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William Shakespeare
All the world's a stage and all the men and women merely p1ay.
By: Coco
Main contents
Step 1 Shakespeare's legend life Step 2 Shakespeare's literary position
★Starting writing plays at about 30 years old ★5 years later, becoming “universal shareholder of troupe” ★Worked as an actor before 1590 ★Died on the 23rd of April,1616
▶ The Montagues and Capulets are two feuding families, whose children meet and fall in love.
▶ There are obstacles on the way, like Juliet's cousin, Tybalt, and Romeo's friend Mercutio, and many fights.
A Midsummer Night's Dream
The Merchant Of Venice As You Like It
Twelfth Night or What You Will The Comedy of Errors
A Midsummer Night's Dream
▶ But although it is set in modern times, it is still the same timeless story of the "star crossed lovers".
▶About this book: Love, sex and death are the components of Shakespeare's classic story of the love of two young people which reaches across the barriers of family and convention。
▶ ▶ ▶ Romeo and Juliet
About this book
Romeo and
It encompasses
1 great love 2 high drama 3 low comedy 4 tragic ending
Romeo and Juliet is a pure tragedy of youth told in verse that is both youthful and intense. The loveliness and the music of the poetry make believable the otherwise commonplace afflictions of blighted love. The beautiful personification of some of the main characters has caused Romeo, Juliet, Mercutio and the Nurse to become part of the world's literary mythology.
A Midsummer Night's Dream
The Merchant Of Venic
In order to write tragedy
The second period (1601 ~ 1607)|
king Lear
The home of Shakespeare
The tomb of Shakespeare
2 literary position
→Shakespeare wrote nine historical subjects to British historical drama, the prevailing historical plays in the highest achievement. → Shakespeare is a great master of language, he absorbed the people's language, ancient and modern literary language essence,in his mature works can be handy, and then the local mood anastomosis, according to the characters and plot, and poetry,and prose.
The Tempest
The Winter's Tale
Shakespeare's masterpiece
Romeo and Juliet
s ▶ Romeo and Juliet
▶ Classic story of Romeo and Juliet, set in a modern-day city of Verona Beach.
In order to write historical drama, comedy
John king Henry VI Richard II Henry IV" ( referred to as the most successful historical drama)
The first period (1590 ~ 1600)
4 Macbeth 3
Four tragedies
2 Othello 1 Hamlet
Inclined to compromise and the illusion of tragedy
and comedy or drama.
The third period (1608~ 1613)
→Early language be gorgeous, late maturity, but always lively and full of image. Many of his phrases win universal praise, become a part of British National language.
T Shakespeare
he New Globe Theater
The New Globe Theater
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3 Features of Shakespeare's drama
The first period (1590~1600) The second period (1601 ~ 1607) The third period (1608~ 1613)
Step 3 Features of Shakespeare's drama Step 4Shakespeare's masterpiece
1 legend life
★ Born on April 23, 1564,in Straford-on -Avon, a little town in Warwickshire. ★At the age of seven, he was sent to the local grammar school. ★When he was fourteen, he left school and became a country school master. ★ In 1582, he got marrien.