Enviroclear Barrier Technology for PET




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加 拿 大 推 出 P T瓶 用 氧 化 一 物 降 解 助 剂 E 生
据 “ d iv s fr o mes 2 0 , 5 : ” 道 , 拿 A dt e o l r . 0 9 ( ) 1 报 i P y 加 大 安 大 略省 Mi i a g 的 P a e Gre ,t e 司与 其 s s ue ss l t e nP t 公 n o l 战 略伙 伴 英 国 w e sP at s 司 合 作 推 出 塑 料 新 助 剂 1 lsi 公 l c R vr . e et 它能 使 P T 瓶 在 1 ~ 2 e E 0 O年 间 发 生 氧 化 生 物






Pet薄膜是一种透明膜,其主要成分为PET(Polyethylene terephthalate)。



















环保科技小发明的英语作文Innovative Environmental Technologies: Shaping a Sustainable FutureIn the face of pressing environmental challenges, the development of innovative technologies has become a crucial aspect of our collective efforts to create a more sustainable world. As we navigate the complexities of climate change, resource depletion, and ecological degradation, the role of small-scale inventions and advancements in environmental science and engineering cannot be overstated. These grassroots innovations, often born out of the ingenuity and problem-solving skills of individuals, have the potential to make a significant impact on our environmental landscape.One such innovative technology that has garnered attention in recent years is the development of eco-friendly building materials. Traditional construction methods have long been criticized for their heavy reliance on energy-intensive and resource-depleting materials. However, the emergence of innovative building solutions, such as the use of bamboo, mycelium-based composites, and recycled plastic, has opened up new avenues for sustainable construction. These materials not only reduce the environmental footprint ofbuildings but also offer unique aesthetic and structural properties that can enhance the overall design and functionality of structures.Another area of environmental innovation that has gained traction is the field of renewable energy generation. While large-scale renewable energy projects, such as wind farms and solar power plants, have been making significant strides, the development of small-scale, decentralized renewable energy systems has also been a focus of environmental innovators. The creation of portable solar chargers, micro-hydroelectric generators, and even personal wind turbines has empowered individuals and communities to generate their own clean energy, reducing their reliance on fossil fuels and contributing to a more distributed and resilient energy infrastructure.In the realm of waste management, innovative solutions have emerged to address the growing challenges of waste accumulation and improper disposal. From the development of efficient recycling systems to the creation of biodegradable packaging materials, environmental innovators have been exploring ways to minimize waste and promote a more circular economy. One particularly noteworthy example is the invention of a portable, off-grid waste-to-energy system that can convert organic waste into biogas, providing a sustainable energy source for remote or underserved communities.The field of water conservation and purification has also seenremarkable advancements through the work of environmental innovators. The development of low-cost water filtration devices, solar-powered desalination systems, and innovative irrigation technologies has the potential to improve access to clean water, particularly in regions facing water scarcity. These small-scale innovations can complement larger-scale infrastructure projects, ensuring that the benefits of water security reach even the most marginalized communities.Beyond the realms of construction, energy, waste, and water, environmental innovators have also been exploring solutions to address issues related to transportation, agriculture, and ecosystem restoration. The creation of electric bicycles, urban farming systems, and biodegradable mulches are just a few examples of the diverse range of innovations that are shaping a more sustainable future.What makes these environmental innovations particularly noteworthy is their accessibility and scalability. Unlike large-scale, capital-intensive projects, these small-scale inventions often utilize readily available materials, simple design principles, and open-source technologies, making them more affordable and adaptable to local contexts. This democratization of environmental problem-solving empowers individuals, communities, and small businesses to become active participants in the transition towards sustainability, fostering a sense of ownership and responsibility for the health of our planet.Furthermore, the interconnectedness of these environmental innovations creates a synergistic effect, where the development of one technology can complement and enhance the effectiveness of others. For instance, the integration of renewable energy systems with water purification devices or the use of biodegradable materials in construction can lead to a more holistic and integrated approach to environmental sustainability.As we look towards the future, the continued development and widespread adoption of these environmental innovations will be crucial in addressing the pressing challenges we face. By empowering individuals, communities, and small-scale enterprises to become agents of change, we can foster a more inclusive and participatory approach to environmental stewardship, where everyone has a role to play in shaping a sustainable tomorrow.In conclusion, the small-scale environmental innovations being developed by individuals and grassroots organizations around the world hold immense promise for creating a more sustainable future. From eco-friendly building materials to renewable energy systems and waste management solutions, these innovative technologies are not only addressing pressing environmental issues but also empowering communities to take control of their own environmental destiny. As we continue to confront the complex challenges of ourtime, the collective efforts of these environmental innovators will be instrumental in paving the way towards a greener, more resilient, and equitable world.。



clean technologies and environmental policy 投稿经验目录1. 引言1.1 背景和意义1.2 结构概述1.3 目的2. 清洁技术的定义与分类2.1 清洁技术的概念2.2 清洁技术的分类方法2.3 清洁技术在环境保护中的重要性3. 环境政策与清洁技术发展的关系3.1 现行环境政策对清洁技术的要求与支持措施3.2 清洁技术发展对环境政策产生的影响和推动作用3.3 环境政策对清洁技术创新和应用的挑战与机遇4. 清洁技术在不同领域中的应用案例分析4.1 清洁能源领域中的应用案例分析4.2 节能减排领域中的应用案例分析4.3 循环经济领域中的应用案例分析5. 结论与展望5.1 清洁技术对环境保护和可持续发展的贡献总结5.2 现有环境政策的不足与改进建议5.3 未来清洁技术发展的前景和挑战展望引言1.1 背景和意义在当今社会,环境问题已经成为全球共同面临的挑战。







1.2 结构概述本文将从以下几个方面对清洁技术与环境政策之间的关系进行探讨。






科 聚 亚 的 “ 绿 色 ” 塑 料 添 加 剂 更
实 现 同等 效果 。 该 产 品 是 改 进 苯 乙 烯 生 产 控 制和 效 率 的最 新 解 决 方案 。 此 外 ,科 聚 亚 还 推 出 了 聚 氨 酯 泡
i Q材 料 ,它 可用 于 多个 主 要 电 脑 组 件 ,如 内 部 冷 却 风扇 散 热器 罩 、 连 接 器 和 外 部 面 板 。此 外 ,
作 为 先进 材料 解决 方 案 的先驱 , 沙 伯 基 础 创 新 塑 料 相 信 i 系 列 Q 树 脂 和 :e i l r l 列 树 脂 F xb e No y 系 l 等 创 新 产 品 可 帮 助 电 子 产 品 制 造 商 获 得 业 务 成 功 。 Vao i lx Q
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在 注塑 前用干 蒸汽或 热水加 热模具 , 然 后用 冷 水 冷 却 模 具 。Trx l 司 表 ee公 示 ,加工 得 到高 表 面质 量 制 品 能 力 标
含 有 无 卤 阻燃 剂 的 电线 用 Fe i lx -
沫 阻 燃 剂 F rmatr 8 0 ie se 0 。这 种 新 型
阻 燃 剂 比该 公 司 以前 的 产 品效 果提 高
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粉 ,降低 成本 。 此 外 ,熔 融 及 颜 色 稳 定 性 极 佳 的 Na g r 4 1液 态 酚 类 抗 氧 剂 也 是 u ad 3



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世界环境日的一个小发明英语作文The world we live in today is facing a multitude of environmental challenges that threaten the delicate balance of our planet. From the alarming rate of deforestation to the ever-increasing levels of pollution, it is evident that we must take immediate action to safeguard our future. As we approach World Environment Day, it is the perfect time to reflect on the small yet impactful changes we can make to contribute to a more sustainable world.One such invention that has the potential to make a significant difference is a compact and portable water filtration device. This innovative solution addresses the pressing issue of access to clean drinking water, which is a fundamental human right yet remains elusive for millions of people across the globe. The device is designed to be user-friendly, affordable, and easily accessible, making it an ideal tool for individuals, communities, and organizations to combat the global water crisis.At the heart of this invention is a highly efficient and advanced filtration system that utilizes a combination of cutting-edgetechnologies. The device employs a multi-stage filtration process that removes harmful contaminants, including bacteria, viruses, heavy metals, and microplastics, from any source of water, be it from a river, a well, or even a stagnant pond. This ensures that the filtered water is safe for consumption, meeting the strictest international standards for potable water.One of the most remarkable features of this water filtration device is its compact and portable design. Weighing no more than a few pounds, the device can be easily carried and transported, making it an invaluable asset for disaster relief efforts, humanitarian aid missions, and outdoor activities. Its small size also allows for easy storage and discreet integration into everyday life, encouraging widespread adoption and usage.Another key aspect of this invention is its affordability and accessibility. The device is designed to be produced using locally sourced and sustainable materials, reducing the overall cost and making it accessible to individuals and communities with limited financial resources. This is particularly important in developing regions where access to clean water is a pressing issue, often exacerbated by poverty and lack of infrastructure.The potential impact of this water filtration device on World Environment Day and beyond is truly remarkable. By providing areliable and efficient means of purifying water, it can help alleviate the burden on natural water sources, reducing the strain on fragile ecosystems and promoting the conservation of precious water resources. Additionally, the device can empower communities to take control of their own water supply, fostering a sense of self-reliance and environmental stewardship.Furthermore, the widespread adoption of this invention can have far-reaching consequences in terms of public health and socioeconomic development. By ensuring access to clean drinking water, the device can help prevent the spread of waterborne diseases, which disproportionately affect vulnerable populations, particularly children. This, in turn, can lead to improved health outcomes, reduced healthcare costs, and increased productivity, ultimately contributing to the overall well-being and economic prosperity of communities.Beyond its immediate impact on water access, this invention also has the potential to serve as a catalyst for broader environmental awareness and action. By demonstrating the power of small-scale, innovative solutions to address global challenges, the device can inspire individuals, organizations, and policymakers to explore and implement other sustainable technologies and practices. This ripple effect can lead to a more holistic approach to environmental protection, encompassing areas such as energy, waste management, and biodiversity conservation.In conclusion, this compact and portable water filtration device represents a remarkable innovation that has the potential to transform the way we approach World Environment Day and the broader environmental landscape. By providing a simple yet effective solution to the global water crisis, it empowers individuals and communities to take control of their water supply, promote sustainability, and contribute to the overall well-being of our planet. As we celebrate World Environment Day, let us embrace this invention and countless other innovative ideas that can help us build a more resilient and sustainable future for generations to come.。



环保科技小发明英语作文高中In the realm of high school environmental science, small-scale inventions are making significant strides in promoting sustainability and conservation. These innovations, often the brainchild of young students, embody the spirit of environmental stewardship and technological ingenuity.One such invention is a biodegradable seed planter, designed to reduce the labor and environmental impact of reforestation efforts. This simple device, crafted from recycled materials, allows for the rapid and efficient planting of seeds in deforested areas. It works by embedding seeds within nutrient-rich pods, which then degrade naturally, leaving no trace other than the sprouting plant.Another noteworthy invention is a solar-powered water purification system. This compact and portable device harnesses the power of the sun to filter and purify water from natural sources, making it safe for drinking. Its ease of use and efficiency make it an invaluable tool for communities in remote areas without access to clean water.Furthermore, students have developed an innovative approach to waste management with the creation of a smart compost bin. This bin is equipped with sensors that monitor the composting process, ensuring optimal conditions for organic waste breakdown. It also features an app that educates users on how to compost effectively and tracks the amount of waste diverted from landfills.These inventions share a common goal: to address environmental challenges through accessible and practical solutions. They demonstrate that with creativity and a commitment to sustainability, even small inventions can have a profound impact on our planet.As we look to the future, it is clear that the ingenuity of young minds will be pivotal in shaping a greener world. These environmental technologies not only serve as tools for conservation but also as educational platforms that inspire others to take action. They area testament to the power of combining science and innovation to create a sustainable future for all.In conclusion, the small inventions emerging from high school environmental science classes are more than just school projects; they are the seeds of change, sown by the next generation of environmental guardians. With each invention, students are forging a path towards a more sustainable and technologically harmonious relationship with our planet. As these young inventors continue to explore and create, their contributions will undoubtedly play a crucial role in the environmental narrative of our time. 。



Green Technology Gadgets for a SustainableFutureIn today's fast-paced world, the need for environmental preservation and sustainability has become increasingly urgent. The advent of innovative green technology gadgets has emerged as a ray of hope, offering practical solutions to mitigate the impact of human activities on the planet. These inventions not only reduce our carbon footprint but also encourage sustainable lifestyles, paving the way for a brighter, greener future.One such remarkable invention is the solar-powered bicycle. This eco-friendly mode of transportation harnesses the power of the sun to provide clean and renewable energy. By eliminating the need for fossil fuels, solar-powered bicycles significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions, making them a viable option for commuters seeking to reduce their carbon footprint.Another noteworthy green technology is the smart compost bin. This intelligent device converts organic waste into rich compost, eliminating the need for landfilling or incineration. The compost bin uses microbial activity tobreak down waste quickly, producing nutrient-rich compost that can be used in gardens or farms. This invention not only reduces waste but also promotes sustainable gardening practices.The rise of water-saving showerheads is another example of green technology making a significant impact. These showerheads are designed to reduce water consumption while maintaining satisfactory shower pressure. By incorporating advanced water flow control mechanisms, these showerheads help conserve precious water resources, making them an essential part of sustainable living.Moreover, the development of smart energy meters is revolutionizing the way we manage our electricity consumption. These meters provide real-time feedback on energy usage, allowing users to identify areas where they can reduce consumption and save money. By promoting awareness and responsible energy use, smart energy meters contribute to the overall reduction of carbon emissions and promote a more sustainable energy future.In conclusion, green technology gadgets are playing a pivotal role in promoting sustainability and environmentalpreservation. From solar-powered bicycles to smart compost bins, these inventions are not only innovative but also practical, offering viable solutions to address the challenges posed by climate change. As we continue to explore and develop new green technologies, it is crucial that we embrace these gadgets and incorporate them into our daily lives, contributing to a more sustainable and green future for all.**环保科技小发明助力可持续未来**在如今快节奏的社会中,环境保护和可持续发展的需求日益迫切。




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关于环保的科技小发明英语作文高中全文共6篇示例,供读者参考篇1Hey guys, have you heard about some cool tech inventions that help protect the environment? Let me tell you about it!First, there's this awesome invention called thesolar-powered charger. It's like a regular charger for your phone, but it uses sunlight to power up your device. Isn't that cool? This way, we can reduce the use of electricity from fossil fuels and help save the planet!Next, there's the air purifying mask. It's like a regular mask that you wear to protect yourself from germs, but it also helps filter out harmful pollutants in the air. This is super important because clean air is essential for our health and the environment.Another cool invention is the water-saving shower head. It helps reduce the amount of water we use when showering, which is great for conserving water resources. Plus, it can help lower our water bills too!And let's not forget about the electric car! It's a car that runs on electricity instead of gasoline, which means it produces fewer emissions that pollute the air. This is a big step towards reducing our carbon footprint and fighting climate change.These are just a few examples of how technology can help us protect the environment. So let's all do our part and support these eco-friendly inventions! Remember, every little action counts when it comes to saving our planet. Let's work together to make a difference!篇2Title: Little Inventions for Big Impact: My High School Project on Environmental ProtectionHey everyone! Today I want to share with you about my high school project on environmental protection. I know it might sound boring at first, but trust me, it's actually super fun and cool! So let's get started!First of all, I want to tell you about my little invention called the "Trash Tracker". It's a small device that you can stick on any type of trash and it will track where the trash goes. This way, we can keep track of all the garbage we produce and see if it ends up in the right place or not. It's like being a detective for trash!Next up is my "Solar-powered Trash Compactor". It's basically a trash bin that uses solar energy to compact the trash inside, so we can fit more trash in the same bin. This means less emptying of bins and less trash bags used, which is good for the environment. Plus, it's so cool to see the trash being squished by the power of the sun!Another invention I came up with is the "Water-saving Shower Head". It's a shower head that automatically adjusts the water flow based on how much water you need. So if you're just standing there waiting for the water to get warm, it will use less water. But when you're actually showering, it will give you more water to rinse off. This way, we can save water without even thinking about it!Last but not least, I made a "Plant Energy Charger". It's a small charger that you can plug into a plant to charge your phone. Yes, you heard that right – a plant charger! The plant absorbs sunlight and uses it to generate energy, which can then be used to charge your gadgets. It's like having a mini power station in your room!I hope you guys liked hearing about my high school project on environmental protection. It's so important for all of us to do our part in taking care of the planet. And who knows, maybe oneday my little inventions will make a big impact on the world. Remember, even small actions can lead to big changes! Let's protect our environment together!篇3I'm going to tell you guys about this super cool invention that helps protect our environment. It's a high-tech garbage sorting machine!You know how sometimes we don't know where to put our trash, and it ends up in the wrong bin? Well, this machine solves that problem. When you throw something away, the machine uses sensors to scan the item and figure out what category it belongs to - like plastic, paper, or food waste. Then, it sorts the garbage into the right bin all by itself! How amazing is that?This invention is so important because it helps reduce pollution and saves our planet. When we recycle correctly, we can reuse materials and reduce the amount of waste that goes into landfills. That means less trash sitting around and harming the environment.I think this invention is really awesome and can make a big difference in keeping our Earth healthy. We should all do ourpart to protect the environment, and this machine is a great way to start. Let's all work together to take care of our planet!篇4Oh my goodness, have you heard about all the cool new tech inventions that are helping to save our planet? Let me tell you about some of the coolest ones!First up, we have solar-powered trash cans. These magical trash cans use the power of the sun to compact the trash inside, which means they can hold up to five times more garbage than a regular trash can. That means fewer trash bags and less waste going to the landfill. Plus, they have sensors that can detect when the can is full and needs to be emptied. Isn't that amazing?Next, we have eco-friendly water bottles that can purify water on-the-go. These bottles come with a built-in filter that removes harmful bacteria and pollutants from water sources, making it safe to drink. This is super handy for people who love the great outdoors and want to stay hydrated without contributing to plastic waste.And let's not forget about the smart energy-saving devices that are popping up everywhere. From smart thermostats that learn your schedule and adjust the temperature of your homeaccordingly, to smart power strips that automatically shut off power to electronics when they're not in use, these gadgets are helping to reduce energy consumption and save money on electricity bills.Last but not least, we have the incredible ocean-cleaning drones. These drones are equipped with sensors and cameras that can detect and collect trash floating in the ocean, helping to clean up our waterways and protect marine life. They can cover large areas of ocean much more efficiently than human divers, making a huge difference in the fight against plastic pollution.So, as you can see, technology is playing a big role in helping to protect our environment and create a more sustainable future. Let's all do our part to support these amazing inventions and continue to find new ways to take care of our planet. Go green, guys!篇5Once upon a time, in a not-so-far-away land, there were some really cool inventions that helped protect our environment. These inventions were created by smart and innovative scientists who cared a lot about the Earth.One of the inventions is called the "Trash-Eating Robot". This robot is like a little vacuum cleaner, but instead of sucking up dust, it sucks up trash. It roams around the streets and parks, picking up all the litter and garbage that people leave behind. It's super helpful because it keeps our environment clean and healthy.Another awesome invention is the "Solar-Powered Car". This car runs on energy from the sun, so it doesn't need any gasoline or diesel fuel. That means it doesn't produce any harmful emissions that pollute the air. Plus, it's really cool to drive a car that gets its power from the sun!There's also the "Water-Saving Shower". This shower system is designed to use less water while still keeping you clean and fresh. It's perfect for conserving water, especially in places where water is scarce. And best of all, it feels just like a regular shower, so you won't even notice the difference.Last but not least, there's the "Smart Recycling Bin". This bin has sensors that can sort your recyclables for you. All you have to do is toss your trash in, and the bin will separate the recyclables from the non-recyclables. It makes recycling super easy and convenient for everyone.These amazing inventions are just a few examples of how technology can help us protect our environment. By using these inventions and coming up with even more creative ideas, we can make a big difference in the world. So let's continue to innovate and create new ways to keep our planet clean and green!篇6Title: My Little Invention for Environmental ProtectionHey guys, have you ever thought about how we can protect our environment? It's super important to take care of our planet so that we can have a clean and healthy world to live in. That's why I came up with a little invention to help us with environmental protection!My invention is called the Eco-Friendly Trash Sorter. It's a small device that you can attach to your trash can at home. When you throw something away, the trash sorter automatically separates the recyclables from the non-recyclables. Pretty cool, right?With the Eco-Friendly Trash Sorter, we can make sure that our recyclables are properly sorted and recycled. This helps reduce the amount of waste that ends up in landfills andprevents pollution. Plus, it's super easy to use – just toss your trash in and let the machine do the work!I think my invention can make a big difference in helping to protect our environment. If we all use the Eco-Friendly Trash Sorter, we can reduce waste and save energy. It's a simple but effective way to make a positive impact on the world around us.So let's all do our part to protect the environment and make the world a better place for future generations. Together, we can make a difference! Thank you for listening to my little invention idea. Let's go green and save our planet!。





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为了使PET包装得到更广泛的紫外线防护,特种化学品供应商美利肯公司最新研发了透明的Clear Shield紫外线吸收剂。

1.为PET包装带来更有效的紫外线防护 [J], 美利肯;
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1.高可见光透过、高紫外截止镀膜玻璃的制备 [J], 王红燕;张浩;姜宏;汪国庆;熊春荣
2.紫外线截止镀膜玻璃 [J], 赵青南
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5.紫外光截止镀膜玻璃的射频磁控溅射法制备及表征 [J], 赵青南;倪佳苗;张乃芝;赵修建;姜宏;王桂荣

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