bcdedit用法1. 什么是bcdedit?bcdedit是微软Windows操作系统中的一个命令行工具,用于配置启动管理器(Boot Configuration Data,BCD)。
2. bcdedit的基本用法bcdedit命令需要以管理员身份运行,可以在命令提示符或PowerShell中使用。
以下是一些常用的bcdedit命令及其用法:2.1 显示当前的BCD配置bcdedit这个命令会显示当前系统的BCD配置。
2.2 显示指定的启动选项bcdedit /enum [id]这个命令用于显示指定的启动选项的详细信息。
2.3 添加一个新的启动选项bcdedit /create [id] /d "description" /application osloader这个命令用于创建一个新的启动选项。
2.4 设置默认启动选项bcdedit /default [id]这个命令用于设置默认的启动选项。
[id]是启动选项的标识符,可以通过bcdedit 命令查看。
2.5 设置启动超时时间bcdedit /timeout [value]这个命令用于设置启动超时时间,单位为秒。
单片式 电源管理 芯片设计
摘 要电源管理芯片是指将电源有效分配给系统不同组件的管理芯片,通过芯片管理降低组件闲置时的能耗,为整个系统节能。
BCD(Bipolar CMOS DMOS)工艺是把双极器件,CMOS器件和DMOS功率器件同时制作在同一芯片上。
它综合了双极器件高跨导、强负载驱动能力,CMOS 器件高集成度、低功耗,和功率器件大功率的优点,所以BCD工艺是最符合功率驱动电路的工艺。
在工艺及器件方面—建设一条光刻掩膜层次少、700v/40v/5v器件兼容性好、集成具有低比导通电阻700v LDMOS的稳定工艺平台,同时验证LIGBT的开关频率和导通功耗关系以满足在不同功率运用下具有最优频率和功耗折中关系的功率管相匹配;在控制电路方面—利用合作开发的工艺平台设计一款具有AC-DC转换,可实现恒流及恒压输出的电源管理芯片,该芯片的控制部分具有时序、PSM(跨周期调制)控制、各种故障保护、回路调节、限流调节、功率管开关控制等完备功能。
确定整体工艺流程后通过MEDICI 及Tsuprem-4分别对各选定器件进行工艺器件联合仿真,通过仿真得出结构分布和尺寸大小。
最后采用开发的BCD 工艺投片生产并封装、测试。
关键词:BCD工艺高压LDMOS 电源管理芯片低比导通ABSTRACTPower management chip is the effective distribution of the power supply to different components of the system, power management by reducing components power consumption when components idle which lead to save power for the entire system. Power management chip has wide application in many fields for example in the post and telecommunications, instrumentation, industrial equipment, consumer electronics. Power management chip provide a stable and efficient power and to make an important contribution to energy conservation.BCD (Bipolar CMOS DMOS) process is the Bipolar devices, CMOS and DMOS power devices while the devices integrated on the same chip. It combines the high transconductance ,high load drive capabilityof bipolar devices with CMOS devices which have high integration, low power consumption characteristics. This process also have high power advantages. So the BCD process is most suitable the power management chip.The main subject of this research is based on single-chip high-voltage BCD process development and implementation of switching power supply circuit. In terms of construct a stable process platform with less lithography mask levels, 700v/40v/5v devices compatibility, integration a low on-resistance 700v LDMOS device. And to verify the LIGBT turn-on switching frequency and power consuption relations in order to meet the under use of different power with optimal trade-off between frequency and power consuption to match the power management .In the control circuit,use the cooperative development of the process platform to design a AC-DC converter.Power management chip has complete functions such as : constant flow and constant voltage output control , timing control, PSM (pulse-cycle Skip Modulation) control, a variety of fault protection, circuit adjustment, current limit adjustment, power device switiching control.According to project design requirements for device selection and design determine the overall process. Use MEDICI and Tsuprem-4 software to complete the process and device co-simulation. Obtained the device structure and size by simulation .Tape out device and test. Extraction of device parameters and the establishment of device models the models use for switching power supply circuit design and simulation. The chip contains a band gap voltage reference, current limit comparator, 5.8v regulator ,oscillator, and so on, to control the status of the high voltage switching plete circuit simulation using Hspice and complete circuit layout using Cadence. Finally use the cooperation development BCD process to flow the chip and package, test.Key words:BCD process HVLDMOS Power Management Chip Low Rdson目录第一章绪论 (1)1.1论文的研究意义 (1)1.2国内外发展动态 (2)1.3本文主要工作 (4)第二章 700V高压器件的设计 (6)2.1基于体硅工艺的LDMOS和LIGBT的比较 (6)2.2高压器件的设计 (12)2.2.1 工艺方案确定及衬底材料选取 (12)2.2.2 700V LDMOS设计 (14)2.2.3 JFET设计 (19)2.2.4 结终端设计 (22)第三章电路结构设计与原理分析 (26)3.1芯片整体功能结构 (26)3.1.1 TNY264的电路结构 (26)3.1.2 单元电路组成 (26)3.1.3 TNY264信号线说明 (27)3.1.4 TNY264工作原理 (29)3.2基准电压源设计 (33)3.2.1 基准端口信息 (33)3.2.2 基准电压源电路分析及仿真结果 (35)3.3振荡器设计 (38)3.3.1 振荡器端口信息 (39)3.3.2 振荡器电路分析及仿真结果 (41)3.4前沿闭锁、电流极限比较器设计 (43)3.4.1 电流极限比较器端口信息 (44)3.4.2 前沿闭锁、电流极限比较器电路分析及仿真结果 (45)3.55.8V调整器 (48)第四章应用电路设计 (54)4.1开关电源的调制方式 (54)4.2应用电路设计 (56)4.2.1 应用电路工作模式简介 (56)4.2.2 应用电路分析与设计 (57)4.2.3 实际电路测试数据 (59)第五章结论 (61)致谢 (62)参考文献 (63)攻读硕士学位期间取得的研究成果 (65)第一章 绪论1.1 论文的研究意义电源管理芯片是指将电源有效分配给系统不同组件的管理芯片,通过芯片管理降低组件闲置时的能耗,为整个系统节能。
插件:/thread-6663-1-2.html第1章 55MM1.1 55mm Color Grad(颜色渐变)1.2 55mm Defocus (散焦)1.3 55mm Faux Flim(模仿胶片效果)1.4 55mm Fluorescent (荧光)1.5 55mm Fog(雾)1.6 55mm Infra-red (在红色下面)1.7 55mm Mist(薄雾)1.8 55mm ND Grad(渐变)1.9 55mm Night Vision(夜视)1.10 55mm Selective Soft Focus(选择性的软焦点)1.11 55mm Skin Smoother(外表面平整)1.12 55mm Tint(偏色)1.13 55mm Warm/Cool(暖色/冷色)第2章 AEFlame(火焰)第3章 Boris3.1 Boris Fire(火焰效果)3.2 Boris FX 33.2.1 Boris Artist's Poster(艺术海报)3.2.2 Boris Blur (模糊)3.2.3 Boris Directional Blur (方向模糊)3.2.4 Boris Gaussian Blur (高斯模糊)3.2.5 Boris Unsharp Mask (锐利的遮罩)3.2.6 Boris Brightness-Contrast (亮度-对比度)3.2.7 Boris Color Balance (颜色平衡)3.2.8 Boris Color Correction (颜色修正)3.2.9 Boris Composite (合成)3.2.10 Boris Correct Selected Color (修改选择的颜色)3.2.11 Boris Hue-Sat-Lightness (色调-饱和度-亮度)3.2.12 Boris Invert Solarize (反转曝光)3.2.13 Boris Levels Gamma (标准的伽马值)3.2.14 Boris MultiTone Mix (多通道混合)3.2.15 Boris Posterize (多色调分色)3.2.16 Boris RGB Blend (RGB混和)3.2.17 Boris Tint-Tritone (以三种颜色替换)3.2.18 Boris Bulge (凸出)3.2.19 Boris Displacement Map (置换贴图)3.2.20 Boris Fast Flipper (自动翻转)3.2.21 Boris Polar Displacement (两极置换)3.2.22 Boris Ripple (波纹)3.2.23 Boris Vector Displacement (矢量置换)3.2.24 Boris Wave (波浪)3.2.25 Boris Alpha Process (Alpha通道处理)3.2.26 Boris Chroma Key (色度抠像)3.2.27 Boris Composite Choker (令人窒息的合成)3.2.28 Boris Linear Color Key (线性颜色抠像)3.2.29 Boris Linear Luma Key (线性亮度抠像)3.2.30 Boris Make Alpha Key (制作新的Alpha通道)3.2.31 Boris Matte Choker (令人窒息的剪影)3.2.32 Boris Matte Cleanup(清除剪影)3.2.33 Boris Two Way Key(两种路线的抠像)3.2.34 Boris Alpha Spotlight(以Apha通道的方式设定聚光灯)3.2.35 Boris Edge Lighting(边缘亮光)3.2.36 Boris Light Sweep(扫光)3.2.37 Boris Reverse Spotlight(相反的聚光灯)3.2.38 Boris Spotlight(聚光灯)3.2.39 Boris 2D Particles(二维粒子)3.2.40 Boris 3D Image Shatter(模拟三维图像破碎效果)3.2.41 Boris Cube(模拟三维立方体)3.2.42 Boris Cylinder(模拟三维圆柱体)3.2.43 Boris DVE(模拟三维效果)3.2.44 Boris Page Turn(翻页)3.2.45 Boris Sphere(模拟三维球形)3.2.46 Boris Clouds(流动的云)3.2.47 Boris Noise Map(噪点地图)3.2.48 Boris Alpha Pixel Noise(通道像素噪点)3.2.49 Boris RGB Edges(RGB边缘)3.2.50 Boris RGB Pixel Noise(RGB像素噪声)3.2.51 Boris Scatterize(模拟毛玻璃的效果)3.2.52 Boris Spray Paint Noise(喷漆噪点)3.2.53 Boris Flat 3D Text(扁平的三维字体[不支持中文])3.2.54 Boris 3D Text(三维字体[不支持中文])3.3 Boris Continuum3.3.1 BC 3D Text(三维文字)3.3.2 BC Boost Blend(推进混合)3.3.3 BC Burnt Film(燃烧的电影)3.3.4 BC Clouds(流动的云)3.3.5 BC Comet(彗星)3.3.6 BC Composite(合成)3.3.7 BC DVE(模拟三维效果)3.3.8 BC Fire(火)3.3.9 BC Jitter(频谱曲线抖动)3.3.10 BC Looper(循环)3.3.11 BC Particle System(粒子系统)3.3.12 BC Posterize Time(相片时间)3.3.13 BC Rain(下雨)3.3.14 BC Sequencer(音序器)3.3.15 BC Snow(下雪)3.3.16 BC Sparks(火花)3.3.17 BC Stars(星星)3.3.18 BC Super Blend(超级混合)3.3.19 BC Temporal Blur(时间模糊)3.3.20 BC Trails(轨迹)3.3.21 BC Velocity Remap(速度测试图)3.3.22 BC Z Space I(Z空间1)3.3.23 BC Z Space I I(Z空间2)第4章 Colormap(颜色地图)第5章 Composite Wizard5.1 CW Composite Color Matcher(复合颜色匹配器)5.2 CW Deluxe Edge Finder(华丽的边缘查找器)5.3 CW Deluxe Edge Finder EZ(华丽的边缘查找器EZ)5.4 CW Denoiser(放射状处理)5.5 CW Edge Blur(边缘模糊)5.6 CW Edge Blur EZ(边缘模糊EZ)5.7 CW Matte Feather(剪影羽化)5.8 CW Matte Feather EZ(剪影羽化EZ)5.9 CW Matte Feather Sharp(剪影羽化锐利)5.10 CW Miracle Alpha Cleaner(通道清洁)5.11 CW Re-Matter(重置剪影)5.12 CW Smooth Screen(光滑屏幕)5.13 CW Spill Killer(溢出杀手)5.14 CW Spill Killer EZ(溢出杀手EZ)5.15 CW Super Blur(超级模糊)5.16 CW Super Compound Blur(超级混合模糊)5.17 CW Super Rack Focus(超级变焦)5.18 CW Wire/Rig Zapper(线框/钻探器)5.19 CW Zone HLS(环绕HLS)第7章 Coycore7.1 Cult Effects CE 3D Glasses (三维眼睛)7.1.2 CE Basic Fill(基本填充)7.1.3 CE Cell Pattern(蜂房图案)7.1.4 CE Change Color HLS(改变选择的颜色)7.1.5 CE Channeling(渠道)7.1.6 CE Checker(棋盘格)7.1.7 CE Circle(圆形)7.1.8 CE Color Composite(颜色合成)7.1.9 CE Color Link(颜色链接)7.1.10 CE Color Picker(颜色拾取)7.1.11 CE Color Solid(颜色固化)7.1.12 CE ColorsQuad(颜色四方格)7.1.13 CE Difference(差异)7.1.14 CE FireUp(火上)7.1.15 CE Grid(网格)7.1.16 CE Lightning(闪电)7.1.17 CE Magnify(夸大效果)7.1.18 CE Noise Alpha(噪点通道)7.1.19 CE Noise HLS(噪点HLS)7.1.20 CE Noise HLS Auto(噪点HLS自动)7.1.21 CE Noise Turbulent(骚乱的噪波)7.1.22 CE Noise Turbulent II(骚乱的噪波2)7.1.23 CE Optics Compensation(光学补偿)7.1.24 CE Paint(绘画)7.1.25 CE Radial Shadow(放射状的投影)7.1.26 CE Roughen Edges(让边缘变粗糙)7.1.27 CE Turbulent Displace(汹涌的置换)7.2 Cult Effects Xtras7.2.1 CE Set Channel(设置通道)7.2.2 CE View Channel(显示通道)第8章 Digieffects8.1 DigiEffect Aurorix V2.08.1.1 3D Lighting 2(光线彩色浮雕)8.1.2 AgedFilm 2(老电影的效果)8.1.3 Bulgix 2(类似于凸出的效果)8.1.4 Chaotic Noise 2(混乱的噪波)8.1.5 Chaotic Rainbow 2(混乱的五彩缤纷)8.1.6 Color SpotLights 2(彩色聚光灯)8.1.7 Earthquake 2(震动)8.1.8 Electrofield 2(电磁感应)8.1.9 Flitter 2(碎屑)8.1.10 Fractal Noise 2(彩色不规则噪波2)8.1.11 Infinity Warp 2(无限扭曲)8.1.12 Infinity Zone 2(无限环绕)8.1.13 Interferix 2(专用干扰图1)8.1.14 Interpheroid 2(专用干扰图2)8.1.15 Interpheron 2(专用干扰图2)8.1.16 LightZoom 2(强光的纵深效果)8.1.17 Noise Blender 2(噪点搅拌机)8.1.18 SoapFilm 2(皂膜)8.1.19 SpotLights 2(聚光灯)8.1.20 Strange Nebulae 2(奇异的星云)8.1.21 Tilos 2(阵列)8.1.22 Turbulent Flow 2(湍流)8.1.23 VideoLook 2(电视干扰信号)8.1.24 Warpoid 2(拉伸效果)8.1.25 Whirlix 2(旋转扭曲效果)8.1.26 WoodMaker 2(木纹)8.2 DigiEffect Berzerk V1.58.2.1 Blizzard(风雪)8.2.2 BumpMaker(制作凹凸贴图)8.2.3 Contourist(轮廓线)8.2.4 Crystallizer(结晶器)8.2.5 CycloWarp(螺旋)8.2.6 Edgex(边缘锐化)8.2.7 FogBank(浓雾)8.2.8 GravityWell(重力旋涡)8.2.9 Laser(激光器)8.2.10 Newsprint(新闻用纸)8.2.11 NightBloom(夜间华)8.2.12 OilPaint(油画)8.2.13 Pearls(珍珠)8.2.14 Perspectron(特殊的扭曲)8.2.15 Ripploid(荡起的波纹)8.2.16 Spintron(怪异的扭曲)8.2.18 StarField(飞舞的星星)8.2.19 StillNoise(静态噪点)8.2.20 VanGoughist(美术笔触)8.3 Cine Look Filmres V1.18.3.1 DE CineLook(胶片调色)8.3.2 DE FilmDamage(胶片处理)8.4 Cinemotion8.4.1 DE Adaptive Noise(适应的噪点)8.4.2 DE Banding Reducer(条带还原)8.4.3 DE Film Motion(运动电影)8.4.4 DE Grain Reducer(颗粒还原)8.4.5 DE Interlace Aliasing Reducer(交错产生器)8.4.6 DE Letterbox(宽银幕产生器)8.4.7 DE Selective HSB Noise(选择HSB噪点)8.4.8 DE Selective HSB Posterize(选择HSB多色调分色)8.4.9 DE Selective RGB Noise(选择RGB噪点)8.4.10 DE Selective RGB Posterize(选择RGB多色调分色)8.5 Delerium8.5.1 DE Bubbles(泡沫)8.5.2 DE Camera Shake(摄像机抖动)8.5.3 DE Channel Delay(通道延迟)8.5.4 DE COP Blur(优化模糊)8.5.5 DE Electrical Arcs(闪电)8.5.6 DE Fairy Dust(仙女的灰尘)8.5.7 DE Film Flash(影片闪烁)8.5.8 DE Fire(火)8.5.9 DE FireWorks(火焰发射器)8.5.10 DE Flicker and Strobe(闪光灯)8.5.11 DE Flow Motion(流动)8.5.12 DE Fog Factory(雾工厂)8.5.13 DE Framing Gradients(画面渐变)8.5.14 DE Glower(炽热体)8.5.15 DE Grayscaler(灰度处理)8.5.16 DE HLS Displace(HLS置换)8.5.17 DE Hyper Harmonizer(绚丽的彩带)8.5.18 DE Lens Flares(镜头光斑)8.5.19 DE Loose Sprockets(任意按链锯齿移动)8.5.20 DE Multigradient(多极渐变)8.5.21 DE Muzzle Flash(枪火)8.5.22 DE Nexus(连接点)8.5.23 DE Puffy Clouds(膨胀的云)8.5.24 DE Rain Fall(下雨)8.5.25 DE Retinal Bloom(网状张开)8.5.26 DE Schematic Grids(示意性网格)8.5.27 DE Show Channels(显示通道)8.5.28 DE Sketchist(变脏)8.5.29 DE Smoke(升起的烟)8.5.30 DE Snow Storm(暴风雪)8.5.31 DE Solarize(过度曝光)8.5.32 DE Sparks(焰火)8.5.33 DE Specular Lighting(镜面高光)8.5.34 DE Thermograph(热录像仪)8.5.35 DE Turbulent Noise(紊乱的噪波)8.5.36 DE Video Malfunction(电视故障)8.5.37 DE Visual Harmonizer(原子曲线)8.5.38 DE Wave Displace(波浪置换)第9章 Digital Anarchy Elements9.1 Screen Text(屏幕文字)9.2 Text Grid(文字网格)9.3 Text Matrix(超级文字)第10章 Digital Film Tools10.1 CS Color Correct(颜色修正)10.2 CS Composite(合成)10.3 CS Defocus(散焦)10.4 CS Fast Blur(快速模糊)10.5 CS Frame Averager(画面中和器)10.6 CS Grain(增加颗粒)10.7 CS Holdout Composite(持续合成)10.8 CS Light Composite(灯光合成)10.9 CS Math Composite(数学合成)10.10 CS Matte Generator(无光发生器)10.11 CS Matte Repair(剪影修理)10.12 CS Non-Additive Mix(非附加混合)10.13 CS Paste Color(粘贴颜色)10.14 CS Selective Color Correct(选择颜色修正)10.15 CS Selective Soft Focus(选择软焦点)第11章 eFX Pro第12章 Evolution12.1 Card Dance (卡片跳舞)12.2 Card Wipe (卡片翻转)12.3 Caustics(焦散)12.4 Foam (气泡)12.5 Multiplane(多图层变换)12.6 Radio Shape(模拟无线电波的形状)12.7 Radio Star(模拟星形无线电波)12.8 Wave World(波浪世界)第13章 Eye Candy13.1 Antimatter(反物质)13.2 Carve(倒角)13.3 Chrome(铬合金)13.4 Cutout(挖剪图像)13.5 Fire(火焰)13.6 Fur(毛发)13.7 Glass(玻璃)13.8 Glow(辉光)13.9 HSB Noise(HSB躁点)13.10 Inner Bevel(向内倒角)13.11 Jiggle(摇动)13.12 Motion Trail(拖尾)13.13 Outer Bevel(向外倒角)13.14 Perspective Shadow(透视投影)13.15 Smoke(烟)13.16 Squint(重影)13.17 Star(星形)13.18 Swirl(旋涡)13.19 Weave(编织)第14章 FilmFX14.1 Color Timing(颜色调整)14.2 Film Stock(库存胶片)第15章 Final Effects Complete Complete15.1 Final Effects(简称Fe)15.1.1 FE Ball Action(球状运动)15.1.2 FE Bubbles(泡沫)15.1.3 FE Color Offset(颜色位移)15.1.4 FE Composite(合成)15.1.5 FE Flo Motion(失真运动)15.1.6 FE Griddler(矿筛)15.1.7 FE Image Wipe(图像擦除)15.1.8 FE Kaleida(发音体)15.1.9 FE Lens(透镜)15.1.10 FE Light Burst 2.5(灯光爆裂)15.1.11 FE Light Sweep(扫光)15.1.12 FE Page Turn(翻页)15.1.13 FE Particle Systems(粒子系统)15.1.14 FE Particle Systems II(粒子系统2)15.1.15 FE Particle Systems LE(粒子系统LE)15.1.16 FE Pixel Polly(像素剥离)15.1.17 FE Radial ScaleWipe(反射状的缩放擦拭)15.1.18 FE Rain(下雨)15.1.19 FE Scale Wipe(缩放擦除)15.1.20 FE Scatterize(分散)15.1.21 FE Slant(倾斜)15.1.22 FE Slant Matte(倾斜剪影)15.1.23 FE Snow(下雪)15.1.24 FE Sphere(球体)15.1.25 FE Star Burst(星爆式)15.1.26 FE Threshold(阀值)15.1.27 FE Threshold RGB(RGB阀值)15.1.28 FE Tiler(瓦盖)15.1.29 FE Twister(缠绕)15.2 Next Effect(简称Ne)15.2.1 FE Advanced 3D(高级三维)15.2.2 FE Bend It(弯曲)15.2.3 FE Cylinder(圆柱体)15.2.4 FE Drizzle(毛毛雨)15.2.5 FE Force Motion Blur(强大的运动模糊)15.2.6 FE Hair(毛发)15.2.7 FE Light Rays(体积光)15.2.8 FE Mr. Smoothie(圆滑)15.2.9 FE Power Pin(透视点)15.2.10 FE RepeTile(放射状模糊)15.2.11 FE Simple Wire Removal(擦除金属丝)15.2.12 FE Wide Time(放慢)15.3 Studio Effects(简称Se)15.3.1 FE Alpha Map(Alpha贴图)15.3.2 FE Bender(弯曲)15.3.3 FE Blobbylize(滴状斑点)15.3.4 FE Burn Film(燃烧的胶片)15.3.5 FE Glass(玻璃)15.3.6 FE Glass Wipe(擦拭玻璃)15.3.7 FE Glue Gun(喷胶枪)15.3.8 FE Grid Wipe(删格擦拭)15.3.9 FE Jaws(狭口)15.3.10 FE Light Wipe(扫光)15.3.11 FE Mr. Mercury(水银先生)15.3.12 FE Particle World(粒子世界)15.3.13 FE Ripple Pulse(涟漪发生器)15.3.14 FE Smear(涂污)15.3.15 FE Split(切开)15.3.16 FE Spotlight(聚光灯)15.3.17 FE Time Blend(时间混合)15.3.18 FE Time Blend FX(时间混合FX)15.3.19 FE Toner(调色剂)第16章 Forge FreeForm第17章 HollyWood FX17.1 Hollywood FX 4.03 Gold(好莱坞金版)17.2 Hollywood FX Silver 4.0(好莱坞银版)第18章 Image Louge18.1 IL Alpha Ramp(Alpha渐变)18.2 IL Border Patrol(圆角)18.3 IL Color Map(彩色贴图)18.4 IL Effect Blender(效果混合器)18.5 IL Fractal Brimstone(不规则的硫磺)18.6 IL Fractal Clouds(不规则的云)18.7 IL Fractal Fire(不规则的火)18.8 IL Fractal Tunnel(不规则的隧道)18.9 IL Framer(制订线框)18.10 IL Grunge(脏化)18.11 IL Hall of Mirrors(霍氏镜像)18.12 IL Hall of Time(霍氏时间)18.13 IL Mirage(海市蜃楼)18.14 IL Real Shadows(真实的阴影)18.15 IL Text Scroll(文字滚动)18.16 IL Text Typewriter(打字机)18.17 IL TrueCamera Blur(摄像机模糊)18.18 IL TrueCamera Rack Focus(摄像机架调焦)18.19 IL Turbulent Distortion(疯狂的扭曲)18.20 IL Turbulent Distortion EZ(疯狂的扭曲EZ系列)18.21 IL Turbulent Edges(疯狂的边)18.22 IL Ultra Displacer(极端的置换剂)18.23 IL Video Feedback(视频反馈)第19章 InterGraph VizFX19.1 Blur(模糊)19.2 Convolve(缠绕)19.3 Dye(染料)19.4 Noise(噪点)19.5 Posterize(多色调分色印)19.6 Bump(凹凸贴图)19.7 Deform(变形)19.8 Emboss(浮雕)19.9 Radial Zoom(放射状放大)19.10 Raindrops(雨点的效果)19.11 Ripple(波纹)19.12 Whirl(旋转)19.13 Balloon(迅速增加颜色)19.14 Combine Alpha(联合Alpha通道)19.15 Compare(相比较)19.16 Blast(冲击波)19.17 Erode(腐蚀)19.18 Melt(融化)19.19 Mosaic(马赛克)19.20 Pulverize(研磨成粉)19.21 Scatter(散开)19.22 Color Glow(彩色辉光)19.23 Edge Shine(边缘发光)19.24 Foggy Glow (雾状辉光)19.25 Glow(辉光)19.26 Outline(轮廓线)19.27 Shine(扫光第20章 3D Invigorator第21章 Knoll Lens Flare Pro (镜头光斑工厂)第22章 Panopticum22.1 Animatext(运动的文字)22.2 Array (阵列)22.2.1 PAN Array(阵列)22.2.2 PAN Digit Chaos(数字混乱)22.2.3 PAN Digit Galaxy(数字星系)22.2.4 PAN Digit Matrix(数字矩阵)22.3 Engraver(雕刻师)22.4 Fire(火)22.5 Figure(形状)22.6 Free(自由雕刻)22.6.1 PAN Emboss(浮雕)22.6.2 PAN Strip(剥离)22.7 Lens Pro III(透镜)22.7.1 PAN Lens Pro III(镜头效果)22.7.2 Universal Lens II(世界镜头)22.8 Grid(网格)22.9 Richtyping(数字)22.9.1 PAN Digitalizer(数字)22.9.2 PAN Morphing(变形)22.9.3 PAN Rich Typing(丰富的文字)22.10 Tools(工具)22.10.1 PAN Camera Noise(摄像机噪点)22.10.2 PAN Custom Speed(自定义速度)22.10.3 PAN Echo(回波)22.10.4 PAN Emboss(浮雕)22.10.5 PAN NULL Strob(虚拟频闪器)22.10.6 PAN Strip(剥去)22.10.7 Photo Exposotion(照片指数)22.10.8 Specl(特殊介质)第23章 Plugin Galaxy23.1 Alpha Tool(Alpha工具)23.2 Bluuur(超级模糊)23.3 Breakfast(早餐效果)23.4 Colorize(变成彩色的)23.5 Cryptology(密码技术)23.6 Edge Tool(边缘处理工具)23.7 Feedback(反馈)23.8 Fusion(溶解)23.9 Glass(玻璃)23.10 Grid(网格)23.11 Instant Mirror(镜像)23.12 Noiseee(噪点)23.13 Pop Art(流行艺术)23.14 Rainbow(彩虹)23.15 Star(星)23.16 Sunshine(阳光)23.17 Synthesizer(综合器)23.18 Warp 1(扭曲 1)23.19 Warp 2(扭曲 2)23.20 Zoom(放大镜)第24章 Primatte第25章 Profound Effects Swim第26章 Psunami第27章 Realsmart27.1 Fields kit(分场)27.1.1 FieldsKit Deinterlacer(消除分场)27.1.2 FieldsKit Pulldown(折叠式)27.1.3 FieldsKit Reinterlacer(再生)27.2 Motion Blur(动态模糊)27.3 Reflex27.3.1 RE:Flex Morph(变形)27.3.2 RE:Flex Warp(扭曲)27.4 Shadeshape(制作凹凸感的图像)27.5 Smooth kit(平滑)27.5.1 SmoothKit Diffusion(漫射)27.5.2 SmoothKit Directional(按方向模糊)27.5.3 SmoothKit Gaussian(高斯)27.5.4 SmoothKit Staircase Suppress(梯状抑制)27.5.5 SmoothKit Temporal(暂存的)27.5.6 SmoothKit Viewer(阅读器)27.6 Twixtor Pro(NTSC制式和PAL制式转换工具)27.7 Video Gogh(绘画)第28章 Sapphire Effects28.1 Average(平均值)28.2 Negative(底片)28.3 OpBurst(放射状图案)28.4 OpDots(斑点)28.5 OpLines(线条)28.6 OpRings(环形图案)28.7 PosterSplit(海报分离)28.8 Solaroid(负感作用)28.9 Threshold(阀值)第29章 Supressor(颜色过滤器)第30章 TinderBox30.1 TinderBox 130.1.1 T_Blur(模糊)30.1.2 T_DirBlur(方向模糊)30.1.3 T_Diffuse(扩散)30.1.4 T_Etch(蚀刻)30.1.6 T_Qube(方格状)30.1.7 T_Rays(体积光)30.1.8 T_Starburst(星放射状)30.1.9 T_Stutter(扫描残迹)30.1.10 T_Beam(光柱)30.1.11 T_Caustic(腐蚀性)30.1.12 T_Grad(渐变)30.1.13 T_Sky(天空)30.1.14 T_Deflicker(降低闪烁)30.1.15 T_Degrain(去除颗粒)30.1.16 T_Dilate(扩大)30.1.17 T_Pattern(图案)30.1.18 T_Tile(重复)30.1.19 T_Distorto(定位镜像)30.1.20 T_Droplet(波纹)30.1.21 T_Lens(鱼眼)30.2 TinderBox 230.2.1 T_BlurMasked(模糊遮罩)30.2.2 T_LensBlur(镜头模糊)30.2.3 T_RadialBlur(放射状模糊)30.2.4 T_Bandlimit(镶边)30.2.5 T_Chromatic(彩色的)30.2.6 T_Contour(轮廓线)30.2.7 T_Glass(玻璃)30.2.8 T_Glow(辉光)30.2.9 T_Kaleid(幻觉)30.2.10 T_Newsprint(新闻纸)30.2.11 T_Paint(油画)30.2.12 T_PseudoColour(变色)30.2.13 T_Trail(轨迹)30.2.14 T_Bars(彩条)30.2.16 T_LensFlare(镜头光斑)30.2.17 T_NightSky(夜空)30.2.18 T_Grain(颗粒)30.2.19 T_Wobble(摇晃)30.2.20 T_Ripple(波纹)30.2.21 T_Swirl(旋涡)30.3 TinderBox 330.3.1 T_CircularBlur(圆形模糊)30.3.2 T_GradientBlur(梯度模糊)30.3.3 T_Silk(去除皱纹)30.3.4 T_BadTV(不良的电视信号)30.3.5 T_BumpShade(变阴暗)30.3.6 T_Condensation(蒸气凝结成为水)30.3.7 T_DiffusionFilter(漫射过滤器)30.3.8 T_EdgeDetect(边探测器)30.3.9 T_MeltTime(融化时间)30.3.10 T_MotionDetect(运动探测器)30.3.11 T_OldFilm(老电影)30.3.12 T_RomanMosaic(马赛克)30.3.13 T_Turner(车工)30.3.14 T_Lightning(闪电)30.3.15 T_Plasma(血浆)30.3.16 T_Sparks(焰火发射器)30.3.17 T_Starfield(星空)30.3.18 T_Deband(带状模糊)30.3.19 T_Defield(转制工具)30.3.20 T_MatteTool(剪影工具)第31章 Trapcode31.1 Shine(体积光)31.2 3D Stroke (三维描边)31.3 Sound Key (声音基调)第32章 Ultimatte32.1 G rain Killer(颗粒杀手)32.2 Screen Correction(屏幕修正)32.3 Ultimatte(最终抠像)第33章 Infinity Grain Surgery 33.1 Add Grain(增加颗粒)33.2 Match Grain(匹配颗粒)33.3 Remove Grain(移除颗粒)Buena Effect Essentials 1.61Camera Flash(画面高光闪白,类似DE Film Flash,但较简单)Digital Interference(模拟数字视频干扰)Edge Manipulator(对边缘实现多种效果,不错)FeedBack(模仿带有反馈图像的摄像效果,不错)Frame Manipulator(根据关键帧曲线对全帧进行控制——说明1)HSV Curves(HSV色彩曲线调节工具)HSV Manipulator(利用HSV模型选取画面进行调整——说明2)Pixel Manipulator(根据关键帧曲线对部分象素进行控制)Radial Glow(环形和束状的发光效果,不错)Super RGB Curves(RGB色彩曲线精细调节工具)说明1. 关键帧曲线可以是插件自带的方波、三角波、正弦波等或画面/音频的参数曲线。
1. 一个项目的输入输出端口是定义在 A 。
A. 实体中B. 结构体中C. 任何位置D. 进程体2. 描述项目具有逻辑功能的是 B 。
A. 实体B. 结构体C. 配置D. 进程3. 关键字ARCHITECTURE定义的是 A 。
A. 结构体B. 进程C. 实体D. 配置4. MAXPLUSII中编译VHDL源程序时要求 C 。
A. 文件名和实体可以不同名B. 文件名和实体名无关C. 文件名和实体名要相同D. 不确定5. 1987标准的VHDL语言对大小写是 D 。
A. 敏感的B. 只能用小写C. 只能用大写D. 不敏感6. VHDL语言中变量定义的位置是 D 。
A. 实体中中任何位置B. 实体中特定位置C. 结构体中任何位置D. 结构体中特定位置7. VHDL语言中信号定义的位置是 D 。
A. 实体中任何位置B. 实体中特定位置C. 结构体中任何位置D. 结构体中特定位置8. 变量是局部量可以写在 B 。
A. 实体中B. 进程中C. 线粒体D. 种子体中9. 变量和信号的描述正确的是 A 。
A. 变量赋值号是:=B. 信号赋值号是:=C. 变量赋值号是<=D. 二者没有区别10. 变量和信号的描述正确的是 B 。
A. 变量可以带出进程B. 信号可以带出进程C. 信号不能带出进程D. 二者没有区别11. 关于VHDL数据类型,正确的是 B 。
A. 数据类型不同不能进行运算B. 数据类型相同才能进行运算C. 数据类型相同或相符就可以运算D. 运算与数据类型无关12. 下面数据中属于实数的是 B 。
A. 4.2B. 3C. …1‟D. “11011”13. 下面数据中属于位矢量的是 D 。
A. 4.2B. 3C. …1‟D. “11011”14. 关于VHDL数据类型,正确的是 B 。
A. 用户不能定义子类型B. 用户可以定义子类型C. 用户可以定义任何类型的数据D. 前面三个答案都是错误的15. 可以不必声明而直接引用的数据类型是 C 。
(一)课题组成员及导师名单(二)课题组主要研究方向与特点¾Power Devices¾(Bipolar) CMOS DMOS Process¾Power ICs功率集成技术实验室SOI High Voltage ICs:Novel integrated SOI power devices PDP Driver ICs High Voltage Gate Driver ICs High Voltage Control ICs High Voltage IC with Radiation-Hard2010-4-2911功率集成技术实验室功率集成理论-PSoC Power System on Chip2010-4-29Novel Integrated Power Devices Control Mode suited for SPIC Power Integrated Process Digital Assistant Power Design12功率集成技术实验室Power Device Control Theory BCD Process Power IC & PSoC2010-4-29 13功率集成技术实验室(三)课题组部分研究成果展示2010-4-2914Power management IC Series功率集成技术实验室Motor Driver ICs Motor Driver ICs2010-4-2915White LED Driver ICs White LED Driver ICs功率集成技术实验室2010-4-2916Power management IC Series功率集成技术实验室2010-4-2917电路理论功率集成技术实验室Pulse Skip Modulation (PSM)100Efficiency(%)90 80 70 60 50 20 40 60 Vin=2.0V Vin=1.8V Vin=1.5V Vin=1.2V 80 100I-out(mA)2010-4-2918Digitally Assisted Power Integration (DAPI) 功率集成技术实验室复杂负载SoC的低功耗设计问题数模混合SoC SIP2010-4-2919集成电路发展趋势ITRS功率集成技术实验室国 际 半 导 体 技 术 蓝 图2010-4-2920¾Realization of high voltage (> 700 V) in Device Letters¾New high-voltage (> 1200 V) MOSFET with the¾30(3):305-307, 2009 ¾¾ADI ¾NIKO(四)课题组在研的主要项目(五)课题组培养研究生的优势和竞争力(六)课题组对学生的要求。
实验3:BCD码计数器的VHDL描述及仿真一、实验目的:1.掌握BCD码计数器的VHDL描述方法2.理解逻辑综合的概念3.掌握RTL电路原理图分析的分析方法二、实验工具:Quartus_II 9.0三、实验原理:1.BCD码计数器设计原理BCD码的特点是用4位2进制数来表示一位10进制数,计数输出为一个4*n(n=0,1,2……)位的二进制数。
(1) 具有开关控制的IF语句主VHDL中,具有开关控制的IF语句是一种非常基本的顺序描述语句。
通常,它的语法结构如下所示:IF< 条件> THEN< 顺序处理语句>;END IF;当程序执行到IF语句时,如果IF语句中的条件成立,那么程序将执行后面的顺序处理语句;否则程序将跳出IF语句,转而去执行其他的程序处理语句。
(2) 具有二选择控制的IF语句在VHDL中,具有二选择控制的IF语句经常用来描述具有两个分支控制的逻辑功能电路。
通常,它的语法结构如下所示:IF< 条件> THEN< 顺序处理语句1 >;ELSE< 顺序处理语句2>;END IF;当程序执行到IF语句时,如果IF语句中的条件成立,那么程序将会执行后面的顺序处理语句1;否则程序将会去执行顺序处理语句2。
(3) 具有多选择控制的IF语句在VHDL中,具有多选择控制的IF语句经常用来描述具有多个选择分支的逻辑功能电路。
+ 7 → + 0111
………… …………
13 1011
+ 0110
8 1000
+ 9 → + 1001
作者:00111116 江新远
74LS283是TTL双极型并行4位全加器,,特点是先行禁卫,因此运算速度很快,其外形为双列直插。它有两组4位二进制数输入 ,一位低位向本位的进位输入 ,有一组二进制输出 ,一个最高位的进位输出,改器件所完成的4位二进制加法如图所示。
library ieee;
use fhomework1 is
port(a,b:in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
………… …………
17 1,0001
+ 0110
根据系统设计要求, 需要实现一个 4 位十进制数字频率计, 其原理框 图如图 1 所示。
主要由脉冲发生器电路、 测频控制信号发生器电路、 待测 信号计数模块电路、 锁存器、 七段译码驱动电路及扫描显示电路等模块组 成。
由于是4位十进制数字频率计, 所以计数器CNT10需用4个,7段显示译 码器也需用4个。
频率测量的基本原理是计算每秒钟内待测信号的脉冲个 数。
为此,测频控制信号发生器 F_IN_CNT 应设置一个控制信号时钟CLK , 一个计数使能信号输出端EN 、一个与EN 输出信号反 向的锁存输出信号 LOCK 和清零输出信号CLR 。
若CLK 的输入频率为1HZ ,则输出信号端EN 输出 一个脉宽恰好为1秒的周期信号, 可以 作为闸门信号用。
由它对频率计的 每一个计数器的使能端进行同步控制。
当EN 高电平时允许计数, 低电平时 住手计数,并保持所计的数。
在住手计数期间,锁存信号LOCK 的上跳沿 将计数器在前1秒钟的计数值锁存进4位锁存器LOCK ,由7段译码器译出 并稳定显示。
设置锁存器的好处是: 显示的数据稳定, 不会由于周期性的标准时钟 CLKEN待测信号计数电路脉冲发 生器待测信号F_INLOCK锁存与译 码显示驱 动电路测频控制信 号发生电路CLR扫描控制数码显示清零信号而不断闪烁。
时基产生与测频时序控制电路主要产生计数允许信号EN、清零信号CLR 和锁存信号LOCK。
河南科技大学课程设计说明书课程名称 EDA技术题目八位二进制转化为BCD码及余三码、BCD码转化为余三码学院车辆与动力工程学院班级学生姓名指导教师日期2012年7月14号八位二进制码转化为BCD码及余三码、BCD码转化余三码摘要八位二进制数转化为BCD码和余三码的转换在计算机语言中起到了非常重要的作用,通过这次的课程设计让我们更好地掌握二进制数转化为BCD 码和余三码。
如,(526)10进制=(0101 0010 0110)8421BCD码=(1000 0101 1001)余3码EDA技术打破了软件和硬件间的壁垒,使计算机的软件技术与硬件实现、设计效率与产品性能合二为一,它代表了电子设计技术和应用技术的发展方向。
本设计采用VHDL,Altera公司的Quartus II软件仿真,来实现八位二进制到BCD和BCD到余三码的转换。
关键词:八位二进制、BCD码、余三码、VHDL目录第一章绪论 (1)§1.1 课程设计题目 (1)§1.2 设计目的 (2)§1.3 课程设计要求 (2)第二章EDA、VHDL简介 (3)§2.1 EDA简介 (3)§2.2 VHDL简介 (3)第三章设计过程 (5)§3.1设计规划 (5)§3.2各个模块设计及原理图 (5)§3.2.1八位二进制码转化为八位BCD码 (5)§3.2.2八位BCD码转化为八位余三码 (6)§3.2.3八位二进制码转化为8位余三码 (7)第四章系统仿真 (9)§4.1八位二进制码转化为八位BCD码仿真及分析 (9)§4.2八位BCD码转化为八位余三码仿真及分析 (9)§4.3八位二进制码转化为八位余三码仿真及分析 (10)第五章总结 (11)参考文献 (12)第一章绪论随着计算机科学与技术突飞猛进地发展,用数字电路进行信号处理的优势也更加突出,自20世纪70年代开始,这种用数字电路处理模拟信号的所谓“数字化”浪潮已经席卷了电子技术几乎所有的应用领域EDA是电子设计自动化(Electronic Design Automation)的缩写,在20世纪90年代初从计算机辅助设计(CAD)、计算机辅助制造(CAM)、计算机辅助测试(CAT)和计算机辅助工程(CAE)的概念发展而来的。
BCD工艺结合了Bipolar、CMOS和DMOS 三种技术,可以实现模拟、数字和功率三个领域的集成,因此在汽车电子、消费电子和通信等领域有着广泛的应用。
二、源程序及各模块和重要语句旳功能libraryieee;use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;useieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;entity plj isport(start:instd_logic;--复位信号clk :in std_logic; --系统时钟clk1:in std_logic; --被测信号yy1:out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);--八段码w1 :out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0));--数码管位选信号endplj;architecturebehavofPLj issignalb1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7:std_logic_vector(3 downto0);--十进制计数器signalbcd:std_logic_vector(3 downto0); --BCD码寄存器signal q:integer range 0to 49999999;--秒分频系数signal qq : integer range0 to499999; --动态扫描分频系数signal en,bclk:std_logic; --使能信号,有效被测信号signal sss:std_logic_vector(3downto 0); --小数点signal bcd0,bcd1,bcd2,bcd3 :std_logic_vector(3 downto0);--寄存7位十位计数器中有效旳高4位数据beginsecond:process(clk) --此进程产生一种持续时间为一秒旳旳闸门信号beginif start='1' then q<=0;elsif clk'event and clk='1' thenif q<49999999 then q<=q+1;else q<=49999999;end if;end if;ifq<49999999 and start='0' then en<='1';else en<='0';end if;end process;and2:process(en,clk1) --此进程得到7位十进制计数器旳计数脉冲beginbclk<=clk1 anden;endprocess;com:process(start,bclk) --此进程完毕对被测信号计脉冲数beginifstart='1' then--复位b1<="0000";b2<="0000";b3<="0000";b4<="0000";b5<="0000";b6<="0000";b7<="0000";elsif bclk'event andbclk='1' thenifb1="1001"then b1<="0000"; --此IF语句完毕个位十进制计数ifb2="1001"then b2<="0000"; --此IF语句完毕百位十进制计数if b3="1001" thenb3<="0000"; --此IF语句完毕千位十进制计数ifb4="1001" then b4<="0000";--此IF语句完毕万位十进制计数if b5="1001" THENb5<="0000"; --此IF语句完毕十万位十进制计数if b6="1001" thenb6<="0000"; --此IF语句完毕百万位十进制计数if b7="1001" then b7<="0000"; --此IF语句完毕千万位十进制计数elseb7<=b7+1;endif;else b6<=b6+1;end if;else b5<=b5+1;endif;else b4<=b4+1;end if;else b3<=b3+1;end if;elseb2<=b2+1;endif;else b1<=b1+1;end if;endif;end process;process(clk) --此进程把7位十进制计数器有效旳高4位数据送入bcd0~3;并得到小数点信息beginif rising_edge(clk)thenif en='0' thenif b7>"0000" then bcd3<=b7;bcd2<=b 6; bcd1<=b5;bcd0<=b4; sss<="1110";elsif b6>"0000" thenbcd3<=b6; bcd2<=b5;bcd1<=b4;bcd0<=b3; sss<="1101";elsifb5>"0000"thenbcd3<=b5;bcd2<=b4; bcd1<=b3;bcd0<=b2;sss<="1011";ﻩelse bcd3<=b4; bcd2<=b3; bcd1<=b2; bcd0<=b1; sss<="1111";end if;end if;end if;end process;weixuan:process(clk) --此进程完毕数据旳动态显示beginif clk'event and clk='1' thenif qq< 99999 then qq<=qq+1;bcd<=bcd3; w1<="0111";ﻩif sss="0111" thenyy1(0)<='0';ﻩelseyy1(0)<='1';ﻩﻩend if;elsif qq<199999 then qq<=qq+1;bcd<=bcd2; w1<="1011";ﻩif sss="1011" then yy1(0)<='0';ﻩelseyy1(0)<='1';ﻩend if;elsifqq<299999then qq<=qq+1;bcd<=bcd1; w1<="1101";ﻩif sss="1101"then yy1(0)<='0';ﻩelse yy1(0)<='1';end if;elsif qq<399999 thenqq<=qq+1;bcd<=b cd0; w1<="1110";ifsss="1110" thenyy1(0)<='0';else yy1(0)<='1';end if;else qq<=0;end if;end if;end process;m0:process(bcd) --译码begincasebcd iswhen"0000"=>yy1(7 downto1)<="0000001";when "0001"=>yy1(7 downto1)<="1001111";when"0010"=>yy1(7 downto1)<="0010010";when "0011"=>yy1(7 downto 1)<="0000110";when "0100"=>yy1(7 downto 1)<="1001100";when "0101"=>yy1(7downto1)<="0100100";when "0110"=>yy1(7 downto 1)<="1100000";when "0111"=>yy1(7 downto1)<="0001111";when"1000"=>yy1(7downto 1)<="0000000";when "1001"=>yy1(7 downto 1)<="0001100";when others=>yy1(7 downto1)<="1111111";end case;endprocess;end behav;三、程序仿真图注:仿真中秒分频为50000,动态显示旳分频系数也相应调小。
以下是一个案例:标识符 {de329298-0dd8-11e0-90b6-8af61b7989dc}device partition=G:path \Windows\system32\winload.exedescription Windows 7 Ultimateosdevice partition=G:systemroot \Windows要实现添加以上启动项信息,可依次键入以下命令:bcdedit /create {35f41e64-23c5-11e0-b95b-fe17cc1d8647} /d “Windows 7 Ultimate” /appl ication osloaderbcdedit /set {35f41e64-23c5-11e0-b95b-fe17cc1d8647} device partition=G:bcdedit /set {35f41e64-23c5-11e0-b95b-fe17cc1d8647} path\Windows\system32\winload.exebcdedit /set {35f41e64-23c5-11e0-b95b-fe17cc1d8647} systemroot \Windowsbcdedit /set {35f41e64-23c5-11e0-b95b-fe17cc1d8647} osdevicepartition=G:bcdedit /displayorder {35f41e64-23c5-11e0-b95b-fe17cc1d8647} /addfirst附,关闭Hyper-V,让windows运行VMWare。
打开cmd,键入:bcdedit /copy {default} /d“Windows Server 2008 Without Hyper-V” (windows会自动生成一个guid,注意记下)然后再键入:bcdedit /set {xxxxxxxxxxxx} hypervisorlaunchtype off {}里面填入前面一个命令出来的guid号。
IDOC PROCESSING1. Definition.The term ID oc comes from “Intermediate Document”. It is the SAP word for EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) and defines the data transfer (data interchange) between different systems.It allows us to generate or to receive a standard SAP format with business information. This is, it allows us to build a standard SAP Material Document with data from the business process as material, plant, movement type, etc.The IDoc Interface consists of the definition of a data structure and a processing logic for this data.The data structure is the IDoc. It is the exchange format that unites the communicating systems (the sending system must be able to build this data and the receiving system must be able to “understand” and process this data).To access to the IDocs – related transactions it can be more convenient to use the area menu via transaction WEDI.2. Terms.Some special concepts to take into account:2.1. Outbound processing: In outbound processing, document data is written to the IDoc and sent to the receiving system from our SAP System.2.2. Inbound processing: In inbound processing, IDocs are transferred to our SAP System from a different system.2.3. Message type: Identifies the action to be done by the ALE-layer.The ALE-layer is the “Application Link Enabling” layer and it has three levels: Application -> What am I transferring? Application data, master data,…Distribution -> To which system am I sending the information or from which system am I receiving the information?Communication -> How am I sending the data? File, RFC,…The message type defines the business significance (for example: create a material document; create a purchase order).In the Inventory Management area, currently, we have two different message types:∙WMMBXY: Created by the Warehouse Management area to post goods movements from non SAP systems. Meanwhile abused for all kinds of goods movements and therefore in some cases not able to satisfy the customers needs. The interfacestructure originally was quite narrow and has been altered a couple of times.∙MBGMCR: As of release 4.5A, the new created BAPI_GOODSMVT_CREATE was used to generate an IDOC structure. As the BAPI is documented, this IDOC should be recommended to customers when planning a system setup.The different message types can be displayed with the transaction WE81.(Note: Within the standard MM-IM area there is not any IDoc for outbound processing. The two standard message types WMMBXY and MBGMCR are only for inbound processing. Some customers who desire to have IDocs for outbound processing in the MM-IM area have chosen a message type from the Inventory Controlling (MM-IS) area, INVCON, but, of, course, they do not handle exactly the same information).2.4. IDoc type: Once we have defined the business significance with the message type, we must choose a basic type or IDoc type which will tell us the exact structure of the Idoc we must complete with data.The IDoc types are, therefore, the carrier of the application data.∙WMMBID01, WMMBID02,...: IDOCs of message type WMMBXY. The number specifies the version. These contain the DDIC-structures E1MBXYH (header) and E1MBXYI (item), additionally E1MBXYJ (additional item data as subnode).∙MBGMCR01: Message type MBGMCR with the structuresE1BP2017_GM_HEAD_01, E1BP2017_GM_CODE,E1BP2017_GM_ITEM_CREATE and E1BP2017_GM_SERIALNUMBER.∙WPUBON01, WPUWBW01, ...: These are IDOC structures created by our colleagues from SAP-Retail to satisfy special needs (handling of structured material, tied empties, ...). They use their own processing function modules before callingMB_CREATE_GOODS_MOVEMENT. Errors that obviously are not caused byMB_CREATE_GOODS_MOVEMENT should be sent to component IS-R at first for analysis.The different IDoc types can be displayed with WE30.We can see the assignment of an IDoc type to a Message type in WE82.2.5. Segments: The data we must complete in the IDoc is divided by segments. We can have segments for the header data, item data…The segments can be displayed in WE31 (for example,E1BP2017_GM_ITEM_CREATE).2.6. Extensions: When customer defines his own data and he wants to transfer it using IDocs, then he has to enter this data in this specific segments.2.7. Partner numbers: these represent the sender and the receiver of the IDoc.The documentation can be seen in WE60 per basic type (IDoc type) or segment.3. Prerequisites to create and post an IDOC.Besides the message type, an IDOC contains information about the sender and the receiver. These are represented in form of partner numbers which control what to do with the IDOC when it arrives.In our internal test systems we will normally use a partner type LS (Logical System). For the message type WMMBXY, the partner number WM_SUB_001 works.In transaction WE20 first check that the partner you have chosen is active (status A under the Classification tab; first section).In the section Inbound parameters, you can see the possible message types that we will receive from this partner.If necessary, add the message types WMMBXY or MBGMCR to the list.In the detail view of the message type, you have to specify a Process code. The process code controls the execution of the posting from application side. The correct setting for WMMBXY is code WMMB and for MBGMCR it is BAPI.The flags Syntax check and Trigger by background program should be set. The background trigger enables processing the IDOC via manual start with debugging possibility.Transaction WE42 assigns the process codes to the function modules which are called to process the IDOC. For WMMB, the function module L_IDOC_INPUT_WMMBXY is entered, for BAPI is it BAPI_IDOC_INPUT1. Further settings are “Process withALE”and “Process by function module”.The final assignment between the message type and the application object can be seen with WE57. (Note: Here the “position” button does not return any result; in order to select an entry go to the menu path ‘Selection criteria’ -> ‘By contents…’ and work from here).4. View and Edit IDocs.To view an IDoc with a given number, use transaction WE02.The Date created field will always be defaulted with the current date, so it will need to be deleted if the IDoc to be selected has not been created today.From the resulting list, you can branch into the single IDoc display (if only one IDoc is selected, this will be done automatically).There are three types of records:The Control Record which contains the organizational data (message type, basic type, partner data,…)The data records, which contain the structures with the application data to be posted. In Inventory Management IDocs, there is header data and item data.The status records, which give a chronological view of the IDOC history. Possible status numbers are: 64 (ready to be posted), 51 (tried to post but resulted in application error), 53 (document successfully posted), 56 (IDOC faulty), 69 (IDOC was edited) and 70 (original of an edited IDOC).All the different status can be displayed with transaction WE47.The statuses for outbound IDocs are between '01' and '49', while the statuses for inbound IDocs start from '50'.By double clicking a data segment, you see the data in the proper fields.You can modify the data in a segment by using WE19.If you do not know the IDoc number, you can use transaction WE05 to search IDocs by message type.5. How to create an IDOC.5.1. From an existing material document:To copy the data from an existing material document into an IDoc of type WMMBXY and create it, use the report RLMBXY00.In the selection screen, fill in the material document number and year and press enter. Now the logical system name of your client (the system in which you are working) should become filled. As partner number of the sender, enter the partner number from chapter 3 (WM_SUB_001) and mark “task in background”.The report creates the IDoc and sends it to the ALE input layer.In transaction WE05, you should be able to locate the IDoc looking for message type WMMBXY in status 64 (ready). You can modify the data if necessary be editing the IDOC data segments in WE19. In most cases this is necessary as the report fills all available fields from the material document (e.g. DMBTR, BSTMG, MENGE). In normal IDOCs, these data are usually not filled but calculated byMB_CREATE_GOODS_MOVEMENT.5.2. Manual creation.Transaction WE19 allows to create an IDOC as a copy of another IDOC or from scratch. Here you have to specify the BasicType (WMMBID01/02, MBGMCR01/02) or the message type (WMMBXY, MBGMCR).The tool shows you the control record and the initial data segments which you can edit and fill with data.In the control record (EDIDC), you have to fill at least these data:∙Recipient port: SAP+<name of your system>, e.g. SAPU9C.∙Recipient partner number: Our logical system, the one in which we are currently working and the one in which the material document will be posted. For example: U9CCLNT800 when working in U9C client 800.∙Recipient partner type: LS (for logical system).∙Sender partner port: Use F4 and choose any entry. It is important that the field is filled, but not the value.∙Sender partner number: as chosen in 3 (WM_SUB_001) or try another one which in WE20 has the message type MBGMCR assigned as inbound parameter(U9BCLNT800).∙Sender partner type: LS.∙Message: WMMBXY or MBGMCR, depending on your IDOC type.The data records have to be filled with your application data. It is possible to append new lines if you want to post more than one item with the IDoc. This is done by the icons copy and paste. When pasting, paste at the same level to create a new item.(Note: check table T158G for the Goods Movement Code; Account Data fields need to be completed with leading zeroes).Press Standard inbound.If there are errors in the partners and ports definitions they will be displayed now. The idoc is transferred to the application.6. Posting an IDOC.Transaction BD87 initiates the application processing of IDocs.It is necessary to start this transaction and process the IDoc manually when in WE20 the message type has been set to be processed as “Trigger by background program”. In this case the IDoc remains in status 64 till it is finally processed manually.When the processing of the message is set to “Trigger immediately” the application document is posted (material document is created) and the status is set to 53.First of all, you specify which types of IDocs you want to post. In the following selection screen, specify the number or numbers of the IDocs you want to post.When executing, the ALE layer analyses the sender information and finds out what to do with the IDoc. Depending on the message type, a function module is called which handles the application data.6.1. Processing WMMBXY:This message type is processed by the function module L_IDOC_INPUT_WMMBXY. Its task are:∙Convert the unstructured data from the IDOC into the correct DDIC-structures (FORM wmmbid01_segment_uebernehmen).∙Call a User-Exit to manipulate the data. This one is used e.g. to set the flag XRERE or other data that are not present in the IDOC communication structure.∙Call MB_CREATE_GOODS_MOVEMENT.∙Call another User-Exit.∙Extract error information and hand them over to the ALE status controller.The COMMIT WORK always occurs in the ALE layer. ROLLBACK WORK is triggered within this function module if MB_CREATE returns errors.The customer exits can be found in the SAP-enhancements MWMIDO07 and MWMIDO08 together with their documentation.Problems with this function module (see note list) have been handled by our colleagues from WM who are responsible for the code.The function module is not "mass data capable".6.2. Processing MBGMCR:The function modules operating with this message type have been generated by the transaction BDBG which is maintained by component BC-MID-ALE (programmer: Eryi Zhang). The function modules reside in the function group MB_BUS2017.The most important one is IDOC_INPUT_MBGMCR which is the caller ofBAPI_GOODSMVT_CREATE. It moves the raw IDOC data to the DDIC-structures and handles the error messages issued by the BAPI. The BAPI itself calls a couple of function modules generated by transaction BDBS which map an internal structure as IMSEG to an external structure as GOODSMVT_ITEM. This mapping includes:∙Field names (MATERIAL --> MATNR).∙Unit fields (ISO-code --> SAP internal representation, e.g. EA --> ST).∙SAP specials (e.g. NPLNR/VORNR --> APLZL/AUFPL).7. Usual problems with IDOCs.7.1. Incomplete refresh.Most errors in the posting of IDOCs result in the fact that the function moduleMB_CREATE_GOODS_MOVEMENT is called several times within a single internal mode. The implicit refresh in the dialog transaction, caused by LEAVE TO TRANSACTION ... does not occur here, so all internal data have to be cleared explicitly. Sometimes, the error is not in our function module, but in external applications. A prominent example are the modules from purchasing. A couple of errors were caused because their internal buffers have not been refreshed between the calls, resulting in wrong data delivered with the second and more calls.Therefore, if the error description indicates that the error does not occur if single IDOCs are processed, try to set up an example where two or more IDOCs will be posted in a row. This can be simulated by BD87 when entering more than one IDOC number.7.2. Incompletely filled IDOC structure.As already mentioned, WMMBXY is used for more movements than it was originally designed for. So the documentation to the customer is not concise with respect to the fields that have to be filled to obtain the desired result.You should check that the call to MB_CREATE is complete in the sense that we have all necessary data. A prominent example for "missing functionality" is the flag XRERE (read reservation), which is not contained in the IDOC structure. If the user wants to read the data from a reservation, the flag has to be set in the user exit explicitly.7.3. Incorrectly filled IDOC structure.The data in the IDOC are untyped, meaning that an external application has no clue about R/3 data types as DATS and NUMC. This leads to errors if an external application fills the IDOC obviously correct from an external point of view, but faulty as soon as the data are casted into a DDIC structure.If for example an external application fills the field EXPIRYDATE of MBGMCR01 with a sensible initial value of <space> to indicate that no expirydate is given, this is moved to IMSEG-VFDAT, which is of data type DATS. The initial value for this field is 00000000, but <space> is accepted and does not create a conversion error. Every time we check for IMSEG-VFDAT IS INITIAL, this condition is false, as <space> is not the correct initial value. If we start performing arithmetical operations on this field, the result might be a short dump.7.4. Timing and locking problems.It is possible for the ALE layer to distribute incoming IDOCs to parallel workprocesses for execution. This will cause locking errors if the same objetcs (purchase orders, production orders, ...) are to be posted.Another problem arises if the IDOCs are not sent in the proper timing order. Stock transfers for example will only be successful if the goods issue is posted before the goods receipt. There are possibilities to serialize the IDOC processing within the ALE layer. Problems of this kind should be routed to BC-MID-ALE for further investigation, as the sequence in which we are called is not in our hands.8. Tips and Tricks.8.1. IDOCs Made Easy:In most IDOC messages, the description about how the document is posted is quite frightening. However, in most cases, the symptom is not only appearing when the IDOC is used but also when much easier methods are used. To make it easier and to enable debugging (checking interfaces!), the following methods are usually successful:▪Have a look at the data of the IDOC in WE02. Do you expect an online transaction to post the document when exactly those fields are filled? If it wasn't obvious, use the online documentation of BAPI_GOODSMVT_CREATE to find out which fields have to be filled at least.▪IDOC MBGMCR is calling BAPI_GOODSMVT_CREATE. Use SE37, press button 'Single Test' (F8) and enter the data you can see in WE02. Execute the program and look what's happening. If it was the same, the issue can at least be reduced to a BAPI issue, which is much easier to analyze.▪If the same was happening in the BAPI, the next step is to check the same in MIGO or MBxx to see if it was a general issue.▪If the result of the previous steps was that that the symptom is really appearing for an IDOC only, there are two chances for an easy solution remaining: You could do a code review in the customer exits in function group LMDE or tell the customer to check the RFC settings (480089 and related notes).▪If all this didn't help, it was really an IDOC issue. Further information about this can be found in SAPNet (Info-Pool).8.2. Finding the IDOC for a material documentIn some cases (depending on the set up of SAP-workflow) it is possible to find out the IDOC which caused a given material document. These are the steps:∙In SE16 for table SWW_CONTOB, locate the entry with OBJTYPE = BUS2017, OBJKEY = <material document number> (with leading zeros).∙Select SWW_CONTOB with the found WI_ID (workitem ID).∙In the line with ELEMENT = INBOUND_IDOC, you can find the IDOC number in the OBJKEY.8.3. Debugging with IDOCs∙Set a breakpoint in L_IDOC_INPUT_WMMBXY or BAPI_GOODSMVT_CREATE.When posting the IDOC with BD87, you will reach the breakpoint and have access to the importing data of our modules. Check them for correctness. Execute our module.Are the return tables correctly filled?∙After you have edited an IDOC, it has status 69. Unfortunately, the selection screen of BD87 does not allow to enter more than a single IDOC number for this status, so it is not possible to simulate the refresh problem. Solution: Modify the status of theIDOC in table EDIDC by the proper means and change it to 51.∙To repost an IDOC that has already been posted, you have to modify the status history in table EDIDS to convince the system that it is allowed to post the IDOC.∙To check the error handling of the IDOC processor, execute the call to us and move a proper return code into our return structure to indicate an error (e.g. EMKPF-SUBRC > 5 for WMMBXY, Release ≥ 4.0A).8.4. Sending an IDOC.The documentation of SAP-enhancement MB_CF001 (customer exit inMB_POST_DOCUMENT) contains a description of the function modules necessary to send an IDOC from within ABAP-code.。
实验5:基于VHDL的病房呼叫系统一、实验目的1、熟练掌握利用Quartus Ⅱ6.0软件进行电子系统设计的基本流程;2、熟练运用VHDL程序设计一个病房呼叫系统。
上海电力学院实验报告实验课程名称:现代数字系统设计实验项目名称:BCD码显示及运算班级:2010251姓名:李鑫学号: ********成绩:______ 实验时间:2012年11月8日1.二进制码到BCD码的转换二进制码与BCD码之间的转换关系见下表:表中将4位二进制输入V=v3v2v1v0转换成2位十进制D=d1d0,实现办法是用SW[3..0]作为二进制输入,而用HEX1和HEX0作为十进制输出的显示。
由于程序中用到了二进制码与十进制数之间的比较,所以需要添加一个程序包如下:library ieee;use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;第3步:完成代码转换之后,需要将BCD码在数码管上显示,所以需要在项目中添加实验3中完成的num_7seg.vhd文件。
library ieee;use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;entity bin_bcd isport(SW:in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); HEX1,HEX0:out std_logic_vector(6 downto 0)); end bin_bcd;architecture BCD of bin_bcd isbeginwith SW(3 downto 0)selectHEX1<="1000000" when "0000","1000000" when "0001","1000000" when "0010","1000000" when "0011","1000000" when "0100","1000000" when "0101","1000000" when "0110","1000000" when "0111","1000000" when "1000","1000000" when "1001","1111001" when others;with SW(3 downto 0)selectHEX0<="1000000" when "0000","1111001" when "0001","0100100" when "0010","0110000" when "0011","0011000" when "0100","0010010" when "0101","0000010" when "0110","1111000" when "0111","0000000" when "1000","0010000" when "1001","1000000" when "1010","1111001" when "1011","0100100" when "1100","0110000" when "1101","0011000" when "1110","0010010" when others;end BCD ;2.1位BCD加法器电路原理是输入两个BCD码A和B以及1位进位输入cin,输出是BCD码的和sum以及1位进位输出cout。
3.1 BCD工艺发展方向[7-8] BCD 工艺技术的发展不像标准 CMOS 工艺那
样,一直遵循 Moore 定律向更小线宽、更快的速 度方向发展。B C D 工艺朝着三个方向分化发展: 高压、高功率、高密度。
⑴高压 B C D 主要的电压范围是 500 ~7 0 0 V ,目前用来制 造 L D M O S 的唯一方法为 RESURF 技术,原意为 降低表面电场(reduced surface fi e l d)[9-10],在 1979 年由J.A.Appels等人提出。它是利用轻掺杂 的 外 延 层 制 作 器 件 ,使 表 面 电 场 分 布 更 加 平 坦 从 而 改 善 表 面 击 穿 的 特 性 ,使 击 穿 发 生 在 体 内 而 非 表面, 从而提高器件的击穿电压。高压BCD 主要的 应用领域是电子照明(electronic lamp ballasts) 和工业应用的功率控制。 ⑵高功率 B C D 主要的电压范围是 40~90V,主要的应用为汽 车电子。它的需求特点是大电流驱动能力、中等电 压,而控制电路往往比较简单。因此主要发展趋势
2 BCD 工艺关键技术简介
2.1 BCD 工艺的基本要求 首先,B C D 工艺必须把双极器件、C M O S 器
件和 D M O S 器件同时制作在同一芯片上,而且这 三种器件在集成后应基本上能具有各自分立时所具 有的良好性能;其次,BCD 工艺制造出来的芯片 应 具 有 更 好 的 综 合 性 能 ; 此 外 ,相 对 于 其 中 最 复 杂的工艺(如双阱、多层布线、多层多晶硅的 C M O S 工艺)不应增加太多的工艺步骤。
场极板的长度。 DMOS 器件是由成百上千的单一结构的 D M O S
以下是一种可能的实现方式:```vhdllibrary ieee;use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;entity bcd_to_seven_seg isportbcd: in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);seg: out std_logic_vector(6 downto 0)end bcd_to_seven_seg;architecture rtl of bcd_to_seven_seg isbeginprocess(bcd) isbegincase bcd isend case;end process;end rtl;```在上面的代码中,实体`bcd_to_seven_seg`定义了输入端口`bcd`和输出端口`seg`。
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A Study on Process Integration of HighVoltage BCDMOS ICAbstractHV-BCDMOS-IC is a sort of complex circuit composed of Bipolar, CMOS andLDMOS devices. In this paper, a 600V RESURF LDMOS with a p-type buriedlayer and the metal field plate is proposed for improving the surface electricfield and reducing the on-resistance of LDMOS. A 600V BCD technology basedon standard Bi-CMOS process is realized by adding PN isolation, double welland other optimized processes. With the process simulator TSUPREM-4 and 2-Ddevice simulator MEDICI, the processes and structures of different devices havebeen simulated and optimized, especially for the HV-LDMOS. Using thistechnology we developed a power IC. The test results show a good consistencywith that we have expected. The 600V BCD technology thus can be used in thedesign of HVIC.Keywords: BCD technology; RESURF; LDMOS; Field Plate1IntroductionThe rapidly growing market of monolithic smart power IC’s (SPIC) greatly accelerates the evolution of BCD technology. Today’s smart power applications require IC control devices in the 50-1200V range. These technologies combine Bipolar, CMOS and power DMOS devices on a single chip. Compared with the traditional bipolar power technology, BCD technology has an obvious advantage. The designers of the BCD have more spaces to choose among high density and low power consumption of CMOS, high power drive capability and high speed of bipolar and large current and high breakdown voltage of DMOS [1]-[5]. A great many researches have been done by researchers both at home and abroad [6]-[11]. Now the research direction is along high voltage, high power and high density. As for high voltage, the key problem is the design of DMOS device and the process of integrating it with low voltage devices. The BCD technology abroad has already been very mature, but little research work has been done at home. In order to fill such vacancies, we conducted this investigation.In this paper, the RESURF-LDMOS with lateral double diffused structure, p-type buried layer and metal field plate was proposed to achieve the demand of integration on HVIC. Research was mainly on the choosing of materials, adjusting of impurity concentration, controlling of thedepth of the junctions, and the optimizing of the structure of HV devices. Based on the research of 600V LDMOS, a new process that can integrate the LDMOS with standard Bi-CMOS has been developed. PN isolation, double well and other optimized processed have also been used. The experimental results show that this technology can be used in the design of HVIC.2The optimization of structure on HV-LDMOS2.1The stru cture of LDMOSLDMOS is a lateral power device with double diffused structure. The channel length is decided by the length of the double lateral diffused region. Figure 1 displays the LDMOS device cross section introduced in this study. This device differs from a traditional NMOS device in that it has an extended drain region under field oxide (FOX) consisting of an n-drift region and an n-layer for on-resistance control. This extended drain region supports the high voltages applied to this device. The poly silicon gate extends over a thin gate oxide and the body (p-body) terminating on the FOX. Key LDMOS performance parameters are low onR and high drain breakdown voltage. Critical LDMOS I-D layout parameters are the distances from source to FOX edge and FOX width, since these distances must sustain the high LDMOS drain voltages.2.2D e s i gn o f H V-L DM OSBecause of the affection to the curvature in PN junction interface, the electric field in the surface tends to be larger than the maximum electric field in the body .and the breakdown voltage is decided by the surface breakdown. Meanwhile, when the impact ionization happens, the hot carriers generated in the ionization are apt to enter the silicon oxide layer and become fixed charges which will affect the distribution of the electric field, cause instability to the device and reduce the device reliability. Therefore, for this design, not only the material and structure parameters should be chosen properly to bear the breakdown voltage in a given voltage, but also some special structures should be introduced to reduce the maximum surface electric field. This design was based on the RESURF [12] theory including the buried layer and the field plate [13]-[14] techniques.2.2.1 Influence on brea kdown voltage by drift r eg io n do s e an d bu r ie d la y e r RESURF (Reduced-Surface-Field) has been extensively used in the design of High Voltage devices. The key function of it is to reduce the surface electric field by interactions of the electric fields between epitaxial layer depletion region and substrate depletion region. Thus the breakdown point will transfer from surface to the body. When these two breakdowns happen, the device will get its maximum breakdown voltage. As a result, the breakdown voltage of the device is improved. According to this rule, in order to get its maximum breakdown voltage, the drift layer must be fully depleted, and the breakdown point must be in the PN junction interface of the P-substrate and the N-drift layer [15] (A in Figure 1).The main factors that affect the breakdown voltage are the length of the drift region (d L ), the junction depth and the impurity concentration (d N ). Generally speaking, as the drift region length grows, the lateral breakdown voltage will increase. But when the length grows to a certain value, the lateral breakdown voltage remains constant. The deeper the drift region is, the higher the longitudinal breakdown voltage becomes. An analysis will be made between the drift region dose and the breakdown voltage in the following.The relation between the drift dose and breakdown characteristic has been obtained by 2D devices simulator MEDICI. And the result shows when the drift dose is too small, the breakdown voltage will be low, which is induced by the surface breakdown in the drain. When the drift dose is too large, the breakdown voltage will still stay low, which is ascribed to the avalanche breakdown in the PN junction between the channel and the drift region. As a result, too small or too large a drift dose will both do harm to the breakdown voltage. So a compromise dose should be included. According to the semiconductor device theory, we have the following equations [16],V N N q N N W a d a d s sub drift )()(2+=ε (1) )(2)(2a d s sub drifta d N N W N N q V +=ε (2)Where drift W is the width of the depletion region of the drift substrate PN junction,d N is the concentration of the n-drift region and a N the concentration of the p-type substrate. V is the backward voltage .For abrupt junction (such as drift /well junction), the breakdown voltage (BV) is,d cs drift wellc qN E W E BV 222ε== (3)Where c E is the critical electric field, drift well W is the width of the depletion region of drift/well junction.According to the RESURF theory, before the avalanche breakdown at the drift /well junction, the drift region must be fully depleted. So the following equation can be derived.222)(2)(c a d s sub dritf d a E N N W N N q ≤+ε (4) Defining D W N sub drift d =(drift dose), sub drift W is the vertical width of the depletion region when the drift region is fully depleted. The critical electric field of Si is about 4×105v/cm.If a d N N 10=,we can drive that 212108.0−×≤cm D .Because the c E we use is lower than the average. In order to get the expected device, comparing with the normal fabrication character and the simulation result, we defined 212100.1−×=cm D as a reference. The range of D was given from 212108.0−×cm to 212104.1−×cm , and the relationship between breakdown voltage and impurity concentration has been simulated by MEDICI. Finally we get the proper dose 212102.1−×=cm D and the drift region depth um W drift 6=. According to the RESURF theory, when breakdown happens in a LDMOS, the drift region is fully depleted, so we have sub drift dritf W W =. Together with the equation that has been defined before we get the concentration of the drift region 315102−×=cm N d (cm ⋅Ω=3.2ρ).In the RESURF LDMOS, p-type buried layer has also been introduced. It will decrease the curvature of equipotential lines. This electric field shaping method can ensure a thick epitaxy when given the epitaxy concentration and a high impurity concentration when given the epitaxy thickness. Both will result in a decrease in the on-resistance without any reduction of the breakdown voltage.2.2.2 Inf lue nc e o n t he b r eak d ow n v o l ta g e by t he le ng th of f ie ld pla teThe field plate technique has already been extensively applied in high voltage devices. By adding several peak electric filed to substitute the maximum peak electric field, the peak electric field in the surface will be obviously reduced. Compared with other mechanics that have the same function, this technique has the advantages that doesn’t need to an increase of the chip area and some extra process. In the following emphasis will be given to the fact that how the field plates on the right and left will affect the breakdown voltage.The metal field plate on the left is formed by the aluminum electrode extension from the source to the drain. The length of the field plate is X, and it is used to increase the breakdown voltage by reducing the peak electric field in the end of the poly-gate. As shown in Figure 2 (a), the potential lines are more intensive at the end of the poly-gate when no field gate is applied. But when metal field plate is introduced, the potential lines at the end of the poly-gate are moderated. And the peak electric field transfers from B to C, shown in Figure 2 (b). So the field plate here can play a great part in the reducing of the peak electric in the end of the poly-gate.(a) (b)Figure 2: (a) Potential distribution when X=0um(b) Potential distribution when X=6umSimilarly, the right side of the field plate can also make a decrease to the curvature of the equipotential lines and thus improve the breakdown voltage. More simulations have down by changing the length of the field plate on both side and finally a typical value that fit the design was obtained, the values are um X 6=,um K 10=.2.2.3 Influence on the breakdown voltage and on-resistance by the leng th ofd r i f t r eg i onIn order to get a high breakdown voltage, the drift region length should also be extended. But meanwhile, the width of the drift region also has to be extended for the sake of reducing the on- resistance. This is why most of the power devices always have large areas. In order to find the proper drift length, more simulations about the breakdown voltage and on-resistance have been done by MEDICI at different drift region lengths. Figure 3 shows the simulation result.Figure 3: Profiles of BV and sp on R . atDifferent d L As shown in Figure3, when d L increases, BV and sp on R . (Defined A R R on sp on ⋅=., A is the area of the device) increase at the same time. To get the expected device, we choose d L as 75um or 80um, and the simulation results are as follows,Table 1: Simulation Result when Dose is 1.2×1012cm -2Ld(um)sp on R . (Ω·um 2) Ron (W =2630um) (Ω) 75 23.44 118.83 8026.09124.00Table 1 shows us that onR at the given impurity concentration and the device width are more or less the same. Considering the minimum device area, finally we choose 75um as the drift length.2.3The optimu m stru cture and process parameter of LDMOSBased on the simulation of the parameters of LDMOS, such as the dose of the drift region, the length of the metal field plate, the length of the drift, finally the optimum structure and process parameters of HV-LDMOS are obtained. The impurity concentration of the p-type substrate is 1.5×1014 cm-3, the dose of the drift region is 1.2×1012 cm-2,the length of the drift region is 75um and the thickness is 6um. The length of the field plate is 6um in the source end and 10um in the drain end. Figure 4 is the cross section of the optimized LDMOS structure.Figure 4: Cross section of the LDMOS structure3Optimization design for BCDMOS processThe BCDMOS process is based on the Bi-CMOS process which has been dramatically improved. In order to get the expected device characteristic, some special structures and process have been proposed in this paper. Figure 5 is the cross section of the BCDMOS device.Figure 5: Cross section of the BCDMOSIn order to have the different devices well isolated, PN isolation was used here. As shown in Figure5, bottom isolation (BP in Figure 5) with a doping of Boron (60kev, 1.1×1012 cm-2) has been done before the epitxy procedure. This will reduce the anneal time and the impurity dose of the top isolation (GA in Figure 5) which also has a doping of Boron with the doping energy and dose 60kev, 8.0×1012 cm-2 respectively. And the epitaxy procedure will help the bottom isolation to anneal. This method can obviously increase the density of the device integration and achieve a better isolation result. To compatible with CMOS process, LOCOS isolation has also been introduced. This technique will help to the surface isolation of the device and reduce the surface current as well. T-SUPREM4 simulation results show that the LOCOS process should have a FOX thickness of 0.8um and be done at ℃1000 for 600 minutes.The double well (PW and NW in Figure 5) is used mainly to insure the performance of CMOS devices. The process parameters thus can be set independently. It will improve the CMOS parameters such as the threshold voltage, the breakdown voltage and the saturation current. It will also avoid the latch-up effect. So the concentration and the depth of the double well should be well designed. Meanwhile, the N+ buried layer can also reduce the latch-up effect and the series resistance of NPN collector [17].As shown in Figure 6, the relationship between threshold voltage and well dose has been simulated and the implantation status of p-well is 100kev, 9.0×1012cm-2. The implantation status of n-well is 80kev, 1.0×1012cm-2, and the anneal condition is 1200℃, 300 minutes.Gate oxide is most crucial for the stability of the threshold of CMOS and LDMOS, and in order to get the expected threshold, an implantation should be done to adjust the threshold voltage. Simulation results show that the threshold is proportional to the thickness of gate oxide and the dose of adjusting implantation. In this design, the thickness of the gate oxide is 450Å, and the implantation dose is 3.0×1012cm-2. The design of source and drain in CMOS and LDMOS is also very important for the device current, breakdown voltage and transconductance. Both of them have a high impurity concentration and a small junction depth. The bipolar transistor in this design also needs a high concentration in the emitter and the Ohmic contacts. So an optimized structure should be made to fulfill all the requirements and reduce the complexity and the steps of the process. After simulation, we get the implantation dose for n-type region 60kev, 3.0×1015cm-2 and p-type 40kev, 1.8×1015cm-2.(a) (b)Figure6: (a) NMOS transistor th V versus P-well dose(b) PMOS transistor th V versus N-well doseThe parasites in BCDMOS can not be omitted and measures should be taken to avoid this phenomenon. In this design, parasitic MOS transistors are formed below the thick field oxide. To prevent the conduction of the parasitic MOS channel, an adjusting implantation should be done below the field oxide. Considering the whole process, the implantation should be done after the etching of 43N Si , using the mask of n-well and p-well to save the cost of extra masks. For NMOS, the implantation status is phosphorus, 40kev, and 3.1×1012cm -2. For PMOS, the implantation status is Boron, 25kev and 1.6×1014cm -2. The dose and energy of the implantation must be low enough to reduce the influence on the former concentration and improve the device performances. If the energy is too high, the peak of the implantation ion will be far below the surface and can not act to increase the threshold voltage of the parasitic MOS channel.4 Simulations of BCDMOSFor NMOS transistor (W=1um, L=3um), the main structure characters are as follows. The thickness of n-epi is 6um, the implantation status of p-well is 100kev, 9.0×1012cm -2, the anneal condition of p-well is dry O 2 for 2 hours and N 2 for 3 hours at 1200℃, the thickness of gate oxide is 0.045um,the implantation status of n + drain is 60kev, 3.0×1015cm -2, and the anneal condition of n + drain is N 2 for 20 minutes at 1000℃. The simulation results are shown below.Figure7: Breakdown V oltage Simulation of NMOS Figure8: Output Characteristic Simulation of NMOSTable 2: Simulation Result of NMOS Characters (W=1.0um, L=3.0um)Vth(Ids=100nA) Ids(Vd=Vg=5V)for 50um width BVds(Ids=10uA)0.94V 3.41mA 20.10VFigure 9: Breakdown V oltage of PMOS Figure 10: Output Characteristic of PMOSFor PMOS transistor (W=1um,L=3um),the main structure characters are as follows, the thickness of n-epi is 6um,the implantation status of n-well is 80kev, 1.0×1012cm-2,the anneal condition of n-well is dry O2 for 2 hours and N2 for 3 hours at 1200,the thickness of gate oxide is 0.045um,the adjust℃implantation of the channel is 5×1011cm-2,the implantation status of p+ drain is 40kev, 1.8×1015cm-2, and the anneal condition of p+ drain is N2 for 20 minutes at 1000.℃ The simulation results are shown in Figure 9, 10 and Table 3.Table 3: Simulation Result of PMOS Characters (W=1.0um, L=3.0um)Vth(Ids=100nA) Ids(Vd=Vg=5V)for 50um widthBVds(Ids=10uA)1.12V 1.55mA -17.67VFigure11: Simulation of Emitter-Base Junction Figure12: Simulation of Emitter-Collector JunctionFor NPN triode, the main structure characters are as follows, the thickness of n-epi is 6um, the resistivity is 2.3Ω·cm, the implantation dose of base is 3.6×1013cm-2, the anneal condition of base is N2 for 90 minutes at 1150℃, the implantation dose of n+ region is 3.0×1015cm-2, the anneal condition of n+ region is N2 for 20 minutes at 1000℃.The simulation results are shown in Figure 11, 12 and Table 4.Table 4: Simulation Result of NPN Triode CharactersBvce(Ic=10uA) Bveb(Ic=10uA) R B85.79V 12.51V 804.10Ω/□For lateral PNP triode (base=epi), the main structure characters are as follows, the thickness of n-epi is 6um, the resistivity is 2.3Ω·cm,the implantation status of p+ region is 40kev, 1.88×1015cm-2,the anneal condition of p+ region is N2 for 20 minutes at 1000℃, and the width of the base region is 6um. The simulation results are shown below.Figure 13: Breakdown Simulation of LPNPTable 5: Simulation Result of LPNP Triode CharactersLPNP Bvce(Ic=10uA) -39.0VFor HV-LDMOS transistor, the main structure characters are as follows, the thickness of n-epi is 6um, and the resistivity is 2.3Ω·cm,the implantation status of buried layer is 40kev, 6.25×1012cm-2, the implantation dose of Dbase is 3.6×1013cm-2, the anneal condition of n+ drain is N2 for 90 minutes at 1150℃. The implantation status of n+ drain is60kev, 3.0×1015cm-2, and the anneal condition of n+ drain is N2 for 20 minutes at 1000℃. The simulation results are shown below.Table 6: Simulation Result of LDMOS (W=1.0um, L=3.0um)Vth(Ids=10uA) BVds(Ids=100uA)Rdson(Vd=1V,Vg=12V)for 2630um widthBVbs(Ids=10uA)1.83V 769.6V 110.00Ω 11.14VFigure 14: Output characteristic of LDMOS Figure 15: Breakdown voltage of LDMOS5 Result and discussionIn our design, p-type silicon (100) was used as the substrate. The concentration of the substrate is 1.5×1014cm -3 and the n-type epitaxy concentration is 2.0×1015cm -3. This design is mainly on 3um Bi-CMOS process. In order to reduce the influence of the small curvature radius on the breakdown voltage of LDMOS, the LDMOS is designed in a circular structure. Figure 16 shows the structure of the LDMOS and Figure 17 is the chip we have fabricated.Figure 16: The structure of the LDMOSFigure 17: The overall view of the BCDMOSTable 7 shows the test results of different devices in this chip and the results can well fulfill our requirements. It can be used in the design of HVIC. More specific test results are attached in the appendix.Table 7: The result of testingDevice Parameter Result β80 CEO BV 35V NPNCBO BV90VEBO BV 11V BEF V 0.95V CEF V0.52V β25 CEO BV 32V CBO BV 36V PNPEBO BV 36V DS BV12-28V TH V 0.8-1.2V PMOSDS I 0.5mA DS BV 28V TH V 1.1V NMOSm G 100us DS BV >650V TH V 1.4-2.0V LDMOSm G250us6 ConclusionIn this paper, a method of HV-BCD-IC process integration was proposed. This process included not only an optimized LDMOS structure with the breakdown voltage above 600V but also a process to integrate LDMOS with Bi-CMOS devices. After series of simulations by the process simulator T-SUPREM4 and device simulator MEDICI, a chip with these devices was fabricated and tested and the feasibility and reliability of our method was approved. The process we proposed has the following advantages. Both the high voltage device and the low voltage devices had a good performance and a small influence from the process. The process we use was compatible very well with the conventional integrated circuit process and can be well used in the manufactory of high voltage integrated circuit. References[1] Murari B. Smart power technologies evolution [A] .Industry Applications Conf [C]. Rome, Italy. 2000.10215.[2] Contiero C. Characteristics and applications of a 0.6m–Bipolar-CMOS-DMOS technology combining VLSI non-volatile memories [A]. IEEE Int Elec Dev Meeting [C] . San Francisco, CA, USA. 1996. 4652468.[3] Jacob A. A-BCD: an economic 100 V RESURF silicon-on-insulator BCD technology for consumer and automotive applications [A]. ISPSO. Toulouse, France. 2000. 3272330.[4] Kim J. High-voltage power integrated circuit technology using SOI for driving plasma display panels [J ] .IEEE Trans Elec Dev , 2001 , 48 (6) : 125621258.[5] YANG Yintang, ZHU Haigang. State-of-the-Art of BCD Technology and Its Developing Trends. Microelectronics. V ol.36.No.3, Jun, 2006[6] Moscatelli A, Merlini A,Croce G , et al. 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NPN transistor test resultsProject SOG1 SOG2PSGβ 80 76 94 BVceo(V ) 31 35 37 BVcbo (V ) 90 87 85BVebo (V )11 11 11Vbef(V) 1 1 0.95NPN with Sinker Ae =10*10Vces(V) 0.50 0.50 0.50β 83 75 97 BVceo (V ) 35 35 38BVcbo (V ) 88 90 92BVebo (V ) 11 11 11Vbef (V ) 1 1 1 NPN with n+drain in collector region and without sinker Vces (V )0.4 0.5 0.4β 70 74 90BVceo (V ) 38 35 39 BVcbo (V ) 90 90 90 BVebo (V ) 10.5 10.7 10.7Vbef (V ) 1 1 1 NPN n +drain collector region and with sinker base is dmos baseVces (V )0.5 0.5 0.52. LPNP transistor test resultsProject SOG1 SOG2PSG β 20 18 13BVceo(V) / / 28 BVcbo(V) 36 34 34LPNP with n-well with sinker Ae=6*6 BVebo(V) 55 53 56β 25 23 31 LPNP withoutBVceo(V) // 27BVcbo(V)45 45 42 n-well with sinker BVebo(V)70 72 79β 15 13 11 BVceo(V)/ / 30 BVcbo(V)36 35 33 LPNP withn-wellwithout sinkerBVebo(V)54 52 55β 180 185 190BVceo(V)12 13 13 BVcbo(V)15 16 44 VPNPBVebo(V)/ / 723. PMOS FET test resultsTest condition : BVds (I =1μA )Ids (Vg =Vd =5V ) Gm (Vg =5V ,Vds =5V ) Vth (I =1μA )(1)Project SOG1 SOG2 PSG BVds(V)30 30 35 Ids(Ma) 0.2 0.16 0.25 Gm(μS)16.8 15.2 21.1W=50L=50Vth(V) 1.1 1.2 0.9 BVds / / 34 Ids / / 0.004Gm / / 0.48 W=6 L=50Vth / / 1.1 BVds 25 25 32 Ids 0.034 0.028 0.006Gm 3.3 2.8 1.1 W=12L=50Vth 1.6 1.6 1.1 BVds 28 28 34Ids 1.3 1.3 2.5 Gm 341 320 720 W=50L=3.5Vth 0.9 1.0 0.9 BVds 25 25 42 Ids 0.6 0.6 1.0 Gm 152 148 54 W=50L=7Vth 1.4 1.4 1.1 BVds 25 25 32Ids 0.115 0.101 0.20 Gm 27 22 52 W=6L=3.5Vth 1.6 1.7 1.1BVds 25 25 35Ids 0.120 0.1200.20Gm 17.6 15 22 W=12 L=7Vth 1.6 1.7 1.1 (2) double drainProject SOG1 SOG2PSGBVds(V) 40 40 42 Ids(Ma) 0.07 0.06 0.1 Gm(μS) 10.2 8.2 32 W=50 L=50Vth(V) 1.1 1.6 1.0 BVds / / 35 Ids / / 4.2u Gm / / 0.6u W=6 L=50Vth / / 1.2 BVds 43 42 36 Ids 0.013 0.0120.021Gm 2.3 2.2 3.2 W=12 L=50Vth 1.2 1.3 1.1 BVds 40 42 36 Ids 1.2 1.3 2.5 Gm 241 220 460 W=50 L=3.5Vth 1.1 1.2 0.9BVds 40 38 38 Ids 0.6 0.6 1.0 Gm 98.5 92 190 W=50 L=7Vth 1.0 1.1 1.0 BVds 38 38 40 Ids 0.11 0.10 0.16 Gm 16.4 15.2 31 W=6 L=3.5Vth 1.6 1.7 1.0BVds 38 40 37 Ids 0.16 0.12 0.25 Gm 194 165 310 W=12 L=7Vth 1.2 1.3 1.0(3) NormalProject SOG1 SOG2PSG BVds(V) 33 33 34 Ids(Ma) 0.07 0.07 0.12 Gm(μS) 10.2 10 19.5 W=50 L=50 Vth(V) 1.1 1.2 1.0 BVds / / 28 Ids / / 4u W=6 L=50Gm / / 0.55 Vth / / 1.2 BVds 33 33 32 Ids 0.013 0.012 0.028Gm 2.3 2.2 4.0 W=12L=50Vth 1.2 1.2 1.0 BVds 28 28 34 Ids 1.2 1.0 2.0 Gm 192 156 392 W=50L=3.5Vth 1.1 1.3 1.0 BVds 28 27 34 Ids 0.55 0.48 1.05 Gm 80 72 172 W=50L=7 Vth 1.1 1.3 0.9 BVds 28 28 27 Ids 0.12 0.10 0.19 Gm 30 18 95 W=6L=3.5Vth 1.3 1.5 1.0 BVds 28 28 32 Ids 0.10 0.09 0.205Gm 15 12 34.5 W=12L=7 Vth 1.2 1.3 1.04. NMOS FET test results(1) Project SOG1 SOG2 PSG BVds(V)12 12 22Ids(Ma) 0.12 0.12 0.23 Gm(μS) 16 18 42.4 W=50L=50Vth(V) 1.3 1.2 0.9 BVds 16 15 15 Ids 0.012 0.012 0.022Gm 1.8 2.0 3.7 W=6L=50Vth 1.4 1.4 0.9 BVds 16 16 24 Ids 0.03 0.03 0.07 Gm 4.8 4.8 9.2 W=12L=50Vth 1.3 1.4 0.9 BVds 11 11 12 Ids 2.3 2.3 3.0 Gm 360 405 820 W=50L=3 Vth 0.9 1.0 0.9 BVds 11 11 12 W=50L=6Ids 1.1 1.2 2.15Gm 170 190 368 Vth 0.9 0.9 0.9 BVds 12 12 14 Ids 0.18 0.15 0.27 Gm 30 24 42 W=6 L=3Vth 1.2 1 1.0 BVds 12 11 13.5Ids 0.22 0.25 0.325Gm 33 53 85 W=12 L=6Vth 1.2 1 1.0(2) Double drainProject SOG1 SOG2 PSGBVds(V) 23 22 32Ids(Ma) 0.18 0.18 0.25 Gm(μS) 23 22 41.5 W=50 L=50Vth(V) 1.1 1.1 1.0 BVds 22 22 34.5Ids 0.01 0.01 0.026 Gm 1.7 3.8 5.7 W=6 L=50Vth 1.1 1.1 1.0 BVds 22 22 33Ids 0.03 0.03 0.06 Gm 7 6 12 W=12 L=50Vth 1.1 1.1 1.0 BVds 20 22 31Ids 2.5 2.5 3.2 Gm 460 500 860 W=50 L=3Vth 0.9 0.8 0.9 BVds 20 20 33 Ids 1.2 1.25 1.9 Gm 180 192 352 W=50 L=6Vth 1.2 1.2 0.9 BVds / / 35 Ids / / 0.18 Gm / / 29 W=6 L=3Vth / / 1.0 BVds 25 25 35Ids 0.25 0.25 0.46Gm 36 37 76 W=12 L=6Vth 1.0 1.0 0.9(3) NormalProject SOG1 SOG2 PSG BVds(V)13 10 23Ids(Ma) 0.15 0.14 0.275Gm(μS) 22 21.4 45.6 W=50L=50Vth(V) 1.1 1.0 1.0 BVds 12 12 23 Ids 0.012 0.012 0.024Gm 1.75 3 4.13 W=6L=50Vth 1.6 1.2 1.0 BVds 12 12 25 Ids 0.03 0.04 0.06 Gm 4.7 9 22 W=12L=50Vth 1.1 1.2 1.0 BVds 12 11 21 Ids 2.5 2.5 3.4 Gm 430 503 702 W=50L=3 Vth 1.0 1.0 0.9 BVds 12 11 22 Ids 1.3 1.4 1.9 Gm 197 210 352 W=50L=6 Vth 1.0 1.0 0.9 BVds 12 11 23 Ids 0.18 0.09 0.31 Gm 30 30 64.5 W=6L=3 Vth 1.0 1.0 0.9 BVds 12 12 23 Ids 0.22 0.25 0.39 Gm 40 70 124 W=12L=6 Vth 1.1 1.1 0.95. LDMOS FET (self-aligh )test results I DS 为 Vg=5V , Vd=20V 8#Vth=1.8-2V Ron=430-450Ohm Ids=28mA gm=4000uS6# Vth=1.8-2.2VRon=400-420OhmIds=25mA gm=3800uS。