第23卷 第5期 中国内镜杂志 Vol. 23 No. 5 2017年5月 China Journal of Endoscopy May 2017论 著收稿日期:2016-09-20DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1007-1989.2017.05.014文章编号: 1007-1989(2017)05-0064-05膝关节镜手术术后静脉血栓形成危险因素分析蔺超,刘涛,任强,李健(滨州医学院附属医院 骨关节外科,山东 滨州 256603)摘要:目的 分析膝关节镜术后静脉血栓形成的危险因素。
方法 回顾性分析该院2012年1月-2016年3月符合纳入和排除标准的膝关节镜术后形成静脉血栓的患者29例,以术者、手术时间为匹配条件,按照1∶2配比,选取对照病例58例,对年龄、性别、体质指数(BMI)、吸烟与否、血脂是否异常、手术类型、止血带应用时间、麻醉方式、手术时间及Caprini 评分进行评估,分析膝关节手术术后静脉血栓形成的危险因素。
结果 共有29名患者术后并发静脉血栓(均为肌间静脉血栓),总体静脉血栓发生率为1.17%,经过单因素分析、非条件Logistic 回归分析发现:年龄的OR ^=1.09,95%CI (1.03,1.16)。
Caprini 评分的OR ^=2.97,95%CI (1.39,6.32)。
结论 该研究表明膝关节镜手术术后静脉血栓形成发生率不高,年龄增长及Caprini 评分增大是血栓形成的危险因素,鉴于静脉血栓的严重后果,应重视关节镜手术围手术期静脉血栓的预防,但预防措施要个体化,以免抗凝药物滥用。
关键词: 膝关节镜;静脉血栓;危险因素;病例对照中图分类号: R687.4 文献标识码: AAnalysis of risk factors related to venous thromboembolism after knee arthroscopyChao Lin, Tao Liu, Qiang Ren, Jian Li(Department of Bone and Joint Surgery, the Affiliated Hospital of Binzhou Medical University,Binzhou, Shandong 256603, China)Abstract: Objective To determine the risk factors related to venous thromboembolism after knee arthroscopy. Methods A retrospective study including patients from Feb 2012 to Mar 2016 was carried out to analyze the risk factors of venous thromboembolism after knee arthroscopy. A 1∶2 matched control group was generated according to the surgeon and the date. Preoperative and perioperative data were collected with respect to age, gender, body mass index, smoking, blood fat, surgical procedure, the time length of ligating tourniquet, anesthesia methods, surgery time and Caprini evaluation. Univariate and multivariate analyses were performed. Results 29 cases of venous thromboembolic events (VTEs) occurred, resulting in an incidence rate of 1.17%. Factors associated with anelevated risk of postoperative VTEs included age OR^=1.09, 95%CI (1.03, 1.16) and Caprini evaluation OR ^=2.97, 95% CI (1.39, 6.32). Conclusions In this study, VTEs occurred infrequently. Considering the serious result of VTEs, it is important to prevent it. Age and Caprini are associated with elevated risk of postoperative VTEs. It is essential to target those at high risk for VTEs and appropriately treat those patients.Keywords: knee arthroscopy; venous thromoboembolism; risk factors; case-control study自从1978年成功完成首例膝关节镜检查术后,膝关节镜手术技术不断发展,目前成为膝关节疾病治疗的主要手段之一[1]。
生物电阻抗身体成分检测仪测算的相位角在超重和肥胖预测中的应用余凤1,马依拉·买买提2,赵效国1,张世瑶2,李蓉蓉2,李莉21 新疆医科大学公共卫生学院,乌鲁木齐830011;2 新疆医科大学第一附属医院临床营养科摘要:目的 观察基于生物电阻抗身体成分检测仪测算的相位角(PhA )在超重和肥胖预测中的应用效果。
方法 663例营养科就诊患者,其中体质量指数BMI≤23.9 kg /m 2(正常组)161例、24 kg /m 2≤BMI<28 kg /m 2(超重组)179例、BMI≥28 kg /m 2(肥胖组)323例,采用InBody 770多频分段生物电阻抗身体成分检测仪检测三组PhA 、体脂肪相关指标、人体肌肉质量相关指标及人体水分相关指标。
采用Pearson 相关性分析法分析PhA 与超重和肥胖患者体脂肪相关指标、人体肌肉质量相关指标及人体水分相关指标的相关性,采用多元线性逐步回归分析法分析肥胖和超重患者PhA 的影响因素,绘制受试者工作特征曲线(ROC )分析PhA 对超重和肥胖的预测效能。
结果 与正常组比较,超重组PhA 水平高、体脂肪相关指标、人体肌肉质量相关指标及人体水分相关指标水平高;与超重组比较,肥胖组PhA 水平高、体脂肪相关指标水平高、人体肌肉质量相关指标及人体水分相关指标水平高(P <0.01)。
PhA 与超重和肥胖患者细胞内水分(ICW )、肌肉量(SMM )、骨骼肌指数(SMI )呈正相关(r 分别为0.305,0.305,0.394;P 均<0.05);与细胞外水分(ECW )/ICW 、ECW /全身水分(TBW )呈负相关(r 分别为-0.825,-0.827;P 均<0.05)。
ICW 、ECW /TBW 、内脏脂肪面积(VFA )、腰臀脂肪比(WHR )和SMI 是超重和肥胖患者PhA 的影响因素。
当PhA 为5.05°时,ROC 曲线下面积为0.704(95% CI 为0.661~0.748),PhA 预测超重和肥胖的灵敏度62.0%、特异度67.7%。
[关键词]左半结肠癌;手助腹腔镜、腹腔镜辅助;微创外科doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009⁃976X.2020.02.008中图分类号:R735.3+5文献标识码:AShort⁃term clinical results of hand⁃assisted laparoscopic radical resection of left colon cancerLIU Yu⁃feng,LIU Shao⁃jie,LIU DanDepartment of Gastroenterology,Guangzhou Red Cross Hospital,Affiliated Hospital of Jinan UniversityMedical College,Guangzhou510220,ChinaCorresponding author:LIU Shao⁃jie,******************[Abstract]Objective To introduce the experience,investigate the feasibility,minimally invasive and safety of hand⁃assisted laparoscopy in radical resection of left colon cancer.Methods This is a retrospective study which collected the clinical data from January2013to December2018in Guangzhou Red Cross Hospital.And the patients with left half colon cancer were included in the study.According to the operation method,patients were divided into HALS group(81cases)and LAC group(93cases). Surgery⁃associated parameters were recorded,analyzed,as well as compared between two groups. Results Age,gender,body mass index(BMI),history of abdominal surgery,complications,preoperative stage of tumor and other clinical parameters between the HALS group and the LAC group showed no statistically significant differences(P>0.05).HALS group had shorter operative time and lower conversion to laparotomy than LAC group(P<0.05).Blood loss,lymph node dissection,length of the incision,collateral injury,postoperative complications,unplanned secondary surgery and postoperative length of hospital stay were not statistically significant(P>0.05).Conclusion In the present study,HALS technology and LAC have similar effects in safety and postoperative recovery,while HALS showed less conversion to laparotomy in a limited cases.[Key words]left colon cancer;hand⁃assisted laparoscopy;laparoscopy⁃assisted;minimally invasive surgery operative time作者单位:暨南大学附属广州红十字会医院胃肠肛肠外科,广州510220*通讯作者:刘少杰,Email:******************左半结肠癌的手术包括传统腹腔镜结肠切除术(LAC)、手辅助腹腔镜手术(HALS)与开放式结肠切除术。
大学提供,反转录酶 ( AMV)、 DNA 聚 合 酶 和 RNA 酶 抑 制 剂(RNase inhibitor)购自美国 Promega 公 司 ,18S( 内 标 )购 自 美 国
GenBank U14331 (99~328)
GenBank U12574
383 (410~792)
R: 5'- gcagggtgctcctcttca -3' 94℃ 30 s,55℃ 30 s, F: 5'- aggctacgagcggactga -3' 72℃ 40 s, 30 cycles F: 5'-caacagcggacgacttctatg -3' 94℃ 30 s,62℃ 30 s, R: 5'- gcgcaagatttccacctt -3' 72℃ 50 s, 32 cycles F: 5'- atgccgactgtcattagcg -3' 94℃ 30 s,56℃ 30 s, R: 5'- cagaaaccagcagtcccct -3' 72℃ 40 s, 26 cycles
的共激活物,能促 用紫外分光光度计测
代谢 [6,7],使酵解型肌纤维向氧化型肌纤维转化等[8]。 定总 RNA 浓度(260 nm)。
生长激素(GH)对动物生长和代谢具有十分重要的 1.3.2 反转录(RT) 2 滋g 总 RNA,12 滋mol/L 随机
1 材料和方法
mmol/L dNTP, 1.6 mmol/L MgCl2, 0.5 滋mol/L 目的 基因引物,0.8~1.6 滋L 18S rRNA 内标。
孕妇作为一类特殊人群,其体内激素水平异常,肥胖将增加其妊娠糖尿病(Gestational diabetes mellitus,GDM)[1]发生率。
根据其孕前BMI不同分为低BMI组(BMI< 18.5kg/m2)66例、正常组(18.5kg/m2≤BMI<24kg/m2)98例和超重组(BMI≥24kg/m2)152例。
英语医学考试题目及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. Which of the following is a common symptom of the common cold?A. FeverB. CoughC. Sore throatD. All of the aboveAnswer: D2. The primary function of the heart is to:A. Circulate blood throughout the bodyB. Regulate body temperatureC. Filter bloodD. Produce hormonesAnswer: A3. What is the medical term for a condition characterized by high blood sugar levels?A. HyperglycemiaB. HypoglycemiaC. HypertensionD. HypotensionAnswer: A4. Which of the following is NOT a type of cancer?A. MelanomaB. LeukemiaC. SarcomaD. FibromyalgiaAnswer: D5. The respiratory system is responsible for:A. BreathingB. DigestionC. CirculationD. ExcretionAnswer: A6. Antibiotics are used to treat:A. Viral infectionsB. Bacterial infectionsC. Fungal infectionsD. Parasitic infectionsAnswer: B7. The study of the structure of the body is known as:A. AnatomyB. PhysiologyC. PathologyD. PharmacologyAnswer: A8. Which of the following is a risk factor for heart disease?A. High blood pressureB. Low cholesterolC. Regular exerciseD. Healthy dietAnswer: A9. The largest organ of the body is:A. The brainB. The liverC. The skinD. The lungsAnswer: C10. What is the medical term for inflammation of the lungs?A. BronchitisB. PneumoniaC. PleurisyD. TuberculosisAnswer: B二、填空题(每题2分,共20分)11. The medical abbreviation for "before meals" is __________. Answer: ac12. The process by which the body maintains a constantinternal environment is called __________.Answer: homeostasis13. The medical term for the surgical removal of the appendix is __________.Answer: appendectomy14. The study of the causes and effects of diseases is known as __________.Answer: etiology15. The hormone responsible for the regulation of blood sugar levels is __________.Answer: insulin16. The medical term for the surgical repair of a hernia is __________.Answer: herniorrhaphy17. The process of cell division is called __________.Answer: mitosis18. The medical term for a condition characterized by abnormally high levels of lipids in the blood is __________. Answer: hyperlipidemia19. The study of the effects of drugs on the body is known as __________.Answer: pharmacodynamics20. The medical term for a condition characterized by an abnormally low number of red blood cells is __________.Answer: anemia三、简答题(每题10分,共30分)21. Explain the difference between a virus and a bacterium.Answer: A virus is a microscopic infectious agent thatcan only replicate inside the living cells of an organism, causing diseases. Bacteria, on the other hand, are single-celled organisms that can live independently and can be beneficial, harmful, or neutral to humans.22. Describe the structure and function of the kidneys.Answer: The kidneys are bean-shaped organs that filter waste products and excess substances from the blood, maintaining electrolyte balance and regulating blood pressure. They are composed of functional units called nephrons, which include the glomerulus, a network of tiny blood vessels, and the renal tubules, which collect and concentrate the waste to form urine.23. What is the role of the immune system in the body?Answer: The immune system is a complex network of cells, tissues, and organs that work together to defend the body against harmful pathogens, such as bacteria, viruses, and parasites. It also plays a role in wound healing and maintaining overall health by identifying and eliminating abnormal cells, such as cancer cells.四、论述题(每题15分,共30分)24. Discuss the importance of a balanced diet in maintaining good health.Answer: A balanced diet is crucial for maintaining good health as it provides the body with the necessary nutrients, vitamins, and minerals required for optimal functioning. It supports the immune system, aids in growth and development, helps。
Physical health and measurementConstitution: the constitution is the human quality. It is acquired based on genetic and acquired on the form and structure of body, physiological function and psychological factors are relatively stable characteristics, generally speaking, this can be considered a good constitution, the human body is healthy, and physical health are often better决定人体质量好坏的因素:1,先天的遗传性。
包括:形态结构,相貌肤色,性格特征,身体素质等如:血型:100% 最大摄氧量:69%-93%2,后天的获得:社会环境,劳动条件,地区气候,营养状况,体育锻炼,医疗卫生,保健措施等Factors determining the quality of the human body:1, hereditary congenital. Including: the morphological structure, appearance color, character, physical quality etc.Such as: blood: 100% VO2max: 69%-93%2, acquired: the social environment, the working conditions, climate, nutrition, physical exercise, health, health care遗传:(1)遗传对身体形态有影响身体形态具体反映人的体型,遗传对体型有决定性的影响(2)遗传对身体素质有影响(3)遗传对性格有影响(4)遗传对人体健康和寿命有影响体育锻炼与体质(1)体育锻炼能改善神经系统的功能,(2)提高循环系统的功能坚持体育锻炼能使心脏血管系统有如下的好处:运动性心脏增大;心搏徐缓和血压降低;每搏输出量增多(3)体育锻炼能提高呼吸系统的功能(4)体育锻炼能增强人体运动系统的功能(5)体育锻炼能提高机体对外界环境的适应能力(6)体育锻炼能提高人的心理健康水平Physical exercise and fitness(1) physical exercise can improve the function of nervous system,(2) and improving circulation system functionInsist on physical exercise can make heart and vascular system has the following advantages: the sport of the cardiac enlargement; bradycardia and decreased blood pressure and stroke volume increased;(3) physical exercise can improve the function of respiratory system(4) physical exercise can enhance the body movement function of the system(5) physical exercise can improve the body's ability to adapt to the external environment(6) physical exercise can improve the psychological health level of people通常情况下测量包括:人体形态测量1.身高标准体重含义:身高标准体重是将身高和体重综合起来,以每厘米身高的体重分布,确定学生体形匀称度,可反映学生是营养不良、正常体重,还是超重或肥胖。
People undergo numerous changes throughout their lives,both physically and mentally.These transformations are influenced by various factors such as age, environment,experiences,and personal growth.Here is a detailed exploration of the different aspects of human change.Physical Changes1.Growth and Development:From infancy to adolescence,the human body goes through significant growth spurts.Bones lengthen,muscles develop,and secondary sexual characteristics emerge,marking the transition from childhood to adulthood.2.Aging:As people age,their bodies undergo changes such as the loss of elasticity in the skin,the graying of hair,and a decrease in bone density.These are natural processes that occur as part of the life cycle.3.Health and Fitness:Lifestyle choices,including diet and exercise,can lead to changes in body weight,muscle mass,and overall health.Regular physical activity can slow down the aging process and improve physical wellbeing.Mental and Emotional Changes1.Cognitive Development:The brain continues to develop throughout life,with critical periods in early childhood and adolescence.Learning and experiences shape cognitive abilities,including memory,problemsolving,and critical thinking.2.Emotional Maturity:Emotional intelligence and the ability to manage emotions improve with age and experience.People learn to cope with stress,express empathy,and develop resilience.3.Personal Values and Beliefs:As individuals encounter new experiences and cultures, their values and beliefs may evolve.This can lead to changes in attitudes towards social issues,relationships,and personal goals.Social Changes1.Relationships:Peoples social circles and relationships change over time.Friendships may deepen or fade,and new connections are formed through work,hobbies,or life events.2.Career Progression:Professional development leads to changes in job roles,responsibilities,and career paths.This can involve acquiring new skills,adapting to new environments,or facing new challenges.3.Cultural Adaptation:Exposure to different cultures can lead to changes in ones worldview,language,and social norms.This can be a result of travel,immigration,or living in a multicultural society.Technological Changes1.Adaptation to Technology:With rapid advancements in technology,people must continually learn and adapt to new tools and platforms.This can affect communication styles,work processes,and leisure activities.2.Digital Identity:The rise of social media has led to the creation of digital identities. People manage their online presence,which can influence their selfimage and how they are perceived by others.Personal Growth1.SelfAwareness:As people reflect on their experiences,they gain selfawareness and understand their strengths,weaknesses,and areas for improvement.2.Life Goals:Goals and aspirations often change as individuals progress through life stages.This can involve setting new career objectives,personal development goals,or family plans.3.Spiritual Growth:Some people experience changes in their spiritual beliefs or practices, which can provide a sense of purpose and inner peace.In conclusion,human change is a complex and ongoing process that is influenced by a multitude of factors.It is essential to embrace these changes as part of personal development and growth,adapting to new circumstances and learning from experiences to lead a fulfilling life.。
人体成分论文 inbody
C OMPARISON OF T OTAL AND S EGMENTAL B ODY C OMPOSITION U SING DXA AND M ULTIFREQUENCY B IOIMPEDANCE IN C OLLEGIATEF EMALE A THLETESM ICHAEL R.E SCO ,1,2R ONALD L.S NARR ,2M ATTHEW D.L EATHERWOOD ,1N IK A.C HAMBERLAIN ,1M ELVENIA L.R EDDING ,1A NDREW A.F LATT ,2J ORDAN R.M OON ,3AND H ENRY N.W ILLIFORD 11Department of Kinesiology,Human Performance Laboratory,Auburn University at Montgomery,Montgomery,Alabama;2Department of Kinesiology,University of Alabama,Tuscaloosa,Alabama;and 3MusclePharm Sports Science Institute,Muscle Pharm Corp.,Denver,Colorado A BSTRACTEsco,MR,Snarr,RL,Leatherwood,MD,Chamberlain,NA,Redding,ML,Flatt,AA,Moon,JR,and Williford,parison of total and segmental body composition using DXA and multifrequency bioimpedance in collegiate female athletes.J Strength Cond Res 29(4):918–925,2015—The purpose of this investigation was to determine the agree-ment between multifrequency bioelectrical impedance anal-ysis (BIA)and dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry (DXA)for measuring body fat percentage (BF%),fat-free mass (FFM),and total body and segmental lean soft tissue (LST)in col-legiate female athletes.Forty-five female athletes (age =21.26 2.0years,height =166.167.1cm,weight =62.669.9kg)participated in this study.Variables mea-sured through BIA and DXA were as follows:BF%,FFM,and LST of the arms (ARMS LST ),the legs (LEGS LST ),the trunk (TRUNK LST ),and the total body (TOTAL LST ).Com-pared with the DXA,the InBody 720provided significantly lower values for BF%(23.3%,p ,0.001)and significantly higher values for FFM (2.1kg,p ,0.001)with limits of agreement (1.96SD of the mean difference)of 65.6%for BF%and 63.7kg for FFM.No significant differences (p ,0.008)existed between the 2devices (InBody 720—DXA)for ARMS LST (0.05kg),TRUNK LST (0.14kg),LEGS LST (20.4kg),and TOTAL LST (20.21kg).The limits of agreement were 60.79kg for ARMS LST ,62.62kg for LEGS LST ,63.18kg for TRUNK LST ,and 64.23kg for TOTAL LST .This study found discrepancies in BF%and FFM between the 2devices.However,the InBody 720and DXA appeared to provide excellent agreement for measuring total body and segmental LST.Therefore,the InBody 720may be a rapidnoninvasive method to assess LST in female athletes when DXA is not available.I NTRODUCTIONBody composition is highly important in regard to overall physical fitness.Typically described as the relative proportion of all the tissues that make up the body,body composition is frequently quanti-fied as body fat percentage (BF%),fat-free mass (FFM),and lean soft tissue (LST).Body composition has been shown to strongly relate to the overall health and fitness levels of athletes (6,7).Specific to females,extremely low body weight,BF%,and FFM are risk factors for the female athlete triad (18).Therefore,practitioners routinely evaluate these parameters when monitoring the outcomes of conditioning programs and tracking changes across a sport season (4,20,28).This information is also important to registered dietitians who work with athletes to estimate total daily energy expenditure and develop personalized dietary interventions based on spe-cific nutritional requirements (25).Dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry (DXA)has been used in research and laboratory settings as a criterion method to estimate body composition,as it has the ability to evaluate BF%,FFM,bone mineral density (BMD),and regional LST (2,27).Because DXA scans are expensive,involve exposure to radiation,and are primarily found only in exercise phys-iology laboratories and clinical settings,it is inconvenient for usage within large athletic populations.Therefore,sport practitioners often rely on convenient field measures of body composition,such as bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA).Bioelectrical impedance analysis measures the body’s resistance and reactance (i.e.,impedance)using a painless electrical current that is passed between points of contact,such as the hands and feet.Lean tissue supplies the least resistance to the current because of the electrolytes in body water and the high water content in lean tissue (24).The speed of the current is converted to estimate BF%and FFMAddress correspondence to Michael R.Esco,mesco@.29(4)/918–925Journal of Strength and Conditioning ResearchÓ2015National Strength and Conditioning Associationusing proprietary equations determined by the manufacturer. Traditional BIA methods that pass a single low-frequency (i.e.,50Hz)current between only2poles(e.g.,hand-to-hand,hand-to-foot,foot-to-foot)have not been shown to provide comparable body composition measures compared with DXA in female athletes(8,15).Advanced multifrequency BIA devices pass a large range of frequencies through intra-and extracellular spaces.In addition, multifrequency BIA has the ability to measure impedance separately across5different cylinders within the human body. This allows for the analysis of LST throughout the body and within various segments,such as the arms,legs,and trunk.The disadvantage of BIA relates to the dependence upon hydration status,requirement of proper skin preparation,and necessity of precise placement of electrodes.However,because of the technical simplicity,the prevalence of the BIA method is growing within athletic conditioning and sport nutrition programs(16).However,there are no studies to date that have compared multifrequency BIA and DXA in female athletes. The purpose of this investigation was to determine the agree-ment between multifrequency BIA and DXA for measuring BF %,FFM,and total body and segmental LST in collegiate female athletes.Because of the advanced technology,it is reasonable to hypothesize that the results would show that the2devices would provide comparable body composition measures.M ETHODSExperimental Approach to the ProblemT otal and segmental body composition variables were measured in a group of female athletes(n=45)through DXA and a mul-tifrequency BIA device.The body composition values that were evaluated were as follows:BF%,FFM,and LST(i.e.,FFM excluding bone)of the arms(ARMS LST),the legs(LEGS LST), the trunk(TRUNK LST),and the total body(TOT AL LST).All measurements were taken on the same day for each subject. SubjectsForty-five female collegiate athletes(age=21.262.0years, height=166.167.1cm,weight=62.669.9kg)from the National Association for Intercollegiate Athletics participated in the study.Each participant provided written informed con-sent,which was approved by the University’s Institutional Review Board for Human Participants.The participants were recruited from the University’s soccer(n=24),basketball(n= 10),cross-country(n=7),and tennis(n=4)teams.All par-ticipants were not pregnant and free from cardiopulmonary, metabolic,and orthopedic disorders.Data collection for each subject occurred during the morning hours as close as possible to awakening from sleep(i.e.,from7:00AM to9:00AM).Each participant was required to report to the laboratory after an overnight fast,although the consumption of a moderate amount of water(i.e.,12oz)was allowed.Hydration status was not analyzed in the study.Furthermore,when the partic-ipants were scheduled for the day of testing,they were told to avoid consuming stimulants(e.g.,caffeine)or depressants(e.g.,Journal of Strength and Conditioning Researchthe|alcohol)and refrain from strenuous exercise for24hours before the data collection.All of the participants verbally agreed to the testing conditions.Body Composition ProceduresTotal and segmental body composition was estimated with the InBody720(Biospace Co.,Seoul,Korea).Before each measurement,the participants’palms and soles were wiped with an electrolyte tissue.Then,the participants stood on the InBody720scale with their soles in contact with the foot electrodes and body weight was measured.Sex,age,and height (which was derived with a wall-mounted stadiometer[SECA 220;Seca,Ltd.,Hamburg,Germany])were manually entered into the instrument by the investigator.Then,the participant grasped the handles with the palm,fingers,and thumb of each hand making contact with the hand electrodes.The body composition analysis was initiated while the participants re-mained as motionless as possible.The8-electrode InBody720 system measured body composition across the entire body and 5segments(arms,legs,and trunk)by passing multiple frequen-cies at5,50,250,and500kHz from the8-polar contact points. The scanning time for the InBody720was approximately 2minutes per subject.T est-retest procedures were performed on a separate group of active women(n=20),which demon-strated that the InBody720device provided good reliability for BF%(interclass correlation coefficient[ICC]=0.99,SEM= 0.16),FFM(0.99,SEM=0.09),ARMS LST(ICC=0.99,SEM =0.02),LEGS LST(ICC=1.00,SEM=0.02),TRUNK LST (ICC=1.00,SEM=0.02),and TOT AL LST(ICC=1.00, SEM=0.04),which agreed with a previous study that re-ported the reliability of the same BIA model in a group of nonathletic men and women(2).A General Electric Lunar Prodigy DXA(Software version10.50.086;GE Lunar,Corp.,Madison,WI,USA)was used as the criterion measure for total and segmental body composition.The DXA was calibrated before each scan according to the manufacturer’s instructions using a standard calibration block.Participants were instructed to remove all metal objects and assume a supine position on the scanning table.During the scan,the participants were required to remain motionless with their arms extended by their sides and the palms in neutral positions.Velcro straps were used to secure the knees and ankles.The scanning time was approx-imately7minutes per participant.All scans were performed by at least1of the3trained DXA technicians.To minimize the participants’exposure to radiation,test-retest procedures were not performed.However,the DXA used in this studyand Altman plots comparing BF%estimations by the InBody720and DXA(n=45).The middle solid lines represent the CE represents the upper and lower limits of agreement(61.96SD).The dashed-dotted regression line represents the trend between their mean.BF%=body fat percentage;DXA=dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry.InBody720and DXA Female Athleteswas previously compared with another GE Lunar Prodigy with a different group of subjects(n=10),and a strong correlations was revealed(r=0.99).Statistical AnalysesAll data were analyzed with SPSS/PASW version18.0 (Somers,NY,USA).Mean and SD values were determined for each body composition measure,which were compared between the2devices with paired sample t-tests.A Bonferroni-adjusted p value was applied to reduce the chan-ces of obtaining a type I error when multiple pairwise tests were performed.This procedure involved dividing the p value by the number of comparisons that were made (i.e.,0.05/6=0.0084).Therefore,the adjusted alpha level for significance of the mean comparisons was determined as p,0.0084.Cohen’s d statistic determined the effect size of the differences in body composition values(11).Hopkin’s scale for determining the magnitude of the effect size was used where0–0.2=trivial,0.2–0.6=small,0.6–1.2=moderate,1.2–2.0=large,.2.0=very large(11).The constant error(CE)was determined as the differences between the2devices(CE=InBody7202DXA for each body composition parameter).Regression procedures were used to determine the correlation coefficient(r),shared variance(R2), and standard error of estimate(SEE)of each MFBIA measure compared with the DXA.T otal error(TE)was determined as TE¼ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiPðInBody 7202DXAÞ2=nq.The method of Bland-Altman was used to identify the95%limits of agreement between the InBody720and DXA body composition values (3).Significant trends in the Bland and Altman plots were deter-mined using an alpha of 0.05.Altman plots comparing FFM estimations by the InBody720and DXA(n=45).The middle solid lines represent the represents the upper and lower limits of agreement(61.96SD).The dashed-dotted regression line represents the trend between their mean.FFM=fat-free mass;DXA=dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry. d¼Mean of DXA2Mean of InBody 720 ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffin2ðSD2of DXAþSD2of InBodyqJournal of Strength and Conditioning Researchthe|R ESULTSResults comparing DXA and InBody720for BF%and FFM are depicted in pared with the DXA,the InBody720provided significantly lower estimates for BF% (p,0.001)and significantly higher estimates for FFM(p, 0.001),and the Cohen’s d statistic showed large and moder-ate effect sizes,respectively.The correlation coefficients were strong and significant(p,0.001)between the DXA and InBody720for BF%and FFM and the SEE and TE were lowest for FFM.Figures1and2depict Bland-Altman plots for BF%and FFM,respectively.The95%confidence intervals(CE61.96SD of residual scores[InBody7202 DXA])for BF%ranged from2.29%above to28.95%below the CE of23.33%(Figure1)and for FFM ranged from5.85kg above to21.61kg below the CE of 2.21kg(Figure2). The trend between the difference and mean of the2devices for BF%(r=0.10,p=0.24)and FFM(r=20.07,p=0.17) were not significant(T able1).Results of the total and segmental LST values are depicted in T able1.There were no significant differences between the2 devices for ARMS LST(p=0.371),TRUNK LST(p=0.567), LEGS LST(p=0.049),and TOT AL LST(p=0.520).The cor-relation coefficients were strong and significant(p,0.001)between the DXA and InBody720for all LST values.Figure3 depicts Bland-Altman plots for the TOT AL LST values.The 95%confidence intervals for TOT AL LST ranged from4.02 kg above to24.44kg below the CE of20.21kg.The trends between the difference and mean of the2devices for ARMS LST(r=20.08,p=0.32),TRUNK LST(r=20.06, p=0.53),LEGS LST(r=0.11,p=0.25),and TOT AL LST (r=0.06,p=0.36)were not significant(T able1).D ISCUSSIONThis investigation sought to determine the agreement between multifrequency BIA and DXA for measuring BF%,FFM,and total body and segmental LST in collegiate female athletes. Thefindings showed that the InBody720underestimated BF% by3.33%and overestimated FFM by2.12kg compared with DXA.The strong correlations,small SEE and TE,and tight limits of agreement suggest that the InBody720may consistently provide lower BF%and higher FFM values than DXA in college-age female athletes.However,when compar-ing LST values between the2devices,there were no significant mean differences between DXA and the InBody720for ARMS LST,TRUNK LST,LEGS LST,and TOT AL LST.In addi-tion,compared with DXA,each LST value of the InBody 720Altman plots comparing TOTAL LST estimations by the InBody720and DXA(n=45).The middle solid lines represent line represents the upper and lower limits of agreement(61.96SD).The dashed-dotted regression line represents themethods and their mean.TOTAL LST=total body lean soft tissue;DXA=dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry.InBody720and DXA Female Athletesshowed strong correlations,small SEE and TE,and tight limits of agreement.Therefore,the original hypothesis was partially accepted as thefindings indicated comparable measures between DXA and InBody720for the LST variables but not for BF%and FFM.The few studies that have compared InBody720BIA and DXA have primarily included nonathletic groups and have yielded conflicting results,with some studies showing no significant mean differences and overall good agreement between the2devices(5,14),whereas others reported oppo-sitefindings(2,27).This discrepancy may be related to differ-ences in the body mass and fat status of the studied samples. For example,Shafer et al.(26)indicated that when compared with DXA,the InBody320(a similar but less advanced version of the device used in this study)underestimated BF%and overestimated FFM in normal weight subjects but overestimated BF%and underestimated FFM in obese subjects(26).Others have provided similar results,showing a tendency for the InBody720to provide lower and higher BF%values in leaner and overfat subjects,respectively,when compared with DXA(5,14,27).Proportional bias has also been demonstrated with the agreement of FFM values,with the InBody720providing higher values in leaner subjects but lower values in obese subjects when compared with DXA(14,27).Therefore,a small range of total body mass and BF%may exist in women,in which the InBody720 provides the best agreement with DXA(26).This possibility could explain why the InBody720provided significantly lower BF%and higher FFM values compared with DXA in the current heterogeneous sample of active female athletes with normal body mass index(BMI)levels.The InBody prediction equations are not available to the public and cannot be manipulated by the user.Adjusting the regression equations for specific populations(e.g.,female athletes)may allow for more accurate body composition measures compared with the equation that is preset by the InBody manufacturer.Recently,Aandstad et al.(1)measured BF%using DXA,the InBody720,and a single frequency hand-to-foot BIA device that predicted BF%with10differ-ent equations(adjusted by the investigators)in a group of first-year military cadets.The characteristics of the female sample(n=26)were similar to this study(i.e.,age=21.06 4.0years,BMI=2462.5kg$m2,and DXA BF%=25.66 4.7%)(1).Compared with DXA,the InBody720provided significantly lower values of1.9with95%limits of agreement of5.2%(1),which is comparable to the currentfindings. However,of the various BF%predict equations analyzed with the single frequency BIA device,4provided no signif-icant mean differences compared with DXA and demon-strated tighter limits agreement(95%limits of agreement ranging from4.0to4.6%)compared with the InBody720 analyzed in the investigation by Aandstad et al.(1)and in the current investigation.Therefore,it is reasonable to consider that having the ability to modify the preset equation of the InBody720may increase its accuracy for predicting BF%within specific populations.Additional research is needed to investigate this hypothesis.An explanation of the significant differences in FFM between DXA and InBody720may also be because of how each account for bone content.Dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry is considered the“gold standard”for BMD and bone mineral content measurements(9,13).However, the InBody720predicts bone mass with an equation that is based on DXA normative values established from the general population(27).Because BMD and bone mineral content vary considerably in a female athletic population (29),a constant general value to predict BMD and bone-mineral content may not be appropriate.This postulation is supported by thefindings related to LST for which bone is not included.When the LST values were compared between the2devices in this study,excellent agreement across all parameters was observed.Therefore,when exclud-ing all of the bone in the body,DXA and the InBody720 seem to have excellent agreement for measuring total and segmental LST(i.e.,FFM excluding BMD)in the current sample of female athletes.A primary limitation of our study was the lack of a hydration status measurement.However,the participants followed a strict testing protocol:for example,no food consumption after midnight prior,consume approximately a cup and a half of water before testing,no strenuous activity, caffeine,or alcohol24hours before data collection,and come to the laboratory as close to awakening from sleep as possible.Additionally,acute changes in hydration status (hyperhydrated,dehydrated,or euhydrated)should affect both DXA and the InBody720as both methods assume a constant hydration of approximately73%for FFM(16,27). This may be a comparable source of error for both devices for FFM and BF%(21,23),especially because FFM hydra-tion levels deviate considerably in active individuals (12,16,19).Therefore,the current results may be indepen-dent of hydration status.Nevertheless,the focus of this study was to compare both devices in the same individuals in the same hydrated state,and because the measurements were taken the same day with the same hydration status,a direct comparison can be made without hydration influencing the relationship between techniques.Still,due to the aforemen-tioned issues with hydration for both devices,it has been suggested that multicompartment models that include meas-ures of total body water are the preferred method of body composition validation studies in athletes(16).However,the current investigation sought to compare2methods and not validate1method to a criterion.Therefore,the lack of mea-suring acute hydration status and FFM hydration of the subjects should be considered a minor study limitation. One study that compared the InBody720to a4-compartment model found that it underestimated BF%by almost3%and provided a SEE of 4.85%in a group of women from a general population(10).When DXA was compared with a5-compartment model,Moon et al.(17)showed that it Journal of Strength and Conditioning Researchthe|overestimated BF%by3.71%and provided a wide range in individual error(i.e.,66.3%)in a group of female athletes. Therefore,the FFM and BF%errors associated with DXA may be similar to the errors observed from the InBody720 device when compared with criterion multicompartment model that accounts for body water.Future investigations should crossvalidate the InBody720and DXA methods in collegiate female athletes using the multicompartmental approach that includes a measure of total body water,while accounting for hydration status.Additional research is also warranted to determine the effects of acute changes in hydra-tion status for both methods.P RACTICAL A PPLICATIONSDual-energy x-ray absorptiometry is a commonly used laboratory measure for evaluating the body composition. However,this method is inconvenient for monitoring athletes infield settings.The InBody720is a multifre-quency BIA that has potential to serve as an alternative to DXA technology because of its ability to estimate BF%, FFM,and LST throughout the body and within various segments(arms,legs,and trunk).Although this study found significant differences in BF%and FFM,the InBody 720and DXA seem to provide excellent agreement for measuring LST suggesting that the InBody720can be used as an alternative to DXA in athletic women.Because of strength and conditioning training,athletes may possess large variations in soft tissue(muscle)within the arms,legs,and trunk compared with a general nonathletic population(22).Therefore,the ease of use for the InBody 720over the DXA and thefindings of this investigation suggest an advantage for using the InBody720in female athletes to estimate total and segmental LST in female athletes and could serve as a useful tool to rapidly track changes during diet and 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论著·防保康复CHINESE COMMUNITY DOCTORS 中国社区医师2020年第36卷第22期肥胖早已成为引起社会关注的公共卫生问题,发达国家和发展中国家儿童及青少年肥胖率均逐渐上升。
纳入标准:①根据小儿内分泌学肥胖诊断标准,BMI 在同年龄、同性别儿童的95%以上为肥胖。
结果:20例肥胖症儿童综合干预前体脂百分比(38.8±7.1)%,内脏脂肪面积(106.1±54.3)cm 2,BMI(26.1±6.2)kg/m 2,骨骼肌含量(17.1±4.4)kg,蛋白质(6.3±1.5)kg。
2008 Text 3In the early 1960s Wilt Chamberlain was one of only three players in the National Basketball Association (NBA) listed at over seven feet. ①If he had played last season, however, he would have been one of 42. ②The bodies playing major professional sports have changed dramatically over the years, and managers have been more than willing to adjust team uniforms to fit the growing numbers of bigger, longer frames.在20世纪60年代早期,Wilt Chamberlain是美国国家篮球协会中仅有的身高超过7英尺的三个人之一。
association[ə'səusi'eiʃən] n. 联系,联想;交际,交往;协会,社团【例】Let's form an association to help blind people. 让我们建立一个协会来帮助盲人吧。
dramatically[drə'mætikli] ad. 从戏剧角度;戏剧性地,显著地【例】I kept emphasizing how dramatically things have changed.我反复强调事情发生了多大的变化。
金湖乌凤鸡体重与体尺相关及回归分析段岩丽1李桂贤2(1.泰宁县农业农村局畜牧站福建泰宁354400;2.清流县嵩口镇畜牧兽医站福建清流365307)摘要为了分析金湖乌凤鸡体重与体尺的相关性,选取120日龄公母鸡各100羽进行测定和分析,结果表明:公鸡的体重、体斜长、龙骨长、胸宽、胸深、胫长、胫围指标极显著大于母鸡(P V0.01),公鸡的胸角极显著小于母鸡(P<0.01)遥公鸡的体重、胸宽、胸深及母鸡体重、胸宽变异系数均大于10%,体尺其他性状指标均小于10%遥公鸡体重与体斜长、龙骨长、胸宽、胫围呈极显著正相关性(P<0.01),与胸深呈显著正相关(P<0.05),其中与胫围的相关性最高(0.676);母鸡体重与体斜长、龙骨长、胸宽、胸深、胫长胫围呈极显著正相关(P<0.01),与胸角呈显著相关渊P<0.05),其中与体斜长的相关性最高(0.761)。
建立最优回归方程,公鸡体重=-1.229+0.392胫围+0.091龙骨长曰母鸡体重=-2.377+0.114体斜长+0.224胫围+0.077龙骨长遥关键词金湖乌凤鸡体重体尺相关与回归分析文献标识码:A文章编号:1003-4331(2021)01-0010-04Correlation and regression analysis between body weight and body size of Jinhu Wufeng chickenDuan Yanli1Li Guixian2(l.Animal Husbandry Station of Agricultural and Rural Bureau of Taining County,Fujian354400;2.Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Station of Songkou Town,Qingliu County,Fujian365307)Abstract In order to analyze the correlation between body weight and body size of Jinhu Wufeng chickens,the body weight and body size of100~120days old male and female chickens were measured and analyzed.The results show that the body weight,oblique length,keel length,chest width,chest depth,tibia length and tibia circumference of cock were significantly higher than those of hens (P<0.01),The chest angles of cocks were significantly smaller than those of hens(P<0.01).The coefficient of variation(CV)of body weight,chest width and chest depth of cocks and those of hens were greater than10%.Other indexes of body size were less than10%. There was a significant positive correlation between body weight and body length,keel length,chest width and tibial circumference(P< 0.01).There was a significant positive correlation with chest depth(P<0.05).The correlation with tibial circumference was the highest (0.676).There was a significant positive correlation between body weight and oblique length,keel length,chest width,chest depth,tibia length and tibia circumference(P<0.01).It was significantly correlated with chest angle(P<0.05).Among them,the correlation with body length was the highest(0.761).Establish the optimal regression equation,cock:Body weight=-1.229+0.392tibial circumference+ 0.091keel length,hen:Body weight=-2.377+0.114oblique length+0.224tibial circumference+0.077keel length.Key Words Jinhu Wufeng chicken Weight Body size Correlation and regression analysis金湖乌凤鸡原产地为福建省泰宁县,俗称泰宁乌鸡,中心产区为泰宁县的大龙、梅口、下渠等乡镇,近年来推广到周边的将乐、建宁、邵武等县市及江西、浙江、湖南等省份养殖。
体格检查的方法与评定Physical examination is an important method for evaluating a person's overall health and well-being. 体格检查是评估一个人整体健康状况的重要方法。
It involves a series of tests and assessments to measure various aspects of an individual's physical condition. 它涉及一系列测试和评估,以测量个人身体状况的各个方面。
From measuring height and weight to assessing cardiovascular fitness and flexibility, a comprehensive physical examination can provide valuable insights into a person's health. 从测量身高和体重到评估心血管健康和灵活性,综合的体格检查可以为人的健康提供宝贵的见解。
One of the key components of a physical examination is the measurement of vital signs, including blood pressure, heart rate, respiratory rate, and body temperature. 体格检查的一个关键组成部分是测量生命体征,包括血压、心率、呼吸频率和体温。
These measurements can provide important clues about an individual's overall health and can help identify potential medical issues that may require further evaluation. 这些测量可以提供有关个人整体健康状况的重要线索,并可以帮助确定可能需要进一步评估的潜在医学问题。
对身体部位的看法英语作文Reflections on the Importance of Body Parts.The human body is a remarkable creation, a complex assembly of systems and organs that work in harmony to sustain life. Each body part plays a vital role in our day-to-day functioning, and their significance cannot be overstated.The head, often considered the most important part of the body, is the seat of our consciousness and intelligence. It houses the brain, which controls all our movements, thoughts, and emotions. The skull protects this crucial organ, ensuring its safety from external harm. The eyes,the windows to the soul, allow us to see the world in its vibrant colors and endless details. The ears capture sounds, converting them into electrical signals that the brain can interpret, enabling us to communicate and appreciate music.The neck, connecting the head to the torso, supportsthe weight of the head and allows for movement, enabling us to look around and orient ourselves in space. The spine, running down the center of the body, supports our upright posture and protects the spinal cord, which carries messages between the brain and the rest of the body.The torso is the core of the body, housing the vital organs such as the heart, lungs, liver, and kidneys. The heart pumps blood, oxygenating and nourishing every cell in the body. The lungs allow us to breathe, extracting oxygen from the air and expelling carbon dioxide. The liver detoxifies the blood, metabolizes food, and stores nutrients, while the kidneys filter waste and excess fluids, maintaining the body's fluid balance.The limbs give us the ability to move and interact with our environment. The arms and hands allow us to grasp, manipulate, and create. The legs and feet enable us to walk, run, and jump, allowing for freedom of movement and exploration.The skin, the largest organ in the body, protects usfrom external elements such as heat, cold, and harmful microorganisms. It also helps regulate body temperature, sensing touch, and pain.The significance of each body part is further emphasized when we consider the impact of their loss or malfunction. An injury to the arm might limit our ability to perform certain tasks, while damage to the kidneys can lead to serious health complications. This underscores the importance of maintaining good health and taking care of our bodies.Beyond its physical functions, the body also carries significant cultural and emotional meanings. Different body parts are often associated with specific emotions or attributes. For instance, the heart is often symbolic of love, the hands of hard work, and the eyes of wisdom.In conclusion, the body is a remarkable assembly of parts, each playing a crucial role in our lives. It is our responsibility to take care of our bodies, ensuring their good health and well-being. By doing so, we enableourselves to live fully, to pursue our passions, and to contribute to the world in meaningful ways.。
全身相位角 inbody 英语
全身相位角 inbody 英语Phase Angle Measurement in InBody: A Comprehensive AnalysisIntroduction:Phase angle measurement is an important indicator of overall health and body composition analysis. InBody, a leading brand in body composition analysis devices, provides a reliable and accurate measurement of phase angle. This article aims to explore the concept of phase angle, its significance, and the role of InBody in measuring and interpreting this crucial health parameter.Understanding Phase Angle:Phase angle is a measurement that indicates the distribution of the body's electrical current, providing valuable information about cellular health and the body's ability to function properly. It is calculated by measuring the phase shift between the current and voltage as they pass through the body's tissues. A higher phase angle suggests better cellular integrity and overall health.Significance of Phase Angle Measurement:Phase angle measurement is increasingly recognized as an important prognostic indicator of various health conditions and overall well-being. It provides valuable insights into the body's cellular health, nutritional status, and the efficacy of medical treatments. Higher phase angle values are associated with better health outcomes, including increased muscle mass, better immune function, and reduced mortality risk.Role of InBody in Phase Angle Measurement:InBody devices utilize a unique bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA) technology to accurately measure phase angle. BIA is a non-invasive method that involves passing a safe, low-level electrical current through the body and measuring its resistance and reactance. InBody's advanced algorithms then calculate the phase angle based on these measurements.InBody's phase angle measurement is highly reliable and reproducible. The devices are known for their accuracy and precision, providing consistent and comparable results. Moreover, InBody devices are designed to measure the phase angle in a quick and hassle-free manner, making them suitable for routine health assessments and monitoring.Interpreting Phase Angle Results:Interpretation of phase angle results requires consideration of various factors, including age, sex, and overall health status. Generally, a higher phase angle indicates better health and cellular integrity. Individuals with higher phase angles tend to have higher muscle mass, better cellular hydration, and improved immune function.On the other hand, a lower phase angle may suggest cellular dysfunction, compromised nutritional status, or the presence of chronic illnesses. Individuals with lower phase angles may benefit from targeted interventions, such as nutritional support, physical activity, and medical management.Clinical Applications of Phase Angle Measurement:Phase angle measurement has a wide range of clinical applications. It can be used to monitor nutritional status, especially in individuals with malnutrition or undergoing medical treatments such as cancer therapies. Phase angle can also be utilized as a prognostic indicator in various chronic conditions, including chronic kidney disease, cardiovascular diseases, and HIV/AIDS.Moreover, phase angle measurement can help in assessing the effectiveness of interventions, such as nutritional interventions, exercise programs, and disease management protocols. By monitoring changes in phase angle over time, healthcare professionals can evaluate the impact of these interventions on cellular health and overall well-being.Conclusion:Phase angle measurement in InBody devices provides a reliable and accurate assessment of cellular health and overall well-being. With its advanced BIA technologyand precise algorithms, InBody enables healthcare professionals and individuals to monitor and interpret phase angle values effectively. The measurement of phase angle has emerged as a valuable tool in assessing nutritional status, disease prognosis, and treatment efficacy. By understanding and utilizing phase angle measurements, we can gain valuable insights into our cellular health and make informed decisions to optimize our well-being.。
身体体重的英语,作文作文英文回答:Body Weight Management.Body weight management is a complex issue that involves a multitude of factors, including genetics, environment, and lifestyle. The World Health Organization (WHO) defines overweight as a body mass index (BMI) greater than or equal to 25 kg/m2, and obesity as a BMI greater than or equal to 30 kg/m2.There are numerous causes of overweight and obesity, including:Genetics: Some people are genetically predisposed to being overweight or obese. These individuals may have a higher percentage of body fat, a slower metabolism, and a greater tendency to store fat.Environment: The environment also plays a role in weight management. People who live in areas with limited access to healthy food and exercise opportunities are more likely to be overweight or obese.Lifestyle: Lifestyle factors such as diet and exercise are major determinants of body weight. People who consume a diet high in calories, saturated fat, and sugar are more likely to gain weight. Similarly, people who do not get regular exercise are more likely to be overweight or obese.Overweight and obesity are associated with a number of health risks, including:Heart disease: Overweight and obesity increase therisk of heart disease, the leading cause of death in the United States.Stroke: Overweight and obesity increase the risk of stroke, the third leading cause of death in the United States.Type 2 diabetes: Overweight and obesity increase the risk of type 2 diabetes, a chronic condition that affects the body's ability to use glucose.Cancer: Overweight and obesity increase the risk of certain types of cancer, including breast cancer, colon cancer, and endometrial cancer.There are a number of ways to manage body weight, including:Healthy diet: A healthy diet includes plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean protein. Limit consumption of processed foods, sugary drinks, andsaturated fat.Regular exercise: Regular exercise can help to burn calories and build muscle. Aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise most days of the week.Behavioral therapy: Behavioral therapy can help people to change their eating and exercise habits.Medication: In some cases, medication may be prescribed to help people lose weight.Body weight management is a lifelong journey. There is no single solution that works for everyone. The best approach is to find a plan that works for you and stick with it.中文回答:身体体重的管理。
SLA/MHC Haplotype
Product Acceptability 产品接受能力
PSE Pork 苍白松软渗水猪肉
Halothane Gene 氟烷基因 Napole Gene Napole 基因 Others? 其它?
Intramuscular Fat Content 肌间脂肪含量 Intramuscular Glycogen Content 肌间糖原含量 Muscle Fiber Characteristics 肌纤维性质 Skin/Hair color 皮肤/毛发颜色
Preferences of market 市场喜好 Dehairing ability 脱毛能力
Animal Environments 动物环境
Housing 圈舍
Equipment 设施
Interaction of the Pig with the Production Environment 猪和市场环境的互相影响
Growth Characteristics with Genetic Components 生长性状遗传组分
Feed Efficiency 饲料效率
Nutrient Digestion and Absorption 养分的消化和吸收 Metabolism of Nutrients 养分代谢
Uniformity of Growth 生长一致性
Growth curve 生长曲线
Early growth 早期生长 Sustained growth 持续生长
Should be appropriate to desired market weights 应是理想上市体重
编号术语外文名称说明直立姿势standing posture被测者挺胸直立,头部以眼耳平面定位,眼睛平视前面,肩部放松,上肢自然下垂,手( 简称:立姿 )挺直,手掌朝向体侧,手指轻贴大腿侧面,自然挺直膝部,左、右足后跟并拢,前端分开,使两足大概呈 45 °夹角,体重平均散布于两足坐姿sitting posture被测者挺胸坐在被调理到腓骨头高度的平面上,头部以眼耳平面定位,眼睛平视前面,左、右大腿大概平行,膝弯屈大概成直角,足平放在地面上,手轻放在大腿上矢状面sagittal plane经过铅垂轴和纵轴的平面及与其平行的全部平面都称为矢状面正中矢状面midsagittal plane在矢状面中,把经过人体正中线的矢状面称为正中矢状平面。
正中矢状面将人体分红左、右对称的两个部分冠状面coronal - plane经过铅垂轴与横轴的平面及与其平行的全部平面都称为冠状面。
这些平面将人体分红前、后两个部分水平面horizontal plane与矢状面及冠状面同时垂直的全部平面都称为水平面。
这些平面将人体分红上、下两个部分眼耳平面OAE经过左右耳屏点及右眼眶下点的水平面称为眼耳平面或法兰克福平面注:人体的定位平面是由三个互为垂直的轴( 铅垂轴、纵轴和横轴 ) 决定的。
2测点头部测点 ( 图 1)图 1 头部测点编号术语外文名称说明头极点vertex(简称 v)头部以眼耳平面定位时,在头顶部正中矢状面上的最高点发缘点trichion(简称 tr)前额发缘与正中矢状面的交点眉间点glabella(简称 g)额的下部,鼻根上方,两眉之间的隆起部在正中矢状面上向前最突出的点鼻梁点sellion(简称 se)鼻梁的最凹点鼻下点subnasale(简称 sn)在正中矢状面上,鼻中膈与上唇皮肤所组成的角的最深点颏下点gnathion(简称 gn)头部以眼耳平面定位时,颏部在正中矢状面上的最低点瞳孔点pupilla(简称 pu)瞳孔中心点眼内角点entocanthion( 简称 en)在眼裂内角上,上、下眼睑缘相接的点眶下点orbitale(简称 or)眼眶下缘的最低点颧点zygion(简称zy)颧弓上向外侧最突出的点鼻翼点alare(简称al)鼻翼最外侧点吵嘴点cheilion(简称ch)口裂的外角上,上、下唇粘膜缘在外侧端相接的点颅侧点euryon( 简称 eu)颅侧部向外最突出的点耳屏点tragion(简称t)耳屏软骨上缘,耳轮脚基部向颅侧部皮肤过渡的点枕后点opisthocranion(简称op)在正中矢状面上,枕部离眉间点(g) 最远的点枕外隆突点inion(简称i)枕外隆突上最突出的点注:在人体的左、右方向上,将远离正中矢状面的部位称为外侧。
病理原因 Pathology 臀中肌无力 G.Medius weakness 臀大肌无力 G.Maximus weakness 股四头肌无力 Quadriceps weakness 胫骨肌无力 Tibialis weakness 腰方肌紧张 Quadratus tightness
运动的质量 Quality of movement 肌肉放电顺序和速度 Muscle firing order and speed 收缩强度 Intensity of contraction
Arms at side; raise 1 leg off the floor
Hip flexed to 45º and knee to 90º
Practice balance with eyes open for 5‐10 sec
阳性发现 Positive Findings 放电顺序改变(TFL&腰方肌提 前放电) Altered firing pattern (early TFL or Quadratus) 肌肉颤动 Trembling of muscles 骨盆后旋 Posterior rotation of pelvis 髋屈曲/外旋 Hip flexion/external rotation 骨盆上提(髋移位) Elevation of pelvis (hip hike)
Patients don’t need to perform all 6… use posture & balance assessment to decide
The most important thing to observe is compensatory movement
蚂蚁 英语作文
Ants are fascinating creatures that have been the subject of numerous scientific studies and observations.Heres a detailed essay on ants,exploring their characteristics, behaviors,and ecological importance.Introduction to Ants:Ants are small,social insects belonging to the family Formicidae.They are found in various habitats around the world,from forests and grasslands to deserts and humanmade environments.Ants are known for their highly organized societies,which are often referred to as colonies.Physical Characteristics:Ants are typically small,with most species ranging from0.75to2.5millimeters in length. They have a segmented body divided into three main parts:the head,thorax,and abdomen.Ants are equipped with a pair of antennae,which they use for communication and navigation.Their legs are strong and adapted for carrying loads many times their body weight.Social Structure:Ant colonies are composed of various castes,including the queen,male ants,and worker ants.The queen is the reproductive female and the mother of the colony,while the male ants are responsible for mating with the queen.Worker ants,which are sterile females, perform tasks such as foraging for food,caring for the young,and defending the colony. Behavioral Patterns:Ants exhibit complex behaviors that are essential for the survival of their colonies.They communicate using pheromones,which are chemical signals that convey information about food sources,danger,or the need for assistance.Ants are also known for their remarkable navigation skills,using the sun and landmarks to find their way back to the colony.Foraging and Feeding:Ants are omnivorous and their diet varies depending on the species.Some ants are herbivores,feeding on plant materials,while others are predators,hunting insects and other small creatures.Many ants are also known for their mutualistic relationships with aphids,where they protect the aphids in exchange for honeydew,a sugary substance excreted by the aphids.Ecological Role:Ants play a crucial role in ecosystems.They are important decomposers,breaking down dead plant and animal matter and recycling nutrients back into the soil.Ants also help inpollination and seed dispersal.However,some species can become pests,especially in agricultural settings,where they can cause significant damage to crops.Reproduction and Life Cycle:The reproductive cycle of ants is highly synchronized.After a period of mating flights, where male and female ants mate in the air,the fertilized queens return to the ground to start new colonies.They lay eggs,which hatch into larvae,and these larvae are cared for by worker ants until they develop into adult ants.Conservation and Human Interaction:While ants are generally beneficial to the environment,some species can become invasive and disrupt local ecosystems.Human activities,such as deforestation and pesticide use,can also negatively impact ant populations.Conservation efforts often focus on preserving habitats and reducing the use of harmful chemicals. Conclusion:Ants are remarkable insects that demonstrate incredible adaptability and resilience.Their complex social structures and behaviors offer valuable insights into the nature of cooperation and communication.Understanding and appreciating ants can help us better comprehend the intricate balance of our planets ecosystems.。
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J. Ocean Univ. China(Oceanic and Coastal Sea Research)https:///10.1007/s11802-019-3701-4ISSN 1672-5182, 2019 18 (1): 203-209/xbywb/E-mail:xbywb@Genetic Parameters of Body Length and Response to Selectionfor Growth Across Four Generations of Artemia sinicaKONG Zhangwei1), 2), KONG Jie2), 3), *, LUAN Sheng2), 3), ZHANG Zhiwei2), YU Chifang2),and LUO Kun2), 3)1) College of Marine Life Sciences, Ocean University of China, Qingdao 266003, China2) Key Laboratory for Sustainable Utilization of Marine Fisheries Resources, Ministry of Agriculture, Yellow Sea FisheriesResearch Institute, Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences, Qingdao 266071, China3) Laboratory for Marine Fisheries Sciences and Food Production Processes, Qingdao National Laboratory for MarineScience and Technology, Qingdao 266237, China(Received November 7, 2017; revised January 21, 2018; accepted October 30, 2018)© Ocean University of China, Science Press and Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany 2019Abstract To investigate the genetic components of growth in the brine shrimp Artemia sinica, we estimated the genetic parameters of body length and the response to selection using a fully pedigreed population of A. sinica. The base population was generated from four wild founder populations. We tested 4160 offspring in 360 families over four generations for growth and survival performance. Across four generations, we produced full- and half-sib families with nested mating, where two dams were mated to the same sire. Individual body length was measured for each nauplius at day 20 post-hatching. Heritability of body length was estimated across four generations with the restricted maximum likelihood method. The heritability of body length in A. sinica was low (0.14±0.05), and the common environmental effect was 0.14±0.02. We estimated the response to selection for body length by calculating the differ-ence in the mean breeding values between different generations. The accumulated genetic gain in body length was 278.94μm after three generations of selection. This low response to selection was probably caused by the low heritability of body length, small sam-ple size, and the low selection intensity (50%). The results suggest that A. sinica selective breeding programs must be changed to generate any substantial, sustainable genetic increases in body length. We suggest that optimal genetic gains could be achieved by introducing wild strains into the nuclear breeding population to increase genetic variation, and by increasing the size of the breeding population to allow for increased selection intensity.Key words Artemia sinica; body length; heritability; selection responses1 IntroductionBrine shrimp (Artemiidae: Artemia) are a fundamental link in the aquatic food chain (Sorgeloos et al., 2001). The biology, evolution, development, and ecology of brine shrimp have been well studied (Zhou et al., 2008), as well as their resistance to unfavorable conditions, such as low temperature and high salinity (Jiang et al., 2007; Zheng et al., 2011). Brine shrimp are often used to evalu-ate aquatic resource management policies (Raikow et al., 2006). In addition, brine shrimp are considered ideal models for genetic research because they are small, have short life cycles, form pairs easily, and are both parthe-nogenesis and amphigenesis (Barigozzi et al., 1974; Briskia et al., 2008).Brine shrimp at various life cycle stages are an impor-tant food source for many economically important aqua-culture species. However, if the brine shrimp is too small, * Corresponding author. E-mail: kongjie@ it will be difficult for the predator’s mouth to adapt to the size, which restricts their uses as food resources. It is pos-sible that selective breeding could solve this problem by increasing the size of brine shrimp (Shirdhankar et al., 2003). Despite the wide range of literature on brine shrimp, studies of quantitative genetic characters are rare, and previous studies have tended to focus on A. francis-cana. Browne et al. (1984) analyzed the genetic compo-nents of several traits in 12 strains of A. franciscana, while the heritability values of various traits related to growth and reproduction were studied by Shirdhankar et al. (2003) and Briska et al. (2008). Further studies have indicated that the heritability of nauplii length was mod-erate and that the heritability of nauplii width was high. It has been suggested that these traits could be exploited using selective breeding techniques (Leger et al., 1986; Tackaert et al., 1987; Shirdhankar et al., 2003). However, to our knowledge, no information on the heritability of growth traits is available for A. sinica, which is an en-demic brine shrimp species restricted to China.Here, we provide a reliable estimate of the heritabilityKONG et al . / J . Ocean Univ . China (Oceanic and Coastal Sea Research) 2019 18: 203-209204 of growth traits in A. sinica . We analyzed several genera-tions of data using the restricted maximum likelihood method (REML). We then calculated the predicted re-sponse of A. sinica to selective breeding by performing four generations of selection. Finally, we discussed the sustainability of a breeding program with respect to ge-netic improvement or deterioration.2 Methods 2.1 Origin of the Base PopulationOur breeding experiments were performed at the Na-tional Marine Genetic Breeding Center (31˚44´40.14´´N, 118˚54´29.53´´E) in Qingdao City, Shandong, China. The base population (G 0 generation) was generated with a diallele cross in 2009. This diallele cross involved four wild founder populations. These populations were ob-tained as cysts from geographically isolated locations in China (Xiechi Salt Lake, Shanxi; Alashanzuoqi, Inner Mongolia; Badanjilin, Inner Mongolia; and Yikezhao-meng, Inner Mongolia) between 1991 and 2002.2.2 Selection ProcedureThe population used for selection was originated from the base population. The G 0 progeny was selected using a combined family and within-family selection strategy that was based on differences in body length and survival. The breeding values for body length and survival were calcu-lated using the animal mixed model (Charo-Karisa et al ., 2006) to establish a selection index distribution for the base population and to determine the cut-off weights for selection. We used multi-trait index selection. The relativeweight of body length in the selection index was 100% in the G 0 generation (Table 1). The relative weights were70% for body length and 30% for survival in generationsG 1 and G 2 (Table 1). The relative weights were 85% forbody length and 15% for survival in generation G 3 (Table1). The selected population was maintained by mating thetop selected males to females with a selection index >50%. To maintain an effective population size and tocontrol the number of selected individuals from the samefull-sib family, we imposed certain restrictions on themating process to control inbreeding (e.g ., we did notallow full-sib, half-sib, or cousin mating). The inbreedingcoefficient was not allowed to exceed 1.0%.Table 1 Some parameters of Artemia sinica in each generation Relative weight (%)Generation Population Family(full-sib)Sires Dams Body length SurvivalG 0 Base 88 64 95 100 0 G 1 Selected 69 51 69 7030G 2 Selected 155133155 70 30G 3 Selected 4848 48 85 152.3 Production and Rearing of FamiliesWe randomly selected 64 sires and 95 dams from the founder stocks to produce the G 0 generation (Table 1).The G 1 generation was produced by the G 0 individuals (Table 1). Similarly, the G 2 and G 3 populations were pro-duced by the G 1 and G 2 generations, respectively (Table 1). The selection of subsequent generations (G 1 to G 3) was separated and discrete.Full- and half-sib families were produced in the G 0 and G 1 generations with a nested mating design: each male candidate was mated with two female candidates. Half- sibs were produced by mating each sire to a second damafter the first mating.Selected male-female pairs were kept in 50 mL plastic vials containing 30 mL seawater with a salinity of 70 until the dormant cysts were released. Dormant cysts producedby each pair were collected in a Petri dish, washed with the seawater with a salinity of 70, and allowed to dehy-drate for at least 20 h. Dormant cysts were transferred to aglass desiccator for 2–3 days. To eliminate diapause, all dormant cysts were separated by full-sib family and fro-zen for 30 days at −20℃ in 1.5 mL Eppendorf tubes.Cysts of each full-sib family were hatched in 20 mL Petri dishes containing 15 mL seawater with a salinity of 30. The Petri dishes were incubated at 26℃ in 400 L il-lumination incubators. The nauplii of each full-sib familywere transferred separately to 500 mL plastic beakerscontaining the seawater with a salinity of 70 at 23.5℃. After five days, 10–20 nauplii from each full-sib family were selected randomly and transferred individually to transparent 50 mL plastic vials. Each vial containing one individual nauplius was tagged with a unique six digit ID.We recorded sire ID, dam ID, individual ID, cyst collec-tion date, nauplii collection date, and tagging date for each nauplius. 2.4 Growth and Survival Test We performed growth and survival tests in 14 layersusing two 400 L illumination incubators. We placed equalnumbers of nauplii from each full-sib family in each in-cubator layer, at a density of 330 nauplii m −2. Nauplii werereared under the standard conditions reported by Shird-hankar et al . (2003) and fed Dunaliella salina and Spi-rulina powder (0.5 and 0.4 g, respectively) every other day.All feces and uneaten food were removed every other dayduring water renewal.The body length of each individual was measured un-der a microscope at day 20 post-hatching. We calculatedthe survival rate of each family by counting the numberof surviving individuals in each family. We also recordedthe harvest date, individual ID, illumination incubator ID, layer ID, and sex for each individual. 2.5 Statistical AnalysisWe designed our experiments that the generations were discrete, and sires and dams were mated only within gen-erations. Therefore, the complete pedigrees of all brine shrimp from G 0 onwards were used in our analyses.We used the average information REML method in ASReml (Gilmour et al ., 2009) to calculate the variance components and to estimate the heritability of bodyKONG et al . / J . Ocean Univ . China (Oceanic and Coastal Sea Research ) 2019 18: 203-209205length. The mixed model used in the matrix notation was as follows:ijklmn i j k i j i k j k i j k y u Gen Sex Tank Gen Sex Gen Tank Sex Tank Gen Sex Tank =++++*+*+*+**+()m i j k l m ijkmn hour Gen Sex Tank a c e **+++,where y ijklmn is a vector of observed body length of the l th individual at day 20 post-hatching, and u is the overall mean of the body length at day 20 post-hatching. Gen i is the fixed effect of the i th generation (four generations); Sex j , is the fixed effect of the j th gender (male and female brine shrimps), and Tank k is the fixed effect of the k th tank. The mutual interactions of these variables (Gen i *Sex j , Gen i *Tank k , Sex j *Tank k , and Gen i *Sex j *Tank k ) were also fitted as fixed effects. The variable hour m (Gen i * Sex j *Tank k ) was a linear covariate nested within the in-teraction among Gen i , Sex j , and Tank k . The additive ge-netic effect of the l th animal, a l , was the additive geneticeffect of the lth animal, a l (0, 2aA σ), where A was the additive genetic relationship matrix among all brine shrimp; c m was a vector of random common full-sib ef-fects of the m th family, c (0, 2cI σ), where I is the com-mon environmental effect relationship matrix among allfamilies of brine shrimp; and e ijkmn was the random resid-ual error of the n th individual, e (0, 2eI σ), where I is the residual effect (co)variance matrix among all brine shrimp. Phenotypic variance was calculated as 2p σ=222a c e σσσ++. Heritability (h 2) was calculated as 2h = 22/a p σσ, and the common environmental effects (c 2) werecalculated as 222/c p c σσ=.Least-squares means were the best linear unbiased es-timates of the marginal means in our experimental design.We calculated the least-squares means for the base popu-lation (G 0) with a linear mixed model. The least-squares means of the G 0 population was a fixed quantity calcu-lated using the percentage of nauplii responding to selec-tion. The following linear mixed model was fit in AS-Reml (Gilmour et al ., 2009) to estimate the least-squares means of the G 0 populations:()()ijklmn i j k k j l j k i m ijklmn y u Pop Sex Tank Tank Sex hour Sex Tank Pop Fam e =++++*+*++,where (y ijklmn ) was observed body length of the n th indi-vidual at day 20 post-hatching each generation at harvest; u was the overall mean; Pop i was the fixed effect of the i th population; Sex j was the fixed effect of the j th gender (male and female A. sinica ); Tank k was the fixed effect of the k th pond; Tank k *Sex j was the fixed effect of the in-teraction of the j th sex and k th tank; hour l (Sex j *Tank k ) was a linear covariate nested within the interaction be-tween gender and tank; Pop i (Fam m ) was the random ef-fect of the i th population nested within the m th family; and e ijklmn was the random residual error associated with observation ijklmn .The predicted genetic gains in body length per genera-tion at day 20 post-hatching were estimated across all generations. The breeding value of body lengths at day 20 post-hatching for all A. sinica across the four generations was obtained based on best linear unbiased prediction in ASReml software. The predicted genetic gain for each generation was calculated as the difference in the mean breeding values between the current and previous genera-tions. We used the z-score to indicate whether the least- squares means and the mean breeding values between generations were significantly different (Nguyen et al ., 2007).The Z-score was calculated as follows:x x Z ,where x i and x j are the least-squares means or mean breeding values for different generations, and σi and σj are their respective standard errors. The resulting Z -score wastested against a large normal distribution sample.3 Results3.1 Descriptive StatisticsWe recorded data for 4160 A. sinica at day 20 post- hatching across the four generations (G 0 to G 3; Table 2). The mean harvest body lengths of all selected nauplii in all post-G 0 generations (G 1, G 2, and G 3) were greater than those of the G 0 population. Across the generations G 1, G 2, and G 3, the lowest mean body length was observed in the G 2 population (2144 nauplii were measured; Table 2). G 2 comprised nearly twice as many nauplii as G 1 and three times as many as G 3 (Table 2). In addition, the G 2 popula-tion had the largest coefficient of variation across all gen-erations. Thus, the difference in mean body length that we observed may have been due to the presence of many small brine shrimp in G 2. The distribution of body length for each generation is shown by a box-plot (Fig.1). The coefficients of variation across all generations ranged from 14.5% to 19.6% (mean: 17%).Table 2 Body lengths of nauplii Artemia sinica at harvest(at day 20 post-hatching) for each generationBody length (μm) Population GenerationSamplesize (n) Mean Min Max Cv (%)Base G 0 1679 9212.7 3229.8 17225.618.8 G 1 1290 10018.7 4655.3 14644.314.5G 2 21449760.2 2687.5 16062.519.6SelectionG 3 72610957.3 4375.2 15400.016.9 Overall 4160 10245.4 2687.5 14644.317.0Note: Cv , coefficient of variation.KONG et al. / J. Ocean Univ. China (Oceanic and Coastal Sea Research) 2019 18: 203-209206Fig.1 Body lengths (μm) of Artemia sinica at day 20 post- hatching for each generation. 3.2 Heritability and Common Environmental Effects We used the Wald test to identify the fixed effects of the animal model with the average information REML method in ASReml (Table 3). All fixed effects and inter-actions were significant and were included in our models of variance components and heritability (Table 4). The estimates of heritability within generations were inaccu-rate, because we did not have complete pedigree informa-tion to utilize the phenotypic value of more individuals across generations (Maluwa et al., 2007). Thus, we did not use the estimates of heritability within generations in our model. The heritability estimate for body length was moderate to low (0.14±0.05), but significantly greater than zero (P<0.05). The estimate of the common envi-ronmental effect on body length across generations was also moderate to low (0.14±0.02), and was also signifi-cantly greater than zero (P<0.05).Table 3 Analysis of variance of body length in Artemia sinica: test of fixed effect using the averageinformation REML method in ASRemlDf Sum of squares F statistic P>F Intercept 12.9476e+10 32570 <2.2e−16*Generation 31.4424e+08 159 <2.2e−16*Sex 15.2344e+09 5784 <2.2e−16*Tank 371.5095e+09 1668 <2.2e−16*Generation: Sex 3 2.3459e+08 259 <2.2e−16* Generation: Tank 3 3.5004e+08 387 <2.2e−16* Sex: Tank 37 9.7599e+07 108 7.543e−09* Generation: Sex: Tank 3 2.5771e+07 28 2.886e−06* Generation: Sex: Tank: hours 88 4.0104e+08 443 <2.2e−16* Residual (MS) 9.0501e+05Note: * (P<0.05).Table 4 Variance components of body length, heritability estimate, and estimate of common environmentaleffects across four generations of Artemia sinicaVariance components Heritability Common environmental effects2aσ2cσ2eσ2pσh2±se c2±se 173185.05 177870.33905012.52 1256067.84 0.14±0.05﹡ 0.14±0.02﹡Note: Estimate was significantly different from zero (P<0.05).3.3 Response to SelectionThe least-squares mean of individual body length for the G0 population was 9569.05μm. The mean breeding va- lue increased between G0 and G3: the mean breeding value of G0 was −25.28, the mean breeding value of G1 was 140.79, the mean breeding value of G2 was 174.10, and the mean breeding value of G3 was 253.66 (Table 5). We used the difference in mean breeding values between the current and previous generations to calculate the selection response of each generation. The predicted genetic gain was 166.07μm in G1, 33.31μm in G2, and 79.56μm in G3 (Table 5). That is, the largest gain in mean breeding value was between G0 and G1, followed by the gain between G2 and G3. The total predicted genetic gain between G0 and G3, relative to the base population, was 278.94μm (2.92%).Table 5 Estimates of predicted genetic gain in body length for the selected strains of Artemia sinicacalculated using the genetic parameters for each generationBody length (μm)GenerationPopulation Mean breeding value Genetic gain per generation Percentage†G0 Control −25.28 – – G1 Selection140.79 166.07 1.74G2 Selection174.10 33.31 0.35G3 Selection253.66 79.56 0.83 Cumulative 278.94 2.92Note: Percentage refers to actual units in relation to the least-squares means of body length of the G0 population (9569.05μm).KONG et al . / J . Ocean Univ . China (Oceanic and Coastal Sea Research ) 2019 18: 203-2092074 Discussion4.1 Phenotypic Results Brine shrimp body length is typically significantly cor-related with body weight (Pérez-Rostro et al ., 2003) and is thought to be a key trait to assess growth performance. Here we found that the mean body length of A. sinica increased gradually across generations, except in G 2 (Ta-ble 2). In G 2, mean body length was relatively low, but this generation also contained the longest brine shrimp in any generation (Table 2). Possibly the presence of large numbers of small brine shrimp in G 2 caused this discrep-ancy (Fig.1). Supporting this hypothesis, the coefficients of variation for G 1 and G 3 were lower than that of G 0, but the coefficient of variation for G 2 was higher, suggesting the presence of many small brine shrimp. The reason might also be that smaller individuals died in G 1 and G 3 due to breeding management issues, causing the observed increase in minimum body length and in mean body length. Indeed, G 1 and G 3 had lower survival rates (data not shown). 4.2 Heritability and the Common Environmental EffectMany factors can influence the accuracy of heritability estimates, including sample size, analytical model, strain, and pedigree structure (Falconer and Mackay, 1996). Here, we estimated the variance components of the brine shrimp model, including some fixed and random effects that the F test indicated were significant using REML. To improve the accuracy of our body length heritability es-timate, we used the complete pedigree of each brine shrimp nauplius along with all of the descriptive data. The heritability of body length across all generations was moderate (0.14 ± 0.05), commensurate with the common environmental effect (0.14 ± 0.02; Table 4). These results were consistent with the heritability value of female A. franciscana for length at 3 days of age reported by Shird- hankar et al . (2003), but lower than the heritability values of female nauplius for length and males for length at 3 days of age. Our results are consistent with those of Elv-ingson et al . (1993), who showed that the heritability of rainbow trout body length at harvest is moderate (0.13–0.18). Little is known about the genetic parameters affecting body length in A. sinica . However, the heritability esti-mates for total length and total weight in other shellfish vary widely. For example, heritability estimates for growth of whiteleg shrimp Penaeus vannamei range from 0.17 ± 0.04 to 0.44 ± 0.07 (Pérez-Rostro and Ibarra, 2003; Gitterle et al ., 2005a, b; Sui et al ., 2015, 2016; Tan et al ., 2016). However, heritability estimates are much higher in the giant tiger prawn, P . monodon , ranging from 0.45 ± 0.11 to 0.56 ± 0.04 (Kenway et al ., 2006). In the giant river prawn, Macrobrachium rosenbergii , the heritability esti-mate for growth was much lower than that of P . vannamei and P . monodon (0.056 ± 0.014; Luan et al ., 2012). The incongruence between our estimate of growth heritability and those previously published might be due to a variety of differences among experiments, including the analyti-cal model (i.e ., not correcting for significant fixed effects), the population genetic background, the environmental conditions during growth, and the experimental design(e.g ., selection intensity or allowing half-sib and full-sib mating).We found that the common environmental effect, par-ticularly the maternal common environmental effect and the non-additive (dominant) genetic effect, were very large. Strong genetic ties between generations, generatedby reuse of some sires and dams, improve the accuracy of heritability estimates (Vehviläinen et al ., 2008). More in- tense selection within families is recommended when the common environmental effect is large (Villanueva andWoolliams, 1997). Here, the standard errors of both the heritability estimates and the common environmental effect were small. The low standard errors may have been due to the relatively large number of full sibs per family or by the structure of our breeding design (i.e ., more genera-tions and more families). In general, the breeding population of A. sinica inves-tigated here had considerable additive genetic variation with respect to body length; these results could help im-prove growth performance. 4.3 Selection Responses Selection responses in a small population can be influ-enced by sampling errors, variable selection differentials, random genetic drift, environmental effects, and the in-tensity of selection (Falconer and Mackay, 1996). We used two separate methods to calculate selection responses. We calculated the realized genetic gain in body length withthe least-squares mean method in the G 0 generation only. Then, we predicted the genetic gain in each subsequent generation by calculating the mean estimated breeding values (EBV) of each population. In general, the esti-mated genetic gain in body length based on the mean population EBV is more accurate due to use of the across- generation phenotypic dataset, which contains some full- sib and half-sib family information and eliminating de-viations caused by common environmental effects. We found a low response to selection for body length(0.35%–1.74% of the selected population) in A. sinica . This result is consistent with previous studies on arthro-pods: the average selection response in Fenneropenaeus chinensis was 1.28% per generation after five generationsof multi-trait selection (Sui et al ., 2016), while the aver-age selection response in M. rosenbergii was 2.25% per generation after five generations of multi-trait selection (Luan et al ., 2012). However, these selection responses are lower than those found in fish. Previous studies have recovered high responses to selection in Atlantic salmon (14%; Gjerde et al ., 1999), rainbow trout (13%; Gjerde et al ., 1986), channel catfish (13%; Dunham et al ., 2006), tilapia (23%; Eknath et al ., 1993), and abalone, H. diver-sicolor (9.2%; Liu et al ., 2015) According to Gjedrem (2016), the genetic gain for growth of shellfish is com-paratively low, averaging 8.7% (eight estimates reported by Fjalestad et al ., 1997; Hetzel et al ., 2000; Goyard et al ., 2002; Preston et al ., 2004; Gitterle et al ., 2007; Andrian-KONG et al. / J. Ocean Univ. China (Oceanic and Coastal Sea Research) 2019 18: 203-209208tahina et al., 2012; Luan et al., 2012; Hung et al., 2013). The genetic gain is lower for the body length of some aquatic species (Tilapia, 2.3% per generation, Brzeski and Doyle, 1995; Atlantic salmon, 2.8%, Friars et al., 1990, and Common carp, 4.7% per generation, Ninh et al., 2013). There are three primary explanations for this difference. First, although the four wild founder strains used in our study were geographically isolated, they lacked sufficient genetic variation. Thus additional wild strains must be introduced into the nuclear breeding population to achieve a greater rate of genetic gain. Second, because we selected parents to control inbreeding, we did not elimi-nate sires or dams with low EBVs. Some individuals with a smaller EBV were selected as parental candidates. Third, problems with breeding management late in the rearing period caused a substantial increase in mortality rate, and some of the potential breeding candidates died. Taking steps to ensure survival is critical to future selective breeding projects. Finally, as our population size was lim-ited by our cultivation equipment, our selection intensity was correspondingly limited.The genetic gain of body length between the two head- most generations G0 and G1 was greater than those be-tween G1 and G2, and between G2 and G3. Indeed, previ-ous reports have suggested that high selection responses are limited and decrease gradually with each subsequent generation. Phenotypic variation and heritability can de-crease over long period of selection, resulting in lower rates of genetic change (Li et al., 2006). In addition, negative genetic correlations may reduce long-term ge-netic gains (Falconer et al., 1989). In A. sinica, a rapid response to selection was observed between G0 and G1 because the genetic variation of the population selected from G0 had the highest genetic variation relative to the other generations. In addition, the relative weight of body length in the selection index was the largest in the G0 generation (100%). Although the genetic gains in body length at day 20 post-hatching in A. sinica were lower than in other farmed species, they could be improved by increasing the size of the breeding population and the intensity of breeding. 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