Towards a 4G IP-based Wireless Systems Proposal
附录一、英文原文:Goals Of True Broad band’s Wireless Next Wave(4G-5G)K.R.Santhi,Prof.V.K.Srivastava,G.SenthilKumaran,Eng. Albert Butare.Kigali Institute of Science Technology and Management (KIST),B.P.3900, Kigali,Rwanda.AbstractAs access technology increases, voice, video,multimedia, and broadband data services are becomingintegrated into the same network. Fourth Generation (4G)is the next generation of wireless networks that will replacethird Generation (3G) networks sometimes in future. 4G isintended to provide high speed, high capacity, low cost perbit, IP based services.4G is all about an integrated, globalnetwork that’s based on an open system approach. The goalof 4G i s to “replace the current proliferation of core cellularnetworks with a single worldwide cellular core networkstandard based on IP for control, video, packet data andV oIP. But while 3G haven’t quite arrived, researchers wantto contribute their ideas to the development of an as-yetundefined "wireless world" that could become operationalby around 2010. This paper deals with the fundamentalsand issues of networks, technologies, spectrum, standards,terminals, services of 4G and about the visions that thenetwork operators and service providers see for theevolution of 4G mobile systems and where is future researchfrom their perspective necessary?Keywords:Wireless, 4G, W-OFDM, MC-CDMA, LAS-CDMA,UWB.I. INTRODUCTIONWhile carriers and handset manufacturers obviously havetheir hands full with 3G, some companies are alreadylooking beyond this next generation of wirelesstechnology and networks. 4G is simply an initiative byacademic R&D labs to move beyond the limitations andproblems of 3G which is having trouble getting deployedand meeting its promised performance and throughput.While this 3G has not completely reached researchers andvendors are expressing growing interest in 4G why? Twomain areas are addressed in these initiatives: An increaseof capacity in the radio link and seamless mobility acrossheterogeneous access networks. Section 2 discusses aboutthe issues of 3G that has created interest towards 4Gdevelopments.Section 3 about evolution and comparison,Section 4 describes about the goals and the vision, section5 explains about some of the technologies for 4G, and inother following sections the applications, the research andother issues for 4G developments are discussed.II. WHY THE LEAP TOWARDS 4G?3G networks are in a very painful phase of theirdevelopment, with early trials yielding disappointingresults, costs ballooning, technical glitches, and networkoperators being forced to deflate expectations based onunrealistic hype. Despite the hype surrounding thehigher-speed 3G mobile networks now underconstruction, the reasons for the leap towards 4G are:A. PerformanceIndustry skeptics say that users will not be able to takeadvantage of rich multimedia content across wirelessnetworks with 3G. 4G communications will featureextremely high-quality video equal to that of high-definitiontelevision. In addition, it will enable wirelessdownloads at speeds exceeding 100 Mbps, about 260times than 3G wireless network.B. InteroperabilityThere are multiple standards for 3G making it difficult toroam and interoperate across networks. We need a globalstandard that provides global mobility and serviceportability so that service provider would no longer bebound by single-system vendors of proprietaryequipment.C. Networking3G are based on primarily a wide-area concept. We needhybrid networks that utilize both wireless LAN (hot spot)concept and cell or base-station WAN design. With 4G,the world would have base stations everywhere, ensuringphone usersconnection to a high-speed networkanywhere, anytime.D. BandwidthWe need wider bandwidth and higher bit rates. The 4Gtechnology, with its transmission speeds of more than 20mbps, would offer high-bandwidth services within thereach of LAN "hotspots," installed in offices,homes,coffee shops,and airport lounges. Away from thesehotspots, customers could connect to souped-up 2Gnetworks for voice and rudimentary data coverage.E. TechnologyUnlike 3G, 4G will more resemble a conglomeration ofexisting technologies rather than an entirely newstandard. Analysts define 4G as a seamless combinationof existing 2G wireless networks with local-areanetworks (LANs) or Bluetooth.F. ConvergenceConvergence involves more than mere technology; it is acoming together of services and markets.We need allnetwork that utilizes IP in its fullest form with convergedvoice and data capability,which the 4G will achieve.G. Cost4G systems will prove far cheaper than 3G, since theycan be built atop existing networks and won't requireoperators to completely retool and won't require carriersto purchase costly extra spectrum.Also an open systemIP wireless environment would probably further reducescosts for service providers by ushering in an era of realequipment interoperability.H. ScalabilityScalability, or the ability to handle increasing numbers ofusers and diversity of services, is more challenging withmobile networks."Design for Scalability," includesinformation that can help you meet changing usagedemands.Because an all IP core layer of 4G is easilyscalable, it is ideally suited to meet this challenge.III.EVOLUTION AND COMPARISON OFBROADBANDWIRELESS1) First Generation (1G):1G wireless mobilecommunication systems, was introduced in the early1980s.1G wireless was analog and supported the firstgeneration of analog cell phones.They include asignaling protocol known as SS7 (Signaling System 7).2) Second Generation (2G): 2G systems, fielded in thelate 1980s, were intended primarily for voicetransmission and was all about digital PCS.3) Third Generation (3G): 3G in wireless will be adeliberate migration to faster, data-centric wirelessnetworks.The immediate goal is to raise transmissionspeeds from 125kbps to 2M bit/sec.4) Fourth Generation (4G): In reality, as of first half of2002, 4G is a conceptual framework for or a discussionpoint to address future needs of a universal high speedwireless network that will interface with wirelinebackbone network seamlessly.IV. THE 4G NETWORK THAT THECELL-HEADSDREAM ABOUT4G can be imagined of as an integrated wireless systemthat enables seamless roaming between technologies.Auser can be operating in cellular technology network andget handed over to a satellite-based network and back to afixed wireless network, depending upon the networkcoverage and preference of charging.A. The GoalsOpen Mobile Alliance’s (OMA) main goal is to makesure different wireless services and devices worktogether, and across countries, operators, and mobileterminals.Other plans in the group's charter include:•Deliver open standards and specifications based onmarket and customer requirements.• Create and promote a common industry view on anarchitectural framework.• Help consolidate standards groups and work inconjunction with other existing standardsorganizations and groups.B. The Composite Vision• 20 Mbps data rates• Streaming Audio/Video• Asymmetric Access• Adaptive Modulation/Coding• Dynamic packet assignment• Smart/Adaptive antennas supportedC. 4G Network Architecture“4G” wireless networks can be realized with an IP-basedcore network for global routing along with morecustomized local-area radio access networks that supportfeatures such as dynamic handoff and ad-hoc routing aswell as newer requirements such as self-organization,QoS, multicasting, content caching, etc..In 4G LANs will be installed in trains and trucks as wellas buildings, or even just formed on an ad-hoc basisbetween random collections of devices that happen tocome within radio range of one other. Routing in suchnetworks will depend on new architectures, already underdevelopment by the IEEE and a European project calledMobile IP Network Developments (MIND).D. The working PrincipleIn 4G-style mobile IP, each cell phone is assigned apermanent "home" IP address, along with a "care-of"address that represents its actual location.When acomputer somewhere on the Internet wants tocommunicate with the cell phone, it first sends apacketto the phone's home address.A directory server on thehome network forwards this to the care-of address via atunnel, as in regular mobile IP. However, the directoryserver also sends a message to the computer informing itof the correct care-of address, so future packets can besent directly.This should enable TCP sessions and HTTPdownloads to be maintained as users move betweendifferent types of networks.Because of the manyaddresses and the multiple layers of subnetting, IPv6 isneeded for this type of mobility.V. TECHNOLOGIES THAT SUPPORT 4GThe revolution in 4G will be the optical networking, thenew air interface, the portable device etc.A. The Transmission Protocols1) OFDM: OFDM is a digital modulation technology inwhich in one time symbol waveform, thousands oforthogonal waves are multiplexed.This is good for highbandwidth digital data transition.2) W-OFDM: W-OFDM enables data to be encoded onmultiple high-speed radio frequencies concurrently. Thisallows for greater security, increased amounts of databeing sent, and the industry’s most efficient use ofbandwidth.W-OFDM enables the implementation of lowpower multipoint RF networks that minimize interferencewith adjacent networks.This enables independentchannels to operate within the same band allowingmultipoint networks and point-to-point backbone systemsto be overlaid in the same frequency band.3) MC-CDMA : MC-CDMA is actually OFDM with aCDMA overlay.Similar to single-carrier CDMA systems,the users are multiplexed with orthogonal codes todistinguish users in (multi-carrier) MC-CDMA.Howeverin MC-CDMA, each user can be allocated several codes,where the data is spread in time or frequency.4) LAS-CDMA:LinkAir Communications is developer of LAS-CDMA(Large Area Synchronized Code Division MultipleAccess) a patented 4G wireless technology. LAS-CDMAenables high-speed data and increases voice capacity andlatest innovative solution, CDD, merges the highlyspectral efficient LAS-CDMA technology with thesuperior data transmission characteristics of TDD.Thisresulting combination makes CDD the most spectrallyefficient, high-capacity duplexing system available today.B. The Radio Interface-UWB RadioTo make 4G really work carries will need to migrate toUltra Wideband (UWB) technology.UWB radiowill deliver essential new wireless andwired bandwidth inexpensively, without using preciousand scarce radio frequencies.Instead,digital video, voiceand data are enabled using modulated pulses of energythat peacefully co-exist alongside traditionalcommunications.UWB radio solves the multipath fadingissues and is 1,000% more process efficient than CDMA.C. The Network-LMDSLocal multipoint distribution system (LMDS) is thebroadband wireless technology used to deliver voice,data, Internet, and video services in the 25-GHz andhigher spectrum (depending on licensing).The acronymLMDS is derived from the following: L(local)—denotes that propagation characteristics ofsignals in this frequency range limit the potentialcoverage area of a single cell site;M (multipoint)—indicates that signals are transmitted ina point-to-multipoint or broadcast method;D (distribution)—refers to the distribution of signals,which may consist of simultaneous voice, data, Internet,and video traffic;S (service)—implies the subscriber nature of therelationship between the operator and the customer.VI. POTENTIAL APPLICATIONS OF 4G1) Virtual Presence: 4G system gives mobile users a"virtual presence" -- for example, always-on connectionsthat keep people involved in business activities regardlessof whether they are on-site or off.2)Virtual navigation:A remote database contains thegraphical representation of streets, buildings, andphysical characteristics of a large metropolis.Blocks ofthis database are transmitted in rapid sequence to avehicle, where a rendering program permits the occupantsto visualize the environment ahead.3) Tele-medicine: 4G will support remote healthmonitoring of patients.For e.g. the paramedic assistingthe victim of traffic accident in a remote location mustaccess medical records and may need videoconferenceassistance from a surgeon for an emergency intervention.The paramedic may need to relay back to the hospital thevictim's x-rays taken locally.4)Tele-geoprocessing applications:Thecombination of geographical information systems (GIS),global positioning systems (GPS), and high-capacitywireless mobile systems will enable a new type ofapplication referred to as tele-geoprocessing.Queriesdependent on location information of several users, inaddition to temporal aspects have many applications.5) Crisis-management applications:Naturaldisasters can affect the entire communicationsinfrastructure is in disarray.Restoring communicationsquickly is essential.With wideband wireless mobilecommunications Internet and video services, could be setup in hours instead of days or even weeks required forrestoration of wireline communications.6) Education :Educational opportunities availableon the internet, for individuals interested in life-longeducation, will be unavailable to client in remote areasbecause of the economic unfeasibility of providingwideband wireline internet access.4G wirelesscommunications provides a cost-effective alternative inthese situations.VII. ROLE OF THE WIRELESSINDUSTRYRECOMMENDATIONSWe are bringing to the attention of professionalsfollowing issues and problems that must be analyzed andresolved:1)Standardization: Standardization of wireless networksin terms of modulation techniques, switching schemesand roaming is an absolute necessity for 4G. We mustpay more attention to general meaning advancedtechnologies.2) Lower Price Points Only Slightly Higher thanAlternatives: The business visionaries should do someeconomic modeling before they start 4G hype. Theyshould understand that 4G data applications likestreaming video must compete with very low costwireline applications.3) More Coordination Among Spectrum RegulatorsAround the World:We must demand almost freespectrum NOT necessarily unlicensed Spectrumregulation bodies must get involved in guiding theresearchers by indicating which frequency band might beused for 4G.4) Regulatory frameworks:Policy and RegulatoryEnvironment which Provides Transparency, Certaintyand a Level Playing Field are necessary. The mostimportant thing is that we should recognize thatregulatory framework is as much an evolving matter astechnology, and be prepared to meet changes with anopen-minded and pragmatic attitude, always keeping theinterests of the industry and consumers in mind.5) More Academic Research:Universities must spendmore effort in solving fundamental problems in radiocommunications (especially multiband and widebandradios, intelligent antennas and signal processing).6) Voice-independent Business Justification Thinking:Business and Technology executives should not bias theirbusiness models by using voice channels as economicdeterminant for data applications.V oice has a built-indemand limit - data applications do not.7) Integration Across Different Network Topologies:Network architects must base their architecture on hybridnetwork concepts thatintegrates wireless wide areanetworks, wireless LANS (IEEE 802.11a, IEEE 802.11b,IEEE 802.11g, IEEE 802.15 and IEEE 802.16), Bluetoothwith fiber-based Internet backbone.Broadband wirelessnetworks must be a part of this integrated networkarchitecture.8) Non-disruptive Implementation: Upgrading from 3G to 4G is expected to be seamless to end-users with nodevice upgrades required.VIII. DEVELOPMENTS IN 4GAT&T is combining W-OFDM and EDGE technologies,to provide broadband mobile downlink access at peakrates of up to 10 Mbps while EDGE offers uplink accessat 384 Kbps with an 800KHz bandwidth in a high-mobilityenvironment.Sun Microsystems Laboratories are building 4G wirelesstechnologies that promise tointegrate voice and web datain an IP-based mobile communications.The Government of Karnataka in India has signed a MoUwith Charmed Technologies Inc from Beverly Hills,California and Software Technology Parks of India inKarnataka to develop 4G wireless technology. Theproject plan to use wireless technology based on theIEEE802.11a and IEEE802.11b standards for wirelessLAN for the underlying network is designed to support adata rate of up to 11Mbps and 54Mbps respectively. Thegoal is to get 6 billion people connected to the wirelessInternet by 2010.NTT DoCoMo and Hewlett-Packard Company &MOTOmediacollaboration will explore new mobile serviceconcepts in which people, places and things will be ableto interact, thereby bridging the real and the cyber world.MOTO-media is expected to enable high performancestreaming of multimedia content to mobile users.DoCoMo and HP aim to nish the shared study of basictechnology by 2003 and hope to push for 4G in 2006.IX. SUGGESTIONSWe would like to give the following suggestions for thedevelopment of 4G mobile technologies:1. Technologies like 4G must be developed to integrateinto a more flexible network that grow within thenetwork so that we don't have to scarp the old network toimplement the next generation, the generations to come.2. The very big challenge for developing a technology isproper human resource for building high quality systems.Big organization, which is engaged in software andsystem development, should rapidly go for tie-ups witheducational institutes for better manpower and knowledgemanagement.3. We talk about mobile multimedia that 4G will supportbut in reality people are not going to watch TV whilethey walk down the street. Likewise people will not buyCoca Cola at vending machines with a cell phone. Quitoften services conjured up by the engineering side of thevendor organizations has little to do with the reality. Sowireless industry should ponder well about marketdemand and invest money so that they will not be at loss.X.CONCLUSION4G should make a significant difference and addperceived benefit to an ordinary person’s life over 3G.We should drop the 2.5G, 3G, 4G speak altogether wherean additional “G” means merely an increase in capacity.What really means something for the users are newservices, integration of services, applications etc. Ourgoal is to struggle to get a “G”eneration of standards sothat we can take our phone anywhere in the world andaccess any service or communicate with any other userany way we want that will offer connectivity soinexpensively. In short, 4G or WWWW (World WideWireless web) should be a more intelligent technologythat interconnects the entire world without limits.二、英文翻译:下一代无线宽带的目标(4G—5G)摘要:随着接入技术的增长,语音、视频、多媒体和宽带数据业务正在集成到同一个网络中去。
超密集组网中的自适应频谱规划算法朱军;荚超超;曹军【摘要】基于频谱重叠复用(FOM)的频谱规划算法中,簇间使用频谱重叠复用有效解决了超密集组网中频谱资源短缺的难题,但用户分布影响算法的最佳频谱复用门限值.针对该问题,提出超密集组网中的自适应频谱规划算法.以小区吞吐量最大化为目标,通过模型计算最佳频谱复用门限值,确定用户SINR的高低,据此分配用户频段资源.仿真结果表明,该算法可提高用户信干噪比和小区吞吐量,可有效解决频谱效率较低的问题,且设置参数时能节省人力成本.【期刊名称】《安徽大学学报(自然科学版)》【年(卷),期】2019(043)003【总页数】6页(P39-44)【关键词】频谱规划;小区分簇;信干噪比;小区吞吐量【作者】朱军;荚超超;曹军【作者单位】安徽大学计算智能与信号处理教育部重点实验室,安徽合肥 230039;安徽大学计算智能与信号处理教育部重点实验室,安徽合肥 230039;安徽大学计算智能与信号处理教育部重点实验室,安徽合肥 230039【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TP393超密集网络(UDN)为5G网络处理高速数据的关键技术之一.为了满足无缝覆盖,必须为5G蜂窝网络密集部署大量小小区[1].虚拟小区技术是超密集网络的关键技术,它的主要思想是分离无线链路的控制面和用户面[2].小小区的超密集部署可满足用户频域资源需求,但小小区之间的干扰非常严重,这些已成为限制UDN性能的主要因素.近年来,抑制长期演进(long term evolution,简称LTE)网络小区间干扰,提高小区边缘吞吐量已成为研究热点[3-5].网络密集化可提高大部分用户吞吐量增益[6].在传统的2G和3G网络中,小区间干扰问题在一定程度上通过频谱复用规划策略可得到解决[7].部分频谱复用(FFR)[8]和软频谱复用(SFR)可减少LTE网络小区间干扰.除了基于频谱复用的频谱规划之外,其他频谱规划方法大都基于分簇思想[9].文献[10]提出了一种基于虚拟小区技术提高系统吞吐量的方法.文献[11]提出了用新的系统优化参数解决小区干扰增大问题的方法.文献[12]提出了解决时空随机流量的异质蜂窝网络延迟问题的方法.在频谱重叠复用(FOM)算法中,低SINR用户只能使用簇内相应带宽的非重叠部分,而高SINR用户可使用簇内的整个带宽.通过频谱复用门限值的设置可区分低SINR和高SINR用户.在FOM算法基础上,基于干扰降低的频率重叠(FOIR)算法可降低干扰,基于吞吐量提高的频率重叠(FOTI)算法可提高吞吐量,然而,FOIR和FOTI算法都需要手动设置频谱复用参数,故笔者拟提出一种自适应算法,以解决当用户处于不同分布状态时必须手动设置门限值参数的问题,同时提高用户信干噪比和小区吞吐量.1 FOIR算法FOIR算法将相互干扰较小的小区放在同一簇内,以提高系统性能.该算法将虚拟小区分为2个簇,选择一个小区,找到与其干扰最小的簇并加入,直到所有小区均分簇.分簇会导致高SINR用户的带宽下降,这严重影响小区吞吐量,因此该算法采用频谱复用方案.频谱复用方案改变了虚拟小区资源平均分配给每个簇的模式,且在簇间使用复用频率.低SINR用户只能使用本簇相应带宽的非重叠部分,而高SINR用户可用簇内的整个带宽,因此,该方案可以有效增强小区边缘用户的性能,同时能确保小区中心用户性能稳定.FOIR算法具体步骤如下:(1) 初始化(i) 遍历所有小区,找到受其他小区干扰最大的小区,将其加入簇1;(ii) 在其余小区中,找到对簇1干扰最大的小区,将其加入簇2.(2) 迭代(i) 遍历所有小区,分别找到对簇1,2干扰最小的小区Cell1,Cell2,将干扰较大的小区取为Cellmax;(ii) 找到对Cellmax干扰最小的簇Ci;(iii) 将Cellmax小区加入簇Ci;(iv) 遍历剩余小区直到所有小区均加入2个簇.(3) 资源分配(i) 确定频谱复用比例F;(ii) 手动设置频谱复用门限值TH,以此来确定高SINR用户和低SINR用户;(iii) 低SINR用户只能使用频谱复用以外的本簇频段,高SINR用户可以使用簇内所有频段.小区Celli和簇Ck间的干扰值为(1)其中:Pj,i为小区Celli对簇Ck中Cellj的干扰接收功率,Cellj为Celli的干扰邻区.2 FOTI算法FOTI算法旨在提高吞吐量,对小区进行分簇,将不同的频段资源分配给不同的簇以消除簇间干扰,从而最大化所有簇的吞吐量.该算法根据吞吐量将小区分为2个簇,在资源分配阶段进行频谱复用,不仅确保了小区中心用户的频谱资源,还减少了对小区边缘用户的干扰.FOTI算法具体步骤如下:(1) 初始化(i) 遍历所有小区,将吞吐量最大的小区加入簇1;(ii) 找到对簇1吞吐量最小的小区Cellmin,将其加入簇2.(2) 迭代(i) 遍历所有小区,找到对2个簇吞吐量最大的小区Cellmax;(ii) 找到一个簇Ci,使小区Cellmax对其的吞吐量最小;(iii) 将Cellmax小区加入簇Ci;(iv) 遍历剩余的小区直到所有小区均加入簇.(3) 资源分配(i) 确定频谱复用比例F;(ii) 手动设置频谱复用门限值TH,以此来确定高SINR用户和低SINR用户;(iii) 低SINR用户只能使用频谱复用以外的本簇频段,高SINR用户可以使用簇内所有频段.小区Cellk所有用户的吞吐量为(2)其中:NUE为小区Cellk中的用户数,Bi为用户带宽,NCell为干扰小区数,Pk 为小区Cellk的发射功率,Hk,i及Hj,i为信道矩阵元,σ2为噪声.FOIR和FOTI算法更多考虑高SINR用户和低SINR用户间的频率分配问题.通过对虚拟小区中的所有小区分簇,用户可在簇与簇之间使用重叠的频谱资源,如图1所示.图1 小区分簇中的频谱复用在资源分配阶段,确定频谱复用门限值TH是必要的,因为据此可区分高低SINR 用户.TH值大小将影响用户的频带资源,进一步影响系统性能.3 超密集组网中的自适应频谱规划算法在一定程度上,FOIR和FOTI算法均通过小区分簇的频谱复用来增强小区边缘用户性能,但最佳门限值将随用户的分布而变化.笔者提出基于干扰降低的自适应频谱复用(AFOIR)算法和基于吞吐量提高的自适应频谱复用(AFOTI)算法,以小区吞吐量最大化为目标,求得频谱复用门限值.AFOIR和AFOTI算法的初始化和迭代阶段分别与FOIR和FOTI算法相同.在资源分配阶段,首先确定频谱复用的比例,并设置频谱复用门限初始值,然后遍历所有小区,计算小区已分簇及用户占用频带已确定时每个用户的SINR,通过给定模型得到复用门限值.系统所有用户的吞吐量为(3)其中:NUE为小区Cellk中的用户数,Bi为每个用户的带宽,Pk为小区Cellk的发射功率,Hk,i及Hj,i为信道矩阵元,NCell为产生干扰的小区数,Njue为产生干扰的小区中的用户数量,M为小区Cellj被调度的用户数,σ2为噪声.小区用户i的带宽为(4)其中:B为低SINR用户使用的带宽,F为频谱复用比例,x为频谱复用门限值,Si为用户i的信干噪比.AFOIR和AFOTI算法在资源分配阶段的具体步骤如下:(1) 确定频谱复用比例F;(2) 设置频谱复用门限初始值TH0为1;(3) 遍历n个小区获得每个用户的SINR;(4) 根据式(3)~(4),自动求得最佳频谱复用门限值,以此来确定高SINR和低SINR用户;(5) 为每个用户分配频段,低SINR用户只能使用频谱复用以外的本簇频段,高SINR用户可以使用簇内所有频段.在AFOIR和AFOTI算法资源分配阶段,最佳频谱复用门限值由算法中的公式自动求得,不需要手动设置,所以能节省人力成本.4 仿真结果下文分析系统的SINR的累积分布函数(CDF)及吞吐量的概率密度函数(PDF).表1列出了系统仿真中的参数设置.表1 仿真参数参数名称小小区宏小区布局每个扇区有37个小基站,且均匀分布在蜂窝网格内每个蜂窝网格有1个宏基站,每个宏基站有3个扇区系统带宽35 MHz35 MHz载波频率3.5 GHz2.0 GHzBS发射功率24 dBm46 dBm路损模型140.7+36.7log(d),d in km128.1+37.6log(d),d in km基站间距20 m500 m阴影标准偏差10 dB8 dB天线模型2D全向天线3D定向天线业务模型Full BufferFull Buffer信道模型ITU信道ITU信道4.1 随机分布假设用户随机分布于小区,每个小区的用户数均为5.图2,3分别为用户随机分布时SINR的CDF曲线及吞吐量的PDF柱状图.图2 用户随机分布时SINR的CDF曲线图3 用户随机分布时吞吐量的PDF柱状图由图2可知,提出的两种算法的CDF曲线均位于不分簇算法的右侧,这表明提出的算法可以改善用户的SINR,其中AFOIR算法提升性能更明显.由图3可知,相比不分簇算法,AFOIR和AFOTI算法均得到了较高的吞吐量.4.2 边缘分布假设用户分布于小区边缘,每个小区的用户数量均为5.图4,5分别为用户边缘分布时SINR的CDF曲线及吞吐量的PDF柱状图.图4 用户边缘分布时SINR的CDF曲线图5 用户边缘分布时吞吐量的PDF柱状图由图4可知,当用户分布于小区边缘时,相比不分簇算法,所提算法的SINR均明显较高,其中AFOIR算法的SINR更高.由图5可知,用户处于边缘分布时,相比不分簇算法,AFOIR和AFOTI算法均有较高吞吐量.表2示出了AFOIR和AFOTI算法相对不分簇算法的吞吐量增益.由表2可知,当用户分布于小区边缘,相对于不分簇算法,AFOIR和AFOTI算法吞吐量增益均达到30%以上.随着用户数量的增加,AFOTI算法相对于AFOIR算法有更高的增益,这表明AFOTI算法在提高吞吐量方面表现更好.表2 AFOIR和AFOTI算法相对于不分簇算法的吞吐量增益用户数边缘分布AFOIR/%AFOTI/%530.1230.29742.7548.86943.7659.165 结束语笔者针对最佳频谱复用门限值受用户分布影响的问题,提出超密集组网中的自适应频谱规划算法.提出的算法可自适应调整在频谱复用中使用的参数门限值,使门限值接近最佳复用门限值.仿真结果表明,提出的算法能有效提高用户信干噪比和小区吞吐量,可有效解决频谱效率较低的问题,且设置参数时能节省大量人力成本. 参考文献:【相关文献】[1] GE X, TU S, MAO G, et al. 5G Ultra-dense cellular networks[J]. 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4G LTE WIFI 路由器用户手册说明书
4G LTE WIFI Router User manual1.Brief IntroductionThis device is designed for WIFI users to get access to internet via UMTS/HSPA/LTE. In order to connect to high speed network easily and fast, it uses the battery powered.2 LED indicator lightsLED indicator lights can show the device working status visually.3.Turn on, off, Sleep, Reset, restart the deviceOn: Long press the power button for 3 seconds, until the red light on;Sleep: No external power, no wifi users, in 10min, the device will sleep, all lights offWake up: When the device sleeps, click power button to wake it up;Off: Long press the power button for 5 seconds, until all lights off;Reset: Use a pin to long stick the pin hole on the back of the device for 3 seconds, the device will restart and reset;Restart: Use a pin to click the restart button, the device will restart.4. WIFI connectionSearching network to find SSID: 4G_MIFI-****, Click connect, input password: 1234567890, and confirm.(see detailed information on the label on the device)5 WEB UI descriptionLog on WEB UI1. Find the SSID and input the password.2. Connect to WIFI, open you browser, input””or Connect it to PC with USB cable to run RNDIS, open you browser, input””to open WEB UI.(IE Browserrecommended).Detailed information (operator, connection status, flow usage, WIFI, SSID) of the device can be seen on the home page.3.Input password: admin to enter management page(English/Chinese language optional)4.Enter the basic information interface.User can find the current detailed information, namely: SIM card No., IMEI, IMSI, SSID, Max user No., Wi-Fi Performance, LAN name, IP/MAC/WAN IP address, Software/Firmware/Hardware version information, data statistics and data limitation settings.5.SD card settingsUSB and HTTP sharing modes are optional, Under HTTP sharing mode, the device only supports FAT document system.6.Driver download7.SMS: Create, delete SMS, User can set the validity time of thesending out SMS.8.Phone book: Create, send, delete, delete all, when too muchcontact, there is also page-turn settings: Dial setting, Search setting, APN10.WiFi settings, Modify wireless network parameters(SSID,SSIDbroadcast, WIFI password, WPS setting etc.)11.Device settingsUser can Log on user name and password, restore factory setting, restart the device.12. FAQ1. What OS does this device support?Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7,Windows 8,windows 10 2. Can not install the software?Reasons as below:1. if the auto-installation has not completed, please check if theanti-virus and security software are running, if yes, please close them and do the installation again; for the software that can not be forbidden, please close the monitoring software, open it after installation.2. For some PC, the installing time maybe long because of the different configuration. Thus, when installing, be patient, do not cancel it, nor plug out the device. If still not succeed, please uninstall the driver and install it again.3. SIM card not resigsteredReasons as below:1. local signal is not stable2. software is old version3. hardware problemYou can:1. Try to log on at another place.2. update the software3. check the hardware or change another device to connectagain4.Why prompt ”can not connect to configuration files ”?Please add a configuration file manually.5.Can not connect to internet?Please make sure the configuration files and setting correct.6.Connecting and data exchange too slow?Please check local network signal strength.7.Fail to send messages?Please make sure message center number is correct.。
关键词:第四代,高速,广域Abstract: 4G refers to the fourth generation mobile communication technology.The technology includes TD-LTE and FDD-LTE standard two. 4G is a set of 3G and WLAN in one, and can fast data transfer, high quality audio, video and imageetc.. 4G to 100Mbps above the download speed, than the home broadband ADSLcurrent (4000000000000) 20 times as fast, and able to satisfy almost all user requirements for wireless service. In addition, 4G in the DSL and cable modemareas not covered by the deployment, and then extended to the entire area.Obviously, 4G has the incomparable superiorityKeyword: the fourth generation, high speed,wide area目录一、移动通信发展的背景 (II)1、第一代移动通信技术(1G) (1)2、第二代移动通信技术(2G) (1)3、第三代移动通信技术(3G) (1)二、4G移动通信简介 (1)三、4G系统网络结构 (2)四、4G网络系统的关键技术 (2)(4.1)OFDMA技术 (2)(4.2)软件无线电 (2)(4.3)智能天线(SA) (3)五、4G网络系统的技术标准 (3)5.1 WiMAX(802.16e) (3)5.2 LTE(Long Term Evolution) (3)5.3 UMB(Ultra Mobile Broadband) (5)六、4G网络的发展趋势 (5)七、心得体会 (6)参考文献: (6)桂林航天工业学院电子工程系题目:专业:通信工程姓名:学号: 2012041B0237指导教师:邓莉通信工程概论(4G移动通信)一、移动通信发展的背景移动通信是移动用户之间,或移动用户与固定用户之间的通信。
0 引言随着网络建设规模的不断扩大和设备的更新换代日益频繁,众多运营商开始关注点聚焦于设备在运营支出(OPEX )方面的开销。
如何在确保运营商收益和用户体验不变的前提下[3,4-6],将设备的能耗需求和OPEX 费用降至最低,成为未来网络建设中极具关注价值的课题。
本文着重介绍一种基于AI 大数据技术的新型无线2G/3G/4G 基站节能系统设计,以期能够为未来无线基站的可持续发展提供有益的参考。
1 无线基站节能系统的框架这套系统设计聚焦于目前无线站点的配置,通过对网络配置调整、节能功能部署等方面的深入分析和调整,结合AI 大数据对现有的站点进行迭代优化,持续降低无线基站的能耗开销,从而减轻运营商的财务负担,实现能源的有效利用和节约。
无线基站的节能系统(如图1所示)主要内容包括:站点配置数据分析、配置组网结构优化[7-8]、节能作者简介:罗鹏举(1990-),男,汉族,湖北武汉人,LTE 产品工程师,硕士研究生,研究方向为控制科学与工程。
王 彪(1981-),男,汉族,辽宁沈阳人,GSM 产品工程师,本科,研究方向为通信工程。
闫 林(1979-),男,汉族,山东济宁人,UMTS 产品工程师,硕士研究生,研究方向为控制理论和控制工程。
施清启(1979-),男,汉族,福建福州人,LTE 产品工程师,本科,研究方向为控制科学与工程。
基于AI大数据的无线基站节能系统的设计与应用罗鹏举,王 彪,闫 林,施清启(中兴通讯股份有限公司,广东 深圳 518000)摘要:为应对2G/3G/4G无线基站在运营商日常运营中高能耗开销及不断上升的电费支出问题,文章提出了一种基于AI大数据技术的无线RAN基站节能系统。
第41卷第5期2018年10月电子器件ChineseJournalofElectronDevicesVol 41㊀No 5Oct.2018项目来源:北京电子科技职业学院校内重点课题项目(CJGX2016-KY-YZK034)收稿日期:2017-09-17㊀㊀修改日期:2017-11-10AClassFHighPAERFPowerAmplifierfor4G ̄LTEWirelessCommunicationSystems∗QUMingFei1∗ꎬMALei2ꎬCHENnan1(1.BeijingPolytechnicꎬCollegeofMechatronicEngineeringꎬBeijing100176Chinaꎻ2.BeijingPolytechnicꎬCollegeofElectronicInformationꎬBeijing100176China)Abstract:InordertoeffectivelyachievehighharmonicsuppressionandimprovepowerefficiencyꎬanefficientFclasspoweramplifierfor4G ̄LTEwirelesscommunicationsystemisproposed.Thepoweramplifierusesalow ̄voltagep ̄HEMTtransistorandaminiaturemicrostripsuppressionunitthatgeneratesn ̄thharmonicsuppressionandhigherpower ̄addedefficiency(PAE)atlowRFinputpower.Theharmonicanalysismethodisusedtosimulatetheproposedpoweramplifier.Themeasurementresultsshowthatthepoweramplifieroperatesatafrequencyof1.8GHzꎬwithabandwidthof100MHzandanaveragePAEof76.9%ꎬandaverylowdrainvoltageof2V.WhentheRFinputpowerrangeis0~12dBmꎬthemaximumoutputpowerandgainare23.4and17.5dBmꎬrespectively.Keywords:4G ̄LTEꎻFꎻpower ̄addedefficiencyꎻpoweramplifierꎻmicrostripsuppressionEEACC:1220㊀㊀㊀㊀doi:10.3969/j.issn.1005-9490.2018.05.025应用于4G ̄LTE无线通信系统的F类高PAE射频功率放大器∗曲鸣飞1∗ꎬ马㊀蕾2ꎬ陈㊀楠1(1.北京电子科技职业学院机电工程学院ꎬ北京100176ꎻ2.北京电子科技职业学院电信工程学院ꎬ北京100176)摘㊀要:为了有效实现高谐波抑制并提高功率附加效率ꎬ提出了一种适用于4G ̄LTE无线通信系统的高效F类功率放大器ꎮ该功率放大器使用了低电压p ̄HEMT晶体管和小型微带抑制单元ꎬ能够在低射频输入功率下产生n次谐波抑制和较高的功率附加效率PAE(PowerAddedEfficiency)ꎮ采用谐波平衡法对提出的功率放大器进行了仿真分析ꎮ测量结果显示ꎬ提出功率放大器的工作频率为1.8GHzꎬ带宽为100MHzꎬ平均PAE为76.9%ꎬ且具有2V的极低漏极电压ꎮ射频输入功率范围分别为0~12dBm时ꎬ最大输出功率和增益分别为23.4dBm和17.5dBmꎮ关键词:4G ̄LTEꎻF类ꎻ功率附加效率ꎻ功率放大器ꎻ微带抑制中图分类号:TN722.75㊀㊀㊀㊀文献标识码:A㊀㊀㊀㊀文章编号:1005-9490(2018)05-1205-06㊀㊀对于现代通信来说ꎬ高效功率放大器的必要性是毋庸置疑的ꎮ随着电子手机设备的增多ꎬ对低功耗和低成本电路的需求也大大增加ꎮ对于这些事实而言ꎬ用作高功率单元的功率放大器性能就变得至关重要ꎮ功率放大器根据操作能力可分为A类㊁B类㊁AB类㊁C类㊁D类㊁E类㊁F类㊁S类等各种类型ꎮ因为F类和反相F类功率放大器具有高增益㊁高功率以及更好的线性化ꎬ并且在其开关模式对应物中未发现固有频率限制ꎬ因此其在功率放大器中很受欢迎[1-3]ꎮ但是ꎬ该领域中常见的大信号处理会导致非线性问题ꎬ例如总谐波失真THD(TotalHarmonicDis ̄tortion)[4]ꎮ为了改善线性特性ꎬ许多研究已经提出了各种不同的技术ꎮ例如ꎬ文献[5]提出了线性化方法ꎬ可以应用于具有7.3V高漏极电压的p ̄HEMT微波晶体管F类功率放大器ꎮ在35dBm的极高输电㊀子㊀器㊀件第41卷入功率下ꎬ也得到了70%的最大PAEꎮ此外ꎬ文献[6-10]中提出了很多通过使用各种晶体管技术(p ̄HEMT㊁GaNHEMT㊁HBT㊁LDMOS等)来提高F类和反相F类功率放大器PAE的方法ꎮ例如ꎬ在文献[7]中ꎬ使用了p ̄HEMT晶体管和紧凑型微带谐振单元对F类功率放大器PAE进行了提高ꎬ已经得到了3次谐波ꎮ在文献[9]中ꎬ制造了带宽为200MHz的LDMOSF类功率放大器ꎬ能够在该带宽中获得的最大PAE为64.5%ꎮ在文献[10]中ꎬ使用谐波终止技术提出了双频段F类功率放大器ꎬ在5GHz和12GHz频率下分别实现了40%和44%的PAEꎮ为了有效实现高谐波抑制并提高功率附加效率ꎬ本文提出了一种具有极低电压的p ̄HEMTF类功率放大器ꎬ其使用一个紧凑型微带抑制单元对第n次谐波进行谐波抑制ꎮ对提出的功率放大器进行了仿真分析和具体制造ꎮ根据谐波平衡分析和实际测量结果显示ꎬ提出的功率放大器在11.6dBm的低输入功率下获得了77.1%的高PAEꎬ十分适用于无线发射机中的功率放大问题ꎬ如4G ̄LTE通信系统ꎮ1㊀传统F类功率放大器设计原理F类功率放大器的操作原理是控制高功率晶体管的输出电压和电流波形ꎬ以便分别获得方波电流与半正弦波电压ꎮ关键在于控制放大器的输出阻抗ꎬ使其在偶次谐波和奇次谐波时分别为零和无穷大[11]ꎮ因此ꎬ在F类功率放大器的设计中ꎬ功率放大器的输出阻抗作为谐波控制电路HCC(HarmonicControlCircuit)起着十分重要的作用ꎮ通过使用p ̄HEMTATF-34143低电压晶体管ꎬ在1.8GHz的基频下对功率放大器进行实现和仿真ꎮ晶体管的直流偏置为Vd=3VꎬVg=-0.75V.图1㊀传统F类功率放大器的漏极电压和电流波形使用高级设计系统(AdvancedDesignSystemꎬADS)软件进行仿真ꎮ漏极的仿真电压(Vm)和电流波形如图1所示ꎬ分别约为正方形和半正弦波形ꎮ因此ꎬ根据R的输出阻抗和P的无线电射频RF(RadioFrequency)输入功率ꎬ可以得到输出功率(Pout)㊁直流功率(PDC)和功率附加效率(PAE):Pout=V2m2R㊀㊀㊀(1)PDC=VDC IDC(2)PAE=Pout-PinPDC(3)作为非线性电路的强大分析方法ꎬ谐波平衡法[12]已广泛应用于所述的F类功率放大器ꎬ其基频(f0)为1.8GHzꎬ功率输入范围为0至12dBmꎮ通过RF输入功率(在0~12dBm范围内)ꎬ基频下F类功率放大器的输出功率㊁增益和效率如图2所示ꎮ仿真结果显示ꎬ当输入功率为12dBm时ꎬ最大输出功率为24dBmꎬ且最大PAE和增益分别为62%图2㊀传统F类功率放大器性能2㊀本文提出的设计方法微带抑制单元可与其他微波电路一起使用ꎬ以便去除和抑制杂散谐波ꎮ本文的设计思路是在F类功率放大器的HCC中应用微型化微带抑制单元ꎬ以产生具有改进PAE的高谐波抑制F类功率放大器ꎮ首先ꎬ介绍了抑制单元设计过程ꎮ然后ꎬ使用提出的抑制单元对F类功率放大器进行了重新设计ꎮ2.1㊀抑制单元设计首先ꎬ选择了椭圆函数谐振器ꎬ然后使用高低线阻抗将其进行扩展ꎬ如图3所示ꎮ6021第5期曲鸣飞ꎬ马㊀蕾等:应用于4G ̄LTE无线通信系统的F类高PAE射频功率放大器㊀㊀图3㊀提出的扩展椭圆函数谐振器使用下列公式对低阻抗和高阻抗传输线的具体长度进行分析[13-14]:Li=giZo2πfcgo(4)Ci=gigo2πfcZo(5)dLi=λgLi2πarcsin2πfcLiZoLiæèçöø÷(6)dci=λgci2πarcsin(2πfcCiZoci)(7)在上述公式中ꎬZoci和ZoLi分别为高低阻抗传输线对应的特性阻抗ꎮgi和go为该布局各个元件的参数值ꎻλgLi和λgci分别为高低阻抗传输线的导波波长ꎮ根据图3所示ꎬ提出谐振器的转移矩阵可写成:ABCDéëêêùûúú=1Zoc3201éëêêêùûúúú10Yoc1+Yoc2+YoL1+YoL21éëêêùûúúˑ1Zoc3201éëêêêùûúúú(8)式中:Yoc1ꎬYoc2ꎬYoL1和YoL2为高低阻抗传输线的导纳ꎬ如图3所示ꎮ通过计算ꎬ公式8可简化为:ABCDéëêêùûúú=1Zoc301éëêêùûúúˑ10YT1éëêêùûúú=1+Zoc3YTZoc301éëêêùûúú(9)式中:YT=Yoc1+Yoc2+YoL1+YoL2ꎮ提出谐振器具有如图3所示的对称形状ꎮ很明显ꎬ期望谐振器必须具有互逆的响应ꎮ因此ꎬ转移矩阵的行列式必须等于1ꎮ转移矩阵的行列式可通过公式9进行计算:ΔABCDéëêêùûúú=1+Zoc3YT-Zoc3YT=1(10)因此ꎬ上述公式验证了提出谐振器的可行性ꎮ对谐振器进行设计ꎬ使其具有-3dB的截止频率ꎬ大于提出功率放大器的基频ꎮ提出谐振器的仿真S参数如图4所示ꎮ在通带中ꎬ谐振器在5.6GHz的频率下具有-3dB的截止频率ꎮ谐振器在通带中具有低插入损耗ꎮ此外ꎬ它具有较窄的阻带带宽和平缓的过渡带ꎮ图4㊀椭圆函数谐振器的仿真S参数为了改进提出的扩展椭圆函数谐振器ꎬ另一个谐振器可以级联到前一个具有相同尺寸的谐振器上ꎬ然后重新进行对称加载ꎬ如图5所示ꎮ图5㊀提出抑制单元的布局参考式(10)ꎬ可以使用阻抗对称规则将级联对称谐振器的转移矩阵重写ꎬ如式(11)所示:ABCDéëêêùûúú=1+2Zoc3YTs2Zoc3YTs1éëêêùûúú1+2Zoc3YTs2Zoc3YTs1éëêêùûúú(11)式中:YTs=1/2(Yoc1+Yoc2)+2(YoL1+YoL2)ꎮ通过使用式(4)~式(11)且将ADS用作调优工具ꎬ图5中的尺寸具体为:W=1mmꎬW1=1.1mmꎬW2=0.1mmꎬd=4.8mmꎬd1=0.2mmꎬd2=0.5mm且d3=11mmꎮ在RT/Duroid5880基板上对抑制单元进行了设计ꎬ介电常数(εr)为2.22ꎬ厚度为0.508mmꎬ损耗角正切为0.0009ꎮ提出抑制单元的仿真S参数如图6所示ꎮ如图6所示ꎬ-3dB截止频率位于4GHz频率上ꎮ阻带带宽从5增加到23.3GHzꎬ相应的衰减水平为16.6dBꎮ通带区域90%的最大插入损耗为0.1dBꎮ提出抑制单元的尺寸仅为11mmˑ5.5mm=60.5mm2(0.197λgˑ0.098λg)ꎬ其中λg为-3dB截止频率时的导波长度ꎮ7021电㊀子㊀器㊀件第41卷图6㊀提出抑制单元的仿真S参数2.2㊀新型F类功率放大器设计提出的功率放大器设计如图7所示ꎬ使用了低电压p ̄HEMTATF-34143ꎬ并将提出抑制单元应用于规定的HCC中ꎬ不仅可以通过抑制基频后边多余的谐波来改善HCCꎬ而且由于S单元良好的通带性能ꎬ其还可以在基频周围得到窄带放大ꎮ在RT/Duroid5880基板上设计了提出的F类功率放大器ꎬ其介电常数为2.22㊁厚度为0.508mm㊁损耗角正切为0.0009ꎮ提出功率放大器的设计尺寸如表1所示ꎮ图7㊀提出的功率放大器电路图㊀㊀表1㊀提出功率放大器的尺寸短线名称短线宽度/mm短线长度/mm其他边宽度/mmλi1222λi20.54.5 λo0.511.8 λo11.110.1 λo20.50.50.5λo38.13.7 λo41.563图8㊀有无S单元的功率放大器的小信号增益㊀㊀图8显示了1.8GHz周围的100MHz带宽内ꎬ有无抑制单元时功率放大器的小信号增益(S21参数)ꎮ正如所考虑的那样ꎬ通过使用提出的抑制单元ꎬ小增益已经显著增加ꎮ为了准确地添加抑制单元ꎬ有无抑制单元时功率放大器的S21参数如图9所示ꎬ其覆盖了基频的第8次谐波ꎮ从图9可以清楚地看出ꎬ提出抑制单元对从谐波基频的第2至第N次谐波(在这种情况下为从3.6到14.4GHz的第8次谐波)频率进行高度抑制ꎮ具体数据为:S21参数在2次谐波下从-11.5dB衰减到-20.5dBꎻ在3次谐波时为从-6.9dB衰减到-38.4dBꎻ在4次谐波时从-22.1dB衰减到-61dBꎻ在5次谐波时从-21.4dB衰减到-55.5dBꎻ在6次谐波时从-38.2dB衰减到-95.3dBꎻ在7次谐波时从-9.4dB衰减到-60.6dBꎬ从-图9㊀有无S单元的功率放大器的仿真S21参数3㊀仿真和实测结果采用安捷伦高级设计系统(ADS)软件对提出功率放大器进行仿真ꎮ通过使用提出的抑制单元ꎬ晶体管的直流偏压已经降到Vd=2Vꎬ其中Vg=-0.25Vꎮ实际制造出的功率放大器ꎬ如图10所示ꎬ并使用安捷伦网络分析仪N5230A进行测试ꎮ在1.8GHz周围的100MHz带宽内ꎬ设计的F类功率放大器的PAE如图11所示ꎮ从图11可以看出ꎬ在12dBm的输入功率下ꎬ该范围内的PAE平均值为76.9%ꎮ8021第5期曲鸣飞ꎬ马㊀蕾等:应用于4G ̄LTE无线通信系统的F类高PAE射频功率放大器㊀㊀图10㊀功率放大器实物图图11㊀1.8GHz周围的100MHz带宽内ꎬ提出功率放大器的测量PAE具有和未具有抑制单元的F类功率放大器输出功率㊁增益如图12所示ꎬ配备和未配备抑制单元的F类功率放大器的仿真和实测PAE如图13所示ꎮ如图12所示在该RF输入功率范围内ꎬ最大输出功率和增益分别为23.44dBm和17.5dBmꎮ如图13所示ꎬ正如所设计的那样ꎬ在1.8GHz频率下ꎬ实测结果与仿真结果非常接近ꎮ在输入功率为11.6dBm的情况下ꎬ具有抑制单元的本文功率放大器的最大PAE为77.1%ꎬ此时对应的输出功率为22.4dBmꎮ此外ꎬ提出的F类功率放大器和现有其他F类功率放大器的性能比较如表2所示ꎮ相比最近提出的F类功率放大器ꎬ本文的最大PAE较高ꎬ虽然文献[3]中此数值也较高ꎬ但是其达到最大PAE时所对应的输入功率也较高ꎬ而本文提出功率放大器达到最大PAE时所对应的输入功率相对较低ꎮ此外ꎬ本文提出功率放大器运行时的漏极电压较低ꎮ图12㊀1.8GHz下提出功率放大器的仿真输出功率和增益图13㊀1.8GHz下提出功率放大器的仿真和实测PAE表2㊀不同放大器之间的对比文献基频/GHz类型漏极电压/V最大PAE/%最大PAE所对应的输入功率/dBm设备类型谐波抑制[3]1.8F8.97730pHEMT2ndꎬ3rdꎬ ꎬ8thꎬ [5]1.8F7.37033pHEMT2ndꎬ3rd[7]2.4F37410pHEMT2ndꎬ3rd[9]1F2862.8 LDMOS2ndꎬ3rd本文1.8F276.911.6pHEMT2ndꎬ3rdꎬ ꎬ8thꎬ㊀㊀通过以上仿真和测试结果ꎬ可以分析得到ꎬ提出的F类功率放大器在其基频下具有较高的PAEꎬ其对2次到8次谐波具有良好的谐波抑制作用ꎬ且具有较低的电压ꎮ4㊀结论本文利用微带抑制单元设计了一种高效的F类功率放大器ꎮ具有提出抑制单元的功率放大器能够在较窄带宽中实现较高PAEꎬ并且实现高谐波抑制ꎮ对提出的功率放大器已经进行实际制造和测量ꎮ实验结果验证了提出功率放大器的效率ꎬ其能够在较低的直流电压供应条件下工作ꎮ测量结果显示ꎬ提出功率放大器的工作频率为1.8GHz㊁带宽为100MHz㊁平均PAE为76.9%.综上所述ꎬ提出的F类功率放大器十分适用于无线发射机ꎬ特别是在第4代(4G)长期演变(LTE)系统中ꎮ参考文献:[1]㊀ChenKꎬPeroulisD.A3.1 ̄GHzClass ̄FPowerAmplifierWith82%Power ̄Added ̄Efficiency[J].IEEEMicrowaveandWireless9021电㊀子㊀器㊀件第41卷ComponentsLettersꎬ2013ꎬ23(8):436-438.[2]RahmatiMMꎬAbdipourAꎬMohammadiAꎬetal.AnAnalyticApproachforCDMAOutputofFeedforwardPowerAmplifier[J].Ana ̄logIntegratedCircuitsandSignalProcessingꎬ2011ꎬ66(3):349-361. 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[8]DingYꎬGuoYXꎬLiuFL.High ̄EfficiencyConcurrentDual ̄BandClass ̄FandInverseClass ̄FPowerAmplifier[J].ElectronicsLet ̄tersꎬ2011ꎬ47(15):847-849.[9]TolantC.BandwidthEnhancementofanInverseClass ̄FPowerAmplifierBasedonLDMOSDevices[J].InternationalJournalofElectronicsꎬ2011ꎬ98(10):1411-1420.[10]MoonJꎬJeeSꎬKimJꎬetal.BehaviorsofClass ̄FandClass ̄ꎬAm ̄plifiers[J].MicrowaveTheoryandTechniquesIEEETransactionsonꎬ2012ꎬ60(6):1937-1951.8.[11]KingJBꎬBrazilTJ.NonlinearElectrothermalGaNHEMTModelAppliedtoHigh ̄EfficiencyPowerAmplifierDesign[J].IEEETransactionsonMicrowaveTheoryandTechniquesꎬ2013ꎬ61(1):444-454.[12]谢晓峰ꎬ肖仕伟ꎬ沈川.1GHz~2GHz宽带GaN功率放大器的设计与实现[J].微电子学ꎬ2013ꎬ43(3):325-328.[13]HayatiMꎬShamaFꎬEkhteraeiMꎬetal.CompactMicrostripLowpassFilterwithVerySharpRoll ̄offandUltra ̄HighFigure ̄of ̄MeritforWirelessApplications[J].JournalofElectromagneticWavesandApplicationsꎬ2015ꎬ29(11):1508-1522.[14]南敬昌ꎬ杜学坤.基于平衡结构的高效率E类功率放大器设计[J].微电子学ꎬ2013ꎬ43(5):593-597.曲鸣飞(1979-)ꎬ男ꎬ汉族ꎬ辽宁沈阳人ꎬ工程硕士ꎬ副教授ꎬ主要研究领域为电气自动化㊁现场总线技术ꎻ马㊀蕾(1979-)ꎬ女ꎬ汉族ꎬ天津人ꎬ工程硕士ꎬ副教授ꎬ主要研究领域为物联网技术ꎻ㊀陈㊀楠(1990-)ꎬ女ꎬ汉族ꎬ福建古田人ꎬ硕士研究生ꎬ讲师ꎬ主要研究领域为智能控制理论ꎮ0121。
本文主要研究4G移动通信无线信号在室内外环境下的传播特性,包括从室外向室内传播的特性,具体内容分为三个部分:1. 针对4G无线信号在建筑物墙面的反射损耗、在建筑物墙体内的传播损耗以及墙体开门/窗对4G无线信号室内外传播的影响进行了仿真、分析,对4G无线信号室内外传播特性进行简化建模,并且搭建了具体的实验场景进行测试。
关键词:移动通信; 无线信号; 传播模型; 室内网络覆盖; 室外天线布设ABSTRACTIn mobile communication network, the distance between celluar sites is decrea sing. And the importance of the indoor coverage of 4G mobile communication network is increasing. However, the traditional propagation model of mobile wireless signal is not very accurate and unsuitable for the case from outdoor to indoor propogation. Theref ore, it is necessary to consider both indoor and outdoor application scene and modify the 4G wireless signal indoor and outdoor transmission model. This paper mainly studies the propagation characteristics of 4G mobile communication wireless signal in indoor and outdoor environment, including the propagation from outdoor to indoor case. The content is divided into three parts: The 4G wireless sign al losses caused by the reflection on the build ing wall surface and transmission inside the building wall have been analyzed and simulated in Chapter 2. The effect of the door or windows of the building on the out door and indoor propagation of the 4G wireless signal has also been studied. The indoor and ou tdoor propagation of 4G wireless signal has been modeled simply, and measured through experiment.Based on the designed 4G network indoor a nd outdoor simulation system using Matlab, the system’s main program modules and th e key code are given. For verification, the Guangzhou JS and Guangzhou Longgui Town are chosen as experiment scenes. The proposed simulation system can be used to analyze the indoor coverage of the outdoor antenna by the propagation model of the 4G wireless signal indoor and outdoor in this paper, after inputting the information of the building.Finally, by using the proposed 4G wireless signal indoor and outdoor propagation model, more penetrating coverage solutions are an alyzed. Based on the an tenna azimuth, height, selection, and distance, the design principles are put forward to solve the common problem of big transmission loss and incomplete coverage. And a com plete deployment guideline of outdoor antennas to achieve indoor 4G network wide coverage is given. Moreover, a building for field testing is selected, and the test results show that this plan is better.Keywords:Mobile communication; wireless signa l; propagation model; indoor network distribution; outdoor antenna design目录第一章绪论 (1)1.1研究背景和意义 (1)1.2研究现状 (2)1.2.1 经验模型 (2)1.2.2 理论模型 (4)1.2.3 传播模型的修正 (4)1.3论文的主要工作 (5)第二章4G无线信号室内外传播特性测试与建模 (7)2.1 引言 (7)2.2 4G无线信号在建筑物墙面的反射损耗研究 (8)2.2.1影响建筑物墙面反射系数的因素分析 (8)2.2.2 墙体反射的测试验证 (12)2.3 4G无线信号在建筑物墙体内的传播损耗研究 (13)2.3.1 4G无线信号在不同材质墙体内的穿透损耗分析 (14)2.3.2针对不同材质墙体的4G无线信号整体传播损耗分析 (15)2.3.3 墙体穿透损耗测试 (16)2.4 墙体开窗/门对4G无线信号室内外传播的影响 (17)2.4.1 经典场景下的绕射的测试验证 (20)2.4.2 实际情况下建筑物开窗/门影响 (21)2.5 4G无线信号室内外传播特性的简化建摸 (24)2.5.1 墙体穿透损耗简化模型 (24)2.5.2 门窗绕射损耗简化模型 (27)2.5.3 室内外综合的传播模型简化 (27)2.6 本章小结 (29)第三章4G网络室内外联合覆盖仿真系统的设计与实现 (30)3.1 前言 (30)3.2 4G网络室内外联合覆盖仿真系统设计与实现 (30)3.2.1 建筑物数据结构信息输入 (30)3.2.2 传播损耗计算 (31)3.3 系统预测分析结果局部验证 (36)3.4 系统预测分析结果整体验证 (38)3.4.1 测试住宅小区概况 (39)3.4.2 目标楼宇室内测试情况 (40)3.4.3 目标楼宇室内覆盖情况的仿真与实测对比 (42)3.5 本章小结 (43)第四章基于简化模型在4G网络室内覆盖中的应用研究 (44)4.1 前言 (44)4.2 4G穿透式覆盖的典型布设方式与常见问题 (44)4.2.1 4G网络在室内覆盖的典型布设简介 (44)4.2.2 4G网络室外穿透式覆盖方式的常见问题 (47)4.3 基于简化模型的室外天线位置选取与测试研究 (49)4.4 本章小结 (54)第五章总结与展望 (55)参考文献 (57)致谢 (61)第一章绪论第一章绪论1.1研究背景和意义随着社会的发展与进步,人们对通信的需求不再仅限于传递消息、语音等简单信息,尤其是移动互联网的蓬勃发展,促使人们对移动通信网络的需求日益增长,推动2G/3G (第二代/第三代)移动通信系统向LTE(长期演进,Long Term Evolution)移动通信系统升级演进。
莫萨 UC-8540 系列双核 Cortex-A7 1GHz 火车到地面计算机说明书
UC-8540SeriesArm Cortex-A7dual-core1GHz train-to-ground computers with2mini PCIe expansion slots for wireless modulesFeatures and Benefits•Supports1WWAN connection with2SIM card slots•Supports1WLAN(IEEE802.11b/g/n/ac)connection•Single-panel I/O design for reduced installation space and easiermaintenance•Front-side access panel for easy maintenance•Isolated24to110VDC power input with power-ignition function suitable forvehicle applications•EN50155Tx(-40to70°C)operating temperature for harsh environments•Complies with all EN50155mandatory test items1•5-year warrantyCertificationsIntroductionMoxa’s UC-8540is an innovative computing platform designed specifically for transportation applications.Its single-sided I/O design is ideal for vehicle applications,which typically do not have enough room for installing communication devices.Front-side access makes it easy to install or change SIM cards and wiring ers can install or change wireless modules,mSATA cards,and the RTC battery from the top or the bottom for easy maintenance.The UC-8540has1miniPCIe slot with USB signal to support a4G/LTE module,and1slot with PCIe/USB signal to support a Wi-Fi module.The4G/ LTE module has two SIM card slots,which can be used to enable redundant cellular network communications or geo-fencing SIM card selection by leveraging the built-in MIRF2.0,a Moxa device remote-management platform with wireless management.The UC-8540can be used as a communication-centric computing platform in applications such as vehicle-to-ground communication gateway, TCMS T2G(train-to-ground)gateway,mobile condition monitoring unit,Ethernet Consist Network T2G gateway,and onboard wireless automated fare collection unit.2The UC-8540uses an open platform based on Debian8with Linux kernel4.1,allowing solution providers to manage software packages via Debian’s APT(advanced packaging tools),or develop software applications with Moxa’s API Library and GNU C Library.1.This product is suitable for rolling stock railway applications,as defined by the EN50155standard.For a more detailed statement,click here:/doc/specs/EN_50155_Compliance.pdf2.Wireless modules are sold separately.Please contact a Moxa sales representative for details.AppearanceSpecificationsComputerCPU Armv7Cortex-A7dual-core1GHzStorage Pre-installed8GB eMMCSupported OS Linux Debian8(Linux kernel v4.1)System Memory Pre-installed1GB DDR3LStorage Slot mSATA slots x1,internal mini-PCIe socketComputer InterfaceExpansion Slots mPCIe slot x2Ethernet Ports Auto-sensing10/100/1000Mbps ports(M12X-coded)x2 Cellular Antenna Connector QMA x2USB3.0USB3.0hosts x1,type-A connectorsWi-Fi Antenna Connector QMA x3Serial Ports RS-232/422/485ports x1,software selectable(DB9male) Number of SIMs2Console Port RS-232(TxD,RxD,GND),4-pin header output(115200,n,8,1) GPS Antenna Connector TNC x1SIM Format MicroInput/Output InterfaceButtons Reset buttonLED IndicatorsSystem Power x1System Ready x1Programmable x1LAN2per port(10/100/1000Mbps)Serial2per port(Tx,Rx)Wireless Signal Strength Cellular/Wi-Fi x6Serial SignalsRS-232TxD,RxD,RTS,CTS,DTR,DSR,DCD,GNDRS-422Tx+,Tx-,Rx+,Rx-,GNDRS-485-2w Data+,Data-,GNDRS-485-4w Tx+,Tx-,Rx+,Rx-,GNDGPS InterfaceHeading Accuracy0.3degreesIndustrial Protocols NMEA0183,version4.0(V2.3or V4.1configurable),UBX,RTCM Receiver Types72-channel u-blox M8engineTime Pulse0.25Hz to10MHzVelocity Accuracy0.05msPower ParametersInput Current 1.66A@24VDC,0.36A@110VDCInput Voltage24to110VDCPower Connector M12A-coded4-pin male connectorPower Consumption40W(max.)Physical CharacteristicsProtection UC-8540-T-CT-LX:PCB conformal coatingDimensions(with ears)190x120x125mm(7.46x4.72x4.92in)Dimensions(without ears)160x120x120mm(6.30x4.72x4.72in)Housing MetalInstallation Wall mountingIP Rating IP40Weight Product only:1,600g(3.53lb) Environmental LimitsAmbient Relative Humidity5to95%(non-condensing)Operating Temperature Standard Models:-25to55°C(-13to131°F)Wide Temp.Models:-40to70°C(-40to158°F) Storage Temperature(package included)-40to85°C(-40to185°F)Standards and CertificationsEMC EN55032/35EMI CISPR32,FCC Part15B Class AEMS IEC61000-4-2ESD:Contact:6kV;Air:8kVIEC61000-4-3RS:80MHz to1GHz:20V/mIEC61000-4-4EFT:Power:2kV;Signal:2kVIEC61000-4-5Surge:Power:2kV;Signal:2kVIEC61000-4-6CS:10VIEC61000-4-8PFMFRailway EN50121-4,EN50155Railway Fire Protection EN45545-2Safety EN62368-1,IEC62368-1Shock IEC60068-2-27,IEC61373,EN50155 Vibration IEC60068-2-64,IEC61373,EN50155 DeclarationGreen Product RoHS,CRoHS,WEEEWarrantyWarranty Period5yearsDetails See /warrantyPackage ContentsDevice1x UC-8540Series computer Documentation1x quick installation guide1x warranty cardCable1x4-pin header to DB9console cableDimensionsOrdering InformationModel Name CPU Antenna Connector Type Operating Temp.Conformal Coating UC-8540-LX Armv7Cortex-A7dual-core1GHz QMA-25to55°C–UC-8540-T-LX Armv7Cortex-A7dual-core1GHz QMA-40to70°C–UC-8540-T-CT-LX Armv7Cortex-A7dual-core1GHz QMA-40to70°C✓Accessories(sold separately)Wi-Fi Wireless ModulesUC-8500-WLAN33-Q-AC3transmitter3receiver Wi-Fi card module,3QMA connectors with cablesUC-8500-WLAN33-Q-AC-TELEC2transmitter2receiver Wi-Fi card module with TELEC certification,2QMA connectors with cables Cellular Wireless ModulesUC-8500-4GCat6-Q-NAMEU LTE Cat.6module for North America and Europe,2QMA connectors with cables,-40to60°Coperating temperatureUC-8500-4GCat6-Q-APAC LTE Cat.6module for North America and Europe,2QMA connectors with cables,-40to60°Coperating temperaturePower AdaptersPWR-24270-DT-S1Power adapter,input voltage90to264VAC,output voltage24V with2.5A DC loadPower CordsPWC-C7AU-2B-183Power cord with Australian(AU)plug,2.5A/250V,1.83mPWC-C7CN-2B-183Power cord with three-prong China(CN)plug,2.5A/250V,1.83mPWC-C7EU-2B-183Power cord with Continental Europe(EU)plug,2.5A/250V,1.83mPWC-C7UK-2B-183Power cord with United Kingdom(UK)plug,2.5A/250V,1.83mPWC-C7US-2B-183Power cord with United States(US)plug,10A/125V,1.83mCablesCBL-F9DPF1x4-BK-100Console cable with4-pin connector,1m©Moxa Inc.All rights reserved.Updated Feb04,2021.This document and any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of Moxa Inc.Product specifications subject to change without notice.Visit our website for the most up-to-date product information.。
蜂窝无线通信系统的研究英文翻译Research on Cellular Wireless Communication SystemWith the increasing demand for wireless communication services, the cellular wireless communication system has become one of the most widely adopted systems for providing mobile communication services. The cellular wireless communication system is comprised of a network of base stations that communicate with mobile devices, allowing for mobile communication services such as voice calls, messaging, and internet access.This article will focus on the research conducted on the cellular wireless communication system, including its history, current status, and future development trends.History of Cellular Wireless Communication SystemThe cellular wireless communication system can trace its origins back to the 1940s, when a concept known as cellular radio was first proposed. The idea was to divide a geographical region into smaller cells, each with its own radio frequency, to allow for more efficient use of the limited frequency spectrum available.In the 1960s, the first automated mobile communication system was developed, which allowed for mobile communication over a larger geographic area. In the 1980s, the development ofdigital cellular wireless communication technology allowed for the transmission of more data, and the widespread adoption of the cellular wireless communication system.Current Status of Cellular Wireless Communication SystemToday, the cellular wireless communication system is widely adopted around the world, with over 7 billion mobile devices in use. The system has evolved from the first generation (1G) analog system to the current fourth generation (4G) digital system, with the fifth generation (5G) currently under development.The 4G system provides high-speed data transmission capabilities, allowing for mobile applications such as video streaming, online gaming, and real-time navigation. The 5G system is expected to provide even higher speeds, lower latency, and better coverage, enabling new applications such as autonomous vehicles, smart homes, and advanced healthcare services.Research on Cellular Wireless Communication SystemResearch on the cellular wireless communication system is ongoing, with a focus on improving the performance, efficiency, and reliability of the system. Some of the key areas of research include:1. Spectrum Allocation: With the increasing demand for wireless communication services, there is a need to efficiently allocate the limited frequency spectrum available. Research isbeing conducted on new frequency bands and dynamic spectrum management techniques to improve spectrum utilization.2. Antenna Technology: Antenna technology plays a crucial role in the performance of the cellular wireless communication system. Research is being conducted on new antenna designs and beamforming techniques to improve signal strength, coverage, and interference rejection.3. Network Architecture: The current cellular wireless communication system is based on a hierarchical network architecture, with a limited number of base stations providing coverage over a large geographic area. Research is being conducted on new network architectures, such as small cells and heterogeneous networks, to improve coverage and capacity.4. Authentication and Security: With the increasing amount of sensitive information being transmitted over the cellular wireless communication system, there is a need for strong authentication and security measures. Research is being conducted on new authentication and encryption methods to improve the security of the system.Future Trends in Cellular Wireless Communication SystemThe cellular wireless communication system is expected to continue to evolve and improve in the coming years. Some of the key trends expected in the future include:1. 5G Deployment: The deployment of the 5G system is expected to accelerate in the coming years, providing faster speeds, lower latency, and better coverage.2. Internet of Things (IoT): The growth of the IoT is expected to drive demand for connectivity, with millions of devices expected to be connected to the cellular wireless communication system.3. Virtual and Augmented Reality: The development of virtual and augmented reality applications is expected to drive demand for high-speed, low-latency communication services.4. Autonomous Vehicles: The deployment of autonomous vehicles is expected to drive demand for reliable, low-latency communication services.ConclusionThe cellular wireless communication system has come a long way from its origins in the 1940s, and is now a critical component of modern society. Ongoing research and development will continue to improve the performance and capabilities of the system, enabling new applications and services that were previously impossible.。
LTE关键技术及MIMO技术在LTE中的应用(一)2010-06-20 21:31班级:010791 姓名:余沛学号:01079042 e-mail:yupei753@【摘要】:随着移动通信技术的蓬勃发展,无线通信系统呈现出移动化、宽带化和IP化的趋势。
【关键字】:3GPP长期演进、时分双工、频分双工、正交频分复用、小区间干扰抑制、多入多出系统【Abstract】:With the rapid development of mobile communication technology, wireless communication system showing a mobile, broadband and IP-based trend. This article explains the 3GPP Long Term Evolution (LTE) development background and its key technology. Analyzed introduces LTE MIMO technology in the application, and finally a brief discussion of the development of LTE situation and development prospects.【Keywords】:LTE、TDD、FDD、OFDM、MIMO1. LTE的发展背景随着移动通信技术的蓬勃发展,无线通信系统呈现出移动化、宽带化和IP 化的趋势,移动通信市场的竞争也日趋激烈。
为应对来自WiMAX ,Wi-Fi 等传统和新兴无线宽带接入技术的挑战,提高3G在宽带无线接入市场的竞争力,保证3GPP未来十年的竞争力,2004年12月3GPP组织正式成立了LTE研究项目,开展UTRA长期演进(Long Term Evolution ,LTE)技术的研究,以实现3G技术向B3G和4G的平滑过渡。
Mobile data traffic
®ABI researchResearch Brief Mobile Data Traffic Trends for Connected CE Devices Traffic of Fledgling Category Predicted to Increase Over 100 Times in Five YearsJeff Orr Senior Analyst, Mobile DevicesConsumer Electronics (CE) is a broad term referring to electronic equipment that is used in everyday aspects of the consumer’s life. Lifestyle demands range from communications to entertainment to productivity. Six device segments are analyzed in this mobile data traffic research brief based on existing ecosystems, along with unique challenges that some will face bringing complete hardware, software, and service solutions to market. Mobile consumer electronics faces an uphill climb initially as the category develops awareness and establishes value for its priority audiences.A 2009 ABI Research study detailed global and regional trends in mobile data traffic for handsets, embedded computing, modems and routers, and consumer electronics devices. ABI Research found that mobile CE devices transferred 5.1 terabytes (TB) of information during 2009. In 2014, mobile data transfer is expected to increase more than one hundred times to nearly 530 TB. This research brief further explores the growth of mobile data traffic by mobile CE devices from 2008 to 2014.Mobile Network Data Traffic for Mobile CE Devices, by Region, Forecast: 2008 to 2014(Source: ABI Research)Market UpdateThe end of the 2009 holiday buying season heavily promoted consumer electronicsdevices purpose-built for enhancing the lifestyles of individuals and families alike.Initial devices available – eReaders, personal navigation devices, and personal mediaplayers – connected to cellular or mobile broadband wireless services and enabledinstant transfer of content, providing immediate gratification. What impact do thesedevices and those coming in the next three years have on mobile data networks, andthe levels of traffic demanded by each device?Mobile consumer electronics face an uphill climb initially as the category developsawareness and establishes value for its priority audiences. Not all connectedconsumer electronics, such as digital still cameras and eReaders, will benefit from analways-on, monthly service plan to periodically transfer content to or from the mobiledevice. For other mobile CE devices, including digital camcorders, 4G networkspeeds are necessary to provide an acceptable user experience.ABI Research found that mobile CE devices transferred 5.1 terabytes (TB) ofinformation during 2009. In 2014, mobile data transfer is expected to increase morethan one hundred times to nearly 530 TB. In comparison to PC modems, whichgenerated the highest levels of mobile data traffic in 2009, mobile CE devices aremerely a fraction of the worldwide network load. PC modems generated nearly 1,300petabytes (PB) of mobile data network traffic in the same time period, a ratio of262,237:1 TB.A 2009 ABI Research study detailed global and regional trends in mobile data trafficfor handsets, embedded computing, modems and routers, and consumer electronicsdevices. This research brief further explores the growth of mobile data traffic bymobile CE devices from 2008 to 2014.Section 1.M ETHODOLOGY AND A SSUMPTIONS1.1 Mobile Consumer Electronics Category DefinitionConsumer Electronics (CE) is a broad term referring to electronic equipment that isused in everyday aspects of the consumer’s life. Lifestyle demands range fromcommunications to entertainment to productivity. Segmentation for this categoryfocuses on a consumer orientation, though is not exclusive to that audience. Abusiness case could be made for PNDs, cameras, camcorders, and eBook readers aspart of the small business or enterprise markets, for example.The segments chosen for analysis in this study are not an exhaustive list of all CEcategories that might gain mobile broadband access. Instead, the selection of thesesix segments is based on existing ecosystems of interest along with uniquechallenges to be faced, bringing complete hardware/software/service solutions tomarket. The segments profiled are:•Mobile gaming devices•Personal media players•Mobile digital still cameras• Mobile digital camcorders•Connected personal navigation devices• Connected eReaders1.2 MethodologyInterviews were conducted with mobile network operators and equipmentmanufacturers for mobile data network managed services. Additional data pointswere gathered from company financial disclosures, media reports, anecdotal usagetrends of individual wireless subscribers, and mobile broadband data calculations bymobile network operators.A new model projects mobile data usage scenarios per device type over the forecastperiod. Size of traffic unit by device type and three usage scenarios are defined here.Wireless subscribers in a region are confined to active mobile data plans. Similarly,total devices in a region are distilled into active devices mapped to mobile datasubscriptions.Traffic calculations were created for seven geographic regions by IP traffic type,device subtype, and wireless protocol.The data models, size of traffic, and average monthly consumption per wirelesssubscriber were validated through voice and e-mail interviews, along with companyand government regulator disclosures.Figure 1.1 Determining Active Devices with Mobile Data Plans(Source: ABI Research)1.2.1 Published Data SourcesThis research brief relies on several published reports and sets of market data fromABI Research services. As each source is updated, the traffic model will also berefined. Key data sources incorporated into the traffic models include:•The foundation for this brief is the Mobile Data Traffic Analysis (TRAF)research report.•Mobile CE device shipments and forecasts are detailed in the Mobile Broadband-enabled CE Devices (MBCE) study and Netbooks, MIDs and Mobile CE Devicemarket data package (MCE).•The growth of wireless subscribers is covered in the Mobile Subscriber MarketData (DBWS) service.•Top-level mobile data traffic was first captured in a market data set coveringMobile Subscriber ARPU, Voice, Messaging, and Data Traffic MarketData (MUSE).1.2.2 Traffic MetricsMobile data traffic transferred per device is typically measured in megabytes(MB) or gigabytes (GB) per month. When aggregating data transfer acrossmillions of devices per region, the common units of measure are terabytes (TB),petabytes (PB), and exabytes (EB).The petabyte is not a frequently used unit of measure. Converting between units ofmeasure is accomplished by multiplying or dividing by 1,024. In data metrics, apetabyte is 1,024 times greater than a terabyte, which is 1,024 times greater than agigabyte, and so on.Table 1.1 lists the equivalent units of measure for the example of 416 PB sent andreceived during 2008 and a fictitious 4,963 PB forecast for 2014.Table 1.1 Data Measurement MetricsMetric 2008 20144.847065066Exabytes 0.4059Petabytes 415.7 4,963.45,082,516.1 Terabytes 425,651.11Gigabytes 435,866,738 5,204,496,485Megabytes 446,328,000,000 5,329,400,000,000Kilobytes 457,039,000,000,000 5,457,310,000,000,000Bytes 468,008,000,000,000,000 5,588,290,000,000,000,000(Source: ABI Research)1.2.3 Wireless ProtocolsThe capabilities of mobile networks continue to evolve and improve data capacity anddevice performance. Second-generation cellular networks (2G) are commonlydeployed around the world. Third-generation cellular networks (3G), which focus onimproved data performance, have spawned a new series of wireless modems forMobile CE devices. Much of the buzz today in mobile broadband is around theemergence of 4G protocols — wireless WAN standards dedicated to movingincreased amounts of IP traffic.The 2G wireless protocols are technology standards that predate the IMT-2000guidelines. The 3G wireless network protocols include evolutions of CDMA and GSMtechnologies that focus on increased performance for data traffic. The ITU resolutionknown as IMT-2000 defines protocols considered 3G. Note that the so-called “3.5G”or “3.9G” wireless protocols are counted as 3G. The next generation of wirelessnetworking protocols, which offers mobile broadband speeds and incorporatesOFDMA modulation, is classified as 4G wireless protocols in this study. The 4Gprotocols include IEEE 802.16e-2005 (mobile WiMAX) and 3GPP LTE.1.2.4 Mobile Data Traffic Types and Usage ScenariosEach device category has a range of traffic-generating activities mapped to it:•Audio, song, MP3 file — Audio files refer to those that are streamed (for example, Pandora and over the mobile data network. Audio files that aredownloaded and played back “offline” are counted within the “web and Internet”activities below.•File sharing, peer-to-peer (Kazaa, BitTorrent, Gnutella) — Other application classes have examples of peer-to-peer architecture, such as Skype (VoIP), instantmessaging, and video streaming (Joost). However, these application types areclassified separately from peer-to-peer for the purposes of this study.•Video, clip (YouTube, four-minute duration) — Similar to audio activities, video clips counted within this traffic activity are streamed. Non-streamed video clips(downloaded or progressively downloaded during non-peak usage) are countedwithin the “web and Internet” activities.•Video, full movie — Full-length video counted within this traffic activity must be streamed. Non-streamed video clips (downloaded or progressively downloadedduring non-peak usage) are counted within the “web and Internet” activities.•VoIP session (Skype, for example) — VoIP usage is modeled from data disclosed by Skype. The mobile data traffic usage combines VoIP sessions withchat-style messaging from within the application. Since traffic load varies betweencomputer and mobile OS implementations of the application/service, this isaccounted for in the traffic forecast model at the device type subcategory.•Documents downloaded and uploaded — Documents refer to a blend of Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft PowerPoint, and Adobe Acrobat PDFfiles sent and received.•E-mail with blended attachment types, sent and received — Blended attachments refer to document types noted in the previous “Documentsdownloaded and uploaded” definition.•Instant messaging — Examples include Yahoo! Instant Messenger, AOL AIM, MSN Messenger, and so on.•Digital photographs — Includes both uploaded and downloaded photographs.•Software, games, and updates downloaded — This category includes the download of software applications, including games, in addition to softwareupdates transferred over the mobile data connection.•Web and Internet — Traffic generated and transferred using the HTTP protocol.For each device subcategory, three usage scenarios are defined: light,moderate, and heavy. Each scenario considers the frequency and duration ofsessions for every activity listed above. The size of traffic by activity varies bydevice category and subcategory.For example, a web page may require 300 KB to render in a full browser, butconsume only 30 KB in a mobile micro-browser or mobile-optimized version of thepage. This difference is accounted for in the average activity size of a device categoryand the weighting given to each subcategory (audio streaming may be more popularon enhanced phones compared to smartphones). Usage scenarios in the trafficmodel are adjusted annually.As mobile devices proliferate and more traffic is generated due to the sheer number ofactive products, ABI Research anticipates that additional network intelligence willemerge through the adoption of information and file format standards to furtheroptimize traffic on the range of mobile form factors. By detecting the capabilities ofthe end device and the best connected network path, a content provider will deliverthe most appropriate format, bitstream rate, and payload to enhance the userexperience.The data traffic generated from each of the mobile activities listed above is remappedinto one of five IP media formats for reporting across device types, wireless networkprotocols, and geographic regions:• Streaming audio−Audio, MP3 file• Peer-to-peer−File sharing, peer-to-peer• Video streaming/TV−Video, four-minute clip−Video, full-length feature movie• VoIP−VoIP application use• Web/Internet−Documents uploaded and downloaded−E-mail with blended attachments, sent and received− Instant messaging−Photographs uploaded and downloaded−Software, games, and updates−Web and Internet use (surfing, for example)1.3 AssumptionsThe mobile data traffic market is rapidly evolving. Several assumptions have beenmade to control the scope of this research brief, including:•Only IP traffic is counted. Cellular voice and cellular messaging (SMS/MMS) are not represented. Voice traffic over the IP data network is counted as VoIP.•Mobile traffic that traverses alternate radio networks (Wi-Fi, for example) is excluded from traffic results.•Traffic levels reported in the 2009 ABI Research study on mobile data traffic (RR-TRAF-09) will differ from the results found in this research brief. Device shipments and forecasts have been revised using the latest updates. Additional granularity for this specific device category is provided beyond the original study.•Mobile data traffic demand is also a key focus for this research topic. However, growth in network capacity is not addressed in this research brief. Revenue is also not covered.No single factor can predict how traffic patterns will evolve. Deductive reasoning suggests that more subscribers using a greater number of devices will generate more demand for mobile traffic. Such an increase will require mobile network operators to boost supply capacities. Several factors are accelerating the generation and consumption of IP traffic, including:Broadband spectrum —Mobile broadband services require new, wider channels of frequency spectrum to increase data transmission capacities. Increased availability of spectrum suitable for mobile broadband is an ongoing need in all parts of the world.Sufficient coverage —Broader access to mobile data services (spectrum availability and geographic coverage).New devices —Form factors and more connected devices are emerging that rely on the transmission of IP data as a primary function. For example, a connected personal navigation device (PND) that utilizes applications and services residing “in the cloud” accomplishes tasks without requiring significant amounts of local data (map and waypoint) storage. Spectrum and coverage are both prerequisites.Appropriate service plans —Not all devices should be treated as equals. Will each device require a separate service agreement or become part of a shared family or business plan? Should the tariff for a mobile broadband-enabled video camera be the same as a connected PND? Service providers need to investigate hourly and daily rates, and other plans based on time or other benchmarks of usage.ABI Research has published multiple studies and forecasts that assist in monitoring the velocity of these factors (see Published Data Sources above).Section 2.M ARKET F ORECASTS2.1 Total Mobile Data Traffic from Mobile CE DevicesThe transfer of mobile data traffic by cellular or mobile broadband CE devices wasgreatest in the Asia-Pacific region. The region transferred 2.6 TB of mobile data trafficin 2009. Over the forecast period, Asia-Pacific is expected to maintain its lead withabout 232 TB of mobile data traffic by mobile CE devices in 2014. North America willbe a relatively distant second, followed by Western Europe.Mobile CE devices are segmented by ABI Research into six subcategories: mobilegaming handhelds, connected PMPs, mobile digital still cameras, mobile digitalcamcorders, connected PNDs, and connected eReaders. Personal media players areresponsible for nearly all of the CE device data traffic.Within subcategories of CE devices, usage and consumption trends continue toevolve. Connected PNDs and eReaders are more widely deployed across regionsthan connected PMPs. The other three segments have yet to launch commercialproducts.Table 2-1 Mobile Network Data Traffic from Mobile CE Devices, by Region,Forecast: 2008 to 2014 (Terabytes)Segment 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014CAGR (09-14)Western Europe 0.1 1.4 5.5 14.5 32.3 66.3 111.6141% Eastern Europe 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.7 2.5 4.9 11.6 644%Asia-Pacific 0.12.611.8 33.3 75.6 144.3 232.0145% North America 0.1 0.9 3.8 12.8 32.5 68.3 128.2 169%Latin America 0.0 0.1 0.8 2.7 6.6 14.1 25.8206% Middle East 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.6 1.5 3.0 5.7 224%Africa 3.3 6.8 13.4226%(Source: ABI Research) The growth in mobile data traffic from CE devices is rapid over the forecast period, rangingfrom CAGRs of 141% to 644%, depending on the geographic region. The EasternEuropean region is a clear standout with a CAGR of 644%.Chart 2.1 Mobile Network Data Traffic for Mobile CE Devices, by Region,Forecast: 2008 to 2014(Source: ABI Research)2.2 Mobile Data Traffic by Type of Connected CE DeviceThrough 2009, only eReaders, PNDs and PMPs shipped with cellular or mobilebroadband connections. Personal media players accounted for 4.8 TB of mobile datatraffic in 2009, while connected personal navigation devices transferred the nexthighest level at only 0.2 TB. In 2014, ABI Research forecasts that connected personalmedia players will transfer more than 490 TB of mobile traffic.Table 2.2 Total Mobile Network Data Traffic from CE Devices by Form Factor, World Market, Forecast: 2008 to 2014 (Terabytes)Device Type 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014CAGR (09-14)Mobile Gaming Device 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.8 4.0 9.7 20.1 - Personal Media Player 0.1 4.8 22.0 63.6 146.7 290.0 491.7 153% Mobile Digital Still Camera 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.5 2.5 7.2 - Mobile Digital Camcorder 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.9 - Connected NavigationDevices 0.1 0.2 0.5 1.2 2.3 4.1 7.0104% eReaders 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.4 0.6 1.0 1.4 80%(Source: ABI Research) Over the forecast period, the growth of mobile data network traffic over personalmedia players will witness a CAGR of 153%, about 1.5x the 104% predicted forpersonal navigation devices that use cellular or mobile broadband-enabled services.Chart 2.2 Mobile Network Data Traffic by Type of CE Device, Forecast: 2008 to 2014(Source: ABI Research)2.3 Mobile CE Device Data Traffic by Air Interface ProtocolSlower speed mobile data networks are more pervasive than multi-megabit persecond mobile broadband air interface protocols. Access to the lower speed 2Gnetworks offers increased network service coverage (more access in more places)and an opportunity to generate incremental service revenues from existing networkinfrastructure. As mobile data speeds increase per subscriber device, costs foraccess increase and network service coverage typically decreases.Over the forecast period, 2G networks will be the primary source for mobile data trafficover CE devices, growing from about 3.5 TB in 2009 to 261 TB in 2014. Thecontinued deployments of 3G mobile data networks are reflected in the growth of datatraffic beyond 230 TB in 2014.The emergence of 4G mobile broadband networks powered by mobile WiMAX and the3GPP’s LTE protocols are expected to demonstrate the strongest growth in mobile trafficwith a CAGR of 348% over the forecast period. Specialized mobile devices — such asdigital video camcorders — that rely on extremely fast uplink speeds to provide anacceptable user experience will likely debut using 4G wireless protocols.The presence of faster networks (3G or 4G) in a market does not guarantee that 2Gdata access will disappear entirely. In fact, the installed base of subscribers may finda price/performance comfort zone that makes upselling the faster, pricier networkschallenging. Removing subscriber objections to the switch — price/performancegains, increased network coverage, and increased value through bundled services —will ease the transition. Downloading the latest electronic version of a written novel in30 seconds may not prove to add value over a 60-second guarantee using 2Gnetworks.Network coverage is also a concern for wireless subscribers. In GSM markets, it tookno less than ten years to achieve adequate signal coverage, while the expectation forhigher speed networks is to tolerate nothing less than that level. Progressive 3Gnetwork deployments have yet to reach the signal penetration or adoption level of theoriginal GSM protocol.Table 2.3 Total Mobile Network Data Traffic from Mobile CE Devices, by Air Interface Protocol, World Market, Forecast: 2008 to 2014 (Terabytes)Segment 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014CAGR (09-14)2G 0.1 3.4 14.7 40.0 87.7 162.8 261.0 138% 3G 0.1 1.6 7.8 24.7 61.6 130.7 233.7 170%4G 0.0 0.0 0.2 1.3 5.0 14.1 33.7 348%Source: ABI Research) Chart 2.3 Total Mobile Network Data Traffic from Mobile CE Devices, by Air Interface Protocol,World Market, Forecast: 2008 to 2014(Source: ABI Research)2.4 Mobile CE Device Data Traffic by Application TypeConsumer electronics containing a 2G wireless network connection will see majorgrowth in traffic use by 2010, followed by an additional surge in devices andservice plans by 2012. These lower-speed 2G connections will be suitable forstreaming video clips and simple web queries where delays in response time willbe tolerated. Basic location/navigation information is also sufficient for 2G mobiledata networks. Electronic readers are another CE device segment that benefitfrom a WWAN connection, but do not necessarily require a high-speed connectionor expensive service plan.In markets where 3G wireless WAN (WWAN) is available, CE devices incorporatingan embedded radio could emerge in the form of mobile media players (also known aspersonal media players, or PMPs), as well as mobile gaming devices that offermultiplayer, networked capabilities. PMPs using 3G connections will drive videostreaming of longer-form content (e.g., TV episodes and user-generated videos).The ability to offload photographs from digital still pictures is another marketopportunity for WWAN-enabled CE, though 3G networks offer reduced data rates inthe uplink direction of the connection. Background streaming or batch processing ofphotos to an online sharing site or personal media vault open new marketopportunities.Consumer electronics that incorporate 4G wireless networks for WWAN connectivityare likely the last device segment to enter the market at a worldwide level. Networkcoverage across countries and entire regions of the world, which takes several yearsto develop and roll out, will benefit from entertainment systems that stream video tothe back seat of vehicles and mass transportation systems. Streaming of videocontent will be the primary consumer of mobile data traffic on 4G consumerelectronics. WWAN-enabled digital camcorders are also possible when thiscombination of technologies crosses paths. High-definition video footage is data-intensive and would primarily use the uplink direction of the 4G connection to movevideo off the camcorder to a remote network server. New service plans that are billeddifferently from monthly contracts (e.g. hourly or daily) may be required to enablethese high-speed mobile applications.Table 2.4 Total Mobile Network Data Traffic from Connected CE Devices, by Application Type,World Market, Forecast: 2008 to 2014 (Terabytes)Segment 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014CAGR (09-14)2GConsumerElectronicsAudio Streaming 0.0 0.1 0.6 1.7 3.6 6.2 9.3130% P2P 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 - Video Streaming / TV 0.1 2.9 12.7 34.5 74.9 138.3 219.6 138% VoIP 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 - Web / Internet 0.1 0.4 1.3 3.8 9.2 18.2 32.0144% 3GConsumerElectronicsAudio Streaming 0.0 0.1 0.3 1.0 2.5 4.9 8.2161% P2P 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 - Video Streaming / TV 0.0 1.4 6.7 21.2 52.0109.6 194.3 169% VoIP 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 - Web / Internet 0.0 0.2 0.7 2.5 7.1 16.1 31.2181% 4GConsumerElectronicsAudio Streaming 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.5 1.2334% P2P 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 - Video Streaming / TV 0.0 0.0 0.2 1.1 4.1 11.7 27.7350% VoIP 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 - Web / Internet 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.7 1.9 4.8340%(Source: ABI Research)2.5 Monthly Subscriber Traffic Transfer Rate for Mobile CE Devices2.5.1 Mobile Gaming DevicesWhat levels of traffic are subscribers averaging monthly on a regional basis? Formobile gaming devices, average monthly traffic transfer over the mobile data networkwill range from 67 MB to 138 MB in 2011 when the first cellular or mobile broadband-enabled devices are expected to debut. In 2014, the range is forecasted to increaseto levels of 150 MB to 267 MB per month.Table 2.5 Average Monthly Mobile Network Data Traffic from Mobile Gaming Devices, by Region,Forecast: 2008 to 2014 (Megabytes)Region 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014CAGR (09-14)Western Europe - - - 110.1 136.0 170.8 222.7 -Eastern Europe - - - 80.5 97.5 123.2 161.3 -Asia-Pacific ---130.8 160.8 206.7 267.4 -North America - - - 138.4 167.8 210.7 262.3 -Latin America - - - 89.4 107.3 130.9 160.1 -Middle East - - - 67.1 86.6 113.5 150.3 -Africa ---86.5106.0139.3184.4-(Source: ABI Research)Chart 2.4 Average Monthly Mobile Network Data Traffic from Mobile Gaming Devices, by Region,Forecast: 2008 to 2014(Source: ABI Research)2.5.2 Connected Personal Media PlayersThe average monthly level of mobile data traffic transferred by connected PMPs in2009 ranged from 642 MB to 1,143 MB, depending on the geographic region. In2014, the range increases to 1,518 MB to 2,747 MB per month.Table 2.6 Average Monthly Mobile Network Data Traffic from Connected PMPs, by Region, Forecast: 2008 to 2014 (Megabytes)Region 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014CAGR (09-14)Western Europe 698.6 823.4 974.9 1,153.0 1,400.5 1,772.6 2,203.7 22% Eastern Europe - - 596.6 716.6 858.7 1,035.9 1,322.5 -Asia-Pacific 949.91,143.2 1,365.4 1,617.6 1,934.3 2,301.6 2,746.9 19% North America 747.3 876.5 1,079.3 1,333.6 1,666.1 2,074.9 2,648.4 25% Latin America 582.7 652.8 745.4 865.4 1,022.3 1,245.8 1,518.1 18% Middle East 553.5 642.1 756.8 926.9 1,102.8 1,333.9 1,615.8 20% Africa 641.1738.1871.81,015.3 1,202.0 1,508.1 1,885.7 21%(Source: ABI Research) The growth of average monthly regional traffic transferred by connected PMPsubscribers ranges from a CAGR of 18% to 25% over the forecast period.Chart 2.5 Average Monthly Mobile Network Data Traffic from Connected PMPs, by Region,Forecast: 2008 to 2014(Source: ABI Research)2.5.3 Connected Digital Still CamerasThe average monthly level of mobile data traffic transferred by digital still camerasincorporating a cellular or mobile broadband connection in 2010 is forecasted to beginin Asia-Pacific over 66 MB. In 2014, all regions of the world are expected to haveaccess to these devices. The range is forecasted to span 66 MB to nearly 170 MBper month.Table 2.7 Average Monthly Mobile Network Data Traffic from Digital Still Cameras, by Region,Forecast: 2008 to 2014 (Megabytes)Region 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014CAGR (09-14)Western Europe - - - 60.82 71.53 88.03 109.73 -Eastern Europe - - - - 42.03 51.99 66.53 -Asia-Pacific --66.5583.16 95.45 131.79 169.83 -North America - - - 66.33 78.49 96.67 119.45 -Latin America - - - 45.14 51.52 62.76 76.66 -Middle East - - - 42.82 50.67 65.55 83.90 -Africa ---54.6166.4582.18104.15-(Source: ABI Research)Significant regional access to mobile broadband-enabled digital cameras is notexpected to begin until 2011.Chart 2.6 Average Monthly Mobile Network Data Traffic from Digital Still Cameras, by Region,Forecast: 2008 to 2014(Source: ABI Research)。
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Terminal Mobility
Handoff process causes: increase in system load, high handover latency, packet losses.
It is more difficult to solve these problems in 4G networks. the reason is that besides horizontal handoff and vertical handoff is also need
It is hard to decide the correct handoff time because measuring handoffs among different wireless systems is very complicated.
Researchers are currently investigating new handoff decision policies and new handoff algorithms for heterogeneous networks.
What’s 4G (3 of 4)
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Increasing an individual’s quality of life via their intelligent home The hypothesis of this project is: can an individual’s quality of life be increased by integrating “intelligent technology” into their home environment. This hypothesis is very broad, and hence the researchers will investigate it with regard to various, potentially over-lapping, sub-sections of the population. In particular, the project will focus on sub-sections with health-care needs, because it is believed that these sub-sections will receive the greatest benefit from this enhanced approach to housing. Two research questions flow from this hypothesis: what are the health-care issues that could be improved via “intelligent housing”, and what are the technological issues needing to be sol ved to allow “intelligent housing” to be constructed? While a small number of initiatives exist, outside Canada, which claim to investigate this area, none has the global vision of this area. Work tends to be in small areas with only a limited idea of how the individual pieces contribute towards a greater goal. This project has a very strong sense of what it is trying to attempt, and believes that without this global direction the other initiatives will fail to address the large important issues described within various parts of this proposal, and that with the correct global direction the sum of the parts will produce much greater rewards than the individual components. This new field has many parallels with the field of business process engineering, where many products fail due to only considering a sub-set of the issues, typically the technology subset. Successful projects and implementations only started flow when people started to realize that a holistic approach was essential. This holistic requirement also applies to the field of “smart housing”; if we genuinely want it to have benefit to the community rather than just technological interest. Having said this, much of the work outlined below is extremely important and contains a great deal of novelty within their individual topics.Health-Care and Supportive housing:To date, there has been little coordinated research on how “smart house” technologies can assist frail seniors in remaining at home, and/or reduce the costs experienced by their informal caregivers. Thus, the purpose of the proposed research is to determine the usefulness of a variety of residential technologies in helping seniors maintain their independence and in helping caregivers sustain their caringactivities.The overall design of the research is to focus on two groups of seniors. The first is seniors who are being discharged from an acute care setting with the potential for reduced ability to remain independent. An example is seniors who have had hip replacement surgery. This group may benefit from technologies that would help them become adapted to their reduced mobility. The second is seniors who have a chronic health problem such as dementia and who are receiving assistance from an informal caregiver living at a distance. Informal caregivers living at a distance from the cared-for senior are at high risk of caregiver burnout. Monitoring the cared-for senior for health and safety is one of the important tasks done by such caregivers. Devices such as floor sensors (to determine whether the senior has fallen) and access controls to ensure safety from intruders or to indicate elopement by a senior with dementia could reduce caregiver time spent commuting to monitor the senior.For both samples, trials would consist of extended periods of residence within the ‘smart house’. Samples of seniors being discharged from acute care would be recruited from acute care hospitals. Samples of seniors being cared for by informal caregivers at a distance could be recruited through dementia diagnosis clinics or through request from caregivers for respite.Limited amounts of clinical and health service research has been conducted upon seniors (with complex health problems) in controlled environments such as that represented by the “smart house”. For exa mple, it is known that night vision of the aged is poor but there is very little information regarding the optimum level of lighting after wakening or for night activities. Falling is a major issue for older persons; and it results in injuries, disabilities and additional health care costs. For those with dementing illnesses, safety is the key issue during performance of the activities of daily living (ADL). It is vital for us to be able to monitor where patients would fall during ADL. Patients and caregivers activities would be monitored and data will be collected in the following conditions.Projects would concentrate on sub-populations, with a view to collecting scientific data about their conditions and the impact of technology upon their life styles. For example:Persons with stable chronic disability following a stroke and their caregivers: to research optimum models, types and location of various sensors for such patients (these patients may have neglect, hemiplegia, aphasia and judgment problems); to research pattern of movements during the ambulation, use of wheel chairs or canes on various type of floor material; to research caregivers support through e-health technology; to monitor frequencies and location of the falls; to evaluate the value of smart appliances for stroke patients and caregivers; to evaluate information and communication technology set up for Tele-homecare; to evaluate technology interface for Tele-homecare staff and clients; to evaluate the most effective way of lighting the various part of the house; to modify or develop new technology to enhance comfort and convenience of stroke patients and caregivers; to evaluate the value of surveillance systems in assisting caregivers.Persons with Alzheimer’s disease and their caregivers: to evaluate the effect of smart house (unfamiliar environment) on their ability to conduct self-care with and without prompting; to evaluate their ability to use unfamiliar equipment in the smart house; to evaluate and monitor persons with Alzheimer’s diseas e movement pattern; to evaluate and monitor falls or wandering; to evaluate the type and model of sensors to monitor patients; to evaluate the effect of wall color for patients and care givers; to evaluate the value of proper lighting.Technology - Ubiquitous Computing:The ubiquitous computing infrastructure is viewed as the backbone of the “intelligence” within the house. In common with all ubiquitous computing systems, the primary components with this system will be: the array of sensors, the communication infrastructure and the software control (based upon software agents) infrastructure. Again, it is considered essential that this topic is investigated holistically.Sensor design: The focus of research here will be development of (micro)-sensors and sensor arrays using smart materials, e.g. piezoelectric materials, magneto strictive materials and shape memory alloys (SMAs). In particular, SMAs are a class of smart materials that are attractive candidates for sensing and actuating applications primarily because of their extraordinarily high work output/volume ratiocompared to other smart materials. SMAs undergo a solid-solid phase transformation when subjected to an appropriate regime of mechanical and thermal load, resulting in a macroscopic change in dimensions and shape; this change is recoverable by reversing the thermo mechanical loading and is known as a one-way shape memory effect. Due to this material feature, SMAs can be used as both a sensor and an actuator.A very recent development is an effort to incorporate SMAs in micro-electromechanical systems (MEMS) so that these materials can be used as integral parts of micro-sensors and actuators.MEMS are an area of activity where some of the technology is mature enough for possible commercial applications to emerge. Some examples are micro-chemical analyzers, humidity and pressure sensors, MEMS for flow control, synthetic jet actuators and optical MEMS (for the next generation internet). Incorporating SMAs in MEMS is a relatively new effort in the research community; to the best of our knowledge, only one group (Prof. Greg Carman, Mechanical Engineering, University of California, Los Angeles) has successfully demonstrated the dynamic properties of SMA-based MEMS. Here, the focus will be to harness the sensing and actuation capabilities of smart materials to design and fabricate useful and economically viable micro-sensors and actuators.Communications: Construction and use of an “intelligent house” offers extensive opportunities to analyze and verify the operation of wireless and wired home-based communication services. While some of these are already widely explored, many of the issues have received little or no attention. It is proposed to investigate the following issues:Measurement of channel statistics in a residential environment: knowledge of the indoor wireless channel statistics is critical for enabling the design of efficient transmitters and receivers, as well as determining appropriate levels of signal power, data transfer rates, modulation techniques, and error control codes for the wireless links. Interference, channel distortion, and spectral limitations that arises as a result of equipment for the disabled (wheelchairs, IV stands, monitoring equipment, etc.) is of particular interest.Design, analysis, and verification of enhanced antennas for indoor wirelesscommunications. Indoor wireless communications present the need for compact and rugged antennas. New antenna designs, optimized for desired data rates, frequency of operation, and spatial requirements, could be considered.Verification and analysis of operation of indoor wireless networks: wireless networking standards for home automation have recently been commercialized. Integration of one or more of these systems into the smart house would provide the opportunity to verify the operation of these systems, examine their limitations, and determine whether the standards are over-designed to meet typical requirements.Determination of effective communications wiring plans for “smart homes.”: there exist performance/cost tradeoffs regarding wired and wireless infrastructure. Measurement and analysis of various wireless network configurations will allow for determination of appropriate network designs.Consideration of coordinating indoor communication systems with larger-scale communication systems: indoor wireless networks are local to the vicinity of the residence. There exist broader-scale networks, such as the cellular telephone network, fixed wireless networks, and satellite-based communication networks. The viability and usefulness of compatibility between these services for the purposes of health-care monitoring, the tracking of dementia patients, etc needs to be considered.Software Agents and their Engineering: An embedded-agent can be considered the equivalent of supplying a friendly expert with a product. Embedded-agents for Intelligent Buildings pose a number of challenges both at the level of the design methodology as well as the resulting detailed implementation. Projects in this area will include:Architectures for large-scale agent systems for human inhabited environment: successful deployment of agent technology in residential/extended care environments requires the design of new architectures for these systems. A suitable architecture should be simple and flexible to provide efficient agent operation in real time. At the same time, it should be hierarchical and rigid to allow enforcement of rules and restrictions ensuring safety of the inhabitants of the building system. These contradictory requirements have to be resolved by designing a new architecture that will be shared by all agents in the system.Robust Decision and Control Structures for Learning Agents: to achieve life-long learning abilities, the agents need to be equipped with powerful mechanisms for learning and adaptation. Isolated use of some traditional learning systems is not possible due to high-expected lifespan of these agents. We intend to develop hybrid learning systems combining several learning and representation techniques in an emergent fashion. Such systems will apply different approaches based on their own maturity and on the amount of change necessary to adapt to a new situation or learn new behaviors. To cope with high levels of non-determinism (from such sources as interaction with unpredictable human users), robust behaviors will be designed and implemented capable of dealing with different types of uncertainty (e.g. probabilistic and fuzzy uncertainty) using advanced techniques for sensory and data fusion, and inference mechanisms based on techniques of computational intelligence.Automatic modeling of real-world objects, including individual householders: The problems here are: “the locating and extracting” of information essential for representation of personality and habits of an individual; development of systems that “follow and adopt to” individual’s mood and behavior. The solutions, based on data mining and evolutionary techniques, will utilize: (1) clustering methods, classification tress and association discovery techniques for the classification and partition of important relationships among different attributes for various features belonging to an individual, this is an essential element in finding behavioral patterns of an individual; and (2) neuro-fuzzy and rule-based systems with learning and adaptation capabilities used to develop models of an individual’s characteristics, this is essential for estimation and prediction of potential activities and forward planning.Investigation of framework characteristics for ubiquitous computing: Consider distributed and internet-based systems, which perhaps have the most in common with ubiquitous computing, here again, the largest impact is not from specific software engineering processe s, but is from available software frameworks or ‘toolkits’, which allow the rapid construction and deployment of many of the systems in these areas. Hence, it is proposed that the construction of the ubiquitous computing infrastructure for the “smart house” should also be utilized as a software engineering study. Researchers would start by visiting the few genuine ubiquitous computing systems inexistence today, to try to build up an initial picture of the functionality of the framework. (This approach has obviously parallels with the approach of Gamma, Helm, Johnson and Vlissides deployed for their groundbreaking work on “design patterns”. Unfortunately, in comparison to their work, the sample size here will be extremely small, and hence, additional work will be required to produce reliable answers.) This initial framework will subsequently be used as the basis of the smart house’s software system. Undoubtedly, this initial framework will substantially evolve during the construction of the system, as the requirements of ubiquitous computing environment unfold. It is believed that such close involvement in the construction of a system is a necessary component in producing a truly useful and reliable artifact. By the end of the construction phase, it is expected to produce a stable framework, which can demonstrate that a large number of essential characteristics (or patterns) have been found for ubiquitous computing.Validation and Verification (V&V) issues for ubiquitous computing: it is hoped that the house will provide a test-bed for investigating validation and verification (V&V) issues for ubiquitous computing. The house will be used as an assessment vehicle to determine which, if any, V&V techniques, tools or approaches are useful within this environment. Further, it is planned to make this trial facility available to researchers worldwide to increase the use of this vehicle. In the long-term, it is expected that the facilities offered by this infrastructure will evolve into an internationally recognized “benchmarking” site for V&V activities in ubiquitous computing.Other technological areas:The project also plans to investigate a number of additional areas, such as lighting systems, security systems, heating, ventilation and air conditioning, etc. For example, with regard to energy efficiency, the project currently anticipates undertaking two studies:The Determination of the effectiveness of insulating shutters: Exterior insulating shutters over time are not effective because of sealing problems. Interior shutters are superior and could be used to help reduce heat losses. However, their movement and positioning needs appropriate control to prevent window breakage due to thermalshock. The initiation of an opening or closing cycle would be based on measured exterior light levels; current internal heating levels; current and expected use of the house by the current inhabitants, etc.A comparison of energy generation alternatives: The energy use patterns can easily be monitored by instrumenting each appliance. Natural gas and electricity are natural choices for the main energy supply. The conversion of the chemical energy in the fuel to heat space and warm water can be done by conventional means or by use of a total energy system such as a V olvo Penta system. With this system, the fuel is used to power a small internal combustion engine, which in turn drives a generator for electrical energy production. Waste heat from the coolant and the exhaust are used to heat water for domestic use and space heating. Excess electricity is fed back into the power grid or stored in batteries. At a future date, it is planned to substitute a fuel cell for the total energy system allowing for a direct comparison of the performance of two advanced systems.Intelligent architecture: user interface design to elicit knowledge modelsMuch of the difficulty in architectural design is in integrating and making explicit the knowledge of the many converging disciplines (engineering, sociology, ergonomic sand psychology, to name a few), the building requirements from many view points, and to model the complex system interactions. The many roles of the architect simply compound this. This paper describes a system currently under development—a 3Ddesign medium and intelligent analysis tool, to help elicit and make explicit these requirements. The building model is used to encapsulate information throughout the building lifecycle, from inception and master planning to construction and ‘lived-in’ use. From the tight relationship between m aterial behaviour of the model, function analysis and visual feedback, the aim is to help in the resolution of functional needs, so that the building meets not only the aims of the architect, but the needs of the inhabitants, users and environment.The Problem of Designing the Built Environment:It is often said that architecture is the mother of the arts since it embodies all the techniques of painting: line, colour, texture and tone, as well as those of sculpture: shape, volume, light and shadow, and the changing relative position of the viewer, andadds to these the way that people inhabit and move through its space to produce—at its best—a spectacle reminiscent of choreography or theatre. As with all the arts, architecture is subject to personal critical taste and yet architecture is also a public art, in that people are constrained to use it. In this it goes beyond the other arts and is called on to function, to modify the climate, provide shelter, and to subdivide and structure space into a pattern that somehow fits the needs of social groups or organizations and cultures. Whilst architecture may be commissioned in part as a cultural or aesthetic expression, it is almost always required to fulfill a comprehensive programme of social and environmental needs.This requirement to function gives rise to three related problems that characterize the design and use of the built environment. The first depends on the difference between explicit knowledge—that of which we are at least conscious and may even have a scientific or principled understanding—and implicit knowledge, which, like knowing your mother tongue, can be applied without thinking. The functional programmes buildings are required to fulfill are largely social, and are based on implicit rather than explicit bodies of knowledge. The knowledge we exploit when we use the built environment is almost entirely applied unconsciously. We don’t have to think about buildings or cities to use them; in fact, when we become aware of it the built environment is often held to have failed. Think of the need for yellow lines to help people find their way around the Barbican complex in the City of London, or the calls from tenants to ‘string up the architects’ when housing estates turn out to be social disasters.The second is a problem of complexity. The problem is that buildings need to function in so many different ways. They are spatial and social, they function in terms of thermal environment, light and acoustics, they use energy and affect people’s health, they need to be constructed and are made of physical components that can degrade and need to be maintained. On top of all this they have an aesthetic and cultural role, as well as being financial investments and playing an important role in the economy. Almost all of these factors are interactive—decisions taken for structural reasons have impacts on environment or cost—but are often relatively independent in terms of the domains ofknowledge that need to be applied. This gives rise to a complex design problem in which everything knocks on to everything else, and in which no single person has a grasp of all the domains of knowledge required for its resolution. Even when the knowledge that needs to be applied is relatively explicit—as for instance in structural calculations, or thoseconcerning thermal performance—the complex interactive nature of buildings creates a situation in which it is only through a team approach that design can be carried out, with all that this entails for problems of information transfer and breakdowns in understanding.The third is the problem of ‘briefing’. It is a characteristic of building projects that buildings tend not to be something that people buy ‘off-the-shelf’. Often the functional programme is not even explicit at the outset. One might characterise the process that actually takes place by saying that the design and the brief ‘co-evolve’. As a project moves from inception to full sp ecification both the requirements and the design become more and more concrete through an iterative process in which design of the physical form and the requirements that it is expected to fulfill both develop at once. Feasible designs are evaluated according to what they provide, and designers try to develop a design that matches the client’s requirements. Eventually, it is to be hoped, the two meet with the textual description of what is required and the physical description of the building that will provide it more or less tying together as the brief becomes a part of the contractual documentation that theclient signs up to.These three problems compound themselves in a number of ways. Since many of the core objectives of a client organization rest on implicit knowledge—the need for a building to foster communication and innovation amongst its workers for instance—it is all too easy for them to be lost to sight against the more explicitly stated requirements such as those concerned with cost, environmental performance or statutory regulations. The result is that some of the more important aspects of the functional programme can lose out to less important but better understood issues. This can be compounded by the approach that designers take in order to control themcomplexity of projects. All too often the temptation is to wait until the general layout of a building is ‘fixed’ before calling in the domain experts. The result is that functional design has to resort to retrofitting to resolve problems caused by the strategic plan.The Intelligent Architecture project is investigating the use of a single unified digital model of the building to help resolve these problems by bringing greater intelligence to bear at the earliest ‘form generating’ phase of the design process when the client’s requirements are still being specified and when both physical design and client expectations are most easily modified. The aim is to help narrow the gap between what clients hope to obtain and what they eventually receive from a building project.The strategy is simple. By capturing representations of the building as a physical and spatial system, and using these to bring domain knowledge to bear on a design at its earliest stages, it is hoped that some of the main conflicts that lead to sub- optimal designs can be avoided. By linking between textual schedules of requirements and the physical/spatial model it is intended to ease the reconciliation of the brief and the design, and help the two to co-evolve. By making available some of the latest ‘intelligent’ techniques for modelling spatial systems in the built environment, it is hoped to help put more of the implicit knowledge on an equal footing with explicit knowledge, and by using graphical feedback about functional outcomes where explicit knowledge exists, to bring these within the realm of intuitive application by designers.The Workbench:In order to do this, Intelligent Architecture has developed Pangea. Pangea has been designed as a general-purpose environment for intelligent 3D modelling—it does not pre-suppose a particular way of working, a particular design solution, or even a particular application domain. Several features make this possible.Worlds can be constructed from 3D and 2D primitives (including blocks, spheres, irregular prisms and deformable surfaces), which can represent real-world physical objects, or encapsulate some kind of abstract behaviour. The 3D editor provides a direct and simple interface for manipulating objects—to position, reshape, rotate andrework. All objects, both physical and abstract, have an internal state (defined by attributes), and behaviour, rules and constraints (in terms of a high-level-language ‘script’). Attributes can be added dynamically, making it possible for objects to change in nature, in response to new knowledge about them, or to a changing environment. Scripts are triggered by events, so that objects can respond and interact, as in the built environment, molecular systems, or fabric falling into folds on an irregular surface.Dynamic linking allows Pangea’s functionality to be extended to include standard ‘off-the-peg’ software tools —spreadsheets, statistical analysis applications, graphing packages and domain-specific analysis software, such as finite element analysis for air- flow modelling. The ‘intelligent toolkit’ includes neural networks [Koho89] [Wass89], genetic algorithms [Gold89] [Holl75] and other stochastic search techniques [KiDe95], together with a rule- based and fuzzy logic system [Zade84]. The intelligent tools are objects, just like the normal 3D primitives: they have 3D presence and can interact with other 3D objects. A natural consequence of this design is easy ‘hybridisability’ of techniques, widely considered as vital to the success of intelligent techniques in solving realistically complex problems [GoKh95]. This infrastructure of primitive forms, intelligent techniques and high-level language makes it possible to build applications to deal with a broad range of problems, from the generation of architectural form, spatial optimisation, object recognition and clustering, and inducing rules and patterns from raw data.Embedding Intelligence:Many consider that there is an inevitable trade-off between computers as a pure design medium, and computers with intelligence, ‘as a thinking machine’ [Rich94]. We propose here that it is possible to provide both these types of support, and allow the user to choose how best to use each, or not, according to the situation.It is essential that the creative role of the architect is preserved as he or she uses the work bench, that the architect as artist may draw manipulate the world as seen through the workbench as freely as they would when using a sheet of paper. Much of。
2023年四级试卷6月份试卷一、写作(15%)题目: On the Importance of Lifelong Learning。
要求:1. 阐述终身学习的重要性。
2. 应包含具体的理由和事例。
3. 字数不少于120字,不多于180字。
二、听力理解(35%)Section A.Directions: In this section, you will hear three news reports. At the end of each news report, you will hear two or three questions. Both the news report and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D).News Report 1.1. What is the main topic of this news report?A) A new scientific discovery.B) A major environmental project.C) A change in government policy.D) An international cultural event.2. How will this event/development affect the local area?A) It will create more job opportunities.B) It will cause some environmental problems.C) It will increase the cost of living.D) It will change the local traffic system.News Report 2.3. What has been found in the recent study?A) A new type of plant species.B) A link between diet and disease.C) A method to improve air quality.D) A solution to water shortage.4. What does the speaker suggest people do?A) Change their eating habits.B) Do more exercise.C) Use less electricity.D) Plant more trees.News Report 3.5. What is the purpose of the new law?A) To protect consumers' rights.B) To promote economic development.C) To regulate the real estate market.D) To encourage innovation in business.6. Who will be most affected by this new law?A) Small - business owners.B) Real estate developers.C) Ordinary consumers.D) High - tech companies.Section B.Directions: In this section, you will hear two long conversations. At the end of each conversation, you will hear four questions. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D).Conversation 1.7. What are the speakers mainly talking about?A) Their travel plans.B) Their work schedules.C) Their study progress.D) Their family members.8. Where does the man want to go?A) Paris.B) London.C) New York.D) Sydney.9. Why does the woman prefer another place?A) She has been there before.B) She has friends there.C) She likes the local food.D) She wants to visit some museums.10. When will they make a final decision?A) Tonight.B) Tomorrow.C) Next week.D) Next month.Conversation 2.11. What is the man's job?A) A teacher.B) A doctor.C) A salesman.D) An engineer.12. What problem does the man have at work?A) He has too much paperwork.B) He has to work overtime frequently.C) He has difficulty in communicating with colleagues.D) He has to deal with difficult customers.13. How does the woman suggest the man solve his problem?A) By taking some training courses.B) By asking for help from his boss.C) By changing his job.D) By learning some communication skills.14. What will the man probably do next?A) Look for a new job.B) Talk to his boss.C) Sign up for a course.D) Practice communication skills.Section C.Directions: In this section, you will hear three passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear three or four questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D).Passage 1.15. What is the passage mainly about?A) The history of a famous university.B) The development of modern education.C) The importance of a liberal arts education.D) The challenges in higher education.16. What can students learn from a liberal arts education?A) Specialized knowledge in a certain field.B) Practical skills for future jobs.C) Critical thinking and communication skills.D) Knowledge about different cultures.17. Why are some people against liberal arts education?A) It is too expensive.B) It is not practical.C) It takes too much time.D) It has too many requirements.18. What does the speaker think of liberal arts education?A) It should be reformed.B) It is still valuable.C) It is out - of - date.D) It needs more support.Passage 2.19. What is the main topic of this passage?A) The benefits of reading books.B) The popularity of e - books.C) The future of the publishing industry.D) The influence of the Internet on reading.20. How has the Internet affected reading?A) It has made reading more convenient.B) It has reduced people's reading time.C) It has changed the way people read.D) It has increased the variety of reading materials.21. What are the advantages of e - books?A) They are cheaper.B) They are more portable.C) They can be easily updated.D) All of the above.22. What does the speaker predict about the future of reading?A) Traditional books will disappear.B) E - books will replace traditional books completely.C) People will read more in the future.D) There will be a combination of different reading forms.Passage 3.23. What is the passage mainly about?A) A new technology in transportation.B) The problems in urban traffic.C) The development of self - driving cars.D) The impact of traffic on the environment.24. What are the advantages of self - driving cars?A) They can reduce traffic accidents.B) They can save energy.C) They can improve traffic efficiency.D) All of the above.25. What are the challenges in developing self - driving cars?A) Technical problems.B) Legal and ethical issues.C) High cost.D) All of the above.三、阅读理解(35%)Section A.Directions: In this section, there is a passage with ten blanks. You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices givenin a word bank following the passage. Read the passage through carefully before making your choices. Each choice in the word bank is identified by a letter. You may not use any of the words in the word bank more than once.The Internet of Things (IoT)The Internet of Things (IoT) is a system of interrelated computing devices, mechanical and digital machines, objects, animals or people that are provided with unique _(26)_ and the ability to transfer data over a network without requiring human - to - human or human - to - computer interaction.The IoT allows objects to be sensed or controlled remotely across existing network infrastructure, creating opportunities for more direct integration of the physical world into computer - based systems, and resulting in improved _(27)_, accuracy and economic benefit in addition to reduced human intervention.Each thing is uniquely _(28)_ through its embedded computing system but is able to interoperate within the existing Internet infrastructure. Experts estimate that the IoT will consist of about 30 billion objects by 2020. It is expected to offer advanced connectivity of devices, systems, and services that goes _(29)_ machine - to - machine (M2M) communications and covers a variety of protocols, domains, and applications.The IoT has evolved from the convergence of wireless technologies, micro - electro - mechanical systems (MEMS) and the Internet. A thing, in the IoT sense, can be a person with a heart monitor implant, a farm animal with a biochip transponder, an automobile that has built - in sensors to_(30)_ tire pressure, or any other natural or man - made object that can be assigned an IP address and is able to transfer data over a network.So far, the IoT has been most _(31)_ in the manufacturing, transportation, and utility industries. However, it has also been appliedin areas such as healthcare, building automation, and home automation. For example, in healthcare, IoT devices can be used to monitor patients' vital signs remotely, allowing doctors to _(32)_ patients more effectively. In home automation, IoT devices can be used to control lighting, heating, and security systems, providing homeowners with greater convenience and energy _(33)_.Despite its many potential benefits, the IoT also poses some challenges. One of the main challenges is security. Since IoT devices are often connected to the Internet, they are vulnerable to _(34)_ attacks. Another challenge is privacy. The IoT generates a large amount of data about individuals and their activities, which raises concerns about how this data is collected, stored, and used.In conclusion, the IoT is a rapidly growing technology that has the potential to transform many aspects of our lives. However, in order tofully realize its potential, we need to address the challenges associated with it, such as security and privacy.Word Bank:A) identified.B) efficiency.C) beyond.D) monitor.E) widely.F) identifiers.G) treat.H) savings.I) cyber.J) applied.Section B.Directions: In this section, you will read several passages. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). You should decide on the best answer.Passage 1.The concept of "time poverty" has emerged as a significant issue in modern society. Time poverty refers to the feeling of having too little time to accomplish all of one's tasks and obligations. This can lead to stress, burnout, and a decreased quality of life.One of the main causes of time poverty is the increasing demands of work. In many industries, employees are expected to work longer hours and be more productive. This often means sacrificing personal time for work - related activities. For example, a software engineer may be required to work overtime to meet project deadlines, leaving little time for family or hobbies.Another factor contributing to time poverty is the complexity of modern life. There are more tasks and responsibilities to manage than ever before. For instance, in addition to working, people may have to take care of children, manage household chores, and engage in community activities.The rise of technology has also had an impact on time poverty. While technology has made some tasks easier and more efficient, it has also created new time - consuming activities. For example, people may spend hours each day checking social media or answering emails.To combat time poverty, individuals can take several steps. First, they can prioritize their tasks and focus on the most important ones. This may involve saying no to non - essential activities. Second, they can learn to delegate tasks to others, whether it be at work or at home. Finally, they can make use of time - management techniques, such as creating schedules and setting deadlines for themselves.35. What is the main idea of this passage?A) The causes and solutions of time poverty.B) The negative effects of time poverty.C) The relationship between work and time poverty.D) The impact of technology on time poverty.36. Which of the following is NOT a cause of time poverty?A) Long working hours.B) Complex modern life.C) The use of time - management techniques.D) Technology - related activities.37. What can be inferred from the passage about the software engineer?A) He enjoys working overtime.B) He has a high - quality life.C) He may suffer from time poverty.D) He is good at managing his time.38. According to the passage, how can people deal with time poverty?A) By increasing their work productivity.B) By reducing their personal responsibilities.C) By following the suggestions in the passage.D) By relying more on technology.Passage 2.In recent years, there has been a growing trend towards urban farming. Urban farming is the practice of growing food in urban areas, such as on rooftops, in vacant lots, or in community gardens.There are several reasons for the popularity of urban farming. First, it provides a source of fresh, healthy food in urban areas where access to fresh produce may be limited. Second, it can help to reduce the environmental impact of food production. For example, urban farms can reduce the need for long - distance transportation of food, which in turn reduces carbon emissions. Third, urban farming can be a community -building activity. It brings people together to work towards a common goal and can create a sense of community pride.However, urban farming also faces some challenges. One challenge is the lack of space. Urban areas are often densely populated, and findingsuitable land for farming can be difficult. Another challenge is the lack of knowledge and experience among urban farmers. Many people who areinterested in urban farming may not have the necessary agricultural knowledge or experience to be successful.Despite these challenges, the future of urban farming looks promising. As more people become aware of the benefits of urban farming, there is likely to be more support for it. This support could come in the form of government policies, such as providing subsidies for urban farmers or making it easier to obtain permits for urban farming activities.39. What is the passage mainly about?A) The definition and benefits of urban farming.B) The challenges and future of urban farming.C) The reasons for the popularity of urban farming.D) All of the above.40. Which of the following is a benefit of urban farming?A) It increases carbon emissions.B) It provides a sense of community pride.C) It requires a lot of agricultural knowledge.D) It is only suitable for large - scale production.41. What are the challenges in urban farming?A) Lack of space and knowledge.B) High cost and lack of support.C) Competition from rural farmers.D) Unfavorable weather conditions.42. What can be inferred from the passage about the future of urban farming?A) It will face more challenges.B) It will become less popular.C) It will receive more support.D) It will be replaced by rural farming.Section C.Directions: There are 2 passages in this section. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). You should decide on the best answer.Passage 1.A new study has found that people who are bilingual have better cognitive control than those who are monolingual. Cognitive control refers to the ability to focus attention, inhibit distractions, and switch between tasks.The study involved two groups of participants: bilinguals and monolinguals. The bilinguals were individuals who spoke two languages fluently, while the monolinguals spoke only one language.The researchers used a series of tests to measure cognitive control in both groups. One of the tests was the Stroop test, which measures theability to inhibit distractions. In this test, participants were shown words that were printed in different colors. They were asked to name thecolor of the word, not the word itself. For example, if the word "red" was printed in blue ink, they were supposed to say "blue".The results of the study showed that the bilinguals performed better on the cognitive control tests than the monolinguals. The researchers believe that this is because bilinguals are constantly switching between two languages, which requires more cognitive control.This finding has important implications for education. It suggests that learning a second language may improve cognitive control in students. This could lead to better academic performance, as cognitive control is an important factor in learning.43. What is the main topic of this passage?A) The differences between bilinguals and monolinguals.B) The importance of cognitive control.C) The benefits of being bilingual.D) The results of a new study.44. How did the researchers measure cognitive control?A) By asking participants to speak two languages.B) By using the Stroop test and other tests.C) By comparing the academic performance of participants.D) By observing participants' daily language use.45. Why did the bilinguals perform better on the cognitive control tests?A) Because they are more intelligent.B) Because they have more language knowledge.C) Because they are constantly switching languages.D) Because they are more focused.46. What can be inferred from the passage about education?A) Monolingual students should learn a second language.B) Bilingual students always have better academic performance.C) Cognitive control is not important in education.D) The study has no implications for education.Passage 2.The sharing economy has emerged as a significant economic trend in recent years. The sharing economy refers to the economic model in which individuals share their resources, such as cars, homes, or skills, with others through online platforms.One of the most well - known examples of the sharing economy is ride - sharing services like Uber and Lyft. These services allow individuals to share their cars with others who need a ride. Another example is home - sharing services like Airbnb, which allow homeowners to rent out their homes or rooms to travelers.The sharing economy has several benefits. First, it can make more efficient use of resources. For example, a car that is.。
充电桩行业的英语The electric vehicle (EV) industry has been rapidly expanding in recent years, driven by the growing demand for sustainable transportation solutions and the increasing affordability of electric cars. As the adoption of EVs continues to rise, the need for a robust and accessible charging infrastructure has become paramount. The electric vehicle charging industry has emerged as a crucial component in the transition towards a more eco-friendly and efficient transportation system.One of the primary drivers of the growth in the EV charging industry is the increasing government support and incentives. Many countries and regions have implemented policies and programs to encourage the widespread adoption of electric vehicles, such as tax credits, rebates, and infrastructure development initiatives. These government-led efforts have helped to make EVs more accessible to consumers and have also stimulated the development of the charging infrastructure.Another key factor driving the expansion of the EV charging industryis the technological advancements in charging technology. The development of faster and more efficient charging solutions has made it easier for EV owners to charge their vehicles, reducing the anxiety associated with range and charging times. For example, the introduction of high-powered DC fast charging stations has significantly reduced the time required to charge an EV, making it more convenient for drivers to charge their vehicles on the go.The EV charging industry can be broadly divided into several segments, each with its unique challenges and opportunities. The residential charging segment, which includes home-based charging solutions, has seen significant growth as more EV owners install charging stations in their homes. This has been facilitated by the availability of affordable and user-friendly home charging systems, as well as the increasing integration of smart home technology with EV charging.The public charging segment, on the other hand, has been a more complex and dynamic area of the EV charging industry. Public charging stations, which are located in various public spaces such as shopping malls, parking lots, and city centers, have become essential for EV owners who need to charge their vehicles outside of their homes. The deployment of public charging infrastructure has been a key focus for many governments and private companies, as it helps to address the range anxiety of EV drivers and encourages theadoption of electric vehicles.In addition to residential and public charging, the EV charging industry has also seen the emergence of workplace charging solutions. As more companies recognize the benefits of promoting sustainable transportation among their employees, the demand for workplace charging stations has grown. These charging stations not only provide a convenient option for employees but also demonstrate the company's commitment to environmental sustainability.The EV charging industry is also experiencing the rise of innovative business models and service offerings. Some companies have developed subscription-based charging services, where EV owners can access a network of charging stations for a monthly fee. Others have explored the integration of EV charging with renewable energy sources, such as solar power, to create more sustainable and eco-friendly charging solutions.One of the key challenges facing the EV charging industry is the need for standardization and interoperability. With various charging standards and protocols in use across different regions and manufacturers, the lack of a universal charging system can create confusion and inconvenience for EV owners. Efforts are underway to address this issue, with industry stakeholders and policymakersworking towards the development of common standards and protocols to ensure seamless charging experiences for EV users.Another challenge is the need for strategic planning and coordination in the deployment of charging infrastructure. The successful rollout of a comprehensive charging network requires collaboration between government agencies, utility providers, and private companies. This coordination is essential to ensure that charging stations are installed in the right locations, with the appropriate power capacity and accessibility for EV owners.Despite these challenges, the future of the EV charging industry looks promising. As the adoption of electric vehicles continues to grow, the demand for reliable and accessible charging solutions will only increase. Technological advancements, such as the development of wireless charging and vehicle-to-grid (V2G) technologies, will further enhance the convenience and efficiency of EV charging.Moreover, the integration of EV charging with renewable energy sources and smart grid technologies will play a crucial role in creating a more sustainable and resilient transportation system. By leveraging these innovations, the EV charging industry can contribute to the broader goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions and promoting a cleaner, more environmentally-friendly future.In conclusion, the electric vehicle charging industry is a rapidly evolving and essential component of the transition towards sustainable transportation. The industry's growth is driven by a combination of government support, technological advancements, and the increasing demand for eco-friendly mobility solutions. As the EV market continues to expand, the EV charging industry will play a pivotal role in ensuring that the infrastructure is in place to support the widespread adoption of electric vehicles, ultimately contributing to a more sustainable and efficient transportation system.。
Chord UHF-series 无线系统用户手册说明书
U-SERIESUHF Wireless SystemsUser ManualVersion 2.0IntroductionThank you for choosing the Chord UHF-series wireless system. This professional wireless set provides a high quality microphone with UHF radio system for freedom of movement without loss of audio quality. Please read this manual before using this equipment in order to avoid damage through incorrect operation and to get the best performance from your purchase.ContentsPlease take care when unpacking this product. Inspect for any damage and ensure you have the following components…∙UHF wireless receiver∙Mains power adapter∙ 6.3mm mono jack lead∙ 2 x 1.5V AA battery (4 pieces for UH2, UN2 or UHN2)∙Microphone / transmitter(s) – see table belowWarningTo prevent the risk of fire or electric shock, do not expose any of the components to rain or moisture.If liquids are spilled on any component, stop using immediately, allow unit to dry out and have checked by qualified personnel before further use.Avoid impact or heavy vibration to any components, dropping the microphone can cause capsule failure.No user serviceable parts inside transmitter or receiver - refer servicing to qualified service personnel.Safety∙Ensure that the correct adaptor is used, ensuring that the mains voltage is as stated on the adapter.∙Avoid ingress of water or particles into the transmitter(s) or receiver∙Use alkaline or NiMH batteries in the transmitter(s) and remove if unused for long periods.∙Observe the correct polarity when replacing batteriesPlacement∙Keep all components out of direct sunlight and away from heat sources.∙Do not place heavy objects on top of the receiver or transmitter(s)∙If rack-mounting, secure the receiver to a 1U rack tray and do not place heavy items above the receiver. ∙Keep the transmitter(s) and receiver away from damp or dusty environments.Cleaning∙Use a soft cloth with a neutral detergent to clean the body of the microphone/transmitter and receiver.∙Lightly damp sterile wipes may be used on the microphone grille for hygiene purposes∙To avoid damage, do not use solvents to clean the componentsUHF Wireless Systems User ManualHandheld TransmitterBodypack TransmitterReceiver Rear PanelReceiver Front PanelUHF Wireless Systems User ManualOperationFor handheld transmitters, insert the supplied 2 x AA batteries by carefully unscrewing the base to reveal the battery compartment inside the microphone body, connect the batteries (ensure + and - are the correct way round for each cell) and carefully screw the base back on.For bodypacks, squeeze down the clip in the centre of the front panel of the bodypack to unfasten the lower half, which hinges outwards to reveal the battery compartment. Position the supplied 2 x AA batteries inside (ensure + and - are the correct way round for each) and then close the battery compartment flap until clipped back into position.Position the receiver within the best available line of sight to the transmitter(s) and connect the DC jack of the supplied power adapter to the receiver and the plug-top to the mains outlet. Extend both antennae fully upwards and outwards slightly and switch the power on. Turn microphone level(s) down on the receiver. Note: for dual sets (with 2 transmitters), both microphones’ outputs will be mixed and fed to both balanced and unbalanced outputs.Connect the jack or XLR (optional) l ead to the receiver’s audio output connector, turn down the volume of any equipment (mixer, amplifier etc.) that the signal will be fed into and then connect the jack or XLR to the equipment.Warning! - take care not to point microphones towards speakers – this can cause damaging feedback (loud whistle or howling noise) – try to point microphones away from the speaker cabinets.Move the switch on the handheld or bodypack transmitter to the first notch (MUTE) – the LED should light momentarily. If the LED stays on, this is indicating that the battery is low or discharged. Move on another notch (ON) and gradually increase the microphone level(s) on the receiver, then increase the volume on the mixer or amplifier until the sound from the microphone can be heard through the equipment.During use, it may be useful for the reception of the microphone to be muted for a short period of time (e.g. to avoid feedback when walking across the front of a speaker or avoid handling noise when placing the microphone down momentarily or adjusting a neckband microphone). In these circumstances, it may be better to move the transmitter switch to the “MUTE” position, which maintains the radio frequency carrier signal but mutes the microphone input. When this switch is moved ba ck to the “ON” position, the sound will be immediately restored without waiting for the radio signal to be reinstated.If the wireless system is not to be used for more than a few seconds, it is preferable to slide the transmitter switch to the “OFF” posi tion, which mutes and deactivates the radio signal and powers down the transmitter. Be sure to turn down the volume of the mixer or amplifier and then switch off the receiver.Unplug signal leads from the receiver and mixer or amplifier when moving or packing away.If the system is not to be used for long periods of time, remove the batteries from the transmitter and unplug the power adapter from the receiver and the mains outlet. Retracting the antennae can also help avoid damage when the system is not in use.UHF Wireless Systems User ManualSpecificationsUHF Wireless Systems User ManualFrequency Chart (all regions)Troubleshooting 1622Errors and omissions excepted. Copyright© 2012. AVSL Group Ltd.。
Wireless Networks
Wireless NetworksWireless networks have become an integral part of our daily lives, providingus with the convenience and flexibility to connect to the internet and communicate with others without being tethered to a physical connection. However, with this convenience comes a host of challenges and issues that need to be addressed to ensure the seamless functioning of wireless networks. One of the primary problems with wireless networks is the issue of interference. With the proliferation of devices that rely on wireless connectivity, such as smartphones, tablets, andsmart home devices, the airwaves have become increasingly crowded. This can leadto signal interference, which can result in slower connection speeds, dropped connections, and overall poor network performance. Additionally, other electronic devices and even physical obstacles can cause interference, further complicatingthe issue. Another significant problem with wireless networks is security.Wireless networks are inherently more vulnerable to security breaches compared to wired networks, as the signals are broadcasted through the air and can be intercepted by malicious actors. Without proper security measures in place,wireless networks are at risk of unauthorized access, data breaches, and othercyber threats. This is a major concern for both individuals and businesses, as the potential for sensitive information to be compromised is a real and pressing issue. Furthermore, the range and coverage of wireless networks can also pose a problem, especially in larger spaces or areas with many physical barriers. Dead zones and areas with weak signal strength can be frustrating for users, leading to a pooruser experience and hampering productivity. This issue is particularly relevant in settings such as office buildings, campuses, and public spaces, where a reliableand consistent wireless connection is essential. In addition to these technical challenges, the rapid advancement of wireless technology presents its own set of problems. As new standards and protocols are developed, older devices and infrastructure may become obsolete or incompatible with the latest advancements. This can lead to issues of interoperability and can necessitate costly upgrades or replacements to ensure compatibility and functionality. From a societal perspective, the digital divide is a significant problem that is exacerbated by issues with wireless networks. In areas with limited access to reliable andaffordable wireless connectivity, individuals and communities are at a disadvantage in terms of accessing educational resources, job opportunities, and essential services. This can perpetuate existing inequalities and hinder social and economic development. Addressing these problems requires a multi-faceted approach that involves technological innovation, policy and regulation, and collaboration between stakeholders. Technological advancements in wireless networking equipment and protocols, such as the development of more efficient spectrum utilization and improved signal processing techniques, can help mitigate issues of interference and coverage. Additionally, the implementation of robust security measures, such as encryption, authentication, and intrusion detection systems, is crucial in safeguarding wireless networks from cyber threats. Furthermore, efforts to bridge the digital divide and ensure equitable access to wireless connectivity are essential in addressing the societal implications of wireless network problems. This can involve initiatives such as government subsidies for broadband access, public-private partnerships to expand network infrastructure, and community-based programs to promote digital literacy and inclusion. In conclusion, while wireless networks have revolutionized the way we connect and communicate, they are not without their challenges. Interference, security vulnerabilities, coverage limitations, technological obsolescence, and societal inequalities are all pressing issues that need to be addressed to ensure the reliability, security, and accessibility of wireless networks. By taking a comprehensive and collaborative approach, we can work towards overcoming these problems and harnessing the full potential of wireless connectivity for the benefit of individuals, businesses, and society as a whole.。
ipran 技术标准
ipran 技术标准Ipran is a technology standard related to IP-based Radio Access Networks (RAN). It is used in telecommunications and wireless communication systems to provide efficient and scalable connectivity between multiple base stations and the core network.The Ipran technology standard focuses on the packet-based transport network architecture for RAN services. It allows for the aggregation of multiple base stations, centralizing their control and management functions, and providing a seamless integration with the core network.By using Ipran, operators can efficiently manage and control the traffic between the base stations and the core network. It provides high capacity and low latency connectivity, enabling the delivery of high-quality services, such as voice, data, and multimedia, to mobile devices.Ipran offers several advantages, including improved network performance, simplified network management, reduced costs, and enhanced scalability. It is compatible with various wireless access technologies, such as 2G, 3G, and 4G, and can also support future technologies like 5G.Overall, the Ipran technology standard plays a crucial role in enabling efficient and reliable communication between base stations and the core network, contributing to the overall performance and user experience in wireless communication systems.。
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Towards a4G IP-based Wireless System Proposal Tony Ottosson,Mikael Sternad,Anders Ahl´e n Arne Svensson and Anna Brunstr¨o m Dept.Signals and Systems,Chalmers University of Technology,SE-41296G¨o teborg,SwedenSignals and Systems,Uppsala University,PO Box528,SE-75120Uppsala,Sweden.puter Science,Karlstad University,SE-65188Karlstad,SwedenAbstractA packet switched wireless cellular system with wide area coverage,high throughput and high spectral efficiency is proposed.Smart antennas at both base stations and mo-biles improve the antenna gain and improve the signal to interference ratio.The small-scale fading is predicted and a slotted OFDM radio interface is used,in which time-frequency bins are allocated adaptively to different mobile users,based on their predicted channel quality.This en-ables efficient scheduling among sectors and users,as well as fast adaptive modulation and power control.We here estimate the spectral efficiency of the suggested downlink. The resulting channel capacity grows with the number of simultaneous users and with the number of antenna ele-ments in terminals.A high efficiency,around4bits/s/Hz at16dB SNR is attained already for a moderate numbers of users and terminal antennas.An outline is given of re-search pursued within the PCC Wireless IP Project to im-prove and investigate this type of system.1IntroductionWith the current trend towards integration of systems and services,wireless data services for mobile vehicular users will require throughputs and Quality of Service(QoS)lev-els that approach those obtainable in present WLAN’s.For economic reasons,this challenge cannot be met solely by an expansion of the bandwidth.A much higher spectral efficiency will be a key feature of any acceptable future 4G solution.The Wireless IP project[1]within the Swedish research program for Personal Computing and Communications (PCC)studies problems that are important in the evolu-tion of UMTS toward higher data rates,as well as in fu-ture4G technologies for mobile systems.Our goal is to improve the spectral efficiency for packet data,in particu-lar IP traffic,with sufficient quality of service for various traffic classes.We here outline a radio interface for a spectrally effi-cient and highlyflexible packet switched system that pro-vides high throughput in both the downlink and the uplink. This concept aims at a much higher spectral efficiency than obtained by3G systems and their enhancements,such as the HSDPA mode of WCDMA,release5[2].Our ultimate goal is a capacity of Mbit/s per sector or beam of a base station,with a somewhat lower capacity in the up-link.This would provide wireless and mobile users with a capacity that corresponds to the present wireline Ethernet. Our work so far,summarized here,has resulted in meth-ods that can be expected to provide a downlink spec-tral efficiency of around4bits/s/Hz.This corresponds to 20Mbit/s per base station sector/beam for5MHz channels. What are the difficulties involved in obtaining a signif-icantly improved spectral efficiency?The transmission of packet data to/from mobile vehicular users encounters sev-eral complications:A significant fraction of the users will be on themove,and encounter channel properties that vary on all time-scales.Uplink transmissions will not be precisely synchro-nized1.A constrained transmit power in particular in the up-link will limit the transmission range and/or the data rate.To overcome these difficulties,we develop and combine tools and methods that are outlined below in Section2. The properties of the proposed downlink are specified in Section3and its capacity is analyzed in Section4.Some open issues under present study are discussed in Section5. For instance,our effort to improve the efficiency of lower layers are complemented by efforts to improve the trans-port layer for wireless links.2Elements of a4G Radio InterfaceTo obtain high data rates in wireless packet data transmis-sion is,in itself,not particularly difficult,but to do this with wide area coverage,without a very dense and expen-sive infrastructure,is more challenging.To provide high data rate services also to vehicular users with reasonable quality of service is more challenging still,due to their rapidly varying channels.To attain a high spectral effi-ciency for vehicular users is the toughest challenge of all.Many types of solutions could be considered,but very few are able to meet all these requirements simultane-ously.Unsynchronized packet data systems,perhaps with a collision avoidance scheme,would encounter problems in heavily loaded situations.The same is probably true for ad-hoc radio networks in unregulated frequency bands,at least when wide area coverage,heavy usage and adequate quality of service are to be attained simultaneously.We have therefore focused on slotted cellular systems in (new)regulated frequency bands,systems that partly build on the3G philosophy,but that in important aspects depart radically from it.UMTS and earlier cellular systems are based on averag-ing,which by necessity limits its spectral efficiency.We instead propose an approach that utilizes feedback control and fast optimization of the resources at hand.Coding overhead is to be minimized.Significant steps in this di-rection are today taken within3GPP with the aim of im-proving the downlink data rate of UMTS[2],and one of our intents is to investigate how far this road might lead. One of the many difficulties is to avoid ending up with a system with an overwhelming demand for feedback con-trol bandwidth.There is also the risk of developing ad-vanced estimation algorithms that estimate parameters that are in the end of little relevance for the system perfor-mance.Such aspects force us to consider the system de-sign as a whole,rather than investigating different algo-rithms in isolation.The main purpose of this paper is to outline our provi-sional target system proposal,so that it can be submitted to discussion,criticism and improvement.We propose a cellular slotted FDD system and the use of multiple access via OFDM in both uplink and down-link.Uplink transmissions from different mobile users are assumed to be only roughly synchronized and slot-ted FDD avoids the interference problems encountered in asynchronous TDD systems.Bursty but delay-insensitive data,and streaming audio/video,are expected to comprise major parts of the traffic.Delay-sensitive traffic will also be present.The use of slotted OFDM enables a morefine-grained resource optimization,in both time and frequency, as compared to the use of either TDMA or CDMA.Within such systems,we are studying the application and co-optimization of several methods,introduced below,for im-proving the spectral efficiency.2.1Channel Quality Feedback,Schedulingand Link AdaptationThe variation of the received power with time and fre-quency is illustrated by Figure1for one particular user and fading pattern.Channels to and from different users will fade independently.With many potential users present, the channel could ideally almost always be allocated on a time-frequency slot basis to users who encounter favor-able conditions within these particular slots.This effect is sometimes denoted multiuser diversity[3].The exploita-tion of this effect requires channel predictors(in the mo-biles for the downlink and at the base station for the up-link),that predict the short-term fading for each user.It also requires the feedback of the resulting slot quality esti-mates to a scheduler,which then allocates time-frequency slots among the users of each base station sector.The al-location is based on SNR estimates for each user,taking goals and constraints such as throughput,user satisfaction, delay and QoS into account[4,5].In the downlink,the time-frequency bins to be allocated are proposed to have a duration of0.667ms and a width of200kHz.Their duration corresponds to the slot length of UMTS,but a bandwidth of5MHz will be partitioned into25bins.The channel will be approximately time and frequency invariant within these time-frequency bins. The uplink allocation will be complicated by the need for significant guard-bands,due to lack of exact clock syn-chronization between mobile transmitters.We would here share each0.667ms time-slot among fewer users,possibly by the use of adaptive bandwidth allocation,and use a few narrow-band channels for short packets[6].Frequency responce20406080100120140−3−2−1123Figure1:Time-frequency representation of an esti-mated channel obtained from real measurement data on a 6.4MHz channel.White color denotes high power whereas dark color denotes low power.The dynamic range and the speed of the mobile is approximately40dB and50km/h, respectively.The coherence bandwidth is0.6MHz.The channel quality feedback enables fast link adap-tation(adaptive modulation,adaptive coding and power control).Robustness against the use of too high modu-lation formats due to channel estimation errors can be ob-tained,at little coding overhead.One tool is Hybrid type-II ARQ in link level retransmission of delay-insensitive traf-fic[4].The SNR limits for using different modulation for-mats can furthermore be optimized with the prediction ac-curacy taken into account[7].The system efficiency might be improved further by using power control by waterfill-ing[8]among the users in different frequency bins within a time slot,but this remains to be investigated.2.2Prediction and Predictive Scheduling The attainable throughput,and in particular also the fulfill-ment of QoS constraints,can be improved if the schedul-ing can be performed over a time horizon comprising sev-eral slots[5].Predictors and predictive schedulers can be implemented at reasonable computational complexity[5]. From extensive investigations on broadband measure-ment data,we have found that the received signal power can be predicted with reasonable accuracy for time inter-vals corresponding to a movement of up to half a carrier wavelength[9,10].Half a wavelength at1900MHz would at vehicular speeds of about km/h correspond to5ms, or about7of our proposed0.667ms slots.2.3Slot Scheduling among SectorsSome pairs or groups of sectors,within a cell or in neigh-boring cells,may create a large amount of mutual inter-ference.In order to reduce this co-channel interference, time-frequency bins are allocated exclusively within these groups of sectors,according to the traffic load in each rmation on the traffic load is exchanged between base stations via an inquiry procedure.This interference reduction could enable the use of ag-gressive power control schemes in combination with the adaptive modulation,if this is deemed advantageous.It also improves the channel estimation accuracy and reduces the problem of predicting time-varying interference levels.2.4Use of Multiple Antenna ElementsTo improve the received power,reduce interference and attain sufficient range of the broadband transmission,we propose smart antennas to be used at the base station and preferably also in the terminals.In thisfirst outline,we as-sume only straightforward robust techniques of low com-putational complexity,but the use of more sophisticated schemes for array signal processing and spatial multiplex-ing will be investigated as the project continues.In the downlink,base stations are assumed to use mul-tiple antennas to form sectors(beams),that are more narrow than standard sectors.The terminals may use antennas/diversity branches for Maximum Ratio Com-bining(MRC).In the uplink,base station receivers are furthermore as-sumed to use MRC of several diversity branches within each sector.The mobiles may there use a few antenna ele-ments to form crude lobes.3The DownlinkWe assume each time-frequency bin of0.667ms kHz to be partitioned into6symbols on20subcarriers.Each symbol is100s long,with a cyclical prefix of11s.This is adequate to cover the delay spread in most urban en-vironments.Of the120symbols per bin,five are known pilots that are used for training.2A5MHz system will thus use500subcarriers(or in practice512,with12idle)and the symbol rate on each subcarrier is about9000symbols/s.The design target vehicular speed is100km/h.The sys-tem should work efficiently for populations of users with this and lower speeds.Each mobile user predicts the quality of all bins an ap-propriate number of time-slots ahead.All mobiles then signal their predicted quality estimates on an uplink con-trol channel,by transmitting the suggested appropriate modulation levels to be used in the different frequency bins of the predicted time slot.A scheduler located close to the base station then allocates time-frequency bins to the different users,based on the predicted channel capacities of all active users,their data queue status,QoS require-ments and priorities.The scheduler broadcasts its alloca-tion decisions on a downlink control channel.The down-link transmission for the allocated time-slots can then be-gin.In each bin,the modulation level used is that which was suggested by the appointed user.4Potential of Proposed Downlink We here estimate the spectral efficiency for transmission to active users within one base station sector,under the following simplifying assumptions:Flat fading AWGN channels that are time-invariant within each bin of200kHz ms and indepen-dent Rayleigh fading between bins,all users are assigned equal average channel power by a slow power control scheme and the channels to different users fade independently,accurate channel predictions,the target service is reliable packet data transmission, while fairness between users with different rates,QoS requirements,and delay constraints are neglected,all users do always have data to transmit,and the pay-load symbols within the allocated slots are fully uti-lized by the designated user.The assumed scheduler thus works as a selection diversity scheme,where the user with the best predicted SNR in each time-frequency bin out of all users will transmit in that bin.In the receiver we assume MRC with antennas. The resulting pdf of the received SNR()after MRC and multiuser selection diversity can then be shown to be(see e.g.pp.186–194in [11]for guidance in performing this calculation)Modulation(dB)Table 1:The limitsfor the SNR per receiver antenna in dBthat determine the use of different modulation levels.These lim-its are calculated as the SNR required to achieve the target sym-bol error rate using QAM.Here is the number of bits per symbol.The spectral efficiency saturates for a high number of users,where most bins are occupied by users who can uti-lize a high modulation degree in that bin.The addition of more receiver diversity branches tends to decrease the multiuser diversity effect.T h r o u g h p u t [M b i t s /s ]Figure 2:Spectral efficiency using AMS and simple ARQ withth order MRC diversity in the mobile and th order of selec-tion diversity between the users.The symbol energy to noiseratio per receiver antenna is dB.Right-hand scale:The corresponding capacity within one sector in a 5MHz downlink.In theory,the spectral efficiency within one sector,,should be multiplied by the number of sectors,,used per cell.However,even if the interference is reduced by using many sectors,we cannot use all time-frequency bins in all sectors.The spectral efficiency of each cell would therefore be larger than is indicated by Fig.2,but smallerthan.Interference between sectors has to be studied carefully for a more precise estimate.By multiplying the spectral efficiency in bits/s/Hz by 5,it is converted into an equivalent capacity in Mbit/s of a base station sector in a system with 5MHz bandwidth.This is illustrated by the right-hand scale of Figure 2.Al-though the test situation is not exactly comparable,it canbe noted that the maximum capacity of the HSDPA mode of WCDMA is claimed to be8-10Mbit/s.4.1DiscussionThe above estimate is conservative,in that the packet error rate is attained only at the limits of the SNR re-gions.Inside the regions,the error rate is less,with a cor-responding lower need for retransmissions.On the other hand,we have neglected prediction errors,which will tend to increase the error rate and decrease the attained through-put.3The impact of these two effects is a topic for our near-term research.Another important aspect is the requirement for con-trol bandwidth by the channel quality feedback and the transmission scheduling.The channel quality feedback in the uplink is in the form of a suggested modulation for-mat.With8allowed formats,this requires3bits for each of the25frequency bins in a0.667ms time slot.With K active users,the required uplink control bandwidth iskbits/s.For active users per sector,this corresponds to1.1Mbit/s.This is considerable (75times more than for power control in WCDMA)but not overwhelming;The total uplink capacity is under the assumptions of this section expected to be on the order of 15Mbit/s per base station sector[6].Furthermore,there are many conceivable ways of modifying the signaling to reduce the bandwidth demand.The downlink control information for broadcasting the scheduling decisions consists of a user number per slot. For simultaneous users and a code rate of used for the control information,the required downlink control band-width is kbits/s.It is small as com-pared to the capacity per sector.5Concluding RemarksPacket data systems that use feedback information may be constructed in a way that promises to attain extreme spec-tral efficiency.The type of system outlined in this paper is promising and it also raises many fascinating research questions.Some of them concern the interplay between channel prediction and adaptive modulation[7],others the interplay between Hybrid ARQ retransmission and predic-tive scheduling[4].The efficient use of smart antennas to improve the resource allocation is yet another topic where many questions await answers.。