Hospice in China



部两个部联合发出加强麻 醉药品管理的通知,各项管理措施更为严格 1978 年,国务院颁布了新的《麻醉药品管理条例》及 《实施细则》 , 对医师使用资格及医疗单位购用麻醉药 品的限量均做了具体规定
The Ministry of Health issued the 12th document The Notice on the implementation of three-step analgesic ladder on cancer patients, and carried out the nation-wide ―three-step analgesic ladder on cancer patients campaign‖ in 1991
by Tianjin University of Medical Sciences, 1988 Wards for terminal care was set up by Tianjin University of

Medical Sciences,1990

1990年卫生部和WHO召开全国癌症专题研讨会,并把癌 症三阶段止痛方案推向全国 1991年、1994年和1999年我国三次修改吗啡供应办法
The development of Palliative care in China
姑息关怀科(成都) 临终关怀病房(天津,北京) 善终病房(香港) 护理院(上海) 安宁病房(台湾) 宁养院(汕头)
The name of palliative services commonly-used in China :
The rule on narcotic analgesic management in China



中国人待客方式简介英语作文Chinese hospitality is renowned worldwide for its warmth, generosity, and attention to detail. As a cornerstone of traditional Chinese culture, the art of hosting guests has been refined over thousands of years, creating a unique and welcoming experience that sets China apart. From the moment a visitor steps through the door, they are enveloped in a sense of comfort and belonging, as the host dedicates their full attention to ensuring the guest's every need is met.At the heart of Chinese hospitality lies the concept of "guanxi," a complex web of interpersonal relationships and social obligations that govern much of Chinese society. Guanxi dictates that the host must go to great lengths to demonstrate their respect and appreciation for the guest, often through the offering of lavish banquets, thoughtful gifts, and genuine conversation. The host's primary goal is to make the guest feel valued and respected, fostering a sense of mutual understanding and trust that can transcend cultural boundaries.One of the most distinctive aspects of Chinese hospitality is the emphasis on food and drink. Meals are not merely sustenance, but rather an opportunity to engage in social bonding and cultural exchange. The host will often spend hours, if not days, carefully planning and preparing a multi-course feast, each dish meticulously crafted to showcase the best of Chinese culinary traditions. From the intricate presentation of the dishes to the harmonious balance of flavors, the host aims to delight the guest's senses and leave a lasting impression.Accompanying the sumptuous meal is a ritual of tea service that is deeply rooted in Chinese culture. The host will carefully select and prepare the finest loose-leaf teas, often engaging the guest in a discussion of the tea's origins, processing methods, and health benefits. The act of sharing tea is seen as a way to cultivate mindfulness, promote relaxation, and foster a deeper connection between the host and guest.Beyond the realm of food and drink, Chinese hospitality extends to the physical environment as well. The host will often go to great lengths to ensure that the guest's living quarters are comfortable, well-appointed, and reflective of traditional Chinese aesthetics. From the delicate calligraphy adorning the walls to the carefully curated selection of antiques and artwork, every element is designed to immerse the guest in the rich cultural heritage of China.Underlying this lavish display of hospitality is a deep-rooted sense of social obligation and reciprocity. In Chinese culture, the act of hosting a guest is not merely a personal gesture, but rather a reflection of one's standing within the community. The host is expected to go above and beyond to demonstrate their wealth, influence, and social status, often investing significant resources to ensure that the guest leaves with a lasting impression of their generosity and hospitality.At the same time, the guest is also expected to uphold their end of the social contract, expressing their gratitude and appreciation through the appropriate channels. This may involve the exchange of gifts, the offering of compliments, or the reciprocation of hospitality at a later date. The delicate balance of these social obligations is what gives Chinese hospitality its unique flavor, creating a sense of mutual respect and understanding that transcends the boundaries of culture and language.Despite the formality and complexity of Chinese hospitality, the underlying essence is one of warmth, kindness, and a genuine desire to make the guest feel at home. Whether it is the host's unwavering attention to detail, the sumptuous feast, or the thoughtful gestures that permeate every aspect of the experience, the guest is left with a profound sense of being valued and respected. In a world that isincreasingly interconnected, the art of Chinese hospitality stands as a testament to the power of cultural exchange and the enduring importance of human connection.。

人教版九上期末英语复习Units 5-7题型讲练卷

人教版九上期末英语复习Units 5-7题型讲练卷

1九年级上期期末复习 Units 5-7 题型讲练卷I. 重点词句(翻译)Unit 5 1. 筷子 2. 女式短上衣 3. 银,银器 4. 叶子(及复数) 5. 生产 6. 广泛地 7. 每天的 8. 剪刀 9. 生机勃勃的 10. 以...闻名 11. 为...知晓 12. 据我所知 13. 剪纸 14. 不论,无论 15. 避免做某事 16. 不同种类的风筝 17. 转变成 18. 被...覆盖 19. 以...一个高温 Unit 6 20. 发明 v. 21. 发明 n. 22. 发明者 n. 23. 提到,说到 24. 保持不变,剩余 25. n.气味v.闻起来 26. 有音乐天赋的 27. 酸的 28. 英雄 29. 几乎 30. 有道理 31. 偶然,意外地_______________ 32. 错误地,无意中_____________ 33. 发生______________________ 34. 毫无疑问__________________ 35. 突然,猛地________________ 36. 把...分开_________________ 37. 不断...而且_______________ 38. 钦慕,仰慕________________ Unit 739. 证件______________________40. 安全,安全性______________41. 拥抱______________________42. 严重地,差________________43. 教育______________________44. 支持______________________45. 十六岁的人________________46. 兼职工作__________________47. 足够严肃的________________48. 停止正在做的事____________49. 许多______________________50. 是我远离危险 _____________51. 噩梦______________________52. 后悔做某事________________53. 考试失败__________________54. 挡道,妨碍________________55. 不反对____________________56. 有机会做某事______________57. 做出选择__________________58. 这些衬衫是由什么做成的?_________________________________它们是由丝绸做成的。



The development of Palliative care in China
姑息关怀科(成都) 临终关怀病房(天津,北京) 善终病房(香港) 护理院(上海) 安宁病房(台湾) 宁养院(汕头)
The name of palliative services commonly-used in China :
7. 8.
The first Hospice Research Centre in China was established
by Tianjin University of Medical Sciences, 1988 Wards for terminal care was set up by Tianjin University of
The Ministry of Health issued the 12th document The Notice on the implementation of three-step analgesic ladder on cancer patients, and carried out the nation-wide “three-step analgesic ladder on cancer patients campaign” in 1991

1992年及1997年举行了两次全国癌痛现状调查 991年卫生部发布第12号文件《关于开展癌症病人 三阶梯治疗工作的通知》,号召在全国开展“癌症 病人三阶梯止痛治疗工作”
The national survey on the status of cancer-related pain was carried out twice in 1992 and 1997 respectively

第十章 临终关怀

第十章 临终关怀

是向临终病人及家属提供一种全面的照料 ,包括生理、心理、社会等方面,使临终病人在临终
– 在中国,两千多年前就出现了专门的养老场所,到唐朝 基本形成了比较完整的养老制度。如唐代的“悲田院”, 宋代的“福田院”,元朝的“济众院”、明朝的“养济院 ”、清朝的“普济堂”等。
1、提高老年临终者生存质量,维护生命尊 严,符合人类追求生命质量的客观要求
2、安抚家属子女,解决老人家庭照料困难 3、节省费用,减少医疗资源的浪费 4、转变观念,真正体现人道主义精神 5、是卫生保健体系自我完善的系统工程
人在临终的时候总比他们以往要引人注目。正如 夕阳的余辉、乐曲的终了、杯底的美酒一样,留给人的 记忆最温馨、最甜蜜、也最久远。 ——莎士比亚
– 2001年,香港李嘉诚基金会先后在全国各地 等20家大型综 合医院中创办宁养院,该基金会每年给各家医院拨款100万元 , 每年共拨款1700万,旨在为贫困癌痛病人提供免费家居服务, 使我国的临终关怀得到进一步发展。
• 2006年4月,中国 生命关怀协会成立。 该协会的成立标志着 我国的临终关怀事业 进入了一个新的发展 时期,临终关怀有了 一个全国性行业管理 的社会团体。
第一节 临终关怀概述
这枚邮票是由越南邮票设计家 菲尔· 乔丹设计的,象征着病人看护 院正在为走在人生旅途最后阶段的 病人提供最好的临终关怀。
这枚临终关怀邮票的发行意味 着美国邮政局延续着他们唤起公众 参与社会福利事业意识的传统。 美国的第一家类似这样病人看 护院成立于1974年的康涅狄格州。 现在在美国的50个州和波多黎各共 有大约2600多个正在运作的病人看 护院。



述评 我国安宁疗护的发展现状㊁存在的问题及发展前景张雪梅㊀胡秀英610041成都ꎬ四川大学华西护理学院/华西医院护理部通信作者:胡秀英ꎬEmail:xiuying.hu@163.comDOI:10.3760/cma.j.issn.1674 ̄2907.2016.34.001ʌ摘要ɔ㊀安宁疗护是为患有不可治愈的严重疾病和终末期慢病的患者及家属提供的减轻其不适与痛苦ꎬ改善生活质量的医疗护理服务ꎮ安宁疗护关注患者的生命质量ꎬ关乎医学的价值取向和社会的文明进步ꎬ是一个重要的民生问题ꎮ然而ꎬ目前我国的安宁疗护还存在着社会认知度低㊁服务供给不足㊁专业队伍尚未建立等多方面的问题ꎮ本文通过对安宁疗护国内外发展现状及我国安宁疗护工作中存在的问题进行阐述ꎬ从而对未来的工作提出建议ꎬ希望可以增加人们对安宁疗护的了解ꎬ改变人们对生命终末期的态度和理念ꎮʌ关键词ɔ㊀综述ꎻ㊀安宁疗护ꎻ㊀生命质量ꎻ㊀发展现状DevelopingsituationꎬexistingproblemsandprospectsofpalliativecareinChina㊀ZhangXuemeiꎬHuXiuyingNursingDepartmentꎬWestChinaHospitalꎬWestChinaCollegeofNursingꎬSichuanUniversityꎬChengdu610041ꎬChinaCorrespondingauthor:HuXiuyingꎬEmail:xiuying.hu@163.comʌAbstractɔ㊀Palliativecareisakindofmedicalnursingservicethatprovideforpatientswithsevereincurablediseaseorchronicdiseaseatthefinalstageandtheirfamilymembersꎬtorelievetheirdiscomfortandpainꎬandimprovetheirqualityoflife(QOL).PalliativecarepaysattentiontothepatientsᶄQOLꎬanditisimportanttothemedicalvalueorientationandthecivilizationandprogressofsocietyꎬsoitisanimportantlivelihoodissue.Howeverꎬtherearestillsomeproblemssuchaslowsocialcognitionꎬinsufficientsupplyofserviceꎬandnoprofessionalteaminthepalliativecareofourcountry.Thispaperputforwardsomesuggestionsforthefutureworkthroughelaboratingtheexistingproblemsinthedevelopingsituationofpalliativecarehomeandabroad.Wehopethatthiscanreinforcepeopleᶄsunderstandingtopalliativecareꎬandchangehumanᶄsattitudeandideaabouttheterminalstageoflife.ʌKeywordsɔ㊀Reviewꎻ㊀Palliativecareꎻ㊀Qualityoflifeꎻ㊀Developingsituation㊀㊀随着医学技术的不断进步ꎬ延长生命的医疗技术不断发展ꎬ医护人员在临床工作中往往倾向于追求治愈性的结果ꎬ却忽略了治愈性的治疗措施可能带来的消极影响ꎮ然而ꎬ随着我国物质生活水平的提高ꎬ人们追求长寿的同时ꎬ对生命质量(qualityoflife)也越来越重视ꎮ当患者患上不可治愈的疾病ꎬ死亡不可避免地来临时ꎬ实施治疗的根本目的不再是延长生命ꎬ而是使生命保持尽可能的舒适和有意义ꎬ追求生命的广度和深度[1]ꎮ安宁疗护(palliativecare)则是一种能够达到这一目标的有效方式ꎬ旨在提高患者的生命质量ꎬ以期患者能够安宁㊁平静㊁无痛苦㊁有尊严地走完人生的最后阶段[2]ꎮ本文通过对安宁疗护国内外发展现状及我国安宁疗护工作中存在的问题进行阐述ꎬ从而对未来的工作提出建议ꎬ希望可以增加人们对于安宁疗护的了解ꎬ改变人们对生命终末期的态度和理念ꎮ一㊁安宁疗护概述1.安宁疗护的定义:2016年WHO对安宁疗护的定义为:安宁疗护是通过早期识别㊁积极评估㊁治疗疼痛和其他不适症状ꎬ包括躯体㊁心理和精神方面的问题ꎬ来预防和缓解身心痛苦ꎬ从而提高患有不可治愈疾病的患者及家属的生活质量的一种有效方式[3]ꎮ包括以下4个要点[4]:(1)治疗和照护应该通过多学科团队(医疗专家㊁护理专家㊁营养师㊁康复师㊁心理咨询师及社会工作者等)的共同协作来实现ꎻ(2)患者㊁家属以及缓和或非缓和治疗的实施者应交流照护需求ꎬ并共同合作ꎻ(3)安宁疗护可以单独实施ꎬ也可以和治愈性的医疗措施或延长生命的措施同时实施ꎻ(4)安宁疗护使患者及其家属平静地㊁有尊严地经历患者患病㊁临终以及死亡后的过程ꎮPalliativecare曾被翻译为 安宁缓和疗护 姑息关怀 姑息医学 舒缓医学 宁养疗护 舒缓疗护 等ꎬ本文中采用 安宁疗护 ꎬ强调其治疗与护理并重ꎮ2.安宁疗护的照护内容:安宁疗护临床实践指南[4]指出ꎬ安宁疗护的照护内容主要涉及以下7个方面:(1)身体照护:身体的舒适是富有同情心的照护的核心特点ꎮ疼痛和其他不适症状的管理是安宁疗护的基础ꎬ同时可以提升心理㊁社会和精神状态ꎮ身体照护需要由经验丰富的多学科团队对患者的病情㊁疼痛㊁其他症状㊁治疗方式和副作用ꎬ以及现有功能状态进行持续全面评估ꎬ利用循证最佳证据ꎬ制定最合理的照护计划ꎬ包括药物治疗㊁行为治疗以及补充性干预等ꎮ(2)文化和持续照护:制定照护计划时应尊重患者及家属的文化特点及需求ꎮ(3)心理和精神照护:心理精神照护注重心理关怀和精神诊断相结合ꎮ基本要素是在评估㊁诊断㊁治疗方式的选择ꎬ以及患者死亡后的居丧过程中要充分与患者及家属沟通ꎬ尊重他们的照护目标ꎮ(4)社会方面的照护:主要是由多学科团队与患者及其家属来共同发挥作用ꎬ提供社会支持ꎮ(5)心灵㊁信仰和存在方面的照护:包括灵性的定义ꎬ多学科团队对患者及其家属精神方面问题的评估㊁工作人员共同协作提供心理关怀ꎮ灵性照顾不是心理或者精神方面的治疗ꎬ一般指心灵归属感ꎬ感受生命的意义完整性ꎬ宗教仪式的完整等ꎮ(6)临终患者的照护:强调对临终患者濒死征象的识别ꎬ与患者㊁家属以及所有照护者进行有效沟通ꎬ尊重患者及家属的价值观㊁选择㊁精神及文化ꎬ及时对治疗进行调整ꎬ使患者安静地㊁有尊严地死亡ꎬ并对其家属提供居丧支持ꎮ(7)道德㊁法律和宗教方面的照护:主要包括生前预嘱㊁伦理以及法律3个方面的照护ꎮ3.安宁疗护与临终关怀的关系:临终关怀(hospicecare)是指患者预期寿命<6个月时ꎬ采取的缓解症状㊁减少痛苦的医疗护理服务ꎮ二者的关系如图1所示:图1 疾病治疗㊁姑息治疗㊁临终关怀与安宁疗护之间的关系㊀㊀二㊁安宁疗护的国内外发展现状1.国外发展现状:现代意义的安宁疗护始于20世纪60年代ꎬ英国女医生西瑟莉 桑德斯博士在伦敦创建了世界上第一家安宁疗护医院 圣克里斯托弗临终关怀医院ꎬ是安宁疗护的前期模式[5]ꎮ继英国之后ꎬ美国㊁加拿大㊁日本以及澳大利亚等许多国家都相继开展了安宁疗护工作ꎮ近年来ꎬ安宁疗护在全世界有了长足发展ꎬ成为社会医疗卫生保健体系的重要组成部分ꎮ就美国而言ꎬ全国统一的非盈利性的安宁疗护组织成立于20世纪8O年代末ꎬ到1980年ꎬ安宁疗护便已纳入国家医疗保险法案ꎬ如今绝大多数的美国医院已提供专业的安宁疗护[6 ̄7]ꎮ2001年美国成立了NCP(theNationalConsensusProjectforQualityPalliativeCare)项目ꎬ编制了«缓和医疗的临床实践指南»(ClinicalPracticeGuidelinesforQualityPalliativeCare)ꎬ已更新至第三版[4]ꎮ2015年全球136个国家/地区建立了安宁疗护机构ꎬ20个国家/地区将安宁疗护纳入了医保体系ꎮ安宁疗护可在家中㊁医院㊁疗养院和独立的临终关怀住院机构提供ꎮ医院内可以采用咨询会诊的模式㊁专业姑息病房的模式和整合入常规护理模式这三种形式ꎮ2.国内发展现状:我国内地的安宁疗护始于1988年ꎬ天津医科大学成立了中国第一家临终关怀中心ꎬ它的建立在我国安宁疗护发展史上起着标志性的作用ꎮ而后北京㊁上海㊁广州等全国各大城市及地区纷纷创办临终关怀医院㊁病区或护理院ꎮ汕头大学医学院附属第一医院于1998年在李嘉诚先生的捐助下建立了全国第一家宁养医院ꎬ从而开始了国内安宁疗护服务的推动工作ꎮ2006年4月ꎬ中国生命关怀协会(ChineseAssociationforLifeCare)成立ꎬ标志着安宁疗护有了一个全国性行业管理的社会团体ꎮ2012年ꎬ上海开展安宁疗护项目试点ꎬ率先在全国城市社区卫生服务中心设置了安宁疗护病房ꎮ目前全上海已有76家安宁疗护试点单位ꎬ累计服务患者7000余人次ꎮ随着上海已启动新一轮社区卫生服务综合改革的启动ꎬ安宁疗护服务已列入了社区卫生服务中心的基本服务项目目录ꎮ2015年中国生命关怀协会人文护理分会成立ꎻ同年9月中国老年保健医学研究会缓和医疗分会成立ꎬ标志着我国的安宁疗护事业进入了一个新的发展时期ꎮ2016年4月ꎬ全国政协召开第49次双周协商座谈会ꎬ以 推进安宁疗护工作 为主题进行建言献策ꎮ目前中国包括香港和台湾地区在内的3O个省㊁市㊁自治区已相继创办了临终关怀机构100多家ꎬ拥有近千名从事这项工作的专业人员ꎮ三㊁我国安宁疗护发展中存在的问题我国的安宁疗护工作起步较晚ꎬ经过多年的发展ꎬ取得了一定程度的进步ꎮ但由于受传统孝道思想㊁经济条件㊁宣传及普及力度不够等因素的制约ꎬ其发展仍然面临着一系列的问题ꎬ主要体现在以下几个方面:1.对安宁疗护的社会认知度低:由于受到我国的传统文化 孝道 思想ꎬ以及 优逝 理念尚未普及的束缚ꎬ对于安宁疗护的理念ꎬ我国普遍存在着社会认知度低的问题ꎮ无论是患者及家属ꎬ还是医务人员ꎬ对其都没有全面系统的认识[8 ̄9]ꎮ对于患有不可治愈疾病的患者ꎬ其家属往往会选择拼尽全力选择治疗和抢救ꎬ医务人员也倾向于选择一些治疗性的措施ꎮ二者都想要达到治愈疾病的目的ꎬ而不是达到安宁疗护的目标 缓解患者及家属的痛苦ꎬ提高患者的生命质量[10]ꎮ这就给患者自身造成了极大的痛苦ꎬ同时也导致了医疗资源的浪费ꎮ2.安宁疗护服务供给不足:(1)专业机构及家庭㊁社区安宁疗护缺乏:虽然我国在安宁疗护的发展过程中建立了一些专业的服务机构如南汇护理院㊁松堂医院以及一些综合性医院设立的缓和医疗病房如协和医院老年科ꎬ但这些机构主要集中于北京㊁上海等大城市ꎬ数量仍较少ꎬ而且各地的关怀机构尚未形成有机整体ꎬ全国范围内缺乏统一的操作流程及实践标准ꎬ管理与规范不完善ꎬ根本不能满足我国日益增加的安宁疗护需求[11 ̄12]ꎮ此外ꎬ调查发现ꎬ90%以上的城乡社区临终患者及家属愿意接受社区安宁疗护服务ꎮ然而目前我国的安宁疗护工作主要集中在大城市的医院或机构ꎬ缺乏家庭及社区安宁疗护ꎮ(2)服务对象存在局限性(疾病种类和年龄的局限性):我国安宁疗护的服务对象存在着明显的局限性ꎮ一方面体现在疾病种类ꎬ我国安宁疗护的人群绝大多数为恶性肿瘤晚期的患者[13]ꎬ这与中国拥有全世界较大比例的心脑血管疾病㊁慢性呼吸系统疾病患者的现状相矛盾ꎮ而在美国ꎬ接受安宁疗护的患者为患有心脑血管疾病㊁慢性呼吸系统疾病等非恶性肿瘤的患者比例可达到20%~30%[14]ꎮ另一方面ꎬ整个世界的临终关怀服务都偏重于老年人ꎬ忽视了患有白血病和先天遗传方面疾病的儿童对安宁疗护的需求[15]ꎮ3.安宁疗护专业队伍尚未建立:安宁疗护需要经验丰富的医疗专家㊁护理专家㊁心理咨询师㊁康复师㊁社会工作者等组成的多学科团队的团结协作ꎬ医护团队在安宁疗护工作中承担着至关重要的角色[16]ꎮ我国的安宁疗护起步较晚ꎬ目前我国专业人员的数量严重缺乏ꎬ并且对于从事安宁疗护的人员缺乏积极㊁持续的专业教育ꎬ其综合素质也有待提高[17 ̄18]ꎮ同时多学科团队成员的协作意识不强ꎬ沟通交流较少ꎬ未能做到有效合作ꎬ使得安宁疗护的发展受限ꎮ4.安宁疗护政策资金支持不够:安宁疗护的发展需要国家政府及社会各界的大力支持ꎮ国外的安宁疗护项目大多是由国家政府㊁慈善机构㊁基金会㊁宗教社团等资助ꎬ如美国㊁日本等国家将临终关怀的费用纳入社会医疗保险ꎮ但目前我国的医疗卫生资源有限ꎬ关于安宁疗护的政策和财政支持较少[19]ꎬ而具有安宁疗护需求的患者人数众多ꎬ我们无法为所有具有安宁疗护需求的患者提供服务ꎬ使得安宁疗护的发展面临着经济困难[20]ꎮ四㊁我国安宁疗护未来的工作方向全国护理事业发展规划(2016 2020年)中的 十三五 期间护理事业发展主要指标之一提到:加强老年护理服务㊁医养结合及安宁疗护机构能力建设ꎬ不断完善相关服务指南和规范ꎬ进一步规范护理服务行为ꎮ规划强调有条件的地区设立安宁疗护中心ꎬ满足老年人健康需求ꎻ加快制定老年护理服务相关指南和规范ꎬ鼓励老年护理服务机构㊁医养结合及安宁疗护机构等ꎬ依据指南和规范制定符合服务对象健康需求的护理措施ꎻ加强安宁疗护能力建设:加快制定安宁疗护机构准入㊁服务规范㊁人才培养的有关政策ꎬ健全并完善相关机制ꎬ逐步提升安宁疗护服务能力ꎮ基于此ꎬ笔者认为ꎬ我国的安宁疗护事业重点从以下几方面开展具体工作ꎮ1.加强宣传教育ꎬ转变观念:一方面要对患者及家属ꎬ包括医护人员ꎬ加强 优逝 的教育ꎬ树立正确的死亡观念ꎬ让大众认识到死亡是一种正常的过程ꎬ消除他们对死亡的恐惧ꎬ追求安静㊁舒适㊁有尊严地走完生命的旅程ꎻ另一方面普及安宁疗护基本知识ꎬ加强安宁疗护的宣传力度和社会引导ꎬ倡导大众自愿接受安宁疗护ꎬ营造文明的社会氛围ꎮ2.加强人才培养ꎬ建立专业的多学科团队:多学科团队在安宁疗护的工作中发挥至关重要的作用ꎬ因此要提高工作人员的综合素质ꎮ一方面高等医护院校开设安宁疗护相关课程ꎬ让医护学生对安宁疗护有基本的了解ꎬ改变传统的理念ꎬ为以后开展相关工作打下基础[21]ꎻ另一方面ꎬ医院开展相关继续教育培训课程ꎬ让医护人员认识到安宁疗护的意义ꎬ掌握专业的知识和临床操作技能[22]ꎮ注重培养安宁疗护工作者发现患者愿望的能力㊁预测死亡的能力㊁目标为导向治疗的能力㊁跨文化的能力㊁沟通的能力㊁有效合作的能力ꎬ以及自我释怀的能力ꎮ3.开展综合评估ꎬ完善收治标准:全面㊁持续的评估是开展安宁疗护的基础ꎬ因此我们应由专业人员组成的评估队伍开展综合评估ꎬ完善安宁疗护患者收治标准ꎬ确定纳入的对象(如不仅仅是晚期肿瘤的患者)和进入的时机(应从诊断为不可治愈的疾病㊁患者及家属同意进行安宁疗护开始)[23]ꎮ同时应建立科学㊁标准化的操作路径和流程ꎮ4.提供政策支持ꎬ引入社会资本:一方面ꎬ应由国家卫生计生委主导㊁相关部门参与ꎬ制定相关政策ꎬ增加资金投入ꎬ将安宁疗护逐步纳入基本医疗保障范畴ꎻ同时鼓励商业健康保险公司开办安宁疗护有关的新险种ꎮ另一方面ꎬ应引入社会资本ꎬ接受慈善募捐和捐赠等多种方式ꎬ充分利用社会资源开展安宁疗护ꎮ由于我国的安宁疗护起步较晚ꎬ经济水平较低ꎬ传统文化根深蒂固ꎬ以及老龄化趋势严峻ꎬ我国的安宁疗护工作将会面临种种的困难ꎮ但是ꎬ我们的国家㊁医护人员以及普通民众越来越重视生命质量ꎬ对于安宁疗护也在逐渐认识和接受ꎮ安宁疗护是一项长远的事业ꎬ适合我国国情的理论和模式还需要进一步的探索ꎬ需要政府及社会各方面的共同努力ꎬ任重而道远ꎮ利益冲突㊀文章所有作者共同认可文章无相关利益冲突作者贡献声明㊀文献查阅为张雪梅ꎬ综述与审校均为胡秀英参㊀考㊀文㊀献[1]㊀林维德ꎬ罗敏洁.宁养的概论及实施[J].医学与哲学ꎬ2014(10):7 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安宁疗护 hospice care

安宁疗护 hospice care

安宁疗护hospice careChina hopes to soon expand an end-of-life care program across the country after a successful pilot program, the National Health Commission said.国家卫健委表示,在前期试点成功的基础上,我国有望尽快将安宁疗护工作推广到全国。

The pilot program was first launched in five cities and municipal districts, including Haidian District in Beijing, Putuo District in Shanghai and Changchun in the northeastern province of Jilin, in 2017.安宁疗护试点工作于2017年率先在全国5个市区展开,包括北京市海淀区,上海市普陀区以及吉林省长春市。

【名词解释】安宁疗护(hospice care/end-of-life care)是旨在为疾病终末期或老年患者在临终前提供身体、心理、精神等方面的照料(attend to the physical, emotional and sometimes spiritual needs of the terminally ill or elderly patients)和人文关怀,控制痛苦和不适症状(focus on palliation of their pain and symptoms),提高生命质量,帮助患者舒适、安祥、有尊严的离世(help them die with more comfort and dignity)。

“健康中国2030(Healthy China 2030)”规划纲要当中明确提出,要构建治疗期住院、康复期护理、稳定期生活照料,以及安宁疗护的综合连续的老年健康服务体系(build a comprehensive and continuous elderly care service system that includes treatment, rehabilitation care, daily life care and hospice care)。



1990-2000年举行多次全国性癌痛和姑息治疗学习班及 临终关怀学习班

The National Symposium on Cancer was co-held by Ministry of Health and WHO in 1990, in which the three-step analgesic ladder was disseminated nation wide The supplying measure of morphine in China was amended three times respectively in 1991,1994 and 1999 The nation-wide campaign on the study of cancer-related pain and palliative care was carried out for many times from 1990 to 2000
Review and Status of Palliative Care in China
李 金 祥
Dr. Jinxiang Li
我国姑息医学的发展 我国麻醉性镇痛药品的监管法规
我国姑息医学服务的三种模式 我国姑息医学实践可获得的药品
The development of Palliative care in China The rule on narcotic analgesic management in China Status of Palliative care in China The three models of Palliative care in China Medications of Palliative care are available in China



面部识别在中国的应用In recent years, facial recognition technology has emerged as a significant trend in China, revolutionizing various sectors from security to retail. This advanced biometric system identifies individuals by analyzing their facial features, offering unparalleled convenience and efficiency.China, being a technological hub, has witnessed a surge in the adoption of facial recognition. From major cities like Beijing and Shanghai to smaller townships, this technology is rapidly becoming a norm. One of the most prominent applications is in the field of security, whereit is being extensively used for surveillance, access control, and even crime prevention. With high accuracy rates, facial recognition systems can quickly identify suspects or unauthorized personnel, enhancing overall security measures.Moreover, the retail industry has also benefitedgreatly from this technology. Stores are now leveraging facial recognition to provide personalized shopping experiences, track customer behavior, and even predictfuture purchasing patterns. This not only enhances customer satisfaction but also drives sales and revenue.Additionally, facial recognition is also being used in various other sectors such as banking, healthcare, and transportation. In banking, it helps in fraud detection and secure transactions. In healthcare, it facilitates patient identification and record management. And in transportation, it streamlines ticketing and security checks at airports, railway stations, and other hubs.However, with the widespread use of facial recognition technology, there are also concerns about privacy andethical issues. There have been debates surrounding the collection and storage of facial data, as well as its potential misuse by unauthorized individuals or organizations. To address these concerns, the Chinese government has implemented strict regulations and policies governing the use of facial recognition.Overall, facial recognition technology has broughtabout remarkable advancements in China, transformingvarious sectors and enhancing efficiency and security.While there are legitimate concerns about privacy andethics, proper regulation and responsible usage can ensure that this technology continues to benefit society while safeguarding individual rights.**面部识别在中国的应用**近年来,面部识别技术在中国崭露头角,成为安全、零售等多个领域的重要发展趋势。



面部识别在中国的应用英语作文The Application of Facial Recognition Technology in ChinaThe rapid advancement of technology has revolutionized various aspects of our daily lives, and one such innovation that has gained significant attention is facial recognition technology. In China, the implementation of this technology has been widespread, with numerous applications across diverse sectors. This essay will delve into the various ways in which facial recognition technology is being utilized in China, exploring its benefits, challenges, and the ethical considerations surrounding its use.One of the primary applications of facial recognition technology in China is in the realm of security and surveillance. The Chinese government has invested heavily in the development and deployment of this technology, creating an extensive network of surveillance cameras across the country. These cameras, equipped with facial recognition capabilities, are used to monitor public spaces, identify individuals, and track the movement of citizens. This system has proven effective in combating crime, as it enables law enforcement agencies to quickly identify and apprehend suspects. However, the extensive use of this technology has also raisedconcerns about privacy and the potential for abuse of power.Another area where facial recognition technology is making a significant impact in China is in the realm of financial services. Banks and financial institutions have embraced this technology as a means of enhancing security and improving customer experience. Facial recognition is used for identity verification during transactions, making the process more efficient and secure. This technology has also been integrated into mobile payment systems, allowing users to authenticate their identity with a simple facial scan, eliminating the need for physical cards or passwords.The application of facial recognition technology in China extends beyond security and finance. In the retail sector, this technology is being used to enhance the customer experience. Stores and shopping malls are incorporating facial recognition systems to track customer movements, monitor shopping patterns, and personalize product recommendations. This data can be used to optimize store layouts, improve inventory management, and provide a more tailored shopping experience.Furthermore, facial recognition technology is finding its way into the education system in China. Schools and universities are utilizing this technology for attendance tracking, access control, and even behavioral analysis. By monitoring student attendance andengagement, educators can identify patterns and provide targeted interventions to improve academic performance.The healthcare industry in China has also embraced the use of facial recognition technology. Hospitals are using this technology for patient identification, streamlining the registration process and reducing the risk of medical errors. Additionally, facial recognition is being explored for the early detection of certain medical conditions, such as Parkinson's disease, by analyzing subtle facial expressions and movements.While the widespread adoption of facial recognition technology in China has brought about numerous benefits, it has also raised significant ethical concerns. The extensive surveillance network and the ability to track individuals' movements have sparked debates about privacy rights and the potential for abuse of power by the government. There are also concerns about the accuracy and fairness of these systems, as studies have shown that facial recognition algorithms can exhibit biases based on gender, race, and age.To address these concerns, the Chinese government has implemented various regulations and guidelines to govern the use of facial recognition technology. For example, the Cybersecurity Law of the People's Republic of China requires companies and organizations to obtain user consent before collecting and using personalbiometric data. Additionally, the government has established guidelines for the ethical development and deployment of AI-powered technologies, including facial recognition.In conclusion, the application of facial recognition technology in China has been extensive and diverse, spanning sectors such as security, finance, retail, education, and healthcare. While the technology has brought about numerous benefits, it has also raised significant ethical concerns regarding privacy, bias, and the potential for abuse of power. As the use of facial recognition technology continues to evolve, it is crucial for China to strike a balance between technological progress and the protection of individual rights, ensuring that the benefits of this technology are realized while addressing the ethical challenges it presents.。



安宁疗护在晚期肺癌患者中的研究进展1.黑龙江省哈尔滨市黑龙江省医院护理部黑龙江哈尔滨 1500362.黑龙江省牡丹江市牡丹江医学院护理学院黑龙江牡丹江 157011摘要文章综述了晚期肺癌患者安宁疗护的研究进展,以期为晚期肺癌患者安宁疗护的发展提供参考。




关键词安宁疗护;晚期;肺癌;生存质量;研究进展Research progress of hospice care in patients with advanced lung cancerAbstract This paper summarizes the research progress of hospice care for patients with advanced lung cancer, in order to provide reference for the development of hospice care for patients with advanced lung cancer. In foreign countries, hospice care started early and developed rapidly, which can effectively improve the quality of life and death of dying patients, and help patients leave comfortably, peacefully and with dignity; In China, hospice care started late and developed slowly. Coupled with the aggravation of population aging and the changes of[1] disease spectrum and death order, it is facing great social needs for hospice care. Lung cancer is one of the malignant tumors with the highest incidence rate and mortality in China and theworld. Patients with advanced lung cancer often have difficulties in ending well because of a series of problems such as cancer pain, economic pressure, fear of death and so on. Hospice care can significantly improve patients' negative emotions and quality of life, and improve patients' satisfaction with medical treatment. Therefore, it is necessary to implement hospice care for patients with advanced lung cancer.Keywords hospice care;advanced;lung cancer;quality of life;the research progress世界癌症报告(GLOBOCAN 2020)的数据,肺癌新发病例2206771例(占比11.4%),仅次于乳腺癌新发病例2261419例(占比11.7%)位于第二,但肺癌死亡病例却高达1796144例(占比18.0%),是全球癌症致死的首位原因[1]。




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介绍中国钟南山爷爷英语作文200字全文共10篇示例,供读者参考篇1Title: My Grandpa Zhong NanshanHi everyone! Today, I want to introduce you to my grandpa, Zhong Nanshan. He is a very famous doctor and scientist in China. He is like a superhero in our family because of the amazing things he has done for our country.My grandpa is a respiratory specialist and he has done a lot of research on respiratory diseases. He became well-known for his work during the SARS epidemic in 2003. He was the one who discovered that SARS was a new type of coronavirus and he helped to control the spread of the disease in China. Because of his expertise, he was called "the SARS hero" by the Chinese people.Not only is my grandpa a great doctor, but he is also a great teacher. He has trained many young doctors and scientists in China. He always tells us that we should work hard to help others and make the world a better place.Even though my grandpa is very busy with his work, he always makes time for us, his family. He tells us stories about his work and he teaches us to be kind and caring. He is a very wise and kind person, and I am very proud to be his grandchild.In conclusion, my grandpa Zhong Nanshan is a hero to me and to many other people in China. He has dedicated his life to helping others and making the world a better place. I hope that one day I can be as brave and as caring as he is. Thank you for listening to my introduction about my grandpa.篇2Clock Grandpa, also known as Zhong Nanshan, is a famous Chinese respiratory expert. He is like a superhero to us because he has made great contributions to fighting against the coronavirus pandemic. Clock Grandpa is not only an expert in respiratory diseases, but also a hero in our hearts.Clock Grandpa was born on October 20, 1936 in Ningbo, Zhejiang Province, China. He is a very famous doctor in China. He has done a lot of research on respiratory diseases and has made great achievements in this field. During the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic in 2020, Clock Grandpa was at theforefront of the fight against the virus. He worked tirelessly to save lives and help control the spread of the virus.Clock Grandpa is not only a great doctor, but also a great teacher. He has taught many students and inspired them to become doctors and scientists. He has also given many public speeches to raise awareness about respiratory diseases and how to prevent them.In addition to his work as a doctor and a teacher, Clock Grandpa is also a loving father and grandfather. He always cares about his family and spends time with them whenever he can. Despite his busy schedule, Clock Grandpa always puts his family first.In conclusion, Clock Grandpa is a real hero to us. He is not only a great doctor and teacher, but also a loving father and grandfather. We are proud to have Clock Grandpa as a role model and we will always look up to him. Thank you, Clock Grandpa, for everything you have done for us!篇3Introduction to Grandpa Zhong NanshanDo you know Grandpa Zhong Nanshan? He is a really cool grandpa in China and he is super famous! Let me tell you all about him.Grandpa Zhong Nanshan is a Chinese respiratory expert and one of the leading scientists in China. He has played a key role in fighting against infectious diseases, especially during the outbreak of SARS and COVID-19. He is like a hero to all Chinese people.Grandpa Zhong Nanshan is very smart and hardworking. He has dedicated his whole life to medical research and has made many important discoveries. He is always calm and focused, even in the face of challenges. He is a great role model for all of us kids.Grandpa Zhong Nanshan is also very caring and kind. He always puts the health and safety of people first. During the COVID-19 pandemic, he worked tirelessly to find a cure and prevent the spread of the virus. He is truly a selfless person.We are so lucky to have Grandpa Zhong Nanshan in China. He is a national treasure! We should all learn from his hard work, dedication, and kindness. Grandpa Zhong Nanshan, we love you! Thank you for everything you have done for us!That's all about Grandpa Zhong Nanshan. Isn't he amazing? Let's all give him a big round of applause! Thank you, Grandpa Zhong Nanshan!篇4Title: Meet Grandpa Zhong NanshanHi everyone! Today I want to introduce you to a very special person - Grandpa Zhong Nanshan. He is a very famous doctor in China and has been working hard to keep us all safe and healthy.Grandpa Zhong Nanshan is a respiratory expert and has been studying diseases for many years. He became well-known during the SARS outbreak in 2003 when he helped to control the spread of the virus. And now, during the COVID-19 pandemic, Grandpa Zhong Nanshan has been leading the fight against the virus in China.He is always on TV, giving us updates and advice on how to stay healthy. He tells us to wear masks, wash our hands, and stay away from crowded places. He also encourages us to exercise, eat healthy food, and get plenty of rest.Grandpa Zhong Nanshan is very brave and caring. He works long hours, visiting hospitals and talking to patients. He alsoteaches students and trains other doctors so they can help more people.I admire Grandpa Zhong Nanshan very much. He is a true hero and a role model for all of us. I hope he can continue to help keep us safe and healthy for many years to come.Thank you, Grandpa Zhong Nanshan, for all you do!篇5Title: My Grandpa Zhong NanshanHi everyone, today I want to introduce you to my grandpa, Zhong Nanshan. He is a very famous doctor in China and he has done a lot of amazing things to help people.My grandpa is very smart and he knows a lot about diseases and how to treat them. He helped a lot of people during the SARS epidemic in 2003 and now he is helping with the coronavirus pandemic. He works very hard to make sure that people are safe and healthy.My grandpa is also very brave. He is not afraid to speak up and tell the government what needs to be done to keep people safe. He always tells us that it is important to listen to the experts and follow their advice.I am very proud of my grandpa Zhong Nanshan. He is a hero to me and to many people in China. I hope that one day I can be as smart and brave as him.That's all for today. Thank you for listening to my introduction to my grandpa Zhong Nanshan. Let's all work together to stay safe and healthy!篇6My grandpa is an amazing doctor in China. His name is Zhong Nanshan, and he is very famous for helping people, especially during the pandemic. He is like a superhero to me!Grandpa Zhong Nanshan is a respiratory specialist, which means he knows a lot about lungs and how to keep them healthy. He has been working for many years to help people with lung problems, like asthma and pneumonia. But when the coronavirus came, he became even more important.During the pandemic, Grandpa Zhong Nanshan helped lead China's response to the virus. He studied it carefully and told everyone how to stay safe and healthy. He worked very hard to make sure people had the information they needed to protect themselves and others.Grandpa Zhong Nanshan is not only a great doctor, but he is also a kind and caring person. He always thinks about others and wants to help them. He is a hero to many people in China, including me!I am so proud to have a grandpa like Zhong Nanshan. He is a role model for me and I hope to be like him when I grow up. I love my grandpa and I am grateful for all the amazing things he does to help others.篇7Hello everyone, I want to introduce you to my grandpa, Dr. Zhong Nanshan. He is a very famous doctor in China and he is known as the "savior of lives".My grandpa was born in 1936 in China. He is a respiratory disease expert and has devoted his whole life to researching and treating respiratory diseases. He has made many important contributions to the medical field, especially during the outbreak of the SARS virus in 2003 and the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020.During the SARS outbreak, my grandpa quickly identified the virus and led the efforts to control and prevent its spread. He worked tirelessly to treat patients and provide valuable guidanceto health officials. Because of his efforts, the outbreak was eventually contained and many lives were saved.When the COVID-19 pandemic hit in 2020, my grandpa was once again at the forefront of the fight against the virus. He worked with other experts to develop treatment plans and preventive measures. He also appeared on television to educate the public about the importance of wearing masks and washing hands regularly.My grandpa is not only a great doctor, but he is also a caring and kind person. He always puts others before himself and works tirelessly to help those in need. He is a true hero and I am very proud to call him my grandpa.In conclusion, Dr. Zhong Nanshan is a respected and admired figure in China. He has dedicated his life to saving lives and improving public health. I am grateful to have him as my grandpa and I hope that his legacy will inspire others to work towards a healthier and happier world. Thank you for listening to my introduction.篇8Title: Introduction of Grandpa Zhong NanshanHey everyone, today I want to tell you about a really cool grandpa from China. His name is Zhong Nanshan and he is a super famous doctor in China. He is like a superhero because he helped a lot of people during the coronavirus pandemic.Grandpa Zhong Nanshan is really smart and he knows a lot about diseases. He first became famous when he helped fight against the SARS virus in 2003. And then when the coronavirus came in 2020, he was the leader of the team that helped control the virus in China.He is really brave too because he always goes to the front line to help sick people. He works really hard and never gives up. That's why everyone in China loves and respects him so much.Grandpa Zhong Nanshan also likes to share his knowledge with others. He always gives speeches and interviews to teach people how to protect themselves from diseases. He is a great teacher and leader for all of us.In conclusion, Grandpa Zhong Nanshan is a hero in China. He is brave, smart, and caring. We are all so lucky to have him. Thank you, Grandpa Zhong Nanshan, for being such an amazing person!篇9Grandpa Zhong Nanshan is a very famous doctor in China. He is like a superhero to all of us because he has done so much to help fight against the COVID-19 virus. He is very smart and brave.Grandpa Zhong Nanshan was born in October 1936 in China. He has been working as a doctor for many years and has saved many lives. He is an expert in respiratory diseases and has helped many people who have trouble breathing.During the COVID-19 outbreak, Grandpa Zhong Nanshan worked very hard to study the virus and find ways to treat it. He was always on TV, telling people how to protect themselves and stay safe. He even went to the hospital to treat patients himself. He is a true hero!Grandpa Zhong Nanshan is not only a great doctor, but he is also a very kind person. He cares about everyone and always tries to help those in need. He is a role model for all of us and we should all learn from his dedication and kindness.In conclusion, Grandpa Zhong Nanshan is a hero in China. He has made great contributions to the health of the people and we are all grateful for everything he has done. We love Grandpa Zhong Nanshan!篇10Hello everyone, I want to introduce you to a very important person in China. He is our national hero, Grandpa Zhong Nanshan!Grandpa Zhong Nanshan is a very famous doctor in China. He is like a superhero because he helped a lot of people during the outbreak of the coronavirus. He is very smart and knows a lot about viruses and diseases. He is also very brave and worked very hard to save people's lives.Grandpa Zhong Nanshan is very old, but he is still very strong and healthy. He always exercises and eats healthy food. He tells us to wash our hands and wear masks to protect ourselves from getting sick. He is like a teacher to us, teaching us how to stay safe and healthy.Grandpa Zhong Nanshan is very kind and caring. He always thinks about other people and wants to help them. He is a true hero in our hearts. We admire him very much and want to be like him when we grow up.In conclusion, Grandpa Zhong Nanshan is a great man who has done a lot for our country. We are very lucky to have him asour hero. Thank you, Grandpa Zhong Nanshan, for all that you do for us!。



英文作文介绍中国针灸英文:As a Chinese, I am proud to introduce one of the most famous traditional Chinese medicine practices acupuncture. Acupuncture is a form of therapy that involves theinsertion of thin needles into specific points on the body to stimulate and balance the flow of energy, or Qi. It has been used in China for over 2,000 years and has gained popularity worldwide in recent years.Acupuncture is based on the concept of meridians, which are channels through which Qi flows in the body. By inserting needles into specific points along these meridians, acupuncturists can regulate the flow of Qi and restore balance to the body. Acupuncture can be used to treat a wide range of conditions, including pain, stress, anxiety, and digestive disorders.One of the reasons acupuncture has gained popularity inthe West is because it is a natural and non-invasive form of therapy. Unlike Western medicine, which often relies on drugs and surgery, acupuncture works with the body'snatural healing processes to promote health and well-being. It is also a holistic form of therapy, meaning that it takes into account the whole person body, mind, and spirit rather than just treating symptoms.In my personal experience, acupuncture has been incredibly effective in treating my chronic back pain.After just a few sessions, I noticed a significant reduction in pain and an improvement in my overall well-being. I also appreciate the fact that acupuncture is a relaxing and rejuvenating experience, which helps to reduce stress and promote relaxation.中文:作为一个中国人,我很自豪地介绍一种最著名的传统中医疗法——针灸。



钟南山的英语作文50个单词以上全文共10篇示例,供读者参考篇1Title: My Hero - Dr. Zhong NanshanHello everyone! Today I want to tell you about my hero, Dr. Zhong Nanshan. He is a very famous doctor in China and has been working hard to protect us from the coronavirus.Dr. Zhong Nanshan is a very smart and kind person. He has been studying medicine for many years and knows a lot about how to keep us healthy. When the coronavirus started spreading in China, Dr. Zhong Nanshan worked day and night to help find a way to stop it. He told us to wear masks, wash our hands, and stay at home to stay safe.I admire Dr. Zhong Nanshan because he is a great leader and always thinks about other people. He wants to make sure that we are all healthy and happy. Even though he is very busy, Dr. Zhong Nanshan always takes the time to talk to us on TV and tell us how to stay safe.I am very grateful to Dr. Zhong Nanshan for everything he has done for us. Thanks to him, many people in China have stayed healthy and the coronavirus has been controlled. I hope that one day I can be as brave and kind as Dr. Zhong Nanshan.I want to say a big thank you to Dr. Zhong Nanshan for being our hero and protecting us from the coronavirus. He is a role model for all of us and I am proud to have him as my hero. Thank you, Dr. Zhong Nanshan!篇2Oh! Hello everyone, today I'm going to tell you about Dr. Zhong Nanshan. He is a really famous doctor in China. He is like a superhero because he is helping to fight against the coronavirus!Dr. Zhong Nanshan was born in Guangzhou in 1936. He is a respiratory expert and has helped to control many respiratory diseases, like SARS and H1N1. He is now leading the fight against the new coronavirus!He is a very smart and hardworking doctor. He has been working day and night to research about the coronavirus and how to treat it. He has been giving advice to the government and teaching people about how to protect themselves.Dr. Zhong Nanshan is also a very kind person. He cares about the health and safety of all the people in China. He always says that we need to stay positive and work together to overcome this difficult time.We are all very grateful to Dr. Zhong Nanshan for his hard work and dedication. He is a true hero and we all look up to him. Thank you Dr. Zhong Nanshan for keeping us safe and healthy!篇3Hi! I'm going to tell you all about Zhong Nanshan in English. He's a really cool doctor who helped a lot of people during the COVID-19 pandemic.Zhong Nanshan is a famous doctor in China. He is an expert in respiratory diseases and has been working in the medical field for many years. When the COVID-19 virus broke out in Wuhan, he was one of the first doctors to study the virus and find ways to treat it.Dr. Zhong Nanshan was very brave during the pandemic. He worked day and night to help patients and find a cure for the virus. He also gave a lot of advice to the government on how to control the spread of the virus.Because of his hard work and dedication, Dr. Zhong Nanshan became a hero in China. People all over the country admire him and are grateful for everything he has done to keep them safe.I think Zhong Nanshan is a really great doctor. He showed us that even in difficult times, we can still make a difference and help others. We should all be like him and do our best to help those in need.That's all I have to say about Zhong Nanshan. I hope you enjoyed learning about him!篇4Title: My Hero, Dr. Zhong NanshanHi everyone, today I want to talk about my hero, Dr. Zhong Nanshan. He is a very famous Chinese doctor who is known for his work in respiratory diseases, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic.Dr. Zhong Nanshan was born in 1936 in China. He studied medicine and became a very respected doctor. He has been working in the medical field for many years and has helped many people with different respiratory diseases.During the COVID-19 outbreak in Wuhan, Dr. Zhong Nanshan played a very important role in helping to control the spread of the virus. He was very brave and worked tirelessly to treat patients and find ways to stop the virus from spreading. He even went to Wuhan to help in person, despite the risks to his own health.Dr. Zhong Nanshan also gave many speeches and interviews to educate people about the virus and how to protect themselves. He encouraged everyone to wear masks, wash their hands regularly, and practice social distancing. Thanks to his efforts, many lives were saved and the virus was brought under control.I admire Dr. Zhong Nanshan because he is a true hero who cares about the health and well-being of others. He is a role model for me and I hope to be as brave and dedicated as he is when I grow up. Thank you, Dr. Zhong Nanshan, for all your hard work and for being an inspiration to us all.篇5Hi everyone, do you know who is a super cool doctor in China? Yes, I’m talking about Dr. Zhong Nanshan! He is like a superhero, but in real life. Today, let me tell you more about him.Dr. Zhong Nanshan is a very famous respiratory expert in China. He is like a boss when it comes to fighting against diseases that affect our lungs and breathing. He has been working hard for many years to help people stay healthy and strong.One of the most amazing things about Dr. Zhong is that he led the fight against the SARS epidemic in 2003. He was like a warrior, leading the charge to defeat the virus and keep everyone safe. Thanks to his efforts, the outbreak was brought under control and many lives were saved.Not only that, but Dr. Zhong also played a crucial role in the battle against the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020. He gave us important information about the virus, how to prevent it, and how to stay safe. He worked tirelessly to make sure that people were well-informed and protected.Dr. Zhong Nanshan is not just a doctor, he is also a great teacher. He has trained many medical professionals and researchers, passing on his knowledge and expertise to the next generation. He is like a mentor, guiding others to follow in his footsteps and continue his important work.In conclusion, Dr. Zhong Nanshan is a true hero in the medical world. He is smart, caring, and dedicated to helpingothers. We are so lucky to have him on our side, fighting for our health and well-being. Let’s give a big cheer for Dr. Zhong Nanshan – the amazing doctor who is always there for us!篇6Hello everyone! Today I want to talk about a famous Chinese scientist named Zhong Nanshan. He is like a superhero because he helps to fight against diseases like the coronavirus.Zhong Nanshan is a very smart and hardworking scientist. He studies medicine and helps to find ways to make people healthy. When the coronavirus started spreading, he worked very hard to figure out how to stop it. He even went to the hospital to visit sick patients and help them get better.Zhong Nanshan is also a great leader. He tells everyone to wear a mask, wash their hands, and stay away from sick people to stay healthy. He gives speeches on TV and in newspapers to teach people how to protect themselves from getting sick.Because of Zhong Nanshan's hard work and leadership, many people in China are now safe from the coronavirus. He is a hero to everyone, especially to me. I want to be like him when I grow up – smart, hardworking, and always helping others.Thank you, Zhong Nanshan, for being such an amazing scientist and hero!篇7Hello everyone! Today I want to talk about a really cool and smart doctor named Zhong Nanshan. He is like a superhero in real life because he helps save people from getting sick!Zhong Nanshan is a famous Chinese respiratory expert. He is really good at studying diseases that affect our breathing, like the flu and pneumonia. He knows a lot about how to keep our lungs healthy so we can breathe easily.One time, there was a really bad flu called the SARS virus that made a lot of people very sick. Zhong Nanshan worked really hard to figure out how to treat it and stop it from spreading. Because of him, many people were able to get better and the virus was eventually under control.And now, there is a new virus called COVID-19 that is making a lot of people sick all over the world. Zhong Nanshan has been working tirelessly to help find ways to fight this virus and keep us safe. He gives advice on how to wear masks, wash our hands, and stay away from crowded places.He is like a real-life superhero because he is always there to help people when they are in need. We should all be grateful for everything that Zhong Nanshan does to keep us healthy and safe. Let's all listen to his advice and do our part to stop the spread of the virus.Thank you, Zhong Nanshan, for being such an amazing doctor and for helping us stay healthy!篇8Oh my goodness, writing an English essay with more than 2000 words like an elementary school student? That sounds like a challenge! But I'll give it a try!"Dr. Zhong Nanshan is a super-duper amazing doctor in China. He is like a superhero because he helped a lot of people during the COVID-19 pandemic. He is a really smart and kind doctor who knows a lot about respiratory diseases.Dr. Zhong Nanshan was born in 1936 in Guangdong Province. He studied medicine at the prestigious Beijing Medical College and has been working in the medical field for more than 50 years. He is a top expert in respiratory diseases and has won many awards for his research and contributions to the medical community.During the COVID-19 pandemic, Dr. Zhong Nanshan played a key role in helping to control the spread of the virus in China. He was the leader of the expert team advising the Chinese government on how to handle the outbreak. He worked tirelessly to provide accurate information to the public and to coordinate efforts to treat and contain the virus.Dr. Zhong Nanshan's dedication and expertise earned him the respect and admiration of people all over the world. He became a symbol of hope and resilience in the face of a global health crisis. His leadership and commitment to public health have inspired countless people to work together to overcome the challenges posed by the pandemic.In conclusion, Dr. Zhong Nanshan is a true hero who has made a significant impact on the field of medicine and on the lives of people around the world. His knowledge, compassion, and dedication have helped to save countless lives and to bring hope to those in need. We are so grateful for his contributions and we salute him for his incredible work!"Wow, that was a lot of words! But I did it! Dr. Zhong Nanshan is truly an amazing doctor and deserves all the recognition for his hard work and dedication.篇9Hello everyone! Today I want to tell you all about an amazing person called Zhong Nanshan. He is a super cool doctor in China who has done a lot of good things for our country. Let me tell you more about him!Zhong Nanshan is a famous respiratory specialist in China. He is known for his work in fighting against infectious diseases, especially the recent COVID-19 pandemic. He has been working hard to help people stay safe and healthy during this difficult time.He has given lots of speeches and interviews to share important information about the virus and how to protect ourselves. He even led a team of experts to investigate the outbreak in Wuhan and come up with strategies to control the spread of the virus.Zhong Nanshan is also a great teacher. He has trained many young doctors and researchers in the field of respiratory medicine. He always encourages them to work hard and never give up on their dreams.Not only that, but Zhong Nanshan is also a kind-hearted person. He often visits patients in hospitals to give them hope and support. He truly cares about the well-being of others.In conclusion, Zhong Nanshan is a truly amazing person who deserves all our respect and admiration. We are so lucky to have him in China, looking out for us and keeping us safe. Let's all show our appreciation for his hard work and dedication. Thank you, Zhong Nanshan, for everything you do!篇10Hello everyone, today I want to talk about a really cool and smart guy named Zhong Nanshan. He is a famous Chinese respiratory specialist and an expert in fighting against infectious diseases.Zhong Nanshan was born in 1936 in Guangdong Province, China. He is well-known for his work in the medical field, especially during the SARS outbreak in 2003 and the recent COVID-19 pandemic. He is like a superhero fighting against bad germs and viruses!During the SARS outbreak, Zhong Nanshan played a key role in identifying and controlling the spread of the disease. He worked day and night to save people's lives and prevent thevirus from spreading further. Thanks to his efforts, the outbreak was contained and many lives were saved.When the COVID-19 pandemic hit China in 2020, Zhong Nanshan once again stepped up to the challenge. He was appointed as the head of the national expert team on the coronavirus and provided valuable insights and guidance to the government and the public. His expertise and dedication have been instrumental in controlling the spread of the virus and saving countless lives.Zhong Nanshan's hard work and dedication have made him a national hero in China. He is admired and respected by people all over the country. His courage and determination in the face of adversity inspire us to never give up and always do our best.In conclusion, Zhong Nanshan is a true hero who has dedicated his life to saving others. His work in the medical field has had a profound impact on the world and his legacy will continue to inspire future generations. Thank you, Zhong Nanshan, for all that you do!。



西餐厅在中国越来越受欢迎的英语作文Western Restaurants are Super Awesome in China!Have you noticed how many Western restaurants have been popping up all over China lately? It seems like every time I go out with my family, there are more and more places serving food from the United States, Italy, France, and other countries. When I was younger, it was pretty much just Chinese food everywhere. But now, Western food is becoming super popular, especially with kids my age! Let me tell you all about it.My favorite Western restaurant is definitely McDonald's. I'm sure you've heard of McDonald's before - it's that place with the famous golden arches. McDonald's started in the United States but now they have restaurants in over 100 countries, including China. The thing I love most about McDonald's is their French fries. Oh man, those fries are amazing! They're crispy and salty and you can dip them in all sorts of yummy sauces. My favorite is the sweetand sour sauce. I also really like their burgers, especially when you add extra pickles. And for dessert, you can't go wrong with a hot apple pie or a thick chocolate milkshake!Another awesome Western restaurant that has been blowing up in China is Pizza Hut. Pizza is originally from Italy, but PizzaHut is an American company. Can you believe that Pizza Hut first opened in China way back in 1990? There are over 2,000 Pizza Hut locations in China now! The pizza there is so cheesy and delicious. My preferred order is just a classic pepperoni pizza, but they have all kinds of crazy topping combinations too. Like one that has tuna fish and corn on it - how weird is that?! For the crust, I always go for the stuffed crust packed with even more melted cheese. Mmmmm cheesy!It's not just fast food places like McDonald's and Pizza Hut that are getting huge in China though. Plenty of nicer sit-down Western restaurants have been opening up too. Like this Italian place called Monte Jade that my parents took me to recently. The inside was decorated to look like a villa in Italy, with grape vines hanging from the ceiling and paintings of Italian scenery on the walls. For an appetizer, we had freshly-baked garlic bread that was so warm and aromatic. Then for my main course, I had a giant plate of spaghetti smothered in tomato sauce and meatballs. The spaghetti was perfectly al dente and the meatballs were packed with flavor. It was authentic Italian cuisine for sure!I think there are a few reasons why Western restaurants have become so trendy in China lately. First of all, the flavors are justso different than traditional Chinese cooking. While I love Kung Pao chicken and dumplings as much as the next kid, sometimes I crave a juicy burger or a slice of pepperoni pizza to mix things up. The tastes are familiar but also seem exotic and exciting since they originated so far away.Secondly, eating at Western chains like McDonald's and Pizza Hut makes me feel like part of global culture that kids all over the world can relate to. It's kind of a shared experience when I can visit the same restaurants that my cousins in America or Europe go to. Plus, the marketing for a lot of these big Western brands is really cool and eye-catching, with their bright colors and animated characters. Those snazzy logos and mascot designs make the food seem even more appealing and fun.Another big factor is that as China has developed rapidly over recent decades, families have had more disposable income to spend on restaurant meals and western/foreign foods. When my grandparents were young, eating out was considered a luxury. But now that my parents have well-paying jobs, they can afford to take us to places like McDonald's or Pizza Hut pretty frequently as a treat. I remember once my dad told me "when I was your age, McDonald's was considered a exotic delicacy thatonly rich people could experience." Isn't that crazy to think about?!And lastly, I think Western restaurants have cleverly adapted their menus and recipes to appeal more to the local Chinese palates. For example, at a place like KFC, they serve fun dishes like spicy chicken wraps and rice dishes alongside the classic fried chicken buckets. So you get the best of both Western and Eastern foods combined. Or at Starbucks, they sell funAsian-inspired drinks like green tea frappuccinos and red bean beverages. By fusing different cultural influences into one menu, it makes the cuisine even more intriguing.So those are some of the major reasons why Western food is taking China by storm these days! From pizza to burgers to pasta and more, there are just so many tasty options to indulge in. Whenever my parents ask me where I want to go for a weekend family meal, my answer is always "let's hit up a Western place!" That's really the peak of my culinary adventure and cultural experience aspirations at this age. Living in modern China, I'm so lucky that I get to sample delicacies from around the globe, all within a short drive or walk from my neighborhood. Between traditional Chinese cooking and popular Western fare, I really do have the best of both worlds at my fingertips!That's my take on why Western restaurants have exploded in China in recent years. Let me know if you agree with my assessment! And if you have a favorite dish or restaurant, I'd love to hear about it. Maybe I can convince my parents to take me there this weekend. After all, there's always room to try something new and tasty. Getting to taste foods from all over the planet? Now that's one delicious part of growing up in modern China!。



介绍中国拔火罐英语作文Cupping, a traditional Chinese medical therapy, hasbeen practiced for centuries, embodying the wisdom and experience of ancient Chinese healers. This ancient technique involves the placement of heated cups on the skin, creating suction that draws up the tissues and promotes blood circulation. It is widely used to alleviate various ailments, ranging from muscle pain to respiratory issues.The practice of cupping dates back to ancient times,with historical records indicating its use in China asearly as the Han Dynasty (202 BC - AD 220). Over the centuries, it has evolved and been refined, becoming an integral part of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). In recent years, cupping has also gained popularity outside of China, with many people worldwide recognizing itstherapeutic benefits.The mechanism of cupping is based on the principles of TCM, which emphasizes the balance of "yin" and "yang" and the flow of "qi" (energy) in the body. By applying suctionto specific areas of the body, cupping is believed to stimulate the flow of qi, promote blood circulation, andremove stagnation and toxins. This, in turn, can help alleviate pain, improve the immune system, and promote overall health and well-being.There are several types of cupping techniques, each with its own unique applications and effects. Dry cupping, for instance, involves the use of glass or plastic cupsthat are placed on the skin and then heated to create suction. This technique is commonly used to treat muscle pain, stiffness, and rheumatism. Wet cupping, on the other hand, involves the creation of small cuts on the skin before applying the cups. This method is believed to draw out toxins and impurities from the body, making it useful for treating skin conditions and certain respiratory disorders.Despite its ancient origins and seemingly simple techniques, cupping is a highly skilled and specialized practice that requires training and expertise. Proper technique is crucial to ensure safety and effectiveness, as improper application can lead to discomfort or even injury. Therefore, it is always recommended to seek the services ofa qualified and experienced practitioner when considering cupping therapy.In conclusion, cupping is a unique and effectivetherapy that has stood the test of time. Its ability to alleviate pain, improve circulation, and promote overall health makes it a valuable addition to the arsenal of traditional Chinese medical treatments. As more people become aware of its benefits, cupping is likely to continue to gain popularity and recognition worldwide.**中国拔火罐的独特疗法**拔火罐,这一中国传统医学疗法,已有数百年的历史,凝聚着古代中医的智慧和经验。



给外国人推荐来中国玩的英语作文Welcome to China: A Guide to Traveling in the Middle KingdomIntroduction:China, a land of ancient history, rich culture, and diverse landscapes, is a must-visit destination for any traveler looking for a unique and unforgettable experience. From the bustling metropolis of Shanghai to the serene beauty of the Great Wall, there is something for everyone in this vast and beautiful country. In this guide, we will explore some of the top destinations and experiences that China has to offer to foreign visitors, as well as tips on how to make the most of your trip.Top Destinations:1. Beijing: The capital city of China, Beijing is home to some of the country's most iconic landmarks, including the Forbidden City, the Temple of Heaven, and of course, the Great Wall. Be sure to also visit the historic hutongs, traditional alleyways where you can experience authentic Chinese culture and cuisine.2. Shanghai: Known as the "Paris of the East," Shanghai is a bustling metropolis that blends modernity with tradition. Explore the iconic Bund waterfront, shop at the fashionable NanjingRoad, and take in the breathtaking views from the Shanghai Tower.3. Xi'an: Once the ancient capital of China, Xi'an is best known for its Terracotta Warriors, a collection of thousands of life-sized clay soldiers that guard the tomb of China's first emperor. Be sure to also visit the ancient city walls and the Muslim Quarter for a taste of local cuisine.4. Chengdu: Home to the adorable giant pandas, Chengdu isa must-visit destination for animal lovers. Visit the Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding to see these iconic creatures up close, and don't forget to try the spicy Sichuan cuisine that the city is famous for.5. Guilin: Known for its picturesque scenery of karst mountains and emerald green rivers, Guilin is a paradise for nature lovers. Take a leisurely cruise down the Li River, explore the ancient town of Yangshuo, and hike to the top of Elephant Trunk Hill for panoramic views of the surrounding landscape.Experiences:1. Sample Authentic Chinese Cuisine: From Peking duck in Beijing to hot pot in Chengdu, China is a culinary paradise with a wide variety of dishes to tantalize your taste buds. Be sure to trylocal specialties in each region you visit for a truly authentic experience.2. Learn about Chinese Culture: China has a rich and diverse cultural heritage that dates back thousands of years. Visit historical sites, attend traditional performances, and participate in local festivals to gain a deeper understanding of this fascinating culture.3. Practice Tai Chi in the Park: Join locals in the early morning practice of Tai Chi in parks and public squares across China. This ancient martial art is not only a great way to stay healthy and fit but also a unique way to experience Chinese culture firsthand.4. Visit a Traditional Tea House: Tea is an integral part of Chinese culture, and visiting a traditional tea house is a great way to immerse yourself in this ancient tradition. Sample different varieties of tea, learn about the tea-making process, and enjoy a relaxing afternoon in a serene setting.Tips for Traveling in China:1. Language Barrier: English is not widely spoken in China, so it's a good idea to learn some basic Chinese phrases before your trip. Having a translation app handy can also be helpful in communicating with locals.2. Transportation: China has an extensive and efficient transportation system that includes trains, buses, and domestic flights. Book tickets in advance, especially during peak travel seasons, and be prepared for crowded conditions.3. Currency: The official currency of China is the RMB (Renminbi). Be sure to exchange your currency for RMB before arriving in China, as foreign currencies are not widely accepted.4. Respect Local Customs: China has its own set of customs and traditions that may be different from those in Western countries. Be respectful of local customs, such as removing your shoes before entering a home or temple, and learn about Chinese etiquette to avoid unintentional faux pas.Conclusion:China is a country of endless possibilities, with a rich tapestry of history, culture, and natural beauty waiting to be explored. Whether you're a history buff, a foodie, or an adventure seeker, there is something for everyone in this vast and diverse country. So pack your bags, book your ticket, and get ready for the experience of a lifetime in the Middle Kingdom. Welcome to China!。







Ⅰ. 单项选择1、--Could you ask him if he_____ to my birthday party next Sunday?--I will if I_____him this afternoon.A.comes,meet B.will come,will meet C.comes,will meet D.will come, meet2、Everyone may make mistakes in his life, but not everyone knows _____. Finding the way to the mistakes is more important than escaping from them.A.what should he do with themB.how he should do with themC.how he should deal with them3、--Where’s your father? We haven’t seen each other .---____________.A.He has been to America B.He has gone to EnglandC.He is going to England D.He would visit my grandparents4、—Could I borrow your other car when I’m in town?--Yes, you ________.A.will B.could C.can D.may5、– What else do you want?-- ________ else. I think I have got everything ready.A.Something B.NothingC.Anything D.Everything6、________ the background music was a bit noisy, the film was really good.A.If B.After C.Because D.Although7、The nurse told the children the sun ______ in the east.A.rises B.rose C.will rise D.has risen8、—_______ you able to see the sea from this window?—Yes, it’s peace ful. Some people are swimming in the sea.A.Do B.Are C.Will D.Have9、—Do you know how to spell ______word “strength” in English?—Yes. It begins with ______“s”.A.The; a B.the; an C.a; the D.the ; the10、---Would you like some coffee?---Yes, and please get me some milk. I prefer coffee _______ milk.A.with B.to C.of D.onⅡ. 完形填空11、Twenty years ago ,I drove a taxi for a living . One night I went to 1 a passenger at 2:30am . When I arrived to collect , I found the building was dark except for a single 2 in a ground floor window . I walked to the door and knocked . “Just a minute ,” answered a 3 , elderly voice .After a 4 pause (停留), the door opened at last . A small woman in her eighties stood before me . By her side wasa small suitcase . I took the suitcase to the car , and then 5 to help the woman . She took my arm and we walked6 toward the car .She kept thanking me for my 7 .”It’s nothing ,” I told her . “ I just try to treat my passengers the way I would want my mother treated .‘’“Oh ,you’re such a good man ,” she said . When we got into the taxi , she gave me a/an 8 , and then asked , “Could you drive through downtown ? ”“It’s not the shortest way ,” I answered quickly .“Oh , I’m in no hurry ,” she said . I’m on my way to a hospice (临终医院).I don’t have any 9 left . The doctor says I don’t have a chance of living very long . I quietly reached over and shut off the meter (表).For the next two hours ,we drove through the city . She 10 me the buildingWhere she had once worked , the neighborhood where she had lived , and the furniture shop where she had gone dancing as a girl . Sometimes she’d ask me to 11 in front of a special building and would sit looking straight into the 12 , saying nothing .At dawn(黎明), she suddenly said , “I’m tired . Let’s go now.”We drove 13 to the address she had given me .“How much do I pay for you ?” she asked . “Nothing ,” I said . “You have to make a living ,” she answe red .“Oh , there are other passengers ,” I answered . Almost without thinking , I bent and gave her a 14 .She held on to me tightly .Our hug ended with her remark ,“You gave an old woman a little moment of 15 .”1.A.pick up B.play with C.look after D.call up2.A.from B.light C..room D.shape3.A.strange B.nice C.happy D.weak4.A.terrible B.long C.sudden D.short5.A.rushed B.offered C.returned D.decided6.A.quickly B.directly C.politely D.slowly7.A.pity B.support C.kindness D.advice8.A.address B.order C.smile D.gift9.A.family B.life C.right D.money10.A.sent B.told C.showed D.left11.A.go by B.get out C.run away D.slow down12.A.world B.darkness C.brightness D.sky13.A.in silence B.in danger C.in surprise D.in secret14.A.hug B.lift C.handshake D.answer15.A.regret B.thought C.hope D.joyⅢ. 语法填空12、Champion Swim Club 1.(found) in 2006 by former World Cup Swimming Champion Ms. Vivian Wang and is the first competitive organization for expats’ children and adults in Shanghai. The club 2.(provide) a structured program focused on the long-term development of its swimmers. Members will be assessed and given the opportunity3.(train) with swimmers of a similar standard and level under the supervision of 4.(lead) internationally experienced swimming coaches.So far, we5.(create) a program that caters to swimmers of all ages and abilities. In addition to ensuring proper technique and conditioning, Swimmers6.(place) in groups by the coaching staff after a stroke technique assessment session. The program has been designed by a world class coaching team that focuses on all of the elements and techniques that will result students maximizing their potential to enjoy and7.(compete) at a competitive level.The coaching team comprises former World Cup Swimming Champion Vivian Wang as Head Coach and a number of highly experienced professional coaches will work together8.(provide) a developmental swimming program where there is avenue for advancement through to higher levels. The leader of the club said, “I think we9.(do) some useful things. If everyone spread the spirit, there 10.(be) more champions in China. ”Ⅳ. 阅读理解A13、Like any good mother, when Karen found out that another baby was on the way, she did what she could do to help her 3-year-old son Michael prepare for it. She and her husband found out that the new baby was going to be a girl. Day after day, night after night, Michae l sang to his sister in his mom’s tummy (肚子).Finally, Michael’s little sister was born. But she was in a very serious condition. The doctor told the parents there was very little hope. They kept the baby girl in the intensive care unit (ICU, 重症监护室). Karen was so sad. She decided toplan for her funeral (葬礼). Michael, however, kept begging his parents to let him see his sister. “I want to sing to her,” he would say. Finally Karen decided to take Michael to his sister. This may be the last time he sees her alive.Michael looked at his baby sister. After a moment, he began to sing. In the pure-hearted voice of a 3-year-old, Michael sang: “You are my sunshine, my only sunshine. You make me happy when skies are gray.”Instantly the baby girl seemed torespond. Her pulse rate (脉搏率) began to calm down.“Keep on singing, Michael,” encouraged Karen with tears in her eyes. “You never know, dear, how much I love you, please don’t take my sunshine away.” As Michael sang to his sister, the baby’s breath became smooth.After a few days, the little girl was well enough to go home. The doctors called it a miracle (奇迹).根据材料内容选择最佳答案,并将其标号填入题前括号内。

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Hospice in China
2014011307 曹华政
With the development of hospitalpice research,the ethical conflicts in implementing hospitalpice are gaining people s attention.They annotate the deathbed solicitude from the essence, service patterns and moral principles in order to avoid going wrong and promote its healthy development
WhenAsked where they would like to spend their last days, most people always say at home, surrounded by people they love. In real life, though, only one in five achieves that. More than 30% die in a nursing home, wh ere almost no one wants to be, and over half end up in a hospital, often i n an intensive-care unit, heavily sedated and attached to life-saving equi pment until their doctors give up the battle
Hospice care is a system of care that helps those with an incurable illnes to focus on making the most of whatever time is left. They offer a range of support, often alongside active treatment for an illness. The focus of modern hospice care is on helping people to live well until they die. Dyin g in a hospice care can bring families peace and allow a closeness which i sn't always possible at home.
For patients who have religious faith,spiritual workers can help them find relief in religious instruction,such as immortal,paradise。
