



w w w. h k w r f . c o m
CC2500-BD 无线模块
引脚 GND 3.3V SI SCLK SO GDO2 GDO0 CSN 类型 电源地 工作电源 SPI数据 SPI时钟 SPI数据 数字I/O 数字I/O SPI片选 描述 和系统共地 电源电压,直流1.8~3.6V输入 SPI数据输入 SPI时钟输入 SPI数据输出 可配置以产生触发信号或时钟信号 可配置以产生触发信号或时钟信号 CSN=0有效
CC2500-BD 无线模块
CC2500-BD 无线模块
CC2500BD基于 TI Chipcon 的 CC2500 无线收发芯片设计,是一款完整的、体积小巧的、低功耗
的无线收发模块。 CC2500 是 TI Chipcon 推出的 2.4GHz 频段无线收发芯片之一, 最大输出功率可为+1dBm, 最高传输速率达 500Kbps。模块集成了所有射频相关功能和器件,并有 PCB 天线,不需再配置天线即可获 得很的射频性能。用户不需要对射频电路设计深入了解,就可以使用本模块轻易地开发出性能稳定、可靠 性高的无线产品。
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CC2500-BD 无线模块
CC2500 的工作模式主要有休眠模式、空闲模式、发射模式和接收模式,休眠模式下功耗可降到最低。 从休眠模式下唤醒后, 进入空闲模式。 除休眠模式外, 各模式之间可相互切换, 也可配置为自动切换。 CC2500 的主要工作状态图如下图所示,详细描述请参考 CC2500 芯片规格书。
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前言.................................................................................................................................................................... IV 1 范围.................................................................................................................................................................. 1 2 规范性引用文件.............................................................................................................................................. 1 3 术语和定义、缩略语...................................................................................................................................... 1
道路运输车辆卫星定位系统 北斗兼容车载终端通讯协议技术规范
GNSS system for operating vehicles —General specifications for the communication protocol and data



基于MPEG的RTP负载格式 (2)前言 (2)1. 简介 (2)2.MPEG系统和传输流 (3)2.1.RTP头部的使用 (3)3. MPEG基本流的封包 (4)3.1MPEG视频基本流 (4)3.2MPEG视频基本流 (5)3.3RTP固定头部的ES流封包 (5)3.4MPEG视频标准头部 (5)3.4.1MPEG2视频标准头部扩展 (6)4. Security Considerations (7)5.错误恢复和再同步策略. (8)基于MPEG的RTP负载格式前言这篇文章描述了MPEG视频和音频的打包格式。








1. 简介MPEG协会已经定义了MPEG1和MPEG2标准。



它的设计主要是为了来使用CD-ROM 的应用。



这些格式定义叫做Elementary Streams (ES). MPEG1系统定义了ES流的封装,它包括描述时间戳Presentation Time Stamps (PTS),解码时间戳Decoding Time Stamps 和系统时间戳System Clock references, 并且完成了用户数据在MPEG1中的音视频的多路复用技术。



它也定义了两个系统流格式:传输流MPEG2 Transport Stream (MTS)和程序流MPEG2 Program Stream(MPS)。

DVER 1.0 DL-24PA 远距离 2.4G 无线收发模块说明书

DVER 1.0 DL-24PA 远距离 2.4G 无线收发模块说明书

深圳市骏晔科技有限公司DVER 1.0 DL-24PA远距离2.4G无线收发模块DL-24PA基于TI-Chipcon的CC2500无线收发芯片设计,是一款体积小巧的、性价比高、远距离的无线收发模块。





模块尺寸较小,方便应用于便携式产品,且与DL-24D 不带功放的2.4G模块脚位兼容,搭配使用。

应用: 特点:● 无线游戏控制器● 空旷600米传输距离(250Kbps);● 无线键盘、鼠标● 工作频率2400-2483MHz● 消费电子产品及玩具航模● 工作电压:1.8V-3.6V● 气象监测,数据采集● 可编程载波侦测,数字RSSI输出● 数据监测传输● 卓越的选择性及带外隔离性能● 智能家居控制● 采用沉金板绑定工艺,性价比极高● 支持射频(RF)技术的遥控器● 高频功率放大器采用欧美品牌芯片使用本模块产品前,注意以下重要事项:仔细阅读本说明文档本模块属于静电敏感产品,安装测试时请在防静电工作台上进行操作。

本模块默认使用外接天线,天线可选用导线天线或者标准的UHF天线,具体天 线的客户请根据实际情况进行选择,如果所应用的终端产品是金属外壳,请务 必把天线安装于金属外壳之外,否则会导致射频信号严重衰减,影响有效使用距离。






// Product = CC2500
// Crystal accuracy = 40 ppm
// X-tal frequency = 26 MHz
// RF output power = 0 dBm
// RX filterbandwidth = 540.000000 kHz
// Deviation = 0.000000
spi_WriteReg(CC2500_FREQ0, 0xB1); // 频率控制字, low byte.
spi_WriteReg(CC2500_MDMCFG4, 0x2D); // Modem配置寄存器
spi_WriteReg(CC2500_MDMCFG3, 0x3B); // Modem配置寄存器
// Length configuration = (1) Variable length packets, packet length configured by the first received byte after sync word.
// Packetlength = 255
// Preamble count = (2) 4 bytes
spi_WriteReg(CC2500_AGCCTRL1, 0x00); // AGC control.
spi_WriteReg(CC2500_AGCCTRL0, 0xB2); // AGC control.
spi_WriteReg(CC2500_FREND1, 0xB6); // Front end RX configuration.
unsigned char status[2];
char pktLen;
if ((spi_ReadStatus(CC2500_RXBYTES) & CC2500_NUM_RXBYTES))

ZXSM 2500C 简介

ZXSM 2500C 简介
• TDM业务接入(T1/E1, T3/E3, STM-1等) • POS接口(155M/622M) • 10/100M以太网接入( L2交换, PPP/LAPS/GFP, 虚级联映射) • 千兆以太网接入 • FE到GE 的汇聚 • 支持内嵌RPR • ATM接入(支持VP-RING)
• 电接口位于相应的业务接口板 • 光接口位于相应的线路板; • 网管接口和公务接口位于主控板; • 电源接入接口位于电源接入槽位; • 告警输入输出接口, F1接口位于主控接口板位;
• 容量 • 多业务接入能力 • 设备保护 • 网络保护、灵活的带宽管理 • 定时同步处理 • 其他特点
• 双电源输入(-48V), 支持电源告警检测; • 时钟单元1:1保护 • 交叉单元1:1保护 • 电支路板1:N(N<=5) 保护
电支路包括: E1/T1, E3/T3, STM-1(只保护VC4, 不保护ECC、公务等), FE
• 可对多种电支路进行保护,包括: E1/T1, E3/T3, STM-1, FE
业业业业业业时 务务务务务务钟电 电 接接接接接接接源 源 口口口口口口口接 接 板板板板板板板入 入
业业业业业业主 务务务务务务控 接接接接接接接 口口口口口口口 板板板板板板板
11 12 13 14 15 16 17

钟 板
钟 板
叉 板
叉 板
ZXSM 2500C 接入层



常用无线射频芯片目录CC1000PWR 超低功率射频收发器CC1010PAGR 射频收发器和微控制器CC1020RSSR 射频收发器CC1021RSSR 射频收发器CC1050PWR 超低功率射频发送器CC1070RSQR 射频发送器CC1100RTKR 多通道射频收发器CC1101RTKR 低于1GHz射频收发器CC1110F16RSPR 射频收发片上系统CC1110F32RSPR 射频收发片上系统CC1110F8RSPR 射频收发片上系统CC1111F16RSPR 射频收发片上系统CC1111F32RSPR 射频收发片上系统CC1111F8RSPR 射频收发片上系统CC1150RSTR 多通道射频发送器CC2400RSUR 多通道射频发送器CC2420RTCR 2.4GHz射频收发器CC2420ZRTCR 2.4GHz射频收发器CC2430F128RTCR ZigBee?芯片CC2430ZF128RTCR ZigBee?芯片CC2431RTCR 无线传感器网络芯片CC2431ZRTCR 无线传感器网络芯片CC2480A1RTCR 2.4GHzZigBee处理器CC2500RTKR 2.4GHz射频收发器?CC2510F16RSPR 2.4GHz无线电收发器CC2510F32RSPR 2.4GHz无线电收发器CC2510F8RSPR 2.4GHz无线电收发器CC2511F16RSPR 2.4GHz无线电收发器CC2511F32RSPR 2.4GHz无线电收发器CC2511F8RSPR 2.4GHz无线电收发器CC2520RHDR 射频收发器CC2530F128RHAR 射频收发器CC2530F256RHAR 射频收发器CC2530F64RHAR 射频收发器CC2550RSTR 2.4GHz发送器CC2590RGVR 2.4GHz射频前端芯片CC2591RGVR 2.4GHz射频前端芯片CCZACC06A1RTCR 2.4GHZ ZigBee芯片TRF7900APWR 27MHz双路接收器TRF6900APT 射频收发器TRF6901PTG4 射频收发器TRF6901PTRG4 射频收发器TRF6903PTG4 射频收发器TRF6903PTRG4 射频收发器ADF7020-1BCPZ-RL7 射频收发ICADF7020BCPZ-RL7 射频收发ICADF7021BCPZ-RL7 ISM无线收发IC ADF7021-NBCPZ-RL7 ISM无线收发IC ADF7025BCPZ-RL7 射频收发ICADF7010BRUZ-REEL7 ISM无线发射IC ADF7011BRUZ-RL7 ISM无线发射IC ADF7012BRUZ-RL7 UHF无线发射IC ADF7901BRUZ-RL7 ISM无线发射ICA7121(A71C21AQF) 2.4GHz射频收发器A7122(A71C22AQF) 2.4GHz射频收发器A7102(A71C02AQF) 射频收发ICA7103(A71C03AUF) 射频收发ICA7201(A72C01AUF) 射频接收ICA7202(A72C02AUF) 射频接收ICA7302(A73C02AMF) 射频发射ICA7105(A71X05AQF) 2.4GHz射频收发IC A7125(A71X25AQF) 2.4GHz射频收发IC A7325(A73X25AQF) 2.4GHz射频发射IC A7303A(A73C03AQF) FM发射芯片A7303A(A73C03AUF) FM发射芯片A7303B(A73C03BUF) FM发射芯片A7303B(A73C03BQF) FM发射芯片A7282(A72N82AQF) GPS接收芯片A7531B(A75C31BQF) GPS开关芯片A7532(A75C32AQF) GPS开关芯片A7533(A75X33AQF) GPS开关芯片A7533(A75X33BQF) GPS开关芯片AS3931 低功耗无线接收芯片AS3932BTSW 低功耗无线接收芯片AS3932BQFW 低功耗无线接收芯片AS3977BQFT FSK发射芯片AT86RF211DAI-R 射频收发ICAT86RF211SAHW-R 射频收发ICAT86RF212-ZU 射频收发ICAT86RF230-ZU 射频收发ICAT86RF231-ZU 射频收发ICATA2745M-TCQY 射频发送ICATA5428-PLQW 宽带收发ICATR2406-PNQG 2.4GHz射频收发IC T5750-6AQ 无线发射ICT5753-6AQ 无线发射ICT5754-6AQ 无线发射ICT7024-PGPM 前端收发器U2741B-NFB 无线发射ICAX5051 射频收发器ICAX5042 射频收发器ICAX5031 射频收发器ICAX50424 射频收发器ICAX6042 射频收发器ICCYRF6936-40LFXC 无线USB芯片CYRF7936-40LFXC 无线收发器芯片CYWUSB6932-28SEC 无线USB芯片CYWUSB6934-28SEC 无线USB芯片CYWUSB6934-48LFXC 无线USB芯片CYWUSB6935-28SEI 无线USB芯片CYWUSB6935-48LFI 无线USB芯片CYWUSB6935-48LFXC 无线USB芯片CYWUSB6935-48LFXI 无线USB芯片CYRF69103-40LFXC 无线射频芯片CYRF69213-40LFXC 无线射频芯片CYWUSB6953-48LFXC 无线USB芯片EM2420-RTR ZigBee?芯片EM260-RTR ZigBee?芯片EM250-RTR ZigBee?芯片EM351-RTR ZigBee?芯片EM357-RTR ZigBee?芯片PA5305 射频功率放大器PA2420 射频功率放大器PA2421 射频功率放大器PA2432 射频功率放大器FM2422 射频前端模块FM2422U 射频前端模块FM2427 射频前端模块FM2429 射频前端模块FM2429U 射频前端模块FM2446 射频前端模块FM7705 射频前端模块FM7707 射频前端模块MC13190FCR2 射频收发IC MC13191FCR2 射频收发IC MC13192FCR2 射频收发IC MC13193FCR2 射频收发IC MC13201FCR2 射频收发IC MC13202FCR2 射频收发IC MC13203FCR2 射频收发IC MC13211R2 射频收发ICMC13212R2 射频收发ICMC13213R2 射频收发ICMC13214R2 射频收发ICMC13224V 802.15.4/ZigBee芯片TDA5200 ASK接收器TDA5201 ASK接收器TDA5210 ASK/FSK接收器TDA5211 ASK/FSK接收器TDA5212 ASK/FSK接收器TDA5220 ASK/FSK接收器TDA5221 ASK/FSK接收器TDA7200 ASK/FSK接收器TDA7210 ASK/FSK接收器TDA5230 ASK/FSK接收器TDA5231 ASK/FSK接收器TDK5100 ASK/FSK发射器TDK5100F ASK/FSK发射器TDK5101 ASK/FSK发射器TDK5101F ASK/FSK发射器TDK5102 ASK/FSK发射器TDK5103A ASK发射器TDK5110 ASK/FSK发射器TDK5110F ASK/FSK发射器TDK5111 ASK/FSK发射器TDK5111F ASK/FSK发射器TDA7116F ASK/FSK发射器PMA7105 ASK/FSK发射器PMA7106 ASK/FSK发射器PMA7107 ASK/FSK发射器PMA7110 ASK/FSK发射器TDA5250 ASK/FSK收发器TDA5251 ASK/FSK收发器TDA5252 ASK/FSK收发器TDA5255 ASK/FSK收发器MAX1470EUI+T 无线接收IC MAX1471ATJ+T 无线接收IC MAX1472AKA+T 无线发射IC MAX1473EUI+T 无线接收IC MAX1479ATE+T 无线发射IC MAX7030HATJ+T 无线收发IC MAX7030LATJ+T 无线收发IC MAX7031LATJ+T 无线收发IC MAX7031MATJ50+T 无线收发IC MAX7032ATJ+T 无线收发ICMAX7033ETJ+T 无线接收IC MAX7044AKA+T 无线发射IC MAX7058ATG+T 无线发射IC MLX71121ELQ 射频接收IC MLX71122ELQ 射频接收IC TH71071EDC 射频接收ICTH71072EDC 射频接收ICTH7107EFC 射频接收ICTH71081EDC 射频接收ICTH71082EDC 射频接收ICTH7108EFC 射频接收ICTH71101ENE 射频接收ICTH71102ENE 射频接收ICTH71111ENE 射频接收ICTH71112ENE 射频接收ICTH71221ELQ 射频接收ICTH7122ENE 射频收发ICTH72001KDC 射频发射ICTH72002KDC 射频发射ICTH72005KLD 射频发射ICTH72006KLD 射频发射ICTH72011KDC 射频发射ICTH72012KDC 射频发射IC TH72015KLD 射频发射IC TH72016KLD 射频发射IC TH72031KDC 射频发射IC TH72032KDC 射频发射IC TH72035KLD 射频发射IC TH72036KLD 射频发射IC MICRF102BM 无线发射IC MICRF112YMM 无线发射IC MICRF113YM6 无线发射IC MICRF302YML 射频编码器MICRF405YML 射频发射IC MICRF505BML 射频收发IC MICRF506BML 射频收发IC MICRF002YM 射频接收器MICRF005YM 无线接收IC MICRF007BM UHF接收器MICRF008BM 无线接收IC MICRF009BM UHF接收IC MICRF010BM UHF接收IC MICRF011BM 射频IC MICRF211AYQS 射频接收器MRF24J40-I/ML ZigBee芯片MRF24J40T-I/ML ZigBee芯片MCP2030-I/P 免钥登录芯片MCP2030-I/SL 免钥登录芯片MCP2030-I/ST 免钥登录芯片MCP2030T-I/SL 免钥登录芯片MCP2030T-I/ST 免钥登录芯片nRF2401AG 2.4GHz收发器IC nRF24AP1 2.4GHz收发器ICnRF24E1G 2.4GHz收发器ICnRF24E2G 2.4GHz发射器ICnRF24L01+ 2.4GHz收发器IC nRF24LE1 2.4GHz收发器ICnRF24LU1 2.4GHz收发器ICnRF24Z1 2.4GHz收发器ICNRF905 430 928MHz收发器NRF9E5 430-928MHz收发器MFRC50001T/0FE,112 阅读器IC MFRC53001T/0FE,112 阅读器IC MFRC53101T/0FE,112 阅读器IC MFRC52301HN1 阅读器ICPN5110A0HN1/C2 收发器ICPN5120A0HN1/C1 收发器ICPN5310A3HN/C203 NFC控制器IC PN1000 GPS RF接收ICRX3400 射频接收ICRX3930 射频接收ICRX3140 射频接收ICRX3310A 射频接收ICRX3361 射频接收ICRX3408 射频接收ICPT4301 射频接收ICPT4316 射频接收ICPT4450 射频发射ICTX4915 射频发射ICTX4930 射频发射ICPA2460 功率放大器ICPA2464 功率放大器ICFS8107E 锁相环ICFS8108 锁相环ICFS8160 锁相环ICFS8170 锁相环ICFS8308 锁相环ICMG2400-F48 ZigBee单芯片MG2450-B72 ZigBee单芯片MG2455-F48 ZigBee单芯片AP1092 功率放大器ICAP1098 功率放大器ICAP1110 功率放大器ICAP1091 功率放大器ICAP1093 功率放大器ICAP1280 PA/LNA功率放大器AP1213 射频前端模块AP1290 功率放大器ICAP1291 功率放大器ICAP1294 功率放大器ICAP1045 功率放大器ICAP1046 功率放大器ICAP2085 功率放大器ICAP2010C 功率放大器ICAP3011 功率放大器ICAP3013 功率放大器ICAP3014 功率放大器ICAP3015 功率放大器ICAP3211 功率放大器ICSX1211I084TRT 单芯片收发器SX1441I077TRLF 系统蓝牙芯片XE1203FI063TRLF 射频收发芯片XE1205I074TRLF 射频收发芯片XE1283I076TRLF 射频收发芯片XM1203FC433XE1 射频收发芯片XM1203FC868XE1 射频收发芯片XM1203FC915XE1 射频收发芯片SX1223I073TRT 射频发射芯片SI3400-E1-GM 以太网电源ICSI3401-E1-GM 以太网电源ICSI3460-D01-GM 以太网电源ICSI4020-I1-FT 射频发射ICSI4021-A1-FT 射频发射ICSI4022-A1-FT 射频发射ICSI4030-A0-FM 射频发射ICSI4031-A0-FM 射频发射ICSI4032-V2-FM 射频发射ICSi4230-A0-FM(IA4230) 无线发射IC Si4231-A0-FM(IA4231) 无线发射IC Si4232-A0-FM(IA4232) 无线发射IC Si4320-J1-FT 无线接收ICSi4322-A1-FT 无线接收ICSi4330-V2-FM(IA4330) 无线接收IC SI4420-D1-FT 射频收发ICSI4421-A1-FT(IA4421) 无线收发IC SI4430-A0-FM(IA4430) 无线收发IC SI4431-A0-FM(IA4431) 无线收发IC SI4432-V2-FM(IA4432) 无线收发IC TM1001 功率放大器ICTM1006 功率放大器ICTM1008 射频晶体管TM3001 射频开关ICTM3002 射频开关ICTM4001 FM发射ICUW2453 无线网络ICUZ2400 ZigBee?芯片UP2206 2.4GHz功率放大器UP2268 2.4GHz功率放大器UA2707 射频信号放大器UA2709 射频信号放大器UA2711 射频信号放大器UA2712 射频信号放大器UA2715 射频信号放大器UA2716 射频信号放大器UA2725 射频信号放大器UA2731 射频信号放大器UA2732 射频信号放大器W2805 无线视频ICW2801 无线音频IC。










1.2.1无线模块根据设计要求,查找工作在2.4GHz频段相应无线收发芯片的datasheeet,从Nordic、Maxic、TI、Silicon Labs等各大公司生产的无线收发芯片中仔细查找筛选,筛选的原则是:①满足设计性能要求②价格合理,容易购买③设计难度小,操作方便。





1.2.2控制模块无线模块选用了CC2500,由于CC2500芯片内部集成了几乎所有的射频功能,控制器只要能控制 CC2500的不同操作模式,写入缓冲数据,通过4线SPI(SI,SO,SCLK 和 CSn)总线配置接口读回状态信息就能达到要求。



单片低成本低能耗RF收发芯片应用z2400-2483.5MHz ISM/SRD波段系统z无线游戏控制器z无线音频z电子消费领域z无线键盘鼠标产品介绍CC2500是一种低成本真正单片的2.4GHz 收发器,为低功耗无线应用而设计。







CC2500基于0.18微米CMOS晶体的Chipcon的SmartRF 04系列。

主要特性z体积小(QLP 4×4mm封装,20脚)z真正的单片2.4GHz RF(射频)收发器z频率范围:2400-2483.5MHzz高灵敏度(10kbps下-98dBm,1%数据包误差率)z可编程控制的数据传输率,可达500kbpsz较低的电流消耗(RX中15.6mA)z可编程控制的输出功率,可达+1dBm z优秀的接收器选择性和模块化性能z极少的外部元件:芯片内频率合成器,不需要外部滤波器或RF转换z可编程控制的基带调制解调器z理想的多路操作特性z可控的数据包处理硬件z快速频率变动合成器带来的合适的频率跳跃系统z可选的带交错的前向误差校正z单独的64字节RX和TX数据FIFOz高效的SPI接口:所有的寄存器能用一个“突发”转换器控制z数字RSSI输出z与遵照EN 300 328 ,EN 300 440 class2 (欧洲),CFR47 Part 15 (美国), 和ARIB STD-T66(日本)标准的系统相配z自动低功率RX拉电路的电磁波激活功能z许多强大的数字特征,使得使用廉价的微控制器就能得到高性能的RF系统z集成模拟温度传感器z自由引导的“绿色”数据包z对数据包导向系统的灵活支持:对同步词汇插入的芯片侦测,地址检查,灵活的数据包长度及自动CRC处理z可编程信道滤波带宽z OOK和灵活的ASK整型支持z2-FSK和MSK支持z自动频率补偿可用来调整频率合成器到接收中间频率z对数据的可选自动白化处理z对现存通信协议的向后兼容的异步透明接收/传输模式的支持z可编程的载波感应指示器z可编程前导质量指示器及在随机噪声下改进的针对同步词汇侦测的保护z支持传输前自动清理信道访问(CCA),即载波侦听系统z支持每个数据包连接质量指示1 缩写词资料中用到的缩写词如下:2-FSK 2进制频率转换按键PD 功率降低ADC 模数转换器PLL 相同步环路AFC 自动频率补偿PQI 前导质量指示器AGC 自动增益调节 QPSK积分相位转换按键AMR 自动仪表读取 RF电磁波频率ASK 振幅转换按键 RSSI接收信号长度指示器CRC 循环冗余检查 RX接收,接收模式ESR 等价串联阻抗 SNR信噪比FEC 前向误差校正 SPI连续外围接口FSK 频移键控 TBD待定义IF 中间频率 TX传输,传输模式LNA 低噪声放大器 VCO电压控制振荡器LQI 链接质量指示器 WOR电磁波激活,低功率拉电路MCU 微控制器单元 XOSC石英晶体振荡器MSK 最小化转换按键 XTAL石英晶体PA 功率放大器目录1 缩写词 (2)2 绝对最大等级 (5)3 工作条件 (5)4 电气规范 (6)5 常规特性 (7)6 RF接收环节 (7)7 RF传输环节 (8)8 石英晶体振荡器 (8)9 低功率RC振荡器 (9)10 频率合成器特性 (9)11 模拟温度传感器 (10)12 直流特性 (10)13 重启功率 (10)14 引脚结构 (11)15 电路描述 (12)16 应用电路 (12)17 结构配置概述 (14)18 配置软件 (15)19 四线串行配置和数据接口 (16)19.1 芯片状态位 (16)19.2 寄存器访问 (17)19.3 命令滤波 (17)19.4 FIFO访问 (17)19.5 PATABLE访问 (17)20 微控制器接口和引脚结构 (19)20.1 结构接口 (19)20.2 常规控制和状态引脚 (19)20.3 可选通信控制特性 (20)21 数据率设计 (20)22 接收信道滤波带宽 (20)23 解调器,符号同步装置和数据决定 (21)23.1 频率便宜补偿 (21)23.2 位同步 (21)23.3 字节同步 (21)24 数据包处理和硬件支持 (22)24.1 数据白化 (22)24.2 数据包格式化 (22)24.2.1 任意长度区域配置 (23)24.3 接收模式下的数据包滤波 (23)24.4 传输模式下的数据包处理 (24)24.5接收模式下的数据包处理 (24)25 调制格式化 (24)25.1 频率转换按键 (24)25.2 相位转换按键 (25)25.3 振幅调制 (25)26 已接收信号质量和连接质量信息 (25)26.1 前导质量门限(PQT) (25)26.2 RSSI (25)26.3 载波感应(CS) (25)26.4 清理信道访问(CCA) (26)26.5 连接质量指示(LQI) (26)27 交错前向误差校正 (26)27.1 前向误差校正(FEC) (26)27.2 交错 (26)28 通信控制 (28)28.1 开启顺序功率 (28)28.2 晶体控制 (29)28.3 电压调节控制 (29)28.4 主动模式 (29)28.5 电磁波激活(WOR) (30)28.5.1 RC振荡器和定时 (30)28.6 定时 (31)28.7 RX终止定时器 (31)29 数据FIFO (31)30 频率控制 (32)31 VCO (33)31.1 VCO和PLL自校准 (33)32 电压调节 (33)33 输出功率调节 (34)34 晶体振荡器 (34)35 天线接口 (35)36 常规用途/测试输出控制引脚 (35)37 异步和同步连续操作 (38)37.1 异步操作 (38)37.2 同步连续操作 (38)38 配置寄存器 (38)38.1配置寄存器详情-休眠状态下带保存值的寄存器 (43)38.2配置寄存器详情-休眠状态下失去控制的寄存器 (54)38.3状态寄存器详情 (55)39 数据包描述(QLP20) (57)39.1 推荐数据包PCB设计(QLP20) (58)39.2 数据包发热工具 (58)39.3 焊接信息 (58)39.4 盘规格 (58)39.5 载波带和轴规范 (58)40 分类信息 (59)41 总体信息 (59)41.1 文件历史 (59)41.2 产品状况定义 (59)41.3 不予承诺的内容 (59)41.4 商标 (60)41.5生命支持政策 (60)42 地址信息 (61)2 绝对最大等级任何条件下都不可违反表1给出的绝对最大等级。



标准包装 家庭 包装 数据速率(最大值)
3,000 RF 收发器 带卷(TR) 500kBaud
类别 系列 频率 调制或协议
射频/IF 和 RFID
灵敏度 电流 - 接收 数据接口 天线连接器 工作温度
~ 85°C
2.4G射频无线芯片成熟方案 cc2500
厂 家 :TI 标 准 包 装 :带卷(TR) 封装/外壳:20-VFQFN 裸露焊盘
CC2500RGPR动能世纪电子元器件通过多种应力试验性能筛选,降低电子元器件的失效率,增加产品的可靠性。 代理: 136622419-小黄
电压-电源 电流-传输 存储容量
1.8 V ~ 3.6 V 21.5mA
20-VFQFN 裸露焊盘

195-2011 中国联通M2M UICC卡技术规范V2.0

195-2011 中国联通M2M UICC卡技术规范V2.0 封装底部的方向标....................................................................................................................... 12 封装顶部的方向标....................................................................................................................... 12
中国联通 M2M UICC 卡技术规范 v2.0 封装顶部的方向标....................................................................................................................... 11 6.2.2 MFF2 ..................................................................................................................................................... 11
6.2.1 MFF1 ....................................................................................................................................................... 9 封装底部的方向标....................................................................................................................... 11

深圳市芯威 VX2500 无线数传模块 说明书

深圳市芯威 VX2500 无线数传模块 说明书

深圳市芯威科技有限公司VX2500 无线数传模块VX2500 无线模块采用TI chipcon高性能无线芯片CC2500开发。



产品特征● 2.4 GHz 低成本无线收发模块,● SMD元件20.8*18.2*2.4mm,内置PCB天线,体积小●可编程配置载频2400-2483.5MHz●支持FSK, GFSK, ASK/OOK 以及MSK●可编程控制的输出功率,对所有的支持频段可达+1dBm●可灵活配置多种通讯信道,快速频点切换特点,可满足跳频系统的需要●可编程配置传输数率1.2k - 500 kbps●低功耗 3.3V 供电● RSSI输出和载波侦听指示●使用廉价的微控制器可得高性能RF系统● SPI接口应用范围●低功耗无线收发器● AMR – 自动抄表●电子消费产品● RKE-两路远程无键登录●低功耗遥感勘测●住宅与建筑自动控制●无线报警与安全系统●工业监测与控制●无线传感器网络深圳市南山区麒麟路1号南山科技创业服务中心大厦612-613技术参数技术指标参数备注工作电压直流1.8-3.6V工作频率 2400-2483.5MHz调制方式FSK,/GFSK/ASK/OOK/MSK最大输出功率+1dBm 1.25mWKbps 接收灵敏度-105dB 1.2发射电流小于25mA接收电流小于15 mA待机电流2uA传输速率 1.2-500Kbps数据接口 SPI接口最大通讯距离100m +1dBm、250Kbps可视距离天线阻抗50ohm- 150°C存贮温度 -50工作温度-40 - 85 °C外形尺寸20.8*18.2*2.4mm外形尺寸深圳市南山区麒麟路1号南山科技创业服务中心大厦612-613引脚定义引脚名类型描述VCC 工作电源直流1.8-3.6V输入GND 地SI 数字输入数据输入(SPI)SCLK 数字输入时钟输入(SPI)SO 数字输出数据输出(SPI)GDO2 数字输出数据输出,由寄存器配置GDO0 数字输出数据输出,由寄存器配置CSN 数字输入模块选择(SPI)接口电路注:MCU可用一般I/O口实现SPI接口,GDO0、GDO2根据应用连接,可只选其中一个作为收发中断请求信号控制MCU接收/发送。



ERRATA NOTESCC2500Table Of Contents1RC OSCILLATOR TOLERANCE (2)2RX FIFO (3)3CYCLIC REDUNDANCY CHECK (CRC) (4)4PLL LOCK DETECTOR OUTPUT (6)5SPI READ SYNCHRONIZATION ISSUE (7)6WOR TIMING LIMITATION ON SHORT TIMING INTERVALS (10)7RXFIFO_OVERFLOW ISSUE (11)8REDUCED LINK PERFORMANCE AT CERTAIN FREQUENCIES (13)9DOCUMENT HISTORY (14)10CONTACT INFORMATION (14)1 RC Oscillator Tolerance1.1 Description and Reason for the ProblemThe RC oscillator contains an error in the calibration routine that statistically occurs in 17.3% of all calibrations performed. When the calibration error occurs the RC oscillator tolerance is typically +8% (+10% expected worst case) to -0.3%. This means that the Wake-On-Radio (WOR) function will exhibit degraded performance in certain aspects or not be able to operate as intended. The following issue must be expected: •Increased average current consumption, since the necessary time needed in receive mode will increase due to the increased tolerance.1.2 Suggested WorkaroundThere is currently no workaround to this problem.1.3 Batches AffectedThis errata note applies to all batches and revisions of the chip.3 Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC)3.1 Description and Reason for the ProblemFor certain conditions the CRC flag in PKTSTATUS, LQI and on the GDOx pins will always indicate “CRC not OK”, regardless of actual CRC status.If 2400_EN=0 and the second byte of the CRC value appended to a TX packet is zero, the CRC_OK flag available in the PKTSTATUS[7] register, in the LQI[7] status register, and on one of the general purpose control (GDO) pins (if outputs 7 (0x07) or 15 (0x0F) are selected), will always indicate “CRC not OK”, i.e. the CRC_OK flag=0, in the device receiving the packet.Note that a “CRC OK” indication can always be trusted. However, the “CRC not OK” indication from any of the three sources mentioned above can not be relied on when the second byte of the CRC value appended to a TX packet is zero. Then all packets will always result in a “CRC not OK” indication in the receiving device. Retransmission of identical packet(s) does not help, as the same situation will occur every time the same packet is received. For a packet that is affected, toggling any single bit in the packet (except for some bits in the last byte of the packet) before retransmission will cause CRC indication in RX to work properly.The probability of the CRC bug affecting a packet with random data is 1/256 (not dependent on packet length). As mentioned above, the CRC bug is completely deterministic, only dependent on packet data. If there is a lot of variation in packet data from one packet to the next, system performance may not be badly affected, but it is difficult to guarantee that long sequences of packets all affected by the bug can not occur.The bug does NOT affect the “CRC OK” indication, i.e. the CRC_OK flag, that can be appended to the packet in the RX FIFO (when PKTCTRL1.APPEND_STATUS=1).3.2 Suggested WorkaroundChecking the CRC flag by reading PKTSTATUS[7] register, LQI[7] status register, GDOx_CFG =0x07 and GDOx_CFG =0x15 should not be done if 2400_EN=0. If 2400_EN=0 a software workaround is needed in applications currently using one of these sources and relying on the respective CRC_OK flag. It is possible to check the CRC status in 2 different ways:1) Set PKTCTRL1.APPEND_STATUS=1 and read the CRC_OK flag in the MSB of the second byte appended to the RX FIFO after the packet data. This requires double buffering of the packet, i.e. the entire packet content of the RX FIFO must be completely read out before it is possible to check whether the CRC indication is OK or not.2) To avoid reading the whole RX FIFO, another solution is to use the PKTCTRL1.CRC_AUTOFLUSH feature. If this feature is enabled, the entire RX FIFO will be flushed if the CRC check fails. If GDOx_CFG=0x06 the GDOx pin will be asserted when a sync word is found. The GDOx pin will be de-asserted at the end of the packet. When the latter occurs the MCU should read the number of bytes in the RX FIFO. This can be read from the RXBYTES.NUM_RXBYTES status register or from the status byte returned on the MISO line when sending a byte on the SPI bus (FIFO_BYTES_AVAILABLE). If the number of bytes in RX FIFO is 0 the CRC checkfailed and the FIFO was flushed. If the number of bytes in RX FIFO > 0 the CRC check was OK and data can be read out of the FIFO.The CRC_OK flag available in the PKTSTATUS[7] register, in the LQI[7] status register, and on one of the general purpose control (GDO) pins (if outputs 7 (0x07) or 15 (0x0F) are selected), can always be trusted in the device receiving the packet if 2400_EN=1. Note that neither whitening nor autoflush can be used with 2400_EN=1. More details can be found in the CC2500 data sheet.3.3 Batches AffectedThis errata note applies to all batches and revisions of the chip.4 PLL Lock Detector Output4.1 Description and Reason for the ProblemThe PLL lock detector output is not 100% reliable and might toggle even if the PLL is in lock. The PLL is in lock if the lock detector output has a positive transition or is constantly logic high. The PLL is not in lock if the lock detector output is constantly logic low. It is not recommended to check for PLL lock by reading PKTSTATUS[0] with GDOx_CFG=0x0A or PKTSTATUS[2] register with GDOx_CFG=0x0A (x = 0 or 2).4.2 Suggested WorkaroundPLL lock can be checked reliably as follows:1) Program register IOCFGx.GDOx_CFG=0x0A and use the lock detector output available on the GDOx pin as an interrupt for the MCU. A positive transition on the GDOx pin means that the PLL is in lock.or2) Read register FSCAL1. The PLL is in lock if the register content is different from 0x3F.4.3 Batches AffectedThis errata note applies to all batches and revisions of the chip.5 SPI Read Synchronization IssueA bug affecting the synchronization mechanism between the SPI clock domain (using a user supplied SCLK) and the internal 26 MHz clock domain (XCLK in this document) will sometimes result in incorrect read values for register fields that are continuously updated. The frequency with which this occurs is very low and guidelines for application design to avoid this issue are given in this chapter. The issue does not affect the data read from the RX FIFO as it uses a different and more robust synchronization mechanism. Neither does the issue affect writes to registers or the TX FIFO at any time.5.1 SymptomsWhen reading multi-bit register fields that are updated by the radio hardware such as the MARCSTATE or TXBYTES registers over the SPI interface, occasionally nonsensical or erroneous values will be read.For example, in an application that sends packets longer than the 64 byte TX FIFO, the TX FIFO must be topped up with additional data during packet transmission. Assuming this is done by initially transferring 64 bytes to the TX FIFO, starting transmission, and then continuously polling TXBYTES to see when space for additional bytes is available, and then transferring the required number of bytes until the end of the packet. In this case the expected sequence of values read from TXBYTES would be:64, 64, …, 63, (write byte), 64, 64, …, 63, (write byte), 64, ...Due to the SPI synchronization issue the following might (infrequently) be seen instead: 64, 64, …, 63, (write byte), 64, 64, …, 64, 89, 63, …The erroneous value read is highlighted in red. The register read is changing from the value 64 (01000000b) to the value 63 (00111111b) on the XCLK clock at the same time that its value is latched into the SPI output shift register on the SCLK clock. If the two clock edges occur sufficiently close in time, the improper synchronization mechanism will latch some bit values from the previous register value and some bits from the next register value, resulting in the erroneous value 89 (01011001b).5.2 DescriptionDuring an SPI read transaction, the SPI output register latches the read value on the last falling edge of SCLK during an SPI address byte. For a burst read operation, subsequent register values are latched on the falling edge of SCLK in the last bit of each previous data byte.Due to this synchronization issue, if the register being read changes value (synchronously with XCLK) during a certain period of time after this falling edge of SCLK then some of the bits in the read value will come from the previous value and some from the next value. This so-called window of uncertainty is about 1.3 ns for typical conditions and increases to about 2.0 ns for worst-case conditions (1.8 V VDD, 85 °C).Figure 1 Window of uncertainty (drawing not to scale)Figure 1 shows a timing diagram of an SPI read that fails when reading a fictitious counter being updated internally each . Since the counter update from valueb) to b) within the window of uncertainty, the read value could be any one of000b) depending on exactly when the positive edge of XCLK falls within the window of uncertainty.probability that the two events overlap, and thus that the read value is potentially corrupted, is given by:c WU cWU corrupt f T T T P == In the example given in section 5.1, the probability of any single read from TXBYTES being corrupt, assuming the maximum datarate is used, is approximately ()ppm 80b 8kbps 500ns 3.1≈⋅== / f T P c WU corrupt or less than once every 10000 reads. In many situations the underlying received packet failure rate in the communication system is so much higher that any packet transmission/reception failure attributable to the issue described here will be negligible.5.3 Suggested WorkaroundIn a typical radio system a packet error rate of at least 1 % should be tolerated in order to ensure robustness. In light of this, the negligible contribution to the number of packets lost due to, for example, occasionally reading incorrect FIFO byte count values or the wrong radio state from MARCSTATE, can probably be ignored in most applications. However, care should be taken to ensure that reading an incorrect value does not jeopardize an application. Examples of commonsense things to do include:• For packets longer than the TX FIFO, configure the device to signal on a GDOpin when there is enough room to fill up with a new block of data (using the TXFIFO_THR threshold). If polling TXBYTES is necessary due to pin constraints, read TXBYTES repeatedly until the same value is returned twice in succession – such a value can always be trusted.• Always perform a length check on the number of bytes reported in the RX FIFOto avoid a buffer overrun when copying the data to your MCU. A buffer overrun could make your firmware behave erratically or become deadlocked.• Do not rely on the internal radio state machine through transient states (e.g.CALIBRATE – SETTLING – TX – IDLE). It is, however, perfectly safe to poll for the end of transmission by waiting for MARCSTATE=IDLE.• Always average RSSI and LQI values over several packets before using them indecision algorithms (e.g. for FH channel selection).• Avoid using the SPI status byte STATE and FIFO_BYTES_AVAILABLE fieldsduring packet transmission.If it is important to ensure that read values are not corrupted, reading of one of the affected registers should be done repeatedly until the same value is read twice in succession. If the rate at which the register is read is guaranteed to be at least twice as fast as the expected register update rate, then an upper bound on the number of required reads is four and the average number of reads slightly more than two.The same method can be used to ensure that the SPI status byte fields that provide simplified radio FSM state and saturated FIFO byte count are correct. This only makes sense when polling the status byte with SNOP as the address.5.4 Batches AffectedThis errata note applies to all chip batches and revisions of the chip.6 WOR Timing Limitation on Short Timing Intervals6.1 Description and Reason for the ProblemThe Wake on Radio (WOR) timer is a very low power timer. It uses an f xosc/750 kHz (34.7 kHz with f xosc = 26 MHz) clock source for the timer and compare logic. In power down mode this clock source is divided by 128 to achieve a 270.8 Hz clock frequency for the timer, given that f xosc is 26 MHz.The WOR timer runs on 270.8 Hz in power down to save power. Shortly before reaching the programmed timeout value the timer automatically resumes 34.7 kHz operation. This is achieved by pre-incrementing the actual timer value before entering power down mode, to allow match logic to resume 34.7 kHz timer operation.For timeouts less than approximately 11 ms (detailed timing is shown in application note AN047), the timeout period is too short to switch to the 270.8 Hz clocking scheme. Due to a design bug the timer is pre-incremented even if the device does not switch to the 270.8 Hz clocking scheme, effectively shortening the timeout by one 270.8 Hz clock period (~3.7 ms).6.2 Suggested WorkaroundWOR usage is described in application note AN047.6.3 Batches AffectedThis errata note applies to all batches and revisions of the chip.8 Reduced Link Performance at certain Frequencies8.1 Description and Reason for the ProblemThere will be spurious signals at n/2·crystal oscillator frequency (n is an integer number). In receive mode the CC2500 exhibits increased packet error rate and thereby reduced link performance at RF frequencies which are equal to n/2·crystal oscillator frequency(e.g. 2405, 2418, 2431, 2444, 2457, 2470 and 2483 MHz when using a 26 MHz crystal).8.2 Suggested WorkaroundThere is no workaround for this problem and these frequencies should be avoided.8.3 Batches AffectedThis errata note applies to all batches and revisions of the chip.。



#include "PowerMan.h"#include "CC2500.h"uint8 CC2500_TxRxBuf[1+CC2500_DATA_LEN ];//地址+数据uint8 CC2500_TxAddr = 0x01;uint8 CC2500_RxAddr = 0x01;const uint8 PaTabel[8] = {0x60, 0x60, 0x60, 0x60, 0x60, 0x60, 0x60, 0x60};//--------------------------CC2500 寄存器配置---------------------------------const CC2500_RF_SETTINGS CC2500_Config ={0x0B, // IOCFG2 GDO2 output pin configuration.0x06, //IOCFG10x06, // IOCFG0 GDO0 output pin configuration.0x07, //FIFOTHR0xD3, //SYNC1 MSB0x91, //SYNC0 LSB1+CC2500_DATA_LEN, // PKTLEN Packet length.0x02, // PKTCTRL1 Packet automation control.0x04, // PKTCTRL0 Packet automation control.0x01, // ADDR Device address.0x00, // CHANNR Channel number.0x07, // FSCTRL1 Frequency synthesizer control.0x00, // FSCTRL0 Frequency synthesizer control.0x5D, // FREQ2 Frequency control word, high byte.0x93, // FREQ1 Frequency control word, middle byte.0xB1, // FREQ0 Frequency control word, low byte.0x2D, // MDMCFG4 Modem configuration.0x3B, // MDMCFG3 Modem configuration.0x73, // MDMCFG2 Modem configuration.0x22, // MDMCFG1 Modem configuration.0xF8, // MDMCFG0 Modem configuration.0x47, // DEVIATN Modem deviation setting (when FSK modulation is enabled).0x00, // MCSM2 Main Radio Control State Machine configuration.0x02, // MCSM1 Main Radio Control State Machine configuration.0x18, // MCSM0 Main Radio Control State Machine configuration.0x1D, // FOCCFG Frequency Offset Compensation Configuration.0x1C, // BSCFG Bit synchronization Configuration.0xC7, // AGCCTRL2 AGC control.0x00, // AGCCTRL1 AGC control.0xB2, // AGCCTRL0 AGC control.0x00, // WOREVT10x00, // WOREVT00x00, // WORCTRL0xB6, // FREND1 Front end RX configuration.0x10, // FREND0 Front end RX configuration.0xEA, // FSCAL3 Frequency synthesizer calibration.0x0A, // FSCAL2 Frequency synthesizer calibration.0x00, // FSCAL1 Frequency synthesizer calibration.0x11, // FSCAL0 Frequency synthesizer calibration.0x00, //RCCTRL10x00, //RCCTRL00x59, // FSTEST Frequency synthesizer calibration.0x00, //PTEST0x00, //AGCTEST0x88, // TEST2 Various test settings.0x31, // TEST1 Various test settings.0x0B, // TEST0 Various test settings.};//---------------------------CC2500射频芯片初始化函数-------------------------------------- void CC2500_Init(void){CSN_ON();delay_ms(1);CSN_OFF();delay_ms(1);CSN_ON();delay_ms(1);CSN_OFF();SPI_Write(CCxxx0_SRES); //写入复位命令CSN_ON();CC2500_WriteReg(CCxxx0_FSCTRL1, CC2500_Config.FSCTRL1);CC2500_WriteReg(CCxxx0_FSCTRL0, CC2500_Config.FSCTRL0);CC2500_WriteReg(CCxxx0_FREQ2, CC2500_Config.FREQ2);CC2500_WriteReg(CCxxx0_FREQ1, CC2500_Config.FREQ1);CC2500_WriteReg(CCxxx0_FREQ0, CC2500_Config.FREQ0);CC2500_WriteReg(CCxxx0_MDMCFG4, CC2500_Config.MDMCFG4);CC2500_WriteReg(CCxxx0_MDMCFG3, CC2500_Config.MDMCFG3);CC2500_WriteReg(CCxxx0_MDMCFG2, CC2500_Config.MDMCFG2);CC2500_WriteReg(CCxxx0_MDMCFG1, CC2500_Config.MDMCFG1);CC2500_WriteReg(CCxxx0_MDMCFG0, CC2500_Config.MDMCFG0);CC2500_WriteReg(CCxxx0_CHANNR, CC2500_Config.CHANNR);CC2500_WriteReg(CCxxx0_DEVIATN, CC2500_Config.DEVIATN);CC2500_WriteReg(CCxxx0_FREND1, CC2500_Config.FREND1);CC2500_WriteReg(CCxxx0_FREND0, CC2500_Config.FREND0);CC2500_WriteReg(CCxxx0_MCSM0 , CC2500_Config.MCSM0 );CC2500_WriteReg(CCxxx0_FOCCFG, CC2500_Config.FOCCFG);CC2500_WriteReg(CCxxx0_BSCFG, CC2500_Config.BSCFG);CC2500_WriteReg(CCxxx0_AGCCTRL2, CC2500_Config.AGCCTRL2);CC2500_WriteReg(CCxxx0_AGCCTRL1, CC2500_Config.AGCCTRL1);CC2500_WriteReg(CCxxx0_AGCCTRL0, CC2500_Config.AGCCTRL0);CC2500_WriteReg(CCxxx0_FSCAL3, CC2500_Config.FSCAL3);CC2500_WriteReg(CCxxx0_FSCAL2, CC2500_Config.FSCAL2);CC2500_WriteReg(CCxxx0_FSCAL1, CC2500_Config.FSCAL1);CC2500_WriteReg(CCxxx0_FSCAL0, CC2500_Config.FSCAL0);CC2500_WriteReg(CCxxx0_FSTEST, CC2500_Config.FSTEST);CC2500_WriteReg(CCxxx0_TEST2, CC2500_Config.TEST2);CC2500_WriteReg(CCxxx0_TEST1, CC2500_Config.TEST1);CC2500_WriteReg(CCxxx0_TEST0, CC2500_Config.TEST0);CC2500_WriteReg(CCxxx0_IOCFG2, CC2500_Config.IOCFG2);CC2500_WriteReg(CCxxx0_IOCFG0, CC2500_Config.IOCFG0);CC2500_WriteReg(CCxxx0_PKTCTRL1, CC2500_Config.PKTCTRL1);CC2500_WriteReg(CCxxx0_PKTCTRL0, CC2500_Config.PKTCTRL0);CC2500_WriteReg(CCxxx0_ADDR, CC2500_Config.ADDR);CC2500_WriteReg(CCxxx0_PKTLEN, CC2500_Config.PKTLEN);//CC2500_WriteBurstReg(CCxxx0_PATABLE, PaTabel, 8);CC2500_Command(CCxxx0_SFRX);CC2500_Command(CCxxx0_SFTX);CC2500_Command(CCxxx0_SIDLE);}//---------------------------CC2500设置接收模式函数-------------------------------------- void CC2500_SetRxMode(void){CC2500_Command(CCxxx0_SRX);}//---------------------------CC2500数据包接收函数-------------------------------------- uint8 CC2500_RxPacket(void){if(GDO0_IN){if((1+CC2500_DATA_LEN) == CC2500_ReadReg(CCxxx0_RXBYTES|READ_BURST)){return TRUE;}}return FALSE;}//---------------------------CC2500数据包发送函数--------------------------------------void CC2500_TxPacket(void){//CC2500_WriteReg(CCxxx0_TXFIFO,1+CC2500_DATA_LEN);CC2500_WriteBurstReg(CCxxx0_TXFIFO, CC2500_TxRxBuf,1+CC2500_DATA_LEN); //写入要发送的数据CC2500_Command(CCxxx0_STX); //进入发送模式发送数据while (!GDO0_IN);// Wait for GDO0 to be set -> sync transmittedwhile (GDO0_IN);// Wait for GDO0 to be cleared -> end of packetCC2500_Command(CCxxx0_SFTX); //刷新发送缓冲区CC2500_Command(CCxxx0_SIDLE);}//---------------------------CC2500寄存器写入函数--------------------------------------void CC2500_WriteReg(uint8 addr, uint8 value){CSN_OFF();while (MISO_IN);SPI_Write(addr|WRITE_SINGLE); //写地址SPI_Write(value); //写入配置CSN_ON();}//---------------------------CC2500寄存器读取函数--------------------------------------uint8 CC2500_ReadReg(uint8 addr){uint8 value;CSN_OFF();while (MISO_IN);SPI_Write(addr|READ_SINGLE);value = SPI_Read();CSN_ON();return value;}void CC2500_WriteBurstReg(uint8 addr, uint8 *buffer, uint8 count){uint8 i;CSN_OFF();while (MISO_IN);SPI_Write(addr | WRITE_BURST);for (i = 0; i < count; i++){SPI_Write(buffer[i]);}CSN_ON();}//---------------------------CC2500寄存器连续读取函数-------------------------------------- void CC2500_ReadBurstReg(uint8 addr, uint8 *buffer, uint8 count){uint8 i;CSN_OFF();while (MISO_IN);SPI_Write(addr | READ_BURST);for (i = 0; i < count; i++){buffer[i] = SPI_Read();}CSN_ON();}//----------------------------CC2500命令函数------------------------------void CC2500_Command(uint8 cmd){CSN_OFF();while (MISO_IN);SPI_Write(cmd); //写入命令CSN_ON();}//---------------------------CC2500接收地址设置函数-------------------------------------- void CC2500_Write_RxADDR(void){CC2500_WriteReg(CCxxx0_ADDR,CC2500_RxAddr);}void CC2500_Write_TxADDR(void){CC2500_TxRxBuf[0] = CC2500_TxAddr;}//--------------------------SPI初始化函数---------------------------void SPI_Init(void){CSN_ON();SCK_OFF();}//--------------------------SPI单字节读取函数---------------------------uint8 SPI_Read(void){uint8 i,rxdata;rxdata = 0x00;for (i = 0;i < 8;i++){rxdata = rxdata<<1;SCK_ON();if (MISO_IN) //读取最高位,保存至最末尾,通过左移位完成整个字节{rxdata |= 0x01;}else{rxdata &= ~0x01;}__no_operation();__no_operation();SCK_OFF();__no_operation();__no_operation();}return rxdata;}//----------------------------SPI单字节写入函数---------------------------void SPI_Write(uint8 txdata){uint8 i;for (i = 0;i < 8;i++){if (txdata&0x80) //总是发送最高位{MOSI_ON();}else{MOSI_OFF();}SCK_ON();__no_operation();__no_operation();txdata = txdata<<1;SCK_OFF();__no_operation();__no_operation();}}。






它有四种主要的状态:接收(RX)、发送(TX)、空闲(IDLE)和休眠(SLEEP)基本特点(1) 2400-2483.5 MHz的ISM和SRD频段(2) 最⾼⼯作速率500kbps,⽀持2-FSK、GFSK和MSK调制⽅式(3) ⾼灵敏度(-101dBm在10Kbps 1%)(4) 内置硬件CRC 检错和点对多点通信地址控制(5) 较低的电流消耗(RX中,13.3mA)(6) 可编程控制的输出功率,对所有的⽀持频率可达 1dBm(7) ⽀持低功率电磁波激活功能(8) ⽀持传输前⾃动清理信道访问(CCA),即载波侦听系统(9) 快速频率变动合成器带来的合适的频率跳跃系统(10) 模块可软件设地址,软件编程⾮常⽅便(11) 标准DIP间距接⼝,便于嵌⼊式应⽤(12) 单独的64字节RX和TX数据FIFOCC2500是⼀款2.4GHz⾼性能射频收发器,设计旨在⽤于极低功耗RF应⽤。




应⽤领域●超低功耗⽆线收发器●⽆线传感⽹络●家庭和楼宇⾃动化●⾼级抄表架构(AMI)●⽆线计量●⽆线报警安全系统性能参数● 2400.0MHz~2483.5MHz⼯作频段。



CC2500PATR2.4S 是 集 FSK/ASK/OOK/MSK. 调 制方式于一体的收发模块。 它提供扩展硬件支持实现信息包处 理、数据缓冲、群发射、空闲信道评估、链接 质量指示和无 线电波唤醒,可以采用曼彻斯特编码进行调制解调它的数据 流。 性能优越并且易于应用到你的产品设计中,它可以应用 于 2400-2483.5MHz ISM/SRD 频段的系统,消费类电子产 品、无线游戏控制器、无线音频传输和 其他的无线系统中。
第 1 页
1: 产品介绍……………………………………………………………………...4 2:产品特征…………………………………………………………………….4 3:应用范围…………………………………………………………………….4 4:性能参数…………………………………………………………………….5 5:外形尺寸…………………………………………………………………….6 6:引脚定义…………………………………………………………………….7 7:应用电路简介……………………………………………………………….7



MSP430和CC2500的USB无线数据采集系统作者:张彭朋,何娜南华大学来源:不详发布时间:2010-4-13 13:25:20 [收藏] [评论]MSP430和CC2500的USB无线数据采集系统摘要:设计基于MSP430单片机和CC2500无线收发器的USB无线数据采集系统,通过USB调试端口在I DE或CCE开发环境下编写、下载和调试应用程序,其目标板可作为一个独立的具有或没有外部传感器的系统。

介绍基于MSP430和CC2500无线开发工具的系统结构,控制模块的硬件结构,无线收发部分和数据采集传输电路的设计,以及软件开发、Simplici TI协议的引用。

关键词:MSP430;CC2500;USB接口;Simplici TI协议基于MSP430单片机和CC2500的无线数据采集系统是一个功能齐全的无线开发工具,该系统主要由M SP430F系列微控制器和CC2500(2.4 GHz)无线收发器组成。




通过Simplici TI协议,MSP4 30控制器通过USB接口实现与PC机的通信,调试稳定、简易方便。


1 系统结构基于MSP430单片机和CC2500无线收发器的USB无线数据采集系统,主要由主控单元、CC2500无线收发器和USB接口电路构成,图1为系统方框图。

该系统可以通过CC2500无线收发器接收外部无线射频信号,MSP430F2274控制数据的接收、处理、传输,将数据打包后通过USB接口传送至PC机,利用PC 机上的开发平台处理和分析数据,并显示于系统界面。


Low current consumption.
Easy for application.
Efficient SPI interface
Operating temperature range
Operating voltage
• Strobe CSn low / high.
• Hold CSn high for at least 40µs.
• Pull CSn low and wait for SO to go low (CHIP_RDYn).
• Issue the SRES strobe.
• When SO goes low again, reset is complete and the chip is in the IDLE state.
• Serial input TX data
Digital Input
Serial configuration interface, chip select
Absolute Maximum Ratings极限参数
CC2500 is configured via a simple 4-wire SPI compatible interface (SI, SO, SCLK and CSn) where CC2500 is the slave. This interface is also used to read and write buffered data. All address and data transfer on the SPI interface is done most significant bit first
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Packet Transmission BasicsBy Siri Namtvedt Keywords•CC1100 •CC1101 •CC1150 •CC2500 •CC2550 •FIFO •Fixed Packet Length Mode •Variable Packet Length Mode •Infinite Packet Length Mode1 IntroductionThe CC1100/CC1101/CC1150/CC2500 /CC2500 all have extensive built-in packet handling support in hardware. This is to make it easier to implement packet oriented radio protocols in firmware. However, it can sometimes be difficult to know what features to use for a specific application. This design note will look into how the packet size will influence the complexity of the firmware, and how and when to use the different length configurations available.Table of Contents KEYWORDS (1)1INTRODUCTION (1)2PACKET SIZE (3)2.1 P ACKET S IZE ≤64B YTES (3)2.2 P ACKET S IZE ≤255B YTES (4)2.2.1SPI Polling (4)2.2.2Interrupt Driven Solution (5)2.3 P ACKET S IZE >255 BYTES (5)3ERRATA NOTES (6)4REFERENCES (7)5GENERAL INFORMATION (8)5.1 D OCUMENT H ISTORY (8)2 Packet SizeIt is possible to send packets of all packet lengths, but the complexity of the code increases if the packet size is longer than 64 bytes (the FIFO size). Packet size is in this context all bytes that follow the sync word, except the optional CRC16 bytes.Figure 1. Packet FormatThere are 3 different packet length modes supported; fixed, variable, and infinite. In fixed packet length mode, the PKTLEN register indicates the packet length. That means that if PKTLEN = 0x05, and 10 bytes are written to the TX FIFO, only 5 bytes will be transmitted. On the receiver side, 5 bytes will be received after a valid sync word has been detected. For variable packet length mode, the PKTLEN register has no meaning when in TX mode. In RX mode, however, it will give you the maximum allowed packet length to receive. That means that is PKTLEN = 0x05, and the first byte received after a valid sync word is greater than 5, the packet will be discarded.2.1 Packet Size ≤ 64 BytesThe easiest way to transmit and receive a packet, seen from a firmware point of view, is to not let the packet size exceed 64 bytes. To transmit a packet one only needs to write the packet to the TX FIFO, strobe TX, and wait for the packet to be transmitted. On the receiver side, one waits for the whole packet to be received before reading the FIFO. Both fixed and variable packet mode can be used.Be aware that even if the packet size can be 64 bytes, the size of the data field will vary depending on the register settings (address filtering, append status, etc).Fixed Packet Length Mode, TXPacketTX FIFO CommentSize1 (min) Addr Address. No data bytes1 D0No address, 1 data byte64 (max) Addr, D0, D1,.., D62Address + 63 data bytes64 D0, D1,.., D63No address, 64 data bytesFixed Packet Length Mode, RX1 (min) RX FIFO Comment1 Addr Address. No data bytes64 (max) D0No address, 1 data byteD0, D1,.., D62Address + 63 data bytes64 Addr,64 D0, D1,.., D63No address, 64 data bytes64 Addr,D0, D1,.., D60, RSSI, LQI Address + 61 data bytes + 2 statusbytes64 D0, D1, D61, RSSI, LQI No address, 62 data bytes + 2 statusbytesVariable Packet Length, TXTX FIFO Comment2 (min) 1, Addr Length byte + address. No data bytes2 1,D0Length byte + 1 data byte64 (max) 63, Addr, D0, D1,.., D61Length byte + address + 62 data bytesD0, D1,.., D62Length byte + 63 data bytes64 63,Variable Packet Length, RXRX FIFO Comment2 (min) 1, Addr Length byte + address. No data bytes2 1,D0Length byte + 1 data byte64 (max) 63, Addr, D0, D1,.., D61Length byte + address + 62 data bytesD0, D1,.., D62Length byte + 63 data bytes64 63,64 61, Addr, D0, D1,.., D59, RSSI, LQI Length byte + address + 60 data bytes +2 status bytesD0, D1,.., D60, RSSI, LQI Length byte + 61 data bytes + 2 status 64 61,bytesTable 1. Packet Size vs. Data Field LengthThe Link example (see [1] and [2]) demonstrates how to transmit and receive packets with packet size ≤ 64 bytes (the example implements variable packet length mode and append status).2.2 Packet Size ≤ 255 BytesIt is fully possible to transmit and receive packets with packet size up to 255 bytes, but the firmware will be more complex since the TX FIFO will need to be refilled while in TX and the RX FIFO needs to be read while in RX. There are two different ways to implement this in firmware. One can either have the MCU poll status registers on the SPI or one can have an interrupt driven solution. Both fixed and variable packet length mode can be used.2.2.1 SPI PollingThe status byte returned on the MISO line or the TXBYTES or RXBYTES register can be polled at a given rate after strobing TX or RX, to see if there is room for more bytes in the TX FIFO or more bytes to read from the RX FIFO.TX:1. Start by writing 64 bytes to the TX FIFO2. Strobe TX3. Poll the status byte or the TXBYTES register at a given rate to see if there is spaceavailable in the TX FIFO.4. Write to the TX FIFO whenever there is room for more bytes5. Repeat 3 and 4 until the whole packet is written to the TX FIFORX:1. Strobe RX2. Poll the status byte or the RXBYTES register at a given rate to see if there is bytes toread from the FIFO3. Read the RX FIFO whenever there is something to read4. Repeat 2 and 3 until the whole packet is receivedLink1 demonstrates how to implement SPI polling and can be found on the TI website (see[1] and [2]).2.2.2 Interrupt Driven SolutionIn this case, GDO0 and GDO2 are used to give interrupt to the MCU. One of the pins gives an interrupt when the RX FIFO is filled above RXFIFO_THR in RX and when number of bytes in the TX FIFO is below the TXFIFO_THR in TX. The other pin gives an interrupt both when sync word has been received and when the whole packet has been received in RX, and when the packet has been transmitted in TX. The Link2 example implements an interrupt driven solution and can be found together with all the other software examples at the TI web site ([1]).2.3 Packet Size > 255 bytesInfinite packet length mode can be used if one wants to transmit and/or receive until TX or RX mode is turned off manually (can be used for all packet lengths, also packets with length less than 255). In this case, it will not be possible to have CRC automatically generated in TX or processed in RX, since the chip does not know the length of the packet. However, infinite packet length mode is most useful in combination with fixed packet length mode in cases where one wants to transmit or receive packets with packet size > 255, and have automatic CRC insertion and processing.Assume a packet with packet size 452 is to be transmitted.•Set PKTCTRL0.LENGTH_CONFIG = 2 (10) (Infinite packet length).•Pre-program the PKTLEN register to mod(452,256) = 196.•Transmit at least 197 bytes (less than 256 bytes left to transmit)•Set PKTCTRL0.LENGTH_CONFIG = 0 (00) (Fixed packet length).•The transmission ends when the packet counter reaches 196. A total of 452 bytes are transmitted.Internal byte counter in packet handler counts from 0 to 255 and then starts at 0 again0,1,................................................,196,.....255,0,..............................................,196,...,255,0.................Figure 2. Infinite Packet Length Mode in Combination Fixed Packet Length Mode With the infinite packet length example described here one can choose between using SPI polling or an interrupt driven solution. The InfiniteLink example demonstrates how an interrupt driven solution can be used for packets longer than 255 bytes. All the examples that have been referred to are documented in the CC1100/CC1150DK & CC2500/CC2550DKDevelopment Kit Examples and Libraries User Manual ([2]). Be aware that if using address filtering, PKTCTRL1.ADR_CHK = 1, 2, or 3, and the received address matches the address of the receiver, 0xFF will be written into the RX FIFO followed by the address byte and then the payload data.3 Errata NotesWhen using SPI polling, be aware that due to a bug affecting the synchronization mechanism between the SPI clock domain and the internal 26 MHz clock domain sometimes incorrect read values for register fields that are continuously updated will occur. It is also important to notice that for both methods (SPI polling and interrupt driven) one should also make sure that the RX FIFO is never emptied before the whole packet has been received (1 byte needs to be left in the RX FIFO). Please see [3], [4], [5], [6], and [7]4 References[1] CC1100 CC2500 Examples Libraries ([2] CC1100/CC1150DK & CC2500/CC2550DK Developmt Kit Examples & LibrariesUser Manual (swru109.pdf)[3] CC1100 Errata Notes (swrz012.pdf)[4] CC1101 Errata Note (swrz020.pdf)[5] CC1150 Errata Notes (swrz018.pdf)[6] CC2500 Errata Notes (swrz002.pdf)[7] CC2550 Errata Notes (swrz011.pdf)5 General Information5.1 Document HistoryRevision Date Description/ChangesSWRA109B 2007.10.22 Added chapter 4. Added CC1101. Removed logo in header. SWRA109A 2006.10.20 Added info about address filtering when using infinite packet lengthmode.release.SWRA109 2006.07.06InitialIMPORTANT NOTICETexas Instruments Incorporated and its subsidiaries(TI)reserve the right to make corrections,modifications,enhancements, improvements,and other changes to its products and services at any time and to discontinue any product or service without notice. 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