Common Features
Birth, senility, illness and death Tabooed numbers
Religion and superstition
Birth or Death
E: She is expecting.
How are you doing ? What’s going on?
C: “你到哪儿去啊?”
E: Have no special tபைடு நூலகம்boos
about the harmonics.
C: 伞(散)、分梨(分离)、
Causes for taboos
C: 她有喜了 E: Pass away…Be in heaven… C: 去世…驾鹤西去…
Tabooed numbers
E: 5 C: 3 / / 6 4 / 13 / 7
Religion and superstition
E: God / Devil / Christ
Social systems
Different Characteristics
Social status and appellation
汉英禁忌语一、禁忌语和委婉语语言禁忌 (Language Taboo),语言禁忌源于人类最初对自然现象和自然力的困惑和误解。
前缀“eu”的意思是“good”(好),词根“-phemism”意为“speech”(言语),合起来意思是“word of good omen”(吉言或好听的说法)。
正如美国学者Hugh Rawson 所描述的那样,委婉语“如此深深地嵌入我们的语言,以至我们中间没有谁——即便是那些自诩言谈直截了当的人——能够在不使用委婉语的情况下过完一天的”。
英汉禁忌语均具有维护社会秩序、遵循社会规范的功能。通过使用禁忌语, 人们可以避免谈论令人尴尬或冒犯的话题,从而减少不必要的冲突和摩擦。此外, 禁忌语还可以起到警示和教育的作用,提醒人们在不同场合下应该保持适当的言 谈举止。例如,在汉语中,“妄议中央”是一个较为严重的禁忌语,旨在引导人 们不要随意发表不当言论。同样地,英语中的“鞭打禁锢”等禁忌语也旨在维护 社会道德和秩序。
英汉禁忌语的对比分析在语言教学中具有重要意义。教师可以通过介绍英汉 禁忌语的异同点,帮助学生更好地理解两种文化背景下的语言表达和交际方式。 同时,学生也可以通过了解不同文化中的禁忌语,提高自己的跨文化交际意识和 能力。
在翻译实践中,英汉禁忌语的对比分析同样具有指导作用。译者需要具备跨 文化意识,了解两种语言中的禁忌语及其背后的文化内涵。只有这样,才能在忠 实原文的基础上,准确地传达原文中的信息。例如,在翻译过程中,遇到关于 “死亡”的禁忌语时,译者需要根据目标语言的文化背景,选择适当的词汇和表 达方式。
英汉禁忌语在修辞手法和篇章结构方面也有其独特之处。英语中的禁忌语多 采用委婉语和替代词,以避免直接提及禁忌话题,如用“pass away”代替 “die”。而汉语中的禁忌语则更多地体现为避讳和省略,如对年长者的称呼中 会避免使用不吉利的字眼。
四、应用实践:跨文化交流的技 巧
在跨文化交流中,了解英汉禁忌语的异同十分重要。在语言交流中,我们应 尊重对方的文化习惯,避免使用冒犯性的言辞。同时,掌握相应的交流技巧,如 采用间接、委婉的语言表达方式,可以有效地避免因文化差异引起的误解和冲突。 在翻译过程中,译者也需充分考虑原文中的禁忌语,确保译文准确、得体。
一、禁亵渎性词语在西方国家,人们认为滥用上帝或上帝的名字是不敬的,所以与这类相关的词语一般是要避免的,而且也常常避免谈到魔鬼,如:上帝的名字JehovahGod(上帝)hell(地狱)devil( 魔鬼)Christ(基督)Jesus ChristHoly Mary如果要使用,则God说成Dod,Gom,Godfrey等,将Jesus Christ说成Caessar’Crutch等或是使用god of this world, the Big D( Lord of flies), the good man 等委婉语。
在中国,人们也尽量避免对“神”的不敬, 对自己信奉和崇拜的神仙不能在言语上有任何的轻慢和不敬。
二、禁辱骂性词语辱骂性语言在英语中属于淫秽性语言(obscene language),也可以说是脏话(dirty words),常常是人们避讳的。
如:son of bitch(狗娘养的)For Christ's sake! (为了基督!)God damned! (神啊,受诅咒吧!)Oh, damn it! (诅咒它吧!)英语里还有用动物的名称来骂人的,如骂某人为cow, swine, pig,stallion等等, 这些是禁止使用的。
禁忌(taboo) 是人类社会普遍存在的一种复杂的文化现象,它存在于世界上已知的各种文化之中,无论是原始部落,还是高度文明的社会,无论在中国还是在西方,语言禁忌都普遍存在。
旧时对父母的名字也要避讳,唐朝大诗人杜甫,一生留下1400 首诗,却无一句涉及海棠花,因为他的母亲名海棠,正如他避父名“闲”之讳,诗中没有一个“闲”字。
由于中西方人的历史传统、风俗习惯、宗教信仰、价值观念的不同,禁忌语(verbal taboos)也有很多不同之处。
就如数字 13 在英国就是禁忌。
这些 话不 仅是 骂 人 , 是 对 神 的 冒犯 。汉语 中常 用 也
的有 “ 该死 的 ” “ , 他妈 的 ” “ 三 ” “ 三烂 ” “ ,瘪 ,下 , 狗
娘养 的” 。现代 年轻 人 网上用 语 多 用 它们 的拼 音 等
1 47
首 字母 , T 如 MD、 N D 等 。骂 女 人 常 用 “ 子 ” TN 婊 、
往 中, 但 晚辈忌 呼长辈 的名字 , 不 而且 在不很 熟识 的 同辈之 间也忌 直呼对 方 的名字 , 以示对 对方 的尊敬 ,
通 常人们 以“ 生 ” “ 先 、 同志 ” “ 、 师傅 ” 相称 。 ( ) 间和数 字禁忌 二 时 在 西方文 化里 , 们 最 忌讳 的时 间 和数 字莫 过 人 于星期 五和 1 。西方人认 为在 星期 五 这天 结婚 、 3 旅 行、 航海 、 开始 一个 新 的工 作 、 办 一 次会 议 或是 做 举
中西 文化 中的语 言禁 忌 , 少 跨 文 化 交 际 中不 必 要 减
“ ” 。每当新皇帝登基 , 邦 字 许多人只能改名。还有
避 圣人 讳 , 到 “ ” 要 避 讳 , 丘 ” 因 此 改 为 遇 丘 字 “ 姓
“ ” 因为 “ ” 圣人孔 丘 的名 。在 中国也有 敬 动 邱 , 丘 是
通常会 冒犯 他人 , 人不 快 , 者 引起 双 方 的 冲 突。 令 或 英语 中大部 分辱 骂性 词语 与宗 教 的词语 和名称 或 与 性 和性 器 官有关 , : ssC rtsi cc 。也 有用 如 J u h s, t ok e i h,
动 物 的名称 来 骂人 的 , : ie pg CW, i h等 。 如 s n , i, O b c w t 在 骂某 人是 “ 畜生 ” “ 、 可恶 的东 西 ” , 语 中常 用 时 英
关键词: 禁忌语;交际;语用;对比AbstractTaboo is a commonly existing cultural phenomenon among nations in the world which regulates people’s language and social communication .The great difference between Chinese and western culture directly results in the great difference between Chinese and English taboo .So ,taboo exiting both in Chinese and English .With the consideration of the different cultures and customs ,we should avoid using offensive expression: taboo, in international communication. Cross-cultural communication is the important part of modern communication. The phenomenon of the taboo can make the cross-cultural communication more appropriate. Taboos in both Chinese andEnglish reflect every corner of the different social life, so the pragmatic differences between the Chinese and English taboos can be of great help for cross-cultural communication. By analyzing the intercommunity and the otherness of the pragmatic principles, the thesis summarized three principles of using the taboos and discussed the pragmatic differences between Chinese and English taboos from angles of literature, animal idioms and the addressing words,trying to have a further discussion on the pragmatic expressions between the Chinese and English taboos.Key word: taboo; communication; pragmatic ;comparison语言既是文化载体,又是文化的一部分。
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ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
扬州高等职业技术学校 孙 佳
[摘 要]在英语文化中,和颜色(即色彩)有关的词汇及其用法多不胜数,可见颜色是是极富表现力的词汇。 [关键词]颜色 色彩 用法
色彩在我们日常生活中无处不在,和颜色有关的词汇及其用法也 多不胜数。但有关颜色的知识比较零散,如颜色词的语用法、词汇构成 法、固定搭配等。本文拟就英语中与颜色相关的各种用法加以综合并做 浅显分析。
特征、名族心理和行为模式。在以下方面,英汉禁忌语存在较明显差异: 1.颜色禁忌 不同民族、不同文化背景下,颜色词承载着不同的感情色彩和文化
信息,因此,在跨文化交流中应该注意颜色词使用上的禁忌。例如,中国 人崇尚红色,国旗采用鲜艳的红色;在婚礼上通常都会采用红色礼服; 逢年过节时,多会贴红色对联,张挂红色灯笼等等。然而在西方文化中, 红色却容易使人联想到“暴力”和“流血”,因而,他们对红色有一定的禁 忌。例如,著名汉学家霍克斯在翻译《红楼梦》时采用了这部书原名《石 头记》的译名“The story of the stone”;白色在中国主要象征丧葬,所以在 喜庆的场合,白色礼服一般都会被禁忌。而在西方白色却倍受青睐,象 征着纯洁、无辜等褒义含义,白色礼服也经常在婚庆时使用;在汉语里 主要象征黑暗、邪恶和灾难的黑色,在西方却象征了威严和尊贵。
一、颜色的语用法 (一)询问颜色,注意表达习惯 正:What color is your bag? 你的书包是什么颜色? 正:What is the color of your bag? (同上) 误:What color has your bag? (二)上下文中表示颜色的含义比较清楚时,一般不用 color 一词 正:The bike is red. 那个自行车是红色的。 正:The bike is red in color. (去掉 in color 更自然) 误:The bike is red color. (三)上下文中表示颜色的含义不很确定时,通常用 color 一词,且 常与不定冠词连用 That thing is of a blue color. 那东西呈蓝色。 It was a blue-green color. 它是蓝绿的。 二、颜色词的词汇构成法 (一)英语中常见颜色 red(红色),black(黑色),blue(蓝色),white(白色),green(绿色),yellow(黄 色),grey (灰色),pink(粉红色),orange(橙色),purple(紫色),brown(棕色)等。 (二)这些基本颜色词和其他形容词一样,具有以下词法特征 1.比较级和最高级形式 red—— —redder—— —reddest green—— —greener—— —greenest blue—— —bluer— ——bluest 2. 加后缀 -en 构成动词 white + en: The house was whitened this summer. 房子在今年夏天被 粉刷成白色。 black + en:He blackened his hair in the barber shop. 他在理发店把头 发染黑了。 (三)如果表示颜色深浅不同程度,可有以下几种不同的构成方法 1.表示浅(淡)色,可在颜色词前加 light 或 pale。 如:light green(浅绿),pale yellow(淡黄),pale blue(浅蓝)等。 The sky was pale blue. 天空是浅蓝色的。 2.表示深色,可在颜色词前加 dark 或 deep。 如:deep red(深红),dark green(深绿)等。 She has a deep red hair. 她的头发是深红色的。 3.表示鲜明的、鲜艳的,可在颜色词前加 bright、vivid、burning、baby 等。 如:bright yellow(鲜黄)、baby pink (亮桃红)。 She wears a bright yellow coat today. 她今天穿了件鲜黄色的外套。 三、颜色词的固定搭配 颜色词的固定搭配是重点和难点。不同的文化背景赋予颜色不同 的文化内涵,有时相同的意思甚至使用了不同的色彩。例如汉语中的 “ 眼 红(嫉 妒)”用 英 语 表 达 为“green with envy”;英 语 词 组“black and
Comparison of English and Chinese Taboos 英汉禁忌语的比较
Comparison of English and Chinese Taboos英汉禁忌语的比较摘要禁忌语既是人类社会普遍存在的一种复杂的文化现象,又是不同社会的人们的一种约定俗成。
关键词:禁忌语比较防范对策ABSTRACTTaboo is not only a complex cultural phenomenon of human society, but also established by usage. In the long-term practice, the human built and developed constantly with their own language and culture, while established different language patterns and cultural circles. In cross-cultural communication, taboo exists everywhere and has a strong practical binding to people.On the basis of previous studies, this thesis compares taboo words in English and Chinese. With the method of ensample, people can analyze and summarize the commonness between English and Chinese taboo words over voice, vocabulary, and the conceptual differences in privacy, number and name between China and English-speaking countries. This thesis analyzes the factors leading the differences among taboo words based on the impact of national culture on taboos words and the participants’ personal circumstances, and propose preventive measures to solve the conflicts caused by taboo words in intercultural communication. Thus the communication in cross-culture communication can achieve higher level.KEY WORDS: taboo words comparison preventive strategyCONTENTSAcknowledgements-------------------------------------------------------------------------------i Abstract (Chinese) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------ii Abstract (English) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------iii1. Introduction------------------------------------------------------------------------------------12. Aspects of Taboos----------------------------------------------------------------------3 2.1 Origin and History-----------------------------------------------------------------------3 2.2 Performance-------------------------------------------------------------------------------42.2.1 Appellation---------------------------------------------------------------------------42.2.2 Question Words----------------------------------------------------------------------42.2.3 Sensitive Topics----------------------------------------------------------------------52.2.4 Obscene, Profane and Abusive Words--------------------------------------------5 2.3 Pragmatic Features of Taboos in Intercultural Communication--------------------62.3.1 Universality--------------------------------------------------------------------------62.3.2 Transmutability----------------------------------------------------------------------62.3.3 Nationality----------------------------------------------------------------------------72.3.4 Succession----------------------------------------------------------------------------72.3.5 Class Character----------------------------------------------------------------------72.3.6 Circumbendibus---------------------------------------------------------------------83. The Similarities between Chinese and English Taboo Words---------------------------8 3.1 In Pronunciation--------------------------------------------------------------------------8 3.2 In V ocabulary----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 93.2.1 Death---------------------------------------------------------------------------------93.2.2 Toilet---------------------------------------------------------------------------------93.2.3 Curse---------------------------------------------------------------------------------93.2.4 Disease and Disability-------------------------------------------------------------93.2.5 Sexism-------------------------------------------------------------------------------104. The Differences between Chinese and English Taboo Words-------------------------10 4.1 In Privacy-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10 4.2 In Numbers------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 114.3 In Names----------------------------------------------------------------------------------115. Reasons to Cause Conflict------------------------------------------------------------------11 5.1 The Impact of National Culture on Taboo Words---------------------------------- 12 5.2 The Impact of Participants’ Personal Circumstances------------------------------ 145.2.1 Age---------------------------------------------------------------------------------145.2.2 Sex---------------------------------------------------------------------------------145.2.3 Cultural Training-------------------------------------------------------------------145.2.4 Relationship between Communicators----------------------------------155.2.5 Occasions---------------------------------------------------------------------------155.2.6 Social Factors---------------------------------------------------------------------156. The Solutions to Avoid Conflicts----------------------------------------------------------15 6.1 Avoidance-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 17 6.2 Euphemism------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 17 6.3 Hiding Truth-----------------------------------------------------------------------------186.4 Neutral------------------------------------------------------------------------------------187. Conclusion---------------------------------------------------------------------------------19 7.1 Summary--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 19 7.2 Suggestions for Further Research---------------------------------------------------- 20 Bibliography-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------211.IntroductionLanguage is a social phenomenon, which determines that language system is not a closed system, but linked inextricably with others. Chomsky once said“People's language is always affected by various forms of social and cultural factors. When we study the language, it is of some people that might be called human nature of things, that the psychological characteristics with humans, as far as we know, these features are unique to humans.” Obviously, l anguage is the embodiment of human nature. It reflects a culture and the mode of thinking. As we all know, culture is the sum of beliefs, habits, living patterns and behaviors for different nationalities. Different nations have different cultural backgrounds, which influence the development of their language. As the carrier of culture, a language also shows the specific character to its nation. Meanwhile, language is a tool for human’s thought and communication. Though arbitrary is the nature of language, when certain words have been mentioned, certain scene will present in people's eyes and cause psychological reactions. As a result, people expect to avoid or indirect reference the unhappy words. This is the phenomenon of taboo language. For foreign language learners, learning a foreign language is not only to learn the language, but also to understand its culture. It is the combination of going through complex psychological processes and exploring ways of thinking and psychological characteristics under different cultural background.In the past two decades, with the process of human globalization and information, people in different regions with different cultural backgrounds communicated with each other more and more frequently. Cross-cultural communication has become an important feature to the world. In human’s lifetime, they receive or send information all the time. Verbal language becomes the most important form of communication. However, in cross-cultural communication, lacking the knowledge of foreign language and the understanding of alien culture often lead the failure and errors. For example, making a circle with the thumb and forefinger and straightening the other three fingers represent “Victory” in the United States, “Insulting” in Brazil and “Money” in Japan. If people only know its meaning as “Victory”, it will bring puzzle and misunderstanding to Japanese people and Brazilians.Clearly, cultural discrepancy of communicators has seriously affected communication, and is an important feature which causes the failure of cross-cultural communication. Taboo is one of the most important factors leading culture conflict.Therefore, the study of taboos is an important theoretical and practical issue in the study of cross-cultural pragmatic. Though, the study of taboos on intercultural communication has important theoretical significance and value in the studies of contemporary linguistics. The academia does not pay enough attention to this subject.Some western scholars began to focus on relevant topics from the 50th in the 19th century. Then, the study gradually expanded all around the world. From the contents view of cross-cultural communication study, mainly related to: the Cultural Differences of Speech Communication and the Differences of Non-verbal Communication. The emphasis of researches biased toward experience and practice. The substance is extensive, but the system is bulky. In brief, the study went according to linguistics-strict system with narrow content. Studies of cross-cultural pragmatics started relatively late in our country. He Daokuan and Hu Wenshi are the earliest scholars of this field at home. Together with other scholars promoting, the development of this field and plays an active role in this area. However, there are still problems on this subject in domestic research. Some researches talked in generalities. Lacking of profound and comprehensive on a particular topic is still restricted the development of the subject. This thesis discusses a particular topic on taboos in Sino-British cross-cultural issues.To let the readers understand clearly, it is necessary to inform the organization of this thesis at the beginning of discussion. First of all, talk about taboos from different aspects, including origin, performance, classification and pragmatic features. Secondly, compare taboos in Sino-British cross-cultural communication in terms of cultural traditions, personal training, social customs, communication needs and so on. Find out the differences and similarities of Chinese and English taboos under different cultural background. Finally, summarize the problems and causes led by taboos in Sino-British inter-culture conflicts, and put forward some constructive preventive strategies.Ultimately, the author hopes the study will help Chinese and English learners and users deepen the understanding of language and culture and achieve the desired effect in cross-culture communication.2.Aspects of TaboosTaboo is regarded as one of the greatest obstacles in cross-cultural communication. Neglecting taboo will result in cultural conflict or even serious consequences. In order to avoid cross-cultural communication conflicts, it is necessary for us to understand taboo completely.2.1 Origin and History“Taboo”, literally translated as “塔布” in Chinese, means “need extreme attention to do”. It belongs to Tonga in Polynesia. Researchers can also find the original form of the word in Micronesia and Melanesia. In the 18th century, an English navigator, named as James Cook (1728-1779), sailed to the South Pacific island of Tonga in 1777. He discovered and documented the various phenomena of “Taboo”. Later, he introduced the term from Polynesian to English. The original meaning of “Taboo” in Polynesian had strong sense of religious, which means “scared”, or “accursed”, including the following two aspects. Firstly, the respected biology cannot be used unceremoniously. Secondly, despised things can not be touched random. The so-called verbal taboo also includes two aspects: Fetishism and Taboo. As semiotic system, language is the tool of communication, which does not have mysterious force by itself. Why do people worship language? Why do the forbidden and the alternative of language exist? We can find the basis from people’s initial understanding of language. In ancient times, people can not have a clear understanding to the nature of language. They do not know what language is. They thought language has the same supernatural divine power as the wind and the rain in nature. They also believed that voice a nd semantic in language exist “a kind of internal correspondence”. Thus, there must be an equivalent relationship between language and certain things. Because of the extremely backward productivity, humans can not understand lots of phenomena in nature. As a result, they began to adore and fear the so-called “supernatural power”. It seems that the universe has magic power which is owned by God and Devil. With the influence of this thought, appeared the “Fetishism”. In this way, language becomes a symbol of super power. If the sailing people said words like “翻(帆),陈(沉)”, it will bring trouble or disaster. If the writing people separated the spelling of one’s name, it will take the person’s life, as the name and people belong to one unity. This kind of fetishism is the origin of “Taboo”. “Language” became the object of worship that can not be violated, so thatwas possible to avoid the harm from taboos, and appeared euphemisms and taboo words.With the development of society, international exchange has become increasingly frequent. Cross-cultural communication is increasingly important to all the countries. Meanwhile,taboos have already restricted cross-cultural exchange. Some taboos, like Achilles Heel’s ankle, are forbidden to touch. Moreover, the affecting fa ctors are no longer confined to religious. Social customs, cultural traditions, personal training, communication needs and other factors also had a great impact during the development of taboo words.2.2 PerformanceIn cross-cultural communication, by the influence of different cultural background, the performance of taboos is complex different. Main performed in the following aspects.2.2.1 AppellationAppellation is the beginning of communication. Different nationalities have different preferences and taboos. Based on traditional Chinese cultural background, Chinese people respect ancestors and seniorities. The juniors are forbidden to call the ancestors’ and the seniorities’ name. People decide how to call their ancestors and seniorities depending on their position in the family hierarchy and their relationship. In interpersonal communication, people do not call each other’s name out of respect. They would call “老师” or “师傅” instead of their name when they meet in the first time. To the seniorities, peop le could call the seniorities “爷爷”,“奶奶”,“叔叔”,“阿姨” and so on, even they are not consanguinity. In the western countries, there are no strict boundaries between young and old. In most informal occasions, people can call each other’s name, or even nickname. For the first time to meet, people generally call each other with Mr., Mrs., Miss., or Ms.. To “Doctor”, “Professor”, “Nurse”, “Judge”, “Pastor”, “President”, “Director” and “Soldier”, people call them depending on profession.2.2.2 Question WordsIt is normal for acquaintances or strangers to ask questions to each other. In China,people can talk about each other's age, wage, marriage or weight. In contrast, the above topics belong to private matters for westerners. People should not inquire unceremoniously, and privies do not have the duty to tell. As the old British proverb said, “Do not put your nose into your neighbor’s courtyard”, people should not interfere others’ privacy.2.2.3 Sensitive TopicsIn cross-cultural communication, some sensitive and unpleasant topics have become taboos, including death, invalidity, weight, age, private affairs, wealth, poverty, social level, occupation, deception, steal, murder, alcoholism, drug abuse, suicide and so on.2.2.4Obscene, Profane and Abusive WordsThis is the most important one,people should pay more attention to care about cross-cultural communication.(1) Obscene WordsThese words are related to sex and excretion. People are ashamed to talk about them,and considered them unrefined. In China, the issues about sex have always been restricted. When people talk about sexual organs or sexual intercourse, they would belie and be replaced with a specific word. In the west, though people keep an open mind on this problem, it is also clodhopping to talk about sex explicitly. They use “make love”, “sleep together” or “have relation” to replace direct description. For the excretion, Chinese people would say it directly, as “大便” or “小便”. Some authors call it “出恭”, “解手”. The westerns would say “go to the restroom” or “wash one’s hands”.(2) Profane WordsThese are blasphemous. For religious believers, God is sacred and inviolable. Devout religious beliefs and ideas, classic rituals and moral precepts make people worship and afraid to offend. Even people, who do not believe in ghosts, do not want to deliberately trespass against God or Devil. So, they replace God with Gosh, Golly or Gawd, replace Jessus with Gee, Jeeper or Criminey, and replace Devil with the Deuce, the Dickens or Old Nick.(3) Abusive WordsAnimal’s nam e often appears in this kind of words. For example, Chinese despise dogs, so they compare “Dog” to bad luck and use it to blame people, such as “狗腿子”, “狗仗人势”, “狗眼看人低”, “狗咬吕洞宾—不识好人心”. On the contrary, most westerners love dogs, so most of the idioms of dog are commendatory terms, such as, “Every dog has his day”, “be top dag”, “put on (the) dog”, “a lucky dog”, etc.In addition, taboo words can be divided into mention of gods, near-swearing, sex, death, disease and excretion. This thesis will not enumerate one by one. Because taboo words are reflected in all aspects of social life, different country, nationality and culture will have their specific taboos and produce different taboo words. However, the classification of taboos is not absolute. Researchers need to keep on concluding and summing up in daily life.2.3 Pragmatic Features of Taboos in Intercultural Communication Language is the representation of culture. All the language structures and language patterns are founded based on its cultural background, so as taboo words. Addition to the general characteristics of culture, there are also some specific features. This thesis analyze in six major respects.2.3.1 UniversalityTaboos exist in every field of social life and all sectors of society. No matter in which social rank, there are numerous kinds of taboos.2.3.2 TransmutabilityLanguage is in a dynamic process. It changes depending on the requirement and development of society, and the capacity of understanding and transforming of the world, so as taboo words. In the course of the evolution of taboo words, new words are emerging while old words are being phased out or given new meaning. The total number of taboos trend downward in contemporary society. The words, which used to be classified as taboo in the past, can be discussed or quoted in public. However, as long as humans could not fully understand nature, society and themselves, the phenomenon of taboo will not disappear, so as taboo words.2.3.3 NationalityIn the development progress of different nationalities, each of them has its specific characteristics which are owned by all of their national members and distinguish themselves from others. This feature has become a tradition, and affected the national members from age to age. Some taboo word has gone through many centuries, but still survives almost intact in one nation. Some ethnic descendants have moved to a new place, and lived together with other ethnic groups for years, but the taboo words of this nation are still preserved. The feature of nationality in taboo words makes people of different ethnic groups have different evaluations of the same phenomenon in cross-cultural communication.2.3.4 SuccessionHuman society evolves from one social formation to another or develops from one stage to another stage. Human activities and creativities are based on the original foundation and conditions, or dependent on the results of previous legacy. It is the same to language and culture. After forming the structure and mode of specific national la nguage and culture, it dominates people’s lives and impacts in mind and behavior. The tradition, which will not be easily changed, is known as the “Cultural Inertia”. People of all ethnic groups not only followed the previous model, but also received a set of taboo words from their ancestor, and will spread them from generation to generation.2.3.5 Class CharacterTaboos have class character. In class society, in order to pretend the political interest of certain class and social group, group members will need some taboo words to landscape themselves and to cover up the real purpose of their actions. In western society, the taboo words in magazines, newspapers and television keep strong political colors. Here are some examples. West medium replace “solitary confinement cell” with “quiet cells”. They replace “mental asylum” with “mental health center”, and called “the underprivileged”, “the have-nots”, “out of pocket” or “the disadvantaged” instead of “poor people”. When someone killed an enemy, the medium do not tell people that the army killed people, but call it “literate friends”.2.3.6 CircumbendibusImplication is the most obviously pragmatic feature in taboos. It performs as not make realistic judgments to a particular object or phenomenon, but to use the method of replacing to give equivocal answer. In order to let the two sides of communication reach a consensus that talk about things which should not be mentioned directly in an indirect way, the communicator could use metaphor, commendatory, or the opposite judgments of the concept of objective to smooth the conversation.3. The Similarities between Chinese and English Taboo WordsThere are different taboo words for religion, sex, death, disease, social bias and so on in both Chinese and Western cultures. The words are reflected in their respective language and become a kind of linguistic phenomenon. The similarities of Chinese and English- speaking countries on taboo words mainly embody in following aspects.3.1 In PronunciationBoth Chinese people and westerners believe that saying words that imply misfortunes or disasters may bring trouble. People consider that replacing taboo words with homophones would prevent misfortunes.In China, a lot of taboos are caused by superstitions. There is a custom in Shanxi province that mulberries cannot be planted in front of the house and willows cannot be planted behind the house. The reason is that the Chinese word “sang/桑” sounds the same like another Chinese word “sang/丧”, “liu/柳” sounds the same as “liu/绺”. These words may impact that there will be a funeral or something will be stolen. In China, clocks cannot be presented as gifts in ceremonies, because “clock” pronounces “zhong/钟” which has the same pronunciation as “zhong/终” which means death in Chinese. In the same way, gamblers will not say any words sound “shu”, because in Chinese they have the same sound as “shu/输” that means defeat. Many similar examples also can be found in western countries. When a word sounds the same as a taboo word, it needs to b e changed. For instance, “In earlier 18th century, the female in English and American countries always tried to avoid using the word arse (the bottom part of the body one sits on), which was considered inelegant, so people called the animal ass as donkey” (Xiang 2005:45).Anothertypical example is that “fuck (a sail)”, “feck” or “fack (fact)” are seldom used or even go out of use, because they pronounce the same as “fuck”.3.2 In V ocabulary“Roughly speaking, taboo words in English fall into three types, namely obscenities, profanities and vulgarities” (Zhuang 1990:28). Based on this classification, this part firstly analyzes the five types as follows.3.2.1DeathDeath is the most feared thing in the world. When people die, people do not use "dead" or “death” to directly talk about the death people. In China, people replace “death” with words as “安息”, “长眠”, “谢世”, “仙逝”, “夭折”, “永别”, “作古”, “逝世”, “辞世”, “寿终”, “牺牲”, “百年了”, “走了”, “出远门”, “过世”, “过辈了”, “不在了”, “没了”. Westerners have similar words to avoid “death”. Th ey would say he/she “go to heaven”, “breathe one's last”, “go to another world” or “kick the bucket”. When someone drown, people would use “落水” in Chinese and “He was los tat sea” in English to tell the misfortune.3.2.2 ToiletIn English, the commonly expression of "toilet" are washroom,Gents and the John, etc. When people want to go to the toilet, they would say “I am going to wash my hands.” In China, people would say “去方便”, “去洗手间”, “大恭” and so on to express the same mind.3.2.3 CurseMost curses in English have close relation with the name of religion and sex organs, such as “Jesus Christ”, “Shit”, “God damn you”, etc. Westerners often use animal’s name, as swine, pig, boar and stallion, to humiliate others. In China, people would say “狗娘养的” or “狗日的” to revile others.3.2.4 Disease and DisabilityBoth in Chinese and in English, the name of some serious disease and people’sdisability are looked as taboo. When someone got sick, others would say “Are you feeling OK?” to skip over “ill” or “sick”. In China,people do not say “他生病了”, but replace it with “他不舒服”, “不安乐” or “不得劲儿”. To protect the dignity of disabilities, they use “残疾人” instead of “残废人”.3.2.5 SexismBoth in English and Chinese, there is existing male-centered language. The most obvious example is, when people have to refer to the person of gender unknown in communication, it is ordinary to use “he/his” instead “she/her” in English and replace “她” with “他” in Chinese. No matter in China or western countries, women were in low status both in society and in family. The sexism shows obviously in taboo language. Some of the animal’s names are used to describe women. Ugly women and prostitutes are addressed as “bat”. The familiar young women are called “chicken”. The women with many children would be called as “cow”. Chinese men usually call their wives as “家里的”, “内人”, “后头的”or “贱内”. There are many derogatory terms with PianPang of “女(means women in Chinese)”, such as “奸”, “嫉”, “妒”, “婪”, “妖”, “嫖”, “婊”, “媚”, “姘”, etc. However, with the advancement of women, the denigration of women has generally become taboo words in public in China.4. The Differences between Chinese and English Taboo WordsAlthough there are some similarities in English and Chinese taboo words, different views on the definition of taboo words can be found in two cultures. Differences between Chinese and English taboo words embody in following aspects.4.1 In PrivacyEnglish people place a high value on privacy. “The English have a saying ‘A man’s home is his castle, meaning a man’s home is sacred to him; no one should come in without permission. So it is also with his life and personal affairs’”(Deng, Liu 2005:101). Chinese people often greet to each other like “Have you had a meal?” This common greeting indicates people to begin a conversation with acquaintance, just as foreigners say “How nice the weather!” But the Chinese greeting will make the foreigners suspect that you want to invite him to join the dinner. Talking about salary, marriage, performance or other private topics is a good way to express care to。
中国外语类核心期刊CSSCl2000年度入选刊物《中文社会科学引文索引》源刊WAIYU XUEKANFOREIGN LANGUAGES RESEARCH 2003.5中英文禁忌语之异同及文化内涵李景艳(哈尔滨工业大学,哈尔滨150001)提要:在跨文化交际中,有些词语因传统习惯或社会风俗不同,会引起对方强烈反感,应避免使用,这就是禁忌语。
关键词:禁忌语;宗教;歧视;忌讳:文化内涵中圈分类号:HO-05 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1000—0100(2003)05—0015—04 1.禁忌语的概念英语taboo一词的含义是禁忌,也有人将其译为“塔布”。
2、the evolution of linguistic taboo 语言禁忌最初是从塔布产生的。
18世纪英国航海家James Cook到了南太平洋的汤加群岛Tonga,发现那里的居民有很多奇特的社会现象,如某些东西只允许特定的头等任务(神、僧侣、国王、酋长)实用,而不允许一般人使用;或只许作特定的用途,而不准用于一般目的;或不需某一社会集团或某些人(如妇女)使用等等。
汉英禁忌语之异同周刊2010年第20期1967.5:161-170.[2]Day,E.and Shapson,S. Integrating formal and functional approaches to language teaching in French immersion:an experimental nguage Learning,1991,(41):25-50.[3]Ellis,R.The Study of Second Language Acquisition.Oxford:Oxford University Press,1994.摘要:“禁忌”一词在国际学术界统称为“塔布”,它源于中太平洋波里里西亚群岛土语,英语音译为Taboo,现在已成为人类学、民俗学通用的词语。
关键词:禁忌语差异英语汉语英国航海家James Cook(1728—1779)于1777年航行到南太平洋,发现并记录了该地有关taboo的种种现象。
而所谓verbal taboo也包括两个方面:语言的灵物崇拜和语言的禁用或代用。
人们在谈及上帝时,常用Old Harry,Golly等代替。
美国语言学家Leonard Bloomfield在其名著《语言》一书中谈到禁忌语时说:英语中的各种宗教词语,如God(上帝),devil(魔鬼),heaven(天堂),hell(地狱),Christ(基督),Jesus(耶稣),damn(该死)等只有在严肃的讲话中使用才合时宜。
• 1)单数与双数 • 双数在汉语中事成双 ,渴望双喜临门,人际交往与文学中皆体 现出汉民族对偶数情有独钟。如:形容处 事有方是“四平八稳”,形容交通便利为 “四通八达”,称美不可言的境界为“十 全十美”
• 然而,中国人也并非绝对排斥单数,个别单数也 备受青睐。如:数字“三”在汉文化中被视为神 圣、尊贵和吉祥的象征。人们称天、地、人为三 刚或三灵;日、月、星为三元或三光。前生、今 生、来生为三生。生活中我们会说“三”次为满 。可见“三”是个终极数。 • 在西方,人们则往往视单数(13 除外)为吉利数。 无独有偶,最受偏爱的单数是“三”,人们把“ 三”看作完美的数字。他们认为世界有大地、海 洋、天空三部分组成。大自然包括动物、植物、 矿物三方面内容,人体有肉体、心灵、精神三重 性。基督教主张圣父、圣子、圣灵三位一体。
• 4 “性” • 中西方文化都有禁忌,但方式和程度不同。汉民 族是比较保守的民族,无论是在公共场合还是在 日常生活中,关于性的词汇都是在禁忌之列。 • 在英美国家,性教育早已实施,性观念比较开放, 有部分词汇受到禁忌,如“同性恋”一词很少用 homosexual ,而多用gay或者queer 。
• 2)四与十三 • 在中国,“四”常常被视为不吉祥的数字,因为它与汉字“死”谐 音,所以在选择车牌号码、电话号码时人们尽量避免尾数是“4”的号 码。尤其要避开“14”(谐音“要死”)、“514”(谐音“我要死”)、44 、444、4444 等数字。然而,西方人对“4”极为崇拜,认为“四”是 公平、正义、力量的象征。早期的基督教象征主义者则认为,“4”代 表福音传教士,象征着统一、坚韧和稳定。在西方,“13”是个令人 恐惧不安的数字,象征着“不吉,倒霉”。中古时代的西方,绞人的 绞环有13 个绳圈,绞台有13 个台阶,刽子手薪金是13 个钱币。西方 人忌讳13 就像逃避瘟疫一样。高层建筑隐去第13 层的编号;医院不 设13 号病房;飞机、火车、剧场等都无第13 排、13 座;重大的事情 也都不在13 号那天去做。 • 在汉文化中“十三”不具有凶义,相反,具有积极的文化内涵。北方 戏曲的押韵都定为“十三辙”;中国佛教宗派为十三宗;中国古建筑 塔多为十三层;儒家的经典《十三经》;明朝皇帝的陵墓有十三座, 统称“十三陵”;北京同仁堂药店有十三种最有名的中成药,号称“ 十三太保”。行政十三级及其以上者为“高干”等等。
例如秦代为避秦始皇的名“赢政”而将“正月”改为“端月;西方则用委婉动听或迂回曲折的表达方式来指代与鬼神有关的词,如:上帝魔鬼撒旦一般要用:God of this world, the big D和the good man等委婉说法。
如“怀孕”英语中的表达方式有She is expecting.(她在待产中。
)She is well-along(她心满意足)等;而汉语中人们通常说“她有了”或者说“她有喜了”等。
英文中人们用C.C或Big C或是long disease代替癌症(cancer),艾滋病AIDS (可传染的社会疾病);汉语中“上厕所”有“方便”、“去一号”等委婉的说法。
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含意义并将 其直接翻译 出来即可 。比如 , 虔 诚 的英 美人从 不轻 易 提及上 帝的名字 , 否则就 会亵渎 他的神圣 性。而汉 语则没 有这 种
来平等 ” 观念的影 响 , 晚辈与长辈 同名 的现象 比比皆是 , 而且 晚辈
3 .删 除原 语 的禁 忌 形 象 如 果 保 留原 语 的禁 忌 形 象 模 糊 或 难 以 理 解 , 或 足 没 有 对 等 的
便、 小便 。在西方 一般 用 m o v e t h e b o w e l s 和m a k e w a t e r 来指 称上
厕所 , 不过现在人们 倾 向于用 g o t o w a s h r o o m或 w a s h o n e ’ S h a n d s 来代替上厕所这个字眼。 其三 , 两种语言 中都 含有关 于 种族歧 视 、 性 别歧 视 方面 的禁
是 不 雅 之 词 而 需 要 回 避 。就 拿 人 的 排 泄 来 说 , 在 中国人一般 称大
我们知道 , 禁忌语是委婉语的前身 , 委婉语在指称事物 方面与
禁忌语似是而非 , 它既是 在指称禁 忌语 指称的事物 , 又好像不 是在 指称禁忌语指称 的事 物。对于此类 禁忌语 , 有 时可 以采 取此译 法 既保 留了原语 的文化禁忌色彩 , 又易于被译 文读者所接受 。例如 : w h i t e m e a t 应译为 : 鸡胸 肉( 注: 维多 利亚时代 , 受过 良好 教育 的上层社会侍女在社交场合忌用 b r e a s t、 l e g s、 t h i g h这一类 含有淫 秽含义 的词语 。因此用 w h i t e m e a t 指餐桌上的鸡胸 肉) 。
词 可以借用 , 可 以采用删 除原语 的禁忌形 象的方 法。此方 法又具
体分 为两种 :
2 .英汉禁忌语的相异之处 Nhomakorabea首先 , 中西方在命名 、 称谓 方面 的禁 忌是 不 同的。在 中国 , 受
封建制度的影响 , 阶级和等 级 之分很 明 显 , 与之相 应 的禁 忌也很
3 . 1 删除原语 的禁忌形象 , 直接将其 隐含 意义翻译 出来
异, 这 些均在 英汉 禁忌语 中有 所体 现 。本 文主 要 探 讨 了在跨 文化 交 际 中, 英 汉禁 忌语 的异 同 , 以及在 这 些异 同基 础 上二者 的互译 。
受文化的影响 , 英汉禁忌语 既有共 同性 又有独特性 。基于此 ,
对于二者的翻译 , 笔 者 试 提 出 以下 几 种 途 径 :
“死 ”:
1 . 英汉禁忌语 的相 同之处
辩证 唯物 主义认 为任 何事物都 是共性 和个性 的统一 体 , 虽然 社会 环境 和文 化价值不 同 , 但英汉禁忌语有着许多相似之处 , 对 同
t o d e p a r t t h e w o a d o f s h a d o w s 命 归 黄 泉
由 于 文 化背 景 不 同 , 如 果 采 取 保 留禁 忌 形 象 的翻 译 方 法 , 一 些 禁 忌 语 的 隐 含 意 义会 很 难 被 理 解 。此 时 , 只需 抓 住 原 禁 忌 语 的 隐
多 。这从中 国人的名字避讳 中可 以略见一斑 。 比如 : 晚辈 取名 时
都要避讳与家 中任 何一 个长 辈 的名字 中 的任何 一个 字谐音 或 重
O h . G o s h天 啊
意味着不 中用 、 青春 已逝 , 故老人被称为“ a s e n i o r c i t i z e n ” 。但在 中
国, “ 老” 往往 被看 成是 有经 验 的象 征 , 反应 在语 言 中有 “ 老骥 伏
英 汉 禁 忌 语 对 比与 翻 译
曹润 霞
( 西安 文理 学院外 国语 学院 7 1 0 0 6 5 )
【 摘 要】 禁忌是 一种 普遍 的社 会 文化 现 象, 并反 映在 各 民族 语 言 中。
题, 以表示关心和 亲密 。
二. 禁 忌语 的翻 译
不 同民族 的禁忌 既有共 性也 有个性 , 这 是 因为世 界各 民族 存在 着明 显 不 同的文化 和 习俗 。 同样 , 中西方在 禁忌 方 面有 相 同之 处 也存 在 着 差
内容在 表达 上也 有着不谋 而合之 处。总的来说 , 英汉 禁忌语 在
t o b r e a t h o n e ’ S l a s t 咽气 2 .保 留原语的禁忌形象并添加注释
下面几个 方面有共性 。
其一 , 英语和汉语 中都有 一些 与疾 病 、 死 亡有 关 的禁 忌语 , 比 如, 英语 中不说 d i e , 却说成 p a s s a w a y , b e g o n e , 等, 在汉语 中, 则用 “ 牺牲 ” , “ 与世长辞 ” 等代替 “ 死亡” 。 其二 , 英汉语 中均把与性 、 人体排 泄等有关 的猥亵性 词语 当作
对长辈直呼其名也被认 为是关 系亲密 的表现。再者 , 英汉 语 中对 老年人 的称呼也不 同。英语国家的人忌说“ 老” 这个 字 , 认 为“ 老”
讲究, 故汉译时就要删 除其禁忌形象而将 隐含 的意义直接译 出来 。
T h e L i g h t o f t h e Wo r l d世 界 之 光 — — 上 帝
1 .保 留原语的禁忌形象 英汉禁忌语在某些禁忌方 面存在 着共性 , 翻译 时保 留原语 的
【 关 键词 】 禁忌语 ; 跨 文化 交际 ; 翻 译
一 .
禁忌形象不仅可 以保持生动性和原汁原味 , 还可以丰富译语语 言 ,
跨文化交际 中英汉禁忌语的比较
便于译语读者感受到原语 的意境 。英汉语 中有许多相似甚 至相 同 的禁忌语 , 我 们 可 以在 翻译 中发现 它 们 的对 等功 能 。比如 关 于