Econometrics Journal (2005), volume 8, pp. 143–158




14.461Advanced Macroeconomics I(1st half)Jordi GalíMITFall2005Part1:Monetary Policy,Inflation,and the Business Cycle The lectures will provide an overview of the recent literature on dynamic optimizing models with nominal rigidities and their implications for the design of monetary policy. Lecture notes will be handed out during the course.A list of topics to be be covered and reading list with some of the key articles is provided below.Motivation and EvidenceBeyond RBC Theory.Long Run Evidence.Reduced Form Evidence.The Effects of Monetary Policy Shocks.Walsh,Carl E.(2003):Monetary Theory and Policy,Second Edition,MIT Press,chapter1.McCandless,George T.,Warren Weber(1995):“Some Monetary Facts,”Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis,Quartely ReviewBarro,Robert(1998):The Determinants of Economic Growth,MIT Press,chapter3. (NBER WP#5698)Bruno,Michael,and William Easterly(1998):“Inflation Crises and Long Run Growth,”Journal of Monetary Economics,vol.41,no.1,3-26Cooley,Thomas F.and Gary D.Hansen(1995):“Money and the Business Cycle,”in in T. Cooley ed.:Frontiers of Business Cycle Research(Princeton University Press),section7.2.Stock,James,and Mark W.Watson(2000):“Business Cycle Fluctuations in U.S. Macroeconomic Time Series,”in J.B.Taylor and M.Woodford eds.,Handbook of Macroeconomics,volume1A.(also NBER WP6528))Romer,Christina,and David Romer(1989):“Does Monetary Policy Matter?A New Test in the Spirit of Friedman and Schwartz,”NBER Macroeconomics Annual,4,121-170.Christiano,Lawrence J.,Martin Eichenbaum,and Charles L.Evans(1998):“Monetary Policy Shocks:What Have We Learned and to What End?,”in J.B.Taylor and M.Woodford eds.,Handbook of Macroeconomics,volume1A,65-148.(also NBER WP6400).Peersman,Gert and Frank Smets(2003):“The Monetary Transmission Mechanism in the Euro Area:More Evidence from VAR Analysis,”in Angeloni et al.(eds.)Monetary Policy Transmission in the Euro Area,Cambridge University Press,(also ECB WP no.91).Galí,Jordi(1992):”How Well Does the IS-LM Model Fit Postwar U.S.Data?,”Quarterly Journal of Economics709-738.Bernanke,Ben S.,and Ilian Mihov(1997):“Measuring Monetary Policy,”Quarterly Journal of Economics,vol.CXIII,no.3,869-902.Eichenbaum,Martin and Charles E.Evans(1995):“Some Empirical Evidence on the Effects of Shocks to Monetary Policy on Exchange Rates,”Quarterly Journal of Economics110,no.4,975-1010.Bils,Mark and Peter J.Klenow(2004):“Some Evidence on the Importance of Sticky Prices,”Journal of Political Economy,vol112(5),947-985.Dhyne,Emmanuel et al.(2005):“Price Setting in the Euro Area:Some Stylised Facts from Individual Consumer Price Data,”mimeo.Alvarez,Luis et al.(2005):“Sticky Prices in the Euro Area:Evidence from Micro-Data,”mimeo.A Simple Framework for Monetary Policy AnalysisHouseholds.Firms.Marginal costs and markups.Elements of equilibrium.Money demand. Capital accumulation.Walsh,Carl E.(2003):Monetary Theory and Policy,Second Edition,MIT Press,chapter2 (also related:chapter3)Woodford,Michael(2003):Interest and Prices:Foundations of a Theory of Monetary Policy,Princeton University Press,chapter1.Flexible PricesThe classical monetary model.Optimal price setting.Neutrality.Monetary policy rules and price level determination.Sources of non-neutrality.Optimal monetary policy. Hyperinflations.Walsh,Carl E.(2003):Monetary Theory and Policy,Second Edition,MIT Press,chapter2.Woodford,Michael(2003):Interest and Prices:Foundations of a Theory of Monetary Policy,Princeton University Press,chapter2.Cooley,Thomas F.and Gary D.Hansen(1995):“Money and the Business Cycle,”in in T. Cooley ed.:Frontiers of Business Cycle Research(Princeton University Press).Cooley,Thomas F.and Gary D.Hansen(1989):“Inflation Tax in a Real Business Cycle Model,”American Economic Review79,733-748.King,Robert G.,and Mark Watson(1996):“Money,Prices,Interest Rates,and the Business Cycle,”Review of Economics and Statistics,vol78,no1,35-53.Chari,V.V.,and Patrick J.Kehoe(1999):“Optimal Fiscal and Monetary Policy,”in in J.B. Taylor and M.Woodford eds.,Handbook of Macroeconomics,volume1C,1671-1745.Correia,Isabel,and Pedro Teles(1999):“The Optimal Inflation Tax,”Review of Economic Dynamics,vol.2,no.2325-346.A Baseline Sticky Price ModelThe Calvo model.The new Keynesian Phillips curve.The output gap and the natural rate of interest.The effects of monetary policy shocks.Evidence on inflation dynamics.Alternative time-dependent models:convex price adjustment costs,the Taylor model,the truncated Calvo model.State-dependent models.Walsh,Carl E.(2003):Monetary Theory and Policy,Second Edition,MIT Press,chapter5.Woodford,Michael(2003):Interest and Prices:Foundations of a Theory of MonetaryPolicy,Princeton University Press,chapter4.Calvo,Guillermo(1983):“Staggered Prices in a Utility Maximizing Framework,”Journal of Monetary Economics,12,383-398.Yun,Tack(1996):“Nominal Price Rigidity,Money Supply Endogeneity,and Business Cycles,”Journal of Monetary Economics37,345-370.King,Robert G.,and Alexander L.Wolman(1996):“Inflation Targeting in a St.Louis Model of the21st Century,”Federal Reserve Bank of St.Louis Review,vol.78,no.3.(NBER WP#5507).Fuhrer,Jeffrey C.and George R.Moore(1995):“Inflation Persistence”,Quarterly Journal of Economics,Vol.110,February,pp127-159.Galí,Jordi and Mark Gertler(1998):“Inflation Dynamics:A Structural Econometric Analysis,”Journal of Monetary Economics,vol44,no.2,195-222.Sbordone,Argia(2002):“Prices and Unit Labor Costs:A New Test of Price Stickiness,”Journal of Monetary Economics,vol.49,no.2,265-292.Galí,Jordi,Mark Gertler,David López-Salido(2001):“European Inflation Dynamics,”European Economic Review vol.45,no.7,1237-1270.Galí,Jordi,Mark Gertler,David López-Salido(2005):“Robustness of the Estimates of the Hybrid New Keynesian Phillips Curve,”Journal of Monetary Economics,forthcoming.Eichenbaum,Martin and Jonas D.M.Fisher(2004):“Evaluating the Calvo Model of Sticky Prices,”NBER WP10617.Mankiw,N.Gregory and Ricardo Reis(2002):“Sticky Information vs.Sticky Prices:A Proposal to Replace the New Keynesian Phillips Curve,”Quartely Journal of Economics,vol. CXVII,issue4,1295-1328.Rotemberg,Julio(1996):“Prices,Output,and Hours:An Empirical Analysis Based on a Sticky Price Model,”Journal of Monetary Economics37,505-533.Chari,V.V.,Patrick J.Kehoe,Ellen R.McGrattan(2000):“Sticky Price Models of the Business Cycle:Can the Contract Multiplier Solve the Persistence Problem?,”Econometrica, vol.68,no.5,1151-1180.Wolman,Alexander(1999):“Sticky Prices,Marginal Cost,and the Behavior of Inflation,”Economic Quarterly,vol85,no.4,29-48.Dotsey,Michael,Robert G.King,and Alexander L.Wolman(1999):“State Dependent Pricing and the General Equilibrium Dynamics of Money and Output,”Quarterly Journal of Economics,vol.CXIV,issue2,655-690.Dotsey,Michael,and Robert G.King(2005):“Implications of State Dependent Pricing for Dynamic Macroeconomic Models,”Journal of Monetary Economics,52,213-242.Golosov,Mikhail,Robert E.Lucas(2005):“Menu Costs and Phillips Curves”mimeo.Gertler,Mark and John Leahy(2005):“A Phillips Curve with an Ss Foundation,”mimeo.Monetary Policy Design in the Baseline ModelA benchmark case.Optimal monetary policy and its implementation.The Taylor Principle. Simple Monetary Policy Rules.Second order approximation to welfare losses.Evidence on Monetary Policy rules.The effects of technology shocks:theory and evidence.Galí,Jordi(2003):“New Perspectives on Monetary Policy,Inflation,and the BusinessCycle,”in Advances in Economics and Econometrics,volume III,edited by M.Dewatripont, L.Hansen,and S.Turnovsky,Cambridge University Press(also available as NBER WP#8767).Woodford,Michael(2003):Interest and Prices:Foundations of a Theory of Monetary Policy,Princeton University Press,chapter6.Yun,Tack(2005):“Optimal Monetary Policy with Relative Price Distortions”American Economic Review,vol.95,no.1,89-109Blanchard,Olivier and Charles Kahn(1980),“The Solution of Linear Difference Models under Rational Expectations”,Econometrica,48,1305-1311Bullard,James,and Kaushik Mitra(2002):“Learning About Monetary Policy Rules,”Journal of Monetary Economics,vol.49,no.6,1105-1130.Woodford,Michael(2001):“The Taylor Rule and Optimal Monetary Policy,”American Economic Review91(2):232-237(2001).Rotemberg,Julio and Michael Woodford(1999):“Interest Rate Rules in an Estimated Sticky Price Model,”in J.B.Taylor ed.,Monetary Policy Rules,University of Chicago Press.Benhabib,Jess,Stephanie Schmitt-Grohe,and Martin Uribe(2001):“The Perils of Taylor Rules,”Journal of Economic Theory96,40-69.Levin,Andrew,Volker Wieland,and John C.Williams(2003):“The Performance of Forecast-Based Monetary Policy Rules under Model Uncertainty,”American Economic Review,vol.93,no.3,622-645.Clarida,Richard,Jordi Galí,and Mark Gertler(2000):“Monetary Policy Rules and Macroeconomic Stability:Evidence and Some Theory,”Quarterly Journal of Economics,vol. 115,issue1,147-180.Taylor,John B.(1998):“An Historical Analysis of Monetary Policy Rules,”in J.B.Taylor ed.,Monetary Policy Rules,University of Chicago Press.Orphanides,Athanasios(2003):“The Quest for Prosperity Without Inflation,”Journal of Monetary Economics50,633-663Galí,Jordi(1999):“Technology,Employment,and the Business Cycle:Do Technology Shocks Explain Aggregate Fluctuations?,”American Economic Review,vol.89,no.1,249-271.Basu,Susanto,John Fernald,and Miles Kimball(2004):“Are Technology Improvements Contractionary?,”American Economic Review,forthcoming(also NBER WP#10592).Francis,Neville,and Valerie Ramey(2005):“Is the Technology-Driven Real Business Cycle Hypothesis Dead?Shocks and Aggregate FLuctuations Revisited,”Journal of Monetary Economics,forthcoming.Galí,Jordi and Pau Rabanal(2004):“Technology Shocks and Aggregate Fluctuations: How Well Does the RBC Model Fit Postwar U.S.Data?,”NBER Macroeconomics Annual 2004,225-288.(also as NBER WP#10636).Christiano,Lawrence,Martin Eichenbaum,and Robert Vigfusson(2003):“What happens after a Technology Shock?,”NBER WP#9819.Galí,Jordi,J.David López-Salido,and Javier Vallés(2003):“Technology Shocks and Monetary Policy:Assessing the Fed’s Performance,”Journal of Monetary Economics,vol.50, no.4.,723-743.Extensions of the Baseline Model and their Implications for Monetary PolicyCost-push shocks.Nominal wage rigidities.Monetary frictions.Inflation inertia.Real wage rigidities.Steady state distortions.Estimated medium-scale models.Giannoni,Marc P.,and Michael Woodford(2003):“Optimal Inflation Targeting Rules,”in B.Bernanke and M.Woodford,eds.The Inflation Targeting Debate,Chicago,Chicago University Press.(also NBER WP#9939).Woodford,Michael(2003):Interest and Prices:Foundations of a Theory of Monetary Policy,Princeton University Press,chapters6-8.Clarida,Richard,Jordi Galí,and Mark Gertler(1999):“The Science of Monetary Policy:A New Keynesian Perspective,”Journal of Economic Literature,vol.37,no.4,1661-1707.Erceg,Christopher J.,Dale W.Henderson,and Andrew T.Levin(2000):“Optimal Monetary Policy with Staggered Wage and Price Contracts,”Journal of Monetary Economics vol.46,no.2,281-314.Huang,Kevin X.D.,and Zheng Liu.(2002):“Staggered Price-setting,staggeredwage-setting and business cycle persistence,”Journal of Monetary Economics,vo.49,405-433.Woodford,Michael(2003):“Optimal Interest Rate Smoothing,”Review of Economic Studies,vol.70,no.4,861-886.Steinsson,Jón(2003):“Optimal Monetary Policy in an Economy with Inflation Persistence,”Journal of Monetary Economics,vol.50,no.7.Blanchard,Olivier J.and Jordi Galí(2005):“Real Wage Rigidities and the Nw Keynesian Model”mimeo.Benigno,Pierpaolo,and Michael Woodford(2005):“Inflation Stabilization and Welfare: the Case of a Distorted Steady State”Journal of the European Economic Association, forthcoming.Khan,Aubhik,Robert G.King and Alexander L.Wolman(2003):“Optimal Monetary Policy,”Review of Economic Studies,825-860.Christiano,Lawrence J.,Martin Eichenbaum,and Charles L.Evans(2001):“Nominal Rigidities and the Dynamic Effects of a Shock to Monetary Policy,”Journal of Political EconomySmets,Frank,and Raf Wouters(2003):“An Estimated Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium Model of the Euro Area,”Journal of the European Economic Association,vol1, no.5,1123-1175.Monetary Policy in the Open EconomyEmpirical issues.Two country models.Small Open Economy.Monetary Unions.Local Currency Pricing.Benigno,Gianluca,and Benigno,Pierpaolo(2003):“Price Stability in Open Economies,”Review of Economic Studies,vol.70,no.4,743-764.Galí,Jordi,and Tommaso Monacelli(2005):“Monetary Policy and Exchange Rate Volatility in a Small Open Economy,”Review of Economic Studies,vol.72,issue3,2005,707-734.Clarida,Richard,Jordi Galí,and Mark Gertler(2002):“A Simple Framework for International Monetary Policy Analysis,”Journal of Monetary Economics,vol.49,no.5, 879-904.Benigno,Pierpaolo(2004):“Optimal Monetary Policy in a Currency Area,”Journal of International Economics,vol.63,issue2,293-320.Monetary and Fiscal Policy InteractionsFiscal policy rules and equilibrium determination.Distortionary taxes and optimal policy. Non-Ricardian economies and the effects ernment spending.Optimal monetary and fiscal policy in currency unions.Leeper,Eric(1991):“Equilibria under Active and Passive Monetary Policies,”Journal of Monetary Economic s27,129-147.Sims,Christopher A.(1994):“A Simple Model for the Determination of the Price Level and the Interaction of Monetary and Fiscal Policy,”Economic Theory,vol.4,381-399.Woodford,Michael(1996):“Control of the Public Debt:A Requirement for Price Stability,”NBER WP#5684.Davig,Troy and Eric Leeper(2005):“Fluctuating Macro Policies and the Fiscal Theory,”mimeo.Schmitt-Grohé,Stephanie,and Martin Uribe(2004):“Optimal Fiscal and Monetary Policy under Sticky Prices,”Journal of Economic Theory114,198-230Schmitt-Grohé,Stephanie,and Martin Uribe(2003):“Optimal Simple and Implementable Monetary and Fiscal Rules,”NBER WP#10253.Blanchard,Olivier and Roberto Perotti(2002),“An Empirical Characterization of the Dynamic Effects of Changes in Government Spending and Taxes on Output,”Quarterly Journal of Economics,vol CXVII,issue4,1329-1368.Fatás,Antonio and Ilian Mihov(2001),“The Effects of Fiscal Policy on Consumption and Employment:Theory and Evidence,”INSEAD,mimeo.Galí,Jordi,J.David López-Salido and Javier Vallés(2005):“Understanding the Effects of Government Spending on Consumption,”mimeo.Galí,Jordi,and Tommaso Monacelli(2005):“Optimal Monetary and Fiscal Policy in a Currency Union:A New Keynesian Perspective,”miemo.。



经济学核心期刊1.经济研究2. 经济学动态3. 经济学家4. 经济科学5. 经济评论6. 南开经济研究7. 当代经济科学8. 当代经济研究9. 中南财经政法大学学报10. 经济纵横11.山西财经大学学报12.经济问题13.现代财经14. 上海财经大学学报15. 经济经纬16.贵州财经学院学报17.首都经济贸易大学学报18. 江西财经大学学报19.河北经贸大学学报20.云南财贸学院学报(改名为:云南财经大学学报)国际经济学期刊四大金刚:AER、Econometrica、JPE、QJE国内经济学期刊四大金刚:《经济研究》、《经济学(季刊)》、《管理世界》、《世界经济》国外主要刊物1 The American economic review 美国经济评论美2 The Economist 经济学家英3 Econometrica 计量经济学美4 The Journal of political economy 政治经济学杂志美5 The Quarterly journal of economics 经济学季刊美6 Journal of economic literature 经济文献杂志美7 Journal of financial economics 金融经济学杂志瑞士8 The Economic quarterly 经济学杂志英9 The Review of economic studies 经济研究评论英10 The Review of economics and statistics 经济学与统计学评论美11 Journal of econometrics 计量经济学杂志瑞士12 Journal of economic theory 经济理论杂志美13 Brookings papers on economic activity 布鲁鑫斯经济活动论文集美14 Journal of monetary economics 货币经济学杂志荷兰15 The Journal of law & economics 法学与经济学杂志美16 Journal of international economics 国际经济学杂志荷兰17 International economic review 国际经济评论美18 Journal of development economics 发展经济学杂志荷兰19 The Journal of economic history 经济史杂志英20 Economics letters 经济学快报瑞士21 Economic inquiry 经济探究美22 Oxford economic papers 牛津经济论文集英23 Cambridge journal of economics 剑桥经济学杂志英24 Journal of international money 国际货币与金融杂志英25 Games and economic behavior 博弈论与经济行为美26 Journal of risk and uncertainty 风险与不确定性杂志荷兰27 Journal of comparative economics 比较经济学杂志美28 Econometric theory 计量经济学理论英29 International journal of game theory 国际博弈理论杂志德30 Scottish journal of political 苏格兰政治经济学杂志英economy31 Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv 世界经济评论德32 Journal of institutional and 制度与理论经济学杂志德国内主要刊物1、《中国社会科学》2、《经济研究》3、《经济学家》4、《经济学动态》5、《改革》6、《世界经济》7、《经济工作者学习资料》8、《数量经济技术经济研究》9、《经济日报》10、《财经科学》11、《经济科学》12、《经济评论》13、《经济理论与经济管理》14、《经济研究参考资料》16、《经济研究参考》17、《财经研究》18、《南开经济研究》19、《中国经济问题》20、《宏观经济》21、《财经问题研究》22、《当代经济科学》23、《当代财经》24、《国际经济评论》25、《经济社会体制比较》26、《战略与管理》27、《学习与探索》28、《江苏社会科学》29、《社会科学战线》30、《江海学刊》31、《社会科学研究》32、《学术研究》33、《北京社会科学》34、《社会科学》35、《江汉论坛》36、《浙江学刊》37、《探索与争鸣》38、《求索》39、《社会科学辑刊》40、《天津社会科学》41、《研究与发展管理》42、《当代经济研究》43、《社会主义经济理论与实践》(人大复印资料)44、《理论经济学》(人大复印资料)45、《政治经济学评论》46、《新政治经济学评论》1.《经济学季刊》北京大学中国经济研究中心主办、北京大学出版社出版。



1.2 What is Econometrics About
◆计量经济学家时常被指责为:使用大铁锤去砸开花 生,却对数据不足以及成功运用这些技术所需的但却 不可靠的许多假设熟视无睹。
“计量经济理论就像仔细斟酌过的法国食谱,清楚、精确地 说明了混合调味料需要调几次,需要多少克拉的香料,以及在恰 好474度下需要多少毫秒烘烤混合物。可是,当统计学的”厨师“ 转向原材料时,却发现没有仙人掌水果的核,因此用几块哈密瓜 代替;当食谱要求采用粉条时他却用麦片;他还用绿色胡椒代替 咖喱,用鹌鹑蛋代替海龟蛋,还用一罐松脂油代替1883的 Chalifougnac。”(Valavanis,1959)
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1.1 什么是计量经济学
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Chapter 1: An Introduction to Econometrics
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1.1.1 计量经济学的概念
计量经济学( Econometrics):是经济理论、统计学和数学 的结合。
而催生新的理论的诞生。 这也提示我们,在学习计量经济学时,应回到经济学 之中,应与经济现实相结合,对感兴趣的经济理论或假
Principles of Econometrics, 4th Edition
Chapter 1: An Introduction to Econometrics Page 15
Principles of Econometrics, 4th Edition
Chapter 1: An Introduction to Econometrics Page 10



Econometrics 专业词汇中英文对照(按课件顺序)Ch1-3Causal effects:因果影响,指的是当x变化时,会引起y的变化;Elasticity:弹性;correlation (coefficient) 相关(系数),相关系数没有单位,unit free;estimation:估计;hypothesis testing:假设检验;confidence interval:置信区间;difference-in-means test:均值差异检验,即检验两个样本的均值是否相同;standard error:标准差;statistical inference:统计推断;Moments of distribution:分布的矩函数;conditional distribution (means):条件分布(均值);variance:方差;standard deviation:标准差(指总体方差的平方根);standard error:标准误差,指样本方差的平方根;skewness:偏度,度量分布的对称性;kurtosis:峰度,度量厚尾性,即度量离散程度;joint distribution:联合分布;conditional expectation:条件期望(指总体);randomness:随机性i.i.d., independently and identically distributed:独立同分布的;sampling distribution:抽样分布,指的是当抽取不同的随机样本时,统计量的取值会有所不同,而当取遍所有的样本量为n的样本时,统计量有一个取值规律,即抽样分布,即统计量的随机性来自样本的随机性consistent (consistency):相合的(相合性),指当样本量趋于无穷大时,估计量依概率收敛到真实值;此外,在统计的语言中,还有一个叫模型选择的相合性,指的是能依概率选取到正确的模型Central limit theory:中心极限定理;unbiased estimator:无偏估计量;uncertainty:不确定性;approximation:逼近;least squares estimator:最小二乘估计量;provisional decision:临时的决定,用于假设检验,指的是,我们现在下的结论是基于现在的数据的,如果数据变化,我们的结论可能会发生变化significance level:显著性水平,一般取0.05或者0.01,0.1,是一个预先给定的数值,指的是在原假设成立的假设下,我们可能犯的错误的概率,即拒绝原假设的概率;p-value:p-值,指的是观测到比现在观测到的统计量更极端的概率,一般p-值很小的时候要拒绝原假设,因为这说明要观测到比现在观测到的统计量更极端的情况的概率很小,进而说明现在的统计量很极端。




但是洒家认为不把American Economic Review、Econometrica、Journal of Political Economy排在前三(谁前谁后没关系)的一定会被人民唾弃,胆敢把The Economist、Business week等通俗刊物混进来的肯定是在耍流氓!下面是网上撞见的一个略犀利但觉得狠靠谱的排名(分类):经济学期刊级别分类(顶级、一流、二流、三流、四流、不入流)顶尖期刊:American Economic Review美国经济评论Econometrica数量经济学Journal of Political Economy政治经济学期刊Quarterly Journal of Economics经济学季刊Review of Economic Studies经济学研究评论一流期刊:Economic Journal经济学期刊Games and Economic Behavior博弈论与经济行为International Economic Review国际经济学评论Journal of Econometrics数量经济学期刊Journal of Economic Theory经济学理论期刊Journal of Finance金融学期刊Journal of Labor Economics劳动经济学期刊Journal of Monetary Economics货币经济学期刊Rand Journal of Economics兰德经济学期刊Review of Economics and Statistics经济学与统计学评论Journal of Financial Economics金融经济学期刊Review of Financial Studies金融研究评论二流期刊:American Journal of Agricultural Economics美国农业经济学期刊AEA Papers and ProceedingsBrookings Papers on Economic ActivityEconometric TheoryEconomic TheoryEuropean Economic ReviewJournal of Applied EconometricsJournal of Business and Economic StatisticsJournal of Comparative Economics比较经济学期刊Journal of Development Economics发展经济学期刊Journal of Economic Behavior and OrganizationJournal of Economic Dynamics and ControlJournal of Economic EducationJournal of Economic Growth经济增长期刊Journal of Economic HistoryJournal of Economic PerspectiveJournal of Economics and Management StrategyJournal of Environmental Economics andManagementJournal of Experimental EconomicsJournal of Health Economics健康经济学期刊Journal of Human ResourcesJournal of Industrial EconomicsJournal of International EconomicsJournal of Law and Economics法经期刊Journal of Mathematical EconomicsJournal of Money,Banking and Credit货币、银行与信贷期刊Journal of Population Economics人口经济学期刊Journal of Public Economics公共经济学期刊Journal of Real Estate Economics and FinanceJournal of Regulatory EconomicsJournal of Risk and UncertaintyJournal of Urban EconomicsSocial Choice and Welfare社会选择与福利Review of Economic Dynamics三流期刊:Canadian Journal of EconomicsChina Economic Review中国经济评论Econometric JournalEconomic inquiryEconomicaEconomic Development and Cultural Change经济发展与文化变迁Economics LettersEconomics of TransitionHealth economics健康经济学Industrial&labor relations reviewInternational Journal of Game TheoryInternational Journal of Industrial OrganizationJournal of agricultural economics农业经济学期刊Journal of institutional&theoretical economicsJournal of law,economics&organizationJournal of regional scienceJournal of transport economics&policyLand economics土地经济学Mathematical Social SciencesNational Tax JournalOxford Bulletin of Economics and StatisticsOxford economics papersPublic ChoiceReview of Economic DesignReview of Income and Wealth收入与财富评论Scandinavian Journal of EconomicsSouthern Economic Journal四流期刊:其他SSCI经济学期刊。

计量经济学(第五版)课件 ets1

计量经济学(第五版)课件 ets1
计量经济学的三个要素是经济理论、经济数据和统 计方法。对于解释经济现象来说,“没有计量的理论 ”和“没有理论的计量”都是不够的,正如计量经济 学创始人之一的弗里希所强调的那样,它们的结合是 计量经济学的发展能够取得成功的关键。
计量经济学从根上说,是对经验规律的认识以及将 这些规律推广为经济学“定律”的系统性努力,这些 “定律”被用来进行预测,即关于什么可能发生或者 什么将会发生的预测。因此,广义地说,计量经济学 可以称为经济预测的科学。
二.计量经济学的产生和发展 1.产生年代
计量经济学产生于上世纪三十年代。 • 1930年12月,弗里希(R. Frisch)、丁伯根 (J. Tinbergen)和费歇尔(I. Fisher)等经济学家在美国克利 夫兰成立计量经济学会。
• 1933 年 起 , 定 期 出 版 《 计 量 经 济 学 》 (Econometrica)杂志。弗里希在该杂志发刊词中明确 提出计量经济学的范围和方法,指出计量经济学是 经济理论、数学和统计学的综合,但它又完全不同 于这三个学科中的每一个。
3. 学科发展环境
同时,随着科学技术的发展,各门学科相互渗透,数 学、系统论、信息论、控制论等相继进入经济研究领 域,使经济科学进一步数量化,有助于计量经济学的 发展。高速电子计算机的出现和发展,为计量经济技 术的广泛应用铺平了道路。
4. 发展过程
上世纪三十年代,侧重于个别商品供给与需求的计 量,基本上属于个量分析或微观分析。
自四十年代起,计量经济研究的范围扩大到整个经 济体系,其特征是宏观经济总量的计量分析,亦即总 量分析或宏观分析。
五十年代起,在计量经济学的理论和方法得到迅速 发展的同时,宏观计量经济模型在计量经济学的应用 中开始占重要地位。50年代末至60年代初是宏观计量 经济模型蓬勃发展的时期。


索数据生成过程。 • 在此情况下,“数据淘金〞 (data-mining)常常成为必要的
步骤之一,即探索性的关系识别。 • 一些人为了获得预想的结果,常常有目的地进行“数据淘洗
〞 (data-cleaning) ,即删除那些不支持预想结果的观察值, 甚至修改数据。 • 因而应该认识到,利用计量经济学方法得出的结论都是有条 件的。
和归纳开展为探讨多因素间的数量关系和进行假说检 验
第十九页,编辑于星期六:十八点 十八分。
• 传统研究方法侧重于得到模型参数的“精确〞估计, 但对于“数据生成过程〞未给予高度关注。
• 研究人员依据感觉或经验提出模型,然后利用“试错 法〞、逐步回归等手段估计变量之间的统计关系,在 此基础上,“选择〞出自己满意的模型。
o 高雪梅主编(2005).《计量经济分析方法与建模:EVIEWS应 用及实例》.北京:清华大学出版社.
第四页,编辑于星期六:十八点 十八分。
△ 初、中、高级计量经济学
• 初级以计量经济学的数理统计学基础知识和经典 的线性单方程模型理论与方法为主要内容;
• 中级以用矩阵描述的经典的线性单方程模型理论 与方法、经典的线性联立方程模型理论与方法, 以及传统的应用模型为主要内容;
第八页,编辑于星期六:十八点 十八分。
• 非经典计量经济学一般指20世纪70年代以来开展的计 量经济学理论、方法及应用模型,也称为现代计量经济 学。
• 非经典计量经济学主要包括:微观计量经济学、非参数 计量经济学、时间序列计量经济学和动态计量经济学等。
• 非经典计量经济学的内容体系:模型类型非经典的计量 经济学问题、模型导向非经典的计量经济学问题、模型 结构非经典的计量经济学问题、数据类型非经典的计量 经济学问题和估计方法非经典的计量经济学问题。

计量经济学 1回归分析概述

计量经济学 1回归分析概述

APEC 网站 国际货币基金组织数据库: 美国商业部: 美国人口普查局:
英文书搜索网站: 美国纳斯达克网:
2000年中译本 J.M.伍德里奇《计量经济学导论——现代观 点》 中国人民大学出版社 2003年3月。
6.张晓峒主编,《经济计量学》(第2、3 版).南开大学出版社,2005.
7.庞皓主编,《计量经济学(第三版)》. 成都:西南财经大学出版社,2006.
8.李子奈, 《计量经济学(第三版)》.北京: 高等教育出版社,2005.
5.时间序列的单位根检验(DF统计量的极限分布、单位根检验方 法 (DF、ADF检验)) 。
6.动态回归与误差修正模型(自回归分布滞后模 型、Hendry建模法、误差修正机制、误差修正 模型、F、LR、W、LM、HT、ARCH检验等)
7.协整与误差修正(协整理论、Granger定理、向 量自回归模型(VAR)、Granger因果性检验 与向量误差修正模型(VEC))。
12. 钱小军等译,《计量经济模型与经济预测》,(R S
Pindyck and D L Rubinfeld, Econometric models and economic forecasts, McGraw-Hill Companies Inc..),机械 工业出版社,1999.11。
13.王文博,《计量经济学》. 北京:西安交通大学出版社,
14.张定胜,《计量经济学》. 武汉大学出版社,2000.
15.耿修林等,《计量经济学》. 科学出版社, 2004.
16.孙敬水等, 《计量经济学》. 清华大学出版社, 2004
• 随着计量经济学理论与方法的发展,其数学过程也越来越复杂, 从而推动了计算机应用软件的发展。反过来,也正是有了方便 的应用软件,才使计量经济学有今天的繁荣。常用的计量经济 学软件很多,虽然它们的侧重面不同,但都具有基本的计量经 济学分析功能。



1. 校正了引用杂志的水平(比如一篇文章被AER引用和被CHINA ECONOMIC REVIEW引用的得分是不一样的),
2. 使用更长的时间段。 SSCI 的影响力因子(IMPACT
FACTOR)只用了过去两年发表在某杂志上的论文在今年被引用的平均次数,使那些时髦杂志如Journal of Financial
第1页 共12页
2014-5-31 22:25
经济学期刊分类(顶级、一流、二流、三流、四流) - ◆经济学...
Journal of Experimental Economics Journal of Health Economics Journal of Human Resources Journal of Industrial Economics Journal of International Economics Journal of Law and Economics Journal of Mathematical Economics Journal of Money, Banking and Credit Journal of Population Economics Journal of Public Economics Journal of Real Estate Economics and Finance Journal of Regulatory Economics Journal of Risk and Uncertainty Journal of Urban Economics Social Choice and Welfare Review of Economic Dynamics




















与计量经济学有关的期刊 1、《Econometrica》(Ecmt) 经济学最重要的综合性期刊之一,国际计量经济学会的会刊。Heckman的自选择模型就是由此期刊上的数篇文章发展而来; 2、《Journal of Econmetrics》(JEcmt) 计量经济学的专业性期刊,计量经济学家必备。今年一月号是关于计量经济学的现状和未来的挑战,十分精彩; 3、《Review of Economic Studies》(REStud) 另一份重要的综合性期刊,是除《Econometrica》外在美国本土外出版的最好的经济学刊物。与其它期刊比较,更重视发表年轻经济学家的论文; 4、《Review of Economics and Statistics 》(REStat) 经济学中的另一核心刊物,侧重于实证分析; 5、《Journal of Business and Economic Statistics》(JBES) 美国统计学会的期刊之一,统计学家和计量经济学家联系的纽带; 6、《Journal of Applied Econometrics》(JAE) 侧重计量经济学的应用,文章水平参差不齐; 7、《Journal of the American Statistical Association》(JASA) 美国统计学会的会刊,经常有经济学家在上面发表论文,关于工具变量的系列文章是一例,文章的水准与Econometrica不相上下; 8、《Biometrics》 9、《Biometrica》 8和9是生物统计方面的期刊,但很多文章与计量经济学是相通的,上面的文章经常被经济学家引用,例如Rubin的系列文章。 10、《Proceedings of National Academy of Science, USA》 美国科学院的简报,关于各学科(包括经济学)的最



《西南财经大学学术期刊等级分类目录》(2005年修定)中文学术期刊等级分类目录(试行)一、A级学术期刊A1级:(3)《经济研究》、《中国社会科学》、《中国科学》A2级:(11)《法学研究》、《管理世界》、《社会学研究》、《现代外语》、《数学学报》、《计算机学报》、《哲学研究》、《历史研究》、《经济学动态》、《当代世界与社会主义》、《求是》二、B级学术期刊B1级:(43)《经济社会体制比较》、《改革》、《经济学家》、《中国工业经济》、《中国农村经济》、《财贸经济》、《宏观经济研究》、《生态经济》、《消费经济》、《世界经济》、《财政研究》、《会计研究》、《金融研究》、《管理科学学报》、《中国管理科学》、《统计研究》、《税务研究》、《投资研究》、《审计研究》、《保险研究》、《人口研究》、《中共党史研究》、《政治学研究》、《马克思主义与现实》、《高校理论战线》、《高等教育研究》、《文学评论》、《科研管理》、《应用数学学报》、《数量经济技术经济研究》、《中国法学》、《中国体育科技》、《中国图书馆学报》、《学术月刊》、《系统工程理论方法应用》、《中国语文》、《外语教学与研究》、《电子学报》、《计算机科学》、《中国软科学》、《人民日报》理论版、《光明日报》(理论版)、《经济日报》(理论版)B2级:经济学:(10)《财经科学》、《经济科学》、《经济评论》、《经济理论与经济管理》、《南开经济研究》、《中国经济问题》、《中国经济史研究》、《经济地理》、《当代经济科学》、《当代经济研究》管理学:(10)《南开管理评论》、《管理工程学报》、《战略与管理》、《中国行政管理》、《经济管理》、《管理现代化》、《宏观经济管理》、《外国经济与管理》、《管理科学》、《市场营销导刊》金融学:(8)《国际金融研究》、《金融理论与实践》、《中国金融》、《银行与企业》、《农村金融研究》、《金融论坛》、《国际金融》、《金融与经济》保险学:(6)《中国保险》、《保险理论与实践》、《保险职业学院学报》、《社会保障研究》、《上海保险》、《中国社会保障》世界经济学与贸易经济学:(8)《世界经济与政治》、《国际经济评论》、《世界经济文汇》、《国际经贸探索》、《国际贸易问题》、《中国流通经济》、《国际贸易》、《商业时代》(理论版)农业经济学:(7)《农业经济问题》、《中国农村观察》、《乡镇企业研究》、《农村经营管理》、《农村经济》、《农业技术经济》、《农业现代化研究》财政税收学与投资学:(6)《国有资产管理》、《中国资产评估》、《中国财政》、《中国税务》、《涉外税务》、《税务与经济》会计学:(8)《财务与会计》、《中国注册会计师》、《中国审计》、《财会月刊》、《财会通讯》、《会计之友》、《中国会计评论》、《中国会计与财务研究》统计学:(6)《数理统计与管理》、《中国统计》、《预测》、《统计与决策》、《统计与预测》、《统计与信息论坛》法学与人口学:(8)《中外法学》、《现代法学》、《法学评论》、《比较法研究》、《法学家》、《中国人口科学》、《人口与经济》、《人口学刊》政治学:(8)《科学社会主义》、《毛泽东邓小平理论研究》、《马克思主义研究》、《思想政治教育导刊》、《现代国际关系研究》、《国际问题研究》、《教学与研究》、《党建研究》哲学:(7)《哲学动态》、《中国哲学史》、《现代哲学》、《道德与文明》、《自然辩证法研究》、《科学技术与辩证法》、《自然辩证法通讯》语言学:(8)《当代语言学》、《中国翻译》、《中国比较文学》、《外国语》、《语言研究》、《外语界》、《新闻与传播研究》、《新闻大学》经济信息与系统工程:(7)《经济与信息》、《管理信息系统》、《中文信息学报》、《系统工程理论与实践》、《系统工程》、《系统工程学报》、《控制与决策》计算机科学:(5)《软件学报》、《计算机应用》、《中国图像图形学报》、《模式识别与人工智能》、《计算机研究与发展》电子商务与电子技术:(8)《电子商务》、《中国金融电脑》、《网络安全技术与应用》、《信息安全与通信保密》、《通信学报》、《电子技术应用》、《光电工程》、《计算机测量与控制》数学:(12)《系统科学与数学》、《运筹学学报》、《应用数学》、《数理统计与应用概率》、《高校应用数学学报》、《计算数学》、《数学进展》、《应用概率统计》、《数学年刊·A 辑》、《高等学校计算数学学报》、《数学研究与评论》、《数学的实践与认识》教育学:(8)《教育研究》、《课程·教材·教法》、《中国教学学刊》、《心理科学》、《心理发展与教育》、《中国高等教育》、《中国大学教学》、《学位与研究生教育》体育学:(4)《北京体育大学学报》、《上海体育学院学报》、《体育科学》、《体育与科学》图书、情报与档案学:(3)《大学图书馆学报》、《档案学研究》、《情报学报》历史学:(3)《中国史研究》、《近代史研究》、《世界历史》综合性社科:(12)《文史哲》、《民族研究》、《旅游学刊》、《城市发展研究》、《自然资源学报》、《资源科学》、《学术研究》、《中国科学研究》、《江海学刊》、《江汉论坛》、《国外社会科学》、《中国劳动科学》高校学报:(13)北京大学学报、武汉大学学报、吉林大学学报、中国人民大学学报、南京大学学报、复旦学报、厦门大学学报、浙江大学学报、南开学报、四川大学学报、清华大学学报、中山大学学报、山东大学学报中央各部委主办学术期刊(须入选CSSCI)三、C级学术期刊除以上A、B两类所列期刊之外,凡进入南京大学CSSCI来源期刊目录或北京大学中文核心期刊目录的期刊,均认定为C级学术期刊。



分析与模型应 用阶段
是否可用于决策? 应用
第五节 经济计量学和其它学科的关系
数理统计学是运用数学研究统计问题 经济统计学是对经济现象的统计研究
80-90年代 1998年
开始介绍《经济计量学》的学科内 容和国外发展情况
1995年《经济计量学》的教学大纲 正式发表;全国许多高校相继开设 《经济计量学》课程。
将《经济计量学》列入经济类各专 业八门公共核心课程之一
按照研究的方 法不同
从30年代到今天,尤其是二次大战以后,计量经济学在西方各 国的影响迅速扩大。曾说:“二次世界大战以后的经济学是计量经 济学的时代”。1969年首届诺贝尔经济学奖授予弗里希和丁伯根。 自1996年设立诺贝尔经济学奖至1989年27为获奖者中有15位是计量 经济学家,其中10位是世界计量经济学会的会长。
三、模型检验(拟合优度、t 检验、F 检验) 四、模型应用(预测、结构分析、 模拟)
第三节 经济计量学的特点
1.它是研究经济现象的,它不但给出质的解释,而且给出确切的量的 描述,从而使经济学成为一门精密的科学。 定性分析-定量分析(简单的数量对比-模型分析)
2.能综合考虑多种因素,通过描述客观经济现象中极为复杂的因果关系,对 影响某一经济现象的众多因素(哪些是主要、次要因素)给出一目了然的 回答。












这三个经典理论在基于静态的假设上解释企业是如何获取并保持比赛优势的(Teece, Pisano, and Shuen 1997)。







计量经济学试题(Econometrics questions)A glossary (a total of 20 points, 4 points for each item)1 Econometrics2 least square method3 dummy variables4 instrumental variable methodIdentification of 5 simultaneous equationsTwo short answer questions (30 points, 6 points for each item)1 the classical assumption that the least square method should be satisfied2 steps to solve problems in EconometricsThe reason for the existence of 3 sequence correlation Steps of economic structure test in 4 regression analysis Characteristics of 5 stochastic perturbationsThree calculation analysis (30 points)1., according to the following information, study the income and consumption of farmers in Hebei province.Requirements: (1) to establish regression model (list and calculation formula, test only for economic significance and goodness of fit test);(2) if the per capita net income of farmers in Hebei in 2008 is 3200 yuan, 2008 of the per capita living expenses of farmers in Hebei should be predicted.Particular yearItem 1994199519961997 1998199920002001 20022003Per capita net income of farmers (100 yuan) 111721232424252627 29Living expenses (100 yuan) 811141413131414151Four discussion questions (20 points)1 briefly describe the meaning, sources and consequences of heteroscedasticity, and write the test steps combined with the G-Q test method.Econometrics entry final exam questions B answerFirst, noun interpretation1 econometrics is the integration of mathematics, statistics and economic theory, combined with the theory and practice of economic behavior and phenomenon.2 least square method: the least square method for minimizing the sum of residuals of all observations is the least square method.3 dummy variables: there are some temporary factors in the study of economic life. Such as war, natural disasters, man-made disasters, these factors do not occur frequently in the economy, but with the same characteristics, these economists do not occur frequently, and temporary effect called virtual variables.4 instrumental variable method: instrumental variable method takes the predetermined variable as instrumental variable instead of the endogenous variable in structural equation as explanatory variable, in order to reduce the correlation between random item and explanatory variable.Identification of 5 simultaneous equations: a single equation that constitutes a simultaneous equation has only a statistical form in its simultaneous equations, and this equation is known to be identifiable, otherwise it is called non recognizable. If every equation in the simultaneous equation can be identified, this simultaneous equation is called identity, otherwise it is called non recognizable.Two, simple answer1 the classical assumption that the least square method should be satisfiedAnswer: (1) the mean of random items is zero;(2) random sequence non correlation and heteroscedasticity;(3) explanatory variables are non random, and if random, they are not related to random items;(4) there is no multicollinearity between explanatory variables.2 the steps of applying econometrics to solve economic problemsAnswer: 1) building models;2) estimation parameters;3) verification theory;4) use modelThe reason for the existence of 3 sequence correlationSequence correlation: that is, the random term U is related to other previous terms. It is called sequence correlation or autocorrelation.The cause of existence:First of all, with the continuous problem in economic life and time, namely the repetition time repeated, therefore, the explanatory variables associated with.Secondly, the error of model selection is established, which makes the explanatory variables relevant.Finally, when the model is established, the random term has autocorrelation, and the sequence has autocorrelation.The method of economic structure test in 4 regression analysisChow puts forward the following test method:Firstly, two samples were merged to form the sample of the number of observation value +, and the model (4.25) was regressed, and the regression equation was obtained:(4.28)The sum of squares of residuals is obtained, and the degree of freedom is + -k-1,Here K is the number of variables explained.Secondly, the use of two small sample given above, respectively (4.25) of the regression analysis, the regression equation respectively (4.26) and (4.27), calculated the sum of squared residuals, respectively, the degree of freedom for -k-1 and -k-1 respectively.Then, according to the sum of squares of residuals, the following statistic is constructed:~ F (k+1, + -2k-2) (4.29)Using statistical (4.29) test (4.26), (4.27) the significant similarities and differences, that is, test hypothesis: (j=0, 1,2,... K).Given the significant level (such as =0.05, =0.01), the F distribution table with the first degree of freedom as k+1 and the second degree of freedom as the + -2k-2 is obtained, and the critical value is obtained.If rejected, that (4.26), (4.27) there is a significant difference, the economic relations of the two or two samples reflect different, we say that the changes in the economic structure; on the contrary, we believe that the economic structure is relatively stable.Some properties of the 5 random perturbation term:1. the complex represented by many factors on the explanatory variable Y;2., the influence direction of Y should be different, there are positive and negative;3. as a secondary factor, the total average impact on Y may be zero;The effect of 4. on Y is non trending and stochastic.Three computational analysis1., according to the following information, study the income and consumption of farmers in Hebei province.Particular yearItem 1994199519961997 1998199920002001 20022003Per capita net income of farmers (100 yuan) 111721232424252627 29Living expenses (100 yuan) 811141413131414151According to economic theory, there is a correlation between farmers' living expenditure and their net income. The basic source of farmers' consumption expenditure lies in their net income, so the increase of per capita net income of farmers is the reason for the increase of their living expenses. In addition, farmers' living expenses are also affected by savings, psychological preferences and other factors, so the model is regression model.If Ct is the farmer's consumption expenditure, and Y is the net income per capita of farmers, the following regression model can be establishedCt=c+aYtDependent Variable: CTMethod: Least SquaresDate: 12/15/97 Time: 16:44Sample: 19942003Included observations: 10Variable Coefficient Std. Error t-Statistic Prob.YT 0.406238 0.046500 8.736250 0C 3.978409 1.080867 3.680755 0.0062R-squared 0.905126 Mean dependent var 13.20000Adjusted R-squared 0.893266 S.D. dependent var 2.250926 S.E. of regression 0.735380 Akaike info criterion 2.399998 Sum squared resid 4.326269 Schwarz criterion 2.460515Log likelihood -9.999988 F-statistic 76.32207Durbin-Watson stat 1.329130 Prob (F-statistic) 0.000023 The regression equation was Ct=3.9784+0.4062Yt(3.6801) (8.7363)Because T (a) =8.7363>T0.025 (8) =2.306F=76.3221>F0.05 (1,8) =5.32So the regression equation and its coefficients are significantR2=0.9051, which shows that the regression equation and the sample observation value have good goodness of fitFour topics1. answers:Meaning: for the random perturbation of the UI regression model, if the other assumption, the second assumption is not established, that is to say in the variance of random UI different observation value is not equal to a constant, Var (UI) = constant (i=1, 2,... (n), or Var (U) Var (U) (I J), then we call the random perturbation term UI has heteroscedasticity.Source: 1. model omitted economic variables, the measurement error of 2.The consequence of heteroscedasticity: the 1. parameter estimator is still linear unbiased, but not valid. 2. test failure based on t distribution and F distribution. The variance of 3. estimator increases, and the prediction accuracy decreases.Inspection: Inspection (Goldfeld - Quart Goldfield - Quandt G - Q test) test in 1965 by S.M.Goldfeld and R.E.Quandt proposed. This test method is applicable to large samples, usually require the capacity of n should be 30 or the number of observations is to estimate the parameters of more than 2 times(i.e., sample size is much larger than the N model included explanatory variables two times large numbers above). To test heteroscedasticity should meet the following conditions: first, using the method of random perturbation UI obey the normal distribution, and the variance of UI increased with a certain explanatory variables; second, random perturbation UI no serial correlation, namely E (uiuj) =0 (I J). The test method is mainly F test.The test hypothesis H0: UI is equal variance, and the alternative assumption is that H1: UI is heteroscedastic, and the specific steps of G - Q test are as follows:1. will explain the observed value of the variable Xi in absolute ascending order, be interpreted correspond to the variables of Xi Yi.2. the Xi are arranged in C values by deleting the centre of the remaining N-C observations is divided into two sub samples of the same capacity, the capacity of each sub sample respectively, a sub sample which is the larger part of the corresponding observation value, the other is a relatively small part of the observed value. It should be noted that the determination of the C value is not arbitrary, and it is determined by experiments by Goldfeld and Quandt. For the sample size when n is greater than 30, the number of C for the entire sample number 1/4 by deleting observations (e.g., sample size is 48, c=, n=12, removal of the observation value is 12, then the two sub sample volume respectively =18).3. the least squares method is used to calculate the regressionequation of the two sub samples, and then the corresponding residual sum of squares is calculated respectively. The sum of squares of residuals is the sum of the residuals of the sub samples with larger sample value, and their degree of freedom is -k, where k is the number of explanatory variables in the econometric model.4. establish statistics:F= can prove that F=RSS2/RSS1 ~ F (), that is, it follows the F distribution of degrees of freedom respectively. Obviously, if the two sub sample variance is equal, the value of F is close to 1, show that UI has equal variance; if the variance is not equal, according to the pre condition of RSS2 is greater than RSS1, F-measure should be greater than 1, then UI has heteroscedasticity, so we can use the F test to verify whether UI has heteroscedasticity of. That is, for the given significance level, the F distribution table is obtained corresponding critical value, if F>, reject H0, accept H1, that is, UI has heteroscedasticity; if F<, then accept H0, UI has equal variance.。



汉森Econometrica文被...邮箱:***********************所有计量经济圈方法论丛的code程序, 宏微观数据库和各种软件都放在社群里.欢迎到计量经济圈社群交流访问.先前,我们推荐了“重磅: 计量经济学教科书可能都需要重新修订了!ECM说二乘估计量是BUE!”。

计量经济学教科书和老师都是这样教学生的:“在给定经典线性回归模型的假定下,最小二乘估计量具有BLUE(最优线性无偏性,best linear unbiased estimate)性质”。


不过,顶尖计量经济学家Bruce Hansen教授在Econometrica上的最新文章,扩展了高斯-马尔可夫定理,去掉了对线性估计量的限制,为无偏线性回归建立了一个新的有限样本方差下界。





当然,这也引起了数学统计学家的关注,现年67岁的数学家维也纳大学Bened ikt M. Pötscher教授就对Hansen的文章进行了实锤。

写了一篇文章《一个现代版Gauss-Markov定理?真的吗?*》一句话概括该文内容:我们证明了Hansen (2021b)(Econometrica)中的定理并不新鲜,换句话说,Hansen这篇文章没有啥新东西,只不过是换了一种表述在说同一个事情。



计量经济学导论:现代观点第四版习题答案DATA SET *****KIntroductory Econometrics: A Modern Approach, 4eJeffrey M. WooldridgeThis document contains a listing of all data sets that are provided with the fourth edition of Introductory Econometrics: A Modern Approach. For each data set, I list its source (wherever possible), where it is used or mentioned in the text (if it is), and, in some cases, notes on how an instructor might use the data set to generate new homework exercises, exam problems, or term projects. In some cases, I suggest ways to improve the data sets.Special thanks to Edmund Wooldridge, who provided valuable assistance in updating the page numbers for the fourth edition.401K.RAWSource: L.E. Papke (1995), “Participation in and Contributions to 401(k) Pension Plans: Evidence from Plan Data,” Journal of Human Resources 30, 311-325.Professor Papke kindly provided these data. She gathered them from the Internal Revenue Service’s Form 5500 tapes.Used in Text: pages 64, 80, 135-136, 173, 217, 685-686Notes: This data set is used in a variety of ways in the text. One additional possibility is to investigate whether the coefficients from the regression of prate on mrate, log(totemp) differ by whether the plan is a sole plan. The Chow test (see Section 7.4), and the less restrictive version that allows different intercepts, can be used.401KSUBS.RAWSource: A. Abadie (2003), “Semiparametric Instrumental VariableEstimation of Treatment Response Models,” Journal of Econometrics 113, 231-263.Professor Abadie kindly provided these data. He obtained them from the 1991 Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP).Used in Text: pages 165, 182, 222, 261, 279-280, 288, 298-299, 336, 542Notes: This data set can also be used to illustrate the binary response models, probit and logit, in Chapter 17, where, say, pira (an indicator for having an individual retirement account) is the dependent variable, and e401k [the 401(k) eligibility indicator] is the key explanatory variable.1*****.RAWSource: Data from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration: “A Digest of State Alcohol-Highway Safety Related Legislation,” U.S. Department of Transportation, NHTSA. I used the third (1985), eighth (1990), and 13th (1995) editions.Used in Text: not usedNotes: This is not so much a data set as a summary of so-called “administrative per se” laws at the state level, for three different years. It could be supplemented with drunk-driving fatalities for a nice econometric analysis. In addition, the data for 2000 or later years can be added, forming the basis for a term project. Many other explanatory variables could be included. Unemployment rates, state-level tax rates on alcohol, and membership in MADD are just a few possibilities.*****.RAWSource: R.C. Fair (1978), “A Theory of Extramarital Affairs,” Journal of Political Economy 86, 45-61, 1978.I collected the data from Professor Fair’s web cite at the Yale University Department of Economics. He originally obtained the data from a survey by Psychology Today.Used in Text: not usedNotes: This is an interesting data set for problem sets, starting in Chapter 7. Even thoughnaffairs (number of extramarital affairs a woman reports) is a count variable, a linear model can be used as decent approximation. Or, you could ask the students to estimate a linear probability model for the binary indicator affair, equal to one of the woman reports having any extramarital affairs. One possibility is to test whether putting the single marriage rating variable, ratemarr, is enough, against the alternative that a full set of dummy variables is needed; see pages 237-238 for a similar example. This is also a good data set to illustrate Poisson regression (using naffairs) in Section 17.3 or probit and logit (using affair) in Section 17.1.*****.RAWSource: Jiyoung Kwon, a doctoral candidate in economics at MSU, kindly provided these data, which she obtained from the Domestic Airline Fares Consumer Report by the U.S. Department of Transportation.Used in Text: pages 501-502, 573Notes: This data set nicely illustrates the different estimates obtained when applying pooled OLS, random effects, and fixed effects.2APPLE.RAWSource: These data were used in the doctoral dissertation of Jeffrey Blend, Department of Agricultural Economics, Michigan State University, 1998. The thesis was supervised by Professor Eileen vanRavensway. Drs. Blend and van Ravensway kindly provided the data, which were obtained from a telephone survey conducted by the Institute for Public Policy and Social Research at MSU.Used in Text: pages 199, 222, 263, 618Notes: This data set is close to a true experimental data set because the price pairs facing afamily were randomly determined. In other words, the family head was presented with prices for the eco-labeled and regular apples, and then asked how much of each kind of apple they would buy at the given prices. As predicted by basic economics, the own price effect is strongly negative and the cross price effect is strongly positive. While the main dependent variable, ecolbs, piles up at zero, estimating a linear model is still worthwhile. Interestingly, because the survey design induces a strong positive correlation between the prices of eco-labeled and regular apples, there is an omitted variable problem if either of the price variables is dropped from the demand equation.A good exam question is to show a simple regression of ecolbs on ecoprc and then a multiple regression on both prices, and ask students to decide whether the price variables must be positively or negatively correlated.*****.RAWSources: Peterson's Guide to Four Year Colleges, 1994 and 1995 (24th and 25th editions). Princeton University Press. Princeton, NJ.The Official 1995 College Basketball Records Book, 1994, NCAA.1995 Information Please Sports Almanac (6th edition). Houghton Mifflin. New York, NY.Used in Text: page 690Notes: These data were collected by Patrick Tulloch, an MSU economics major, for a term project. The “athletic success” variablesare for the year prior to the enrollment and academic data. Updating these data to get a longer stretch of years, and including appearances in the “Sweet 16” NCAA basketball tournaments, would make for a more convincing analysis. With the growing popularity of women’s sports, especially basketball, an analysis that includes success in women’s athletics would be interesting.*****.RAWSources: Peterson's Guide to Four Year Colleges, 1995 (25th edition). Princeton University Press.1995 Information Please Sports Almanac (6th edition). Houghton Mifflin. New York, NYUsed in Text: page 6903Notes: These data were collected by Paul Anderson, an MSU economics major, for a term project. The score from football outcomes for natural rivals (Michigan-Michigan State, California-Stanford, Florida-Florida State, to name a few) is matched with application and academic data. The application and tuition data are for Fall 1994. Football records and scores are from 1993 football season. Extended these data to obtain a long stretch of panel data and other “natural” rivals could be very interesting.ATTEND.RAWSource: These data were collected by Professors Ronald Fisher and Carl Liedholm during a term in which they both taught principles of microeconomics at Michigan State University. Professors Fisher and Liedholm kindly gave me permission to use a random subset of their data, and their research assistant at the time, Jeffrey Guilfoyle, who completed his Ph.D. in economics at MSU, provided helpful hints.Used in Text: pages 111, 151, 198-199, 220-221Notes: The attendance figures were obtained by requiring students to slide their ID cards through a magnetic card reader, under the supervision of a teaching assistant. You might have the students use final, rather than the standardized variable, so that they can see the statistical significance of each variable remains exactly the same. The standardized variable is used only so that the coefficients measure effects in terms of standard deviations from the average score.AUDIT.RAWSource: These data come from a 1988 Urban Institute audit study in the Washington, D.C. area. I obtained them from the article “The Urban Institute Audit Studies: Their Methods andFindings,” by James J. Heckman and Peter Sieg elman. In Fix, M. and Struyk, R., eds., Clear and Convincing Evidence: Measurement of Discrimination in America. Washington, D.C.: Urban Institute Press, 1993, 187-258.Used in Text: pages 768-769, 776, 779BARIUM.RAWSource: C.M. Krupp and P.S. Pollard (1999), \Evidence from the U.S. Chemical Industry,\Canadian Journal of Economics 29, 199-227.Dr. Krupp kindly provided the data. They are monthly data covering February 1978 through December 1988.Used in Text: pages 357-358, 369, 373, 418, 422-423, 440, 655, 657, 665Note: Rather than just having intercept shifts for the different regimes, one could conduct a full Chow test across the different regimes.4BEAUTY.RAWSource: Hamermesh, D.S. and J.E. Biddle (1994), “Beauty and theLabor Market,” American Economic Review 84, 1174-1194.Professor Hamermesh kindly provided me with the data. For manageability, I have included only a subset of the variables, which results in somewhat larger sample sizes than reported for the regressions in the Hamermesh and Biddle paper.Used in Text: pages 236-237, 262-263BWGHT.RAWSource: J. Mullahy (1997), “Instrumental-Variable Estimation of Count Data Models:Applications to Models of Cigarette Smoking Behavior,” Review of Economics and Statistics 79, 596-593.Professor Mullahy kindly provided the data. He obtained them from the 1988 National Health Interview Survey.Used in Text: pages 18, 62, 110, 150-151, 164, 176, 182, 184-187, 255-256, 515-516BWGHT2.RAWSource: Dr. Zhehui Luo, a recent MSU Ph.D. in economics and Visiting Research Associate in the Department of Epidemiology at MSU, kindly provided these data. She obtained them from state files linking birth and infant death certificates, and from the National Center for Health Statistics natality and mortality data.Used in Text: pages 165, 211-222Notes: There are many possibilities with this data set. In addition to number of prenatal visits, smoking and alcohol consumption (during pregnancy) are included as explanatory variables. These can be added to equations of the kind found in Exercise C6.10. In addition, the one- and five-minute APGAR scores are included. These are measures of the well being of infants just after birth. An interesting feature of the score is that it is bounded between zero and 10, makinga linear model less than ideal. Still, a linear model would be informative, and you might ask students about predicted values less than zero or greater than 10.CAMPUS.RAWSource: These data were collected by Daniel Martin, a former MSU undergraduate, for a final project. They come from the FBI Uniform Crime Reports and are for the year 1992.Used in Text: pages 130-1315。

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Econometrics rnal (2005), volume 8, pp. 143–158.
Robust modelling of DTARCH models
∗Department of Management Sciences, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong †LMAM & School of Mathematical Sciences, Peking University, China E-mail: jiang@
Modelling volatility is important in financial data analysis. One of the most widely used tools in modelling the changing volatility is the autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity (ARCH) model pioneered by Engle (1982). ARCH models and its extensions have been widely applied in finance and econometrics (Bollerslev et al. 1992, 1994; Bera and Higgins 1993; Fan and Yao 2003). Li and Li (1996) proposed a double-threshold autoregressive conditional heteroscedastic (DTARCH) model to study the piecewise linear patterns of the conditional mean and the conditional variance. They studied model identification, estimation and diagnostic check based on the maximum likelihood principle. This approach is useful for detecting nonlinear structures such
Keywords: Conditional heteroskedasticity, Double-threshold, Median regression, Model diagnostic checking, Robust portmanteau statistic.
Yer Van Hui and Jiancheng Jiang
as asymmetric behaviour in the mean and the volatility of an asset return, and heteroscedasticity with clustering in the volatility. In practice, it is observed that financial returns tend to have thicker tails than normal distributions. Note that misspecification of the conditional distribution in the likelihood approach may create serious problems in parameter estimation. Moreover, likelihood-based testing methods may fail in detecting false structures in the conditional variance of asset return. It is worth investigating robust modelling techniques without specific distribution assumptions. This motivates us to consider DTARCH models for conditional scale based on L 1-norm fitting. The advantage of such an approach was discussed in Jiang et al. (2001) for ARCH models.
Received: February 2004
Summary Autoregressive conditional heteroscedastic (ARCH) models and its extensions are widely used in modelling volatility in financial time series. One of the variants, the doublethreshold autoregressive conditional heteroscedastic (DTARCH) model, has been proposed to model the conditional mean and the conditional variance that are piecewise linear. The DTARCH model is also useful for modelling conditional heteroscedasticity with nonlinear structures such as asymmetric cycles, jump resonance and amplitude-frequence dependence. Since asset returns often display heavy tails and outliers, it is worth studying robust DTARCH modelling without specific distribution assumption. This paper studies DTARCH structures for conditional scale instead of conditional variance. We examine L1-estimation of the DTARCH model and derive limiting distributions for the proposed estimators. A robust portmanteau statistic based on the L 1-norm fit is constructed to test the model adequacy. This approach captures various nonlinear phenomena and stylized facts with desirable robustness. Simulations show that the L1-estimators are robust against innovation distributions and accurate for a moderate sample size, and the proposed test is not only robust against innovation distributions but also powerful in discriminating the delay parameters and ARCH models. It is noted that the quasi-likelihood modelling approach used in ARCH models is inappropriate to DTARCH models in the presence of outliers and heavy tail innovations.
§Correspondence address: School of Mathematical Sciences, Peking University, Beijing 100871, P. R. China.
C Royal Economic Society 2005. Published by Blackwell Publishing Ltd, 9600 Garsington Road, Oxford OX4 2DQ, UK and 350 Main Street, Malden, MA, 02148, USA.
L 1-norm-based estimation has received a great deal of attention in time series analysis (Davis and Dunsmuir 1997; Peng and Yao 2003). However, the least absolute deviation fitting approach has difficulties in deriving the distributional properties of the estimators and checking the model adequacy while closed-form expressions of the estimators are not available. To solve this problem, we give a Bahadur representation for the proposed estimators in the study. Common portmanteau statistics (Box and Pierce 1970) can be useful in many applications, but they could be inappropriate to L 1-norm-fitted models where outliers give large residuals and affect the p-value of the test statistic. We derive a robust portmanteau test for DTARCH models in model diagnostic. This test statistic has a known asymptotic distribution for a large variety of error distributions when the model is correct. Simulations show that the proposed portmanteau test is not only robust against outliers and innovation distributions, but also powerful in discriminating the delay parameters and ARCH models. It is also observed that the quasi-likelihood approach used in ARCH models is inappropriate to DTARCH models in the presence of outliers and heavy-tail innovations.