 5807–5813)F. Fluorescent carbon-based materials have drawn increasing attention in recent years?owing to?exceptional advantages such as high optical absorptivity, chemical stability, biocompatibility, and low toxicity.(Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2013, 52: 3953–3957)G.??On the basis of?measurements of the heat of immersion of water on zeolites, Tsutsumi etal. claimed that the surface consists of siloxane bondings and is hydrophobicin the region of low Al content. (Chem. Rev. 2002, 102, 3641?3666)H.?Nanoparticle spatial distributions might have a large significance for catalyst stability,?given that?metal particle growth is a relevant deactivation mechanism for commercial catalysts.?3. ...很重要A.?The inhibition of additional nucleation during growth, in other words, the complete separation?of nucleation and growth,?is?critical(essential, important)?for?the successful synthesis of monodisperse nanocrystals. (Nature Materials?3, 891 - 895 (2004))B.??In the current study,?Cys,?homocysteine?(Hcy) and?glutathione?(GSH) were chosen as model?thiol?compounds since they?play important (significant, vital, critical) roles?in many biological processes and monitoring of these?thiol?compounds?is of great importance for?diagnosis of diseases.(Chem. Commun., 2012,?48, 1147-1149)C.?This is because according to nucleation theory,?what really matters?in addition to the change in temperature ΔT?(or supersaturation) is the cooling rate.(Chem. Soc. Rev., 2014,?43, 2013-2026)(五)1. 相反/不同于A.?On the contrary,?mononuclear complexes, called single-ion magnets (SIM), have shown hysteresis loops of butterfly/phonon bottleneck type, with negligiblecoercivity, and therefore with much shorter relaxation times of magnetization. (Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2014, 53: 4413–4417)B.?In contrast,?the Dy compound has significantly larger value of the transversal magnetic moment already in the ground state (ca. 10?1?μB), therefore allowing a fast QTM. (Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2014, 53: 4413–4417)C.?In contrast to?the structural similarity of these complexes, their magnetic behavior exhibits strong divergence.?(Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2014, 53: 4413–4417)D.?Contrary to?other conducting polymer semiconductors, carbon nitride ischemically and thermally stable and does not rely on complicated device manufacturing. (Nature materials, 2009, 8(1): 76-80.)E.?Unlike?the spherical particles they are derived from that Rayleigh light-scatter in the blue, these nanoprisms exhibit scattering in the red, which could be useful in developing multicolor diagnostic labels on the basis not only of nanoparticle composition and size but also of shape. (Science 2001,? 294, 1901-1903)2. 发现,阐明,报道,证实可供选择的词包括:verify, confirm, elucidate, identify, define, characterize, clarify, establish, ascertain, explain, observe, illuminate, illustrate,demonstrate, show, indicate, exhibit, presented, reveal, display, manifest,suggest, propose, estimate, prove, imply, disclose,report, describe,facilitate the identification of?举例:A. These stacks appear as nanorods in the two-dimensional TEM images, but tilting experiments?confirm that they are nanoprisms.?(Science 2001,? 294, 1901-1903)B. Note that TEM?shows?that about 20% of the nanoprisms are truncated.?(Science 2001,? 294, 1901-1903)C. Therefore, these calculations not only allow us to?identify?the important features in the spectrum of the nanoprisms but also the subtle relation between particle shape and the frequency of the bands that make up their spectra.?(Science 2001,? 294, 1901-1903)D. We?observed?a decrease in intensity of the characteristic surface plasmon band in the ultraviolet-visible (UV-Vis) spectroscopy for the spherical particles at λmax?= 400 nm with a concomitant growth of three new bands of λmax?= 335 (weak), 470 (medium), and 670 nm (strong), respectively. (Science 2001,? 294, 1901-1903)E. In this article, we present data?demonstrating?that opiate and nonopiate analgesia systems can be selectively activated by different environmental manipulationsand?describe?the neural circuitry involved. (Science 1982, 216, 1185-1192)F. This?suggests?that the cobalt in CoP has a partial positive charge (δ+), while the phosphorus has a partial negative charge (δ?),?implying?a transfer of electron density from Co to P.?(Angew. Chem., 2014, 126: 6828–6832)3. 如何指出当前研究的不足A. Although these inorganic substructures can exhibit a high density of functional groups, such as bridging OH groups, and the substructures contribute significantly to the adsorption properties of the material,surprisingly little attention has been devoted to?the post-synthetic functionalization of the inorganic units within MOFs. (Chem. Eur. J., 2013, 19: 5533–5536.)B.?Little is known,?however, about the microstructure of this material. (Nature Materials 2013,12, 554–561)C.?So far, very little information is available, and only in?the absorber film, not in the whole operational devices. (Nano Lett.,?2014,?14?(2), pp 888–893)D.?In fact it should be noted that very little optimisation work has been carried out on?these devices. (Chem. Commun., 2013,?49, 7893-7895)E. By far the most architectures have been prepared using a solution processed perovskite material,?yet a few examples have been reported that?have used an evaporated perovskite layer. (Adv. Mater., 2014, 27: 1837–1841.)F. Water balance issues have been effectively addressed in PEMFC technology through a large body of work encompassing imaging, detailed water content and water balance measurements, materials optimization and modeling,?but very few of these activities have been undertaken for?anion exchange membrane fuel cells,? primarily due to limited materials availability and device lifetime. (J. Polym. Sci. Part B: Polym. Phys., 2013, 51: 1727–1735)G. However,?none of these studies?tested for Th17 memory, a recently identified T cell that specializes in controlling extracellular bacterial infections at mucosal surfaces. (PNAS, 2013,?111, 787–792)H. However,?uncertainty still remains as to?the mechanism by which Li salt addition results in an extension of the cathodic reduction limit. (Energy Environ. Sci., 2014,?7, 232-250)I.?There have been a number of high profile cases where failure to?identify the most stable crystal form of a drug has led to severe formulation problems in manufacture. (Chem. Soc. Rev., 2014,?43, 2080-2088)J. However,?these measurements systematically underestimate?the amount of ordered material. ( Nature Materials 2013, 12, 1038–1044)(六)1.?取决于a.?This is an important distinction, as the overall activity of a catalyst will?depend on?the material properties, synthesis method, and other possible species that can be formed during activation.?(Nat. Mater.?2017,16,225–229)b.?This quantitative partitioning?was determined by?growing crystals of the 1:1 host–guest complex between?ExBox4+?and corannulene. (Nat. Chem.?2014,?6177–178)c.?They suggested that the Au particle size may?be the decisive factor for?achieving highly active Au catalysts.(Acc. Chem. Res.,?2014,?47, 740–749)d.?Low-valent late transition-metal catalysis has?become indispensable to?chemical synthesis, but homogeneous high-valent transition-metal catalysis is underdeveloped, mainly owing to the reactivity of high-valent transition-metal complexes and the challenges associated with synthesizing them.?(Nature2015,?517,449–454)e.?The polar effect?is a remarkable property that enables?considerably endergonic C–H abstractions?that would not be possible otherwise.?(Nature?2015, 525, 87–90)f.?Advances in heterogeneous catalysis?must rely on?the rational design of new catalysts. (Nat. Nanotechnol.?2017, 12, 100–101)g.?Likely, the origin of the chemoselectivity may?be also closely related to?the H?bonding with the N or O?atom of the nitroso moiety, a similar H-bonding effect is known in enamine-based nitroso chemistry. (Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.?2014, 53: 4149–4153)2.?有很大潜力a.?The quest for new methodologies to assemble complex organic molecules?continues to be a great impetus to?research efforts to discover or to optimize new catalytic transformations. (Nat. Chem.?2015,?7, 477–482)b.?Nanosized faujasite (FAU) crystals?have great potential as?catalysts or adsorbents to more efficiently process present and forthcoming synthetic and renewablefeedstocks in oil refining, petrochemistry and fine chemistry. (Nat. Mater.?2015, 14, 447–451)c.?For this purpose, vibrational spectroscopy?has proved promising?and very useful.?(Acc Chem Res. 2015, 48, 407–413.)d.?While a detailed mechanism remains to be elucidated and?there is room for improvement?in the yields and selectivities, it should be remarked that chirality transfer upon trifluoromethylation of enantioenriched allylsilanes was shown. (Top Catal.?2014,?57: 967.?)e.?The future looks bright for?the use of PGMs as catalysts, both on laboratory and industrial scales, because the preparation of most kinds of single-atom metal catalyst is likely to be straightforward, and because characterization of such catalysts has become easier with the advent of techniques that readily discriminate single atoms from small clusters and nanoparticles. (Nature?2015, 525, 325–326)f.?The unique mesostructure of the 3D-dendritic MSNSs with mesopore channels of short length and large diameter?is supposed to be the key role in?immobilization of active and robust heterogeneous catalysts, and?it would have more hopeful prospects in?catalytic applications. (ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces,?2015,?7, 17450–17459)g.?Visible-light photoredox catalysis?offers exciting opportunities to?achieve challenging carbon–carbon bond formations under mild and ecologically benign conditions. (Acc. Chem. Res.,?2016, 49, 1990–1996)3. 因此同义词:Therefore, thus, consequently, hence, accordingly, so, as a result这一条比较简单,这里主要讲一下这些词的副词词性和灵活运用。



213·专家述评·肿瘤可塑性与药物治疗抵抗何 丹 成 炜 刘 铭广州医科大学基础医学院(广东广州 511436)刘铭 广州医科大学教授,博士生导师。






近年来以通讯作者在Sci Transl Med ,PNAS ,Nat Commun 等高影响力期刊发表多篇代表性论文。


【摘 要】 药物治疗抵抗在临床实践中成为肿瘤治疗失败的主因。




【关键词】 肿瘤可塑性;药物治疗抵抗;肿瘤异质性;治疗新策略DOI :10. 3969 / j. issn. 1000-8535. 2024. 03. 001Tumor Plasticity and Therapeutic ResistanceHE Dan ,CHENG Wei ,LIU Ming School of Basic Medical Sciences ,Guangzhou Medical University ,Guangzhou 511436,Guangdong ,China【Abstract 】 Drug therapy resistance has emerged as a primary cause of treatment failure in cancer management .Recent research indicates that the resistance of tumor cells may stem from their high degree of intracellular heterogeneity ,with the underlying basis being tumor plasticity .Tumor cell plasticity can trigger a cascade of responses ,including the development of resistance to treatment ,evasion of the immune system ,and invasion and metastasis into surrounding tissues and the vascular system .This article provides a brief overview of the manifestations of tumor cell plasticity and its non-genetic adaptive mechanisms in drug therapy resistance ,along with novel strategies for targeted treatment .【Key words 】 tumor plasticity ;drug therapy resistance ;tumor heterogeneity ;novel treatment strategies基金项目:国家自然科学基金(82122048,82003773,82203380);广东省基础与应用基础研究基金(2023A1515011416)通信作者:刘铭,E-mail :*****************.cn导致肿瘤治疗失败的主要因素是肿瘤细胞对药物的耐药性。

A novel technique

A novel technique

the short version daily. For scale developrnem and item reduction factor analyses were performed. Psychometric analyses included internal consistency, test-retest reliability, and responsiveness (calculated by the method of Cohen J, 1998). Construct validity was evaluated by comparison with the Gastrointestinal Symptom Rating Scale (GSRS) and the Psychological General Well Being (PGWB) index scale (Pearson and Spearman correlation coefficients). Results: On the basis of factor analyses ReQuest (long) was reduced by 7 items leading to a 60 items scale. Validation of ReQuest indicated very, high internal consistency reliability (Cronbach's alpha: 0.903), and tesbretest reliabflity (intradass<orrelation-coefficient: 0.94 [longqongl and 0.86 [short-short]). Responsiveness was fimnd to be large with a responsiveness index > 0.8 (1653). Construct validity was good (GSRS: Pearson r = 0.48, Spearman r = 0.52, PGWB: Pearson r = 0.48, Spearman r = 0.49). Conclusions: The new dimensionorientated symptom scale ReQuest is highly reproducible, valid and responsive. It provides a new valuable and highly sensitive, self-administered tool for evaluating treatment response in patients with erosive GERD (Supported by ALTANA Pharma AG).

Nonviral Vectors for Gene Delivery

Nonviral Vectors for Gene Delivery

Nonviral Vectors for Gene DeliveryMeredith A.Mintzer and Eric E.Simanek*Department of Chemistry,Texas A&M University,College Station,Texas77843Received June10,2008Contents1.Introduction to Gene Therapy2591.1.In Vitro Barriers for Cellular Uptake2591.1.1.DNA Complexation2591.1.2.Cellular Uptake and Endosomal Escape2601.1.3.Cytoplasmic Mobility and Nuclear Entry2611.2.In Vivo Barriers for Gene Transfer2622.Lipid-Based Vectors2622.1.Cationic Head-Group Manipulations2622.2.Hydrophobic Tail-Group Manipulations2652.3.Linking Group Manipulations2663.Polymeric Vectors2663.1.Poly(L-lysine)(PLL)2663.2.Polyethylenimine(PEI)2673.2.1.Homopolymeric PEI2673.2.2.Variations to PEI Structure2683.3.Polymethacrylate2713.4.Carbohydrate-Based Polymers2723.4.1. -Cyclodextrin2723.4.2.Chitosan2733.4.3.Poly(glycoamidoamine)2753.4.4.Schizophyllan2753.4.5.Dextran2763.5.Linear Poly(amido-amine)(PAA)2763.6.Biodegradable Polymers2773.6.1.Poly(4-hydroxy-L-proline ester)2773.6.2.Poly[R-(4-aminobutyl)-L-glycolic acid](PAGA)2773.6.3.Poly(amino-ester)2783.6.4.Phosphorus-Containing Polymers2794.Dendrimer-Based Vectors2804.1.Polyamidoamine Dendrimers(PAMAM)2804.2.Poly(propylenimine)Dendrimers(PPI)2814.3.Poly(L-lysine)Dendrimers2824.4.Phosphorus-Containing Dendrimers2834.5.Carbosilane Dendrimers2835.Polypeptide Vectors2845.1.Tat-Based Peptides2855.2.Antennapedia Homeodomain Peptide2855.3.MPG Peptide2865.4.Transportan Peptide2866.Nanoparticles2876.1.Quantum Dots2876.2.Gold Nanoparticles2886.3.Silica Nanoparticles2896.4.Carbon Nanotubes2906.5.Lipid-Based Nanoparticles2916.5.1.Solid Lipid Nanoparticles(SLNs)2916.5.2.Cerasomes2916.6.Polymeric Hydrogels2927.Nonviral Therapeutics in Clinical Trials2928.Conclusion2949.Acknowledgments29410.References294 1.Introduction to Gene TherapyGene therapy has gained significant attention over the past two decades as a potential method for treating genetic disorders such as severe combined immunodeficiency,1cysticfibrosis,2 and Parkinson’s disease,3as well as an alternative method to traditional chemotherapy used in treating cancer.4Research efforts are currently focused on designing effective carrier vectors that compact and protect oligonucleotides for gene therapy:free oligonucleotides and DNA are rapidly degraded by serum nucleases in the blood when injected intrave-nously.5Initial research concentrated on using viral carriers, including both retroviruses and adenoviruses,as these vectors exhibited high efficiency at delivering both DNA and RNA to numerous cell lines.6However,fundamental problems associated with viral vector systems,including toxicity, immunogenicity,and limitations with respect to scale-up procedures,encouraged the investigation of other potential scaffolds exogenous DNA into targeted tissue.7Nonviral vector systems,including cationic lipids,polymers, dendrimers,and peptides,all offer potential routes for compact-ing DNA for systemic delivery.However,unlike viral analogues that have evolved means to overcome cellular barriers and immune defense mechanisms,nonviral gene carriers consistently exhibit significantly reduced transfection efficiency as they are hindered by numerous extra-and intracellular obstacles.How-ever,biocompatibility and potential for large-scale production make these compounds increasingly attractive for gene therapy.8 As a result,a significant amount of research in the past decade has focused on designing cationic compounds that can form complexes with DNA and can avoid both in vitro and in vivo barriers for gene delivery.In the following sections,the main barriers for nonviral gene delivery will be discussed,and the current strategies for overcoming these obstacles will be illustrated by compound class.1.1.In Vitro Barriers for Cellular Uptake1.1.1.DNA ComplexationFacile cellular uptake of free DNA via plasma membrane permeation is hindered by the size and negative charge of*To whom correspondence should be addressed.Tel.:(979)845-4242.Fax:(979)845-9452.E-mail:simanek@.Chem.Rev.2009,109,259–30225910.1021/cr800409e CCC:$71.50 2009American Chemical SocietyPublished on Web12/03/2008the DNA.While several studies have shown that free DNA can be introduced into cells through electroporation,9,10a “gene gun”,11or direct injection into target tissue,12the clinical relevance of these methods is limited.Systemic circulation of free DNA is hindered by nuclease plexation of DNA mediated by electrostatic interactions between the negatively charged phosphate backbone of DNA and cationic molecules leads to charge neutralization and a compaction of the nucleotide fragment.It has been shown that the size of the complex formed varies significantly depending on the type of cationic structure used (although preparation conditions including concentration of DNA,pH,type of buffer,and N/P ratio also affect size).For example,cationic oligomers such as cysteine-spermine-cysteine exhibit reversible binding that result in the collapse of single molecules of DNA.The particle size for such complexes varies proportionally to the cubic root of the DNA size.13Cationic polymers,on the other hand,typically interact with DNA in an stronger manner which leads to formation of complexes containing multiple DNA molecules.The size of the resulting complex is attributed to the physical properties of the cationic polymer rather than the size of the DNA molecule.The morphology of DNA complexes formed with cationic polymers is independent of the polymer used.For example,complexes derived from DNA and polylysine,polyethylenimine,or various dendrimers form toroidal stru-ctures of similar diameters.However,the aggregation behavior of the complexes appears to be influenced by the polymer structure:clustering is observed for less flexible intact dendrimers and polylysine complexes.14Additionally,the size of polymer -DNA complexes has been correlated with the molecular weight of the polymer.High molecular weight polylysine (224kDa)form DNA complexes with diameters ranging from 100to 300nm,while low molecular weight polylysine (∼4kDa)form complexes with diameters between 20-30nm.15Predicting in vitro and in vivo gene transfection efficiency based only on the physicochemical characteristics of the complex is still not possible.Additional properties of cationic vectors that impact cellular uptake,endosomal escape,and nuclear targeting appear equally critical.1.1.2.Cellular Uptake and Endosomal EscapeTransfection of nonviral DNA complexes generally pro-ceeds by one of two routes based on whether or not the complex is conjugated to targeting ligands.For nontargeting cationic complexes,evidence suggests that the complexes first associate with the cell membrane through electrostatic interactions with anionic cell surface proteoglycans.In 1996,Baldeschwieler et al.showed that for PLL -DNA complexes,inhibition of proteoglycan sulfation using sodium chlorate,removal of cell surface glycosaminoglycans (GAGs)using glycosaminoglycan lyases,or the addition of extracellular GAGs to the transfection media all dramatically inhibited gene transfer.16Shortly after,Debs et al.showed similar trends for cationic liposome -DNA complexes.17It was shown that the complexes were unable to transfect Raji cells,which lack proteoglycans in vitro.Additionally,in-travenous cationic liposome-mediated DNA transfection was inhibited when mice were pretreated intravenously with heparinases,protein lyases that cleave heparan sulfate molecules from cell surface proteoglycans.However,Ruponen et al.showed that DNA cellular uptake varies significantly based on cationic carrier vector,cell type,and amount of cell surface GAGs present.18Transfection efficiency was shown to be inhibited by GAGs,suggesting that the internalized complexes may be delivered into intracellular compartments that do not promote transcription.The cellular uptake of nontargeting cationic complexes has been proposed to proceed through various endocytic routes.In 2004,Behr et al.showed that the internalization of PEI -DNA complexes in HeLa cells was inhibited by both staurosporine,a protein kinase C (PKC)inhibitor,as well as by -cyclodextrin,which reduced the amount of choles-terol at the cell surface.19Additionally,using anti- -actin conjugated to FITC and rhodamine-conjugated PEI,it was shown that following internalization the complexes were distributed along the actin filament.Based on these results,the group proposed a method of internalization for PEI -DNA complexes that proceeds by the following sequence of events:the complex binds to transmembrane heparan sulfate pro-teoglycans,known as syndecans,which cluster into cholesterol-rich rafts on the cell surface.This clustering triggers protein kinase C (PKC)phosphorylation followed by binding of the syndecan to the actin skeleton through linker proteins.This binding allows the complex to then be pulled into the cell through phagocytosis,however,it is unclear whether this route promotes translation processes.In HepG2cells,Pichon et al.showed that uptake of cationic PLL -DNAcomplexesMeredith Mintzer received her B.A.in chemistry from Franklin and Marshall College in 2005.She began her Ph.D.studies that same year,under the direction of Dr.Eric E.Simanek,at Texas A&M University.Her research focuses on the synthesis of triazine dendrimers for biomedical applications,specifically as DNA carriers for genetransfection.Eric Simanek received a B.S.in chemistry from the University of Illinois in 1991.After completing his doctoral work with George Whitesides at Harvard University in 1996and post-doctoral studies with Chi-Huey Wong at Scripps in 1998,he joined the faculty at Texas A&M University.His interests include dendrimer chemistry,drug delivery,and K-20education.260Chemical Reviews,2009,Vol.109,No.2Mintzer andSimanekcan proceed by either clathrin-dependent endocytosis,which was inhibited by chlorpromazine or by macropinocytosis, which was stimulated by phorbol myristate acetate(PMA), a PKC activator,and inhibited by dimethylamiloride(DMA), an Na+/H+antiport inhibitor.20However,luciferase activity was only seen for the clathrin-dependent pathway as stimula-tion of macropinocytosis using PMA afforded minimal protein expression.Regardless of the route of endocytosis for nontargeting vector-DNA complexes,it has been shown that the size of the complex affects cellular uptake in various cell lines. Amidon et al.showed that uptake of PLGA copolymer-DNA complexes in Caco-2cells was size dependent,with highest uptake seen for particles with a mean diameter of100nm.21 Labhasetwar et al.showed that cellular uptake of these same complexes in COS-7and HEK-293cell lines was higher for particles with mean diameters of70nm as compared to particles with mean diameters of200nm.22Finally,Yao et al.prepared PEI nanogels by a photo-Fenton reaction to create samples with mean diameters of38,75,87,121,132, and167nm but with similar surface charge.23In four different cancer cell lines,highest transfection efficiency was seen for the complexes with75and87nm mean diameters.24 These results suggest that optimal size for gene transfer of nontargeting cationic vector-DNA complexes is between 70and90nm.In addition to nontargeting vector-DNA complexes,sig-nificant research has focused on developing vector systems with attached receptor ligands to promote delivery to specific cells and tissues.These ligands include but are not limited to asialoglycoprotein,epidermal growth factor(EGF),folate, integrin,lactose,mannose,and transferrin.25Once bound to the receptors on the cell surface,the vector-DNA complexes are internalized by clathrin-dependent endocytosis.The effect size has on the cellular uptake of receptor-targeting vector-DNA complex may be more pronounced as compared to nontargeting analogues.Because the elec-trostatic interactions between nontargeting complexes and the cell surface may promote“enforced”endocytosis by sedimentation in in vitro studies,larger complexes with more surface area for these interactions may be incorporated into the cell despite the more favorable uptake for smaller complexes.This may explain why large particles have shown more successful gene delivery than smaller analogues in some cases.This effect is not seen for receptor-mediated gene delivery.In2003,Aoyama et al.showed that internal-ization of glycocluster nanoparticles varies significantly with size when charge effects are excluded.26,27The optimal mean diamter for gene transfer was reported to be∼50nm.This number was supported later by theoretical calculations performed by Gao et al.,who determined the optimal size for particles to be54-60nm.28Other studies showed similar size-dependent variations in cellular uptake when both asialoglycoprotein29and transferrin30were used as receptor ligands.ATP-mediated proton accumulation makes the endosomal and lysosomal compartments of cells significantly more acidic(pH5.0-6.2)than the cytosol or intracellular space (pH than7.4).31Some viruses have evolved to make use of this variation.For instance,the Semliki Forest virus(SFV) undergoes a conformational change in the coat proteins of the particle at low pH to promote endosomal membrane fusion.32Nonviral DNA vectors that can utilize the acidic environment of endosomes and lysosomes to escape degra-dation often exhibit efficient gene transfection.One method of exploiting the low pH environment of lysosomes involves the incorporation of chloroquine into the DNA/vector complex.Chloroquine is a well-known lysosomotropic agent that raises the pH of the lysosomal environment thus in-hibiting the enzymes involved in lysosomal degradation.33 Similarly,the incorporation of membrane-destabilizing pep-tides,such as synthetic N-terminal peptides of Rhinovirus VP-1or influenza virus HA-2,into the cationic complex can mediate endosomal release.Under acidic conditions,these peptides arrange to form an amphipathic R-helical structure that can interact with the endosomal membrane to promote complex escape.34Alternatively,various macromolecules that have amine groups with low p K a values have been shown to exhibit“proton sponge”potential.When complexed with DNA and incorporated into the cell,these compounds are capable of buffering the endosomal vesicle,which leads to endosomal swelling and lysis,thus releasing the DNA into the cytoplasm.35Once released into the cytoplasm,DNA/ carrier vector complexes must overcome additional barriers in the cytosol that hamper delivery of the complex into the nucleus of the host cell.1.1.3.Cytoplasmic Mobility and Nuclear EntryThe cytosol presents multiple barriers to DNA/vector complexes en route to the nucleus.Mobility of free plasmid DNA based on diffusion in the cytosol is negligible,36 possibly due to cytoskeletal elements within the cytoplasm that function as molecular sieves and prevent the diffusion of large molecules.37Viruses such as adenovirus serotype 538and herpes simplex virus39travel through the cytoplasm via microtubule-mediated transport.Cationic carrier-mediated gene delivery generally lacks such assisted transport.Vectors that compact DNA into small particles should aid in the movement of the DNA to the nucleus.DNA fragmentation in the cytoplasm represents another barrier.This fragmenta-tion can be detected using the terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase-mediated dUTP nick end-labeling(TUNEL) assay.40Cationic carriers may offer protection for DNA from such degradation in the cytoplasm.To gain access to the transcriptional machinery of the nucleus,plasmid DNA must cross the nuclear membrane. Trafficking between the cytoplasm and the nucleus takes place through pore complexes within the nuclear envelope. Passive diffusion through the nuclear pore complex(NPC) generally occurs only for compounds less than9-11nm in diameter.41However,protein structures(>20kDa)are trafficked into the nucleus in an ATP-dependent process triggered by reorganization of short peptide sequences that can be hindered by certain antinucleoporin antibodies and wheat germ agglutinin(WGA).42The expression of exog-enous plasmid DNA can also be inhibited by WGA, suggesting that gene transfer across the nuclear membrane proceeds via a similar pathway to proteins.36Dividing cells often exhibit higher transfectability than nonmitotic cells, indicating that plasmid DNA can reach the nucleus during nuclear envelope disassembly as cell division occurs.43Trans-fection studies of DNA complexed with a cationic vector showed significantly higher levels of gene expression than that of free plasmid DNA,suggesting that a positively cha-rged vector may exert a nuclear-localizing effect.44To promote nuclear uptake,nuclear localization sequences (NLS)have been utilized.Regardless of the exact method of nuclear entry,gene sequences complexed with cationicNonviral Vectors for Gene Delivery Chemical Reviews,2009,Vol.109,No.2261vector systems seem to have an advantage over free plasmid DNA for in vitro cell transfection.Unfortunately,successful delivery of DNA in vitro does not always correspond to successful in vivo delivery.1.2.In Vivo Barriers for Gene TransferWhile cationic DNA carrier systems often exhibit suc-cessful gene delivery in vitro,systemic delivery is hindered by complex instability under physiological conditions.The physiological salt concentration (150mM)often promotes aggregation of cationic complexes,which leads to vascular blockage.45Additionally,cationic complexes readily bind with serum proteins such as serum albumin,and the protein binding hinders cellular uptake,promotes aggregation,and possibly encourages phagocytosis.46Studies of liposome clearance from the blood have also shown that plasma protein association plays a major role in plasma clearance.Lipo-somes derived from egg phosphatidylcholine,cholesterol,and dioleoylphosphatidic acid (PC/CHOL/DOPA)bind high levels of proteins and are cleared more readily from cir-culation than those comprising distearylphosphatidylcholine and cholesterol (DSPC/CHOL),a liposome system that binds much more poorly.47These results suggest that in vivo gene delivery can be promoted by reducing salt/serum affects.The most common method of reducing these affects is adorning the periphery of the complex with hydrophilic moieties,particularly poly(ethylene glycol),abbreviated PEG.2.Lipid-Based VectorsLiposome-mediated gene transfer was one of the earliest strategies used to introduce exogenous genetic material into host cells.In the mid-1970’s,various studies showed the fusogenic potential of liposomes with cell membranes,48,49and by 1980,several publications had demonstrated the capability of delivering exogenous globin mRNA,50-52chro-mosomes,53and DNA 54-56into host cells using such carriersystems.The formation of stable,liposome-mediated trans-formed cell lines was demonstrated by incorporating the thymidine kinase gene into LTK -cells.57By 1987,the term “lipofection”had been coined to describe lipid-based gene transfection.58Several commercially available lipid reagents include N-[1-(2,3-dioleyloxy)propyl]-N ,N ,N -trimethyl-am-monium chloride (DOTMA),582,3-dioleyloxy-N -[2(spermi-necarboxamido)ethyl]-N ,N -dimethyl-1-propanaminium trif-luoroacetate (DOSPA),591,2-dioleoyl-3-trimethylammonium-propane (DOTAP),60and dioctadecylamido-glycylspermine (DOGS;61Figure 1).The mechanism of gene transfer of cationic lipoplexes has been thoroughly reviewed.62,63Early work suggested that lipoplexes were delivered into the cytoplasm by direct plasma membrane fusion,64,65but it is now agreed upon that li-posome-mediated gene transfer proceeds primarily through endocytosis.66-68Following cellular uptake,lipoplexes de-stabilize the endosomal membrane,resulting in a flip-flop reorganization of phospholipids.These phospholipids then diffuse into the lipoplex and interact with the cationic li-pids causing the DNA to dissociate into the cytoplasm (Figure 2).69,70Cationic lipids comprise three structural domains:a cat-ionic headgroup,a hydrophobic portion,and a linker between the two domains.Variations in each of these domains produced first DOTMA,58then DOGS,61followed by DC-Chol.71Structure -activity relationships of cationic li-popolyamines elucidated two key trends:(1)the density and nature of the cationic headgroup affects the transfection properties of lipids,and (2)for a given headgroup,the hydrocarbon moiety can be manipulated without predictably impacting gene transfer.722.1.Cationic Head-Group ManipulationsIn manipulating the cationic headgroup of monovalent lipids,some research groups have investigated replacing theFigure 1.Chemical structures of several commercially available liposome reagents for gene transfection.262Chemical Reviews,2009,Vol.109,No.2Mintzer and Simanekammonium group with different monovalent cationic moi-eties (Figure 3).Cle ´ment and Floch et al.replaced the ammonium cation of phosphonolipids with either phospho-nium or arsenium groups.Precedent for the use of such derivatives was set by Stekar et al.,who replaced the am-monium group of edelfosine and miltefosine with phospho-nium and arsonium functionalities and found significantly reduced toxicity while maintaining antitumor activity.73The reduced toxicity of the edelfosine and miltefosine analogues was attributed to the increased atomic radii of As and P as compared N,which resulted in the formation of larger cationic complexes with reduced charge densities.Gene transfer studies conducted by Cle ´ment 74and Floch et al.75have shown that phosphonolipids with arsonium and phos-phonium cations exhibit significantly lower cytotoxicity than the ammonium analogues.Furthermore,it was determined that,for these arsonium and phosphonium phosphonolipid derivatives,in vitro transfection efficiency in Hela cells increased proportional to the number of of methylene units (n )between the phosphonate group and the cationic moiety (n )3>n )2>n )1).In addition,in vivo gene transfer studies using lipophosphoramidates showed up to 3600-fold increase in gene transfer efficiency for the phosphonium and arsonium derivatives as compared to commercially availableDOTAP.76In addition to replacing the cationic nitrogen atom with phosphonium and arsonium,research has focused on replacing the ammonium groups with more biocompatible amine derivatives.Hoekstra and colleagues have investigated surfactant compounds having a cationic pyridinium head-group that is capable of delocalizing the cationic charge to reduce toxic effects of the lipid.These compounds were shown to be capable of vesicle formation almost three decades ago,77and in vitro gene transfer for a pyridinium-based derivative showed tranfection efficiency that was 3-to 6-fold higher than that of Lipofectin 78(Table 1).Grinstaff and co-workers have also attempted to improve transfection efficiency of cationic lipids by replacing the typical ammonium functionality with uridine to form a cationic nucleoside lipid.These complexes are capable of interacting with DNA base pairs via hydrogen bonding and π-πstacking interactions,in addition to the typical elec-trostatic interactions between cationic amine and the anionic phosphate groups of DNA.While the uridine derivative exhibited a lesser ability to condense DNA as compared to DOTAP,toxicity was reduced as compared to Lipofectamine 2000.Disappointingly,transfection efficiency of the uridine-derivative was significantly lower than for both DOTAP and Lipofectamine 2000,possibly due to a lower number of DNA molecules per complex or a release of the DNA in the cytoplasm rather than the cell ′s nucleus.79However,the use of high cationic lipid/DNA ratio can improve gene transfer,particularly for the O-ethyl dioleyl uridine amphiphile.80In addition to replacing the ammonium group of monova-lent cationic lipids,simply modifying the existing amine moiety can also improve transfection efficiency.The ef-fectiveness of gene transfer for lipids possessing monovalent cations has been shown to be related to hydration potential of the headgroup.81The instability of lipoplexes is linked to a decrease in the extent of hydration of the cationic lipid headgroup and this instability can enhance the membrane fusion capacity of the complex.82,83Incorporation of a hydroxyalkyl chain onto the ammonium groupsuccessfullyFigure 2.Mechanism of gene transfer of lipoplexes proceeds by a three-step process.The complex is incorporated into the cell through endocytosis.The cationic lipoplex destabilized the endo-somal membrane,leading to reorganization of the phospholipids.The reorganized phospholipids neutralize the lipoplex,causing the DNA to dissociate into the cytoplasm.Figure adopted from previous publication by Szoka et al.69Figure 3.Monovalent headgroup manipulations for cationic lipids.Nonviral Vectors for Gene Delivery Chemical Reviews,2009,Vol.109,No.2263dehydrates the ammonium cation by promoting hydrogen bonding with neighboring headgroups.The hydroxyethyl derivatives of DOTMA,81DOTAP,84DC-Chol,85and a tetradecylamine-based lipid 86all showed enhanced transfec-tion efficiency as compared to their methylammonium analogues.In addition,substituted hydroxyethyl portions synthesized from lactic acid,87arabinose,and xylose 88have shown more effective gene transfer than the unmodified ammonium derivatives.Finally,replacing the hydroxyl group of hydroxylethyl-modified lipids to form a -aminoethyl group has shown improved gene transfer.89As higher numbers of cationic groups increases DNA binding,90a shift from monovalent to multivalent headgroups quickly became significant for lipid-mediated gene transfer (Figure 10).Multivalent derivatives of cholesterol lipids 91as well as DOGS 61are two early examples of such lipid compounds.Blagbraugh et al.have shown that the spacing of the ammonium groups of a linear multivalent headgroup (Figure 4)strongly influences its transfection efficiency.92For instance,cationic lipids with tetraammonium cationic headgroups show reduced transfection efficiency for de-creased ammonium spacer lengths (3.4.3>3.3.3>3.2.3).This trend may result from reduced net cationic charge at pH 7.4of the cationic lipids with shorter spacer lengths.Additionally,for cationic headgroups with the same net charge at pH 7.4,higher transfection efficiency is seen for compounds that are better able to distribute the charge density (3.3.3> et al.and Byk et al.have shown this property to be important for branched headgroups as well.93,94However,it should be noted that additional ammonium groups can reduce transfection efficiency if the added groups result in a more folded lipid conformation.In addition to branched and hyperbranched headgroups,Kirby and Feiters et al.have synthesized gemini surfactants with two cationic headgroups and two alkyl chains connected by a tether (Figure 5).The polylysine-and tartaric acid-based headgroups have shown significant transfection efficiency.95,96Addtionally,a sugar-based cationic gemini surfactant syn-thesized by Engberts et al.showed high transfection ef-ficiency that surpassed that of Lipofectamine 2000.97It was shown that these surfactant -DNA complexes underwent amorphological change from lamellar to inverted hexagonal structures in reduced pH environments,leading to endosomal fusion.98In addition to linear and branched multivalent headgroups,lipids with dendritic cationic headgroups have exhibited significant gene transfer as compared to various commercially available agents (Figure 6).Kono et al.synthesized PAMAM dendron-based lipids for transfections.These compounds showed enhanced transfection efficiency for higher genera-tion headgroups as a result of higher buffering capacity.99When the third generation PAMAM dendron-based lipid was mixed with DOPE at a ratio of 1:10,the lipoplex exhibited higher transfection efficiency in the presence of serum than both Lipofectamine and Superfect.100This serum stability was increased further by grafting PEG-chains onto the surface of the PAMAM headgroup.101Similar to the investigations conducted by Kono et ing PAMAM,Safinya et al.synthesized polyornithine dendron-based lipids for transfection.When the second generation polyornithine dendron-based lipid was mixed with 1,2-dioleoyl-sn-glyc-erophosphatidylcholine (DOPC)and complexed with DNA,the lipoplexes exhibited higher transfection efficiency at a low mole fraction of cationic lipid as compared to DOTAP/DOPC lipoplexes.102,103Diederich et al.have also investi-gated the transfection efficiency of polyamine dendritic amphiphiles.These amphiphiles with cationic dendron-based headgroups exhibited significantly higher transfection ef-ficiency that PEI,DOTAP,and Superfect.It was proposed that this increase resulted from a high surface charge density of the headgroup that promoted buffering capacity.104Despite the improved DNA binding of multivalent head-groups,the cytotoxicity of these compounds stimulated investigation of alternative functionalities,including ami-noglycosides,which bind to the phosphodiester backbone of RNA via hydrogen bonding interactions with 1,3-hy-droxyamine groups.105KanaChol,an aminoglycoside lipid synthesized from konamycin (Scheme 1),showed significant gene transfer both in vitro and in vivo.106Shortly after the success of KanaChol,a variety of other aminoglycoside derivatives were synthesized 107and showed gene transfer capability.108Most recently,aminoglycoside lipoplexes have been successfully used for siRNA delivery and interfer-ence.109In addition to aminoglycoside lipid derivatives,lipids containing cationic peptide headgroups have shown trans-fection efficiency rivaling that of known commercial ag-ents.110Figure 4.Multivalent cationic headgroup with different methylene spacerlengths.Figure 5.Cationic gemini surfactants.264Chemical Reviews,2009,Vol.109,No.2Mintzer andSimanek。



2 . 0 %, C I N I 组6 . 4 %、 C I NⅡ 组9 . 6 %、 C I Nl l I 组1 1 . 0 %、 S C C组 2 0 . 0 %,各组 间的差异均有统计学意义 ( P < 0 . 0 5 ) 。② h T E R C检测 HR H P V阳性 中高 ( 度) 鳞状上皮 内病变及 宫颈的敏感 度 、 特异度 、 阳性预测值 、 阴性预测值 、 准确度 分别 9 4 . 0 1 %、 8 9 . 2 5 %、 9 1 . 6 7 %、 9 2 . 2 2 %、 9 1 . 9 0 %。 ③多种复合类型的信号模式在 H I S L中的表达较高 。 结论 个数及信号模式 构成有望成为辅助宫颈病变筛查 及监测病变进展 的重要分子生物学指标之一。 h T E R C
ne t h o d s We r e c r u i t e d 21 0 p a t i e n t s wi t h HR— HP V. p o s i t i v e i f n d i n g b u t n o r ma l c y t o l o g y . 3 0 w i t h c h r o n i c i n la f mma —
t i o n . 5 0 wi t h AS CUS , 5 0 wi t h L I S I 5 0 5 0 wi t h HI S L a n d 3 0 wi t h S CC 3 0 f o r l f u o r e s c e n t n s i t u h y b i r d i z a t i o n o f h TE RC i n c e r v i c a l c e l l s . T h i s e n t a i l e d d e t e r mi n a t i o n o f t h e c u t 。 o fs or f a d v a n c e d c e r v i c a l s q u a mo u s c e l l i n t r a e p i t h e l i a l



细胞分子生物学文章第十卷(2005),711-719 pl2005.7.15寄出200510.6收到脂质体:一项先进制造技术的概述新西兰,北帕默斯顿,专用邮袋11222,梅西大学Riddet中心,M.REZA MOZAFARI摘要:近几十年来,脂质体作为生物膜的理想模型,也是药物、诊断、疫苗、营养物和其他生物活性剂的有效载体,引起了广泛关注。














核酸适配体在分析化学中的应用 核酸适配体与疾病诊断和新药研发
该方面应用的基本思路是将各种报告基团,如荧光试剂,定点标 记在aptamer核苷酸上,然后在一定条件下,使aptamer与靶物质 发生相互作用,再通过对报告基团的信号检测实现对靶物质的定 性检测或定量分析。
核 酸 适 配 体 的 体 外 筛 选 是 利 用 SELEX 技 术 ( Systematic Evolution of Ligands by Exponential Enrichment) )来完成的, SELEX是指数富集配体系统进化的简称,它的基本原理就 是就是利用分子生物基(aptamer) ,经反复扩增、筛选数个循环,即可使与该 靶分子特异结合的寡核苷酸序列得到富集。
Analytical Applications of Aptamers(Andrew D. Ellington .Annual Review of Analytical Chemistry (2008). Volume 1, Jul 2008)
基于适配体的生物传感器是用适配体作为识别元件来特异 性地检测其相应的靶物质。
目前适配体生物传感器(Aptasensors)尚处于起步阶段。 Chunyan Yao等将IgE适配体固定在石英晶体微平衡生物传 感器阵列,建立了适配体压电石英生物传感器模型,用于 特异性检测标准溶液和人血清中的IgE。该方法最低可在标 准和人血清溶液中分别检测出2.5-200 ug/L的IgE,整个检 测时间只需15 min,而且固定在金膜表面的适配子在反复 洗脱后并不影响其灵敏度。

pmirGLO vector

pmirGLO vector

Promega Corporation2800 Woods Hollow Road Madison, WI 53711-5399USA Telephone 608-274-4330Toll Free 800-356-9526Fax 608-277-2516InternetPRODUCT USE LIMITATIONS, WARRANTY,DISCLAIMER Promega manufactures products for a number of intended uses. Please refer to the product label for the intended use statements for specific products.Promega products contain chemicals which may be harmful if misused. Due care should be exercised with all Promega products to prevent direct human contact.Each Promega product is shipped with documentation stating specifications and other technical information.Promega products are warranted to meet or exceed the stated specifications. Promega's sole obligation and the customer's sole remedy is limited to replace-ment of products free of charge in the event products fail to perform as warranted. Promega makes no other warranty of any kind whatsoever, and SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS AND EXCLUDES ALL OTHER WAR-RANTIES OF ANY KIND OR NATURE WHATSOEVER,DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED,INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, AS TO THESUITABILITY, PRODUCTIVITY, DURABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR USE, MER-CHANTABILITY, CONDITION, OR ANY OTHER MAT-TER WITH RESPECT TO PROMEGA PRODUCTS. In no event shall Promega be liable for claims for any other damages, whether direct, incidental, foresee-able, consequential, or special (including but not lim-ited to loss of use, revenue or profit), whether based upon warranty, contract, tort (including negligence) or strict liability arising in connection with the sale or the failure of Promega products to perform in accordance with the stated specifications.Part# 9PIE133Revised 10/09Part# 9PIE133Printed in USA Revised 10/09pmirGLO Dual-Luciferase miRNA Target Expression Vector:Cat.#Size E133020µgC a t .# E 1330 c o n t a i n s :P a r t N o .N a m e E133A pmirGLO Vector 20µg C838A Oligo Annealing Buffer1mlDescription: The pmirGLO Dual-Luciferase miRNA Target Expression Vector (a–e)is designed to quantitatively evaluate microRNA (miRNA) activity by the insertion of miRNA target sites 3´ of the firefly luciferase gene (luc2). These target sites can be introduced by cloning putative miRNA binding sites alone, or the 3´ untranslated region (UTR) of a gene of interest, to study the influence of these sites on transcript stability and activity. Firefly luciferase is the primary reporter gene;reduced firefly luciferase expression indicates the binding of endogenous or introduced miRNAs to the cloned miRNA target sequence. This vector is based on Promega dual-luciferase technology, with firefly luciferase (luc2) used as the primary reporter to monitor mRNA regulation and Renilla luciferase (hRluc-neo ) acting as a control reporter for normalization and selection. This vector contains the following features:•Human phosphoglycerate kinase (PGK) promoter provides low translational expression, which is advantageous when reduction of signal is the desired response. The PGK promoter is a nonviral universal promoter, which functions across cell lines (yeast, rat, mouse and human).•Firefly luciferase reporter gene (luc2) inversely reports miRNA activity in mammalian cells.•Multiple cloning site (MCS) is located 3´ of the firefly luciferase reporter gene (luc2).•Humanized Renilla luciferase-neomycin resistance cassette (hRluc -neo) is used as a control reporter for normalization of gene expression and stable cell line selection.•Amp r gene allows bacterial selection for vector amplification.•SV40 late poly(A) signal sequence is positioned downstream of luc2to provide efficient transcription termination and mRNA polyadenylation.•Synthetic poly(A) signal/transcription stop site.Concentration: 1µg/µl in 10mM Tris-HCl, 1mM EDTA; final pH 7.4.GenBank ®Accession Number:FJ376737.Storage Conditions:See the storage temperature and expiration date on the Product Information Label.Functional AssaysIdentity Assay: The vector has been sequenced completely and has 100% identity with the published sequence availableat: ww w w .p r o m e g a .c o m /v e c t o r s /Restriction Digestion:The functional purity of this vector DNA is verified by complete digestion with restriction enzymes at the optimal temperature for 1 hour. Samples are examined by agarose gel electrophoresis, comparing cut and uncut vector DNA with marker DNA.Contaminant AssaysContaminating Nucleic Acids: RNA, single-stranded DNA and chromosomal DNA are not evident in specified quantities of this vector as determined by agarose gel electrophoresis.Nuclease Assay: Following incubation of 1µg of this vector in Restriction Enzyme Buffer at 37°C for 16–24 hours, no evidence of nuclease activity is detected by agarose gel electrophoresis.Physical Purity:A 260/A 280≥1.80, A 260/A 250≥1.05.© 2008, 2009 Promega Corporation. All Rights Reserved.Dual-Glo is a registered trademark of Promega Corporation. GeneClip and PureYield are trademarks of Promega Corporation.GenBank is a registered trademark of US Department of Health and Human Services.Products may be covered by pending or issued patents or may have certain limitations. Please visit our Web site for more information.All specifications are subject to change without prior notice.Product claims are subject to change. Please contact Promega Technical Services or access the Promega online catalog for the most up-to-date information on Promega products.AF9PI E133 1009E133(a)READ THIS FIRST BEFORE OPENING PRODUCTThe sale of this product and its use by the purchaser are subject to the terms of a limited use label license, the full text of which is shippedwith this product and also available at: ww w w .p r o m e g a .c o m \L U L L . That text must be read by the purchaser prior to opening this product to determine whether the purchaser agrees that all use of the product shall be in accordance with the license terms. If the purchaser is not willing to accept the terms of the limited use label license, Promega is willing to accept the return of the unopened product and provide the purchaser with a full refund. However, if the product is opened for any reason, then the purchaser agrees to be bound by the terms of the limited use label license.(b)U.S. Pat. No. 5,670,356.(c)Australian Pat. No. 2001 285278 and other patents pending.(d)The method of recombinant expression of Coleoptera luciferase is covered by U.S. Pat. Nos. 5,583,024, 5,674,713 and 5,700,673. A license (from Promega for research reagent products and from The Regents of the University of California for all other fields) is needed for any commercial sale of nucleic acid contained within or derived from this product.(e)Licensed from University of Georgia Research Foundation, Inc., under U.S. Pat. Nos. 5,292,658, 5,418,155, Canadian Pat. No.2,105,984 and related patents.S i g n e d b y :J. Stevens, Quality AssurancePromega Corporation2800 Woods Hollow Road·Madison, WI 53711-5399 U.S.A. Toll Free in the USA 800-356-9526 Telephone 608-274-4330 Features List and Map for the pmirGLO VectorSV40 late poly(A) signal106–327SV40 early enhancer/promotor426–844hRluc -neo fusion protein coding region 889–2664Synthetic polyadenylation signal 2728–2776β-lactamase (Amp r ) coding region3037–3897Col E1-derived plasmid origin of replication 4052–4088Human phosphoglycerate kinase promoter 5094–5609luc2reporter gene5645–7297Multiple cloning site (MCS, Figure 1)7306–7350I.Sample ProtocolA.Vector Cloning1.Design oligonucleotides: Order oligonucleotide pairs that contain the desired miRNAtarget region and, when annealed and ligated into the pmirGLO Vector, result in the miRNA target region in the correct 5´ to 3´ orientation. Insure that the overhangs created by oligonucleotide annealing are complementary to those generated by restric-tion enzyme digestion of the pmirGLO Vector in Step 2. Add an internal restriction site to your oligonucleotides for clone confirmation (e.g., NotI in Figure 3 creates a ~125bp insert when digested with NotI because of a NotI site at position 93 in the vector).2.Digest vector: Linearize the pmirGLO Vector with the appropriate restriction enzymes togenerate overhangs that are complementary to the annealed oligonucleotide overhangs.3.Anneal oligonucleotides: Dilute both oligonucleotides (supplied by user) to 1µg/µl.Combine 2µl of each oligonucleotide with 46µl of Oligo Annealing Buffer. Heat at 90°C for 3 minutes, then transfer to a 37°C water bath for 15 minutes. Use the annealed oligonucleotides immediately, or store at –20°C.B.Ligation and Transformation1.Dilute annealed oligonucleotides 1:10 in nuclease-free water to a final concentrationof 4ng/µl per oligonucleotide. Ligate 4ng of annealed oligonucleotides and 50ng of linearized vector using a standard ligation protocol. Transform ligated pmirGLO Vector using high-efficiency JM109 competent cells (e.g., Cat.# L2001).2.Select clones on ampicillin-containing plates, then select clones containing theoligonucleotides by digesting miniprep-purified DNA (e.g., purified using thePureYield™ Plasmid Miniprep System, Cat.# A1221) using the unique restriction site in the oligonucleotide pair. The purified plasmid DNA can be transfected directly or expanded to generate more DNA.Additional information about annealing, ligation, transformation and oligonucleotide design can be found in the GeneClip ™ U1 Hairpin Cloning Systems Technical Manual ,C.An Example of Detecting mi-R21 Activity Using the pmirGLO Vector:miR-21 ConstructAn overview describing the use of the pmirGLO Vector to interrogate endogenous mi-R21microRNA is shown in Figure 2.The presence of broadly endogenous microRNA mi-R21 was monitored in HeLa cells.Constructs contained either an exact match to the 21bp mi-R21 target sequence or a mismatched version of that target site (1) as well as PmeI, XbaI and NotI restriction sites (Figure 3; mismatched sequence is in italics). Twenty-four hours after transfection with the mi-R21 pmirGLO Vector constructs, cells were analyzed for luciferase activity using the Dual-Glo ®Luciferase Assay System (Cat.# E2920) and a MicroLumatPlus LB96V lumino-meter (Berthold). Normalized firefly luciferase activity (firefly luciferase activity/Renilla luciferase activity) for each construct was compared to that of the pmirGLO Vector no-insert control. For each transfection, luciferase activity was averaged from six replicates.II.Reference1.Zeng, Y. and Cullen, B.R. (2003) Sequence requirements for micro RNA processing-neo SV40 late PGK ...GCAAG ATCGC CGTGT AATTC TAGTT GTTTA AACGA GCTCG CTAGCCTCGA GTCTA GAGTC GACCT GCAGG...PmeI DraI 5´EcoICRI Sac INheIXhoI SalI AccIXbaI3´F i g u r e 1. p m i rG L O V e c t o r m u l t i p l e c l o n i ng s i te .gene firefly luciferase translation In absence of mi-R21activity.proteinmRNA destablized;F i g u r e 2. M e c h a n i s m o f a c t i o n o f t h e p m i r G L O V e c t o r .5´ CTAGA TAGCTTATC TT CTGATGTTGA ACTA GCGGCCGC TA GTTT 3´XbaImi-R21 mismatch sense, PmeI and XbaImi-R21 antisense, PmeI and XbaImi-R21 sense, PmeI and XbaImi-R21 mismatch antisense, PmeI and XbaI5´ AAAC TA GCGGCCGC TAGT TCAACATCAG TCT GATAAGCTA T 3´5´ CTAGA TAGCTTATC AGA CTGATGTTGA ACTA GCGGCCGC TA GTTT 3´5´ AAAC TA GCGGCCGC TAGT TCAACATCAG AA GATAAGCTA T 3´PmeI NotI internal sitemi-R21 target sequence XbaIPmeINotI internal site mi-R21 target sequence F i g u r e 3. S a m p l e o l i g o n u c l e o t i d e s f o rm i -R 21.mismatchP e r c e n t f i r e f l y :R e n i l l a l u c i f e r a s e a c t i v i t y c o m p a r e d t o n o -i n s e r t c o n t r o lF i g u r e 4. N o r m a l i z e d l u c i f e r a s e a c t i v i t y u s i n g t h e p m i rG L O V e c t o r w i t h a n m i -R 21 t a r g e t s e q u e n c e .。



意⼤利圣拉斐尔科学研究所招聘博⼠后A full-time post-doctoral position is available in the Laboratory of Gene Expression and Muscular Dystrophy, Stem Cell Research Institute, DIBIT-hSR, Milano, Italy.The general focus of the group centers on the definition of the molecular pathogenesis of facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy (FSHD). Current projects include analysis of epigenetic mechanisms regulating FSHD critical region gene expression and functional studies on the FSHD mouse model.The laboratory is strategically located within the scientific environment of the San Raffaele Biomedical Area. There are ample opportunities to interact with other laboratories with interests in regulation of gene expression and disease. The Stem Cell Research Institute has a strong emphasis on development of novel therapeutic approaches for muscular dystrophy.Representative publications:1. Gabellini et al. 2006. Facioscapulohumeral Muscular Dystrophy in Transgenic Mice by Over-Expression of FRG1. Nature 439:973-977.2. Gabellini D et al. 2002. Inappropriate gene activation in FSHD: a repressor complex binds a chromosomal repeat deleted in dystrophic muscle. Cell 110:339-348.Candidates with strong background in molecular biology, genetics, or biochemistry are encouraged to apply. Expertise in mouse biology using both in vivo and in vitro approaches is highly desirable. Applicants should have demonstrated scientific productivity, good inter-personal and communication skills, and be able to conduct independent research.Interested candidates should send enquiries, curriculum vitae, containing information about education, experience and publications, and a list of three individuals that can serve as references by e-mail to:Davide Gabellini, Ph. D.Stem Cell Research InstituteDIBIT-hSR 2A3-room 49AVia Olgettina 5820132 MilanoITALYPhone +39.02.2643.5934Fax +39.02.2643.4621*****************************。














1、资料与方法1.1 一般资料追踪2015年1月~2016年1月期间我站发往医院的悬浮红细胞以及去白悬浮的红细胞,每袋血液2u, 随机选取500例接受输血的患者的临床资料进行分析。




普通制备悬浮红细胞组共203例(234次), 本组共输注845U, 平均输注(3.511.56)U/例;而去白悬浮红细胞组共297例(412次), 本组共输注2032U, 平均输注(4.621.50)U/例。

所有患者均自愿参与本研究,同时且签署了知情同意书;对比两组患者的性别、年龄以及疾病原因等资料未见有统计学上的差异,研究具有可比性(P>0.05).1.2 材料和方法本研究所有采集的血液均来自标本合格的无偿献血者。




898free broth was also stored aseptically at30◦C for7 days and activity was determined at24h interval.One unit of enzyme was defined as the amount of enzyme that released1µmole of acid,per minute, under assay conditions.In the gas chromatography method for lipase assay(Kulkarni&Gadre1998),the reaction mixture composed of0.25ml tributyrin emul-sion(20%v/v in2%w/v polyvinyl alcohol),0.25ml glycine/NaOH buffer(0.1M,pH9.6)and0.4ml en-zyme preparation was incubated at65◦C in shaking bath at180rpm for30min.The reaction was ter-minated by addition of100µl orthophosphoric acid (14.5M)and tubes were centrifuged at10,000g for 10min.After centrifugation,0.5ml aliquot of aqueous phase was removed and the liberated butyric acid was quantified by gas chromatography using caproic acid as internal standard.Activity of the crude enzyme was estimated by conventional methods also.Twenty ml triolein or olive oil was emulsified with80ml2%(w/v)polyvinyl al-cohol solution.The reaction mixture composed of5ml emulsion,4ml glycine/NaOH buffer(0.05M,pH9.6) and1ml enzyme preparation was incubated at65◦C for1h in shaking bath at180rpm.The reaction was terminated by addition of20ml acetone/ethanol(1:1, v/v)and the acid released was titrated against0.05M NaOH.Spectrophotometric assay of the enzyme was performed according to Winkler&Stuckmann(1979). Protease in cell-free broth was quantified as described by Kunitz(1947)using1%(w/v)Hammarsten casein as substrate at pH8.0,30◦C for20min.Results and discussionThe present isolate belongs to genus Pseudomonas and is deposited in National Collection of Indus-trial Microorganisms,National Chemical Laboratory, Pune,India(NCIM5123).It secreted4U lipase per ml towards end of logarithmic phase.In shake flask experiments,the lipase yield increased gradually to8U ml−1with delay in oil addition up to16h. However,further delay resulted in a sharp decrease in the enzyme activity.The low lipase activity in the flasks,where oil was added after16h,may be because the culture had already entered the death phase.The present lipase had optimal activity at65◦C (Figure1)and it retained75%of its activity at65◦C and36%at75◦C after90min(Figure2).The tem-perature optima around55◦C have been reported for lipases of Pseudomonas spp.(Kojima et al.1994,Fig.1.Temperature optimum of lipase.Activity assayed using tributyrin,at pH9.6for30min.The maximum activity obtained (26U ml−1)is considered as100%relative activity.Experimental details are as stated in thetext.Fig.2.Temperature stability of lipase.The enzyme was incubated at65◦C and75◦C for90min.The residual activity was assayed using tributyrin at65◦C,pH9.6for30min.Initial activity was 26U ml−1.Experimental details are as stated in the text. Castellar et al.1997).A lipase from Pseudomonas aeruginosa EF2lost50%of its original activity in 17.5min at60◦C(Gilbert et al.1991).Lin(1996) has reported as high as68%activity loss of an alka-line lipase even at4◦C.Thus,the present lipase has characteristic high temperature optimum and stability.Optimum pH of the present lipase was9.6and was stable over pH range5to9with more than70%activ-ity retention for2h(Figure3).The lipase in culture filtrate of present isolate retained all the activity even after7days at30◦C and this room temperature stabil-ity is very valuable considering the long time spent in processing,formulation andfinal use of bulk enzymes.899Fig.3.(A)Effect of pH on lipase activity The buffers used for ac-tivity determination were pH3,glycine/HCl;pH4to5,sodium acetate/acetic acid;pH6to8,sodium phosphate;pH9to10.5, glycine/NaOH.The activity was assayed on tributyrin at65◦C for 30min.The maximum activity obtained(26U ml−1)is considered as100%relative activity.(B)Effect of pH on lipase stability.The enzyme was incubated at different pH for2h.The buffers used were pH3,glycine/HCl;pH4to5,sodium acetate/acetic acid;pH6to 8,sodium phosphate;pH9to10.5,glycine/NaOH.The residual activity was assayed using tributyrin at65◦C for30min.Initial activity was26U ml−1.High temperature optimum,thermostability and alka-line pH optimum of the present enzyme are suitable characteristics for its application in detergent.Lipase activity of the present strain was estimated with four different substrates.The activities with olive oil,triolein,tributyrin and p NPP were2.4,3.0,7.4and0.011U ml−1respectively,and thus,the enzyme wasa true lipase.The present strain did not secrete protease.The ab-sence of protease might be a reason for improved sta-bility of this lipase in the alkaline and high temperature environment.AcknowledgementThe authors are thankful to the Council of Scien-tific and Industrial Research,New Delhi,India,for the award of a Senior Research Fellowship to Mrs Neelima Kulkarni.ReferencesBerto P,Belingheri L,Dehorter B(1997)Production and purifica-tion of a novel extracellular lipase from Alterneria brassicola.Biotechnol.Lett.19:533–536.Castellar MR,Taipa MA,Cabral JMS(1997)Kinetic and stabil-ity characterization of Chromobacterium viscosum lipase and its comparison with Pseudomonas glumae lipase.Appl.Biochem.Biotechnol.61:299–314.Cordenons A,Gonzalez R,Kok R,Hellingwerf KJ,Nudel C(1996) Effect of nitrogen sources on the regulation of extracellular lipase production in Acinetobacter calcoaceticus strains.Biotechnol.Lett.18:633–638.Dharmsthiti S,Kuhasuntisuk B(1998)Lipase from Pseudomonas aeruginosa LP602:biochemical properties and application for wastewater treatment.J.Ind.Microbiol.Biotechnol.21:75–80. Gilbert EJ,Cornish A,Jones CW(1991)Purification and proper-ties of extracellular lipase from Pseudomonas aeruginosa EF2.J.Gen.Microbiol.137:2223–2229.Kojima Y,Yokoe M,Mase T(1994)Purification and characteriza-tion of an alkaline lipase from Pseudomonasfluorescens AK102.Biosci.Biotechnol.Biochem.58:1564–1568.Kulkarni N,Gadre RV(1998)Simple gas chromatography method for lipase assay.Biotechnol.Tech.12:627–628.Kumura H,Mikawa K,Saito Z(1991)Effect of protease on con-comitant lipase produced by Pseudomonas chwis-senschaft46:215–218.Kunitz M(1947)Crystalline soybean trypsin inhibitor.J.Gen.Physiol.30:291–310.Lin SF(1996)Production and stabilization of a solvent-tolerant alkaline lipase from Pseudomonas pseudoalcaligens.J.Ferm.Bioeng.82:448–451.Palleroni NJ(1984)Family Pseudomonadaceae.In:Krieg NR,Holt JG,eds.Bergey’s Manual of Systematic Bacteriology,V ol.1.Baltimore:Williams&Wilkins,pp.141–199.Tan KH,Gill CO(1985)Effect of culture conditions on batch growth of Pseudomonasfluorescens on olive oil.Appl.Micro-biol.Biotechnol.23:27–32.Winkler UK,Stuckmann M(1979)Glycogen,hyluronate,and some other polysaccharides greatly enhance the formation of exolipase by Serratia marcescens.J.Bacteriol.138:663–670.。


of vectors.
大肠杆菌---革兰氏阴性细菌,拟核,4.6*106bp, 转录和翻译偶联,不能进行转录后加工。 Escherichia coli-----Gram-negative bacterium----nucleoid-----4.6*106 base pairs— transcription and translation are coupled----no post-transcriptional modification
理想的受体细胞应该容易操作、繁殖、具有很多已 经定性的菌株、能够接受多种载体。
An ideal host cell should be easy to handle and propagate, should be available as a wide variety of
genetically defined strains, and should accept a range
same material as the haystack.
从一个重组子群体中分离一个基因必须考虑以下三个方面: A, the individual recombinant molecules have to be physically separated from each other.---连接至载体。 B, the recombinant molecules have to be amplified to provide enough material for further analysis.---转化至宿主细胞扩 增。 C, the specific fragment of interest has to be selected by some sort of sequence-dependent method. 通过探针鉴别目的克隆 。


起作用,一号心脏的迷走神经受刺 激时产生了某些物质,它们溶解在
Loewi把这种能抑制蛙的心脏跳动的物质称 作“Vagusstoff” 。 经过几年的研究,Loewi发现这种物质的化 学及生理学性质与乙酰胆碱完全相同,于 是他断定是迷走神经末稍释放的是乙酰胆 碱(ACh) 。
他把这一传递物称为化学递质,并认为化学递质 通过与肌细胞表面的受体物质结合而传导信号, 就是在此位点结合了nicotine与curare。这些论断 在后来被证明是很有远见的。
Langley的刺激通过神经释放化学物质传递到 肌肉的假说在1921年被奥地利生理学家Otto Loewi的一个设计精巧的实验证明。
1906 John Langley:化学递质假说
Langley 当时正在研究另一种植物提取物烟碱 (nicotine)的特性。他发现nicotine 能刺激蛙的 离体骨骼肌的收缩,但curare 会使nicotine 失效。
在1906年,Langley提出:冲动从神经传递到肌 肉,并不是借助于物理方法,就像电流在两根电 线之间流过一样,而是一种特殊物质从神经末稍 释放的结果。
再用10-3M的洗脱液flaxedil(三乙碘化三苯 (β-二乙氨乙氧基))洗脱,nAChR会被选择 性地洗脱下来,并被收集,最后剩下AChE。 采用这一方法后,用α-BGT做标记物的检 测结果表明,AChRs在一步中被纯化了150 多倍。这种方法就是亲和层析。
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Analytical MethodsA novel reliable method of DNA extraction from olive oil suitable for moleculartraceabilityKatia Raieta,Livio Muccillo,Vittorio Colantuoni ⇑Department of Sciences and Technologies,University of Sannio,82100Benevento,Italya r t i c l e i n f o Article history:Received 19February 2014Received in revised form 4August 2014Accepted 17September 2014Available online 28September 2014Keywords:Olive oilDNA extraction SSR analysisCultivar authentication Traceabilitya b s t r a c tExtra virgin olive oil production has a worldwide economic impact.The use of this brand,however,is of great concern to Institutions and private industries because of the increasing number of fraud and adulteration attempts to the market products.Here,we present a novel,reliable and not expensive method for extracting the DNA from commercial virgin and extra virgin olive oils.The DNA is stable overtime and amenable for molecular analyses;in fact,by carrying out simple sequence repeats (SSRs)markers analysis,we characterise the genetic profile of monovarietal olive oils.By comparing the oil-derived pattern with that of the corresponding tree,we can unambiguously identify four cultivars from Samnium,a region of Southern Italy,and distinguish them from reference and more widely used varieties.Through a parentage statistical analysis,we also identify the putative pollinators,establishing an unprecedented and powerful tool for olive oil traceability.Ó2014Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved.1.IntroductionOlive tree (Olea europaea L.)is one of the oldest and most important crops in the Mediterranean region and includes both cultivated (var.sativa )and wild type (var.oleaster )cultivars.These latter are fully interfertile with the domesticated varieties and are interconnected by sporadic,spontaneous hybridization (Zohary &Spiegel-Roy,1975).Olive is a vegetatively propagated plant tree and more than 1000varieties under cultivation have been selected over the centuries for their adaptability to the microclimate and to the local soils (Rugini &Baldoni,2005).This,however,is only an underestimate due to the lack of data on minor local cultivars in many olive-growing areas.Olive oil production is of great economic impact,for which rea-son olive oil industries,nurseries and olive growers are interested into methods that allow accurate identification of olive varieties.The choice of a specific variety significantly contributes to the quality of the resulting oil.Some olive oil cultivars,in fact,are recognised of high quality as they derive from well-defined geographical areas and consequently they impose market prices.Consistently,many international Institutions are concerned with agricultural productions that combine safety and quality attributes with a clear authentication.To this goal,also the European Union has issued specific rules about olive oil production and its market through the EC Regulation No.865/2004on the Protected Designa-tion of Origin (PDO)mark and Protected Geographical Indication (PGI)mark,(No.510/2006)(Official Journal of European Communities,2004,2006).On the basis of these considerations,it is becoming mandatory to establish extra virgin olive oil (EVOO)authenticity and detect possible adulterations.To this goal,several analytical techniques have been set up:most chemical analyses,however,are of limited impact due to the high variability of oil components such as fatty acids and secondary metabolites in relation to environmental conditions.The European Commission (Regulations No.2568/91,1991)and the International Olive Oil Council (IOOC)(COI/T.20/Doc.No.19/Rev 2,2008)have established official methods based on of physical–chemical parameters (free acidity,peroxide value,fatty acids and specific ultraviolet (UV)absorptions)measurement to characterise EVOO and guarantee its quality according to maxi-mum values that cannot be exceeded.These analyses,nonetheless,do not provide reliable results for oil traceability (Ben-Ayed,Grati-Kamoun,Moreau,&Rebai,2009;Christopoulou,Lazakari,Komaitis,&Kaselimis,2004).DNA-based technologies are gaining increasing attention in the food authenticity field (Rasmussen &Morrissey,2008).DNA-based markers,in fact,have been success-fully applied to overcome problems associated with differences due to environmental growth conditions or to verify food authen-ticity and traceability (Consolandi et al.,2008;Martins-Lopes,/10.1016/j.foodchem.2014.09.1010308-8146/Ó2014Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved.⇑Corresponding author at:Department of Sciences and Technologies,University of Sannio,Via Port’Arsa,11,82100Benevento,Italy.Tel.:+39(0)824305102;fax:+39(0)824305147.E-mail address:colantuoni@unisannio.it (V.Colantuoni).Gomes,Santos,&Guedes-Pinto,2008;Montemurro,Pasqualone, Simeone,Sabetta,&Blanco,2008;Pafundo,Busconi,Agrimonti, Fogher,&Marmiroli,2010).Their employment in olive oil charac-terisation offers a number of advantages over biochemically-based markers as they provide increased specificity,sensitivity and a reli-able performance with highly processed samples(Montealegre, Marina Alegre,&Garcia-Ruiz,2010).Simple sequence repeats (SSR),amplified fragment length polymorphism(AFLP),random amplified polymorphic DNA(RAPD),inter-simple sequence repeats (ISSR)and single nucleotide polymorphisms(SNP)have been pro-posed to identify olive cultivars.The reliability and reproducibility of the profiles obtained with molecular markers appear,however, to be strictly dependent on the quality of the DNA extracted from oil(Ben-Ayed et al.,2009;Breton,Claux,Metton,Skorski,& Bervillé,2004;Muzzalupo,Pellegrino,&Perri,2007;Testolin& Lain,2005).Therefore,extraction and recovery of DNA from olive oil is a key and hard step in the process as addressed by Agrimonti,Vietina,Pafundo,and Marmiroli(2011).The amount of DNA isolated with the available methods is usually low,the quality is poor and it is often degraded by nucleases(Ben-Ayed et al.,2009; Muzzalupo&Perri,2002;Pafundo,Agrimonti,Maestri,&Marmiroli, 2007;Testolin&Lain,2005).Additionally,phenolic compounds and residual polysaccharides can interfere with subsequent analy-ses inhibiting the activity of DNA polymerase and providing non-specific Polymerase Chain Reaction(PCR)amplifications (Testolin&Lain,2005).The aim of this study was to set up a new procedure to extract DNA from virgin and extra virgin olive oils.The method presented here is simple,reproducible,not expensive and capable to recover stable and high-molecular weight DNA that can be analysed by SSRs markers to achieve a genetic characterisation and distinguish different olive cultivars.Filtered and not-filtered commercial oils packed in any type of container were used as source of DNA yield-ing similar results.In particular,the new protocol allowed the identification of four major varieties from the Samnium area (Campania,Italy).Finally,the genetic profile of the DNA from EVOO was compared with that from embryos,pulps and leaves establish-ing a new highly reproducible standard for the authentication and traceability of the produced oil.2.Materials and methods2.1.SamplesEight olive(O.europeaea L.)cultivars were sampled:Ortice, Ortolana,Racioppella and Ravé(native from Samnium,Southern Italy);Frantoio,Leccino and Pendolino(selected as pollinators and reference cultivars)are spread all-over Italy;Olivastro is a pollinating variety generally used for table olives but not for oil production.All samples came from private nurseries and from the depositoryfield of Campania germplasms(Azienda Sperimen-tale Improsta,Eboli,Salerno).Five accessions were analysed for each cultivar,with the total sample number of forty.Monovarietal filtered oils obtained for each of the four Samnitic cultivars inves-tigated were collected from different oil mills along with the corre-sponding drupes.Five independent oil samples for each cultivar were analysed,twenty oil samples overall.Leaves and drupes were dried and then stored in the dark at room temperature.Also oil samples were kept at room temperature until DNA extraction. 2.2.DNA extraction from olive leaves,pulps and embryosAfter collection,all materials were lyophilized.The DNA was extracted from young leaves using a protocol based on that previ-ously described with minor modifications(Sefc,Lopes,Mendoncxa,Machado,&Da Camara Machado,2000).Briefly,80mg of plant material were frozen in liquid nitrogen and grinded using steel beads and a Tissuelyser,(QIAGENÒ,Germany).Each sample was added with800l l of CTAB(Cetyltrimethylammonium Bromide) buffer(100mM Tris/HCl pH8.0;1.4M NaCl;20mM EDTA(Ethyl-enediaminetetraacetic Acid);2%CTAB;1%PVP(Polyvinylpyrroli-done);0.2%b-mercaptoethanol),incubated at65°C for30min and then added with800l l chloroform–isoamyl alcohol(24:1). The DNA was precipitated from the recovered aqueous phase with 0.7volume of isopropanol and0.1volume of3M sodium acetate and incubated atÀ20°C for15min.The pellet was resuspended in300l l TE(10mM Tris pH8.0,1mM EDTA)buffer and incubated with40l g of Proteinase K(Lifetech,CA,USA)at56°C for2h.After digestion,the supernatant was extracted with phenol–chloroform–isoamyl alcohol(25:24:1).The recovered aqueous phase was added with0.4volume of10M ammonium acetate and4volumes of ethanol and incubated for5min atÀ80°C.After ethanol precip-itation,DNA was resuspended in50l l TE buffer.The same protocol was used for extracting DNA from pulps and embryos with slight modifications.In these cases,the material was added with400l l of CTAB buffer,incubated at65°C for30min,crushed by Tissuely-ser and added with the remaining400l l of CTAB buffer.Then the extraction was carried out as described before.2.3.DNA extraction from olive oilHerein we describe a novel and optimised protocol based on the CTAB–hexane–chloroform method.The extraction was carried out in a2ml microtube by adding600l l of pre-warmed2%CTAB buf-fer to a mixture of600l l of hexane and600l l of olive oil(v/v/v 1:1:1).After mixing by inverting the tube,the sample was centri-fuged(1h,20°C,14,000rpm).All further centrifugation steps were carried out under the same conditions:15min,20°C,14,000rpm. The oily phase was discarded while the aqueous phase was incu-bated at65°C for30min and centrifuged.The pellet was resus-pended in400l l of0.5%CTAB buffer(100mM Tris/HCl pH8.0;1.4M NaCl;20mM EDTA;0.5%CTAB;1%PVP;0.2%b-mercap-toethanol),added with one volume of phenol and centrifuged. The aqueous phase was recovered,added with one volume of chloroform:isoamyl alcohol(24:1)and centrifuged(15min,4°C, 14,000rpm).For DNA precipitation,to the sample was added2.5 volumes of cold ethanol,0.1volume of10M ammonium acetate, and20l g/ml of glycogen,gently mixed by inverting the tube and kept atÀ20°C overnight.After centrifugation,the supernatant was discarded and the pellet washed twice with500l l of70%v/v ethanol/water,centrifuged again and dried.After resuspension in 30l l of TE buffer,the DNA was run in TAE Buffer1Â(40mM Tris, 20mM acetic acid,and1mM EDTA)on a1%agarose gel stained with ethidium bromide(1l g mlÀ1)and visualised under UV light. The integrity of the DNA was evaluated by the lack or presence of low amounts of smeared DNA(degraded DNA).The bands corre-sponding to not degraded DNA were cut with a sterile scalpel under UV light and introduced into a dialysis bag(Spectra/Por Dial-ysis Membrane MWCO:12–14,000/Spectrum Laboratories Inc.) containing TAE buffer1Â.Electroelution was carried out using a field strength of$4–5V cmÀ1for1h until the DNA completely ran out of the band,as checked under UV light.A current in inverse orientation was applied for30s in order to detach the DNA from the dialysis bag and redistribute into the running buffer.The sam-ple recovered was added with1volume of chloroform:isoamyl alcohol(24:1),centrifuged at4°C and precipitated atÀ80°C for 30min adding2.5volumes of cold ethanol,100l l of3M sodium acetate,and20l g/ml of glycogen.The pellet was then rinsed twice with500l l of70%v/v ethanol/water,centrifuged,dried and resus-pended in TE buffer.Eight independent extractions of olive oil were carried out for each oil sample and the total DNA of the replicatesK.Raieta et al./Food Chemistry172(2015)596–602597was quantitated by spectrophotometric measurement(Jenway Genova Plus Spectrophotometer–Bibby Scientific Ltd.,Dunmow, UK)and pooled in a single tube for subsequent analyses.This pro-cedure has extensively been reproduced and DNA recovered from each extraction in a concentration range of200–600ng/ml of oil. DNA was extracted also from commercially available olive oils packed either in cans or glass or PET bottles.Starting from the same amount of oil,we recovered not degraded DNA in the same concentration range reported for our samples.2.4.SSR analysisFive SSR markers were selected amongst those available in the literature.The loci used were three(GAPU17,GAPU59,GAPU71A) from Carriero,Fontanazza,Cellini,and Giorio(2002),and two (UDO099028,UDO099039)from Cipriani,Marrazzo,Marconi, Cimato,and Testolin(2002).Amplification of SSR markers by the PCR was performed in a20l l reaction volume containing40ng of DNA,0.5l M forward and reverse primers(forward primers were labelled at50-end with either the FAM,or HEX,or ATTO 565fluorescent dyes),50l M of each dNTPs,0.25U AmpliTaq Gold DNA Polymerase(Applied Biosystems,USA),1Âsupplied PCR buf-fer,1.5mM MgCl2.The following PCR cycle was used on a T gradi-ent ThermoCycler(Biometra,Germany):95°C for2min for1cycle; 95°C for1min,annealing temperatures for1min,and72°C for 1min for40cycles;then72°C for7min.Triplicates of each PCR were carried out for each DNA extraction.The amplification prod-ucts were detected with the genetic analyser ABI PRISM3130 (Applied Biosystems,Foster City,CA,USA)using the GeneScan internal size standard LIZ500(PE Applied Biosystems).Data were collected and allele size determined using the Peak Scanner™v.1.2 software(Applied Biosystems).2.5.Data analysisThe genetic relationships amongst genotypes and Principal Coordinates Analysis(PCoA)were estimated by the Nei index (Nei&Roychoudhury,1972)using the GenAlEx 6.41software (Peakall&Smouse,2006;.au/BoZo/GenAlEx/). As for the genetic analysis,the allele number and frequencies, the expected(He)and observed(Ho)heterozygosity,null alleles frequencies,Polymorphic Index Content(PIC),probability of non exclusion and Delta LOD score(Delta Logarithm ODds Score) were calculated using the CERVUS3.0.3software(http://www.fi/pages/home.jsp,Marshall1998–2007).The Power of Discrimination(PD)was evaluated by the formula proposed by Kloosterman,Budowle,and Daselaar(1993).A dendrogram was generated based on the Unweighted Pair Group Method of analysis(UPGMA)with the SHAN algorithm applied to a Nei matrix using R package‘‘Cluster’’v.1.15.2 (Maechler,Rousseeuw,Struyf,Hubert,&Hornik,2014)(http:// /,CopyrightÓ2011The R Foundation for Statistical Computing).3.Results and discussion3.1.DNA extraction and isolation from extra virgin olive oilOne of the main goals of this study was to set up an efficient and not expensive protocol for the extraction of high molecular weight DNA from extra virgin olive oil with a good yield and of high purity for subsequent analyses.To this end many efforts have been made, all aimed at isolating a DNA that could be amplified by PCR and tar-geted by molecular markers.Positive results have been claimed by using commercial kits,in particular QIamp DNA stool kit(QIagen),Gene Elute Plant Kit(Sigma),Nucleospin Food and Nucleospin Plant(Macherey Nagel).A series of problems,however,have been reported concerning DNA degradation,low yield and presence of impurities and,hence,reproducibility of the results in subsequent assays(Agrimonti et al.,2011).In preliminary experiments,we employed some of the reported procedures(Busconi et al.,2003; Consolandi et al.,2008;Costa,Mafra,Amaral,&Oliveira,2010; De la Torre,Bautista,Cánovas,&Claros,2004;Doyle&Doyle, 1987;Giménez,Pistón,Martín,&Atienza,2010)and one of the commercially available kits(Qiagen QIAmp DNA stool kit)as it is considered to give the most reproducible results by several authors (Ben-Ayed et al.,2009;Muzzalupo et al.,2007;Rabiei,Enferandi, Saidi,Patui,&Vannozzi,2010;Spaniolas,Bazakos,Spano,Zoghby, &Kalaitzis,2010;Spaniolas et al.,2008;Testolin&Lain,2005)to extract the DNA from our samples(data not shown).However, we experienced the same problems reported in the literature;spe-cifically,we did not obtain DNA that could be detected either by spectrophotometer and/or agarose gel electrophoresis analysis. Alternatively,the recovered DNA was degraded and not appropri-ate for further molecular analyses;even in those cases in which the DNA was not detectable under UV light upon staining with ethidium bromide we performed PCRs but we did not obtain reli-able amplicons.For all these reasons,we focused our attention on setting up a novel extraction method with a better yield starting from the published CTAB–hexane–chloroform protocol(Giménez et al.,2010).The DNA recovered with our new protocol is of high molecular weight,only slightly fragmented and suitable for subsequent SSR analysis.Possible explanations for this result are the purification steps employed and the excision of the DNA major band from the agarose gel.This latter step is a definitive advantage over exist-ing methods as it removes most,if not all,the residues of organic components(polysaccharides and polyphenols)or additional con-taminants that could inhibit Taq polymerase and hence PCR ampli-fications or interfere with subsequent molecular analyses.The methodology is extremely reproducible as we obtain DNA from each olive oil extraction as documented by the detection of DNA by spectrophotometric and agarose gel determinations.An inter-esting feature of this procedure is that it can be successfully employed with commercially available olive oils,eitherfiltered and notfiltered,both mono and multivarietal,independently of the container type used(i.e.can or glass or PET bottles).The amount of recovered DNA in all cases was in the same concentra-tion range obtained with our samples.Consistent with these results,the DNA was successfully amplified in all subsequent PCR reactions.This is a relevant achievement and an important step forward with respect to the OLIV-TRACK project,one conclusion of which is that at least three replicate extractions should be per-formed to obtain at least one positive sample in PCR amplification (Agrimonti et al.,2011;Marmiroli,Maestri,Pafundo,&Vietina, 2009).According to the literature(Costa,Mafra,&Oliveira,2012; Pafundo et al.,2010),olive oil has to be processed as fresh as pos-sible(until a maximum period of one month)in order to avoid DNA damage processes.We were able to get non-degraded DNA from EVOO even one year from milling(Fig.1A).Moreover,as the DNA extracted is stable for long time when stored at4°C,it can success-fully be used as template in PCR reactions in the following months (Fig.1B).3.2.SSR analysis for cultivar identificationTo test the efficacy of our procedure,we established the genetic profile of eight olive varieties.To this goal,we genotyped forty samples of DNA isolated from olive leaves by using carefully selected SSR primer pairs atfive loci,in the same range(4–6)598K.Raieta et al./Food Chemistry172(2015)596–602reported by others (Delgado-Martinez,Amaya,Sánchez-Sevilla,&Gomez-Jimenez,2012;Pérez-Jiménez,Besnard,Dorado,&Hernandez,2013;Roubos,Moustakas,&Aravanopoulos,2010).A total of twenty alleles were generated.Specifically,the number of alleles per locus ranges from 3(GAPU17and GAPU71A)to 5(UDO99028and GAPU59),with an average of 4alleles per locus.The Ho ranges from 0.625(UDO99028)to 0.875(UDO99039),while the He ranges from 0.598(GAPU71A)to 0.710(UDO99039)(Table 1).Our data indicate that Ho is higher than He and this is due to a high genetic variability amongst the cultivars studied;this is confirmed by PD values that range from 0.594(GAPU71A)to 0.813(GAPU59).The PIC assayed within loci ranges from 0.520(GAPU71A)to 0.645(UDO9939);both PD and PIC indexes exceed the threshold value of 0.5pointing to a high polymorphic degree.No intra-cultivar variability was detected.All these data indicate that the chosen primer pairs are highly polymorphic,conforming the previously results published by Muzzalupo and Lombardo (2006),and thus have the ability to discriminate and,hence,unambiguously identify our cultivars.An alternative approach has recently been reported by Pérez-Jiménez et al.(2013)who used 9plastid SSRs to characterise 17varieties of Spanish olive oils.They used chloroplast DNA as it is more abundant and more resistant than nuclear DNA and their genetic analysis was based on the strength of 6cp SSRs while 3others showed somewhat discordant results.This experimental approach will likely be employed in the future and give reliable results.Here we used a more traditional and consolidated approach and the results we report seem to confirm the strength of nuclear DNA SSR loci in olive oil identification issue.Based on the Nei distance and applying the R Studio,a dendro-gram can be obtained showing four main clusters:(1)Ortolana;(2)Ortice and Ravé;(3)Racioppella;(4)Leccino,Frantoio,Pendolino and Olivastro (Fig.2).Collectively,our data clearly indicate that genotyping the cultivars using SSR loci allows the identification of each variety and definitely distinguish those of the Samnium region from the reference ones.3.3.SSR analysis in olive fruit,embryo and The same SSR markers were then used ity.The molecular profiles obtained on leaf,drupe and embryo were compared amplification.(A)Genomic DNA extraction example from oil (O)and leaf (L)of Ortice cultivar six months purity as assessed by the 260/280and 260/230spectrophotometric ratios.(B)Agarose gel electrophoresis from the olive cultivar Ortice obtained at different times after oil nes 1–2:leaf sample (control);3–4:storage of DNA at 4°C;7–8:oil sample at second extraction;9–10:oil sample at third extraction;11:negative sizes of the marker bands are given in base pairs).The olive oil first DNA extraction was carried out two months,milling.Table 1SSR statistical analysis obtained on eight olive cultivars using five microsatellites markers.For each locus the number of total alleles (k ),the number of analysed samples (N ),Observed Heterozygosity (HObs),Expected Heterozygosity (HExp),Polymorphic Index Content (PIC),Power of Discrimination (PD)and Allelic Size Range were evaluated.Locus k N HObs HExp PIC PD Allelic size range UDO990285240.6250.6540.5840.813124–169UDO990394240.8750.7100.6450.656105–181GAPU173240.8750.5980.5200.594213–224GAPU595240.8750.6940.6410.781204–228GAPU71A3240.8750.5980.5200.594209–223Dendrogram.Unweighted Pair Group Method using the Nei index shows genetic amongst the following olive cultivars:Ravé(RV),Frantoio (FR),Leccinoelectropherograms.(A)The locus UDO099039of the Ortice cultivar was amplified using as template the DNA indicates the181bp allele,while the star the171bp allele.(B)The electropherogram shows the profile obtained pollinator(Olivastro cultivar).Leaf and drupe DNA samples display completely overlapping peaks corresponding some additional alleles that are slightly detectable also in the oil profile.This additional peak was found⁄).The orange peaks correspond to DNA ladder as an internal standard while the remaining peaks from embryos to as the‘‘stutter’’bands(Walsh,Fildes,&Teynolds,1996).(For interpretation of the references to colourarticle.)Analysis(PCoA).PCoA analysis of SSR data shows the clustering of the analysed samples.Each cultivar is indicated Ortice,OV=Olivastro,PE=Pendolino,RC=Racioppella,RV=Ravé.The DNA source is indicated as-Dthe respective cultivars.samples to generate the PCoA by the GenAlex tool.Each variety gives rise to a well-defined cluster,which includes leaf,drupe and oil(Fig.4).While the genetic profiles of drupe and leaf DNA are similar,only slight differences are observed with the oil profile in each cluster.Frantoio,Leccino,Olivastro and Pendolino(putative pollinators and reference cultivars)are all placed in the left side of the graph.All embryos’profiles differ and are closer to the axes ori-gins with respect to the corresponding cluster of leaf,drupe and oil profiles of the Samnium cultivars,likely due to the putative pollin-ators’alleles.In support of these considerations,leaf and drupe DNA samples display completely overlapping peaks corresponding to the same alleles,while embryo DNAs display some additional alleles that are slightly evident also in the oil profiles(Fig.3).3.4.Parentage analysisBecause oil DNA bears alleles that appear to be specifically orig-inated from the embryo,their identification is mandatory to prove the efficacy of the genetic analysis in olive oil traceability.Olive oil DNA may derive from two different sources:the cells of the pulp and those of the embryo in the kernel(seed).The genome of the drupe is in large part represented by pulp specific alleles that,in turn,are identical to those of the olive tree from which it derives. The genome of the embryo contains alleles derived from the mother plant and the pollinator.As indicated above,the genetic profiles of leaf and pulp DNA cluster together and are very similar to the oil one;the seed profile appears to be different and may be influenced by the pollinator.Detection of the pollinator alleles in oil,then, causes a distancing between the reference profile and the resulting oil,especially when the patterns are different from those of the mother plant.Taking into account all these remarks,we carried out a parentage analysis by using the CERVUS3.0algorithm and processing oil samples as offspring(Kalinowski,Taper,& Marshall,2007;Marshall,Slate,Kruuk,&Pemberton,1998).For each analysis,the program simulates datasets and calculates the expected distribution of their statistic tests and the Delta LOD score (D LOD score)that usually indicates the difference in likelihood ratios between the two males most likely to be the father of the off-spring.From the distribution of the statistic tests in simulation,the program establishes a critical value that produces a desired level of confidence(95%)in parentage assignment.Such a simulation of paternity uses an offspring replication of10,000and is based on multilocus genotyping of16trees(4of which are putative pollina-tors),4drupes samples,4embryos and20oils(Meagher,1986).We performed four separate analyses and for each cultivar we consid-ered the DNA from leaf,pulp,embryo,oil,and putative pollina-tor(s).All information acquired through interviews with nurseries’owners about the putative pollinators was confirmed by genetic testing on seeds.In detail,we were able to assign the fol-lowing pollinators(à)to respective cultivars producing the monova-rietal EVOOs:(1)Olivastro(à)and Racioppella(à)for Ortolana,2) Olivastro(à)for Ortice,3)Pendolino(à)for Racioppella,4)Ortol-ana(à)and Ortice(à)for Ravé.Moreover,all cultivars sampled may be subject to self-pollination,as previously indicated by farmers. We calculated probability of non-exclusion-first parent(NE-1P), probability of non-exclusion-second parent(NE-2P),probability of non-exclusion-parent pair(NE-PP)for each cultivar in order to get useful and sufficient information for obtaining a D LOD score.For Ortice NE-1P ranged from0.825to0.858,NE-2P ranged from 0.705to0.762,and NE-PP ranged from0.562to0.582.For Ortolana NE-1P ranged from0.791to0.978,NE-2P ranged from0.638to 0.894,and NE-PP ranged from0.202to0.636.For Racioppella NE-1P ranged from0.804to0.970,NE-2P ranged from0.651to0.876, and NE-PP ranged from0.485to0.793.For RavéNE-1P ranged from 0.838to0.957,NE-2P ranged from0.724to0.849,and NE-PP ran-ged from0.590to0.738.As reported in Table2,the D LOD scores for Ortice,Ortolana,Racioppella and Ravé,considering father alone, were 1.47, 1.40, 1.47and 1.32respectively.Considering father given known mother,the D LOD scores were2.10,1.95,2.07and 1.86,listed in the same order as above.The simulation of the pater-nity analysis test failed in two out of four cases(Ortolana and Ravé) when we evaluated the parentage relationship considering father alone(D CV⁄).By contrast,all values exceeded the self-generated critical threshold(D CV⁄⁄)by almost threefold when we considered the father given known mother.On the basis of these results,we can unambiguously assign the oil to the corresponding leaf profile witha reassuring confidence level.4.ConclusionsWe report here a new procedure for isolating DNA from extra virgin olive oil that is reliable and not expensive.Mono and multi-varietal commercially available olive oils packed in different con-tainers can be processed with positive and reliable results.The recovered DNA is devoid of contaminations that could interfere with subsequent molecular analyses and,importantly,can be stored for months with no degradation.The opportunity of having high molecular weight DNA is the key element for assessing the genetic profile of different olive cultivars and to discriminate them on the basis of objective and reliable parameters.Moreover,the method is highly sensitive as we can appreciate trace levels of exogenous alleles as those from the pollinators.The possibility to provide a market product with a geneticfingerprint is undoubtedly an added value,especially when considering the high level of food counterfeits spread all-over the world.These results are also in line with the last rules issued by the European Union and International Institutions aimed at saving the Protected Designation of Origin (PDO)and other niche products.Conflict of interestAll authors have seen and approved the manuscript being submitted;they furthermore declare no competingfinancial or personal interest.AcknowledgementsSome of the results reported here were obtained thanks to financial support from the P.R.U.S.S.T.‘‘C A L I D O N E’’–Programma di Riqualificazione Urbana e.Sviluppo Sostenibile del Territorio.We thank Mrs.Carmela Ferravante(Azienda Ferravante, Paduli)and Mr.Antonio Parente(Azienda Olivicola Titerno,San Lorenzello)for supplying monocultivar oil samples and plant materials,as well as Azienda Sperimentale Improsta(Eboli,Sal-erno)and Mr.Angelo Lo Conte for kindly providing plant materials. ReferencesAgrimonti,C.,Vietina,M.,Pafundo,S.,&Marmiroli,N.(2011).The use of food genomics to ensure the traceability of olive oil.Trends in Food Science& Technology,22(5),237–244.Table2Parentage analysis carried out on eight olive cultivars.For each cultivar the meandelta LOD score(D LOD m)and critical value of delta LOD score(D CV)were assessedconsidering father alone(⁄)and father given mother(⁄⁄).Cultivars D CV⁄D LOD m⁄D CV⁄⁄D LOD m⁄⁄Ortice0.83 1.470.67 2.10Ortolana 1.70 1.400.70 1.95Racioppellla0.98 1.470.67 2.07Rave’ 1.74 1.320.70 1.86K.Raieta et al./Food Chemistry172(2015)596–602601。
