Measurement of Transport Lifetime in a Cuprate Superconductor
FLUXUS F601 TS 产品说明书
Technical SpecificationFLUXUS® F601FLUXUSsupported by handleMeasurement with transducers mounted by mounting frames and flow transmitter fixed to the pipe by the QuickFix pipe mounting fixtureMeasurement equipment in transport caseF601Portable Ultrasonic Flow Measurement of LiquidsPortable instrument for non-intrusive, quick ultrasonic flow measurement with clamp-on technology for all types of pipingFeatures•Precise bi-directional and highly dynamic flow measure-ment with the non-intrusive clamp-on technology •High precision at fast and slow flow rates, high tem-perature and zero point stability•Portable, easy-to-use flow transmitter with 2 flow chan-nels, multiple inputs/outputs, an integrated data logger with a serial interface•Water and dust-tight (NEMA 4); resistant against oil, many liquids and dirt•Li-Ion battery provides up to 14 hours of measurement operation•Automatic loading of calibration data and transducer detection for a fast and easy set-up (less than 5 min), providing precise and long-term stable results •User-friendly design•Transducers available for a wide range of inner pipe diameters () and fluid temperatures ()•Probe for wall thickness measurement available•Robust, water-tight (NEMA 4) transport case with com-prehensive accessories•HybridTrek automatically switches between transit time and NoiseTrek mode of measurement when high partic-ulate flows are encountered•QuickFix for fast mounting of the flow transmitter in diffi-cult conditionsApplicationsDesigned for the following industries:•Chemical industry•Water and wastewater industry •Oil and gas industry•Cooling systems and air conditioners •Facility management •Aviation industry0.25 to 256 in -40 to +752 °FFLUXUS® F601Technical Specification Table of Contents Function (3)Measurement Principle (3)Calculation of Volumetric Flow Rate (3)Number of Sound Paths (4)Typical Measurement Setup (5)Flow Transmitter (6)Technical Data (6)Dimensions (8)Standard Scope of Supply (9)Connection of Adapters (10)Example for the Equipment of a Transport Case (11)Transducers (12)Transducer Selection (12)Transducer Order Code (13)Technical Data (14)Transducer Mounting Fixture (17)Coupling Materials for Transducers (21)Connection Systems (22)Transducer Cable (22)Clamp-on Temperature Probe (optional) (23)Wall Thickness Measurement (optional) (24)Technical Specification FLUXUS® F601FunctionMeasurement PrincipleTransit Time Difference PrincipleIn order to measure the flow of a medium in a pipe, ultrasonic signals are used, employing the transit time dif-ference principle. Ultrasonic signals are emitted by a transducer installed on the pipe and received by a sec-ond transducer. These signals are emitted alternately in the flow direction and against it.As the medium in which the signals propagate is flowing, the transit time of the ultrasonic signals in the flow direction is shorter than against the flow direction.The transit time difference, ∆t, is measured and allows the flowmeter to determine the average flow velocity along the propagation path of the ultrasonic signals. A flow profile correction is then performed in order to ob-tain the area averaged flow velocity, which is proportional to the volumetric flow rate.Two integrated microprocessors control the entire measuring process. This allows the flowmeter to remove disturbance signals, and to check each received ultrasonic wave for its validity which reduces noise.HybridTrekIf the gaseous or solid content in the medium increases occasionally during measurement, a measurement with the transit time difference principle is no longer possible. NoiseTrek mode will then be selected by the flowmeter. This measurement method allows the flowmeter to achieve a stable measurement even with high gaseous or solid content.The transmitter can switch automatically between transit time and NoiseTrek mode without any changes to the measurement setup.Calculation of Volumetric Flow Rate= k Re . A . k a . ∆t/(2 . t fl )wherePath of the ultrasonic signal Transit time difference ∆t=volumetric flow ratek Re =fluid mechanics calibration factor A =cross-sectional pipe area k a =acoustical calibration factor ∆t =transit time difference t fl=transit time in the mediumV ·V ·FLUXUS® F601Technical SpecificationNumber of Sound PathsThe number of sound paths is the number of transits of the ultrasonic signal through the medium in the pipe. Depending on the number of sound paths, the following methods of installation exist:•reflect arrangementThe number of sound paths is even. Both of the transducers are mounted on the same side of the pipe. Correct positioning of the transducers is easier.•diagonal arrangementThe number of sound paths is odd. Both of the transducers are mounted on opposite sides of the pipe.•direct modeDiagonal mode with 1 sound path. This should be used in the case of a high signal attenuation by the medi-um, pipe or coatings.The preferred method of installation depends on the application. While increasing the number of sound paths increases the accuracy of the measurement, signal attenuation increases as well. The optimum number of sound paths for the parameters of the application will be determined automatically by the transmitter.As the transducers can be mounted with the transducer mounting fixture in reflect arrangement or diagonal ar-rangement, the number of sound paths can be adjusted optimally for the application.a = transducer distancenegative transducer distanceTechnical Specification FLUXUS® F601Typical Measurement Setuppower supply unit/battery charging unitExample of a measurement setup in reflect arrangementFLUXUS® F601Technical SpecificationFlow TransmitterTechnical DataFLUXUSF601designportablemeasurementmeasurement principle transit time difference correlation principle,automatic NoiseTrek selection for measurements with high gaseous or solid content flow velocity 0.03 to 82 ft/srepeatability 0.15 % of reading ±0.03 ft/smediumall acoustically conductive liquids with < 10 % gaseous or solid content in volume (transit time difference principle)temperature compensation corresponding to the recommendations in ANSI/ASME MFC-5.1-2011accuracy 1with standard calibration with advanced calibration (optional)with field calibration 2±0.5 % of reading ±0.03 ft/sflow transmitter power supply 100 to 240 V/50 to 60 Hz (power supply unit),10.5 to 15 V DC (socket at transmitter),integrated battery batteryLi-Ion, 7.2 V/4.5 Ahoperating time (without outputs, inputs and backlight): > 14 h power consumption< 6 W number of flow measuring channels2signal attenuation0 to 100 s, adjustable measuring cycle (1 channel)100 to 1000 Hzresponse time 1 s (1 channel), option: 70 ms housing material PA, TPE, AutoTex, stainless steel degree of protection NEMA 4dimensions see dimensional drawing weight 4.2 lbfixationQuickFix pipe mounting fixture ambient temperature 14 to 140 °Fdisplay2 x 16 characters, dot matrix, backlight menu languageEnglish, German, French, Dutch, Spanishmeasuring functions physical quantities volumetric flow rate, mass flow rate, flow velocity,heat flow (if temperature inputs are installed)totalizervolume, mass, optional: heat quantity calculation functions average, difference, sumdiagnostic functions sound speed, signal amplitude, SNR, SCNR, standard deviation of amplitudes and transit times data logger loggable values all physical quantities, totalized values and diagnostic values capacity> 100000 measured values1for transit time difference principle, reference conditions and v > 0.49 ft/s 2reference uncertainty < 0.2 %±1.6 % of reading ±0.03 ft/s ±1.2 % of reading ±0.03 ft/sTechnical Specification FLUXUS® F601 communicationinterface RS232/USBserial data kitsoftware (all Windows™ ver-sions)-FluxData: download of measurement data, graphical presentation, conversion to other formats (e.g. for Excel™)-FluxKoef: creating medium data sets-FluxSubstanceLoader: upload of medium data setsсable RS232adapter RS232 - USBtransport casedimensions19.7 x 15.7 x 7.5 inoutputsThe outputs are galvanically isolated from the transmitter. number see standard scope of supply on page 9, max. on request accessories output adapter (if number of outputs > 4)current outputrange0/4 to 20 mAaccuracy0.1 % of reading ±15 μAactive output R ext < 200 Ωpassive output U ext = 4 to 16 V, depending on R extR ext < 500 Ωfrequency outputrange0 to 5 kHzopen collector24 V/4 mAbinary outputoptorelay26 V/100 mAbinary output as alarm output-functions limit, change of flow direction or errorbinary output as pulse output-pulse value0.01 to 1000 units-pulse width 1 to 1000 msinputsThe inputs are galvanically isolated from the transmitter. number see standard scope of supply on page 9, max. 4 accessories input adapter (if number of inputs > 2)temperature inputtype Pt100/Pt1000connection4-wirerange-238 to +1040 °Fresolution0.01 Kaccuracy±0.01 % of reading ±0.03 Kcurrent inputaccuracy0.1 % of reading ±10 μApassive input R i = 50 Ω, P i < 0.3 W-range-20 to +20 mAvoltage inputrange0 to 1 Vaccuracy0.1 % of reading ±1 mVinternal resistance R i = 1 MΩFLUXUS F601FLUXUS® F601Technical Specification DimensionsTechnical Specification FLUXUS® F601 Standard Scope of SupplyFLUXUS® F601Technical Specification Connection of AdaptersExample for the Equipment of a Transport Caseserial data kitpower supply unit, mains cabletransducer mounting fixturemeasuring tapetransmittertransducersuser manual,Quick Start Guidecoupling compoundwall thickness probe (optional)QuickFix pipe mounting fixturetemperature probes (optional)TransducersTransducer Selectiontransducer order codeFSK 3.97.9141.7255.9 FSM2 3.978.7133.9FSQ0.390.98 5.915.7FSS0.240.39 pipe diameter [in] recommended possibleTransducer Order Code1, 2345, 67, 89 to 1112, 13no. of character t r a n s d u c e rt r a n s d u c e r f r e q u e n c y-a m b i e n t t e m p e r a t u r ee x p l o s i o n p r o t e c t i o nc o n n e c t i o n s y s t e m-e x t e n s i o n c a b l e/o p t i o ndescriptionFSset of ultrasonic flow transducers for liquids measurement, shear wave K0.5 MHzM 1 MHz Q 4 MHz S 8 MHzN normal temperature rangeEextended temperature range (shear wave transducers with trans-ducer frequency M, Q)NNnot explosion proof NLwith Lemo connectorXXXcable length in m, for max. length of extension cable see page 22 LClong transducer cable (only FSK)example FSM-NNNNL-000shear wave transducer 1 MHz, normal temperature range,connection system NL with Lemo connector--/Technical DataShear Wave TransducersShear Wave TransducersShear Wave Transducers (extended temperature range)Transducer Mounting FixtureOrder Code1, 234567 to 9no. of character t r a n s d u c e r m o u n t i n g f i x t u r et r a n s d u c e r-m e a s u r e m e n t a r r a n g e m e n ts i z e-f i x a t i o no u t e r p i p e d i a m e t e rdescriptionFS mounting framesLM ladder chain mounting accessory VP portable Variofix TB tension beltsWLtransducer box for WaveInjectorA all transducersK transducers with transducer frequency K M transducers with transducer frequency M Q transducers with transducer frequency Q Stransducers with transducer frequency SD reflect arrangement or diagonal arrangement/direct mode Rreflect arrangement S small Mmedium C chains Nwithout fixation L080.5 to 8 in L220.5 to 22 in 0100.39 to 3.9 in 0250.39 to 9.8 in 0550.39 to 21.7 in 150 2 to 59.1 in 2102 to 82.7 inexample VPA-DM-C055portable Variofix and chains --ladder chain mounting accessory LMTechnical Specification FLUXUS® F601Coupling Materials for TransducersTechnical Datanormal temperature range(4th character of transducer ordercode =N)extended temperature range(4th character of transducer ordercode =E)WaveInjector WI-400< 212 °F < 338 °F< 302 °F < 392 °F< 536 °F536 to 752 °Fcoupling compound type N coupling compound type Ecoupling compound type E coupling compound type E or Hcoupling foil type A and coupling foil type VTcoupling foil type B and coupling foil type VTtypeorder code ambient temperature materialremark°Fcoupling compound type N990739-1-22 to +266mineral grease paste coupling compound type E990739-2-22 to +392silicone paste coupling compound type H990739-3-22 to +482fluoropolymer paste coupling foil type A 990739-7max. 536lead coupling foil type B990739-8> 536 to 752silvercoupling foil type VT 990739-014 to +392fluoroelastomerfor transducers with transducerfrequency G, H, K990739-6for shear wave transducers with transducer frequency M, P990739-14for shear wave transducers IP68 and Lambwave transducers with transducer frequency M, P990739-5for transducers with transducer frequency Qcoupling foil not to be used for transducer mounting fixture with magnetsFLUXUS® F601Technical SpecificationConnection SystemsTransducer CableTechnical Datatransducer frequency (3d character of transducerorder code)G, H, K M, P Q S N Lx y l 1xy l 1x y l 1x y l cable length ft69≤ 8266≤ 8263≤ 8233≤ 65cable length (option LC)ft622≤ 82---------1> 82 to 328 ft on requestx, y = transducer cable length l = max. length of extension cabletransducer cableextension cabletype169925511750standard length ft see table above 1632max. lengthft -see table above 32ambient temperature °F-67 to +392-13 to +176< 144sheath materialstainless steel 304--outer diameter in0.31--cable jacket materialPTFE TPE-O PE outer diameter in 0.110.310.24thickness in0.010.02color brown black black shieldxxx-Technical Specification FLUXUS® F601Clamp-on Temperature Probe (optional)Technical DataConnectionTemperature ProbeConnectorCabletechnical type PT13N PT13N PT13F PT13F order code 670413-1670412-1670413-2670412-2design short response timetypePt10002x Pt1000 matched according to EN 1434-1Pt10002x Pt1000 matchedaccording to EN 1434-1connection4-wire 4-wire measuring range °F-22 to +482-58 to +482accuracy T ±(0.27 °F + 2 . 10-3 . (|T [°F]| - 32 °F)), class A±(0.27 °F + 2 . 10-3 . (|T [°F]| - 32 °F)), class Aaccuracy ∆T-≤ 0.1 K(3 K < ∆T < 6 K), more corresponding to EN 1434-1-≤ 0.1 K(3 K < ∆T < 6 K), more corresponding to EN 1434-1response times508housingaluminum PEEK, stainless steel 304, copperdegree of protection NEMA 4NEMA 4weight (without con-nector)lb0.6 1.10.7 1.4fixationclamp-onclamp-onaccessoriesthermal conductivity paste 392 °Fx x thermal conductivity foil 482 °Fx x plastic protection plate, insulation foam -xdimensions length l in0.590.55width b in 0.59 1.18height hin0.79 1.06dimensional drawingA Bpin cable of temperature probeextension cable1white/blue blue 2red/bluegray3, 4, 5not connected6red red 7whitewhite8not connectedcable of temperature probe extension cabletype4 x 0.25 mm² black or white LIYCY 8 x 0.14 mm² gray standard length ft 916/32/82max. length ft-656cable jacketPTFEPVCABred/blueredwhite/bluewhiteWall Thickness Measurement (optional)The pipe wall thickness is an important pipe parameter which has to be determined exactly for a good mea-surement. However, the pipe wall thickness often is unknown.The wall thickness probe can be connected to the transmitter instead of the flow transducers and the wall thickness measurement mode is activated automatically.Acoustic coupling compound is applied to the wall thickness probe which then is placed firmly on the pipe.The wall thickness is displayed and can be stored directly in the transmitter.Technical DataCabletechnical type DWR1NZ7measuring range 1in 0.04 to 9.8resolution in 0.0004accuracy1 % ± 0.004 in medium temperature °F-4 to +392,short-time peak max. 932сable type 2616lengthft41 The measuring range depends on the attenuation of the ultrasonic signal in thepipe. For strongly attenuating plastics (e.g. PFA, PTFE, PP) the measuring range is smaller.type2616ambient temperature °F<392cable jacket materialFEP outer diameter in0.2color black shieldxDWR1NZ7FLEXIM AMERICAS Corporation Edgewood, NY 11717USATel.:(631) 492-2300Fax:(631) 492-2117internet: e-mail:*****************1-888-852-7473 Subject to change without notification. Errors excepted. FLUXUS® is a registered trademark of FLEXIM GmbH.。
Maritime transportation,commonly referred to as sea freight,is one of the oldest and most widely used modes of transport in the world.It involves the movement of goods and passengers across bodies of water,typically oceans and seas,using various types of vessels such as cargo ships,tankers,and container ships.Here is an introduction to this significant mode of transport:Historical Significance:Maritime transport has been a cornerstone of global trade for centuries.It was the primary means of moving goods and people across long distances before the advent of air travel and modern land transportation.The development of maritime routes and the expansion of shipbuilding technologies have played a crucial role in shaping the worlds economy and cultural exchanges.Types of Vessels:1.Cargo Ships:These are designed to carry general cargo,which can include a wide range of items from raw materials to manufactured goods.2.Tankers:Specialized for the transportation of liquids,particularly oil and chemicals.3.Container Ships:Carry standardized shipping containers,which are easy to load and unload,making them highly efficient for bulk cargo transport.4.Rollon/Rolloff RoRo Vessels:Allow vehicles and other wheeled cargo to be driven on and off the ship on their own power.5.Ferries:Primarily used for the transportation of passengers and their vehicles across bodies of water.Advantages of Maritime Transport:1.CostEffectiveness:Sea freight is generally cheaper than air freight,making it ideal for bulk goods and longdistance transport.2.Capacity:Ships can carry massive amounts of cargo,making them suitable for largescale trade.3.Reliability:Established shipping lanes and schedules provide a predictable and reliable service.4.Low Carbon Footprint:Sea transport has a lower carbon footprint compared to air transport,making it a more environmentally friendly option.Disadvantages of Maritime Transport:1.Slower Speeds:Ships are slower than air and land transport,which can be a disadvantage for timesensitive goods.2.Limited Accessibility:Not all locations have direct access to a seaport,which may require additional transportation to reach the final destination.3.Weather Dependent:Sea transport can be affected by weather conditions,leading todelays and potential damage to cargo.Modern Developments:The maritime industry is continuously evolving with the introduction of advanced technologies such as automation,improved navigation systems,and the use of cleaner fuels to reduce environmental impact.Additionally,the expansion of global trade has led to the development of larger and more efficient vessels.Regulations and Safety:International maritime transport is governed by a set of laws and regulations,primarily overseen by the International Maritime Organization IMO,which ensures safety,security, and environmental protection standards are met.Conclusion:Maritime transport remains a vital component of the global supply chain,offering a costeffective and reliable means of moving goods around the world.As the industry continues to innovate and adapt to changing demands,its importance in facilitating international trade is unlikely to diminish.。
OX-221-9101-24M576 OCXO 商品说明书
OX-221-9101-24M576OCXONominal frequency (f0)24.576MHzFeaturesApplication•SC Cut Crystal •hermetically sealed •SMD•S3E compliant according GR1244•Wander generation (Standard /ZLAN Group)MTIE &TDEV compliant with:-G.812(zO1)-G.8273.4(zO4;zO5)-G.8263(zO6);Performance SpecificationsEnclosure17,87,6223,43,42,71234567top view25,4 0,27,62 0,117,8 0,122 0,2G275H 0,250,1Co- Planarity spec ( 0,1mm)2,52,58,9 0,1()all units in mmNotes:Unless otherwise stated all values are valid after warm-up time and refer to typical conditions for supply voltage, frequency control voltage,load,temperature(25◦C).Subject to technical modification.USA:Europe:100Watts Street LandstrasseMt Holly Springs,P A1706574924NeckarbischofsheimGermanyTel:1.717.486.3411T el:+49(0)7268.801.0Fax:1.717.486.5920Fax:+49(0)7268.801.281Information contained in this publication regarding device applications and the like is provided only foryour convenience and may be superseded by updates.It is your reasonability to ensure that yourapplication meets with your specifications.MICROCHIP MAKES NO REPRESENT A TION ORWARRANTIES OF ANY KIND WHETHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED,WRITTEN OR ORAL,ST ATUTORYOR OTHERWISE,RELA TED TO THE INFORMA TION INCLUDING,BUT NOT LIMITED TO ITSCONDITION,QUALITY,PERFORMANCE,MERCHANT ABILITY OR FITNESS FOR PURPOSE.Microchip disclaims all liability arising from this information and its e of Microchip devices in lifesupport and/or safety applications is entirely at the buyer’s risk,and the buyer agrees to defend,indemnify and hold harmless Microchip from any and all damages,claims,suits,or expenses resultingfrom such use.No licenses are conveyed,implicitly,or otherwise,under any Microchip intellectualproperty rights unless otherwise statedTrademarksThe Microchip and Vectron names and logos are registered trademarks of Microchip TechnologyIncorporated in the U.S.A.and other countries.List of appendicesAppendix_OX-221-9101-24M576_Jitter II Appendix_OX-221-9100-20M000_9101-III 24M576_9102_25M000_MTIE_TDEVAppendix_OX-221-OX-40x_Power_on_time XIAppendix handling&processing note XIIThe following MTIE TDEV plots were generated from data collected on production devices over the course of a year and represent typical performance. Frequency is measured every second and converted to phase using Microchip’s golden standard TimeMonitor soft ware. Filtering is applied to the data per standards requirements, and limits where applicable, are shown in red. Additional information on standards and oscillatorrecommendations can be found in ZLAN-830 and ZLAN-3467 (formerly ZLAN-442 and ZLAN-68).Const. Temp ±1°K; slope 0,1°C/min, range 21..23°C Const. Temp ±5°F; slope 0,1°C/min,range 19.22..24.78°C Trapezoid_Pattern_slope 0,5°C/min,range +2,5...42,5°C Triangle-Pattern_slope 0,2°C/min,range -40...85°CConst. Temp ±1°K; slope 0,1°C/min, range 21..23°C Const. Temp ±5°F; slope 0,1°C/min,range 19.22..24.78°C Trapezoid_Pattern_slope 0,5°C/min,range +2,5...42,5°C Triangle-Pattern_slope 0,2°C/min,range -40...85°CConst. Temp ±1°K; slope 0,1°C/min, range 21..23°C Const. Temp ±5°F; slope 0,1°C/min,range 19.22..24.78°C Trapezoid_Pattern_slope 0,5°C/min,range +2,5...42,5°C Triangle-Pattern_slope 0,2°C/min,range -40...85°CConst. Temp ±1°K; slope 0,1°C/min, range 21..23°C Const. Temp ±5°F; slope 0,1°C/min,range 19.22..24.78°C Trapezoid_Pattern_slope 0,5°C/min,range +2,5...42,5°C Triangle-Pattern_slope 0,2°C/min,range -40...85°CConst. Temp ±1°K; slope 0,1°C/min, range 21..23°C Const. Temp ±5°F; slope 0,1°C/min,range 19.22..24.78°C Trapezoid_Pattern_slope 0,5°C/min,range +2,5...42,5°C Triangle-Pattern_slope 0,2°C/min,range -40...85°CConst. Temp ±1°K; slope 0,1°C/min, range 21..23°C Const. Temp ±5°F; slope 0,1°C/min,range 19.22..24.78°C Trapezoid_Pattern_slope 0,5°C/min,range +2,5...42,5°C Triangle-Pattern_slope 0,2°C/min,range -40...85°CConst. Temp ±1°K; slope 0,1°C/min, range 21..23°C Const. Temp ±5°F; slope 0,1°C/min,range 19.22..24.78°C Trapezoid_Pattern_slope 0,5°C/min,range +2,5...42,5°C Triangle-Pattern_slope 0,2°C/min,range -40...85°CConst. Temp ±1°K; slope 0,1°C/min, range 21..23°C Const. Temp ±5°F; slope 0,1°C/min,range 19.22..24.78°C Trapezoid_Pattern_slope 0,5°C/min,range +2,5...42,5°C Triangle-Pattern_slope 0,2°C/min,range -40...85°CApplicationUnless otherwise noted, the products listed in the catalogue are designed for use with ordinary electrical devices, such as stationary and portable communication, control, measurement equipment etc.. They are designed and manufactured to meet a high degree of reliability (lifetime more than 15 years) under normal …commercial“ application conditions. Products dedicated for automotive and H-Rel applications are specifically identified for these applications. If you intend to use these …commercial“ products for airborne, space or critical transport applications, nuclear power control, medical devices with a direct impact on human life, or other applications which require an exceptionally high degree of reliability or safety, please contact the manufacturer.Electrostatic SensitivityCrystal oscillators are electrostatic sensitive devices. Proper handling according to the established ESD handling rules as in IEC 61340-5-1 and EN 100015-1 is mandatory to avoid degradations of the oscillator performance due to damages of the internal circuitry by electrostatics. If not otherwise stated, our oscillators meet the requirements of the Human Body Model (HBM) according to JESD22-A114F.HandlingExcessive mechanical shocks during handling as well as manual and automatic assembly have to be avoided. If the oscillator was unintentionally dropped or otherwise subject to strong shocks, please verify that the electrical function is still within specification.Improper handling may also detoriate the coplanarity of bended leads of SMD components. SolderingOscillators can be processed using conventional soldering processes such as wave soldering, convection, infrared, and vapour phase reflow soldering under normal conditions. Solderability is guaranteed for one year storage under normal climatic conditions (+5°C to +35°C @ 40% to 75% relative humidity), however typically sufficient solderability –depending on the process – is maintained also for longer time periods. In cases of doubt, components older than one year should undergo a sample solderability test.The recommended reflow solder profile for SMT componets is according IPC/JEDEC J-STD-020 (latest revision)SMD oscillators must be on the top side of the PCB during the reflow process.After reflow soldering the frequency of the products may have shifted several ppm, which relaxes after several hours or days, depending on the products. For details please contact the manufacturer.CleaningCleaning is only allowed for hermetically sealed oscillators. Devices with non hermetical enclosures (e.g. with trimmer holes) shall not be cleaned by soaking or in vapour, because residues from the cleaning process may penetrate into the interior, and degrade the performance.Our products are laser marked. The marking of our oscillators is resistant to usual solvents, such as given in IEC 60068-2-45 Test XA. For applicable test conditions see IEC 60679-1.Ultrasonic cleaning is usually not harmful to oscillators at ultrasonic frequencies of 20kHz at the sound intensities conventional in industry. Sensitive devices may suffer mechanical damage if subjected to 40kHz ultrasound at high sound pressure. In cases of doubt, please conduct tests under practical conditions with the oscillators mounted on the PC board.Hermetical SealIf the device is specified as hermetically sealed, it meets the requirements of IEC 60679-1, i.e. for enclosures with a volume smaller than 4000mm³ the leak rate is below 5*10-8 bar cm3/s, for larger enclosures it is below 1*10-6 bar c bar cm3/s, tested according to IEC 60068-2-17 Test Qk.Glass feed-throughs may be damaged as a result of mechanical overload, such as bending the connection leads or cutting them with an unappropriated tool. In order to avoid microcracking, the wire must be held fixed in position by a pressure pad between glass feed-through and the bending point during the bending process. Check: there should be no damaged edges on the glass feed-through after the bending.Tape & ReelThe packing in tape and reel is according to IEC 60286-3.Details see tape & reel data sheets.QualificationVectron products are undergoing regular qualification/reliability tests as per product family definition. Results are available upon request. Customer specific qualification tests are subject to agreement.If not otherwise stated, the product qualifications are performed according to IEC 60679-5 or other valid industry standards.ScreeningOur oscillators are 100% tested, and all key manufacturing processes are controlled by Statistical Process Control (SPC). Additional screening is therefore usually not required.On request, we can perform screening tests according to MIL-PRF-55310, class B for discrete or hybrid constructions of commercial (COTS) products. For special requirements see the High Reliability Clock section.Demounting/Desoldering of Ocsillator device for analysis:The removal or desoldering of oscillators from customer application after SMT process may cause damage to the device if not handeld appropriately. It may lead to parametric change such as frequency shift (like OCXO: up to +/- 200 ppb) . It is utmost important to minimize the direct heat exposure to the device in order to avoid such effects. Use of hot air gun for desoldering should be avoided.A mechanical stress could also destroy the part, if exposed to excessive mechanical shock after removal process. Appropriate shock protection & ESD designated packaging must be used to avoid any external mechanical shock for FA return process.In general, the products* withstand the tests listed in the following Table 1, which are based on valid industry standards.*Additional note: Test conditions could vary for different product families and individual product specifications depending on the customer as well as product requirements.Recommended Environmental Test ConditionsTable 1。
NORMA 4000 5000 Power Analyzer 用户说明手册说明书
Since some countries or states do not allow limitation of the term of an implied warranty, or exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, the limitations and exclusions of this warranty may not apply to every buyer. If any provision of this Warranty is held invalid or unenforceable by a court or other decision-maker of competent jurisdiction, such holding will not affect the validity or enforceability of any other provision.
Fluke gewährleistet, daß jedes Fluke-Produkt unter normalem Gebrauch und Service frei von Material- und Fertigungsdefekten ist. Die Garantiedauer beträgt 2 Jahre ab Versanddatum. Die Garantiedauer für Teile, Produktreparaturen und Service beträgt 90 Tage. Diese Garantie wird ausschließlich dem Erster
Network impacts of a road capacity reduction:Empirical analysisand model predictionsDavid Watling a ,⇑,David Milne a ,Stephen Clark baInstitute for Transport Studies,University of Leeds,Woodhouse Lane,Leeds LS29JT,UK b Leeds City Council,Leonardo Building,2Rossington Street,Leeds LS28HD,UKa r t i c l e i n f o Article history:Received 24May 2010Received in revised form 15July 2011Accepted 7September 2011Keywords:Traffic assignment Network models Equilibrium Route choice Day-to-day variabilitya b s t r a c tIn spite of their widespread use in policy design and evaluation,relatively little evidencehas been reported on how well traffic equilibrium models predict real network impacts.Here we present what we believe to be the first paper that together analyses the explicitimpacts on observed route choice of an actual network intervention and compares thiswith the before-and-after predictions of a network equilibrium model.The analysis isbased on the findings of an empirical study of the travel time and route choice impactsof a road capacity reduction.Time-stamped,partial licence plates were recorded across aseries of locations,over a period of days both with and without the capacity reduction,and the data were ‘matched’between locations using special-purpose statistical methods.Hypothesis tests were used to identify statistically significant changes in travel times androute choice,between the periods of days with and without the capacity reduction.A trafficnetwork equilibrium model was then independently applied to the same scenarios,and itspredictions compared with the empirical findings.From a comparison of route choice pat-terns,a particularly influential spatial effect was revealed of the parameter specifying therelative values of distance and travel time assumed in the generalised cost equations.When this parameter was ‘fitted’to the data without the capacity reduction,the networkmodel broadly predicted the route choice impacts of the capacity reduction,but with othervalues it was seen to perform poorly.The paper concludes by discussing the wider practicaland research implications of the study’s findings.Ó2011Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved.1.IntroductionIt is well known that altering the localised characteristics of a road network,such as a planned change in road capacity,will tend to have both direct and indirect effects.The direct effects are imparted on the road itself,in terms of how it can deal with a given demand flow entering the link,with an impact on travel times to traverse the link at a given demand flow level.The indirect effects arise due to drivers changing their travel decisions,such as choice of route,in response to the altered travel times.There are many practical circumstances in which it is desirable to forecast these direct and indirect impacts in the context of a systematic change in road capacity.For example,in the case of proposed road widening or junction improvements,there is typically a need to justify econom-ically the required investment in terms of the benefits that will likely accrue.There are also several examples in which it is relevant to examine the impacts of road capacity reduction .For example,if one proposes to reallocate road space between alternative modes,such as increased bus and cycle lane provision or a pedestrianisation scheme,then typically a range of alternative designs exist which may differ in their ability to accommodate efficiently the new traffic and routing patterns.0965-8564/$-see front matter Ó2011Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved.doi:10.1016/j.tra.2011.09.010⇑Corresponding author.Tel.:+441133436612;fax:+441133435334.E-mail address:d.p.watling@ (D.Watling).168 D.Watling et al./Transportation Research Part A46(2012)167–189Through mathematical modelling,the alternative designs may be tested in a simulated environment and the most efficient selected for implementation.Even after a particular design is selected,mathematical models may be used to adjust signal timings to optimise the use of the transport system.Road capacity may also be affected periodically by maintenance to essential services(e.g.water,electricity)or to the road itself,and often this can lead to restricted access over a period of days and weeks.In such cases,planning authorities may use modelling to devise suitable diversionary advice for drivers,and to plan any temporary changes to traffic signals or priorities.Berdica(2002)and Taylor et al.(2006)suggest more of a pro-ac-tive approach,proposing that models should be used to test networks for potential vulnerability,before any reduction mate-rialises,identifying links which if reduced in capacity over an extended period1would have a substantial impact on system performance.There are therefore practical requirements for a suitable network model of travel time and route choice impacts of capac-ity changes.The dominant method that has emerged for this purpose over the last decades is clearly the network equilibrium approach,as proposed by Beckmann et al.(1956)and developed in several directions since.The basis of using this approach is the proposition of what are believed to be‘rational’models of behaviour and other system components( perfor-mance functions),with site-specific data used to tailor such models to particular case studies.Cross-sectional forecasts of network performance at specific road capacity states may then be made,such that at the time of any‘snapshot’forecast, drivers’route choices are in some kind of individually-optimum state.In this state,drivers cannot improve their route selec-tion by a unilateral change of route,at the snapshot travel time levels.The accepted practice is to‘validate’such models on a case-by-case basis,by ensuring that the model—when supplied with a particular set of parameters,input network data and input origin–destination demand data—reproduces current mea-sured mean link trafficflows and mean journey times,on a sample of links,to some degree of accuracy(see for example,the practical guidelines in TMIP(1997)and Highways Agency(2002)).This kind of aggregate level,cross-sectional validation to existing conditions persists across a range of network modelling paradigms,ranging from static and dynamic equilibrium (Florian and Nguyen,1976;Leonard and Tough,1979;Stephenson and Teply,1984;Matzoros et al.,1987;Janson et al., 1986;Janson,1991)to micro-simulation approaches(Laird et al.,1999;Ben-Akiva et al.,2000;Keenan,2005).While such an approach is plausible,it leaves many questions unanswered,and we would particularly highlight two: 1.The process of calibration and validation of a network equilibrium model may typically occur in a cycle.That is to say,having initially calibrated a model using the base data sources,if the subsequent validation reveals substantial discrep-ancies in some part of the network,it is then natural to adjust the model parameters(including perhaps even the OD matrix elements)until the model outputs better reflect the validation data.2In this process,then,we allow the adjustment of potentially a large number of network parameters and input data in order to replicate the validation data,yet these data themselves are highly aggregate,existing only at the link level.To be clear here,we are talking about a level of coarseness even greater than that in aggregate choice models,since we cannot even infer from link-level data the aggregate shares on alternative routes or OD movements.The question that arises is then:how many different combinations of parameters and input data values might lead to a similar link-level validation,and even if we knew the answer to this question,how might we choose between these alternative combinations?In practice,this issue is typically neglected,meaning that the‘valida-tion’is a rather weak test of the model.2.Since the data are cross-sectional in time(i.e.the aim is to reproduce current base conditions in equilibrium),then in spiteof the large efforts required in data collection,no empirical evidence is routinely collected regarding the model’s main purpose,namely its ability to predict changes in behaviour and network performance under changes to the network/ demand.This issue is exacerbated by the aggregation concerns in point1:the‘ambiguity’in choosing appropriate param-eter values to satisfy the aggregate,link-level,base validation strengthens the need to independently verify that,with the selected parameter values,the model responds reliably to changes.Although such problems–offitting equilibrium models to cross-sectional data–have long been recognised by practitioners and academics(see,e.g.,Goodwin,1998), the approach described above remains the state-of-practice.Having identified these two problems,how might we go about addressing them?One approach to thefirst problem would be to return to the underlying formulation of the network model,and instead require a model definition that permits analysis by statistical inference techniques(see for example,Nakayama et al.,2009).In this way,we may potentially exploit more information in the variability of the link-level data,with well-defined notions(such as maximum likelihood)allowing a systematic basis for selection between alternative parameter value combinations.However,this approach is still using rather limited data and it is natural not just to question the model but also the data that we use to calibrate and validate it.Yet this is not altogether straightforward to resolve.As Mahmassani and Jou(2000) remarked:‘A major obtaining observations of actual trip-maker behaviour,at the desired level of richness, simultaneously with measurements of prevailing conditions’.For this reason,several authors have turned to simulated gaming environments and/or stated preference techniques to elicit information on drivers’route choice behaviour(e.g. 1Clearly,more sporadic and less predictable reductions in capacity may also occur,such as in the case of breakdowns and accidents,and environmental factors such as severe weather,floods or landslides(see for example,Iida,1999),but the responses to such cases are outside the scope of the present paper. 2Some authors have suggested more systematic,bi-level type optimization processes for thisfitting process(e.g.Xu et al.,2004),but this has no material effect on the essential points above.D.Watling et al./Transportation Research Part A46(2012)167–189169 Mahmassani and Herman,1990;Iida et al.,1992;Khattak et al.,1993;Vaughn et al.,1995;Wardman et al.,1997;Jou,2001; Chen et al.,2001).This provides potentially rich information for calibrating complex behavioural models,but has the obvious limitation that it is based on imagined rather than real route choice situations.Aside from its common focus on hypothetical decision situations,this latter body of work also signifies a subtle change of emphasis in the treatment of the overall network calibration problem.Rather than viewing the network equilibrium calibra-tion process as a whole,the focus is on particular components of the model;in the cases above,the focus is on that compo-nent concerned with how drivers make route decisions.If we are prepared to make such a component-wise analysis,then certainly there exists abundant empirical evidence in the literature,with a history across a number of decades of research into issues such as the factors affecting drivers’route choice(e.g.Wachs,1967;Huchingson et al.,1977;Abu-Eisheh and Mannering,1987;Duffell and Kalombaris,1988;Antonisse et al.,1989;Bekhor et al.,2002;Liu et al.,2004),the nature of travel time variability(e.g.Smeed and Jeffcoate,1971;Montgomery and May,1987;May et al.,1989;McLeod et al., 1993),and the factors affecting trafficflow variability(Bonsall et al.,1984;Huff and Hanson,1986;Ribeiro,1994;Rakha and Van Aerde,1995;Fox et al.,1998).While these works provide useful evidence for the network equilibrium calibration problem,they do not provide a frame-work in which we can judge the overall‘fit’of a particular network model in the light of uncertainty,ambient variation and systematic changes in network attributes,be they related to the OD demand,the route choice process,travel times or the network data.Moreover,such data does nothing to address the second point made above,namely the question of how to validate the model forecasts under systematic changes to its inputs.The studies of Mannering et al.(1994)and Emmerink et al.(1996)are distinctive in this context in that they address some of the empirical concerns expressed in the context of travel information impacts,but their work stops at the stage of the empirical analysis,without a link being made to net-work prediction models.The focus of the present paper therefore is both to present thefindings of an empirical study and to link this empirical evidence to network forecasting models.More recently,Zhu et al.(2010)analysed several sources of data for evidence of the traffic and behavioural impacts of the I-35W bridge collapse in Minneapolis.Most pertinent to the present paper is their location-specific analysis of linkflows at 24locations;by computing the root mean square difference inflows between successive weeks,and comparing the trend for 2006with that for2007(the latter with the bridge collapse),they observed an apparent transient impact of the bridge col-lapse.They also showed there was no statistically-significant evidence of a difference in the pattern offlows in the period September–November2007(a period starting6weeks after the bridge collapse),when compared with the corresponding period in2006.They suggested that this was indicative of the length of a‘re-equilibration process’in a conceptual sense, though did not explicitly compare their empiricalfindings with those of a network equilibrium model.The structure of the remainder of the paper is as follows.In Section2we describe the process of selecting the real-life problem to analyse,together with the details and rationale behind the survey design.Following this,Section3describes the statistical techniques used to extract information on travel times and routing patterns from the survey data.Statistical inference is then considered in Section4,with the aim of detecting statistically significant explanatory factors.In Section5 comparisons are made between the observed network data and those predicted by a network equilibrium model.Finally,in Section6the conclusions of the study are highlighted,and recommendations made for both practice and future research.2.Experimental designThe ultimate objective of the study was to compare actual data with the output of a traffic network equilibrium model, specifically in terms of how well the equilibrium model was able to correctly forecast the impact of a systematic change ap-plied to the network.While a wealth of surveillance data on linkflows and travel times is routinely collected by many local and national agencies,we did not believe that such data would be sufficiently informative for our purposes.The reason is that while such data can often be disaggregated down to small time step resolutions,the data remains aggregate in terms of what it informs about driver response,since it does not provide the opportunity to explicitly trace vehicles(even in aggre-gate form)across more than one location.This has the effect that observed differences in linkflows might be attributed to many potential causes:it is especially difficult to separate out,say,ambient daily variation in the trip demand matrix from systematic changes in route choice,since both may give rise to similar impacts on observed linkflow patterns across re-corded sites.While methods do exist for reconstructing OD and network route patterns from observed link data(e.g.Yang et al.,1994),these are typically based on the premise of a valid network equilibrium model:in this case then,the data would not be able to give independent information on the validity of the network equilibrium approach.For these reasons it was decided to design and implement a purpose-built survey.However,it would not be efficient to extensively monitor a network in order to wait for something to happen,and therefore we required advance notification of some planned intervention.For this reason we chose to study the impact of urban maintenance work affecting the roads,which UK local government authorities organise on an annual basis as part of their‘Local Transport Plan’.The city council of York,a historic city in the north of England,agreed to inform us of their plans and to assist in the subsequent data collection exercise.Based on the interventions planned by York CC,the list of candidate studies was narrowed by considering factors such as its propensity to induce significant re-routing and its impact on the peak periods.Effectively the motivation here was to identify interventions that were likely to have a large impact on delays,since route choice impacts would then likely be more significant and more easily distinguished from ambient variability.This was notably at odds with the objectives of York CC,170 D.Watling et al./Transportation Research Part A46(2012)167–189in that they wished to minimise disruption,and so where possible York CC planned interventions to take place at times of day and of the year where impacts were minimised;therefore our own requirement greatly reduced the candidate set of studies to monitor.A further consideration in study selection was its timing in the year for scheduling before/after surveys so to avoid confounding effects of known significant‘seasonal’demand changes,e.g.the impact of the change between school semesters and holidays.A further consideration was York’s role as a major tourist attraction,which is also known to have a seasonal trend.However,the impact on car traffic is relatively small due to the strong promotion of public trans-port and restrictions on car travel and parking in the historic centre.We felt that we further mitigated such impacts by sub-sequently choosing to survey in the morning peak,at a time before most tourist attractions are open.Aside from the question of which intervention to survey was the issue of what data to collect.Within the resources of the project,we considered several options.We rejected stated preference survey methods as,although they provide a link to personal/socio-economic drivers,we wanted to compare actual behaviour with a network model;if the stated preference data conflicted with the network model,it would not be clear which we should question most.For revealed preference data, options considered included(i)self-completion diaries(Mahmassani and Jou,2000),(ii)automatic tracking through GPS(Jan et al.,2000;Quiroga et al.,2000;Taylor et al.,2000),and(iii)licence plate surveys(Schaefer,1988).Regarding self-comple-tion surveys,from our own interview experiments with self-completion questionnaires it was evident that travellersfind it relatively difficult to recall and describe complex choice options such as a route through an urban network,giving the po-tential for significant errors to be introduced.The automatic tracking option was believed to be the most attractive in this respect,in its potential to accurately map a given individual’s journey,but the negative side would be the potential sample size,as we would need to purchase/hire and distribute the devices;even with a large budget,it is not straightforward to identify in advance the target users,nor to guarantee their cooperation.Licence plate surveys,it was believed,offered the potential for compromise between sample size and data resolution: while we could not track routes to the same resolution as GPS,by judicious location of surveyors we had the opportunity to track vehicles across more than one location,thus providing route-like information.With time-stamped licence plates, the matched data would also provide journey time information.The negative side of this approach is the well-known poten-tial for significant recording errors if large sample rates are required.Our aim was to avoid this by recording only partial licence plates,and employing statistical methods to remove the impact of‘spurious matches’,i.e.where two different vehi-cles with the same partial licence plate occur at different locations.Moreover,extensive simulation experiments(Watling,1994)had previously shown that these latter statistical methods were effective in recovering the underlying movements and travel times,even if only a relatively small part of the licence plate were recorded,in spite of giving a large potential for spurious matching.We believed that such an approach reduced the opportunity for recorder error to such a level to suggest that a100%sample rate of vehicles passing may be feasible.This was tested in a pilot study conducted by the project team,with dictaphones used to record a100%sample of time-stamped, partial licence plates.Independent,duplicate observers were employed at the same location to compare error rates;the same study was also conducted with full licence plates.The study indicated that100%surveys with dictaphones would be feasible in moderate trafficflow,but only if partial licence plate data were used in order to control observation errors; for higherflow rates or to obtain full number plate data,video surveys should be considered.Other important practical les-sons learned from the pilot included the need for clarity in terms of vehicle types to survey(e.g.whether to include motor-cycles and taxis),and of the phonetic alphabet used by surveyors to avoid transcription ambiguities.Based on the twin considerations above of planned interventions and survey approach,several candidate studies were identified.For a candidate study,detailed design issues involved identifying:likely affected movements and alternative routes(using local knowledge of York CC,together with an existing network model of the city),in order to determine the number and location of survey sites;feasible viewpoints,based on site visits;the timing of surveys,e.g.visibility issues in the dark,winter evening peak period;the peak duration from automatic trafficflow data;and specific survey days,in view of public/school holidays.Our budget led us to survey the majority of licence plate sites manually(partial plates by audio-tape or,in lowflows,pen and paper),with video surveys limited to a small number of high-flow sites.From this combination of techniques,100%sampling rate was feasible at each site.Surveys took place in the morning peak due both to visibility considerations and to minimise conflicts with tourist/special event traffic.From automatic traffic count data it was decided to survey the period7:45–9:15as the main morning peak period.This design process led to the identification of two studies:2.1.Lendal Bridge study(Fig.1)Lendal Bridge,a critical part of York’s inner ring road,was scheduled to be closed for maintenance from September2000 for a duration of several weeks.To avoid school holidays,the‘before’surveys were scheduled for June and early September.It was decided to focus on investigating a significant southwest-to-northeast movement of traffic,the river providing a natural barrier which suggested surveying the six river crossing points(C,J,H,K,L,M in Fig.1).In total,13locations were identified for survey,in an attempt to capture traffic on both sides of the river as well as a crossing.2.2.Fishergate study(Fig.2)The partial closure(capacity reduction)of the street known as Fishergate,again part of York’s inner ring road,was scheduled for July2001to allow repairs to a collapsed sewer.Survey locations were chosen in order to intercept clockwiseFig.1.Intervention and survey locations for Lendal Bridge study.around the inner ring road,this being the direction of the partial closure.A particular aim wasFulford Road(site E in Fig.2),the main radial affected,with F and K monitoring local diversion I,J to capture wider-area diversion.studies,the plan was to survey the selected locations in the morning peak over a period of approximately covering the three periods before,during and after the intervention,with the days selected so holidays or special events.Fig.2.Intervention and survey locations for Fishergate study.In the Lendal Bridge study,while the‘before’surveys proceeded as planned,the bridge’s actualfirst day of closure on Sep-tember11th2000also marked the beginning of the UK fuel protests(BBC,2000a;Lyons and Chaterjee,2002).Trafficflows were considerably affected by the scarcity of fuel,with congestion extremely low in thefirst week of closure,to the extent that any changes could not be attributed to the bridge closure;neither had our design anticipated how to survey the impacts of the fuel shortages.We thus re-arranged our surveys to monitor more closely the planned re-opening of the bridge.Unfor-tunately these surveys were hampered by a second unanticipated event,namely the wettest autumn in the UK for270years and the highest level offlooding in York since records began(BBC,2000b).Theflooding closed much of the centre of York to road traffic,including our study area,as the roads were impassable,and therefore we abandoned the planned‘after’surveys. As a result of these events,the useable data we had(not affected by the fuel protests orflooding)consisted offive‘before’days and one‘during’day.In the Fishergate study,fortunately no extreme events occurred,allowing six‘before’and seven‘during’days to be sur-veyed,together with one additional day in the‘during’period when the works were temporarily removed.However,the works over-ran into the long summer school holidays,when it is well-known that there is a substantial seasonal effect of much lowerflows and congestion levels.We did not believe it possible to meaningfully isolate the impact of the link fully re-opening while controlling for such an effect,and so our plans for‘after re-opening’surveys were abandoned.3.Estimation of vehicle movements and travel timesThe data resulting from the surveys described in Section2is in the form of(for each day and each study)a set of time-stamped,partial licence plates,observed at a number of locations across the network.Since the data include only partial plates,they cannot simply be matched across observation points to yield reliable estimates of vehicle movements,since there is ambiguity in whether the same partial plate observed at different locations was truly caused by the same vehicle. Indeed,since the observed system is‘open’—in the sense that not all points of entry,exit,generation and attraction are mon-itored—the question is not just which of several potential matches to accept,but also whether there is any match at all.That is to say,an apparent match between data at two observation points could be caused by two separate vehicles that passed no other observation point.Thefirst stage of analysis therefore applied a series of specially-designed statistical techniques to reconstruct the vehicle movements and point-to-point travel time distributions from the observed data,allowing for all such ambiguities in the data.Although the detailed derivations of each method are not given here,since they may be found in the references provided,it is necessary to understand some of the characteristics of each method in order to interpret the results subsequently provided.Furthermore,since some of the basic techniques required modification relative to the published descriptions,then in order to explain these adaptations it is necessary to understand some of the theoretical basis.3.1.Graphical method for estimating point-to-point travel time distributionsThe preliminary technique applied to each data set was the graphical method described in Watling and Maher(1988).This method is derived for analysing partial registration plate data for unidirectional movement between a pair of observation stations(referred to as an‘origin’and a‘destination’).Thus in the data study here,it must be independently applied to given pairs of observation stations,without regard for the interdependencies between observation station pairs.On the other hand, it makes no assumption that the system is‘closed’;there may be vehicles that pass the origin that do not pass the destina-tion,and vice versa.While limited in considering only two-point surveys,the attraction of the graphical technique is that it is a non-parametric method,with no assumptions made about the arrival time distributions at the observation points(they may be non-uniform in particular),and no assumptions made about the journey time probability density.It is therefore very suitable as afirst means of investigative analysis for such data.The method begins by forming all pairs of possible matches in the data,of which some will be genuine matches(the pair of observations were due to a single vehicle)and the remainder spurious matches.Thus, for example,if there are three origin observations and two destination observations of a particular partial registration num-ber,then six possible matches may be formed,of which clearly no more than two can be genuine(and possibly only one or zero are genuine).A scatter plot may then be drawn for each possible match of the observation time at the origin versus that at the destination.The characteristic pattern of such a plot is as that shown in Fig.4a,with a dense‘line’of points(which will primarily be the genuine matches)superimposed upon a scatter of points over the whole region(which will primarily be the spurious matches).If we were to assume uniform arrival rates at the observation stations,then the spurious matches would be uniformly distributed over this plot;however,we shall avoid making such a restrictive assumption.The method begins by making a coarse estimate of the total number of genuine matches across the whole of this plot.As part of this analysis we then assume knowledge of,for any randomly selected vehicle,the probabilities:h k¼Prðvehicle is of the k th type of partial registration plateÞðk¼1;2;...;mÞwhereX m k¼1h k¼1172 D.Watling et al./Transportation Research Part A46(2012)167–189。
FS5 Spectrofluorometer brochure
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From an air-sealed excitation path to enhance the signal in the UV , to performance selected photomultipliers in temperature stabilised housings, from an optical design that includes plane, spherical, toroidal, and ellipsoidal mirrors to fully optimised mirror coatings, the instrument is unique in its spectral performance and sensitivity.Furthermore, the optical design does not only guarantee highest sensitivity and unique wavelength coverage, it has also been optimised for a small bright focus at the sample position. This is important for measuring small sample volumes and benefits many sample holder attachments like plate reader, fibre launch optics, titrators and sample positioners.FS5 – Unique Optical DesignThe FS5 has an optical design that is superior to all known instruments of this class and it uses optical components that are specially selected.The embedded monochromators are of a large focal length (225mm), which ensures better imaging quality and higher optical throughput. The instrument uses a minimum of optical reflections; all optical coatings are ofhighest reflectivity and lowest scatter. We use gratings from the source with the best reputation (Richardson Gratings) and have selected those with highest efficiency and best wavelength coverage.This figure shows typical pulses from a single photon counting photomultiplier.Only photon pulses above a certain threshold value are counted; this eliminates unstable background and associated noise. The amplitude of each accepted pulse is not relevant, a feature of digital data processing.FS5 – Photon CountingSingle Photon Counting is detection at the quantum limit. This detection method is intrinsically digital and therefore less susceptible to noise interference than other methods. As a true counting technique each measured count-value comes with a known statistical accuracy. Therefore the technique is not only the most sensitive, it also offers unique ways in the analysis of your data.Single Photon Counting is employed for all measurement modes, not only for standard spectral scanning and kinetic measurements but also for the optional fluorescence and phosphorescence lifetime measurements.Efficiency curves of the excitation and emission gratings of the FS5.The Raman spectrum of water, exited at 350nm, with a spectral band width of 5nm in excitation and emission, measured with an integration time of 1s, is generally used as a means to specify sensitivity.The FS5 guarantees a signal-to-noise ratio of 4000:1 for these measurement conditions, calculated from the signals taken at the peak at 397nm (b) and the background at 450nm (a) using SNR SQRT = (b-a)/SQRT(a). We can also provide alternative figures which are based on alternative estimates for the noise at 450nm.FS5 – Unique SoftwareThe operating software for the Spectrofluorometer FS5 is Fluoracle, a unique software package specifically written to handle data and instrumentation in fluorescence spectroscopy.Fluoracle is the successor of the proven F980 software. The new Fluoracle controls all Edinburgh Instruments steady state and time resolved spectrometers.The design concept of Fluoracle is straight forward: Focus on all modernphotoluminescence spectroscopy applications, while at the same time provide a user friendly interface with ‘ready to publish’ outputs.Whether you select a basic spectral scanning version of the FS5 or you go for an advanced version that includes TCSPC lifetime measurements, the software will include all instrument options, including data acquisition, analysis and presentation.FS5 – Reliability and AccuracyThorough calibration procedures are used for spectral calibration (wavelength accuracy and repeatability) and photometric calibration (presentation of true spectra without distortion of instrumental throughput functions).We use traceable standards for calibration throughout the full wavelength coverage. We will verify calibration, in photons per unit bandwidth, by NIST and BAM standards. The FS5 delivers data you can trust.NIST standards (top) and BAM standards (bottom), as measured with the FS5 under recommended measurement conditions.Load / Save Measurement Settings ✓Batch Measurements ✓Detailed Measurement Properties ✓Higher Order Removal ✓ASCII Input / Output ✓Recognition of Sample Holders / Accessories ✓Chromaticity Analysis ✓Quantum Yield Analysis ✓Reflection / Absorption✓Synchronous Scans - with concentration dependenceIn synchronous spectral scans the excitation and emission monochromators scan at the same time with a fixed wavelength offset. For dilute mixtures this type of scan is used to identify species with a strong overlap between absorption and emission.Synchronous scans, together with the integrating sphere attachment, can also be used to measure the absorption spectra of strongly scattering powders.YAG: Ce powder, diluted with BaSO 4 to study the effect of re-absorption/emission, concentration change from 100% down to 20%. The software wizard is used to calculatethe Absorbance (top left) from the raw data of synchronous scans (bottom right).Absorption Scans / Kinetic ScansThe FS5 can record the time course of a fluorescence signal, and – at the same time – record the signal transmitted through the sample. This enables experiments to be performed with chemically or biologically unstable samples, or with samples where very small changes are to be measured very accurately.The transmission detector is standard in the FS5.Caspase Assay, fluorescence time course recorded for a 100% enzyme addition (blue) and a 0% enzyme control (red). Peptide cleavage is recorded by an organic dye excited at 400nm, emitting at 460nm.Excitation Scans - with pH dependenceFluorescence excitation spectra are more selective than absorption spectra, as they reveal – by virtue of the selected emission wavelength – the absorption of a particular emitting species.Accurate excitation spectra require a sensitive instrument, as the concentration of the sample must be kept low to avoid inner filter effects, and require reliable spectral correction, as the xenon lamp has narrow features at certain wavelengths.Fluorescein in water , with pH adjusted between pH2 and pH7Spectral Band width: 1.5nm, dwell time: 0.1spH adjusted between pH2 (blue shifted spectrum) and pH7 (spectrum of maximum intensity)Measurements of absolute fluorescence quantum yieldFluorescence quantum yields can be measured by using the optional integrating sphere. The absolute method requires two measurements of the number of absorbed photons and the number of the emitted photons. The number of absorbed photons of a sample is determined by the reduction of the light scatter compared to a blank measurement.The quantum yield calculation is made using a wizard within the operating software.Plate ReaderMultiple sample measurements can be made using the plate reader sample holder accessory. This can be used for liquid samples with commercial plates of up to 96 wells, but is also suitable for routine quality assessment of fluorescent powders. As with all the sample holder accessories this is also compatible with the FS5 upgrade options, including the lifetime upgrades.Excitation-Emission MapsExcitation-Emission Maps (EEMs) provide a ‘Finger Print’ of complex mixtures of substances. These maps can be measured either by a series of emission scans with stepwise increase, or decrease of the excitation wavelength or by a series of synchronous scans and stepwise increase of the excitation-emission offset.A map measurement over a wide range of excitation and emission wavelengths, as shown here, can only be performed properly if higher order scatter is automatically removed during the measurement.Chinese Green Tea (Wuyi region).Spectral Band width: 5nm, step size: 2nm, dwell time: 0.1sfor the determination of colour co-ordinates and luminocity values using CIE 1931 and CIE Quinine bisulphate in Perchloric acid.The red curve shows the scan over the excitation scatter at 350nm and the emission of the sample, the blue curve shows the scatter of the blank measurement. The scatter region has been scaled by a factor 100 for better demonstration.Quality control measurement of Y 2O 3 Eu 3+ powder samples, in a 12 well powder tray. The graph shows 12 superimposed identical measurements. The inset is an example of the measurement progress display.FS5 – NIR Extension of the Spectral Coverageinto the Near InfraredThis is a unique upgrade route that is only available to the FS5. The FS5-NIR has a SECOND detector fitted to expand the operating spectral range without sacrificing the performance of the standard instrument.There are two NIR versions available: FS5-NIR is fitted with an extra cooled side window PMT and selected grating for sensitivity up to 1100nm; FS5-NIR+ is fitted with a TE cooled NIR-PMT and NIR-grating for sensitivity up to 1650nm.Both options are based on single photon counting for maximum sensitivity and compatibility with any of the lifetime options, should they be added.FS5 – POL Measurements of FluorescencePolarisation and AnisotropyThis upgrade comprises the standard FS5 with fully computerised polarisers in both excitation and emission arms. The polarisers enable polarised fluorescence and fluorescence anisotropy studies.Automated measurements and generation of anisotropy curves, both raw and G-factor corrected, are supported by the software. If combined with the TCSPC option, time resolved fluorescence anisotropy measurements and analysis will also be possible.FS5-POL uses a BBO polarising prisms with an operational range of 250nm-900nm for both excitation and emission. This version is therefore compatible with the standard detector of the FS5. An option is available to replace the polarising prism of the emission beam path by a Calcite prism with an operational range 300nm to >1650nm. This ensures compatibility with the N IR options FS5-NIR and FS5-NIR+.All the standard features of the FS5 are retained when an Upgrade Option has been added. Many of the options can be combined.This offers outstanding flexibility for an instrument of this class.Fluorescence Anisotropy measurement of Rhodamin 6G in glycerol at room tem-perature.Raw data for vertical (red) and horizontal (green) emis-sion polarisa-tion plane.Steady state anisotropy of excitation (blue) and emission (magenta)Measurement of the emission spectrum from an infrared laser dye with standard FS5 photomultiplier (blue) and with the FS5-NIR (brown)The emission spectrum of Nd:YAG, meas-ured with the FS5-NIR+The instrument has all the features of the standard FS5, plus the capability of long lifetime (>10m s) measurements for the time resolved measurement of strong phosphors and rare earth emissions.The changeover between the standard continuous light source and the pulsed xenon flash lamp is software controlled and the acquisition mode automatically changes from standard photon counting to time resolved photon counting. The software incorporates fitting and reconvolution analysis for lifetime evaluation.For longer working sessions in lifetime mode, the continuous lamp can be switched off via the spectrometer software as it is not required. This saves energy and increases the lifespan of this lamp.The instrumental response width of this instrument is 2m s. Lifetimes from below 10m s to above 10s can be accurately measured.FS5 – TCSPC Measurement ofLifetimes in Picosecond to Microsecond RangeThe instrument has all the features of the standard FS5, plus the capability of fluorescence lifetime measurements in the picosecond, nanosecond and the lower microsecond (<10m s) time range. The FS5-TCSPC version requires picosecond pulsed diode lasers and LEDs for excitation, which are simply attached to the special FS5-TCSPC housing and are compatible to all sample holder options.There is no stand-alone laser driver or data acquisition module! The software is fully compatible with all measurement options and offers numerical reconvolution and curve fitting.Note that the picosecond diode lasers (EPL series) and the picosecond pulsed LEDs (EPLED series) come with different output wavelengths. More than one of these picosecond pulsed light sources may be required to cover your range of applications.TCSPC lifetime measurements with the standard FS5 detector will have an instrumental response width of ~800ps (FS5-TCSPC ). The exact value depends on which EPL or EPLED model is used. For challenging applications the instrumental response width can be improved by fitting a SECOND, faster detector (FS5-TCSPC+). Using an EPL as an excitation source in this configuration will result in an instrumental response width of ~250ps.MCS measurements in the microsecond andmillisecond time scale on an example immune-assay.In this assay, the FRET rate of the donor-acceptor pair (Europium cryptate-APC) used to label the antibodies depends on the concentration of the antigen. Very low antigen concentrations can be measured due to the discrimination by lifetimes.Measurement example for theFS5-TCSPC upgrade, using an EPLED 280 and the standard detector. (Sample: Norharmane in ethanol, atdifferent emission wavelengths.)Measurement example for the FS5-TCSPC+upgrade, with EPL 405 and faster detector. (Sample: Hematoporphyrine in PBS, at different emission wavelength.)The FS5-TCSPC, with EPL / EPLED sources.Measurement ModulesSC-80 Cryostat CassetteSC-60 Calibration KitSC-25 TE Cooled Sample HolderSC-05 Standard Cuvette HolderSC-20 Cuvette Holder with Temp Sensor for Coolant CirculationSC-10 FF Holder for Cuvettes, Powders and FilmsSC-15 FF Holder (Vertical) for Powders and FilmsMeasurement modules are available for practically all applications.These accessories can be purchased at any time and can be easily installed by the user. The installation takes no which of the measurement modules is in use. This reduces complexity in the user interface and ensures SC-50 Remote Fibre InterfaceSC-40 Plate ReaderSC-30 Integrating SphereSC-70 Liquid Nitrogen DewarWavelength Accuracy – Excitation/Emission:FS5 Fluorescence SpectrometerFor more information contact:Edinburgh Instruments Ltd。
公路网小客车平均载客量调查与估计申明睿郑州大学水利与土木工程学院 河南郑州 450001摘要:通过科学估算路网小客车平均载客量来反映非营运性客运车辆的运输效率,提供一种计算人均交通指标的新方式。
关键词:公路网 平均载客量 民用汽车 客运效率中图分类号:F407.471文献标识码:A 文章编号:1672-3791(2024)05-0240-04Survey and Estimation of the Average Passenger Capacity ofMinibuses in the Highway NetworkSHEN MingruiCollege of Water Conservancy and Civil Engineering, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou, Henan Province,450001 ChinaAbstract:This study reflects the transportation efficiency of non-operational passenger transport vehicles by scien⁃tifically estimating the average passenger capacity of minibuses in the highway network, so as to provide a new way to calculate per capita transportation indicators. In this paper, the quantitative analysis method is used to collect data to evaluate the number of minibuses and passenger capacity passing through five typical toll stations in Xuzhou. The results show that the average passenger capacity at each toll station varies, and the overall average passenger capacity is 1.804, which reflects the relatively low passenger transport efficiency of non-operational vehicles. The research data is of great significance for quantitatively evaluating the passenger transport efficiency of non-operational ve⁃hicles in the highway network, and provides new research ideas for calculating per capita traffic delay, per capita fuel consumption and other indicators.Key Words: Highway network; Average passenger capacity; Civilian car; Passenger transport efficiency1 研究背景随着时代的发展和科技日新月异,中国已经实现了第一个百年奋斗目标,带来交通运输事业发展变革,道路基础设施愈来愈完善,人们可以选择的交通出行方式越来越多。
·58·2017 3-2Measurement of the Lifetime and the Proportion of C3+Ions asa Preparation for Laser Cooling Experiments at the CSRe∗Wang Hanbing,Wen Weiqiang,Huang Zhongkui,Zhang Dacheng,Hai Bang,Zhu Xiaolong,Zhao Dongmei,Li Jie, Li Xiaoni,Mao lijun,Mao Ruishi,Yang Jiancheng,Yuan Youjin,Ma Xinwen and Laser Cooling Collaboration Laser cooling is the most promising method to achieve high phase-space densities,even crystalline beams for relativistic heavy ion at storage rings[1].While a pure ion beam is usually desirable for laser cooling experiments to avoid spurious heating effects by any non-cooled ion species,we have found the C3+ion beams produced by an Electron Cyclotron Resonance(ECR)ion source to be mixed with a significant fraction of O4+,because these two ions have almost the same mass-to-charge ratio and could not be separated by the analyzing magnets.Therefore, both ion species were injected into the CSRe and present during all experiments.An experiment was conducted in preparation of laser cooling experiments at the heavy-ion storage ring CSRe. The individual lifetimes of C3+and O4+ion beams were determined by a Schottky ing electron-cooling, the signals of the C3+and O4+ions could be separated and clearly observed in the Schottky spectrum as shown in Fig.1(a).Fig.1(b)shows the extracted lifetimes from the recorded Schottky spectrum of Fig.1(a)and the obtained individual lifetimes of the C3+and O4+components were23.6and17.8,respectively.The proportion of C3+ions in the stored ion beam was measured to be more than70%at the beginning of the injection and increasing as a function of time.These measurements will be great helpful for further laser cooling and precision laser spectroscopy of C3+ions at the heavy-ion cooler storage ring CSRe.Fig.1(color online)(a)Schottky spectrum of coasting C3+and O4+ion beams under electron cooling.The ions were successfully separated in the momentum phase space.The relative momentum difference between these species was calculated to be7×10−5.(b)The individual lifetimes of C3+and O4+ion beams as determined fromfigure(a).The intensities of the Schottky spectrum have been converted into number of ions.(c)The proportion of C3+ions in the stored ion beams extracted fromfigure(a).The proportion at the beginning of the injection is more than70%,and it increases as a function of time.∗Foundation item:National Natural Science Foundation of China(11221064)and External Cooperation Program of CAS(GJHZ1305)2017·59·Reference[1]U.Schramm,Crystalline ion beams,Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics,53(2004)583.3-3Fully Differential Study of Few-body Dynamics inMulti-electron Atomic Fragmentation ProcessesGao Yong,Ma Xinwen,Zhang Shaofeng,Zhu Xiaolong,Guo Dalong,Feng Wentian,Zhang Ruitian,Hai Bang,Zhang Min and ZhaoDongmeiFig.1(color online)Fully differential cross sections for two electrons,each with an energy of(10±5)eV, ejected into the scattering plane as a function of the polar ejection angles of both electrons.The transverse momentum transfer wasfixed at(5±1)a.u.The ar-rows show the direction and the opposite one of the momentum transfer vector.Employing the reaction microscope,the experiment of He2+collisions on Ar was performed[1].We have mea-sured fully momentum analyzed Ar3+recoil ions and two ejected electrons as well as He+projectiles in coin-cidence with each other.Fully differential cross sections (seeing Fig.1)for electron transfer from the target to the projectile accompanied by the ejection of two ad-ditional target electrons were extracted.This is the first measuring fully differential cross section on thefive-body process which supplies the most rigorous test for the relative theories[2].To a large extent the data can be reproduced by an independent electron model.How-ever,we also observed a surprisingly strong correlation between the electron momenta and the projectile mo-mentum transfer.Up to now,it is not clear why the ejected electron momenta follow the momentum trans-fer so closely,and afinal explanation of the strong cor-relation probably also has to await the full quantum-mechanical treatment.References[1]X.Ma,Phys.Rev.A,83(2011)052707.[2]Y.Gao,J.Phys.B:At.Mol.Opt.Phys.,50(2017)10LT01.3-4Direct Observation of Interatomic Relaxation Processes inneon Dimers by Electron-impactYan Shuncheng,Zhang Pengju,Shen Lili and Ma XinwenWe carry out an experimental investigation of Ne dimer fragmentation following a380eV electron impact.By detecting the Ne+−Ne+cation pair and one of the emitted electrons in coincidence,thefingerprint of the interatomic Coulomb Decay(ICD)[1,2]process initiated by the innervalence ionization of Ne is obtained.It is also observed that most of the low-energy electrons resulting from reactions leading to the fragmentation of the neon dimers in two Ne+ions are produced by the ICD[3]Fig. 1.Because the collision between an ionizing particle and the molecules comprising biological medium produce intermediate-energy secondary electrons[4],and these electrons further collide with and ionize the molecules in the environment;our results suggest that the ICD evoked by such a secondary electron is an efficient source for low-energy electrons responsible for radiation damage.We also clarified that the radiative charge transfer(RCT)caused by the double ionization of Ne are the important relaxation mechanisms leading to the dimer fragmentation into Ne++Ne+in the intermediate-energy electron-impact processes.。
Vaisala HVAC传感器与传输器产品介绍说明书
HVAC TRANSMITTERS CatalogueUnrivalled PERFORMANCEHealthy andSUSTAINABLEAccurate measurements are essential for healthy indoor air and improving the energy efficiency of buildings. Sensors and transmitters from Vaisala are renowned for their unrivalled performance, reliable results, and low total cost of ownership.The unique, cutting edge Vaisala sensortechnologies are manifested throughout our versatile range of products. The transmitters have an exceptionally long lifetime andexcellent measurement stability, thus being practically maintenance free. These are among the many reasons why Vaisala’s products are a sustainable choice.EXCELLENCE IN MEASUREMENTSOur selection of temperature, humidity and carbon dioxide transmitters areperfect for HVAC monitoring and controls, such as building automation systems, demand-controlled ventilation and building management systems.For cutting-edgeSOLUTIONS5-yearWARRANTYWe are confident in the lasting quality and long lifetime of our measurement instruments. We are offering a standard warranty period of five years on our transmitters for building automation.5-YEAR WARRANTY ON SELECTED HVAC TRANSMITTERSVaisala’s high-quality, reliable measurement instruments offer an exceptionally long lifetime, need minimal maintenance, and provide excellent measurement stability. This makes them the ideal choice for reliable HVAC control. Our transmitters for building automation are covered by 5-year warranty.See all warranty terms: /warrantyThe secret of the long lifetime of our transmitters: The winning combination of uniquemeasurement technology and careful future-proof design of instruments. These products with exceptionally long lifetime and excellent measurement stability are practically maintenance free, and a sustainable choice.Watch the installation and calibration video of the HMW90 series to learn how easy it is: /HMW90ROOM TRANSMITTERSAccuracy that lastsThe general purpose HV AC transmitters are renowned for their long lifetime and low total cost of ownership, their reliability and negligible maintenance needs throughout the product life cycle.UNIQUE SENSOR TECHNOLOGY INSIDEThe unique, cutting-edge Vaisala sensor technologies are manifested throughout our versatile range of products. Accuracy and long-term stability of Vaisala sensors is absolutely the best of class within the industry. When it comes to reliable measurements, Vaisala products are in the league of their own.WALL TRANSMITTERSPerfect for demanding environmentsThe unique, cutting edge Vaisala sensor technologies are manifested throughout our versatile range of products. The measurement technology is known for superior performance even in challenging environments. Prestigious for unrivalled performance and reliability, our sensors and transmitters stand out for low total cost of ownership.When reliability matters, the measurements matter. Maintaining as-designed indoor conditions with minimized consumption of energy requires precision and reliability in every piece in the chain. Although influenced by many variables, eventually the control of your HVAC systems can be only as precise as your measurements are.DUCT/IMMERSION TRANSMITTERSReliable measurements where it truly mattersVaisala Indigo80 Handheld Indicator is an industrial-grade portable diagnostics tool. Accommodating up to two Vaisala measurement probes, Indigo80 is ideal for spotchecking and process monitoring, as well as for configuring, troubleshooting, calibrating, and adjusting Vaisala Indigo-compatible probes and transmitters.Vaisala as a global leader in environmental and industrial measurements offers a uniqueselection of indoor and outdoor instruments for HVAC applications. The versatile outdoor and weather instruments provide the best possible information on prevailing outdoor conditions. OUTDOOR AND WEATHER TRANSMITTERSFor all HVAC applicationsHANDHELD METERSFor spot-checking and calibrationMEASUREMENT SOLUTIONSwhere it truly mattersCOMMERCIAL BUILDINGSA reliable measurement system is essential to a commercial building’s success. Buildings in the commercial sector are expected to be energy efficient and environmentally friendly, as well as comfortable and healthy indoor environments. It is critical to have instruments that have a high degree of reliability and minimal drifting, which reduces the maintenance requirements and ensures that the building systems are operating optimally.MANUFACTURING & INDUSTRIAL FACILITIESManufacturing facilities and industrial facilities require high standards for measurements. Optimizing processes through precisely controlled indoor environments will increase efficiency and eliminate waste and variation. It is necessary to have high-quality HVAC sensors in special spaces, such as clean rooms or labs, as well as throughout the facility and its control room.ABOUT VAISALAAs a global leader in industrial, weather and environmental measurements, we provide reliable, accurate and innovative products and solutions that enabling better decision-making, increased productivity, and improved safety and quality.Customers all over the world and in a multitude of industries use our measurement solutions. Everywhere from forecasting weather and making sure it is safe for your flight to take off, to staying ahead of power outages or monitoring incubators for premature children in hospitals, you can find Vaisala’s premium measurement solutions in action all over the world.Vaisala’s premium measurement solutions enhance safety, efficiency, and decision-making – for a sustainable future on our planet. The heart of Vaisala’s sustainability lies in the positive impact of our products, as they help our customers, for example, to increase energy efficiency and reduce emissions.Global coverage withLOCAL PRESENCEFind your local contactFast, free deliveries on all new instrument & spare part online ordersEasy and secure payments optionsAll instruments are made to order and calibrated justbefore shipmentFree shippingSafe PaymentCalibrationAvailableONLINE 24/7Our products are easily available, any time, through the Vaisala Online Store. We have fast deliveries on all newinstrument as well as spare part online orders. All instruments are made to order and calibrated just before shipment.Ref. B211277EN-L ©Vaisala 2023This material is subject to copyright protection, with all copyrights retained by Vaisala and its individual partners. All rightsreserved. Any logos and/or product names are trademarks of Vaisala or its individual partners. The reproduction, transfer,distribution or storage of information contained in this brochure in any form without the prior written consent of Vaisala is strictly prohibited. All specifications — technical included — are subject to change without notice.。
光反馈光腔衰荡技术同时测量高反膜S和P偏振反射率崔浩;李斌成;肖石磊;王静;王亚非;高椿明【摘要】提出采用光反馈光腔衰荡技术同时测量高反膜的S(垂直于入射平面)和P(在入射平面内)偏振反射率的方法,通过将一束具有一定偏振比、光强方波调制的偏振光入射到衰荡腔中,在调制方波下降沿记录从衰荡腔腔镜透射的光腔衰荡信号,通过双指数拟合得到S、P相应的衰荡时间,从而计算得到高反膜S、P偏振光的反射率.与采用纯S(P)光测量得到的偏振反射率相比,S和P偏振反射率偏差分别仅为1 ppm和15 ppm,证明了同时测量结果的正确性.与传统光腔衰荡测量高反膜偏振反射率方法相比,该测量方法装置简单,操作方便,测量更快速.%An optical feedback cavity ring down (OF-CRD) technique for simultaneously measuring the S-(perpendicular to the plane of incidence) and P-(in the plane of incidence) polarization reflectivity of highly reflective coatings is developed. Polarized light with a certain ratio of S- and P-polarization power and with square-wave modulated intensity is coupled into a ring-down cavity. The ring-down signal that leaks out from a cavity mirror is recorded at the negative edge of the modulation and fitted to a bi-exponential function to determine simultaneously the ring-down time for S and P polarizations. The reflection coefficients of highly reflective coatings for the S and P polarizations are therefore calculated from the determined ring-down time. Compared to the results obtained with purely S or P polarization, the differences for both S and P polarizations are respectively 1 ppm and 15 ppm, indicating the correctness of the simultaneous measurements. Compared to the conventional CRD approach, thissimultaneous measurement method has the advantages of simpler configuration, easier operation, and higher speed.【期刊名称】《电子科技大学学报》【年(卷),期】2018(047)002【总页数】4页(P307-310)【关键词】半导体激光;高反膜;测量;光反馈光腔衰荡;偏振光反射率【作者】崔浩;李斌成;肖石磊;王静;王亚非;高椿明【作者单位】电子科技大学光电信息学院成都 610054;电子科技大学光电信息学院成都 610054;电子科技大学光电信息学院成都 610054;电子科技大学光电信息学院成都 610054;电子科技大学光电信息学院成都 610054;电子科技大学光电信息学院成都 610054【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TN247近年来,高反射光学元件在激光陀螺[1]、引力波观测[2]、痕量气体检测[3-4]等领域应用越来越广泛。
Wafer Inspection System Introduction
WARP = Max (+ local warp) + Max (- local warp)
名詞解釋: 名詞解釋 BOW & Warp
Resistivity 阻值測量原理
Resistivity measurement with Eddy current
An AC current flows in a coil in close proximity to a conducting material. The magnetic field of the coil induces circulating (eddy) currents in the sample. The eddy current measurement is actually the measurement of the electrical loss in the material, which depends on the resistivity.
Theory of µ-PCD (2)
Bulk recombination Carrier diffusion to the sample surface and then surface recombination ( 一般晶圓厚度越薄, 則載子生命週期越小) τbulk:Bulk recombination lifetime, a characteristic of the
Lifetime Vs. Solar cell efficiency
Lifetime 的測量原理 的測量原理µ-PCD
Lifetime 利用Microwave (μ) detected Photo Conductivity Decay (u-PCD) 方法測量. 利用laser 光打到wafer 表面產生自 由的電子-電洞對, 因為電子跟電洞 再結合,造成導電性衰減. 利用反射波來偵測導電性衰減. 計算導電性衰減時間即得Lifetime.
caldron glacier 火口冰川caldron 大锅Caledonian chain 加里东山链Caledonian fold 加里东褶皱Caledonian grain 加里东构造体系Caledonian orogeny 加里东造山运动Caledonian-Appalachian orogen 加里东-阿巴拉契亚造山带Caledonides 加里东造山带calefaction 暖calefactor 发暖器calendar day 日历日calendar plan 日程计划calendar time 日历时间calendar year 日历年度;年历制calendar 日历calender 压延机calendered film 压延薄膜calendering 压延calenderstack 砑光机calescence 渐增温Calestherites 优美叶肢介属caleta 小溺谷湾calf line 游动大绳calf reel 大绳滚筒calf wheel box 大绳滚筒轴承calf wheel 大绳滚筒calfdozer 小型推土机calgon 六偏磷酸钠caliber =calibrecalibrate 校准calibrated buret 分度滴定管calibrated disc 刻度盘calibrated pipet 刻度吸管calibrated resistance 校准电阻calibrated rod 刻度抽油杆;刻度尺calibrater 校准器calibrating agency 检定机关calibrating device 校准器calibrating gas 标准气体calibrating jig 刻度架calibrating procedure 检定程序calibration accuracy 校准精度calibration block 刻度块calibration card 调试卡片calibration cell 恒温槽calibration certificate 检定证书calibration channel 校正电路calibration chart 校准表calibration check 格值检定;标定检验calibration coefficient 标定系数calibration curve 格值曲线;标定曲线calibration equation 换算公式calibration facility 标定设备calibration factor 刻度因子calibration file 校准文件calibration film 刻度照相记录calibration function 校准作用;标定函数calibration gas 校准用气calibration gauge 刻度计calibration graph 校准曲线图calibration instrument 校准用仪表calibration interval 检定周期calibration line 定标线calibration loop 刻度环calibration marker 标准指示器calibration negative 检定底片calibration of gravimeter 重力仪格值calibration pit 刻度井calibration point 校准点calibration pulse 校准脉冲calibration resistor 校准电阻器calibration scale 校准表calibration source 刻度源calibration step 校准台阶calibration summary 刻度记录calibration tail 刻度线calibration tank 校准罐calibration test 校准试验calibration voltage 校准电压calibration well 刻度井calibration zero 刻度零线calibration 校准calibration-sub 校正接头calibrator =calibratercalibre circle 保径圆calibre gauge 测径规calibre insert 保径镶齿calibre 测径器;规caliche nodule 钙质结核caliche 生硝caliduct 暖气管道California 加利福尼亚californium 锎Calingaert and Davis equation 卡林格-戴维斯方程式caliper dipmeter 井径倾角仪caliper gauge 井径仪caliper log 井径测井caliper logging 井径测井caliper reading 测径读数caliper ring 井径仪刻度环caliper square 游标规caliper survey 井径测量caliper 井径仪;卡尺calipered hole size 测量的井径calipered ID 测量的内径Calippus 丽马属Calite 镍铝铬铁耐热合金calk 生石灰calker =caulkercalking 捻缝call address 调入地址call bell 电铃call box 电话亭call button 呼叫按钮;调入钮call by value 赋值call frame 调用帧call in 调入call instruction 调用指令call number 呼叫号码call on 号召call option 购进选择权;买入期权call sign 呼号call signal 呼号call stack 调用栈call statement 调用语句call word 调用字call 呼叫;访问;停靠;要求;引入call-back marker buoy 重返声控定位浮标call-back marker 应答浮标call-file system 流水档案系统callable loan 短期拆借caller 召集者Callialasporites 冠翼孢属calling for bids 招标calling indicator 呼叫指示器calling order 调入指令calling party 主叫用户calling program 调用程序calling sequence 调用序列calling 呼叫calliper pig 测径清管器calliper =caliperCallisporites 具环栉瘤孢属Callistopollenites 华丽粉属Callocladia 丽枝苔藓虫属callophane 荧光分析器callout diving 待令潜水Callovian 卡洛夫阶callow 表层calm belt 无风带CALM buoy 悬链锚腿系泊浮筒calm 平稳CALM 悬链锚腿系泊Calmalloy 卡尔马洛伊合金Calmet 铬镍铝奥氏体耐热合金calobiosis 同栖共生calomel cell 甘汞电池calomel electrode 甘汞电极calomel 甘汞Calophyllum 美珊瑚属calor- 热calorescence 热光caloric effect 热效应caloric receptivity 吸热量caloric unit 热量单位caloric 热量caloricity 热容Calorie 大卡calorie 卡calorifacient 生热的calorific capacity 热容量calorific effect 热效应calorific efficiency 热效率calorific equivalent 热功当量calorific intensity 热强度calorific power 发热量calorific radiation 热辐射calorific value 热值calorifics 热工学calorifier 热风机calorimeter 热量计calorimetric determination 热量测定calorimetric method 测热法calorimetry 测热法;量热学calorisator 热法浸提器calorite 镍铬铁锰耐热合金calorizator =calorisatorcalorized steel 渗铝钢calorizing 渗铝法calorstat 恒温器Calorstylis 孔壁珊瑚属calory =caloriecalotte 帽状物calotype 光力摄影法Calpichitina 瓮几丁虫属calpis 乳剂CALRM 悬链锚腿刚性系泊系统Calstronbarite 钙锶重晶石Caltech 加州理工学院CALTEX 加利福尼亚-得克萨斯石油公司calthrop 海绵骨针caltonite 方沸碧玄岩calutron 卡留管;加州大学回旋加速器calx 金属灰;矿灰;石灰calyces calyx的复数calyptolite 锆石calyx 萼;萼状钻;岩屑导筒cam drive 凸轮传动cam follower 凸轮随动件cam gear 凸轮装置cam grinder 凸轮磨床cam journal 凸轮轴颈cam pump 凸轮泵cam release key 凸轮松扣键CAM 计算机辅助制造CAM 检测自动监控cam 凸轮CAM 弯度CAM 相联存储器cam-cutter 凸轮式割刀Camarocladia 穴芽海绵属Camarocypris 拱星介属Camarozonosporites 楔环孢属Camasia 卡马斯叠层石属camber curve 拱度曲线camber ratio 拱度比camber 弯度cambered inwards 内倾的cambered outwards 向外凸的cambered way 弧形滑道cambered 拱型的cambic horizon 过渡层Cambrian period 寒武纪Cambrian system 寒武系Cambrian 寒武纪Cambridge 剑桥Cambro-ordovician 寒武-奥陶纪came 有槽铅条camel 骆驼;起重浮箱camera angle 摄影机物镜视角camera control interface 照相记录仪控制接口camera coverage 摄影范围;摄影机视场camera depression 摄影机倾斜角camera drive panel 照相记录仪驱动面板camera marker 摄影机标志灯camera recorder 照相记录仪camera shutter 照相机快门camera 照相机camera-read theodolite 摄影读数经纬仪camera-scanning pattern 摄影机扫描图camion 货车camlock 凸轮锁紧器camming action 凸轮作用camming 凸轮系统camouflage paint 保护色油漆camouflage 伪装camouflage-detection film 伪装探测胶片camp boss 井队队长camp buildings 施工营地camp equipment 野外作业设备camp site 施工现场camp 野营;帐篷;集团campaign 运动;战役;连续操作时间Campanian 坎佩尼阶campanite 碱玄白榴岩camper 野营车camphane 莰烷;莰camphene 莰烯camphor oil 樟脑油camphor 樟脑;茨酮Campiler beds 坎坡层Camptognathus 弯曲颚牙形石属camptonite 闪煌岩camptospessartite 钛辉斜煌岩campus 校园Campylosphaera 弯曲球石camshaft 凸轮轴can buoy 罐形浮标can filler 装罐机can manufacturing 钣金加工can rinser 油罐冲洗机can 罐头;金属容器Canada 加拿大canada 深切V形峡谷;小溪Canadian series 加拿大统Canadian shield 加拿大地盾Canadian Society of Exploration Geophysicists 加拿大勘探地球物理学家协会Canadian standard sieve series 加拿大标准筛目系列Canadis 加拿大地盾canadol 坎那油canal ditch 泥浆槽canal lock 渠闸canal wrench 管沟锹或铲;管钳comol 铁钴钼永磁合金comolecule 同型分子comonomer ratio 单体配比comonomer 共聚单体comp 比较comp 化合物;复合的comp 完成的comp 组成comp. 罗盘COMPA 压缩空气compact accelerator 小型加速器compact design 紧凑设计compact heat exchanger 紧凑型换热器compact land 镶嵌体compact limestone 致密灰岩compact medium 致密介质compact spinning 短程纺丝compact texture 致密结构compact wavelet 压缩子波compact 坯块compact-grain 致密晶粒compacted formation 压实地层compacted gravel placement 密实砾石充填compacted rock 致密岩石compacted sand matrix 致密砂岩体compacted sandstone 压实砂岩compacted shale 压实页岩compactedness 紧密性compactibility 压实性compactible interval 可压缩层段compacting factor 压实系数compacting process 压实过程compaction coefficient 压实系数compaction correction 压实校正compaction drive 压实驱动compaction effort 压实作用力compaction flexture 挤压挠曲compaction fluid 充填携砂液compaction fold 压实褶皱compaction log 压实曲线compaction material 充填材料compaction methodology 充填法compaction percentage 充填率compaction pressure 压实压力compaction rate 充填量compaction theory 压实原理compaction trend line 压实趋势线compaction 压实compactness 致密性compander =compandor 压缩扩展器companion coupling 配对联轴节companion fault 副断层companion flange 联合凸缘companion hatch 舱室升降口companion ladder 舱室扶梯companion method 配合法companion species 伴生种companion 伙伴company camp 油矿工人小社团;油公司在矿场的职工住地company limited by shares 股份有限公司company limited 有限公司company standard 企业标准company 公司company's seal 公章comparability 可比性comparable data 参照数据comparable 可比较的comparand register 比较字寄存器comparative advantage theory 比较利益说comparative advantages 比较利益comparative annual cost approach 年费用比较法comparative costs 比较成本comparative interpretation 对比解释comparative lifetime 相对使用期comparative measurement 比较测定法comparative present value approach 现值比较法comparative price 比较价格comparative reading 比较读数comparative spectrum 比较光谱comparative structural geology 比较构造地质学comparative test 比较试验comparative tracing index 对比电弧径迹指数comparator circuit 比较电路comparator hysteresis 比较器迟滞comparator sensitivity 比较器灵敏度comparator 比较器compare 比较compared potential 对比电位comparer 比较器comparison base 比较基线comparison diagram 对比图comparison frequency 比较频率comparison method 比较法comparison operator 比较算子comparison order 比较指令comparison picture 比较图象comparison spectrum 比较光谱comparison test 比较试验comparison 比较compartment 间隔compass adjuster 罗盘校准器compass adjustment 罗经校正compass azimuth 罗盘方位compass base 罗盘校正台compass bearing 罗经方位compass calibration technique 罗盘标定技术compass course 罗经航向compass declination 磁偏角compass deviation 罗盘仪偏差compass dial 罗盘刻度盘compass error 罗经差compass heading 罗盘航向compass needle 罗盘针compass north 罗经北compass point 罗经点compass rose 罗经盘compass saw 圆锯compass sketch 罗盘草测图compass survey 罗盘仪测量compass traverse 罗盘测量导线COMPASS 采油与储油联合系统compass 罗经compatibility atibility characteristic 兼容性特征compatibility condition 兼容条件compatibility determinant 相容行列式compatibility test 相容性试验compatibility 兼容性compatible cross-linked polyvinyl alcohol 相容的交联聚乙烯醇compatible hardware 兼容性硬件compatible scale 兼容比例尺compatible software 兼容软件compatible 相容的compatibleness 相容性compatilizer 相容剂Compaynie Francaise des Petroles 法国石油公司compd 化合物compelling force 外加力compendia compendium 的复数compendium 概要compensable 可补偿的compensated acceleration 补偿加速度compensated acidosis 代偿性酸中毒compensated alkalosis 代偿性碱中毒compensated amplifier 补偿放大器compensated densilog =compenseted density log 补偿密度测井compensated dual neutron log 双源距补偿中子测井compensated formation densilog curve 补偿地层密度测井曲线compensated formation density tool 补偿地层密度测井仪compensated formation densitylog 补偿地层密度测井compensated neutron log 补偿中子测井compensated semiconductor 互补半导体compensated spectral density log 补偿能谱密度测井compensated spectral natural gamma tool 补偿自然伽马能谱测井仪compensating circuit 补偿电路compensating coil 补偿线圈compensating computation 平差计算compensating device 补偿装置compensating disc 补偿盘compensating factor 补偿系数compensating field 补偿磁场compensating filter 补偿滤波器compensating gear 差动齿轮装置compensating master cylinder 带补偿贮油槽的主油缸compensating measure 补偿测量compensating network 补偿网络compensating pipe 补偿管compensating piston 补偿活塞compensating pole 补偿极compensating resistance 补偿电阻compensating signal 补偿信号compensating valve 补偿阀compensation adjustment 补偿调整compensation balance 补偿平衡compensation depth 补偿深度compensation level 补偿深度compensation network 补偿网络compensation of errors 平差compensation panel 补偿面板compensation system 补偿装置compensation temperature 补偿温度compensation trade 补偿贸易compensation voltmeter 补偿式伏特计compensation 补偿compensator protector 钻头压力补偿器的保护杯compensator receiver 补偿接收器compensator system 补偿器系统compensator 补偿器compensator-amplifier unit 补偿放大器compensatory financing 补偿贷款competence =competencycompetency 能力competent authorities 主管部门competent barrier 坚硬遮挡层competent bed 坚硬岩层competent folding 强褶皱作用competent formation 坚硬地层competent person 称职人员competent rock 固结岩competent structure 强构造competent 胜任的competition 竞赛competitive bidding 竞标competitive cementation 优先胶结作用competitive edge 竞争优势competitive growth 竞争生长competitive learning 竞争学习competitive lease 竞争租让competitive power 竞争力competitive price 竞争价格competitive terms and conditions 有竞争性条款和条件competitive 竞争的competitiveness 竞争性competitor 竞争者compilation method 编图法compilation sheet 底图compilation unit 编图单位;编译单位compilation 汇编;编缉compiled map 汇编图compiler generator 编译程序的生成程序compiler interface 编译程序接口compiler language 编译程序语言compiler source program 编译程序的源程序compiler structure 编译程序结构compiler subroutine library 编译程序的子程序库compiler 程序编制器compiler-compiler 编译程序的编译程序compiling program 编译程序compiling routine 编译程序compiling system 编译系统compiling 编译complainant 原告complaint 审诉complanation 平面化complement address 补码地址complement angle 余角complement code 补码complement form 补码形式complement integrated navigation 互补式组合导航complement minor 余子式complement of chargeability 荷电率补偿;充电率积分面积complement of nine's 十进制反码complement of one's 二进制反码complement of ten's 十进制补码complement of two's 二进制补码complement on n n进制补码complement on n-1 n进制反码complement representation 补码表示complement 补充complementarity 互补性complementary angle 余角complementary assay 互补试验complementary circuit 补码电路complementary code 补码complementary color 互补色complementary differentiation 互补分异作用complementary divisor 余因子complementary error 互补误差complementary form 余形complementary function 余函数complementary metal oxide semiconductor 互补金属氧化物半导体complementary minor 余子式complementary module 余模complementary notation 补数记数法complementary operator 补数算子complementary output 互补输出complementary products 互补产品complementary rock 余岩complementary scale 补充刻度complementary slackness 互补松弛性complementary structure 互补构造complementary transistor 互补晶体管complementary wave 副波complementary 余complementation 互补complementer 非门complementing circut 求反电路complete alternation 周期complete analysis 全分析complete class 完全族complete combustion 完全燃烧complete coverage 完全覆盖complete dissociation 完全离解complete elastic theory solution 全弹性理论解complete elliptic integral 完全椭圆积分complete equilibrium 不可逆平衡complete expansion 完全膨胀complete film lubrication 完整油膜润滑complete fold 全形褶皱complete gasification 完全气化complete gelation 完全胶凝complete induction 完全归纳法complete inflammation 全部着火complete ionization 完全电离complete job procedure 完整作业程序complete linkage method 全联法complete list 一览表complete loop 闭合导线complete metamorphosis 全变态complete monopoly 完全垄断complete overstep 全超覆complete resonance 全谐振complete shadow 全影区complete shut-off 全封闭complete stability 完全稳定性complete structure 完整结构complete synthesis 全合成complete vacuum 绝对真空complete 结束completed well 完成的井completely miscible liquid 完全可溶混液体completely penetrating well 完善井completely stable system 完全稳定系统completeness of combustion 燃烧完全度completeness 完整性completion bond 完工保证书completion brine 盐水完井液completion contract 完井合同completion damage 完井损害completion date of construction 竣工日期completion date 井完工日期〔撤走钻机completion design consideration 完井设计要素completion design criteria 完井设计标准completion design 完井设计completion efficiency 完井效率completion evaluation 完井评价completion factor 完井指数completion failure 完井作业失败completion fluid bridging material 完井液暂堵材料completion fluid filtering 完井液渗滤completion fluid formulation 完井液配方completion fluid 完井液completion interval 完井层段completion job 完井作业completion life 完井后的油井寿命completion logging panel 完井测井面板completion mechanism 完井机理completion optimization 完井方案优化completion parameter 完井参数completion perforating 完井射孔completion period 完井工期completion phase 完井阶段completion platform 完井平台completion practices 完井作业completion program 完井方案completion rig 完井钻机completion riser 完井立管completion risk 建成风险completion sequence 完井工序completion system 完井装置completion technique 完井技术completion tool 完井工具completion tree 完井采油树completion 完成complex accelerator 复合早强剂complex acid 配合酸complex alloy steel 多合金钢complex alteration 复杂蚀变complex amplitude 复振幅complex analysis 复分析complex anion 配阴离子complex anomaly 复合异常complex arc 复式岛弧complex balance 综合平衡complex builder 配位组分complex building unit 复合构造单元complex cation 配阳离子complex cepstrum =cepstrumcomplex coherent noise train 复杂相干噪声系列complex compound 配位化合物complex conjugate 复共轭complex correction 复合校正complex cross-bedding 复杂交错层理complex curve 复合曲线complex cuspate foreland 复杂三角岬complex delta 复合三角洲complex demodulation 复解调complex dielectric permittivity 复介电常数complex domain 复数域complex dome 复式穹丘complex dune 复合沙丘complex eigenvalue 复特征值complex eigenvector 复特征向量complex exponential 复指数complex fault 复断层complex field 复数域complex film 复合膜complex flow 复杂流动complex fold 复褶皱complex fraction 繁分数complex frequency 复频率complex function 复变函数complex gear train 复合齿轮系complex heat transfer 综合传热complex impedance 复阻抗complex integers 复整数complex ion 配离子complex line 复合线complex liquid 复合液complex lithology sequence 复杂岩性剖面complex lithology 复杂岩性complex matrix 复矩阵complex mixture 复杂混合物complex mobile belt 复合活动带complex model fuel 复杂方案的新配方汽油complex modulus 复数模量complex molecule 复杂分子complex multicycle basin 复式多旋回盆地complex multifolded layer 复式褶皱的复杂层complex multiphase thrust mass 复杂多期逆掩体complex multiplication 复数乘法complex multiply register 复数乘法寄存器complex network 复合网complex number 复数complex operation 复数运算;综合作业complex operator 复算子complex permeability 复磁导率complex permittivity 复介电常数complex pipe 复合管complex plane 复平面complex potential 复合电位complex process 多元过程complex propagation constant 复传播常数complex refractive index method 复折射系数法complex reservoir analysis 复杂岩性储集层分析complex reservoir 复杂岩性油藏complex resistance 复电阻complex resistivity 复电阻率complex resonance 复谐振complex rock 杂岩complex salt 络合盐complex seismic trace 复地震道complex soap lubricating grease 复合皂基润滑酯complex spectral magnitude 复谱幅度complex symmetric matrix 复对称矩阵complex time average method 复合时间平均法complex trace analysis 复数道分析complex utilization 综合利用complex variable 复变数complex velocity 复速度complex wave 复合波complex 合成物complex-pulse generator 复合脉冲发生器complex-spectrum 复谱complex-valued 复数的complexant 配位剂complexing agent 配位剂complexing reaction 配位反应complexing 配合complexion 形势complexity factor 复杂因数complexity 复杂性complexometric titration 配位滴定complexometry 配位滴定法complexor 相位复矢量compliance constant 柔顺常数compliance 符合compliant riser 柔性立管compliant structure 顺从结构compliant tower 随动塔式平台compliant type 顺应式complicacy 复杂性complicated fault 复杂断层complicated structure 复式构造complication 复杂compliment 敬意comply with 遵守compo 混合物compole =commutating polecomponent analysis 分量分析component compatibility 构件互换性component concentration 组分含量component efficiency 局部效率component force 分力component inflation method 分项通货膨胀法component lumping 组分归并成一组component of force 分力component part 组成部分component register 部分寄存器component screening 组分筛选component solution 组分溶液component solvent 混合溶剂component specification 元件规格component velocity 分速度component voltage 分电压component 成分component-stratotype 组分层型componental movement 部分运动composed fan structure 复杂扇形构造composed peak 合成峰composer 作曲者composertron 综合磁带录音器compositae 菊科composite amplitude 复合振幅composite analogy 复合模拟composite anticline 复背斜composite apron reef 复合裙礁composite basin 复合盆地composite batholith 复合岩基composite breakwater 混成式防波堤composite budgetary estimate of single construction 单项工程综合概算composite cable 合成电缆composite calibration 综合标定composite catalog 总目录composite chart 综合图composite coast 复成海岸composite columnar section 综合柱状剖面图composite decay curve 复合衰减曲线composite decline curve 综合递减曲线composite deformation 复合变形composite depreciation 综合折旧composite design 组合设计composite diagram 合成图composite error 总误差composite fault 复合断层composite filter 复合滤波器composite fissure vein 复合裂缝脉composite fluid bank 复合流体汇集带composite fold 复合褶皱composite fuel 组合燃料composite function 复合函数composite gear 组合齿轮composite grain 混合颗粒composite grid 组合网格composite hologram 复合全息图composite image 合成图象composite instrument 组合下井仪composite intrusion 复侵入体composite laccolith 复合岩盖composite liberation 混合分离composite log 合成测井曲线composite material 复合材料composite membrane 复合膜composite metal 复合金属composite meter factor 仪表综合系数composite mixing 组合混波composite model 复合模型composite mold 多腔塑模composite number 合成数composite oxides 复合氧化物composite permeability 综合渗透率composite photograph 复合相片composite pipe =complex pipecomposite polycrystalline filament 复合多晶丝composite production profile 综合生产剖面composite profile 综合剖面图composite profiling method 联合剖面法composite projection 合成投影composite ratio 综合比率composite reflection 复合反射composite rod string 组合抽油杆composite rupture 复合断裂composite sample 复合试样composite section 综合剖面composite seismogram 合成地震记录composite sequense 复合层序composite sheet 编绘原图composite spinning method 复合纺丝法composite stalactite 复合钟乳石composite stratotype 复合层型composite stream 合流河;原油和天然气混输composite structure 复合结构composite surface 合成曲面composite syncline 复合向斜composite system testing 复合地层试井composite system 复合系统composite thermally stable cutter 复合热稳定切削齿composite topography 复成地形composite traces 合成记录composite unconformity 复合不整合composite vector 合成向量composite vein 复合矿脉composite video signal 复合视频信号composite volcano 复合火山composite waste 混合废水composite wave 合成波composite 合成的composition equation 组分方程composition face 双晶接合面composition fiber 复合纤维composition history curve 组分变化过程曲线composition loading 组分载荷composition plane 接合平面composition profile 组分分布composition surface 接合面composition 组成compositional banding 成分条带compositional continuity equation 组分连续性方程compositional gradient 组分梯度compositional material balance 组分物质平衡compositional maturity 成分成熟度compositional model 组分模型compositional modeling 组分模拟compositional profile 成分剖面compositional reservoir simulator 油藏组分模拟软件compositional simulation 组分模拟compositional simulator 考虑油藏流体组成的油层动态数值模拟模型compositional variable 合成变量compositionally immature sediment 组分未成熟沉积物Compositoipollenites 菊粉属compositor 合成器compositron 高速显字管compost 混合composure 镇静compound adjustment 复合调整compound alluvial fan 复合冲积扇compound anticline 复背斜compound atom 复合原子compound blender 复式混合器compound casting 复合铸件compound chain 并车链条compound circuit 复合电路compound coil 复合线圈compound compressor 复式压缩机compound coral 复体珊瑚compound cross-bedding 复合交错层理compound cross-stratification 复合交错层理compound crystal 复晶compound cuspate bar 复合三角沙坝compound delta coast 复式三角洲海岸compound design 配方设计compound dislocation 复合位错compound drive 联合驱动compound ether 混合醚compound fault 复合断层compound fertilizer 复合肥料compound fold 复合褶皱compound foreset bedding 复成前积层理compound function 复合函数compound gear 复式齿轮compound gearing 复合传动装置compound generator 复激发电机compound indexing 复式分度compound indicator 复合指示剂compound interest rate 复利compound interest table 复利表compound interest 复利compound loading 复合加载compound logging 综合录井compound matrices 复合阵compound molecule 复合分子compound motion 复合运动compound nucleus reaction 复核反应compound oblique-bedding 复合斜层理compound oil 复合油compound pellet 复合球粒compound pendulum 复摆compound probability 合成概率compound pulley 组合滑车compound pump 双缸泵compound radical 复根compound rate 复利compound rest 复式刀架compound ripple 干涉波痕compound rod string 复合抽油杆柱compound sample 混合样compound seal 复合密封compound section 复合剖面compound shoreline 复合滨线compound statement 复合语句compound stress 复合应力compound structure 复合构造compound substance 复合材料compound turbodrill 复合涡轮钻具compound vibration 复合振动compound volcano 复合火山compound 化合物compound-balanced pumping unit 复合平衡式抽油机compound-wound motor 复绕电动机compound-wound relay 复绕继电器compounded latex 复合胶乳compounded luboil 复合润滑油compounding in parallel 并联compounding in series 串联compounding operation 配合工序compounding transmission 并车传动装置compounding 复合compr 压缩机compreg 胶压木材comprehend 理解comprehensive chart 详图comprehensive consultancy 综合咨询comprehensive depreciation rate 综合折旧率comprehensive evaluation 综合评价comprehensive geophysical survey 综合地球物理勘探comprehensive insurance 综合保险comprehensive planning 全面规划comprehensive research 综合研究comprehensive sand analysis 综合砂样分析comprehensive treatment 综合处理comprehensive utilization 综合利用comprehensive well log analysis system 综合测井分析系统comprehensive 综合的compress 打包机;敷布compress-expand operation 压缩扩展操作compressed air source 压缩空气源compressed air station 空压站compressed air system 压缩空气系统compressed air tank 压缩空气罐compressed air 压缩空气compressed chart division 压缩图格compressed gas 压缩气compressed hash 压缩散列法compressed natural gas 压缩天然气compressed section 压缩剖面compressed zone 挤压构造带compressed-air brake 气闸compressed-air drilling 气动钻进compressed-air drive 风动compressed-air ejection 压缩空气脱模compressed-air engine 压缩空气发动机compressed-air lance 压缩空气喷杆compressed-air line 压缩空气管线compressed-air main 压缩空气干线compressed-air sampler 压气取土器compressed-air scuba 自戴式压缩空气潜水呼吸器compressed-air starter 压缩空气起动器compressed-time correlator 时间压缩相关器compressibility coefficient 压缩系数compressibility factor 压缩因数compressibility 压缩率compressible flow 可压缩流compressible fluid 可压缩流体compressible shale 压缩页岩compressible 可压缩的compression connection 加压连接compression coupling type joint 压紧接箍型连接compression creep 压缩蠕变compression curve 压缩曲线compression deformation 压缩变形compression efficiency 压缩效率compression elasticity 抗压弹性compression failure 压缩破坏compression fault 挤压断层compression fissure 挤压裂缝compression gasoline 气态汽油compression heat 压缩热compression ignition engine 压燃式发动机compression ignition 压缩点火compression index 压缩指数compression joint 挤压节理compression load 压缩载荷compression member 受压构件compression metamorphism 挤压变质作用compression modulus 压缩模量compression molding 压缩模塑compression of the earth 地球扁率compression packer 压缩式封隔器compression pulse 压缩脉冲compression pump 压缩机compression ratio 压缩比compression ring 压环compression set 压缩形变compression shock 压缩冲击compression spring 压缩弹簧compression steel 受压钢筋compression strenght 压缩强度compression stroke 压缩冲程compression subsidence 压缩沉陷compression support skirt 承压支承筒compression test 压缩试验compression zone 压缩区compression 压缩compression-fitting joint 压紧连接compression-induced reverse faulting 挤压诱发逆断裂活动compression-type load cell 压紧式承载元件compressional axis 压缩轴compressional basin 挤压盆地compressional component 纵波分量compressional decollement 挤压滑脱compressional diffraction 压缩波绕射compressional displacement field 压缩位移场compressional faulting 挤压断裂作用compressional force 压缩力compressional graben 挤压性地堑compressional megasuture 挤压巨型接合带compressional mobile belt 挤压活动带compressional movement 挤压运动compressional orogenesis 压性造山作用compressional orogenic arc 挤压造山弧compressional phase 挤压幕compressional point source 压缩波点源compressional potential 压缩波电势compressional structure 压性构造compressional velocity 压缩波速度compressional vibration 纵振动compressional wave field 压缩波场compressional wave front 压缩波波前compressional wave velocity 压缩波速度compressional wave vibrator 纵波可控震源compressional wave 压缩波compressional window 纵波窗口compressional 压缩的compressional-dilatational wave 胀缩波compressional-to-shear conversion 纵-横波转换compressive belt 挤压带compressive load 压缩载荷compressive modulus of elasticity 压缩弹性模量compressive modulus 压缩模量compressive nappe 挤压推覆体compressive resistance 压应力compressive setting 受压沉降compressive strain 压缩应变compressive strength 抗压强度compressive stress constraint 压应力约束compressive stress 压应力compressive tectonic regime 挤压构造状态compressive traction 压缩牵引compresso-crushed zone 挤压破碎带compresso-shear structural plane 压扭性构造面compressometer 压缩计compressor discharge rate 压缩机排量compressor efficiency 压缩机效率compressor gun 润滑油增压机compressor horsepower 压缩机功率compressor plant 压缩机房compressor rotor 压缩机转子compressor set 压缩机组compressor station 压缩机站compressor surge 压缩机喘振compressor train 压缩机组compressor wire 预应力钢丝compressor 压缩机compressure 压缩力comprisal 包含compromise boundary 协和边界compromise potential 平衡电位compromise 妥协compt 计算机Comptio 顶饰蚌属comptograph 自动计算器comptometer 一种键控计算机Compton absorption coefficient 康普顿吸收系数Compton absorption 康普顿吸收。
Emerson Automation Solutions 流量计计算机应用说明书
APPLICATION OF FLOW COMPUTERS FOR MEASUREMENT AND CONTROLAl Majek, PE, PMPEmerson Automation SolutionsINTRODUCTIONThe measurement of oil & gas production has progressed considerably since the days of paper charts and manual integration. While still in use today, the technology has moved increasingly to microprocessor based flow computers. Such devices allow for greater measurement accuracy, increased control functionality, and are readily integrated into a company’s enterprise computer networks.FIGURE 1: CHARTS AND INTEGRATIONComponents of an Electronic Flow MeterPrimary, Secondary, Tertiary DevicesAPI Chapter 21.1, a document published by the American Petroleum Institute (API), describes fundamental elements in natural gas measurement:Primary device: Orifice, turbine, rotary, or diaphragm measurement devices that are mounted directly on the pipe and have direct contact with the fluids being measured.Orifice Meter Vortex Meter Ultrasonic MeterSecondary device: provides data such as flowing static pressure, temperature flowing, differential pressure, relative density, and other variables that are appropriate for inputs into the tertiary device.Delta Pressure TransmittersTertiary device:is an electronic computer, programmed to correctly calculate flow within specific limits that receives information from the primary and/or secondary devices.Our interest lies with the electronic computer, or flow computer.Industry SectorsThere are three sectors of the measurement industry generally referred to as Upstream, Midstream, and Downstream metering. It is worth noting that the Downstream sector is viewed somewhat differently between the gas and liquid sides of the Oil and Gas industry as depicted below.Upstream:This term is used commonly for the searching for andsubsequent recovery of crude oil and natural gas - oftentimes referred to asthe Exploration and Production sector.Midstream: After producing the fluid, the product must bemoved to market. Pipelines are typically used to transportproducts; this sector is referred to as the Midstream portionof the industry.Downstream- Gas:After the gas is produced (Upstream) and transported(Midstream) it is then delivered to the gas distributors (Downstream), thenatural gas may have been measured at least four times prior to arrival at yourhome. Downstream refers to the final delivery of the gas to homes, businesses,and industries.Downstream- Liquids:In the case of liquids, thedownstream segment begins with a crude oil refinery orNatural Gas Liquid fractionation facility.ApplicationsMeasurement Application - Custody TransferThe most driving factor behind Electronic Flow Measurement from the inception of the technology has been applications involving Custody Transfer. Custody Transfer locations are the cash registers of the industry. A measurement station may include metering runs for multiple streams such as a “city gate” station where natural gas is transferred from a transmission pipeline. Accurate measurements are required to meet contractual requirements between companies or common carriers such as pipelines. These measurements are often required to be implemented by local government entities for tax purposes, requiring extensive reporting and data acquisition capabilities. Table 1 indicates the financial impact that can be attributed to accuracy in these measurements. Applications of this nature may be found in all three segments of the aforementioned sectors.TABLE 1: FINANCIAL UNCERTAINTY IN OIL TRANSFER AT $65.00/BBLIn the gas industry virtually all calculations meet standards set by the American Gas Association (AGA) and the American Petroleum Institute. For the US market, these standards include:AGA Report No. 3, Orifice Metering of Natural Gas Part 3: Natural Gas ApplicationsAGA Report No. 7, Measurement of Natural Gas by Turbine MeterAGA Report No. 8, Compressibility Factor of Natural Gas and Related Hydrocarbon GasesAGA Report No. 9, Measurement of Gas by Multipath Ultrasonic MetersAGA Report No. 10, Speed of Sound in Natural Gas and Other Related Hydrocarbon GasesAGA Report No. 11, Measurement of Natural Gas by Coriolis MeterAPI MPMS Chapter 21.1: Flow Measurement Using Electronic Metering Systems - Section 1: ElectronicGas MeasurementInterestingly, there is not a certification agency for adherence to these standards. Most manufacturers will submit their designs to independent groups for testing. The result is a report indicating that the design is compliant to the particular standards involved. Groups such the Southwest Research Institute (SWRI) and the Colorado Engineering Experiment Station, Inc (CEESI) are commonly used by the industry.Most all electronic gas measurement systems have a way to collect data remotely from metering sites. There is still the practice of manually driving to the sites and collecting the measurement data via a PC or some type of hand held device. Generally, though, there is a Host Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) computer system in place that resides in the corporate office or in the field office.This system contains a polling software package that is designed to communicate via radio, satellite, or hard wire to the remote location. Usually these systems communicate once an hour, or on a more frequent basis to the well sites to both assure the processes are running properly and to retrieve timely information.Most polling/Host systems have features to allow retrieval of data along with editing of historical data.Midstream Application – Wireless InstrumentationBeginning in early 2000, wireless instrumentation began to appear in industrial applications on an increasing scale. As the name implies, these Secondary Devices eliminate the cost of wiring and the physical limitations associated with flow computer I/O. However, battery lifetimes can be a very critical consideration.Wireless TransmitterOne consideration for battery lifetime is ambient temperature. Using a pressure transmitter as an example, temperature effects are shown below:Device: Pressure Transmitter, Sample Rate 16 secondsAMBIENT TEMP. ESTIMATED BATTERY LIFE86o F 7.0 years0o F 6.3 years-40o F 5.6 yearsOf much greater impact is the sampling frequency. In slow changing applications like tank level measurement, or non-critical applications such as temperature in non-custody transfer location, the requirement for data may be on a once every 16 second basis. The common midstream application, however, is custody transfer, which by API 21.1 standards requires a sample every second. Battery lifetimes for these two sets of sample rates are exemplified below:Device: Pressure Transmitter, Ambient Temperature 86o FSAMPLE RATE ESTIMATED BATTERY LIFE1 second 0.8 (less than 1 year)16 seconds 7 yearsTo overcome such challenges a user may supply supplemental solar power. But, this usually requires cabling to an enclosure outside of Class 1 Division 1 areas. While there are energy harvesting techniques available to reduce the battery load, they entail adding cost and complexity.For these reasons, current technology requires considerable deliberation be performed prior to the deployment of wireless transmitters in gas custody transfer applications.Upstream Application – Closed Loop Control of a Free Flowing Gas WellSizable drilling programs in the shale plays of North America bought about a massive number of free flowing wells. Maintaining optimal performance for so many sites can prove to be a formidable challenge.To fulfill this need, producers have flow from each well manipulated via a single automated choke valve (reference Figure 1). The primary focus of the system is to maintain a steady flow from the well to the Sales Line based upon an operator entered set point. Multiple overrides come into play based upon operating conditions. Measurements include Delta Pressure and Flow Rate from an orifice run feeding a Sales pipeline, and Static Pressure and Temperature of the flow line feeding a separator.FIGURE 2: CONTROL SCHEME FOR SHALE GAS WELL PADThe electronic platform requirements include the ability to execute AGA style flow computations, customized PID (proportional–integral–derivative) control loops, and coded algorithms in addition to communicating with an existing SCADA system. From a hardware perspective, units need to be rugged enough for demanding outdoor environments. Also, lack of electrical power in the area forces reliance upon a solar powered system.Issues tackled via a Flow ComputerStart-Up Sequencing: Automation can perform an operator determined sequence allowing a consistent, quick, and easy method to achieve minimum flow. Once on-line, an operator has the ability to ramp the flow up over time for a soft landing at the desired flow rate.Liquid Loading: Whenever slug flow is present, gas flow through the Sales Line will drop as liquid is produced. The primary flow control logic reacts to this change and will open the choke to compensate. When the well unloads (water decreases) the gas flow increases quickly. Once again the primary flow control logic will compensate and commence to close the choke. Reaction time, though, may be too slow to avoid tripping the well off-line due to a high Sales Line pressure. To prevent this type of occurrence, the Delta Pressure (DP) of the orifice run is monitored. A DP override function in the flow computer logic is more aggressively tuned and therefore can bring the well back under normal flow control much sooner.Maintenance of Critical Velocity: Logic within the computer will select between the greater of the primary flow control set point and the Critical Velocity set point. In this fashion, flow will be maintained at the operator set point so long as the Critical Velocity is reached. The control scheme then works to keep the flow rate sufficient to assure that liquids continue to be extracted.Transient Flow Conditions: To avert the well from being tripped off-line due to a wave of high temperature production, a high temperature override PID loop responds rapidly to lower the flow set point. Reducing the flow through a heat exchanger helps hold the average temperature to an acceptable level. Similarly, any upsets causing a spike in line pressure will trigger a high pressure override response and reduce flow.ESD: As is always the case for a safe operation, switches located on-site and a remote SCADA command can initiate an Emergency Shutdown (ESD) mode overriding all other logic and causing immediate closure of the choke.Upstream Application – Distributed Automation manages Multi-Well PadsHorizontal drilling practices have permitted more than access to long dormant Shale opportunities. The approach also is very conducive for multiple wells to be placed on a single pad. Reduced drilling costs and significantly smaller environmental footprints have resulted. Automation techniques commonly used in the past often become unmanageable when attempting to handle the quantities and densities involved.Classical automation schemes (Reference Figure 3) suffer many drawbacks in this type of scenario including:1)Lengthy cable runs2)Inconsistent data update times3)Extensive MODBUS register mapping4)Advance notice of additional drillingFIGURE 3: CLASSICAL APPROACHAs shown in Figure 4, wireless Remote Terminal Units (RTUs) acting as nodes on a network can distribute the logic andcontrol functions on a well pad resolving these issues.FIGURE 4: DISTRIBUTED APPROACHBenefits include:Elimination of Cabling and Heavy Equipment TrenchingWireless technology eliminates the need to trench and bury conduit between the well head equipment.Minimal MODBUS communicationsInstead of using hardwired multi-dropped MODBUS communication protocol interfaces and associated registers to map data between RTUs, a distributed system makes use of a Drag-and-Drop technique in its design mode. Thismeans an RTU’s database is “browsable” by other RTUs in the network.ScalabilityA distributed system consists of intelligent nodes each with a capacity to serve their respective purposes, therefore,the system capability automatically grows in proportion to need. In short, once determined to fit a particular use,computing and memory issues are no longer worries.From an installation standpoint, the ability to quickly add RTUs to an existing wireless network is a distinctadvantage. This ability extends to multiple pad sites within range of the pad, providing the ability to automateproduction between multiple pad sites.Reduced Deferred ProductionUsually, automation is one of the last functions placed in service before commencing production. With thedistributed system, time to reach first production on a greenfield installation can be reduced by a nominal three days.Lower Total Installed CostFrom an equipment perspective, the ability to use a node as an access point to pass through data for other units on the wireless network eliminates additional radios. When combined with diminished cabling and trenching worksavings in the millions of dollars can be recognized for large drilling programs.Upstream Application – LACT for liquid measurementUntil pipelines can be constructed, trucking can be the only means available to transport liquids from field locations. The large number of trips necessary dictates that operators seek out the safest, most efficient means of handling truck load-outs.A field that has consolidated tank facilities can readily support a loading facility intended to handle multiple trucks at a time for crude oil transfer. Central to the concept is a Lease Automatic Custody Transfer (LACT) unit implemented with an automation package. LACT units are used in the industry to transfer the ownership of liquid hydrocarbons between a buyer and a seller.FIGURE 6: CORIOLIS METERS ARE COMMONLY USEDUpon arrival, a driver parks in one of several loading areas and connects a vehicle grounding cable. This is a safety practice to prevent sparks from occurring while loading the truck. Lack of a grounding connection will be detected by the controller, and no loading will be permitted to occur. The driver then proceeds to the controller panel. Using the touch screen, passwords such as company identifier and driver ID’s are entered to grant loading access. Finally, the driver enters an amount of grossbarrels to load – a preset value – and the loading sequence is initiated.FIGURE 7: DRIVER LOCAL HMIWhen the sequence begins, product is initially routed to a Diverter Tank by means of an automated three-way valve. Theflow computer monitors the output of a Basic Sediment & Water (BS&W) meter placed on the incoming flow line. Once thereading is within contractual limits, the controller will automatically adjust the valve to route the liquid away from theDiverter Tank, and move it through a Coriolis Meter to the truck.When the volume preset value is met, the valve is automatically closed and the pump shut off thereby completing the load. Aticket can be locally printed for the operator and truck hauling company records. Or, the driver may input the data from theHMI screen into a trucking company computer and print a copy to be left for the operator records. In either case, anelectronic version can sent via the Operator’s SCADA communications network to an enterprise accounting system. Benefits from this application over manual approaches include:HSEElimination of routine trips to the tops of tanks by personnel is of great importance. Concerns over exposure to hazardous gases and inclement weather conditions are significantly reduced.Shorter Loading TimesIn non-consolidated tank design, drivers can spend close to two hours at locations widely spread over the field. Loading operations have to be carried out during all hours of the day in order to keep pace with production. There is constant fear that wells will be shut-in should trucks not appear in a timely fashion. In the automated consolidated case, this time drops to an average of twenty minutes.Accuracy Increases RevenuesConsistency of liquid measurement greatly improves as the effects of different people with different levels of training and capability are no longer an issue. Overall, the accumulative error of manual gauging operations is generally accepted by the industry as 1% or greater. The potential gross revenue savings at various crude prices using a LACT configuration is demonstrated by Table 2.TABLE 2: POTENTIAL GROSS REVENUE SAVINGSQuick Accounting ReconciliationManually generated tickets are left on-site for later pickup by company personnel. Depending upon timing and weather conditions, such pickups occur within a forty-eight hour span. Tickets would then be manually entered into the company enterprise system, adding perhaps another day. Since an average day supports many load-outs, challenging the result from any particular load is a difficult task. Using a flow computer system, haul logs are retrieved in electronic form via the company’s SCADA system. The ticket information is available literally before the truck has left the site. The elimination of the time spent on manual entry is a clear savings. But, from an accounting standpoint, another plus to the electronic system is the disappearance of transcription errors and lost or damaged tickets that are inherit in any manual technique.Upstream Application: API Standard 18.2While a LACT unit is a very effective measurement solution, it can be uneconomical on sites with low production volumes. For this reason, manual tank gauging based upon the API 18.1 Standard has been in common use for many years. This approach requires personnel to climb to the top of storage tanks, open a hatch, and drop a tape for level measurement. However, between 2010 and 2014 at least nine deaths related to tank measurement occurred. This trend led to the publication in July 2016 of the API 18.2 Standard “Custody Transfer of Crude Oil from Lease Tanks Using Alternative Measurementmethods” (reference Figure 8). The standard leverages existing technology and standards for custody transfer from lease tanks without opening the hatch.FIGURE 8: API 18.2 STANDARDSoftware applications on a flow computer can pull together the automation used for tank measurement and assist drivers with compliance to the standard by guiding them through the hauling procedure.Figure 9 depicts HMI screens for handling such issues as free water clearance calculation, and the timing of events in the hauling process requiring action to be taken.FIGURE 9: HMI SCREENS ASSIST IN COMPLIANCE TO THE STANDARDTake AwayA flow computer is much more than simply a device to calculate flow. Certainly, it can serve as a method for remote retrieval of highly accurate data for Custody Transfer needs. But, units can make use of gathered information to perform sophisticated calculations in order to undertake control activities. Optimization and measurement of wellhead production in any stage of well’s lifecycle exemplifies this capability. The ability to tie together the truck driver input and onsite automation for implementation of the 18.2 standard is another example.。
c to c transport 盒对盒薄片转移cable 电缆cable code 水线电码cable concentrator 集线器集中器cable connector 电缆连接器cable drum 电缆卷筒cable duct 电缆槽cable holder 电缆支架cable installation 电缆敷设cable interference 电缆干扰cable joint 电缆接头cable laying 电缆敷设cable locator 电缆探测器cable message 水线电报cable set 电缆附件cable shield 电缆包皮cable television 电缆电视cable terminating set 电缆终端cable transmission 电缆传输cablegram 水线电报cad 计算机辅助设计cad system 计算机辅助设计系统cad technique 计算机辅助设计技术cad tools 计算机辅助设计工具cad workstation 计算机辅助设计工拙cadmium 镉cage antenna 笼形天线cage dipole 笼形偶极子calcination 烧成calculagraph 计时器calibration test 校准试验call 呼叫call acceptance 呼叫接受call count 通话计数call finder 呼叫选择器call forward operation 呼叫转发电话call forwarding 呼叫转发电话call in operation 呼叫转发电话call indicator 呼叫指示器call sign 呼号call signal 呼叫信号call switch 呼叫转换开关call waiting 得等待call wire 呼叫线路callback 回叫called line 被叫线calling cord 呼叫塞绳calling device 呼叫装置calling key 呼叫键calling lamp 呼叫灯calling machine 铃龙calling plug 呼叫插塞calling relay 呼叫继电器calling subscriber 中用户calorimetric power measurement 热量计式功率测量法camber 挠曲camber free ceramics 无弯曲的陶瓷camera 照相机;摄像机camera alignment 摄像机导camera chain 摄像机系统camera lens 摄影机镜头camera signal 电视摄像机信号camera tube 电视摄像管camp 计算机辅助掩模制备camp on 得等待can 金属盒canal rays 阳极射线cancellation 熄灭cancelling 熄灭canonical form 标准形cap layer 保护层capacimeter 电容测量表capacitance 电容capacitance box 电容箱capacitance meter 电容测试器capacitive bridge 电容电桥capacitive coupling 电容性耦合capacitive diaphragm 电容性窗膜capacitive feedback 电容反馈capacitive iris 电容性窗膜capacitive load 电容性负载capacitive reactance 电容性电抗capacitive sawtooth generator 电容式锯齿波发生器capacitive strip 电容带capacitive susceptance 电容性电纳capacitive tuning 电容党capacitive unbalance 电容不平衡capacitive voltage divider 电容分压器capacitive window 电容性窗口capacitively loaded line 电容性负载线capacitor 电容器capacitor coupled fet logic 电容耦合式场效应晶体管逻辑capacitor network 电容气络capacitor parasitics 寄生电容器capacitor plate 电容偏板capacitor probe 电容式探针capacitor voltage characteristic 电容电压特性capacity 电容量capillary clogging 毛细管堵塞capless annealing 无覆盖退火capping 覆盖capping annealing 覆盖退火capping oxidation 覆盖氧化capping oxide 覆盖氧化物capstan 织轮capstan amplifier 转矩放大器capsulation 封装captive production 专用生产capture 捕获capture of particles 粒子俘获capture region 俘获区域capture time 捕获时间car radio 汽车收音机car receiver 汽车接收机carbon 碳carbon diaphragm 炭膜carbon dioxide laser 二氧化碳激光器carbon granule microphone 炭粒式话筒carbon mircrophone 炭精式话筒carbon resistor 碳电阻器carbonization 增碳carcinotron 返波管carcinotron oscillator 返波管振荡器card 卡cardioid diagram 心脏形曲线图cardioid microphone 心形传声器单向传声器cardioid pattern 心脏形曲线图cardioidal reception 心形方向图接收carrier 载波carrier amplitude 载波振幅carrier amplitude regulation 载波幅度蝶carrier balance 载波平衡carrier capture 载劣俘获carrier carrier interaction 载劣间相互酌carrier channel 载波信道carrier current telegraphy 载波电抱carrier density 载劣密度carrier dificiency 载劣耗尽carrier drift 载劣漂移carrier flutter 载波颤动carrier frequency 载波频carrier gas 载气carrier generation 载劣生成carrier heating 载劣加热carrier killer 载劣寿命扼杀剂carrier leak 载波泄漏carrier lifetime 载劣寿命carrier noise 载波噪音carrier pair generation 载劣对发生carrier recombination 载劣复合carrier socket 插座carrier spacing 载波间隔carrier storage 载劣存储carrier synchronization 载波同步carrier tape 带式载体carrier telegraphy 载波电抱carrier to noise ratio 载波信噪比carrier transfer 载劣传输carrier transfer device 载劣转移掐carrier transit time 载劣渡越时间carrier transmission 载波传输carrier transport 载劣输运cartridge 盒式磁带cascade 级联cascade amplifier 级联放大器cascade connected 级联的cascade connection 级联cascade image tube 级联摄象管cascade solar cell 级联太阳电池cascaded laser 级联激光器cascode 栅地阴地放大器共射共基放大器cascode amplifier 阴地栅地级联放大器涡尔曼放大器case 管壳casing 外壳cassegrain antenna 卡塞格伦天线cassette 箱cassette based transfer 盒式传送cassette loader 盒装载器cassette pitch 盒节距cassette sampling 向盒取样cassette station 向盒装卸台cassette to cassette approach 盒对盒装卸技术cassette to cassette coater 盒间装卸式涂敷器cassette to cassette feed 盒对盒装卸操作cassette to cassette handler 盒对盒装卸装置cassette to cassette operation 盒对盒装卸操作cassette to cassette wafer transport 盒对盒薄片转移casting 铸模casting resin 充填尸catalogue integrated circuit 集成电路样本catalogue microprocessor 微处理机样本catalytic oxidation 催化氧化cataphoresis pumping 电泳泵激cataphoretic laser 电泳激光器catcher 收注栅catcher resonator 收注栅catcher space 收注栅空间catchment area 积水面积cathode 阴极cathode bias 阴极偏压cathode coupled amplifier 阴极耦合放大器cathode current 阴极电流cathode dark space 阴极暗区cathode fall space 阴极电位降空间cathode follower 阴极跟随器cathode glow 阴板电辉cathode heater 阴极加热器cathode heater assembly 阴极加热器cathode heating time 阴极加热时间cathode modulation 阴极灯cathode poisoning 阴极中毒cathode ray 阴极射线cathode ray beam intensity modulation 阴极射线束强度灯cathode ray oscillograph 阴极射线示波器cathode ray storage tube 阴极射线存储管cathode ray tube 阴极射线管cathode spot 阴极斑点cathode spraying 阴极溅射cathode sputtering 阴极溅射cathodoluminescence 电子致发光cathodoluminescent display 阴极线发光显示器cation resin 阳离子交换尸cavity 空腔谐振器cavity adjustment 谐振腔蝶cavity filter 空腔滤波器cavity frequency meter 空腔频率计cavity laser 空腔激光器cavity length 谐振腔长度cavity linewidth 谐振谱线宽度cavity magnetron 空腔谐振磁控管cavity maser 共振腔脉泽cavity mirror 谐振腔反射镜cavity mode 空腔共振模cavity reflector 谐振腔反射镜cavity resonator 空腔共振器cavity stability 谐振腔稳定度cavity tuner 空腔党器cavity volume 空腔谐振棋积cavity wavemeter 谐振腔波长计ccd 电荷耦合掐ccd filter 电荷耦合掐滤波器ccd image array 电荷耦合掐成像阵列ccd imager 电荷耦合成像器ccd logic 电荷耦合掐逻辑ccd multiplexer 电荷耦合掐多路转换器ccd readout 电荷耦合读出设备ccd shift register 电荷耦合移位寄存器ccfl 电容耦合式场效应晶体管逻辑cci 电荷耦合成象器ccl 电荷耦合逻辑电路ccram 电荷耦合随机存取存储器cd 冲突检出cd amplifier 源输出放大器cdi 集电极扩散隔离cdip 陶瓷双列直插式外壳cell 电池cell array 单元阵列cell density 单元密度cell library 单元库cement 水泥cement bonding 粘合剂接合center 中心center frequency 中心频率center of a band 频带中心center to center spacing 中心间距centering 定中心centering control 准心蝶器居中蝶central antenna television 共用天线电视central battery system 共电制central exchange 电话总机central office 电话总机central processor unit 中央处埋机central telephone exchange 中央电话局centralized control 中心控制centre 电话总机centre holes 输送孔centrifuge 离心机centrifuge testing 离心机试验centring control 准心蝶器居中蝶cer dip 陶瓷双列直插式外壳ceramic and metal package 金属陶瓷外壳ceramic base 陶瓷衬底ceramic cap 陶瓷盖ceramic carrier 陶瓷芯片座ceramic dip 陶瓷双列直插式外壳ceramic encapsulated ic 陶瓷封装集成电路ceramic magnet 陶质磁体ceramic metallization 陶瓷金属化cerdip assembly 陶瓷双列直插式外壳组装cerdip package 陶瓷双列直插式外壳cerenkov losses 切伦科夫损失cerenkov radiation 切伦科夫辐射cerium 铈cerium glass 铈玻璃cermet 金属陶瓷材料cermet approach 金属陶瓷工艺cermet conductor 金属陶瓷导体cermet material 金属陶瓷材料cermet process 金属陶瓷工艺cesium 铯cesium antimonide photocathode 锑化铯光电阴极cesium atomic beam frequency standard 铯原子射束的频率标准cesium phototube 铯光电管chaff 箔条chain 电路chalcogenide glass 硫属化合物玻璃chalcogenide memory 硫族化合物存储器challenge 询问chamber wash 洗室channel 沟道;信道channel algorithm 通道算法channel amplifier 信道放大器channel balancing 通道平衡channel bank 通道纽channel capacity 信道容量channel conversion 信道变换channel current 沟道电流channel cutoff 沟道截止channel diffusion 沟道扩散channel electron multiplier 通道电子倍增器channel group 通道纽channel injection 沟道注入channel leakage 沟道漏电channel mobility 沟道载劣迁移率channel oxide 沟道区域氧化物channel phasing 通道定相channel pulse 推进脉冲channel region 沟道区域channel selector 信道选择器channel separating filter 信道分离滤波器channel separation 频道分隔channel stopper 沟道截断环channel stopper impurity 沟道截断环杂质channel stopper region 沟道截断区channel switching 通道转换channel type 沟道导电类型channeling 沟道酌chanstop 沟道截断环character code 字符码character display device 字符显示器character repertoire 字符集character set 字符集characteristic admittance 特性导纳characteristic frequencies 特盏率characteristic frequency 特盏率characteristic impedance 特件阻抗charactron 显象管charge 电荷charge carrier 载荷子charge carrier diffusion 载劣扩散charge carrier generation 载劣发生charge carrier injection 载劣注入charge carrier noise 载波噪音charge compensation 电荷补偿charge coupled array 电荷耦合掐阵列charge coupled cell 电荷耦合单元charge coupled circuit 电荷耦合集成电路charge coupled device 电荷耦合掐charge coupled fet 电荷耦合场效应晶体管结构charge coupled imager 电荷耦合成象器charge coupled logic 电荷耦合逻辑电路charge coupled memory 电荷耦合存储器charge coupled ram 电荷耦合随机存取存储器charge coupled register 电荷耦合寄存器charge depletion 载劣耗尽charge distribution 电荷分布charge injection device 电荷注入掐charge migration 电荷迁移charge packet 电荷包charge recombination center 截劣复合中心charge storage capacitor 电荷存储电容器charge storage diode 阶跃恢复二极管charge storage tube 电荷存储管charge transfer amplifier 电荷传输放大器charge transfer channel 电荷转移沟道charge transfer circuit 电荷传输集成电路charge transfer device 电荷转移掐charge transfer structure 电荷转移结构charge transit time 电荷渡越时间charge transport 电荷输送chargeable call 收费通话charged particle 带电粒子charged particle analyzer 带电粒子分析器charging indication 费用指示chatter 锯型边缘;接点振动音chebyshev filter 切比雪夫滤波器check 检查check test 检查试验checking 检查cheese antenna 盒形天线chemical affinity 化学亲合力chemical bond 化学键chemical deposition 化学淀积chemical durability 化学耐久性chemical etch polishing 化学腐蚀抛光chemical etchant 化学腐蚀剂chemical laser 化学激光器chemical pumping 化学激励chemical structure fault 化学结构缺陷chemical vapor deposition 化学汽相淀积chemical vapor deposition film 化学汽相淀积膜chemical vapor deposition reactor 化学汽相淀积反应器chemisorption 化学吸着chip 芯片chip and wire approach 芯片细线方法chip and wire hybrid ic 芯片细线混合电路chip approach 多片技术chip assember 片子装配器chip assembly 片子装配chip board 芯片板chip bonding 芯片焊接chip bonding pad 芯片焊盘chip capacitor 片状电容器chip carrier 芯片座chip carrier assembly 芯片载体组装chip component 片状元件chip density 芯片密度chip design 芯片设计chip dicing 切成小片chip diode 片状二极管chip edge 芯片边缘chip family 集成电路系列chip grid 芯片布置网chip holder 芯片座chip integrated circuit 片状集成电路chip layout 芯片布置布线图chip level complexity 芯片级致密度chip marking 芯片打标chip mounting 芯片组装chip mounting area 芯片安装面积chip on board process 基板上芯片装配工艺chip on tape 带式载体上的芯片chip placer 芯片装入机chip positioner 芯片定位器chip prober 芯片探测器chip processing 芯片处理chip profile 芯片剖面chip real estate 芯片有效面积chip resistor 片状电阻器chip set 芯片组chip set processor 多片处理机chip to header bond 芯片管座焊接chip trimming 片状电阻蝶chmos 互补高性能金属氧化物半导体结构choke 扼力choke coupling 扼力耦合choke joint 扼凉缘接头choke piston 扼令塞choked flange 阻波凸缝cholesteric liquid crystal 胆甾醇结构液晶chopped pulse 缩短脉冲chroma 色度chroma control 彩色强度蝶器chroma key 色度键chromatic aberration 色差chromatic channel 色度通道chromatron 彩色显象管chrome mask 铬掩模chrome master 铬掩模原版chrome photomask 铬掩模chrome plate 铬掩模chrominance 色度chrominance band 色度频带chrominance carrier reference 彩色载波基准频率chrominance channel 色度通道chrominance demodulation 色度信号解调chrominance demodulator 色度解调chrominance modulator 色度信号灯器chrominance signal 色度信号chrominance subcarrier 色度副载波chrominance subcarrier generator 色度副载波发生器chrominance synchronisation 彩色同步chromoscope 彩色显象管chronopotentiogram 测时电位图chronopotentiometry 计时电位测量法chronoscope 计时表cigfet 互补隔离栅场效应晶体管cil 电立入逻辑cipher 密码cipher mask 数码消隐ciphering 译成密码ciphony 密码电话circuit 电路circuit analysis 电路分析circuit closing connection 闭路接法circuit closing device 接通装置circuit component 电路元件circuit density 电路装配密度circuit design 电路设计circuit diagram 电路图circuit element 线路元件circuit engineering 电路技术circuit functional checkout 电路功能检查circuit interconnect pattern 电路互连图案circuit layout 电路布置图circuit orbit 圆形轨道circuit polarizer 圆偏振器circuit requirements 电路技术条件circuit simulation 电路模拟circuit switching 通道转换circuit technique 电路技术circuitry 电路图circular cavity 圆形空腔谐振器circular cross section 圆形截面circular guide 圆导轨circular polarization 圆偏振circular polarized wave 圆极化波circular ring laser 环形激光器circular scanning 圆扫描circular sweep 圆扫描circular waveguide 圆形波异管circularly polarized light 圆偏振光circularly polarized wave 圆极化波circulating beam 环柳circulating gas laser 循环式气体激光器circulating liquide laser 循环式液体激光器circulator 循环器circulator switch 循环平开关city exchange 市内电话交换局cl 闭合环路clad layer 镀层clad optical fiber 涂层光学纤维cladding 电镀cladding thickness 覆盖厚度clamp amplifier 箝位放大器clamp diode 箝位二极管clamp on 得等待clamp pulse 箝位脉冲clamping 电平固定clamping circuit 箝位电路clamping diode 箝压二极管class 100 clean environment 100级洁净环境class 100 clean room 100级洁净室class a amplifier a类放大器class a modulation 甲类灯class a modulator 甲类灯器class a operation a类运用class ab amplifier ab类放大器甲乙类放大器class ab operation ab类运用class b amplifier b类放大器class b modulation 乙类灯class b modulator 乙类灯器class b operation b类运用class c operation c类运用class d amplifier d类放大器classfication 分类classifier 分类机clean area 净化室clean audit 洁净度检测clean bench 洁净台clean machine 清洗装置clean room 净化室clean room compatibility 洁净室适合性clean room environment 洁净室环境clean room garment 洁净室工clean workstation 洁净工拙cleaner 清洗装置cleaning 清洗cleaning boat 清洗小舟cleanup 清洗clear back signal 话终信号clearing relay 话终继电器clearing signal 话终信号cleat 夹板cleavage 解理click filter 喀呖声滤波器clipper 限幅器clipper amplifier 限幅放大器clipper circuit 限制器限幅器;限幅器熄电路clipper diode 限幅二极管clipper tube 熄管clipping 限幅clipping level 限幅电平clock frequency 时钟频率clock pulse rate 时钟频率clock pulse source 时钟脉冲源clock rate 时钟频率close packed lattice 密集晶格close packing 密堆积closed circuit 闭合电路closed circuit cooling 闭路冷却closed circuit television 闭路电视closed cycle 闭合环路closed loop 闭合环路closed shell 闭合壳层closed tube diffusion 闭管扩散closed tube oxidation diffusion system 闭管氧化扩散系统clover leaf aerial 苜蓿叶形天线clover leaf antenna 苜蓿叶形天线clutter 杂乱回波clutter noise 杂波噪声clutter reflections 地物反射cmis 互补型金属绝缘体半导体结构cml 电联关逻辑cml gate cml门电路cmos cmos结构cmos integrated circuit cmos集成电路cmos latchup cmos结构的闭锁cmos on sapphire 蓝宝石上互补金属氧化物半导体cmos on sapphire microprocessor 蓝宝石上互补金属氧化物半导体微处理机cmos on sapphire process 蓝宝石上互补金属氧化物半导体工艺cmos process cmos工艺cmosic cmos集成电路cmr 共横抑制cmrr 共模抑制比cmv 共模电压co channel interference 同波道干扰;同频道干扰co diffusion 同时扩散co3laser communication 二氧化碳激光通信coal microphone 炭精送话器coarse alignment 粗对准coarse tuning 粗调平直党coast station 海岸台coastal refraction 海岸折射coastal transmitter 海岸发射机coated optical fiber 涂层光学纤维coater 涂料器coating 覆盖coating composition 涂层成分coating striation 涂层条纹coaxial antenna 同轴天线coaxial attenuator 同轴衰减器coaxial cable 同轴电缆coaxial cavity 同轴空腔谐振器coaxial connector 同轴连接器coaxial filter 同轴滤波器coaxial line 同轴线coaxial line resonator 同轴线谐振器coaxial phase shifter 同轴移相器coaxial probe 同轴探针coaxial resonator 同轴谐振器coaxial short 同轴短路coaxial stub 同轴短线coaxial switch 同轴转换开关coaxial to waveguide transducer 同轴线波导管匹配变换器coaxial transmission line 同轴传输线coaxial tuner 同轴典器cockcroft walton accelerator 科克罗夫特沃尔顿加速器codan 载频控制的干扰抑制器code 符号code book 电码本code chip 代码单元code dictionary 电码本code division multiple access 分码多址访问code element 代码单元code message 编码信息code selector 选码器code signal 编码信号code translation 译码code unit 代码单元codec 编码译码器coded hologram 编码全息照相coded signal 编码信号coder 编码器coder decoder 编码译码器coding 编码coefficient of feedback 反馈系数coefficient of transparency 透玫数coevaporation 同时蒸发coherence measurement 相干性测量coherent acceleration 相干加速coherent amplification 相干放大coherent detector 相参检波器相干检波器coherent light 相干光线coherent light flux 相干光通量coherent light holography 相干光全息术coherent optical radiation 相干光辐射coherent optics 相干光学coherent oscillation of particles 粒子束相干振荡coherent pulse radar 相干脉冲雷达coherent radar 相干雷达coherent radiation 相干辐射coherent reception 相干接收coherent scattering 相干散射coherent scattering cross section 相干散射截面coherent signal 相干信号coherent sychrotron radiation 相干同步加速气射coherer 粉末检波器coil 绕纽coil aerial 环形天线coil antenna 环形天线coil getter 螺旋管吸气剂coin box 投币箱coin telephone 投币式公用电话coincidence analyzer 重合分析器coincidence circuit 重合电路coincidence gate 与电路coincident current selection 电霖合法cold carrier 冷载劣cold cathode 冷阴极cold cathode gaseous laser 冷阴极气体激光器cold cathode ionization gauge 冷阴极电离真空计cold cathode lamp 冷阴极管cold cathode thratron 冷阴极闸淋cold cathode tube 冷阴板电子管cold cathode valve 冷阴极管cold crucible technology 冷坩埚技术cold forming 冷模压cold measurement 冷测定cold processing technique 冷加工技术cold trap chiller 冷捕集器cold weld 冷焊collection efficiency 收集效率collective line 共用线collector 集电极collector base capacitance 集电极基极电容collector base diode 集电极基极二极管collector breakdown 集电极哗collector capacitance 集电极基极电容collector characteristic 集电极特性collector circuit 集电极电路collector current 集电极电流collector diffusion 集电极扩散collector diffusion isolation 集电极扩散隔离collector diffusion isolation technique 集电极扩散隔离技术collector electrode 集电极collector junction 集电极结collector junction capacitance 集电极结电容collector mask 集电极掩膜collector potential 集电极电位collector resistance 集电极电阻collector to base capacitance 集电极基极电容collector to base conductance 集电极基极电导collector to emitter conductance 集电极发射极电导collimation 视准collimator 准直仪collinear array 直排天线阵collision 碰撞collision broadening 碰撞展宽collision course indicator 航向防撞指示器collision cross section 碰撞横截面collision detection 冲突检出collision excitation 碰撞激发collision ionization 碰撞电离collision loss 碰撞损失collision number 碰撞数collisional heating 碰撞发热color balance 彩色平衡color balance control panel 彩色平衡控制盘color bar 彩条color bar generator 彩条信号发生器color bar signal 彩条信号color bar test pattern 彩条测试图color brilliance 彩色亮度color cathode ray tube 彩色阴极射线管color center formation 色中心形成color channel 彩色通路color coder 彩色编码器color contamination 彩色混杂color contrast 彩色对比度color control 色彩蝶color converter 彩色图象变换器color decoder 彩色信号解码器color difference information 色差信息color difference signal 色差信号color display device 彩色显示器color dividing electrode 彩色分离电极color dividing mask 彩色分离掩膜color flicker 彩色闪烁color hologram 彩色全息照相color holography 彩色全息照相术color image 彩色图象color image separation 彩色图象分离color information 彩色信息color killer 消色器color kinescope 彩色显象管color lock 彩色同步color matrix 彩色矩阵color modulator 彩色灯器color monitor 彩色监视器color noise 彩色信号杂波color overload 色过饱和color pattern 彩色测试图color pattern generator 彩色图样信号发生器color phase 彩色相位color pickup tube 彩色显象管color picture screen 彩色电视荧光屏color picture signal 彩色图象信号color picture tube 彩色显象管color picture tube of 110 110偏转角彩色显象管color primaries 基色color purity adjustment 色纯度蝶color purity coil 色纯度控制线圈color purity ring 色纯度蝶环color receiver 彩色电视接收机color reference signal 彩色基准信号color resolution 彩色分解力color stripe filter 彩条滤色器color subcarrier lock 彩色副载波锁相color synchronizing 彩色同步color television 彩色电视color television picture tube 彩色显象管color television receiver 彩色电视接收机color test signal 彩色测试信号color tv tube 彩色显象管colorimetry 比色法colour breakup 色乱colour centre 彩色中心colour matching 配色colour picture tube 彩色显象管colour sensation 色感觉colour sensitivity 感色灵敏度colpitts oscillator 考毕兹振荡器comb filter 梳形滤波器comb line 梳形线comb structure 梳状结构combination connector 通用终接机combination frequencies 组合频率combinational logic function 组合逻辑函数combined aerial 共用天线combiner amplifier 组合放大器command 命令common aerial 共用天线common base connection 共基极连接common cathode 共阴极common collector connection 共集电极连接common drain amplifier 源输出放大器common emitter connection 共发射极连接common mode rejection 共横抑制common mode rejection ratio 共模抑制比common mode voltage 共模电压communication 通信communication band 通信频带communication cable 通信电缆communication channel 通信信道communication engineering 通信工程学communication line 通信线路communication network 通信网络communication protocol 通信协议communication range 通信范围communication satellite 通信卫星communication satellite net 通信卫星系统communication security 通信保密communication system 通信系统community antenna 共用天线community television 集体电视commutation 换向commutation system 交换系统compact laser 小型激光器compaction 数据压缩compander 压伸器companding 压缩扩展comparator bridge 比较电桥compatibility 互换性compatible color television 兼容彩色电视compatible integrated circuit 兼容集成电路compensated impurity 补偿杂质compensated semiconductor 补偿半导体compensated video amplifier 视频补偿放大器compensating circuit 补偿电路compensating signals 补偿信号compensation 补偿compensation factor 补偿因数compensator bridge 补偿电桥complementary high performance mos 互补高性能金属氧化物半导体结构complementary insulated gate fet 互补隔离栅场效应晶体管complementary integrated circuit 互补集成电路complementary metal insulator semiconductor 互补型金属绝缘体半导体结构complementary mnos 互补金属氮化物氧化物半导体complementary mos cmos结构complementary transistor 互补晶体管complementary transistor logic 互补晶体管逻辑complementary ttl 互补晶体管晶体管逻辑电路complementary wavelength 互补色波长complete inversion 全反转completely reflecting mirror 全反射镜compliant lead 易弯曲的引线component 成分component density 元件密度component inserter 元件插入装置component integration 元件集成化component interconnect 元件间相互连接component layout 元件布置component manufacturing machinery 元件制造设备component mounting 元件装配component part 电路部件component reliability 元件可靠性composite board 复合板composite color signal 复合色信号composite gate 复合门composite gate mos structure 复合栅金属氧化物半导体结构composite layer 复合层composite material 合成材料composite picture signal 复合图象信号composite set 报话复合器composite substrate 复合衬底composite sync generator 复合同步信号发生器composite sync signal 复合同步信号composite transistor 复合晶体管composite wafer 多层薄片composition 成分compound 复合物compound glass 复合玻璃compound integration 多芯片集成电路compound semiconductor 化合物半导体compound semiconductor body 化合物半导体衬底compound semiconductor device 化合物半导体掐compound semiconductor interface 化合物半导体界面compound signal 复合信号compression 数据压缩compression system 压缩系统compressional heating 压缩加热compressor 压缩机computer 计算机computer aided customization 计算机辅助专用集成电路设计computer aided design 计算机辅助设计computer aided design facilities 计算机辅助设计工具computer aided design library 计算机辅助设计程序库computer aided design system 计算机辅助设计系统computer aided drafting 计算机辅助制图computer aided mask preparation 计算机辅助掩模制备computer conferencing 计算机会仪computer controlled laser 计算机控制激光器computer generated artwork 计算机生成原图computer hologram 计算机全息图computer mail 电子函政computer simulation 计算机模拟computer to computer communication 计算机间通信computerized design technique 计算机辅助设计技术computing machine 计算机computing technique 计算技术computor aided drawing 计算机辅助制图computor assisted design 计算机辅助设计concentration 浓度concentration gradient 浓度梯度concentration level 浓度级concentration profile 浓度分布曲线concentration ratio 浓度比率concentrator 集线器集中器condensation 数据压缩condensation nucleus 凝聚核condenser antenna 电容性天线condenser circuit 电容歧路condenser lens 聚束透镜condenser microphone 电容式话筒condenser transmitter 电容式话筒condenser voltage 电容歧压conditioned air 第的空气conductance 电导conductance band 导带conducting channel 导电沟道conducting film 导电膜conduction 导电conduction band 导带conduction electron density 导电电子密度conduction type 导电型conductive adhesive 导电粘合剂conductive coating 导电涂层conductive crossover 导线交叉conductive pattern 导电图conductivity 电导率conductivity modulation 电导率灯conductor 导线conductor insulator semiconductor fet 金属绝缘体半导体场效应晶体管conductor layer 导体层conductor paste 导体胶conductor paste system 导体膏系统conductor pattern 导线分布图conductor to hole spacing 导体孔间隔cone antenna 锥形天线configuration 配置confocal resonator 共焦谐振器congestion 超负荷conical horn 圆锥形喇叭conical resonator 圆锥形谐振器conical scanning 圆锥形扫描connecting device 连接装置connecting plug 塞子connection 连接connection diagram 接线图connection error 连接错误connection plug 塞子connection release 保险装置connection route 连接通路connector 插接器插头座constant current modulation 定疗constant current source 恒链constant luminance 恒定亮度constant voltage modulation 定压灯construction 结构contact annealing 接触式退火contact area 接触面积contact device 接触装置contact diffusion 电极孔形成扩散contact drop 接触电位差contact exposure 密接曝光contact gap 接触间隙contact hole 接触窗口contact hole opening 开接触孔contact lithography 接触光蚀刻contact mask printer 接触式掩模复制器contact opening 接触窗口contact pad 接触点contact photolithography 接触光蚀刻contact potential 接触电势contact potential barrier 接触势垒contact potential difference 接触电位差contact region 接触面积contact resistance 接触电阻contact scribing 接触式划片contact socket 接触座contact window 接触窗口contactless lithography 无接触光蚀刻contactless scribing 无接触划片contaminant 沾染物质contaminant free film 无沾污膜contamination 沾染物质continental code 国际电码continuous laser 连续工驻光器continuous layer 连续层continuous pump 连续激励continuous tuner 连续党器continuous wave doppler radar 连续波多普勒雷达continuous wave irradiation 连续波辐照continuous wave laser 连续波激光器continuous wave laser operation 连续波激光操作continuous wave mode 连续波运行continuous wave operation 连续波运行continuous wave radar 连续波雷达continuously operating laser 连续工驻光器continuously pumped laser 连续激励激光器continuously tunable laser 可连续党激光器contrast 对比contrast control 对比度第contrast control device 对比度第装置contrast dynamic range 对比度动态范围contrast range 对比度范围contrast ratio 对比度系数contrast threshold 对比阈control 控制control channel 控制信道control characteristic 控制特性control circuit 控制电路control circuit apparatus 控制电器control device 控制装置control diffusion 受控扩散control electrode 控制电极control gate 控制栅control grid 控制栅control of horizontal synchronization 行同步控制control of vertical synchronizing 场同步控制control track 控制声道control voltage 控制电压controlled atmosphere furnace 可控气氛炉controlled diode 控制二极管controlled junction depth 受控结深度controlled switch 受控开关controller 控制器第器;控制器convergence 会聚convergence circuit 会聚电路conversation 通话conversational mode 对话方式conversion 变换conversion efficiency 转换效率conversion integrated circuit 变换集成电路conversion loss 变换损耗converter 变换器converter tube 变换管conveyor dryer 传送带式干燥机coolant 冷却剂coolant fluid 冷却剂铃cooled photodetector 冷却式光电探测器cooler 冷却器cooling 冷却cooling circuit 冷却回路cooling fin 散热片cooling fluid 冷却液cooling jacket 冷却夹套cooling rate 冷却速率cooling system 冷却系统cooling water 冷却水cooling water circulation 冷水环流coordinate plotter 坐标绘图机coordinate sensitive photodetector 坐标敏感光电检测器coordinate table 坐标工专coordinatograph 坐标绘图机coplanar electrodes 共平面电极copper 铜copper clad laminate 敷铜箔叠层板copper filled adhesive 填铜粘合剂copper plated base material 镀铜的基体材料copying 复制cord circuit 塞绳电路cord circuit repeater 塞绳增音机cordless switchboard 无塞绳交换机core 磁心core logic 磁心逻辑coring 晶内偏析corner 弯曲软波导corner antenna 角反射旗线corner cube 角形反射器corner reflector 角形反射器corona 电晕放电corona discharge 电晕放电correcting amplifier 校正放大器correcting lens 校正透镜correcting signal 校正信号correction 校正correction of distortion 失真校正correction of phase 相位校正correction time 校正时间corrector circuit 校正电路corrosion 腐蚀corrosion stability 腐蚀稳定性corrugated mask 多孔障板。
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关于自己动手做蛋糕的英语作文The Joy of Baking a Cake from Scratch.Baking a cake from scratch is not just an activity;it's an art that requires patience, precision, and a bit of creativity. It's a process that takes you from the simplicity of a few basic ingredients to the magnificence of a dessert that can wow even the most discerning of palates. The transformation is not just physical; it's emotional too, as the aroma of freshly baked cake fills the air, bringing joy and warmth to any home.To embark on this culinary journey, one must first gather the essential ingredients. Flour, sugar, eggs, butter, and baking powder are the building blocks of any cake. But it's the careful measurement and meticulous mixing of these ingredients that sets the foundation for a successful cake. Each ingredient plays a vital role, andit's essential to understand how they will interact and affect the final outcome.The flour provides structure, the sugar adds sweetness and tenderness, the eggs act as a binding agent, the butter adds richness and moisture, while the baking powder ensures the cake rises beautifully. As these ingredients are combined, they transform from separate entities into a homogeneous batter, ready to be poured into the waiting cake tin.The next step is to decide on the type of cake you want to make. Is it a rich and decadent chocolate cake, or a light and fluffy vanilla cake? Or perhaps somethingentirely different, like a lemon or carrot cake? The choice is endless, and it's here where creativity can truly shine. Once you've chosen your flavor, it's time to add any additional ingredients that will give your cake its unique character.With the oven预热ed to the perfect temperature, it's time to carefully pour the batter into the cake tin. This moment is filled with anticipation as you watch the transformation take place in the oven. The cake risesslowly, its edges turning golden brown as the sugar caramelizes and the cake bakes to perfection.The final step is to let the cake cool completely before removing it from the tin. This is crucial as it allows the cake to set properly, ensuring it doesn't collapse or fall apart. Once cooled, the cake can be decorated as desired, with frosting, fruits, or even a simple dusting of powdered sugar.But the true joy of baking a cake from scratch is not just in the end result. It's in the entire process, from the meticulous preparation to the final reveal. It's in the anticipation as you wait for the cake to rise in the oven and the sense of accomplishment when it comes out perfectly baked. It's in the small details, like the perfectly measured ingredients and the careful folding of the batter, that truly make all the difference.Baking a cake from scratch is not just about making a dessert; it's about creating an experience. It's about bringing people together over a shared love of sweet treatsand the joy of spending time in the kitchen. It's about making memories that last a lifetime, and about finding joy in the simple pleasure of a perfectly baked cake.In conclusion, baking a cake from scratch is much more than just a culinary endeavor; it's an emotional journeythat brings together the senses of smell, taste, and touch. It's a way of expressing oneself creatively and of sharing the joy of baking with others. So, whether you're abeginner or a seasoned baker, I encourage you to give it a try. Embrace the process, experiment with different flavors, and enjoy the ride. After all, the true essence of bakingis not just in the cake, but in the journey it takes to get there.。
Highly efficient single-layer dendrimer light-emitting diodes with balanced charge transportThomas D.Anthopoulos,Jonathan P.J.Markham,Ebinazar B.Namdas,and Ifor D.W.Samuel a)Organic Semiconductor Center,School of Physics and Astronomy,University of St.Andrews,North Haugh,St.Andrews,Fife KY169SS,United KingdomShih-Chun Lo and Paul L.Burn b)The Dyson Perrins Laboratory,Oxford University,South Parks Road,Oxford OX13QY,United Kingdom͑Received31March2003;accepted28April2003͒High-efficiency single-layer-solution-processed green light-emitting diodes based on aphosphorescent dendrimer are demonstrated.A peak external quantum efficiency of10.4%͑35cd/A͒was measured for afirst generation f ac-tris(2-phenylpyridine)iridium cored dendrimerwhen blended with4,4Ј-bis(N-carbazolyl)biphenyl and electron transporting1,3,5-tris(2-N-phenylbenzimidazolyl)benzene at8.1V.A maximum power efficiency of12.8lm/Wwas measured also at8.1V and550cd/m2.These results indicate that,by simple blending of bipolarand electron-transporting molecules,highly efficient light-emitting diodes can be made employinga very simple device structure.©2003American Institute of Physics.͓DOI:10.1063/1.1586999͔Over the past ten years,tremendous advances in the area of organic light-emitting diodes͑OLEDs͒have been achieved mainly through the synthesis of efficient lumo-phores and the development of improved device structures.1–4Thermally evaporated devices have been dem-onstrated to be the most efficient with quantum efficiencies approaching20%and power efficiencies in the region of 60–70lm/W.4,5These devices implement efficient phospho-rescent dopants as the light-emitting medium4–7capable of harvesting light from both singlet and triplet excitons.The best performing phosphorescent dopants have been shown to be those based on iridium͑Ir͒complexes,which can emit from the metal-ligand charge transfer state.4,5,7These orga-nometallic complexes are highly suitable due to their rela-tively short excited state lifetime,7high photoluminescence efficiencies,and excellent color tunability.8,9However,in or-der to achieve the very good performance,complex device structures are required with several charge transport and ex-citon confinement layers being used.Solution processible materials such as conjugated polymers1,2,10or dendrimers11,12,13have also demonstrated high efficiency but in much simpler device structures that can be realized by highly cost effective fabrication tech-niques such as spin coating11and ink-jet printing.14We have recently shown that efficient electrophosphorescence can be obtained from single-layer OLEDs employing a solution pro-cessible dendrimer compound doped into a suitable host material.11We have found that the charge balance can be improved further at some expense of complexity by intro-ducing an electron transporting/hole blocking layer to give a highly efficient bilayer device.15Even simpler device struc-tures are desirable and,in this letter,we demonstrate device efficiency enhancement in a single-layer OLED structure.This is achieved by means of blending the components usedin two-layer devices,thereby overcoming the limitations ofpoor charge injection and balance that are usually encoun-tered in simple single-layer devices,and so giving majorimprovements in device performance,especially in terms ofpower efficiency.The molecular structure of thefirst-generationf ac-tris(2-phenylpyridine)iridium cored dendrimer ͑G1-Ir͒and the host materials namely,4,4Ј-bis(N-carbazolyl)biphenyl͑CBP͒and1,3,5-tris(2-N-phenylbenzimidazolyl)benzene͑TPBI͒are shown in Fig.1.Single-layer devices were formed by spin coating the den-drimer based blends from CHCl3solution onto O2plasmaashed indium tin oxide͑ITO͒coated on glass substrates.Thecathode contact was then thermally evaporated onto theemissive layer under a vacuum at a base pressure of7ϫ10Ϫ7mbar.A Keithley2400source meter and a Keithley 2000multimeter were used for measuring the current–voltage–light output characteristics of the devices,while for measurement of the electroluminescence͑EL͒spectra an In-struments SA charge-coupled device spectrograph was em-ployed.Photoluminescence quantum yields͑PLQYs͒of the films were measured in an integrating sphere16utilizing a HeCd laser beam with an excitation wavelength of325nm.The absolutefilm PLQY were78%for the20:80%͑G1-Ir:CBP͒blend and64%for the three component20:52:28%͑G1-Ir:CBP:TPBI͒blend.The concentration ratios are by weight,and were chosen to optimize device performance ͑see next͒.For OLED characterization,two different sets of devices were fabricated employing the single-layer configu-ration shown in Fig.1͑d͒.Device structure1is comprised of an ITO anode,a120nm thick emissive layer͑EML͒based on the two-component͑G1-Ir:CBP͒blend,and a cathode electrode.Device structure2has the ITO anode,a120nm thick EML based on the three-component͑G1-Ir:CBP:TPBI͒blend,and a cathode electrode.It was established that besta͒Author to whom correspondence should be addressed;electronic mail:******************.ukb͒Author to whom correspondence should be addressed;electronic mail:*****************APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS VOLUME82,NUMBER2630JUNE200348240003-6951/2003/82(26)/4824/3/$20.00©2003American Institute of Physics Downloaded 25 Jun 2008 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see /apl/copyright.jspperformance for device structure 1was obtained with Ca/Al as the cathode,whereas for device structure 2,LiF/Al was determined to be the best cathode combination.A possible explanation for this observation could be the efficient disso-ciation of LiF by way of chemical reactions with the three-component organic blend,resulting in enhanced charge transfer across the semiconductor/metal interface as has been previously observed for tris ͑8-hydroxyquinoline ͒aluminum ͑Alq ͒/LiF/Al interfaces.17However,the reaction pathways between LiF and G1-Ir:CBP:TPBI blends are not yet clear and further work is needed in order to elucidate the exact mechanism.In both device structures,EL emission is found to origi-nate only from the dendrimer with a peak at 518nm and a vibronic shoulder at 545nm.This characteristic is similar to that reported previously for evaporated f ac -tris(2-phenylpyridine)iridium ͓Ir(ppy)3͔-based OLEDs.7It is im-portant to note that no host emission is visible from either of the two blends implying a complete energy or charge transfer from the other components of the blend to the dendrimer.Figure 2͑a ͒shows the external quantum efficiency ͑EQE ͒as a function of bias voltage for device structures 1and 2.As can be seen,the EQE for device structure 2exhibits higher values throughout the entire voltage range investigated,with a maximum value of 10.4%measured at 8.1V .The differ-ence in efficiency is particularly marked at lower voltages.For example at 6V ,device structure 2exhibits an EQE of 7.4%compared with 0.21%for device structure 1.This is a significant improvement since low-voltage operation was previously an issue for single-layer dendrimer-based OLEDs.11–13,18We now consider the reasons for the improvement.In order to further investigate the transport process in these de-vices,the forward bias characteristics are plotted in Fig.2͑b ͒.It can be seen in Fig.2͑b ͒that the current density is larger for device structure 2throughout the measurement range.This current enhancement mechanism can be better understood on the basis of the device energy level diagram shown in Fig.3.TPBI is hole blocking in character ͓highest occupied mo-lecular orbital ͑HOMO ͒at 6.7eV ͔so the hole current through device structure 2will be lower than for device structure 1.The higher current observed must,therefore,be due to an increased electron current.TPBI favors this in two ways.The first is that the energy of its lowest unoccupied molecular orbital ͑LUMO ͒reduces the barrier to electron injection.The second is that the electron transporting char-acter of TPBI may increase the electron mobility in device structure 2.By improving charge injection and transport in this way,a shift of the recombination zone further away from the cathode is expected,reducing any cathode induced EL quenching.It is found that the carrierinjection/transportFIG.1.The molecular structures of:͑a ͒G1-Ir dendrimer,͑b ͒CBP,͑c ͒TPBI,and ͑d ͒schematic diagram of the single-layer OLED structureemployed.FIG.2.͑a ͒EQE ͑%͒of device structure 1͑G1-Ir:CBP,dashed line ͒and device structure 2͑G1-Ir:CBP:TPBI,solid line ͒as a function of bias voltage (V ).͑b ͒Current density ͑J ͒vs voltage (V )characteristics obtained for the twodevices.FIG.3.Energy level band diagram for the constituent materials employed in the present study.HOMO and LUMO are the highest occupied and lowest unoccupied molecular orbitals,respectively ͑energy levels taken from Ref.15͒.Downloaded 25 Jun 2008 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see /apl/copyright.jspproperties of device structure 2change as the composition of its active layer is adjusted in order to achieve the best effi-ciency.In the present work,the optimum G1-Ir:CBP:TPBI ratio was found to be 20:52:28wt %,respectively.When the concentration of TPBI was further reduced or increased a gradual drop in the EQE of the devices was observed.In Fig.4͑a ͒,the light output ͑cd/m 2͒,for both devices,is plotted against the bias voltage.It is evident that device structure 2exhibits a much lower turn-on voltage for light emission ͑2.9V ͒than device structure 1͑4.4V ͒.The operating voltage for device structure 2at 100cd/m 2is 6.6V;a much lower value compared with that measured for device structure 1͑8.8V ͒.Further conclusive evidence on the improving effect of hav-ing TPBI in the blend are provided in Fig.4͑b ͒where the power efficiency ͑lm/W ͒for both devices is plotted as a function of bias voltage.A significant enhancement for de-vice structure 2is observed with a maximum power effi-ciency of 12.8lm/W reached at 8.1V ͑550cd/m 2͒and a corresponding EQE of 10.4%.Such a high performance,for a single-layer OLED,approaches the values of 12%–20%reported so far in literature for evaporated devices.4,5,19–21Furthermore,it demonstrates how charge carrier balance within a high photoluminescence efficiency blend,coupled with the superior film forming properties of dendrimers,can lead to highly efficient and easy-to-fabricate light-emitting devices.In summary,the effects of blending charge-transportingmolecules,with phosphorescent iridium-based dendrimer,on the performance characteristics of single-layer OLEDs have been investigated.Results indicate that the addition of electron-transporting TPBI into a blend of G1-Ir:CBP gives a significant improvement in device efficiency and reduces the operating voltage.The improved performance is assigned to enhanced electron injection from the LiF/Al cathode and transport through the EML due to the presence of TPBI.We believe that this simple approach will lead to further im-provements in single-layer OLEDs performance.The authors are grateful to CDT Oxford Ltd.,EPSRC,and SHEFC for financial support.One of the authors ͑I.D.W.S.͒is a Royal Society Research Fellow.1R.H.Friend,R.W.Gymer,A.B.Holmes,J.H.Burroughes,R.N.Marks,C.Taliani,D.D.C.Bradley,D.A.Dos Santos,J.L.Bredas,M.Logdlund,and W.R.Salaneck,Nature ͑London ͒397,121͑1999͒.2P.K.H.Ho,J.S.Kim,J.H.Burroughes,H.Becker,S.F.Y .Li,T.M.Brown,F.Cacialli,and R.H.Friend,Nature ͑London ͒404,481͑2000͒.3C.W.Tang,Inf.Disp.12,16͑1996͒.4C.Adachi,M.A.Baldo,M.E.Thompson,and S.R.Forrest,J.Appl.Phys.90,5048͑2001͒.5M.Ikai,S.Tokito,Y .Sakamoto,T.Suzuki,and Y .Taga,Appl.Phys.Lett.79,156͑2001͒.6M.A.Baldo,D.F.O’Brien,Y .You,A.Shoustikov,S.Sibley,M.E.Thompson,and S.R.Forrest,Nature ͑London ͒395,151͑1998͒.7M.A.Baldo,M.E.Thompson,and S.R.Forrest,Nature ͑London ͒403,750͑2001͒.8C.Adachi,M.A.Baldo,S.R.Forrest,mansky,M.E.Thompson,and R.C.Kwong,Appl.Phys.Lett.78,1622͑2001͒.9C.Adachi,R.C.Kwong,P.Djurovich,V .Adamovich,M.A.Baldo,M.E.Thompson,and 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生命用什么单位计量英语作文Measuring Life: The Units of ExistenceLife is a complex and multifaceted phenomenon that cannot be accurately measured by a single unit. However, throughout history, various units have been used to quantify and understand the essence of life. From biological cycles to spiritual concepts, the quest to find the ultimate unit of life's measurement remains ongoing.Biologically speaking, the most basic unit of life is the cell. Cells are the fundamental building blocks of all organisms, from the smallest microbes to the largest mammals. They are responsible for carrying out the essential functions of life, such as growth, metabolism, and reproduction. The cell cycle, which describes the processes involved in cell growth and division, serves as a basic unit of time for measuring biological processes.Beyond the biological realm, we often use years, days, and hours as units to measure the duration of life. These units are based on the movement of the earth around the sun, the rotation of the earth on its axis, and the ticking of a clock. They provide us with a framework to organize our lives, plan our activities, and mark significant milestones.However, life is not merely about duration; it is also about quality and experience. In this sense, moments and memories become powerful units of measurement. A single moment can be filled with profound meaning and impact, while a lifetime of mundane experiences may pale in comparison. The moments we cherish, the relationships we form, and the lessons we learn are what truly define the richness and depth of our lives.Moreover, some cultures and spiritual traditions have developed their own unique units of measuring life. For instance, in some Eastern philosophies, the concept of "karma" serves as a measure of one's actions and their consequences in shaping one's destiny. Similarly, in some religious traditions, the idea of "soul" or "spirit" is used to refer to the immaterial essence of life that transcends physical existence.In summary, measuring life is a complex task that cannot be accomplished by a single unit. Biological units like cells and the cell cycle provide us with a fundamental understanding of life's processes, while temporal units like years and hours help us organize our lives. However, the true essence of life lies in its quality and experience, which are best captured by theunits of moments, memories, and spiritual concepts. Ultimately, the units we choose to measure life depend on our personal perspectives and values, and the journey of discovery remains ongoing.。
物流英语常用词汇freight rates 运费率freight absorption 运费免收volume of freight 货运量dead freight 空舱费freight agent 运输行freight car [美](一节)货车freight engine 货运机车freight house货栈, 堆栈freight ton [tonnage] 容积吨(数)freight-in n. (=freight inward, transportation-in)进货运费freight-out n. (=freight outward, transportation-out)销货运费freight forward 运费由提货人支付freight paid 运费付讫freight prepaid (=advanced freight) 运费先付freightless freight [美]用普通铁路货车运送dead freight 空舱费; 空舱;不易腐坏的大件货物drag one’s freight [美俚]离开, 出发pull one’s freight [美俚]离开, 出发additional freight 增列运费, 附加运费ad valorem freight 从价运费advanced freight 预付运费air freight 航空运费astray freight 票货分离(但有到达站和货主标计)的货物back freight 退货运费, 额外运费, 空车回送方向货物back goods freight 退货费用bulk freight 散装货物charterer’s freight 租船人的运费clausum freight 不动产占有侵犯collect freight 待收运费, 收取运费cost and freight 离岸加运费价格cost, assurance and freight 到岸价格cost insurance freight 到岸价格direct freight 直航运费distance freight 增加距离运费distress freight 填载运费excess freight 超(过路程单填明数)量货物export freight & insurance a/c 出口保险费运费科目(帐户) fast freight 快运货物general freight 普通货物groupage freight 化零为整的货物home freight 返回运费, 回程运费inbound freight 到达货物inflammablefreight 易燃货物interline freight 铁路联运货物less-than-carload freight (LCL freight) 零担货物lump sum freight 按整船计算的运费.包干运费manifest freight 快运货物measurement freight 按体积计算的运费multiple freight 复式运费net freight 运费纯收入, 运费实收金, 运费净数nonrevenue freight 无收入货物open freight 自由运费, 未定运费outbound freight 运出货物outward freight 销出运费overland freight 陆运货运package freight 包裹货运, 零担货物phantom freight 在售价上加计的假设运费pro rata freight 比例运费quick dispatch freight 快运货物refused freight 收货人拒收的货物restricted freight 限制条件下运输的货物(如易燃品, 易爆品等)return cargo freight 回运货物运费river freight 内河水脚, 内河运费shipping freight 运费shortfall freight 亏舱运费tapering freight 远距离递减的运费through freight 直达运费, 联运货物freight on board 离岸价格freight on inter-branch transfers 分店间送货运费freight to be collected 运到收费, 运费待收freight to be deducted 应扣代付运费专业术语物品article 2.物流logistics 3.物流活动logistics activity 4.物流作业logistics operation 5.物流模数logistics modulus 6.物流技术logistics technology 7.物流成本logistics cost 8.物流管理logistics management 9.物流中心logistics center 10.物流网络logistics network 11.物流信息logistics information 12.物流企业logistics enterprise 13.物流单证logistics documents 14.物流联盟logistics alliance 15.供应物流supply logistics 16.生产物流production logistics 17.销售物流distribution logistics 18.回收物流returned logistics 19.废弃物物流waste material logistics 20.绿色物流environmental logistics 21.企业物流internal logistics 22.社会物流external logistics 23.军事物流militarylogistics 24.国际物流international logistics 25.第三方物流third-part logistics (TPL) 26.定制物流customized logistics 27.虚拟物流virtual logistics 28.增值物流服务value-added logistics句子1.Modern logistics is one of the most challenging and exciting jobs in the world.现代物流是世界上最富挑战性和最激动人心的工2.Logistics is part of a supply chain.物流是供应链的整体组成部分。
微波光电导衰减法测量N型4H-SiC少数载流子寿命高冬美;陆绮荣;韦艳冰;黄彬【摘要】In order to understand the electrical property of N-type 4H-SiC better and evaluate its crystal quality, with laser technique and microwave photoconductivity measurement as a tool of the non-conductive and non-destructive characterization for semiconductors, the measurement principle was described and the experimental equipment was put forward. The dependence of the minority carrier lifetime on the excitation intensity was discussed. The results show that the changing of the laser pulse energy (I. E. The photon injection level) little affect the carrier lifetime of the specimen, its peak voltage is proportional to the excitation intensity. The method of carrier lifetime measurement is convenient and efficient and has a great significance for examination of the property of SiC material.%为了更好地了解N型4H-SiC的电学特性,评价其晶体质量,采用激光技术和微波光电导作为非接触、非破坏性测量半导体特性的一种工具,描述了其测试原理和实验装置,并讨论了不同的激发强度下,其少数载流子寿命的变化.结果表明,改变入射激光能量(即光子注入水平),样品电压峰值与激发强度成正比,对其载流子寿命几乎没有影响.该方法能方便快捷地测量载流子的寿命,对SiC材料性能的研究具有重要意义.【期刊名称】《激光技术》【年(卷),期】2011(035)005【总页数】4页(P610-612,631)【关键词】激光技术;少数载流子寿命;微波光电导;4H-SiC;注入水平【作者】高冬美;陆绮荣;韦艳冰;黄彬【作者单位】桂林理工大学机械与控制工程学院,桂林541004;桂林理工大学现代教育中心,桂林541004;桂林理工大学机械与控制工程学院,桂林541004;桂林理工大学机械与控制工程学院,桂林541004【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TN304.2引言SiC是Ⅳ-Ⅳ族二元化合物,每个原子被4个异种原子所包围,通过定向的强四面体SP3键结合在一起,具有强的共价键结构,使它具有高的硬度、高熔解温度、高的化学稳定性和抗辐射能力。