

LME73 中文说明书

LME73 中文说明书
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Standby Tempo di attesa
Valvola di sicurezza (SV) ON, Pressostato aria (LP) in posizione di non carico / controllo; POC CHIUSO
Motore ventola (M) ON Tempo di apertura attuatore (impostazione di attesa) Pressostato aria a tempo speci cato (LP) messaggio di stato (impostazione di attesa), stabilizzatore Tempo di preventilazione (test senza luce estranea) *1
Rilevazione amma Intervallo: termine tempo sicurezza (TSA) rilascio del controllore di carico (LR) Rchiesta controllo di carico (LR) APERTO Punto di commutazione valvola combustibile 2 (V2) ON attraverso attuatore (SA) Raggiungimento amma alta

Draft Guidance for Industry and Food and Drug Administration Staff

Draft Guidance for Industry and Food and Drug Administration Staff

Draft Guidance for Industry and 1 Food and Drug Administration2 Staff3 45 eCopy Program for Medical Device6 Submissions78 DRAFT GUIDANCE910 This guidance document is being distributed for comment purposes only.11 Document issued on: [use release date of FR Notice]1213 You should submit comments and suggestions regarding this draft document within 30 days of 14 publication in the Federal Register of the notice announcing the availability of the draft guidance. 15 Submit written comments to the Division of Dockets Management (HFA-305), Food and Drug 16 Administration, 5630 Fishers Lane, rm. 1061, Rockville, MD 20852. Submit electronic17 comments to . Identify all comments with the docket number listed in 18 the notice of availability that publishes in the Federal Register . 1920 For questions regarding this document, contact the Premarket Notification (510(k)) Section or 21 the Premarket Approval Section of CDRH at 301-796-5640 or CBER’s Office of 22 Communication, Outreach and Development at 1-800-835-4709 or 301-827-1800. 23 2425262728U.S. Department of Health and Human Services 29 Food and Drug Administration 30 Center for Devices and Radiological Health 31 Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research32Preface3334Additional Copies3536Additional copies are available from the Internet. You may also send an e-mail request to37dsmica@ to receive an electronic copy of the guidance or send a fax request to 301-38827-8149 to receive a hard copy. Please use the document number (1797) to identify the39guidance you are requesting.4041Additional copies of this guidance document are also available from the Center for Biologics42Evaluation and Research (CBER), Office of Communication, Training and Manufacturers43Assistance (HFM-40), 1401 Rockville Pike, Suite 200N, Rockville, MD 20852-1448, or by44calling 1-800-835-4709 or 301-827-1800, or from the Internet at45/BiologicsBloodVaccines/GuidanceComplianceRegulatoryInformation/defau 46lt.htm.4748Table of Contents491.Introduction (1)502.What is an eCopy? (2)513.Are differences between the contents of an eCopy and paper submission acceptable? 2 524.For what submission types would an eCopy be required? (3)535.What submission types would FDA consider exempt from submission of an eCopy? .4 546.What submission types or applicants should be eligible for an eCopy waiver? (4)557.How many copies of a submission would be needed? (4)568.What are the processing steps for an eCopy? (5)57a. What are the standards for an eCopy? (5)58b. How do I know if my eCopy meets FDA’s standards for acceptance?? (6)59c. What if there is another processing party involved? (6)60d. How do you submit an eCopy to FDA? (6)61e. How does FDA process an eCopy? (7)629.What if your device is regulated by CBER? (7)63a. Will the new eCopy Program apply? (7)64b. Can you submit an electronic submission instead? (7)65c. How do you prepare and submit an electronic submission to CBER? (8)66Attachment 1 –Standards for eCopies (7)67A. Cover Letter that accompanies an eCopy (10)68B. Volume versus non-volume structure (11)69C. Folder naming convention for volume-based submissions that house PDF files (13)70D. Adobe Acrobat PDF file format (14)71E. Non-PDF file formats (15)72F. PDF file naming convention (16)73G. PDF file size limit (17)74H. Creating a PDF version from the source document (17)75I. Bookmarks and hypertext links within PDFs (20)76J. PDFs created from scanning paper documents (21)77K. Common mistakes in creating an eCopy (22)7879Guidance for Industry and Food and Drug 80Administration Staff8182eCopy Program for Medical Device83Submissions84851.Introduction86The purpose of this guidance is to explain the new electronic copy (eCopy) Program for medical 87device submissions. At this time, submission of an eCopy of a medical device submission is88voluntary. However, section 745A(b) of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FD&C89Act), added by section 1136 of the Food and Drug Administration Safety and Innovation Act90(FDASIA) (Pub. L. 112-144), requires the submission of eCopies after this guidance is finalized.91This draft guidance describes how the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) plans to implement 92the eCopy Program under section 745A(b) of the FD&C Act. The inclusion of an eCopy is93expected to improve the efficiency of the review process by allowing for the immediate94availability of an electronic version for review rather than relying solely on the paper version.9596This draft guidance provides, among other things, the standards for a valid eCopy under section 97745A(b)(2)(A) of the FD&C Act. In accordance with section 745A(b), following the issuance of98a final guidance on this topic, submission types identified in the final guidance must include an99eCopy in accordance with the standards provided by this guidance for the submission to be100processed and accepted for review by FDA. Submissions submitted without an eCopy and101eCopy submissions that do not meet the standards provided in this guidance will be placed on 102hold until a valid eCopy is submitted to FDA and verified to meet the standards, unless a waiver 103or exemption has been granted. While the submission is on hold, the review clock will not104begin.105106In Section 745A(b), Congress granted explicit statutory authorization to FDA to implement the 107statutory eCopy requirement by providing standards, criteria for waivers, and exemptions in108guidance. Accordingly, to the extent that this document provides such requirements under109section 745A(b) of the FD&C Act (i.e., standards, criteria for waivers, and exemptions),110indicated by the use of the words must or required,this document is not subject to the usual111restrictions in FDA’s good guidance practice (GGP) regulations, such as the requirement that 112guidances not establish legally enforceable responsibilities. See 21 CFR 10.115(d).113114However, this document also provides guidance on FDA’s interpretation of the statutory eCopy 115requirement and the Agency’s current thinking on the best means for implementing other aspects 116of the eCopy program. Therefore, to the extent that this document includes provisions that are 117not “standards,” “criteria for waivers,” or “exemptions” under section 745A(b)(2), this document 118does not create or confer any rights for or on any person and does not operate to bind FDA or the 119public, but will represent the Agency’s current thinking on this topic when finalized. The use of 120the word should in such parts of this guidance means that something is suggested or121recommended, but not required. You can use an alternative approach if the approach satisfies 122Draft – Not for Implementationthe requirements of the applicable statutes and regulations. If you want to discuss an alternative 123approach, contact the FDA staff responsible for implementing this guidance. If you cannot124identify the appropriate FDA staff, call the appropriate number listed on the title page of this125guidance.126127To comply with the GGP regulations and make sure that regulated entities and the public128understand that guidance documents are nonbinding, FDA guidances ordinarily contain standard 129language explaining that guidances should be viewed only as recommendations unless specific 130regulatory or statutory requirements are cited. FDA is not including this standard language in 131this draft guidance because it is not an accurate description of all of the effects of this guidance, 132when finalized. This guidance, when finalized, will contain both binding and nonbinding133provisions. Insofar as this guidance, when finalized, provides “standards,” “criteria for waivers,” 134and “exemptions” pursuant to section 745A(b) of the FD&C Act, it will have binding effect. For 135these reasons, FDA is not including the standard guidance language in this draft guidance.136137The eCopy Program is not intended to impact (reduce or increase) the type or amount of data the 138applicant1 includes in a submission to support clearance or approval. Please refer to other FDA 139device or program-specific guidance documents from CDRH140(/MedicalDevices/DeviceRegulationandGuidance/GuidanceDocuments/defau 141lt.htm) and CBER142/BiologicsBloodVaccines/GuidanceComplianceRegulatoryInformation/Guida 143nces/General/ucm214106.htm) for the appropriate contents for submissions.1441452.What is an eCopy?146An electronic copy (eCopy) is defined as an exact duplicate of the paper submission, created and 147submitted on a compact disc (CD), digital video disc (DVD), or in another electronic media148format that FDA has agreed to accept, accompanied by a copy of the signed cover letter and the 149complete original paper submission.21501513.Are differences between the contents of an eCopy and152paper submission acceptable?153While an eCopy is defined as an exact duplicate of the paper copy, there are limited cases in154which differences between the eCopy and the paper copy may be justified because a paper copy 155is not practical or appropriate for analysis purposes (e.g., raw data and statistical analysis156programs,3 data line listings to facilitate a bioresearch monitoring review) or is not feasible (e.g., 157videos, x-rays). The critical attribute of an eCopy is that it must include in electronic form all 1581 For the purposes of this guidance, applicant includes “submitter,” “sponsor,” or “holder.”2 An eCopy is not considered to be an electronic submission. For information on eSubmissions, refer to “FDAeSubmitter” (/ForIndustry/FDAeSubmitter/default.htm) and “Regulatory Submissions inElectronic Format for Biologic Products”(/BiologicsBloodVaccines/DevelopmentApprovalProcess/ucm163685.htm).3 For information on electronically submitted data, refer to “Clinical Data for Premarket Submissions”(/MedicalDevices/DeviceRegulationandGuidance/HowtoMarketYourDevice/PremarketSubmissi ons/ucm136377.htm).Draft – Not for Implementationdata required for that submission type.4 In other words, the eCopy must include all of the159required information for FDA review, whereas the paper copy can include a page cross-160referencing the location of certain information in the eCopy.161162The cover letter must contain the eCopy statement described in Attachment 1 and describe any 163differences between the paper version and the eCopy. The paper version must also have a164placeholder (e.g., a piece of paper printed with the appropriate section title or a divider165appropriately cross-labeled to the table of contents) that cross-references the eCopy to indicate 166that there are additional data/information in the eCopy and where in the eCopy that information 167is located.168169FDA will consider the eCopy loaded into the appropriate Center’s official document repository 170to be the official record. Any undisclosed differences between the eCopy and the paper version 171may need to be rectified and could delay the review of the submission.1721734. For what submission types is an eCopy required?174Once FDA finalizes this guidance, section 745A(b) of the FD&C Act, as added by section 1136 175of FDASIA, will require an eCopy for the following submission types5:176•Premarket notification submissions (510(k)s), including third party 510(k)s;177•Evaluation of automatic class III designation petitions (de novos);178•Premarket approval applications (PMAs)6;179•Modular PMAs;180•Transitional PMAs;181•Product development protocols (PDPs);182•Investigational device exemptions (IDEs);183•Humanitarian device exemptions (HDEs), including Humanitarian Use Device184designation requests (HUDs);185•Certain investigational new drug applications (INDs)7;186•Certain biologics license applications (BLAs)8; and187•Pre-Submissions9.1884 For example, the content requirements for a 510(k) submission are found in 21 CFR 870.87 and 807.92; those fororiginal PMA submissions are found in 21 CFR 814.20.5 Although not subject to the eCopy legislation, FDA accepts and strongly encourages eCopies for Master AccessFiles (“MAF” submissions), 513(g) Requests for Classification (“C” submissions), and Clinical LaboratoryImprovement Act (CLIA) Categorization – Exempt Device submissions (“X” submissions). If you choose to submit an eCopy, it must meet the standards outlined in Attachment 1.6 This includes all PMA submission types, including, but not limited to, original PMAs, panel-track supplements,180-day supplements, manufacturing site change supplements, and post-approval study supplements.7 Applicable only to those devices regulated by CBER that are also biologics under section 351 of the Public HealthService (PHS) Act and that also require submission of an IND prior to submission of a BLA. Such devices aregenerally those intended for use in screening donated blood for transfusion transmissible diseases.8 Applicable only to those devices regulated by CBER that are also biologics under Section 351 of the PHS Act,including those that do not require submission of an IND prior to the submission of the BLA. Such devicesgenerally include those reagents used in determining donor/recipient compatibility in transfusion medicine inaddition to those for use in screening blood for transfusion transmissible diseases.9 Refer to the draft guidance entitled, “Medical Devices: The Pre-Submission Program and Meetings with FDAStaff” (/MedicalDevices/DeviceRegulationandGuidance/GuidanceDocuments/ucm310375.htm).Draft – Not for Implementation189eCopies for all subsequent submissions to an original submission, including amendments,190supplements, and reports10 to the submission types identified above would also be required even 191if the original was submitted to FDA prior to implementation of the eCopy requirement.1921935.What submission types does FDA consider exempt from 194submission of an eCopy?195Due to the potential urgent nature of the following types of submissions, FDA considers these to 196be exempt from the requirement for an eCopy:197•Compassionate use IDE submissions;198•Emergency use IDE submissions11; and199•Emergency Use Authorizations (EUAs)12.200201However, we encourage you to submit eCopies of these submissions, when feasible, in order to 202facilitate the review process. In addition, this exemption would not preclude you from sending 203in pertinent electronic information, such as imaging data, as supporting information for these 204submission types when an eCopy is not submitted.2052066.What submission types or applicants are eligible for an207eCopy waiver?208FDA believes that, given the widespread availability of software to enable the creation of an209acceptable eCopy at little to no cost, all applicants should have the ability to provide an eCopy. 210Therefore, at this time, FDA does not anticipate the need for waivers, except as described in211Section 9.2122137.How many copies of a submission are needed?214The eCopy Program would not change the overall number of copies to submit to FDA. Upon 215finalization of this guidance document, an eCopy (with a signed cover letter) will serve as one of 216the required number of copies for the various submission types. (See Table 1 below.) FDA will 217accept additional eCopies (each with a signed cover letter) in lieu of additional paper copies as 218long as at least one paper copy is submitted along with the eCopy and the total number of219required copies remains the same.22022110 Reports include all reports submitted to an applicable submission type, including annual/periodic and post-approval reports. Section 745A(b) of the FD&C Act does not apply to Medical Device Reports submitted under 21 CFR Part 803 .11 Please refer to CDRH’s device advice page entitled “IDE Early/Expanded Access”(/MedicalDevices/DeviceRegulationandGuidance/HowtoMarketYourDevice/InvestigationalDevi ceExemptionIDE/ucm051345.htm#compassionateuse) and FDA’s “Guidance on IDE Policies and Procedures”(/MedicalDevices/DeviceRegulationandGuidance/GuidanceDocuments/ucm080202.htm) for additional details on compassionate and emergency use IDE submissions.12 Refer to the guidance entitled, “Emergency Use Authorization of Medical Products”(/RegulatoryInformation/Guidances/ucm125127.htm) for more information on EUAs.Draft – Not for ImplementationFor submission types for which only two copies are required to be submitted, one must be an 222eCopy and the other must be a paper copy. For submission types requiring more than two223copies, this policy would allow additional flexibility in how the application is submitted. For 224example, for an original PMA, you would submit: (1) one eCopy and five paper copies; (2) five 225eCopies and one paper copy; or (3) any other combination that results in six total copies as long 226as there is at least one eCopy and one paper copy.227228Table 1, provides the total number of copies to be submitted to FDA. As explained above, you 229must submit at least one eCopy and one paper submission. The format for the remaining copies 230(i.e., eCopy or paper) is your choice.231232Table 1 – Number of Copies for Submission233Submission Type Total Number ofCopies510(k)s 213Third Party 510(k)s 213Original PMAs and Panel-Track Supplements 614Other PMA supplement types 315PMA reports 2Modular PMAs 3HDEs Same as PMAs,16except for HUDdesignationrequests, whichrequire two.17PDPs Same as PMAsIDEs 318INDs 319BLAs 3Pre-Submissions 32348.What are the processing steps for an eCopy?235Below are the processing steps for the submission and acceptance of an eCopy.236237a.What are the standards for an eCopy?238With regard to the standards for an eCopy submitted to FDA, please refer to Attachment 2391. Because an eCopy cannot be accepted by our eCopy loading system if it does not meet 240the standards, you should carefully review this information.24124213 See 21 CFR 807.90(a)(3)(c).14 See 21 CFR 814.20(b)(2).15 See 21 CFR 814.39(c).16 See 21 CFR 814.104(b)(4).17 See 21 CFR 814.102(d).18 See 21 CFR 812.20(a)(3).19 See 21 CFR 312.23(d).b.How do I know before submission whether my eCopy meets FDA’s243standards for acceptance?244To confirm that your eCopy will meet FDA’s standards, we strongly encourage you to 245use the new free eSubmitter-eCopies tool available on FDA’s website at246/ForIndustry/FDAeSubmitter/ucm317334.htm. One of the benefits of 247utilizing the eSubmitter-eCopies tool is that it creates an eCopy in real-time that is248consistent with the standards. Use of the eSubmitter-eCopies tool is intended to prevent 249delays in review of your submission due to the need to resolve technical issues.250Although it is highly encouraged, you will not be required to utilize the eSubmitter-251eCopies tool and may choose to skip the eSubmitter step.252253Should you have any technical questions when generating your eCopy, please contact 254cdrhesub@ prior to submission of the eCopy to FDA.255256c.What if there is another processing party involved?257In the case that another party (e.g., law firm, consultant) submits a submission on behalf 258of an applicant, the eCopy must still meet the standards for an eCopy in order to be259successfully processed whether accomplished by you (the applicant) or the submitting 260party. While the applicant may or may not include their own cover letter as part of the 261eCopy, our standards require that the submitting party include a signed cover letter with 262an eCopy statement, as described in Attachment 1.263264In the case of Third Party 510(k)s, two separate CDs comprise the eCopy. The first CD 265includes the applicant’s submission and should be clearly marked as such. The contents 266of the CD must include a cover letter with an eCopy statement, as described in267Attachment 1, that the applicant has provided. The second CD includes the Accredited 268Person’s review records and should be clearly marked as such. The Accredited Person is 269responsible for ensuring that the CDs meet the standards in Attachment 1 for an eCopy. 270In addition, the Accredited Person is responsible for providing a signed cover letter that 271includes an eCopy statement, as described in Attachment 1, that speaks to both: (1) the 272Accredited Person’s portion of the eCopy and (2) the presence of the eCopy statement 273provided by the applicant. It is not sufficient for the Accredited Person to address only 274one of these two eCopy statement issues in their cover letter.275276d.How do you submit an eCopy to FDA?277An eCopy is submitted simultaneously with the paper submission(s). First, attach the 278signed cover letter with the eCopy statement to your eCopy. Then attach this eCopy279package to the paper submission(s) and send them to CDRH’s or CBER’s Document280Control Center20 (DCC). An eCopy that is sent to the DCC without a cover letter and 281accompanying paper submission(s) will be placed on hold.282283If more than one eCopy is to be submitted, then you must attach a signed cover letter as 284described above to each additional eCopy.28528620 Refer to 21 CFR 807.90 for the DCC addresses for CDRH and CBER.e.How does FDA process an eCopy?287If an eCopy passes the validation check, the cover letter and eCopy contents will be288loaded into the appropriate Center’s official submission repository.289290If an eCopy fails the validation check (i.e., is rejected), we will notify you in writing291(e.g., by email or fax) of the reason(s). The notification will describe the logistics for 292submitting a replacement eCopy, including how to properly mark it as a replacement293eCopy, the address to which to send it, and the submission number to write on it. It is 294important that you follow these directions to avoid delays in processing the replacement 295eCopy. The submission will be placed on hold until a valid replacement eCopy is296submitted to FDA and verified to meet the standards.2972989.What if your device is regulated by CBER?299a.Will the new eCopy Requirement apply?300Yes, unless your submission is an entirely electronic submission exempted under this 301guidance, as described below. Upon implementation of the statutory requirement, all 302medical device submission types listed in Section 4 must be accompanied by an eCopy 303regardless of the Center in FDA in which the submission will be reviewed unless the304requirement is waived or exempted. Accordingly, submissions for devices subject to 305review under the FD&C Act and submitted by filing paper copies with CBER’s DCC 306must be accompanied by an eCopy, except where exempted as described below.307308While many submissions made to CBER are still in paper format and require submission 309of multiple copies, CBER is also currently able to receive and manage submissions that 310are entirely electronic.311312Submissions for devices that are subject to licensure under the Public Health Service313(PHS) Act, including biologics license applications and supplements, investigational new 314drug applications, and EUAs and pre-submissions for these devices, may be submitted as 315entirely electronic submissions as detailed in sections 9b and 9c below. FDA will316exempt such entirely electronic submissions from the eCopy requirement.317318FDA additionally waives the eCopy requirement to submit paper copies of any entirely 319electronic submission made to CBER. Accordingly, entirely electronic submissions that 320comply with CBER guidance identified in Section 9.c. below do not need to be321accompanied by paper copies.322323b.Can you submit an electronic submission instead?324Yes, and there are several advantages for both industry and for CBER staff when you 325choose to make submissions electronically.326327The main advantage to you is in the financial savings that will likely result. The costs 328associated with printing, binding, labeling, and shipping multiple paper copies can be 329significant, especially for submissions that contain a great deal of supporting330Draft – Not for Implementationdocumentation. Likewise, we anticipate that FDA will recognize financial savings in that 331FDA avoids the costs associated with tracking, routing, and storing large amounts of332paper when you choose to submit electronically.333334Another advantage with the use of the electronic submission process is that all parties 335involved in the submission and review are referencing the same document – the336electronic one. There is no question about whether the paper copy is an exact copy of the 337eCopy. Electronic submissions may also reduce the need for reviewers to request re-338submission of previously submitted information due to an inability to read or interpret the 339information on the paper copy, as sometimes occurs when documents are photocopied. 340341c.How do you prepare and submit an electronic submission to CBER?342CBER has several resources available to applicants who choose to submit electronic343submissions as outlined in the document “Regulatory Submissions in Electronic Format 344for Biologic Products.”345(/BiologicsBloodVaccines/DevelopmentApprovalProcess/ucm163685 346.htm). Thus, specific details are available in the cited references and will not be repeated 347in this guidance.348349For devices that are regulated under the PHS Act and require the submission of a BLA, 350consult the guidance document entitled “Providing Regulatory Submissions to the Center 351for Biologics Evaluation and Research (CBER) in Electronic Format - Biologics352Marketing Applications”353(/downloads/BiologicsBloodVaccines/GuidanceComplianceRegulator 354yInformation/Guidances/General/UCM192413.pdf) for details on preparing your355electronic submission. Note that certain sections of this guidance, for example, those on 356pharmacology and toxicology, are generally not pertinent to licensed devices.357358For guidance on preparing electronic submissions for other device submissions (e.g.,359510(k)s, PMAs) sent to CBER, please see “Guidance for Industry: Providing Regulatory 360Submissions in Electronic Format - General Considerations”361(/downloads/Drugs/GuidanceComplianceRegulatoryInformation/Guidances 362/UCM072390.pdf) and “CBER SOPP 8110: Submission of Paper Regulatory363Applications to CBER”364(/BiologicsBloodVaccines/GuidanceComplianceRegulatoryInformati 365on/ProceduresSOPPs/ucm079467.htm), which includes information about providing366electronic copies to CBER.367368We are currently developing additional, updated guidance for other electronic369submissions sent to CBER and have issued a revised, updated draft guidance document 370for comment entitled, “Draft Guidance for Industry: Providing Regulatory Submissions 371in Electronic Format-General Considerations”372(/RegulatoryInformation/Guidances/ucm124737.htm). When373finalized, this document will provide an additional resource for applicants preparing374electronic submissions.375376。



小学下册英语第四单元测验卷英语试题一、综合题(本题有100小题,每小题1分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1.What is the color of a stop sign?A. BlueB. YellowC. RedD. Green2.The rainbow has many _____ (colors/shapes).3.What is the term for water vapor in the air?A. HumidityB. PrecipitationC. EvaporationD. CondensationA4.I like to help my mom ______ dinner. (make)5.We like to _______ games at home.6.The _____ (天空) has clouds.7.What do you call the person who teaches you in school?A. DoctorB. TeacherC. ChefD. EngineerB8.The chemical formula for ammonium nitrate is __________.9.My ______ loves to explore new technologies.10.The _____ (种子) needs light and warmth to germinate.11.The chemical formula for potassium permanganate is ______.12.I have a plant that needs a lot of _____ to grow.13.I can ___ (paint) a sunset.14.The ancient Greeks used ________ in their architecture.15.The _____ (cloud) brings rain for the plants.16.What do we celebrate on December 25th?A. HalloweenB. ThanksgivingC. ChristmasD. New Year17.The ________ was a significant event in the history of human rights advocacy.18.Which animal is known for its ability to fly at high altitudes?A. EagleB. OstrichC. PenguinD. ChickenA19.My cat likes to take _______ (午睡) in the sun.20.Which one is a fruit?A. CarrotB. AppleC. PotatoD. Broccoli21.What is the main meal of the day?A. BreakfastB. LunchC. DinnerD. SnackC22.What is the color of a ripe banana?A. GreenB. YellowC. RedD. BlueB23.She is _____ (riding) a bike.24.tides) are influenced by the moon's gravity. The ____25.The Magna Carta was signed in ________.26.What do you call a baby dragon?A. HatchlingB. CubC. KitD. Calf27.What is 8 x 4?A. 24B. 32C. 40D. 4828.My _____ (表姐) likes to sing.29.What do we call the first letter of the alphabet?A. AB. BC. CD. D30.In the evenings, I would like to walk along the ______ and watch the sun ______ over the horizon. It must be a breathtaking sight! I also want to meet new ______ and learn about their culture. I believe it would be fun to make new friends from dif31.The building blocks of all matter are ______.32.ic Ocean was crossed by explorers like _____. The Paci33.We have a ______ (丰富的) array of extracurricular activities.34.What is the capital of the United Kingdom?A. LondonB. ParisC. RomeD. BerlinA35.My brother is ______ years older than me. (我哥哥比我大____岁。



1. Aa animal, and, ankle, arrow, anger, actor, actress, answer, class, bath, after2. Bb bed, book, box, banana, bird, body, boy, ball, bat3. Cc cap, car, cat, cow, cake, cup, catch, comeCc circle, circus, certainly, face, mice, fence4. Dd desk, doctor, duck, doll, dog, door, down, dark5. Ee egg, elephant, elbow, exercise, every, end, echo, elf, entrance, envelope6. Ff food, face, four, farm, five, feet, flower, friend7. Gg garden, girl, goat, gate, guess, good, green, getGg german, germ, gem, ginger8. Hh hat, hen, head, home, hand, house, horse, heel, hot9. Ii indigo, Indian, inside, into, in, is, it, inch, itch, insect, ink, infant, igloo10. Jj jump, jam, jacket, jeep, juice, join, jar, jelly,11. Kk kite, kangaroo, kitchen, key, kettle, king, kick, kitty12.Ll leg, lemon, leaf, letter, learn, light, like, lips, leaf, lakeLl girl, tail, nail, feel, tell, help, jail, snail13.Mm monkey, moon, mother, milk, mouth, map, mom, mat, mugMm room, tom, same, come, jam, game14.Nn net, nail, nose, neck, nurse, number, name, nearNn moon, noon, ten, pen, hen, lend15.Oo orange, off, onion, often, of, on, ox, operate, October, ostrich, octopus16.Pp purple, potato, pea, pear, pig, pencil17.Qq question, quiet, queen, quick, queue, Quilt, quarrel, quarter18.Rr read, red, rabbit, rain, rice, run, ride, ring, rope, rose19.Ss sun, snake, snail, spider, sing, seven, see, swim, song, sea20. Tt toe, table, teacher, tea, two, ten, talk, taxi21. Uu umbrella, uncle, under, up, ugly, us, understandUu put, push, full, pull, ruler, bull22. Vv village, van, vest, violin, video, volleyball, vase, vine23. Ww wall, window, wind, word, woman, wood, walk24. Xx X-ray, box, next, six, sex25. Yy yard, year, yellow, yo-yo, young, yesYy sky, fly, dry, shy, myYy rainy, sunny, puppy, dirty, happy, baby26. Zz zero, zoo, zebra, zone, zoom27. a_e name, tape, cape, snake, cake, face28. e_e these, Chinese, Japanese29. i_e bite, kite, five, ice, bike, like, time, nice, nine30. o_e nose, rope, those, pose, hope, home rose31. u_e tube, cube, June, cute, excuse, mute, huge32. ai tail, rain, paint, rail, nail, snail, mail, wait33. ay day, way, say, hay, pay, may, lay, bay, ray, hay,34. ee bee, peel, jeep, feet, see, teeth, sheep, feel, free, meet35. ea sea, meat, peanut, peach, tea, leaf, peaea bear, head, lead, leather, pear, sweat, sweater36. ey donkey, monkey, money, hockey, key37. ie tie, pie, lie, die38. igh right, sight, night, light, sigh, high, tight, fight39. oa road, toast, coat, goat, boat, soap40. ow rainbow, pillow, yellow, window, bowl, row, meadow, low, elbow, hollowow brown, cow, flower, towel, how, now41. ui suit, juice, fruit42. ue glue, blue, sue43. or corn, fork, horse, pork, morning, tortoise, porch, horn,44. ar arm, armchair, car, card, cart, farm, garden, park, party, scarf, dark45. ir bird, birthday, circle, dirty, girl, first46. er brother, marker, mother, rooster, sister, under, winter, paper, pointer47. ur burger, fur, hurt, nurse, turtle, turkey, purse, surfing48. ou house, mountain, mouse, mouth, out, shout, around, fountain49. oi coin, noise, oil, point, soil, boil, poison,50. oy boy, cowboy, soy, toy, joy, Roy51. au august, autumn, naughty, sausage, cause, applause, sauce, pause52. aw draw, saw, strawberry, law, haw, paw53.oo boots, food, moon, roof, room, spoon, zoooo book, cook, cookie, foot, wood54. ch beach, chair, lunch, catch, chant, choose, chick, childch stomach, school, mechanic55. sh wash, fish, push, sheep, ship, shirt, shoes, show56. wh whale, where, wheel, whisper, white, wheat, whipwh who, whole, whoop, whose57. ph elephant, photo, telephone, phone, trophy, alphabet, pharmacy,58. th brother, father, their, than, motherth bath, bathmat, mouth, teeth, nothing, thirsty, third, three59. kn knife, knock, know, knee, knob, knob, knight, knit60. wr wrong, wrist, write, wrap, wreath61. mb climb, comb, lamb, thumb, bomb, numb,62. bl blackboard, bloom, blow, blouse, blue, blanket, bleach, blocks, blender63. fl flag, flame, flat, floor, flower, fly64. pl plane, plant, plate, platform, play, please65. cl clap, clean, climb, clock, close, cloud66. gl glass, globe, glove, glue67. cr cross, crayon, cream, crocodile, crow, cry68. gr grandma, grapes, grass, gray, green, ground, grow69. pr pray, present, price, prince, princess, prize70. fr French, Friday, friend, frog, front, fruit71. tr train, tree, triangle, trunk, trust72. dr draw, dream, dress, drink, drive, drop, dry73. sm small, smell, smile, smoke, smart74. sn snack, snail, snake, snow75. sl sleep, slow, slice, slope, sled, slap76. sw swim, swing, switch, sweet77. sp spell, spider, spaceship, spoon78. st stamp, stand, star, stick, student79. sc scarf, school, scorpion, scanner, scoop80. sk skill, skirt, skate, skit, skunk81. all ball, call, fall, tall, wall82. ew few, nephew, new, view83. ck chick, back, black, kick, knock84. ts its, students, what’s, cats85. ds hands, birds, beds, words。

A-T Controls WE-350 Series

A-T Controls WE-350 Series

VALVES & ACTUATORS (513) 247-5465 Fax (513)247-5462On/Off ControlTable of Contents1.0 General1.1 Pre-InstallationInspection1.2 Storage1.3 Features & General Information1.3.1 Duty Cycle1.3.2 Heater1.3.3 Manual Hand lever1.3.4 Lubrication1.4 Parts1.4.1 External Parts1.4.2 Internal PartsInstruction2.0 InstallationMounting2.1 Actuator3.0 Limit Switch SettingOverride4.0 Manual5.0 ElectricalConnectionIndicator6.0 MechanicalPositionDiagram7.0 Wiring8.0 Maintenance9.0 TroubleShooting10.0 Standard Specifications11.0 Contact InformationOn/Off ControlVALVES & ACTUATORS (513) 247-5465 Fax (513)247-54621.0 GeneralWE-350 Series electric actuators are designed to provide reliable and efficient operation of small size(1” and less) 90º quarter turn ball valves and dampers.Warning: Use caution when working in, with, or around valves and actuators. High pressures, forces,voltages and flammable media can be present.Warning: Failure to follow instructions for proper electrical wiring, storage, set-up and maintenance maycause serious injury, damage equipment, or void warranty.1.1 Pre-InstallationInspectionVerify the actuator nameplate to ensure correct model number, torque, operating speed, voltageand enclosure type before installation or use.It is important to verify that the output torque of the actuator is appropriate for the torquerequirements of the valve and that the actuator duty cycle is appropriate for the intendedapplication.1.2 StorageActuators must be stored in a clean, cool and dry area. The unit shall be stored off the floor with the cover installed. If the actuator is mechanically installed but waiting for electricalconnections, please ensure suitably rated cable glands or cable entry blanking plugs are fitted,sealing the conduit openings.1.3 Features1.3.1DutyCycleDuty cycle rated IEC34-1 S4 (50%) / S2 30 minExceeding the actuator's rated duty cycle may cause thermal overload.**NOTE: Type of duty according to VDE 0530/IEC60034-1Short – time duty S2 Intermittent duty S4The operation time at a constant load is short, so that thermal equilibrium is not reached. The pause is long enough for the machine to cool down to ambient temperature. The duration of the short –time operation is limited to 15min (10min, 30min) The duty is a sequence of identical cycles which consist of starting time, operation time with constant load and rest period. The rest period allows the machine to cool down so that thermal equilibrium is not reached. The relative on-time at S4-25% or S4-50% is limited to 25% and 50% respectively.1.3.2 HeaterCondensation in the actuator is possible due to wide fluctuation of the ambient temperature. The control unit’s heater prevents this.(2) Manual hand leverclose open1.3.4 LubricationThe WE-350 series actuators are totally enclosed units with permanently lubricated gear trainsMountingMounting is most easily done with the valve shaft pointing vertically upward, but the actuator may be WE-350 Series actuators are supplied with a female drive output. ISO5211 bolt patterns are provided It is mandatory that the actuator be firmly secured to a sturdy mounting bracket or directly mounted to the valves ISO mounting pad. High tensile bolts or studs with spring locking washers must be used. The valve output stem must be in line with the actuator output drive to avoid side loading of the stem. To prevent backlash, no flexibility in the mounting bracket arrangement should be present.Actuator Mounting Details*Direct mounting* Make sure that both valve and actuator are closed.Danger: HAZARDOUS VOLTAGE. Make sure all power is disconnected before mountingWE-350 Series Electric ActuatorOn/Off ControlVALVES & ACTUATORS 9955 International Blvd Cincinnati, Ohio 45246(513) 247-5465 Fax (513)247-54623.0 Limit Switch Setting∙ Operate the actuator manually to the closed position.∙ Using an allen key, loosen the cam adjustment screw in the CLOSE limit switch cam.∙ Rotate the CLS cam CW towards the limit switch lever until the switch 'clicks'. Tighten screw with allen key.∙ Operate the actuator manually to the open position.∙ Using an allen key, loosen the cam adjustment screw in the OPEN limit switch cam.∙ Rotate the OLS cam CCW towards the limit switch lever until the switch 'clicks'. Tighten with allen key.Danger: HAZARDOUS VOLTAGE. Make sure all power is disconnected before setting4.0 Manual OverrideThe WE-350 actuators are supplied with a ‘spanner type’ manual override. This is located on the bottom of the unit and can be operated with an adjustable wrench.Please Note:Because the actuator does not have mechanical limit stops, be careful not to rotate past the valves full open or closed position.5.0 Electrical Connectiono Manually move valve to mid-position. This will allow sufficient time to stop actuator in case of improperhook-up or reversed power phases.o Identify means of removing power during hookup.o Be sure no erroneous remote control signals can be received causing actuator to energize.o Electrically operate the valve in the open direction. If the valve closes, actuator must be stopped and thepower leads reversed to correct voltage phasing or improper field wiring.Please Note :Improper power voltage phasing eliminates protection of the position limit switch, risking valve damage.Wiring DiagramDanger: HAZARDOUS VOLTAGE. No electrical power should be connected until all wiring and limit switch adjustments are completed. Once power is supplied to unit, exercise caution if cover is not installed.MaintenanceAt least once a year your WE-350 Series Actuator should be thoroughly checked.Disconnect all power to actuator.Check that all external bolting and mounting to the valve is secure and aligned.Check to see that conduit connections are installed properly and are dry.Open Electrical Enclosure.Visually inspect for cleanliness and any electrical or mechanical damage. Inspect for excess moisture and condensation inside the electrical enclosure.Confirm that wiring is insulated, connected and terminated properly.Check enclosure O-ring seals and verify that the O-ring is not pinched between the flanges.Visually inspect during open/close cycle.WE-350 Series Electric ActuatorOn/Off ControlVALVES & ACTUATORS 9955 International Blvd Cincinnati, Ohio 45246(513) 247-5465 Fax (513)247-54629.0 Trouble ShootingThe following instructions are offered for the most common difficulties encountered during installation and set-up.Actuator does not respondVerify the line voltage to the actuatorCheck that the voltage matches the rating on the actuator nameplate Check internal wiring against actuator wiring diagram Check limit switch camsActuator is receiving power but does not operateVerify the line voltage to the actuatorCheck actuator force to see if it’s greater than the valve force Check limit switches and camsCheck that the force switches have not tripped Check mechanical travel stop adjustmentVerify the actuator against valve rotation (standard units are counter-clockwise open) Check internal wiringCheck for corrosion and condensationVerify coupler/bracket are correctly installed and is not causing bindingActuator runs erraticallyCheck ambient temperatureVerify that the duty cycle has not been exceeded Check the position of manual override leverSYMPTONPROBABLE CAUSE CORRECTIVE ACTIONMotor will not run. Open in control circuitRefer to appropriate wiring diagram and check for continuity.No power available to actuator. Tripped circuit breaker Reset breaker and check for correct rating. Refer to catalogue data. Manual Override is hard to turn.Incorrectly sized actuator Jammed valveDamaged or bent valve stem Valve gland packing too tightRefer to catalogue data andcompare valve torque requirements with actuator (torque) output. Check for obstacles in the pipeline. Check for mechanical damage. Valve only opens or closes partially with motor.Limit switch incorrectly setOver torque: Incorrectly sized actuator Jammed valveDamaged or bent valve stemCheck setting and reset ifnecessary. Check to see if motor runs when disconnected from the valve. If so, refer to catalogue data and compare valve torquerequirements with actuator (torque) output. Check for obstacles in the pipeline. Check for mechanical damageManual Override does not operate valve.Damaged manual override mechanism Stripped gearing Broken valve stem Check for mechanical damage, replace parts as necessary. Motor runs but does not operate valve. Stripped gearingDamaged actuator / valve linkage.Check for mechanical damage, replace parts as necessary.WE-350 Series Electric ActuatorOn/Off ControlVALVES & ACTUATORS 9955 International Blvd Cincinnati, Ohio 45246(513) 247-5465 Fax (513)247-546210.0 Standard SpecificationsEnclosure Rating Weatherproof IP67, NEMA 4 & 6 Enclosure High-grade aluminum alloy, hard anodized Power Supply 110/220VAC 1 PH 50/60Hz, 24VDC Duty Cycle Motor S4 50% / S2 30 min (IEC 60034) Motor DC Motor Limit Switches 2 x open/close SPDT, 250VAC 5A rating Auxiliary Limit Switches 2 x open/close SPDT, 250VAC 5A rating Indicator Continuous position indicator & Open/Close LED lamp Manual Override Manual push button & manual lever; ‘Spanner type’ manual override Space Heater 0.5W Conduit Entries PG 11x1 and Long (47 ¼”) Wire Type Lubrication Grease Moly EP Ambient Temperature -4 ºF to +158 ºF External Coating Dry powder polyester11.0 Contact InformationFor technical support, please contact the Triac office.A-T Controls product, when properly selected, is designed to perform its intended function safely during its useful life. However, the purchaser or user of A-T Controls products should be aware that A-T Controls products might be used in numerous applications under a wide variety of industrial service conditions. Although A-T Controls can provide general guidelines, it cannot provide specific data and warnings for allpossible applications. The purchaser / user must therefore assume the ultimate responsibility for the proper sizing and selection, installation, operation, and maintenance of A-T Controls products. The user should read and understand the installation operation maintenance (IOM) instructions included with the product, and train its employees and contractors in the safe use of A-T Controls products in connection with the specific application.While the information and specifications contained in this literature are believed to be accurate, they are supplied for informative purposes only. Because A-T Controls is continually improving and upgrading its product design, the specifications, dimensions and information contained in this literature are subject to change without notice. Should any question arise concerning these specifications, the purchaser/user should contact A-T Controls.For product specifications go to /A-T Controls, Inc. • 9955 International Boulevard, Cincinnati, OH 45246 • Phone: (513) 530-5175 • Fax: (513) 247-5462 • 。



Improved Noise ResistanceImproved SafetyPerformance specifications22.85V to 28.8V 60048051055022V 21V 20.4VExternal load resistance (Ω)* When the external power supply voltage is less than 22.85VDC, the analog output current and the external load resistance are as shown in the figure at right.A n a l o g o u t p u t c u r r e n t (m A )Utility package combinationsQ62DAN Q68DAVN Q64DANQ68DAINThe utility package versions supported by this converter module are listed below.* This utility package version and previous versions are supported by previous-model modules with model names which do not end with "N".Unit: mmSales office Mitsubishi Electric Automation Inc.500 Corporate Woods Parkway Vernon Hills, IL 60061MELCO-TEC Rep. Com.e Assessoria Tecnica Ltda. Rua Correia Dias, 184, Edificio Paraiso Trade Center-8 ander Paraiso, Sao Paulo, SP BrazilMitsubishi Electric Europe B.V. German Branch Gothaer Strasse 8 D-40880 Ratingen, GERMANY Mitsubishi Electric Europe B.V. UK BranchTravellers Lane, Hatfield, Herts., AL10 8XB, UK Mitsubishi Electric Europe B.V. Italian Branch Centro Dir. Colleoni, Pal. Perseo - Ingr.2Via Paracelso 12, I-20041 Agrate Brianza (Milano), Italy Mitsubishi Electric Europe B.V. Spanish Branch Carretera de Rubi 76-80E-08190 - Sant Cugat del Valles (Barcelona), SpainMitsubishi Electric Europe B.V. French Branch 25, Boulevard des Bouvets, F-92741 Nanterre Cedex, France Circuit Breaker Industries LTD.Private Bag 2016, 1600 Isando, Tripswitch Drive, Elandsfontein Gauteng, South AfricaMitsubishi Electric Automation (Hong Kong) Ltd.10/F., Manulife Tower, 169 Electric Road, North Point, Hong KongMitsubishi Electric Automation (Shanghai) Ltd.1-3/F., Block5, 103 Cao Bao Road. Shanghai 200233, ChinaCountry/Region U.S.A BrazilGermany U.K ItalySpainFrance South AfricaHong KongChinaTel/FaxTel : +1-847-478-2100Fax : +1-847-478-2396Tel : +55-11-5908-8331Fax : +55-11-5574-5296Tel : +49-2102-486-0Fax : +49-2102-486-7170Tel : +44-1707-276100Fax : +44-1707-278695Tel : +39-039-60531Fax : +39-039-6053312Tel : +34-93-565-3131Fax : +34-93-589-2948Tel : +33-1-5568-5568Fax : +33-1-5568-5685Tel : +27-11-928-2000Fax : +27-11-392-2354Tel : +852-2887-8870Fax : +852-2887-7984Tel : +86-21-6475-3228Fax : +86-21-6474-6996Sales office Setsuyo Enterprise Co., Ltd.6F., No.105 Wu-Kung 3rd.Rd, Wu-Ku Hsiang, Taipei Hsine, TaiwanMitsubishi Electric Automation Korea Co., Ltd.Dong seo Game Channel Bldg. 2F 660-11,Deungchon-dong, Kangseo-ku, Seoul 157-030, KoreaMitsubishi Electric Asia Pte, Ltd.307 Alexandra Road #05-01/02,Mitsubishi Electric Building Singapore 159943F. A. Tech Co., Ltd.896/19,20,21,22 S.V.City Building, Office Tower 1, Floor 12 Rama III Rd, Bangpongpang, Yannawa, Bangkok 10120P.T. Autoteknindo SUMBER MAKMUR Muara Karang Selatan Block A/Utara No.1 Kav.NO.11 Kawasan Industri/ Pergudangan Jakarta - Utara 14440Messung Systems Pvt., Ltd.Electronic Sadan NO:111 Unit No15, M.I.D.C Bhosari, Pune-411026, IndiaMitsubishi Electric Australia Pty. Ltd.348 Victoria Road, Rydalmere, N.S.W 2116, AustraliaCountry/Region TaiwanKoreaSingaporeThailandIndonesiaIndiaAustraliaTel/FaxTel : +886-2-2299-2499Fax : +886-2-2299-2509Tel : +82-2-3660-9552Fax : +82-2-3664-8372Tel : +65-6470-2460Fax : +65-6476-7439Tel : +66-2-682-6522Fax : +66-2-682-6020Tel : +62-21-663-0833Fax : +62-21-663-0832Tel : +91-20-2712-3130Fax : +91-20-2712-8108Tel : +61-2-9684-7777Fax : +61-2-9684-72450511 (MDOC)Specifications subject to change without notice.HEAD OFFICE: TOKYO BUILDING, 2-7-3 MARUNOUCHI, CHIYODA-KU, TOKYO 100-8310, JAPANNAGOYA WORKS: 1-14, YADAMINAMI 5, HIGASIKU, NAGOYA, JAPAN。



音标快速记忆法元音部分:1)、单元音: [i:]、[i]、[ɔ:]、[ɔ]、[u:]、[u]、[ə:]、[ə]、[ɑ:]、[ʌ]、[e]、[æ] 2)、双元音: [ei]、[ai]、[ɔi]、[iə]、[ɛə]、[uə]、[au] 、[əu]辅音部分:[p]、[b] 、[t]、[d]、[k]、[g]、[f]、[v]、[s]、[z]、[θ]、[ð]、[ʃ]、[ʒ]、[tʃ]、[dʒ] [tr]、[dr]、[ts]、[dz]、[m]、[n]、[ŋ]、[h]、[l]、[r]、[j]、[w]记忆方法(只需记长音就可以):一,单元音: [i:]、[i]、[ɔ:]、[ɔ]、[u:]、[u]、[ə:]、[ə]、[ɑ:]、[ʌ]、[e]、[æ] [i:]――谐音为:易(yi);像数字1,记忆真容易。
















元器件交易网IMPORTANT NOTICETexas Instruments Incorporated and its subsidiaries (TI) reserve the right to make corrections, modifications, enhancements, improvements, and other changes to its products and services at any time and to discontinue any product or service without notice. Customers should obtain the latest relevant information before placing orders and should verify that such information is current and complete. All products are sold subject to TI’s terms and conditions of sale supplied at the time of order acknowledgment.TI warrants performance of its hardware products to the specifications applicable at the time of sale in accordance with TI’s standard warranty. T esting and other quality control techniques are used to the extent TI deems necessary to support this warranty. Except where mandated by government requirements, testing of all parameters of each product is not necessarily performed.TI assumes no liability for applications assistance or customer product design. Customers are responsible for their products and applications using TI components. T o minimize the risks associated with customer products and applications, customers should provide adequate design and operating safeguards.TI does not warrant or represent that any license, either express or implied, is granted under any TI patent right, copyright, mask work right, or other TI intellectual property right relating to any combination, machine, or process in which TI products or services are used. Information published by TI regarding third-party products or services does not constitute a license from TI to use such products or services or a warranty or endorsement thereof. Use of such information may require a license from a third party under the patents or other intellectual property of the third party, or a license from TI under the patents or other intellectual property of TI.Reproduction of information in TI data books or data sheets is permissible only if reproduction is without alteration and is accompanied by all associated warranties, conditions, limitations, and notices. Reproduction of this information with alteration is an unfair and deceptive business practice. TI is not responsible or liable for such altered documentation.Resale of TI products or services with statements different from or beyond the parameters stated by TI for that product or service voids all express and any implied warranties for the associated TI product or service and is an unfair and deceptive business practice. TI is not responsible or liable for any such statements. Following are URLs where you can obtain information on other Texas Instruments products and application solutions:Products ApplicationsAmplifiers Audio /audioData Converters Automotive /automotiveDSP Broadband /broadbandInterface Digital Control /digitalcontrolLogic Military /militaryPower Mgmt Optical Networking /opticalnetwork Microcontrollers Security /securityTelephony /telephonyVideo & Imaging /videoWireless /wirelessMailing Address:Texas InstrumentsPost Office Box 655303 Dallas, Texas 75265Copyright 2004, Texas Instruments Incorporated。



(4) (7) (20)1926.0291.5KV30.05.2MΩ1.5K/10W0.15UF10000.750.15uFMC-049A¡¡TuningFor EU/ For Non EU1.MC-049A3. Focus:)3.2.Focus2) Double Focus CPTa)AFBTvolume2)Focus1)RASTER3)4)MAGNET4MAGNETRASTER()(6)FOCUS 1)BACK RASTERDOT9-12 MagnetTAP"3"MagnetTAP<DYCPTDY, CPTTAPE.TAPEOVER-LAPPING9-11 kg .CPT neckSTCW/B6)CPT5. ScreenPAL LINE SVC(IN-START button),FBT(IN-START,SVC “CUT OFF”.)(1)(2)(3)(4)(3)<CAUTION> W/B Program “Twbeng_v2.0”- Cutoff: Instart -> mute(cpuoff) ->7.7.1Digital pattern(EU05CH).(2)LINE SVC)SERVICE MENUADJUSTCH /VOL /PAL(2)(4) Wide Models::pattern(3) SC (Vertical S correction)Menu<2>1. IC(4) VS (Vertical Shift)::pattern(8) EP(Pin Cushion)CPT(12) CRNL(Lower Corner Correction)PIP1~2mmoption,BOMOPTION dataOPTIONfunction8-4. OPTION2NO RASTERCHECK B+At D829 cathodeIs the voltage ateach pin voltage of IC11CheckFuse of AC lineCheck / Replace Check the VoltageOf C803Check the VoltagePin 4 of IC801Check / ReplaceIC801, IC802, IC826Check / ReplaceDB801Out) Check Q402 Collector waveformCheck T401& each pin voltage Check Q401 Collector waveform Check theIn/out ofregulatorCheck Fuse and Rectifition Diode ofsecondary Load of SMPS trans(T803)Check / ReplaceIC11Replace IC11 Check & Replace Q402Replace T401Normal Abnormal(IC821, IC822Check / ReplaceFuse IC801 Check & ReplaceT402Check & Replace Q401No Picture / No SoundIs any OSD displayed?Check receiving system in MENU& execute Auto Program.Does the auto-Operate properly.Store on manual-program MENUCheck / ReplaceCPT Board component Go toNo Sound / Picture OKCheck IC11 pin71,72,73 (R,G,B out)Check pin40(V out 1) 1V p-p Check 1.8V, 3.3V,5V DC VoltageCheck SMPS TransSecondary Voltage(R, G, B out of IC11)Check pin18Reset Voltage(Reset IC) Check pin57, 58SCL, SDAOKRelace IC11OK3.3V DC71,72,7357,58Select correct systemIn menuCheck the connectionOf AV equipmentCheck the the waveformAt pin16, 17 of IC11Check TU101 TunerCheck the waveformAt pin4, 5, of IC11Check waveformAt pin 2, 4 of IC601Check the voltageAt pin6 of IC601 Check the waveformAt pin 8, 9, 11, 12 of IC601Check the voltageOf pin2, 19, 20, 21,24 of IC11Check the signal line ofSPK-L,RCheck pin 55 (mute)of IC11Check the vpltageAt pin7, 5 of IC601Check /ReplaceD828, D805, F806Check the connection ofside or Front AV BoardConnect the Board Replace IC601CPT+VM HARMONICCONTROL[ P o w e r ]PART NOLOCA. NO PART NO DESCRIPTION C10C101C104C105C106C107C108C109C11C110C1103C111C12C1201C1202C121C123C1242C126C127C13C17C18C180C181C183C184C185C19C216C217C23C24C25C303C304C306C308C309C310C402C403C404C405C406C407C408C409C410C4110CX2200K4090CQ2721N4090CN1030F6790CN1030F6790CN1030F6790CN1030F6790CN1030F6790CN1030F6790CX2200K4090CN1030F6790CE107DD6180CE227DD6180CE107DD6180CN4710K5190CN4710K5190CN1030F6790CN1030F6790CE106DF6180CE475DK6180CN1030F6790CN1040K9490CN1040K9490CN1040K9490CN1020K5190CN2210K5190CN1040K9490CE105DK6180CN1040K9490CN3310K5190CE226DF6180CE226DF6180CN1040K9490CE226DD6180CE105DK6180CQ1041N4090CE107DJ6180CQ3331N5090CE476DK6180CN4710K5190CQ1031N5090CE475DK6180CQ1521N509181-015Q 181-091Y 0CF2231YF500CE475DK6180CE685BK6520CK2220W5150CE105CR636181-038K22P 50V J SL TA520.0027UF D 100V 5% PE TP510000P 16V M Y TA5210000P 16V M Y TA5210000P 16V M Y TA5210000P 16V M Y TA5210000P 16V M Y TA5210000P 16V M Y TA5222P 50V J SL TA5210000P 16V M Y TA52100UF STD 10V M FL TP5220UF STD 10V M FL TP5100UF STD 10V M FL TP5470P 50V K B TA52470P 50V K B TA5210000P 16V M Y TA5210000P 16V M Y TA5210UF STD 16V M FL TP54.7UF STD 50V 20% FL TP 510000P 16V M Y TA520.1M 50V Z F TA520.1M 50V Z F TA520.1M 50V Z F TA521000P 50V K B TA52220P 50V K B TA520.1M 50V Z F TA521UF STD 50V M FL TP50.1M 50V Z F TA52330P 50V K B TA5222UF STD 16V M FL TP522UF STD 16V M FL TP50.1M 50V Z F TA5222UF STD 10V 20% FL TP 51UF STD 50V M FL TP50.1000UF 100V J PE TP 100UF STD 35V M FL TP50.033UF D 100V 10% PE TP547UF STD 50V M FL TP5470P 50V K B TA520.01UF D 100V 10% PE TP54.7UF STD 50V 20% FL TP 50.0015UF D 100V 10% PE TP50.02UF 1.6KV H M/PP NI FM20R 680PF 2KV 10%,-10% R/TP TP7.50.022UF D 630V 5%,-5% PP NI BULK 4.7UF STD 50V 20% FL TP 56.8UF KME TYPE 50V 20% FM7.5 BP(S)2200P 500V K B TS1UF SHL,SD 250V 20% BP(D) TP FM50.56UF D 250V J M/PP FM20LOCA. NO PART NO DESCRIPTION C413C414C415C416C417C419C420C421C422C501C502C503C504C505C506C507C508C509C510C511C512C513C514C517C519C520C521C522C524C525C526C527C528C529C530C531C532C533C534C535C536C537C538C540C541C542C543C545C547C548C549C5610CE107DJ6180CK2710W5150CE108DH618181-009R 0CK2710W5150CE108DH618181-010B 0CK2710W5150CE475DR6180CQ6831N5090CQ6831N5090CQ3331N5090CN1040K9490CN2710K5190CN2710K5190CN1040K9490CE107DD6180CN1040K9490CE475DK6180CN1040K9490CE107DD6180CN1040K9490CE107DD6180CN1040K9490CN1010K5190CE107DD6180CN1040K9490CN1040K9490CE107DD6180CN1040K9490CN1040K9490CN1040K9490CN1040K9490CN1040K9490CN1010K5190CN1040K9490CN1040K9490CE107DD6180CN1040K9490CN1040K9490CN1040K9490CN1040K9490CN1040K9490CE107DD6180CE107DD6180CE107DD6180CE107DD6180CK1010K5150CN2710K5190CN1040K9490CE107DH6180CQ2242K439100UF STD 35V M FL TP5270P 500V K B TS 1000UF STD 25V M FL TP5PP 200V 0.022UF K 270P 500V K B TS 1000UF STD 25V M FL TP5PP 400V 0.056UF J 270P 500V K B TS 4.7UF STD 250V 20% FL TP 50.068UF D 100V 10% PE TP50.068UF D 100V 10% PE TP50.033UF D 100V 10% PE TP50.1M 50V Z F TA52270P 50V K B TA52270P 50V K B TA520.1M 50V Z F TA52100UF STD 10V M FL TP50.1M 50V Z F TA524.7UF STD 50V 20% FL TP 50.1M 50V Z F TA52100UF STD 10V M FL TP50.1M 50V Z F TA52100UF STD 10V M FL TP50.1M 50V Z F TA52100P 50V K B TA52100UF STD 10V M FL TP50.1M 50V Z F TA520.1M 50V Z F TA52100UF STD 10V M FL TP50.1M 50V Z F TA520.1M 50V Z F TA520.1M 50V Z F TA520.1M 50V Z F TA520.1M 50V Z F TA52100P 50V K B TA520.1M 50V Z F TA520.1M 50V Z F TA52100UF STD 10V M FL TP50.1M 50V Z F TA520.1M 50V Z F TA520.1M 50V Z F TA520.1M 50V Z F TA520.1M 50V Z F TA52100UF STD 10V M FL TP5100UF STD 10V M FL TP5100UF STD 10V M FL TP5100UF STD 10V M FL TP5100P 50V K B TS 270P 50V K B TA520.1M 50V Z F TA52100UF STD 25V M FL TP50.22UF S 50V 5% M/PE NI TP5CAPACITORCQ:RS:RF:LOCA. NO PART NO DESCRIPTION C562C602C603C604C605C606C607C608C609C610C611C612C613C614C615C616C617C618C619C620C624C625C626C627C631C632C636C801C802C803C804C806C807C809C810C811C813C815C817C819C820C821C822C823C824C825C826C827C828C829C830C8310CN2210K5190CE108DH6180CE475DK6180CQ2731N5090CE476DF618181-007C 0CE106DF6180CE106DF6180CQ2731N5090CE475DK6180CE476DH618181-007C 181-007C 181-007C 0CN1040K9490CE476DD6180CN1040K9490CN1010K5190CE106DK6180CN1010K5190CF3341L4380CF3341L4380CF3341L4380CK1030K9450CF3341L4380CF3341L4380CF3341L4380CQZVBK002C 0CQZVBK002A 0CE337KV6A00CK102015150CK10201515181-091U 0CE105DK6180CE336DK618181-014Y 0CK4710W5150CK8210K5150CK1040K9450CK1520K5150CN1040K949181-091C 0CE477DH6180CE477DD6180CE108DD6180CK472015100CE108DD6180CE108DD6180CE477DD6180CE335CK6360CE108DH6180CE227DP61A220P 50V K B TA521000UF STD 25V M FL TP54.7UF STD 50V 20% FL TP 50.027UF D 100V 10% PE TP547UF STD 16V M FL TP5MPE ECQ-V1H104JL3(TR), 50V 0.1UF 10UF STD 16V M FL TP510UF STD 16V M FL TP50.027UF D 100V 10% PE TP54.7UF STD 50V 20% FL TP 547UF STD 25V 20% FL TP 5MPE ECQ-V1H104JL3(TR), 50V 0.1UF MPE ECQ-V1H104JL3(TR), 50V 0.1UF MPE ECQ-V1H104JL3(TR), 50V 0.1UF 0.1M 50V Z F TA5247UF STD 10V 20% FL TP 50.1M 50V Z F TA52100P 50V K B TA5210UF STD 50V M FL TP5100P 50V K B TA520.33UF D 63V 5% TP 5 M/PE NI 0.33UF D 63V 5% TP 5 M/PE NI 0.33UF D 63V 5% TP 5 M/PE NI 0.01UF 50V Z F TR0.33UF D 63V 5% TP 5 M/PE NI 0.33UF D 63V 5% TP 5 M/PE NI 0.33UF D 63V 5% TP 5 M/PE NI A.C 275V 0.22UF K (S=22.5)A.C 275V 0.1UF M (S=15)330UF SLT 450V 20% VNSN BULK 1000P 1KV K B TS 1000P 1KV K B TSR 220PF 2KV 10%,-10% R/TP TP7.51UF STD 50V M FL TP533UF STD 50V M FL TP5MPP 1.6KV 0.0015UF J 470PF 500V K B TR 820P 50V K B TS 0.1UF 50V Z F TR 1500P 50V K B TS 0.1M 50V Z F TA52DEHR33A471KN2A 470PF 1KV 470UF STD 25V M FL TP5470UF STD 10V M FL TP51000UF STD 10V M FL TP54700P 1KV K B S1000UF STD 10V M FL TP51000UF STD 10V M FL TP5470UF STD 10V M FL TP53.3UF SHL,SD 50V 20% FM5 BP(D) TP 1000UF STD 25V M FL TP5220UF STD 160V 20% FL TP 7.5LOCA. NO PART NO DESCRIPTION C833C834C835C837C838C839C840C843C845C868C901C902C903C904C907C920C921C922C923C924C925C926C927C928C929C930L101L103L12L1201L1202L401L402L501L502L503L504L505L506L507L508L509L801T401T801T803JW8A JW8B0CE107CP618181-091Y 0CK4710W5150CQ4731N5090CE227DK6180CE106DH6180CE228CD518181-120K 0CE107DD6180CE227DD6180CE475DR6180CQ1044R539181-033S 0CE475DR6180CN1510K5190CN1030F6790CE107DF6180CN1510K5190CE107DJ6180CE107DF6180CK1030W5100CE106DP6180CK1010W5150CE107DF6180CK1030W5100CE106DP6180LA0102K1390LA0101K1190LA0101K1190LA0102K1190LA0102K119150-717J 6140VE0001J 0LA0101K1190LA0101K1190LA0101K1190LA0101K1190LA0101K1190LA0101K1190LA0101K1190LA0101K1190LA0152K119150-C02F 151-C02F 6170VZ0007A 6170VMCC01K387-907B 387-907B100U SHL 160V M FL TP5R 680PF 2KV 10%,-10% R/TP TP7.5470PF 500V K B TR0.047UF D 100V 10% PE TP5220UF STD 50V M FL TP510UF STD 25V M FL TP52200UF SHL,SD 10V K FL TP 52200PF 4KV M E FMTW LEAD 4.5100UF STD 10V M FL TP5220UF STD 10V M FL TP54.7UF STD 250V 20% FL TP 50.1UF TE 250V 10% M/PE NI TP52KV B 122K TP7.54.7UF STD 250V 20% FL TP 5150P 50V K B TA5210000P 16V M Y TA52100UF STD 16V M FL TP5150P 50V K B TA52100UF STD 35V M FL TP5100UF STD 16V M FL TP50.01U 500V K B S 10UF STD 160V M FL TP5100P 500V K B TS 100UF STD 16V M FL TP50.01U 500V K B S 10UF STD 160V M FL TP5INDUCTOR,10UH K 4*10.5 TP INDUCTOR,1.0UH K 2.3*3.4 TP INDUCTOR,1.0UH K 2.3*3.4 TP INDUCTOR,10UH K 2.3*3.4 TP INDUCTOR,10UH K 2.3*3.4 TP COIL,CHOKE 560UH (E/W)COIL,20UH USTC0.INDUCTOR,1.0UH K 2.3*3.4 TP INDUCTOR,1.0UH K 2.3*3.4 TP INDUCTOR,1.0UH K 2.3*3.4 TP INDUCTOR,1.0UH K 2.3*3.4 TP INDUCTOR,1.0UH K 2.3*3.4 TP INDUCTOR,1.0UH K 2.3*3.4 TP INDUCTOR,1.0UH K 2.3*3.4 TP INDUCTOR,1.0UH K 2.3*3.4 TP INDUCTOR,15UH K 2.3*3.4 TP COIL,82UH PHY TURNTRANSFORMER,H-DRIVE,EI-19,BULK TRANSFORMER,TS4134 38500UH REACTOR TRANSFORMER,EER5345 300UH 30TURNS1P 150MM R-H UL1617AWG22 MXH86101P 150MM R-H UL1617AWG22 MXH8610COIL & TRANSFORMERCONNECTORCQ:RS:RF:LOCA. NO PART NO DESCRIPTION P06BP13B P201BP202BP403BP603BF802F804F805F806FR402FR403FR404FR405FR901J204J208J211J220J222J261J509J510J512J566L1102L1204L1205R101R102R105R106R107R108R109R110R1101R111R112R113R1136R1143R1146R1147R1148R1149R1150R1203R1204R1205387-A07E 387-A09J 387-A06J 387-A03J 387-A08H 387-A05J0RP0050H7090RP0050H7090RP0020J8090RP0020J8090RP0050H7090RP0050H7090RP0050H7090RP0050H7090RF0101K6070RD1000F6090RD1000F6090RD1000F6090RD1000F6090RD1000F6090RD1000F6090RD1000F6090RD1000F6090RD1000F6090RD1000F6090RD0472F6090RD1000F6090RD1000F6090RD1002F6090RD7501F6090RD7502F6090RD1002F6090RD2201F6090RD0102F6090RD0562F6090RD8200F6090RD1301F6090RD0682F6090RD1501F6090RD3000F6090RD4701F6090RD3300F6090RD3900F6090RD2200F6090RD3000F6090RD3300F6090RD4300F6090RD0752F6090RD0752F6090RD0752F6097P 2.5MM 300MM H-B UL1007AWG269P 2.5MM 500MM H-B UL1007AWG266P 2.5MM 500MM H-B UL1007AWG263P 2.5MM 500MM H-B UL1007AWG268P 2.5MM 450MM H-B UL1007AWG265P 2.5MM 500MM H-B UL1007AWG260.05 OHM 1/2 W 10% TA520.05 OHM 1/2 W 10% TA520.02 OHM 1 W 20% TA520.02 OHM 1 W 20% TA520.05 OHM 1/2 W 10% TA520.05 OHM 1/2 W 10% TA520.05 OHM 1/2 W 10% TA520.05 OHM 1/2 W 10% TA521 OHM 2 W 5.00% TA62100 OHM 1/6 W 5% TA52100 OHM 1/6 W 5% TA52100 OHM 1/6 W 5% TA52100 OHM 1/6 W 5% TA52100 OHM 1/6 W 5% TA52100 OHM 1/6 W 5% TA52100 OHM 1/6 W 5% TA52100 OHM 1/6 W 5% TA52100 OHM 1/6 W 5% TA52100 OHM 1/6 W 5% TA5247 OHM 1/6 W 5% TA52100 OHM 1/6 W 5% TA52100 OHM 1/6 W 5% TA5210K OHM 1/6 W 5% TA527.5K OHM 1/6 W 5.00% TA5275K OHM 1/6 W 5.00% TA5210K OHM 1/6 W 5% TA522.2K OHM 1/6 W 5.00% TA5210 OHM 1/6 W 5% TA5256 OHM 1/6 W 5.00% TA52820 OHM 1/6 W 5.00% TA521.3K OHM 1/6 W 5.00% TA5268 OHM 1/6 W 5.00% TA521.5K OHM 1/6 W 5% TA52300 OHM 1/6 W 5.00% TA524.7K OHM 1/6 W 5% TA52330 OHM 1/6 W 5.00% TA52390 OHM 1/6 W 5% TA52220 OHM 1/6 W 5.00% TA52300 OHM 1/6 W 5.00% TA52330 OHM 1/6 W 5.00% TA52430 OHM 1/6 W 5.00% TA5275 OHM 1/6 W 5.00% TA5275 OHM 1/6 W 5.00% TA5275 OHM 1/6 W 5.00% TA52LOCA. NO PART NO DESCRIPTION R1230R1231R125R126R127R180R181R182R183R184R185R186R187R188R189R190R191R192R193R201R202R209R210R211R212R24R25R28R29R30R301R302R303R304R305R306R307R308R309R31R310R312R313R314R315R316R317R318R319R32R320R3210RD1200H6090RD1200H6090RD2700A6090RD1000F6090RD1000F6090RD1001F6090RD3002F6090RD1002F6090RD1003F6090RD1801F6090RD1801F6090RD4701F6090RD1801F6090RD2202F6090RD5602F6090RD5103F6090RD1000F6090RD4701F6090RD4701F6090RD0752F6090RD0752F6090RD0752F6090RD0752F6090RD0752F6090RD0752F6090RD1000F6090RD1000F6090RD1000F6090RD1000F6090RD3301F6090RD1501A6090RN4702F4090RD2400A6090RD0561A6090RD1002F6090RD1002F6090RD3601F6090RD4702F6090RD2001F6090RD3301F6090RD4702F6090RD4701F6090RN0471H5090RN0471H5090RS2700K6070RD1000F6090RD2702F6090RN2001F4090RN8202F4090RD3301F6090RD1001F6090RD0561A609120 OHM 1/2 W 5.00% TA52120 OHM 1/2 W 5.00% TA52270 OHM 1/2 W(7.0) 5.00% TA52100 OHM 1/6 W 5% TA52100 OHM 1/6 W 5% TA521K OHM 1/6 W 5% TA5230K OHM 1/6 W 5.00% TA5210K OHM 1/6 W 5% TA52100K OHM 1/6 W 5% TA521.8K OHM 1/6 W 5.00% TA521.8K OHM 1/6 W 5.00% TA524.7K OHM 1/6 W 5% TA521.8K OHM 1/6 W 5.00% TA5222K OHM 1/6 W 5% TA5256K OHM 1/6 W 5% TA52510K OHM 1/6 W 5.00% TA52100 OHM 1/6 W 5% TA524.7K OHM 1/6 W 5% TA524.7K OHM 1/6 W 5% TA5275 OHM 1/6 W 5.00% TA5275 OHM 1/6 W 5.00% TA5275 OHM 1/6 W 5.00% TA5275 OHM 1/6 W 5.00% TA5275 OHM 1/6 W 5.00% TA5275 OHM 1/6 W 5.00% TA52100 OHM 1/6 W 5% TA52100 OHM 1/6 W 5% TA52100 OHM 1/6 W 5% TA52100 OHM 1/6 W 5% TA523.3K OHM 1/6 W 5.00% TA521.5K OHM 1/2 W(7.0) 5.00% TA5247K OHM 1/6 W 1.00% TA52240 OHM 1/2 W(7.0) 5.00% TA525.6 OHM 1/2 W(7.0) 5.00% TA5210K OHM 1/6 W 5% TA5210K OHM 1/6 W 5% TA523.6K OHM 1/6 W 5.00% TA5247K OHM 1/6 W 5% TA522K OHM 1/6 W 5% TA523.3K OHM 1/6 W 5.00% TA5247K OHM 1/6 W 5% TA524.7K OHM 1/6 W 5% TA524.7 OHM 1/2 W 2.00% TA524.7 OHM 1/2 W 2.00% TA52270 OHM 2 W 5.00% TA62100 OHM 1/6 W 5% TA5227K OHM 1/6 W 5.00% TA522K OHM 1/6 W 1.00% TA5282K OHM 1/6 W 1.00% TA523.3K OHM 1/6 W 5.00% TA521K OHM 1/6 W 5% TA525.6 OHM 1/2 W(7.0) 5.00% TA52RESISTORCQ:RS:RF:LOCA. NO PART NO DESCRIPTION R322R323R324R325R326R328R33R34R35R37R38R401R403R404R405R408R409R410R411R412R413R414R415R416R417R42R421R422R449R501R502R503R504R506R507R508R509R510R511R512R513R514R515R516R517R518R519R520R521R522R527R5320RD1501F6090RD2702F6090RD4700F6090RD2701A6090RD1501A6090RN4702F4090RD1000F6090RD1000F6090RD1000F6090RD1000F6090RD1002F6090RD2701A6090RD5600A6090RD0332A6090RS1500K6900RS0221K6190RD1801A6090RMZVBK002D 0RS5102H6090RD7501A6090RS2202H6090RS1001H6090RD1002F6090RD6801F6090RD8203F6090RD4701F6090RD3600F6090RD1002F6090RD0682F6090RD3301F6090RN6801F4090RN6801F4090RD6801F6090RD1501F6090RD2700F6090RD1201F6090RD3600F6090RD3600F6090RD3600F6090RD0332F6090RD0332F6090RD0332F6090RD1600F6090RD1600F6090RD1600F6090RD0222F6090RD2701F6090RD1001F6090RD3002F6090RD0152F6090RD2702F6090RD1000F6091.5K OHM 1/6 W 5% TA5227K OHM 1/6 W 5.00% TA52470 OHM 1/6 W 0.05 TA522.7K OHM 1/2 W(7.0) 5.00% TA521.5K OHM 1/2 W(7.0) 5.00% TA5247K OHM 1/6 W 1.00% TA52100 OHM 1/6 W 5% TA52100 OHM 1/6 W 5% TA52100 OHM 1/6 W 5% TA52100 OHM 1/6 W 5% TA5210K OHM 1/6 W 5% TA522.7K OHM 1/2 W(7.0) 5.00% TA52560 OHM 1/2 W(7.0) 0.05 TA5233 OHM 1/2 W(7.0) 5.00% TA52150 OHM 2 W 5% MF5.02.2 OHM 2 W 5% TR1.8K OHM 1/2 W(7.0) 5.00% TA5215K OHM 5W +/-5% RSR V-TYPE 51K OHM 1/2 W 5.00% TA527.5K OHM 1/2 W(7.0) 5.00% TA5222K OHM 1/2 W 5.00% TA521K OHM 1/2 W 5.00% TA5210K OHM 1/6 W 5% TA526.8K OHM 1/6 W 5.00% TA52820K OHM 1/6 W 5.00% TA524.7K OHM 1/6 W 5% TA52360 OHM 1/6 W 5.00% TA5210K OHM 1/6 W 5% TA5268 OHM 1/6 W 5.00% TA523.3K OHM 1/6 W 5.00% TA526.8K OHM 1/6 W 1.00% TA526.8K OHM 1/6 W 1.00% TA526.8K OHM 1/6 W 5.00% TA521.5K OHM 1/6 W 5% TA52270 OHM 1/6 W 5% TA521.2K OHM 1/6 W 5% TA52360 OHM 1/6 W 5.00% TA52360 OHM 1/6 W 5.00% TA52360 OHM 1/6 W 5.00% TA5233 OHM 1/6 W 5.00% TA5233 OHM 1/6 W 5.00% TA5233 OHM 1/6 W 5.00% TA52160 OHM 1/6 W 5.00% TA52160 OHM 1/6 W 5.00% TA52160 OHM 1/6 W 5.00% TA5222 OHM 1/6 W 5.00% TA522.7K OHM 1/6 W 5% TA521K OHM 1/6 W 5% TA5230K OHM 1/6 W 5.00% TA5215 OHM 1/6 W 5.00% TA5227K OHM 1/6 W 5.00% TA52100 OHM 1/6 W 5% TA52LOCA. NO PART NO DESCRIPTION R539R540R541R542R543R544R551R555R556R557R558R601R602R603R604R605R606R607R608R609R610R611R612R613R614R615R616R617R618R619R620R621R622R623R624R664R802R803R804R805R806R807R808R809R810R814R816R817R823R825R827R8280RD1002F6090RD4702F6090RD2700F6090RD8200F6090RD9100F6090RD0332F6090RD2202F6090RD4700F6090RD2200F6090RD3301F6090RD3001F6090RD0221A6090RD0221A6090RD0221A6090RD0221A6090RD1001F6090RD3301F6090RD1002F6090RD1001F6090RD1000F6090RD1802F6090RD1001F6090RD3301F6090RD0221F6090RD1000F6090RD1001F6090RD2700F6090RD1000F6090RD1000F6090RD1000F6090RD1000F6090RD1000F6090RD1000F6090RD1000F6090RD1000F6090RD1000F6090RKZVTA001K 180-822M 0RS4702K6190RS4702K619180-A01P 0RD2200A6090RD1501F6090RD1001F6090RD0222F6090RK8204H6090RD1001F6090RD0152F6090RD4701F6090RD4701F6090RD1001F6090RD1501F60910K OHM 1/6 W 5% TA5247K OHM 1/6 W 5% TA52270 OHM 1/6 W 5% TA52820 OHM 1/6 W 5.00% TA52910 OHM 1/6 W 5.00% TA5233 OHM 1/6 W 5.00% TA5222K OHM 1/6 W 5% TA52470 OHM 1/6 W 0.05 TA52220 OHM 1/6 W 5.00% TA523.3K OHM 1/6 W 5.00% TA523K OHM 1/6 W 5.00% TA522.2 OHM 1/2 W(7.0) 5.00% TA522.2 OHM 1/2 W(7.0) 5.00% TA522.2 OHM 1/2 W(7.0) 5.00% TA522.2 OHM 1/2 W(7.0) 5.00% TA521K OHM 1/6 W 5% TA523.3K OHM 1/6 W 5.00% TA5210K OHM 1/6 W 5% TA521K OHM 1/6 W 5% TA52100 OHM 1/6 W 5% TA5218K OHM 1/6 W 5.00% TA521K OHM 1/6 W 5% TA523.3K OHM 1/6 W 5.00% TA522.2 OHM 1/6 W 5.00% TA52100 OHM 1/6 W 5% TA521K OHM 1/6 W 5% TA52270 OHM 1/6 W 5% TA52100 OHM 1/6 W 5% TA52100 OHM 1/6 W 5% TA52100 OHM 1/6 W 5% TA52100 OHM 1/6 W 5% TA52100 OHM 1/6 W 5% TA52100 OHM 1/6 W 5% TA52100 OHM 1/6 W 5% TA52100 OHM 1/6 W 5% TA52100 OHM 1/6 W 5% TA520.47M OHM 1/2 W 5% TA52+C497RWR 15W 1.0 OHM J PD 47K OHM 2 W 5% TR 47K OHM 2 W 5% TR 0.13 OHM 2 W 5% TA62 RWR 220 OHM 1/2 W(7.0) 5.00% TA521.5K OHM 1/6 W 5% TA521K OHM 1/6 W 5% TA5222 OHM 1/6 W 5.00% TA528.2M OHM 1/2 W 5.00% TA521K OHM 1/6 W 5% TA5215 OHM 1/6 W 5.00% TA524.7K OHM 1/6 W 5% TA524.7K OHM 1/6 W 5% TA521K OHM 1/6 W 5% TA521.5K OHM 1/6 W 5% TA52CQ:RS:RF:R831R838R840R841R842R843R844R845R846R847R858R901R902R903R904R906R907R908R909R910R911R912R913R914R915R921R922R923R924R925R926SW1101SW1102SW1103SW1104SW1105SW1106SW801SG901SG902SG903SG904FB1241FB401FB801FB802FB803FB825L920T802X11Z101A1A2F801JK1203JK201JK202PA1101SK901T402TH801TU101VD801LOCA. NO PART NO DESCRIPTION 0RD2201F6090RD4701F6090RF0161K6070RF0161K6070RD1002F6090RD3300A6090RD8200F6090RD1002F6090RD7502F6090RD2203F6090RD4701F6090RD2200F6090RD2200F6090RD2200F6090RD1801F6090RD1000F6090RD1000F6090RD1000F6090RCZVTA002D 0RCZVTA002D 0RCZVTA002D 0RD2204A6090RD1201F6090RD2200F6090RD0102F6090RD1000F6090RD0622F6090RS0102J6070RS3300J6070RS4300J6070RS6800K607140-315A 140-315A 140-315A 140-315A 140-315A 140-315A 6600VM2002A165-004A 165-004A 165-004A 6918VAX002H125-123A 125-022K 125-022K 125-022K2.2K OHM 1/6 W 5.00% TA524.7K OHM 1/6 W 5% TA521.6 OHM 2 W 5.00% TA621.6 OHM 2 W 5.00% TA6210K OHM 1/6 W 5% TA52330 OHM 1/2 W(7.0) 5.00% TA52820 OHM 1/6 W 5.00% TA5210K OHM 1/6 W 5% TA5275K OHM 1/6 W 5.00% TA52220K OHM 1/6 W 5.00% TA524.7K OHM 1/6 W 5% TA52220 OHM 1/6 W 5.00% TA52220 OHM 1/6 W 5.00% TA52220 OHM 1/6 W 5.00% TA521.8K OHM 1/6 W 5.00% TA52100 OHM 1/6 W 5% TA52100 OHM 1/6 W 5% TA52100 OHM 1/6 W 5% TA521/2 W 1.5K,10%,1/2 W 1.5K,10%,1/2 W 1.5K,10%,2.2M OHM 1/2 W(7.0) 5.00% TA521.2K OHM 1/6 W 5% TA52220 OHM 1/6 W 5.00% TA5210 OHM 1/6 W 5% TA52100 OHM 1/6 W 5% TA5262 OHM 1/6 W 5.00% TA5210 OHM 1 W 5.00% TA62330 OHM 1 W 5.00% TA62430 OHM 1 W 5.00% TA62680 OHM 2 W 5.00% TA62TACT SKHV17910B LG C&D 12V TACT SKHV17910B LG C&D 12V TACT SKHV17910B LG C&D 12V TACT SKHV17910B LG C&D 12V TACT SKHV17910B LG C&D 12V TACT SKHV17910B LG C&D 12V SDKEA3 ALPS IEC 250V 8AAG20PT 152F-L3N/S-23AG20PT 152F-L3N/S-23AG20PT 152F-L3N/S-23WSP-122N 1200V -100V,+300V AXIAL TPFERRITE BFD3565R2F(TAPING)FERRITE 62MM 1UH NY 3.5X6.0MM FERRITE 62MM 1UH NY 3.5X6.0MM FERRITE 62MM 1UH NY 3.5X6.0MMLOCA. NO PART NO DESCRIPTION 125-022K 125-022K 125-022K 150-F06T 6202VDB007B 6200QL3001Z3828VA0441U 6710V00124G0FS4001B53C 6613V00008A 6612VJH011K 6612VJH011L 6726VV0006D 6620VBC003A 6174V-5003L 163-058D 6700VS0002B 164-003GFERRITE 62MM 1UH NY 3.5X6.0MM FERRITE 62MM 1UH NY 3.5X6.0MM FERRITE 62MM 1UH NY 3.5X6.0MM SQE3535 20MH PHY TURN HC49U 20.250MHZ 30PPM 13PF BK RESONATOR,B39361-X6966-D100MANUAL,OWNERS,MC049A RT-29FB75VE LGESY REMOTE CONTROLLER,MC-049A W/O TXT CHINESEFUSE,,4000MA 250 V 5.2X20 CY/CE JACK,PMJ014A E/P(ST)JACK,PPJ109K A/V I/O 6P STEREO FOR21PIN JACK,PPJ109L A/V I/O 6P DVD IN Y-PB-PR ENG REMOTE CONTROLLER RECEIVER,TSOP4838ON1SOCKET (CIRC), PCS030A 8PIN 14/360FBT,BSC28-N2334 29 YINGYANGTHERMISTOR,03-07MX JA HWA 7 OHM 20% 80/60TUNER,TAEW-G301D MULTI VS SPLITTER VARISTOR,TVR621D14A THINKING 620V 10%ACCESSORIESMISCELLANEOUSFILTER & CRYSTALSWITCHSPARK GAPCQ:RS:RF:。



专利名称:RECIPROCATING VALVES发明人:ROBERT MACGREGOR FAIRWEATHER 申请号:AU5922473申请日:19720818公开号:AU5922473A公开日:19750220专利内容由知识产权出版社提供摘要:1436749 Valves R M FAIRWEATHER 16 Aug 1973 [18 Aug 1972] 38872/73 Heading F2V A valve having a diaphragm valve member 51 reciprocated between open and closed positions by a piston 5 in response to fluid pressure applied above and below it in cylinder 6, is characterized by secondary actuating means in the form of a handwheel 20. The piston is provided with a pair of piston-rods, one 8 connected to the valve member and the other 12 threaded to co-operate with a sleeve 13 connected to the handwheel. When the valve is fluidically actuated, the rods 12 and 13 reciprocate through a gland 14. Should the fluid supply fail, the valve member may be manually moved by rotating the handwheel. At first the sleeve 13 rotates until a flange 17 abuts the end cap 15, and thereafter the spindle 12 moves down to close the valve. When the flange 17 abuts the end cap a U-shaped sleeve (35) (Fig. 2, not shown) may be placed around the sleeve 13 so that the valve can be activated manually only.申请人:FAIRWEATHER, R. MAC.更多信息请下载全文后查看。



小学上册英语第2单元真题试卷(有答案)英语试题一、综合题(本题有100小题,每小题1分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1.The ________ (海洋研究) unveils mysteries of the deep.2.My ________ (玩具名称) has moving parts that I can operate.3.The kitten is _____ (cute/ugly).4.What is the name of the event where people come together to celebrate a holiday?A. PartyB. FestivalC. GatheringD. Reunion答案: B5.The __________ (历史的传承) preserves our legacies.6. A __________ is an area with many species of plants and animals.7.She is baking cookies in the ___. (oven)8.Plants can reproduce through ______ (播种) or cuttings.9.What is the main source of light for Earth?A. StarsB. MoonC. SunD. Fire答案: C10.Which of these is a fruit?A. CarrotB. PotatoC. AppleD. Broccoli答案: C11.I hope to inspire others with my _______ (故事). Everyone has a unique _______ (故事).12.The ________ was a significant event in the history of the United States.13.The color of litmus paper changes in acidic and _______ solutions.14.I feel ______ when I get a good grade.15.I have a ___ (friend/sibling) who loves sports.16.Ancient China invented ______ (纸) and gunpowder.17.In _____ (巴西), Carnaval is a major celebration.18.The _____ (毛巾) is dry.19.sustainability conference) shares knowledge and strategies. The ____20.The _____ (小狗) loves to wag its tail.21.The chemical formula for potassium nitrate is __________.22.inclusive design) considers diverse community needs. The ____23.What do we call a series of events in a story?A. PlotB. ThemeC. SettingD. Character答案:A24. A _______ can help to visualize the forces acting on an object.25.听录音,标序号。

Crate GTX30 吉他放大器说明书

Crate GTX30 吉他放大器说明书

User’s GuideGTX30Guitar Amplifier with DSPCongratulations and thank you for choosing the Crate GTX30 Guitar Amplifier with Digital Signal Processing. This rugged amplifi-er features a Clean channel with a three-band EQ and level control, and a Solo channel with our patented FlexWave technology, Gain, Level and Shape control. An easy to operate DSP section lets you dial in a variety of digital effects including reverbs, delays, octave and wah-wahs. RCA input jacks allow connection of a CD or tape player for practicing with your favorite music, while the Headphones jack allows you to practice in private.12345678910121314111: INPUT:Use this 1/4” jack to connect your guitar to the amplifier by means of a shielded instrument cable. SOLO CHANNEL:A high gain channel giving you sounds from a slight edge to serious overdrive.2:GAIN:Use this control to adjust the amount of dis-tortion for the Solo channel.3: SHAPE: Use this control to adjust the tone of the Solo channel.4:LEVEL:Use this control to adjust the output level of the Solo channel.5: SOLO/CLEAN:Use this switch to select the Solo or Clean channel. With the switch in the out position, the Clean channel is selected. When the switch is depressed, the Solo channel is selected.CLEAN CHANNEL:A normal gain channel designed to give you crystal clear sounds to medium distortion. 6: LEVEL:Use this control to adjust the output level of the Clean channel.7: LOW:Use this control to adjust the low frequency level of the clean channel.8: MID:Use this control to adjust the midrange fre-quency level of the clean channel.9: HIGH:Use this control to adjust the high frequen-cy level of the clean channel.10: DSP LEVEL:Use this control to adjust the level of the selected digital effect. The DSP effects can be turned on and off by using a footswitch (#16, rear panel).11: DSP MODE: Use this control to select one of the 16 built-in digital effects. The numbers around the control correspond to the digital effects as listed in the chart below.12: CD INPUT:Use these RCA jacks to connect the output from a CD payer or tape deck to the amplifier. The signal at these jacks is summed into a mono sig-nal which is sent to the internal power amp circuit. Use the CD or tape player’s output level control to adjust the signal for the proper mix with your guitar. 13:HEADPHONES:Use this jack to connect head-phones to the amplifier. The internal speaker is dis-connected when headphones are used.CAUTION:To avoid possible damage to yourhearing, do not use headphones for extendedperiods of time at extremely loud levels.14: POWER:Use this switch to turn the amplifier on (top of the switch depressed) and off (bottom of the switch depressed). The switch illuminates when the amplifier is turned on.15:EXTENSION SPEAKER(rear panel, not shown): Use this jack to connect the amplifier to an external speaker. The internal speaker is disconnected when this jack is used. The impedance of the external speaker must be 4 ohms or greater.WARNING:Do not attempt to use headphones inthe Speaker jack! Permanent hearing damagecould result!16:FOOTSWITCH(rear panel, not shown):Use this jack to connect the 1/4” stereo plug on the cable of a two-button footswitch (such as the Crate CFP2). This allows you to remotely switch between the Clean and Solo channels and turn the DSP function on and off. 17:POWER CORD(rear panel, not shown):The grounded power cord should only be plugged into a grounded power outlet that meets all applicable electri-cal codes and is compatible with the voltage, power, and frequency requirements stated on the rear panel. Do not attempt to defeat the safety ground connection.The Front Panel:GTX30TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS:Output Power Rating >30W RMS @5% THD, 4Ω, 120 VAC GainSolo Ch 98dB +/-6dB @ 1kHz Clean Ch42dB +/-6dB @ 1kHzMaximum Input Signal Accepted 6 volts peak-to-peak min. @ 1kHz Tone ControlsLow 20dB range @ 80Hz Mid 12dB range @ 900Hz High18dB range @ 10kHzSpeaker Size and Rating 10” Crate Custom Design 4 ohm Power Requirements120 VAC, 60Hz, 50VA 100/115VAC, 50/60Hz, 50VA 230VAC, 50/60Hz, 50VASize and Weight15-1/2” H x 16-3/4” W x 9-3/4”D, 20 lbs.The GTX30 is covered with a durable Tolex material: wipe it clean with a lint-free cloth.Never spray cleaning agents onto the cabinet. Avoid abrasive cleansers which would damage the finish.Crate continually develops new products, as well as improves existing ones. For this reason, the specificationsand information in this manual are subject to change without notice.@2003 SLM Electronics, a division of St. Louis Music, Inc • 1400 Ferguson Avenue • St. Louis, MO 6313347-743-01 • 012803Declaration Of Conformity#33, Effective 01-01-2001Manufacturer’s Name:SLM ElectronicsProduction Facility:11880 Borman Drive, St. Louis, MO 63146, USA Production Facility:700 Hwy 202 W, Yellville, AR 72687, USAShipping Facility:1400 Ferguson Ave., St. Louis, MO 63133, USA Office Facility:1400 Ferguson Ave., St. Louis, MO 63133, USA Product Type:Audio AmplifierComplies with Standards:LVD:92/31/EEC, 93/68/EEC, & 73/23/EWG Safety:EN60065EMC:EN55013, EN55020, EN55022, EN61000-3-2,& EN61000-3-3Supplementary information provided by:SLM Electronics - R & D Engineering1901 Congressional Drive, St Louis, MO 63146, USATel.: 314-569-0141, Fax: 314-569-0175。

福特Ford Mustang GT手册说明书

福特Ford Mustang GT手册说明书

Table of ContentsIntroduction (4)Contact Ford (5)Scheduled Servicing (6)Powertrain Availability Chart (7)Infrequent Usage (8)Scheduled Servicing Plan (9)Scheduled Service Intervals (10)Intelligent Oil-Life Monitor (11)Peace of Mind Inspection Schedule (13)A Service Schedule (15)C Service Schedule (17)Other Maintenance Items (18)Track Use Maintenance Intervals (19)Service Records (20)Notes (52)-3--4-IntroductionAll rights reserved. Reproduction by any means, electronic or mechanical including photocopying, recording or by any information storage and retrieval system ortranslation, in whole or part, is not permitted without written authorisation from Ford Motor Company of Australia Limited.Copyright © 2020 Ford Motor Company of Australia Limited.Thank you for buying a Ford vehicle. We trust it meets with your expectations and provides you with many years of enjoyable motoring.We believe very strongly that buying a Ford marks the beginning of an enjoyable experience rather than the end of a transaction.Throughout the world, Ford is recognized as being synonymous with the manufacture of quality vehicles, but with your new Ford, you get more than just the benefit of over 100 years of technological achievement and experience, you also have at your disposal the service expertise ofAuthorized Ford Dealers throughoutAustralia, all fully committed to ensuringyou enjoy your Ford from the day youbuy it.The Owner’s Manual tells you all youneed to know about the operationof your vehicle, together with usefulguidance on economic motoring andgeneral care.The service portfolio contains servicing information for your vehicle. While it may take you a few minutes to read, it will certainly help to derive maximum satisfaction from your new Ford vehicle.The information on the inside back cover of this guide provides you with a record of your Vehicle Identification Number (VIN), date of purchase and other important data. Keep this manual in the glove box of your vehicle for reference as the need arises, and for service from an Authorized Ford Dealer.For full details about Ford warranties, please visit: .au/owners/warranties/Contact FordFord Customer Relationship CenterContact the Ford customer relationship center or use the online resources listed below to find the nearest authorized dealer.Telephone13 36 73 (13 FORD)E-mail***************** Club Membership with Roadside AssistanceTelephone13 11 11 (except Transit)1800 13 3673 (Only for Transit)Additional information and resources are available online: .au/owners/service/roadside-assistance/These are some of the items that can be found online:• Dealer locator by dealer name, location or city/state.• Owner’s manual.• Maintenance schedules.• Recalls.• Ford extended service plans.• Ford genuine accessories.• Service specials and promotions.Additional AssistanceIn order to help us serve you better, please have the following information available when contacting a Customer Relationship Center:• VIN (vehicle identification number).• Your telephone number (home and business).• The name of the authorized dealer and city where located.• The vehicle’s current odometer reading.-5-Scheduled ServicingMustang Scheduled Servicing-6-Scheduled Servicing Powertrain Availability ChartEngine2.3L EcoBoost.5.0L Ti-VCT V8.Transmission6-Speed Manual Transmission (MT82).6-Speed Manual Transmission (3160).10-Speed Automatic Transmission (10R80).-7-Scheduled ServicingScheduled ServicingRegular maintenance is an essential part of keeping your vehicle operating in a safe, economical and environmentally friendly condition. It can also be a benefit when you sell or trade in your vehicle. Regular servicing for your vehicle is vital because wear and tear are gradual processes. With scheduled servicing, the costs are small and the benefits in safety and economy can be significant.The following sections explain when your vehicle should have service, which service you should have done and the required work at each service. This servicing during the warranty period is a condition of the Ford Express New Vehicle Warranty.Your vehicle requires servicing when the oil change message appears in the information display, every 15,000 km or 12 months, whichever occurs first. For detailed information on mileage intervals and scheduling, refer to the scheduled maintenance section in this manual.Note: Neglect of this servicing requirement may void the vehicle warranty. Vehicles Driven Under Severe ConditionsVehicles that are driven under severe or unusual conditions may require additional servicing. Your service advisor can help you determine the best servicing intervals for your vehicle in line with our requirements.You should complete a C service if you drive your vehicle under one or more of the conditions listed below as per the frequency listed.• When the outside temperature is below 5°C and most trips are less than 10 km.• Driving in stop and go traffic with extended periods of idling.• Towing a heavy trailer, caravan or carrying heavy loads or when carrying high roof rack loads.• Excessive idling such as taxi or door to door delivery use.• Driving in dusty or sandy conditions.A type C service is required if you occasionally operate under one or more of the conditions, for example, for a period of one month, 1,500 km or on a holiday trip.A regular C service is required if you continuously operate your vehicle under one or more of the conditions specified.Infrequent UsageIf your vehicle normally travels less than the required kilometers for a scheduled maintenance in 12 months, we recommend you service your vehicle at least once every 12 months.-8-Scheduled ServicingMustang Scheduled Servicing Plan-9-Scheduled Servicing Scheduled Service IntervalsThe following chart details the service requirements for 15,000 km intervals. Service Type IntervalPeace of Mind Inspection 3,000 km or 2 months after delivery, whichever occurs first.A Every 15,000 km or 12 months, whichever occurs first, or as indicated by the information display.C Every 7,500 km or 6 months after previous service, whichever occurs first, for vehicles driven under severe conditions.-10-Scheduled ServicingIntelligent Oil-Life MonitorYour vehicle has an Intelligent Oil-Life Monitor system that determines when to service your vehicle based on how you use your vehicle. The Intelligent Oil-Life Monitor displays a message in the information display when the system determines that your vehicle requires a scheduled service.The Intelligent Oil-Life Monitor uses several important factors in its calculations to determine if a scheduled service is required prior to the maximum scheduled service interval at which point the message will appear. The message may not appear on the exact planned scheduled servicing interval. Therefore, you should make sure that you do not exceed the 15,000 km or 12 months to perform thescheduled service.If the OIL CHANGE REQUIRED message appears in the information display, it is time for a Scheduled Service. Make sure you perform the scheduled service within two weeks or 800 km of the message appearing. Make sure your dealer has reset the Intelligent Oil-Life Monitor after each scheduled service.If your information display resets prematurely or becomes inoperative, perform the scheduled service interval at six months or 7,500 km from your last scheduled service. Never exceed 15,000 km or 12 months between scheduledservice intervals, whichever occurs first.In line with the market servicing requirements, a scheduled service must be completed when an Intelligent Oil-Life Monitor notification is shown.The following table provides examples of vehicle use and its impact on scheduled service intervals. It is a guideline only. Actual scheduled services intervals dependon several factors and generally decrease with severity of use.When to Expect the OIL CHANGE REQUIRED MessageInterval Vehicle Use and Example12,000–15,000 kmNormal Normal commuting with highway driving. No, or moderate load.Flat to moderately hilly roads.No extended idling.Scheduled ServicingWhen to Expect the OIL CHANGE REQUIRED Message Interval Vehicle Use and Example8,000–12,000 kmSevereModerate to heavy loads.Mountainous or off-road conditions.Extended idling.Extended hot or cold operation.High engine speeds and loads, engine braking and hard cornering.When to Expect the OIL CHANGE REQUIRED Message Interval Vehicle Use and Example4,800–8,000 kmExtremeMaximum load or towing.Extreme hot or cold operation.Extended idling and continuous low speed traffic.Scheduled ServicingTRACK USE MAINTENANCE INTERVALSFollow these maintenance intervals for when you see your vehicle on a track or in a high speed event.Intervals Vehicle use and example One track weekend or approximately Change the engine oil and filter4 hours of track use.Every 800 km Change the rear axle fluid1.1Change the fluid every 800 km or when a message appears in the information display stating that the axle fluid is over temperature.Ford Dealer Logbook Service VerificationFord Dealer Log Book Service VerificationFord Dealer Log Book Service VerificationFord Dealer Log Book Service VerificationFord Dealer Log Book Service VerificationFord Dealer Log Book Service VerificationFord Dealer Log Book Service VerificationFord Dealer Log Book Service VerificationFord Dealer Log Book Service VerificationFord Dealer Log Book Service VerificationFord Dealer Log Book Service VerificationFord Dealer Log Book Service VerificationFord Dealer Log Book Service VerificationFord Dealer Log Book Service VerificationFord Dealer Log Book Service VerificationFord Dealer Log Book Service VerificationFord Dealer Log Book Service VerificationFord Dealer Log Book Service VerificationFord Dealer Log Book Service VerificationFord Dealer Log Book Service VerificationFord Dealer Log Book Service VerificationFord Dealer Log Book Service VerificationFord Dealer Log Book Service VerificationFord Dealer Log Book Service VerificationFord Dealer Log Book Service VerificationBrake SystemNo later than 36 months from the date of registration.Service TypeDate:km:Authorised Ford Dealer Logbook Service Verification StampGENUINEParts, Service and AccessoriesFord Dealer Logbook Service VerificationBy stamping this service record, you confirm that:You are an Authorised Ford Dealer Service Department.You have checked and completed any outstanding campaign or recall actions.You have only fitted Genuine Ford Parts.Brake Systemno later than 36 months from previous brake system service Service TypeDate:Km:Authorised Ford Dealer Log Book Service Verification StampGENUINEParts, Service and AccessoriesFord Dealer Log Book Service VerificationBy stamping this service record you confirm that:You are an Authorised Ford Dealer Service Department.You have checked and completed any outstanding campaign or recall actions.You have only fitted Genuine Ford Parts.Brake Systemno later than 36 months from previous brake system service Service TypeDate:Km:Authorised Ford Dealer Log Book Service Verification StampGENUINEParts, Service and AccessoriesFord Dealer Log Book Service VerificationBy stamping this service record you confirm that:You are an Authorised Ford Dealer Service Department.You have checked and completed any outstanding campaign or recall actions.You have only fitted Genuine Ford Parts.Brake Systemno later than 36 months from previous brake system service Service TypeDate:Km:Authorised Ford Dealer Log Book Service Verification StampGENUINEParts, Service and AccessoriesFord Dealer Log Book Service VerificationBy stamping this service record you confirm that:You are an Authorised Ford Dealer Service Department.You have checked and completed any outstanding campaign or recall actions.You have only fitted Genuine Ford Parts.Cooling SystemNo later than 10 years from the date of registration andthereafter 5 years from previous cooling system serviceService TypeDate:km:Authorised Ford Dealer Logbook Service Verification StampGENUINEParts, Service and AccessoriesFord Dealer Logbook Service VerificationBy stamping this service record, you confirm that:You are an Authorised Ford Dealer Service Department.You have checked and completed any outstanding campaign or recall actions.You have only fitted Genuine Ford Parts.Cooling SystemNo later than 10 years initially andthereafter 5 years from previous cooling system serviceService TypeDate:km:Authorised Ford Dealer Logbook Service Verification StampGENUINEParts, Service and AccessoriesFord Dealer Logbook Service VerificationBy stamping this service record, you confirm that:You are an Authorised Ford Dealer Service Department.You have checked and completed any outstanding campaign or recall actions.You have only fitted Genuine Ford Parts.。

Transition Networks多源协议(MSA)型小型插座(SFF)多路复用器(TDM)产品

Transition Networks多源协议(MSA)型小型插座(SFF)多路复用器(TDM)产品

Transition Networks • Media Converters, Extenders, & NIDs Catalog | 73Specifications Standards IEEE 802.3ae ITU.G.709 SFF8431 Multi-sourcing Agreement (MSA) Small Form Factor Pluggable (SFP)TDM Port (T1) PWR: On = Power Port 1 Link/Act: On = Link, Flashing = Network Traffic Port 2 Link/Act: On = Link, Flashing = Network Traffic Data Rate Protocol Independent, 1Gbps to 11.5Gbps Dip Switches Only 4 of the 8 Dip Switches are used to select the operational data rate, see the user guide for the supported dip switch configurations Dimensions Width: 3.25” [82 mm] Depth: 6.5” [165 mm] Height: 1" [25 mm]Power Supply External AC/DC power supply, Universal AC 120-240VAC input, 12VDC 1.5A output Environment Operating: 0°C to 50°C Storage: -40° to 85°C Humidity: 5% to 95% (non-condensing) Altitude: 0 – 10,000 ft.Weight 2 lbs. [0.90 kg]MTBF With Power Supply: Greater than 41,660 hours (MIL-HDBK-217F) Greater than 114,580 hours (Bellcore) Without Power Supply: Greater than 250,000 hours (MIL-HDBK-217F) Greater than 687,000 hours (Bellcore)Compliance FCC Class A, CE Mark, EN55022 Class A, E N55024 Warranty Lifetime Features• Fiber to fiber repeater• Supports data rates from 1Gbps to11.5Gbps• Support any-rate to similar-rate• Protocol Transparent, supports:-Ethernet: 10Gig LAN, 10Gig Wan, 1Gig LAN-Fiber Channel: 10, 8, 4, 2, 1Gig-SONET/SDN OC-192, OC-48• SFP to SFP or SFP+ to SFP+• Provides conversion between differenttypes of fiber• Supported transmission distance basedon the SFP modules and fiber type used• Supports 3R (Reamplify, Reshape, andRetime) signal regeneration• No frame size limitations• Use as a fiber mode converter• Use as a specific wavelength CWDMTransponder•Also available as an ION slide-in cardThe S4110 is a 10Gbps protocol independent media converter with two pluggable SFP+ ports. Each port can support data rates from 1Gbps up to 11.5Gbps allowing network designers to customize the S4110 with a pair of SFP modules from Transition Networks wide SFP product offering, to meet their network requirements. The S4110 can be used as an any-rate to similar-rate fiber mode converter, as well as a WDM transponder.S4110 SeriesStand-alone Fiber to Fiber Media Converter SFP+ to SFP+ for Data Rates from 1 Gbps to 11.5 GbpsOrdering Information S4110-4848 1 Gbps to 11.5Gbps fiber repeater with two open SFP+ slots, any rate to same rate stand-alone media converter Optional Accessories (sold separately)SFP Modules SFP and SFP+ modules supported Mounting Options:WMBL Wall Mount Bracket 4" [102mm]WMBD DIN Rail Bracket 5" [127mm]E-MCR-05 12 Slot Media Converter Rack RMS19-SA4-01 4 Slot Media Converter Shelf S4110-4848Power Supply Included To order the corresponding country specific power supply, add the extension from the list below to the end of the SKU; Ex: S4110-4848-NA -NA = Country Code -NA = North America -LA = Latin America -EU = Europe -UK = United Kingdom -SA = South Africa -JP = Japan -OZ = Australia -BR = Brazil。

Parker Hannifin Corporation PTR LTR系列激活器维护说明说明书

Parker Hannifin Corporation PTR LTR系列激活器维护说明说明书

PTR Series ActuatorsMaintenance Instructions & Parts ListProvide Model Number and Serial Number When Ordering Spare Parts.The PTR/LTR Series Actuators will provide superior performance in heavy duty pneumatic and medium duty hydraulic applications. The new PTR Series "Wear-Tek" and LTR Series "Wear-Pak" piston sealing configurations and anti-friction ball bearings are used to guarantee low breakaway pressure and eliminate erratic motion at low speeds.In the event that maintenance is required, the following steps should be used as a guide. It is recom-mended that a suitable oil or O-ring lubrication compatible with the operating media, such as Parker Lube-A-Cyl, be used on all seals and mating parts to facilitate assembly.A.Inspection & Replacement of Piston Seal, #10, Wear Rings, #15, and O-Ring End Cap, #12.1.Remove Tie Rod Nuts, #17 from Tie Rods,#8.2.Pull End Cap, #16 free from Cylinder Tube, #14.3.Pull Cylinder Tube, #14 free from Housing, #13.4.Push Piston, #11 free from Cylinder Tube, #14.5.Inspect and/or replace Piston Seal, #10, Wear Rings, #15, and O-Ring End Cap, #12.6.Inspect and/or replace O-Ring Cylinder, #7 (for LTR Models only).7.Reassemble as shown in figure and torque Tie Rod Nuts, #17 per Torque Table.B.Inspection & Replacement of Bearing, #2.1.Remove Retaining Ring, #1.2.Press Pinion, #3, and Bearing #2 from housing, #13.3.Press Bearing, #2 free from Pinion, #3.4.Inspect or replace Bearing, #2.5.Press new Bearing, #2 into Housing, #13.6.Replace Pinion, #3 into Housing, #13.7.Press remaining new Bearing, #2 onto Pinion, #3.8.Replace Retaining Ring, #1.NOTE:The PTR Series actuator's rack, pinion and seals are coated with Parker Lube-A-Cyl prior to assembly.Add lubrication as required.PTR SeriesMaintenance InstructionsPTR/LTR TIE ROD NUT #17BUMPER PISTON BOLT #36SHAFT SEAL FLANGE BOLTMODEL CYLINDER TUBE MATERIAL BOLT #19CUSHION PLUGSCREW #50#46ALUMINUM STEEL#25101/102 1.5—3335151/1523566310201/2026112020317251/2526112020340321/322152050503130Bumper OptionBuilt in polyurethane bumper pads absorb shock and noise, thus permitting faster cycle times and increased production rates. Recommended torque value for Bumper Bolt, item #19, is shown in Torque T able.All items marked with an asterick (*) are included in a complete seal kit.¹=Only used on units with steel cylinder tubes. (L TR units)x =Quantity as required per end cap option specified.ITEM DESCRIPTION QUANTITYNO.SINGLE DOUBLERACK RACK1RET AINING RING 222BEARING 223PINION 114NAME PLATE 116PLUG 117*O-RING, CYLINDER TUBE 1248TIE ROD 8169RACK 1210*PISTON SEAL 2411PISTON 2412*O-RING, END CAP 2413HOUSING 1114CYLINDER TUBE 2415*WEAR RING 4816END CAP 2417TIE ROD NUT 81618BUMPER 1x 1x 19BUMPER BOLT 1x 1xBuilt in meter-out flow controls provide for preciseregulation of actuator speed and eliminate the cost and space of externally mounted components. A separate spring loaded ball check is used to provide free flow in the opposite direction.When both cushions and port flow controls are specified they will be stamped "C" and "P" respectively.To Adjust:Using an Allen wrench, turn Adjustment Screw, #29,clockwise for slower speed; counterclockwise for more speed.SchematicPort Flow Control OptionNOTE:Quantities shown are as required per end cap option specified.¹=Cushion seal configuration for use with pneumatic service.²=Cushion bushing for use with hydraulic service.CAUTION:Cushion OptionITEM DESCRIPTIONQTY.20O-RING, ADJUSTMENT SCREW 121CUSHION ADJUSTMENT SCREW 122CUSHION SEAL123CUSHION SEAL WASHER 1124RET AINING RING 1125CUSHION PLUG 126END CAP127CUSHION BUSHING 2128O-RING, ADJUSTMENT SCREW 129FLOW CONTROL ADJ. SCREW 130END CAP 131PLUG132O-RING, PLUG 133CHECK BALL 134CHECK SPRING 135CHECK PLUG 1PTR/LTR ONE COMPLETE TURN OFMODEL ADJUSTER CAUSES SPECIFIEDCHANGE IN ROTATION101/102 4.0°151/152 4.6°201/202 3.2°251/252 3.2°321/322 2.4°Stroke Adjust OptionsStroke adjusters will reduce the angle of rotation by 10° or30° in either or both directions. T ypical applications are forinitial set up purposes where exact rotation requirements maychange between various operations.CAUTION: Before making any adjustments, turn off systempressure and ensure that no residual pressureexists in the actuator.30° Stroke Adjust Option with Bumper 30° Stroke Adjust Option10° Stroke Adjustment with Cushion Option(Single Rack Units Only)NOTE:Quantities shown are as required per end cap optionspecified.Standard cushions operate over the last 30° of rotation.Stroke adjusters will decrease the cushion length by thesame amount. For example, reducing the rotation by 5°yields 25° cushion length.To Adjust:1.Loosen Jam Nut, #40.2.Turn Stroke Adjuster, #41 clockwise to reduce stroke,counterclockwise to increase stroke.3.Tighten Jam Nut, #40.4.Resume system pressure.ITEM DESCRIPTION QTY.36PISTON BOLT137END CAP138THREAD SEAL139LOCK WASHER140JAM NUT141STROKE ADJUSTER142STROKE ADJUST HEAD143STROKE ADJUST BLOCK144O-RING, STROKE ADJUST BLOCK145END CAP1Mounting OptionsMounting options utilize existing face and base mounting holes.Shaft seal covers are designed to prolong bearing life by isolating them from external contamination and pressure.NOTE:1= Quantity is 2 if double-end shaft extension is specified.2= Quantity is 0 if double-end shaft extension is specified.ITEM DESCRIPTIONQTY.46FLANGE BOLT 447FRONT FLANGE 148FOOT FLANGE 149PILOT RING150SHAFT SEAL COVER SCREW 651SHAFT SEAL 1152O-RING253SHAFT SEAL COVER WITH HOLE 1154SHAFT SEAL COVER, SOLID12NOTE:Quantities shown are as required per end cap optionspecified.Seal Kit Ordering Information-Standard units are equipped with Nitrile seals.-Optional seal compounds are available.-See parts list for items contained in seal kit.-Seal kit part numbers as shown:PSK Parker Seal KitPTR322Base ModelVOmit - StandardV = FluorocarbonQ = Quad Ring Piston SealsW = Carboxilated Nitrile Piston Seals —ITEM DESCRIPTION QTY. 55REED SWITCH KIT1 (Lead Type or Quick Connect)56Magnet2 57HALL EFFECT SWITCH KIT1 (Lead Type or Quick Connect)58PROXIMITY SWITCH159O-RING, ADAPTER BLOCK1 60SCREW, SPACER BLOCK4 61SPACER BLOCK1 62O-RING, SPACER BLOCK1 63END CAP1 64ADAPTER BLOCK1 65SCREW, ADAPTER BLOCK2Speed Control Adjustment Procedure CAUTION:Before making any adjustment, release the pneu-matic pressure. Never adjust port flow controladjustment screw or cushion adjustment screw outpast flush with end cap or counterbore. Do notovertighten.To control speed in either or both directions: Flow Control Adjustment Screw, #73, may be turned clockwise for slower rotational speed or counterclockwise for faster rotational speed. When cushions are used with port flow control option, adjustment screws will be marked "C" and "P" respectively. Cushion Adjust-ment Screw, #74, can be turned clockwise for more cushion, counterclockwise for less cushion. Always set flow control adjustment screw at desired actuator speed prior to adjusting cushion, which acts through the last 30° of actuator stroke.Accumulator Charge Procedure1.Remove Cap #78.2.Attach fill gun, part #B161003. (filled with Mobil DTE-11M orequal), to fill port, #80.3.Add oil to Spring Loaded Reservoir, #86.CAUTION:Do not over-charge reservoir by extending fillmark past accumulator face. (See drawing)4.Bleed Reservoir, #86, as required by rotating the Air BleederScrew, #85, counterclockwise until a smooth, air-free stream of oil is obtained.5.Remove fill gun and replace cap.*PTR units with the "Q" seal option will be equipped w ith these items.** Parts contained in Reservoir Assembly Item No. 108For units Manufactured Prior to April 1993, the Air-Oil Reservoir was not repairable. To replace, order the reservoir assembly.ITEM DESCRIPTIONQTY.66PISTON267PISTON SEAL267a PTFE BACK-UP RING 168CUSHION PLUG 169RET AINING RING 170CUSHION BUSHING 171END CAP172O-RING ADJUSTMENT SCREW 273FLOW CONTROL ADJ. SCREW 274CUSHION ADJUSTMENT SCREW 175O-RING, ADJUSTMENT SCREW 176**O-RING, RESERVOIR 177**CHECK BALL 178**CAP 179**STRAP 180**FILL PORT 181**O-RING 182**O-RING183**BOLT, RESERVOIR284**O-RING, BLEEDER SCREW 185**AIR BLEEDER SCREW 186**RESERVOIR HOUSING 187END CAP188AIR BLEEDER SCREW289O-RING, BLEEDER SCREW 290CHECK PLUG291O-RING, CHECK PLUG 292CHECK SPRING 293CHECK BALL 294PLUG 195O-RING196TRANSFER TUBE197O-RING, TRANSFER TUBE 298WEAR RING 499BREA THER 1100**O-RING1101**PISTON SEAL, RESERVOIR 1102**RESERVOIR PISTON1103**RESERVOIR CYLINDER TUBE 1104**SPRING1105**PISTON ROD, RESERVOIR 1106**RESERVOIR END CAP 1107**TIE ROD1108RESERVOIR ASSEMBL Y1FILL MARK100861. Terms and Conditions of Sale: All descriptions, quotations, proposals, offers acknowledgments, acceptances and sales of Seller's products are subject to and shall be governed exclusively by the terms and conditions stated herein. Buyer's acceptance of any offer to sell is limited to these terms and conditions. Any terms or conditions in addition to, or inconsistent with those stated herein, proposed by Buyer in any acceptance of an offerby Seller, are hereby objected to. No such additional, different or inconsis-tent terms and conditions shall become part of the contract between, Buyer and Seller unless expressly accepted in writing by Seller. Seller's acceptance of any offer to purchase by Buyer is expressly conditional upon Buyer's assent to all the terms and conditions stated herein, including any terms in addition to, or inconsistent with those contained in Buyer's offer. Acceptance of Seller's products shall in all events constitute such assent.2. Payment: Payment shall be made by Buyer net 30 days from the date of delivery of the items purchased hereunder. Amounts not timely paid shall bear interest at the maximum rate permitted by law for each month or portion thereof that the Buyer is late in making payment. Any claims by Buyer for omissions or shortages in a shipment shall be waived unless Seller receives notice thereof within 30 days after Buyer's receipt of the shipment.3. Delivery: Unless otherwise provided on the face hereof, delivery shall be made F.O.B. Seller's plant. Regardless of the method of delivery, however, risk of loss shall pass to Buyer upon Seller's delivery to a carrier. Any delivery dates shown are approximate only and Seller shall have no liability for any delays in delivery.4. Warranty: Seller warrants that the items sold hereunder shall be free from defects in material or workmanship for a period of 18 months from date of shipment from Parker Hannifin Corporation. THIS WARRANTY COMPRISES THE SOLE AND ENTIRE WARRANTY PERTAINING TO ITEMS PROVIDED HEREUNDER. SELLER MAKES NO OTHER WARRANTY, GUARANTEE,OR REPRESENTATION OF ANY KIND WHATSOEVER. ALL OTHER WARRANTIES, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO, MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR PURPOSE, WHETHER EXPRESS, IMPLIED, OR ARISING BY OPERATION OF LAW, TRADE USAGE, OR COURSE OF DEALING ARE HEREBY DISCLAIMED.NOTWITHSTANDING THE FOREGOING, THERE ARE NO WARRANTIES WHATSOEVER ON ITEMS BUILT OR ACQUIRED WHOLLY OR PARTIALLY, TO BUYER'S DESIGNS OR SPECIFICATIONS.5. Limitation of Remedy: SELLER'S LIABILITY ARISING FROM OR IN ANY WAY CONNECTED WITH THE ITEMS SOLD OR THIS CONTRACT SHALL BE LIMITED EXCLUSIVELY TO REPAIR OR REPLACEMENT OF THE ITEMS SOLD OR REFUND OF THE PURCHASE PRICE PAID BY BUYER, AT SELLER'S SOLE OPTION. IN NO EVENT SHALL SELLER BE LIABLE FOR ANY INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL OR SPECIAL DAMAGES OF ANY KIND OR NATURE WHATSOEVER, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO LOST PROFITS ARISING FROM OR IN ANY WAY CONNECTED WITH THIS AGREEMENT OR ITEMS SOLD HEREUNDER, WHETHER ALLEGED TO ARISE FORM BREACH OF CONTRACT, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY, OR IN TORT, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, NEGLIGENCE, FAILURE TO WARN OR STRICT LIABILITY.6. Changes, Reschedules and Cancellations: Buyers may request to modify the designs or specifications for the items sold hereunder as well as the quantities and delivery dates thereof, or may request to cancel all or part of this order, however, no such requested modification or cancellation shall become part of the contract between Buyer and Seller unless accepted by Seller in a written amendment to this Agreement. Acceptance of any such requested modification of cancellation shall be at Seller's discretion, and shall be upon such terms and conditions as Seller may require.7. Special Tooling: A tooling charge may be imposed for any special tooling, including without limitation, dies, fixtures, molds and patterns, acquired to manufacture items sold pursuant to this contract. Such special tooling shall be and remain Seller's property notwithstanding payment of any charges by Buyer. In no event will Buyer acquire any interest in apparatus belonging to Seller which is utilized in the manufacture of the items sold hereunder, even if such apparatus has been specially converted or adapted for such manufacture and notwithstanding any charges paid by Buyer. Unless otherwise agreed, Seller shall have the right to alter, discard or otherwise dispose of any special tooling or other property in its sole discretion at any time.8. Buyer's Property: Any designs, tools, patterns, materials, drawings confidential information or equipment furnished by Buyer, or any other items which become Buyer's property, may be considered obsolete and may be destroyed by Seller after two (2) consecutive years have elapsed without Buyer placing an order for the items which are manufactured using such property. Seller shall not be responsible for any loss or damage to such property while it is in Seller's possession or control.9. Taxes: Unless otherwise indicated on the face hereof, all prices and charges are exclusive of excise, sales, use, property, occupational or like taxes which may be imposed by any taxing authority upon the manufacture, sale or delivery of the items sold hereunder. If any such taxes must be paid by Seller or if Seller is liable for the collection of such tax, the amount thereof shall be in addition to the amounts for the items sold. Buyer agrees to pay all such taxes or to reimburse Seller therefore upon receipt of its invoice. If Buyer claims exemption from any sales, use or other tax imposed by any taxing authority, Buyer shall save Seller harmless from and against any such tax, together with any interest or penalties thereon which may be assessed if the items are held to be taxable.10. Indemnity For Infringement of Intellectual Property Rights: Seller shall have no liability for infringement of any patents, trade-marks, copyrights, trade dress, trade secrets or similar rights except as provided in this Part 10. Seller will defend and indemnify Buyer against allegations of infringement of U.S. patents, U.S. trademarks, copyrights, trade dress and trade secrets (hereinafter 'Intellectual Property Rights'). Seller will defend at its expense and will pay the cost of any settlement or damages awarded in an action brought against Buyer based on an allegation that an item sold pursuant to this contract infringes the Intellectual Property Rights of a third party. Seller's obligation to defend and indemnify Buyer is contingent on Buyer notifying Seller within ten (10) days after Buyer becomes aware of such allegations of infringement, and Seller having sole control over the defense of any allegations or actions including all negotiations for settlement or compromise. If an item sold hereunder is subject to a claim that it infringes the Intellectual Property Rights of a third party, Seller may, at its sole expense and option, procure for Buyer the rightto continue using said item, replace or modify said item so as to make it non-infringing, or offer to accept return of said item and return the purchase price less a reasonable allowance for depreciation. Notwith-standing the foregoing, Seller shall have no liability for claims of infringement based on information provided by Buyer, or directed to items delivered hereunder for which the designs are specified in whole or part by Buyer, or infringements resulting from the modification, combination or use in a system of any item sold hereunder. The foregoing provisions of this Part 10 shall constitute Seller's sole and exclusive liability and Buyer's sole and exclusive remedy for infringe-ment of Intellectual Property Right.If a claim is based on information provided by Buyer or if the design for an item delivered hereunder is specified in whole or in part by Buyer, Buyer shall defend and indemnify Seller for all costs, expenses or judgements resulting from any claim that such item infringes any patent, trademark, copyright, trade dress, trade secret or any similar right.11. Force Majeure: Seller does not assume the risk of and shall not be liable for delay or failure to perform any of Seller's obligations by reason of circumstances beyond the reasonable control of Seller (hereinafter 'Events of Force Majeure'). Events of Force Majeure shall include without limitation, accidents, acts of God, strikes or labor disputes, acts, laws, rules or regulations of any government or government agency, fires, floods, delays or failures in delivery of carriers or suppliers, shortages of materials and any other cause beyond Seller's control.12. Entire Agreement/Governing Law: The terms and conditions set forth herein, together with any amendments, modifications and any different terms or conditions expressly accepted by Seller in writing, shall constitute the entire Agreement concerning the items sold, and there are no oral or other representations or agreements which pertain thereto. This Agreement shall be governed in all respects by the law of the State of Ohio. No actions arising out of the sale of the items sold hereunder of this Agreement may be brought by either party more than two (2) years after the cause of action accrues.The items described in this document and other documents or descriptions provided by Parker Hannifin Corporation, its subsidiaries and its authorized distributors are hereby offered for sale at prices to be established by Parker Hannifin Corporation, its subsidiaries and its authorized distributors. This offer and its acceptance by any customer ("Buyer") shall be governed by all of the following Terms and Conditions. Buyer's order for any such item, when communicated to Parker Hannifin Corporation, its subsidiary or an authorized distributor ("Seller") verbally or in writing, shall constitute acceptance of this offer.。

ud73_Discontinuous Transmission

ud73_Discontinuous Transmission

OPEN INFORMATION USER DESCRIPTION 1(6)RM/TEI/CC/P Massimo Costa839727272000-02-16D 73/1553-HSC 10312Uen ERA/LVN/RAC (Lennart Blixt)Uppgjord —Prepared Datum —Date Rev Dokumentnr —Document no Godkänd —Approved Kontr —Checked Tillhör/referens —File/reference EUser Description,Discontinuous Transmission Copyright ©Ericsson Radio Systems AB 2000.All rights reserved.No part of this document may be reproduced in any form without the written permission of the copyright holder.Disclaimer Trademarks Contents Page 1Introduction 22Glossary 22.1Concepts 22.2Abbreviations and Acronyms 23Capabilities 24Technical description 34.1General 34.2Influenced features 44.3GPRS 44.4Main changes in Ericsson GSM system R8/BSS R8.055Engineering guidelines 55.1Function 55.2Recommendations 56Parameters 66.1Main controlling parameters 66.2Value ranges and default values 67References 6SEIF v2.3,1IntroductionIf nothing is said into the mobile station(MS)microphone,there is no pointsending anything at all in the air.When the Discontinuous Transmission(DTX)feature is used,the system only transmits when speech is detectedover the connection.This decreases the power consumption in the MS andin the Base T ransceiver Station(BTS)and reduces the amount of energyemitted into the air.2Glossary2.1ConceptsNon Transparent Data Connection Non T ransparent data connections use Radio Link Protocolto perform reliable data transmission.In the Non Transparent approach the transmission is considered as a packet data flow and the available throughput(as well as transmission delay) varies with the quality of basic transmission.Silence Descriptor frame Frame containing information about the background noise of the established connection(confort noise parameters).Voice Activity Detector The Voice Activity Detector in the transmitter BTS or MS provides,for each output frame,an indication whether the frame must be transmitted or not,depending whether the frame contains speech or background noise.2.2Abbreviations and AcronymsBCCH Broadcast Control ChannelC/I Carrier to(co-channel)Interference RatioL2Layer2SACCH Slow Associated Control ChannelSID Silence DescriptorVAD Voice Activity Detector3CapabilitiesDiscontinuous transmission is a mechanism that allows the radio transmitterto be switched off during speech pauses.During a normal conversation,theparticipants alternate so that each is silent for about50%of the time.If thetransmitter is silent while there is nothing to be sent,the power consumptionin the mobile station is decreased as well as the amount of emitted radiopower.Less radio power generates less interference.Since the power levelused when transmitting is unaffected,the C/I will be raised for all connectionswhen using DTX.The primary functions of DTX in the uplink and downlink are:•uplink−to save battery in the mobile station,−to reduce the interference in the system.•downlink−to reduce the interference in the system,−to decrease BTS power consumption,especiallyduring periods when the BTS is battery operateddue to malfunction in the power supply,−to reduce the transmitter intermodulationproducts.When DTX uplink and downlink is used,there is an improvement of the C/Iin the system.This improvement can be utilised for a tighter cell planning,especially when frequency hopping is used,which means that a highercapacity can be achieved.Measurements of the signal strength and the signal quality on the establishedconnection are performed by the mobile station and by the base station.Whenusing DTX,these measurements cannot be performed as often as withoutDTX.This disadvantage results in less accurate measurement reports to otherradio network features(see also4.2).Another disadvantage with DTX,especially for MS to MS calls when DTX isused both on the uplink and downlink,is that the quality of plosives(sounds like"p","t"and"k")may be a bit poorer.This is due to slow response of the VAD.DTX is not used on a BCCH carrier.It can be applied for speech and in theuplink also for non transparent data connections.It is available on a percell basis.4Technical description4.1GeneralIn a speech connection,the VAD in the transcoder or MS detects whether atraffic frame consists of speech or of background noise.If a frame consists ofonly noise,the transmitter sends one SID frame,and then the transmissionis stopped.After that,one new SID frame is sent each SACCH period,untilspeech is detected again.The measurement reports are sent as usual on theSACCH.A SID frame contains information about the background noise ofthe established connection.In the receiver(MS or BTS)a SID frame detector checks all incoming frames.The detector is able to separate SID frames from speech frames.When aSID frame is detected,the comfort noise characteristics will be updated andcomfort noise will be generated.The noise generation is stopped when aspeech frame is detected.SID frames are sent for two reasons:to update the comfort noisecharacteristics on the receiving side and to allow more signal strength andsignal quality measurements to be made.The VAD must be operating at all times to assess whether the input signalcontains speech or not.The MS can use DTX in the uplink for non transparent data connections.In analogy with SID frames for speech connections,non transparent dataconnections use layer2(L2)fill frames.DTX is not applied on the downlink fordata connections.When DTX is not used and nothing needs to be sent onnon transparent data connections,acknowledgement or unacknowledgementmessages are transmitted continuously.The MS and/or the BTS sends information in the Measurement Report/Result,every480ms,telling whether it has used DTX some time during the previousinterval or not.4.2Influenced featuresWhen DTX is used the measurements of signal strength,signal quality andtime alignment will be based on fewer samples and hence be less accurate.Therefore,features using these measurements will be affected(see UserDescription,Locating,User Description,Dynamic MS Power Control andUser Description,Dynamic BTS Power Control).However,the effect isconsidered negligible.The Measurement Report consists of two different sets of measurements.One set is based on all104TDMA frames,the full set of measurements.Theother one is based on the subset of TDMA frames where the SID and SACCHframes are sent(12TDMA frames,see also User Description,Locating).Which set that is selected depends on:•uplinkDTX information provided by the MS is checked.If themobile has been using DTX some time during the previousmeasurement period,the subset of measurements will beselected.•downlinkThe MS performs measurements on the downlink on thefull set of frames as well as on the subset of frames wherethere is always traffic.If the BTS has used DTX duringthe measurement period the subset of measurements willbe selected.4.3GPRSDTX is not used in GPRS.4.4Main changes in Ericsson GSM system R8/BSS R8.0No changes from Ericsson GSM system R7/BSS R7.1.5Engineering guidelines5.1FunctionUsed in conjunction with frequency hopping,DTX can give an improvement ofapproximately3dB in the C/I for the TCH channels.The gain in C/I can beused to implement a tighter reuse on the TCHs.In a non-hopping environment this is true only as a long-term average.Therefore DTX can not be used to implement a tighter reuse.When DTX isused,typically for intervals of a few seconds,C/I is changing at a rate too slowto be averaged by the speech coding/interleaving.See also User Description,Frequency Hopping.When DTX is used in combination with frequency hopping the interference levelwill change between each burst and be averaged by the coding/interleavingwhich generates an even speech quality.The same considerations as for C/I apply to the influence of BTSintermodulation products when DTX is used with and without frequencying DTX in an attempt to solve an intermodulation problem is notadvised.Instead it is recommended to change frequencies or use the Supportfor Special Cell Configuration feature.5.2RecommendationsUse DTX for the MSs(uplink DTX).For hand-held MSs in frequent usage,DTX provides a worthwhile increase in battery operating time.Downlink DTX should not be used in a non frequency hopping system.Thereduction of power consumption for the BTS when using DTX is of littlepractical significance.Downlink DTX should be enabled in high capacity networks already usingfrequency hopping and BTS Power Control(see User Description,DynamicBTS Power Control)when more interference reduction is needed than givenby BTS Power Control alone.There is no use implementing DTX downlink in alow interference system and there is no gain unless it is used in a large area.It is recommended to test downlink DTX in a small area before introducing it inthe whole network.This is to ensure that the BTS hardware and software canhandle downlink DTX.Some early MS models cannot handle downlink DTXtogether with frequency hopping properly.Downlink DTX is used successfullyin a number of high capacity networks.The influence of DTX on speech quality will be the same whether used bythe MS or the BTS.6Parameters6.1Main controlling parametersDTXU is the uplink parameter and states whether the mobile stations locatedin that cell shall(DTXU=1)or shall not(=2)use DTX.With DTXU=0the MSmay use DTX which means that MSs in battery saving mode(option on someMS models)shall use DTX.DTXU is defined per cell.DTXD is the downlink parameter and states whether discontinuoustransmission is enabled or not in the cell.This applies for all TCHs allocatedon the non BCCH carriers in that cell.It is defined per cell.6.2Value ranges and default valuesTable1Parameter name DefaultvalueRecommendedvalueValue rangeDTXU210,1,2DTXD OFF ON ON,OFF 7References1User Description,Locating2User Description,Dynamic MS Power Control3User Description,Dynamic BTS Power Control4User Description,Frequency Hopping。



26个英文字母及音标1、概述汉语象形文字,英语是拼音文字.英语共有26个字母,这些字母按一定的顺序排列在一起便组成字母表,英语中称之为"Alphabet", 这26个字母可以组成千千万万个单词,英语字母是学习英语的基础,所以对英语字母的学习与掌握非常重要:1) 英语字母共26个,每个字母都有大、小写两种形式;2) 书写形式有:印刷体和书写体;3) 读音形式有两种:升调和降调.2. 字母的读音英语26个字母按一定的顺序排列起来,就构成了英语字母表.词典里的词就是按字母表的顺序排列的.26个英文字母及发音音标如下:A a [ei]B b [bi:]C c [si:]D d [di:]E e [i:]F f [ef]G g [d3i:] H h [eit∫] I i [ai]J j [d3ei] K k [kei] L l [el]M m [em] N n [en] O o [əu]P p [pi:] Q q [kju:] R r [ɑ:]S s [es] T t [ti:] U u [ju:]V v [vi:] W w [′d∧blju:] X x [eks]Y y [wai] Z z [zi:]以上我们可以看出,英语字母中有一些含有共同的元音音素.如:1)含元音音素[ei]字母: Aa Hh Jj Kk音标: [ei] [eit∫] [d3ei] [kei]2) 含元音音素[i:]字母: Bb Cc Dd Ee Gg Pp Tt Vv音标: [bi:] [si:] [di:] [i:] [d3i:] [pi:] [ti:] [vi:][zi:]3) 含元音音素[e]字母: Ff Ll Mm Nn Ss Xx音标: [ef] [el] [em] [en] [es] [eks]4) 含元音音素[ju:]字母: Uu Qq Ww音标: [ju:] [kju:] [`d∧blju:]5) 含元音音素[ai]字母: Ii Yy音标: [ai] [wai]3.书写顺序英语国际标准音标练习元音(20个) 单元音12个前元音(4个) [i:] [i] [e] [æ]后元音(5个) [ɑ:][ɔ:] [ɔ] [u:] [u]中元音(3个) [ʌ] [ə:] [ə]双元音8个合口双元音(5个) [ei] [əu] [ai] [au] [ɔi]集中双元音(3个) [iə] [uə] [ɛə]/ə/ better/betə/ never/nevə/ worker/wə:kə/ welcome/welkəm//ei/ may/mei/ name/neim/ game/geim/ eight/eit/ age/eidʒ//əu/ no/nəu/ home/həum/ hope/həup/ wrote/rəut/ note/nəut/ pose/pəuz//ai/ eye/ai/ time/taim/ buy/bai/ right/rait/ bike/baik/ kite/kait//au/ now/nau/ out/aut/ how/hau/ about/ə′baut/ south/sauθ/ house/haus//ɔi/ boy/bɔi/ toy/tɔi/ noise/nɔiz/ voice/vɔis/ point/pɔint/ coin/kɔin//iə/ ear/iə/ near/niə/ idea/ai′diə/ hear/hiə/ mere/miə/ spear/spiə//εə/ air/εə/ tear/tεə/ care/kεə/ dare/dεə/ fair/fεə/ there/ðεə//uə/ tour/tuə/ poor/puə/ sure/ʃuə/ moor/muə/(停泊) your/juə//p/ pea/pi:/ pie/pai/ top/tɔp/ cap/kæp/ people/pi:pl/ pride/praid//b/ bee/bi:/ by/bai/ buy/bai/ black/blæk/ bear/bεə/ /t/ let/let/ sat/sæt/ feet/fi:t/ team/ti:m/ tide/taid//d/ led/led/ sad/sæd/ feed/fi:d/ do/du:/ dear/diə//k/ lack/læk/ take/teik/ clock/klɔk/ class/kla:s/ weekend/′wi:kend//g/ big/big/ lag/læg/ glass/gla:s/ gum/gʌm/good/gud/ guest/gest//f/ face/feis/ fast/fa:st/ leaf/li:f/ surf/sə:f/favorite/′feivərit//v/ very/′veri/ five/faiv/ fever/′fi:və/ serve/sə:v/ never/′nevə//θ/ bath/ba:θ/(v洗澡) thick/θik/ mouth/mauθ/ breath/breθ/(n呼吸)thought/θɔ:t/ author/´ɔθə/ truth/tru:θ//ð/the/ ðə/ they/ðei/ that/ðæt/ mother/′mʌðə/ thus/ðʌs/ then/ðen//s/ face/feis/ mouse/maus/ cakes/keiks/ caps/kæps/ likes/laiks/ stops/stɔps//z/ close/kləuz/ keys/ki:z/ boys/bɔiz/ pens/penz/ halves/ha:vz//tʃ/ catch/kætʃ/ cheep/tʃi:p/ rich/ritʃ/ watch/wtʃ/ child/tʃaild/ question/kwestʃən/ teach/ti:tʃ/ challenge/tʃlindʒ//dʒ/orange/′ɔridʒ/ large/la:dʒ/ juice/dʒu:s/job/dʒɔb//tr/tree/tri:/ try/trai/ true/tru:/ trouble/traubl/ track/træk//dr/ dry/drai/ dream/dri:m/ dress/dres/ drink/driŋk/ hundred/′hʌndrid//ʃ/ she/ʃi:/ sharp/ʃa:p/ fish/fiʃ/ shock/ʃɔk/ shoe/ʃu://ʒ/pleasure/′pleʒə/ measure/′meʒə/ television/′teliviʒən//ts/let′s/lets/ sports/spɔ:ts/ puts/puts/ writes/raits/ seats/si:ts//dz/ hands/hændz/ birds/bə:dz/ friends/freindz/ beds/bedz/ stands/stændz//h/ he/ hi:/ hard/ha:d/ him/him/ heard/hə:d/ half/ha:f//l/ like/laik/ late/leit/ learn/lə:n/ lead/li:d/ light/lait//m/ my/mai/ more/mɔ:/ seem/si:m/ meat/mi:t/ mind/maind/ men/men//n/nice/nais/ wind/waind/ mind/maind/ rain/rein/ fine/fain//ŋ/ sing/siŋ/ wing/wiŋ/ ring/riŋ/ long/lɔŋ/ beautiful/bju:təfl//j/you/ju:/ few/fju:/ yard/ja:d/ music/′mju:zik/student/′stju:dnt/ excuse/ik′skju:z//w/ work/wə:k/ way/wei/ well/wel/ what/wɔt/ twelve/twelv/ twin/twin//r/ red/red/ road/rəud/ write/rait/ wrong/rɔŋ/ problem/′prɔbləm/发音十二规则1、开音节单个元音字母发小口音2、闭音节单个元音字母发大口音3、组合字母固定发音4、不顺口调整发音5、多元音相连省略发音6、古老、外来单词不规则发音7、s后弱音重音时强化8、r前元音卷舌9、s、es、d、ed被前面带动发音10、多音节一重多轻发音(重音在最顺口的位置上,并尽量发大口音)11、轻音节怎么轻怎么发音(但要尽量保留字根的发音)12、最后要有声验证发音英语单词拼读规则字组概念的引入字母是书写英语单词的最小单位,音素是语言中最小的发音单位。












如chick 一词,字组数是三个ch-i-ck ,字母数是五个c-h-i-c-k ,记忆三个字组总比记忆五个字母要容易。


如chick 一词,如果把chick 拆分开来看c-h-i-c-k ,我们并不知道每个字母发什么音,只有把ch 、i 、ck 看成字组,以字组为单位来看待这个词,才能看出词形与读音之间的对应关系,ch-i-ck 分别对应[t ]、[i]和[k]音。


英语字组表元音字母: a e i/y o u 元音字组: ar er ir or ur are ere ire ore ure ai/ay air al au/awea ear ee eer ei/ey eu/ew ieoa oar/oor oi/oy oo ou/ow ourui辅音字母: b c d f g h j k l m n p q r s t v w- x y- z辅音字组:ch -ck -dge dr- -ds gh gu- kn- -mn字 组元字组元音字母元音字组辅字组辅音字母 辅音字组-ng ph qu- sh -tch th tr- -ts wh- wr- 字母是构成单词的基本单位,反过来说,单词是由字母构成的,但是单词的各个字母与各个音素之间并不是一一对应关系,倒是字组与音素之间存在着一对一的关系,即一个字组对应一个音素。


• DO NOT allow children or pets to climb inside appliance.
• ALWAYS disconnect before cleaning.
• Food must be stored in suitable and appropriate containers.
• DO NOT store dangerous items in the appliance, such as spray cans, explosives, and flammable liquids / propellants.
• ALWAYS leave room for airflow around the contents stored in the refrigerator to ensure optimum performance.
12 Headroom for upright standing bottles
13 Bluetooth App for mobile use
page 3
LED Control Panel & Operation Instructions
Control Panel Single Zone
for 3 seconds.
Product Features
1 Powered by 12/24 Volt DC compressor
2 Two way opening lid (not CCP 30/36/44)
3 Bottle openers on both sides
4 Flat carry and tie down handles



英语发音规则中文名英语发音规则外文名rules of English pronunciation内容目录1 元音字母开音节和闭音节中的读音▪ a▪ e▪ i▪ o▪ u2 元音字母在重读音节中的特殊读音▪ a▪ i▪ o3 元音字母在非重读音节中的读音▪ a▪ e▪ i▪ o▪ u4 -r音节元音字组在重读音节中的读音▪ ar▪ or▪ er,ir,ur5 -re音节元音字组在重读音节中的读音▪ are▪ ere▪ ire▪ ore▪ ure▪ -re▪注6 元音字组在重读音节中的读音▪ ai,ay▪ air▪ al▪ au,aw▪ ea▪ ear▪ ee▪ eer▪ ei,ey▪ eu,ew▪ ie,ei▪ oa▪ oar,oor▪ oi,oy▪ oo▪ ou,ow▪ our▪ oul▪ ui7 非重读音节中元音字组和字群的读音▪ ai,ay,ei,ey▪ ow▪ -sion,-tion▪ -isle▪ -sten▪ -stle▪ -sure▪ -ture8 元字组在复合词非重读音节中的读音9 辅字组的读音▪ b▪ c▪ ch▪ -ck▪ cz▪ d▪ -dg(e)▪ dr-▪ ds▪ f▪ g▪ gh▪ gu-,-gue▪ h▪ j▪ k▪ kn-▪ l▪ m▪ -mn▪ n▪ -ng▪ p▪ ph▪ q▪ qu-▪ r▪ rz▪ s▪ sc-▪ sch-▪ sh▪ t▪ tch▪ th▪ tr-▪ ts,tz▪ v▪ w▪ wh-▪ wr-▪ x▪ y▪ z▪ zh英语发音规则元音字母开音节和闭音节中的读音编辑英语发音规则a①在开音节中/eɪ/name,plane,Jane,baby,cake②在闭音节中/æ/bag,dad,hat,map,black,back英语发音规则e①在开音节中/i:/he,these,me,Chinese②在闭音节中/e/bed,let,pen,desk,yes,egg英语发音规则i①在开音节中/aɪ/bike,drive,time,nice,kite ②在闭音节中/ɪ/fish,big,drink,sit,milk,swim英语发音规则o①在开音节中/əʊ/those,close,go,hoe,home,no②在闭音节中/ɒ/clock,not,box,shop,sock英语发音规则u①在开音节中i./ju:/student,excuse,duty,Tuesdayii.元音字母u在辅音字母j,l,r,s后面时读/u:/音,例如:June,blue,ruler,super。

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