中西文翻译比赛 驻西班牙使馆教育组和西班牙六所孔子学院联合举办 ...
你校将举办外国学生中文演讲比赛英语作文Your school is hosting a Chinese speech competition for international students, and you have been invited to participate. This is an exciting opportunity for you to showcase your language skills and cultural understanding. As an international student, you have been studying Chinese for several years and have a deep appreciation for the language and the rich cultural traditions of China.The prospect of participating in this competition fills you with a mix of emotions. On one hand, you are eager to challenge yourself and demonstrate your abilities in front of an audience. You have been working tirelessly to improve your Chinese proficiency, and this is a chance to put your skills to the test. The competition will not only test your language abilities but also your ability to effectively communicate your thoughts and ideas to a panel of judges.On the other hand, the thought of standing on stage and delivering a speech in Chinese can be daunting. You are well aware of the linguistic and cultural nuances that come with the language, and youwant to ensure that you do justice to the material you present. You have been meticulously preparing your speech, practicing it repeatedly to ensure that your pronunciation, tone, and delivery are flawless.As you delve deeper into the preparation process, you realize that this competition is not just about showcasing your language skills. It is also an opportunity to share your unique perspective as an international student and to bridge the cultural divide between your home country and China. You have a wealth of experiences and insights to offer, and you are excited to share them with the audience.One of the key aspects of your preparation is researching the topic of your speech. You have chosen to focus on the similarities and differences between the educational systems in your home country and China. This is a topic that you are passionate about, as you have experienced firsthand the challenges and benefits of navigating two distinct educational environments.As you gather your research and organize your thoughts, you are struck by the realization that this competition is not just about winning or losing. It is about celebrating the diversity of cultures and the power of language to bring people together. You are determined to use this platform to foster greater understanding and appreciationfor the richness of Chinese culture and the experiences of international students.On the day of the competition, you take a deep breath and step onto the stage. Your heart is racing, but you are fueled by a sense of purpose and determination. As you deliver your speech, you feel a surge of confidence and pride. You are able to seamlessly weave together your personal anecdotes, cultural insights, and comparative analysis, captivating the audience with your eloquence and passion.When the judges announce the results, you are overjoyed to hear your name called as the winner. But the true victory, you realize, is not just the trophy or the accolades. It is the connections you have made, the cultural barriers you have broken down, and the sense of personal growth and achievement that you have experienced throughout this journey.As you reflect on the experience, you know that this is just the beginning. You are inspired to continue your pursuit of linguistic and cultural mastery, to use your skills to foster greater understanding and cooperation between nations. The Chinese speech competition has not only tested your abilities but has also ignited a fire within you, a desire to be a bridge-builder and a champion of cross-cultural exchange.。
Dear Aron,Iʼm writing to share my visit to an Exhibition of Cultural Relics with you._____________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________Yours,Li Hua 【范文】Dear Aron,Iʼm writing to share my visit to an Exhibition of Cultural Relics with you. Last Saturday morning, students in my class got to the local museum by bus.Upon entering it, we were received by the staff.A lot of valuable cultural relies made of bronze, jade and other materials, dating from the Shang Dynasty to the Qing Dynasty, were on display.It was a visual and brain shock.It was not until noon that we went back to school under the guidance of our teachers.To be honest, the exhibition left an everlasting impression on my mind.I was amazed and proud to have seen the wonders that ancient China offered.Yours,Li HuaB(2022·广东省韶关市高三二模)假如你是李华,为迎接“五一国际劳动节”(International Workersʼ Day),你校学生上周到中山公园开展了义务劳动,请你给你校英文报写一篇报道。
加 那利 群 岛文化 的多 样性 和特 殊 的地 理位 置 , 它 得 以胜 出再 开 办孔 子 学 院 。“ 里 处 于 欧洲 、 使 这 美 洲 和非 洲之 间 , 来 自各个 国家 的人 在 这 里 居住 , 外 加 那 利 大 学 的 积极 联 系也 起 到 了作 用 。 在 有 另 ” 谈 到孔 子学 院在 西班 牙 的情况 时 , 他说 :最 近 开 办 的 巴伦 西 亚 孔 子 学 院也 已经 有 5年 历 史 , 且 “ 而 运 转非 常 良好 , 史 最悠 久 的当属 格 兰纳 达孔子 学 院 , 已经有 3 历 它 0年历 史 了。 ” 据校 方介 绍 , 9月 份这 里会 举 办一 次汉语 水平 等级 考试 ( S , 们会 提供 全额 奖学 金给 其 在 H K)他 中 5个成 绩优 秀 的学 生 , 他 们能 亲身 感受 中国文化 和汉语 的魅 力 。( 使 西班牙欧浪网 21..1 0152)
2 1 年第 7 01 期 ( 总第 19期 ) 2
海外华 文教育 动态
No 7 011 . 2
Ge e M e a o 1 9 n r S f lN . 2 i
欧 洲 孔 院
法国教 育部 官员赴 图卢兹孔 子学院考察 小语 种项 目
义, 近年来中西 、 中欧关系的全面快速发展给青年提供了难得的舞 台, 双方青年肩负共同的使命, 分
第十届CASIO杯翻译竞赛英语组原文Humans are animals and like all animals we leave tracks as we walk:signs of passage made in snow,sand,mud,grass,dew,earth or moss.The language of hunting has a luminous word for such mark-making:‘foil’.A creature’s‘foil’is its track.We easily forget that we are track-makers,though,because most of our journeys now occur on asphalt and concrete–and these are substances not easily impressed.Always,everywhere,people have walked,veining the earth with paths visible and invisible,symmetrical or meandering,’writes Thomas Clark in his enduring prose-poem‘In Praise of Walking’.It’s true that,once you begin to notice them,you see that the landscape is still webbed with paths and footways–shadowing the modern-day road network,or meeting it at a slant or perpendicular.Pilgrim paths, green roads,drove roads,corpse roads,trods,leys,dykes,drongs,sarns,snickets–say the names of paths out loud and at speed and they become a poem or rite–holloways,bostles,shutes,driftways,lichways,ridings,halterpaths,cartways,carneys, causeways,herepaths.Many regions still have their old ways,connecting place to place,leading over passes or round mountains,to church or chapel,river or sea.Not all of their histories are happy.In Ireland there are hundreds of miles of famine roads,built by the starving during the1840s to connect nothing with nothing in return for little,unregistered on Ordnance Survey base maps.In the Netherlands there are doodwegen and spookwegen–death roads and ghost roads–which converge on medieval cemeteries. Spain has not only a vast and operational network of cañada,or drove roads,but also thousands of miles of the Camino de Santiago,the pilgrim routes that lead to the shrine of Santiago de Compostela.For pilgrims walking the Camino,every footfall is doubled,landing at once on the actual road and also on the path of faith.In Scotland there are clachan and rathad–cairned paths and shieling paths–and in Japan the slender farm tracks that the poet Bashōfollowed in1689when writing his Narrow Road to the Far North.The American prairies were traversed in the nineteenthcentury by broad‘bison roads’,made by herds of buffalo moving several beasts abreast,and then used by early settlers as they pushed westwards across the Great Plains.Paths of long usage exist on water as well as on land.The oceans are seamed with seaways–routes whose course is determined by prevailing winds and currents–and rivers are among the oldest ways of all.During the winter months,the only route in and out of the remote valley of Zanskar in the Indian Himalayas is along the ice-path formed by a frozen river.The river passes down through steep-sided valleys of shaley rock,on whose slopes snow leopards hunt.In its deeper pools,the ice is blue and lucid.The journey down the river is called the chadar,and parties undertaking the chadar are led by experienced walkers known as‘ice-pilots’,who can tell where the dangers lie.Different paths have different characteristics,depending on geology and purpose. Certain coffin paths in Cumbria have flat‘resting stones’on the uphill side,on which the bearers could place their load,shake out tired arms and roll stiff shoulders;certain coffin paths in the west of Ireland have recessed resting stones,in the alcoves of which each mourner would place a pebble.The prehistoric trackways of the English Downs can still be traced because on their close chalky soil,hard-packed by centuries of trampling,daisies flourish.Thousands of work paths crease the moorland of the Isle of Lewis in the Outer Hebrides,so that when seen from the air the moor has the appearance of chamois leather.I think also of the zigzag flexure of mountain paths in the Scottish Highlands,the flagged and bridged packhorse routes of Yorkshire and Mid Wales,and the sunken green-sand paths of Hampshire on whose shady banks ferns emerge in spring,curled like crosiers.The way-marking of old paths is an esoteric lore of its own,involving cairns, grey wethers,sarsens,hoarstones,longstones,milestones,cromlechs and other guide-signs.On boggy areas of Dartmoor,fragments of white china clay were placed to show safe paths at twilight,like Hansel and Gretel’s pebble trail.In mountain country,boulders often indicate fording points over rivers:Utsi’s Stone in the Cairngorms,for instance,which marks where the Allt Mor burn can be crossed toreach traditional grazing grounds,and onto which has been deftly incised the petroglyph of a reindeer that,when evening sunlight plays over the rock,seems to leap to life.Paths and their markers have long worked on me like lures:drawing my sight up and on and over.The eye is enticed by a path,and the mind’s eye also.The imagination cannot help but pursue a line in the land–onwards in space,but also backwards in time to the histories of a route and its previous followers.As I walk paths I often wonder about their origins,the impulses that have led to their creation, the records they yield of customary journeys,and the secrets they keep of adventures, meetings and departures.I would guess I have walked perhaps7,000or8,000miles on footpaths so far in my life:more than most,perhaps,but not nearly so many as others.Thomas De Quincey estimated Wordsworth to have walked a total of 175,000–180,000miles:Wordsworth’s notoriously knobbly legs,‘pointedly condemned’–in De Quincey’s catty phrase–‘by all…female connoisseurs’,were magnificent shanks when it came to passage and bearing.I’ve covered thousands of foot-miles in my memory,because when–as most nights–I find myself insomniac,I send my mind out to re-walk paths I’ve followed,and in this way can sometimes pace myself into sleep.‘They give me joy as I proceed,’wrote John Clare of field paths,simply.Me too.‘My left hand hooks you round the waist,’declared Walt Whitman–companionably, erotically,coercively–in Leaves of Grass(1855),‘my right hand points to landscapes of continents,and a plain public road.’Footpaths are mundane in the best sense of that word:‘worldly’,open to all.As rights of way determined and sustained by use,they constitute a labyrinth of liberty,a slender network of common land that still threads through our aggressively privatized world of barbed wire and gates,CCTV cameras and‘No Trespassing’signs.It is one of the significant differences between land use in Britain and in America that this labyrinth should exist.Americans have long envied the British system of footpaths and the freedoms it offers,as I in turn envy the Scandinavian customary right of Allemansrätten(‘Everyman’s right’).This convention–born of a region that did not pass through centuries of feudalism,andtherefore has no inherited deference to a landowning class–allows a citizen to walk anywhere on uncultivated land provided that he or she cause no harm;to light fires;to sleep anywhere beyond the curtilage of a dwelling;to gather flowers,nuts and berries; and to swim in any watercourse(rights to which the newly enlightened access laws of Scotland increasingly approximate).Paths are the habits of a landscape.They are acts of consensual making.It’s hard to create a footpath on your own.The artist Richard Long did it once,treading a dead-straight line into desert sand by turning and turning about dozens of times.But this was a footmark not a footpath:it led nowhere except to its own end,and by walking it Long became a tiger pacing its cage or a swimmer doing lengths.With no promise of extension,his line was to a path what a snapped twig is to a tree.Paths connect.This is their first duty and their chief reason for being.They relate places in a literal sense,and by extension they relate people.Paths are consensual,too,because without common care and common practice they disappear:overgrown by vegetation,ploughed up or built over(though they may persist in the memorious substance of land law).Like sea channels that require regular dredging to stay open,paths need walking.In nineteenth-century Suffolk small sickles called‘hooks’were hung on stiles and posts at the start of certain wellused paths: those running between villages,for instance,or byways to parish churches.A walker would pick up a hook and use it to lop off branches that were starting to impede passage.The hook would then be left at the other end of the path,for a walker coming in the opposite direction.In this manner the path was collectively maintained for general use.By no means all interesting paths are old paths.In every town and city today, cutting across parks and waste ground,you’ll see unofficial paths created by walkers who have abandoned the pavements and roads to take short cuts and make asides. Town planners call these improvised routes‘desire lines’or‘desire paths’.In Detroit –where areas of the city are overgrown by vegetation,where tens of thousands of homes have been abandoned,and where few can now afford cars–walkers and cyclists have created thousands of such elective easements.第十届CASIO杯翻译竞赛英语组参考译文路[英]罗伯特·麦克法伦作侯凌玮译人是一种动物,因而和所有其他动物一样,我们行走时总会留下踪迹:雪地、沙滩、淤泥、草地、露水、土壤和苔藓上都有我们经过的痕迹。
第一部分:语言理解1. “骑马找马”是一种古老的中国成语,请试译成西班牙语。
Respuesta:"Buscar el caballo mientras se monta" es un antiguo refrán chino.2. 将下列动词短语翻译成英语:“宴请客户”Respuesta:"Entertain clients"3. 请将以下成语翻译成法语:“一蹴而就”Respuesta:"Obtenir satisfaction d'un coup"第二部分:汉译西将以下汉语段落翻译成西班牙语:在中国,传统文化占据着重要的地位。
Respuesta:En China, la cultura tradicional ocupa un lugar importante. Los chinos valoran la armonía en la familia y la sociedad. El respeto a los mayores, especialmente a los ancianos, es uno de los valores fundamentales de la cultura china. Además, la cultura culinaria china es muy rica y diversa, incluyendo diferentes estilos y métodos de cocina regionales. Las festividades tradicionales chinas también son eventos importantes cada año, como el Año Nuevo Chino, el Festival del Medio Otoño y el Festival de Qingming. Con el desarrollo económico y el proceso de modernización de China, el país está esforzándose por proteger y transmitir su cultura tradicional, al tiempo que también acepta la influencia de la cultura occidental.第三部分:西译汉将以下西班牙语段落翻译成汉语:España es un país hermoso y diverso en el sur de Europa. Es conocido por su rica historia, su cultura vibrante y su deliciosa gastronomía. La gente en España es amigable y cálida, y la siesta es una parte importante de su estilo de vida. Hay muchas ciudades y regiones famosas para visitar, como Barcelona con su arquitectura única de Gaudí, la ciudad antigua de Toledo y las maravillosas playas de la Costa del Sol. España también es famosa porsus festivales tradicionales como la Tomatina en Buñol y la Feria de Abril en Sevilla. Sin duda, España es un destino turístico popular y fascinante.Respuesta:西班牙是一个美丽而多样化的欧洲南部国家。
考汉语教师资格证出国教中文 让更多的西班牙小朋友了解中国!
第六届“《英语世界》杯”翻译大赛原文A Garden That Welcomes StrangersBy Allen LacyI do not know what became of her, and I never learned her name. But I feel that I knew her from the garden she had so lovingly made over many decades.The house she lived in lies two miles from mine – a simple, two-story structure with the boxy plan, steeply-pitched roof and unadorned lines that are typical of houses built in the middle of the nineteenth century near the New Jersey shore.Her garden was equally simple. She was not a conventional gardener who did everything by the book, following the common advice to vary her plantings so there would be something in bloom from the first crocus in the spring to the last chrysanthemum in the fall. She had no respect for the rule that says that tall-growing plants belong at the rear of a perennial border, low ones in the front and middle-sized ones in the middle, with occasional exceptions for dramatic accent.In her garden, everything was accent, everything was tall, and the evidence was plain that she loved three kinds of plant and three only: roses, clematis and lilies, intermingled promiscuously to pleasant effect but no apparent design.She grew a dozen sorts of clematis, perhaps 50 plants in all, trained and tied so that they clambered up metal rods, each rod crowned intermittently throughout the summer by a rounded profusion of large blossoms of dark purple, rich crimson, pale lavender, light blue and gleaming white.Her taste in roses was old-fashioned. There wasn’t a single modern hybrid te a rose or floribunda in sight. Instead, she favored the roses of other ages – the York and Lancaster rose, the cabbage rose, the damask and the rugosa rose in several varieties. She propagated her roses herself from cuttings stuck directly in the ground and protected by upended gallon jugs.Lilies, I believe were her greatest love. Except for some Madonna lilies it is impossible to name them, since the wooden flats stood casually here and there in the flower bed, all thickly planted with dark green lily seedlings. The occasional paper tag fluttering from a seed pod with the date and record of a cross showed that she was an amateur hybridizer with some special fondness for lilies of a warm muskmelon shade or a pale lemon yellow.She believed in sharing her ga rden. By her curb there was a sign: “This is my garden, and you are welcome here. Take whatever you wish with your eyes, but nothing with your hand.”Until five years ago, her garden was always immaculately tended, the lawn kept fertilized and mowed, the flower bed free of weeds, the tall lilies carefully staked. But then something happened. I don’t know what it was, but the lawn was mowed less frequently, then not at all. Tall grass invaded the roses, the clematis, the lilies. The elm tree in her front yard sickened and died, and when a coastal gale struck, the branches that fell were never removed.With every year, the neglect has grown worse. Wild honeysuckle and bittersweet run rampant in the garden. Sumac, ailanthus, poison ivy and other uninvited things threaten the few lilies and clematis and roses that still struggle for survival.Last year the house itself went dead. The front door was padlocked and the windows covered with sheets of plywood. For many months there has been a for sale sign out front, replacing the sign inviting strangers to share her garden.I drive by that house almost daily and have been tempted to load a shovel in my car trunk, stop at her curb and rescue a few lilies from the smothering thicket of weeds. The laws of trespass and the fact that her house sits across the street from a police station have given me the cowardice to resist temptation. But her garden has reminded me of mortality; gardeners and the gardens they make are fragile things, creatures of time, hostages to chance and to decay.Last week, the for sale sign out front came down and the windows were unboarded. A crew of painters arrived and someone cut down the dead elm tree. This morning there was a moving van in the driveway unloading a swing set, a barbecue grill, a grand piano and a houseful of sensible furniture. A young family is moving into that house.I hope that among their number is a gardener whose special fondness for old roses and clematis and lilies will see to it that all else is put aside until that flower bed is restored to something of its former self.(选自Patterns: A Short Prose Reader, by Mary Lou Conlin, published by Houghton Mifflin Company, 1983.)参考译文一座向陌生人敞开的花园文/〔美〕艾伦·莱西译/曹明伦我并不知晓她当时的境遇,也从未听说过她的姓名,但我觉得我曾了解她,因为她精心照料过数十年的那座花园。
西班 牙学子 齐聚赛 中文 , 汉语桥 ” “ 串起 中西友 谊
“ 有朋 自远方来 , 不亦乐乎 。 、 海内存知己, ”“ 天涯若 比邻 。 、 桃花潭水深千尺, ”“ 不及汪伦送我 情 。7日, ” 在第 十届 “ 汉语 桥 ” 世界 大学 生 中文 比赛 暨第 四届 “ 汉语 桥 ” 世界 中学生 中文 比赛 西班 牙 赛区决赛的现场 , 一首又一首以友谊为主题的中国古诗被一个个西班牙的中文爱好者引用 、 吟诵乃
至书写 , 选手们试图用这种别具 中国文化特色的方式来诠释 自己对汉语桥 的理解。当天的比赛共 有来 自马德里 、 巴塞罗那 、 格拉纳达、 巴伦西亚孔子学院以及其他汉语培训机构的共 1 名选手参 8
比赛分为主题演讲 、 知识问答和才艺表演三部分 , 选手们都做了精心的准备 , 表现非常出色 , 才
9 ・ 3
21 0 1年
随着中国国力的增强和中西关系的 日益紧密, 近年来 , 汉语热正在西班牙悄然兴起 。据中国驻 西班牙大使馆教育处负责人王志伟介绍 , 目前西班牙有 4 0多所大学 、5 10多所 中小学 开设 了汉语 课程 , 学习汉语的总人数达到了 2万 5千多人 。此外 ,00年西班牙参加汉语 水平考试 的人数打 21 破 10 00人大关 , 达到 10 10多人 , 居欧洲前列。今年, 仅马德里孔子学院注册参加汉语水平考试 的
应该说其本身就是对世界的贡献 , 也可以说中国为世界民主理念 、 道路的创新做出了特殊的贡献。
杜伊斯 堡 一埃森 大 学鲁 尔都 市孔 子学 院德 方 院 长 、 国社 会 和政 治 学 专 家 T o sH brr 中 hma eee 教 授 主持 了本次讲 座 。 中方 院长许 宽华 教授认 为 , 子 学 院举 办这 类 德 国民众 十分 关 注 的 中国专 题 孔 系列 讲座 旨在使 他们 更 多地 、 全 面地认 识 和 了解 东 方 这个 正 在 “ 变 中的 中 国 ” 增 进德 中两 国 更 转 ,
你校将举办外国学生中文演讲比赛英语作文As a Chinese language teacher at your school, I am excited to announce that we will be hosting a Chinese speech competition for foreign students. This competition aims to provide a platform for foreign students to showcase their Chinese language skills and cultural understanding.Foreign students studying Chinese at our school will have the opportunity to participate in this competition. They will be required to prepare a speech in Chinese on a topic of their choice, demonstrating their language proficiency and cultural awareness. The competition will be judged by a panel of Chinese language teachers and cultural experts, who will evaluate the speeches based on criteria such as language accuracy, fluency, and cultural relevance.This competition is not only a great way for foreign students to practice their Chinese language skills, but also an opportunity for them to learn more about Chinese culture and traditions. By participating in this competition, foreign students will have the chance tointeract with their peers, exchange ideas, and deepen their understanding of the Chinese language and culture.I am confident that this Chinese speech competition will be a rewarding experience for all participants. It will not only help them improve their Chinese language skills, but also foster cross-cultural understanding and friendship among students from different backgrounds. I look forward to seeing the creativity and talent of our foreign students shine through in their speeches.作为贵校的中文老师,我很高兴地宣布我们将举办一场外国学生中文演讲比赛。
第十一届CASIO杯翻译竞赛原文(英语组)To evoke the London borough of Diston,we turn to the poetry of Chaos:Each thing hostileTo every other thing:at every pointHot fought cold,moist dry,soft hard,and the weightlessResisted weight.So Des lived his life in tunnels.The tunnel from flat to school,the tunnel(not the same tunnel)from school to flat.And all the warrens that took him to Grace,and brought him back again.He lived his life in tunnels…And yet for the sensitive soul, in Diston Town,there was really only one place to look.Where did the eyes go?They went up,up.School–Squeers Free,under a sky of white:the weakling headmaster,the demoralised chalkies in their rayon tracksuits,the ramshackle little gym with its tripwires and booby traps,the Lifestyle Consultants(Every Child Matters),and the Special Needs Coordinators(who dealt with all the‘non-readers’).In addition, Squeers Free set the standard for the most police call-outs,the least GCSE passes,and the highest truancy rates.It also led the pack in suspensions,expulsions,and PRU ‘offrolls’;such an offroll–a transfer to a Pupil Referral Unit–was usually the doorway to a Youth Custody Centre and then a Young Offender Institution.Lionel, who had followed this route,always spoke of his five and a half years(on and off)in a Young Offender Institution(or Yoi,as he called it)with rueful fondness,like one recalling a rite of passage–inevitable,bittersweet.I was out for a month,he would typically reminisce.Then I was back up north.Doing me Yoi.On the other hand,Squeers Free had in its staff room an exceptional Learning Mentor–a Mr Vincent Tigg.What’s going on with you,Desmond?You were always an idle little sod.Now you can’t get enough of it.Well,what next?I fancy modern languages,sir.And history.And sociology.And astronomy.And–You can’t study everything,you know.Yes I can.Renaissance boy,innit.…You want to watch that smile,lad.All right.We’ll see about you.Now off you go.And in the schoolyard?On the face of it,Des was a prime candidate for persecution.He seldom bunked off,he never slept in class,he didn’t assault the teachers or shoot up in the toilets–and he preferred the company of the gentler sex (the gentler sex,at Squeers Free,being quite rough enough).So in the normal course of things Des would have been savagely bullied,as all the other misfits(swats,wimps, four-eyes,sweating fatties)were savagely bullied–to the brink of suicide and beyond. They called him Skiprope and Hopscotch,but Des wasn’t bullied.How to explain this? To use Uncle Ringo’s favourite expression,it was a no-brainer.Desmond Pepperdine was inviolable.He was the nephew,and ward,of Lionel Asbo.It was different on the street.Once a term,true,Lionel escorted him to Squeers Free,and escorted him back again the same day(restraining,with exaggerated difficulty,the two frothing pitbulls on their thick steel chains).But it would be foolish to suppose that each and every gangbanger and posse-artist(and every Yardie and jihadi)in the entire manor had heard tell of the great asocial.And it was different at night,because different people,different shapes,levered themselves upward after dark…Des was fleet of foot,but he was otherwise unsuited to life in Diston Town. Second or even first nature to Lionel(who was pronounced‘uncontrollable’at the age of eighteen months),violence was alien to Des,who always felt that violence–extreme and ubiquitous though it certainly seemed to be–came from another dimension.So,this day,he went down the tunnel and attended school.But on his way home he feinted sideways and took a detour.With hesitation,and with deafening self-consciousness,he entered the Public Library on Blimber Road.Squeers Free had a library,of course,a distant Portakabin with a few primers and ripped paperbacks scattered across its floor…But this:rank upon rank of proud-chested bookcases,likelavishly decorated generals.By what right or title could you claim any share of it?He entered the Reading Room,where the newspapers,firmly clamped to long wooden struts,were apparently available for scrutiny.No one stopped him as he approached.He had of course seen the dailies before,in the corner shop and so on,and there were Gran’s Telegraphs,but his experience of actual newsprint was confined to the Morning Larks that Lionel left around the flat,all scrumpled up,like origami tumbleweeds(there was also the occasional Diston Gazette).Respectfully averting his eyes from the Times,the Independent,and the Guardian,Des reached for the Sun, which at least looked like a Lark,with its crimson logo and the footballer’s fiancée on the cover staggering out of a nightclub with blood running down her neck.And,sure enough,on page three(News in Briefs)there was a hefty redhead wearing knickers and a sombrero.But then all resemblances ceased.You got scandal and gossip,and more girls, but also international news,parliamentary reports,comment,analysis…Until now he had accepted the Morning Lark as an accurate reflection of reality.Indeed,he sometimes thought it was a local paper(a light-hearted adjunct to the Gazette),such was its fidelity to the customs and mores of his borough.Now,though,as he stood there with the Sun quivering in his hands,the Lark stood revealed for what it was–a daily lads’mag,perfunctorily posing as a journal of record.The Sun,additionally to recommend it,had an agony column presided over not by the feckless Jennaveieve,but by a wise-looking old dear called Daphne,who dealt sympathetically,that day,with a number of quite serious problems and dilemmas,and suggested leaflets and helplines,and seemed genuinely…第十一届CASIO杯翻译竞赛获奖译文(英语组)莱昂内尔•阿斯博[英]马丁•艾米斯作徐弘译为了描绘伦敦自治市迪斯顿,我们借用混沌之诗:物物相克,同在一体而冷热相争、干湿相抗、软硬相攻、轻重相击。
中西文明文学互鉴 英文
中西文明文学互鉴英文In the history of human civilization, the exchange and fusion of different cultures and their literary traditions have played a significant role in shaping the world today. As one of the oldest and most diverse civilizations in the world, China has had a profound impact on global literature. In addition, the intercultural communication and mutualinfluence between China and the West has led to a new dimension and perspective in literature. In this essay, wewill explore the mutual impact and influence of literature between Chinese and Western civilizations.First, let us look at the influence of Westernliterature on China. Along with the process of modernization, from the late Qing Dynasty to the present day, China has been actively absorbing and learning from the literature ofWestern countries. Western literature has brought many new forms of expression and genres into China, such as the novel, the essay, and the historical play. Famous works from the West, such as 'Don Quixote' by Cervantes, 'Hamlet' by Shakespeare, and 'Les Misérables' by Victor Hugo, have all been widely translated into Chinese, through which Chinese writers and readers have been introduced to Westernliterature.Conversely, Chinese literature has also greatlyinfluenced Western literature over the centuries. Theearliest exchange between China and the West was through the translations of Chinese classics by Western scholars such as Arthur Waley. Chinese poetry, especially Tang poetry, hasbeen an inspiration for many Western poets, such as Ezra Pound, who appreciated the concision and imagery of Chinese poetry. In recent years, many Chinese novels, such as 'Red Sorghum' by Mo Yan and 'Wolf Totem' by Jiang Rong, have become popular in Western countries, and at the same time, have inspired Western writers to explore and learn from the literary traditions of China.Apart from the influence of literature on each other,the intercultural exchange has also inspired writers toexplore and express new themes and perspectives. In theliterary works from the West, we can often see a reflectionof the fascination and curiosity with Chinese culture, suchas the works of Paul Claudel and André Malraux. In the same way, Chinese writers have also been inspired by Western literature to explore themes of individualism, existentialism, and social criticism in their works, which were uncommon in traditional Chinese literature.In conclusion, the literary exchange and mutualinfluence between China and the West have had a profound impact on shaping both literary traditions. This mutualimpact has not only broadened the horizons and deepened the understanding of each other's cultures, but also inspired writers to create new works with unique perspectives andfresh themes. With the continuous development ofglobalization and cultural communication, it can be expected that literary exchanges between different civilizations will continue to enrich our literary world in the future.。
中西文化交流的中英例句以下是关于中西文化交流的中英例句:1. 在中西文化交流中,我们需要尊重彼此的差异,促进文化多样性的发展。
In Sino-Western cultural exchanges, we need to respect each other's differences and promote the development of cultural diversity.2. 通过中西文化交流,我们可以更好地了解彼此的文化,增进相互之间的友谊和理解。
Through Sino-Western cultural exchanges, we can better understand each other's culture, enhance friendship and understanding between each other.3. 中西文化交流有助于促进世界文化的繁荣和发展,增进各国人民之间的友谊和合作。
Sino-Western cultural exchanges help promote the prosperity and development of world culture, enhance friendship and cooperation among people of all countries.4. 中西文化交流是推动人类文明进步的重要力量,也是促进世界和平与发展的重要途径。
Sino-Western cultural exchanges are an important force in promoting the progress of human civilization, and also an important way to promote world peace and development.5. 中西文化交流可以促进不同文化之间的相互理解,减少误解和偏见,有助于建立更加和谐的世界。
中外文化交流小使者选拔活动英语作文Title: Selection Activity for Young Ambassadors of Cultural Exchange between China and Foreign CountriesWith the rapid development of globalization, cultural exchange between China and foreign countries has become increasingly important. In order to promote understanding and friendship between different cultures, the selection of young ambassadors of cultural exchange plays a crucial role. This article will discuss the significance of the selection activity and provide some suggestions on how to select qualified candidates.First and foremost, the selection of young ambassadors of cultural exchange helps to promote mutual understanding and respect between China and foreign countries. Through cultural exchange activities, young ambassadors have the opportunity to learn about the traditions, customs, and values of different cultures. By participating in these activities, they can foster a sense of mutual respect and appreciation for diversity, which is essential for building harmonious relations between nations.Secondly, the selection of young ambassadors of cultural exchange provides valuable opportunities for personal growth and development. By representing their country in internationalevents and exchanges, young ambassadors can enhance their communication skills, leadership abilities, and cross-cultural competence. These experiences not only broaden their horizons but also help them to become more confident and open-minded individuals.In order to select qualified young ambassadors of cultural exchange, it is essential to establish clear criteria and guidelines for the selection process. It is important to consider factors such as language proficiency, cultural awareness, leadership potential, and interpersonal skills. Candidates should demonstrate a genuine interest in cultural exchange and a strong commitment to promoting mutual understanding between China and foreign countries.Furthermore, it is crucial to provide young ambassadors with adequate training and support to prepare them for their roles. Training programs should focus on intercultural communication, cross-cultural etiquette, and conflict resolution skills. In addition, young ambassadors should receive mentorship from experienced diplomats and cultural scholars to help them navigate the challenges of representing their country on the international stage.In conclusion, the selection of young ambassadors of cultural exchange is an important initiative that contributes to building stronger ties between China and foreign countries. By promoting mutual understanding, respect, and friendship, young ambassadors play a key role in fostering cultural diplomacy and global cooperation. Through rigorous selection processes, training programs, and ongoing support, young ambassadors can make meaningful contributions to promoting cross-cultural understanding and harmony in the world. Let us continue to nurture the next generation of cultural ambassadors who will bridge the gap between nations and promote a more peaceful and prosperous world for all.Overall, the selection of young ambassadors of cultural exchange is a significant initiative that can have a profound impact on international relations and global cooperation. By nurturing talented individuals who are passionate about promoting cross-cultural understanding and friendship, we can create a more inclusive and harmonious world for future generations. Let us continue to support and empower young ambassadors to be the agents of change and progress in the ever-evolving landscape of international relations and cultural exchange. Together, we can build a more peaceful andprosperous world where diversity is celebrated, and mutual respect is cherished.。
高中生英语作文《中西文化交流互鉴》Title: The Exchange and mutual learning between Chinese and Western culturesThe cultural exchange between the East and the West has been an ongoing process throughout history.With the increasing globalization of our world, this exchange has become even more significant, especially for high school students who are preparing to become global citizens.The Chinese culture, with its rich history and traditions, has a lot to offer to the world.Chinese calligraphy, painting, music, and martial arts are just a few examples of the cultural heritage that China has to offer.On the other hand, Western culture, with its emphasis on individualism, innovation, and scientific advancement, also has a lot to offer to the world.The exchange of cultures between the East and the West can lead to a greater understanding and appreciation of each other's cultures.By learning about each other's cultures, we can break down stereotypes and misconceptions, and promote tolerance and understanding.For example, through the study of Western music and literature, Chinese students can gain a deeper understanding of Western thought and emotions.Similarly, through the study of Chinese literature and philosophy, Western students can gain a deeper understanding of Eastern wisdom and spirituality.In conclusion, the exchange and mutual learning between Chineseand Western cultures is beneficial for everyone.It promotes cultural diversity, understanding, and tolerance, and helps to create a more harmonious and peaceful world.As high school students, we should embrace this cultural exchange and strive to become bridges between different cultures, fostering mutual respect and appreciation.中文翻译:标题:中西方文化交流互鉴东西方文化交流一直是历史上的一个持续过程。
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中外文化交流小使者选拔活动:连接世界的桥梁As the world becomes increasingly interconnected, cultural exchanges between China and foreign countries have become crucial in bridging the gaps and fostering mutual understanding. The "Little Ambassador of Sino-Foreign Cultural Exchange" selection program aims to identify and cultivate young talents who are passionate about promoting cultural exchange and enhancing the understanding of different cultures.The program begins with an extensive outreach effort, inviting students from various backgrounds and regions to participate. The selection criteria are diverse, encompassing language proficiency, cultural awareness, communication skills, and a passion for learning about foreign cultures. Through a series of challenging tasks and interviews, the most outstanding candidates are chosen to represent China in international cultural exchange activities.One of the key aspects of the program is the emphasis on language learning. Participants are encouraged to learnforeign languages, not just as a tool for communication, but as a window to understanding another culture. Language proficiency is not only essential for effective communication but also acts as a bridge to deeper cultural understanding.Cultural awareness is another critical component of the program. Participants are exposed to a wide range of cultural experiences, including art, music, food, and traditions. Through these experiences, they gain a deeper understanding of the diverse cultures of the world and learn to appreciate the differences and similarities between their own culture and others.Communication skills are also essential for the little ambassadors. They are trained to effectively communicate with people from different cultures, addressing misunderstandings and promoting mutual respect. Theseskills are honed through role-playing, simulations, andreal-world experiences during international cultural exchange events.The program culminates in a series of international cultural exchange events where the little ambassadorsrepresent China and showcase their skills and knowledge. These events provide an excellent opportunity for the ambassadors to interact with their peers from other countries, share stories, and create lasting friendships.The "Little Ambassador of Sino-Foreign Cultural Exchange" selection program is not just about selecting talented individuals; it's about fostering a generation of young people who are open to new cultures, understanding, and respectful. By promoting cultural exchange and understanding, we can build bridges between nations and create a more inclusive and harmonious world.**中外文化交流小使者选拔活动:连接世界的桥梁** 随着世界日益紧密地联系在一起,中外文化交流变得至关重要,成为沟通桥梁、增进相互理解的重要途径。
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长城的高度将近10米,底部宽度6.5米, 顶部宽度5米,可以并列通过五列骑兵或者十列士兵。
秦始皇统一中国之后,动用了三十万大军和大批民工把几个王国的城墙连接起来, 连接长城的工作一共用了十年的时间。
也正是在实际生活当中,由于孔子好学不厌, 善于取法他人,他学到了很多东西。
居住城市: __________