The polynomial part of a restricted partition function related to the Frobenius problem




离子键与共价键没有明显界限英语The Overlapping of Ionic and Covalent Bonds.In chemistry, ionic and covalent bonds are the two main types of chemical bonds. Ionic bonds are formed between atoms of metals and nonmetals, while covalent bonds are formed between atoms of nonmetals. The distinction between ionic and covalent bonds is not always clear-cut, however, and there are many compounds that exhibit characteristics of both types of bonds.Ionic Bonds.Ionic bonds are formed when one atom transfers one or more electrons to another atom. The atom that loses electrons becomes a positively charged ion, while the atom that gains electrons becomes a negatively charged ion. The oppositely charged ions are attracted to each other by the electrostatic force, forming an ionic bond.Ionic bonds are typically formed between atoms of metals and nonmetals. Metals have low ionization energies, which means that they can easily lose electrons. Nonmetals have high electronegativities, which means that they have a strong attraction for electrons.Covalent Bonds.Covalent bonds are formed when two atoms share one or more pairs of electrons. The shared electrons are attracted to the nuclei of both atoms, forming a covalent bond.Covalent bonds are typically formed between atoms of nonmetals. Nonmetals have high ionization energies, which means that they do not easily lose electrons. Nonmetals also have high electronegativities, which means that they have a strong attraction for electrons.The Overlap of Ionic and Covalent Bonds.The distinction between ionic and covalent bonds is not always clear-cut. There are many compounds that exhibitcharacteristics of both types of bonds. These compounds are called polar covalent compounds.Polar covalent compounds are formed when the electrons in the covalent bond are not shared equally between the two atoms. This can occur if one atom has a higher electronegativity than the other atom. The atom with the higher electronegativity will attract the electrons more strongly, resulting in a polar covalent bond.The polarity of a covalent bond can be measured by the electronegativity difference between the two atoms. The greater the electronegativity difference, the more polar the bond will be.Examples of Polar Covalent Compounds.Water (H2O)。



do you distinguish steel from cast iron? How do you distinguish low alloy steel from high alloy steel?
1.1.1 Iron and Steel
The earth contains a large number of metals which are useful to man. One of the most important of these is iron. Modern industry needs considerable quantities of this metal, either in the form of iron or in the form of steel.
Mechanical Engineering materials
Organic polymer materials Inorganic non-metallic materials
plastic rubber Synthetic Fibers Traditional ceramics Special Ceramics Metal Matrix Composites
1.1.1 Iron and Steel
The ore becomes molten, and its oxides combine with carbon from the coke. The non-metallic constituents of the ore combine with the limestone to form a liquid slag. This floats on top of the molten iron, and passed out of the furnace through a tap. The metal which remains is pig iron.

Polynomial reduction

Polynomial reduction

JOURNAL OF FORMALIZED MATHEMATICSVolume14,Released2002,Published2003Inst.of Computer Science,Univ.of BiałystokPolynomial ReductionChristoph SchwarzwellerUniversity of TuebingenSummary.We continue the formalization of[8]towards Gr¨o bner Bases.In this arti-cle we introduce reduction of polynomials and prove its termination,its adequateness for idealcongruence as well as the translation lemma used later to show confluence of reduction.MML Identifier:POLYRED.WWW:/JFM/Vol14/polyred.htmlThe articles[22],[21],[27],[12],[28],[30],[29],[10],[11],[4],[3],[17],[6],[23],[13],[5],[25], [2],[7],[26],[9],[16],[14],[19],[1],[24],[18],[15],and[20]provide the notation and terminology for this paper.1.P RELIMINARIESLet n be an ordinal number and let R be a non trivial zero structure.One can verify that there exists a monomial of n,R which is non-zero.One can verify that there exists afield which is non trivial.Let us observe that every left zeroed add-right-cancelable right distributive left unital commuta-tive associative non empty double loop structure which isfield-like is also integral domain-like.Let n be an ordinal number,let L be an add-associative right complementable left zeroed right zeroed unital distributive integral domain-like non trivial double loop structure,and let p,q be non-zerofinite-Support series of n,L.One can check that p∗q is non-zero.2.M ORE ON P OLYNOMIALS AND M ONOMIALSThe following propositions are true:(1)Let X be a set,L be an Abelian add-associative right zeroed right complementable nonempty loop structure,and p,q be series of X,L.Then−(p+q)=−p+−q.(2)For every set X and for every left zeroed non empty loop structure L and for every series pof X,L holds0X L+p=p.(3)Let X be a set,L be an add-associative right zeroed right complementable non empty loopstructure,and p be a series of X,L.Then−p+p=0X L and p+−p=0X L.(4)Let n be a set,L be an add-associative right zeroed right complementable non empty loopstructure,and p be a series of n,L.Then p−0n L=p.(5)Let n be an ordinal number,L be an add-associative right complementable right zeroedadd-left-cancelable left distributive non empty double loop structure,and p be a series of n, L.Then0n L∗p=0n L.1c Association of Mizar Users(6)Let n be an ordinal number,L be an Abelian right zeroed add-associative right comple-mentable unital distributive associative commutative non trivial double loop structure,and p, q be polynomials of n,L.Then−p∗q=(−p)∗q and−p∗q=p∗−q.(7)Let n be an ordinal number,L be an add-associative right complementable right zeroeddistributive non empty double loop structure,p be a polynomial of n,L,m be a monomial of n,L,and b be a bag of n.Then(m∗p)(term m+b)=m(term m)·p(b).(8)Let X be a set,L be a right zeroed add-left-cancelable left distributive non empty doubleloop structure,and p be a series of X,L.Then0L·p=0X L.(9)Let X be a set,L be an add-associative right zeroed right complementable distributivenon empty double loop structure,p be a series of X,L,and a be an element of L.Then −a·p=(−a)·p and−a·p=a·−p.(10)Let X be a set,L be a left distributive non empty double loop structure,p be a series of X,L,and a,a′be elements of L.Then a·p+a′·p=(a+a′)·p.(11)Let X be a set,L be an associative non empty multiplicative loop with zero structure,p bea series of X,L,and a,a′be elements of L.Then(a·a′)·p=a·(a′·p).(12)Let n be an ordinal number,L be an add-associative right zeroed right complementableunital associative commutative distributive non empty double loop structure,p,p′be series of n,L,and a be an element of L.Then a·(p∗p′)=p∗(a·p′).3.M ULTIPLICATION OF P OLYNOMIALS WITH B AGSLet n be an ordinal number,let b be a bag of n,let L be a non empty zero structure,and let p be a series of n,L.The functor b∗p yielding a series of n,L is defined by:(Def.1)For every bag b′of n such that b|b′holds(b∗p)(b′)=p(b′−′b)and for every bag b′of n such that b∤b′holds(b∗p)(b′)=0L.Let n be an ordinal number,let b be a bag of n,let L be a non empty zero structure,and let p be afinite-Support series of n,L.Note that b∗p isfinite-Support.Next we state a number of propositions:(13)Let n be an ordinal number,b,b′be bags of n,L be a non empty zero structure,and p be aseries of n,L.Then(b∗p)(b′+b)=p(b′).(14)Let n be an ordinal number,L be a non empty zero structure,p be a polynomial of n,L,and b be a bag of n.Then Support(b∗p)⊆{b+b′;b′ranges over elements of Bags n: b′∈Support p}.(15)Let n be an ordinal number,T be a connected admissible term order of n,L be a non trivialzero structure,p be a non-zero polynomial of n,L,and b be a bag of n.Then HT(b∗p,T)= b+HT(p,T).(16)Let n be an ordinal number,T be a connected admissible term order of n,L be a non emptyzero structure,p be a polynomial of n,L,and b,b′be bags of n.If b′∈Support(b∗p),then b′≤T b+HT(p,T).(17)Let n be an ordinal number,T be a connected term order of n,L be a non empty zerostructure,and p be a series of n,L.Then EmptyBag n∗p=p.(18)Let n be an ordinal number,T be a connected term order of n,L be a non empty zerostructure,p be a series of n,L,and b1,b2be bags of n.Then(b1+b2)∗p=b1∗(b2∗p).(19)Let n be an ordinal number,L be an add-associative right zeroed right complementabledistributive non trivial double loop structure,p be a polynomial of n,L,and a be an element of L.Then Support(a·p)⊆Support p.(20)Let n be an ordinal number,L be an integral domain-like non trivial double loop structure,p be a polynomial of n,L,and a be a non-zero element of L.Then Support p⊆Support(a·p).(21)Let n be an ordinal number,T be a connected term order of n,L be an add-associativeright zeroed right complementable distributive integral domain-like non trivial double loop structure,p be a polynomial of n,L,and a be a non-zero element of L.Then HT(a·p,T)= HT(p,T).(22)Let n be an ordinal number,L be an add-associative right complementable right zeroeddistributive non trivial double loop structure,p be a series of n,L,b be a bag of n,and a be an element of L.Then a·(b∗p)=Monom(a,b)∗p.(23)Let n be an ordinal number,T be a connected admissible term order of n,L be an add-associative right complementable right zeroed unital distributive integral domain-like non trivial double loop structure,p be a non-zero polynomial of n,L,q be a polynomial of n, L,and m be a non-zero monomial of n,L.If HT(p,T)∈Support q,then HT(m∗p,T)∈Support(m∗q).4.O RDERS ON P OLYNOMIALSLet n be an ordinal number and let T be a connected term order of n.Observe that Bags n,T is connected.Let n be a natural number and let T be an admissible term order of n.Note that Bags n,T is well founded.Let n be an ordinal number,let T be a connected term order of n,let L be a non empty zero structure,and let p,q be polynomials of n,L.The predicate p≤T q is defined by:(Def.2) Support p,Support q ∈FinOrd Bags n,T .Let n be an ordinal number,let T be a connected term order of n,let L be a non empty zero structure,and let p,q be polynomials of n,L.The predicate p<T q is defined as follows: (Def.3)p≤T q and Support p=Support q.Let n be an ordinal number,let T be a connected term order of n,let L be a non empty zero structure,and let p be a polynomial of n,L.The functor Support(p,T)yielding an element of Fin(the carrier of Bags n,T )is defined as follows:(Def.4)Support(p,T)=Support p.We now state a number of propositions:(24)Let n be an ordinal number,T be a connected term order of n,L be a non trivial zerostructure,and p be a non-zero polynomial of n,L.Then PosetMaxSupport(p,T)=HT(p,T).(25)Let n be an ordinal number,T be a connected term order of n,L be a non empty loopstructure,and p be a polynomial of n,L.Then p≤T p.(26)Let n be an ordinal number,T be a connected term order of n,L be a non empty loopstructure,and p,q be polynomials of n,L.Then p≤T q and q≤T p if and only if Support p= Support q.(27)Let n be an ordinal number,T be a connected term order of n,L be a non empty loopstructure,and p,q,r be polynomials of n,L.If p≤T q and q≤T r,then p≤T r.(28)Let n be an ordinal number,T be a connected term order of n,L be a non empty loopstructure,and p,q be polynomials of n,L.Then p≤T q or q≤T p.(29)Let n be an ordinal number,T be a connected term order of n,L be a non empty loopstructure,and p,q be polynomials of n,L.Then p≤T q if and only if q<T p.(30)Let n be an ordinal number,T be a connected term order of n,L be a non empty zerostructure,and p be a polynomial of n,L.Then0n L≤T p.(31)Let n be a natural number,T be an admissible connected term order of n,L be an add-associative right complementable right zeroed unital distributive non trivial double loop struc-ture,and P be a non empty subset of Polynom-Ring(n,L).Then there exists a polynomial p of n,L such that p∈P and for every polynomial q of n,L such that q∈P holds p≤T q.(32)Let n be an ordinal number,T be a connected admissible term order of n,L be an add-associative right complementable right zeroed non trivial loop structure,and p,q be polyno-mials of n,L.Then p<T q if and only if one of the following conditions is satisfied:(i)p=0n L and q=0n L,or(ii)HT(p,T)<T HT(q,T),or(iii)HT(p,T)=HT(q,T)and Red(p,T)<T Red(q,T).(33)Let n be an ordinal number,T be a connected admissible term order of n,L be an add-associative right complementable right zeroed non trivial loop structure,and p be a non-zero polynomial of n,L.Then Red(p,T)<T HM(p,T).(34)Let n be an ordinal number,T be a connected term order of n,L be an add-associative rightcomplementable right zeroed non trivial loop structure,and p be a polynomial of n,L.Then HM(p,T)≤T p.(35)Let n be an ordinal number,T be a connected admissible term order of n,L be an add-associative right complementable right zeroed non trivial loop structure,and p be a non-zero polynomial of n,L.Then Red(p,T)<T p.5.P OLYNOMIAL R EDUCTIONLet n be an ordinal number,let T be a connected term order of n,let L be an add-associative right complementable right zeroed commutative associative well unital distributivefield-like non trivial double loop structure,let f,p,g be polynomials of n,L,and let b be a bag of n.We say that f reduces to g,p,b,T if and only if:(Def.5)f=0n L and p=0n L and b∈Support f and there exists a bag s of n such that s+HT(p,T)=b and g=f−f(b)We introduce f is irreducible wrt p,T and f is in normal form wrt p,T as antonyms of f is reducible wrt p,T.Let n be an ordinal number,let T be a connected term order of n,let L be an add-associative right complementable right zeroed commutative associative well unital distributivefield-like non trivial double loop structure,let f be a polynomial of n,L,and let P be a subset of Polynom-Ring(n,L).We say that f is reducible wrt P,T if and only if:(Def.9)There exists a polynomial g of n,L such that f reduces to g,P,T.We introduce f is irreducible wrt P,T and f is in normal form wrt P,T as antonyms of f is reducible wrt P,T.Let n be an ordinal number,let T be a connected term order of n,let L be an add-associative right complementable right zeroed commutative associative well unital distributivefield-like non trivial double loop structure,and let f,p,g be polynomials of n,L.We say that f top reduces to g, p,T if and only if:(Def.10)f reduces to g,p,HT(f,T),T.Let n be an ordinal number,let T be a connected term order of n,let L be an add-associative right complementable right zeroed commutative associative well unital distributivefield-like non trivial double loop structure,and let f,p be polynomials of n,L.We say that f is top reducible wrt p,T if and only if:(Def.11)There exists a polynomial g of n,L such that f top reduces to g,p,T.Let n be an ordinal number,let T be a connected term order of n,let L be an add-associative right complementable right zeroed commutative associative well unital distributivefield-like non trivial double loop structure,let f be a polynomial of n,L,and let P be a subset of Polynom-Ring(n,L).We say that f is top reducible wrt P,T if and only if:(Def.12)There exists a polynomial p of n,L such that p∈P and f is top reducible wrt p,T.Next we state several propositions:(36)Let n be an ordinal number,T be a connected term order of n,L be an add-associative rightcomplementable right zeroed commutative associative well unital distributivefield-like non trivial double loop structure,f be a polynomial of n,L,and p be a non-zero polynomial of n, L.Then f is reducible wrt p,T if and only if there exists a bag b of n such that b∈Support f and HT(p,T)|b.(37)Let n be an ordinal number,T be a connected term order of n,L be an add-associative rightcomplementable right zeroed commutative associative well unital distributivefield-like non trivial double loop structure,and p be a polynomial of n,L.Then0n L is irreducible wrt p,T.(38)Let n be an ordinal number,T be an admissible connected term order of n,L be an add-associative right complementable right zeroed commutative associative well unital distribu-tive Abelianfield-like non degenerated non empty double loop structure,f,p be polynomi-als of n,L,and m be a non-zero monomial of n,L.If f reduces to f−m∗p,p,T,then HT(m∗p,T)∈Support f.(39)Let n be an ordinal number,T be a connected term order of n,L be an add-associative rightcomplementable right zeroed commutative associative well unital distributivefield-like non degenerated non empty double loop structure,f,p,g be polynomials of n,L,and b be a bag of n.If f reduces to g,p,b,T,then b/∈Support g.(40)Let n be an ordinal number,T be a connected admissible term order of n,L be an add-associative right complementable right zeroed commutative associative well unital distribu-tivefield-like non trivial double loop structure,f,p,g be polynomials of n,L,and b,b′be bags of n.Suppose b<T b′.If f reduces to g,p,b,T,then b′∈Support g iff b′∈Support f.associative right complementable right zeroed commutative associative well unital distribu-tivefield-like non trivial double loop structure,f,p,g be polynomials of n,L,and b,b′bebags of n.If b<T b′,then if f reduces to g,p,b,T,then f(b′)=g(b′).(42)Let n be an ordinal number,T be a connected admissible term order of n,L be an add-associative right complementable right zeroed commutative associative well unital distribu-tivefield-like non degenerated non empty double loop structure,and f,p,g be polynomials ofn,L.Suppose f reduces to g,p,T.Let b be a bag of n.If b∈Support g,then b≤T HT(f,T).(43)Let n be an ordinal number,T be a connected admissible term order of n,L be an Abelianadd-associative right complementable right zeroed commutative associative well unital dis-tributivefield-like non degenerated non empty double loop structure,and f,p,g be polyno-mials of n,L.If f reduces to g,p,T,then g<T f.6.P OLYNOMIAL R EDUCTION R ELATIONLet n be an ordinal number,let T be a connected term order of n,let L be an add-associative rightcomplementable right zeroed commutative associative well unital distributivefield-like non trivialdouble loop structure,and let P be a subset of Polynom-Ring(n,L).The functor PolyRedRel(P,T)yielding a relation between(the carrier of Polynom-Ring(n,L))\{0n L}and the carrier of Polynom-Ring(n,L) is defined as follows:(Def.13)For all polynomials p,q of n,L holds p,q ∈PolyRedRel(P,T)iff p reduces to q,P,T.One can prove the following proposition(44)Let n be an ordinal number,T be a connected admissible term order of n,L be an Abelianadd-associative right complementable right zeroed commutative associative well unital dis-tributivefield-like non degenerated non empty double loop structure,f,g be polynomials ofn,L,and P be a subset of Polynom-Ring(n,L).If PolyRedRel(P,T)reduces f to g,theng≤T f but g=0n L or HT(g,T)≤T HT(f,T).Let n be a natural number,let T be a connected admissible term order of n,let L be an Abelian add-associative right complementable right zeroed commutative associative well unital distributivefield-like non degenerated non empty double loop structure,and let P be a subset of Polynom-Ring(n,L).Observe that PolyRedRel(P,T)is strongly-normalizing.Next we state several propositions:(45)Let n be a natural number,T be an admissible connected term order of n,L be anadd-associative right complementable left zeroed right zeroed commutative associative wellunital distributive Abelianfield-like non trivial double loop structure,P be a subset ofPolynom-Ring(n,L),and f,h be polynomials of n,L.If f∈P,then PolyRedRel(P,T)re-duces h∗f to0n L.(46)Let n be an ordinal number,T be a connected admissible term order of n,L be anAbelian add-associative right complementable right zeroed commutative associative well uni-tal distributivefield-like non degenerated non empty double loop structure,P be a subset ofPolynom-Ring(n,L),f,g be polynomials of n,L,and m be a non-zero monomial of n,L.If freduces to g,P,T,then m∗f reduces to m∗g,P,T.(47)Let n be an ordinal number,T be a connected admissible term order of n,L be anAbelian add-associative right complementable right zeroed commutative associative wellunital distributivefield-like non degenerated non empty double loop structure,P be a sub-set of Polynom-Ring(n,L),f,g be polynomials of n,L,and m be a monomial of n,L.IfPolyRedRel(P,T)reduces f to g,then PolyRedRel(P,T)reduces m∗f to m∗g.Abelian add-associative right complementable right zeroed commutative associative well unital distributivefield-like non degenerated non empty double loop structure,P be a sub-set of Polynom-Ring(n,L),f be a polynomial of n,L,and m be a monomial of n,L.If PolyRedRel(P,T)reduces f to0n L,then PolyRedRel(P,T)reduces m∗f to0n L.(49)Let n be an ordinal number,T be a connected term order of n,L be an add-associativeright complementable right zeroed commutative associative well unital distributive Abelian field-like non trivial double loop structure,P be a subset of Polynom-Ring(n,L),and f,g,h, h1be polynomials of n,L.Suppose f−g=h and PolyRedRel(P,T)reduces h to h1.Then there exist polynomials f1,g1of n,L such that f1−g1=h1and PolyRedRel(P,T)reduces f to f1and PolyRedRel(P,T)reduces g to g1.(50)Let n be an ordinal number,T be a connected term order of n,L be an add-associativeright complementable right zeroed commutative associative well unital distributive Abelian field-like non trivial double loop structure,P be a subset of Polynom-Ring(n,L),and f,g be polynomials of n,L.Suppose PolyRedRel(P,T)reduces f−g to0n L.Then f and g are convergent w.r.t.PolyRedRel(P,T).(51)Let n be an ordinal number,T be a connected term order of n,L be an add-associativeright complementable right zeroed commutative associative well unital distributive Abelian field-like non trivial double loop structure,P be a subset of Polynom-Ring(n,L),and f,g be polynomials of n,L.Suppose PolyRedRel(P,T)reduces f−g to0n L.Then f and g are convertible w.r.t.PolyRedRel(P,T).Let R be a non empty loop structure,let I be a subset of R,and let a,b be elements of R.The predicate a≡b(mod I)is defined by:(Def.14)a−b∈I.Next we state several propositions:(52)Let R be an add-associative left zeroed right zeroed right complementable right distributivenon empty double loop structure,I be a right ideal non empty subset of R,and a be an element of R.Then a≡a(mod I).(53)Let R be an add-associative right zeroed right complementable right unital right distributivenon empty double loop structure,I be a right ideal non empty subset of R,and a,b be elements of R.If a≡b(mod I),then b≡a(mod I).(54)Let R be an add-associative right zeroed right complementable non empty loop structure,I be an add closed non empty subset of R,and a,b,c be elements of R.If a≡b(mod I)andb≡c(mod I),then a≡c(mod I).(55)Let R be an Abelian add-associative right zeroed right complementable unital distributiveassociative non trivial double loop structure,I be an add closed non empty subset of R,and a, b,c,d be elements of R.If a≡b(mod I)and c≡d(mod I),then a+c≡b+d(mod I).(56)Let R be an add-associative right zeroed right complementable commutative distributivenon empty double loop structure,I be an add closed right ideal non empty subset of R,and a, b,c,d be elements of R.If a≡b(mod I)and c≡d(mod I),then a·c≡b·d(mod I).(57)Let n be an ordinal number,T be a connected term order of n,L be an Abelian add-associative right complementable right zeroed commutative associative well unital distribu-tivefield-like non trivial double loop structure,P be a subset of Polynom-Ring(n,L),and f,g be elements of Polynom-Ring(n,L).If f and g are convertible w.r.t.PolyRedRel(P,T),then f≡g(mod P–ideal).(58)Let n be a natural number,T be an admissible connected term order of n,L be an Abelianadd-associative right complementable right zeroed commutative associative well unital dis-tributivefield-like non degenerated non empty double loop structure,P be a non empty subset of Polynom-Ring(n,L),and f,g be elements of Polynom-Ring(n,L).If f≡g(mod P–ideal), then f and g are convertible w.r.t.PolyRedRel(P,T).(59)Let n be an ordinal number,T be a connected term order of n,L be an Abelian add-associative right complementable right zeroed commutative associative well unital distribu-tivefield-like non trivial double loop structure,P be a subset of Polynom-Ring(n,L),and f,g be polynomials of n,L.If PolyRedRel(P,T)reduces f to g,then f−g∈P–ideal.(60)Let n be an ordinal number,T be a connected term order of n,L be an Abelian add-associative right complementable right zeroed commutative associative well unital distribu-tivefield-like non trivial double loop structure,P be a subset of Polynom-Ring(n,L),and f be a polynomial of n,L.If PolyRedRel(P,T)reduces f to0n L,then f∈P–ideal.R EFERENCES[1]Jonathan Backer,Piotr Rudnicki,and Christoph Schwarzweller.Ring ideals.Journal of Formalized Mathematics,12,2000.http:///JFM/Vol12/ideal_1.html.[2]Grzegorz Bancerek.Cardinal numbers.Journal of Formalized Mathematics,1,1989./JFM/Vol1/card_1.html.[3]Grzegorz Bancerek.The fundamental properties of natural numbers.Journal of Formalized Mathematics,1,1989.[4]Grzegorz Bancerek.The ordinal numbers.Journal of Formalized Mathematics,1,1989./JFM/Vol1/ordinal1.html.[5]Grzegorz Bancerek.Reduction relations.Journal of Formalized 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航海及海运专业英语词汇(C4)chart abbreviation 海图缩写chart atlas 海图集chart block 海图改正贴图chart block 贴图chart board 图板chart border 海图图框chart card 海图卡片chart catalog 海图目录chart catalogues 海图目录chart comparison unit 海图比较器chart comparison unit 海图比较器海图比较器chart comparison unit 海图比较器海图比较器海图比较器chart compass 罗经花chart convergence 海图收敛chart correction service 海图修改业务chart correction 海图改正chart datum level 海图基准面海图基准线chart datum 海图基准面chart datum 海图基准面chart datum 海图基准面海图基准面水深基准点chart depot 海图供应站chart desk 海图桌chart diagram 线图chart distortion 海图变形chart drawing nib 鸭嘴直线笔头chart drawing pen 鸭嘴直线笔chart drawing set 绘图仪器chart drive mechanism 记录纸传动机构chart equipment 海图设备chart folio 海图夹chart house 海图室chart lamp 海图灯chart legend 海图标题栏chart level 绘图水位chart light 海图灯chart light 海图灯海图灯chart name 海图图名chart number 海图编号chart of equal variation 等磁差曲线图chart of lines of equal horizontal magnetic force 等水平磁力曲线图chart of lines of equal magnetic dip 等磁倾角曲线图chart of lines of equal magnetic variation 等磁差曲线图chart of shipping routes 航路图chart of the world general surface current circulation 《世界表层环流图》chart of time zones of the world 世界时区图chart permanently withdrawn 作废海图chart plan display 海图显示chart plate 海图印刷板chart portfolio 海图夹chart projection 海图投影chart projection 海图投影法chart rack 海图架chart reader 海图放大镜chart reader 海图放大镜图表阅读机chart reader 图表阅读机chart reading glass 海图放大镜chart recorder 图表记录器chart recording instrument 图表记录式仪表chart room 海图室chart scale length 记录纸标尺宽度chart scale 海图比例尺chart size 海图图幅chart standardisation gommittee 海图标准委员会chart standardization committee 海图标准委员会chart symbol 海图符号chart symbol 海图图式chart table console 海图桌chart table light 海图桌灯chart table viewer 海图桌放大镜chart table 海图桌chart table 海图桌海图桌chart title 海图图名chart weight 图镇chart weight 压铁chart work 海图作业chart 冰况图chart 海图chart 海图天气图chart 图表记录纸海图地图chart-reading glass 海图放大镜charted coast 图注海岸线charted depth 海图深度charted depth 图注水深charted position 图注位置charted position 位置图(船位标在图上charted visibility of light 图注灯标射程charted visibility 海图视界charted waters 海图上的水域charter agreement 租船契约charter base 租船费计算标准charter base 租船合同租金计算标准charter base 租船契约租金计算标准charter base 租船契约租金计算标准租金计算标准charter by time 按时间计算的租船charter by time 期租charter by voyage 按航次计算的租船charter by voyage 程租charter commision 租船佣金charter contract 租船合同charter contracts 租船契约charter freight 租船运费charter freight 租船运价charter hire 租金charter money 租船费charter of cargo 货物包租charter of freight 包租运费charter of international trade organization 国际贸易组织宪章charter of the united nations 《联合国宪章》charter owners duty and obligation in voyage charter 航次租船出租人责任和义务charter party by demise 光船租赁合同charter party form 租船合同格式charter party of uncertain discharging port 卸港未定租船合同charter party 租船合同charter period 租期charter rate 租金率charter rates 租船费率charter under flag of convenience 悬挂方便旗租船charter vessel 租船charter 租船charter 租船、租船合同charter 租船契约charter 租船契约租赁租charter-party 租船合同charterage 租船费chartered accountant 租船会计chartered engineer 特许工程师chartered freight 船舶租金chartered freight 租船运费租船运输的货物chartered institute of loss adjusters 海损理算师租船学会chartered institute of transport 运输租船学会chartered insurance institute 英国特许保险学会chartered insurance institute 英国特许保险学会租船保险研究所chartered insurance institute 租船保险研究所chartered ship 被租船租用船chartered ship 租船chartered ship 租用船chartered shipbrokers 租船经纪人chartered vessel 租用船chartered voyage 租船航次chartered 特许的;包租的chartered 特许的包租的租的chartered 租的charterer 承租人charterer 承租人租船人租船人charterer 租船人charterer 租船主charterer'chartering agent 租船代理人charterer's agent 承租人的代理人charterer's agent 租船代理人charterer's agents both ends 装卸两港承租人代理charterer's name 租船人姓名charterer's responsibility for unsafe port 承租人对不安全港口应承担的责任charterers duty and obligation in voyage charter 航次租船承租人责任和义务charterers pay dues 租船人负担税金charterers 租船人chartering a cabin 包舱chartering a passenger ship 旅客包船chartering agent 租船代理chartering agents 租船代理chartering broker 租船经纪人chartering corporation 租船公司chartering department 租船部chartering market 租船市场chartering order 租船单chartering order 租船委托书chartering order 租船委托书租船单chartering trade 船舶租赁业chartering 租船charthouse flat 海图室甲板charthouse 海图室charting 制图chartlet 改正贴图chartlet 说明图chartlet 小海图;说明图;贴图chartmeter 测图器chartroom 海图室charybdis 意大利)墨西拿海峡大漩涡chase boat 猎鲸船chase 槽chase 追逐;寻觅;槽chaser 螺纹梳刀chaser 追赶者chaser 追赶者追击舰螺纹梳刀chasing dial 螺纹指示盘chasing tool 螺纹刀具chasing 切螺纹抛光清理追赶chasing 切螺纹铸件最后清理chasing 追赶chasm 深渊;裂缝;裂口;分裂chasm 深渊裂缝裂口分裂chassis connecting system 底盘车联接运输方法chassis connecting system 底盘车联结运输方法chassis system 底盘车方式chassis 底盘车;底盘chassis 底盘车底盘chassis 底座chateau 城堡chatering agent 租船代理人chatter mark 颤痕chatter of brushes 电刷的颤动chatter 颤动chatter 振动;振荡chattermark 颤痕chatterof brushes 电刷的颤动chattle mortgage 动产抵押chattle 动产cheap 低廉的cheat 欺骗;欺骗行为;骗子cheat 欺骗欺骗行为骗子cheater 骗子check amplifier 检验放大器check analysis 校验分析check and examination of port 口岸检验check and read 检验与读出校验和读出check and read 校验和读出check and read 校验和读出检验与读出check and store 校验和寄存check and store 校验和寄存校验与存储check and store 校验与存储check back 查阅记录check bar 校验棒check base line 校核基线check bearing 检测方位check bearing 校验方位check bit 校验位check bolt 防松螺栓check book 理货薄check by sight 肉眼检查check crack 收缩裂纹check dam 拦沙坝check digit 集装箱核对数字check digit 集装箱核对数字校验数check digit 校验数check drawer 支票出票人check experiment 检查试验check feed valve 给水止回阀check feed valve 进给止回阀check feed 单向给水check fittings 止回配件check for zero setting 零定位检查check formula 验算公式check gauge 校核量规check holder 支票持有人check indicator 校验指示器check it! 截住!刹住check length 检验长度check light 校验指示灯check line 基线check line 检查线check mark 校核标志check matrix 校验矩阵check measurement 检查测量check meter 电压电流计校验仪表check meter 校验仪表check meter 校验仪表;电压电流计check nozzle 自动关闭喷嘴check number 检验数check nut 防松螺母check of axial clearance 轴向间隙测定check of dynamic balance of rotor 转子动平衡校验check of play between piston and cylinder head 气缸余隙校验check of play between piston and cylinder head 汽缸余隙校验check of tappet clearance 气门间隙校验check off 查讫check operator 检验员check operator 校验员check operator 校验员检验员check out equipment 检测设备check out n. 检出检验check out system 检出系统check out 检出检验check outtest set 检测设备check pin 防松销check pin 防松销钉check plate 防松板check plus minus 正负校验check point 核对点check point 检测点检查站check polynomial 核验多项式check position 检验点check program 检验程序check program 检验程序校验程序check program 校验程序check receiver 监控接收机check ring 档环check ring 止动环check rope 防松索check rope 止刹缆check routine test 检验程序试验check routine 校验程序check sample 检验用样品check screw 固定螺丝check screw 固定螺丝止动螺钉check screw 止动螺钉check signal 核验信号check specimen 检验用样件check stopper 止索check sum 检查数check sum 检验总数check sum 检验总数检查数check test 检验试验check the helm! 把稳舵!压舵!check the helm! 把稳舵!压舵压舵!把稳舵! check up n. 检查check up 检查check valve 单向阀check valve 止回阀检验阀check valve 止回阀检验阀单向阀check walve 止回阀check washer 止动垫圈check … line! 滞溜……缆check! 慢慢松出check 检查check 检验check 支票;帐单check 支票帐单check 制止check-valve ball 止回阀球checkdrawer 支票出票人checked operation 检查操作checked operation 检验操作checker 检量员checker 检验员checkered plate 防滑钢板checkered buoy 方格纹浮标checkered buoy 方格纹浮筒checkered plate 花铁板checkered plate 网纹板checkered 方格checkered 有格子花的checkered 有格子花的有格子花的checkeredplate 防滑钢板checkholder 支票持有人checking and sealing to articles restricted for use in port 港内禁用物品查封checking aparatus 校验装置checking bollard 缆桩checking bollard 码头带缆桩checking brake 减速制动器checking by marking compound 涂色油法检验checking calculation 验算checking circuit 校验电路checking feature 校验性能checking information 检验信息checking number 检查数checking number 检验数checking of packing and marking 包装及标志鉴定checking of quality of goods 商品检验checking of seals 检查铅封checking procedure 检验程序checking program 检查程序checking relay 检验继动器checking routine 检验程序checking symbol 校验符号checking system 检验系统checking system 校验系统checking the helm! 压舵checking the telegraph 对车钟checking with lead 压铅法检查checking 检验checking 涂层表面发裂;木才裂开;校对checklist 清单checklist 清单检查表checkout equipment 检测设备checkout operations manual 检验操作手册checkout procedure 检验过程checkout 检查checkout 检出检验checkpost 系缆柱checkthe helm 压舵check up of cerfificates of competency for over-aged crew members 超龄船员职务适任证书验证cheek block 单面滑车cheek block 单面滑车;桅顶滑车cheek knee 首柱破浪材肘板cheek piece 无甲板船的舵上部椭圆断面加强板cheek plate 颊板cheek 颊板cheek 颊板侧壁滑车壳cheek 脸cheek 脸;侧壁;桅肩;滑车壳面板cheese screw 圆头螺钉cheese aerial 盒形天线cheese antenna 盒形天线cheese head screw 圆头螺钉cheese processed 精制奶酪cheese 干酪cheesescrew 圆头螺钉chef 大厨师chelatometry 络合滴定法chelura spengler 木蠹chemiadsorption 化学吸附chemical 化学品chemical activity 化学活动性chemical addition system 化学添加系统chemical adsorption 化学吸附chemical affinity 化学亲和力chemical analysis 化学分析chemical analysis 化学分析化学检验chemical analysis 化学检验chemical and parcel tanker 化学品集装箱船chemical attack 化学腐蚀chemical attack 化学侵蚀chemical barge 化学品驳chemical barge 化学品驳船chemical barrier 化学性阻挡层chemical capacitor 电解电容chemical capacitor 电解电容器chemical capacitor 化学电容器chemical cargo notation 化学品货物标志chemical cargo 化学货物chemical carrier 化学制品运输船chemical carrying ship 化学品运输船chemical change 化学变化chemical cleaning 化学清洗chemical combination 化合chemical composition 化学成分chemical compound 化合物chemical condenser 化学电容器chemical coolant 化学冷却剂chemical corrosion 化学腐蚀chemical decomposition 化学分解chemical defence 核生化三防(对核弹、生物chemical dehydrator 化学干燥剂化学干燥器chemical descaling 药剂除垢chemical electric power source 化学电源chemical element 化学元素chemical emergency response information system 化学紧急情况回答信息系统化学品紧急反应信息系统chemical emergency response information system 化学品紧急反应信息系统chemical equation 化学方程chemical equilibrium 化学平衡chemical equivalent 化学当量chemical etching 化学蚀刻chemical fibre 化学纤维chemical film 化学薄膜chemical fire extinguisher 化学灭火器chemical foam 化学泡沫chemical gas 化学毒气chemical hazards response information system 危险化学品响应信息系统chemical hygrometer 化学湿度计chemical laboratory 化学实验室chemical laser 化学激光器chemical oceanography 化学海洋学chemical oxygen demand 化学需氧量chemical parcel carrier 包装化学品运输船chemical phenomenon 化学现象chemical physics 化学物理chemical pipeline 化学品管线chemical plating 化学镀chemical polish 化学抛光剂chemical polishing 化学抛光chemical powder extinguisher 干粉灭火机chemical powder type extinguisher 化学粉末灭火器chemical properties 化学性质chemical property 化学特性chemical protection 化学保chemical purification 化学反应chemical reaction 化学反应chemical rectifier 化学整流器chemical reserve 化学储备器chemical resistance 耐化学性能chemical shut-down system 化学停堆系统chemical stability 化学稳定性chemical structure 化学结构chemical tank cleaning method 化学清舱法chemical tanker operation 化学品船操作chemical tanker 化学品运输船chemical tanker 化学品运输船液体化学品船化学品船chemical tanker 液体化学品船chemical test 化学试验化学分析chemical transformation 化学变化chemical treatment 化学处理chemical tube 化学管chemical warfare protective equipment 防化设备chemical 化学的chemical 化学的;化学制品;化工原料chemical 化学的化学制品化工原料chemically antirust paint 化学性防锈漆chemically pore 化学纯chemically pure 化学纯chemicaloil tanker 化学品石油运输船chemicals 化学材料化学药品chemico-thermal treatment 化学热处理chemigum 丁腈橡胶chemisorption 化学吸附chemist 药房chemistry 化学chenal 航道chenal 航道海峡cheque to bearer 不记名支票cheque writing machine 支票打字机cheque 支票cheque 支票;加标记cheque 支票加标记chequered buoy 方格纹浮标chequered buoy 方格纹浮筒chequered buoy 花格浮标chequered plate 防滑板chequered plate 防滑板;格子花板chequered plate 网纹板chequered 方格chequered 方格的chequered 方格方格的chequered 有格子花的chergui 秋尔古风chernikeeff log 契尔尼凯也夫计程仪cherry red 樱桃红cherub rotor 船底转子计程装置cherub rotor 船底转子计程装置丘勒勃计程仪转子chest freezer 冰箱chest rope 系艇缆chest rope 系艇缆;牵引绳;拖船安定绳chest 柜chest 盒chest 木箱子(货运用语chest 箱chestnuts 栗子chests 箱chevron packing 人字形轴封chi square distribution χ+2分布chi square distribu tion χ2分布chi square test χ+2检验chi square test χ2检验chiang 江chibli 基布利风利比亚干热风利比亚地中海岸的干热风利比亚地中海沿岸的干热风chibli 利比亚地中海沿岸的干热风chicago mean time usa 芝加哥平时chick pea 雏豆chicken pox 水痘chicle 粗地胶chicory 菊苣chief operator 报务主任chief accountant 会计主任chief axis 主轴chief boatswain's mate 水手长chief checker 理货组长chief communications engineer 总通讯工程师chief constructor 造船总工程师chief constructor 造船总工程师总监造师chief constructor 总监造师chief cook 大厨chief cook 大厨第一厨师chief cook 第一厨师chief despatcher 调度主任chief electrical engineer 电机员chief electrician 电工长chief electrician 电工长电机员chief engineer officer 轮机长chief engineer officer 轮机长老轨chief engineer 轮机长chief engineer 轮机长chief engineer'轮机长总工程师chief engineer 轮机长老轨chief engineer 轮机长总工程师chief engineer 轮机长总工程师老轨chief engineer's log 轮机长日志chief fireman 生火长chief fitter 装配工长chief frame 主肋骨chief immigration officer 移民局主任chief judge 首席法官chief justice 法官长chief mate 大副chief mate 大副大副chief of customs 关长chief officer 大副chief officer's cabins 大副房间chief operator 报务主任chief pumpman 大泵工chief purser 管事chief purser 事务长chief radio officer 报务主任chief stevedore 装卸组长chief steward 大管事chief steward 服务员领班服务员组长chief steward 服务员领班服务员组长管事chief steward 服务员组长chief steward 服务组长chief steward 管事chief stoker 生火长chief tally clerk 理货长chief tally 理货组长chief tally 理货组长chief of customs关长chief tallyman 理货长chief tallyman 理货组长chief value 主要价值chief value 主要价值主值chief value 主值chief wireless operator 报务主任chief 首长主要的chief 主任chief 主要的chief 主要的;首领;主任chiefoperator 报务主任child fender 滚动碰垫childbirth 分娩chile airline 智利航空公司chile salt peter 智利硝chile saltpetre 天然硝石chile 快艇比赛时国际航行用字母chile 智利chilean current 秘鲁洋流chilean natural nitrate 智利天然硝石chilean natural potassium nitrate 智利天然钾硝石chili 智里风chill box 冷藏舱chill box 冷藏室chill box 冷藏室(舱内温度在0℃以上chill hardening 激冷硬化chill hardening 冷硬法chill mold 冷铸模chill room 冷藏室chill room 冷藏室冷藏室(舱内温度在0℃以上chill test 激冷试验chill 寒冷;冷淬chill 寒冷冷淬chill 速冻chilled cargo 冷藏货chilled cargo 冷冻货物chilled cargo 轻度冷藏货chilled cargo 轻度冷藏货(货表面温度为-2℃chilled cargo 轻冷藏货物chilled castings 冷硬铸件chilled drinking water 饮用冰水饮用冷水chilled food storage space 冷藏食品舱chilled hold 轻度冷藏舱chilled steel 激冷钢chilled water 冷冻水chilled 冷藏的chilled 速冻的chiller 冷冻工人冷却器chiller 冷冻工人冷却器食品冷冻格chilli powder 干辣椒粉chillies 干辣椒chilling chamber 冷藏室chilling chamber 冷藏室冷藏室(舱内温度在0℃以上chilling injury 冷却损伤chilling point 凝固点chilling room 冷藏室chilling 速冻chillroom 冷藏室chimb 木甲板上的边沟chime chine 木甲板上的边沟chime hoop 桶环chime hoop 凸边箍chime reinforcement 凸边加强件chime reinforcement 凸边加强件chime whistle 和音汽笛chimney current 烟囱式气流chimney damper 烟囱风档chimney hood 烟囱罩chimney loss 烟囱热耗chimney shaft 烟囱筒身chimney stack 烟囱chimney sweep 烟囱扫除chimney 烟囱chimney 烟囱;灯罩;通风筒chimney 烟囱灯罩通风筒chimney 烟囱烟囱烟囱chimney 烟囱烟囱烟囱灯罩通风筒chimney 烟囱罩chin line 舭部折角线china air lines of taiwan 中国台湾航空公司china america insurance co. ltd 中美保险公司china andor japan 中国和或日本china association for science and technology 中国科学技术协会china association of standardization 中国标准化协会china bark 皂质树皮china central television 中国中央电视台china classification society 中国船级社china classification society 中国船级社中国船级社(自1993年3月10日起china clay 高岭土china clay 陶土china committee for the promotion of international trade 中国国际贸易促进委员会china committeefor the promotion of international trade 中国国际贸易促进委员会china commodity inspection & testing bureau 中国商品检验局china commodity inspection bureau 中国商品检验局中国商品检验师china commodity inspection corporation 中国商品检验公司china commodity inspection &testing bureau中国商品检验局china corporation of shipbuilding industry 中国造船工业总公司china council for promotion of international trade 中国国际贸易促进委员会china council for promotion of international 中国国际贸易促进委员会china council for the promotion of international trade 中国国际贸易促进委员会china export commodity fair 中国出口商品交易会china foreign trade transportation corporation 中国对外贸易运输公司china grass 苎麻china harbour engineering company 中国港口工程公司china insurance clause 中国保险条款china insurance company ltd. 中国保险公司china insurance institute 中国保险学会china insurance ltd 中国保险英国有限公司china international marine containers ltd. 中国国际海运集装箱有限公司china international travel service 中国国际旅行社china international trust and investment corporation 中国国际信托投资公司china life insurance co. ltd 中国人寿保险股份有限公司china made 中国制造的china marine and seamen service corporation 中国海员对外技术服务公司china marine bunker supply company 中国船舶燃料供应公司china marine industry corporation 中国水运工业公司china marine salvage company 中国海难救助打捞公司china marine savlvage company 中国海难救助打捞公司china maritime arbitration commission 中国海事仲裁委员会china maritime search and rescue centre 中国海上搜救中心china merchants steam navigation company limited 香港招商轮船有限公司china merchants steam navigation company 招商局china merchants 招商局china nation native produce and animal byproducts import and export corporation 中国土产畜产进出口总公司china national animal by-products export corporation 中国畜产品出口公司china national cereals oils and foodstuffs import and export corporation 中国粮油食品进出口公司china national chartering corporation 中国租船公司china national charterinig corporation 中国租船公司china national chemical products import & export corporation 中国化工产品进出口公司china national foreign trade transportation corporation group 中国对外贸易运输集团china national foreign trade transportation corporation 中国对外贸易运输公司china national foreign trade transportation corporation 中国对外贸易运输总公司china national import and export corporation 中国进出口公司china national instruments import corporation 中国仪器进口公司china national light industrial products import & export corporation 中国轻工业产品进出口公司china national machinery import and export corporation 中国机械进出口公司china national machinery import and export corporation 中国机械进出口公司中国机械进出口总公司china national machinery import and export corporation 中国机械进出口总公司china national machinery import corporation 中国机械进口公司china national metals and minerals import and export corporation 中国五金矿产进出口公司china national metals import & export corporation 中国五金进出口公司china national minerals import & export corporation 中国矿产进出口公司china national native produce animal by-products import & export corporation 中国土畜产进出口公司china national offshore oil corporation 中国海洋石油总公司china national seamen union 中国海员工会全国委员会china national silk corporation 中国丝绸公司china national sundries export corporation 中国杂品出口公司china national tea export corporation 中国茶业出口公司china national technical import corporation 中国技术进口总公司china national textiles import and export corporation 中国纺织品进出口总公司china national transport-machinery import corporation 中国运输机械进口公司china navigation society 中国航海学会china njtional chartering corporation 中国租船公司china ocean engineering services ltd中国海洋工程服务有限公司china ocean engineering services 中国海洋工程服务总公司china ocean shipping company 中国远洋运输集团总公司china ocean shipping agency 中国外轮代理公司china ocean shipping agency 中国外轮代理公司中国外轮代理公司china ocean shipping agency 中国外轮代理公司中国外轮代理公司的电报挂号中国外轮代理公司电报挂号人民轮船公司的缩写名称) china ocean shipping agency 中国外轮代理公司中国外轮代理公司中国外轮代理公司的电报挂号中国外轮代理公司电报挂号人民轮船公司的缩写名称)china ocean shipping company chartering department 中国远洋运输总公司租船部china ocean shipping company 中国远洋运输公司china ocean shipping company 中国远洋运输公司中国远洋运输公司china ocean shipping company 中国远洋运输总公司china ocean shipping company 中国远洋运输总公司地址:北京市朝阳区东三环北路三号幸福大厦邮编100027telchina ocean shipping group) company 中国远洋运输公司china ocean shipping supply corporation 中国外轮供应公司china ocean shipping tally company 中国外轮理货公司china ocean shipping tally company 中国外轮理货公司中国外轮理货总公司china ocean shipping tally company 中国外轮理货总公司china ocean shipping tally corporation 中国外轮理货公司china ocean shipping voyage repair dockyard 中国外轮航修厂china ocean shipping voyage-repair dockyard 中国外轮航次修理厂china ocean-going tanker crew training center 中国远洋油船船员培训中心china offshore helicopter service corporation 中国海洋直升飞机专业公司china offshore platform engineering corporation 中国海洋石油平台工程公司china pacific insurance company ltd 中国太平洋保险公司china polish joint stock shipping company 中波轮船股份公司china protection & insurance 中国保陪china hk ltd. 中国再保险香港有限公司china root 土茯苓china ship fueling company 中国船舶燃料供应公司china ship research and development academy 中国舰船研究院china ship scientific research center 中国船舶科学研究中心china shipbuilding trading company limited 中国船舶工业贸易有限公司china shipowner's mutual assurance association 中国船东互保协会china state shipbuilding corporation 中国船舶工业总公司china state shipbuilding corporation 中国船舶工业总公司中国船舶工业总公司china stone 瓷土石china towing company towage contract 中国拖轮公司拖航合同china towing company 中国拖船公司china towing company 中国拖轮公司china ware 瓷器china wood oil 桐油china yangtze shipping corporation ltd 中国扬子江轮船股份有限公司china 瓷器china 瓷器中国china 中国china 中国国的中国产的china 中国中国的中国产的china's council for the promotion of international trade 中国国际贸易促进委员会china's society of naval architecture and marine engineering 中国造船工程学会chinaware 磁器chinckle 纽结chine and chine 桶端相接的堆装法chine angle 舭角chine area 颔线底面面积chine bracket 尖舭肘板chine configuration 尖舭结构chine form hull 舭缘型船体chine line 颔线chine log 舭纵材板chine lug 颔线短角材chine piece 舭纵材chine rubber 舭部防擦橡胶chine stringer plate 舭部覆板chine to chine 舷靠舷chine 舭缘线chine 舭缘线;木甲板上的边沟chinese albanian shipping joint-stock company 中阿轮船股份公司chinese and foreign joint-venture vessel 中外合营船舶chinese brush 扁刷chinese capstan 双径滚筒绞车chinese character code translation equipment 中文译码机chinese character telegraph receiver 中文收报机chinese character teleprinter 中文电传机chinese civil code 中文明码chinese export commodities fair 中国出口商品交易会chinese foreign exchange control 中国外汇管制chinese ideograph 汉字chinese industrial standard 中国工业标准chinese lacquer 大漆chinese lacquer 生漆chinese lug 肋杆纵帆chinese national intruments import corp. 中国仪器进口公司chinese navigation society 中国航海学会chinese petroleum company 中国石油公司chinese polish ship-broker co. ltd. 中波海运公司society of naval architects and marine engineers中国造船工程学会chinese ship 中国籍船舶chinese society of naval architects and marine engineers 中国造船工程学会chinese society of naval architecture and marine engineering 中国造船工程学会chinese society of naval architecture and marine engineering 中国造船工程学会marine technology society海事技术学会chinese society of naval architecture and marine engineering 中国造船和海运工程协会chinese state standard 中国国定标准chinese tanzanian joint shipping company 中坦桑联合海运公司chinese wall 万里长城chinese white 白垩锌白chinese white 氧化锌chinese wire gauge 中国线规chinese wood oil 桐油chinese 中国的中国人中文中国话chinese 中国人中国话chinese-polish joint stock shipping company 中波轮船股份公司chiney hood 烟囱罩chink 裂缝chinook arch 钦诺克拱状云chinook 钦诺克风chinse 塞船缝;不很结实的捻缝chinse 塞船缝不很结实的捻缝chinsing iron 填塞凿chioro-sulphate polyethylene 氯磺化聚乙烯chip boat 碎木运输船chip breaker 分屑沟chip capacitor 片状电容器chip carrier 碎木运输船chip log 肩板计程仪chip log 手操计程仪chip microprocessor 单片微处理机chip out 切下chip scratches 屑痕chip testing 芯片测试chip transistor 片状晶体管chip vessel 碎木运输船chip 码元;削;木屑;chip 切屑chip 切屑碎片凿子集成电路块削凿铲chip 切屑碎片凿子集成电路块削凿铲码元木屑chipboard 粗纸板chipless machining 无屑加工chipless 无屑的chiplog 手操计程仪chipped 受切损chipper 凿凿者chipper 凿子chipping chisel 铲凿chipping chisel 平头凿chipping goggles 敲锈眼镜chipping hammer 气动锤chipping hammer 敲锈锤chipping hammer 敲锈锤气动锤铲边枪chipping hammer 錾平锤chipping 铲边碎屑凿平chipping 铲平chipping 碎屑凿平chipping 凿平铲边去锈chips 木工chiretta 印度当药chirography 书法chisel edge angle 凿尖角横刃斜角chisel edge 凿尖chisel test 凿试chisel 凿子chisel 錾子chishima current 千岛海流chit 单据;便条chit 单据便条chlor- 氯的意思chlorate 氯酸盐chloration 氯化作用加氯作用chloride accumulator 铅蓄电池chloride of lime 氯化石灰chloride of lime 漂白粉chloride plate 蓄电池的铅板chloride rubber paint 氯化橡胶漆chloride 氯化物chlorinated rubber paint 氯化橡胶漆chlorinated rubber 氯化橡胶chlorinated rubber 氯化橡胶氯化橡胶chlorinating equipment 加氯装置chlorinating 用氯处理的chlorination plant 氯气消毒装置chlorination 氯化chlorinator 氯化器充氯器chlorine compound additive 氯化合物添加剂chlorine 氯chlorine tanker 氯气运输船chlorine 氯chlorinecompound additive 氯化合物添加剂chlorinity 含氯量chlorinity 盐度chlorinity 盐度含氯量chloro-bromothane 氯溴乙烷chlorobenzene 氯苯chlorobromide 氯溴化物氯溴化物乳剂chloroform 三氯甲烷chlorohydrin 氯乙醇chloromycetin 氯霉素chlorophyceae 绿藻类chloroprene rubber 氯丁二烯橡胶chloroprene 氯丁二烯chloropropionic acid 氯丙酸chlorosity 含氯度chlorosulphonated polyethylene 氯磺化聚乙烯chlorosulphonated polyethylene polyethylene sheath 氯磺化聚乙烯合成橡胶护套chlorosulphonated polyethylene 氯磺化聚乙烯chlorosulphonatedpolyethylene 氯磺化聚乙烯chlorosuphonated-polyethylene 氯磺化聚乙烯chlorosuphonic acid 铬磺酸chlortetracycline 金霉素chock a block 满舱chock and block 满舱chock and block 满舱滑车拉到头chock bolt 防松螺栓chock flange joint 阻波突缘联结chock flange joint 阻波突缘连接chock full 塞满chock off 舱内)塞紧舱内塞紧chock off 舱内塞紧chock plate 调整片chock roller 导索滚轮chock up 阻塞chock 垫木chock 滑车拉到头chock 稳定架;导缆口;垫舱;塞舱;扼流圈chock-a-block 滑车拉到头chocker 节流门chocking coil 扼流圈chocking limit 阻塞边界chocking resistance 扼流电阻chocking winding 扼流线圈chocking 堵塞chocking 堵塞的chocking 用楔垫垫住chocolate gale 西印度群岛一带敏捷的西北风chocolate 黑褐色chocolate 黑褐色巧克力色的chocolate 巧克力;深褐色chocolate 巧克力深褐色chocolate 赭色chocolatero 西印度群岛一带敏捷的西北风choice of forum 法院的选择choice of law clause on bl 提单的法律选择条款choice of law 法律的选择choice of law 法律选择choice 选择;被选的人或物choice 选择被选的人或物choke area 阻气门截面积choke capacitance coupled amplifier 感容耦合放大器choke coil 扼流圈choke copuled amplifier 扼流圈耦合放大器choke coupled amplifier 扼流圈偶合放大器choke coupling 扼流圈耦合choke filter 扼流圈滤波器choke joint 波导接头choke material 填塞材料choke nozzle 阻气喷嘴choke protection 扼流圈保choke transformer 扼流变压器choke tube 阻气管choke up 塞住choke valve 阻气阀choke 扼流线圈choke 阻气阀choke 阻气阀扼流圈堵塞choke 阻气门choke 阻塞choked flange 阻波凸缘choked flow turbine 超临界压降涡轮choked pipe 堵塞的管子choked 堵塞的choker 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The role of nuclear form factors in Dark Matter calculations

The role of nuclear form factors in Dark Matter calculations

a rXiv:n ucl-t h /95926v115Sep1995IOA.314/95The role of nuclear form factors in Dark Matter calculations T.S.Kosmas and J.D.Vergados Theoretical Physics Section,University of Ioannina,GR 45110,Ioannina,Greece Abstract The momentum transfer dependence of the total cross section for elastic scattering of cold dark matter candidates,i.e.lightest su-permymmetric particle (LSP),with nuclei is examined.We find that even though the energy transfer is small (≤100KeV )the momentum transfer can be quite big for large mass of the LSP and heavy nuclei.The total cross section can in such instances be reduced by a factorof about five.There is ample evidence that about90%of the matter in the universe is non-luminous and non-baryonic of unknown nature[1-3].Furthermore,in order to accommodate large scale structure of the universe one is forced to assume the existence of two kinds of dark matter[3].One kind is composed of particles which were relativistic at the time of the structure formation. This is called Hot Dark Matter(HDM).The other kind is composed of par-ticles which were non-relativistic at the time of stucture formation.These constitute the Cold Dark Matter(CDM)component of the universe.The COBE data[4]by examining the inisotropy on background radiation suggest that the ratio of CDM to HDM is2:1.Since about10%of the matter of the universe is known to be baryonic,we know that we have60%CDM,30% HDM and10%baryonic matter.The most natural candidates for HDM are the neutrinos provided that they have a mass greater than1eV/c2.The situation is less clear in the case of CDM.The most appealing possibility,linked closely with Supersymmetry (SUSY),is the LSP i.e.the Lightest Supersymmetric Particle.In recent years the phenomenological implications of Supersymmetry are being taken very seriously[5-7].Pretty accurate predictions at low energies are now feasible in terms of few input parameters in the context of SUSY models without any commitment to specific gauge groups.More or less such predictions do not appear to depend on arbitrary choices of the relevant parameters or untested assumptions.In such theories derived from Supergravity the LSP is expected to be a neutral fermion with mass in the10−100GeV/c2region travelling with non-relativistic velocities(β≃10−3)i.e.with energies in the KeV region.In the absence of R-parity violation this particle is absolutely stable.But,even in the presence of R-parity violation,it may live long enough to be a CDM candidate.The detection of the LSP,which is going to be denoted byχ1,is extremely difficult,since this particle interacts with matter extremely weakly.One possibility is the detection of high energy neutrinos which are produced by pair annihilation in the sun where this particle is trapped i.e.via the reactionχ1+χ1→ν+¯ν(1)1The above reaction is possible since the LSP is a majorana particle,i.e.its own antiparticle(`a laπ0).Such high energy neutrinos can be detected via neutrino telescopes.The other possibility,to be examined in the present work,is the detection of the energy of the recoiling nucleus in the reactionχ1+(A,Z)→χ1+(A,Z)(2) This energy can be converted into phonon energy and detected by a tem-perature rise in cryostatic detector with sufficiently high Debye temperature [3,8,9].The detector should be large enough to allow a sufficient number of counts but not too large to permit anticoincidence shielding to reduce back-ground.A compromise of about1Kg is achieved.Another possibility is the use of superconducting granules suspended in a magneticfield.The heat produced will destroy the superconductor and one can detect the resulting magnetixflux.Again a target of about1Kg is favored.There are many targets which can be employed.The most popular ones contain the nuclei32He,199F,2311Na,4020Ca,72,7632Ge,7533As,12753I,13454Xe,and 20782P b.It has recently been shown that process(2)can be described by a four fermion interaction[10-16]of the type[17]L eff=−G F2[Jλ¯χ1γλγ5χ1+J¯χ1χ1](3)whereJλ=¯Nγλ[f0V+f1Vτ3+(f0A+f1Aτ3)γ5]N(4) andJ=¯N(f0S+f1Sτ3)N(5)2where we have neglected the uninteresting pseudoscalar and tensor currents. Note that,due to the majorana nature of the LSP,¯χ1γλχ1=0(identically). The vector and axial vector form factors can arise out of Z-exchange and s-quark exchange[10-15](s-quarks are the SUSY partners of quarks with spin zero).They have uncertainties in them(see ref.[15]for three choices in the allowed parameter space of ref.[5]).The transition from the quark to the nucleon level is pretty straightforward in this case.We will see later that,due to the majorana nature of the LSP,the contribution of the vector current,which can lead to a coherent effect of all nucleons,is suppressed[10-15].Thus,the axial current,especially in the case of light and intermediate mass nuclei,cannot be ignored.The scalar form factors arise out of the Higgs exchange or via S-quark exchange when there is mixing between s-quarks˜q L and˜q R[10-12](the partners of the left-handed and right-handed quarks).They have two types of uncertainties in them[18].One,which is the most important,at the quark level due to the uncertainties in the Higgs sector.The other in going from the quark to the nucleon level[16-17].Such couplings are proportional to the quark masses and hence sensitive to the small admixtures of q¯q(q other than u and d)present in the nucleon.Again values of f0S and f1S in the allowed SUSY parameter space can be found in ref.[15].The invariant amplitude in the case of non relativistic LSP takes the form [15]|m|2=E f E i−m21+p i·p f2(7)A3J2=A2|F(q2)|2f0S−f1S N−Z2J i+1|<J i||[f0AΩ0(q)+f1AΩ1(q)]||J i>|2(9) withΩ0(q)=Aj=1σ(j)e−i q·x j,Ω1(q)=Aj=1σ(j)τ3(j)e−i q·x j(10)whereσ(j),τ3(j),x j are the spin,third component of isospin(τ3|p>=|p>) and cordinate of the j-th nucleon and q is the momentum transferred to the nucleus.The differential cross section in the laboratory frame takes the form[15]dσπ(m1(1+η)2ξ{β2|J0|2[1−2η+12π(G F m p)2≃0.77×10−38cm2(12)|J0|2,|J|2and|J|2are given by eqs.(7)-(9).The momentum transfer q is given by|q|=q0ξ,q0=β2m1cheavy)are given in table1.It is clear that the momentum transfer can be stable for large m1and heavy nuclei.The total cross section can be cast in the formσ=σ0(m1(1+η)2{A2[β2(f0V−f1AN−ZA)2I0(q20)−β2(1+η)2(f0V−f1V N−Z2<J i||Ωρ(q)||J i>,ρ=0,1(16)(see eq.(10)for the definition ofΩρ)andIρρ′(q20)=2 10ξΩρ(q20ξ2)Ωρ′(0)dξ,ρ,ρ′=0,1(17) In a previous paper[16]we have shown that the nuclear form factor can be adequately described within the harmonic oscillator model as followsF(q2)=[ZAΦ(qb,N)]e−q2b2/4(18)whereΦis a polynomial of the form[18]Φ(qb,α)=N max(α)λ=0θ(α)λ(qb)2λ,α=Z,N(19)5N max(Z)and N max(N)depend on the major harmonic oscillator shell occu-pied by protons and neutrons[16],respectively.The integral Iρ(q20)can be written asIρ(q20)→Iρ(u)= u0x1+ρ|F(2x/b2)|2dx,(20) whereu=q20b2/2,b=1.0A1/3fm(21) With the use of eqs.(18),(19)we obtainIρ(u)=1αθ(β)νu1+ρ 1−e−uλ+ν+ρκ=0uκthe q2dependence of the spin matrix element in the cases of20782P b and199F whose structure is believed to be simple.To a good approximation[15,17]the ground state of the20782P b nucleus can be described as a2s1/2neutron hole in the20882P b closed shell.One then findsΩ0(q)=(1/√3)F2s(q2)(24)andI00=I01=I11=2 10ξ[F2s(q2)]2dξ(25) Even though the probability offinding a pure2s1/2neutron hole in the13−8[(7/13)1/2C1F0i(q2)+(5/11)1/2C2F0h(q2)]}(27)Ω1(q)=C20{F2s(q2)/√The coefficientsγ(nl)λare given in table3.The coefficients C0,C1and C2were obtained by diagonalizing the Kuo-Brown G-matrix[18,19]in a model space of2h-1p configurations.Thus we findC0=0.973350,C1=0.005295,C2=−0.006984We alsofindΩ0(0)=−(1/√3)(0.83296),(sizable retardation)(31)The amount of retardation of the total matrix element depends on the values of f0A and ing eqs.(25)and(26)we can evaluate the integrals I00,I01and I00.The results are presented infig.2.We see that for a heavy nucleus and high LSP mass the momentum transfer dependence of the spin matrix elements cannot be ignored.In the second example we examine the spin matrix elements of the light nucleus199F.Assuming that the ground state wave function is a pure SU(3) state with the largest symmetry i.e f=[3],(λµ)=(60),we obtain[20,21] the expressionΩ1(q)9F2s(q2)+5dark matter candidates(LSP)with nuclei.We have found that such a mo-mentum transfer dependence is very pronounced for heavy nuclear targets and mass of the LSP in the100GeV region.9References[1]P.F.Smith and J.D.Lewin,Phys.Rep.187(1990)203.[2]M.Roman-Robinson,Evidence for Dark Matter,Proc.Int.School onCosmological Dark Matter,Valencia,Spain,1993p.7.(ed.J.W.F.Valle and A.Perez)[3]C.S.Frenk,The large Scale Structure of the Universe,in ref.[2]p.65;J.R.Primack,Structure Formation in CDM and HDM Cosmologies,ibid p.81;J.R.Primack,D.Seckel and B.Sadoulet,Ann.Rev.Nucl.Part.Sci.38 (1988)751.[4]COBE data,G.F.Smoot et al.,Astrophys.J.396(1992)L1.[5]G.L.Kane,C.Kolda,L.Roszkowski and J.D.Wells,Phys.Rev.D49(1994)6173.[6]V.Barger,M.S.Berger and P.Ohmann,Phys.Rev.49(1994)4908.[7]D.J.Castano,E.J.Piard and P.Ramond,Phys.Rev.D49(1994)4882.[8]D.B.Cline,Present and Future Underground Experiments,in ref.[18]p.[9]F.von Feilitzch,Detectors for Dark Matter Interactions Operated atLow Temperatures,Int.Workshop on Neutrino Telescopes,Vanezia Feb.13-15,1990(la Baldo Ceolin)p.257.[10]W.Goodman and E.Witten,Phys.Rev.D31(1985)3059.[11]K.Griest,Phys.Rev.Lett.62(1988)666Phys.Rev.D38(1988)2357;D39(1989)3802.[12]J.Ellis,and R.A.Flores,Phys.Lett.B263(1991)259;Phys.Lett B300(1993)175;Nucl.Phys.B400(1993)25;J.Ellis and L.Roszkowski,Phys.Lett.B283(1992)252.10[13]V.A.Bednyakov,H.V.Klapdor-Kleingrothaus and S.G.Kovalenko,Phys.Lett.B329(1994)5.[14]M Drees and M.M.Nojiri,Phys.Rev.D48(1993)3483;Phys.Rev.D47(1993)4226.[15]J.D.Vergados,Searching for cold dark matter,preprint IOA312/95,Univ.of Ioannina.[16]T.S.Kosmas and J.D.Vergados,Nucl.Phys.A536(1992)72.[17]J.D.Vergados,Phys.Lett.B36(1971)12;34B(1971)121.[18]T.T.S.Kuo and G.E.Brown,Nucl.Phys.85(1966)40.[19]G.H.Herling and T.T.S.Kuo,Nucl.Phys.A181(1972)181.[20]Morton Hamermesh,Group Theory,Addison Wesley,Reading,Mass(1964)[21]J.P.Elliott,Prog.Roy.Soc.A245(1958)128,562.K.T.Hecht,Nucl.Phys.62(1965)1.11Figure CaptionsFig.1.The integral I0(u),which describes the main coherent contribution to the total cross section as a function of the LSP mass(m1),for three typical nuclei:4020Ca,7232Ge and20882P b.Fig. 2.The integral I1(u),entering the total coherent cross section as a function of the LSP mass(m1),for three typical nuclei:4020Ca,7232Ge and 208P b.For its definition see eqs(11)and(15)of the text.82Fig. 3.The integral I11,associated with the spin isovector-isovector matrix elements for20782P b and199F as a function of the LSP mass(m1).The other two intergals I00and I01are almost identical and are not shown.12Table1:The quantity q0(forward momentum transfer)in units of fm−1 for three values of m1and three typical nuclei.Nucleus40 20Ca.215.425.49420882P bλ=0λ=1λ=2λ=3λ=4λ=5λ=6 20p3/28-10d5/216-11/311/600d3/228-913/20-1/1051p3/238-1479/60-1/301p1/250-65/35/2-5/561/15120g7/264-3117/4-173/8401/3361d3/270-3521/4-7/241/1920h11/292-160/3107/12-31/56151/12096-1/151201f7/2106-65123/10-397/420199/6720-1/33602p3/2112-7014-7/61/24-1/19200i13/2Table3.The coefficientsγ(nl)λ,entering the polynomial describing the formfactor(see eq.(29))of a single particle harmonic oscillator wave function upto6¯hω,i.e.throughout the periodic table.n l001-1/6101-1/31/60111-1/21/20-1/840201-2/319/120-11/8401/3360041-5/617/60-31/8409/4480-1/26880131-5/61/6-1/841/3024-1/332640301-12/5-1/1541/8064-1/57601/483840 141-11/4-1/421/1008-1/554401/864864014This figure "fig1-1.png" is available in "png" format from: /ps/nucl-th/9509026v1This figure "fig1-2.png" is available in "png" format from: /ps/nucl-th/9509026v1This figure "fig1-3.png" is available in "png" format from: /ps/nucl-th/9509026v1。

On Pseudospectra of Matrix Polynomials and their Boundaries

On Pseudospectra of Matrix Polynomials and their Boundaries

Peter Lancaster,
Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Calgary, Calgary AB, Canada T2N 1N4.
Panayiotis Psarrakos,
Department of Mathematics, National Technical University, Zografou Campus, 15780 Athens, Greece.
where λ is a complex variable and P0 , P1 , . . . , Pm ∈ Cn×n with det Pm = 0. The spectrum of such a function is σ (P ) := {λ ∈ C : det(P (λ)) = 0}. Since det Pm = 0, σ (P ) consists of no more than nm distinct eigenvalues. A nonzero vector x0 ∈ Cn is known as an eigenvector of P (λ) corresponding to an eigenvalue λ0 ∈ σ (P ) if it satisfies P (λ0 )x0 = 0. The algebraic multiplicity of a λ0 ∈ σ (P ) is the multiplicity of λ0 as a zero of the scalar polynomial det P (λ), and it is always greater than or equal to the geometric multiplicity of λ0 , that is, the dimension of the null space of the matrix P (λ0 ). A multiple eigenvalue of P (λ) is called defective if its algebraic multiplicity exceeds its geometric multiplicity. We let Pm denote the linear space of n×n matrix polynomials with degree m or less. Using the spectral matrix norm (i.e., that norm subordinate to the Euclidean vector norm), we may define the max norm on Pm , P (λ) := max0≤j ≤m Pj . (2) Using this norm, we construct a class of matrix polynomials obtained from P (λ) in (1) by perturbation. The admissible perturbations are defined in j terms of a real polynomial w (x) = m j =0 wj x with nonnegative coefficients and a positive constant coefficient; wj ≥ 0 for each j = 1, 2, . . . , m, and w0 > 0. First consider matrix polynomials in Pm of the form Q(λ) = (Pm + ∆m )λm + · · · + (P1 + ∆1 )λ + (P0 + ∆0 ), (3) where the matrices ∆j ∈ Cn×n (j = 0, 1, . . . , m) are arbitrary. Then, for a given ε ≥ 0, the class of admissible perturbed matrix polynomials is B(P, ε, w ) := {Q(λ) : ∆j ≤ ε wj , j = 0, 1, . . . , m} . 2 (4)



On positivity-preserving high order discontinuous Galerkin schemes for compressible Euler equations on rectangular meshes qXiangxiong Zhang a ,Chi-Wang Shu b ,*a Department of Mathematics,Brown University,Providence,RI 02912,United StatesbDivision of Applied Mathematics,Brown University,Providence,RI 02912,United Statesa r t i c l e i n f o Article history:Received 4March 2010Received in revised form 6July 2010Accepted 13August 2010Available online 18August 2010Keywords:Hyperbolic conservation laws Discontinuous Galerkin method Positivity preserving High order accuracyCompressible Euler equations Gas dynamicsFinite volume schemeEssentially non-oscillatory scheme Weighted essentially non-oscillatory schemea b s t r a c tWe construct uniformly high order accurate discontinuous Galerkin (DG)schemes which preserve positivity of density and pressure for Euler equations of compressible gas dynam-ics.The same framework also applies to high order accurate finite volume (e.g.essentially non-oscillatory (ENO)or weighted ENO (WENO))schemes.Motivated by Perthame and Shu (1996)[20]and Zhang and Shu (2010)[26],a general framework,for arbitrary order of accuracy,is established to construct a positivity preserving limiter for the finite volume and DG methods with first order Euler forward time discretization solving one-dimen-sional compressible Euler equations.The limiter can be proven to maintain high order accuracy and is easy to implement.Strong stability preserving (SSP)high order time dis-cretizations will keep the positivity property.Following the idea in Zhang and Shu (2010)[26],we extend this framework to higher dimensions on rectangular meshes in a straightforward way.Numerical tests for the third order DG method are reported to dem-onstrate the effectiveness of the methods.Ó2010Elsevier Inc.All rights reserved.1.IntroductionIn this paper we are interested in constructing high order accurate schemes for solving hyperbolic conservation law sys-tems.For scalar conservation laws,the entropy solution is total variation diminishing (TVD),which is a desired property for numerical solutions.While traditional TVD schemes (e.g.[10])measure the total variation by that of the cell averages or grid values,leading to a necessary degeneracy of accuracy to first order at smooth extrema [18],genuinely high order TVD schemes can be constructed for one-dimensional scalar conservation laws [21,27]by measuring the total variation of the reconstruction polynomials.For multi-dimensional scalar conservation laws,it is difficult to enforce the TVD property for a high order scheme,however it is reasonable to insist on a strict maximum principle,which is satisfied by the entropy solu-tion.Genuinely high order accurate finite volume and discontinuous Galerkin (DG)schemes which satisfy a strict maximum principle have been constructed recently in [26].For hyperbolic conservation law systems,the entropy solutions in general satisfy neither the TVD property nor the max-imum principle.In this paper we are mainly interested in the Euler equations for the perfect gas,the one-dimensional ver-sion being given by0021-9991/$-see front matter Ó2010Elsevier Inc.All rights reserved.doi:10.1016/ supported by AFOSR Grant FA9550-09-1-0126and NSF Grant DMS-0809086.*Corresponding author.Tel.:+14018632549;fax:+14018631355.E-mail addresses:zhangxx@ (X.Zhang),shu@ (C.-W.Shu).w t þf ðw Þx ¼0;t P 0;x 2R ;ð1:1Þw ¼qm E0B @1C A ;f ðw Þ¼m q u 2þp ðE þp ÞuB @1CAð1:2Þwithm ¼q u ;E ¼12q u 2þq e ;p ¼ðc À1Þq e ;where q is the density,u is the velocity,m is the momentum,E is the total energy,p is the pressure,e is the internal energy,and c >1is a constant (c =1.4for the air).The speed of sound is given by c ¼ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffic p =q p and the three eigenvalues of the Jaco-bian f 0(w )are u Àc ,u and u +c .Physically,the density q and the pressure p should both be positive.We are interested in positivity-preserving high order schemes,which maintain the positivity of density and pressure at time level n +1,provided that they are positive at time level n .The techniques developed in this paper can be considered as generalizations of the maximum-principle-satisfying limiters in [26]and the positivity-preserving schemes in [20].We remark that failure of pre-serving positivity of density or pressure may cause blow-ups of the numerical algorithm,for example,for low density prob-lems in computing blast waves,and low pressure problems in the computing high Mach number astrophysical jets [9].We also remark that most commonly used high order numerical schemes for solving hyperbolic conservation law systems,including,among others,the Runge–Kutta discontinuous Galerkin (RKDG)method with a total variation bounded (TVB)lim-iter [2,4],the essentially non-oscillatory (ENO)finite volume and finite difference schemes [11,25],and the weighted ENO (WENO)finite volume and finite difference schemes [17,13],do not in general satisfy the positivity property for Euler equa-tions automatically.We now consider the Euler equations (1.1)in more detail.Let p ðw Þ¼ðc À1ÞE À1m 2qbe the pressure function.It can be easily verified that p is a concave function of w =(q ,m ,E )T if q P 0.For w 1=(q 1,m 1,E 1)T and w 2=(q 2,m 2,E 2)T ,Jensen’s inequality implies,for 06s 61,p s w 1þð1Às Þw 2ðÞP sp w 1ðÞþð1Às Þp w 2ðÞif q 1P 0;q 2P 0:ð1:3ÞDefine the set of admissible states byG ¼w ¼q m E 0B @1C Aq >0and p ¼ðc À1ÞE À12m 2q >08><>:9>=>;;then G is a convex set.If the density or pressure becomes negative,the system (1.1)will be non-hyperbolic and thus the ini-tial value problem will be ill-posed.We are interested in schemes for (1.1)producing the numerical solutions in the admissible set G .We start with a first order finite volume schemew n þ1j¼w n j Àk h w n j ;w n j þ1 Àh w n j À1;w n j h i;ð1:4Þwhere h (Á,Á)is a numerical flux,n refers to the time step and j to the spatial cell (we assume uniform mesh size only for sim-plicity),and k ¼D tD xis the ratio of time and space mesh sizes.w n j is the approximation to the cell average of the exact solution v (x ,t )in the cell I j ¼x j À1;x j þ1h i,or the point value of the exact solution v (x ,t )at x j ,at time level n .The scheme (1.4)and itsnumerical flux h (Á,Á)are called positivity preserving,if the numerical solution w n j being in the set G for all j implies the solu-tion w n þ1jbeing also in the set G .This is usually achieved under a standard CFL condition k kðj u j þc Þk 16a 0:ð1:5ÞExamples of positivity preserving fluxes include the Godunov flux [6],the Lax–Friedrichs flux [20],the Boltzmann type flux[19],and the Harten–Lax–van Leer flux [12].We now consider a general high order finite volume scheme,or the scheme satisfied by the cell averages of a DG method solving (1.1),which has the following formw n þ1j ¼w n j Àk h w Àj þ1;w þj þ12Àh w Àj À1;w þj À12h i;ð1:6Þwhere h is a positivity preserving flux under the CFL condition (1.5),w n j is the approximation to the cell average of the exact solution v (x ,t )in the cell I j ¼x j À12;x j þ12h iat time level n ,and w Àj þ12;w þj þ12are the high order approximations of the point values v x j þ1;t nwithin the cells I j and I j +1respectively.These values are either reconstructed from the cell averages w n j in a finitevolume method or read directly from the evolved polynomials in a DG method.We assume that there is a polynomial vectorX.Zhang,C.-W.Shu /Journal of Computational Physics 229(2010)8918–89348919q j (x )=(q j (x ),m j (x ),E j (x ))T (either reconstructed in a finite volume method or evolved in a DG method)with degree k ,wherek P 1,defined on I j such that w n j is the cell average of q j (x )on I j ,w þj À12¼q j x j À12and w Àj þ12¼q j x j þ12.A general framework to construct a high order positivity preserving finite volume scheme for the Euler equations wasintroduced in [20],in which a sufficient condition for the solution w n þ1jof (1.6)to be in the set G is that,all the nodal values w Æj þ12and w n þ1j Àa w Àj þ12þw þj À1 are in the set G under the CFL conditionk kðj u j þc Þk 16a a 0;where a 2(0,1]is a constant.Strong stability preserving (SSP)high order Runge–Kutta [25]and multi-step [24]time discret-ization will keep the positivity since G is convex.It is reasonable to require and easy to enforce the positivity of the point values w Æj þ1.However,it is more difficult to en-force the positivity of w n þ1j Àa w Àj þ12þw þj À12without destroying accuracy for an arbitrary high order scheme.We refer to Perthame and Shu [20]for more discussions on this point.In this paper,we provide a similar sufficient condition,whichis however much easier to enforce.We need the N -point Legendre Gauss–Lobatto quadrature rule on the intervalI j ¼x j À12;x j þ12h i,which is exact for the integral of polynomials of degree up to 2N À3.We would need to choose N such that2N À3P k .Denote these quadrature points on I j asS j ¼x j À12¼b x 1j ;b x 2j ;...;b x N À1j ;b x N j¼x j þ12n o:ð1:7ÞWe will prove that a sufficient condition for w n þ1j2G is simply q j b x a j2G for a =1,2,...,N ,under a suitable CFL condition.The same type of the linear scaling limiter used in [26]can enforce this sufficient condition without destroying accuracy.This limiter is also very easy to implement.Furthermore,we provide a straightforward extension of this result to arbitrary high order two-dimensional schemes on rectangular meshes.The main conclusion of this paper is,by adding a positivity preserving limiter which will be specified later to a high order accurate finite volume scheme or a discontinuous Galerkin scheme solving one or multi-dimensional Euler equations,with the time evolution by a SSP Runge–Kutta or multi-step method,we obtain a uniformly high order accurate scheme preserving the positivity in the sense that the density and pressure of the cell averages are always positive if they are positive initially.The paper is organized as follows:we first prove the positivity result for schemes in one space dimension in Section 2.In Section 3,we show a straightforward extension to two space dimensions on rectangular meshes.In Section 4,numerical tests for the third order DG method will be shown.Concluding remarks are given in Section 5.2.Positivity-preserving high order schemes in one dimension 2.1.A sufficient conditionWe consider the first order Euler forward time discretization (1.6);higher order time discretization will be discussed la-ter.Let b w a be the Legendre Gauss–Lobatto quadrature weights for the interval À12;12ÂÃsuch that P Na ¼1b w a ¼1,with2N À3P k .Motivated by the approach in [20,26],our first result isTheorem 2.1.For a finite volume scheme or the scheme satisfied by the cell averages of a DG method (1.6),if q j b x a j2G for all j and a ,then w n þ1j 2G under the CFL conditionk kðj u j þc Þk 16b w1a 0:ð2:1ÞProof.The exactness of the quadrature rule for polynomials of degree k impliesw n j¼1ZI jq j ðx Þdx ¼XN a ¼1b w a q j b x a j :By adding and subtracting h w þj À12;w Àj þ12,the scheme (1.6)becomes w n þ1j¼XN a ¼1b w a q j b x a jÀk h w Àj þ12;w þj þ1 Àh w þj À1;w Àj þ12þh w þj À1;w Àj þ12Àh w Àj À12;w þj À1h i ¼XN À1a ¼2b wa q jb x ajþb w N w Àj þ12Àk w N h w Àj þ12;w þj þ12 Àh w þj À12;w Àj þ12 h iþb w 1w þj À12Àk b w 1h w þj À12;w Àj þ12 Àh w Àj À12;w þj À12 h i ¼XN À1a ¼2b w a q j b x a jþb w N H N þb w 1H 1;8920X.Zhang,C.-W.Shu /Journal of Computational Physics 229(2010)8918–8934whereH1¼wþjÀ1Àkw1h wþjÀ1;wÀjþ12Àh wÀjÀ12;wþjÀ1h i;ð2:2ÞH N¼wÀjþ12Àkw Nh wÀjþ12;wþjþ1Àh wþjÀ1;wÀjþ12h i:ð2:3ÞNotice that(2.2)and(2.3)are both of the type(1.4),and b w1¼b w N,therefore H1and H2are in the set G under the CFLcondition(2.1).Now,it is easy to conclude that w nþ1jis in G,since it is a convex combination of elements in G.hRemark2.2.Here we only discuss Euler forward.Strong stability preserving high order Runge–Kutta[25]and multi-step [24]time discretization will keep the validity of Theorem2.1since G is convex.Remark2.3.From the proof of Theorem2.1,we can see that any type of quadrature rule will work as long as the quadrature points include the two cell ends and the quadrature is exact for polynomials of degree k.It would appear that there is a pos-sibility to achieve a larger CFL number if we canfind a better quadrature in the sense that b w1is larger.However,for k=2,3, we have verified that the Gauss–Lobatto quadrature is the best choice.Remark2.4.For the Lax–Friedrichsfluxhðu;vÞ¼1½fðuÞþfðvÞÀa0ðvÀuÞ ;where a0=k(j u j+c)k1,the CFL condition(1.5)was proven for k a0612in[20]by proving the numerical solution of thefirstorder Lax–Friedrichs scheme to be the cell average of the exact solution.Here,we prove that(1.5)for the Lax–Friedrichsflux can be relaxed to k a061.The Lax–Friedrichs scheme can be written asw nþ1j ¼w njÀk h w nj;w njþ1Àh w njÀ1;w njh i¼ð1Àk a0Þw njþk a0w njþ1À1f w njþ1!þk a0w njÀ1þ1f w njÀ1!:Assume w nj ;w njÀ1and w njþ1are in the set G,we want to show w nþ1j2G under the CFL k a061.Notice that w nþ1jis a convexcombination of the three vectors w nj ;w njþ1À1a0f w njþ1and w njÀ1þ1a0f w njÀ1,we only need to show w njÀ1þ1a0f w njÀ1andw njþ1À1a0f w njþ1are in the set G.It is easy to check that thefirst components of the both vectors are positive.The only non-trivial part is to check the positivity of the‘‘pressure”.For simplicity,we drop the subscripts and superscripts,i.e.,we provewÆ10fðwÞ2G if w2G.Let p¼1c EÀ1m2qand u=m/q.By a direct calculation,we havep wÆ1a0fðwÞ¼pð1Æua0Þq;ð1Æua0ÞmÆ1a0p;ð1Æua0ÞEÆua0pT"#¼1ÀpqcÀ12ða0ÆuÞ2!1Æua0pTherefore,p wÆ1a0fðwÞ>0()pqcÀ12ða0ÆuÞ<1()cpq<2ccÀ1ða0ÆuÞ2()ffiffiffiffiffiffiffic pqr<ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi2ccÀ1sða0ÆuÞ:Since c¼ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffic p=qpand a0=k(j u j+c)k1,we have p wÆ1fðwÞ>0.The CFL condition(2.1)using the Lax–Friedrichsflux and the Gauss–Lobatto quadrature points for k=2,3,4,5are listed in Table2.1.We note that these conditions are comparable with and only slightly more restrictive than the standard CFL conditions for linear stability of discontinuous Galerkin methods[5].Table2.1The CFL condition(2.1)of Lax–Friedrichsflux for26k65and the Gauss–Lobatto quadrature points onÀ12;1 2ÂÃ.k CFL Quadrature points onÀ12;1 2ÂÃ2k a0616À12;0;12ÈÉ3k a0616À12;0;12ÈÉ4k a06112À12;À1ffiffiffiffi20p;1ffiffiffiffi20p;12n o5k a06112À12;À1ffiffiffiffi20p;1ffiffiffiffi20p;12n oX.Zhang,C.-W.Shu/Journal of Computational Physics229(2010)8918–893489212.2.A limiter to enforce the sufficient conditionGiven the vector of approximation polynomials q j (x )=(q j (x ),m j (x ),E j (x ))T ,either reconstructed for a finite volume scheme or evolved for a DG scheme,with its cell average w n j ¼q n j ;m n j ;E n jT 2G ,we would like to modify q j (x )into ~q j ðx Þsuch that it satisfiesAccuracy:For smooth solutions,the limiter does not destroy accuracyk ~qj ðx ÞÀq j ðx Þk ¼O ðD x k þ1Þ8x 2I j ;where kÁk denotes the Euclidean norm.Positivity:~q j b x a j2G for a =1,2,...,N . Conservativity:1xZI j~q j ðx Þdx ¼w n j :Definep n j¼ðc À1ÞE n j À12m n j 2=q n j .Then q n j >0and p nj >0for all j .Assume there exists a small number e >0such thatq n j P e and p nj P e for all j .For example,we can take e =10À13in the computation.The first step is to limit the density.Replace q j (x )byb q j ðx Þ¼h 1q j ðx ÞÀq n jþq n j ;ð2:4Þwhereh 1¼min q n j Àe q n jÀq min ;1();q min ¼min a q j b x a j :ð2:5ÞThen the cell average of b q j ðx Þover I j is still q n jand b q j b x a jP e for all a .The accuracy of b q j ðx Þcan be proven following the same lines as in [26].The second step is to enforce the positivity of the pressure.We need to introduce some notations.Letb q j ðx Þ¼ðb q j ðx Þ;m j ðx Þ;E j ðx ÞÞT and b q a j denote b q j b x a j.DefineG e¼w ¼q m E 1C A 0B @q P e and p ¼ðc À1ÞE À12m 2q P e 8><>:9>=>;;ð2:6Þ@G e ¼w ¼q m E 1C A 0B @q P eand p ¼ðc À1ÞE À1m 2q ¼e 8><>:9>=>;;ð2:7Þands aðt Þ¼ð1Àt Þw n jþt b q j b x a j;06t 61:ð2:8ÞG e is a convex set thanks to (1.3).o G e in (2.7)is a surface which contains part of the boundary of G e .s a (t )in (2.8)is the straight line passing through the two points w n j and b q j b x a j.If b q a j lies outside of G e ,namely p b q a j<e ,then there exists an intersection point of the straight line s a (t )and the surface @G e .Let s a e denote this intersection,then s a e ¼s a t a e ÀÁfor some t a e 2½0;1 satisfying p s a t a eÀÁÀÁ¼e .We will abuse the notation and let s a e ¼b q a j if p ðb q a j Þ2G e .So we haves ae ¼s a t a e ÀÁ;if p b q a j<e ;b q a j ;if p b q a jP e :8><>:ð2:9ÞWe consider the following new vector of polynomials~q j ðx Þ¼h 2b q j ðx ÞÀw n jþw n j ;ð2:10Þ8922X.Zhang,C.-W.Shu /Journal of Computational Physics 229(2010)8918–8934withh 2¼min a ¼1;2;...;N s a e Àw n jb q a j Àw n j:ð2:11ÞIt is easy to see that the cell average of ~q j ðx Þover I j is w n j .Next we would like to show the following lemma.Lemma 2.5.The ~q j ðx Þdefined in (2.10)and (2.11)satisfies ~q j b x a j2G e &G for all a .Proof.Notice that ~q j ðx Þis actually a convex combination of b q j ðx Þand w n j ,so the density of ~q j b x a jis no less than e .For the same reason,p ð~q j b x a j ÞP e if p b q j b x a jP e .If p b q j b x a j<e ,then p s a e ÀÁ¼e and ~qj b x aj¼h 2b q j b x a j Àw n j þw n j ¼h 2a e t a e b q j b x a j Àw n j þw n j h i þ1Àh 2a e w n j ¼h 2a e s a e þ1Àh 2a ew n j :Notice that s a e Àw n jb q a jÀw n j¼t a e .Therefore,(2.11)implies h 26t a e .So ~q j b x a j is a convex combination of s a e and w n j ,and thus p ~q j b x a j P e .h Finally,we need to show the limiter (2.10)and (2.11)does not destroy accuracy when q j (x )approximates a smooth solu-tion.Define d (z ,G )=min w 2G k z Àw k .Assume the exact solution v (x ,t n )is smooth and d (v (x ,t n ),G e )P M ,"x ,for some constant M >0.It suffices to show h 2=1+O (D x k +1).If h 2<1,then h 2¼s b e Àw n j =b q b j Àw n jfor some b where s b e is the intersection of thestraight line and the surface.Since w n j is a (k +1)th order approximation to the cell average of v (x ,t n ),we have d w n j ;G eP M þO ðD x k þ1ÞP M2if D x is smallenough.We can also assume the overshoot s b e Àb q b j ¼O ðD x k þ1Þsince b q b j is a (k +1)th order approximation to a point in G e .Thus,j 1Àh 2j ¼1Àh 2¼1Às b e Àw n j b q b j Àw n j ¼s b e Àb q b j b q bj Àw n j6s b e Àb q b jd w n j ;Ge ¼O ðD x k þ1Þ;where the third equality is due to the fact that b q b j ;s b e and w n j lie on the same line.Therefore,the limiting process (2.4),(2.5),(2.10)and (2.11)returns ~qj ðx Þsatisfying the accuracy,positivity and conservativity.2.3.Implementation for the DG methodAt time level n ,assuming the DG polynomial in cell I j is q j (x )=(q j (x ),m j (x ),E j (x ))T with degree k ,and the cell average of q j (x )is w n j ¼q n j ;m n j ;E nj T2G ,then the algorithm flowchart of our algorithm for the Euler forward is Set up a small number e ¼min j 10À13;q n j ;p w n jn o . In each cell,modify the density first:evaluate min a ¼1;...;N q j b x a j and get b q j ðx Þby (2.4)and (2.5),set b q j ðx Þ¼b q j ðx Þ;m j ðx Þ;E j ðx ÞÀÁT. Then modify the pressure:let b q a j denote b q j x a j ,for each a ,if p b q a j<e ,then solve the following quadratic equation for t a e ,p 1Àt a e ÀÁw nj þt a e b q j b x aj h i ¼e :ð2:12ÞIf p b q a jP e ,then set t a e ¼1.h 2in (2.11)is mathematically equivalent to h 2¼min a ¼1;...;N t a e .Get ~q j ðx Þby (2.10). Use ~qj ðx Þinstead of q j (x )in the DG scheme with Euler forward in time under the CFL condition (2.1).h For SSP high order time discretizations,we need to use the limiter in each stage for a Runge–Kutta method or in each stepfor a multi-step method.Remark 2.6.The implementation for a finite volume method is similar,but it will be a little bit more complicated for WENO since there are only nodal values but no polynomials in each cell after WENO reconstruction.One way to implement the limiter is to construct polynomials using the nodal values and cell averages,see [26]for details.We are also exploring other,simpler ways to implement this positivity preserving limiter for WENO finite volume schemes.These implementation details and numerical tests will be reported elsewhere.X.Zhang,C.-W.Shu /Journal of Computational Physics 229(2010)8918–89348923Remark 2.7.Theoretically,there is a complication regarding the CFL condition (2.1)for a Runge–Kutta time discretization.Consider the third order SSP Runge–Kutta method.To enforce (2.1)rigorously,we need to get an accurate estimation of k (j u j +c )k 1for all the three stages based only on the numerical solution at time level n ,which is highly nontrivial mathe-matically.In practice,we can simply multiply a factor,for example 2to 3,to the quantity k (j u j +c )k 1of w n ,as an estimation for all the stages.Although this is a rough estimation,it works well for us to choose a time step satisfying (2.1)in all the examples in Section 4.To be more efficient,we could implement this more stringent CFL condition only when a preliminary calculation to the next time step produces negative density or pressure.This complication does not exist if we use a SSP multi-step time discretization.3.Positivity-preserving high order schemes in two dimensions 3.1.A sufficient conditionIn this section we extend our result to finite volume or DG schemes of (k +1)th order accuracy on rectangular meshes solving two-dimensional Euler equationsw t þf ðw Þx þg ðw Þy ¼0;t P 0;ðx ;y Þ2R 2;ð3:1Þw ¼qm n EB B B @1C C C A;f ðw Þ¼mq u 2þp q u v ðE þp ÞuB B B @1C CC A;g ðw Þ¼nq u v q v 2þp ðE þp ÞvB B B @1C CC Að3:2Þwithm ¼q u ;n ¼q v ;E ¼12q u 2þ12q v 2þq e ;p ¼ðc À1Þq e ;where q is the density,u is the velocity in x direction,v is the velocity in y direction,m and n are the momenta,E is the totalenergy,p is the pressure,e is the internal energy.The speed of sound is given by c ¼ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffic p =q p .The eigenvalues of the Jacobian f 0(w )are u Àc ,u ,u and u +c and the eigenvalues of the Jacobian g 0(w )are v Àc ,v ,v and v +c .The pressure function p is still concave with respect to w if q P 0and the set of admissible statesG ¼w ¼q m n E1C C C A 0B B B @q >0and p ¼ðc À1ÞE À12m 2q À12n 2q >08>>><>>>:9>>>=>>>;is still convex.For simplicity we assume we have a uniform rectangular mesh.At time level n ,we have a vector of approximation poly-nomials of degree k ,q ij (x ,y )=(q ij (x ,y ),m ij (x ,y ),n ij (x ,y ),E ij (x ,y ))T with the cell average w n ij ¼q n ij ;m n ij ;n n ij ;E nij Ton the (i ,j )cell x i À1;x i þ1h i Ây j À1;y j þ1h i .Letw þi À12;j ðy Þ;w Ài þ12;j ðy Þ;w þi ;j À12ðx Þ;w Ài ;j þ12ðx Þdenote the traces of q ij (x ,y )on the four edges respectively,see Fig.3.1.All of the traces are vectors of single variable polynomials of degree k.8924X.Zhang,C.-W.Shu /Journal of Computational Physics 229(2010)8918–8934。



unit11.Not all polymers are built up from bonding together a single kind of repeating unit. At the other extreme ,protein molecules are polyamides in which n amino acide repeat units are bonded together. Although we might still call n the degree of polymerization in this case, it is less usefull,since an amino acid unit might be any one of some 20-odd molecules that are found in proteins. In this case the molecular weight itself,rather than the degree of the polymerization ,is generally used to describe the molecule. When the actual content of individual amino acids is known,it is their sequence that is of special interest to biochemists and molecular biologists.并不是所有的聚合物都是由一个重复单元链接在一起而形成的。






The routine poldiv in §5.3 can be used to divide the polynomial by this factor. Deflation must, however, be utilized with care. Because each new root is known with only finite accuracy, errors creep into the determination of the coefficients of the successively deflated polynomial. Consequently, the roots can become more and more inaccurate. It matters a lot whether the inaccuracy creeps in stably (plus or
Deflation of Polynomials
When seeking several or all roots of a polynomial, the total effort can be significantly reduced by the use of deflation. As each root r is found, the polynomial is factored into a product involving the root and a reduced polynomial of degree one less than the original, i.e., P (x) = (x − r)Q(x). Since the roots of Q are exactly the remaining roots of P , the effort of finding additional roots decreases, because we work with polynomials of lower and lower degree as we find successive roots. Even more important, with deflation we can avoid the blunder of having our iterative method converge twice to the same (nonmultiple) root instead of separately to two different roots. Deflation, which amounts to synthetic division, is a simple operation that acts on the array of polynomial coefficients. The concise code for synthetic division by a monomial factor was given in §5.3 above. You can deflate complex roots either by converting that code to complex data type, or else — in the case of a polynomial with real coefficients but possibly complex roots — by deflating by a quadratic factor, [x − (a + ib)] [x − (a − ib)] = x2 − 2ax + (a2 + b2 ) (9.5.1)

On the absolute Mahler measure of polynomials having all zeros in a sector

On the absolute Mahler measure of polynomials having all zeros in a sector

1. Introduction Let P (z ) = z be a monic polynomial with integer coefficients, irreducible over the rationals, of degree d ≥ 1, and having zeros α1 , · · · , αd . Its relative Mahler measure M (P ), given by
αa i R(αi ) =
|αi |≤1
|αa i R(αi )| ×
|αi >1
a+r 1 |αi R(α− i )| a+r α2 i |αi |>1
|αi |≤1
|αa i R(αi )| ×
|αi |>1 (2a+r )d
1 a −1 |(α− i ) R(αi )| × 2a+r
Received by the editor March 12, 2003 and, in revised form, August 10, 2003. 2000 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary 11R04, 12D10.
c 2004 American Mathematical Society
A, and in fact it has the smallest absolute measure among factors A of measure > 1. It follows that Ω(P∗ ) is the smallest value of the absolute measure for polynomials having all zeros in | arg z | ≤ θ for θ ∈ [θi , θi ]. Hence, c(θ) = Ω(P∗ ) for these θ. One of the main problems in the previous paper was to find for each interval suitable polynomials to use to obtain a good auxiliary function. In fact they only usproduced a table of good Pj which were for almost all polynomials of one of the following six types: z n Q(z + z −1 − k ) z n S (z + z −1 − 2) z n (Q(z ) + Q(1/z )) (k = 3, 2, 1, 0) (types 1, 2, 3, 4),



ReviewClay in cement-based materials:Critical overview ofstate-of-the-artM.L.Nehdi ⇑Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering,University of Western Ontario,London,Ontario,Canadah i g h l i g h t sCritical overview of effects of clay in cement-based materials is provided. Dimensional stability of aggregates bearing clay minerals is examined. Treatment of clays to mitigate their detrimental effects in concrete is outlined. Research on nano-clays in cement-based materials is highlighted.How to resolve ambiguity related to clays in cement-based materials is discussed.a r t i c l e i n f o Article history:Received 23May 2013Received in revised form 10October 2013Accepted 31October 2013Available online 28November 2013Keywords:Clay SandAggregate Concrete Workability Admixture Swelling Durability Nanoa b s t r a c tLimitations in guidelines and standards on the amount of clay in sand and coarse aggregate micro-fines and the influence of such micro-fines on fresh and hardened concrete properties is often ambiguous for practitioners and quality control professionals.This is compounded by conflicting related data in the open literature and the inadequacy of some standard test procedures for capturing the real problems associated with the presence of clays in cement-based materials.This paper examines the various types of clay,limitations on clays in aggregates in various standards,and the test methods used to assess the presence of clays in aggregates.A critical overview of literature on the possible effects of clay in cement-based materials is provided,including effects on water demand,workability,mechanical strength,dimensional stability and chemical admixtures dosage.The problem of dimensional stability of aggre-gates bearing clay minerals is examined.Possible chemical treatment of clays to mitigate their detrimen-tal effects in concrete is also outlined.Finally,emerging research on using nano-clays in cement-based materials is highlighted and recommendations to resolve ambiguity related to the presence of clays in cement-based materials are proposed.Ó2013Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved.Contents 1.Introduction (373)2.Different clay minerals and their behaviour................................................................................3733.Mechanisms of clay swelling............................................................................................3744.Effects of clay on properties of concrete...................................................................................3745.Effects of clay on chemical admixtures....................................................................................3766.Expansion of aggregates with clay bearing minerals.........................................................................3767.Test methods for clay in cement-based materials ...........................................................................3767.1.Aggregate durability index ........................................................................................3777.2.Sand equivalent test .............................................................................................3777.3.Methylene blue test .............................................................................................3777.4.Grace colorimetric modified methylene blue method ..................................................................3788.Standard limitations on clay content in aggregates..........................................................................3789.Chemical treatment of aggregates to mitigate effects of clay ..................................................................37810.Nano-clay in cement-based materials....................................................................................3790950-0618/$-see front matter Ó2013Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved./10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2013.10.059⇑Tel.:+1(519)6612111x88308.E-mail address:mnehdi@uwo.ca11.Concluding remarks (381)References (381)1.IntroductionThe Spanish proverb puts it best:‘‘clay and lime conceal much evil’’.This author sensed such perception of clay through personal involvement in high-profile international projects(e.g.two of the tallest buildings in the world,world’s deepest and second largest water pumping and treatment plant,one of the world’s largest air-ports,a world landmark bridge,etc.).Ambiguity arises when stan-dards,technical provisions and subsequently project specifications may be unnecessarily restrictive on the amount of micro-fines al-lowed in aggregates used in concrete,while locally available sands and/or coarse aggregates cannot meet such limitations at compet-itive cost.Often futile debate emerges on what exactly is the nat-ure of aggregate micro-fines at hand,is it responsible for any performance issues of the concrete produced,how such an influ-ence can be accurately quantified for various microfine contents, and can the limits on micro-fines be relaxed without short-or long-term performance problems of the concrete.The discussion can be fuelled with conflicting pieces of information sourced from the open literature or through personal communications.Therefore,this article is an attempt to demystify clay in con-crete,critically overview the state-of-the-art on this issue,and pro-vide a self-contained document that can scrutinise existing related data and the various pieces of evidence,examine the available test methods for evaluating the existence and effects of clays in ce-ment-based materials,and essentially savefort of navigating through this often2.Different clay minerals and theirDetailed information on clay mineralsin Fowden et al.[24].Clay minerals areand layered crystalline substances thatweathering of certain rock formingicates of aluminium and other metallictially two fundamental crystal layers,alumina(octahedral).It is basically theare stacked together with differentthe crystal lattice that differentiates clayite,illite and montmorillonite from onegeological conditions and prevailingmine which type of clay is formed.Clay minerals are commonly found in75l m material)of natural aggregates.ically less than2l m in size,but can be10sized clay materials and their unit cellsative charges on their surfaces.Whenbetween clay particles gets occupied byThe simultaneous presence of negativelyand the dipoles of water create electro-tract and hold the dipoles of water.Claymulti-layer formations.The chargedcharge around the particles are togetherlayer[39].The space between layers and the freeinterlayer space are the chief reasons formineral has a swelling behaviour.Theabsorption of water dipoles to theto be achieved.With decreased interlayeramong the layers become powerful and of water,so swelling does not occur.Conversely,as the interlayer space becomes more significant,interlayer forces are so that water absorption in the interlayer space can progress until interlayer bonds fail.Hence,the clay particles get separated and rearranged and swelling occurs.The extent and kinetics of the mechanisms de-scribed above depend on several other parameters acting individ-ually or in combination.These include the density of the surface charge,the type and valence of the cations,the concentration of the electrolytes and the dielectric constant.Therefore,swelling depends on the type of clay mineral.Gener-ally,smectite minerals,with montmorillonite being a chief repre-sentative of this group,are considered swelling.Such smectites encompass repeat units of silica,gibbsite(aluminium hydroxyl groups)and adjacent silica layers joined by Van der Waals bonds (Fig.1).The substitution of aluminium for magnesium in the gibb-site layer and for silicon in the silica layer results in a net negative charge in smectites,thus imparting a high cation exchange capac-ity.In addition to their high cation exchange capacity,the inter-layer spacing between silica layers can increase in smectites through water absorption,causing substantial swelling.Con-versely,clay minerals such as pyrophyllite,margarite and illite are considered non-swelling.For instance,kaolinites comprise re-peat units of silica and gibbsite and lack the inter-layer spacing found between adjacent silica layers in smectites.Hence,their cat-ion exchange capacity is less than that of smectites and is predom-1.Schematic illustration of the layered structure present in montmorillonite (courtesy of J.Plank,2013).M.L.Nehdi/Construction and Building Materials51(2014)372–382373d-spacing when exchangeable cations are hydrated by an aqueous solution[7].The presence of clay minerals in coarse andfine aggregates can have remarkable effects on the workability of fresh concrete,effec-tiveness of chemical admixtures,and on the mechanical strength, dimensional stability and durability of hardened concrete.There-fore,it is paramount to determine the type and content of clay minerals in aggregates,develop rapid and reliablefield test meth-ods to quantify deleterious clay minerals in aggregate stockpiles and recommend remedial techniques,if any,to make the clay-con-taminated aggregates adequate for use in concrete.In this article,a critical overview of the effects of clay minerals in cement-based materials is provided.The test methods used to assess the presence of clay in aggregates are examined,and inter-national standards on clay minerals in concrete are highlighted. The problem of dimensional stability of aggregates bearing clay minerals is discussed.Possible chemical treatment of clays to mit-igate their detrimental effects in concrete is also outlined.Finally, emerging research on using nano-clays in cement-based materials is highlighted.It is hoped that this critical analysis of international literature could mitigate existing ambiguity on the topic of clay in concrete among engineers and practitioners.3.Mechanisms of clay swellingThe mechanisms of clay swelling have been extensively dis-cussed in the literature.Only aspects relevant to clays in cement-based materials are considered herein.Much of this discussion is based on a review by Anderson et al.[8].In contact with water, exchangeable cations in the clay interlayer space tend to hydrate, forcing clay layers apart.Swelling can occur via two different re-gimes;crystalline and osmotic swelling.Crystalline swelling can occur in all types of clay minerals.This was shown to be a short-range swelling occurring in a discrete fashion,through the stepwise formation of mixtures of interlayer hydrates.Several layers of water molecules line up to form a qua-si-crystalline structure between unit layers resulting in an in-creased interlayer spacing.For instance,smectite clays absorb water and form one-,two-,three-and four-layer hydrates.The equilibrium layer spacing for a certain clay mineral is the state whereby the thermodynamic potential(free energy)is a global minimum given thermodynamic constraints of temperature,pres-sure,and water chemical potential(Anderson et al.[8]).Typical interlayer spacing recorded in the crystalline swelling regime ranges from9to20Å.Osmotic swelling occurs in particular clay minerals known to contain exchangeable cations in the interlayer region.When the concentration of cations in the interlayer space is higher than that in the surrounding solution,water molecules migrate into the interlayer space to restore cation equilibrium.This type of swelling can cause appreciably larger volume increases(interlayer spacing of20–130Å)than that resulting from crystalline swelling.For in-stance,smectites can swell in this osmotic fashion.Conversely, K+saturated smectite clay do not swell in this manner and form crystalline hydrates even in aqueous suspension[52].Thus,the K+ion can be used to prevent the swelling of sodium saturated clay minerals(Anderson,2010).The type,size and charge of exchangeable cations present in the clay interlayer space have a predominant effect on the magnitude of clay swelling.Water desorption isotherm measurements of montmorillonite intercalated with different monovalent exchange-able cations(Li+,Na+,K+,Rb+and Cs+)indicated that for larger cations,less water is adsorbed[40].Clay minerals incorporating monovalent cations having larger hydration energies tend to swell more than those containing cations with lower hydration energies.Furthermore,the type of substitutions present and layer charge of a clay mineral can significantly influence its swelling characteris-tics.This is discussed in greater detail in Anderson et al.[8].4.Effects of clay on properties of concreteThere has long been concern that clay particles may be harmful to concrete because of their ability to absorb water and swell, which increases the water demand in fresh concrete.As early as 1933,Parsons[48]studied the effects of partially substituting clay for either10%by volume of cement or7.5%by volume offine aggregate,on the compressive strength,absorption,and perme-ability of concrete.Three different clays were used:red surface clay from Occoquan,blue clay from Baltimore,Maryland and yellow clay from Alexandria,Virginia,It was believed the clays were free from organic matter as they were used in brick manufacturing.It was observed that substituting10%of clay for cement by volume caused around0–10%decrease in compressive strength at ages be-yond three months,but there was no appreciable effect on perme-ability.Also,substituting clay for7.5%offine aggregate increased compressive strength by up to37%.The effects of clay on the water absorption,permeability,and resistance to freezing and thawing cycles of concrete were not significant.In1934,Lyse[37]reported that experimental work at Lehigh University supported the claim that severe limits on the contents offines in concrete were unnec-essary and even could become illogical when chemical admixtures are permitted.More recently,Solomon and Ekolu[60]investigated the incor-poration of clay soil into concrete mixtures as a means of making low-cost,low-strength construction materials for infrastructure in developing countries.Four control concrete mixtures with 350kg/m3of cement and water-to-cementitious content(w/cc)ra-tio of0.70,0.75;and with280kg/m3cementitious content with w/ cc=0.80and0.85were tested.Further mixtures had10%,20%,30%, 40%,and60%partial substitution of cement with local raw clay.It was found that clay–cement concrete mixtures with a maximum w/cc=0.80and20–30%clay replacement for cement can be suited to fulfil the strength and workability requirements for low-cost, low-strength applications including housing,roads and dams.Olanitori[47]reported that the higher the clay and silt content in sand,the higher was the cement dosage increment needed to maintain the compressive strength of concrete beyond20MPa, which is the value generally specified at28-d in Nigeria for a mix-ture ratio1:2:4.He recommended carrying out a comparative cost analysis between the cement dosage increments used for sand with a particular clay/silt content,and washing the sand to reduce the clay/silt content,so as to determine which is more cost-effec-tive to maintain20-MPa compressive strength.Li et al.[32]studied the workability,strength and modulus of elasticity,drying shrinkage and creep,freeze–thaw resistance and chloride ion permeability of C60high-performance concrete (HPC)made with manufactured sand(MS)containing 3.5–14% crushed limestone dust,versus that made with river sand(RS)with clay amounts of3%and5%.The clay content in MS decreased work-ability,increased drying shrinkage and accelerated freeze–thaw damage of the C60-HPC,but did not affect its compressive strength and chloride ion permeability.It was concluded that C60-HPC can be made with MS with a high content of crushed limestone dust, but the amount of clay in MS should be controlled.Norvell et al.[46]explored the effects of clay minerals present in natural aggregates versus that of clay-sized particles present in manufacturedfine aggregates on concrete performance by‘‘dop-ing’’micro-fine aggregates with clay minerals and non-clay con-taining particles of similar size.Specifically,they investigated the effects on water demand,water-reducing admixture demand,374M.L.Nehdi/Construction and Building Materials51(2014)372–382compressive strength and drying shrinkage.It was concluded that clays do increase the water and superplasticizer demand in accor-dance with their interlayer absorption and cation exchange capac-ity,respectively(Table1).However,clay-sized particles(particles of similar size to clay but with different mineralogy)did not signif-icantly affect the water and superplasticizer demands at the levels studied.At constant w/c,only smectite(montmorillonite)clay was found to decrease compressive strength and to increase drying shrinkage.Li et al.[33]explored the effects of the clay content and charac-teristics,methylene blue value(MBV ranging from0.35to2.5)of manufactured sand(MS)and the limestonefines content on the performance of concrete.Results showed that with an increase in MBV,the workability,flexural strength and7-d compressive strength of the MS concrete decreased,while the28-d compressive strength was not affected.Also,increasing MBV enhanced plastic and drying shrinkage cracking of the concrete and remarkably accelerated its freeze–thaw damage and abrasion loss.It was con-tended that the critical MBV was1.4;a value below which the per-formance of MS concrete is not significantly compromised by the presence of clay.Since different specifications and code provisions define various limits for thefine impurities content of the concrete coarse aggre-gate,Seleem and El-Hefnawy[56]evaluated the effects of different levels offine impurities normally found in coarse aggregates in Egypt on the compressive strength and dimensional stability of concrete.Based on their test results,a higher limit offine impuri-ties(5%)in coarse aggregate was suggested,particularly when the increase in shrinkage is overcome using a superplasticizer and low-er water-to-cement-ratio.Chan and Wu[14]argued that research has shown silts and clays to be deleterious because in the mixing of concrete con-taining silts and clays more water is added to achieve adequate workability.They reasoned that the use of a superplasticizer at similar w/c ratio to that of a control OPC concrete not containing silts and clays may provide good quality concrete.They con-ducted trial concrete mixtures with particles less than150l m in size consisting of silts and clays obtained from crushed gran-ite stone along with a sulphonated naphthalene superplasticizer. They concluded that durable concrete could be made with25% partial replacement of cement with silt and clay using a w/c ra-tio of0.5.However,Chan and Wu[14]explored workability, strength and permeability of the silt and clay concrete,but did not assess its dimensional stability,abrasion and freeze–thaw resistance.Courard et al.[18]investigated the effects of various limestone fillers on the fresh and hardened properties of self-compacting mortars.Six different limestonefillers were used at15%,25%and 35%partial mass replacement of cement.Thefillers incorporated clays and had methylene blue absorption values between0.7and 5.0.Among the sixfillers,two contained swelling clays.It was found that the water requirement of limestonefillers was primar-ily affected by their content of swelling clay.The water require-ment had a direct correlation with the methylene blue absorption and the BET specific surface of thefillers.The consis-tency of fresh mortars decreased with increasing swelling clay con-tent of the limestonefillers.It was argued that despite the effect on fresh mortar properties,no major influence of clays on the behav-iour of hardened mortars was observed.Even the swelling clays did not hinder the porosity of limestonefiller modified mortars.It was contended that should superplasticizers be used to solve rheologi-cal problems,fillers from the aggregate industry and stone sawing could be used in concrete manufacturing.Fernandes et al.[22]carried out an experimental study on clay–cement–sand composites.They compared the effects of pure quartz sand to that of two synthesized sands made by dry mixing of this pure sand with either20%by mass of kaolin or20%by mass of montmorillonite.They made various mortars with Type I OPC and variable sand types,water/cement ratios and sand/cement ratios.The28-d compressive strength was measured and X-ray diffraction was employed to examine whether any reactions between the clay and cement had oc-curred.A linear relationship existed between the amount of clay and corresponding amount of water needed to maintain certain workability.XRD analysis did not identify any secondary prod-ucts forming in the presence of clay.Moreover,the mixtures incorporating kaolin clay followed similar strength-w/c relation-ship to that of normal concrete,with lower strengths attributed to increased water demand and/or increased compaction diffi-culty,while those including montmorillonite followed a different relationship,suggesting that this clay had other deleterious ef-fects beyond the increased water demand.It was postulated that for the typical w/c and strength values of building materials in developing countries,satisfactory mortar and blocks can be made from clay-contaminated sand.However,the effect of the type of clay is significant and structural concrete made with such materials needs proper durability and dimensional stability investigation.The effects of coarse aggregate coatings on concrete proper-ties were explored by Muñoz et al.[43].Seven concrete mixtures were made with coarse aggregates containing two types of coat-ings:naturalfield-coated aggregates,and manufactured coated samples of dust and clayfines.The effects of these coatings on concrete performance were examined by comparing the relative changes in physical and mechanical properties of the concrete versus that of a control concrete made with washed aggregates. It was concluded that microfine coatings on coarse aggregates can influence the properties of fresh and hardened concrete even when their amount in the passing No.200sieve is less than 1.5%.The extent and nature of such influence depend on the quantity and type of the microfine.Thus,ASTM C117,which only accounts for the quantity of micro-fines present in the aggre-gates,was not considered an adequate monitoring tool for this problem.It was suggested that the product of MBV(methylene blue value)and P200(maximum percentage of material passing the No.200sieve),referred to as the MMBV was the best overall predictor.Table1Water and admixture demand with clay minerals and non-clay sized minerals (modified after[46].Type of Mineral Waterdemand Superplasticizer dosage (w/c=0.42)Control:granite sand0.47 4.5Clay mineral1%Kaolinite0.50 6.04%Kaolinite0.608.01%Illite0.49 5.54%Illite0.5110.01%Montmorillonite0.6218.54%Montmorillonite0.90186.0Clay sized particles1%Fine calcium carbonate(60%<2l m)0.48–4%Fine calcium carbonate(60%<2l m)0.48 4.01%Ultrafine calcium carbonate(90%<2l m)0.49–4%Ultrafine calcium carbonate(90%<2l m)0.49 4.01%Ground silica(96%<5l m)0.47–1%Ground silica(96%<5l m)0.47 2.5M.L.Nehdi/Construction and Building Materials51(2014)372–3823755.Effects of clay on chemical admixturesIt is believed that their ability to readily exchange cations is the most deleterious feature of clays in concrete.Cations are ex-changed in order to balance inherent electrical charges on the sur-face of clay particles.Such cations can be readily exchanged with organic materials such as water-reducing admixtures and superp-lasticizers.This high affinity to organic substances competes with the adsorption and dispersing mechanisms of chemical admixtures at the surface of cement and supplementary cementitious materi-als particles.Subsequently,as clay particles consume part of the chemical admixture,a higher dosage will be required to achieve certain workability.This not only has cost implications,but the very high admixture dosage can lead to excessively long setting time,delays in strength gain and formwork removal.Table1exhib-its the substantial effect observed by Norvell et al.[46]of swelling clay on the superplasticizer demand of concrete.In particular,there has been growing evidence that polycarbox-ilate-based superplasticizers(PCEs)are more sensitive to clays than poly-condensate superplasticizers.This is primarily due to their incorporation into the layered clay structure via their side chains,which impedes their dispersing ability.It was observed by several researchers(e.g.[55,31]that different types of PCEs show pronounced sensitivity to clay and their dispersing force de-creases significantly in its presence.The predominantly used side chain in PCE superplasticizers is poly(ethylene oxide),which is known to easily intercalate within alumosilicate layers of clays (e.g.[36].Montmorillonite(MMT)was found to be particularly harmful to concretefluidity compared to other clay minerals such as kaolinites(e.g.[27].This is caused by the expanding lattices of MMT,allowing intercalation,swelling and cation exchange[38].Li et al.[34]studied the influence of clay on the disperse-ability of polycarboxylate superplasticizers.They investigated thefluidity and viscosity of cement paste and examined the influence of clayfiltrate on the molecular structure and kinetics of adsorption of PCE on the surface of clay particles in a simu-lated alkaline environment consisting of saturated calcium hydroxide solution.Theirfindings indicate that PCE has no dis-persing effect on cement paste once the clay content reached 15%.Increasing the PCE dosage mitigated this negative effect of clay.Moreover,it was found that the clayfiltrate did not change the molecular structure of PCE nor did it affect its disperse-abil-ity.The kinetics of clay adsorption in the simulated alkaline environment on PCE was rapid,with an adsorption capacity about4times that on cement,with clay reaching its equilibrium adsorption within6min.Ng and Plank[44]tested PCEs consisting of methacrylic acid/ MPEG methacrylate-ester with molar ratios of6:1and1.5:1.They found that the tested PCEs sorb chemically and physically onto clay by amounts about100times higher than that on cement.Chemi-sorption appeared to take place via intercalation of the poly(ethyl-ene oxide)side chains into the interlayer region between alumos-ilicate layers,while physic-sorption occurred on positively charged clay surfaces through uptake of Ca2+.The type of sorption was dos-age dependent,with side chain intercalation dominating at higher PCE dosage,while electrostatic attraction via the clay surfaces an-ionic backbone prevailed at lower dosage.Since PCEs possessing high grafting density were more vulnerable to clay effects,it was argued that poly-glycols can be utilised as sacrificial agents when highly grafted PCEs are employed at high dosages.Lei and Plank[31]asserted that new PCE superplasticizers pos-sessing modified chemical structure for enhanced robustness to-wards clay need to be developed.Hence,they synthetized modified PCEs from methacrylic acid and hydroxyl-alkyl methac-rylate esters and tested their dispersion performance in cement with and without montmorillonite clay.The new PCE was found to disperse cement effectively in the presence of clay and was much less affected by clay than conventional PCEs.A mechanistic study including adsorption and XRD experiments revealed that the new PCE only adsorbs on the surface of clay and does not incor-porate into its layered structure,which explains its tolerance to clay contamination.6.Expansion of aggregates with clay bearing mineralsThe dimensional stability of aggregates versus moisture changes has been discussed in detail by Shayan[59].Generally, dense and un-weathered aggregates are not affected by changes in moisture content.Their water absorption is generally less than 1%by mass of rock.Hence they usually retain their dimensions un-der wet or dry conditions.However,some vesicular rocks may ex-hibit high water absorption,yet can remain dimensionally stable provided they are free of expansive clay minerals.Once altered or weathered,rocks can exhibit expansive minerals,yielding high water absorption due to the ability of clay minerals to accommo-date water in its interlayer spaces.The formation of expansive clay minerals has been reported by several authors in basaltic rocks and in granophyre([59];its effects on the properties of the rock as a source of concrete aggregate have also been well documented.Water absorption by clay minerals in aggregates can cause expansion of the granular matrix,hence causing expansion of the concrete.Drying can exhibit excessive shrinkage,possibly leading to cracking,especially under repeated wetting/drying conditions (e.g.[16,54].Water vapour and nitrogen absorption studies and measurements of internal and external surface area of basalts (e.g.[16,58]revealed a direct relationship between the length change of rock prisms subjected to wetting/drying cycles and their clay content.Similar relationships have also been established for granophyre and basalt[58,67].The dimensional stability and moisture sensitivity of rocks can be experimentally measured on prism specimens subjected to re-peated wetting–drying cycles and monitoring the associated length changes using accurate length measurement comparators (e.g.[16,57].Some indirect methods including correlating drying shrinkage with moisture absorption of aggregate or with adsorp-tion of other polar molecules such as methylene blue dye,have been used to predict the drying shrinkage of aggregates[59].In particular,the MBV value had a reasonable correlation with the clay content of tested materials and was successfully used to eval-uate a source rock for drying shrinkage before the development of a quarry at the site[57].Using124test specimens,a correlation was developed by Sha-yan[57]between drying shrinkage of aggregate and its MBV value. It was shown that MBV levels beyond1.75ml/g were associated with unacceptable aggregate drying shrinkage.Table2lists typical ranges of moisture-induced length changes measured on different rock prisms from Australian aggregate source rocks and reported by[59].It can be observed that andesitic tuffs,grey basalts and sandstones undergo significant length changes upon wetting and drying,at times exceeding1000micro-strains.Except grey basalt, substantial dimensional instability in rocks has been linked to higher clay content.Likewise,when clay occurred in the form of an interconnected network in basalt(e.g.[17]or in the form of veins in granophyre(e.g.[57],the length change was much larger than when a similar amount of clay was present in isolated patches or in vesicles.7.Test methods for clay in cement-based materialsConsidering the significant influence of the type and content of clay on the water and chemical admixture demand,mechanical376M.L.Nehdi/Construction and Building Materials51(2014)372–382。

the majority of the sculpture must be inflated

the majority of the sculpture must be inflated

the majority of the sculpture must be inflated The Art of Inflatable SculpturesIn recent years, inflatable sculptures have gained popularity in the art world. These sculptures are created using materials such as plastic or rubber and are inflated using an air pump. The majority of the sculpture must be inflated in order to achieve the desired shape and size.One of the benefits of inflatable sculptures is their portability. They can be easily deflated and transported to different locations, making them ideal for temporary installations or exhibitions. Additionally, inflatable sculptures are often cheaper to produce than traditional sculptures made from materials such as bronze or marble.Inflatable sculptures can take on a variety of shapes and sizes, ranging from small, intricate designs to large, towering structures. Some artists use inflatable sculptures to create immersive installations that visitors can walk through or interact with. Others use them as a way to explore themes such as consumer culture, identity, or the environment.One of the most well-known inflatable sculptures is "Cloud Gate," located in Chicago's Millennium Park. This massive sculpture, which measures 66 feet long and 33 feet high, is made from stainless steel and is covered in a mirror finish. When visitors stand beneath it, they can see their reflection distorted in the curved surface of the sculpture.While inflatable sculptures may seem like a whimsical addition to the art world, they also serve as a commentary on our society's obsession with consumerism and disposable culture. Many inflatable sculptures are designed to be temporary, lasting only a few days or weeks before being deflated and discarded. This serves as a reminder that even the most seemingly permanent structures are ultimately temporary.In conclusion, inflatable sculptures are a unique and innovative addition to the art world. They offer artists a new way to express their creativity and engage with audiences, while also serving as a commentary on our society's values and priorities. Whether you're a fan of contemporary art or simply appreciate the whimsy of inflatable sculptures, there is no denying their impact on the art world.。



Taylor seriesFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaFor other notions of series expansion, see Series (mathematics).In mathematics, a Taylor series is a representation of a function as an infinite sum of terms that are calculated from the values of the function's derivatives at a single point.The concept of a Taylor series was formally introduced by the English mathematician Brook Taylor in 1715. If the Taylor series is centered at zero, then that series is also called a Maclaurin series, named after the Scottish mathematician Colin Maclaurin, who made extensive use of this special case of Taylor series in the 18th century.It is common practice to approximate a function by using a finite number of terms of its Taylor series. Taylor's theorem gives quantitative estimates on the error in this approximation. Any finite number of initial terms of the Taylor series of a function is called a Taylor polynomial. The Taylor series of a function is the limit of that function's Taylor polynomials, provided that the limit exists. A function may not be equal to its Taylor series, even if its Taylor series converges at every point. A function that is equal to its Taylor series in anopen interval (or a disc in the complex plane) is known as an analytic function.DefinitionThe Taylor series of a real or complex-valued function ƒ(x) that is infinitely differentiable in a neighborhood of a real orcomplex number a is the power serieswhich can be written in the more compact sigma notation aswhere n! denotes the factorial of n and ƒ(n)(a) denotes the n th derivative of ƒevaluated at the point a. The derivative of order zero ƒ is defined to be ƒ itself and (x −a)0 and 0! are both defined to be 1. In the case that a = 0, the series is also called a Maclaurin series.ExamplesThe Maclaurin series for any polynomial is the polynomial itself.The Maclaurin series for (1 − x)−1 for |x| < 1 is the geometric seriesso the Taylor series for x−1 at a = 1 isBy integrating the above Maclaurin series we find the Maclaurin series for log(1 − x), where log denotes the natural logarithm:and the corresponding Taylor series for log(x) at a = 1 isand more generally, the corresponding Taylor series for log(x) at some is:The Taylor series for the exponential function e x at a = 0 isThe above expansion holds because the derivative of e x with respect to x is also e x and e0 equals 1. This leaves the terms (x− 0)n in the numerator and n! in the denominator for each term in the infinite sum.HistoryThe Greek philosopher Zeno considered the problem of summing an infinite series to achieve a finite result, but rejected it as an impossibility: the result wasZeno's paradox. Later, Aristotle proposed a philosophical resolution of the paradox, but the mathematical content was apparently unresolved until taken up byDemocritus and then Archimedes. It was through Archimedes's method of exhaustion that an infinite number of progressive subdivisions could be performed to achieve a finite result.[1] Liu Hui independently employed a similar method a few centuries later.[2]In the 14th century, the earliest examples of the use of Taylor series and closely related methods were given by Madhava of Sangamagrama.[3][4] Though no record of his work survives, writings of later Indian mathematicians suggest that he found a number of special cases of the Taylor series, including those for thetrigonometric functions of sine, cosine, tangent, and arctangent. The Kerala school of astronomy and mathematics further expanded his works with various series expansions and rational approximations until the 16th century.In the 17th century, James Gregory also worked in this area and published severalMaclaurin series. It was not until 1715 however that a general method for constructing these series for all functions for which they exist was finally provided by Brook Taylor,[5] after whom the series are now named.The Maclaurin series was named after Colin Maclaurin, a professor in Edinburgh, who published the special case of the Taylor result in the 18th century.Analytic functionsIf f(x) is given by a convergent power series in an open disc (or interval in the real line) centered at b, it is said to beanalytic in this disc. Thus for x in this disc, f is given by a convergent power seriesDifferentiating by x the above formula n times, then setting x=b gives:and so the power series expansion agrees with the Taylor series. Thus a function is analytic in an open disc centered at b if and only if its Taylor series converges to the value of the function at each point of the disc.If f(x) is equal to its Taylor series everywhere it is called entire. The polynomials and the exponential function e x and the trigonometric functions sine and cosine are examples of entire functions. Examples of functions that are not entire include the logarithm, the trigonometric function tangent, and its inverse arctan. For these functions the Taylor series do not converge if x is far from b. The Taylor series can be used to calculate the value of an entire function at every point, if the value of the function, and of all of its derivatives, are known at a single point.Uses of the Taylor series for analytic functions include:1The partial sums (the Taylor polynomials) of the series can be used as approximations of the entire function. These approximations are good if sufficiently many terms are included.2Differentiation and integration of power series can be performed term by term and is hence particularly easy.3An analytic function is uniquely extended to a holomorphic function on an open disk in the complex plane. This makes the machinery of complex analysisavailable.4The (truncated) series can be used to compute function values numerically, (often by recasting the polynomial into the Chebyshev form and evaluating it with the Clenshaw algorithm).5Algebraic operations can be done readily on the power series representation;for instance the Euler's formula follows from Taylor series expansions fortrigonometric and exponential functions. This result is of fundamental importance in such fields as harmonic analysis.Approximations using the first few terms of a Taylor series can make otherwise unsolvable problems possible for a restricted domain; this approach is often used in physics.Approximation and convergencePictured on the right is an accurate approximation of sin(x) around the point x = 0. The pink curve is a polynomial of degree seven:The sine function (blue) is closely approximated by its Taylor polynomial of degree 7 (pink) fora full period centered at the origin.The error in this approximation is no more than |x|9/9!. In particular, for −1 < x < 1, the error is less than 0.000003.The Taylor polynomials for log(1+x) only provide accurate approximations in the range−1 < x ≤ 1. Note that, for x > 1, the Taylor polyn omials of higher degree are worseapproximations.In contrast, also shown is a picture of the natural logarithm function log(1 + x) and some of its Taylor polynomials around a = 0. These approximations converge to the function only in the region −1 < x≤ 1; outside of this region the higher-degree Taylor polynomials are worse approximations for the function. This is similar toRunge's phenomenon.The error incurred in approximating a function by its n th-degree Taylor polynomial is called the remainder or residual and is denoted by the function R n(x). Taylor's theorem can be used to obtain a bound on the size of the remainder.In general, Taylor series need not be convergent at all. And in fact the set of functions with a convergent Taylor series is a meager set in the Fréchet space of smooth functions. And even if the Taylor series of a function f does converge, its limit need not in general be equal to the value of the function f(x). For example, the functionis infinitely differentiable at x = 0, and has all derivatives zero there. Consequently, the Taylor series of f(x) about x = 0 is identically zero. However, f(x) is not equal to the zero function, and so it is not equal to its Taylor series around the origin.In real analysis, this example shows that there are infinitely differentiable functions f(x) whose Taylor series are not equal to f(x) even if they converge. By contrast, the holomorphic functions studied in complex analysisalways possess a convergent Taylor series, and even the Taylor series of meromorphic functions, which might have singularities, never converge to a value different from the function itself. The complex function e−z−2, however, does not approach 0 when z approaches 0 along the imaginary axis, so it is not continuous in the complex plane and its Taylor series is undefined at 0.More generally, every sequence of real or complex numbers can appear as coefficients in the Taylor series of an infinitely differentiable function defined on the real line, a consequence of Borel's lemma (see also Non-analytic smooth function). As a result, the radius of convergence of a Taylor series can be zero. There are even infinitely differentiable functions defined on the real line whose Taylor series have a radius of convergence 0 everywhere.[6]Some functions cannot be written as Taylor series because they have a singularity; in these cases, one can often still achieve a series expansion if one allows also negative powers of the variable x; see Laurent series. For example, f(x) = e−x−2 can be written as a Laurent series.GeneralizationThere is, however, a generalization[7][8] of the Taylor series that does converge to the value of the function itself for any bounded continuous function on (0,∞), using the calculus of finite differences. Specifically, one has the following theorem, due to Einar Hille, that for any t > 0,Here Δnh is the n-th finite difference operator with step size h. The series is precisely the Taylor series, except that divided differences appear in place of differentiation: the series is formally similar to the Newton series. When the function f is analytic at a, the terms in the series converge to the terms of the Taylor series, and in this sense generalizes the usual Taylor series.In general, for any infinite sequence a i, the following power series identity holds:So in particular,The series on the right is the expectation value of f(a + X), where X is a Poisson distributed random variable that takes the value jh with probability e−t/h(t/h)j/j!. Hence,The law of large numbers implies that the identity holds.List of Maclaurin series of some common functionsSee also List of mathematical seriesSeveral important Maclaurin series expansions follow.[9]All these expansions are valid for complex arguments x.Exponential functionNatural logarithm:Geometric series (see article for variants):Binomial series (includes the square root for α = 1/2 and the infinite geometric series for α= −1):with generalized binomial coefficientsTrigonometric functions:Hyperbolic functions:The numbers B k appearing in the summation expansions of tan(x) and tanh(x) are the Bernoulli numbers. The E k in the expansion of sec(x) are Euler numbers. Calculation of Taylor seriesSeveral methods exist for the calculation of Taylor series of a large number offunctions. One can attempt to use the Taylor series as-is and generalize the form of the coefficients, or one can use manipulations such as substitution, multiplication or division, addition or subtraction of standard Taylor series to construct the Taylor series of a function, by virtue of Taylor series being power series. In some cases, one can also derive the Taylor series by repeatedly applying integration by parts. Particularly convenient is the use of computer algebra systems to calculate Taylor series.First exampleCompute the 7th degree Maclaurin polynomial for the function.First, rewrite the function as.We have for the natural logarithm (by using the big O notation)and for the cosine functionThe latter series expansion has a zero constant term, which enables us to substitute the second series into the first one and to easily omit terms of higher order than the 7th degree by using the big O notation:Since the cosine is an even function, the coefficients for all the odd powers x, x3, x5, x7, ... have to be zero.Second exampleSuppose we want the Taylor series at 0 of the functionWe have for the exponential functionand, as in the first example,Assume the power series isThen multiplication with the denominator and substitution of the series of the cosine yieldsCollecting the terms up to fourth order yieldsComparing coefficients with the above series of the exponential function yields the desired Taylor seriesThird exampleHere we use a method called "Indirect Expansion" to expand the given function. Thismethod uses the known function of Taylor series for expansion.Q: Expand the following function as a power series of x.We know the Taylor series of function is:Thus,Taylor series as definitionsClassically, algebraic functions are defined by an algebraic equation, and transcendental functions (including those discussed above) are defined by some property that holds for them, such as a differential equation. For example, the exponential function is the function which is equal to its own derivative everywhere, and assumes the value 1 at the origin. However, one may equally well define an analytic function by its Taylor series.Taylor series are used to define functions and "operators" in diverse areas of mathematics. In particular, this is true in areas where the classical definitions of functions break down. For example, using Taylor series, one may define analytical functions of matrices and operators, such as the matrix exponential ormatrix logarithm.In other areas, such as formal analysis, it is more convenient to work directly with the power series themselves. Thus one may define a solution of a differential equation as a power series which, one hopes to prove, is the Taylor series of the desired solution. Taylor series in several variablesThe Taylor series may also be generalized to functions of more than one variable withFor example, for a function that depends on two variables, x and y, the Taylor series to second order about the point (a, b) is:where the subscripts denote the respective partial derivatives.A second-order Taylor series expansion of a scalar-valued function of more than one variable can be written compactly aswhere is the gradient of evaluated at and is the Hessian matrix. Applying the multi-index notation the Taylor series for several variables becomeswhich is to be understood as a still more abbreviated multi-index version of the first equation of this paragraph, again in full analogy to the single variable case. ExampleCompute a second-order Taylor series expansion around point of a functionFirstly, we compute all partial derivatives we needThe Taylor series iswhich in this case becomesSince log(1 + y) is analytic in |y| < 1, we havefor |y| < 1.Fractional Taylor seriesWith the emergence of fractional calculus, a natural question arises about what the Taylor Series expansion would be. Odibat and Shawagfeh[10] answered this in 2007.By using the Caputo fractional derivative, , and indicating the limit as we approach from the right, the fractional Taylor series can be written asSee also∙Laurent series∙Newton's divided difference interpolation∙Madhava seriesNotes1^Kline, M. (1990) Mathematical Thought from Ancient to Modern Times.Oxford University Press. pp. 35–37.2^ Boyer, C. and Merzbach, U. (1991) A History of Mathematics. John Wileyand Sons. pp. 202–203.3^ "Neither Newton nor Leibniz – The Pre-History of Calculus and Celestial Mechanics in Medieval Kerala". MAT 314. Canisius College. Retrieved 2006-07-09.4^S. G. Dani (2012). "Ancient Indian Mathematics – A Conspectus".Resonance17 (3): 236–246.5^Taylor, Brook, Methodus Incrementorum Directa et Inversa[Direct and Reverse Methods of Incrementation] (London, 1715), pages 21–23 (Proposition VII, Theorem 3, Corollary 2). Translated into English in D. J. Struik, A Source Book in Mathematics 1200–1800 (Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press, 1969), pages 329–332.6^Rudin, Walter (1980), Real and Complex Analysis, New Dehli: McGraw-Hill, p. 418, Exercise 13, ISBN 0-07-099557-57^Feller, William (1971), An introduction to probability theory and its applications, Volume 2 (3rd ed.), Wiley, pp. 230–232.8^ Hille, Einar; Phillips, Ralph S. (1957), Functional analysis and semi-groups, AMS Colloquium Publications 31, American Mathematical Society, p. 300–327.9^ Most of these can be found in (Abramowitz & Stegun 1970).10^Odibat, ZM., Shawagfeh, NT., 2007. "Generalized Taylor's formula."Applied Mathematics and Computation 186, 286–293.References∙Abramowitz, Milton; Stegun, Irene A. (1970), Handbook of Mathematical Functions with Formulas, Graphs, and Mathematical Tables, New York: Dover Publications, Ninth printing∙Thomas, George B. Jr.; Finney, Ross L. (1996), Calculus and Analytic Geometry (9th ed.), Addison Wesley, ISBN 0-201-53174-7∙Greenberg, Michael (1998), Advanced Engineering Mathematics (2nd ed.), Prentice Hall, ISBN 0-13-321431-1网址:/wiki/Taylor_series。



考力代羊生长性状的协方差函数估计李秀丽;刘宝凤;乔利英;杨菊凤;张善芝;徐相亭;刘文忠【摘要】试验旨在模拟考力代羊生长过程中的遗传和表型变异,为其选种提供一定的依据.用1 269只考力代羊的3 332个生长发育记录,配合自变量为年龄的勒让德多项式的随机回归模型(RRM),其中个体加性遗传效应配合5阶,母体永久环境效应配合2~5阶,对数约束最大似然值和信息标准用来检测最佳配合阶数.用平均信息约束最大似然(AIREML)法来估计体重的遗传、环境和表型协方差函数,结果表明,母体永久环境效应配合4阶时,协方差图更符合考力代羊的生长变化情况,涉及的参数也较少,且羔羊在6月龄前后表现出较大的遗传和表型变异.这些结果提示随机回归模型在有限的数据下能够充分描述考力代羊体重在连续时间轴上的增长变化情况.【期刊名称】《中国畜牧兽医》【年(卷),期】2015(042)001【总页数】5页(P167-171)【关键词】考力代羊;经度数据;协方差函数;随机回归模型;平均信息约束似然法【作者】李秀丽;刘宝凤;乔利英;杨菊凤;张善芝;徐相亭;刘文忠【作者单位】山东畜牧兽医职业学院,潍坊261061;山西农业大学动物科技学院,太谷030801;山西农业大学动物科技学院,太谷030801;山西农业大学动物科技学院,太谷030801;山东畜牧兽医职业学院,潍坊261061;山东畜牧兽医职业学院,潍坊261061;山东畜牧兽医职业学院,潍坊261061;山西农业大学动物科技学院,太谷030801【正文语种】中文【中图分类】S826考力代羊作为世界著名的肉毛兼用的半细毛羊品种之一,不但肉用体型明显、肉质好,而且全身被毛白色、较细,工艺价值很高,相对早熟,在中国颇受欢迎,除进行纯种繁育外,还作为主要父系品种,改良本地绵羊。





of serplulimab is significantly reduced.KEYWORDS esophageal squamous cell carcinoma; serplulimab; subgroup analysis; cost-effectiveness analysis食管癌是全球最常见的恶性肿瘤之一。



WHO 2019版消化系统肿瘤分类标准将食管癌大致分为两种组织学类型——食管癌鳞状细胞癌(esopha‐geal squamous cell carcinoma,ESCC)和食管癌腺癌(esophageal adenocarcinoma,EAC)[3],我国90%的食管癌病例为ESCC[4]。


尽管现有手段在不可切除或转移性ESCC患者的化疗方面取得了进展,但总体治疗效果仍然很差,患者的中位总生存期(median overall sur‐vival,mOS)为10~12个月[5],迫切需要更有效的一线治疗方案。

近年来,以程序性死亡受体1(programmed cell death protein-1,PD-1)和程序性死亡受体-配体1(pro‐grammed cell death-ligand-1,PD-L1)为代表的免疫检查点抑制剂(immune checkpoint inhibitors,ICIs)在癌症治疗领域取得了重大突破,为患者带来更多的生存获益[6]。


Chen-Comprehensive Triangular Decomposition

Chen-Comprehensive Triangular Decomposition

Comprehensive Triangular Decomposition Changbo Chen1,Oleg Golubitsky1,Franc¸ois Lemaire2,Marc Moreno Maza1,and Wei Pan11University of Western Ontario,London N6A1M8,Canada2Universit´e de Lille1,59655Villeneuve d’Ascq Cedex,FranceAbstract.We introduce the concept of comprehensive triangular decomposition(CTD)for a parametric polynomial system F with coefficients in afield.In broadwords,this is afinite partition of the the parameter space into regions,so thatwithin each region the“geometry”(number of irreducible components togetherwith their dimensions and degrees)of the algebraic variety of the specializedsystem F(u)is the same for all values u of the parameters.We propose an algorithm for computing the CTD of F.It relies on a proce-dure for solving the following set theoretical instance of the coprime factoriza-tion problem.Given a family of constructible sets A1,...,A s,compute a familyB1,...,B t of pairwise disjoint constructible sets,such that for all1≤i≤s theset A i writes as a union of some of the B1,...,B t.We report on an implementation of our algorithm computing CTDs,based on the RegularChains library in M APLE.We provide comparative benchmarkswith M APLE implementations of related methods for solving parametric polyno-mial systems.Our results illustrate the good performances of our CTD code.1IntroductionSolving polynomial systems with parameters has become an increasing need in several applied areas such as robotics,geometric modeling,stability analysis of dynamical sys-tems and others.For a given parametric polynomial system F,the following problems are of interest.(P1)Compute the values of the parameters for which F has solutions,or hasfinitely many solutions.(P2)Compute the solutions of F as functions of the parameters.These questions have been approached by various techniques including comprehensive Gr¨o bner bases(CGB)[22,23,14,13,17],cylindrical algebraic decomposition(CAD)[4] and triangular decompositions[24,25,6,7,10,9,20,19,26,5].Methods based on CGB,or more generally Gr¨o bner bases,are powerful tools for solving problems such as(P1), that is,determining the values u of the parameters such that,the specialized system F(u)satisfies a given property.Methods based on CAD or triangular decompositions are naturally well designed for solving Problem(P2).In this paper,we introduce the concept of comprehensive triangular decomposition for a parametric polynomial system with coefficients in afield.This notion plays the role for triangular decompositions that CGB does for Gr¨o bner bases.With this concept V.G.Ganzha,E.W.Mayr,and E.V.V orozhtsov(Eds.):CASC2007,LNCS4770,pp.73–101,2007.c Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg200774 C.Chen et hand,we show that Problems (P1)and (P2)can be completely answered by means of triangular decompositions.Let F be a finite set of polynomials with coefficients in a field K ,parameters U =U 1,...,U d ,and unknowns X =X 1,...,X m ,that is,F ⊂K [U 1,...,U d ,X 1,...,X m ].Let K be the algebraic closure of K ,and let V (F )⊂K d +m be the zero set of F .Letalso ΠU be the projection from K d +m on the parameter space K d .For all u ∈K d we define V (F (u ))⊆K m the zero set defined by F after specializing U at u .Our first contribution is to show how to compute a finite partition C of ΠU (V (F ))and a family of triangular decompositions (T C ,C ∈C )in K [U,X ]such that for each C ∈C and for each parameter value u ∈C the triangular decomposition T C special-izes at u into a triangular decomposition T C (u )of V (F (u ))given by regular chains.Moreover,each “cell”C ∈C is a constructible set given by a family of regular systems in K [U ].We call the pair (T C ,C ∈C )a comprehensive triangular decomposition of V (F ),see Section 5.This is a natural definition inspired by that of a comprehensive Gr¨o bner basis [22]in-troduced by Weispfenning with the additional requirements proposed by Montes in [14].From each pair (C,T C ),we can read geometrical information,such as for which param-eter values u ∈C the set V (F (u ))is finite;we also obtain a “generic”equidimensional decomposition of V (F (u )),for all u ∈C .The notion of CTD is also related to the bor-der polynomial of a polynomial system in [26]and the minimal discriminant variety of V (F )as defined in [12]for the case where K is the field of complex numbers.Example 1.Let F ={vxy +ux 2+x,uy 2+x 2}be a parametric polynomial sys-tem with parameters u >v and unknowns x >y .Then a comprehensive triangular decomposition of V (F )is:C 1={u (u 3+v 2)=0}:T C 1={T 3,T 4}C 2={u =0}:T C 2={T 2,T 3}C 3={u 3+v 2=0,v =0}:T C 3={T 1,T 3}whereT 1={vxy +x −u 2y 2,2vy +1,u 3+v 2}T 2={x,u }T 3={x,y }T 4={vxy +x −u 2y 2,u 3y 2+v 2y 2+2vy +1}Here ,C 1,C 2,C 3is a partition of ΠU (V (F ))and T C i is a triangular decomposition of V (F )above C i ,for i =1,2,3.For different parameter values u ,we can directly read geometrical information,such as the dimension of V (F (u )).By RegSer [19],V (F )can be decomposed into a set of regular systems:R 1=⎧⎨⎩ux +vy +1=0(u 3+v 2)y 2+2vy +1=0u (u 3+v 2)=0,R 2=⎧⎨⎩x =0y =0u =0,Comprehensive Triangular Decomposition75R3=⎧⎪⎪⎨⎪⎪⎩x=0vy+1=0u=0v=0,R4=⎧⎪⎪⎨⎪⎪⎩2ux+1=02vy+1=0u3+v2=0v=0,R5=x=0u=0.For each regular system,one can directly read its dimension when parameters take cor-responding values.However,the dimension of the input system could not be obtained immediately,since there is not a partition of the parameter space.By DISPGB[14],one can obtain all the cases over the parameters leading to different reduced Gr¨o bner bases with parameters:u(u3+v2)=0:{ux+(u3v+v3)y3+(−u3+v2)y2,(u3+v2)y4+2vy3+y2} u(u3+v2)=0,u=0:{ux+2v2y2,2vy3+y2}u=0,v=0:{x2,vxy+x}u=0,v=0:{x}Here for each parameter value,the input system specializes into a Gr¨o bner basis. Since Gr¨o bner bases do not necessarily have a triangular shape,the dimension may not be read directly either.For example,when u=0,v=0,{x2,vxy+x}is not a triangular set.In Section5we also propose an algorithm for computing the CTD of parametric polynomial system.We rely on an algorithm for computing the difference of the zero sets of two regular systems.Based on the procedures of the T RIADE algorithm[15] and elementary set theoretical considerations,such an algorithm could be developed straightforwardly.We actually tried this and our experimental results(not reported here) shows that this naive approach is very inefficient comparing to the more advanced algo-rithm presented in Section3.Indeed,this latter algorithm heavily exploits the structure and properties of regular chains,whereas the former is unable to do so.This latter procedure,is used to solve the following problem.Given a family of constructible sets,A1,...,A s(each of them given by a regular system)compute a family B1,...,B t of pairwise disjoint constructible sets,such that for all1≤i≤s the set A i writes as a union of some the B1,...,B t.A solution is presented in Section4. This can be seen as the set theoretical version of the coprime factorization problem, see[2,8]for other variants of this problem.Our second contribution is an implementation report of our algorithm computing CTDs,based on the RegularChains library in M APLE.We provide comparative benchmarks with M APLE implementations of related methods for solving parametric polynomial systems,namely:decompositions into regular systems by Wang[19]and discussing parametric Gr¨o bner bases by Montes[14].We use a large set of well-known test-problems from the literature.Our implementation of the CTD algorithm can solve all problems which can be solved by the other methods.In addition,our CTD code can solve problems which are out of reach of the other two methods,generally due to memory consumption.2PreliminariesIn this section we introduce notations and review fundamental results in the theory of regular chains and regular systems[1,3,11,15,19,21].76 C.Chen et al.We shall use some notions from commutative algebra (such as the dimension of an ideal)and refer for instance to [16]for this subject.2.1Basic Notations and DefinitionsLet K [Y ]:=K [Y 1,...,Y n ]be the polynomial ring over the field K in variables Y 1<···<Y n .Let p ∈K [Y ]be a non-constant polynomial.The leading coefficient and the degree of p regarded as a univariate polynomial in Y i will be denoted by lc (p,Y i )and deg(p,Y i )respectively.The greatest variable appearing in p is called the main variable denoted by mvar (p ).The degree,the leading coefficient,and the leading monomial of p regarding as a univariate polynomial in mvar (p )are called the main degree ,the initial ,and the rank of p ;they are denoted by mdeg (p ),init (p )and rank (p )respectively.Let F ⊂K [Y ]be a finite polynomial set.Denote by F the ideal it generates in K [Y ]and by F the radical of F .Let h be a polynomial in K [Y ],the saturated ideal F :h ∞of F w.r.t h ,is the set{q ∈K [Y ]|∃m ∈N s.t.h m q ∈ F },which is an ideal in K [Y ].A polynomial p ∈K [Y ]is a zerodivisor modulo F if there exists a polynomial q such that pq is zero modulo F ,and q is not zero modulo F .The polynomial is regular modulo F if it is neither zero,nor a zerodivisor modulo F .Denote by V (F )the zero set (or solution set,or algebraic variety)of F in K n .For a subset W ⊂K n ,denote by W its closure in the Zariski topology,that is the intersection of all algebraic varieties V (G )containing W for all G ⊂K [Y ].Let T ⊂K [Y ]be a triangular set ,that is a set of non-constant polynomials with pairwise distinct main variables.Denote by mvar (T )the set of main variables of t ∈T .A variable in Y is called algebraic w.r.t.T if it belongs to mvar (T ),otherwise it is called free w.r.t.T .For a variable v ∈Y we denote by T <v (resp.T >v )the subsets of T consisting of the polynomials t with main variable less than (resp.greater than)v .If v ∈mvar (T ),we say T v is defined.Moreover,we denote by T v the polynomial in T whose main variable is v ,by T v the set of polynomials in T with main variables less than or equal to v and by T v the set of polynomials in T with main variables greater than or equal to v .Definition 1.Let p,q ∈K [Y ]be two nonconstant polynomials.We say rank (p )is smaller than rank (q )w.r.t Ritt ordering and we write,rank (p )<r rank (q )if one of the following assertions holds:–mvar (p )<mvar (q ),–mvar (p )=mvar (q )and mdeg (p )<mdeg (q ).Note that the partial order <r is a well ordering.Let T ⊂K [Y ]be a triangular set.Denote by rank (T )the set of rank (p )for all p ∈T .Observe that any two ranks in rank (T )are comparable by <r .Given another triangular set S ⊂K [Y ],with rank (S )=rank (T ),we write rank (T )<r rank (S )whenever the minimal element of the symmet-ric difference (rank (T )\rank (S ))∪(rank (S )\rank (T ))belongs to rank (T ).ByComprehensive Triangular Decomposition 77rank (T ) r rank (S ),we mean either rank (T )<rank (S )or rank (T )=rank (S ).Note that any sequence of triangular sets,of which ranks strictly decrease w.r.t <r ,is finite.Given a triangular set T ⊂K [Y ],denote by h T be the product of the initials of T (throughout the paper we use this convention and when T consists of a single element g we write it in h g for short).The quasi-component W (T )of T is V (T )\V (h T ),in other words,the points of V (T )which do not cancel any of the initials of T .We denote by Sat (T )the saturated ideal of T :if T is empty then Sat (T )is defined as the trivial ideal 0 ,otherwise it is the ideal T :h ∞T .Let h ∈K [Y ]be a polynomial and F ⊂K [Y ]a set of polynomials,we writeZ (F,T,h ):=(V (F )∩W (T ))\V (h ).When F consists of a single polynomial p ,we use Z (p,T,h )instead of Z ({p },T,h );when F is empty we just write Z (T,h ).By Z (F,T ),we denote V (F )∩W (T ).Given a family of pairs S ={[T i ,h i ]|1≤i ≤e },where T i ⊂K [Y ]is a triangular set and h i ∈K [Y ]is a polynomial.We writeZ (S ):=ei =1Z (T i ,h i ).We conclude this section with some well known properties of ideals and triangular sets.For a proper ideal I ,we denote by dim(V (I ))the dimension of V (I ).Lemma 1.Let I be a proper ideal in K [Y ]and p ∈K [Y ]be a polynomial regular w.r.t I .Then,either V (I )∩V (p )is empty or we have:dim(V (I )∩V (p ))≤dim(V (I ))−1.Lemma 2.Let T be a triangular set in K [Y ].Then,we haveW (T )\V (h T )=W (T )and W (T )\W (T )=V (h T )∩W (T ).P ROOF .Since W (T )⊆W (T ),we haveW (T )=W (T )\V (h T )⊆W (T )\V (h T ).On the other hand,W (T )⊆V (T )impliesW (T )\V (h T )⊆V (T )\V (h T )=W (T ).This proves the first claim.Observe that we have:W (T )= W (T )\V (h T ) ∪ W (T )∩V (h T ) .We deduce the second one.Lemma 3([1,3]).Let T be a triangular set in K [Y ].Then,we haveV (Sat (T ))=W (T ).Assume furthermore that W (T )=∅holds.Then V (Sat (T ))is a nonempty unmixed algebraic set with dimension n −|T |.Moreover,if N is the free variables of T ,then for every prime ideal P associated with Sat (T )we haveP ∩K [N ]= 0 .78 C.Chen et al.2.2Regular Chain and Regular SystemDefinition 2(Regular Chain).A triangular set T ⊂K [Y ]is a regular chain if one of the following conditions hold:–either T is empty,–or T \{T max }is a regular chain,where T max is the polynomial in T with maximum rank,and the initial of T max is regular w.r.t.Sat (T \{T max }).It is useful to extend the notion of regular chain as follows.Definition 3(Regular System).A pair [T,h ]is a regular system if T is a regular chain,and h ∈K [Y ]is regular w.r.t Sat (T ).Remark 1.A regular system in a stronger sense was presented in [19].For example,consider the polynomial system [T,h ]where T =[Y 1Y 4−Y 2]and h =Y 2Y 3.Then[T,h ]is still a regular system in our sense but not a regular system in Wang’s sense.Also we do not restrict the main variables of polynomials in the inequality part.At least our definition is more convenient for our purpose in dealing with zerodivisors and conceptually clear as well.We also note that in the zerodimensional case (no free variables exist)the notion of regular chain and that of a regular set in [19]are the same,see [1,19]for details.There are several equivalent characterizations of a regular chain,see [1].In this paper,we rely on the notion of iterated resultant in order to derive a characterization which can be checked by solving a polynomial system.Definition 4.Let p ∈K [Y ]be a polynomial and T ⊂K [Y ]be a triangular set.The iterated resultant of p w.r.t.T ,denoted by res (p,T ),is defined as follows:–if p ∈K or all variables in p are free w.r.t.T ,then res (p,T )=p ,–otherwise,if v is the largest variable of p which is algebraic w.r.t.T ,then res (p,T )=res (r,T <v )where r is the resultant of p and the polynomial T v .Lemma 4.Let p ∈K [Y ]be a polynomial and T ⊂K [Y ]be a zerodimensional regular chain.Then the following statements are equivalent:(i )The iterated resultant res (p,T )=0.(ii )The polynomial p is regular modulo T .(iii )The polynomial p is invertible modulo T .P ROOF .“(i )⇒(ii )”Let r :=res (p,T ).Then there exist polynomials A i ∈K [Y ],0≤i ≤n ,such that r =A 0p + n i =1A i T i .So r =0implies p is invertible modulo T .Therefore,p is regular modulo T .“(ii )⇒(iii )”If p is regular modulo T ,then p is regular modulo T .Since T is a zerodimensional regular chain,which implies Sat (T )= T ,we know that K [Y ]/ T is a direct product of fields.Therefore p is invertible modulo T ,which implies p is invertible modulo T .Comprehensive Triangular Decomposition79“(iii)⇒(i)”Assume res(p,T)=0,then we claim that p and T have at least one common solution,which is a contradiction to(iii).We prove our claim by induction on|T|.If|T|=1,we have two cases(1)If all variables in p are free w.r.t.T,then res(p,T)=p=0.The claim holds.(2)Otherwise,we have res(p,T)=res(p,T,mvar(T))=0.Since init(T)=0,theclaim holds.Now we assume that the claim holds for|T|=n−1.If|T|=n,let v:=Y n.We have two cases(1)If v does not appear in p,then res(p,T)=res(p,T<v).By induction hypothesis,there existξ1,ξ2,···,ξn−1∈K,such thatξ =(ξ1,ξ2,···,ξn−1)is a common solution of p and T<v.Since T is a zerodimensional regular chain,h Tis invertiblev(ξ )=0,which implies that there exists a modulo T (by“(ii)⇒(iii)”).So h Tvξn∈K,such thatξ:=(ξ1,ξ2,···,ξn−1,ξn)is a solution of T v.Thereforeξis a common solution of p and T.(2)If v appears in p,then res(p,T)=res(res(p,T v,v),T<v)=0.Similarly to(1),there existsξ =(ξ1,ξ2,···,ξn−1),such that res(p,T v,v)(ξ )=T<v(ξ )=0and (ξ )=0.So by the specialization property of resultant,res(p(ξ ),T v(ξ ),v)=h Tv0,which implies that there exists aξn∈K,such thatξ:=(ξ1,ξ2,···,ξn−1,ξn) is a common solution of p and T v.Thereforeξis a common solution of p and T. Theorem1.The triangular set T is a regular chain if and only if res(h T,T)=0.P ROOF.We start by assuming that T is a zerodimensional regular chain,then the con-clusion follows from Lemma4.We reduce the general case to the zerodimensional one.First,we introduce a new total ordering<T on Y defined as follows:if Y i and Y j are both in mvar(T)or both in its complement then Y i<T Y j holds if and only if Y i<Y j holds,otherwise Y i<T Y j holds if and only if Y j∈mvar(T).Clearly T is also a triangular set w.r.t <T.We observe that h T,and thus Sat(T),are unchanged when replacing the variable ordering<by<T.Similarly,it is easy to check that a polynomial p∈K[Y]reduces to zero by pseudo-division by T w.r.t.<if and only if it reduces to zero by pseudo-division by T w.r.t.<T.Therefore,by applying Theorem6.1[1]we deduce that T is a regular chain w.r.t.<if and only if it is a regular chain w.r.t.<T.Similarly,we have res(h T,T)=0w.r.t.<if and only if res(h T,T)=0w.r.t.<T.Now we assume that the variables are ordered according to<T.Let N be the set of the variables of Y that do not belong to mvar(T).The triangular set T is a regular chain in K[Y]if and only if it is a zerodimensional regular chain when regarded as a triangular set in K(N)[Y\N](where K(N)denotes thefield of rational functions with coefficients in K and variables in N).This is Corollary3.2in[3].Similarly,it is easy to check that res(h T,T)=0holds when regarding T in K[Y]if and only if res(h T,T)=0holds when regarding T in K(N)[Y\N].Proposition1.For every regular system[T,h]we have Z(T,h)=∅.80 C.Chen et al.P ROOF.Since T is a regular chain,by Lemma3we have V(Sat(T))=∅.By definition of regular system,the polynomial hh T is regular w.r.t Sat(T).Hence,by Lemma1,the set V(hh T)∩V(Sat(T))either is empty,or has lower dimension than V(Sat(T)). Therefore,the setV(Sat(T))\V(hh T)=V(Sat(T))\(V(hh T)∩V(Sat(T)))is not empty.Finally,by Lemma2,the setZ(T,h)=W(T)\V(h)=W(T)\V(hh T)=V(Sat(T))\V(hh T)is not empty.Notation1.For a regular system R=[T,h],we define rank(R):=rank(T).For a set R of regular systems,we definerank(R):=max{rank(T)|[T,h]∈R}.For a pair of regular systems(L,R),we define rank((L,R)):=(rank(L),rank(R)). For a pair of lists of regular systems,we definerank((L,R))=(rank(L),rank(R)).For triangular sets T,T1,...,T e we write W(T)D−→(W(T i),i=1...e)if one of the following conditions holds:–either e=1and T=T1,–or e>1,rank(T i)<rank(T)for all i=1...e andW(T)⊆ei=1W(T i)⊆W(T).2.3Triangular DecompositionsDefinition5.Given afinite polynomial set F⊂K[Y],a triangular decomposition of V(F)is afinite family T of regular chains of K[Y]such thatV(F)=T∈TW(T).For afinite polynomial set F⊂K[Y],the T RIADE algorithm[15]computes a trian-gular decomposition of V(F).We list below the specifications of the operations from T RIADE that we use in this paper.Let p,p1,p2be polynomials,and let T,C,E be regular chains such that C∪E is a triangular set(but not necessarily a regular chain).–Regularize(p,T)returns regular chains T1,...,T e such that•W(T)D−→(W(T i),i=1...e),•for all1≤i≤e the polynomial p is either0or regular modulo Sat(T i).Comprehensive Triangular Decomposition81–For a set of polynomials F,Triangularize(F,T)returns regular chains T1,...,T e such that we haveV(F)∩W(T)⊆W(T1)∪···∪W(T e)⊆V(F)∩W(T).and for1≤i≤e we have rank(T i)<rank(T).–Extend(C∪E)returns a set of regular chains{C i|i=1...e}such that we have W(C∪E)D−→(W(C i),i=1...e).–Assume that p1and p2are two non-constant polynomials with the same main vari-able v,which is larger than any variable appearing in T,and assume that the ini-tials of p1and p2are both regular w.r.t.Sat(T).Then,GCD(p1,p2,T)returns a sequence([g1,C1],...,[g d,C d],[∅,D1],...,[∅,D e]),where g i are polynomials and C i,D i are regular chains such that the following properties hold:•W(T)D−→(W(C1),...,W(C d),W(D1),...,W(D e)),•dim V(Sat(C i))=dim V(Sat(T))and dim V(Sat(D j))<dim V(Sat(T)), for all1 i d and1 j e,•the leading coefficient of g i w.r.t.v is regular w.r.t.Sat(C i),•for all1 i d there exist polynomials u i and v i such that we have g i= u i p1+v i p2mod Sat(C i),•if g i is not constant and its main variable is v,then p1and p2belong to Sat(C i∪{g i}).2.4Constructible SetsDefinition6(Constructible set).A constructible subset of K n is anyfinite union(A1\B1)∪···∪(A e\B e)where A1,...,A e,B1,...,B e are algebraic varieties in K n.Lemma5.Every constructible set can write as a union of zero sets of regular systems. P ROOF.By the definition of constructible set,we only need to prove that the differ-ence of two algebraic varieties can write as a union of zero sets of regular systems. Let V(F),V(G),where F,G⊂K[Y],be two algebraic varieties in K n.With the Triangularize operation introduced in last subsection,we write V(F)as a union of the zero sets of some regular systemsV(F)=si=1W(T i)=si=1Z(T i,1).Similarly,we can write V(G)asV(G)=ti=1Z(C i,1).Then the conclusion follows from the algorithm DifferenceLR introduced in next section.82 C.Chen et al.3The Difference AlgorithmsIn this section,we present an algorithm to compute the set theoretical difference of two constructible sets given by regular systems.As mentioned in the Introduction,a naive approach appears to be very inefficient in practice.Here we contribute a more sophisticated algorithm,which heavily exploits the structure and properties of regular chains.Two procedures,Difference and DifferenceLR,are involved in order to achieve this goal.Their specifications and pseudo-codes can be found below.The rest of this section is dedicated to proving the correctness and termination of these algorithms. For the pseudo-code,we use the M APLE syntax.However,each of the two functions below returns a sequence of values.Individual value or sub-sequences of the returned sequence are thrown to theflow of output by means of an output statement.Hence an output statement does not cause the termination of the function execution. Algorithm1Difference([T,h],[T ,h ])Input[T,h],[T ,h ]two regular systems.Output Regular systems{[T i,h i]|i=1...e}such thatZ(T,h)\Z(T ,h )=ei=1Z(T i,h i),and rank(T i) r rank(T).Algorithm2DifferenceLR(L,R)Input L:={[L i,f i]|i=1...r}and R:={[R j,g j]|j=1...s}two lists of regular systems.Output Regular systems S:={[T i,h i]|i=1...e}such thatr i=1Z(L i,f i)\⎛⎝sj=1Z(R j,g j)⎞⎠=ei=1Z(T i,h i),with rank(S) r rank(L).To prove the termination and correctness of above two algorithms,we present a series of technical lemmas.Lemma6.Let p and h be polynomials and T a regular chain.Assume that p/∈Sat(T). Then there exists an operation Intersect(p,T,h)returning a set of regular chains {T1,...,T e}such that(i)h is regular w.r.t Sat(T i)for all i;(ii)rank(T i)<r rank(T);(iii)Z(p,T,h)⊆∪e i=1Z(T i,h)⊆(V(p)∩W(T))\V(h);(iv)Moreover,if the product of initials h T of T divides h thenZ(p,T,h)=ei=1Z(T i,h).Al g orithm1.Difference([T,h],[T ,h ])1:if Sat(T)=Sat(T )then2:o u t pu t Intersect(h h T ,T,hh T)3:else4:Let v be the lar g est variable s.t.Sat(T<v)=Sat(T <v)5:if v∈mvar(T )and v/∈mvar(T)then6:p ←T v7:o u t pu t[T,hp ]8:o u t pu t DifferenceLR(Intersect(p ,T,hh T),[T ,h ])9:else if v/∈mvar(T )and v∈mvar(T)then10:p←T v11:o u t pu t DifferenceLR([T,h],Intersect(p,T ,h h T ))12:else13:p←T v14:G←GCD(T v,T v,T<v)15:if|G|=1then16:Let(g,C)∈G17:if g∈K then18:o u t pu t[T,h]19:else if mvar(g)<v then20:o u t pu t[T,gh]21:o u t pu t DifferenceLR(Intersect(g,T,hh T),[T ,h ]) 22:else if mvar(g)=v then23:if mde g(g)=mde g(p)then24:D p←T <v∪{p}∪T >v25:o u t pu t Difference([T,h],[D p,h h T ])26:else if mde g(g)<mde g(p)then27:q←pq u o(p,g,C)28:D g←C∪{g}∪T>v29:D q←C∪{q}∪T>v30:o u t pu t Difference([D g,hh T],[T ,h ])31:o u t pu t Difference([D q,hh T],[T ,h ])32:o u t pu t DifferenceLR(Intersect(h g,T,hh T),[T ,h ]) 33:en d if34:en d if35:else if|G|≥2then36:for(g,C)∈G d o37:if|C|>|T<v|then38:for E∈Extend(C,T v)d o39:for D∈Regularize(hh T,E)d o40:if hh T/∈Sat(D)then41:o u t pu t Difference([D,hh T],[T ,h ])42:en d if43:en d for44:en d for45:else46:o u t pu t Difference([C∪T v,hh T],[T ,h ])47:en d if48:en d for49:en d if50:en d if51:en d ifAlgorithm2.DifferenceLR(L,R)1:if L=∅then2:output∅3:else if R=∅then4:output L5:else if|R|=1then6:Let[T ,h ]∈R7:for[T,h]∈L do8:output Difference([T,h],[T ,h ])9:end for10:else11:while R=∅do12:Let[T ,h ]∈R,R←R\{[T ,h ]}13:S←∅14:for[T,h]∈L do15:S←S∪Difference([T,h],[T ,h ])16:end for17:L←S18:end while19:output L20:end ifP ROOF.LetS=Triangularize(p,T),R=Regularize(h,C).C∈SWe then have⊆V(p)∩W(T).V(p)∩W(T)⊆R∈RThis impliesZ(p,T,h)⊆Z(R,h)⊆(V(p)∩W(T))\V(h).R∈R,h/∈Sat(R)Rename the regular chains{R|R∈R,h/∈Sat(R)}as{T1,...,T e}.By the specifi-cation of Regularize we immediately conclude that(i),(iii)hold.Since p/∈Sat(T), by the specification of Triangularize,(ii)holds.By Lemma2,(iv)holds.Lemma7.Let[T,h]and[T ,h ]be two regular systems.If Sat(T)=Sat(T ),then h h T is regular w.r.t Sat(T)andZ(T,h)\Z(T ,h )=Z(h h T ,T,hh T).P ROOF.Since Sat(T)=Sat(T )and h h T is regular w.r.t Sat(T ),h h T is regular w.r.t Sat(T).By Lemma2and Lemma3,we haveZ(T,hh h T )=W(T)\V(hh h T )=W(T)\V(hh h T h T )=W(T )\V(hh h T h T )=W(T )\V(hh h T)=Z(T ,hh h T).Then,we can decompose Z(T,h)into the disjoint unionZ(T,h)=Z(T,hh h T )Z(h h T ,T,hh T).Similarly,we have:Z(T ,h )=Z(T ,hh h T)Z(hh T,T ,h h T ).The conclusion follows from the fact thatZ(T,hh h T )\Z(T ,hh h T)=∅and Z(h h T ,T,hh T)∩Z(T ,h )=∅. Lemma8.Assume that Sat(T<v)=Sat(T <v).We have(i)If p :=T v is defined but not T v,then p is regular w.r.t Sat(T)andZ(T,h)\Z(T ,h )=Z(T,hp )(Z(p ,T,hh T)\Z(T ,h )).(ii)If p:=T v is defined but not T v,then p is regular w.r.t Sat(T )andZ(T,h)\Z(T ,h )=Z(T,h)\Z(p,T ,h h T ).P ROOF.(i)As init(p )is regular w.r.t Sat(T <v),it is also regular w.r.t Sat(T<v).Since T v is not defined,we know v/∈mvar(T).Therefore,p is also regular w.r.t Sat(T).On the other hand,we have a disjoint decompositionZ(T,h)=Z(T,hp )Z(p ,T,hh T).By the definition of p ,Z(T ,h )⊆V(p )which impliesZ(T,hp )Z(T ,h )=∅.The conclusion follows.(ii)Similarly,we know p is regular w.r.t Sat(T ).By the disjoint decompositionZ(T ,h )=Z(T ,h p)Z(p,T ,h h T ),and Z(T,h)∩Z(T ,h p)=∅,we haveZ(T,h)\Z(T ,h )=Z(T,h)\Z(p,T ,h h T ), from which the conclusion follows.。

rdmulti 1.1 软件包用户指南:分析 RD 设计中的多个阈值或评分说明书

rdmulti 1.1 软件包用户指南:分析 RD 设计中的多个阈值或评分说明书

Package‘rdmulti’June20,2023Type PackageTitle Analysis of RD Designs with Multiple Cutoffs or ScoresVersion1.1Author Matias D.Cattaneo,Rocio Titiunik,Gonzalo Vazquez-BareMaintainer Gonzalo Vazquez-Bare<******************.edu>Description The regression discontinuity(RD)design is a popular quasi-experimental de-sign for causal inference and policy evaluation.The'rdmulti'package provides tools to ana-lyze RD designs with multiple cutoffs or scores:rdmc()estimates pooled and cutoff specific ef-fects for multi-cutoff designs,rdmcplot()draws RD plots for multi-cutoff designs and rdms()es-timates effects in cumulative cutoffs or multi-score designs.See Cattaneo,Titiunik and Vazquez-Bare(2020)<>for further methodological details. Imports ggplot2,rdrobustLicense GPL-2Encoding UTF-8RoxygenNote7.2.3NeedsCompilation noRepository CRANDate/Publication2023-06-2021:00:02UTCR topics documented:rdmulti-package (2)rdmc (3)rdmcplot (6)rdms (8)Index1212rdmulti-package rdmulti-package rdmulti:analysis of RD Designs with multiple cutoffs or scoresDescriptionThe regression discontinuity(RD)design is a popular quasi-experimental design for causal infer-ence and policy evaluation.The rdmulti package provides tools to analyze RD designs with multiple cutoffs or scores:rdmc()estimates pooled and cutoff-specific effects in multi-cutoff de-signs,rdmcplot()draws RD plots for multi-cutoff RD designs and rdms()estimates effects in cumulative cutoffs or multi-score designs.For more details,and related Stata and R packages useful for analysis of RD designs,visit Cattaneo,Princeton University.<**********************>Rocio Titiunik,Princeton University.<**********************>Gonzalo Vazquez-Bare,UC Santa Barbara.<******************.edu>ReferencesCalonico,S.,M.D.Cattaneo,M.Farrell and R.Titiunik.(2017).rdrobust:Software for Regres-sion Discontinuity Designs.Stata Journal17(2):372-404.Calonico,S.,M.D.Cattaneo,and R.Titiunik.(2014).Robust Data-Driven Inference in the Regression-Discontinuity Design.Stata Journal14(4):909-946.Calonico,S.,M.D.Cattaneo,and R.Titiunik.(2015).rdrobust:An R Package for Robust Non-parametric Inference in Regression-Discontinuity Designs.R Journal7(1):38-51.Cattaneo,M.D.,L.Keele,R.Titiunik and G.Vazquez-Bare.(2016).Interpreting Regression Dis-continuity Designs with Multiple Cutoffs.Journal of Politics78(4):1229-1248.Cattaneo,M.D.,L.Keele,R.Titiunik and G.Vazquez-Bare.(2020).Extrapolating Treatment Effects in Multi-Cutoff Regression Discontinuity Designs.Journal of the American Statistical As-sociation116(536):1941,1952.Cattaneo,M.D.,R.Titiunik and G.Vazquez-Bare.(2020).Analysis of Regression Discontinuity Designs with Multiple Cutoffs or Multiple Scores.Stata Journal20(4):866-891.Keele,L.and R.Titiunik.(2015).Geographic Boundaries as Regression Discontinuities.Political Analysis23(1):127-155rdmc3 rdmc Analysis of RD designs with multiple cutoffsDescriptionrdmc()analyzes RD designs with multiple cutoffs.Usagerdmc(Y,X,C,fuzzy=NULL,derivvec=NULL,pooled_opt=NULL,verbose=FALSE,pvec=NULL,qvec=NULL,hmat=NULL,bmat=NULL,rhovec=NULL,covs_mat=NULL,covs_list=NULL,covs_dropvec=NULL,kernelvec=NULL,weightsvec=NULL,bwselectvec=NULL,scaleparvec=NULL,scaleregulvec=NULL,masspointsvec=NULL,bwcheckvec=NULL,bwrestrictvec=NULL,stdvarsvec=NULL,vcevec=NULL,nnmatchvec=NULL,cluster=NULL,level=95,plot=FALSE,conventional=FALSE)ArgumentsY outcome variable.X running variable.4rdmcC cutoff variable.fuzzy specifies a fuzzy design.See rdrobust()for details.derivvec vector of cutoff-specific order of derivatives.See rdrobust()for details.pooled_opt options to be passed to rdrobust()to calculate pooled estimand.verbose displays the output from rdrobust for estimating the pooled estimand.pvec vector of cutoff-specific polynomial orders.See rdrobust()for details.qvec vector of cutoff-specific polynomial orders for bias estimation.See rdrobust()for details.hmat matrix of cutoff-specific bandwidths.See rdrobust()for details.bmat matrix of cutoff-specific bandwidths for bias estimation.See rdrobust()fordetails.rhovec vector of cutoff-specific values of rho.See rdrobust()for details.covs_mat matrix of covariates.See rdrobust()for details.covs_list list of covariates to be used in each cutoff.covs_dropvec vector indicating whether collinear covariates should be dropped at each cutoff.See rdrobust()for details.kernelvec vector of cutoff-specific kernels.See rdrobust()for details.weightsvec vector of length equal to the number of cutoffs indicating the names of the vari-ables to be used as weights in each cutoff.See rdrobust()for details.bwselectvec vector of cutoff-specific bandwidth selection methods.See rdrobust()for de-tails.scaleparvec vector of cutoff-specific scale parameters.See rdrobust()for details.scaleregulvec vector of cutoff-specific scale regularization parameters.See rdrobust()fordetails.masspointsvec vector indicating how to handle repeated values at each cutoff.See rdrobust()for details.bwcheckvec vector indicating the value of bwcheck at each cutoff.See rdrobust()for de-tails.bwrestrictvec vector indicating whether computed bandwidths are restricted to the range orrunvar at each cutoff.See rdrobust()for details.stdvarsvec vector indicating whether variables are standardized at each cutoff.See rdrobust() for details.vcevec vector of cutoff-specific variance-covariance estimation methods.See rdrobust() for details.nnmatchvec vector of cutoff-specific nearest neighbors for variance estimation.See rdrobust() for details.cluster cluster ID variable.See rdrobust()for details.level confidence level for confidence intervals.See rdrobust()for details.plot plots cutoff-specific estimates and weights.conventional reports conventional,instead of robust-bias corrected,p-values and confidenceintervals.rdmc5Valuetau pooled estimatese.rb robust bias corrected standard error for pooled estimatepv.rb robust bias corrected p-value for pooled estimateci.rb.l left limit of robust bias corrected CI for pooled estimateci.rb.r right limit of robust bias corrected CI for pooled estimatehl bandwidth to the left of the cutoff for pooled estimatehr bandwidth to the right of the cutofffor pooled estimateNhl sample size within bandwidth to the left of the cutoff for pooled estimateNhr sample size within bandwidth to the right of the cutoff for pooled estimateB vector of bias-corrected estimatesV vector of robust variances of the estimatesCoefs vector of conventional estimatesW vector of weights for each cutoff-specific estimateNh vector of sample sizes within bandwidthCI robust bias-corrected confidence intervalsH matrix of bandwidthsPv vector of robust p-valuesrdrobust.resultsresults from rdrobust for pooled estimatecfail Cutoffs where rdrobust()encountered problemsAuthor(s)Matias Cattaneo,Princeton University.<**********************>Rocio Titiunik,Princeton University.<**********************>Gonzalo Vazquez-Bare,UC Santa Barbara.<******************.edu>ReferencesCattaneo,M.D.,R.Titiunik and G.Vazquez-Bare.(2020).Analysis of Regression Discontinuity Designs with Multiple Cutoffs or Multiple Scores.Stata Journal,forthcoming.Examples#Toy datasetX<-runif(1000,0,100)C<-c(rep(33,500),rep(66,500))Y<-(1+X+(X>=C))*(C==33)+(.5+.5*X+.8*(X>=C))*(C==66)+rnorm(1000)#rdmc with standard syntaxtmp<-rdmc(Y,X,C)rdmcplot RD plots with multiple cutoffs.Descriptionrdmcplot()RD plots with multiple cutoffs.Usagerdmcplot(Y,X,C,nbinsmat=NULL,binselectvec=NULL,scalevec=NULL,supportmat=NULL,pvec=NULL,hmat=NULL,kernelvec=NULL,weightsvec=NULL,covs_mat=NULL,covs_list=NULL,covs_evalvec=NULL,covs_dropvec=NULL,ci=NULL,col_bins=NULL,pch_bins=NULL,col_poly=NULL,lty_poly=NULL,col_xline=NULL,lty_xline=NULL,nobins=FALSE,nopoly=FALSE,noxline=FALSE,nodraw=FALSE)ArgumentsY outcome variable.X running variable.C cutoff variable.nbinsmat matrix of cutoff-specific number of bins.See rdplot()for details.binselectvec vector of cutoff-specific bins selection method.See rdplot()for details.scalevec vector of cutoff-specific scale factors.See rdplot()for details.supportmat matrix of cutoff-specific support conditions.See rdplot()for details..pvec vector of cutoff-specific polynomial orders.See rdplot()for details.hmat matrix of cutoff-specific bandwidths.See rdplot()for details.kernelvec vector of cutoff-specific kernels.See rdplot()for details.weightsvec vector of cutoff-specific weights.See rdplot()for details.covs_mat matrix of covariates.See rdplot()for details.covs_list list of of covariates to be used in each cutoff.covs_evalvec vector indicating the evaluation point for additional covariates.See rdrobust() for details.covs_dropvec vector indicating whether collinear covariates should be dropped at each cutoff.See rdrobust()for adds confidence intervals of the specified level to the plot.See rdrobust()for details.col_bins vector of colors for bins.pch_bins vector of characters(pch)type for bins.col_poly vector of colors for polynomial curves.lty_poly vector of lty for polynomial curves.col_xline vector of colors for vertical lines.lty_xline vector of lty for vertical lines.nobins omits bins plot.nopoly omits polynomial curve plot.noxline omits vertical lines indicating the cutoffs.nodraw omits plot.Valueclist list of cutoffscnum number of cutoffsX0matrix of X values for control unitsX1matrix of X values for treated unitsYhat0estimated polynomial for control unitsYhat1estimated polynomial for treated unitsXmean bin average of X valuesYmean bin average for Y valuesCI_l lower end of confidence intervalsCI_r upper end of confidence intervalscfail Cutoffs where rdrobust()encountered problems8rdmsAuthor(s)Matias Cattaneo,Princeton University.<**********************>Rocio Titiunik,Princeton University.<**********************>Gonzalo Vazquez-Bare,UC Santa Barbara.<******************.edu>ReferencesCattaneo,M.D.,R.Titiunik and G.Vazquez-Bare.(2020).Analysis of Regression Discontinuity Designs with Multiple Cutoffs or Multiple Scores.Stata Journal,forthcoming.Examples#Toy datasetX<-runif(1000,0,100)C<-c(rep(33,500),rep(66,500))Y<-(1+X+(X>=C))*(C==33)+(.5+.5*X+.8*(X>=C))*(C==66)+rnorm(1000)#rdmcplot with standard syntaxtmp<-rdmcplot(Y,X,C)rdms Analysis of RD designs with cumulative cutoffs or two running vari-ablesDescriptionrdms()analyzes RD designs with cumulative cutoffs or two running variables.Usagerdms(Y,X,C,X2=NULL,zvar=NULL,C2=NULL,rangemat=NULL,xnorm=NULL,fuzzy=NULL,derivvec=NULL,pooled_opt=NULL,pvec=NULL,qvec=NULL,hmat=NULL,bmat=NULL,rdms9 rhovec=NULL,covs_mat=NULL,covs_list=NULL,covs_dropvec=NULL,kernelvec=NULL,weightsvec=NULL,bwselectvec=NULL,scaleparvec=NULL,scaleregulvec=NULL,masspointsvec=NULL,bwcheckvec=NULL,bwrestrictvec=NULL,stdvarsvec=NULL,vcevec=NULL,nnmatchvec=NULL,cluster=NULL,level=95,plot=FALSE,conventional=FALSE)ArgumentsY outcome variable.X running variable.C vector of cutoffs.X2if specified,second running variable.zvar if X2is specified,treatment indicator.C2if specified,second vector of cutoffs.rangemat matrix of cutoff-specific ranges for the running variable.xnorm normalized running variable to estimate pooled effect.fuzzy specifies a fuzzy design.See rdrobust()for details.derivvec vector of cutoff-specific order of derivatives.See rdrobust()for details.pooled_opt options to be passed to rdrobust()to calculate pooled estimand.pvec vector of cutoff-specific polynomial orders.See rdrobust()for details.qvec vector of cutoff-specific polynomial orders for bias estimation.See rdrobust() for details.hmat matrix of cutoff-specific bandwidths.See rdrobust()for details.bmat matrix of cutoff-specific bandwidths for bias estimation.See rdrobust()for details.rhovec vector of cutoff-specific values of rho.See rdrobust()for details.covs_mat matrix of covariates.See rdplot()for details.covs_list list of of covariates to be used in each cutoff.10rdms covs_dropvec vector indicating whether collinear covariates should be dropped at each cutoff.See rdrobust()for details.kernelvec vector of cutoff-specific kernels.See rdrobust()for details.weightsvec vector of length equal to the number of cutoffs indicating the names of the vari-ables to be used as weights in each cutoff.See rdrobust()for details.bwselectvec vector of cutoff-specific bandwidth selection methods.See rdrobust()for de-tails.scaleparvec vector of cutoff-specific scale parameters.See rdrobust()for details.scaleregulvec vector of cutoff-specific scale regularization parameters.See rdrobust()fordetails.masspointsvec vector indicating how to handle repeated values at each cutoff.See rdrobust()for details.bwcheckvec vector indicating the value of bwcheck at each cutoff.See rdrobust()for de-tails.bwrestrictvec vector indicating whether computed bandwidths are restricted to the range orrunvar at each cutoff.See rdrobust()for details.stdvarsvec vector indicating whether variables are standardized at each cutoff.See rdrobust() for details.vcevec vector of cutoff-specific variance-covariance estimation methods.See rdrobust() for details.nnmatchvec vector of cutoff-specific nearest neighbors for variance estimation.See rdrobust() for details.cluster cluster ID variable.See rdrobust()for details.level confidence level for confidence intervals.See rdrobust()for details.plot plots cutoff-specific and pooled estimates.conventional reports conventional,instead of robust-bias corrected,p-values and confidenceintervals.ValueB vector of bias-corrected coefficientsV variance-covariance matrix of the estimatorsCoefs vector of conventional coefficientsNh vector of sample sizes within bandwidth at each cutoffCI bias corrected confidence intervalsH bandwidth used at each cutoffPv vector of robust p-valuesAuthor(s)Matias Cattaneo,Princeton University.<**********************>Rocio Titiunik,Princeton University.<**********************>Gonzalo Vazquez-Bare,UC Santa Barbara.<******************.edu>rdms11ReferencesCattaneo,M.D.,R.Titiunik and G.Vazquez-Bare.(2020).Analysis of Regression Discontinuity Designs with Multiple Cutoffs or Multiple Scores.Stata Journal,forthcoming.Examples#Toy dataset:cumulative cutoffsX<-runif(1000,0,100)C<-c(33,66)Y<-(1+X)*(X<C[1])+(0.8+0.8*X)*(X>=C[1]&X<C[2])+(1.2+1.2*X)*(X>=C[2])+rnorm(1000) #rmds:basic syntaxtmp<-rdms(Y,X,C)Index_PACKAGE(rdmulti-package),2rdmc,2,3rdmcplot,2,6rdms,2,8rdmulti-package,2rdmulti_package(rdmulti-package),212。

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tn−1 pA(t) = (n − 1)! a1 · · · an + O
Our theorem is a refinement of this statement. We note that Israilov derived a more complicated formula for PA(t) in [I].
as can easily be proved by differentiating both sides. Then
B(a1z) · · · B(anz) = exp
(−1)j−1 Bjsj zj j j!
= exp (−1)j−1 Bjsj zj .
j j!
Since B2i+1 = 0 for i > 0, (−1)j−1Bj = −Bj for j > 1, and (3) follows from (5) and (6). P
a1, . . . , an are arbitrary positive integers.
∗Research partially supported by NSF grant DMS-9972648.
It is clear that pA(t) is the coefficient of zt in the generating function 1
PA(t) = − Res(f (z), z = 1). To compute this residue, note that
Res(f (z), z = 1) = Res(ezf (ez), z = 0),
so that
PA(t) = − Res
e−tz ,z = 0
(1 − ea1z) · · · (1 − eanz)
Takao Komatsu
Faculty of Education Mie University
Mie, 514–8507, Japan
August 17, 2001 MR Subject Classifications: Primary 05A15; Secondary 11P81, 05A17
is the largest integral zero of pA(t). Note that, in contrast to the Frobenius problem, in
the definition of pA we do not require a1, . . . , an to be relatively prime. In the following,
n−1 m=0
Bk1 k1!
· ·
· ·
· ·
Bkn kn!
1 n−1 (−1)m = a1 · · · an m=0 (n − 1 − m)!
k1+2k2···+mkm=m k1! · · · km!
cd(t)td + · · · + c1(t)t + c0(t),
where c0, . . . , cd are periodic functions in t. (See, for example, Stanley [St, Section 4.4], for more information about quasi-polynomials.) In the special case in which the ai are pairwise relatively prime, each PA,λ(t) for λ = 1 is a constant, and thus QA(t) is a periodic function with average value 0, and this property determines QA(t), and thus PA(t). Discussions of QA(t) can be found, for example, in [BDR, I, K].
study the restricted partition function pA(t), the number of nonnegative integer solutions
(m1, . . . , mn) to
n j=1
G(z) = (1 − za1) · · · (1 − zan) .
If we expand G(z) by partial fractions, we see that pA(t) can be written in the form
where the sum is over all complex numbers λ such that λai = 1 for some i, and PA,λ(t) is a polynomial in t. The aim of this paper is to give an explicit formula for PA,1(t), which we denote by PA(t) and call the polynomial part of pA(t). It is easy to see that PA(t) is a polynomial of degree n − 1. (More generally, the degree of PA,λ(t) is one less than the number of values of i for which λai = 1.) It is well known [PS, Problem 27] that
We define the Bernoulli numbers Bj by
ez − 1 = Bj j!
1, B1

1 2
1 6

1 30
1 · · · an
Binghamton, NY 13902–6000, USA matthias@
Ira M. Gessel ∗
Department of Mathematics Brandeis University
Waltham, MA 02454–9110, USA gessel@
The polynomial part of a restricted partition function related to the Frobenius problem
Matthias Beck
Department of Mathematical Sciences State University of New York
formula for the polynomial part of pA.
Let A = {a1, . . . , an} be a set of positive integers with gcd(a1, . . . , an) = 1. The classical Frobenius problem asks for the largest integer t (the Frobenius number ) such that
B1s1 1 · 1!
Bmsm m · m!
where si = ai1 + · · · + ain. Proof. As noted earlier, pA(t) is the coefficient of zt in the generating function
Given a set of positive integers A = {a1, . . . , an}, we study the number pA(t) of
nonnegative integer solutions (m1, . . . , mn) to
n j=1
1 G(z) = (1 − za1) · · · (1 − zan) .
Hence if we let f (z) = G(z)/zt+1 then pA(t) = Res(f (z), z = 0). As in [BDR], we use the
m1a1 + · · · + mnan = t
has no solution in nonnegative integers m1, . . . , mn. For n = 2, the Frobenius number is (a1 − 1)(a2 − 1) − 1, as is well known, but the problem is extremely difficult for n > 2. (For surveys of the Frobenius problem, see [R, Se].) One approach [BDR, I, K, SO¨ ] is to