Opinion B Anti-Gun Control




缩写 德文 英文 中文AA - antiaircraft 防空AAMG - antiaircraft machine gun 高射机枪Abt. Abteilung Battalion 营/局/分遣队Abteilungkommandeur 分遣队指挥官/营长Adjutant Adjutant 副官AK Armeekorps (Army) Corps 军Ammo – Ammunition 弹药AOK Armeeoberkommando the Headquarters of an Army 集团军司令部Armd – Armored 装甲化的Arko Artilleriekommandeur Artillery Commander 炮兵指挥Art Artillerie Artillery 炮兵AT – antitank 反坦克ATG – antitank gun 反坦克炮ATR – antitank rifle 反坦克枪Ausf Ausfürung Type 型号Battr Batterie Battery 炮兵连Bb, Beob Beobachtung Obersvation 观测BDB 'Brandenburg' unit of the Abwehr “勃兰登堡”特种作战营 Befh Befehlshaber Commander 集团军司令Befehlspanzer 指挥坦克Bergepanzer 装甲抢修车Bertriebstoff 汽油、燃料Beutepanzer 俘获坦克Bn – Battalion 营Brig Brigade Brigade 旅Btl, Batl Bataillon Battalion 营Bty – Battery 炮兵连Bulg – Bulgarian 保加利亚人BW Bataillons Führer Wagen 营长指挥车,实际指四号坦克Co – Company 连Col – Column 纵队Det – Detachment 特遣队Div Division Division 师Dienstgrad Rank 级别/军衔Dienstgradabzeichen 军衔徽章、标志DRB Deutsche Reichsbahn German National Railroad 德国国家铁路 E, Eisb Eisenbahn railroad 铁路E, Ers Ersatz replacement 补充兵Einheitsfeldmütze 山地帽EM – Enlisted Man 士兵Engr – Engineer 工兵Entg Entgiftung decontamination 防化F.A.D. Feldausbildungsdivision Field Training Division 野战师Fest Festung Fortress 要塞FH Feldhaubitze field howitzer 野战榴弹炮FK Feldkanone field gun 野战炮FK Feldkommandant Field Provost Marshal 野战宪兵指挥?Feldjacke 装甲兵战斗夹克Feldmütze 船形便帽Feuerwerker artificer 技术兵Fkl Funklenk radio-controlled 无线电操纵的Funklenkwagen 无线电遥控的车辆Funker 坦克机电员FL Fernleit remote-controlled 遥控的Fla Fliegerabwehr antiaircraft 防空的Flak Flugabwehrkanone antiaircraft gun 高射炮Flak – anti-aircraft forces 防空部队Flakvierling 四联装高射炮FNK Feld-Nachrichten-Kommandatur Field Signal Commandant 野战通信指挥 Frhr. Freiherr Baron 男爵Fs Fallschirm Parachute / Airborne 空降兵Füs Füsilier Infantry 步兵Gasschützunteroffizier 防化兵军士G, Gesch Geschütz gun, cannon 加农炮Geb Gebirg mountain 山地gem gemischter mixed 混合GFP Geheimefeldpolizei Secret Military Police 盖世太保(秘密宪兵)GHQ – General Headquarters 陆军总司令部GK Gebirgskanone mountain gun 山炮gp, gep gepanzert armored 装甲化的Gr Gruppe Group, Force 集团军集群Gren Grenadier Infantry 掷弹兵GSO (Beamte) Government Service Official 公务员(军事)H, Haub Haubitze howitzer 榴弹炮Heer Army 德国陆军Harko H?here Artillerie Kommandeur Higher Artillery Commander 炮兵指挥(师级以上) Hiwi Hilfswillige 德军俄罗斯志愿兵Hgr Heeresgruppe Army Group 集团军集群HKAA Heeres-Küstenartillerieabteilung 陆军岸防炮营HMG – heavy machine gun 重机枪H?h Kdo H?here Kommando higher command 高级指挥部(军级以上)Hoheitsabzeichen 德军老鹰标志Hqs – headquarters 指挥部Hun – Hungarian 匈牙利人hvy – heavy 重型I, Inf Infanterie Infantry 步兵IG Infanterie-Geschütz infantry gun 步兵炮Instandsetzung 整修/整备Ital – Italian 意大利人Jabo Jagdbomber 对地攻击机Jagdpanzer 坦克歼击车Jg, J?g J?ger Light Infantry 轻步兵K, Kan Kanone gun 火炮Kdo Kommando command 司令部Kfz. Kraftfahrzeug motor vehicle 摩托化车辆(无装甲汽车) KGr Kampfgruppe temporary combat group 临时性的战斗集群KK Kettenkrad halftracked motorcycle 半履带摩托车Kette pedrail 履带kl klein small, light 小型/轻型Kodeis Kommandeur der Eisenbahntruppen 铁道工程兵指挥Kol Kolonne Column 纵队Korück Kommandanten rückw?rtiges Armeegebiet 后方安全指挥Kp Kompanie Company 连Kompanieführer 连长Kraftstoff gas, fuel 汽油、燃料Kraftwagenführer driver 驾驶员Krankenpanzerwagen 装甲医疗车KStN Kreigsst?rkenachweisung 战斗力统计表格kz kurz short 短的Kubelwagen 大众82型小车KwK Kampfwagenkannone tank gun 坦克炮l, le, lei leicht light 轻型L, Lw Luftwaffe German Air Force 德国空军Ladesschütz 坦克装填手Ladungstr?ger 遥控炸弹车LaS Landwirtschaftlicher Schlepper 农业拖拉机,实际指一号、二号坦克 lg lang long 长的LG Leichtgeschütz recoilless gun 无后座力炮Lehr demonstration unit 示范部队Li Lichtmess flash ranging 光测Lkw LastKraftwagen truck 卡车LL Luftlande Air Landing 空降LMG – light machine gun 轻机枪LS Landesschützen Mobilized Militia 动员兵LSSAH ' Leibstandarte-SS Adolf Hitler' “党卫队警卫旗队”装甲师 lt – light 轻型Lw, Ldw Landwehr Militia (3rd Reserve) 民兵(预备队)LZ Leicht Zerlegbares Brückenger?t 重型架桥装备M, M?rs M?rser (heavy) howitzer 重型榴弹炮m mittlere medium 中型MAA Marine-Artillerie-Abteilung 海军陆基火炮MB Milit?rbefehlshaber Army Military Commander 集团军指挥mcl – motorcycle 摩托车Melder 传话器med – medium 中型MG Maschinengewehr machine gun 机枪mot motorisiert motorized 摩托化mot S motorisierter Selbstfahrlafette 半机动车mot Z motorisierter Zug motor towed 机动牵引的mSPW Mittlerer Schützanpanzerwagen 中型半履带装甲运兵车 MTW Mannschaftstransportwagen armored personnel carrier 装甲人员输送车 Nachr Nachrichten Signal(s) 信号Nbl Nebel smoke 烟雾Nbl Tr Nebeltruppen Rocket-Launcher Troops 火箭炮部队Nbl W Nebelwerfer rocket launcher 火箭炮Nb Fz Neubaufahrzeug 新结构车辆,实际指流产的早期五、六号坦克 NCO – Non-Commissioned Officer 军士Ob Oberbefehlshaber Commander-in-Chief 总指挥OB – Order of Battle 作战序列ObdH Oberbefehlshaber des Heeres 集团军群总指挥Off – Officer 军官OFK Oberfeldkommandantur Higher Provost Marshal 高级宪兵指挥 OK Ortskommandant Local Provost Marshal 地方保安司令OKH Oberkommando des Heeres Army High Command 最高统帅部 OKW Oberkommando der Wehrmacht 国防军最高统帅部 ops – operation(s) 军事行动org – organization 机构OT Ogranisation Todt labor force 部队劳工?Pak Panzerabwehrkanone anti-tank gun 反坦克炮Pi, Pion Pionier Engineer, Pioneer 突击队/工兵Pi.Pz.Wg Pionierpanzerwagen 装甲工兵车辆Pkw Personenkraftwagen 货车、人员运输车Plt – Platoon 排Pol Polizei police 警察P.O.L. – petrol, oil, lubricants 油/润滑剂P.O.W. – Prisoner-of-War 战俘Prop Propaganda propaganda 宣传Pz, Panz Panzer tank, armor 坦克Pz.Abt Panzerabteilung 装甲营Pz-Bef Panzerbefehwagen command tank 指挥坦克Panzerfunkwart 坦克无线电机Pz.Div. Panzerdivision 装甲师Pzgr Panzergranate 穿甲弹PzGren Panzergrenadier motorized infantry 摩托化步兵 Pz.Gren.Div. Panzer Grenadier Division 装甲掷弹兵师 PzGren(gp) gepanzert armored infantry 装甲步兵Panzerj?ger 歼击坦克/半装甲反坦克车/反坦克步兵 Panzerkommandant 坦克车长Pz.Kp Panzerkompanie 装甲连Panzerkorps 装甲军Panzeroberschütz 坦克兵一等兵PzKpfw Panzerkampfwagen 坦克Pz.Rgt Panzerregiment 装甲团Panzerschütz 坦克兵Panzerwart 坦克修理兵RAD Reichsarbeitsdienst Reich Labor Service 德国劳工Recon – Reconnaissance 侦察Res Reserve reserve 预备队RF-SS Reichsführer-SS Reichs Leader of the SS 党卫队全国总指挥 Rgt Regiment Regiment 团Regimentskommandeur 团长RHG Rückw?rtiges Heeresgebiet 集团军群后方地域?RK Reichskommisariat 管理占领区的文官RL – rocket launcher 火箭炮RSO Raupenschlepper Ost fully tracked load carrier 全履带运输车Richtschütz 瞄准员/炮手Rommelkiste “隆美尔盒子”即坦克后部的储物箱Rum – Rumanian 罗马尼亚人Saukopf / Saukopfblende “猪头” 火炮外防盾s, schw schwer heavy 重Sch Schallmess sound ranging 声测Schreiber 连书记员Schirmmütze 带檐的帽子Schirrmeister 书记军士Schulterklappe 军士/兵肩章Schluterstücke 军官肩章Schürzen 装甲侧裙板Schwimmwagen 水陆两用车Schn Schnell mobile,fast 机动Sd Sonder special 特种Sd Kfz Sonder-Kraftfahrzeug special motor vehicle 特种军用车辆 Spiess 陆军上士的俗称Sec – Security 安全部门Sect – Section 部分Sf selbstfahr self-propelled 自走的Sfl Selbstfahrlafette self-propelled carriage 机动运输车Sich Sicherheit(s-) Security 安全部门Slov – Slovakian 斯洛伐克人SMG – sub machine-gun 冲锋枪SP, SP'd – self-propelled 自走的SPW Schützenpanzerwagen armored personnel carrier 装甲人员输送车 Sprgr Sprenggranate 高爆弹、榴弹Sqd – Squad 班Sqdn – Squadron 中队SS Waffen-SS Nazi party military arm 纳粹党卫军SS-DR 'Das Reich' Waffen-SS unit 党卫军“帝国”师 SS-T 'Totenkopf' Waffen-SS unit 党卫军“骷髅”师 SS-W 'Wiking' Waffen-SS unit 党卫军“维京”师ss, sw schwerste super heavy 超重型St, Stb Stab staff/headquarters 参谋人员/ 指挥部Stabskompanie 司令部连Strass Strassen- road 公路– Sturm- assault 袭击/突击StuG Sturmgeschütz assault gun 突击炮StuHaub Sturmhaubitze assault howitzer 突击榴弹炮StuPz Sturmpanzer assault tank 突击车tele – telephone 电话(trop) tropisch tropical 热带的(沙漠使用)Tross 运输队Turm 炮塔VW Volkswagen "People's Car" 大众汽车V, Versorg Versorgung(s-) support 支援/补给Versorgungskompanie 补给连Verm Vermessung(s-) 测绘VK Versuchskonstruktion 样车Vpfl.A. Verpflegungsamt Detachment 分遣队w/ – with 有w/o – without 没有/缺少Waffenmeister 装备部士兵Waffenoffizier 装备部军官WB Wehrmachtsbefehlshaber 国防军领袖Wehrmachtsbeamte 国防军文职人员Wfr Werfer launcher 火箭、榴弹发射器WK Wehrkreis Military District 军区/战区Werkstattkompanie 整修连z b V zur besonderer Verwendung for special use 特种用途的 z Vfg zur Verfügung reserves 可部署部队?Zg Zug Platoon 排Zugführer 排长– Zug railroad train 铁路机车Zgkw Zugmaschine / Zugkraftwagen 半履带卡车ZW Zug Führer Wagen 排长指挥车,实际指三号坦克。



应该控枪的英文作文英文回答:Gun control is a highly controversial issue in the United States. There are two main sides to the debate: those who believe that guns should be more strictly regulated, and those who believe that gun ownership is a fundamental right that should not be infringed upon.Those who support gun control argue that it is necessary to reduce gun violence. They point to the high number of gun-related deaths in the United States, and argue that stricter gun laws would help to prevent these deaths. They also argue that gun control is necessary to prevent mass shootings, such as the shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in 2012.Those who oppose gun control argue that it is unnecessary and that it would not be effective in reducing gun violence. They argue that the vast majority of gunowners are law-abiding citizens, and that stricter gun laws would only punish them. They also argue that gun control would not prevent criminals from obtaining guns, and thatit would only make it more difficult for law-abidingcitizens to defend themselves.The debate over gun control is likely to continue for many years to come. There is no easy answer to the question of whether or not gun control is necessary. However, it is important to have a informed opinion on the issue, and tobe able to articulate your views on the matter.中文回答:枪支管制是美国的一个高度争议性问题。



ON GUN CONTROLSun Baolin14721387Since the early days, gun control has been a never-ending debate. It is because of the fast increase in crime, so the modern day anti-gun advocate cries out that if guns were outlawed, then the violent crime rate would drop dramatically. I would not agree with them.First, gun control does not reduce crime. During doing my research I was impressed to find that guns and violence are not as linked as much as people think they are. Whenever some terrible act of violence occurs such as a horrible school-shooting, people start looking for answers and pointing fingers. They want to put the blame on something saying, 'It was the parents fault,' or, 'It is television and the Internet's fault,' but the blame is most often put on an inanimate object that does only what the person operating it tells it to do. In the next few minutes one should realize that it is not the gun's fault and more gun control laws are not the answer. In addition, were guns still outlawed, the criminal with a desire to attain a gun would still be able to get them. Most violent criminals do not buy guns legally they usually buy them from black market dealers.Those individuals that wanted to get these things, would still get them without any trouble at all.As we all know, guns can kill people, but it also can protect people. Everyone knows that possessing a handgun makes it easier to intimidate wound, or kill someone. But the implication of this point for social policy has not been so well understood. It is easy to count the bodies of those who have been killed or wounded with guns, but not easy to count the people who have avoided harm because they had access to weapons.I believe that there are more people alive because the gun’s protect than the number of people who killed by gun.Secondly,which weapons laws are the right kinds can be decided only after considering two related questions. First, what is the connection between civilian possession of firearms and social violence? Second, how can we expect gun-control laws to alter people's behavior? Most recent scholarship raises serious questions about the "weapons increase violence" hypothesis. The second question is emphasized here, because it is routinely overlooked and often mocked when noticed; yet it is crucial. Rational gun control requires understanding not only the relationship between weapons and violence but also the relationship between laws and people's behavior. Some things are very hard to accomplish with laws. The purpose of a law and its likely effects are not always the same thing. Many statutes are notorious for the way in which their unintended effects have swamped their intended ones.Finally,We also must remember that guns are a major economic trade item. Withoutthe manufacture, distribution, and trade of firearms, thousands of jobs would be lost. You probably don't think it would be that many, however, how many thousands of people make and sell guns? It sure isn't more that 2,000. But what about the other people that would be indirectly affected by gun control? If guns were illegal to own, that would ultimately mean that sports hunting would be outlawed. This would put thousands of game wardens, and employees of the Department of Fish and Game out of work. Taxidermy services would be obsolete, for there would be no animals to provide these services to. Not to mention the environmental impacts. Without sports hunting, game populations would skyrocket. Many would say that they were not that bad before humans, which is true enough. However, because of development, there is not as many habitats for wild game to live on, which causes over population, starvation, and disease, which without sports hunting would cause major declines in animal populations.In short, guns may be a problem in today's overcrowded cities, but it is not the fault of the guns. Eliminating guns would not solve these problems in the cities, and may end up causing more problems in the cities than what it solves. In addition, the environmental and economic impacts that it would cause would far exceed what problems it may or may not solve. Strong gun control is a bad idea。

美国文化概论 Gun Culture

美国文化概论 Gun Culture

November 7, 1991, Press-Telegram (Long Beach, CA)
More mass killings - a college campus massacre in Iowa coming within days of a rampage that killed 23 people in a Killeen, Texas, cafeteria - produce fresh craziness from organized gun nuts and lobbyists in their hire. Instead of a move to save lives with a shutdown of the gun traffic, gun-nut spokesmen have written and preached that the nation won't be safe until the population is armed and ready for instant gunplay. In a sick fantasy out of corpse-strewn movies ……
They share a belief that guns provide some level of protection against criminality and tyranny. This ranges from a feeling that it is good to have a gun around the house for selfprotection, to an active distrust of government and a belief that widespread gun ownership is protection against tyranny.



The issue of gun control in America美国的枪支管制问题(英语作文含译文)The issue of gun control in America is a highly debated topic that has been the subject of much controversy and division among citizens and politicians alike. On one hand, there are those who argue that the Second Amendment of the US Constitution guarantees the right to bear arms and that any attempt to limit this right would be a violation of individual freedoms. On the other hand, there are those who argue that the prevalence of gun violence in America is a public health crisis that demands urgent action to reduce the availability of firearms.One of the key arguments put forward by proponents of gun control is that it would reduce the number of deaths and injuries resulting from gun violence. According to statistics, America has one of the highest rates of gun violence in the world, with tens of thousands of people killed or injured each year in shootings. Supporters of gun control argue that by implementing measures such as background checks, waiting periods, and limits on the sale of certain types of firearms, it would be possible to reduce the number of guns in circulation and make it harder for people with violent intentions to obtain them.Another argument in favor of gun control is that it would help to prevent mass shootings. In recent years, there have been a number of high-profile incidents in which multiple people have been killed or injured in public places such as schools and shopping malls. Proponents of gun control argue that by limiting the availability of firearms, it would be harder for individuals to carry out these types of attacks.However, opponents of gun control argue that the right to bear arms is a fundamental aspect of American identity and that any attempt to limit this right would be an infringement on individual liberties. They also argue that gun control measures would not necessarily prevent criminals from obtaining firearms, as they would simply find other ways to obtain them. Additionally, they argue that responsible gun ownership can actually help to prevent crime, as law-abiding citizens with firearms can act as a deterrent to would-be criminals.In conclusion, the issue of gun control in America is a complex and divisive topic that elicits strong emotions on both sides. While proponents of gun control argue that it would reduce gun violence and prevent mass shootings, opponents argue that it would infringe on individual freedoms and would not necessarily prevent criminals from obtaining firearms. Ultimately, any efforts to address this issue will need to take into account the rights of individuals as well as the need to protect public safety.美国的枪支管制问题是一个备受争议的话题,它一直是公民和政客之间争议和分歧的主题。



Present a written argument or case to an educated reader with no specialist knowledge of the following topic.Some Americans believe that it is among their unalienable rights to own guns, while others think that their security is not to be threatened by those possessing guns.What is your view on this issue? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.With a marked increase in shooting attack, gun rights have become a sensitive issue across the United States. While some Americans assert that owning guns is their unalienable rights, others object that those possessing guns pose a threat to their security. In many aspects, gun control is necessary, but more importantly a difficult issue to tackle.Necessary though gun control is, history factors and traditional culture hold back the gun control process. In the early time of the North American colonies, the government could not ensure citizens’ security from fierce between Native Americans and European settlers; therefore, people keep and bear arms to maintain safety. Until now, guns have become essential products in every household, which is why owning guns is seen as theirunalienable rights tracing back to the militia act of 1792.On the other hand, unique arms business system in America decides that the government has less say on this issue. Different from China, private companies become the leading contractors and important partners for American defense suppliers, and predictably they dominate the main stream thoughts on gun control or even intervene legislative decision-making.On all accounts, though it is imperative to regulate gun trade and ownership licenses, gun control remain a debating issue in America. However, actions can be taken to reduce the impact brought by the overabundance of firearms. Governments are supposed to invest in compulsory education preparing children to be members of the society, and vocational education driving down unemployment rate; hence, gun-involved violent crimes may get restrained.。



枪支管制英文作文英文:Gun control has been a hotly debated topic for years, with strong opinions on both sides of the issue. Personally, I believe that there should be stricter gun control measures in place to help prevent gun violence.One reason for this is the alarming number of mass shootings that have occurred in recent years. Thesetragedies have devastated communities and claimed countless lives. While it is true that not all of these shootings could have been prevented with stricter gun laws, it isclear that something needs to be done to address this issue.Another reason for my support of gun control is thefact that it can help reduce gun-related accidents and suicides. By implementing measures such as backgroundchecks and waiting periods, we can ensure that only responsible and mentally stable individuals have access tofirearms.Of course, there are those who argue that stricter gun control measures infringe on their Second Amendment rights. However, I believe that the safety of our communities should take priority over individual rights in this case.In conclusion, while I understand that there are valid arguments on both sides of the gun control debate, I personally believe that stricter measures are necessary to help prevent gun violence and promote public safety.中文:枪支管制一直是一个备受争议的话题,双方都有强烈的观点。

英语写作 Summary范文

英语写作 Summary范文

Oliver HuangDr. Flanagan, Ryan PPrinciples of English Gun Control : Need ? Should ?24 October 2017Marketing CatalogXiangxi Liu claims in his essay “Gun Control? NO!” published on Zhihu website in 2016 that there is no need for government in America to achieve gun control thoroughly. He emphasizes that Americans need guns as protection in case because of inadequate police distributing over America. “If the nearest police station is 45-minutes-ride away your home, what can you do without guns when some bad guy is trying to break into your house?” He said, “Call 911? Or just call for an ambulance.” He offers a story of his friend who was attacked at home without guns and his own experience as a gun-taking agent for federation as an illustration. It’s understandable to believe Xiangxi argued as above basing on his desire to make response to questioners in the website. Besides, considering his job as gun-taking agent for government, it can be assumed that he wanted to express his own ideas about gun control which he thinks are clear enough to help insight this issue.In “The NRA thinks you're stupid” (2017) published on CNN, Michael A. Nutter argues that National Rifle Association(NRA) has no sincerity to take action on gun control. He points out that the leaders in NRA chose political distraction instead of real gun safety reform because of the great benefits from guns.According to Michael, the attitude of NRA is not satisfactory because “It is an amazing display of disingenuous and cynical political sleight of hand that, the NRA grudgingly agrees that some regulation of these devices is OK.”To support his argument, the author quotes what NRA said to its supporters “it is OK to support ‘some regulation’ of bump stocks”, and also offers questions both straight and emotional to challenge NRA’s motivation and sincerity. As far as Michael’s profession is concerned, a reporter for CNN, it can be assumed that his argument is not only about his thoughts but to gain greater amount of readers as well.In a 2015 article published in Analysis of Social Issues and Public Policy,Wolfgang Stroebe insists that gun prevalence is positively related to homicide rates. The argumentoutlines that there is no evidence for a protective effect of gun ownership and contrarily for the unsafe aspect. As what Stroebe suggests in his article, although guns are not a primary determinant for homicide,their efficacy as murder instruments just makes it easier. The author shows a horrible mass-shooting event first following graph made of data about US household gun ownership rate and homicide rate, which are functioned as an illustration. Then a few other firearm-related deaths related gun-ownership are provided to further explain the similar influence gun prevalence has. Considering Stroebe’s identity as the emeritus professor of social psychology at Utrecht University and a senior researcher, who has gain reputations, it’s reliant to believe he writes this article to make contributions to the field Social Psychology which he devoted decades to studying.In assay “Unpacking Heat: Dueling Identities and Complex Views on Gun Control among Rural Police” published in Rural Sociology, Rachael A. Woldoff, Robert C. Litchfield and Angela Sycafoose Matthews argue that officers’ view about gun control varies as their multiple identities change in the life, such as police trying to control dangerous situations with guns they encounter and citizens who desire guns as self-protection. “Officers symbolically rejected the concept of gun control and instead supported individuals’ gun rights while most of them distanced themselves from gun-related aspects of rural identity”, the authors say. However, authors also point out that when it comes to on-the-job experiences, most of them shows concern about bad influence gun-ownership has on everyday life and also desire to control it. This article is mostly basing on an opinion research about rural police’s attitude to gun control, which covered 200 towns in rural areas. Also, the testimonies of incumbent police make the argument convincing. Like what the authors write in the article, they want to make supplementary contributions about what views rural officers possess on gun control, which is understandable to believe on account of their professions including scholars and officer from FBI. And there is possibility that they want to gain reputations for higher positions in career.RecommendationFor the first article: 1) Unlike most people in China, Liu contradicts gun control in America, which is likely to appeal to people who have similar opinions. They will certainly know more about gun control and may reaffirm their view. And the supporters of gun control may also read this to find mistakes it has. 2) However, basing on lots of experiences of him and his friends, I can feel a tone of subjectivity, though he offers some results of researches supporting the argument. Overall, it’s trustworthy to read this essay considering the profession of the author.For the second article: 1) As we all know, NRA has a complicated reputation and influence around the America. Almost everyone interested in guns’ issue takes care of its movements. Therefore, an essay criticizing NRA will certainly attracts audiences mainly as above and people caring about politics. What they will gain includes backgrounds of gun control and the more specific relationship between NRA and guns. 2)There are many direct questions the author asks to NRA, which are consistent in logical and thus powerful. What worried me most is the lack of the data and results from rigorous researches and analysis.For the third article: 1) Even if gun control has been a hit for years, academic articles related this issue are still hard for people who are little educated. Nevertheless, the language there is not much scholarly so that I suppose the readers will not only be experts well educated in associated fields but also people really interested in this issue. It’s really a good chance for them to understand deeply about gun control from a deeper and more intellectual view. 2)What impressed me most is that the author has shown a strongly logical collaboration among the events as example, graphs made of data collected, and the analysis from researches. However, a slightly subjective attitude can be felt reading the article.For the forth article: 1) The language in this article is a little sophisticated and contains academic terms. But the topic about rural officers’ opinions towards gun control is unique compared to the former essay related to this issue. Therefore, people with an upper level of education and who care about rural areas or care about gun control and officers’ opinions to it can be the ideal audience. 2)As far as I’m concerned, this article has a pretty abounded evidence about quotations and references which seems like burdens hampering the proof of their argument. Maybe there should be more mathematical models to support it and makethe conclusions more credible.3)As a native Chinese, who grew up in a country that has an extremely ban on guns, I really don’t have think too much about gun control and gun violence until I happened to know a series of mass-shooting in America, which shocked me a lot. At first, I feel quite unbelievable that there is a country where people can buy guns freely, then I wonder why. Maybe after researching the papers above I can figure out many questions in my mind about gun control. Perhaps I can understand why America doesn’t or can’t ban guns thoroughly though there is gun violence happening almost every year. (In fact, I have already known some reasons and answers after reading these articles mentioned above).4)·Why can American people have gun privately? Is there any background in history and society?·What is the number on average of the people dying from guns including both murder and commit suicide every year in America?·Is there any groups of interest that are associated with guns?·What do you think about gun control if you are a citizen/an officer?·Do you want to have guns if you live in America? Explain why.Works CitedLiu,Xiangxi. “Why It’s Impossible to Ban Guns in America?”, Zhihu Website, Sep 3, 2016, https:///p/22299566.Nutter,Michael A. “The NRA thinks you're stupid”, CNN, Oct 6, 2017,/2017/10/06/opinions/nra-and-gops-bump-stock-ruse-nutter/index.html.Stroebe, Wolfgang. “Firearm Availability and Violent Death: The Need for a Culture Change in Attitudes toward Guns”, Analysis of Social Issues and Public Policy,vol.16, no.1, Dec. 2016, p.7-35,/doi/10.1111/asap.12100/full.Woldoff, Rachael A. Litchfield, Robert C. Sycafoose, Angela. “Unpacking Heat: Dueling Identities and Complex Views on Gun Control among Rural Police”, RuralSociology, vol.82, no.3, Sep. 2017, p.444-472,/doi/10.1111/ruso.12142/full.。



• 法律上的自由保有地產〔freehold in law〕
入土地之前所享有的地產權。另外,自由 保有地依性質分為軍役保有地〔knight service〕、侍君保有地〔serjeanty〕、農役 保有地〔free socage〕和自由教役保有地 〔frankalmoign〕。 (2)自由保有之職位 終身享有或可以繼承。
• An excise or excise tax (消费税;货物税;国 产税)is any duty on manufactured goods which is levied at the moment of manufacture, rather than at sale. Excises are often associated with customs duties (which are levied on pre-existing goods when they cross a designated border in a specific direction); customs are levied on goods which come into existence – as taxable items – at the border, while excise is levied on goods which came into existence inland.
• 另外,今天與自由保有相對的是租地持有 〔leasehold〕,後者指依契約在一定時期內 持有地產,但卻是一種動產性權益〔chattle interest〕。自由保有地有兩個特徵,即不 動產性——如地產或地產性權益,和保有期
間的不確定性。事實上的自由保有地產 〔freehold in deed〕蘊含著對土地的實際占 有,可分為非限嗣繼承地產〔fee simple〕、 限嗣繼承地產〔fee tail〕和終身地產 〔tenement for life〕;

My Opinions about Gun Control

My Opinions about Gun Control

My Opinions about Gun ControlRecently gun control becomes a hot topic among people. Whether to take strong measures to control guns is drawing more and more attention from the public.Different people have different opinions. From my point of view, it's more than necessary to control guns both for our society and guns owners themselves. As we all know, almost all of those who buy guns intend to protect themselves from being injured, but every coin has two sides. Statistics has proved that some people had died or got injured when they defended themselves with guns, in that they knew nothing about guns' usage. These facts warned us that guns were extremely dangerous for people not just for whom they were aimed at but all that were around. In view of these cases, if you tend to buy a gun, please make sure that you and your family members can control it well. As to the society, firm gun control is imperative. If one has a gun, he is easy to commit a crime. If there was nocontrol of guns, the rate of crime would go up, people would feel panicky , and our society would become a mess. Under this situation, everything would be out of order. Our economy, education and so on would be seriously affected. The results are beyond our imagination. In order to keep our society and countries harmonious, to keep our citizens happy, we should control guns decidedly.I strongly believe that having guns mains nothing about safety. Only when we try our best to care others, can everyone has a safe life.。

anti-加在名词、形容词之前(表示 反对)

anti-加在名词、形容词之前(表示 反对)

23、 antidote --------- 解毒剂 24、 antidream --------- 抑制梦境的 25、 antidrug --------- 反毒品的 26、 antielitist --------- 反精英主义的 27、 antiemetic --------- 止吐的 28、 antifascist --------- 反法西斯主义的 29、 antifatigue --------- 抗疲劳的 30、 antifouling --------- 防污的 31、 antifreeze --------- 防冻剂 32、 antigambling --------- 反赌博的 33、 antigovernment --------- 反政府的 34、 antigraft --------- 反贪污的 35、 antigun --------- 反枪支的 36、 antihairloss --------- 防脱发的 37、 antihalitosis --------- 抗口臭的 38、 antiicing --------- 防结冰的 39、 antiimmigration --------- 反移民的 40、 antiimperialist --------- 反帝国主义的 41、 antiitch --------- 止痒的 42、 antijamming --------- 抗干扰的 43、 antimonopoly --------- 反垄断的 44、 antinationalist --------- 反民族主义的 45、 antipain --------- 止痛的 46、 antipiracy --------- 反盗版的
1、 antiageing --------- 抗衰老的 2、 antiallergic --------- 抗过敏的 3、 antiarthritic --------- 抗关节炎的 4、 antiarthrosic --------- 抗关节病的 5、 antiasthmatic --------- 抗哮喘的 6、 antibacterial --------- 抗菌的 7、 antibesmirch --------- 防止玷污的 8、 antibiased --------- 反偏见的 9、 antibiotic --------- 抗生素的 10、 antiblocking --------- 防阻塞的 11、 anticaking --------- 防止结块的 12、 anticancer --------- 抗癌的 13、 anticarcinogen --------- 抗癌物质 14、 anticarcinogenic --------- 抗癌变的 15、 anticardiac --------- 抗心脏病的 16、 anticensorship --------- 反审查的 17、 anticorrosion --------- 防腐蚀的 18、 anticorruption --------- 反腐败的 19、 anticough --------- 止咳的 20、 anticrime --------- 反犯罪的 21、 antidandruff --------- 去头皮屑的 22、 antidelusion --------- 抗妄想的



美国暴力冲突枪击英语作文英文:The issue of gun violence and violent conflicts in the United States is a complex and controversial topic that has sparked heated debates and discussions. Incidents of mass shootings, police brutality, and hate crimes have becomeall too common, leaving many people feeling fearful and unsafe in their own communities. As an American, I have witnessed the devastating impact of these violent events and have seen the toll they take on individuals and families.One of the most high-profile cases of gun violence in recent years was the mass shooting at a high school in Parkland, Florida, where 17 people were killed and many others were injured. This tragic event not only shocked the nation, but it also reignited the debate over gun control laws and the Second Amendment. As a result, many students and activists have been advocating for stricter gunregulations and calling for an end to the senselessviolence that plagues our society.In addition to mass shootings, the issue of police brutality has also been a major concern in the United States. The deaths of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and countless others at the hands of law enforcement have sparked widespread protests and calls for police reform. These incidents have highlighted the systemic racism and injustice that continues to pervade our society, and have prompted important conversations about the need for accountability and change within our law enforcement agencies.Furthermore, hate crimes targeting marginalized communities, such as the recent rise in anti-Asian violence, have further exacerbated the issue of violent conflicts in the United States. These acts of hate and discrimination have instilled fear and anxiety within these communities, and have underscored the need for greater solidarity and support for those who are most vulnerable.As an American, I am deeply troubled by the prevalenceof gun violence and violent conflicts in our country. It is disheartening to see the loss of innocent lives and the lasting trauma that these events inflict on individuals and communities. While there are no easy solutions to these complex issues, it is imperative that we come together as a society to address the root causes of violence and work towards creating a safer and more inclusive environment for all.中文:美国的枪支暴力和暴力冲突是一个复杂而具有争议性的话题,引发了激烈的辩论和讨论。



不要以片面的眼光看问题作文English Answer:The world is a complex and multifaceted place, and it is important to avoid looking at issues from a one-sided perspective. There are always multiple factors to consider, and it is easy to get a distorted view of a situation if you only look at it from one angle.For example, when considering the issue of climate change, it is important to consider the perspectives of both those who believe that it is a serious threat and those who believe that it is not. There are valid arguments to be made on both sides of the issue, and it is important to weigh all of the evidence before forming an opinion.Another example is the issue of gun control. There are strong arguments to be made both for and against stricter gun control laws. It is important to consider the perspectives of both sides of the issue before forming anopinion.It is also important to avoid making generalizations about people based on their race, gender, or religion. There is a great deal of diversity within every group of people, and it is important to remember that not everyone who belongs to a particular group is the same.For example, it is wrong to assume that all Muslims are terrorists. The vast majority of Muslims are peaceful people who want to live in peace with others. It is important to remember that generalizations about entire groups of people can be very dangerous.In conclusion, it is important to avoid looking at issues from a one-sided perspective. There are always multiple factors to consider, and it is easy to get a distorted view of a situation if you only look at it from one angle. It is important to consider all of the evidence and to be open to different perspectives before forming an opinion.中文回答:避免单方面的观察视角。



1 A型显示器(距离显示器) A scope(range indicator)2 交流二极管充电A.C. diode charging3 交流阻抗A.C. impedance4 交流谐振充电A.C. resonant charging5 A/R型显示器A/R scope6 电枢控制Aarmature control7 绝对误差Absolute error8 吸收性复盖层Absorbent overlay(coverage)9 减震器Absorber10 吸收式衰减器Absorptive attenuator11 交流控制系统AC control system12 加速度信息Acceleration information13 附件Accessory14 捕捉目标试验Acquisition object test15 截获概率试验Acquisition probability test16 低仰角截获试验Acquisition test at the lowest elevation17 有源滤波器Active filter18 有源校正网络Active corrective network19 有源干扰Active jamming20 阵列单元的有效阻抗Active-impedance of an array element21 执行元件Actuator(driving) element22 自适应天线Adaptive antenna23 自适应天线系统Adaptive antenna system24 自适应能力Adaptive capability25 自适应检测器Adaptive detector26 自适应跳频Adaptive frequency hopping27 自适应干扰机Adaptive jammer28 自适应动目标显示Adaptive MTI29 加法器Adder30 导纳Admittance31 气悬体干扰Aerosol jamming32 通风车Air blower carriage33 空气滤渍器Air filter34 空中交通管制雷达Air traffic control radar35 机载引导雷达Airborne director radar36 机载动目标显示Airborne MTI37 机载雷达Airborne radar38 机载测距雷达Airborne range-finding radar39 机载警戒雷达Airborne warning radar40 机载截击雷达Airborne-intercept radar41 空心偏转线圈Air-core deflection coil42 护尾雷达Aircraft tail warning radar(ATWR)43 飞机跟踪试验Aircraft tracking test44 全空域录取All-zone extraction45 换批Alternate the batch number46 调幅干扰AM jamming47 调幅调相转换AM/PM conversion48 模糊函数Ambiguity function49 模糊图Ambiguity pattern50 衰减量Amount of attenuation51 放大器Amplifier52 放大元件Amplifier element53 增幅管Amplitron54 幅度鉴别恒虚警技术Amplitude discrimination CFAR technique55 幅裕度Amplitude margin56 幅度噪声Amplitude noise57 幅度方向图Amplitude pattern58 振幅量化Amplitude quantization59 分层Amplitude quantizing60 比幅单脉冲雷达Amplitude-comparison monopulse radar61 幅频特性Amplitude-frequency characteristic62 幅频一致性Amplitude-frequency equalization63 调幅信号Amplitude-modulated signal64 幅值-相位仪Amplitude-phase meter65 模拟移相器Analog phase shifter66 信号的模拟处理Analog processing of signal67 模拟信号Analog signal68 模拟式扫描(连续式扫描) Analog sweep69 模-数变换Analog-to-digital conversion70 模拟显示Analogue display71 模拟测距Analogue ranging72 频率分析法Analysis method of frequency domain73 解析信号Analytic signal74 角度欺骗干扰Angle deception jamming75 角度截获概率Angle intercept probability76 角度噪声Angle noise77 跟踪角速度和角加速度Angle tracking velocity and acceleration78 角闪烁误差Angular glint error79 角增量正余弦函数运算器Angular increment sine-cosine arithmetic unit80 天线Antenna81 天线抗干扰技术Antenna anti-jamming technique82 天线回零装置Antenna back device83 天线控制系统Antenna control system84 孔径型天线的天线效率Antenna efficiency of an aperture-type antenna85 天线电轴Antenna electrical boresight86 天线升降机构Antenna elevating subsiding machine87 天线增益Antenna gain88 天线裹冰厚度Antenna icing depth89 天线锁定装置Antenna locking device90 天线方向图Antenna pattern91 天线波瓣自动记录仪Antenna pattern automatic recorder92 天线座Antenna pedestal93 天线指向Antenna pointing94 天线功率增益Antenna power gain95 天线读数机构Antenna reading device96 天线风洞试验Antenna test in tunnel97 天线测试转台Antenna test turning platform98 天线拖车Antenna trailer99 抗有源干扰能力Anti-active jamming capability100 抗轰炸能力Anti-bomb capability101 抗海浪试验Anti-clutter test against the sea102 防撞信息Anticollision information103 防撞雷达Anti-collision radar104 抗干扰试验Anti-jamming test105 抗无源干扰能力Anti-passive jamming capability106 反雷达伪装Anti-radar camouflage107 反雷达复盖层Anti-radar overlay(coverage)108 反辐射导弹Anti-radiation missile109 抗饱和Anti-saturation110 抗风能力Anti-wind capability111 口面阻挡损失Aperture blockage loss112 口面照射效率Aperture illumination efficiency113 区域杂波开关Area clutter switch114 区域动目标显示Area moving-target indication115 阵列天线Array antenna116 人工线(脉冲形成网络)Artificial line(pulse form network)117 人工空间电离干扰Artificial space ionization jamming118 炮兵侦察校射雷达Artillery target-search and gun-pointing adjustment radar 119 随机仪表Associated instrumentation120 天文雷达Astronomical radar121 大气吸收损耗Atmospheric absorption loss122 天电干扰Atmospheric interference123 气压开关Atmospheric pressure switch124 大气折射误差Atmospheric refraction error125 衰减Attenuation126 衰减常数Attenuation constant127 衰减器Attenuator128 姿态线Attitude line129 自相关函数Autocorrelaton function130 自相关器Auto-correlator131 相控阵组件的自动检查装置Automatic check device for array elements132 自动控制系统Automatic control system133 自动检测Automatic detection134 自动录取Automatic extraction135 自动录取设备Automatic Extractor136 自频调系统的捕捉带宽Automatic frequency control system pull-in bandwidth137 自频调系统的跟踪带宽Automatic frequency control system tracking bandwidth138 自动频率控制Automatic frequency control(AFC)139 自动增益控制Automatic gain control (AGC)140 自动增益控制Automatic gain control (AGC)141 自动噪声电平调整Automatic noise leveling (ANL)142 自动相位控制Automatic phase control143 自动改批Automatically change the batch number144 自动编批Automatically order the batch number145 自主显示器Autonomous indicator146 辅助偏转线圈Auxiliary deflection coil147 辅助偏转板Auxiliary deflection plates148 有效性Availability149 平均功率Average power150 轴向偏焦Axial offset-focus151 轴比Axial ratio152 轴系精度Axis train precision153 方位轴Azimuth axis154 方位驱动装置Azimuth drive device155 方位编码器Azimuth encoder156 方位信息Azimuth information157 方位大齿轮Azimuth main drive gear158 方位分辨率Azimuth resolution159 方位同步传动装置Azimuth transmitting selsyn device160 B型显示器(距离-方位显示器) B scope(range-azimuth indicator)161 背射天线Backfire antenna162 回差Backlash163 齿隙补偿回路Backlash compensating circuit164 返波管Backward wave tube165 平衡式天线收发开关Balanced duplexer166 平衡混频器Balanced mixer167 平衡型参量放大器Balanced parametric amplifier168 平衡器Balancer169 平衡电感Balancing inductor170 滚珠螺旋传动Ball helical gearing171 校正气球Balloon for correction172 气球跟踪试验Balloon tracking test173 巴伦(平衡——不平衡变换器)Balun(balanced-unbalanced transformer)174 频带扩展Band spread175 选频放大器Bandpass amplifier176 天线的带宽Bandwidth of antenna177 阻塞式干扰Barrage jamming178 战场侦察雷达Battle-field search radar179 贝叶斯估计Bays estimation180 波束圆锥角Beam conical angle181 天线罩波束指向误差Beam pointing error of a radome182 波束形状损耗Beam-shape loss183 方位标志Bearing markers184 二轴稳定系统Bi-axial stable system185 二进(双择)检测Binary detection186 双基地雷达Bistatic radar187 压制性干扰Blanket jamming (blanking jamming)188 盲目着陆雷达Blind landing-aid radar189 盲相Blind phase190 盲速Blind speed191 盲点Blind spot192 盲区Blind zone193 闪烁干扰Blinking jamming194 轰炸雷达Bombing radar195 校准塔Boresight tower196 分支式天线收发开关Branch duplexer197 分支式电桥Branch hybrid junction198 击穿Breakdown199 击穿Breakdown200 击穿功率Breakdown power201 宽带中频放大器Broad band intermediate frequency amplifier202 体效应二极管本地振荡器Bulk effect diode local oscillator203 烧穿Burn through204 C型显示器(方位-仰角显示器) C scope(azimuth-elevation indicator) 205 机柜Cabinet206 机柜、分机结构Cabinet, subassembly207 电缆附加器Cable adapter208 电缆盘Cable drum209 标定误差Calibrated error210 对消比Cancellation ratio211 电缆敷设车Carriage for cabling212 变频车Carriage for frequency converting213 工程修理车Carriage for repair equipment214 级联放大发射机Cascade amplifier transmitter215 卡塞戈伦天线Cassegrain antenna216 阴极脉冲调制器Cathode modulator217 电子束管(阴极射线管) Cathode-ray tube(CRT)218 空腔型振荡器Cavity oscillator219 谐振腔Cavity resonator220 空腔稳频本地振荡器Cavity-stabilized local oscillator221 电荷耦合器件对消器CCD canceller222 恒虚警损失CFAR loss223 恒虚警率接收机CFAR receiver224 干扰物Chaff225 箔条Chaff226 干扰云Chaff cloud227 干扰偶极子Chaff dipole228 干扰包Chaff package229 干扰物模拟器Chaff simulator230 电源电压变化试验Change of power line voltage231 天线扫描率变化Change of scanning rate232 性质改批Change the batch number from the feature233 变极化馈电器Changed polarization feed234 信道化接收机Channelized receiver235 特性阻抗Characteristic impedance236 电荷耦合器件Charge coupled device(CCD)237 充电电路Charging circuit238 充电电感Charging inductor239 匣形天线Cheese antenna240 扼流接头Choke-flange241 圆形阵Circular array242 圆形软波导Circular flexible waveguide243 圆极化馈电器Circular polarization feed244 圆极化喇叭Circular polarization horn245 圆周扫描Circular sweep246 圆波导Circular waveguide247 圆极化场矢量Circularly polarized field vector248 圆极化平面波Circularly polarized plane wave249 环行器Circulator250 时钟接收机Clock receiver251 闭环带宽Closed-loop bandwidth252 闭环系统频率特性Closed-loop system frequency characteristic253 闭环控制系统(反馈控制系统)Close-loop control system (feed-back control system)254 杂波Clutter255 杂波滤波器Clutter filter256 杂波锁定Clutter lock257 杂波地图Clutter map258 杂波抑制Clutter suppression259 粗精测系统Coarse-fine measurement system260 同轴电缆Coaxial cable261 同轴谐振腔Coaxial cavity262 同轴接头Coaxial connector263 同轴定向耦合器Coaxial directional coupler264 同轴滤波器Coaxial filter265 同轴环行电桥Coaxial hybrid ring266 同轴线Coaxial line267 同轴旋转关节Coaxial rotary joint268 同轴转换开关Coaxial switch269 同轴带线变换器Coaxial-stripline transformer270 同轴波导变换器Coaxial-waveguide transformer271 编码发射机Coded transmitter272 相关干扰Coherent jamming273 相干动目标显示Coherent MTI274 相干振荡器Coherent oscillator275 相干接收机Coherent receiver276 重合检测Coincidence detection277 丢失损耗Collapsing loss278 收集极Collector279 共线阵Collinear array280 彩色显示Color display281 色噪声Colored noise282 梳齿滤波器Comb filter283 复合控制系统Combination-loop control system284 混合干扰Combinatorial jamming285 综合环境试验Combined environment test286 站办通讯机Communication machine in station287 复调制干扰Complex modulated jamming288 复信号Complex signal289 复合波形调制干扰Complex waveform modulated jamming 290 接地Conductive earth291 共形阵天线Conformal array antenna292 介质导喇叭馈电器Conical dielectric horn-feed293 圆锥喇叭Conical horn294 圆锥扫描雷达Conical scan radar295 圆锥扫描天线Conical scanned antenna296 圆锥扫描雷达接收机Conical scanning radar receiver297 等高平面位置显示器Constant altitude PPI298 恒虚警接收机Constant false-alarm receiver(CFAR)299 恒值控制系统Constant-value control system300 强迫馈电Constrained feed301 约束金属板透镜天线Constrained metal-plate lens antenna302 连续工作时间Continuous operating time303 连续调整系统控制系统Continuous regulation control system304 连续信号Continuous signal305 连续波调制信号Continuous-wave modulated signal306 连续波雷达接收机Continuous-wave radar receiver307 对比度Contrast308 控制系统Control system309 可控性Controllability310 变换元件Conversion element311 变频损耗Conversion loss312 坐标变换Conversion of coordinate313 折算惯量Converted inertia314 变频器Converter315 卷积Convolution316 卷积器Convolutor317 冷却剂Coolant318 致冷参量放大器Cooled parametric amplifier319 冷却试验Cooling test320 角反射器Corner reflector321 角形反射器天线Corner reflector antenna322 电晕Corona323 瞄准望远镜Correcting telescope324 校正元件Corrective element325 相关系数Correlation coefficient326 相关函数Correlation function327 相关接收Correlation receive328 相关接收机Correlation receiver329 相关时间Correlation time330 相关器Correlator331 波纹喇叭(标量喇叭)Corrugated horn(scalar)332 余割平方天线Cosecant-squared antenna333 抗反辐射导弹措施Counter anti-radiation missile measures334 反迫击炮雷达Counter-mortar radar335 联轴器Coupling336 航向标志Course markers337 互相关函数Cross correlation function338 交叉极化电平Cross polarization level339 互相关器Cross-correlator340 十字缝隙天线Crossed slot antenna341 正交场平衡混频器Crossed-field balanced mixer342 正交场器件(M型器件)Crossed-field devices(M-type devices) 343 交叉极化损失Cross-polarization loss344 交叉滚子轴承Crossro roller bearing345 撬棒电路Crowbar circuit346 阴极射线管显示CRT-display347 立方相差Cube phase error348 游标Cursor349 切割抛物面天线Cut parabolic antenna350 截止式衰减器Cut-off attenutor351 截止频率Cut-off frequency352 截止波长Cut-off wavelength353 连续波干扰CW jamming354 连续波雷达CW radar355 连续波雷达发射机CW radar transmitter356 摆线针轮减速器Cycloidal gear reductor357 油缸Cylinder358 圆柱阵Cylindrical array359 柱面波Cylindrical wave360 D型显示器D scope361 直流阻抗D.C. impedance362 直流谐振充电D.C. resonant charging363 直流谐振二极管充电D.C. resonant diode charge 364 数据处理Data processing365 数据处理Data processing366 数据率Data rate367 数据记录设备Date recorder equipment368 直流控制系统DC control system369 死区Dead zone370 欺骗性干扰干扰Deception jamming371 雷达诱饵Decoy372 偏转通道带宽Deflection channel bandwidth 373 偏转线圈Deflection coil374 偏转调制Deflection modulation375 偏转板Deflection plates376 偏转稳定(建立)时间Deflection settling time 377 散焦保护电路Defocusing protection circuit378 耦合度Degree of coupling379 辐射隔离度Degree of radiant protection380 延迟线对消器Delay line canceller381 延迟线滤波器Delay line filter382 延时充电电路Delayed charging circuit383 密度检测Density detection384 去极化Depolarization385 降优值电路De-Q-ing circuit386 削尖峰电路Despiking circuit387 检测准则Detection criterion388 发现概率Detection probability389 位移式操作Deviation operation390 介质干扰杆Dielectric chaff rod391 介质透镜天线Dielectric lens antenna392 介质移相器Dielectric phase shifter393 介质棒天线Dielectric rod antenna394 差增益Difference gain395 差信号Difference signal396 差斜率Difference slope397 指触光敏装置Digilux touch mask398 数字控制系统Digital control system399 数字显示Digital display400 数字滤波器Digital filter401 数字积累器Digital integrator402 数字匹配滤波器Digital matched filter403 数字动目标显示Digital MTI (DMTI)404 数字移相器Digital phase shifter405 信号的数字处理Digital processing of signal406 数字测距Digital ranging407 数字式分解Digital resolving408 数字信号Digital signal409 数字式扫描(量化式扫描) Digital sweep410 数-模变换Digital-to-analog conversion411 后馈带反射盘的振子馈电器Dipole-disk feed for rear-feed 412 直接定位Direct location413 引导式干扰Directed jamming414 方向控制阀Directing-control valve415 定向耦合器Directional coupler416 定向互导Directional mutual conductance417 方向性增益Directive gain418 方向性Directivity419 引导雷达Director radar420 直观贮存管Direct-view storage tube421 离散付里叶变换Discrete Fourier transform422 离散信号Discrete signal423 鉴频器Discriminator424 色散Dispersion425 色散滤波器Dispersion filter426 显示方式Display modes427 道尔夫-切比雪夫阵列天线Dolph-chebyshef array antenna 428 多普勒雷达Doppler radar429 多普勒信号Doppler signal430 双重平衡混频器Double balanced mixer431 二次对消器Double canceller432 双偏管Double deflection CRT433 双增益级对数放大器Double gain stage logarithmic amplifier 434 双极化接收Double polarization receive435 双极点滤波器Double pole filter436 双脊波导Double ridge waveguide437 双门限检测Double threshold detection438 双门限检测器Double threshold detector439 双T接头Double T-junction440 双偏转Double-deflection441 后馈双喇叭馈电器Double-horn feed for rear-feed442 后馈双缝隙馈电器Double-slote feed for rear-feed443 双调谐中频放大器Double-tuned intermediate frequency amplifier 444 传动机构Drive445 干燥充气机Dry-air filling machine446 双模式干扰机Dual mode jammer447 双链传动装置Dual train drive device448 等效负载Dummy load449 天线收发开关Duplexer450 气体放电管收发开关Duplexer of gas discharge tube451 工作比Duty cycle452 动态特性Dynamic characteristic453 动态检查Dynamic check454 动态聚焦Dynamic focus455 动态聚焦线圈Dynamic focusing coil456 动态聚焦电极Dynamic focusing electrode457 动态滞后误差Dynamic lag error458 E面(H面)折叠双T E plane (H plane) magic-T459 E面T形接头E plane T-junction460 E面弯波导E plane waveguide bend461 E主平面E principal plane462 E型显示器(距离-仰角显示器) E scope(range-elevation indicator) 463 预警雷达Early warning radar464 回波箱Echo-box465 边导模隔离器Edge-guide mode isolator466 天线的有效面积Effective area of an antenna467 有效带宽Effective bandwidth468 有效辐射功率Effective radiation power(E.R.P.)469 有效时宽Effective time width470 电调衰减器Electric control attenuator471 电控转换开关Electric control switch472 电屏蔽Electric shield473 电调滤波器Electric tuning filter474 天线电轴Electrical boresight of antenna475 电气-掖压控制系统Electric-hydraulic control system476 电液伺服阀Electro-hydraulic servo value477 电液伺服阀Electro-hydraulic servo valve478 场致发光显示板Electroluminescent display panel479 电磁兼容性Electromagnetic compatibility480 电磁屏蔽Electro-magnetic shield481 电子频移Electron frequency drift482 电子抗干扰Electronic anti-jamming483 电子反侦察Electronic anti-reconnaissance484 电子注聚焦Electronic beam focusing485 电子防御措施Electronic counter-countermeasures (ECCM) 486 反电子措施Electronic countermeasures (ECM)487 电子干扰Electronic jamming488 电子侦察Electronic reconnaissance489 电扫描天线Electronic Scanned antenna490 电子调谐率Electronic tuning rate491 电子战Electronic warfare (EW)492 电子对抗Electronic warfare (EW)493 电扫描雷达Electronically scanned radar494 静电偏转管Electrostatic deflection CRT495 静电聚焦Electrostatic focus496 静电偏转Electrostatic-deflection497 单元室Element cell498 阵中单元增益Element gain in an array499 单元栅格Element grid500 阵中单元方向图Elem501 单元间距Element spacing502 俯仰轴Elevation axis503 俯仰驱动装置Elevation drive device504 仰角信息Elevation information505 俯仰大齿轮Elevation main drive gear506 仰角分辨率Elevation resolution507 俯仰同步传动装置Elevation transmitting selsyn device508 俯仰-方位型天线座Elevation-azimuth type antenna pedestal509 椭圆软波导Elliptical flexible waveguide510 椭圆波导Elliptical waveguide511 椭圆极化场矢量Elliptically polarized field vector512 椭圆极化平面波Elliptically polarized plane wave513 密封试验Encapsulation test514 末制导雷达End-guidance radar515 环境假设Environment assumption516 等相位面Equiphase surface517 车厢设备布局Equipment position arrangement in shelter518 误差信号分解器Error signal resolver519 误差敏感元件(测量元件,比较元件) Error-sensitive element(measurement element, comparative element)520 蒸发冷却Evaporative cooling521 电子战模拟试验场EW simulation test range522 电子对抗支援措施EW support measures523 精确频率Exact frequency524 激励系数Excitation coefficients525 激励振动频率Excited vibration frequency526 激励器(预调器、触发器)Exciter(premodulator, trigger)527 扩展系数Expansion coefficient528 投掷式干扰机Expendable jammer529 暴露区Exposed zone530 延伸馈电器Extended feeds531 录取显示器Extraction display532 录取误差Extraction error533 录取存贮器Extraction memory534 录取设备Extractor535 外推(预测) Extrapolation(prediction)536 极窄脉冲雷达Extra-short pulse radar537 F型显示器(角度差显示器) F scope(angle error indicator)538 屏蔽系数(屏蔽隔离度) Factor of shielding(shielding strength)539 虚警概率False alarm time540 扇形波束天线Fan-beam antenna541 法拉第旋转式环行器Faraday rotation circulator542 法拉第旋转效应隔离器Faraday rotation isolator543 远场区(佛累和费区) Far-field region (Frouhofer region)544 远场区方向图Far-field region pattern545 快速付里叶变换Fast Fourier transform546 快时间常数电路Fast time constant circuit (FTC)547 馈电器feed548 馈线Feed line549 馈电网络Feed network550 相控阵馈电网络Feed networks for phased array551 反馈Feedback552 前馈Feedforward553 篱笆Fence554 铁氧体天线收发开关Ferrite duplexer555 铁氧体移相器Ferrite phase shifter556 铁氧体开关Ferrite switch557 导光纤维管Fibre-optic CRT558 激磁控制Field control559 外场试验(现场试验) Field test560 场移式隔离器Field-displacement isolator561 滤波器Filter562 滤波Filter563 火控雷达Fire control radar564 一阶微分环节First derivative element565 一阶无差系统First order astatic system566 五喇叭馈电器Five-horn feed567 固定式偏转线圈Fixed deflection coil568 固定雷达Fixed radar569 固定目标检查Fixed-object check570 平头缝隙天线Flat headed antenna571 软同轴线Flexible coaxial line572 软反馈Flexible feedback573 软波导Flexible waveguide574 飞行试验Flight calibration575 浮动极调制器(调制阳极脉冲调制器)Floating desk modulator (modulating a node pulse modulator)576 溢流阀Flood valve577 流量控保电路Flow control protection circuit578 流量控制阀Flowrate-control valve579 调频干扰FM jamming580 泡沫天线罩Foamradome581 聚焦Focus582 聚焦线圈Focus coil583 焦距Focus distance584 焦点(线)Focus(focal line)585 散焦Focus-out586 折合振子Folded dipole587 强迫通风Forced ventilation588 前向波管Forward wave tube589 四点接触向心推力轴承Four point contract center-oriented thrust ball bearing 590 四轴稳定系统Four-axial stable system591 四喇叭馈电器Four-horn feed592 骨架Frame593 自由空间波长Free space wavelength594 自由空间衰减Free-space attenuation595 频率捷变雷达Frequency agile radar596 频率捷变Frequency agility597 频率特性Frequency characteristic598 频率去相关Frequency decorrelation599 频率鉴别Frequency discrimination600 鉴频系数Frequency discrimination figure601 鉴频器幅度对称性Frequency discriminator amplitude frequency symmetry 602 鉴频器交界频率Frequency discriminator cross-over frequency603 鉴频器失真度Frequency discriminator degree of frequency distortion604 鉴频器频率对称性Frequency discriminator frequency symmetry605 鉴频器通频带Frequency discriminator pass band606 频率分集雷达Frequency diversity radar607 跳频Frequency hopping608 调频雷达发射机Frequency modulation radar transmitter609 倍频本地振荡器Frequency multiplication local oscillator610 频率预选Frequency pre-selection611 频率牵引系数Frequency pulling figure612 频率范围(带宽)Frequency range (band width)613 频率选择抗干扰技术Frequency selection anti-jamming technique614 频率灵敏度Frequency sensitivity615 频率瞄准误差Frequency spot error616 频率稳定度Frequency stability617 频率综合器Frequency synthesizer618 频率捷变本地振荡器Frequency-agile local oscillator619 频率捷变信号Frequency-agile signal620 频率编码脉冲压缩Frequency-coded pulse compression621 调频雷达Frequency-modulated radar622 调频雷达接收机Frequency-modulated radar receiver623 调频信号Frequency-modulated signal624 频率扫描天线Frequency-scanned antenna625 扫频本地振荡器Frequency-scanned local oscillator626 频率扫描雷达Frequency-scanned radar627 菲涅尔区Fresnel region628 菲涅尔区方向图Fresnel region pattern629 摩擦起伏Friction fluctuation630 主模Fundamental mode631 引信干扰Fuse jamming632 G型显示器G scope633 G/T比G/T ratio634 增益Gain635 门开关Gate switch636 高斯白噪声Gaussion white noise637 齿轮传动误差Gear transmission error638 总体抗干扰技术General anti-jamming technique639 雷达综合测试仪General radar instrument640 基准电压Generator for reference voltage641 抛物面天线几何轴Geometrical axis of parabolic antenna642 射流管式电液伺服阀Get-type electro-hydraulic servo valve643 图形失真Graphic distortion644 图形失真校正Graphic distortion correction645 图象稳定度Graphic stability646 图形显示Graphical display647 栅瓣Grating lobe648 栅瓣图Grating lobe pattern649 格雷戈伦天线Gregarain antenna650 栅极脉冲调制器Grid modulator651 栅状反射面Grid reflecting surface652 车厢接地椿Grounding post for shelter653 群速Group velocity654 制导雷达Guidance radar655 波导波长Guide wavelength656 引导设备Guiding device657 炮瞄雷达Gun directing radar658 炮位侦察校射雷达Gun's position target-search and gun-pointing adjustment radar659 回旋管Gyrotron660 H面T形接头H plane T-junction661 H面弯波导H plane waveguide bend662 H主平面H principal plane663 H型显示器H scope664 半功率点波瓣宽度Half-power beamwidth (3 db beamwidth)665 半波振子天线Half-wave dipole antenna666 电缆手推车Hand-cart for cable drum667 港口雷达Harbor radar668 硬限幅器Hard limiter669 硬限幅器Hard limiter670 刚管脉冲调制器Hard tube pulse modulator671 谐波传动Harmonic gearing672 谐波雷达Harmonic radar673 下视显示器Head-down indicator674 平视显示器Head-up indicator675 热管Heat pipe676 散热器Heat sink677 高度信息Height information678 测高雷达Height-finding radar679 螺旋天线Helical antenna680 密封窗Hermetic window681 隐蔽锥扫Hide conical-scan682 高亮度显示High brightness display683 高压转换时间High voltage switching time684 高次模Higher-order mode685 高频放大器High-frequency amplifier686 高频信号High-frequency signal687 高温试验High-temperature test688 极窄视频脉冲通过电路High-video pass (HVP)689 希尔伯特变换Hilbert transform690 孔型定向耦合器Hole-type directional coupler691 同态信号处理Homomorphic signal processing692 水平极化场矢量Horizontally polarized field vector693 喇叭天线Horn antenna694 喇叭天线Horn antenna695 喇叭抛物反射面天线Horn parabolic reflector antenna696 高压延时保护电路HV delaytime protection circuit697 电桥Hybrid junction698 环行电桥Hybrid ring699 混合型可控硅磁脉冲调制器Hybrid SCR700 液压放大器Hydraulic amplifier701 液压缓冲器Hydraulic buffer702 液压随动装置Hydraulic follow-up unit703 液压马达Hydraulic motor704 液压泵Hydraulic pump705 I型显示器(径向距离-方位显示器) I scope(radial range-azimuth indicator) 706 敌我识别雷达Identifier of foe or friend(IFF)707 图像显示Image display(picture display)708 镜频回收Image recovery709 镜象回收混频器Image recovery mixer710 镜频反射Image reflection711 镜频抑制Image rejection712 镜频抑制Image rejection713 虚频特性Imaginary frequency characteristic714 阻抗Impedance715 阻抗匹配Impedance match716 天线阻抗匹配Impedance match of antenna717 渐变式阻抗变换器Impedance taper718 阻抗变换器Impedance transformer719 改善因子Improvement factor720 改善因子Improvement factor(IF)721 斜缝隙天线阵Inclined slot array antenna722 插入扫描Incorporated sweep723 显示器电磁屏蔽Indicator electromagnetic screen724 间接定位Indirect location725 感应移相器Induction phase shifter726 工业干扰Industrial interference727 惯性环节(非周期环节)Inertia element (aperiodic element)728 充气天线罩Inflation radome729 红外跟踪器Infra-red tracker730 红外跟踪试验Infra-red tracking test731 红外雷达跟踪转换试验Infra-red-radar tracking transfer test732 注入锁定本地振荡器Injection locked local oscillator733 进油路Inlet oil line734 天线输入导纳Input admittance of an antenna735 输入阻抗Input impedance736 天线输入阻抗Input impedance of an antenna737 插入损耗Insertion loss738 天线罩插入相移Insertion phase of a radome739 插入相移Insertion phase shift740 瞬时自动增益控制Instantaneous automatic gain control (IAGC)741 瞬时自动增益控制Instantaneous automatic gain control(IAGC)742 射频包络Instantaneous bandwidth743 瞬时测频接收机Instantaneous frequency measurement receiver744 积分环节Integral element745 积分折射率仪Integral refractive index meter746 指向累计检测器Integration detector747 积累损耗Integration loss748 积分器Integrator749 辉亮控制Intensity control750 辉亮校正Intensity correction751 辉亮调制Intensity modulation752 频率截获概率Intercept probability of frequency753 截取功率Intercepted power754 杂波间可见度Inter-clutter visibility (ICV)755 雷达/计算机接口设备Interface equipment of radar-computer756 干涉性复盖层Interference overlay(coverage)757 干扰信号Interference signals and/or jamming signals758 干涉仪系统Interfermeter system759 中频Intermediate frequency760 中频放大器Intermediate frequency amplifier761 中频放大器的中心频率Intermediate frequency amplifier center frequency 762 中频放大器增益Intermediate frequency amplifier gain763 中频对消器Intermediate frequency canceller764 中频积累Intermediate frequency integration765 前置中频放大器Intermediate frequency preamplifier766 中频信号Intermediate frequency signal767 内光点录取设备Internal spot extraction equipment768 内插(平滑) Interpolation(smoothing)769 脉内跳频Interpulse frequency shifting770 询问机Interrogator771 去反峰电路Inverse clipper circuit772 倒相干扰Inverse conical scan jamming773 反峰阻尼电路Inverse damping circuit774 逆滤波器Inverse filter775 逆增益干扰Inverse gain jamming776 反概率准则(后验概率准则) Inverse probability criterion777 反概率接收机Inverse probability receiver778 铁芯偏转线圈Iron-core deflection coil779 阵列单元的孤立阻抗Isolated impedance of an array element 780 隔离比Isolation781 天线间的隔离Isolation between antennas782 隔离器Isolator783 J型显示器(圆扫显示器) J scope(circular sweep indicator) 784 干扰机Jammer785 干扰压制系数Jamming blanket factor786 干扰压制区Jamming blanketed zone787 干扰调制样式Jamming modulation type788 干扰参数Jamming parameter789 干扰功率密度Jamming power density790 干扰信号带宽Jamming signal band width791 干扰强度Jamming strength792 进气道干扰试验Jamming test of duct793 操纵柄Joystick794 K型显示器K scope795 卡尔曼滤波器Kalman filter796 速调管Klystron797 L型显示器L scope798 大动态线形接收机Large dynamic range liner receiver799 大屏幕显示Large screen display800 激光雷达Laser radar801 激光测距仪Laser ranging unit802 侧波束角Lateral beam angle803 横向偏焦Lateral offset-focus804 漏波天线Leaky-wave antenna805 透镜天线Lens antenna806 少齿差减速器Less differential gear reductor807 光学录取设备Light-pen extraction equipment808 似然比准则Likelihood ratio criterion809 似然比接收机Likelihood ratio receiver810 力矩限制器Limiter of moment811 限幅式中频放大器Limiting intermediate frequency amplifier812 线型调制器Line modulator813 线阵天线Linear array antenna814 线阵试验Linear array test815 线性充电Linear charging816 线形控制系统Linear control system817 线形偏转速度Linear deflection speed818 脉冲检波器Linear detector819 线性滤波器Linear filter820 线性调频脉冲压缩Linear FM pulse compression821 线性最小方差估计Linear minimum variance estimation822 线性调制信号Linear modulated signal823 线形动目标显示Linear MTI824 线极化场矢量linearly polarized field vector825 线极化场平面波Linearly polarized plane wave826 唇形密封Lipped seal827 液体冷却Liquid cooling828 负载Load829 负载阻抗Load impedance830 负载力矩Load moment831 波瓣相交电平Lobe crossover level832 隐蔽接收Lobe-on-receive-only(LORO)833 本地振荡器Local oscillator834 断开本振Local oscillator off835 位置相关Location correlation836 对数周期天线Log periodic antenna837 对数偶极子阵列天线Log periodic dipole array antenna838 对数单元平均恒虚警电路Log/cell average CFAR circuit839 对数检波器Logarithmic detector840 对数频率特性Logarithmic frequency characteristic841 对数中频放大器Logarithmic intermediate frequency amplifier842 对数接收机Logarithmic receiver843 对数视频放大器Logarithmic video amplifier844 对数-快时间常数电路Log-FTC845 逻辑抗干扰处理Logical anti-jamming processing846 纵摇油缸Longitudinal cylinder847 纵向并联缝隙非谐振式天线阵Longitudinal shunt slot non-resonance array 848 纵向并联缝隙谐振式天线阵Longitudinal shunt slot resonance array849 长线型振荡器Long-line oscillator850 级间损耗Losses between stages851 低空搜索雷达Low altitude surveillance radar。

Gun ControlSafety vs. Freedom Debate

Gun ControlSafety vs. Freedom Debate

Gun ControlSafety vs. Freedom Debate Gun control is a topic that has been debated for decades. On one side of the debate are those who prioritize safety and believe that stricter gun control laws will reduce gun violence. On the other side are those who prioritize freedom and believe that the Second Amendment guarantees the right to bear arms. This Gun Control Safety vs. Freedom Debate has sparked intense emotions and has divided the nation. In this essay, we will explore this issue from multiple angles.Firstly, let's examine the argument for gun control. Supporters of gun control argue that it is necessary to keep guns out of the hands of dangerous individuals. They believe that stricter background checks and waiting periods will prevent individuals with a history of violence or mental illness from obtaining guns. They also believe that limiting the number of guns that an individual can own and banning certain types of weapons will reduce the number of mass shootings. Furthermore, they argue that the Second Amendment was written in a time when guns were much less powerful, and therefore, it is necessary to update gun laws to reflect modern technology.On the other hand, those who prioritize freedom argue that the Second Amendment guarantees the right to bear arms and that any attempt to limit that right is an infringement on personal liberty. They believe that the right to own a gun is a fundamental right that should not be taken away. They also argue that stricter gun control laws will not prevent criminals from obtaining guns, as they will always find a way to get their hands on them. Additionally, they argue that gun ownership is necessary for self-defense and that limiting the number of guns an individual can own or banning certain types of weapons will make it more difficult for law-abiding citizens to protect themselves.Another angle to consider is the impact of gun violence on society. Supporters of gun control argue that gun violence is a public health crisis that needs to be addressed. They point to the high number of mass shootings in the United States and the devastating impact they have on communities. They argue that stricter gun control laws will reduce the number of deaths and injuries caused by guns. On the other hand, those who prioritize freedom argue that gun violence is a result of other factors, such as mental illness and a lack ofaccess to mental health care. They believe that addressing these issues will be more effective than passing stricter gun control laws.One aspect that is often overlooked in this debate is the impact of gun violence on individuals. Survivors of gun violence and their families are often left with physical and emotional scars that last a lifetime. The trauma of a mass shooting can have a ripple effect on an entire community. Those who prioritize safety argue that passing stricter gun control laws will prevent future tragedies and spare individuals and families from experiencing this trauma. Those who prioritize freedom argue that passing stricter gun control laws will not prevent tragedies and will only limit personal liberty.Finally, we must consider the role of the government in this debate. Supporters of gun control argue that it is the government's responsibility to protect its citizens and that passing stricter gun control laws is necessary to fulfill that responsibility. They believe that the government has a duty to regulate dangerous weapons and prevent them from falling into the wrong hands. On the other hand, those who prioritize freedom argue that the government should not have the power to restrict personal liberty. They believe that the government's role should be limited to protecting individual rights and that passing stricter gun control laws would be an overreach of government power.In conclusion, the Gun Control Safety vs. Freedom Debate is a complex issue that requires careful consideration from multiple angles. Both sides have valid arguments, and finding a solution that balances personal liberty and public safety will not be easy. However, it is important that we continue to have this debate and work towards finding a solution that protects individuals and communities from gun violence while also upholding the principles of personal liberty.。



临床常用麻醉英语词汇A减轻,减少abate减轻abatement缩短的,省略的abbreviated腹部abdomen腹部的abdominal腹式呼吸abdominal breathing腹式呼吸abdominal respiration腹痛abdominalgia腹腔镜检查abdominoscopy胸腹的abdominothoracic感觉异常abnormal sensation反射消失abolition of reflex意识缺失aboulia禁食abrosia脓肿abscess呼吸音消失,无呼吸音呼吸absent respiration 禁食,绝食absolute diet吸收器,过滤器,吸收管,减震器absorber 活性碳,吸附器absorbite吸收absorption意识缺失abulia增强,亢进accentuation辅助呼吸肌accessory respiratory muscle急诊室accident ward蓄电池,存储器accumulator准确度,精度accuracy酮体acetone bodies乙酰胆碱acetylcholine乙酰胆碱酯酶acetylcholine esterase酸,酸的,酸性的acid酸碱平衡acid base equilibrium酸碱平衡acid-base balance酸碱平衡acid-base equilibrium酸中毒acid-intoxication酸血症acidemiaacidosic 酸中毒的酸中毒acidosis酸中毒的acidotic肾小球acinus renis针刺感觉acmesthesia治疗记录acographyacology 治疗学小便失禁aconuresis无力acratia肢体感缺失acro-agnosis四肢麻木acro-anesthesia肢端缺氧acro-asphyxia肢体瘫痪acroparalysis阻止作用action of arrestaction potential 动作电位action-current 动作电流activate 活化,激活,致活activated state 激活状态actual 实际的,现实的acuesthesia 听觉acupuncture 针刺acupuncture anesthesia 针刺麻醉acupuncture anesthesia apparatus 针麻仪acute 急性的acute abdomen 急腹症acute abscess 急性脓肿acute anemia 急性贫血急性疼痛acute painaddition 加,添加additive action 相加作用additive effect 相加作用ademonia 精神紧张,苦闷adenomammectomy 乳腺切除术adenopharyngitis 咽扁桃体炎adenophyma 淋巴结肿adherent 粘连的adhesiectomy 粘连切除术adhesive electrode 贴附电极adiabatic 绝热的adiaemorrhysis 血液循环停止adipose 肥胖的,脂肪的adiposis 肥胖症adiposis universalis 全身肥胖症adiposity 肥胖(症)aditus glottidis inferior 声门下口aditus glottidis superior 声门上口adjection 附加作用adjunction 附加(药物)adjustable oxygen density face mask 可调氧浓度面罩adjustable synchronous respirator 可控同步呼吸机administration 给予,投与,管理adrenalectomy 肾上腺切除术adsorbent 吸附剂adsorption 吸附作用adult respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) 成人型呼吸窘迫综合症advanced life support (ALS) 后期复苏adverse reaction 不良反应aeremia 气栓,气泡栓塞aero-emphysema 肺气肿aeroperitoneum 气腹aeropleura 气胸aerosol therapy 雾化疗法aerosolization 雾化给药aesthema 感觉aesthesia 感觉aesthesis感觉agent 物质,药物,作用因子aging 老化,老龄化aglobulia红细胞减少aglobuliosis 红细胞减少agnogenic 原因不明的agomphiasis 无牙,缺牙,牙动agomphious 无牙的,缺牙的agomphosis无牙,缺牙,牙动agonal breathing 终末频死呼吸agonist 兴奋剂,激动剂air duct 通气道air embolism 空气栓塞air pressure gauge 空气压力表air-bag 气囊air-gun 喷雾器airway 气道,呼吸器airway control 气道保持通畅,气道控制airway obstruction 气道阻塞airway pressure 气道压airway resistance 气道阻力airway stenosis 气道狭窄akromegaly 肢端巨大症alae nasi 鼻翼albedo retinae 视网膜水肿albumen 白蛋白albumin 白蛋白algaesthesis 痛觉alganesthesia 痛觉缺失algesia 痛觉algesic 疼痛的antibody 抗体antidote 解毒药antiemetic 止吐剂antiemetic drug 止吐药antihistamine drug 抗组胺药antihypertensive agent 降压药,抗高血压药物antihypertensive drug 降压药antinarcotic麻醉拮抗药antinauseant 止恶心药,抗恶心的antispasmodic 解痉药antispastic 解痉药anxiety 不安,苦闷anxiety state 焦虑状态anxiolytic 抗不安药,抗不安的anxiolytic agent 抗不安药,抗焦虑药anxiolytics 抗焦虑药aorta abdominalis 腹主动脉apnoea 呼吸暂停,窒息apparatus 装置,器具,器械appreciation 鉴定arachnoid 蛛网膜(的)arachnoid cavity 硬膜下腔araiocardia 心搏徐缓arrhythmia 心律不齐,心律失常,无节律arrhythmia respiratoria呼吸性心律不齐arousal reaction 唤醒反应arrest 停止arrhythmia 心律不齐arteria 动脉arteria axillaris 腋动脉arteria brachialis 肱动脉arteria carotis communis 颈总动脉arteria carotis externa 颈外动脉arteria carotis interna 颈内动脉arteria dorsalis pedis 足背动脉arteria femoralis 股动脉arteria radialis 桡动脉arteria subclavia 锁骨下动脉arteria ulnaris 尺动脉arteria vertebralis 椎动脉arterial catheter 动脉内置(插)管arterial embolism 动脉栓塞(症)arterial pressure transducer 动脉压换能器arterial transfusion 动脉输血(法)arteriopuncture 动脉穿刺arteriosclerosis 动脉硬化arteriospasm 动脉痉挛artificial 人工的artificial abortion 人工流产artificial blood vessel 人造血管artificial breathing 人工呼吸artificial circulation 人工循环artificial respiration 人工呼吸artificial teeth 假牙,义齿artificial ventilation 人工通气aspiration 吸引,误吸aspiration pneumonia 吸入性肺炎aspiration pneumonitis 吸入性局灶性肺炎aspirator 吸引器,吸引装置assist/control-mode ventilation (A/CMV) 辅助/控制通气asthma 支气管过敏,哮喘asthmatic attack 哮喘发作asthmatic crisis 哮喘危象asthmatoid wheeze 哮喘样喘鸣asthmatorthopnea 哮喘性端坐呼吸atrial fibrillation 心房颤动atrial flutter 心房扑动atrionector 窦房结atrioventricular heart-block 房室传导阻滞attack 发作auricular fibrillation心房纤颤auricular flutter 心房扑动autohemotransfusion 自体输血autotransfusion 自身输血awaken test 唤醒试验activated partial thromboplastin time(APTT) 活化部分凝血酶原时间alanine aminotransferase(ALT)丙氨氨基转移酶aspartate aminotransferase(AST) 天门冬酸氨基转移酶alkaline phosphatase(AKP) 碱性磷酸酶albumin白蛋白atrial hypertrophy心房肥大atrial premature beat房性早博atrial flutter心房扑动atrial fibrillation心房颤动anemia贫血auriculo-ventrivular block房室传导阻滞atelectasis肺不张angina心绞痛adult respiratory distress syndrome(ARDS) 成人呼吸窘迫综合征anterior-lateral decompression of spinal canal for vertebral fracture and dislocation脊柱骨折脱位椎管侧前方减压术amputation of forearm前臂截肢术arthrodesis of metacarpal joint of thumb拇指腕掌关节融合术arthroplasty of metacarpophalangeal joint掌指关节成形术amputation through thigh大腿截肢术amputation through leg小腿截肢术ankle athroplasty人工踝关节置换arthrodesis of ankle踝关节融合术ankylosis of temporomandibular joint颞下颌关节强直arthroplasty of temporomandibular joint颞下颌关节成形术adenolymphoma腺淋巴瘤adenoid cystic carcinoma腺样囊性癌ameloblastoma造釉细胞瘤aneurysm动脉瘤acquired arteriovenous fistula后天性动静脉瘘accessory auricle副耳alar collapse鼻翼萎缩征acute abdomen急腹症appendicitis阑尾炎anal fistula肛瘘anal fissure肛裂acute pancreatitis急性胰腺炎adhesive intestinal obstruction粘连性肠梗阻appendicectomy阑尾切除术abdominoperineal resection of anus and rectum(Mile's operation) 直肠、肛管经腹会阴联合切除术arterial embolism动脉血栓arteriosclerotic vascular disease动脉硬化性血管病aorta-arteritis大动脉炎aortoiliac and aortofenoral bypass腹主动脉-髂动脉架桥术及腹主动脉-股动脉架桥术aortoiliac endarterectomy腹主动脉及髂内动脉内膜剥脱数Bbackward heart-failure 反向性心力衰竭balanced anesthesia 平衡麻醉basal anesthesia 基础麻醉basal metabolic rate 基础代谢率basal narcosis 基础麻醉basic life support (BLS) 初期复苏,基本生命支持basis anesthesia 基础麻醉bathypnea 深呼吸bigemina 二联律bigeminy 二联律bleeding tendency 出血倾向blepharedema 眼睑水肿blepharoedema 眼睑水肿blepharoptosis 眼睑下垂blind intubation 盲探插管blind nasotracheal intubation 经鼻盲探插管术block 阻滞,阻断block anesthesia 阻滞麻醉blockage 阻滞,阻塞,阻断blocking 阻断blocking agent 阻断剂,阻滞剂,阻抑剂blood donation 供血blood donor 供血者blood fat 血脂blood gas 血气blood gas analyzer 血气分析仪blood group 血型blood preparation 血液制剂blood recipient 受血者blood sample 血样blood sugar 血糖blood supply 血液供给blood transfusion 输血blood transfusion apparatus 输血器blood transfusion reaction 输血反应blood-brain barrier 血脑屏障blood-cerebrospinal barrier 血-脑屏障bloody urine 血尿blood volume 血容量body 体,身体body fluid 体液body height 身高body position 体位body posture 体位body surface aren 体表面积body weight 体重bolus dose 单次剂量brachial plexus block 臂丛阻滞brachial plexus block by axillary route 腋窝法臂丛神经阻滞brachial plexus block by interscalene route 斜角肌间法臂丛神经阻滞brachial plexus block by subclavicular route 经锁骨下路臂丛神经阻滞brachial plexus block by supraclavicular route 锁骨上法臂丛神经阻滞brachial plexus paralysis 臂丛神经麻痹brachiplex臂丛brachycardia 心动过缓breast bone 胸骨breast-pang 心绞痛breath analyzer 呼吸气体分析仪breathing-holding 吸气屏气breath holding test (Sebarese’s test) 屏气试验breathing circle system 呼吸环路系统bronchial catheter with double tubes 双腔支气管导管bronchial spasm 支气管痉挛bronchiospasm 支气管痉挛bronchodilator 支气管扩张药bronchofiberscope 纤维支气管镜bucking 呛咳bundle branch block 束支传导阻滞burn 烧伤blood platelets count(BPC) 血小板计数blood uria nitrogen(BUN) 血清尿素氮blood sugar血糖bundle branch block束支传导阻滞bronchitis支气管炎bronchiectasis支气管扩张bronchial asthma支气管哮喘breath holding test屏气试验Boyd’samputation Boyd 截肢术benign tumor良性肿瘤branchial cleft cyst鳃裂囊肿bacterial liver abscess细菌性肝脓肿bile duct tumor胆管肿瘤bypass operation for intestinal obstruction肠梗阻捷径手术biliary enterostomy胆肠内引流术Buerger discase血栓闭塞性脉管炎bypass with reversed autogenous long saphenous vein自体大隐静脉导致转流术Ccapillary 毛细血管的capillary bed毛细血管床capillary bleeding 毛细血管出血capillary fragility 毛细血管脆性carbon dioxide combining power 二氧化碳结合力carbon dioxide retention 二氧化碳蓄积cardiac arrest 心脏停搏cardiac death 心脏猝死cardiac decompensation 心代偿失调cardiac defibrillator 心脏除颤器cardiac depressant 心脏抑制剂cardiac depression 心脏抑制cardiac dyspnea 心原性呼吸困难cardiac edema 心原性水肿cardiac index (CI) 心脏指数cardiac insufficiency 心功能不全cardiac massage 心脏按摩(压)cardiac output (CO) 心排出量cardiac reserve 心脏储备力cardiopulmonary cerebral resuscitation (CPCR) 心肺脑复苏cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) 心肺复苏carina 隆突cartilage 软骨cartilago arytaenoidea 勺状软骨cartilago cricoidea 环状软骨cartilago gutturalis勺状软骨cartilago peltata 甲状软骨cauda equina syndrome 马尾综合症caudal anesthesia 骶管麻醉caudal block 骶管阻滞cavum epidurale 硬膜外腔cavum subarachnoidale 蛛网膜下腔cavum subdurale 硬膜下腔cavum thoracis 胸腔central venous pressure (CVP)中心静脉压cerebral edema 脑水肿cerebrospinal fluid(CSF)脑脊液cerebral resuscitation 脑复苏cerebrovascular accident 脑血管意外cervical plexus block 颈神经丛阻滞cervical vertebra 颈椎cervicobrachial pain 颈臂痛chemosis球结膜水肿chill 寒战,受寒choloplania 黄疸chondralgia软骨痛chromaffin cells 嗜铬细胞chronic pain 慢性疼痛classification 分类clavicle锁骨clavicular 锁骨的cleftpalate 腭裂clinical analysis 临床分析clinography 临床记录close system 紧闭装置closed chest cardiac compression 胸外心脏按压CO2 absorbent 二氧化碳吸收剂CO2 acummulation 二氧化碳蓄积collarbone 锁骨colloid 胶体colloid oncotic pressure 胶体渗透压colloid osmotic pressure 胶体渗透压colloid solution 胶体溶液colloidal 胶体的coma position 昏迷状态combination 结合,复合combined anesthesia 复合麻醉competitive 竞争的competitive agent 竞争性药物competitive drug 竞争性药物component transfusion 成分输血congenital 先天的congestive heart failure 充血性心力衰竭conscious intubation 清醒插管术contamination 污染continuous epidural anesthesia 持续硬膜外麻醉continuous intravenous infusion 持续静脉输入continuous positive pressure breathing 持续正压呼吸(法)continuous positive pressure ventilation持续正压通气continuous spinal anesthesia 持续脊髓麻醉controlled hypotension 控制性降压controlled respiration 控制呼吸control-mode ventilation (CMV)控制通气corectasis 瞳孔散大corediastasis 瞳孔散大costal cartilage 肋软骨cough 咳嗽cough reflex 咳嗽反射cranial bone 颅骨craniocerebral 颅脑的crico-esophageal compress 环-食管压迫手法cricoid cartilage 环状软骨cricoid pressure 环状软骨压迫(法)cricothyroid membrane 环甲膜cricothyrotomy 环甲膜切开(术)crisis 危像critical 危重的,临界的critical care medicine 急救医学,危重医学crowing convulsion 喘鸣性喉痉挛cruenturesis 血尿crush syndrome 挤压综合症cumulative 蓄积的creatinine(Cr) 血清肌酐cardiac function心功能coronary heart disease冠心病congenital heart disease先天性心脏病cardiomyopathy心肌病chronic pulmonary heart disease慢性肺源性心脏病cirrhosis of liver肝硬化cerebral hemorrhage脑出血cerebral infarction脑梗塞coma昏迷corrective operation of scoliosis and kyphosis脊柱侧突及后凸畸形矫形术curettage and excision with bone grafting for enchondroma软骨瘤刮除与切除close reduction and internal fixation by compressive screws for femoral neck fracture股骨颈骨折闭合复位加压螺纹钉内固定术Condylar fracture髁突骨折Capillary hemangioma毛细管型血管瘤Cavernous hemangioma海绵状血管瘤Curettage of cyst囊肿刮除术carcinoma of tongue舌癌Carcinoma of check颊癌Carcinoma of gingival牙龈癌Carcinoma of mouth floor口底癌Carcinoma of lip唇癌Carcinoma of maxillary sinus上颌窦癌Combined dissection of craniofacial颅颌联合根治术Combined dissection of tongue , mandible and neck舌颌颈联合根治术Combined dissection of check mandible and neck颊颌颈联合根治术Combined dissection of gingival , mandible and neck龈颌颈联合根治术carcinoma of the nasopharynx鼻咽癌csf rhinorrhoea脑脊液鼻漏cervix cancer子宫颈癌carcinoma of endometrium子宫内膜癌colon twist结肠扭转cancer of colon结肠癌cholecystolithiasis or cholelithiasis胆囊结石choledocholith胆总管结石calculus of intrahepatic duct肝内胆管结石cholecystitis胆囊炎carcinoma of gallbladder胆囊癌cholecystectomy胆囊切除cholangiography胆道造影术cholecystoenterostomy胆囊空肠吻合术cholecystostomy胆囊造口术choledcho-choledochostomy胆总管对端吻合术choledochostomy胆总管造口术cystogastrostomy胃空肠吻合术circumferential hemorrhoidectomy内痔环型切除术congenital blepharophimosis syndrome先天性睑裂狭窄综合征Ddefibrillation 电除颤defibrillator 除颤器deficiency缺乏,不足degree 度,程度dehydrating agent 脱水剂delay 延迟delay reaction 延迟反应,迟发反应delay sensation 延缓感觉delayed 延迟的delayed action 延迟作用delayed recovery 苏醒延迟delirium 谵妄,发狂,妄想depolarizing muscle relaxants 去极化肌松药depression 抑制depth of anesthesia 麻醉深度depth of respiration 呼吸深度dilatation of pupil 瞳孔散大direct vision intubation 明视插管disposable oxygen face mask 一次性吸氧面罩disposal 配置,处置dissociated anesthesia 分离性感觉缺失,分离麻醉dissociation anesthesia分离性感觉缺失,分离麻醉dissociation curve解离曲线distribution 分布,分配distribution coefficient 分配系数dorsal root ganglion 脊神经节dorsal vertebra 胸椎dorsosacral position 截石位double blind test 双盲实验法double channel catheter 双腔导管double lumen endotracheal tube 双腔气管导管double lumen tube 双腔管dragging pain 牵引痛drowsiness困倦,倦睡drowsy 困倦的,倦睡的drug addiction 药瘾drug allergy 药物过敏drug interaction 药物相互作用drug resistance 抗药性drug tolerance 耐药性drug-fast 抗药的,耐药的dry rale 干罗音dual 二重,双相dual block 双相阻滞dual block action 双相阻滞作用dual effect 双相作用duration 延续时间dyspnea 呼吸困难dyspneic respiration 呼吸困难dysuria 排尿困难diabetes糖尿病debridement of tuberculous focus and arthrodesis of hip joint髋关节结核病灶清除和关节融合术debridement of tuberculous focus of greater trochanter of femur股骨大转子部结核病灶清除术dento-maxillofacial deformities牙颌面畸形diskectomy关节盘摘除术direct inguinal hernia直疝duodenal ulcer十二指肠溃疡duct papilloma导管乳头状瘤drainage of the intrahepatic biliaty duct肝胆管引流术drainage of subphrenic abscess膈下脓肿引流术double barrel tranversostomy横结肠双腔造口术disconnection of partal-systemic venous shunt门体静脉断流手术Eedema 浮肿,水肿edematization水肿形成edentulous 无牙的electric blanket for operating table 手术台用电热毯electric defibrillation 电击除颤electroencephalogram (EEG)脑电图electrolyte电解质electrolyte balance 电解质平衡electrolyte disturbance 电解质紊乱electrolyte imbalance 电解质平衡失调electro-mechanical dissociation 电-机械分离emergency intubation 紧急插管emergency operation 急诊手术emotion 情绪,感情empty stomach 空腹emptysis咯血endotracheal anesthesia 气管内麻醉endotracheal intubation 气管内插管endotracheal tube 气管导管end-tidal 呼气末的enlarged tongue 巨舌epidural analgesia 硬膜外镇痛epidural anesthesia 硬膜外麻醉epidural block 硬膜外阻滞epidural catheter 硬膜外导管epidural space 硬膜外腔epiglottic 会厌的epiglottic cartilage 会厌软骨epiglottis 会厌epiglottitis 会厌炎epilepsia 癫痫epilepsia gravior 癫痫大发作epilepsia mitior 癫痫小发作epilepsy癫痫epileptic attack 癫痫发作epinephrine肾上腺素esthesis 感觉exfetation宫外孕exfiltration渗出external chest compression 胸外心脏按压external defibrillator 体外除颤器extra-oral anesthesia 口外麻醉extracorporeal 体外的extracorporeal circulation 体外循环extracorporeal circulation unit 体外循环机extracranial 颅外的extubation 拔管eyelash reflex 睫毛反射eyelid reflex 眼睑反射electrocardiogram心电图emphysema肺气肿extra-intracranial artery anastomosis颅内外动脉吻合elbow arthroplasty肘关节成形术excision of tumor of proximal humerus肱骨近端肿瘤切除术excision of head of radius桡骨小头切除术excision of osteochondroma骨软骨瘤切除术epulis牙龈瘤extenal auditory canal外耳道ectopic pregnancy宫外孕external fistula of the small intestine小肠外瘘excision of the choledochol cyst胆总管囊肿切除术exploratory laparotomy腹探查术excision of the fissure肛裂切除术exteriorization of injuried colon结肠损伤处外置造口术excision of intraductal papilloma乳管内乳头状瘤切除术extensive radical mastectomy for breast cancer乳腺癌扩大根治切除术encircing tighting of the femoral vein股浅静脉环缩术embolectomy by arteriotomy动脉切开取栓术ectropion睑外翻Fface mask 面罩false teeth 假牙,义齿fasting 禁食,饥饿fat embolism 脂肪栓塞feature 特征,容貌fluid balance 体液平衡fluid intake 液体摄取(量)fluid replacement 补液forced attitude 强迫姿势fracture 折断,骨折fish-mouth –shaped osteotomy at supracondylar region of humerus肱骨髁上鱼嘴式截骨术fusion of knee joint膝关节融合术Fracture of the ramus of mandible下颌升支部骨折Fracture of the body of mandible下颌体部骨折Fracture of zygomatic arch颧弓骨折False aneurysm假性动脉瘤Fibromal displasia of bone骨纤维异常增殖症fibrous dysplasia纤维结构不良fallotomy输卵管切除flush ligation and stripping or segmental resection or the long saphenous vein大隐静脉高位结扎,曲张静脉切除术Functional neck dissection功能性颈清Gganglion cervicothoracicum 星状神经节ganglion plexuum sympathicorum 交感丛神经节ganglion stellatum 星状神经节ganglionated cord 交感(神经)节ganglionervous交感神经的ganglionic 神经节的ganglionic blockade 神经节阻滞ganglionic blocking action神经节阻滞作用general anesthesia 全身麻醉general anesthetic全身麻醉剂geriatric anesthesia 老年麻醉,高龄者麻醉glossocatochus压舌器glossocele 巨舌,大舌病glottic edema 声门水肿glottic spasm 声门痉挛gonial angle 下颌角globulin球蛋白genioplasty颏成形术gastric ulcer胃溃疡gastric diverticulum胃息室gastric cancer胃癌Hhaemoglobin 血红蛋白haemorrhagia 出血heart-failure 心力衰竭helcoma 角膜溃疡hemangiectasia 血管扩张hemangiectasis 血管扩张hematocrit 红(血)细胞比积hematoencephalic barrier 血脑屏障hematolytic 溶血的hematoma 血肿hematothorax 血胸hematuria 血尿hemodilution 血液稀释hernia 疝,突出hiccough 打呃,呃逆hiccup打呃,呃逆histamine 组(织)胺Horner’s syndrome 霍纳氏综合症humidifier 加湿器,湿化器humidity 湿度hypalgesia 痛觉迟钝hyperaemia 充血hyperbaric oxygen chamber高压氧舱hyperbasemia 高碱血症hypercapnia 高碳酸血症hypercarbia 高碳酸症hyperglycemia 血糖过多,高血糖hyperisotonic 高渗的hyperkalemia 高钾血症hypersusceptibility 高敏反应hypertension高血压hyperventilation 过度通气hypoadrenocorticism 肾上腺功能低下hypobaric solution低比重溶液hypocalcemia 低钙血症hypocapnia 低碳酸血症hypoglycemia 低血糖hypoglycemic shock 低血糖性休克hypokalemia 低血钾症hypokinemia 心输出量过少hypomicrognathus 下额过小hypomyotonia 肌张力减弱hypotension低血压hypothermia 全身低温hypotonic 低张的,低渗的hypouresis 排尿减少hypoventilation 通气不足hypovolemia (循环)血容量过少,低血容量hypovolemic shock 低血容量性休克hypoxaemia 血氧过少,低氧血症hypoxemia 低氧血症hypoxia 氧过少,低氧,氧不足hemoglobin血红蛋白hematocrit血球压积Human immunodeficiency virus(HIV) 人类免疫缺陷病毒heart failure心力衰竭hypertension高血压hepatitis肝炎hepatic encephalopathy肝性脑病hyperthyroidism甲状腺功能亢进hypothyroidism甲状腺功能减退hemiplegia偏瘫hollow needle internal fixation of femoral neck fracture股骨颈骨折空心钉内固定术hernia of the linea alba白线疝hepatocarcinoma肝癌hemigastrectomy半胃切除hernioplasty for indirect inguinal hernia腹股沟斜疝修补术hernioplasty for direct inguinal hernia腹股沟直疝修补术hepatobiliary exploration肝胆管探查术hemangioma血管瘤Iiatrogenic 医源性的iatrogenic disease 医源性疾病ice-bag 冰袋ice-cap 冰帽idiopathetic 自发的,特发的ioiopathic自发的,特发的idiosyncrasy 特异体质ignition 燃,灼热ileus 肠梗阻ilia 髂,髂骨immature 未成熟的immerse 浸(入)immobility 固定immunology 免疫学immunoreaction免疫反应immunosuppressive agent 免疫抑制剂immunosuppressive drug 免疫抑制药inadequate anesthesia 麻醉深度不足incompatibility 不合适性,不相容性,配合禁忌incompensation 代偿不全,失代偿incontinence 失禁incontinence of feces 大便失禁incontinence of urine 尿失禁incoordination共济失调induced anesthesia 诱导麻醉induced hypotension 控制性降压,低血压法induced hypothermia 控制性低温,低体温法induction of anesthesia 全身麻醉诱导indwelling catheter 留置导管inert gas 惰性气体infant circle 婴儿回路infant respirator 婴儿呼吸机infarction 梗塞,梗塞形成infiltration anesthesia 浸润麻醉inflating tube 充气导管inflation 膨胀,充气informed consent 同意书infusion apparatus 输液器infusion pump 输液泵infusion warmer 输液加温器ingredient 成分inguinal 腹股沟的inhalation anesthesia 吸入全身麻醉inhalation anesthesia apparatus 吸入麻醉装置innervation神经支配instinct本能instinctive 本能的institutes 基本原理instrument 器械,仪器intensive care unit (ICU) 重症监测治疗室intermittent 间歇的intermittent mandatory ventilation (IMV) 间歇指令通气intermittent positive pressure breathing(IPPB)间歇正压呼吸法intermittent positive pressure ventilation(IPPV)间歇正压通气internal 内部的,内的internal cardiac compression 胸内心脏挤压internal clot 血栓internal hemorrhage内出血internal jugular vein 颈内静脉internal secretion内分泌intern 实习医生internist 内科医生interscalene approach 肌间沟入路intersection交*,交切点interspace间隙interspinal椎间的,棘突间的interspinous 椎间的,棘突间的interstitial fluid 组织间液interstitial pneumonia 间质性肺炎intertransverse横突间的interventricular heart-block 室间传导阻滞interventricular septum (心)室间隔intervertebral cartilages 椎间盘intestinal obstruction 肠梗阻intra-abdominal bleeding 腹内出血intracellular fluid 细胞内液intracranial hemorrhage 颅内出血intracranial hypertension 高颅压,颅内高压intracranial pressure 颅内压intracranial pressure monitor 颅内压监护仪intractable pain 顽固性疼痛intraoperative awareness 术中觉醒,术中知晓intraoperative medication 术中用药intraoperative recall 术中觉醒,术中回忆intraspinal anesthesia 蛛网膜下腔麻醉intrathecal block 椎管内阻滞intratracheal administration 气管内给药intratracheal anesthesia 气管内麻醉intravenous administration静脉内给药intravenous anesthesia 静脉全身麻醉intravenous catheter静脉内置管intubating forceps 插管钳intubation插管intubation forceps 插管钳intubationist插管者invasive 有创的invasive monitoring 有创监测irritant action 刺激作用nternal fixation by trifin nail for femoral neck fracture股骨颈骨折三翼钉内固定术internal fixation of fracture of tuberosity of femur股骨粗隆骨折切开内固定术internal fixation by interlocking intramedullary nail for fractures of femoral shaft股骨干骨折交锁髓内钉内固定术interlocking intramedullary nail fixation for fractures of the tibial shaft胫骨骨折交锁髓内钉内固定术incision and drainage of acute osteomyelitis急性骨髓炎切开引流术incision and drainage of perianal abscess肛周脓肿切开引流术Jjaw 颌骨jaw-lift 托下颌juvenile arrhythmia 窦性心律失常Kketoacidosis 酮症酸中毒kinetocardiogram 心振动图,动态心电图knee arthroscopy 膝关节镜检查knob 结,隆突king-steelquis semipelvectomy半骨盆切除术knee meniscectomy膝关节半月板切除术knee arthroscope operation膝关节镜手术Keratocyst角化囊肿Llabial angles 唇角laminectomy 椎板切除术laparogastrostomy 剖腹胃造口术laparoscope 腹腔镜laparotomy 开腹手术,剖腹手术laryngeal 喉的laryngeal cartilages喉软骨laryngeal edema 喉头水肿laryngeal granuloma 喉肉芽肿laryngeal mask 喉罩laryngeal mask airway 喉罩气道laryngeal reflex 喉头反射laryngeal spasm 喉头痉挛laryngeal spray 喉头喷雾器laryngeal ulcer 喉溃疡laryngectomy 喉切除术laryngendoscope 喉镜laryngoscope 喉镜laryngospasm 喉痉挛larynx 喉lash 睫毛lateral poeition侧卧位lateral recumbent position侧卧位left ventricular stroke work index (LVSWI) 左心室排血做功指数level of anesthesia 麻醉平面ligation 结扎light reflex 光反射lingual bone 舌骨lithotomy position 截石位liver transplantation 肝移植load 负荷lobectomy 肺叶切除术local analgesic 局部麻醉(止痛)药local anesthesia局部麻醉(法)local infiltration 局部浸润local infiltration anesthesia 局部浸润麻醉lock out time 锁定时间lower respiratory tract obstruction 下呼吸道阻塞lumbar puncture 腰椎穿刺lumbar puncture needle 腰穿针lumbar spinal anesthesia 腰部脊髓麻醉(法),腰麻lumbar spinal needle 腰穿针lumbar sympathetic ganglion 腰交感神经lumbar sympathetic ganglion block 腰交感神经阻滞lumbar vertebra 腰椎lung capacity 肺活量lung compliance 肺顺应性lung volume 肺容量lung abscess肺脓肿logagnosia失语lengthening of ligament韧带延长术Long face syndrome长面综合征Le Fort I osteotomy of maxilla上颌骨LE FORT I 型截骨术Lymphangioma淋巴管瘤laparoscopic cholecystectomy腹腔镜胆囊切除术Mmacroglossia 巨舌macromandibular deformity 大下颌畸形magnum vertebra 骶椎maintenance维持,保持maintenance dose 维持剂量maintenance of anesthesia 麻醉维持major 主要的,大的major operation 大手术major surgery 大手术malignant hypertension 恶性高血压malignant hyperthermia 恶性高热malnutrition营养不良malpractice 医疗差错,疗法失当malpraxis医疗差错,疗法失当mammectomy乳房切除术management 管理mandibular 下颌的mandibular retraction 下颌后缩症mandibulectomy 下颌骨切除术maneuver手法,操作法manual artificial respiration 手控人工呼吸manual artificial ventilation手控人工通气marrow 髓mask 口罩,面罩massive bleeding 大(量)出血massive hemorrhage 大出血maxilla 上颌骨(复数)maxillae上颌骨(单数)maxillary bone 上颌骨maxillectomy 上颌骨切除术maximum dose 极量maximum permissible doses 最大允许剂量maximum tolerated dose 最大耐量median effective dose(ED50)50%有效量,半数有效量median lethal dose (LD50)50%致死量,半数致死量mediastinal 纵隔的mediastinal emphysema 纵隔气肿mediastinal flutter 纵隔扑动mediastinal shift 纵隔移位mediastinotomy 纵隔切开术mediastinum纵隔medical statistics 医学统计mediscalenus中斜角肌megalothymus 胸腺肥大,巨胸腺meningioma 脑(脊)膜瘤meniscal 半月板的meniscectomy半月板切除术metabolic acidosis 代谢性酸中毒metabolic alkalosis代谢性碱中毒metabolic rate 代谢率metabolism 代谢metabolite 代谢产物metatarsectomy 跖骨切除术microcirculation 微循环micromaxillary deformity 小下颌畸形microthrombosis 小血栓形成microthrombus 小血栓minimum alveolar concentration (MAC) 最低肺泡有效浓度minute output 每分(心)输出量minute ventilation 每分通气量minute volume 每分输出量,每分通气量mitral stenosis二尖瓣狭窄mixed anesthesia 复合麻醉moist rale 湿性罗音moisture 水分,湿度mortality 死亡率mortality statistics 死亡率统计motor center 运动中枢motor end-plate 运动终板motor ganglion 运动神经节motor paralysis 运动麻痹mouth-to-mouth breathing 口对口呼吸muscle relaxants 肌肉松弛药muscle rigidity 肌肉强直muscle tone 肌紧张muscle twitch 肌颤搐muscular relaxation 肌肉松弛muscular rigidity 肌肉强直muscular tension 肌紧张,肌张力muscular tremor 肌震颤musculospiralis 桡神经myasthenia 肌无力myasthenic肌无力的mydriasis 瞳孔散大myocardial ischemia心肌缺血mixed ventilation function disturbance混合性通气功能障碍mediastinal tumor纵隔肿瘤myocardial infarction心肌梗死myasthenia肌无力maxillary deficiency上颌骨发育不足maxillary excess上颌发育过度mandibular deficiency下颌骨发育不足mandibular excess下颌骨发育过度microsomia小颌畸形mandibular fracture下颌骨骨折maxillofacial multifrature颌面部多发性骨折mucoepidermoid carcinoma黏液表皮样癌meningocele脑脊膜膨出microtia小耳征microlaryngoscopy显微喉镜检查术myomectomy子宫肌瘤挖除术myoma of uterus子宫肌瘤modified tadical mastectomy for breast cancer改良乳腺癌根治术Nnasopharyngeal airway 鼻咽气道nasotracheal intubation 经鼻插管术nasotracheal tube 经鼻气管内插管nephrectomize 肾切除nephrectomy肾切除术nerve block 神经阻滞nerve blocking anesthesia 神经阻滞麻醉nerve root 神经根neuroleptanesthesia 神经安定镇痛麻醉nondepolarizing muscle relaxant 非去极化肌松药nondepolarizing muscular relaxant 非去极化肌松药neurilemmoma神经鞘瘤neurofibroma神经纤维瘤nasal polyps鼻息肉nasolacrimal duct鼻泪管Oobstetric anesthesic 产科麻醉obstetrician 产科医师oculentum 眼膏oculist 眼科医师oculocardiac reflex 眼心反射oil/gas partition coefficient 油/气分配系数one-lung anesthesia单肺麻醉one-lung ventilation 单肺通气onset 发现,奏效,开始onset of analgesia 镇痛起效onset of anesthesia 麻醉效果出现oophorectomy 卵巢切除术oophorocystectomy卵巢囊肿切除术open chest cardiac massage 胸内心脏挤压open chest compression 开胸心脏按压oral trachea cannula 经口气管插管oropharyngeal airway 口咽人工气道,经口咽人工气道orotracheal intubation 经口气管内插管orthopnea端坐呼吸otolaryngologic anesthesia 耳鼻喉科麻醉outpatient 门诊病人outpatient anesthesia 门诊病人麻醉outpatient clinic 门诊overdosage过量,给药过量overventilation过度通气oxygenation 氧合oxygen deficit 缺氧oxygen dissociation curve 氧解离曲线oxygen poisoning 氧中毒oxygen requirement 氧需要量oxygen reserve 氧储备力oxyhemoglobin dissociation curve 氧血红蛋白解离曲线-obstructive ventilation function disturbance阻塞性通气功能障碍orthopedics骨科open reduction and internal fixation of fracture-dislocation of spine by dick system脊柱骨折脱位切开复位DICK系统内固定术open reduction and internal fixation of clavicle fracture锁骨骨折切开复位内固定术open reduction and internal fixation for fracture of ulnar and radial shaft尺骨桡骨骨干骨折切开复位内固定术open reduction and internal fixation of Monteggia fracture尺骨上1/3骨折桡骨头脱位(MONTEGGIA骨折)open reduction and internal fixation of colles fracture桡骨远端骨折(COLLES)骨折切开复位内固定术open reduction and internal fixation of Galeazzi’s fracture盖氏骨折切开复位内固定术open reduction and internal fixation for scaphoid fracture腕舟骨骨折切开复位内固定术open reduction for dislocation of lunar bone月骨脱位切开复位术open reduction and internal fixation of fracture of metacarpal bone掌骨骨折切开复位内固定术open reduction and internal fixation of fracture of phalanx of finger指骨骨折切开复位内固定术open reduction and internal fixation of fracture and dislocation at base of the first metacarple第一掌骨基底部骨折脱位切开复位内固定术open reduction of first metacarple joint of thumb拇指掌指关节脱位切开复位术。

Gun Control Safety vsFreedom Debate

Gun Control Safety vsFreedom Debate

Gun Control Safety vsFreedom DebateGun Control Safety vs Freedom Debate Gun control has been a hotly debatedtopic in many countries, especially in the United States. The issue of gun control revolves around the balance between safety and freedom. While some argue thatstrict gun control measures are necessary to ensure public safety, others believe that such measures infringe upon their freedom. In this essay, we will explore the arguments for and against gun control, and consider the implications of each perspective. Proponents of gun control argue that strict regulations are necessary to prevent gun violence and protect public safety. They point to the alarming statistics of gun-related deaths and mass shootings as evidence of the need for stricter gun control measures. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, there were 39,773 gun-related deaths in the United Statesin 2017 alone. This has led many to call for measures such as universal background checks, bans on assault weapons, and restrictions on high-capacity magazines. On the other hand, opponents of gun control argue that such measures infringe upon their constitutional right to bear arms. They believe that the Second Amendment of the United States Constitution guarantees their freedom to own and carry firearms, and that any attempt to restrict this right is a violation of their liberty. They also argue that responsible gun ownership should not be punished for the actionsof a few individuals, and that the focus should be on addressing the root causesof gun violence, such as mental health issues and socioeconomic factors. In addition to the constitutional argument, opponents of gun control also point tothe practical implications of strict regulations. They argue that criminals will always find ways to obtain firearms, and that strict gun control measures only serve to disarm law-abiding citizens, leaving them defenseless against armed criminals. They also argue that gun ownership is a form of self-defense, and that individuals have the right to protect themselves and their families from harm. Despite the strong arguments on both sides, it is important to consider the potential implications of each perspective. While strict gun control measures may indeed reduce gun violence and save lives, they must be carefully balanced withthe protection of individual freedoms. It is also important to address the root causes of gun violence, such as mental health issues and socioeconomic disparities,in order to create a safer society for all. In conclusion, the debate over gun control safety versus freedom is a complex and contentious issue. While proponents argue that strict regulations are necessary to prevent gun violence and protect public safety, opponents believe that such measures infringe upon their constitutional right to bear arms and leave law-abiding citizens defenseless. It is crucial to consider the implications of each perspective and work towards finding a balanced approach that ensures public safety while protecting individual freedoms.。

Gun Control Safety vsFreedom

Gun Control Safety vsFreedom

Gun Control Safety vsFreedom Gun control is a highly contentious issue in the United States, with strong arguments being made on both sides of the debate. On one hand, advocates forstricter gun control measures argue that such measures are necessary to ensure public safety and reduce the incidence of gun violence. On the other hand, opponents of gun control argue that such measures infringe upon their Second Amendment rights and restrict their freedom. This debate between gun controlsafety and freedom is one that has been ongoing for decades, and it is unlikely to be resolved anytime soon. Those in favor of stricter gun control measures often point to the high rates of gun violence in the United States as evidence of the need for such measures. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, there were over 39,000 gun-related deaths in the United States in 2019, including homicides, suicides, and accidental shootings. Proponents of gun control argue that implementing measures such as universal background checks, waiting periods, and restrictions on the sale of certain types of firearms could help to reduce these statistics and make communities safer. Furthermore, advocates forgun control often argue that the availability of firearms makes it easier for individuals to carry out mass shootings and other acts of violence. The tragic events at Sandy Hook Elementary School, the Pulse nightclub, and the Las Vegas music festival are often cited as examples of the devastating impact of gun violence. In response to these incidents, many have called for stricter guncontrol measures, such as banning assault weapons and high-capacity magazines, in an effort to prevent such tragedies from occurring in the future. However, opponents of gun control argue that such measures would infringe upon their Second Amendment rights, which guarantees the right to keep and bear arms. Many gunrights advocates believe that the ability to own and carry firearms is essentialfor self-defense and the protection of one's family and property. They argue that implementing stricter gun control measures would only serve to disarm law-abiding citizens, while doing little to prevent criminals from obtaining firearms through illegal means. Moreover, opponents of gun control often point to the importanceof firearms in American history and culture. The Second Amendment was included in the Bill of Rights in 1791, and it has since been upheld by the Supreme Court asan individual right. Many Americans view gun ownership as a fundamental aspect of their identity and heritage, and they are deeply resistant to any measures that would restrict their ability to exercise this right. In addition, opponents of gun control argue that the focus should be on addressing the root causes of gun violence, such as mental illness and socioeconomic inequality, rather than implementing restrictions on firearms. They believe that investing in mental health services, improving access to education and job opportunities, and addressing the underlying social and economic factors that contribute to violence would be more effective in reducing gun violence than implementing stricter gun control measures. In conclusion, the debate between gun control safety and freedom is a complex and emotionally charged issue that has deeply divided the American public. Both sides of the debate present compelling arguments, and it is clear that finding a resolution will require a careful and nuanced approach. Ultimately, the challenge lies in finding a balance between ensuring public safety and respecting the rights and freedoms guaranteed by the Second Amendment. It is a challenge that will require open and honest dialogue, as well as a willingness to consider and understand the perspectives of those with differing viewpoints. Only through thoughtful and respectful discussion can progress be made towards finding common ground on this deeply divisive issue.。



导弹missiles洲际导弹intercontinental missile中程导弹mediurn-range missile巡航导弹cruise missile核弹头nuclearwerhead地对地导弹surface to-surface missile地对空导弹surface-to-air missile舰对空导弹ship-to-air missile空对空导弹air-to-air missile空对地导弹air-to-surface missile反幅射导弹anti-radiation missile反舰导弹anti-ship missile反潜导弹anti-submarine missile自导鱼雷homing torpado弹翼missile wing减速伞drag parachute制导装置guidance device弹体guided missile doby固体火箭发动机solid propellant rocket尾翼tail fin飞行弹道trajectory发射制导装置launching guidance device发射管launching tube反弹道导弹anti-ballistic missile集束炸弹bomb-cluster地下井missile silo移动式井盖sliding silo door火箭发射场rocket launching site发射塔launching tower勤务塔service tower核武器nuclear weapons燃料库fuel depot; fuel reservoir指挥室command post通气道air vent; ventilation shaft多级火箭multistage rocket再入大气层飞行器re-entry vehicle原子弹atomic bomb氢弹hydrogen bomb引爆装置igniter热核燃料fusionable material蘑菇状烟云mushroom cloud冲击波shock wave; blast wave放射性落下灰尘radioactive fallout核爆炸观测仪nuclear explosion observation device辐射仪radiation gauge辐射级仪radiation level indicator军事卫星military satellite侦察卫星reconnaissance satellite预警卫星early warning satellite电子侦察卫星electronic reconnaissance satellite导航卫星navigation satellite测地卫星geodesic satellite军用通讯卫星military communications satellite军用气象卫星military meteorological satellite卫星通信车satellite communications vehicle宇宙空间站space station警戒雷达warning radar引导雷达director radar制导雷达guidance radar目标指示雷达target radar测高雷达height finding radar三坐标雷达three-dimensional radar弹道导弹预警相控阵雷达ballistic missile early-warning phased-array radar 导航雷达navigation radar机载截击雷达airborne intercept radar炮瞄雷达gun-pointing radar对空警戒雷达aircraft-warning radar航海雷达marine radar对海管戒雷达naval warning radar侦察雷达reconnaissance radar卫星通信天线satellite communication antena驱逐舰destroyer歼击机fighter plane; fighter空速管airspeed head; pilot tube陀螺gyroscope无线电罗盘radio compass平视显示机head-up display火箭弹射座椅ejector seat副翼aileron襟翼flap燃油箱fuel tank垂直尾翼tail fin; vertical stabilizer阻力伞舱drag parachute housing水平尾翼horizontal stabilizer液压油箱hydraulic oil container副油箱auxiliary fuel tank主起落架main landing gear机翼整体油箱integral wing tank机炮machine gun; cnnon进气道系统air-inlet system前起落架front landing gear空气数据计算机air-data computer迎角传感器angle of attack sensor进气口头锥air-inlet nose cone战斗机combat aircraft截击机interceptor强击机attacker歼击轰炸机fighter-bomber轻型轰炸机light bomber战略轰炸机strategic bomber电子战机electronic fighter高速侦察机high-speed reconnaissance plane空中加油机tanker aircraft运输机transport plane; air-freighter水上飞机seaplane; hydroplane反潜巡逻机anti-submarine patrol aircraft教练机trainer aircraft; trainer垂直起落飞机vertical take-off and landing无尾飞机tailless aircraft隐形轰炸机stealth bomber可变翼机adjustable wing plane动力滑翔机power glider扫雷直升机mine-sweeping helicopter旋翼rotor机身fuselage抗扭螺旋桨anti-torque tail rotor航空炸弹aerobomb钢珠弹bomb with steel balls; container bomb unit 化学炸弹chemical bomb主战坦克capital tank重型坦克heavy tank中型坦克medium tank轻型坦克light tank水陆两用坦克amphibious tank喷火坦克flame-throwing tank架桥坦克bridge tank扫雷坦克mine-sweeping tank坦克推土机tankdozer侦察坦克reconnaissance tank无炮塔坦克turretless tank坦克牵引车recovery tank坦克修理后送车repair-service tank反坦克障碍物anti-tank obstacle桩寨pile stockade鹿寨abatis反坦克断崖anti-tank ditch反坦克崖壁anti-tank precipice反坦克三角锥anti-tank pyramids炮手gunner坦克兵tank soldier炮口muzzle炮管barrel清烟器fume extractor炮塔turret瞄准镜gun sight发动机散热窗radiator grille备用油箱reserve fuel tank主动轮driving wheel遮护板shield负重轮loading wheel烟幕弹发射筒smoke bomb discharger 诱导轮inducer潜望镜periscope鱼雷torpedoes电动机鱼雷electric torpedo航空鱼雷aerial torpedo火箭助飞鱼雷rocket-assisted torpedo线导鱼雷wire-guided torpedo发射机transmitter自导控制组件self-directing unit装药和电子组件charge and electron unit 待发装置actuator指令控制组件command control unit陀螺控制组件gyro-control unit电源控制组件power-supply control unit 燃烧室combustor舵rudder推进器propeller潜艇submarine鱼雷舱torpedo room鱼雷发射管firing tube声纳sonar操纵线control wire水雷submarine mine自航式水雷mobile mine锚雷mooring mine触发锚雷moored contact mine触角antenna雷索mine-mooring cable沉底水雷ground mine漂雷floating mine深水炸弹depth charge; depth bomb航空母舰aircraft carrier核动力航空母舰nuclear-powered aircraft 阻拦装置arrester飞行甲板flight deck雷达天线radar antenna导航室island舰桥bridge机库hangar升降机口aircraft lifts; elevators舰载机起飞弹射装置catapults油料舱fuel bunker弹药舱ammunition store贮存舱storage hold通信中心室communication center核反应堆nuclear reactor生活舱accommodation巡洋舰cruiser护卫舰escort vessel; frigate导弹护卫舰missile frigate战列舰battleship护卫艇corvette供应舰tender ship; depot ship舰队补给舰fleet depot ship海上补给船sea depot ship运输舰transport ship汽油运输船gasoline transport ship扫雷舰mine sweeping vessel扫雷艇minesweeper鱼雷艇torpedo boat导弹快艇missile speedboat导弹潜艇guided-missile submarine核动力潜艇nuclear-powered submarine 潜艇救护舰submarine lifeguard ship猎潜艇submarine chaser登陆舰landing ship坞式登陆舰dock landing ship电子侦察船electronic reconnaissance ship 情报收集船information-collecting ship测量船survey vessel调查船research ship打捞回收船salvage vessel核动力破冰船nuclear-powered icebreaker 气垫巡逻船patrol hovercraf。


➢ The government can limit the sale of guns by enacting stricter laws and background checks to avoid the accident deaths caused by gun violence.
Thank you!
➢ The high suicide rate in the United States is also related to the abuse of guns.
➢Americans always live under the shadow of gun violence and are always fearful of the threatening from killing by guns.
The reasons of Gun Control
➢ Majority of Americans say US gun laws and policies have many defaults, and those who are unsatisfied want stricter legislation rather than advocating the ban on guns.
➢ They believe that guns can make people protect themselves when they are in danger.
➢ Possessing guns is the right of every law-abiding American.
➢ The high suicide rate is not directly related to the use of guns but is largely due to psychological problems and the high pressure of life.
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OPINION B –Anti Gun Control: In The USA
Firearm = gun
To bear arms = to have a gun
Assault rifle = big gun
High capacity magazine = lots of bullets
The Second Amendment of the US Constitution protects individual gun ownership. Gun ownership is an American tradition older than the country itself and is protected by the Second Amendment; more gun control laws would infringe upon the right to bear arms. Some believe the right to own and carryguns is as fundamental and as essential to maintaining liberty as are the rights of free speech, a free press, freedom of religion and the other protections against government controls of freedom.
Gun control laws do not deter crime; gun ownership deters crime. While gun ownership doubled in the twentieth century, the murder rate decreased. States with the largest increases in gun ownership also have the largest drops in violent crimes. A 2014 survey found that 57% of people believe that owning a gun protects them from being victimized. They b elieve that criminals don't obey the law… without the fear of retaliation from victims who might be carrying a gun, criminals in with [illegal] weapons now have a much easier job.
Gun control laws infringe upon the right to self-defense and deny people a sense of safety. The police cannot protect everyone all of the time. Some believe that many gun control laws interfere with the ability of law-abiding citizens to defend themselves against violent criminals.They believe the only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun.In 2013,48% of convicted felons admitted that they avoided committing crimes when they knew the victim was armed with a gun.
Gun control laws, especially those that try to ban "assault weapons," infringe upon the right to own guns for hunting and sport. High-powered semiautomatic rifles and shotguns are used to hunt and in target shooting
tournaments each year. Many hunters feel that the guns called “assault weapons” are still very useful for hunting, and that the name is meant to scare people.The Colt AR-15 and Springfield M1A, both labeled 'assault weapons,' are the rifles most used for marksmanship competitions in the United States.
Gun control laws give too much power to the government and may result in government tyranny and the government taking away all guns from citizens.If you look at why the Founding Fathers created the Second Amendment, they had lived under the tyranny of King George and they wanted to make sure that these free people in this new country would never be subjugated again and have to live under tyranny.
More gun control is unnecessary because relatively few people are killed by guns. According to the CDC, between 1999 and 2013, Americans were 21.5 times more likely to die of heart disease; 18.7 times more likely to die of cancer tumors; and 2.4 times more likely to die of diabetes. The flu; traffic accidents; and poisoning whether via accident, homicide, or suicide all killed more people between 1999 and 2013 than guns. Guns were the 12th leading cause of deaths for all deaths between 1999 and 2013. Internationally, the claim that the United States has a major problem with gun murders is exaggerated. The United States is ranked 28 in international homicide rates with 2.97 gun murders per 100,000 people in 2012.
Gun control laws and lower gun ownership rates do not prevent
suicide rate of 18.41 suicides per 100,000 people in 1997.South Korea has a low gun ownership rate (1.1 guns per 100 people) but has a high rate of suicide and the highest rate of gun suicides (12.63 per 100,000 people in 1997). By contrast the United States has the 26th highest suicide rate (12.3 suicides per 100,000 people in 2011) and the highest gun ownership rate (88.8 guns per 100 people).
More gun control is not needed; education about guns and gun safety is needed to prevent accidental gun deaths. Guns don't kill people; people kill people. And people need more gun education and mental illness screening to prevent mass shootings.Gun education is the best way to save young lives. Children taught about firearms and their legitimate uses by family members have much lower rates of delinquency than children in households without guns and children introduced to guns associate them with freedom, security, and recreation—not violence.。
