Minimally Supervised Acquisition of 3D Recognition Models from Cluttered Images























Autodesk Nastran 2022 用户手册说明书

Autodesk Nastran 2022 用户手册说明书
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Autodesk Nastran 2022
Reference Manual
Nastran Solver Reference Manual






一、3D物体重建技术1. 点云重建:点云是一种用于描述物体表面形状的数学模型。


2. 立体视觉重建:立体视觉重建是通过分析多个视角的图像,利用物体在不同视角下的几何关系,从而恢复出物体的三维形状。


3. 深度学习重建:深度学习在计算机视觉领域的应用日益广泛,其中包含了用于3D物体重建的网络模型。


二、3D物体识别技术1. 物体检测与识别:物体检测是指在图像或视频中准确定位物体的位置,并识别物体的类别。



2. 三维物体姿态估计:三维物体姿态估计是指通过计算机视觉技术来推测物体在三维空间中的位置和姿态。


三、计算机视觉技术的应用场景1. 工业制造:利用计算机视觉技术进行3D物体重建和识别,可以实现自动检测和质量控制,提高生产效率和产品质量。

2. 虚拟现实和增强现实:通过3D物体重建和识别技术,可以将真实世界中的物体重建成虚拟模型并投射到虚拟现实或增强现实环境中,提供更加沉浸式和真实感的用户体验。

3. 智能监控:计算机视觉技术可以应用于智能监控系统中,实现对特定物体或行为的自动识别和监测,提高安全性和便捷性。



人工智能算法模型论文引言人工智能(Artificial Intelligence,AI)作为一项前沿科学技术,近年来取得了巨大的进展。




















《人工智能基础》名词术语人工智能基础一、引言人工智能(Artificial Intelligence,简称AI)是近年来发展迅猛的前沿科学领域之一。



二、机器学习机器学习(Machine Learning)指机器通过数据和算法自动进行学习和优化,从而不断改进性能。

监督学习(Supervised Learning)是一种常见的机器学习方法,它通过给机器提供带有标签的训练数据,让机器学习到输入数据和输出标签之间的关系。

无监督学习(Unsupervised Learning)则不需要标签,机器可以自主学习数据中的模式和结构。

三、深度学习深度学习(Deep Learning)是一种基于神经网络的机器学习方法,它模拟了人脑神经元之间的连接方式,通过多层的神经网络结构来进行学习和特征提取。

卷积神经网络(Convolutional Neural Network,简称CNN)是一种常用的深度学习结构,广泛应用于图像识别和计算机视觉领域。

四、自然语言处理自然语言处理(Natural Language Processing,简称NLP)是研究如何使机器能够理解和处理人类语言的一门技术。

文本分类(Text Classification)是NLP中的一项重要任务,它通过对文本进行分类或标记,实现对大规模文本数据的自动处理和分析。

情感分析(Sentiment Analysis)则是一种常见的文本分类应用,它可以判断文本中蕴含的情绪倾向。

五、强化学习强化学习(Reinforcement Learning)是一种通过试错学习来优化机器行为的方法,它通过与环境的交互,根据反馈信号对机器的行动进行调整和优化。




摘 要
在竞争激烈的工业自动化生产过程中,机器视觉对产品质量的把关起着举足 轻重的作用,机器视觉在缺陷检测技术方面的应用也逐渐普遍起来。与常规的检 测技术相比,自动化的视觉检测系统更加经济、快捷、高效与 安全。纹理物体在 工业生产中广泛存在,像用于半导体装配和封装底板和发光二极管,现代 化电子 系统中的印制电路板,以及纺织行业中的布匹和织物等都可认为是含有纹理特征 的物体。本论文主要致力于纹理物体的缺陷检测技术研究,为纹理物体的自动化 检测提供高效而可靠的检测算法。 纹理是描述图像内容的重要特征,纹理分析也已经被成功的应用与纹理分割 和纹理分类当中。本研究提出了一种基于纹理分析技术和参考比较方式的缺陷检 测算法。这种算法能容忍物体变形引起的图像配准误差,对纹理的影响也具有鲁 棒性。本算法旨在为检测出的缺陷区域提供丰富而重要的物理意义,如缺陷区域 的大小、形状、亮度对比度及空间分布等。同时,在参考图像可行的情况下,本 算法可用于同质纹理物体和非同质纹理物体的检测,对非纹理物体 的检测也可取 得不错的效果。 在整个检测过程中,我们采用了可调控金字塔的纹理分析和重构技术。与传 统的小波纹理分析技术不同,我们在小波域中加入处理物体变形和纹理影响的容 忍度控制算法,来实现容忍物体变形和对纹理影响鲁棒的目的。最后可调控金字 塔的重构保证了缺陷区域物理意义恢复的准确性。实验阶段,我们检测了一系列 具有实际应用价值的图像。实验结果表明 本文提出的纹理物体缺陷检测算法具有 高效性和易于实现性。 关键字: 缺陷检测;纹理;物体变形;可调控金字塔;重构
Keywords: defect detection, texture, object distortion, steerable pyramid, reconstruction



磁共振在乳腺癌新辅助治疗疗效评估与预测中的应用进展田力文1,2,王翠艳21 山东大学齐鲁医学院,济南250012;2 山东省立医院医学影像科摘要:新辅助治疗(NAT )是乳腺癌综合治疗的重要组成部分。

目前,NAT 疗效评估的金标准是组织病理学,但其需要术后标本,存在明显滞后性。

准确评估和预测NAT 疗效对及时改进治疗方案、确定精准的手术计划具有重要价值。

已有多种影像学检查方法被用于乳腺癌NAT 疗效评估与预测,其中磁共振(MR )检查因其优越的软组织分辨力和多方位、多参数成像特点,成为准确性最高的影像学手段。

传统MR 成像可从肿瘤长径、体积和退缩模式等形态学改变来评估与预测NAT 疗效。

近年来随着MR 功能成像技术不断更新迭代,动态对比增强磁共振成像、扩散加权成像及体素内不相干运动扩散加权成像、酰胺质子转移成像、磁共振波谱成像等MR 功能成像从不同维度实现了对乳腺癌NAT 疗效的早期预测,进一步提高了MR 成像对NAT 疗效的早期预测能力。

关键词:乳腺癌;新辅助治疗;磁共振成像doi :10.3969/j.issn.1002-266X.2023.13.022中图分类号:R737.9 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1002-266X (2023)13-0087-05世界卫生组织国际癌症研究机构发布的2020年全球最新癌症负担数据显示,乳腺癌已超过肺癌成为全球新发病例最多的恶性肿瘤。


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ISSN1004-9037,CODEN SCYCE4Journal of Data Acquisition and Processing Vol.36,No.1,Jan.2021,pp.1一21 DOI:10.16337/j.1004-9037.2021.01.001©2021by Journal of Data Acquisition and ProcessingE-mail:sjcj@ Tel/Fax:十86-025-********基于深度学习的三维模型检索算法综述刘安安,李天宝,王晓雯,宋丹(天津大学电气自动化与信息工程学院,天津300072)摘要:近年来,深度学习被广泛应用于各个领域并取得了显著的进展,如何利用深度学习高效管理呈爆炸式增长的三维模型一直是一个研究热点。




关键词:三维模型检索;深度学习;特征表示;度量学习;域适应中图分类号:TP391文献标志码:AReview of3D Model Retrieval Algorithms Based on Deep LearningLIU Anan,LI Tianbao,WANG Xiaowen,SONG Dan(School of Electrical and Information Engineering,Tianjin University,Tianjin300072,China)Abstract:In recent years,deep learning has been widely used and achieved significant development in various fields.How to utilize deep learning to effectively manage the explosive increasing3D models becomes a hot topic.This paper introduces the mainstream algorithms for deep learning based3D model retrieval and analyzes the advantages and disadvantages according to the experimental performance.In terms of the retrieval tasks,3D model retrieval algorithms are classified into two categories:(1)Model­based3D model retrieval algorithms require that both query and gallery are3D models.It can be further divided into voxel-based method,point cloud-based method and view-based method in regard of different representations of3D models.(2)For2D image-based cross-domain3D model retrieval algorithms,the query is2D image while the gallery is3D model.It can be classified to2D real image-based method and2D sketch-based method.Finally,we analyze and discuss existing issues of deep learning based3D model retrieval methods,and predict possible promising directions for this research topic.Key words:3D model retrieval;deep learning;feature representation;metric learning;domain adaptation基金项目:国家自然科学基金(61772359,61902277)资助项目;天津市新一代人工智能重大专项(19ZXZNGX00110, 18ZXZNGX00150)资助项目;中国博士后科学基金(2020M680884)资助项目。


3.1 PREMIS 数据模型................................................................. 1 3.2 数据字典 ...................................................................... 2 3.3 对象实体 ...................................................................... 2 3.4 事件实体 ...................................................................... 2 3.5 代理实体 ...................................................................... 2 3.6 权利实体 ...................................................................... 2 3.7 知识实体 ...................................................................... 2 3.8 表现 .......................................................................... 2 3.9 文件 .......................................................................... 2 3.10 比特流 ....................................................................... 2 3.11 语义单元 ..................................................................... 2 4 必备语义单元 ....................................................................... 3 4.1 对象实体语义单元 ............................................................... 3 4.2 事件实体语义单元 ............................................................... 3 4.3 代理实体语义单元 ............................................................... 3 4.4 权利实体语义单元 ............................................................... 4 5 描述元数据 ......................................................................... 4 6 文件格式元数据 ..................................................................... 4 7 保存元数据取值的自动化、规范化 ..................................................... 4 7.1 需要开发的唯一标识符命名域 ..................................................... 4 7.2 需要定义的受控词表 ............................................................. 5 7.3 日期和时间格式 ................................................................. 5 7.4 其他语义单元取值应遵循的规范 ................................................... 6 8 实施 ............................................................................... 6 8.1 原则 ........................................................................... 6

IBM Cognos Transformer V11.0 用户指南说明书

IBM Cognos Transformer V11.0 用户指南说明书
Dimensional Modeling Workflow................................................................................................................. 1 Analyzing Your Requirements and Source Data.................................................................................... 1 Preprocessing Your ...................................................................................................................... 2 Building a Prototype............................................................................................................................... 4 Refining Your Model............................................................................................................................... 5 Diagnose and Resolve Any Design Problems........................................................................................ 6



TrueAlarm Analog Sensors – Photoelectric and Heat; Standard Bases and Accessories* These products have been approved by the California State Fire Marshal (CSFM) pursuant to Section 13144.1 of the California Health and Safety Code. See CSFM Listings 7272-0026:218,7271-0026:231, 7270-0026:216, and 7300-0026:217 for allowable values and/or conditions concerning material presented in this document. Additional listings may be applicable, contact your local FeaturesTrueAlarm analog sensing provides the following features • Digital transmission of analog sensor values using IDNet or MAPNET II two-wire communicationsFor use with the following Simplex products• 4007ES, 4010, 4010ES, 4100ES, and 4100U Series control units ; and 4008 Series control units with reduced feature set (refer to data sheet S4008-0001 for details)• 4020, 4100, and 4120 Series control units, Universal Transponders,and 2120 TrueAlarm CDTs equipped for MAPNET II operation Fire alarm control unit provides the folloing features• Peak value logging with accurate analysis of each sensor for individual sensitivity selection• Sensitivity monitoring meets NFPA 72 sensitivity testing requirements;automatic individual sensor calibration check verifies sensor integrity • Automatic environmental compensation, multi-stage alarm operation,and display of sensitivity directly in percent for each foot• Display and print detailed sensor information in plain English language Photoelectric smoke sensors provide the following features • Sensitivity levels from 0.2% to 3.1%. See TrueAlarm sensors for more information.Heat sensors have these features• Three fixed temperature sensing thresholds: 135°F, 155°F and 190°F • Rate-of-rise temperature sensing • Utility temperature sensing • Listed to UL 521 and ULC-S530General features• Ceiling or wall mounting• Listed to UL 268 7th Edition and ULC-S529• NEMA 1 rated. See TrueAlarm analog sensing product selection chart for more information.• Louvered smoke sensor design enhances smoke capture by directing flow to chamber; entrance areas are minimally visible when ceiling mounted• Designed for EMI compatibility • Magnetic testing• Different bases support a supervised or unsupervised output relay, or a remote LED alarm indicator Additional base reference• For isolator bases, refer to data sheet S4098-0025• For sounder bases, refer to data sheet S4098-0028• For photo/heat sensors, refer to data sheet S4098-0024 , single address and S4098-0033 , dual addressDescriptionDigital communication of analog sensingTrueAlarm analog sensors provide an analog measurement digitally communicated to the host control panel using Simplex addressable communications. The control unit analyses the data, determines anaverage value and stores it. Comparing the sensor's present value against its average value and time, determines an alarm or other abnormal condition.Intelligent data evaluationMonitoring each sensor's average value provides a continuouslyshifting reference point. A software filtering process compensates for environmental factors, such as dust and dirt, and component aging, to provide an accurate reference for evaluating new activity. This filtering reduces the probability of false or nuisance alarms caused by shifts in sensitivity, either up or down.Control unit selectionThe control unit stores peak activity for each sensor to assist inevaluating specific locations. The host control unit determines the alarm set point for each TrueAlarm sensor, selectable as more or less sensitiveas the individual application requires.Figure 1: 4098-9714 TrueAlarm photoelectric sensor mounted in baseTimed/multi-stage selectionYou can program the sensor alarm set points for timed automaticsensitivity selection, such as more sensitive at night, less sensitive during day. You can program the control unit to provide multi-stage operation for each sensor.Sensor alarm and trouble LED indicationEach sensor base's LED pulses to indicate communications with the unit.If the control unit determines a sensor is in alarm, is dirty, or has some other type of trouble, the details are annunciated at the control unit and the sensor's base LED will turn on steadily. During a system alarm, the control unit will control the LEDs such that an LED indicating a trouble will return to pulsing to help identify the alarmed sensors.TrueAlarm sensor bases and accessories Sensor base featuresBase mounted address selection• Address remains with its programmed location • Accessible from front, DIP switch under sensor General features• Automatic identification provides default sensitivity when substituting sensor types• Integral red LED for power-on, pulsing, or alarm or trouble, steady on • Locking anti-tamper design mounts on standard outlet box • Magnetically-operated functional testUL, ULC, CSFM Listed;FM Approved*TrueAlarm Analog SensingDatasheetSensor bases4098-9792, standard sensor base4098-9789, sensor base with wired connections• 2098-9808 remote LED alarm indicator or 4098-9822 relay (relay is unsupervised and requires separate 24 VDC)Supervised relay bases not compatible with 2120 CDT:• 4098-9791, 4-wire sensor base, use with remote or locally mounted 2098-9737 relay, requires separate 24 VDC• 4098-9780, 2-wire sensor base, use with remote or locally mounted 4098-9860 relay, no separate power required• Supervised relay operation is programmable and can be manually operated from control unit• Includes wired connections for remote LED alarm indicator or4098-9822 relay, relay is unsupervised and requires separate 24 VDCSensor base options2098-9737, remote or local mount supervised relay • DPDT contacts for resistive/suppressed loads • power limited rating of 3 A at 28 VDC• non-power limited rating of 3 A at 120 VAC, requires external 24 VDC coil power4098-9860, remote or local mount supervised relay• SPDT dry contacts, power limited rating of 2 A at 30 VDC, resistive; non-power limited rating of 0.5 A at 125 VAC, resistive 4098-9822, LED annunciation relay• Activates when base LED is on steady, indicating local alarm or trouble • DPDT contacts for resistive/suppressed loads, power limited rating of 2 A at 28 VDC; non-power limited rating of 1/2 A at 120 VAC, (requires external 24 VDC coil power)4098-9832, adapter plate• Required for surface or semi-flush mounting to 4 in. square electrical box and for surface mounting to 4 in. octagonal box• Can be used for cosmetic retrofitting to existing 6 3/8 in. diameter base product2098-9808, remote red LED alarm indicator• Mounts on single gang boxFigure 2: Remote red LED alarm indicatorDescriptionTrueAlarm sensor bases contain integral addressable electronics that constantly monitor the status of the detachable photoelectric or heat sensors. Each sensor's output is digitized and transmitted to the system fire alarm control unit every four seconds.You can easily interchange different TrueAlarm sensor types to meet specific location requirements. This feature allows intentional sensor substitution during building construction. When conditions aretemporarily dusty, you can install heat sensors without reprogramming the control unit, as covering smoke sensors causes them to be disabled.Although the control unit will indicate an incorrect sensor type, the heat sensor will operate at a default sensitivity providing heat detection for building protection at that location.Mounting referenceFigure 3: Mounting referenceTable 1: Product mounting - SKU referenceTrueAlarm sensors Features• Sealed against rear air flow entry • Interchangeable mounting • EMI/RFI shielded electronics • Heat sensors:- Selectable rate compensated, fixed temperature sensing with or without rate-of-rise operation- Rated spacing distance between sensors:Note: 190°F (88°C) ratings apply only to the 4098-9734 sensor. Smoke sensors• Photoelectric technology sensing• 360° smoke entry for optimum response• Built-in insect screens4098-9714 photoelectric sensorTrueAlarm photoelectric sensors use a stable, pulsed LED light source and a silicon photodiode receiver to deliver consistent and accurate low power smoke sensing. There are three user-selectable sensitivities for special applications for each individual sensor: 0.2%, 0.5%, and 1% for each foot. Standard sensitivity is 1.25% to 3.1% for each foot. The fire alarm control unit runs an algorithm that can vary the sensitivity for normal applications between 1.25% and 3.1% for each foot.Note: Fixed sensitivity settings higher than 1.0% for each foot are not UL268 7th Edition compliant.The sensor head design provides 360° smoke entry for optimum response to smoke from any direction. Due to its photoelectric operation, air velocity is not normally a factor, except for impact on area smoke flow.Figure 4: 4098-9714 photoelectric sensor with base 4098-9733 and 4098-9734 heat sensorsTrueAlarm heat sensors are self-restoring and provide rate-compensated, fixed temperature sensing, you can select with or without rate-of-rise temperature sensing. Due to its small thermal mass, the sensor accurately and quickly measures the local temperature for analysis at the fire alarm control unit.You can select rate-of-rise temperature detection at the control unit for either 15°F or 20°F, (8.3°C or 11.1°C) for each minute. Fixed temperature sensing is independent of rate-of-rise sensing and you can program itto operate at 135°F or 155°F (57.2°C or 68°C). The 4098-9734 sensor provides an additional 190°F (88°C) set point.In a slowly developing fire, the temperature may not increase rapidly enough to operate the rate-of-rise feature. However, an alarm will be initiated when the temperature reaches its rated fixed temperature setting.You can program TrueAlarm heat sensors as a utility device to monitor for temperature extremes in the range of 32°F to 155°F (0°C to 68°C). This feature can provide freeze warnings, or alert you to HVAC system problems. Refer to panel specifications for availability.Figure 5: 4098-9733 heat sensor with baseFigure 6: 4098-9734 high temperature heat sensor with base WARNING: In most fires, hazardous levels of smoke and toxic gascan build up before a heat detection device would initiate an alarm. In cases where Life Safety is a factor, the use of smoke detection is highly recommended.Application referenceSensor locations should be determined only after careful consideration of the physical layout and contents of the area to be protected. Refer to NFPA 72, the National Fire Alarm and Signaling Code. On smooth ceilings, smoke sensor spacing of 30 ft (9.1 m) may be used as a guide.For detailed application information including sensitivity selection, refer to Installation Instructions 574-709.TrueAlarm analog sensing product selection chartTable 2: TrueAlarm sensor bases (for use with sensors 4098-9714 and 4098-9733)Note: * SKU numbers ending in IND are assembled in India.Refer to Application Manual 574-709 and Installation Instructions 574-707 for additional information.Table 3: TrueAlarm sensorsNote:• All of these SKUs are NEMA 1 rated.• The 4098-9734 Heat Sensor is compatible with IDNet on the 4100ES, 4010ES, and 4007ES onlyTable 4: TrueAlarm sensor/base accessoriesNote: 2098-9808 is NEMA 1 rated.SpecificationsTable 5: General operating specificationsTable 5: General operating specificationsTable 6: 4098-9791 Base with supervised remote relay 2098-9737Table 7: 4098-9780 Base with supervised remote relay 4098-9860Table 8: 4098-9822 Unsupervised relay, requirements for bases 4098-9789, 4098-9791, and 4098-9780TrueAlarm Analog Sensors – Photoelectric and Heat; Standard Bases and Accessories© 2021 Johnson Controls. All rights reserved. All specifications and other information shown were current as of document revision and are subject to change without notice. Additional listings may be applicable, contact your local Simplex® product supplier for the latest status. Listings and approvals under Simplex Time Recorder Co. Simplex, and the product names listed in this material are marks and/or registered marks. Unauthorized use is strictly prohibited. NFPA 72 and National Fire Alarm Code are。

3d aigc 原理

3d aigc 原理

3D AIGC(人工智能生成内容)是一种使用人工智能技术来创建三维立体内容的技术。


具体来说,3D AIGC技术首先通过捕获真实世界中的物体或场景,使用计算机视觉技术对这些图像进行分析,从中提取出三维形状、纹理、光照等信息。


在生成三维模型之后,3D AIGC技术还可以进一步利用机器学习和自然语言处理技术,让这些模型能够根据用户的自然语言描述进行自我调整和优化。

例如,用户可以说:“我想要一个更亮一些的茶壶”,那么3D AIGC技术就会自动调整模型的光照参数,使其看起来更亮。

总的来说,3D AIGC技术的原理是通过计算机视觉和机器学习技术,从真实世界中获取信息,并利用深度学习算法和神经网络技术进行数据处理和优化,最终生成具有高度逼真细节的三维模型。















在多维缩放方法中,最常用的是经典多维缩放(Classical Multidimensional Scaling,简称CMDS)和主成分分析(Principal Component Analysis,简称PCA)。













论人工智能算法专利的披露标准论人工智能算法专利的披露标准近年来,人工智能(Artificial Intelligence,简称)技术在各个领域迅速发展。





















单片机的U盘读写模块的设计唐山学院毕业设计设计题目:基于单片机的U盘读写模块的设计系别:班级:姓名:指导教师:2021年6月6 日基于单片机的U盘读写模块的设计摘要介绍了一种USB总线的通用接口芯片CH375,并在此基础上提出了一种外部单片机读写U盘的基本方法及其硬件连接方法。


关键词:U盘;CH375;接口芯片;单片机RESEARCH ON IMAGE REGISTRATION TECHNOLOGY BASED ON MATLABAbstractA general purpose interface chip CH37 5 for USB is introduced in this paper.Based On which a new method of Using external single chip microcomputer to connect with the flash disk is given.Only add one CH375 chip to the single chip microcomputer s hardware system,the operator can use the program given by the CH375 to read the data from the flash disk and realize the communication between the single chip microcomputer and the flash disk.This method is very simple and can be operated easily.Key words: Powell; PSOUSB;CH375;interface chip;single chip microcomputer目录1 引言 ........................................................................... .. (1)1.1 论文背景和意义 ........................................................................... ................ 1 1.2 图像配准技术研究现状 ........................................................................... . (2)2 图像配准综述 ........................................................................... . (4)2.1 图像配准理论 ........................................................................... .................... 4 2.2 图像配准一般步骤 ........................................................................... ............ 4 2.3 特征空间 ........................................................................... . (5)2.3.1 基于灰度统计信息的配准 ................................................................ 5 2.3.2 基于特征的配准方法 (7)2.4 搜索空间 ..................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。



ⅥSPECIAL ARTICLESAnesthesiology2009;110:459–79Copyright©2009,the American Society of Anesthesiologists,Inc.Lippincott Williams&Wilkins,Inc. Practice Advisory on Anesthetic Care for MagneticResonance ImagingA Report by the American Society of Anesthesiologists Task Force on Anesthetic Care for Magnetic Resonance Imaging*PRACTICE advisories are systematically developed re-ports that are intended to assist decision making in areas of patient care.Advisories are based on a syn-thesis of scientific literature and analysis of expert and practitioner opinion,clinical feasibility data,open fo-rum commentary,and consensus surveys.Advisories developed by the American Society of Anesthesiolo-gists(ASA)are not intended as standards,guidelines, or absolute requirements.They may be adopted,mod-ified,or rejected according to clinical needs and con-straints.The use of practice advisories cannot guarantee any specific outcome.Practice advisories summarize the state of the literature,and report opinions obtained from expert consultants and ASA members.Practice adviso-ries are not supported by scientific literature to the same degree as standards or guidelines because of the lack of sufficient numbers of adequately controlled studies. Practice advisories are subject to periodic revision as warranted by the evolution of medical knowledge,tech-nology,and practice.The magnetic resonance imaging(MRI)suite is a haz-ardous location because of the presence of a strong static magneticfield,high-frequency electromagnetic (radiofrequency)waves,and a time-varied(pulsed)mag-neticfield.Secondary dangers of these energy sources include high-level acoustic noise,systemic and localized heating,and accidental projectiles.There may be signif-icant challenges to anesthetic administration and moni-toring capabilities due to static and dynamic magnetic fields as well as radiofrequency energy emissions.Direct patient observation may be compromised by noise,dark-ened environment,obstructed line of sight,and other characteristics unique to this environment(e.g.,distrac-tions).Unlike a conventional operating room,the MRI environment frequently requires the anesthesiologist to assume broader responsibility for immediate patient care decisions.MethodologyA.Definition of Anesthetic Care for MRI and High-risk ImagingThis Advisory defines anesthetic care for MRI as mod-erate sedation,deep sedation,monitored anesthesia care,general anesthesia,or ventilatory and critical care support.High-risk imaging refers to imaging in patients with medical or health-related risks;imaging with equip-ment-related risks;and procedure-related risks,such as MRI-guided surgery,minimally invasive procedures(e.g., focused ultrasound,radiofrequency ablation),or cardiac and airway imaging studies.B.PurposeThe purposes of this Advisory are to(1)promote patient and staff safety in the MRI environment,(2) prevent the occurrence of MRI-associated accidents,(3) promote optimal patient management and reduce ad-verse patient outcomes associated with MRI,(4)identify potential equipment-related hazards in the MRI environ-ment,(5)identify limitations of physiologic monitoring capabilities in the MRI environment,and(6)identify potential health hazards(e.g.,high decibel levels)of the MRI environment.C.FocusThis Advisory focuses on MRI settings where anes-thetic care is provided,specifically facilities that are designated as level II or III(appendix1).Level II refers to facilities that image patients requiring moni-toring or life support.Level III refers to facilities that are designed for operative procedures.This AdvisorySupplemental digital content is available for this article.DirectURL citations appear in the printed text and are available inboth the HTML and PDF versions of this article.Links to thedigitalfiles are provided in the HTML text of this article on theJournal’s Web site().*Developed by the American Society of Anesthesiologists Task Force on Anes-thetic Care for Magnetic Resonance Imaging:Jan Ehrenwerth,M.D.(Co-chair), Madison,Connecticut;Mark A.Singleton,M.D.,San Jose,California(Co-chair); Charlotte Bell,M.D.,Milford,Connecticut,Jeffrey A.Brown,D.O.,Cleveland,Ohio; Randall M.Clark,M.D.,Denver,Colorado;Richard T.Connis,Ph.D.,Woodinville, Washington;Robert Herfkens,M.D.,Stanford,California;Lawrence Litt,M.D.,Ph.D., San Francisco,California;Keira P.Mason,M.D.,Wellesley Hills,Massachusetts;Craig D.McClain,M.D.,Brookline,Massachusetts;David G.Nickinovich,Ph.D.,Bellevue, Washington;Susan M.Ryan,M.D.,Ph.D.,San Francisco,California;and Warren S. Sandberg,M.D.,Ph.D.,Boston,Massachusetts.Submitted for publication October24,2008.Accepted for publication Octo-ber24,2008.Supported by the American Society of Anesthesiologists under the direction of James F.Arens,M.D.,Chair,Committee on Standards and Practice Parameters.Approved by the House of Delegates on October22,2008.A complete list of references used to develop this Advisory is available by writing to the American Society of Anesthesiologists.Address reprint requests to the American Society of Anesthesiologists:520 North Northwest Highway,Park Ridge,Illinois60068-2573.This Practice Advi-sory,as well as all published ASA Practice Parameters,may be obtained at no cost through the Journal Web site,.does not apply to level I facilities,where no anesthetic care is provided.Four zones within the MRI suite have been identified,with ascending designations indicating increased hazard areas.1,2These areas within the MRI suite are categorized as zones I–IV (table 1).D.ApplicationThis Advisory is intended for use by anesthesiolo-gists or other individuals working under the supervi-sion of an anesthesiologist,and applies to anesthetic care performed,supervised,or medically directed by anesthesiologists,or to moderate sedation care super-vised by other physicians.Because the safe conduct of MRI procedures requires close collaboration and prompt coordination between anesthesiologists,radi-ologists,MRI technologists,and nurses,some respon-sibilities are shared among the disciplines.When shared responsibilities are described in this Advisory,the intent is to give the anesthesiologist a starting point for participating in the allocation and under-standing of shared responsibilities.The Advisory may also serve as a resource for other physicians and healthcare professionals (e.g.,technologists,nurses,safety officers,hospital administrators,biomedical en-gineers,and industry representatives).This Advisory does not address specific anesthetic drug choices and does not apply to patients who receive minimal sedation (anxiolysis)to complete the scan or procedure safely and comfortably.E.Task Force Members and ConsultantsThe ASA appointed a Task Force of 13members.These individuals included 10anesthesiologists in pri-vate and academic practice from various geographic areas of the United States,1radiologist,and 2consult-ing methodologists from the ASA Committee on Stan-dards and Practice Parameters.The Task Force developed the Advisory by means of a seven-step process.First,they reached consensus on the criteria for evidence.Second,a systematic review and evaluation was performed on original published research studies from peer-reviewed journals relevant to MRI safety.Third,a panel of expert consultants was asked to (1)participate in opinion surveys on the effectiveness of various MRI safety strategies and (2)review and comment on a draft of the Advisory devel-oped by the Task Force.Fourth,opinions about the Advisory were solicited from a random sample of active members of the ASA.Fifth,the Task Force held an open forum at two major national meetings†to solicit input on its draft recommendations.Sixth,the consultants were surveyed to assess their opinions on the feasibility of implementing this Advisory.Seventh,all available information was used to build consensus within the Task Force to create the final document,as summarized in appendix 2.F.Availability and Strength of EvidencePreparation of this Advisory followed a rigorous meth-odologic process (appendix 3).Evidence was obtained from two principal sources:scientific evidence and opin-ion-based evidence.Scientific Evidence.Study findings from published scientific literature were aggregated and are reported in summary form by evidence category,as described below.All literature (e.g.,randomized controlled tri-als,observational studies,case reports)relevant to each topic was considered when evaluating the find-ings.For reporting purposes in this document,the highest level of evidence (i.e.,level 1,2,or 3identified below)within each category (i.e.,A,B,or C)is indi-cated in the summary.Category A:Supportive Literature.Randomized con-trolled trials report statistically significant (P Ͻ0.01)†82nd Clinical and Scientific Congress of the International Anesthesia Re-search Society,San Francisco,California,March 30,2008,and Annual Meeting of the Society for Pediatric Anesthesia,San Diego,California,April 5,2008.Table 1.Zone Definitions 1Zone IThis region includes all areas that are freely accessible to the general public.This area is typically outside the MRenvironment itself and is the area through which patients,healthcare personnel,and other employees of the MR site access the MR environment.Zone IIThis area is the interface between the publicly accessible uncontrolled zone I and the strictly controlled zone III (see below).Typically,the patients are greeted in zone II and are not free to move throughout zone II at will,but rather are under the supervision of MR personnel.It is in zone II that patient histories,answers to medical insurance questions,and answers to magnetic resonance imaging screening questions are typically obtained.Zone IIIThis area is the region in which free access by unscreened non-MR personnel or ferromagnetic objects or equipment can result in serious injury or death as a result of interactions between the individuals or equipment and the MR scanner’s particular environment.These interactions include,but are not limited to,those with the MR scanner’s static and time-varying magnetic fields.All access to zone III is to be strictly restricted,with access to regions within it (including zone IV;see below)controlled by,and entirely under the supervision of,MR personnel.Zone IVThis area is the MR scanner magnet room.Zone IV,by definition,will always be located within zone III because it is the MR magnet and its associated magnetic field,which generates the existence of zone III.MR ϭmagnetic resonance.differences among clinical interventions for a specified clinical outcome.Level1:The literature contains multiple randomized controlled trials,and the aggregatedfindings are sup-ported by meta-analysis.‡Level2:The literature contains multiple randomized controlled trials,but there is an insufficient number of studies to conduct a viable meta-analysis for the purpose of this Advisory.Level3:The literature contains a single randomized controlled trial.Category B:Suggestive rmation from observational studies permits inference of beneficial or harmful relations among clinical interventions and clini-cal outcomes.Level1:The literature contains observational compar-isons(e.g.,cohort,case–control research designs)of two or more clinical interventions or conditions and indi-cates statistically significant differences between clinical interventions for a specified clinical outcome.Level2:The literature contains noncomparative obser-vational studies with associative(e.g.,relative risk,cor-relation)or descriptive statistics.Level3:The literature contains case reports. Category C:Equivocal Literature.The literature can-not determine whether there are beneficial or harmful relations among clinical interventions and clinical out-comes.Level1:Meta-analysis did notfind significant differ-ences among groups or conditions.Level2:There is an insufficient number of studies to conduct meta-analysis and(1)randomized controlled trials have not found significant differences among groups or conditions or(2)randomized controlled trials report inconsistentfindings.Level3:Observational studies report inconsistentfind-ings or do not permit inference of beneficial or harmful relations.Category D:Insufficient Evidence from Literature. The lack of scientific evidence in the literature is de-scribed by the following terms.Silent:No identified studies address the specified rela-tions among interventions and outcomes. Inadequate:The available literature cannot be used to assess relations among clinical interventions and clinical outcomes.The literature either does not meet the crite-ria for content as defined in the“Focus”of the Advisory or does not permit a clear interpretation offindings because of methodologic concerns(e.g.,confounding in study design or implementation).Opinion-based Evidence.All opinion-based evi-dence relevant to each topic(e.g.,survey data,open-forum testimony,Internet-based comments,letters,edi-torials)is considered in the development of this Advisory.However,only thefindings obtained from for-mal surveys are reported.Opinion surveys were developed by the Task Force to address each clinical intervention identified in the doc-ument.Identical surveys were distributed to two groups of respondents:expert consultants and ASA members. Category A:Expert Opinion.Survey responses from Task Force–appointed expert consultants are reported in summary form in the text.A complete listing of consultant survey responses is reported in table2in appendix3.Category B:Membership Opinion.Survey responses from a random sample of members of the ASA are re-ported in summary form in the text.A complete listing of ASA member survey responses is reported in table3in appendix3.Survey responses are recorded using a5-point scale and summarized based on median values.§Strongly agree:median score of5(at least50%of the responses are5)Agree:median score of4(at least50%of the responses are 4or4and5)Equivocal:median score of3(at least50%of the responses are3,or no other response category or combination of similar categories contain at least50%of the responses) Disagree:median score of2(at least50%of the responses are2or1and2)Strongly disagree:median score of1(at least50%of the responses are1)Category C:Informal Opinion.Open-forum testi-mony,Internet-based comments,letters,and editorials are all informally evaluated and discussed during the development of the Advisory.When warranted,the Task Force may add educational information or cautionary notes based on this information.AdvisoriescationMRI safety education includes,but is not limited to, topics addressing:(1)MRI magnet hazards in zones III and IV,(2)challenges and limitations of monitoring,and(3)long-term health hazards.There is insufficient published evidence to evaluate the effect of education regarding magnet hazards,mon-itoring limitations,or long-term health hazards associ-ated with MRI.[Category D evidence]One observational study examined the potential long-term health hazards of pregnant MRI workers and pregnant non-MRI workers, and found no significant difference in the relative risk of‡All meta-analyses are conducted by the ASA methodology group.Meta-analyses from other sources are reviewed but not included as evidence in this document.§When an equal number of categorically distinct responses is obtained,the median value is determined by calculating the arithmetic mean of the two middle values.Ties are calculated by a predetermined formula.early delivery,low birth weight,or spontaneous abor-tions.3[Category C evidence]The consultants and ASA members strongly agree that all anesthesiologists should have general safety educa-tion on the unique physical environment of the MRI scanner.The ASA members agree and the consultants strongly agree that all anesthesiologists should have spe-cific education regarding the features of individual scan-ners within their institution.The ASA members agree and the consultants strongly agree that anesthesiologists should work in collaboration with radiologists,technol-ogists,and physicists within their institutions to develop safety training programs.Advisory Statements.All anesthesiologists should have general safety education on the unique physical environment of the MRI scanner and specific education regarding the specific features of individual scanners within their cation should emphasize safety for entering zones III and IV,with special empha-sis on hazards in this environment and effects on moni-toring cation should address potential health hazards(e.g.,high decibel levels and high-inten-sity magneticfields)and necessary precautions to deal with the specificfield strength and the safety of the MRI scanners within their cation should in-clude information regarding ferromagnetic items(e.g., stethoscopes,pens,wallets,watches,hair clips,name tags,pagers,cell phones,credit cards,batteries)and implantable devices(e.g.,spinal cord stimulators,im-planted objects)that should not be brought into zone III or IV of the MRI suite or should be brought in with caution.Anesthesiologists should work in collabora-tion with radiologists,technologists,and physicists within their institutions to ensure that the above top-ics are included in their safety training programs. Finally,education should include how to safely re-spond to code blue situations in zones III and IV,and this information should be integrated into protocols for the designated code blue team.II.Screening of Anesthetic Care Providers and Ancillary Support PersonnelThe MRI medical director or designated technologist is responsible for access to zones III and IV.Screening of all individuals entering zone III is necessary to prevent accidental incursions of ferromagnetic materials or inad-vertent exposure of personnel with foreign bodies or implanted ferromagnetic items.The literature is silent regarding whether the screening of anesthesia care providers and ancillary support per-sonnel improves safety in the MRI suite.[Category D evidence]The ASA members agree and the consultants strongly agree that the anesthesiologist should work in collaboration with the MRI medical director or designee to ensure that all anesthesia team personnel entering zone III or IV have been properly screened.Advisory Statements.The anesthesiologist should work in collaboration with the MRI medical director or designee(e.g.,safety officer)to ensure that all anesthesia team personnel entering zone III or IV have been screened for the presence of ferromagnetic materials, foreign bodies,or implanted devices.III.Patient ScreeningPatient screening consists of determining patient and equipment-related risks for adverse outcomes associated with MRI procedures.Patient-related Risks:Risks related to the patient may include age-related risks,health-related risks,and risks from foreign bodies located in or on the patient or implanted ferromagnetic items.Age-related risks apply to neonates or premature infants,and elderly patients. Health-related risks include,but are not limited to,(1) the need for intensive or critical care;(2)impaired re-spiratory function(e.g.,tonsillar hypertrophy,sleep ap-nea);(3)changes in level of sedation,muscle relaxation, or ventilation;(4)hemodynamic instability and vasoac-tive infusion requirements;and(5)comorbidities that may contribute to adverse MRI effects(e.g.,burns or temperature increases in patients with obesity or periph-eral vascular disease).Risks from foreign bodies include nonmedical ferromagnetic items imbedded in the pa-tient(e.g.,eyeliner tattoos,metallic intraocular frag-ments)or attached to the patient(e.g.,pierced jewelry, magnetic dental keepers).Risk from implanted ferro-magnetic items may include such items as aneurysm clips,prosthetic heart valves,or coronary arterial stents. One comparative study reports that neonates undergoing MRI demonstrate increasedfluctuations in heart rate,blood pressure,and oxygen saturation levels compared with ne-onates not undergoing MRI.4[Category B1evidence]Two observational studies report that premature neonates can experience heart ratefluctuations,decreases in oxygen saturation,and increases in temperature during MRI.5,6 [Category B2evidence]One case report indicates that a child with a history of previous cardiac arrest experienced a cardiac arrest during MRI.7[Category B3evidence]Four observational studies8–11and two case reports12,13indicate that patients with impaired renal function are at risk of nephrogenic systemicfibrosis after gadolinium adminis-tered for MRI.[Category B2evidence]Case reports indicate that exposure of ironfilings to the magneticfield may result in hemorrhage,7,14and exposure of eyeliner tattoos may result in image artifacts,burns, swelling,or puffiness.7,15–17[Category B3evidence]Nu-merous observational studies and case reports indicate in-teractions with the magneticfield(e.g.,movements,dis-placements,image artifacts)and increases in temperature during MRI for ferromagnetic items such as aneurysm clips, surgical clips,prosthetic heart valves,intravenous infusion pumps,coronary arterial stents,and implanted dental mag-net keepers.18–43[Category B2evidence]Anesthesiology,V110,No3,Mar2009Both the consultants and the ASA members strongly agree that,for every case,the anesthesiologist should communicate with the patient and radiologist or refer-ring physician to determine whether the patient has a high-risk medical condition.In addition,they both strongly agree that if the patient presents with a high-risk medical condition,the anesthesiologist should collabo-rate with all participants,including the referring physi-cian,radiologist,and technologist,to determine how the patient will be managed during the MRI procedure.Both the consultants and the ASA members agree that,for patients with acute or severe renal insufficiency,the anesthesiologist should not administer gadolinium be-cause of the increased risk of nephrogenic systemic fibrosis.Equipment-related Risks:Patient equipment-related risks include,but are not limited to,(1)physiologic monitors;(2)invasive monitors(e.g.,intravascular cath-eters);(3)intubation equipment;(4)oxygenation and ventilation equipment;and(5)pacemakers,implanted cardiodefibrillators,and other implanted devices(e.g., deep brain stimulators,vagal or phrenic nerve stimula-tors,middle-ear or cochlear implants).One case report notes that cardiac monitor leads inter-fered with an MRI scan.7[Category B3evidence]One observational study and one case report indicate thatfire or burns occurred beneath or near cardiac monitor elec-trodes.44,45[Category B2evidence]Five case reports note that burns occurred from the looping of a temper-ature probe or pulse oximetry cables.46–50[Category B3 evidence]One observational study reports ferromag-netic components in ventilators51[category B2evi-dence],and three case reports describe projectile ni-trous oxide or oxygen tanks52–54[category B3evidence]. Additional observational studies and case reports indi-cate interactions of pacemakers or implanted cardio-verter–defibrillators with MRI scanning,including,but not limited to,pacing artifacts,reed switch closure, generator movement or displacement,alterations of pac-ing rate,and temperature increases.7,55–84[Category B2 evidence]Two observational studies report palpitations, rapid heart rate,and discomfort at the pacemaker pocket after MRI.75,85[Category B2evidence]Finally,two cases of cardiac arrest are reported in patients with pacemak-ers during or after an MRI scan;in one case,the patient died.7,57[Category B3evidence]Two observational studies report image artifacts when MRI is performed in patients with neurostimulators,infu-sion pumps,or implantable spinal fusion stimulators.86,87 Six observational studies report increased temperatures in patients with deep brain stimulators,neurostimulators,or spinal cord stimulators,88–93and three report displacement of leads,pulse generators,or other components of deep brain stimulators or middle ear prostheses during MRI scans.94–96[Category B2evidence]Both the consultants and the ASA members agree that, for every case,the anesthesiologist should communicate with the radiologist or referring physician to determine whether the patient requires equipment that may pose a risk during the scan.In addition,they agree that anes-thesiologists should determine the safety and effective-ness of the equipment needed by the patient during the procedure for each MRI location.Further,the consult-ants and ASA members strongly agree that anesthesiolo-gists should work with their institutions to properly identify and label anesthesia-related equipment accord-ing to convention for each MRI scanner.The ASA mem-bers agree and the consultants strongly agree that care should be taken to ensure that anesthesia equipment does not interfere with image acquisition or quality. Both the consultants and the ASA members agree that,in general,MRI should not be performed on patients with implanted electronic devices.Finally,both the consult-ants and the ASA members strongly agree that,when MRI is considered essential by the referring physician and consulting radiologist,a plan for managing patients with implanted electronic devices during the scan should be developed in collaboration with the referring physician,medical director or on-site radiologist,and other appropriate consultants.Advisory Statements for Patient and Equipment-related Risks.For every case,the anesthesiologist should communicate with the patient,referring physi-cian,and radiologist to determine whether the patient (1)presents with a high-risk medical condition(e.g., neonatal status or prematurity,intensive or critical care status,impaired respiratory function,hemodynamic in-stability and vasoactive infusion requirements,comor-bidities such as obesity and peripheral vascular disease);(2)requires equipment(e.g.,physiologic or invasive monitors;intubation,oxygenation,or ventilation equip-ment);(3)has implanted devices(e.g.,pacemakers,car-dioverter–defibrillators,nerve stimulators);(4)has been screened for the presence of implanted ferromagnetic items(e.g.,surgical clips,prosthetic heart valves);and(5) has been screened for the presence of imbedded foreign bodies(e.g.,orbital ironfilings,eyeliner tattoos).Finally,the anesthesiologist should communicate with the technolo-gist to ensure that the patient has been screened for the presence of foreign bodies on the patient(e.g.,pierced jewelry,rings)before entering zone III.If a patient presents with a high-risk medical condition, the anesthesiologist should collaborate with all partici-pants,including the referring physician,radiologist,and technologist,to determine how the patient will be man-aged during the MRI procedure.Anticipated changes in level of sedation,muscle relaxation,or ventilation may also place a patient in a high-risk situation.For patients with acute or severe renal insufficiency, the anesthesiologist should not administer gadoliniumAnesthesiology,V110,No3,Mar2009because of the increased risk of nephrogenic systemic fibrosis.࿣Anesthesiologists should work with their institutions to properly identify and label anesthesia-related equipment according to convention(safe,unsafe,or conditional)for each MRI scanner.#For each MRI location,anesthesiolo-gists should determine the safety and effectiveness of the equipment needed by the patient during the procedure.In addition,care should be taken to ensure that equipment does not interfere with image acquisition or quality.The Task Force believes that cardiac pacemakers and implantable cardioverter–defibrillators are generally contraindicated for MRI.These devices pose an extreme hazard in this environment and may be life-threatening within the5gauss line.When MRI is considered essen-tial by the referring physician and consulting radiologist, a plan for managing these patients during the scan should be developed in collaboration with the ordering physician,medical director or on-site radiologist,and other appropriate consultants(e.g.,the patient’s pace-maker specialist or cardiologist,the diagnostic radiolo-gist,the device manufacturer).**Other implanted electronic devices also pose a hazard in the MRI environment.These devices and associated wiring may transfer energy during the MRI scan,causing tissue damage,malfunction of the device,image arti-facts,and device displacement.MRI may be performed on a limited basis for patients with certain implanted electronic devices(e.g.,deep brain stimulators,vagal nerve stimulators,phrenic nerve stimulators,wire-con-taining thermodilution catheters,cochlear implants).In consultation with the referring physician,the radiologist responsible for the procedure,and the neurosurgeon, the anesthesiologist should ensure that the presence of the device has been noted and determined to be MRI safe/conditional before imaging of these patients.IV.PreparationPreparation consists of determining and implement-ing an individualized anesthetic plan before the MRI procedure begins.In addition to the anesthetic plan, preparation includes a plan for optimal positioning of equipment and personnel in the MRI suite during the procedure.The literature is insufficient to determine whether ac-tive preparation or pre-MRI planning reduces the fre-quency of adverse events.[Category D evidence]One case report indicates that misinformation about the type of aneurysm clip resulted in intracerebral hemorrhage and death,31and a second case report indicates that a lack of communication among physicians caring for a pacemaker patient resulted in the death of the patient.97 [Category B3evidence]Both the consultants and the ASA members strongly agree that,for every case,the anesthesiologist should prepare,with support personnel,a plan for providing optimal anesthetic care within the special environment of the MRI suite.They both strongly agree that the anesthesiologist should communicate with the radiology personnel to determine the requirements of the scan.The ASA members agree and the consultants strongly agree that the anesthesiologist should collaborate with the magnetic resonance(MR)technologist and/or facility biomedical en-gineer to determine and demarcate the optimal and safe location of movable equipment in relation to the gauss lines within the MRI suite.They both strongly agree that,be-cause line of sight within the bore will vary depending on the facility,the anesthesiologist should choose a location or position for optimal patient observation and vigilance dur-ing delivery of care,whether in zone III or IV.Finally,they both strongly agree that the anesthesiologist should pre-pare a plan for rapidly summoning additional personnel in the event of an emergency.Advisory Statements.For every case,the anesthesiol-ogist should prepare,with support personnel,a plan for providing optimal anesthetic care within the special envi-ronment of the MRI suite.In addition to addressing the medical needs of the patient,features of the plan should include(1)requirements of the scan and personnel needs,(2) positioning of equipment,(3)special requirements or unique issues of patient or imaging study,(4)positioning of the anes-thesiologist and the patient,and(5)planning for emergencies.1.The anesthesiologist should communicate with theradiology personnel to determine the requirements for the scan(e.g.,duration of the scan,position of the patient or area of the body in the scanner,positioning of receiver coils,need for periods of paused respira-tion).The anesthesiologist should communicate with other anesthesia team members regarding individual roles for anesthetic care.2.The anesthesiologist should collaborate with the MRtechnologist and/or facility biomedical engineer to determine and demarcate the optimal and safe loca-tion of movable equipment in relation to the gauss lines within the MRI suite.3.Because line of sight within the bore will vary de-pending on the facility,the anesthesiologist should࿣See US Food and Drug Administration alert.Available at:/ CDER/Drug/InfoSheets/HCP/gcca_200705.htm.Accessed October17,2008.#Equipment is categorized as safe,unsafe,or conditional for use in the MRI environment.MRI safe equipment is identified by the American Society for Testing and Materials as having no ferromagnetic parts or radiofrequency inter-ference.MRI unsafe equipment is identified as having ferromagnetic parts or being affected by radiofrequency interference.MRI conditional equipment may be safe in certain locations of the suite depending on gauss line locations,but cannot be identified as having no ferromagnetic parts(see American Society for Testing and Materials Practice Standards F2503,F2119,and F2052,).In the past, equipment was described as MRI compatible,but because the safety of this equip-ment depended on the particular MRI environment,the word conditional now applies.**American Society of Anesthesiologists:Practice advisory for the periopera-tive management of patients with cardiac rhythm management devices:Pace-makers and implantable cardioverter–defibrillators.A NESTHESIOLOGY2005;103: 186–98.Anesthesiology,V110,No3,Mar2009。

HI-FORCE 2000系列液压油(TDS 1428)说明书

HI-FORCE 2000系列液压油(TDS 1428)说明书

ECO:- 4476SECTION 1PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATIONPRODUCTProduct Name: HYDRAULIC OILSProduct Description:Hydrocarbon Base Oils and AdditivesProduct Code: 2000 SeriesIntended Use: Compressor / Hydraulic / Industrial Gear & Machine oils / Circulating oils COMPANY IDENTIFICATIONSupplier: HI-FORCE LIMITEDPROSPECT WAYDAVENTRYNORTHANTSNN11 8PLUNITED KINGDOMTel: +44 1327 301000. Fax: +44 1327 706555Email: Web: SECTION 2HAZARDS IDENTIFICATIONThis material is not considered to be hazardous according to regulatory guidelines see Section 15.HEALTH HAZARDSLow order of toxicity. Excessive exposure may result in eye, skin, or respiratory irritation. High-pressure injection under skin may cause serious damage.Note: This material should not be used for any other purpose than the intended use in Section 1 without expert advice. Health studies have shown that chemical exposure may cause potential human health risks which may vary from person to person.SECTION 3COMPOSITION / INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTSNo Reportable Hazardous Substance(s) or Complex Substance(s).SECTION 4FIRST AID MEASURESINHALATIONRemove from further exposure. For those providing assistance, avoid exposure to yourself or others. Use adequate respiratory protection. If respiratory irritation, dizziness, nausea, or unconsciousness occurs, seek immediate medical assistance. If breathing has stopped, assist ventilation with a mechanical device or use mouth-to-mouth resuscitation.SKIN CONTACTWash contact areas with soap and water. If product is injected into or under the skin, or into any part of the body, regardless of the appearance of the wound or its size, the individual should be evaluated immediately by a physician as a surgical emergency.EYE CONTACTFlush thoroughly with water. If irritation occurs, get medical assistance.INGESTIONFirst aid is normally not required. Seek medical attention if discomfort occurs.ECO:- 4476SECTION 5FIRE FIGHTING MEASURESEXTINGUISHING MEDIAAppropriate Extinguishing Media: Use water fog, foam, dry chemical or carbon dioxide (CO2) to extinguish flames.Inappropriate Extinguishing Media: Straight streams of waterFIRE FIGHTINGFire Fighting Instructions: Evacuate area. Prevent run-off from fire control or dilution from entering streams, sewers or drinking water supply. Fire-fighters should use standard protective equipment and in enclosed spaces, self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA). Use water spray to cool fire exposed surfaces and to protect personnel.Unusual Fire Hazards: Pressurised mists may form a flammable mixture.Hazardous Combustion Products: Smoke, Fume, Aldehydes, Sulphur Oxides, Incomplete combustionproducts, Oxides of carbonFLAMMABILITY PROPERTIESFlash Point [Method]: >150CFlammable Limits (Approximate volume % in air): LEL: 0.9 UEL: 7.0Autoignition Temperature: N/DSECTION 6ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURESNOTIFICATION PROCEDURESIn the event of a spill or accidental release, notify relevant authorities in accordance with all applicableregulations.SPILL MANAGEMENTLand Spill: Stop leak if you can do so without risk. Recover by pumping or with suitable absorbent.Water Spill: Stop leak if you can do so without risk. Confine the spill immediately with booms. Warn other shipping. Remove from the surface by skimming or with suitable absorbents. Seek the advice of a specialist before using dispersants.Water spill and land spill recommendations are based on the most likely spill scenario for this material;however, geographic conditions, wind, temperature, (and in the case of a water spill) wave and current direction and speed may greatly influence the appropriate action to be taken. For this reason, local experts should be consulted. Note: Local regulations may prescribe or limit action to be taken. ENVIRONMENTAL PRECAUTIONSLarge Spills: Dyke far ahead of liquid spill for later recovery and disposal. Prevent entry into waterways, sewers, basements or confined areas.SECTION 7HANDLING AND STORAGEHANDLINGPrevent small spills and leakage to avoid slip hazard.Static Accumulator: This material is a static accumulator.STORAGEDo not store in open or unlabelled containers.ECO:- 4476SECTION 8EXPOSURE CONTROLS / PERSONAL PROTECTIONExposure limits/standards for materials that can be formed when handling this product: When mists / aerosols can occur, the following are recommended: 5 mg/m³ - ACGIH TLV, 10 mg/m³ - ACGIH STEL. ENGINEERING CONTROLSThe level of protection and types of controls necessary will vary depending upon potential exposureconditions. Control measures to consider:No special requirements under ordinary conditions of use and with adequate ventilation.PERSONAL PROTECTIONPersonal protective equipment selections vary based on potential exposure conditions such as applications, handling practices, concentration and ventilation. Information on the selection of protective equipment for use with this material, as provided below, is based upon intended, normal usage.Respiratory Protection: If engineering controls do not maintain airborne contaminant concentrations at a level which is adequate to protect worker health, an approved respirator may be appropriate. Respirator selection, use, and maintenance must be in accordance with regulatory requirements, if applicable. Types of respirators to be considered for this material include:No special requirements under ordinary conditions of use and with adequate ventilation.For high airborne concentrations, use an approved supplied-air respirator, operated in positive pressure mode. Supplied air respirators with an escape bottle may be appropriate when oxygen levels are inadequate, gas/vapour warning properties are poor, or if air purifying filter capacity/rating may be exceeded.Hand Protection: Any specific glove information provided is based on published literature and glove manufacturer data. Glove suitability and breakthrough time will differ depending on the specific use conditions. Contact the glove manufacturer for specific advice on glove selection and breakthrough times for your use conditions. Inspect and replace worn or damaged gloves. The types of gloves to be considered for this material include:No protection is ordinarily required under normal conditions of use.Eye Protection: If contact is likely, safety glasses with side shields are recommended.Skin and Body Protection: Any specific clothing information provided is based on published literature or manufacturer data. The types of clothing to be considered for this material include:No skin protection is ordinarily required under normal conditions of use. In accordance with goodindustrial hygiene practices, precautions should be taken to avoid skin contact.Specific Hygiene Measures: Always observe good personal hygiene measures, such as washing after handling the material and before eating, drinking, and/or smoking. Routinely wash work clothing and protective equipment to remove contaminants. Discard contaminated clothing and footwear that cannot be cleaned. Practice good housekeeping.ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROLSSee Sections 6, 7, 12, 13.ECO:- 4476SECTION 9PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIESTypical physical and chemical properties are given below. Consult the Supplier in Section 1 for additional data.GENERAL INFORMATIONPhysical State: LiquidColour: AmberOdour: CharacteristicOdour Threshold: N/DIMPORTANT HEALTH, SAFETY, AND ENVIRONMENTAL INFORMATIONRelative Density (at 15 C): 0.860 - 0.900Flash Point [Method]: >150CAutoignition Temperature: N/DBoiling Point / Range: > 316C (600FpH: N/ASolubility in Water: NegligibleViscosity: 22 – 460 cSTOxidising properties: See Sections 3, 15, 16.OTHER INFORMATIONFreezing Point: N/DMelting Point: N/APour Point: -9°CDMSO Extract (mineral oil only), IP-346: < 3 %wtSECTION 10STABILITY AND REACTIVITYSTABILITY: Material is stable under normal conditions.CONDITIONS TO AVOID: Excessive heat. High energy sources of ignition.MATERIALS TO AVOID: Strong oxidisersHAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS: Material does not decompose at ambient temperatures. SECTION 11TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATIONAcute ToxicityRoute of Exposure Conclusion / RemarksINHALATIONToxicity: LC50 > 5000 mg/m3 Minimally Toxic. Based on assessment of the components.Irritation: No end point data. Negligible hazard at ambient/normal handling temperatures.Based on assessment of the components.INGESTIONToxicity: LD50 > 5000 mg/kg Minimally Toxic. Based on test data for structurally similarmaterials.SkinToxicity: LD50 > 5000 mg/kg Minimally Toxic. Based on test data for structurally similarmaterials.Irritation: Data available. Negligible irritation to skin at ambient temperatures. Based onassessment of the components.EyeIrritation: Data available. May cause mild, short-lasting discomfort to eyes. Based onassessment of the components.ECO:- 4476SECTION 12ECOLOGICAL INFORMATIONThe information given is based on data available for the material, the components of the material, and similar materials.ECOTOXICITYMaterial -- Not expected to be harmful to aquatic organisms.MOBILITYBase oil component -- Low solubility and floats and is expected to migrate from water to the land.Expected to partition to sediment and wastewater solids.PERSISTENCE AND DEGRADABILITYBiodegradation:Base oil component -- Expected to be inherently biodegradableBIOACCUMULATION POTENTIALBase oil component -- Has the potential to bioaccumulate, however metabolism or physical properties may reduce the bioconcentration or limit bioavailability.SECTION 13DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONSDisposal recommendations based on material as supplied. Disposal must be in accordance with current applicable laws and regulations, and material characteristics at time of disposal.DISPOSAL RECOMMENDATIONSProduct is suitable for burning in an enclosed controlled burner for fuel value or disposal by supervised incineration at very high temperatures to prevent formation of undesirable combustion products.REGULATORY DISPOSAL INFORMATIONThis material is considered as hazardous waste pursuant to Directive 91/689/EEC on hazardous waste, and subject to the provisions of that Directive unless Article 1(5) of that Directive applies.Empty Container Warning Empty Container Warning (where applicable): Empty containers may contain residue and can be dangerous. Do not attempt to refill or clean containers without proper instructions. Empty drums should be completely drained and safely stored until appropriately reconditioned or disposed. Empty containers should be taken for recycling, recovery, or disposal through suitably qualified or licensed contractor and in accordance with governmental regulations. DO NOT PRESSURISE, CUT, WELD, BRAZE, SOLDER, DRILL, GRIND, OR EXPOSE SUCH CONTAINERS TO HEAT, FLAME, SPARKS, STATIC ELECTRICITY, OR OTHER SOURCES OF IGNITION. THEY MAY EXPLODE AND CAUSE INJURY OR DEATH.SECTION 14TRANSPORT INFORMATIONLAND (ADR/RID) : Not Regulated for Land TransportINLAND WATERWAYS (ADNR) : Not Regulated for Inland Waterways TransportSEA (IMDG) : Not Regulated for Sea Transport according to IMDG-CodeSECTION 15REGULATORY INFORMATIONMaterial is not dangerous as defined by the EU Dangerous Substances/Preparations Directives.EU LABELING: Not regulated according to EC DirectivesECO:- 4476SECTION 16OTHER INFORMATIONN/D = Not determined, N/A = Not applicableThe information and recommendations contained herein are, to the best of Hi-Force Ltd’s knowledge and belief, accurate and reliable as of the date issued. You can contact Hi-Force Ltd to ensure that this document is the most current available. The information and recommendations are offered for the user's consideration and examination. It is the user's responsibility to satisfy itself that the product is suitable for the intended use. If a buyer repackages this product, it is the user's responsibility to insure proper health, safety and other necessary information is included with and/or on the container. Appropriate warnings and safe-handling procedures should be provided to handlers and users.ECO:- 4476 NOTESECO:-4476UK Head Office:Hi-Force LimitedProspect Way, Daventry, NorthamptonshireNN11 8PL United KingdomTel: + 44 1327 301000 Fax: + 44 1327 706555Email:*********************Hi-Force Regional Offices:Hi-Force Caspian Baku Azerbaijan Tel: +994 12 447 4100 Email:***************** Hi-Force S.r.l.Milan Italy Tel: +39 0253 031 088 Email:******************Hi-Force Hydraulics (Asia) S.B Selangor Malaysia Tel: +603 5525 4203 Email:*********************Hi-Force Nederland BVStrijenNetherlands Tel: +31 78 674 5488 Email:********************Hi-Force Hydraulics (Pty) Ltd Midrand South Africa Tel: +27 11 314 0555 Email:*************************Hi-Force SaudiDammam Saudi Arabia Tel: +966 13 802 1338Email:****************** Hi-Force Hydraulics Abu Dhabi United Arab Emirates Tel: +971 2 551 3100 Email:**********************Hi-Force FZCODubai United Arab Emirates Tel: +971 4 815 0600 Email:******************GLOBAL BRAND. 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Minimally Supervised Acquisition of3D Recognition Models from ClutteredImagesAndrea Selinger and Randal C.NelsonDepartment of Computer ScienceUniversity of RochesterRochester,NY14627selinger,nelson@AbstractAppearance-based object recognition systems rely on train-ing from imagery,which allows the recognition of objects without requiring a3D geometric model.It has been little explored whether such systems can be trained from imagery that is unlabeled,and whether they can be trained from im-agery that is not trivially segmentable.In this paper we present a method for minimally super-vised training of a previously developed recognition system from unlabeled and unsegmented imagery.We show that the system can successfully extend an object representation extracted from one black background image to contain ob-ject features extracted from unlabeled cluttered images and can use the extended representation to improve recognition performance on a test set.1.IntroductionAppearance-based systems have proven quite successful in recognizing3D objects.They typically rely on training from labeled imagery,which allows the recognition of ob-jects without the requirement of constructing a3D geomet-ric model.It has been little explored whether such systems can be trained from imagery that is unlabeled,and whether they can be trained from imagery that is not trivially seg-mentable.A recognition system that could be trained from either unlabeled or unsegmented imagery would be valuable for reducing the effort required to obtain a training set.Of greater practical impact,a3D recognition system that could be trained from cluttered imagery would be useful for auto-matic,object-level labeling of image databases,which is an important outstanding problem.1.1.Appearance-Based Object RecognitionSystemsOne of thefirst appearance-based systems was the one de-veloped by Poggio that recognized wire objects[?].Rao and Ballard[?]describe an approach based on the memo-rization of the responses of a set of steerablefilters.Mel’s SEEMORE system[?]uses a database of stored feature channels representing multiple low-level cues describing contour shape,color and texture.Schiele and Crowley[?] used histograms of the responses of a vector of local lin-ear neighborhood operators.Murase and Nayar[?]find the major principal components of an image dataset,and use the projections of unknown images onto these as indices into a recognition memory.This approach was extended by Huang and Camps[?]to appearance-based parts and rela-tionships among them.Wang and Ben-Arie[?]were able to do generic object detection using vectorial eigenspaces derived from a small set of model shapes which are affine transformed in a wide parameter range.The approach taken by Schmid and Mohr[?]is based on the combination of differential invariants computed at keypoints with a robust voting algorithm and semilocal constraints.1.2.Previous Work on Unsupervised Trainingof3D Recognition SystemsA system that is trained from unlabeled images has to be able to perform unsupervised clustering of multiple views into multiple object classes.In their approach,Ando et al. [?]observed that although the input dimension of such an image set is very high,the view data of an object often re-sides in a low-dimensional subspace.Their strategy is to identify multiple non-linear subspaces each of which con-tains the views of each object class.A similar approach was taken by Basri et al.[?].Their method examines the space of all images and partitions the images into sets that form smooth and parallel surfaces in this space.Nearby images are grouped into surface patches that form the nodes of a graph.Further grouping becomes a standard graph cluster-ing problem.In both cases good results are obtained only if a very large number of clean,segmented images,or even se-quences of images are considered.This is not surprising.If the number of images is high,clustering is affected by a phase transition phenomenon:when the parameters of the image set reach a certain value,the topology of the network suddenly changes from small isolated clusters to a giant one containing very many nodes[?,?].The unsupervised learning methods discussed above were based on computing distances between images.Basri et al.[?]use a similarity measure based on the distortion of salient features between images.Gdalyahu and Weinshall [?]use a curve dissimilarity measure.The disadvantage of such similarity measures is that they generally require full object segmentation and cannot deal with scale changes.Weber et al.[?]developed a system that learns object class models from unsegmented cluttered scenes.Their method automatically identifies distinctive parts in the train-ing set by applying a clustering algorithm to patterns se-lected by an interest operator,and then learns the statistical shape model using expectation maximization.However,the method requires images to be labeled as to the object that they represent.1.3.Current Work on Training from Unla-beled Cluttered ImagesWhile there has been work on unsupervised training of recognition systems from clean,segmented images,and on supervised training from cluttered images,there has been no work to our knowledge on unsupervised training of object recognition systems from cluttered images.In this paper we present a method for minimally super-vised training of a recognition system from unlabeled and unsegmented imagery.We use an object recognition sys-tem developed previously[?],and train it on one labeled black background image of an object and a set of unlabeled cluttered images.We show that the system can successfully classify the majority of cluttered images containing the seed object and can extend the object’s representation using fea-tures from these ing this representation,recogni-tion performance becomes significantly better than the per-formance obtained by training the system only on the black background seed image.2.The Underlying Object RecognitionSystemThe recognition system we adapt is based on a hierarchy of perceptual grouping processes[?].A3D object is a fourth-level group(see Figure1)consisting of a topologi-cally structured set offlexible2D views,each derived from a training image.In these views,which represent third-level perceptual groups,the visual appearance of an object is represented as a geometrically consistent cluster of sev-eral overlapping local context regions.These local context regions represent high-information second-level perceptual groups,and are essentially windows centered on and nor-malized by keyfirst-level features that contain a representa-tion of allfirst-level features that intersect the window.The first level features are the result offirst level grouping pro-cesses run on the image,typically representing connected contourfragments.Figure1:The perceptual grouping hierarchy In more detail,distinctive local features called keys,se-lected from thefirst level groups in our hierarchy,seed and normalize keyed context regions,the second level groups. In the current system,the keys are contours automatically extracted from the image.The second level of grouping into keyed context patches amplifies the power of the key features by providing a means of verifying whether the key is likely to be part of a particular object.Even these high information local context regions are generally consistent with several object/pose hypotheses; hence we use the third-level grouping process to organize the context patches into globally consistent clusters that rep-resent hypotheses about object identity and pose.This is done through a hypothesis database that maintains a proba-bilistic estimate of the likelihood of each third level group (cluster)based on statistics about the frequency of match-ing context patches in the primary database.The idea is similar to a multi-dimensional Hough transform without the space problems that arise in an explicit decomposition of the parameter space.In our case,since 3D objects are rep-resented by a set of views,the clusters represent two di-mensional rigid transforms of specific views.The use of keyed contexts rather than first-level groups gives the voting features sufficient power to substantially ameliorate well known problems with false positives in Hough-like voting schemes.The system obtains a recognition rate of 97%when trained on images of 24objects taken against a clean black background over the whole viewing sphere,and tested on images taken between the training views,under the same good conditions.The test objects range from sports cars and fighter planes to snakes and lizards.Some of them can be seen in Figure 2.Performance remains relatively good in the case of clutter and partial occlusion [?].Figure 2:Some of the objects used in testing the system.The feature-based nature of the algorithm provides some immunity to the presence of clutter and occlusion in the scene;this,in fact,was one of the primary design goals.This is in contrast to appearance-based schemes that use the structure of the full object,and require good prior segmen-tation.3.Minimally Supervised TrainingThe basic idea behind our current work is that if the recog-nition system is trained on one view of an object,it will be able to recognize views that are topologically close to the original view.After adding these views to the object representations the system will be able to recognize addi-tional views in an iterative process.This will lead to the de-velopment of clusters of views characterizing each object,clusters that ideally will be able to cover the entire viewing sphere.3.1.Training from Clean ImagesAs a validation experiment,we used a corpus of clean,black background images of objects (some of them seen in Figure 2).The images were taken at about 20degrees apart over the viewing sphere.We seeded the recognition system with a single black background image of an object and then iteratively found the best match to the current representation over the entire corpus and rebuilt the object representation incorporating the new image.We stopped the procedure the first time an incorrect image was attracted.The overall procedure is es-sentially a minimum spanning tree algorithm,which is astandard clustering technique.In practice,thecomplex-ity of this algorithm,which would be a problem with large databases,can be avoided by modifying the representation as soon as a “good enough”match is found.Using this algorithm we attracted around 50%of the im-ages of each object to the representation before making the first incorrect classification.Figure 3shows the seed im-age for the sports-car and some of the sports-car images attracted to the representation through this method.It also shows the non-sports-car image attracted at the last step that stopped the growth process.The image is actually an odd view of the toy-rabbit,one that interestingly,looks a bit like thesports-car.Figure 3:Top:Seed image of sports-car for propagation ex-periment and terminating non-car image.Bottom:Car im-ages attracted to the representation during the experiment.To improve the performance of the system we experi-mented with a denser image set.Such a set would increase the percentage of images attracted to object representations by reducing the number of isolated views that are very dif-ferent from the other views.Many of our objects,including the car and the aircraft,have a locus of relatively “patholog-ical”views around the equator,where appearance changes very rapidly and recognition is more difficult.This is due to a “flattened”axis in the 3D shape,which is a common gen-eral property.To investigate the effect,we acquired an ad-ditional image set for the car and aircraft,with the distance between views decreasing in an adaptive fashion,reaching 5degrees at the equator.Learning performance improvedsignificantly in this case,and more than 90%of the images were attracted to object representations before an incorrect classification was made (94.6%of the sports-car images and 91.9%of the fighter images were attracted).Figure 4shows the tree by which the sports-car views attracted each other to the growing representation.The 371sports-car images in the corpus represent one hemisphere,and are represented by squares on the polar coordinate sys-tem in the figure.Dark squares represent images attracted to the representation prior to the first false match.Arrows show the topology of the growth process.The attraction process generally operated between close geometric neigh-bors,with the exception of some views separated by 180degrees that were matched due to the symmetrical shape of the car.The images not attracted to the representation are pathological views that could not be matched to any other views of the object.90270204050009000180Figure 4:Tree by which training images were attracted to representation during growth process.Further results on training from black background im-ages can be found in [?].3.2.Training from Cluttered ImagesAs mentioned in the introduction,a system trained from cluttered imagery would be an important step towards object-level labeling of image databases.A method similar to the one used for clean,black background images can be used for minimally supervised training from cluttered im-ages as long as we have a way to segment the object featuresfrom the features coming from clutter.This is very impor-tant since features arising from clutter could be matched to features from other objects,giving us false positives.We start by seeding the system with a clean,black back-ground image of the object.The recognition system will be able to recognize topologically close views of the same object even if they are taken against cluttered backgrounds.The difficulty is to extract the features belonging to the object from the image and add only those to the object rep-resentation.Adding clutter features would corrupt the rep-resentation and the object model would no longer be useful.An obvious way of extracting the object features would be to find the object’s occluding contour and extract all the fea-tures inside the contour.The difficulty,of course,is finding this contour in our dataset.The occluding contour of the object in the seed image is easy to obtain.Since the seed image is taken against a clean,black background,we can simply threshold the image and extract the contour of the white blob.Subsequent images however are cluttered,and thus more difficult.The posi-tion of the object is known from the output of the object recognition system.But as the object changes its appear-ance in these images,the shape of the contour also changes.The transformation that morphs the model view into the new view can be used to find the contour of the new view of the object.We can find this transformation using a deformable templates algorithm.To do this,we use a relatively generic algorithm adapted from the method of Jain et al.[?].In this method the prior shape of the object of interest is specified as a tem-plate containing edge/boundary information in the form of a bitmap.Deformed templates are obtained by applying parametric transforms to the prototype,and the variability in the shape is achieved by imposing a probability distribu-tion on the admissible mappings.The goal is to find,among all such admissible transformations,the one that minimizes the Bayesian objective function(1)where is the potential energy linking the edge positions and gradient directions in the input image to the object boundary specified by the deformable template,and the second term penalizes the various deformations of the template.The deformation is described by two displacement func-tions from the space spanned by the following orthogonal bases:(2)(3)Figure 5illustrates the deformations of a grid using onlybases of the displacement functions,i.e.and for,,andrespectively.Theoriginal grid can be seen on theleft.Figure 5:Original grid (top left)and deformed grids for different values of m and nIn our implementation of this algorithm,we started with the position and shape of the template given by the recogni-tion process as initial estimates and we performed gradient descent on the scale,rotation,translation and deformation parameters,trying to minimize the objective function.An example can be seen in Figure 6.The image on top is a cluttered image of a toy-bear.The bottom left image shows the toy-bear template the image was matched to,in the size and position given by the object recognition process.The bottom right image shows the template after the deformable templates algorithm wasperformed.Figure 6:Top:cluttered bear image.Bottom left:original template in green.Bottom right:deformed template in red Assuming that the object recognition procedure gives us a reasonable starting hypothesis,this deformable templates algorithm will find a transformation between the model ob-ject and the object in the cluttered image that matches im-age to model features much more closely than is specified by our relatively generic recognition procedure.We will use this transformation to find the object contour in the image.Most of the object features will be inside this deformed contour.But the object can have additional features that are not inside this contour since they were not present in the original model (for example,an emerging handle on a cup).These need to be added to the object representation.To address this problem we also add the features that are close enough to the deformed contour and are longer than a specified threshold.An example of the feature extraction process can be seen in Figure 7,that shows a view of the sports-car on a cluttered background,the curves extracted from the image and the curves judged as belonging to theobject.Figure 7:Top:Cluttered image of sports-car.Bottom left:Curves extracted from image.Bottom right:Curves added to sports-car representation.Since the new view can miss features that were present in the model,or can have additional features that were not in the model,the contour modified through deformable tem-plates has to be updated to reflect the object features ex-tracted from the image.We do this by running a variant of the snakes algorithm on the (already deformed)occluding contour [?]using the newly extracted object features.This pulls the contour much more tightly than the deformable template did,but it cannot be used without the intialization and feature filtering provided by that step,due to the density of clutter in the images.This approach to snakes is more stable than the origi-nal version [?],it is flexible,allows hard constraints,and runs much faster than the dynamic programming method [?].The underlying method is a greedy algorithm that min-imizes the energy expressed similarly to Kass’method:(4)Usingin the continuity term (where are the points on the curve)causes the curve to shrink,as this is actually minimizing the distance between points.It also contributes to the problem of points bunching up on strongportions of the contour.To avoid this,the method uses the difference between the average distance between points,,and the distance between the two points under consider-ation:.The image energy is the gradi-ent magnitude normalized by where is the gradient magnitude at a point,and and are the maximum and minimum gradients in the point’s neighborhood.Figure 8shows an example of how the snakes algorithm modifies the contour of the cup given a set of curves.The handle in the model has no support in the image,so the contour shrinks closer to the objectfeatures.Figure 8:Results of the snakes algorithm.Top:cup curves.Bottom:original contour (left,in red)and deformed contour (right,in red).With the deformable templates and snakes algorithms implemented,the training algorithm,given a recognizer match,is as follows:1.Run deformable templates to find the transformation between the matched object model and the object in the image.e the transformation from step 1to position the pre-vious object contour in the image.3.Extract the features (curves)that are inside or very close to the contour,and add these to the representa-tion as a new model view.4.Find the new occluding contour for this model view by running the snakes algorithm to further adjust the previous contour using the curves extracted in step 3.3.3Experimental ResultsFor training we used a corpus of 264cluttered images,with 48views per object,taken around the whole view-ing sphere (except for the sports-car that had only the 24views of the top hemisphere).These views are not evenly distributed around the viewing sphere.Instead,they are canonical views,creating a situation more similar to an im-age database,where it is unlikely that we would find odd views that are difficult to recognize even by people (the so called pathological views).We took these pictures by plac-ing the objects on a colorful poster and moving them around to make sure that the clutter features did not repeat in the images.We seeded the system with a clean,black background view of some object (e.g.the sports-car)and then iteratively found the best match to the current representation over the entire corpus and rebuilt the representation incorporating the model features from the new image.As in the case of the clean,black background images,we stopped the pro-cedure the first time a non-sports-car image was attracted.This gives us an idea of the best possible performance.To make the process unsupervised,we found that it is generally possible to set thresholds on the goodness of the match,that will define when we should stop the growth process.In the case of the sports-car all the correct views were attracted to the representation before any misclassification was made.The tree by which the views were attracted can be seen in Figure 9.As in Figure 4,the views are repre-sented by circles on a polar coordinate system.Again the at-traction process involves close geometric neighbors,as well as some symmetric images due to the front/rear symmetry of our car.1800ooFigure 9:Tree by which cluttered training images were at-tracted to representation during growth process.The blackbackground seed image is marked with a circle.Figure 10shows two of the views that were used in ex-tending the sports-carrepresentation.Figure 10:Cluttered images attracted to the sports car rep-resentationThe method is useful if a system trained this way can ob-tain better recognition results than a system trained only on the original,black background seed image.We trained the system on cluttered images of objects and we tested recog-nition performance against the system trained only on the seed images.For testing we used images of the objects taken in the same clutter conditions.These images were taken at about every 20degrees around the viewing sphere,with 106images per object (only 53for the sports-car),for a total of 583images.Performance improved significantly for all the objects.ROC curves for the sports-car and plane can be seen in Figures 11and 12where the dashed line is the performance when the system is trained only on the single black background seed image,while the continuous line is the performance achieved after training on cluttered images.The dotted line is the performance when the sys-tem is trained on the complete set of black background im-ages.When training on cluttered images,recognition per-formance always improves,and in some cases approaches the best performance we can achieve with a clean,dense training set.Figure 11:ROC comparison for sports-car.Recognition performance improves after training on cluttered images To test the system’s behavior when dealing with sev-eral objects at the same time,we trained the system on three of our objects (sports-car,plane and fighter)simul-taneously.We seeded the system on one black backgroundFigure 12:ROC comparison for plane.Recognition perfor-mance improves after training on cluttered images view of each object,then we iteratively found the best match over the entire corpus of sparse,cluttered background im-ages and rebuilt the object representations incorporating the model features from the new image.We stopped when the first incorrect match was attracted to the database.The num-ber of images attracted to the representation of each object was approximately the same as in the case of independent training.We tested the recognition performance of the system trained this way by performing forced-choice recognition on the images of the three objects from the dense clut-tered background set.Out of the 265test images,146were correctly classified when the system was trained only on the single black background seed images,and 204were correctly classified when the system was trained on the cluttered background images.Thus performance increased from 55%to 76.9%.Tables 1and 2show the results for each object before and after training on cluttered images.Table 3shows the recognition results after training the sys-tem on labeled black background images of the objects in the same poses as in the unlabeled cluttered images.Over-all performance is 86.4%,somewhat better than the result we obtained by training from clutter.class name samples sports-car53148535fighter106class name samplessports-car53167426fighter106index01204535plane10620898 Table3:Forced choice recognition results after training on clean imagesimagery.We tested the system by training on a single la-beled black background image of an object accompanied by a set of unlabeled cluttered images of several objects.We showed that recognition performance can be significantly improved when the object representation is augmented by features coming from the cluttered images.One problem that we encountered was the existence of pathological views of objects,where object appearance changes very rapidly and recognition is more difficult.This can be overcome by increasing the sampling density over these regions or by allowing some user interaction,as we saw in the case of clean,black background images.Our current sampling is quite sparse,with up to30degrees be-tween some test cases and the closest training er interaction can also solve a different issue:the existence of accidentally similar views,situations where one view of an object looks like another object.The main issue is to avoid too much interaction.References[1] A.Amini,S.Tehrani,and ing dynamicprogramming for minimizing the energy of active contours in the presence of hard constraints.In International Conference on Computer Vision(ICCV88),pages95–99,1988.[2]H.Ando,S.Suzuki,and T.Fujita.Unsupervised visual learn-ing of three-dimensional objects using a modular network architecture.Neural Networks,12:1037–1051,1999.[3]R.Basri,D.Roth,and D.Jacobs.Clustering appearances of2d objects.In IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pat-tern Recognition,pages414–420,Santa Barbara,CA,June 1998.[4]P.Erd˝o s and A.R´e nyi.On the evolution of random graphs.Publications of the Mathematical Institute of the Hungarian 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