Indian American陈晓琳 英翻一班
超过百部的经典电影 小孩子主演 不要错过!!!
法国电影《蛇蝎母亲》 电影《兰博之子》 电影《Golemata voda》 德国电影《大盗贼》 电影《剥皮行者》 美版《咒怨2》(两部电影里加拿大童星Matthew Knight均有重要戏份) 电影《Gooby》 美国电影《Canvas》 美国电影《Funny Games》 美国电影《许愿石》
英国电影--英俊少年 时光骇客 Clockstoppers 《巫山历险记》 飞碟领航员 法国的蝴蝶,看完之后心灵被洗涤,满脸雀斑好奇的小女孩 《哥哥我爱你》韩国片 小王子 little miss sunshine,虽然不是一部纯粹的孩子电影,确实以孩子为中心开展的! Joshua,刚看完的片子,里面小男孩的气质很独特 第二滴血son of rambow 两小无猜 有两个不同版本的 都好看 放牛班的春天、 看上去很美 Little Red Flowers (2006) 中国片 在你身旁 友情 坏孩子的天空 艾米的世界 、 小孩不笨, 别告诉爸爸
新七小福 东东的假期 《何处是我朋友的家》 《偷自行车的人》孩子虽然不是主角但很帅 《操行零分》 《跳出我天地》英国 <回归>. 俄罗斯电影 海神号 碧海蓝天 《外星神犬》( Good Boy! ) 《艾米丽的真实世界》/ 比利时美眉东京打工奇遇记 主演:Alain Corneau 《童年记趣》英文名: Motýlí cas 别 名: 飞翔的梦 空白支票 人鱼的童话/威鲸闯天关Free Willy (1993)一共三部 The Mighty 译 名: 陪着你走 一路上有你 国家/地区:美 奇幻精灵事件簿 奇石 玫瑰少年梦 狐狸与孩子 初恋那件小事 听见天堂
3. 声梦奇缘 August Rush 又叫八月迷情 把爱找回来 4. 小偷 Вор
评语 : 并非真的父子,却描述了父与子的关系。在孩子被人欺负,与人打架被邻居抓住向他控诉时, 这个假的父亲的做法令我大吃一惊,然而却很好地保护了孩子稚嫩的心灵,使孩子开始信任他。值 得称赞的是在那一刻,他比任何一个父亲更像父亲。
T h e S a d Y o u n g M e n R o d W.H o r t o n a n d H e r b e r t W.E d w a r d s1 No aspect of life in the Twenties has been more commented upon and sensationally romanticized than the so-called Revolt of the Younger Generation. The slightest mention of the decade brings nostalgic recollections to the middle-aged and curious questionings by the young: memories of the deliciously illicit thrill of the first visit to a speakeasy, of the brave denunciation of Puritan morality, and of the fashionable experimentations in amour in the parked sedan on a country road; questions about the naughty, jazzy parties, the flask-toting "sheik," and the moral and stylistic vagaries of the "flapper" and the "drug-store cowboy." "Were young people really so wild" present-day students ask their parents and teachers. "Was there really a Younger Generation problem" The answers to such inquiries must of necessity be "yes" and "no"--"Yes" because the business of growing up is always accompanied by a Younger Generation Problem; "no" because what seemed so wild, irresponsible, and immoral in social behavior at the time can now be seen in perspective as being something considerably less sensational than the degenerauon of our jazzmad youth.2 Actually, the revolt of the young people was a logical outcome of conditions in the age: First of all, it must be remembered that the rebellion was not confined to the Unit- ed States, but affected the entire Western world as a result of the aftermath of the first serious war in a century. Second, in the United States it was reluctantly realized by some- subconsciously if not openly -- that our country was no longer isolated in either politics or tradition and that we had reached an international stature that would forever prevent us from retreating behind the artificial walls of a provincial morality or the geographical protection of our two bordering oceans.3 The rejection of Victorian gentility was, in any case, inevitable. The booming of American industry, with its gigantic, roaring factories, its corporate impersonality, and its largescale aggressiveness, no longer left any room for the code of polite behavior and well-bred morality fashioned in a quieter and less competitive age. War or no war, as the generations passed, it became increasingly difficult for our young people to accept standards of behavior that bore no relationship to the bustling business medium in which they were expected to battle for success. The war acted merely as a catalytic agent in this breakdown of the Victorian social structure, and by precipitating our young people into a pattern of mass murder it released their inhibited violent energies which, after the shooting was over, were turned in both Europe and America to the destruction of an obsolescent nineteenth-century society.4 Thus in a changing world youth was faced with the challenge of bringing our mores up to date. But at the same time it was tempted, in America at least, to escape its responsibilities and retreat behind an air of naughty alcoholic sophistication and a pose of Bohemian immorality. The faddishness , the wild spending of money on transitory pleasures and momentary novelties , the hectic air of gaiety, the experimentation in sensation -- sex, drugs, alcohol, perversions -- were all part of the pattern of escape, an escape made possible by a general prosperity and a post-war fatigue with politics, economic restrictions, and international responsibilities. Prohibition afforded the young the additional opportunity of making their pleasures illicit , and the much-publicized orgies and defiant manifestoes of the intellectuals crowding into Greenwich Village gave them a pattern and a philosophic defense for theirescapism. And like most escapist sprees, this one lasted until the money ran out, until the crash of the world economic structure at the end of the decade called the party to a halt and forced the revelers to sober up and face the problems of the new age.5 The rebellion started with World War I. The prolonged stalemate of 1915 -- 1916, the increasing insolence of Germany toward the United States, and our official reluctance to declare our status as a belligerent were intolerable to many of our idealistic citizens, and with typical American adventurousness enhanced somewhat by the strenuous jingoism of Theodore Roosevelt, our young men began to enlist under foreign flags. In the words of Joe Williams, in John Dos Passos' U. S. A., they "wanted to get into the fun before the whole thing turned belly up." For military service, in 1916-- 1917, was still a romantic occupation. The young men of college age in 1917 knew nothing of modern warfare. The strife of 1861 --1865 had popularly become, in motion picture and story, amagnolia-scented soap opera, while the one hundred-days' fracas with Spain in 1898 had dissolved into a one-sided victory at Manila and a cinematic charge up San Juan Hill. Furthermore, there were enough high school assembly orators proclaiming the character-forming force of the strenuous life to convince more than enough otherwise sensible boys that service in the European conflict would be of great personal value, in addition to being idealistic and exciting. Accordingly, they began to join the various armies in increasing numbers, the "intellectuals" in the ambulance corps, others in the infantry, merchant marine, or wherever else they could find a place. Those who were reluctant to serve in a foreign army talked excitedly about Preparedness, occasionally considered joining the National Guard, and rushed to enlist when we finally did enter the conflict. So tremendous was the storming of recruitment centers that harassed sergeants actually pleaded with volunteers to "go home and wait for the draft," but since no self-respecting person wanted to suffer the disgrace of being drafted, the enlistment craze continued unabated.6 Naturally, the spirit of carnival and the enthusiasm for high military adventure were soon dissipated once the eager young men had received a good taste of twentieth- century warfare. To their lasting glory, they fought with distinction, but it was a much altered group of soldiers who returned from the battlefields in 1919. Especially was this true of the college contingent, whose idealism had led them to enlist early and who had generally seen a considerable amount of action. To them, it was bitter to return to a home town virtually untouched by the conflict, where citizens still talked with the naive Fourth-of-duly bombast they themselves had been guilty of two or three years earlier. It was even more bitter to find that their old jobs had been taken by the stay-at-homes, that business was suffering a recession that prevented the opening up of new jobs, and that veterans were considered problem children and less desirable than non-veterans for whatever business opportunities that did exist. Their very homes were often uncomfortable to them; they had outgrown town and families and had developed a sudden bewildering world-weariness which neither they nor their relatives could understand. Their energies had been whipped up and their naivete destroyed by the war and now, in sleepy Gopher Prairies all over the country, they were being asked to curb those energies and resume the pose of self-deceiving Victorian innocence that they now felt to be as outmoded as the notion that their fighting had "made the world safe for democracy." And, as if home town conditions were not enough, the returning veteran also had to face the sodden, Napoleonic cynicism of Versailles, the hypocritical do-goodism of Prohibition, and the smug patriotism of the war profiteers. Something in the tension-ridden youth of America had to "give" and, after a short period of bitter resentment, it "gave" in the form of a complete overthrow of genteel standards of behavior.7 Greenwich Village set the pattern. Since the Seven-ties a dwelling place for artists and writers who settled there because living was cheap, the village had long enjoyed a dubious reputation for Bohemianism and eccentricity. It had also harbored enough major writers, especially in the decade before World War I, to support its claim to being the intellectual center of the nation. After the war, it was only natural that hopeful young writers, their minds and pens inflamed against war, Babbittry, and "Puritanical" gentility , ,should flock to the traditional artistic center (where living was still cheap in 1919) to pour out their new-found creative strength, to tear down the old world, to flout the morality of their grandfathers, and to give all to art, love, and sensation.8 Soon they found their imitators among the non-intellectuals. As it became more and more fashionable throughout the country for young persons to defy the law and the conventions and to add their own little matchsticks to the conflagration of "flaming youth", it was Greenwich Village that fanned the flames. "Bohemian" living became a fad. Each town had its "fast" set which prided itself on its unconventionality , although in reality this self-conscious unconventionality was rapidly becoming a standard feature of the country club class -- and its less affluent imitators --throughout the nation. Before long the movement had be-come officially recognized by the pulpit (which denounced it), by the movies and magazines (which made it attractively naughty while pretending to denounce it), and by advertising (which obliquely encouraged it by 'selling everything from cigarettes to automobiles with the implied promise that their owners would be rendered sexually irresistible). Younger brothers and sisters of the war generation, who had been playing with marbles and dolls during the battles of Belleau Wood and Chateau-Thierry, and who had suffered no real disillusionment or sense of loss, now began to imitate the manners of their elders and play with the toys of vulgar rebellion. Their parents were shocked, but before long they found themselves and their friends adopting the new gaiety. By the middle of the decade, the "wild party" had become as commonplace a factor in American life as the flapper, the Model T, or the Dutch Colonial home in Floral Heights.9 Meanwhile, the true intellectuals were far from flattered. What they had wanted was an America more sensitive to art and culture, less avid for material gain, and less susceptible to standardization. Instead, their ideas had been generally ignored, while their behavior had contributed to that standardization by furnishing a pattern of Bohemianism that had become as conventionalized as a Rotary luncheon. As a result, their dissatisfaction with their native country, already acute upon their return from the war, now became even more intolerable. Flaming diatribes poured from their pens denouncing the materialism and what they considered to be the cultural boobery of our society. An important book rather grandiosely entitled Civilization in the United States, written by "thirty intellectuals" under the editorship of J. Harold Stearns, was the rallying point of sensitive persons disgusted with America. The burden of the volume was that the best minds in the country were being ignored, that art was unappreciated, and that big business had corrupted everything. Journalism was a mere adjunct to moneymaking, politics were corrupt and filled with incompetents and crooks, and American family life so devoted to making money and keeping up with the Joneses that it had become joyless, patterned, hypocritical, and sexually inadequate. These defects would disappear if only creative art were allowed to show the way to better things, but since the country was blind and deaf to everything save the glint and ring of the dollar, there was little remedy for the sensitive mind but to emigrate to Europe where "they do things better." By the time Civilization in the United States was published (1921), most of its contributors had taken their own advice and were Wing abroad, and many more of the artistic and would-be artistic had followed suit.10 It was in their defiant, but generally short-lived, European expatriation that our leading writersof the Twenties learned to think of themselves, in the words of Gertrude Stein, as the "lost generation".In no sense a movement in itself, the "lost generation" attitude nevertheless acted as a commondenominator of the writing of the times. The war and the cynical power politics of Versailles hadconvinced these young men and women that spirituality was dead; they felt as stunned as JohnAndrews, the defeated aesthete In Dos Passos' Three Soldiers, as rootless as Hemingway's wanderingalcoholics in The Sun Also Rises. Besides Stein, Dos Passos, and Hemingway, there were LewisMumford, Ezra Pound, Sherwood Anderson, Matthew Josephson, d. Harold Stearns, T. S. Eliot, E. E.Cumminss, Malcolm Cowley, and many other novelists, dramatists, poets, and critics who tried to find their souls in the Antibes and on the Left Bank, who directed sad and bitter blasts at their native landand who, almost to a man, drifted back within a few years out of sheer homesickness, to take upresidence on coastal islands and in New England farmhouses and to produce works ripened by thetempering of an older, more sophisticated society.11 For actually the "lost generation" was never lost. It was shocked, uprooted for a time, bitter,critical, rebellious, iconoclastic, experimental, often absurd, more often misdirected- but never "lost." A decade that produced, in addition to the writers listed above, such fisures as Eugene O'Neill, Edna St.Vincent Millay, F. Scott Fitzserald, William Faulkner, Sinclair Lewis, Stephen Vincent Benét, HartCrane, Thomas Wolfe, and innumerableothers could never be written off as sterile ,even by itself in amoment of self-pity. The intellectuals of the Twenties, the "sad young men," as F. Scot Fitzseraldcalled them, cursed their luck but didn't die; escaped but voluntarily returned; flayed the Babbitts butloved their country, and in so doing gave the nation the Iiveliest, freshest, most stimulating writing inits literary experience.•二十年代社会生活的各个方面中,被人们评论得最多、渲染得最厉害的,莫过于青年一代的叛逆之行了。
美语训练班第十一课B: 欢迎大家来到美语训练班!I'm Donny.A: 大家好!我是杨琳! Donny, 有听众问咱们这个“美语训练班”节目的英文名是什么,人家都猜是English training class.B: 其实我们的英文名是American English Mosaic. M-o-s-a-i-c, mosaic, 就是"马赛克"。
A: 没错! 美语训练班把美国之音的美语教学节目汇集到一起,就跟马赛克一样,拼贴杂烩,内容丰富。
B: Exactly! So what are we going to teach today?A:今天,我们要去看棒球比赛, 和朋友聊聊大学里的社团生活和打工经历,出点份子钱,帮同事过生日, 还要告诉大家怎么用美语说“拗口”和“不择手段”。
B: But first, let's just take a small piece from the whole mosaic.A: 对,咱们先花一分钟,学一个词!Learn A Word : obesity今天我们要学的词是obesity, obesity is spelled o-b-e-s-i-t-y, obesity. Obesity肥胖症。
A new study finds that comparing to the reduction of food intake, food choices are more important in tackling obesity. 一项新的研究显示,与减少食物摄入量相比,食物的选择在改变肥胖症情况上更为重要。
Not getting adequate amounts of sleep is a significant risk factor for obesity. 睡眠不足是导致肥胖症的危险因素之一。
First Lady Michelle Obama's anti-obesity campaign aims at making children exercise more and eat better. 美国第一夫人米歇尔.奥巴马的反肥胖症运动鼓励孩子们增加运动,改善饮食。
安妮花磨出我的英文耳朵4歌词4-1-big rock candy moun tai nIn the big rock candy mountain there ' s a land that ' s fair and bright.Where the goodies grow on bushes and you sleep out every ni ght,Where frie nds are around us and the sun shine every day.Oh, I ' m bound to go where there isn ' t any snow.Where the rain doesn ' t fall and the wind doesn ' t blowIn the Big Rock Ca ndy Mou ntain!Oh, the buzz in ' of the bees in the pepperm int treesRound the soda water fountains, Where the lem on ade spri ngs and the blu ebird singsIn the Big Rock Ca ndy Mou ntain!In the big rock candy mountain there ' s a land that ' s fair and bright.Where the goodies grow on bushes and you sleep out every ni ght,Where frie nds are around us and the sun shine every day.Oh, I ' m bound to go where there isn ' t any snow,Where the rain doesn ' t fall and the wind doesn ' t blowIn the Big Rock Ca ndy Mou ntain!Oh, the buzz in ' of the bees in the pepperm int treesRound the soda water fountains,Where the lem on ade spri ngs and the bluebird singsIn the Big Rock Ca ndy Mou ntain!In the big rock candy mountain there ' s a land that ' s fair and bright. Where the goodies grow on bushes and you sleep out every ni ght,Where frie nds are around us and the sun shine every day.Oh, I ' m bound to go where there isn ' t any snow.Where the rain doesn ' t fall and the wind doesn ' t blowIn the Big Rock Ca ndy Mou ntain!Oh, the buzz in ' of the bees in the pepperm int treesRound the soda water fountains,Where the lem on ade spri ngs and the bluebird singsIn the Big Rock Ca ndy Mou ntain!4-2-let's build a sno wma nLet' s build a snowman. There ' s lots of snow.Let' s build a snowman from head to toe.As we roll in to a ball a sno wma n 10 feet tallLet' s build a snowman, let ' s all.Let' s build a snowman up to the sky.Let' s build a snowman. We ' ll add some eyesA carrot for a nose, and buttons, I suppose.Let's build a snowman, let 's go.Let's build a snowman. I 'll add some stick.Let's build a snowman. A scarf I 'll pick.s new. Some mittens we 'll need, too, and a top hat thatLet's build a snowman or twoLet's build a snowman or two.Come on, let ' s go!4-3-london bridgeLondon Bridge is falling downFalling down, falling down.London Bridge is falling downMy fair ladyBuild it up with iron barsIron and barsIron and barsBuild it up with iron barsMy fair ladyIron bars will bend and breakBend and break, bend and breakIron bars will bend and breakMy fair ladyBuild it up with pins and needlesPins and needles, pins and needlesBuild it up with pins and needlesMy fair ladyPins and needles rust and bend Rust and bend, rust and bend.Pins and needles rust and bendMy fair ladyBuild it up with gold and silver, Gold and silver, gold and silver Build it up with gold and silver,My fair ladyGold and silver「ve not gotrve not got, I've not gotGold and silver「ve not gotMy fair ladyLondon Bridge is falli ng dow nFalli ng dow n, falli ng dow nLondon Bridge is falli ng dow nMy fair lady4-4-michael finn ega nThere once was a man n amed Michael Finn ega n. He grew whiskers in his chi nn ega n.The wind came out and blew them in aga in.Poor old Michael Finn ega n, begi n aga in! There once was a man n amed Michael Finn ega n. He went fishing with a pinneganCaught a fish but he dropped it in again.Poor old Michael Finn ega n, begi n aga in! There once was a man n amed Michael Finn ega n. Climbed a tree and barked his shinnigan.Took offer several yards of skinnigan.Poor old Michael Finn ega n, begi n aga in! There once was a man n amed Michael Finn ega n.He grew fat and he grew thin aga in.Then he died and we have to beg in aga in. Poor old Michael Finn ega n, begi n aga in!4-5-0 christmas treeO Christmas tree, O Christmas tree,How ever gree n your bran ches!O Christmas tree, O Christmas tree,How ever gree n your bran ches!They're gree n whe n summer days are bright. They're gree n whe n win ter snow is white. O Christmas tree, O Christmas tree,How ever gree n your bran ches!O Christmas tree, O Christmas tree,How ever gree n your bran ches!O Christmas tree, O Christmas tree,How ever gree n your bran ches!They're gree n whe n summer days are bright. They're gree n whe n win ter snow is white. O Christmas tree, O Christmas tree,How ever gree n your bran ches!4-6-s ing your way homeSing your way home at the close of the day. Sing your way, drive the shadows away. Smile every mile, for wherever you roam,It will brighten your road.It will lighte n your load.If you sing way home.Sing your way home at the close of the day. Sing your way, drive the shadows away. Smile every mile, for wherever you roam,It will brighten your road.It will lighte n your load.If you sing way home.4-7-the ant came march ingThe ants came march ing one by one. Hurrah, hurrah!The ants came march ing one by one. Hurrah, hurrah!The ants came march ing one by one.The little one stopp ing to suck his thumb.And they all go march ing dow n around the tow n. BOOM! BOOM! BOOM!The ants came march ing two by two.Hurrah, hurrah!The ants came march ing two by two.Hurrah, hurrah!The ants came march ing two by two.The little one stopping to tie his shoe.And they all go march ing dow n around the tow n. BOOM! BOOM! BOOM!The ants came march ing three by three.Hurrah, hurrah!The ants came march ing three by three.Hurrah, hurrah!The ants came march ing three by three.The little one stopp ing to climb a tree.And they all go march ing dow n around the tow n. BOOM! BOOM! BOOM!The ants came march ing four by four.Hurrah, hurrah!The ants came march ing four by four.Hurrah, hurrah!The ants came march ing four by four.The little one stopping to shut the door.And they all go march ing dow n around the tow n. BOOM! BOOM! BOOM!The ants came march ing five by five.Hurrah, hurrah!The ants came march ing five by five.Hurrah, hurrah!The ants came march ing five by five.The little one stopp ing to take a dive.And they all go march ing dow n around the tow n. BOOM! BOOM! BOOM!The ants came march ing six by six.Hurrah, hurrah!The ants came march ing six by six.Hurrah, hurrah!The ants came march ing six by six.The little one stopp ing to pick up sticks.And they all go march ing dow n around the tow n. BOOM! BOOM! BOOM!The ants came march ing seve n by seve n. Hurrah, hurrah!The ants came march ing seve n by seve n. Hurrah, hurrah!The ants came march ing seve n by seve n.The little one stopp ing to go to heave n.And they all go march ing dow n around the tow n. BOOM! BOOM! BOOM!The ants came march ing eight by eight.Hurrah, hurrah!The ants came march ing eight by eight.Hurrah, hurrah!The ants came march ing eight by eight.The little one stopp ing to shut the gate.And they all go march ing dow n around the tow n. BOOM! BOOM! BOOM!The ants came march ing nine by nine.4-8-the muffi n manOh, do you know the muffi n man? The muffi n man? The muffi n man?Oh,do you know the muffi n man who lives on Drury Lane?Oh, yes, I know the muffin man! The muffin man! The muffin man.Oh, yes, I know the muffin man who lives on Drury Lane.Now four of us know the muffin man! The muffin man! The muffin man! Now four of us know the muffi n man who lives on Drury LaneNow we all know the muffin man! The muffin man! The muffin man!Now we all know the muffi n man who lives on Drury Lane.4-9-to market,to marketTo market, to market to buy a fat pigHome again, home again, jiggety-jog.To market, to market to buy a fat hogHome again, home again, jiggety-jog.To market, to market to buy a fat pigHome again, home again, jiggety-jog.To market, to market to buy a fat hogHome again, home again, jiggety-jog.4-10-turkey in the strawAs I was a-goin ' down the road with a tired team and heavy load, I cracked my whip and the leader sprung ,I say day-day to the wagon tongue.Turkey in the straw! Turkey in the Straw! Roll 'em up and twist 'em up a hightuck a-haw, And hit ' em up a tune called Turkey in the Straw!Went out to milk and I didn 't know how.I mikled the goat instead of the cow.A monkey sittin ' on a pile of strawA- winkin ' up at his mother-in-law.Turkey in the straw! Turkey in the straw!Roll 'em up and twist 'em up a high tuck a-haw,And hit ' em up a tune called Turkey in the Straw.Turkey in the straw! Turkey in the straw!Roll 'em up and twist 'em up a high tuck a-haw,And hit ' em up a tune called Turkey in the Straw.I came to the river and I couln ' t get across,So I paid five dollars for a big bay hoss.Well, he couldn 't go ahead and he wouldn 't stand still,So he went up and down like an old saw mill.Turkey in the straw! Turkey in the straw!Roll 'em up and twist 'em up a high tuck a-haw,And hit ' em up a tune called Turkey in the Straw.Did you ever go fishin ' on a warm summer dayWhen all the fish were swimmin ' in the bayWith their hands in their pockets and their pockets in their pants? Did you ever see a fishie do the hootchy-kootchy dance?Turkey in the straw! Turkey in the straw!Roll 'em up and twist 'em up a high tuck a-haw,And hit ' em up a tune called Turkey in the Straw.。
My Week with Marilyn《我与梦露的一周(2011)》完整中英文对照剧本
1965年事业处于顶峰的玛丽莲·梦露抵达英格兰和劳伦斯·奥利弗爵士合拍电影在那里她遇见一个名叫科林·克拉克的年轻人他写了一本电影的拍摄日记这是他们真实的故事当爱步入歧途When love goes wrong一切都不如意Nothing goes right此事我悉知This one thing I know当爱步入歧途When love goes wrong男人逃之夭夭A man takes flight女人自命不凡And women get uppity-oh热浪向我们袭来We're having a heat wave热情的爱浪A tropical heat wave骤然升温The temperature's rising不必吃惊It isn't surprising你当然可以You certainly can我掀起这轮热浪I started this heat wave座位也为之摇晃By letting my seat wave以这种方式And in such a way that顾客们都说The customers say that我当然可以I certainly can无所不能Can-can热浪向我们袭来We're having a heat wave热情的爱浪A tropical heat wave连温度计都撼动The way that I move that thermometer proves 我当然可以That I certainly can无所不能Can我与梦露的一周每个人都对第一份工作记忆犹新Everyone remembers their first job.这是我的故事This is the story of mine.我出生在一个人才辈出的家庭是老幺I was the youngest in a family of overachievers. 父亲是举世闻名的艺术史学家My father was a world-famous art historian,哥哥各方面都比我强and my brother was ahead of me in everything. 而我总是扶不起的阿斗I was always the disappointment.我每周四晚都要去一家小型电影院I found my solace in the在那里我找到了安慰small cinema I went to every Thursday night. 阿尔弗雷德·希区柯克Alfred Hitchcock.奥森·威尔斯劳伦斯·奥利弗Orson Welles. Laurence Olivier.以下人名皆为著名导演和演员他们是我心目中的英雄These were my heroes.我也想成为他们中一员I wanted to be a part of their world.二十三岁时机会来了When I was 23, I got my chance.科林进来认识詹姆斯和安娜吗Colin, come in. Have you met James and Anna, -我的两个得意门生 -你们好- my two very brilliant pupils? - Hello.-我要去伦敦爸 -你那愚蠢的面试- I'm off to London now, Pa. - Your silly job interview.祝你好运孩子Well, bonne chance, dear boy.你要能成熟一点I can always get you a research position at the V&A不胡思乱想什么电影的事儿once you've grown up a bit我倒是可以在维多利亚和阿尔伯特and got this film idea博物馆给你找份研究工作out of your system.-我要走了妈妈 -去哪里- So I'm off now, Ma. - Off?-工作面试 -不留下来吃晚饭吗- My job interview, Mother. - Oh! Can't you stay for dinner? 虽然没什么好吃的There's nothing to eat,但我保证谈话会很有意思but I'm sure the conversation will be charming.我不想在早上迟到I don't want to be late in the morning.他们肯定不会介意的I'm sure they won't mind.你很快就要成为一位名导演了You'll be a famous film director in no time.我竭尽全力向我的家庭证明自己I had everything to prove to my family,但更多的是向自己证明but more to prove to myself.和许多年轻人一样我要走自己的路Like every young man, I had to make my own way.于是我决定离开家So I decided to leave home进入电影圈and join the circus.皮卡迪利大街144号♥ 制片人劳伦斯·奥利弗-有何贵干 -下部片中给我一份工作- What do you want? - A job on your next film.你是演员吗You're an actor, aren't you?不我想往制片人方向发展No, I want to work on the production side.我们接下来八周都没有拍片计划We don't start shooting for another eight weeks.-到时候再来 -我能等等看吗- Come back nearer the time. - May I wait until there's a job?瓦内萨Vanessa!-晚上好 -晚上好先生- Good night. - Good night, sir.没有活儿There are no jobs.以防万一我明早还会来I'll come back tomorrow morning just in case.随你便It's a free country.-早上好 -你真是不达目的不罢休啊- Good morning. - You're very determined.为进电影圈我不惜一切代价Well, I'd do anything to be in the film business.真的吗Anything?劳伦斯·奥利弗爵士工作室Sir Laurence Olivier Productions.这周末前他都会在诺特里庄园No, I'm afraid he's at Notley till the end of the week.-是瓦内萨让我 -是吗- Vanessa asked me to... - Oh, did she?我要诺埃尔·科沃德的电♥话♥ 号♥码本上没有I need a number for Noel Coward. It won't be in the book.诺埃尔·科沃德斯隆大街 2965-你好费雯 -你好- Hello, Vivien. - Hello.- 劳伦斯爵士 -休瑞- Sir Laurence. - Hughie!根本打不通玛丽莲·梦露的电♥话♥Simply impossible to get Marilyn Monroe on the telephone.这位大小姐一整天都在睡觉The darling girl spends the entire day asleep.你好小伙子你是哪位Hello, boy. Remind me.老公他是科林Darling, you remember Colin.你们在克拉克的聚会上见过You met him at the Clark's party.当然记得你怎么在这里Of course. What are you doing here?你说你的电影里可能需要人You said there might be a job on your film.抽支烟整包给你吧Have a cigarette. Keep the pack.奥利弗自己特制的同名香烟谢谢先生Thank you, sir.梦露小姐要是不把她的翘臀从床上移开There won't be a film unless哪来电影可拍啊Miss Monroe gets her splendid posterior out of bed.内务委员会威胁说要扣留米勒的护照The house committee is threatening to withhold Miller's passport. 他们说他是共♥产♥党员They say he's a communist.亚瑟不来玛丽莲就不来了No Arthur, no Marilyn.我会和美国大使沟通的I'll have a word with the American ambassador.周四我带他去看费雯的剧I'm taking him to see Vivien's play on Thursday.泰瑞重新写了他们都来吗Terry's rewrites, are they in?没有全来什么时候他们全来过啊Not all of them, of course. When did that ever happen?他是继杜·毛瑞尔之后He's the first actor since du Maurier第一个有自己香烟品牌的演员to have his own brand.他身价很高They pay him an absolute fortune.我担心他们负担不起I'm afraid they're rather ghastly.他是不是很迷人啊瓦内萨Isn't he gorgeous, Vanessa?还好啦I suppose he's all right.亲爱的你得帮帮科林Darling, you must do something for Colin.你说过的You absolutely promised.休瑞给他找点事做Hughie, let's try to find him something to do.-好的 -走吧亲爱的- Yes. Of course. - Come on, darling.你会照顾我的宝贝小拉里是吧You'll look after my precious Larrykins, won't you? -走了亲爱的 -天哪- Come on, darling. - Christ.你喜欢吗Do you like it?相当不错That's absolutely splendid.-你天生就是干这个的 -关门- You were absolutely born for it. - Door.对不起Sorry.转一圈好吗亲爱的And could you turn all the way around, my darling? 谢谢拉里很喜欢这条裙子Thank you. This is the dress Larry likes.-如何 -摄像机都要被你迷倒了- There? - The camera's ravishing you.是吗过奖了Oh, dear. That sounds serious.-非常棒 -太过了吗- That's wonderful. - Too much?天哪怎么会Oh, God. Not for me.亚瑟·雅各布梦露小姐的经纪人Arthur Jacobs, miss Monroe's publicist,明天飞抵is flying in tomorrow.他想看看她下榻的地方He wants to see the house where she'll be staying. 去找个合适的地方Find something suitable.知道了先生Yes, sir.重要的是你感觉如何More importantly, how does it make you feel?茶放下And leave the bloody tea.对不起Oh. Sorry.绝不可能Absolutely out of the question.我不会让那些乱七八糟的电影人I can't have a lot of awful film people穿着脏鞋子在我房♥子里走来走去traveling through the house in dirty boots.我们每周付你一百磅一共十八周But we'd be paying a hundred pounds per week for 18 weeks. 我妻子不会同意的My wife would never agree.那太遗憾了科茨·普瑞迪先生That's a pity, Mr. Cotes-Preedy.我只能告诉梦露小姐另寻他处了I'll have to tell Miss Monroe to look elsewhere, then.-玛丽莲·梦露吗 -是的- Marilyn Monroe? - Yes.希望能帮我引荐一下Suppose I'd have to be introduced.早上好雅各布先生旅途愉快Good morning, Mr. Jacobs. Hope you had a pleasant flight.就这破车吗Is this the fucking car?这地方谁建的汉赛尔与格莱特吗Who built this place? Hansel and Gretel?格林童话里建糖果屋的两兄妹它是这一片最好的房♥子了It's one of the best houses in the area.好吧就它了All right. We'll take it.但墙纸要换看到我就头疼But ditch the wallpaper. It's giving me a migraine.玛丽莲在英国的奢华公♥寓♥这房♥子太适合玛丽莲了That house was perfect for Marilyn.-现在不能用了 -不可以的- Can't use it now. - Yes, we can.我就知道科茨·普瑞迪是个大嘴巴I knew that Cotes-Preedy wouldn't be able to keep this quiet,所以您让我去给梦露小姐找房♥子的时候so that's why when you asked me to find a house for Miss Monroe, 我事先找了两处I took the precaution of finding two.另外一处更好在帕克赛德So the other one, Parkside, is much better.房♥主很小心谨慎And the owner is very discreet.这么说我们有两套昂贵的房♥子但只需要一套So we've got two expensive houses now where we only needed one. 我以为剧组会有别的人需要I thought that someone else on the production might want it.是吗Oh, did you?我猜想米尔顿会要的I guess Milton could use it离片场近离玛丽莲也近and it's near the studio. Near Marilyn.该怎么报答你呢小伙子What are we paying you, boy?没什么先生Nothing, sir.就这么定了休瑞Let's see to it, Hughie.干得好小伙子Well done, boy.不错孩子Nice job, kid.松木摄影棚科林·克拉克劳伦斯·奥利弗制片厂Colin Clark, Laurence Olivier Productions.电影名叫《游龙戏凤》The film was then called The Sleeping Prince.玛丽莲扮演一位天真的美国舞娘Marilyn was to play a naive American showgirl埃尔希·玛丽娜called Elsie Marina被奥利弗扮演的东欧王子吸引who is seduced by an Eastern-European prince played by Olivier. 是一出轻喜剧It was the lightest of comedies.-你是协会的人吗 -不是- You in the union? - No.那你不能在剧组里工作Then you can't have a job on the film.那我要怎么加入协会呢Well, how do I get into the union?在剧组找份活干By getting a job on the film.所以才叫封闭式工厂It's called a closed shop.我想我也许能帮你点忙I suppose I might be able to do something for you.协会欠我人情我们还缺一个导助The union owe me a few favors. We don't have a third yet.-什么是导助 -导演助理- A third? - Third assistant director.-你知道这是干嘛的吧 -协助导演吗- You do know what the job is? - Assisting the director?那不是你的事That's the last thing you do!第一导助就是我叫你干嘛就干嘛Lesson one: thirds job is to do whatever the fuck I tell him.你还在傻等什么And what are you waiting for?科林Colin!第二兔子不吃窝边草Lesson two: don't shit on your own doorstep.-明白吗 -明白- Got it? - Got it.第三导助要随叫随到Lesson three: the third always stays nearby.别住到伦敦什么鸟不拉屎的地方去Not in some bloody palace in London.去蜗居宾馆定个房♥间Book a room at The Dog & Duck down the road.条件有些艰苦你会适应的It's a bit rough. You'll get used to it.现在该你上了玛丽莲需要一个保镖Now make yourself useful. Marilyn needs a bodyguard.拿出点本事来Sort something out.阁下你肯定了解这项工作的敏感性I'm sure you understand the sensitive nature of the job, Superintendent.不就是照顾电影女明星吗Something about looking after a cinema actress?不是一般的女影星是玛丽莲·梦露Well, not just any actress. Marilyn Monroe.我不太看电影I never had much time for the pictures.很好Excellent.接下来的四个月For the next four months,你要不分昼夜不离左右you never leave her side. Day or night.据说她的行为有点古怪Her behavior is reputedly a little erratic.-酗酒吗 -不是- She drinks? - Amongst other things.嗑药吗Pills?希望你能让我们了解她的私人生活It would be useful if you could, uh, keep us informed of her domestic situation. 你想让我监视她You want me to spy on her.她要迟到的话提前告诉我们一声Well, the odd early warning if you know she's going to be late.像这类的事情That kind of thing.蜗居宾馆Dog&Duck.你好Hello.科林·克拉克订过房♥的Colin Clark. I booked a room.好的给你Ah, right. Here you are.在这签字Sign this.什么风把你吹来了What brings you up this way?我在松木制片厂拍个电影I'm working on a film at Pinewood.什么电影Oh. What film is that?《游龙戏凤》It's called The Sleeping Prince.主演是劳伦斯·奥利弗和玛丽莲·梦露With Sir Laurence Olivier and Marilyn Monroe,我和他们一起工作so I'll be working with them.每周三英镑预付第一周Room's three quid a week. First week in advance.二号♥房♥间Number two.希望你别介意你得和格蕾丝·凯丽合住And, uh, hope you don't mind, you'll be sharing with Grace Kelly. 格蕾丝·凯丽美国演员奥斯卡最佳女主角玛丽莲说没问题This'll work fine for Marilyn.保拉要住隔壁房♥间Oh, and, uh, Paula will need the room next door.-什么 -不好意思保拉是谁- I beg your pardon? - Sorry, who is Paula?斯特拉斯堡玛丽莲的表演教练Strasberg. Marilyn's acting coach.她对体验派表演法很着迷She's nuts about the Method.体验派表演强调演员内心情感的深刻体验亚瑟我们之前谈过Arthur, we've spoken about this before.斯坦尼斯拉夫斯基式和体验派表演方法Stanislavski and the Method斯氏体系主张体验主张演员与角色合一在排练室绝对没问题are perfectly fine in the rehearsal room,但是它们不适合用在电影里but they don't belong on a film set.时间很紧Time is too tight.拉里好消息Larry! Some good news.内务委员会最终认定米勒不是共♥产♥党员House committee have decided Miller isn't a communist after all.他当然不是Of course he is.这些讨厌的纽约知识分子都是激进分子All those pain in the ass New York intellectuals are Reds.这就是说她会按时在下周到达Which means she'll be flying in next week on schedule.-太好了 -要有人去接她- Excellent news. - She'll have to be met.当然费雯和我会去迎接她Well, naturally Vivien and I will be there to greet her,我们低调点but let's keep it low key, shall we?我们在伦敦机场发来现场报道You join us here at London Airport,这里极度混乱where it is absolute mayhem.玛丽莲这里让开Marilyn! This way! Get out of the way!同机抵达的还有她的新婚丈夫With her is her new husband,美国著名剧作家America's most celebrated playwright《推销员之死》的作者亚瑟·米勒and author of Death of a Salesman, Arthur Miller.《推销员之死》揭示出美国的社会生活法则失败者没有活下去的权利太美了你们看到的可是明天报纸的头条Beautiful. You're looking at tomorrow's front page, boys.他们会到会议大厅We'll have to get them into the hall.劳伦斯·奥利弗爵士和斯佳丽·奥哈拉的扮演者Sir Laurence Olivier and Scarlett O'Hara herself,斯佳丽·奥哈拉电影《乱世佳人》女主角费雯·丽准备迎接他们Vivien Leigh, are set to greet them.美英两国演艺圈最高级别的交锋American acting royalty meeting British acting royalty. 诸位我十分荣幸地Gentlemen, it is my especial pleasure介绍一位女士当然她无人不知to introduce a woman who clearly needs no introduction. 玛丽莲新婚的感觉如何Marilyn! How do you like being married?我喜欢很享受Well, I like it. I like it a lot.-第三次婚姻能持久吗 -一定会的- Is this third time lucky? - You bet it is.你想成为一位一流演员吗Is it true you want to be a classical actress now?我只想做最好的自己Well, I want to be the best actress I can be.有传闻说你将在There's a rumor you're going百老汇的《卡拉马佐夫兄弟》中演出to be in The Brothers Karamazov, on Broadway.我还在考虑Ooh. I'm... considering it.你将饰演哪个角色Which of them will you be playing?我会演格鲁申卡I'll be playing Grushenka.-能拼写一下吗 -当然你能吗- Can you spell that? - Sure. Can you?费雯你在舞台剧中塑造了埃尔希Vivien, you created the role of Elsie on stage.有什么建议给玛丽莲吗Have you any advice for Marilyn?即使梦露小姐需要任何建议I am sure if Miss Monroe needs any advice,那也是来自导演she'll get it from her director.听说他非常优秀I hear he's terribly good.玛丽莲Marilyn!你上部电影拍得开心吗Are you happy with your last film?玛丽莲Marilyn!据说你睡觉时除了香奈儿五号♥别的什么都不♥穿♥吗Is it true you wear nothing in bed except perfume?亲爱的既然我在英格兰Darling, as I'm in England,我会说除了雅德莉的薰衣草再无其他let's say I sleep in nothing but Yardley's Lavender.Yardley's Lavender英国著名香薰品牌雅德莉旗下薰衣草香水笑一个玛丽莲Smile, Marilyn!给新婚燕尔的夫妇来个快照OK, let's get a snap of the newlyweds.笑一个亚瑟我们又不是行刑队Smile, Arthur. It's not a firing squad.你找的这地方不错啊This is some place you found.你得感谢我的新助手科林You have my new assistant Colin to thank for that.科林这是米尔顿·格林Colin, this is Milton Greene.你得对他客气点You must be very nice to him.他拥有玛丽莲·梦露工作室一半的股份He owns half of Marilyn Monroe Productions.-49% 拉里 -抽根烟- Forty-nine percent, Larry. - Have a cigarette.-我不抽烟 -真的吗- I don't smoke. - Really?-工作室想起个新名字 -没门- And the studio, they want a new title. - Nonsense.非常感谢Thank you very much.她真美是不是Marvelous, isn't she?还不错She's all right.在纽约时拉里不可救药地爱上了她Larry fell desperately in love with her in New York.不顾一切地追求她He's determined to seduce her.好吧但她才结婚三周Yeah, but she's only been married three weeks.我还以为你跟世界上其他男人一样呢I thought you were a man of the world.当然拉里不会离开我Of course, Larry would never leave me,发生任何事情你都要通知我好吗but if anything were to happen you would tell me, wouldn't you? -我肯定他很爱你 -别天真了- I'm sure he loves you very much. - Oh, don't be such a boy.我已经43岁了I'm 43, darling.没有人会长久地爱我你也不会No one will love me for very much longer. Not even you.多美的际遇啊西碧尔女爵What a wonderful adventure, Dame Sybil.这么个美人Such a lark.我等不及想见她I long to see her.梦露小姐Miss Monroe?劳伦斯爵士前来问候Sir Laurence sends his compliments.他已经准备好了He's ready for the read-through.但玛丽莲还没好But Marilyn is not ready.她还在准备She's preparing.抱歉我形象不佳Excuse my horrible face.玛丽莲亲爱的Ah! Marilyn, my dear.大家都很激动想见你Everyone is so excited to meet you.来吧亲爱的我的天使Do... come along, my darling, my angel.诸位这是玛丽莲·梦露小姐Ladies and gentlemen, Miss Marilyn Monroe.-玛丽莲 -你真太漂亮了- Marilyn. - How lovely you are.来这里给你留了位子Here, I kept a place for you.我得坐玛丽莲旁边I have to be next to Marilyn.好主意真希望我们都带个朋友What a good idea. I wish we could all bring a friend.人多难免紧张One does get so terribly nervous.就像第一天去学校一样是吗It's just like the first day at school, isn't it?欢迎亲爱的玛丽莲莅临我们的小社团So, welcome, dear Marilyn, to our little fraternity.我们可能看着有点奇怪We may seem a little strange一开始你可能不习惯and, uh, quaint to you at first,但我希望你会适时地习惯我们这种举动but I hope that in time, you may come to find your method in our madness. 我最尊贵的大♥师♥们So, my very noble and approved good masters,让我们同心协力进行艺术创作吧may we strive to create a work of art有你的优雅气质that, led by your good graces,希望它艺术不息电影不止will be cherished as long as motion pictures may be remembered.接到我的邀请你惊讶吗Were you surprised to get my invitation?我当时很惊讶I'll say I was surprised.我很吃惊没想到你会找我I was so surprised, I couldn't hardly think you meant me.我当然会找你Oh, but of course I meant you.我把你的名字在我这里重点标记I had your name most carefully marked down in my program.就这个来说我敢说我是极有条理的In matters of this kind, I assure you I'm most methodical.你觉得我不找你找谁Who would you think I meant if not you?天哪爵士先生听你的口音我能听一天Gee, Mr. Sir, I could just listen to your accent all day. 亲爱的玛丽莲Oh, you darling, Marilyn.大家都是朋友You're amongst friends now.叫我拉里就行Just plain "Larry" will suffice, really.太甜蜜了你准备好了随时都可以That's so sweet. Um, whenever you're ready.麦西·斯布林菲尔德Well, Maisie Springfield.不不是麦西·斯布林菲尔德No, not Maisie Springfield.她是那种我会叫她"老古董"的类型She is quite what I would call "Old hat."记住你为什么会在大使♥馆♥ 玛丽莲Remember why you're in the embassy, Marilyn.大公爵想从埃尔希那里得到什么What does the Grand Duke want from Elsie?你来到这里然后你想You came here and you thought...想想过去的经验玛丽莲from experience, Marilyn.我们只是通读剧本保拉It's only a read-through, Paula.玛丽莲必须开始找感觉Marilyn has to begin finding the character.角色在剧本里写着Oh, the character's on the page.只是台词不是角色The words, maybe. Not the character.我们就不能找点乐子吗Aren't we going to have fun?你准备好了我们再继续Well, we'll pick it up whenever you like.-我们得谈谈就我们俩 -好的- We should talk. Just us. - Yeah.非常感谢Thank you so much.总不能有两个导演吧We can't have two fucking directors!玛丽莲点名要保拉Marilyn wants Paula.为什么她已经有我了Why? She's got me.保拉每周花我们2500美元Paula's costing us two and a half thousand bucks a week. 我们最好还是用她听着拉里We might as well use her. Listen, Larry.接受玛丽莲的处事方式就好了Accept Marilyn on her own terms and you'll be OK.想要改变她会把你逼疯的Try to change her and she will drive you crazy.-相信我 -老天我真是自讨苦吃- Trust me. - Christ, what have I got myself into?-今晚跟我约会吧 -我要工作- Come out with me tonight. - I'm working.-那就明晚 -我要做头发- Well, tomorrow night, then. - I'm washing my hair.-你发型没问题啊 -我有两条准则- But your hair's lovely. - Look, I've got two rules.这里的每个人都有一大堆准则Everyone has a lot of rules around here.第一不和名人交往One, never touch the talent,第二不和导助约会and two, never go outwith thirds.为什么Why not?因为他们全都是色狼Because they're all randy little只想在艳遇中找乐子buggers who just want some fun during shooting.我不是那种人I'm not like that.不骗你Really.我周六有空I'm free on Saturday.科林Colin!所有人抓紧时间就位Quiet on set, everyone!你真好来接我们亲爱的你好像很冷How kind of you to meet us. Dear me, you do look cold.他们已经就绪就等您化妆了西碧尔女爵They're ready for you in makeup, Dame Sybil.真兴奋你喜欢拍新片的第一天吗How exciting. Don't you love the first day of a new production? 不知道西碧尔女爵这是我第一次呢I don't know, Dame Sybil. I've never had one before.年轻真好Oh, to be young again.她已经让西碧尔·桑代克女爵She has kept Dame Sybil Thorndike和整个公♥司♥的人穿着戏服苦等两个小时了and the entire company waiting in full costume奥尔顿先生这太过分了吧for two hours, Mr. Orton, and it is simply not fair.我还是不行I can't do this.-怎么了 -她紧张- What's wrong? - She's nervous.我来处理I'll deal with it.坐一会儿吧西碧尔女爵Would you like to sit down, Dame Sybil?好的科林你真好Oh, yes. Colin, how kind.大家都坐一会儿吧Why don't we all sit down.那椅子是道具That chair is a prop.-道具是NATEK的 -我只是- Props are NATKE. - But I was...NATKE: National Association of Theatrical and Kine Employees 英国戏剧电视职员协会如果ACTT学员把NATKE的活干了If ACTT members are gonna start doing NATKE jobs,ACTT: Actors College of Theatre & Television电影电视演员学院我就叫我的人撤了I'm calling my men out!-说的对 -就是- He's right. - Right.我觉得我们都是好同事I'm sure we're all good union members here.用不着为这一点小事争吵There's no need to fall out over something so trivial.西碧尔女爵对您来说可能是小事It might be trivial to you, Dame Sybil,但那是我的饭碗but it's my livelihood!把凳子放下马上Put the chair down. Now!你的意思我领教了I rather think you've made your point.在这个片场团结才是最重要的Solidarity is the most important thing here.当联盟不在只有团结才能获益When unions fall out, it's management that benefits.让我再看到你干NATKE的活儿If I see you doing a NATKE job again,我会在你还来不及眨眼的功夫停掉这幕剧I will close this set down quicker than you can blink.-戴夫 -在- Dave! - Yes?给西碧尔女爵搬把椅子Dame Sybil would like a chair.好的请坐Right. There you are.我经历了1926年那场风波I was on the picket lines in 1926, you know.那真是一场大罢♥工♥ 我们当时都是俄共♥党♥人Now that really was a strike. We were all Bolsheviks then.准备开机Ready. Camera running.-各位肃静 -准备- Very quiet, everyone. - Speed.第五幕第一条Five, take one.游龙戏凤开始Action.在你见到我继母之前Now, before you meet my mother-in-law,我必须提醒你I must remind you she's a她有点迷糊有时耳朵还挺背little vague and can be very deaf on occasion.亲爱的真是烦死了My dear, such boredom.装♥修♥也差音乐又刺耳The decorations hideous and the music catastrophe.我们的朋友摩拉维亚前国王送我回来的Our friend, the ex-king of Moravia, drove me home.现在叫斯特雷利兹公爵了He's now called the Duke of Strelitz.当然他明天不能去修道院He cannot, of course, go to the abbey tomorrow,不过他特别希望你能邀请他去but he's most anxious you should invite him to the room 尼基在丽兹饭店的那个房♥间you have taken at the Ritz for Nicky.-穆德 -什么事夫人- Maud? - Yes, ma'am?原来你在啊我都没看见你There you are. I didn't see you.把那边的香槟给我倒一杯来Give me a glass of champagne I see over there.奥尔加·波士尼亚Olga Bosnia...可否允许我介绍埃尔希·玛丽娜小姐Might I present Miss Elsie Marina?当然了亲爱的我记得你Yes, my dear, of course. I remember you well.-天我不记得我的台词了 -停- Gee, I forgot my line. - That's a cut.-对不起 -很容易就忘词了- I'm sorry. - It's so easily done, isn't it?我肯定我哪个地方出错了I'm sure I went wrong somewhere there.-我们再来一次好吗拉里 -当然可以- Shall we have another go, Larry? - Of course.开始Action.是的亲爱的Yes, my dear, of course.-我记得你 -我觉得您不会记得我的- I remember you well. - Oh, I'm quite sure you don't, 尊贵的Your Royal...我是说威严的I mean Your, uh, imperial, uh...-至高无上的夫人 -她说什么- Serene Majesty? - What does she say?她说她万分荣幸She says she's flattered并且恭维您无与伦比的好记性and compliments you on your wonderful memory. 我演了《林荫道上的椰子姑娘》I'm in The Coconut Girl at the Avenue.我是不是少说了一句台词Didn't I have a line somewhere there?停Cut.-开始 -真是美人- Action. - Sweetly pretty.她应该多涂点睫毛膏She should use more mascara.年轻人就应该多涂点睫毛膏When one is young, one should use a lot of mascara. 等年纪大了就应该涂更多When one is old, one should use much more.你是做什么工作的亲爱的What do you do, my dear?我演了《林荫道上的椰子姑娘》I'm in The Coconut Girl at the Avenue.-亲爱的 -她说她是演员- Dear? - She says she's an actress.-停吧 -拷贝吧- Cut it there. - Print.-检查一下快门 -快门没问题- Check the gate. - Gate's good.刚才棒极了玛丽莲That was perfect, Marilyn.你简直把埃尔希演活了You were Elsie to the life.我们稍后能不能一起对一下台词I wonder, could we practice our lines together later? 你要同意的话就真太好了You'd be doing me such a kindness.在我这个年纪想不忘词太难了At my great age, it's just so hard to make them stick. -明天一起喝茶吧 -可以吗- Why don't you come for tea tomorrow. - Can I?当然Sure.她真靠不住我应该请费雯出演的She's impossible. I should've cast Vivien.要是有人能将她化腐朽为神奇If anyone can make her great,那非您莫属了it's you, sir.那我们就祈祷我有你想的那么厉害吧Well let's just hope I'm as brilliant as you think I am. 现在开始多加留意她Now be a good boy and keep an eye on her.是的先生Yes, sir.我实在演不了这部破电影I can't figure this stupid movie out.你很棒的玛丽莲You were wonderful, Marilyn.你是我知道的最有天分的演员The most gifted actress I have ever known.-才不是 -你棒极了玛丽莲- No. - You were superb, Marilyn.你是天才相信你的天赋You were divine. Have faith in your talent.他对我很失望He was disappointed in me.你是最好最棒的演员You are a great, great actress.我穷尽一生都在祈祷。
中外电影佳作 100部2002年美丽心灵(美国)2001年醉画仙(韩国)2000年黑暗中的舞者(丹麦)花样年华(中国香港)鬼子来了(中国)1999年骇客帝国(美国)女巫布莱尔(美国)美国美人(美国)关于我母亲的一切(西班牙)一个都不能少(中国)过年回家(中国)1998年中央车站(巴西)八月照相馆(韩国)罗拉快跑(德国)拯救大兵瑞恩(美国)他们这样笑(意大利)西伯利亚的理发师(俄罗斯)海上花(中国台湾)永恒的一日(希腊)1997年花火(日本,又名:焰火)泰坦尼克号(美国)樱桃的滋味(伊朗)春光乍泄(中国香港)爱情麻辣烫(中国)1996年英国病人(美国咱们跳舞好吗(日本)猜火车(英国,又名:迷幻列车)离开雷锋的日子(中国)1995年女人四十(中国香港)地下(南斯拉夫)秘密与谎言(英国)尤利西斯生命之旅(希腊)勇敢的心(美国,又名:惊世未了情)这个杀手不太冷(法国)香港制造(中国香港)东邪西毒(中国香港)民警故事(中国)安东尼娅家系——不靠男人的日子(荷兰)1994年阿甘正传(美国)低俗小说(美国)天生杀人狂(美国)邮差(意大利)太阳灼人(俄罗斯,又名:烈日灼身,毒太阳)野芦苇(法国)爱情万岁(中国台湾)背靠背脸对脸(中国)无法入睡(法国)亲爱的日记(意大利)重庆森林(中国香港),饮食男女(中国台湾)活着(中国)阳光灿烂的日子(中国)周末情人(中国)1993年钢琴课(澳大利亚),,辛德勒名单(美国)侏罗纪公园(美国)悲歌一曲(韩国)蓝色(波兰/法国)草莓和巧克力(古巴/墨西哥)青木瓜的滋味(越南)1992年霸王别姬(中国)秋菊打官司(中国)阮玲玉(中国香港)浓情巧克力(墨西哥,又名:巧克力情人)暗恋桃花源(中国台湾)女人香(美国)北京杂种(中国)新龙门客栈(中国香港)留守女士(中国)香魂女(中国)找乐(中国)印度支那(法国)杀无赦(美国,又名:不可饶恕)1991年沉默的羔羊(美国)巴顿•芬克(美国)地中海(意大利)牯岭街少年杀人事件(中国台湾)大红灯笼高高挂(中国)高跟鞋(西班牙)周恩来(中国)英雄托托(比利时)维洛尼卡的双重生活(波兰)1990年与狼共舞(美国)我心狂野(美国)阿飞正传(中国香港)人鬼情未了(美国)赌圣(中国香港)笑傲江湖(中国香港)双旗镇刀客(中国)西尔玛与路易丝(美国,又名:末路狂花)1989年为戴茜小姐开车(美国)悲情城市(中国台湾)本命年(中国)性•谎言•录像带(美国)生于七月四日(美国)死亡诗社(美国)厨师•大盗•他的妻子和她的情人(英国)1988年天堂电影院(意大利)关于爱情的短片(波兰,又名:情诫)胭脂扣(中国香港)一条叫旺达的鱼(英国)巴贝特的盛宴(丹麦)谁陷害了兔子罗杰(美国)末代皇帝(美国)雾中风景(希腊)1987年红高梁(中国)芙蓉镇(中国)再见,孩子们(法国)征服者佩儿(丹麦)老井(中国)人鬼情(中国)孩子王(中国)致命的诱惑(美国)全金属外壳(美国)稻草人(中国台湾)何处是我朋友的家(伊朗)被遗忘的长笛曲(苏联)1986年汉娜姐妹(美国)卑贱的血统(法国)变蝇人(美国)悔悟(苏联)盗马贼(中国)英雄本色(中国香港)小信差(苏联)1985年地铁(法国)官方说法(阿根廷)警察故事(中国香港)乱(日本)青春祭(中国)童年往事(中国台湾)牺牲(瑞典)爸爸出差了(南斯拉夫)黑炮事件(中国)野山(中国)看得见风景的房间(英国)1984年黄土地(中国)美国往事(美国),一个和八个(中国)玉卿嫂(中国台湾)印度之行(美国)红衣少女(中国)莫扎特(美国)人生(中国)天国车站(日本)鸟人(美国)战地浪漫曲(苏联)1983年得克萨斯州的巴黎(美国)楢山节考(日本)怀乡(意大利)乡音(中国)风柜来的人(中国台湾)圣诞快乐,劳伦斯先生(英国/日本)卡门(西班牙)幼儿园(苏联)稻草人(苏联)1982年迷墙(美国)两个人的车站(苏联)外星人(美国)人到中年(中国)少林寺(中国香港)城南旧事(中国)芳名卡门(法国)芬妮与亚历山大(瑞典)金钱(法国)维洛尼卡•福斯的渴望(联邦德国)都市里的村庄(中国)逆光(中国)1981年法国中尉的女人(英国)金色池塘(美国)莉莉•玛莲(联邦德国)火的战车(英国)沙鸥(中国)邻居(中国)1980年愤怒的公牛(美国)普通人(美国)名誉(美国)天云山传奇(中国)最后一班地铁(法国)远山的呼唤(日本)巴山夜雨(中国)原乡人(中国台湾)1979年克莱默夫妇(美国),玛丽亚•布劳恩的婚姻(联邦德国)铁皮鼓(联邦德国)现代启示录(美国)异形(美国)苔丝(法国)莫斯科不相信眼泪(苏联)小花(中国)蝶变(中国香港)疯劫(中国香港)秋天的马拉松(苏联)1978年爱的亡灵(日本)猎鹿人(美国)木屐树(意大利)午夜快车(美国)醉拳(中国香港)汪洋中的一条小船(中国台湾)1977年星球大战(美国)安妮•霍尔(美国)悬崖边上的午餐(澳大利亚)第三类接触(美国)幸福的黄手帕(日本)白比姆黑耳朵(苏联)1976年出租汽车司机(美国)大理石(波兰)我主我父(意大利)湖畔奏鸣曲(苏联)欲望的隐晦目的(西班牙)1975年飞越疯人院(美国)萨罗,或索多玛的120天(意大利)丧失了名誉的卡特林娜•布鲁姆(联邦德国)巴里•林登(美国)大白鲨(美国)1974年望乡(日本)夜间守门人(意大利)恐惧吞噬灵魂(联邦德国)人人为自己,上帝反大家(联邦德国)对话(美国)印度支那(法国)红莓(苏联)恋人曲(苏联)镜子(苏联)1973年要热爱人(苏联)美国风情画(美国)穷街陋巷(美国)1972年呼喊和细语(瑞典)巴黎最后的探戈(意大利)教父(美国)精武门(中国香港)侠女(中国台湾)这里的黎明静悄悄(苏联)资产阶级审慎的魅力(法国)阿基尔,或上帝的愤怒(联邦德国)1971年发条桔子(英国)传信人(英国)法国贩毒网(美国)仪式(日本)魂断威尼斯(意大利)1970年陆军野战医院(美国)巴顿将军(美国)恋爱中的女人(英国)对一个不受怀疑者的公民的调查(意大利)家在台北(中国台湾)1969年z(法国)午夜牛郎(美国)逍遥骑士(美国)1968年2001年,太空漫游(英国)如果…(英国)罗斯玛丽的婴儿(美国)1967年邦尼和克莱德(美国)武士(法国)毕业生(美国)一个女话务员的悲剧(南斯拉夫)龙门客栈(中国香港)1966年放大(英国)安德烈•鲁勃廖夫(苏联)白昼美人(法国)一个男人和一个女人(法国)横贯欧洲的特别快车向昨天告别(联邦德国)无望的人们(匈牙利)1965年音乐之声(美国)日瓦戈医生(英国)舞台姐妹(中国)狂人比埃洛(法国)1964年红色沙漠(意大利)饥饿海峡(日本)养鸭人家(中国台湾)早春二月(中国)小兵张嘎(中国)农奴(中国)奇爱博士(英国)1963年八部半(意大利)天国与地狱(日本)群鸟(美国)埃及艳后(美国)梁山伯与祝英台(中国台湾)冰山上的来客(中国)1962年阿拉伯的劳伦斯(英国)杀死一只知更鸟(美国)水中刀(波兰)伊万的童年(苏联)秋刀鱼的味道(日本)甲午风云(中国)李双双(中国)1961年迷惘的一代(意大利)去年在马里昂巴德(法国)西区故事(美国)朱尔与吉姆(法国)犹在镜中(瑞典)5点到7点的克莱奥(法国)1960年精神病患者(美国)裸岛(日本)罗果和他的兄弟们(意大利)奇遇(意大利)甜蜜的生活(意/法)1959年星期一晚上和星期日早晨(英国)青春残酷物语(日本)处女泉(瑞典)红菱艳(英国)红旗谱(中国)红色娘子军(中国)1959年广岛之恋(法国)筋疲力尽(法国)林家铺子(中国)四百下(法国)一个人的遭遇(苏联)士兵之歌(苏联)宾虚(美国)西北偏北(美国)表兄弟(法国)林则徐(中国)青春之歌(中国)1958年灰烬与钻石(波兰)柳堡的故事(中国)晕眩(美国)1957年桂河大桥(英国)雁南飞(苏联)野草莓(瑞典)通往绞刑架的电梯(法国)1956年第四十一(苏联)祝福(中国)死囚犯的越狱(法国)缅甸竖琴(日本)巴黎圣母院(法国/意大利)1955年第七封印(瑞典)道路之歌(印度)浮云(日本)无因的反抗(美国)十诫(美国)1954年道路(意大利)在江边(美国)后窗(美国)七武士(印度)码头风云(美国)1953年东京物语(日本)雨月物语(日本)罗马假日(美国)两亩地(印度)1952年罗马11时(意大利)温培尔托•D(意大利)雨中曲(美国)正午(美国)流浪者(印度)西鹤一代女(日本)1951年乡村牧师日记(法国)欲望号街车(美国)一个美国人在巴黎(美国)米兰的奇迹(意大利)白毛女(中国)1950年罗生门(日本)慧星美人(美国)我这一辈子(中国)乌鸦与麻雀(中国)1949年第三个人(英国)艰辛的米(意大利)三毛流浪记(中国)1948年偷自行车的人(意大利)小城之春(中国)城市贫民区(美)万家灯火(中国)王子复仇记(英国,又名:哈姆雷特)1947年八千里路云和月(中国)大地在波动(意大利)德意志零年(意大利)一江春水向东流(中国)1946年我们生活中最美好的年代(美国)擦鞋童(意大利)孤星血泪(英国)1945年罗马,不设防的城市(意大利)失去的周末(美国)1944年红楼梦(中国)1942年沉沦(意大利)1941年公民凯恩(美国),,1940年大独裁者(美国)魂断蓝桥(美国)蝴蝶梦(美国)1939年乱世佳人(美国)关山飞渡(美国)1937年马路天使(中国)列宁在十月(苏联)十字街头(中国)1936年摩登时代(美国)三十九级台阶(美国)1935年大浪淘沙(中国)叛舰喋血记(美国)1934年大路(中国)神女(中国)一夜风流(美国)渔光曲(中国)桃李劫(中国)夏伯阳(苏联)1933年姊妹花(中国)瑞典女王(美国)零分的操行(法国)1931年M(德国)城市之光(美国)歌女红牡丹(中国)1930年蓝天使(德国)西线无战事(美国)1929年一条安达鲁狗(法国)1928年火烧红莲寺(中国)1927年爵士歌王(美国)1926年母亲(苏联)1925年战舰波将金号(苏联)淘金记(美国)1920年卡里加里博士的小屋(德国)1916年党同伐异(美国)1915年一个国家的诞生(美国)1913年难夫难妻(中国)1903年火车大劫案(美国)1895年水浇园丁(法国)资料来源:[1] 陈宇锴,王志敏主编,《大学美育——电影鉴赏指南》,中国广播电视出版社,2001年5月[2] 王迪主编,《通向电影圣殿——北京电影学院影片分析课教材》,中国电影出版社,1999年2月[3]郑雪来主编,《世界电影鉴赏辞典》(一、二、三、四编),福建教育出版社,2003年5月、1993年12月、1995年11月、2003年4月[4]吴冠平主编,《20世纪的电影——世界电影经典》,生活读书新知三联书店,2001年1月[5][法]乔治•萨杜尔著,《世界电影史》,中国电影出版社,1995年9月[6]彭吉象主编,《影视鉴赏》,高等教育出版社,1998年7月[6]金元浦等主编,《影视艺术鉴赏》,首都师范大学出版社,1999年9月[7]张健主编,《声电光影里的社会与人生——影视艺术导论》,中国人民大学出版社,1999年6月[8]吴贻弓主编,《影视艺术鉴赏》,北京大学出版社,2004年6月[9]编写组,《电影手册——当代大奖卷》,陕西师范大学出版社,2002年10月[10]卫西谛主编,《电影+2002》《电影+2003》,上海人民出版社,[11]《世界电影》《当代电影》《电影艺术》等各期期刊。
最新的经典绘本 200书单
最新的经典绘本 200书单[2009-08-28 14:08]编号出版年中文书名出版社作者注1 1902 小兔彼得的故事青林 Beatrix Potter 英2 1910 贝雷的新衣天下杂志 Elsa Beskow 瑞典3 1928 100万只猫远流 Wanda Gág 美4 1936 爱花的牛远流 Munro Leaf / Robert Lawson 美5 1939 玛德琳远流 Ludwig Bemelmans 美1940凯迪克银牌奖6 1940 卖帽子上谊 Esphyr Slobodkina 美7 1941 让路给小鸭子国语日报 Robert McCloskey 美1942凯迪克金牌奖8 1942 小房子远流 Virginia Lee Burton 美1943凯迪克金牌奖9 1942 逃家小兔信谊 Margaret Wise Brown /Clement Hurd 美10 1943 地面和地底天下杂志 Irma E. Webber 美11 1944 在森林里远流 Marie Hall Ets 美1945凯迪克银牌奖12 1947 月亮晚安上谊 Margaret Wise Brown / Clement Hurd 美13 1947 石头汤青林 Marcia Brown 美1948凯迪克银牌奖14 1948 莎莎摘浆果国语日报 Robert McCloskey 美1949凯迪克银牌奖15 1948 小不点小鲁 Hans Fischer 瑞士16 1950 手套远流ЕВГЕНИЙМ. РАЧЁВ俄(乌克兰民间故事)17 1953 森林大会远流 Marie Hall Ets 美18 1954 快乐的狮子上谊 Louis Fatio /Roger Duvoisin 美19 1955 和我玩好吗?远流 Marie Hall Ets 美1956凯迪克银牌奖20 1955 乌鸦太郎远流八岛太郎美1956凯迪克银牌奖21 1956 好脏的哈利远流 Gene Zion /Margaret Bloy Graham 美22 1956 树真好上谊 Janice May Udry / Marc Simont 美1957凯迪克金牌奖23 1957 三只山羊嘎啦嘎啦远流 Marcia Brown 美24 1958 安静的故事远流 Samuil Marshak / Vladimir Lebedev 俄25 1958 哈利的花毛衣远流 Gene Zion /Margaret Bloy Graham 美26 1959 小蓝和小黄台英社 Leo Lionni 美27 1960 一寸虫大颖 Leo Lionni 美1961凯迪克银牌奖28 1961 三个强盗上谊 Tomi Ungerer 美29 1961 小老鼠和大老虎台英社 Marcia Brown 美1962凯迪克金牌奖30 1961 我最讨厌你了远流 Janice May Udry / Maurice Sendak 美31 1962 下雪天上谊 Ezra Jack Keats 美1963凯迪克金牌奖32 1962 月光男孩格林 Ib Spang Olsen 丹麦33 1962 兔子先生,帮帮忙好吗?远流 Charlotte Zolotow /Maurice Sendak 美1963凯迪克银牌奖34 1962 风到哪里去了远流 Charlott Zolotow 美35 1963 小黑鱼上谊 Leo Lionni 美1964凯迪克银牌奖36 1963 古利和古拉信谊中川李枝子 / 大村百合子日37 1963 风喜欢和我玩远流 Marie Hall Ets 美38 1963 野兽国汉声 Maurice Sendak 美1964凯迪克金牌奖39 1963 宝儿—穿背心的野鸭东方 John Burningham 英Kate Greenaway40 1964 彼得的口哨上谊 Ezra Jack Keats 美41 1964 爱心树星月书房 Silverstein Shel 美42 1965 像我平常那样远流 Marie Hall Ets 美1966凯迪克银牌奖43 1966 古伦巴幼稚园台湾麦克西内南 / 堀内诚一日44 1966 珍妮的帽子远流 Ezra Jack Keats 美45 1966 珊珊的月光巨河 Evaline Ness 美1967凯迪克金牌奖46 1967 田鼠阿佛上谊 Leo Lionni 美1968凯迪克银牌奖47 1967 彼得的椅子上谊 Ezra Jack Keats 美48 1967 红气球台英社 Iela Mari 义49 1967 马铃薯啊,马铃薯道声 Anita Lobel 美50 1967 马头琴台英社大冢勇三 / 赤羽末吉日51 1968 大象艾玛和英 David Mckee 英52 1968 母鸡萝丝去散步上谊 Pat Hutchins 英53 1969 小河马青林 Marcia Brown 美54 1969 小猪离家记远流 Arnold Lobel 美55 1969 好饿的毛毛虫上谊 Eric Carle 美56 1969我的衣裳远流西卷茅子日57 1969 夜里的猫天下杂志 Dahlov Ipcar 美58 1969 约瑟夫的院子远流 Charles Keeping 英59 1969 驴小弟变石头上谊 William Steig 美1970凯迪克金牌奖60 1970 和甘伯伯去游河台英社 John Burningham 英Kate Greenaway61 1970 鱼就是鱼上谊 Leo Lionni 美62 1970 窗外远流 Charles Keeping 英63 1970 魔奇魔奇树和英斋藤隆介 /滝平二郎日64 1971 3号公寓远流 Ezra Jack Keats 美65 1971 小帝奇台英社 Pat Hutcnins 英66 1971 在一个晴朗的日子里远流 Nonny Hogrogian 1972凯迪克金牌奖67 1972 六个男人远流 David Mckee 英68 1973 不是我的错和英 Leif Kristiansson /Dick Stenberg 波兰69 1973 永远吃不饱的猫远流 Haakon Bjorklid 挪威70 1973 看得见的歌上谊 Eric Carle 美71 1973 楼上的外婆和楼下的外婆台湾麦克 Tomie dePaola 美72 1974 梦台湾麦克 Ezra Jack Keats 美73 1974 黎明远流 Uri Shulevitz 美74 1975 自己的颜色远流 Leo Lionni 美75 1975 雨伞小鲁太田大八日76 1975 草莓爱智图书新宫晋日77 1975 嗨,路易三之三 Ezra Jack Keats 美78 1975 猫头鹰在家远流 Arnold Lobel 美79 1976 好一个馊主意远流 Margot Zemach 美1977凯迪克银牌奖80 1976 第一次上街买东西汉声筒井赖子 /林明子日81 1976 森林大熊格林 Jörg Steiner /Jörg Müller 瑞士82 1976 蜡笔盒的故事远流 Don Freeman 美83 1977 大家来大便汉声五味太郎日84 1977 小金鱼逃走了信谊五味太郎日85 1977 活了一百万次的猫上谊佐野洋子日86 1977 莎莉,离水远一点远流 John Burningham 英87 1977 橘色奇迹远流 Daniel Manus Pinkwater 美88 1978 火车快跑远流 Donald Crews 美1979凯迪克银牌奖89 1978 追追追格林赤羽末吉日90 1978 野马之歌远流 Paul Goble 美1979凯迪克金牌奖91 1978 雪人上谊 Raymond Briggs 英92 1979 好想见到妳远流五味太郎日93 1979 奥力佛是个娘娘腔三之三 Tomie dePaola 美94 1979 驾牛篷车的人巨河 Donald Hall Barbara Cooney美1980凯迪克金牌奖95 1979 鹤妻信谊矢川澄子 / 赤羽末吉日96 1980 智慧寓言信谊 Arnold Lobel 美1981凯迪克金牌奖97 1980 冬冬,等一下和英 David Mckee 英98 1980 高丽菜弟弟台湾麦克长新太日99 1981 天灵灵上谊 Chris Van Allsburg 美1982凯迪克金牌奖100 1981 肚子饿扁了青林片山健日101 1981 真的有圣诞老公公吗?汉声晖峻淑子 /杉浦范茂日102 1982 大象先生和老鼠弟弟台湾东贩中江嘉男 /上野纪子日103 1982 山中旧事远流 Cynthia Rylant /Diane Goode 美1983凯迪克银牌奖104 1982 生气的亚瑟三之三 Hiawyn Oram / 北村悟英105 1982 好朋友上谊 Helme Heine 德106 1982 花婆婆三之三 Barbara Cooney 美107 1982 流浪狗之歌和英 Gabrielle Vincent 比利时108 1982 妈妈的红沙发三之三 Vera B. Williams 美1983凯迪克银牌奖109 1982 影子青林 Marcia Brown 美1983凯迪克金牌奖110 1983 大猩猩格林 Anthony Browne 英Kate Greenaway111 1983 我的妈妈真麻烦远流 Babette Cole 英112 1983 请不要忘记那些孩子远流 Chana Byers Abells 美113 1983 最特别的生日礼物道声 Vera B. Williams 美114 1984 跳鼠的故事远流 John Steptoe 美1985凯迪克银牌奖115 1984 外公台英社 John Burningham 英Kate Greenaway116 1984 打瞌睡的房子上谊 Audrey Wood /Don Wood 美117 1984 好忙的蜘蛛上谊 Eric Carle 美118 1984 威威找记忆三之三 Mem Fox / Julie Vivas 澳洲119 1984 黄与粉红和英 William Steig 美120 1984 妈妈爸爸不住一起了远流 Kathy Stinson /Nancy Lou Reynolds 加拿大121 1984 獾的礼物远流 Susan Varley 英122 1984 鳄鱼怕怕牙医怕怕上谊五味太郎日123 1985 冬芽合唱团天下杂志长新太 / 冨成忠夫、茂木透日124 1985 北极特快车上谊 Chris Van Allsburg 美1986凯迪克金牌奖125 1985 妞妞的鹿角和英 David Small 美126 1985 澡缸里的国王三之三 Audrey Wood / 美1986凯迪克银牌奖127 1985 亲朋自远方来远流 Cynthia Rylant / 美1986凯迪克银牌奖128 1985 铁丝网上的小花格林 Roberto Innocenti 德129 1986 你好,老包远流 Arthur Yorinks /美1987凯迪克金牌奖130 1986 烂皮儿踩高跷皮儿远流 Paul O. Zelinsky 美1987凯迪克银牌奖131 1986永远爱你和英 Robert Munsch /梅田俊作美132 1986 安娜的新大衣东方 Harriet Ziefert / Anita Lobel 美133 1986 朱里亚斯呢?阿布拉 John Burningham 英134 1986 门铃又响了远流 Pat Hutchins 英135 1986 顽皮公主不出嫁格林 Babette Cole 英Kate Greenaway136 1987 月下看猫头鹰上谊 Jane Yolen /美1988凯迪克金牌奖137 1987 班班的地盘远流 Jeanne Titherington 美138 1987 迟到大王上谊 John Burningham 英139 1987 我不想长大远流 Charlotte Zolotow / Erik Blegvad(丹麦) 美140 1987 森林和海的相遇天下杂志 Jeannie Baker 澳洲141 1988 飞啊!蝗虫青林田岛征三日142 1988 梦幻大飞行远流 David Wiesner 美1989凯迪克银牌奖143 1988 歌舞爷爷远流 Karen Ackerman /1989凯迪克金牌奖144 1989 喂!下车远流 John Burningham 英145 1989 我们要去捉狗熊台英社 Michael Rossen / Helen Oxenbury 英146 1990 吃六顿晚餐的猫和英 Inga Moore 英147 1990 公主的月亮和英 James Thurber(1943) / Marc Simont 美148 1990 鲁拉鲁先生的庭院小鲁伊东宽日149 1990 山之生青林立松和平 / 伊势英子日150 1991 我的秘密朋友阿德远流 John Burningham 英151 1991 疯狂星期二格林 David Wiesner 美1992凯迪克金牌奖152 1992 小猫头鹰上谊 Martin Waddell / Patrick Benson 英153 1992 爷爷一定有办法上谊 Phoebe Gilman 美154 1992 送奶奶一顶帽子东方 Patricia Polacco 美155 1992 妈妈与我天下杂志 Charlotte Zolotow / Anita Lobel 美156 1992 海之生青林立松和平 /伊势英子日157 1992 独眼猫青林片山健日158 1992 搭公车青林荒井良二日159 1993 我要牛奶远流 Jennifer A. Ericsson(美) / Ora Eitan(以色列) 美160 1993 奥勒冈之旅远流 Rascal / Louis Joos 比利时161 1993 阿文的小毯子三之三 Kevin Henkes 1994凯迪克银牌奖162 1993 哈维‧史蓝芬伯格的圣诞礼物和英 John Burningham 英163 1993 哒酷唧噜哒酷唧噜…最早的歌…远流阪田宽夫 / 长新太日164 1993 从山里逃出来/ 垃圾,丢啊!天下杂志田岛征三日165 1994 寇特尼和英 John Burningham 英166 1994 猜猜我有多爱你上谊 Sam McBratney / Anita Jeram 英167 1994 烟雾迷漫的夜晚和英 Eve Bunting / 1995凯迪克金牌奖168 1994 都是夏天惹的祸青林スズキコージ(铃木康司) 日169 1995 猪奶奶说再见东方 Margaret Wild / Ron Brooks 澳洲170 1995 世界上最美丽的村子小鲁小林豊日171 1996 云上的小孩远流 John Burningham 英172 1996 发现小锡兵和英 Jörg Müller 瑞士173 1996 精采过一生三之三 Babette Cole 英174 1997 好事成双格林 Babette Cole 英175 1997 小恩的秘密花园格林 Sarah Stewart /1998凯迪克银牌奖176 1998 南瓜汤和英 Helen Cooper 英Kate Greenaway177 1998 雪花人三之三 Jacqueline Briggs Martin / 1999凯迪克金牌奖178 1998 派弟是个大披萨台湾麦克 William Steig 美179 1998 到海边寻宝天下杂志 Debra Frasier 美180 1998 橡皮头蹦太郎青林长新太日181 1998 熊啊!天下杂志星野道夫日182 1999 跟我一起看地球远流 John Burningham 英183 1999 乔瑟夫有件旧外套台湾麦克 Simms Taback 美2000凯迪克金牌奖184 1999威斯利王国和英 Paul Fleischman /英Kate Greenaway185 1999 菲菲生气了三之三 Molly Bang 美2000凯迪克银牌奖186 2000 奥莉薇格林 Ian Falconer 美2001凯迪克银牌奖187 2000 我绝对绝对不吃番茄上谊(原为经典传讯出版)188 2000 再见,爱玛奶奶和英大冢敦子日189 2000 雾中的刺猬远流 Yury Norshteyn &Sergey Kozlov190 2000 1000把大提琴的合奏远流伊势英子日191 2001 狐狸远流 Margaret Wild /Ron Brooks 澳洲Kate Greenaway192 2001 有色人种和英 Jerome Ruillier 法193 2001 我不困,我不要睡觉上谊(原为经典传讯出版) Lauren Child 英194 2003 神奇床远流 John Burningham 英195 2003 你看起来很好吃三之三宫西达也日196 2004 红色的书小鲁 Barbara Lehman 美2005凯迪克银牌奖197 2004 走进生命花园米奇巴克 Thierry Lenain / Olivier Tallec 法198 2004 跟爷爷说再见巨河 Kim Fupz Aakeson(丹麦) / (瑞典) 丹麦199 2005 哈啰、再见的窗口远流 Norton Juster / 2006凯迪克金牌奖200 2005 什么!阿布拉 Kate Lum / Adrian Johnson 英孙瑞雪推荐儿童世界百科全书。
中西方音乐差异Difference between Chinese music and western music
钢琴(Piano)、管风琴( Organ)、手风琴(Piano Accordion)、电子琴( Electronic Keyboard)、电钢琴 。
打击乐器 1)有调打击乐器:定音鼓( Timpani)、木琴(Xylophone); 2) 无调打击乐器:小鼓(Snare Drum)、大鼓(Bass Drum)、三 角铁(Triangle)、铃鼓( Tambourine)、响板(Castanets )、砂槌(Maracas)、钹( Cymbals)、锣(Gong)。
Baroque Period The Baroque Era was a type of music genre from 1600 to 1750 based on European classical music. During this period, musicians and artists used more musical ornamentation, developed new instrumental playing techniques and made changes to musical notation.
Tell Simone I'm not going to approve that girl that shesent me for the Brazilian layout.告诉西蒙我不要她为巴西版面选的女孩I asked for clean,athletic,smiling.She sent me dirty, tired and paunchy.我要的是干净运动型面带微笑的女孩她挑的是肮脏疲倦的肥婆And R.S.V.P.Yes to the Michael Kors party.回复麦克·克斯我会去他的聚会I want the driver to drop me off at9:30and pick me upat9:45sharp.我要司机九点半送到那里九点四十五分再来接我Call Natalie at Glorious Foods,tell her no for the40thtime.打电话给"光荣食品"的纳塔丽告诉她第四十遍No,I don't want dacquoise.I want tortes filled with warmrhubarb compote.不行我不要杏仁蛋白饼我要大黄水果蛋糕Then call my ex-husband and remind him the parent-teacher conference is at Dalton tonight.再打电话给我前夫提醒他今晚的家长会在达尔顿Then call my husband,ask him to meet me for dinner at that place I went to with Massimo.打给我丈夫让他在我和马西莫去过的地方碰面吃晚餐Tell Richard I saw the pictures that he sent for thatfeature on the female paratroopers...告诉李查德我看过他送来的女伞兵照片and they're all so deeply unattractive.她们实在太难看了Is it impossible to find a lovely,slender femaleparatrooper?就不能找个可人又苗条的女伞兵No.Am I reaching for the stars here?Not really.当然能我能摘星星吗当然不可能Also,I need to see all the things that Nigel has pulled for Gwyneth's second cover try.还有我要看奈杰尔给格温妮斯挑的第二次封面试镜的衣服I wonder if she's lost any of that weight yet.Who's that?不知她瘦了多少她是谁Nobody.Um,uh...谁都不是呃Human Resources sent her up about the new assistant job,and I was pre-interviewing her.人力部送她来做助理我刚对她进行了面试But she's hopeless and totally wrong for it.她根本不行完全不适合这里Clearly I'm going to have to do that myself because thelast two you sent me...显然我要自己来选你上两次选的人were completely inadequate.全都不合格So send her in.That's all.让她进来就这样Right.好的She wants to see you.Oh!She does?她要见你哦是吗Move!快点This is foul.Don't let her see it.Go!That's...这太土了别让她看见快去那个Who are you?你是谁Uh,my name is Andy Sachs.呃我叫安迪·塞克斯I recently graduated from Northwestern University.刚从西北大学毕业And what are you doing here?那你在这里做什么Well,I think I could do a good job as your assistant.嗯我可以做你的助理And,um...还有呃Yeah,I came to New York to be a journalist and sentletters out everywhere...我来纽约想成为一名记者发了不少简历and then finally got a call from Elias-Clarke...终于艾丽雅斯·克拉克给了我一个电话and met with Sherry up at Human Resources.让我和人力部的谢瑞见面Basically,it's this or Auto Universe.反正不是这里就是《机动世界》So you don't read Runway?Uh,no.那么你没有看过《天桥》呃不看And before today,you had never heard of me.直到今天才知道我这个人No.是的And you have no style or sense of fashion.你对时尚即不追求也没见解Well,um,I think that depends on what you're...这个我认为这看个人No,no.That wasn't a question.不不我没在问你Um,I was editor in chief of the Daily Northwestern.我曾是西北日报的主编I also,um,won a national competition for collegejournalists...我还获得过全国大学记者竞赛的头名with my series on the janitors'union,which exposed theexploitation...连续揭露了校工团的不法剥削That's all.行了Yeah.You know,okay.好吧我知道了You're right.I don't fit in here.没错我不适合这里I am not skinny or glamorous...我不够苗条也不够漂亮and I don't know that much about fashion.也不懂时尚But I'm smart.但我很聪明I learn fast and I will work very hard.我学得很快我会努力工作的I got the exclusive on the Cavalli for Gwyneth...给格温妮斯找到卡华力的独家设计Roberto Cavalli意大利的知名时尚设计师but the problem is,with that huge feathered headdressthat she's wearing...问题是她戴那么大个羽毛头饰she looks like she's working the main stage at the GoldenNugget.好像她是在金块酒店唱戏的Thank you for your time.多谢你的宝贵时间Who is that sad little person?那可怜虫是谁Are we doing a before-and-after piece I don't know about?我们在制作"麻雀变公主"的节目吗Andrea.Hmm?安吉丽雅嗯Wait.You got a job at a fashion magazine?慢着你在时尚杂志社得到份工作Mm-hmm.What was it,a phone interview?没错什么靠电话面试wow.Ow!Don't be a jerk.嘴巴别那么讨厌Miranda Priestly is famous for being unpredictable.马琳达·皮斯利是出了名的女魔头Okay,Doug.How is it that you know who she is and Ididn't?道格为什么你知道她而我不知道I'm actually a girl.Oh!我其实是个女的哦That would explain so much.Look,seriously.谜团都解开了喂认真点Miranda Priestly is a huge deal.I bet a million girls would kill for that job.马琳达·皮斯利是个大人物我打赌女生都会为这工作发疯的Yeah,great.The thing is I'm not one of them.是啊但问题我不是那些女生Look,you gotta start somewhere,right?但你总要出人头地是不是I mean,look at this dump Nate works in.你看笨内特的工作I mean,come on.Paper napkins?Hello.拜托做纸巾有没有搞错Yeah.And Lily,she works at that gallery doing,uh,youknow...对哦莉莉她在画廊里做那个什么Oh,I'm sorry.What exactly is it that you do anyway?哦抱歉你到底是做什么的Well,lucky for me,I already have my dream job.我很幸运已经找到了理想工作You're a corporate research analyst!你是个财务研究分析员Oh,you're right.My job sucks.No!没错这工作很烂不是的It sucks.I don't...It's boring.It's all right.Breathe.很烂我工作很无聊没事的深呼吸I'm trying.Here.Take a drink.我在努力来喝一杯I will have a drink.I will have a drink.Ah,yes.我要喝一杯喝一杯啊没错I'd like to propose a toast.To jobs that pay the rent.To jobs that pay the rent.为交房租的工作干一杯为交房租的工作Jobs that pay the rent.为交房租的工作Oh,baby.You should see the way these girls at Runwaydress.亲爱的你该看看《天桥》里面女生的打扮I don't have a thing to wear to work.我都没有像样的衣服穿去上班Come on.You're gonna be answering phones and gettingcoffee.拜托你只是去接电话买咖啡You need a ball gown for that?干那活需要穿晚礼服吗I think I might.我想我可能需要吧Well,I happen to think you look great always.我认为你穿什么都好看Aww!I think you're full of it.啊胡说八道e on.Let's go home.Yeah.嘿过来现在就回家好I can think of something we can do that doesn't requireany clothing.有件事我们不穿衣服也能做Really?Mmm.真的嗯Hello?喂Andrea,Miranda decided to kill the autumn jacket story for September...安吉丽雅马琳达决定取消九月的秋季夹克衫报道and she is pulling up the Sedona shoot from October.并提前十月的赛多纳的设计You need to come into the office right this second andpick up her coffee order on the way.你立即回办公室路上把咖啡也买了Now?Now,get a pen and write this down.现在没错再拿纸笔把这个记下来I want one no-foam skimmed latte with an extra shot...我要一份大杯无泡的低脂拿铁咖啡and three drip coffees with room for milk.和三杯冲泡的咖啡咖啡还要加奶Searing hot.And I mean hot.一定要滚烫的Hello?喂Where are you?Oh,I'm almost there.Yeah.你在哪儿我就快到了Shoot!Oh!该死Is there some reason that my coffee isn't here?为什么我没看到我的咖啡Has she died or something?她死了还是怎么了No.God.没有天哪Oh.Bloody time.哦太慢了I hope you know that this is a very difficult job...Mm-hmm.我希望你知道这是份艰难的活是的For which you are totally wrong.那你就错了And if you mess up,my head is on the chopping block.你的失职会送我上断头台的Now,hang that up.Don't just fling it anywhere.把那挂起来别随便乱扔Okay.First of all,you and I answer the phones.首先我和你接听电话The phone must be answered every single time it rings.每次响铃都必须接Calls roll to voice mail,and she gets very upset.如果转入语音信箱她会很生气If I'm not here...Andrea,Andrea...如果我不在这里安吉丽雅安吉丽雅you are chained to that desk.你必须一直呆在桌子旁Well,what if I need to...What?No.好但如果我要什么不行One time an assistant left the desk because she slicedher hand open with a letter opener...上次的一个女助理手被开信刀划伤离开了桌子and Miranda missed Lagerfeld...导致马琳达错过了与拉格费尔德的会面拉格费尔德Karl Otto Lagerfeld时尚设计师just before he boarded a17-hour flight to Australia.恰好接着拉格费尔德又去了澳大利亚She now works at TV Guide.现在那个倒霉蛋她在干电视导购Man the desk at all times.Got it.随时坚守岗位知道了Uh...Miranda Priestly's office.呃马琳达·皮斯里办公室No,she's not available.不她现在没空Who is it?请问是哪位Yes,I will tell her you called...yet again.是的我会告诉她你来过电话好几次了Right.Remember,you and I have totally different jobs.记住你我有不同的分工I mean,you get coffee...and you run errands.我是指你负责咖啡听候差遣Yet I am in charge of her schedule...我负责她的行程her appointments and her expenses.会议和财务And,um,most importantly,um...还有最重要的是I get to go with her to Paris for Fashion Week in the fall.我会和她去巴黎的秋季时尚周I get to wear couture.I go to all the shows and all the parties.我会穿大牌设计的服装参加所有的时装表演和聚会I meet all of the designers.It's divine.会见所有设计师太神圣了Okay.Now,stay here.I'm going to the art department togive them the Book.你现在留下来我要把书拿去设计部The...This is the Book.书就是这本书Now,it is a mock-up of everything...里面包含本期杂志要采用的in the current issue.所有设计素材And we deliver it to Miranda's apartment every night,andshe retu...我们每晚都把它送去马琳达的住处然后她再Don't touch it.She returns it to us in the morning withher notes.别碰她做过笔记后在隔日上午交给我们Now,the second assistant is supposed to do this...现在应该由第二助理来做这个but Miranda is very private and she does not likestrangers in her house.马琳达很注重隐私不喜欢陌生人闯入她的住处So until she decides that you are not a total psycho...直到她确认你不是什么变态I get the lovely task of waiting around for the Book.先由我负责保管这本书Oh,Emily?What do I do...哦艾米莉我该怎么办Deal with it.把它处理好Hello.Mrs.Priestly's office.你好皮斯里女士办公室Hmm.That's what I meant.Miranda Priestly's office.嗯我就那意思马琳达·皮斯里办公室Um,you know,she is in a meeting.Can I please take amessage?呃她现在开会能为你留个口信吗Okay.Can you please spell Gabbana?好请拼一下GabbanaGabbana Docle&Gabbana又名D&G意大利时尚品牌Hello?喂I guess not.不拼算了I guessed an eight and a half.我猜你穿八点五号鞋Um,uh,that's very nice of you...呃你真好but I don't think I need these.但我好象不需要它们Miranda hired me.She knows what I look like.马琳达雇了我她知道我的样子Do you?你知道吗Emily.艾米莉Emily?艾米莉She means you.她叫你呢We just cut on the bias.That's not what I asked you.我们刚才这样斜着剪我要求的不是那样I couldn't have been clearer.There you are,Emily.我说得很清楚了你来了艾米莉How many times do I have to scream your name?Actually,it's Andy.要我喊你多少遍才够其实我是安迪My name is Andy.Andrea,but,uh,everybody calls me Andy.我叫安迪安吉丽雅但大家都叫我安迪I need10or15skirts from Calvin Klein.我需要十到十五条CK的裙子CK Calvin Klein美国最顶级时尚品牌What kind of skirts do you...Please bore someone elsewith your questions.你想要什么样式的这种无聊的问题你问别人去And make sure we have Pier59at8:00a.m.Tomorrow.去"五十九号码头"餐厅确认明天八点的座位Remind Jocelyn I need to see a few of those satchels thatMarc is doing in the pony.提醒约瑟琳我要看看马克在手抄里画的背包And then tell Simone I'll take Jackie if Maggie isn'tavailable.告诉西蒙如果杰茜没空就用麦吉Did Demarchelier confirm?D-Did D-Demarchel...迪马休里耶确认了没?迪马休里耶帕特里克·迪马休里耶着名摄影师Demarchelier.Did he...Get him on the phone.迪马休里耶他打电话给他Uh,o...okay.呃好的And,Emily?Yes?还有艾米莉是的That's all.就这样It's just the cavalier disregard for clear directions...这只是不符合Do you have Demarchelier?联络上迪马休里耶了吗Uh,Demarchelier.呃迪马休里耶Leave it.Do you have...让开你有没有I have Miranda Priestly calling.马琳达·皮里斯的助理I have Patrick!帕特里克在线Uh,no,she called me in there and-and then she asked meabout Pier59.哦她叫我进去还有什么五十九号码头And there was something about Simone,Frankie,someoneelse.还有关于西蒙弗兰克还有谁And,um,she needs skirts from Calvin Klein.她要CK的裙子And,uh,there was something about a pony.还有关于什么小马小马和手抄同音Did she say which skirts?No.No.她说要什么裙子了吗没有Did she say what kind?Color,shape,fabric?I tried to ask her.她说是什么款式的颜色形状材料我试着问过了You may never ask Miranda anything.你永远不能问马琳达任何问题Right.I will deal with all of this,and you will go toCalvin Klein.好我处理其它事你去拿CKEh...Me?呃我Oh,I'm sorry.Do you have some prior commitment?不好意思你还有其它要事吗Some hideous skirt convention you have to go to?要去"恶心裙子讨论会"吗Miranda?马琳达Are you there?I'm about to walk in.I'll call you as soonas...到了没我正要进去我马上打电话Hello?Hi.While you're out...喂你好你在外面Miranda needs you to go to Hermes to pick up25scarveswe ordered for her.马琳达要你去爱玛仕拿她定的二十五条围巾Okay.Cassidy forgot her homework at Dalton.Pick that好的卡西迪巴把作业忘在达尔顿了你去那取up.Miranda went out to meet with Meisel,and she will want马琳达去见麦塞尔她回来时要喝星巴克more Starbucks when she gets back.Hot Starbucks.Can you just repeat that first...要热的你能重复第一件Hello?喂Oh,my God.哦天哪What took you so long?I have to pee!怎么那么久我要去厕所What?You haven't peed since I left?什么从我出去到现在你没去过厕所没有我一直坚守岗位快憋不住了No,I haven't.I've been manning the desk,haven't I?I'mbursting.Oh,hi.哦嗨You do coat.Do the coat!你挂衣服挂起来Okay.好的Now,be prepared.The run-through is at12:30.准备好十二点三十分开始挑拔People are panicking,so the phone is going to be ringing大家都很惊慌电话随时都会响起off the hook.The ru...The run-through.Right.挑挑拔好的没错编辑们提出构思马琳达选出好的Yes.Editors bring in options for the shoot,and Mirandachooses.She chooses every single thing in every single issue.她要精心挑选每一个主题挑选是件大事真不懂你怎么会不知道安吉丽雅Run-throughs are a huge deal.I don't know why you don'tknow that,Andrea.Okay.Are you ready?Oh,hi,hi.好了准备好没哦嗨好了上完厕所塞莉娜和我去吃午饭Right.Well,after the loo,Serena and I are going tolunch.This is her...the new me.Hi.就是她新的我嗨Told you.I thought you were kidding.我说吧我以为你开玩笑当然不是我有二十分钟吃午饭你只有十五分钟No,quite serious,yeah.I get20minutes for lunch,andyou get15.When I come back,you can go.Okay.我回来后你就能去了好的What exactly is she wearing?她穿的是什么啊Her grandmother's skirt.她外婆的裙子Hmm.Corn chowder.嗯粟米海鲜汤That's an interesting choice.有趣的口味You do know that cellulite is one of the main ingredients你知道这里面有很多脂肪in corn chowder.So none of the girls here eat anything?那这里的女孩都不吃东西Not since two became the new four and zero became the new自从二号变成四号还有零号变成二号就不吃了two.Well,I'm a six.Which is the new14.我是六号那就要变成十四号了Oh.Shoot.哦该死哦没关系你一定还有很多其它化纤衣服Oh,never mind.I'm sure you have plenty more polyblendwhere that came from.Okay.You think my clothes are hideous.你觉得我的衣服难看I get it.我知道了But,you know,I'm not going to be in fashion forever...但你知道我不会一直留在时尚界so I don't see the point of changing everything about我不想为了这个工作改变自己myself just because I have this job.Yes,that's true.真是说对了That's really what this multibillion-dollar industry isall about anyway,isn't it?这个值好几亿的产业就只关心一件事对不对Inner beauty.内在美Hello.喂e on.好快来Miranda's pushed the run-through up a half an hour.Mmm!马琳达提前半小时开始了选拔She's always15minutes early.Which means?她通常都早到十五分钟意思是You're already e.Shoot!你迟到了来该死Excuse me.借过Mr.Ravitz.拉维兹先生Nigel.奈杰尔Issue going well?Oh,yes.Our best September ever.工作顺利吗哦是的至今最成功的一个九月Great.Heard Miranda killed autumn jackets and pulled up the Sedona shoot.很好听说马琳达取消秋季夹克衫选了赛多纳的设计What's that costing me?那要花掉我多少钱About300,000.大概三十万Must have been some lousy jackets.那些夹克肯定发霉了Irv Ravitz.Oh,I'm sorry.俄弗·拉维兹哦对不起This is Andy Sachs,Miranda's new assistant.这位是安迪·塞克斯马琳达的新助理Congratulations,young lady.恭喜你年轻人A million girls would kill for that job.女生会为这工作发疯的Bye-bye.再见Hmm?Chairman of Elias-Clarke,Irv Ravitz.嗯艾丽雅斯·克拉克的总裁俄弗·拉维兹You know what they say?Tiny man,huge ego.知道别人怎么说他的个子小野心大No.And I've seen all this before.不行都过时了Theyskens is trying to reinvent the drop waist,soactually it's...瑟斯肯斯尝试重新引进露背款式所以Where are all the other dresses?We have some right here.其他裙子呢这里有一些Stand,watch and listen.And I think it can be veryinteresting...站着边看边听我认为这样很时髦No.No,I just...It's just baffling to me.不不我真搞不懂Why is it so impossible to put together a decentrun-through?为什么做个顺利的挑选会这么难You people have had hours and hours to prepare.It's justso confusing to me.你们有这么多时间准备真让我搞不懂Where are the advertisers?广告部的人呢We have some pieces from Banana Republic.We need more,don't we?我们从巴纳纳拿来这些我们还需要更多是吗Oh.This is...This might be...What do you think of...Yeah.哦这个这个可以你们觉得呢是啊Well,you know me.哦你知道我这人Give me a full ballerina skirt and a hint of saloon andI'm on board.一条芭蕾舞裙加一点造型我绝对赞成But do you think it's too much like...Like the Lacroixfrom July?你不觉得有点太像七月刊的卡奎I thought that,but no,not with the right accessories.It should work.我想过但只要找对饰品我就觉得能行Where are the belts for this dre...Why is no one ready?这裙子的腰带呢就不能都准备好吗Here.It's a tough call.这里但有点麻烦They're so different.Hmm.该挑哪个嗯Something funny?很好笑吗No.No,no.Nothing's...不不没什么You know,it's just that both those belts look exactlythe same to me.只是这两条腰带几乎一模一样You know,I'm still learning about this stuff and,uh...其实我还在学这东西呃"This...stuff"?"这东西"Oh.Okay.I see.好了我知道了You think this has nothing to do with you.你觉得这和你无关You go to your closet...你去自己的衣橱and you select...I don't know...that lumpy bluesweater,for instance...选择我不知道比如你那松垮的蓝色绒线衫because you're trying to tell the world that you takeyourself too seriously...试着告诉世人你的人生重要到to care about what you put on your back.你无法关心自己的穿着But what you don't know is that that sweater is not justblue.但你要知道那衣服不仅仅是蓝色It's not turquoise.It's not lapis.不是绿色也不是青色It's actually cerulean.而是天蓝色And you're also blithely unaware of the fact...你还轻率地忽视很多事情that in2002,Oscar de la Renta did a collection of cerulean gowns.像奥斯卡·德拉伦塔在二零零二年设计过一系列天蓝色的晚礼服And then I think it was Yves Saint Laurent...wasn't it...然后我估计是圣罗兰是吗who showed cerulean military jackets?设计出天蓝色的军式夹克衫I think we need a jacket here.Mmm.我认为还需要件外套嗯And then cerulean quickly showed up in the collectionsof eight different designers.之后天蓝色就成了其他八位不同设计师的最爱And then it,uh,filtered down through the departmentstores...然后放入其名下的商店and then trickled on down into some tragic CasualCorner...最后慢慢掺入可悲的CCCC Casual Corner提倡舒适的美国中档品牌where you,no doubt,fished it out of some clearance bin.才让你从她们的打折货中掏到However,that blue represents millions of dollars...总之那蓝色值几千万and countless jobs...花费了数不尽的心血and it's sort of comical how you think that you've madea choice...滑稽的是你以为是你选择了这个颜色that exempts you from the fashion industry...让自己远离时尚界when,in fact...事实却是you're wearing a sweater that was selected for you by thepeople in this room...这屋子里的人帮你从一堆衣服里from a pile of stuff.选了这件绒线衫So then I said,"No,I couldn't see the difference...然后说"不我看不出有这两条between the two absolutely identical belts'"...完全相同的腰带有何区别"and you should have seen the look she gave me!你应该看见当时她看我的眼神I thought the flesh was gonna melt off her face.还以为她脸上的肉要化了一样It's not funny.这不好笑She's not happy unless everyone around her is panicked,看到别人不安恶心或者自杀她才会开心nauseous or suicidal.And the Clackers just worship her.还有那些嘎嗒子却崇拜她The who?They call them Clackers.什么子她们叫嘎嗒子The sound that their stilettos make in the marble lobby.高跟鞋接触大理石地面的声音It's like,"Clack,clack,clack.Clack,clack."就像"嘎达嘎达嘎达嘎达"And they all act like they're curing cancer or something.她们的样子好像去医癌症似的The amount of time and energy...花费很大精力和时间在that these people spend on these insignificant,minutedetails,and for what?不重要的会议细节上然后呢So that tomorrow they can spend another$300,000reshooting something...第二天他们就能再花三十万重新拍照片that was probably fine to begin with...或许对不需要那些东西的人来说to sell people things they don't need!这好像不算什么God!天哪I'm not even hungry anymore.What?我都气饱了什么That is why those girls are so skinny.Oh.No,no,no.怪不得那些女孩那么瘦哦不不Give me that.There's,like,eight dollars of Jarlsbergin there.哦不给我里面还有八美金的干酪呢You know what?知道吗I just have to stick it out for a year.One year.我只要忍一年一年And then I can do what I came to New York to do.之后就能做我来纽约该做的事But I can't let Miranda get to me.I won't.我决不能输给马琳达决不会Easy there,tiger.别太勉强了Oh,good morning,Miranda.Get me Isaac.哦早上好马琳达接通埃塞克I don't see my breakfast here.Are my eggs here?Whereare my eggs?我没见着我的早饭鸡蛋呢我要的鸡蛋呢Excuse me!借过Pick up the Polaroids from the lingerie shoot.去内衣设计那儿取偏光板Have the brakes checked on my car.去检修刹车Where's that piece of paper I had in my hand yesterdaymorning?我昨天早上拿到的那份文件呢The girls need new surfboards or boogie boards or something for spring break.双胞胎需要新的冲浪板或者趴板总之寒假用得着的东西Hello.The twins also need flip-flops.喂她们还要沙滩拖鞋Ow!Oh,my gosh!啊哦天哪Pick up my shoes from Blahnik,and then go get Patricia.去布朗尼克取我的鞋然后去接派奇特Monolo Blahnik高级女鞋品牌Who's that?Good girl!Good girl!Good girl!她是谁好孩子好孩子Get me that little table that I liked at that store onMadison.去买我在曼蒂森看中的那张小圆桌Get us a reservation for dinner tonight at that place thatgot the good review.为今晚晚餐定一家评价好的餐馆Get me Isaac.Thirty-six thank-you notes deliveredtoday.接通埃塞克寄出三十六份感谢信Where is everyone?Why is no one working?人都去那儿了为什么没人在工作Get me Demarchelier.接通迪马休里耶I have Miranda Priestly calling for...Okay.马琳达·皮斯利的助手好的I have Patrick.帕特里克在线Thank God it's Friday,right?谢天谢地星期五了At least Miranda will be in Miami,so we don't have to马琳达会在迈阿密这周末不用待命了be on call this weekend.You know,my dad's coming in from Ohio.我父亲从俄亥俄州来看我Yeah,we're gonna go out to dinner,maybe see Chicago.我们出去吃饭可能去看《芝加哥》芝加哥著名百老汇歌舞剧You doing anything fun this weekend?这周末有没有安排Yes.有Yeah,Nate said it was great.是啊内特说很好他其实应聘过这里但他们需要经验丰富的He actually...He applied here,but they wanted someonewith more experience.Here.Huh?What's this?给嗯是什么I don't want you to get behind on your rent.我不想你拖房租Dad,how did you...It's...爸你怎么只是I'm gonna kill Mom.我要掐我妈Dad,thank you.谢谢你爸爸It's really good to see you.You too,honey.真高兴见到你我也是宝贝So,you want to start grilling me now...你想现在就说正题呢or should we wait till after dinner?还是等吃了晚饭后我想让你吃了早饭再说I thought I'd let you at least enjoy the bread basketfirst.No,no,no.It's okay.Go right ahead.不不没关系现在说吧We're just a little worried,honey.我们只是很担心你宝贝We get e-mails from you at your office at2:00a.m.我们凌晨两点收到你的电子邮件Your pay is terrible.You don't get to write anything.工资低又不参与文笔工作Hey,that's not fair.嘿这么说不公平I wrote those e-mails.我写了那些电子邮件的我试着了解被斯坦福法律系接受的人I'm just trying to understand why someone who gotaccepted to Stanford Law...为什么会想做记者更何况你现在还不算是记者turns it down to be a journalist,and now you're not evendoing that.Dad,you have to trust me.爸你要相信我Being Miranda's assistant opens a lot of doors.做马琳达的助理就不用愁将来了Emily is going to Paris with Miranda in a few months...艾米莉要和马琳达去巴黎几个月她会遇到着名杂志社的编辑和作者and she's gonna meet editors and writers from everyimportant magazine.And in a year,that could be me.再过一年我也能去了All right?Mm-hmm.好吗嗯Dad,I swear,this is my break.爸我发誓这将是我的转折点This is chance.这是我的机遇This is my boss.是我老板I'm sorry,Dad.I have to take this.Take it.Take it.爸对不起我得接这个电话接吧接吧Hello.Miranda?My flight has been canceled.你好马琳达我的班机取消了It's some absurd weather problem.因为什么荒谬的天气原因I need to get home tonight.The twins have a recital我要今晚回家双胞胎明天要在学校表演独奏tomorrow morning at school.What?At school!什么在学校Absolutely.Let me see what I can do.Good.好的我来想办法很好Hi.Um,I know this is totally last minute...嗨我知道事情紧急but I was hoping that you could maybe get a flight for但我希望你今晚能帮我老板找架my boss...from Miami to New York tonight?从迈阿密飞往纽约的飞机It's right here.Thank you.Yeah,any kind of jet.就这里谢谢是任何一种喷气机都行From Miami to New York.Thank you.从迈阿密飞往纽约谢谢Yup,I need it tonight.I need it...Ow!是的今晚就要我要哦I thought you were going out the other...Sweetie!No.我以为你从那边出来亲爱的我没有It's over here,honey.Tonight.在这里亲爱的今晚Hi.I'm trying to get a flight tonight...for tonight...from Miami to New York.嗨我要今晚的飞机今晚迈阿密到纽约Yes,I know there's a hurricane.是我知道有暴风Nothing is flying out?What do you mean,nothing is flyingout?都飞不出去什么叫都飞不出去It's for Miranda Priestly,and I know that she's a clientof yours.是马琳达·皮斯利的要求她是你们的客户Yes.Yes,hi.I need a jet tonight from Miami to New York.是是我要一架迈阿密去纽约的飞机Yeah.Sorry.Hold on.Hello?Miranda,hi.是对不起等一下喂马琳达I'm trying to get you a flight,but no one is flying out because of the weather.我在尽力给你找飞机但因天气原因飞机都飞不了Please.It's just...I don't know...drizzling.拜托这只是我不知道毛毛雨Someone must be getting out.总有人要出去Call Donatella.Get her jet.打电话给多娜特拉让她找Call everybody else that we know that has a jet.Irv?找所有社交圈里有飞机的人俄弗Call every...This is your responsibi...This is yourjob.打给每个人这是你的职责你的工作Get me home.让我回家Oh,my God!She's going to murder me.哦天哪她会杀了我的What does she want you to do,call the National Guard andhave her airlifted out of there?她要你怎么做叫国民警卫队去援救她Of course not.Could I do that?当然不是我会那么做吗Come on.来Come on.我们走芝加哥歌舞剧The girls'recital was absolutely wonderful.她们的独奏太精彩了They played Rachmaninoff.Everyone loved it.选了拉克曼尼诺夫的作品所有人都说好Everyone except me...除了我because,sadly,I was not there.因为不幸地我不在场Miranda,I'm so sorry.马琳达我很抱歉Do you know why I hired you?知道我为什么雇你吗I always hire the same girl...我总是雇类似的女孩stylish,slender,of course...时髦苗条当然还有worships the magazine.崇拜这本杂志But so often,they turn out to be...但是她们总变得I don't know...disappointing and,um...我不知道让人失望stupid.变得愚蠢So you,with that impressive resume...而你有漂亮的简历and the big speech about your so-called work ethic...还有夸夸其谈地说自己是工作狂I,um...I thought you would be different.我我以为你会不一样I said to myself,go ahead.我对自己说去吧Take a chance.抓住机会。
2-1Old macdonald’s letter farmOld macdonaled had a farm,ABCDELetters,letters in the hay FGHIJWith a KLMNOPPigs and ducks and bumblebessQRSTU and VWXYZABCDEFG,letters I can singHIJKLMN ,soon I’ll learn to readWith an OPQRSTUVWXYZLearn your letter names with meThe animals like to readCows and horse in their stalls sing their letter names Chichens clunk the alphabet-learning is their game From ABC to XYZ learn them and you’ll succeed Old macdonald guarantees-learning is the keyOld macdonaled had a farm,ABCDELetters,letters in the hay FGHIJWith a KLMNOPPigs and ducks and bumblebessQRSTU and VWXYZ2-2 Ten in the bedThere were ten in the bed and the little on said Roll over roll overSo they all rolled over and one fell outThere were nine in the bed and the little on said Roll over roll overSo they all rolled over and one fell outThere were eight in the bed and the little on said Roll over roll overSo they all rolled over and one fell outThere were seven in the bed and the little on said Roll over roll overSo they all rolled over and one fell outThere were six in the bed and the little on said Roll over roll overSo they all rolled over and one fell outThere were five in the bed and the little on saidRoll over roll overSo they all rolled over and one fell outThere were four in the bed and the little on saidRoll over roll overSo they all rolled over and one fell outThere were three in the bed and the little on saidRoll over roll overSo they all rolled over and one fell outThere were two in the bed and the little on saidRoll over roll overSo they all rolled over and one fell outThere were one in the bed and the little on saidRoll over roll overGood night2-3 Five little skunksFive little skunks went out with me on a picnic one fine day.We were looking for a shadyspot to eat and a nice little place to play. But,when I saw people running and I looked around, I was quite surprised to see-There were only four little skunks walking along with me.One, Two, Three, four....Four little skunks went out with me on a picnic one fine day.We were looking for a shadyspot to eat and a nice little place to play. But,when I saw people running and I looked around, I was quite surprised to see-There were only three little skunks walking along with me.One, Two, Three, oh.....Three little skunks went out with me on a picnic one fine day.We were looking for a shadyspot to eat and a nice little place to play. But,when I saw people running and I looked around, I was quite surprised to see-There were only two little skunks walking along with me.One, Two, oh, oh.....Two little skunks went out with me on a picnic one fine day.We were looking for a shadyspot to eat and a nice little place to play. But,when I saw people running and I looked around, I was quite surprised to see-There was only one little skunks walking along with me.One, oh, oh, oh.....One little skunk went out with me on a picnic one fine day.We were looking for a shady spot to eat and a nice little place to play. But,when I saw people running and I looked around, I was quite surprised to see-There were no more little skunks walking along with me.There were no more little skunks walking along with me.Well, now, the people were gone ad the park was empty.It was quite a sight to see.The five little skunks-they had disappeared.There was no one left but me.But, then I heard a funny noise and when I looked around, much to my surprise- five little skunks were standing there right before my very eyes! One, two, three,four, five little skunks went out with me on a picnic one fine day.We were looking for a shady spot to eat and a nice little place to play. Well, we found a shady spot and we all sat down underneath a big old tree.And we had a picnic that day, the five little skunks and me!And we had a picnic that day, the five little skunks and me!2-4 The farmer in the dellThe farmer in the dell(dell: 有树木的小谷地)The farmer in the dellHi-ho, the derry-o(derry:民谣,歌谣)The farmer in the dellThe farmer takes a wifeThe farmer takes a wifeHi-ho, the derry-oThe farmer takes a wifeThe wife takes a childThe wife takes a childHi-ho, the derry-oThe wife takes a childThe child takes the dogThe child takes the dogHi-ho, the derry-oThe child takes the dogThe dog takes the catsThe dog takes the catsHi-ho, the derry-oThe dog takes the catsThe cat takes the ratsThe cat takes the ratsHi-ho, the derry-oThe cat takes the rats(rat: 鼠)The farmer in the dellThe farmer in the dellHi-ho, the derry-oThe farmer in the dellThe farmer takes a wifeThe farmer takes a wifeHi-ho, the derry-oThe farmer takes a wife2-5 12 DAYS OF CHRISTMAS On the first day of Christmas My true love gave to me:A partridge in a pear tree.On the second day of Christmas My true love gave to me:Two turtle doves andA partridge in a pear tree. On the third day of Christmas My true love gave to me: Three french hensTwo turtle doves andA partridge in a pear tree. On the forth day of Christmas My true love gave to me: Four calling birdsThree french hensTwo turtle doves andA partridge in a pear tree. On the fifth day of Christmas My true love gave to me: Five golden ringsFour calling birdsThree french hensTwo turtle doves andA partridge in a pear tree. On the sixth day of Christmas, My true love gave to me:Six geese a-layingFive golden ringsFour calling birdsThree french hensTwo turtle doves andA partridge in a pear tree.On the seventh day of Christmas, My true love gave to me: Seven swans a-swimmingSix geese a-layingFive golden ringsFour calling birdsThree french hensTwo turtle doves andA partridge in a pear tree.On the eight day of Christmas, My true love gave to me:Eight maids a-milkingSeven swans a-swimmingSix geese a-layingFive golden ringsFour calling birdsThree french hensTwo turtle doves andA partridge in a pear tree.On the ninth day of Christmas, My true love gave to me: Nine ladies dancingEight maids a-milking Seven swans a-swimmingSix geese a-layingFive golden ringsFour calling birdsThree french hensTwo turtle doves andA partridge in a pear tree.On the tenth day of Christmas, My true love gave to me:Ten lords a-leapingNine ladies dancingEight maids a-milking Seven swans a-swimmingSix geese a-layingFive golden ringsFour calling birdsThree french hensTwo turtle doves andA partridge in a pear tree.On the eleventh day of Christmas, My true love gave to me: Eleven pipers pipingTen lords a-leapingNine ladies dancingEight maids a-milkingSeven swans a-swimmingSix geese a-layingFive golden ringsFour calling birdsThree french hensTwo turtle doves andA partridge in a pear tree.On the Twelfth day of Christmas, My true love gave to me: Twelve drummers drumming Eleven pipers pipingTen lords a-leapingNine ladies dancingEight maids a-milkingSeven swans a-swimmingSix geese a-layingFive golden ringsFour calling birdsThree french hensTwo turtle dovesand a partridge in a pear tree.2-6 Up on the house topUp on the housetop reindeer pause, out jumps good old Santa Claus. Down through the chimney with lots of toys, all for the little ones, Christmas joys!Ho! Ho! Ho! Who wouldn’t go?Ho! Ho! Ho! Who wouldn’t go?Up on the housetop, click,click,click,down through the chimney with good Saint Nick!First comes the stocking of little Nell.Oh,dear Santa, fill it well.Give her a dolly that laughs and cries, one that can open and shut its eyes!Ho! Ho! Ho! Who wouldn’t go?Ho! Ho! Ho! Who wouldn’t go?Up on the housetop, click,click,click,down through the chimney with good Saint Nick!Look in the stocking of little will.Oh, just see what a glorious fill!Here is a hammer with lots of tacks,Whistle and ball anda whip that cracks!Ho! Ho! Ho! Who wouldn’t go?Ho! Ho! Ho! Who wouldn’t go?Up on the housetop, click,click,click,down through the chimney with good Saint2-7 Five trick-or-treatersFive Little children went Trick-or-Treating one night.The first one said, “I’ll lead and shine my light.”The third one said, “I think I’d like to run.”The fourth one said, “Wait up. I’m coming too!”So five Trick-or-Treaters went to the door and yelled...Boo!2-8 When I go trick or treatingWhen I go out to trick-or-treat, I take my dad with me.Far when I hear the screams and moans next to my dad I’ll be.The ghosts and pumpkins I like best with their friendly eyes.The withces on their broomsticks give me a real surprise.But dad is always there to say.. “It’s just Halloween Fun.”Until we saw Miss McFearsome’s house...and we both decided to run!。
WORLD VISION 2013.NO.04Culture文化·旅游“你以为你一觉醒来就能变成演艺圈人士吗?”“不,长官,我们在洛杉矶有线人。
乔治·克鲁尼扮演CIA一线特工,CIA术语叫“field agent”,也就是CIA从情报到实施环节的最后一环——实际执行任务的人。
美语训练班第二十一课B: 美语训练班上课啦!我是Donny。
A: 我是杨琳! Donny,今天是个值得纪念的日子,你知道么?B: 今天不是我生日啊!为什么要纪念呢?A: 你就知道过生日!Donny, 下个月你就要离开我们,去北京工作了,这可是你主持的最后一期“美语训练班”了,这难道不该纪念么?B: 哦!你说这个啊!Yes, today's show is quite special in that sense.A: 那你就站好最后一班岗吧!先来介绍节目内容!B: 好!今天咱们要去打台球, 经历美国机场的安检,参加一个失败的party, 还要告诉大家怎么用美语说“两面派”。
A: 当然,咱们还是先花一分钟,学一个词。
***************************Learn A Word ward off今天我们要学的词是ward off. Ward is spelled w-a-r-d, ward; and off, o-f-f, off. Ward off. Ward off 阻挡。
A new study shows that more social activity with friends can help ward off obesity. 一项新研究显示,更多跟朋友一起参加社交生活,有助于防止肥胖。
秋天又到打流感疫苗的时候了,但是今年,Instead of flu vaccination, doctors are advocating natural methods to ward off the flu this year. 今年医生提倡以自然免疫的方法抵挡流感,而不是注射流感疫苗。
Frequent hand-washing is one of the easiest ways to ward off sickness. 常洗手是防止生病的最简单的办法之一。
好的,今天我们学习的词是ward off, ward off, ward off.***************************************A: ward off, 阻止。
[A22] A dear John letter 给约翰的一封信*—Skeeter Davis 史琪特戴维丝[A14] A horse with no name 没有名字的马—America 亚美利加合唱团[A54] A new day has come 新的一天开始—Celion Dion 席琳狄翁[A48] A shoulder to cry on 可以靠著哭泣的肩膀—Tommy Page 汤米佩吉[A57] A song for mama 给妈妈的歌#—Boyz II Men 大人小孩双拍档合唱团[A12] A spaceman came traveling 外星人来访—Chris De Burgh 克里斯迪伯夫[A05] A time for us 我俩的时光*from电影“殉情记“—Andy Williams 安迪威廉斯[A46] A whiter shade of pale 更浅的苍白阴影—Procol Harum 普洛可哈伦合唱团[A31] A whole new world 崭新的世界from动画“阿拉丁“—Peabo Bryson & Regina 比柏布莱森 & 芮姬娜[A06] A winter’s tale 冬天的故事—David Essex 大卫艾塞克斯[A50] About a girl 关於女孩—Nirvana 超脱合唱团[A42] Abracadabra 咒语—The Steve Miller Band 史提夫米勒乐团[A47] Across the universe 飞越宇宙—Beatles 披头四合唱团[A30] Africa 非洲—Toto 托托合唱团[A16] Against all odds(Take a look at me now) 完全不可能(再看我一眼)*from电影“再看我一眼“—Phil Collins 菲尔柯林斯[A32] Ain’t no mountain high enough 爱比山高from电影“亲亲小妈“—Marvin Gaye & Tammi Terrell 马文盖 & 黛米泰瑞尔[A11] Alasca 阿拉斯加*—Topas 黄玉合唱团[A52] All about loving you 全心爱你—Bon Jovi 邦乔飞合唱团[A07] All by myself 独自一人*—Eric Carmen 艾瑞克卡门[A53] All for the love of a girl 全是为了一个女孩的爱—Johnny Horton 强尼荷顿[A19] All I have to do is dream 只有寻梦去—Glen Campbell & Robbie Gentry 葛伦坎伯 & 罗比珍崔[A21] All kinds of everything 万事万物—Dana 唐娜[A51] All my life 一生一世—Linda Ronstadt & Aaron Neville 琳达朗丝黛 & 艾伦纳维尔[A29] All my loving 我所有的爱—Beatles 披头四合唱团[A55] All night long 彻夜狂欢—Lionel Richie 莱诺李奇[A02] All out of love 与爱绝缘—Air Supply 空中补给合唱团[A41] All those years ago 多年以前*—George Harrison 乔治哈里森[A34] Almost over you 几乎忘了你—Sheena Easton 席娜伊斯顿[A43] Almost paradise 如在天堂from电影“浑身是劲“—Mike Reno & Ann Wilson 麦可利诺 & 安威尔森[A10] Alone 孤单—Heart 红心合唱团[A35] Always 永远—Atlantic Stars 大西洋之星合唱团[A36] Always 永远—Bon Jovi 邦乔飞合唱团[A17] Always on my mind 永在我心中*—Elvis Presley 猫王-艾维斯普里斯莱[A26] Always somewhere 总在某处—Scorpions 蝎子合唱团[A49] Am I that easy to forget? 忘记我有那麼容易吗?—Jim Reeves 吉姆瑞夫斯[A09] Amanda 阿嫚达—Boston 波士顿合唱团[A45] Amazing 太神奇了—Aerosmith 史密斯飞船合唱团[A01] Amazing grace 奇异恩典*—Judy Collins 茱蒂柯琳丝[A27-1] American pie 美国派歌词完全解说版请看这里!—Don McLean 唐麦克林[A27] American pie 美国派*—Don McLean 唐麦克林[A28] And I love her 我爱她—Beatles 披头四合唱团[A13] And I love you so 我是如此爱你—Don McLean 唐麦克林[A44] And so it goes 就这麼走了—Billy Joel 比利乔[A18] Angel 天使*from电影“X情人“—Sarah McLachlan 莎拉麦克劳兰[A40] Angel 天使—Aerosmith 史密斯飞船合唱团[A38] Angel queen 天使女王*from日本动画“千年女王“—Dara Sedaka 达拉西达卡[A23] Angie 安琪—Rolling Stones 滚石合唱团[A04] Annie’s song 安妮之歌*—John Denver 约翰丹佛[A25] Another brick in the wall 墙上的另一块砖*—Pink Floyd 平克佛洛依德合唱团[A03] Another day in paradise 天堂的另一日—Phil Collins 菲尔柯林斯[A15] Another town another train 另一城镇另一班车—ABBA 阿巴合唱团[A33] Anywhere is 四处皆然—Enya 恩雅[A56] Are you happy now ? 你快乐吗 ?—Michelle Branch 蜜雪儿[A24] Are you lonesome tonight? 今晚你寂寞吗?—Elvis Presley 猫王-艾维斯普里斯莱[A37] Arthur’s theme (the best you can do) 亚瑟之歌from电影“二八佳人花公子“—Christopher Cross 克利斯多佛克罗斯[A39] As long as you love me 只要你爱著我—Backstreet Boys 新好男孩合唱团[A20] As tears go by 泪水流逝—Rolling Stones 滚石合唱团[A08] Aubrey 奥布芮—Bread 面包合唱团2楼[B08] Babe 宝贝*—Styx 冥河合唱团[B33] Back at one 回到原点—Brian McKnight 布莱恩麦肯奈特[B05] Back for good 永远停留—Take That 接招合唱团[B25] Bad medicine 劣药—Bon Jovi 邦乔飞合唱团[B30] Band on the run 逃亡乐队—Paul McCartney & Wings 保罗麦卡尼& 翅膀合唱团[B20] Beat it 走开—Michael Jackson 麦可杰克森[B17] Beautiful boy 美丽的孩子*from电影"春风化雨1996"—John Lennon 约翰蓝侬[B12] Beautiful Sunday 美丽的星期天—Daniel Boone 丹尼尔潘[B15] Beauty and the beast 美女与野兽from动画"美女与野兽"—Peabo Bryson & Celion Dion 比柏布莱森& 席琳狄翁[B06] Because I love you 因为我爱你—Shaking Steven 薛金史蒂芬[B13] Because you loved me 因为你爱过我*from电影"因为你爱过我"—Celion Dion 席琳狄翁[B31] Bed of roses 玫瑰花床—Bon Jovi 邦乔飞合唱团[B29] Before the next teardrop falls 下一滴眼泪落下以前—Freddie Fender 佛瑞迪芬德[B19] Ben 班from电影"金鼠王"—Michael Jackson 麦可杰克森[B18] Better man 更好的人—Robbie Williams 罗比威廉斯[B14] Betty Davis‘s eyes 贝蒂黛维丝的眼睛—Kim Carnes 金卡伦斯[B16] Big, big world 广大的世界—Emilia 艾蜜莉亚[B28] Biggest part of me 我最珍贵的部分—Ambrosia 安伯路西亚[B11] Bird on a wire 电线上的鸟*—Leonard Cohen 李欧纳柯罕[B32] Bloody Sunday 染血的星期天*—U2 U2合唱团[B04] Blowing in the wind 飘在风中*—Peter, Paul & Mary 彼得、保罗& 玛丽三重唱[B26] Blue balloon 蓝色汽球from电影"初恋的故事"—Jeremy 杰若米[B27] Blue bayou 蓝色港湾—Linda Rondstadt 琳达朗丝黛[B21] Blue eyes 蓝眼睛—Elton John 艾尔顿强[B23] Blue moon 蓝色月亮—The Marcels 波浪发型合唱团[B24] Blue velvet 蓝丝绒—Bobby Vinton 巴比温顿[B10] Bohemian rhapsody 波西米亚人狂想曲—Queen 皇后合唱团[B07] Borderline 边界—Chris De Burgh 克里斯迪伯夫[B01] Both sides now 正反两面—Judy Collins 茱蒂柯琳丝[B22] Breathe 呼吸—Faith Hill 费丝希尔[B02] Bridge over troubled water 恶水上的大桥—Simon & Garfunkel 赛门& 葛芬柯二重唱[B03] Bright eyes 明亮双眼*—Art Garfunkel 亚特葛芬柯[B09] Broken wings 残破的羽翼—Chris De Burgh 克里斯迪伯夫3楼[C20] C‘set la vie 这就是人生—Emerson, Lake & Palmer 爱默生、雷克& 帕玛合唱团[C02] California dreaming 加州之梦—Mamas & Papas 双亲合唱团[C07] Call me 打电话给我—Dennis De Young 丹尼斯狄杨[C26] Can you feel the love tonight 今晚你感受到爱了吗?from动画"狮子王"—Elton John 艾尔顿强[C31] Can‘t fight the moonlight 无法抗拒这月光*from电影"女狼俱乐部"—LeAnn Rimes 黎安莱姆丝[C13] Can‘t fight this feeling 无法克制这份感情—REO Speedwagon REO快马车合唱团[C19] Can‘t help falling in love 无法自拔陷入爱河—Elvis Presley 猫王-艾维斯普里斯莱[C18] Can‘t take my eyes off you 无法将视线从你身上移开*from电影"绝命大反击"—Frankie Valli 法兰琪瓦利[C27] Can‘t we try ? 我们不能再试试看吗?—Dan Hill & V onda Sheppard 丹希尔& 芳达雪柏[C04] Candle in the wind 风中之烛*—Elton John 艾尔顿强[C04-1] Candle in the wind 1997 风中之烛*纪念黛安娜王妃—Elton John 艾尔顿强[C28] Captain of her heart 她心中的船长—Double 双重合唱团[C08] Careless whisper 无心的耳语—Wham Wham合唱团[C17] Carrie 凯莉—Europe 欧洲合唱团[C06] Casablanca 卡萨布兰加*—Bertie Higgins 柏帝希金斯[C33] Castles in the air 空中城堡—Don McLean 唐麦克林[C01] Cats in the cradle 摇篮里的猫*—Harry Chapin 哈利却宾[C30] Changes 改变—Black Sabbath 黑色安息日合唱团[C38] Changes 改变—Olivia Newton John 奥莉薇亚纽顿强[C24] Changing partners 交换舞伴—Patti Page 佩蒂佩姬[C05] Cherish 珍惜—Kool & the Gang 库尔夥伴合唱团[C35] Child 孩子—Freddie Aguilar 佛瑞迪艾格勒[C16] Child in time 时代的小孩—Deep Purple 深紫色合唱团[C12] Children of the universe 宇宙的孩子*—Barclay James Harvest B.J.H.合唱团[C10] Chiquitita 奇琪堤塔—ABBA 阿巴合唱团[C32] Circles in the sand 沙滩上的圈圈—Belinda Carlisle 贝琳达卡莱儿[C21] Close to you 靠近你—Carpenters 木匠兄妹合唱团[C11] Colors of the wind 风的颜色from动画"风中奇缘"—Vanessa Williams 凡妮莎威廉丝[C44] Come as you are 还你本色—Nirvana 超脱合唱团[C15] Come what may 不论未来如何*—Lani Hall & Herb Alpert 蕾妮霍尔& 赫柏艾伯特[C34] Come what may 哪怕受尽风霜from电影"红磨坊"—Nicole Kidman & Ewan McGregor 妮可基嫚& 伊旺麦奎格[C39] Constant craving 永恒的渴望—K. D. Lang 凯蒂莲[C14] Cotton field 棉花田—C.C.R. 清水复兴合唱团[C40] Could‘ve been 曾经可以—Tiffany 提芬妮[C22] Count on me 依靠我from电影"等待梦醒时分"—Whitney Houston 惠妮休斯顿[C25] Coward of the county 郡里的懦夫—Kenny Rogers 肯尼罗杰斯[C29] Crazy for you 为你疯狂from电影"夺标27秒"—Madonna 玛丹娜[C43] Crazy love 疯狂的爱—Dick Glasser 狄克葛拉瑟[C41] Creep 怪物—Radiohead 电台司令合唱团[C36] Crocodile rock 鳄鱼摇滚—Elton John 艾尔顿强[C23] Cruel war 残酷的战争—Peter, Paul & Mary 彼得、保罗& 玛丽三重唱[C37] Cruising 漫游—Gwyneth Paltrow & Huey Lewis 葛妮丝派特洛& 修路易士[C42] Cry 哭泣—Godley & Creme 葛利& 克里姆二重唱[C09] Crying 哭泣—Don McLean 唐麦克林[C03] Crying in the rain 在雨中哭泣—A-Ha 啊哈合唱团4楼[D15] Dancing queen 舞后—ABBA 阿巴合唱团[D16] Danny boy 丹尼少年—英国民谣英国民谣[D07] Danny‘s song 丹尼之歌*—Anne Murray 安玛莉[D43] Daydream believer 白日梦信徒—Monkees 猴子合唱团[D04] Days of summer 夏日时光—Topas 黄玉合唱团[D23] Dear heart 亲爱的—Andy Williams 安迪威廉斯[D32] Delilah 狄莱拉—Tom Jones 汤姆琼斯[D11] Desert moon 沙漠之月*—Dennis De Young 丹尼斯狄杨[D33] Desert rose 沙漠玫瑰—Sting 史汀[D26] Desperado 亡命之徒—Eagles 老鹰合唱团[D29] Devoted to you 深爱著你—The Everly Brothers 艾维利兄弟[D06] Diamond and rust 钻石与铁锈*—Joan Baez 琼拜雅[D28] Diana 黛安娜*—Paul Anka 保罗安卡[D35] Diary 日记—Bread 面包合唱团[D22] Didn‘t we almost have it all 我们几乎拥有了一切—Whitney Houston 惠妮休斯顿[D40] Do I have to cry for you 要我为你而哭吗?—Nich Carter 尼克卡特[D05] Do that to me one more time 再为我做一次—Captain & Tennille 船长& 坦妮尔[D21] Do they know it‘s Christmas ? 他们知道现在是圣诞节吗?*—Band Aid 援非联合乐团[D19] Do you know where you‘re going to? 你可知何去何从?—Diana Ross 黛安娜罗丝[D34] Do you love me ? 你爱我吗?—The Kiss 吻合唱团[D09] Do you remember ? 你是否记得—Phil Collins 菲尔柯林斯[D41] Doctor Jones 琼斯博士—Aqua 水叮当合唱团[D18] Don‘t answer me 别回答我—Alan Parson‘s Project 亚伦派森计划合唱团[D31] Don‘t be cruel 别太冷酷—Elvis Presley 猫王-艾维斯普里斯莱[D36] Don‘t cry 别哭*—Guns N‘Roses 枪与玫瑰合唱团[D17] Don‘t cry for me, Argentina 阿根廷,别为我哭泣*from电影"阿根廷,别为我哭泣"—Madonna 玛丹娜[D20] Don‘t cry out loud 别大声哭泣—Melissa Manchester 玛丽莎曼彻斯特[D14] Don‘t cry, Joni 琼妮,别哭—Conway Twitty & Joni Lee 康威崔提& 琼妮李[D30] Don‘t dream it‘s over 别再作梦,结束了—Crowded House 挤屋合唱团[D10] Don‘t know much 知道的不多—Linda Ronstadt & Aaron Neville 琳达朗丝黛& 艾伦纳维尔[D39] Don‘t know why 不知为何*—Norah Jones 诺拉琼丝[D13] Don‘t let it end 别让它结束—Styx 冥河合唱团[D24] Don‘t let it end 别让它结束—Yngwie Malmsteen 殷维玛姆斯汀[D42] Don‘t let the sun go down on me 别让太阳落在我身上—Elton John 艾尔顿强[D37] Don‘t speak 别说*—No Doubt 不要怀疑合唱团[D27] Don‘t you want me ? 你不要我了吗?—Human League 人类联盟合唱团[D01] Donna, Donna 多娜,多娜—Joan Baez 琼拜雅[D25] Dream a little dream 做个小小的梦from电影"情定巴黎"—Mamas & Papas 双亲合唱团[D12] Dream on 梦想*—Aerosmith 史密斯飞船合唱团[D08] Dreams 梦—Cranberries 小红莓合唱团[D03] Drive 开车—Cars 汽车合唱团[D02] Dust in the wind 风中之尘—Kansas 堪萨斯合唱团5楼[E03] (Everything I do) I do it for you 一切都是为了你from电影"罗宾汉侠盗王子"—Bryan Adams 布莱恩亚当斯[E23] 18 and life 十八岁和人生—Skidrow 史奇洛合唱团[E18] Eagle 鹰—ABBA 阿巴合唱团[E07] Earthbound 回归大地from日剧"失乐园"—Conner Reeves 康纳瑞夫斯[E24] Eat the rich 大吃大喝—Aerosmith 史密斯飞船合唱团[E14] Ebony and ivory 黑檀木与白象牙*—Paul MaCartney & Stevie Wonder 保罗麦卡尼& 史提夫汪达[E19] Edelweiss 小白花from电影"真善美"—[E11] El condor pasa 老鹰之歌*—Andy Williams 安迪威廉斯[E22] Empty garden 空寂花园*—Elton John 艾尔顿强[E25] Endless Christmas 永恒的耶诞节—3T 3T合唱团[E12] Endless love 无尽的爱from电影"无尽的爱"—Lionel Richie & Diana Ross 莱纳李奇& 黛安娜罗丝[E04] Especially for you 特别献给你—Kylie Minogue & Jason Donovan 凯莉米洛& 杰生唐纳文[E05] Eternal flame 永恒的火焰—Bangles 手镯合唱团[E15] Even the nights are better 连夜晚也变得更美—Air Supply 空中补给合唱团[E13] Evergreen tree 常青树—Cliff Richard 克里夫李察[E17] Every beat of my heart 我的每一次心跳—Rod Steward 洛史都华[E02] Every breath you take 你的每一次呼吸—The Police 警察合唱团[E09] Every rose has its thorn 每朵玫瑰都有刺—Poison 毒药合唱团[E10] Every woman in the world 世上的每一个女子—Air Supply 空中补给合唱团[E21] Everybody hurts 每个人都受了伤—R.E.M. R.E.M.合唱团[E16] Everybody wants to rule the world 每个人都想统治世界—Tears for Fears 惊惧之泪合唱团[E26] Everybody‘s somebody‘s fool 每个人都认为其他人是傻瓜—[E06] Everything I own 我拥有的一切—Bread 面包合唱团[E08] Everytime you go away 每一次你离去—Paul Young 保罗杨[E01] Eye in the sky 天空之眼*—Alan Parson‘s Project 亚伦派森计划合唱团[E20] Eyes on me 注视著我from电玩"太空战士8"—Faye Wang 王菲?6楼[F09] 04:55 四点五十五分*爱你一万年原曲—Wynners 温拿五虎合唱团[F19] 50 ways to leave your lovers 离开爱人的五十种方法—Paul Simon 保罗赛门[F08] 500 miles 离家五百哩—Peter, Paul & Mary 彼得、保罗& 玛丽三重唱[F25] Fading like a flower 如花朵般凋谢—Roxette 罗克塞二重唱[F11] Faithfully 坚定不移—Journey 旅程合唱团[F17] Fallen flowers 落花辞枝—Steve McDonald 史提夫麦当劳[F20] Falling 迷恋*—Alicia Keys 艾莉西亚凯斯[F22] Famous blue raincoat 著名的蓝雨衣*—Jennifer Warnes 珍妮佛华恩斯[F10] Fast car 快车—Tracy Chapman 崔西查普曼[F05] Feelings 感觉—Morris Albert 莫立斯艾伯特[F04] Fernando 费南多—ABBA 阿巴合唱团[F12] First of May 五月初from电影"俩小无猜"—Bee Gees 比吉斯合唱团[F24] Flag Day 义卖日—Housemartins 笼中鸟合唱团[F15] Flashdance-what a feeling 闪舞-多棒的感觉from电影"闪舞"—Irene Cara 艾琳卡拉[F02] Fly away 远走高飞—John Denver & Olivia Newton John 约翰丹佛& 奥莉薇亚纽顿强[F21] Fly me to the moon 带我飞向月球—Frank Sinatra 法兰克辛纳屈[F26] Fly without wings 展翅高飞—Westlife 西城男孩合唱团[F01] Follow me 跟随我—John Denver 约翰丹佛[F16] For the first time 从第一次开始from电影"一日锺情"—Kenny Loggins 肯尼罗根斯[F27] Forever 永远—Stratovarious 腾云合唱团[F06] Forever young 永远年轻—Alphaville 阿尔法村合唱团[F07] Four seasons in one day 一日四季—Crowded house 挤屋合唱团[F23] Fragile 脆弱—Sting 史汀[F18] Free bird 自由鸟—Lynyrd Skynyrd 林纳史基纳合唱团[F03] From a distance 从远方…—Bette Midler 贝蒂蜜德勒[F13] From me to you 从我到你—Beatles 披头四合唱团[F14] Future world 未来世界—Helloween 万圣节合唱团?7楼[G08] Girl 女孩—Beatles 披头四合唱团[G16] Girl of my dream 梦中情人—Moffatts 新好同学合唱团[G17] Girls just wanna have fun 女孩们只想玩乐—Cyndi Lauper 辛蒂露波[G14] Glory of love 爱的荣耀from电影"小子难缠"—Peter Cetera 彼得塞特拉[G06] Go away, little girl 走开,小女孩—[G03] Go your own way 你走你的路*—Fleetwood Mac 佛利伍麦克合唱团[G10] God helps the outcasts 上帝帮助被遗弃者from动画"钟楼怪人"—Bette Midler 贝蒂蜜德勒[G02] Goodbye 再见—Air Supply 空中补给合唱团[G01] Goodbye girl 再见女孩*from电影"再见女郎"—David Gates 大卫盖兹[G09] Goodbye yellow brick road 再见黄砖路*—Elton John 艾尔顿强[G15] Goodbye, Jimmy goodbye 再见!吉米,再见—Kathy Linden 凯西琳登[G04] Greatest love of all 最伟大的爱*—Whitney Houston 惠妮休斯顿[G12] Green, green grass of home 碧草如茵的家园—Tom Jones 汤姆琼斯[G12-1] Green, green grass of home 碧草如茵的家园另一种翻译的版本—Tom Jones 汤姆琼斯[G13] Greenfields 绿野—Brothers Four 四兄弟合唱团[G07] Greensleeves 绿袖子*—英国民谣英国民谣[G11] Grow old with you 陪你到老from电影"婚礼歌手"—Adam Sandler 亚当山德勒[G05] Gypsies, tramps & thieves 吉普赛,流浪汉与小偷*—Cher 雪儿8楼[H36] Half-breed 混血儿—Mary Deand and Al Capps 玛丽迪恩& 艾尔凯普斯[H47] Halfway around the world 环游半个世界—A-Teens A-Teens合唱团[H45] Happy Christmas (War is over) 圣诞节快乐(战争结束了)—John Lennon 约翰蓝侬[H08] Happy new year 新年快乐*—ABBA 阿巴合唱团[H11] Hard to say I‘m sorry 难以启口说抱歉—Chicago 芝加哥合唱团[H32] Harden my heart 狠下心肠—Quarterflash 四分之一闪光合唱团[H21] Have I told you lately? 我最近是否告诉过你?—Van Morrison 范莫里森[H39] Have you ever really loved a woman? 你真的爱过一个女人吗?from电影"这个男人有点色"—Bryan Adams 布莱恩亚当斯[H07] Have you never been mellow? 你不曾快乐过?—Olivia Newton John 奥莉薇亚纽顿强[H01] He ain‘t heavy, he‘s my brother 他不重,他是我兄弟—Hollies 哈里斯合唱团[H18] Heal the world 治愈这世界—Michael Jackson 麦可杰克森[H43] Heart is like a wheel 驿动的心—Linda Ronstadt 琳达朗丝黛[H02] Heart of gold 金心—Neil Young 尼尔杨[H29] Heartbreaker 伤心人—Dionne Warwick 狄翁沃薇克[H42] Heartlight 心灯*—Neil Diamond 尼尔戴门[H03] Hearts 心—Marty Balin 马提贝林[H10] Heaven 天堂—Bryan Adams 布莱恩亚当斯[H40] Heaven is a place on earth 天堂就在人间—Belinda Carlisle 贝琳达卡莱儿[H35] Heaven knows 上天知道—Rick Price 瑞克普莱斯[H14] Hello 哈罗—Lionel Richie 莱纳李奇[H23] Hello and goodbye 哈罗与再见—Topas 黄玉合唱团[H22] Hello, I love you 哈罗,我爱你—The Doors 门户合唱团[H20] Help me make it through the night 助我度过漫漫长夜—Sammi Smith 山米史蜜斯[H44] Her town too 也是她的城镇—James Taylor with J.D. Souther 詹姆士泰勒& 杰迪邵勒[H25] Here comes the sun 太阳出来了—Beatles 披头四合唱团[H31] Here I am 我在这里—Air Supply 空中补给合唱团[H12] Here is your paradise 这儿是你的天堂—Chris De Burgh 克里斯迪伯夫[H13] Hero 英雄—Mariah Carey 玛丽亚凯莉[H37] Hero 英雄—Iglesias Enrique 安立奎[H27] Hey, Jude 嘿!朱德*—Beatles 披头四合唱团[H26] High enough 天高地远—Damn Yankees 死北方佬合唱团[H28] Hold me 拥抱我—Savage Garden 野人花园合唱团[H46] Hold on 坚持*—Good Charlotte 狂野夏洛特合唱团[H19] Holiday 假日—Scorpions 蝎子合唱团[H09] Honesty 真诚—Billy Joel 比利乔[H17] Honey comes back 甜心,回来吧!—Glenn Campbell 葛伦坎伯[H30] Honey, honey 甜心,甜心—ABBA 阿巴合唱团[H05] Hotel California 加州旅馆*—Eagles 老鹰合唱团[H05-1] Hotel California 加州旅馆*另一种翻译的版本—Eagles 老鹰合唱团[H24] House of rising sun 日升之屋—The Animals 动物合唱团[H38] How am I supposed to live without you? 失去你,我怎麼活下去?—Michael Bolton 麦可伯特恩[H06] How can I tell her 我该如何告诉她—Lobo 灰狼罗伯[H33] How can you mend a broken heart 你如何修补一颗破碎的心?—Bee Gees 比吉斯合唱团[H04] How deep is your love 你的爱有多深—Bee Gees 比吉斯合唱团[H16] How do I live 我怎麼活下去*from电影"空中监狱"—Trisha Yearwood 崔夏宜尔伍[H41] Hungry eyes 饥渴的眼神from电影"热舞十七"—Eric Carmen 艾瑞克卡门[H15] Hungry heart 饥渴的心—Bruce Springsteen 布鲁斯史宾斯汀[H34] Hunting high and low 四处寻猎—Stratovarius 腾云合唱团?9楼[I48] (I just) Died in your arms 死在你怀里—Cutting Crew 切割大队合唱团[I80] (I‘ve had) The time of my life (我拥有)生命中的时光from电影"热舞十七"—Bill Medley & Jennifer Warnes 比尔梅德利& 珍妮佛华恩斯[I43] I am a rock 我是一块岩石—Simon & Garfunkel 赛门& 葛芬柯二重唱[I27] I am in love with the world 我和世界谈恋爱*献给黛安娜王妃—Chicken Shed 鸡舍合唱团[I84] I am woman 我是女人—Helen Reddy 海伦蕾蒂[I58] I believe I can fly 我相信我能飞—R. Kelly R.凯利[I75] I can‘t give you anything but love 除了爱,我无以回报—Louis Armstrong 路易士阿姆斯壮[I49] I can‘t make you love me 我无法强迫你爱我—Bonnie Raitt 邦妮芮特[I71] I can‘t stop loving you 我不能停止爱你—Ray Charles 雷查尔斯[I06] I can‘t tell you why 我无法告诉你为什麼—Eagles 老鹰合唱团[I02] I don‘t know how to love him 我不知道如何爱他*from电影"万世巨星"—Helen Reddy 海伦蕾蒂[I29] I don‘t like to sleep alone 孤枕难眠—Paul Anka 保罗安卡[I40] I don‘t want to miss a thing 我不愿错过这一切*from电影"世界末日"—Aerosmith 史密斯飞船合唱团[I21] I don‘t want to talk about it 我不想谈这件事—Rod Steward 洛史都华[I88] I drove all night 我开整夜的车—Roy Orbison 洛依欧比森[I46] I got a name 我有个名字—Jim Croce 吉姆克罗琪[I53] I guess the Lord must be in New York city 我想上帝一定在纽约市*from电影"电子情书"—Nilsson 尼尔森[I62] I hate myself for loving you 我恨自己爱上了你—Joan Jett & the Blackhearts 琼洁特& 黑心人合唱团[I11] I have a dream 我有一个梦—ABBA 阿巴合唱团[I76] I honestly love you 我真心的爱著你—Olivia Newton John 奥莉薇亚纽顿强[I16] I just called to say I love you 我在电话中说我爱你*from电影"红衣女郎"—Stevie Wonder 史提夫汪德[I54] I knew I loved you 我知道我已爱上你—Savage Garden 野人花园合唱团[I22] I know a heartache when I see one 看见了总使我心痛—Jennifer Warnes 珍妮佛华恩斯[I15] I know him so well 我如此了解他*—Elaine Page & Babara Dickson 伊莲佩姬& 芭芭拉迪克森[I44] I like Chopin 我爱萧邦—Gazebo 贾芝柏[I77] I love you 我爱你—Celine Dion 席琳狄翁[I78] I love you 我爱你—Climax Blues Band 克莱马克斯蓝调乐团[I79] I need to be in love 我应该恋爱—Carpenters 木匠兄妹合唱团[I65] I need you 我需要你—America 亚美利加合唱团[I86] I need you to turn to 我要你回心转意—Elton John 艾尔顿强[I74] I ran (so far away) 我奔跑—A Flock of Seagulls 一群海鸥合唱团[I93] I really don‘t want to know 我真的不想知道—[I56] I remember 我记得—Emil Chou & Mandy Gaines 周华健& 嫚蒂甘尼丝[I23] I say a little prayer 我做了小小的祈祷*from电影"新娘不是我"—Mary Black 玛丽布蕾克[I70] I should have known better 我早该明白—Jim Diamond 吉姆戴门[I64] I started a joke 我开了个玩笑—Bee Gees 比吉斯合唱团[I36] I still believe 我依然相信—Brenda k. Starr 布兰达史达[I51] I still haven‘t found what I‘m looking for 我仍未找到我所追寻的—U2 U2合唱团?10楼[I45] I swear 我发誓—All 4 one 合而为一合唱团[I90] I try 试试看—Macy Gray 梅西葛蕾[I26] I understand 我明白—[I41] I want it that way 我就是要那样—Backstreet Boys 新好男孩合唱团[I55] I want to hold your hand 我想牵你的手—Beatles 披头四合唱团[I28] I want to know what love is 我想知道爱是什麼—Foreigner 外国人合唱团[I20] I will always love you 我会永远爱你*from电影"终极保镳"—Whitney Houston 惠妮休斯顿[I01] I will follow him 我愿跟随他*from电影"修女也疯狂"—[I67] I will survive 我会活下去from电影"女狼俱乐部&十全大补男—Gloria Gaynor 葛洛莉亚盖诺[I39] I won‘t hold you back 我不会将你挽回—Toto 托托合唱团[I72] I write the songs 我写了一些歌—Barry Manilow 巴瑞曼尼洛[I25] I‘d love you to want me 但愿你需要我—Lobo 灰狼[I08] I‘d really love to see you tonight 今晚我真的很想见你—England Dan & John Ford Coley 英格兰丹& 约翰福特柯里二重唱[I59] I‘ll be loving you (forever) 我会永远爱你—New Kids on the Block 街头顽童合唱团[I10] I‘ll be over you 我会忘了你—Toto 托托合唱团[I17] I‘ll be there 我会在你身旁*—Mariah Carey 玛丽亚凯莉[I38] I‘ll be there for you 为了你,我一定到—Bon Jovi 邦乔飞合唱团[I18] I‘ll have to say I love you in a song 我必须藉歌声说我爱你—Jim Croce 吉姆克罗琪[I73] I‘ll make love to you 我要和你做爱—Boyz to Men 大人小孩双拍档合唱团[I66] I‘ll never fall in love again 我绝不再谈恋爱了—Dionne Warwick 狄翁沃薇克[I94] I‘m alive 我还活著—Celion Dion 席琳狄翁[I81] I‘m easy 我很随和*from电影"纳许维尔"—Keith Carradine 凯斯卡拉定[I82] I‘m not in love 我没有坠入爱河—10 C.C. 10 C.C.合唱团[I85] I‘m on fire 我已欲火焚身—Bruce Springsteen 布鲁斯史宾斯汀[I04] I‘ve never been to me 从不曾属於自己*2002.06.28修订版本—Cherlene 夏琳[I03] If 如果*—Bread 面包合唱团[I96] If everyday could be Christmas 假如每天都是圣诞节—98 Degrees 98度合唱团[I92] If I let you go 如果我让你走—Westlife 西城男孩合唱团[I35] If not for you 若不是因为你—Olivia Newton John 奥莉薇亚纽顿强[I61] If you don‘t know me by now 如果你现在还不了解我—Simply Red 就是红合唱团[I34] If you leave 如果你离去—O.M.D. 黑夜行列乐团[I33] If you leave me now 如果你现在离开我—Chicago 芝加哥合唱团[I32] If you love me 如果你爱我—Brenda Lee 布兰达李[I31] Imagine 幻想*—John Lennon 约翰蓝侬[I57] Immortality 不朽—Celion Dion & Bee Gees 席琳狄翁& 比吉斯合唱团[I24] In a country churchyard 在一所乡间的教堂—Chris De Burgh 克里斯迪伯夫[I87] In a lifetime 在一生中—Clannad & Bono 克兰纳德合唱团& 波诺[I13] In my dream 在我梦中—REO Speedwagon REO快马车合唱团[I91] In my place 我这里—Coldplay 酷玩乐团[I42] In the air tonight 今晚在空中—Phil Collins 菲尔柯林斯[I19] In the morning 清晨中from电影"俩小无猜"—Bee Gees 比吉斯合唱团[I95] In the pines 在松林里—Nirvana 超脱合唱团[I52] In too deep 陷得太深from电影"蒙娜丽莎"—Genesis 创世纪合唱团[I12] Indian reservation 印地安人保留区*—The Raiders 突击者合唱团[I60] Inside of my guitar 在我的吉他里—Tracy 黄莺莺[I30] Into the night 进入夜晚—Benny Mardones 班尼麦唐纳[I37] Islands in the stream 溪流中的岛屿—Kenny Rogers & Dolly Parton 肯尼罗杰斯& 桃莉芭顿[I05] It might be you 应该是你*from电影"窈窕淑男"—Stephen Bishop 史蒂芬毕夏[I07] It must have been love 那一定是爱*from电影"麻雀变凤凰"—Roxette 罗克塞二重唱[I09] It never rains in southern California 南加州从来不下雨—Albert Hammond 亚伯特哈蒙[I68] It‘s a heartache 那是心痛—Bonnie Tyler 邦妮泰勒[I63] It‘s a long road 那是条漫长的路from电影"第一滴血"—Dan Hill 丹希尔[I50] It‘s my life 这是我的人生—Bon Jovi 邦乔飞合唱团[I83] It‘s only a paper moon 那只是个纸月亮—Nat King Cole 纳京高[I47] It‘s so easy 如此容易—Linda Ronstadt 琳达朗丝黛[I14] It‘s so hard to say goodbye to yesterday 难以向昨日说再见—Boyz to Men 大人小孩双拍档合唱团[I89] It‘s the heart that matters most 真心最可贵—Charlotte Church 夏绿蒂[I69] It‘s too late 太迟了—Carole King 卡洛金?11楼[J02] Jackaroe 杰克罗—Joan Baez 琼拜雅[J01] Jealous guy 嫉妒的家伙*—Roxy Music 罗西音乐合唱团[J07] Joanna 琼安娜—Kool & the Gang 库尔夥伴合唱团[J05] Just once 仅此一次—James Ingram 詹姆斯英格兰[J06] Just the two of us 就只有我俩—Bill Withers 比尔惠勒斯[J04] Just the way you are 就是你现在的样子—Billy Joel 比利乔[J03] Just when I needed you most 在我最需要你的时候—Randy Vanwarmer 蓝迪范沃玛?12楼[K01] Keep on loving you 继续爱你—REO Speedwagon REO快马车合唱团[K03] Keeping the love alive 让爱继续—Air Supply 空中补给合唱团[K02] Killing me softly with his song 情歌迷死人*—Roberta Flack 萝贝塔佛蕾克[K04] Kiss and say goodbye 吻别—The Manhattans 曼哈顿合唱团[K06] Kiss from a rose 玫瑰之吻from电影"蝙蝠侠3"—Seal 席尔[K05] Kiss me goodbye 吻别—[K07] Knife 刀—Rockwell 洛克威尔[K09] Knocking on heaven‘s door 敲打天国之门—Bob Dylan 巴布迪伦[K08] Kokomo 可可摩from电影"鸡尾酒"—The Beach Boys 海滩少年合唱团?13楼[L28] Lady 女士—Kenny Rogers 肯尼罗杰斯[L44] Lady 女士—Styx 冥河合唱团[L43] Lady, lady, lady 女士啊!女士from电影"闪舞"—Joe Esposito 乔艾斯波席托[L12] Last Christmas 去年的圣诞节—Wham Wham合唱团[L50] Last train to London 到伦敦的末班车—Electric Light Orchestra 电光乐团[L45] Laughter in the rain 雨中欢笑—Neil Sedaka 尼尔西达卡[L22] Lay all your love on me 把全部的爱给我—ABBA 阿巴合唱团[L34] Layla 蕾拉*—Derek & Dominoes 德瑞克& 骨牌合唱团[L53] Le Papillon 蝴蝶from电影"蝴蝶"—[L37] Lead me on 指引我—Maxine Nightingale 麦西夜莺[L13] Leader of the band 乐队指挥*—Dan Fogelberg 丹佛格柏。
粉红小猪妹Peppa pig第四季的字幕 英语翻译 字母 全集 文本 字幕4 16-26 字幕
粉猪妹(粉红小猪妹Peppa Pig)第四季16集Crampy Rabbit’s Dinosaur Park的字幕:开头部分(每集都一样)I'm Peppa Pig.This is my little brother George.This is Mummy Pig.And this is Daddy Pig.Peppa Pig.Crampy Rabbit’s Dinosaur ParkToday is Freddy Fox’s birthday and all the chi ldren are going on a big adventure.Where are we going for your birthday, Freddy?I don’t know, but I can’t wait to get there.We’re here!Welcome to Crampy Rabbit’s Dinosaur Park!Woo!Dinosaur! Grr…George loves dinosaurs.Are there really dinosaurs here?No, just pretend ones.Phew!Real dinosaurs died out 65 million years ago.Edmond knows a lot about dinosaurs. He is a clever-clogs.But we’ve got better than real dinosaurs. We’ve got singing dinosaurs.We are the dinosaurs, the dinosaurs, the dinosaurs.We are the dinosaurs. Listen to us sing.They are a bit small.Yes, aren’t dinosaurs meant to be big?Ah, yes! We do have a big dinosaur. A real vampire. Erm, would you like to meet it?Yes, please.These are its footprints. We just have to follow them.Woo!These footprints look very real. Are you sure there is no living dinosaurs about, Grampy Rabbit?Quite sure, Daddy Pig.Over the botus (这里我怎么也找不到那个单词,即使有画面我也不知道,晕), everyone. Across the bridge.Through the cave.Oh, the footprints have stopped.Look! There are some green steps.It’s a big slide. Wee! Wee! Wee! Wee!Wow! It’s a big dinosaur.Yes, it’s my mopping ginormous dinosaur slide.Aha ha ha.That is some dinosaur.He is a Plateosaurus.Actually, the correct name is Apatosaurus.You are a bit of a clever-clogs, aren’t you?Yes.All right, my little explorers. Are you ready for the next bit of adventure?Yes, Grampy Rabbit.We have to find an egg.An egg?But eggs are little. It could be anywhere.Leave it to me. Foxes love hunting for eggs.Freddy Fox has a very good sense of smell.Wow! What an egg!It’s huge!Why is the egg so big?It’s a dinosaur egg.Is it real?No, it’s better than real. It’s pretend. Watch this!Happy birthday! Happy birthday!The dinosaur egg has a birthday cake inside it.Hooray!It is not a pretend cake, is it Grampy Rabbit?No, the cake is very real and very tasty. Who wants some?Me! Me!Birthday boy first! Here you go, Freddy.Happy birthday, Freddy.Time for the beaten song and dance. Everyone, copy me.To the stomp.To the dinosaur. Stomp!To the roar!To the dinosaur roar!Stomp! Stomp! Stomp!Roar! Roar! Roar!To the dinosaur stomp!Stomp! Roar!This is my best birthday ever.To the stomp.To the dinosaur. Stomp!To the roar!To the dinosaur roar!Stomp! Stomp! Stomp!Roar! Roar! Roar!To the dinosaur stomp!Stomp! Roar!粉猪妹(粉红小猪妹Peppa Pig)第四季17集Bedtime Story的字幕:开头部分(每集都一样)I'm Peppa Pig.This is my little brother George.This is Mummy Pig.And this is Daddy Pig.Peppa Pig.Bedtime StoryIt is night time. Daddy Pig is reading Peppa and George a bedtime story.And so the prince, the princess, the buggy and the frog all lived happily ever after. The end!The bedtime story has sent Peppa and George to sleep.Good night, my little piggies!George’s awake.Dinosaur! Grrr…George, you naughty piggy! Go back to sleep.George is not sleepy.George! Night time is for sleeping, not playing!I can tell you a bedtime story.Once upon a time, there was a little pig. His name was George Pig. And he was off to make his fortune. Soon, he came to a forest. Do you like the story, George?Inside the forest was a little house. And inside the house was a bowl of porridge. George Pig was very hungry. So he ate it all up. Yummy, yummy, yum.But just as he finished, Baby Bear walked in, and said, “Oy, did you eat my magic porridge?”George said, “Yes!”Baby Bear said, “that was magic porridge. It will make you go very big.”And then George Pig began to grow. He grew and he grew and he grew until he was taller than all of the trees in the forest.The end.Are you sleepy, George?No.Not even a little bit?No!OK, I’ll do a bit more s tory.Baby Bear said, “there is a box of golden treasure at the end of the world. But it’s too far for me to go because I am too little.”George said, “I will carry you there.”So George Pig walked to the end of the world. He walked and he walked and he walked. Are you sleepy yet?No.He walked through forests, then across mountains, across seas. And are you sleepy yet?No!He walked all the way to the end of the world and found a big box of golden treasure.Woo!And a big dragon!Grr…Yes! A big green dragon, with little wings, and breezing fire. Roar!!!!Luckily it was a very friendly dragon. And he said, “you can have the treasure.”But then, George Pig began to shrink. He shrank and he shrinked and he shrunk until he was the same little George Pig as he was before.“How will we get back home now?” said Baby Bear.“I can fly you home.” said the dragon.So George Pig and Baby Bear hopped on the dragon’s back and flew all the way back home to the little house in the forest. And then it’s the end.George is asleep. Peppa is asleep.Peppa, what are you doing out of bed? Night time is for sleeping, not playing.Night-night, my little piggies. Sweat dreams.Peppa and George are in their little beds, fast asleep.粉猪妹(粉红小猪妹Peppa Pig)第四季18集Lost Keys的字幕:开头部分(每集都一样)I'm Peppa Pig.This is my little brother George.This is Mummy Pig.And this is Daddy Pig.Peppa Pig.Lost KeysPeppa and her family have been for a lovely day out in the mountains.Time to go home. Back to the car.Thank you for visiting the Mountain Beauty Spot. See you again soon.Key! Key!No, George. You can’t play with the car keys. You might lose them. You’re playing with the car keys, Daddy.But I’m a grown-up. I’m not going to lose them.Oh dear. Daddy Pig has dropped the car keys down a drain.Oh!Right! Let’s go home.Erm…that might be difficult.Why?Daddy dropped the car keys down the drain.Oh, Daddy Pig!Don’t worry. I’ll get the car keys out of the drain with a stick. Hooray!Mmm…the drain mus t be deeper than I thought.The stick is not long enough to reach the keys.What we need is a fishing rod. Then we can catch the keys on a hook.Maybe Miss Rabbit sells fishing rods.Erm…do you sell fishing rods.We do, actually. I don’t know why. You don’t get fish in the mountains.We are not fishing for fish. We are fishing for keys.My Daddy dropped the car keys down the drain.Oh, you’ll never get those back. That drain’s really deep. What are drains for?A drain takes the rain water away to the sea.The fishing line is not long enough to reach the keys.My goodness! How deep is this drain?We can see how deep it is by dropping a stone.Good idea, Miss Rabbit.We can count how long the stone takes to reach the bottom. One, two, three, four, five, six.That, is deep!Told you!What can we do now?It is Mr. Bull and his friends.Digger! Train!George loves diggers and trains.Hello, everybody.Hello, Mr. Bull. Welcome to the Mountain Beauty Spot.Have you come to do some work?No, it’s ou r day off. So we came to enjoy the Beauty Spot. You can see for miles, boss.Yes, it’s very pretty.Erm…Mr. Bull, could we borrow your crane for a minute?What for?My Daddy dropped the car keys down the drain.Say no more. I’ll听不出来that in no time. Mr. Rhino, the crane please.Stand clear. Down she goes!How lucky Mr. Bull came along when he did! (我感觉这句话的语法有问题) Yes, now we’ll finally get our keys back.That’s the furthest she goes, chief.Mr. Bull is the chief.Did you find our keys?No. The crane i sn’t long enough.Now, what shall we do?Easy! We’ll dig up the road.Hooray!Mr. Bull is digging up the beauty spot.Stop!What’s going on?We came to see the beauty spot.Erm…they’re digging it up now. Won’t be long.My Daddy dropped the car keys down the drain.Oh!Hold it! Hold it!It’s the keys. We’ve got them.Hooray!There you go!Thank you, Mr. Bull.Oh, it was nothing.Er…where’s the beauty spot gone?The Mountain Beauty Spot is now a big hole.It’s a cave now. Welcome to the Cave Beauty Spot. Woo!All thanks to my daddy!Err…and Mr. Bull.Yes, I’m good at digging holes.Mr. Bull loves digging holes. Everybody loves digging holes.粉猪妹(粉红小猪妹Peppa Pig)第四季19集George’s New Dinosaur 的字幕:开头部分(每集都一样)I'm Peppa Pig.This is my little brother George.This is Mummy Pig.And this is Daddy Pig.Peppa Pig.George’s New DinosaurGeorge is playing with his favourite toy, Mr. Dinosaur. George loves playing with Mr. Dinosaur.Mr. Dinosaur is made of plastic. It is almost impossible to break him.Dinosaur! Grr…George loves playing with Mr. Dinosaur in the bath.At night time, George always takes Mr. Dinosaur to bed with him. Dinosaur! Grr…George, Mr. Dinosaur is broken.Oh.Mr. Dinosaur does not have a tail anymore.Poor George.You have had Mr. Dinosaur a long time.I’m surprised he lasted as long as he did.Maybe it’s about time you got a new dinosaur.Yes, we can go to Mr. Fox’s shop tomorrow.This is Mr. Fox’s shop.Mr. Fox’s shop sells everything.I’m sure we’ll find you a lovely new dinosaur here, George. Dinosaur!George does not want a new dinosaur.Look, George. A big dinosaur.Oh! Dinosaur!Good morning! Can I help you?We’d like the dinosaur at the window, please.Certainly!Good choice. This is the Dino Roar. It roars, it walks, and it sings a dinosaur song.Dino Roar! Dino Roar! Listen to the Dino Roar! Roar!Wow!Dino Roar!We’ll take it.Roar!George is playing with Dino Roar in the garden.Don’t play too roughly with Dino Roar, George. He has moving parts and might get broken.George cannot play with Dino Roar in the garden. George wants to play with Dino Roar in the bath.George, if you get Dino Roar wet, he’ll stop working. George cannot play with Dino Roar in the bath.It is night time. George has taken Dino Roar to bed with him. Roar!Ah!George! Dino Roar has woken me up. (Dino Roar is singing at the same time.)Maybe Dino Roar should sleep somewhere else.George cannot have Dino Roar in his bed at night.It is morning.Why is George looking so sad?George cannot play with Dino Roar in the garden, in the bath, or in bed.Never mind, George. Dino Roar can still roar.Dino Roar! Dino Roar! Listen to the Dino Roar! Roar!Oh!I think the batteries must run out, Daddy Pig.Already? How many batteries are in here?Hundreds and thousands.Dino Roar needs lots of batteries to make him roar.Oh, what’s this?A trumpet?It doesn’t work.Dinosaur!That’s not a trumpet, Peppa. You found Mr. Dinosaur’s tail. Oh!Now, Daddy Pig can mend him.I’ll try. Mmm…I think it might be quite difficult to mend. Oh.Daddy Pig has mended Mr. Dinosaur.Hooray!Oh-oh, I’m a bit of an expert at mending things.George loves Mr. Dinosaur.Dinosaur! Grr…Dinosaur! Dinosaur! Hello, Mr. Dinosaur!Grr…Mr. Dinosaur is Geor ge’s favourite toy in the whole world.粉猪妹(粉红小猪妹Peppa Pig)第四季20集Grandpa Pig's Train to the Rescue的字幕:开头部分(每集都一样)I'm Peppa Pig.This is my little brother George.This is Mummy Pig.And this is Daddy Pig.Peppa Pig.Grandpa Pig's Train to the RescueGrandpa Pig is taking Peppa and George for a ride on his little train, Gertrude.I love Gertrude the train.And the good thing is, Gertrude has rubber wheels, so we don’t have to go on train tracks.We can go wherever we like.Grandpa’s little t rain goes Toot, Toot, Toot. Toot, Toot, Toot. Toot, Toot, Toot.Grandpa’s little train goes Toot, Toot, Toot, all day long. Miss Rabbit is taking the grown-ups to work in her big train. Morning Grandpa Pig. I’ll不确定 your toy train again. Gertrude is not a toy. She’s a miniature locomotive.Oh, that’s nice. Bye.Go faster, Grandpa Pig.I can’t! This is as fast as Gertrude goes.The big train is going very fast. Oh dear! The big train has broken down.What’s h appening? We need to get to work.Hello, Miss Rabbit. Having trouble with your train?It’s not funny, Grandpa Pig. All of my passengers need to get to work.You need to get yourself a train that doesn’t break down, like Gertrude.That’s a good idea.不确定 you get.What?I’m borrowing your train.All change.What am I going to do?You can stay here and mend the big train.Righto! I do like mending things.Woo what fun! Riding a toy train.Gertrude is not a toy. She’s a miniature locomotive.Of course! All aboard the toy train.Can’t it go any faster?No, Gertrude is a slow train.Mrs. Cow is waiting for the train at the next station.What’s happened to the big train? Has it shrunk?No, this is a toy train.Gertrude is not a toy. She’s a miniatur e locomotive.Off we go!Grandpa Pig loves mending things.So many interesting bits and bulbs.Oh, dear! A traffic jam.Gertrude can ride on the grass.Of course!Bye everyone.Miss Rabbit is taking a shortcut. Pass the duck pond.Hello, ducks.Up the hill.Hello, Gertrude. You can make it.And to the next station.Hello! Where’s the big train?The big train is broken. We’re riding Grandpa Pig’s toy train today.Gertrude is not a toy train. She’s a miniature locomotive. Next stop! The end of the line.This goes here! And that goes there!Grandpa Pig has mended the train.Good as new.Last stop! Now you can all do your important work.Hang on! It’s taken so long to get here. It’s home time. Oh, back we go then.But if we travel on Gertrude, it’ll take ages to get home. Hello, everyone. I’ve mended the big train.Excellent, Grandpa Pig. All change.Off we go.Stop! What about Gertrude? We can’t leave her behind.Yes, Gertrude!Don’t worry! We can take the toy train as well.Gertrude is not a toy.We know! She’s a miniature locomotive.Gertrude is the best train in the whole wide world.粉猪妹(粉红小猪妹Peppa Pig)第四季21集The Pet Competition 的字幕:开头部分(每集都一样)I'm Peppa Pig.This is my little brother George.This is Mummy Pig.And this is Daddy Pig.Peppa Pig.The Pet CompetitionPeppa and her friends are at playgroup.Children, tomo we will have a pet competition.Woo!Bring your pets to school. The best pet will win a prize.I’m going to bring my pet gold fish.I’m going to bring my sticky insect.I’ll bring my gecko.I’m going to bring Monkey.Oooh! Oooh!That’s not a real monkey. It’s a doll.It’s not a doll. It’s Monkey.Oooh! Oooh! Oooh! Oooh! Oooh!He likes you, Danny.Zoë can bring Monkey if she wants to.Home time, children. Don’t forget your pets for the competition tomorrow. It is the evening before the pet competition.Peppa and Susie are getting Goldie the fish ready.Eat up, Goldie. You’ve got a big day tomorrow.I will polish your bowl.Ha! Ha!Lovely.Pedro is talking to his sticky insect. A sticky insect is an insect that looks like a stick.Tomorrow you will come with me to playgroup.They will decide who is the best pet. And it will be you.Edmond Elephant is talking to his gecko.Watch me! Brrr…Now, you do it. Brrr…Ha! Ha! Ha!Zoë Zebra is talking to her monkey.Are you excited about the competition, Monkey?Oooh! Oooh! Oooh!Remember to be good tomorrow. Don’t be a cheeky monkey.It is the day of the pet competition.Madame Gazelle, who is going to decide which pet is the best?Doctor Hamster!Hello, everyone.Hello.Ah! What lovely pets you’ve got! That’s a happy little fish. What’s itsname?It’s Goldie. You’ve met her before.She’s got a very shiny bowl.What is Goldie like doing?She likes swimming around and going like this.Wonderful! And who is this?This is my sticky insect.What’s his name?Steven.What does he do?He looks like a stick.Amazing! Oh! What kind of animal is this?It is a gecko.Does he have a name?Hemidactylus frenatus.Edmond Elephant is a clever-clogs.Right! And what does he do?This!Brrr…Brrr…Oh! Who’s next?Oooh! Oooh! Oooh! Oooh! Monkey!Is he meant to be upside down?Yes, he’s asleep.Ah, I see. Well, it’s lovely. I’ve brought my pet too, Tiddles the Tortoise.He likes climbing trees and…Who is the winner?Yes, who’s won the prize?Now, the prize g oes to…Tiddles the Tortoise!Doctor Hamster has picked her own pet to win the prize.That’s not fair. It’s your own pet.Oh, no! This is only the prize for the best tortoise.The prize for the best fish goes to Goldie the fish!Hooray!The prize for the best gecko goes to the gecko.Hooray!The prize for the pet who looks most like a stick goes to Steven.Hooray!The prize for the best monkey…Doctor Hamster, he’s not a real monkey. He’s just pretend.The prize for the best pretend monkey goes to Monkey.Hooray!But Doctor Hamster, we choose the best pet of all.All of them. They’re all happy healthy pets. They’re all (这一句应该是非英语,所以不确定)粉猪妹(粉红小猪妹Peppa Pig)第四季22集Spider Web的字幕:开头部分(每集都一样)I'm Peppa Pig.This is my little brother George.This is Mummy Pig.And this is Daddy Pig.Peppa Pig.Spider WebDaddy Pig is hard at work in the study.Daddy Pig, this study is a complete mess.It’s not that bad.There are lots of cobwebs.I love cobwebs. They give the room character.Cobwebs mean spiders a nd I don’t like spiders.I do. Spiders catch flies and flies are horrid.Well, as long as I don’t have to see a spider.Ah~~~~A spider! Hello, Mr. Skinny Legs! Oh! Where have you gone? Find it. I don’t want it in the house.Everyone is looking for Mr. Skinny Legs.Mr. Skinny Legs is not in the filing cabinet.Oh!Mr. Skinny Legs is not under the chair.Ooh!Mr. Skinny Legs is not on the table.Oh!I wonder where Mr. Skinny Legs is?Ah~~~Oh-oh! It sounds like Mummy has found him.Don’t be scared, Mummy.Get rid of it.OK, we’ll take Mr. Skinny Legs into the garden.Now, Mr. Skinny Legs has got the whole garden to play. Bye-bye, Mr. Skinny Legs!It is starting to rain.Mr. Skinny Legs is running back to the house.Maybe he doesn’t like the rain.He’s climbing up the water spout.Eensey Weensey spider climbed up the water spout.Down came the rain and washed the Weensey out.Out came the sun shining and dried up all the rain.Eensey Weensey spider climbed up the spout again.I don’t want Mr. S kinny Legs in the house, Daddy Pig. Let’s take Mr. Skinny Legs a bit further into the garden. There we are! A nice tree for you to live in.What is he doing?He’s making a web, Peppa. Spiders live in webs and use them to catch flies.Oh, he’s very busy.Yes. It’s hard work building a web. That’s why you must never ever break one. If you do, the spider has to do all the work again. Yes, Daddy. Bye-bye, Mr. Skinny Legs.It is bed time.I liked watching Mr. Skinny Legs making his web today.And tomorrow, he will make another web.Really?Yes, Mr. Skinny Legs makes a new web every day.Where will the new web be, Daddy?I don’t know. We’ll find out tomorrow. Good night!Night-night.It is morning. Daddy Pig is getting ready to go to work.I don’t want to be late. I have an important meeting at the office. Daddy, you work very hard.Yes, I do. But not as hard as Mr. Skinny Legs.Bye-bye everyone. See you tonight.Stop, Daddy!What is it?You cannot drive the car today.Why not?Look!Mr. Skinny Legs has built a web, joining the car to the house. Daddy, you said “you must never ever break a web.”Did I?Yes, Daddy Pig.If you move the car, you will break the web.But how am I going to get to work?Don’t worry, Daddy. You can borrow my little bicyc le.Here you are!Thank you, Peppa.Daddy Pig is riding Peppa’s little bicycle.Have a nice ride to work!I will, Peppa. Bye!Bye!Woo! Daddy Pig works very hard.Woo!But Mr. Skinny Legs works even harder.粉猪妹(粉红小猪妹Peppa Pig)第四季23集The Noisy Night的字幕:开头部分(每集都一样)I'm Peppa Pig.This is my little brother George.This is Mummy Pig.And this is Daddy Pig.Peppa Pig.The Noisy NightPeppa’s family are having a sleepover at Cousin Chloé’s house. Hello, everyone.Hello.You must be tired after a long journey.Yes. An early night would be nice.First, we’ll put baby Alexander to bed.This is baby Alexander’s bedroomAlexander likes noise. It sends him to sleep.We like noise in this house.We’re a noisy family.Peppa, George, you’re staying in my room tonight.Oh, goodie.Peppa and George are excited to be sleeping in Cousin Chloé’s bedroom.Good night!Good night!Good night!Good night!Good night!Night-night.Everyone is tucked up in their beds. Asleep!Baby Alexander is awake.Peppa and George are awake.What’s that noise?It’s the vacuum cleaner.Erm…why are you vacuuming at night?We are not disturbing you, are we?What? Oh, no!We found noise is the best way to get baby Alexander back to sleep. He likes noise.We’re a noisy family.Everyone is back in their beds. Asleep!Baby Alexander is awake.Why is Aunty Pig playing a trumpet?To get Alexander to sleep. The more noise, the better.Is there another way that doesn’t use noise?We do find noise is the best way.When George was a baby, we used to put him in his pram and wheel him around the house.And that always sent him to sleep.How strange!No loud noises?That’s right. How many times around the house was it, Mummy pig? Three time?Fifty times.Daddy Pig is pushing baby Alexander around the house, fifty times. Good, baby Alexander is asleep.Can you let me back in?I’ll just switch the alarm.Switch the alarm back on.Peppa, what are you doing up?I can’t sleep, Daddy. It’s a noisy night.OK, Peppa. Let’s get you bac k to bed.Now, which bedroom are you staying in?Stop, Daddy. That’s baby Alexander’s room.Ah!The light has woken baby Alexander.That’s all right. I’ve got the vacuum cleaner.I’ve got the trumpet.Stop! Stop! I remember another quiet way we used to get George to sleep.Oh, yes. We drove him around in the car.I’ll get the car started.Don’t forget the alarm!Daddy Pig has set off the noisy house alarm. The noisy house has woken everyone up.It’s Miss Rabbit in her rescue helicopter.Is everybody all right, stand-by? I have the alarm.Yes, thank you.All right, cheerio.All that loud noise has sent baby Alexander to sleep.He’s really fast asleep now.All thanks to my noisy daddy.Well done, Daddy Pig. We should have you to stay more often.粉猪妹(粉红小猪妹Peppa Pig)第四季24集The Wishing Well的字幕:开头部分(每集都一样)I'm Peppa Pig.This is my little brother George.This is Mummy Pig.And this is Daddy Pig.Peppa Pig.The Wishing WellGrandpa Pig is showing Peppa and George around his garden. Here are my cabbages, broccoli, and sprouts.Woo!Potatoes, carrots and beetroots live here. And over there, is the fruit.What is this, Grandpa?That, Peppa, is a weed.What is a weed?A weed is a cheeky plant, growing in the wrong spot.Oh!Pull it out and throw it in this bucket. There’s no room for weeds in my tidy garden.Grandpa Pig is very proud of his garden.Maybe there’s room to grow a little strawberry here.In the middle of my carrots? No, Peppa. Strawberries belong with the fruit. Everything has its place. Isn’t that right, Granny Pig?Yes, Grandpa. Can we find a little place for this?Er…no!What is it, Granny?It’s a plastic gnome, Peppa. And he’s going to live in our garden.Oh, no! He isn’t. There’s no room.There’s plenty of room. What about h ere?I can’t have that ugly thing looking at me all day!Peppa, George, do you think my gnome looks ugly?No, Granny. I think he looks cute.There, Grandpa. You are outnumbered. The gnome stays.Ah! And here come the rest of them.What?Mr. Bull is bringing Mr. Gnome a truck load of new friends. Yippee!But gardens are for plants, not plastic.Where do you want the gnomes?We don’t want gnomes, thank you!Oh!Goodbye.Naughty Grandpa Pig. Those are Granny Pig’s gnomes.Oh. It appears we do want gnomes.I’ll quit the gay. (这里听不清楚)They are lovely.Here is this as well. Cheerio!Thanks you, Mr. Bull. Goodbye.Bye-bye.What’s this? A giant gnome?No, Grandpa.It’s a well.What is a well?A well, Peppa, is a very deep hole with water in it. Woo!And as it happens, I do need water for my garden. So a well will be useful. But that is not a well.It’s made of plastic and there’s no hole.It’s beautiful.What’s the point of a well without water?It’s a wishing well. You throw a coin into it and make a wish. Can I make a wish, Granny?Of course, Peppa. Here’s a little coin.I wish! I wish! I wish!Oh, don’t tell us what you are wishing for. OK.Finished!Very good.Granny, do the wishes always come true?Yes.Oh, goodie!But now it’s time for grandpa to take you home.Bye-bye, Granny. Bye-bye.Goodbye, my little ones.Grandpa, you are very lucky having a wishing well in your garden. Do you think so, Peppa?Yes, you can wish for things whenever you want.Mm…And the wishes always come true because Granny Pig said so. Yes. Do you want to know what I wished for, Grandpa?What did you wish for, Peppa?I wished that I could have a wishing well and gnomes in my garden. Oh, well, I think we can do that.Peppa and George have arrived home.Mummy, Daddy, I made a wish. And it came true.Really? What did you wish for, Peppa?Lots of gnomes and a wishing well for our garden. Oh! Er…Grandpa Pig, I don’t think we have enough room. Nonsense! You’ve got plenty of room.Er…yes! I suppose so!Peppa and George love gnomes and wishing wells. Everybody loves gnomes and wishing wells.粉猪妹(粉红小猪妹Peppa Pig)第四季25集Mr. Potato’s Christmas Show的字幕:开头部分(每集都一样)I'm Peppa Pig.This is my little brother George.This is Mummy Pig.And this is Daddy Pig.Peppa Pig.Mr. Potato’s Christmas ShowIt is Christmas time and Peppa and her playgroup are going to the theatre to see Mr. Potato’s Christmas Show.We are here!Look! It’s the Christmas vegetable family, Mr. Potato!Mrs. Carrot!Sweat Cranberry and Little Sprout.Here are your tickets. Find the seat with your number on it. Here’s my seat. Nu mber Five.Six!Seven!Eight!Nine!Ten!Quickly now, children! The show is about to begin. Erm…Madame Gazelle, I need a toilet.Oh, Pedro!Sorry! Er…sorry! Thank you!Quickly, Pedro!I’ve never been to the theatre before.It’s exciting, isn’t it?Sorry! E r…thank you!Shhhh…children, everyone quiet now.What’s that music?The show is starting.Oh, sorry everyone.It is not the start of the show. It is Madame Gazelle’s phone ringing.Wow! Whose phone is that?That really is the show starting!Welcome to the Mr. Potato’s Christmas Show, where the magic of vegetables never ends.Woo!Hello, children! I’m Mr. Potato. This is Mrs. Carrot. Here is Sweat Cranberry. And here is everyone’s favourite Christmas vegetable, Little Sprout.He he he!Ha ha ha!Where is Little Sprout gone?Er Little Sprout. Where are you?He’s lost!Oh~~~~。
Angie Tribeca《爆笑女警(2016)》第四季第二集完整中英文对照剧本
# 我亲爱的 #♪ Oh, my darling ♪# 我亲爱的 #♪ Oh, my darling ♪# 我亲爱的克莱蒙汀 #♪ Oh, my darling, Clementine ♪# 你永远离我而... #♪ You are lost and gone for... ♪这些犰狳真是太危险了These armadillos are getting to be a goddamn menace.他们干脆用犰狳皮造汽车不就好了Why don't they just build cars out of armadillo skin?天啊 LarryWell, shit, Larry.这是个价值连城的好主意That's a million-dollar idea you got there.如果被人剽窃了的话... 就太遗憾了It'd be a real shame if someone... stole it from ya.有人来了Someone's coming.下午好伙计们Afternoon, boys.感谢你们的服务I appreciate your service,但恐怕要由我来接管了but I'm afraid I'm gonna have to take it from here.可以Fine by us.我是说现在就接管I said, I'm gonna take it from here!爆笑女警第四季第02集我最近被诊断出患了绝症I've recently been handed a rather bleak diagnosis估计命不久矣and may not have much longer on this earth,所以我想是时候收养个小孩了so I thought to myself, what a perfect time to adopt a baby. 怎么回事What's going on here?什么是特别行动小组What is the Special Division Force?我跟你说了我们接案子...I told you, we take on cases...我知道官方解释I know what the official explanation is,但我想知道我们到底在做什么but I want to know what we're really doing.目前我们唯一的工作就是Right now, our only job is to follow听从副总统的命令the orders of the Vice President.佩里副总统吗Vice President Perry?他不仅把我关进了监狱The man who not only threw me into jail而且自他当选以来but whose administration has been plagued by scandal 他一直丑闻缠身since he was elected?他又不是诸葛亮He's no John Nance Garner,而且他是我们仅存的副总统了but he's the only Vice President we've got!还诸葛亮John Nance Garner?他连马谡都不如He's barely Schuyler Colfax.长官我们真的是正义的一方吗Sir, how do we know if we're even the good guys?翠贝卡看着我的眼睛Tribeca, look me in the eye.我们即是正义We are the good guys.我从警♥察♥那把那个死老师偷来了I stole the dead teacher from the cops.现在咋办Now what?他叫查理·克莱夫His name is Charlie Clef.快来霍夫曼对不住了墨菲Come on, Hoffman. Sorry, Murphy.这是高级会议Above your pay grade.他是德州阿马里洛市弗雷德·普林泽中学的He was a beloved computer science teacher一位受人爱戴的计算机老师at Freddie Prinze Junior High School in Amarillo, Texas.他也是北半球散布He was also the most prolific distributor恶意软件和电脑漏洞最多的人of malware and computer exploits in Northern Hemisphere. 他的客户包括恐怖组织His clients included terrorist organizations,敌对的外国政♥府♥hostile foreign governments,以及想看明星裸照的人and people who want to see celebrities naked.所以现在他死翘翘了故事结束不是吗So now he's dead. End of story, right?错故事才刚开始Wrong. Beginning of story.克莱夫死前刚完成一种Clef had just put the finishing touches破坏性极强的电脑病毒的收尾工作on a particularly damaging computer virus.这玩意能关闭电网The kind of thing that shuts down power grids然后公布你那些"不可见人"的浏览记录and publishes your browsing history.所以现在他死翘翘了故事结束不是吗So now he's dead. End of story, right?错Wrong!故事才到一半Middle of story!他的死给我们提供了一个大好机会来取代他His death provides us with a unique opportunity然后引出一名对这病毒to take his place and flush out a high-profile buyer有兴趣的高调买♥♥家who recently expressed interest in...病毒叫啥来着what was the name of the virus?熊猫烧香LamarModem.翠贝卡冒充成克莱夫Tribeca will impersonate Clef和买♥♥家联♥系♥ and try to make contact with the buyer其余的人渗透进这所高中while the rest of us infiltrate the high school genre 作为后援in supporting roles.我有一个问题I have one question.你等会One sec.- 有问题吗 - 额有- Any questions? - Uh, yes.你会回答问题吗Will you be taking questions?在最后还有别的吗At the end. Anything else?副总统是个骗子吗Is Vice President Perry a crook?我黄牌警告你哦翠贝卡I am warning you, Tribeca!现在给我去假肢室变身Now get to Prosthetics for your disguise fitting!是长官Yes, sir.嘿你到底怎么啦Hey. What the hell is with you?不许这么跟我说话Don't talk to me like that.没大没小的I didn't raise you to be disrespectful.你把我遗弃了You didn't raise me at all.所以这个锅我不背So it didn't come from me.我看过你的自传Look, I...I read your autobiography, okay?我知道你是不信任这个体制的I know that you're a lone wolf that...独行侠that doesn't trust the system,但我很在乎我们在做的事情but I care about what we're doing,希望你也能如此and I expect you to care about it, too.如果能确定是在为正义而战Maybe I'll care if I can figure out我也许就在乎了if we're actually fighting for the right side.好吧棒棒哒Oh, okay, well, that's just great.你知道吗Well, you know what?除了我的出生这是我们作为母子Besides my birth, this is the first thing you所做的第一件事and I have done as mother and son.如果这还不足以让你在乎的话And if that's not enough for you to care about this,我想是时候then I guess it's high time养成些不良嗜好I pick up a few bad habits然后误入歧途了and fall in with the wrong crowd.来吧Let's do this.查尔斯·名字又臭又长·克莱夫You were born Charles John Jacob Jingleheimer Clef生于1961年12月12日德州普莱诺in Plano, Texas, on December 12, 1961.作为独生子你渴望父母的认可As an only child, you craved your parents' approval,作为一个成年人你需要得到学生的认可and as an adult, you seek that approval from your students. 你的智商足以碾压这种Your intellectual proclivities unfulfilled平庸的中等教育环境by the banal environment of secondary education,所以转向了更具挑战的you turned to the more challenging world恶意软件编程世界of malevolent software programming.最喜欢的食物披萨Favorite food... pizza.让我们来瞧瞧Let's see what we got.- 完美 - 哇噢- Perfect. - Wow.需要花点时间来适应This is going to take some getting used to.记住现在的孩子很不一样了Now, remember, kids are very different nowadays.他们非常自信对性很饥渴They're very confident, they're sex-positive,激♥情♥四射they're body-positive.有的人有着毫无根据的高度自尊And some of them have unwarranted high self-esteem. 如果是毫无根据的我怎么会如此优秀呢If it's so unwarranted, why am I so great?祝你好运翠贝卡Good luck, Tribeca.或者应该叫你...Or should I say...?克莱夫老师Mr. Clef?怎么了德罗伊Yes, Delroy?我无法运行子程序I can't get my subroutine to run.看起来第十九行有个解析错误Looks like there's a parsing error in line 19.- 什么错误 - 如果我告诉了你- What's the error? - Well, if I told you that...- 授人以鱼 - 不如授人以渔- You wouldn't be teaching. - I'd be telling.没错That's right.好了各位网站作业周五交哦All right, everybody, websites are due Friday.克老师我能不能...Mr. C., can I...不能汤米不能延期No, Tommy, you cannot have an extension.你真牛逼啊克老师You're the best, Mr. C.沙罗肖勒你们真是天才Charo, Scholls, you're geniuses.这简直是小菜一碟This is going to be a piece of cake.我就知道I knew it.快点克莱夫老师练习要迟到了Come on, Mr. Clef, we're gonna be late for practice. 什么练习What practice?你好好笑哦克老师You're so funny, Mr. C.合唱团练习啊Glee Club practice.你是教练You're the coach.我们有麻烦了We've got a problem.今天的好天气很适合打橄榄球It's a beautiful day for football practice弗雷德·普林泽中学队as the Freddie Prinze Junior Senior High squad遇到了一群猪对手runs their plays against a mock defense本周这个球队遇到了麻烦But the team's in some hot water this week当地报社指出after a local paper ran an editorial球队的名字suggesting that their team name冒犯了印第安人was offensive to Native Americans简直无中生有丧心病狂I don't know how they got there from Drunken Injuns不过我也就是放放嘴炮而已but, hey, I'm just a football fan不上帝啊No! Jesus!十一号♥ 滚过来Eleven, get your ass over here!很简单It's a simple read option!寻找漏洞You look for the hole!如果没有就给老子跑回来If it's not there, you pitch to the running back!德尔菲没在他的位置上...Durphy wasn't in position...少找借口I don't want to hear about Durphy!他父母正在谈离婚His parents are divorcing!他反应慢很正常He may be a step behind for a while!你♥爸♥出轨了所以你妈提出离婚Your dad cheated on your mom, so she's kicking him out. 但这不是你的错别放在心上But that's not your fault, so don't take that on.谢谢教练Thanks, Coach.去洗澡吧小子Hit the showers, buddy.现在跑起来Now run it again!这次给我拼尽全力This time with your head on the outside of your ass!好的教练Yes, sir.我是教练This is Coach.嘿教练Oh, hey, Coach.我克莱夫It's Mr. Clef,当他没有忙着兜售恶意软件时who, when he's not busy selling malware,原来是在指挥合唱团apparently runs the Glee Club.该死Damn it!怎么会没有料到How did we not see that coming?我怎么知道但是除了计算机I don't know, but I did not study up我没有钻研过其它学科on anything but computer science.根本不懂什么是F大调和G小调I don't know anything about F sharps and G minuses.听着翠贝卡我们在做的Look, Tribeca, we are here是阻止电脑病毒的蔓延to stop the spread of computer viruses,所以你得撑住直到联♥系♥到买♥♥主so you just hang on until you get contacted by the buyer.这样就可以告诉孩子们他们的老师挂了And then we will tell the kids their teacher is dead我们就能从这里滚蛋了and we will get the hell out of here.好吧Fine.好了同学们All right, everyone.我知道你们的名字但为了有趣些Well, obviously I know your names, but maybe just for fun,你们可以唱出你们的名字you guys can sing your name这就是你们在大赛前要完成的任务the thing you're gonna overcome before the big concert.# 我叫玛利亚 #I'm Maria# 抑郁症药不能停 #Pills and depression# 我吃自己的头发 #I eat my own hair# 我的叔叔让我... #My uncle makes me...好了打住下一个Okay, all right. Next.# 我叫普拉德皮 #I'm Pradeep# 命中注定会娶一个我不爱的女人 #Arranged marriage to a girl that I do not love# 我叫皮特 #I'm Peter# 在我储物柜里有[哔] #And there's a [bleep] in my locker# 我叫格蕾丝怀了普拉德皮的孩子 #I'm Grace and I'm pregnant with Pradeep's baby 不用每个人都介绍We don't need to hear from everyone.好了要不All right, so, should we, uh,就接着上次继续讲吧pick it up from where we left off last practice?上次你说你会写首全新的曲子Last practice you said that you were going to write 让我们试唱a brand-new song for us to try.是的I did. I did.好了就这首了Okay. Um, and yes, here it is.希望你们会喜欢I hope that you like it.# 祝你生日快乐 #Happy birthday to you# 祝你生日快乐 #Happy birthday to you# 生日快乐生日快乐 #Happy birthday, happy birthday# 祝你生日快乐 #Happy birthday to you天啊Oh, my God.我很喜欢I love it.那就好All right, great.我们试试All right, should we try it?好的一二...Okay. And a one and a two and a...我的羊水破了My water just broke!不头儿我还没收到买♥♥家的消息No, sir, I have not heard from the buyer yet,但我听到了世界上but I did listen to the worst singers最难听的歌♥手唱歌♥in the history of the world.还接生了一个孩子我可以问问I delivered a baby and...Yeah, I can ask,但我认为外婆会抚养孩子but I think the grandmother's raising it.看看能不能找到没收的好吃的零食...Now, if I could just find some decent confiscated snacks... 大吃一顿And paydirt.好的明天给你打电♥话♥All right, I'll talk to you tomorrow.好的我也爱你Okay, love you too.在吗U up?新电脑你是谁New computer. Who dis?我是想买♥♥你的东西的人It's the guy who wants what you're offering.肖勒在吗Schoolls, u up?咋啦What's up?有鱼上钩了I got the fish on the line.正在定位继续聊Geo-tracking now. Keep him talking.我有你想要的东西I think I have exactly what you're looking for.现在能发货吗Are you going to send it to me now?我想吊吊你的胃口I thought I'd tease you a little bit.好吧你很皮Ooo.You're bad.你很想要吗Do you want it bad?你知道我当然想啊Ooo.You know I do.给你发到哪里Where do you want it?发到我邮箱如果文件太大就发我云邮箱Stick it in my email, if it's really big, slip it into my Dropbox.我要先收钱I'm going to need to see some money first.切总是败胃口明晚码头见我等不及了Tsk. Tsk. Always running the mood. How about the loading dock tomorrow night? I can't wait to see it.太急了吧Oh, it's gonna be nasty.你那边有人定位我搞毛你暴露了Someone just pinged me from your area. WTF? Did someone blow you?才怪别大惊小怪Nobody blew me. It's all good.我下了I'm out.追踪定位什么鬼Hey, what the hell happened with tracking my target?那个人吓跑了He got totally spooked.翠贝卡先坐下Now, now, Tribeca, have a seat.自己去拿个汉堡吧Help yourself to a burger.我不是针对谁不过是她搞砸了I don't want to point any fingers, but she messed up.不许互相指责Let's not play the blame game!不然就没完了Always takes forever.玩纸牌对诚信怎么样How about Cards Against Humanity?我用三倍168位数据加密标准I masked my IP address掩盖了我的网址with triple DES 168-bit encryption.我弟都在用三倍168位数据加密标准了My little brother has triple DES 168-bit encryption.你的技术太落后了Your technology is so two days ago.至少我不是处♥女♥了At least I've lost my virginity.我也不是了那个人在欧洲So have I. He just lives in Europe.你们两个闭嘴Knock it off, you two!这个游戏要八个人也玩不成了Oh, it's eight players. That won't work.如果今晚他能在码头出现将会是个奇迹It'll be a miracle if he shows up at the loading dock tonight. 小安在哪儿二十分钟前就放学了Where's A.J.? School was out like 20 minutes ago.恐怕小安遇到麻烦了I'm afraid A.J.'s having a hard time here.他现在和一群混混在一起He's fallen in with a bad crowd.我喜欢你这身打扮Lana likes what she sees.- 我不太确定 - 信我- I don't know about these clothes. - Oh, trust me.这条紧身裤突出了你的身材Those shorts squeeze you in all the right places,特别是某个地方特别显眼and in one place that's very, very wrong.拿着这个Here. Take a hit of this.- 这是什么 - 没什么特别的- What's in that - Nothing much.葡萄糖电解液维生素BGlucose, Electrolytes, some B vitamins.如果他们验尿呢What if they test my urine?这就是这瓶水的妙用了That's what this is for.这瓶是干净的尿液以防万一That's a clean urine in case they test you.好的知道了Yeah, I know, I know.好了开始骑车吧Okay, guys, let's log some miles.你在干嘛What are you doing?完犊子了那是我妈Oh, shoot, it's my mom.克莱夫老师是你妈Wait, Mr. Clef is your mom?不我是想说我马子No, I meant to say my moon.克莱夫老师是你马子真恶心Mr. Clef is your moon? That sucks.你这是上哪去Where do you think you're going?给我滚下自行车You are gonna get off that bike现在就跟我走and you're coming with me this minute.除了这条自行车道他哪也不去The only place he's going is Stoneybrook Bike Path.死开点糟老头So back off, old man.小姑娘你给我注意点I would watch that mouth, young lady.你能把我怎样斯坦福已经录取我了What are you gonna do? I'm already accepted at Stanford. 你个二货You look ridiculous.你就是这么打算混时间的This is how you want to spend your time?至少这些人清楚他们在做什么At least these people believe in what they're doing.行了小安出发吧All right, let's go, A.J. And you know what?要是你今天表现得好If you do a good job today,我就教你怎么刮腿毛I'm gonna teach you how to shave your legs.抱歉克莱夫老师Sorry, Mr. Clef.我得走了I got to go.嘿不长眼吗搞毛啊Hey, hey, hey! What are you doing?你找我吗头儿You wanted to see me, sir?是的肖勒进来单膝跪下Yeah, Scholls, come on in. Take a knee.我们最近在忙活这件大案子You know, this is a big case we got going on here, 每个人都压力山大and there's a lot of pressure on everybody.我知道Yes, sir.我有点担心你不在状态I'm just a little worried your head's not totally in it. 沙罗老是惹我Charo gets under my skin.沙罗还年轻情商低Charo's young. She's hungry.你要把注意力集中在你的优势上You just concentrate on what you have...智慧经验wisdom, experience, and a smile和足以照亮纽约的笑容that could light up New York City.我尽力Okay. I'll try.在我的团队里Hey! You can leave "try"不许出现尽力二字out there with the dirty jock straps!必须做到听懂没You get 'er done, you hear?!遵命Yes, sir!把二十号♥球衣递我Now drop and give me 20!嗨克莱夫老师Hello, Mr. Clef.谁Who's there?我是克劳德·梅洛I am Claude Merlot.你带病毒了吗Do you have the virus?你在哪我看不见你Where are you? I can't see you.我问你带病毒了吗Do you have the virus?我带着呢Yes, I have it right here.但你必须现身But you need to expose yourself.好我这就照做Okay, I'm doing it.把病毒放在地上Put the virus on the ground.你先出来Not until I see your face.明天就是全国合唱团比赛了The National Glee Club Championship is tomorrow. 在查理·克莱夫的指导下This high school has won every year the past 12 years 这所高中已经十二连冠under Charlie Clef's coaching.如果你是他本人你的队伍肯定能赢If you are who you say you are, your team will win,到时候我就和你做交换and then we will make the exchange.好吧如果这是你想要的可以Yeah, well, if that's what you want, fine.我没意见It's no problem with me.我本来就打算赢I mean, I was planning on winning anyway.明天见分晓Until tomorrow then.顺便一说我不在这个垃圾箱里By the way, I am not in this Dumpster.# 祝你生日快乐 #♪ Happy birthday to you ♪# 祝你生日快乐 #♪ Happy birthday ♪- # 生日快乐 # - 停停停- ♪ Happy birthday ♪ - No, no, no!唱的啥No! No!你太尖你没感情你在喂奶You're sharp, you're flat, you're breastfeeding,还有你你太棒了and you're, like, amazing.我知道我以前都是装的Oh, I know. I was just faking it before.到底要怎样你们才能互相配合What is it going to take for you to get your act together? 皮特如果你再漏唱一次Peter, if you miss your mark one more time,我就用你的[哔]敲爆你的头I'm going to thwack you over the head with your own... 我尽力了托德的轮椅老挡路I am trying, okay? Todd's wheelchair is in the way.说真的托德给我站起来好好跳Seriously, Todd, just stand up and do the choreography. 这话太过分了Whoa, that is way out of line.托德有足底筋膜炎好吗Todd has Plantar Fasciitis, okay?你是体会不到穿矫形鞋是什么滋味儿You have no idea what it's like to be in his orthotic shoes. 我没意见I'm okay.对不起I'm sorry.好吗Okay?我觉得我以前和孩子们处得可好了I'm guessing that I used to be really good with kids,但昨天早上我一睁眼but the Mr. Clef who woke up yesterday morning发现我根本不知道如何和小孩相处doesn't have a clue about how to connect with a child.我原来觉得小菜一碟I thought it'd be easy, you know.不就是喂喂饭洗洗澡剪剪头发Feed them, water them, shear them when they get woolly. 但其实But it turns out...远远不止这些it's more than just that.你必须学会倾听还要假装You have to listen to them and you have to pretend他们在意的事情并不愚蠢the things they care about aren't stupid.对我来说都不是易事Well, that doesn't come easily to me.尤其是过去两天Suddenly, in the last two days.但今天下午就是全国合唱团比赛了But the National Championships are this afternoon,我从来没有这么想赢过and the stakes of winning have never been higher.我们做个交易So let's make a deal.只要别演砸You guys try not to be terrible,我就谢天谢地了and that would be great.谁同意Who's in?抱歉Sorry.# 浪荡的一天 #♪ Oh, doo-dah day ♪# 整夜奔跑 #♪ Going to run all night ♪# 不会停歇 #♪ Going to run all day ♪# 我押注一匹短尾马 #♪ Bet my money on a bob-tail nag ♪# 别人押注栗色马 #♪ Somebody bet on the bay ♪虽然不想承认但我觉得I hate to say it, but I think we have no chance 我们根本赢不了of winning this tournament.那梅洛就会知道我是假的克莱夫Merlot's gonna know I'm not the real Clef.别吃头发了Stop eating your hair!我忍♥不住I can't!现在有请今晚的最后一支合唱团And now, the final club of the night,十二届全国卫冕冠军the 12-time defending national champions, 来自弗雷德·普林泽中学的The Freddie Prinze Junior Senior High School 郭美美合唱天团Martha Plimp-tones.# 祝你生日快乐 #♪ Happy birthday to you ♪# 祝你生日快乐 #♪ Happy birthday to you ♪# 生日快乐生日快乐 #♪ Happy birthday, happy birthday ♪# 祝你生日快乐 #♪ Happy birthday to you ♪# 祝你生日快乐 #♪ Happy birthday to you ♪# 祝你生日快乐 #♪ Happy birthday to you ♪# 生日快乐 #♪ Happy birthday ♪# 生日快乐 #♪ Happy birthday ♪# 祝你生日 #♪ Happy birthday to ♪# 快乐 #♪ To you ♪稳了Whoo! Nailed it!是他梅洛在这儿It's him. It's Merlot.他跑了He's getting away!好样的Good!谢谢你小安Thank you, A.J.别客气克莱夫老师Don't worry about it, Mr. Clef.听着我们输了不要紧Hey, it doesn't matter that we lost.你们都应该感到非常...You should all feel really...等会儿克莱夫老师Hang on, Mr. Clef.请注意May I have your attention, please.获胜队伍参赛资格被取消The winning team has been disqualified.我们在其中一个学生的书包里A [bleep] [bleep] has been found发现了[哔]in one of the student's backpacks.所以冠军是First place goes to...弗雷德·普林泽中学的郭美美合唱天团Freddie Prinze Junior Senior High Martha Plimp-tones! 干得漂亮皮特Good job, Peter.你说什么呢克莱夫老师What are you talking about, Mr. Clef?每年你都让我们栽赃陷[哔]You have us plant a [bleep] every year.是的没错皮特Yes, I do, Peter.是我的主意Yes, I do. Yeah!。
英语手指舞的主持串词开场:(萌)good morning ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the english talent competition held by foreign language department. i?m the host zhou meng.(叶) i? m ye hai yan.(常)i?m chang wei.(女1) i? m ××(青) i? m zhang qing(女2)i? m ××(叶) english is a door, through which we may walk closer to success.(常) english is a window ,out of which we can see a colourful life.(女1) english is a mirror, in which we can find both others and ourselves.(青)as we all know, english is becoming increasingly popular around the world..(女2)exactly right. that?s why we held the show tonight. we hope more and more students will join us in english learning, and find the pleasure inenglish learning.(青)today, we divided all the contestants into three groups: drama group, singing group and speech group. the most exciting point is that every groupwill only produce one champion.(萌)before we get our show started, please allow me to introduce our honorable judges. they are____________________.(常)thanks for your coming. now it?s my turn to introduce all the distinguished leaders and guests.接下来恳请容许我了解一下今晚到场的领导和嘉宾,他们分别就是____________________.thanks for your all-out support of this competition and thanks for your coming as well.(叶)before we begin our show, i?d like to invite our dean, professor chen to give us a speech up on the stage. let?s welcome.10英本7班夏开伟《challenge for chance》(陈)today, all the contestants from speech group will talk about “challenge” in their prepared speech,and then answer the judges? question in their impromptu speech.(常)every contestant will be judged on the content and persuasiveness of their speeches as well as their intonation pronunciation and fluency in speaking english .(陈)since we are clear now, why not invite the first contestant to deliver his speech. i just can?t wait.(常)okay,ladies and gentlemen ,please put your hands together to welcome our first speech contestant 夏开伟,from grade 2 class 7. welcome嘉宾演出:印度歌舞李��烨《纱丽》(陈)indian people are famous for their hospitalities and talents in dancing.(常)yes ,indian dance always gives us an visual impact and let ?s want to join the dancers.(陈)now ladies and gentlemen please take a rest and enjoy an indian group dance.(常)let?s welcome all the dancers from art group of f.l.d with this special performance. welcome11英本3班吴星霖《梁祝》(陈)liangzhu is a very famous story in chinese history. some people think it?s a romantic story because the twolovers in the story became two butterflies when they died,and they can fly together forever.(常)while others hold the opinion that this is a tragedy because after experiencing so many setbacks and obstacles , they finally can?t be together.(陈)yes, different people have different ideas. we can find a lots of different versions on the internet.(常)today, the students from grade 1 class 3 will stage this classcial story. what?s their understanding of liangzhu, let?s wait and see.10英本8班詹文娜《if i were a boy》(陈)i bet everyone here knows who is beyonce.(常)of course. beyonce is an american recording artist, actress and fashion designer. her songs always appears on the billboard. her third album earned her six grammys in one night.(陈)she is a genuine superstar. today contestant 詹文娜 will perform beyonce ?s “if i were a boy” on the stage. (常)wow ,that ? s a big challenge . but i think she can make it.(陈)let?s warmly welcome詹文娜 from grade 2 class 8 with the song if i were a boy.09英本3班袁沙《are you ready for the challenge》(常)陈翼,you know i have been with this competition for three times, guess what, i simply haven?t had it enough.(陈)i guess that?s why you?re here again for this year?s competition. but for me , this is the very first time to host such a big event . this is a big challenge for me.(常) i think you did a good job tonight. actually challenges are everywhere, we should remind ourselves to get ready at any moment.(陈)now , let?s welcome袁沙 from grade 3 class3 with her speech 《are you ready for the challenge》 09英本6班肖彤《when you are gone》 (陈) robert, i want to know who is your favorite singer ?(常) i like avril because of her powerful voice. it?scontagious ,everytime ,when i listen to her music, i can?t help singing together with the radio.(陈)wow..i think you are the most lucky guy today,cause 肖彤from grade 3 class 6 will perform her song “when you are gone”on the stage. (常):what abig surprise . now let?s welcome the last contestant with the song when you are gone.颁奖:(常)ladies and gentlemen, up to now , all our contestants have shown their wonderful performances here. now it?s time for the award ceremony(叶)here in my hand is the final results of each group. it means the most exciting moment is coming.(常)but before that , we want to thank all the judges for your hard work and all the contestants for their active participation. and of course, all the audience, without you this show can?t be perfect. thanks for being here this whole night as well.(叶)first we will announce the final result of speech group:the honorable mention belongs to _________________the third prize winner is _________________________the second prize winner is _________________________the first prize winner is _________________________(常)here comes the final result of singing group.the honorable mention belongs to _________________the third prize winner is _________________________the second prize winner is _________________________the first prize winner is _________________________(叶)now we will award the prize for drama group.the honorable mention belongs to _________________the third prize winner is _________________________the second prize winner is _________________________the first prize winner is _________________________congratulations to all the contestant. very well done.结尾:可爱:time is always too short for those who rejoice, and finally it is time to say good-bye叶:every end means a brand new start.looking forward to the following semester, we are full of hope. 双:though the competition is about to end, we shall never cease the aspiration toword knowledge. 张: we wish our department will bring up more talents and create more achievementswe wish all the distinguished guests, teachers, schoolmates happiness!陈:let’s cherish tonight forever. let’s keep tonight in our heart forever!常:ladies and gentlemen ,that’s the end of tonight’s competition, good night.(合)see you next year!。
【美国队长2百度云双语】双语:在美国最好不要乱起英文名 可能比翠花还俗
【美国队长2百度云双语】双语:在美国最好不要乱起英文名可能比翠花还俗When Lindsay Jernigan, an American expat in China, noticed how often Chinese professionals had — for lack of a better term —“stripper” names like Candy and Cherry, she wanted to find a way to help them out. Jernigan said that often Chinese adults select an English name for American business or school purposes, but there wasn’t a service available to help in the selection process. So she started the website to help Chinese people choose, well, their best English name. But why the stripper names? She explains the fascinating reasons below.生活在中国的美籍人士林赛.杰尼根注意到一些中国的专业人士大多都缺少一个合适的英文名字—因为他们常常把自己的名字取成像Candy和Cherry这样的名字,实际上这些名字在美国是脱衣舞娘的名字,因此她想要找到一种方法来帮助他们起名字。
小升初英语教程 配套经典教学片《走遍美国》Lesson 4 第4课
Lesson 4 第4课EPISODE 1 46 Linden Street 林登大街46号ACT IPART 4It's an album of pictures of the United States: the cities, the special places, and the people. 是关于美国的相册:一些城市、一些特别的地方和普通百姓。
And these are pictures of people working: 这是人们工作中的照片:steelworkers, bankers, police, street vendors, ambulance drivers, doctors....钢架工人、银行家、警察、街头小贩、救护车驾驶员、医生等等……Oh, this is my father. He's a doctor. 噢,这是我父亲。
This is my mother. 这是我母亲。
What's her name? 她叫什么名字?Ellen. Ellen。
My younger brother, Robbie. 这是我弟弟Robbie 。
He goes to high school. 他在上高中。
This is my sister Susan. 这是我妹妹Susan 。
She works for a toy company. 她在一家玩具公司工作。
Here's my grandfather. He lives in Florida. 这是我祖父。
And this is my wife Marilyn. 这是我太太Marilyn 。
Oh, she's very pretty. 噢, 她很漂亮。
Thanks. 谢谢夸奖。
Vocabulary 词汇work – workerdrive – driverbank – bankerpretty – beautifulGrammar 语法含do动词的第三人称单数肯定句chant 作词:Tim田老师BPM: 80My father works as a children’s doctor.He loves Susan who is his daughter.My younger brother Robbie goes to high school. He thinks playing the guitar looks so cool.My sister Susan works for a toy company.She works hard to make a lot of money.My grandpa lives in a state called Florida.He lives in a nation that’s next to Canada. 我父亲是儿童医生。
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The great contribution for the modern American civilization
North A contribution to the rise of
modern American civilization One, the indians was a pioneer in the development of North America, the founder of the modern agriculture. In the United States today has more than 20 from Indian planting crops, such as corn, tobacco, sweet potato, potato, sweet potato, peanut, etc. The main method of modern agriculture and the indians cultivated corn there is not much change in comparison. Tobacco planting method, with the sun or fire smoked method from the indians. The potato later spread to Europe. Indian knows how to control the wild plant and seed selection, fertilization and soil improvement, know to make a honey or sugar water preserved fruit, with artificial
Thanksgiving: the winter of 1620 the British the pilgrims arrived in Massachusetts bay North America the Plymouth colony, poor and hungry. Friendly indians to lend a helping hand, teach how to fish and white how to grow corn, tomatoes, cocoa, tobacco and other crops, helping them get through the tough winter. In the second year in the autumn of the migrants of crops a bumper harvest. Thank god for the blessing, at the same time also to thank the indians generosity, immigrants held a party to celebrate a good harvest in October. Local indians chiefs were invited to rate nearly hundred people to participate in the celebration. To celebrate the harvest day today, become one of important national holiday for americans.
英翻译一班 陈晓琳
Indians were the exception of the Eskimo, the floorboard of the all native americans, the American indians left quite high ancient civilization. They cultivate maize, potato, built a large temple, left in today's difficult to explain the text, forming a unique Indian civilization.
The indians was the first European explorers and immigration redirection
The enthusiasm of the early development and the indians
of north American continent to help. Columbus arrived in SAN Salvador island , which received warm welcome by the island's indigenous indians, referred to as "heaven", and serve as a guide. Early European settlers in North America continent also friendly treated by indians. Indians taught them to plant crops, in the case of a tree grass farm the land reclamation, with weeds, pharmacy, with system of maple syrup; Teach them to set traps to catch the beast; To teach them fishing methods; Teach them for smoke, fire, lighting) communications; Teach them to make a canoe to run on the river. Even if the war of independence period skirmisher make tactical formation, also from the indians. A national holiday today - "Thanksgiving" is also associated with the indians.
Indian civilization added luster to the united nation civilization
In today's American indians, fewer than 1% of the total
population, 1.4 million. The United States has more than 20 (some people say that 26, some say 34) states, more than 1000 rivers and over 200 lakes, and numerous towns, hills, valleys, forests, parks, with Indian name. For example, Iowa, Massachusetts, Arkansas, Dakota, Illinois, Oklahoma city, Utah, Alabama, Arizona, are derived from the name of the Indian tribe. In addition, Ohio, Michigan, Missouri, Conneticut, Potomac River Lake, etc. Oklahoma for red land; Connecticut means long river; Indiana is taken from the meaning of the Indian river. The Appalachian mountains for people on the other side. The rocky mountain means "stone mountain". Milwaukee for the joy of the township. Borrow in American Indian languages words (including direct use and derivative) is about 1700.