烟草与人的身体 tobacco and the body




烟草科学与卷烟工艺课程论文论文题目:吸烟与身体健康吸烟与身体健康Smoking and health【摘要】全球吸烟人口持续增加,已接近十亿,香烟迷人,但吸烟有害健康,随着研究深入,发现吸烟与许多疾病之间有着密切的联系,吸烟对人体有着极大的健康隐患。














烟草英文文案作文素材英文回答:Tobacco's Devastating Impact on Health。

Tobacco use is a leading cause of preventable death and disease worldwide. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), tobacco kills more than 8 million people annually. The vast majority of these deaths are due to non-communicable diseases such as cancer, cardiovascular disease, and chronic respiratory diseases.Cancer。

Tobacco smoke contains over 7,000 chemicals, many of which are known carcinogens. These chemicals damage the DNA in cells, leading to uncontrolled cell growth and the development of cancer. Tobacco use is the leading cause of lung cancer, but it can also cause cancer of the mouth, throat, larynx, esophagus, stomach, pancreas, kidney,cervix, and leukemia.Cardiovascular Disease。

Tobacco smoke damages the blood vessels and heart. It increases the risk of heart attack, stroke, and peripheral artery disease. Tobacco use also contributes to high blood pressure, which is a major risk factor for cardiovascular disease.Chronic Respiratory Diseases。



2021年5.31世界无烟日主题世界无烟日简介在1987年11月,世界卫生组织(WHO)在日本东京举行的第6届吸烟与健康国际会议上建议把每年的4月7日定为世界无烟日(World No Tobacco Day),并从1988年开始执行,但从1989年开始,世界无烟日改为每年的5月31日,因为第二天是国际儿童节,希望下一代免受烟草危害。















烟草英文 Tobacco PPT

烟草英文 Tobacco PPT

monoxide and up to 400 times more nicotine than cigarette smoke. Cigar and pipe smokers are more likely to develop cancers of the lip, mouth, and tongue than nonsmokers.
Smokeless Tobacco
Smokeless tobacco, such as chewing tobacco and snuff, is placed in the mouth or inhaled rather than smoked.
The Facts About Tobacco
A single puff of tobacco smoke contains more than 4,000 chemicals.
Almost all of these chemicals prevent the body from functioning the way it should. At least 43 of these chemicals cause cancer.
How tobacco affects various parts of the body.
What Tobacco Does to the Body
The Vocabulary terms in this lesson are:
Nicotine. Tar. Carbon monoxide. Alveoli.
Cigars and Pipes
Shredded tobacco leaves are also used in cigars and pipes. Dangers of using cigars or pipes:



1. 吸烟对健康的危害。吸烟会增加各种疾病的发 生率,如心脏病、肺癌、中风等。吸烟者可能面 临早逝的风险,甚至可能缩短自己的寿命。
2. 吸烟对环境的危害。烟草会释放出大量的有害 物质,如二氧化碳、一氧化碳、苯等,这些物质 对空气和水质造成污染,对大气层造成破坏,对 人类和动物产生长远的伤害。
关于教育,珍爱生命远离烟草教育 吸烟与身体健康关系 (1) 吸烟会导致多种疾病出现,如肺癌、心血管疾 病、慢性阻塞性肺疾病等,这些疾病会给患者和整 个社会带来巨大的负担和影响。 (2) 吸烟会对身体各个系统和器官造成损害,同时 也会对心理健康产生影响,包括焦虑、抑郁等情绪 问题,长期吸烟还会对脑部结构和功能产生不利影 响。因此,远离烟草对身体健康和心理健康都非常 重要。
Education on tobacco prevention knowledge and skills.
1. 吸烟对身体的危害:吸烟会导致大量毒素和化学物质进入人体,对健康造成严重威胁,如患上肺 癌、心血管疾病、呼吸系统疾病等。此外,女性吸烟还会对孕产妇及胎儿造成不良影响,如早产、 流产、低体重儿等。 2. 吸烟的成因及预防:很多人开始吸烟是受到周围环境或社交压力的影响,而一旦成为习惯,则非 常难以戒掉。因此,在教育中应该通过科普、宣传等方式加强对吸烟危害的认知,让人们对吸烟行 为保持警惕。此外,应该提供更多的戒烟支持和帮助,帮助吸烟者改变习惯,戒掉烟瘾。 3. 培养珍爱生命的正确态度:珍爱生命,从抵制吸烟开始。在教育中,应该引导学生形成正确的珍 爱生命、保护自身的态度,避免陷入吸烟等不良行为,从而保障自身的健康和生命安全。这需要从 小培养正确的价值观和自我保护意识,引导学生走上健康的人生道路。



控烟管理的意义和作用Smoking control is of great significance and plays a crucial role in maintaining public health. 控烟管理意义重大,并在维护公共健康中扮演着至关重要的角色。

First and foremost, smoking control helps to reduce the prevalenceof tobacco-related diseases and deaths. 控烟管理有助于降低与烟草相关疾病和死亡的发生率。

Smoking is a leading cause of preventable diseases such as lung cancer, heart disease, and respiratory illnesses. 吸烟是导致可以预防的疾病,如肺癌、心脏病和呼吸道疾病的主要原因。

By implementing smoking control measures, such as smoke-free policies and tobacco taxes, the number of smokers and the exposure to harmful secondhand smoke can be reduced, ultimately saving lives in the long run. 通过实施控烟措施,如无烟政策和烟草税,可以降低吸烟者数量和接触有害的二手烟的风险,最终能够长期拯救生命。

In addition, smoking control promotes a healthier environment forall individuals, including non-smokers. 此外,控烟管理促进了为所有人,包括非吸烟者,创造一个更健康的环境。







tobacco is considered by some to be an evil.他变成了烟草业的猛烈反对者。

he became a fierce critic of the tobacco industry.严禁向16岁以下的儿童出售烟草。

it's forbidden to sell tobacco to children under 16.掌控烟草制品的非法贸易;control the illicit trade in tobacco products.关于烟草掌控的有效性我们介绍了很多。

we have learned a lot about the effectiveness of tobacco control.除酒之外,烟草在多数国家都必须徵税。

tobacco is taxed in most countries, along with alcohol.每年都要花费大量金钱在烟草上。

a high amount of money is spent on tobacco every year.烟草商人对提升税率非常恼怒。

the tobacco merchants rose up in arms over the increase in taxes.它就是由一种可以反击烟草的真菌所引发的。

it is caused by a fungus that attacks tobacco.烟草就是税收柔滑的商品。

tobacco is a wonderful commodity to tax.而且商店必须须要存有出售烟草的许可证。



香烟具有多种象征作用,历史上许多伟人 都喜欢吸烟,例如丘吉尔的雪茄、斯大林 的大烟斗,这些伟人形象吸引许多青少年 去模仿。此外,随着成人或同伴的影响, 以及吸烟者那种潇洒自如、悠然自得的神 态对青少年具有很大的诱惑力,吸引年轻 人去模仿。
有不少人在工作、学习、生活中受到挫折 以后,便借抽烟来缓解自己的紧张情绪, 消除烦恼。
➢ 污染空气 ➢ 各烟草种植国近5%的森林砍伐与烟草加工有关。 ➢ 据测定,二手烟的危害是主烟雾的2倍。
Lijie tobacco addiction chronic poisoning
Lijie tobacco addiction chronic poisoning
时间:202XБайду номын сангаас


1 世界无烟日的来历 2 世界无烟日的主题 3 吸烟的危害和原因 4 简单的戒烟方法


世界卫生组织(WHO)在2008年报告中指出,全 世界吸烟者总数约为13亿,占世界人口的四分之一 左右,每年有500多万人因患吸烟相关疾病死亡。 如果现在的吸烟情况得不到有效控制,到2030年, 全球每年将有超过800万人死于吸烟相关疾病;到 本世纪末,吸烟将累计夺去10亿人的生命,其中超



1. 将单词分为音节,"to-bac-co"(to:向,bac:背部,co:公司)。

2. 联想"tobacco"的发音与"to back off"(退后)相似。


3. 结合想象,将烟草明晰地展现在脑海中。


4. 将烟草与感官和情感联系起来。


- 创作一个与"tobacco"相关的简短故事。


- 将"tobacco"与其他相关的单词联系起来,例如"smoke"(烟)、"cigarette"(香烟)和"pipe"(烟斗)。


- 创造一个简单的口诀来帮助记忆,例如:"To back off and smoke tobacco"(退后并吸烟)。

- 利用可视化记忆技巧,将"tobacco"这个单词与烟草的形象联系起来,在脑海中形成一个清晰的画面。




关于吸烟的英文新闻报道英文回答:Smoking Remains a Major Public Health Concern.Despite declining smoking rates in many countries, tobacco use continues to be a significant public health concern. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), smoking is the leading preventable cause of death worldwide, claiming the lives of more than 8 million people annually.Health Risks of Smoking.Smoking damages nearly every organ in the body, leading to a wide range of health problems, including:Cancer: Smoking is the primary cause of lung cancer, but it also increases the risk of cancers of the mouth, throat, esophagus, stomach, pancreas, kidney, and bladder.Cardiovascular disease: Smoking increases the risk of heart disease, stroke, and peripheral artery disease by damaging blood vessels and promoting blood clots.Respiratory diseases: Smoking irritates and inflames the airways, leading to chronic bronchitis, emphysema, and other respiratory problems.Other health issues: Smoking has been linked to an increased risk of type 2 diabetes, macular degeneration, erectile dysfunction, and rheumatoid arthritis.Social and Economic Impact of Smoking.In addition to its health risks, smoking has a significant social and economic impact. Smokers are more likely to experience poverty and homelessness, and they tend to have lower levels of education and income. Smoking-related illnesses also place a substantial burden on healthcare systems, costing billions of dollars annually.Efforts to Reduce Smoking.Governments and public health organizations are implementing a range of strategies to reduce smoking rates, including:Tobacco taxation: Increasing tobacco taxes is an effective way to discourage smoking, particularly among young people.Smoke-free policies: Implementing smoke-free policies in workplaces, public places, and even entire cities helps to protect non-smokers from secondhand smoke and reduces social acceptance of smoking.Mass media campaigns: Public health campaigns that educate the public about the dangers of smoking can help to change attitudes and behaviors.Smoking cessation support: Offering free or low-cost smoking cessation services, such as counseling and medication, can significantly increase the chances of quitting successfully.Conclusion.Smoking remains a major public health threat, responsible for millions of preventable deaths each year. Its health, social, and economic consequences make it imperative for governments and public health organizations to continue implementing and strengthening comprehensive tobacco control measures.中文回答:吸烟仍然是主要的公共卫生问题。



烟草会让人上瘾英文作文英文:I think tobacco can be very addictive for many people.I have seen friends and family members struggle withquitting smoking, and it's clear to me that it's not just a habit, but a real addiction. The nicotine in tobacco iswhat causes the addiction, and it can be very difficult to break free from it.For example, my uncle has been smoking for over 20 years. He has tried to quit many times, but he always ends up going back to it. He says he feels anxious and irritable when he tries to stop, and he just can't seem to kick the habit. It's really sad to see how much it controls his life.I also have a friend who started smoking in high school just to fit in with the cool kids. Now, even though she knows it's bad for her, she can't seem to stop. She saysshe feels like she needs it to cope with stress and anxiety.It's not just the physical addiction to nicotine that makes tobacco so hard to quit, but also the psychological dependence. People associate smoking with certainactivities or emotions, like having a cigarette with a cupof coffee in the morning, or using it as a way to relaxafter a long day. Breaking these associations can be really tough.中文:我认为烟草对很多人来说都可能会上瘾。



对香烟和槟榔的看法作文400字英文回答:Cigarettes:Cigarettes are harmful to health and can cause serious diseases such as lung cancer, heart disease, andrespiratory problems. Smoking not only affects the smoker's health but also the health of those around them through secondhand smoke. In addition, cigarettes are addictive and can be difficult to quit once someone becomes dependent on them. Therefore, I believe that cigarettes are a harmful and dangerous habit that should be avoided.Chewing Tobacco:Chewing tobacco, such as betel nut or paan, is also harmful to health. It can cause oral cancer, gum disease, and other serious health issues. In addition, the habit of chewing tobacco can stain the teeth and cause bad breath.Like cigarettes, chewing tobacco is addictive and can be difficult to quit once someone becomes dependent on it. Therefore, I believe that chewing tobacco is also a harmful habit that should be avoided.中文回答:香烟:香烟对健康有害,可以导致严重疾病,如肺癌、心脏病和呼吸问题。



烟斗英文介绍带翻译Introduction to Pipe Smoking。


Pipe smoking is a time-honored tradition that has been enjoyed by people around the world for centuries. It is a leisurely and contemplative activity that allows the smoker to savor the flavor and aroma of the tobacco, while also providing a moment of relaxation and reflection. In this article, we will explore the art of pipe smoking, including its history, the different types of pipes and tobaccos, and the proper techniques for smoking a pipe.烟斗是一项古老的传统,已经被世界各地的人们享受了几个世纪。



History of Pipe Smoking。


The use of pipes for smoking tobacco dates back to ancient civilizations, including the Mayans, Aztecs, and Native Americans. In Europe, pipe smoking became popular in the 16th century, particularly in England and France. The first pipes were made from clay, but over time, other materials such as wood, meerschaum, and briar became popular.使用烟斗吸烟的历史可以追溯到古代文明,包括玛雅人、阿兹特克人和美洲原住民。



与烟草有关的英语作文英文:As a non-smoker, I have always been concerned about the impact of tobacco on our health and society. The use of tobacco can lead to various health issues, such as lung cancer, heart disease, and respiratory problems. In addition, secondhand smoke can also pose a risk to non-smokers, especially children and pregnant women. 。

In my opinion, it is important for the government to implement strict regulations on tobacco use, such as banning smoking in public places and increasing taxes on tobacco products. These measures can help reduce the prevalence of smoking and protect non-smokers from the harmful effects of secondhand smoke. 。

Furthermore, education and awareness campaigns are crucial in discouraging people from smoking. By providing information about the dangers of tobacco use and promotinghealthy alternatives, we can help individuals make informed decisions about their health. 。



英语关于吸烟的作文英文回答:Smoking is a habit that has been around for centuries. It is a way of inhaling and exhaling the smoke of tobacco, which is usually rolled into cigarettes, cigars, or pipes. People smoke for a variety of reasons, including pleasure, relaxation, and social interaction. However, smoking is also a major cause of preventable death and disease.There are many health risks associated with smoking. Smoking cigarettes can cause lung cancer, heart disease, stroke, emphysema, and other serious health problems. It can also damage the skin, teeth, and gums. In addition, smoking can increase the risk of developing cancer in other parts of the body, such as the mouth, throat, esophagus, and pancreas.There are many benefits to quitting smoking. Quitting smoking can improve your health, your appearance, and yourquality of life. It can also save you money. If you are thinking about quitting smoking, there are many resources available to help you. You can talk to your doctor, a pharmacist, or a smoking cessation counselor. You can also find support groups and online resources to help you quit.If you are a smoker, I urge you to quit. Quitting smoking is one of the best things you can do for your health.中文回答:吸烟是一种由来已久的习惯。



吸烟如何影响你的身体英语作文Smoking is a harmful habit that affects nearly every part of the body. The most obvious impact is on the respiratory system. When a person smokes, the chemicals in cigarettes damage the lungs and airways, leading to conditions such as chronic bronchitis and emphysema. Over time, these diseases can make it difficult to breathe and reduce overall lung function.In addition to respiratory issues, smoking significantly increases the risk of various cancers. The most commonly associated cancer is lung cancer, but smoking also contributes to cancers of the mouth, throat, esophagus, pancreas, bladder, and more. The carcinogens in tobacco smoke are known to alter DNA and promote the growth of cancerous cells.Furthermore, smoking affects the cardiovascular system. It damages blood vessels, increases heart rate, and raises blood pressure. This can lead to atherosclerosis, where arteries become narrowed and hardened, significantly increasing the risk of heart attack and stroke.Smoking also has detrimental effects on the immune system. Smokers are more susceptible to infections and illnesses because their bodies are less capable of fighting offpathogens. Moreover, smoking can lead to poor wound healing, making recovery from injuries and surgeries slower.Lastly, smoking affects overall health and quality of life. It can lead to premature aging, causing skin to wrinkle and lose elasticity. Additionally, it can affect oral health, leading to gum disease, bad breath, and tooth loss.In conclusion, smoking is a dangerous habit with severe consequences for the body. Quitting smoking can greatly improve health and reduce the risk of developing serious diseases. It is never too late to stop smoking and begin the journey toward a healthier life.中文翻译:吸烟是一种有害的习惯,几乎影响身体的每一个部分。



[初中英语作文]描写吸烟的英语作文「带翻译」描写吸烟的英语作文「带翻译」Smoking is harmful to the health of development growth of teenagers is very big, for bone development, nervous system, respiratory system and reproductive system have a certain degree of influence. Due to a teenager each system and organ development still is not perfected, function is not perfect, resistance is weak, compared with the adult the dangers of smoking is greater. In addition, the airway stenosis than for adults, teenagers of the respiratory tract mucosa cilia development is not perfect, so smoking causes respiratory damage and produce inflammation, increase the breathing resistance, decreased lung capacity, affect the growth of teenagers thoracic, will affect theoverall development.A large amount of nicotine in tobacco is poison on cranial nerve, it can make students memory loss, depressed, failing grades. The survey found that smoking students grades lower than non-smokers. In addition, the youth is at the critical moment of sexual development, smoking decreased testosterone secretion of 20% 30%, reduce sperm and deformity; The girl 's first menstruation period postponed, menstrual disorders. Youth smoking still can make the onset of coronary heart disease, hypertension and cancer early age. Relevant data show that the smaller the age, smoking harmful to health, age 15 smokers than 25 after smokers high mortality by 55%, more than 1 times higher than non-smokers. Smoking damages the brain, make intelligence is affected. The high concentration of carbon monoxide in tobacco smoke. After inhalation of the human body, and the hemoglobin in the blood into carbon and oxygen hemoglobin, hemoglobin cannot properly combines with oxygen into oxygenated hemoglobin, thus losing function to carry oxygen. In addition, carbon monoxide and haemoglobin binding force, 260 times larger than oxygen, and carbon oxygen from the speed of dissociation of carbon monoxide in hemoglobin than oxygen was isolated from the oxyhemoglobin speed much more slowly. Because the human brain for oxygen demand is big, is sensitive to oxygen, therefore, the cigarette will feel the energy concentration, appear even headaches, dizziness phenomenon. Time, will damage the brain, make thinking becomes slow, memory loss. In this way, will inevitably affect their study and work, make the student's failing grades.Death due to smoking each year up to 2.5 million people around the world,is the first killer. Consciously not personal hygiene habit of smoking, forthe sake of your health, please stay away from tobacco吸烟对发育成长中的青少年的健康危害很大,对骨骼发育、神经系统、呼吸系统及生殖系统均有一定程度的影响。

Tracing the Cigarette’s Path From Sexy to Deadly翻译

Tracing the Cigarette’s Path From Sexy to Deadly翻译

Unit 3Text ATracing the Cigarette’s Path From Sexy to DeadlyHOWARD MARKEL, M.D.For many Americans, the tobacco industry’s disingenuousness became a matter of public record during a Congressional hearing on April 14, 1994. There, under the withering glare of Representative Henry A.Waxman, Democrat of California, appeared the chief executives of the seven largest American tobacco companies.Each executive raised his right hand and solemnly swore to tell the whole truth about his business. In sequential testimony, each one stated that he did not believe tobacco was a health risk and that his company had taken no steps to manipulate the levels of nicotine in its cigarettes.Thirty years after the famous surgeon general’s report declaring cigarette smoking believed otherwise.But it was not always that way. Allan M. Brandt, a medical historian at Harvard, insists that recognizing the dangers of cigarettes resulted from an intellectual process that took the better part of the 20th century. He describes this fascinating story in his new book, “The Cigarette Century: The Rise, Fall and Deadly Persistence of the Product that Defined America” (Basic Books).In contrast to the symbol of death and disease it is today, from the early 1900s to the 1960s the cigarette was a cultural icon of sophistication, glamour and sexual allure — a highly prized commodity for one out of two Americans.Many advertising campaigns from the 1930s through the 1950s extolled the healthy virtues of cigarettes. Full-color magazine ads depicted kindly doctors clad in white coats proudly lighting up or puffing away, with slogans like “More doctors smoke Camels than any other cigarette.”Early in the 20th century, opposition to cigarettes took a moral rather than a health-conscious tone, especially for women who wanted to smoke, although even then many doctors were concerned that smoking was a health risk.The 1930s were a period when many Americans began smoking and the most significant health effects had not yet developed. As a result, the scientific studies of the era often failed to find clear evidence of serious pathology and had the perverse effect of exonerating the cigarette.The years after World War II, however, were a time of majorbreakthroughs in epidemiological thought. In 1947, Richard Doll and A. Bradford Hill of the British Medical Research Council created a sophisticated statistical technique to document the association between rising rates of lung cancer and increasing numbers of smokers.The prominent surgeon Evarts A. Graham and a medical student, Ernst L. Wynder, published a landmark article in 1950 comparing the incidence of lung cancer in their nonsmoking and smoking patients at Barnes Hospital in St. Louis. They concluded that “cigarette smoking, over a l ong period, is at least one important factor in the striking increase in bronchogenic cancer.”Predictably, the tobacco companies —and their expert surrogates —derided these and other studies as mere statistical arguments or anecdotes rather than definitions of causality.Dr. Brandt, who has exhaustively combed through the tobacco companies’ internal memorandums and research documents, amply demonstrates that Big Tobacco understood many of the health risks of their products long before the 1964 su rgeon general’s report.He also describes the concerted disinformation campaigns these companies waged for more than half a century —simultaneously obfuscating scientific evidence and spreading the belief that since everyone knew cigarettes were dangerous at some level, smoking was essentially an issue of personal choice and responsibility rather than a corporate one.In the 1980s, scientists established the revolutionary concept that nicotine is extremely addictive. The tobacco companies publicly rejected such claims, even as they took advantage of cigarettes’ addictive potential by routinely spiking them with extra nicotine to make it harder to quit smoking. And their marketing memorandums document advertising campaigns aimed at youngsters to hook whole new generations of smokers.In 2004, Dr. Brandt was recruited by the Department of Justice to serve as its star expert witness in the federal racketeering case against Big Tobacco and to counter the gaggle of witnesses recruited by the industry. According to their own testimony, most of the 29 historians testifying on behalf of Big Tobacco did not even consult the industry’s internal research or communications. Instead, these experts focused primarily on a small group of skeptics of the dangers of cigarettes during the 1950s, many of whom had or would eventually have ties to the tobacco industry.“I was appalled by what the tobacco expert witnesses had written,” Dr. Brandt said in a recent interview. “By asking narrow questions and responding to them with narrow research, they provided precisely the cover the industry sought.”Apparently, the judge, Gladys Kessler of Federal District Court for theDistrict of Columbia, agreed. Last August, she concluded that the tobacco industry had engaged in a 40-year conspiracy to defraud smokers about tobacco’s health dangers. Her opinion cited Dr. Brandt’s testimony more than 100 times.Dr. Brandt acknowledges that there are pitfalls in combining scholarship with battle against the deadly pandemic of cigarette smoking, but he says he sees little alternative.“If one of us occasionally crosses the boundary between analysis and advocacy, so be it,” he said. “The stakes are high, and there is much work to be done.”追寻烟草的历程:从性感到致命霍华德·马克尔,医学博士对许多美国人来说,烟草业的不诚信计入公众档案始于1994年4月14日的一次国会听证会。

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•Cancer of the larnyx (voice box)
•Cancer of the esophagus
Did you know that smoking decreases the bodies ability to absorb calcium?
The thousands of chemicals in tobacco coat theitosis (bad breath) •Hairy tongue (reduces sense of taste) •Oral cancer (lip and mouth)
Dangerous carcinogens in smokeless tobacco (there are more than 23!)
•nitrosamines — These are the most powerful cancer-causing agents in smokeless tobacco. •polonium 210 — radioactive particles that turn into radon •formaldehyde — embalming fluid •cadmium — a metallic element; its salts are poisonous •arsenic — a metallic element which forms poisonous compounds
LUNG CANCER- Lung Smokers also get more colds, coughs, flu, and other illnesses (Like pneumonia) due to their weaker immune system.
cancer is the most common cause of cancer death in both men and women. Smoking is the most common cause of this kind of cancer. Unfortunately, lung cancer is hard to cure.
Chewing Tobacco- shredded, twisted, or "bricked" tobacco leaves that users put between their cheek and gum. Snuff-fine-grain tobacco that often comes in teabag-like pouches that users "pinch" or "dip" between their lower lip and gum. All smokeless tobacco causes the user to produce extra saliva, which they will spit out. This is why it is often called “spit tobacco”.
More people than ALL of the deaths from AIDS, alcohol, other drug abuse, car crashes, murders, suicides, and fires COMBINED!!!
Smokeless tobacco is tobacco that is not smoked or burned
•Stained teeth (from the tar) •Cavities •Gingivitis (irritation and swelling of the gums) •Periodontis (serious gum disease)
Chronic Bronchitis - Bronchitis (inflammation of the bronchial passages) that recurs and does not permanently go away.
EMPHYSEMA- Emphysema damages the alveoli.
They become large and hard, and lose their ability to exchange air. With damaged air sacs, you cannot get enough air to breathe, and always feel that you cannot catch your breath. Emphysema has no cure and cannot be undone
The thousands of chemicals in tobacco smoke line the passages of the nose when inhaled and can cause:
•Decreased sense of smell •Decreased immunity (cilia bogged down with chemicals in smoke!)
The chemicals in tobacco dry out your skin and cause:
•Premature aging and wrinkles by 10 to 20 years •Discoloration of the skin
•Damage to the blood vessels
Smokeless tobacco contains more than 3,000 chemicals including NICOTINE. The problems with nicotine include: •Increased heart rate •Increased blood pressure •Addiction, withdrawal symptoms when not used